• Accessibility Training
  • Anderson-Livsey ES
  • Annistown ES
  • Bay Creek MS
  • Beaver Ridge ES
  • Benefield ES
  • Berkeley Lake ES
  • Bethesda ES
  • Brookwood ES
  • Brookwood HS
  • Buice Center
  • Burnette ES
  • Camp Creek ES
  • Cedar Hill ES
  • Centerville ES
  • Central Gwinnett HS
  • Chattahoochee ES
  • Collins Hill HS
  • Community Schools
  • Creekland MS
  • Discovery HS
  • Duncan Creek ES
  • Ferguson ES
  • Five Forks MS
  • Fort Daniel ES
  • Freeman's Mill ES
  • GIVE Center East
  • GIVE Center West
  • Grace Snell MS
  • Grayson Tech
  • Gwinnett School of Mathematics, Science, and Technology
  • Gwin Oaks ES
  • Gwinnett Online Campus
  • International Transition Center
  • IT Solutions - Test Site
  • Ivy Creek ES
  • Kanoheda ES
  • Lawrenceville ES
  • Level Creek ES
  • McClure Health Science HS
  • McConnell MS
  • McKendree ES
  • Meadowcreek ES
  • Meadowcreek HS
  • Mill Creek HS
  • Mountain Park ES
  • Mountain View HS
  • Mulberry ES
  • Norcross ES
  • Norcross HS
  • North Gwinnett HS
  • North Gwinnett MS
  • North Metro Academy
  • Northbrook MS
  • Oakland Meadow
  • Parkview HS
  • Paul Duke STEM HS
  • Peachtree ES
  • Peachtree Ridge HS
  • Pinckneyville MS
  • Puckett's Mill ES
  • Richards MS
  • Riverside ES
  • Rock Springs ES
  • Rockbridge ES
  • School of the Arts
  • Seckinger HS
  • Simonton ES
  • Snellville MS
  • South Gwinnett HS
  • Starling ES
  • Stripling ES
  • Sugar Hill ES
  • Summerour MS
  • Sweetwater MS
  • Sycamore ES
  • Twin Rivers MS
  • Walnut Grove ES
  • White Oak ES
  • Winn Holt ES
  • Woodward Mill ES


Grayson High School

First Comes Learning

Summer Course Assignments

Please visit your teacher's e CLASS course page or Google Classroom for more information.

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  • Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated) |

Thunder Ridge Middle School 5250 S.Picadilly St., Centennial, CO 80015 Phone: 720-886-1530

Cherry Creek High School

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NonFiction Awards


Literacy and Innovative Technology (LIT KITS)…

combine technology resources with literature resources to create new learning experiences for students.

CCSD Library Mission Statement

All school libraries in Cherry Creek School District will work to support the development of passionate readers and researchers by working to provide equitable resources and access to those resources, including the following:

  • Physical resources
  • Virtual resources
  • Personnel resources

Streaming Videos

  • 5000 Role Models of Excellence Project
  • A. Philip Randolph Career Academies
  • Abess Park Elementary
  • Alden Rd. Exc Student Center
  • Alfred I. duPont Middle
  • Alimacani Elementary
  • Anchor Academy
  • Andrew A. Robinson Elementary
  • Andrew Jackson High School of Advanced Technology
  • Annie R. Morgan Elementary
  • Arlington Elementary
  • Arlington Heights Elementary
  • Arlington Middle School
  • Atlantic Beach Elementary
  • Atlantic Coast High School
  • Our schools. Our community. Our future.
  • Baldwin Middle-High School
  • Bartram Springs Elementary
  • Bayview Elementary
  • Beauclerc Elementary
  • Biltmore Elementary
  • Biscayne Elementary Leadership Academy
  • Bridge To Success Academy High School
  • Bridge to Success Academy - Middle (at the former St. Clair Evans building)
  • Brookview Elementary
  • Career and Technical Education
  • Cedar Hills Elementary
  • Central Riverside Elementary
  • Chaffee Trail Elementary
  • Charger Academy
  • Chets Creek Elementary
  • Chimney Lakes Elementary
  • Crown Point Elementary
  • Crystal Springs Elementary
  • Darnell-Cookman Middle-High
  • Dinsmore Elementary
  • District Data
  • Don Brewer Elementary
  • Douglas Anderson School of the Arts
  • Fletcher High School
  • Fletcher Middle School
  • Duval Virtual Instruction Academy
  • Edward H. White High School
  • Englewood Elementary
  • Englewood High School
  • Enrollment & School Choice
  • Enterprise Learning Academy
  • Family Engagement
  • First Coast High School
  • Fishweir Elementary
  • Fort Caroline Elementary
  • Fort Caroline Middle School of the Visual and Performing Arts
  • Frank Peterson Academies
  • Garden City Elementary
  • George W. Carver Elementary
  • Grand Park Education Center
  • GRASP Academy
  • Greenfield Elementary
  • Greenland Pines Elementary
  • Gregory Drive Elementary
  • Half-Penny Referendum Oversight
  • Hendricks Avenue Elementary
  • Chaffee Trail Middle School
  • Hidden Oaks Elementary
  • Highlands Estates Academy
  • Highlands Middle School
  • Hogan-Spring Glen Elementary
  • Holiday Hill Elementary
  • Human Resource Services
  • Hyde Grove Early Learning Center
  • Hyde Park Elementary
  • J. Allen Axson Elementary
  • Jacksonville Beach Elementary
  • Jacksonville Heights Elementary
  • James Weldon Johnson
  • Jean Ribault High School
  • Jean Ribault Middle
  • John E. Ford Pre K-8 School
  • John Love Early Learning Center
  • John Stockton Elementary
  • Joseph Stilwell Military Academy of Leadership
  • Julia Landon College Preparatory
  • Kernan Middle School
  • Kernan Trail Elementary
  • Kings Trail Elementary
  • Lake Lucina Elementary
  • Lake Shore Middle School
  • Landmark Middle School
  • Lavilla Middle
  • Lone Star Elementary
  • Long Branch Elementary
  • Loretto Elementary
  • Louis S. Sheffield Elementary
  • Love Grove Elementary
  • Mamie Agnes Jones Elementary
  • Mandarin High School
  • Mandarin Middle School
  • Mandarin Oaks Elementary
  • Marine Science Ed. Center
  • Martin Luther King, Jr. (Rutledge Pearson Elementary)
  • Matthew W. Gilbert Middle
  • M V Rutherford Alt Ed Center
  • Mayport Elementary
  • Mayport Coastal Sciences Middle
  • Merrill Road Elementary
  • Mt Herman Exc Student Center
  • Neptune Beach Elementary
  • New Berlin Elementary
  • We Have That
  • Normandy Village Elementary
  • North Shore Elementary
  • Northwestern Legends
  • Oak Hill Academy
  • Oceanway Elementary
  • Oceanway Middle
  • Ortega Elementary
  • Palm Avenue Exceptional Student Center
  • Parkwood Heights Elementary
  • Paxon School For Advanced Studies
  • Pickett Elementary
  • Pine Estates Elementary
  • Pine Forest Elementary
  • Pinedale Elementary
  • R. V. Daniels Elementary
  • Ramona Boulevard Elementary
  • Reynolds Lane Elementary
  • Richard Lewis Brown Gifted and Talented Academy
  • Riverside High School
  • Rufus E. Payne Elementary
  • Ruth N. Upson Elementary
  • Rutledge H. Pearson Elementary
  • Smart Pope Livingston Primary Learning Center
  • Sabal Palm Elementary
  • Sadie T Tillis Elementary
  • Sallye B. Mathis Elementary
  • Samuel A. Hull Elementary
  • Samuel Wolfson School for Advanced Studies and Leadership
  • San Jose Elementary
  • San Mateo Elementary
  • San Pablo Elementary
  • Sandalwood High School
  • Schools for the Future/Bridge to Success
  • Seabreeze Elementary
  • Southside Estates Elementary
  • Southside Middle School
  • Spring Park Elementary
  • Springfield Middle School
  • Stanton College Preparatory School
  • Susie E. Tolbert Elementary
  • Terry Parker High School
  • Thomas Jefferson Elementary
  • Timucuan Elementary
  • Twin Lakes Academy Elementary
  • Twin Lakes Academy Middle
  • Venetia Elementary
  • Waterleaf Elementary
  • West Jacksonville Elementary
  • West Riverside Elementary
  • Westside High School
  • Westside Middle School
  • Westview PreK-8 School
  • Whitehouse Elementary
  • William M. Raines High School
  • Windy Hill Elementary
  • Woodland Acres Elementary
  • Young Men's and Women's Leadership Academy


Frank H. Peterson

Academies of Technology


  • Alden Road Exceptional Student Center
  • Andrew A. Robinson
  • Annie R. Morgan
  • Arlington Heights
  • Atlantic Beach
  • Bartram Springs
  • Cedar Hills
  • Central Riverside
  • Chaffee Trail
  • Chets Creek
  • Chimney Lakes
  • Crown Point
  • Crystal Springs
  • Duval Homeroom
  • Duval Virtual
  • Fort Caroline
  • Garden City
  • George W. Carver
  • Greenland Pines
  • Gregory Drive
  • Hendricks Avenue
  • Hidden Oaks
  • Hogan-Spring Glen
  • Holiday Hill
  • J. Allen Axson
  • Jacksonville Beach
  • Jacksonville Heights
  • John E. Ford English and Bilingual Montessori Pre K-8 School
  • John N. C. Stockton
  • Kernan Trail
  • Kings Trail
  • Lake Lucina
  • Long Branch
  • Louis Sheffield
  • Mamie Agnes Jones
  • Mandarin Oaks
  • Mattie V. Rutherford Alternative Education Center
  • Merrill Road
  • Mt. Herman Exceptional Student Center
  • Neptune Beach
  • Normandy Village
  • North Shore
  • Parkwood Heights
  • Pine Estates
  • Pine Forest
  • Ramona Boulevard
  • Reynolds Lane
  • Richard L. Brown
  • Rufus E. Payne
  • Ruth N. Upson
  • Rutledge H. Pearson
  • R. V. Daniels
  • Sadie T. Tillis
  • Sallye B. Mathis
  • Samuel A. Hull
  • Southside Estates
  • S. P. Livingston
  • Spring Park
  • Susie E. Tolbert
  • Thomas Jefferson
  • Twin Lakes Academy
  • West Riverside
  • Westview K-8 School
  • Woodland Acres
  • Saint Clair Evans Academy
  • Alfred I. duPont
  • Bridge to Success Academy
  • Darnell-Cookman School of the Medical Arts
  • Duncan Fletcher
  • Jean Ribault
  • Julia Landon
  • Joseph Stilwell
  • LaVilla School of the Arts
  • Matthew Gilbert
  • Mayport Coastal Sciences
  • Springfield
  • Westside Middle
  • Andrew Jackson
  • Bridge To Success Academy
  • Edward H. White
  • First Coast
  • Frank H. Peterson Academies of Technology
  • Grand Park Center
  • Marine Science Education Center
  • Samuel W. Wolfson School for Advanced Studies and Leadership
  • Terry Parker
  • William M. Raines

All Grades ELA - Summer Assignment

ALL Students:

  • Exact Path Language Arts for 40 minutes weekly. ( Log-in through Blended Learning)
  • And, read 1 book:  

If you choose a fiction book , you need to complete the following:  

  • The book must be a minimum of 150 pages.
  • First, give a summary of the story (at least one paragraph). Be sure to include the title and author.
  • Next,  write the name of the main character.
  • Write 3 traits that this character exhibits.
  • For each trait, give a quote from the book that shows that trait.
  • Explain how each quote shows the character trait. Each explanation should be at least two sentences.
  • Finally,  state the name of another character in the book.
  • Write 3 traits that the character exhibits.
  • Explain how each quote shows the character trait .  Each explanation should be at least two sentences.

If you choose a nonfiction book , you need to complete the following:  

  • The book must be at least 150 pages.
  • First, give a summary of the book (at least one paragraph) .  Be sure to include the title and author.
  • Next, choose 8 quotes from throughout the book.
  • Explain how each quote is important to the content of the book .  Each explanation should be at least two sentences.  
  • Questions or Feedback? |
  • Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated) |

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  • Save Our Oceans

Sandpit, B / O

Sandpit, B / O

Basic Details

Summer Assignments

Greetings!  This page is for students who plan to take an AP Physics class at Eaglecrest High School in the coming school year. Please click on your class below.

AP Physics 1 – This is the algebra-based physics class; if this is your first AP Physics course, this is your place.

AP Physics C – This is the calculus-based physics class; if you already have completed AP Physics 1, this is your place.

if (!inwiki && isMobileDevice){ document.write(' window.yaContextCb.push(()=>{Ya.adfoxCode.createAdaptive({ownerId: 332443,containerId: "adfox_172431309152071701",params: {p1: "ddrqk",p2: "gxnb"}}, ["desktop"], {tabletWidth: 830,phoneWidth: 480,isAutoReloads: false})}) setInterval(function(){window.Ya.adfoxCode.reload("adfox_172431309152071701", {onlyIfWasVisible: true})}, 30000); ');} Fokino

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  • Paegam-gun (Paegam County)   335 km
  • Kilju-gun (Kilju County)   336 km
  • Samjiyon   374 km
  • Kimhyongjik-gun (Kimhyongjik County)   468 km
  • Chasong (자성군;慈城郡)   508 km
  • Shirokaya Bay   1 km
  • Strelok Inlet   1.5 km
  • Nazimova Bay   3.3 km
  • Putyatin Island   4.2 km
  • Pier   5.1 km
  • Russian Military Jet   5.5 km
  • Abrek Bay   5.6 km
  • "Alexander Nikolaev" - Ivan Rogov Class Landing Ship.   5.9 km
  • Pier   5.9 km
  • Chazhma Bay   6.1 km
  •   184 km
  •   257 km
  •   258 km
  •   374 km
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  •   2657 km
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  • Altitude Elementary School
  • Antelope Ridge Elementary School
  • Arrowhead Elementary School
  • Aspen Crossing Elementary School
  • Belleview Elementary School
  • Black Forest Hills Elementary School
  • Buffalo Trail Elementary School
  • Campus Middle School
  • Canyon Creek Elementary School
  • Career & Innovation
  • Challenge School (K-8)
  • Cherokee Trail High School
  • Cherry Creek Elevation(6-12)
  • Cherry Creek High School
  • Cherry Creek Innovation Campus
  • Cherry Hills Village Elementary School
  • Cimarron Elementary School
  • Cottonwood Creek Elementary School
  • Coyote Hills Elementary School
  • Creekside Elementary School
  • Dakota Valley Elementary School
  • Dry Creek Elementary School
  • Eaglecrest High School
  • Early Childhood Education
  • Eastridge Community Elementary School
  • Endeavor Academy
  • Falcon Creek Middle School
  • Fox Hollow Elementary School
  • Fox Ridge Middle School
  • Grandview High School
  • Greenwood Elementary School
  • Heritage Elementary School
  • High Plains Elementary School
  • Highline Community Elementary School
  • Holly Hills/Ridge Elementary School
  • Homestead Elementary School
  • Horizon Community Middle School
  • Independence Elementary School
  • Indian Ridge Elementary School
  • Infinity Middle School
  • Laredo Middle School
  • Liberty Middle School
  • Meadow Point Elementary School
  • Mission Viejo Elementary School
  • Mountain Vista Elementary School
  • Woodland Elementary
  • Options Home School Program
  • Overland High School
  • Peakview Elementary School
  • Pine Ridge Elementary School
  • Polton Elementary School
  • Ponderosa Elementary School
  • Prairie Middle School
  • Red Hawk Ridge Elementary School
  • Rolling Hills Elementary School
  • Sagebrush Elementary School
  • Traverse Academy
  • Sky Vista Middle School
  • Smoky Hill High School
  • Summit Elementary School
  • Sunrise Elementary School
  • Thunder Ridge Middle School
  • Timberline Elementary School
  • Trails West Elementary School
  • Village East Elementary School
  • Walnut Hills Community Elementary School
  • West Middle School
  • Willow Creek Elementary School


I Want To...

  • Cherry Creek School District No. 5

CCSD Summer Opportunities

Page navigation.

  • In-person Summer School (High School)
  • Online Summer School (High School)
  • CCIC Summer Courses
  • CTE Internship Program
  • Extended Child Services Summer Camps
  • CCSD Summer Sport and Activity Camps

Parents, families, and guardians: This is information for students looking for summer opportunities. Please review carefully.

We have a variety of options for students depending on their academic goals. Please click on the red links below to find the right summer learning opportunity for your student.

In-person Summer School Classes for Credit Recovery -- REGISTRATION FOR HIGH SCHOOL SUMMER CLASSES BEGINS MARCH 24, 2025. Students who earned a D or an F during the regular school year are eligible to take an in-person summer school course that is equivalent to the course in which they received a D or an F. Online Summer School Classes for Credit Progression -or- Credit Recovery -- REGISTRATION FOR HIGH SCHOOL SUMMER CLASSES BEGINS MARCH 24, 2025. •Credit Progression:  Students wishing to take a course to advance in credit in the department of their choice. Rising 9th graders can take Math classes ONLY, with prior approval from their middle-school counselors. However, rising 9th graders will not receive high school credit for any summer school classes taken before the student matriculates into 9th grade. •Credit Recovery:  Students who earned a D or an F during the regular school year are eligible to take an online summer school course equivalent to the course in which they received a D or an F.

CTE Internship Summer Program The CTE (Career and Technical Education) Internship program allows select students to participate in a work-based learning experience in a career field they would like to pursue. 

Cherry Creek Innovation Campus (CCIC) Summer Courses CCIC programs are available to current 9th-11th grade students. Students can take courses for credit recovery or credit progression. Current 8th-grade students may register for courses with prior approval from their middle school counselors but are not eligible for high school credit. Inside Out The Inside Out Enrichment Program is sponsored by the Office of Gifted and Talented Services and offers a learning environment that fosters critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and effective communication skills. Inside Out is open to all students entering first through eighth grade this fall.  Extended Child Services Summer Camps CCSD’s Extended Child Services Summer Camps are a high-quality, affordable childcare option for students ages 5-11. The camps offer project-based learning experiences every morning with activities every afternoon, along with lots of outdoor play and fun field trips. Summer camps will be held at 33 locations across the district. CCSD Summer Sports and Activity Camps If your child is interested in sports or the arts, check out the CCSD summer sports and activities camps! Students can improve their skills in sports ranging from basketball to volleyball and activities from band to theater.

  • Register for camps here: https://www.milehighsportscamps.com/
  • Questions or Feedback? |
  • Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated) |


  1. Summer Assignments

    Summer Assignments. The following is a list of subjects/classes which require summer math, reading and study. CCHS Math Department designed these summer packets as an aid for students to get a strong start to the school year. Please do not start the packet until closer to the beginning of the school year.

  2. Cherry Creek High School / Homepage

    Cherry Creek High School Events. View Calendar. Sep 10 Tuesday. 7:30 AM - 8:20 AM National Merit Breakfast. 6:30 PM NCAA Night. Sep 11 Wednesday. 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM Parents' Council. 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM Mill & Bond Presentation: Cherry Creek Feeder. Sep 12 Thursday.

  3. Summer Assignment

    Thus, your summer reading is minimal. In fact, we do not want you to complete the reading until one or two weeks before you return to school for the fall semester. Directions: Read Chapter 1 of The American Pageant, 13th ed. You will find a copy of this chapter below.

  4. Academics / Summer Resources

    CCSD Summer Reading Resources. For outgoing 8th-grade students going to Creek, the math assignment is on the Cherry Creek High School website. Once there, click on "Students" and then click on "Summer Assignments" to find the summer assignment for the math class you will be taking in the fall.

  5. Summer Course Assignments / Summer Course Assignments

    Summer Course Assignments. Please visit your teacher's e CLASS course page or Google Classroom for more information.

  6. EHS AP Physics

    Your summer assignment will be the first assignment listed in Quest - I'll send more information later in the summer! I look forward to actually seeing everybody in August. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me ([email protected]). Have a great summer! - Mrs. Kesler

  7. PDF Cherry Creek High School Summer Assignment for students entering

    Cherry Creek High School Summer Assignment for students entering: Accelerated CP Algebra 2. Please have the following worksheets completed and ready to be handed in on the first day of class, August 18, 2021. Make sure you show your work where appropriate.


    Why choose the Cherry Creek AP Summer Institute? ... CHERRY CREEK HIGH SCHOOL WEST & IC BUILDING 9300 EAST UNION AVE. GREENWOOD VILLAGE, CO 80111. 2024 Cherry Creek AP Summer Institute Schedule Monday - Thursday Morning session - 8:00 am - 11:30 am Lunch - 11:30 am - 12:00 pm

  9. Academic Information

    Cherokee Trail High School; Cherry Creek Elevation(6-12) Cherry Creek High School; Cherry Creek Innovation Campus; Cherry Hills Village Elementary School; ... Eaglecrest High School; AP and Honors Summer Assignments ; Academic Information. Page Navigation. Course Registration 2024-2025; Course Guide 2024-2025; Concurrent Enrollment.

  10. CCSD Summer Reading

    The CCSD library staff is so thankful for the generous contributions of the Cherry Creek Schools Foundation which made it possible for us to add hundreds of titles in ebooks and audiobooks to our Overdrive Digital Library collection in order to support our students' summer reading. These funds were raised from our community through the Emergency Relief Fund set up by the Foundation.

  11. Cherry Creek High School

    Thunder Ridge Middle School 5250 S.Picadilly St., Centennial, CO 80015 Phone: 720-886-1530 | |

  12. Summer Assignments & Reading List / ELA

    All Grades ELA - Summer Assignment. ALL Students: Exact Path Language Arts for 40 minutes weekly. (Log-in through Blended Learning) And, read 1 book: If you choose a fiction book, you need to complete the following: The book must be a minimum of 150 pages. First, give a summary of the story (at least one paragraph).

  13. Summer Launch

    View Summer Assignments related to your courses for the 2023-2024 school year. ... Summer Creek High School 14000 Weckford Blvd Houston, TX 77044 Phone: 281-641-5400 Fax: 281-641-5417. Resources . Home Access Information ; Volunteer ; Bond 2022 Funded Technology Campus Schedule ; iHELP . iHELP Information ;

  14. PDF Honors Geometry Summer Packet 2023

    Cherry Creek High School Name_____ Summer Assignment - Page 2 - Lines No Calculator. Find the slope of the line that contains the points. 1. 2. 3. Find the equation of the line in slope-intercept form (y=mx + b) using the given information. #7-15 require work to be done on a separate sheet of paper. 4. Slope = 5, y-intercept = 2 5

  15. Sandpit, B / O Map, Fokino, Primorsky Krai, Russia

    Sandpit, B / O: Discover this iconic Fokino, Primorsky Krai, Russia location with our interactive map. Explore nearby attractions, amenities, and more with Sandee.

  16. EHS AP Physics

    This page is for students who plan to take an AP Physics class at Eaglecrest High School in the coming school year. Please click on your class below. AP Physics 1 - This is the algebra-based physics class; if this is your first AP Physics course, this is your place. AP Physics C - This is the calculus-based physics class; if you already ...

  17. Fokino

    Fokino (Russian: Фокино) is a closed administrative territory in Primorsky Krai, Russia, situated on the coast of the Gulf of Peter the Great between Vladivostok and Nakhodka. It is closed because the Russian Pacific Fleet is based there. Foreigners must have a special permit to visit the town. However, the Islands of Putyatin and Askold, part of the town's administrative unit, are open ...

  18. Primorsky, Primorsky Krai

    Primorsky ( Russian: Примо́рский) is an urban locality (an urban-type settlement) in Khasansky District of Primorsky Krai, Russia, located on the Kedrovaya River 22 kilometers (14 mi) west of Vladivostok and 30 kilometers (19 mi) northeast of the district's administrative center of Slavyanka. Population: 2,241 ( 2010 Russian census ...

  19. Students / Campus Summer Reading Lists

    8th Grade Summer Reading. Last Modified on April 30, 2024. Get Directions. Main.

  20. Primorsky Krai

    Map of Russia showing Primorsky Krai Flag coat of arms. Primorsky Krai (Russian: Приморский край, tr. Primorsky kray, IPA: [prʲɪˈmorskʲɪj kraj]) is one of the 85 federal subjects (a krai) of Russia.It is in the Far East region of the country and is a part of the Far Eastern Federal District.The administrative center of the krai is the city of Vladivostok.

  21. CCSD Summer Opportunities

    CCSD's Extended Child Services Summer Camps are a high-quality, affordable childcare option for students ages 5-11. The camps offer project-based learning experiences every morning with activities every afternoon, along with lots of outdoor play and fun field trips. Summer camps will be held at 33 locations across the district.