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Essaypro Review | Worth the Hype?

become a writer on essaypro

  • January 24, 2023
  • Academic Writing Accounts , Account Reviews

Essaypro is a popular and widely-used online writing platform that offers a wide range of writing services to students and job opportunities to freelance writing professionals. The platform has been operating in the Kenyan market for the better part of the last decade, but its popularity has only skyrocketed in the last 4 years, largely to its unique model that encourages clients to work directly with writers. This has made Essaypro an attractive option for many freelance writers, who appreciate direct interactions with clients and relatively lenient support system. With a proven track record of delivering high-quality work, Essaypro has established itself as one of the best options in the market, with a steady flow of orders throughout the year. Essaypro operates under several domains, including,, and 

Despite all the positives, are the accolades deserved or is the account overrated? That is what we hope to answer in this review.

How the Account Works

Essaypro operates on a client-assigned bid system, where clients post writing projects and freelance writers place bids to complete the task.  The bidding process is simple and straightforward, allowing clients to review bids from multiple writers, assess their qualifications, and choose the one they feel is best suited for the project.  As writers place bids, sending offer messages is an important aspect of grabbing the client’s attention. However, it’s crucial to send messages appropriately to avoid spamming.

The platform allows customers to fill out an order form with the details of their assignment, choose from a pool of professional writers, and communicate with them throughout the process to ensure that the final product meets their expectations.   The client has the option to create a private invite for a specific writer or choose from the bids placed by multiple writers. 

Levels and Ranking System

The ranking of writers at Essaypro is determined by a combination of three metrics: order completion success rate (out of 100%), customer feedback rating (out of 5), and the number of orders completed. In a highly competitive environment, writers are pitted against each other, and to succeed, they must strive to perform better than their peers. The rankings range from position 1 to around 1200, so there is always room for growth and improvement within the platform.

Essaypro does not necessarily have levels, but accounts can be in 2 general states:

1. Probation –  A writer’s account can be put on probation as a disciplinary measure, limiting the number of orders the writer can bid on at a given time. The limit, which can range from 5 to 30 or more, is set by the account manager based on the severity of the infraction that led to the probation. The writer can only bid on projects up to the limit and must delete old bids to place new ones. The account manager relies on the success rate and customer feedback rate to determine if an account should be put on probation. If the success rate drops below 95% or the customer feedback rate drops below 4.7, an account may be placed on probation. However, this decision is at the discretion of the manager and an account may still be put on probation even if the statistics are above the prescribed rate if the infraction is deemed serious. The probation period typically lasts for two weeks or as determined by the writer’s manager.

To get out of probation and have the limit increased, the writer needs to complete a significant number of orders without any issues or complaints from clients. The more orders completed, the greater the chances of having the limit increased or returning to active status. However, accounts on probation may find it challenging to secure orders due to the limitations placed and if their rating review is below 4.7, making it difficult to return to active status.

2. Active – An account on active status can bid on as many orders as the writer can complete. There is no limit to the orders in progress and bidding and as such the accounts offer unlimited work opportunities and earning potential.  

At Essaypro, work opportunities are available all year round, but during off-peak months of January, July, August, and September, the volume of work decreases and writers with lower ratings and completion percentages may find it more difficult to secure orders. On the other hand, peak months of March, April, May, June, October, November, and December see a higher supply of work.

When it comes to securing work, a high rating and completion percentage is key. Accounts with a 4.8-star rating or higher and a completion percentage of 98% or more are more likely to have their bids accepted by clients than those with lower ratings and completion percentages. Additionally, accounts with a larger profile of completed orders also have better chances of being assigned work than those with a low profile or are new to the platform.

As a client-assigned system, clients rely heavily on the writers’ ratings to decide who to assign work to. For active accounts with a position rating of 200 or higher, securing orders is much easier as these accounts typically have a high client feedback rating of 4.9 or higher and a success rate above 99%. However, with over 1000 writers on the platform, competition is tough, with an average of over 50 bids per order. Thus, even with a large amount of work, the chances of getting assigned an order are relatively low if you have poor ratings.

Compensation (CPP) and Payment

At Essaypro, the cost per page (CPP) is determined by the writers themselves when they bid for an order. It is a competitive environment, where writers strive to bid at a rate that balances their earning potential and the chances of getting assigned work by clients. On average, writers bid around $3.5 to remain competitive, with even lows of $2.7. However, experienced writers with good statistics have the confidence to bid at a higher rate without affecting their chances of getting work. Technical writers, in particular, have the advantage of bidding higher without compromising their chances of getting work as technical orders tend to receive fewer bids.

Clients can place an order and invite bids or assign a private order with their preferred budget. Writers can adjust the CPP before placing their bid but must keep it below the client’s budget.

The company takes a 65% cut for all new clients and 60% for return clients, with the writer receiving 35% and 40% respectively. In case the client doesn’t release for an order or the payment is overdue, the system automatically releases the payment to the writer after 7 days if the client accepts the paper.

Payments are made twice a month on the 15th and 30th/31st through Payoneer, and bank account upon request. The writer must have a verified Payoneer account linked to their email and place their withdrawal request a day before the payout date. The payment is processed within two working days.

Support and Quality

Essaypro has a friendly support team that typically responds to writer’s messages within five minutes. The account manager is always available to communicate with the writer upon request. It’s important to note that the individual account managers can vary in terms of their attitude and leniency; some managers are friendlier and less strict than others. As such writers’ experiences at the company may vary significantly depending on the manager they have assigned to their account.

Writers’ orders are not checked by the Quality Assurance (QA) team, and only come in when a client cancels an order to review the case. Both customer service and QA are committed to maintaining impartiality and never taking sides against the client. It is thus important to avoid any issues with clients, because you are unlikely to win.

The support team may penalize writers for poor quality work, late submissions, cancellations, plagiarism, low ratings, sharing personal contacts and emails with clients, spamming bid messages, and grammar errors in communication with clients. To avoid these issues, it is advisable to maintain a professional demeanor when addressing any concerns about clients.

In case of violation of rules and poor-quality work, the account manager may suspend the writer’s account as a disciplinary measure. A suspended account cannot bid on new orders, but can bid on orders from returning clients and invites.

Growth and Earning Potential

When you become an Essaypro writer, you can expect to invest $650 in your account right off the bat. This is because the company sells their accounts, making return on investment a priority from day one. Unlike other writing platforms, Essaypro provides newly opened accounts with a pre-made profile that includes a 5-star rating, 100% success rate, and completion of at least 80 orders. These embellished statistics make it easier to start attracting clients.

As you start working and completing orders, your account’s profile and status can change based on client ratings and cancellations. Maintaining a good reputation with positive reviews is key to continued growth and attracting new clients. However, if you don’t deliver high-quality work, your account’s statistics can suffer, potentially dropping in position and limiting your earning potential. Accounts with a rating below 4.7 and 95% success rate are placed on probation, restricting the number of orders you can bid on and reducing the chances of being assigned work.

Earning potential varies based on account status and overall statistics. Active accounts with high statistics, especially those ranked above position 200, have consistent work and higher earning potential. With such accounts, it is possible to make an average of $2000 every two weeks, even during low season, with a lot of hard work. However, most active status accounts make between $500 and $1000 a month, throughout the year, with higher earning potential during high season. On the other hand, accounts on probation struggle to earn as much, especially during low season. Making even $200 a month can be a challenge, as there are limitations on the number of orders they can bid on and a lower chance of being assigned to the few orders that they can bid on at a time. 

Note that the earning potential for Essaypro accounts depends on the effort put in, account statistics, the time of year, and even luck,  with outliers in both directions. It is thus impossible to generalize earnings at the company.

Account Stability

Essaypro is known for being a stable platform for writers, provided they adhere to the company’s policies and regulations and consistently deliver quality work to clients. The main risk to account stability is committing fraud, such as when the company becomes aware that the account is not being operated by the rightful owner, or when verification documents cannot be provided. This is commonly seen when attempting to change the mobile phone number or payment account (Payoneer). 

However, as long as writers follow the rules and maintain high-quality work, it is difficult to lose their position on the platform. Poor rankings, low completion percentages, and negative customer reviews can result in fines, but can still be improved upon by delivering excellent work and receiving positive ratings from clients. It is important to avoid cancellations and maintain a good record to ensure continuous stability on the platform.

How Much is an Essaypro Account?

The pricing of Essaypro accounts often evokes strong emotions when discussed. Many question the fairness of the values, wonder if the accounts are overrated, and consider if there are better alternatives available in the market.  The answers to these questions at best are subjective.  The account has its unmatched positives, as well as its cons – but there’s no such thing as a perfect account!   Ultimately, the decision on whether the accounts are worth what they are priced at is up to the individual buyer. Different accounts cater to different types of users with different work preferences, goals, and budgets. As such, so as long as the buyer understands their own needs and believes that the Essaypro account will meet those needs, within their budget, they should make the purchase. 

The reality is that pricing in the open marketplace is determined by demand and supply.  It is difficult to put a low value on an account when the demand is high and the supply is limited;  you will hear the phrase “willing buyer, willing seller” thrown around quite often trying to explain this phenomenon .   However, the hype surrounding the accounts often leads to overpayment by buyers who do not fully understand what they are purchasing.  The hype creates an opportunity for sellers to inflate prices, even for accounts with limited earning potential.

Based on our experience and comparison to other alternatives in the market, one should not pay more than 200k for an account on probation. High demand may cause prices to exceed this limit, but if the account does not have the statistics to suggest the possibility of becoming active, it may not be worth the investment.  Active Essaypro accounts, particularly newly customized ones, begin at approximately 200k, and older active accounts may come at a higher cost. It is feasible to find active Essaypro accounts that are being sold for up to 800k.

When considering the price of an Essaypro account, it’s advisable to pay attention to the account’s statistics, such as the number of completed orders, success rate, feedback, and previous history.  By thoroughly evaluating the merits of an account, you can ensure that you are making a wise investment.

1. Build a Positive Reputation:  Building a positive reputation is key to success on Essaypro. This can be achieved by getting positive customer reviews, maintaining high account statistics such as a high completion rate and good ratings, and a high success rate. These factors will attract new clients and help maintain your position on the platform, ultimately leading to increased earning potential. It is important to consistently deliver quality work and follow the company’s policies to maintain a positive reputation.

2. Actively Seek Out Orders: Don’t wait for clients to come to you; as this is unlikely to happen unless they specifically invite you. Participate in bidding for available orders to boost your chances of getting assigned work. Essaypro has a wealth of opportunities, but the competition for these opportunities is equally intense.  You must have heard of people looking for bidders. There is a reason for this. I n order to have the best chance of being assigned work, it’s crucial to consistently, persistently and regularly place bids. To put it simply: BID!  BID!  BID!

3.  Follow Company Policies: Ensure to follow all Essaypro policies and regulations to avoid termination of your account. Avoid plagiarism, cancelling orders, and sharing personal information with clients to maintain good standing on the platform.

4.  Professional Communication: Maintain professionalism in communication with support and customers. Good communication skills can help build a positive reputation and attract more customers.  It’s also essential to communicate with clients and keep up with their requests and expectations. This helps to ensure that the client is satisfied with the final product.

5.  Check Customer Profile Ratings: Before bidding on an order, take the time to check the customer’s profile ratings. Customers with lower ratings may cancel the order, affecting your success rate and earnings.

6.  Focus on Quality: To succeed and earn money at Essaypro, delivering quality work is of utmost importance. Make sure to deliver work that is free from plagiarism, meets customer expectations, and is of high quality.

7. Go for Active:  Acquiring an active Essaypro account is a better option than one on probation. Probationary accounts can be considered if you have the knowledge and skills to take the account out of its probation status. It is essential to understand the requirements and conditions for getting a probationary account out of its probation status before investing in it.

8. Consider the Manager:  Different managers have varying attitudes, mannerisms, and levels of strictness or leniency, which can significantly impact the overall experience working with the company. Be sure to research and carefully consider the manager before making a decision to ensure you have the best experience possible.

9.  Manage your workload effectively: Writing for Essaypro requires time management and effective workload management. Make sure to take on only what you can handle and deliver quality work on time.

10.  Take Advantage of Teamwork: Working with a team of writers can be a great way to increase your earning potential and leverage the combined efforts of multiple people. An Essaypro account, especially an active one, may have a high volume of work at any given time, which can be overwhelming for one person to handle. However, it’s important to only work with top-notch writers who have experience and passion in the industry and who can meet the company’s quality standards. Working with subpar writers can negatively impact the quality of your work, affect your account’s statistics and ultimately harm your earning potential.

11. Go Technical:  For those with technical writing abilities, taking on technical orders can increase earning potential. Technical orders at Essaypro typically receive fewer bids, making it easier to get assigned a task. As a result, technical writers can bid at higher rates while still maintaining their chances of being selected. This approach allows you to earn more without having to do more work. By taking on just a few technical orders each day, you can significantly boost your earnings due to the higher margins involved.

12.  Sacrifice to get out of Probation:  If you have an Essaypro account on probation, focus on making the necessary sacrifices and putting in the required effort to get it out of the status. This involves bidding on urgent and technical orders, mostly at night and at lower rates. The goal is to increase your chances of getting assigned orders. Once you have been assigned an order, it’s crucial to deliver excellent work and go above and beyond to please your clients. This will lead to positive reviews and higher ratings, as well as increase the likelihood of your clients inviting you for future projects. Additionally, a successful track record of delivering high-quality work will increase your chances of having the limits on your account increased, or even being taken off probation.

#OWCReviews #EssayproReview

5 thoughts on “Essaypro Review | Worth the Hype?”

' src=

I like the way everything is simplified. Kudos 👌

' src=

Thank you for the positive feedback and continued support.

' src=

Spot on with this write-up, I seriously believe that this site needs far more attention. I’ll probably be returning to see more, thanks for the info!

' src=

What about the recently introduced timers, they really suck and I think they should do away with them.

Yes, they are a concern but I do not think they will get rid of them. We just have to get used to the new system, and learn to work around the issue.

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How to Become a Writer: 7 Practical Steps

If you’re dreaming of turning your passion for writing into a full-time career, you’re in the right place. In this post, we’ll go through a series of actionable steps that you can take to start writing professionally. 

Here are 7 steps to help you become a writer:

1. Create a solid writing routine 

How To Become a Writer | A writer is ready get work done

Here are a few tips for establishing a writing habit:

Make writing a priority. If you want to be a professional writer, set non-negotiable time in your calendar for writing and arrange your other commitments around it. 

Define your writing goals. Whether it’s a daily number of words or completing a task in a set number of days, goals help break larger projects into manageable chunks — so you’ll be less overwhelmed and more likely to knuckle down and write.

Identify your ideal writing times . Do you tend to get the most done right after waking up in the morning, or during the quiet hours of the evening? Figure out your windows of productivity and capitalize on them.  



How to Build a Solid Writing Routine

In 10 days, learn to change your habits to support your writing.

However, no matter how watertight your writing routines are, every author can benefit from a helping hand to perform at their best and become an even better writer. Thankfully, there are some apps for that.

2. Use writing tools to improve your output 

How To Become a Writer | A writer is writing at her desk

Different tools can impact your output in different ways: for example, online whiteboards like Miro can help you visually sketch out your book’s outline and character bios, and help you define the mood of your world-building. Tools like Grammarly can identify and fix typos and grammatical errors, whereas browser blockers like Cold Turkey can help to minimize distractions and stay productive. 

When it comes to using professional writing software, you could use tools like Reedsy Studio to enjoy smooth collaborative editing, keep track of your word count goals, and format your book for distribution. 

Which writing app is right for you?

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Finally, workspace tools like ergonomic chairs and standing desks can also largely influence the quality and proficiency of your writing (we also hear that houseplants can boost creativity, but don’t quote us on that).

But, before you get too comfortable in your writing nook surrounded by all your lovely tools, you may want to consider going back to class…

3. Take classes to pick up credentials

How To Become a Writer | A student is taking notes about Creative Writing

  • Journalist — write for newspapers and magazines. Requires top-notch research skills, the ability to be objective, and to meet strict deadlines.
  • Columnist — write for newspapers and magazines. Unlike journalists, columnists offer their subjective opinion and insight on current events.
  • Travel writer —  chronicle your adventures across the globe to give advice and inspiration to other travelers.
  • Copywriter — write marketing copy for brands, companies, or organizations.
  • Technical writer — turn complex jargon into concise information that users of a product or clients of a company can clearly understand.
  • Web content writer — write online blog posts and articles for brands, companies, or organizations.
  • Ghostwriter — write content on behalf of other people or organizations. Learn more about becoming a ghostwriter here!
  • Grant writer — write documents to help organizations seeking grants.

The options are plentiful. But if you think you’ll need academic credentials, let's take a look at your choices in closer detail. 



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You needn't look too hard to find authors who emerged from MFA programs to establish glittering literary careers. For example, both Flannery O’Connor and Rachel Kushner are MFA babies.

Then again, you can find just as many authors who didn’t study anything related to writing and worked in completely unrelated industries before becoming bestsellers  — like Charles Bukowski (a postman), Haruki Murakami (a jazz club manager), and even Harper Lee (an airline ticket clerk). After all, life experience is a key ingredient of any good fiction.

Becoming a novelist doesn’t require any specific credentials beyond the ability to write (and market) a great story. Pursuing an MFA can certainly help you develop your craft , network with established and aspiring writers, or lead you to some creative writing gigs, but it’s not a shortcut to success. In addition, the majority of MFA programs focus on literary fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry. So if you want to become a genre fiction writer rather than express yourself in verse , an MFA is likely not a necessary stepping stone for you.

Bachelor’s Degree (BA)

While higher education is not a required credential for becoming a novelist, academic qualifications can be more important for nonfiction writers. In many cases, success as a nonfiction author relies upon your subject authority and often necessitates the relevant credentials as proof. That might include a degree or other relevant experience in the field. Imagine yourself picking up a nonfiction book and turning it over to read the author's bio: what kind of credentials would assure you this is someone who knows what they’re talking about?

In terms of journalism, most news outlets will require applicants to have completed a Bachelor’s degree before adding them to the payroll. While majoring in journalism is certainly a sound option, many news outlets require a literature degree or similar, as you’ll have many of the same skills but no biases in your journalistic practices. It's also typical to double-major or major-minor in a combination of journalism and the field you’re interested in writing about.

Doctorate (Ph.D.) 

A Ph.D. in literature or creative writing is often preferred by people who want to teach literature or writing at college or university levels. Overall, a doctorate may also be appropriate if your writing draws extensively from academic research or scientific findings — as it will give you more subject-matter authority. 

Associate Degree

An associate degree typically lasts two years and can be more industry-focused than a BA. If you’re hoping to become a copywriter or web content writer, pursuing an associate degree in media, marketing, or writing might be a good way to lay the foundation for your career.


Certificates are short-term programs that provide foundational education and skills-based training. They typically last a few weeks to a few months, and, as with the associate degree, it’s a good option if you want to get paid for your texts .

How to become a writer | List of academic credentials for different jobs

4. Seek opportunities to publish your work

How to become a writer | A writer writes starts writing a story

If you’re an aspiring fiction writer, follow the likes of Ursula K. Le Guin and Ernest Hemingway, and get your foot in the door by submitting your short stories to magazines and contests. Here are a few places where you can do just that:

  • Literary magazines accepting submissions: here
  • Vetted writing contests and their deadlines: here
  • Reedsy’s own weekly short story contest: here
  • Publications accepting short story submissions: here

To ensure your t’s and i's are all properly crossed and dotted, here is a submissions checklist that’s sure to keep you straight!

Make the process of writing your first novel easier by using a story template like the one below.



Get our Book Development Template

Use this template to go from a vague idea to a solid plan for a first draft.

Nonfiction writers have ample opportunity to get their byline out in the world too. If there’s a particular niche you’re interested in, start by putting together a list of relevant publications. Most websites will have a submission section with guidelines for submitting a piece. 

Follow specific editors on Twitter to keep up with when magazines are accepting pitches. They will usually tweet when their inbox is open (and what they’re looking for in a pitch) — plus many of them are open to questions. If you don't know where to find them, look for names via magazine websites, the publication’s LinkedIn page, or simply use the Twitter search function. Editors of magazines usually tell you who they are in their Twitter bio!

Put your pitches and deadlines in a calendar

Next, get your ‘pitching calendar’ organized by listing the outlets you want to write for, your premise for each pitch, and any deadlines to keep in mind. You might also want to make note of any feedback you receive. For instance, an outlet might let you know that your piece wasn’t right for them “at this time,” or they might clarify what they’re looking for in more specific terms. 

Here are a few resources that connect writers with publications looking for submissions:

  • Authors Publish Newsletter
  • NewPages Classifications
  • Funds for Writers Newsletter

Consider self-publishing

If you have a book idea you can’t stop thinking about (or are searching for inspiration ) and your goal is to see it materialized, then you might want to consider self-publishing. Getting your book out into the world is easier than it’s ever been, and we’ve detailed the whole process in another guide. Plus, you can do it in your own time. 

Though some traditionally published household names nab hundreds of thousands in advances, those are the outliers. Many more self-published authors make a living from their writing than their traditionally published counterparts: this report found that the number of indie authors earning five to six figures per year from book sales was much higher than the number of Big 5 authors earning the same. 

If you’re still on the fence about which publishing route to take, why not take this one-minute quiz to find out for sure which option is the most viable for you?

Is self-publishing or traditional publishing right for you?

Takes one minute!

Once you start to get a few publications under your belt, it’s time to put them together in a nicely bundled portfolio that shows the world (and potential clients) what you’re capable of. 

5. Create a strong portfolio 

How to become a writer | A beautiful author's website

Create a website

To create your own website, you must first register a domain name on services like GoDaddy or Namecheap (e.g., or sign up for a free site with services like WordPress, Wix, or SquareSpace (e.g. 一 although the first option is more professional. If you're not too confident in your tech skills, consider hiring a professional web designer who can help you build a website that stands out.

Use a portfolio site

If you don’t want to spend too much time designing a website, you can always turn to a trusted portfolio site. All you need to do is create an account with them and input your personal information. Here are a few popular options:

  • MuckRack: a popular platform for journalists and PR professionals.
  • Contently: a useful site for content writers.
  • provides a clean-cut design for every kind of writer.

Perfect your website

Your author website should reflect your personality, list your credentials, and most importantly — show your work. 

There are different ways to present your portfolio: you could divide your writing into different niches like Jennifer Fernandez , or you could go for a concise bio that packs a punch in terms of insight into your professional background as in Alice Driver ’s portfolio. For author websites, it’s key to give visitors a clear route to buying any books you’ve published (check Austin Kleon ’s example). 

Once your website is live, it might take a while for word of mouth to spread and for job opportunities to come your way. So, while you get the ball rolling, consider reaching out to organizations that could help you support your dream (read: paying the bills!).

6. Apply for writing grants 

How to become a writer | A writer receives a paycheck

Here’s a reliable list of grants for you to peruse — some will have no stipulations regarding what the money is spent on, and others will be for specific reasons, like traveling to a writers’ retreat or conference. There are also many grants specifically intended to help marginalized communities get a leg up in the industry. Make sure you check out our video guide for some helpful advice on making a successful application.

VfUT695Ca08 Video Thumb

Whether or not your career will benefit from scoring a grant, you’ll soon learn that if you want to reach new literary heights and establish yourself as a writer, you’ll need the help of other professionals in the space.

7. Collaborate with professional editors

How to become a writer | A writer and an editor collaborate successfully

An editor’s bread and butter is to revise your work so that it’s ready for the big stage, from spotting plot holes, improving text quality, and examining your manuscript for inconsistencies before its release. More than that, working with an editor will teach you about the ins and outs of the publishing industry — including the all-important standards and best practices of the literary world. 

Finding a good editor is always a type of collaboration worth investing in if you want to speed up your development and make a leap forward in your journey to become a professional writer.

Hopefully, this post has shown you how to get things going so that you can make writing a financially viable career. To wrap things up, there’s nothing quite as inspiring for budding writers as words of wisdom from those who have achieved writerly acclaim. So tuck into these brilliant books about writing, and then pick up your pen and get going. We look forward to seeing your name in print!

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EssayPro Review

EssayPro is a unique essay writing service in terms of how it works. This is a freelancing platform that connects writers and students. Writers place bids for your order, so you are able to negotiate the price and talk to your writer directly.

It can be scary to try and complete an extensive academic paper yourself. You might not have the skills to finish your work. You may not have the time to where you can finish the project before its deadline. That’s where EssayPro comes in handy.

You can trust the workers at EssayPro if you need help in completing your next paper. EssayPro is reliable in that it gives you an excellent solution for work. You’ll have control over the ordering process, including how you can choose the writer you wish to hire. But you should also think about the pricing, as it can be unpredictable.

I’ll guide you through a look at what you can get from EssayPro in this review. I want to show you that EssayPro is a reliable choice when you need someone who can assist you with your academic project.

1. Order Process

Let’s start by taking note of how the ordering process works at EssayPro. What I like the most about the ordering process is that it gives you full control over who you hire. The website also lets you add as many details on your paper as you require.

Here are some steps to follow:

  • You’ll need to add money to your order wallet at the start.

While many essay writing services will ask you to pay for each project, EssayPro uses a wallet-based plan for payments. You will add funds to your wallet, and then use those funds to pay for services. EssayPro accepts all major credit and debit cards.

  • List your requirements for the project.

You’ll start by telling EssayPro what you wish to get out of your paper. You can state the type of paper you wish to order, the number of pages or words you need to complete, and the education level. You can also specify the deadline for getting the paper ready. The dashboard will list the estimated total price for the project based on your needs.

  • Include the instructions surrounding the task.

You’ll need to list the instructions relating to how your paper must look. You can discuss what you need out of the project and what you want your writer to mention.

The best point here is to be as specific and direct in your work as possible. You can add a rubric for your project to let the writer know what the project must feature. You can also mention the citation format for use to ensure your writer references things right.

  • Upload whatever files the writer will require for the project.

You can provide details on whatever resources the writer needs to utilize or any other multimedia files of value.

  • Review the writers available for the work.

My favorite part of the order process is that you can take note of all the writers available for your project. You can see which writers are open based on your subject and writing level. The site gives you a shortlist of eligible writers, but you can also leave your work out for a bit and see what bids from interested writers will appear.

You can check on each writer based on one’s past work, review the number of orders someone has completed and that writer’s total rating. Other than that, you have the choice to directly hire the writer or add that person to the shortlist of candidates for work.

  • Allow the writer to work on your project.

You can check the In Progress section of the user dashboard to see how well the writer is going with your task. The dashboard lets you keep in touch with your writer during the work process, so you’ll know what your writer is doing for you.

  • Your transaction will be complete, and you can then pay your writer.

You can pay your writer for the service after the work is finished and you are satisfied with the project. You can add a bonus to the writer if you are especially happy with the work. But you can also request a free revision if you find any issues surrounding your work.

What I like the most about EssayPro is that the service gives a simple approach to ordering. The company gives its customers more control over the ordering process.

I want to discuss the EssayPro prices you would spend when hiring the service. The price you’ll pay will vary based on the length of your project, the deadline, and the writing quality you demand. You can choose from a School, University, or Doctorate level. The project type may also impact the price.

An average five-page essay can cost about $43 to write if you have a two-week deadline. A term paper of that same length and timeframe can cost about $48 at the least.

The prices that EssayPro lists on its website are the lowest possible totals you would spend on a project. Most EssayPro reviews have suggested that you could spend anything from $10 to $20 per page for work, but the total varies. You’d have to discuss the pricing plan with a writer, but you will at least know what you’re going to spend on your work before you get it ready.

You can talk with your writing prospect to figure out the pricing for the project. But you should be aware of what you’re spending beforehand, especially when funding the wallet on your EssayPro account.

One thing to note about EssayPro is its bidding feature. You can review the bids from individual writers to see what they are willing to be paid for their work. You can figure out which people are eager to be paid the least for work, but you should note their experiences, writing standards, and past reviews before making your final choice.

I understand that the pricing is tough to predict, which can be frustrating for people who want to know what they’re going to spend first. But you will have more control over the final price, what with you looking through many people who can serve your project.

3. Discounts

You’re not going to find any discounts when looking for services with EssayPro. Unfortunately, there are no discount codes available to help you reduce those EssayPro prices. I could not find any spots on the website where I could add a discount code. But you still have control over who will work on your paper and what you might expect to pay when you hire someone to work for you.

4. Guarantees

EssayPro has a complete money-back guarantee. The site says on its guarantee page that about 95 percent of its customers return with new orders and that they are very satisfied with the work at hand. But the guarantee program ensures people will be assured with what is open.

You can get a 100 percent refund if a writer does not get assigned to your work, or if the order was only complete after the initial deadline passed. It is convenient that you have the right to dictate whether or not you wish to release all those funds after the deadline passes.

You may be subject to a partial refund if a writer is confirmed for work, but you choose to cancel the order. You may get a refund of 70 percent or greater on your order. The refund total varies over how much work was complete. EssayPro uses this standard to ensure the writers are compensated for whatever bits of work they complete.

EssayPro does not guarantee that you’re going to get a better grade on your project. You cannot get a refund if you get a lower grade on your project than whatever you might have anticipated. EssayPro uses this standard because all papers the writers create are intended to be points of reference that the clients can check and confirm later as necessary.

5. Online Reputation

People have been raving about what EssayPro offers for their paper writing needs. More than two thousand people have left reviews on SiteJabber . The site gives the page a 4.8 out of 5.0. People are happy with how the website interface works and how they can stay in touch with their writers when completing their work.

ResellerRatings gives the website a five-star rating, with people raving about how the writers are on-time and ensure their papers are easy to read and without errors. They also appreciate how EssayPro ensures all projects are original.

I’m surprised that these places had so many EssayPro reviews. Most of the other writing sites I review tend to have a couple of dozen. The reports show how happy people are with the services EssayPro provides to its customers.

6. Customer Support

Anyone who wishes to hire a writing company should ensure they can contact the people there as necessary. The customer support team at EssayPro understands this need, which is why they are always there to serve their customers. The company is open to contact 24 hours a day by phone or email.

The response time for getting an answer to a message will vary throughout the day. Sometimes you might have to wait a few hours before you can get a response. But you will get a thorough answer to your query when the people at EssayPro do get to your question. I would appreciate it if they were a little more prompt, but they at least provide sensible answers.

  • Consistent Communication With Your Writer

You’ll stay in touch with your assigned writer throughout your project. The system ensures you can contact your writer whenever you have any questions over your work. You can even get email or SMS notifications from your writer as necessary.

  • Choose Your Writer

Many other writing companies will assign a writer to you. EssayPro is different, as it lets you choose the writer you’re going to hire for your work. The platform lets you check on who is open and who you might want to consult for your project.

  • Thorough Ordering Service

You will get the chance to tell your writer about all the things you want out of a project. You can use the ordering service to handle your order in moments. The platform lets you provide your writer with the necessary attachments, the instructions for the project, and any grading rubrics you wish to cover.

  • No Outstanding Discounts

While you have the flexibility to choose someone based on what that person might charge, you’re not going to find any significant discounts. You’d have to check what each person charges for service before hiring someone.

  • Different Billing Process

The fact that you have to add money to a wallet on the site instead of pay for single projects separately may be an issue for some users. You might have money left over in your wallet after the project is complete. Then again, you never know what the final cost for your work will be when you hire someone here.

Summing Up: Is EssayPro Legit?

The EssayPro prices can be tough to predict, and customer service isn’t always there. But the writers at EssayPro are thorough in what they do, plus you can stay in touch with them throughout the work effort. You also have more control over who you’re going to hire for work.

EssayPro is reliable for when you’re trying to find a solution for writing work. But you should look around well to see what writers are available and who might be open to assist you with your work.

I would consider EssayPro to be an appealing option for your writing needs, but you should know what to expect out of the website. You must know what you are entering into before you start working, so you won’t be surprised over anything you come across in your work. I really hope that this EssayPro review was helpful to you. Please don't hesitate to leave a comment if you have anything to say.

Adam is an expert when it comes to academic writing services. He knows the industry inside out as he worked as a customer service representative for a few essay mills.

So you’re wondering how to become a writer. The short answer is: anyone who writes is a writer. However, becoming a writer who’s serious about their professional career requires lots of work, and if you’re wondering how to become a professional writer, you’re here to start your journey towards a productive and successful literary career.

How do you become a writer? You don’t need a degree to be a writer, nor do you need to be a certain age. Becoming a writer simply requires an admiration for—and a longing to create with—language. So, don’t worry about becoming a writer later in life or lacking a formal education. (That’s what is here for!)

No one can teach you how to admire the written word, but the instructors at are experts at turning longing into language. That’s why this article covers everything you need on how to become a writer. From the personal to the professional, let’s dive into everything writers need to build a successful literary career.

How to Become a Writer: Contents

How to Become a Writer: Anyone Can Become One

It’s never too late to become a writer, how to become a writer: where to begin your writing journey, how to become a professional writer: what “professional” means, how to become a writer: resources for becoming a professional writer, how to become a writer: developing a writing habit.

Even today, there’s a persistent myth that writers are elite, born-with-it Ivory Tower folks who possess some ineffable gift of the Muses. Yes, some great writers were born with greatness (and plenty were born with wealth and privilege), but anyone who calls themselves a writer does so because they labor with the written word.

Becoming a writer simply requires an ardent exploration of language.

In others words, you don’t need an MFA from the University of Iowa to call yourself a writer. Becoming a writer simply requires an ardent exploration of language. If we had to boil a writer down to three requirements, it wouldn’t involve age or degree. The 4 traits for becoming a writer are:

  • Passion for the written word,
  • Desire to expand the boundaries and possibilities of language,
  • Persistence and patience, bordering on stubbornness, and
  • Willingness to grow and learn continuously.

Many writers who have these traits stop themselves from writing, maybe because they’re wondering how to become a writer without a degree, or simply because they don’t believe in themselves without the privilege and connections writers seem to have. Now, writers certainly benefit from a university education or a family legacy in literature, but countless writers have acquired respect and success without a degree or name recognition.

Ernest Hemingway never went to college, but he still won a Pulitzer and Nobel Prize; neither did Maya Angelou attend university, yet she’s celebrated as the “black woman’s poet laureate” and later accepted a professorship with Wake Forest University. Degrees are just paper; it’s words that matter.

Degrees are just paper; it’s words that matter.

Becoming a writer has no age restriction; the act of writing is rated G for the General Public, and those aforementioned traits are found in writers from ages 2 to 99+.

Many writers discover their writing talents in their later years. Why, exactly? Neurology reveals there are two types of intelligence : fluid intelligence and crystallized intelligence. “Fluid” refers to creative and adaptive thinking, including activities like writing and problem solving. “Crystallized” refers to the solidified body of knowledge people draw from—all the words, definitions, and experiences that build a foundation for the world.

Generally, younger adults have more fluid intelligence, whereas life experience builds one’s crystallized intelligence over time. The two intelligences tend to converge in a person’s 40s, since this is an age where the faculties for fluid intelligence haven’t declined, and crystallized intelligence abounds. Not-so-coincidentally, many writers see their careers flourish in their 40s and 50s!

Many celebrated writers didn’t put pen to paper until middle age or later.

In fact, many celebrated writers didn’t put pen to paper until middle age or later. Laura Ingalls Wilder didn’t start writing until her 40s, and her Little House series didn’t start printing until she was 65. Likewise, Most of Wallace Stevens’ work was published after he turned 50; despite being a poet, he worked at an insurance company, and most of his coworkers were shocked when he won a Pulitzer at 75. Nobody knew that he wrote!

Finally, many university students return for a writing degree after establishing a career elsewhere. BFA and MFA programs around the world educate students in their 30s and beyond; in 2017, the average age of a low-residency MFA student in the U.S. was 35.4, according to LitHub and AWP .

Whether you’re 19 or 90, you’re never too old to write. The best time to write is yesterday; the second-best time is today.

Rather than an If-Then structure, the writing profession follows a Became-Because structure.

How do you become a writer? Where do you begin? The writing profession is unlike most professions, which follow an If-Then structure. If you get a bachelor’s degree, Then you can work as a nurse, computer scientist, or accountant; If you join a worker’s guild or apprenticeship program, Then you can find work in a number of trade jobs.

The writing profession follows a Became-Because structure. Zora Neale Hurston became a writer because she obtained degrees from Howard University and Barnard College, encouraging her to dissect the African American experience through a literary and anthropological lens.

Conversely, Haruki Murakami became a writer because of a baseball game .

The qualifications for becoming a writer are unique to the individual, and every writer is formed by personal interests and experiences. As a result, no one can tell you where to begin your writing journey; however, if you’re wondering how to become a writer, you’ve already started your journey by thinking about it.

If you’re wondering how to become a writer, you’ve already started your journey by thinking about it.

One distinction to help you think about your writing journey is the difference between amateur and professional writers. If you’re not sure what you want to become, start with the following question: what does “professional” mean?

There are, generally, two classes of writers: amateurs and professionals. Before describing the professional writer, let’s be clear: “amateur” is not derogatory, and professional writers are not “better” than amateurs. Amateur comes from the Latin amator , “lover.” An amateur writer loves the written word just as much, sometimes even more, than the professional; amateurs simply have less pressure, deadlines, and financial dependence on writing. It’s a pastime, not a career.

If you want writing to be a significant portion of your income, then you aspire to being a professional writer.

If you want writing to be a significant portion of your income, then you aspire to being a professional writer. Professional writers have to approach their writing as a business, building a literary audience and keeping a regular writing schedule. Professional writers need to understand the ins and outs of the publishing industry—which they often learn through obtaining a university degree—and it also helps to have formal training in the publishing world and experience operating literary magazines.

How do you start to work toward becoming a professional writer? Below are resources to get you started.

At some point, the professional writer needs to know the ins and outs of writing as a business. This list covers the essentials of how to become a professional writer.

How to make money as a writer

  • Explore freelance writing opportunities (updated weekdays at F.W.G.)
  • 6 writers explain how they make money (NY Mag)
  • Self-publishing versus traditional publishing (Self-Publishing School)
  • Writing to market (Funds For Writers)

Taxes as a self-employed creative

  • Taxes on freelance writing and royalties (TurboTax)
  • Tax tips and unique situations (The Balance Careers)

Resources on publishing

  • Poetry journals
  • Fiction journals
  • Creative nonfiction journals
  • How to get published in a literary journal (Reader’s Digest)
  • Book: What Editors Do by Peter Ginna ($25 at UChicago Press)

Becoming a writer online

  • Basic guide to each social media platform (Kindlepreneur)
  • Building an author’s website (The Write Practice)
  • Free website template for authors (Copyfolio)
  • Running a mailing list (Your Writer Platform)

Things to know before taking writing classes

  • Poetry courses
  • Fiction courses
  • Creative nonfiction courses
  • Why take a writing course?

Additional resources for learning how to become a writer

  • Setting SMART goals
  • Reading like a writer
  • The golden rule: show, don’t tell
  • Overcoming writer’s block
  • Becoming a poet
  • 8 tips on learning how to write
  • Best online creative writing classes
  • Creative writing programs (answering the question: should you get an MFA?)

How do professional writers spend their workdays? Perhaps the trickiest part about becoming a writer is establishing a writing habit. For example, Haruki Murakami runs a 10K every morning to support his writing, and Charles Dickens wrote (and slept) facing north to improve his creativity.

Perhaps the trickiest part about becoming a writer is establishing a writing habit.

What works for one person rarely works for another, so experiment with writing habits—and when you find one that works, stick with it.

Generally, you can parse the writing business into 3 separate components:

  • The writing life—putting pen to paper at regular intervals.
  • Scheduled time for “the business of writing”—literary submissions, applying for grants, etc.
  • An active media/marketing presence—blogging, tweeting, emailing, etc.

You’ll want to schedule time for each of these elements in your daily writing habit. Of course, this is easier said than done. Budding writers often overestimate their ability to work: they think they can spend 3 hours writing, 2 hours replying to emails, and 2 hours submitting work to journals. Then they spend the afternoon watching reruns of BBC quiz shows. (Yes! I did do this recently.)

That’s why forging a consistent writing habit is essential—for amateur writers as well as professionals. Writing at the same place at the same time encourages your brain to write every day. And, if you can’t keep yourself focused on writing, try experimenting with different writing rituals. If a 10K helps Murakami write, something equally unique could help you, too.

How to Become a Writer: Take Your Next Step with!

The classes we’ve curated in our upcoming schedule will take your writing life to the next level. Whether learning a new writing style or mastering the business of writing, becoming a writer feels a whole lot simpler with

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Sean Glatch


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Brilliant review Misty

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I hope, I can be a better writer with your support.

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Yeah. Same thing as with all other fields. Practice, practice, and once again, practice! It’s like a sport, you should always find new ways to practice.

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This really helped me out. Thank you so much!

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I’m 14 and i hope to become a writer someday. Thank you so much for the info.

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Thank you for the information About to start my writing journey and thus really helped.

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I’m a senior that would like to turn my love of writing into a profession. The information you have presented here has inspired me to continue moving towards that goal.

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I live in a rural area of Uganda with very little education but always aspired to write a book on families. I am much encouraged. started it but got stuck ..

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I love writing and thank you for information you have given meand am obliged to say thank.

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i am very eager to become a writer be that script know how or fiction. i am a sponge for knowledge so i learn as i work. i treat everyday as a school day. i want to learn every single part of the writing career-be that if the editor drinks tea or coffee and how they like there papers folded. i soak information as i do a task. i love to build the bullet points for a story because everything needs a beginning. if you are baking a cake the eggs and flour are needed before you think about putting anything in the oven. to prepare a cake you need a tray to put it in-before you build a story you need a starting and then ingredients to put in along the way. i really love to build a story from different snippets of things. i have a thirst for many different aspects of life having spent a majority of time in hospitals and then being taken advantage of my my family because of my brain injury. so i know more than most in a lot of different subjects and matters in life, i have lost more than most in life but i am here telling my version of it to the big bright world. 0874762400 is my contact number

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Discovering the path to becoming a writer is both exhilarating and daunting. It requires a blend of passion, persistence, and honing one’s craft. From mastering the art of storytelling to navigating the intricacies of the publishing world, the journey demands dedication and resilience. Embrace every word written, every rejection faced, for they are stepping stones on the road to literary success.

[…] A comprehensive guide covering personal and professional aspects of becoming a writer1. […]

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EssayPro Professional Essay Writing Service

How to Create an EssayPro Account: Step-by-Step Guide

How to create an essaypro account, introduction.

Are you looking to create an EssayPro account but don’t know where to start? Look no further! In this article, we will guide you through the step-by-step process of creating an EssayPro account. Whether you’re a student in need of academic assistance or a freelance writer looking for work, having an EssayPro account can open doors to a world of opportunities.

Step 1: Visit the EssayPro Website

To begin, open your preferred web browser and search for “EssayPro” or simply type in “” in the address bar. Once you’re on the EssayPro homepage, you will see a “Sign Up” button on the top right corner of the screen. Click on it to proceed.

Step 2: Choose Your Account Type

EssayPro offers two types of accounts: a customer account and a writer account. If you’re a student or someone seeking academic assistance, select the “Customer” option. If you’re a professional writer looking for freelance opportunities, choose the “Writer” option. Select the account type that best suits your needs and click on it.

Step 3: Fill in the Registration Form

After selecting your account type, you will be directed to a registration form. Fill in the required information such as your email address, username, and password. Make sure to choose a strong password to protect your account. Once you’ve filled in all the necessary details, click on the “Create Account” button.

Step 4: Verify Your Email

After creating your account, EssayPro will send a verification email to the address you provided during registration. Go to your email inbox and look for an email from EssayPro. Open the email and click on the verification link to confirm your account. This step is crucial to ensure the security and validity of your EssayPro account.

Step 5: Complete Your Profile

Once your account is verified, it’s time to complete your profile. This step is essential for both customers and writers. Customers can provide information about their academic needs, while writers can showcase their skills and experience. Fill in the necessary details such as your name, education level, and areas of expertise. Uploading a profile picture can also help build trust and credibility.

Step 6: Explore EssayPro Features

Congratulations! You have successfully created your EssayPro account. Take some time to explore the various features and services offered by EssayPro. As a customer, you can place orders, communicate with writers, and track the progress of your assignments. As a writer, you can browse available orders, submit proposals, and communicate with clients. Familiarize yourself with the platform to make the most out of your EssayPro experience.

1. Can I use my EssayPro account for both writing and ordering services?

Yes, EssayPro allows you to use the same account for both purposes. Simply select the appropriate option when logging in.

2. Is it free to create an EssayPro account?

Absolutely! Creating an EssayPro account is completely free of charge.

3. Can I change my account type after registration?

Yes, you can switch between a customer and writer account by accessing the account settings in your profile.

4. What if I forget my EssayPro password?

If you forget your password, don’t worry. Simply click on the “Forgot Password” link on the login page and follow the instructions to reset it.

5. How can I contact EssayPro support if I have any issues?

If you encounter any problems or have questions, you can reach EssayPro’s support team through the “Contact Us” page on their website.

6. Is my personal information safe on EssayPro?

EssayPro takes the privacy and security of its users seriously. They have strict measures in place to protect your personal information and ensure confidentiality.

By following these simple steps, you can create an EssayPro account and unlock a world of academic assistance or freelance opportunities. Get started today and make the most out of your EssayPro experience!

Remember, if you have any questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to EssayPro’s dedicated support team. Happy exploring and best of luck on your academic or writing journey!

Watch CBS News

"The Simpsons" writer comments on Kamala Harris predictions: "I'm proud"

By Caitlin O'Kane

July 22, 2024 / 5:47 PM EDT / CBS News

"The Simpsons" might have done it again – an episode of the show that aired in 2000 seemingly predicted even more details of what could soon be real-life events. In the flash-forward episode "Bart to the Future", Lisa Simpson becomes president and wears a purple suit and pearls that are uncannily similar to what Kamala Harris – who is now running for president – wore when she was inaugurated as vice president.

Show screenwriter Al Jean  touted the parallels on social media Sunday, shortly after Mr. Biden announced he was dropping out of the 2024 presidential race. 

" @TheSimpsons  'prediction' I'm proud to be a part of," Jean wrote, sharing side-by-side images of Lisa and Harris wearing the strikingly similar outfits.

Perhaps the eeriest part of the episode is that Lisa succeeds Donald Trump as president — the episode also famously foresaw a Trump presidency — while in real life, Harris would also be going up against the former president if she wins the Democratic nomination. 


The episode takes place in the year 2030, with Lisa describing herself as "America's first straight female president," who has inherited "quite a budget crunch from President Trump." Dan Greaney, who wrote the episode, said in a 2016 interview that he conceived of the plotline as a " warning to America ." 

Several other social media users over the weekend pointed to the latest parallel, with one person writing , "The Simpsons as Prophetic has become one of the most enduring mysteries of our times."

Others called it "unnerving" and "freaky." 


In the past, fans have freaked out over the show's all-too-accurate predictions of real-life events. In the "Simpsons Movie," Tom Hanks plays an animated version of himself, joking that "the U.S. government has lost its credibility, so it's borrowing some of mine." Fans noticed parallels when Hanks was tapped to host an inauguration special called "Celebrating America," playing a similar role to that of his spokesman-like character in "The Simpsons."

In 2012, the show  foreshadowed elements  of Lady Gaga's 2017 Super Bowl halftime show , right down to her sparkly outfit. It also predicted the outcome of the penultimate " Game of Thrones" episode when it parodied the show in 2017 – two years before that "GOT" episode aired.

"The Simpsons" has also foreseen technological developments such as phones that make video calls and virtual reality glasses that people become obsessed with. It has even predicted disasters such as a pandemic and a submersible trip gone wrong. 

  • The Simpsons
  • Kamala Harris

Caitlin O'Kane is a New York City journalist who works on the CBS News social media team as a senior manager of content and production. She writes about a variety of topics and produces "The Uplift," CBS News' streaming show that focuses on good news.

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EssayPro has a rating of 4.8 stars from 26,640 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally satisfied with their purchases. Reviewers satisfied with EssayPro most frequently mention great work, timely manner, and easy process. EssayPro ranks 2nd among Education sites.

  • Service 144
  • Shipping 1060
  • Quality 1095

become a writer on essaypro

This company responds to reviews on average within 11 days

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“Live communications with the writers so YOU can tell...”

Live communications with the writers so YOU can tell them what you want, I thought that was great. They bid on the work to do it for you so you can bargain a price, be aware the system does set a minimum price and they can't go lower than that. The bedside is well setup to be honest.

“Great service so far”

Great service so far. From the initial registration of my assignment I received a phone call instead of communication through the online tool. I felt very better knowing that they really care to understand your individual needs.

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Welcome to EssayPro - where students trust our team of pro experts with years of experience and hundreds of satisfied customers. We offer a wide range of services, including help with essay writing, editing, proofreading, and more, capable of handling tasks of any complexity. During 2021, we finished 300,000 assignments. Every month, our experts crafted 25,000 new assignments, with a daily influx of 850 fresh tasks. We understand the financial struggles of students, which is why we offer affordable and student-oriented prices. Our mission is to provide you with quality help with assignments that meet your academic needs. Our platform is like a fortress, offering you complete security and anonymity for a worry-free experience. Our support team is on standby 24/7 to assist you, and we even back our service with a money-back guarantee. Trust us with your academic success - order now!

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Guest Writer

The author is pictured at age 12, around the time that all the chastity drama began in her family.

My first sexual intercourse, just before I started college, was unplanned. It would have been largely forgettable if we’d used birth control.

Looking back, it’s hard to admit to my own foolishness. I’d had the same boyfriend for 18 months. While our Catholic upbringings were a factor in this long period of chastity, my unpreparedness was also due to my mother’s admonition that a girl using birth control is sinning by anticipating sex.

Five years before, my parents relentlessly belittled my older sisters after finding out that they were sexually active. Our household exploded in screaming and lectures on the “type of girl no decent man wanted.” Drawers were regularly searched.

“I’d feel better if you weren’t using birth control and got pregnant,” our mother yelled. “At least your intentions would be good.”

My sisters gave our mother’s advice all the consideration it deserved, but as a slowly maturing 12 year old, I took it seriously. Desperately wanting to please my parents, I took their words as a viable ethical position.

By the time I was 17, my parents’ dysfunctional marriage had become a vicious, albeit silent, war. My philandering father often stayed out all night. My mother lost so much weight that her co-workers thought she had cancer. Yet she would stand in the doorway when Mitch dropped me off from dates, making sure I didn’t linger in the car parked in the driveway. She had begun emptying my drawers.

I matriculated at the University of California, Los Angeles, a few months after my 18th birthday and about a month after I first had intercourse. I ended up on a waiting list for student housing. Since I lived too far away to commute, I stayed for the first quarter in the home of well-to-do family friends, taking a public bus to school.

The family’s eldest daughter, Laura, was a high school senior. Grateful that she’d agreed to share her room with me, I was also indebted to her for her understanding of moral ambiguity. “I’m on the pill,” she said. “You can think about whether sex is right or wrong, but use birth control while you decide.”

Meanwhile, my irregular periods were usually about 45 days apart, but I hadn’t menstruated in over two months. A few nights later, Laura crept into the kitchen to empty and wash a glass mayonnaise jar. The following morning, I peed in the jar, placed it in a brown paper bag and carried it on the bus, perfectly upright, hoping it looked like a bag lunch and that it wouldn’t leak or break.

I waited two days for the negative results. I’d set up a simple cipher for the conversation with Mitch because I’d have to call him on a very public pay phone. He was a sophomore at a college across town, far enough that there would be a charge for “local long distance.” I brought a coin purse full of quarters and dimes.

When Mitch answered the phone, I said, “I’m not going to the mountains.”

“Wait,” he said. I could hear him moving across the room, pulling the phone cord into the hallway.

“What?” he finally asked.

“I’m not going to the mountains.”

“Are you pregnant?”

“I’m NOT pregnant,” I exclaimed in frustration, my three minutes coming to a close, the automated operator’s voice giving me my first warning.

A girl standing in front of a vending machine turned to look at me. “Congratulations,” she said. I think she meant it. When she left, I got some chocolate chip cookies with change left over from the phone call. That was the beginning of my freshman 10, the anxiety pounds.

I didn’t have a period until the academic quarter was over, and I’d moved into the dorms. As if all three missing periods had accumulated until the dam burst, I woke in the middle of the night slick with blood. Fearful of disturbing my new roommate, I found a towel without turning on the light and puttered to the restroom. At that hour, no one was in the hallway to see my blood-soaked pajamas. I cleaned up under one in a row of showerheads separated by white curtains.

Multiple thoughts occurred to me: This could have been a miscarriage; I’d failed my mother’s strict chastity standard; Mitch and I were gambling with our futures.

And still, I hesitated to act. Mitch was unwilling to buy condoms because it was embarrassing. His interest in a girl he’d met at work blossomed, and he sometimes treated me with cruelty, a thing that mimicked my father’s behavior. Despite the dysfunction of our relationship and my guilt when I came home and caught my mother searching my bathroom cabinets, Mitch and I occasionally ended up in bed when one or the other of our roommates went home for the weekend. I missed another period.

Sin or not, I was pressing my luck. Now that I was on campus, the student health clinic was within walking distance. I made an appointment for the birth control lecture, a requirement before being prescribed the pill.

At the student health center, I filled out a long, invasive questionnaire about my sexual activity. I found it humiliating, as if an unseen judge was now my in loco parentis. H aving never developed boundaries, I answered honestly.

After completing the survey, I sat with a group of girls watching a film. One memorable scene had a woman talking about how she was never without her “condominium” — an embossed leather pendant pouch, worn like a necklace, which she squeezed open, and from which she pulled a wrapped condom. Tooled leather had been wildly popular a decade earlier, but this effort to make birth control hip felt flat. All the girls snickered, shook their heads — and put up with it. Because at the end of the film, we got what we came for: permission.

Though I finally had monthly pill packs in hand, I’d been instructed not to start them until the end of my next period, which showed no sign of arriving soon.

Mitch’s parents were going away for a weekend, so we were meeting at their house for our next date. Five days before, I figured I’d waited long enough. With no way of knowing when my next period would start, but certain that we would have sex that weekend, I started taking the pill. I figured it would make my periods regular, and my constant state of anxiety about the possibility of pregnancy would disappear.

When I met Mitch at his parents’ house, we had a typical afternoon. A meal, sex, some TV. I started to feel cramps low in my abdomen. They quickly increased in strength. I went to the bathroom, sat on the toilet, and doubled over. A mass of blood flowed out, heavy, full of clots, pocked with fibrous strings.

I wanted to tell Mitch I might have miscarried a pregnancy. That it was in the toilet and I wasn’t sure what to do. But Mitch didn’t like talking about the female body, waving off what he felt had an “ick” factor. All I could manage to say was that I’d passed a lot of blood. He stared a moment, shrugged his shoulders and turned back to the TV. I returned to the bathroom and flushed the toilet.

Decades later, I still think back on that moment, my denial of reality. It was clear that Mitch’s affection for me had waned. My convenience as a sex partner was my primary appeal to him. He wasn’t someone I could have an honest conversation with, much less a baby, and I knew it. But I persisted in my hope that he would love me again, and imagined a future together. He was, after all, in the model of my father.

It’d be a lie to say that day haunts me. And I imagine if someone asked Mitch about it, he wouldn’t be able to recall it. But I do think of it periodically, knowing that if I did accidentally terminate a pregnancy, I altered the course of my life.

The author is shown in a recent photo at a library where she worked.

My parents died during the COVID-19 pandemic. My father had been declining for a few years. That, combined with my mother’s increasing dementia, brought my sisters and me into caregiving roles. With our father’s death, we were packing up what remained at their assisted-living apartment and moving our mom to more intensive care. I found a box of papers in the back of the closet. During the first move we’d pulled these papers from a safe bolted to the concrete floor, boxed them, and took them with us. Now, I was flipping through them.

“Mom and Dad’s wedding certificate,” I said. None of us had ever seen it. My sisters peered over my shoulders. “April 18, 1954.” Four months before my oldest sister was born.

We’d always been told our parents were married in September 1953.

All of us were coming to the same realization at once. That was why they’d been married in the rectory rather than the church, our mother in a blue tailored suit.

“I’m so angry,” my second sister said, visibly shaking. “I’m not kidding, I’m mad.” Our parents had been cruelest to her, telling her that, having slept with her boyfriend, he would then bring his friends over to have sex with her in front of him.

There was no way to talk with our mother about this. Deep into her dementia journey, she was forgetting our names. Our sister conversation pinged. Was this purely hypocrisy? Did our parents think they were doing us a favor, hoping to shame us into not doing what they did? The only lesson I’d learned was how to lack agency.

An old joke of my mother’s came back.

“You can eat an apple for birth control.”

“Before or after?”

“Instead of.”

The author participates in a photo event during "Banned Books Week," holding some banned and challenged library books.

My sexual decisions were not my parents’ to make. Nor did they belong to the university with its lecture, invasive questionnaire, and film. And though the country should have progressed on the matter in the decades since then, the U.S. is now hurling toward a dystopian invasion of women’s privacy and negation of their autonomy.

My adult career choices always had me working with teens, first as a teacher and later as a high school librarian. When I read “ Girls & Sex” by Peggy Orenstein to see if it was a fit for our library collection, I wasn’t surprised to learn that research shows teens who take purity pledges are more likely to get pregnant than those who don’t.

Along with other informative sex ed titles, I featured the book in my library and reviewed it on my school library blog because I am certain of this: Shame is no more an effective method of birth control than it ever was. Girls should know that the only permission they need is their own.

Victoria Waddle is a Pushcart Prize-nominated writer and was included in “Best Short Stories From The Saturday Evening Post Great American Fiction Contest 2016.” The author of “Acts of Contrition” and “The Mortality of Dogs and Humans,” her upcoming novel about a teen escaping a polygamist cult is set to launch in 2025. Formerly the managing editor of the journal Inlandia: A Literary Journey and a teacher librarian, she discusses both writing and library book censorship in her Substack newsletter, “ Be a Cactus .”

Do you have a compelling personal story you’d like to see published on HuffPost? Find out what we’re looking for here and send us a pitch at [email protected].

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Mark Zuckerberg shares an important message about the future of AI

Zuckerberg believes AI should be open (source) to change

Mark Zuckerberg in greyscale on a yellow gradient background.

In an essay shared to the Meta blog on Tuesday, Meta CEO and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg took a moment to personally introduce the company's latest Llama 3 model before making his case on how the future of AI should be shaped.

Zuckerberg's essay seeks to challenge the mindset of companies like Google and ChatGPT developer OpenAI by highlighting the benefits of adopting an open source standard for AI — claiming that "Open source is necessary for a positive AI future."

Take a page out of Unix's book

Zuckerberg opens his essay by highlighting the perfect example of an open source success story: Unix.

Unix is a family of operating systems that date back to the 1960s, Zuckerberg highlights how major tech companies invested heavily in creating proprietary versions of Unix. These locked-down systems may have encountered various levels of success, but it was the emergence of the open source Linux, released in 1991, that revolutionized the platform.

In what may have started out as something of an enthusiast novelty, open source Linux's allowances for developers to alter and add to its code quickly enabled it to become more secure, enriched its capabilities, and overall resulted in a platform that offered more than any close Unix system could.

Open source flipped the script for Unix systems, though this isn't the only instance of open source software succeeding. Look around at some of the most popular alternatives for various pieces of software and you're likely to find fantastic free open source alternatives.

LibreOffice provides an open source alternative to suites like Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace, VLC Media Player is an essential media player that everyone should have installed and is also open source, the lightweight GIMP photo and image editor provides a handy Adobe Photoshop alternative, and browsers like Brave and Firefox offer open source portals to the web that counter Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge.

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What's good for the goose...

Zuckerberg's argument comes from a place of experience. As he points out "Meta has a long history of open source projects and successes. We've saved billions of dollars by releasing our server, network, and data center designs with Open Compute Project and having supply chains standardize on our designs."

On showcasing the development benefits of switching to open source, Zuckerberg points to the rapid improvements to Meta's Llama AI model (whose starting code and model weights were made freely available for research and commercial use), revealing "Last year, Llama 2 was only comparable to an older generation of models behind the frontier. This year, Llama 3 is competitive with the most advanced models and leading in some areas."

Meta's Llama model powers its Meta AI LLM (Large Language Model), which is currently used in services such as WhatsApp , Instagram , Facebook, Messenger, and even the company's Ray-Ban Meta Smart Glasses. Meta AI is also set to debut on Quest 3 headsets from next month.

The newly released Llama 3 will be the first "frontier-level open source AI model," showcasing Meta's desire to walk the walk and not just talk the talk. As Zuckerberg makes clear "Meta is committed to open source AI," believing that "open source AI is good for the world and therefore a platform that will be around for the long term."

Finally, something Elon Musk won't want to fight over

Zuckerberg's stance on open sourcing AI development will no doubt be one of the few things that he and long-time jibe jouster Elon Musk.

Despite a recent rehash of his (admittedly jesting) claims to be open to fighting the Meta CEO "Any time, any place, any rules," Musk is another figurehead in the desire to see AI development adopt the open source principles — with his own xAI Grok model switching to open source in March.

Musk is also responsible for filing a lawsuit against ChatGPT developer OpenAI (of which he was an early investor of before leaving the board in 2018), claiming that it had failed to live up to an agreement that would see its breakthroughs in AI made "Freely available to the public."

Musk claims that heavy investment from Microsoft ( totalling $13 billion as of Dec. 2023 ) has led to the company abandonning its founding principals, morphing into a "closed-source de facto subsidary" of the Windows developer. Something that OpenAI, which does not practice open source with its models, claimed to be "Frivolous" and "Incoherent." Musk has since withdrawn his lawsuit , though an ongoing fued between himself and OpenAI

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EssayPro Review 2023: The Essay Writing Service Under The Scope

Santiago mallea.

EssayPro Essay Writing Service Review

Chief of Content At Gradehacker

  • Updated on April, 2023

Watch our full EssayPro review!

If you are aware of essay writing services, it’s likely you have heard about EssayPro . 

They are one of the most popular and well-known options in the market, and if you are thinking about working with them, it’s important you know beforehand how their process works.

In other words, you need an honest EssayPro review. And one that answers important BIG questions such as:

  • How much does EssayPro costs?
  • Is the communication with the writer any good?
  • Are there any money-back guarantees?
  • Is EssayPro legit?
  • Can EssayPro deliver a high-quality and flawless paper?

Well, you are about to find the answer to all of these questions and more!

Here at Gradehacker, we are the non-traditional adult student’s most trusted resource. We have many years of experience in the essay-writing industry , helping students finish their college programs faster.

So, we know what requirements a company like EssayPro needs to meet.

That’s why we are giving our honest EssayPro review and showing the entire process we went through. After reading this post, you’ll have a clear picture of their service and be ready to make an informed decision.

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What we Did to Review EssayPro

Unlike our previous EssayPro review , this time, we’ll ask them to write an academic assignment from scratch instead of editing a paper we already had.

We ordered a 4-page nursing essay to be delivered in five days where their professional writer would have to describe the microorganism “Bacillus Anthracis” and explain several factors related to it.

It’s the default prompt we use for our essay writing services reviews . If you are interested in finding out what’s the process behind some of the most popular alternatives, such as PaperHelp , PapersOwl , EduBirdie, and many more!

We use this prompt because it’s a great way to check that this essay writing service covers the essential aspects every academic service should. 

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What EssayPro Offers

Before we start, let’s cover the wide range of services that EssayPro offers:

  • Writing: Have academic assistance with multiple college-related written pieces
  • Rewriting: Have an expert writer rewrite and improve a paper you already have
  • Editing: Get a review from their experienced writers to polish your essay

However, it’s worth noticing that within their academic writing service, they offer assistance for multiple assignment types and for any academic level . These go from common research papers and book reviews to more complex lab reports and dissertations and even have a calculation service.

And how was our latest experience with EssayPro?

Overall, we can say it started on the right track. Placing our order was very easy, but as we progressed in our journey, we started finding more and more aspects that we didn’t like. And by the end, we got a paper with many problems and a discovery that we didn’t see coming.

Here you have a quick summary of how we rated each of their aspects, but you’ll have to continue reading to find out how our experience went.

Ordering Process

To show how EssayPro’s ordering process works, we divided it into two parts:

Ordering Form

To place our order, we had to complete their pricing calculator with all the basic information:

  • Assignment type
  • Number of pages/word

After that, we had to create an account to log into their portal. You can sign up with your email, Facebook, or Google account.

Once there, we had to include all the missing details, such as:

  • Assignment topic and subject
  • Number of required sources
  • Citation format
  • Paper instructions

Finally, we attached the assignment requirements with its additional instructions and grading rubric. This way, our assigned essay writer could have a better guide on how to complete our order.

Then, we simply placed our request and moved to the next section: choosing the writer.

But overall, this first part, where we had to fill in all the important information regarding our assignment, felt super easy, intuitive, and fast. The form asks for all the essential details (such as the styling format and the number of sources required) and lets you include anything you need.

EssayPro Review Ordering Form

Bids From Writers

Now is when the ordering process gets a bit more overwhelming.

EssayPro works with a bidding service. Meaning, that while you get a starting price when you fill in their pricing calculator, but then you can get different offers from their catalog of professional essay writers.

At first we found this reasonable, as you have to chance to pay a bit more for a writer you feel can be a better fit for your college assignment.

However, we quickly found two problems.

1) We received too many bids from writers way faster

In over 90 seconds, we got 41 different offers. That’s like two writers’ bids per second!

And it wasn’t like they were automatically sent just to give us a wide range of prices. Each bid came along with a message from that writer, telling us things like:

  • "I have already read our instructions and am familiarized with your topic"
  • "Please give me a chance to complete this assignment for you"
  • "I guarantee professionalism, plagiarism-free paper, and timely work"

Most of them were very general and didn’t refer to anything in particular about our order.

However, after the first 90 seconds, we received a few more messages that at least mentioned that they knew about our chosen microorganism or that they were R.N. and therefore were a great fit.

EssayPro Review Multiple Chats

Besides the pricing (which we’ll talk about in a bit), another factor that helps you choose the writer is the description each one has. Here, you’ll find a short bio about them and a list of all the topics these experienced writers are good at.

While many of these descriptions were detailed and included client reviews, a success rate, and many promising facts about the professionals, we didn’t find a way to verify their credentials. These profiles don’t have a link that takes you to LinkedIn or somewhere that corroborates that “expert writer” experience.

And because you don’t even get the writer’s full name (they only tell you the first letter of the surname) , you can’t look them up on Google or social media.

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For us, getting so many bids (over 40!) in less than two minutes feels completely overwhelming and fake , especially if we consider that most of the messages we received with the offers were automated and weren’t written toward us.

And even those messages that did address a detail related to our order then had a few sentences that seemed quickly copy-pasted into the chat.

This was our first indicator that EssayPro sees our order as a number to be completed instead of a student asking for real help with one assignment.

So, even though the ordering process started with an easy-to-follow form, it later overwhelmed us with too many different options in just a few minutes. 

That’s why we are grading them a 6/10.

EssayPro Review Our Price

Now, to better explain the second problem with the bidding system, we need to talk about EssayPro’s prices.

EssayPro Prices

Pricing for each essay service for students who are at college start at:

  • Editing Service: $5.7 per page
  • Rewriting Service: $.7.98 per page
  • Academic Writing Service:
  • Easy Projects (Essay, review, case study): $11.4 per page
  • Medium Projects (Research papers, thesis, term paper):$12.35 per page
  • Hard Projects (Lab reports, admission essay): +$13.3 per page

Still, it’s worth mentioning that if it’s your first order, with every additional page you add, you get a 5% discount. This means that if you need a 7-page paper, you’ll get a 30% discount!

In our case, we got 15% of f. Instead of $36, we had a minimum price of $32.30.

But if these look like affordable prices, then what’s the problem we mentioned during the writers’ selection part? Well…

2) Almost all offers were more expensive than our initial price

From the 41 writers’ bids we received, only five maintained the cost we got in the initial calculator. The rest had more expensive fees, most with average prices between $40 and $50, and one of them even asked for $72!

Yes, that’s more than double our starting minimum price.

For us, the fact that EssayPro first presents its services with a minimal price, only to later offer you options that are mostly more expensive than it is a huge downside. Even if these don’t stop being accessible prices, we feel like they are making us think that we need to pay more to receive a top-quality paper.

This is because these alternatives with higher prices come from “experienced writers” who supposedly have more knowledge in the field our essay is about. And the extra dollar could be worth it; if only they gave us a way to verify that their credentials and background are real.

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And how does EssayPro's payment work?

Instead of directly sending the money to the writer, you have to make a deposit in your account. 

You can release the payment once the assignment was completed and you feel happy with the final result. This way, you know for sure that the paper meets your quality standards and that the assigned professional will do their best to deliver it.

And the biggest advantage they have in comparison to other professional writing services is that they don’t have additional costs . While other companies charge extra for key essay elements like plagiarism reports, outlines, and revisions, all of these are included in your order in case you need them.

One point in their favor.

Still, we didn’t like how our original cost didn’t look like the real price EssayPro wanted us to pay. So, we are giving them a 6.

EssayPro Review Additional Costs

Experience With The Writer

With all of the different bids offered, we now had to pick one.

Because we wanted to stick with the minimum price EssayPro originally presented to us, we only had five options to choose from.

In the end, we chose Kelly D., a biologist with a background in fields like biomedical sciences, health sciences, and chemistry . She also had completed more than 1,000 orders, a high satisfaction rate, and an overall rating of 4.9.

Once we hired her, she sent us a message thanking us.

Our communication with her was adequate and timely. EssayPro has an integrated chat window in their portal, where you can get in touch with your writer whenever you need.

In our case, we greeted Kelly and told her that she could let us know whether she had questions about the instructions and that we were happy to help her. A few seconds later, she reached out back to thank us and confirm she would tell us if needed.

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Initially, we felt great about having a real person writing genuine messages instead of copy-pasting sentences.

Sadly, when she delivered our paper, she addressed us as “dear client” and that she had completed the assignment. Another automated message.

Still, aside from this detail, we felt that our experience with Kelly was satisfactory . We had the opportunity to get in touch with her if needed, as much as she could ask us any questions regarding the instructions.

This is why we are giving them an 8.

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Essay Quality

Now, let’s see in-depth one of the most important sections of our EssayPro Review: the overall quality of our paper.

Chiqui Villazana | Consulting Team Director

Just like we did in our former essay service reviews, we asked Chiqui, our in-house Editor in Chief, to review the essay we got in detail and tell us if it was up to their standards or was the product of an average-quality service.

And unfortunately, the final result is closer to this second option.

Clarity and Comprehension

The first big mistake we noticed is that our writer didn’t include the name of our chosen microorganism in the introductio n and simply refers to “Bacillus Anthrasis” as “it.” Our bacteria was first mentioned in the second paragraph.

This is a basic error that no experienced writer should make.

Regarding the overall structure of the essay, it was acceptable and well-organized, with almost no grammatical errors . Kelly followed the guidelines we sent without much trouble, unless for a tiny detail. 

She forgot to write one entire section that was worth 10 points.

Both the instructions and the guideline included a prompt about “Infectious Disease Information.” Still, this heading was nowhere to be found in our essay . Looks like our writer didn’t read the requirements in-depth.

By far, this was the biggest mistake we received in our order.

Because we got two errors that could have been easily avoided, we are giving them a 5 in comprehension.

Title page

APA Formatting

But bad news don’ts top there.

While the APA formatting was mostly accurate, it was outdated as it included styling features like a running head and a heading in the introduction, which are no longer required according to the latest version of APA.

Also, the headings were aligned to the left and in bold when they should have been centered without any format. Some even had a period, which sub-headings like these shouldn’t have.

Then, our writer repeated the title of the paper on the first page , when that’s not necessary when you already have a title page.

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Still, these were simple mistakes that Kelly should have been aware of. But there were two bigger problems with the APA formatting.

First of all , the paragraphs didn’t have the required indentation that every essay must have. 

But most importantly, our not-so-experienced writer forgot to include the in-text citations from two different sources . While the articles written by Mallozzi and Tuipulotu are listed in the bibliography, they aren’t cited in the text.

This is a huge mistake since crediting your source is critical to avoid plagiarism.

And it’s not like our writer included these references to meet the required minimum. The paper we got clearly has information from multiple sources , and we are sure that these two articles correctly written in the reference list were used in the essay.

However, we can’t know for sure which parts of the text are using information from the sources.

With all that said, we are giving EssayPro a 5 in APA formatting.

Considering the issue we’ve just described, it’s a mistake that has to do with a plagiarism issue as well.

After running it in our plagiarism checker, we didn’t find any duplicated content. Meaning, that our paper was 100% original.

But because we know that two sources from the reference list aren’t properly credited in the text, our writer is committing unwanted plagiarism.

That’s why we are giving them a 6.

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EssayPro Guarantees

How about the guarantees EssayPro offers? Do they have any money-back guarantee?

Well, they have a   refund policy and are transparent with how these work:

  • 100% Refund: If you don't get an expert assigned and cancel the order fast or send a duplicated order by mistake
  • 70% Refund: If you cancel the order when the writer has already worked on it but before they complete it
  • You can dispute a refund if:
  • The writer sends the order after the deadline
  • There is a problem with the order’s originality

However, you don’t get a refund if:

  • You use your order for personal purposes
  • You receive a lower grade than expected
  • The editing and proofreading Order didn't meet your expectations
  • The refund period has passed (they are available within six months of the transaction date)

While we value how transparent they are with their guarantees, we think that they are quite basic and cover general problems that are more related to issues in their process rather than the quality of their work.

After all, they specifically mention that they “can’t offer a refund for a claim of a failed course or a similar one because the expert’s task is to help the customer in accordance with the requirements set out in the order.”

In short, they aren’t responsible if you get to use their low-quality paper and get a bad grade. What’s the point of investing your money if they don’t guarantee that you’ll get at least a decent note?

We are giving their guarantees a 6.

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Is EssayPro Legit?

And as always, we left for last THE question any student should ask when considering a professional writing service: is EssayPro a legit service?

Our answer is kind of.

Regarding their service, they are legit. They delivered our order within the deadline, even though it wasn’t the best in terms of quality.

EssayPro isn’t a scam . They won’t run away with your money after placing your request.

Still, if you would ask us if they are legit with how they present themselves, we must say that they are not legit at all.

Here’s why:

Fake writer profiles

Something we had already mentioned in our EssayPro Editing Service review is that the writer’s profiles look fake.

It also doesn’t help that you only get the first name of each professional and don’t have any means to verify who they are and that they have the background and experience they claim.

Back then, we ran some of the images through Google Reverse image search and found they were indeed fake. We did it again and had the same results.

As we can see, Thomas S. is an extremely popular hair model.

EssayPro Review Reverse Image Search Profile

We weren’t expecting less, but then we noticed something that surprised us.

Some of the writers now had different pictures than the ones they had last year.

If having fake pictures wasn’t enough proof, knowing that they change them after a while supports how intransparent they are.

EssayPro reviews negative

And when we thought that this was it, we made one final discovery that completely shocked us.

EssayPro has secondary websites that provide the exact same service

Recently, we reviewed PapersOwl, another academic paper-writing service that, in our opinion, looked too similar to EduBirdie.

In our research, we found that they were indeed part of the same company, which had four different essay-writing services with different names and layouts but shared the same ordering process and writers’ database.

You can have a better look at that in our PapersOwl review .

After that experience, we’ve been super careful in checking that other “top-quality services” were who they claim and not just one sub-company owned by a larger service.

Since EssayPro is such a reputable writing service with many years in the market, we imagined that this wouldn’t be the case for them.

We were wrong.

We found that the services EssayHub and WritePaper have the same process and workflow as EssayPro. We know this because they have identical:

  • Ordering process
  • Sign-up site

EssayPro Login

And most important of all: they have the same writers.

We took our favorite hair model’s profile and replaced its URL from “” to “ ” and “ “, only maintaining his writer ID.

Just like we were expecting, Thomas S. has the exact same profile on each website. Same (fake) photo, reviews, and ratings.

Thomas S. profile in EssayPro

But contrary to PapersOwl and EduBirdie, who weren’t trying to hide the fact that they belonged to the same company, as it was mentioned in their Terms of Service, EssayPro , EssayHub , and WritePaper don’t say anything related to their shared database in their terms.

This is because there is nothing illegal about this . It’s just a strategy to reach more clients who are looking for multiple alternatives when looking for a reliable service to trust.

Once again, EssayPro is not a scam but is not a legit service either . 

They aren’t clear on what is the actual workflow behind their process and demonstrate that they are more interested in receiving more orders from different sites rather than truly helping the student making the request.

So, we are giving EssayPro a 3 in legitimacy.

Our Verdict

What do we think about EssayPro? Is it worth it?

In our opinion, it’s only worth your time if you are looking for fast assistance with a simple assignment and are willing to review it in-depth to check that it’s well-written and meets all the requirements.

But if you want to be sure that the experienced writer helping you is who they truly claim, or are looking for a top-quality service that cares about the struggles of students and wants to help you have a better college experience, EssayPro won’t be a good fit.

EssayPro Pros

  • Affordable and student-oriented prices
  • Fast and complete ordering form
  • Features writing, proofreading, and editing services
  • You have a chat box to communicate with your writer
  • Unlimited reviews for 30 days after the deadline
  • On-time delivery

EssayPro Cons

  • Outdated and incorrect use of APA 7th Edition
  • Our writer didn't read the instructions in-depth and forgot to include one required section
  • The writer forgot to cite two sources credited in the reference list
  • Choosing a writer is an overwhelming process, as you get multiple offers in a few minutes
  • Most of the writers' bids didn't respect the original price we received
  • Messages from the writers were automated and fake
  • Writers' profiles are fake, and there is no way to verify who they are
  • EssayPro has a bigger company behind it with one shared database and other websites with the same work frame to attract more clients

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Whether it’s a 4-page nursing essay, book review, or complex research paper, submit your request and see how we can help you!

Is EssayPro For You?

You now have all the essential information and a transparent experience of how it is to work with EssayPro. 

Now you need to consider your goals, see what you need, and whether you have a problem in trusting a company that isn’t genuine with who they are and whose are the writers behind their barely adequate service are.

We wish you the best of luck and trust that you’ll make an informed decision that will leave you as a satisfied customer.

But if you are sure that EssayPro isn’t for you and are looking for other alternatives, here at Gradehacker, we’ll be happy to assist you with whatever you need!

Whether you need help with a complex essay , an entire class , or are looking for a long-term relationship to earn your degree faster , be sure to reach out to us and let us know what we can do to make you have a better college experience.

And if you want to check out other reviews, don’t miss these related posts:

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Santiago Mallea is a curious and creative journalist who first helped many college students as a Gradehacker consultant in subjects like literature, communications, ethics, and business. Now, as a Content Creator in our blog, YouTube channel, and TikTok, he assists non-traditional students improve their college experience by sharing the best tips. You can find him on LinkedIn .

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How to Become a Writer in 9 Simple Steps [2024]

by Sarah Lentz

on Jan 3, 2024

You’re here because you want to learn how to become a writer.

A quick Google search led to mountains of advice, leaving you with more questions than when you started!

But you’re determined to figure out, once and for all, how to grow your talent on a career path that not only puts food on the table but changes your life in ways you can’t put a price on.

In the simple steps below, you’ll learn how to decide what kind of writing to focus on and where to find the best writing jobs once you do.

Ready to take those first steps toward becoming a professional writer ?

Let’s dive in.

How to Become a Writer in 9 Steps

Who doesn’t love a step-by-step approach to making great things happen?

No one’s saying it’ll happen overnight. But, by giving each of the following steps your full and patient attention and taking action every day, you’ll make steady and measurable progress.

This is how you go from being an aspiring writer to landing a great writing job.

1. Choose a Path

Your decision to become a writer is just the beginning. When it comes to professional writing for an income, you have several rewarding paths to choose from:

  • Blogging : Build an audience by writing on your own platform (or guest post on other blogs)
  • Freelance writing : Write high-quality content for clients and publications
  • Copywriting : Write marketing copy and assist with branding
  • Writing nonfiction books : Share knowledge and earn royalty income
  • Fiction writing: Tell stories and earn royalty income
  • Ghostwriting : Merge your skill with another’s voice to write books or create viral content
  • Journalism: Write for a newspaper and/or magazines
  • Technical writing: Write technical manuals, instructions or reports

Some of these probably excite you more than others. And you wouldn’t be the first writer to try more than one path before settling on the best fit.

How do you decide where to begin?

  • Learn as much as you can about the paths that interest you.
  • Talk to experienced bloggers, journalists, ghostwriters, etc.
  • Try your hand at writing jobs for different paths (part-time).

Whatever you try, be honest about your inclinations. When you’re writing what you love (or what you don’t), it shows.

2. Get Over Yourself and Just Get Started

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You’re sitting there in front of a blank page, wondering, “Why did I think becoming a writer would be easy? How do I start a writing career if I can’t think of what to write?”

Both are fair questions. The first step to writing more easily, though, is to stop self-editing in your head before the words get a chance to come out.

Get over the idea that every sentence you write has to be perfect. Your fear of making mistakes, or of making something less than perfect, is the monster behind writer’s block and procrastination.

But to be a great writer, you need something stronger: R esilience .

It’s in there, I promise.

And it’s what makes it possible for all types of writers to face harsh criticism, to get back up, and to keep on writing .

3. Write Every Day

Writer’s write. And professional writers write every day.

That might sound inflexible. But those who take their writing seriously make time for it in their daily routines.

If it’s something you only do when you feel inspired, it’s a hobby, not a career.

Unless you’re nocturnal, you probably have more energy in the morning than you do in the evening; carve out some of that time for your new writing habit.

Here are some ideas on what to write:

  • Journal entries
  • Blog posts and ideas
  • Emails or letters
  • Freewriting with prompts
  • Creative writing exercises

Along with using a habit tracker app (like this one ), many writers find it helpful to set a minimum word count target for the day – or a minimum number of minutes spent writing.

Apps like PomoDoneApp use the Pomodoro technique to help you accomplish more in manageable chunks of time.

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Start with something you know will be manageable for you, even when you’re tired and your brain just doesn’t wanna (because those days will come).

But a year from now, if you stick with your daily practice, you’ll have sharpened your writing skill and learned how to keep going when the going gets tough. And both will serve you well.

4. Focus on “Deep Work”

In order to do your best work, you need a writing space that’s free of distractions. Only when you immerse yourself in your writing can you enter a flow state, where the “deep work” happens.

It isn’t so much about working “smarter, not harder.” It’s working smarter and harder to get the best possible results. And that doesn’t happen when you multitask.

It happens when you take the following steps seriously (including #6):

  • Clarify your goals and prepare. Know what you want to accomplish before each day, each week, each month, etc., begins.
  • Automate what you can. Use project management tools to automate your workflow and free up more time for deep work.
  • Focus on one thing at a time. Choose one task and give all your attention to that for 40 minutes to an hour or two.
  • Create a daily ritual. Create a dedicated space and allocate a specific time period for your daily deep work sessions.
  • Silence social media. It’s a distraction you don’t need. Allocate separate, small blocks of time for this.
  • Quit when you’re done. No points for overdoing it. Your brain needs quality rest to do quality written work.
  • Read the book, Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World , by Cal Newport, and keep it as a helpful reference and reminder.

how to become a writer deep work book

5. Read More

Being a good reader is essential to being a good writer. And what you choose to read will often influence the way you write.

With that in mind, we’d like to recommend a few good books on writing :

  • On Writing Well: The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction by William Zinsser (best book on the mechanics of the language)
  • Save the Cat by Blake Snyder (best book on story structure)
  • Story Engineering by Larry Brooks (storytelling and novel writing)
  • CA$HVERTISING: How to Use More than 100 Secrets of Ad-Agency Psychology to Make Big Money Selling Anything to Anyone by Drew Eric Whitman (structure and mechanics for copywriting)
  • On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft by Stephen King (best book on being a writer)

You don’t know what you don’t know yet. And you’ve yet to discover how the books you read will change your path as a writer.

One way to make sure you get some quality reading in during the year is to make yourself a monthly reading list with books in the following categories:

  • Books on the craft of writing
  • Books like the ones you want to write
  • Books you read for fun

Your list doesn’t have to look like every other writer’s, but don’t underestimate the value of a sincere recommendation.

6. Always Be Learning and Leveling Up

If you’re wondering what kind of education you need to be a better writer , we have some good news: you don’t need a college degree to earn a good income with your craft (though, it doesn’t hurt ).

What you do need is to keep learning and developing as a writer.

Aside from reading good books, there are other ways to continue your education:

  • Take online courses on platforms like Udemy , Skillshare , or
  • Level up with certification programs like those offered by Smart Blogger
  • Take a college writing course or earn a writing degree, such as an MFA, a Bachelor’s degree in English Literature, Communication Studies, or Journalism, or an industry-focused Associates degree
  • Submit your best work to writing contests
  • Set up a writer’s website and learn how to develop it into an asset

As you’ll see in the next tip, you can learn plenty from your fellow writers as well as from readers (particularly those who read the kinds of written content you want to write).

Leveling up your interaction with them should be an integral part of your plan.

7. Join a Writing Community

how to become a writer facebook writing groups

No writer is an island. That’s especially true if you plan on getting paid.

It’s never too early to join a writing community and to start learning from other members and sharing what you know.

  • Facebook groups for writers (Search “writing,” and you’ll find plenty)
  • Facebook groups for your chosen genre or writing path
  • LinkedIn groups
  • Local writing groups (Look up “[nearest city] writing groups”)
  • Online communities like CampNaNoWriMo and Critique Circle
  • Networking events for writers like the Writer’s Digest Annual Conference

Put yourself in situations where you’ll meet other writers, particularly those drawn to the same paths that interest you.

Whatever stage you’ve reached, you have valuable insights to share, and so do they.

Learn what you can to help each other grow.

8. Find Paid Writing Opportunities

Once you’re ready to start writing for money, it’s time to get acquainted with all the best places to find paid writing opportunities:

  • Job boards: Problogger , FlexJobs , and
  • LinkedIn: in writing or industry-specific groups
  • Facebook: in writing or niche-specific groups
  • Writer guidelines for magazines and book publishers
  • Social media channels like Twitter and Instagram

how to become a writer freelance writing guidelines

Make time for daily checks of job boards .

Look through guidelines for magazines and publishers that interest you. And allocate some time for job searching on social media channels where you’ve built connections with fellow writers, editors, and publishers.

9. Cultivate Credibility

Once you’ve received your first payment from a client, don’t forget to ask for a testimonial. Think of it as a way to ensure you’ve met all their expectations.

Each well-crafted testimonial benefits you in the following ways:

  • Shows client satisfaction, gratitude, and even loyalty
  • Articulates exactly how you benefited each client
  • Acts as a referral to build trust in potential clients
  • Gives you a chance to increase a good client’s visibility
  • Helps you discover areas that need improvement

With that last one, you may have to read between the lines and ask your client for clarification. But none of these benefits come without asking.

And when you’re starting out, it’s an easy thing to forget.

If you’re worried the client will be annoyed by your request, we can tell you (from experience on both sides) if your client is happy with your work, they’ll be happy to write something complimentary about it.

If they’re not sure exactly how to write a testimonial , you can even write one for them to review and approve.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do writers get paid well.

It’s not hard to find success stories of writers who earn six figures (or more) with their craft. Famous authors like Liane Moriarty and Stephen King come to mind.

That said, no content writer starts out with the promise of a six-figure income, no matter how good they are. And it’s best not to quit your other job until you’ve met one of the following enviable conditions:

  • You’re consistently earning enough with your writing to replace the income you’d lose, or
  • You have solid evidence your writing income, plus any other household income, will more than make up for it.

how to become a writer freelance writer salary

Do I Need a Writer’s Website to Be Successful?

While you can host your writing profile on sites like Contently or LinkedIn , you wouldn’t own the platforms. With a self-hosted website, you can create a profile on your own piece of online real estate.

But those aren’t the only benefits of owning your own platform:

  • You can start a blog of your own with niche-focused content
  • You can earn affiliate income with your blog posts
  • You can create stylized links to your writing samples and portfolio

Your writer’s website displays your qualifications and gives future clients a taste of your personality, too.

Don’t worry, maintaining an online platform doesn’t have to be a full-time job. And using a site builder like Elementor (affiliate link) makes it that much easier.

The sooner you create one, the sooner you can share your new online address.

How Do I Start a Writing Career When I Still Have a Job?

You don’t need to be unemployed or have loads of free time to get started on building a profitable writing career.

Whatever path you choose, you can set aside time for the following:

  • Daily writing
  • Skimming job boards
  • Creating a writer website
  • Taking an online class
  • Connecting with other writers

Do what you can every day to get closer to your writing goals.

Final Takeaways on How to Become a Writer

Whatever writing path you choose, nothing happens until you take action.

The secret to becoming a successful writer isn’t magic or destiny. It lies in what you do consistently, even when you’d rather do something else.

Take a moment now, look through the steps again, and jot down some ideas for this week to get the wheels in motion.

Then hit the Freelance Writing Hub and read up. Or make time for some of our favorite podcasts for writers .

Setting S.M.A.R.T. goals is just the beginning . Smart habits are what will get you there.

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Sarah Lentz


A "cheat sheet" to making 2-5k per month as a writer,  even if you're a total beginner ..

Photo of author

Written by Sarah Lentz

2 thoughts on “how to become a writer in 9 simple steps [2024]”.

Thanks for the resources listed here and great advice. My favorite:

“You don’t know what you don’t know yet.”

So true! A reminder that learning is a lifelong occupation.

Now, back to writing! 🙂

Hi, Barbara! Thank you so much for taking the time to leave this comment (which has brightened my day), and I’m so glad you found the post useful. I enjoyed writing it. I wish you best in all your writing endeavors. 🙂

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The Gunman and the Would-Be Dictator

Violence stalks the president who has rejoiced in violence to others.

A photomontage illustration of Donald Trump.

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When a madman hammered nearly to death the husband of then–House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Donald Trump jeered and mocked . One of Trump’s sons and other close Trump supporters avidly promoted false claims that Paul Pelosi had somehow brought the onslaught upon himself through a sexual misadventure.

After authorities apprehended a right-wing-extremist plot to abduct Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, Trump belittled the threat at a rally. He disparaged Whitmer as a political enemy. His supporters chanted “Lock her up.” Trump laughed and replied , “Lock them all up.”

Fascism feasts on violence. In the years since his own supporters attacked the Capitol to overturn the 2020 election—many of them threatening harm to Speaker Pelosi and Vice President Mike Pence—Trump has championed the invaders, would-be kidnappers, and would-be murderers as martyrs and hostages. He has vowed to pardon them if returned to office. His own staffers have testified to the glee with which Trump watched the mayhem on television.

Now the bloodshed that Trump has done so much to incite against others has touched him as well. The attempted murder of Trump—and the killing of a person nearby—is a horror and an outrage. More will be learned about the man who committed this appalling act, and who was killed by the Secret Service. Whatever his mania or motive, the only important thing about him is the law-enforcement mistake that allowed him to bring a deadly weapon so close to a campaign event and gain a sight line of the presidential candidate. His name should otherwise be erased and forgotten.

It is sadly incorrect to say, as so many have, that political violence “has no place” in American society. Assassinations, lynchings, riots, and pogroms have stained every page of American political history. That has remained true to the present day. In 2016 , and even more in 2020, Trump supporters brought weapons to intimidate opponents and vote-counters. Trump and his supporters envision a new place for violence as their defining political message in the 2024 election. Fascist movements are secular religions. Like all religions, they offer martyrs as their proof of truth. The Mussolini movement in Italy built imposing monuments to its fallen comrades. The Trump movement now improves on that: The leader himself will be the martyr in chief, his own blood the basis for his bid for power and vengeance.

Christopher R. Browning: A new kind of fascism

The 2024 election was already shaping up as a symbolic contest between an elderly and weakening liberalism too frail and uncertain to protect itself and an authoritarian, reactionary movement ready to burst every barrier and trash every institution. To date, Trump has led only a minority of U.S. voters, but that minority’s passion and audacity have offset what it lacks in numbers. After the shooting, Trump and his backers hope to use the iconography of a bloody ear and face, raised fist, and call to “Fight!” to summon waverers to their cause of installing Trump as an anti-constitutional ruler, exempted from ordinary law by his allies on the Supreme Court.

Other societies have backslid to authoritarianism because of some extraordinary crisis: economic depression, hyperinflation, military defeat, civil strife. In 2024, U.S. troops are nowhere at war. The American economy is booming, providing spectacular and widely shared prosperity. A brief spasm of mild post-pandemic inflation has been overcome. Indicators of social health have abruptly turned positive since Trump left office after years of deterioration during his term. Crime and fatal drug overdoses are declining in 2024; marriages and births are rising. Even the country’s problems indirectly confirm the country’s success: Migrants are crossing the border in the hundreds of thousands, because they know, even if Americans don’t, that the U.S. job market is among the hottest on Earth.

Yet despite all of this success, Americans are considering a form of self-harm that in other countries has typically followed the darkest national failures: letting the author of a failed coup d’état return to office to try again.

One reason this self-harm is nearing consummation is that American society is poorly prepared to understand and respond to radical challenges, once those challenges gain a certain mass. For nearly a century, “radical” in U.S. politics has usually meant “fringe”: Communists, Ku Kluxers, Black Panthers, Branch Davidians, Islamist jihadists. Radicals could be marginalized by the weight of the great American consensus that stretches from social democrats to business conservatives. Sometimes, a Joe McCarthy or a George Wallace would throw a scare into that mighty consensus, but in the past such challengers rarely formed stable coalitions with accepted stakeholders in society. Never gaining an enduring grip on the institutions of state, they flared up and burned out.

Trump is different. His abuses have been ratified by powerful constituencies. He has conquered and colonized one of the two major parties. He has defeated—or is on the way to defeating—every impeachment and prosecution to hold him to account for his frauds and crimes. He has assembled a mass following that is larger, more permanent, and more national in reach than any previous American demagogue. He has dominated the scene for nine years already, and he and his supporters hope they can use yesterday’s appalling event to extend the Trump era to the end of his life and beyond.

The American political and social system cannot treat such a person as an alien. It inevitably accommodates and naturalizes him. His counselors, even the thugs and felons, join the point-counterpoint dialogue at the summit of the American elite. President Joe Biden nearly wrecked his campaign because he felt obliged to meet Trump in debate. How could Biden have done otherwise? Trump is the three-time nominee of the Republican Party; it’s awkward and strange to treat him as an insurrectionist against the American state—though that’s what Trump was and is.

David Frum: Biden’s heartbreaking press conference

The despicable shooting at Trump, which also caused death and injury to others, now secures his undeserved position as a partner in the protective rituals of the democracy he despises. The appropriate expressions of dismay and condemnation from every prominent voice in American life have the additional effect of habituating Americans to Trump’s legitimacy. In the face of such an outrage, the familiar and proper practice is to stress unity, to proclaim that Americans have more things in common than that divide them. Those soothing words, true in the past, are less true now.

Nobody seems to have language to say: We abhor, reject, repudiate, and punish all political violence, even as we maintain that Trump remains himself a promoter of such violence, a subverter of American institutions, and the very opposite of everything decent and patriotic in American life.

The Republican National Convention, which opens this week, will welcome to its stage apologists for Vladimir Putin’s Russia and its aggression against U.S. allies. Trump’s own infatuation with Russia and other dictatorships has not dimmed even slightly with age or experience. Yet all of these urgent and necessary truths must now be subordinated to the ritual invocation of “thoughts and prayers” for someone who never gave a thought or uttered a prayer for any of the victims of his own many incitements to bloodshed. The president who used his office to champion the rights of dangerous people to own military-type weapons says he was grazed by a bullet from one such assault rifle.

Conventional phrases and polite hypocrisy fill a useful function in social life. We say “Thank you for your service” both to the decorated hero and to the veteran who barely escaped dishonorable discharge. It’s easier than deciphering which was which. We wish “Happy New Year!” even when we dread the months ahead.

Adrienne LaFrance: Thoughts, prayers, and Facebook rants aren’t enough

But conventional phrases don’t go unheard. They carry meanings, meanings no less powerful for being rote and reflexive. In rightly denouncing violence, we are extending an implicit pardon to the most violent person in contemporary U.S. politics. In asserting unity, we are absolving a man who seeks power through the humiliation and subordination of disdained others.

Those conventional phrases are inscribing Trump into a place in American life that he should have forfeited beyond redemption on January 6, 2021. All decent people welcome the sparing of his life. Trump’s reckoning should be with the orderly process of law, not with the bloodshed he rejoiced in when it befell others. He and his allies will exploit a gunman’s vicious criminality as their path to exonerate past crimes and empower new ones. Those who stand against Trump and his allies must find the will and the language to explain why these crimes, past and planned, are all wrong, all intolerable—and how the gunman and Trump, at their opposite ends of a bullet’s trajectory, are nonetheless joined together as common enemies of law and democracy.

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Is Kamala Harris going to be president? 'The Simpsons' writer reacts to viral 'prediction'

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" The Simpsons " fans love a show "prediction," and the latest theory surrounds Vice President Kamala Harris ' future in office. 

President Joe Biden announced Sunday that he is  ending his bid for reelection  amid intense pressure from Democratic leaders, who had been sounding the alarm that his path to beat  former President Donald Trump  in November had vanished.

Biden quickly endorsed  Vice President Kamala Harris  as the Democratic nominee in a  separate statement  on X. Harris responded that she was honored to have Biden's endorsement and that her "intention is to earn and win this nomination."

. @TheSimpsons “prediction” I’m proud to be a part of. — Al Jean (@AlJean) July 21, 2024

Following the historic bombshell, longtime writer and showrunner for "The Simpsons" Al Jean posted a viral side-by-side photo of the animated character Lisa from the Season 11 episode "Bart to the Future" when she became president, and Harris in 2021 when she was sworn in as the first female vice president of the United States.

"@TheSimpsons 'prediction' I’m proud to be a part of," Jean wrote on X Sunday.

The comparison made rounds in 2021 because Lisa's outfit in the episode features her in pearl earrings, a pearl necklace and a purple blazer — just like Harris wore during Biden's inauguration.

Fans of "The Simpsons" have long thought the show has predicted future historic events, including Trump's 2016 election, the  Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol  and Queen Elizabeth II's death .

Celebrities back Kamala Harris for president after Joe Biden drops reelection bid

The show's creators, though, have refuted the idea that it can predict the future.

Bill Oakley , a former showrunner, said in a  2020 Reuters interview , "I would say in general when people say 'The Simpsons' has predicted something, it is just that we were satirizing real-life events from years before, and because history keeps repeating, it just seems like we were predicting things."

Contributing: Chris Mueller, USA TODAY Fact Check; USA TODAY Politics

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I'm a newbie here on WriterPro and it's actually my first online freelance writing job. Thanks to my manager and the friendly support team I was acquainted with the world of online writing in a few days and now go throughout my day with minimum technical worries. One improvement that I would suggest is to have a phone call option and not only chat as it may help resolve issues faster.

Everything was going smoothly until one day, the CRM stalled for three hours. It might not seem like a big deal to some, but I was late in submitting a highly important piece of content to a loyal customer of mine. Even though they were understanding, I felt as if my professionalism had been let down.

I've been a freelance writer at WriterPro for a year, and it's the best thing ever! I really enjoy the flexible schedule and fair compensation. Plus, career growth opportunities here are endless.

Writing Jobs Online: Our Requirements

High proficiency in writing.

Ability to use either of the payment options we support.

Have excellent English, Spanish, or French language proficiency.

Have access to the internet at all times.

Your main tool will be your computer, so having one or a laptop is crucial.

One year of experience in this field is a plus.

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Why work with writerpro.

Our freelance platform gives writers a chance to grow professionally while getting fair compensation. At WriterPro, you're your own boss. Set the prices for your services and pick the jobs you want to do. Access a large database of loyal customers and streamline your writing career with ease!

What career growth opportunities do you provide?

With our writer-friendly policies, we ensure fair compensation and career development for every freelancer on our platform. Our rates are pretty competitive, especially in contrast to other similar platforms. With WriterPro, you'll never feel a lack of challenging yet exciting tasks. Become one of our pros and start your journey to career growth today!

Freelance Writing with WriterPro: How Is It?

As a middleman between writers and customers, we provide a seamless control panel for smooth communication between both parties. Every writer is also assigned a personal manager to help them make the most of their account.

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Essay tips from an EssayPro writer

Hi! I’ve been working with EssayPro for just over a year. And yes, we are very much real people to get this question out of the way. I noticed that there were quite a lot of you here in the Reddit community, so I thought I’d pitch in with a few writing tips for you guys.

If writing doesn’t come to you naturally, break it into stages. I used to teach my little brother, who’s totally wired for math, to compose any paper like Tetris or lego. Create a structure skeleton (intro, 1st point, 2nd point, etc.); then add facts, details, and quotes; and finish up by filling in the blanks with stuff like “at the same time” or “consequently”.

Practice retelling and rewriting. This means grabbing a random book, article, or even an IG reel and retelling the content in your own words. Such practices will help you become more articulate in general and write more comprehensively, as well.

Finally, and I cannot stress this enough, proofread the living heck out of whatever you’ve put together. Whenever I get an editing order, most of my work goes into correcting spelling. I don’t mind it, of course, but if you are writing and submitting your own, ensure to quadruple-check everything.

To wrap up, I just want to say that there is absolutely nothing wrong with asking for our assistance. I’m a professional writer who loves essays and has time to make sure they are well-written. But that’s not everyone’s case, so please never hesitate to reach out. We don’t bite!

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Harris secures delegates needed to become Democratic nominee for president

  • Medium Text
  • Harris unofficially wins majority of delegates for nomination Wednesday night
  • Campaign says it raised $81 million in 24 hours
  • Potential challengers back Harris candidacy for president
  • Trump campaign launches critique of Harris' record

U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris speaks at her Presidential Campaign headquarters in Wilmington


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Reporting by Trevor Hunnicutt in Wilmington, Nandita Bose and Jeff Mason; Additional reporting by Jarrett Renshaw, Steve Holland, Susan Heavey, Doina Chiacu, Kat Stafford, Moira Warburton, Bo Erickson and Joseph Campbell; Writing by Joseph Ax and Mary Milliken; Editing by Scott Malone, Howard Goller and Stephen Coates

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Republican presidential nominee and former U.S. President Donald Trump attends The Believers Summit 2024 in West Palm Beach

Russia says oil depot in Kursk region on fire after Ukraine drone attack

Three tanks at an oil storage depot in Russia's Kursk region caught fire as a result of a Ukraine-launched drone attack, acting regional Governor Alexei Smirnov said on Sunday.

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese speaks in Canberra

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Kamala Harris, seen outside the White House.

Opinion Guest Essay

Hillary Clinton: How Kamala Harris Can Win and Make History

Credit... Andrew Harnik/Getty Images

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By Hillary Rodham Clinton

Mrs. Clinton was the Democratic nominee for president in 2016.

  • July 23, 2024

History has its eye on us. President Biden’s decision to end his campaign was as pure an act of patriotism as I have seen in my lifetime. It should also be a call to action to the rest of us to continue his fight for the soul of our nation. The next 15 weeks will be like nothing this country has ever experienced politically, but have no doubt: This is a race Democrats can and must win.

Mr. Biden has done a hard and rare thing. Serving as president was a lifelong dream. And when he finally got there, he was exceptionally good at it. To give that up, to accept that finishing the job meant passing the baton, took real moral clarity. The country mattered more. As one who shared that dream and has had to make peace with letting it go, I know this wasn’t easy. But it was the right thing to do.

Elections are about the future. That’s why I am excited about Vice President Kamala Harris. She represents a fresh start for American politics. She can offer a hopeful, unifying vision. She is talented, experienced and ready to be president. And I know she can defeat Donald Trump.

There is now an even sharper, clearer choice in this election. On one side is a convicted criminal who cares only about himself and is trying to turn back the clock on our rights and our country. On the other is a savvy former prosecutor and successful vice president who embodies our faith that America’s best days are still ahead. It’s old grievances versus new solutions.

Ms. Harris’s record and character will be distorted and disparaged by a flood of disinformation and the kind of ugly prejudice we’re already hearing from MAGA mouthpieces. She and the campaign will have to cut through the noise, and all of us as voters must be thoughtful about what we read, believe and share.

I know a thing or two about how hard it can be for strong women candidates to fight through the sexism and double standards of American politics. I’ve been called a witch, a “nasty woman” and much worse. I was even burned in effigy. As a candidate, I sometimes shied away from talking about making history. I wasn’t sure voters were ready for that. And I wasn’t running to break a barrier; I was running because I thought I was the most qualified to do the job. While it still pains me that I couldn’t break that highest, hardest glass ceiling, I’m proud that my two presidential campaigns made it seem normal to have a woman at the top of the ticket.

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    U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris secured support Monday from a majority of delegates to the Democratic National Convention, likely ensuring she will become the party's nominee for president next ...

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  27. Hillary Clinton: How Kamala Harris Can Win and Make History

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