1. Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

    Entangled states are a key resource in fundamental quantum physics, quantum cryptography, and quantum computation. In this thesis, we focus on the demonstrations of two novel methods to generate entanglement. First, we implement dissipative production of a maximally entangled steady state on two trapped ions.

  2. PDF Development of new tools to detect, characterize and quantify quantum

    Quantum entanglement is a key property of quantum information theory, that is at ... vative technologies has reinforced the need for a better understanding of entanglement. The aim of this thesis is to contribute to this effort through the development of new tools ... Carrying out a PhD thesis is a long journey but, fortunately, I was not ...

  3. Entangling, Controlling, and Detecting Individual Strontium Atoms in

    We present a novel experimental platform for quantum and precision science: single strontium atoms trapped in arrays of optical tweezers. ... coherent control of the ultra-narrow clock transition; and inter-atom entanglement via Rydberg interactions. In the context of single-atom physics, we demonstrate trapping in tweezer arrays of one- and ...

  4. A Quantum Thesis Comes to Light

    A Quantum Thesis Comes to Light. Leonard Kasday's PhD work on quantum entanglement, a subject that won the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics, is now digitally available. By. Ellen Neff. October 02, 2023. A schematic from Kasday's thesis experiment, one of the first to look for quantum entanglement using Bell inequalities.

  5. High-performance quantum entanglement generation via cascaded ...

    Quantum entanglement in different degrees of freedom is prepared and characterized with the setups shown in Fig. 2a-e. Figure 2a shows the experimental setup for generating correlated/entangled ...

  6. Coherent Control of Entanglement with Atomic Ensembles

    In this thesis, I describe a series of experiments whereby single excitations in atomic ensembles are strongly coupled to optical modes and provide efficient means for the coherent control of entangled states between matter and light. By following the seminal proposal by Duan et al., we have generated measurement-induced entanglement of an ...

  7. Doctoral Theses

    An elementary quantum network of entangled optical atomic clocks Bethan Nichol, 2022. Demonstration of entanglement-enhanced frequency comparison of two optical atomic clocks based on the 674nm quadrupole transition of 88 Sr + ions, which are linked by a quantum-optical fibre link (\(\approx 2\)m long). We show that the use of an entangled ...

  8. PDF Spin squeezing and entanglement with room temperature atoms for quantum

    The work presented in this dissertation is a summary of research carried out between Sep 2011 and Jan 2015 as a PhD candidate in the Danish National Research Foundation Center for Quantum Optics (QUANTOP group) led by professor Eugene Polzik at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen. In the beginning of my PhD study, I had the pleasure

  9. Norms and Cones in the Theory of Quantum Entanglement

    View a PDF of the paper titled Norms and Cones in the Theory of Quantum Entanglement, by Nathaniel Johnston. ... PhD thesis. 301 pages, 11 figures, 5 tables, 260 references: Subjects: Quantum Physics (quant-ph) Cite as: arXiv:1207.1479 [quant-ph] (or arXiv:1207.1479v1 [quant-ph] for this version)

  10. PhD thesis: Multipartite entanglement and quantum algorithms

    PhD thesis dealing with various aspects of multipartite entanglement, such as entanglement measures, absolutely maximally entangled states, bell inequalities, entanglement spectrum and quantum frustration. Also some quantum algorithms run with the IBM quantum computer are covered, together with others applied to adiabatic quantum computation and quantum thermodynamics.

  11. DataSpace: Quantum Order, Entanglement and Localization in Many-Body

    The next part of the thesis addresses the role of quantum entanglement, broadly speaking. Remarkably, it was shown that even highly-excited MBL eigenstates have low area-law entanglement. We exploit this feature to develop tensor-network based algorithms for efficiently computing and representing highly-excited MBL eigenstates.

  12. Spontaneous Parametric Down-Conversion and Quantum Entanglement

    Abstract. Quantum entanglement has been a topic of much research in modern physics, and an application in quantum computing is envisioned. This thesis address the use of polarization entangled photon pairs produced by spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC) in entanglement transfer process and quantum computing.

  13. Entanglement between nodes of a quantum network

    Entanglement between nodes of a quantum network. Abstract: Quantum devices are rapidly gaining momentum as a technology that will induce a paradigm shift in computing, communication and cryptography. Trapped ion qubits are one of the leading candidates for implementing a quantum computer, having previously demonstrated all of the required criteria.

  14. PDF Gregory, Thomas (2022) Quantum enhanced imaging. PhD thesis

    viously employed. The work presented in this thesis seeks to utilise the spatial correlations between entangled photon-pairs to improve quantum imaging techniques such that quantum-enhanced imaging may be applied in real-world applications. Such applications included in this

  15. Norms and Cones in the Theory of Quantum Entanglement

    Official thesis at the University of Guelph Electronic Theses website (PDF only) Copy of thesis from arXiv:1207.1479 [quant-ph] Defence presentation slideshow - PDF, TeX; Cite as: N. Johnston. Norms and Cones in the Theory of Quantum Entanglement. PhD thesis, University of Guelph, 2012. Related Papers:

  16. PDF Quantum Information, Entanglement and Magnetometry With Macroscopic Gas

    gled states of light are stored in a quantum memory consisting of two separate atomic ensembles. The atomic system is also used as a sensor for magnetic fields. The magnetometer has a high sensitivity mainly limited by quantum projection noise. Entanglement-assisted magnetometry is demonstrated. Long-lived atomic entanglement is generated by ...

  17. PDF Entanglement in quantum communication

    Entanglement in quantum communication Preparation and characterization of photonic qubits DANIEL LJUNGGREN Doctoral Thesis Stockholm, Sweden 2006

  18. Control, measurement and entanglement of remote quantum spin registers

    A quantum network is the essential resource for distributed quantum computation and the enabling technology for secure quantum communication over large distances. Setting up such a network would require establishing quantum connections between local nodes which are capable of generating, processing and storing quantum information.

  19. Cavity mode entanglement in relativistic quantum information

    In this thesis we present such a model, the rigid relativistic cavity, and its extensions, focusing on the effects of motion on entanglement and applications such as quantum teleportation. We study cavities in (1+1) dimensions undergoing non-uniform motion, consisting of segments of uniform acceleration and inertial motion of arbitrary duration ...

  20. Quantum entanglement of the spatial modes of light

    This thesis is a dissemination of the experimental work I have carried out in the last three and a half years, under supervision of Prof. Miles Padgett and Dr. Sonja Franke-Arnold. Presented within are seven unique experiments investigating the orbital angular momentum (OAM) states of light, and the associated spatial modes. Six of these experiments relate to measurements on quantum-entangled ...

  21. Thesis

    2014. Manipulating quantum entanglement with atomic ensembles and with atoms in optical superlattices : towards scalable quantum information processing. »Author: Xiao-Fan Xu. »Reference: PhD thesis, Universität Heidelberg: The Faculty of Physics and Astronomy. Quantum manipulation of (ultra-)cold atom systems for information processing.

  22. Quantum entanglement just got a whole lot weirder

    (Credit: S. Freedman, PhD Thesis/LBNL, 1972) It's for this reason that quantum entanglement is often described as spooky and counterintuitive. However, quantum entanglement experiments usually ...

  23. [quant-ph/0610253] Entanglement in quantum information theory

    Entanglement in quantum information theory. J. Eisert. View a PDF of the paper titled Entanglement in quantum information theory, by J. Eisert. This thesis covers several aspects of entanglement in the context of quantum information theory. Comments: 153 pages, 30 figures. An ancient PhD thesis, covering the time period April 1998 - December 2000.