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How to use Solver in Excel with examples

Svetlana Cheusheva

The tutorial explains how to add and where to find Solver in different Excel versions, from 2016 to 2003. Step-by-step examples show how to use Excel Solver to find optimal solutions for linear programming and other kinds of problems.

Everyone knows that Microsoft Excel contains a lot of useful functions and powerful tools that can save you hours of calculations. But did you know that it also has a tool that can help you find optimal solutions for decision problems?

In this tutorial, we are going to cover all essential aspects of the Excel Solver add-in and provide a step-by-step guide on how to use it most effectively.

What is Excel Solver?

Excel Solver belongs to a special set of commands often referred to as What-if Analysis Tools. It is primarily purposed for simulation and optimization of various business and engineering models.

The Excel Solver add-in is especially useful for solving linear programming problems, aka linear optimization problems, and therefore is sometimes called a linear programming solver . Apart from that, it can handle smooth nonlinear and non-smooth problems. Please see Excel Solver algorithms for more details.

How to add Solver to Excel

The Solver add-in is included with all versions of Microsoft Excel beginning with 2003, but it is not enabled by default.

To add Solver to your Excel, perform the following steps:

  • In Excel 2010 - Excel 365, click File > Options . In Excel 2007, click the Microsoft Office button, and then click Excel Options .

Open the Excel Options dialog to get to the Excel Add-ins list.

To get Solver on Excel 2003 , go to the Tools menu, and click Add-Ins . In the Add-Ins available list, check the Solver Add-in box, and click OK .

Where is Solver in Excel?

The Solver button in Excel

Where is Solver in Excel 2003?

Solver in Excel 2003

Now that you know where to find Solver in Excel, open a new worksheet and let's get started!

How to use Solver in Excel

Before running the Excel Solver add-in, formulate the model you want to solve in a worksheet. In this example, let's find a solution for the following simple optimization problem.

Problem . Supposing, you are the owner of a beauty salon and you are planning on providing a new service to your clients. For this, you need to buy a new equipment that costs $40,000, which should be paid by instalments within 12 months.

Goal : Calculate the minimal cost per service that will let you pay for the new equipment within the specified timeframe.

A simple optimization model to solve

And now, let's see how Excel Solver can find a solution for this problem.

1. Run Excel Solver

2. define the problem.

The Solver Parameters window will open where you have to set up the 3 primary components:

  • Objective cell

Variable cells


Exactly what does Excel Solver do with the above parameters? It finds the optimal value (maximum, minimum or specified) for the formula in the Objective cell by changing the values in the Variable cells, and subject to limitations in the Constraints cells.

The Objective cell ( Target cell in earlier Excel versions) is the cell containing a formula that represents the objective, or goal, of the problem. The objective can be to maximize, minimize, or achieve some target value.

Setting the objective

Variable cells ( Changing cells or Adjustable cells in earlier versions) are cells that contain variable data that can be changed to achieve the objective. Excel Solver allows specifying up to 200 variable cells.

In this example, we have a couple of cells whose values can be changed:

  • Projected clients per month (B4) that should be less than or equal to 50; and
  • Cost per service (B5) that we want Excel Solver to calculate.

Specifying Variable cells

The Excel Solver Constrains are restrictions or limits of the possible solutions to the problem. To put it differently, constraints are the conditions that must be met.

To add a constraint(s), do the following:

  • Click the Add button right to the " Subject to the Constraints " box.

Adding a constraint

  • In the Constraint window, enter a constraint.
  • Click the Add button to add the constraint to the list.

Click the Add button to add the constraint to the list.

  • Continue entering other constraints.
  • After you have entered the final constraint, click OK to return to the main Solver Parameters window.

Excel Solver allows specifying the following relationships between the referenced cell and the constraint.

  • Less than or equal to , equal to , and greater than or equal to . You set these relationships by selecting a cell in the Cell Reference box, choosing one of the following signs: <= , =, or >= , and then typing a number, cell reference / cell name, or formula in the Constraint box (please see the above screenshot).
  • Integer . If the referenced cell must be an integer, select int , and the word integer will appear in the Constraint box.
  • Different values . If each cell in the referenced range must contain a different value, select dif , and the word AllDifferent will appear in the Constraint box.
  • Binary . If you want to limit a referenced cell either to 0 or 1, select bin , and the word binary will appear in the Constraint box.

To edit or delete an existing constraint do the following:

  • In the Solver Parameters dialog box, click the constraint.
  • To modify the selected constraint, click Change and make the changes you want.
  • To delete the constraint, click the Delete button.

In this example, the constraints are:

  • B3=40000 - cost of the new equipment is $40,000.
  • B4<=50 - the number of projected patients per month in under 50.

Excel Solver Constraints

3. Solve the problem

After you've configured all the parameters, click the Solve button at the bottom of the Solver Parameters window (see the screenshot above) and let the Excel Solver add-in find the optimal solution for your problem.

Depending on the model complexity, computer memory and processor speed, it may take a few seconds, a few minutes, or even a few hours.

The Solver Results dialog window

The Solver Result window will close and the solution will appear on the worksheet right away.

The solution for the problem is found.

  • If the Excel Solver has been processing a certain problem for too long, you can interrupt the process by pressing the Esc key. Excel will recalculate the worksheet with the last values found for the Variable cells.
  • To get more details about the solved problem, click a report type in the Reports box, and then click OK . The report will be created on a new worksheet:

Excel Solver Reports

Excel Solver examples

Below you will find two more examples of using the Excel Solver addin. First, we will find a solution for a well-known puzzle, and then solve a real-life linear programming problem.

Excel Solver example 1 (magic square)

I believe everyone is familiar with "magic square" puzzles where you have to put a set of numbers in a square so that all rows, columns and diagonals add up to a certain number.

For instance, do you know a solution for the 3x3 square containing numbers from 1 to 9 where each row, column and diagonal adds up to 15?

It's probably no big deal to solve this puzzle by trial and error, but I bet the Solver will find the solution faster. Our part of the job is to properly define the problem.

The magic square puzzle to solve

With all the formulas in place, run Solver and set up the following parameters:

  • Set Objective . In this example, we don't need to set any objective, so leave this box empty.
  • Variable Cells . We want to populate numbers in cells B2 to D4, so select the range B2:D4.
  • $B$2:$D$4 = AllDifferent - all of the Variable cells should contain different values.
  • $B$2:$D$4 = integer - all of the Variable cells should be integers.
  • $B$5:$D$5 = 15 - the sum of values in each column should equal 15.
  • $E$2:$E$4 = 15 - the sum of values in each row should equal 15.
  • $B$7:$B$8 = 15 - the sum of both diagonals should equal 15.

Set up the Excel Solver parameters.

Excel Solver example 2 (linear programming problem)

This is an example of a simple transportation optimization problem with a linear objective. More complex optimization models of this kind are used by many companies to save thousands of dollars each year.

Problem : You want to minimize the cost of shipping goods from 2 different warehouses to 4 different customers. Each warehouse has a limited supply and each customer has a certain demand.

Goal : Minimize the total shipping cost, not exceeding the quantity available at each warehouse, and meeting the demand of each customer.

Source data

Transportation optimization model

Formulating the model

To define our linear programming problem for the Excel Solver, let's answer the 3 main questions:

  • What decisions are to be made? We want to calculate the optimal quantity of goods to deliver to each customer from each warehouse. These are Variable cells (B7:E8).
  • What are the constraints? The supplies available at each warehouse (I7:I8) cannot be exceeded, and the quantity ordered by each customer (B10:E10) should be delivered. These are Constrained cells .
  • What is the goal? The minimal total cost of shipping. And this is our Objective cell (C12).

Formulating the model using Excel formulas

To make our transportation optimization model easier to understand, create the following named ranges:

Range name Cells Solver parameter
Products_shipped B7:E8 Variable cells
Available I7:I8 Constraint
Total_shipped G7:G8 Constraint
Ordered B10:E10 Constraint
Total_received B9:E9 Constraint
Shipping_cost C12 Objective

The last thing left for you to do is configure the Excel Solver parameters:

  • Objective: Shipping_cost set to Min
  • Variable cells: Products_shipped
  • Constraints: Total_received = Ordered and Total_shipped <= Available

Configure the Excel Solver parameters.

How to save and load Excel Solver scenarios

When solving a certain model, you may want to save your Variable cell values as a scenario that you can view or re-use later.

For example, when calculating the minimal service cost in the very first example discussed in this tutorial, you may want to try different numbers of projected clients per month and see how that affects the service cost. At that, you may want to save the most probable scenario you've already calculated and restore it at any moment.

Saving an Excel Solver scenario boils down to selecting a range of cells to save the data in. Loading a Solver model is just a matter of providing Excel with the range of cells where your model is saved. The detailed steps follow below.

Saving the model

To save the Excel Solver scenario, perform the following steps:

  • Open the worksheet with the calculated model and run the Excel Solver.

Saving the Excel Solver scenario

  • Excel will save your current model, which may look something similar to this:

The current Excel Solver scenario is saved.

Loading the saved model

When you decide to restore the saved scenario, do the following:

  • In the Solver Parameters window, click the Load/Save button.

Select the range of cells containing the saved model and click Load.

  • This will open the main Excel Solver window with the parameters of the previously saved model. All you need to do is to click the Solve button to re-calculate it.

Excel Solver algorithms

When defining a problem for the Excel Solver, you can choose one of the following methods in the Select a Solving Method dropdown box:

  • GRG Nonlinear. Generalized Reduced Gradient Nonlinear algorithm is used for problems that are smooth nonlinear, i.e. in which at least one of the constraints is a smooth nonlinear function of the decision variables. More details can be found here .
  • LP Simplex . The Simplex LP Solving method is based the Simplex algorithm created by an American mathematical scientist George Dantzig. It is used for solving so called Linear Programming problems - mathematical models whose requirements are characterized by linear relationships, i.e. consist of a single objective represented by a linear equation that must be maximized or minimized. For more information, please check out this page .
  • Evolutionary . It is used for non-smooth problems, which are the most difficult type of optimization problems to solve because some of the functions are non-smooth or even discontinuous, and therefore it's difficult to determine the direction in which a function is increasing or decreasing. For more information, please see this page .

This is how you can use Solver in Excel to find the best solutions for your decision problems. At the end of this post, you can download the sample workbook with all the examples discussed in this tutorial and reverse-engineer them for better understanding. I thank you for reading and hope to see you on our blog next week.

Practice workbook for download

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  • Excel Shortcuts for Windows – Master Excel Shortcuts to save time and increase efficiency!
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  • SUM function – Sum multiple values in Excel
  • MAX – find the maximum value in a range
  • MIN – find the minimum value in a range
  • COUNT – Count numeric values in a range
  • COUNTA – Count numeric and textual values
  • AVERAGE – Calculate average of a range
  • Filtering in Excel – Learn how to filter your data using Excel’s Filter Tool
  • Excel Sort – Learn how to sort your data in Excel.
  • Flash Fill – Excel’s hidden gem for auto-completing data based on a pattern
  • Remove Duplicates – Remove duplicate values in a single column or multiple columns!



  • IF function – check if a condition is met
  • NESTED IF – Multiple if conditions
  • Conditional Formatting – Format Excel Cells based on criteria
  • COUNTIF – Count cells in range which meet a certain criteria
  • SUMIF – Sum range based on criteria
  • AVERAGEIF – Calculate the average of a range based on criteria
  • SUMIFS – Sum cells using multiple criteria
  • COUNTIFS – Count cells using multiple criteria
  • MAXIFS – Find maximum value in a range based on criteria
  • MINIFS – Find minimum value in a range based on criteria
  • AND/OR – Check if multiple criteria are met (Works great when combined with an IF function!)
  • ISBLANK – Check if a cell is blank or not
  • VLOOKUP – lookup value and return corresponding value from a table
  • HLOOKUP – lookup value and return corresponding value from a table
  • Hot!!! XLOOKUP – Excel’s next generation lookup function which combines the best features from VLOOKUP, INDEX MATCH, HLOOKUP and IFERROR/IFNA

Pivot tables

  • Pivot Table – Quickly Analyze and Summarize your data using Excel’s most powerful tool!

Text Formulas

  • LEFT, MID, RIGHT – Basic Text Functions
  • HOT! – TEXTBEFORE & TEXTAFTER – Extract text before or after a delimiter using Excel’s brand new powerful functions!
  • HOT! – TEXTSPLIT – Split your text into multiple cells using this super powerful new function!
  • TEXTJOIN – Easily combine multiple cells using delimiter
  • CONCAT – Combine range of cells without delimiter
  • CONCATENATE – Combine two cells or more into one cell
  • LEN – Find the length of a cell
  • FIND – Find the position of a text within another text (Case-sensitive)
  • SEARCH – Find the position of a text within another text (Case-insensitive)
  • SUBSTITUTE – Replace text with another text in a cell/expression
  • TRIM – Remove extra spaces from the text
  • LOWER, UPPER, PROPER – Convert text to lowercase, uppercase and proper case
  • VALUE – Convert data stored as text into values
  • TEXT – Convert and format numbers into text
  • Text to Columns – Quickly split a column into multiple columns using a delimiter. Bonus – Quickly change date formats or convert text to numbers!
  • FORMULATEXT – display a formula in another cell as text

Date functions

  • DAY, MONTH, YEAR – Extract day, month and year from a date in Excel
  • DATE – Create a date from individual values
  • WEEKDAY – Return the number of the day of the week
  • EOMONTH – Return the date of the last day of the month based on a specific date

Index & Match lookup

  • INDEX – Retrieve cell in nth position in a range
  • MATCH – Find position of value in a range
  • INDEX MATCH – Just like VLOOKUP, only better.

Other advanced tools

  • SUMPRODUCT – Sum the products of Excel ranges
  • Excel Wildcards – Advanced searching and matching in Excel
  • Advanced Filter – Filter by multiple criteria in the same column, or even in different columns!

Power Query

  • Combine data from multiple Excel workbooks using Power Query
  • Column from Examples tool – Learn the secret to mastering Power Query without any prior knowledge!
  • Unpivot columns easily using Power Query

Secret Excel Functions

This section covers Excel functions that are not available in most of Excel’s versions. These functions will unlock a new set of capabilities such as fining only unique values, sorting, and filtering – the tutorials below will help you with mastering Excel’s new functions!

  • UNIQUE – Extract unique values from a range
  • SORT Function – Sort range dynamically
  • SORTBY – Sort range dynamically by using another range
  • FILTER Function – Filter range by specific criteria
  • RANDARRAY – Create an array of random numbers 
  • SEQUENCE – Create a range of sequential values
  • LET – Assign values and calculations to names to improve your formula’s ease of use, readability, and performance!
  • HOT! – LAMBDA – The mother of all functions that will help you create amazing and powerful custom functions for your own need! 
  • VSTACK – Vertically stack arrays/ranges in Excel
  • HSTACK – Horizontally stack arrays/ranges in Excel
  • CHOOSEROWS – Return specific rows from a range or array
  • CHOOSECOLS – Return specific columns from a range or array
  • TOROW – Convert a range/array into a single row
  • TOCOL – Convert a range/array into a single column

Financial Functions

Learn how to use Excel to make financial calculations!

  • Excel Financial Calculator – quickly calculate PV, FV, PMT, NPV, IRR
  • PMT – Calculate the periodic payment amount of a loan, mortgage, or another financial instrument
  • PPMT & IPMT – Find the Principal and Interest portion of a certain payment
  • PV – Find the Present Value of a loan, mortgage, or any other financial instrument 

Excel Macros – VBA (Visual Basic for Applications)

  • Start here – How to run your first VBA Macro in Excel without knowing VBA? 

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problem solving questions in excel

Define and solve a problem by using Solver

Solver is a Microsoft Excel add-in program you can use for what-if analysis. Use Solver to find an optimal (maximum or minimum) value for a formula in one cell — called the objective cell — subject to constraints, or limits, on the values of other formula cells on a worksheet. Solver works with a group of cells, called decision variables or simply variable cells that are used in computing the formulas in the objective and constraint cells. Solver adjusts the values in the decision variable cells to satisfy the limits on constraint cells and produce the result you want for the objective cell.

Put simply, you can use Solver to determine the maximum or minimum value of one cell by changing other cells. For example, you can change the amount of your projected advertising budget and see the effect on your projected profit amount.

Example of a Solver evaluation

In the following example, the level of advertising in each quarter affects the number of units sold, indirectly determining the amount of sales revenue, the associated expenses, and the profit. Solver can change the quarterly budgets for advertising (decision variable cells B5:C5), up to a total budget constraint of $20,000 (cell F5), until the total profit (objective cell F7) reaches the maximum possible amount. The values in the variable cells are used to calculate the profit for each quarter, so they are related to the formula objective cell F7, =SUM (Q1 Profit:Q2 Profit).

1. Variable cells

2. Constrained cell

3. Objective cell

After Solver runs, the new values are as follows.

Define and solve a problem

Excel  Ribbon Image

Note:  If the Solver command or the Analysis group is not available, you need to activate the Solver add-in. See: How to activate the Solver add-in.

Image of the Excel 2010+ Solver dialog

In the Set Objective box, enter a cell reference or name for the objective cell. The objective cell must contain a formula.

Do one of the following:

If you want the value of the objective cell to be as large as possible, click Max .

If you want the value of the objective cell to be as small as possible, click Min .

If you want the objective cell to be a certain value, click Value of , and then type the value in the box.

In the By Changing Variable Cells box, enter a name or reference for each decision variable cell range. Separate the non-adjacent references with commas. The variable cells must be related directly or indirectly to the objective cell. You can specify up to 200 variable cells.

In the Subject to the Constraints box, enter any constraints that you want to apply by doing the following:

In the Solver Parameters dialog box, click Add .

In the Cell Reference box, enter the cell reference or name of the cell range for which you want to constrain the value.

Click the relationship ( <= , = , >= , int , bin , or dif ) that you want between the referenced cell and the constraint.If you click int , integer appears in the Constraint box. If you click bin , binary appears in the Constraint box. If you click dif , alldifferent appears in the Constraint box.

If you choose <=, =, or >= for the relationship in the Constraint box, type a number, a cell reference or name, or a formula.

To accept the constraint and add another, click Add .

To accept the constraint and return to the Solver Parameter s dialog box, click OK . Note     You can apply the int , bin , and dif relationships only in constraints on decision variable cells.

You can change or delete an existing constraint by doing the following:

In the Solver Parameters dialog box, click the constraint that you want to change or delete.

Click Change and then make your changes, or click Delete .

Click Solve and do one of the following:

To keep the solution values on the worksheet, in the Solver Results dialog box, click Keep Solver Solution .

To restore the original values before you clicked Solve , click Restore Original Values .

You can interrupt the solution process by pressing Esc. Excel recalculates the worksheet with the last values that are found for the decision variable cells.

To create a report that is based on your solution after Solver finds a solution, you can click a report type in the Reports box and then click OK . The report is created on a new worksheet in your workbook. If Solver doesn't find a solution, only certain reports or no reports are available.

To save your decision variable cell values as a scenario that you can display later, click Save Scenario in the Solver Results dialog box, and then type a name for the scenario in the Scenario Name box.

Step through Solver trial solutions

After you define a problem, click Options in the Solver Parameters dialog box.

In the Options dialog box, select the Show Iteration Results check box to see the values of each trial solution, and then click OK .

In the Solver Parameters dialog box, click Solve .

In the Show Trial Solution dialog box, do one of the following:

To stop the solution process and display the Solver Results dialog box, click Stop .

To continue the solution process and display the next trial solution, click Continue .

Change how Solver finds solutions

In the Solver Parameters dialog box, click Options .

Choose or enter values for any of the options on the All Methods , GRG Nonlinear , and Evolutionary tabs in the dialog box.

Save or load a problem model

In the Solver Parameters dialog box, click Load/Save .

Enter a cell range for the model area, and click either Save or Load .

When you save a model, enter the reference for the first cell of a vertical range of empty cells in which you want to place the problem model. When you load a model, enter the reference for the entire range of cells that contains the problem model.

Tip:  You can save the last selections in the Solver Parameters dialog box with a worksheet by saving the workbook. Each worksheet in a workbook may have its own Solver selections, and all of them are saved. You can also define more than one problem for a worksheet by clicking Load/Save to save problems individually.

Solving methods used by Solver

You can choose any of the following three algorithms or solving methods in the Solver Parameters dialog box:

Generalized Reduced Gradient (GRG) Nonlinear     Use for problems that are smooth nonlinear.

LP Simplex     Use for problems that are linear.

Evolutionary     Use for problems that are non-smooth.

Important:  You should enable the Solver add-in first. For more information, see Load the Solver add-in .

In the following example, the level of advertising in each quarter affects the number of units sold, indirectly determining the amount of sales revenue, the associated expenses, and the profit. Solver can change the quarterly budgets for advertising (decision variable cells B5:C5), up to a total budget constraint of $20,000 (cell D5), until the total profit (objective cell D7) reaches the maximum possible amount. The values in the variable cells are used to calculate the profit for each quarter, so they are related to the formula objective cell D7, =SUM(Q1 Profit:Q2 Profit).

problem solving questions in excel

Click Data > Solver .


In Set Objective , enter a cell reference or name for the objective cell.

Note:  The objective cell must contain a formula.

Make the value of the objective cell as large as possible

Click .

Make the value of the objective cell as small as possible

Click .

Set the objective cell to a certain value

Click , and then type the value in the box.

In the By Changing Variable Cells box, enter a name or reference for each decision variable cell range. Separate the nonadjacent references with commas.

The variable cells must be related directly or indirectly to the objective cell. You can specify up to 200 variable cells.

In the Subject to the Constraints box, add any constraints that you want to apply.

To add a constraint, follow these steps:

On the <= relationship pop-up menu, select the relationship that you want between the referenced cell and the constraint.If you choose <= , = , or >= , in the Constraint box, type a number, a cell reference or name, or a formula.

Note:  You can only apply the int, bin, and dif relationships in constraints on decision variable cells.

Accept the constraint and add another

Click .

Accept the constraint and return to the dialog box

Click .

Click Solve , and then do one of the following:

Keep the solution values on the sheet

Click in the dialog box.

Restore the original data

Click .

To interrupt the solution process, press ESC . Excel recalculates the sheet with the last values that are found for the adjustable cells.

To create a report that is based on your solution after Solver finds a solution, you can click a report type in the Reports box and then click OK . The report is created on a new sheet in your workbook. If Solver doesn't find a solution, the option to create a report is unavailable.

To save your adjusting cell values as a scenario that you can display later, click Save Scenario in the Solver Results dialog box, and then type a name for the scenario in the Scenario Name box.

After you define a problem, in the Solver Parameters dialog box, click Options .

Select the Show Iteration Results check box to see the values of each trial solution, and then click OK .

Stop the solution process and display the dialog box

Click .

Continue the solution process and display the next trial solution

Click .

Click Options , and then in the Options or Solver Options dialog box, choose one or more of the following options:

Set solution time and iterations

On the tab, under , in the box, type the number of seconds that you want to allow for the solution time. Then, in the box, type the maximum number of iterations that you want to allow.

If the solution process reaches the maximum time or number of iterations before Solver finds a solution, Solver displays the dialog box.

Set the degree of precision

On the tab, in the box, type the degree of precision that you want. The smaller the number, the higher the precision.

Set the degree of convergence

On the or tab, in the box, type the amount of relative change that you want to allow in the last five iterations before Solver stops with a solution. The smaller the number, the less relative change is allowed.

In the Solver Parameters dialog box, click Solve or Close .

Click Load/Save , enter a cell range for the model area, and then click either Save or Load .

Tip:  You can save the last selections in the Solver Parameters dialog box with a sheet by saving the workbook. Each sheet in a workbook may have its own Solver selections, and all of them are saved. You can also define more than one problem for a sheet by clicking Load/Save to save problems individually.

On the Select a Solving Method pop-up menu, select one of the following:

GRG (Generalized Reduced Gradient) Nonlinear

The default choice, for models using most Excel functions other than IF, CHOOSE, LOOKUP and other “step” functions.

Simplex LP

Use this method for linear programming problems. Your model should use SUM, SUMPRODUCT, + - and * in formulas that depend on the variable cells.


This method, based on genetic algorithms, is best when your model uses IF, CHOOSE, or LOOKUP with arguments that depend on the variable cells.

Note:  Portions of the Solver program code are copyright 1990-2010 by Frontline Systems, Inc. Portions are copyright 1989 by Optimal Methods, Inc.

Because add-in programs aren’t supported in Excel for the web, you won’t be able to use the Solver add-in to run what-if analysis on your data to help you find optimal solutions.

If you have the Excel desktop application, you can use the Open in Excel button to open your workbook to use the Solver add-in .

More help on using Solver

For more detailed help on Solver contact:

Frontline Systems, Inc. P.O. Box 4288 Incline Village, NV 89450-4288 (775) 831-0300 Web site: http://www.solver.com E-mail: [email protected] Solver Help at www.solver.com .

Portions of the Solver program code are copyright 1990-2009 by Frontline Systems, Inc. Portions are copyright 1989 by Optimal Methods, Inc.

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Using Solver for capital budgeting

Using Solver to determine the optimal product mix

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Welcome to the fun, hands-on way to learn Excel! My name is Jake and I'm known as a spreadsheet wizard around my office, but it wasn't a fast or easy process to get here. I watched several hours worth of Excel training videos, but found I didn't really master a formula until I actually got my hands dirty and used the formula at work. It took me a few years of working in finance and consulting- using Excel nearly every day- to internalize all the keyboard shortcuts and functions. I started wondering why there wasn't an easier and faster way to master Excel.

Like I mentioned before, I spent hours watching Excel training videos, but they were honestly kind of boring. I'd find myself zoning out and would need to rewind and re-watch each video two or three times. And without immediately putting the techniques from the videos into practice, I'd forget the techniques right after watching the video.

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These practice exercises aren't just engaging; they are actually fun. Score points by answering questions correctly and advance through the levels as you learn, rather than relying on boring memorization. You'll start by practicing some easy skills and work your way up to practicing more advanced techniques. By gradually introducing new concepts for you to practice, we make it easy to learn all the techniques you need to become an Excel master. Whether you're searching for easy Excel practice exercises or more advanced formula practice, Excel Exercises offers a fun learning experience for all skill levels - it doesn't even feel like learning!

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Excel Solver – Example and Step-by-Step Explanation

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Tired of struggling with complex problems in Excel? Excel Solver can help.

This powerful tool makes finding the best solutions easy. Unlike Goal Seek or the What-If tool, Solver goes beyond simple scenarios, tackling more complex optimization problems.

In this blog post, you’ll learn how to use Excel Solver with a simple example. Discover how it saves you time and improves your results. Boost your productivity and make better decisions with Excel Solver.

Keep reading to see how this feature can transform your workflow!

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Watch video tutorial

In this tutorial:

  • What is Excel Solver?
  • How to Add Solver to Excel
  • How to Use Solver in Excel - Example
  • Types of Solving Methods in Excel Solver
  • Using Solver for Complex What-If Problems with Constraints
  • Tips for Using Solver
  • Download the Workbook

Grab our practice workbook 👉 HERE and follow along:

Imagine you want to maximize your profit by adjusting prices and costs while keeping prices and costs within specific limits. Or, you need to allocate your remaining budget across multiple projects with certain spending constraints. Excel Solver can help you achieve these goals efficiently.

Excel Solver is a powerful tool in Microsoft Excel that helps you find the best solutions by adjusting multiple inputs. Use Solver in Excel to maximize or minimize outcomes like profit, cost, or efficiency.

Key Features of Excel Solver

  • Optimization : Solver helps you find the best values for your inputs to get the desired results. Increase profits, reduce costs, or meet specific targets easily.
  • Multiple Variables : Adjust several inputs at once, making Solver perfect for complex problems.
  • Constraints : Set limits for your inputs, such as keeping prices within a range or ensuring numbers are whole.
  • GRG Nonlinear: Best for nonlinear problems, finding a local best solution.
  • Simplex LP: Ideal for linear problems.
  • Evolutionary: Great for complex problems, finding a global best solution.

Often our students ask: Where is Solver in Excel?

Did you know the Microsoft Solver add-in is included with all versions of Excel since 2003, but it’s not enabled by default? Here’s how you can quickly activate it:

  • Open Excel: Start by opening your Excel application.
  • Go to File : Click on the “File” tab in the top left corner.
  • Select Options : Choose “Options” from the drop-down menu.
  • Choose Add-ins : In the Excel Options window, click on “Add-ins”.
  • Manage Add-ins : At the bottom of this window, find the “Manage” box. Select “Excel Add-ins” and click “Go”.

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  • 6. Enable Solver : Check the box next to “Solver Add-in”.
  • 7. Confirm: Click “OK” to activate Solver.

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Now, you can find Solver under the “Data” tab in the “Analyze” section.

How to Use Solver in Excel – Example

Goal Seek is great, but it only changes one input variable. For more complex problems with multiple variables, Solver is the tool you need.

Here’s a simple example:

You want to achieve a target income of 2,000 by adjusting the units sold and the price per unit.

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  • Units Sold:  Input variable.
  • Price per Unit : Input variable.
  • Revenue : Calculated as Units Sold * Price per Unit
  • Cost per unit : A fixed number.
  • Total Costs : Calculated as Units Sold * Cost per Unit.
  • Income : Calculated as Revenue – Total Costs.


  • Units sold must be a whole number.
  • Price per unit should be between 3 and 4.

Using Solver in Excel

When you open the Solver Parameters window, you need to set up three primary components: the objective cell, variable cells, and constraints. Here’s how to do it:

Set the Objective

Objective cell: This is the cell that contains the formula you want to optimize. For example, if you want to maximize profit or minimize costs, select the cell with that calculation.

In our example, the objective cell is $B$11, which calculates the income.

  • Go to the Data tab, find the Analyze section, and click Solver. Set the objective cell ($B$11) to a value of 2,000.

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Select Variable Cells

These are the cells that Solver will change to achieve the objective. Highlight the cells you want to adjust.

  • For our example, these are the units sold and the price per unit, so we select $B$3:$B$4 and $B$8.

Add Constraints

Constraints are the limits you set for your variable cells. Click “Add” in the Solver Parameters window to specify these limits. For our example, set the units sold to be a whole number (integer) and the price per unit to be between 3 and 4.

  • Click “Add” to set limits. Specify that units sold must be an integer and the price per unit should be between 3 and 4.

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  • Choose Solving Method: Select the appropriate solving method (e.g., GRG Nonlinear).

Click on Solve. The Solver Results window will pop up, saying that it has found a solution. You will notice that the values of the input cells have changed but the formulas in your calculated cells have been retained. You are given the option to accept the new values by clicking on OK, or reject them by clicking on Cancel.

Excel Solver offers three methods to find the best solution for your problem. Here’s a quick overview:

GRG Nonlinear

  • Best For: Nonlinear problems.
  • How It Works: Finds a local optimal solution.
  • Default Method: This is the most commonly used method and is set as the default.
  • Best For: Linear problems.
  • How It Works: Efficiently solves problems with linear relationships.


  • Best For: Complex and non-smooth nonlinear problems.
  • How It Works: Searches for a global optimal solution, which can take longer to run compared to GRG Nonlinear.

Solver can be a powerful tool when you need to allocate a budget among multiple projects, especially with specific constraints. Here’s an example to illustrate how to use Solver for this purpose:

You need to distribute a budget across several projects, with the following constraints:

  • Extra costs should not exceed 1,000.
  • Fixed costs must remain at 2,000.
  • Total project cost for each project should not exceed 9,600.

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Setting Up Solver

Set objective :.

  • Go to the “Data” tab, find the “Analyze” section, and click on “Solver”. Set the objective cell ($B$14) to a value of 65,000.

Select Variable Cells:

Highlight the cells that Solver can change:

  • Extra costs: $D$5:$D$13
  • Production costs: $B$5:$B$13 (we choose Production Cost instead of Total Costs because the latter is a calculated field).

Add Constraints:

Click “Add” in the Solver Parameters window to set the following constraints:

  • Extra costs ($D$5:$D$13) must be less than or equal to 1,000 ($E$18).
  • Total project cost ($E$5:$E$13) must be less than or equal to 9,600 ($E$20).

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Solve: Choose the appropriate solving method (e.g., GRG Nonlinear) and click “Solve”. Solver will find the best solution, adjusting the input cells within the defined constraints.

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  • Start Simple: Begin with straightforward scenarios and gradually add complexity.
  • Experiment: Try different settings and constraints to see how they affect the outcome.

Enhance your learning experience by downloading our workbook. Practice the techniques discussed in real-time and master the Excel Solver tool with hands-on examples. Download the workbook here and start applying what you’ve learned directly in Excel.

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Leila Gharani

I'm a 6x Microsoft MVP with over 15 years of experience implementing and professionals on Management Information Systems of different sizes and nature.

My background is Masters in Economics, Economist, Consultant, Oracle HFM Accounting Systems Expert, SAP BW Project Manager. My passion is teaching, experimenting and sharing. I am also addicted to learning and enjoy taking online courses on a variety of topics.

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15 Excel Formulas That Will Help You Solve Real Life Problems


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A lot of people view Microsoft Excel as a tool that's only useful in business. Truth is, there are a lot of ways it can benefit you at home as well. The key to finding uses of Excel in daily life is picking the right formulas that solve problems.

Whether you're shopping for a new car loan, want to figure out which mutual fund investment is best for you, or if you're just trying to make sense out of your bank account, Excel is a powerful tool that can help.

We picked out 15 formulas that are simple, powerful, and help you solve complex issues.

Financial Formulas

Shopping for a new home and confused by all the mortgage lingo? Looking for a new car and getting confused by the car loan terms the salesperson keeps throwing at you?

Excel Formula Review

Have no fear. Before you take out a loan, do your research with Excel by your side!

1. PMT---Payment

Whenever you're comparing any loan terms and want to quickly figure out your actual monthly payment given different variations in terms, take advantage of the powerful (and simple) PMT formula.

PMT Excel Formula

Here's what you need to use this formula:

  • The interest rate of the loan
  • The term of the loan (how many payments?)
  • The starting principle of the loan
  • Future value, if for some reason the loan will be considered paid off before it reaches zero (optional)
  • Type of loan---0 if payments due at the end of each month, or 1 if they're due at the beginning (optional)

Here's a cool way to quickly compare a variety of loans to see what your payments will look like. Create an Excel sheet that lists every potential loan and all available information about them. Then, create a "Payments" column and use the PMT formula.

PMT Excel Formula for Interest

Just grab the lower right corner of the PMT cell you just created, and drag it down so it calculates the payment total for all the loan terms listed in the sheet. The Excel autofill feature is one feature you will use a lot with these tricks.

Excel Table for Interest

Now you can compare monthly payments for different kinds of loans.

(A very big thank you to Mark Jones (@redtexture on Twitter) who pointed out that for PMT and FV formulas, you've got to be very careful about using the same period---in this case using monthly payments requires dividing the interest term by 12 months)

This is why our readers are so great. Thanks for helping with this fix Mark!

2. FV---Future Value

The next formula comes in handy when you are looking to invest some money into something like a Certificate of Deposit (CD), and you want to know what it will be worth at the end of the term.

Here's what you need to know to use the FV formula :

  • Number of payments (or investment term in months)
  • The payment for each period (usually monthly)
  • Current starting balance (optional)

So let's compare several CDs using the terms that you know from the information the banks have given you. In the example below, let's say you have a $20,000 inheritance to invest in a CD.

FV Excel Formula

Interest rates are again represented in decimal format (take the interest rate the bank gave you and divide by 100). Payments are zero because CD's are typically based on a starting value and a future value paid out.  Here's what the comparison looks like when you use the FV formula for every CD you're considering.

Future Value Formula for Excel

Without a doubt, the higher interest CD over a longer period of time pays out much more. The only drawback is that you can't touch any of your money for three whole years, but that's the nature of investing!

3-4. Logical Formulas---IF and AND

Most banks these days give you the ability to download nearly a year's worth of bank transactions to a format like CSV. This is a perfect format to analyze your spending using Excel, but sometimes the data you receive from banks is very disorganized.

Using logical formulas are a great way to spot overspending.

Ideally, the bank either automatically categorizes your spending or you've set up your account so that things are placed into spending categories. For example, any restaurants we go to get labeled with the DiningOut label.

Spending Categories in Excel

This makes it easy to use a logical formula to identify whenever we've gone out to eat and spent over $20.

To do this, just create a logical formula in a new column looking for any value where the category column is "DiningOut" and the transaction column is larger than -$20

Note: The comparison below shows "<", less than, because the values in column C are all negative.

Here's what that looks like:

IF AND Formula for Excel

Using IF and AND together in one formula looks tricky, but it's actually quite simple. The IF statement will output the dollar amount (C2) if the AND statement is true, or FALSE if it isn't. The AND statement checks whether the category is "DiningOut" and the transaction is greater than $20.

Excel Table for Formula

There you have it! Without having to manually sift through all those transactions, you now know exactly those times when you've overspent in a certain category.

Making Sense of Lists

Lists are a big part of everyday life. If you're managing a household, you're using lists constantly. Excel has some pretty powerful tools for being productive with checklists , as well as other kinds of list formats.


Excel can help you quickly organize and sort values is a list.  Let's take the PTC example. Here's a list of donations from community members.

COUNT and COUNTIF Formula for Excel

We want to see how many times a person's name shows up on the list. To do this, you can combine the COUNT formula with an IF formula. First, create a column to check if the person is Michelle or not. The formula will use an IF statement to fill the cell with a "1" if this is true.

IF Formula for Excel

Next, create another column that counts how many times you've found Michelle Johnson on the list.

COUNT Formula for Excel

This gives you the count of every place in Column E where there's a 1 rather than a blank.

Excel Table Result CountIf Formula

So, this is the simplest way to do this kind of thing, but it does require two steps.


If you don't mind using a slightly more advanced formula, you might consider using one of the many combined "IF" formulas like SUMIF , COUNTIF , or AVERAGEIF . These allow you to perform the formula (COUNT, SUM or AVERAGE) if the logical condition is true. Here's how it works using the above example.

COUNTIF Formula for Excel

This formula looks at column A, which contains all the donor names, and if the cell within the range matches the criteria in quotes, then it counts up by one. This gives you a count of all the times the donor name equals "Michelle Johnson" in a single step.

Excel Table for CountIF Formula

It's much faster than using two columns, but is a little complex - so use the approach that works best for your situation.

The  SUMIF  and  AVERAGEIF  formulas work the very same way, just with different mathematical results. Using  SUMIF  in this example would give you the total donation dollars for Michelle Johnson if you use it instead.

Another formula that you can use creatively sometimes is the LEN formula. This formula is one of many Excel text formulas that tells you how many characters are in a string of text.

One interesting way to use this in the example above would be to highlight donors who donated over $1,000 by counting the number of digits in the donation column. If the length of the number is 4 or greater, then they donated at least $1,000.

LEN Formula for Excel

Now you can add additional formatting to make it easier on the eyes.

To do this, you need to highlight all the cells in the Donation column, select the Home tab in the menu, and click on Conditional Formatting  in the toolbar. Then select Use a formula to determine which cells to format .

Excel Conditional Formatting

Set the range under Format values where this formula is true: to the column/range where all your LEN formula outputs are displayed.

In this example, if you make the condition ">3", then anything over $1,000 will receive the special formatting. Don't forget to click the Format... button and choose what kind of special formatting you want for these.

Also, a quick note. You'll notice my range is defined as "$E2:$E11", not "$E$2:$E$11". When you select the range, it defaults to the former, which won't work. You need to use relative addressing as shown in the picture above. Then, your conditional formatting will work based on the condition of the second range.

Organizing Bank and Financial Downloads

Sometimes, when you download information from businesses---whether it's your bank, or your health insurance company, the format of the incoming data doesn't always match what you need it to be.

For example, let's say that in the exported data from your bank and you're given the date in the standard format.

Bank Information Excel

If you want to add a new column of your own with your own that's prefaced by the year and includes the Payee information (for your own sorting purposes), extracting pieces of information from a column is really easy.


You can pull the year out of the text in that column using the RIGHT formula.

CONCATENATE Formula for Excel

The formula above is telling Excel to take the text in column D and extract the four characters from the right side. The CONCATENATE formula pieces together those four digits, with the Payee text from column E.

Keep in mind that if you do want to extract text from a date, you will need to convert it to text format (instead of date) using the "= TEXT (D2,"mm/dd/yyyy")" formula. Then you can use the RIGHT formula to pull out the year.

What if your information is on the left? Well, instead use the  LEFT  formula and you can pull text from left to right.

CONCATENATE really comes in handy when you have some text from a bunch of different columns that you want to piece together into one long string. You can find out more in our guide on how to combine Excel columns .

There are also a few ways to separate text in Excel if you want to want to learn how to fully manipulate strings.

Picking Random Names from a Hat

15. randbetween.

One last fun formula is one you may use if you have to do something like pick some names out of a hat for a Christmas party. Put that hat and those scraps of paper away and instead pull out your laptop and launch Excel!

Using the formula RANDBETWEEN, you can have Excel randomly select a number between a range of numbers you specify.

RANDBETWEEN Formula for Excel

The two values you need to use are the lowest and highest numbers, which should be at the ends of the range of numbers you've applied to each person's name.

Once you hit the Enter key, the formula will randomly select one of the numbers within the range.

RANDBETWEEN Formula for Excel

It's about as random and tamper-proof as you can possibly get. So instead of picking a number from a hat, pick a number from Excel instead!

Using Excel for Everyday Problems

As you can see, Excel isn't just for data-analysis gurus and business professionals. Anyone can benefit from the many formulas that you'll find tucked away in Excel . Learn these formulas and you can start solving real-life problems in Excel.

Don't stop learning Excel. There is a long list of Excel formulas and functions that you can learn to use, you might find some neat little tricks you never thought Excel could do.

Image credit:  Goodluz via Shutterstock.com

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#1 Excel tutorial on the net

  • Assignment Problem

Formulate the Model | Trial and Error | Solve the Model

Use the solver in Excel to find the assignment of persons to tasks that minimizes the total cost.

Formulate the Model

The model we are going to solve looks as follows in Excel.

Assignment Problem in Excel

1. To formulate this assignment problem , answer the following three questions.

a. What are the decisions to be made? For this problem, we need Excel to find out which person to assign to which task (Yes=1, No=0). For example, if we assign Person 1 to Task 1, cell C10 equals 1. If not, cell C10 equals 0.

b. What are the constraints on these decisions? Each person can only do one task (Supply=1). Each task only needs one person (Demand=1).

c. What is the overall measure of performance for these decisions? The overall measure of performance is the total cost of the assignment, so the objective is to minimize this quantity.

2. To make the model easier to understand, create the following named ranges .

Range Name Cells
Cost C4:E6
Assignment C10:E12
PersonsAssigned C14:E14
Demand C16:E16
TasksAssigned G10:G12
Supply I10:I12
TotalCost I16

3. Insert the following functions.

Insert Functions

Explanation: The SUM functions calculate the number of tasks assigned to a person and the number of persons assigned to a task. Total Cost equals the sumproduct of Cost and Assignment.

Trial and Error

With this formulation, it becomes easy to analyze any trial solution.

For example, if we assign Person 1 to Task 1, Person 2 to task 2 and Person 3 to Task 3, Tasks Assigned equals Supply and Persons Assigned equals Demand. This solution has a total cost of 147.

Trial Solution

It is not necessary to use trial and error. We shall describe next how the Excel Solver can be used to quickly find the optimal solution.

Solve the Model

To find the optimal solution, execute the following steps.

1. On the Data tab, in the Analyze group, click Solver.

Click Solver

Note: can't find the Solver button? Click here to load the Solver add-in .

Enter the solver parameters (read on). The result should be consistent with the picture below.

Solver Parameters

You have the choice of typing the range names or clicking on the cells in the spreadsheet.

2. Enter TotalCost for the Objective.

3. Click Min.

4. Enter Assignment for the Changing Variable Cells.

5. Click Add to enter the following constraint.

Binary Constraint

Note: binary variables are either 0 or 1.

6. Click Add to enter the following constraint.

Demand Constraint

7. Click Add to enter the following constraint.

Supply Constraint

8. Check 'Make Unconstrained Variables Non-Negative' and select 'Simplex LP'.

9. Finally, click Solve.

Solver Results

The optimal solution:

Assignment Problem Result

Conclusion: it is optimal to assign Person 1 to task 2, Person 2 to Task 3 and Person 3 to Task 1. This solution gives the minimum cost of 129. All constraints are satisfied.

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Top 20 Common Excel Problems Solved

This is a curated list of errors and common problems that every newcomer in Excel is likely... read more

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Top 20 Common Excel Problems Solved | MyExcelOnline

This is a curated list of errors and common problems that every newcomer in Excel is likely to face.

These errors can potentially slow or even stop your work , or simply just act as a hindrance to smooth functioning. To overcome these problems is the first step to advancing your Excel skills.

This article will illustrate the Top 20 Common Excel errors that you might face, or are currently facing and how to tackle them .

We have divided these problems into three categories for easier navigation and understanding:

Formula Issues

Visual and navigation issues, operational issues.

Let’s look at each of these errors one by one and learn how to fix errors in Excel!

1. #REF! Error

#REF! error stands of reference. Excel will display #REF! error when the cell that is referenced to in a formula  does not exist or is invalid . This is usually the case when:

  • Referred sheet, column, or row has been deleted
  • Formula contains an incorrect or invalid cell reference

Example 1: 

Top 20 Common Excel Problems Solved | MyExcelOnline

In the table below, you will spot multiple #REF! error within formulas used in the cell.

This has happened because you have deleted a range that contains an explicit cell reference within the formula used.

Clear a #REF error in Excel

To get rid of this error message we have to select the cell(s) with this error, use the Find & Replace dialog box and do the following:

Find What: #REF!

Replace With:    (Leave this blank)

Press OK and it will clear the #REF error in Excel within the formula.

Let’s look at the step-by-step tutorial below to understand how to remove #REF in Excel.

Download workbook Replace-the-REF-error-2.xlsx

STEP 1: To check the cell containing the cell, simply click on the cell and press F2.

Clear a #REF error in Excel

Here, since you have used an explicit cell reference and it was deleted, Excel is returning a #REF error.

STEP 2: Highlight the table containing the errors.

Clear a #REF error in Excel

STEP 3: Press Ctrl + H to open the Find & Replace dialog box.

Clear a #REF error in Excel

STEP 4: Under Find What, input #REF! and leave Replace as blank . This is done to replace all the #REF! error with a blank.

Clear a #REF error in Excel

STEP 5: Click on Replace All.

Clear a #REF error in Excel

This is how your replaced data will look like:

Clear a #REF error in Excel

Let’s look at another example when this error occurs due to copy-pasting the formula from other cells.

In the table below, you have sales data for different customers for 4 quarters and a sum formula used to calculate the total sales. The formula used to calculate the total sales value is =SUM(B4, C4, D4, E4) .

Clear a #REF error in Excel

If you try and delete Column E (Quarter 4), the sum formula will change to =SUM(B4, C4, D4,#REF!) and return an error – #REF.

Clear a #REF error in Excel

This error is caused because the formula to calculate the total sales uses explicit cell reference. When one of the cell references used in the formula is deleted (here cell E4), Excel is unable to calculate the value and returns an error.

A simple fix to this problem is to use a range instead of an explicit cell reference. Let’s look at the step-by-step tutorial to learn how:

Clear a #REF error in Excel

STEP 1:  Use formula =SUM(B4: E4)  in cell F4 and copy-paste the formula below to cells F5: F11.

Clear a #REF error in Excel

STEP 2: Now delete Column E to get the total sales for only 3 quarters.

Clear a #REF error in Excel

If you change the formula from =SUM(B4, C4, D4, E4)  to =SUM(B4: E4) , you will no longer to vulnerable to #REF in Excel. This formula recalculates the total sales value by removing the deleted cell.

Hence, it is advised to use range while writing a formula instead of an explicit cell reference.

Let’s take a look at another example when the error occurred due to VLOOKUP containing an invalid cell reference.

In the table below you have quarterly and total sales for different customers and using the VLOOKUP formula, you have tried to find out the total sales for the customer name mentioned.

Clear a #REF error in Excel

The formula used to find the total sales for customers mentioned in cell H4 is =VLOOKUP(H4,$A$4:$F$11,7,0).

Clear a #REF error in Excel

If you look into the formula used in detail, you will see that the value used to indicate the column index number is incorrect.

The arguments for a VLOOKUP function is:

  • Lookup_value = The value you want to look up in the first column of the table.
  • Table_array = The table from which you need to retrieve the data.
  • Col_index_num = The column number in the table array from which matching value should be returned.
  • Range_lookup = Value should be 1 if you want an approximate match or 0 if you want an exact match of the return value.

Excel is returning an error in this formula because VLOOKUP is looking to return a value from the 7th column but the reference $A$4:$F$11 contains only 6 columns.

To fix this error, use the formula =VLOOKUP(H4,$A$4:$F$11,6,0).

Clear a #REF error in Excel

2. #VALUE! Error

Excel displays an #VALUE! error when the variable provided in the formula is not a supported type . This Excel error can occur because of the following reasons :

  • Cell is left blank or contains hidden spaces ; or
  • Cell contains text instead of the number ; or
  • Date is treated as text , etc.

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Here, we are trying to calculate the total sales amount by adding the sales achieved in both regions on different dates.

How to fix the #VALUE error in Excel formulas

As you can see when cell D7 adds B7 and C7, it returns #VALUE! error. This is because cell B7 contains text instead of a number .

Let’s fix this!

Change the text nil to number 0 .

How to fix the #VALUE error in Excel formulas

You can also use the function SUM instead of using the addition operator (+). As formulas with operators will not calculate cells with tex t and instead display VALUE error.

If you use functions they will simply ignore text values and calculate everything else .

How to fix the #VALUE error in Excel formulas

Sometimes, VALUE error will be displayed when the cell contains hidden spaces . These spaces will look like the cell is blank but in fact, it contains a space instead.

In this example, you can see even though cell B7 looks like it is a blank, value is cell D7 is displaying an error . This is because cell B7 actually contains hidden space !

How to fix the #VALUE error in Excel formulas

There can be numerous cells that may contain hidden spaces and it may be difficult to spot and remove them.

So, follow these steps below to find extra spaces and remove them!

STEP 1: Select the range that contains hidden spaces.

How to fix the #VALUE error in Excel formulas

STEP 2: Press Ctrl + F to open the Find & Replace dialog box and select Replace tab.

How to fix the #VALUE error in Excel formulas

STEP 3: Type in an extra space in Find what field and keep Replace field blank .

How to fix the #VALUE error in Excel formulas

STEP 3: Press Replace All button. This is remove all the hidden spaces in the selected cells and leave them blank .

How to fix the #VALUE error in Excel formulas

All the errors will now disappear!

How to fix the #VALUE error in Excel formulas

In this example, we are trying to  add duration to the start day of the project in order to get the project’s end date

Here, cells C7 and C11 are displaying #VALUE! error as Excel cannot recognize the value as a date . This is because date is separated using the  decimal points as delimiters .

How to fix the #VALUE error in Excel formulas

Let’s change the delimiter from decimal point (.) to hyphen (-) !

STEP 1: Select the cells containing dates.

How to fix the #VALUE error in Excel formulas

STEP 2: Press Ctrl+H to open Find & Replace dialog box.

How to fix the #VALUE error in Excel formulas

STEP 3: Type decimal point in Find What field and hyphen in Replace With field.

How to fix the #VALUE error in Excel formulas

STEP 4: Press Replace All button.

How to fix the #VALUE error in Excel formulas

This will replace decimal point with hyphen. Excel will now treat them as dates and make your formula work perfectly .

How to fix the #VALUE error in Excel formulas

3. #DIV/0 Error

This error in Excel occurs when you attempt to divide a number with zero , any value equivalent to zero, or a blank cell .

download excel workbook   Div-error.xlsx

The Excel DIV 0 is a common and simple error that can easily be dealt with . To correct this error, all we have to do is make sure that the cell reference provided does not belong to an empty cell .

In the example below, the formula in column C is a simple dividing formula. But, cells B9 and B12 have blank cells respectively, and hence result from the division in column C returns the #DIV/0  Error.

How to fix the #DIV/0! error in Excel Formulas

Now if we simply correct our mistakes by editing the cells in column B , the errors will disappear.

How to fix the #DIV/0! error in Excel Formulas

In most cases, the referenced cell should actually contain the value 0 or be empty . A simple solution to this will be to use an IFERROR formula and get rid of the error message.

We can design the IFERROR formula in such a way that it either returns 0 or any value as desired if the result of the original formulas occurs to be an error .

What does it do?

It returns a value that you set if a formula has an error

Formula breakdown:

=IFERROR(Value, Value if Error)

What it means:

=IFERROR(The Formula, What do you want to show if The Formula has an error?)

If you have a calculation that results in an error like, #N/A, #VALUE!, #REF!, #DIV/0!, #NUM!, #NAME?, then you can clean it up by using the IFERROR function which allows you to replace the error it with a custom text .

In this example, cell B9 contains 0, and cell B12 is empty. The corresponding cells C7 and C12 are thus displaying #DIV error.

How to fix the #DIV/0! error in Excel Formulas

Let’s wrap the division formula around the IFERROR formula and see what happens.


How to fix the #DIV/0! error in Excel Formulas

Here, we specified in the formula that if the value in cell C7 returns an error , it will be replaced by our custom text – hyphen (-) .

Apply the same formula to the rest of the cells by dragging the lower right corner downwards.

How to fix the #DIV/0! error in Excel Formulas

Hence as cells B9 and B12 had blank or 0 values , the corresponding cells in column C should produce an error but IFERROR changes it to display hyphen (-) .

4. #NULL! Error

This error occurs when the range provided in the formula is not valid and you have provided an incorrect character instead of the required character in the range.

This can be mainly due to two reasons :

  • Wrong input instead of a colon (:)
  • Wrong input instead of a comma (,)

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Sometimes in a formula, where there is supposed to be “:”(colon), you might have entered space . This can be the result of the error that we are getting as shown below.

NULL value in Excel

In the formula bar, we can see that instead of =SUM(A7:A13), it is entered as =SUM(A7 A13) , which is the cause of the error.

So to correct this, we have to replace that space with a colon(:) .

NULL value in Excel

Like so! As the typo has been corrected, the error has been removed and the formula is returning the correct value.

Sometimes in a formula, where there is supposed to be “,”(comma), you might have entered space .

In this example, we are trying to calculate the average speed in cell B11 based on the 3 entries mentioned in rows 7, 8, and 9. The formula used is:


This can lead to an error that we are getting as shown below:

NULL value in Excel

Here, instead of =AVERAGE(C7,C8 C9) you should enter the formula as =AVERAGE(C7,C8,C9) .

There should have been a comma between C8 and C9 but instead, there has been a typing error and instead of the comma, space was inserted .

Simply removing the space and adding the comma rectifies this error.

NULL value in Excel

5. #SPILL! Error

There are various formulas in Excel that populate results in multiple cells . It is termed as actually spilling the data into the neighboring cells .

The different scenarios when you can encounter this error are:

  • Spill range isn’t blank
  • Spill range contains merged cell
  • Spill range is too big
  • Spill range in a table

Excel is unable to fix these errors and display the output. Since the formula cannot populate all the cells it is supposed to, the first cell where the formula is entered shows the #SPILL! Error.

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Example 1: Spill range isn’t blank

You want to find a unique list of customer names stated in column A using the UNIQUE function in Excel. But, Excel returns a #SPILL! error instead.

Top 20 Common Excel Problems Solved

This is because the output range already contains data and Excel cannot overwrite it and populate the desired result.

Top 20 Common Excel Problems Solved

Simply, clear any contents from the output range and you are good to go!

Top 20 Common Excel Problems Solved

The spill error can have multiple causes. To understand the root of this problem, click on the small yellow! warning sign next to the error. It shows the cause of the problem .

Top 20 Common Excel Problems Solved

Most commonly it is caused because there is a cell containing some value , but it needs to be populated by the formula. Removing the value in all such cells will remove the “blockage” and, in turn, the error.

There can be times when you get the SPILL error but you are unable to spot the cell that contains unwanted data .

Click on Select Obstructing Cells and it will take you to the cell that is creating the problem.

How to fix the #SPILL! error in Excel formulas

This is useful when you have hidden spaces and you are unable to find them.

How to fix the #SPILL! error in Excel formulas

Example 2: Spill range contains merged cells

SPILL error can also occur when the result range contains the merged cells .

In this example, you can see the spill range i.e. B7:B15 is empty but still, Excel returns #SPILL error .

How to fix the #SPILL! error in Excel formulas

To be sure of the reason , let’s click on the yellow warning sign and see what it says – Spill range has merged cell.

How to fix the #SPILL! error in Excel formulas

Now, click on Select Obstructing Cells and it will take you there.

How to fix the #SPILL! error in Excel formulas

Go to Home > Merge & Center to unmerge the cells .

How to fix the #SPILL! error in Excel formulas

The result is now visible and the error disappears!

How to fix the #SPILL! error in Excel formulas

Example 3: Spill range is too big

This error occurs when the output range is too big and the result goes beyond the boundary in Excel . There isn’t enough space to display the result.

In this example, we are trying to calculate the discount given to the customers based on the sales amount . Column C is used to get 5% of the sales amount.

How to fix the #SPILL! error in Excel formulas

As you can see, Excel is again and producing a SPILL error and this time it is because the range is too big .

Here, Excel is trying to multiply each cell in Column B by 5% and produce a million results . It will spill the result in Column C starting from cell C7 but it will reach the end of Excel.

Hence, the error!

How to fix the #SPILL! error in Excel formulas

To solve this, simply replace the column with the relevant range and copy the formula to the output range.

How to fix the #SPILL! error in Excel formulas

Example 4: Spill range in a table

Excel tables do not support spilled array formulas . If you try to insert an array formula in an Excel table, it will return a #SPILL error.

In this example, we are trying to sort the amount mentioned in Column A in ascending order using the SORT function. It will return a dynamic array as a result in column B.

How to fix the #SPILL! error in Excel formulas

Unfortunately, we are getting a #SPILL Excel error.  This is because range A7:B15 is in fact saved as a table in Excel and dynamic functions do not work within Excel tables.

How to fix the #SPILL! error in Excel formulas

We can easily convert it into a range for our SORT function to work properly.

To do so: Right Click on any cell in the Table range > Select Table  > Select  Convert to Range .

How to fix the #SPILL! error in Excel formulas

This will convert the table to range and now all array functions will work perfectly as shown below!

How to fix the #SPILL! error in Excel formulas

6. #NAME? Error

The #NAME? Error is a fairly common one that even seasoned Excel professionals can face. It occurs when there:

  • Spelling error in Formula name
  • Spelling error in Cell Range
  • Spelling error in Named Range
  • Text entered without quotes

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Example 1: Formula Name

When entering the name of the formula if the name is misspelled , then that can lead to the occurrence of this error.

In the above example, you can see that instead of writing =LEN(A7), we have typed =lan(A7) . There is an error in the formula name, leading to the problem.

How to fix the #NAME error in Excel?

Now you can see, simply correcting the name removes the error displayed .

How to fix the #NAME error in Excel?

The best way to not get #NAME excel error  is to choose the formula in the drop-down list while typing the name of the formula. This makes sure that the formula name is not misspelled.

Example 2- Cell/Range name

When entering a formula that references a certain cell or range , misspelling the name of the cell or range can lead to this error.

Here we can see that the name of the cell is misspelled . Instead of =LEN(A7), it is typed as =LEN(AA) .

How to fix the #NAME error in Excel?

To rectify this, simply type in the correct cell name .

How to fix the #NAME error in Excel?

A better way of avoiding the error is to select the cell when referencing in the formula. This will lead to always entering the correct cell name.

How to fix the #NAME error in Excel?

NAME error in Excel  can occur when entering a range . Check and correct the range name or select the entire range when entering the formula to rectify the error and prevent it.

Example 3- Named range

There can be particularly important ranges in your workbook that you have assigned a name to. When referencing this range in a formula, misspelling it can lead to the #NAME error in Excel .

Here we can see that the range referenced to in the formula is spelled agee when the correct name is Age .

How to fix the #NAME error in Excel?

Correcting the name of the range or simply selecting the range when referencing it in the formula will correct this error .

How to fix the #NAME error in Excel?

Example 4- Text without quotes

Wherever a text is entered into a formula , it should be entered in quotes . When a text value is not confined between quotes , Excel reads it as either a formula or a named range /table.

If there is no formula or named range in your workbook that matches the text written in the formula, Excel will return the #NAME? Error.

Here we can see the text entered in the formula is not in quotes and hence Excel is returning it as an error.

How to fix the #NAME error in Excel?

Now that the text is written in quotes , Excel is returning the correct value of the formula.

How to fix the #NAME error in Excel?

7. #NUM! Error

Excel shows the #NUM! Error when values in formulas are invalid . It basically means that the calculation cannot be performed due to limitations or errors .

This can be due to the fact that the number is too big or small, impossible calculations , or when the data type is not supported in the argument.

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Example 1 – Number size

Excel has a limitation to the size of the number that it can display. If you enter a number is too large or too small ,you will get Excel #NUM Error .

As you can see, in cell C7 we are trying to multiply 5 by itself 500 times . The result will be a really large number that Excel is unable to display. Hence. it returns NUM Excel.

How to fix the #NUM error in Excel?

In cell C10, we are trying to divide 1 by 10^750 . Since this will be a very small number Excel cannot perform calculations and hence returns #NUM error.

How to fix the #NUM error in Excel?

Excel is not able to show these values because of its inherent limitations. As shown, other smaller values are calculated and shown in C8 and C9.

How to fix the #NUM error in Excel?

Example 2 – Impossible calculations

Excel returns the #NUM! Error when it is faced with a calculation that is impossible to do.

As you can see, the square root or log of the positive numbers has results but the square root or log of the negative numbers is impossible to calculate .

In this example, we are trying to find the square root of -3 .

How to fix the #NUM error in Excel?

Since we are trying to calculate the square root of a negative number, we will get #NUM error in Excel. In this particular case, you can rectify this issue by taking the absolute value of the number.

ABS function returns the absolute value of a number . It converts negative numbers to positive numbers and keeps the positive numbers unaffected.

How to fix the #NUM error in Excel?

Including the ABS function into the formula uses the absolute value of the number in column A, so now Excel can calculate the number and return a valid answer.

How to fix the #NUM error in Excel?

Example 3 – IRR function not working

Excel might show the #NUM! error when using IRR function because of either one of the two reasons:

  • Cash flow does not contain at least one negative and one positive value .
  • Formula can’t find a result .

In this example, Excel results a #NUM error instead of proving a value .

How to fix the #NUM error in Excel?

This is because the cash flows provided in the range (B7:B15) are positive and IRR requires at least one negative value as the initial cost of business.

Initial payments are provided as negative value indicating outflow of cash and income payments are represented by positive values. Once you have incorporated this, the function will provide the correct result!

How to fix the #NUM error in Excel?

IRR function can also display #NUM! error when the function iterates and can’t find a result after several tries .

To overcome this, you can increase the maximum number of iterations that Excel performs to get a result.

To increase the number of iterations:

STEP 1: Go to File > Options > Formulas to arrive at the window below

How to fix the #NUM error in Excel?

STEP 2: Under the Calculation options group, check the Enable iterative calculation box.

How to fix the #NUM error in Excel?

STEP 3: In the Maximum Iterations box , type the number of times you want Excel to recalculate .

The higher the number of iterations, the more time Excel needs to calculate a worksheet. Increasing this can help give a result to your calculation.

How to fix the #NUM error in Excel?

STEP 4: In the Maximum Change box, enter the amount of deviation that you are willing to accept between the calculation results.

The smaller the number, the more accurate the result. Increasing this can help give an approximate answer to your calculations.

How to fix the #NUM error in Excel?

8. Excel #### error

Sometimes in Excel, especially when you open a file on which you have worked before , there may be some cells that are filled with “#” signs.

Excel #### error is a very simple but common issue that can easily be solved. There are three simple ways to tackle this problem.

Top 20 Common Excel Problems Solved

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Taking your cursor to the divider between two column heads, the cursor will change into a dragger . Dragging the column head divider will change the width of the column.

How to correct a ##### error

Now you can increase the width to fit all the characters of the cell, or to any width that you want.

How to correct a ##### error

Simply double-clicking on the rightmost edge of the column head, that contains the cell filled with # marks, will autofit the column so that it perfectly adjusts and shows all values in cells.

How to correct a ##### error

It will adjust to the length of the longest cell in the column.

Upon applying the above steps, your values will then be visible as shown.

Another way to overcome this problem is auto-shrinking text to fit in the column width. To accomplish this, follow the steps mentioned below:

STEP 1: Select the column that shows #### error.

How to correct a ##### error

STEP 2: Click on the Home Tab.

How to correct a ##### error

STEP 3 : Click on expand icon at the bottom right corner of the Alignment group.

How to correct a ##### error

STEP 4: Check the Shrink to fit box in the Format Cells dialog box.

How to correct a ##### error

Upon applying the steps, the size of the text will be reduced to fit in the column width and it will look like this:

How to correct a ##### error

9. Worksheet Tabs not Visible

A common issue faced while operating on Excel is that your worksheet tabs ( shown at the bottom left) are not visible to you .

Top 20 Common Excel Problems Solved

This is a simple settings problem that can be easily undone.

download excel workbook Worksheet-tabs.xlsx

Ever encountered this situation where you open your workbook and said “Where are my worksheet tabs ??”.

A common issue faced while operating on Excel is that all the worksheet tabs, which are shown at the bottom left of the window, are not visible to you .

Worksheet Tabs not Visible

Just follow the steps below to learn how to display the missing worksheet tabs:

STEP 1: Go to Files

Worksheet Tabs not Visible

STEP 2: Click on Options

Top 20 Common Excel Problems Solved

STEP 3: Click on Advanced

Top 20 Common Excel Problems Solved

STEP 4: Under the Display options for this workbook, check Show sheet tabs .

Top 20 Common Excel Problems Solved

Now your sheet tabs will be available ! Now you can easily navigate through the entire workbook , and work on all sheets.

Worksheet Tabs not Visible

This is what to do when worksheet tabs go missing and you are unable to switch between different tabs!

It can also be that some of your worksheets might be hidden , hence you will not be able to see them in the worksheet’s tab.

Here, we actually have two worksheets, but one of them is hidden .

Worksheet Tabs not Visible

To show the worksheet tabs:

STEP 1: Right-click on any visible tab and select Unhide.

Worksheet Tabs not Visible

STEP 2: Select the tabs you want to unhide and press on OK .

Worksheet Tabs not Visible

Now both the worksheets will be visible to you on the worksheet’s tab.

10. Break Line displayed on the Worksheet

While working on Excel, sometimes you may see solid or dashed break lines added and the worksheet is divided into multiples pages .

The solid lines are manually inserted ones whereas the dashed line is automatically generated .

Break Line on Worksheet

These are basically page breaks inserted in Excel for printing purposes ! They may be useful when you are trying to print a document but other times are just visually distracting .

You may want to remove these lines before presenting your worksheet to someone!

In this article, we will cover the different ways to remove lines from the worksheet:

Solid Page Break Line

Dotted Page Break Line

download excel workbook Break-Lines-on-Worksheet.xlsx

In this screenshot, we have two solid lines inserted in the worksheet.

Break Line on Worksheet

These are manually added page breaks and can easily be removed by following the  step-by-step tutorial below:

STEP 1: Select the cell just below the page break line.

Break Line on Worksheet

STEP 2: Go to the Page Layout tab.

Break Line on Worksheet

STEP 3: Click on Breaks in the Page Setup group.

Break Line on Worksheet

STEP 4: Click on Remove Page Break .

Break Line on Worksheet

This will remove the page break between row 9 and row 10!

Break Line on Worksheet

Now, follow the same steps to remove the solid line between rows 15 and 16.

Break Line on Worksheet

When you select the Page Break Preview in Excel, the dotted and solid lines dividing the worksheet into different pages become visible.

Break Line on Worksheet

Now when you go to View > Normal , the page preview is returned to normal but the lines still visible.

Break Line on Worksheet

To remove the solid lines, follow the steps mentioned below. But, this will not remove the dashed lines.

Break Line on Worksheet

To remove the dashed line, follow the steps below:

STEP 1: Select the File tab.

Top 20 Common Excel Problems Solved

STEP 2: Click Options from the menu on the left side

STEP 3: In the dialog box, click on Advanced from the left panel

STEP 4: Under display options for this worksheet, uncheck Show Page Breaks .

Break Line on Worksheet

This will remove the dashed lines from the worksheet as well!

Break Line on Worksheet

11. Clicking Enter key goes to the cell underneath

In general, when you press enter in Excel it solidifies the work done in a cell but it automatically takes you to the cell below the one you were working on . If this is a hindrance to you, you can easily change it.

To alter the direction in which Excel files after pressing enter, follow these steps:

  • Click on the File tab on the ribbon above
  • Click Options from the menu on the left side
  • In the dialog box, click on Advanced from the left panel
  • Under Editing Option, Select After Pressing Enter Move Selection, and from the drop-down menu the choose the direction in which you want Excel to move.

Top 20 Common Excel Problems Solved

Now Excel will move in the direction you want after pressing enter. Now you try it!

12. Show column headers on each page when printing

If you have a large data file with headers on the top , you can freeze the columns to easily view the entire table without losing sight of the headers.

But the freeze feature will not be applied when you try to print the file.

To print Excel header row on every page , you can try one of the following methods as per your requirement:

  • Repeat row on every page
  • Repeat column on every page
  • Print row numbers and column letters

download excel workbook Print-Row-and-Column-Headers.xlsx

Example 1: Repeat row on every page

If you have a large worksheet that spans over multiple pages, you can easily print the first row of the data as headers in Excel on every page .

Print Excel header row and column on Every Page

Follow the steps below to print a row of every page:

STEP 1: Go to Page Layout tab > Select Print Tiles

Print Excel header row and column on Every Page

STEP 2: In the Page Setup dialog box, select Sheet .

Print Excel header row and column on Every Page

STEP 3: Select the collapse dialog box and pick the row you wish to repeat.

Print Excel header row and column on Every Page

STEP 4: Click OK .

Print Excel header row and column on Every Page

STEP 5: Press Ctrl + P to open Print Preview.

As you can see we are on page 5 but the 1st row is still visible!

Print Excel header row and column on Every Page

Example 2: Repeat Column on every page

When your Excel worksheet has multiple columns and is spread across several pages, you can fix the first column.

Print Excel header row and column on Every Page

Follow the steps below to fix the first column when printing:

STEP 1: Go to Page Layout > Select Print Tiles

STEP 3: Select the collapse dialog box and pick the column you wish to repeat.

Print Excel header row and column on Every Page

STEP 4: Click OK

Print Excel header row and column on Every Page

And it’s done! Column A is still visible when you go to page 2.

Print Excel header row and column on Every Page

Example 3: Print row numbers and column letters

Excel denotes the worksheet’s columns as letters (A, B, C, etc) and rows as numbers (1, 2, 3, etc). But when you try to print your worksheet, it is not visible at all.

Print Excel header row and column on Every Page

You can easily print numbers and column letters by following the steps below:

STEP 3: Check Row and column headings

Print Excel header row and column on Every Page

STEP 5: Press Ctrl + P to view Print Preview.

The row numbers and column letters will be displayed in the print preview section!

Print Excel header row and column on Every Page

13. Not using Quotation Marks for Text in Formulas

When writing formulas, Excel will identify a text only if it’s written within quotation marks . Excel e xtracts anything written within the quotation mark as text and discards the quotation mark.

Let’s use a formula to use to help better understand the use of quotation marks while writing a formula!

Top 20 Common Excel Problems Solved

Download workbook Quotation-Mark.xlsx

In this example, we have tried to insert text like “Email ID of” and ” is” but Excel is returning an error . This is simply because Excel will not consider text if it is not provided within quotation marks in a formula.

Now, put them within quotes and try using this formula again.

Top 20 Common Excel Problems Solved

And Voila, the error is resolved and we can now insert custom text within the formula easily.

14. How to Use Numbers as Column Headings

You may have faced a situation when you need to use numbers as column headings in the table . But, when you put in digits as heading, Excel will treat it as a number and not text .

As a result, when using auto sum or other similar features the heading will also be included with other values.

Download workbook Number-as-Column-Header.xlsx

Top 20 Common Excel Problems Solved

This is not the result you were expecting ! Let’s fix it by forcing Excel to consider the number as text.

To do that, simply add a ‘ symbol in front of the number and it will be treated as text.

Top 20 Common Excel Problems Solved

See, it is that simple! Try it now!

15. Unable to Directly Edit the Cell

If you are unable to edit data entered in your Excel worksheet and you are not sure how to fix it, you have come to the right place. There are several ways in which you can easily enable editing cells and learn how to edit cells in Excel.

  • Excel file is read-only
  • Excel worksheet is locked
  • Editing in cell disabled in Excel

Example 1: Excel file is read-only

You may not be able to edit any cell in Excel because the Excel worksheet has been saved as read-only . This will force Excel to keep the worksheet in view mode and you can make no changes in the file.

How to edit cells in Excel

To fix this, simply press the Enable Editing button on the top of the Excel worksheet.

How to edit cells in Excel

On you press that button, you can easily edit any cell in Excel.

How to edit cells in Excel

Example 2: Excel worksheet is locked

Another reason why you may not be able to edit cells is that your Excel worksheet has been locked . You have to unprotect your worksheet first and then you can make changes in your file.

How to edit cells in Excel

To make changes in Excel, follow the steps below:

STEP 1: Go to the Review tab

How to edit cells in Excel

STEP 2: Click on Unprotect Sheet

How to edit cells in Excel

STEP 3: Enter the password in the unprotect sheet dialog box and click OK .

The password for this worksheet is “myexcelonline”.

How to edit cells in Excel

This will unprotect the sheet and you will be able to make the edits you want.

How to edit cells in Excel

Can’t remember the password that you had used to lock your Excel file? Click here to learn how to unprotect active worksheets using macros in Excel.

Example 3: Editing in cell disabled in Excel

You might not be able to directly edit the contents of a cell by pressing the F2 key.

This might be because it has been disabled in Excel. You can easily enable or disable this function by following the steps below:

STEP 1: Click on the File tab

STEP 4: Under Editing option, check Allow editing directly in cells. Click OK at the bottom.

Top 20 Common Excel Problems Solved

That’s it! Now you can enable the editing cell feature in Excel. To disable Edit mode, clear the  Allow editing directly in cells check box.

How to edit cells in Excel

16. Unable to use the Fill Handle

Excel has many tools that can automate your work and make it much easier and faster. One of these essential tools is the fill handle . It helps fill in a value in the adjoining cells in sequential order of data.

If you are unable to use this feature , it may have been disabled or the filled values are not as per your pattern:

  • Fill Handle Excel – not visible
  • Not selecting all values
  • Auto Fill options

Download workbook Fill-handle.xlsx

Example 1: Fill Handle not visible

If you are unable to use this function , you can simply fix it using the steps below:

STEP 3: In the Advanced category, under Editing options, select the Enable fill handle and cell drag-and-drop check box.

Why Fill Handle Excel not working?

Once you have enabled this, you can easily use Excel Fill handle feature!

Example 2: Not selecting all values

It can even be that you have not selected the entire range that has your sequential values . Just selecting the last cell will fill only that value in the cells where you drag the fill handle in Excel.

For example, if we drag the fill handle after only selecting cell B8, the entire range is filled only with the value “1002”.

Why Fill Handle Excel not working?

Selecting the entire range and then using the fill handle will fill the new cells in sequential order .

Why Fill Handle Excel not working?

Selecting B7 and B8 will help Excel recognize the pattern and correctly fill the subsequent cells.

Example 3: Auto Fill options

Suppose you have entered the date and you want to use the fill handle to get only weekdays . If you use the fill handle like before , it will just add the next dates in adjacent cells .

Why Fill Handle Excel not working?

You can use the AutoFill option to get dates that are only falling on weekdays!

STEP 1: Select the entered values.

Why Fill Handle Excel not working?

STEP 2: Go to the bottom right of your selection , you can drag the fill handle  to fill dates below.

This will fill the dates one after the other!

STEP 3: Click on the Fill Handle button at the bottom right.

Why Fill Handle Excel not working?

STEP 4: Select Fill Weekdays .

Why Fill Handle Excel not working?

This will just include the weekdays and ignore the weekends like 4-Jan-20 and 5-Jan-20.

Why Fill Handle Excel not working?

You can use other options as well like Fill Formatting only, Fill Months, Flash Fill, etc.

17. Not able to understand the inner workings of a formula

Excel provides a lot of functions at your disposal for efficient working and data management. Formulas can be used widely in Excel to overcome or calculate all sorts of different informational data.

But these formulas can be tough to decipher at first, especially the working of a formula. Here is how you can better understand a formula:

When you enter a formula in the cell, you can press Ctrl+A to enter the function arguments window. Thi s shows a detailed explanation of each segment of the formula so that you know which data to feed in which segment and get accurate results.

To better understand this, let us take the example using the VLOOKUP formula. Here, we need to extract the salary of Rachael in cell D15 .

download excel workbook Understand-Excel-Formula.xlsx

Having Trouble Understanding Complex Formulas in Excel?

Let’s open the arguments wizard for the VLOOKUP formula.

STEP 1: Enter the VLOOKUP function: =VLOOKUP(

Having Trouble Understanding Complex Formulas in Excel?

STEP 2: Press Ctrl+A or click on the fx button in the formula bar to open the arguments wizard window.

Having Trouble Understanding Complex Formulas in Excel?

This is how the formula wizard looks like.

It shows all the arguments in sequential order. It then explains the use of the function and the details of the argument selected.

Having Trouble Understanding Complex Formulas in Excel?

STEP 3: Select the first argument i.e. Lookup_value . Here, cell C15 contains the name, Rachael.

Having Trouble Understanding Complex Formulas in Excel?

You can also see the description of the first argument is written at the bottom of the dialog box.

Having Trouble Understanding Complex Formulas in Excel?

STEP 4: Select the second argument i.e. Table_array  and select the table range from where you can search i.e. A7:C13 .

Having Trouble Understanding Complex Formulas in Excel?

STEP 5: Select the third argument i.e. col_index_num and enter the column number from which to extract the data. In this example, it should be 3.

Having Trouble Understanding Complex Formulas in Excel?

STEP 6: Lastly, select the fourth argument i.e. range_lookup . Since we want an exact match type FALSE or 0 .

Having Trouble Understanding Complex Formulas in Excel?

After entering the details, the wizard would look like below. It would even show a preview of the argument values and the answer below it if the inputs were correct.

Having Trouble Understanding Complex Formulas in Excel?

STEP 7: Press OK .

Having Trouble Understanding Complex Formulas in Excel?

The formula will be entered in cell D15 and it will show the result, i.e., the salary of Rachael – $16,540 .

Having Trouble Understanding Complex Formulas in Excel?

Ctrl+A opens the Function Arguments window immediately after typing the name of the function.

Now that you can easily understand each formula, have fun working on Excel!

18. Cells showing formulas instead of calculated values

While working on an Excel worksheet with a lot of formulas in it, it can become challenging to keep track of all your formulas .

It may happen that the formulas entered in each cell is displayed on the worksheet instead of the value/result .

Top 20 Common Excel Problems Solved

You can easily reverse this and display the result instead of formula. Let’s see how it can be done!

download excel workbook Showing-Formula.xlsx

Ctrl + ` is the shortcut for the formula view, pressing it can change it back to normal view and show your calculated values.

Top 20 Common Excel Problems Solved

Now you have your cells showing calculated values instead of formulas applied. Try it yourself!

19. Formula does not update when value changes

Excel provides dynamic formulas that update their calculated value as soon as the source data is altered.

An issue faced by people can be that the cells are not updating automatically ,i.e, they are showing the old values even when the dependent cell’s values have been changed. Here is how you fix this issue.

The issue that you are facing is most likely caused by an accidental change in the calculation setting from Automatic to Manual . Steps to change this are:

Go to Formula Tab > Calculation Options > Automatic .

Top 20 Common Excel Problems Solved

Now your formulas will be getting updated which changes in the source data. Now you try it!

20. Formula not working due to text format in cells

Sometimes even when have entered a number in the cell, it is stored as text and thus produce error while computing in Excel.

download excel workbook Formula-not-working.xlsx

In this example, cell F7 uses sum function to calculate the total amount for all 4 quarters. Even though there are figures in range B7 to E7 the calculated amount in cell F7 is 0 .

Top 20 Common Excel Problems Solved

This is because each of these number are actually stored as text .

Select the cells that are the source for the formula calculation. Click on the yellow triage icon and select Convert to text.

Top 20 Common Excel Problems Solved

This will convert the text to number and now the calculated amount will also display the correct value!

Top 20 Common Excel Problems Solved

It is that simple! Now you try it!

This completes our tutorial on the Top 20 common errors like REF error, NUM error, Excel #### error, etc. that we can encounter while working on Excel .

Now that these common issues are out of your way , we hope that your Excel operations have improved . If you want to continue this journey of improvement, you can further check out our blog as well as our YouTube channel. They offer a ginormous amount of content, a huge library of information provided to you for free.

See you next time!

Make sure to download our FREE PDF on the  333 Excel keyboard Shortcuts here :

Top 20 Common Excel Problems Solved | MyExcelOnline

John Michaloudis

John Michaloudis is a former accountant and finance analyst at General Electric, a Microsoft MVP since 2020, an Amazon #1 bestselling author of 4 Microsoft Excel books and teacher of Microsoft Excel & Office over at his flagship Academy Online Course .

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Questions that can be solved using Excel.

I recently started to realize that Excel is a powerful tool that can solve many problems. What interesting mathematics problems are there can be solved using excel? I am looking for a set of challenges to try and solve using excel and to try and gain a better understanding of excel while having fun (problem solving).

  • soft-question
  • optimization
  • computational-mathematics

picakhu's user avatar

  • $\begingroup$ I use it all the time as an alternative to a programming language. As long as I won't loop more than about 2000 times, seeing every number in a calculation makes debugging fast. When people ask recursion questions, I always calculate the first terms to see what they look like. $\endgroup$ –  Ross Millikan Commented Dec 21, 2012 at 16:44

2 Answers 2

There are many books (including free e-books) on the matter.

Here is a scattering of book examples (spreadsheets can do many amazing things and one of my instructors used it in numerical analysis and it was amazing to see, especially since I am more a Mathematica person).

Practical Numerical Analysis using Microsoft Excel , by A. Nandy

Applied Calculus with Microsoft Excel , Chester Piascik

Applied Mathematics with Microsoft Excel , Chester Piasci

Introductory Econometrics: Using Monte Carlo Simulation with Microsoft Excel , Humberto Barreto, Frank Howland

Data Analysis and Decision Making with Microsoft Excel: With Decision Tools and Statistic Tools Suite , S. Christian Albright, Wayne L. Winston, Christopher James Zappe

Statistics with Microsoft Excel (5th Edition) , Beverly Dretzke

Finance and Financial Engineering with Microsoft Excel , Vikram Nanda

Excel by Example: A Microsoft Excel Cookbook for Electronics Engineers , Aubrey Kagan

Excel for Scientists and Engineers: Numerical Methods , E. Joseph Billo

Excel Scientific and Engineering Cookbook (Cookbooks (O'Reilly)) , David M Bourg

Additionally, there are interesting tools for things like simulations, risk analyses, optimization and the like that are add-ons, for example Excel Solver . Look at a list of examples .

Amzoti's user avatar

  • $\begingroup$ Very nice list! I had a professor I TA'd for that used excel to teach the concept of limit, and of derivatives, and introducing integrals (approximating area under curves). That was a little before some more developed software came along, but it worked, and the learning curve for using excel straight off is minimal! $\endgroup$ –  amWhy Commented May 11, 2013 at 0:30
  • $\begingroup$ I have been amazed by some of the things I have seen people at work and numerical analysts do with a spreadsheet. At work, some extremely complex math and engineering tools have been developed. One of MicroS's best tools IMO. $\endgroup$ –  Amzoti Commented May 11, 2013 at 0:44

Here are some mentions of Excel related to data science.

http://www.kaggle.com/c/titanic-gettingStarted/details/getting-started-with-excel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwt6XEh7U3g

However, to do these kind of problems right, one probably will need more than Excel.

You could use Excel to analyze and visual your personal finances (or any recurring numbers of have). Make some conditional formatting where you spend more or less than average. Make some simple prediction for the future etc. Make a monthly predicted overall...

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Not the answer you're looking for browse other questions tagged soft-question optimization big-list computational-mathematics ..

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Excel Solver Example problems with variables or constraints

Excel users have applied long and successfully this program to solve various types of tasks in different areas.

Excel is the most popular program in every office in the world. Its facilities allow you to quickly find effective solutions in a wide range of activities. The program is capable for solving various kinds of tasks: financial, economic, mathematical, logical, optimization and many others. For clarity we will see each of the described tasks with solving in Excel and consider it with an examples.

Solving tasks in data optimization problems

Optimization models are applied in the economic and technical sphere. Their goal is to choose a balanced solution and optimal in specific conditions (the amount of sales to receive a certain revenue, the best bill of fare, the quantity of flights, etc.).

The following commands are used to solve optimization problems in Excel:

  • The Script Manager (“DATA”- "What-if Analysis" - “Scenario Manager”) analyzes several variants of the original values, creates and evaluates sets of scenarios.

Scenario Manager.

  • Selection of parameters (“DATA”- "What-if Analysis" - "Goal Seek") helps to find the values that will ensure the desired result.

Goal Seek.

  • Solution search (Microsoft Excel add-in, "DATA" - "Solver") calculates the optimal value taking into account variables and constraints. Go to the link and find out how to plug in the "Solver" setting.


The command "Parameter Selection" is using to solve the simplest tasks. You use "Scenario Manager" for the most complex tasks. Let’s consider an example of solving an optimization problem using the "Solver" add-on.

Condition. The company produces several brands of yogurt. Let’s call them "1", "2" and "3". The enterprise receives 200 rubles having sold 100 jars of yoghurt "1". Brand "2" brought 250 rubles. "3" - 300 rubles. The sales are well-established, but the amount of available raw materials is limited. You need to find what kind of yogurt and how much you need to do to get the maximum revenue from sales.

Known data (including the rate of consumption of raw materials) will be listed in the table:

listed in the table.

We will compile a working table based on these data:

based on these data.

  • We still do not know the number of products. These are variables.
  • The following formulas are written in the column "Profit": C11:= 200*B11, C12:= 250*В12, C13:= 300*В13, C14: =SUM(C11:C13).
  • The consumption of raw materials is limited (these are restrictions). The following formulas are added to the cells: milk A18: kefir B18: egg C18: sugar D18: That is, we have multiplied the consumption rate by the quantity.
  • The goal is to find the maximum possible profit. This is C14 cell.

Activate the "Solver" command and enter the parameters.


The program issues its decision after clicking the "Solve" button.

program issues.

The best option is to concentrate on the making yogurt "3" and "1". Kefir "2" is not worth producing.

Solving financial tasks in Excel

Most often financial functions are used for this purpose. Let's consider an example.

Condition. Let’s calculate how much to deposit, so that in four years 400,000 rubles will be formed. The interest rate is 20% per annum. Interest is accrued on a quarterly basis.

Let’s make a table with initial data:

table with initial data.

Since the interest rate does not change during the whole period, we use the function of the =PV (Rate, Nper, Pmt, Fv, Type) to cell B7.


Filling in the arguments:

  • Rate – Interest rate is 20%/4 because Interest is accrued on a quarterly basis.
  • Nper – Total number of periods is 4*4 (total term of deposit*number of accruing periods per year).
  • Pmt – Recurring payments is 0. We do not write anything. The deposit will not be replenished.
  • Fv – Future Value is the amount of money we want to receive at the end of the deposit period.

The investor needs to deposit this money so the result is a negative number.

money so the result.

We use the formula To verify the correctness of the solution: PV = Fv/(1+Rate)*Nper. We substitute the values: PV=400 000 / (1 + 0.05) 16 = 183245.

Solving the econometric tasks in Excel

Mathematical and statistical methods and models are used to establish quantitative and qualitative interrelations.

There are two ranges with values:

two ranges.

The values of X will play the role of a factor characteristic, Y is the resultant one. The task is to find the correlation coefficient.

correlation coefficient.

The function CORREL (array 1, array 2) is provided to solve this task.


Solving the logic tasks in Excel

The table processor has built-in logic functions. Any of them must contain at least one comparison operator which will determine the relation between the elements (=,>, <,> =, <=). The result of the logical expression is a Boolean value of TRUE or a Boolean value FALSE.

Task for example. The students passed the test. Each of them received a grade. The test is handed over if there are more than 4 points. If less it’s not handed over.

Task for example.

  • Put the cursor in C1 cell. Press the function icon. Choose "IF".
  • Fill in the arguments. The logical expression is B1> = 4. This is the condition under which the logical value is TRUE.


  • If TRUE - "Passed the test". FALSE - "Did not pass the test".

Passed the test.

Solving the mathematical challenges in Excel

Using the program arsenal, you can solve not only the simplest mathematical problems, but more complex (operations with functions, matrices, linear equations, etc.).

The condition for the training task. Find the inverse matrix B for the matrix A.

  • We make a table with the values of matrix A.


  • We highlight on the same sheet the area for the inverse matrix.
  • Go to "FORMULAS". Category - "Math and Trig". Type - "MINVERSE".


  • In the “Array” argument field enter the range of the matrix A.


  • Press Shift + Ctrl + Enter at the same time because this is an obligatorily for entering arrays.


Download of examples

The possibilities of Excel are not unlimited. But the program can handle with the most of tasks. Especially there is no description of capabilities that can be expanded with macros and user settings.

Dashboard examples

  • Excel Formula Examples
  • Create table
  • Excel-functions
  • Formulas and ranges
  • Sort and filter
  • Charts in Excel
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  • Printing sheets
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  • Excel features
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Empowering Teams: Equipping for Independent Problem Solving

Like a conductor guiding an orchestra, effective managers play a crucial role in empowering teams to independently tackle and solve problems. However, the practice of ‘umbrella management,’ where managers shield their teams from challenges, has been found to have negative consequences. This article explores the drawbacks of such an approach and offers strategies for managers to shift from protection to support, equipping their teams with problem-solving skills. By delegating tasks, providing training and resources, fostering collaboration, and recognizing team efforts, managers can empower their teams to excel independently, leading to increased autonomy, engagement, and overall performance.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Umbrella managers should shift from protecting to supporting their employees.
  • Managers should focus on developing their team’s problem-solving skills.
  • Managers should delegate tasks and empower their team members.
  • Equipping teams to problem solve without the manager leads to increased employee engagement, job satisfaction, team performance, productivity, creativity, and innovation.

The Drawbacks of Umbrella Management

The drawbacks of umbrella management are evident as it can have negative consequences for the manager, team, and organization, necessitating the need for managers to find a balance between support and delegation. Umbrella managers, who adopt this leadership style to protect their teams from challenges, inadvertently intercept and shield their teams from important growth opportunities and learning experiences. This overprotection can hinder the development of essential skills, problem-solving abilities, and independence within the team. Moreover, it can lead to a lack of accountability and motivation among team members, as they rely heavily on the manager for guidance and decision-making. Overcoming the challenges of umbrella management requires a mental shift from protecting to supporting employees, encouraging them to take on challenges, and building resilience and problem-solving skills. Managers must trust the capabilities of their team members and empower them through delegation and the provision of resources and training.

Shifting From Protection to Support: Mental Shifts for Managers

One important aspect for managers to consider is shifting their mindset from a protective role to a supportive one. This shift in perspective is crucial for developing resilient teams and fostering a supportive leadership style.

To evoke an emotional response in the audience, here are four items to consider:

Empowering employees: By shifting from protection to support, managers can empower their employees to take on challenges and responsibilities. This not only builds their confidence but also enhances their problem-solving skills.

Developing resilience: Supportive leadership encourages the development of resilience within the team. It enables team members to bounce back from setbacks, adapt to change, and persevere in the face of challenges.

Trust and delegation: Managers need to trust their team’s abilities and delegate tasks effectively. This allows team members to take ownership of their work and develop their problem-solving capabilities.

Collaboration and teamwork: Supportive managers foster a culture of collaboration and teamwork within the team. By encouraging open communication and collaboration, managers can enhance problem-solving efforts and tap into the collective intelligence of the team.

Overall, shifting from a protective to a supportive role as a manager is essential for developing resilient teams and promoting a supportive leadership style.

Strategies for Delegating and Empowering Teams

Strategies for delegating and empowering teams include assigning tasks and responsibilities, providing necessary resources and training, fostering collaboration and teamwork, promoting a culture of experimentation and learning, and recognizing and rewarding team members’ efforts and successes. Delegation techniques involve distributing tasks and responsibilities among team members based on their skills and capabilities. This not only enhances individual growth but also promotes a sense of ownership and accountability within the team. Additionally, providing necessary resources and training equips team members with the knowledge and tools required to successfully complete their assigned tasks. Fostering collaboration and teamwork encourages the sharing of ideas and skills, leading to more effective problem-solving. Promoting a culture of experimentation and learning allows team members to explore new approaches and learn from failures, fostering innovation and continuous improvement. Recognizing and rewarding team members’ efforts and successes not only boosts morale but also reinforces the importance of independent problem-solving within the team. These empowerment strategies contribute to the development of autonomous and self-sufficient teams, resulting in increased employee engagement, improved performance, and enhanced creativity and innovation.

Enhancing Problem-Solving Skills Through Training and Resources

Enhancing problem-solving skills through training and resources requires providing team members with the necessary knowledge, tools, and support to effectively analyze and address challenges. To evoke an emotional response in the audience, consider the following:

Training effectiveness: By investing in high-quality training programs, team members can develop the skills and competencies needed to tackle complex problems. This not only boosts their confidence but also enhances their sense of achievement and personal growth.

Resource allocation: Providing adequate resources, such as access to relevant information, technology, and experts, can empower team members to overcome obstacles and find innovative solutions. This fosters a sense of empowerment and ownership over their work, leading to increased motivation and job satisfaction.

Skill development: Equipping team members with problem-solving techniques and strategies can enhance their problem-solving abilities. This not only improves their performance but also cultivates a sense of self-efficacy and resilience, enabling them to navigate challenges more effectively.

Supportive environment: Creating a supportive and collaborative work environment where team members feel safe to take risks and make mistakes fosters a culture of continuous learning and improvement. This instills a sense of belonging and trust among team members, enhancing their problem-solving effectiveness.

Fostering Collaboration and a Culture of Experimentation

Fostering collaboration and a culture of experimentation within the organization encourages collective problem-solving and promotes innovation. Collaboration allows individuals to bring their diverse perspectives and expertise to the table, leading to more comprehensive and effective solutions. By embracing experimentation, organizations create an environment where individuals feel empowered to take risks and try new approaches. This encourages creativity and allows for the exploration of innovative ideas. Through collaboration, team members can leverage each other’s strengths and knowledge, enhancing problem-solving capabilities. Additionally, embracing experimentation allows for the identification of new and improved solutions, as well as the ability to learn from failures. Overall, fostering collaboration and embracing experimentation within the organization cultivates an environment that supports and encourages collective problem-solving and innovation.

Recognizing and Rewarding Team Problem-Solving Efforts

Teams that are empowered and equipped to problem solve independently can greatly benefit from recognition and rewards for their efforts. Recognizing team contributions and incentivizing problem solving not only acknowledges the hard work and dedication of the team members but also motivates them to continue their problem-solving efforts. This can be achieved through various strategies such as:

  • Publicly acknowledging and appreciating the team’s problem-solving efforts in team meetings or company-wide communications.
  • Providing tangible rewards or incentives, such as bonuses or promotions, to team members who consistently demonstrate exceptional problem-solving skills.
  • Creating a culture of peer recognition, where team members can nominate and recognize their colleagues for their problem-solving contributions.
  • Offering opportunities for professional development and growth, such as additional training or mentorship programs, to team members who excel in problem-solving.

Benefits of Empowering Teams for Independent Problem Solving

Increased autonomy in decision-making and improved problem-solving capabilities contribute to a more efficient and adaptable workforce. When teams are empowered to solve problems independently, they are able to take ownership of their work and make decisions that align with the organization’s goals. This increased autonomy not only enhances the team’s engagement, but also fosters a sense of responsibility and accountability. By trusting their team members’ abilities, managers create an environment that encourages creativity and innovation. Furthermore, empowering teams to problem solve without constant managerial intervention leads to improved team performance and productivity. As team members gain confidence in their problem-solving skills, they become more autonomous and self-sufficient, allowing managers to focus on strategic initiatives and higher-level tasks. In conclusion, equipping teams for independent problem solving not only benefits the team itself, but also has a positive impact on the overall efficiency and adaptability of the workforce.

Examples of Successful Team Problem-Solving Cases

Successful team problem-solving cases demonstrate the effectiveness of strategies employed by teams to overcome challenges and achieve desired outcomes. These case studies provide valuable insights into the impact of team problem-solving on overall performance. By analyzing these cases, managers can gain a deeper understanding of the strategies and approaches used by successful teams. This knowledge can inspire managers to empower their teams and trust their problem-solving abilities. The impact analysis of these cases reveals several emotional responses that can resonate with the audience:

  • A sense of admiration for the teams’ resilience and determination to overcome challenges.
  • Inspiration to foster a culture of collaboration and experimentation within their own teams.
  • Excitement about the enhanced creativity and innovation that can result from empowering teams to problem solve independently.
  • Satisfaction in witnessing the improved performance and productivity of teams that are equipped to solve problems without constant manager intervention.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can umbrella managers find the balance between support and delegation for their teams.

Supportive leadership involves finding the balance between support and delegation for teams. By empowering teams and fostering autonomy, umbrella managers can enhance problem-solving abilities and promote team self-sufficiency.

What Are Some Effective Ways for Managers to Build Resilience Within Their Teams?

Effective ways for managers to build resilience within teams include encouraging problem-solving skills, fostering a culture of experimentation and learning from failures, providing training and resources, and recognizing and rewarding problem-solving efforts.

How Can Managers Foster a Culture of Experimentation and Learning From Failures Within Their Teams?

To foster a culture of experimentation and learning from failures, managers can cultivate curiosity and promote psychological safety within their teams. This encourages risk-taking, open communication, and a willingness to learn from mistakes, leading to innovation and continuous improvement.

What Strategies Can Managers Use to Enhance Their Team’s Problem-Solving Skills?

Strategies for enhancing team problem-solving skills include fostering collaboration, developing critical thinking skills, providing training and resources, promoting experimentation and learning from failures, and recognizing and rewarding problem-solving efforts and successes.

How Can Managers Effectively Recognize and Reward Their Team Members’ Problem-Solving Efforts and Successes?

Recognition and motivation are key factors in effectively acknowledging and rewarding team members’ problem-solving efforts and successes. Managers can utilize various strategies, such as verbal praise, monetary incentives, and public recognition, to foster a culture of appreciation and encourage continued excellence.

which of the following is used in excel solver for solving nonlinear problems with local optimal solutions and is based on more classical optimization techniques? goal seeker grg nonlinear simplex lp linear regression

The GRG (Generalized Reduced Gradient) Nonlinear Solver in Excel is used for solving nonlinear problems with local optimal solutions and is based on more classical optimization techniques.

The GRG Nonlinear Solver is one of the most powerful optimization tools available in Excel and is specifically designed to handle nonlinear problems that may have multiple solutions or local optimal solutions.

The GRG Nonlinear Solver works by using a technique called reduced gradient optimization to find the optimal solution.

It is a more advanced and sophisticated optimization technique compared to the Goal Seeker and Simplex methods which are used for linear problems. Linear regression is a statistical method used for modeling the relationship between two or more variables in a linear fashion.

It is not an optimization technique. LP (Linear Programming) is another optimization technique used for solving linear problems with linear constraints.

Learn more about Generalized Reduced Gradient at https://brainly.com/question/31021780

Related Questions

a laser printer is printing images with ghost images. what parts of the laster printer are most likely the source of the problem

A laser printer experiencing ghost images can be caused by several components. The most likely sources of the problem are the photoconductor drum, fuser assembly, and toner cartridge.

The photoconductor drum , which transfers the toner to the paper, may have surface wear or be improperly cleaned, causing residual toner to create ghost images.

The fuser assembly , responsible for melting and bonding the toner to the paper, may have a worn or damaged heating roller, leading to uneven heat distribution and ghosting.

Lastly, the toner cartridge could be leaking or have poor quality toner, resulting in image artifacts. Addressing these components should help resolve the issue.

Learn more about laser printer at


an operating system a describes information on the computer. b is a specialized program to run video applications.c runs computers and other electronic devices calling application programs as needed to complete tasks. d is a specialized program to control the intake of data and store appropriately.

An operating system C. runs computers and other electronic devices calling application programs as needed to complete tasks.

An operating system (OS) is a specialized program that runs on computers and other electronic devices. It manages the hardware resources, controls the execution of software applications, and provides a platform for users to interact with the computer. The OS is responsible for tasks such as memory management, process scheduling, device management, and file system operations. It acts as an intermediary between the hardware and software , calling application programs as needed to complete tasks and ensuring the overall functionality and efficiency of the system.

Option C is the correct answer.

You can learn more about operating system at


use the following scenario for questions from this chapter: you have been given a database for a small charity used to track donations made to it. it has the following structure:

In this scenario, you have been given a database for a small charity organization , which is used to track donations made to it. To address questions from this chapter, it is essential to understand the structure of the database.

To address questions related to the small charity organization's database, you will need to analyze the database structure, use SQL statements to query the database, perform calculations and aggregations, and apply filters and conditions as needed. By following these steps, you will be able to efficiently retrieve information and provide accurate answers.

To learn more about database , visit:


which of the following statements about exception handling is correct? group of answer choices statements that may cause an exception should be placed within a catch block. the main method of a java program will handle any error encountered in the program. statements that may cause an exception should be placed within a throws block. statements that may cause an exception should be placed within a try block.

The correct statement about exception handling is "Statements that may cause an exception should be placed within a try block."

In Java, exception handling is a mechanism used to handle runtime errors and unexpected conditions that may occur during program execution. When an exception occurs, the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) creates an exception object and throws it to the method that called the offending method. The program then attempts to find a suitable exception handler to catch the exception and handle it appropriately.

The try-catch block is the fundamental structure used in Java for exception handling. Statements that may cause an exception are placed within a try block. If an exception occurs within the try block, it is caught by a matching catch block, which contains code to handle the exception. Multiple catch blocks can be used to handle different types of exceptions that may be thrown within the try block.

To know more about exception handling ,


What are the Authentication Mechanisms compatible with a local identity store only:

Authentication mechanisms compatible with a local identity store only include password authentication , biometric authentication, and certificate-based authentication.

A local identity store refers to a database that stores user credentials, such as usernames and passwords, within an organization's network. In this context, authentication mechanisms that do not require external authentication sources such as third-party providers, cloud-based identity services or external directories would be considered compatible.

Password authentication is the most common form of authentication that uses a local identity store. Users enter their username and password to gain access to a system or application. Biometric authentication uses unique biological traits, such as fingerprints or facial recognition, to authenticate users. Certificate -based authentication uses digital certificates to verify the identity of a user or device. These authentication mechanisms are commonly used in environments where there is no need to integrate with external identity providers or when the application is not exposed to the internet.

learn more about authentication here:


Logitech g610 orion red backlit mechanical gaming keyboard.

When comparing different gaming keyboards, it is important to consider factors such as key switches , build quality, and additional features. In this case, we will examine the Logitech Orion Red Backlit Mechanical Gaming Keyboard. The Logitech G610 Orion Red features Cherry MX Red mechanical key switches, which are known for their linear, smooth, and quiet keystrokes . The build quality of the keyboard is solid, as it is made with a durable plastic frame and has a matte finish. The keyboard also includes customizable red LED backlighting , which allows users to adjust the brightness and create various lighting effects. Additionally, the Logitech G610 Orion Red offers dedicated media controls, programmable macro keys, and is compatible with the Logitech Gaming Software for further customization. Overall, the Logitech G610 Orion Red Backlit Mechanical Gaming Keyboard is a reliable and high-quality option for gamers who prefer a smooth and quiet typing experience. With its customizable backlighting and additional features, it is a great choice for enhancing your gaming setup.

To learn more about Logitech , visit:


which early memory management scheme could result in a large amount of internal fragmentation? group of answer choices paged memory dynamic partitions fixed partitions single-user contiguous

Fixed partitions is the memory management scheme could result in a large amount of internal fragmentation.

The dynamic partitioning memory management scheme could result in a large amount of internal fragmentation.

In this scheme, the memory is divided into variable-sized partitions to accommodate programs of different sizes.

When a program is loaded, it is assigned a partition that is equal or larger than its size.

However, if the program is deallocated or terminated , the partition becomes free but may be too small to hold another program.

As a result, there are free memory spaces that are too small to be allocated for any new program, causing internal fragmentation.

Learn more about memory management scheme


error Android project not found. Are you sure this is a React Native project? If your Android files are located in a non-standard location (e.g. not inside 'android' folder), consider setting project.android.sourceDir option to point to a new location. info Run CLI with --verbose flag for more details.

If the Android files are located in a non-standard location, set the project.android.sourceDir option to point to the new location, or run the CLI with the --verbose flag for more details on the error.

The error message suggests that the Android project cannot be found in the specified location and asks whether the React Native project exists. The error could occur when the Android files are located outside of the standard 'android' folder or have been moved to a different location.

It suggests using the 'project.android. sourceDir ' option to specify the new location. The user can try running the command with the '--verbose' flag to get more detailed information about the error.

This error message is common when trying to run a React Native project that has been modified or moved from its original location.

Learn more about Android


The company name, product name and game icon can all be set in the:

The company name, product name, and game icon can all be set in the app store listing for the game. This listing is created by the developer of the game and includes various details such as a description, screenshots, and pricing information.

By setting the company name, product name, and game icon in the app store listing, the developer can ensure that their game is easily recognizable and stands out to potential players. The game icon is particularly important as it is the first thing a user will see when browsing the app store and can have a significant impact on whether or not they choose to download the game .

The product name and company name can also influence a user's decision, as they may be more likely to trust a game from a well-known company or with a catchy name . Overall, setting these details in the app store listing is a crucial step in the game development process and can significantly impact the success of the game.

You can learn more about the app store at: brainly.com/question/31369611

​ You must use a comma or a period to separate a table name from its alias. T/F

False . You must use a comma or a period to separate a table name from its alias.

In SQL , you can use a table alias to give a table a temporary name. The alias can be used to refer to the table throughout the query, and can make the query easier to read and understand. When using a table alias, you do not need to use a comma or a period to separate the table name from its alias. Instead, you can use the AS keyword to assign the alias to the table, as shown in the following example:

SELECT o.order_date, c.customer_name

FROM orders AS o

JOIN customers AS c ON o.customer_id = c.customer_id;

In this example, the AS keyword is used to assign the alias "o" to the orders table, and the alias "c" to the customers table. The aliases are then used to refer to the tables in the SELECT and JOIN clauses.

To know more about SQL , click here:


What instruction will send program flow out to a sub-program? A. JUMP/LBL B. SELECT C. CALL D. JUMP/LBL + SELECT

The instruction that will send program flow out to a sub-program is CALL.

So, the correct answer is C.

This instruction is commonly used in programming languages such as C++, Java, and Python.

When the CALL instruction is encountered, the program flow transfers to the sub-program or function that is specified in the instruction.

The sub-program is executed, and once it is completed, the program flow returns back to the main program where it left off.

This is a common way to break up a large program into smaller, more manageable pieces, which can be developed and tested separately. It also helps to improve the overall organization and maintainability of the program.

Hence the answer of the question is C.

Learn more about programming at


What will be the output of the following r code? > x <- 1 > 5 ->x > print(x)

Note that the output of the above code is [1] 5

The first line assigns the value 1 to the variable x.

The second line assigns the value 5 to the variable x, overwriting the previous value of 1.

The third line prints the value of x, which is now 5, to the console.

A software may need interaction with a user. This might be to display the program's output or to seek more information in order for the program to start. This is commonly shown as text on the user's screen and is referred to as output .

Learn more about code at:


which of the following parallel computing solutions would minimize the amount of time it takes to execute all four processes?

Parallel computing involves dividing a task into smaller sub-tasks that can be processed simultaneously on multiple processors, thus reducing the overall execution time. To minimize the time it takes to execute all four processes, we need to choose a parallel computing solution that maximizes parallelism and minimizes communication overhead.

One solution that can achieve this is task parallelism, where each process is assigned to a separate processor and runs independently of the others. This approach minimizes communication overhead and maximizes parallelism, allowing all processes to be executed simultaneously .

Another solution is data parallelism, where the data is divided into smaller chunks and each processor performs the same operation on its assigned data. This approach is efficient when the same operation needs to be performed on a large dataset.

In summary, to minimize the amount of time it takes to execute all four processes , we should choose a parallel computing solution that maximizes parallelism and minimizes communication overhead. Task parallelism and data parallelism are two solutions that can achieve this goal.

To learn more about Parallel computing , visit:


70. The best time to introduce security into an application is: a. Implementation b. Design c. Development d. Testing

The best time to introduce security into an application is during the design phase. By incorporating security measures into the design, potential vulnerabilities can be identified and addressed before implementation and development even begin. This is important because once implementation and development are underway, making significant changes to the design can be costly and time-consuming.

During the design phase, security considerations such as authentication, authorization, encryption, and input validation can be integrated into the application architecture. This approach ensures that security is built into the application from the ground up and is an integral part of the application's functionality.While security testing is also important, it should not be relied upon as the sole means of identifying and addressing security vulnerabilities. By incorporating security into the design phase, developers can proactively address potential security issues before they become a problem, resulting in a more secure and reliable application .

To learn more about security  click on the link below:


Shifting a positive integer left by i bits gives the same result as multiplying the same integer by 2 i . N×2 i =N< . N÷2 i =N>>i Given an integer N stored at memory address 5000 , write a program that stores the result of N×8 at memory address 5004 and the result of N/16 at memory address 5008. Use the ' + ' button under the Memory display to initialize the memory at address 5000. Ex: If the content at memory address 5000 is initialized in the simulator as 64, the data memory will contain: Note: Shift-right performs an integer division; therefore, digits after the decimal point are ignored.

The task is to write a program that performs two operations on a positive integer N stored at memory address 5000. The first operation is to shift N left by i bits, which is equivalent to multiplying N by 2 i , and store the result at memory address 5004. The second operation is to shift N right by i bits, which is equivalent to dividing N by 2 i , and store the result at memory address 5008. To perform the first operation, we need to shift N left by 3 bits since we want to multiply N by 8, which is equivalent to 2 3 . This can be done using the left shift operator << in C. Therefore, we can write N<<3 to shift N left by 3 bits. To perform the second operation, we need to shift N right by 4 bits since we want to divide N by 16, which is equivalent to 2 4 . This can be done using the right shift operator >> in C. Therefore, we can write N>>4 to shift N right by 4 bits. We can then assign the results of these operations to the memory addresses 5004 and 5008 using the assignment operator = in C. Therefore, we can write *(int*)5004 = N<<3; and *(int*)5008 = N>>4; to store the results of N×8 and N/16 respectively at the required memory addresses. The program to perform the required operations on the positive integer N stored at memory address 5000 has been explained. The left shift and right shift operators in C have been used to shift N left and right by the required number of bits . The results of these operations have been assigned to the memory addresses 5004 and 5008 using the assignment operator in C.

To learn more about memory address , visit:


You are working on a small office/home (SOHO) network. The home owner recently changed his Internet Service Provider (ISP) and has an existing Ethernet router connected to an RJ45 jack on the wall plate. He has a new laptop and would like to connect this laptop to the Internet with a wireless connection. You need to create a wireless network.

The scenario describes a situation where the home owner wants to connect a new laptop to the internet via a wireless connection , and the objective is to create a wireless network.

To create a wireless network for the SOHO network , a wireless access point (WAP) can be installed. The WAP can be connected to the existing Ethernet router using an Ethernet cable.

The WAP can be configured to provide a wireless network that can be accessed by the new laptop.

The configuration of the WAP can be done using its web-based interface, which allows the wireless network name (SSID) and password to be set up.

Once the configuration is complete, the laptop can connect to the wireless network by selecting the network name and entering the password.

This will provide the laptop with wireless access to the Internet.

Learn more about wireless connection


Can cluster performance data be viewed outside of Prism?

Yes, cluster performance data can be exported from Prism and viewed outside of the platform.

Prism allows users to export cluster performance data in various formats, including CSV, Excel, and JSON. This data can then be analyzed and visualized using external tools or software, such as Tableau or R. Exporting the data allows for more flexibility in analyzing and sharing the results.

However, it is important to note that certain features, such as interactive visualizations, may not be available when viewing the data outside of Prism. Additionally, users should ensure that they are following any necessary data security protocols when exporting and sharing performance data.

For more questions like Data click the link below:


What is the correct way to format the decimal 20.3844 as a string to two decimal places? 20.3844 as String {format: ".0#"} 20.3844 as :string {format: ".0#"} 20.3844 as String as format: ".0#" 20.3844 as :string as format: ".0#" 20.3844 as String (format = ".0#") 20.3844 as :string (format = ".0#")

20.3844 as String {format: ".0#"} is the correct way to format the decimal to two decimal places .

The correct way to format the decimal 20.3844 as a string to two decimal places is by using the syntax "20.3844 as String {format: '.0#'}".

The format parameter in the curly braces specifies the number of decimal places to display.

The ".0#" format indicates that there should be at least one digit before the decimal point, and one or two digits after the decimal point, depending on whether they are significant or not.

Other possible syntax options for achieving the same result include using a colon instead of the word "as", or including the format parameter after the word "String".

However, the important thing is to ensure that the format parameter is correctly specified using the appropriate syntax and format string to achieve the desired output.

For more such questions on Decimal places:


maps is often used to get directions between a starting point anda single ending point, which is called a (n)_______. a terminal location b destination c arrival point d target point

The answer is "destination". option b. A map is a useful tool for finding directions and getting from a starting point to a specific destination . The destination is the end goal or final location that the map is helping you to navigate towards.

A map is a representation or drawing of the earth's surface or a part of its area drawn on a flat surface. A map is always made according to a scale. There are different types of maps political, physical, and thematic.

Thus, maps are often used to get directions between a starting point and a single ending point , which is called a (b) destination.

Learn more about the map here:- brainly.com/question/23040788

What does the NaturalNumber component family allow you to do?

The NaturalNumber component family is a set of components that allows you to perform various operations on natural numbers in a computational context.

These components provide a range of functionality, including arithmetic operations such as addition , subtraction, multiplication, and division, as well as comparison operations such as greater than, less than, and equal to. Additionally, the NaturalNumber components can be used for formatting and manipulation of natural numbers, such as converting them to strings or changing their base representation. Overall, the NaturalNumber component family provides a convenient way to work with natural numbers in a computer program or system.

To learn more about NaturalNumber  click on the link below:


what are some environmental issues with Electric cars


1. Limited Range: Electric cars have limited range compared to gas-powered cars, meaning that drivers may need to plan their trips more carefully.

2. Battery Disposal: Electric car batteries can contain hazardous materials and need to be disposed of properly.

3. Charging Infrastructure: Electric cars need access to charging infrastructure, which can be limited in some areas.

4. Cost: Electric cars are often more expensive than their gas-powered counterparts.

5. Pollution: While electric cars produce no emissions directly, their electricity may be generated by burning fossil fuels, which can result in air pollution.

In most cases, static IP addresses are reserved for S___ and N___ devices, while dynamic IP addresses are reserved for C___.

In most cases, static IP addresses are reserved for servers and network devices, while dynamic IP addresses are reserved for clients.

Static IP addresses are assigned to devices that require a consistent and unchanging network address , such as servers, routers, and switches. These devices typically provide services or host resources that need to be accessible at a known IP address. Static IP addresses are manually configured and remain fixed unless explicitly changed by a network administrator.

On the other hand, dynamic IP addresses are assigned to client devices, such as computers, smartphones, and tablets. These devices connect to the network temporarily and require an IP address to access network resources. Dynamic IP addresses are automatically assigned by a DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) server and may change each time the device connects to the network.

You can learn more about IP addresses at


Explain the concept of a CPU-I/O burst cycle.

The concept of a CPU-I/O burst cycle is a fundamental aspect of computer processing. It refers to the alternating phases of activity that occur when a program is executing on a computer's central processing unit (CPU). During these cycles, the CPU switches between periods of intense computation, known as CPU bursts, and periods of relatively little activity, known as I/O bursts. In a typical CPU-I/O burst cycle, the CPU receives a task from a program and executes it during a CPU burst. This may involve performing complex calculations, accessing memory, and making decisions based on input data. Once the CPU has completed its work, it enters an I/O burst, during which it waits for input or output operations to complete. This could include reading or writing data to a disk drive, waiting for user input, or communicating with other devices on a network. The length of these bursts can vary greatly depending on the type of program being executed, the complexity of the task, and the resources available to the computer . In some cases, a program may consist primarily of CPU bursts with very short I/O bursts, while in other cases the opposite may be true. Understanding the CPU-I/O burst cycle is crucial for optimizing computer performance and ensuring efficient use of system resources. By analyzing the behavior of programs and identifying patterns in their CPU and I/O activity, developers can design more effective algorithms and optimize system configurations to achieve maximum performance.

Learn more about CPU at


What kind of impact does enabling encryption at rest have?

Enabling encryption at rest can provide increased data security by preventing unauthorized access to data in storage.

Enabling encryption at rest can have a significant impact on data security. Encryption at rest ensures that data is encrypted while it is stored, making it unreadable without the appropriate decryption key. This provides protection against unauthorized access to sensitive information, such as personal data, financial records, or trade secrets. Encryption at rest can also help organizations comply with data privacy regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). However, enabling encryption at rest can also have a performance impact on systems, as encrypting and decrypting data requires additional processing power and can slow down data access times.

learn more about encryption here:


transferring data from a legacy system to the new system would be defined by which system design specification category? conversion input database manual procedures software development and programming

Transferring data from a legacy system to the new system would be defined by the conversion category of system design specification. This category includes the process of converting data from the old system to the new one, which involves inputting the data into the new system's database .

This process may require manual procedures and software development and programming to ensure that the data is transferred accurately and efficiently.

Transferring data from a legacy system to a new system falls under the system design specification category of "conversion." This process involves migrating data from the old database in the legacy system to the new database in the upgraded system, ensuring data integrity and compatibility .

To know more about database v isit:-

_____ is made up of the intangible programs that tell the computer what to do. 1. Hardware 2. HTML 3. Software

3. Software is made up of the intangible programs that tell the computer what to do.

Unlike hardware, which consists of physical components such as the CPU, memory, and storage devices, software is a collection of instructions and data that allow the computer to perform specific tasks. These instructions are typically written in programming languages such as HTML, which is used for creating websites, or other languages like Java, Python, and C++ for various applications. Software can be divided into two main categories: system software and application software. System software includes operating systems, device drivers, and utilities that enable the computer to function properly and manage its resources. Application software , on the other hand, includes programs that perform specific tasks for users, such as word processors, web browsers, and video games. In summary, (Option 3) software is a crucial part of any computing system as it allows users to interact with the hardware and perform a wide range of tasks. It is the intangible component that brings functionality and usability to computers, enabling them to be powerful tools for communication, entertainment, and productivity.

Learn more about software here: https://brainly.com/question/30458548

An administrator has observed that when an all- AHV host restarts unexpectedly one VM does not restart as expected. Which cluster on the VM configuration explains this behavior?

The cluster on the VM configuration that explains this behavior is the "High Availability (HA) cluster".

In an AHV (Acropolis Hypervisor) environment, High Availability (HA) clusters are used to ensure the availability and resiliency of virtual machines (VMs). When an AHV host restarts unexpectedly, the HA cluster is responsible for automatically restarting the affected VMs on other available hosts within the cluster.

If a particular VM does not restart as expected after an all-AHV host restart, it suggests that the VM is not part of the HA cluster . This behavior can occur if the VM is not configured to be part of the HA cluster or if there are specific settings or restrictions in place that prevent the VM from being automatically restarted.

Option B, "High Availability (HA) cluster", correctly identifies the cluster on the VM configuration that explains the observed behavior of the VM not restarting after an all-AHV host restart.

You can learn more about VM configuration at


The motion option OFFSET, PR[x] is offset relative to the orientation of what frame? A. TOOL B. JOG C. WORLD D. USER

When using the motion option OFFSET with PR[x] in a programming language or controller, the offset is relative to the orientation of the WORLD frame. Option C is answer.

The WORLD frame represents the absolute reference frame in which the robot operates. It is a fixed coordinate system that defines the global position and orientation of the robot's movements.

By specifying an offset relative to the WORLD frame, the robot's motion will be adjusted based on the orientation of the WORLD frame. This allows for precise control and coordination of the robot's movements in relation to the global coordinate system.

Option C: WORLD is the correct answer.

You can learn more about WORLD frame at


Link state protocols require more ___ and ____ power, because the router has to run sophisticated algorithms to determine the quickest paths and update routing tables.

Link state protocols require more memory and processing power compared to distance-vector protocols because the router must execute complex algorithms to identify the fastest paths and update routing tables.

This is due to the protocol's nature, which involves each router maintaining a detailed topology map of the entire network .

By using algorithms like Dijkstra's Shortest Path First, routers can calculate optimal routes more accurately, leading to improved network performance.

However, this comes at the cost of higher resource consumption, making it crucial to have adequate memory and processing power in routers utilizing link state protocols.

Learn more about Link state protocol at


____ enhance your text ads with your landing page images using dynamic images, which can improve your ctr

You can enhance your text ads with your landing page images using dynamic images, which can improve your CTR by creating more visually appealing and relevant ads

Dynamic images can significantly enhance your text ads by incorporating visuals from your landing page, resulting in improved click-through rates (CTR).

By using these images, your ads become more engaging and relevant to the audience, capturing their attention more effectively.

Additionally, dynamic images can be automatically updated based on the content of your landing page, ensuring that your ads always showcase the most recent and appealing visuals.

This strategy helps create a cohesive user experience, further encouraging potential customers to click on your ads and visit your website.

In summary, leveraging dynamic images in your text ads can effectively boost your CTR and overall ad performance..

Learn more about dynamic image at


What happened at Possum Trot? Remarkable story shows how we can solve America's problems.

In possum trot, texas, a single church changed the lives of dozens of children in foster care..

problem solving questions in excel

We’re looking for the wrong solutions to America’s biggest problems. It’s true of poverty, homelessness, mental health, addiction and so much more. Given the scale of these challenges, we tend to assume they need even bigger answers − massive programs and taxpayer support. But after decades of taking that approach, America’s problems have gotten worse.

What if the solutions are bigger  and  smaller than most people think?

What happened at Possum Trot

That’s the message of “ Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot ,” a movie released this week. Named after a town in East Texas and based on a true story, it follows the story of dozens of local children who were taken from their families and put in foster care. Their lives were hard, and foster care made them harder. The kids were seemingly destined for a life of violence, jail, addiction, poverty and, in many cases, death.

But the town didn’t let that happen. A local pastor, Bishop W.C. Martin , and his wife, Donna Martin , adopted two of the kids, then called on their friends and fellow parishioners to step up.

All told, 22 families adopted 77 of the hardest-to-place children in the local foster system.

That was nearly three decades ago. While many of the former foster children are still dealing with the trauma of being taken from their families, the majority of them have grown to become thriving adults.

Children languish for years in foster care

It wouldn’t have happened had they stayed in the system. Each year, more than 600,000 kids spend time in foster care. Even one day in foster care is proven to be disastrous for a kid’s long-term outcomes. But 60% of children in foster care are in the system for more than a year.

Up to  4 out of 5 foster kids  have mental health issues, and 1 in 5 who age out of foster care become homeless before age 20.

I survived the foster care system. Dismantling it altogether is the only path forward.

These horrible outcomes happen despite decades of reform efforts and large-scale funding. Combined federal, state and local spending for child welfare services, which is largely about foster care, soared by about 120% between  the mid-1990s  and  2020 .

The federal government is paying for  more programs  on everything from mental health to substance abuse to skills training. Despite this massive investment, foster care still looks like an unsolvable problem.

But this problem is solvable. The town of Possum Trot showed how.

Strong communities hold key to solving big problems

The solution to foster care − and all of America’s biggest problems − is the power of relationships. Social scientists call it “social capital,” while others call it “strong communities." Whatever name you use, we’re talking about people helping people on an individual basis. And while that seems small, when you scale up relationships nationwide, it’s the biggest solution imaginable.

In Possum Trot, a single church changed the lives of dozens of families and children. But there are  nearly 400,000 churches  in America. If each one helped just one of the roughly 400,000 kids in foster care at any one time, the problem could be largely solved overnight.

And it’s not just about religious institutions. There are accessible ways for people to save kids from the lifelong struggles of foster care, all through the power of people helping people.

Americans are running away from church. But we don't have to run from each other.

I’ve seen the proof in communities across the nation. 

National Angels provides local support to foster families, making them 50% more likely to avoid burnout while providing more stability for the kids. Another group, Safe Families , helps kids avoid foster care altogether, pairing trusted families with moms and dads who are struggling to provide for their kids. They take care of the kids for a few weeks or months while the parents get back on their feet.

Remarkably, most of the families are reunited, compared with less than half in foster care . In both cases, the relationships made all the difference.

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Then there’s CarePortal . It connects local churches and community members with struggling families in real time, getting them the resources they need to provide for their kids. If a family can’t afford food, car seats or anything else their kids urgently need, neighbors swoop in so that child services doesn’t need to.

Surely there are many other groups I don’t know about that are making a big difference by applying the same insight.

Can something similar happen with other seemingly unsolvable problems? Absolutely. Homelessness, addiction, gang violence, poverty − they’re all made worse by the loss of community. The solution is to create community, which all of us can do. No amount of government spending or programming has done that, nor can it, for the simple reason that government action isn’t big enough. The bigger and better solution starts somewhere much smaller yet much more powerful: everyday Americans.

Evan Feinberg is senior vice president of Stand Together and chair of the Stand Together Foundation.

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Mathematicians Are Edging Close to Solving One of the World's 7 Hardest Math Problems

And there’s $1 million at stake.

opened safe deposit with glowing insides

  • In new research, mathematicians have narrowed down one of the biggest outstanding problems in math.
  • Huge breakthroughs in math and science are usually the work of many people over many years.
  • Seven math problems were given a $1 million bounty each in 2000, and just one has been solved so far.

The “Millennium Problems” are seven infamously intractable math problems laid out in the year 2000 by the prestigious Clay Institute, each with $1 million attached as payment for a solution. They span all areas of math , as the Clay Institute was founded in 1998 to push the entire field forward with financial support for researchers and important breakthroughs.

But the only solved Millennium Problem so far, the Poincare conjecture, illustrates one of the funny pitfalls inherent to offering a large cash prize for math. The winner, Grigori Perelman, refused the Clay prize as well as the prestigious Fields Medal. He withdrew from mathematics and public life in 2006, and even in 2010, he still insisted his contribution was the same as the mathematician whose work laid the foundation on which he built his proof, Richard Hamilton.

Math, all sciences, and arguably all human inquiries are filled with pairs or groups that circle the same finding at the same time until one officially makes the breakthrough. Think about Sir Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz, whose back-and-forth about calculus led to the combined version of the field we still study today. Rosalind Franklin is now mentioned in the same breath as her fellow discoverers of DNA, James Watson and Francis Crick. Even the Bechdel Test for women in media is sometimes called the Bechdel-Wallace Test, because humans are almost always in collaboration.

That’s what makes this new paper so important. Two mathematicians—Larry Guth of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and James Maynard of the University of Oxford—collaborated on the new finding about how certain polynomials are formed and how they reach out into the number line. Maynard is just 37, and won the Fields Medal himself in 2022. Guth, a decade older, has won a number of important prizes with a little less name recognition.

The Riemann hypothesis is not directly related to prime numbers , but it has implications that ripple through number theory in different ways (including with prime numbers). Basically, it deals with where and how the graph of a certain function of complex numbers crosses back and forth across axes. The points where the function crosses an axis is called a “zero,” and the frequency with which those zeroes appear is called the zero density.

In the far reaches of the number line, prime numbers become less and less predictable (in the proverbial sense). They are not, so far, predictable in the literal sense—a fact that is an underpinning of modern encryption , where data is protected by enormous strings of integers made by multiplying enormous prime numbers together. The idea of a periodic table of primes, of any kind of template that could help mathematicians better understand where and how large primes cluster together or not, is a holy grail.

In the new paper, Maynard and Guth focus on a new limitation of Dirichlet polynomials. These are special series of complex numbers that many believe are of the same type as the function involved in the Riemann hypothesis involves. In the paper, they claim they’ve proven that these polynomials have a certain number of large values, or solutions , within a tighter range than before.

In other words, if we knew there might be an estimated three Dirichlet values between 50 and 100 before, now we may know that range to be between 60 and 90 instead. The eye exam just switched a blurry plate for a slightly less blurry one, but we still haven’t found the perfect prescription. “If one knows some more structure about the set of large values of a Dirichlet polynomial, then one can hope to have improved bound,” Maynard and Guth conclude.

No, this is not a final proof of the Riemann hypothesis. But no one is suggesting it is. In advanced math, narrowing things down is also vital. Indeed, even finding out that a promising idea turns out to be wrong can have a lot of value—as it has a number of times in the related Twin Primes Conjecture that still eludes mathematicians.

In a collaboration that has lasted 160 years and counting, mathematicians continue to take each step together and then, hopefully, compare notes.

Headshot of Caroline Delbert

Caroline Delbert is a writer, avid reader, and contributing editor at Pop Mech. She's also an enthusiast of just about everything. Her favorite topics include nuclear energy, cosmology, math of everyday things, and the philosophy of it all. 

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Excel VLOOKUP Exercises: 10 Tricky Problems

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In this article are ten Excel VLOOKUP exercises to practice. Most of the problems are easy to solve, however you will need some intermediate level Excel knowledge to solve the last problem.

To solve the problems you will need to know about the following: the VLOOKUP and COUNTIF functions, returning multiple values separated by commas , finding partial matches , calculating down payments , group age ranges , returning the second match , nested VLOOKUP , finding duplicate matches , conditional formatting , the VBA VLOOKUP function , and best practices for the VLOOKUP .

These problems can be solved using Excel in any version from 2007 onwards.

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Excel VLOOKUP Practice Problem.xlsm

Problem Overview

The exercises described below are in the Excel file above. There are two sheets in the file; “Problem” and “Solution”. Use the “Problem” sheet to try to solve the problems by yourself.

The image below shows the first two problems from the Excel file. We have altered this dataset slightly for most of the exercises. For the last problem, press Alt+F11 to bring up the VBA window and go through the VBA code that was used to solve it.

Problem Overview of Excel VLOOKUP Exercises

Problem 1 – Find Salary of an Employee

  • Find the salary of “Ross” from the dataset. The following animated image shows the formula to solve this problem.

Problem 2 – Find Salary and Department of an Employee

  • Return the salary and the department separated with a comma.

Problem 3 – VLOOKUP with Partial Match

  • Find the salary of the employee starting with “Ro”.

Problem 4 – Return Value from a Range

  • The periodic payment (PMT) values are given for a range of values. Calculate the PMT value for a range.

Problem 5 – Group Ages in Range

  • The age is divided into five groups. Sort the ages into the groups.

Problem 6 – Return Second Match

  • In this problem, a name has repetitions. Your goal is to find the value corresponding to the second occurrence of that name. Moreover, use a helper column to count the instances of the salesman.

Problem 7 – Nested VLOOKUP

  • Use the nested VLOOKUP to return values from two related tables. The second column from the first table is the first column in the second table. Use this to find the price of the A101 ID.

Problem 8 – Find Duplicates

  • There are two columns containing state names. Find the duplicate state names using the VLOOKUP function.

Problem 9 – Conditional Formatting with VLOOKUP

  • There are two columns that contain marks from an exam. Students who got low marks could opt to retake the exam. Highlight the students that retook the exam and increased their marks.

Problem 10 – Use VBA VLOOKUP Function

  • The final task is to use the VBA VLOOKUP function to find the salary of Tamara.

The following image shows a sample from the “Solution” sheet of the Excel file.

Excel VLOOKUP Exercises

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  • Excel LOOKUP vs VLOOKUP: With 3 Examples
  • What Is Table Array in Excel VLOOKUP?
  • Why VLOOKUP Returns #N/A When Match Exists (with Solutions)
  • How to Use Nested VLOOKUP in Excel (3 Criteria)
  • Make VLOOKUP Case Sensitive in Excel (4 Methods)
  • How to VLOOKUP and SUM Across Multiple Sheets in Excel

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Rafiul Haq

Rafiul Haq worked as an Excel and VBA Content Developer in Exceldemy for over two years and published almost 200 articles for the website. He is passionate about exploring new aspects of Excel and VBA. He received his Bachelor of Science in Mechanical and Production Engineering (MPE) from the Islamic University of Technology. Rafiul furthered his education by obtaining an MBA in Finance from the Institute of Business Administration (IBA) at the University of Dhaka. Apart from creating... Read Full Bio

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