Should You Use Canva for Your Resume? Here’s What You Need to Know

person's hands typing on an open laptop with Canva website visible on the screen and a plant nearby

Creating your resume in Canva can feel like manifesting a makeover. What can seem like a plain and boring document suddenly looks colorful and eye-catching.

So as a career coach, when I meet with clients who’ve spiced things up by making a Canva resume, I hate breaking the news that their fancy new document probably won’t make it through an applicant tracking system (ATS), the software recruiters and hiring managers use to organize and sort through online applications. I steer them back toward a Word or Google doc, and show them how you can still feel dressed up but actually get noticed.

Here’s why I regularly give this advice—and when you can make an exception.

Wait, what’s the issue with using Canva to build a resume?

Every bit of text on a Canva resume template is placed using text boxes, no matter which template you select and even when you create your own design from scratch. This makes for nicely spaced resumes, but it won’t help in getting your content read properly by an ATS.

Elements including text boxes, tables, headers and footers, images, and columns can trip up an ATS scanning your resume and turn your carefully crafted document into a jumbled, nonsensical mess. Even if you make your resume in a Word doc, you should still avoid using all of these to ensure your content is readable. And though some Canva templates are simpler and cleaner than others, they’re all built on text boxes and other elements an ATS might not be able to decipher properly. Plus, you can download your Canva resume as .pdf, .jpg, or .png files, but not as .doc or .docx files, which are most easily parsed by an ATS . Finally, the most popular applicant tracking systems all search for information differently, making it even more important that you create your resume with straightforward formatting and content.

All of these factors make it hard to recommend selecting any of Canva’s templates or even creating your own when you’re applying for a job online.

And while the ATS is the most immediate hurdle, a review of some of the available templates tells me they might lead you astray in other ways. For example, some guide you to include resume objectives , which are outdated and unhelpful; photos of yourself , which don’t belong on your resume (not in the U.S., at least); or sections that list references or state, “ References available upon request,” which you just don’t need. Some reserve disproportionate space for your contact information , which belongs on your resume but doesn’t warrant a quarter of the page, or leave very little room for you to list your work experience with meaty bullets describing your impact and accomplishments.

Read More: Beat the Robots: How to Get Your Resume Past the System and Into Human Hands

When *is* a good time to use a Canva template?

When you’re bypassing the online application system entirely and emailing your resume directly to a contact—maybe someone you know or have been referred to—you might consider impressing them with a nicely designed Canva resume. Or once you’ve gotten through the ATS and made contact with a person, you can send a fancier resume to share with the people you’ll be interviewing with. Just be sure you’re including the right sections and information and keeping in mind that humans looking at your resume also don’t want to be overwhelmed by a super busy or indecipherable document.

As applicant tracking systems improve, my hope is that job seekers won’t have to worry about how a resume is built and will be able to have fun with the design. But for now, hold off on using your Canva resume until after you’ve made it through the online system.

OK, cool. So how should I make my resume?

If you’ve been using this type of resume to apply and aren’t having much luck with positive responses, this is a great time to see if things improve with a simpler resume created in Word or Google Docs.

Here’s some more advice on putting together a resume that will help you land interviews and jobs:

  • Your Step-by-Step Guide to Making the Perfect Resume (With Examples!)
  • 43 Resume Tips That Will Help You Get Hired
  • The 41 Best Resume Templates Ever
  • What it Really Means to “Tailor Your Resume”

Check out even more resume advice and, if you need some extra or more personalized help, you can book a resume review with me or another Muse career coach.

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When and How To Put Canva Skills on Your Resume (With Examples)

Canva is an in-demand skill for digital marketing and graphic design roles. Here’s everything you need to know about how to put it on your resume in a way that recruiters will love.

8 months ago   •   3 min read

Canva is a valuable skill for your resume, especially if you’re in a field like graphic design, digital marketing, or content creation. It can showcase your technical proficiency, experience with key software, and ability to create professional, visually appealing documents.

But that doesn’t mean it belongs on every resume — so, how can you tell if it belongs on yours? Below, we outline exactly when you should (and shouldn’t) include Canva skills on your resume and how to list them effectively.

Let’s start by looking at where Canva skills should go on a resume.

How to include Canva skills on your resume

Canva skills should be listed either in the Skills section or Work Experience section of your resume.

In your Skills section

To list Canva skills outright in your Skills section:

  • Create 2-3 subheadings that describe the types of skills you want to list. These should fit the skills listed in the job posting or align with common skills for your industry or job title .
  • Underneath a subheading like ‘Software’ or “Graphic Design,” list Canva alongside any other relevant skills. Aim for 5-15 skills in total.
  • (Optional) Briefly describe your level of proficiency with Canva.
  • Don’t list every feature that you used — if you want to get more detailed, opt to illustrate these in your Work Experience section instead.

For example:

SKILLS Graphic Design: Adobe Photoshop, Canva Social Media Marketing: Hootsuite, Buffer Web Development: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Example of how to list Canva in your resume Skills section

In your Work Experience section

To illustrate Canva via your work experience:

  • Choose 1-2 concrete examples of times when you used Canva in a professional context.
  • Describe the project you were working on and the most impressive features of Canva you used.
  • Add any relevant metrics that show the impact of your work.
  • Created a series of product brochures, social media banners, and email templates using Canva's design tools.
  • Designed an email toolkit and style guide using Canva to enable teams to quickly build mobile-responsive emails and maintain visual consistency; led to time savings of 5+ hours per week.
  • Utilized Canva to design marketing collateral that contributed to a 15% increase in website traffic within two months.
  • Designed and executed a series of visually compelling social media ad campaigns using Canva, resulting in a 30% increase in user engagement and a 20% boost in click-through rates over a three-month period.

Example of how to describe Canva skills in the Work Experience section of your resume

If you're not sure whether to showcase your Canva skills on your resume or questioning if you've picked the right resume section to highlight them, upload your resume to the tool below . It'll provide personalized feedback on every section and help you identify what should be omitted.

Should you put Canva skills on your resume?

Not sure whether Canva is an essential skill for your resume? Here’s when you should — and shouldn’t — put Canva on your resume.

You should list Canva skills on your resume if:

  • The job posting explicitly mentions Canva
  • Canva skills directly align with the responsibilities outlined in the job description
  • You’re applying for a role involving graphic design, content creation, or marketing
  • You have one or more notable accomplishments using Canva

You shouldn’t list Canva skills on your resume if:

  • Canva skills aren’t relevant to the core responsibilities of the job
  • You’re unlikely to use Canva in the role
  • You only have a basic level of proficiency using Canva
  • Including Canva skills would clutter up your resume or make it longer than one page

If you’re still not sure, you can plug your resume and the job description into our Targeted Resume tool, which can help you narrow down essential skills that belong on your resume (and eliminate ones that don’t).

You can also use the skills search tool below to get a list of hard skills and keywords relevant to your job.

Jobs that require Canva skills

In particular, here are some specific roles where Canva is likely to be a useful skill:

  • Graphic designer
  • Content creator
  • Social media manager
  • Digital marketer
  • Communications specialist
  • Brand consultant
  • Events coordinator
  • Training specialist
  • Virtual assistant
  • Sales professional
  • Business development manager
  • E-commerce product owner
  • Human resources specialist
  • Career Advice

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How to Create a Resume in Canva with AI (Step-by-step Guide)

  • by Raman Singh
  • June 14, 2024
  • 8 minutes read
  • 1 month ago

How to Create a Resume in Canva with AI (Step-by-step Guide) 12

Creating a rĂ©sumĂ© is a time-consuming yet necessary process—especially if you’re beginning from scratch. Fortunately, there are online design tools that can help you create the ideal CV for the job that your hiring managers would love.

Creating an ATS (Applicant Tracking System) resume is the first step in the process of seeking a job online. Sometimes it can be a daunting task for job seekers,  especially if you are starting from scratch and if you are unaware.  

Canva is an excellent resource for creating any type of resume, especially since there are options available during the creation process. You can start with a blank canvas or fill in a template with your information.

Step #1: Write your Resume Using AI

Using copyrocket ai tool, step #1: go to and sign up.

To get started, visit and register for a free account. Once signed up, you can use the AI tool to create your résumé in canva seamlessly.

Step #2: Navigate to AI Writer

After logging in, navigate to ‘AI Writer’ from the left menu. This is where you can input your query to generate content.

Step #3: Search for Resume Builder

How to Create a Resume in Canva with AI (Step-by-step Guide) 13

In the AI Writer, search for “resume” and select “resume builder” from the search results. This will help you create an applicant tracking system-friendly resume which is crucial for online job applications.

Step #4: Copy the Result

How to Create a Resume in Canva with AI (Step-by-step Guide) 14

Once the tool generates your resume, copy the content. Open a markdown editor such as Dillinger , and paste the result there.

Step #5: Save or Download

How to Create a Resume in Canva with AI (Step-by-step Guide) 15

Now, copy the formatted resume from the markdown editor and either save it somewhere safe or download it as a .doc file .

Using ChatGPT

Step #1: get resume prompt.

How to Create a Resume in Canva with AI (Step-by-step Guide) 16

First, obtain the appropriate resume prompt from our Prompt Book available here . This book provides useful prompts to guide you in creating your resume directly using ChatGPT .

Step #2: Enter the Resume Maker Prompt

Go to ChatGPT and paste the resume maker prompt into the chat . This prompt is designed to assist you in crafting a detailed and professional resume.

Step #3: Fill in Your Details

How to Create a Resume in Canva with AI (Step-by-step Guide) 17

Fill in all the placeholders in brackets like [name], [number], etc., with your actual information. ChatGPT will process these inputs to develop a complete resume draft.

Step #4: Generate and Save

How to Create a Resume in Canva with AI (Step-by-step Guide) 18

Press ‘enter’ and allow ChatGPT to generate your rĂ©sumĂ©. You can then either copy the entire text and paste it into a markdown editor or download the document directly.

Using either Copyrocket AI or ChatGPT, job seekers can create eye-catching resumes using Canva’s templates with very little room for error.

These tools simplify the resume creation process, ensuring you stand out to hiring managers and applicant tracking systems. Resources like Canva allow for easy edits and formatting, making it simple to upload and present your qualifications effectively.

Whether it’s for jobs, internships, or corporate positions, the modern design capabilities of Canva make it an invaluable tool.

Step #2 – Choose Desired Canva Resume Templates

How to Create a Resume in Canva with AI (Step-by-step Guide) 19

Starting on the Canva homepage, go ahead and type in resume. You’ll see that over 10,000  canva’s templates are available for you to customize.  

You can also type and search for “ATS resume templates”. ATS stands for applicant tracking systems, which employers use for the screening of the candidates’ resume.

If you dont want to choose a template, you can also create a resume directly.

Scroll down and take a look at the various canva template available to you. You’ll find that most of these are free to use, though some have a Canva Pro subscription logo in the bottom right-hand corner.

ou will need a Canva  Pro subscription in order to use these templates.  Many of these pro templates are more creative in nature, and others are slightly more professional.

Step #3 – Edit And Fill Your Details

How to Create a Resume in Canva with AI (Step-by-step Guide) 20

Let’s go ahead and start by using a more professional looking resume. Go ahead and click on it, and then click “Customize This Template”. 

Once you click Customize This Template, it is  now a completely open canvas for you to use.   Everything on the first page here can be edited.. 

The first thing I’m going to do is adjust the name. For any edits that you want to make to the text of your resume, go ahead and click on it. 

Step #4 – Adjust Fonts

How to Create a Resume in Canva with AI (Step-by-step Guide) 21

If you want to adjust the font, go ahead and either highlight or double-click on it,  go to the top of the screen, and you can see the various font styles available for you to use.

You can then click on them and see what they would look like. Once you find one that you like, you can then go ahead and adjust the size and even the colour.  

Throughout the rest of the document, if you want to use the same type of font or find one easily that you used previously, you can go ahead and click on it, come back up to the top of the screen, click on Font, and then easily see the other fonts that you have used in this document.  

Step #5 – Edit or Add Design Elements

In the template that we chose, it has some design  elements that you may or may not wish to keep.  Go ahead and click on this line.

Here, you  can adjust the color, the type of line,   and you can drag it, and adjust accordingly.  If you make any change to your resume and you  decide that you want to go back, up at the top of the screen, you can click the undo button.  

If you decide that you would like to add additional elements that are not already on your template, on the left-hand side, click on elements.

You can continue to tweak your resume and add any additional graphics or designs that you would like to include.  Likewise, for anything that exists on the resume, you can go ahead and make adjustments as well.

Here you can add additional  text boxes to be included on your template.   Although you don’t necessarily need  to do this, given that you already have pre-populated text boxes that you can  just quickly edit with your information.

Step #6 – Upload Your Photo to Resume

How to Create a Resume in Canva with AI (Step-by-step Guide) 22

You can also upload a photo to your resume using the upload option on the left sidebar.  On the left-hand side,  click on Uploads. If you don’t already have your photo uploaded to Canva, click on Upload Files.  Locate the picture on your computer and open it. It will be downloaded to your canva library.

Then go ahead,   click and drag on the image, and bring it over to  where the previous photo on the template was. Once   it’s here, you can double click and then adjust  it, zoom in or out, and you can even rotate it.   Once you have it where you like,  go ahead and click out of the box.

Coming back here to your design, you’re going  to go ahead and edit all of the information you need changed in your resume.  

Step #7 – Add Page to Your Resume (Optional)

You can also go ahead and click Add Page if you wish to add additional information to a subsequent page before filling out anything else.

Ideally, resumes are one or two pages long. Try not to exceed that limit. So now you have your template and you can take the time to edit and customize the data to put your best foot forward.

But now, let’s not forget some of the most important steps before you send off your resume and apply for that job.  

Step#8 – Export Your Resume

How to Create a Resume in Canva with AI (Step-by-step Guide) 23

Once you’re done editing your resume,  make sure to come up to File and Save. This way you can come back to Canva at any time  and continue to edit your resume.

Likewise, I recommend downloading this to your computer.  Up here on the right-hand side, click on Share. Then click on Download. Here you can see that  there’s different file types for you to download. 

Even though it’s suggesting  to download in a PNG files, for a resume, it’s suggested that you  actually download it in PDF standard.  

This allows you to either edit your resume in PDF,  copy and paste into a Word or google doc if you wish, or you already have your resume ready to send  out or apply because it’s in a PDF format. 

And there you go! Canva makes it easy to create a stylish and polished-looking resume.  

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the best format to download my resume in canva.

For a resume, it is recommended to download it in PDF standard format. This ensures that your resume is ready to send out, and you can also easily edit or copy and paste it into a Word or Google Doc if needed.

Can I create a resume directly without using any templates on Canva?

Yes, you can create a resume directly without selecting a template. However, starting with one of Canva’s templates can save you time and provide a polished, professional look.

Are all Canva resume templates free to use?

Most Canva resume templates are free to use, but some require a Canva Pro subscription. These pro templates often have more creative designs or additional features.

How can I make sure my resume is ATS-friendly?

To ensure your resume is friendly to applicant tracking systems, you can search for “ATS resume templates” on Canva. These templates are specifically designed to be compatible with applicant tracking systems that companies use to screen resumes.

In conclusion, creating a resume in Canva offers job seekers a flexible and user-friendly way to craft a professional and eye-catching document. With the variety of Canva’s templates available, you can easily design a resume that stands out to hiring managers and applicant tracking systems alike.

Remember to download your resume as a PDF to ensure it retains its formatting and is ready to send out to potential employers.

Utilizing Canva’s tools, you can add or edit text boxes, images, and other design elements to create a visually appealing resume that highlights your skills and qualifications.

Whether you’re applying for jobs, internships, or seeking to impress recruiters, Canva makes the process straightforward and efficient.

Don’t hesitate to use the search function to find specific templates that suit your needs, and take advantage of the free and premium options available to best present your professional experience.

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how to create resume with canva

Raman Singh

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How to Make a Resume in Canva

  • By Design Bundles
  • 20 Aug 2021
  • Canva Tutorials

How to Make a Resume in Canva

First impressions always matter in an interview. Having a visually appealing resume gives you the advantageneeded. It helps you to stand out from other applicants and get your dream job. Canva provides a very efficient way of designing your resume using templates.

Design Bundles has a wide variety of professionally designed resume templates that you can customize with a few simple clicks. There are resume templates for Word, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and Canva . In this tutorial, we will be using a teacher resume Canva template .

Canva resume mockup

Step 1- Open template

Open the file location of your downloaded template from your computer. Open the PDF included in the download. Then tap on the “ Click here to access the template ” button. It will open a new window. Click the “Use Template” button.

Use Canva template

This will automatically create a copy of the template and save it to your Canva account.

Copy of Canva resume template

Step 2- Personalize your resume

The resume is ready to personalize with your required details. This includes uploading a photo and adding text.

Upload your own photo

We want to add our own photo so we need to delete the one in the template. Delete thesample photo- select the photo>right click> delete.

Delete sample photo

Next we will insert a frame for the headshot. On the editor side panel, click elements> frames> see all.

Insert frame for headshot Canva

Scroll down to see all the available frames. We're going to select portrait thin frame with rounded corners .

Select rounded rectangle frame

To make a professional looking headshot you can remove the background in Canva or blur the background of your photo .

For this tutorial I will use a businesswoman photo , which I uploaded earlier.Go to upload, click the photo and drag it inside the frame. Adjust the placement of the photo inside the frame.

Insert businesswoman photo

Resize the frame and position. We placed it in the same position as the sample photo (left top corner). Make sure that all elements are aligned and the margin is maintained.

Resize frame and position

Fill in your details

The template has a holder text that you can use as a guide.Double click on the text box> ctrl/⌘ A and start typing your own text to overwrite the sample text. Replace all the sample text with your profile information and detailsthat suit both you and the job you’re applying for.

Once you’re done filling in your details, proofread your resume. Check for spelling and grammatical errors.

Fill in your own details

Edit text style

You can also change the fonts, colors, and sizes of the text if you wish.You could use the fontsavailable in Canva orinstall your own fonts. After your font is installed to Canva you can begin editing the text.

You can change everything mentioned from the toolbar shown above after you have selected the text. For our resume, we're just going to change some of the texts' color from gray to white to make it more readable. Select text> color tile> select thewhite tile from the left panel to apply the color change.

Edit font color

Edit elements

The template can be customize with a color scheme that you like by changing the color ofthe individual elements.Select the element > click on thecolor tile on the toolbar > choose a color on the editor panel. Then on the left > click on the color you want to replace it with. Here we changed our taupe pink elementsto parmesan yellow and the lava gray elements to powder blue.

Change element color

Once you're satisfied with the overall look of your resume, you can now download it,share it with potential employers andsnag that dream job.

Teacher resume Canva template

If you enjoyed this tutorial, you may also like our tutorials on downloading Canva files and curving text in Canva .

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How to Create a Resume Using the Canva App on Mobile


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My Favorite Canva Pro Features That Make the Subscription Worth It

Why i'm worried about the rise of generative ai in games, wondershare hipdf: the ai-powered free online pdf wizard you need.

Canva is an online graphic design app that helps you design everything from logos, and social media posts, to an entire presentation. The free-to-use design software makes the job easy with customizable templates and a slew of features.

The platform is also available as an app for both Android and iOS, with all the handy features to help you design on the go. While designing on a desktop is most recommended to avoid missing details, certain situations may require using a mobile app. In this article, we will guide you on how to design your resume using the handy Canva app and get going.

1. Sign Up/Login to Canva

launching canva app

The best part about using Canva is that you don't need to be a professional graphic designer to create designs on the platform. However, if you’re new to the platform, we’ve shown you how to use the Canva app in this beginner’s guide .

To get started with the Canva app, you need to sign up or log in using your Google, Facebook, Email, or mobile number. Then you’re directed to the Home page, where you can create a design from scratch, search for templates, keep track of your recent designs, and more.

Download : Canva for Android | iOS (Free, subscription available)

2. Choose Your Template

searching resume template on canva app

Canva has thousands of pre-customized templates for you to choose from. After getting started, type in "Resume" in the search bar to scroll through the dozen templates offered by the platform.

If you have access to a Canva Pro subscription , you can even choose one of the premium templates. You can use Filters to view resume templates according to a specific style, theme, or color. Tap on your preferred resume template and get directed to the editing page of the platform, where you can customize your design as you like and get the most out of the Canva app .

3. Add Your Details to the Template

editing resume template

Once you’re directed to the page of your selected resume template, you can tap on the details, including your name, qualifications, work experience, and more, to edit them and complete your profile. Also, consider highlighting some points in your resume that you would like a prospective employer to take notice of.

Next, you can add your picture to the resume. To do so, select the default picture and tap on Replace at the bottom of the screen to upload your own picture.

4. Customize Your Template

changing resume color on canva app

A visually appealing resume is sure to capture your hiring manager’s attention. After you’re done adding details to the resume, you can tap on the plus (+) icon to find a number of features to customize your template. You can add elements, change the color of your resume, and play around with different fonts to level up your design.

The platform allows you to add graphs and charts to present your data effectively. Using charts and graphs in your skills section is a good idea if the job you're applying for requires you to elaborate on your technical or interpersonal skills in depth.

Moreover, besides images, you can use GIFs, grids, frames, and mockups, to make your resume stand out. However, make sure you don't overuse the elements on your resume to keep it concise and professional.

5. Download Your Resume

downloading resume on canva app

Finally, once you’re done customizing your template, download your resume by clicking on the download icon in the top-right corner of the screen. Canva allows you to download your resume in PNG, JPG, PDF, and more.

You can choose your preferred option and download your resume to send while applying for jobs. Furthermore, Canva saves your designs, so you can come back anytime to make any changes to your resume template.

Create a Professional-Looking Resume With the Canva App

Your resume is a direct reflection of you and how you want to present yourself to your potential employer. With an easy-to-use interface and a slew of useful drag-and-drop features offered by the Canva app, you can create a sharp-looking professional resume in minutes.

Explore the app to find various ways you can level up your resume visually to stand out among other applicants and grab your recruiter's attention.

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30 min read · Updated on May 22, 2024

Marsha Hebert

Your dream job is one resume away!

Your resume is arguably the most important financial document you'll ever own. And before you think, “Yeah – right” let's consider for a moment. Without a resume, you don't get the job, so you can't pay bills, support a family, go to the big game, have that weekend trip, or plan for retirement. Your resume is the doorway to your future, so let's make sure it's perfect.

Part of making it perfect is remembering that it's a targeted career marketing document – not a chronicle of your life. So, how do you write a resume? In this beginner's writing guide, we'll show you how to make a resume and provide examples of what each section should look like. 

Grab a cup of coffee and strap in, because you're about to learn everything you need to know about how to make a new resume!

Table of contents:

The purpose of a resume

Avoid rejection by the ATS

What is your career target?

Build your personal brand, what should your resume look like, how to make a resume – the layout.

How long does it take to put together a resume?

A major resume no-no: typos

How to make your resume more professional

Theory in practice – resume examples

The most basic purpose of a resume is to sell your skills , achievements , and qualifications to prospective employers. This one document can financially make or break you. Let's take a quick look at what being unemployed costs you per day (assuming a five-day workweek):

If you make $40,000 per year, you lose about $155 every day that you're out of work

If you make $50,000 per year, you lose about $190 every day that you're out of work

If you make $75,000 per year, you lose about $288 every day that you're out of work

If you make $100,000 per year, you lose about $385 every day that you're out of work

Clearly, finding out how to make a resume for a job is critical so that you can properly sell your skills, qualifications, experiences, and achievements to prospective employers. 

The job market is tough and highly competitive; you have to stand out in a sea of qualified candidates by creating a compelling narrative that tells a story of value, keeping in mind that your resume is supposed to do a few things for you:

Introduce you to a new company

Underscore how your experiences and education are relevant

Showcase how your skills and competencies will benefit the new company's team

Win interviews

Avoid rejection by the ATS 

What do you know about applicant tracking systems? Job seeking can be compared to throwing your resume into a black hole. You can go through 100 listings on any job search website and complete the online application with zero results. 

Ever had that happen? It's okay, it happens to everyone at some point or another! 

The problem is that you're probably not putting the correct keywords into your resume. When you hit “Submit” on an online application, it isn't magically emailed to the hiring manager. 

Oh, no! 

It goes through a computer system that scans your resume for specific keywords that can be found in the job description posted by the company. And, just so you know, approximately 90% of companies use ATS scans , including everything from mom-and-pop shops to Fortune 500 companies. 

The companies use these programs because they just don't have time for a human to go through all the resumes they receive. Depending on the job opening, a company can get between  250 and 500 applicants . Can you imagine being the person who has to sift through all those resumes? 

Here is where the ATS steps in. It's designed to weed through candidates to narrow the applicant pool, so that the human hiring manager has a more reasonable resume load to go through. It ranks the remaining candidates in order based on how much of a match they are for the position that's open. 

Being overlooked by the ATS is one of the number one reasons job seekers get ghosted by companies.

Once your resume makes it through the ATS and gets into the hands of a hiring manager, don't think they're going to sit down and read each one. Who has that kind of time? You should expect that the first round of resume sorting will consist of them flipping through the stack to pick the ones that stand out within about 6 seconds of glancing at them. 

PRO TIP: Put your resume on a table, stand up, and look at it from a little distance. Is it eye-catching? Can you tell the position you're seeking just by glancing at it? Set a timer if you have to, but no more than 10 seconds.

Speaking of eye-catching, don't make the same mistake as a lot of your rival job seekers by being too generic with your resume. It's easy to fall into the trap of thinking that being non-specific will open doors to more opportunities. The problem is that the hiring manager won't be able to tell exactly where you'll fit within their organization. 

The first step in winning an interview is being sure that your resume actually makes it into the hands of a human being at the company you apply to. Start by defining what you want to do.

So the first, and most important, step in crafting the perfect resume is to narrow down your target career path. The more specific you are with this first step, the more response you'll receive from hiring managers because they'll be able to tell exactly how you fit within their organization. There are four areas to focus on as you begin to chart your career path:

Industry: Do you want to work in private sector, nonprofit, government, or public roles?

Geography: This one is more in-depth than choosing rural vs urban. It also includes whether you want to work in a dynamic or static environment.

Company size: You may not think it, but having an idea about whether you want to work in a small company or one with thousands of employees is important. 

Role: Saving the best for last, you have to know what position you want.

On the surface, it may seem like these things are only important for the job search aspect of landing a new position, but you have to know what voice to write your resume in, too. Part of that is knowing your audience. When you understand your audience, you can build a personal brand that resonates with what they're looking for in a new staff member.

Now that you've gotten your target career path nailed down, the next step is to brand you. Think of yourself as a product and your resume is the packaging. Companies spend a lot of time on their branding and packaging - you have to do the same thing.

The best place to start is with a  career assessment . Taking one of these tests can help you to identify your strengths, what sets you apart from others, and key themes of your professional identity. Just like Nike and Coca-Cola have timeless taglines and catchphrases that succinctly define what they have to offer to consumers, your personal brand has to tell a concise, yet compelling, story. This is where your resume comes in.

Your resume isn't just a piece of paper you give to a hiring manager or upload to a website that says, “I'm interested in this job.” Your resume is a personal marketing tool. You shape that tool with words that describe your experiences and achievements, to impress and grab the attention of the hiring manager. 

Unlike Nike's “Just Do It” phrase, your personal brand isn't something you build and forget. It is fluid and should be revisited and refined as you gain new skills, experiences, and achievements. Weave the elements of your brand into every section of your resume.

There is a common misconception that entry-level resumes look different than executive resumes. The reality is that the only difference is how much content is available to write about. 

Obviously, someone who has little to no experience will have a  short resume  – generally one page. 

When you start to get up to 10 years of experience, then you've earned the second page, so go ahead and use it. 

It's not incremental though

Just because you have 20 years of experience doesn't mean you can have a three-page resume. As you work through how to make a resume, remember that a three-page resume should be avoided, unless you have a lot of career extras like publications, research, patents, publications, or public speaking engagements to talk about. 

Other than the number of pages, your resume should use the same format and layout no matter if you're applying to a job as someone fresh out of college or seeking to be the CEO of a company. 

Chronological resume 

The  reverse-chronological  is the most popular, traditional, and well-known resume format. Its focus is placed on achievements from your career history and is defined by listing your work history starting with your current or most recent job and working backward 10-15 years. 

Employers like this type of resume because it tells them what, when, and where you worked. It's best to use this if your work history is steady and shows growth and development. If you're looking to make a career change, have had frequent job changes, or if you're seeking your first job, this may not be the best format to use.

Pro Tip: You could also get lost in the ATS if your  resume is over-designed . Many resume writers will tell you that you need to stand out in the sea of sameness by adding some personality to your resume through design. While that's true, you need to avoid heavily formatted resumes which are often rejected by computer scanners as being illegible.

Functional resume 

This resume type focuses more on skills and experiences rather than on your work history. It's more of a “what you know and how you apply that knowledge” than a simple list of where you got the knowledge. It plays down gaps in work history and makes frequent job changes less noticeable. If it isn't done properly, though, it can be confusing for the hiring manager to read and understand. There's also a bit of a stigma behind it, because employers know that job seekers use this style to downplay job-hopping. So, the first thing they do when they get a functional resume is check employment dates. If you can avoid using this style, it's best to do so.

Combination resume 

There is another resume format that focuses on skills first and then experience last. It's the combination resume, which is sometimes called a hybrid resume. This is the most complex resume type and the best resume for mid-career professionals who are transitioning into another career or for people who have special skills and a strong track record of accomplishments. These types of resumes do take a long time to read and some hiring managers won't take the time unless they're looking to fill a hard-to-fill position.

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae (CV) is Latin and means “course of life.” It's a little different from a resume, but some positions require a CV over a resume. The first thing you would notice is that a CV is significantly longer than a resume.  A resume is a self-branding document meant to portray your experience and achievements in a concise and easy-to-read format. A CV goes much further into the depth of your education and accomplishments (think publications, awards, and honors) and even has a section for you to include "Areas of Interest."

The best way to describe a CV is that it's a career biography. The biggest significant difference is that a CV is arranged chronologically in a way that gives a complete overview of your full working career. It also doesn't change based on the career or position for which you're applying.


To make things easier for the hiring manager to digest the content of your resume, it should be laid out in a specific way to ensure that the right information is in the right place. 

Hiring managers don't  READ  resumes. They skim through until they find something that piques their interest and then they stop to read

Contact information


Professional summary , core competencies, experience , education and credentials , awards, certificates, and volunteer work .

Since the reverse-chronological resume is the one that the majority of people will use to apply for jobs, and because it's the format that hiring managers want to see, we'll focus this article on showing you how to make a resume using that style. 

Current contact information 

Location | Phone | Email | LinkedIn | Portfolio (if applicable)

You can be creative and use bold font in your  contact information  and even put a border under it to separate it from the body of your resume. 

  • Name: Be sure to list your name the same across all professional documents (e.g., resume, cover letter, thank you note, LinkedIn profile). Don't get hung up with whether to use your legal name (i.e. the name on your birth certificate or driver's license). Write your name in the manner you want people to address you. Also, if you use any abbreviated credentials after your name (e.g. Jane Smith, MD), remember to include them on all professional documents.  You can also include any shortened versions of your name in quotations (e.g. Christopher "Chris" Smith). Just make sure to list it the same way everywhere you put your name.
  • Address: It is no longer customary to include your full address on your resume. There have been instances of discrimination against job seekers based on their address. As far as your address is concerned, all you need is the City, State, and Zip Code. A lot of people leave off the Zip Code; however, hiring managers can query the ATS for all resumes within a radius of a Zip Code. If you exclude the Zip Code or put something like, "Greater New York Metro Area," your resume won't be included in the query.
  • Phone and email: Put the telephone number and email address where you can easily be reached. Also, be sure that your email address is professional. Using something like [email protected] just won't cut it. The best idea is to use some form of your name. If you're paranoid about having your name in your email address, then you can use some form of the type of position you seek, like [email protected].
  • LinkedIn URL: You don't have to spell out the entire URL on the contact line. You can put the words “LinkedIn URL” and hyperlink those words. Before you include your LinkedIn URL, be sure that your LinkedIn profile is optimized for the career you want - because you can bet if they have access to it, the hiring manager will look at it. 
  • Portfolio: If you're applying for a position like Graphic Designer or Software Designer, you may have a portfolio of work that you want to make available to someone reviewing your application for employment. Include a hyperlink to the portfolio in your contact information. 
  • Headshot / photo: There is no reason to include a  headshot on your resume . Actually, it's seen as taboo and could be the thing that gets your resume rejected, because the hiring manager might assume you think you can get the job based on your looks. However, there are some exceptions, like if you're applying to be a model or actor. 

Do you want a hiring manager to be able to tell immediately what type of candidate you are? Put a title at the top of your resume. Center the text on the line, put it in bold font, and put a blank space above and below. The white space and the small amount of words will help it to jump off the page and immediately be noticed. It will also be the first step in helping you stand out in the sea of sameness.

Also, be sure the title on your resume mirrors the title on the job description that you're applying to, but add a bit of panache to it so that it's not too boring. For example, instead of writing “Financial Services Associate,” write “Client-Centric Financial Services Associate Dedicated to Customer Engagement and Revenue Growth.” Just remember to keep it on one line. 

The very next thing on the page should always be your Professional Summary. But how do you write a summary for a resume?

It's a three to five-sentence statement about you. Where you've been in your career, where you're going, and how you'll use your experience to get there. 

While the professional summary is sometimes referred to as the resume objective , you must remember that the days of writing a  resume objective are dead . Never, ever include an objective on your resume. They are a waste of space and don't relay any information that markets you as the best candidate for an open position. 

Let's take a look at an example of each:

Sales Representative seeking a challenging position that will use my skills and provide opportunities for growth in a dynamic and rewarding company. 

As you can see, the objective is very inward-facing and only talks about what you want out of your career. It provides no value to the hiring manager and eliminates any possibility for them to be able to tell what you bring to the table for them. 

Professional Summary:

Ambitious sales professional offering 10+ years' experience in customer retention and aggressive revenue growth. Conquers goals and quotas through a keen awareness of the human buying motive that allows for quickly overcoming objections. Used historical data and consumer trends to reach new customers and grow territory by 24%. Innate ability to work independently or as a member of a cross-functional team.

The best use of resume space is to write a summary of your career. The effectiveness of this summary comes from the fusing of three things:

Relevant keywords – customer retention, revenue growth, and quotas 

Hard and soft skills – overcoming objections and working independently

An achievement – 24% territory growth

With this professional summary, the hiring manager will be able to tell in an instant what you have to offer their team. 

Even though the skills section of your resume is small, it packs a powerful punch! The skills you list in this section highlight your key abilities and show potential employers what you bring to the table. 

It should contain approximately 12 ATS-friendly keywords and phrases that align with the keywords in the job description. Meaning, this is a fluid section that will need to be  tailored to every job  that you apply to. Technically speaking, your entire resume should be customized to align with each job description. That's one thing that will help you get past the ATS. 

Be sure to include a good mix of  hard and soft skills  because prospective employers not only want to know that you can perform the tasks related to your job (hard skills), but they also want to gain a clear understanding of how you'll fit within the culture of the company (soft skills). 

Tips for building your Core Competencies section:

Include skills that are relevant to the job that you're applying to

Avoid creating a laundry list of everything you know how to do – be selective so that the section is more impactful

Group similar competencies together using categories – technical skills, soft skills, and languages

Prioritize your top skills based on their relevance to the job you want

Update frequently

Be consistent with the formatting

Here is a sample Core Competencies list that contains both hard and soft skills:

Core Competencies

Project Management | Data Analysis | Cross-Functional Collaboration | Digital Marketing Strategy | Python Programming | Customer Relationship Management (CRM) | Negotiation | Team Leadership | Business Development | Financial Modeling | Articulate Communication

This section is meant to show how your career history lends itself to the skills you have that make you the perfect candidate for a given job. There are some general rules of thumb on how to make a resume with a great professional experience section:

Don't go further back than 10 to 15 years

Use no more than 3 to 5 bullets per work listing

Incorporate at least 5 measurable achievements per 10 years of experience (the more the better)

Use stacking for companies where you held more than one role

10-15 Years

The 10-15 years of experience is the most relevant – you can list more than that, but avoid using bullet points for roles over 10 years old. Begin by listing your most recent position first and work your way backward to your oldest position, within that 10-15-year range. If you have 30 years of experience, you can use achievements or skills you learned during that time as talking points during the interview. Listing those older experiences on your resume will only dilute the content.

As you write out your bullet points, keep two words in mind: “so what?” The hiring manager is going to be thinking it, you might as well be thinking it, too. Every time you write something on your resume, think, “So what? Why am I writing this? What value will it bring to my new employer? Will this be THE THING that lands me an interview?"


Remove “Responsible for…” from your resume-writing vocabulary. That's because it's crucial that you talk about what you achieved, instead of just what your responsibilities were. Let's face it, there are a lot of things that people are “responsible for” that never get done. So, be sure to talk about things you actually accomplished, as that will be the proof the hiring manager needs to take the next step and call you for an interview.

1. Use numbers whenever possible

The best way to call attention to your career accomplishments is to use numbers. Numbers add credibility to your claims and provide a clear picture of what you bring to the table. 

Don't write this:

  • Conducted cold calls to expand client base

Write this instead:

  • Increased sales by 15% by making approximately 20 cold calls per day to expand the client base

The latter makes an unmistakable assertion that you had a positive impact, not only in your role but on the company as a whole. You can take it a step further and talk about things like problem-solving skills and how you addressed challenges to lead to team success. These types of  soft skills are highly valued by employers  and could be the thing that lands you an interview.

PRO TIP: Use the  CAR method  for building achievement statements into your resume.

2. Use action words to convey accomplishment

A lot of people make the mistake of copying bullet points from the job descriptions of the roles they've held. This practice makes you sound detached from achievements and focuses more on responsibilities. Using passive language is too generic and doesn't allow a hiring manager to see what you'll be able to accomplish in the new role. 

It's better to use action language to show that you're an achiever rather than a doer. Here are some examples of action words you can use on your resume: 

Worked with others: Advised, Aided, Assisted, Chaired, Coached, Collaborated with, Consulted with, Helped, Instructed, Interacted with, Mentored, Motivated, Supported

Communicated: Addressed, Advertised, Answered, Briefed, Corresponded with, Debated, Explained, Facilitated, Informed, Interpreted, Interviewed, Persuaded, Responded to

Analyzed data: Assessed, Appraised, Audited, Calculated, Computed, Estimated, Evaluated, Forecast, Inspected, Measured, Researched, Surveyed, Tested

Operated equipment: Installed, Maintained, Programmed, Ran, Serviced, Used

Worked with money or contracts: Administered, Appropriated, Authorized, Balanced, Controlled, Directed, Enforced, Financed, Funded, Governed, Invested, Monitored, Oversaw, Purchased

Organized something: Arranged, Assembled, Catalogued, Compiled, Coordinated, Itemized, Routed, Scheduled, Stocked, Tracked

Created: Composed, Customized, Designed, Directed, Established, Founded, Illustrated, Originated, Shaped

Researched: Analyzed, Collected, Criticized, Detected, Diagnosed, Evaluated, Tested

How to make your professional experience section: The formula

There's a formula for writing your professional experience section in a way that focuses on achievements. You'll start by asking yourself these questions about every job you've had:

What was the name of the company?

What was the title of your role?

What dates were you employed? (*Hint: use the MM/YYYY format for your dates)

What did you do every day? (*Example: Leveraged management skills to direct operations of 5 separate but concurrent projects by delegating tasks to staff based on employee acumen and monitoring / controlling budgets)

What is one thing you did at the company that you're really proud of?

What is another thing you're really proud of?

What is one more thing you did that you're really proud of?

When you put all of that together, it should look like this:

Company Name | MM/YYYY to Present

Position Title

Balanced competing priorities on multiple and concurrent projects and program management initiatives using data-driven strategies in Agile environments. Managed key accounts, onboarded new accounts, and oversaw organizational process adoption for nursing facilities, emergency departments, and pharmacies.

Developed $2M Provider Incentive Program that increased community provider partnerships

Saved $800K by using Six Sigma skills to implement DMAIC approach

Coached and mentored 2 direct reports, creating an open environment of communication that facilitated future-facing decision-making

Many people will create separate sections for education history and certifications. That's not necessary. You can include all of it in one section. You can also include extras like  relevant coursework , projects, and achievements. These extras can be truly beneficial for your application if you have little to no work experience. 

There are some general rules of thumb for the education section: 

Spell out acronyms (BS, MS, PhD) and school abbreviations

It is no longer customary to include graduation dates unless you're still in school or graduated within the last year

Never include high school, unless you're still in high school - listing high school doesn't say “ I finished high school, ” it says, “ I didn't go to college .” 

List your degree first and then your school, unless you've obtained multiple degrees at the same institution. 

Here's what a regular education section looks like:


Master of Business Administration (MBA) | ABC University

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) | XYZ University

Six Sigma Black Belt | Council for Six Sigma Certification

If you don't have a lot of experience and need to include some relevant coursework or major projects to inject relevant keywords into your resume, then this is what that would look like:

Relevant coursework:  Marketing, Operations Management, Accounting, Corporate Finance

Capstone project:  Let a team of 4 to execute a market analysis project to expand the Brooms and Handles company into new regions. Used market and consumer analysis data to identify gaps and achieve a 15% projected revenue increase and a 20% increase in customer satisfaction within the pilot program. 

You can include educational information about a degree program even if it's still in progress. Here's what that would look like:

Expected completion:  05/2024

Capstone project:  Let a team of 4 to execute a market analysis project to expand the Brooms and Handles company into new regions. Used market and consumer analysis data to identify gaps and achieve a 15% projected revenue increase and a 20% increase in customer satisfaction within the pilot program.

It is important to list what you do outside of work and school. It helps to demonstrate that you're a well-rounded person. 

Were you the president of a fraternity or sorority? 

Did you get involved with showing new students around campus? 

Have you headed a sales team that produced top awards? 

Were you an employee of the month? 

Do you speak multiple languages?

Did you volunteer for an organization?

Did you perform some major research that ended up being published?

All of these extras allow prospective employers a sneak peek into your life outside of work. They can also go a long way to breaking the ice during an interview, especially if something you do outside work is important or interesting to the hiring manager. 

Keep in mind to list only those volunteer positions, projects, or affiliations that are related to your career goals. 

How long does it take to make a resume?

If you're going to use the resume wizard that MS Word has, you can slap your information together in a day or two. It will get to employers. The bad thing is that it probably won't get a whole lot of attention. 

The "just right resume" can take weeks, because of how much background work goes into it. You'll write it, rewrite it, and write it again, and may even have multiple versions. Ultimately, the exact amount of time that goes into putting your resume together depends on your level of experience, how complex your history is, and the specificity of the job you're applying to. 

Entry-level resumes take the least amount of time, simply because there's less information to include

Mid-level resumes take a few days because of the amount of detail in your work history

Executive resumes, or those for specialized positions, can take weeks - especially if you have to do some digging to come up with accomplishments from your previous positions

Updating an existing resume that's well-maintained can be done in just a few hours

While the time spent can seem like a lot, if you're truly marketing yourself for that “just right” position, do you want your resume to say “This was thrown together in a couple of hours using a template” OR do you want it to say “I know this document is important and a significant amount of time was spent on it to make it perfect?”

The first and foremost thing that will get your resume tossed in the garbage can are typos. The number of resumes with errors that are turned in every day to employers across the globe is so astounding that it bears discussing. 

You must proofread your resume!

The major problem with typos and grammatical boo-boos is that your eyes will read what you intended to type. So, after you've read through your resume a few times and think it's perfect, get a friend to read it. Make sure the friend is one of those brutally honest types. It's better to get it back marked all over with bright red ink so you can fix it before you send it out, than to send it out and then realize there's a mistake in it.

How to make your resume seem more professional

Lazy words: Do you see words like "etc" or “other duties as required” on your resume? Delete them immediately. If you take shortcuts in the language of your resume, hiring managers will wonder if you'll be taking shortcuts at work. 

Cookie cutter resumes: Your resume has to stand out. Because of that, you should avoid throwing something together that you find a sample of online. Make it yours, make it represent you. Many people rely on the resume wizard that comes loaded with MS Word and, while that is a good tool to use to help you remember the sections to include, it shouldn't be the end-all-and-be-all of your resume design. 

Specificity: You've had three jobs in the last 10 years and you've listed every detail of everything you've done during your tenure at those jobs. That makes you a Jack (or Jackie) of all trades, but a master of nothing. You have to be specific to the job for which you're applying. What value do you bring to that employer for that job? What achievements can you highlight?

Tailoring: Considering the rampant use of ATS by companies big and small, you have to take the time to customize your resume so that it gets past those scanners. Remember to use relevant keywords from the job descriptions throughout your resume. 

PRO TIP: You can check to see how to make your resume better! Have it checked against an ATS and get a free, personalized, and  professional resume review . 

Theory in practice – 10 resume examples

It's one thing to have someone tell you how to make a resume, it's another thing to see an example – proof that all of this information can come together in a practical way that makes sense. 

1. Software Engineer resume example

Click here for an example of a Software Engineer resume.

2. Data Scientist resume example

Click here for an example of a Data Scientist resume.

3. Cybersecurity resume example

Click here for an example of a cybersecurity resume.

4. Digital Marketing Manager resume example

Click here for an example of a Digital Marketing Manager resume.

5. Nurse Practitioner resume example

Click here for an example of a Nurse Practitioner resume. 

6. Finance Director resume example

Click here for an example of a Finance Director resume. 

7. Attorney resume example

Click here for an example of a Attorney resume.

8. Administrative Office Assistant resume example

Click here for an example of an Administrative Office Assistant resume. 

9. Information Technology Expert resume example

Click here for an example of an Information Technology Expert resume. 

10. Chief Executive Officer resume example

Click here for an example of a CEO resume. 

Now you know how to make a resume for your next job!

It may seem like it takes a lot of work to make a good resume, but if you've followed along this far there are a few things that should be ingrained in you that will help you write a professional resume:

Know what you want to do – be specific

Make your resume with the right format 

Use a standard layout, whether you are writing your first resume or 50th

Use action words to make your resume stand out

Quantify your achievements to prove that you have what it takes to succeed in a new role

Tailor your new resume to each job

Double and triple-check for errors, typos, and grammar mistakes

If you're still unsure how to make a perfect resume, TopResume has you covered. Our team of  professional resume writers  has the know-how and experience to write a resume for you that will win interviews.

Recommended reading: 

Resume Tricks That Don't Work

What Does Your Resume Really Say About You?

Bad Resume Advice You Should Completely Ignore

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  • Articles of Office solution

How to Create a Resume with Canva Resume Builder - A Comprehensive Guide

Welcome! In this guide, we'll show you how to create an impressive resume using Canva's user-friendly platform. We'll also introduce you to WPS AI for a more guided approach. And if you're looking to further enhance your resume, we'll highlight the capabilities of WPS Office. Let's get started on crafting a standout resume!

Part 1: About Canva

What is canva.

Canva is a free online graphic design platform that allows users to create professional-looking designs without any prior design experience. It offers a wide range of features, including access to a vast library of templates, fonts, and stock images. Canva is used by millions of people around the world to create a variety of designs, including social media posts, presentations, posters, and more.

Functions of Canva

Canva has a wide range of functions, including:

Design creation:  Canva provides a drag-and-drop interface that makes it easy to create designs of all kinds. Users can choose from a variety of templates or create their own designs from scratch.

Collaboration:  Canva allows users to collaborate on designs with others in real time. This makes it ideal for teams working on projects together.

Brand management:  Canva allows users to create and manage their brand assets, such as logos, fonts, and color palettes. This ensures that all of their designs are consistent with their brand identity.

File sharing:  Canva makes it easy to share designs with others via social media, email, or link. Users can also export their designs in a variety of formats, including PNG, JPEG, PDF, and SVG.

Pros and Cons of Canva

User-friendly: Canva is designed to be easy to use, even for people with no prior design experience.

Affordable: Canva offers a free version with a wide range of features. Paid subscriptions offer additional features, such as access to more templates and stock images.

Collaborative: Canva allows users to collaborate on designs with others in real time.

Comprehensive: Canva offers a wide range of features, from design creation to brand management.

Versatile: Canva can be used to create a variety of designs, including social media posts, presentations, posters, and more.

Limited customization options: Canva's templates may be limiting for users who need more customization options.

Advanced design features: Canva lacks some of the advanced design features found in professional design software, such as Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.

File export options: Canva's free version limits users to exporting their designs in PNG or JPEG format. Paid subscribers can export their designs in a variety of other formats, including PDF and SVG.

Overall, Canva is a powerful and versatile graphic design platform that is suitable for users of all skill levels. It offers a wide range of features at an affordable price.

Part 2: How to Generate a Resume Using Canva ?

Creating a standout resume with Canva is a seamless process that yields professional results. Follow these steps and refer to the provided images for a clear visual guide:

Customize your resume

Step 1: Begin by logging into your Canva account or creating a new one if you haven't already. Once in, select the "Resume" category from the template library.

Step 2: Browse through the available resume templates and choose the one that aligns best with your style and industry. Click on it to start customizing.

Step 3: Replace the template's placeholder text with your own information. This includes your name, contact details, professional summary, work experience, education, and any additional sections relevant to your profile.

Using a Template

Step 1: Go to the Canva website and log in to your account.

Step 2: Click on the "Create a design" button and select "Resume" from the list of templates.

Step 3: Choose a resume template from the library and click on it to open it in the editor.

Step 4: Customize the template to your liking.

You can change the colors, fonts, and layout of the template, and add your own text and images.

Step 5: Once you are finished customizing your resume, click on the "Download" button to download it in PDF, PNG, or JPEG format.

Here are three examples of excellent resume templates in Canva:

Modern Minimalist Resume Template

This template is perfect for job seekers who want a clean and professional resume. It features a simple layout with a focus on typography.

Blue professional modern CV

This template is perfect for job seekers who want a resume that stands out from the crowd. It features a colorful and creative design with plenty of space to showcase your skills and experience.

Executive Resume Template

This template is perfect for experienced professionals who are looking for a sophisticated and elegant resume. It features a classic layout with a focus on readability.

I have found Canva resume builder to be a very easy-to-use and versatile tool. It offers a wide range of templates to choose from, and it is easy to customize the templates to your liking. Canva also has a variety of features that make it easy to create a professional-looking resume, such as the ability to add images, charts, and graphs.

Overall, I highly recommend Canva resume builder to anyone who is looking for an easy way to create a professional-looking resume.

Part 3: Best Free Resume Builder - WPS AI

WPS AI is an innovative and powerful tool designed to streamline the resume-building process. Its intuitive interface and advanced features make it a standout choice for crafting professional resumes. With WPS AI, users can expect a seamless experience from start to finish.

Pros and Cons of WPS AI

Free to use: WPS AI is completely free to use, with no hidden fees or subscriptions.

Easy to use: WPS AI is very easy to use, even for people with no prior resume writing experience.

Comprehensive features: WPS AI offers a wide range of features, including AI-powered resume writing, smart resume templates, and an ATS-friendly resume builder.

Accurate and reliable: WPS AI is powered by AI that has been trained on millions of resumes, so you can be confident that your resume will be accurate and reliable.

Multilingual support: WPS AI supports multiple languages, including English, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.

Limited customization options: WPS AI's resume templates are limited in terms of customization options.

Fewer features than paid resume builders: WPS AI offers fewer features than some paid resume builders, such as the ability to track resume views and hire rates.

How to Free Download WPS AI:

Downloading WPS AI is a straightforward process. Follow these steps with accompanying images for a hassle-free experience:

Step 1: Visit WPS AI's official website to find the download section.

Step 2: Click on the download link to initiate the process.

Step 3: Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

How to Generate a Resume Using WPS AI:

Creating a resume with WPS AI is a breeze. Here's a step-by-step guide with images to assist you:

Step 1: Launch the WPS AI application and select the resume template that aligns with your preferences and industry.

Step 2: Begin customizing the template by replacing the placeholder content with your own information. Pay special attention to highlighting your skills and experiences.

Step 3: Utilize the tool's intelligent suggestions to further enhance your resume.

I have found WPS AI to be a great free resume builder. It is easy to use and offers a variety of features that can help you create a professional-looking resume. I especially like the AI-powered resume writing feature, which can help you identify and highlight your most relevant skills and experience.

Overall, I highly recommend WPS AI to anyone who is looking for a free and easy-to-use resume builder.

WPS offers a wide variety of resume templates that can help you create a professional-looking resume. The templates are available in a variety of styles, so you can find one that matches your personality and the industry you are applying for.

WPS Template - Make Your Resume Excellent

To download and use a WPS resume template, follow these steps:

Step 1: Go to the WPS template website.

Step 2: Browse through the resume templates and choose one that you like.

Step 3: Click on the "Download" button to download the template.

Step 4: Open the template in WPS Writer and customize it to your liking.

Step 5: Once you are finished customizing your resume, save it in PDF or JPEG format.

Part 4: Edit Your Resume with Great Tools - WPS Office

WPS Office is a comprehensive and free office suite that provides users with a seamless platform to open, create, edit, and save Microsoft Office files, including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Compatible with both Windows and Mac operating systems, WPS Office offers a user-friendly interface and a range of powerful features.

Advantages of WPS Office:

Rich Functions: WPS Office boasts a wide array of functions that cater to various document creation and editing needs. From basic text documents to complex spreadsheets and presentations, it provides a robust set of tools.

Lightweight: Unlike some other office suites, WPS Office is known for its efficiency and low system resource consumption. This ensures smooth operation even on devices with limited processing power.

Safe and Stable: With WPS Office, users can work confidently knowing that their documents are secure. The software is designed to provide a stable and reliable environment for document creation and editing.

How to Free Download WPS Office:

Downloading WPS Office is a straightforward process. Follow these steps with accompanying images for a hassle-free experience:

Step 1: Visit the official WPS Office download page.

Step 2: Select the appropriate package for your operating system (Windows or Mac).

Step 3: Click on the download link to initiate the process.

Step 4: Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

With WPS Office, you'll have a versatile and reliable office suite at your fingertips, providing you with the tools you need to create and edit documents with ease. Whether you're working on a resume or other professional documents, WPS Office offers a user-friendly platform to get the job done efficiently.

Use Word, Excel, and PPT for FREE, No Ads.

Edit PDF files with the powerful PDF toolkit.

Microsoft-like interface. Easy to learn. 100% Compatibility.

Boost your productivity with WPS's abundant free Word, Excel, PPT, and CV templates.

1. Is Canva's resume builder free to use?

Yes, Canva offers a free version of its resume builder with a wide range of features. Additionally, there is also a paid version available that comes with additional perks and functionalities. This gives users the flexibility to choose the option that best suits their specific needs and preferences.

2. What file formats can I download my resume in?

With Canva's resume builder, you have the option to download your resume in various file formats. These formats include PDF, JPEG, and PNG. This provides flexibility in how you choose to save and share your resume with potential employers or colleagues.

3. Does WPS AI have a free version?

Yes, WPS AI offers a free version with basic features, alongside a premium version that unlocks advanced functionalities

In this guide, we've explored the world of resume building, with a special focus on Canva's user-friendly platform and extensive template library. While Canva excels in creating visually appealing resumes, it's important to also consider WPS Office, a versatile suite known for its compatibility with Microsoft Office files and secure, stable platform. Additionally, WPS AI offers a guided approach to resume creation. Whether you opt for Canva, WPS AI, or WPS Office, the key is to choose the tool that best suits your needs, ensuring your resume stands out in the competitive job market.

  • 1. Easy Ways to Export Canva to Powerpoint
  • 2. How to Download Canva Design as a PDF | Easy Methods
  • 3. How to Free Download Canva as PowerPoint: A Step-by-Step Guide
  • 4. Benefits of Using A Resume Builder Free PDF
  • 5. vs Canva - Which One to Choose_ [2024]
  • 6. The best free resume builder for high school students

how to create resume with canva

15 years of office industry experience, tech lover and copywriter. Follow me for product reviews, comparisons, and recommendations for new apps and software.


10+ Best Free Canva Resume Templates

Finding a new job is tough, especially when even crafting a resume can be a headache. Recruiters are picky, and perfecting that resume format in Word feels like a never-ending battle. But what if creating a professional resume could be easy and stress-free?

Resume builders are changing the game, taking the frustration out of formatting so you can focus on what truly matters – the content of your resume.

In this blog post, we’ll explore 10+ awesome free Canva resume templates and dive into how Canva’s resume builder can be your secret weapon in landing that dream job.

Ready to make your resume stand out? Let’s get started!

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Table of Contents

Pros and Cons of Using Canva for Your Resume

Canva offers a tempting solution for crafting eye-catching Canva resume templates, but it’s essential to weigh its advantages and disadvantages before making a decision.

  • Vast Template Selection: Canva boasts an extensive library of resume templates, ensuring a design to suit various industries and preferences. These templates often incorporate professional graphic elements, instantly elevating your resume’s visual appeal.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Canva’s intuitive interface simplifies the editing process, allowing users of all technical backgrounds to customize templates effortlessly. Adjusting fonts, colors, and layouts becomes a breeze.
  • Convenient PDF Export: Canva enables users to download their finished resumes in PDF format, widely accepted and preferred by employers due to its compatibility across different devices and operating systems.
  • Free Accessibility: Canva’s core features are entirely free to use, eliminating financial barriers for those on a budget or exploring creative resume options.
  • Limited Space for Content: While visually appealing, many Canva templates prioritize aesthetics over practicality. This can result in limited space for showcasing your experience and qualifications in detail, a critical aspect of a strong resume.
  • ATS Compatibility Issues: Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) play a crucial role in filtering resumes before human eyes review them. The graphical elements abundant in Canva templates might hinder ATS scanning, potentially leading to your resume being overlooked.
  • Unnecessary Photo Inclusion: Several Canva templates include designated spaces for photos, a practice generally discouraged in the US job market. While acceptable in other cultures, including a photo in a US resume might raise concerns about unconscious bias or professionalism.
  • Industry-Specific Templates: Canva’s template library might lack industry-specific options, making it challenging to find a design that aligns perfectly with your field’s conventions.
  • Overreliance on Templates: Relying solely on templates might result in a generic resume that fails to stand out from the competition. Consider tailoring the design further to reflect your unique brand.
  • Alternative Tools: Explore other resume-building platforms or software specifically designed for ATS optimization and professional resume formatting.

Black and White Minimalist Digital Marketer Resume

Black and White Minimalist Digital Marketer Resume

Black and White Minimalist Digital Marketer Resume is one of the best free Canva resume templates you can choose if you’re looking for a resume that’s both visually appealing and informative. Its minimalist design and digital marketing focus make it a strong contender for showcasing your skills and landing your dream job.

Key features:

  • Black and white color scheme: This classic combination creates a sophisticated and minimalist look, allowing your qualifications and experience to take center stage.
  • Clean layout: The uncluttered design ensures easy readability and allows recruiters to quickly scan through your information.
  • Customizable sections: You can easily tailor the template to fit your specific experience, skills, and career goals.
  • Modern typography: The chosen fonts are both stylish and professional, enhancing the overall aesthetic of the resume.

Blue Simple Professional CV Resume

Blue Simple Professional CV Resume

Blue Simple Professional CV Resume is another great Canva resume template for job seekers who want a clean, professional, and eye-catching resume. The template features a simple blue-and-white color scheme that is easy on the eyes and conveys a sense of professionalism. The layout is also well-organized and easy to follow, making it easy for potential employers to scan through your information.

  • Blue and white color scheme: This classic color combination is professional and easy on the eyes.
  • Simple layout: The layout is well-organized and easy to follow.
  • Customizable sections: You can easily add, remove, or rearrange sections to fit your needs.
  • Variety of fonts: You can choose from a variety of fonts to find the perfect look for your resume.
  • Easy to download and share: You can easily download your resume in a variety of formats, including PDF and JPG.

Yellow and Gray Creative Resume

Yellow and Gray Creative Resume

Yellow and Gray Creative Resume is a vibrant and eye-catching resume template Canva for job seekers in creative fields. Its unique design features a bold yellow accent against a neutral gray background, creating a modern and professional aesthetic.

  • Yellow and gray color scheme: The bright yellow pops against the gray, grabbing attention and showcasing your creativity.
  • Creative layout: The asymmetrical design and strategically placed elements make your resume visually interesting and memorable.
  • Customizable sections: Easily tailor the template to fit your experience and skills, including sections for your portfolio or relevant projects.
  • Modern fonts: The chosen fonts are both stylish and easy to read, adding to the overall professional look.

Cream and Peach Web Developer Technology Resume

Cream and Peach Web Developer Technology Resume

Cream and Peach Web Developer Technology Resume is among the best Canva resume templates for creating a professional and visually appealing resume for a web developer position.

  • Modern Design: The cream and peach color scheme, along with the clean layout, gives the resume a modern and professional look.
  • Easy to Customize: The template is fully customizable in Canva, allowing you to easily add your own information, change colors, and fonts, and even add or remove sections.
  • Sections for Relevant Skills: The template includes sections for technical skills, soft skills, work experience, education, and projects, which are all relevant to web developer positions.
  • Visual Elements: The template incorporates visual elements like icons and bars to highlight key information and make your resume more engaging.
  • Free to Use: The template is free to use on Canva, making it a budget-friendly option.

Red and Black Corporate Resume

Red and Black Corporate Resume

Red and Black Corporate Resume is a bold and professional Canva resume template for those seeking a resume with a strong visual impact. The combination of red and black exudes confidence and competence, making it suitable for various industries, particularly those where a strong presence is valued.

  • Red and black color scheme: This striking combination grabs attention and conveys a sense of authority and professionalism.
  • Clean and organized layout: The template’s structure is easy to navigate, ensuring your information is presented clearly and concisely.
  • Customizable sections: Tailor the template to showcase your specific skills, experience, and qualifications.
  • Modern fonts: The chosen fonts are both stylish and easy to read, contributing to the overall polished look.

Dark Blue Simple Line Scholarship Resume

Dark Blue Simple Line Scholarship Resume

Dark Blue Simple Line Scholarship Resume is one of Canva’s resume templates creating a professional and eye-catching resume for your scholarship application.

  • Clean and modern design: The dark blue and simple line design gives the template a polished and professional look.
  • Easy to customize: You can easily change the colors, fonts, and layout to match your personal style.
  • Includes all the essential sections: The template includes sections for your education, work experience, skills, awards, and extracurricular activities.
  • Free to use: The template is free to use with a Canva account.

Colorful Collage Infographic Graphic Designer Resume

Colorful Collage Infographic Graphic Designer Resume

Colorful Collage Infographic Graphic Designer Resume is a visually engaging and creative Canva resume template for showcasing your skills and experience as a graphic designer.

  • Visually appealing: The colorful collage design instantly grabs attention and reflects your creativity as a graphic designer.
  • Infographic style: The infographic elements make it easy to highlight your key skills and accomplishments in a visually engaging way.
  • Customizable: You can easily personalize the template with your information, colors, and fonts to create a unique resume.
  • Easy to use: Canva’s user-friendly interface makes it simple to edit and customize the template even if you don’t have design experience.
  • Free to use: The template is free with a Canva account.

Turquoise Simple Corporate Resume

Turquoise Simple Corporate Resume

Turquoise Simple Corporate Resume is a great starting point for creating a resume that will help you stand out from the competition. You can create a document that reflects your unique skills and experience with a little customization. It’s one of the best Canva resume templates you should try.

  • Simple and Clean Layout: The template prioritizes readability and organization, ensuring your information is presented clearly and concisely.
  • Turquoise Accent Color: The subtle use of turquoise adds a touch of personality and visual interest without being overwhelming.
  • Customizable Sections: You can easily tailor the template to fit your specific needs, adding or removing sections as necessary.
  • Easy to Edit: Canva’s user-friendly interface makes it simple to customize the template with your own information and branding.

Creating a Resume with Canva: A Simple Guide

Canva offers a free tool for designing resumes. You can choose from many templates, change the text, and download the finished product as a PDF file. Here’s how it works:

  • Create a Canva Account: Sign up using your Google, Facebook, or email account. It’s free!
  • Pick a Template: Canva has hundreds of templates to choose from. Find one that matches your profession.
  • Add Your Information: Click on the text boxes in the template to replace them with your information. You can move the text around and change the font, size, and style.
  • Change Colors: If you want, you can change the colors of anything on the resume. Click on the item you want to change, and then click on the color icon in the top left corner.
  • Add More Design Elements: There’s a toolbar on the left side with even more design options. You can change the background, add photos, and more.
  • Download Your Resume: When you’re happy with your resume, click the download icon in the top right corner. You can save it as a PDF, JPG, or PNG file.

Making a resume with Canva is fast and easy. Follow these steps, and you’ll have a great-looking resume soon!

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