capstone project on breastfeeding

July 8, 2021

Students’ capstone project helps lead to new lactation policy at VCU Health

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By Brian McNeill

For their capstone project in the   master’s degree in adult learning program   at the   School of Education   at Virginia Commonwealth University, a team of six students explored the question of whether working mothers at VCU Health were being properly protected, supported and empowered to express breast milk while at work.

The students interviewed dozens of VCU Health employees, researched federal and state law, gathered data, identified lactation guidelines at other workplaces, and ultimately drafted a set of recommendations — the first of which was to encourage VCU Health to adopt a lactation support policy.

On June 1 — thanks in large part to the project — VCU Health implemented a Team Member Lactation Support Policy that provides guidelines and resources for its employees on expressing breast milk in the workplace during working hours.

“The work on this project has been so energizing,” said Kirsten Olsen, one of the students who worked on the project. “The whole process of learning how to work as an integrated team was truly a gift. Researching together what should be a priority in the work, disagreeing on what should be a priority and learning how to reshape those conflicts into moments of discovery and forward movement is a skill that cannot be learned alone. I am forever grateful to all the members of the capstone team.”

In addition to Olsen, the team included Anna Clark, Brett Currie, Tasia Thompson, Sheila Regan and Beth Marcus.

While working on their project, titled “Are Working Mothers at VCU Health Properly and Effectively Protected, Promoted, Supported, Educated, and Empowered in Their Lactation Efforts?” the students were linked up with Valerie Coleman, head of lactation services for VCU Health, who served as their sponsor.

“Their work provided a solid rationale for the need for such a policy to protect women from discrimination when requesting a clean, safe space, and the time, to maintain their milk supply by pumping,” Coleman said. “Their research showed that many women were not able to reach their breastfeeding goals by lack of support and resources when returning to work. As of June 1, 2021, there are laws in place, both state and federal, mandating compliance and our policies should align with the evidence and the law.”

VCU Health’s new policy, Coleman said, will promote, protect and support breastfeeding.

“Science overwhelmingly indicates human milk is nutritionally the best for human infants,” Coleman said. “One goal is to protect the gut flora, the super genome of the gut, the microbiome. Artificial milk substitutes or milk from another species (cows) sensitizes the gut before it is ready to easily digest substances other than human milk. Infants who do not get human milk are at an increased risk for ear infection, eczema, diarrhea and vomiting, hospitalization for respiratory tract diseases within the first year, asthma, allergies, obesity diabetes, leukemia and SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). Women who do not breastfeed are at increased risk for breast and ovarian cancer, metabolic syndrome, postpartum depression, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, diabetes and high blood pressure and heart disease.”

Breastfeeding is the single most effective intervention to improve chronic and acute health outcomes, she said, and it has a significant impact on the health trajectory of women’s and children’s lives.

The capstone project, Coleman said, ignited a process that led to VCU Health’s implementation of the new policy.

“The students laid the groundwork in identifying in our own backyard obstacles women had to deal with and the lack of awareness of many people in supervisory roles of the compliance issues,” she said. “They toured the pump room spaces provided on the medical campus and interviewed women to gather primary data. They were innovative and energized.”

The new policy outlines several responsibilities on the part of the health system and its employees to provide a supportive environment that enables lactating team members to express milk.

It provides guidelines on giving team members reasonable breaks to express milk, as well as a clean, private place to express milk that is not a restroom and that is located near the team member’s work area. It also has guidelines to allow members to store expressed milk in workplace refrigerators or in personal coolers.

The policy also requires team members who wish to express milk during work hours to keep managers informed of their needs so they can work collaboratively to coordinate reasonable accommodations. And it explains that team members are expected to do their part in helping to keep lactation rooms clean.

Olsen, a Pregnancy and Parenting Partnership program manager in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in the VCU School of Medicine, came up with the idea for the capstone project to focus on VCU Health and lactation support.

The idea came out of another research project Olsen had conducted around the psychographic effects of the marketing of infant feeding. As part of the initial research, Olsen interviewed pregnant women who work at VCU Health, many of whom expressed anxiety about being supported in their lactation needs when returning to work. Olsen suggested further researching lactation support at VCU Health. She presented the topic to the capstone group, and they voted to pursue the project under the supervision of   Robin Hurst , Ed.D., an associate professor in the School of Education.

“The students had a choice of assignments, and chose this to investigate. It was a remarkable effort on their part, and they concluded their study in one semester,” Hurst said. “They were very focused and determined during the semester to discover what VCU Health offered their lactating employees.”

The students’ project, Hurst added, is a great example of the “action learning” process that has been a cornerstone of adult learning graduate students at VCU for four decades.

“The action learning process revolves around asking questions, and not just any questions but tough, and often fresh, questions to uncover problems,” Hurst said. “The students work with informants, as well as among themselves to analyze the problem and responses, and provide suggestions and recommendations on how to address the problem.”

In Olsen’s case, the work didn’t stop after the capstone project was turned in. In spring 2020, Olsen and Coleman gave a presentation to a VCU Health Human Resources work group that outlined the need for a policy. Shortly thereafter, COVID-19 shut down everything. But the HR group began meeting later in the summer, and Olsen worked with them.

They met weekly, working with and getting approval from various divisions at VCU Health, including facilities, legal, risk management and leadership. HR also developed learning modules to train VCU Health team members on the new policy.

“It was announced that it was going live and it is now policy at VCU Health,” Olsen said. “As of June 1, we have a lactation policy and learning exchange modules.”

In the weeks since then, Olsen said, other schools at VCU have reached out to express interest in adopting a similar policy.

“If you do take the time to kind of create something like this and do all the work that has to go into it, then it’s replicable,” she said. “Somebody else can just be like, ‘Oh, sweet. You have a policy and it’s already been vetted by risk management? Perfect. We’ll just put it into place.’ It can just be replicated across the system.”

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List of 500 Plus Nursing Capstone Project Ideas to Consider as a nursing Student


In most nursing schools, you might be required to work on a capstone project, often known as a senior capstone. It is usually a prerequisite for your final course in a degree program that requires its completion. Most nursing students prefer undertaking a capstone nursing course.

A capstone project is an individualized research project on a specific nursing topic of your professional or personal interest. It is usually completed within between 4 to 12 weeks, depending on the nursing school and the program you are pursuing. It is usually part of a project-based nursing capstone course that runs within a selected duration and is led by a capstone instructor. The first step of writing a capstone is choosing a topic that focuses on the quality improvement process, procedure, or policy and creating a nursing capstone project proposal/nursing project proposal or presentation.

A standard nursing capstone project is between 20 to 100 pages, but that depends on the institutional requirements and the preference of your capstone instructor. It is a chance to show what you have learned, enhance your professional development, specialize in your nursing career, and investigate/solve community-related health issues. The capstone project paper is based on evidence-based practice (EBP) project , which makes it necessary to follow the PICO format . Therefore, the first step is choosing the topic when doing the capstone at BSN, MSN, or DNP level.

This guide is about the first step, specifically to help you choose a good and manageable topic for your nursing capstone project. Cognizant that selecting a topic depends on the area of specialization that you are interested in (Family nursing, forensic nursing, informatics, pediatrics, nursing administration and management, nursing education, or public health, etc.), we have categorized the ideas and topics into nursing specialties to make it easier for you to brainstorm and choose a good topic for your nursing capstone paper.

General Nursing Capstone Ideas

  • Patient-controlled fluid restriction monitoring
  • The effects of tai chi on cardiovascular risk factors of hypertension, BMI, anxiety, depression, quality of life, and its safety and feasibility
  • Exercise to improve cancer-related fatigue
  • CPM machine protocol for knee replacements
  • Managing hypertension with lifestyle modifications
  • Self-engagement to decrease blood pressure readings and reduce non-compliance
  • The application of the ABCDE bundle in ICU
  • Controlled donation after circulatory death
  • Effectiveness of using virtual reality in oncology settings
  • Impacts of the clinically aligned pain assessment tool (CAPA) on pain management
  • The influence of "deliberate practice" on skill competency
  • Consequences of massage therapy for agitation in dementia
  • Impact of virtual simulation on knowledge transfer
  • Increased discharge compliance through mental health follow-up
  • Impacts of early mobilization
  • Impacts of bedside shift reports on patient safety
  • Effects of physical activity and patient education on rheumatoid arthritis
  • Benefits of non-physician-led hypertension management
  • Reducing the rates of use of emergency departments by homeless and at-risk homeless through screening
  • Improving discharge timeliness and patient outcomes
  • Role of Nurses in policymaking
  • Video education on fever to empower and educate caregivers
  • Protecting the health and safety of nurses working with at-risk populations

Forensic Nursing Capstone Project Ideas

Forensic nursing is a very lucrative area of specialization in nursing. If you consider specializing in forensic nursing to become a Nurse Death Investigator (NDI), sexual assault nurse examiner (SANE), legal nurse consultant, forensic psychiatry nurse, correctional nurse consultant, forensic nurse educator, or forensic nurse examiner, consider these topics and ideas for your capstone. It is not exhaustive but gives you an upper hand when selecting a suitable topic for your forensic nursing capstone project. If you are looking for nursing ebp project ideas related to forensic nursing, check out these:

  • Impacts of forensic nurses in preventing intimate partner violence
  • Role of forensic nurses in developing community interventions to prevent elderly abuse and neglect
  • Coordinated community response as a strategy to address elderly abuse
  • Role of forensic nurses in identifying and preventing sexual abuse in pediatric emergency departments
  • Does Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) training affect the attitudes of Emergency Department nurses toward sexual assault survivors?
  • How sexual assault nurse examiners practice trauma-informed care
  • Roles of forensic outpatient nurses
  • Use of simulation in training forensic nurses
  • Attitudes of forensic nurses working at psychiatric facilities
  • Benefits of incorporating forensic nurses as part of the multidisciplinary teams in psychiatric health facilities
  • Importance of forensic nurse research
  • Collaboration between forensic nurses and law enforcement agencies
  • Implementation of sexual assault services in a clinic setting
  • Effects of an emotional education program on prisoners
  • Occupational injuries and workplace violence among forensic nurses
  • Stress and burnout among forensic nurses working in mental health facilities
  • Role of forensic nurses in examining medical error
  • Role of forensic nurse examiner in patient education for victims of sexual assault
  • The rhetoric of therapy in forensic psychiatric nursing
  • Evaluation of a Standardized Patient Simulation on Undergraduate Nursing Students' Knowledge and Confidence On Intimate Partner Violence
  • Evidence-based practice in forensic mental health nursing
  • Standards of practice for forensic mental health nurses
  • Innovative assessments for retention of sexual assault nurse examiners
  • Collection and preservation of evidence by forensic nurses
  • Compassion fatigue among pediatric forensic nurse examiners
  • Investigating chronic traumatic encephalopathy among national football league players
  • Nurses and Medicolegal Death Investigation
  • Strategies for documenting evidence used by forensic nurses
  • Forensic nurses as expert witnesses in courts of law
  • Role of forensic nurses in research in correctional facilities
  • Causes and consequences of forensic nurse shortage
  • Ethical issues encountered by forensic nurses in correctional facilities
  • De-escalation and limit-setting in forensic mental health units
  • How forensic nurses can prevent human and organ trafficking
  • Risk factors for domestic minor sex trafficking in the United States
  • Mental illness as a vulnerability for sexual assault
  • Cardiovascular risk factors among prisoners
  • Establishing the therapeutic relationship between a forensic nurse and a patient
  • Benefits of a holistic approach to training forensic nurse examiners
  • Impacts of trauma-informed care training on the competency and confidence of forensic nurses
  • Forensic nursing interventions with patients with personality disorder
  • A forensic nurse's perspective of trauma-informed care approaches to medico legal death investigation
  • How forensic nurses handle families and loved ones of those who succumb in emergency departments
  • Forensic nurses and human rights abuse
  • Responsibilities of forensic nurses
  • SANE vs. non-SANE forensic nurses
  • Required skills for forensic psychiatric nurse
  • Veracity for children in pediatric forensics
  • Strategies for screening children for abuse and neglect
  • Trauma-Informed Care Education in Baccalaureate Nursing Curricula in the United States
  • Understanding nonfatal strangulation
  • Role of forensic nurses in advocating for pregnant women in correctional facilities
  • The professional identity of prison nurses
  • Role of education and continuous professional development in strengthening the science of forensic nursing
  • Stress and burnout in forensic health nursing
  • Using telehealth for sexual assault forensic examinations
  • Promoting professional quality of life and resiliency in sexual assault nurse examiners
  • Child labor trafficking essentials for forensic nurses
  • Sexual assault nurse examiner forensic examinations for immigrant victims

You can find more topics concerning forensic nursing from Topics by

Critical Care Nursing Capstone Project Ideas

Critical care nursing, also called intensive care nursing , is a domain of nursing practice that deals with seriously ill patients. If you are interested in pursuing critical care/ICU nursing, you can focus your capstone project on a related topic. Here are some ideas for critical nursing or ICU nursing capstone project.

  • Impacts of critical incident stress debriefing for nurses in acute care departments
  • Strategies to address stress and burnout among critical care nursing staff
  • Role of critical care nurses in palliative care
  • Nursing interventions to prevent central line bloodstream infection (CLABSI) in the ICU settings
  • Benefits of SNF infection prevention online training on CLABSI prevention
  • The role of law and policy in addressing healthcare-associated infections in critical care
  • Impact of needleless connector change frequency on central line-associated bloodstream infection rate
  • Effects of surveillance of hospital-acquired CLABSI in pediatric NICU
  • Impacts of CLABSI on length of stay and readmission in ICU
  • Using Nurse-Driven Protocols to Eliminate Routine Gastric Residual Volume Measurements
  • Implementing a standardized communication tool in an intensive care unit
  • Decreasing 30-day readmission rates in patients with heart failure
  • Strategies for assessing discomfort in critically ill patients
  • Increasing nurses' knowledge of and self-confidence with family presence during pediatric resuscitation
  • The link between perceived and actual risk assessment by ICU nurses and the use of catheters
  • How critical care nurses can prevent blood contamination during transfusion
  • Risk factors and preventive measures for pressure ulcers among patients in critical care units
  • Factors Leading to critical nurses shortage in the USA
  • Compassion fatigue among ICU nurses and strategies to prevent it
  • Pain assessment by critical care nurses through physical and physiological monitoring
  • The use of CDSS in decision-making within the ICU
  • Critical Nurses' education and Competencies in the USA
  • Impacts of nurse-patient Ratio on patient safety and Outcomes in critical care units
  • Prevalence of nurse burnout syndrome among ICU nurses
  • Strategies to help critical nurses achieve excellence
  • Collaborative decision-making between ICU nurses and patients in end-of-life care
  • Attitudes of critical care nurses on terminally ill patients
  • Hand hygiene adherence among critical care nurses
  • How critical care nurses can leverage big data and AI to improve safety and outcomes
  • Strategies to optimize intubation in the ICU
  • The link between ICU staffing and patient outcomes
  • Quality improvement strategies for neonatal ICU
  • The application of telemedicine in ICU settings
  • Strategies to optimize mechanical ventilation in the neonatal ICU
  • Patient education strategies for children with adult patients in the ICU
  • ICU nurses assist patients in making the DNR orders
  • Payment Structure and morale among ICU nurses
  • Challenges experienced by ICU nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Intensive care nurses' knowledge and practice on endotracheal suctioning of the intubated patient
  • Benefits of promoting shared decision-making in the ICU
  • Intensive care nurses' experiences and perceptions of delirium and delirium care.
  • Reasons why nurses should have empathy with newborn families in neonatal ICU
  • Nurses' Perceptions of Telemedicine Adoption in the Intensive Care Unit
  • Importance of allowing ICU nurses to grieve when patients die
  • The perceptions and attitudes of ICU nurses on the use of ICU diaries
  • The experiences of new nurses in ICU units
  • Strategies ICU nurses use to screen delirium among ICU patients
  • Impacts of brownout on ICU nurses
  • Attitudes of ICU nurses on caring for patients with mental illness
  • Impacts of hemodynamic monitoring training for ICU nurses on patient safety and outcomes
  • Readiness of novice nurses to practice in ICU
  • Nurses' experiences of caring for patients during a prolonged critical illness
  • Oral practices for ICU nurses
  • Caring for non-sedated mechanically ventilated patients: Attitudes of ICU nurses
  • Knowledge and practice of physical restraints in ICU

Nursing Education Topics and Ideas

Nursing education is a vast area. You can never run out of ideas to explore in your nursing education capstone. Here are some potential rn to bsn capstone project ideas to consider:

  • The impacts of the Nurse Residency Program
  • Undergraduate pediatric nursing education: Issues, challenges, and recommendations
  • How mentorship post-residency affects the experiences of new graduates transitioning from novice to competent
  • Benefits of mindful meditation for nursing students
  • A new leadership development model for nursing education
  • Evidence-based practice and quality improvement in nursing education
  • Role of stakeholder engagement in nursing education
  • Strategies to improve nurse to patient ratio through nursing education
  • Use of simulation in nursing education
  • Effectiveness of a venous thromboembolism course using flipped classroom with nursing students
  • Perceptions of the use of reflective learning journals in online graduate nursing education
  • Effects of nursing education on students' pain management knowledge
  • Cultural competencies for graduate nursing education
  • Implications of virtual reality and augmented reality in nursing education
  • The use of gamification in education with digital badges
  • Strategies to dismantle racism and disparities in nursing education
  • Importance of teaching reflective practice among nursing students
  • Arts-based inquiry in nursing education
  • Supporting the integrative health care curriculum in schools of nursing
  • Educational pathways to becoming a registered nurse
  • Strategies to make nursing education lucrative for the millennial generation
  • How educators can influence the success of nursing students
  • Philosophical perspectives of nursing education
  • Use of social media and technology in nursing education
  • Should nurses stay longer in college?
  • Faculty shortage in nursing schools
  • Impacts of the scarcity of clinical experiences on the competency of new nurses
  • The gap between education and practice and the nursing staff shortage
  • Benefits of integrating climate change topics in nursing curricula
  • Impacts of problem-based learning models in nursing schools
  • Benefits of promoting multicultural nursing education
  • Integrating diversity, equity, and inclusion topics into an undergraduate nursing research course
  • Benefits of nurses having a personal philosophy in nursing school
  • Using active simulation to enhance the learning of nursing ethics

You can also consider topics related to mental health issues or mentally ill patients. The goal is to find the best topic to stand out among the nursing capstone projects submitted to your professor. 

Health Promotion Ideas for Capstone Projects

  • Implementing community cooking courses to prevent nutritional knowledge deficit
  • Promoting the use of honey in diabetes foot ulcer management
  • Application of the health belief model in tailoring nursing interventions to prevent adolescent smoking
  • Using an educational program based on the health belief model to improve the preventive behaviors of nurses against cardiovascular diseases
  • Factors affecting health promotion activities by nurses
  • Attitudes of registered nurses and midwives toward health promotion targeting obese patients
  • Attitudes of Nurses towards health Promotion
  • Role of Nurses in health promotion and Disease prevention
  • Health promotion strategies to reduce smoking among nurse practitioners
  • Roles of Nurses in preventive care
  • Impacts of nursing advocacy on health promotion
  • Role of advanced practice nurse in health promotion
  • Healthy lifestyle behaviors and health promotion attitudes in preregistered nurses
  • Practical approaches to health promotion in nursing
  • Translating social ecological theory into guidelines for community health promotion
  • Health promotion strategies that work best with indigenous populations
  • Ethical dilemmas in health promotion by nurses
  • Strategies to promote mental health promotion in psychiatric facilities

Nursing Shortage and Burnout Topics and Ideas for Capstone

  • Benefits of having an official mentoring program on nursing retention and job satisfaction
  • Impacts of burnout and fatigue on patient outcomes
  • Results of implementing patient acuity tool on nurse satisfaction
  • Effects of meaningful recognition on med-surgical unit's staff satisfaction and retention
  • Benefits of compassion fatigue education on oncology nurses

Women's Health Topics and Ideas for Capstone

  • Benefits of early screening for postpartum depression
  • Impacts of patient education on reducing postpartum depression
  • Breastfeeding and consumption of sweetened foods
  • Challenges facing women with disabilities in exclusive breastfeeding
  • Relationship between the mental health of the mother and the outcomes of a pregnancy
  • Promoting physical activity and healthy lifestyles among women
  • Helping women address the challenges that come with menopause: perspectives of a nurse
  • Long-term effects of preeclampsia on mother and neonate
  • Strategies to prevent preeclampsia
  • Preeclampsia screening within healthcare facilities
  • Diagnosis and management of atypical preeclampsia-eclampsia
  • Cardiovascular Sequels During and After Preeclampsia
  • Impacts of superimposed preeclampsia on women
  • Preeclampsia and maternal risk of breast cancer
  • Nursing care approach for women with preeclampsia and eclampsia
  • Administration of NSAIDs during pregnancy and the initiation of lactation
  • Diagnosis and management of fetal alcohol syndrome
  • Educating women on the dangers of consuming alcohol when pregnant
  • Sexual dysfunction in women with alcohol dependence syndrome
  • Impacts of female genital mutilation on the reproductive health of women
  • Assessment and prevention of postpartum depression among pregnant women
  • Etiology and consequences of postpartum depression
  • Use of oxytocin in the management of postpartum depression
  • Postpartum depression and breastfeeding efficacy
  • Diagnosis and treatment of cytomegalovirus during pregnancy
  • Relaxation techniques for pain management during labor
  • Benefits of multiple-micronutrient supplementation for women during pregnancy
  • Methods of milk expression for lactating women
  • Effects of disorder eating on the fertility of women
  • Hypertension disorders of pregnancy
  • Implementation of the maternal-fetal triage index to improve obstetric triage
  • Strategies to prevent obstetric hemorrhage
  • Childbirth experiences of women with an autism spectrum disorder in acute care settings

Pediatrics Topics and Ideas for Capstone

  • Efficacy of using music therapy in NICU
  • Pain and Sedation Scales in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
  • Impacts of skin-to-skin contact as a method for body warmth for infants with low birth weight
  • How to maintain normothermia among newly born infants
  • Effects of very early skin-to-skin contact on the success of breastfeeding
  • Chest-to-back skin-to-skin contact in regulating body temperature for preterm babies
  • Early intervention to achieve thermal balance in term neonates
  • Benefits of infant massage for infants and parents in the NICU

Patient Falls Topics and Ideas for Capstone

Patient falls management is another excellent area to consider for your capstone. You should inquire into some of the best strategies to solve patient falls associated with mortality and morbidity. Reducing falls is an indicator of quality improvement in healthcare settings. Here are some ideas and topics to get you started:

  • Impact of Hourly Rounding on Fall Rates
  • Evidence-based fall management strategies for patients aging in place
  • Nursing-led interventions to prevent falls in clinical settings
  • A multifactorial approach to fall management in healthcare settings
  • Impacts of patient education on fall rates
  • Multi-professional team approach in fall management
  • Use of telehealth to assess and address fall risk among elderly patients
  • Fall risk assessment and patient safety
  • Evaluation and management of fall risk in primary care settings
  • The link between polypharmacy and fall rates among older adults
  • Rates of falls and hospital readmissions among the older adults
  • Utilizing technology to prevent falls in healthcare settings
  • Benefits of patient-centered fall prevention toolkit in reducing falls and injuries among patients
  • Fall Prevention Decision-Making of Acute Care Registered Nurses
  • Occupational therapy falls prevention interventions for community-dwelling older adults
  • Multifactorial falls prevention programs for older adults presenting to the emergency department with a fall
  • Fall prevention strategies for Emergency departments
  • The effectiveness of exercise for fall prevention in nursing home residents
  • Role of physical therapists and aromatherapy for fall prevention in older people
  • Use of radar and sensor technology to prevent falls in primary care settings
  • Use of alarms to prevent falls on medical-surgical floors
  • Applying bed exit alarms to prevent falls
  • Using bathroom safety constructions to prevent elderly falls
  • Application of intelligent socks system to reduce falls in clinical settings
  • Addressing the nutritional needs of elderly patients to prevent falls
  • Using smartphones to detect and prevent falls in homes and hospitals
  • Use of robots in fall management

Patient Education Capstone Project Ideas

  • Impacts of polypharmacy teaching in reducing adverse effects at an acute setting
  • Benefits of patient education in promoting healthy lifestyles
  • Patient education and reduced falls within home settings
  • Impacts of using social media to facilitate patient education
  • Role of patient-centered education in improving adherence and outcomes of patients in long-term care facilities
  • Patient education in wound management and outcomes
  • Impact of patient education on utilization of nonpharmacological modalities for persistent pain management
  • Patient education and self-care management practices
  • Benefits of patient education in medical rehabilitation
  • Therapeutic patient education and outcomes in heart failure patients
  • Benefits of multi-professional approach in diabetes patient education
  • The benefits and challenges of providing patient education digitally
  • Factors affecting patient education in healthcare settings
  • Using healthcare information infrastructure to deliver education to patients with chronic conditions
  • Impacts of using electronic health records to facilitate education for patients in rural areas
  • The Effects of Tailored Diabetic Education in the Patient with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Emergency Nursing Topics and Ideas for Capstone

If you are struggling to develop a perfect topic for your capstone project and are interested in emergency nursing, you can consider these capstone ideas and topics. Emergency nurse practitioners often face many challenges, including workplace incivility, lateral violence, bullying, brownout, stress, and high workload, which is a great place to start. You can also address their roles in emergency preparedness and management. Here are some ideas:

  • Solutions and strategies to address Emergency Department overcrowding
  • Causes and consequences of emergency room overcrowding
  • Nurse-led strategies to prevent emergency room overcrowding
  • Evidence-based approaches to address ED overcrowding
  • Challenges for patient onboarding in the ED
  • Use of technology and data modeling to address ED overcrowding
  • Use of RFID technology to reduce ED overcrowding
  • Application of telemedicine in addressing ER overcrowding
  • Innovations to reduce demand and crowding in emergency care
  • The use of wearable tech to address overcrowding in the ER
  • Strategies to improve access to ER in rural areas
  • Role of ER nurses in disaster management
  • Factors affecting emergency nurses' perceptions of the triage systems
  • Attitudes and skills of ER nurses in triage decision-making
  • Perceptions of ER nurses in the assessment of the risk of emerging infectious disease in ED
  • Role of ER nurses in disease surveillance
  • Role of ER Nurses in disease outbreaks
  • Strategies to prevent ER nurses from burnout and stress
  • Addressing compassion satisfaction and fatigue among ER nurses
  • Benefits of cultural competence training for ER nurses
  • Feelings and emotions of ER nurses related to dying and death of patients
  • Factors causing high turnover among emergency room nurses
  • Pediatric pain management strategies that ER nurses managing pediatric patients use
  • Strategies to address work fatigue and musculoskeletal disorders among ER nurses
  • Strategies to improve communication skills among ER nurses and other healthcare practitioners in the ED
  • Enhancing systems thinking for undergraduate nursing students using Friday night at the ER
  • How ER nurses can apply nursing theories when caring for patients
  • The impact of reflective journaling and diaries for ER nurses
  • Perceptions and attitudes of ER nurses on teamwork in ED
  • Causes of occupational stress among ER nurses
  • Factors affecting radiation protection behaviors among ER nurses
  • How ER nurses provide care to patients with self-harm
  • Impacts of incivility, bullying, and workplace violence on effectiveness and performance of ER nurses
  • Strategies to foster collegiality and civility
  • Impacts of educational intervention through online training on incivility among ER nurses
  • Lateral violence among ER nurses
  • Interventions to reduce the risk of violence toward emergency department staff
  • The emergency nurse's perception of incivility in the workplace
  • Impacts of cognitive rehearsal training for ER nurses on confronting bullying and lateral violence
  • Importance of implementing a psychiatric triage algorithm
  • Use of simulation-based emergency to train ER nurses on responding to emergency situations
  • Benefits of using emergency nursing competency scale for school nurses
  • The lived experiences of ER nurses encountering patients with mental illness in prehospital emergency care
  • Knowledge and practice of nursing students regarding bioterrorism and emergency preparedness
  • Impacts of continuous competency assessment and education for ER nurses
  • Emergency nurses' knowledge, attitude, and perceived barriers regarding pain Management in Resource-Limited Settings
  • Effect of problem-based learning on severity classification agreement by triage nurses
  • Effects of a standardized patient-based simulation in anaphylactic shock management for new graduate ER nurses
  • Emergency Room nurses' perceptions of leadership, teamwork, turnover intention and patient safety
  • Attitudes of ER nurses towards patient safety
  • Factors affecting patient satisfaction in nurse-led triage in ED
  • ER Nurses' experience with emergency room psychiatry services
  • Impacts of CPR training for ER nurses on patient outcomes
  • Nurses' attitudes to supporting people who are suicidal in emergency departments

Telemetry Capstone Ideas and Topics

  • Improving cardiac telemetry use
  • Improving Quiet-at-Night on a telemetry unit
  • Reducing Cardiac Telemetry Alarm Fatigue
  • Impacts of alarm fatigues on patient safety
  • Evaluation of Telemetry Utilization in Medical-Surgical Unit
  • Customizing Physiologic Alarms in the Emergency Department
  • Impacts of default order set settings on telemetry ordering
  • Strategies for transitioning Novice Nurses to Expert Nurses in Progressive Telemetry Care
  • Preventing stress and burnout among nurses in the telemetry unit
  • Strategies to optimize the use of telemetry in nursing training
  • Is simulation efficient for telemetry nurse trainees?
  • An Evidence-Based Approach to Reducing Cardiac Telemetry Alarm Fatigue.
  • Physiologic monitoring alarm load on medical/surgical floors of a community hospital.
  • Impacts of alarm management program on alarm fatigue among telemetry and ICU RNs
  • Benefits of customizing physiologic alarms in ED
  • Effect of a Nurse-Managed Telemetry Discontinuation Protocol on Monitoring Duration, Alarm Frequency, and Adverse Patient Events
  • Impacts of introducing patient-customized monitoring bundle in decreasing alarm fatigue in ICU
  • Alternative strategies for cardiac alarm management on telemetry units
  • Role of monitor watchers in decreasing alarm burden of nurses
  • Stress and burnout among telemetry nurses

Geriatrics/Gerontology Topics and Ideas for Capstone

  • Perspectives of nursing students undertaking a practicum at a gerontology facility on their experience
  • Geriatric assessment in daily oncology practice for nurses and allied health care professionals
  • Hospital nurses' perception of the geriatric nurse practice environment
  • Use of a screening tool and primary health care gerontology nurse specialist for high-needs older people
  • Competency and skills of nurses practicing in elderly homes
  • Assessing the perceptions and attitudes among geriatric resource nurses
  • Attitudes of nurses on physical restraint for hospitalized elderly people
  • Role of geriatric nurses in addressing falls among elderly patients
  • Strategies to reduce restraint use for older adults in acute care
  • Strategies to care for elderly patients with schizophrenia and dementia
  • Addressing the nutritional needs of elderly adults who are homeless through a community nursing center
  • Strategies to promote physical activity among the elderly patients
  • How to improve the quality of life of elderly adults who are veterans
  • Caring for elderly adults with cerebrovascular accidents
  • Burnout and stress among registered nurses working in nursing homes
  • Addressing social isolation and loneliness among elderly patients
  • The application of robots in dementia care
  • Benefits of administering vitamin C supplements to elderly adults
  • Impacts of tai chi and yoga on improving the health of elderly patients
  • Nonpharmacological interventions to improve sleep patterns among elderly patients
  • Effectiveness of geriatric nurses getting trained in dementia care
  • Use of social media to reduce depression among elderly adults
  • Role of community health nurses in addressing osteoporosis among the elderly populations

To find more topics you can search for nursing capstone project examples pdf online and peer-reviewed nursing journals. You can be inspired to choose a unique, memorable, and manageable topic.

Final Remarks!

For topics on nursing informatics, check out our exclusive blog article, where we share a list of nursing informatics topics that you can choose for your capstone project.

Related Reading:

  • Critical nursing research topics for nursing papers
  • Writing an outstanding personal nursing philosophy paper.
  • Is WGU BSN worth it?
  • Tips and tricks for shadow health assessments

The main goal of a capstone project is for the nursing student to demonstrate their ability to identify specific health issues, conduct community assessments, and develop evidence-based strategies, interventions, or plans to address these critical health problems in the healthcare environment.

It is also a chance for students to demonstrate their awareness of the importance of nursing research and the nursing profession/practice in addressing societal challenges. It also helps students disseminate knowledge on pertinent issues that face the rapidly changing healthcare industry from the nursing perspective within a scholarly environment. A nursing student who completes a nursing capstone is ready to undertake leadership, administration, management, and educational functions, which promotes career growth and development.

We understand that the senior nursing capstone is an intensive and demanding project, so we have writers who can help you at every stage. As you work with your nursing capstone instructor, preceptor, or supervisor (visiting nurse), our nursing capstone project writers will work with you to produce relevant papers.

After choosing your topic from the list above or developing one of your own, you can get help from our website. As a leading nursing writing website , we guarantee 100% confidential, private, reliable, and available service. You will also get 100% original paper written from scratch using nursing lingo, format, and peer-reviewed sources published in the last 5 years.

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Second-year pa students present capstone projects.

capstone project on breastfeeding

Second-year students in the Physician Assistant (PA) Program presented their final capstone projects involving a comprehensive literature review of a clinical topic of their choosing during a virtual event on April 16.

Projects were initiated after the students completed a course on research methods during their first year and were developed during their second year while doing clinical rotations.

“We’ve had more changes this year than we’ve ever had in the past. As a group, you have been fantastic and so flexible, bouncing with every change that has come your way. I can tell you that I could not be any more proud of the way that you’ve handled yourselves this year,” said Michael MacLean, MS, PA-C , director of the PA program and assistant professor of Medical Education .

capstone project on breastfeeding

The day-long event began with a keynote lecture delivered by Carolyn Bradley-Guidry, MPAS, DrPH, assistant dean for Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity Affairs and associate professor of PA studies at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center.

Bradley-Guidry discussed how she has committed her career to addressing social determinants of health and improving social diversity, and emphasized the importance of utilizing passion and persistence to elevate research opportunities as a PA. When faced with challenges, she reminded students to always remember their ABC’s: “adversity builds character.”

“When people think about clinical providers such as physician assistants, research is not normally the first thing that pops into an individual’s mind. Doing research provides the opportunity to fill knowledge gaps in and outside the clinical setting. Following your passion is exploring areas that spark your interest, developing your skills in a specific area and using those skills to contribute to something much greater and beyond yourself,” Bradley-Guidry said.

Students were then prompted to join virtual breakout rooms to present their projects, where faculty, staff and guests had the opportunity to ask follow-up questions after the presentations.

For her capstone project, Courtney Gullett, a second-year PA student, examined how participation in group prenatal care interventions could improve breastfeeding initiation and continuation rates in African American women.

capstone project on breastfeeding

Prior to attending Feinberg, Gullett worked for the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program in southwest Michigan, where she noticed some African American mothers chose not to breastfeed for multiple reasons, most commonly a lack of social support and inadequate knowledge about breastfeeding.

“We know from multiple areas of research that improved social networks increases rates of breastfeeding initiation in African American mothers, but the research on group prenatal care has been inconclusive to date,” Gullett said.

From her analysis, she found that African American mothers who participated in prenatal care support groups had improved breastfeeding initiation and continuation rates. Additionally, she proposed that African American women who are more likely to have worsened maternal and fetal outcomes may be more inclined to participate in group prenatal care settings, though further research is warranted.

Emily Braun, another second-year PA student, compared the effects of oral contraceptives for the management of menstrual migraines without aura, or typical warning signs, in reproductive-aged women.

“Around 65 percent of women in the U.S. are already using some form of contraception, so my idea was to treat menstrual migraines with a pill that many women already have a desire to be on that is also relatively safe,” Braun said. “There is a lot of data and research on migraine headaches, however interestingly enough it is still not completely understood.”

capstone project on breastfeeding

From her literature analysis, Braun found that the maintenance of a steady serum estrogen level is directly correlated with reducing menstrual migraines. Furthermore, using a progesterone-only pill or a combined hormonal contraceptive pill are effective in reducing migraine frequency and intensity.

“When deciding which option is best for patients, it is important to assess their thromboembolic risk and preferences with regards to menstrual bleeding profile,” Braun said.

Second-year PA student Zoe Quinette found evidence for the potential of an HPV self-swab test to increase cervical cancer screening among under screened women in the U.S. and reduce disparities related to cervical cancer.

“I was inspired to pursue this topic because I saw an opportunity to explore a screening modality that has not been widely studied in the United States but has the potential to reach more women and make it easier to prioritize screening for cervical cancer. The self-swab allows women to decide which mode of screening works best for them, which may provide a sense of autonomy and empowerment in making the decision to get screened,” Quinette said.

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Master's Projects and Capstones

Lactation clinic: improving patient lactation support.

Iana Johnson , University of San Francisco Follow

Date of Graduation

Fall 12-16-2016

Document Access

Project/Capstone - Global access

Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)


School of Nursing and Health Professions

Despite the numerous health benefits and recommendations that breastfeeding is the optimal method for nourishing infants, many still choose other ways to feed their babies during the first year of life. This project considers the initiation and future implementation of a Lactation Clinic as an additional patient support service provided in the inpatient and outpatient settings. A Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) was conducted in an effort to evaluate and eliminate “what could go wrong” before such an establishment becomes operational. The Risk Priority Numbers (RPNs) from the analysis reveal the lack of use (RPN 50) and streamlining (RPN 20) as the top two risks associated with the implementation of the Lactation Clinic. In response to these findings, the Clinical Nurse Leader (CNL) has made suggestions and taken a lead role in assisting and creating new patient handouts and surveys. While the clinic is preparing to open its doors, it is the goal of the CNL and the facility that the additional lactation support will increase patient satisfaction to 90% and breastfeeding rates to 80%. The new patient survey will be utilized to measure these rates.

Recommended Citation

Johnson, Iana, "Lactation Clinic: Improving Patient Lactation Support" (2016). Master's Projects and Capstones . 409.

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Nursing Capstone Project Ideas: From Classroom to Clinic

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Getting through nursing school, you are always busy tackling tough classes, mastering clinical skills, and understanding complex medical ethics. After all that hard work and the hurdles you've overcome, you face the nursing capstone project — your final step before stepping into the real world as a nurse.

This isn’t just another assignment. In fact, according to a report from the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) , 60% of employers believe that students should complete an applied learning project to demonstrate their readiness for the workforce.

It’s your chance to bring everything you've learned together and apply it to a real healthcare challenge. It's intense and can be overwhelming, sure, especially with everything else you're managing.

We’re here to assist you in finding a nursing capstone project topic that’s both fulfilling and academically rigorous. Let’s get you ready to make a real impact in your field!

What is a Capstone Project in Nursing?

Essentially, it’s your final showcase in nursing school. Think of it as the grand finale of your nursing education.

nursing capstone project

But what is a nursing capstone project exactly? Let’s break it down into the key components:

  • Research : You'll start by studying existing literature to understand the foundation of your project topic.
  • Implementation : This is where you put your plan into action. Whether it’s introducing a new patient care protocol or a public health initiative, this phase is about making your ideas a reality.
  • Evaluation : After implementing your project, you'll assess its effectiveness. This step is needed to understand the impact of your work and learn from any challenges.
  • Presentation : You’ll conclude your project by presenting your findings to your peers, faculty, and sometimes other healthcare professionals. It's a chance to discuss what you've learned and demonstrate your readiness to enter the nursing profession.

For example, if you’re keen on pediatric care, you might develop a project that improves communication techniques to reduce anxiety in hospitalized children. You would research effective methods, implement these strategies in a clinical setting, evaluate the outcomes, and share your findings.

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Struggling to find the perfect topic or need assistance with writing? Our expert nursing writers are here to help you.

Nursing Capstone Project Ideas: 290+ Engaging Topics

As you near the end of your nursing studies, it's time to put your knowledge to the test with a capstone project. Here’s a wide range of topics that can help you find something that really clicks with your interests and future career goals.

Looking for inspiration? Check out some capstone project examples to get started.

Nursing Capstone Project Ideas for Mental Health

Mental health is an ever-important field, and it's ripe for some fresh ideas and approaches. Check out these capstone project topics that give you a chance to make a difference, whether you’re crafting new treatments or improving patient care.

  • Support frameworks for families dealing with schizophrenia.
  • Peer support strategies for adolescent anxiety.
  • Effectiveness of art therapy for elderly depression.
  • PTSD mobile app development for veterans.
  • Impact of pet therapy on anxiety and mood in care homes.
  • Emergency mental health training for nurses.
  • ADHD support programs in educational settings.
  • Virtual reality therapies for phobia treatment.
  • Telehealth counseling expansion for rural areas.
  • Yoga and mindfulness for chemotherapy patients.
  • Motivational interviewing techniques by nurses.
  • CBT groups for postpartum depression.
  • Community-driven depression awareness initiatives.
  • Case management improvements for dual diagnosis patients.
  • Stigma reduction programs in healthcare facilities.
  • Music therapy for pre-surgical anxiety.
  • Dietary interventions for mood disorder management.
  • Crisis protocols for emergency response to suicidal patients.

Capstone Project Topics on Nursing Burnout

Nursing burnout is a pressing issue that affects both nurses' well-being and patient care quality. Here are focused project ideas aimed at reducing burnout through practical and supportive interventions:

  • Mandatory mental health breaks for nurses.
  • Effects of staffing ratios on burnout.
  • Mindfulness and resilience training for nurses.
  • On-site counseling services' impact on nurse satisfaction.
  • Wellness programs incorporating fitness and mental health.
  • Leadership strategies to reduce nurse burnout.
  • Flexible scheduling to alleviate stress.
  • Burnout comparisons across nursing specialties.
  • Long-term effects of burnout on patient care.
  • Mentorship programs for new nurse support.
  • Burnout and communication in clinical settings.
  • Stress management app for nurses.
  • Aromatherapy's effectiveness in stress reduction.
  • Professional development's role in reducing burnout.
  • Shift length changes and their effects on burnout.
  • Sleep improvement interventions for night shifts.
  • Nurse-led support groups for stress relief.
  • Job rotation schemes to prevent monotony.
  • Recognition and rewards systems to boost morale.

Women's Health Capstone Project Ideas

Women's health is a dynamic area of healthcare that deals with a wide range of issues from reproductive health to chronic disease management. The following nursing capstone project ideas are designed to explore innovative solutions for women at various stages of life:

  • Prenatal yoga and maternal outcomes.
  • Telehealth for rural women's access.
  • Breast cancer awareness campaigns.
  • Postpartum depression interventions.
  • Nutritional management of PCOS.
  • Effectiveness of HPV vaccines.
  • Mobile cervical cancer screenings.
  • Menstrual health education in schools.
  • Menopause support initiatives.
  • Osteoporosis prevention in older women.
  • Fertility tracking technologies.
  • Mental health services for domestic violence survivors.
  • Advancements in non-invasive prenatal testing.
  • Reducing maternal mortality rates.
  • Resources for breastfeeding support.
  • Heart health community programs.
  • Women’s health education apps.
  • Pain management barriers in women.
  • Programs targeting women's obesity.
  • Impacts of hormonal birth control.

If you’re short on time, you can buy capstone projects to ensure your work meets high academic standards.

Pediatric Nursing Capstone Project Topics

Pediatric nursing focuses on the care of children from infancy through adolescence, addressing both typical developmental milestones and various health challenges. Here are project ideas designed to support young patients and their families:

  • Early intervention programs for developmental delays.
  • Asthma management plans in schools.
  • Impact of pediatric telehealth consultations.
  • Vaccination outreach programs.
  • Nutrition education for childhood obesity prevention.
  • Mental health screening tools for adolescents.
  • Support strategies for families of children with autism.
  • Pain management techniques for pediatric procedures.
  • Use of interactive technology in patient education.
  • Strategies for improving pediatric medication adherence.
  • Neonatal care practices for preterm infants.
  • Child safety initiatives in home and community settings.
  • Management of pediatric chronic illnesses.
  • Emergency care protocols for pediatric patients.
  • School-based health programs.
  • Pediatric sleep disorder management.
  • Interventions for reducing hospital readmissions in children.
  • Development of age-appropriate health literacy materials.
  • Programs supporting children with diabetic care needs.
  • Enhancing communication with pediatric patients and their families.

Patient Falls Nursing Capstone Project Ideas

Patient falls are a great concern in healthcare settings, leading to serious injuries and complications. Here are nursing capstone project ideas aimed at preventing falls and improving safety in clinical environments:

  • Fall risk assessment tools for elderly patients.
  • Impact of floor lighting on night-time falls.
  • Staff training programs on fall prevention.
  • Wearable technology to detect early fall signs.
  • Development of non-slip footwear for hospital use.
  • Modifications in hospital room design.
  • Patient education programs on fall prevention.
  • Evaluation of medication side effects contributing to falls.
  • Implementation of bedside alarm systems.
  • Physical therapy protocols to improve balance.
  • Analysis of post-fall interventions and their outcomes.
  • Community outreach programs for fall prevention at home.
  • Bed exit monitoring technologies.
  • Impact of regular safety audits on fall rates.
  • Rehabilitation techniques post-fall.
  • Strategies for engaging families in fall prevention plans.
  • Environmental factors leading to patient falls.
  • Development of a multidisciplinary fall prevention team.
  • Cognitive assessments in fall risk management.
  • Use of visual aids in reducing patient falls.

Emergency Nursing Capstone Project Ideas

Emergency nursing requires quick thinking and interventions in high-pressure situations. Here are project ideas aimed at improving quality of care in emergency settings:

  • Triage system improvements for faster patient assessment.
  • Development of emergency response protocols for mass casualty incidents.
  • Impact of simulation training on decision-making skills.
  • Use of mobile apps for real-time patient monitoring.
  • Strategies for managing overcrowding in emergency rooms.
  • Evaluation of communication tools in multi-disciplinary emergency teams.
  • Implementation of rapid lab tests for critical conditions.
  • Effectiveness of patient handoff strategies.
  • Psychological support programs for trauma survivors.
  • Techniques to reduce wait times and streamline patient flow.
  • Emergency care for vulnerable populations.
  • Impact of advanced airway management training.
  • Use of telemedicine in remote emergency assessments.
  • Strategies for pain management in acute settings.
  • Development of guidelines for non-traditional emergency interventions.
  • Analysis of pediatric emergency care protocols.
  • Impact of nurse-led initiatives on patient outcomes.
  • Use of AI to predict patient influx and resource needs.
  • Training programs on cultural competence in emergency care.
  • Evaluation of portable diagnostic equipment use in emergencies.

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Medical Surgery Nursing Capstone Project Ideas

Medical surgery involves complex procedures and demands precision to improve patient outcomes. Here are project ideas that focus on surgical practices and patient care in surgical settings:

  • Advancements in minimally invasive surgical techniques.
  • Pre-operative patient education methods.
  • Post-operative recovery protocols and their effectiveness.
  • Implementing surgical safety checklists.
  • Use of robotic technology in surgeries.
  • Development of biocompatible surgical materials.
  • Strategies for reducing surgical site infections.
  • Impact of surgical team communication on patient outcomes.
  • Enhanced pain management strategies post-surgery.
  • Patient monitoring innovations during surgery.
  • Techniques to reduce blood loss in surgery.
  • Use of AI for precision in surgical planning.
  • Recovery impacts of enhanced nutritional support.
  • Virtual reality applications in surgical training.
  • Studies on patient anxiety reduction pre-surgery.
  • Long-term outcomes of common surgical interventions.
  • Implementing eco-friendly practices in surgical units.
  • Telemedicine roles in pre and post-surgical care.
  • Developing protocols for emergency surgical responses.
  • Assessing patient satisfaction with surgical care.

Nursing Informatics Capstone Project Ideas

Nursing informatics combines nursing science with information management and analytical sciences to improve health outcomes. Here are project ideas aimed at the integration of technology in nursing practices:

  • Developing predictive analytics for patient care.
  • Enhancements in electronic health record (EHR) systems.
  • Impact of mobile health applications on patient engagement.
  • Implementing telehealth solutions across rural areas.
  • Big data analysis to improve nursing workflows.
  • Security measures for patient data privacy.
  • AI-driven decision support systems in clinical settings.
  • Training programs for nurses on new informatics tools.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of clinical decision-making tools.
  • Wearable technologies for real-time health monitoring.
  • Integration of IoT devices into patient care.
  • Blockchain solutions for health information exchange.
  • Assessing the role of informatics in managing chronic diseases.
  • Virtual reality simulations for nurse training.
  • Studies on the impact of informatics on patient safety.
  • Developing user-friendly interfaces for nursing informatics systems.
  • Telemedicine's effectiveness in specialty nursing practices.
  • Impact of cloud computing on healthcare delivery.
  • Informatics strategies for disaster response nursing.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of nursing alerts and reminders.

Health Promotion Nursing Capstone Project Ideas

Health promotion in nursing focuses on the overall community's well-being, preventive measures, and education. Here are project ideas for health promotion in various settings:

  • Community smoking cessation programs.
  • Workplace wellness initiatives.
  • School-based obesity prevention strategies.
  • Vaccination awareness and outreach campaigns.
  • Mental health first aid training workshops.
  • Nutrition education programs in community centers.
  • Exercise promotion through public health campaigns.
  • Stress management seminars for corporate employees.
  • Prevention of chronic diseases through lifestyle modifications.
  • Health screenings in underserved communities.
  • Digital health literacy improvement projects.
  • Alcohol abuse prevention programs for teenagers.
  • Breastfeeding support and promotion.
  • Sleep health education in schools and workplaces.
  • Heart health community workshops.
  • Diabetes self-management educational programs.
  • Sexual health and STD prevention campaigns.
  • Environmental health initiatives.
  • Programs to reduce health disparities in minority populations.
  • Geriatric wellness programs to promote healthy aging.

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Cardiovascular Nursing Capstone Project Ideas

Cardiovascular nursing focuses on the care of patients with heart and vascular conditions. Here are project ideas for improving cardiovascular health and patient care:

  • Post-heart attack rehabilitation programs.
  • Hypertension management strategies in primary care.
  • Educating patients on heart-healthy diets.
  • Mobile apps for tracking cardiac patient recovery.
  • Early detection methods for heart disease.
  • Exercise programs to reduce cardiovascular risk.
  • Stress management interventions for cardiac patients.
  • Monitoring and managing heart failure at home.
  • Patient education on the signs of stroke.
  • Innovations in cardiac telemetry monitoring.
  • Improving medication adherence in cardiac patients.
  • Community outreach for heart disease prevention.
  • The role of nurses in cardiac catheterization labs.
  • Developing protocols for rapid response to heart attacks.
  • Smoking cessation programs targeting heart health.
  • Enhancing patient outcomes in cardiac surgery recovery.
  • Diet and lifestyle coaching for cholesterol management.
  • Integrating mental health care in cardiac rehabilitation.
  • Evaluating the impact of support groups on cardiac patient outcomes.

General Nursing Capstone Project Topics

General nursing covers a wide array of patient care areas, offering diverse opportunities for impactful capstone projects. Here are project ideas that span across various aspects of nursing practice:

  • Improving patient education for chronic disease management.
  • Strategies to enhance nurse-patient communication.
  • Reducing hospital-acquired infections.
  • Pain management protocols in postoperative care.
  • Effective discharge planning to prevent readmissions.
  • Nurse-led initiatives for improving patient satisfaction.
  • Developing cultural competence training programs.
  • Implementing evidence-based practices in nursing care.
  • Enhancing teamwork and collaboration among nursing staff.
  • Innovations in wound care management.
  • Assessing the effectiveness of nurse residency programs.
  • Improving medication administration safety.
  • End-of-life care best practices.
  • The role of nurses in health policy advocacy.
  • Managing nursing burnout and improving work-life balance.
  • Patient safety improvements in surgical units.
  • Telehealth implementation in primary care nursing.
  • Developing patient-centered care models.
  • Strategies for improving mental health support in nursing.
  • Evaluating the impact of continuing education on nursing practice.

Palliative Care Nursing Capstone Project Ideas

Palliative care nursing focuses on providing comfort and support to patients with serious illnesses. Here are project ideas that aim to improve the quality of life for patients and their families in palliative care settings:

  • Better communication in palliative care teams.
  • Effective pain management at the end of life.
  • Creating holistic care plans for terminal patients.
  • Including mental health support in palliative care.
  • Educating families about end-of-life care.
  • Improving life quality for advanced cancer patients.
  • Introducing advance care planning talks.
  • The role of spiritual care in palliative settings.
  • Palliative care approaches for non-cancer patients.
  • Managing symptoms in hospice care.
  • Home-based palliative care effectiveness.
  • Support for caregivers of palliative patients.
  • Palliative care for dementia patients.
  • Addressing ethical issues in palliative nursing.
  • Cultural sensitivity in delivering palliative care.
  • Supporting patient autonomy in end-of-life decisions.
  • Using technology in palliative care (like telemedicine).
  • Bereavement support for families.
  • Palliative care in pediatric settings.
  • Improving teamwork in palliative care.

Education and Training Nursing Capstone Project Ideas

Nursing education is all about getting future nurses ready for the real world, and it's important to keep finding better ways to do that. These capstone project ideas aim to improve how we teach and train nurses, making sure they’re prepared for whatever comes their way:

  • Developing simulation-based learning modules.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of online nursing courses.
  • Enhancing clinical training through mentorship programs.
  • Implementing flipped classroom models in nursing education.
  • Integrating interprofessional education into nursing curricula.
  • Strategies to improve critical thinking skills in nursing students.
  • Assessing the impact of continuing education on nursing practice.
  • Improving student engagement in nursing lectures.
  • Developing cultural competence training for nursing students.
  • Using virtual reality for nursing skill training.
  • Creating stress management workshops for nursing students.
  • Implementing evidence-based practice in nursing education.
  • The role of peer teaching in nursing training.
  • Enhancing communication skills through simulation exercises.
  • Evaluating the impact of competency-based assessments.
  • Developing online resources for nursing student support.
  • Integrating patient safety education into nursing programs.
  • Strategies for effective nursing faculty development.
  • Improving transition programs from student to professional nurse.
  • Assessing the effectiveness of hands-on lab training.

If you still have the question, "Who can write my capstone project ?" we've got you covered. EssayPro’s professional writers are here to assist you every step of the way.

Infectious Disease Control Nursing Capstone Project Ideas

Keeping infections under control is a big part of protecting patients and the community, especially in healthcare settings. These capstone project ideas focus on finding better ways to prevent, manage, and respond to the spread of infections:

  • Developing protocols for infection prevention in hospitals.
  • Hand hygiene education programs for healthcare workers.
  • Strategies to reduce antibiotic resistance in healthcare settings.
  • Improving vaccination rates in underserved communities.
  • Implementing isolation procedures for contagious diseases.
  • Developing public health campaigns on infectious disease awareness.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of infection control policies.
  • Training programs for handling outbreaks in healthcare facilities.
  • Use of telemedicine for monitoring infectious diseases.
  • Best practices for disinfecting medical equipment.
  • Contact tracing methods for controlling disease spread.
  • Assessing the impact of global travel on disease transmission.
  • Enhancing infection control in long-term care facilities.
  • Strategies for managing seasonal flu outbreaks.
  • Education programs on the importance of herd immunity.
  • Developing protocols for managing emerging infectious diseases.
  • Improving personal protective equipment (PPE) usage compliance.
  • Community-based initiatives for controlling vector-borne diseases.
  • Evaluating quarantine measures during pandemics.
  • Creating mobile health units for rapid response to outbreaks.

Ethics and Ethical Dilemmas Nursing Capstone Project Ideas

Navigating ethical dilemmas is a core part of nursing, where decisions can deeply impact patient care. These capstone project ideas focus on exploring and resolving the complex ethical issues that nurses face in their daily practice:

  • Addressing patient autonomy in end-of-life decisions.
  • Ethical considerations in allocating limited resources.
  • Managing conflicts between patient care and religious beliefs.
  • Informed consent in vulnerable populations.
  • Balancing patient confidentiality with public safety.
  • Ethical issues in pediatric care decisions.
  • The role of ethics committees in healthcare settings.
  • Handling ethical dilemmas in mental health nursing.
  • Nurse advocacy in cases of patient neglect or abuse.
  • Navigating dual loyalty conflicts in nursing practice.
  • Ethical challenges in pain management and opioid use.
  • Cultural sensitivity and ethical decision-making.
  • The impact of ethical dilemmas on nurse burnout.
  • Ethical issues in the use of advanced medical technologies.
  • Managing patient relationships and professional boundaries.
  • Ethical considerations in genetic testing and counseling.
  • Addressing biases in nursing practice.
  • The role of ethics in nursing leadership.
  • Ethical dilemmas in care for undocumented patients.
  • Balancing cost-effectiveness with patient care quality.

For more comprehensive support, consider nursing essay writing help to get through your capstone project and other nursing papers.

Ace Your Nursing Capstone Project

From topic selection to final edits, our professional writing services ensure your nursing capstone project shines.

How to Choose a Good Topic for a Nursing Capstone Project

Choosing the right nursing capstone project topics can feel like a big decision. It’s your opportunity to apply everything you’ve learned and make a real difference in healthcare. But with so many possibilities, it can be hard to know where to start.

Here are some tips to help you pick a topic:

Smart Tip How It Helps Your Project
🧠 Follow Your Interests Pick a topic that genuinely excites you. For example, if you’re passionate about pediatric care, you might focus on improving communication techniques with young patients.
🔍 Research Thoroughly Look into current nursing capstone project topics to find gaps in the field. For instance, you could explore the effectiveness of telehealth in rural healthcare settings if you notice a lack of research there.
📚 Consider Your Career Goals Align your topic with your future nursing career. If you aim to specialize in cardiac care, consider a project on recovery protocols for heart surgery patients, making your project relevant to your future.
⏰ Keep It Manageable Choose a topic that fits within your time and resources. For example, instead of tackling hospital-wide infection control, focus on hand hygiene practices in a single department to keep it achievable.
💬 Seek Feedback Discuss your ideas with mentors or colleagues. They might suggest refining a broad topic like "nurse burnout" into something more specific, such as "impact of shift length on nurse burnout in emergency departments."

We hope these tips have helped you find the perfect topic that excites and motivates you. Good luck with your nursing capstone projects, and may it pave the way for a rewarding career in healthcare!

Adam Jason

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

capstone project on breastfeeding

Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U). (2015). Falling Short? College Learning and Career Success.

Social Studies Topics: Philosophy, Economics, Culture & More!

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New Mexico State University Honors College

Recommended format for capstone project proposal.

This proposal format should work for almost any piece of original research, scholarship, or creative work. Depending on the needs of the project and the conventions of the discipline, faculty sponsors might request different information or additional details to confirm the project quality. Although there is no minimum length requirement for this proposal, it would be difficult to address the requirements in less than two single-spaced pages. Proposals that are more fully developed (e.g., literature review/methods) may also be used as the first draft of final papers to be submitted later!

Outline of Reccomended Sections

Cover page with:

  • Student Name

Project Summary A brief summary of the overall goal of the project and the final outcomes to be developed from the work.

Literature Review or Annotated Work to Support the Project Although the capstone is an original project it is certainly based on, or influenced by previous research, scholarship, or creative work in the field. To document the foundation for this work, proposals should include a minimum of five references that establish the significance and meaning of the proposed project.

Methods of Project Although the nature of the work will vary widely depending on the project to be completed, students must first provide a detailed description of the steps to be taken to complete the project. This is an opportunity for the student and advisor to ensure that the steps in the process from inception to completion are clearly identified in advance. For research projects, this will be the procedures and nature of the analysis. For an original creative activity, this might be the steps in the creative process to develop the final product.

Timeline From the initial development of the project (which could have begun even before the proposal) to the final sharing of the end products, the timeline should spell out target deadlines for pieces of the process to ensure timely completion.

Final Product Regardless of the format of the work, all students are expected to submit a final written report as part of their end product. The written report might be a major final paper itself but for other students, (e.g., creative work) the report might be more like an artist statement or reflection on the work completed. Although there is not formal page limit, almost all capstone papers will be 10+ pages in length but this is dependant on the discipline and the proposal (e.g., mathematical proof, brief research report with poster presentation for conference, 100 pages of a novel).

Dissemination All capstone work should be developed with a plan for dissemination - proposals should specify where this work can be shared. Students can share on campus at URCAS, RCW, or structured exhibitions, but everyone is encouraged to design their work to also share off campus in professional settings, at research conferences, or other public exhibitions.

References A reference list of work cited in the proposal must be included in whatever format is appropriate to the discipline.

Capstone Approval HNRS capstone credits cannot be added to the student schedule until the student has submitted the proposal to the Honors College Office with verification of support from the advisor (signature on the cover page next to name) or email from the advisor.

Criteria for Evaluation Although the Dean of Honors will record the final grade for the capstone project, the faculty advisor is the one to determine the grade. Students should clarify with their advisor how their final grade will be assigned!

Budget Although limited financial support for projects may be available from the Honors Office or other University sources, students are responsible for ensuring that they have adequate resources to complete their project before committing to the work. Please discuss the budget requirements with your advisor in advance!

Course Substitution It is possible to substitute a similar capstone project required in a major outside of Honors, but students that wish to petition for this must meet the same standards of the Honors Capstone. Petitions must be made with a proposal the semester in advance of the work. Please get approval from your advisor and Dean Camarena in advance to ensure this can be approved.

Capstone Project Form

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  • MPP Students Conduct International Fieldwork for Capstone Project

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Five graduate students from the University of Maryland School of Public Policy received funding to take their capstone project research global, conducting fieldwork across four continents during the 2023-2024 academic year. This new opportunity for hands-on learning was spearheaded by David Backer, research professor and instructor for the ISEP/IDEV capstone project.

The program, which kicked off in January 2024, saw students traveling to Senegal, Ghana, Kenya, Taiwan and Central America. Each journey was uniquely tailored to the student's research focus, providing unparalleled opportunities for face-to-face meetings, primary data collection, and visits to significant sites.

Jahi Madzimoyo's work took him to the historic Gorée Island in Senegal. Partnering with the local Historical Museum, Madzimoyo delved into sustainable tourism solutions for World Heritage Sites, conducting in-depth interviews with residents to understand their experiences and priorities for culturally sensitive economic development.

Meanwhile, Alexa Schmid collaborated with UMD Professor John McCauley in Ghana on a USAID-funded project. Her research focused on the challenges facing Ghana's democracy, involving interviews with civil society actors about pressing issues in the context of upcoming national elections. 

Samira Mudd traveled to Kenya, where she worked with Action Against Hunger. Mudd's project involved analyzing and mapping outreach sites to combat malnutrition, requiring her to meet with personnel in Nairobi and local clinics to understand their data management needs. 

Olivia Parker's research brought her to Taiwan in March 2024. Working with the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command's Center for Excellence and Disaster Management, Parker assessed the capabilities of Taiwan's humanitarian organizations in addressing future disaster scenarios. 

In April 2024, the program's reach extended to Central America, where Carmen Chamorro's project on civil society strategies to counteract state-based disinformation brought together activists from El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. Chamorro's work culminated in a special CISSM Global Forum on "Democratic Backsliding in Central America," which drew over 125 attendees in a hybrid format. 

While enriching, these international experiences required substantial logistical planning and funding. Support came from various sources, including CISSM's  John Steinbruner Endowed Student Support Fund in Public Policy, SPP's Development Office, the  Civic Innovation Center ,  Maryland Democracy Initiative , Latin American and Caribbean Studies Center, U.S. Latina/o Studies Program, La Gente, Action Against Hunger, and USAID.

The success of this initiative has been met with enthusiasm from all quarters. It has enhanced the quality of capstone projects and provided students with invaluable experiential learning and career development opportunities. Looking to the future, there are plans to scale up the program, focusing on increasing the number of students undertaking both domestic and international fieldwork.

With this innovative approach to graduate education, the School of Public Policy is not just preparing students for the global stage – it's giving them a front-row seat to international policy challenges and solutions. 

  • Center for Intl. & Security Studies at Maryland
  • International Policy
  • [email protected]
  • (301) 405-4390

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