Speeches > James D. Gordon III > The Joy of Education and Lifelong Learning

The Joy of Education and Lifelong Learning

James d. gordon iii.

March 15, 2013

I am happy to be here with you today. I remember when I was a university student. Like some of you, I had trouble deciding what my major should be. First I thought about majoring in economics. That way, if I couldn’t get a job after I graduated, at least I would understand why.

Then I thought I might major in physical education. I went down to the gym to lift weights, but the laughter made it difficult to concentrate.

I sampled some classes, but I didn’t always do very well. For example, I took a photography class. I just about went crazy trying to take a close-up of the horizon. The teacher in that class gave me an F minus. He said that giving me an F would be unfair to the people who failed normally.

I studied chemistry, but I thought that there were only four elements on the periodic table: earth, air, fire, and water. I thought that fire had three electrons in the outer shell.

I thought about studying math. It has been reported that 60 percent of Americans cannot do basic math. Sixty percent! That’s nearly half! But we shouldn’t laugh—and most of you didn’t, and I appreciate that.

Seek Learning

Seriously, I would like to speak about the joy of education and lifelong learning. Life is a test, and life is also a school. The Lord has invited us to seek learning. He said, “Seek ye diligently and teach one another words of wisdom; yea, seek ye out of the best books words of wisdom; seek learning, even by study and also by faith.” 2  He commanded early Church leaders to “study and learn, and become acquainted with all good books, and with languages, tongues, and people.”  3

Three reasons why we should learn are to develop personally, to increase our ability to serve others, and to be prepared in all things. Brigham Young said, “Our education should be such as to improve our minds and fit us for increased usefulness; to make us of greater service to the human family.” 4

President Thomas S. Monson taught:

Your talents will expand as you study and learn. You will be able to better assist your families in their learning, and you will have peace of mind in knowing that you have prepared yourself for the eventualities that you may encounter in life. 5

Learning helps us to be prepared in all things. The Lord said:

Teach ye diligently and my grace shall attend you, that you may be instructed more perfectly in theory, in principle, in doctrine, in the law of the gospel, in all things that pertain unto the kingdom of God, that are expedient for you to understand;

Of things both in heaven and in the earth, and under the earth; things which have been, things which are, things which must shortly come to pass; things which are at home, things which are abroad; the wars and the perplexities of the nations, and the judgments which are on the land; and a knowledge also of countries and of kingdoms—

That ye may be prepared in all things when I shall send you again to magnify the calling whereunto I have called you, and the mission with which I have commissioned you. 6

Being prepared in all things includes being prepared for the world of work so that you can provide for yourself and your family.

It is a great privilege to study at Brigham Young University. You have the opportunity to learn in an environment that is consistent with the principles of the gospel. Being a student here is a position of trust. As you know, the Church pays for much of your education. You have the responsibility to study hard, to obey the Honor Code, and to prepare for future service. Hopefully throughout your life you will look back on your time here with fondness and cherish the memories.

On Pursuing a BYU Education

I would like to offer some advice as you pursue your education here. I hope that I don’t sound like Polonius giving advice to Laertes in Shakespeare’s play  Hamlet— especially when I remember what happened to Polonius. I am not referring to the fact that he was killed behind the arras, but rather to the fact that over the centuries he has been portrayed by literally thousands of bad actors.

First, do your best in school. You might recall a story about a person who was asked to build a house. He decided to cut corners, use cheap materials, and do a poor job. When he was done, the owner handed him the key and said, “I’d like to give you this house as a gift.”

Attending the university is like that. You can work hard and do a good job, or you can cut cor-ners and do a poor job. Be fair with yourself by giving your best effort. I encourage you to work diligently, to learn a lot, and to prepare well for the future.

Second, do things to enrich your education, such as having a mentored-learning experience with a faculty member, publishing an article, doing an internship, working in BYUSA, or participating in a student club. Perhaps you can be a teaching assistant or a research assistant or participate in a performing group. BYU offers so many opportunities to develop and grow. When you look back on your education here, these extra activities will have special meaning.

You might participate in intramural sports. Personally, I’m not very athletic. I tell my students that I played football in high school. They had a play designed especially for me. It was called “Pencilneck Right.” You know how BYU uses the run to set up the pass? Well, Pencilneck Right was used to set up the injury timeout.

When I was in high school I was in the chess club. I tell my students that I had a rook on my letterman jacket. Do you know what it says when you walk around campus with a rook on your letterman jacket? “Don’t mess with me, pal. Checkmate!”

Third, give service. It is important to fulfill Church callings and to perform other service. Y-Serve, the Center for Service and Learning, located in the Wilkinson Student Center, offers many opportunities to serve in the community. Service is important for its own sake, and it helps you to keep a broader perspective and to stay balanced.

Fourth, make friends. Even though your classmates are not as good-looking—and not as humble—as you are, they are bright, good, and interesting people. The friendships you make here can last throughout your whole life and can be a particularly sweet aspect of your university experience. Take time to make friends.

When I was in high school I didn’t have many friends. Once I told my dad that the other kids were giving me a hard time about my religion. My father sat down next to me, and, in his fatherly way, he said, “Son, it doesn’t matter what race you are or what religion you are. There will always be people who don’t like you—because you’re irritating.”

Fifth, attend devotional and forum addresses and other events, such as academic presentations, concerts, plays, and art exhibits. These are wonderful opportunities.

Sixth, enjoy your university education. It’s exciting, fascinating, challenging, and fun. The secret to happiness is not to look forward to some future time when all your problems will be solved. The secret is to be happy today.

The Joy and Sweetness of Lifelong Learning

There is joy in learning. In some Hebrew schools a special ceremony occurs on the first day of class. The teacher places a drop of honey on the cover of a book and gives the book to the student, who licks the honey off. The symbolic message is that learning is sweet.

Learning can also be challenging. Sometimes the learning curve is steep. When we are acquiring new knowledge or skills, we may feel uncertain, and we may make mistakes. However, being stretched means that we are growing. If we ask Heavenly Father in prayer, He will increase our ability to learn and help us to overcome our challenges.

Hopefully your university education will provide a foundation for lifelong learning. As  The Aims of a BYU Education  describes:

BYU should inspire students to keep alive their curiosity and prepare them to continue learning throughout their lives. BYU should produce careful readers, prayerful thinkers, and active participants in solving family, professional, religious, and social problems. . . . Thus a BYU diploma is a beginning, not an end, pointing the way to a habit of constant learning. In an era of rapid changes in technology and information, the knowledge and skills learned this year may require renewal the next. Therefore, a BYU degree should educate students in how to learn, teach them that there is much still to learn, and implant in them a love of learning “by study and also by faith.” 7

The most important area of lifelong learning is spiritual learning. We seek answers through prayer. We read the scriptures regularly so that they become part of our lives. Reading the scriptures reminds us of the Lord’s commandments, the covenants that we have made to keep them, and the blessings of the gospel. Studying the scriptures also invites the Holy Ghost, who guides our decisions and helps us to learn. Elder Russell M. Nelson said: “Faith is nurtured through knowledge of God. It comes from prayer and feasting upon the words of Christ through diligent study of the scriptures.” 8

Regardless of one’s opportunities for formal education, a person can engage in lifelong learning. My grandfather was Jim Gordon. His parents were Scottish immigrants. He was only able to finish the eighth grade before he went to work. He drove a delivery wagon in San Francisco when he was a young man.

Automobiles replaced horse-drawn wagons. Later my grandfather became a mechanic. He brought books about diesel engines home from work, and he read them. Eventually he became the supervisor over all the diesel equipment for a substantial company. Although his opportunity for formal education was limited, he kept learning on his own. His most important learning experiences occurred when, later in life, he decided to enter the waters of baptism and to receive the blessings of the temple.

When my grandfather was young, he drove a horse-drawn wagon. However, his world changed. During his lifetime he flew in passenger planes, and astronauts landed on the moon. Your world will change too. Many of the changes will be positive and exciting; others may present challenges. Will you be prepared to meet the challenges that will arise during your lifetime?

We need to continue to learn throughout our lives. President Gordon B. Hinckley told graduating BYU students:

We live in a world where knowledge is developing at an ever-accelerating rate. Drink deeply from this ever-springing well of wisdom and human experience. If you should stop now, you will only stunt your intellectual and spiritual growth. Keep everlastingly at it. Read. Read. Read. Read the word of God in sacred books of scripture. Read from the great literature of the ages. Read what is being said in our day and time and what will be said in the future. 9

Personally, I love to read. I tell my students that my first job was as a proofreader in an M&M factory. You have your own patterns for reading. One thing that helps me is that my wife, Nadine, and I belong to a book group with some friends. During the school year we meet almost monthly. We take turns: a couple chooses a book, hosts the book group in their home, leads the discussion, and serves refreshments afterward. We have read books about a wide variety of subjects. I had never even heard of many of these books before, but I have enjoyed reading them very much.

In addition, I have always enjoyed words. When I was a boy and I would encounter a word I didn’t know, sometimes I would ask my father what it meant. He would reply, “Look it up.” My father usually knew the answer, but he wanted me to learn how to look words up. So I would open the dictionary that sat on the bookshelf in our living room and look the word up.

Later I wanted to learn more words. One summer my friend John Tanner (who later became a BYU English professor) and I worked as groundskeepers at the Oakland California Temple. On some days we would each write five words and their definitions on an index card and put the card in our shirt pocket. Then we would share the words and use them in sentences during the day. My favorite word from that summer was  halcyon.  It means calm, peaceful, tranquil, or golden. As we pulled weeds and performed other physical labor on the beautiful temple grounds, we would exclaim, “Oh, those halcyon days of youth!” Now, as I look back, I see that they really were halcyon days.

In our busy lives, how can we make time to continue learning? I believe in consistent, incremental progress—small steps over time. For example, one doesn’t learn to play the piano in a single day. One must practice daily for several years. After many small increments, one can eventually play hymns, popular songs, or classical music. Lifelong learning is like that. We need to schedule some time each day to study the scriptures. We can also regularly read a little in other books. We learn “line upon line” and “precept upon precept.” 10

Elder Dallin H. Oaks and Sister Kristen M. Oaks wrote:

There are few things more fulfilling and fun than learning something new. Great happiness, satisfaction, and financial rewards come from this. An education is not limited to formal study. Lifelong learning can increase our ability to appreciate and relish the workings and beauty of the world around us. This kind of learning goes well beyond books and a selective use of new technology, such as the Internet. It includes artistic endeavors. It also includes experiences with people and places: conversations with friends, visits to museums and concerts, and opportunities for service. We should expand ourselves and enjoy the journey. 11

Two Stumbling Blocks of Learning

There are two issues connected with learning about which we must be careful. First, learning can lead to pride. In 2 Nephi Jacob wrote:

O that cunning plan of the evil one! O the vainness, and the frailties, and the foolishness of men! When they are learned they think they are wise, and they hearken not unto the counsel of God, for they set it aside, supposing they know of themselves, wherefore, their wisdom is foolishness and it profiteth them not. And they shall perish.

But to be learned is good if they hearken unto the counsels of God. 12

President Ezra Taft Benson taught:

Pride is the universal sin, the great vice. . . .

The antidote for pride is humility—meekness, submissiveness. (See Alma 7:23.) It is the broken heart and contrite spirit. 13

Humility opens our hearts and minds to learning. By contrast, thinking that we already know everything impedes our learning. King Benjamin taught that a person needs to become “as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father.” 14

Second, we should expect that at times apparent conflicts may arise between secular learning and gospel principles. “[T]he gospel encompasses all truth.” 15  At the groundbreaking of the BYU Eyring Science Center in 1948, President George Albert Smith said:

I want to say that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints accepts all that is true in the world from whatever source it may come, with the knowledge that it originated with the greatest of all scientists, our Father in Heaven. . . .

And so I congratulate the students of this great institution  [BYU]  to think that you have all the advantages that the people of the world have, plus the advantages of faith in God, a belief in the power of our Heavenly Father, and His inspiration. 16

The Aims of a BYU Education  states:

Students need not ignore difficult and important questions. Rather, they should frame their questions in prayerful, faithful ways, leading them to answers that equip them to give “a reason of the hope that is in” them (1 Peter 3:15) and to articulate honestly and thoughtfully their commitments to Christ and to His Church. 17

When human knowledge and the gospel appear to conflict, we should remember that human knowledge is limited. Eternal truth is not limited, but our understanding of it is incomplete. After this life, if we are worthy, we will understand all truth. Meanwhile, we seek answers to faithful questions. We study, ponder, pray, and have patience. We exercise faith in God. He blesses us with greater knowledge, understanding, and peace in our lives.

We should be humble about what we know and what we do not know. An angel appeared to Nephi. Nephi wrote:

And he said unto me: Knowest thou the condescension of God?

And I said unto him: I know that he loveth his children; nevertheless, I do not know the meaning of all things. 18

We do not know the meaning of all things, but we do know that God loves His children.

God’s wisdom supersedes human knowledge. Elder Oaks wrote:

We are commanded to seek learning by study, the way of reason, and by faith, the way that relies on revelation. Both are pleasing to God. He uses both ways to reveal light and knowledge to his children. But when it comes to a knowledge of God and the principles of his gospel, we must give primacy to revelation because that is the Lord’s way. 19

We should also remember to put the gospel, not our academic discipline, first in our lives. Jesus said, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.” 20

The Strength in Learning

This is a wonderful time to be on the earth. There are so many opportunities for lifelong learning. If we do our best and seek Heavenly Father’s help, He will strengthen us beyond our natural abilities and help us to learn. That learning will enable us to develop personally, will increase our ability to serve others, and will help us to be prepared in all things.

I testify that the gospel is true. Heavenly Father lives and loves us, and Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Savior of the world. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

1. Marion B. and Rulon A. Earl Professor of Law, J. Reuben Clark Law School, Brigham Young University. Apologies and thanks to Johnny Carson, Jay Leno, Steven Wright, and others.

2. D&C 88:118.

3. D&C 90:15.

4.  JD  14:83.

5. Thomas S. Monson, “Three Goals to Guide You,”  Ensign,  November 2007, 119.

6. D&C 88:78–80.

7.  The Mission of Brigham Young University  and  The Aims of a BYU Education  (Provo: BYU, 1996), 12.

8. Russell M. Nelson, “With God Nothing Shall Be Impossible,”  Ensign,  May 1988, 34.

9. Gordon B. Hinckley, “A Three-Point Challenge,” BYU commencement address, 27 April 1995; excerpt in  TGBH,  171.

10. D&C 98:12; 2 Nephi 28:30.

11. Dallin H. Oaks and Kristen M. Oaks, “Learning and Latter-day Saints,”  Ensign,  April 2009, 27.

12. 2 Nephi 9:28–29.

13. Ezra Taft Benson, “Beware of Pride,”  Ensign,  May 1989, 6.

14. Mosiah 3:19.

15. Elder Cecil O. Samuelson Jr. on Elder Neal A. Maxwell’s views, quoted in Bruce C. Hafen,  A Disciple’s Life: The Biography of Neal A. Maxwell  (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2002), 167; see also Henry Eyring, quoted in Henry J. Eyring,  Mormon Scientist: The Life and Faith of Henry Eyring  (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2007), 60.

16. George Albert Smith, “Address at Ground Breaking Ceremonies for the Physical Science Building at Brigham Young University,” 11 May 1948, 2, 4; this quotation is posted on the fifth floor of the BYU Harold B. Lee Library.

17.  The Aims,  4.

18. 1 Nephi 11:16–17.

19. Dallin H. Oaks,  The Lord’s Way  (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1991), 72.

20. 3 Nephi 13:33.

© Brigham Young University. All rights reserved.

James D. Gordon III1 was assistant to the president for planning and assessment and a professor of law at BYU when this devotional address was given on 26 March 2013.

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Good Morning to one and all present here! Today I am here to deliver a speech about education. It is usually a belief that education is the foundation for all-round development. Life is based on development and that developing and growing is life. If we describe this view into the perspective of education, we can sum up that education is the all-round development of the individual’s personality. Thus, education is nothing but all-round development of the individual’s personality. Education is a process of man-making. Hence, education is necessary for all.

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Importance of Education

As per the report of the Kothari Commission, “the destiny of India is being shaped in its classrooms.” Education ingrain civic and social responsibility among everyone. India is a land of diversities. Therefore, in order to bring unity, education is a means for emotional integration. We cannot do without any kind of education. Education is an essential aspect of human development. Education is a means of achieving a world of peace, justice, freedom, and equality for all. Thus, education is extremely necessary for all. No good life is possible without education.

It indorses the intelligence of human beings, develops his skill, and enables him to be industrious. It ensures his progress. Education also channelizes the undeveloped capacities, attitude, interest, urges and needs of the individual into desirable channels. The individual can adjust and modify his environment with the help of education as per his need.

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Problems and Prospects

In a democratic country, education is necessary for all its citizens. Unless all the citizens get education, democratic machinery cannot work well. So we may emphasize that the problem of equality of educational opportunities in Indian. This situation is a very formidable one.

Our education system is at cross-roads. The Indian constitution enacted that there should be a universalization of primary education. In the order of the constitution, it was indicated that compulsory education must be for all children up to the age of 14. The universalization of elementary education has been implemented as a national goal. ‘Education for all’ is now an international goal.

The main problems are finances. Rural-urban disparity due to illiteracy. Women’s education, economic conditions of backward communities and non-availability of equipment are some other major problems.

Strategies and efforts at the national and international level

Universal elementary education has run the formulation of the project “education for all”. The provision of article 45 of the Indian constitution is a noble determination for the universalization of elementary education. Big efforts have been made to reach the goal of providing elementary education to every child of the country through, universal enrolment, universal provision, and universal retention.

Our constitution is making arrangements for free and compulsory education with the right of minorities to establish educational institutions. As well as there are education for weaker sections, secular education, women’s education, instruction in the mother-tongue at the primary stage, etc. These constitutional provisions are nothing but our effort to achieve the target of the project “Education for all”.

Thus, in the end, we find that education is a significant factor for achieving success, building characters, and for living a wholesome and happy life. True education always humanizes the person. In this reference, “Education for all” has become an international goal for both developed and developing countries.

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Speech about Studies [1,2,3,5 Minutes]

Short 1-minute speech about studies.

Education is a way to improve your skills and knowledge. It also helps you build up a career. There are many different kinds of education such as formal, informal, online, and non-traditional.

There are many different types of study such as formal education, informal education, online education, and non-traditional education.

Education and study are important in society. They provide people with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to live a better life. Education is not just about learning from books or lectures. It is also about learning from mistakes and experiences.

The importance of education has led to an increase in global enrollment rates for higher education in recent years. The number of students enrolled in higher education has increased by more than 50% since 2000, reaching nearly 4 billion students worldwide as of 2017 according to UNESCO data

Study is important because it provides people with the opportunities to learn new skills, gain knowledge, develop new interests and build their personal values. It also helps them understand how things work and how they can be improved so that they can make a difference in their lives or the lives of others

Quotes of some internationally famous personalities for Speech on Studies

  • Nelson Mandela : “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
  • Malcolm X : “Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.”
  • Albert Einstein : “Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death.”
  • Benjamin Franklin : “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”
  • William Butler Yeats : “Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.”
  • Maya Angelou : “When you know better, you do better.”
  • John F. Kennedy : “The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth.”
  • Marian Wright Edelman : “Education is for improving the lives of others and for leaving your community and world better than you found it.”

2 Minutes Speech about Studies

Education and study is a process that starts with a student’s academic performance in school. The student will then progress on to higher education, and finally graduate.

Some of the most important factors in education are the teachers, the curriculum, and the learning environment. These three factors can be influenced by an institution or a school’s level of success.

The main goal of education is to provide students with knowledge that will enable them to make informed decisions about their lives and careers.

Education and study is not just about acquiring knowledge. It is also about acquiring skills and learning how to apply them.

A good education can help one to gain a competitive advantage in the job market. However, it is important to know what you want from your career, and what you are willing to do in order for it.

Education is one of the most important factors in success. It helps people to get out of the rut they are in and open up opportunities for themselves.

There are many ways to go about education, some are more practical than others. Some people choose to take a degree while others prefer vocational training. The choice is ultimately up to the individual, but it is important that they make an educated decision on what suits their needs best.

3 Minutes Speech about Studies

Education is an important part of a society. It shapes the future of its people and helps in their development. As such, education has been a topic that has been discussed extensively over the years.

The importance of education has been acknowledged by many countries worldwide. Some countries have made it mandatory for all students to complete their education before they are allowed to enter the workforce while others have made it free for everyone.

Education is the key to success in life. It is important to study and learn new things as much as possible.

In today’s world, education is not just about spending time in school learning from books and teachers. It also includes working on your own personal development and getting a job that will help you grow professionally.

Students are challenged with finding time for education when they have busy schedules and family obligations. However, this is where digital tools can help students stay on track with their academics while still juggling other responsibilities.

Education is important because it helps people to be able to think and learn which are the most important skills for a person. It also helps them to develop their skillsets and gain knowledge that they can use in their future endeavours.

Study is another important skill that people need as it helps them to develop their knowledge, improve their grades and find a career where they are interested in.

Education is not just a way to learn new skills and knowledge, it is also a way to find your calling in life.

Education is one of the most important things in life. It can help you gain skills and knowledge that will be useful throughout your life. It can also help you find your personal strengths and the path that will lead you to success in your career or personal life.

5 Minutes Speech about Studies

Education is the most important way to develop and nurture our human potential. It is the best way to learn new things, understand the world and be successful in life.

A lot of people have been asking what is the best time to start their education. There are many factors that you should consider when deciding on your education timeline. The optimal time for starting an education varies from person to person, but there are some general guidelines that you can follow in order to maximize your benefits:

– If you’re still in high school, it’s best if you start as soon as possible because it will give you more time for your studies before graduation.

– If you’re already out of high school, it’s better if you start early so that you can graduate at a higher level and get into a good college or university.

– If your career plans don’t require a degree or diploma, then it may not be necessary for you to start an education right away. However, starting at a

Education is a key factor in the development of any individual. It is important for students to have a good education so that they can have the opportunity to get better jobs and earn more money.

Education is also important for people who want to get into certain fields such as law, medicine, or engineering. It helps them learn necessary skillsets and gain knowledge on how they can help society as well as themselves.

Study is an integral part of education which helps students understand what they are learning and become more interested in it while retaining all the information that they need to know.

Education and study are two important factors that lead to success. A lot of people tend to underestimate the importance of education because they think it is not as effective as other forms of learning. But education is more than just a way to learn, it also helps you develop your skillsets and build your confidence.

Education can help you in many ways. It can help you build up your skillset, develop your confidence, and prepare for various careers. Education also helps you prepare for life after graduation by giving you the necessary skillset that will enable you to transition into a new career smoothly.

The most important thing about education is that it helps shape the person who has been educated into what they want them to be in life.

Education and study is the key to success. These two are the only ways to make sure that you are headed in the right direction.

The level of education you have can influence your overall success in life. There are some people who have degrees and some people who don’t have degrees but they both succeed on their own terms with their skillset and what they know.

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  • Speech on Education in English


Why is education important? How can an educated person change the world? Speech on education should aim to provide answers to the above questions. It should also provide insight into how education can change a person’s life. Education is one of the necessities required to survive in today’s world. It helps in giving a perspective to a person where he or she can think and provide solutions to different social issues. There are many ways to deliver a speech on education but the most important and effective one is that which allows the audience to think and question the various points discussed in the speech. If you want to get the answer to why education is important, read on to discover how to deliver an effective and engaging speech on education.

Here we have provided a long and short speech about education along with that we have also given 10 line pointers about the best speech on education in English.

Long Speech about Education

Good morning to everyone present here today. I feel honored and blessed to be given this opportunity to give a speech on education. I hope everyone learns something from this speech. 

Education has been with us for ages and it has transformed the world around us. It was because of educating ourselves, humans have invented technologies that have changed the world.

When it comes to an individual, education plays an important role throughout life. Getting proper education is necessary as it is the deciding factor for our status in society nowadays. Education is required to get a good high-paying job, to be successful, and even to start a family. Education also helps us by providing success that would eventually lead us to live a happy and luxurious life. Education helps in developing the personality of a person both in a physical and mental standard and helps in transforming a person’s living standard. It helps in promoting the feeling of the mental, social, and physical well-being of a person by providing a better living life. A good education is always constructive, a person who is educated well is respected by society and even has a role that would help in the development of society. Let us take an example of the teachers sitting here in the audience, their role of teaching and sharing knowledge with the students will help in making a future that will work for the betterment of the country. It is said that knowledge is the greatest weapon in the world and I believe it is true, education provides a lot of confidence by giving us vast knowledge in various fields. It helps in personal growth and the most important way to be successful in life. As we all know, the more knowledge we get, the more we grow and develop in life. Knowledge gives us recognition and respect in the world. There is a difference between the knowledge we learn in school and colleges and the knowledge required to live in a society. Being well educated does not only mean having fancy degrees from reputed colleges and a high-paying job but it also means being kind towards everyone around. Many people in social work in a multinational company but they lack the basic knowledge required to talk to people. Some people are arrogant and consider themselves above because of their education and jobs. Remember my friend, being educated is important but it is also very important to be kind to everyone around you and treat them with respect. The sole purpose of getting an education is to be a good citizen towards everyone and then being successful in personal and professional life. Everyone is incomplete without a good education as it helps us to make the right decisions in life. In this competitive world, everybody is fighting for survival, education could be considered as an advantage to be successful in life and it has become a necessity after food, shelter, and clothes. 

The next point I would like to highlight is the lack of financial education that is taught at school. In many schools and colleges, the only thing everyone is teaching the students is how to score well in exams by memorizing a few textbooks but sadly they are not teaching students the knowledge required to excel in life. Financial education is a very important part of life, it is required to survive in society. Concepts like how to save money, how to invest money in different assets such as gold, silver, and real estate are not being taught in educational institutions. Students must also learn the practical application of learning a subject. We often hear that many graduates are unemployed and the reason being that they do not have enough practical knowledge about the concepts that they learned in educational institutions. Students must learn this knowledge and excel in their careers. 

To conclude this speech, I want to say that education is the most important tool one can have to survive in this world and it is a necessity as it provides solutions to all the problems. If a person is educated, he or she will be aware of different concerns such as corruption, terrorism, and other social issues. It is the most important tool which provides inner and outer strength to a person. Treat everyone with respect, even if you have the most valuable degree or are working in a great company, and always have financial knowledge as it will help you to grow in society. Thank you. 

 A Short Speech about Education

Good morning to one and all present here. Today I have been given an opportunity to give a small speech on education. I hope everyone here learns something from it. 

Education could be defined as the process of gaining knowledge, skill, beliefs, and values that help in the growth and development of a person. Education is the most important asset, it is as important as food, shelter, and clothes. While the school and college education programs are relatively modern, the learning process has persisted for a long time. Humans have developed by learning themselves, and society must evolve. We can take the example of hunter-gatherers, they used to pass down their knowledge of hunting and harvesting food during different seasons. 

Today, education is the most important aspect of society as it helps in providing a job and starting a family. Educating helps in understanding the world in a better way. Let us take an example to understand that, a person who knows about corruption and other social issues will play an important role in fighting it rather than a person who is unaware of anything. Education provides an individual with opportunities to prove themselves in society and be successful in the future. Education also provides an employment opportunity and if a person is employed and is working, the poverty of the country will exponentially decrease which will help in the development of the country. 

In India, many educational institutes provide only theoretical knowledge that helps the student to get good grades in exams which will increase his or her employment opportunities but many educational institutes in India fail to teach students the financial and practical knowledge that is required to excel in the real world. Financial education is important as it helps a person to understand the concept of how the world really works. 

I would like to end this speech by saying education is very important as it helps in bringing economic progress and social change to the country. People who are educated will help in inventing and bringing new ideas, which will help in the development of the country. Thank you. 

10 Lines about the Speech on Education in English

Speech on education should provide an insight on education is important in this world.

Education could be considered as an asset that could help in surviving in the world and make an impact on society. 

If an education topic for speech is given it is very important that the definition of education is explained to the audience.

Education helps us in learning new things and develop a sense of innovation and creativity.

Education could be considered as the tool which will help in earning respect in society.

The Indian education system is divided into four stages of education such as preschool, primary, middle and secondary school. 

Education will help in providing knowledge, enhancing the capability of the reader to think logically on various subjects.

Education plays an important role in the development of the country as educated citizens will choose a leader who will work for the development of the country. 

If an education topic for speech is given try to explain to the audience why education is important and how it can impact the lives around you. 

Education helps in bringing equality in society and eradicating poverty.

Education is not a destination; it is a journey. It is a path paved with challenges and triumphs, with moments of frustration and epiphany. But with each step we take, with each page we turn, we become more than just ourselves. We become citizens of a global community, stewards of our planet, and the authors of our own destinies. So, go forth, students, and let your words paint a picture of a future where knowledge is accessible, minds are empowered, and the possibilities of education are endless. Remember, the pen is mightier than the sword, and in this case, the pen holds the power to unlock the potential of generations to come.


FAQs on Speech on Education in English

1. What is the importance of education?

Education is fundamental for individual and societal development. It equips individuals with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to lead fulfilling lives and contribute meaningfully to their communities.

2. What are the benefits of education?

Here are some of the key benefits of education:

Personal growth: Education fosters intellectual, emotional, and social development. It helps individuals to understand themselves and the world around them, and to develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills.

Economic opportunities: Education is essential for securing good jobs and achieving financial security. It opens doors to a wider range of career options and increases earning potential.

Civic engagement: Education empowers individuals to be active and informed citizens. It teaches them about their rights and responsibilities, and how to participate in the democratic process.

Social well-being: Education can help to reduce poverty, inequality, and discrimination. It promotes tolerance, understanding, and cooperation between different groups of people.

3. What are the different types of education?

There are many different types of education, each with its own focus and goals. Some of the most common types include:

Formal education: This type of education takes place in schools, colleges, and universities. It is typically structured and follows a set curriculum.

Informal education: This type of education takes place outside of formal institutions. It can include learning from experience, from mentors, or from everyday life.

Vocational education: This type of education is designed to prepare individuals for specific jobs or careers. It often includes hands-on training and experience.

Adult education: This type of education is for adults who want to continue learning after they have left school. It can be used to improve job skills, learn new hobbies, or simply for personal enrichment.

4. What are some tips for writing a speech on education?

Choose a clear topic: What specific aspect of education do you want to focus on?

Do your research: Gather information from a variety of sources to support your points.

Organize your thoughts: Use an outline to structure your speech and ensure that your ideas flow logically.

Write in a clear and concise style: Avoid using jargon or technical terms that your audience may not understand.

Practice your delivery: Speak slowly and clearly, and use gestures and facial expressions to make your speech more engaging.

5. How can I make my speech on education interesting and engaging?

Use personal stories and anecdotes to illustrate your points.

Incorporate humor and wit to keep your audience entertained.

Ask rhetorical questions to spark thought and discussion.

Use vivid language and imagery to paint a picture in your audience's mind.

Vary your vocal tone and pace to add emphasis and avoid monotony.

Connect with your audience on an emotional level by sharing your own passion for education.


Speech on Life of a Student

Life as a student is a unique journey, full of learning and growth. You tackle new challenges, make lifelong friends, and discover your passions.

Yet, it’s not always easy. Balancing studies, hobbies, and personal life can be tricky. This phase is a stepping stone to your future, shaping you into the person you’ll become.

1-minute Speech on Life of a Student

Good day to one and all present here. I consider it a great privilege to deliver a speech on the topic ‘Life of a Student’. Student life is the most essential part of our life. It is the foundation on which we build our future.

The role of a student is not just limited to academics. They are the ambassadors of their respective cultures, carriers of knowledge, and the torchbearers of change. It is during student life that we learn the most important lessons of punctuality, discipline, and hard work.

In the midst of all these responsibilities and roles, it is important for students to also enjoy the journey. Participating in extracurricular activities, exploring new interests, and making lifelong friends form an integral part of student life. It is these experiences that broaden our perspective and allow us to grow beyond the confines of textbooks.

In conclusion, student life is a tough yet rewarding journey. It is a phase that shapes our character and lays the foundation for our future. I urge every student to make the most of this time, for it is the experiences and learnings of this phase that will guide you in your future endeavors. Thank you for your attention.

2-minute Speech on Life of a Student

Good day everyone. I am thrilled to have the opportunity to speak about the life of a student, a journey that is exciting, challenging, and transformative.

The life of a student is not just about textbooks and examinations. It is a journey that molds us into individuals who can think critically, reason logically, and communicate effectively. The life of a student begins when a child steps into a school for the first time, wide-eyed and anxious, not knowing what to expect. From that moment, a student embarks on a journey of learning and discovery.

In the early years, students learn to read and write, to understand numbers and basic concepts. Every day is a new adventure, every new word learned is a small victory. The student’s world starts expanding as they discover the wonders of science, the charm of literature, and the magic of mathematics. These years lay the foundation for the student life that lies ahead.

As students progress to middle school, they experience the joy of gaining knowledge and the satisfaction of understanding complex concepts. This period is critical as students start exploring their interests and abilities. They begin to identify the subjects they love and the ones they struggle with. This is also the time when students are encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities, which play an essential role in shaping their personality and character. They learn the importance of teamwork, leadership, and perseverance.

High school is a significant phase in a student’s life. It’s a time where they are on the brink of adulthood while still being kids. It is a period of self-discovery where one learns to balance the rigors of academics with the pressures of social life. Students face the challenge of maintaining good grades while also nurturing their hobbies and interests. High school is a time of growth, where students learn the importance of hard work, responsibility, and time management.

As a student steps into college, they are welcomed into a world of independence and freedom. College life is often considered the best phase of a student’s life, where they form lifelong friendships, explore new fields of study, and develop a broader worldview. It is a time when students take their first steps towards their career, choosing a field that interests them, and working hard to excel in it.

In conclusion, the life of a student is a journey filled with learning, challenges, and growth. It is an exciting roller coaster ride that shapes us into who we are. As students, we must embrace this journey with positivity and enthusiasm, making the most of the opportunities we are given to learn and grow. The lessons we learn during our student life are the building blocks for our future. So, let us cherish these moments, for they are instrumental in shaping our lives.

Thank you all for your attention. I hope my insights into the life of a student have resonated with you.

We also have speeches on more interesting topics that you may want to explore.

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Top 5 Motivational Speeches for Students

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As a student, finding the motivation to pursue higher studies can be challenging. You need to consider the program you want to enrol into, the cost of yearly tuition, the difficulty of the program and accommodation. And as technology continues to evolve, students are facing a difficult time finding the motivation to study.

Motivation plays an essential role in individuals’ academic careers, and the best way to find that is through speeches. Motivational speech for students can help them learn about the challenges that many successful people face when reaching where they are today. They offer more insight into how they dealt with certain situations and how they made time for things that were really important. Consequently, they will want to work hard like motivational speakers.

We have a list of the top five motivational speeches to inspire students and help them focus on their studies.

These motivational speeches from well-known personalities will help you inspire and motivate you for your studies. You can learn how they dealt with various issues in their life and came out on top of it.

Steve Jobs at the Stanford University

The founder of Apple, Steve Jobs, is no stranger to problems and issues surrounding his life. Yet, he accomplished incredible things in technology that revolutionized the industry. When speaking at Stanford University, Jobs emphasized trusting your gut.

He talks about the connection between the previous events in your life and how everything has a link. Jobs’ speech about success tells students how they can focus on achieving big things in life. His speech can help you learn how he dealt with the challenges in his life and went on to achieve something big.

J.K. Rowling at Harvard University

J.K. Rowling talking about her struggles at Harvard University is another inspirational speech for students. The writer’s brilliant work includes the fantastic story of Harry Potter. She worked on her story for years to ensure it was perfect.

In her speech at Harvard, she tells her story and how students should not succumb to their fears of failure. Instead, they should use their imagination and try to achieve great things until they succeed. Rowling did many temporary jobs before getting recognition for her work.

She struggled as a single mother but persevered through these tough times. In her speech, she also motivates students to use their imagination in the best possible way.

Susan Cain at TEDx

Introverts might be unable to connect or socialize with other people in society and they tend to stay in their comfort zone, which many believe makes it difficult for them to grow. However, Susan Cain presents a different point of view in her motivational speech.

She says introverts bring exceptional skills and abilities to the table and should receive encouragement for it. Becoming an entrepreneur requires creativity and people skills. But Cain explains how every person should have an environment where they can think and work with productivity. So, if introverts can work in isolation and bring out their best game, then it should not be a problem.

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Bill Gates at Harvard University

The founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates, gave an inspiring speech to students. One of the key takeaways of his speech is how he addresses his father, saying, “I would come back for his degree.” Gates is one of Harvard’s most successful dropouts, who went on to bring a revolution in the tech sector.

In his speech, he tells students to see the world beyond education. Gates focuses on the importance of education and how it is a privilege for many people. Yet, he tells students to learn about the wider world and the challenges they will face ahead. Here is the link to his complete speech.

Jim Carrey at the 2014 MUM Graduation

Lastly, Jim Carrey’s speech at the 2014 MUM Graduation is an incredible speech that every student should listen to. Jim has always entertained us with his movies and his positive energy on-screen inspires many to be like him.

However, he faced many challenges in his early life before reaching the pinnacle of success. His speech has a profound message that tells us how we can come out of our fears and choose love. His speech stands out for his excellent use of humor, similar to what you would see in his movies.

He tells the story about his father and how he could have become a great comedian. Yet his father chooses his accounting job over his passion. Later, his father lost his job, which was supposedly much safer than becoming a comedian.

Therefore, Jim pointed out in his speech to not be afraid of pursuing your dream as there is no saying whether you will succeed or fail.

Check Out These Motivational Speeches in English Today

These speeches about life from celebrities and tech giants will help you learn about their challenges and how they dealt with them. These motivational speeches in English can help students who have a difficult time focusing on their studies. So, you can check out these videos today and inspire yourself to achieve your goals tomorrow.

Reference Links:

  • https://ischoolconnect.com/blog/5-speeches-will-change-every-students-life/
  • https://speakerflow.com/10-motivational-speech-examples-to-inspire-you-today/
  • https://world.edu/5-best-motivational-speeches-for-ambitious-students/

I spent a fall semester in Valencia

Finding the Valencia program was fate. I still feel like it's a rare, undiscovered secret that only I was privileged enough to explore and call home. It fulfilled a combination of desires for me. I knew I wanted to learn Spanish, and had boiled it down to Spain because unlike South or Central America, I'd have access to traveling throughout Europe and North Africa. ‍

From there, I realized I wanted a city of a decent size. Madrid and Barcelona were the other two Spanish cities for which programs were offered. I'd been to Madrid and enjoyed it very much, but I didn't like that it was so far inland. I heard Barcelona was amazing, but its main language was Catalan.

speech on importance of study

Then I came across Valencia, Spain's third largest city, located east on the Mediterranean coast. With about 800,000 people, it was an ideal size for being able to experience that large metropolitan vibe while still being able to run into familiar neighborhood faces. Valencia is also the birthplace of paella, and boasted some of Spain's best cuisine (in my humble opinion) ‍

I knew I wanted to learn Spanish

The littoral outlet for well-heeled Deià, a village that has been home to Mick Jagger, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Richard Branson and poet Robert Graves who is buried there, Cala Deià may be small (200m wide), far from sandy beaches but the water is crystal clear, the rocky outcrops imposing and the atmosphere convivial. A mixture between the fresh caught seafood from the adjacent sea and the best rice dishes, as well as the sweet delectables like buñuelos and the sugary almond treat turron. But dessert for me tended to be fruit, as I took advantage of the region's  incredible bounty (the Valencia orange being one of the most delicious fruits I've ever had -- that perfect balance between sweetness and citrus acidity).

My plans for the near future

As of now, I am set to graduate in June from CUNY Hunter College with a bachelor's degree in Media Studies. I've already made plans, while not yet fully developed, to take some time off after undergrad and return to Spain. ‍ I am going to try and find a job or internship somewhere in the vast field of media. My mind's run agog with possibilities: finding a job or internship, teaching English, or even enrolling in a Spanish university for graduate school. In a perfect world, I would be a foreign correspondent based in Madrid for The New York Times.  favourite beach, Cala Deià, can be found here, one of the most bewitching inlets on Mallorca’s entire coastline with the clientele to match.

speech on importance of study

Do I need a high level of Spanish to study at a Spanish university?

Yes, in most universities you will have to take a test to confirm your linguistic ability. Universities may also consider the student's résumé to verify your ability.

Do I have to speak Spanish to live in Spain?

No, most cities in Spain are very international. Barcelona, for example, is a very cosmopolitan city and over 52% of the local residents speak English, which makes it very easy for you to fulfill your everyday needs in English. We do, however, offer Spanish courses for beginners or advanced students if you wish to learn the language – your cultural immersion will be more insightful speaking the local language.

Is a Spanish University degree accredited in my home country?

Most public and private Universities in Spain provide a globally accredited degree. To ensure it is valid in your country you will need to request information about the specific University/School where you intend to study.

Can I study in Spain completely in English?

Yes, there are many study options in English for Bachelor,Master/MBA or PhD in Spain. Alternatively there are bilingual courses in English and Spanish available, if you want to learnSpanish while you are here.

What are the costs of living in Spain?

Highly depends on the city. On average you can calculate with a monthly budget of 500€-1000€ which covers: - Accommodation: the price ranges depending on which kind of accommodation you are looking for, rooms in shared apartments(200-600€), studio flats (400-1000€), student residency (400-1000€)or entire flats (600-1300€). - Food & Transportation: Monthly average is (100-400€) which covers groceries, public transportation and restaurants. - Medical insurance: 50€/month (incl. Dental).

Is a Spanish University degree accredited  in my home country?

Most public and private Universities in Spain provide a globally accredited degree . To ensure it is valid in your country you will need to request information about the specific University/School where you intend to study .

Highly depends on the city. On average you can calculate with a monthly budget of 500€-1000€ which covers: - Accommodation: the price ranges depending on which kind of accommodation you are looking for, rooms in shared apartments(200-600€), studio flats (400-1000€), student residency (400-1000€)or entire flats (600-1300€). - Food & Transportation: Monthly average is (100-400€) which covers groceries, public transportation and restaurants . - Medical insurance: 50€/ month ( incl . Dental).

Study in Spain

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Ryan Rosser

Master’s program, 2021

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Speech on Education for Students

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Table of Contents

We have provided below a variety of speeches on education for the students of different classes. All the education speech are written uniquely using very simple and easy words according to the student’s requirement such as for 2 minutes, 3 minutes, 5 minutes and 6 minutes.

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Long and Short Speech on Education

Education is a lifelong journey, and whether it’s a long and detailed discourse or a short and impactful speech, its importance cannot be overstated. A long speech on education delves into its multifaceted aspects, while a short one distills its essence, reminding us that knowledge is the key to a brighter future for individuals and societies alike

Education Speech 1

Good morning to the Excellencies, distinguished guests, my respected teachers, and my dear friends. The topic of my speech is education. Through my speech, I will let you know all about the value of education and its contribution in our lives. Education is the tool that helps us remove our all doubts and fears about all the challenges and happiness in our lives. It is the tool that keeps us happy and peaceful as well as makes us better socialize human beings. Our teachers are like God for us who helps us all in getting good quality education from the institutions. They try their best to make us learn everything and shape us for future challenges. Our teacher comes into our lives, removes all the darkness, removes all the fears, removes all the doubts, and helps us to find a beautiful career in this big world.

Education is not about to gain only knowledge, however it means, learning the ways to be happy, learning the way to keep others happy, learning the way to live in society, learning the way to tackle challenges, learning the way to help others, learning the way to care older, and learning the way how to behave others. My dear friends, education is like a healthy food that nourishes us both internally and externally. It makes us strong internally and gives lots of confidence by making our personality and giving us knowledge. Good education is only way to remove bad habits, poverty, inequality, gender discrimination, and so many social issues.

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Education Speech 2

Good morning to my respected teachers and my dear friends. My dear friends, education is the tool which removes all the differences among us and makes us capable to go ahead together. It makes our challenging paths of the life very easy to lead. Getting quality education is like yoga and meditation as it requires concentration, patience and dedication. Without education, there is no difference between human beings and animals. Education is a powerful tool capable to solve all the social, personal and family problems. It is like a medicine which has capability to treat almost all the diseases. Getting education is not only means to get good job, it means to make a good personality, to be healthy and fit, to maintain hygiene, to be happy all time, to behave well to others, to tackle all challenges of life and so many.

Education is most important to all of us to lead a happy life. Earlier the education system in India was so poor and undisciplined. The kids of rich people were allowed to study however kids of poor people were not allowed to study in the same school or college. Poor people were forced to do labour in the fields only, which was the main reason of discrimination among people in society, inequality, gender inequality , and lots of social issues because of the lack of good education. Low level of education for poor people made them vulnerable to the economic and political exploitation in their own country. There has been made adequate provisions for the poor people in the Indian constitution in order to remove inequality and ensure the empowerment and participation of people of all levels equally.

The right for proper education is the birth right of everyone, restricting one from getting proper education is the crime. Education helps us to understand between good or bad, right or wrong and help us in taking decision in the favour of right ones. It helps us in everything of wide range of problems. We can solve the mysteries of this universe. Education is like magic which helps us to learn all the magic to stay happily on this planet. It keeps us free of all doubts, superstitions as well as removes away all the social evils affecting the society. Better educated people can safeguard their family and nation in more secure and easy way.

Education Speech 3

Good morning to my respected teachers and my dear friends. Today, at this great occasion, I would like to speech about the education and its values in our lives. Education means a lot to us, without education we are nothing. We get motivated towards the education from our childhood by our parents and from teachers when we start going to school. If one is getting proper education from childhood, doing a best investment of his/her life. Education is not only means to read, write or learn, it is the way to live positively and live life happily. It benefits everyone related to the person such as personal, family, neighbours, society, community and country. It is the best tool to remove poverty and inequality from the society. It provides everyone critical skills and technical knowledge to serve better in their own life, family society and country.

Education provides better opportunity in future for viable economic growth. It helps us to keep ourselves and people related to us happy and healthy. Proper education prevents us from the many diseases as well as helps fight the spread of communicable diseases like HIV/AIDS, infections, etc. It helps to make future bright in all aspects. It gives proper understanding to us to tackle to many problems all through the life. Through the proper education, one knows the value of people and value of unity which ultimately reduces the conflicts among people in family, society and country. Good education is the best tool for any nation to go ahead, grow and develop among other strong nations. Well educated people of any country are the most precious assets of that country. Education is the way to reduce mother and child mortality rate by improving their health.

Education brings transparency, stability, good governance as well as helps to fight against graft and corruption. Still, in many backwards regions the meaning of education is nothing. They are so poor that they spend their whole day in earning only two times food. They understand that earning money from childhood is good instead of wasting money in education. Education is really an amazing tool which raises income, improves health, promotes gender equality, mitigates climate change, reduces poverty and so many. It helps in making a peaceful environment at home or in office. Education provides intellectual freedom and keeps us happy physically, mentally, socially and intellectually. It promotes the habit of ideas and experiences sharing among people as well as motivates them for morals, ethics and community responsibilities.

Education provides us wide range of knowledge such as art, history, sports, maths, literature and fields. Education is the basic building blocks of success, bright career and better quality of life.

Education Speech 4

Good morning to my respected teachers and my colleagues. As we have gathered here to celebrate this auspicious occasion, I would like to speech on education. It’s very hard to imagine a world without schools and colleges. I think it is impossible for everyone. Every one of us gets problem in waking up in the early morning or studying all through the night during monthly tests and examinations. However, we all know well about the value and importance of the education in our life. It is not true that if one does not get proper education, he becomes fail in life. However, education provides better chance in life to always go ahead and easy ways to get success in life. Education is very important to all of us as it provides confidence and dare to lot of problems.

Educated people are better able to fulfil their dreams in comparison to uneducated people. Education is very important for a person to overcome all the ancient superstitions which negatively affects our lives even after being baseless and useless. Illiterate and uneducated people become more prone to the superstitious beliefs very easily as they have no clue about truth. Education improves our awareness about the reality of superstitions and replaces all the negative beliefs with proper reasons and logics. In the ever changing world of high technologies, it needs to be careful and updated all time which is not possible without education. Without education it is not possible for everyone to accept and adapt all the changes of modern world.

A well educated person becomes more aware of the latest technologies and keeps himself more updated to the all changes going throughout the world. In this advance world of internet, everyone go to internet and search required information to get online and quick knowledge. The education system in the modern world has become so easy and comfortable than the ancient time just because of the internet. Everyone knows how to surf internet however uneducated one may not know all the benefits of the internet however educated one understand internet as a gift of technology and use in their personal and professional life to make better and happy career.

Education involves better in the life to make it happy and healthy. Illiterate people do lots of ignorance towards their health, family, society and country. Such ignorance may prove very dangerous in their life and personal and national growth and development. Educated people know better how to keep themselves happy and healthy as well as prevent from a number of diseases. Educated person knows well about the symptoms of any disease and never avoid seeking medical aids unless symptoms gone completely however uneducated person do opposite because of lack of knowledge and poverty. It makes us confident, more sociable and more responsible towards our life.

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FAQs on Speech on Education

What is education 1 minute speech.

Education, in a nutshell, is the key to unlocking our potential and shaping our future. It encompasses the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and values that empower individuals to thrive in society.

How do you start a speech on education?

To commence a speech on education, begin with a compelling anecdote, a thought-provoking quote, or a surprising statistic related to education. This captures your audience's attention and sets the tone for your discussion.

Why is education important speech?

An education is vital because it equips us with the tools needed to navigate life's challenges, fosters personal growth, promotes societal progress, and empowers individuals to make informed choices that shape a brighter future for themselves and their communities.

What is education in 200 words?

Education is a multifaceted journey that involves the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, and experiences. It equips individuals with the means to understand the world around them, to think critically, and to adapt to changing circumstances. Education doesn't just take place in schools; it occurs throughout life. Through education, individuals gain the ability to pursue their interests and passions, to contribute to their communities, and to lead fulfilling lives. It is a powerful tool for personal development and societal progress. Education isn't limited to textbooks and classrooms; it extends to learning from life experiences, from interactions with others, and from exploring the world. It empowers individuals to make informed decisions, solve problems, and adapt to a rapidly changing global landscape.

What is the 3min speech on education?

In a 3-minute speech on education, you can cover the significance of education in personal and societal development, the role of teachers and mentors, the importance of lifelong learning, and the transformative power of education in shaping a better future for individuals and communities. It's an opportunity to inspire and motivate your audience to value and invest in education as a cornerstone of progress and success.

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The Power of Speech & Debate Education

Debate is a valuable activity for students of all skill levels.  Debate teaches useful skills for other academic pursuits and life more generally.   Most obviously, debaters build confidence speaking in public and expressing their ideas eloquently.  That comfort speaking in front of others is useful in so many areas of life, from interviews to school presentations to discussions in college seminars.

But the benefits of debating are not limited to the skills built while students are speaking—the preparation for competition teaches critical thinking and research skills, as well.  As F. Scott Fitzgerald once said, “The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.”  Debate tests and builds that ability by forcing students to see both sides of issues.  Debaters flex their analytical muscles, learning to find the weak points in opponent’s arguments.  They learn to explain their own ideas and assess different viewpoints, whether in a debate round, a political discussion, a classroom, or a written essay.  And debate requires students to research their ideas and support them with evidence, teaching them to conduct research and assess sources.  According to Arne Duncan, then-Secretary of Education , debate is “uniquely suited” to build skills required of a modern citizen, including critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity.

Those skills help students express their thoughts better in their academic work and their college applications (not to mention around your dinner table!).   The College Board recently revamped the SAT test to focus more on exactly the sorts of skills debate teaches.  As the New York Times explained , students taking the new version of the test must write “a critical response to a specific argument” based on analysis rather than personal experience.  Debaters are used to responding to unfamiliar arguments in time-sensitive situations; thinking critically about a written passage on the SAT is not so different from responding to an opponent’s argument in a debate round.  Debaters likewise outscore non-debaters on every section of the ACT .  Studies across the country have found that high school debate improves reading ability, grades, school attendance, self-esteem, and interest in school.  Duffin, Frank, Latitudes in Learning, “Debate Across the Curriculum Results” (2005).  Many universities even offer scholarships specifically for college debaters .

For those who commit to speech and debate, it offers a lifetime of benefits.  Forbes published an article titled “How to Find the Millennials Who Will Lead Your Company,” suggesting that the leaders of the future are ex-debaters.  As that article notes, debate teaches “how to persuade, how to present clearly, and how to connect with an audience,” exactly the skills businesses look for in their young employees.  You’ll find ex-debaters in every area of public life, from Bruce Springsteen to Oprah Winfrey to Nelson Mandela.  60% of Congressional representatives participated in debate, as well as at least a third of the Supreme Court.  There are ex-debaters excelling in business, law, politics, academia, and many other fields.

Perhaps most important of all, debate is fun!  You may have to cajole your son or daughter to go to their test prep class or do their homework, but debate makes learning a game; students build their critical thinking and speaking skills without it ever feeling like work.   Debate gives students a rare opportunity to take ownership over their own intellectual development.  And throughout the years of practice and competition, debate builds lifelong friendships and community, teaching teamwork as well. 

For help getting started with competitive speech & debate, please visit our how to select the right program & format guide .

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1.1 Why Is Public Speaking Important?

Learning objectives.

  • Explore three types of public speaking in everyday life: informative, persuasive, and entertaining.
  • Understand the benefits of taking a course in public speaking.
  • Explain the benefits people get from engaging in public speaking.

A man speaking to a group of women

Christian Pierret – Leader – CC BY 2.0.

In today’s world, we are constantly bombarded with messages both good and bad. No matter where you live, where you work or go to school, or what kinds of media you use, you are probably exposed to hundreds. if not thousands, of advertising messages every day. Researcher Norman W. Edmund estimates that by 2020 the amount of knowledge in the world will double every seventy-three days (Edmund, 2005). Because we live in a world where we are overwhelmed with content, communicating information in a way that is accessible to others is more important today than ever before. To help us further understand why public speaking is important, we will first examine public speaking in everyday life. We will then discuss how public speaking can benefit you personally.

Everyday Public Speaking

Every single day people across the United States and around the world stand up in front of some kind of audience and speak. In fact, there’s even a monthly publication that reproduces some of the top speeches from around the United States called Vital Speeches of the Day ( http://www.vsotd.com ). Although public speeches are of various types, they can generally be grouped into three categories based on their intended purpose: informative, persuasive, and entertaining.

Informative Speaking

One of the most common types of public speaking is informative speaking . The primary purpose of informative presentations is to share one’s knowledge of a subject with an audience. Reasons for making an informative speech vary widely. For example, you might be asked to instruct a group of coworkers on how to use new computer software or to report to a group of managers how your latest project is coming along. A local community group might wish to hear about your volunteer activities in New Orleans during spring break, or your classmates may want you to share your expertise on Mediterranean cooking. What all these examples have in common is the goal of imparting information to an audience.

Informative speaking is integrated into many different occupations. Physicians often lecture about their areas of expertise to medical students, other physicians, and patients. Teachers find themselves presenting to parents as well as to their students. Firefighters give demonstrations about how to effectively control a fire in the house. Informative speaking is a common part of numerous jobs and other everyday activities. As a result, learning how to speak effectively has become an essential skill in today’s world.

Persuasive Speaking

A second common reason for speaking to an audience is to persuade others. In our everyday lives, we are often called on to convince, motivate, or otherwise persuade others to change their beliefs, take an action, or reconsider a decision. Advocating for music education in your local school district, convincing clients to purchase your company’s products, or inspiring high school students to attend college all involve influencing other people through public speaking.

For some people, such as elected officials, giving persuasive speeches is a crucial part of attaining and continuing career success. Other people make careers out of speaking to groups of people who pay to listen to them. Motivational authors and speakers, such as Les Brown ( http://www.lesbrown.com ), make millions of dollars each year from people who want to be motivated to do better in their lives. Brian Tracy, another professional speaker and author, specializes in helping business leaders become more productive and effective in the workplace ( http://www.briantracy.com ).

Whether public speaking is something you do every day or just a few times a year, persuading others is a challenging task. If you develop the skill to persuade effectively, it can be personally and professionally rewarding.

Entertaining Speaking

Entertaining speaking involves an array of speaking occasions ranging from introductions to wedding toasts, to presenting and accepting awards, to delivering eulogies at funerals and memorial services in addition to after-dinner speeches and motivational speeches. Entertaining speaking has been important since the time of the ancient Greeks, when Aristotle identified epideictic speaking (speaking in a ceremonial context) as an important type of address. As with persuasive and informative speaking, there are professionals, from religious leaders to comedians, who make a living simply from delivering entertaining speeches. As anyone who has watched an awards show on television or has seen an incoherent best man deliver a wedding toast can attest, speaking to entertain is a task that requires preparation and practice to be effective.

Personal Benefits of Public Speaking

Oral communication skills were the number one skill that college graduates found useful in the business world, according to a study by sociologist Andrew Zekeri (Zekeri, 2004). That fact alone makes learning about public speaking worthwhile. However, there are many other benefits of communicating effectively for the hundreds of thousands of college students every year who take public speaking courses. Let’s take a look at some of the personal benefits you’ll get both from a course in public speaking and from giving public speeches.

Benefits of Public Speaking Courses

In addition to learning the process of creating and delivering an effective speech, students of public speaking leave the class with a number of other benefits as well. Some of these benefits include

  • developing critical thinking skills,
  • fine-tuning verbal and nonverbal skills,
  • overcoming fear of public speaking.

Developing Critical Thinking Skills

One of the very first benefits you will gain from your public speaking course is an increased ability to think critically. Problem solving is one of many critical thinking skills you will engage in during this course. For example, when preparing a persuasive speech, you’ll have to think through real problems affecting your campus, community, or the world and provide possible solutions to those problems. You’ll also have to think about the positive and negative consequences of your solutions and then communicate your ideas to others. At first, it may seem easy to come up with solutions for a campus problem such as a shortage of parking spaces: just build more spaces. But after thinking and researching further you may find out that building costs, environmental impact from loss of green space, maintenance needs, or limited locations for additional spaces make this solution impractical. Being able to think through problems and analyze the potential costs and benefits of solutions is an essential part of critical thinking and of public speaking aimed at persuading others. These skills will help you not only in public speaking contexts but throughout your life as well. As we stated earlier, college graduates in Zekeri’s study rated oral communication skills as the most useful for success in the business world. The second most valuable skill they reported was problem-solving ability, so your public speaking course is doubly valuable!

Another benefit to public speaking is that it will enhance your ability to conduct and analyze research. Public speakers must provide credible evidence within their speeches if they are going to persuade various audiences. So your public speaking course will further refine your ability to find and utilize a range of sources.

Fine-Tuning Verbal and Nonverbal Skills

A second benefit of taking a public speaking course is that it will help you fine-tune your verbal and nonverbal communication skills. Whether you competed in public speaking in high school or this is your first time speaking in front of an audience, having the opportunity to actively practice communication skills and receive professional feedback will help you become a better overall communicator. Often, people don’t even realize that they twirl their hair or repeatedly mispronounce words while speaking in public settings until they receive feedback from a teacher during a public speaking course. People around the United States will often pay speech coaches over one hundred dollars per hour to help them enhance their speaking skills. You have a built-in speech coach right in your classroom, so it is to your advantage to use the opportunity to improve your verbal and nonverbal communication skills.

Overcoming Fear of Public Speaking

An additional benefit of taking a public speaking class is that it will help reduce your fear of public speaking. Whether they’ve spoken in public a lot or are just getting started, most people experience some anxiety when engaging in public speaking. Heidi Rose and Andrew Rancer evaluated students’ levels of public speaking anxiety during both the first and last weeks of their public speaking class and found that those levels decreased over the course of the semester (Rose & Rancer, 1993). One explanation is that people often have little exposure to public speaking. By taking a course in public speaking, students become better acquainted with the public speaking process, making them more confident and less apprehensive. In addition, you will learn specific strategies for overcoming the challenges of speech anxiety. We will discuss this topic in greater detail in Chapter 3 “Speaking Confidently” .

Benefits of Engaging in Public Speaking

Once you’ve learned the basic skills associated with public speaking, you’ll find that being able to effectively speak in public has profound benefits, including

  • influencing the world around you,
  • developing leadership skills,
  • becoming a thought leader.

Influencing the World around You

If you don’t like something about your local government, then speak out about your issue! One of the best ways to get our society to change is through the power of speech. Common citizens in the United States and around the world, like you, are influencing the world in real ways through the power of speech. Just type the words “citizens speak out” in a search engine and you’ll find numerous examples of how common citizens use the power of speech to make real changes in the world—for example, by speaking out against “fracking” for natural gas (a process in which chemicals are injected into rocks in an attempt to open them up for fast flow of natural gas or oil) or in favor of retaining a popular local sheriff. One of the amazing parts of being a citizen in a democracy is the right to stand up and speak out, which is a luxury many people in the world do not have. So if you don’t like something, be the force of change you’re looking for through the power of speech.

Developing Leadership Skills

Have you ever thought about climbing the corporate ladder and eventually finding yourself in a management or other leadership position? If so, then public speaking skills are very important. Hackman and Johnson assert that effective public speaking skills are a necessity for all leaders (Hackman & Johnson, 2004). If you want people to follow you, you have to communicate effectively and clearly what followers should do. According to Bender, “Powerful leadership comes from knowing what matters to you. Powerful presentations come from expressing this effectively. It’s important to develop both” (Bender, 1998). One of the most important skills for leaders to develop is their public speaking skills, which is why executives spend millions of dollars every year going to public speaking workshops; hiring public speaking coaches; and buying public speaking books, CDs, and DVDs.

Becoming a Thought Leader

Even if you are not in an official leadership position, effective public speaking can help you become a “ thought leader .” Joel Kurtzman, editor of Strategy & Business , coined this term to call attention to individuals who contribute new ideas to the world of business. According to business consultant Ken Lizotte, “when your colleagues, prospects, and customers view you as one very smart guy or gal to know, then you’re a thought leader” (Lizotte, 2008). Typically, thought leaders engage in a range of behaviors, including enacting and conducting research on business practices. To achieve thought leader status, individuals must communicate their ideas to others through both writing and public speaking. Lizotte demonstrates how becoming a thought leader can be personally and financially rewarding at the same time: when others look to you as a thought leader, you will be more desired and make more money as a result. Business gurus often refer to “intellectual capital,” or the combination of your knowledge and ability to communicate that knowledge to others (Lizotte, 2008). Whether standing before a group of executives discussing the next great trend in business or delivering a webinar (a seminar over the web), thought leaders use public speaking every day to create the future that the rest of us live in.

Key Takeaways

  • People have many reasons for engaging in public speaking, but the skills necessary for public speaking are applicable whether someone is speaking for informative, persuasive, or entertainment reasons.
  • Taking a public speaking class will improve your speaking skills, help you be a more critical thinker, fine-tune your verbal and nonverbal communication skills, and help you overcome public speaking anxiety.
  • Effective public speaking skills have many direct benefits for the individual speaker, including influencing the world around you, developing leadership skills, and becoming a go-to person for ideas and solutions.
  • Talk to people who are currently working in the career you hope to pursue. Of the three types of public speaking discussed in the text, which do they use most commonly use in their work?
  • Read one of the free speeches available at http://www.vsotd.com . What do you think the speaker was trying to accomplish? What was her or his reason for speaking?
  • Which personal benefit are you most interested in receiving from a public speaking class? Why?

Bender, P. U. (1998). Stand, deliver and lead. Ivey Business Journal , 62 (3), 46–47.

Edmund, N. W. (2005). End the biggest educational and intellectual blunder in history: A $100,000 challenge to our top educational leaders . Ft. Lauderdale, FL: Scientific Method Publishing Co.

Hackman, M. Z., & Johnson, C. E. (2004). Leadership: A communication perspective (4th ed.). Long Grove, IL: Waveland.

Lizotte, K. (2008). The expert’s edge: Become the go-to authority people turn to every time [Kindle 2 version]. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Retrieved from Amazon.com (locations 72–78).

Rose, H. M., & Rancer, A. S. (1993). The impact of basic courses in oral interpretation and public speaking on communication apprehension. Communication Reports , 6 , 54–60.

Zekeri, A. A. (2004). College curriculum competencies and skills former students found essential to their careers. College Student Journal , 38 , 412–422.

Stand up, Speak out Copyright © 2016 by University of Minnesota is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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The Importance of Public Speaking Skills for Students

1019310 Erik Palmer

What is the most important language art?

It seems that when teachers hear “language arts,” they immediately think “reading and writing.” This reveals a serious blind spot. We seem to ignore what is really the most important language art: speaking. (Feel free to argue with me about whether speaking is truly the most important, but do not feel free to leave speaking out of the discussion.)

Why Is Public Speaking Important for Students?

Most adults fear public speaking, yet at the same time, everyone seems to love talking. I see people on their cellphones chatting nonstop, and some people at faculty meetings go on and on. But when the stakes are raised—interview, presentation, eulogy, Back-to-School Night—we panic. Your students may very well feel the same way in the classroom and beyond.

Before you add oral communication into your classroom instruction, it’s important to understand the importance of public speaking skills for students and why it should be a part of your curriculum.

1. Speaking is the number one way we communicate.

Oral communication is by far the number-one way we communicate. Think of your day. Do you spend more time writing or speaking? Reading or speaking? How would your class function without speaking? Isn’t it overwhelmingly the way you share information with students and set the class atmosphere? Isn’t it the number-one way you communicate with teammates, family, and friends? That’s just in the “in-person” world, but let’s also look at the world of technological devices—your phone, FaceTime, Skype, even virtual classrooms . Close to 100% of the learning environment involves speaking.

2. Classroom activities improve when students speak better.

Teachers often have students talk as an afterthought to some assignment, yet offer no lessons about how to speak well. Can you point to specific instruction you gave to students about the elements of effective speaking, or how you taught “presence”? Body language is also important, but have you taught that? How about a lesson on pacing or connecting a talk to a specific audience?

Read-alouds make books come alive and inspire an interest in reading when done well. Poems , written with the sound of words in mind, become worth listening to if they are recited well. Presentations that don't bore classmates, who remember none of what was presented a day or even an hour later, become something worth striving for. Discussions are more engaging when ideas are presented passionately and coherently. With improved oral communication skills, we won’t suffer through student speaking activities but will enjoy the talks.

3. We make students talk—but don’t teach them how to talk well.

The minute students begin writing, we start offering instruction. We offer comments, lessons, and practice about how to make letters, spell, punctuate, and capitalize. We have specific lessons about run-ons, fragments, word choice, topic sentences, commas after an introductory phrase, commas to separate items in a series, commas to join independent clauses, and other aspects of writing. Just as we teach elements of writing, we must teach the elements of speaking. We comment on student speech: “Speak up” and “Louder please” and “Look at us” and “Stand still.” We hand out scoresheets: “Gestures, 5 points; Organization, 10 points.” Many teachers, however, don’t offer related lessons.

With improved oral communication skills, we won’t suffer through student speaking activities but will enjoy the talks.

The odds are excellent that you have already assigned some kind of student presentation this school year. The odds are also excellent that students were unprepared. That’s why we fear speaking: we were made to do it, but no one taught us how to do it. Public speaking makes many students (and adults!) nervous because nobody wants to be asked to do something they don’t know how to do, especially in front of an audience.

4. Many digital tools showcase speaking.

Many tools put a spotlight on oral communication: FaceTime, Skype, Flipgrid, Zoom, to name a few. Because of COVID-era online instruction , all teachers are now using such technology for instruction. The impact of all these tools? Increased emphasis on the importance of oral communication.

How well or how poorly a person speaks is on display everywhere. Ironically, as teachers embrace the tools that showcase speaking, they create a lot of evidence proving that students don’t speak well. Video after video that teachers post on YouTube show mediocre and potentially embarrassing student speech. It isn’t the student's fault. Teachers were focused on the video/podcast/webinar technologies instead of focusing on the oral communication the technologies were designed to share. That has to change.

5. Social and professional success increasingly depend upon oral communication.

George Anders is an American business journalist and senior editor at LinkedIn. On HMH’s Shaping the Future TM podcast , he says:

What we're seeing now is much more of a demand for oral communication rather than written. And that has big implications in our educational system because traditionally we've doubled down on writing skills.

Anders noticed that oral communication dominates in the business world. As an example, my son works for a company that connects people who have ideas for high-tech financial innovations with potential investors and users. He reports there’s no shortage of brilliant people with brilliant ideas but a serious shortage of people who can verbally communicate those ideas. Turning ideas into reality requires talking to others. It doesn’t matter what you know; it matters that you can communicate what you know, and the number-one way we communicate is verbally. Tools for video conferences, webinars, podcasts, narrated slideshows, and video creation put the importance of oral communication for students on display, and now, due to COVID, all of us are using these technologies. Those with better speaking skills will be more successful regardless of what industry they’re in.

The Bottom Line

  • Don’t ignore speaking. Don’t think of language arts as “reading and writing” but rather “reading, writing, and speaking.”
  • When students start speaking, start teaching speaking skills. When students have weekly share time in kindergarten, teach a lesson first, perhaps about how to look at all audience members. Before a research presentation in 10th grade, offer a lesson about how to add life to students’ voices so they don’t bore their classmates.
  • Don’t accept poor speaking. Listen to students talk with new ears and know they can all improve. Commit to giving all students the gift of effective oral communication.

The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of HMH.

Blog contributor Erik Palmer is an author on the HMH Into Reading and HMH Into Literature programs. Palmer was also a guest on HMH's podcast series, Shaping the Future , in November 2019.

SHAPING THE FUTURE is a trademark of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

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Importance of Self Study

Self Study is defined as something studied by oneself without any kind of help or supervision by a teacher or a trainer, though the person studying may take help of some external sources like books, tutorials, and encyclopedia etc, hence it would not be wrong to say that it is a form of study in which the student himself is responsible to a large extent for his one's own instruction and is himself his teacher. There is no one to tell him or to guide him to do something or the other. It may also be defined as "learning on your own" or "by yourself" or being yourself your own teacher.

Self-study may either be studying through books, some online journals or using tutorials to learn a particular topic, self-study is an individual effort to learn by references/experimentation or a prescribed course. Self-learning, in general, is not only more convenient method of learning but, in fact, it is more effective than the conventional classroom teaching method, for high school, college and adult learners who don’t really have time to attend classes. But for those who still think that learning can only happen in a classroom, the world of self-learning can be a little can be really absurd or useless for them.

It had never been so easier and more exciting to be a learner. Let constant learning be a major part of your lifestyle and rewards will be constant, personally, socially, and professionally come adding to your career. Learning is and should always be treated as a lifelong occupation. All learning arises from curiosity. Those who love this life very passionately they are tremendously curious to learn new things. Only curious people learn everything very personal and benefit from the hard work they put in.

The current trend for self and social learning has some scholars and analysts wondering if we are approaching towards the end of formal learning techniques and conventional teaching methods. There will always be a need to train people to acquire first-time skills or to upgrade their current skill set, learning and development professionals will increasingly consider the option of leaving some learning needs to other nonformal approaches. But if people are to start learning by themselves, we first need to be sure that everyone is competent to learn to and the effectiveness of the learning process be determined by the content used in.

Advantages of Self Study

  • Helps the students to broaden their thinking level.
  • Freedom of learning without any restriction.
  • Self-learning would enable the learner to limit the number of interests undertaken.
  • Self-learning is more fun than regular teaching.
  • Student tends to build a sense of responsibility and they start accepting responsibility.
  • Self-learning means that you can read different interesting new books, rather than boring notes by teachers or textbooks.
  • You can make study material of your own.
  • No fear of criticism.
  • You may learn at your own desired time according to your schedule.   
  • Self-learning students tend to retain more naturally when they do the work themselves, as compared to the regular teaching where teacher’s spoon feed the information into them.
  •  Self-learning gives an opportunity to the enthusiastic people to go as deeply into a subject and interact with the subject matter as deeply they would like to go.
  • With the self-learning, there is a great opportunity to develop a good work ethic.
  • Gives self-confidence and a good feeling of doing a job well
  • Student performs well in tests because they are already used to tackling problems on their own, which increases their confidence.

The need for Self-Study Self-study is an important aspect of effective learning. Even studying with conventional teaching methods, it is very important for a student to have a clear vision and understanding of every. You can’t learn and understand everything in the classroom, after your lecture you have to revise topic for the clear understanding of the topics. It is very important for students appearing in competitive exams to self-study and be thorough with the topics to appear in the rigorous questioning of competition and to go through with flying colours.  

There are many other people who work besides they study or many who left studying at a young age to earn and wish to complete their studies. For these students, self-study is a very important and useful tool, with the ease of learning at any time without any restriction of time or attendance these students get sufficient time to work and study as well, whenever they have free time.

Steps for Self-Learning

  • Set your Objectives:   Setting clear objectives and goal is one of the first habits of successful people according, and one of the first things learning professionals do when kicking-off the research phase. In many companies, learning objectives are formalized by the golden triangle of the learner , manager, and HR. For some independent self-learners with intentional learning needs or students, it is important and beneficial to start by setting well-formulated, smart, results-oriented objectives. Clearly define the topics you need to learn and start collecting the relevant material accordingly. Do not waste time, be sure of what you need or want and proceed accordingly.
  • Look out for Good and Reliable Information Sources:  There are hundreds of materials available on topic with the same name, of which all topics will be accessible to all people at all times. But the big-data mass of useful information may go unnoticed with an equally abundant mass of useless information, and you need to be very careful about what you need and from where you can get it. You need to filter out from every relevant information available and formulate some quality study material that would make your preparation superior to others.
  • Develop Interest:   Interest in the subject is an essential driver for the successful mastering of a topic. You can’t learn what you do not want to learn or that you have no interest in, no matter how hard you try but without interest , you cannot achieve perfection. Emotion is an important part of the successful learning process. If you are even moderately interested in a subject, you may give yourself a chance. The key is to get started and with time create your interest in what you do. If you are able to create some pleasurable routines, you may find that the subject grows on you and along with your interest you understanding levels also rise. Love what you do, and no one can stop you from being successful.
  • Cover your Topic Well:  Our brain is a mysterious organ; it is always struggling to form patterns to cope with new input that it gains from our learning activities. Sometimes, no matter how long we focus on one subject, our brain is not picking up anything that wear are trying to learn or understand. If you are stuck, move on. Try covering the same topic from a different study material, a different encyclopedia, or a podcast, or an online lecture or an online tutorial. Try to become a free learner, roaming the countryside, rather than a feedlot learner, just standing on one spot, munching on the same bale of hay and just sticking on to one conventional approach. Explore new ways and move to some unconventional or new ideas. The broader your base, the easier it is for you to learn. Just as the “rich get richer”, the more you know, the more you can learn and able to utilize it well at the required time.
  • Be Prepared to deal with Problems:  There are always problems associated with everything. Doing something new, it is obvious that you would face problems. Intelligence is to be already prepared with the problems that you would face. Have a clear idea of what you think may be a problem for you. Don’t expect to understand things at first time, much less remember them, when you study for the first time. Have confidence that things will get clearer as your brain gains grip over the new information source or teaching method. It is like a jigsaw puzzle or a crossword puzzle once you start to put the pieces together, or string the words together, the full picture becomes clearer and you tend to move closer and closer to the final result slowly and slowly. The brain learns all the time, but on its own schedule, while some topics are easier other may take comparatively longer time. Learning has no rules and never take place according to a schedule laid down by a curriculum or teacher or as expected by you. Some things are easier to learn than others. Some things just take a long time to click in. Keep going with it, and you will gradually find that things that were difficult at first attempt, would become quite easy to understand as you gain a grip over the method. So the need not get distracted by the problems, rather be ready to face them.
  • Make Effective use of Technology:  Technology today has touched every domain of human life. Today in the world of modernization where technology is available at a very affordable price, everyone is moving towards it and there is hardly any sphere left where technological advancement has not spread its roots. In self-study, technology plays an important role. There are tons of online journals and articles lying. Thousands of tutorials are being uploaded daily which have helped thousands of students from different parts of the world. If a person is opting for self-study, it is very important for him to keep him updated with the latest technology and latest tutorials, encyclopedias, and books.
  • Keep Learning:  Anytime is learning time, there is no restriction for student opting self-learning based on time. You can take full advantage of the Internet, i-tutorials, and various mobile devices, good old-fashioned books, and encyclopedias. Learn during “dead time”, convert every possible minute of free time into learning time. Listen in your car, on the train, or while you do some activity not involving your brain. Have your learning with you while waiting, or try to listen to lectures on i-pod while checking out at the walking in the park. Anytime is learning time. Remember that you learn through exposure and not by nailing things down. It is more like moisture accumulation in a cloud, rather than building a brick wall.
  • Look out for Learning Communities:  The most important set back of the self-learning process is the loneliness that these students face. The “loneliness of the distance learner” in today’s world of technology is a thing of the past; one can easily join a learning community on the internet, where different members can share their knowledge and experience while others can make use out of that material. Search for the communities that suit interests learning style and the learning topics you are involved with. You may find encouragement, advice, and stimulus from the fellow learners, as well as from tutors, teachers, and coaches and may make some friends there and remove the socialization barrier. In these communities, you can measure your progress against your own goals and also get to know where you stand and how others are planning and preparing, or compare your experience with that of other learners. You can even teach and help others, which is a great way to learn with the facility of taking online tests also.
  • Take Breaks:  Learning at any level whether learning in a job, studying for a test at School or a College, or teaching yourself something new is often condensed into short time segments. The reason behind is that this form of condensed learning does not lead to long-term retention. Research shows that the distribution of the study of a subject over a period of time is more likely to help you retain the information easily and for a longer period of time. Between first learning something then practising that particular topic, and then the application should be divided into equal gaps. There can be a few ways to help you out with this:
  • If you have an exam two weeks later, it is best to start learning it from today and then practice some sample papers in the second week. When you appear for your exam, you’ll be more likely to remember most of the things as you systematically managed everything.
  • If you want to retain material over a long period of time and have clarification of every topic, practice it at regular intervals or else you will forget it with the passage of time.
  • Set your deadlines yourself for when you want to learn things and time for practising, so that you can make a proper work plan on how to proceed effectively.

Conclusion Self-learning is basically taking in information, processing it, and retaining it without the need for another individual to be teaching it or evaluating you in order for the understanding to occur. It is basically the responsibility of an individual to learn and retain. Self-learning has come out as a great gift of modernization to people working while they study or those who left their studies for some reason or the others. Even some students taking conventional methods are making use of self-study to gain complete knowledge of their topics or to understand something they could not in the classroom. There is no age for learning and no time for learning, and for those passionate about learning, self-study has come out as a blessing for them.

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Updated On: 18-Sep-2018

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Home » News » Study finds college students supportive, but concerned about free speech

Study finds college students supportive, but concerned about free speech

By The Free Speech Center, published on August 2, 2024

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Knight Foundation

America’s college students embrace the concept of freedom of speech, but are concerned about how others use that right, according to a new study from the Knight Foundation and Ipsos.

The study, which is part of the ongoing Knight Free Expression research series, is intended to offer insights to college administrators.

“During this tumultuous time, it’s more important than ever that university leaders are equipped with data that elevates the views of students to guide their campus decision-making,” the report notes.

The challenge, of course. is that the 2024 study offers no bright line in navigating free speech on campus. The findings are valuable, but illustrate the dichotomy that’s so apparent in American society as a whole. Students support free expression as a concept, but most would restrict constitutionally protected hateful speech that targets people on the basis of their race, gender or religious beliefs.

Among the findings:

  • College students believe strongly in the value of free speech . About 9 in 10 say that free speech is a very important right.
  • They’re feeling insecure about their own free-speech rights. There’s been a significant increase in the percentage of students who feel their right of expression is endangered, with the most significant shift among students identifying as Democrats. That would seem to coincide with pro-Gaza demonstrations and pushback from college administrations and politicians.
  • Students say that comments about gender, race, religion and sexual orientation can be harmful and damaging. According to the study, about 70 percent say it can be as damaging as a physical assault.
  • Most college students say hate speech should not be legal. Despite a survey question explaining that the U.S. Supreme Court says hate speech is protected by the U.S. Constitution, a majority of students reject that principle. This is at odds with a separate finding that 74 percent of students do not believe that the First Amendment goes too far in the rights it guarantees.
  • Few students see social media as a place for civil exchanges. Just 54 percent say they feel comfortable sharing their opinions on social media, and just 23 percent say online conversations are largely civil.

The study also offers insights into views on free speech held by minority races. It comes as no surprise that those most often targeted with hateful and discriminatory speech are most supportive of limits on those attacks.

A copy of the full report is available for download from the Knight Foundation’s site. The Free Speech Center newsletter offers a digest of First Amendment- and news media-related news every other week. Subscribe for free here:  https://bit.ly/3kG9uiJ


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Speech on Importance of English in 250 to 500 Words [Class 10th & 12th]

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  • Updated on  
  • Oct 17, 2023

Cashless India Speech

Speech on Importance of English : It has become important to keep students engaged and find modern learning methods and that is why CBSE introduced an Assessment of speaking & learning . ASL & is mandatory for students of classes 9 and 10. Students have to prepare a speech on the given topic for a specific duration. In this blog, we will cover the speech on the Importance of English so you can prepare better and ace your ASL evaluation!

Also Read: English Speech Topics for Students

This Blog Includes:

Why is english important, reasons to learn english language, speech on importance of english in 250 words (2 minutes), speech on importance of english in 500 words (5 minutes), why do we need the english language.

Our primary mode of communication , language is how we convey our ideas to others. The secondary function of language is to express someone’s feelings, attitudes, or thoughts. One language in the entire globe that fulfils both of the aforementioned requirements is English. English is often referred to as the first international language. It has assimilated into practically every field now in existence. It serves as the universal language for communication in a variety of contexts, from commerce to entertainment.

Many nations encourage and train children to learn English as a second language. Many science and engineering curricula are written in English, even in countries where it is not the official language.

Your commercial endeavours will undoubtedly benefit from your proficiency in English. Many large firms will only hire qualified workers after confirming that they have good English language skills. English language classes will be helpful for you if you want to work for a multinational corporation since they will teach you the communication skills you need to network with other professionals in your field or further your career.

Also Read: Essay on the importance of the English language

Now that its significance is apparent, let’s move on to why learning English is necessary. It is a universal language, to start. One in five people can speak or understand this language since it is so widespread.

Additionally, learning English can make it simpler to find employment. The likelihood of finding a decent job in a good company naturally increases because it has become the language of many industries.

speech on importance of english

Also Read: English for Competitive Exams

Good morning to everyone present here. My name is XYZ & today I am going to present a speech on the Importance of English. How do we communicate with each other? What language do we use? Our Mother tongue or English. While communicating in our mother tongue is easier, everyone is not able to understand. Even in our country, leave the international level, southern parts of India don’t know how to communicate or understand the Hindi language. This is because their mother language is Telugu, Tamil, Marathi, or any other language. In cases like this English language is our saviour, English is spoken around the world. No matter where we go we will always find people that can communicate and understand the English language. It is the most common and most used language on radio, newspaper, and Netflix series, even we can watch Turkish movies and Japanese anime because they are dubbed in English. Even when planning to study abroad English test is required. Now, that we know the importance of English in our lives why don’t we bring the changes in our present that will help us in the future? Here are the little changes or things we can do every day that will help us improve our English language. Keep a pocket diary with you always in school, at home everywhere and whenever you hear a new word, write that word down along with its meaning. This will help you in increasing your vocabulary. Another way you can improve your English is by writing every day. Before sleeping try to write your whole day or at least the moments that made you happy or new quotes you learned in your diary. This will help you increase your grammatical knowledge and build writing skills as well.  I hope you will try to implement these little changes in your life. Thank you and have a nice day ahead!

Good morning everyone. My name is XYZ & today I am going to present the importance of English speech. What’s the language that is spoken worldwide? The English language is the most used language around the globe. English has made it possible to connect with people around the globe. No matter what their mother tongue is, English has become a primary language everywhere. Be it educational institutions in India, Japan, the USA, Germany, Spain, or France. Everywhere the English language is used for speaking, writing, and for any other purpose. The English language has opened many doors around the world. A little fact about the English language is that every day a new word is added to it. Well, some of you might have a question why should I learn English if I want to excel and make a career in a language such as Sanskrit, Japanese, Spanish, or French? Well, these languages have a wider scope and you will surely succeed but knowing English with these languages will be a cherry on the top. You will be able to communicate better or even convey your thoughts to the world which will be quite difficult in any language other than English. It has become essential to have a good command and fluency in English. Not just in higher education or corporate sectors. English has become a part of competitive exams like UPSC, SSC, or any other government exam. If you are planning to study abroad you will have to clear English proficiency tests like TOEFL or IELTS. Now, that you are aware of the importance of English in life. The next question is how can we improve our English. Here are some simple tips you can follow that will surely help you. The 4 core of the English language is Speaking, Writing, Listening, and Reading. Fear is your biggest enemy. If you are afraid that while speaking in English you are going to make mistakes then you are just letting this fear overpower you. People around you will only correct you and not make fun of you. Even the grammar nazis sometimes make silly mistakes. Don’t be afraid and try to speak as much as possible in English. To improve your writing, Start by writing down your daily tasks or routine, You can also write down your thoughts in a diary every night. This will help you increase your English proficiency while writing & also enhance your creative skills. For reading, start by reading newspapers daily. This will not just increase your knowledge of current affairs but also build up your vocabulary. For listening, start by watching series or songs without subtitles. I hope you will indulge in these activities daily activities and improve your English. Daily efforts in your present will help you prosper in your future. Thank you and have a nice day ahead!

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English is the language of choice for Internet users due to the internet’s phenomenal growth and the enormous advancement of information technology in general. English is increasingly frequently used to comprehend, study, and explain ideas from a variety of academic disciplines. English is the primary language used in the writing of instructional tools, resources, and texts. English as a foreign language is necessary for the international educational systems at institutions all over the world.

The English language is useful for communicating with everyone when someone travels around the world, whether it be for tourism, job opportunities, settlement, casual visits, etc. English has been named the official language of 53 countries, and more than 400 million people speak it worldwide.

Yes, there are multiple differences between British English and American English like words pronunciation, spelling, grammar, and even the actual meaning of some words. In fact, English is the first language in many countries.

A newspaper read is a must for reading the English language. It helps the readers improve reading ability, correct pronunciation, and add new vocabulary and it also keeps the reader up to date. Overall, consistent newspaper reading boosts the confidence of the readers.

English-speaking courses help a new learner a lot to increase fluency in English from basic to advanced levels. These courses are 3 to 6 months in duration. English classes provide a good environment for everyone and motivate the learner to improve regularly.

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