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Search form, call for proposals: aerc-oxfam-idrc collaborative research project: impact of covid-19 pandemic on livelihoods in africa.


The African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) and OXFAM are currently embarking on a collaborative research project that seeks to identify, with a gender perspective, policy options for rebuilding economies in better ways after the COVID-19 crisis. This project is supported by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC). We invite proposals for research projects that build on existing evidence on the gender-differentiated impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on livelihoods in selected African countries to provide new insights and respond to the objectives of this collaborative research project which are to:

Examine and further document gendered socio-economic impacts of the pandemic in order to inform, inspire and influence gender transformative policy responses.

Evaluate short, medium, and long-term macroeconomic and sectoral policies (fiscal, monetary, regulatory) for their capacity to mitigate negative impacts and promote a gender-equitable economic recovery (e.g., through provision of adequate social protection, basic services, food security, and decent job creation). 

Use analytical evidence to build the capacity of researchers and institutions in target countries for longer term, sustainable policy changes that address root causes of the pandemic’s unequal impact;  

Build a network of stakeholders (policy, research, and practice institutions and individuals) that can continue to track the pandemic’s impacts and design and advocate for practical, gender transformative solutions, for building forward better post-COVID. 

Generate a body of evidence that will form a solid basis for national and continental civil society to advocate for policies and practices that will engender, prevent, and mitigate against current and future pandemics. 

The AERC is a premier capacity building institution focusing on advancement of research and graduate training to inform economic policies in Africa. The AERC collaborative research program addresses topical issues of interest to Africa and brings together seasoned researchers from within and outside Africa to generate policy-oriented research. Established in 1988, the consortium’s mandate and strategic mission is built on the basis that sustained development in sub-Saharan Africa requires well trained, locally based professional economists. AERC is a vast network of universities, policy makers, researchers, educators, and international resource persons. 

OXFAM is a global movement of people who are fighting inequality to end poverty and injustice. OXFAM is a confederation of more than 20 members which works across regions and is present in more than 90 countries, with thousands of partners, and allies, supporting communities to build better lives for themselves, grow resilience and protect lives and livelihoods also in times of crisis. In Africa, OXFAM has a presence in more than 30 countries organized around regional teams. Within the Pan African Program, there is an Oxfam-AU liaison office in Addis Ababa based on an MOU that commits Oxfam to work with and engage/positively influence the AU and its different directorates and departments on a number of thematic areas including but not limited to Peace and Security, Gender and Women rights, Economic Development, Climate Change, and Food security as well as Governance. Oxfam also has active strategic and implementing partnerships with a number of Pan African civil society organizations.

IDRC was established by an act of Canada’s parliament in 1970 with a mandate “to initiate, encourage, support, and conduct research into the problems of the developing regions of the world and into the means for applying and adapting scientific, technical, and other knowledge to the economic and social advancement of those regions.” As part of Canada’s foreign affairs and development efforts, IDRC funds and supports high-quality research in developing countries, shares knowledge with researchers and policymakers to inform local and global action and mobilizes alliances to drive global positive change. 

The Call for Country Case Study Proposals

This call is for research proposals to undertake in-depth country studies to provide new evidence to inform policy makers and development practitioners on the gendered impacts of COVID-19 and identify policy options for an equitable and sustainable recovery. The call is for research to be undertaken in a specific group of African countries: Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, and Zambia. Within the broader theme of the impact of COVID-19 and livelihoods, interested researchers should build on existing evidence to submit proposals that link micro and macro-level policy analysis along the following dimensions: 

Micro-level analysis to further understand the gendered impacts of COVID-19 pandemic in one or more of the following dimensions: 

Livelihoods. Relevant questions could include:

  • What are the observed unequal gender patterns in wage employment and/or self-employment/own-account work? How have these unequal patterns been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic? How do increased care burdens due to the crisis affect the kind and level of paid jobs women can take on?
  • How has the pandemic exacerbated pre-existing care deficits? Has there been social norm change as a result of the increased care burden and realities, and how have women and carers been coping? Does women’s experience with caring responsibilities vary depending on socio-economic background (e.g., poor rural vs. affluent urban)? What kind of policy support do both unpaid and paid carers need the most in order to cope better? 
  • The impacts of increased poverty levels, due to the pandemic, on girls and women. Has there been increase in early (forced) marriages? Have there been impacts on transactional sex (sex work) because of increased poverty levels? 

Social protection. What are the gender impacts of access to social cash transfers designed to address the effects of COVID-19 pandemic? What are the inequalities in access to social cash transfers? Are there particular groups who have been excluded?

Health. Impacts on reproductive health care, mental health, essential workers, and domestic violence.  Relevant questions could include:

  • How have policy responses, including lockdowns, exacerbated violence against women and girls, and what has been the impact on coping and support mechanisms, service provision shelters and sexual assault centers? 
  • What has been the impact on family planning, access to safe abortions or pre/post natal care, access to Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) education and services?
  • What are the effects of sexual violence and lack of sexual and reproductive health and services on the incidence of unwanted pregnancies?

1. Education. Analysis to examine the effects of school closures on disadvantaged groups, girls, rural populations, and urban poor. 

2. Food security and nutrition. Impacts on agricultural production, land ownership, and access to markets by small holder farmers, by gender. Food access, hunger, and malnutrition with preference to analyses that include the individual level as well as intra-household and community levels. 

3. Public infrastructure. Impacts of the pandemic on women’s access to WASH (water, sanitation, and hygiene), health and care infrastructure and services, mobility, and transport.

  • Analysis of macro and sectoral level policies that can mitigate the impacts of COVID-19 on the above dimensions and promote a gender-equitable recovery. This could include:  

1. Analyses to examine existing emergency responses to combat COVID-19 impacts on livelihoods:

  • What policy responses are currently being employed by governments (e.g., social assistance measures), and which groups are benefitting from these policies? Which groups remain excluded?
  • How can such measures be designed and implemented to be more inclusive, by promoting gender equality and reducing other forms of inequality?
  • What are the risks related to the winding down of existing support measures, especially from a gender equality perspective?

2. Analyses to assess adequacy of policy responses to confront the impacts of COVID-19 pandemic in the medium to long term, including:

  • Use of gender responsive budgeting tools to assess the extent of public spending both before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, specifically on sustaining livelihoods, health and other care-related services. This could involve both quantitative and qualitative analysis and focus on the following aspects: 

Examine the extent to which equality concerns inform the design and implementation of policies in the areas of social protection; health, education, and other care services; prevention and response to violence; food and nutrition (in relation to the SDGs and related AU frameworks including the Maputo Protocol, Agenda 2063, and the CAADP framework).

Examine issues of public debt management and fiscal space in relation to the objective of promoting gender equality through the above policy areas. 

  • Macroeconomic modelling to simulate alternative policy scenarios to identify paths of structural transformation that are conducive to greater gender equality.

In responding to the above themes, proposals should take the following into account:

  • The micro-level component of the proposed research should include the livelihoods dimension (highlighted above) and at least one other dimension (health, education, social protection, food security and nutrition, or public infrastructure). It is important that researchers demonstrate how they plan to link the findings of micro-level research with policies at the macroeconomic level. 
  • Analysis should consider how different groups are affected. For example, are there population groups (e.g., pregnant women and adolescents, rural or urban poor) that have been more vulnerable to the effects of the pandemic?
  • Researchers should propose studies that build on existing or ongoing research that have examined the impacts of COVID-19 in the countries of interest (Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, and Zambia). Applicants are therefore advised to first undertake a review of existing or ongoing studies to identify research areas where there are clear knowledge gaps.

Proposal Requirements

The full proposal, including references, should  not  exceed 15 pages. The proposal should contain the following sections:

  • Objective(s): a concise and brief background detailing choice of country for proposed study, problem statement, and an outline of the study’s objectives. This should also include a clear motivation for the research objectives.  
  • Literature review: applicants should demonstrate good understanding of existing evidence and data sources on the impacts of COVID-19 on various socio-economic aspects and outline the research gaps that their studies propose to fill. 
  • Proposed methodology and data: applicants should discuss how they plan to achieve the research objectives and should describe the data that will be used to investigate the specific issue(s) they will be examining. In addition to this, it is important that the researchers demonstrate the availability and accessibility of the data they propose to use. Researchers can propose the innovative use of quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods so long as they can demonstrate practical potential to address the research questions.
  • Expected Outputs: successful applicants are expected to produce a high quality, policy relevant and publishable research report to be approved by an independent peer reviewer. A policy brief of no more than five (5) pages should also be produced.  In addition to this, researchers will also be expected to participate in research dissemination activities including social media engagements.
  • Research uptake: applicants should also illustrate how they intend to use the research outputs, particularly in relation to policy engagement and advocacy.

Eligibility Requirements

Researchers meeting the criteria highlighted below are encouraged to submit a proposal. However, the lead investigator must demonstrate, in their CV, that they have: 

  • A strong publication record, especially in the project themes.
  • Proven expertise in economics and gender analysis.
  • Completed at least one AERC research project (either thematic or collaborative project).
  • Participated in or finalised a research project on a relevant topic not necessarily funded by AERC.

We encourage submissions from those who have completed or are currently doing research on the impacts of COVID-19 and wish to undertake further research in line with this project’s objectives. The researcher or research teams should also demonstrate expertise on the country selected for the study, either through research/publications or team composition. All applicants are required to attach CVs in their submissions. Suitably qualified women are especially encouraged to apply. 

Project Timelines

The timeline for the country case studies shall run from  June 2021 to September 2022 . The breakdown of the timeline is as follows:

  • June 2021: kick-off workshop for country case studies and issuance of research grants.
  • September 2021: mid-review workshop – researchers to present reports on preliminary findings from their research.
  • March 2022: final review workshop (case studies completed).
  • July – September 2022: policy engagement through country, regional and senior policy seminars.

Please note that researchers will be required to adhere to these timelines. In addition to attending the above workshops, researchers may also be required to attend other project-related events.

Submission Requirements and Key Dates

The submission  must  consist of:

  • An abstract: not more than 300 words, briefly highlighting the problem statement and research objective(s), the proposed methodology and data sources, and country selected for proposed study. 
  • The research proposal: a maximum of 15 pages, with clear research objectives, brief literature review, proposed data and methods, expected outputs, and research uptake, and bibliography. 
  • Budget: Estimated expenditure across major line items (for example, honorarium, research assistance, travel). Total budget should not exceed US$15,000.
  • The researcher’s most recent Curriculum Vitae (CV): the CV should not be more than 5 pages and should highlight education levels, research experience, publications, and other information relevant to this call. Additionally, the biographical section of the CV must include the researcher’s nationality, gender, and full contact details. Where the proposed study will involve more than one researcher, the CVs of all researchers must be included as part of the submission.
  • The lead researcher is responsible for ensuring that a complete application is submitted to the AERC. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. 

Complete proposals should be submitted to:

AERC Director of Research at  [email protected]  with a copy to  [email protected]  on or before  May 7th 2021, 17:00 EAT.  

The subject of your email should read “AERC-OXFAM-IDRC COVID19 AND LIVELIHOODS – PROPOSAL SUBMISSION” . 

All applicants will be informed of the outcome of their proposals by  June 14th, 2021.

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Open Call for Thematic Research Proposals

Natalie contact.

Call for Proposals

  • Opening day Mar 1, 2024, 12:00 AM
  • Submission deadline No deadline

Open Call for Research Proposals The African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) has been supporting early career and senior researchers for nearly four decades to undertake original and cutting-edge research pertaining to Africa’s development challenges. Many of its researchers benefited from the research grant and unique mentoring by internationally renowned Resource Persons. With renewed emphasis on publication in top tier economics journals, generous mentoring opportunities as well as rigorous selection process, AERC hereby calls for research proposals to undertake research in the following five thematic areas: Poverty, labor markets and income distribution; Macroeconomic policy and growth; Finance and resource mobilization; Production,trade, and economic integration; and Agriculture, climate change and natural resource management. The thematic Research modality provides for grants to individuals/teams from both academia and policy institutions to conduct research related to the designated themes. Applicants should meet the following requirements: i. Applicants are nationals of Africa and their research needs to focus on sub-Saharan Africa; and ii. Those sending applications should be holders of Master’s or PhD. iii. Proposals that exceed 3,500 words count will be rejected automatically. iv. All submitted proposal should meet AERC’s requirements (click here to see the details). This is an open call, so there is not deadline.**** Click here to login/register on the AERC Research Management System (RMS) to submit your proposal

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aerc call for research proposals 2021

African Economic Research Consortium: Call for country case study research proposals and faculty research proposals

Event information.

This is a call for expression of interest for faculty members in the AERC network universities to participate in the AERC Faculty Research Programme under the Policy Analysis for Sustainable and Healthy Foods in African Retail Markets (PASHFARM) project. We also call upon researchers from sub-Saharan Africa think tanks and research institutions to participate in doing Country-specific Case Studies under the project. 

The objectives of this research are to investigate the impact of the food environment and policy on acquisition and consumption of nutritious foods, and ultimately, health and nutrition outcomes in SSA. A better understanding of the food environment pathways will support the improvement of policy development and program design for improved nutrition outcomes in sub-Saharan Africa. According to Turner et. al. (2018), the main domains through which individuals acquire and consume food are personal (accessibility, affordability, convenience, and desirability) and external domains (availability, prices, vendor and product properties, and marketing and regulations). 

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Research calls and grants

Many of our cooperation partners regularly announce research calls and grants with support from Sida. Here you find a selection.

Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance (JPIAMR)

JPIAMR is a global collaborative platform to curb antimicrobial resistance (AMR) with a One Health approach. JPIAMR coordinates national public funding to support joint transnational research and network calls, seeking new knowledge and supporting solutions to decrease the burden of AMR. Sida supports participation of researchers from a number of countries in sub-Saharan Africa.

Open and upcoming calls at the JPIAMR website

Artificial Intelligence for Development in Africa (AI4D Africa)

The AI4D initiative provides opportunities within capacity building, innovation and policy research within the field of AI, including PhD fellowships, postdoc grants, as well as larger grants for the coordination of policy and innovation networks, and setting up state of the art university AI-labs. The AI4D program, funded by Sida and International Development Research Centre (IDRC), is dedicated to a future where Africans across all regions create and use artificial intelligence (AI) to lead healthier, happier and greener lives.  

Open, and upcoming, calls on the official AI4D Africa website

The Organization for Women in Science in the Developing World (OWSD) 

OWSD provides PhD fellowships and Early Career fellowships for women scientists from Science and Technology-Lagging Countries. The fellowships are offered for PhD research or to pursue research in the natural, engineering and information technology sciences.

Fellowships at the OWSD web page

World Academy of Sciences for the Advancement of Science in Developing Countries (TWAS)

TWAS provides grants to individual scientists and research groups in basic Sciences (biology, chemistry, mathematics and physics) from science and technology lagging countries, to enable them to purchase the research facilities they need to enhance their productivity.

Research grants at the TWAS web page

International Foundation for Science (IFS)

IFS provides individual research grants for early career researchers from low income or lower middle income countries for projects within 1. biological resources in terrestrial systems 2. water and aquatic resources and 3. food security, dietary diversity and healthy livelihoods. Calls are normally announced twice a year.

International Foundation for Science web page

The African Economic Research consortium (AERC)

AERC runs a collaborative PhD programme in economics with the aim to strengthen teaching and research capacity in sub-Saharan Africa, to increase the pool of potential researchers and policy analysts. Applications have two deadlines per year. AERC also have other post-graduate training opportunities.

Arab Council for the Social Sciences (ACSS)

ACSS runs a number of fellowships and grants programmes with support from Sida. These offer opportunities for junior and senior social scientists in the Arab region, encouraging the production of independent, high-quality research.

ACSS website

Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research (AHPSR)

AHPSR (hosted by WHO) issues calls for research proposals and bids on a regular basis targeted towards institutions from low- and middle-income countries. 

Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research at the WHO website

The European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP)

EDCTP funds research for prevention and treatment of poverty-related infectious diseases in sub-Saharan Africa and regularly announces calls for proposals and nomination for prizes.

United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER)

Visiting PhD Fellowship Programme at UNU-WIDER (United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research) in Helsinki, Finland.

Visiting PhD Fellowship Programme at the UNU-WIDER website

International Network for Advancing Science and Policy (INASP)

INASP lists sources of funding and keeps an updated forum on funding opportunities. 

Funding opportunities at the AuthorAID website

Science and Development Network (SciDev.Net)

SciDev.Net has a regularly updated noticeboard with science and development related jobs, events, announcements and grants. 

Noticeboard at the SciDev.Net website

Updated: December 27, 2022

Adult Education Research Conference


The Adult Education Research Conference (AERC) is an annual North American conference that provides a forum for adult education researchers to share their experiences and the results of their studies with students, other researchers, and practitioners from around the world.

In a sense, the AERC is also a retreat for members of the adult education community; an informal, collegial gathering where all are encouraged to enter into lively debate over the future direction of research in adult education.

The 2024 Annual Adult Education Research Conference will be hosted by the University of Georgia and held at the UGA Gwinnett Campus June 13-15, 2024.

If you have any questions about the conference, please send a message to [email protected]

Support provided by Kansas State University & Penn State Lifelong Learning and Adult Education Program

General Information

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  • 2024 Conference Information

The European Green Deal

  • Find out what progress the von der Leyen Commission has made so far with the European Green Deal towards becoming climate-neutral by 2050.

aerc call for research proposals 2021

Striving to be the first climate-neutral continent

Climate change and environmental degradation are an existential threat to Europe and the world. To overcome these challenges, the European Green Deal will transform the EU into a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy, ensuring:

  • no net emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050
  • economic growth decoupled from resource use
  • no person and no place left behind

The European Green Deal is also our lifeline out of the COVID-19 pandemic. One third of the €1.8 trillion  investments from the NextGenerationEU Recovery Plan, and the EU’s seven-year budget will finance the European Green Deal.

The European Commission has adopted a set of proposals to make the EU's climate, energy, transport and taxation  policies fit for reducing net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030 , compared to 1990 levels. More information on  Delivering the European Green Deal .

Discover the European Green Deal visual story

aerc call for research proposals 2021

12 March 2024 - The Commission has published a Communication on managing climate risks in Europe that sets out how the EU and its countries can implement policies that save lives, cut costs, and protect prosperity. It comes as a direct response to the first-ever European Climate Risk Assessment by the European Environment Agency. It also addresses the concerns that many Europeans have following last’s year record temperatures and extreme weather events. The Commission is calling for action from all levels of government, the private sector and civil society to improve governance and tools for climate risk owners, manage risks across sectors and set the right preconditions to finance climate resilience.

Key figures

Featured initiatives.

The island of Samsoe: an example of a self-sufficient community in renewable energy

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    AERC hereby calls for research proposals to undertake research in the following five thematic areas: Group A: Poverty, labor markets and income distribution. Group B: Macroeconomic policy and growth. Group C: Finance and resource mobilization. Group D: Production, trade, and economic integration. Group E: Agriculture, climate change and natural ...

  24. Call for Proposals for Africa

    The Africa-Europe Foundation is pleased to announce a Call for Proposals to establish a multiannual research partnership from July 2024 to December 2025. This Call for Proposals is underpinned by the "State of Africa-Europe Report 2024", produced by the Africa-Europe Foundation and providing a unique benchmarking exercise on the implementation of the Africa-Europe Partnership, including ...