അതിവേഗ ഇംഗ്ലീഷ് → മലയാളം ← മലയാളം നിഘണ്ടു

അഭിപ്രായങ്ങളും നിർദ്ദേശങ്ങളും രേഖപ്പെടുത്തുക.

അവലോകനത്തിനായി സമർപ്പിക്കുക പൂട്ടുക

Translation of "biography" into Malayalam

ജീവചരിത്രം is the translation of "biography" into Malayalam. Sample translated sentence: For the first time, biography of the composers/writers of patriotic songs like Rabindranath Tagore, Bankim Chandra Chhatterjee, Muhammad Iqbal, Kavi Pradeep, ShakeelBadayuni, Naushad, Pitambar Das and others as well as songs in regional languages like Bharatamataku Jey Jejelu in Telugu by Acharya Atreya (1972), along with the brief anecdotal background are being broadcast before the songs. ↔ ദേശസ്നേഹഗാനങ്ങള് പ്രക്ഷേപണം ചെയ്യുന്നതിനു മുന്നോടിയായി ഇതാദ്യമായി, ദേശഭക്തിഗാനങ്ങള് രചിക്കുകയും അവയ്ക്കു സംഗീതം പകരുകയും ചെയ്ത രവീന്ദ്രനാഥ ടാഗോര്, ബങ്കിം ചന്ദ്ര ചാറ്റര്ജി, മുഹമ്മദ് ഇക്ബാല്, കവി പ്രദീപ്, ഷക്കീല് ബദായുനി, നൗഷാദ്, പീതാംബര് ദാസ്, തെലുങ്കില് 1972ല് ഭാരതമാതക്കു ജെയ് ജേജെലു രചിച്ച ആചാര്യ അത്രേയ പോലെ പ്രാദേശിക ഭാഷകളില് ദേശഭക്തിഗാനങ്ങള് രചിച്ചവര് എന്നിവരുടെ ജീവചരിത്രം പ്രക്ഷേപണം ചെയ്തു.

A person's life story, especially one published. [..]

English-Malayalam dictionary

account of a person's life written by another person

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Translations of "biography" into Malayalam in sentences, translation memory

Malayalam  (മലയാളം) is an Indian language belonging to the Dravidian language family spoken in the Indian state of Kerala and the union territories of Lakshadweep and Puducherry (Mahé district) by the Malayali people. It is one of 22 scheduled languages of India spoken by nearly 2.88% of Indians. Malayalam has official language status in the state of Kerala and in the union territories of Lakshadweep and Puducherry (Mahé) and is spoken by 34 million people worldwide. Malayalam is also spoken by linguistic minorities in the neighbouring states; with significant number of speakers in the Nilgiris, Kanyakumari, and Coimbatore, Tenkasi, Theni districts of Tamil Nadu and Kodagu and Dakshina Kannada districts of Karnataka. Due to Malayali expatriates in the Persian Gulf, the language is also widely spoken in the Gulf countries.

  • The name 'Malayalam' has a place in the Guinness Book of World Records as the longest name of a language which is a palindrome .

Etymology [ edit | edit source ]

The word Malayalam originated from the words mala , meaning " mountain ", and alam , meaning " region " or "-ship" (as in "township"); Malayalam thus translates directly as "the mountain region." The term originally referred to the land of the Chera dynasty, and only later became the name of its language. The language Malayalam is alternatively called Alealum, Malayalani, Malayali, Malean, Maliyad, and Mallealle.

The earliest extant literary works in the regional language of present-day Kerala probably date back to as early as the 12th century. However, the named identity of this language appears to have come into existence only around the 16th century, when it was known as " Malayayma " or " Malayanma "; the words were also used to refer to the script and the region. The word "Malayalam" was coined in the later period, and the local people referred to their language as both "Tamil" and "Malayalam" until the colonial period.

Dialect [ edit | edit source ]

Variations in intonation patterns, vocabulary, and distribution of grammatical and phonological elements are observable along the parameters of region, religion, community, occupation, social stratum, style and register.

Dialects of Malayalam are distinguishable at regional and social levels, including occupational and also communal differences. The salient features of many varieties of tribal speech (e.g., the speech of Muthuvans, Malayarayas, Malai Ulladas, Kanikkars, Kadars, Paliyars, Kurumas, and Vedas) and those of the various dialects Namboothiris,Nairs,Ezhavas,Syrian Christians (Nasrani),Muslims,fishermen and many of the occupational terms common to different sections of Malayalees have been identified. 

  • According to the Dravidian Encyclopedia, the regional dialects of Malayalam can be divided into thirteen dialect areas. They are as follows:
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biography - Meaning in Malayalam

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biography Word Forms & Inflections

Definitions and meaning of biography in english, biography noun.

life history , life story , life , life

ജീവചരിത്രം , ജീവൻ

Synonyms of biography

  • life , life history , life story

what is the malayalam meaning biography

A biography , or simply bio , is a detailed description of a person's life. It involves more than just basic facts like education, work, relationships, and death; it portrays a person's experience of these life events. Unlike a profile or curriculum vitae (résumé), a biography presents a subject's life story, highlighting various aspects of their life, including intimate details of experience, and may include an analysis of the subject's personality.

ഒരാളുടെ ജീവിതകാലത്തെയും ജീവിത സംഭവങ്ങളും അടങ്ങുന്ന പുസ്തക രൂപത്തിലോ ഉപന്യാസരൂപത്തിലോ എഴുതി പ്രസിദ്ധീകരിക്കുകയോ, ചലച്ചിത്ര രൂപത്തിൽ പുറത്തിറക്കുന്നതിനേയോ ആണ് ജീവചരിത്രം എന്നു പറയുന്നത്. ഇത് ചെറിയ തോതിലുള്ള വിശദീകരണമല്ല, മറിച്ച് വ്യക്തിത്വത്തെ വരച്ചുകാട്ടുന്ന ജീവിതാനുഭവങ്ങൾ ഉൾപ്പെടുത്തി എഴുതുന്നതാണ്. എന്നാൽ കെട്ടുകഥകളോ, കല്പിത കഥാപാത്രങ്ങലോ ഇതിൽ ഉണ്ടായിരിക്കുകയില്ല. ഒരാൾ സ്വന്തം ജീവചരിത്രം എഴുതിയാൽ അതിനെ ആത്മകഥ എന്നു പറയുന്നു. ആത്മകഥയിൽ ഒരാൾ സ്വന്തം ജീവിതകഥ പറയുന്നു. എന്നാൽ ജീവചരിത്രത്തിൽ ഒരാൾ മറ്റൊരാളുടെ ജീവിതവൃത്താന്തമാണു വിവരിക്കുന്നത്. ജീവചരിത്രം ചരിത്രത്തോടു ഗാഢമായ ബന്ധം പുലർത്തുന്നു. ആദ്യകാലങ്ങളിൽ ചരിത്രം തന്നെ സമുന്നതരായവ്യക്തികളുടെ ജീവിതകഥയോടു ഘടിപ്പിച്ചാണു എഴുതിവന്നിട്ടുള്ളത്.

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what is the malayalam meaning biography

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what is the malayalam meaning biography

വെബ്സൈറ്റ് വിവർത്തനം ചെയ്യൽ

URL നല്‍കുക

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biography in Gujarati ગુજરાતી

  • જીવનચરિત્ર ⇄ biography

biography in Hindi हिन्दी

  • जीवन - वृत्तांत ⇄ biography
  • जीवनी ⇄ biography

biography in Kannada ಕನ್ನಡ

  • ಜೀವನ ವೃತ್ತಾಮ್ತ ⇄ biography
  • ಜೀವನಚರಿತ್ರೆ ⇄ biography

biography in Konkani कोंकणी

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  • जिवन चरित्रा ⇄ biography
  • दुस्रेनी बरयिल्ली जिण्येकथ ⇄ biography

biography in Marathi मराठी

  • चरित्र ⇄ biography
  • जीवनकथा ⇄ biography
  • जीवनचरित्र ⇄ biography

biography in Sindhi سنڌي

  • سوانح عمري ⇄ Biography

biography in Tamil தமிழ்

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biography in Telugu తెలుగు

  • ఒక మనిషి యొక్క చరిత్ర. నల చరిత్ర. ⇄ biography
  • చరిత్ర ⇄ biography

biography in Urdu اُردُو

  • سرگزشت ⇄ biography

biography in English

  • biography ⇄ biography, noun, pl.-phies. 1. the written story of a person's life. Ex. After reading a biography of Lincoln he was able to tell many stories about the President. 2. (Figurative:) Ex. Don MacKinnon ... knew the biography of every

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  5. Malayalam Dictionary

    what is the malayalam meaning biography

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    what is the malayalam meaning biography


  1. ഭാവിയിൽ ലോകം മുഴുവൻ ഭരിക്കുന്നത് ഏറ്റവും ക്രൂരനായ ചക്രവർത്തി

  2. 40 English proverb and malayalam meaning ||40 ഇംഗ്ലീഷ് പഴഞ്ചൊല്ല് മലയാള അർത്ഥവും ||sherin class

  3. Earn meaning in Malayalam/Earn മലയാളത്തിൽ അർത്ഥം

  4. Diffuse meaning in Malayalam/Diffuse മലയാളത്തിൽ അർത്ഥം

  5. Discovered meaning in Malayalam/Discovered മലയാളത്തിൽ അർത്ഥം

  6. Effectively meaning in Malayalam/Effectively മലയാളത്തിൽ അർത്ഥം


  1. Malayalam

    A Malayalam speaker, recorded in South Africa. Malayalam (/ ˌ m æ l ə ˈ j ɑː l ə m /; മലയാളം, Malayāḷam, IPA: [mɐlɐjaːɭɐm] ⓘ) is a Dravidian language spoken in the Indian state of Kerala and the union territories of Lakshadweep and Puducherry (Mahé district) by the Malayali people. It is one of 22 scheduled languages of India. Malayalam was designated a "Classical ...

  2. "biography" Malayalam meaning. മലയാള വ്യാഖ്യാനം, അര്‍ഥം

    "biography" Malayalam meaning and translation of the word. മലയാള വ്യാഖ്യാനം, അര്‍ഥം. അതിവേഗ ഇംഗ്ലീഷ് → മലയാളം ← മലയാളം നിഘണ്ടു

  3. മലയാളം വിക്കിപീഡിയ

    പ്രധാന താൾ ഉള്ളടക്കം; സമകാലികം; പുതിയ താളുകൾ ഏതെങ്കിലും താൾ

  4. ഓളം ഇംഗ്ലീഷ്-മലയാളം നിഘണ്ടു

    The fast English-Malayalam, Malayalam-Malayalam Dictionary with hundreds of thousands of words and definitions അതിവേഗ ഇംഗ്ലീഷ് → മലയാളം ← മലയാളം നിഘണ്ടു

  5. biography in Malayalam

    Translation of "biography" into Malayalam . ജീവചരിത്രം is the translation of "biography" into Malayalam. Sample translated sentence: For the first time, biography of the composers/writers of patriotic songs like Rabindranath Tagore, Bankim Chandra Chhatterjee, Muhammad Iqbal, Kavi Pradeep, ShakeelBadayuni, Naushad, Pitambar Das and others as well as songs in regional ...

  6. Biography / Autobiography

    The field of biography/ autobiography/ pen-portraits literature is very popular in Malayalam. Taking a cue from tradition, the new generation is also very active in the writing of biographies and autobiographies. Biography and autobiography reflects the historical period in which the person lived and both contains the history of life.

  7. Malayalam Wikipedia

    The Malayalam Wikipedia (Malayalam: മലയാളം വിക്കിപീഡിയ) is the Malayalam edition of Wikipedia, a free and publicly editable online ...

  8. Malayalam

    The name 'Malayalam' has a place in the Guinness Book of World Records as the longest name of a language which is a palindrome. Etymology [edit | edit source] The word Malayalam originated from the words mala, meaning "mountain", and alam, meaning "region" or "-ship" (as in "township"); Malayalam thus translates directly as "the mountain region ...

  9. biography

    What is biography meaning in Malayalam? The word or phrase biography refers to an account of the series of events making up a person's life. See biography meaning in Malayalam, biography definition, translation and meaning of biography in Malayalam. Find biography similar words, biography synonyms. Learn and practice the pronunciation of biography.

  10. English to Malayalam Dictionary

    Biography: Malayalam Meaning: ജീവചരിത്രം an account of the series of events making up a person's life / The written history of a person's life. / an account of someone's life written by someone else., Usage: ⇒ He is writing the biography of his father

  11. വിക്കിപീഡിയ

    പ്രധാന താൾ ഉള്ളടക്കം; സമകാലികം; പുതിയ താളുകൾ ഏതെങ്കിലും താൾ

  12. Biography Meaning in Malayalam, Definition of Biography in Malayalam

    Biography Meaning in Malayalam : Find the definition of Biography in Malayalam, OneIndia Malayalam Dictionary offers the meaning of Biography in Malayalam with synonyms, antonyms, adjective and more related words in Malayalam. മലയാളം Edition .

  13. Malayalam literature

    Malayalam literature comprises those literary texts written in Malayalam, a South-Dravidian language spoken in the Indian state of Kerala. The first travelogue in any Indian language is the Malayalam Varthamanappusthakam, written by Paremmakkal Thoma Kathanar in 1785.

  14. Google Translate

    വാക്കുകൾ, വാചകങ്ങൾ, വെബ് പേജുകൾ എന്നിവ മലയാളത്തിൽ നിന്ന് 100 ...

  15. biography meaning in Malayalam മലയാളം #KHANDBAHALE

    biography meaning in Malayalam മലയാളം is a translation of biography in Malayalam മലയാളം dictionary. Click for meanings of biography, including synonyms, antonyms.

  16. കുമാരനാശാൻ

    പ്രധാന താൾ ഉള്ളടക്കം; സമകാലികം; പുതിയ താളുകൾ ഏതെങ്കിലും താൾ

  17. Malayalis

    The Malayali people (Malayalam: [mɐlɐjaːɭi]; also spelt Malayalee and sometimes known by the demonym Keralite) are a Dravidian ethnolinguistic group originating from the present-day state of Kerala in India, occupying its southwestern Malabar coast.They form the majority of the population in Kerala and Lakshadweep.They are predominantly native speakers of the Malayalam language, one of the ...

  18. ഇന്ത്യയുടെ ഭരണഘടന

    പ്രധാന താൾ ഉള്ളടക്കം; സമകാലികം; പുതിയ താളുകൾ ഏതെങ്കിലും താൾ

  19. Malayalam grammar

    Malayalam is one of the Dravidian languages and has an agglutinative grammar. The word order is generally subject-object-verb, although other orders are often employed for reasons such as emphasis. Nouns are inflected for case and number, whilst verbs are conjugated for tense, mood, and causativity (and also in archaic language for person, gender, number, and polarity).

  20. യോഗാഭ്യാസം

    പ്രധാന താൾ ഉള്ളടക്കം; സമകാലികം; പുതിയ താളുകൾ ഏതെങ്കിലും താൾ

  21. സ്വയംഭോഗം

    പ്രധാന താൾ ഉള്ളടക്കം; സമകാലികം; പുതിയ താളുകൾ ഏതെങ്കിലും താൾ

  22. Sanātana Dharma

    Sanātana Dharma (Devanagari: सनातन धर्म, meaning "eternal dharma", or "eternal order") is an alternative term used by some Hindus to refer to Hinduism instead of the mainstream term Hindu Dharm.The term is found in Sanskrit and other Indian languages. It is generally used to signify a more traditional, pre-reform outlook of Hinduism.

  23. Mamitha Baiju

    Mamitha Baiju is an Indian actress working primarily in Malayalam films.She made her debut in 2017 through Sarvopari Palakkaran.She rose to prominence playing the roles of Alphonsa in Operation Java (2021), Anju in Kho-Kho (2021), Sona in Super Sharanya (2022), Gopika in Pranaya Vilasam (2023) and Reenu in Premalu (2024) which went on to be one of the highest grossing Malayalam films of all ...

  24. List of Malayalam films of 2024

    The List of highest-grossing Malayalam films released in 2024, by worldwide box office gross revenue, are as follows. The rank of the films in the following depends on the worldwide gross. Denotes films still running in cinemas worldwide