Marketing case study 101 (plus tips, examples, and templates)

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If you’re familiar with content lines like, “See how our fancy new app saved Sarah 10 hours a week doing payroll,” you’ve encountered a marketing case study. That’s because case studies are one of the most powerful marketing tools, showcasing real-world applications and customer success stories that help build trust with potential customers.

More than 42% of marketers use case studies in their marketing strategy. Let’s face it — we love testimonials and reviews. People love hearing customer stories and experiences firsthand. In fact, 88% of consumers view reviews before making a purchase decision. Case studies work similarly by providing prospective customers with real-life stories demonstrating the brand’s success.

Case studies provide a more in-depth view of how your product solves an existing problem — something potential buyers can relate to and learn from.

In this article, we take a closer look at what marketing case studies are, why they’re important, and how you can use them to improve your content marketing efforts. You’ll also learn the key elements of a successful case study and how to turn a good case study into a great case study.

What is a marketing case study?

A case study is a narrative that documents a real-world situation or example. A marketing case study is a detailed examination and analysis of a specific strategy, initiative, or marketing campaign that a business has implemented. It’s intended to serve as an all-inclusive narrative that documents a real-world business situation and its outcome.

Marketing case studies are tools businesses use to showcase the effectiveness of a particular tool, technique, or service by using a real-world example. Companies often use case studies as sales collateral on websites, email marketing, social media , and other marketing materials. They provide readers with a firsthand look into how your product or service has helped someone else and demonstrate the value of your offering while building trust with potential customers.

Some common key components of a marketing case study include:

  • Context: A case study begins by describing the business’s situation or problem. This often includes challenges, opportunities, or objectives.
  • Strategy: An outline of the tactics or strategy utilized to address the business’s situation. This includes details such as the target audience, messaging, channels used, and other unique aspects of the approach.
  • Implementation: Provide information about how the strategy was implemented, including timeline, resources, and budget.
  • Results: This is arguably the most crucial part of a marketing case study. Present the results through data, metrics, and key performance indicators (KPIs) to demonstrate the impact of the strategy. The results section should highlight both qualitative and quantitative data.
  • Challenges and Solutions: A great case study not only focuses on the successes but addresses any obstacles faced during the campaign. Make sure to address any challenges and how they were overcome or mitigated.
  • Customer Feedback: Including testimonials or quotes from satisfied clients is a great way to add credibility and authenticity to a case study. Choose customer feedback that reinforces the positive outcomes of the strategy taken.
  • Visuals: Compelling case studies include visuals such as graphs, charts, images, videos, and infographics to make the information presented more engaging and easier to understand.
  • Analysis: An optional way to conclude a case study includes discussing key takeaways, insights, and lessons learned from a campaign.

Case studies can help you connect your product to the customer’s needs by providing a real world examples of success and encouraging conversions.

Benefits of marketing case studies

Some of the key benefits of using case studies in your marketing efforts include the following:

  • Building trust and credibility. You build trust and credibility with potential clients or customers by demonstrating real world success stories. In-depth looks at how your products or services have helped other businesses or people achieve success can increase customer loyalty and encourage repeat business.
  • Learn best practices. Learn from strategies employed in successful case studies and apply similar approaches to future campaigns.
  • Enhancing sales and conversions. By highlighting the real world results your products or services have delivered, case studies can be a powerful tool for boosting sales. They can help demonstrate the value of your offering and persuade your target audience to make a purchase.
  • Explain how your business generates results. Case studies are a compelling way to share key takeaways with your target audience and showcase your brand.
  • Use them as content marketing material. Use case studies as content for marketing purposes on websites, social media, and beyond.

Case studies can help your business stand out and achieve success. By highlighting the real world results you’ve delivered, you can use case studies to boost sales, build customer loyalty, and compellingly showcase your business.

Tips on how to write an effective marketing case study

Are you ready to write a compelling case study? Get started with these tips.

Develop a clear and compelling headline

You have about 10 seconds to communicate your value proposition to keep customer attention. Whether you’re designing a new landing page or making a long-term plan for your brand’s content marketing strategy , the headline is the most crucial part.

A compelling title should capture readers’ attention and make them want to read more. To craft a compelling headline:

  • Understand your audience: Before crafting a headline, ensure you know your target audience — what are their pain points, interests, and needs?
  • Highlight the most significant result: Focus on the most impactful result achieved in the case study. What was the primary outcome of the strategy implemented?
  • Keep it brief: Keep your headline concise and to the point. Try to keep your headline under 12 words.
  • Use action words: Incorporate action verbs such as “achieved,” “transformed,” or “boosted” to convey a sense of accomplishment.
  • Include data: Numbers make your headline more credible. For example, if the case study achieved a 75% increase in sales, include that in the headline.
  • Emphasize benefits: Focus on the positive changes or advantages the implemented strategy brought to the client or business. Use these as selling points in your headline.
  • Make it unique and memorable: Avoid generic phrases to make your headline stand out from the competition.
  • Use keywords wisely: Incorporate relevant keywords that align with the case study and your target audience’s search interest to improve search engine visibility through search engine optimization (SEO).
  • Consider subheadings: If you cannot fit all the necessary information in a headline, consider adding a subheading to provide additional context or details.

Here are some examples of clear and convincing case study headlines:

  • “Achieving a 150% ROI: How [XYZ] Strategy Transformed a Startup”
  • “How Optimized SEO Tactics Skyrocketed Sales by 80%”
  • “Mastering Social Media: How [ABC] Brand Increased Engagement by 50%”
  • “The Power of Personalization: How Tailored Content Quadrupled Conversions”

Write relatable content

Almost 90% of Gen Z and millennial shoppers prefer influencers who they consider relatable. Relatability is part of building trust and connection with your target audience.

When writing your case study, make content that resonates with readers and speaks to their pain points. The best marketing doesn’t just increase conversion rates — it also serves your customers’ needs. To write content that really resonates with your target audience, make sure to:

  • Understand your audience: To successfully write relatable content, you first need to understand your target audience — their interests, pain points, and challenges. The more you know about your target audience, the better you can tailor your content to their needs.
  • Identify pain points: As mentioned above, identify challenges your target audience may face. Make sure to highlight how the product or service in the case study can effectively address these pain points.
  • Tell a story: Create a narrative that follows a standard story arc. Start with a relatable struggle that the customer or business faced and describe its associated emotions.
  • Use real customer feedback: Incorporate quotes or testimonials from actual customers or clients. Including authentic voices makes the content more relatable to readers because they can see real people expressing their experiences.
  • Use relatable language: Write in a tone to which your audience can relate. Only include overly technical terms if your target audience solely consists of experts who would understand them.
  • Use social proof: Mention any recognitions, awards, or industry acknowledgments that may have been received by the customer or business in the case study.
  • Encourage engagement: Urge readers to share their own challenges or experiences related to the subject matter of the case study. This is a great way to foster a sense of community.

Outline your strategies with corresponding statistics

Whether you’re showing off the results your marketing team achieved with a new strategy or explaining how your product has helped customers, data and research make it easier to back up claims.

Include relevant statistics in your case study to provide evidence of the effectiveness of your strategies, such as:

  • Quantitative data: Use numerical data to quantify results.
  • Qualitative data: Use qualitative data, such as customer testimonials, to back up numerical results.
  • Comparisons: Compare the post-campaign results with the pre-campaign benchmarks to provide context for the data.
  • Case study metrics: Include specific metrics relevant to your industry or campaign if applicable. For example, in e-commerce, common metrics could include customer acquisition cost, average order value, or cart abandonment rate.

By incorporating relatable outcomes — such as cost savings from new automation or customer responsiveness from your new social media marketing campaign — you can provide concrete evidence of how your product or service has helped others in similar situations.

Use multiple formats of representation

People love visuals . It doesn’t matter if it’s an infographic for digital marketing or a graph chart in print materials — we love to see our data and results represented in visuals that are easy to understand. Additionally, including multiple representation formats is a great way to increase accessibility and enhance clarity.

When making a case study, consider including various forms of representation, such as:

  • Infographics: Use infographics to condense critical information into a visually appealing, easy-to-understand graphic. Infographics are highly sharable and can be used across marketing channels.
  • Charts: Use charts (bar charts, pie charts, line graphs, etc.) to illustrate statistical information such as data trends or comparisons. Make sure to include clear labels and titles for each chart.
  • Images: Include relevant photos to enhance the storytelling aspect of your case study. Consider including “before and after” pictures if relevant to your case study.
  • Videos: Short videos summarizing a case study’s main points are great for sharing across social media or embedding into your case study.
  • Tables: Use tables to help organize data and make it easier for readers to digest.
  • Data visualizations: Include data visualizations such as flowcharts or heatmaps to illustrate user journeys or specific processes.
  • Screenshots: If your case study involves digital products, include screenshots to provide a visual walkthrough of how the product or service works.
  • Diagrams: Use diagrams, such as a flowchart, to explain complex processes, decision trees, or workflows to simplify complicated information.
  • Timelines: If your case study involves a timeline of specific events, present it using a timeline graphic.

Use a consistent design style and color scheme to maintain cohesion when incorporating multiple formats. Remember that each format you use should serve a specific purpose in engaging the reader and conveying information.

Get your case study in front of your intended audience

What good is a compelling case study and a killer call to action (CTA) if no one sees it? Once you’ve completed your case study, share it across the appropriate channels and networks your target audience frequents and incorporate it into your content strategy to increase visibility and reach. To get your case study noticed:

  • Take advantage of your website. Create a dedicated section or landing page on your website for your case study. If your website has a blog section, consider including it here. Optimize the page for search engines (SEO) by including relevant keywords and optimizing the meta description and headers. Make sure to feature your case study on your homepage and relevant product or service pages.
  • Launch email marketing campaigns. Send out the case study to your email subscriber list. Be specific and target groups that would most likely be interested in the case study.
  • Launch social media campaigns. Share your case study on your social media platforms. Use eye-catching graphics and engaging captions to draw in potential readers. Consider creating teaser videos or graphics to generate interest.
  • Utilize paid promotions. Use targeted social media and search engine ads to reach specific demographics or interests. Consider retargeting ads to re-engage visitors who have previously interacted with your website.
  • Issue a press release. If your case study results in a significant industry impact, consider issuing a press release to share the exciting news with relevant media outlets or publications.
  • Utilize influencer outreach. Collaborate with influencers who can share your case study with their followers to increase credibility and expand your reach.
  • Host webinars and presentations. Discuss the case study findings and insights through webinars or presentations. Promote these events through your various marketing channels and make sure to encourage participation.
  • Utilize networking events and conferences. Present your case study at industry-related conferences, trade shows, or networking events. Consider distributing printed or digital copies of the case study to attendees.
  • Utilize online communities. Share the case study in relevant online forums and discussion groups where your target audience congregates.
  • Practice search engine optimization (SEO). Optimize the SEO elements of your case study to improve organic search ranking and visibility.

Remember, the key to successfully promoting your case study is to tailor your approach to your specific target audience and their preferences. Consistently promoting your case study across multiple channels increases your chances of it reaching your intended audience.

Marketing case study examples

Let’s look at some successful marketing case studies for inspiration.

“How Handled Scaled from Zero to 121 Locations with HubSpot”

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Right away, they lead with compelling metrics — the numbers don’t lie. They use two different formats: a well-made video accompanied by well-written text.

The study also addresses customer pain points, like meeting a higher demand during the pandemic.

“How AppSumo grew organic traffic 843% and revenue from organic traffic 340%”

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This case study from Omniscient Digital leads with motivating stats, a glowing review sharing a real user experience, and a video review from the AppSumo Head of Content.

The case study information is broken down into clearly marked sections, explaining the benefits to their target audience (startups) and providing plenty of visuals, charts, and metrics to back it up.

“How One Ecommerce Business Solved the Omnichannel Challenge with Bitly Campaigns”

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Download this Bitly case study from their site to see the details of how this company made an impact.

Not only is it well designed, but it also tackles customer challenges right away. The most compelling types of case studies serve their audience by showing how the product or service solves their problems.

Bitly nails it by listing obstacles and jumping right into how the brand can help.

Marketing case study template

Use this basic template to better understand the typical structure of a business case study and use it as a starting place to create your own:

Case Study Title

Date: [Date]

Client or Company Profile:

  • Client/Company Name: [Client/Company Name]
  • Industry: [Industry]
  • Location: [Location]
  • Client/Company Background: [Brief client or company background information.]


  • Briefly introduce the client or company and any necessary context for the campaign or initiative.
  • Problem statement: Describe the specific challenge or problem faced by the client or company before implementing the campaign or initiative.
  • Strategy: Explain the strategy that was implemented to address the challenge. Include details such as target audience, objectives, goals, and tactics.
  • Implementation: Provide a timeline of the strategy’s implementation, including key milestones and other notable considerations taken during execution.
  • Outcomes: Present the qualitative and quantitative results achieved through the implemented strategy. Include relevant metrics, statistics, and key performance indicators (KPIs).
  • Comparative data: Compare the post-campaign results to pre-campaign benchmarks or industry standards.

Analysis and Insights:

  • Key insights: Summarize insights and lessons learned from the campaign and discuss the campaign's impact on the client or company’s goals.
  • Challenges faced: Address any obstacles encountered during the campaign and how they were mitigated or overcome.


  • Conclusion: Summarize the campaign’s overall impact on the client or company. Highlight the value that was delivered by the implemented strategy and the success it achieved.
  • Next Steps: Discuss potential follow-up actions, recommendations, or future strategies.


  • Include quotes or testimonials from the clients or customers who benefitted from the campaign.
  • Incorporate relevant visuals to illustrate key points, findings, and results.

The above template is a great way to get started gathering your ideas and findings for a marketing case study. Feel free to add additional sections or customize the template to match your requirements.

Craft a compelling marketing case study for your business

Are you ready to make your marketing case study shine? With Adobe Express, you can make high-quality infographics and presentations that take your case studies to the next level.

Choose from our library of designed templates, or make it yourself with powerful tools and a library of ready-to-use graphic elements.

Get started with Adobe Express today to make compelling marketing case studies that engage your audience and drive conversions.

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Inbound Marketing Insights

Case study: using inbound marketing to take your webinar strategy to the next level.

Posted by Rich Meyer | 2 Minutes to Read

Event marketing and webinar marketing are important parts of the marketing strategy for many organizations. Whether you attend trade shows, host in-person events, or host webinars, those types of activities are a great way to drive new lead generation, lead re-engagement, and improve customer acquisition numbers. With the current challenges of COVID-19, many companies are pivoting to webinars as an essential part of their marketing strategy to continue to drive interest and engagement.

If your company is looking to utilize live or on-demand webinars as part of your overall marketing strategy, there are many ways to integrate inbound marketing to help increase your registrations. The following case study shares how we worked with a medical device company to help drive engagement and qualified leads through webinar marketing efforts which has become increasingly important during COVID-19.

  • Drove registrants by promoting the webinar invitation to the right prospects at the right time based on where they are in the buyer's journey.
  • Communicated with your registrants prior to the webinar with reminder emails and additional content that may be helpful for them to browse prior to the event.
  • On average, 80% of total submissions and 50% of new contacts for live webinars driven by email
  • On average, 75% of total submissions and 60% of new contacts for on-demand webinars driven by email

Pop-Up Metrics

Is your company looking to pivot to webinars? If so, we can help. We invite you to schedule a complimentary marketing consultation with our team to discover how you can integrate inbound marketing to take your webinar strategy to the next level.

Schedule a Complimentary Consultation

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Business & Marketing Strategy , Case Studies

Case Study: Using Webinar Marketing To Drive Sales

  A recent MarketingProfs article quantified the impact of COVID-19 on marketing budgets:  88% of marketers expect to decrease investment in in-person events & conferences with a corresponding increase in virtual events and webinars.  &Marketing recently helped a long time client manage this very dynamic to leverage their offering of a timely service.

Business Challenge Summary

Our client is a well known IT security provider with a knowledge base of experts who have created a proven solution to a pending regulatory requirement that impacts many businesses.  However, a lack of awareness and understanding of the regulatory change, including the timing, requirements, and approval process, surrounds the need to become certified. An extra level of complexity exists because the certification has a range of “levels” based on the nature of the business.

Since the coronavirus pandemic became a reality in the early spring of 2020, the government has been emphatic that the timing and rigidity of these certification requirements will remain unchanged. This has caused further chaos with many impacted companies scrambling to become certified while working remotely.   Fortunately, our client has a strong brand name within their industry, belongs to many trade associations, and has deep relationships that span decades.

Their aggressive sales goal has become even more challenging because the usual paths to prospects (networking events or in-person meetings) can’t be completed due to stay-at-home orders that were put in place due to COVID-19. The business leader turned to &Marketing to develop a lead generation strategy and plan, all while working from home.

&Marketing helped him solve some thorny issues, such as:

How he can leverage his company’s strong name and network to build awareness about their solution to this particular issue.

How they can add value without being overly salesy.

How they can establish themselves as thought leaders and the go-to solution for those in need of guidance.

How all of this could be accomplished while most of the country was self-quarantining.

&Marketing’s solution to these issues? A webinar pilot.

Because this was a pilot, the client’s senior management identified a success indicator of 10 engaged and qualified prospects on the webinar.

&Marketing’s Approach

Our team had a challenge ahead of them, given the circumstances. We needed to execute the pilot webinar within one month from project kickoff, from idea to execution. Our cross-functional team, including copywriting, creative, email marketing, and technology, executed a turnkey process for our client where & Marketing handled all the details, including:  

The webinar technology, along with a “dry run” to ensure everyone could manage the tech and platform seamlessly 

Coordinating the speakers, the presentation, and the delivery  

Prospect invitations, signups, reminders, and follow-ups

Developing the content —which was fragmented across their organization— into a cohesive story both online and in a presentation format, through a mix of document review and expert interviews. 

Aligning a disoriented client team who was adjusting to a remote working environment. This team included subject matter experts, speakers, and those with networks we wanted to leverage.

We had 71 total webinar registrants and 50 qualified prospects attendees for the webinar. That’s 5x the original goal of 10 qualified leads. In addition to attendance, the engagement during the webinar and feedback upon conclusion were both strong. We saw:

  • 70% attendance rate, which is 2x the industry average.
  • An average score of 8.9 in the post-webinar survey, with no response below a 5.
  • 80% of survey respondents want to hear more from our client on this topic , paving the way for more activity.
  • 95% of attended who responded felt “somewhat” or “much more confident” navigating the regulatory change than they did prior to the webinar.

Most importantly, the client received inquiries from four attendees immediately after the webinar to potentially engage in their services. Several outstanding questions and potential future topics provided the sales team with plenty of follow-up opportunities.  Additionally, a plan is in process with another webinar, along with a comprehensive content plan that puts our client’s expertise front and center.

The &Marketing team did a great job organizing this and keeping our team on track to deliver this webinar successfully as a lead generator. If we had done this internally it wouldn’t have gone as quickly or as smoothly. We ended up getting 5x our goal in terms of attendees and several meetings as a result of this webinar!

Are you facing challenges of your own in generating leads and meeting your business’s growth goals? We’d love to learn more about your challenges and how a webinar or webinar series could help take your organization to the next level.

marketing case study webinar

Attendance Rate

marketing case study webinar

Avg. Score on Post Webinar Survey

marketing case study webinar

Want to Hear More From Our Client

marketing case study webinar

Attendees Felt Confident Leaving the Webinar

Are you facing challenges of your own in generating leads and meeting your business’ growth goals?

We’d love to learn more about your challenges and how a coordinated marketing approach might help take your organization to the next level.

About &Marketing:

&Marketing provides the robust outsourced marketing department growing companies need without the high overhead costs of big agencies or full-time employees. Our variable model empowers businesses to reach their growth goals through access to the guidance and expertise of senior level strategists and a flexible execution team.

How SaaS Businesses Can Benefit from a Fractional CMO

B2c closet company combines digital marketing with direct mail marketing to see big results, all of the marketing trends with none of the industry jargon..

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The Ultimate Guide to Creating Compelling Webinars

Discover how webinars allow you to host events for your target audience and customers that impact your bottom line.



Free Strategy Template, Checklist, and Guide

guide to creating compelling webinars

Updated: 09/07/22

Published: 09/02/20

Have you ever considered holding a unique and fun business event for your target audience and customers? An event with engaging content, interactive exercises, and networking — all with the potential of improving your brand awareness, converting more leads into paying customers, and boosting revenue?

While the idea for and potential results of this event are great, you also may have thought, "... it’s impossible to host this event — our base of customers, colleagues, and members of our professional networks are spread out all over the world.”

Download Now: Free Webinar Planning Kit

What if I told you that you can host this event and do so live with all of these people who are critical to your business’s success included?

You just need to host your event via webinar .

Webinar Benefits

Webinar formats.

How Does a Webinar Work?

How to Record a Webinar

Webinar software.

Host a Webinar for Free

What is a webinar?

A webinar is an online video presentation, seminar, lecture, or workshop delivered via the internet. Typically, webinars are shared live, or in real-time, but they can also be recorded before being shared with audience members.

Whether or not a webinar is live, it must include an interactive element that allows viewers to participate, ask questions, make comments, or collaborate with the presenters and/ or hosts.

Let's review the typical anatomy of a webinar.

Elements of a Webinar

  • Host and presenter(s)
  • Desktop computer or laptop with a camera and microphone
  • Presentation (usually in the form of slides)
  • Interactive element for attendees to participate in (e.g. survey, poll, or discussion)
  • Webinar software (we’ll review some of these options shortly )

What is the purpose of a webinar?

Webinars provide businesses with a way to host a digital, interactive event for members of their target audience and customers, no matter their location.

Webinars can be used to boost conversions, improve brand awareness, increase revenue , and establish yourself as an expert in your field.

Webinars are an effective way of reaching many members of your target audience at once through an engaging event that doesn’t require anyone to be in the same location.

Let's dive into some of these benefits in greater detail.

1. Personalize your content and event.

Webinars are an easy way to create unique and personalized content for your brand. You can include a variety of presentation features in your webinar to enhance the experience for viewers and audience members. These include drawing tools, interactive activities, slides, surveys, chat, and more.

2. Stick to your budget.

Webinars are budget-friendly. Think about it this way: If you’re hosting an in-person event for your target audience and customers, you’ll likely have to rent out space, order food and drinks, purchase presentation equipment, and more.

If you have this event catered, you might need to organize wait staff and pay for clean up, too. Meanwhile, webinars are low cost and can even be hosted for free .

3. Educate prospects and customers on your product of service.

Webinars are a simple way to educate your audience. You might choose to explain the benefits of your product or service, review its capabilities and features, or even hone in on how it resolves the challenges of your buyer personas and current customers.

4. Demonstrate your product or service.

In addition to educating your webinar attendees about your product or service, you can also provide an instructional demonstration on how your attendees can use or implement your product or service.

5. Establish yourself as a thought-leader in the industry.

By hosting webinars, you can establish yourself as a thought-leader in your industry. If you're regularly hosting educational webinars through which attendees are gaining actionable tips and learning from you and your guests, you'll be more likely to gain more authority in your industry.

6. Improve your brand awareness.

And speaking of establishing yourself in your industry, webinars are just another way of improving your brand awareness.

You're able to target your target audience and personas through this channel and encourage audience members to share your webinar, or invitation to your webinar, with their peers and coworkers.

7. Boost conversions and revenue.

You can use your webinar as a source of conversions and revenue . By establishing yourself as a thought-leaders, prospects will be more inclined to trust you and therefore, your product or service. Additionally, as you promote and share your webinar, your increased brand awareness will naturally lead to more conversions, too.

Another benefit to hosting webinars is the fact that you can choose the format that is most complementary to your goals and whatever it is you're trying to achieve. Here are some of those formats to give you a better understanding of what I mean.

  • Industry Expert Panel
  • Product/ Service Pitch or Demo
  • Casual Chat

1. Industry Expert Panel

Invite an industry expert — internal or external — to discuss their niche, or whatever it is they're known for. You'll attract your audience and the experts' audiences, too.

2. Interview

Host an interview with an internal or external thought-leader, a member of your team, a current and loyal customer, or even someone outside of your industry.

Think about the various topics your audience members want to hear about, and then find the right interviewer and interviewee for the discussion.

3. Product/ Service Pitch or Demo

Provide your audience with a product or service pitch or demonstration to clearly show people the benefits and applications of whatever it is you sell.

Host a question and answer webinar between your brand and the audience. You might invite a member of your leadership board to host the Q&A and have employees (sales reps, service reps, marketers, product managers, etc.) sit in to answer questions that audience members have.

Offer audience members an instructional how-to webinar — teach them how they can achieve a goal that many of your current customers have. Or, look to your buyer personas and review their challenges — choose one of those roadblocks and offer a how to that describes effective resolution.

6. Casual Chat

Whether it's with a member of your team or an external thought-leader, have a casual chat during your webinar. This way, audience members can tune in, sit back, and enjoy wherever the conversation naturally goes — and they can ask questions to spark new directions for that discussion.

7. Case Study

Look at your past case studies — which one is most compelling or has the most views on your website or social platform?

Invite that client to come onto your webinar to talk about how your product or service resolved their challenges and why they're advocates for your brand. You may also allow time for Q&A at the end if you and your client choose to — this way, audience members can ask your loyal client any questions they may have.

Now that you have an idea about possible webinar formats, let's dive into how a webinar actually works.

How does a webinar work?

The host (and fellow presenters, if any) must set a date and time for the event and invite target audience members to register and attend. Then, host the event, likely using webinar software.

Whether or not your webinar is live, it should always be recorded. This way, you’ll have the recording for your files, future reference, and your website since webinars are often an excellent source of evergreen content .

As you host more events, share your evergreen webinar content via a resource library — similar to HubSpot’s Free Webinars library — on your website. Your site visitors, loyal customers, and team members will be able to easily reference your webinars in a central location.

A major part of understanding how a webinar works is also understanding associated best practices.

Webinar Best Practices

Let’s cover some webinar tips and best practices so your event is sure to be a success.

  • Choose an intriguing, personable, and qualified presenter(s) to get your audience excited about attending and to hold their attention throughout the event.
  • Determine whether the webinar is going to be live or pre-recorded based on factors such as topic, presenters, industry, and audience.
  • Invite members of your target audience and your buyer personas to register (this will ensure your webinar content is shared with people it’ll be relevant and valuable to).
  • Clearly set and share the event’s date, time, and other logistics so attendees can log on, view, and participate without experiencing any roadblocks.
  • Stick to one major topic per webinar to avoid confusion and keep attendees engaged.
  • Establish a format for the webinar (e.g. panel, FAQ, single or multi-presenter, demonstration, interview, or discussion).
  • Complete a dry run (or several) before going live or recording the webinar.
  • Find the right webinar software for your specific business needs.
  • Allow ample time for attendee participation.
  • Record and save your webinar —whether or not it’s shared live — to your webinar library.

Now, how do you actually record your webinar ? Let’s review the answer to that question next.

To record a webinar, you need a computer with a camera and microphone, and webinar software so you can manage and share your event.

No matter how you decide to format your webinar, simply click Record when your event begins and Stop Recording when your event ends (or similar commands).

Speaking of webinar software, let’s look at some of your options. Your software is how you’ll host the webinar , share it with attendees, analyze its performance, and more.

Webinar software offers features that streamline all aspects of hosting your event. There are many webinar software options available with a range of features and pricing options. Here are four options to get you started.

1. GoToWebinar

GoToWebinar simplifies your event planning, promotion, engagement, and reporting. The software provides several webinar templates, custom registration, different presenter webcams, interactive surveys and polls, source tracking, and webinar analytics.

Note: GoToWebinar integrates with your HubSpot CRM.

Cost: GoToWebinar offers three plans starting at $89 per month.

Demio is a webinar platform built for engagement. Demio is a great option for Marketing, Sales, and Customer Success teams because it is a simple, no-download webinar experience, makes engaging attendees easy and effective, and provides the analytics tools you need to generate better business results. Whether you want to host a live, on-demand, hybrid, or automated webinar, Demio is a great option.

Note: Demio integrates with your Hubspot CRM.

Cost: Demio offers a free trial (no credit card required) and three plans starting at $49 per month.

3. ClickMeeting Webinars

ClickMeeting makes hosting and sharing your live or pre-recorded events easy no matter your webinar format (e.g. conference, group discussion, Q&A, or product demos). The software includes a feature to live stream your event via Facebook or Youtube to expand your audience.

Note: ClickMeeting Webinars integrates with your HubSpot CRM.

Cost : ClickMeeting is free for your first 30 days, and then you can choose to upgrade to one of their three paid options , which start at $25 per month.

Depending on the Zoom plan you choose, you can share your webinar with over 10,000 people at once. The software offers HD video and audio, live broadcasting features, reporting, and analytics. There are also various participant engagement tools such as chat, attendee-raise-hand, and polling to ensure your webinar is interactive.

Note: Zoom integrates with your HubSpot CRM.

Cost : Zoom has a freemium option in which you can host a discussion-based webinar event where everyone can see and interact with each other. If you choose one of their paid options , which start at $14.99 per month, you can host your webinar in any format (e.g. lecture-based, single presenter, or multi-presenter).

5. EasyWebinar

EasyWebinar is a great option for anyone new to the world of webinars because the software has users work through a five-step campaign process to ensure event success. It includes customer tracking tools to learn more about who your attendees are and why your content is relevant to them. EasyWebinar integrates with WordPress and YouTube so you can expand your reach among your target audience and current customers.

Cost : There are three tiers of EasyWebinar which start at $78 per month.

6. eWebinar

eWebinar is your best option for creating and hosting automated webinars (also known as evergreen webinars) since that is 100% the focus of their software.

Their setup process is simple and starts with uploading a video of your pre-recorded presentation. From there, you can program polls, questions, tips, and other interactions to appear at key moments in your webinar to make the experience interactive. Their unique and flexible chat system lets you chat live with attendees or respond to messages later through email at your convenience.

Cost : eWebinar offers a free 14-day trial and has four pricing levels based on the number of published webinars you have, though each webinar can have unlimited sessions and attendees.

How to Host a Webinar for Free

To host a webinar — and do so for free — you’ll need to combine all of the elements we’ve reviewed above. You might think about the following five steps to hosting a webinar for free as your webinar strategy .

1. Choose free webinar software.

The first step in hosting your webinar requires you to choose software that suits your specific needs. We reviewed some popular examples above , but for more options that are easier on your budget, take a look at these free webinar tools .

2. Invite your target audience to register for and attend your event.

It’s time to invite people to register for and attend your webinar. When you invite these members of your contact list and network to register, likely via email, clearly indicate the date and time of your event. This way they’ll know if they’re available or if they need to make time on their calendars to attend.

3. Send a confirmation email to anyone who’s registered to attend.

Next, confirm webinar registration is complete for each attendee who has signed up. You might do this by sending registrants to a new landing page with their confirmation details. Another option is to send a follow-up email to attendees shortly after they complete registration.

Either way, include details in your confirmation message about the equipment needed to participate in your webinar such as a laptop with stable Wi-Fi, speakers, a microphone, and a camera. You can also provide information about your presenters or the interactive element of the webinar to get attendees excited.

4. Provide a link for attendees to “Join” if the webinar is live or “Watch” if it’s pre-recorded.

One of the most important things you do pre-webinar is provide clear directions on how your attendees will join or watch the event. For example, you may include a link to Join or Watch your webinar on the confirmation landing page or in the follow-up email we mentioned above.

5. Set expectations for webinar participation.

Again, webinars must be interactive in some way. Set these expectations early on, and have your presenters reiterate them at the beginning of the event, so everyone is on the same page. If your event is live, facilitate participation and discussion throughout the event or set aside time for discussion and Q&A at the end.

If your event is pre-recorded, set a window of time after the webinar has been shared for attendees to send in questions. Then, presenters can either record or type their responses and send them back to the corresponding attendee.

6. Host the webinar, and follow up with attendees afterward.

It’s time to host your event! Explain the agenda to attendees at the beginning of the webinar so they know what to expect. (This is also a great time to reiterate those expectations for participation we mentioned above.)

Don’t forget to review all other details, like follow-up communication, any further inquiries, future webinars you’re hosting, and how attendees can learn more about your business. Feel free to email this information to your attendee contact list post-webinar so they can review it in greater detail later on.

Reach Your Target Audience With Webinars

Webinars have the power to propel you towards becoming a thought-leader and expert in your industry. They can also help you improve brand awareness, reach your target audience and buyer personas, and boost conversions. Determine which webinar software is right for your business, keep the best practices we reviewed in mind, and begin hosting your online events.


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A Definitive Guide to Webinar Marketing in 2021

Marketers have been overexploiting webinars causing fatigue but the goal of webinar marketing is more than lead generation. Here is a marketer’s guide to webinars.

A Definitive Guide to Webinar Marketing in 2021

Top SaaS Marketing Strategies for 2021

Aditya Jhalani

Aditya Jhalani

B2B tech marketer, content writer, & ABM strategist.

A 2017 blog post by HubSpot’s CMO, Kipp Bodnar expresses why marketers cannot have nice things as we always overexploit and ruin them. This is 2021 and I wish we could say his post was no longer relevant.

While a few things might have changed in marketing for the better, we continue to beat the living daylights out of every new channel we get our hands on, just how Kipp said we did almost four years ago. Webinars have been the victim of the same scorched earth marketing mentality during the pandemic.

Too many webinars led to webinar fatigue

Webinars have been around for a long time but they became the new, shiny things with the onset of the pandemic. Organizations that heavily relied on in-person events for networking and gaining new business had to pivot to virtual events.

Marketers realize webinars are much less expensive than physical events. While 80% of people join a webinar for educational purposes, 45.7% of marketers say the primary goal of webinars is to generate a pipeline, according to a 2020 Markletic Event Research Report . 

The near-sighted goal of lead generation has led marketers to flood their prospects with webinar invites. A survey of business professionals by TrustRadius reports that 53% of them feel that there are too many webinars right now.

marketing case study webinar

Exhibits of webinar fatigue

Organizations have marketed webinars so aggressively that people are sharing their frustration on social media platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn. Here are some examples of webinar marketing gone bad.

Tweet by Anand Mahindra saying how he could have a serious meltdown if he received another webinar invitation.

Two webinar marketing stories

In trying to research this better, I spoke with a few marketing managers who have been executing webinars for more than a year now. While I cannot reveal their companies, two of them have agreed to share their webinar marketing experiences.

Case study-A: The cautionary tale of a webinar series targeting everyone

  • Organizer : An IT company organized a webinar series
  • Goal : Lead generation with at least 100 attendees for every webinar
  • Targeting : CxOs from specific functions across all industries
  • Format : A 45-minute presentation with three solution experts – 15 minutes for questions
  • Topic : Solution-focused briefly addressing challenges faced by prospects
  • Channels : Cold email outreach to thousands of prospects for every webinar, LinkedIn Sponsored Content lead-gen ads for every webinar, One post from corporate social media accounts

I bet you can guess what the results were of this webinar marketing case study. They saw poor conversion rates on their landing page and averaged 20% attendance for every webinar – only a few of these attendees stayed for a long enough duration. Where did they go wrong? They put little to no effort into selecting their topic and target audience.

“We start to solve for our own goals, instead of our customers’.” — Kipp Bodnar, CMO at HubSpot Blog – Marketers: This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things

Yeah, what Kipp said! They started to solve for their own goals only in marketing this webinar and didn’t do any effort in finding out what their prospects might be interested in.

The second problem was focusing on the short-term goals of lead generation instead of thought leadership or education. Third, they targeted a large audience base with little to no personalization or previous engagements. Fourth, the format of the webinar wasn’t engaging enough with fewer opportunities for the audience to participate. Moreover, the speakers were solution experts and not industry experts.

Case study-B: The success story of a webinar series targeting handpicked accounts

  • Organizer : An industrial automation company organized a series of virtual summits
  • Goal : Thought leadership and top-of-the-funnel ABM engagement
  • Targeting : CxOs from specific functions, handpicked accounts, and a particular industry
  • Format : A 120-minute, close-door virtual summit with multiple sessions including panel discussions among industry leaders
  • Topic : Focused on the industry challenges
  • Channels : Promotions on the website blogs and landing pages, Warm outreach via emails to the handpicked accounts, LinkedIn Sponsored Content and Messaging ads based on account lists, A series of posts from corporate social media accounts, Promotions by internal and guest speakers on their personal social media profiles, 1:1 outreach on LinkedIn to extend invitations, Promotional mailers sent via company partners, Post-event press releases

With a focused target audience and highly relevant messaging, they saw a 24% conversion rate on their webinar landing page and a 62% attendance rate. They sent reminder emails, nurtured registrants, gave away an exclusive Gartner report, used an in-browser webinar platform, organized polls during the event, published findings, and scored accounts based on time spent.

People register for webinars because of the topic

Before we jump into the action plans, it’s imperative we better understand the motivations and expectations of registrants. The TrustRadius survey reveals that the top reasons to register for a webinar are the topic, opportunities for technical training, incentives for registering, and high-profile speakers.

marketing case study webinar

The reasons to not register for a webinar are an uninteresting topic, too busy, too many invites, and too many marketing emails. The biggest takeaway from these survey results is that the choice of your topic can make or break your webinar. If you expect C-level executives to make time in their day to join your webinar, the webinar must bring in new perspectives from industry leaders on a hot topic that they want to hear about.

Let’s learn more about the right way to do webinars in this blog.

Your action plan for webinar marketing

Like most things in life, there is no one perfect way to plan all virtual events and execute webinar marketing but a little research into your audience’s preferences can go a long way. This action plan that spans 8 weeks offers suggestions to plan ideation, execution, and nurturing.

Phase-1: Ideating the webinar

Ensure relevance Don’t one-size-fits-all your webinar. If you are to ensure relevance, you must start with selecting a segment of your target audience that is strategically important while making sure that the chosen segment has common challenges.

Choose the right audience segment This can be a set of specific accounts or just some criteria that allow you to narrow in on your Ideal Customer Profile for this webinar. You can also leverage intent data from tools like Bombora to prioritize your list of accounts.

Pick an exciting topic We established earlier that a dull topic can be quite the deal-breaker for prospects. How can you make sure that the topic you choose is relevant and exciting for your audience?

You can conduct direct surveys to identify the topics that they are most interested in. You can also refer to the already existing research to learn more about the current challenges before your target audience.

A/B test the actual title Once you have decided on the overall topic of your webinar, the actual title is something you can run A/B tests on. Your description should cover all the titles so that it’s still relevant. Based on the conversion rate, you can keep the topic that performs the best.

Gather registrants’ thoughts Post-registration, you can ask your registrants to let you know what they would like to see covered in this webinar. You can also frame simple True/False questions that offer additional insight into their current situation. Present the answers to these questions as a stat in your webinar.

Understand what works for you Unlike physical events, webinars don’t offer opportunities to network with peers or travel to exciting locations. Picking the right format for your virtual event can be the defining moment for your audience engagement. Here are a few sample formats you can consider:

  • 10-15 minutes : Presentation by one speaker + 5 minutes of live Q&A
  • 30 minutes : Interview with an influencer or a client + 5 minutes of live Q&A
  • 45 minutes : Moderated discussion among three speakers + 15 minutes of live Q&A
  • 60 minutes : Closed-door virtual roundtable among C-level executives
  • 120 minutes: Multiple panel discussions among industry experts + Live Q&A after every session

Don’t be a bore 60 minutes of PowerPoint where the speaker is barely visible is one of the least engaging formats. You need to make discussions happen live among industry experts wherein the attendees also get to participate. According to the TrustRadius research, attendees’ favorite parts of the webinar or digital event experience are Q&A sessions, interactive elements, flexible nature, and polls.

Engage attendees Facilitate your attendees to express themselves via live polls, questions, and reactions. While a PowerPoint can be a necessary evil, you can switch it up. Speakers can be more involved as they stand and present and switch to the PPT only when required. They can bring up trending discussions, tweets from top influencers, videos, and push them out for discussion.

Onboard high-profile speakers Selecting the right speakers is difficult. You need a balance between internal and guest speakers while ensuring that there are industry experts present with different opinions. You will need a moderator who can hold the fort together if you are looking to drive a panel discussion. Here are some ways to pick guest speakers.

marketing case study webinar

Explore other methods If you are organizing a panel discussion and have already gotten a few guest speakers, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to monitor registrations for any high-profile speakers that you can invite to the discussion. Another good way to ensure you get prominent speakers is to partner with a magazine that exercises thought leadership in that particular domain.

Phase-2: Executing the webinar

Creating the webinar content can be done in parallel to the promotions – it’s usually best done by the speakers or presenters. As a marketer, you can share the guidelines about the format of the webinar and organize dry runs to ensure a smooth flow, or even customize a webinar template based on your specific requirements. Other than the webinar content, consider building the following:

  • Landing page : Brief, reasons to attend, agenda, speakers, quick registration form, post-registration survey
  • Campaign messaging : Emails, InMails, connects, ads, creatives, website banners
  • Promo video : A graphic template-based video, a compilation of all the speakers introducing themselves and the topic
  • Promo blogs : A few blogs pushed on our and partners’ websites
  • PR release : Outline what to expect in the event
  • Post-event giveaway : A relevant report or whitepaper

Your promotions plan has to be as strong as the topic you choose. By leveraging your current follower base and the relevant channels, you can attract the right audience. Here are a few examples of channels to orchestrate your webinar marketing campaigns:

  • Website : Your blogs, homepage, etc. should have a banner for the webinar
  • Emails : Subscribers, asset downloads, any other warm leads
  • Sales navigator : Up to 2 LinkedIn accounts employed to do direct outreach to prospects for attending the webinar
  • Forum/group promotions : LinkedIn and Facebook groups which your audience is a part of
  • External websites : Press releases, guest posting, content syndication
  • Create an offline promotional channel : Create promotional flyers , brochures, and other marketing collateral.
  • LinkedIn : Either based on a company list or ICP criteria intersected with the right LinkedIn groups
  • Facebook/Instagram : Based on likes and groups
  • Google : based on focus keywords – only relevant if the target audience is very broad
  • Programmatic : For popular publisher websites that prospects visit – based on target account list or ICP criteria
  • Retargeted ads : People who have visited your relevant webpages/blog/assets in the past 6 months – using Google Analytics, Facebook, and Rollworks

In choosing the tools, you have to consider their user experience. Especially while selecting your webinar platform , it’s imperative that the platform doesn’t require the users to download or install something and is easily available on most browsers and devices. Here are some suggestions for the tools that you could use to execute your webinar:

  • LinkedIn sales navigator : one-on-one outreach
  • Biteable +Vidyard : video marketing
  • Google Forms : survey
  • Hubspot : CRM and email automation
  • Livestorm : webinar tool
  • Zapier : automate personalized calendar invites
  • Rollworks/Listenloop : retargeting ads and programmatic ads

Any marketing endeavor requires a strong team to execute it. Below are a few personnel you would need to make your webinar a success. 

  • Content Marketing Manager
  • Email Marketing Manager
  • Performance Marketing Manager
  • Sales Rep and Insides Sales Manager

It can be difficult to build a marketing team dedicated to virtual events. As these are often time-consuming and effort-intensive, your marketing teams can have a lot on their plates to focus on virtual events alone. You’d benefit from talent available on-demand – learn more here .

Phase-3: Nurturing the registrants

Webinar recording and giveaways.

As soon as your webinar is finished, send all registrants an email giving the link to the complete webinar recording. This email should also offer the promised giveaway – be it an external report or whitepaper. Set up a simple feedback form to let prospects share their feedback on attending the webinar.

Prepare a summary of the things discussed in the virtual event to let registrants skim through the insights. A similar summary can be leveraged to send out press releases garnering more attention in the industry. Set up an on-demand webinar with the recording for anyone interested later.

Account scoring

Your webinar platform offers you complete insights into how much time different prospects have spent watching the webinar. This is a great metric for you to gauge their interest in this topic. Instead of filing away this webinar marketing data in a siloed report, these metrics should be paired with the overall account engagement.

You can build your scoring model that is proportional to their viewing time. This way, your marketing and sales teams have a unified view of account engagement and can use this information to prioritize certain accounts for campaigns in the future. It also allows you to make the most of your branding and thought leadership efforts.

Nurturing campaigns

Building a generic cadence that is a summary of all the blogs you published recently isn’t a good way to nurture webinar registrants. Everyone receives a ton of marketing emails – it can even be a deterrent to registrations according to the TrustRadius research. You should either run highly personalized nurturing campaigns or not run them at all.

You can segment your registrants based on the questions, engagement, job title, and company. These segments can then be sent relevant, interesting content assets to nurture them to a sales-qualified lead.

A sample user journey for webinar prospects

While we have discussed a detailed action plan for webinars, the most important part of this plan is to ensure that the registrant has a smooth user journey. It should be really easy for your prospects to register and view the webinar. The below flowchart demonstrates a sample user journey flow for webinar marketing that isn’t broken anywhere. I’d love to hear what kind of user journeys you have built for your webinars and how they have worked out for you.

Webinar user flow journey - how a smooth flow would look like.

In this particular journey, the prospect lands on the page from any of the channels we are running our promotions on. If he doesn’t register, he will see retargeted ads and follow-up emails. Post-registration, he is sent a confirmation email along with a personalized calendar invite so that he gets another chance to change his mind. If he chooses Maybe on the calendar invite, he might receive another follow-up. He will be then sent updates and reminders about the webinar. Based on his attendance, he receives a thank-you or missed-you email with the webinar recording. These registrants are then pushed to personalized nurturing campaigns which might bring in a lead in the future.

Future-proof your marketing strategies

The pandemic has changed how businesses work and how marketers strategize. While virtual events are going to stay during the pandemic, we would see hybrid events coming up in the COVID-free future. It’s imperative that you future-proof your marketing approach and be ready to pivot when required.

Organizations need agility and flexibility in both their technologies and their workforce to adapt to evolving customer demands and expectations. At Hire Digital, we are connecting businesses to an exclusive network of freelance email, content, social media, inbound and account-based marketers, SEO and PPC experts, and PR experts with a track record of top performance. Feel free to get in touch with us to learn more and start executing future-proof marketing strategies.

Aditya Jhalani

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How to Drive Hundreds of Webinar Registrations [Case Study]

How to Drive Hundreds of Webinar Registrations [Case Study]

How to Increase Webinar Registrations

  • Start (Early) with a Partner
  • Establish Great Expectations with the Team
  • Be Clear on the Messages for Your Audience
  • Produce a Value-Driven Video
  • Promote Far and Wide
  • Fulfill Your Promises
  • Follow Up with Helpful Content

It’s one thing to create the perfect webinar with a topic that hundreds (if not thousands) of people will want to spend their lunch hour participating in. It’s quite another thing to actually get them to register .

Unfortunately, webinars aren’t like the enchanted Iowa cornfield in Field of Dreams, at least not anymore.

As much as we wish the phrase “If you host it, they will come” were a reality, getting a crowd to both learn about and want to sign up for your webinar takes precision, patience, and practice.

Then, however, there are certain webinars where everything perfectly fits together. A recent partnership with Wipster led to one such virtual event for us at IMPACT.

Here is the story of that webinar and the seven steps we used to drive nearly 1,000 registrants.

1. Start (Early) with a Partner

Like most things in life, the best results come when you have a strong partner on your side.

This not only gives you the chance to test ideas and develop a killer abstract, but it gives you the opportunity to combine promotional efforts and expand your reach.

A partnership with Wipster  (that's our partner link) was a natural choice for us this past winter as we were developing a webinar on video production.

Wipster is a video review platform that allows teams to collaborate during the post-production process. (Here at IMPACT, we use the tool frequently and get tons of value from it .)

An initial call with Andre van den Assum, who heads up strategic marketing partnerships at Wipster, led to the decision to co-host a webinar on how to make consistent videos in-house .

From there, I pulled in Zach Basner, IMPACT’s Director of Video Training & Strategy, who would be performing the webinar along with Andre.

The meeting where the three of us talked over the abstract evolved into its own mini-webinar, where Zach and Andre riffed off one another, each bringing their own knowledge and building upon each other.

This solid interaction gave a strong indication to all of us that the webinar would be informative, entertaining, and valuable to the viewers.  

While you don’t always have control over how well your webinar hosts work with one another, you will get an indication of their chemistry early on.

If things go well from the start (like it did with us here), then all the better. If not, make sure the meeting happens far enough in advance -- at least eight weeks -- to be able to iron out any wrinkles.

2. Establish Great Expectations with the Team

When Andre and I first met, we already knew our companies had similar goals in promoting video, but we needed to make sure we were aligned in our strategies and attendance goals as well.

To set the right expectations, everyone involved needs to be aligned about the following:

  • What are the goals of the webinar?
  • What is the measure of success?
  • How many registrants would be considered successful?
  • How many registrants will each party aim to bring?
  • How many attendees would be considered successful?
  • What are the target demographics for attendees?
  • How big is your target list?
  • What percentage of that list has attended webinars or similar events previously?
  • What promotional strategies will be used?
  • Who will host the technical elements of the event (landing page, webinar platform, etc.)?
  • How will promotion and post-event follow-up be handled?

The details about many of these questions will be addressed later, but the important note here is they should be answered early and honestly before anything is created.

By setting the right expectations and being consistent with them throughout the setup and registration process, everyone involved in the event knows they can rely on each other.

Document your answers to these , as well.

This will help you as you go about writing promotional copy, setting an email and ads schedule, and making sure the nurturing/follow-up process occurs without a hitch.

3. Be Clear on the Messages for Your Audience

Having discussed our goals and ideal target audience, both Wipster and IMPACT agreed that, using email and paid and organic social promotion, we would each aim to bring in 300 registrants, for a total of 600.

Both companies also agreed on who would be the best fit as a viewer: those people interested in building a video marketing strategy and agencies who helped clients build video strategies.

Our partnership had an advantage here as well since both companies’ databases contained prospects for one another.

From there, we segmented our lists to match the messaging we created.

Agencies and businesses have different needs, and we wanted to make sure we were clear on why each would want to spend an hour with us.

How many emails do you get in a day (or even an hour) that seemingly have nothing to do with your interests? Our reason for tailoring the messaging was to ensure that the recipients knew exactly why we were emailing them and what they’d gain by signing up.

This is the email we sent to agencies (with the subject line: Webinar: Arming clients with powerful video 🎥):

Webinar Registrants_Agency Email

And this was sent to individuals who showed a particular interest in building a video marketing strategy (with the subject line: Webinar: Make more (and better) videos in-house 🎥):

Webinar Registrants_Video Email

While the messaging changed based on the audience, both emails start with addressing the problem the attendee is facing and then pivot to how the webinar can help.

They both feature a video (stay tuned, that’s next), introduce the featured speakers, and contain a clear call to action.

This formula allows you to create a custom message without reinventing the wheel each and every email.

When you’re crafting your emails, speak directly to your specific audiences, and if they need different messages, go ahead and create segmented lists. Talk to your recipients like a person, letting them know why they’re getting your email, why they should care, and how they should respond.

With larger audiences, chances are you might have a topic that appeals to a lot of people, but for different reasons. Highlight those in your messaging, and you’ll have much stronger responses.

4. Produce a Value-Driven Video

Since this was a video-based webinar, we naturally needed a video promotion.

Most of the video that we featured in emails and on the landing page was actually created over a string of emails between Zach and Andre, who set a script and storyboard.

In this case, both hosts are skilled at creating and editing video, and the result gave viewers both a great idea of what they’d learn during the webinar and the expertise of the hosts. Here’s the final product:

marketing case study webinar

If you have a videographer on staff, you can create a similar product fairly easily, but if that’s not your company, you still can incorporate great video work into your promotions.

According to Forbes, 90% of customers say video helps them make buying decisions and 64% of customers say that seeing a video makes them more likely to buy. Plus, video marketers get 66% more qualified leads per year .

Why? Video content converts -- it strengthens your audience’s emotional connection to your message, doubles click-through rates, and improves SEO.

Even a video shot with a mobile phone or a laptop camera is enough to get started in video marketing . And there are some comprehensive guides -- and, ahem , a webinar -- that can show you how to launch a video program .

5. Promote Far and Wide

When it comes to promotion, it’s ideal to pull together all your assets six to eight weeks in advance of the event and don’t settle on only one platform.

For the video marketing webinar, we ran three sets of emails (again, different sets were sent to different audience segments) starting roughly two weeks before the big day.

The second email was sent one week out, and the third email was delivered the day before.

Because we’d be following up with both attendees and registrants, the number of actual attendees wasn’t a measure of success, but we did want people to engage with us during the live webinar, so we made sure to include a reminder email the day before to anyone who had registered.

Outside of email, explore other avenues that your audience would respond to.

In addition to email, we promoted on our website, via our newsletter, THE LATEST , in our IMPACT Elite Facebook group , and via other organic social posts.

We also devoted some budget to paid advertising, using both the video and a static image:

Webinar Registrants_Paid Ads

The promotion strategy for this webinar again found its strength in a good partnership.

Wipster also used similar avenues to bring in registrants. Throughout the promotion window, we shared the registrant list to keep the send list clean and messaged to the right people.

Open your promotion strategy to wherever your audience will find you and don’t be afraid to test various messages, platforms, and tactics.

6. Fulfill Your Promises

All those promotions don’t mean a thing if you don’t deliver on your claims.

Each webinar you host builds credibility, but only if you actually share value. Your registrants are more likely to attend and sign up for your next event if they look to you as someone who fulfills your content promises and is trustworthy.

We’ve all attended webinars that fall short of our expectations, which usually results in high abandon rates.

With this in mind, it’s crucial that your hosts provide accurate takeaways to use in promo copy so that you don’t overstep or mislead your audience.

7. Follow Up with Helpful Content

Once the webinar wrapped, we sorted through the results.

Since we had already defined our measure of success, we easily labeled this as a certain one:

Number of attendees: 225

Number of registrants: 902

And just to make sure we didn’t leave anyone wanting more, we followed up with attendees and non-attended registrants, again segmenting the lists and tailoring the message.

We provide content because we want others to succeed and the follow-up message contained the webinar recording as well as additional tools and resources that built off of it.

This time, the email included a more personal video message from Zach, a list of additional resources, and a reminder that he’s always available to help out:

Webinar Registrants_Follow Up Email

Delivering on content promised and following up with consistently good resources allows for a greater following going forward.

Don’t forget about your attendees once the webinar is over. Nurture that relationship and you might find them becoming your strongest advocates.

A Webinar in Review

Of course, the best-case scenario of driving hundreds of registrants to a webinar is an inbox full thank you notes from happy attendees (and a solid amount of sales queries, but that’s the subject of a different post!).

Every event offers a chance to learn something new -- what will you change, what will you keep, and how will you consistently provide value.

When planning your next webinar, think back to your last and ask yourself:

  • Did you and your hosts work well together?
  • Did you start early enough?
  • Did you define your goals, audience, and messaging?
  • Did you capitalize on your creative assets (including video)?
  • Did you use every promotional option possible?
  • Did your content live up to expectations?
  • Did you follow up with attendees and registrants with helpful information?

If the answer to any of these is no, you may have a huge opportunity for growth.

Even with a webinar that everyone agrees is a success, make sure to document what worked (and maybe the few things that still need tweaking). That way, every webinar can be the thing case studies are made of.

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marketing case study webinar

Grow Your Business

The power of a good live webinar (case study), share this article.

A few weeks ago, I hosted a FREE 1-hour webinar, and the results were staggering. Why did I wait this long to do this?!

I knew the stats that others had shared surrounding the success of their webinars, and I have heard time and time again that this is one of the best ways to connect with your audience, but somehow, I kept putting it off.

I had a number of great reasons – I didn’t have enough courses/products to offer them, I needed time to research the right webinar software, etc. All great reasons, but truthfully, I was procrastinating for fear of no one showing up.

That said, now that I’ve done it, I can’t wait for the next one!

My first webinar was well targeted to my specific niche market – I had 55 registrants, and 35 of these registrants attended live. I had advised all registrants in advance that attending live would provide them with some extra special bonuses (this helped me to overcome my fear of no one showing up).

I offered 3 bonuses (discounts on courses/products) for everyone, plus gave 2 additional bonuses for those that attended live. All bonuses, plus a recording of the video, were offered for only 5 days following the live webinar.

3 important lessons about hosting live webinars

To start, let me tell you about the most valuable lessons I learned from hosting this live webinar:

1. Offer a topic that your audience will be interested and engaged in

This is why it is so important to know who the target market for your online course is. From there, you can identify specific problems, questions, and challenges that they have, and prepare a webinar presentation that tackles a topic you know they will be interested in.

2. Provide lots of value

Regardless of whether you’re charging for your webinar, or offering it for no charge, be sure to provide REAL actionable tips to your attendees. Remember that their time is valuable, so even if you offer the webinar free of charge, you want to show them that you appreciate their time by delivering on your promise to teach them something that they didn’t already know. Get into specifics as much as possible, and/or use lots of examples.

3. Offer bonuses to your attendees

Offer bonuses to your attendees that relate specifically to what they’re interested in, and provide these for a VERY limited time in order to encourage them to act quickly for fear of missing out (FOMO).

Here is a screenshot of the bonuses I offered at the end of my webinar:

The Power of a Good Live Webinar (Case Study)

The Results:

  • $1747 in Thinkific course sales (courses and products)
  • $423.75 in 1 new coaching client signup
  • $2170.75 Total sales from webinar
  • 4 Strategy Sessions (free 20 mins call with me)
  • 4 new testimonials
  • 1 new webinar recording that was then converted to an on-demand webinar for $30 (this price was determined based on a survey provided to attendees following the webinar – the on-demand webinar has not yet been marketed so there are currently no sales to date)

I then did an extension of the bonuses by 1 day (down-sell) with less than impressive results – only 1 additional $79 sale.

All in all, over $2200 is not a bad return for an investment of 1 hour of my time!

It’s all in the details…

Here are some details about my webinar and how I promoted it to my target audience:

Webinar Topic :

  • Demystifying SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

The Power of a Good Live Webinar (Case Study)

  • 1 hour plus Q&A

Target Group :

  • Home Stagers and Interior Designers

Marketing :

  • Emailed my list of subscribers (approximately 225 people)
  • Posts on all social media sites
  • Posts in forums specifically targeted to my audience (note that some of these groups have regulations regarding advertising posts, so I needed to ensure that I abided by these rules or risk being banned)
  • I did not pay for any advertising – while that may have resulted in a higher turnout, it also would have likely resulted in many attendees that do not fit my avatar, and I wanted to speak with a targeted group instead.

Follow-up with a Survey :

In my follow-up email to all of my attendees, I asked them to complete a short survey, in return for all of the FREE information that I had provided them with. I created a free survey in Google Forms , and asked simple questions with a rating from 1 to 5 of how they liked the information, how relevant it was to them, and how easy the tips were to implement.

I then asked them how much they would have paid for the same webinar if we had opted not to offer it as free – the results of this question were really quite astounding! I had thought that most would be willing to pay $10, maybe $20, but the most common answer was $30, with a few others that stated that they would have paid $50+ for this information! I asked for constructive feedback and a review – this allowed me to provide some social proof on the sales page of the on-demand version of this webinar.

Webinar Platform : – using the Thinkific Live Lesson I was able to host the webinar directly within the course player.

I did the post-webinar emails from my email marketing ( ConvertKit ) which allowed me to track the links that the attendees clicked in the email to see what they were most interested in and target future campaigns to them appropriately.

Since Zoom does not allow for an expiry date on their recordings, I uploaded the recording to DropBox instead and set an expiry date to my DropBox share link. I can also used the saved content for future lessons.

More key lessons I learned about hosting live webinars

The key to a good live webinar is to offer lots of great tips around a topic that is important to your audience, regardless of whether or not you charge for the webinar. I found my topic by talking to and listening to popular concerns that others in my industry have faced, and I found SEO to be a common area of mystery.

I am a home stager and designer, and my courses are centered around home staging specifically, but I have found that many struggle with the business aspects of the job. Despite the tech topic, I specifically directed my marketing to home stagers – I’m not a tech genius, but I have learned my fair share over the years, and being a non-tech person, I can easily explain tech topics in straightforward terms.

Although the topic does not deal with home staging techniques, it touches on a topic that is very important to my audience, and one that they found to be less intimidating being taught by a fellow home stager.

In order to be profitable with a webinar like this, it’s important as well to provide some AWESOME bonus offers following. Make sure that these bonuses are offered exclusively to your group of participants, and provide a compelling reason for them to act on it before it disappears.

Related: The Complete Guide to Selling on Webinars

Regardless of what is holding you back, I encourage you to stop with the excuses, and get going! What have you got to lose?

Shauna Lynn Simon is fiercely committed to guiding aspiring home stagers to achieve success in all facets of their business, so that they can live the life that they have always wanted, in the career that they have always imagined. She is the Founder of Styled, Listed, and Sold (SLS) Academy, a comprehensive home stager training program for tomorrow’s home stagers.

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10 Inspiring Webinar Examples to Help You Create Your Own

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August 21, 2023

Webinars have become an essential tool in today's digital world. They offer a unique way to connect with your audience, share valuable information, and build relationships. Understanding the power of webinars is crucial for anyone looking to create their own successful online events.

Understanding the Power of Webinars

In today's fast-paced world, where technology has become an integral part of our lives, webinars have emerged as a powerful tool for businesses and individuals alike. Webinars provide an interactive platform that allows you to engage with your audience in real-time, regardless of their location. The importance of webinars cannot be overstated, as they offer a range of benefits for both the hosts and attendees.

Webinars have become a popular means of communication due to their accessibility. With webinars, you can reach a larger audience without geographical limitations. Whether you are an entrepreneur, a marketer, or an educator, webinars allow you to share your knowledge and expertise with a global audience.

Additionally, webinars offer a more personalized experience compared to traditional forms of communication, such as emails or blog posts. Participants can interact with the host, ask questions, and provide feedback in real-time. This level of engagement enhances the overall learning experience and fosters a sense of community among participants.

Moreover, webinars provide an opportunity for networking and collaboration. Participants from different backgrounds and industries come together to learn and share ideas. This exchange of knowledge and experiences can lead to new partnerships, business opportunities, and innovative solutions.

Furthermore, webinars are cost-effective. Hosting a webinar eliminates the need for travel expenses, venue rentals, and other logistical costs associated with in-person events. This makes webinars an attractive option for businesses and individuals looking to connect with a wider audience while keeping their budget in check.

When it comes to measuring the success of a webinar, there are several key metrics to consider. These include the number of attendees, the level of audience engagement, the quality of feedback received, and the overall impact on the participants' knowledge and skills. By analyzing these metrics, hosts can identify areas of improvement and make necessary adjustments for future webinars.

The Importance of Webinars in Today's Digital World

Key elements of a successful webinar.

To create a successful webinar, it is important to understand the key elements that make it effective:

  • Clear Objectives: Before hosting a webinar, define your goals and what you aim to achieve. This clarity will help you structure your content and engage your audience effectively.
  • Compelling Content: The content of your webinar should be informative, engaging, and relevant to your target audience. Use examples, case studies, and real-life scenarios to make your content more relatable and valuable.
  • Engaging Delivery: Your webinar should be delivered in a way that captivates your audience from start to finish. Use visuals, storytelling techniques, and interactive elements to keep your participants engaged and eager to learn.
  • Seamless Technology: Technical glitches can ruin the webinar experience. Invest in reliable webinar software, test your equipment beforehand, and have a backup plan in case of any unforeseen issues.
  • Effective Promotion: To ensure a good turnout for your webinar, promote it through various channels, such as social media, email marketing, and your website. Create compelling promotional materials and highlight the benefits of attending your webinar.
  • Engaging Q&A Sessions: One of the key advantages of webinars is the ability to interact with your audience in real-time. Encourage participants to ask questions and provide thoughtful answers that address their concerns. This will create a dynamic and engaging atmosphere.
  • Post-Webinar Follow-up: After the webinar, it is crucial to follow up with participants. Send them a thank-you email, provide additional resources or materials related to the webinar topic, and ask for feedback to further improve your future webinars.

Examining 10 Inspiring Webinar Examples

Now that we understand the importance of webinars and the key elements of a successful webinar, let's explore some inspiring examples that can serve as inspiration for your own online events.

Webinars have become an increasingly popular form of online communication, allowing businesses and individuals to connect with their audience in a more interactive and engaging way. With the advancement of technology, webinars have evolved from simple presentations to dynamic and immersive experiences that can educate, entertain, and inspire participants.

Webinar Example 1: Engaging Educational Webinar

An engaging educational webinar can provide valuable insights on a specific topic or skill. The host can use visuals, quizzes, and interactive activities to keep the audience actively involved. For example, a marketing expert could host a webinar on effective social media strategies and provide real-time examples of successful campaigns.

During the webinar, participants can learn about the latest trends in social media marketing, discover innovative strategies, and gain practical tips on how to optimize their online presence. The host can share case studies, success stories, and best practices, allowing participants to apply the knowledge gained directly to their own businesses.

Webinar Example 2: Interactive Product Demonstration Webinar

A product demonstration webinar allows businesses to showcase their offerings and highlight their unique features. Through interactive demos, participants can get a hands-on experience of the product, ask questions, and gain a deeper understanding of its benefits. This type of webinar is particularly effective for software companies or e-commerce businesses.

During the webinar, the host can walk participants through the features and functionalities of the product, demonstrating how it can solve their pain points and improve their daily lives. Participants can interact with the host, ask questions, and even request personalized demos to see how the product can specifically meet their needs.

Webinar Example 3: Informative Industry Expert Webinar

Bringing industry experts to host webinars can add credibility and value to your online events. Participants can learn from the experiences and insights of renowned professionals in their field. For instance, a finance expert can host a webinar on investment strategies, providing valuable tips and answering participants' questions.

During the webinar, the expert can share their knowledge and expertise, providing participants with a deeper understanding of the industry and its intricacies. They can discuss current market trends, share investment strategies, and offer advice on how to navigate the ever-changing financial landscape.

Webinar Example 4: Entertaining and Engaging Webinar

Webinars don't have to be all serious and informative. Adding an entertainment factor can make your online event more enjoyable and memorable. For example, a cooking instructor could host a webinar where participants learn to prepare a delicious meal while also engaging in friendly cooking competitions.

During the webinar, participants can follow along with the cooking instructor, learning new recipes, techniques, and tips for creating mouth-watering dishes. The friendly cooking competitions can add a fun and competitive element, encouraging participants to showcase their culinary skills and creativity.

Webinar Example 5: Problem-Solving Webinar

Webinars that focus on solving specific problems can provide practical solutions to your audience. Your webinar can address common challenges faced by your target audience and offer step-by-step guidance on how to overcome them. This type of webinar is particularly valuable for businesses offering specialized services or products.

During the webinar, the host can identify the common pain points of the participants and provide actionable solutions. They can offer expert advice, share proven strategies, and guide participants through a step-by-step process to address and resolve the challenges they face. Participants can leave the webinar with a clear roadmap and actionable steps to implement in their own lives or businesses.

Webinar Example 6: Insightful Case Study Webinar

A case study webinar allows you to dive deep into a real-life example, demonstrating the effectiveness of your strategies or solutions. By presenting a successful case study, you can showcase your expertise and build trust with your audience. Participants can gain practical insights and learn how to apply similar approaches in their own situations.

During the webinar, the host can present a detailed case study, highlighting the challenges faced, the solutions implemented, and the results achieved. They can share data, metrics, and testimonials to support their findings and demonstrate the impact of their strategies. Participants can learn from the case study, gaining valuable knowledge and inspiration to apply in their own endeavors.

Webinar Example 7: Comprehensive Training Webinar

A comprehensive training webinar can help individuals enhance their skills or gain new knowledge in a specific area. Participants can learn from industry professionals, access valuable resources, and engage in practical exercises. This type of webinar is commonly used for employee training, personal development, or professional certification.

During the webinar, participants can receive in-depth training on a particular topic or skill, guided by industry professionals with extensive experience. They can access resources such as training materials, worksheets, and exercises to practice and reinforce what they have learned. The interactive nature of the webinar allows participants to ask questions, seek clarification, and receive personalized feedback.

Webinar Example 8: Thought-Provoking Panel Discussion Webinar

A panel discussion webinar brings together experts from different fields to discuss a particular topic or issue. Participants can benefit from diverse perspectives, gain new insights, and engage in thought-provoking conversations. This type of webinar fosters collaboration and creates a platform for the exchange of ideas.

During the webinar, the panelists can share their unique viewpoints, drawing from their expertise and experiences. They can engage in lively discussions, challenge each other's ideas, and provide a well-rounded perspective on the topic at hand. Participants can actively participate by asking questions, sharing their own thoughts, and contributing to the conversation.

Webinar Example 9: Motivational Speaker Webinar

A motivational speaker webinar can inspire and uplift your audience. By sharing personal experiences, stories of success, and practical advice, the speaker can motivate participants to pursue their goals and overcome obstacles. This type of webinar is popular for personal development, career growth, and building resilience.

During the webinar, the motivational speaker can share their personal journey, highlighting the challenges they faced and the strategies they used to overcome them. They can provide practical tips, tools, and techniques to help participants develop a positive mindset, set meaningful goals, and take action towards achieving their dreams. The speaker's energy and enthusiasm can create a powerful and uplifting atmosphere, leaving participants feeling motivated and empowered.

Webinar Example 10: Innovative Tech Webinar

An innovative tech webinar can showcase emerging technologies, explore future trends, and offer insights on how businesses can leverage them. This type of webinar appeals to tech enthusiasts, entrepreneurs, and professionals looking to stay updated with the latest advancements.

During the webinar, participants can learn about cutting-edge technologies, such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, or virtual reality, and understand how these innovations can transform their industries. The host can provide examples of successful implementations, discuss the potential challenges and opportunities, and offer practical advice on how businesses can adapt and thrive in the rapidly evolving tech landscape.

Tips for Creating Your Own Successful Webinar

Now that you have been inspired by these webinar examples, let's explore some tips to help you create your own successful online events.

Understanding Your Audience

Before planning your webinar, take the time to understand your target audience. Research their needs, preferences, and pain points. This knowledge will help you tailor your content and delivery to meet their specific requirements.

Choosing the Right Topic

Select a topic that resonates with your audience and aligns with your expertise. Consider the value proposition you can offer through your webinar – what unique insights or solutions can you provide? Make sure your topic is timely, relevant, and addresses a specific need or interest.

Planning and Preparation

Effective planning and preparation are key to a successful webinar. Create a detailed outline, set a realistic timeline, and allocate tasks to ensure a smooth execution. Practice your presentation, test your equipment, and familiarize yourself with the webinar platform. Engage with colleagues or friends for feedback to fine-tune your content and delivery.

Engaging Your Audience

During the webinar, focus on engaging your audience from start to finish. Use storytelling techniques, visuals, and interactive elements to make your content more captivating. Encourage audience participation through polls, Q&A sessions, or interactive exercises. Address their questions and concerns, and make them feel heard and valued.

Follow-Up After the Webinar

After the webinar, follow up with your participants to ensure continued engagement. Send a thank-you email, share relevant resources, or offer exclusive discounts or bonuses. Consider sending a survey to gather feedback and improve future webinars. Building a strong relationship with your audience is essential for long-term success.

Creating your own successful webinar requires careful planning, creativity, and a deep understanding of your audience. By leveraging the power of webinars, you can share your expertise, build relationships, and drive meaningful results. Start exploring the inspiring webinar examples mentioned above and implement the tips discussed to create impactful online events that leave a lasting impression.

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25 Trending Webinar Topics to Drive Engagement and Leads

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Over the past few years, webinars, which have historically been a vital part of an organization's marketing mix, have gained increasing importance. The "digital boom" has transformed these online events with new and impactful technology.

The significant increase in volume has resulted in a rise in virtual events, webinars, and online courses from 57% to 67%. Due to this, marketers are actively searching for new and more engaging webinar topics. With this significant increase in volume, marketers find themselves actively searching for new and more engaging webinar topics. These topics help them generate leads, feed the pipeline, and build their brand. 

There has never been a better time to embrace the webinar trend. However, desiring to host a webinar is just the beginning—the real challenge lies in determining the ideal webinar topic. The leaders in the webinar space now strive to choose webinar subjects or concepts that allow them to reach a larger audience—a challenge. However, it is a challenge worth undertaking, as an organization's webinar program is only as strong as its topics. To drive better results, you must develop the best webinar topic that resonates with your audience.

The right topic is imperative because:

  • It will help you achieve your webinar marketing goals.
  • It will attract the right audience, leading to a higher attendance rate.
  • It will get you a better return on your investment regarding leads and conversions.

How to choose the right webinar topic

To ensure the success of your webinar, you must be strategic in finding the right idea rather than simply choosing something based on your current mood. Consider the following factors in choosing the right webinar topic :

Define your webinar goals 

Determine the goal and purpose behind hosting the webinar . Are you aiming to generate leads, build brand awareness, drive conversions, or promote product upgrades? Understanding your goals and KPIs will guide you in selecting the appropriate webinar format and topic for your webinar.

Know your webinar audience.

Consider your target audience and whether you are addressing current customers or new prospects. Identify if there's a specific subset of your audience that you want to target for the goals of this particular webinar. Remember that each webinar is just one part of your marketing efforts, so you can tailor it to a niche audience if necessary.

Evaluate your webinar platform.

Ensure the webinar software offers the necessary features, such as support for multiple hosts, lead generation capabilities, and webinar recording for future sharing.

best webinar software

Leverage existing and future content. 

Look into repurposing any existing content that aligns with the webinar topic. Additionally, consider if there are upcoming marketing campaigns that could benefit from the webinar content, making it a valuable starting point for engaging with your audience.

Download Hubilo's Essential Guide to Repurposing Webinar Content

Discover the secrets of picking the perfect webinar topic with insights from influencer Rachel in this informative video.

25 best webinar topics and ideas (with examples)

While trends may appear fleeting in today's fast-paced world, webinars are unlike Tik Tok videos. Instead of feeling overwhelmed, focus on fads or best practices your viewers will find valuable in their daily work lives. Attending convenient webinars on relevant themes from the comfort of their homes, offices, or coffee shops is an excellent way for people to achieve this. Now, let's explore some popular webinar topics:

1. Your product 101

If you offer a complex or unique product or service, conduct a 101 webinar to educate new customers and qualify leads. Discuss what your product or service does, explore unique features or offerings, and provide a basic demo. This evergreen content can be delivered on-demand or shared by your sales team.

Examples of product 101 webinar topics

  • "Introduction to XYZ Software: Maximizing Efficiency in Your Business"
  • "Getting Started with ABC Fitness Equipment: Transforming Your Workouts"
  • "Discovering the Power of Our Cleaning Products: Creating a Cleaner Environment"
  • "Unveiling the Benefits of our New Beauty Line: Enhancing Your Skincare Routine"
  • "Exploring the Features of our Home Appliances: Simplifying Your Daily Life"

2. Addressing industry pain points

Establish yourself as a trusted resource by directly helping your audience solve their problems, without solely focusing on your product or service. Identify significant industry pain points and share solutions that have worked for you and your customers, enabling attendees to replicate success.

Examples of industry pain points webinar topics

  • "Solving Supply Chain Challenges: Strategies for Streamlining Operations"
  • "Managing Remote Teams Effectively: Overcoming Communication Hurdles"
  • "Navigating Digital Transformation: Embracing Technology in Traditional Industries"
  • "Financial Planning for Small Businesses: Overcoming Budget Constraints"
  • "Marketing on a Budget: Creative Tactics for Small and Medium Enterprises"

3. Discussing industry trends

Share industry trends and insights to position your brand as a thought leader and help your customers stay updated on industry changes. For example, a small marketing firm might host a webinar on switching to Google Analytics 4, offering value to the users, showcasing expertise, and inviting attendees to seek assistance from their team for the transition.

Examples of industry trends webinar topics

  • "Emerging E-commerce Trends: Adapting to Changing Consumer Behavior"
  • "The Future of Healthcare: Innovations and Advancements in Medical Technology"
  • "Sustainability in the Fashion Industry: Embracing Eco-Friendly Practices"
  • "Transforming Education with EdTech: Trends in Online Learning"
  • "Digital Marketing Shifts: Leveraging Social Media Trends for Business Growth"

4. Celebrity interview

You may not have the budget for big celebrity as your keynote speaker, but there are likely numerous industry celebrities that your audience would be thrilled to hear from. Whether it's an influencer, author, or other popular figure, featuring them in your webinar can create excitement. If the celebrity is well-known enough, you might even consider turning the webinar into a paid event.

Examples of industry celebrity interview webinar topics

  • "In Conversation with Bestselling Author John Doe: Insights into Writing Success"
  • "Exclusive Q&A with Industry Influencer Jane Smith: Navigating Career Challenges"
  • "Behind the Scenes with Award-Winning Chef Michael Johnson: Culinary Secrets"
  • "A Candid Talk with Renowned Artist Lisa Brown: Creativity and Inspiration"
  • "Meet the Star Athlete Tom Roberts: Athlete's Journey to Excellence"

interviewing celebrities to drive traffic for your webinar

5. Topics from your sales team

Your sales team is a valuable source of ideas for webinar topics. They have in-depth knowledge of customer pain points, hesitations, and the most valuable leads. If you're unsure about what topic to host a webinar on, start by consulting your sales team.

Examples of customer pain points webinar topics

  • "Customer Pain Points: Addressing Common Challenges Faced by Our Clients"
  • "Sales Strategies for Navigating Competitive Markets: Tips from Our Sales Team"
  • "Understanding Customer Journey: Insights from Our Top Sales Representatives"
  • "Building Lasting Customer Relationships: Best Practices from Our Sales Team"
  • "Effective Closing Techniques: Closing Deals with Confidence and Conviction"

6. Expert insights

Hosting an industry expert offers three benefits: providing valuable insights to your audience, reaching a broader audience through co-marketing, and establishing trust by presenting benefits from a third-party perspective.

Examples of expert insights webinar topics

  • Insights from Industry Experts: How Webinars Boost Website Traffic and Audience Engagement
  • "Digital Marketing Insights from Industry Experts: Staying Ahead in a Dynamic Market"
  • "Financial Planning Tips from Wealth Management Experts: Navigating Uncertain Times"
  • "Health and Wellness Recommendations from Renowned Nutritionists: Achieving Balance"
  • "Leadership Lessons from Successful Entrepreneurs: Inspiring Others to Lead"
  • "Innovation and Technology Trends: Expert Perspectives on the Future of Industries"

7. Live audits or demos 

Live audits or product demos are exciting and can be approached in various ways. For instance, a digital marketing agency can conduct live SEO, social media, or website audits, showcasing their expertise. An automation company can build automations live during the webinar, displaying the power of their tool. A career coach might offer a 30-minute live coaching session with an attendee, demonstrating their insights and depth of knowledge.

Examples of live audits or demos webinar topics

  • "Live SEO Audit: Optimizing Your Website for Better Search Engine Ranking"
  • "Social Media Marketing Demo: Engaging Strategies for Higher Audience Reach"
  • "Financial Analysis Live Demo: Understanding Financial Performance Metrics"
  • "Productivity Tool Showcase: Live Demonstration of Time-Saving Applications"
  • "Home Renovation Live Audit: Transforming Your Space with Expert Guidance"

8. Case studies

Case studies are effective for establishing trust and highlighting how your solution addresses customer challenges. On-demand formats work best, allowing customers to watch at their convenience. Having your customer lead the webinar, sharing their success story and focusing on how your solution helped them, while citing specific numbers and offering actionable strategies, will demonstrate how attendees can replicate that success in their own endeavors.

Examples of case study webinar topics

  • "Customer Success Stories: How Our Solutions Transformed Businesses"
  • "Financial Planning Case Study: Achieving Financial Goals with Strategic Investments"
  • "Healthcare Industry Success Stories: Enhancing Patient Care and Outcomes"
  • "E-commerce Growth Case Study: Scaling Online Sales through Effective Marketing"
  • "Leadership Case Study: Successful Business Turnaround Strategies"

9. Leadership and management in the post-pandemic world

Managing teams and organizations today differs significantly from two years ago due to various modifications and adaptations, including the rise of remote and hybrid workforces. Each workplace is unique in its approach. Despite the situation, your audience desires to be fully prepared and equipped to lead teams and individuals to success in the new digital era.

Examples of Leadership and management webinar topics

  • "Adapting Leadership Styles: Leading Teams in Remote and Hybrid Work Environments"
  • "Resilient Leadership: Navigating Crisis and Uncertainty in the New Normal"
  • "Emotional Intelligence for Leaders: Supporting Employee Well-being and Productivity"
  • "Creating Inclusive Workplaces: Fostering Diversity and Empowering Your Team"
  • "Strategic Planning for Post-Pandemic Growth: Positioning Your Organization for Success"

10. How-to webinars

Webinars that offer guidance on performing specific tasks or processes have always been popular and make excellent webinar topics. Potential attendees are constantly seeking opportunities to gain knowledge and learn new skills. With the right webinar technology, such webinars can be organized into breakout sessions, addressing different topics related to one another.

Examples of How-to webinar topics

  • "How to Create Engaging Content: Tips for Captivating Your Audience"
  • "Mastering Time Management: Techniques for Balancing Work and Personal Life"
  • "How to Improve Public Speaking Skills: Conveying Your Message with Confidence"
  • "Effective Social Media Marketing: Step-by-Step Guide to Boosting Your Brand"
  • "How to Conduct Market Research: Uncovering Insights for Business Decisions"

11. Productivity hacks

This year, productivity-hacking webinars are gaining momentum. With more people spending time at home and working remotely, some may need help to maintain productivity and social connections. Webinar topics focusing on productivity hacks can help individuals maximize their time and remain efficient, even in changed work environments.

Examples of productivity-hacking webinar topics

  • "Time Management Techniques for Busy Professionals: Boosting Productivity and Efficiency"
  • "Organizing Your Digital Workspace: Tips for Streamlining Workflows and Minimizing Distractions"
  • "Mastering the Art of Prioritization: Focusing on High-Impact Tasks for Maximum Results"
  • "Effective Goal Setting for Personal and Professional Success: Creating a Roadmap to Achievement"
  • "Mindfulness and Productivity: Cultivating a Calm and Focused Mind for Better Performance"

12. Career advice and improvement

Webinars focusing on career improvement remain popular among recent grads, younger professionals, and motivated employees. Despite the constraints and hurdles of the new normal, people strive to advance their jobs. As a presenter, you should actively provide career advice, address unusual queries, and motivate and inspire your audience.

Examples of career advice and improvement topics

  • "Building a Strong Personal Brand: Strategies for Professional Development and Networking"
  • "Navigating Career Transitions: Tips for Successfully Switching Industries or Roles"
  • "Interview Success: Mastering Communication and Confidence to Land Your Dream Job"
  • "Negotiating Salary and Benefits: Techniques for Getting What You Deserve in Your Career"
  • "Career Growth in the Digital Age: Leveraging Online Platforms for Career Advancement"

13. Mental health and wellness

This year, Webinars centered around mental health, self-care, and well-being are also trending. Many individuals struggled to cope with the pandemic's psychological and physical impacts. HR departments, in particular, increased efforts to address these topics. Public webinars to assist individuals in caring for themselves during tough times are always welcome.

Examples of mental health, self-care, and well-being webinar topics

  • "Stress Management Techniques for a Healthy Mind and Body: Coping with Modern Pressures"
  • "Mindfulness and Meditation: Practicing Mindful Awareness for Emotional Well-Being"
  • "Building Resilience in Challenging Times: Strategies for Bouncing Back from Adversity"
  • "Sleep Hygiene and Mental Health: Understanding the Connection for Better Sleep Patterns"
  • "Practicing Self-Compassion: Cultivating Positive Self-Talk and Inner Strength"

14. Business development strategies

Another popular webinar topic revolves around business development strategies. Business owners and professionals seek guidance on managing and maintaining their companies. As a presenter, you can actively discuss topics such as running a business during a pandemic, generating more leads and clients, and implementing new marketing techniques relevant to your audience.

Examples of business development strategy webinar topics

  • "Creating a Winning Business Plan: Step-by-Step Guide to Launching Your Entrepreneurial Venture"
  • "Lead Generation Strategies for Growing Your Customer Base: From Prospects to Sales"
  • "Expanding Your Market Reach: International Business Development and Export Strategies"
  • "Digital Marketing Innovations: Leveraging Technology for Enhanced Business Growth"
  • "Strategic Partnerships and Alliances: Unlocking New Opportunities for Business Expansion"

15. Virtual product launches

Product launch webinars are an excellent way to generate interest and promote participation among the general audience. They create a sense of connection and exclusivity for the attendees. Utilizing a platform that supports virtual launches, these webinars are practical tools to promote products or services, demonstrate tips and techniques, and provide valuable information about your organization.

Examples of product launch webinar topics

  • "Unveiling the Latest Tech Gadgets: A Virtual Showcase of Innovative Products"
  • "New Fashion Collection Debut: A Virtual Runway Event for Fashion Enthusiasts"
  • "Introducing Cutting-Edge Software Solutions: Demonstrating the Power of Technology"
  • "Virtual Real Estate Showcase: Exploring Properties from the Comfort of Home"
  • "Health and Wellness Product Launch: Promoting a New Line of Holistic Solutions"

16. Ethics and compliance

Office workers highly seek compliance webinars. These online gatherings keep employees up-to-date with the latest compliance requirements and laws. This webinar topic is significant for individuals working in large corporations, especially those dealing with or managing sensitive data or products nationally or globally.

Examples of ethics and compliance webinar topics

  • "Ethical Decision-Making in Business: Balancing Profitability and Corporate Responsibility"
  • "Understanding Data Privacy and Security Regulations: Compliance in a Digital World"
  • "Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery Compliance: Ensuring Ethical Business Practices"
  • "Corporate Governance Best Practices: Building Trust and Transparency"
  • "Social Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting: Demonstrating Ethical Impact"

17. Skill enhancement

Webinars focused on skill enhancement are incredibly popular with the general population. Unlike how-to webinars targeting beginners or experts, this type caters to experts and other individuals already proficient in a particular skill. Presenters can assist them in further improving their skills, learning new techniques, or staying updated with relevant information in their respective fields.

Examples of skill enhancement webinar topics

  • "Mastering Time Management: Productivity Hacks for a More Efficient Workday"
  • "Effective Communication Skills for Virtual Teams: Navigating Remote Collaboration"
  • "Data Analysis and Visualization: Techniques to Extract Insights from Big Data"
  • "Public Speaking and Presentation Skills: Engaging Audiences with Confidence"
  • "Negotiation Tactics for Business Success: Strategies to Achieve Win-Win Outcomes"

Webinar topics to enhance skills

18. Diversity and inclusion

Cultural trends in the evolving workplace make diversity and inclusion an essential topic for discussion. Hosting a webinar on this subject allows you to articulate the significance of these values to your company and how you plan to uphold your mission statements. An interactive or panel-style format enables your organization to hear different viewpoints from within. When dealing with delicate matters like this, being cautious and considerate of the schedule and individuals involved is crucial.

Examples of diversity and inclusion webinar topics

  • "Creating an Inclusive Workplace Culture: Strategies for Fostering Diversity and Belonging"
  • "Advancing Women in Leadership: Overcoming Gender Barriers in Corporate Settings"
  • "LGBTQ+ Inclusion in the Workplace: Promoting Equality and Acceptance"
  • "Cultural Competence and Unconscious Bias: Enhancing Diversity Awareness in Organizations"
  • "Intersectionality in Diversity: Addressing the Overlapping Identities and Experiences"

19. Current affairs

Discuss how your company or specific departments can handle crises or current situations. For example, many successful webinars actively focused on natural disasters, the impact of Covid-19, and other impactful events.

Examples of current affair webinar topics

  • "Navigating Post-Pandemic Business Challenges: Strategies for Resilience and Growth"
  • "Climate Change and Its Impact on Global Economies: Building Sustainable Solutions"
  • "Geopolitical Shifts and Trade Policies: Assessing the Implications for Businesses"
  • "The Rise of Digital Currency: Understanding the Future of Cryptocurrencies"
  • "COVID-19 Vaccination Rollout: A Global Health Perspective on Progress and Challenges"

20. Forward-looking webinars

Aspiring thought leaders can discuss trends in their sectors and the broader market. Thought leaders deeply understand the industry and can speak authoritatively on such topics. Salespeople and marketers crave information supported by data, but their busy schedules hinder them from conducting in-depth research. A webinar can help them stay updated and informed.

Examples of forward-looking webinar topics

  • "The Future of Artificial Intelligence: How AI will Transform Industries in the Next Decade"
  • "2025 Workplace Trends: Adapting to the Evolving Work Environment"
  • "The Rise of E-commerce: Emerging Trends and Strategies for Online Retail Success"
  • "Blockchain Revolution: Exploring the Potential Disruptions and Opportunities"
  • "The Future of Remote Work: Leveraging Technology for Enhanced Productivity and Collaboration"

21. Digital marketing webinars

Digital marketing webinars are a valuable tool for educating and engaging audiences in the ever-evolving world of online marketing. By hosting webinars on digital marketing topics, businesses can provide valuable insights, share strategies, and showcase their expertise to a wider audience.

Examples of digital marketing webinar topics

  • "Mastering Social Media Advertising: Tips and Strategies for Success"
  • "Content Marketing 2.0: Creating Compelling Content for Your Audience"
  • "Email Marketing Mastery: Building Effective Campaigns that Convert"
  • "Unlocking the Power of Video Marketing: Engaging Your Audience with Visual Content"
  • "Data-Driven Marketing: Leveraging Analytics for Improved ROI"

22. Finance webinars

Finances are a major part of every human’s life, and being in the Fintech industry. These finance webinar topics cover a wide range of financial topics, catering to various audience interests and knowledge levels. They provide valuable insights, tips, and strategies to help individuals and businesses improve their financial well-being and achieve their financial goals.

Examples of finance webinar topics

  • "Creating a Budget that Works: A Step-by-Step Guide to Financial Planning"
  • "Investing for Beginners: Building Wealth with Smart Investment Strategies"
  • "Understanding Credit Scores: How to Improve Your Credit and Financial Health"
  • "Retirement Savings Strategies: Preparing for a Comfortable Retirement"
  • "Navigating the Stock Market: Tips for Successful Stock Investing"

23. Real-estate webinars

These real estate webinar topics cover a range of essential aspects for both buyers and sellers in the real estate market. Whether it's about investing, purchasing, selling, or managing properties, these webinars provide valuable information and insights to help participants make informed decisions in the real estate industry.

Examples of real-estate webinar topics

  • "Real Estate Investing 101: Getting Started in Property Investment"
  • "Home Buying Guide: Tips for First-Time Homebuyers"
  • "Maximizing Your Property's Value: Home Renovation and Improvement Strategies"
  • "Renting vs. Buying: Making Informed Housing Decisions"
  • "Real Estate Market Trends: Navigating the Current Landscape"

24. Work ethics webinars

These work ethics webinar topics aim to promote ethical behavior and values in the workplace. By addressing various aspects of work ethics, these webinars provide valuable insights and guidance for individuals and organizations to cultivate a strong ethical foundation in their professional endeavors.

Examples of work ethics webinar topics

  • "The Foundation of Strong Work Ethics: Principles for Professional Excellence"
  • "Building a Positive Work Culture: Instilling Ethics and Integrity in the Workplace"
  • "Responsible Time Management: Balancing Efficiency and Quality in Your Work"
  • "Ethics in Decision Making: Navigating Moral Dilemmas and Upholding Values"
  • "Work-Life Integration: Striking the Right Balance for Personal and Professional Well-Being"

25. Top priorities for HR leaders webinar topics

These webinar topics address the top priorities for HR leaders in today's dynamic and evolving work landscape. By focusing on critical areas such as employee well-being, diversity and inclusion, talent acquisition, and leveraging technology, HR leaders can gain valuable insights and actionable strategies to strengthen their HR practices and drive positive organizational outcomes.

Examples of top priorities for HR leaders webinar topics

  • "Future-Proofing HR Strategies: Navigating Disruptions and Challenges Ahead"
  • "Employee Well-Being and Mental Health: Fostering a Supportive Workplace Culture"
  • "Building a Diverse and Inclusive Workforce: Strategies for Promoting Equality"
  • "The Role of HR in Talent Acquisition: Attracting and Retaining Top Talent"
  • "Adapting to Remote Work: Best Practices for Managing Virtual Teams"
Read and Learn: How to Add Energy, Impact, and Results at Every Stage of Your Webinar

10 tips to choose your next webinar topic

Here are ten tips to help you select your next webinar topic:

Know your audience

Understand your target audience's needs, preferences, and pain points. Conduct surveys, engage with your audience on social media, and analyze customer feedback to gain insights into their interests and challenges.

Stay updated with industry trends

Keep track of current industry trends, emerging topics, and popular discussions within your niche. Stay informed about what's relevant to your audience and align your webinar topic with the latest developments.

Leverage your expertise

Choose a topic that aligns with your expertise and showcases your authority in the field. Demonstrating your knowledge and unique perspective will build credibility and trust with your audience.

Evergreen content

Opt for evergreen content that remains relevant and valuable over time. It allows you to repurpose the webinar and reach a broader audience beyond the live event.

Engage with your sales and customer support team

Our sales and customer support teams interact directly with customers and prospects, making them a valuable source of information. Talk to them to understand the common pain points, challenges, and questions that your target audience faces. Their insights can help you identify relevant and engaging webinar topics.

Monitor social media trends

Keep an eye on trending topics and discussions on social media platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter. Social media can provide valuable insights into the interests and concerns of your target audience. Look for topics that are generating buzz and align them with your expertise to create engaging webinar content.

Analyze questions from past webinars

Review the questions and feedback from previous webinars. This can give you an idea of what topics resonated with your audience and what additional information they are seeking. Addressing unanswered questions or expanding on popular topics can lead to compelling webinar ideas.

Research competitor webinars

Check out webinars hosted by your competitors or industry leaders. Identify gaps or unique angles that you can explore to offer fresh and valuable insights to your audience.

Understand your Ideal Customer Persona's pain points.

Develop a clear understanding of your Ideal Customer Persona (ICP) and their pain points. Identify the challenges they face and the solutions they are seeking. Crafting webinars that directly address these pain points will attract your target audience and provide them with valuable insights.

Utilize existing content.

Look through your blog posts, e-books, whitepapers, and other content assets. Repurposing existing content into webinar topics can save time and effort while ensuring consistency in messaging. Additionally, using content that has already resonated with your audience can increase the chances of webinar success.

Choosing the best topic for your next webinar

The webinar ideas are just the beginning. Continue actively searching for new topics and trending subjects to establish stronger connections with your audiences. The best webinar topic is the one that attracts your target audience, addresses their questions, and leaves them feeling that their time was well spent. To determine which topics to address in your webinar, adopt your audience's perspective and analyze your industry. 

By considering trending topics, the pain points of your audience, and industry insights, you can identify the most engaging webinar topics. As you assemble your webinar, focus your human powers on the strategy and content while letting webinar automation take care of the rest. Ensure you combine this strategy with the right webinar technology platform, leading you to leverage this marketing tactic fully. Consider using Hubilo, a comprehensive and user-friendly webinar platform , which offers wide range of robust features and capabilities to host successful webinars. Hubilo offers the tools and functionalities to ensure a seamless and engaging experience for both organizers and attendees. To learn more about how Hubilo can benefit your webinar strategy, request a demo today.

1. Why Is Choosing the Right Webinar Topic So Important for B2B Tech Companies?

Answer: The topic sets the stage for the entire webinar. A relevant and compelling topic will not only attract your target audience but also position your company as a thought leader in the tech industry.

2. How Can I Identify the Interests of My Target Audience?

Answer: Conduct market research, surveys, and competitor analysis. You can also look at industry publications or consult your sales and customer service teams to understand the issues that resonate with your audience.

3. Should the Webinar Topic Align with My Company’s Products or Services?

Answer: Ideally, yes. The topic should have a natural alignment with what your company offers without being overly promotional. The focus should be on providing value to the attendees.

4. Can I Choose a Broad Topic for My Webinar?

Answer: While a broad topic may attract a larger audience, it may not engage them effectively. Narrowing down the topic allows for a deeper discussion and often results in higher-quality leads.

5. How Technical Should the Webinar Topic Be?

Answer: The technical depth should match the expertise of your target audience. If the audience is specialized, a technical discussion might be appropriate. For a broader audience, consider a more introductory level.

6. Is It Advisable to Choose Trending Topics?

Answer: Trending topics can attract a large audience quickly but make sure the subject matter aligns with your company’s expertise and offers lasting value beyond the trend.

7. Should I Consult My Team When Choosing a Webinar Topic?

Answer: Absolutely. Sales, marketing, customer service, and even product development teams can provide valuable insights into what topics would resonate most with your target audience.

8. How Do I Know If a Topic Is Too Saturated?

Answer: Conduct a quick search to see how many similar webinars or content pieces are already out there. If the market is saturated, consider narrowing your focus or finding a unique angle.

9. Can I Reuse Webinar Topics?

Answer: Yes, especially if the topic is evergreen and continues to be relevant. However, make sure to update the content to reflect any new trends, data, or insights.

10. How Can I Validate My Webinar Topic Before Finalizing It?

Answer: Consider running a small-scale survey or social media poll targeting your intended audience. You could also consult with a few industry experts or clients to gauge interest.

marketing case study webinar

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Hubilo is the webinar platform built for marketers that helps you 2X your pipeline. Founded in 2015, Hubilo's powerful engagement features, dedicated client experience team, and custom branding tools have helped create over 12K virtual events & webinars, creating hundreds of millions of minutes of high-engagement experiences and counting. Headquartered in Bengaluru and San Francisco, Hubilo's 200+ employees are dedicated to enabling webinars & virtual events that convert.

Stay connected with us.

marketing case study webinar

Discover how Hubilo's Webinar+ can help you 2X your pipeline

Account-Based Marketing 101: A Marketo Case Study

marketing case study webinar

About the Webinar

In today's world of collective decision-making, successful marketers are using account-based marketing (ABM) to win new business and grow relationships within target accounts. In fact, with 92% of B2B marketers indicating that ABM is a must-have for their marketing mix*, it's a critical component for marketer's to include in their arsenal.

Check out this on-demand webinar with Marketo ABM experts, David Cain and Heidi Bullock, to discover best practices that Marketo is currently leveraging to drive demand and generate revenue within its target accounts.

Watch the session now to learn:

  • The Five Critical Steps of ABM
  • How to measure the success of ABM
  • Examples of Marketo's ABM programs


marketing case study webinar

10 Webinar Examples: How to Create a High-Impact Online Event

2023 is already proving to be an exciting time for webinars and other online events. Looking back, the last three years have been transformative, with many more businesses engaging in webinars for marketing purposes . However, it’s also helpful to revisit past examples and learn their lessons so you can apply that knowledge to your own virtual events.

Let’s look at the best webinars that made an impact and how you can recreate their success today.

marketing case study webinar

1. Autodesk: Achieving Results Beyond Expectation

Let’s start off the list with Autodesk , a 3D design, engineering, and construction platform. The brand helps people realize their creative ambitions, ranging from high-performance cars and towering skyscrapers to smartphones and movies.

The platform’s tools assist with modeling, animation, civil engineering, drafting, manufacturing, product design, and more. Considering how wide the Autodesk audience is, we were very curious to know more about its webinar target group. 

To get the webinar data, we talked to Cole D’Ambra, Autodesk’s marketing automation manager. 

Webinar Details

  • Webinar title: Top Workflows To Win More Bids in 2021
  • Webinar audience: General contractors in North America who dove into bid management, vendor qualification, and model conditioning workflows
  • Webinar description: Discussed time- and money-saving strategies along with increasing project win rates as the key to success in 2021

The webinar KPIs were highly specific: 700 registrants, 200 attendees, 50 demo requests. 

The Webinar Promotion Strategy

  • In-app messages and email campaigns for lead nurturing: The company has many products in their portfolio and cross-sells to their target audience based on their ideal customer profile (ICP). As Cole D’Ambra indicated, the Drift Email was a game changer: Instead of filling out a registration form, the leads could simply reply to the email to register. 
  • Social media: According to Cole, driving organic social media traffic to the registration page didn’t bring many registrants, but it did help keep followers up to date. 
  • Paid promotion: Autodesk used paid promotion in collaboration with industry publishers, which brought in 15%–20% of registrants. 

Autodesk Webinar Results  

  • The webinar attracted 1,306 registrants. 
  • 340 people attended the event, or 26%. (This is a pretty good rate for webinar registration to attendance.)
  • The company received 85 demo requests. One week after the event, the webinar team emailed the absentees to offer a personalized demo. This yielded a 5% conversion rate from no-shows to demo requests.

Quick Lessons From Autodesk  

  • Although you may cater to different audiences, be very specific about your target group. Autodesk narrowed down their intended segment by indicating the job (general contractors), the location (North America), and a characteristic. Don’t be afraid to “scare off” unqualified leads; the same move can also attract your most highly qualified leads.
  • Use your database and promote your webinars through email blasts. 
  • Make sure the registration process is as simple as possible. Eliminate the friction so it’s easy for leads to register for your webinars. 

customized webinar registration page

2. Curacubby: Doubling the Number of Registrants

Curacubby is a K-12 school administration software. It helps schools simplify their administrative operations with its management solution.

To uncover deeper insights into the webinar campaign, we talked to Anna McVeigh-Murphy, the head of marketing at Curacubby. 

  • Webinar title: Preparing for the 2021 School Enrollment Season
  • Webinar audience: Independent school leadership (principals, assistant principals, directors, heads of school, and enrollment coordinators)
  • Webinar description: Showcasing the strategies schools need for a successful enrollment process

The main goal was to engage existing customers. Curacubby works in education, and enrollment is a major challenge for their customers. That’s why Curacubby wanted to provide support in the form of thought leadership that would help their customers going into 2021. 

A secondary focus was on lead nurturing. As Anna told us, Curacubby solves many enrollment challenges, so they wanted to engage their leads in conversations about enrollment and convert them into marketing qualified leads (MQLs). 

The Webinar Promotion Strategy  

  • Social media: The Curacubby team promoted the webinar via social media, driving organic traffic to the landing page. According to Anna, they had little success with paid social media, so they decided to direct their efforts toward nurturing their existing audience. 
  • Email campaigns: The webinar team sent a promotional email to their existing customer base, as well as potential prospects. 

Curacubby Webinar Results

Compared to other webinars, with this campaign, Curacubby doubled the number of registrants: 

  • 130 registrants (who received the recording and the additional on-topic resources)
  • 20 MQLs who agreed to a demo. Although that wasn’t a product-centric webinar, the registrants who qualified as leads showed an interest in learning about the product. 
  • The Curacubby team achieved an 85% close rate on deals from the webinar.  

Quick Lessons From Curacubby

  • You can pursue multiple webinar goals . For example, you can use the event both as a thought leadership platform and a marketing piece to attract MQLs, as long as the content is relevant for all included audiences.
  • Use webinars to strengthen the relationship with your paying customers by helping them overcome specific challenges.
  • When promoting your webinar, leverage your existing audience.

3. Demandbase: $3.1M in Influenced Closed Won

We continue with Demandbase , an account-based marketing platform. Using real-time data and AI, Demandbase helps B2B marketers find accounts in-market, engage those accounts, and convert them into customers.

To learn more about the company’s approach to webinars, we connected with Brandon Redlinger, head of demand generation and partner marketing at Demandbase. 

  • Webinar title: The ABM Innovation Tour  
  • Webinar audience: B2B marketers, both practitioners and executives
  • Webinar description: The webinar series delved into the latest and greatest marketing practices from industry experts, front-line practitioners, and general revenue rockstars. Instead of a one-off webinar, Demandbase launched a four-part series made up of what they called “tour stops”: 
  • First tour stop: Identify and Attract
  • Second tour stop: Engage and Personalise 
  • Third tour stop: Convert and Close
  • Fourth tour stop: Measure and Align 

The main KPIs were: 

  • 2,500 registrants
  • 50 sales qualified leads (SQLs)
  • 30 leads for the sales pipeline 
  • Email campaigns: Brandon discussed how Demandbase promoted the series through email campaigns. First, the webinar team sent three general emails explaining the ABM Innovation Tour. Then, they continued the campaign by sending two emails per tour stop. 
  • 1:1 invitations: Next, Demandbase engaged their sales development reps, asking them to send one-to-one invitations to target accounts. About 22% of the accounts were post-opportunity stages; the rest were at the pre-opportunity stage. 
  • Social media: The webinar team deployed a social media-heavy promotional campaign, pushing text, graphics, and videos.
  • Website banner: Another promotional tactic was to create a webinar banner and display it on the website home page.
  • Email signatures: The rest of the Demandbase team helped advertise the webinar in their email signatures. 
  • Paid promotion: The webinar team created account-based ads targeted at the Demandbase accounts. 
  • Personalized landing page : Finally, the landing page was personalized for the targeted accounts. 

Even after the first series of messages, ads, and emails, the team continued to promote the webinar with individualized emails, one-on-one calls, engagement with target accounts, LinkedIn connections, and InMail messages. 

All those efforts led to impressive sales results.

Demandbase Webinar Results   

Demandbase achieved better results than originally expected: 

  • 3,605 registrations, with over 32% from target accounts
  • 43 leads for the sales pipeline 
  • Closed Won Opportunities: 51 influenced ($3.1M)

Quick Lessons From Demandbase

  • Instead of running a single event, create a webinar series. This will increase the impact of your webinar efforts and generate more leads.
  • Involve your sales development reps in promoting your webinar by sending personalized emails to their accounts. 
  • Send multiple emails to the same accounts, hop on calls with them, and maintain an active promotional campaign to convince more people to register. 

marketing case study webinar

4. Innovatemap: Building a Community With Webinars 

Innovatemap is a team of experts in digital product research, branding, marketing, and design. The company is dedicated to transforming shopping technology ideas into high-growth businesses through collaborative client partnerships. For example, some of the services they offer are user and market research, strategy, product management, and branding, among others.

We spoke with Sara Croft, principal marketing partner, and Ellie McCandless, community manager and product marketing partner, to discover how webinars have benefited Innovatemap. 

  • Webinar title: Better Product Speaker Series
  • Webinar audience: Product practitioners and leaders who work in the field of product management, product marketing, product design, and brand. While the Innovatemap honed in on the Midwest, the team also welcomed attendees from anywhere in the country.
  • Webinar description: The webinar series featured experts who answered product questions. This five-week series (that’s now offered on demand) explored what it takes to design, build, market, and sell better digital products.

The main goal was to launch an information series to acquire new members for their Better Product Community , Innovatemap’s digital product conversation group. The associated KPI was to register 50 product practitioners or leaders per session.

  • Email campaigns: Innovatemap promoted the webinar series to their existing community members of over 430 people (at that time). They leveraged email drip campaigns, which drove traffic to a dedicated landing page. People could then sign up for one, three, or all five webinars. 
  • Social media: The Innovatemap team advertised the series on LinkedIn and Twitter and featured a week-long Instagram ad campaign.
  • 1:1 invitations: On Linkedin, the team sent personal messages to leads in targeted accounts, as well as tailored emails. 
  • Active promotion throughout the webinar series: After each session, the Innovatemap team sent a recap email with a link to watch the webinar on YouTube. 

Innovatemap Webinar Results  

Here are the results the Innovatemap team achieved after the live webinar series ended:

  • 290 unique registrants for the combined five sessions.
  • 239 of the 290 registrants weren’t community members; those people received a drip email. The message nudged them to complete their profile and finalize their membership.
  • This webinar series brought the community closer to surpassing 700 members, proving this one activity was well worth the time and effort. 

Quick Lessons From Innovatemap

  • Webinars are excellent avenues for growing your community.
  • Partner with your speakers to promote the event. 
  • Send personal messages on LinkedIn and via email to engage with your contacts and give a face to your webinar promotion campaign. 

5. JB Sales Featuring VanillaSoft: Strategically Choosing Speakers 

Next, let’s talk about the JB Sales webinar campaign that featured VanillaSoft . JB Sales is a training brand that helps sales professionals and teams optimize for remote delivery and immediate results. John Barrows founded the company in response to the lack of formal academic sales training on the market. Meanwhile, VanillaSoft is an all-in-one platform that provides tools for sales professionals to engage, qualify, and close deals.

Both brands combined their efforts to launch a webinar campaign. To find out more about their collaboration, we spoke with Ollie Whitfield from VanillaSoft. 

  • Webinar title: 10 Innovative Cold Calling Strategies To Help You Book More Meetings in 2020
  • Webinar audience: Sales reps
  • Webinar description: The webinar focused on cold calling and how to stand out when making a sales call. It adopted an interview-based structure, and the host was a sales expert with a large audience. Also, the webinar had two carefully selected guests — one was a practitioner, and the other was a thought leader. Both brought unique perspectives and opinions to the table.

The main goal of the webinar was to generate new quality leads, and the KPI was attracting between 1,000 and 2,000 leads. 

The webinar team deployed multiple marketing tactics to maximize attendance.

  • Email campaigns: Three promotional emails were sent to an existing audience. 
  • Social media: The team capitalized on the company’s social media profiles and those of influential individuals on the team to push the webinar. This tactic drove up the registrant numbers over time. 
  • Guest speakers’ audiences: Both guests agreed to promote the webinar to their respective audience bases. The expert sales leader, who served as a moderator, had an especially large following on LinkedIn and Twitter and garnered a few hundred registrants as a result.  

JB Sales Featuring VanillaSoft Webinar Results   

  • The webinar gathered 3,500 leads, a record for the company. 

Quick Lessons From JB Sales Featuring VanillaSoft

  • To make virtual events engaging, invite guest speakers and attendees with different opinions on the webinar topic. This is one key area where strategic use of registration forms comes in handy: It enables you to “feel out the room” ahead of time and encourage audience participation, where appropriate. You can then use the data you collect ahead of time to make highly educated, tactful decisions about the focus and pacing of the event, which will also help your moderator.
  • Ask your moderator, webinar guests, and influential personnel to promote the webinar. Encourage your own little viral marketing campaign.

6. MeetEdgar: Leveraging Successful Client Stories 

Me etEdgar is a social media management platform that helps people automate their social media accounts so they spend less time managing them. The company boasts a list of famous customers, including Darren Rowse, the founder of ProBlogger, and Neil Patel, one of the top 10 marketers in the world.

To unravel their webinar formula for success, we talked with Megan McMullin, outreach lead at MeetEdgar. 

  • Webinar title: How to Plan a Year’s Worth of Content in ONE DAY (Note: According to Megan, at MeetEdgar, they like to relate the title of their webinars to a business outcome they know their community needs. In this case, it was focused on gaining more time.)
  • Webinar audience: Small business owners and solopreneurs 
  • Webinar description: MeetEdgar leveraged the experience of real people to explain the platform for a more interesting experience. The webinar team invited entrepreneur Alyssa Coleman, a successful MeedEdgar user. During the webinar, Alyssa shared her strategies for planning content for social media. The event focused on helping people be more productive and showed how to craft social media content that consistently converts — without spending hours each week staring at a blank screen.

The main goal of the webinar was to increase brand awareness and generate more leads for their email list. 

  • Guest speaker’s audience: Meghan told us planning collab webinars was a great way to access their partners’ audiences. For this webinar’s promotion, the speaker had a strong connection with her followers, which MeetEdgard capitalized on. The team offered the speaker $200 to run Facebook and Instagram ads on her account, which helped attract a different audience. It also increased the brand awareness for both MeetEdgar and the speaker.
  • Email campaigns: Apart from leveraging the speaker’s audience, MeetEdgar also ran four invite emails to a list of over 125,000 subscribers. 
  • Digital marketing: The webinar team leaned heavily into online marketing activities. They invested in Facebook and Instagram ads, which paid off by providing high-quality leads. 

MeetEdgar Webinar Results   

  • 1,776 people registered to attend the webinar. 
  • 455 of them showed up live, while 586 registrants were new to the email list as leads.
  • After the webinar, the MeetEdgar team sent a follow-up email with an offer for a seven-day free trial. A week later, they sent an invite to their Social Media Success Kickstarter Challenge, a week-long email course that helped new leads onboard with MeetEdgar. It included a daily email with a PDF checklist and video. These content assets were designed to help people set up the software to reach social media goals. Also, it pushed the leads to put what they learned during the webinar into practice.

Quick Lessons From MeetEdgar

  • Instead of having someone from your team explain how your software works, it’s more interesting and authentic to invite a successful client who can share real-life experiences. If possible, seek out those who have a large (and new) audience that you can leverage during promotion. 
  • Help your speakers promote your webinar by providing them the necessary resources to run ads on their social media platforms. 
  • Once the webinar is over, continue to nurture your relationship with the new leads. Offer them free product trials and relevant content pieces that help them put their knowledge into practice.

marketing case study webinar

7. Piktochart: Dipping Into Professional Communities

Piktochart is a web-based infographic application that lets users easily craft infographics and visuals without intensive graphic design experience. Professionals from Accenture, Oxfam, Typeform, and use Piktochart to create engaging content in multiple formats.

Like many other companies, Piktochart decided to jump on the webinar bandwagon for their marketing strategy. To find out how it went, we spoke with Piktochart’s marketing project specialist, Wilson Moy. 

  • Webinar title: How Remote Companies Can Utilize Visual Communication To Strengthen Connections
  • Webinar audience: HR professionals and change managers
  • Webinar description: This webinar was published at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdown that began in April 2020. Piktochart noticed most companies were opting for remote work and wanted to contribute visual communication tips for the HR community embracing new ways to keep their employees engaged and motivated.

This was the first Piktochart webinar initiative (and their first live event using the webinar platform Demio ). The main goal was to attract new leads, and the KPI was to acquire 500 registrations. Piktochart also had a secondary goal to convince people to download a PDF handout the company gave away to promote their templates for HR professionals.  

  • Email campaigns: The webinar team sent emails to their newsletter subscriber list. 
  • Communities: Wilson explained the Piktochart team promoted the webinar to various HR communities through groups on Slack, Facebook, and LinkedIn. 
  • Social media: Piktochart promoted the webinar to their existing audience and, to reach their target group, the webinar team set up a LinkedIn ABM campaign. This connected them with HR professionals based on their job, title, and interests. 
  • Website banner: Piktochart also set a banner at the top of their home page, which succeeded in increasing the number of registrants. 

Piktochart Webinar Results  

  • By running the webinar campaign, the Piktochart team ended up attracting 637 registrants, of which 80 attended the live event. 
  • After the webinar, all leads received a follow-up email with a PDF handout. Next, the prospects list was passed to the Piktochart sales team for further nurturing. According to Wilson, the number of registrations contributed to the achievement of their team’s OKR for the quarter. 

Quick Lessons From Piktochart

  • For an easy webinar setup and launch, choose Demio . The platform considerably reduces the hassle of event creation and helps design a webinar workflow in no time. 
  • Promote your webinar on professional communities via Slack, Facebook, and LinkedIn for optimal exposure. 
  • Set up a LinkedIn ABM campaign to connect with your preferred audience. 

webinar engagement feature analytics

8. Hootsuite Social Media Strategy Webinar: Experts With Authority & Action-Oriented Delivery

Hootsuite runs social media strategy webinars for social media marketing professionals. They share useful techniques and walk attendees through how to recreate other successes.

As they progressed in their webinar marketing strategy, they dove into the development of interesting material and repeatedly tested its reception.

Their experience provides rich lessons on how to launch webinars to establish or cement thought leadership in any space.

  • All presenters and panelists are reputable social media authorities.
  • Webinars take a “how to do it” focus by disseminating highly usable processes.
  • Real-world examples are displayed via screen sharing and other features.
  • Hootsuite offers both on-demand and live webinars.
  • Email marketing forms the basis of their promotional strategy, which is in line with most webinar promotion success stories.
  • Social media marketing receives special attention, as social media is Hootsuite’s area of expertise, so they must look excellent there.
  • The company leverages remarketing and retargeting to gather and maintain as large and as loyal a following as possible.

Webinar Results  

  • Clients leave with valuable information on how to use Hootsuite’s many features.
  • There’s less turnover due to adequate understanding of the high-quality tools available.
  • Pain points are addressed so newcomers are better equipped to interact with the platform.

Quick Lessons From Hootsuite’s Social Media Strategy Webinar

  • Always use (or, if necessary, hire) high-authority presenters.
  • Go above and beyond when presenting expertise that’s required for your business.
  • Provide giveaways that are immediately actionable. For instance, Demio enables you to invite audience participation in several ways. Take advantage of them and be sure to complement this with immediately actionable content. Use Demio’s engagement analytics features to track downloads of these resources. If attendees hesitate or simply don’t use it, follow their journey and find out how to optimize their opt-ins for your actionable resources.

webinar results

9. Adobe Create, Collaborate, Deliver: Visual Content Delivery for Easy Repetition

As a graphic design and video editing software, Adobe aimed to build automated webinars that provide quality assurance and smooth streaming. The company understood that training users on video editing or similar skills could become awkward quickly if the quality failed to translate through attendees’ screens.

Specifically, their Create, Collaborate, Deliver Webinar checked off every important box related to hosting webinars.

  • Adobe specialists in the creative arts recurring deliver the content . Excellent presenter selection keeps the presentation smooth and engaging. Their passionate presentation is a key ingredient in the formula.
  • The variety of content covers the creative arts, which Adobe supports, but also different subject matter. While this broader scope isn’t always the best way to convince potential customers to convert, in cases like this where creative freedom is the main subject, covering a lot of ground helps inspire a wider swathe of audience members.
  • The registration form on the site is simple and easy to fill. It doesn’t bog down or annoy potential audience members, but it does nudge them to give away a little information that’s important to gather.
  • The company uses email marketing to automate lead generation and nurturing. They advertise little on social media, instead opting for a more organic approach, which works well for them.
  • SEO content provides insights into Adobe creative content while also serving as a magnet for interested users.
  • The evergreen webinar serves as a permanent tutorial for users.
  • Businesses learn to create more content in a shorter amount of time.
  • The webinar supports application integrations that improve the usability of Adobe’s software.

Quick Lessons From Adobe Create and Collaborate

  • Emphasize reliable, high-quality streaming throughout your webinar. That won’t always be the most important factor when considering webinar software. However, when you want to run an event with visual brilliance that demands the highest quality, Demio shines through with the highest and most consistent video quality. No more fuzzy faces, pixelation, or lagging to interrupt the video engagement for your attendees.
  • Collect important data early on via your customizable registration forms. Demio makes it easy to provide customized, step-by-step processes for those signing up. Brand your registration form and include some easy questions that gather crucial information.

10. Upwork Webinars: User-Friendly and Engaging Webinars

Upwork is one of the leading online platforms for connecting freelancers with clients for projects. In 2023, Upwork started to lean into webinars heavily to achieve multiple aims. All of their events serve to remove friction in what has long been a site plagued with usability issues. By resolving these problems and helping clients and freelancers connect more easily, their bottom line has risen.

  • Upwork offers a well-segmented selection of webinars and online workshops for different portions of their user base.
  • They employ a mix of educational presentations, panel discussions, and other formats for different purposes.
  • Webinars are split between classes:
  • Expert talks & masterclasses
  • Upwork developed a largely internal webinar strategy. Although not unique in that regard, it serves as an interesting case study for entrepreneurs with businesses in a similar position.
  • Webinar marketing takes place on social media and the company platform itself.
  • Detailed FAQs are present on the site to ensure attendees are prepared to interact with the webinars to the greatest extent.
  • On-platform banner ads and direct messaging via on-platform chat are used to reach out to the entirety of Upwork’s user base.
  • Focus groups educate clients on how to gain the most use out of the platform, increasing usability and thus retaining users.
  • In-event networking connects different users, resulting in greater profitability, as Upwork takes a commission from every contract’s payments.

Quick Lessons From Upwork Webinars

  • Cater to existing users in your webinars to boost retention and help spread the word about the convenience you provide.
  • Combine your webinar platform’s internal communications and email marketing features via their integrations to maximize attendance.
  • Lean heavily into webinars in general and segment webinar series by different topics.

Final Thoughts 

Webinars continue to grow in popularity with each passing year. Businesses of all types are rushing into the webinar and broader virtual events space. That upsurge has produced two major results for this strategy:

  • There’s more competition in many industries.
  • Consumers have become accustomed to higher-quality, engaging webinars

However, the basic tenets of creating valuable webinars have remained relatively the same. These examples from the last few years demonstrate the best practices that yield lucrative results.

As you construct your next webinar success, incorporate the strategies we’ve gone over. Additionally, look for robust webinar software, as that makes it easier for marketing teams to recreate each triumph in their own webinars. Engagement activities for webinars are improving and earning greater conversions with thorough analyses that offer deeper insights. 

You can reach this level of success too! As a first step, consider adopting a premium webinar platform to simplify your digital event efforts. Demio offers all the features you need to mimic the successes you’ve read about in this guide. It’s also free to try, so you can test the waters before committing. Book a demo or try for free now to see for yourself.

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33+ Best Digital Marketing Case Studies [2021 Update]

  • June 16, 2020

Looking for some inspiration for your digital marketing?

The best thing you can do is read up some real-life, practical digital marketing case studies.

But see, good case studies are few and far in-between…

...Which is why we compiled this mega-list of the BEST digital marketing case studies in 2021.

Whether you’re looking for SEO, Content Marketing, PPC, or whatever else, we included it in this guide.

So, let’s dive right into it.

Ready, set, go!

33+ Digital Marketing Case Studies [All Channels]

Looking for a specific digital marketing channel you want to read up on?

Feel free to skip ahead:

SEO Case Studies

Content marketing case studies, facebook ads case studies, google ads case studies, influencer marketing case studies, other digital marketing case studies, 1. apollo digital - 0 to 200k monthly organic traffic.

google analytics

  • 0 to 200,000 monthly organic traffic in 2 years.
  • Ranked #1-3 for extremely high CPC keywords (20$ CPC+).

Case Study Summary:

Apollo Digital helped set up an SEO strategy for a client (business process management software) that brought in 200K+ monthly organic traffic in just 2 years.

  • Apollo Digital (that’s us!) completely revamped a SaaS company’s content strategy.
  • We pin-pointed issues with existing blog posts (mainly, keyword cannibalization ), and proposed improvements
  • Did keyword research to identify and prioritize top keywords for the company.
  • Implemented content outlines to make sure the content that writers were writing was on-point for SEO.
  • Used superior content UX to make the blog extremely easy to read.

You can find the full SEO case study here.

2. Backlinko - 652% Organic Traffic Increase in 7 days

google analytics graph

  • Increased organic traffic to one of their webpages by 652% in 7 days.
  • Ranking went from the middle of the second page on Google to #5.

Backlinko implemented the Skyscraper Technique 2.0. Here’s what they did...

  • Created a mobile SEO checklist blog post which cracked the top 10 results for the target keyword, got a huge spike in traffic in its first week, but soon dropped to the middle of the second page.
  • Realized the post was getting buried because it didn’t satisfy user intent for that keyword.
  • Analyzed first page results to figure out user search intent for extremely competitive keywords (“mobile SEO”).
  • Changed blog post format from case study to an actual checklist to satisfy the intent, and optimized for user experience by making the text easier to read.

Check out the detailed steps for the Skyscraper Technique 2.0 here.

3. Ahrefs - Using the Skyscraper Technique to Obtain 15 Links With a 6.5% Success Rate


  • Sent out 232 emails and obtained 15 backlinks, at a 6.5% success rate.

Dale Cudmore tested the SEO skyscraper technique for his brand new site (an online cv builder).

  • Picked a topic that was very relevant to his niche. Since he was trying to build a resume builder, the topic was “how to write a resume.”
  • Followed the skyscraper technique and created even better content than what was ranking at the time.
  • Then, he reached out to people who had already linked to the specific content he was improving upon. Since they had already linked to a similar article, they were more likely to link to content that’s better.
  • Dale sent out 232 emails and obtained 15 links to his article. Though his rankings didn’t change significantly (extremely competitive niche), the technique proved to be a success for generating backlinks.

Want to learn more about the technique Dale used? Check out Backlinko’s write-up on the skyscraper technique here.

Looking to read the complete case study? Go here .

4. GotchSEO - Squeeze Page That Converts at 74.5%

google analytics page summary

  • Set up a squeeze page that converted at 74.5%.

Natchan Gotch set up a high-converting squeeze page that used a lot of trust signals to get the visitors to opt-in for the content.

  • Created a well-structured landing page & ran retargeting ads to it.
  • Presented his offer through a benefit-driven headline.
  • He used distinct trust signals (a recognizable logo, GDPR compliance, copyright notice) to mitigate any trust risks and maximize the chances of the prospect taking action.

You can check out the complete case study here .

5. Online Ownership - Winning in Local SEO for a Competitive Industry

keyword list

  • Ranked #1 for competitive taxi-related keywords ($1.38 CPC+) with local SEO .

Online Ownership, an SEO agency, helped a taxi company dominate local search rankings.

  • Created in-city location guide on how to get to/from the local airports which has been viewed over 170,000 times by now. ..
  • Mentioned info on long-term airport parking companies, got them to share the content once it was live.
  • The company was at the end of one county, and the beginning of another, which hurt their location-based search queries when the county was specified. So he changed the local NAP (name, address, phone number), and corrected the PIN marker to correctly account for the business location.
  • The business started appearing within the local pack for almost all main search queries within the city.

Check out the full case study here.

6. Kaiserthesage - The Definitive Guide to Enterprise Link Building

google analytics Kaiserthesage

  • Drove almost 5 million organic visits in 2 years through authority content. Focused 80% of the campaign promotion on acquiring high-quality backlinks.

Jason of Kaiserthesage wanted to create a process for generating high-quality backlinks. In this case study, he details his process outreach process:

  • Identified tactics they could effectively use for link acquisition campaigns (broken/resource link building and link reclamation).
  • Compiled list of high-authority brands that were likely to link back to them.
  • Conducted large-scale outreach campaigns, and followed up at least 3 times per prospect.
  • Tried out different content types for link building, including practical guides/tutorials, original research studies, case studies, infographics, and more.
  • Tracked results every step of the way, optimized relevant site pages (write for us, recommended list pages, etc.), and tested more outreach tactics.

You can find the full enterprise link building case study here.

7. Growth Machine - 0 to 150,000 Monthly Organic Visitors in 8 Months

digital marketing case study Growth Machine google analytics

  • Generated 150,000 monthly organic visitors in 8 months for a brand new blog project.
  • The site grew from a tiny blog to one of the most popular tea blogs on the internet.

Nat Eliason (founder of Growth Machine), grew a tea blog to 150,000 monthly searches in order to use it as a case study for his agency.

  • Nat chose a topic area he knew a lot about (tea) and knew there was an audience for.
  • Researched keywords with the perfect mix of low difficulty and high volume and arranged everything in a spreadsheet.
  • Started publishing high quality content surrounding the topic at a rate of four blog posts per week, every week, for 8 months.
  • Used Reddit, Facebook groups, and Pinterest to promote the content and drive traffic. inked back to the new content from owned websites, and mentioned it in interviews and guest posts.

You can find the full case study here.

8. Robbie Richards - 6-Step SEO Process That Generated 150,732 Visits

Robbie Richards digital marketing case study google analytics

  • Increased organic traffic by 11,065% in just 6 months and generated 20,314 organic pageviews with a single post.
  • Captured 2,335 emails.

Robbie Richards details the 6-step SEO process he used to grow his client’s drone site:

  • Found a topic (drones) with solid monthly search volume and a lot of secondary keyword targets.
  • Created the best online guide on how to fly a quadcopter - more in-depth and high-quality than other articles at the time.
  • Optimized the blog post for on-page SEO, included plenty of external/internal links, improved page speed, and made the content more UX friendly.
  • Inserted a pop-up and lead-box to start generating subscribers from the blog post.
  • Promoted content on Quora and relevant online forums.
  • Set up social automation to share content automatically
  • Submitted content on to relevant pages.
  • Used 4 different outreach strategies to build high-quality backlinks.

Need help with your SEO?

Let's skyrocket your traffic together.

Noel Ceta - co-founder of Apollo Digital

9. Apollo Digital - $25,000+ From A Single Blog Post

  • Content piece went viral, generating $25,000 revenue in business from a single blog post.
  • 20+ leads, and over 11,000+ in page views over the first month.

Apollo Digital created and promoted epic content, which went viral and brought in over $25K in revenue (and growing).

  • Researched a topic that dealt with major pain points for SaaS founders.
  • Created a super in-depth 14,000+ words blog post full of actionable tips and tactics on SaaS marketing , all based on their unique perspective and experience.
  • Provided better content UX, used a ton of on-page visual elements, and a Smart Content Filter plugin to make the guide easier to digest.
  • Promoted on 12 different marketing channels, including Reddit, Hacker News, and Facebook groups
  • Ran ads on Quora, Facebook, Reddit, and Twitter.

Check out the full content marketing case study here.

10. Content Mavericks - This Content Distribution Strategy Got 87,591 Visits To One Blog Post

Content Mavericks digital marketing case study google analytics

  • Used a content distribution strategy to get 87,591 visits to one blog post in 60 days.

Chris Von Wilpert of Content Mavericks created a giant article that completely breaks down HubSpot’s marketing strategy. In this case study, he talks about the content promotion strategy he used to get the article to go viral.

  • Created keystone content on HubSpot’s growth strategy.
  • Promoted it to his fans: inner circle, social circle, and outer circle.
  • Used free traffic multipliers: email, push notification, Facebook messenger, and outreach lists to distribute content.
  • Used paid traffic multipliers to manufacture virality. Reached thousands of new fans by running retargeting ads on Facebook, Twitter, Google, and Outbrain

Check out the full content distribution strategy case study here.

11. OptiMonk - How iSpionage Increased Blog Referral Traffic by 58% in 1 Month Using Onsite Retargeting

OptiMonk digital marketing case study google analytics

  • Increased blog referral traffic by 58.09%.
  • Achieved a 5.47% CTR for blog redirect popup.

iSpionage was publishing new blog posts regularly, but their blog wasn’t redirecting a whole lot of referral traffic to their product page. Here’s what they did to fix that....

  • They used an OptiMonk exit-intent popup to entice users to check out their main homepage.
  • To redirect only interested visitors,the popup would only appear for readers who had spent a minimum of 10 seconds on the blog. And for better visitor experience, they set up the popup to appear a maximum number of 5 times per visitor, with at least 1 day between appearances.

Check out the full iSpionage case study by OptiMonk here.

12. SEO Travel UK - 11K Website Views in 2 Weeks From Infographic Marketing

SEO Travel digital marketing case studies google analytics

  • 11,304 website visits in 2 weeks.
  • 245% increased in referral traffic compared to the same period of last year.
  • More than 100 new high-quality domains linking to the site.

During the peak Game of Thrones popularity, SEO Travel UK went viral by creating infographic based on the popular show.

  • Researched the best/most popular Game of Thrones content on the web to make sure that their project was worth pursuing.
  • Created an infographic of all the real-life locations where the TV show was filmed.
  • Reached out to people who had shared similar content in the past and asked if they’d like to feature the infographic as an exclusive.
  • Promoted infographic on GoT fandom and other ‘geek’ sites and forums.

Check out the full content marketing strategy used and the case study here.

13. YesOptimist - Scaled a Startup From 0 to 100K Visitors/Mo In About One Year

YesOptimist digital marketing case study google analytics

  • Scaled College Raptor from 0 to 100K organic sessions per month in about one year.
  • Generated 1M+ visitors to the website.

YesOptimist used a content marketing strategy that combined evergreen, social/viral and link-earning content.

  • Used public data and visualcontent (infographics, maps, rankings, etc.) to score early wins and backlinks from high-quality domain websites.
  • Created a giant resource with rankings for overlooked colleges. Then, they reached out to the said colleges, and asked for a share. Overall, just this netted them around 250,000+ visitors in just one week.
  • Published 200+ articles over a few months to achieve explosive growth.

14. CanIRank - How Fieldwire Scaled Marketing Without Losing Their Focus on Product

CanIRank digital marketing case studies

  • Achieved top 3 rankings for nearly all of their primary keywords in 6 months.
  • The traffic (if they’d advertised on the keywords) would cost them more than $10,000 a year.

CanIRank helped Fieldwire (web and mobile collaboration platform) boost their rankings for all primary keywords in their domain, beating out larger and more established companies.

  • Used CanIRank’s “Improve My Ranking” tool to identify high potential pages with keywords that were ranking, but too low to get much traffic.
  • Used data-driven on-page optimization for high potential pages.
  • Revised content strategy and identified additional content topics that offered a good balance of value and ranking difficulty.
  • Reached out to relevant media outlets and pitched founder interviews and other relevant stories.

You can see the full Fieldwire content marketing case study here.

15. BuzzSumo - How BuzzSumo Achieved $2.5m Annual Revenue in its First Year: Case Study in SaaS Growth

Buzzsumo digital marketing case study

  • Gained over 160K freemium subscribers and more than 2K paying customers in their first year.
  • Gained 2.5M annual revenue total.

In 2014, as the use of AdBlock was growing, businesses were starting to rely on content more than ever. Here’s how BuzzSumo capitalized on the content marketing frenzy.

  • Spent most of their budget on their content marketing tool, which generated more awareness, sharing, and advocacy than any marketing expenditures.
  • Gained the support of important influencers (Larry Kim, Rand Fishkin, Neil Patel, etc.).
  • Focused on making the product sticky and reducing churn rate.
  • Created unique content based on data, gave away everything they knew, and started growing steadily over the year.

See the full case study of how BuzzSumo achieved 2.5M in annual revenue here.

16. GrooveHQ - Behind the Scenes: How We’ve Built a $5M/Year Business in 3 Years With Content Marketing

GrooveHQ digital marketing case studies

  • Achieved $5M/Year in annual recurring revenue and gained over 250,000 readers each month in over 3 years.

GrooveHQ wanted to rebuild their content marketing strategy with a focus on their target market's challenges and goals. Here’s how they accomplished that:.

  • Redesigned their content marketing strategy to be more transparent and focus on their own business challenges and goals.
  • Asked new email subscribers about their business struggles, and answered those questions in the form of blog posts.
  • Reached out to influencers, and asked for their thoughts and feedback on blog posts (Instead of begging them for shares).
  • Ran A/B tests on narrative-based storytelling blog posts to see which ones performed better.

Find the full GrooveHQ $5M content marketing case study here.

17. Zest - Generate MQLs for 15x less? Yes, please. How Whatagraph crushed it

Zest digital marketing case study

  • Lowered Whatagraph’s cost per marketing qualified lead (MQL) by 15x - from $60 to just $4.
  • Of all the users who signed up for a free trial as a result of the campaign, 9% were sales qualified leads (SQLs) that converted at a cost 4x less than Whatagraph’s usual paid advertising per-lead cost.

Whatagraph wanted to promote their annual marketing report template to the right audience without breaking their budget. Here’s how they did this:

  • Whatagraph partnered with Zest to extend their web presence and promote their marketing annual report template.
  • Paid $400 for a content boost strategy to promote their template on the Zest Content Stream and in their newsletter.
  • The campaign started just before Christmas and continued through January 23, 2020, which lowered Whatagraph’s cost per MQL by 15x.

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18. AdEspresso - Facebook Ads Case Study: The Million Dollar Indiegogo Campaign

AdEspresso digital marketing case studies

  • Secured pre-orders from over 76 countries, with over 2,000 backers on Indiegogo.
  • Achieved over $900K in funding.

BionicGym wanted to promote their Indiegogo page for an increase in sales and site visits. Here’s how they did this:

  • Set up one campaign per country ads and set the objective to ‘Conversions’.
  • Split-tested up to 252 ads and used the auto-optimization feature to relocate funding across the different ads, depending on how they performed.
  • Set up retargeting campaigns and split test to everyone who visited the Indiegogo page and watched the Facebook video ad.
  • Created lookalike audiences for the best-performing audiences.
  • Reached a 9x ROI for some of the campaigns.

Check out the full Facebook Ads million-dollar Indiegogo campaign case study here.

19. Andrew Hubbard - $36,449 In Revenue From a $4,159 Ad Spend

Andrew Hubbard digital marketing case study

  • Generated $36,449 in revenue from $4,159 ad spend,
  • Gained 769 new email subscribers and 128 new Facebook page likes.

Andrew Hubbard helped the client (Navid Moazzez) advertise his flagship course through Facebook ads.

  • Ran ads a week before the course opened to get email newsletter opt-ins.
  • Targeted warm traffic (Facebook fans, email list) first to an opt-in page.
  • Ran ads for cold traffic, directing them to an un-gated (no-opt in) blog post. Once people had read the blog post, they were retargeted with ads promoting a relevant lead magnet.
  • Created ads focusing on urgency and scarcity when bonus packages were starting to expire.

You can see the full Facebook Ads case study here.

19. Sugatan - Step-by-step Ecommerce Scaling from 50k/Mo to 520k/Mo with Facebook Ads

Sugatan digital marketing case study

  • $520K+ in monthly sales with 3.79x ROAS through the funnel.
  • 2.35x ROAS at top-of-funnel, spending $100k+/monthly.

Sugatan (eCommerce growth-hacking agency) scaled their client using Facebook Ads and by testing different kinds of creatives. Here’s what, exactly, they did:

  • Installed HotJar on the client’s eCommerce site to get insights on how customers behaved. Tested different video creative types, different ad ratio sizes, copy, thumbnails, and buttons to see what converted best.
  • Killed off smaller ad-sets with the same audiences to prepare for scaling. Increased budget 20-30% twice per day for 2-3 days.
  • Increased budget 1 month before Christmas and Black Friday sales, and launched a Facebook Messenger & email collection campaign 1 week before the sale started. Created VIP discounts for people who gave them their email addresses or subscribed to their messenger list.
  • Starting running ads for the whole week before Black Friday - giving 10% off to everyone tracked via Facebook Pixel and 20% for VIP sales which were on for 24h.

Check out the full agency eCommerce business Facebook ad case study here.

20. Mark Brinker - How I Improved My Facebook Advertising By 400% In Just 4 Weeks

Mark Brinker digital marketing case study

  • Decreased cost per subscriber from $11.43 to $2.40 (79% reduction) in 4 weeks.
  • Increased number of weekly subscribers from 10 to 51 (400% increase).

Mark Brinker (consultant) increased his weekly subscribers at a cheaper cost through Facebook Ads by promoting his e-book.

  • Tested 6 different ad headlines and 3 ad images.
  • Let all the 18 variations of the ads run for 1 week, and then eliminated the ones that were performing poorly.
  • Deleted 3 more ads with headlines that were not resonating with the audience after that week.
  • Found the winning combination by end of week 4 and continued running that ad.

You can see the full Facebook advertising case study here.

21. Leadpages - From 4% to 40% conversion

Leadpages digital marketing case study facebook ads

  • Conversion rate shot up from 4% to 40% - a 10x increase from similar campaigns in the past.

Jenny Berk used Leadpage’s ad builder to promote her coaching services and optimize her micro funnel.

  • Queued up $50 budget, created a custom audience from her email database (.CSV file), and layered a lookalike audience on top of that.
  • Sent traffic to a targeted landing page, and created consistent ad copy and images throughout the whole funnel.
  • Ran Facebook Ads for her warm leads and lookalike audiences, based on her email subscribers.

Check out Jenny’s full Facebook ads case study here.

22. Brian Downard - $194 in Facebook Ads into $100K in Sales

Brian Downard digital marketing case study

  • Generated $106,496 in patio furniture sales from $194 in Facebook ads.

Brian Downard helped high-end patio furniture store client drive more sales and bring in more people into their local store;

  • Built a warm audience using the content the furniture store had been previously sharing (blog posts, eBooks, infographics, guides, and more).
  • Incentivized people to go visit the showroom in person by offering a 50% discount in the ads.
  • Redirected people to a landing page from the ad, which showed a variety of products to appeal to different target audiences.
  • Included a clear CTA for them to get in touch with the sales team.

You can find the full Facebook ad case study here.

23. Reinis Fischer - Spending $4 Per Day On Facebook Ads - Case Study

Reinis Fischer digital marketing case study

  • Top ads gathered 1,000+ likes and shares for a budget of $8.
  • Gained 50-200+ clicks per day back to the website and acquired 600+ new followers on Facebook.

Reinis Fischer grew his Facebook page about his tourism services through Facebook Ad campaigns promoting his article:

  • Targeted other countries for his blog articles about tourism activities in Georgia to build brand recognition and grow his Facebook page.
  • Spent $4 per day on Facebook ads and promoted only the best possible articles related to his audience.
  • Promoted 1 article for 2 days with an 8$ budget for 30 days.
  • Once each campaign was over, manually invited everyone who liked the posts to follow the Facebook page as well.

Check out the full spending $4 per day on Facebook ads case study here.

22. Paid Insights - AdWords Case Study: How $520 Turned Into $6,120

Paid Insights digital marketing case study

  • Spent $520 and acquired 6 new clients for local mental health counselors.
  • Gained $6,120 in revenue over 3 months.

Ross Kaplan of Paid Insights helped mental health counselor client gain new clients by running a local AdWords campaign:

  • Built a new website for the client & optimized it for conversions.
  • Used modified broad match keywords so that people would still get the ad even if they searched for it in a different order.
  • Targeted only local zip codes surrounding the client’s office so the drive time for her customers would be under 10 minutes

Check out the full AdWords case study here.

23. Daisy-ree Quaker - PPC Case Study: How We Cut AdWords Costs by 67% With a Simple Tweak

Daisy-ree Quaker digital marketing case study google analytics

  • Costs dropped by $10,000 while conversions remained the same.
  • The cost per conversion dropped from $87 to $16.
  • Impressions dropped by 72% while CTR went up 103%.
  • The conversion rate rose from 6% to 18%.

Daisy (online marketer) helped her SaaS client rethink their ad bidding strategy.

  • SaaS company client wanted to cut back on ad spend because constantly bidding for first place was becoming too expensive.
  • Realized most web users are trained to scroll past ads and decided to start bidding on 3rd position on Google as a test.
  • Saw campaign results start increasing over the course of 3 months. Lowering AdWords rank helped get more views on their ads, and widened the pool of people that could see the ads because of a closer association with natural listings.

You can find the full PPC case study here.

24. Exposure Ninja - How We Increased PPC Leads by 325% in 60 Days for a Dental Clinic

Exposure Ninja digital marketing case studies

  • Increased conversions by 252.94% (from 17 to 60).
  • Decreased cost per conversion from £154.28 to just £34.37.

Exposure Ninja helped a dental clinic, based in a competitive area for PPC ads, generate more customers.

  • Installed Hotjar to understand where users were dropping off on the landing page and which areas were acting as conversion blockers. Found that visitors weren’t able to find the information they needed about the client's top service.
  • Created a new landing page focusing on their priority, high-profit services.
  • Because the client was running a Google Ads campaign before, they could use historical data to experiment with advanced bidding strategies.
  • Introduced the new landing pages and tweaked the campaigns to maximize the client’s budget.

You can find the full increased dental PPC leads case study here.

25. ColaDigital - How We Increased Sales by 30% in 30-days Using Optimized Google Ads For a Local Business

Cola Digital digital marketing

  • Increased year over year sales for local business by 30% in 30-days

ColaDigital helped a client set up their Google Ads account campaign from the ground up after they had an unpleasant experience with another agency.

  • Created unique ad groups and ads for the client's most profitable keywords.
  • Set up a hyper-targeted campaign using 1 unique ad group and 3 different match types for each ad group keyword.
  • Set up negative keywords and turned on audience demographics in Google Analytics

You can find the full google ads local business case study here.

26. BoxCrush - AdWords Success Story

BoxCrush digital marketing case study

Helped an industrial client who had a lot of impressions but very little clicks:

  • Increase CTR from 2.41% to 3.89%
  • Decrease CPC from $2.24 to $2.17 in 1 month.

BoxCrush helped an industrial client improve their AdWords campaign when their click-through rate had fallen.

  • Rebuilt customer’s AdWords account from the ground up, splitting it into meaningful campaigns that targeted specific demographics.
  • Built Ad Groups within each campaign and created ads targeting audiences with each group.
  • Once they saw an increase in performance, they expanded the client’s campaign from three Ad groups to six.
  • Made the ads relate more to specific keywords, which caused the clickthrough rate to increase.
  • Refined and re-optimized the process over time, causing the results to grow even further after the 1st month.

27. Sumo - How Noah Kagan Grew A Website To 10K Visitors In A Month


  • Grew website from 0 to 10K visitors in a month.
  • Grew email list from 173 to 2,322 in 3 days.

Noah Kagan took on an apprentice (Julien Marion) and helped him grow his brand new blog about sleep from scratch, with no prior connections or budget.

  • Created a simple landing page to capture emails before the site was live.
  • Set realistic and SMART traffic goals of 10,000 visitors in 30 days.
  • Created a quant-based marketing approach strategy to build the plan, thus working backward from the 10K visitors goal.
  • Reached out to relevant companies to participate in a viral giveaway that he would then promote to the site’s audience through their newsletter.
  • Reached out to niche influencers for interviews to drive referral traffic.
  • Tracked daily results and goals to stay accountable.

See the full marketing plan and the whole growing website case study here.

28. HubSpot - How PureVPN Increased Website Traffic by 289% Through Storytelling

HubSpot marketing analytics

  • Gained a 289% increase in new visitors’ traffic site year over year.
  • Helped raise awareness on cyberstalking and attracted people who wanted to add to the conversation.

PureVPN wanted to tell the stories of cyberstalking victims and raise awareness on the subject. Here's how they did it:

  • Designed a buyer’s journey centered around raising awareness on cyberstalking and its effects on society.
  • Researched reading habits of their buyer persona, used keyword research tools for idea generation, and searched for topics on Quora based on questions real people were asking.Gathered statistical data of past and recent cyberstalking incidents. Identified and reached out to influencers who were associated with cyberstalking awareness campaigns and victims or people who could tell their stories.
  • Interviewed influencers and turned the interviews into blog posts. Experienced a significant spike in website traffic through influencers sharing the content.

See how PureVPN increased website traffic through storytelling and influencer marketing tactics here.

29. Beeketing - How Gymshark Grew by 200%+ Year On Year and Hit £41M in Sales

beeketing sales growth case study

  • Grew by 200% year on year and hit £41M in sales in nearly 7 years.
  • Achieved a cult-like following.

Ben Francis (founder of GymShark) disrupted the gym apparels market using social media and influencer marketing.

  • Only selected specific influencers with strong Instagram engagement and following to gain credibility.
  • Sponsored various fitness Instagrammers, YouTubers, and bloggers and organized meet-ups.
  • Partnered with fitness and lifestyle influencers on TikTok.
  • Announced the "66 Days" fitness challenge on their site and other social media platforms to drive user-generated content.
  • Built long-lasting relationships with fans on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Spotify, and other social media channels.

Check out the full Gymshark influencer growth story here.

30. Leadfeeder - How ConvertKit Grew from $98k to $625k MRR by Doing 150 Webinars in 1 Year

Leadfeeder marketing case study

  • Grew monthly revenue from $98K to $625K in 12 months.
  • Hosted more than 150 webinars in the first year, saw a 637% growth in monthly revenue.

Founders of ConvertKit (email marketing platform) wanted to grow their brand and generate revenue with a low budget. They decided to focus on webinars.

  • Focused on one marketing strategy (webinars) that didn’t require a lot of money and they could use to build a community around a relatively new product.
  • Maintained a wide-open affiliate program and started doing webinars with any affiliate partner, no matter how small their audience was.
  • Gave away tons of free information in 20-30 webinars per month, while asking for nothing in return.
  • Maintained a narrow target audience (blogging community), and kept the technology simple (minimal tech issues).

You can find the full webinar marketing case study by ConvertKit here.

31. Buffer - The Simple Facebook Posting Strategy That Helped us 3x Our Reach and Engagement

Buffer digital marketing case study

  • Tripled reach from 44,000 to 150,000+ people per week on Facebook.
  • Increased average daily engagement from ~500 to 1,000+.
  • Posts started reaching between 5,000-20,000 people

Buffer noticed their Facebook reach and engagement were decreasing for their posts over time. Here's what they did:

  • Noticed that the more they posted on Facebook, the less reach they received with each post.
  • Started posting only entertaining and educational content.
  • Posted only once or twice on Facebook and curated content to increase engagement.
  • Created a few brand awareness and engagement-focused posts to build an active Facebook audience.
  • Boosted posts that were already performing well to amplify the reach.

You can find Buffer’s complete Facebook posting strategy here.

32. SEMRush - Raise Your Game: A Step-By-Step Guide To Gamification Marketing

  • More than 9,300 users took part in their game.
  • Received 8+ million impressions on Twitter.

SEMRush wanted to educate their users on their different product features and stand out while doing so. For this, they used gamification marketing..

  • Customers were finding it hard to stay up to date with all the novelties the SEMRush tool offered. SEMRush wanted to increase their awareness of their platform’s wide functionality and increase the number of tools people used.
  • Aligned campaign with a global event (Easter).
  • Made it so that the Egg Hunt game looked good and felt satisfying from a gamification perspective. Those who found all 15 eggs were awarded a list of the 10,000 most searched keywords for 10 countries.
  • Created a special hashtag for Twitter (#semrushegghunt), which picked up and went viral, and made sure the customer support and social media teams were ready in case users needed any help.

Check out the full step-by-step guide to gamification marketing case study here.

33. Hootsuite - How the British Museum Increased Social Media Engagement by 126%

  • Gained 2M+ new followers on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
  • Gained 126% more tweet responses, increasing customer engagement.
  • Over 1,300 tweets tagged and analyzed to uncover actionable insights.

The British Museum turned to Hootsuite to set up a better social media campaign strategy and engage more frequently and more effectively with its audience.

  • Set a three key goal strategy to increase online reach and engagement, deliver digital-first customer service, and identify opportunities for income and revenue generation.
  • Identified opportunities to develop channel-specific content to make the best of each social media channel.
  • Used Hootsuite to adapt to the new social media strategy and to track and analyze results.

See the full British Museum social media case study here.

34. Saashacker - 19 SaaS Marketing Strategies That Bootstrapped Ahrefs To $40m ARR

Saashacker organic keywords analytics

  • Grew from 15 to 50 employees and over $40M in annual recurring revenue while being 100% bootstrapped.

Ahrefs used a mix of different SaaS marketing strategies to grow their brand.

  • Rejected conventional SaaS marketing wisdom, focused on product quality driving word of mouth marketing and boosted their exposure at the world’s biggest SEO event. Went semi-viral on Twitter by adding nerdy SEO data to the coffee cups at the conference and giving them away to attendees..
  • Produced a lot of content on how their SEO tool solved specific problems and used blog posts as ads.
  • Created and gave away courses on blogging for businesses for free, used word of mouth marketing to promote it, and pushed employee images to the front to gain readers’ trust.
  • Did 20 podcasts in 4 months, posted content a lot on Reddit, YouTube, their own blog, and other channels.
  • ...And a LOT more.

See the full case study here.

And that’s a wrap!

Ready to 10x your business through digital marketing now?

We hope the above case studies were helpful and you can use them as inspiration to drive amazing results.

For more industry-leading digital marketing content and tips, be sure to check out our blog .

Did we miss a case study? Have YOU done something interesting that deserves a mention in this list?

Let us know down in the comments, we’d love to hear from you!

Noel Ceta

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Case Study: Using Inbound Marketing to Take Your Webinar Strategy to the Next Level

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Gain a Competitive Edge with Sunlight SEO, a Leading Chandler SEO Company

Are you searching for an effective way to enhance your webinar strategy and drive higher conversions? Look no further! Sunlight SEO, a reputable Chandler SEO company specializing in providing exceptional business and consumer services, can help you take your webinar strategy to the next level.

At Sunlight SEO, we understand the importance of incorporating inbound marketing techniques to maximize your online presence and engage your target audience effectively. Our team of experts has developed a proven methodology that combines search engine optimization (SEO) and inbound marketing strategies to help you achieve sustainable growth.

Why Webinars are Integral to Your Marketing Strategy

Webinars have become an indispensable tool in the digital marketing landscape. They offer a unique opportunity to showcase your expertise, connect with your audience, and generate highly qualified leads. With the right approach, webinars can significantly boost your brand's visibility, authority, and ultimately, your bottom line.

However, hosting a successful webinar requires meticulous planning, strategic promotion, compelling content, and captivating delivery. That's where Sunlight SEO excels.

Inbound Marketing for Webinars: Elevating Your Strategy

Our holistic approach to inbound marketing empowers businesses by creating engaging and valuable experiences for their audience. By seamlessly integrating SEO with your webinar strategy, we ensure that your content reaches the right people, at the right time, and in the right way.

Here's how our inbound marketing expertise can take your webinar strategy to new heights:

1. Comprehensive Keyword Research and Optimization

Utilizing industry-leading tools, our team of SEO specialists conducts comprehensive keyword research to identify the most relevant and high-converting keywords for your niche. We optimize your webinar content to ensure it aligns with your target audience's search intentions, giving you a competitive edge in the search engine result pages (SERPs).

2. Engaging and Informative Webinar Content

Content is king, and when it comes to webinars, it's no exception. Our skilled copywriters develop compelling and educational content that resonates with your target audience. By addressing their pain points, offering practical advice, and delivering valuable insights, we establish your brand as a thought leader, earning trust and loyalty from your attendees.

3. Optimized Landing Pages for Maximum Conversions

Our team meticulously crafts visually appealing and user-friendly landing pages that are optimized for higher conversions. By incorporating persuasive call-to-actions, creating a sense of urgency, and streamlining the registration process, we ensure that your potential attendees feel compelled to sign up and attend your webinars.

4. Strategic Promotion and Audience Targeting

No webinar strategy is effective without a well-planned promotion and targeting strategy. At Sunlight SEO, we leverage our expertise to create laser-focused campaigns that reach your ideal audience. By employing advanced analytics, audience segmentation, and data-driven insights, we maximize your webinar's reach and increase the chances of attracting the right attendees.

5. Post-Webinar Engagement and Nurturing

Our commitment doesn't end once the webinar concludes. We believe that cultivating long-term relationships with your attendees is crucial for sustainable growth. Our team implements follow-up strategies, including email marketing, social media engagement, and personalized content, to nurture your leads, build trust, and drive conversions.

Leave Your Competitors in the Dust with Sunlight SEO

Our comprehensive inbound marketing methodology, combined with our expertise as a leading Chandler SEO company, ensures that your webinar strategy stands out from the crowd. By optimizing your content, attracting a highly targeted audience, and nurturing your leads, we help you achieve remarkable results and elevate your brand in the digital landscape.

Don't settle for mediocre webinar strategies. Contact Sunlight SEO today and let us transform your webinar strategy into a powerful lead generation and conversion machine!

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Are you maximizing your multi-channel marketing strategy to ensure you are getting the greatest return on your adspend? Learn helpful tips to transform your digital marketing strategy.

Why the Customer Journey is the Future of Digital Marketing

Discover how to gain a holistic view of all digital marketing channels and performance to better personalize the customer experience that will result in a greater return on ad spend (ROAS).

Solving The 3 Big Attribution Challenges

Solve the three biggest attribution challenges of cross-device tracking, measuring in-app activity, and outdated last-touch attribution models with these helpful tips.

The Struggle is Real: Measuring the Online Customer Journey

With a complete view of the customer journey, you can see which channels or messages are generating the most interaction with your audience, which are more and less effective at driving engagement, and what combination of touchpoints are most likely to result in a purchase.

Type 1 SOC 2 Compliance

CAKE has successfully completed its Type 1 Service Organization Control (SOC) 2 Compliance audit. Based on reporting principles developed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), Type 1 SOC 2 Compliance provides a framework for organizations to document, obtain independent validation of and publish their information security policies and procedures.

CAKE delivers a dynamic range of features, including advanced cross-channel tracking, multi-touch attribution, as well as the ability to seamlessly integrate with partners and automate incoming commissions for CashKaro.

Multi-Touch Attribution and The Customer Journey – Every Stat You Need To Know

In a world where consumers encounter marketing messages across a dizzying array of digital (and traditional) channels, understanding the customer journey is more complex than ever.

Using Multi-touch Attribution to Map the Online Customer Journey

Multi-touch attribution is a key technique that helps today’s marketers fully understand and evaluate the customer journey. Rarely is it one single engagement that leads to a purchase, but rather a combination of touchpoints that collectively drive the consumer further down the marketing funnel.

Forex Club selected CAKE’s platform because of the comprehensive range of features the solution offers, including the ability to easily onboard new affiliates, launch and measure campaigns across multiple channels and markets, as well as automate details like payouts and ad updates.

India: The Second Largest and Fastest Growing Internet User Base in the World

Today, the door is wide open for smart providers to make inroads and show what affiliate marketing can do to drive e-commerce conversions and sales in India's rapidly evolving market.

Affiliate Marketing in Latin America

Advertising networks operating in Latin America need to be ready to take advantage of the untapped opportunities presented by digital’s growth, especially in the mobile channel. Learn best practices for tracking affiliate advertising performance and optimizing digital campaign spend in the LATAM market.

Brazil: One of the Largest Ad Markets in the World

As the leading ad market in Latin America and one of the largest advertising markets in the world, Brazil poses a unique and exciting opportunity for today’s brands, especially in the mobile arena.

Agora Financial

Agora Financial selected CAKE to manage its affiliate program because of the solution’s ability to track campaign performance at a very granular level. For example, the company can look at how various offers are performing in real-time and use the information to quickly make adjustments so that affiliates have access to offers that are more likely to convert.

Jumia Builds Leading Affiliate Program With CAKE

Jumia selected CAKE because of the diversity of features the platform offers, including the ability to easily onboard new affiliate partners, manage campaigns, automate payouts and track performance.

Affiliate Marketing in India

India’s “Internet Revolution” is primarily mobile-driven, with many first-time users bypassing the PC and relying on smart phones as their primary conduit to the Internet. Today, the door is wide open for smart providers to make inroads and show what affiliate marketing can do to drive e-commerce conversions and sales.

Lead iD selected CAKE because of the solution’s ability to track the digital campaigns that it runs on its internal properties and on behalf of its partners, at a very granular level.

The Evolution of Affiliate and Digital Marketing

Affiliate marketing, which boasts impressive ROI, brand awareness and relatively minimal risk, has proven that it is a viable, growing industry.

Navigating the Customer Journey with Big Data

Big data has many uses for marketers that can help them achieve a wide range of goals more effectively and efficiently. But there are also big challenges associated with big data, from collecting it to managing and understanding it.

Toluna has leveraged CAKE’s digital marketing SaaS-based platform to power the ThinkAction Affiliate Network by helping to drive the company’s growth. CAKE has enabled the company to easily and accurately manage ThinkAction’s large database of international partners and affiliates, for tracking and reporting in real-time, as well as payments in global currencies.

Marketing To The Price Conscious Multi-Channel Shopper

Experts from CAKE and Fluent share insights on how to deploy engaging multi-channel campaigns targeting shoppers based on value and savings.

Patient’s Guide

Since implementing CAKE as its primary marketing performance platform, Patient’s Guide has been driving advancements in time to value, improving the patient and client experience, as well as making strides to consistently match lead buyers with the sellers who deliver the best results.

Using CAKE, LenderEDGE can run real-time reports that instantly show the performance and status of leads being purchased by clients, including which leads are resulting in loan applications, as well as which applications go on to be approved for funding and which are denied.

Purify Digital

Purify Digital selected CAKE for Networks to power its business because of the platform’s ability to track, attribute and optimize digital advertising spend across multiple marketing channels.

Marketing To The Modern Consumer: It’s All About The Journey

Experts from CAKE and Momentology discuss how to engage your consumers with creative content in the webinar.

eMarketer Big Data Roundup

From targeting to customer relationship management to attribution, big data has many uses for marketers- uses that can help them achieve a wide range of goals more effectively.

The Golden Metric: Customer Lifetime Value

Marketers are often consumed with pushing buyers from the first conversion to final acquisition in order to quickly increase revenue. However, it shouldn’t stop there. If marketers gain a greater understanding of what their consumers want, they can effectively develop strategies to continually interact with their consumers once an acquisition has been made, thus leading to a steady stream of ROI.

Lead Monetization

Getting the best price for generated leads is something every lead generator should be focused on with laser precision. But, matching the right leads with the right lead buyers at the time they are offering the best price can be a very daunting task.

Performance Marketing 3.0

Performance marketers have an ever-growing number of new channels and tactics to drive traffic. How can you give prospects and leads the choice to connect on whichever channel they prefer, while still having a seamless attribution and optimization process in place for both?

Addressing the Mobile Tracking Challenge

The growth in popularity of mobile devices and mobile ad spend has created a whole new set of challenges for marketers. Now more than ever, it is harder to accurately attribute online conversions to individual channels and advertising affiliates.

Transforming Big Data Into Smart Advertising Insights

Transforming "Big Data" into "Smart Data" guides fact-based decision making and is the key to digital marketing success. The options available for engaging with consumers are diverse and continually evolving. Now more than ever decision-makers need ways to quickly assess what’s working and what's not so they can intelligently allocate their digital spend.

The Perfect Storm: Merging Acquisition & Engagement Across the Customer Journey

CAKE and Marketo team up at ad:tech NY to host the session, The Perfect Storm: Merging Acquisition and Engagement Across the Customer Journey. The session reviewed best practices on how to effectively acquire, engage and measure success across multiple touchpoints along the customer journey.

Atlantic Coast Media Group Case Study

ACMG is now using CAKE’s multi-channel intelligence platform to accurately track the performance of its affiliate campaigns. With CAKE, ACMG is able to drill down into each affiliate-driven transaction and see what device was used, which browser, the type of credit card and more. CAKE’s platform not only helps ACMG get a complete picture of what’s happening in real-time, it also supplies data that is being used in conjunction with the company’s home grown business intelligence tool to better predict the lifetime value of affiliate-driven customers.

DMI Partners

Since transitioning to CAKE’s SaaS-based tracking, attribution and optimization solution, DMI’s CPA Café has been able to considerably improve their performance credibility and significantly strengthen their client and publisher relationships. CAKE’s extremely simple user interface makes the daily management of affiliate campaigns easier and more efficient, streamlining reporting processes to deliver better results faster.

Conversion Squared

C2 selected the CAKE platform because of its ability to automate and simplify many aspects of the affiliate campaign management process, as well as track multiple events along a consumer’s conversion journey. CAKE’s unique Step Pixel feature offered a solution, allowing C2 to track multiple touch points along the path to a conversion in order to understand the impact of each and provide structured payouts to affiliates.

Revenue Ads

RevenueAds chose the CAKE platform to manage and track all of the performance campaigns running through its network. Using CAKE, RevenueAds has been able to improve the overall success rate of campaigns and the profitability of affiliates, which has strengthened relationships and garnered even more trust from its advertiser clients and publishers who have joined the network.

Monetise chose CAKE because of the platform’s targeted campaign control and ability to serve as a central hub for tracking and analyzing multiple data points. With thousands of affiliates to manage, a simple-to-use, full-featured, one-stop solution was critical. By integrating its database with the CAKE platform, Monetise has gained access to sophisticated functionality that provides a wealth of benefits.

The Customer Journey: From Acquisition To Renewals

Now, more than ever, digital marketers are being held accountable for consistently innovating and steering their organizations through a rapidly evolving marketing landscape. It’s a challenging task.One strategy used by savvy marketers to help navigate through this dynamic environment is to pay close attention to the customer journey. However, the customer journey has transitioned from campaign-based acquisition to the total experience - from awareness, to purchase, usage and renewals.

marketing case study webinar

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Webinar Marketing Case Study for a Sales Coach: Improved landing page by 244% in 2 weeks.


  • By Terry Tam
  • September 22, 2022
  • No Comments

In this post, I’ll be showing you a case where we tripled conversions on a landing page by 244% in 2 weeks.

This was a huge win, and I’m excited to show you exactly how we did it – so you can take away some important marketing lessons 

Any seasoned Internet Marketer will tell you that the landing page is one of those ‘small hinges that open big doors

A small improvement in the landing page can result in a massive difference to the bottom line

Especially when you have clients that spend tens of thousands each month on ads. 

Now – just because a landing page worked well in the past, it doesn’t mean it’s going to keep working forever.

Which is why it’s important to seek new ideas  to optimise your landing pages  

And that’s exactly what we’ll be showing you in today’s video.

You’ll be surprised to see how dramatically our results improved with just a few simple tweaks.

Video Transcript 

All right, guys, we have another case study for you today.

And today we’d like to show you something really awesome again about a case study of how we increase the conversion rate of our landing page. And once again, here we have our conversion rate optimization specialist, Tasha. Tasha and let’s show people what we’ve managed to achieve with this new landing page that we created.

-Okay, sure.

So I’ll just share my screen again.


So we’re looking at from around 9%, we increase that one week to 13% and up tob22%. So that is like a pretty good increase in terms of conversion rate. And I’m sure that has dropped the ad spend or cost per lead dramatically as well. So, Tasha, let’s show them what we did by first starting by showing them the old landing page and some of the stuff there.

-Okay, sure. So going to the old landing page. So this is the old landing page.

Basically, the headline is still the same. Basically, we did a big change to the design, the background image, the color, the CTA (call to action). I guess we can just share the elements first. So we have the headline if you scroll down, we just have the benefits here. And then we have some testimonials and then a whole backstory of the speaker.

And if we keep scrolling down, there’s a whole bunch of video testimonials. And then the continuation of the story and who it’s for, who it’s not for. and keep scrolling, if you don’t mind. And yeah, addressing the objection here. And then the bonuses, sign-up bonuses, testimonials again.

So, as you can see, keep scrolling. There’s quite a lot of information here, right. And then giving them do this or this kind of thing at the end, like a Polarity comparison thing, right, a future pacing thing. I would say so, yeah, it’s a very long one. And actually, initially, it worked pretty well, right, Tasha?

-Yeah, right.

But then we kind of experienced a.. it kept dropping in terms of performance.

So, yeah, 16 and kept dropping to 9% and so on right until we made these changes. So I think the big thing to just be aware of, that many people are not aware of, is that just because you had a performing landing page in the past -doesn’t mean it will keep performing. Because people get, I guess, fatigued with the same thing.

If you keep showing the same thing over and over again, people will just see it and say, oh, well, I’ve seen that before, kind of thing, and they get bored of it. So every now and then, it’s like we need to basically redo the whole page.

Which is what we did here. So, Tasha, if you don’t mind sharing the new page and what we did with the new page, that’ll be awesome. Thank you so much for watching our video. Just a quick interruption to remind you if you are watching this on YouTube, to like, subscribe and check out all our other videos on the channel.

And if you’re checking out this video on our blog post, make sure you check out all the other blog posts on our website. So thank you so much and back to the rest of the video. All right, so going to the new page. So this is now the new page. What we did was change the background of the top bolt. So the headline is basically still the same. We did a big change to the color, the CTA, and scrolling down here we have the tree secrets, which is not something that we have on the old page. We re-wrote the backstory, tidy the ad copy a lot more, and added sections that are more benefit focus.

So I think that three secrets kind of like, okay, people know, okay, these are three benefits I’m going to get straight away, but there’s more. And then that kind of like in a lot of the infomercials you see on TV, but there’s more. And then it showed a new knife and a new bonus kind of thing. And that’s the same thing that we’re trying to do here, right? Which obviously has worked.

So it sounds corny, but that whole process kind of works and so people are going, well, I get these benefits plus this more. Wow, that really the entire system, right? So, what else did we do here? So we shortened the copy so we still keep some of the testimonials, but we kind of just didn’t put all of the testimonials. And then basically we just also keep the bonuses. Basically.

-Yeah, that’s it.

Okay, so I think a lot of backstories and stuff like that, we kind of removed it because first of all, I think because we’ve been marketing this client for a while and the market has known this client pretty well already because we’ve been spending a lot of money just marketing this client and so they don’t really need to know the backstory. Plus its kind of like there’s probably too much to read and it’s kind of like over selling in this case because we’re just selling a free webinar, right?

We’re not even asking for money here. So the page doesn’t need to be so long. The US is not that big, so we don’t have to put in that much content for them to make a decision. But once again, at a start that was necessary because nobody knew about the client. But now after one year, plus just about everyone I talked to in this space, most people know about him already. So the backstory, in this case, is less effective already. Once again, you just need to test, right? We just don’t know sometimes. So yeah, I think the whole thing is that the whole fatigue thing is very real and sometimes we just need to just re-change the whole landing page.

And Tasha, as you mentioned, it’s kind of risky sometimes, right? Yeah, that’s true, because normally, if we do smaller tests, they will give a much smaller win. But if we do a big test, it can either give us a big win or we’ll never know. And we don’t know which element actually made a big difference. So instead of testing, changing, say, the headline or the color and testing to see if it gives us an increment of push-up, it’s kind of like rolling the dice and hoping that we get red or black on the roulette wheel, and hopefully, something works.

Right? In this case, it works. And we have tested something like this previously, which flopped as well. Right. That’s the key thing. So, moving forward, Tasha, what do you think we can do to further optimize this page?

-Okay, so there’s a lot that we can do. So we’re planning to maybe test the headlines, and then for the pop-up buttons, we can emphasize more on the bonuses more. So maybe include an image of the bonuses in a pop-up and maybe just the look and feel of the page. Maybe we can test different colors next, and then CTA, text, and background images. There are still a lot of tests

Yeah, it’s endless, right? Once again, there’s so much more room for improvement. It’s a never-ending process. So I think most people make the mistake of just having one landing page split, testing it once or twice, and then we got a really good conversion rate and then never looking at it again. So I think for us, it’s like every week we’re testing something new, right?

All right, so, guys, I hope you enjoyed this video, and I hope you got something out of it that you can take away and apply in your business on your landing pages. And I really hope you enjoyed this and look forward to seeing you in the next video. Thank you for watching.

-Thank you.

  • funneloptimization , landingpage , landingpagetest , marketingtips , marketingyourwebinar , radicalmarketing , webinar marketing , webinarpromotionstrategy

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Put Marketing at the Core of Your Growth Strategy

  • Marc Brodherson,
  • Jennifer Ellinas,

marketing case study webinar

Three ways to use marketing as a lever for growth, according to McKinsey research.

Companies that make the decision to put marketing at the core of their growth strategy outperform the competition, according to McKinsey research. Specifically, both B2C and B2B companies who view branding and advertising as a top two growth strategy are twice as likely to see revenue growth of 5% or more than those that don’t (67% to 33%). Yet their research also showed that few CEOs recognize the potential for marketing as a growth accelerator. They recommend three actions for CEOs to hit the reset button. The first is to define what you need from marketing. While it sounds obvious, their research found that more than half the time CEOs and CMOs in the same company were misaligned on marketing’s primary role. Second, nominate one person to serve as the chief voice of the customer. In two many organizations this is fragmented, and when everyone owns the customer, then no one does. Third, the CEO should function as a growth coach. They should have a handle on the challenges and opportunities of modern marketing, but their job is to draw up the strategy, not toss the ball down the field.

Growth is a perpetual business priority. So it’s imperative that CEOs understand how their marketing function and chief marketing officers (CMOs) can contribute to that goal. Few do — and that misalignment can be costly.

marketing case study webinar

  • Marc Brodherson is a senior partner in McKinsey & Company’s New York office.
  • Jennifer Ellinas is an associate partner in McKinsey & Company’s Toronto office.
  • Ed See is a partner in McKinsey & Company’s Stamford, Connecticut office.
  • Robert Tas is a partner in McKinsey & Company’s Stamford, Connecticut office.

Partner Center

16 B2B Marketing Case Studies

Insights from industry professionals, founders, CEOs, and marketing managers

Explore 16 real-life B2B Marketing case studies from actual businesses. We gathered insights from founders, CEOs, and marketing managers. Discover practical strategies beyond traditional advertising and paid media. Rather than reinventing the wheel, learn from the experiences of industry professionals.

See how these experts leveraged user reviews in Online Reputation Management (ORM) and adopted account-based marketing approaches. These practical B2B Marketing case studies provide valuable guidance.

Explore their practical insights and strategies and avoid costly trial-and-error approaches. Or find inspiration for your own B2B marketing campaigns.

Prepare to elevate your game with actionable B2B case studies from the field.

Post: B2B Marketing Case Studies

3 Article Highlights

  • 15 highly relevant B2B marketing case studies
  • B2B case studies from founders, CEOs, and marketing managers
  • B2B marketing use cases from real-life companies

Table of Contents

B2B Marketing Case Study Overview

B2b content marketing use cases, strategic branding and positioning use cases, b2b marketing strategy use cases, digital and online b2b marketing use cases, offline b2b marketing use cases.

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Learn from 16 Real-Life Use Cases

Creative Social Media Campaign Boosts Sales

Content marketing and seo strategy, embrace content marketing, leverage user reviews in orm, become a data source for industry, host thought leadership webinars, utilize brand ambassadors, forge strategic partnerships, utilize review sites, account-based marketing approach, integrate online and offline marketing, linkedin business page, collaborate with industry influencers, leverage linkedin for organic growth, harness social media power, trade shows and channel partnerships, gira use case, samson ag use case, implementing marketing automation what a ride.

Creative and Oustanding Content Marketing

Chapter Overview

Social-media campaigns should sometimes be more creative than purely emotional. For instance, the campaign launched, highlighting the 2D floor plan, 3D video walkthrough render, and 3D floor plan in a Barbie theme promoted the new 3D products launch much better than any generic posts.

The timing was crucial, as the interest and popularity of Barbie and pink peaked in July and August at the highest rates, resulting in significantly more orders. Having a team to execute bolder ideas can help stand out online from the competition. Be bold and audacious, even if it means using branded memes. Branding is everything, and being shy is not the way to conquer the US.

Link to the campaign:

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Always unblock YouTube

Anastasia Corjan , Senior Marketing Manager, CubiCasa

An impactful B2B marketing case study that steps beyond traditional advertising is the use of content marketing infused with SEO and thought leadership. This approach is crucial for growing brand awareness and generating leads for a company like ours, which specializes in fulfillment and logistics services.

Rush Order capitalizes on creating meaningful, SEO-driven content, including in-depth blog articles, white papers, toolkits, case studies, and guides, providing actionable insights into order fulfillment’s intricacies for potential clients.

This strategy drives organic traffic to our site and cultivates higher levels of engagement, ultimately building a community and a sense of trust around our brand. It’s a testament to the power and longevity of content marketing and thought leadership in B2B marketing. It demonstrates that significant growth and a strong brand reputation can be achieved without primary reliance on paid advertising.

Dana Madlem , Vice President, Services, Rush Order

Content marketing is a prime B2B case study of an effective digital B2B marketing approach that doesn’t rely on advertising or paid media. By creating valuable and informative content, businesses can attract and engage potential customers while also establishing themselves as thought leaders in their industry.

This can include creating blog posts, e-books, webinars, and other types of content that provide useful insights and solutions to common industry problems. By making this content easily accessible and shareable, businesses can increase their brand awareness and establish trust with potential customers.

Additionally, optimizing this content for search engines allows businesses to attract more inbound traffic and generate more leads.

Georgi Todorov , Founder, ThriveMyWay

One of the best use cases for digital B2B marketing is Online Reputation Management (ORM), specifically through the utilization of user reviews. ORM involves monitoring, influencing, and improving how a business is perceived online. User reviews play an integral role in this strategy.

In a B2B context, businesses often check reviews and testimonials of other companies before choosing to collaborate or purchase. Therefore, encouraging satisfied customers to share their positive experiences online can significantly enhance a company’s reputation. This can be done through emails after service delivery, prompting for reviews on the company’s website, or on relevant B2B review platforms like G2 or Trustpilot.

Joe Kevens , Founder and Director of Demand Gen, B2B SaaS Reviews

Use B2B Marketing for Thought Leadership, Branding and Strategic Positioning

For me, becoming a source of data points and information for industry publishers and journalists to utilize is often an incredibly overlooked strategy, especially in B2B markets.

You can get organic traffic and backlinks via publication references when creating stats and data points relevant to a given industry. This approach to content can provide passive link-building assets for your site over time.

Ashley Woodyatt , Marketing Manager, Woodyatt Curtains

One of our best digital B2B marketing case study is hosting thought leadership webinars. By organizing webinars featuring industry experts and thought leaders, we provide valuable insights and share expertise with our target B2B audience. These webinars position our company as a trusted authority in the B2B space, allowing us to build credibility and establish relationships with potential clients.

The webinars offer an interactive platform where participants can engage with the experts, ask questions, and gain valuable knowledge specific to their industry. The webinar format allows us to showcase our industry expertise, share relevant content, and address the pain points and challenges our target audience faces. It’s an effective way to generate leads, nurture relationships, and establish our brand as a go-to resource in the B2B sector.

Roy Lau , Co-founder, 28 Mortgage

Brand ambassadors are a major trend in helping small businesses increase brand awareness. This is an opportunity for influencers or loyal customers to rave about their favorite products online. As word-of-mouth marketing is one of the most successful strategies, it can help a small business improve its digital presence and connect with consumers worldwide.

Maegan Griffin , Founder, CEO, and Nurse Practitioner, Skin Pharm

Think and Act Strategically

One effective way to implement digital B2B marketing apart from ads is through content marketing and strategic partnerships. I have personally utilized this approach within my organization by creating valuable content that addresses the needs of my target audience. This includes social media posts, podcasts , videos, and blog articles that provide useful information and address SEO concerns.

To further improve our content’s caliber, I collaborated with B2B industry leaders such as CEOs and subject matter experts. This resulted in a successful video series highlighting our top B2B SEO strategies, featuring practical advice, real-life examples, and even heated debates. As a result, we generated a wealth of information that created a buzz throughout the entire B2B community.

Best of all, this strategy did not require any advertising expenses. Instead, it was all about producing high-quality content and establishing meaningful partnerships.

Maria Harutyunyan , Co-founder, Loopex Digital

Review sites like G2, Capterra, and Sourceforge have played critical roles in our marketing strategy. Our business is B2B software, and these sites are where knowledgeable buyers congregate. The specific review site will differ per industry, but the principle stays the same. Buyers want to see credible feedback from other buyers.

Trevor Ewen , COO, QBench

One of our top digital B2B marketing use cases is account-based marketing (ABM). By tailoring our marketing efforts to specific target accounts, we personalize content and messaging to address each account’s unique needs and pain points.

This approach allows us to create highly relevant and customized experiences for our B2B prospects, increasing engagement and building stronger relationships. With ABM, we focus on delivering value and solving the specific challenges of our target accounts, which leads to more meaningful interactions, higher conversion rates, and, ultimately, stronger business partnerships.

Jason Cheung , Operations Manager, Credit KO

Integrating online and offline marketing is the best digital B2B marketing case study. This is because you can make more informed marketing decisions using the same. Customers can consume information whenever they want and buy products wherever they want. Digital platforms make it easy for customers to purchase products in a few seconds.

If they want, they can go to your offline store and also buy from there. They can check the availability of products as well on the offline store. Many businesses follow this process but do not advertise for it. However, they must ensure their online and offline marketing strategies cater to customers’ wants and needs.

Many businesses don’t bother about advertising their offline stores. They follow offline marketing strategies for the same. But you can integrate both ways to sell products and increase sales exponentially.

Saikat Ghosh , Associate Director of HR and Business, Technource

Tactics and Strategies to Win Online

LinkedIn Company pages are dead. Unless you write it like a landing page.

The LinkedIn landing page example showcases how great copywriting breaks through the noise on LinkedIn.

Inge Von Aulock , CEO Top Apps, says: We launched the MVP for on December 1, 2023, with a waitlist. Here are the stats we they gathered:

  • Waitlist Duration: 28 days
  • Emails Sent: 13 emails, average 62% open rate, 12.7% click-through rate (CTR)
  • Conversion to Users: 25.6%
  • Conversion to Paid Users: 25.2%

Here’s the full story on how they did it:

LinkedIn Business Page 1 - B2B Marketing World

Penfriend LinkedIn Page © Penfriend

One of our best and unique B2B marketing use cases involved leveraging industry influencers. We collaborated with respected experts, co-created content, hosted joint events/webinars, and gained endorsements through their social platforms. This extended our reach, built credibility, and connected with our target audience authentically without relying on traditional advertising or paid media.

Through our partnership with industry influencers, we were able to tap into their established networks, which exposed us to a wider audience of potential customers. The influencer’s endorsement acted as a powerful social proof, boosting trust and accelerating the decision-making process for prospects.

By engaging in meaningful collaborations with influencers, we increased brand awareness and fostered long-term relationships that resulted in ongoing support and mutual growth. This unique approach allowed us to stand out in the B2B market and achieve remarkable results.

Casey Preston , CRO and Founder, Stratosphere

Creating organic content on your personal LinkedIn page is a great way to grow a B2B presence and hence a top B2B marketing case study. Many businesses underestimate the reach that a successful LinkedIn post can have. With consistency, you can easily garner thousands of extra views on your posts and profile each week without spending a dime.

The more reactions and comments a post receives, the greater the chance of your post reaching other people’s feeds. That can subconsciously lead to networking opportunities if you see someone commenting that can bring value to your company.

Lastly, as your LinkedIn posts gain more traction, there are higher possibilities of finding other businesses that can assist with your weak points and possibly be the start of a symbiotic B2B relationship.

Having a company page on LinkedIn is great, but remember the fruitful strategy of developing organic content and growing your personal brand.

Matt Parkin , Founder, Mornings With Matt Consulting

Social media platforms have become essential for B2B marketers to engage with their target audience and build brand awareness. One digital B2B marketing use case is leveraging social media to create an active online presence, share valuable content, and build relationships with prospects and customers.

According to a recent study, 73% of B2B marketers use social media as a primary channel for content marketing. For instance, a technology company, Cisco, uses LinkedIn to share thought leadership articles and engage with its target audience. This strategy has helped Cisco generate leads and increase website traffic, resulting in a 4x increase in revenue.

Social media platforms also offer various features, such as groups, polls, and live streaming, which provide opportunities for B2B marketers to interact with their target audience and create personalized experiences.

Himanshu Sharma , CEO and Founder, Academy of Digital Marketing

Classic, above the line, B2B Marketing

As a startup operator, founder, and advisor, I’ve had my fair share of B2B marketing experiences. One of the best non-advertising strategies changes depending on your product or service.

For enterprise solutions, trade shows are invaluable. Especially niche ones with high ticket prices, attended by senior executives and industry thought leaders. These venues foster personal relationships, which is critical when selling high-ticket or innovative solutions.

For small to mid-ticket transactions, channel partnerships work wonders. They build trust, key for purchase decisions, while keeping customer acquisition costs manageable.

Regardless of your offering, content that showcases your expertise is always beneficial. Write valuable insights and distribute them freely across your social handles, trade shows, etc. Avoid requiring email capture to access this content; senior leaders dislike unsolicited follow-ups after downloading a free resource.

Rafael Sarim Özdemir , Founder and CEO, Zendog Labs

Stephan Wenger B2B Marketing Expert, Author and Founder

Stephan Wenger

B2B Marketing Expert, Editor and Marketing Management Consultant

Stephan Wenger is a seasoned B2B Marketing Expert with more than 10 years of experience in leading global companies. His extensive expertise lies in the realms of B2B online marketing, content marketing, strategic marketing, and driving synergy between sales and marketing, including effective lead management.

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marketing case study webinar

Hispanic Marketing Council

The HMC Webinar Series presents high-caliber content from top industry thought leaders, cutting-edge research, and educational panels. Not only do members get first and unlimited access to HMC’s groundbreaking research, but HMC Webinar Series features dynamic and interactive one-hour sessions with notable newsmakers, C-suite leaders and top trendsetters in the industry.

Upcoming Webinar

Register soon, check out the replays, 2022 hmc annual summit.

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The 2020 Census made it crystal clear that the time to act is now. Companies who aren’t engaging Hispanics with targeted efforts are at risk of being left behind. At the same time, brands and their agencies are dealing with the complex challenges of finding premium supply, achieving scale, and doing all of that in a culturally-relevant way.  Join this C-suite panel as they discuss the challenges and opportunities they face in activating Hispanic audiences for critical business growth.

  • Kirk McDonald , CEO, GroupM
  • Dave Penski , CEO, Publicis Media
  • Doug Rozen , CEO, dentsu Media 
  • Ralph Pardo , CEO, Omnicom Media Group

Moderator: Donna Speciale , President of Advertising Sales & Marketing, TelevisaUnivision, Inc.

Untitled design - 2022-04-26T162528.975


Latinos’ growing appetite for streaming video content is driving a proliferation of paid and ad-supported platforms. In September 2021 alone, Hispanics spent 20 BILLION minutes watching subscription and non-linear Video On Demand content. How are key players in the content acquisition and distribution industries programming to meet the demand of those seeking in-language content? Join this session featuring leaders of key streaming platforms as they discuss what’s next for Latino content and audiences.

  • Isabel Rafferty Zavala , Founder & CEO, Canela Media
  • Romina Rosado , EVP & GM, Hispanic Streaming, NBCUniversal Telemundo Enterprises
  • René Santaella , EVP, Digital & Streaming Media, Estrella Media, Inc.
  • Rafael Urbina , GM/EVP of AVOD Streaming, TelevisaUnivision, Inc., and Chief Executive Officer, VIX

Moderator: Stacie M. de Armas , SVP Diverse Intelligence & Initiatives, Nielsen

Webinars on Demand

2024 Latina Women Webinar image

Empowering Latina Women: Enhancing Opportunities for Creators and Media Executives

In this insightful webinar, a distinguished panel of accomplished Latina media executives and creators generously shared their journeys, shedding light on the challenges and triumphs of navigating Madison Avenue Ad Agencies and Hollywood as multicultural creators. The discussion intricately covered the myriad obstacles faced and offered valuable insights into the role advertisers can play in supporting and promoting diversity and inclusion within the industry. As they delved into the rich tapestry of Latina narratives, it is crucial to recognize that closing the gender pay gap is an integral aspect of fostering a more inclusive and representative media landscape. Watch for an enlightening session that actively explores avenues to address and rectify gender pay disparities, contributing to a fairer and more equitable industry.

  • Meiling Macias-Toro , award-winning advertising media executive
  • Julia Carias-Linares , award-winning TV & film producer, actress, interior designer, and businesswoman
  • Kiki Melendez , award-winning director, writer, and comedienne

Moderated by: Amanda Sarabia , film producer.

2024 Work and Money image

Work, Money and Workplace Cultural Literacy

Did you know that most multicultural teens already invest their money, and how financial influencers have grown to be a trusted source of wealth building and retirement strategies for Gen Zers and Millennials? When it comes to financial stability, academic success and the declining middle class are top of mind with Gen Z, Millennials and a portion of Gen Xers.  You’ll learn the latest insights about finances, entrepreneurship, workplace attitudes, and even what Gen Zers and Millennials think about corporate America’s DEI efforts.

• ‘Work hard’ culture and what is fueling it. • Where people want to work & what we study to get there. • Workplace 2023 vs. workplace 2014. • The current state of workplace racism. • What teens, adults, non-Hispanic whites and multicultural segments want in a financial advisor (& don’t want).

  • HMC Research Chair Nancy Tellet

Moderated by: Linda Lane Gonzalez, President and CEO of Viva Multicultural and past chair of HMC board of directors.

Collage Webinar image web 2023

Leverage Hispanic Media Insights for Brand Impact

Multicultural Americans spend an enormous amount of time and attention in the digital media space. Hispanic Americans especially are super users: they spend their time across many platforms, social media and otherwise, especially those that support Hispanics and allow them to stay connected to family and friends. Cross-platform marketing and advertising is the standard for 2024: do you understand how and where your target segments are using media, why they’re going there, and how to authentically engage them across channels? Collage Group shared how to leverage media insights for brand impact and growth among Hispanic consumers. In this webinar, they shared how you can learn from, support, and engage the Hispanic segment through culturally sound insights on usage and preferences across channels—social, video, and audio media—and how to best optimize your campaigns for these platforms.


  • Victor Paredes , Executive Director of Cultural Strategy at Collage Group
  • Jack Mackinnon , Senior Director of Cultural Insights at Collage Group

2024 Media Representation Web

IT'S TIME: Media and Representation in the World of The Multicultural Majority

Looking for research on the media habits of today’s highly multicultural world? Ready to discover what is driving them and reveal the implications for brands as they plan and execute 2024 marketing activities & ad buys? Learn about this and more! A powerful webinar focused on 13- to 49-year-old mostly Gen Z and Millennial segments from HMC’s latest study, IT’S TIME: The Growing Power of the Multicultural Majority.

We dived into data from the past year including media ‘basics’; from the devices we use, how we’re spending our media time, and the ways we discover & watch TV and Movie content. Plus, information on the most used apps for long and short-form video content & social media. Hint: some things old are new again.

Explore insights including: • How young Gen Zs are navigating life in the public spotlight of a digital world where a misstep can impact their future; yet also harness it for their own purposes. • Marketing and advertising practices that can leverage the power of culture to build trust and drive purchase consideration. • An overview of today’s ‘everything, everywhere, all at once’ global media world. • A primer on the Metaverse: why most people don’t really know what it is even if they are routinely in it, cultural practices, and its influence on the brands its users try & buy.

Discover who fared best with A-F grades given by survey respondents who judged TV content providers on diversity and representation!

MC Majority 2023 Webinar

IT'S TIME: The Role of Identity, Race & Culture in the Lives of the Multicultural Majority

Emily Bazelon wrote in the New York Times Magazine, “Being white in America has long been treated, at least by white people, as…the default identity, the cultural wallpaper.” Watch this webinar for a deep dive into identity, race and culture across primarily 13-49 Gen Z and Millennial segments from HMC’s latest study, IT’S TIME: The Growing Power of the Multicultural Majority. In this webinar, we covered: • Multiculturalism’s impact on how white Americans see themselves • How the term “people of color” is more than just an identity • How Latinos, Blacks, Asians, and whites view America • Political power wielded by Gen Z adults • Gen Z’s trust, mental health, cultural comfort & discomfort zones

2023 Webinar Power of Culture

A Tale of Two Authors: Harnessing the Power of Culture

The increase in diverse content creators is a positive sign of a multicultural tipping point—and HMC was delighted to bring together two up-and-coming authors for a fireside chat with our Education Chair Victor Paredes. Alma CEO Isaac Mizrahi , no stranger to HMC or the marketing world, has released his first book Hispanic Market Power, which dives into the various forces at play in the Hispanic market, from cultural identity to trends and business opportunities.  Jo Franco , CEO of JoClub, a journaling company fostering clarity, connection & community, is the author of Fluentish, a travel & leisure book designed for language learners of all levels who want to build a multilingual life. They provided their unique perspectives on the value of cultural fluency to their businesses—Isaac from his decades in working with top brands and fostering a culture of diverse creativity, and Jo from her role as an intersectional content creator who has launched an online global journaling community and puts a global filter on everything she develops because, as she puts it, “the world is too connected to ignore it.”

  • Isaac Mizrahi , CEO, Alma ( Book link )
  • Jo Franco , CEO, JoClub ( Book link )

Moderated by:  HMC Education Chair  Victor Paredes .

Hispanic Star Book 2023 Webinar image for web

Latinx Children's Empowerment: Nurturing Inclusive Narratives and Role Models

Explore the profound influence of positive role models in shaping young minds, fostering identity, empowerment, and cultural appreciation. Through insightful discussions and real-world examples, we uncovered how inclusive representation creates an inspiring and inclusive space for Latinx children, sparking aspirations and a sense of belonging.

  • Luisa Beguiristaín , Editorial Assistant, Roaring Brook Press, Macmillan Children’s Publishing Group
  • Candelario Cervantes , National Senior Managing Director of Community Accountability & Partnerships, Teach For America
  • Paulina Hernandez , Director of Recruitment, Teach For America

Moderated by: Claudia Romo Edelman , Founder & CEO, We Are All Human Foundation

Dieste Cheetos Webinar 2023

Strategic Excellence Awards: Dieste/Cheetos Wins Silver with the Magic Touch

In 2020, Cheetos rekindled its relationship with Latino Superfans by launching the Deja Tu Huella initiative in collaboration with Bad Bunny, which celebrated the Latino experience and recognized the impact Latinos have on U.S. culture. As Cheetos entered the second year of the campaign, it needed to maintain its momentum—the award-winning team at Dieste partnered once again with Bad Bunny and focused the brand strategy around celebrating and uplifting Latinos across the country who are transforming and bettering their communities. From a spot during the Billboard Music Awards to the launch of the Deja Tu Huella Fund through a TikTok Hashtag Challenge and Remezcla partnership, this campaign had the “magic touch!” The result? Dieste won a Silver in the 2023 HMC Strategic Excellence Awards in the Best Hispanic Cultural Insight category. Watch this webinar and learn all about this campaign, how it tapped into Gen Z Latinos’ obsession with Flamin’ Hot and elevated the Cheetos brand to new heights in American pop culture.

  • Melody Macaluso , Former Marketing Director, Cheetos
  • Marialejandra Urbina , CSO, Dieste

Moderated by:  HMC Education Chair  Victor Paredes.

Strategic Awards 2023 Webinar image

Strategic Excellence Gold Award Winners: BeautifulBeast/Amazon Music & Lopez Negrete Communications/Walmart

Did you miss the second webinar devoted to the winning agencies of the 2023 HMC Strategic Excellence Awards? In this webinar, HMC Education Chair Victor Paredes sat down with the account planning teams of BeautifulBeast, who won Gold for Mainstream Impact with Amazon Music’s “Here’s to the Game Changers,” and Lopez Negrete Communications, who won Gold for Content Creator & Consumer Engagement Strategy with Walmart for their “Holiday House” campaign. You’ll learn all the behind-the-scenes insights that made these two campaigns stand out above the rest.

  • Salma Gottfried , Chief Brand Officer, BeautifulBeast
  • Aldo Quevedo , CEO, BeautifulBeast
  • Fernando Osuna , Chief Creative Officer, Lopez Negrete Communications
  • Cecilia Alanis , Digital Associate Creative Director, Lopez Negrete Communications
  • Patrick Lopez Negrete , Director of Brand Strategy, Lopez Negrete Communications

Dishlatino webinar image

Strategic Excellence Awards: MARCA Miami/DishLATINO Case Study

With so many video and streaming options for Latinos, DishLATINO had to break through the clutter with a powerful campaign. With a memorable commercial aptly named Iconos, that featured state-of-the-art deepfake video technology to bring together Latino TV icons Eugenio Derbez with the late El Chavo, MARCA Miami won a Silver for the Best Hispanic Cultural Insight in the 2023 HMC Strategic Excellence Awards. Watch this webinar to learn about the challenges, opportunities and insights that went into this creative campaign, as well as the client perspective!

  • Kristen Sabina , VP, Strategy & Planning, MARCA Miami
  • Nicole Preston , General Manager, DishLATINO
  • Alfredo Rodriguez , Vice President, DishLATINO

fluent360 Webinar image for web

How to achieve authentic brand engagement with Hispanic influencers

Influencer marketing has exploded over the past couple decades with today’s value surpassing $11 billion at a compounded aggregated growth rate (CAGR) of 33.4% from 2022 to 2030. That growth far outpaces the Global Movie Theatre market which is growing at a CAGR of only 4.50% from 2022 to 2028. For anyone paying attention, the shift of consumer eyeballs is easy to track. Tapping into this powerhouse can yield significant returns for brands. That is, when it is done right. Choosing the right influencer takes many factors that include target audience, goals, reason for partnership and so on. Influencers range from nano to micro to macro to mega and each brings with them, a loyal following and potential bottom-line results for your product. According to Nielsen, Hispanic consumers are more socially connected than any other group, which means their role as influencers in various markets is strong.

  • Josue Rodriguez , Director of Social Media, fluent360

2023 Tequila Webinar image for web

Taking Back the Narrative on Tequila

As a global leader in premium spirits, Beam Suntory is committed to creating the next breakthrough in cultural responsiveness and Tequila is one way they are doing so. This is driven by the belief that Tequila cannot be appreciated without understanding the depth of experiences by the people of Mexico who produce Tequila and that greater cultural connections through the stories told about Tequila are within reach. Beam Suntory is passionate about ensuring the stories told about Tequila pay homage to Mexico and its people, support the entire ecosystem of people who work to deliver a high-quality product, and give consumers the voice to tell their own, personal stories about what Tequila means to them. Join Rashidi Hodari, head of Beam Suntory’s Tequila Brand House, Ivan Hidalgo, VP of North America Marketing and Susan Gibbons, Senior Marketing Director, to learn how Beam Suntory is expanding the narrative on Tequila by creating a community of belonging that diverse consumers want to join and help shape.

  • Rashidi Hodari , Managing Director, Tequila Brand House, Beam Suntory
  • Ivan Hidalgo , VP of North America Marketing, Beam Suntory

Circulo Creativo Webinar image for web


It’s not just about winning trophies. It’s about why agencies and clients should win, how to make the smartest case for awards, and the impact of recognizing your team’s creativity. This webinar is packed with insights from award-winning leaders who share their secrets for building great work and brands, plus practical exercises for standing out when you want to win. Awards are a way to showcase your creative work and build credibility with the industry. Through awards, agencies can gain exposure, climb in rankings, increase employee retention, and drive more business leads.

  • Fernando Machado , Chief Marketing Officer, Activision Blizzard
  • Angela Rodríguez , SVP/Head of Strategy, Alma
  • Gustavo Lauría , Co-Founder/Chief Creative Officer, We Believer

Moderated by: Luis Miguel Messianu , Chairman & Founder at Alma and DDB McDonald’s Global Chief Creative Officer

Vidalito 2023 Webinar image for web

When Latinx Content Creators Bring Intersectional Stories to Life

Latinos face an epidemic of invisibility in the film industry in front of and behind the camera. Filmmaker Amanda Sarabia has a story she had to tell. Her documentary Vidalito is an opportunity to showcase how unrelenting we are in chasing our dreams. Don’t miss this webinar recording! If you want to help, support or participate in her documentary journey please email Amanda Sarabi at [email protected] ,

  • Amanda Sarabia , filmmaker, producer and educator 
  • Vidal Lopez , professional race car driver
  • Vikram Choudhary , Prosthetics & Orthotics Specialist

Best Practices for Engaging Hispanic Consumers in Media

From the metaverse and TikTok to augmented reality and influencers, the pace of change across new mediums in media is heating up… but while the opportunities in new media abound, so do the risks and dead ends. In this webinar, Collage Group provided insights & analysis to help you navigate and succeed across new and emerging media channels. They deep dive into topics such as: influencers, the metaverse, openness to novel marketing in the media sphere, common challenges to success in 21st century media performance, advertising strategies for authentic Hispanic engagement and more. If you want media strategies to help your brands stand out from the competition, you won’t want to miss this webinar recording!

  • Jack Mackinnon , Senior Director, Cultural Insights, Collage Group
  • Victor Paredes , Executive Director of Cultural Strategy, Collage Group

HMC Summit Email (Section 1) (6)


The  HMC Annual Summit  is the premier Hispanic marketing conference featuring dynamic and interactive sessions with notable newsmakers, C-suite leaders and top trendsetters. Engaging the multicultural American mainstream and diversifying content has never been more critical. During its 2022 Annual Summit, the HMC has gathered the CEOs and CMOs of major holding companies, brands and streaming platforms for a series of sessions, providing marketers with the right knowledge base to maximize the Hispanic opportunity.

SBS Nielsen webinar web image

Investing at the Intersection of Diverse-Owned and Diverse-Targeted media for maximum value Webinar

Nielsen & SBS shared a breaking new report on the amplified value of investing in Hispanic-owned and targeted media showcasing unparalleled ROI.

  • Stacie de Armas , SVP Diverse Intelligence & Initiatives, Nielsen
  • Albert Rodriguez , President, Chief Operating Officer, SBS

Moderated by: HMC Education Chair Victor Paredes .

Lab42 webinar image 2022

Equidad + Authenticity: Towards a fair representation of Hispanics in advertising Webinar

The Hispanic population in the US is increasing and the purchasing power of this diverse group is doubling every 10 years. Their impact is seen and enjoyed across our culture, from the foods we eat, the music we listen to and many times to the vocabulary we use. Hispanic/Latinos are our family, friends, coworkers, and neighbors. With such a significant presence in our daily lives, how is it that this group is still underrepresented and often misrepresented in advertising? In this webinar with Lab42, learn more about what Hispanic consumers think about this issue and what is the impact of this misrepresentation on brands.

  • Rachel Hunger , Research Manager at Lab42 Research
  • Athos Maimarides , Managing Partner, Research at Lab42 Research

Nielsen Webinar image 2022

Latino-led content and viewers: The building blocks for streaming’s success Webinar

U.S. Hispanics are shifting the flavor of American entertainment culture–from Encanto’s Academy Award win for Best Animated feature & Ariana DeBose’s Best Supporting Actor Oscar win to Bad Bunny’s history-making Artist of the Year win at this year’s VMAs. Latinos are voracious consumers of entertainment and media with nearly 45% of Latinos’ total TV viewing in July 2022 attributed to streaming platforms. And, representation matters: 42% of the most streamed programs have Latino presence in front and behind the camera. In this webinar with Nielsen, find out what’s driving this shift to streaming for Hispanic audiences, the factors impacting cultural watchability and the importance of both on- and off-screen inclusion of talent and themes.

McDonalds Webinar image 2022

McDonald's Spotlight Dorado: A Case Study on How to Use Brand Influence and Scale to Boost Latino Representation Webinar

McDonald’s is shining the light on Latino storytellers in front of and behind the camera with an innovative, multi-year program called Spotlight Dorado that features a national film competition and mentorship program. In this webinar, you’ll hear from both agency and client teams as to what key insights served as the cornerstone for this campaign, what challenges and opportunities they faced, and how McDonald’s was able to effectively and creatively engage the Latino community. The finalist filmmakers competing for the top prize also joined the webinar as they preview parts of their movies, and discuss how Spotlight Dorado is impacting the Latino creators’ community.

  • Cristina Alfaro , Manager of Cultural & Community Communications, McDonald’s
  • Mauricio Cadena , Group Strategic Planning Director, Alma
  • Jazmin Aguilar , Director, Kid Ugly
  • Jesus Celaya , Director, Lucha Noir

Moderated by: Manny Ruiz , Co-Founder/Producer, Nuestro Stories.

SEA4 webinar image 2022

Strategic Excellence Awards: Anomaly/MELĒ Gold Case Study Webinar

For the final webinar of our Strategic Excellence Awards series, we sat down with Senior Strategist Sara Pollei of Anomaly as she discussed the insights behind the MELĒ campaign, which won a Gold in the Best Impact on Innovation category. Tasked with driving awareness of a new skincare brand designed for melanin-rich skin, Anomaly contended with a history of brands not acknowledging Black or Brown skin, even in the skincare aisle. By leveraging insights from real people, dermatology experts and beauty influencers, this award-winning agency created an innovative and effective campaign. Joined by Judge  Daniella Linkus, Business Director & Multicultural Business Lead, Anomaly.

  • Sara Pollei , Senior Strategist, Anomaly

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Strategic Excellence Awards: Award-Winning Case Studies Webinar

In this installment of the Strategic Excellence Awards series, we sat down with two award-winning account planning teams: alma for their Intuit-Quickbooks campaign that earned them a Silver in the Best Hispanic Cultural Insight category and Captura Group for their work with Kellogg’s Pop Tarts, which won Silver in the Impact on Innovation category. You’ll hear from both agency and client teams as to what key insights served as the cornerstone for their campaigns, what challenges & opportunities they faced, and how Intuit-Quickbooks and Kellogg’s were able to effectively and creatively engage the Latino community. Joined by Judge Jennifer Pollack , VP, Integrated Strategy, Dentsu McGarryBowen.

  • Sandra Auren , Director of Insights & Strategy, Captura Group
  • Javier Martin , Global Brand Development Director, Intuit Inc.
  • Jorge Becerra , Strategic Planning Director, alma
  • David Greci , Senior Brand Manager, Pop-Tarts, The Kellogg Company

Moderated by: HMC Education Chair Victor Paredes .  

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Navigating an Increasingly Critical Hispanic Cultural Environment Webinar

Where is Hispanic Culture in Marketing in 2022? New Cultural Inclusion Accelerator TM research reveals that Hispanic consumers, hold brands to higher expectations of authentic cultural portrayals. Brands that don’t adapt to new expectations will generate lower ROI. In this webinar, you’ll learn more about Hispanic expectations, which sub-segments drive changes, the importance of in-language advertising and media placement, and how DEI efforts continue to reinforce trust. You’ll also get a deep dive into the latest insights into how brands are perceived through their ads, which cultural attributes drive superior relevance, and which ads rank Best-In-Culture among Hispanic Spanish, Bilinguals, and English.

Sponsored by: Estrella Media

  • Carlos Santiago , President & Chief Strategist,  Santiago Solutions Group, Inc.
  • Nathanael Roy , Data Analyst, Cultural Inclusion Accelerator ™

filmmakers image

Expanding Opportunities for Latino Creators in Film

Today, having diverse voices in film has never been more important, both behind and in front of the camera. Moviegoers are craving authentic and relatable stories–stories that are moving, stories they can see themselves in, stories that realistically showcase the struggles and triumphs of their communities. With a history of underrepresenting marginalized identities or perpetuating stereotypes, the film industry must evolve if they want to attract a wider range of moviegoing audiences–and that means developing a pipeline of diverse storytellers and providing them with more access to get their work produced across different types of platforms. In this webinar, we have invited a panel of Latino filmmakers to share their stories, their perspectives on what it takes to “make it” as a multicultural creator in Hollywood, the many obstacles they face, and what advertisers can do to help.

  • Elaine Del Valle , Puerto Rican-American filmmaker
  • Miguel Ferrer , award-winning filmmaker, director and producer
  • Candy Ibarra , Mexican-American award-winning producer and actor
  • Amanda Sarabia , Mexican-American documentary producer and educator

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Strategic Excellence Awards: Zubi/Lincoln Gold Case Study

Watch this second Strategic Excellence Award session, where the award-winning team at Zubi presented their Lincoln case study that earned them a Gold for Best Hispanic Cultural Insight! You’ll hear about the challenges, opportunities and insights, as well as the client perspective from Anna Bonfiglio, head of marketing & communications at Lincoln!

Presented by:

Henry Gomez , Vice President Strategy, Zubi

Influencers Webinar image

Influencers Illuminating the Way for Hispanic Creators: How to stand out and find success through authenticity

The Internet has had the power to launch unknowns into national stardom over viral dances on TikTok or cancel well-known stars and influencers . In this webinar , you’ll learn how well-established social media influencers found their niche among Hispanic content creators , what challenges and obstacles minority content creators face when entering the online space , and the key to maintaining success.

  • Ana Gomez , blogger and influencer
  • Martha Pardo , Influencer and Founder of G4E
  • Natasha Pongonis , CEO and Partner, O.Y.E. Business Intelligence
  • Ariadne Bencomo , Marketing Analyst, O.Y.E. Business Intelligence

Artemis Webinar Image

Don’t miss “Why Buyers Don’t Buy”

Are you winning your new business pursuits as often as you should? If you’re not, do you really know why? Hosted by The Artemis Partnership and HMC, “Why Buyers Don’t Buy” will help you find answers to these very question s , provide you with an understanding of how buying decisions are really made , and give you tips on re-redirect ing pre-RFP activities for better results  

Moderated by:  Victor Paredes , HMC Education Chair and Executive Director of Account Planning, Lopez Negrete Communications, Inc.

  • Bob Wiesner , Founder and Managing Partner, The Americas – The Artemis Partnership
  • Jackie Bird , Senior Advisor, The Americas – The Artemis Partnership

Voto Latino web image

Voto Latino: The Road to 2022!

If recent elections have told us anything, it’s how unpredictable they can be. If we are on a clear pathway to a multicultural majority, what will happen in the mid-term elections and what role will Hispanics play in 2022? Watch this webinar as our panel of experts get out their crystal balls and look at what candidates need to do to win the Latino vote.  


  • Dr. Laird Bergad , Professor and founding Director of the CUNY Center for Latin American, Caribbean, and Latino Studies at City University of New York and Lehman College
  • Al Cardenas , Republican strategist and CNN/CNN en Español political commentator
  • María Cardona , Democratic strategist and CNN/CNN en Español political commentator

Moderated by :   Juan Carlos Lopez , U.S. Political Director/Anchor, CNN en Español    

Critical issues web image

Critical Issues & Critical Voices: Reaching Hispanic Consumers on 2021’s Most Pressing Social Issues

A global pandemic, mass unemployment, and racial injustice have had an outsized effect on the Hispanic community. Many brands, nonprofits and grassroots organizations are using unique strategies to reach, engage and motivate action on these issues within the Hispanic community. You’ll learn what successful strategies have helped mov e the needle on topics like the COVID vaccine, mental health and more.

  • Maria Cardona , Principal at Dewey Square Group/Latinovations
  • Dr. Regina Miranda , Professor of Psychology at Hunter College
  • Dr. Elena V. Rios , MD, MSPH, FACP, President & CEO, National Hispanic Medical Association

Moderated by :  Deb Leiter , SVP, Campaign Development, The Ad Council.

Deconstructing Diversity web image

Deconstructing Diversity Study

Census 2020 has underscored the economic impact Hispanics have across categories and for marketers’ bottom line. This session provides a deep dive into the many components of Hispanic identit y, including the role culture plays in shaping who they are, what matters to them, how they want to be seen, why this consumer is so important, and how to best connect and engage with them.  

  • Dana Sparber , NBCUniversal VP of Insights & Measurement  
  • Carla Kelly , NBCUniversal SVP of Client Advocacy

No Seas Wey web image

No Seas Wey: A Case Study in the Intersection of Social Responsibility and Hispanic Marketing

In a time when consumers are demanding transparency, cultural fluency and for brands to simply do the right thing, social responsibility has never been more important for brands looking to connect with Latino communities. In this webinar, you’ll hear case studies on how to amplify social responsibility messaging through creative problem-solving, collaboration, and a lot of imagination to address disparities in the Hispanic community magnified by COVID-19 .  

  • Rafael Serrano , Co-Creative Lead/Writer and Founder of No Seas Wey
  • Matt Reyes , Co-Creative Lead and Founder of No Seas Wey
  • Ana Suarez , Social Media Lead and Founder of No Seas Wey
  • Alejandro Ramirez , Co-Creative Lead/Art Director and Founder of No Seas Wey

Moderated by: HMC Education Chair  Victor Paredes .  

Pulso 2021 web image

Latinos on the Pulse of Civic Engagement

We frequently advise our brands that the stories we tell matter… but what happens when you use the power of our stories to increase Latino political power? Hear how a non-profit media start-up engaged more than one million Latinos across the United States and encourag ed local and national civic participation by delivering culturally relevant news, history and in-culture content .  

  • Liz Alarcón , Founder and Executive Director, Pulso
  • Elvin Noriega , Experimenter, Pulso
  • Lisann Ramos , Content Editor, Pulso

Census 2021 web image

Your business by the numbers: Accessing the Census Business Builder and Other Tools

When it comes to building campaigns and gathering insights, marketing strategies have to be rooted in data. With 2022 planning in full swing, marketers can access the new version of the Census Business Builder for free– click here for a free demo of the Census Business Builder to plus up your 2022 Planning.  

Speaker: Bárbara Zamora-Appel , Program Analyst – Data User and Respondent Outreach/Economic Management Division, U.S. Census Bureau

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Latinx Content Creators: Voices That Must Be Heard & How Brands Can Leverage Authentic Storytelling

As brands expand their multicultural marketing to include increased investments in minority-owned entities, content creators are a critical piece. In this webinar , learn the rules of engagement, and how to maintain communication and expectations between creators, agencies and brands .  

  • Doralys Britto , lifestyle & beauty blogger, including a YouTube channel focused on lifestyle, beauty and content that empowers women.
  • Jo Franco , travel host/expert and content creator in several languages, including English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian, and two YouTube channels DamonAndJo and JoFranco, amassing over 1.3 million subscribers.
  • Penny Tovar , lifestyle creator who puts a comedic twist on everyday life by overtly speaking her racing thoughts and trying new things on her YouTube channel.

July 27 2021 webinar image

An Inside Look at Award-Winning Campaigns from the Strategic Excellence Award - Part 2

Th is 2021 Strategic Excellence Award webinar spotlights additional successful campaigns that resonated with their target audiences and delivered for their clients because they were rooted in insights and backed by solid planning. 


  • The winning teams of  Alma ,  d expósito & Partners , and   Culture ONE World  
  •  Judges  Jennifer Woods , managing director-VP insights & strategy, Captura Group and  Claudia Oddo , audience marketing, Pandora.   

Moderated by: HMC Education Chair  Victor Paredes .  

July 15 2021 web image

An Inside Look at Award-Winning Campaigns from the Strategic Excellence Award - Part 1

Original creative grounded in cultural insights is the cornerstone of today’s advertising campaigns and engagement plans, especially as demographics rapidly shift to a multicultural majority–with Hispanics as the largest segment. The Strategic Excellence Award webinar spotlights the campaigns from the following winners:  


  • Teams from  Alma  and  Dieste , along with their clients  
  • Judges  Maurice Cooper , senior VP, Guest and Brand Experience marketing at Target and  Roberto Hernández , director social & digital strategy, Dieste, Inc.   

H CODE Web image

Engaging Digitally with Powerful Multicultural Consumer Groups

Today, the U.S. Hispanic GDP is growing 72% faster than the nation’s economy overall , and in 2019 alone Black buying power was $1.4T according to the Selig Center for Economic Growth. Hispanic and Black consumers represent a significant revenue growth opportunity, and brands need to pay attention to the shifting expectations and purchase intentions within these audiences. In this webinar, you’ll hear insights from the 3rd annual Hispanic Digital Fact Pack & B Code’s first Black Digital Fact Pack.   

  • Danielle Hester , Product Marketing Manager, B Code
  • Francisco González-Cos , Audience Insights Analyst, H Code Intelligence Center

Moderated by: HMC Education Chair Victor Paredes

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The Intersectional Afro-Latina Experience

Pew Reports that 1 in 4 Latinas self-identify as Afro-Latinas . Matters of race and identity are incredibly interconnected. Our struggles and the culture we create in America is increasingly intersectional —f rom a shared struggle with segregation, hate crimes, colorism and erasure to the rich cultural creations in music, entertainment and sports. Watch this rich conversation with three Afro Latina leaders sharing their experiences from three different perspectives.  

  • Joanna Franco – Entrepreneur, Writer and Founder of Shut Up Go travel blog
  • Lori Montenegro – Head of Telemundo Noticias and Bureau Chief for Telemundo DC Office
  • Lizette Williams – Head of Global Vertical Solutions Marketing, Facebook

Moderated by: HMC Education Chair Victor Paredes

Trinet Web Image

Navigating a Remote Workforce | The Impact on Businesses and Employees

Are you, as a business or as an employee, prepared for a long-term remote workplace? As Marketing, Advertising, & PR agencies consider this reality, questions arise that impact not only business owners, but the employees themselves. Learn how to navigate tax and compliance laws, recruitment, workers compensation costs, employee work/life balance, and more  

Speaker: Kristin Russum , Director, Human Capital Services, TriNet, Inc.

CNNE 2021 Web image

New Ways of Connecting with Audiences in a Post-Covid World

After nearly a year of pandemic social distancing, media companies have had to get creative in providing consumers with compelling content and interactive platforms. Learn how Don Francisco is returning to all screens with a new virtual talk show and how CNN en Español is augmenting its international news coverage with a new podcast featuring analysis and interviews with today’s top newsmakers by celebrated journalist José Levy.   

  • Jose Levy , Chief International Correspondent & Chief Correspondent in the Middle East for CNN en Español
  • Mario Kreutzberger , better known as “Don Francisco”

Moderated by:   Cynthia Hudson , senior vice president and managing director of CNN en Español and Hispanic strategy for CNN/U.S.  

Welcome to the Evolution web image

"Welcome to The Evolution!” An Advanced Culture Deep Dive

An advanced cultural literacy course including a deep dive into the “Cultural Closets” of Black & Hispanic Gen Z’s & their parents to discover what they are keeping, throwing out & adding, including elements crucial to cultural literacy, the value of “cultural comfort,” trust circles and stressors  

HMC Research Chair   Nancy Tellet .  

Media Tech Webinar image

Media, Technology & the Escalating Power of Culture in Content

Content is culture! Learn how multicultural Gen Zers stack up when it comes to tech obsession and content at their fingertips. What are they watching, and who’s getting it right? With SVOD, YouTube and social media featuring increasingly diverse & global content, how is that impacting our cultural perspective?     Presented by:

HMC Research Chair   Nancy Tellet .

Brand Breakups webinar image

Avoid Brand Break-Ups with Gen Zers and their Parents

What are the cultural “fails” that make Gen Zers (ages 13 to 17) and their parents (ages 25 to 49) break up with a brand? We’ll show you some examples of what NOT to do, who notices these gaffes and what calculated cultural risks paid off. You’ll also learn the ins and outs of brand relevance, brand discovery, price points and other values meaningful to these segments.  

HMC Research Chair  Nancy Tellet .  

Moderated by: HMC Education Chair   Victor Paredes  

Countdown to Decision 2020 image

Countdown to Decision: How Will Hispanics Influence the Vote & Direction of Our Nation

What do candidates need to do to win votes? Will Hispanics decide vote in key battleground states? What role will Census and voter registration campaigns have? With COVID-19, Black Lives Matter, immigration, voter suppression and the intersectional struggles Hispanics share with other groups, this expert panel provides their insights and predictions for the 2020 Elections.  


  • Fernando del Rincon , Host of “Conclusiones,” CNN en Español  
  • Juan Carlos Lopez , Senior Political Director and Anchor of DirectoUSA/Choque de Opiniones, CNN en Español  
  • Lori Montenegro,  Head of Telemundo Noticias and Bureau Chief for Telemundo Washington DC Office  
  • Janet Rodriguez , White House Correspondent, Univision Network  

Moderated by: HMC Education Chair  Victor Paredes.  

Cultural Intersection webinar image

The Cultural Intersection of Politics, Issues & Movements -- What Marketers Need to Know

In addition to a pandemic, social justice movements and an election, 2020 marked the first time a generation–the 17-and-under segment–became a multicultural majority. HMC conducted quantitative and qualitative research among Gen Z (ages 13 to 17) and their parents (ages 25 to 49) to see how they view themselves, the world around them, and socio-political issues. Hear the results of this landmark study—spoiler alert: everything is culture!  

Moderated by: HMC Education Chair   Victor Paredes.  

U.S. flag

An official website of the United States government

Here’s how you know

The .gov means it’s official. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Before sharing sensitive information, make sure you’re on a federal government site.

The site is secure. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration logo

National Integrated Drought Information System

Wyoming Conditions and Outlooks Webinar

Three buffalo on a dried out pasture, representing drought impacts on Wyoming.

The Wyoming Conditions & Monitoring Team and partners invite you to attend the Wyoming Conditions & Outlooks public webinar on Thursday, March 21 from 1–2 p.m. MT. 

Presenters will outline current conditions throughout the state, such as soil moisture, streamflow, and reservoir levels, to help participants to understand why the U.S. Drought Monitor currently appears the way it does. The National Weather Service will provide a more near-term forecast. Other seasonally relevant information will be presented.

Questions? Contact Windy Kelley at [email protected] .

Intermountain West

Missouri river basin.

University of Wyoming logo

University of Wyoming

U.S. Department of Agriculture logo

Northern Plains Climate Hub

U.S. Geological Survey logo

U.S. Geological Survey

U.S. Bureau of Reclamation logo

U.S. Bureau of Reclamation

National weather service (nws).

Bureau of Land Management

Bureau of Land Management

Soil moisture seminar series: water resource applications of soil moisture monitoring: case studies from the colorado river headwaters, north central u.s. climate and drought summary and outlook webinar: march 2024, looking for state or local maps.

The Current Conditions page features national conditions. You can also explore maps of current and future conditions by state , watershed , county , or city .

U.S. flag

An official website of the United States government Here’s how you know keyboard_arrow_down

An official website of the United States government

The .gov means it’s official. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Before sharing sensitive information, make sure you’re on a federal government site.

The site is secure. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely.

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United States Patent and Trademark Office - An Agency of the Department of Commerce

SOaR webinar: Federal Circuit decision case studies impacting design application examination

Published on: 03/15/2024 10:14 AM

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    In this post, I'll be showing you a case where we tripled conversions on a landing page by 244% in 2 weeks. This was a huge win, and I'm excited to show you… This was a huge win, and I'm excited to show you exactly how we did it - so you can take…

  21. Mobile Marketing eBooks, Webinars, Case Studies

    Case Study Growth Marketing How PayMaya Uses Automated Campaigns to Let More Customers Shop, Stream, Book, and Buy. Case Study Engagement ... Webinar Growth Marketing How Omni-Channel Mobile Marketing Can Drive ROI. Whitepaper User Acquisition The Art of Onboarding Mobile App Users.

  22. Put Marketing at the Core of Your Growth Strategy

    Companies that make the decision to put marketing at the core of their growth strategy outperform the competition, according to McKinsey research. Specifically, both B2C and B2B companies who view ...

  23. B2B Marketing Case Study

    Explore 16 real-life B2B Marketing case studies from actual businesses. We gathered insights from founders, CEOs, and marketing managers. Discover practical strategies beyond traditional advertising and paid media. Rather than reinventing the wheel, learn from the experiences of industry professionals.

  24. Events and Webinars

    Influencer marketing has exploded over the past couple decades with today's value surpassing $11 billion at a compounded aggregated growth rate (CAGR) of 33.4% from 2022 to 2030. That growth far outpaces the Global Movie Theatre market which is growing at a CAGR of only 4.50% from 2022 to 2028.

  25. Wyoming Conditions and Outlooks Webinar

    The Wyoming Conditions & Monitoring Team and partners will host the Wyoming Conditions & Outlooks public webinar on Thursday, March 21 from 1-2 p.m. MT. ... Case Studies from the Colorado River Headwaters. Mar 21 2024. North Central U.S. Climate and Drought Summary and Outlook Webinar: March 2024. Mar 21 2024. Wyoming Conditions and Outlooks ...

  26. SOaR webinar: Federal Circuit decision case studies impacting design

    If so, please join us on Tuesday, April 16, from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. ET or Wednesday, April 17, from 3-4:30 p.m. ET for a free webinar on the impact of these three specific U.S. Circuit Court rulings. The course is the same on both dates.