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CS508 Solved Grand Quiz Spring 2021

  • March 20, 2024


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1_______was designed primarily for system simulationSimula
2Which of the following is not a discrete type in ada.String Type
3The property list in LISP is a substitute of______.C/C++ Structure
4Which of the following operator is used for pattern matching is SNOBOL?(Space)
5In SNOBOL, we can create new pattern by____ two or more pattern.Concatenating
6A_____ is used to signify a potentially infinite loop in ada.Simple loop
7The design and evaluation of a particular_____ is highly dependent on the domain in which it is to used.Programming language
8“Everything for everybody” was the motive of the languagePL/1
9Which of following is not part of standard SNOBOL4 statement structure?END
10The first programming language was______. Developed by Zuse in isolation.Plankalkul
11The tools we use have a profound (and devious!) influence on our____ habits and. Therefore, on our thinking abilities.Thinking
12Which of the following functions assigns value 5 to symbol y.?>(setq y 5)
13_____ was considered good for describing algorithms.ALGOL
14______ was developed at Bell labs by Stroustrup. It evolved from C and SIMULA 67.C++
15What is maximum length of variable name is Snobol?120
16The first programming language to support Recursion was_____.LISP
17Two important versions of LISP are_________.Scheme and Common Lisp
18Pascal language was popular in Colleges and universities to teach:Structured Programming
19_____was developed at Sun in the early  1990s and is based on C++.Java
20To implement a counter-controlled loop in LISP. Which of the following statement is used?Dotimes
21Measure of______ is considered as the cost of writing programming language.Productivity
22_____ was the era when programming language design took an empirical approach.1950s
23_____ are a type of Aliasing.Pointers
24Some languages allow special keywords for signaling the start and of a construct. Making it more______ and less prone to errors.Readable
25In the Decimal fixed point type. The distance between values is implemented as a power of______.10
26Following are some of the reasons for studying concepts related to different programming languages EXCEPT.Increased capability to design communication links
27Which of the following statement is correct about SNOBOL?Poor Readability poor Writability
28A query given to a PROLOG system:Is a pattern matching exercise
29A loop in which condition is tested after executing the body of loop post-test loop. Which of the following post-test loop is not supported in Ads language?‘do while’ loop
30Which of the following is an incorrect option from the following statements regarding ‘objectives of learning new languages ’?   Help in understanding the language privacy policy.  
31Computer architecture has a major influence on the design of programming language.    True
32A language that is more orthogonal is usually more _________.   Readable
33The variable name has profound effect on _______________. Readability
34Following factors influences a portable language design EXCEPT.Programmer’s time   
35In SONOBOL TABLES can be used in a manner similar to ___.Array
36Programming Language is basically a tool for instructing a computer to perform specified set of task.   True  
37Initial version of SONOBOL only supports __________ and stringInteger
38COBOL is mainly designed for _______.   Business application
39Following are imperative languages EXCEPT   LISP
40Binary operator in SONOBOL must have at least ________ spaces on both sides.1
41_______ was the first object oriented language.   SIMULA
42COBOL was the first language that brings the concept of__________.Records
43_____ are a type of Aliasing. Arrays
44A space is used as _____ for concatenation.   Operator
45The space operator in SNOBOL has _____ precedence than arithmetic operators.Lower
46First electronic computer was _________ ENIAC
47SNOBOL was designed for ___________ purpose.   String manipulation
48SONOBOL can the size of the array be determined at run time.Yes
49SIZE function in SONOBOL language is used to return the size of _________String
50PROLOG represent _______________ paradigmDeclarative
51SONOBOL is case _______   In- Sensitive
52If a language provides a feature of referencing a variable in more than one way then we say that  the language provides _________.   Aliasing
53For immediate value assignment ______ sign is used$
54Pattern. Variable Upon successful completion of pattern matching, the substring matched by the pattern is assigned to the variable as ________ .  Value
55Indirect referencing in SONOBOL is same as of _____in C.  Pointers   
56The declarative language among the following is.PROLOG
57Learning the implementation details of a language helps in the efficient use of that language.True
58Too much Orthogonality reduces Readability.   False
59In SONOBOL 2 spaces can be used, the purpose of 1st space is for _____ and 2nd for.Pattern matching, String Concatenation   
60Too much simplicity in language design can also cause problems. False
61Computer architecture has a major influence on the design of programming language.True
62_____________ was considered good for describing algorithms.  ALGOL
63PROLOG represent _______________ paradigm. Declarative
64We can have nested procedures in _________ language. Ada
65____ is used to give comments in Ada language.4)——-
66Ada is a _____________ language.   Strongly Typed
67In LISP, ___________ is the main tool used for iteration.Recursion
68Following statement returns the union of the two list in LISP.   >(union L1 L2)
69One of the major design goals of Ada help develop an IDE for Ada 
70It is always better to find out the mistakes in the code at ________. Compile time   
71___________ is an important feature of Ada language used in embedded systems and operating systems. It is used in managing parallel threads of controls.  Tasking
72The __________ of while loop in Ada is same as in C.   Semantics
73The main design goals of Ada were EXCEPT.  Design language for DoD
74Lists can be constructed with the help of three basic functions which are ___________.cons, list and append
75Two important versions of LISP are _________________. Scheme and Common Lisp
76Block statement in Ada is very different to a block in C. False
77Following is the correct syntax of ‘for’ statement in Ada.For variable in low value.  High- value loop – Loop body goes here end loop;
78A concept similar to Classes in Ada is called _____. Packages
79Indexes of arrays in Ada DO NOT start from.0
80In C# Managed code is executed under the control of CRLCRL
81__is more strongly typed language then ____C#, C++
82. In C# the value type and reference type variable are interconvert able through ________None of the given
83PHP supported all major Databases including_________.ODBC
84Object in java script can be accessed through ……… None of the above
85 In SONOBOL the size of the array can be determined at time
86In ____ model in Javascript, we can address the client web browser. (kuch esa hi tha thik se yad nae) BOM
87_____ Language has finally clause.Java

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CS101 Assignment 1 Solution Fall 2021 - VU Answer

CS101 Assignment No 1 Solution Fall 2021

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Total Marks: 20 

Due Date: 14 Dec 2021

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1. To understand the practical implementation of the Number System and learn how to convert numbers from decimal to binary or binary to decimal.

2. To understand the concept of Addition in binary Boolean Logical Operations.

3. To understand the basic concept of Boolean Logical Operations .

Question 1:

Hint: Use the following 8-bit floating-point notation to convert these values.

vu solved assignments 2021

Encode the following decimal fractional value to binary floating-point notation using the 8-bit floating-point format.

The number is negative so sign bit notation is 1. o First convert 3.5 into a Binary of 3.5



0.5 * 2 =







3.5 = 011.1

Mantissa field: 0111 radix in .0111 must be moved 3-bit to the right to obtain 011.1 So exponent is positive 3 

The final 8-bit floating-point notation is









3.5 decimal fractional value is using 8-bit floating-point notation is -11110111

Decode the following 8-bit floating point binary value to decimal fractional value.

The mantissa is: .1100

Exponent: 010 It is in 3-bit excess notation-4

-2 Exponent is negative so shift radix (.1100) left.

001100 Convert it into decimal fractional value .001100 is equal to .0011.
















0 + 0 + 1/8 + 1/6


Question 2:

Perform the binary addition on the following decimal numbers:

46 3 8 and 92 7 8

Convert into binary

46 3 8 =101110.0110

92 7 8 = 1011100.1110

Perform addition

1+1=0 (1 carry)

1+1+1=1(1 carry)









































Question 3:

The logical operations (AND, OR, NOT, and XOR etc.) discussed in the video lessons can be combined to perform some specific operations. Two such operations (circuits) are depicted in the first column “Circuits” of the following table. You are required to determine the output of each of the following circuits for the input values given in column 2 and column 3.


What would be the output when the upper input is 1 and the lower input is 0?

What would be the output when upper input is 0 and the lower input is 1?



Output   0

Output 0


Output 0

Output 1

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Virtual University Solved Papers

In many countries, there are institutions or universities that offer online courses and degree programs. These universities are often referred to as virtual universities because they deliver education over the Internet. Students can attend classes, submit assignments, and interact with instructors and fellow students online. The concept of a virtual university is closely tied to the idea of distance education and e-learning. The Virtual University of Pakistan is a prominent example. It’s a public university in Pakistan that offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs through online learning. It’s designed to provide education to students who cannot attend traditional brick-and-mortar universities for various reasons. Vustudy is the Pakistani Top Mcqs website for Virtual University Students, where you can find a lot of Mcqs of all Subjects. The Virtual University of Pakistan is a public university located in the urban area Head Office M.A Jinnah Campus, Defense Road, and Off Raiwind Road Lahore Punjab, Pakistan. University Encourages Modern Information and Communication Technologies. Using this site, Students can get many benefits that can help with their studies. This site follows the unique ideas that were first introduced to students of a virtual university. The purpose of this site is to help students who use information technology.

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Samara Oblast, Russia

The capital city of Samara oblast: Samara .

Samara Oblast - Overview

Samara Oblast is a federal subject of Russia located in the southeastern part of European Russia, in the middle reaches of the Volga River, part of the Volga Federal District. Samara is the capital city of the region.

The population of Samara Oblast is about 3,132,000 (2022), the area - 53,565 sq. km.

Samara oblast flag

Samara oblast coat of arms.

Samara oblast coat of arms

Samara oblast map, Russia

Samara oblast latest news and posts from our blog:.

15 February, 2020 / Syzran - the view from above .

4 April, 2019 / Cities of Russia at Night - the Views from Space .

26 January, 2018 / Samara - the view from above .

4 December, 2017 / Stadiums and Matches of the World Cup 2018 in Russia .

21 November, 2016 / Park of the History of Equipment in Tolyatti .

More posts..

History of Samara Oblast

The territory of the present Samara region became part of the Russian state in the middle of the 16th century, after the Kazan and Astrakhan khanates were conquered by the Russian state. In the 17th-18th centuries, the territory around the middle Volga was colonized by migrants from other regions of Russia and foreigners (in particular, the Volga Germans).

The intensified colonization of the region began only in the second half of the 18th century. From the mid 19th century, this region experienced economic growth. Samara became an important center of the Russian domestic grain market, which led to the development of trade and industry in the city. In 1851, Samara became the center of Samara guberniya (province).

In 1935, Samara was renamed into Kuybyshev (the historical name was returned in 1990). In Soviet times, industrialization had a serious impact on the development of the region. Construction of plants producing explosives, poisonous substances and ammunition began in the town of Chapayevsk.

During the Second World War, the region became one of the centers of the defense industry of the USSR. In 1941, an oil processing plant was put into operation in Syzran providing the army with fuel. Several aviation plants were evacuated to Kuybyshev from Moscow and Voronezh. They started production of “Il-2” attack aircraft.

More Historical Facts…

In 1942, a railway passed through Syzran to supply Soviet troops during the Stalingrad Battle. In 1941-1943, diplomatic missions of foreign countries to the USSR were located in Kuybyshev (Samara). In 1941, there were plans for transferring the capital of the country to Kuybyshev in case the German troops capture Moscow.

In the 1950s-1960s, this region was one of the leading centers of oil extracting in the USSR. In 1945-1951, Kuybyshev and Novokuybyshev oil processing plants were built. At the same time, construction of Zhiguli hydroelectric power station was resumed. It was put into operation in 1955. Because of this construction, the town of Stavropol was flooded and was rebuilt in a new place and received a new name - Tolyatti.

Later, the construction base created during the construction of Zhiguli hydroelectric power station was used to create a series of other large industrial enterprises in Tolyatti - “KuybyshevAzot” mineral fertilizer plant, “Tolyattikauchuk” synthetic rubber plant (1964-1966), the Volga Automobile Plant (1970), and the largest in the country and the world manufacturer of ammonia “TolyattiAzot” (1979).

At the same time, aviation production was expanded. Kuibyshev Aviation Plant began production of the most mass Soviet passenger medium-haul aircraft Tu-154. The Soviet rocket space program orders were also fulfilled at this plant (“Progress” rockets).

In the post Soviet period, due to saved economic potential, Samara oblast has become one of the main economic centers of the country.

Samara Oblast views

Samara Oblast scenery

Samara Oblast scenery

Author: Dmitriy Siryachenko

Winter in Samara Oblast

Winter in Samara Oblast

Author: Ochin Vladimir

Samara Oblast scenery

Author: Alexander Urgalkin

Samara Oblast - Features

Samara Oblast stretches from north to south for 335 km, and from west to east - for 315 km. The climate is moderately continental. The average temperature in July is plus 20.7 degrees Celsius, in January - minus 13.8 degrees Celsius.

The largest cities and towns of the region are Samara (1,137,000), Tolyatti (685,600), Syzran (163,000), Novokuybyshevsk (98,400), Chapaevsk (70,100), Zhigulevsk (50,000), Otradny (47,000).

The main resources of the Samara region are oil, natural gas, shale oil, various building materials, water resources. The local industry is presented by about 400 large and medium plants and over 4,000 small ones. The most developed industries are machine building (automotive industry) and metalworking, fuel, electric power, chemical and petrochemical, non-ferrous metallurgy.

AvtoVAZ is the largest manufacturer of cars in Russia and Eastern Europe. TogliattiAzot is the largest producer of ammonia in the world (about 8-10%). The 300-kilometer section of the main ammonia pipeline Togliatti-Odessa passes through the territory of the region.

Crop production specializes in the cultivation of wheat, barley, millet, buckwheat, sunflower, vegetables, and potatoes. Livestock is represented by production of cattle meat and milk, pigs, poultry.

Tourism in Samara Oblast

There are 19 monuments of archeology, more than 1,200 cultural monuments, 11 theaters, and 58 museums on the territory of the Samara region. The cities of Samara, Syzran and Tolyatti are included in the List of Historical Settlements of the Russian Federation.

The most developed areas of tourism: sightseeing tourism, cruises along the Volga River, medical and recreational, ecological, event, rural, and ethnographic tourism, caving tourism, bicycle and horse routes.

The most interesting sights:

  • The buildings of the Samara Drama Theater and the Samara Opera and Ballet Theater,
  • Stalin’s Bunker, House with Elephants, Klodt Mansion, Zhigulevsky Brewery in Samara,
  • Samara Space Museum,
  • Church of Sergius of Radonezh in Chapaevsk,
  • Kremlin, Sterlyadkin Mansion in Syzran,
  • Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in the village of Verhnee Sancheeleevo,
  • Museum of the History of Technology in Tolyatti,
  • House-museum of Ilya Repin in the village of Shiryaevo,
  • Sarbai Center of Folk Crafts in the village of Sarbai,
  • Center for Historical Modeling “Ancient World” with the dwellings of the Stone and Bronze Ages,
  • Zhiguli State Nature Reserve and Samarskaya Luka National Park - a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Zhiguli Mountains are the largest mountain range in the region and, at the same time, one of the most beautiful places in Russia.

Annual festivals taking place in the Samara region:

  • All-Russia festival of the author’s song named after Valery Grushin (the first weekend of July),
  • “World of Bards” (in the end of August),
  • Festival of electronic music and extreme sports GES FEST (the second week of July),
  • “The Battle of Timur and Tokhtamysh”,
  • “Steppe races in the Samara estate of Leo Tolstoy”,
  • International festival “Drums of the World” (June),
  • Holiday “Syzran tomato” (mid-August),
  • “Holiday of a cherry pie” in the village of Shiryaevo,
  • International festival “Theatrical Circle” in Tolyatti,
  • Festival of Classical Ballet named after Alla Shelest.

Samara oblast of Russia photos

Nature of samara oblast.

Field road in the Samara region

Field road in the Samara region

Dandelions in Samara Oblast

Dandelions in Samara Oblast

Author: Vladimir Baboshin

Samara Oblast landscape

Samara Oblast landscape

Pictures of the Samara region

Soviet past in the Samara region

Soviet past in the Samara region

Author: Dyomin Ivan

Church in Samara Oblast

Church in Samara Oblast

Author: B.Yartsev

Churches in the Samara region

Churches in the Samara region

Author: Sergey Bulanov

  • Currently 3.02/5

Rating: 3.0 /5 (251 votes cast)

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Ivan Kuzmichev

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    ASSIGNMENT# Fall 2021 VU Student ID: MC. Total marks: 15 Due Date: 14 December, 2021. Question 01: Marks= With the help of a Truth table, justify your answer that the following statement is NOT a contradiction. ( p q q p ) (~ ~ ) Solution: The truth table of given statement is as follows: Truth Table

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  20. Samara Oblast (Russia): Cities and Settlements in Population

    59.20/km² Density [2021] Population. The population of Samara Oblast according to census results and latest official estimates. Name Native Status Population Census 1989-01-12 Population Census 2002-10-09 Population Census 2010-10-14 Population Census 2021-10-01 ; Samara Oblast:

  21. Samara Oblast Map

    Samara Oblast is a region in the Middle Volga, bordering Ulyanovsk Oblast to the west, Tatarstan to the north, Orenburg Oblast to the east, and Saratov Oblast to the south. Photo: Brandmeister, Public domain. Photo: Юрий Гусев, CC BY-SA 3.0. Ukraine is facing shortages in its brave fight to survive. Please support Ukraine, as Ukraine ...

  22. Samara Oblast, Russia guide

    Samara Oblast - Overview. Samara Oblast is a federal subject of Russia located in the southeastern part of European Russia, in the middle reaches of the Volga River, part of the Volga Federal District. Samara is the capital city of the region. The population of Samara Oblast is about 3,132,000 (2022), the area - 53,565 sq. km.

  23. Ivan Kuzmichev

    Main position: Centre-Back. Facts and data . Name in home country: Кузьмичев Иван Александрович Date of birth/Age: Oct 20, 2000 (23) Place of birth: Togliatti, Samara Oblast Height: 1,96 m Citizenship: Russia Position: Defender - Centre-Back Foot: right Player agent: MV Team Current club: Torpedo Moscow Joined: Feb 21, 2024 Contract expires: Dec 31, 2024 Contract ...