AssignToday Blog

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10 Essential Things To Know About Real Estate Assignment Sale (For Sellers)

What is an assignment.

As the name implies, an assignment is when the original buyer of a property gives up their rights to that contract and assigns it to another buyer (Assignee). 

An assignment is different from a sale of property because in a sale both parties (the seller and buyer) are involved; and in an assignment, the seller transfers their rights, interest and benefits under their contract to another buyer. The seller can assign their contract before or after closing day.

When does someone need to assign a real estate purchase contract?

When should you assign your contract?

If you are unable to complete the purchase of a property for whatever reason, but would like to move forward with another buyer and give them an opportunity to buy the property at an agreed upon price, then an assignment may be right for you. Some common reasons why someone might need to assign a real estate purchase contract include:

  • Financial hardship due to job loss or sudden illness
  • Move to different city/ country
  • Personal reasons like marriage, children or birth of newborn
  • Death or incapacitation of the original buyer
  • Loss of financing
  • Original buyer looking to sell off to earn profit (speculative buying)

Is it legal to assign a contract?

The short answer is yes, it’s legal to assign contracts. However, there are certain things you need to know about how this process works before you decide whether or not you want to go through with it.

The first thing you should know is that assigning a contract isn’t a casual decision—it’s a legal document. When you sign an assignment agreement, you’re entering into an agreement with another party (the buyer) where they agree to take over your responsibilities under the original contract.

The second thing worth mentioning here is that while assignments aren’t necessarily uncommon occurrences––especially when dealing with multiple parties––they can be tricky because they often involve changing hands during different stages of closing proceedings which can make things unnecessarily complicated sometimes if not done correctly or thoroughly enough beforehand

How do assignments work?

An assignment is a transfer of a seller’s interest in the contract. In other words, it’s when a buyer assigns their rights under a contract to someone else. This can happen before closing or after closing and both scenarios have different implications for the original buyer (the assignor), as well as the new buyer who has taken over their position (the assignee).

Here’s how it works: The assignor transfers his or her interest in the contract to another person—this is known as an “assignment.” In order for this transfer to take place legally, four conditions must be met:

  • Both parties must agree on how much money will be exchanged between them;
  • Any existing obligations between either party must be transferred over without interruption;
  • All future obligations that arise from signing onto this agreement must also be transferred over without disruption;
  • And finally, if there are any fees associated with making this switch then those need to be paid

Are there any restrictions on assignments of purchase contracts?

The answer, in a nutshell: No.

The law does not restrict assignments of purchase contracts. In other words, if you want to assign your contract to another buyer or seller, you can do so freely and without penalty—as long as both parties have signed the contract and the sale has closed (or gone into escrow).

Can I assign my purchase contract to anyone?

The answer to this question is a resounding Yes.

You can assign your contract to anyone you like, as long as they meet the seller’s requirements for buyers.

For example, if your purchase contract requires that buyers have good credit and that they put down 20% in earnest money, then only someone who meets these criteria will be able to take over your contract.

So, who might assign their purchase contract? Here are some examples:

  • Family members
  • Friends (or friends-of-friends)
  • Real estate agents (particularly agents who specialize in assignments)

Can the buyer and seller agree to set a price for the contract assignment before it happens?

The answer is Yes, but it’s not necessary or recommended.

The reason is that once an assignment has been documented, there are no further negotiations between the buyer and seller on that contract. So there’s no need for any further discussion about price in advance of closing (unless you want to include some kind of non-binding agreement).

If you want to see what your property might sell for when it comes time to assign your contract, talk with an agent who specializes in negotiating contracts after they have already been signed by both parties.

What happens to deposits paid by the original buyer (the assignor)?

  • The deposit is usually returned to the assignor.
  • The deposit is sometimes not returned to the assignor (typically if the buyer was a good one)
  • The deposit is always returned to the original buyer if that person is still in contract with you and wants to take over as their own private party sale (PPS).

How do I find an end buyer for my property assignment?

There are several ways you can find an end buyer for your property assignment:

  • Ask your real estate agent. Your agent should know of buyers interested in purchasing assignments, or at least be able to refer you to someone who can help.
  • Ask your real estate lawyer (or real estate broker). Your attorney may also be able to refer you to a buyer’s attorney he or she knows and trusts personally, many lawyers have clients looking for properties like yours all the time
  • Submit Your Assignment on Assign Today. Post your property on AssignToday.Com , lot of buyers are looking to take advantage of assignment sale via our website.

If you’re thinking of buying and selling a pre-construction home, you should understand how real estate assignment sales work.

In short: An assignment sale allows buyers who have already put down their deposits on a property to transfer their contract over to another buyer.

This means that while they are still legally obligated to complete the deal, they can make a profit by selling their right to buy the home at its current market value.

The seller will then go ahead with the original sale and collect an additional commission for facilitating this transaction.

While this might sound like an easy way for sellers to make money off of homes that haven’t sold yet (and potentially even get paid twice), there are some things you should keep in mind before taking advantage of real estate assignment sales yourself: you should connect with the Real Estate Professional who specializes in buying and selling preconstruction homes.

Meghna Negi

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A Comprehensive Guide To Selling Your Assignment Condo

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Trying to resell your preconstruction condo before closing? This blog is for you. Assignment sales are more complicated compared to their resale counterparts, but with some guidance, the process is easy. 

An assignment sale is a sale where the original buyers of a condo or home resell their contract to another buyer before closing. The most common type of assignment is a preconstruction condo assignment. Preconstruction condo assignments are prevalent because of the time lag between purchasing the home and the move-in date. While condo assignments might be the most popular type of assignment, any real estate contract is assignable. This blog is going to discuss condo assignments since they are the most prevalent, but *most* of the details apply to assigning a home or commercial preconstruction property as well.

In the GTA, our preconstruction market is booming. Toronto alone sees around 30,000 new home completions a year. Around 70% of preconstruction purchasers are investors. The remaining 30% of buyers are end-users who plan to use the property themselves. However, many investors, and end-users, might decide to sell the property before the final closing. Since there is no title to transfer, these buyers have to assign their contract to the next buyer. 

What is a preconstruction condo assignment sale?

An assignment is when the original buyers of a preconstruction condo decide to sell their contract with the builder to another buyer before the home is complete. This differs from a regular real estate transaction because we are not buying or selling a home, rather we are buying or selling an interest in a contract to purchase a home once it’s complete. Essentially, the buyers are taking over the seller’s place in the contract with the builder. The new buyer pays the seller their deposits back, as well as any profit. In trying times, there might not be profit, and in extreme cases, the sellers might walk away from their deposits.

Assignments are like the wild-west equivalent of real estate. The buyers are called assignees, the sellers are called assignors, and there is no fixed closing date! You heard that right, the buyer purchases the contract not knowing whether it will close in 4 weeks, 6 weeks, or 8 weeks. In many cases, the buyers only have a rough estimate for the final closing of the property as well.

assignment sale specialist

Every builder’s agreement of purchase and sale is different, so every assignment sale is different. You need legal and accounting advice before, during, and after an assignment sale. A real estate agent’s job in the transaction is to find a buyer, negotiate the contract, and coordinate the sale from start to finish. Your real estate agent might also connect you with accountants, and lawyers who can help make the necessary legal and tax declarations.

The Builder’s Role In Assignments:

Sellers often misinterpret their rights to assign in their purchase agreements with their builder. In the showroom, builders are quick to say their contract is assignable if you want to flip your contract before closing. However, builders can control when, how, and to whom you sell your contract.

It’s important to follow the rules set out by your builder when marketing your assignment. Deviating from the builder’s purchase contract can result in you losing your deposits!

Since all preconstruction home assignments require the builder’s consent, it’s important to prepare the file for their consent at your earliest convenience. The builder will want the same information they collected from you when you first purchased the home: full names, current address, sin, IDs (front and back), telephone number, emails, mortgage pre-approval letter,  lawyer information… they will also want the buyer to replace all your cheques. Those could be cheques for future deposits, or cheques for interim occupancy fees. It’s important to advise the buyers to prepare all of this information before submitting the file to the builder, so there is limited delay assigning the property.

How do you sell an assignment condo?

The first step to selling your assignment is to review your original purchase agreement. The builder’s purchase agreement outlines restrictions and fees associated with assignments. An experienced realtor or lawyer can also review the contract with you. Next, email your builder’s customer service account and ask for permission to advertise the property for sale.

It’s important to thoroughly understand your preconstruction agreement, because some incentives offered to you might not be transferable to the buyer. Builders often offer incentives to direct buyers to stimulate sales. However, they sometimes make these incentives non-transferable. That could mean the free design dollars, or the capped development levies might not be available to the next buyer. It’s important not to advertise incentives that aren’t transferable.

The second step is to hire a Realtor to advise you on current market conditions. Your realtor will discuss marketing options as well as help you decide on a market price. There is a strong chance the builder will prohibit MLS listings of their properties. However, many builders will allow online marketing in places like Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and brokerage websites.

While is the best marketing platform out there, buyers looking for assignments know to look elsewhere. Don’t worry if you cannot market on One of the advantages of Sotheby’s International Realty Canada is our vast marketing platform outside of

Important Dates:

The first date you need to consider is the assignment closing date. This is the date the assignee officially takes over the contract from the assignor. On average, assignment closing happens within 3-6 weeks after an offer is accepted. This is when the assignee becomes the new owner of the property, and the assignee receives some of their deposit/profit back.

The second date to consider is the interim occupancy date. When buying preconstruction condos, there is usually a period between when the unit is ready for occupancy and before the building has registered with the city. Since no title exists yet, you cannot get a mortgage. Instead, during this time, you move in and pay the builder rent until final closing. Interim occupancy can last from months to years. During interim occupancy, buyers have the chance to view the unit which could help sell the home. Interim occupancy is when most assignment sales take place.

The third date you need to know is the final closing date. This is the date that the building registers with the city and the assignee pays the builder the balance of the purchase price, land transfer taxes, closing costs etc. Sometimes, assignees will negotiate to pay some of the assignors profit on final closing date, so they can roll it into the mortgage.

What Is Negotiable During An Assignment Sale:

Since the contract with the builder is already firm and binding, there can be no changes to that contract. The buyer is merely stepping into the seller’s shoes, in exchange for their deposits and profits. The assignment contract negotiates the purchase price and the deposit structure. The purchase price will indicate how much profit (or loss) the assignor receives in the transaction.

The payment schedule of an assignment is dependent on whether there is a profit or not. If the seller is making a profit or breaking even, then the buyers are expected to refund the full deposit paid-to-date by the sellers. In many cases, that is 20% of the original purchase price. If the seller is losing money on the assignment, then the buyers will bring a deposit for less than the deposits already paid to the seller. The deposit is due upon acceptance of the offer.

If there is profit, the assignee and assignor will negotiate when that profit is paid out. Remember when we mentioned the three important dates? the assignment closing, the interim occupancy date, and the final closing date? well, when it comes to negotiating when to pay the assignor their profit, we usually pick one of these dates to pay out the assignor’s profit.

The expected final closing is an important consideration for buyers when negotiating when to pay the assignor’s profit. The longer the final closing date, the more risk for the buyer. The reason? there is always a small risk the condo developer cancels the project. If a condo developer cancels the project, the buyers are returned their deposits paid-to-date. However, if a buyer has paid an assignor $100,000 in profit, that money is gone. So if there is a long closing, expect buyers to protect their final deposits by delaying it till interim occupancy, or final closing.

Conditions In Assignment Sales

After finding a buyer, the first hurdle to overcome is negotiating a fair deal. Once both parties are satisfied with the terms of the contract, we make the deal conditional on the lawyer’s review. This gives both the buyer and seller a chance to have the assignment contract, as well as the original purchase agreement, reviewed by a lawyer. Once both parties have spoken to their lawyers and are happy to continue, we put the deal to the developer to approve the new buyer. This condition usually lasts around 30 days. If the developer does not approve the new buyer within 30 days, the deal will become null and void, unless the buyer and seller both agree to extend that condition.

Once the developer accepts the buyer, the assignment will happen within a few days. Most contracts outline an assignment closing within 5 business days after the developer gives their consent. Some buyers will also include financing conditions in their assignment offer, so they have time to run the deal past their mortgage broker. However, most assignments are purchased with only lawyer review and developer consent conditions.

Here’s an example of selling an assignment for profit vs selling an assignment for a loss:

Below are four examples of the deposit/profit payment schedule for assignments.

Example 1 is a fantastic example of a preconstruction condo that appreciated $100,000. In this typical example, the assignee and assignor agreed to a deposit big enough to return all of the assignor’s deposits, as well as some extra profit to cover Realtor commissions. This deposit is usually transferred to the listing brokerage within 1 day of the offer being accepted and is released to the assignor on assignment closing. In this example, the assignor and assignee also agreed to pay the seller the rest of their profit at the final closing.

Example 2 shows the same conditions for the sale, except the assignee agreed to pay the assignor their full deposit and all their profit on the assignment closing date, instead of the final closing date.

Example 3 looks at an assignment where the assignor is taking a $100,000 loss. Instead of being paid their whole deposit on assignment closing, they are paid their deposit minus the difference between the purchase price and the sale price.

Example 4 is a rare case, where the market has turned significantly and the assignor is looking to transfer their assignment for $0. This means the assignor is walking away from all their deposits and will take no money to transfer their contract to the assignee.

What Does It Cost To Sell An Assignment condo:

The major fees when selling an assignment include the builder’s assignment fee, real estate commissions, and tax on the profit. Builder’s assignment fees usually range from $1500-$25,000 (in some extreme cases they go as high as $80,000). The assignor usually pays both the assignor and the assignee’s realtor commissions. The commission is something to negotiate with your agent. The total commission is usually 5% or less of the final sale price. There are likely taxes such as income tax, capital gains tax, or HST on the sale as well. Speak to your accountant about taxes due on the assignment sale.

Taxes due on an assignment sale:

The taxes on assignments are simple, however, buyers and sellers often confuse the HST taxes. That’s because there are two different HST taxes when talking about preconstruction assignments. Let’s clarify this! All new homes are subject to HST, however, end-users don’t notice the HST tax because the builder pays it and claims a $24,000 rebate on the end-user’s behalf. Alternatively, investors who purchase a pre-construction home are charged around $24,000 in HST, and are then able to claim a rebate for the HST they paid, if they rent the property out for one year. There are situations where an assignment will lose its eligibility for the HST rebate. If someone has lived in the home during interim occupancy, it will no longer be eligible for the end-user HST rebate.

The second HST tax we discuss when selling an assignment is the HST due on the profit. In many cases, the profit is subject to a 13% HST tax. In some cases, even the return of deposits is subject to HST.

The third tax is the income or capital gains tax on the profit. Any real estate property that is not your primary residence, as well as any business venture, is taxable as either a capital gain or as income. It’s really important to speak to an accountant before selling your assignment. Only an accountant can advise you whether you owe HST, capital taxes, or income taxes on your assignment sale.

Is it better to sell an assignment or wait till the condo is ready?

The pros to assigning a condo:

  • Receive your deposits and profit sooner
  • Avoid market risks. Savvy investors might look to assign their property if they sense the market might depreciate in the coming months/years.
  • Avoid paying closing costs (land transfer taxes, development levies, utility hookups, and more). These usually come to a little more than 5.5% of the purchase price
  • No mortgage or financing required
  • Minimize holding costs (if you sell before interim occupancy or before final closing, there are no property taxes, maintenance fees, utility fees, insurance, mortgage, etc)

Cons to assigning a condo

  • Developer restrictions (limiting the marketing of the property, limiting when they are accepting assignments)
  • Market perception and buyer’s hesitancy when buying a property sight-unseen
  • Market fluctuations suppressing buyer demand
  • Limited buyer pool and most of the buyers are investors who want a good deal
  • Usually sell for a lower price than comparable resale properties
  • Financing challenges for the buyer if the property does not appraise at the new purchase price
  • Potentially more taxes compared to closing and reselling

The most common mistakes when selling an assignment:

Hiring the wrong representation, or not relying on professional advice:.

As active realtors in the assignment market, we come across quite a few mistakes. But most of them could be avoided if the buyers and sellers were represented by experienced realtors and lawyers. The agreement of purchase and sale for an assignment is very different compared to an agreement of purchase and sale for a resale home. One of the most common mistakes we see from buyers and sellers is assuming the paperwork their realtors drafted is correct, and forgoeing their right to have their lawyer review the assignment paperwork.

Poor communication/understanding:

This happened to my assignment buyers recently. They purchased a home where the seller’s representative told us the finishes had not been chosen yet. We protected our buyers by including clauses to that degree. However, a few days after the assignment closing, we learned the sellers chose the finishes a few days before closing. Luckily, the developer allowed the buyer to make changes to the finishes at an additional fee.

Ignoring deadlines or dragging your feet:

Assignments come with a lot of moving deadlines, and there are a lot more parties involved compared to a resale property. Always return paperwork and signatures as soon as possible. Compared to a resale property where the only parties are the buyer, seller, and their agents and lawyers, an assignment involves the developer, the developer’s lawyers, the buyer and seller agents, and the buyer and seller lawyers. If everyone took 3 days to return paperwork, the conditional period would lapse and the deal would become null and void.

Incomplete Buyer Vetting:

Buying an assignment requires the assignee to have their mortgage preapproval, as well as their purchase funds available very shortly. If the assignee does not have a mortgage preapproval on hand, it could delay the developer accepting the assignment. If they do not have their funds available it could delay the quick closing as well.

It’s important to thoroughly vet buyers because some builders require the assignor to close in the rare chance the assignee cannot close.

Misunderstanding fees:

Builder’s contracts are not standard forms, and their deposit structures and closing fees can vary from site to site. There are a lot of potential fees when buying and selling assignments and they include, but are not limited to: deposits, seller’s profits, upgrades, lawyer’s fees, interim occupancy rent, utility set-up fees, development levies, realtor commissions, accountant fees, HST, and income taxes. These fees can vary from deal to deal, and when they are payable is different in every assignment. For example, some developers require the homeowner to pay for upgrades when they are chosen, and others charge for the upgrades at final closing.

If you have a preconstruction condo or home that you are thinking of assigning. Feel free to reach out to us for some advice and insight.

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What Is an Assignment Sale? Understanding the Ins and Outs of This Real Estate Process

An assignment sale occurs when the original buyer of a property (the assignor) transfers their rights and obligations of the property contract to another buyer (the assignee) before the official closing of the sale.

This process allows the assignee to step into the original purchaser's shoes, taking on the commitments of the property purchase, which could be a pre-construction condo, house, or any other form of real estate.

assignment sale specialist

Now, let's delve deeper into understanding how assignment sales work, their intricacies, and what they mean for buyers and sellers in the real estate market.

Demystifying the Elements of an Assignment Sale

Embarking on a real estate journey often introduces many terms and processes that may seem complex at first glance, with 'assignment sales' leading the pack in complexity and confusion.

Whether you're the original buyer looking to navigate away from closing costs or a savvy purchaser hunting for a valuable investment, understanding the nuts and bolts of assignment sales is an invaluable asset in the dynamic landscape of real estate.

How Assignment Sales Work

Assignment sales introduce a unique dynamic in real estate transactions, particularly in bustling markets like Vancouver Island and the Sunshine Coast .

When you buy a pre-construction unit, the property is yours, albeit not immediately ready for occupation. Life changes or financial circumstances sometimes evolve between the original purchase agreement and the final closing, necessitating a shift in plan.

Here's where assignment sales come into play. The original buyer can sell their interest in the property before the final sale, sidestepping typical hurdles like mortgage payments or land transfer taxes that come with a regular sale. This method provides a strategic avenue for purchasers to hand over their contractual obligations to another party without waiting for the property's completion.

The Assignment Clause: A Vital Cog in the Wheel

The assignment clause in the original contract is central to these types of transactions. This clause allows the transfer of the buyer's rights and responsibilities to another person.

It's crucial to understand that not all pre-construction sales agreements have an assignment clause, and most builders or developers might impose restrictions or require consent before any assignment deal can proceed.

Understanding the Financials: Costs and Fees

Engaging in assignment sales tends to involve several costs that both the buyer and seller must anticipate.

These include the assignment fee charged by the developer, legal fees for contract transfer, and possibly higher legal fees due to the complexity compared to a resale property. There could also be tax implications depending on the nature of the transaction and the parties involved.

Navigating Through the Interim Occupancy Period

A common scenario in assignment sales, especially in pre-construction condos, is dealing with the interim occupancy period.

This period arises when the assignee can take possession (though not ownership) of the unit while the property is not officially registered. During this phase, the assignee pays occupancy fees, akin to rent, which don't go towards mortgage payments.

Understanding this period helps both parties make an informed decision and prepare for the financial responsibilities it entails.

The Pros and Cons of Assignment Sales

Navigating assignment sales requires a balanced understanding of its advantages and drawbacks. While these transactions open avenues for lucrative deals and flexible arrangements, they also carry inherent risks and complexities that can impact buyers and sellers.

assignment sale specialist

This exploration will provide clear insights, aiding your decision-making in the vibrant real estate market.

The Bright Side: Benefits of Assignment Sales

  • Less Competition, More Opportunities: One advantage that makes assignment sales attractive, particularly in areas prone to bidding wars like Vancouver Island , is less competition. Fewer buyers are willing or informed about engaging in this kind of sales transaction, reducing the frenzy often seen in hot real estate markets. This situation can present a more favourable buying environment for those ready and willing to proceed with an assignment purchase.
  • Potential for a Better Deal: For buyers, assignment sales sometimes offer the opportunity to get into a brand-new unit at a potentially lower cost. Since the assignee is stepping into an existing agreement, they might benefit from the original purchase price, which could be lower than current market rates, especially in fast-growing communities.
  • Flexibility for the Original Buyer: For the original buyer, an assignment sale offers a way out, potentially recouping the deposit paid and avoiding financial penalties that might come with breaking a purchase agreement. This strategy can be particularly advantageous if the purchaser's circumstances change and needs to free up cash or avoid taking on a mortgage.

The Flip Side: Challenges and Risks of Assignment Sales

  • Complexity and Higher Legal Fees: Assignment sales are not your straightforward real estate transaction. They require additional steps, such as securing the developer's consent, and the legal process is more complex than purchasing resale properties. As a result, both parties might incur higher legal fees to facilitate the transaction.
  • Financial Overheads and Closing Costs: For the assignee, the initial cost outlay can be substantial for the assignee. They must reimburse the original buyer's deposit, pay the assignment fee, cover land transfer taxes, and prepare for other closing costs. These expenses require careful consideration and financial planning.
  • Uncertainties and Marketing Restrictions: In some cases, developers impose marketing restrictions, making it challenging to advertise the assignment sale. Additionally, the assignee, now the new buyer, takes on certain risks like development charges or changes in market conditions, which could affect the property's value upon final closing.

Making the Move: Deciding If an Assignment Sale Is Right for You

Deciding to engage in an assignment sale is a pivotal moment, requiring a blend of financial foresight and market understanding.

As we delve into this decision-making process, we'll consider critical personal and economic factors that ensure you're making a choice that aligns with your real estate ambitions and lifestyle aspirations.

Conduct Due Diligence: Know What You're Getting Into

Involving real estate agents experienced in assignment sales is a prudent step for guidance through the intricacies of these transactions.

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Also, consulting with a real estate lawyer ensures you understand the legalities, your rights, and any potential liabilities you might be assuming.

Consider Your Financial Standing and Long-Term Goals

Reflect on your current financial health and future plans.

For original buyers, if life changes dictate a change in your real estate investments, an assignment sale could be a viable exit. For potential assignees, consider whether this buying pathway aligns with your investment strategy and if you're comfortable with the associated risks.

Stay Informed About Market Conditions

Market dynamics greatly influence real estate valuations. A clear picture of current trends, especially in your buying area (like Fort St John or cities in the Okanagan ), helps make an informed decision.

Understanding these trends could offer insights into whether you're setting yourself up for a profitable investment or a potential financial misstep.

Bringing It All Home with

Navigating the world of assignment sales can be a complex journey, laden with opportunities and pitfalls. Whether you're considering selling your contractual rights or stepping into an existing purchase agreement, the route is layered with legal, financial, and market considerations.

At Loyal Homes, we understand that your real estate journey is more than just a transaction; it's a pivotal chapter in your life story. We're here to guide you through each step, ensuring you're equipped with the local, accurate, and relevant information to make decisions confidently. Our team is committed to providing a service that stands a notch above the rest, focusing on relationships and community at its core.

Ready to take the next step in your real estate adventure in British Columbia? Whether it's finding the perfect neighbourhood, exploring investment opportunities, or seeking your dream home, we're here to assist.

For a personalized experience tailored to your unique needs, consider our Personalized Home Search . If you're on the selling side and need to understand your property's current market standing, request a Free Home Valuation . Or, for any other inquiries or guidance, feel free to contact us . Your journey to a successful real estate experience in British Columbia starts with, where your peace of mind is our highest priority.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it good to buy an assignment sale.

Buying an assignment sale can be advantageous, offering lower purchase prices compared to current market rates for similar properties, especially in hot real estate markets. However, this venture also requires thorough due diligence to ensure that the agreement terms, property details, and financial implications align with your investment goals.

Can You Make Money on an Assignment Sale?

Yes, there is a potential to make money on an assignment sale, particularly if the property's value has increased since the original purchase date. This profit occurs due to appreciation over the period, especially in high-demand areas, but it's crucial to factor in any assignment fees, legal costs, and tax implications to understand the net gainfully.

What Are the Risks of Buying an Assignment Sale?

The risks include a lack of guarantees on the final product as specifications might change, potential delays in construction, and complexities in financing, often requiring a more substantial initial deposit. These elements underscore the importance of legal counsel to navigate contract specifics and to prepare for any contingencies or additional costs.

How Do I Sell My Pre-Construction Assignment?

Selling a pre-construction assignment involves marketing to potential buyers, typically requiring the developer's consent and possibly entailing a fee. Engaging with a real estate professional who understands the local market nuances and legalities of assignment sales is essential to ensure a smooth, compliant transaction.

Do I Pay Tax on Assignment Sale?

Tax implications on assignment sales can be multifaceted, potentially involving income tax on profits and GST/HST on the purchase, depending on factors like the property type and the seller's tax status. It's advisable to consult with a tax professional to accurately determine specific obligations and strategize for tax efficiency based on your circumstances.

What Is the Difference Between a Transfer and an Assignment?

A transfer and an assignment differ significantly; a transfer involves changing property ownership after a project's completion, whereas an assignment sells one's interest in a property before it's finished. Understanding this distinction is crucial as it affects the contractual obligations, rights transferred to the new buyer, and the legal and financial processes involved in the transaction.

  • Photo: @ irina88w via
  • Photo: @ AndreyPopov via
  • Photo: @ putilich via

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What Is Assignment Sale And How Does It Work?

What are the benefits of assignment sale (2020 update).

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Many may have heard of the term assignment sale but are unfamiliar with how it works.

Let’s take a closer look at precisely what assignment sales are and what’s involved in buying or selling an assignment.

A real estate sale is between two parties transferring the ownership of physical property for a predetermined amount.

However, there are instances where transactional activities occur during the pre-construction phase of a property. Such actions are known as assignment sales. It is possible when the right to buy a property is sold to another individual before completion of the construction.

assignment sale specialist

Assignment sales are most often seen in the condominium market as it is common for the builder to sell out their inventory early on in the development. Still, the units continue to be high in demand. The sale allows new buyers to be given opportunities to own an interest in the units still if specific individuals decide to sell their assignment.

When an offer is made on a pre-construction condo unit, an Agreement of Purchase & Sale would be signed by the original purchaser. The agreement would include an Assignment Agreement Clause stipulating the right to assign the contract to another under certain conditions. Mainly, this permits the original purchaser, or the Assignor, to sell their obligation to purchase the property to another individual, or the Assignee. The Assignee would be the one to complete and close the final sale with the builder.

As participants of an assignment transaction, there are several key factors to consider. In the next section, you’ll see the benefits of buying or selling an assignment.

Buying an Assignment

assignment sale specialist

In a seller’s market, buyers may often find themselves in a bidding war. And end up paying for a significantly higher price. Instead of pursuing this route, buying an assignment can be an excellent alternative as relatively speaking. There is less competition for these properties, which can lower the cost for the buyer.

The assignment of a property has been around in the real estate industry for quite some time. Yet it is not widely known.

This is often due to the marketing restrictions that are usually in place. They prevent assignments from being advertised on popular platforms such as the Multiple Listing Services (MLS®).

With that said, having an agent knowledgeable in this area is crucial as they can open doors to homes that may never otherwise be known. This gives buyers a larger pool of saleable homes with less competition to choose from.

Buying an assignment can also lead to possessing the property quicker than purchasing a pre-sale unit. When an assignment is available for sale, construction is often already well underway, meaning the time to occupancy is shortened. Depending on what stage the development is in, the Assignee can still be able to personalize the unit by choosing their finishes, appliances, and other upgrades to the unit.

The Assignee will be responsible for settling the deposit as well as any profit or loss to the Assignor. Moreover, the Assignee will be liable for the full purchase amount at completion, along with the terms and conditions that are written in the original contract.

Selling an Assignment

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With pre-construction sales, there is usually a long period before the unit is ready for occupancy. By going through the process of an assignment sale, the Assignor can get out of their contract without having to endure the mortgage process and incur the closing costs to resell the property.

From an investor’s perspective, the benefit is that not only can the Assignor receive their original deposit back, they also can negotiate with the Assignee for a higher price. With today’s increasing demand for condos, many investors lock in their profits from an assignment sale and use it towards their next investment opportunity.

Continuing a series of profitable transactions.

Assigning the contract can also save investors the interim occupancy fees for a unit they never plan to live in.

Aside from investors, assigning the contract is also an excellent option for individuals who initially plan on settling in the new unit but encounter situations where lifestyle changes affect their ability to fulfill the obligations of the purchase.

assignment sale specialist

As an example, a young couple may be expecting a newborn. Making the unfinished condo unit too small for their growing family. The option to sell the unit before completion. It can allow them to acquire their proceeds back more swiftly. Than if they waited for the condo to be built to be resold in the market.

Thus, assigning the contract to another interested party would release the Assignor from all purchase obligations. As long as the original purchase contract allows for assignments and the new purchaser can satisfy both the details of the agreement and financial qualifications, most builders would approve.

However, the seller of the assignment will need to be aware of building assignment fees that are well documented in the purchase contract. Also, there may be restrictions that prohibit assignments to be marketed on popular platforms. Doing so would be a breach of contract resulting in the loss of the deposit.

How We Can Help

Assignment sales may be an excellent option for investors or homeowners. However, they still can be complicated as the risks and requirements are different as opposed to the usual purchase and sale of a property.

It is vital to work with an experienced realtor who understands the intricacies of assignment sales so that they can guide you seamlessly through the process. Contact JOVI Realty today if you’re interested in learning more about assignment sales.


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Real Estate Definition: Assignment Sale

When a buyer enters into a purchase agreement for a pre-constructed or newly built property, they may find themselves in a situation where they no longer wish to proceed with the purchase. In such cases, the buyer can assign their rights and obligations under the agreement to a new buyer – and this is where an assignment sale comes in.

What is an Assignment Sale?

An assignment sale refers to a sales transaction in which the original buyer of a property (“assignor”) transfers their rights and obligations of the Agreement of Purchase and Sale to another buyer (“assignee”) before the original buyer takes possession of the property. The assignee then becomes responsible for completing the deal with the seller. Essentially, an assignment clause allows the buyer to sell the property before they move in. While assignment sales can occur with both homes and condos , they are more common among buyers of pre-construction condos.

Factors to Consider Before Entering an Assignment Sale

While assignment sales can be advantageous, it is crucial for both the original buyer and the new buyer to consider certain factors before entering into such transactions.

Developer’s Consent

Before proceeding with an assignment sale, you must obtain the developer’s consent. Some developers may have strict rules or restrictions, and failure to comply can lead to legal complications.

Assignment Fees

The assignor may charge an assignment fee to the new buyer for transferring their rights and obligations. This fee can vary depending on the market conditions and the specific terms of the Assignor-Assignee Agreement.

Legal Advice

Both parties should seek legal advice before entering into an assignment sale. This ensures that all parties understand their rights, obligations, and potential risks associated with the transaction.

How Does an Assignment Sale Work?

Before proceeding with an assignment sale, the original buyer must obtain the consent of the developer or builder. This step is crucial as some developers may have specific rules or restrictions regarding assignment sales. When the developer consents, the original buyer can look for a new buyer to take over the purchase agreement.

Once there’s a new buyer, both the original buyer and the new buyer (assignee) enter into an agreement known as the Assignor-Assignee Agreement. This agreement outlines the terms and conditions of the assignment sale, including the assignment fee, if any. Then, the developer will review the Assignor-Assignee agreement and may require additional documentation or fees.

Once the developer approves the assignment sale, the closing process begins. At this stage, the new buyer is responsible for completing the purchase, including paying any remaining balance to the developer.

Why Do Assignment Sales Happen?

One primary reason why assignment sales happen is a change of plans. People may decide to leave the area due to personal circumstances such as starting a family, getting married, or looking for job opportunities elsewhere. Additionally, some individuals may face financial challenges that prevent them from completing the purchase.

Alternatively, a common scenario involves investors who never intended to close on the property acquisition. A popular investment strategy is to purchase a property during its early release to take advantage of the emerging market and low pricing and sell it before incurring land transfer taxes, HST, or becoming tied to a mortgage.

Benefits of Assignment Sales

Assignment sales can offer several benefits to both the assignor and the assignee. Some of these benefits include:

Profit Potential

For the original buyer, an assignment sale provides an opportunity to make a profit without completing the purchase. If the market value has increased since the initial purchase agreement, the assignor can sell their rights at a higher price.

Opportunity for Early Ownership

The assignee can benefit from an assignment sale to gain early ownership of a pre-construction property. This can be particularly appealing for individuals looking to invest in real estate or those with specific requirements for a new home.


Assignment sales offer flexibility to both parties involved. The original buyer can exit the purchase agreement without incurring significant penalties, while the new buyer can secure a property without going through the entire pre-construction process.

How a Real Estate Agent Can Help You Navigate this Process

Assignment sales are a complicated process; working with an experienced real estate agent who can help you navigate and understand the ins and outs of this transaction is crucial. These professionals can not only assist you in marketing your assignment, but they can also overcome any limitations imposed by the builder. Moreover, agents have a vast network and can easily connect you with an interested buyer. Although assignment sales may seem daunting, having a skilled lawyer and an experienced realtor is a smart financial move!

The post Real Estate Definition: Assignment Sale appeared first on RE/MAX Canada .

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Owning a home is a keystone of wealth… both financial affluence and emotional security.

08 Sep 2011

What is an Assignment Sale and how do Assignments work?

Here’s how the assignment sale works in toronto real estate.

You may have heard the term “Assignment Sale” lately as it has become really popular with speculative condo investors.

Assignment Sales are defined as follows: The Assigning or Selling of your rights to purchase a property.

To clarify, you’re not actually selling the property. Since the Assignor (Seller) hasn’t taken possession yet (usually because it’s not built or has not registered yet), they are simply assigning the rights to the Assignee (Buyer).

Here’s an example: If I walked in to a condo sales centre,  signed and bought a pre-construction unit from the floor plans I would have the right to purchase said unit when it was constructed and registered. An Assignment Sale is when I take that paper that I signed, my right to purchase, and sell it to someone else; The Assignee, for a certain amount. To break it down, if I agreed to buy the condo for $300,000, then found a Buyer aka Assignee, the Assignee has the right to purchase said unit for $300,000 but he/she has paid me a premium on top of the $300,000 for that right.

A client just went through one of these for a condo that he had bought pre construction. He, as usual, got in over his head with purchases and decided to assign a unit in order to free up some cash to make the deposits on another place that he had purchased pre construction. After spending some time spreading the word and marketing the property I received a call from a colleague saying he had a buyer for me and we eventually made the deal happen. Here is how I structured the deal to make it work for my client:

He had paid $356,400 for this unit (I should say, he had agreed to pay that amount when it was ready a year or so from now).  He had made initial deposits of $53,750 , or 15% of the purchase price. My goal was to recover as much of that now for my client. Next, the buyer aka Assignee agreed to purchase said unit from my client for $380,000 . What this means is that he will eventually purchase the unit from the developer for $356,400 but give my client $23,600 for the right to do so (Total to the Buyer is $380,000).

So now the Assignee owes the initial deposit $53,750 plus the built in profit of $23,600 all totaling $77,350. Most people don’t have that kind of money lying around but since the money was needed right away we worked out a plan where he would pay the initial deposit of $53,750 now (borrowed from his parents) and the remainder of the cash from his mortgage when the condo was built and ready to register. We were lucky because the Assignee had the ability to come up with the cash.

Sometimes when the Assignee doesn’t have the option of paying out the Assignor it can be agreed that all the money will be transferred when the condo is ready and registered. An Assignor would likely agree to the latter only if the profit margins are much higher and the money is not needed right away. In this case since my client needed to be paid out now he accepted the small profit and was able to cash out and pay for his most recent purchase.

Assignment Sales, unlike resale transactions can get quite complicated. It is very important that you have an experienced Spring Realty Broker to work out the contract and an experienced real estate Lawyer to help mitigate risk for the client. I have been involved in hundreds of Assignment Sale transactions and with the help of Feld/Kalia Team of lawyers we get the job done right. Contact Us to get started.

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How Do Assignment Sales Work

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Although assignment sales are not the most common type of real estate transaction, they do happen relatively often. They are especially common in cities with a lot of new developments, like Etobicoke . Assignment sales have many benefits for both buyers and sellers.

Although they can sometimes be complex, working with an experienced agent is the best way to ensure an assignment sales goes smoothly.

Since these transactions are more complex than a traditional real estate sale, we run into many client questions about assignment sales and how they work.

Here’s a guide to everything you need to know about assignment sales.

What is an assignment sale.

An assignment sale is when the original buyer of a home sells their property before closing on it.

When would this ever happen? In the world of pre-construction real estate, many new development homes are bought up before they even physically exist. For example, in many new condo building developments, the construction doesn’t even break ground until about 70% of the units are already sold.

There are many different roles in this type of assignment sale including the developer, assignor, and assignee. Let’s break down each role:

Who Is The Developer?

When it comes to pre-construction real estate projects, developers pretty much run the show. From identifying the site of new developments and brokering financing deals, to hiring the architects and builders to oversee the entire process, developers are the masterminds behind every new construction project. They often play an important role in an assignment sale.

Who Is The Assignor?

The assignor is the original buyer of the pre-construction property . The ‘assignor’ could be an individual or a business entity. For example, a real estate investment company, a private investor, or a regular home buyer. Pre-construction real estate developments usually attract a lot of interest from a diverse cast of buyers—even if the properties aren’t move-in ready.

It might be hard to consider buying a home that doesn’t actually exist yet. You’re basically buying an idea. However, there are advantages of ‘getting in early.” Some of the biggest benefits of buying pre-construction include:

  • Price : Pre-construction units usually cost less. There are greater risks involved and the units haven’t changed hands through re-sale yet.
  • Appreciation : The unit may increase in value between the time it’s purchased to when it’s move-in ready through normal market growth.

Who Is The Assignee?

If an assignor wants to sell their interest (read: ownership) of their property unit before construction is complete, this would result in an assignment sale. The assignee is the new buyer of the assignor’s property. This is the person who will ultimately take the sale the whole way through to closing.

Do Assignment Sales Benefit Buyers or Sellers?

Assignment sales can be beneficial for both parties in a real estate transaction. Although the assignor takes on some risk in buying before the project breaks ground, they reap other benefits. For example, if the value of the property goes up in the interim, they can usually sell it for more than they paid.

For an assignee, they might spend a little more than the original price, but they are taking on less risk while still moving into a brand-new home.

Why Do Assignment Sales Happen?

An assignor might sell their property to an assignee for many reasons.

Their plans might have changed for one reason or another, making them unable to move into their pre-construction property. Or, they may feel it’s the right time to cash in on their investment should the value of their property have increased.

Whether you’re interested in learning more about assignment sales or just need some general advice about buying real estate, our team is here to help you. Book your personal home buying consultation here , or simply contact us here to get started.

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10 Essential Things to Know About Real Estate Assignment Sales (for Sellers)

— We take our content seriously. This article was written by a real person at BREL.

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What’s an assignment?

An assignment is when a Seller sells their interest in a property before they take possession – in other words, they sell the contract they have with the Builder to a new purchaser. When a Seller assigns a property, they aren’t actually selling the property (because they don’t own it yet) – they are selling their promise to purchase it, along with the rights and obligations of their Agreement of Purchase and Sale contract.  The Buyer of an assignment is essentially stepping into the shoes of the original purchaser.

The original purchaser is considered to be the Assignor; the new Buyer is the Assignee. The Assignee is the one who will complete the final sale with the Builder.

Do assignments only happen with pre-construction condos?

It’s possible to assign any type of property, pre-construction or resale, provided there aren’t restrictions against assignment in the original contract. An assignment allows a Buyer of a any kind of home to sell their interest in that property before they take possession of it.

Why would someone want to assign a condo?

Often with pre-construction sales, there’s a long time lag between when the original contract is entered into, when the Buyer can move in (the interim occupancy period) and the final closing. It’s not uncommon for a Buyer’s circumstances to change during that time…new job out of the city, new husband or wife, new set of twins, etc. What worked for a Buyer’s lifestyle 4 years ago doesn’t always work come closing time.

Another common reason why people want to assign a contract is financial. Sometimes, the original purchaser doesn’t have the funds or can’t get the financing to complete the sale, and it’s cheaper to assign the contract to a new purchaser, than it is to renege on the sale.

Lastly, assignment sales are also common with speculative investors who buy pre-construction properties with no intention of closing on them. In these cases, the investors are banking on quick price appreciation and are eager to lock in a profit now, vs. waiting for the original closing date.

What can be negotiated in an assignment sale?

Because the Assignee is taking over the original purchaser’s contract, they can’t renegotiate the price or terms of the contract with the Builder – they are simply taking over the contract as it already exists, and as you negotiated it.

In most cases, the Assignee will mirror the deposit that you made to the Builder…so if you made a 20% deposit, you can expect the new purchaser to do the same.

Most Sellers of assignments are looking to make a profit, and part of an assignment sale negotiation is agreeing on price. Your real estate agent can guide you on price, which will determine your profit (or loss).

Builder Approval and Fees

Remember that huge legal document you signed when you made an offer to buy a pre-construction condo? It’s time to take it out and actually read it.

Your Agreement of Purchase & Sale stipulated your rights to assign the contract. While most builders allow assignments, there is usually an assignment fee that must be paid to the Builder (we’ve seen everything from $750 to $7,000).

There may be additional requirements as well, the most common being that the Builder has to approve the assignment.

Marketing Restrictions

Most pre-construction Agreements of Purchase & Sale from Toronto Builders do not allow the marketing of an assignment…so while the Builder may give you the right to assign your contract, they restrict you from posting it to the MLS or advertising it online. This makes selling an assignment extremely difficult…if people don’t know it’s available for sale, how they can possibly buy it?

While it may be very tempting to flout the no-marketing rule, BE VERY CAREFUL. Buyers guilty of marketing an assignment against the rules can be considered to have breached the Agreement, and the Builder can cancel your contract and keep your deposit.

We don’t recommend advertising an assignment for sale if it’s against the rules in your contract.

So how the heck can I find a Buyer?

There are REALTORS who specialize in assignment sales and have a database of potential Buyers and investors looking for assignments. If you want to be connected with an agent who knows the ins and outs of assignment sales, get in touch…we know some of the best assignment agents in Toronto.

What are the tax implications of real estate assignment?

Always get tax advice from a certified accountant, not from the internet (lol).

But in general, any profit made from an assignment is taxable (and any loss can be written off). The new Buyer or Assignee will be responsible for paying land transfer taxes and any HST that might be due.

How much does it cost to assign a pre-construction condo?

In addition to the Builder assignment fees, you will likely have to pay a real estate commission (unless you find the Buyer yourself) and legal fees. Because assignments are more complicated, you can expect to pay higher legal fees than you would for a resale property.

How does the closing of an assignment work?

With assignment sales, there are essentially 2 closings: the closing between the Assignor and the Assignee, and the closing between the Assignee and the Builder. With the first closing (the assignment closing) the original purchaser receives their deposit + any profit (or their deposit less any loss) from the Assignee. On the second closing (between the Builder and the Assignee), the Assignee pays the remaining amount to the Builder (usually with the help of a mortgage), and pays land transfer taxes. Title of the property transfers from the Builder to the Assignee at this point.

I suppose it could be said that there is a third closing too, when the Buyer takes possession of the property but doesn’t yet own it…this is known as the interim occupancy period. The interim occupancy occurs when the unit is ready to be occupied, but not ready to be registered with the city. Interim occupancy periods in Toronto range from a few months to a few years. During the interim occupancy period, the Buyer occupies the unit and pays the Builder an amount roughly equal to what their mortgage payment + condo fees + taxes would be. The timing of the assignment will dictate who completes the interim occupancy.

Assignments vs. Resale: Which is Better?

We often get calls from people who are debating whether they should assign a condo they bought, or wait for the building to register and then sell it as a typical resale condo.

Pros of Assigning vs. Waiting

  • Get your deposit back and lock in your profit sooner
  • Avoid paying land transfer taxes
  • Avoid paying HST
  • Maximize your return if prices are declining and you expect them to continue to decline
  • Lifestyle – sometimes it just makes sense to move on

Cons of Assigning vs Waiting

  • The pool of Buyers for assignment sales is much smaller than the pool of Buyers for resale properties, which could result in the sale taking a long time, getting a lower price than you would if you waited, or both.
  • Marketing restrictions are annoying and reduce the chances of finding a Buyer
  • Price – What is market value? If the condo building hasn’t registered and there haven’t been any resales yet, it can be difficult to determine how much the property is now worth. Assignment sales tend to sell for less than resale.
  • Assignment sales can be complicated, so you want to make sure that you’re working with an agent who is experienced with assignment sales, and a good lawyer.

Still thinking of assignment your condo or house ? Get in touch and we’ll connect you with someone who specializes in assignment sales and can take you through the process.

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assignment sale specialist

Raj Singh says:

What can be things to look for, especially determining market value for an assigned condo? I’m the assignee.

assignment sale specialist

Sydonia Moton says:

Y would u need a lawyer when u buy a assignment property

assignment sale specialist

Gideon Gyohannes says:

Good clear information!

Who pays the assignment fee to the developer? Assignor or Assignee?

Thanks Gideon 416 4591919

assignment sale specialist

Melanie Piche says:

It’s almost always the Seller (though I suppose could be a point of negotiation).

assignment sale specialist

Fiona Rourke says:

If there are 2 names on the agreement and 1 wants to leave and the other wants to remain… does the removing of 1 purchaser constitute an assignment

assignment sale specialist

Brendan Powell says:

An assignment is one way to add or remove people from a contract, but not the only way…and not the simplest. Speak to your lawyer for advice on what makes the most sense for your specific situation. For a straightforward resale purchase you could probably just do an amendment signed by all parties. If it’s a preconstruction purchase with various deposits paid, etc it could be more complicated.

assignment sale specialist

Katerina says:

Depends on the Developer. Some of them remove names via assignments only.

assignment sale specialist

Haroon says:

Is there any difference in transaction process If assigner or seller of a pre constructio condo is a non resident ? Is seller required to get a clearance certificate from cRA to complete the transaction ?

assignment sale specialist

Nathalie says:

Hello , i would like to know the exact steps for reassignment property please.

assignment sale specialist

Amazing info. Thanks team. I may just touch base with you when my property in Stoney Creek is completed in. 2020. I may need to reassign it to someone Thanks

assignment sale specialist

Victoria Bachlowa says:

If an assignor renegs on the deal and refuses to close because they figured out they could get more money and the assignment was already approved by the builder and all conditions fulfilled what can the Assignee do. I have $33,000 dollars in trust in the real estate’s trust fund. They sent me a mutual release which I have not signed. The interim occupancy is Feb. 1 and the closing is schedule for Mar. 1, 2019. I have financing in place, was ready to move in Feb. 1 and I have no where to live.

Definitely talk to your lawyer right away. They’ll want to look at your agreement of purchase and sale and will be able to advise you.

assignment sale specialist

With assignment sales, there are essentially 2 closings: the closing between the Assignor and the Assignee, and the closing between the Assignee and the Builder. With the first closing (the assignment closing) the original purchaser receives their deposit + any profit (or their deposit less any loss) from the Assignee. Can I assume that these closing happen at the same time? I’m not sure how and when I would be paid as the Assignor.

assignment sale specialist

What happens to the deposits or any profits already paid if the developer cancels the project after an assignment?

assignment sale specialist

Hi, Did you get answer to this? I did an assignment sale last year and now the builder is not completing apparently and they are asking for their money back. Can they do that? After legal transactions, the lawyer simply said “the deal didn’t go through”. Apparently builder and the person who assumed the assignment agreed on taking out the deal. What do I have to pay back after it was done a year ago

This is definitely a question for your lawyer – as realtors we are not involved in that part of the transaction. I would expect that just as the builder would have to refund your deposits, you would likely need to do the same…but talk to your lawyer. As to whether the builder can cancel a project, yes they always reserve that right (but the details of how and under what circumstances would be in your original purchase agreement). It’s one of the annoying risks in buying preconstruction!

assignment sale specialist

I completed the sale of my assignment in Dec 2015 however the CRA says I should be reporting the capital income in 2016 when the assignee closed his deal with the developer in July 2016. That makes no sense to me since I got all my money in Dec 2015. Can you supply any clarification on that CRA policy please?

You’d have to talk to the CRA or an accountant – we’re real estate agents,so we can’t give tax advice.

assignment sale specialist

Hassan says:

Hello, You said that there are two closings. The first one between the assignor and the assignee and the second one between the builder and the new buyer (assignee). My question is that in the first closing does the assignee have to pay the assignor the deposit they have paid and any profit in cash or will the bank add this to the assignee’s mortgage?

The person doing the assigning usually gets their money at the first closing.

assignment sale specialist

Kathy says:

What is the typical real estate free to assign your contract with the builder ?

Hi Kathy While we do few assignments (as they are rarely successful, and builders do not make it easy), in past we have charged more or less the same as we do for a typical resale listing. While there are elements to assignments that should be easier than a resale (eg staging), many other aspects of assignments are much MORE time-consuming, and the risk much higher since attempts to find a buyer for assignments are often unsuccessful. It’s also important to note that due to the extra complication, lawyer’s fees to assign are typically higher than resale as well–although more $ for the purchase side vs the sale side.

assignment sale specialist

Mitul Patel says:

If assignee has paid small amount of deposit plus the original 25% deposit that the assignor has paid to the builder and gets the Keys to the unit since interim possession has been completed, when the condo registration is done and assignee is getting mortgage from the Bank or Pays the remaining balance to the Builder using his savings and decides not to pay the Balance of the Profit amount to Assignor, what are the possibilities in this kind of scenario?

You’d need to talk to a lawyer to find out the options.

assignment sale specialist

David says:

How much exactly do brokers get paid at sale of Assignment? i.e. Would the broker’s fee be a % of your assignment selling price or your home’s selling price? I’m really looking for a clear answer.

I am using this website’s calculator associated with selling your home in Ontario. But there is no information on selling assignments.

Realtors set their own commission, so there is no set fee- that website is likely the commission that that agent offers. We often see commissions of 4-5% for assignments. The fee is a % of the price of the assignment – for example, you originally bought for $500K; you’re now assigning for $600K – commission would be payable on the $600K.

assignment sale specialist

Candace says:

Question: if i bought a pre construction condo, can i sell it as soon as it closes or do i have to live in it for 1 year after closing in order to avoid capital gains taxes?

Or does the 1 year start as soon as you move in?

I would suggest you talk to your accountant re: HST credit implications and capital gains, but if you sell it for more than you paid for it, capital gains usually apply.

assignment sale specialist

You mention avoid paying HST when you assign your property. What is the HST based on? It’s not a commercial property that you would pay HST. Explain. Thanks.

HST and assignments are complex and this question is best answered specific to your situation by your accountant and real estate lawyer. In some cases HST is applicable on assignment profits – more details can be found on the CRA website here:

If you are a podcast listener, the true condos podcast is also a great resource.

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heres one for your comment, purchase pre construction from builder beginning of 2021, to be finished end of 2021, (semi detached) here we are end of 2022, both units are now ready. Had one assigned but because builder didnt accept within certain time frame(they also had a 90 day clause wherein we couldnt assign prior to 90 less firm closing date (WHICH MOVED 4 TIMES). Anyrate now we have a new assinor but the builder says we are in default from the first one and wants 50k to do the assignment (the agreement lists the possibility of assigning for 12k) Also this deal would include us loosing our whole deposit and paying the 12k(plus fees) would be in addition too the 130k we are already loosing. The second property we are trying to close but interest rates are riducous, together with closing costs(currently mortgage company is asking that my wife be added to that one, afraid to even ask this builder. Any advice on how to deal with this asshole greedy builder? We are simply asking for assignment as per contract and a small extension for the new buyer(week or two) Appreciate any advice. Thank you

Dealing with builders/developers can be extremely painful, much worse than resale transactions in our experience. Their contracts are written to protect THEM. Unfortunately all I can say is follow the advice of your lawyer.

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Keelesdale Condos

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Vaughan Condo Assignment Sale – 1 Bed + Den

Areas to explore.

Assignment Sales are available throughout many areas, here are some of the areas in Ontario to explore.

Assignment Sale in the GTA

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Other Regions

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What is an assignment sale?

What is an assignment sale?

Tags: toronto new condo, markham new condo, buying an assignment, condo assignment, condo assignment for sale, pre-construction sale, toronto pre-construction, pre-con condo.

Simply put, an assignment sale is a legal way to transfer your rights and obligations in an Agreement of Purchase and Sale to another buyer, before you get possession of the property. Assignment sales can happen on resale properties, as well as newly built properties but they are more common on new construction.   Assignment sales can be an useful tool. An example is when the original purchaser’s financial or personal situation changes from the moment they signed the Agreement of Purchase and before the closing date. They have the right to find a new buyer and “assign” the contract unless it is specified otherwise in the original agreement. Many builders will charge and assignment fee that is outlined in the original APS and we have seen fees from a few hundred dollars to a few thousands. Also, there might be restrictions on advertising an assignment sale. Most builders do not allow you to publically advertise your assignment especially if they still have inventory available.   Assignment sales are mostly being sold through word of mouth and your Realtor’s networking pool of prospective buyers. The prospective assignees will need to have more cash upfront for an assignment sale compared with a resale property or a pre-construction purchase.   Sellers (or assignors) are typically looking to make a profit when assigning a property. Assignees will have to pay back all the deposits the assignor already made to the builder plus the profit (the difference from the initial purchase price to “today’s price”).   Assignment sales can be complex and there are tax implications. The best thing to do if you want to assign a sale or are looking to purchase an assignment is to seek the advice of a tax specialist. Generally, the assignor can expect to pay tax on any profits they realize from the assignment. Other costs involved in selling an assignment are real estate fees and legal fees. If you are thinking of purchasing or selling an assignment, feel free to give me a call. I woukd be happy to help you out. 647-261-1405  

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Everything You Need to Know About an Assignment Sale self.__wrap_b=(t,n,e)=>{e=e||document.querySelector(`[data-br="${t}"]`);let s=e.parentElement,r=B=>"px";"";let o=s.clientWidth,u=s.clientHeight,a=o/2-.25,c=o+.5,p;if(o){for(r(a),a=Math.max(e.scrollWidth,a);a+1 {self.__wrap_b(0,+e.dataset.brr,e)})).observe(s):process.env.NODE_ENV==="development"&&console.warn("The browser you are using does not support the ResizeObserver API. Please consider add polyfill for this API to avoid potential layout shifts or upgrade your browser. Read more:"))};self.__wrap_b(":R1aijl6:",0.75)

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In real estate, there are a number of different types of transactions that come with their own unique benefits and challenges. People are most familiar with a standard purchase or sale of a home that already exists (ie. a resale property). However, the exchange is quite different when someone decides to buy a pre-construction home (typically from a builder) that hasn’t been lived in. A further nuance is an assignment sale, which can occur in both the resale and pre-construction space.

With all that said, assignment sales aren’t widely understood and can often be confusing for those venturing into them. That’s why we put together this comprehensive guide on assignment sales in Ontario! If you find yourself reading this, it's likely you're seeking a deeper understanding of what assignment sales are, their significance, and how they can impact both buyers and sellers. In this blog, we aim to answer all your questions about assignment sales and their nuances. 

Understanding Assignment Sales

First things first, what exactly is an assignment sale? It's like passing the baton in a relay race before the finish line. In real estate, this means the original buyer (assignor) transfers their rights to buy a property to someone else (assignee) before they officially own it. The transfer allows the assignee to take over the assignors rights and obligations outlined in the Agreement of Purchase & Sale (APS). Assignments usually happen in pre-construction projects but can occur in other types of property transactions too. Put simply, an assignment enables the buyer of a home to sell the home before they take ownership of it. 

Why Assignment Sales Happen

Assignment sales can take place for a whole suite of reasons, but typically they occur when the buyer's personal circumstances have changed. This could be related to their financial circumstances, lifestyle changes, work relocation, etc. Especially when it comes to pre-construction, a commitment to purchase typically happens well in advance of the move in date. This leaves a lot of time for things to change for the buyer, potentially requiring them to exit the deal before the closing date. An assignment presents them with a great way to transfer responsibility of the APS to another individual, without having to incur the penalties that might come with trying to back out of the purchase altogether. 

For an assignee, an assignment can be an attractive way to purchase a property. They may be able to take advantage of a drop in value of the property since the assignors purchase or they may have just missed the opportunity to buy the property in the first place. Either way, an assignment provides them the right to purchase a property in a way that is beneficial to them.  

The Process of an Assignment Sale

Imagine you've agreed to buy a brand-new condo that's still under construction. Unfortunately, sometimes life just happens, and you decide not to go through with the purchase. Enter the assignment sale. Here's how it unfolds:

Original agreement: You've signed on the dotted line to purchase the condo.

Change of heart: For whatever reason, you opt not to finalize the purchase.

Finding a new buyer: You find someone who wants to take over your agreement.

Sealing the deal: You both sign an assignment agreement, transferring your purchasing rights to them.

Closing time: The new buyer finalizes everything with the developer.

This process might sound straightforward, but it's laden with legal, financial, and contractual nuances that need careful navigation. This is why it’s essential you engage a real estate lawyer as soon as possible in the process. They’ll be able to advise you on your legal rights and obligations that come with an assignment. 

Advantages of Assignment Sales

So, why consider an assignment sale? For sellers, it's a graceful exit from a property purchase, possibly with a profit if the property's value has increased. Buyers, on the other hand, can snag properties in developments that are no longer on the market or have appreciated in value since their initial sale.

Challenges and Considerations

But it's not all rainbows and butterflies. Assignment sales come with their own set of challenges. There are legal hoops to jump through, financial implications such as taxes and fees, and the ever-present risk of deals not going as planned. This is a legally binding contract so both parties need to do their due diligence and, most importantly, seek professional advice. This includes advice from a real estate agent, real estate lawyer, and a tax professional. While that all might sound expensive, not getting the right advice before committing to an assignment could turn out to be much more costly. 

There have also unfortunately been some bad actors in the assignment space in the past. The good news is that regulators have stepped in to provide better oversight in the space in order to protect consumer, but no regulator is perfect. This just emphasizes the importance of engaging multiple professionals in your assignment, to ensure that you’re getting unbiased and valuable advice.

Navigating the Market

The assignment sales market is a vibrant and ever-changing landscape, heavily influenced by geographic nuances and existing market conditions. This variability means that opportunities for assignment sales can differ significantly from one region to another, often reflecting the local demand for real estate, economic stability, and the pace of new development projects. For individuals keen on exploring assignment sales, whether as potential buyers or sellers, understanding these regional market dynamics is essential.

One effective strategy for identifying great assignment sale opportunities involves monitoring developments that have reached their sales capacity. Sold-out projects often indicate a high demand for properties within a particular area or development, making assignments from these projects particularly appealing to those looking to enter or invest in these sought-after locales.

Not to keep harping on the need for guidance and expertise when navigating the world of assignments, but I’m going to! The specialized nature of assignment sales requires real estate professionals who possess a deep understanding and experience in this specific segment of the market. Real estate agents who specialize in assignment sales can offer invaluable insights, facilitate connections between buyers and sellers, and navigate the complex regulatory and contractual landscape associated with these transactions.

Assessing the value and potential of an assignment sale requires a comprehensive approach. Potential buyers should conduct thorough due diligence, including reviewing the original purchase terms, understanding any restrictions or conditions imposed by developers, and analyzing current market trends to gauge the property's potential for appreciation. For sellers, determining the right price point and understanding the best timing to enter the market are crucial steps in maximizing returns on their investment.

Wrapping Up

And there you have it—a comprehensive guide to navigating the waters of assignment sales. Whether you're looking to buy or sell, understanding the ins and outs of these transactions can make all the difference. So, consult with professionals, do your due diligence, and who knows? Your next real estate adventure might just be an assignment sale.

At Doormat , we have experienced real estate lawyers that can help you navigate the tricky world of assignments. We can also support you with your standard property purchases, sales, refinances, ownership changes, and status certificate reviews. If you have any questions, reach out !

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4 Common Assignment Selling Mistakes (and How to Fix Them)

4 Common Assignment Selling Mistakes (and How to Fix Them)

Picture this: You’re a salesperson getting ready for a call with a prospect.

You’re anticipating any and all possible buyer questions and ready to provide articles, case studies , details, and expertise needed to answer them.

Then, in the call itself, just when you’re preparing to answer those same old questions, something magical happens...

There are no questions.

The prospect already has the answers.

Every single one.

Your prospect already has all the information they need. They already trust your business and they're eager to move forward into the next stages of the sales process.

This is assignment selling in action.

Simply put, assignment selling is the practice of using educational content about your products and services to help speed up the sales process.

This content helps answer questions before they come up, making sales calls more productive and efficient.

However, like most great sales and marketing tactics, assignment selling is easy to get wrong when you're new to it.

Assignment selling is sales enablement — but better

The theory behind assignment selling is simple: An educated prospect is more likely to become a customer — and do so faster.

In practice, assignment selling usually begins before a first sales call, when a salesperson sends pieces of content to the prospect to review before the call takes place.


The content is designed to answer the most pressing questions that buyers have at that stage in the sales process.

Once a prospect has gone through the material, ideally, they'll be better educated and prepared for specific conversations.

With many of the standard concerns addressed ahead of time, you can focus on that prospect's specific needs during the meeting. 

On the flip side, some prospects may opt out of the sales process (or not complete the assignment at all). While no salesperson likes canceled meetings, anyone who opts out is likely a bad-fit prospect, so your time is saved in the long run.

Overall, assignment selling can be a sales rep’s greatest tool, but only if it's done well. 

Here are some common mistakes to avoid.

Avoiding 4 common assignment selling mistakes

If you're just getting started with ssignment selling, you can avoid some common mistakes others have made.

Here are   four common things to avoid :

  • Assigning too much or too little content
  • Moving forward even if the prospect blatantly ignores the assignment
  • Using only text-based content
  • Not selecting unique content for each prospect or situation

Let's dive into each to see how you can avoid it.

1. Assigning too much or too little content

How much is too much content?

Imagine you're a prospect. If you received an email with 15 different links you were supposed to read before your call, would you do it?


You want to give each prospect enough information to have a better sales conversation, but you don't need to assign them the entire encyclopedia.

If you assign too much, you're more likely to get ignored. 

How to fix it:

I recommend two or three pieces of content ahead of each call. Any more than that and you're pushing it.  

However, you can provide more content as long as you don't assign it. Something like a buyer's guide might be lengthy, but prospects can use it as a reference material they can look through, reading what they'd like.

Also, explain what each piece of content is and why it's relevant and helpful (if that's not obvious from the title).

2. Moving forward if the prospect doesn't complete the assignment

So, what do you do if a prospect doesn't complete the assignment? Unfortunately this happens, and it's usually for two possible reasons.

Either they're not that serious about buying or they're too busy or forgot.

Shrugging this off and moving forward with the sales process can waste your and the prospect's time. 

The day before your call, respond to your prospect with a short but sincere email that stresses the importance of reviewing the material.

The email could look something like this:

Hi [prospect name], Confirming our 2:45pm EST call today. This is a reminder to make sure you have had time to go through the resources below before we speak. If not, it may make sense to reschedule. I want to ensure we make the best use of our time together. Marcus Sheridan’s free course: They Ask, You Answer Fundamentals What Is a Learning Center and Why Does My Website Need One? If you haven't had time to look at the above material, here is my calendar to book another time . Keep me posted! Tom

If you need to reschedule the call, so be it. If the prospect didn't complete the assignments because they are not serious, you've saved yourself the time that would have been wasted on an unqualified prospect.

If they didn't get to it, pushing back the meeting gives them the time they need to really focus — and also reinforces the importance of the materials.

3. Using only text-based content

Articles are great, but many prospects prefer to consume information in different ways. This may mean podcasts, infographics, videos, or even interactive tools. 

Video can be one the most useful tool in educating quickly and thoroughly.

In fact, when asked how they’d most like to learn about a product or service, 73% of buyers said they’d prefer to  watch a short video over other forms of content.

Knowing this, it's a huge mistake to not incorporate other mediums, especially video, into your assignment selling materials. 

Meet with your marketing team to talk about creating a wider variety of content. Can they help you by producing video content? Are there other types of content they can make?

Be clear with them: sales enablement materials should take different forms to suit different buyers.


You can also take matters into your own hands.

Use your smartphone or laptop camera to record a video reciting some of the insights shared in an article or use a tool like Canva to create an infographic on your own.

Canva has dozens of templates to help you turn your copy into a compelling infographic to share with your prospects without any design experience. 

🔎 Not sure what kind of video to make? You can learn more about what we call 80% videos .

4. Not selecting the right content for each buyer's stage

A prospect just getting to know your company is not in the same position as a final-stage buyer deciding between two options . Both need information from you, but their needs and mindsets are vastly different.

As a salesperson, if you blast out the same content email to every prospect, you're going to come off as generic and insincere.

You may be sending along information that is of zero interest to your prospect and, in turn, you're missing a huge opportunity to resonate and build trust. 

Build up a library of sales enablement materials that answer as many buyer questions as possible and keep them organized by things like the stage of the buyer's journey or pain point. 

You can use a tool like Paperflite , HubSpot Sales Hub , or Salesreach  to organize and track your content.

From there, whenever you send an assignment selling email, you can check your library and choose the material that is best suited to that prospect based on conversations you've already had and conversations still to come. 

The right path for sales enablement

Your website and digital content are the best sales tools your reps will ever have.

Delivering content to prospects allows your sales teams to spend their time in the right places — closing deals, not "working" deals.


Assignment selling is the key to:

  • Better qualifying a prospect's commitment to the sales process
  • Shortening the sales cycle
  • Devoting time to more qualified leads
  • Dramatically improved close rates

Avoiding the common mistakes above will help you use this process in the most effective way possible. Keep tweaking and evaluating as you go, sharpening your skills and improving your technique.

Want to dive deeper into assignment selling and how to do it right?

Take our free course " Assignment Selling: Content Is Your Greatest Sales Tool " today!

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Looking for Kamala Harris campaign merch? T-shirts, lawn signs are already selling

2-minute read.

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President Joe Biden’s sudden departure from the 2024 race and Vice President Kamala Harris’ sudden ascension as the presumptive nominee has supporters and opponents racing for new merch — and wondering what to do with their Biden-Harris merchandise.

Just over a day after the historic announcement by Biden to withdraw from the presidential race, designers have been quick to capitalize on the once-in-a-generation news. 

Merchandise is already available everywhere — from Amazon to Etsy and Redbubble . They feature some of Harris’ famous quotes (“I’m speaking"), internet memes referencing her 2023 coconut tree remarks , and Brat summer. 

Already, you can buy T-shirts , bobbleheads, tote bags , coffee mugs, bumper stickers , lawn signs , necklaces, face masks and bracelets. 

Story continues below photo gallery

The merchandise is mostly fan-made from independent creators. The Democratic party has not made any official Kamala Harris for President items available for purchase yet.

How were these shirts made so fast?

Once Biden announced his departure from the presidential race, Harris merchandise hit the market online and in stores.

Some popular items, such as the "Kamala 2024" T-shirt, which is currently a best best seller in woman's novelty shirts on Amazon, has been available for years. This specific vintage shirt is being promoted as a Harris for president shirt, but the item was first made available in August 2020 according to the product details on the Amazon website.

Other items were immediately printed and were available for purchase right away. Manufacturer FunnyTshirtsUSA created a "Kamala Harris '24 For The People" shirt that was listed on Etsy Monday morning.

The coconut tree quote

Another independent designer created a shirt with a cartoon coconut with Harris's coconut tree quote that was made available early on Monday. In 2023, she uttered the quote: "You think you just fell out of a coconut tree? You exist in the context of all in which you live and what came before you."

Even brick and mortar stores in New Jersey are getting merchandise set that relate to Harris's potential presidential bid.

The Let’s Go Brandon store on Route 37 in Toms River was busy Monday morning as customers shopped for merchandise that included Trump flags, decals, shirts and hats.

Vincent Scuzzese, the owner of Let’s Go Brandon, sells shirts, flags, hats and other merchandise that promote Donald Trump, the former president and current Republican presidential nominee. The Toms River resident has shirts coming in that poke fun of Harris's potential nomination.

Scuzzese said he has a new decal coming in with an image of Harris painted in clown makeup with the phrase "Let's go Brenda," a play on words from his other shirts that say " Let's go Brandon ."

Shops in New Jersey and New York are known for producing trending apparel at rapid speed. Just days after the Donald Trump assassination attempt, stores in Ocean City, New Jersey, including the Shirt Shack, already had shirts of Trump holding his fist in the air at his rally moments after the attempted assassination.

Asbury Park Press reporter Michael L. Diamond contributed to this story.

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Posted Jul 23

Remote content specialist (u.s. based, remote), simpletiger, view company profile & all jobs →, sarasota, fl, jobs posted: 5, responsibilities & expectations of this role:.

  • Content Keyword Research: Comprehensive keyword research is conducted at the start of a project using ahrefs to identify opportunities for new educational content (blog posts, guides) and optimizations to the clients’ existing content. Keyword research refreshes will also be conducted quarterly for each client. 
  • Content Calendars: Build and maintain client content calendars using established Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) based on an approved list of keywords, ensuring alignment with client goals and SEO strategies.
  • Content Audits: Regularly review existing content on client websites to assess relevance, effectiveness, and SEO performance. Suggest updates or rewrites to improve engagement and search rankings.
  • Competitor Analysis: Help perform regular competitor analysis to understand content gaps, keyword opportunities, and effective strategies in the industry. Summarize findings to inform content strategy adjustments.
  • Graphic Design Coordination: Act as the liaison between the content team and graphic designers to manage the flow of custom images and designs for clients. Oversee the process from concept to final approval and maintain a log to track progress and deadlines.
  • Proofreading and Editing: Provide additional support by proofreading and editing content created by other team members to ensure clarity, grammatical accuracy, and alignment with the agency’s style guide.
  • Content Management and Publication: Upload and configure blog posts, images, and videos to SimpleTiger’s Content Management System (CMS), ensuring all content is accurate and error-free before publishing.
  • Organization of Client Content Folders: Organize and clean up client content folders, ensuring all file names follow the established naming procedures to maintain consistency and ease of access.
  • Document Template Creation : Create and maintain document templates for use by other content team members, facilitating uniformity and efficiency in content production and documentation.

Must-haves for this role:

  • SEO Knowledge: Essential for this role; you should possess a foundational understanding of SEO that can be enhanced through our training and processes.
  • Communication and Interpersonal Skills: As a service-based company, excellent communication and interpersonal skills are critical, especially for effectively interacting with clients and team members.
  • Self-Motivation and Organization : Crucial in our remote work environment, you must be proactive, self-motivated, and well-organized. These qualities are vital in managing tasks efficiently and meeting deadlines without direct supervision.
  • Writing and Editing Skills: A solid ability to self-edit and produce high-quality written content is required.
  • Research Skills: Quick and thorough research skills are necessary to understand clients' businesses deeply, enabling you to empathize with and attract their target customers.
  • Team Collaboration: Ability to work effectively as part of a team striving towards enhancing client site performance and content quality.
  • Positive Attitude and Eagerness to Learn: We value a positive outlook and a desire for continual learning and self-improvement, as these qualities enhance workplace atmosphere and client satisfaction.
  • Time Zone Compatibility: It must be based in the US and be available to align with PST to EST time zones for client and team interactions, as our operations and clientele are primarily US-based.

Nice-to-haves for this role:

  • Copywriting and Content Editing Experience: Previous experience in copywriting, particularly with SaaS or B2B companies in an agency, freelance, or in-house capacity, is highly valuable. Content editing skills are also beneficial but not mandatory.
  • System Efficiency and Innovation: The ability to utilize systems effectively while continuously seeking ways to enhance efficiency and output quality.
  • Eagerness to Grow: A strong desire to deepen your understanding of our industry and excel in your role within the company.
  • Versatility in Thinking: The ability to alternate between data-driven and creative mindsets, applying analytical insights to develop creative solutions for clients.
  • Data Management Skills: Proficiency in data visualization, organization, and communication.
  • Proficiency with Digital Tools : Experience with tools such as Slack, Monday, Toggl, Google Analytics, Google Sheets, Ahrefs, SurferSEO, Grammarly, and other project management or data organization tools used by our team.

Compensation & Benefits:

  • Salary Range $50,000 - $55,000 annually
  • 100% Remote Work Environment
  • Results Only Work Environment
  • Flexible working hours/vacations
  • MacBook provided for all team members
  • All typical US holidays observed with full paid time off
  • Health Insurance is provided through the JustWorks HR platform (AETNA)
  • 401(k) through Guideline
  • Coworking Space Stipend
  • Office Supply Allowance
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Regional Strategic Planning Specialist - ESARO

Advertised on behalf of.

Nairobi, KENYA

Type of Contract :

FTA International

Starting Date :

Application deadline :.

04-Aug-24 (Midnight New York, USA)

Post Level :

Duration of initial contract :, time left :, languages required :.


Expected Duration of Assignment :

UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence. UNDP does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of harassment, including sexual harassment, and discrimination. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks.

UN Women, grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security.

UN Women has placed emphasis on improving its strategic planning and managing for results by applying the Results-Based Management (RBM) throughout all the work of UN Women. This requires dedicated efforts to strengthen results culture in the organization. In order for UN Women to communicate impact stories on women and girls at the corporate level with aggregated results and financial data across all the countries and regions, strategic planning with strong emphasis on results management is pre-requisite to facilitate systematic and effective results monitoring and reporting during the implementation. 

In the East and Southern Africa Region (ESAR), UN Women has a presence in 12 countries namely: Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, South Africa (Multi Country Office), South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zimbabwe. The Multi Country Office covers Southern Africa Customs Union (SACU) countries namely: Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa, and Swaziland. The Office in Ethiopia is both a Country Office for Ethiopia and a Liaison Office to the African Union and Economic Commission for Africa. The region has a Country Programme in Somalia. The East and Southern Africa Regional Office (ESARO) in Nairobi oversees all the ESAR countries.

Under the guidance and direct supervision of the Deputy Regional Director, the Regional Strategic Planning Specialist is responsible for leading the strategic planning work in their respective region. The Regional Strategic Planning Specialist provides strategic guidance and technical support to the RO and Country Offices (COs) to ensure high quality strategic planning documents at regional and country levels, ensuring the alignment with UN Women Strategic Plan and the corporate standard on RBM. They lead the preparation of the Strategic Note and workplan of the RO in close collaboration with RO colleagues and COs in the respective region. Regional Strategic Planning Specialist also provides guidance, technical support and quality assurance to Country Offices (COs) associated with the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Frameworks (UNSDCFs), Strategic Notes and workplans from the strategic planning and RBM perspectives. They also contribute to HQ-led corporate level initiatives in the areas of Strategic Planning and RBM.

The Regional Strategic Planning Specialist works closely with the Regional Coordination Specialist, the Regional Monitoring & Reporting Specialist/Focal Point and the Regional Operation Manager, as well as the rest of RO colleagues and CO colleagues in the region. They also coordinate with other Regional Strategic Planning Specialists in other ROs to facilitate cross-regional learning and peer-to-peer support mechanism. In carrying out the functions, they coordinate and collaborate closely with relevant HQ Divisions and units, including the Strategy, Planning, Resources and Effectiveness Division (SPRED) and the Policy, Programme and Inter-Governmental Division (PPID), in order to ensure the implementation of corporate policy, procedures, guidance and systems associated with the strategic planning and results management in their respective region.  

Duties and Responsibilities

Provide strategic planning and RBM-related guidance and technical support to the UN Country Teams (UNCTs) and UN Women COs in the region for development of UNSDCFs through the inter-agency regional mechanism, such as Peer Support Group (PSG), in close collaboration with Regional Coordination Specialist:

  • Substantively support and contribute to the inter-agency strategic planning processes at the regional and country levels, by coordinating with PSG co-chairs and participating in PSG meetings and related activities related to strategic planning, RBM, monitoring and reporting;
  • Review draft Roadmaps, Common Country Assessment (CCA) and UNSDCFs from the perspective of strategic planning, RBM and monitoring/reporting, in line with the guidance/standard from DCO, in close collaboration with Regional Coordination Specialist;
  • Provide additional technical support to UNCTs and Results Groups, upon request, in relation to UNSDCFs, joint work plans, RBM capacity development, monitoring and reporting;
  • Provide guidance and technical support to UN Women COs in the areas of strategic planning, RBM, monitoring and reporting related to UNSDCFs, Joint Workplans and the UN Info platform, clarifying the alignment and linkage with UN Women Strategic Plan, Strategic Notes, workplans and UN Women Results Management System (RMS).

Provide strategic guidance, technical support and quality assurance to UN Women COs in the areas of strategic planning, RBM and UN Women Result Management System (RMS):

  • Provide guidance, technical support and quality assurance to UN Women Country Offices in the region to ensure the quality and timely submission and finalization of Strategic Notes, ensuring the full alignment with the respective UNSDCFs and in line with UN Women's relevant corporate policies, procedures and guidance;
  • Provide guidance, technical support and quality assurance to UN Women Country Offices in the region to ensure the quality and timely submission and finalization of workplans, in line with UN Women's relevant corporate policies, procedures and guidance;
  • Lead and manage the regional level review and appraisal process of workplans from COs, in collaboration with the relevant RO colleagues, to ensure quality in the region to facilitate the approval of those CO workplans by Regional Director;
  • Provide guidance and support to COs to ensure amendments of Strategic Notes and workplans are completed in a timely manner in line with relevant corporate procedure, in coordination with HQ;
  • Provide guidance, technical support and training to strengthen the capacity of COs in the areas of RBM in relation to strategic planning;
  • Provide guidance and technical support, upon request, when a CO conducts Mid-Term Review (MTR) of their Strategic Note;
  • Provide guidance and technical support to COs to ensure the effective use of RMS for the planning processes.

Leads and coordinate the strategic planning processes at the regional level;

  • Lead and manage the overall processes and coordinate within RO and with COs in the region to develop a new Strategic Note, ensuring the timely submission and quality in line with the relevant corporate policies, procedures and guidance;
  • Lead the overall processes and coordinate within the RO to develop and finalize workplans of the RO, ensuring the timely submission and quality in line with the relevant corporate policies, procedures and guidance documents;
  • Lead and manage the amendment process of Strategic Note and workplan of RO in line with relevant corporate procedure and in coordination with SPRED/SPU;
  • Provide RBM-related guidance and technical support to RO personnel to improve strategic planning in RO;
  • Provide guidance and technical support to personnel in the RO to ensure the effective use of RMS for RO's planning processes;
  • Provide support to the Regional Operations Manager for matters relating to the Regional Quarterly Business Review (QBR), the Regional Risk Management process and the development of the regional Office Typology and physical presence setup.

Contribute to HQ-led corporate initiatives in the areas of Strategic Planning and RBM in close collaboration with HQ to ensure the field perspectives and needs are reflected in those corporate initiatives:

  • Contribute to corporate level strategic planning exercises associated with UN Women Strategic Plan, including development of new Strategic Plan and Mid-Term Review of Strategic Plan;
  • Contribute to development, revision and roll-out of relevant corporate policies, procedure and guidance in the areas of strategic planning and RBM;
  • Contribute to development/revision of corporate RBM capacity development resources and tools in the areas of strategic planning;
  • Contribute to development/enhancement of corporate systems in the areas of strategic planning and results management;
  • Contribute to enhancement of UN Women's Transparency Portal to improve publishing of planning data;
  • Contribute to cross-regional and corporate level knowledge exchange and learning on strategic planning and RBM in close collaboration with other Regional Strategic Planning Specialists and HQ colleagues;
  • Coordinate and collaborate with HQ to support the preparation of sessions with the Executive Board associated with Strategic Notes, as needed.

Oversee documentations in the areas of strategic planning and RBM within the Regional Office and contribute to audits and evaluations:

  • Ensure Strategic Notes and workplans of RO and COs in the region are fully updated in the corporate systems and documented with amendments, ensuring the readiness for future audits and evaluations;
  • Contribute to internal/external audits, corporate/regional evaluations, other assessment/reviews and reporting requirements, by providing necessary data, information and documents associated with UNSDCFs, Strategic Notes and workplans from the region.

Other functions;

  • Contribute to the corporate level monitoring and reporting requirements, such as the Executive Director's Annual Report (EDAR) to the Executive Board on the implementation of UN Women Strategic Plan and UN Women's Transparency Portal.
  • Provide guidance and technical support to Country Offices to support planning of monitoring and reporting work at the planning stage of Strategic Notes, workplans and projects in line with the corporate requirements .

Lead and manage personnel under their supervision:

  • Manage the performance of personnel under their supervision by providing managerial direction, guidance and leadership as well as performance feedback and coaching;
  • Ensure performance assessment are completed on time and identify learning and development opportunities to support personnel's engagement;
  • Ensure all personnel under their supervision are fully aware of UN Women's workplace relations policies.

The incumbent performs other duties within their functional profile as deemed necessary for the efficient functioning of the Office and the Organisation:

Supervisory/Managerial Responsibilities:

  • The incumbent supervises the G6 Programme Associate


Core Values:

  • Respect for Diversity
  • Professionalism

Core Competencies:

  • Awareness and Sensitivity Regarding Gender Issues
  • Accountability
  • Creative Problem Solving
  • Effective Communication
  • Inclusive Collaboration
  • Stakeholder Engagement
  • Leading by Example

Please visit this link for more information on UN Women's Core Values and Competencies:

Functional Competencies:

  • Excellent knowledge of strategic planning and RBM;
  • Excellent knowledge of UN system and understanding of inter-agency strategic planning processes;
  • Excellent analytical skills;
  • Ability to promote and monitor inclusion of gender-specific results, indicators, targets and activities in various planning frameworks;
  • Ability to conceptualize and convey strategic vision;
  • Ability to support others to strengthen their knowledge and skills in the areas of strategic planning

Required Skills and Experience

Education and Certification:

  • Master's degree or equivalent in development-related disciplines, Social Sciences, Political Science, Development Studies, Public Administration, Gender, or a related field is required;
  • A first-level university degree in combination with two additional years of qualifying experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree.


  • At least 7 years of progressively responsible development experience that combines strategic and managerial leadership in development cooperation, international relations, public administration or a related field is required;
  • At least 3 to 5 years of experience in Results-Based Management (RBM) and strategic planning, including managing and coordinating the development of strategy, multi-year planning documents, work plans, and/or programme documents at the country, regional and/or international levels is required;
  • Experience in providing guidance and technical support for development of Theory of Change, results frameworks, logical frameworks and indicators for programmes/projects, to ensure the minimum standard of RBM is required;
  • Experience in inter-agency strategic planning work related to UNDAF/UNSDCFs at the country, regional or international level is required;
  • Experience in developing RBM resources and tools is desirable;
  • Experiences in conducting RBM training, as a trainer, to personnel and/or external partners to support results-based planning, monitoring and reporting is desirable;
  • Experience in the use of a modern web-based results management system, is desirable
  • Fluency in English is required;
  • Knowledge of another official UN language is desirable (French, Arabic, Chinese, Russian or Spanish). 

All applications must include (as an attachment) a completed UN Women Personal History form (P-11) which can be downloaded from

Please note that the system will only allow one attachment and candidates are required to include in the P-11 form links for their previously published reports and articles completed within the last two years. Applications without the completed and signed UN Women P-11 form will be treated as incomplete and will not be considered for further assessment.

In July 2010, the United Nations General Assembly created UN Women, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women. The creation of UN Women came about as part of the UN reform agenda, bringing together resources and mandates for greater impact. It merges and builds on the important work of four previously distinct parts of the UN system (DAW, OSAGI, INSTRAW and UNIFEM), which focused exclusively on gender equality and women's empowerment.

Diversity and inclusion:

At UN Women, we are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive environment of mutual respect. UN Women recruits, employs, trains, compensates, and promotes regardless of race, religion, color, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, ability, national origin, or any other basis covered by appropriate law. All employment is decided on the basis of qualifications, competence, integrity and organizational need.

If you need any reasonable accommodation to support your participation in the recruitment and selection process, please include this information in your application.

UN Women has a zero-tolerance policy on conduct that is incompatible with the aims and objectives of the United Nations and UN Women, including sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority and discrimination. All selected candidates will be expected to adhere to UN Women's policies and procedures and the standards of conduct expected of UN Women personnel and will therefore undergo rigorous reference and background checks. (Background checks will include the verification of academic credential(s) and employment history. Selected candidates may be required to provide additional information to conduct a background check.

City:  Orlovo, Moskovskaya, Russian Federation (Russia)
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Latitude: 55�32'58"N (55.549444)
Longitude: 37�51'52"E (37.864444)
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Zhukovsky International Airport

Zhukovsky International Airport, formerly known as Ramenskoye Airport or Zhukovsky Airfield - international airport, located in Moscow Oblast, Russia 36 km southeast of central Moscow, in the town of Zhukovsky, a few kilometers southeast of the old Bykovo Airport. After its reconstruction in 2014–2016, Zhukovsky International Airport was officially opened on 30 May 2016. The declared capacity of the new airport was 4 million passengers per year.

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Elektrostal , city, Moscow oblast (province), western Russia . It lies 36 miles (58 km) east of Moscow city. The name, meaning “electric steel,” derives from the high-quality-steel industry established there soon after the October Revolution in 1917. During World War II , parts of the heavy-machine-building industry were relocated there from Ukraine, and Elektrostal is now a centre for the production of metallurgical equipment. Pop. (2006 est.) 146,189.


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