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A resume header is the first thing recruiters check out on your resume.

Click here to directly go to the complete resume header examples.

You've come to the right place to learn how to make headers for resumes that will increase your chances of getting that coveted interview.

Resume Headings carry all your personal, contact, and social media information. They introduce you to the recruiter and are (correctly) given a lot of importance while making a resume.

Using a poor resume headings format can even mess with the ATS software used by many hiring managers.

Here's a summary of how to write the headers for resumes:

  • Do not name your resume as ' RESUME ' or ' CV ', just start with your name.
  • Write your name between 14-16 points and with proper spacing.
  • Do not write the function in the title but the proper designation .
  • Do not write more than one phone number or e-mail address.
  • Provide the current location of your residence.

In this blog we will walk you through:

  • What exactly is a resume header?
  • What are some examples of resume header?
  • What is the best resume header format?
  • How to make your resume header stand out?
  • What not to add on your resume header?
  • How to create headers for resumes on word?
  • Best resume heading checklist

Imagine that your contact information in the resume header is not correctly picked up by the Applicant Tracking System. Now, the recruiter can't get in touch with you even if they are interested!

This blog post will cover the following topics:

What is the Resume Header?

As the name suggests, a resume header is at the top of your resume and mainly contains your name, resume title, and contact information along with social and professional information.

To make your resume writing experience effortless, we have got some hacks:

  • Put your personal contact info in the correct order
  • Include your name , resume title , location , phone number , & email address
  • Add extra information like LinkedIn id , only if relevant
  • Make it easily readable by styling it right.
  • Do not start your resume by naming it as Resume or CV

10+ Resume Header Examples

Each of these resume heading examples has been created by our experts on our online resume builder .

Feel free to build your own resume heading using these!

1.Software Developer Resume Header


Also Read : How to Write a software developer resume in 2022?

2. Business Development Associate Resume Header


Also Read : How to Write a business developer resume in 2022?

3. Data Analyst Resume Header

Data Analyst

Also Read : How to Write a data analyst resume in 2022?

4. Digital Marketing Associate Resume Header


Also Read : How to Write a digital marketing resume in 2022?

5. Marketing Manager Resume Header


Also Read : How to Write a marketing manager resume in 2022?

6. AWS Resume Header


Also Read : How to Write an AWS resume in 2022?

7. Cyber Security Analyst Resume Header


Also Read : How to Write a cyber security resume in 2022?

8. Business Analyst Resume Header


Also Read : How to Write a business analyst resume in 2022?

9. Medical Assistant Resume Header


Also Read : How to Write a medical assistant resume in 2022?

10. Customer Service Associate Resume Header


Also Read : How to Write a customer service assistant resume in 2022?

Why Do You Need Resume Headers?

It is convenient to have the name of the candidate at the beginning of your resume - both for the recruiter and for the candidate.

A resume header serves the purpose of identifying your resume. In fact, we suggest highlighting the header of the resume to differentiate it from the body of the resume.

Also Read : How to Write a Stellar Resume in 2022?

Resume Heading Format

The resume header format that you choose should always be at the starting of the page.

Select it as the left margin or put it at the center. Your name is the most important thing, and the second most important thing is your phone number and e-mail address.

Then add additional information like a clickable website or social media links. There are different types of resume header formats but the contact information format is always the same and it comes first.

If you want to directly look at the resume header sample, you can skip to the end of this article.

Resume Header: Name

Make sure that your name is the most visible part of your resume. Your name will make your resume stand apart from hundreds of other resumes.

  • Make your name the biggest thing on your resume .
  • If you have different names (like Kenneth, Kenny, or a maiden name), you should use the version that is most searchable on the internet.
  • Keep the name the same across all of your profiles that you have listed. Your portfolio website, Twitter handle, and LinkedIn profile should all belong to you.

Resume Header: Resume Title

What is a resume title?

A resume title presents your profile to the recruiter in one word or a couple of words. It summarizes your professional experience in one or two words.

As important as it sounds to list the title on your resume, it is the most unattended one.

Take care of the following points so that you do not forget to add the right title:

  • Add the job title to your resume in a 1 or 2 points smaller font than the name . Example: DevOps Engineer .
  • If you have certification or a key license, list it in the professional resume header. Example: Certified MongoDB Architect .

To find the right resume header templates, head on to our online resume builder .

Resume Header: Address

Next thing is to add your address; however, this is the aspect that can be left unlisted for privacy concerns.

Hiring managers usually look for people near their company. This prevents them from funding their travel.

Instead of your full address, you can simply list the city/region .

Example: Westville, IL

Resume Header: Phone Number

A phone number is by far the most common way for hiring managers to contact you!

  • List your personal contact number and which is widely accessible .
  • Do not include your present work phone.
  • Make sure that your phone has a decent voice mail message .
  • Write your ISD code before the phone number.
  • Give space in between the phone number for aesthetic purposes. Ex.: +01 222 343 2423

Resume Header: Email Address

Email is a fairly common way that managers use to reach out to fellow applicants.

  • After your phone number, write a professional-looking email address.
  • A good-looking email would contain first name, last name, and a widely used email provider like Gmail or Microsoft.
  • One email address is enough.
  • Do not use your current work email .
  • Avoid any email id that includes slang or jargon. Ex: [email protected] .
Also read : What All Contact Information Need to Go in a Resume Header?

How to make a Resume Header stand out

We have got some creative resume header ideas for you. Usually, people do not consider these hacks and fall short of scoring in the interviews.

Spend less time wondering and more time conditioning your resume header with the following tips:

Resume Header: Web Addresses

A web address is usually not needed in your resume heading.

However, if you have a job-related online portfolio or website, you can include it. It is a good way to let the recruiter focus on your potential.

Adding a portfolio will work exceptionally for good online projects. Software engineers, architects, interior designers, graphic designers, and artists should include portfolios.

Resume Header: LinkedIn profile

A lot of recruiters now use LinkedIn to hire potential job seekers.

Adding a decently updated LinkedIn profile in your resume header will help the recruiter to know more about you. He can browse through your endorsements and key skills , projects and volunteer experiences .

Your connections and past jobs will give him a fair idea of your reach and professional potential.

Your LinkedIn profile should be up-to-date and personalized. Optimize your profile with the right profile summary, background picture, profile image, and ATS keywords.

Resume Header: GitHub profile

If you're a person in the field of information technology, or a student who has completed many coding projects, it is ideal that you include your Github profile for your resume to stand out from the rest.

Want your resume to stand out?

Also read : What Are the Do's and Don'ts to Keep in Mind While Drafting a Resume?

If you directly want to choose a resume header template, you can move to the last section of this guide.

Resume Header: Twitter

If you have a professional and optimized Twitter profile and use it to showcase your work, you can add it to the Resume header.

Especially for profiles such as marketing, community-based jobs, journalism positions, your active profile can be an add-on to your candidature.

If you use Twitter to showcase personal opinions, you can skip adding them to the resume header.

Resume Header: Behance

Rules are the same for Behance as well. If your work involves designing, for instance, graphic and UI-UX, you can add your Behance portfolio in the resume header.

But if you are applying for a tech role such as data analyst, or software engineer, your Behance portfolio is of no use.

Resume Header: Quora

Are you applying for a job in a marketing and writing profile? Do you have many followers in a specific field in Quora?

If yes, go ahead and add the Quora profile link to your resume header.

This will show the recruiter that you have solid knowledge and social backing on a specific subject.

Resume Header: Instagram

Add your Instagram portfolio if you are an artist or model or you have successfully built an eCommerce business via Instagram.

For everything else, you can skip adding your Instagram profile link in the resume header unless, of course, it is asked in the job description.

Resume Header: Other Links

Do you have a successful youtube channel? Or a blog or anything relevant to the job you are applying for?

If yes, then you can add it to the resume header.

What Not to Include in Your Resume Header

There are certain things you must not miss to include in your resume, Also, there is certain information you should avoid from your resume. Here is a list:

Irrelevant Social Media Links

Do not include a social media profile link, if it's not helping you get the job directly.

Especially most candidates uses Facebook or Instagram to share personal stories. So it's better to leave these profiles out of the recruiter's site.

Irrelevant Personal Details

Quite like anything personal, your physical characteristics like:

or beliefs or creed like:

  • political wing

opens the door to the possibility of accusations of discrimination against the company.

Recruiters prefer that you do not include any physical descriptions or any political or personal details so as to reduce any possibilities of prejudice during the time of hiring.

It is ideal that you are only hired on the basis of your professional expertise.

Your Full Address

In the resume header, do not write your complete address. Just add the location in "City/Country Code" format. If you add the full address, you may be subject to discrimination.

Recruiters will prefer a candidate who is closer to the job location. And if your address shows that you live far away, then they might ditch you for a candidate who stays near.

2 Page Resume Header

Although a 1-page resume header is fine in most cases, sometimes you might want to create a resume header on every page of your resume.

You can easily do this in Word. Read the section below.

Also Read : How to Write a 2-page Resume in 2022?

How to Create a Word Resume Header

If you want to create a resume header in word, we have got some hacks for you.

  • When creating a word resume header, do not use Word's document heading . It is not applicant tracking software friendly.
  • You should left-align your margin or put it in the center.
  • Try to use large 20-24 point font for your name heading.
  • Put the rest of your contact information in 10-14 point font below.
  • The most readable resume heading font that looks professional, like Calibri or Open Sans, Ariel,

Proofread the Word Resume Header

You should reread your contact details and make sure they are correct. This is to avoid accidental mishaps.

Make sure you have added the right portfolio or certification.

Do not overly design your resume header to make it stand out. Odd designs, colors, and fonts will distract the recruiter from important contact information. Exhibit your skills in your LinkedIn profile or online portfolio instead.

Resume Header Checklist

The key to getting your contact information noticed by the recruiter is a nicely aligned resume header!

Follow the below steps to stand out:

  • Give the biggest font size to your name. Make it a resume heading.
  • Add your job title as a subheading and mention any required certification or license.
  • Add your best accessible phone number and a professional email address.
  • Mention your region and state. You may omit the full street address.
  • Add the relevant social media handles if the job requires social media skills.
Earn brownie points by inserting a link to a LinkedIn profile and/or a portfolio site.
Also read : How to Get a Personalized Linkedin URL?

FAQ: Resume Header

Should i put a header on the second page of my resume.

Ans: No, you don't need to include the header again on the second page of the resume. Although, we advise you to keep your resume within one page if possible. Hiring managers don't have time to skim through a lengthy resume.

Is it mandatory to put a resume header on a resume?

Ans: Yes, the resume header is a basic yet essential part of your resume. It includes and highlights all the basic information about you.

How do you highlight headers on your resume?

Ans: If you use Hiration Online Resume Builder, you don't need to separately highlight the resume header. Our resume headings format is already highlighted. You just need to put your details and download your resume.

Resume Header Sample With Complete Resume

Here is a complete resume sample with a clear resume header:

  • Tools : Python, PostgreSQL, AWS, Hive, MongoDB, MapReduce, Spark, Linux
  • Packages: Scikit-Learn, NumPy, SciPy, Pandas, NLTK, BeautifulSoup, Matplotlib, Statsmodels, Jupyter Notebook
  • Statistics/Machine Learning: Statistical Analysis, Linear/Logistic Regression, Clustering, Graph Theory, Regularisations
  • Compiled pricing data for competitive analysis by performing web scraping in Python
  • Supervised model development, testing & validation of 100+ financial products and services
  • Created charts in Jupyter Notebook to perform preliminary analysis & visualize data using Matplotlib
  • Predicted stock price with 98% accuracy to enable the company to make informed investments
  • Determined optimal pricing strategies to facilitate the management of funds & achieve revenue goals
  • Made multiple touch sensitive ML systems in all the office floors to improve the company's safety networks
  • Devised high-performance ML systems to detect abnormality , intrusion, fraud, masquerading , malware, etc.
  • Developed an algorithm to understand customer behavior leading to 95% success in targeted marketing campaigns
  • Conceptualized & implemented a sentiment analysis tool to rate the financial competence of companies
  • Originated a recommendation engine to suggest an ideal cluster price for financial services offered by top companies
  • Led a group of 10+ML Interns in producing a workable model to optimize the company's financial transactions
  • Recruited & trained 5+ ML interns and supervised the project that were assigned to them as part of the internship
  • Conducted 5+ ML workshop programs on the fundamentals of python & machine learning to up-skill current employees
  • Engineered a food recommendation system to provide meaningful food recommendations to guests
  • Designed an in-house algorithm for attendance & time management to simplify the hotel's administration work
  • Applied various machine learning techniques using Python to build dynamic pricing models and maximize profits
  • Built a predictive model to analyze customer food preferences leading to 40% reduction in food wastage
  • Employed advanced text mining algorithms to facilitate the identification of search intent latent in individual keywords
  • Top 5 percentile of the class
  • Machine Learning Certification | Coursera | May '10 - Jul '10
  • Python Certification Training | Coursera | Jan '09 - Mar '09
  • Languages : English, Spanish
Also read : What Are the Steps to Writing an Impecabble Resume in 2022?

If you want to create a professional ATS-friendly resume for yourself, go to Hiration Online Resume Builder and create a resume for yourself.

Go to Hiration career platform which has 24/7 chat support and get professional assistance with all your job & career-related queries. You can also write to us at [email protected] and we will make sure to reach out to you as soon as possible.

resume header examples 2023

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resume header examples 2023

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Resume Headers

25+ Best Resume Header Examples (& Tips)

Your resume header is one of the first things hiring managers see on your resume. Find sample resume headers and tips for creating your own resume header.

Lindsay Duston

Your resume header, with your name and contact information, is one of the first things hiring managers see when they view your resume.

And, as insignificant as it may seem, your resume header is actually a big part of your resume.

Here’s why…

When a recruiter sees your resume header, they’re either…

a. Bored by the same basic header everyone else has and skip past it.

b. Impressed by how professional, uncluttered, and easy-to-read it is, and check it out!

Set the tone for the rest of your resume with a resume heading that doesn’t turn off the recruiter.

But how do you do that?

You need to excite recruiters with a well-done resume header, like the examples below.

You will find 25+ best resume heading samples that recruiters will notice and 10 helpful tips to write your own resume header in this article.

Resume Header Examples

If you’re here to check out some sample resume headers for your own resume, here you go!

These examples show different uses of fonts, font sizes, colors, and centering.

Resume Header Example

10 Tips for Your Resume Header

Here are a few critical things to keep in mind while creating your resume header. 

1. Avoid formatting mistakes.

Many recruiters use an ATS in their hiring process.

An ATS (Applicant Tracking System) accepts and stores the information of job applicants, and presents it to recruiters.

In essence, it makes the recruiting process easier.

But the downside is that an ATS can’t process what it can’t read.

An improperly formatted resume header cannot be read or processed by the ATS.

In the end, it can make the items on your header (such as your name and contact details) “unviewable” when parsed by the ATS software.

So, when creating your resume, avoid using Microsoft Word’s built-in header, Word Art, etc. 

2. Make your name stand out.

Another tip for your resume header is to make your name stand out more than the other information in the header.

To do this, you can make the font size of your name larger than the rest of your resume. 

You can even opt for a fully capitalized or bolded name. Using small caps is good, too, if you want more options.  

The examples above show how you can use font color to differentiate your name as well.

3. Use your credentials appropriately.

Adding your credentials is one way to make your resume header look more professional.

That’s not to say a formal credential is a requirement.

However, if you do have relevant academic and industry credentials and you are applying for a role that requires them, you should properly use them on your resume header.

The credentials you choose to add should be placed after your name in the header like this :

Resume Header Credentials Sample

Or like this:

Resume Header Credentials Sample

As a general rule, while listing different kinds of credentials together, first include the permanent ones, such as academic degrees; then add the non-permanent credentials, such as state licensure and certifications. 

However, for some healthcare credentials, there are certain guidelines for the order they go in. 

It would be best to do a bit of research into your credentials to get the order right.  

4. Write your address properly.

Today, including your entire home address on your resume is not necessary.

If you’re going to write your address on your resume, it’s best to include only your city and state.

On another note, if you’re relocating for a job , the city on your resume should be updated to match the city you are relocating to.

Another option if you are relocating is to leave your address off, like the sample below:

Resume Header Sample - No Address

Using these guidelines will give your resume a modern look.

5. Link to a professional email address.

The first duty of your resume is to impress recruiters.

And one way your resume can do that is with a professional email address.

Your email address should be professional and not contain derogatory names or distracting words.

Don’t use [email protected], for instance.

A professional email address should consist of your first and last name. But you may need to get creative depending on availability.

A professional email should look something like this:

Finally, don’t forget that the email address on your resume should be linked as well. This makes it easy for recruiters to send you a quick message.

6. Use a customized LinkedIn URL.

Like your resume, your LinkedIn profile is one of the most powerful marketing materials for your job search.

That’s why it’s always a plus to add your LinkedIn URL to your resume .

However, if you’re going to do this, you need to do it properly.

And that means using a customized LinkedIn URL.

A customized LinkedIn URL makes your resume look neat and professional.

Check out how to create a customized LinkedIn URL .

Also, do not forget to embed the URL into the text, so it looks something like this:

LinkedIn: John Smith

Embedding it or hyperlinking the URL ensures that it won’t cause any issue with the ATS. 

7. Add relevant social profiles/personal website.

You already know why and how to link your LinkedIn profile to your resume.

So, what about other social profiles? Or a personal website, portfolio, and GitHub profile?

Do you know when and how to add them?

Of course, adding your social media profiles, personal website, portfolios, and professional profiles can create a bit of variety in your resume’s look and feel.

But you need to be careful in doing so.

For career roles where having social media followers can be important, consider adding your Twitter handle. For artistic and creative roles, you can also consider adding Instagram.

Make sure that your social profiles are developed and professional enough to be added to your resume.  

If not, just stick to LinkedIn.

And, unless you’re certain that your personal website or portfolios are relevant to the role (and that it demonstrates your experience in the field), you’re probably better off without it.

8. Create a resume header for page 2.

Yes, resumes can be two pages!

In fact, it’s a good idea to have that second page if you’re an experienced candidate with a long work history. 

When you use a two-page resume, the second page should also have a header that coordinates with the header on the first page of your resume.

So, when the hiring managers are scanning page two, they can conveniently see your name and page number.

Here are a few examples of resume headers for page 2:

Page 2 Resume Header Sample

Pay attention to blending the formatting and styling of the page two header with your main resume header and the rest of your resume. 

Use the same font type, line formatting, and colors so that nothing seems out of place.

The page 2 header should be a simplified version of your main resume header. 

On another note, for the page 2 header, you can use the built-in header feature of your word processing software, like MS Word, as it doesn’t need to be read by the ATS.  

9. Use the same header for your cover letter.

Your resume and cover letter are a reflection of who you are and what you can do.

So, your cover letter should always complement your resume. As such, it’s a standard practice to use the same header for both your resume and cover letter.

Using the same header for your resume and cover letter ensures consistent branding. It shows professionalism and attention to detail.

Also, both documents become easily recognizable as parts of the same application package.

10. Write your federal resume headers properly.

This is a tip for federal government job seekers. 

A federal resume and the resume header are formatted differently from civilian resumes.

If you’re applying for a federal job, you need to write your federal resume header properly.

A resume header for a federal resume would consist of the usual contact information such as your name, address, phone number, and email address. 

But, for federal resumes, it is important to include your entire address . Also, you typically don’t include social profile links.

Here are a couple of federal resume header samples:

Federal Resume Header Sample

Keep your style choices pretty basic for a federal resume header.

Key Takeaways

An HR manager only needs a few seconds to decide if he is going to read your resume or not.

Your resume header will go a long way in creating a great first impression.

Luckily, the 25+ resume header samples and 10 tips in this article are just what you need to help you create a resume header that gives you an edge.

Keep in mind, though, that the header is only the first step. The rest of the resume needs to be just as good.

If you are a DIYer, check out how to write a compelling resume .

If you’re looking to hire someone to write an eye-catching resume header and an effective resume for you, Find My Profession is an option to consider.

With our professional resume writing service , we’ve helped many career professionals write unique resume headers and craft entire resumes that land them their dream job.

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Resume Header Examples

A resume header is the most basic element of your resume. It’s short and easy to write — but you should never leave it out. A resume header is what the hiring manager will see first — and there are ways to make it more effective. This is what we will explore today.

Resume Header Examples

Table of Contents

Resume header examples 2022: formats, contents and useful extras

First, let’s take a look at some of the most popular ways to format and structure your resume header.

Basic resume header

A basic resume header is a standard header that uses a horizontal layout. These types of headers are simple, easy to read and exactly what the hiring manager expects to see when looking at your resume.

A horizontal header typically includes just a few lines — but there is also plenty of space for adding extra information (LinkedIn profile, portfolio link, etc.).

Two-page resume header

If your resume is two pages long, it’s best to have a resume header on each page. This can help avoid confusion and clearly indicate to the hiring manager that this is the second page of your resume. You can use the same header on both pages — and if you do, make sure that the headers use the same format. You can add the words “page two” to the header.

Now, in most cases, it is recommended to keep your resume to one page. Hiring professionals are very busy people and it’s always best to make their job easier by only including relevant experience and skills into your resume.

However, if you are an experienced professional applying for a senior position or if the nature of your industry requires a lot of detail, you may go with a two-page resume. In most cases, a two-page resume format is suitable for professions like financial or business analyst, business executive or senior manager, computer science/IT specialist and more.

Vertical resume header

If you are looking for a more modern way to style your header, you can try the vertical resume header format.

In this case, instead of the traditional horizontal header, you will place all of the same information in a vertical bar that runs alongside the main text of your resume — to the left or to the right.

This header format is a good option if you want to include more information into your header. You can also add a brief professional introduction to this section. It’s also a good way to make your resume stand out among other applicant resumes who will probably be using standard headers.

However, do keep in mind that vertical resume headers are typically considered less formal. Because of this, they are generally more suitable for more creative and less formal professions. If you are applying for a job in law or finance, a traditional header may be more appropriate.

What your resume header should include

In most cases, your resume header should include the following basic information:

While this is the most basic text in your whole resume, it is also essential and very important. Your name is the only way to tell your resume apart from the many other resumes the hiring manager will need to go through. For your name, use the biggest font in your resume — you can also highlight it in bold. If you have several last names (for instance, married name and maiden name), use the one that you have been using the longest in your professional career and that is the most searchable online. Make sure the name you use in your resume is consistent throughout other related documents (like your portfolio) and professional social media (like LinkedIn).

This is another small but very important resume header element that shouldn’t be overlooked. Make sure to add your title next to your name in a smaller font. This can be something simple like “writer” or “software developer”. However, if you have relevant professional credentials to include, make sure to mention them as well — for instance, “certified public accountant (CPA)”.

Adding your address to the resume header is optional. To the hiring manager, it can indicate how close to the company office you are located and how long your daily commute might take. If you think that this information may work against you, you can choose to just add the country/city to your resume header without any further details.

You can add your address on your resume next, though it’s okay (and often preferable) to leave it off. A hiring manager may count a long commute as a point against you. You can just list the same city as the job, without a street address.

This part of your resume header is also a good place to indicate whether you are open to relocation. If you are, simply, add the words “open to relocation” next to your address.

Phone number

Include the phone number where you can always be reached. If you are located in a different country, including the country code. Note that the hiring manager can call you on this number at any time to confirm resume details or to schedule an interview. Make sure to use your personal number instead of your current work number.

Email is another common way for hiring managers to reach out to applicants.

Make sure to include a professional email address. If you don’t yet have one, create a new email account specifically for this purpose. You can use the simple [email protected].

Avoid using informal or personal email addresses like “[email protected]”. Once again, use your own personal email address instead of the company email address that you may be currently using.

Additional information that will make you stand out

The basic information to include in your resume header are your name, title, address, email and phone number. However, you can also add a few effective extras to make your resume stand out:

  • A link to your professional website. If you have a professional website dedicated to what you do or an online resume, make sure to add an active link to it to your header.
  • A link to your online portfolio. If you have a collection of your work available online, adding a link to it in your resume header is definitely useful.
  • A link to professional social media. If you are actively using a social media network for professional activity, add a link to your profile to the resume header. This can be a link to your profile on LinkedIn, GitHub or even Facebook. If you do decide to add this link, make sure your profile on the social media network is complete and will be a favorable representation of you as a professional.
  • Adding a picture to your resume header is also an option if you are applying for a job in a European country. In the United States, on the other hand, adding a picture is neither necessary nor recommended due to anti-discrimination laws.

How to make your resume header ATS friendly?

ATS or Applicant Tracking Systems are programs that hiring managers use to sort through the many applications they receive. The software uses specific keywords and other filters selected by the hiring manager to quickly scan a resume and see if it fits the basic requirements. If it doesn’t, the resume may not even make it to the hiring manager’s desk.

Learn more about Applicant Tracking Systems: What is applicant tracking system ? How does it work?

To make your resume header ATS-friendly, make sure to use the same keyword and titles as used in the job description. For instance, if the job ad mentions looking for a “software developer”, use “software developer” as your title in the resume header. Also, because Applicant Tracking Systems are generally set up to recognize the most popular and basic formats and fonts, use a standard horizontal header and a typical font like Arial or Times New Roman. If you are looking for more ideas, check out The Best Fonts for Your Resume in 2022 .

Summing things up

The header is the simplest and shortest part of your resume. But this doesn’t mean that it should be overlooked or taken lightly. A resume header can be an effective tool to make a great first impression on your potential employer and make the hiring manager much more interested in the rest of your resume. To make a lasting impression, here’s how to write a resume .

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20+ Professional Headers for a Resume in 2023 [Examples & Templates]

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In today’s competitive job market, creating well-designed headers for a resume can make all the difference in catching the attention of hiring managers. A professional and visually appealing header sets the tone for the entire resume, showcasing your personal brand and making it easy for the reader to find your most important information. In this blog post, we’ll explore essential components of headers for a resume, formatting tips, and strategies for creating a standout header that will help you rise above the competition.

We will also discuss common mistakes to avoid when designing headers for a resume and provide a step-by-step guide for creating an effective header using Microsoft Word. By following the tips and examples provided, you’ll be well on your way to crafting headers for a resume that leave a lasting impression on hiring managers and increase your chances of landing that dream job.

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Key Takeaways

Create a professional resume header that includes your name, job title and contact information.

Enhance it with optional additions such as social media links to demonstrate unique qualifications.

Avoid common mistakes such as unprofessional email addresses or irrelevant information for the best impression on hiring managers.

Essential Components of a Resume Header

A resume header serves as the foundation of your resume, providing crucial information about you as a job seeker. It is the first element a hiring manager sees, setting the tone for the remainder of your resume and directly impacting your chances of being hired. A positive impression is crucial, so we will explore key elements that every resume header should incorporate, as well as the importance of resume headers in general.

Key components to consider for your professional resume header include your name, job title, and contact information. These elements are the building blocks of a professional header, giving hiring managers a clear snapshot of who you are and how to reach you. In the following sections, we’ll dive deeper into each of these components and offer header examples to make them more effective.

Your name is arguably the most important element in your resume header, as it is the first thing a hiring manager will see. It is essential to use the same name across all online profiles, such as your portfolio website, LinkedIn profile, and any job search platforms, for consistency and searchability. Including your middle initial can also help distinguish you from other candidates with similar names.

For font size, using a 22-point font for your name in the header is advisable. This ensures that your name stands out without being overly large or distracting. A certified professional resume writer can also help you manage multiple versions of your name and ensure consistency across all online profiles.

Remember, having a consistent name across all platforms not only looks professional, but also makes it easier for potential employers to find and research you.

Related: C-Level/Executive Resume Examples

Job Title and Certifications

Your job title and relevant certifications, when included in your resume header, can highlight your expertise and qualifications to hiring managers. Adding this information in a smaller font under your name helps create a clear hierarchy of information, making it easy for hiring managers to quickly understand your background and experience.

When selecting a job title to include in your resume header, make sure it accurately reflects your current position or the position you are seeking. Including any relevant certifications or licenses can also demonstrate your commitment to professional development and your expertise in specific areas. For example, if you are a restaurant manager with a certification in food safety, including this information in your header can instantly convey your qualifications to a potential employer.

Related:  Resume Summary Examples

Contact Information

Including imperative contact information in your resume header enables hiring managers to easily reach out for interviews or further information. Your phone number and a professional email address are the most important contact details to include. They will help people reach you easily.

When including a phone number, make sure to use a personal number rather than a work number, as using a work number could lead to issues with your current employer and be seen as unprofessional by hiring managers. In addition, choose a professional-looking email address that includes your full name or initials. Avoid using nicknames or personal email addresses that may not be appropriate for job applications. Also, ensure you have a decent voice mail message set up for potential employers to leave a message if they call.

Related:  Cover Letter Examples

Optional Additions

While your name, job title, and contact information are the essential components of a resume header, there are optional additions you can include to further enhance your header and showcase your unique qualifications. Some of these optional additions include a personal website, LinkedIn profile, or other relevant social media links.

Including a personal website, especially for professions like web designers, photographers, interior designers, or writers, can be an effective way to showcase your work and demonstrate your skills to potential employers. If you decide to include your LinkedIn profile or other relevant social media links, make sure they are up-to-date and professionally maintained.

Adding these optional elements can help your resume header stand out and provide a more comprehensive view of your professional background.

Formatting Your Resume Header

Proper formatting is key to creating a resume header that is visually appealing and easy to read. A well-formatted header can help your resume stand out from the competition and make a strong first impression on hiring managers. In this guide, we will explore the ideal resume header format, including alignment options, font selection, and how to maintain consistency in multi-page resumes for a remarkable header.

Adhering to these formatting tips and resume header examples will guide you in crafting a visually appealing resume header that is also easy for hiring managers to digest. With a properly formatted resume header, you’ll be one step closer to landing that dream job.

Alignment and Placement

Choosing the right alignment for your resume header is crucial for ensuring it is visually appealing and easy to read. There are two main alignment options for a resume header: center or left-aligned. While center alignment can give your resume a polished and balanced look, left-aligned headers are more traditional and often preferred by hiring managers.

Ultimately, the choice between center or left alignment for your resume header will depend on your personal preference and the overall design of your resume. Regardless of which alignment you choose, make sure your header is clearly visible and easy to read, so it immediately catches the hiring manager’s attention.

Font and Size

Choosing an appropriate font and size for your resume header is key for its standout appeal without becoming distracting or difficult to read. Clear and straightforward fonts such as Arial or Cambria are recommended for a resume header. Avoid using overly decorative or hard-to-read fonts, as this can make your header look unprofessional and detract from the overall appearance of your resume.

When it comes to font size, it’s important to strike a balance between making your header stand out and avoiding an overly large or distracting appearance. As mentioned earlier, a 22-point font is recommended for your name in the header, while smaller font sizes can be used for your job title, certifications, and contact information. By choosing a clear and professional font and size, your resume header will be both eye-catching and easy to read.

Consistency in Multi-Page Resumes

Keeping a consistent format across all pages of a multi-page resume is key to projecting a polished and professional impression on employers. Consistency in your resume header ensures that the formatting, style, and structure of your resume remain uniform, making it easier for the reader to navigate the document and find relevant information.

To ensure consistency in a multi-page resume header, follow these guidelines:

Use the same font, font size, and font color throughout your resume.

Make sure the same header and footer are present on each page.

Ensure that margins and spacing remain consistent across all pages.

By maintaining a consistent header across the entire resume, you’ll demonstrate attention to detail and organizational skills, which are highly sought-after qualities in any job candidate.

Creating a Standout Resume Header

Having covered the fundamental components and formatting tips for a resume header, we now move to strategies that will make your header truly standout. In this section, we’ll explore how to create a standout resume header by focusing on personal branding, enhancing your social media presence, and tailoring your header to the specific job position you’re applying for.

Applying these strategies will help you create a resume header that not only catches the hiring managers’ attention, but also distinctly conveys your unique qualifications and distinguishes you from the competition. Let’s dive into each of these strategies in more detail.

Personal Branding

Developing a personal brand is an essential aspect of creating a resume header that stands out. Your personal brand is a distinct and recognizable identity that sets you apart from others, making it easier for hiring managers to remember you and associate you with specific skills or experiences.

To create a strong personal brand in your resume header, use consistent fonts, colors, and design elements across your resume and online profiles. This visual consistency not only looks professional, but also helps hiring managers quickly recognize your resume and associate it with your unique qualifications.

By developing a cohesive personal brand, your resume header will be more memorable and impactful, increasing your chances of standing out in a crowded job market.

Social Media Presence

Enhancing your social media presence is another effective strategy for creating a standout resume header. By including professional and relevant profiles, such as LinkedIn, in your resume header, you provide hiring managers with additional insight into your professional background and skills.

Before including your LinkedIn profile or other social media links in your resume header, make sure they are up-to-date and professionally maintained. This includes having a polished profile picture, a well-written summary, and optimized resume keywords.

By enhancing your social media presence, you’ll create a more comprehensive and impressive resume header that showcases your full range of professional qualifications.

Tailoring to the Job Position

Tailoring your resume header to the specific job position you’re applying for is another important strategy for creating a standout header. By highlighting specific skills, certifications, or experiences that are relevant to the role, you demonstrate to hiring managers that you are a perfect fit for the job.

To tailor your resume header to the job position, carefully read the job description and identify the key skills and qualifications required for the role. Then emphasize these qualifications in your header, either by adjusting your job title, adding relevant certifications, or showcasing specific experiences.

By tailoring your resume header to the job position and keeping in mind applicant tracking systems, you’ll stand out from other job seekers and increase your chances of being noticed and advancing in the hiring process. Utilizing a resume header template can help you achieve this goal, and incorporating an effective resume heading is essential.

Designing a Resume Header in Word

Creating an effective resume header in Microsoft Word is simple and straightforward if you follow the right steps. In this section, we’ll provide a step-by-step guide on designing a resume header in Word, including font selection, alignment, and formatting tips.

Following this guide will enable you to design a professional and visually appealing resume header, effectively showcasing your personal brand and highlighting your most important information for hiring managers. With an effective resume header in Word, you’ll be well on your way to landing that dream job.

Common Resume Header Mistakes to Avoid

While creating your resume header, awareness of common mistakes that can tarnish the professionalism of your resume is crucial. Some of these mistakes include using unprofessional email addresses, including irrelevant information, and using overly creative designs that may be distracting or difficult to read.

To avoid these mistakes, ensure that your email address is professional and appropriate for job applications, and only include relevant information in your header that highlights your qualifications for the role. Additionally, keep your header design simple and professional, using clear fonts and consistent formatting throughout your resume.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you’ll create a resume header that leaves a positive impression on hiring managers and increases your chances of landing that dream job.

In conclusion, creating a standout resume header is essential for making a strong first impression on hiring managers and setting the tone for the rest of your resume. By focusing on essential components, proper formatting, and strategies for personal branding, social media presence, and tailoring to the job position, you can craft a resume header that showcases your unique qualifications and sets you apart from the competition.

By following the tips and examples provided in this blog post, you’ll be well on your way to crafting a resume header that not only catches the eye of hiring managers, but also clearly conveys your professional background and skills. With a standout resume header, you’ll be one step closer to landing that dream job and advancing in your career.

Frequently Asked Questions

Your resume header should include your full name, phone number, email address, job title (optional), location (optional) and clickable website or social media links (optional).

Make sure to style it right for a professional impression.

Headers are an important part of your resume and should be used to include key information about you that will help headhunters. They should always be placed at the top, allowing for some creativity to showcase your personality.

You can use headers to highlight your skills, experience, and education. They should be concise and easy to read, and should be tailored to the job you are applying for. This will help employers quickly identify the most relevant employees.

My name is prominently featured at the start of my resume, along with my contact information, so potential employers can easily identify me and get in touch.

Create a professional and consistent look across your resume and online profiles with the same fonts, colors, and design elements to create a personal brand in your resume header.

Include professional social media profiles, such as LinkedIn, to showcase your experience and skills in your resume header.

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iCareerSolutions, America’s #1 Executive and Professional Resume Writing Services, Reverse Recruitment, and LinkedIn Profile Development Company. 28X award-winning resume writers deliver professional resumes that get interviews. We have successfully landed our executive clients senior-level leadership positions at companies like Apple, Amazon, EA, Oracle, GM, Google, Facebook, DoJ, Gap,  and  2U just to name a few. iCareerSolutions has 200+ 5-star reviews and offers a 60-day interview guarantee. Every resume template created is Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) compatible and highly customized to meet your unique needs.

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14 Essential Resume Headers and Sections with Examples

resume header examples 2023

In today’s competitive job market, a well-crafted resume is essential to stand out from the crowd. And one of the critical components of an effective resume is the proper use of headers and sections. These elements help to structure the resume and make it easier for recruiters and hiring managers to quickly understand your qualifications and experience.

In this article, we will explore the 14 essential resume headers and sections that every job seeker should include. From the summary statement to the education section, we’ll provide examples and tips to create a powerful resume that will impress potential employers.

But first, let’s take a look at the history of resume headers and sections. While the concept of a resume has been around for centuries, it wasn’t until the 20th century that formalized sections began to appear. In the 1950s and 1960s, the “Objective” section became popular, followed by the “Experience” and “Education” sections in the 1970s.

Over time, the format and content of resume headers and sections have evolved to keep up with changes in the job market and employment practices. But even with all the changes, the importance of properly structured resume sections remains the same. So, let’s dive in and learn about the essential headers and sections for your resume.

Contact Information Header

When it comes to creating a winning resume, having a contact information header is crucial, yet it is often overlooked. The header serves as the first point of contact between you and potential employers, and if not properly formatted, it can lead to missed opportunities.

A. Importance of having a contact information header

resume header examples 2023

The contact information header is the foundation of your resume. Without it, hiring managers and recruiters may have a difficult time reaching out to you for follow-up interviews or job offers. It’s essential to make sure that your header is properly formatted and easy to read.

Your contact information should include your full name, professional title, phone number, email address, and physical address. Make sure to keep your information up-to-date and accurate, as outdated information could lead to missed opportunities.

In addition to providing easy access to your contact information, your header should also make you stand out from other applicants. Consider adding a personal logo or incorporating a unique design to represent your personal brand.

B. Examples of proper contact information formatting

Here are some examples of proper contact information formatting:

John Doe  Marketing Manager 555-555-5555  [email protected]  123 Main Street Anytown, USA 12345

Jane Smith  Graphic Designer 555-555-5555  [email protected]  5678 Oak Drive Cityville, USA 67890

The contact information header is a critical component of any resume. It’s important to make sure that your contact information is accurate, up-to-date, and easy to read. Adding a personal touch to your header can also help you stand out from the competition. With a well-formatted contact information header, you can increase your chances of landing your dream job.

Professional Summary Section

A. purpose of a professional summary section.

The purpose of a professional summary section is to provide a brief overview of your professional background, skills, and accomplishments to catch the reader’s attention and persuade them to continue reading your resume. It should be placed at the beginning of your resume and serve as an introduction to your qualifications for the position that you are applying for.

B. Examples of effective professional summary statements

Experienced marketing manager with over 8 years of experience in developing and implementing successful marketing campaigns for Fortune 500 companies.

Skilled software developer with expertise in Java and Python programming languages, with a proven track record of designing and implementing complex software systems for multinational corporations.

A dedicated and motivated customer service professional with a strong work ethic and excellent communication skills, committed to providing top-notch service to clients.

resume header examples 2023

These professional summary statements provide a brief introduction of the candidate’s qualifications and expertise, highlighting their key strengths and achievements relevant to the position applied for.

C. Mistakes to avoid when writing a professional summary

When writing a professional summary, there are several mistakes that should be avoided.

Don’t make it too long – keep it concise and to the point, ideally no more than 3-4 sentences.

Don’t make it generic – tailor your professional summary to the job description and the company you are applying to.

Don’t exaggerate or make false claims – be truthful and honest about your skills and accomplishments.

Don’t use jargon or technical terms that the reader may not be familiar with – use clear and simple language that anyone can understand.

By avoiding these mistakes, you can write a professional summary that effectively showcases your skills and qualifications, making a positive impression on the reader and increasing your chances of getting hired. The professional summary section is a crucial part of your resume, and it is important to put in the effort to make it stand out.

Work Experience Section

Your work experience section is arguably the most important part of your resume. It showcases your career history, accomplishments, and the skills you’ve developed over time. A well-written work experience section can make or break your chances of landing an interview.

A. Significance of a Work Experience Section

Recruiters and hiring managers want to see a detailed account of your previous work experience. They want to know what kind of tasks and projects you’ve worked on in the past, your responsibilities, your achievements, and how you’ve contributed to your past employers’ success.

Your work experience section is the best way to demonstrate your career progression, relevant skills, and expertise in your field. It’s your opportunity to show your potential employers what kind of value you can bring to their organization.

B. Tips for Structuring Work Experience Details

To make your work experience section effective, you need to structure it correctly. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Start with your most recent job and work backward chronologically.
  • Include the job title, company name, and dates of employment for each role.
  • Write a brief description of each position, emphasizing your responsibilities and accomplishments.
  • Use bullet points to highlight your achievements and skills.
  • Quantify your achievements whenever possible, using numbers to demonstrate your impact.
  • Use active verbs, such as “managed,” “created,” and “led,” to make your accomplishments more impactful.

C. Examples of Job Descriptions with Bullet Points

Here are a few examples of job descriptions with bullet points that you can use as inspiration for your own work experience section:

Example 1: Sales Manager

  • Directed a sales team of 10 people and exceeded monthly sales targets for five consecutive quarters.
  • Identified and pursued new business opportunities, resulting in a 25% increase in revenue.
  • Developed and implemented a training program for new hires that reduced ramp-up time by 50%.
  • Collaborated with the marketing team to create effective promotional materials.
  • Achieved a customer satisfaction rating of 95% through excellent customer service.

Example 2: Marketing Coordinator

  • Coordinated and executed successful marketing campaigns across multiple social media platforms.
  • Developed and maintained relationships with influencers, resulting in a 30% increase in brand awareness.
  • Wrote copy for website and email campaigns that resulted in a 20% increase in conversions.
  • Conducted market research to identify new trends and opportunities for the business.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to ensure successful product launches.

Example 3: Software Developer

  • Developed and maintained a web application that served over 10,000 users daily.
  • Created and executed test plans to ensure high quality of code and minimize bugs.
  • Collaborated with product and design teams to develop user-friendly interfaces.
  • Implemented features that improved the scalability and performance of the application.
  • Documented development processes and made recommendations for process improvement.

Skills Section

As a job seeker, your resume is your ticket to landing your desired job. While your education, work experience, and accolades are all essential aspects of your resume, you cannot underestimate the importance of the skills section. Your skills section can play a crucial role in securing a job offer, especially in today’s competitive job market.

A. The value of a skills section

The skills section on your resume provides potential employers with an insight into what you can bring to the table. It showcases your strengths and helps employers assess your qualifications for a given job. Writing a well-crafted skills section that accurately conveys your abilities can set you apart from your competition.

Keeping in mind that employers usually spend just a few seconds initially reviewing a resume, the skills section can be a quick go-to reference when trying to gauge if you meet their requirements. A strong skills section can grab their attention and increase the chances that they will spend more time reading your resume to see if you are a good fit.

B. Categorizing skills to showcase relevance to job requirements

A well-crafted skills section requires thought and analysis. Depending on the type of job and the industry, certain skills will be more relevant. You don’t want to list every skill you possess. Instead, you should carefully consider the specific job you are applying for and highlight the skills that make you the best candidate for that role.

Categorizing your skills is a useful way to showcase how relevant they are to the job requirements. Grouping them by different skill sets and making these visually appealing in a table or bullet-pointed list will help make it easier for the hiring manager to assess your qualifications.

C. Examples of skills listing and explanations

Let’s say you are applying for a customer service position at a retail store. Categorizing your skills could be done into multiple groups such as communication, problem solving, customer service, and technology. Some examples of how you could showcase these skills are as follows:

  • Skilled in providing excellent customer service in person, via email and phone to enhance the customer’s experience
  • Active listener who can effectively diffuse and manage difficult customer situations
  • Detail-oriented and proficient at conflict resolution
  • Ability to assess complex situations accurately and effectively
  • Experience in working in a customer-facing role with a focus on delivering personalized solutions to meet the customer’s needs
  • Willingness to go above and beyond to create a positive experience
  • Knowledgeable in using POS systems and other technologies commonly used in retail settings
  • Adaptable to using new software programs and applications

These bullet points illustrate how showcasing specific skills in a relevant industry can help align you with the job you are aiming for.

A skills section offers an additional opportunity to sell yourself. It allows you to showcase your strengths and highlights your relevant skills for each job requirement.

Education Section

The education section of your resume is an important factor in showcasing your qualifications and capabilities. It tells your prospective employers about your academic background, your areas of expertise, and what educational achievements you bring to the table. Here are some key points on the significance of the education section:

A. Importance of the education section

The education section gives a comprehensive outlook of your qualifications, especially in technical fields where you have to possess certain knowledge and skills to perform well. It also highlights your ability to learn and adapt, and your commitment to constantly improve your knowledge base.

Moreover, when you have limited work experience, your education can help demonstrate your suitability for a particular role. For instance, if you are applying for an entry-level position in software development, your degree in computer science or a related field can be an important factor in gaining the trust of the hiring manager.

B. Prominence and location of education section on the resume

The prominence and location of the education section on your resume depend on how relevant it is to the position applied for, and how much weight it carries. If, for instance, you are an experienced UX designer or project manager, your education may not be the most significant aspect of your candidacy, so you may choose to place it towards the end of your resume. Alternatively, if you are a fresh graduate or someone transitioning to a new field, your education may be the strongest indicator of your potential to perform well, so it can be given a more prominent position.

Generally, the education section is placed after the summary or objective statement on a resume, and should follow a logical order, with the most recent courses taken or degrees earned appearing first.

C. Examples for education section formatting

The following are some examples of how to format the education section of your resume.

Example 1: Recent graduate pursuing entry-level position

Bachelor of Science in Marketing, XYZ University (2019-2023)

GPA: 3.8/4.0

Relevant coursework: Consumer Behavior, Digital Marketing, Market Research

Example 2: Professional with extensive experience, but recently completed a relevant course

Certificate in Project Management, ABC Institution (2021)

PMP certification in progress

Example 3: Professional with several degrees and relevant certifications

Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, DEF University (2015-2017)

Bachelor of Science in Physics, GHI University (2011-2015)

Certified Energy Manager (CEM), Association of Energy Engineers (2019)

The education section of your resume is a crucial component that should be tailored to highlight your qualifications and demonstrate your potential to be a great fit for the position. By keeping in mind the importance of the section, its prominent position, and purposeful formatting, you can effectively showcase your education in your resume.

Certifications, Licenses, and Training Section

A. overview of certifications, licenses, and training section.

The certifications, licenses, and training section of your resume is where you list any relevant qualifications that demonstrate your expertise and competency in your field. This section is particularly important for professionals in industries such as healthcare, finance, education, and IT, where licenses and certifications are often required to practice legally or advance in your career.

Your certifications, licenses, and training section should immediately follow your education section on your resume and should include the following details:

  • Certification or license name
  • Issuing organization or institution
  • Date of certification or license
  • Expiration date (if applicable)

If you have completed any relevant training programs, you should also include these in this section, along with the date of completion and the name of the course or program.

B. Examples of Certifications, Licenses, and Training Section Listing

To give you an idea of how to structure your certifications, licenses, and training section, here are a few examples:

Example 1: Healthcare

  • American Nurses Association
  • Issued 2015
  • Expires 2020
  • American Heart Association
  • Issued 2019
  • Expires 2021
  • Issued 2020
  • Expires 2022
  • American Red Cross

Example 2: Finance

  • State Board of Accountancy
  • Issued 2018
  • Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA)
  • Issued 2016
  • Completed 2017

Example 3: Technology

  • International Information System Security Certification Consortium (ISC)²
  • Expires 2023
  • Cisco Systems
  • No expiration date

Remember, when listing your certifications, licenses, and training, only include those that are relevant to the job you are applying for.

Achievements and Awards Section

When it comes to crafting a winning resume, highlighting your achievements and awards is just as important as listing your experience and qualifications. This section can help you stand out from the competition and show potential employers what you’ve accomplished throughout your career.

A. Emphasis of Achievements and Awards Section

The achievements and awards section of your resume should be prominently displayed and given the same level of attention as other sections, such as your work history and education. This section is where you can showcase any recognition you’ve received for your hard work, as well as any major accomplishments you’ve achieved in your career.

B. Importance in Demonstrating Accomplishments

Including your accomplishments and awards on your resume is important because it gives potential employers tangible evidence of your skills and abilities. By highlighting your previous successes, you’re showing employers that you have the experience and know-how to excel in your role. This can also give you an edge over other candidates who may have similar qualifications, but lack the accomplishments and recognition you’ve received.

C. How to Write Achievements and Awards Statements

When writing your achievements and awards statements, it’s important to be specific and measurable. Use numbers and data to quantify your successes, such as an increase in sales, the number of people you managed, or a decrease in costs. This will make your accomplishments more tangible and impressive to potential employers.

Start each statement with an action verb to make it clear what you did to achieve your goal. For example, instead of saying “Increased sales for the company,” try “Boosted company sales by 25% through targeted marketing campaigns.”

D. Examples of Achievements and Awards Statements

  • Increased revenue by 50% through the development and execution of a new marketing strategy.
  • Earned Employee of the Year award for outstanding performance and dedication to the company.
  • Successfully led a team of 10 in the completion of a high-profile project, resulting in a 95% client satisfaction rate.
  • Achieved a 30% reduction in operating costs through the implementation of streamlined processes and procedures.
  • Recognized with a Sales Achievement Award for surpassing quarterly sales goals by 150%.

By highlighting your achievements and awards in your resume, you’re giving yourself the best chance of landing your dream job. Remember to be specific and measurable in your statements, and use action verbs to make your accomplishments stand out.

Language, Hobbies, and Interests Section

When crafting a well-rounded resume, you might want to consider including a section that highlights your special skills, languages, hobbies, and interests. Here are some reasons why:

A. Inclusion of a section for special skills; languages, hobbies, and interests

Shows personality: Including your hobbies and interests can give the hiring manager a glimpse into who you are as a person.

Highlights unique skills: You might possess a special skill that sets you apart from other candidates. Including it in your resume can make you stand out.

Shows language proficiency: If you speak multiple languages, it’s beneficial to mention it in your resume. It shows your ability to communicate with a broader audience.

B. Examples of when to include in a resume

Language skills: If the job you’re applying for requires you to communicate with clients from different countries or regions, mentioning the languages you speak can be a significant advantage.

Hobbies and interests: If you’re applying for a job where creativity and innovation are essential, your outside interests, such as photography or writing, can demonstrate your ability to think outside the box.

C. Examples of appropriate inclusion of hobbies and interests section

Including hobbies and interests in a resume can be tricky. You don’t want to appear unprofessional or uninterested in the job you’re applying for. Here are some examples of the right way to showcase your hobbies and interests:

If you’re applying for a job in the sports industry, mentioning your passion for a particular sport can demonstrate your knowledge of the industry.

If you’re applying for a marketing job, you can mention your interest in social media and how you stay up-to-date with the latest trends.

If you’re applying for a job in the tech industry, you can mention your interest in coding as a hobby.

If you’re applying for a customer service position where communication is key, including your language skills can be a significant advantage.

If you’re applying for a job in the creative industry, your outside hobbies, such as photography or painting, can highlight your artistic side.

Including a section for your special skills, languages, hobbies, and interests can add a personal touch to your resume. However, make sure to only include relevant information that shows why you’re the best candidate for the job.

Professional Association Memberships Section

Professional association memberships can be an excellent way to network, learn new skills, and stay up-to-date with the latest news and trends in your industry. In this section, we’ll explore the benefits of being involved in local or national professional associations, and provide some examples of successful affiliation with industry associations or professional networks.

A. Overview of Involving in Local or National Professional Associations

Joining a professional association has numerous advantages. Firstly, it enables you to connect with others in your industry, broadening your network and providing opportunities to learn and develop new skills. Attending association events, conferences and workshops is an excellent way to reap these benefits. You can also participate in online discussion forums, webinars, or mentorship programs that help you stay current on trends and strategies.

Being a member of a professional association also gives you access to a variety of resources including industry publications, e-books, whitepapers, and research studies. These resources can help you to stay informed about new developments, best practices and innovative ideas in your field.

Additionally, membership in a professional association highlights your commitment to your profession and can elevate your status in the eyes of employers or clients. It is also an excellent way to demonstrate that you are investing in your professional growth.

B. Perceived Benefits of Professional Association Memberships

There are numerous perceived benefits of professional association memberships. Members often find that they have improved access to job opportunities, as well as increased credibility in their chosen field. Professional associations can provide valuable insights into industry trends, standards, regulations and best practices. Additionally, there is often a sense of comradery among members, with many professional associations hosting regular social events to encourage networking and development of informal support systems.

Professional associations also provide a platform for members to advocate for their industry, collaborate with colleagues to effect positive change, and promote growth and development of the profession on a wider level.

C. Examples of Affiliation with Industry Associations or Professional Networks

If you’re looking to boost your career prospects, joining a professional association is a fantastic first step. There are many different industry-specific and general professional associations to choose from. Here are a few examples of successful affiliation with industry associations or professional networks:

The American Marketing Association is an excellent resource for marketing professionals, providing opportunities for networking, training, and development.

The Society for Human Resource Management is an essential membership for HR professionals seeking to advance their knowledge and skills.

The National Association of Realtors (NAR) is a nationally recognized trade association for real estate professionals. It provides valuable resources, training opportunities, and events for real estate agents and brokers.

The Association of Women in Science is a professional association that supports women working in science and technology fields. It provides opportunities for networking, mentoring, advocacy, and professional development.

References Section

Including a references section is an essential component of any well-rounded and effective resume. Not only does it demonstrate professionalism and thoroughness, but it also allows potential employers to verify your past work experience and performance.

When listing references, it is essential to follow appropriate etiquette. These guidelines include obtaining permission from your references before providing their contact information, selecting individuals who can speak to your work experience and qualifications, and listing their names, titles, and contact information clearly.

To construct a reference section, begin by creating a separate section titled “References” or “Professional References.” Next, list your references in alphabetical order by last name. Include their full names, titles, company names, email addresses, and phone numbers.

Below is an example of a properly formatted references section:

John Doe  Senior Marketing Manager XYZ Corporation johndoe.

Optional Sections

As a job seeker, you need to have a well-crafted resume that represents your skills, experiences, and achievements in a clear and concise manner. While there are certain standard sections that every resume should have like personal information, work experience, education, and skills, there are also some optional sections that can add value to your resume.

Here are some additional sections that you can consider including in your resume:

Objective/Summary Statement:  This section is a brief description of your career goals, skills, and experiences. You can use this section to convey to the potential employer what you can bring to the table.

Volunteer Work:  Including volunteer work in your resume can demonstrate your commitment to your community and your willingness to help others. This section can be particularly useful if your volunteer work relates to your target job.

Certifications/Licenses:  Adding certifications or licenses to your resume can showcase that you have the right knowledge, skills, and expertise required for the job.

Professional Memberships:  If you belong to any relevant professional organizations or societies, you should include them in your resume. This section can indicate that you are dedicated to your profession and actively engage in professional development.

Languages:  If you are fluent in other languages besides English, you can list them in your resume. This section can make you more desirable for jobs where bilingual skills are in demand.

Technical Skills:  If you have any specialized technical skills, such as programming languages or graphic design software, you can highlight them in your resume. This section can help you stand out from other candidates.

Now, let’s take a look at some examples of how to use optional sections effectively:

Objective/Summary Statement:  “A highly motivated marketing professional with more than five years of experience in developing and implementing successful marketing campaigns. Seeking a challenging position in an organization that values creativity, innovation, and strategic thinking.”

Volunteer Work:  “Volunteered with Habitat for Humanity, building affordable homes for low-income families. Worked with a team of volunteers to organize fundraising events and community outreach programs.”

Certifications/Licenses:  “Certified in Project Management Professional (PMP) from the Project Management Institute. Licensed to practice law in the state of California.”

Professional Memberships:  “Member of the American Marketing Association (AMA). Attended several conferences and workshops on market research, branding, and social media marketing.”

Languages:  “Fluent in Spanish and proficient in French. Worked as a translator for a multinational corporation, handling international communications and negotiations.”

Technical Skills:  “Proficient in Adobe Creative Suite, including Photoshop, InDesign, and Illustrator. Familiar with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Developed several websites and digital marketing campaigns using these tools.”

Including optional sections in your resume can enhance your chances of landing your dream job.

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Resume Writing Tips

What your resume should look like in 2023 (with examples & templates).

Learning what your resume should look like in 2023 isn’t just a matter of aesthetics.

Hiring data shows there’s an average of 200 applicants per job opening. Some researchers say that figure may be closer to 500 candidates , depending on the position.

I share these figures not to scare you, but to highlight your stiff competition.

Your resume is your best chance to make a powerful first impression on hiring teams and recruiters. These decision-makers are inundated with well-qualified applicants as soon as they post a job.

And to make matters worse, eye-tracking studies reveal they only spend 7.4 seconds scanning a resume before deciding whether to read it in its entirety or move on to the next one.

That’s not a lot of time to capture and excite readers about your value.

So in this post, I’ll highlight exactly what your resume should look like in 2023 to stand out, engage readers, and boost your chances of landing an interview.

Resume Writing Tips 2023

What Your Resume Should Look Like In 2023: 5 Must-Haves + Examples

An attractive, high-performing resume immediately piques a reader’s interest. It subtly draws them down the page to learn why you’re the candidate they’re looking for.

So every resume in 2023 should incorporate these five elements to achieve that goal:

1. An Updated, Modern Design

A traditional resume format (think: chronological order, bullet points, etc.) won’t give you a leg-up on your competition in 2023. Using one may even hold you back.

See, hiring managers tune out when one of those stale resume templates lands on their desks for the umpteenth time. These boring resumes don’t excite or connect with readers. So your resume could be passed over in that brief 7.4-second scan before it’s even read.

That’s why it’s so important to freshen up the look of your resume with an updated, modern resume template like this one:

resume header examples 2023

Want to use this resume template? Click this link purchase it and start customizing this template (or any others in this article) now.

Unlike a traditional resume template, the one above builds a personal connection with readers by introducing and showcasing your value first. A quick scan of the top half provides them with a snapshot of your areas of expertise and core competencies, two very attractive “hooks” to hiring teams.

Readers will then feel compelled to learn where you honed those skills. So the bottom half of this resume template helps organize your career achievements in an engaging, eye-appealing way. 

Rather than reading like a bland job description, each point should back up your skill set while proving your track record of success.

Anyone reading your resume formatted with a modern template like this will know precisely who you are and the value you’ll deliver, which is the ultimate goal.

2. Clear Sections To Highlight Your Best Features

Resumes that look like one giant block of text are intimidating. They tell hiring teams they’ll need to spend time and effort to mine for the intel they’re looking for. And with hundreds of other resumes vying for their attention, they’ll probably just pass on doing so.

That’s why most modern resume templates are divided into sections with clear, distinct headers. This makes your resume easier to scan and read, not to mention far more enjoyable for busy hiring managers.

The resume template above does a fantastic job of breaking up a resume into bite-sized chunks of information. The example below takes this concept a step further:

resume header examples 2023

The highlights and expertise section in this resume template sits in a blue box to draw the reader’s eyes and attention. This is like telling hiring teams, “Hey! Come check this out!”

So think of your resume as a cheat sheet for hiring managers and recruiters rather than a dossier.

Your resume headings and sections will create an organized outline of your qualifications. Then these call-out boxes can be used to show off your best features, as they’re likely one of the first things hiring managers will notice during their initial scan.

3. Strategically-Placed White Space and Tight Copy

Often times, candidates are so focused on adding every little detail to their resume that it becomes too crammed to read. Headings and call-out boxes can help with this problem. But nothing works quite as well as more white space.

White space, or the places in your resume without words or formatting, adds breathing room to your resume . It prevents a resume from appearing jam-packed and hard to read.

A resume with well-defined sections naturally creates more white space, like this resume template :

resume header examples 2023

Aim for short copy to add more white space to your resume . Break up any big chunks of text to make reading less overwhelming and easier for the eyes.

Your resume is like a garden. You don’t want wordy sentences hiding your highlights and achievements like weeds overrunning a beautiful flower bed. 

Prune your copy, and you’ll easily add more white space to your resume and draw attention to your best selling points simultaneously.

4. A Bold Pop of Color

If you really want to stand out and catch someone’s attention, a pop of bold color on your resume is a must. But this doesn’t mean you should haphazardly throw a rainbow of color wherever you want.

When done strategically, as this example does, color can be used to add emphasis, contrast, and personality. It can also help break up the sea of black text on your resume.

resume header examples 2023

Want to use this resume template? Click this link to customize this template or any others in this article now .

Though a pop of color can help your resume stand out and make a memorable first impression, colors that are too bright or off-putting will do so for the wrong reasons. Opt for deeper, saturated shades, so your resume will be legible in person and on-screen.

5. A Clear, Easy-to-Read Font and Formatting

It’s essential to think about the font you choose for your resume .

Anything “cutesy” will likely be regarded as unprofessional. Likewise, a font that’s too light or too bold may also be difficult to read.

The best fonts to use on a resume include Serif and Sans Serif fonts, such as Times New Roman, Georgia, Verdana, and Arial.

As for the font size, stick to 10-14 points (10-12 for regular text and 12-14 for headings and subheadings).

This template offers a great example of resume text formatting:

resume header examples 2023

On a similar note, be sure to emphasize the right areas, not everything . Only use bold or italics to draw attention to your top achievements, companies you’ve worked for, and other notable points according to the role.

Ready To Update Your Resume for 2023?

Now that you know the must-have ingredients for a high-performing resume, it’s time to put these tips to good use.

Incorporating today’s must-have elements will give your resume a fresh upgrade for 2023 and help you connect with hiring teams and recruiters.

Even better news?

If you use one of the resume templates shared in this guide, you’ll ace this task in half the time. Just purchase and download the one that fits your needs best, plug in your information where prompted, and voila! 

You’ll have a modern, professional resume ready to send out in a matter of minutes instead of spending all day reformatting your current one.

Click this link to learn more about the resume templates featured in this article. Psst! You’ll also find a free executive resume template download on our resources page.

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About the author

Jessica hernandez, president, ceo & founder of great resumes fast.

Hi, I’m Jessica. I started this company back in 2008 after more than a decade directing hiring practices at Fortune 500 companies.

What started as a side hustle (before that was even a word!) helping friends of friends with their resumes has now grown into a company that serves hundreds of happy clients a year. But the personal touch? I’ve kept that.

You might have seen me featured as a resume expert in publications like Forbes, Fast Company, and Fortune. And in 2020, I was honored to be named as a LinkedIn Top Voice of the year!

I’m so glad you’re here, and I can’t wait to help you find your next perfect-fit position!

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This is very well-detailed content. I highly appreciate your work. Thank you for sharing your ideas!

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Hi Jessica,

As I was looking to give my resume a fresh, new style for 2023, I came across your article. I kid you not, I have been styling my resume like this for the last 3 years! I am an independent career coach–would you be interested in hiring a partner?

I’m not kidding.

' src=

I found these resume formats to be reader friendly and they target what potential employers want to see quickly. It allows the reader to focus on the accomplishments beyond the day to day duties.

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Resume Header: What to Include, What to Skip, & How to Format It

  • Klara Cervenanska , 
  • Updated October 20, 2023 10 min read

A resume header is more than just your name and contact details . Depending on your career path, there's a lot more that can (and should) be included in this section.

While the principle of 'less is more' often rings true, you also don't want to leave out a crucial detail a recruiter might hope to find.

Your header serves as a snapshot of your identity , providing immediate access to your essential personal and contact information, and sometimes, it even showcases your picture.

Wondering what makes a good header for a resume? Searching for some stellar resume header examples? Or perhaps you are looking for a tool to format the resume header for you? You're in the right spot.

In this guide, we'll walk you through crafting a header for your resume that strikes the perfect balance between essential info and simplicity.

Table of Contents

Click on a section to skip

What is a resume header and why do you need it?

What to include in a resume header , resume header examples, how to create a resume header, final formatting tips for resume header, key takeaways: resume header.

The resume header is a section right at the top of your resume , which is usually graphically separated from the main content of the resume. It's the first of the resume sections , and it's usually referred to as the contact information section (rather than " resume header "). 

It’s the space where you should include key information like:

Plus, there are additional things you can add, like your photo, portfolio URL, or social media profiles. But we'll get to that.

And the purpose of the resume header?

It’s simple: recruiters receive countless job applications, making it impractical to recall (and store) every applicant's contact information. 

That's why it's crucial to have this key information prominently displayed on the most vital document: the resume.

So, by providing all the necessary information directly on your resume, recruiters will have no trouble getting in touch with you and invite you for an interview.

Got a LinkedIn profile but no resume?

There's no need to write a resume from scratch. Convert your LinkedIn profile into a resume in seconds.

When crafting the perfect resume header, it's essential to differentiate between the non-negotiables and the optional additions.

Some elements are universally expected in every resume header, while others can be tailored based on the job, industry, or your personal preference. 

Knowing what to include (and when) can make all the difference in making a lasting impression.

  • Name and surname

Your name is the cornerstone of your resume header. Make sure it stands out by using a slightly larger or bold font.

Phone number

Including a phone number is crucial for potential employers or recruiters to reach out. If you're applying internationally, remember to add the correct country prefix .

This is a number code that you must add at the beginning of a phone number when dialing from abroad. It represents each country and ensures that the number can be dialed from anywhere in the world. 

Here are examples of country prefixes :

  • List of all country prefixes

Not using the correct country prefix when dialing internationally may cause the call to fail.

Email address

Your email is another primary method of communication. Opt for a professional-looking email address ; that goofy one from your teenage years might not give the best impression.

Moreover, it's wise not to use your current work email, as its accessibility could change.

Physical address

Including your address on a resume isn't a strict requirement anymore. Why?

Your physical address can offer insights. Employers might have a preference for local candidates or send correspondence through the mail. However, including your home address can also lead to potential biases or discrimination.

To avoid potential biases or discrimination, consider listing just the city and state and naming it "location" rather than "home address." For example:

  • Location: Brussels, Belgium.

A full address with a zip code can sometimes be too revealing.

LinkedIn profile

In the digital age, a LinkedIn profile has become almost as standard as a phone number.

When listing your LinkedIn on a resume, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Customize your LinkedIn URL to eliminate the random letters and numbers. To do this, navigate to LinkedIn > Me > View Profile > Public profile & URL (on the right pane) > Edit your custom URL .
  • Use the condensed version of your LinkedIn URL when adding to your resume by omitting the https://
  • Alternatively , you can list only your LinkedIn name and hyperlink it. But if you're aiming for a position in a large corporation and have intel that they utilize an ATS, opt for the concise LinkedIn URL since ATS systems remove hyperlinks.

Ensure your profile is updated and reflects your current professional status.

Other social media (optional)

Including social media in your resume can, in many cases, be advantageous and even required.

Here's a simple guide on when to add (and when not to add) social media to your resume:

  • For everyone: And especially those in the corporate world, always include LinkedIn. It's like an online resume by itself.
  • For small companies or startups: Besides LinkedIn, you can add other socials if they show off your personality (in a professional light).
  • For jobs anchored in social media : If you're a social media manager or something similar, add any profiles where you've done work-related stuff. Make sure they look professional.
  • For creative jobs: Share where your work is. For example, a coder might add their GitHub, and a video creator could add their YouTube link.

The key? Only add profiles that make you look good and fit the job you're applying for. We listed the most popular ones in the picture below:

Portfolio (optional)

Having a portfolio can be a game-changer, especially if you're in a creative field. It's your visual CV, showing off your skills and accomplishments in real life.

How to include your portfolio on your resume:

  • URL Method: List the full web address where your portfolio resides. Example: www.myportfolio.com/janedoe in the contact information section.
  • Name & Hyperlink: Simply write "Portfolio" and hyperlink it to your portfolio page. This looks cleaner, but remember, some systems might remove the hyperlink.

Always ensure your portfolio is updated, professional, and showcases only your best work.

Professional acronyms (optional)

Your credentials and acronyms are proof of your skills, hard work, and dedication. These can be:

  • Certifications: For instance, CPA (Certified Public Accountant) or PMP (Project Management Professional).
  • Educational Titles: Such as MBA (Master of Business Administration) or PhD (Doctor of Philosophy).

Including these not only vouches for your qualifications but also sets you apart from other applicants. However, ensure these are relevant to the position you're aiming for and are widely recognized in the industry.

Middle name (optional)

Incorporating your middle name can be a personal preference. Reasons to consider it:

  • Clarification: If your first and last names are common, a middle name can help distinguish you.
  • Professional Identity: Some may feel their full name conveys more gravitas or formality.
  • Consistency: If other professional documents, like publications or certifications, include your middle name, it makes sense to maintain that uniformity in your resume.

However you choose to represent your name, the key is to stay consistent across all professional touchpoints.

Picture (optional)

Including a photo in your resume is a topic of debate, but here's a quick breakdown:

  • Cultural norms: In some parts of the world, adding a photo is standard. This includes Asia, Africa, Latin America, and a big part of Europe. However, applicants in English-speaking countries shouldn’t include a resume picture, unless required.
  • Industry-Specific: For roles in entertainment or modeling, photos are often expected.
  • Bias Concerns: A picture could introduce (un)conscious bias. If unsure, it might be best to omit.

If you decide to add one, ensure it's a professional, high-quality shot. Remember, it’s a representation of your personal brand, so make it count!

To maximize compatibility with Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), it’s wise to stick with straightforward titles for the resume header. “Personal Information” or “Contact Information” are time-tested choices. Keep quirky titles like “Something about me” off the table.

There are countless ways to format a resume header. As the saying goes, "a picture is worth a thousand words."

Instead of delving into heaps of descriptions, let's cut to the chase and provide some visual inspiration.

Note: The following resumes (including the resume headers) were created using Kickresume's resume builder .

Traditional resume header

Ideal for those eyeing corporate roles. This header radiates professionalism and suits environments that value tradition and formality:

Creative resume header

Tailored for design-centric roles. Here, creativity meets functionality, allowing your unique personality to shine through while maintaining clarity:

Minimalistic resume header

For those who love all things clean and clutter-free. This style emphasizes a no-fuss approach, focusing solely on the essentials:

Resume header with picture

A more personal touch, commonly used in certain industries and regions. If opting for this, ensure the photo is a professional, high-quality shot that aligns with the job's nature and cultural norms.

Here's an example:

Crafting a polished resume header doesn't have to be a Herculean task. With the right tools at your fingertips, you can design a resume header that stands out.

Let's walk you through two common tools:

  • Kickresume (resume builder). This platform offers 40+ pre-designed templates where the resume header is already there. You simply select a template that aligns with your desired style and input your details in the designated areas. When logged in, on the dashboard scroll down to  Your Documents  and click on  Create New.
  • Google Docs (online text editor). The good thing is that if you have a Google account, you can access Google Docs immediately. When in Google Docs, in the selection banner at the top, select Resume . Now you can edit this pre-defined template. However, you only get one template to play with.

Now that you've created your header, let's ensure it's polished to perfection. The right formatting can make your header pop and leave a lasting impression on recruiters. Here are some essential tips to guarantee your header shines:

  • Use of color. A dash of color can differentiate you from the crowd. But remember, subtlety is the key. Choose a hue that's professional and complements your resume's overall design.
  • Utilizing whitespace. Whitespace isn’t wasted space. It ensures your header doesn’t look cramped and lets each element breathe, enhancing readability.
  • Matching header style with the rest of the resume. Cohesiveness is essential. If you've opted for a modern header, ensure the rest of your resume mirrors that vibe. Similarly, a traditional header should be paired with a classic resume layout.
  • Consistent font usage. Stick to 1 or 2 fonts for the entire resume. This ensures readability and presents a harmonized look.
  • Opt for a clear hierarchy. Your name should be the most prominent, followed by other details in decreasing order of importance. This guides the recruiter's eye naturally through the header.
  • Keep it updated. Regularly review your header. Ensure contact information is current, and consider freshening up the design if it feels dated.

With these tips in mind, your resume header will not only look professional but will also command the right kind of attention.

The resume header is an indispensable section of every application, so getting it right is paramount for making a strong first impression.

Let's recap the essentials and the options you have to make yours stand out:


  • Phone number (with correct country prefix)
  • Professional email
  • LinkedIn URL
  • Address (at least state and city)

Consider including:

  • Professional acronyms and titles
  • Middle name
  • Other relevant social media links
  • Portfolio or personal website URL
  • Picture (especially if relevant to the job or culturally customary)
Klara graduated from the University of St Andrews in Scotland. After having written resumes for many of her fellow students, she began writing full-time for Kickresume. Klara is our go-to person for all things related to student or 'no experience resumes'. At the same time, she has written some of the most popular resume advice articles on this blog. Her pieces were featured in multiple CNBC articles. When she's not writing, you'll probably find her chasing dogs or people-watching while sipping on a cup of coffee.

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What To Include in Your Resume Header

Your resume header is the first thing hiring managers see. These tips for what to do — and what not to do — will help you make the most of it.

3 years ago   •   7 min read

It may be a cliché, but it’s true: First impressions matter. Your resume header may not be something you’ve put a lot of thought into, which means that if you want to put your best foot forward, it may be time for a revamp.

How to create a resume header

Your resume header is the first thing a hiring manager will see, which means that it's worth getting it right. Here's how:

  • Put your name at the very top of the page. This should be in large font (20-24 point) and can be centered or left-aligned.
  • Below that, include your basic contact information — phone number, email address , and location. This should be in smaller font (12-14 point) and aligned with your name.
  • Optionally, include a link to your LinkedIn profile or portfolio.
  • Add an extra space between your resume header and the first "content" section of your resume (usually your work experience section).
  • Alternatively, take the easy way out with an ATS-ready resume template , including a pre-formatted resume header.

Here's what a standard resume header looks like

The must-haves for your resume header

There are four things your resume header must include:

  • Your full name
  • Email address

Phone number

Your resume header should contain your name, email, phone and location

This one’s kind of a no-brainer. The first thing anyone reviewing your resume should see is your name. This should be your full name, or at least the full name you go by professionally. Either sentence case or all caps is fine, but avoid typing in all lowercase — it may be trendy, but it isn’t professional, so stick to standard capitalization in your resume's header.

Your header's email address should be reasonably professional. This doesn’t mean you need your own domain — Gmail is fine — but try to avoid Hotmail or Yahoo, which some employers see as less professional. And pay attention to your username. If you’ve gone by [email protected] since you were in high school, it’s time to create a new email address. A format like [email protected] is ideal. Adding in one or two numbers is okay (especially if you have a common name), but avoid obvious pitfalls like 69 or 420.

This doesn’t need to be a landline — if you’re more likely to answer your cell phone, or you don’t have a landline, listing a mobile phone number is fine. But choose one and stick to it; there’s no need to list multiple phone numbers in your resume header — one is fine.

It’s still standard to list an address on your resume's header. This is also true for some remote jobs. If you aren’t sure, check the job listing — if the company requires employees to be US-based, leave your address on your resume.

If they’re hiring from anywhere, it’s okay to leave it off your header. If you’re considering moving for a job, use a local address instead of your current one — like it or not, employers often favor local candidates over interstate applicants. When it comes to format, the most important thing is consistency — ‘City, State’ is more common, but ‘City, Country’ is fine, too, as long as you use the same format throughout. And no, you don’t need to include your full street address.

Once you’re done writing your resume, upload it to the tool below — it’ll scan your resume sections, including your resume header, identify any mistakes and give you suggestions for improvement.

The optional extras for your resume header

You can include other things on your resume header if you want to draw a hiring manager's attention to them — just make sure it doesn’t get too cluttered. These might include:

  • Resume title
  • LinkedIn profile
  • Portfolio, GitHub, or other industry-specific links

An example of a resume header for an experienced professional

This should be the title of the job you’re applying to, not the job you currently hold. Some resume screeners search your resume for keywords to check that you have relevant experience, so listing the job title at the start of your resume header can help you make it past that first step.

You can add your job title to the top of your resume like this

If you regularly use LinkedIn, it can be helpful to include a link to your LinkedIn profile. If you do, make sure that your resume and LinkedIn match — if you’ve customized your resume for a particular job, you’ll want to make sure there aren’t discrepancies between your resume and the experience listed on your LinkedIn.

And make sure you customize your LinkedIn URL for a more professional look. You can do this by choosing ‘Edit public profile & URL’ from your account page and then clicking ‘edit your custom URL.’ See the screenshot below:

resume header examples 2023

Tip: Make sure you optimize your LinkedIn profile if you link to it!

Industry-specific links

Most design roles — think art, writing, UI, and graphic design — will want some sort of portfolio. Likewise, programming roles may expect a GitHub link. Your resume header is the best place to include these links. Just make sure there’s substantive work on there first — an unimpressive portfolio is worse than no portfolio.

How to include a portfolio in your resume header

Things to avoid in your resume header

Remember, your resume header is a quick snapshot of who you are and how to reach you — so keep it simple. Don't include:

  • Links to other social media accounts
  • Personal information like your full street address, age , date of birth, nationality, gender, marital status, etc.
  • A photograph
  • Additional contact details — choose the one you're most reachable at

Social media

LinkedIn is a professional resource, but Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. are not. Unless you’re applying for a field directly related to social media, those links don’t belong on your resume. (And it goes without saying that if you do include those links, everything you post needs to be 100% professional and Safe for Work.)

Personal details

Along the same lines, potential employers don’t need to know your full address , gender , nationality, marital status, or date of birth. In general, anything that might cause you to be discriminated against shouldn’t go on your resume.

Including a photo of yourself is the norm in some industries and locations, but not in most. Unless you know you’re in a location that requires it, err on the side of not including one.

Multiple contact details

If you have more than one email address, choose one — ideally, the most professional-sounding one. The same thing goes for phone numbers — list your landline number or your mobile, but not both.

Hiring managers know which entry is your phone number and which is your email address — there’s no need to label them. In other words, don’t do this:

Resume headers should not contain labels, but should still contain core information

What is a resume header?

A resume header is the part of your resume that includes your personal information, like your name and contact details. As the name implies, it should go at the top of your resume and not take up more than a couple of lines.

The term "resume header" can also refer to:

Headlines aren't common on a resume the way they are on LinkedIn or other social media. That said, there is a place for keyword-rich headlines on a resume, especially if you're applying for executive or other very senior roles.

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Title and summary

Your resume header can extend to any information above your work experience section, including a resume summary and title. These are optional but should always go at the top of your resume if you do choose to include them.

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Header and footer

The only time you may need  an actual header and footer is if your resume is longer than one page. To insert a header or footer into your resume in Microsoft Word:

  • Click on "Insert" at the top of the page.
  • Go to "Header & Footer."
  • Choose whether you want to insert a header, footer, or page number.
  • Type in the information you want to include. Typically, this should be the same contact details as in your resume header.
  • Select "Close Header and Footer" to save that information and go back to the main page.
  • To edit (or delete) your header information, double-click on the header text or repeat the steps above and choose "Edit Header" or "Remove Header."

resume header examples 2023

Related : How to Title Different Sections of Your Resume

Tips for creating a resume header

Don't use up a lot of space.

Ideally, keep your resume header to 1-2 lines in total. It'll stand out because it's at the top of the page — you don't need to draw more attention to it than that.

Keep it professional

You want your resume to look as professional as possible, which doesn’t always mean making it look attractive. Skip the images, icons, emojis, and custom fonts , and always opt for a simple, classic resume format over a fancy template.

Overwhelmed by resume formatting options? Use these ATS-ready resume templates and skip the guesswork.

Be aware of Applicant Tracking Systems

Some employers use automated Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). ATS automatically parses your resume — which means they can easily be tripped up by images, symbols, and non-standard formats . Stick to a Word document or Google Doc to make your resume easier to read, and check out our guide on How To Beat the Applicant Tracking System .

Spread the word

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Thank you for the checklist! I realized I was making so many mistakes on my resume that I've now fixed. I'm much more confident in my resume now.

resume header examples 2023

40 Best Free Resume Templates to Use and Customize in 2023

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It’s easier to create a stand-out resume when you have a starter template instead of a blank page. The best resume templates are designed to pass through an application tracking system (ATS) and catch the attention of recruiters. This way, all you have to do is plug the right information into the right places. From there, the goal is to land beaucoup job interviews so that you can get that dream offer ASAP.

Ahead, you’ll find 41 professional, free resume templates to consider.

You may notice that many of our favorite resume templates are minimalistic, with fewer graphics, charts, and sections than you might find elsewhere. A simple, software-friendly design is what you want for an ATS, because these tracking systems don’t always “read” as well as a human and can’t handle a lot of formatting. Certain design elements—like columns, text boxes, headers, footers, images, graphs, and graphics—can cause an ATS to read out of order or drop things entirely.

Keep these limitations in mind when choosing your fighter, because not all online templates follow best practices. Even the best ones (including some on this list!) slip up here and there. A few common changes you’ll have to make to templates are:

  • Moving all text out of text boxes, headers, and footers and into the body of a document
  • Changing any creative section headings to traditional ones
  • Removing any graphic elements or replacing them with text

Not all embellishments are out of bounds, however. You can give your resume some character (without compromising your chances of getting hired) by using:

  • Bold and italicized text
  • Underlined words (in headings and hyperlinks)
  • Color (dark blues, greens, and reds are popular since people can also read them easily)
  • Different text alignments (e.g., right, left, center)

Now that you know what goes into choosing an effective resume template, check out our favorites:

  • Free B&W resume templates

Free colorful resume templates

Free minimalist resume templates, free eye-catching resume templates, free skill-emphasizing resume templates, free resume templates for experienced job seekers, free resume templates for entry-level job seekers, free adobe resume templates, free b&w resume templates.

Here are a few traditional templates with straightforward, chronological formatting and classic section headings. They’re tried-and-true templates that won’t run into any trouble with an ATS.

1. The Muse’s resume template

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File format: Google Doc

Our downloadable template uses blue for the section headers, adding a slight pop to an otherwise simple sample, and is totally customizable.

2. HLooms proficient resume template

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File format: DOCX

HLoom offers templates that are ideal for ATSs. Some incorporate color and bullet points, but they do away with other bad-for-ATS elements. The “Proficient” resume template is a straightforward, chronological resume with space for experience, education, and skills.

3. Rezi’s standard resume template

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File format: PDF, DOCX

Rezi guides you through filling out their standard template step-by-step, asking you what level of career and industry you’re in to make sure you’re using the right sections for you. For example, one option is for students who may want to put projects, activities, and coursework front and center (until they gain more experience). Make sure you delete the contact info icons and stay away from any template Rezi doesn’t explicitly mark as ATS-friendly. .

4. Resume Companion’s targeted resume template

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This template is geared toward job seekers who want to call out the specific job they’re looking for by putting the title front and center. It can be downloaded with headers that come in five different color options, including forest green and aquatic blue.

5. Jobscan’s classic format resume template - chronological

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Jobscan’s focus is on helping people get past an ATS and, as a result, their templates stick closely to ATS-friendly formatting. The “classic format resume - chronological” is exactly what it sounds like: a basic, classic resume with a focus on your experience in reverse chronological order. The template also comes in a functional format as well as a hybrid format .

6. Career Reload’s Carrie resume template

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This template is a solid, traditional choice. Just delete the objective section or make it a summary instead, and change the “Expertise” label to “Skills.” (To download this one, scroll to the green hyperlink that reads, “Download This Template).”)

7. Microsoft Word’s resume template

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This simple resume from Microsoft Word is straightforward but adds a few more design elements in the form of horizontal bars to break up the text (though they can also be removed if you prefer).

These resume templates are still pretty basic, but they use color to make key elements stand out and liven up your resume a bit. Pro tip: You can almost always change the color to suit your preferences (or even add a pop of color to any of the other templates in this list).

8. HLoom’s out of the box resume template

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This chronological template has plenty of space to include a strong resume summary at the top and reiterate your most relevant skills at the bottom.

9. Career Reload’s Mandy resume template

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This simple ATS-friendly template downloads as a Microsoft Word file and has space for a title and summary. Its use of color gives it a bit more zing than some of the more bare-bones options.

10. Career Reload’s Emily resume template

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Here’s another Career Reload template that takes advantage of ATS-friendly design elements to give you something a little more unique. But make sure to swap out the “Career Objective” for a “ Summary ” section (or just get rid of it entirely).

11. HLoom’s leading-edge resume template

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This ATS-friendly resume template adds some color to help your name, headings, and the places you’ve worked and studied stand out. You can find this resume under the “Simple Resume Templates” heading at the link above.

12. Resume Companion’s elegant resume template

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The “elegant” template from Resume Companion injects colored bars to highlight sections but maintains the traditional bulleted format. Note that you can (and should) delete the footer of the document since that information is already at the top.

If you want a sleek, distraction-free resume that lets your skills and experience speak for themselves, check out these basic, no-frills templates.

13. Resume Companion’s minimalist resume template

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This entirely unembellished template keeps things as simple as possible but still has room for all of your most relevant details.

14. Resume-Template’s resume template

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File format: PDF, Microsoft Word

This is another option with a step-by-step walkthrough that’s good for someone who wants a completely utilitarian resume. Once completed, the resume can be downloaded as a PDF or Word file.Note: You should definitely delete the date of birth section.

15. Instant Resume Templates’ ATS resume template

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This site’s template for applicant tracking systems is the lowest of low-frills—but that may be perfectly fine if you’re seeking a no-risk option that still includes everything you need.

16. Microsoft Word’s chronological resume template

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This template is another simple option that places section headers on the left and details on the right, creating a good amount of white space. (Note that these columns can be read from left to right, so they’re perfectly ATS friendly.) Just be sure to delete the “References” section—these don’t belong on your resume in 2023.

These templates are perfect for people who want their resumes to stand out from the pack—but still get read by a computer.

17. Cultivated Culture’s Austin Belcak resume template

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File format: PDF, Google Doc, TXT

Every Cultivated Culture template is fully customizable—so you can eliminate any elements that aren’t ATS-friendly. We recommend the Austin Belcak template as a starting point. Just be sure to replace the graph-based skills section with a traditional bulleted list.

18. Cultivated Culture’s Melinda Gates resume template

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This is another Cultivated Culture template that will get through the ATS with just one change: Delete the “Interests” section to eliminate the columns (you don’t really need it anyway).

19. Super Resume’s template 11

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File format: PDF, DOCX, DOC, HTML

If you want columns, this template includes them in a way that can still be read by an ATS. Just be sure to move your name and contact info out of the text box it’s currently in (where it might get missed or garbled by the ATS) and into the body of the resume. You can customize your resume directly in your web browser and download it as a PDF, Word, or HTML file. Not all of Super Resume’s templates are ATS-friendly (some include graphics and columns), but you can also check out “Resume Template 5” and “Resume Template 6” for more options.

20. Gumroad’s chef resume template

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File format: PSD, PDF, Word

This template places the most emphasis on the personal summary at the top and keeps the job experience straightforward in the body. It’s ideal for specialized fields in which getting to know the applicant as a person is key (in this case, chefs and restaurant employees who may interact closely with customers and clients, but it can be adapted to any field). Just be sure to tweak the section headings to common ones for your industry.

21. ResumeWay’s free resume template 1100010

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This template keeps things short, elegant, and easy to read. The colored graphic at the top adds a nice design element to stand out, especially against a straightforward layout that places your most recent job experience at the top and education and skills below. Just be sure to delete the icons next to the contact information and move it to the body of the resume.

22. Resume Kraft’s simple word resume template

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File format: DOCX, PSD, AI

Don’t be fooled by the erasable icons—this template may have a modern look but it keeps things simple and compact. Keep in mind that some ATSs will read your resume from left to right, ignoring columns, so we recommend including either the job title or timeframe in the left column (not both!) and moving the other piece of information to the right.

If you’re early in your career, switching career paths, or in a highly technical field, you may want to spotlight your relevant skills over your past work experience. These templates do just that.

23. HLoom’s functional career change resume template

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This template puts less emphasis on your formal work experience, and plays up your accomplishments, skills, and strengths—ideal for someone who is trying to switch careers. It can also be a smart choice for freelancers, or folks who've taken a career gap to focus on family or travels. 

24. Resume Companion’s stand-out resume template

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This option prioritizes job seekers’ skills, placing that section at the top of the resume. If you’re making a big career change, you can keep the objective section ; otherwise delete it or replace it with a summary statement.

25. HLoom’s substantial functional resume template

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File format:  DOCX

This template gives plenty of space to both list and expand on your most important skills right up top. Plus the columns are fully ATS friendly and the pop of color will catch the eyes of your reader.

26. Microsoft Word’s functional resume template

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This template highlights applicants’ academic histories as well as skills and abilities, making it a good match for a graduate student or anyone in academia. This could also be expanded into a full CV by adding your publications, presentations, conferences, and awards. As always, ditch the resume objective or replace it with a summary!

27. Microsoft Word’s computer programmer resume template

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Word’s computer programmer resume maximizes space for computer skills (which you may want to rename “Technical Skills”), education, and experience, which are key for software engineering applicants to include. But you could easily tweak this template to work well in other fields.

28. Find My Profession’s combination resume template

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This template emphasizes both skills and experiences, but places key skills most prominently at the top—with room further down to put them in context and expand on your related accomplishments.

29. Microsoft Word’s internal company transfer resume template

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If you’re applying for a new job within your current company, the resume you create may emphasize different things than if you were applying to a new employer. Word’s internal transfer resume highlights accomplishments and skills while placing general information (like education) at the bottom. There is some formatting that might trip up an ATS—but if you remove the main resume text from the text box and place it in the body with “match destination format” selected, you should be good to go. Then you can restore the colors if you’d like.

These templates are ideal for people with longer work histories.

30. Jobscan’s mid-level resume template 5

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Jobscan created this resume for people who aren’t ready for management just yet but are well past entry-level. This hybrid template places an emphasis on hard skills, but still has room to put those skills in context—perfect for applicant tracking systems.

31. Jobscan’s new executive resume template 3

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Rising to the top of the ranks? Jobscan’s “New executive resume template 3” puts an emphasis on results while allowing more space up top to quickly highlight your biggest achievements. This template is more than one page to account for a more extensive work history.

32. Find My Profession’s chronological resume template

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This chronological template is good for people with more work experience and it gives space for job seekers to fill in both a position summary and bullet points. You can use this if you want to emphasize key achievements or special projects from your past jobs. Just make sure to delete the “Find My Profession” image from the template.

33. Jobscan’s management resume template 2

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This ATS resume template highlights industry knowledge, interpersonal skills, the ability to delegate, and leadership qualities. The summary and skills at the top let you put the most important pieces of a longer work history front and center—for when it’s time for a human to look at your resume.

If you’re just starting out in your career, you might want a template that showcases your education and relevant skills over your past work experience.

34. Jobscan’s recent grad resume template 2

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Like many recent grad resume templates, this option places collegiate experience at the top. But it also gives you two sections for work experience (relevant and additional) so that you can place that internship from junior year ahead of your pizza-delivering gig. Jobscan’s other recent grad templates are strong choices as well.

35. Microsoft Word’s recent college graduate resume template

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This template is a very simple starter resume that highlights recent grads’ education, skills, abilities, and experience. Just remember to swap out that objective for a resume summary (or delete it).

36. WallStreetOasis.com’s investment banking resume template

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This template is geared toward undergraduate students seeking investment banking job opportunities (but it can easily be tweaked for other industries). In just one page, it includes space to list your education, study abroad and/or internship experiences, undergraduate leadership positions, and skills and interests (both personal and professional).

These more stylized templates require the Adobe suite to edit, so they’re not for everyone. Just make sure you save your final resume as a PDF so the ATS can still read it.

37. Smash Resume’s simple two-page resume template

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File format: AI

Need a little more space? This two-page template injects more personality with golden accent colors but is still professional. You can make this option even better (for both humans and robots) by nixing the line graphs in the “Skills” and “Language” sections, and sticking to text instead. Since the ATS might read your resume straight across (from left to right, ignoring columns) you should adjust what text you put in the left column so that the text still makes sense if read this way.

38. Graphicsfuel’s clean modern resume template

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File format: PSD

Despite a two-column format in the education section (which you can turn into one), the graphs on page two (which you can replace with text), and a photo (which you should remove), this template is a strong choice if you want to stand out without being too flashy. The blue font adds an extra design element but everything else is straightforward and modern.

39. Adobe’s Amanda Danvers resume template

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This option requires you to have an Adobe account—but it’s free if you’re already set up. The bold color pattern ensures that you’ll stand out, even with very traditional formatting that places a brief personal summary at the top, experience and education in the middle rows, and skills at the bottom. The Adobe Spark logo in the bottom right corner can be removed.

40. Graphic Pear’s minimal resume template

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As always, delete the photo box and stick to text. This option comes with a second resume page and cover letter template you can use if needed. The numbers to the left of the job titles can be removed and the line graphs on the second page can be replaced with text.

Regina Borsellino contributed to the latest version of this article. 

resume header examples 2023

Resume Headings To Stand Out in 2024

Avatar image

In This Guide:

Lackluster resume try these 12 resume headings.

Resume image 1

Top companies receive millions of resumes each year. This means recruiters spend less and less time on each resume.

The Ladders analyzed the reading patterns of 30 recruiters over a 10-week period and found that recruiters spend roughly 7.4 reviewing each resume.

Of those 7.4 seconds, 80% are focused on the most important resume headings:

  • Current job and duration
  • Past jobs, including start and end dates

This is obvious enough but they’ve also found that resumes with “Poor layout that did not draw the eye down the page (i.e. little use of section/job headers to catch the eye)” tend to do worse for recruiters that need to skim resumes and filter candidates fast.

To catch their eye, you need resume headings that are relevant but unique.

We’ve all heard about previous experience, passions, interests, and so on, but what have people who got hired done differently on their resume headings?

How can you package your traits and qualifications in the most appealing way?

We’ve compiled 12 resume headings used by people who got hired at Spotify , Amazon , Verizon Digital Media Services , and more to help you stand out in your resume and get hired.

Looking for a guide on the essential sections of your resume? Check out our guide !

Most proud of

A Most Proud Of heading allows you to bridge your achievements and personal interests in one place. The most effective way of doing this is describing a milestone in your career that took skill and meant a lot to you.

When getting hired as a marketing executive , Eric mentions launching StartupCincy as one of his Most Proud Of moments and his journey to working at Disney.

Not only do these highlight his strong will and experience with business development, but they also give an insight into his personality. With culture fit becoming extremely important (especially for tech companies) checking off three things at once is a great way to reduce text on your resume while still having an impact.

Enhancv Resume Headings To Stand Out in 2021 resume headings

You can benefit from a Most Proud Of section by tailoring it to your position too. For example, if you’re applying for a sustainable energy firm as a data analyst, you could mention sustainable initiatives you started at a previous job and so on. Merge your passions at every opportunity.

Tip: You can rename your Most Proud Of section as a Career Highlights section if you’re applying to a company that places less emphasis on culture fit.

2. Volunteering

More than 80% of recruiters look at volunteering as a positive . Recruiters tend to look at those who volunteer as more likely to progress through leadership roles because they take the initiative for the causes they believe in.

Even with these known benefits, job applicants often leave volunteer work off their resume thinking it isn’t relevant.

Trust me, volunteer experience is relevant to just about any position. The act of volunteering is not what brings value – it’s the connection between volunteering and your line of work that brings value.

As an account manager , Maximilian used his volunteer experience with AIESEC when applying for his job with Amazon. His experience exhibited a clear commitment to innovative business and a knack for creative solutions.

Enhancv Resume Headings To Stand Out in 2021 resume headings

Volunteering experience can be disclosed in other ways, too. Steffany was transitioning from medicine to business and packaged her volunteer work as “Global Impact”.

See? It’s more catchy compared to other bland resume headings.

This quickly catches your attention as it’s unique and gives you an idea of the breadth of her impact.

Enhancv Resume Headings To Stand Out in 2021 resume headings

Volunteering for a good cause is great but steer clear of mentioning any political and controversial causes in your resume.

Anything about politics, abortion/life, immigration, or gun rights, for instance, is polarizing. It’s not worth the risk of mentioning these activities.

3. life philosophy

Traditionally, applicants would include a personal summary at the beginning of their resume.

While this may be appropriate for certain positions (a career change for example), they can often be drawn out and take up a lot of space.

Using Life Philosophy as one of your resume headings can give the recruiter an idea of who you are and what you’re motivated by without having to go into detail.

When getting her job at Spotify, Sam introduced herself with a simple quote that summed up her work ethic.

Enhancv Resume Headings To Stand Out in 2021 resume headings

Your life philosophy section can come from a significant person in your field or even someone that has worked at the company you’re applying to. In this fashion, the recruiter can see your link to their organization even before calling you for an interview.

4. projects

Personal projects show dedication to your craft on your own accord. Sure, employers are looking for people who deliver – but what makes you deliver?

What do you do when there’s no one to motivate you other than yourself? This is why personal projects are so influential.

Before getting hired at Intercom, Daniel described his personal projects on his customer support resume to highlight his tech abilities and personal motivations.

Enhancv Resume Headings To Stand Out in 2021 resume headings

Projects tell the recruiter you are intrinsically motivated.

This comes as an advantage when deciding between employees with similar experience – if the recruiter is going to have to constantly motivate one employee while another will find motivation themselves, the intrinsically motivated employee is going to get the call.

Even if they don’t read all of your projects, the mere mention that you have any will give you an advantage.

Personal projects can also be used to show your skill when you have little-to-no professional experience.

Enhancv Resume Headings To Stand Out in 2021 resume headings

In Eden’s high school teen resume , he spoke about his caravan renovation project to show his dedication to work he’s passionate about.

Recruiters who read his resume will see the variety of his skills and see that he values hard work.

The My Time heading is an Enhancv staple. This allows you to detail what you dedicate your time to throughout the day, throughout the week, throughout your career, or even in life.

It’s a simple visual that a recruiter can quickly look at to see how you prioritize different aspects of your career. It’s especially influential when used to describe activities in a typical day in your previous role.

Before getting his job at Verizon Digital Media Services, Marcellus described a typical day of work on his resume to show his work-life balance and his greatest strengths.

6. Technologies

One part of your resume that is often overlooked is technical skills. Dedicating a heading to the technologies you’re proficient with is becoming more relevant now that almost everything is digital.

In preparing for his role as program director , Tobias highlighted the technical skills that were most appropriate for his target job.

Enhancv Resume Headings To Stand Out in 2021 resume headings

Technologies are important to show the recruiter you’re capable of handling the systems necessary in your role.

While not everyone needs to know how to code, there will always be some form of database or program needed to complete your work.

Using Slack, Amplitude, and other everyday technologies are intrinsic to most careers.

For video editors, applicants with knowledge in Final Cut Pro, Blender, and Illustrator, are sought after.

Those in the legal profession, on the other hand, are prized for their skills in eDiscovery and litigation software.

If you work in the service industry, you benefit from knowing how to work a register, for example. This catches the recruiter’s attention as it indicates your onboarding will take less time than someone without technical experience.

7. Core Competencies or Skills

Every job has its own set of requisite hard and soft skills.

Ideally, your resume should match the skills listed in your target job ad.

List the top 5 to 10 skills mentioned in the job, then sprinkle synonyms and other relevant but not mentioned on-the-job skills on your work experience and professional summary.

This way, you can satisfy the ATS’ keyword requirements while also showing the recruiters the breadth of your job skills.

Management and executive candidates with lots of job-specific skills should also organize their competencies into different categories, such as:

  • Sales Skills
  • Training Skills
  • Management Abilities

8. Continuing education

Ever heard of the saying, “If you’re not moving forward, you’re actually moving back?”

This applies to candidates now, more than ever. The recent crisis left many candidates unemployed, so it’s a survival of the fittest out there.

A course or certification can set you apart from candidates who haven’t take the time to upskill themselves since leaving their formal education.

Check out our resume guides to get a clue of the relevant certifications for your job:

  • Project Manager Resume
  • VP of Business Development Resume
  • Business Intelligence Resume
  • Lawyer Resume
  • Video Editor Resume

Go to our resume examples page for more information on relevant certifications for your job.

9. Languages

Speaking or writing more than one language is an asset, especially if your work entails dealing with different nationalities.

Candidates in sales, marketing, customer service, or even legal jobs may find their language skills helpful in building a relationship with people from other countries. That’s why companies with international clients often pay a premium for multilingual candidates.

Spanish, for instance, is a good second language for US-based candidates. French is good for Canada and Switzerland. Candidates who sometimes work with Middle-Eastern countries, on the other hand, may benefit from learning Arabic.

If nothing else, speaking a different language is at least an eye-catching skill and a good conversation starter.

You’ll be hard-pressed to find someone who won’t find it impressive.

10. Publications

Publishing a book or article in a well-known industry magazine shows you’re knowledgeable in your industry.

Knowledgeable enough that the publication editor thought your ideas worth publishing.

It also shows that you have excellent research, clear writing, and good analytical skills.

Just be consistent in listing your publications to avoid confusion.

Format for papers:

  • Title of the published article
  • Title of publication, publication date, pages

Format for books:

  • Publishing house, place of publication, year published

Our resume templates already have a specific format for entering publications, so you don’t have to worry about how it will look like on your resume.

11. Organizations

List professional organizations and community groups you’re part of. It shows your interests in and out of your professional field.

It can be a way to show your leadership and organizational skills as well, especially if you hold an official position within the group.

Example organizations:

  • Professional Association of Civil Engineers
  • Public Health Association of Australia
  • Club Managers Association of America
  • Communications Professional Association and Organizations

12. Testimonials

The popular advice is that references and testimonials have no place in your application, much less the resume headings. You shouldn’t give this information until the latter part of your application.

However, a powerful testimonial, while a little early in the game, can put you way ahead of the competition.

Now you might ask, what can be considered as a powerful testimonial?

  • A note from a well-known industry figure
  • Praises about your skills, specifically the end results or what was achieved using said skills
  • A story about a crisis you solved

Testimonials can also boost your candidacy if you’re jumping careers or coming back from the workforce after a long hiatus.

When it comes to resume headings

Choosing the right headings for a resume is context-specific.

Publications won’t do much good for someone in the arts, but a list of projects will work wonders. Conversely, speaking different languages might not mean much for someone in the medical field but a list of certifications and licenses is required.

Bottom line is, you just need to find resume headings that are relevant to your goal and professional skills.

Try our resume builder to see how easy it is to incorporate any of these resume headings into your application.

In a job market that is constantly evolving and globalizing, it’s becoming harder and harder to stand out.

While uniformity has its benefits, recruiters are looking for diamonds in the rough.

These resume headings will help you set yourself apart from the sea of cookie-cutter resumes out there. That puts you one step closer to getting called for an interview.

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Resume Header in 2024: Complete Guide with Examples

Sashika Dilshan

Sashika Dilshan

Finding a perfect job will change your entire life and also your resume plays a major role in getting you there. The Resume header makes the first impression in the recruiter’s mind about you. Therefore Resume header should be very professional and should follow a recommended standard. Here we are ready to solve the following major problems that may come to your mind when you are making a perfect resume header.

Resume Header Definition

Importance of the resume header.

  • The easiest way of creating your resume headline
  • What to include on the resume header?
  • Resume header Tips

Avoid this information on your resume headline

Best resume header ideas, match your resume headline with the cover letter header.

  • Let’s create the resume header in Word
  • Resume header checklist

Resume header is a very important section, usually, it is the top section of your resume which acts as a business card. Because it contains your name, job title, contact details, and other social media links.

Writing your resume header is a crucial task than you think. So making a resume by following the standards of the resume, you will get lucky enough to land your dream job – fast. The purpose of a standard resume header is to highlight your resume among other resumes. If the resume header looks perfect, the recruiters feel to continue the reading of your resume. Therefore, you have to make your resume header perfect. But you do not need to worry about it. Get help from our ‘Resume Builder’ and make a perfect resume header that wins the recruiter’s consideration at first sight.

The easiest way of creating a resume headline

There are different ways of creating a resume header such as by using a,

  • Resume builder (The easiest way)
  • Word document
  • Graphic design software etc.

Using a resume builder

Though there are so many ways to create your resume, using a resume builder is the easiest, quickest, more Applicant Tracking System (ATS) friendly and a recommended way that helps you to create not only a resume header but also your whole resume professionally according to the standards and the requirements of your job position. So we recommend you to create your resume using an online resume builder.

Using a Word document

Though this is a very famous and ATS-friendly way of creating resume headers and all sections of resumes, now it is out of trend and it is a very time-consuming way. Therefore, we never recommend this way as a simple way of creating a resume header.

Using a Graphic Design Software

Some applicants tend to create their resume headers and other sections of the resume using Graphic Design Software such as Photoshop, CorelDRAW, Illustrator, etc. But using such software may add more graphics to your resume and ruin the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) friendliness of your whole resume. Not only that, this kind of software always requires paid licenses and you have to have good knowledge of using that software. Therefore Experts always advise NOT to create your resume header or any other section using such software and try to use a more ATS-friendly way.

What to include on resume headers?

You may know that the job market has huge traffic and competition between job seekers. If the recruiter seems at first sight that your resume header does not follow the standard format or it has included unnecessary information, they will reject your resume without any hesitation. So follow these tips to make your resume stand out with the most necessary information.

resume header essentials

The major and essential parts that should include on your resume header are,

Job (professional) title

  • Location / Address

Phone number

Email address.

The optional information you may add on your resume header,

  • LinkedIn URL
  • Twitter URL
  • Personal Website URL
  • Facebook URL

Resume Header Tips

The largest text on your resume should be your full name. Use a bold font or a larger font size to make it the most visible text on the resume. You should never use a nickname or a fancy name in it. It is preferable to use a formal name, such as your first and last names, as the title.

Mention your job title below your full name in a smaller font than your full name. Job title means your current job position or your desired job position. Using a professional job title is a must, and never use a fancy job title. If you have any specific certifications that are related to the job field, mention them also here.

You do not need to mention your full address. Just mention the city and the state to inform your location to the recruiters. Because the recruiters want to know whether you are close to the workplace or not.

Include an active or frequently used phone number but never use an official or a work telephone number. It is important to mention your country code if you apply for a foreign job vacancy. Use a polite and professional voicemail message.

In the resume header, it is important to provide a professional email address that is very personal to you. Professional email addresses usually include a first and last name or a name and a unique number, but never include the current job email address. Remember to double-check that your email address is clickable. And also make sure that you are submitting your job application via that email.

LinkedIn URL (optional)

If you mention your LinkedIn profile consider whether it is professionally maintained. Do not forget to maintain similar names in your resume and LinkedIn profile. Make sure your LinkedIn profile URL is clickable.

Twitter (optional)

Make sure you have maintained your twitter account professionally. At the same time check out whether both resume name and Twitter account names are the same. Never forget to examine whether your Twitter account link is clickable.

Portfolio Website (optional)

Add any of your portfolio websites if and only if they contain any documents to prove your skills or any project files. Not only that make sure your portfolio Website links are clickable.

Facebook (optional)

Before including your Facebook profile in the resume header, make sure it’s professional and that you haven’t posted any posts that might harm your professional life. It’s important to compare and see if your Facebook name and your resume name are identical. Make sure that the URL to your Facebook profile is clickable.

Many applicants follow many formats to create their resume headers. Here is the standard and formal resume header template.

Standard Resume Header Format

Some applicants include unnecessary information in their resume header. That may have a bad impact on your professional life. Here is some information that you tend to include in your resume heading but experts have informed you to avoid them from your resume headline.

Adding a photo on your resume depends on the country that you apply for the job. Because some countries allow their applicants to add photographs on the resume while other countries prohibit the photograph on the resume . Therefore you have to find out which category your target country represents and according to the result decide whether you display a photograph on your resume or not. For instance, countries such as China, France, Japan, and Africa accept the photograph on a resume while other countries such as Canada, Australia, India, United States, and Sweden do not recommend adding the photos on resume.

The word ‘Resume’

Never write the resume header title as ‘resume’. Because any reader who reads your resume knows that it is a resume. Therefore you have to avoid that bad practice when you create a resume.

Beliefs or Creed details

Adding any information that represents your belief or the creed such as religion, race, nation, caste or political wing in your resume will negatively impact on your image. Though some applicants tend to add them in their resume headers, experts always recommend to avoid adding them in your resume. Because the personal opinion of the recruiter may impact your career badly.

Personal details

It is important to note that never misunderstand the resume as a bio-data. Because some applicants add their date of birth, civil status, the number of children, parents’ names, or physical characteristics like height, weight, gender in their resume header based on the lack of awareness. Generally, this information is considered as unnecessary information in a resume. Unless the job position requires you to mention them in your resume, never put these kinds of information in your resume.

Salary expectation

If you add your salary expectation in the resume even if the job advertisement has not been asked you to do so, the recruiters will imagine you as a person who gives priority to money rather than the job responsibility. Therefore, that will badly impact your image and they will never think to hire you. So, check the job advertisement twice before mentioning the salary expectation in your resume.

There are major three different layouts that can be used to design your resume header. You can choose any of them as you wish.

Horizontal Resume header

This is the most used and standard resume heading type. A horizontal header always adds a professional look to your resume. This kind of header is suitable for any level of formality. Usually, experts recommend this type of resume header to use when you craft a resume. A horizontal resume can be two types based on the placement of social media links.

Vertical Resume header

This layout arranges the header in vertical order and provides a creative and modern look into your resume. But this layout consumes more space on the resume. But if you are an applicant that has less information to mention this type is much suitable for you when creating your resume.

Two-page resume header (2 page resume)

Before answering this question we would like to tell you that try to limit your resume for a single page unless you are at least a mid-level professional. I agree that if you are an experienced professional with over 10+ years of experience, you might have more things to describe. Then definitely you will go to the 2nd page of your resume. In that case, do we need to add resume headers on both pages?

You don’t need an official header on the second page. You do however need your name and phone number on the second page.

If the recruiter or the hiring manager is reading your second page and if they suddenly need to contact you they will look at the top of your resume. So that it is better to mention your name and the contact number at the top of the second page.

Though the cover letter and the resume are different documents, they are submitted together for a single job application. Because of that, we should match both the resume header and cover letter header. That will create a good image on the recruiters’ minds about the candidate.

But if the job advertisement strictly advises not to send a cover letter then you do not need to send a cover letter.

However, if you send a cover letter, check whether both headers of the cover letter and resume are the same. Because then the recruiters will think a particular candidate is a well-organized person.

Still not sure how to make a cover letter header? See our complete guide of cover letter writing .

Let’s create a resume header in Word (simple steps)

Using Word to create the resume heading is a very famous and Application Tracking System (ATS) friendly method. It is special to note that there are some default resume headers in MS Word. But we do not recommend those resume headline templates, because they contain a lot of graphics. Therefore follow these steps to design your own resume header in Word with simple steps within just 5 minutes.

01 – Create a 2×3 table.

learn how to make a resume header with Word

02 – Select the first row and Right Click. Then select “Merge Cells”.

learn how to make a resume header with Word step 2

03 – Write your name and the job title in the first row. Insert your contact number, email address and LinkedIn URL in the second row.

learn how to make a resume header with Word step 3

04 – Select all cells and align all to “Center”.

learn how to make a resume header with Word step 4

05 – Select all the cells and click on the “Borders” and then “No Border”.

learn how to make a resume header with Word step 5

06 – Select the upper row and click on the “Borders” and then “Bottom Border”.

learn how to make a resume header with Word step 6

07 – Finally you can make some changes to increase the visibility of resume header details. You can increase the font size and bold the name. If you need you can change the text into a good resume font .

learn how to make a resume header with Word step 7

That’s how you create a simple resume heading section in Word.

Resume header Checklist

Some applicants are in a hurry to send their resumes. But never send the resume without proofreading. Because if your resume contains mistakes, it symbolizes that you are a careless applicant. Therefore follow these steps to proofread your resume header.

  • Check the spelling mistakes of the resume.
  • Make sure the social links, phone number, and email address are clickable.
  • Use the recommended fonts types and sizes (For instance Calibri, Open Sans, Helvetica, etc. )
  • The header Should be the most visible part of the resume.
  • Make sure the resume heading format matches the job you are applying for.
  • Do not use so many graphics in your resume. But it is okay to add icons to the contact details such as phone number, LinkedIn URL, email address, etc.
  • Check whether all necessary information is included such as Full name, Job title, Location, Phone number, Email address.
  • Do not forget to mention the specific certificates and achievements in job title.

Now you are an expert in making a resume header. So what’s next? It is better to learn other resume sections as well. Check out these guides for more information.

Want to build a resume of your own?

People who read this also read: How to write a perfect resume

Resume Examples for 2024 & Guides for Any Job [90+ Examples]

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In today’s competitive job market, having an impactful resume is more essential than ever. 

However, many job seekers struggle to craft a resume that effectively highlights their skills and experience and, in turn, misses out on potential job opportunities. 

This is where our extensive library of resume examples comes in. 

By looking at examples of resumes for different industries and professions, you can gain great insight into what works and what doesn’t, get inspired to present your own qualifications, and stand out from the competition.

Let’s dive in!

15+ Resume Examples

#1. architect resume example.

resume example

Here’s what this architect resume example does right:

  • Lists related experience. This resume highlights the relevant professional experience the candidate gained in the field during their internship.
  • Mentions achievements and responsibilities. The candidate backs up their claims by going into detail about their achievements and responsibilities. 
  • Focus on personal projects. By dedicating a section to their personal projects, this candidate makes up for their lack of work experience and shows off their dedication to the industry. 

#2. Business Resume Example

business resume examples

Here’s what this business-related resume example does right:

  • Prioritizes work experience. The work experience section is arguably the most important section in every resume, which is why this candidate has given it a priority by giving it enough resume space and going into detail about their previous positions. 
  • Highlights accomplishments. To make their professional experience even more impactful, this candidate has supported all their claims with quantifiable achievements. 
  • Lists the right optional sections . The candidate adds more value to their resume by including the organizations, honors, and conferences as optional sections.

#3. Computer Science Resume Example

resume sample

Here’s what this computer science resume does right: 

  • Prioritizes technical skills. Technical skills are essential when it comes to IT-related roles, which is why this candidate has prioritized them over soft skills.
  • Keeps the education section concise. With such extensive professional experience in the field, the candidate has opted to keep their education section short.
  • Lists relevant social media profiles. Listing websites like GitHub and LinkedIn is a great way to provide recruiters with additional information about your skills.

#4. Data Analyst Resume Example

resume samples

Here’s what this data analyst resume does right: 

  • Includes a strong resume summary . This candidate showcases their key skills and qualifications from the get-go, which is much more likely to get recruiters to read their resumes from start to finish.
  • Highlights technical skills. Data analysts work with “big data,” so this candidate prioritizes their quantitative and technical skills over other resume sections.
  • Lists relevant professional certifications . The resume lists the candidate’s most noteworthy professional certificates.

#5. College Resume Example

best resume template

Here’s what this college resume example does right: 

  • Lists relevant social media profiles. By including their Medium and LinkedIn accounts, this candidate gives the hiring manager a chance to know them more professionally. 
  • Highlights achievements . Although they lack work experience, the candidate has listed everything they’ve achieved during their academic career, thus showing they’re a promising candidate. 
  • Mentions the right optional sections. Adding hobbies and interests and foreign languages to a resume is a huge plus for a candidate with no work experience.

#6. Customer Service Resume Example

best resume example

Here’s what this customer service resume does right: 

  • Includes both soft and hard skills . Customer service roles require a mix of soft and hard skills, so this candidate has listed both. 
  • Mentions quantifiable achievements. To make their achievements more impressive, the candidate has backed up their work achievements with data and numbers. 
  • Lists foreign language skills. Foreign languages are a huge plus when you’re working in customer service and this resume does a good job highlighting the candidate’s foreign language skills. 

#7. Digital Marketing Resume Example

best resume sample

Here’s what this digital marketing resume does right: 

  • Follows the reverse chronological format . This format is the most popular one worldwide and is easily the safest choice.
  • Grabs attention with a resume summary. In a single glance, the recruiter can tell that the candidate is a digital marketing professional with the right amount of experience.
  • Lists relevant skills. The digital marketing specialist resume above lists in-demand marketing skills like Google Ads, SEO, and others.

#8. Graduate Resume Example

graduate resume example

Here’s what this graduate resume example does right:

  • Starts off with a well-written resume objective . The resume objective does a great job of showing off the candidate’s promise and industry-related experience. 
  • Includes work experience. The candidate has gained professional experience while they were a student and they’ve made sure to include that in their resume. 
  • Takes advantage of optional sections. Sections like volunteer experience, and personal projects and achievements can help make up for the lack of extensive experience in the industry. 

#9. HR Resume Example

hr resume example

Here’s what this human resources resume example does right: 

  • Follows the right format. The reverse chronological format lists the candidate’s latest experience and achievements first, which is exactly what recruiters want to see. 
  • Highlights professional experience. With so many years in the industry, this candidate has dedicated the biggest part of their resume to their work history. 
  • Includes courses and certificates. To make their achievements even more impressive, the candidate has included all their courses and certifications. 

#10. Medical Assistant Resume Example

Medical Assistant Resume Example

Here’s what this medical assistant resume example does right: 

  • Starts off with a memorable resume summary. The candidate lists their years of experience, skills, and passion for the industry, making it more likely for the hiring manager to read the rest of their resume. 
  • Lists the candidate’s certificates. There are many certifications one can obtain in the medical field, and this candidate proves how professional they are by listing theirs. 
  • Highlights the candidate’s extensive work experience. Experience speaks louder than a thousand words, which is why this resume example provides the work experience section its due space. 

#11. Project Manager Resume Example

Project Manager Resume Example

Here’s what this project manager resume example does right: 

  • Uses bullet points. The candidate uses bullet points to organize and present the information which makes this project manager resume example look neat and structured.
  • Keeps their education section relevant. The candidate only includes their key education details, such as their Bachelor’s degree and a field-related minor.
  • Takes advantage of additional sections. The candidate takes advantage of the extra space on their project manager resume by including relevant additional sections, such as their industry-related certifications and academic achievements

#12. Bar Manager Resume Example

Bar Manager Resume Example

Here’s what this bar manager resume example does right:

  • Includes relevant social media profiles. Details such as your LinkedIn profile or Instagram handle make you look more professional (as long as they’re work-related). 
  • Mentions industry-related skills. Instead of listing a bunch of unrelated skills, the bar manager resume example above only lists industry-relevant skills.
  • Quantifiable achievements. This applicant quantifies their achievements as much as possible, showing the bar owner how they stand out amongst other candidates.

#13. Supervisor Resume Example

Supervisor Resume Example

Here’s what this supervisor resume example does right: 

  • Lists relevant contact details . The supervisor resume example above leaves out redundancies like marital status or age and includes relevant information, like a LinkedIn URL. 
  • Features as many accomplishments as possible. To really highlight their candidate’s professional experience, the supervisor example lists achievements over responsibilities. 
  • Lists the right kind of skills. This supervisor's resume example doesn’t list every skill under the sun. Instead, they keep the section relevant by only listing skills required from a supervisor. 

#14. Teacher Resume Example

Teacher Resume Example

Here’s what this teacher resume example does right:

  • Mentions industry-relevant skills. The candidate lists all the soft and hard skills a teacher should have. 
  • Includes hobbies and interests . By including hobbies and interests, the hiring manager will see the candidate as more than just a resume. 
  • Lists volunteer experience. The candidate reinforces their teaching experience by including their teaching volunteer gigs and experience. 

#15. Writer Resume Example

Writer Resume Example

Here’s just what this writer resume example does right: 

  • Impressive resume summary. The resume includes a brief but effective resume summary that highlights the candidate’s skills and top achievements.
  • Relevant contact details. This writer resume example contains relevant contact information, including the candidate’s name and surname, email address, phone number, location, professional website URL, and LinkedIn URL. 
  • Short education section. A writer’s skills and experience matter more than their education. For this reason, this candidate kept their writer resume’s education section short and sweet. 

#16. Web Developer Resume Example

Web Developer Resume Example

Here’s what this web developer resume example does right: 

  • Focuses on technical skills. Technical skills are essential for web development, which is why this candidate has prioritized theirs.
  • Grabs attention with their work experience. Their rich work experience, listed in reverse chronological order, shows the candidate is a promising professional.
  • Keeps their education section minimal. With such extensive work experience and training, the candidate has kept their education section concise.

65+ More Resume Examples and Guides 

Couldn’t find a resume example for your field? Worry not!

Below you can find a number of other resume examples for different fields and industries:

  • Accountant Resume
  • Administrative Assistant Resume
  • AI Engineer Resume
  • Animator Resume
  • Babysitter Resume
  • Banking Resume
  • Bank Teller Resume
  • Barbie's Resume
  • Barista Resume
  • Bartender Resume
  • Bookkeeper Resume
  • Business Analyst Resume
  • Career Change Resume
  • Caregiver Resume
  • Cashier Resume
  • College Application Resume
  • College Freshman Resume
  • Consultant Resume
  • Construction Project Manager
  • Creative Resume Examples
  • Data Entry Specialist Resume
  • Data Scientist Resume
  • Dentist Resume
  • DevOps Engineer Resume
  • Digital Marketing Manager Resume
  • Editor Resume
  • Electrical Engineer Resume
  • Elon Musk's One-Page Resume
  • Engineering Resume
  • Esthetician Resume
  • Europass CV
  • Event Planner Resume
  • Executive Assistant Resume
  • Federal Resume
  • Financial Analyst Resume
  • Flight Attendant Resume
  • Game Designer Resume 
  • Graphic Designer Resume
  • High School Resume
  • Illustrator Resume 
  • Interior Designer Resume
  • Internship Resume
  • Java Developer Resume
  • Military to Civilian Resume
  • Marketing Executive Resume
  • Minimalistic Resume Examples
  • Nanny Resume Example
  • Nurse Resume
  • Office Assistant Resume
  • Office Manager Resume
  • Operations Manager Resume
  • Paralegal Resume
  • Pharmacist Resume
  • Photographer Resume
  • Program Manager Resume
  • Real Estate Agent Resume
  • Receptionist Resume
  • Recruiter Resume
  • Research Assistant Resume
  • Restaurant Manager Resume
  • Retail Manager Resume
  • Richard Branson's One-Page Resume
  • Sales Resume
  • Sales Associate Resume
  • Satya Nadella's One-Page Resume
  • Server Resume
  • Social Worker Resume
  • Software Engineer Resume
  • Stay-at-home Mom Resume
  • Student Resume
  • Student Resume Templates
  • Taylor Swift Resume
  • Video Editor Resume
  • Volunteer Resume
  • Waiter/Waitress Resume
  • Warehouse Worker Resume
  • Web Developer Resume
  • Welder Resume

career masterclass

5+ Examples of Resume Templates

Your resume template can play an important role in helping you make a great first impression on the hiring manager. 

Specifically, your industry, work experience, or skills all impact how your resume should look, so make sure to choose the right template when making your resume: 

#1. Traditional Resume

traditional resume example

A straightforward format that gives equal importance to all resume sections , emphasizing skills and work experience.

#2. Creative Resume

Creative Resume example

Land your dream job in the creative industry by using this creative resume template. 

#3. Minimalist Resume

Minimalist Resume example

A simple and easy-to-follow resume template. Perfect for more conservative industries which prefer less flashy templates.

#4. Basic Resume

basic resume example

This easy-to-personalize basic resume layout can be ready in under ten minutes through our resume builder .

#5. IT Resume

IT Resume example

One of the best resume layouts to choose when you wish to showcase your IT expertise.

#6. Modern Resume 

modern resume example

It can be hard to stand out from the crowd, but this modern resume sample will take care of this.

#7. General Resume

general resume example

5+ Resume Examples by Career Level

#1. no experience resume .

No Experience Resume example

Are you a student with no experience ? Learn how to write a compelling resume with our guide! 

#2. College Freshman Resume

College Freshman Resume example

Learn how to ace your college freshman resume with our comprehensive guide! 

#3. Graduate Resume

graduate resume sample

Fresh out of college? Write an impactful graduate resume to land your first gig after college. 

#4. Career Change Resume

Career Change Resume example

Going through a career change? Perfect your career change resume to make the transition as smooth as possible. 

#5. Manager Resume

Manager Resume example

#6. Executive Resume

Executive Resume example

The Perfect Resume Structure 

The Perfect Resume Structure

Not sure how to structure your resume?

Here’s our tried-and-tested resume layout :

  • Choose the right resume format or pick a template. If you’re formatting your resume yourself, follow the reverse-chronological format and make sure to follow the right layout rules. Alternatively, you can use one of our premade resume templates and not have to worry about formatting your resume one bit. 
  • Add relevant contact details and make sure they’re mistake-free. You shouldn’t be missing information such as your full name and job title, e-mail address, and where you’re based. Optionally, you can also include some relevant social media profiles, such as your LinkedIn.
  • Include a resume summary or a resume objective. Done right, a resume summary will show the hiring manager you’re a relevant candidate from the get-go and have them read the rest of your resume.
  • List your work experience, placing special focus on your achievements. Your work experience becomes more meaningful if you include your achievements in your past roles and manage to make them quantifiable.
  • Mention your top soft and hard skills. List any skills you have that are relevant to the job you’re applying for in a seperate section. 
  • Keep your education section short and concise. Unless you’re an entry-level candidate with little-to-no work experience, keep your education section short and to the point. 
  • Leverage optional sections like “Languages,” “Certifications,” or “Hobbies and Interests.” Fill up the rest of your resume space with optional sections that can highlight your strengths and qualifications as a candidate (e.g. foreign languages you speak, certifications you’ve obtained over the years, or your hobbies and interests).

3 Examples of Resume Formats 

#1. reverse chronological resume format.

Reverse Chronological Resume Format example

This resume format highlights your experience and key professional achievements by listing your latest position and acquired skills first. It’s the most popular resume format among recruiters and the one we advise job seekers to use in 99% of cases. 

#2. Functional Resume Format

Functional Resume Format Example

A functional resume , also known as the skill-based resume, is a resume format that focuses on your professional skill test as opposed to work experience. You’re better off using a functional resume if you’re a recent graduate with no work experience, if you’re switching careers, or if you have a long employment gap . 

#3. Hybrid Resume Format

Hybrid Resume Format Example

A combination resume combines the two traditional resume formats: the reverse-chronological resume and the functional resume.

As such, this format places emphasis on a candidate’s skills and work experience. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Resume Examples

1. Are resume examples helpful?

Resume examples are helpful for several reasons. For starters, they can inspire you to write an A+ resume that meets the industry’s requirements. 

Also, resume examples can show you the best practices for listing your work experience and achievements, can guide you through your resume formatting and can help you understand exactly what the end result should look like.

2. How were these resume examples created?

All our resume examples and resume templates were created in full collaboration with industry-leading HR professionals.

This means that they meet all job market requirements, are modern and impactful, and meet recruiters’ standards worldwide.

3. What if I can’t find a resume example for my job?

While we’ve tried to list as many resume examples as possible for different jobs across several industries, it might happen that you can’t find the resume example that perfectly matches your needs. 

If that’s the case, you can check out our guide on how to write a resume , and learn to create an effective resume regardless of industry.

4. What is the best resume format in 2024?

The reverse-chronological format is still the best resume format in 2024. It remains the most widely used and preferred format by employers and recruiters alike. In this format, you list your work experience in reverse chronological format, starting with your most recent position and working backward.

This format showcases our most recent and relevant experience, making it easier for employers to see our career progression and accomplishments. 

5. Are these resume examples free? 

Yes, most of these resume examples can be used for free in the Basic account, while there is also a selection of templates included in the Premium account. All of them though can be tested for free in our editor. 

6. Do you also have cover letter examples?

Yes, we have an entire article dedicated to cover letter examples for different fields and jobs. Not just that, but you can also find tips on how to write a great cover letter and an FAQ section to answer any question you may have. 

7. Should my resume and cover letter match?

Yes, having a cover letter that’s consistent with your resume in terms of style, tone, and content can be a plus for your overall job application. In a nutshell, a matching resume and cover letter can increase your chances of getting an interview by demonstrating your professionalism, attention to detail, and suitability for the role. 


And that’s a wrap!

We hope the examples and guides provided in this article can help you create a powerful and effective resume that highlights your unique qualifications and experiences. 

Whether you're a recent graduate, a mid-career employee, or a seasoned professional, there are tips and templates here to help you create a compelling resume for any job.

For more career advice, make sure to check out our career blog . 

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  1. Best Resume Headers for 2024 [Examples & Templates]

    Resume; Best Resume Headers for 2024 [Examples & Templates] 12/13/2023 Best Resume Headers for 2024 [Examples & Templates] When writing a resume, no detail is too small to be overlooked. That's why it's crucial for your resume header to look professional enough for the recruiter to want to call you.

  2. 30 Strong Resume Headline Examples to Use in 2023

    The same principles apply when it comes to your resume: A strong headline will draw recruiters into the story of you—and entice them to keep reading.. As a certified professional resume writer who has written hundreds (and I mean hundreds) of resumes, I strongly recommend using a headline.Whether you're fresh out of college and looking for your first "real" job, or you're 20+ years ...

  3. Best Resume Header in 2023: [w/ 10+ Professional Examples]

    Check out our tips and resume header examples to ensure that your hard work pays off. ... Teacher Resume: 10+ Examples & 7-Step Guide for 2023. Our in-depth Teacher Resume Guide covers 10+ teacher resume examples and samples to help you draft the perfect resume for the teaching job of your dreams!

  4. 20 Professional Resume Header Examples for 2024

    20 Professional Resume Header Examples. When it comes to crafting a standout resume, one detail that should never be overlooked is the header. ... How to Create the Best Resume in 2023: Complete Guide; The Ultimate Guide to Finding a Job as a Veteran; Expert Tips for Crafting a Strong Videographer Resume; Reasons for Leaving a Job: Interview ...

  5. How To Write a Resume Header (With Examples and Tips)

    Updated July 5, 2023. Image description. A man sits in front of a laptop next to large illustration of a resume. ... "813-433-9357" and "[email protected]" Under this header, a sample resume summary reads, "A strong headline is a brief statement highlighting your expertise and how it will benefit the role."

  6. 25+ Best Resume Header Examples (& Tips)

    6 Minute Read Updated 05/17/2023. Your resume header is one of the first things hiring managers see on your resume. Find sample resume headers and tips for creating your own resume header. ... Here are a couple of federal resume header samples: Keep your style choices pretty basic for a federal resume header. Key Takeaways.

  7. 31+ Resume Headline Examples [You Can Use In 2024]

    Use one of our 31+ resume headline examples & land the job! ... 27 December 2023. 5 min read. our services are featured in. Content. ... That said, there's also another awesome advantage of using a resume header: It will help get your resume past an Applicant Tracking System.

  8. Resume Header Examples (20+ Professional Headings)

    See example resume headings that work best for all job applicants. Tools. Resume Builder Create a resume in 5 minutes. Get the job you want. Resume Checker Get your resume checked and scored with one click. CV Maker Create a CV in 5 minutes. Get the job you want.

  9. How to Create a Resume Header [5+ Examples]

    27 December 2023. 6 min read. our services are featured in ... Digital Marketing Specialist Resume Header Example. As a marketer, you probably have a natural talent for communication and understanding what makes a person buy a product. So, you should already be selling yourself starting from your resume header, like so -

  10. How to Write a Resume Header (With Examples)

    Here's an example of a creative resume header with bright colors, icons, and an accent font: Vertical header. Most resume templates have a horizontal header. Some layouts, however, place the header in a vertical bar on the left side of the resume. Here's an example:

  11. Resume Header Examples

    April 1, 2022 June 26, 2023 by Alex Miller in Resume Help, All Articles. A resume header is the most basic element of your resume. It's short and easy to write — but you should never leave it out. A resume header is what the hiring manager will see first — and there are ways to make it more effective. ... Resume header examples 2022 ...

  12. 20+ Professional Headers for a Resume in 2023 [Examples & Templates]

    Learn how to create impactful rprofessional headers for a resume in 2023 to stand out in the job market. ... Adhering to these formatting tips and resume header examples will guide you in crafting a visually appealing resume header that is also easy for hiring managers to digest. With a properly formatted resume header, you'll be one step ...

  13. 35+ Perfect Resume Headline Examples for 2024

    35+ resume headline examples for multiple jobs you can use and get inspired by. ... What Are the Differences Between a Resume Headline and a Header? Although they sound similar, they're two different parts of a resume. ... 12/13/2023. Resume Margins: Standard Size for Proper Dimensions.

  14. 14 Essential Resume Headers and Sections with Examples

    In today's competitive job market, a well-crafted resume is essential to stand out from the crowd. And one of the critical components of an effective resume is the proper use of headers and sections. These elements help to structure the resume and make it easier for recruiters and hiring managers to quickly understand your qualifications and experience. In this article, we will explore the 14 ...

  15. What Your Resume Should Look Like In 2023 (With Examples & Templates)

    What Your Resume Should Look Like In 2023: 5 Must-Haves + Examples. An attractive, high-performing resume immediately piques a reader's interest. It subtly draws them down the page to learn why you're the candidate they're looking for. So every resume in 2023 should incorporate these five elements to achieve that goal: 1. An Updated ...

  16. How to Create a Resume Header (With Examples and Tips)

    Example resume headers. Here are a few examples of resume headers. When you're writing yours, don't be afraid to play with font sizes and colors, text alignment and spacing, or bold and italics. A basic resume header example: Dwayne Peters 123-456-7890 | [email protected] | he/they New York, NY | LinkedIn | dwayneharrisonpeters.com

  17. Resume Header: What to Include, What to Skip, & How to Format It

    What is a resume header and why do you need it? The resume header is a section right at the top of your resume, which is usually graphically separated from the main content of the resume.It's the first of the resume sections, and it's usually referred to as the contact information section (rather than "resume header").. It's the space where you should include key information like:

  18. 8+ Best Resume Layout Examples for 2024

    Find the best resume layout for your background and experience with our examples of professional resume layouts and free templates. ... December 19, 2023 6 min read. ... Resume Heading. FIRST AND LAST NAME. Email: ...

  19. What To Include in Your Resume Header

    Add an extra space between your resume header and the first "content" section of your resume (usually your work experience section). Alternatively, take the easy way out with an ATS-ready resume template, including a pre-formatted resume header. A standard resume header which contains core information The must-haves for your resume header

  20. 40 Best Free Resume Templates to Use and Customize in 2023

    This template is another simple option that places section headers on the left and details on the right, creating a good amount of white space. (Note that these columns can be read from left to right, so they're perfectly ATS friendly.) Just be sure to delete the "References" section—these don't belong on your resume in 2023.

  21. Resume Headings To Stand Out in 2024

    Top companies receive millions of resumes each year. This means recruiters spend less and less time on each resume.. The Ladders analyzed the reading patterns of 30 recruiters over a 10-week period and found that recruiters spend roughly 7.4 reviewing each resume.. Of those 7.4 seconds, 80% are focused on the most important resume headings:

  22. Resume Header in 2024: Complete Guide with Examples

    If the resume header looks perfect, the recruiters feel to continue the reading of your resume. Therefore, you have to make your resume header perfect. But you do not need to worry about it. Get help from our 'Resume Builder' and make a perfect resume header that wins the recruiter's consideration at first sight.

  23. Resume Examples for 2024 & Guides for Any Job [90+ Examples]

    Here's what this architect resume example does right:. Lists related experience. This resume highlights the relevant professional experience the candidate gained in the field during their internship.; Mentions achievements and responsibilities. The candidate backs up their claims by going into detail about their achievements and responsibilities.; Focus on personal projects.