
Lighthouse Trails Research Project

What your church needs to know before doing a priscilla shirer study.

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The repetition [of a word or phrase] can in fact be soothing and very freeing, helping us, as Nouwen says, “to empty out our crowded interior life and create the quiet space where we can dwell with God.”— Jan Johnson , When the Soul Listens, p. 93 Years ago, I got a chance to meet Jan Johnson. . . . I was encouraged and redirected in so many ways. As a young woman trying to navigate the ins and outs of my relationship with the Lord, Ms. Jan spoke wisdom into my life that was extremely pivotal in my life—personally and in ministry .— Priscilla Shirer  (emphasis added;; quoted in 2010 and still up on Shirer’s website)

priscilla shirer your spiritual assignment

Priscilla Shirer

This week, our office received a call from a woman who was concerned that her church is going to be doing a study using material by Priscilla Shirer. Our caller wanted to get some information she can show her pastor as to why her church should not be doing a Priscilla Shirer study. Because Priscilla Shirer is a contemplative proponent, we concur with our caller’s concerns. In John Lanagan’s booklet,   Beth Moore & Priscilla Shirer – Their History of Contemplative Prayer , Lanagan shows how both Moore and Shirer have been advocates of contemplative spirituality for quite some time. In that booklet, and this is what we want to focus on in this article, Lanagan discusses a woman named Jan Johnson. Because Priscilla Shirer embraces and has gleaned spiritually from Johnson, we need to take a closer look at what Johnson believes.

We first heard about Jan Johnson in Ray Yungen’s book A Time of Departing where Yungen explains:

Spiritual director Jan Johnson, in her book When the Soul Listens: Finding Rest and Direction in Contemplative Prayer , is a perfect example of an evangelical Christian who endorses and promotes this practice [contemplative prayer]. She leaves no doubt about what this type of prayer entails: “Contemplative prayer, in its simplest form, is a prayer in which you still your thoughts and emotions and focus on God Himself. This puts you in a better state to be aware of God’s presence, and it makes you better able to hear God’s voice, correcting, guiding, and directing you.” [emphasis added] Johnson’s explanation of the initial stages of contemplative prayer leaves no doubt that “stilling” your thoughts means only one thing; she explains: “In the beginning, it is usual to feel nothing but a cloud of unknowing . . . . If you’re a person who has relied on yourself a great deal to know what’s going on, this unknowing will be unnerving. [emphasis added] (Ray Yungen, A Time of Departing , 2nd ed., p. 82.)

When Johnson talks about stilling the mind in order to experience God’s presence and hear His voice, she is referring to something that is universal with mystics—putting the mind into a neutral, altered state where one is not aware of the distractions around him. This inner stillness can only be achieved through some type of meditative practice (see Johnson’s quote at top of this article), which in the case of “Christian” mystics is contemplative prayer. For those of you unfamiliar with contemplative jargon, the “cloud of unknowing” is taken from a small book of the same name, written by an anonymous monk several hundred years ago. The book is a primer on contemplative prayer and in it instructs:

Take just a little word, of one syllable rather than of two . . .  With this word you are to strike down every kind of thought under the cloud of forgetting. ( The Cloud of Unknowing)

This is describing a mantra-style practice, no different than that used in eastern meditation. It is interesting that Jan Johnson says the effect of this type of prayer is “unnerving.” Webster’s Dictionary defines unnerving as “inspiring fear.” This reminds us of another contemplative teacher, Richard Foster, who suggested that people pray prayers of protection before practicing contemplative prayer in order to avoid an evil encounter. But where in Scripture is prayer to God described as inspiring fear or something that needs prayers of protection first? Nowhere. That’s not how God’s Word defines prayer.

priscilla shirer your spiritual assignment

Jan Johnson

In Jan Johnson’s book, Invitation to the Jesus Life: Experiments in Christlikeness , Johnson shows her resonance with a number of contemplative figures with quotes by and references to them.  One particular name that jumps out is New Age sympathizer Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. Read a few quotes by Chardin and then ask yourself, why would a Christian author (Johnson) be drawn to someone with these views:

What I am proposing to do is to narrow that gap between pantheism and Christianity by bringing out what one might call the Christian soul of pantheism or the pantheist aspect of Christianity.—Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Christianity and Evolution , p. 56 Now I realize that, on the model of the incarnate God whom Christianity reveals to me, I can be saved only by becoming one with the universe. Thereby, too, my deepest ‘pantheist’ aspirations are satisfied.—Chardin, Christianity and Evolution , p. 128. I believe that the Messiah whom we await, whom we all without any doubt await, is the universal Christ; that is to say, the Christ of evolution.—Chardin, Christianity and Evolution , p. 95.

Johnson’s 2016 book Meeting God in Scripture: A Hands-On Guide to Lectio Divina leads readers in lectio divina meditations. Lectio Divina is used today as a gateway practice into contemplative mystical prayer. In her book, Johnson provides a section titled  “Relax and Refocus (silencio)”  which is instruction to readers on how to get rid of mental distractions when trying to practice lectio divina:

Each exercise begins with brief guidance to slow down, quiet your inner self and let go of distracting thoughts. . . . focusing on God. A way to interrupt this [mental] traffic is to focus on being present in the moment by breathing in and out deeply— even overbreathing. It also helps to relax our body parts one by one: bending the neck, letting the arms go limp, relaxing the legs and ankles. Loosen each part from the inside out. This doesn’t mean you’re setting aside your mind— you’re redirecting your mind away from the busyness that often consumes you. Being present in the moment prepares you to wait on the still, small voice of God. If you are distracted, you may want to try the palms up, palms down method. Rest your hands in your lap, placing your hands palms down as a symbol of turning over any concerns you have. If a nagging thought arises, turn your hands palms up as a “symbol of your desire to receive from the Lord.” [Foster] If you become distracted at any time during meditation, repeat the exercise. ( Meeting God in Scripture, Kindle version, Kindle location 102)

To back up her teaching on practicing contemplative meditation and finding that inner stillness of the mind, Johnson turns to several contemplative teachers in Meeting God in Scripture . Sadly, God and Scripture are not the only things readers are going to meet when they read this book by Johnson. They will also meet Richard Foster, Dallas Willard, Henri Nouwen, and David Benner. Other books Johnson has written have the same caliber.  A few of those titles are:  Spiritual Disciplines Companion: Bible Studies and Practices to Transform Your Soul, Enjoying the Presence of God: Discovering Intimacy with God in the Daily Rhythms of Life, Abundant Simplicity: Discovering the Unhurried Rhythms of Grace , and Renovation of the Heart in Daily Practice: Experiments in Spiritual Transformation (Willard and Johnson). She has written several others books which carry the same message: you’ve got to have the inner mental silence to really know God (something Beth Moore has said too—in the Be Still DVD ).

We could give several more examples of Johnson’s embracing contemplative spirituality. You won’t find much that she has written that doesn’t include this element. In one article on her website titled “ What Is Solitude & Why Do I Need It? or . . . Turn Up the Quiet ,” she quotes panentheist Thomas Merton from his book New Seeds of Contemplation. Why does Jan Johnson keep referring to contemplative mystics in her writings? There can only be one answer to that question—because she resonates with them.

As noted at the beginning of this article, Priscilla Shirer “was encouraged and redirected in so many ways” when she met Jan Johnson. She added that Johnson “spoke wisdom into [Priscilla’s] life that was extremely pivotal in [her] life—personally and in ministry.” Shirer said these words in 2010 and has left them up on her website to this day. Obviously, she still feels this way about Johnson. In Shirer’s popular book 2006/2012 Discerning the Voice of God, she favorably quotes Jan Johnson twice from When the Soul Listens. Shirer also quotes contemplatives Joyce Huggett and Phil Yancey in Discerning the Voice of God . Shirer clearly has been influenced by Jan Johnson as she admits herself.

We’ll close with this: On Priscilla Shirer’s website, where she talks about meeting Jan Johnson , she also includes an article by Johnson who is quoting panentheist Catholic priest Richard Rohr (founder of the Center for Action and Contemplation ) from his book Everything Belongs (meaning everything and everyone is part of God). Rohr’s spirituality would be in the same camp as someone like Episcopalian panentheist Matthew Fox (author of The Coming of the Cosmic Christ ). Rohr wrote the foreword to a book called How Big is Your God ? by Jesuit priest (from India) Paul Coutinho. In Coutinho’s book, he describes an interspiritual community where people of all religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, and Christianity) worship the same God. For Rohr to write the foreword to such a book, he would have to agree with Coutinho’s views. On Rohr’s website, he has an article titled “Cosmic Christ.”  One need not look too far into Rohr’s teachings and website to see he is indeed promoting the same Cosmic Christ as Matthew Fox – this is the “christ” whose being they say lives in every human—this, of course, would nullify the need for atonement by a savior. Lighthouse Trails has written numerous times about Rohr as he is aggressively pushing his panentheistic mystical spirituality into the evangelical church. If everything you have read in this article has not persuaded you to steer clear of Shirer’s studies, then this should do it, hands down. The fact that she keeps the post about Rohr on her website should alarm all Bible-believing Christians and illustrates the spiritual affinity Priscilla Shirer is drawn to.

Before your church does a Priscilla Shirer study, please keep in mind the things you have read in this article. Contemplative prayer has roots in panentheism  (God is in all) and interspirituality (all paths lead to God) as you can read in Ray Yungen’s article “ The Final Outcome of Practicing Contemplative Prayer: Interspirituality .” Do you really want your church influenced in any way by a spirituality that is so against the Cross? Are we saying Priscilla Shirer is necessarily against the Cross? No, but for someone who wrote a book on how to discern the voice of God, she sure isn’t showing any discernment in the voices that she herself is listening to and being persuaded by.

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October 5, 2018 at 2:04 pm

Beth, the problem with contemplative prayer is that it won’t make Heaven more crowded. It actually keeps people from going to the Cross. If you would be interested, we can send you a copy of a booklet that clearly explains why contemplative prayer is so dangerous.

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October 4, 2018 at 12:42 pm

I fail to see how contemplation and quieting of one’s soul before the Lord in prayer (ex: Ps 46:10) is bad. I fail to see how judging one person simply due to affiliating themselves with another is a valid argument. I may be influenced by Ellen DeGeneres to be kinder, but that does not mean in any manner I would affirm her life choices or be a ‘follower’ of hers. . I have never heard Priscilla nor Beth Moore advocate mysticism in any realm – indeed, they passionately encourage others to follow the Lord (Jesus Christ) and do not even come close to points of mysticism. Drawing such divisive, rigid delineations I believe causes the church to detonate from within. We should want to reach the unreached – and use whatever means to reach them. A climate of internal judgment will result in skepticism and walking away from Christ. Didn’t Jesus himself admonish against such penury of spirit? Consider the analogous book The Shack. It came under attack even as spoke of God’s love. Surely Hurnard and Lewis may have felt similar skepticism for their words. Before we cast stones at Godly teachers simply because perhaps every absolute truth is not aligned perfectly (who can do that anyway?) we need to consider the larger focus – Making Heaven more Crowded.

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September 1, 2018 at 12:32 pm

Good work LT. I am trying to find a new church and was looking at one church online. On their website, their Adult Bible Studies included one by Patricia Shirer, one by Joyce Meyers, and one by Louie Giglio. I guess I’ll skip this church!

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August 8, 2018 at 4:41 am

this is hog wash….. she is one of the best bible teachers around…spend more time in the word instead of trying to cut down good bible teachers

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May 26, 2018 at 8:31 pm

My eyes have been opened to the Contemplative prayer movement and the danger it poses. I’m shocked how widespread and pervasive this false teaching is. Our church is showing a simulcast of Phyllis Shirer which led me to speak to my pastor. So far, he hasn’t responded to the truth, but I’m not giving up! Thank you for the ministry you do. Where could we find the truth if it wasn’t for you and others sounding the alarm.

March 25, 2018 at 6:56 am

Kay, we believe if you will do the research, you will come to see that what we are saying is accurate and true. There is a reason Priscilla Shirer is drawn to contemplative mystics such as Jan Johnson. And it would be wrong to give her a pass just because she quotes from and points to these figures but may not come out and say it herself. By pointing to them and turning to them, she is , in essence, saying it herself. And she has a long history of doing this. We hope you will read some material so that you will understand exactly what contemplative spirituality is. Once you see that it is panentheistic and interspiritual in its foundation, you will then be able to connect the dots. You are angry because you feel we are attacking a nice person. We do not have any animosity toward Priscilla Shirer, but we are compelled to warn people about a belief system that is dangerous.

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March 24, 2018 at 1:53 pm

After reading this article on Priscilla Shirer, I don’t feel that I can trust anything else your site says. What an exercise in taking a couple small phrases that Priscilla Shirer has said about her interaction and extrapolating it to sound like something totally different. SHAME ON YOU! I stopped counting how many other people/authors you quoted inferring that she agreed with them when you actually gave NO direct correlation that she did. If I were her, I would be tempted to sue you for defamation of Christian character. But she probably has too gracious of a heart and doesn’t want to waste her time. Next time, please give a true, direct and objective picture siting her own words instead of putting all of these other sources out there to try to make your point about contemplative prayer without actually citing her own words or writings.

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"Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name [Jesus Christ] under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." Acts 4:12


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Priscilla Shirer - Your Spiritual Assignment

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priscilla shirer your spiritual assignment

Michelle Lesley

Discipleship for Christian Women

Going Beyond Scripture: Why It’s Time to Say Good-Bye to Priscilla Shirer and Going Beyond Ministries

If you are considering commenting or sending me an e-mail objecting to the fact that I warn against false teachers, please click here and read this article first . Your objection is most likely answered here. I won’t be publishing comments or answering emails that are answered by this article.

This article is kept continuously updated as needed.

priscilla shirer your spiritual assignment

Priscilla Shirer is a wife and mom of three boys hailing from the Dallas area. Though you may have become acquainted with her over the last several years from her roles in the movies Overcomer and War Room ,  she has been writing women’s Bible studies and has been a popular speaker at women’s conferences and other events for many years. Together with her husband, Jerry, she heads up Going Beyond Ministries.

When I participated in Priscilla’s DVD study  He Speaks to Me  several years ago, I found her to be an engaging writer, a witty storyteller, and charismatic speaker. Priscilla’s friendliness and genuine care for Christian women seem to shine through every word she speaks and writes. And to top that all off, she’s beautiful and sharp as a tack. It’s very easy to think of Priscilla and think, “What’s not to love?”

Which is why it grieves me to have to answer that question with: “Her theology.” Unfortunately, there are serious red flags about some of the things Priscilla does and teaches that Christian women who follow her, or are considering following her, need to be made aware of. And because of those issues, I deeply regret that I am not able to recommend her as I would like to. Should she repent in these areas in which she has broken Scripture and align herself with biblical principles, she would have no bigger fan than I, and I would rejoice to be able to point Christian women to her as a doctrinally sound resource.

Until that time, however, it saddens me to have to recommend that Christian women not follow Priscilla Shirer or any materials or activities from Going Beyond Ministries for the following reasons:

Preaching to Men

Priscilla unrepentantly preaches to and instructs men in the Scriptures in violation of 1 Timothy 2:12-14  (as well as other passages of Scripture that do not allow this). If you have followed me for any length of time, you have seen me raise this issue repeatedly regarding female Bible teachers and speakers. Yes, it’s a big deal and, yes, I will continue to teach and write about it. There are two crucial reasons for this.

First,  this is a sin .  I am finding that more and more Christians have to be told this. When the Bible says not to do something and you do it anyway, that’s a sin. And the Bible says that women are not to preach to or instruct men, or to hold authority over men in the gathered body of Believers, the church. Though the consequences of the sin of instructing men may not appear to be severe, it is just as much of a sin as any other sin you can think of: adultery, lying, stealing, drunkenness, and so on. If you wouldn’t follow a male pastor or Bible teacher who was open and unrepentant about committing adultery or shoplifting or getting plowed every weekend, why would you follow any female Bible teacher who preaches to and instructs men?

Second, almost without exception, every female Bible teacher I know of who unrepentantly instructs men also teaches other doctrinal error (usually Word of Faith, New Apostolic Reformation or seeker driven false doctrine). So instructing men is a red flag to watch for if you’re looking for a doctrinally sound teacher.

If a woman is supposedly knowledgeable enough about the Bible to be in the position of teaching and authoring, yet doesn’t understand or obey such a basic biblical truth, what does that say about the rest of her knowledge of the Bible? How can you trust that anything else she teaches you about the Bible is accurate and true?

Partnering with False Teachers

Priscilla partners and associates with false teachers such as Joyce Meyer , Christine Caine ,  Joel and Victoria Osteen , Beth Moore , and T.D. and Serita Jakes (see below). All of these people are proponents of the false and anti-biblical Word of Faith (prosperity gospel) doctrine, and the Jakeses are also modalists .  Paul is quite clear  that people who preach “another gospel” are “accursed”, or damned, and that we are not to partner with them. John says virtually the same thing, and adds that to partner with false teachers is to take part in their wicked works. Again, when the Bible says not to do something, and a person does it anyway, this is sin .

priscilla shirer your spiritual assignment

On October 16, 2016, Priscilla and her husband, children, and mother were in attendance at T.D. Jakes’ “church,” The Potter’s House, where, during a God’s Leading Ladies  graduation ceremony, Priscilla accepted the “Lady of Destiny” award. As you can see, she has warm words of praise and admiration for Serita Jakes (T.D.’s wife).

Here’s Priscilla speaking at a women’s conference at Joel Osteen’s Lakewood “Church”. (It’s hard to see in the quick audience pans, but there are also a few men visible here and there.) :

Unbiblical Teaching

Priscilla teaches Christians to “ listen for God’s voice ” in an unbiblical form of “ prayer ” called contemplative prayer . Combining elements of Eastern mysticism and New Age spirituality, this practice of emptying the mind and listening for God’s voice is found nowhere in Scripture. When the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray, He taught them:

Pray then like this: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Matthew 6:9-13.

No mention of sitting in silence or listening here nor in any of the other passages in which the Bible teaches about prayer. Jesus taught us the way He wanted us to pray. Priscilla teaches something different.

Priscilla often uses poor hermeneutics when handling God’s word. Looking back over my copy of He Speaks to Me,  and sifting through numerous videos of her teaching, it’s clear that her method of teaching is mainly eisegesis . She begins most lessons with a story or personal experience, uses these stories to formulate her own spiritual principles, and then adds in a smattering of Bible verses (often out of context) to support her ideas. Priscilla has also admitted in her book Discerning the Voice of God, p.39, that she reads herself into Scripture , an unbiblical practice sometimes called “narcissistic eisegesis” or “narcigesis” .

The proper method of teaching Scripture is exegesis . Exegesis is taking a passage of Scripture in context, and “leading out” of it- teaching what the passage means.

One example that best showcases Priscilla’s penchant for eisegesis and poor hermeneutics can be found in this promotional video for her study,  One in a Million:

0:46-  This same God was supposed to be speaking to me, teaching to me, making Himself relevant to me…in the regular rhythms of my everyday living…

Where does the Bible teach this? It doesn’t. God speaks to us and teaches us through the careful study and preaching of His word , not through subjective voices, feelings, and experiences in the “rhythms of everyday living” (what, precisely, does that phrase even mean?) Where does Priscilla get the idea that God is “supposed” to be speaking in these ways? Not from Scripture.

1:37-  When these believers…who had experienced different things about God became part of my life, my eyes were opened to see God in a brand new way. 

These “believers from different denominations ” Priscilla references who rattled her “theological box” may have been part of Priscilla’s initial exposure to false Word of Faith teaching and false teachers such as the aforementioned Meyer, Caine, and Osteens.

Notice the emphasis around the 1:37 mark on people’s personal experiences (praying for miracles, etc.) rather than on the Bible. We do not build doctrine or what we believe about God on people’s subjective experiences. What we believe about God must come from Scripture alone . Personal experiences can be evidence of the truth of rightly handled and understood Scripture, but not vice versa.

2:57- Do you know that of the original two million Jewish people only two actually ever made it? (This is where the video above ends. The original promo video I used for this article has been deleted, {so I replaced it with the one above}, but in the original video, Priscilla goes on to say…) That’s one in a million. Well, man, if there’s only going to be a handful of people experiencing what we’ve learned on the pew…then I want one of those to be me.”

The story of Joshua and Caleb being the only ones to enter the Promised Land has absolutely no connection whatsoever with how many Christians today will be able to achieve intimacy with God. None. The Bible doesn’t say anywhere that because only two people out of two million entered the Promised Land that only “a handful of people” will be able to “experience” (there’s that word again) “what we’ve learned on the pew.”

Furthermore (since Priscilla looks to tangible experiences and anecdotal evidence as support for her ideas), both anecdotal church history and the experiences of Christians who are alive today prove this idea to be false. Untold millions of Christians over the last two thousand years have studied God’s word, grown close to Him, matured in their faith, and walked faithfully with Him throughout their lives. God doesn’t limit to a select few the number of Christians who are able to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus the way He limited entrance to the Promised Land. In fact, the Bible says the opposite. It is God’s plan for every Christian   to grow to spiritual maturity and intimacy with Him.

But growth to spiritual maturity through the study of God’s word and faithful obedience to Him isn’t what Priscilla is offering through this study. Instead, she is dangling in front of Christian women an emotionally appealing and unbiblical carrot of miraculous and unique personal experiences with God instead of teaching them to properly study their Bibles and rely on Scripture alone for their doctrine and practices.

Though there are others, these are the major doctrinal errors in this video, which is less than four minutes of teaching from Priscilla.

1 Corinthians 4:6 says:

I have applied all these things to myself and Apollos for your benefit, brothers, that you may learn by us not to go beyond what is written , that none of you may be puffed up in favor of one against another.

It is a sad irony that Priscilla Shirer opted to name her ministry “Going Beyond,” because this is exactly what she is choosing to do right now. She goes beyond what is written in teaching men, in partnering with false teachers, in teaching unbiblical prayer practices, and in using improper hermeneutics. Therefore, it is my recommendation that women not follow, support, or receive teaching from Priscilla Shirer or Going Beyond Ministries at this time.

Additional Resources:

Disclaimer: The specific links below are provided and endorsed as evidence pertaining to this article only. I do not endorse any of these sites in so far as any of them might deviate from Scripture or conflict with my beliefs as outlined in the “Welcome” or “Statement of Faith” tabs at the top of this page.

Preaching to Men:

These are just a few of the dozens of examples available on YouTube and elsewhere of Priscilla Shirer preaching to men. If you need more examples, simply go to YouTube and type “Priscilla Shirer sermon” into the search bar.

Going Beyond Ministries with Priscilla Shirer – The Mercy of Our Great God (March 24, 2017) Priscilla preaches the Sunday sermon at Celebration Church (co-“pastored” by a woman)

Priscilla Shirer: YOUR Spiritual Battle & the Armor of God (Full Teaching) | Praise on TBN (May 21, 2021) Priscilla preaching to a co-ed audience at Passion 2018

Special Guest Priscilla Shirer (October 11, 2015) Priscilla preaches the Sunday sermon at The Refuge Church (co-“pastored” by a woman)

What Are You Looking At | Priscilla Shirer | Hillsong East Coast (October 4, 2020) Priscilla preaches the Sunday sermon for Hillsong East Coast

Women Teachers? Kay Arthur, Beth Moore, and Priscilla Shirer Believe In Teaching Men Too   at Surph’s Side

Partnering with False Teachers:

If you’re not familiar with the false teachers cited below, click the Popular False Teachers and Unbiblical Trends tab in the blue menu bar at the top of this page.

Priscilla Shirer: Living Your Life For Christ (Full Teaching) | Praise on TBN (February 18, 2021) Priscilla speaks at Christine Caine’s Propel Women’s Conference

Pink Impact Conference   Priscilla joined with faith healing “apostle” of the New Apostolic Reformation, Todd White , as well as false teachers Christine Caine, Lisa Harper , and “Pastor” Debbie Morris .

priscilla shirer your spiritual assignment

Love Your Life 2018 (March 20, 2019) with Victoria Osteen and Terri Savelle Foy

Know Your God | Joyce Meyer and Priscilla Shirer (In this clip, Priscilla also gushes over Henry Blackaby who mishandles Scripture and teaches a form of mysticism.)

The Treasure You Already Are | Priscilla Shirer | [at Joyce Meyer’s ] Love Life Women’s Conference 2013

Priscilla Shirer Talks Women and the Church, Moving From the Pew to the Pavement and Why Christine Caine Is at the Top of Her List at the Christian Post

Priscilla Shirer recommends Joyce Meyer, Ann Voskamp, Beth Moore, Jen Hatmaker, Jennie Allen, etc., “Bible” studies on her blog at Going Beyond

Priscilla Shirer speaks at Joyce Meyer’s women’s conference alongside false teachers Joyce Meyer, Lisa Harper, and Sarah Jakes Roberts (T.D. Jakes’ daughter)

priscilla shirer your spiritual assignment

Priscilla Shirer’s promo page at Hillsong

priscilla shirer your spiritual assignment

Meet Christine Caine at Going Beyond

Priscilla Shirer, featured speaker at Hillsong’s 2016 Colour Conference   with  Brian Houston, Bobbie Houston, and  Christine Caine

Stay the Path (book) Promo Priscilla endorses Bobbie Houston’s book.

Unbiblical Teaching:

Priscilla Shirer on Hearing the Voice of God on Issues, Etc. – Pastor Chris Rosebrough explains why Priscilla’s twisting of John 10 to mean that we can hear God speak to us is unbiblical.

The False Teaching of Priscilla Shirer on the Here I Stand Theology Podcast

Is Priscilla Shirer a Sound Exegete? on Fighting for the Faith

True Woman Conference Speaker Priscilla Shirer Hears God’s Still, Small Voice at Apprising Ministries

Priscilla Shirer and Contemplative/Centering Prayer at Apprising Ministries

He Speaks to Me (April 24, 2008) promo video by Priscilla Shirer

War Room’s Priscilla Shirer’s Contemplative History, and Why It Matters  at Berean Research

Review of Priscilla Shirer’s Sermon: “The Multitude” by Chris Rosebrough

Priscilla Shirer- Mystic by David Sheldon

Priscilla Shirer: Out Of The Closet At The Alpha Leadership Conference 2017   at Emergent Watch

Priscilla Shirer   at Fighting for the Faith

Fervent Warning on Priscilla Shirer   at Christian Answers for the New Age

War Room Reviews and Critiques

Why I do not recommend Kendrick Brothers’ new movie, “War Room”, part 2 at The End Time

War Room: A Review by Justin Peters at Worldview Weekend

War Room- A Review   at Hip and Thigh

Stand Firm: A Review of War Room at Satisfaction Through Christ

Discover more from Michelle Lesley

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79 thoughts on “going beyond scripture: why it’s time to say good-bye to priscilla shirer and going beyond ministries”.

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Reblogged this on Seth Dunn and commented: Here’s the thing…

You may not agree with all of these points, but there is enough here to indicate that you should be very wary of getting involved with Priscilla Shirer studies.

You may have loved her in War Room and want to buy her books. Let me tell you something, if your church recommended War Room, you can almost be certain that its leadership knew next to nothing about Shirer. Pastors don’t read LifeWay studies or pay attention to the false teaching crowd, for the most part. They are busy caring for their churches.

Unfortunately, they depend on LifeWay to deliver sound material. It often times fails.

You should bring these points about Shirer up to your pastor if her studies are being pushed in your church.

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Any more credible sources out there? Like The Gospel Coalition, CARM, Tim Challies, etc?) or even some reformed guys or women who speak against Schirer. I’m not seeing anyone speaking against her except small sources. I can’t but take this article with only a grain of salt.

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(Edited to add- After I posted this comment, I noticed your comment was addressed to Seth Dunn, not to me. Unfortunately, Word Press doesn’t show me that kind of thing until after I’ve published my own comment. Grr! I hope you’ll find my response helpful anyway :0)

It sounds like you want to be discerning and weigh things carefully. That’s very wise, and I respect that. We shouldn’t believe just whatever we see on the internet.

A couple of points, though:

First, just because you’ve never heard of someone doesn’t mean he’s not a credible source (likewise just because someone is well known doesn’t mean he is a credible source). All of the resources and links I’ve included are from credible sources (The disclaimer at the top of the list simply means I have not read everything ever written by every single resource I’ve listed. These are sources I’m familiar with and consider doctrinally sound, but if someone digs up an article one of them wrote from ten years ago that says something biblically askew, I obviously do not endorse that.) Two of the three best known sources I’ve listed, Justin Peters and Aimee Byrd, are Reformed. The third, Chris Rosebrough, is Lutheran (AALC), and much of his theology is in line with Reformed theology. (I’m also about 90% Reformed if you didn’t get a chance to look at my statement of faith page.)

Next, you’re not going to see an article like this from TGC or Challies. I’ve subscribed to both for several years, so I can tell you that’s not the kind of writing they do (though Challies did feature and link to Aimee Byrd’s review of “Fervent” in his 12/21/15 A La Carte segment). Their focus is on “Christian living” type articles, not discernment (which is certainly fine, everybody has his own genre). CARM has done articles on Beth Moore, Joyce Meyer, and some other well-known false teachers, which I’ve linked to in other articles. Priscilla Shirer is not as well known, which is probably why they haven’t gotten to her yet. (Also, their main genre is apologetics, not discernment.) If they ever do an article on her, I will add it to my list of resources here.

Finally, I agree we should seek out credible sources when reading news reports and things like that where we’re called upon to simply believe what we’re being told, but that’s not the case here. This article is more along the lines of a court case where you’re on the jury and I’m showing you the evidence of Priscilla Shirer breaking the law. The “law” in this case, being Scripture.

For example, the Bible clearly says that women are not to preach to or teach men in the church (2 Timothy 2:12). I have provided you video and audio evidence that Priscilla Shirer has done exactly that, and continues to do so unrepentantly. You do not have to know whether or not I’m a credible source to examine the evidence in light of Scripture and come to the conclusion that she is sinning.

If you don’t trust the evidence I’ve presented here, I encourage you to do your own research. Watch videos of Shirer speaking, listen to her sermons, read her books, and compare them all with what Scripture says. I don’t want my readers to believe something just on my (or anyone else’s) say so. I want people to study their Bibles and use Scripture as the measuring stick for the things that are happening and being taught in the church today.

Hope this helps, and thanks for the comment :0)

Pirate Christian is a source on her.

But read her “He Speaks to Me” Bible study for yourself if you want to assess.

Also, the small sources don’t have skin in the book and lecture circuit game. If a big guy writes against a LifeWay person, he might not get anymore invitations.

I am not sure that the Gospel Coalition is a credible source. Here they are promoting silence. Michelle, what do you think about this article?

I don’t follow TGC any more. There are still some good, solid blogs over there (such as Kevin DeYoung’s and Erik Raymond’s), and they frequently put out helpful, doctrinally solid articles, but I’ve chosen to use other sources instead.

I wish this particular writer would have more clearly defined what he means by “silence”. The silence he describes in the paragraph titled “Line 1…” could easily be construed to mean mystical/contemplative (i.e. unbiblical) meditation. However, under “Three Suggestions” he mentions “biblical reflection,” “meditate on His word,” and “Christ-centered silence.” There’s too much wiggle room in this article to pin him down on exactly what he means by “silence.” I’d like to see him go back and tighten it up one way or the other to give clarity to his readers.

Priscilla is Tony Evans’ daughter. I’d be interested in hearing what Tony Evans says about his daughter’s doctrine.

I knew she was his daughter, but I’m completely unfamiliar with him or his doctrine. I’d be interested, too! :0)

Hey brother Saiko Woods! I run into you everywhere man YouTube, Twitter, and now here lol. Glad to know i am not the only dude that reads this wonderful sister’s blog. And i have my wife to thank actually, because she asked me to help her find some pretty theologically sound ladies, and it was in a post Michelle did that she found what she was looking for.

So we both have been grateful ever sense, me personally because; as her husband she is my most important ministry, so besides Church, we do studies both together and private, and then share them with one another, we also pray together and so on, but i know (because i have learned, and it is also true of men) sometimes women need women.(Titus.2:3-4)

My wife is grateful because of the resources, and because of what she said is best described as like mindedness,(She is sitting beside me by the way!) she said what she means by that is, to see biblical womanhood flourish would be a great joy! And the only way to do that is to not only study/read the Word of God in it’s *entirety* but believe and apply it. And then help teach it to other women.

As for the topic of this post neither of us have heard of her, but thanks for the heads up and good article as always. but me and the wife basically just wanted to thank and encourage you 🙂 sorry for the wall of text! Grace&Peace in Christ brother travis & sister tori

Thanks so much, Travis. You are very kind and encouraging :0)

I am curious about this comment, I realize this post is old so I don’t know if it will be read however, based on the above article and your statements in your article referenced at the top this man who is talking about reading from your blog and learning from you is sinning by being under your teaching. And yet you thank him as opposed to rebuking him. Can you explain ?

Hi Tiffany- Thanks for asking! I think the following articles will be helpful in answering your question:

Rock Your Role FAQs (#3)

Jill in the Pulpit

You might also want to take a look at the other articles in my Rock Your Role series.

i listen to Dr. Tony Evans and i love to hear him preach, he is a good pastor and knows the word of God, so i do not understand why all this negativity about his daughter, i agree with the bible about women being pastors, and she is not a pastor according to how much i know about her( i only know about her from war room). I do not think the bible says anything about women speaking in public as long as their not pastors, and she is not talking to men she is talking to ladies. but i will look to the word of God , and i will talk to my pastor.

I think the articles in my Rock Your Role series will help you better understand God’s role for women in the church. It’s not simply a prohibition against women having a job as a pastor- there’s more to it than that. Click here – I would suggest beginning with the article entitled “Jill in the Pulpit” (you’ll have to scroll down a bit to get to it).

I’d also like to recommend my article that’s linked at the very top of this page: Answering the Opposition . It will help you better understand biblical discernment and the fact that Jesus, Paul, John, Jude and others were pretty “negative” when it came to false teachers, too! :0)

She also hangs out with Beth Moore. This article really turned me off on her.

True, and there are many problems with Beth Moore as well.

Wow, I found Ms. Shirer’s book “Fervent” very helpful and uplifting. I felt the Lord provided it at the very time I needed it. Now, reading your post, I see that your words against her work and I do not understand why believers behave the way they do against fellow believers. Could it be that, as Ms. Shirer, writes in the book “Fervent” once again Satan is working to confuse and stir up evil among believers?

Yes, I’m afraid that’s exactly what’s happening. Scripture is very clear that people like Priscilla Shirer who teach false doctrine “confuse and stir up evil among believers”:

I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them. For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive. Romans 16:17-18

They said to you, “In the last time there will be scoffers, following their own ungodly passions.” It is these who cause divisions, worldly people, devoid of the Spirit. Jude 18-19

Like you, I also don’t understand why believers behave the way they do- taking to task those who stand firmly upon the truth of God’s word instead of rebuking and rejecting false teachers such as Priscilla Shirer, when this is so clearly what Scripture says to do. If false teachers and their followers would simply repent and believe and obey Scripture, there would be no more division in the Body. We would be unified around the truth of Scripture.

We have just joined a new church and I was completely disheartened to find they were about to start two women’s Bible studies both by Priscilla Shirer. I shared this post on Facebook the same day my new pastor friend requested me. Tonight at church he came up and thanked me for sharing and said he hated that these studies got past him. He said he met with the teachers of the studies and told them to go over and compare everything biblically and under his guidance to finish out the study and after that thereally will be no more Priscilla Shirer in our church.

Wow! Thanks so much for sharing this with me, Kelly! What an encouragement! I’m so happy for you that you have a discerning pastor. That’s a rare find these days.

If your ladies need a doctrinally sound Bible study in the future, they’re welcome to use anything under the “Bible studies” tab at the top of this page. Also, there are some great resources here .

Thank you, Michelle! Our young ministry assistant, a woman, is using Discerning God’s Voice for our women’s Bible study. Have been vetting her – this was very helpful!

Glad to be of service, Maria :0)

  • Pingback: Priscilla Shirer: vetting a winsome but wayward teacher | Pilgrim’s Progress revisited - Christiana on the narrow way
  • Pingback: Sharing the Housewife Theologian’s Review of ‘Fervent’ | Steak and a Bible

Michelle, I am curious, have you confronted Priscilla Shirer of this sin. In Matthew 18:15-18, It carefully lays out a process of correcting fellow Christians that have sinned. Otherwise, it appears this is a form of gossip.

Based on Saikowoods earlier post, you are not even familiar with the fact that Dr. Tony Evans is her father. It would definitely be interesting to hear his perspective.

Lastly, although you are not directly in front of Travis Arnett, Saikowoods, Taylor Dunn & Seth Dunn, all of which are men who have posted here… They are Reading & commenting on your comments and blog, thus you are teaching men. How is this different?

“I am curious, have you confronted Priscilla Shirer of this sin. In Matthew 18:15-18, It carefully lays out a process of correcting fellow Christians that have sinned. Otherwise, it appears this is a form of gossip.”

No, I have not confronted Priscilla Shirer about her sin (and thank you for realizing that what she’s doing is, in fact, sin). Here’s why:

1. I have no doubt that others have confronted her about these things. Plus, she has a Bible and supposedly knows it well enough to teach it. If so, then she is well aware of what the Bible says about these issues. If not, she does not know the Bible well enough to be teaching (James 3:1).

2. I have attempted plenty of times to contact people like Priscilla Shirer. One of two things happens: either I’m ignored altogether, or one of her underlings gets back in touch with me to defend her. It’s a complete waste of time.

3. Matthew 18 does not apply to public false teaching. It is about sin in the local congregation where you actually know the person personally and have access to him/her. Paul refuted public false teaching publicly many times. Here’s more info. on that if you’re interested.

4. Warning people away from false teaching is not gossip. If it were, Paul, Jude, Peter, and even Jesus would be guilty of that sin. Was Jesus gossiping in Matthew 16:6, 11,12 when He said, “Beware the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees”? Romans 16:17-18 tells us we’re to mark false teachers and avoid them. In Acts 17:11, the Bereans are praised for comparing everything Paul said to Scripture to see if it was true. A large chunk of the New Testament (Matthew 7:15-23, 2 Peter 2, 2 Timothy 3:1-7, the book of Jude, and many other passages) is devoted to warning people against false teaching. Why would the Bible give us both descriptive and prescriptive instruction to warn against false teaching if doing so is a sin (gossip)?

“Based on Saikowoods earlier post, you are not even familiar with the fact that Dr. Tony Evans is her father. It would definitely be interesting to hear his perspective.”

I don’t think you read my comment carefully enough. My exact words were: “I knew she was his daughter, but I’m completely unfamiliar with him or his doctrine.” Since I made that comment, I’ve seen several endorsements of Priscilla Shirer and her materials by Tony Evans, so I guess that tells us his perspective and the fact that he’s not very discerning. Still, knowing his perspective and the fact that he’s her father doesn’t change the fact that what Priscilla Shirer is doing is wrong.

“Lastly, although you are not directly in front of Travis Arnett, Saikowoods, Taylor Dunn & Seth Dunn, all of which are men who have posted here… They are Reading & commenting on your comments and blog, thus you are teaching men. How is this different?”

No, I’m not violating Scripture by teaching men when they read or comment on my blog. Here’s why .

Olga Souders As I mentioned in my comment, I was here with my wife, completely of my own volition, in no way did Michelle do anything unbiblical. 1. This is not a “Church”. 2. No where did she usurp authority etc. 3. She has no control over who reads her blogs. Also your references in Matthew do not apply, and sadly this out of context mess gets regurgitated as much, if not more so, as Matthew 7, and the whole “Do not ever judge crowd”. With all that said, I do not say any of this out of ill intent, anger, or anything along those lines, I simply wanted to clarify, and say, that I agree with Michelle’s exegesis of (Matthew. 18:15-18), although I would add: The minute someone puts something on Youtube, Face Book, Twitter, or any other social media, or public outlet for that matter, your proof text falls flat in on itself, because more than anything this text deals with proper Church discipline. And besides all these big names, aren’t just claiming to over see a “church”, they are writing “New York best sellers”, etc. To think one can just enter there work into the public domain without criticism, is simply ludicrous!

in Christ brother travis

Reblogged this on Roni Bat Tzion .

Reblogged this on queeninchrist's Blog and commented: God has not instructed women to preach to or instruct men…

I am gonna pray for you. As a sister in Christ, I believe we should be happy for their success and teaching us the Word of God. If you don’t sync with their teaching, don’t follow them. Amen.

Thank you, Daisy. I can always use more people praying for me.

Could you please show me the Bible verse that says we’re supposed to be happy for people who achieve financial and popularity success by twisting God’s word, teaching false doctrine, and walking in disobedience to Him? What we “believe” about that is irrelevant. As Christians, we are to follow and obey God’s written word, the Bible, not our own opinions.

Thank you MIchelle Lesley. You are spot on. Just got home form a conference defending the faith. It was stated, that the big name pastors are no where to be found when standing against these deceptions. That is why there is so much confusion in the flock, they don’t rebuke the error as Paul did, but are now hobnobbing with them.. It is called cross promotion. Yes it is the little people or the less known that are standing against these deceptions and I am so glad that you are and there are many more. ROger Oakland of understanding the times and a few good men, are putting together a web site. where those who recognize the deception and want to speak up, will have a place to go. It will be called the good shepherd calls…

Thanks, Karen! :0)

I am more of an egalitarian, but Shirer rubs me the wrong way too. She seems somewhat self righteous. I also dislike how she makes a career of telling women not to have careers. If you believe women shouldn’t work, this includes you.

I’m surprised to hear that’s her position. Could you please provide me with a link to an article or video where she says that so I can check it out? (Also, let’s please try to keep things friendly and polite, OK?)

Reblogged this on Eternally Secured and commented: After a bit of research on Ms. Shirer, I’m determined that she’s one to beware of.

Hummm…. Are you into apologetics or something?

Well, technically, this article would fall under the category of discernment, but yes, I guess you could say I’m into apologetics as all Christians are called to be :0)

I attended a conference with Beth Moore, whom I know you have accused also of teaching and preaching to men, and before she began she said that she was there under the guidance of her pastor and that if men were present, they should understand that her teachings were meant for women. I also have a few tape recording of her Bible Studies that were done either in her Sunday School or her Tuesday Bible Study Meetings where she actually dismisses men from the room when she was at a church in Houston. NOW, I have to preface this with this was MANY years ago. As far as Priscilla, I am unsure of this. Are they preaching from a church pulpit on a Sunday morning as a pastor would? Are they guiding and leading a flock ( a church )? I have to admit that I do not know the entire Biblical passage on this, but in my mind, if there is a WOMENS Conference, and books written for women, and Bible Studies written for women, all of them are geared to women, they cant really “help” men being in attendance of their own perogative, but any time I have been to a conference where these women spoke and I looked across an entire arena of seats, very very few of them were occupied by men. Also, and I am not downing what you say, as you obviously have many wonderful people reading your blog, these women are an excellent entry way in to the faith. There CAN be women from different denominations there, what is so wrong with that? There is only ONE requirement for salvation, and that is accepting that Jesus Christ’s blood took the place of our sin, recognize our sin and confess it, believe that Jesus is God’s son. It does NOT say, and be baptist. Or and be ….. Yes, all of this is important, NO it is not vital. In a day and age where any type of hope is needed, especially to the unchurched, I would listen to either Beth Moore or Priscilla Shirer any day of the week over the news. And, sometimes, basic is enough. I dont know half of your theological terminology, but I do know that I love Jesus and Im going to heaven, so Im just fine with that.

Hi Stephanie-

Before I address some of your specific concerns, two things:

First, thank you for the kind and civil tone of your comment. Often, when readers express their disagreement, they do so in a very vicious and attacking way, so I really appreciate it when someone politely expresses herself.

Next, as I hope you would agree, Scripture is our final authority as Christians. We are to base everything we think, do, and believe on Scripture. Yet, I noticed in your comments that you did not once appeal to Scripture or support your position with Scripture. Your defense of Moore and Shirer is based only on your own experiences and opinions. This is a very good reason not to sit under their teaching. They point you to your own experiences and opinions, not to Scripture, as your authority for what you think, believe, and do. That is not what the Bible says that preachers and teachers are to do.

I attended a conference with Beth Moore, whom I know you have accused also of teaching and preaching to men,

“Accused” is a very loaded, and in this case, inaccurate term. She does teach and preach to men whether I say she does or not. She has been doing so for years. She admits it. There’s plenty of video evidence of it and witnesses who could testify to it. That’s not an accusation, it’s a statement of fact.

That preaching to and teaching men is a violation of Scripture is also not an accusation, but a statement of fact. The Bible says don’t do X, Beth Moore does X. That’s breaking God’s command, which is sin.

In addition, Beth Moore violates other Scriptures including the ones prohibiting the teaching of false doctrine and yoking ourselves together with those who do. She is a false teacher , not because I say so, but because when you compare her teachings and behavior to Scripture, you will find them consistently in conflict with Scripture. I’d encourage you not to take my word for it, but to examine the evidence against Scripture (in context, of course) for yourself.

and before she began she said that she was there under the guidance of her pastor and that if men were present, they should understand that her teachings were meant for women. I also have a few tape recording of her Bible Studies that were done either in her Sunday School or her Tuesday Bible Study Meetings where she actually dismisses men from the room when she was at a church in Houston. NOW, I have to preface this with this was MANY years ago.

That must have been before she asked for (and received) her pastor’s and husband’s permission to teach men in her Sunday School class. I’ve read her own account explaining this. Going by her recent appearances, she no longer seems to have any reservations about violating the Scriptures that prohibit her from teaching and preaching to men.

Another important point on this subject: Can you think of a Scripture that says pastors can give people permission, guidance, or authority to sin by disobeying God’s word? There is no passage of Scripture that says it’s OK for a woman to preach to, teach, or hold authority over men in the gathered body of believers as long as she has permission from her pastor or husband. It just says “don’t.” Period. If a pastor (or husband- Beth has also said she is acting under her husband’s “mantle of authority”) tries to give her that authority, he is putting himself in the place of God who has prohibited it and he is sinning, too.

Before we move on to Priscilla, I just want to reiterate that preaching to men is not the only way Beth is unrepentantly breaking Scripture (although that is certainly enough to disqualify her as a teacher). She also teaches false doctrine (things that either are at odds with Scripture or aren’t in Scripture at all) and partners with other false teachers (people who teach false doctrine).

As far as Priscilla, I am unsure of this.

Did you mean you’re unsure whether or not she preaches to men? She does. There’s more than one link in the article providing video evidence of this.

Are they preaching from a church pulpit on a Sunday morning as a pastor would? Are they guiding and leading a flock (a church)?

Scripture doesn’t specify that only preaching from a pulpit on Sunday morning as a pastor would or leading a church qualifies as preaching to or teaching men, but, yes, they have both done the former and neither has indicated repentance over it or any plans to stop doing so.

I have to admit that I do not know the entire Biblical passage on this, If I might, it would be my joy to help you out with this. My article, < em>Jill in the Pulpit examines 1 Timothy 2:11-12 (the clearest and most concise passage addressing this topic) in context and explains it (in what I hope is a clear and understandable way- if not, please feel free to let me know if you have any questions).

but in my mind,

Remember, Scripture, not our ideas and opinions are what we must follow and obey.

if there is a WOMENS Conference, and books written for women, and Bible Studies written for women, all of them are geared to women, they cant really “help” men being in attendance of their own perogative, With regard to books, Bible studies, even blogs like mine, I completely agree with you! (I’ve addressed that here in case you might be interested.)

But books and blogs written for women are not what 1 Timothy 2:12 refers to, and it’s not the same as willingly allowing men to attend (which is something Beth and Priscilla both do) an event where a woman, in an authoritative position, is teaching God’s word to believers, or accepting speaking engagements that are open to men. If you carefully examine Beth’s and Priscilla’s events over the last several years, you’ll see that they headline plenty of events that are wide open to both men and women. It’s not like they bend over backwards to exclude men and can’t help it if men stay, short of being bodily removed.

but any time I have been to a conference where these women spoke and I looked across an entire arena of seats, very very few of them were occupied by men.

That’s good, but that doesn’t change the fact that neither Beth nor Priscilla turn down speaking events that are open to both men and women. They both willingly, and without reservation, preach to co-ed groups all the time.

There are some instances in which it is biblically permissible for a man to be in the room while a woman is teaching the Bible, but if the men you saw were there for biblical instruction from a woman, they were violating Scripture (see #1 & 2 here )

These women are an excellent entry way in to the faith.

No, I’m afraid there’s no such thing as a false teacher being an entryway into the faith any more than a bowl of cyanide can be a good appetizer before a healthy dinner. Beth and Priscilla both teach a false Jesus and a false gospel. There is no way to be saved by putting your faith in a false christ. Scripture (Romans 16:17-18, 2 John 9-1, Titus 3:10-11, and others) says we are to run from them, not listen to them, and certainly we should not encourage lost people to listen to them, lest they put their faith in a false christ and remain in their sin.

There CAN be women from different denominations there, what is so wrong with that? Again, just because it’s your opinion that there’s nothing wrong with it doesn’t mean it’s OK if the Bible says otherwise. We’ve got to act on what the Bible says, not our own opinions.

I’m not sure if you’re referring to Beth’s inclusion of Catholicism, or both Beth’s and Priscilla’s joining with people who subscribe to Word of Faith (prosperity gospel) false doctrine. Either way, while it is fine to fellowship and join with people of other denominations who hold to biblical doctrine (I have plenty of friends, and listen to plenty of teachers, outside of my own denomination, but they all teach and conduct themselves in line with the Bible’s teachings. Likewise I will not listen to Beth or Priscilla despite the fact that they are both Southern Baptist {as am I} because they teach false doctrine.), but 2 Corinthians 6:14ff and 2 John 9-11, among other passages, are very clear that we are not to partner with those who teach false doctrine, which Catholicism, Word of Faith, and many other churches do. Again, since Scripture, not our opinions or feelings, is our authority, we have to obey that.

There is only ONE requirement for salvation, and that is accepting that Jesus Christ’s blood took the place of our sin, recognize our sin and confess it, believe that Jesus is God’s son.

Yes, that’s basically the requirement for salvation, but Christians are required to obey ALL of God’s instructions, including the ones about not joining with people who call themselves Christians yet hold to teachings and beliefs that conflict with Scripture. Beth and Priscilla both disobey this biblical instruction. It does NOT say, and be baptist. Or and be ….. Yes, all of this is important, NO it is not vital.

What do you consider important/non-important and vital/non-vital, and on which Scriptures do you make these distinctions? In a day and age where any type of hope is needed, especially to the unchurched, I would listen to either Beth Moore or Priscilla Shirer any day of the week over the news.

Yes, hope is needed, and no you’re not going to find it on the news, but you’re not going to find true hope in Beth Moore or Priscilla Shirer, either, because – not only can you not find hope in bad news (like the TV news) but you can’t find hope in false news either, and that’s what they teach. Fortunately, those aren’t your only two choices. You could choose to simply pick up your Bible and study it.

Real hope is only found in the true Christ of Scripture, and that’s not what Beth and Priscilla teach. They teach a false hope that will eventually let you down and disappoint you.

You know, your making this comment right now is very interesting timing. If you’ve poked around the blog a bit, you might have noticed that we just started a new Wednesday Bible study on the book of Colossians. The problem at the Colossian church (the reason Paul wrote this epistle to them) was that false doctrine was starting to creep in. They had started out on the right foot with the biblical gospel, but false teachings were beginning to take hold. The Holy Spirit decided that what this church needed to combat that false teaching was a refresher course in Christology (the study of Christ- who He was, what He did, and why). They needed to be reminded of who the true Christ of Scripture was. You’re more than welcome to join the study if you’d like.

And, sometimes, basic is enough.

Basic is enough for brand new believers (and again, what Beth and Priscilla teach is not “basic,” it’s false doctrine). But believers are to grow to maturity in their relationship with Christ and their knowlege of His word. Remember what Hebrews 5:12-14 says:

For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the basic principles of the oracles of God. You need milk, not solid food, for everyone who lives on milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, since he is a child. But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil.

I dont know half of your theological terminology, Then please feel free to ask – I’d be glad to help you – or look it up. You are an intelligent woman. I can tell that just from your comment. Like I said in today’s article God has more for you and expects more from you than from you than settling for fluff and false doctrine. He wants you to learn good theology and sound doctrine. The riches of His word are amazing! Just put the books aside and pick up His word and study it for yourself. God made you capable and smart enough to read His word in a systematic way, understand it, and grow from it. (And if you need any help getting started, I’ve got some resources that will help you under the “Bible Studies” tab at the top of this page.) And His promises will never let you down or disappoint you.

but I do know that I love Jesus and Im going to heaven, so Im just fine with that .

Maybe I’m misunderstanding you, but it sounds like you’re saying, “I’m going to Heaven and that’s enough for me. I don’t really care about pursuing holiness and growing in Christ.” If that’s not what you’re saying, I apologize for the misunderstanding, but if it is, I’m concerned for your eternity. People who are genuinely born again have a hunger and thirst for studying the truth of God’s word and growing in Christ. The New Testament knows nothing of a Christian who’s satisfied just to escape hell.

Amber, you seem like a very dear sister, and I love you. My heart longs for you to grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ by learning the truth of His word. I would love for you to hang out with us here at the blog and/or on social media (links at the top of this page). Sometimes the Bible can be difficult because it steps on our toes, but I promise, I will always point you Scripture, not to stories, fluff, false doctrine, or your own opinions, feelings, and experiences.

to me she lacks conviction of the word I don’t hear it; she reminds me of Joel Osteen and that’s not a compliment. She sounds really nice and charismatic and that’s about it but my spirit doesn’t bear witness with her. It was an immediate NO after I listened to less than 1 minute of her reference about Oprah

Hi Lynette-

Thanks so much for your comment. You’ve come to the correct conclusion about Priscilla’s teaching, and the Holy Spirit does direct genuine believers away from false teaching (John 10:5), but I want all of my readers who happen across this comment to please make sure (as I’m sure Lynette did) – you ALWAYS base your beliefs on what Scripture says, not on feelings and impressions. Remember, the Bible says our hearts are deceitful (Jeremiah 17:9), so we can’t trust our feelings unless they line up with, and are based on, the truth of God’s word. If our feelings, opinions, or experiences contradict God’s word, then those feelings, experiences, and opinions are wrong and we need to repent and believe God’s word instead. It is teachers like Priscilla who want us to base our beliefs on our feelings and experiences, and that is not biblical.

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I think you are judging and do not agree with you. I understand that you have your opinion about Mrs Shirer but to judge I do not think God led you to write this check your heart. and also I feel you need to reach out to her for yourself. I just do not think its right to judge anyone’s ministry it causes division with in the body of Christ why cant we just celebrate each other then we can learn from each other. I totally disagree with you on this.

“I think…” “I don’t think…” “I feel…” If you’re a Christian, what you think, feel, believe, say, and do is supposed to be governed by Scripture. Christians don’t get to have our own personal opinions. We only get to have the opinions of Christ as stated in the Bible. If you could give me some rightly handled, in context, chapter and verse Scripture to back up your opinions and beliefs, we could talk about it. Also, if you will read the article hyperlinked at the very top of this article, right underneath the title, where it says, “If you’re considering commenting…” it will answer your objections- with Scripture.

Can you please provide a list of female speakers/writers whom you do recommend?

Certainly. Scroll up to the top of the page and click on the Recommended Bible Teachers tab. There are two lists of women and two lists of men. (These are not exhaustive lists, I just haven’t gotten to the next installmets yet :0) Do keep in mind that there are many fantastic male teachers out there, and it’s perfectly fine for women/women’s groups to use materials written by men.

Hi Michelle~

Our ladies Bible study is just about to start a Priscilla Shirer study and I was doing some research on Priscilla and found your blog (whew! That’s a long sentence!). Some of the points you bring up give me pause. I really don’t want to study scripture with/ from someone who is knowingly sinning by leading His lambs astray. So I was wondering if I could ask you a couple of questions regarding your comments before we begin our study? (Yikes!)

#1 You have noted that Priscilla preaches to and instructs men in the Scriptures but I can’t find the link. The youtube video you offer here in your post is not available and I’d kind of like to see what you were talking about. In the videos I’ve viewed, there are only women involved (with the exception of the camera guys and the lighting guys.) I’m pretty sure some of our ladies are going to ask me where the evidence is that she was purposely teaching scripture to men. Do you have another links to her preaching or instructing men in the Scriptures?

#2 I wasn’t aware that Joyce Meyer, Christine Caine and the Osteen’s were false teachers! Ohmygoodness!!!! I guess I have to do some research on those folks. Do you have other references to their false teaching? Maybe references other than S. Michael Houdmann (I think Michael does a very nice job on his website but he and his wife started after he claims to have received a vision from God to help others and by your own admission, visions and feelings are not Godly direction.) #3 Priscilla teaches to listen for God’s voice. I’ve heard her recommend Christian women to go to a quiet place to pray. Jesus did that too, so did Samuel, so did Elijah . But I don’t recall her suggesting that Christians meditate or pursue contemplative prayer. Could you point to me where Priscilla suggests that we empty our mind? (HaHaHa~ I KNOW I’m going to be asked about this one by the ladies in our study. I don’t want to lead us astray 🙂 )

#4a I see where you noted that Priscilla uses “poor hermeneutics” when handling God’s word. (Oh my goodness~ thank you for using the term hermeneutics, eisegesis and exegesis! You are teaching me and I didn’t even realize it! I couldn’t find these terms in my Bible! I had to look these babies up in the dictionary!) I didn’t know I was reading and studying scripture wrong. Holy cow! I “read myself” into scripture, too! I thought most people read themselves in scripture. I thought parables were a kind of means to read yourself into scripture? Oops! Silly me! I thought Jesus used parables “as a means of illustrating profound, divine truths. “Stories such as these are easily remembered, the characters bold, and the symbolism rich in meaning. Parables were a common form of teaching in Judaism ( to lead us to self-examination)” ( ) (oops~ this is a Catholic reference~ how ‘bout this one: “Jesus had employed many graphic analogies using common things that would be familiar to everyone” ( ).

#4b ‘” believers from different denominations” Priscilla references who rattled her “theological box” may have been part of Priscilla’s initial exposure to false Word of Faith teaching and false teachers such as the aforementioned Meyer, Caine and Osteens.”’ Since you haven’t had a chance to question Priscilla about what she was talking about here (or maybe it was revealed in this Bible study? I haven’t done “One in a Million” yet) this is supposition on your part. This is a promotional clip not a scriptural teaching. Do you have any other examples? Maybe a good example of Priscilla using eisegesis to teach scripture? One that’s not a promotional tape? (I don’t think she was building doctrine in this promotional video, but I could be wrong.)

Finally, you summed up your blog post on why Christian women shouldn’t follow, support or receive teaching from Priscilla Shirer because she teaches men (though I can’t find evidence of this but I’m still lookin’!), partnering with false teachers (thank you for noting this! I have to do more research on how these powerhouse preachers are false teachers), teaching unbiblical prayer practices (I can’t find where she teaches women about contemplative prayer~ but I’m still lookin’!), placing herself into scripture and thereby improperly luring women to God through personal experiences of Jesus instead of purely reading the Word of God.

(I remember when I was a missionary to New Guinea back in the 80’s, the missionaries were teaching us how to reach the unsaved New Guinea nationals by telling simple Bible stories, and stories of how our lives were changed by Jesus. And how their lives could be changed, too. The sweet missionary who taught us wide-eyed teenagers has since passed into Heaven. He saw 1000’s come to Christ over a life time of service. How I wish I could ask him what he thinks of his “heathen saving methods” now that he has seen the face of Jesus!)

I KNOW this is a looooong series of questions about Priscilla Shirer that was stimulated by your post.

I KNOW this original post is over a year old.

I KNOW that you probably don’t have the proclivity to clarify your position (you’ve already stated that you wouldn’t/ couldn’t reply to questions that are long. You just don’t have enough time or energy to respond to every Tom, Dick and Mary.)

I KNOW this is your website and if I don’t like it or can’t relate to or don’t understand what your position is on a particular topic~ I have the choice to stop reading. But you have fired a shot across the bow and I’m hoping that you will have the courage to further clarify your stand against a sister. Even if she’s “twisted”.

Thank you so much for your consideration, Elizabeth

1 Corinthians 4:6 says: …….. that none of you may be puffed up in favor of one against another.

Hi Elizabeth-

#1- Thank you so much for letting me know that link was broken. I’ve fixed it (as well as a few others that have expired). Here’s just one example of Priscilla preaching to men: . In the first approximately 90 seconds of the video you can clearly see and hear men in the audience, and in her introductory remarks, Prisicilla indicates that she is preaching the Sunday service at this church. I’m sure you can find other examples on YouTube if you need them.

#2- There are a number of resources on false teachers under the “Popular False Teachers” tab at the top of this page. If you need more information, I’d suggest,,,, and

#3- There are a couple of links in the “additional resources” section that deal with Priscilla’s teaching of contemplative prayer, but I really should have included one in the paragraph itself, so I’ve fixed that. It’s this link: .

#4a- Unfortunately, most people do read themselves into Scripture (largely due to being taught that way by false teachers such as the aforementioned and many others), but that doesn’t mean it’s the correct way to study Scripture.

Parables aren’t the same thing as eisegesis (or Jesus would have been handling Scripture improperly, Himself), and it’s easy to see this by reading through (in context) several of Jesus’ parables. Jesus starts with a biblical truth and uses a story (parable) to illustrate or give an example of that biblical truth. What Priscilla and so many others do is pretty much the opposite of a parable. They start, not with a biblical truth but with a story or life experience, and then they build doctrine and beliefs out of that experience. The result is that those doctrines and beliefs often conflict with Scripture because they’re not based on Scripture but a fallible personal experience. I think you might find this brief video helpful as an example:

#4b- “…this is supposition on your part.” Yes, that’s correct. That’s why I said “may have been.” Whether that particular moment in time was, in fact, the moment that Priscilla was introduced to false doctrine and false teachers can be debated, but the fact of the matter is that she came under the influence of false teachers at some point and still unequally yokes herself to them and teaches false doctrine today. If you have Priscilla’s contact information and can get her to talk to me (I’ve attempted to communicate with her several times and have been ignored), I will be delighted to discuss this issue and the entirety of this article with her.

#4b- “This is a promotional clip not a scriptural teaching.” No, this is a promotional clip in which Priscilla not only makes several incorrect biblical assertions, she uses those incorrect assertions as the foundation of this “Bible” study she has written. She did indeed build the doctrine of “there’s only going to be a handful of people experiencing what we’ve learned on the pew” on her eisegetical handling of Scripture as I explained in that section. The Bible doesn’t say anything of the sort.

Yes, there are many more examples of Priscilla’s poor handling of Scripture in the “Additional Resources” section. I would recommend reading the book reviews and listening to the sermon reviews.

Now, I believe I have clearly answered all of your questions both here, in the article, and in the “Additional Resources” section, so let me add just one extra thing. I am always delighted to answer questions from, and help, women who sincerely want help understanding the problems with a false teacher, understanding Scripture, etc., even if those questions are long. However, from time to time, I get people who comment or send e-mails pretending to genuinely want help just so they can get their comments published and who then proceed to argue and twist Scripture in subsequent comments. If that’s not you, no need to read further, and I apologize in for any offense.

If that is you, let me save you the time and effort of writing another comment. In keeping with the spirit of Titus 3:10-11, this is your second warning (the first is in the Welcome tab, which you’ve obviously already read) I will not engage in debate about biblical truth and I will not publish comments or respond to e-mails/messages attempting to engage me in debate. Furthermore, if this is a disingenuous comment/questions, you are being deceitful and displaying ungodly character and you need to repent.

1 Peter 2:1 says: So put away all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander.

Dear Michelle~ Thank you for taking the time to answer all my questions! I know they were long and torturous~ especially since you’ve obviously answered the same questions over and over to others. Our Ladies Bible Study started a new season on January 5 with Priscilla Shire’s Armor of God. My co-leader read your thoughts about Priscilla and I presented your views to the members of our study. With continuous prayer, we have decided to proceed with her study but with open eyes to the objections you brought up. I’ll let you know how we continue our course of action. Thank you again. Elizabeth

I’d be delighted to hear back from you, Elizabeth. Feel free to e-mail me ([email protected]) if it would be easier for you.

Dear Michelle, As an absolute newcomer to the blogosphere, I very much appreciate you taking the time to construct a Biblically based critique of false teaching. It takes courage based in Jesus for you to do so, I am sure. I am currently getting familiar with blogs for Christian ladies and your thorough, scholarly, biblical recommendations are absolutely invaluable. God bless you, and keep up the good work sister!

Thanks, hon :0)

If you’re in need of suggestions of doctrinally sound blogs for women, go to the top of this page and click on “Recommended Bible Teachers.” I’ve got two lists of 10 up there, and another one coming in the near future.

Michelle – Thank you for your work in the area of discernment. Besides the short paragraph you provided on Lisa Harper in the list of other ‘not-recommended’ teachers, do you have or know of any other good info/reviews on her? Thank you!

Hi Osa- Not off the top of my head. I would check with,, and If anyone has more info. on her, one of them probably will.

Here is a short article on Lisa:

You can also tell a lot about these leaders by what events they speak at:

Hillsong and Steven Furtick’s Elevation Church are two huge red flags on her itinerary. Lots of information about those online and at and Berean Research. Steven Furtick is the pastor of Lysa TerKeurst, and he is on Oprah’s Super Soul 100 list. Also, Lisa is doing the Women of Joy tour with Christine Caine, Lysa TerKeurst, Ann Voskamp, Lauren Daigle, etc.

Hope that helps you. Molly

Thanks, Molly :0)

Thank you both!

This was very interesting thanks for putting this out there.

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Hi Michelle

I’d like to ask, was Kenneth Hagin also a false preacher, because he dealt extensively with this issue of women preaching in his book, and made several clarifications in his book “The Women Question”

Yes, Kenneth Hagin was one of the worst false teachers out there. He was one of the founding fathers of the heretical Word of Faith/ New Apostolic Reformation movement and a mentor to Ken Copeland, who’s also a Word of Faith/New Apostolic Reformation heretic. Run as far away from both of them as possible.

Who then do you believe has not sinned and is qualified to teach God’s Word? Have women not been given a part in The Great Commission from Jesus? Do you interpret scripture to mean women should not witness to all people; share the gospel message to all nations not just other women or children?

Hi Lisa- I think the articles in my Rock Your Role series will help answer your questions and give you a biblical understanding of women’s roles in the church.

I’d recommend starting with Rock Your Role FAQs #11, then moving on to Jill in the Pulpit .

Also, if you had read the paragraph at the very top of this article and clicked on “please click here and read this article first,” your initial question in this comment (about sin) would have been answered. I think you’ll also find my article Is She a False Teacher? 7 Steps to Figuring it Out on Your Own helpful in understanding biblically whether or not someone is a false teacher. Priscilla Shirer is.

My bible teaches those roles but thank you.

Well since that’s the case, why don’t you study and agree with what the Bible says?

Why do you think I do not? As a women’s leader at your church are you not often asked questions to clarify your personal views? Do you send women to your articles as a response? Often God reveals more through discussions and scripture references. This is how people learn and grow in their faith. I am a born again Christian. If you are also then do we not have the same Holy Spirit to counsel and teach us? My point to your previous reply to me is that I refer to my bible for instructions from the Holy Spirit as to my role in the body of Christ. But when an author rebukes another Christian publicly, as you have Ms. Shirer, than perhaps they may be asked to clarify further?

“Why do you think I do not?”

Because you seem to be arguing against the biblical truth you’ve already read and have rejected reading any of the further biblical teaching I’ve referred you to.

“As a women’s leader at your church are you not often asked questions to clarify your personal views? Do you send women to your articles as a response?”

What I’ve given you here are not my “personal views.” My personal views don’t matter, and neither do yours. As Christians, the Bible is our authority , so it’s what the Bible says that matters, and that’s what I point women to. It is people like Priscilla Shirer who make up their own doctrine and point people to their personal views rather than the Bible.

I think it should be obvious that a face to face discussion is different from a written one, so there’s no need to go into that. But, yes, sometimes I do offer to send someone I’m talking to (face to face) links to my articles, other people’s articles, books, sermons, etc., if they’d like to study an issue more.

The reason I refer people in on line conversations to my articles is so I don’t have to regurgitate what I’ve already written.

“My point to your previous reply to me is that I refer to my bible for instructions from the Holy Spirit as to my role in the body of Christ.”

Then why did you ask me any questions? Why didn’t you just study your Bible instead? My previous comment with the links was in answer to questions that you asked.

In closing out this conversation, I would strongly encourage you to continue practicing what you’ve said- just study your Bible in a systematic way, using good hermeneutics, and stay away from false teachers like Priscilla Shirer. That, plus being a faithful member of a doctrinally sound church and being taught the Word every week is the best way to learn the truth of Scripture and grow in Christ.

I am asking the following question to understand your doctrinal views. What is your belief regarding Israel and the plan God has for the future of Israel?

I’m sorry, I’m a little unclear. Is there some connection between this article on Priscilla Shirer and Israel that I’m missing?

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The Armor of God - Bible Study Book with Video Access

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Priscilla Shirer

The Armor of God - Bible Study Book with Video Access Paperback – March 15, 2022

All day, every day, an invisible war rages around you — unseen, unheard, yet felt throughout every aspect of your life. A devoted, devilish enemy seeks to wreak havoc on everything that matters to you: your heart, your mind, your marriage, your children, your relationships, your resilience, your dreams, your destiny.    But his battle plan depends on catching you unaware and unarmed. If you're tired of being pushed around and caught with your guard down, this study is for you.    The enemy always fails miserably when he meets a woman dressed for the occasion. The Armor of God , more than merely a biblical description of the believer's inventory, is an action plan for putting it on and developing a personalized strategy to secure victory.    Features: 

6 weeks of personal study to be completed between 7 group sessions 

Includes perforated prayer cards that can be used to develop a prayer strategy 

Leader material (guides to questions and discussion with small group) 

7 teaching videos, approximately 18–45 minutes per session, available via redemption code printed in Bible study book for individual streaming access 


Equip women to get serious, specific, and strategic in their discipline of prayer. 

Turn challenges and discouragement into opportunities for prayer. 

Grow spiritually as you dig deeper into Scripture and expand your understanding of prayer. 

Develop and implement practical, purposeful prayer strategies. 

  Video Sessions: 

Session 1: Sizing Up the Enemy (43:26) —Everything that occurs in the visible, physical world is directly connected to the wrestling match being waged in the invisible, spiritual world. We often give the enemy too much credit for being impossible to defend or defeat. Prayer is the divinely authorized method that activates our spiritual armor and makes it effective.  

Session 2: The Belt of Truth (41:22) —The belt of truth is your core support. It provides the essential backing you need when you're in the midst of spiritual war. When you're standing firm on the truth of God as revealed in His Word—when His truth is at the core of your existence—strength flows into every other area of your life.  

Session 3: The Breastplate of Righteousness (38:23) —Roman soldiers wore the breastplate to protect the upper body and especially the heart. Wearing the breastplate could mean the difference between life and death. What the breastplate did for the Roman soldier's physical heart, righteousness does for your spiritual heart.  

Session 4: The Shoes of Peace (41:06) —Of all the things the enemy seeks to steal, kill, and destroy in your life, peace is almost always at or near the top of his list. Anywhere peace is lacking, the enemy is at work. We can't always control the kind of ground we're forced to march across. But we can still move forward when our feet are fitted with the preparation of the gospel of peace.  

Session 5: The Shield of Faith (35:50) —Faith is one of the most overused and yet underutilized expressions in Christian circles. However, talking about faith is not the same as having it. Faith is an action. By definition, faith is not talking about or thinking about or even celebrating God's truth. It is the process of adapting your behavior, your decisions, and ultimately your whole lifestyle so it accords with what He has asked you to do—without needing to see the evidence that it will all work out in the end.  

Session 6: The Helmet of Salvation (40:54) —The salvation experience is often reduced to something that only affects a person's eternal destiny. However, salvation is meant to come with more than future benefits. Salvation is not just a past event; it is also a present reality. The fact that Jesus lives means our salvation flows into the every day experiences where we live.  

Session 7: The Sword of the Spirit (18:19) —Ephesians 6:17 is clear: The sword of the Spirit is the Word of God. As the believer puts on the full armor of God it includes this weapon that may be used for defense or offense against the schemes and lies of the enemy. God's Word is an indispensable weapon for life. 

  • Print length 192 pages
  • Language English
  • Publisher Lifeway Press
  • Publication date March 15, 2022
  • Reading age 18 years and up
  • Dimensions 7 x 0.54 x 9.45 inches
  • ISBN-10 1087769450
  • ISBN-13 978-1087769455
  • See all details

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  • 6 weeks of personal study to be completed between 7 group sessions
  • Includes perforated prayer cards that can be used to develop a prayer strategy
  • Leader material (guides to questions and discussion with small group)
  • 7 teaching videos, approximately 18–45 minutes per session, available via redemption code printed in Bible study book for individual streaming access

bible study new testament, new testament bible study, priscilla shirer ephesians, priscilla shirer

All day, every day, an invisible war rages around you—unseen, unheard, yet felt throughout every aspect of your life. A devoted, devilish enemy seeks to wreak havoc on everything that matters to you: your heart, your mind, your marriage, your children, your relationships, your resilience, your dreams, your destiny.

But his battle plan depends on catching you unaware and unarmed. If you're tired of being pushed around and caught with your guard down, this study is for you.

The enemy always fails miserably when he meets a woman dressed for the occasion. The Armor of God , more than merely a biblical description of the believer's inventory, is an action plan for putting it on and developing a personalized strategy to secure victory.

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Price $24.74$24.74
What's Included? One Bible study book with leader helps One Bible study book with leader helps
7 teaching videos, approximately 18–45 minutes per session, available via redemption code printed in Bible study book for individual streaming access Videos not included

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About the author, product details.

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Lifeway Press (March 15, 2022)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 192 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1087769450
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1087769455
  • Reading age ‏ : ‎ 18 years and up
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 1.05 pounds
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 7 x 0.54 x 9.45 inches
  • #2 in Christian Spiritual Warfare
  • #7 in Christian Bible Study Guides (Books)
  • #10 in Christian Women's Issues

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About the author

Priscilla shirer.

Priscilla Shirer is a wife and mom first, but put a Bible in her hand and a message in her heart, and you’ll see why thousands meet God in powerful, personal ways at her conferences and through her books and Bible studies.

She and her husband, Jerry, lead Going Beyond Ministries through which they provide spiritual support and resources to the body of Christ. They count it as their greatest privilege to serve every denomination and culture across the spectrum of the church.

Between writing and studying, you’ll probably find Priscilla at home cleaning up after (and trying to satisfy the appetites of) her three rapidly growing boys.

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priscilla shirer your spiritual assignment

priscilla shirer your spiritual assignment

Priscilla Shirer - What is Your Spiritual Assignment - Womenwithfire Podcasts

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priscilla shirer your spiritual assignment

Priscilla Shirer Sermon : What is Your Spiritual Assignment?

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Priscilla Shirer: What is Your Spiritual Assignment?

Priscilla Shirer speaks at Lakewood on TBN’s Praise. Enjoy this full teaching from Priscilla Shirer as she shares how to know your spiritual assignment and follow God in daily life; boldly, and with purpose.

“We pray because our own solutions don’t work and because prayer deploys, activates, and fortifies us against the attacks of the enemy. We pray because we’re serious about taking back the ground he has sought to take from us.” ― Priscilla Shirer

God’s Messages

Dear Lord, Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week..

Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….

If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, you got an assignment and don’t let anybody tell you that your assignment isn’t ministry just because it happens to be in a corporate setting. Mother of small Children who’s chosen to stay home with those kids. Don’t let anybody tell you that ain’t ministry, high school student, college student. You’re the only student that stands for truth. When your professor says this is the way it is and you say no, that’s not the way it is. Don’t let anybody tell you as the light on that college campus that you are not in ministry. Every single one of us has an assignment. Thank you, Victoria for this. Thank you for this. Thank you for this opportunity to be um amongst such amazing women and in the presence of such wisdom. Oh my gosh, my life’s been equipped and I’ve said this before whenever I’ve had the opportunity to be um at this church and uh Miss Victoria is probably tired of miss, you’re probably tired of hearing me say it, but I’m gonna say it again because I think it’s so important and it’s so meaningful to me. But I was about 18, 19 years old at the University of Houston. Um, here right here but I was about 18, 19 years old at the University of Houston. Um, one of my college buddies is sitting right here on the, on the front where we went to school together about 23 24 years ago now. And one day, an older woman at the time. Well, she’s about 30 you know, we were 19, She’s a 30 year old. That kind of took a bunch of us under her wing. So she was older than us and she took us under her wing. And one day she said, we’re going to Lakewood and we went to Lakewood when it was this little fledgling, small group of believers, small is relative. And all of us walked up in there. Do you remember about 10 of us? We filed in, we sat down, we had church under the leadership of John Osteen and then she filed us up front during the prayer time. And that man walked down the road, Miss Teen and he laid hands on every single one of us and he prayed God’s blessing on us. Yeah. And so any time I have the privilege of being on this platform, I cannot tell you what a gift it is to me to see the fruit of God’s faithfulness through the life of this family. Thank you. So, Jerry and I, my husband and I we’ve been married nearly 20 years now. I can’t believe that. And we have three sons that we are raising. They are giant, they are giants y’all. My 15 year old is six ft two inches tall. His 14 year old brother is six ft two inches tall. Um, their nine year old brother is coming up right after them. They are some big boys and one of the things I do for these boys, in fact, you should know that my full time job is feeding the boys. That is my full time job. I am trying to figure out any which way I can differently to cook chicken for dinner every single night, just like y’all. That’s exactly what I’m doing. So we just do sports and everything with the boys and they’re growing up so quick. So one of the things that I have done since my oldest was five, I started when he was five. Um I went to uh Ross dress for less in the back hand corner, left hand side, there is a one row that has books and journals and those sorts of things I went and I grabbed um three journals, hard back journals. They were just little, little um with the little spine, spiral spines, nothing real fancy. 4 99 I picked one for each boy. I’ve had it ever since my oldest was five and at that age I started to record a journal for them. I do not write in it every week or every month or even, um, you know, just on a regular basis. It’s just when something happens, I don’t want to forget or they say something that’s really interesting. Or I see the hand, the handy work, the fingerprints of God in their life in some way. I kind of write it down. My, my goal is to have a collection of writings and thoughts and, and love letters really to my boys about their life that I hand over to them when they’re, you know, mature enough to appreciate it or better yet. I might just hand it over to their wives and say, girl, this is what you’re getting yourself into right here. And because my oldest will be 16 next month, I was looking through his journal and came across a story from when he was five. I read it with fond memories because it was the, the little journal entry I put in there about him losing his first tooth. He had wiggled that tooth and wiggled it. He couldn’t wait for it to come out. And the reason he couldn’t wait for it to come out is because we had told him that when your tooth comes out, the tooth fairy will come, she will come and she will replace the tooth with a treasure. So he could not wait. Finally, the tooth came out and that is my boy still to this day that that has never been eager to go to sleep. But that night he dove into bed at bedtime, he could not wait. He put the tooth underneath the pillow, he laid his head down and he was, he was trying to go to sleep. But every 3 to 5 seconds, he would look under the pillow to see if anything had happened. Finally, he did fall asleep. We let some time pass and then about three o’clock in the morning or so, the six ft 2 £250 tooth fairy that I sleep next to every night. He got up, he went upstairs and he replaced the tooth for a treasure in the morning. I knew when Jackson and at the time we just had Jackson and Jerry Junior at, I knew when they got up. I knew I could hear it. I could hear the excitement, the squeals, I could hear the stomps on the floor. I could hear the eagerness and enthusiasm because the tooth fairy had come and left the treasure. They bounded down the stairs into the room. Jackson’s fists were both clenched closed. He ran up to me and said, mom, the tooth fairy came. She left me a treasure. I said, buddy, let me see what she left. You opened up one hand and it was a package of gummy bears, which was a big deal at the time because that was his favorite snack. He opened up the other hand and it was $5. Now, I don’t know what happened when y’all were growing up, but I grew up in the days of dimes and nickels. Can the church say? Amen? It might. So, you know, I’m trying to be excited for the boy. Really, I’m annoyed about this whole $5 situation and my husband can I am troubled and you know, if mama ain’t happy, nobody’s happy. After Jackson left the room, Jerry came over to me and he said, Priscilla, don’t worry. He said, do you remember that last month was Jackson’s fifth birthday? He said, do you remember that? We had all of the family over still to this day? We do that when one of the boys has a birthday, we invite the whole clan over grandparents and cousins and aunts and uncles, everybody comes to celebrate. He said, do you remember they all came? Most of them had cards and then those cards were $5 bills. He said, do you remember? We took all those $5 bills and we put them in a birthday drawer in the kitchen. He said this morning at three ami went right inside that birthday drawer. Dave Ramsey would be so proud of us. That’s good financial stewardship right there is what that is. So that morning, really, what I had witnessed was my little boy getting excited about treasure that actually already belonged to him. Treasure that he already has. He just didn’t know it. I came to tell somebody that there is treasure hidden in these earth and vessels. I came to tell you that by God’s spirit, there is gift and there is power that that has been entrusted to you that is available to you, available to me as daughters of the most high king. You need to know that even if you do not believe what the scriptures declared to be true about your treasure. If you don’t believe that you’ve been forgiven or that you already have the victory or that the enemy is already underneath your feet and that there is no condemnation for those of us who are in Christ Jesus or that you have been made competent by the spirit of God. I came to tell you that even if you don’t believe it, the enemy does, he knows who you are, what ashamed it would be for him to know and us not to. So it’s time for us to open up the drawer and start pulling out the treasure, the treasure. We’ve been ignoring the treasure. We’ve been calling insignificant. The thing that we’ve said is not enough, not valuable, Lord. If I could just be like her Lord, if I could just be like that, if I could just have a bit more of that. If I weren’t me, then Lord, I’d be enough. He says, uh uh you have enough. You just have to open up the drawer, pull out the treasure. There is a story in scripture that is going to be very familiar to you. It’s the one that the Lord has been using in my own life to remind me about how he will compel me and he will compel us to open up the door and reach in and pull out the treasure and see what it’s like when he uses what he has already entrusted to us. Luke chapter nine verse one and two says this and he called, that’s Jesus. He called, somebody said, he called, he called the 12 together and he gave, somebody said, he gave, he gave them power and he gave them authority over all demons and to heal all diseases. Verse two, and then he sent somebody say, he sent, he sent them out, he called them, he gave him treasure and then he sent them out. Verse 10 says, and then when they returned to him, they gave an account to him of everything they had done and taking them with him, he withdrew by himself to a hill called Beth Sada. The multitudes were aware of this. Verse 11 says, so they followed Jesus because you know, wherever Jesus went, a crowd was sure to follow, they weren’t quite sure he was the messiah. But what they did know was that when this man showed up, blind people could see what they knew is that when Jesus showed up, the lame could walk and the deaf could hear the dead were being raised. So wherever Jesus was, they came, the crowd followed and welcoming the multitude. Jesus began speaking to them about the kingdom of God and curing those who were in need of healing. Verse 12. So the day starts to come to a close and the 12 come to Jesus and say now Jesus, you’re gonna have to send this multitude away. They’ve got to go into the surrounding villages and countryside and find lodging, they gotta get something to eat. Jesus, come on now, here we’re in a desolate place. Verse 13, Jesus said to them, uh-huh, you give them something to eat. They said, Jesus, we have no more than five loaves and two fish unless perhaps you let us go and buy food for all these people because you know, we’re not enough as we are right now. There were about 5000 men. Scholars say the reason why Luke specifies men is because there were women and Children too. So there were probably about 15,000 hungry people that day, Jesus said, have them reclined to eat in groups of about 50 each. So they did so had them all reclined and then he took the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he blessed them and then he broke them and he kept giving them to the disciples to set before the multitude. And verse 17 says, they all ate, they were all satisfied. And just so you know how satisfied they were, they went by and picked up all the leftovers because there was overflow. In this story, we meet a hungry multitude, a multitude that is placing a demand. They have a need. There is a lack that needs to be filled. And most of the time when this proportion of the scriptures is looked into the multitude is who we concentrate on the five loaves and the two fish and how they were satisfied with it. But just for a few moments tonight, I wanna talk to you about the 12 disciples. Those who walked with Jesus and talked with Jesus. Those who were in close communion with Jesus. Those who would come out on a Friday night to be in the presence of Jesus amongst the people of Jesus. I wanna talk to the disciples of Jesus. The disciples on this occasion had been called to Jesus by Jesus. They were having a conversation with each other. Jesus entrusted them with power and authority and then he sent them out. I love that. This gospel is one of the Synoptic gospels. The Synoptic gospels are those that tell their three of them, Matthew Mark and Luke. These three tell some of the similar stories in a similar tone in a similar way so that we’re able to get more layers to the story. I love the gospels. In that way, they give us layers just like if someone were to offer you a chocolate cake, but they gave you options. You could have a one layer chocolate cake or a seven layer chocolate cake. Which one you’re gonna choose seven every single time? Because the more layers there are the more rich and delectable the experience becomes Mark. Chapter six is a layer of choc chocolate cake. For us. It tells us that this is the experience when Jesus called the disciples to himself and then he sent them out in prayers. Do you remember two by two into the neighboring towns and communities? They were supposed to teach and preach and perform miracles that would authenticate the deity of Jesus Christ. Mark chapter six, our layer of chocolate cake tells us that they expended themselves. Y’all, they were busy from sun up to sun down. They were about the task of doing what it was that Jesus had assigned to them. They wanted to be diligent about it so much so that when they came back to Jesus, they gave an account to him. And Jesus recognized their exhaustion. He saw that they were tired. In fact, Jesus himself commented that they didn’t even have time to eat because they had been so busy. They were depleted and they were tired and they came back to Jesus and they gave him an account for how they handled the assignment that he had entrusted to them. If you were a believer in Jesus Christ, you got an assignment and don’t let anybody tell you that your assignment isn’t ministry just because it happens to be in a corporate setting. Mother of small Children who’ve chosen to stay home with those kids. Don’t let anybody tell you that ain’t ministry every single time you make that chicken for dinner and you set it on that table and you teach those kids a bible verse before bedtime. Don’t let anybody tell you that. That ain’t ministry corporate woman when you sit around that boardroom table and you’re the only one that has a set of ideals that lines up with the truth of scripture at a table with those who are thinking and acting and planning in a way that is left of God’s word. Don’t let anybody tell you that you are around that boardroom ain’t ministry. That’s ministry, high school student, college student. You’re the only student that stands for truth when your professor says this is the way it is and you say no, that’s not the way it is. Don’t let anybody tell you as the light on that college campus that you are not in ministry. Every single one of us has an assignment and the day is coming when we’re gonna have to give an account. And here’s the thing. You don’t know when that day is my 38 year old cousin, 38 four small Children. The day is coming and you don’t know the day or the hour. Neither do I when we’re going to have to stand before him and give an account for how we handled what he had entrusted to us. I’m asking you tonight, how are you handling your assignment? Because young women, if you think that you’re young because of your age, listen to me if you’re 20 but you only have till 30 you’re pretty old. If you’re 50 and you’re gonna live until 100 then you’re pretty young. Age is just a number my friend and you and I cannot qualify young or old base birth based on our our birthdays. It’s based on our death date. And since we don’t know when that day is that I implore you sisters by the mercies of God to walk in a manner worthy of the calling by which you have been called. Because listen, I don’t know about y’all, but when I see him face to face, I’m looking for a well done. I’m looking for well done. When I see him, he will not ask me how many Instagram followers I had. He will not wonder whether or not folks liked my post. He will not be interested in whether or not my selfies were perfectly lit. He will ask me, did I know his son? And then I will give an account. So the disciples, they come and they give an account to Jesus. I wondered if there was a recipe for effective ministry because if these guys were willing to come and look Jesus in his face and give an account. I figured there might be a recipe for us for effective ministry. I’m interested. Anybody interested. There are three ingredients to the recipe. Luke chapter nine verse one, it says he called them, he called them and his calling superseded any personal ambition that they had, they laid down whatever they were going to do because they heard the call of God beckoning them to do something else. The beautiful thing about that entire picture is that all of the glory of God, the Father, all of the glory of heaven was packaged in human flesh, Jesus one so much God, the Father wanted so much to make sure that he could speak and so that humanity could hear that he left his throne in glory, put on flesh so that the disciples could hear his call. And in the same way, he has given us the Holy Spirit so that each and every one of us have the privilege to hear the calling of God on our lives, the conviction, the unction, depressing the fire that is shut up in your bones, sending you in a particular direction. He the call of God on your lives. Then they were not just called. I love so much that before he skips to the third uh ingredient in the recipe, sending them. I love that before we get to the third one. There’s that second one, he did not just call, but then he gave them power and authority. It means that what he was calling them to do. He was simultaneously equipping them with supernatural power to be able to pull it off. So it’s good news for anybody in the room that you feel like you’ve got a dream that is way over your head. You’ve been called to do something. You don’t have the money to, you don’t have the time for, you don’t have the patience for. You don’t have the gifting for, you don’t have the talent for you don’t have the connections for the good thing. And the great thing about our God is that He does not call people who are already equipped. He calls you. And then for the people that say yes, he equips them with what they need for the calling. He entrusted them with power and authority. And can I tell you why? This is important. This is important because in order to accompli accomplish supernatural tasks, you have to have supernatural capacity. In other words, you can be the most talented person in the world. But if you go in your own strength and power, you still won’t be able to accomplish the God calling on your life. It requires what it is that only God himself can give to you to accomplish the task, the enemy hopes you will go in your own power. He hopes you will think you are flashy enough and savvy enough and talented enough and impressive enough so that you will no longer lean on God instead of leaning to your own understanding. But it is not by power and it is not by might. It is by the spirit of God and some trust in horses. Other folks trust in chariots but not us. We trust in the name of the Lord, our God. So he called them and then he entrusted them, he gave them some treasure and then he sent them. He’s the one who did the sending, resist the urge to send yourself to do something that it is not yet time for. Because just as important as our calling is that is equally as important as the timing is in which that calling is outworked in our lives. And if you go too soon, you might, if you, if you give birth too soon to that, which God is trying to produce through you, you might abort what it is that he’s trying to accomplish in you, the spiritual backbone, the fortification that he was trying to establish in you so that you could handle the spotlight when it hit you. Because listen, that spotlight that you may be craving. If it hits you and you have no character, it will burn you to a crisp. So he called them, he entrusted them, he sent them out and they returned to him and gave an account. They were tired, the disciples had been given it everything they had. And I know there are some of you in the room and you would admit that you haven’t done it perf perfectly. But man, you’ve sure been purposeful. You’ve been intentional about this marriage. You’ve been giving it everything you’ve got, you’ve been intentional about that teenager. You’ve been giving that kid everything you’ve got this toddler that has this specific bent or this specific issue that you’ve been doing everything you can going to see every expert that you can reading everything that you can to be the best that you can as a mother, single mother, you’ve been giving it everything that you’ve got, working, the jobs that you’ve got to work to keep food on the table. You’ve been giving that business, that ministry, that endeavor, everything that you have and you, the disciples are tired. The good news about Jesus is that when the disciples come to him tired, he does not say go away from me and get yourself together, come back and then I can use you. He says come away with me. In other words, listen, the cure for your exhaustion is intimacy with Jesus. That’s the cure y’all. I’m saying. I agree. Take the holiday, take the vacation, tell them you need a little sabbatical. You gotta step back for just a little bit. You need a little margin in your life, take the holiday, but don’t take a holiday from Jesus. Don’t take the sabbatical from your relationship with the Lord. Prayer shouldn’t exit your schedule because these are your rest days. You still need to be the deer that pants after the water, your soul has still got to be replenished and can only be replenished when you have intimacy with him. And you’re trying to figure out Lord, you told me that I was gonna be replenished. You told me that I was gonna re refresh, you told me that you had something that you wanted to give to me. Why would you take me here to this place where I’m being pressed down by a multitude of issues and concerns and frustrations. There’s something overwhelming me that is bigger than what I feel like I have the capacity to handle. Why would you bring me here? This tells us that the story of the feeding of the 5000 is not just about the 5000. It’s also about the disciples. It’s not just about the multitude getting fed. It’s about the disciples being fed physically, spiritually, emotionally. And it tells us that the five loaves and the two fish are the gift to the multitude, but it’s the multitude. That’s the gift to the disciples because the multitude is what’s going to make them have to finally open up their drawer, pull out the treasure that they would have otherwise ignored. Place it in the hands of a multiplying master who’s gonna show them what it looks like when he takes their little bit and makes it a lot. There is no replenishing like watching God multiply your loaves and fish. I came to tell somebody who’s got a multitude presenting on you in your marriage or in your finances or in your health or in your parenting or in your singleness. That thing is weighing down on you. That means that there is a drawer waiting to be opened. That means there’s some treasure waiting to be unveiled. And when you take it out, finally, when you stop ignoring it, when you stop circumventing it, when you stop acting like God hasn’t given you everything you need, when you will finally recognize this little bit, this little gifting, this little talent, this little time, this little money, this little dream, this little vision that this is all I need. If I’ll just pull it out and entrust it to the hands of a multiplying master, can I just show you real quick what the disciples did just real quick because I think it’s interesting because it’s so us. They said to Jesus in verse 12, send the multitude away. And here’s the thing that’s so us. See, we don’t just say it, we pray it, we pray away. What we don’t even recognize is the gift he has given us to press us into opening up our drawer. So if you pray for your multitude to be taken away and in God’s sovereignty, he has left it in your life. That means there’s a drawer. There’s a drawer, start start looking for a drawer. If there’s a multitude, that means there’s loaves and fish somewhere in your life that is supposed to be entrusted into the hands of God. So we pray away. Did you realize in verse 12? They are wishing away? What in verse 11, Jesus welcomed Jesus welcomed what they’re wishing away. So the disciples say, get, get this multitude away. They don’t even know they’re praying away their miracle. Everybody wants to see the red sea divide, but nobody wants to be the one that comes face to face with a red sea. Everybody wants to see the walls of Jericho come tumbling down. But nobody wants to be the one who has to walk around those walls in obedience to God to trust him to shout prior to seeing one brick fall. If there is a multitude, that means there is a miracle. So praise the multitude or they ask for the multitude to to go away and Jesus, he doesn’t go for that. So when he doesn’t, he doesn’t go for that, the disciples have another solution. This is us too. Send the multitude away. Jesus says mm mm and they say, well, send us away, then you see it. They said send us to the surrounding towns and villages so that we can go and buy more, accumulate more, get more because as we are is not sufficient. So send us somewhere else so we can get better and be better suited to this multitude because as we are is not enough, it has always been the tactic of the enemy to get us to think that we are not enough as we currently are that what we currently have is not sufficient for the task that is before us. But if the Lord has allowed that multitude into your experience, that means that as you currently are with the entrusted treasure, the power, the authority that he has given to you, you’ve got everything you need. If you just pull out what he already has entrusted to you. In fact, in Mark chapter six, our layer of chocolate cake, we find out that he says to the disciples. Well, what do you have? He asked them that question. He says, what do you have? And then he didn’t even give him a chance to, to answer. He just immediately responds and says, go and look, he said it like that, go and look. He said it like you would tell your kid if the month, I mean the week after Christmas they came to you and said, mom, I’m bored. You would say, well, what do you have? And then before you gave them a chance to respond because you could already tell that the response they was going to give you was gonna get them in trouble. So you didn’t even give them a chance. You just say you would say to them, go and look because if you’ll just look, you’ll see that the thing you’re complaining about is something you already have access to. If you will go and look Moses, you will see that everything you need to do what I’ve called you to do. It’s in your hand, it’s that rod, that common rod that has always been right beside you. But now I’m gonna infuse it with my power. If I can just get you to go and look Moses, pick the stick up, put it over the Red Sea, you will see that it will make the Red Sea divide like a solid wall. Go and look David. Yes, Goliath is right there. But if you’ll go, look down by the stream, I’ve already provided five smooth stones that will be everything you need to take that giant down. Go and look, spend all of the energy that you’re spending, complaining, spend that energy going to look for what God has already given us access to. So they pulled it out. All right, Jesus, you gonna do something with this. They say, OK, here you go and they put it in his hand. Everything changes. When you put your five and two in the hands of Jesus, everything changes when you stop speaking negatively about it and just trust it into the hands of Jesus. When you just take that little dream that, that he is entrusted to you and you give it back to him and you say, don’t look like much right now, but I’m putting it in your hands and the great thing about our God. Verse 16 says is that he took the meager gifts of man. He didn’t look at that little bit and say, come back when you’ve got more uh uh a holy divine almighty, powerful God, a God who does not need us or our loaves and fish. When man gave it to him, he received it and looking up to heaven, he blessed y’all. You don’t need more. You just need God’s blessing on what you’ve already got. You don’t need more. You just need God’s blessing on your five and two girl. That’s all you need. You know what his blessing is. It’s his favor. Y’all favor is what makes the scales balance over in your favor favor is what makes things a little bit unfair on your behalf. Favor is what opens doors that nobody can shut favor is what puts you in positions that nobody can take away favor is what sets you before kings and queens. The favor of God is what you want on your life. On your five and two. Looking up to heaven, he blessed it, then he broke it and he kept giving it to the disciples and it kept going and it kept going. And the 12 didn’t understand how the little bit they had. They had in the beginning had become so much and their entire multitude, the whole burden was satisfied and when everybody was satisfied, oh somebody say satisfied, oh Victoria, I wish we had time tonight, girl satisfied. This is not some, you know, happy meal sort of situation here. This is not a number one on the Burger King drive through. This is Sunday afternoon. I’m talking about old school Sunday where your mom started to cook on Saturday night and the yeast rolls were rising and the macaroni and cheese was bubbling and the sweet potatoes were all gooey on the stove and, and every, the sweet tea was going the roast. You know, she started the roast on 200 the night before and let it simmer all night long. Y’all are getting hungry, aren’t you? I know. Listen. Do you remember how, when you came home from church the next day you ate that and the only thing you could do after that was, that’s all you could do. That’s why Jesus said, go ahead and have the people reclined, have them get in a posture of expectation. But I’m getting ready to do exceedingly. Anything that they can ask or think satisfied Sunday afternoon, kind of satisfied. That’s what he does. And they were so satisfied. Y’all don’t even sit down, just stay, stand and listen. They were so satisfied. This is how, you know how good the meal was. There was leftover. They started going around picking up the leftovers y’all and guess what? There were 12 baskets full one basket for each disciple to take home as an overflow of the grace and the blessing of God I want to pray for any of you who are in this room and you’ve got a multitude weighing on you. You got, I mean, that thing is burdening you down and you’ve never considered the fact that you’ve already got what you need. You’ve been thinking this is not enough gifting, this is not enough talent, it’s not enough money, it’s not enough time. I don’t have enough and Jesus is whispering in your ear tonight. Just give it to me. I’m gonna multiply it. I’m gonna blow your mind with what I’m gonna do. If you just trust it to me, anybody got a specific multitude that you need prayer in regards to just go ahead and raise your hand. We’re gonna pray right now in Jesus say Victoria, will you come up with me, please? Just as a pastor in this house, would you just be present in this moment so we can pray over God’s people. Lord right now, we entrust every single woman who has her hand raised in particular. We entrust every single one under the sound of our voice. Lord to your love and care. We thank you that you are sovereign over their lives. Father, we thank you that there is nothing that is in our experience right now, that is not first passed through your fingers. And since we know you are good and that you are kind and that your mercy endures forever, then father, we believe that if you’ve allowed this multitude. There’s something in this multitude we don’t want to miss. And so father, I pray right now that you would change our perspective. So we can see in this multitude what you have for us. Don’t let us miss it for anything in the world. Lord. And then father, I’m going to pray over our five and two. I ask right now in jesus’ name, whatever the five loaves and the two fish are that you have entrusted to every single woman. I pray that you would give a holy courage and a holy boldness that would compel us to open up the drawer and pull it out and sit to your hands. Father God, I do pray that if this multitude has anything to do with the enemy, Lord, if the enemy has assigned an attack on any woman or her family, I pray that his attack would be canceled in Jesus name and by his blood that has been shed on Calgary. But Lord, if this multitude is of you, then right now in Jesus name must thank you for it in our lives. Come on and thank him for it. I thank you for it. And then father, we’re gonna go ahead and get you in a posture of abundance. We’re gonna start living and praying and acting like people who believe that you are the God of Ephesians 3 2021 you can do above all that we ask for faith. In Jesus, name in Jesus. Name everybody.

Thank you so much for this for this prayer.i received it in Jesus mighty name this was for me thank you Lord almighty thanks for answering my prayers my Jesus is alive thank you Lord 🙏 God bless you abundantly Angel of God.

Thank you Lord I received and believe in Jesus mighty matchless name Amen. This was right on time for me.

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  4. Priscilla Shirer: Your Spiritual Assignment (Full Teaching ...

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  5. Priscilla Shirer

    Priscilla Shirer is an American author, motivational speaker, actress, and Christian evangelist. She is founder of Going Beyond Ministries that aids shaping the mindsets of the Youth and turning their hearts unto God. Her father is Dallas mega-church pastor Tony Evans and her brother is Christian entertainer Anthony Evans

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    Priscilla Shirer is an American author, motivational speaker, actress, and Christian evangelist. She is founder of Going Beyond Ministries that aids shaping the mindsets of the Youth and turning their hearts unto God. ... All your favorite music, podcasts, and radio stations available for free. Listen to thousands of live radio stations or ...

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  12. Priscilla Shirer

    Priscilla Shirer. Priscilla Shirer (born December 31, 1974) is an American author, motivational speaker, actress, Christian evangelist. Her father is Dallas mega-church pastor Tony Evans and her brother is Christian entertainer Anthony Evans. he daughter of Tony Evans, senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship Church in Dallas, Texas ...

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  19. Priscilla Shirer: Your Spiritual Assignment (Full Teaching)

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  22. The Armor of God

    Priscilla Shirer is a wife and mom first, but put a Bible in her hand and a message in her heart, and you'll see why thousands meet God in powerful, personal ways at her conferences. With a Master's Degree in Biblical Studies from Dallas Theological Seminary, Priscilla brings the depths of Scripture to life.

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    Priscilla Shirer speaks at Lakewood on TBN's Praise. Enjoy this full teaching from Priscilla Shirer as she shares how to know your spiritual assignment and follow God in daily life; boldly, and with purpose. "We pray because our own solutions don't work and because prayer deploys, activates, and fortifies us against the attacks of the enemy.