Should Recycling Be Mandatory? Essay

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The procedure of transforming waste resources into new substances and products is referred to as recycling. The notion frequently includes the recovery of energy from waste items. The capacity of a component to reclaim the qualities it had in its original form determines its recyclability. Emphasizing the practical effectiveness, recycling is considered a greener alternative to traditional garbage disposal that saves resources and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, it can minimize energy consumption, air, and water pollution by preventing the waste of theoretically usable products and limiting the use of additional raw materials. Since recycling provides humanity with efficient solutions for the problem of energy consumption and business entities can be unethical in this aspect, it is essential to make recycling mandatory.

To my mind, legalizing a beneficial environmental initiative will help solidify its foundations and create a system of fines and penalties for those who ignore it. The global recycling process is critical to the planet’s existence, which gives the concept additional importance and responsibility (Lamberti et al., 2020). In my opinion, an incorrect waste processing system, or its complete absence, in the future will lead to significant problems not only in the field of nature protection but also in human relations and living conditions. For instance, due to a lack of effective waste management facilities, widely used commodity plastics are improperly disposed of, resulting in financial and environmental losses (Lamberti et al., 2020). With the help of the mandatory registration procedure, it will be feasible to protect the green initiative at the legislative and state levels, which will lead to more effective implementation of the recycling system.

To summarize, since recycling provides humanity with efficient solutions for the problem of energy consumption and business entities can be unethical in this aspect, it is essential to make recycling mandatory. I suppose an incorrect waste processing system, or its complete absence, in the future will cause significant issues not only in terms of environmental protection but also in human connections and living situations. It will be possible to preserve the green initiative at the legislative and state levels with the aid of the required registration method, resulting in a more appropriate disposal system development.

Lamberti, F. M., Román-Ramírez, L. A., & Wood, J. (2020). Recycling of bioplastics: Routes and benefits. Journal of Polymers and the Environment, 28 (10), 2551-2571. Web.

  • Reign of Recycling and Waste Management Problem
  • “Recycling in America Is a Mess” by Kimmelman
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  • Chicago (A-D)
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IvyPanda. (2022, December 23). Should Recycling Be Mandatory?

"Should Recycling Be Mandatory?" IvyPanda , 23 Dec. 2022,

IvyPanda . (2022) 'Should Recycling Be Mandatory'. 23 December.

IvyPanda . 2022. "Should Recycling Be Mandatory?" December 23, 2022.

1. IvyPanda . "Should Recycling Be Mandatory?" December 23, 2022.


IvyPanda . "Should Recycling Be Mandatory?" December 23, 2022.

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Should Recycling Be Mandatory? Essay

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Why should Recycling be Mandatory?

This essay will debate whether recycling should be a mandatory practice. It will discuss the environmental benefits of recycling, its impact on waste reduction, and the role it plays in conserving resources. The piece will also consider logistical, economic, and practical challenges in implementing mandatory recycling policies. PapersOwl offers a variety of free essay examples on the topic of Recycling.

How it works

Even though you may think this essay is trash. Please don’t throw it away. Recycle it instead. Did you know that Americans throw away enough aluminum every month to rebuild our entire commercial air fleet. Recycling has been around for many years but the people on the earth are not taking it seriously. The waste on the earth is piling up and keeps accumulating everyday which can be reduced by recycling. With people speaking out about recycling and how the earth is suffering from all the pollution and waste caused by humans there comes a question into mind, should recycling be mandatory? Those who argue that recycling should be mandatory focus on how it helps the earth while those against mandatory recycling focus on the idea that it could not be reinforced and how it actually can be a waste.

While some might say recycling wastes resources, recycling should be made mandatory because recycling helps the planet by saving expenses, helping preserve our natural resources, and recycling helps minimize pollution.

Recycling can help save our expenses and resources. Recycling helps by reducing the amount of materials that are wasted and thrown into landfills such as aluminum, glass, paper, and plastic. This allows companies to rely less on raw materials that require more energy to manufacture a new product. While landfill space can appear to be plentiful if a new landfill was made in your community you wouldn’t feel the same. Some people think that by burying trash it will just decompose in the dirt, some breakdown may happen but the lack of water, air, and light in a sealed landfill doesn’t let the trash to decompose fully. Brand new products are used everyday but all that is need to be done is put them in a pin and put them to the road which could make a lot of products to be used again.( By doing this the environment would be helped out and there would be a lot of money saved. If people do not want to recycle then they do not want to save the energy in the planet.

Figure 1: Global Plastic Production use since 1950-2015Saving energy is a big reason for recycling and s is preserving natural resources. When someone thinks of a forest the first thing they relate to it would be trees. Now a forest without trees is unthinkable but it’s becoming a reality. Nearly 4 billion trees are cut down a year for wood and paper products. Saving trees would be done by recycling paper products such as books and newspapers which would allow for more trees to be saved on the planet. From trees to minerals to marine resources recycling products is extremely important so natural resources can be saved. Natural resources are being depleted rapidly mainly caused by the increasing use of disposable products and packaging. 246 million tons of solid waste was generated by Americans in 2005 while there was only 56 million tons of materials being recycled.

Only 9% of the worlds plastic is recycled. Reprocessing used materials to make new products and packaging reduces the consumption of natural resources. By recycling five million tons of steel in 2005, Americans saved over six million tons of iron ore, 2.5 million tons of coal, and 62,500 tons of limestone. By recycling 42 million tons of newsprint, office paper and paperboard, Americans saved 714 million trees and 292,026 million gallons of water. Recycling often produces better products than those made of virgin materials; for instance, the tin in “”tin”” cans is more refined (thus more valuable) after being processed for recycling. If we continue to waste our resources, the time might come that they will all be used up and we will end up with nothing.

Along with saving resources recycling also helps the planet by minimizing pollution. When the stars are not visibly seen it’s because of pollution which, according to the World Health Organization, kills about 7 million people worldwide every year. By recycling and reusing garbage pollution can be minimized instead of burning garbage and throwing garbage in the ocean which is deadly to all living creatures. Every time there is a reduction of waste and recycling garbage the earth and millions of lives are saved just by reusing and recycling plastic bottles, disposable cups, and paper. Recycling can really help the environment and help people lessen the impact their garbage has on communities. Making recycling programs mandatory would really show how seriously people are taking the issue of environmentalism, conservation, and climate change. Jimmy Carter spoke about how waste and garbage reflects society.

[S]olid wastes are the discarded leftovers of our advanced consumer society. This growing mountain of garbage and trash represents not only an attitude of indifference toward valuable natural resources, but also a serious economic and public health problem.

By the increasing amount of waste that is in the world the attitude people have on natural resources is being shown as neglect. We all need to recycle just to keep the world round. The earth will not be here for long if we do not keep it up. We only have one world, once we lose it we cannot get it back. There are many ways one can start recycling plastic waste. We can start from reduce and reuse first. For reduce example: when we buy something, we should prepare our own bag to put the goods we buy, dispose the waste according to the bin that specially provided for plastic, use a refill bottle for our drink bottle, and prefer a paper bag than plastic bag.

These days, our earth has been filled by a lot of waste. There is a lot of garbage, plastic waste, and electronic waste. We always produce it and dump it when we need the new one. Our waste are piling up and continuously accumulating. Plastic waste is one of the biggest problems for us now. And our solution in this problem is recycling. Mandatory recycling is a way of helping the planet even though some people have strong feelings against it. There has been a push for recycling for a long time now and nobody is really paying much attention to it. Therefore, there is a need for recycling to be mandatory because as the world is right now with 60% to 80% of plastic waste on the sea coming from the land won’t keep the world healthy any longer. There are so many methods of recycling people can do such as having recycling bins available near them, looking for the recycled option in the products they buy, and buy recycling plastics and papers.


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"Why Should Recycling be Mandatory?.", Sep 03, 2019. Accessed August 18, 2024.

"Why Should Recycling be Mandatory?," , 03-Sep-2019. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 18-Aug-2024] (2019). Why Should Recycling be Mandatory? . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 18-Aug-2024]

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Essay on Recycling Should Be Mandatory

Students are often asked to write an essay on Recycling Should Be Mandatory in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Recycling Should Be Mandatory

Why is recycling important.

Recycling is important because it helps protect the environment. When we recycle, we take items that would otherwise be thrown away and turn them into new products. This reduces the amount of waste that goes into our landfills and helps save natural resources like trees, water, and minerals.

What Happens if We Don’t Recycle?

Benefits of making recycling mandatory.

Making recycling mandatory can help solve these problems. If everyone has to recycle, we can reduce waste and save resources. Plus, it can create jobs and help our economy.

How Can We Make Recycling Mandatory?

To make recycling mandatory, we need laws that require it. These laws could include penalties for not recycling, or rewards for those who do recycle.

250 Words Essay on Recycling Should Be Mandatory

Why recycling is important.

Recycling is a way to use items again. It helps us save our natural resources like trees and water. It also helps us keep our environment clean. This is why it should be a must for everyone.

The Problem with Waste

Every day, we throw away a lot of things. These things often end up in big piles called landfills. Landfills can hurt our environment. They can pollute our air and water. This is not good for us or for the animals and plants we share the world with.

How Recycling Helps

When we recycle, we give old things a new life. A paper can become a new paper. A plastic bottle can become a new bottle. This means we don’t need to make new things from scratch. We don’t need to cut down more trees or use more water. We also don’t make as much waste.

Making Recycling Mandatory

If we make recycling a must, we can help our environment a lot. We can save more trees and water. We can make less waste. We can keep our air and water clean. This is good for us and for our planet.

In conclusion, recycling is very important. It helps us take care of our planet. It helps us save our resources. This is why it should be a must for everyone. Let’s all do our part and recycle.

500 Words Essay on Recycling Should Be Mandatory


Recycling is the process of converting waste materials into new products. It is a great way to reduce waste, save resources, and protect our planet. This essay will explain why recycling should be mandatory for everyone.

Recycling is important for many reasons. First, it helps to reduce the amount of waste we produce. Every day, we throw away tons of trash. Much of this could be recycled. If we recycle, we can reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills or in the ocean.

Second, recycling saves resources. When we recycle, we use less new materials. This means we can save our natural resources, like trees and minerals, for future generations.

Why Should Recycling Be Mandatory?

Making recycling mandatory would also help to save our natural resources. If we recycle, we won’t need to use as many new materials. This can help to preserve our forests, minerals, and other natural resources.

Finally, mandatory recycling can help to reduce pollution. By recycling, we can make new products without creating as much pollution. This can help to keep our air and water clean.

We also need to educate people about the importance of recycling. We can do this in schools, through public campaigns, and in the media. If people understand why recycling is important, they will be more likely to do it.

In conclusion, recycling is a simple and effective way to protect our planet. It helps to reduce waste, save resources, and reduce pollution. Making recycling mandatory can ensure that everyone does their part to help our planet. Therefore, we should all support laws that make recycling mandatory.

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Recycling Should Be Mandatory - There is No Easier Option

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Published: Aug 14, 2023

Words: 995 | Pages: 2 | 5 min read

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Mandatory recycling as possible approach for solving the issue, final thoughts.

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