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Here are 8 real-life co-op board reference letters that work

  • Most boards want four to six letters and a mix of professional, personal, and property related
  • The letters should be succinct (one page is ideal) but still paint a positive picture of your character
  • Ask the reference to share examples of how you have been a responsible and involved neighbor

Headshot of Emily Myers

Reference letters are meant to reassure the board you will be a good neighbor and a responsible community member.

Buying a  New York City co-op is like the job application process—on steroids. Not only do you have to qualify with a pile of financial documents, but you also have to convince a co-op board you will be a good neighbor and an asset to the community. 

This is where references come in, which are letters from close friends and business colleagues that attest to your personal character and financial responsibility. 

To help you with your application, we’ve collected some reference letters from buyers who successfully landed their desired co-ops. We've redacted contact information and any identifying details to protect everyone's privacy. 

Most board packages ask for four to six letters. It's a good idea to ask for three from professional contacts, three from personal contacts, one from your landlord or property manager, and one from your employer. This way, you’ll have a good number to choose from when it comes time to submit the application.

[Editor's note: A previous version of this post was published in January 2022. We are presenting it again with new information for January 2024.]

The letters below are a good guide for what needs to be included. We’ve also identified some of the key characteristics that made each one successful.

1. Begin and end the letter correctly

The letter should be addressed to “Members of the Board,” says Kimberly Blades, board package specialist at  BOND New York.  Blades helped to submit about 130 packages last year and says this opening address is crucial. Signatures in these letters have been redacted, and she says letters should be signed digitally or in pen.

First example of a successful co-op letter

2. Use letterhead

Letters should be on letterhead, Blades says. This might be easier for a professional reference like the one below, but Blades points out letterhead can be professionally designed or something simple created on a computer. 

 “The letterhead should have a full name, address, phone number, and email address,” she says. This is so board members can reach out to the reference if they have further questions. If the contact information isn’t on the letterhead or below the signature, it can be included within the body of the letter, as in the sample below. 

You also want to make sure the letter is typed and free from any grammatical mistakes or spelling errors.

Second example of a co-op recommendation letter with letterhead

3. Establish the connection

Like the previous letters, this one below describes in detail who the author of the letter is and how that person knows you, as well as mentions positive examples from your life. 

“Skip embarrassing college stories at all costs,” Blades says. 

Another important requirement, says Kobi Lahav, director of sales at Living New York,  is that the person writing the letter is not a family member. A letter from your mom isn’t going to cut it, you need a more objective reference.

Third example of a personal co-op reference letter

4. Use someone who owns in New York

Someone who owns in NYC—or even better—someone who owns in a co-op, or is on a co-op board , will make a perfect reference, Lahav says. 

“It conveys to the board that the person who is writing the reference understands the complexities of owning in the city and believes that the applicant is able to coexist in a New York City building community,” he says. The writer of the personal reference letter below even lives in the building where the buyer is applying.

Example of personal recommendation co-op letter

5. Keep it to one page

Not all the reference letters adhere to this rule but Rochelle Bass, a broker at  BOND New York, says a letter should be just one page. Keeping it to one page, or a page and a half max, can help keep the letter succinct while also allowing the writer to add specific details to paint a picture of a buyer’s character. You also want to make sure the letter is typed and free from any grammatical mistakes or spelling errors.

Another example of a co-op recommendation letter

6. Find someone in an executive position

The letter below is written by the chief financial officer of a company. That is a major plus, Lahav says. 

“If the person writing the letter has an executive position that allows him to interview people, then the board will give more weight to the letter,” he says. 

Got a famous friend who can endorse you? Lahav says that might backfire if they have controversial views.

“If the person recommending you is a known figure who has opinions that might not be well-liked by certain parts of the public—either direction of the political map—then you might want to avoid using that person,” he says.

Example of a co-op recommendation letter from an executive

7. Include references to community involvement

Nicole Gary, a broker at Keller Williams New York City,  provides her clients with a sample letter that they can edit to suit their needs. In her view, another priority for the letter writer is to include what the prospective buyer has done to assist the community—and give examples of what would make them an excellent neighbor .  

“Have they volunteered or been on any boards together? What makes the buyer fiscally responsible? I always suggest giving as many real-life examples as possible to show this person is a person of integrity,” she says. 

So it’s less about personal accomplishments and more about serving the community at large. Lucy Wu, a broker at BOND New York, says the letter should describe how you’ve impacted the lives of your friends, co-workers, and neighbors. 

She asks: “What are some examples that your reference can place in the letter showing your impact on the community, your ability to collaborate with the community in problem-solving, your ability to handle conflict and resolve it to improve the situation of others?”  

Another example of a co-op reference letter

8. Try to create a low-key image

You don’t want the letter to imply you’re overly social and will be entertaining all the time. 

“Talking about how someone has many friends and likes to travel and socialize might suggest to the board [the buyer] is some kind of a party animal and they could face noise issues,” Lahav says. Instead, emphasize dedication to work and good work ethics. 

“In essence, the board is looking to keep a quiet community. A board letter should emphasize the professional side and less the socializing side,” he says.  

Final example of a co-op reference letter

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Emily myers.

Emily Myers is a senior writer, podcast host, and producer at Brick Underground. She writes about issues ranging from market analysis and tenants' rights to the intricacies of buying and selling condos and co-ops. As host of the Brick Underground podcast,  she has earned four silver awards from the National Association of Real Estate Editors.

a row of new york city apartments with trees in front.

How to write a sample condo or co-op board candidate statement

How to write a sample condo or co-op board candidate statement

Thinking about becoming a board member for your co-op or condo? There are many reasons why it could be a good idea.

Maybe you’d like to give personal input on ways to make the building better, help your building reach its full potential, or maybe you’d just like to keep a closer ear to the ground on the latest happenings in your building. No matter what, drafting up a sample board candidate statement will be your first step to joining your building’s board.

A good candidate statement will have two objectives:

  • It will clarify in detail what you will do for your building and why they should trust you
  • It will share a little about you, what you value, and where you come from

‌ Remember, you want to persuade people to vote for you. Obviously, be honest about yourself and your capabilities, but this is no time for false modesty.

Lead with your offer first

The most common mistake people make when running for the board of their condo or co-op is leading with their biographical details. You will want to include these, but later. You need to first catch your reader’s attention by specifying what you can do for them. In other words, don’t bury the lead! Start with things like, what your personal goals are for the community and how they align with the goals of others who live in your building. Good examples include:

  • Increasing transparency between the board, residents, and owners of the building
  • Taking steps to raise the property value, such as a renovation or addition that you know others have been thinking about
  • Implementing new and technologically innovative ways for community members to make suggestions to the board and influence their decisions
  • Better budgeting and fiscally conservative policies
  • Brainstorming ways to beautify the building and create an even more aesthetically pleasing or luxurious environment to live in
  • Increasing lines of communication and opportunities for feedback and input from owners and residents

‌ Since you and voters share the same community, you can bet others will share your interests and concerns, too. Take advantage of this knowledge as you craft your “offer,” thinking carefully about why someone should cast a vote on your behalf.

Apply your unique skillsets‌

Being a member of the board is a lot of responsibility that benefits from a wide variety of backgrounds and prior administrative positions. You’ll want to align your personal history with the goals you have in view. This will help voters see why you’re the right candidate for them.

The board will be responsible for the building’s overall security procedures. If you have a background in law enforcement or something related, this could be a great area to focus on.

You may also be tasked with implementing policies against discrimination or harassment, or devise procedures for resolving disputes between neighbors. If you have any security skills in your background, be sure to advertise them in your statement.

Finances and budget management

Maintaining a building correctly requires a lot of money, no surprise there. But beyond having enough money, you need to make sure that things are being budgeted properly: owners’ dues are being collected, the operating budget and capital expenditures budget have enough money, that your building will have enough money to make necessary improvements to meet city codes ... the list goes on. One of the most important roles on a board is treasurer. If you’re a CPA, or even just experienced with budgeting and numbers, this could be a great position for you!

Have general background or experience in real estate, more specifically property management? This knowledge could be a game changer for your board. If not property management, were you employed in any kind of public works? Have you assisted in budgeting for any major projects and helped keep costs low? These are all things to work into your offering to show people what you bring to the table.

Government compliance

Unequal enforcement of the rules - “rules for thee and not for me” - is one of the biggest complaints sent to the board. Inevitably, you’ll be handling your fair share of disputes. Many, however, can be headed off in advance by clearly articulated and precise policies for all community members as a condition of residency. If you’d like to set in motion amending the existing procedures or creating all new ones, say so in your letter.

‌The board will additionally be responsible for staying in compliance with local laws and regulations. Failing to do so can cause you hefty fines or worse. So, you’ll need to stay on top of these to provide a smooth living experience for the entire community. If you have a background in government or have served in any kind of regulatory agency, these skills will be invaluable here.

Now tell them who you are

Having clearly stated in writing what you can do to help the community, what your specific goals are, and the skills you have to get the job done, this final section is where you can tell voters who you are. People like to vote for people that they like, so be sincere and tell them things like:

  • Your name, where you were raised, and where you went to school
  • Whether you’re married and have kids, or if it’s just you and your faithful animal companion
  • What you like to do for fun: If you have any unusual or adventurous hobbies, now is the time to express them all

Try to be likable and amicable in this section, but don’t come off like you’re not serious or are trying too hard to impress people. Say just enough to let people get to know you and realize you’re an actual human being.

‌‍With all this in mind, you’ll be well on your way to creating an excellent candidate statement for joining a condo or co-op board. Remember, the important thing is to make it about your building community, not about you.

If you’re looking for more detailed advice on this process or are learning to be a more effective board member, the team at Daisy is happy to assist you. We can help you develop a thoughtful approach to your board membership, so you can focus on building the strong and vibrant community that you want.

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Co-op Reference Letters Guide

If you’re planning on buying a co-op in New York City , you’ve probably heard of the dreaded coop board application and subsequent interview. One of the most overlooked parts of the application process requires you to obtain personal reference letters (aka recommendation letters) from friends or colleagues who can vouch for your good character. 

hash-mark What is a Co-op Reference Letter?

A co-op reference letter is a letter provided to a co-op board that attests to a person's good moral character. Co-op boards typically require reference letters as part of the application process, as they use them to determine if an individual would be a good neighborhood and welcome addition to their community. Co-op reference letters can be provided by friends, acquaintances, colleagues, employers, former landlords, or financial institutions that the applicant does business with. 

hash-mark What Are the Different Types of Reference Letters?

  • Personal Reference Letter
  • Professional / Employer Reference Letter
  • Landlord Reference Letter 

1. Personal Reference Letter

The person writing your personal co-op reference letter should be someone who knows you very well. At the very least, they should have known you for a minimum of five years. In general, the letter should begin by explaining how the person met you and explicitly state how long they’ve known you. The person should continue by telling personal stories or giving specific information and facts that speak to your good character (i.e., honesty, trustworthiness, etc.). If the person has knowledge of your charity work or donations, they should mention it without providing dollar amounts of any donations, as this might be viewed as tasteless. 

Lastly, it is beneficial if the personal reference is written by someone who is a co-op owner. By being a co-op owner themselves, they will be able to offer a credible opinion as to why you would make a good neighbor. 

This should go without saying, but you shouldn’t have your family members write a personal reference letter for you because of their inherent bias. Additionally, stay away from having your religious/spiritual leaders write referral letters for you. The reason being two-fold; 1) you don’t want to open yourself up to being discriminated against, and 2) religious leaders typically only know you on a limited basis. In other words, you want your personal reference letter to be written by someone who can offer a complete overview of your good character. 

Many co-op candidates often think that it’s a good idea to have their celebrity friends or politicians write them a reference letter, but it’s not. The Board doesn’t care about who you know; they genuinely want to see if you will be a good neighbor, who will pay your monthly maintenance fees. Further, by using a public figure as a reference, you may unintentionally rub the Board the wrong way. This is especially true if the public figure is a controversial person. Overall, it would be best if you avoided “name-dropping” in your co-op application as it is often viewed as tasteless.

Lastly, don’t use your current or former boss for a personal reference. Instead, you have them write you a professional letter or employer reference letter. 

Personal Reference Letter Sample

February 19, 2023

[insert Co-op Address]

Re: purchase of apartment 123 at the building address.

Dear [insert name] Corp Board Members,

I am writing to support my friend, John Doe, in his application to purchase Unit 2A in your cooperative.

John and I met approximately ten years ago, as we are both volunteers with the Juvenile Diabetic Association. We quickly became friends!

We roomed together approximately eight years ago, for a year, so I can personally attest John kept his living space immaculate and was incredibly respectful of those living around him.

I purchased a co-op apartment five years ago, and I’m currently on my building’s board. As such, I can unequivocally attest that John would be a great addition to your community.

If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

2. Professional / Employer Reference Letter

A co-op may ask you for an employer reference letter or a general professional reference letter, and in some cases, both.  

An employer reference letter is a simple letter, typically provided by your Human Resources department. The letter should include your current job title, time with the company, your annual base salary, and estimated yearly bonuses. Additionally, these letters should indicate that your employment is stable and that it is expected to continue in the future.  

Professional reference letters are very similar to personal reference letters. The critical difference is that the writer of the letter is a colleague. You should reserve these letters for a colleague that you have worked closely with and can personally attest to your work ethic.   

Professional / Employer Reference Letter Sample 

[Company Letterhead]

To the Board at [insert address}

This letter is to confirm that New York Law Firm currently employs John Doe. He has been employed since January 1, 2000. Mr. Doe is currently in good standing. His current job title is Senior Associate Attorney. His annual compensation is as follows: Base Salary $250,000 annually Bonus: approximately $50,000 annually.

Regards & Best, 

Adam Smith, Esq.

Managing Partner

3. Landlord Reference Letter

If you previously rented or lived in another co-op, you will typically be required to obtain a Landlord reference letter. Landlord reference letters are pretty straight forward letters. This letter usually states that you were a good tenant and that you paid your rent (or maintenance fees) on time throughout your tenancy. This letter should also include the address and the length of time that you were a tenant in that apartment. 

Landlord Reference Letter Sample 

[Landlord Letterhead]

February 11, 2023

Re: purchase of apartment XYZ at the building address.

I am writing to you in support of John Doe’s co-op application to your cooperative board.

Mr. Doe has been a tenant of ours in Apt. 2A at the above address for approximately ten years. He has been a tenant of good standing and has always paid his rent (currently $3,500) on time.

Mr. Doe would be an excellent addition to your community.  Please do not hesitate to contact me with any further questions.

Sincerely, Management

hash-mark Do Condos Require Reference Letters?  

No. The typical condo building in NYC generally has a less rigorous application and will not require you to submit reference letters, however, there are a handful of condos that may ask you to submit references or reference letters. 

hash-mark Do All NYC Coops Require Reference Letters?

Generally speaking, yes, almost all co-ops will require you to submit an application along with reference letters. The only exception is If you're purchasing a sponsor unit, in which case you'll likely submit a more condensed application without reference letters. 

hash-mark 7 Co-op Reference Letters Tips

1. start early and get up to 10 reference letters.

You will be surprised how bad some reference letters can be. As such, you should ensure that you ask your friends and colleagues for your reference letters far in advance. Additionally, it may not be such a bad idea to give your references samples of the type of letter you want them to write. To be on the safe side, you should get more reference letters than you need so that you can pick the best ones to submit with your application. 

2. Use Clear Fonts  

It's essential to use clear fonts that are easily legible when writing a co-op reference letter. Some of the best fonts to consider are Times New Roman and Arial.  

3. When applicable, have your reference use letterhead 

Another way to ensure your co-op reference letters impress the board is to have your references use letterhead. This will make the reference letters look more professional, which can give the board a good impression. 

4. Format Your Letter Correctly

If you don’t recall how to format a letter, then just search for examples on Google to refresh yourself. 

For the subject line, you should write “Re: purchase of apartment 123 at the building address. 

5. “Avoid to Whom it May Concern” 

Under no circumstance should your letter state, “To whom it may concern:” The appropriate way to address a co-op letter should say “Dear Board of Directors” or “The board of directors, “X” corporation.”.

6. Proofread the letter

Again, if you treat this process as a job application, then obviously all your reference letters should be free of typos. 

7. Submit the letters with the board package  

All your letters should be a part of the package and never sent directly to the building so that the letter doesn’t get lost. Additionally, the letter should be flat, not folded, and annexed to all your application materials. 

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NYC Coop Board Package Reference Letter Samples and Tips

A typical nyc co-op board application will require three to six personal and professional reference letters per applicant. it’s important to ask for these reference letters as soon as you have a fully executed purchase contract ., as a precaution, you should seek more reference letters than required as some of your references will undoubtedly be late or may even write less than flattering content about you. keep in mind that even if you are buying a condo in nyc , reference letters may still be required., we’ve included sample nyc co-op professional, personal, employer and landlord reference letters in this article as well as some additional information, tips and tricks about preparing the reference letters for your nyc co-op purchase application ., sample reference letters:, personal nyc co-op reference letter samples, professional nyc co-op reference letter samples, nyc landlord co-op reference letter samples, nyc employer co-op reference letter samples, table of contents:, how many reference letters does a typical nyc co-op board application require, are reference letters required for both condos and co-ops in nyc or just coops, how long should it take to assemble my board application reference letters, what is the suggested length of a nyc coop reference letter, what should be included in a personal co-op reference letter, what should be included in a professional co-op reference letter, what is a landlord reference letter, what if my landlord is a friend or family member, what is an employer reference letter, how do i provide an employer reference letter i’m self-employed, what if i don’t have enough people to ask for reference letters, do co-op reference letters need to have original signatures, or are copies okay what are some general tips for preparing nyc co-op reference letters.

co op board application cover letter sample

A typical co-op building in NYC will request between three to six business/personal reference letters per applicant in addition to both a landlord and employer reference letter.

Like every other item in the board application, the specific requirements vary depending on the co-op building in question., requirements vary by building, while some board applications will set clear guidelines for the reference letters (i.e. no family members), other board applications are more flexible in terms of what they are looking for., when in doubt, you should always ask your buyer’s agent to clarify any specific reference letter requirements directly with the listing agent and/or managing agent., here are a few real examples of the co-op reference letter requirements from the board applications of various co-op buildings in new york city:, pre-war co-op in concourse, bronx, three (3) personal reference letters, three (3) professional reference letters, employment verification letter from current employer, stating position, hire date, and income., landlord reference letter, boutique, pre-war co-op in chelsea, manhattan, two (2) business/professional reference letters, two (2) personal reference letters, current landlord / managing agent reference letter, employment & salary / income verification letter.

3-6 reference letters per applicant. Ask for references as soon as you have a signed contract. NYC co-op board package reference letter samples & tips.

Pre-war, boutique co-op on the Upper West Side

Letter from employer(s) stating job function, salary and length of employment, purchaser(s) to submit letter from present landlord or managing agent, applicant(s) must each submit three (3) personal letters of reference and two (2) business letters of reference, large, pre-war co-op building in greenwich village, one employment reference (indicate salary, length of employment, position and business), one current landlord reference indicating the timeliness of rent payments, three professional/personal references from persons unrelated to you, pre-war, walk-up co-op in lenox hill (upper east side), one employment reference (indicate salary, length of employment, position and bonuses). if not employed within the last six months please provide a letter from your previous employer., one current landlord reference indicating the timeliness of rent payments., pro tip: as you can see, requirements can vary dramatically by building. often times, you’ll see smaller walk-up buildings or self-managed coops have very relaxed requirements when it comes to the purchase application and reference letters. and if you’re lucky enough to be buying a sponsor unit , then you can skip the board approval process altogether. keep in mind that even though you may not have to submit the full purchase application nor will you have to attend a coop board interview , you may still be asked to complete some sort of abbreviated application for a sponsor sale., our discretion, your advantage, our traditional partner brokers never openly discount which means less disruption and better execution for you., although the perception is that only co-ops have board applications in nyc, many condo buildings also require buyers to complete a purchase application., the typical condo board application is less rigorous than what is requested by a comparable co-op building. however, it is possible that your condo building may also require the submission of references and/or reference letters., if you happen to be buying a co-op apartment directly from a sponsor , it is unlikely that you will be required to submit reference letters. you should be aware of the fact that buying a sponsor unit does not necessarily guarantee that you won’t have to complete some sort of board application., although a co-op will not reject your application for a sponsor unit, they may require the submission of an abbreviated board application for the purposes of verifying your assets and running credit and criminal background checks., if you happen to be buying your neighbor’s apartment , your coop building will still likely require the submission of an abbreviated board application., pro tip: it’s a worrying trend for more condos to ask for reference letters and condo board packages that sometimes rival co-op board packages in length. just remember that by doing so, condo boards are shooting themselves in the foot by presenting themselves as unreasonable people who think they live in a co-op and are mad for power. the best way to avoid condo buildings like this is to ask to see the condo’s purchase application, if any, as early as possible in the process. in fact, it’s possible to ask the listing agent for a copy of the sales application before even making an offer, even though traditionally the buyer gets a copy of the purchase application only after an offer has been accepted., save 2% on your home purchase, save thousands on your home purchase with a buyer agent commission rebate from hauseit, the amount of time you have to request and assemble your reference letters will depend on whether you are financing your purchase., if you are financing the purchase, you have slightly more time because you need to wait for your mortgage commitment letter before submitting your application. receiving a commitment letter from your bank typically takes 3 to 5 weeks., request reference letters asap, if you are making an all cash purchase, you will be able to submit your overall board application in a much more timely manner since you do not need to wait for a mortgage commitment letter ., whether you are financing or making an all cash purchase, it’s suggested that you request your reference letters as soon as you have a fully executed contract and have received the co-op’s financial requirements ., it’s also a good idea to request more than the minimum number of reference letters to avoid the risk of delays or having to be reliant on a less than stellar reference letter from one individual., you should also keep in mind that your purchase contract may also require that the board application be submitted within a certain number of days after you receive a mortgage commitment letter..

co op board application cover letter sample

There is no specific requirement for the length of a co-op reference letter. The suggested length of a board package reference letter is anywhere between three paragraphs to a page and a half.

While a reference letter shorter than three paragraphs may draw additional scrutiny, a reference letter which is too long may lose its effectiveness., above all, reference letters should be insightful and concise. quality as opposed to quantity is the most important consideration when considering the length of a reference letter., the ultimate purpose of the co-op reference letters you submit is to help the board obtain a qualitative sense for how you are as a person and how you would interact with and contribute to the co-op community., when considering who to ask for personal references, it’s helpful to keep in mind the sort of content which the personal references should include:, explain how you met the candidate, how long you’ve known them, and why you became friends, go into detail on the nature of your interactions with the candidate. what sorts of activities and events have you both attended as common interests examples may include theater, sports, charities, a previous workplace, professional associations, travel buddies, etc. were you or they ever a guest in your respective homes, specify the defining character traits of the candidate, offering examples of why words such as “responsible, trustworthy, honest, ethical, etc.” are fitting descriptions., make reference to the candidate’s educational background as well as academic and other achievements, if you are privy to these aspect of the candidate’s life., if you have experience living in a co-op and/or being involved in the board, share this information in order to enhance your credibility with the audience., identify the personal attributes of the candidate which would make him/her a good neighbor in the co-op., a typical nyc co-op purchase application will request anywhere from 1-4 professional business reference letters per applicant., the body of a business reference letter should touch on the following points:, describe how and why you know the candidate professionally. provide insight into how and why you met them, for how long you’ve known each other, and the nature of your professional association., share the characteristics of the candidate which make them excel at work. for example, are they leaders, team players, visionaries and/or do they have a positive attitude in the workplace, offer insight into what achievements the candidate has accomplished at work., if you have experience living in a co-op (in nyc or elsewhere), identify the personal attributes of the candidate which would make him/her a good neighbor in the co-op., the purpose of a landlord reference letter is to ensure that you have previously paid your rent obligations in a timely manner., a typical landlord reference letter should include the address of the unit you are renting, the length of time you’ve lived there and the amount of your rent. it should also share whether you’ve been timely with your rent payments., if your co-op purchase application does not specify what should be included in the landlord reference letter, we suggest that you include as much detail as possible including all of the items mentioned above., the fact that your landlord is a friend or family member should not pose an issue to your co-op board package ., in the event you are renting from a friend or family member, you should request a letter from them which includes the typical content of a landlord reference letter: address of the property you are renting, the length of time you’ve lived there, how much rent you pay, and whether you pay rent in a timely., if you are living rent-free with a friend or family member, you should request a letter from him/her which states where you live, how long you’ve lived there and explains that you are not paying any rent. this would be similar to getting a signed gift letter for a mortgage if you were getting help from a family member for your down payment., an employer reference letter is different from the ‘professional’ reference letters we discussed previously., the purpose of an employer reference letter is to verify factual data such as where you work, the dates of your employment, the amount and nature of your compensation, as well as the specifics of your current role/position., contact human resources, because they simply offer non-qualitative data about your relationship with the company, an employer reference letter is typically provided by the human resources (hr) department., as such, the easiest way to request an employer reference letter is to request one from your hr contact. if you work for a small firm which does not have a standalone hr department, then you should request the employer reference letter from whoever is able to verify the nature of your employment., note: your mortgage banker or broker will also have to verify your employment with an actual phone call typically two days before closing. someone from your bank lender will call the number you provided for your employer to confirm verbally that you are indeed still employed. this can be a problem if you’ve been fired or laid off before closing. depending on how well your lawyer has protected you in your purchase contract , you may still be able to get your contract deposit back., if you are self-employed, you should request your professional reference letters from whoever you work with in a professional context., it’s also important to note that if you do not have a traditional employer, a typical nyc co-op board package will also ask you for some additional financial verification items above and beyond the standard rebny financial statement , bank statements and bank verification letters. these additional items may include a notarized letter from your accountant, profit/loss (income) statements from your business, and/or the operating agreements/formation documents from whatever legal entities you are conducting business., as a co-op candidate in nyc, it’s very important that you follow the board application instructions and submit a comprehensive board package the first time around., submitting less than the required number of references will only result in the managing agent rejecting your application and sending it back to your buyer’s agent for correction before the board even has a chance to review it., contact the managing agent, if you feel that you don’t have enough people to ask for references, you may want to have your buyer’s agent verify the specific reference letter requirements with the building’s managing agent., there’s always a chance that reference letters from family members are permitted, and/or the board only needs one set of reference letters for you and your significant other (as opposed to a set for each of you)., a full service listing for 1%, sell your home with a traditional full service listing for just one percent commission., do co-op reference letters need to have original signatures, or are copies okay, whether you need to submit original (ink signature) reference letters depends on the specific requirements of your building’s purchase application., if the board package instructions refer to ‘original’ reference letters, then your references will need to mail you the original, signed letters., if the application does not specify, it’s a good idea to have your buyer’s agent verify the specific requirements with the managing agent before submitting the board package., if you requested a nyc buyer agent commission rebate and are working with a seasoned buyer’s agent, he/she will take the initiative to collect and assemble any original documentation required from you and the seller., if you are selling fsbo in nyc and your buyer is unrepresented, you will need to take a leading role in reviewing your buyer’s board application and coordinating the receipt of all original documents., what are some general tips for preparing nyc co-op reference letters, the purpose of reference letters is to shed light on your positive qualities and strengthen the allure of your overall candidacy for the co-op. however, poorly drafted reference letters can also significantly weaken your application., when requesting your reference letters, we suggest you keep the following considerations in mind:, always include the reference contact details on the letter: email, phone and address., make sure that each reference letter is correctly formatted in a similar manner to the example reference letters we’ve included below., watch out for fake/plagiarized letters. if you send your references a template or sample letter, please ensure that they do not copy anything word for word. submitting similar reference letters is an immediate red flag for the board, and it’s something they will be on the lookout for., ensure that grammar and spelling are perfect., read the reference letters to check for accuracy and consistency, as you may be questioned on them during your board interview ., personal nyc co-op reference letter sample 1:, [reference address, email & phone], january 27 th , 2017.

Board of Directors

[Coop Corporation] New York, NY 10025

To whom it may concern:, we are delighted to offer our full support of nigel and alexis’s co-op application to your cooperative board., it is hard to believe that i’ve known alexis for nearly twenty years and her husband nigel for nearly ten years. alexis and i met at a sleepaway summer camp in the late 1990s, and even though she grew up in arizona and i in maine, we took efforts to stay connected all these years – exchanging hand-written letters back in those days and typing long emails before text messages and facebook. i felt extremely lucky when we all ended up in nyc, now nearly a decade ago, and that we have since been able to spend time together much more regularly., alexis and nigel, shortly before they were married, moved to the same uws building as me and my husband nearly ten years ago. we were their upstairs neighbors for two years and enjoyed being able to pop over for meals that they hosted, or invite them over for a drink or a chat, anytime. they were incredibly supportive anytime we needed them, and also a tremendous help when we were in the process of purchasing our first co-op. having gone through the co-op ownership process ourselves, we feel that this is a wonderful next step and fit for nigel and alexis, who will be a phenomenal addition to any community they join., we know first hand that it’s wonderful to have alexis and nigel as friends and neighbors. the warmth and consideration that they have for others would be a tremendous asset to your building – we only wish they could be moving to ours i would be happy to answer any questions about their candidacy. please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions., best, eric y., personal nyc co-op reference letter sample 2:, my husband and i have been dear friends of abigal and mitchell for about seven years now. how we met, i believe epitomizes what warm and thoughtful people they are to the core. abigal previously was director of hospitality for a successful restaurant group, and we got to know her initially as regular guests of their first restaurant that was around the corner from our former apartment. abigail was overflowing with generosity, care, and brightness, a magnetism that instantly captivates you. as we started to get to know one another, she told us how we must meet mitchell, who she was about to marry at that time. ironically, my husband and i similarly were just married three weeks before abigal and mitchell, the first of many incredible commonalities and shared experiences., all it took was one double date, and we were friends for life – true serendipity we think. i too work in the restaurant industry, so in addition to being close personally, i have had over the years quite a bit of overlap in network and community with abigal and mitchell professionally. they are two of the people we turn to most for career guidance and advice, as they hold the highest sense of ethics and reputation. abigal and mitchell welcome those they care about with open and earnest arms, both the true embodiment of hospitality in every sense of the word. if you have the good fortune to be invited over to their home for a meal, it might just ruin every other dining out experience, as it is just unparalleled., further, should you be lucky enough to be part of their circle, their loyalty, integrity, and enthusiasm for life is one of the most enriching influences anyone could ever ask for. they are the definition of good citizens, with a passion for wellness, animals, and pure spirituality, helping others be the best they can be from the inside out and supporting others to make the most out of life. each is immensely charitable, responsible, and forthright in every facet of their personal and professional lives., it is with the utmost honor and respect that i recommend jeff and nicole with the highest regard as hopefully future tenants of your apartment. i am confident it would be a decision well made. please feel free to reach me should you want additional information., warmly, elisa l., personal nyc co-op reference letter sample 3:, michaela k., [coop corporation] new york, ny 11372, to: the board of directors, i write in support of the co-op application of pollyana. i have known polly for over 10 years. we became friends after meeting through mutual friends in the williamsburg neighborhood of brooklyn. we share a common interest in writing, reading and music – and we both worked in the publishing industry. even after i moved a few neighborhood subway stops away, we’ve remained close friends., as a result of knowing polly for a decade, i can assure you that she is a person of remarkable maturity and reliability. she is one of the most personally dependable and financially responsible people that i know. my husband and i have come to depend on polly in countless ways. for example, polly has cat sat for us on multiple occasions. she is also one of the few people to whom my husband and i would entrust to take care of our 4-year old son. obviously, i have a great deal of faith in polly and trust her without reservation., i’m sorry that polly is moving a bit further away, but we’ve already discussed what great food options in jackson heights so i’m at least thrilled that i’ll have the opportunity to visit her in her new home, should you consider making her a part of your community., i recommend polly without reservation. please feel free to contact me at [redacted] with any further questions., sincerely, michaela k., professional nyc co-op reference letter sample 1:, march 1, 2016, the board of directors [coop corporation] new york, ny 10021, ladies and gentlemen of the board,, it is my distinct pleasure to recommend richard jones along with his wife naomi and their sons, blake and samuel, to you as shareholders and as residents in your building., i have worked with richard for nearly seven years, since we opened the new york office of our firm in 2010. richard is among the most outstanding, diligent, and hardworking members of our firm, and it is these traits that prompted the board of directors to invite him to join the firm as a founding member in 2005. for the same reasons, not long after we opened the new york branch, we invited richard to move to nyc. since then, he has become a key contributor to our business., my wife, eleanor, and i have both enjoyed getting to know richard and naomi socially as well. we have found naomi to be an intelligent, mindful, and energetic friend and a great mother to her kids. we are delighted that richard and naomi have chosen to put down roots in nyc, as evidenced by their enrolling their children in schools here and applying to become shareholders in your co-op., we have lived on the upper east side for 32 years. both of us have served on the boards of our co-ops, and l was previously president and treasurer of our current building. with this background, we believe we understand the qualities that an ideal resident family possesses: conscientiousness, financial responsibility, and neighborliness. we cannot imagine a family that better represents these qualities than the applicants who stand before you., we are certain that you will find them to be pleasant neighbors as well as responsible shareholders. please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions at all, to [email redacted] or to my cell phone, [cell phone redacted], kind regards, jack r., [company letterhead], professional nyc co-op reference letter sample 2:, may 12 th , 2017, [coop corporation] new york, ny 10010, dear members of the board:, i hired chad fenner in 2011 to join the team of my newly opened restaurant, [redacted]. he quickly rose through the ranks and in 2013 he took over as general manager. four years later after many successful years operating [redacted] to incredibly exacting standards he is now also my partner in our newest venture, [redacted]., chad is loyal, sharp and a hard working gentleman – and the success of ventures he operates for me stands for itself. beyond its financials, the quality of its offering has evolved by leaps and bounds. [redacted] has been awarded a great many awards under chad’s leadership., a bit about chad and his wife, mary. they met while working together at [redacted]. she is a magnetic person – intelligent, charming, caring and hardworking. i have all the confidence that chad and mary will be successful, not only professionally but also in their personal life. the intensity and wisdom that permeate all of the decisions made by chad and mary are beyond unique in every walk of the business world i inhabit, and i have supreme trust in all of their judgements individually and as a team., best, linda t., professional nyc co-op reference letter sample 3:, to whom it may concern:, i am writing to recommend nigel in his application to your cooperative board. i believe he will make a wonderful addition in your community and i fully recommend him to you., i first hired nigel in september 2013, after hearing great reviews from the supervisor of a role he was consulting in at [redacted]. i then was his manager until january 2017, when i moved onto a new role. we continue to work together under the broader news group., over the course of our professional time together, i have continually been impressed by erol’s professionalism, reliability and easy-going nature. i can always trust that he will do his work with integrity as well as soul, and that he will be open and forthcoming with any issues or concerns in a kind and gentle manner, as well as possible solutions. he is a true team player and someone who is genuinely interested in the well-being of others, qualities that make for an excellent staff member as well as neighbor., please consider him for membership in your coop. you will not be disappointed. for any questions, feel free to reach out to me, anytime., best, emily b., pro tip: please use these sample nyc coop board package reference letters as guides on what your actual reference letter might look like. please resist the temptation to copy these reference letters word for word, or even nearly word for word. we’ve seen too many prospective buyers get rejected because their references didn’t want to waste time on writing a letter and instead just copied samples they found online. remember, it doesn’t take much for a co-op board member to google a phrase in your letter and see that an entire reference letter has been plagiarized, nyc landlord co-op reference letter example 1:, [landlord letterhead], february 28 th , 2017, this is to state that mr. richard felix has been a tenant of ours in apt. 3e at the above address for the last two years, he has been a tenant of good standing and has always paid his rent (currently $5,750) on time., sincerely, management, nyc landlord co-op reference letter example 2:, january 30 th , 2017, i am writing to you in support of lisa and chris white’s co-op application to your cooperative board. i do so with pleasure., i have known chris for nearly 5 years, having met while we were both working at [redacted]. as we both lived on the west side of manhattan, we both enjoyed taking the company’s shuttle to its headquarters outside of nyc. over the course of our years of commuting together, i got to know chris better, as he is the kind of person who is always open to smile and chat. i have always been impressed with his courteousness, professionalism and calm demeanor, and his ease in getting along with a variety of people., fortuitously, in fall 2013, chris and his wife, lisa, were looking to move to a new apartment right when i was looking for a tenant for my own place. because of his outstanding professionalism, trustworthiness and friendly manner, i knew he and lisa would make wonderful tenants, and i offered them the option of moving to my place., chris and lisa have been excellent tenants, always paying their monthly rent of $3750 in a timely manner. please do not hesitate to contact me with any further questions., sincerely, blaine r., pro tip: if you are worried about your references wasting their valuable time by having to write original letters, don’t be. everyone will waste more time if you instruct them to use template letters you’ve found online. that’s because after your purchase application is rejected for plagiarism, you’ll have to ask them all over again to write new reference letters, nyc employer co-op reference letter example 1:, friday, january 13 th , 2017, re: employment verification for chris w., this letter is to confirm that chris w. is currently employed by [redacted]. he has been employed since july 2 nd , 2014 and is currently in good standing. his job title is: senior director, digital media. his current annual salary is: $175,000., should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me at [redacted]., kind regards, jean w., nyc employer co-op reference letter example 2:, to the board at [redacted]:, jason d. has been employed at [redacted] since 2005. jason has occupied the position of general manager for over 6 years, and his employment is expected to continue for the foreseeable future., his compensation is as follows: base salary: $195,000 per annum bonus: approx. $75,000 per annum, if you have any further questions i am happy to address them and may be reached at [redacted]., sincerely, mark b., pro tip: it’s critically important to not use these templates for your actual nyc co-op board package reference letters. if you do, there’s a distinct possibility that your act of plagiarism will be detected by the co-op board and your application will be rejected. after all, if your first interaction with the co-op board is one of laziness and plagiarism, how can the co-op board expect you to behave once you’re a shareholder, disclosure: hauseit® and its affiliates do not provide tax, legal, financial or accounting advice. this material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal, financial or accounting advice. no representation, guarantee or warranty of any kind is made regarding the completeness or accuracy of information provided., related posts.

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5 thoughts on “NYC Coop Board Package Reference Letter Samples and Tips”

Have guys ever seen a coop apartment owner write a reference letter to their coop board on behalf of a prospective subletter? See below for a sample co op sublease reference letter:

When my current tenant, Dr. Mark Jones. decided to return to Philadelphia, I had a choice either to rent or sell my unit. I tried to sell my unit for about 3 months. However, because many units are on the market right now in the Murray Hill area, I was not able to find a buyer who was financially suitable. Therefore, I decided to rent the apartment instead and will try to sell when the market is more favorable.

Fortunately, I was able to find a suitable candidate very quickly after I listed the apartment for rent. Allow me to introduce Dr. and Mrs. Blarney. Dr. Blarney has a Ph.D. degree in Physics, and his wife is a graduate of Harvard. He has finished a postdoctoral appointment at Columbia University and has accepted a new job in New York City. Although his current income reflects his position and the region of the country he lives in, his new job will pay $120,000 per year. Furthermore, Dr. Blarney and his wife will pay the entire year of rent ($30,500) in advance rather than in monthly installments. For these reasons, I am not concerned about the ability of Dr. Blarney and his wife to afford living in the unit. I have spoken to Dr. Blarney on the phone. He is a very polite, sophisticated gentleman, and I feel he would be an excellent addition to the community at 555 Fifth Avenue.

Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. I would humbly like to request the board approve this candidate to rent my apartment for the next twelve months. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask me.

Sincerely, Bill Grassman

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Brooklyn, NY

September 10, 2020

Dear Members of the Board,

It is with easy pleasure that I write this letter on behalf of who would like to purchase a cooperative apartment in your building, Mary, is one of my closest friends and we have many friends and acquaintances in common.

I met Mary years ago when we started in a 6 week program to help us learn the skills to transition us from academic PhDs into data scientists. Since that time we have been close both personally and professionally, and can enthusiastically vouch for her in both areas.

When you meet Mary you’ll see for yourself she is a warm considerate person, and I won’t have to convince you that she is well liked by friends and colleagues. Professionally she has spent plenty of her free time mentoring others, including myself, and I have found her careful advice to be invaluable. Personally, I know that Mary is the kind of neighbor you can count on: welcoming to others, respectful of the places she’s in, and reliable. I have counted on her numerous times to look after my apartment and my ancient, rather particular cat, and on returning have often found she has left gifts for me! We have also traveled together many times. Mary is always great at organizing, our trips have always gone smoothly and She is always thoughtful about leaving the places we stay in a great condition.

Please feel free to contact me if you have additional questions.

February 3rd, 2020

Building Management

To whom it may concern,

I am writing in support of Leslie, who has recently submitted an application for a condo in your building.

I have known her for seven years. We first met in medical school, becoming close friends and roommates. Living alongside s always easy and stress free. As a friend she is caring, loyal, and generous; she never hesitated to help a friend in need. As a roommate, she is ideal. She is clean, responsible, and committed to keeping an apartment that felt like home. She is responsible with her bills and respectful of her neighbors.

She is also a brilliant and diligent physician, an accomplishment that should speak to her work ethic and commitment to helping his community. She is well positioned for a successful career in medicine, having already secured a job as an attending physician. I am certain that she will continue to succeed in her new role, and I am excited for our friendship to continue to grow as we move forward together in our careers.

I therefore support her application without hesitation, and I hope you have the opportunity to get to know her further. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions.

February 1st, 2021

Dear Management,

Mark and myself are both in the same internal medicine residency program. I have known him since the beginning of our training in July 2018. I have worked side by side with him on numerous occasions.

He is a well-respected colleague and gets along well with everyone in the residency program, he is also well liked by his patients. I strongly recommend him for purchase. Please contact me by telephone if you have any questions.

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Sample intro letter to co-op board in nyc.

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6 Tips For Preparing A Co-op Board Package

Stack of Condo Forms

In order to purchase a co-op apartment in New York City, you must submit a complete purchase application (otherwise referred to as the “board package”) to the building’s board of directors and hope to be called in for an interview.  Depending on the building’s application requirements, this package can include such items as:  one to three years of tax returns; one to three months of all bank, brokerage and retirement statements; personal and professional letters of reference; landlord letter of reference; etc….   Remember that the organization and presentation of the purchase application is your chance to make a good first impression. Here are 5 preparation tips that may help guide you towards getting that interview!  1)   Include an “Introduction Letter to the Board” Start your application off by letting the board know a bit about you.  Add a cover letter that expresses your gratitude for the opportunity to purchase in the building.  Briefly explain why you love the apartment, the neighborhood and the building, and give the board a short summary on your employment history and financial background.  Always compliment the building where you can!   Request a sample “Introduction Letter to the Board”.   2)   Create a “Table of Contents” and category dividers A Table of Contents is always helpful.  First, it allows both management and the board to be assured that all of the requested application materials are in the package.  It also makes your application much easier to navigate.  Go the extra mile and include colored category dividers.  3)   TYPE the board package! Nobody wants to read an application and attempt to decipher illegible handwriting.   If you make board members work harder than they need to in figuring out your financial information, well….that’s not a good start.  Take the time to type the package in its entirety.  Presentation counts! 4)   Use current bank statements only. Save yourself from being asked for more financial materials by including the most recent month’s statements in your board package.  If you’re on the cusp of a mere couple days cross over when you submit the application, don’t stress about it.  If you are submitting financial documents from 2 months ago – think again.  Say your current account balance happens to be higher than what is reflected on your most recent month’s statement; ask a teller at your bank for a reference letter that shows your current totals.  Include the bank reference letter WITH the most recent statement so the board can view the larger, up to date balance. 5)   Include a resume. If you are a first-time buyer without long-term employment history, it may help to include a resume with your application.  Your resume should hopefully demonstrate a bit of history in your field and show how your career growth thus far.  If you don’t have much to include in this regard, it may then be best to leave your resume out.          6)   Spend time on your reference letters. Your reference letters are among the most important documents in the board package.  They allow the board to get to know you a bit and how you might fare as a neighbor.  Be sure that these letters are addressed properly and contain substantial content – three to four paragraphs is a good gauge.  Make sure your references include phone numbers just in case the board chooses to contact them. Request sample reference letters. Putting together a board package is no simple feat.  Take the time to assemble the required materials and always go back and double check your math!  Simple mistakes can cost you an interview……..and thus, a purchase.   Let us know if you need any assistance with your apartment search - or if we can be of any other help. Photo credit:  Christian Schnettelker -  

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Many condominiums have a similar application process. However, the big difference between the two boards is a co-op can reject an applicant without giving a reason, forcing the seller to find someone else. If a condo rejects an applicant, the building must agree to purchase the apartment on the same terms — an option that is seldom exercised, so the approval process is more of a formality.

Rejections don’t happen often because brokers vet buyers’ financial qualifications before submitting an offer and will advise buyers to avoid an application process that is unlikely to go well. Once you get to that stage, here is what the typical board application package includes:

Application and Cover Letter After your offer has been “accepted,” the building or selling agent will send you an application requesting your current information (ie. address, employment history, finances, any litigation involvement). This document will list the information you will have to submit and forms to sign, such as a lead-based paint disclosure form.

You will also be expected to write a cover letter introducing yourself and explaining why you believe you would be a good fit for the building (your real estate agent can assist you with this). Make sure you present yourself as a prospective purchaser and do not assume you will be approved. Your agent will help you organize the package, number it, and make multiple copies to submit once complete. This way the board members have no issues finding the information.

Financial Statement Most importantly, you need to have your financial statement in tip-top shape. Summarize your assets, liabilities, income, and expenses. Your bank and brokerage accounts, car loans, mortgages, your salary and bonuses, the value of cars, school debts, child support, life insurance, etc. will have to be included.

You will also need ORIGINAL supporting documents for everything on your financial statement – for example, pay stubs, art appraisals, and retirement account statements.  DON’T LEAVE OUT ANY PAGES.  All of the numbers need to match your summary.  Don’t leave out a thing and use exact numbers because the board will scrutinize this document.

Personal and Professional Reference Letters A board usually likes to see two to four personal letters vouching for your character as a friend and/or potential neighbor, along with two to four professional references addressing your integrity in business dealings. You will also need a financial reference from an accountant, portfolio manager or bank representative speaking highly of your financial responsibility.

We suggest having the personal reference writers give a sense of your interests and family life. For example, “We knew each other in college and were on the football team,’ or ‘We vacation together every year.”

The reference letters should talk about the relationship and be written by New Yorkers on professional stationary. You MUST have the ORIGINAL letters sent. If you reside in New York and none of your letters are coming from people in the city, they are going to raise an eyebrow at your application.

Background Check Usually a credit and criminal background check will be completed to see if you may be hiding anything that might be undesirable as a neighbor. In the past, buildings have spent $3,000 per applicant to have an agency do the research to look at a person’s past with a fine-tooth comb.

If there is a question at hand, such as a criminal conviction, lawsuit or bankruptcy, disclose the issue to the board and what happened. If you hide it and they find out, the board will think it’s worse than it is.

If you are on social media and have some silly things in cyber space, take time to delete anything the board would not appreciate.

The Interview Being asked to the interview is exciting! Don’t be nervous because if they weren’t interested in you, they wouldn’t have asked you to meet with them. The less you say, the better. Just listen to the questions they ask and give them straightforward answers.

Some typical questions include:

  • Will this be a primary residence?
  • Who will be residing with you?
  • Do you play any musical instruments?
  • Do you host parties often?
  • Do you plan on doing any updates or renovations?
  • Do you have pets?

Most boards are pet-friendly and they don’t ask to meet pets. Some applicants will submit a reference letter for his/her pet or a certificate from a class stating that they are well behaved and trained.

Another common question is would you be willing to serve on the co-op board.  If you are applying to a small board, they often need active people. If  you are not willing to help,  that could be a negative.

Boards are not supposed to ask about marital status, race, religion or sexual orientation.  If they do, this could open up a building to a discrimination lawsuit if you were turned down.

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Co-op & Career Centre

Write the best cover letter ever.

Posted on Tuesday, March 7th, 2017

What’s the deal with cover letters? Are they necessary? Should you use a template? If the employer doesn’t specify they want one, should you even bother?

The answer, of course, is yes. You should bother. In fact, you need to bother. It’s so easy to shoot off a resume to every single possible job being advertised, and employers know that. By taking the time to craft an excellent cover letter, you prove to employers that you truly care .

co op board application cover letter sample

Think of your cover letter as your first impression to a potential employer. It is the first chance you have to separate yourself from the crowd and make a positive impression on your future boss. It’s a way of showing yourself to be a well-rounded human, more than a list of work experience and skills (that’s what your resume is for).

Employers are also crazy busy. By having a beautiful, well-written cover letter, you’ll catch their eye. You want to make sure your cover letter is really standout.

[Algonquin co-op students: Module Three in your Co-op 1000 Blackboard course has all this information and more! Be sure to read your modules before applying to co-op jobs.]

Set Up Your Letter

The first thing you always need to do is carefully read the entire job description. Employers sometimes have very specific expectations for your cover letter, resume, and overall application. They may require you to include certain information in your cover letter. If you don’t follow those instructions, your application is going in the trash.

It is tempting to get fancy with cover letters, but remember that you want to make it as easy as possible for employers to read. Date the letter, address it to the hiring manager by name, use a clear 12-point font, and keep your whole letter to four short paragraphs. Remember: presentation matters. Keep it professional.

Now you know what the employer expects from you. It’s time to start writing your cover letter.

co op board application cover letter sample

Paragraph 1: Introduce Yourself

Your first paragraph should be a quick introduction of yourself. You want to answer the employer’s immediate questions: who you are, where you come from, and how you found their job posting.

It can be as simple as, “My name is __ and I’m in the __ program at Algonquin College. I’m interested in the position of __ that you are currently advertising at __.

[Important note for Algonquin co-op students: do not say that you found the job on HireAC. Employers don’t know what that is. Instead, tell them that you found the position through the Algonquin College Cooperative Education Department.]

Paragraph 2: Sell Yourself

The best way to look at your cover letter is as a marketing tool for yourself. It’s how you show the employer that you are the best person for the job.

How do you do this?

The first step is to read the job description very carefully and make a list of all the skills and requirements the posting indicates. Then, take a look at your work/school/volunteer history. You want to draw a correlation between the work that you’ve already done, and the work that you’re applying to.

This is more than just listing jobs you’ve done. Draw out the specific skills and experiences you’ve had that make you capable of doing the work the potential employer is advertising. For example, don’t just say that you worked retail; instead, explain how you increased sales, how you learned leadership skills, how your time management improved, or how your communication skills developed.

This is why it’s so important to individually tailor each cover letter to the specific job you are applying for. Each job is going to list particular skills, and you need to make sure that your cover letter matches up.

co op board application cover letter sample

Paragraph 3: Flattery

Google the company you’re applying to and find their ‘about’ page. Head over to and search the company name to see what the press is saying. Research, research, research, and find some strong, viable reasons why the prospect of working for that company excites you.

Including a section about the company shows the employer that you really care about this position and that you took the time to do your research. Companies want employees that are enthusiastic about their work, so take a couple of sentences to explain what excites you about the organization.

Paragraph 4: Reiterate

Your final ‘paragraph’ should really just be a sentence. Think of it as a thesis statement. Repeat once again why you, and only you, are perfectly suited for the position. Thank the employer for their time. Sign off with ‘sincerely’ and your name. Easy, right?

co op board application cover letter sample

Proofread to Infinity and Beyond

Guys, we talk about this a lot, but it’s very important: employers will throw out your application if they find typos or errors .

Do not reply on spellcheck, either. Have someone you trust review your cover letter. Even try reading it aloud: this will help you understand if your sentences are flowing well together. Proofread, and then proofread again.

Follow these steps, and you’ll be well on your way to having a fantastic cover letter.

Algonquin co-op students: want some extra help writing your cover letter? Contact the co-op office today to set up an appointment with your consultant. Visit our website at , connect with us at [email protected] or call us at 613-727-4723 Ext.7623.

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15 Board Member Cover Letters That Will Get Hired (NOW)

Are you are looking to write a cover letter for Board Member jobs that will impress recruiters and get you noticed by hiring managers? You need one to apply for a job, but you don’t know what to say.

Cover letters are important for a job because they help to introduce the applicant. They give the employer an insight into your personality and how you will interact with employees around you. A cover letter can be used to highlight your work experience, skills, and qualifications that are not included on the resume. The cover letter also provides an opportunity for the applicant to provide any additional information that may not have been addressed in the resume.

Here are 15 amazing Board Member cover letters that are professionally written and will help you stand out and get that job!

co op board application cover letter sample

Board Member Cover Letters

Each cover letter is written with a different focus. Review all of them and pick the ones that apply to your situation. Take inspiration from multiple samples and combine them to craft your unique cover letter.

Board Member Sample 1

Dear Board Member,

I would like to apply for the Board Member position. I am an English major who has made a vocation out of writing and editing, as well as marketing research and copywriting. I also have experience working on marketing projects with small businesses that cultivate niche audiences. These skills make me an ideal candidate for the position. I look forward to hearing from you about this opportunity and thank you for considering me!

Board Member Sample 2

Dear Dr. Smith,

I am writing to you today, to express my interest in joining your board. I have a wide range of experience in education and non-profit organizational leadership, which I believe would be an asset to the team. Some of my skills that might be helpful include fundraising expertise, strategic planning for growth and innovation, developing partnerships with other organizations and companies, event planning, strategic thinking/conceptualizing ideas to any problems or opportunities present within the organization’s space. My experience extends from elementary school grades through high school grades as well as college level courses at the community college level.

I would appreciate it if you could please provide me with more information about your board so that I can review this opportunity further

Board Member Sample 3

Dear , As a Board Member of the National Foundation for Women Legislators, I’m writing to tell you about my experience and interest in the Board Member position. The NFWL is an organization that promotes and monitors opportunities for women in law-making positions across the globe. One of its main goals is to raise awareness on how women can become involved in state legislatures. I am passionate about working with progressive organizations like this one that promote diversity and equality for all. As a licensed attorney specializing in human rights issues such as workplace harassment, wage discrimination, and sexual harassment I am also interested in providing advice on organizational legal matters so don’t hesitate to reach out if these are areas of interest to you!

Board Member Sample 4

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am a graduate from a top-tier university with a degree in Business Administration. I have been actively involved in my professional network as well as various organizations at my school. Recently, I have been applying for Board Member positions and have been successful so far. In addition to my three years of experience as an Executive Director for MSS, I also have experience as the Vice President for Marketing and Communications for CCC. You will find that I possess strong leadership skills and can work well both independently and collaboratively to complete tasks on time with excellent results. As a Board Member, I would be able to fulfill your needs by being involved in day-to-day operations while staying updated on current events

Board Member Sample 5

I am writing in response to your advertisement for a Board Member position. I would be an excellent candidate for the position and I am very interested. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Biology and I currently work as a surgeon assistant in the operating room. My experience working with surgeons has given me valuable perspective when it comes to making decisions about medical procedures. In my free time, I enjoy playing soccer, running, and spending time with my family. These qualities make me an excellent candidate to fulfill your requirements for Board Member positions. I look forward to hearing from you soon about this opportunity!

Board Member Sample 6

We are excited to offer our services as a board member for your company. We have been involved in the field since   XXX and have worked with many companies on the board of two Fortune 500 companies. In these roles, we were able to review and approve financials, create budgets, and set growth strategies. With this experience, we bring a fresh perspective that will help benefit your company. We hope you give us a chance to share our talents with you!

Board Member Sample 7

I am writing to you because I am interested in joining the board of directors of ___________.  As an individual with over 10 years of experience in the field, I have a lot to offer this company.

I have extensive experience overseeing operations at ____________, where I was responsible for managing multiple departments and ensuring that all aspects of the company were running smoothly.  I would be honored to serve as a board member now so that I can continue to use my leadership skills for your company’s benefit.  My time spent working at this organization has given me the knowledge and expertise necessary to help guide your organization’s future success. Thank you for considering me for this opportunity!

Board Member Sample 8

Board member sample 9.

Dear Mr. President,

I am writing to express my interest in your Board Member position. I have extensive experience in the finance industry and would make an excellent addition to your team! I can be reached at (000) 000-0000 or by email at ( [email protected] ). Thank you for taking the time to consider me for this position. I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Board Member Sample 10

Dear Mr. Edwards,

I am writing to you today in hopes that you will consider me for the position of Board Member at your company. I am a motivated, enthusiastic individual with many years of experience working in banking and finance. I believe my knowledge and experience would best serve your organization as a Board Member. I also have connections with local business owners who may be interested in becoming members of your organization. Thank you for considering my application!

Board Member Sample 11

Board Member Position Date Mr. John McGovern,

Greetings! I am writing to express my interest in the Board of Directors position you have open. I have a lot of experience in the industry, and would love to be given the opportunity to contribute my expertise on your team. My experience includes years spent working for some of the top companies in our industry, including Company A and Company B as well as 3 years as a Board Member for Company C and 5 years as a Board Member for Company D. These experiences give me deep insights into what it takes to lead an organization that is profitable and competitive in today’s marketplace. I am excited about this opportunity and hope we can schedule an interview soon so we can see

Board Member Sample 12

Dear _________,

I am a volunteer with the ___________ for the past five years and have made a significant contribution to the success of our organization. As a Board Member, I would continue this work and be an asset to your team. My skills include excellent organizational abilities, budgeting, finance management, fundraising and marketing. I have been involved in several major projects including managing money from grants for organizations that help children in need. In addition to my volunteering experience I also have experience as an elementary school teacher with several years of experience administering grades one through three in a classroom setting while teaching math. This is my first time applying for a Board Member position but I am eager for this opportunity to make a difference with your organization

Board Member Sample 13

Dear Head of Human Resources,

I am interested in the Board Member position. I have a law degree from Harvard University and 5 years of experience as an attorney at a major law firm. I have extensive experience with corporate governance issues, which is the focus of this position. Please contact me for additional information or to schedule an interview. Thank you for your consideration.      Best Regards, Bill Smith

Board Member Sample 14

Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing in response to your advertisement for a Board Member position. I have been an active board member of several organizations and currently serve on the Board of Directors for my child’s preschool. I have an extensive background in administration, with experience working in mental health services, providing training to ABA therapists, and managing a family-owned residential care facility for developmentally disabled adults. My experience with these organizations has given me the knowledge of best practices while working on diverse committees. I would be honored to serve as a member of the ______________ Board of Directors and am confident that I can effectively contribute to its success.

Sincerely, __________________

Board Member Sample 15

I am writing in response to your listed Board Member position. I believe very strongly in the mission of ABC organization and feel I would be a great asset to your Board. The position carries an annual salary of $120,000.00 with an annual performance review and the opportunity for bonuses based on performance at the discretion of the Board. I have extensive corporate governance experience, which includes managing complex business transactions, directing business activities, assisting stakeholders in financial decision making processes and executing global strategies for companies with successful outcomes. My resume is attached below for your consideration. Thank you very much for considering me as a candidate for this important leadership role at ABC organization!

Recruiters and hiring managers receive hundreds of applications for each job opening.

Use the above professionally written Board Member cover letter samples to learn how to write a cover letter that will catch their attention and customize it for your specific situation.

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Co Op Reference Letter – Ultimate Guide

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co op board application cover letter sample

Coop stands for Cooperative. When you buy a coop, you are not actually buying a property, instead, you buy shares in a corporation that owns the building. While in a condo, you actually buy the unit or house.

Buying a coop in NYC can be tricky and complex, but we are here to help you. Our guide will give you everything you need to know about co-op recommendation letters and co-op board reference letters . We’ve also included some coop reference letter samples that you can add to your application package.

The process to purchase a co-op is also a bit different. Even if you’re rich, you still have to prove that you’re qualified to buy a coop in New York City  One of the many coop requirements is a coop reference letter. The letter can come from anybody who can vouch for your good characters, such as colleagues or a friend.

Coop Reference Letter Sample

Board of Directors

[Address of the coop]

Dear Member of the Board,

With immense pleasure, I am writing this letter on behalf of (applicant’s name), who is interested in buying a co-op apartment in your building.

I had a long relationship with (applicant’s name) spanning over X years. I feel privileged to have known him/her. Have always found him/her to be a responsible and trustworthy person. He/she is known for his/her generosity of spirit and warmth of character. I can vouch that he/she has been the kind of person who always keeps commitments and never fails financial obligations. He/she is always eager to help out his/her friends whenever they need assistance or counseling. I am one of the people who has relied upon his/her friendship often through all these years.

(Applicant’s name) has deep roots in the local community. He/she has been here since [insert year] – first as a student at [college name], where we initially met and continued for several years since graduation. He/she participates in community activities and also helps as a local volunteer with [include program(s)].

During the years I’ve known (applicant’s name), and as a New York coop owner myself, I have fairly extensive experience in who makes a great neighbor and who doesn’t. (Applicant’s name) would make a great addition to our coop family.

Please feel free to contact me if you require any additional information.

[Contact Info: Email/ Number]

What Are the Tips for Preparing Coop Reference Letters?

You need to understand why you need to submit reference letters, which is to advocate your case as the right candidate to own a coop. If you fail to do so through your reference letters, it may weaken your application.

In Addition, Keep The Following Things In Mind:

  • Make sure you include your current contact details, such as your physical address and email;
  • Correctly format each reference letter according to the sample letters;
  • Never submit copied or plagiarized letters; and
  • Before you submit your reference letters, review them once again for accuracy of facts, as you will be asked questions about the information included in the letters during your interview.

coop reference letter sample

How Many Reference Letters Does a Typical NYC Coop Board Application Require?

Typically, the coop board will request 3 to 6 personal reference/business letters per applicant. In addition, a coop board in NYC will also require a reference letter from an employer and a landlord. These are the general requirements; exact requirements may vary depending on the coop building.

Are Reference Letters Required for NYC Coops Only or Condos, Too?

The general rule is that only co-op boards require reference letters. But many condo buildings also ask for reference letters to complete the purchase process. However, the coop application process is more rigorous than what is required for a comparable condo building.

What is the Suggested Length of a Coop Reference Letter?

There are no specific requirements for the length of a reference letter. It largely depends on the information you plan to include. However, the suggested length is anywhere between 3 paragraphs to a page and a half.

A letter longer than that is likely to lose its effectiveness, and a letter shorter than 3 paragraphs may set off red flags with the board. When considering the length of a reference letter, focus on the quality of the information rather than the quantity of the content that’s included.

The main takeaway is that coop board reference letters should be concise and insightful and reflect everything you have to tell as it relates to becoming a coop owner.

What if My Landlord is a Friend or Family Member?

It may create confusion for applicants, but if your family member or friend also happens to be your landlord, that is not something to worry about. If you are renting an apartment from your family member or friend, ask them to give you a coop recommendation letter that addresses how much rent you pay, the length of time you’ve lived there, whether you pay rent on time , and the address of the property you are renting.

If you are not paying rent, consider including information about how long you have been living at the property, and the address, and explain why you are not paying any rent. This will count as a landlord reference letter.

Do Coop Reference Letters Need to Have Original Signatures?

Whether coop reference letters need to have original signatures, or if they can be submitted with a copy of the letter depends on the building’s purchase application requirements. If the instructions call for original reference letters, you should only submit the original documents. If there are no clear-cut instructions, it is better to get clarification of the requirements from the buyer’s agent before you submit your application.

Types of NYC Coop Reference Letters

There Are Four Main Types Of Coop Reference Letters:

  • Personal Reference Letter
  • Bank Reference Letter
  • Landlord Reference Letter
  • Employer Reference Letter
  • Professional Reference Letter

We’ll explore each more in-depth below.

1- What’s Included in a Personal Reference Letter?

Choosing someone to write a coop recommendation letter is a big decision, especially if you’re using a personal reference. It is crucial to choose people you know well. Generally, close friends with whom you’ve known for a long time fall in that category.

coop personal reference letter

In a personal reference letter, you should expect that the person provides the reader with a glimpse of how they met you and share a few stories that reflect the positive side of your personality. Their letter should also focus on the goodness of your character and trustworthiness. If your reference is already a coop owner and can vouch for why you would be a good neighbor, that will look even better.

Make sure to provide a template or sample reference letter if the person you’ve asked is writing such a letter for the first time.

2- What’s Included in a Bank Reference Letter?

It may not always be the case, but coops may request a bank reference letter. This letter should be provided by the private banker or the bank representative that oversees your account. With your permission, the bank can confirm that your account is in good standing. The letter also highlights the length of time you have had a relationship with the bank.

3- What’s Included in a Landlord Reference Letter?

The landlord reference letter is essential in that it tells how often you paid your bills consistently and on time. Make sure you include information such as the length of time you were a tenant in the apartment, the address of the apartment , and how much you were paying as a tenant. Ask your landlord to add in some nice words about you, such as how you were as a tenant and how well you took care of the property.

4- What’s Included in an Employer Reference Letter?

When it comes to professional or business reference letters, there are typically two types that an NYC coop may request: general professional reference letters and employer reference letters.

employer reference letter

An employer reference letter is fairly straightforward. You may ask your HR department to provide you with an employer reference letter. This letter includes basic information such as your current job title, confirmation of your annual base salary, duration of your employment with the company, and a brief statement confirming that you are an employee in good standing with the company. This letter will reflect stability in your job or profession and confirmation of your income.

5- What’s included in a Professional Reference Letter?

General professional reference letters are very similar to personal reference letters. The only difference is that you ask for a personal reference letter from a friend while you ask a business colleague for a professional reference letter. It also highlights your personality traits and gives insight into your personality in the corporate community. If you happen to have known your professional reference for a long time, ask them to include that information in their letter. Doing so can show your ability to build long-standing relationships.

What’s Included in All Reference Letters?

Besides all the good words that people will write about you, make sure to include your reference contact information in the letters, especially if it feels like the coop board may counter confirm the facts mentioned in the letters or ask for any additional information.

It might seem intimidating to ask your colleagues and friends to vouch for you. But asking for a coop reference letter doesn’t have to be a tough task. To help ensure that things go smoothly, follow the guidelines discussed above and start the process early.

Related Article:

Reasons Why Coop Applications Can Get Deny How to Buy a Condo or Coop Apartment in New York City


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    Dear Mr. President, I am writing to express my interest in your Board Member position. I have extensive experience in the finance industry and would make an excellent addition to your team! I can be reached at (000) 000-0000 or by email at ( [email protected] ). Thank you for taking the time to consider me for this position.

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    Email Me This Cover Letter. Download Pdf. Dear Hiring Manager, I am writing to apply for the position of Liquor Store Clerk Cashier at Co-op. I am a highly motivated and organized individual with great customer service skills. I have experience working in a fast-paced environment and am able to handle multiple tasks simultaneously.

  22. Guide to The Co Op Board Reference Letters

    Typically, the coop board will request 3 to 6 personal reference/business letters per applicant. In addition, a coop board in NYC will also require a reference letter from an employer and a landlord. These are the general requirements; exact requirements may vary depending on the coop building.

  23. Co-op Reference Letter Samples in NYC

    March 17th, 2022. RE: 55 West 12 Street, Apt 12B New York, NY, 1111. To whom it may concern: Please accept this letter as confirmation of Michelle Smith's residence at 55 West 12 Street, Apt 12B, New York, NY, 1111. Ms. Smith has been our resident since 10/1/2016 and currently pays a rent of $3,950.