can we trust our first impression of a person essay

Should You Trust First Impressions?

A large body of research shows that when we meet someone for the first time, we make judgments about their trustworthiness and competence in a fraction of a second. We do this based on a variety of clues, including physical appearance, facial characteristics, posture, gestures, and so on.  This makes sense from an evolutionary perspective. When you meet a stranger, you need to assess their intentions (trustworthiness) and their ability to carry out those intentions (competence, or strength).

Researchers also report that we are resistant to changing these first impressions, even when we see evidence to the contrary.

Are first impressions accurate? Yes and no

Surprisingly, these first impressions are often accurate—at least as they pertain to perceived trustworthiness and competence. Social scientists have compared people’s ratings of strangers for these factors to those individuals’ self-assessments and also the judgments of independent observers. Guess what? They match up pretty closely.

But—and this is a big but—there are two reasons why first impressions can be wrong. Dead wrong .

  • First, cultural differences of any sort (e.g., between people who are of a different nationality, race, ethnicity, etc.) can skew and invalidate first impressions.
  • Second, people’s perceptions of trustworthiness and competence can actually mask their ability to recognize other, deeper qualities and personality traits. Think about it—this is how “con men” are successful. They exhibit high levels of the warmth and interest in the other person that communicate trustworthiness—and also perhaps competence—which hide their dishonest intentions, lack of morality, and possibly intellectual shallowness.

Look at Jordan Belforte, who is the penny-stock swindler now portrayed by Leo DiCaprio in the movie The Wolf of Wall Street . In real life, he had high levels of charisma—essentially an engaging, warm manner—and he also came across has highly knowledgeable about how to make money in the stock market (competence). But he was a narcissistic, amoral manipulator.

Which relationship mistake would you rather make?

When it comes to building your network and finding people with whom you may have a productive, long-term relationship, be very careful about first impressions. We can easily reject someone for the wrong reasons. Think about two types of mistakes you can make in forming new relationships:

  • You invest in building a relationship with someone but it doesn’t work out.
  • You reject someone with whom you could develop a terrific relationship, based on first impressions that were distorted by personal bias or other factors.

The second error is really the more serious and irreversible one. For example: If you’re young and single, you may reject a terrific potential partner because at first glance they don’t quite meet your narrow criteria for physical attractiveness. Or, you ignore them because you don’t think they’re rich enough.

On the other hand, if you are older and set in your ways, you may reject someone because they are not enough like you. The research that’s been done on teamwork and collaboration shows that we tend to pick people to be on our team who are just like us!

“I would never give anyone a blanket statement that they should trust their first impressions, or not,” says Tufts psychologist Nalini Ambady. “That’s too dependent on the person, the context of the first impression, everything.” In other words, be wary of first impressions. Get more information.

The power of differences

The most creative and productive relationships are often with people who are very different from us. Think about the nerdy engineer (Steve Wozniac) and the charismatic marketer (Steve Jobs) who together co-founded Apple. Your first impression of such a person may be negative, but if you try and find what you have in common—rather than focusing on what you don’t like about them—you may end up with a wonderful, lifelong relationship.

In my video, below, I talk about how misleading first impressions can be and I give some examples of how great relationships can emerge from differences.  I use the love story in one of Humphrey Bogart’s most famous films as an example.

Have you ever found that your first impression of someone led you astray? Leave a comment in the space below.

can we trust our first impression of a person essay

can we trust our first impression of a person essay

Several Reasons Why First Impressions Aren’t Always Reliable

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In real life, the ‘cover’ of people, what they wear, how they look, and their behavior can often misrepresent what they really are. Like the cover of a book, first impressions are not always right, it can be inaccurate, and not as true as what it really is. It is true that everyone often makes a wrong judgment on first impressions, people who are of a different nationality, race, and ethnicity, they can skew and invalidate first impression because they have different ways in how they meet someone new.

In addition, every race and ethnicity has their own type of body language, and the way they speak in daily life because people from different cultures may not share a similar understanding in their communication regarding the same symbols. People often consider their snap judgments as fact without getting to know someone who they have met better and deeply first. They make snap judgments continually throughout the day. They read expressions, check out body posture, watch gestures, assess clothing, and make a judgment right away & instantly. Snap judgment is not everything.

Furthermore, we, oftentimes, are lazy to make fair assessment to someone’s character. When we get more options to judge someone’s character, we tend to become more superficial about it. Without realizing it, we automatically have already made a wrong judgment because we just depend on first impressions rather than getting to know them first. We’re too lazy to find a way to make fair assessment to someone’s character. Eventually, it leads us to realize that it’s so hard to confront our flawed judgments so we usually just stuck in our snap judgments. Think about this: We often get a bad feeling about someone and then we never genuinely try to prove our hunch wrong or right. That’s a lot of hard work that most of us are frankly not willing to do. We never even think about proving our intuition wrong. 

Basically, time limits our ability to get to know someone at his/her core. Sure, we can get either a positive or negative vibe about a person when the first time we meet him/her. But, it can’t be our excuse to judge their personality just based on our quick meeting. Because, time limits our ability to get to know someone beyond a superficial level. Our present emotional state also can impact the way we act. And plus, a quick meeting with a short time undoubtedly limits our ability to get to know someone so that no wonder we can end up judging someone just based on their impressions.

Additionally, people aren’t easy to figure out. There are layers behind a persona and sometimes, in order to peel those layers back, time is an essential factor to do so. A 10 seconds meeting can’t help us to make a correct judgment about someone’s core. In the end, people can’t make a quick fair judgment on someone’s impressions. We surely can’t make a correct judgment in a short timeframe. So, that’s why we all have friends that, at first glance, we didn’t like very much but after we got to know each other better, then we started saying that apparently they’re good friends. See? Just be mindful towards people.

In sum, first impressions aren’t always accurate. Based off of first impressions and looking back on some people you’ve met, how often do you perceive the person you know now in a completely different light than the way you did when you initially met him or her? That picture you painted of this person in your mind may not have been spot on. That’s why we should walk in someone else’s shoes first before we make our own assessment. Do yourself a favor next time and don’t let your first impression be the final judgment call. 

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Can we trust first impressions.

In a split second, our brain judges whether someone is a friend or an enemy, loyal, attractive or neither. But can first impressions ever be correct? By Hélène Fresnel and Laurent Bègue

can we trust our first impression of a person essay

Marie, 36, had a loving husband and a baby, but was unhappy, and felt she didn’t really know who she was anymore. ‘I’d just given birth to my little girl,’ she says. ‘I felt disconnected from my body, which had changed so much during pregnancy, and was extremely insecure. So I signed up for a self-image workshop.’

There were 30 participants. The first day began with an exercise called ‘The crystal ball’. ‘Each person in turn had to stand silently in the middle of the room. The others, sitting down, had to give their first impressions of that person. When it was my turn, they all said that they felt I was hesitating between two stages – a chubby, awkward adolescent, and a young woman comfortable with her curves. I felt so completely transparent that I burst into tears.’

So is the impression we give always accurate? Can others ‘read’ us, even if we don’t want them to? And what about the way we see others – what does the image we get of them say about us? There are plenty of books that promise to decode people’s body language and personality, but they aren’t really worth reading, according to the psychiatrist Antoine Pelissolo. ‘No one can read minds, but any reasonably attentive individual can get a feel for another person,’ he says.

Psychotherapist Corinne Fischer regularly uses the crystal ball exercise in her therapy groups and is often struck by the insight it provides. ‘Our first impressions are informed by very astute, raw perceptions – smell, posture, tone of voice,’ she says. ‘So many factors come into play before we even exchange words.’ The ability to judge others is linked to our instinct for self-preservation, which tells us almost instantly whether someone is a friend or an enemy, a threat or an ally. Our brain makes a judgement in a tenth of a second when it sees a new face, according to a study led by the Princeton University psychologist and researcher Alex Todorov. Before there has been any time for reflection, we decide if the person is attractive or repulsive, friendly or hostile. Our opinion of them develops from the emotion that this meeting arouses, says Pelissolo. This judgement is ‘almost instant,’ he says. ‘We only need a few milliseconds. The brain makes it, even before it identifies the gender or the appearance of the other person.’

But can we trust these snap judgements? ‘Research has found that first impressions are surprisingly valid,’ says Daniel Kahneman, psychologist, Nobel laureate and author of Thinking, Fast And Slow . ‘You can predict very quickly whether you like a person and if others will.’ However, first impressions are not perfect, and making a quick decision about someone can have consequences.

‘If your first impression is a mistake, it can take a while to realise this, as your expectations tend to be self-fulfilling,’ says Kahneman. ‘When you expect a certain reaction you are likely to perceive it even if it isn’t there.’ That’s why it is important, when making these judgements, that we do not allow our assumptions to take over, says life coach Nina Grunfeld, founder of Life Clubs . ‘It is too easy to judge people on what you know, within your specific frame of reference,’ she says. We apply our own emotions to our perception as well.

Rosa, 40, clearly remembers the sadness that was radiating from Samuel when she first met him. ‘I realise now that this is what made him so irresistibly attractive to me at the time,’ she says. ‘I was also feeling lost and in a bad way, but I was hiding it better.’

Our feelings, neuroses and moods are all liable to influence our impressions of others. ‘When feeling depressed, we become quite indifferent to everything,’ says psychologist and psychoanalyst Vincent Estellon. ‘First impressions cease to exist. Everything becomes lacklustre.’

This means that we stop picking up on other people’s cues, because we’re marooned in melancholy. We can also be misled by the emotional context in which an encounter takes place. Two researchers at the University of Waterloo in Canada demonstrated this – in a happy atmosphere, we tend to judge a face with a negative expression positively; conversely, when we are immersed in a dismal atmosphere, a happy, lively face can provoke a negative reaction.

Of course, some people are also simply better judges than others. ‘I tend to trust everyone instantly, whereas others will keep their guard up for a long period of time,’ says Grunfeld. It is important to look at the whole body, rather than just the face, as body language – how someone walks, sits and holds themselves – can tell us a lot. ‘If I’m hiring people, I ask someone else, who has that ability to judge quickly what people are going to be good at, to join me in the interview,’ she says. When trying to make a good first impression, we can unintentionally be misleading. Very anxious and shy people develop defence mechanisms to mask their perceived frailties. Rather than reach out to others, they put up barriers to protect themselves from a potentially aggressive and dangerous world. The first impression they give is not necessarily false; it just reflects the small aspect that they are revealing about themselves. There’s no universal solution for making a good impression.

As Grunfeld notes, how you present yourself depends on who you are meeting. If you are going to meet your future mother-in-law you will want to give a completely different impression from the one you’d hope to make if you are going to pitch to Burberry. In work situations, prior research on the person you are meeting is important.

But in day-to-day situations, basic aspects such as how you look, how you present yourself and eye contact are what make a difference. ‘Apart from that, you must accept that you’ll never fully know how other people see you,’ says Grunfeld. ‘You can only hope that you’re putting yourself forward in a good light.’ Pelissolo agrees. ‘It is impossible to control the image that others have of us, as it is so subjective,’ he says. He recommends being as true to your emotions as possible. And Fischer goes further, saying, ‘To honour the initial relationship that you develop with people, you must be authentic. Listen to your gut instinct and act on what it is telling you.’ Of course if there are cues for showing trustworthiness and likeability, then they can be faked. But faking sincerity is not easy. ‘The decision to fake it in order to make a good impression is likely to be picked up as such,’ says Kahneman. Be confident in who you are and then be true to that. Be conscious of your feelings without necessarily having to spell them out. In fact, the best way to avoid misunderstandings is to stop worrying about making a good impression.

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Should we trust someone in the first impression or not?

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can we trust our first impression of a person essay

Band 5+: The first impression you have of a person is the best way to judge a person do you agree?

It has been thought that we should trust our first impression when we meet people for the first time.

In my opinion, the first impression is playing a big role to determine our relation with that person in the future, it is something happening subconsciously that we can’t control. However, we shouldn’t depend on that, we can’t judge person from first time we meet, as there is a possibility that person had a bad day or going through a problem that could be a reason we got a bad impression of him/her. We should give time to decide if someone is good or not.

Moreover, the situations are the best way to evaluate someone. Only good friends will appear and stand by our side in bad situations. hanging out, laughing and meeting in parties doesn’t mean at all those people are friends to us. There are other indicators which only time can tell, such as having a good conversations, they are getting happy for you when something good happens to you, they are supportive to your decisions and they are not getting jealous about your success. All these indicators that mentioned above can tell us more about the personality and, only time can prove that, which makes first time just a temporary feeling and without any doubt time can change it.

To sum up, first time indicator can play an important role in our relation with someone, although it is not enough to decide whether the person has a good personality or not, real life situations will tell us more.

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Model Essay 1

The question of whether first impressions are crucial or whether a more measured approach to judging others is advisable sparks considerable debate. This essay argues that while initial assessments can provide valuable insights, they should not overshadow a deeper understanding of a person. The discussion will elaborate on the merits of both viewpoints and advocate for a balanced perspective.

Proponents of valuing first impressions emphasize their inevitability and impact. Psychological studies suggest that humans form initial assessments within seconds, influenced by non-verbal cues such as appearance and body language. These instinctual judgments, often accurate, can serve as effective shortcuts in decision-making. For example, in professional settings, a positive first impression can equate to career opportunities, as people are more likely to trust and collaborate with those they initially perceive as competent and likable. Furthermore, in networking scenarios, first impressions can dictate the willingness of others to engage, potentially opening or closing doors to future collaborations. Hence, first impressions are not only natural but can offer significant advantages in social and professional interactions.

Conversely, others advocate for a more reflective approach, stressing that first impressions, while influential, can be superficial and misleading. This view encourages deeper engagement, particularly important in multicultural societies where initial misunderstandings can arise from cultural differences. A study by Harvard University illustrates that prolonged interactions allow individuals to surpass initial biases, fostering richer relationships and more effective teamwork. For instance, learning about a colleague’s work ethic and personal values over time often alters initial perceptions, highlighting the importance of patience and openness in forming accurate judgements. Additionally, this method reduces the risk of overlooking valuable relationships due to early misconceptions, thereby enriching personal and professional networks.

In conclusion, while first impressions hold valuable insights, they must be balanced with thorough understanding gained over time. This essay supports a comprehensive evaluation approach, promoting both instinctual assessments and prolonged observation, to foster relationships that are both immediately engaging and enduringly substantial.

Model Essay 2

Some believe that initial impressions are crucial, while others argue for a more deliberate judgment of others over time. This essay contends that while first impressions can be influential, they should not overshadow a more nuanced understanding obtained through further interaction. The following discussion will compare the impact of initial assessments with the benefits of a deeper acquaintance.

Proponents of valuing first impressions highlight their inevitability and impact in social and professional settings. Psychological studies suggest that people form judgments within seconds of meeting someone, affecting their future interactions and decisions. For instance, in job interviews, a candidate's initial demeanor, such as their attire or handshake, can significantly influence the interviewer's perception and ultimately the hiring decision. Moreover, these snap judgments are often based on evolutionary instincts, which can be remarkably accurate. These instincts, honed over millennia, help us quickly assess potential threats and opportunities, serving as effective guides in decision-making. Such perspectives argue that first impressions are not just superficial assessments but are deeply rooted in our survival mechanisms, enabling quick and often effective decision-making.

Conversely, detractors caution against the reliance on these initial judgments. They argue that first impressions, while quick and sometimes accurate, can also be misleading and superficial. Personal experiences, such as discovering a friend's true loyalty over time or learning about a colleague's hidden competencies, illustrate how deeper relationships provide a more accurate understanding of a person's character and abilities. These deeper insights often reveal qualities like resilience, empathy, and intellect that initial impressions might miss. Furthermore, cultural differences can skew initial perceptions, which only thorough interaction can correct. Such misunderstandings can lead to premature judgments and missed opportunities for meaningful relationships. This approach promotes a more empathetic and comprehensive evaluation of individuals, encouraging societal cohesion and personal connections that transcend initial biases, fostering a more inclusive community.

In conclusion, while first impressions hold significant sway in our social interactions, they must be balanced with a deeper, more considered acquaintance. Acknowledging both perspectives, it is prudent to blend the intuitive power of first impressions with the clarity that prolonged engagement and understanding bring.

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5 Reasons Why We All Need To Stop Judging People On First Impressions

Whether you meet someone at a party, go out on a first date or become acquainted to your new boss, first impressions are a guiding point in getting a “feel” for what a person is all about.

Sometimes, a first impression can speak more truth through the person’s actions (or lack thereof) than words. Yet, the majority of the time, first impressions aren’t always accurate.

Based off of first impressions and looking back on some people you’ve met, how often do you perceive the person you know now in a completely different light than the way you initially met him or her?

That picture you painted of this person in your mind may not have been spot on.

Do yourself a favor next time and don’t let your first impression be the final judgment call. It’s time to let go of all the first impression misconceptions you may have about someone and instead keep an open mind.

Here are five reasons why first impressions aren’t always a reliable factor:

People have their guard up.

Let’s face it: Not everyone likes to divulge his or her entire life story within the first encounter. We’re not all open books who can easily reveal a segment of ourselves to someone.

Oftentimes, people are extremely particular in what they share to others. A grand majority of us are paranoid and cautious beings who take baby steps in letting people into our lives.

Take, for example, that level of discretion or better yet “air of mystery” you chose to exude to that guy or girl you’ve been interested in.

From the other person’s standpoint, it could have made you comes across as “stuck up” or “uninterested,” when in reality, you know that was far from the case.

You have to take into consideration the fact that the person just might have his or her guard up and needs time (and trust) in order to reveal his or her awesomeness to you.

People are multifaceted.

In conjunction with the first point, not everyone is a one-dimensional being who can be categorized into one specific category. Someone can be both witty and serious, just as he or she can be sassy and sensitive.

First impressions are supposed to be a glimpse into what someone is like, not a final call to who he or she truly is.

As fun as inhabiting the deductive role of Sherlock might be, keep in mind that even the most deceitful people out there (aka psychopaths and narcissists) have initially fooled people into thinking that they were charmers.

Your judgment can impair your perception.

We can't all be Mother Teresa; the everyday person will initially judge someone before getting to know him or her.

Based on a person's overall demeanor, style and physical appearance, we size someone up and make our own conclusions about the type of person he or she truly is.

Just because she dresses in a formal manner doesn’t necessarily mean she’s a prude, or just because he wore his long hair under a cap doesn’t mean he spends his days smoking joints in his mother’s basement.

If someone is different from what we’re normally used to, we judge him or her to an even greater extent. Let’s do ourselves a favor and not rush to conclusions about a person after the initial meeting.

Your present emotional state and the people you’re around can impact the way you act.

Think about the initial job interview you had or that time you went to a party and barely knew anyone.

Your uncomfortable state may have made you come across a certain way, aka shy, reserved or perhaps even more awkward than you could possibly imagine yourself being.

More often than not, a combination of your emotional state and a novel situation you’re placed in can make you project a less than genuine version of yourself.

Rewind to your high school days, where your reserved self had you dubbed initially as the “shy loner” or “anti-social” when you knew deep down, it was more a result of not fitting in and choosing to stay alone rather than associate yourself with hypocrites.

Keep this in mind next time you’re on a first date with someone who seems to have gone tongue-tied.

Instead of calling him or her out as awkwardly shy, think about how your presence and this person's current emotional state can impact his or her ability to act differently around you.

A short timeframe limits our ability to get to know someone at his or her core.

It goes without saying that first impressions are limiting in many ways. Sure, we can get either a positive or negative vibe about a person, but more often than not, it really limits our ability to get to know someone beyond a superficial level.

People aren’t all that easy to figure out; there are layers behind a persona and sometimes, in order to peel those layers back, time is an essential factor to do so.

After all, people are complex creatures who often surprise us in more ways than expected.

That guy who struck you as having no romantic bone in his body could possibly be more romantic than you might think, or that girl who seemed tough on the exterior may actually be a true softie.

In the end, time is a valuable asset. So, ladies and gents, don’t jump on the first impression bandwagon and think you've got someone figured out already because chances are, you don’t.

Be patient, and don’t let a first impression be the guiding point to someone's overall demeanor. Everyone deserves more than just an initial judgment call.

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IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

Ielts essay # 1188 - your first impressions when you meet someone are always right, ielts writing task 2/ ielts essay:, some people say that your first impressions when you meet someone are always right., to what extent do you agree with this statement.

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Your first impressions when you meet someone are always right

Your first impressions when you meet someone are always right

You should spend about 40 minutes on IELTS writing task 2.

“Your first impressions when you meet someone are always right.” Do you agree with this statement?

Give specific reason and explain them with examples from your own experience or knowledge.

You should write at least 250 words in IELTS writing task 2.

Question Overview

Topic  : Personality Type  : Opinion

Model Answer :

To conclude, individuals are among the greatest mysteries in the world and judging somebody at the first meet is irrational. Without a doubt, a good deal about someone could be heard from the very first experience; however, this is not always right, at least not in my experience.

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IELTS Writing Task 2

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Some people think our first impression of someone is important, while others think we should not judge another person so quickly and should take our time to know them better. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

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Model essay #1:, some people think our first impression of someone is important, while others think we should not judge another person so quickly and should take our time to know them better..

First impressions are often considered crucial in forming opinions about others. Some people argue that these initial perceptions are important, as they can be accurate indicators of a person's character. On the other hand, some believe that it is unfair to judge someone so quickly and that it is better to take the time to get to know them before forming an opinion.

Those who believe in the significance of first impressions argue that they provide valuable insights into a person's personality and behavior. For example, when meeting someone for the first time, their body language, tone of voice, and overall demeanor can convey a great deal about their character. Therefore, it is argued that first impressions can be reliable indicators of a person's qualities.

Conversely, those who advocate for taking time to know someone before forming an opinion argue that first impressions can be misleading. They believe that people often put on a facade or may appear different in certain situations, which may not be a true reflection of their character. Therefore, it is unfair to judge someone based solely on their initial appearance or behavior.

In my opinion, while first impressions can provide some insights, it is important not to jump to conclusions too quickly. It is wise to give people the opportunity to demonstrate their true character over time. For instance, a person who may seem reserved at first might reveal themselves to be warm and friendly once you get to know them better.

In conclusion, while first impressions can offer some valuable information about a person, it is essential to take the time to get to know someone before forming a conclusive opinion. Building relationships based on genuine understanding and interaction is crucial in truly understanding others.

Model Essay #2:

Some people argue that the first impression of a person is essential in forming opinions about them, while others believe that it is unfair to judge someone so quickly and that it is better to take the time to get to know them before forming an opinion.

Proponents of the importance of first impressions argue that they can provide valuable insights into a person's character. For example, when meeting someone for the first time, their body language, tone of voice, and overall demeanor can convey a great deal about their character. Therefore, it is argued that first impressions can be reliable indicators of a person's qualities.

On the other hand, those who advocate for taking time to know someone before forming an opinion argue that first impressions can be misleading. They believe that people often put on a facade or may appear different in certain situations, which may not be a true reflection of their character. Therefore, it is unfair to judge someone based solely on their initial appearance or behavior.

In my view, while it is important to consider first impressions, it is also crucial to give people the opportunity to demonstrate their true character over time. For instance, a person who may seem reserved at first might reveal themselves to be warm and friendly once you get to know them better. However, it is also important to acknowledge that first impressions can offer valuable initial insights into a person's character and behavior.

In conclusion, while first impressions can provide some valuable information about a person, it is essential to take the time to get to know someone before forming a conclusive opinion. Both first impressions and deeper understanding through time and interaction are important in forming a well-rounded view of others.

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How to Make the Best First Impression, According to Experts

Everyone can make snap judgments, especially when meeting someone new.

In less than one-tenth of a second of seeing someone for the first time, our brain processes information about the person’s face—which leads to quick conclusions about a new acquaintance’s qualities, including trustworthiness, competency, friendliness, honesty and morality—according to a 2006 study published in Psychological Science . This tendency dates back to evolutionary times, when we would encounter strangers and, for survival purposes, need to assess whether they would inflict harm or be an ally, says Vivian Zayas, a professor of psychology at Cornell University.

Most of us believe the first impressions we come up with, too, says Alexander Todorov, a professor of psychology at Princeton University and author of Face Value: The Irresistible Influence of First Impressions . And although sometimes they can be misleading, first impressions do form people’s view of a person.

“Once we have a representation formed, it’s used as a filter,” says Zayas. Think someone’s trustworthy right off the bat? You might tell them more. And if you write them off as a negative person, you might complain about them to coworkers.

Fortunately, there are ways to leave a strong lasting impression. Here’s how to make sure others are viewing you in a positive light.

Know your context

It’s important to first consider where you are trying to make a good impression—whether it’s a formal job interview or a dinner date. The reason is simple: context matters. It gives you cues as to how you should dress, look and behave, Zayas says. If you’re interviewing at a bank for example, you’ll likely be expected to show up in a suit. Choosing attire, grooming habits and conversation styles that appropriately match the setting you are entering are key aspects of making a good impression, she says.

“As social beings, we use everything available to make sense of a person that we’re meeting for the first time,” says Zayas.

And while a firm handshake and a small smile might fit the bill for a third-round meeting with the boss, matching someone’s pondering posture at an art gallery and commenting on the artwork might be appropriate if you’re trying to start casual conversation in that setting, says Nicholas Boothman, author of How to Make People Like You in 90 Seconds or Less .

Adjust your attitude

If you’re having a good day, you probably look happy and people might be more likely to form a positive impression of you, Todorov says. Alternatively, if you’re having a bad day, you might appear unapproachable.

“We sort of scan the world for threats, and facial expressions are really primarily processed,” says Ann Demarais, founder of First Impressions, a New York-based coaching and consulting company. “On a very deep level, if someone is frowning or looks threatening, we register that as ‘Watch out.’”

Instead of thinking of attitudes as good or bad, think about them as useful or useless, Boothman suggests. A useful attitude is welcoming, curious and enthusiastic. A useless one is acting bored, rude or hostile.

You can create a useful attitude by smiling at someone, making eye contact long enough to notice the color of that person’s eyes, or sitting without crossing your arms or legs, says Boothman. This will project a warm, open and positive impression.

If you’re having a hard time with the attitude adjustment, try thinking back to a time when you felt enthusiastic or resourceful to get your mind into a better place, Boothman suggests.

If you’re nervous, say something silly to yourself before you walk into a room. You’ll find your attitude and expression will instantly adjust, he says.

Search for common ground

People who have an easy time connecting with others often find common ground with someone else in just a few seconds, says Boothman. Asking observant questions like, “Does this person have an accent?” or “Is he or she wearing something you recognize?” can help foster an instant connection.

“We tend to like people who are a little bit similar to us,” says Zayas.

If you’re operating from a blank slate, start with your shared environment—like commenting on the weather or something you notice in your surroundings, then move to facts—like the reason you’re gathering or a recent news story, says Demarais. You’re likely to find something you both connect with.

Shift the focus from yourself to others

In new situations, we tend to notice how we’re feeling instead of how others are feeling, Demarais points out. But experts say we should pay more attention to those around us. “People always remember how you made them feel,” she says.

Taking the focus off of yourself and putting it on someone else can help others perceive you in a better light. For example, making someone feel appreciated, finding a point of commonality to bond over or sharing something interesting you’ve learned can all improve how you’re received, Demarais says.

Get a good night’s sleep

When you’re sleep-deprived, you appear different, Todorov says. “The skin is much paler, which is often a signal for sickness; you have shadows under the eyes; the corners of the mouth are slightly turned downward,” he says.

And multiple studies suggest that skimping on shut-eye can lead others to perceive you as less attractive, less smart, more depressed and less healthy.

“If you’re really sleep-deprived, you’re not going to do well on any kind of task,” he notes. And while appearing overly fatigued might not be an accurate portrayal of who you are, it can adversely contribute to people’s first impression of you, Todorov says.

Being well-rested —putting a solid eight hours in the night before a big event—is one way to present yourself well, he notes.

Be yourself

In order to make a good first impression , it’s important to be genuine. If you’re constantly worried about whether or not you’re doing or saying the right thing, you could appear insincere or too strategic, Zayas cautions. “The other person’s going to pick up on that inauthenticity and I think it can be a little bit of a signal that there’s something you’re hiding,” she says. “It can make the person not want to trust you.”

If someone you’re trying to impress brings up a movie that you hated, don’t lie through your teeth. Rather than agreeing you enjoyed it, pick out one specific part you did enjoy, says Demarais.

And if your nerves are getting the best of you but the setting allows for candor, admitting to your nerves can help show your true self —it may even make you seem all the more endearing.

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First Impression Essay | The Complete Guide to First Impressions Essay

October 30, 2021 by Prasanna

First Impression Essay: First impressions are everything. They can make or break a person, company, service or product. That’s why it is so important to make a good first impression. Furthermore, a person’s first impression can sway a person’s opinion with respect to their professional as well as their personal life. For instance, a candidate’s first impression in an interview may be a crucial factor to get hired. Similarly, dating and relationships often rely on first impressions from potential partners. Although this is not always the case, it can have a lasting impact on the other person and also affects the outcome of a potential relationship.

How exactly is a “first impression” defined? A first impression is the initial and (often) lasting impression of someone or something. A first impression can also be defined as the unspoken, instantaneous judgment of another person’s character, product, service or an organisation. This thought process usually happens automatically and involuntarily. Sometimes, marketing firms create hype for a particular product as they want the initial impression of a particular product or service to be positive. However, it also has the potential to backfire if the said product or service is poor or just plain bad.

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Exploring the Science of First Impressions

At networking events, interviews, or even just meeting someone for the first time, the first impression you make is always important. The way you present yourself and your personality can make a lasting impression on the other person. The way you dress and carry yourself is a huge factor in making a good first impression. There are many different factors that influence first impressions. Some of these factors can be changed or altered while others cannot.

General Appearance and Clothing

The first factor is facial attractiveness. Though attractiveness is subjective, it can significantly influence the outcome of a first impression. An experiment proved that when people are shown photos of random human faces, they rated the more “attractive” faces as happier, more intelligent, and more honest than the “unattractive” faces. Moreover, your outward appearance is very crucial. This can be the way you dress or the way you carry yourself. One of the most important factors in any interaction is appearance. When meeting potential clients, it is important to dress for success and showcase your personality with apparels that are appropriate for the event.

Posture is of particular importance in first impressions. Slouching, for example, can indicate a feeling of insecurity or a lack of interest. Though slouching is usually involuntary for most people, it can be rectified with exercises that target the spinal cord. Moreover, body posture is a crucial element of non-verbal communication and not expressing the right posture at certain times can send a bad first impression. For instance, candidates that are nervous in an interview tend to look restless and tend to avoid eye contact. They may also sit very upright and have trouble interacting effectively with the interviewer.

Facial Expressions

Facial expressions can be used to paint an accurate picture of your personality before you even say a word. Studies show that people make judgments about your personality within the first few seconds of meeting you. This is why many people spend so much time preparing for their first impression. Moreover, just like posture, facial expressions are an important form of nonverbal communication and influence your first impression significantly.

The handshake is the universal greeting that many of us use to greet someone we don’t know. It is a show of respect and a sign of good faith. A firm, confident handshake will help you make a good first impression and feel more confident and relaxed when meeting new people for the first time. On the other hand, a sloppy handshake might convey a lack of confidence or interest.


Punctuality is the key to creating a good first impression. Individuals who are punctual are better positioned to make a favorable impression on their clients, bosses, and others because they are more likely to be reliable and trustworthy. Moreover, individuals who are not punctual are often seen as unprofessional and unreliable.

However, there are a multitude of other factors which are out of our control but still significantly influence first impressions. These factors include:

The age of a person does not necessarily determine how they are perceived in society. However, it is a major determining factor. In most cases, those who are young are seen as energetic and those who are old as wise.

One of the most controversial factors that influence first impressions is race. The idea that there are racial differences in how people are treated has been around for a long time. For example, it has been shown that people with white-sounding names are more likely to be preferred for a job than those with African-American sounding names, even when their qualifications are identical. However, most of these issues can be attributed to our tendency to stereotype races and cultures.

A person’s culture plays an important role in first impressions. For example, some cultures are more expressive while others are more reticent. Other differences can be found in the way people greet one another or choose to dress. For instance, something as simple as a handshake may not be a socially accepted form of greeting in many cultures.

From the moment we meet someone, we make a judgement about them and their character based on what they say and how they say it. This is called linguistic profiling. Interestingly, this technique is predominantly used by law enforcement agencies to identify a person’s language. It is based on the idea that a person’s native language has a specific, identifiable linguistic pattern.

There are many studies that have shown the differences between how men and women are perceived in society. Men and women may often be stereotyped based on their gender which can create a first impression of them before they even say a word. This is called gender bias and can cause both prejudices and discrimination in any situation.

Physical appearance

Every day, people make judgments based on appearance, and these judgments can influence how people are treated throughout their lives. Individuals with significant facial scarring or other deformities are often shunned from society and considered socially unacceptable. Such individuals may also be unable to find a job or even a relationship due to the stigma surrounding them.

Accent bias is a phenomenon in which we unconsciously ascribe qualities to people based on where they’re from. This bias can emerge in hiring and purchasing decisions, and also in our everyday conversations. People with foreign accents are often viewed as less intelligent, reliable or competent than those who don’t, and this type of discrimination has been shown to have negative consequences for those affected.

The voice of a person can reveal their age, gender and emotional state. This is one of the many pieces of information that people use to form their first impressions. If a person’s voice is low-pitched (usually men), it may have a deep and commanding quality, which can be interpreted as stern and strong. People that have a high-pitched voice (usually women) that can sound comforting or alluring.

Economic status

A person’s socioeconomic status is an important part of how they are perceived. Studies show that higher status individuals are treated more positively than someone of lower status.

First Impression

What Are Some Tips For Making A Good First Impression?

We all know that the first impression is the most important one. The way you dress, how you speak and what you say can make or break your chances of getting a job interview, making friends, getting promoted or meeting someone new.

Here are some ways to make sure that your first impression is a good one:

  • Dress appropriately. Wear formals for professional interaction such as interviews and meetings
  • Arrive early or as per the given time
  • Be friendly and welcoming
  • Show confidence, but ensure that you do not come off as brash
  • Be humble. It helps us to put ourselves in other people’s shoes and act with empathy, which is the foundation of all human connection
  • Smile – You will make a better first impression with people if you smile when you approach them
  • Lastly, be mindful of the other person’s body language. If they feel nervous or uncomfortable, try to calm them down. Also ensure that you do not invade the personal space of other people

Conclusion on First Impression Essay

The first impression is the initial observation of a person or thing that creates a lasting opinion. Hence, this is a crucial interaction because it sets the tone for everything that will happen thereafter.

FAQ’s on First Impression Essay

Question 1. What is the meaning of “first impression?”

Answer: The term “first impression” refers to the initial perception of something. Moreover, the first impression of a person is usually the lasting one.

Question 2. What are the factors that influence first impression?

Answer: There are many factors that contribute to the first impression. Some of the most important factors include personality, appearance, posture, handshakes, and facial expressions.

Question 3. Do first impressions matter?

Answer: In a world of snap judgments, it seems that first impressions do matter. Whether we like it or not, we often form opinions of someone within the first five minutes of meeting them. These opinions may be based on how the person dresses and carries themselves.

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Some people trust their first impressions about a person s character because they believe these judgments are generally correct Other people do not judge a person s character quickly because they believe first impressions are often wrong Compare these two

Some people trust their first impressions about a person’s character because they believe these judgments are generally correct. Other people do not judge a person’s character quickly because they believe first impressions are often wrong. Compare these two attitudes. Which attitude do you agree with? Support your choice with specific examples.

Some people judge other people’s character by first impression while others don’t. I completely agree that to judge a person’s character in the first appearance is more often wrong. It’s because first impression doesn’t reveal someone’s character at all and it’s very superficial way to identify a person. Also, it takes many meeting to judge someone’s character.

Firstly, let’s say you meet a new colleague for the first time. He or she might be wearing some dirty clothes. So, we will assume that this person is always dirty, and therefore make assumptions about her work style and we would decide to stay far from them.But, on the other hand, it is entirely possible that there might be some issue because of which she couldn’t get the new clothes. And from next day, she started wearing nice clothes. In this case, the judgement is very superficial and is very wrong. Later, on you might realise they are extremely careful about organising their work.

Second, It is often been said that time test someone’s character. So, it’s only when we have seen someone in difficult situations or difficult times, we can know their true character. For example, let’s say you met someone and they asked you for some money to pay some bills. One might judge that this person always borrows money. Later, when you meet them again after a month, you might find out that this person worked hard for a month with multiple jobs and is ready to pay you back.

In general, I firmly believe that we should always have few meeting with someone to judge a person’s character. A first impression is always a false impression and doesn’t help in any ways of building a relationship between two human beings.

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Grammar and spelling errors: Line 3, column 264, Rule ID: SENTENCE_WHITESPACE Message: Add a space between sentences Suggestion: But ...d we would decide to stay far from them.But, on the other hand, it is entirely poss... ^^^

Transition Words or Phrases used: also, but, first, firstly, if, second, so, therefore, while, for example, in general, on the other hand

Attributes: Values AverageValues Percentages(Values/AverageValues)% => Comments

Performance on Part of Speech: To be verbs : 12.0 15.1003584229 79% => OK Auxiliary verbs: 9.0 9.8082437276 92% => OK Conjunction : 10.0 13.8261648746 72% => OK Relative clauses : 10.0 11.0286738351 91% => OK Pronoun: 40.0 43.0788530466 93% => OK Preposition: 27.0 52.1666666667 52% => More preposition wanted. Nominalization: 2.0 8.0752688172 25% => More nominalizations (nouns with a suffix like: tion ment ence ance) wanted.

Performance on vocabulary words: No of characters: 1482.0 1977.66487455 75% => OK No of words: 292.0 407.700716846 72% => More content wanted. Chars per words: 5.07534246575 4.8611393121 104% => OK Fourth root words length: 4.13376432452 4.48103885553 92% => OK Word Length SD: 2.81615983912 2.67179642975 105% => OK Unique words: 162.0 212.727598566 76% => More unique words wanted. Unique words percentage: 0.554794520548 0.524837075471 106% => OK syllable_count: 448.2 618.680645161 72% => OK avg_syllables_per_word: 1.5 1.51630824373 99% => OK

A sentence (or a clause, phrase) starts by: Pronoun: 10.0 9.59856630824 104% => OK Article: 2.0 3.08781362007 65% => OK Subordination: 1.0 3.51792114695 28% => OK Conjunction: 2.0 1.86738351254 107% => OK Preposition: 4.0 4.94265232975 81% => OK

Performance on sentences: How many sentences: 17.0 20.6003584229 83% => Need more sentences. Double check the format of sentences, make sure there is a space between two sentences, or have enough periods. And also check the lengths of sentences, maybe they are too long. Sentence length: 17.0 20.1344086022 84% => The Avg. Sentence Length is relatively short. Sentence length SD: 55.1256507467 48.9658058833 113% => OK Chars per sentence: 87.1764705882 100.406767564 87% => OK Words per sentence: 17.1764705882 20.6045352989 83% => OK Discourse Markers: 6.05882352941 5.45110844103 111% => OK Paragraphs: 4.0 4.53405017921 88% => OK Language errors: 1.0 5.5376344086 18% => OK Sentences with positive sentiment : 7.0 11.8709677419 59% => More positive sentences wanted. Sentences with negative sentiment : 5.0 3.85842293907 130% => OK Sentences with neutral sentiment: 5.0 4.88709677419 102% => OK What are sentences with positive/Negative/neutral sentiment?

Coherence and Cohesion: Essay topic to essay body coherence: 0.383746604764 0.236089414692 163% => OK Sentence topic coherence: 0.128210498278 0.076458572812 168% => OK Sentence topic coherence SD: 0.119431432249 0.0737576698707 162% => OK Paragraph topic coherence: 0.24344121169 0.150856017488 161% => OK Paragraph topic coherence SD: 0.144571523767 0.0645574589148 224% => More connections among paragraphs wanted.

Essay readability: automated_readability_index: 11.1 11.7677419355 94% => Automated_readability_index is low. flesch_reading_ease: 62.68 58.1214874552 108% => OK smog_index: 3.1 6.10430107527 51% => Smog_index is low. flesch_kincaid_grade: 8.7 10.1575268817 86% => OK coleman_liau_index: 11.89 10.9000537634 109% => OK dale_chall_readability_score: 7.29 8.01818996416 91% => OK difficult_words: 52.0 86.8835125448 60% => More difficult words wanted. linsear_write_formula: 7.0 10.002688172 70% => OK gunning_fog: 8.8 10.0537634409 88% => OK text_standard: 9.0 10.247311828 88% => OK What are above readability scores?

--------------------- We are expecting: No. of Words: 350 while No. of Different Words: 200 Better to have 5 paragraphs with 3 arguments. And try always support/against one side but compare two sides, like this:

para 1: introduction para 2: reason 1. address both of the views presented for reason 1 para 3: reason 2. address both of the views presented for reason 2 para 4: reason 3. address both of the views presented for reason 3 para 5: conclusion.

So how to find out those reasons. There is a formula:

reasons == advantages or

reasons == disadvantages

for example, we can always apply 'save time', 'save/make money', 'find a job', 'make friends', 'get more information' as reasons to all essay/speaking topics.

or we can apply 'waste time', 'waste money', 'no job', 'make bad friends', 'get bad information' as reasons to all essay/speaking topics.

Rates: 76.6666666667 out of 100 Scores by essay e-grader: 23.0 Out of 30 --------------------- Note: the e-grader does NOT examine the meaning of words and ideas. VIP users will receive further evaluations by advanced module of e-grader and human graders.

July 13, 2024

Some people think our first impression of someone is important, while others think we should not

Some people think our first impression of someone is important, while others think we should not judge another person so quickly and should take our time to know them better. discuss both sides and give your opinion. the crime rate nowadays is decreasing compared to the past due to advance technology which can prevent and solve crime. do you agree or disagree (reported 2017, 2021 academic test), sample answer:.

In today’s fast-paced world, the issue of forming first impressions and the impact of technology on crime rates are both hotly debated topics. On one hand, some people argue that first impressions are crucial in forming initial judgments of others, while others believe that it is important to take the time to get to know someone before making any assumptions. Similarly, there are those who believe that advanced technology has played a significant role in reducing crime rates, while others may disagree with this viewpoint.

Those who advocate for the importance of first impressions argue that they provide valuable insights into a person’s character and can help individuals make quick decisions in various social and professional situations. They believe that first impressions are often accurate and can influence the way people perceive and interact with others. On the other hand, proponents of taking time to get to know someone argue that rushing to judgment can lead to misunderstandings and unfair treatment of others. They believe that it is important to give people the opportunity to demonstrate their true selves over time.

When it comes to the impact of technology on crime rates, there are those who believe that advancements in technology have led to a decrease in crime. They argue that surveillance systems, forensic tools, and data analysis have made it easier for law enforcement agencies to prevent and solve crimes. However, others may disagree, pointing out that while technology has certainly played a role in crime prevention and detection, it is not the only factor at play. Social and economic factors also contribute to changes in crime rates.

In my opinion, while first impressions can provide valuable insights, it is important to approach them with an open mind and give people the chance to demonstrate their true character over time. Additionally, while technology has certainly contributed to a decrease in crime rates, it is essential to consider the broader social and economic factors at play in understanding these trends.

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can we trust our first impression of a person essay

Some people trust their first impressions about a person’s character because they believe these judgments are generally correct. Other people do not judge a person’s character quickly because they believe first impressions are often wrong. Compare these two attitudes. Which attitude do you agree with?

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    A large body of research shows that when we meet someone for the first time, we make judgments about their trustworthiness and competence in a fraction of a second. We do this based on a variety of clues, including physical appearance, facial characteristics, posture, gestures, and so on. This makes sense from an evolutionary perspective. […]

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  3. Can we trust first impressions?

    However, first impressions are not perfect, and making a quick decision about someone can have consequences. 'If your first impression is a mistake, it can take a while to realise this, as your expectations tend to be self-fulfilling,' says Kahneman. 'When you expect a certain reaction you are likely to perceive it even if it isn't ...

  4. Should we trust someone in the first impression or not?

    Sep 29, 2012 #1. Hi everybody, please give me some your comments for my essay. Thank you very much :) Some people trust their first impressions about a person's character because they believe their judgments are generally correct. Other people do not judge person's character quickly because they believe first impressions are often wrong.

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  6. IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample 185

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  8. Our First Impression of Someone Is Important

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  9. Should you trust your first impression?

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  13. Some people think our first impression of someone is important, while

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  15. First impressions are important

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  16. The Complete Guide to First Impressions Essay

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  17. How to Write a First-Person Essay

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  18. some people trust in their first impressions about a person ...

    Our recommended essay structure above comprises of fifteen (15) sentences, which will make your essay approximately 250 to 275 words. Discover more tips in The Ultimate Guide to Get a Target Band Score of 7+ » — a book that's free for 🚀 Premium users.

  19. Some people trust their first impressions about a person's ...

    Some people trust their first impressions about a person's character because they believe these judgments are generally correct. Other people do not judge a person's character quickly because they believe first impressions are wrong. ... For we to consider an essay structure a great one, it should be looking like this: Paragraph 1 ...

  20. Some people trust their first impressions about a person s ...

    Some people judge other people's character by first impression while others don't. I completely agree that to judge a person's character in the first appearance is more often wrong. It's because first impression doesn't reveal someone's character at all and it's very superficial way to identify a person. Also, it takes many meeting to judge someone's character.

  21. some people trust in their first impressions about a person ...

    A great argument essay structure may be divided to four paragraphs, in which comprises of four sentences (excluding the conclusion paragraph, which comprises of three sentences). For we to consider an essay structure a great one, it should be looking like this:

  22. Some people think our first impression of someone is important, while

    Some people think our first impression of someone is important, while others think we should not judge another person so quickly and should take our time to know them better. Discuss both sides and give your opinion. The crime rate nowadays is decreasing compared to the past due to advance technology which can prevent and solve crime. Do you agree or disagree? (Reported 2017, 2021 Academic Test)

  23. Some people trust their first impressions about a person's ...

    Some people trust their first impressions about a person's character because they believe these judgments are generally correct. Other people do not judge a person's character quickly because they believe first impressions are often wrong. ... issue could be mitigated if we continuously build our trust and shift our views on a . person ...