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Your chance of acceptance, your chancing factors, extracurriculars, how do i write about a difficult personal experience in my college essay.

Hi everyone! I'm a high school junior and I'm working on my college essay. I want to write about a difficult personal experience I've had, but I'm not sure how to approach it without sounding too negative or oversharing. Can anyone give me some advice on how to write about sensitive topics in a thoughtful and appropriate way? Thanks for your help!

Hey there! Writing about a difficult personal experience can be a powerful way to showcase your resilience and growth. The key is to focus on how you overcame the challenge and what you learned from it, rather than dwelling on the negative aspects. Start by briefly describing the experience and the emotions you felt. Be honest, but avoid going into graphic detail or oversharing. Next, discuss how you dealt with the situation and the steps you took to overcome it. This is your chance to show your problem-solving skills and determination. Finally, reflect on the lessons you learned and how they have shaped you as a person. This is what colleges will be most interested in, so make sure to emphasize your growth and newfound perspective. Remember to be genuine and candid in your writing, and don't be afraid to let your personality shine through. Wishing you the best of luck on your college essay journey!

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an unpleasant experience essay

CASPA PA School Applications: How to Answer the New Life Experiences Essay

an unpleasant experience essay

Your initial reaction might be to panic, but don’t worry. We’ll take it step by step so you’ll know exactly how to tackle this new essay prompt. By the end of this guide, you’ll feel confident in crafting a response that will make you stand out as an applicant. Without further ado, let’s take a look at what this new essay is all about. 🙂

Table of Contents

The New CAPSA Life Experiences Essay

First, let’s take a look at the new CASPA Life Experiences essay prompt :

Explain how your life experiences and/or perspectives could contribute to the PA profession. How can these experiences help advance the goal of having healthcare providers who reflect the population of the country? This question provides an opportunity to describe impactful life experiences, especially challenges or adversity in areas such as family background, community setting, education, or other hardships or life experiences that may not be easily presented in other parts of the application. The experiences described can be from any point in your timeline and do not need to be directly related to the field of medicine or health care. This question is also intended to provide admissions committees with information to understand the context of your journey better and to assist with mission alignment through holistic review of applicants. (2,500 characters)

Now, let’s take a look at the steps to crafting a standout essay . 😀

Why Is There a New CASPA Essay?

As you’re probably aware, the number of PA school applicants grows each year, but the number of available seats in each program remains roughly the same. Consequently, admissions committees need to be more selective about interviews and acceptances , which is a difficult task, given that there are more qualified applicants than seats available.

With thousands of highly impressive applications each cycle, admissions committees need ways to better distinguish between applicants, which is where this new essay comes into play. The Life Experiences essay gives admissions committees a chance to get to know you better as a person before ever meeting you. The essay format itself is also valuable, as it allows applicants to demonstrate their capacity for thoughtful reflection and effective communication – attributes that are not as readily apparent on a resume or CV.

Will It Look Bad if I Skip the New CASPA Life Experiences Essay?

As tempting as it is, don’t skip the life experiences assay. A general rule of thumb for any competitive application is to answer every essay prompt, even if it’s labeled as “ optional. ” This is because opting out of writing an essay can give admissions committees the impression that you can’t be bothered to put in the extra time, which signals disinterest or laziness.

Simply put , don’t skip any essays , unless a prompt genuinely doesn’t apply to you or you are truly unable to answer in a way that will add value to your overall application. Instead of looking at this essay like another hurdle to overcome, think of it as an opportunity to further showcase yourself!

How to Write the CASPA Life Experiences Essay

  • Pick a topic.

When it comes to picking a topic, ask yourself, “What unique insights do admissions committees want to learn about me that aren’t covered elsewhere in my application?” This question should give you a good idea about which topics are and aren’t suitable to include in your essay.

Keep in mind that this essay question lends itself to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) values , as it specifically addresses accepting students that align with program missions and training future healthcare providers that reflect the population of the country.

Therefore, an effective strategy for approaching this essay is to think about a subgroup to which you belong, recount a specific challenge you encountered as a member of this subgroup, and convey the insights you gained in the process .

Here are 12 topic ideas for the CASPA Life Experiences essay :

  • Coming from a disadvantaged and/or low-income background
  • Facing discrimination based on age, sex/gender, race/ethnicity, culture, etc.
  • Navigating a learning disability or neurodiversity in an academic setting
  • Growing up in a single-parent household
  • Immigrating to a new country and adapting to a different culture
  • Overcoming language barriers as a non-native English speaker
  • Navigating the challenges of being a first-generation college student
  • Overcoming cultural or familial expectations to pursue a career in healthcare
  • Overcoming homelessness or housing insecurity
  • Witnessing a loved one struggle with a health condition
  • Serving as a caregiver for a family member with a chronic illness or disability
  • Overcoming a personal tragedy
Helpful hint : Look at PA programs’ missions and goals. Use these topics to help you get started. You can also think about anecdotes that you originally considered including in your personal statement but ended up not using.

Whatever topic you decide, make sure that it’s personal and specific to you . Tell your own story, rather than crafting a generic-sounding essay that could’ve come from any applicant.

  • Avoid pitfalls.

Don’t discuss topics that are included in other parts of your application, particularly your curriculum vitae (CV). Doing so would be redundant, as it would fail to provide admissions committees new insights into your qualifications. (Remember, they’ll read your CV so there’s no need for a repeat.)

Instead, focus on areas where you can offer fresh perspectives or delve deeper into aspects of your background that haven’t been highlighted elsewhere . Use this essay to showcase more of your personality so admissions committees are more inclined to extend an interview invite to learn more about you.

Lastly, don’t speak poorly of anyone . Instead, focus more on highlighting your positive attributes. 🙂

  • Consider essay length.

The CASPA Life Experiences essay has a limit of 2,500 characters. For a better idea, this is half of the allowed length for the personal statement. With this limit in mind, make sure to stay concise and focused.

While you don’t have to hit the allowed character limit, you should try to get close. Doing so demonstrates to admissions committees that you put in an adequate amount of time and effort into your essay.

  • Write your Life Experiences essay.

The Life Experiences essay is a place to emphasize your soft skills and offer a glimpse into your thought process. With an essay format, you have the opportunity to present a narrative that is both engaging and reflective, connecting your past experiences with your future goals.

Pro tip : Show. Don’t tell.

First, provide a concise but detailed account of the circumstances surrounding the life event you chose. Describe the nature of the event: What happened? What were some of the contributing factors? How long did it last? Offer a clear timeline so admissions committees can fully grasp the context and significance of the experience.

Then, explain how the experience impacted you. How was your life altered as a result of the event? How did you feel? What was your thought process throughout the experience? By providing insight into your perspective rather than solely recounting events, you not only showcase your personality but also build empathy and connection by giving readers a front-row seat to your journey.

Next, discuss how you overcame the challenge and your takeaways. Even if the end result wasn’t exactly what you wanted, what did you learn? What lessons are you taking with you? How did the event shape you into who you are today? Regardless of the outcome, you should highlight your thought process and ability to overcome adversity.

Lastly, tie your essay back to your envisioned role as a PA. How will the experience make you a better provider, team member, and/or leader? The connection doesn’t have to be a direct one but be sure to emphasize relevant qualities that are aligned with PA program missions and the PA profession as a whole. Some examples include being adaptable, resilient, and compassionate.

Final Thoughts

Overall, this essay allows for a more nuanced evaluation of your potential contributions as a future PA. Programs want a deeper understanding of who you are beyond your achievements and qualifications. The Life Experiences essay invites them to empathize with your challenges, celebrate your triumphs, and understand the motivations driving your future endeavors.

By sharing specific anecdotes and insights, you’ll make your story compelling and memorable, which helps admissions committees see you as a well-rounded and thoughtful candidate. Remember to be authentic, and your Life Experiences essay can only add value to your application!

Well done on reaching the end of this article! Take a quick moment to acknowledge all of your dedication in putting together an exceptional CASPA application. 😀

That’s it for now! See you in my next article. As always, stay healthy and keep learning.

Phoebe Zhang

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Toni Bernhard J.D.


How to mindfully turn an unpleasant experience around, using mindfulness, you can turn an unpleasant experience into a pleasant one..

Posted July 19, 2015

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The most common definition of mindfulness is paying attention , without judgment, to your present-moment experience. I’ve discovered that if I make a conscious effort to pay attention to the full range of my present-moment experience, I can almost always transform an unpleasant experience into a pleasant one, or at least into a mix of pleasantness and unpleasantness.

Note that I said, “almost always.” Let’s face it. Sometimes the present moment is unpleasant and there’s nothing we can do about it except be kind to ourselves and take refuge in the impermanent nature of all things, including our experience. Then we can wait out the unpleasantness with calm acceptance.

That said, here’s an example of how I recently turned an unpleasant experience into a pleasant one. It’s not hard to do; the trick is to remember to do it!

I’d gone to my local lab to get a routine blood test. I checked in with the receptionist and was told to wait until I was called. As I sat down, I noticed that no one else was in the room. This lab doesn’t take appointments, so I assumed I’d be next. That was a pleasant feeling, for sure. Soon, another woman checked in and, a few minutes later, was taken back by the lab tech. I thought nothing of it, but then two other people who’d come in after me were also taken back before me.

Suddenly, my mind began churning in agitation. All I could think about was the dynamics of the waiting room: How many people were in chairs right now? Exactly when had they come in? Did they look like they needed to be seen immediately? The next time the lab tech opened the door, would she call my name?

It had become an unpleasant experience, indeed.

After a while, I became aware of my mental agitation and how it was making the present moment feel extremely unpleasant. That in itself was an important mindfulness moment. Mindfulness doesn’t just refer to paying attention to the sights and sounds around us. One of its principal benefits is that it teaches us to pay attention to what’s going on in our own minds. This enables us to see that we might be taking a neutral situation and making it unpleasant with our stressful thoughts, which usually take the form of aversion to what’s going on around us, even when we have no control over the situation.

Having recognized that my mental reaction to what was going on in the waiting room was making the experience increasingly unpleasant, I asked myself if there was something else I could pay attention to. I closed my eyes and shifted my attention to the physical sensation of my body sitting in the chair.

What did I notice? I immediately felt tension in my neck and shoulders (no doubt brought on by my mental agitation), so I consciously relaxed them. That definitely felt pleasant. I also felt my forearms resting comfortably on the padded arms of the chair. That felt pleasant, too. I could feel deep fatigue in my body, and the thought popped into my mind that I was fortunate to be sitting instead of standing. Finally, I became aware of a lovely silence around me; the room was relatively quiet—almost sanctuary-like—even though there were other people in it.

As I was mindfully examining these sensory inputs, I realized that the present moment no longer felt unpleasant. When I asked myself why, the answer was clear: By becoming mindful of the full range of experiences available to me (and one need not close the eyes to do this), I’d let go of all the unpleasant mental chatter I’d been stuck in regarding “the drama in the waiting room.”

I saw that the unpleasantness I’d been experiencing was not coming from what was going on in the waiting room. It was coming from my own mind. I’d become frustrated and irritated over a situation I did not control—when my name would be called. Sure, I’d prefer not to wait, but waiting was what was on the agenda for my life at that moment. I could turn it into a miserable experience or I could find some measure of pleasantness in it.

an unpleasant experience essay

Having opened my field of awareness beyond the question of who’d be called next…and when I’d be called, waiting became no big deal. In fact, it became a restful and pleasant l experience, so much so that, when I my name was called, I couldn’t have told you how many more minutes had elapsed.

I’m not suggesting that had my wait for the blood test gone on for too long, it wouldn’t have been appropriate to ask the receptionist what was going on. I’m simply using this everyday, ordinary experience to illustrate how mindfulness can often be used to transform an unpleasant experience into a pleasant one.

To try it, first become mindful of your mental reaction to what’s going on—how you may be adding unnecessary stress and anxiety to a situation over which you have no control. Second, open your sense doors and become aware of what else is going on in the moment— something is likely to be pleasant. In my little waiting room adventure, I wound up relishing the opportunity to simply sit in a quiet environment with no demands being made on me.

© 2015 Toni Bernhard. Thank you for reading my work. I’m the author of four books:

How to Be Sick: Your Pocket Companion (for those who've read How to Be Sick and for those who haven't). May 2020.

How to Be Sick: A Buddhist-Inspired Guide for the Chronically Ill and Their Caregivers (Second Edition) 2018

How to Live Well with Chronic Pain and Illness: A Mindful Guide (2015)

How to Wake Up: A Buddhist-Inspired Guide to Navigating Joy and Sorrow (2013)

All of my books are available in audio format from Amazon,, and iTunes.

Visit for more information and buying options.

Using the envelope icon, you can email this piece to others. I'm active on Facebook , Pinterest , and Twitter .

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Toni Bernhard J.D.

Toni Bernhard, J.D., is a former law professor at the University of California, Davis. She's the author of How to Be Sick , How to Wake Up , and How to Live Well with Chronic Pain and Illness .

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Essay on Unforgettable Experience In Life

Students are often asked to write an essay on Unforgettable Experience In Life in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Unforgettable Experience In Life

Unforgettable experiences: a lifetime of memories.

Unforgettable experiences are those moments in life that leave a lasting impact on our minds and hearts. They can be joyful, challenging, or even heartbreaking, but they all teach us valuable lessons and shape who we become.

Adventures and Challenges

Some unforgettable experiences are the result of adventures and challenges we take on. These could be anything from camping in the wilderness to traveling to a new country to participating in a sports competition. These experiences push us beyond our limits and help us discover hidden strengths and abilities.

Heartwarming Moments

Other unforgettable experiences are the result of heartwarming moments with loved ones. These could be anything from a family reunion to a friend’s wedding to a child’s first steps. These moments remind us of the importance of relationships and the joy of being surrounded by people we love.

Learning and Growth

Unforgettable experiences can also come from learning and growing as individuals. This could be anything from reading a book that changes our perspective on life to taking a class that teaches us a new skill. These experiences help us expand our knowledge, develop new interests, and become better versions of ourselves.

250 Words Essay on Unforgettable Experience In Life

An uplifting memory.

In the tapestry of life, we encounter a myriad of experiences that leave an indelible mark on our souls. Among these, there exists one particular memory that stands out, an unforgettable experience that continues to evoke vivid emotions and shape our perspectives.

A Serendipitous Encounter

During my formative years, my family undertook a journey to a picturesque seaside town. It was during this sojourn that I stumbled upon a chance encounter that would forever alter the course of my life. While strolling along the sun-kissed beach, I noticed an elderly gentleman sitting on a weathered bench, his eyes lost in contemplation of the vast ocean before him. Curiosity piqued, I approached him and struck up a conversation. The ensuing hours were filled with laughter, storytelling, and the wisdom of a life well-lived. From that day forward, I carried with me the invaluable lessons imparted by this chance encounter, recognizing the profound impact that human connection can have.

Overcoming Adversity

Life’s path is not always paved with ease; challenges and obstacles often present themselves, testing our resilience and grit. It was during one such trying time that I discovered the strength within me. Battling against adversity, I persevered, drawing upon my inner fortitude and the unwavering support of loved ones. This experience taught me the transformative power of resilience, equipping me with the tools to navigate life’s inevitable storms.

The Beauty of Nature’s Embrace

In the realm of unforgettable experiences, one cannot overlook the awe-inspiring beauty of nature. Whether it be the tranquility of a mountain sunrise, the gentle murmur of a flowing river, or the boundless expanse of the night sky, nature possesses an inherent ability to captivate and inspire. Through my interactions with the natural world, I have gained a deep appreciation for its intricacies and boundless wonders, fostering a sense of interconnectedness with all living things.

The Power of Kindness

The world is often painted with kindness and compassion, and it is through experiencing these acts that we find true meaning and purpose. Lending a helping hand to those in need, offering a word of encouragement, or simply being present for someone can make an immeasurable difference. Through kindness, we not only uplift others but also enrich our own lives, creating a ripple effect of positivity that extends far beyond the initial act.

500 Words Essay on Unforgettable Experience In Life

What is an unforgettable experience, why are unforgettable experiences important.

Unforgettable experiences help us learn and grow as individuals. They can teach us about ourselves, our values, and our priorities. They can also help us develop resilience and coping skills, and they can make us more empathetic and compassionate towards others.

What Makes an Experience Unforgettable?

There are many factors that can contribute to an experience being unforgettable. Some of the most common include:

Examples of Unforgettable Experiences

Unforgettable experiences can come in many different forms. Some common examples include:

Major life events: Graduating from school, getting married, having children, and retiring are all major life events that can be unforgettable experiences. Travel: Traveling to new and exotic places can be an unforgettable experience, as it exposes us to new cultures, people, and ways of life. Adventure: Engaging in adventurous activities, such as skydiving, bungee jumping, or rock climbing, can be unforgettable experiences, as they challenge us physically and mentally. Overcoming adversity: Overcoming a difficult challenge or adversity, such as a serious illness, a natural disaster, or a financial hardship, can be an unforgettable experience, as it teaches us resilience and strength.

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Unpleasant Experience

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Related Personal Experience essays

It was during the Christmas season, and many people were gearing up with preparations for the Christmas. It was all as merry as a cricket in the atmosphere all over the place; you could see people in their bright faces and showing broad smiles. Those who were capable were planning to travel to new places. Those who could not afford were not disappointed either, they made use of the home opportunity to be happy. No one exactly wanted to miss the happy moments of the Christmas.

Society should not give up on the young people because they are the future.

For some time, I had lingering thoughts of travelling to new places, but was not able because of a busy schedule. I was on leave and had a chance of traveling to where I wanted. On reaching the town, I thought I had just made a journey of reality. I though I had just seen my dream come true. Rich architectural beauty, attractive colors, and lowland that impressed my eyes welcomed me. My eyes became as wide as saucers and glittered with ecstasy. This was what I met first. It was beautiful like a volcano.


The name Villa De La Vega suggests its beauty, having decorations of the Georgian architecture. I decided to take this opportunity to travel to the city that had been praised of having scenery that was as beautiful to the eye as it would be to the heart. The city I decided to visit was the Spanish town in Jamaica. The media has been awash with violence stories but I could not believe any.

"A town full of beauty,

At sight without pity,

But all in it, fishy,

Gun shots and screams the order of the day."

On the first night resting in the hotel room just before sleeping, I heard gunshots. I did not know exactly why the gunshots could be heard in such a beautiful town. My surprise came on the nine o'clock news on the Jamaican national television. The news was very clear and precise. "Gangs in the Spanish town have become notorious. The shoot outs and killings have risen at an alarming rate, and it is not a safe town anymore." Instead of sleeping, I drifted in to wonder land. The next thing I realized was the sun light peering through the room window. For the next ten days, I gathered so much information about the town. Young people especially the men had turned to be war rebels operating in gangs, armed with guns.

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They were merciless like ambition. Human life was little of their concern. What mattered was the availability of drugs, guns, and obtaining their necessities even if it meant killing. Violent robberies, killings, and suffering were the order of the day. Residents lived fearing for their lives. All the violence brew by the fact that school systems in the town had failed, and parents failed to impart upstanding moral values to their children. It is because they did not care about their children's well being as long as they reached past the adolescent stage. Girls became prostitutes and barmaids. The place was all in a big mess.

After the ten days elapsed, it was time to leave the place for home. The condition in the town could not allow me to go the same way I came. I decided to stay and help to restore sanity the best way I could. It could take me a million years, but I offered to help. I had contacts with few humanitarian aids I my hometown. I made calls, informed them of the situation in the Spanish town and what I thought of doing. They accepted to help. They were as kind as the rainbow. Together with them, we set up five outreach programs. The outreach programs offered assistance in teaching the young people the importance of morality and disadvantages of wars and drug abuse. We set up small businesses owned by groups. The businesses helped them to get income that could provide for their needs. This attracted many youths of both sexes. The resultant impact was many of them gave up weaponry, drug abuse, and prostitution.

Stay Connected

Stay Connected

Violence reduced drastically. The youths became as busy as bees with productive work. Some of them became carpenters, masons, mechanics, nurses, and businesspersons among other professionals. This taught Spanish town residents and I a lesson. We should not give up on young people because they are the future. They have the energy that can help enrich the society in many ways. They are the bedrock of any society. When neglected, they become agents of destruction. The trip became as successful as I had not thought it would be.

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An Unpleasant Experience in my life

An Unpleasant Experience in my life

Something unpleasant is disagreeable, painful, or annoying in some way. Here I’m telling an Unpleasant Experience in my life. The evening was very pleasant as we strolled to the “Glutton’s Square” where we intended to have our dinner. The sun was setting and the air was cool.

John, Aileen and I sat down at a table. The stall-owner came and we ordered some fried mee.

Soon the large plate of piping-hot mee arrived and we happily put some into our bowls and began eating.

It was delicious.

John, the talkative one, still managed to say an unintelligible word or two between gulps of food.

Suddenly John winced as his teeth came against something unchewable. Cursing, he spat out the contents of his mouth onto the table. “What the heck!” he cursed again.

Much to my disgust, John ran a finger through the half-chewed food. Then, uttering a cry of triumph, he picked up a staple from the food.

Aileen and I immediately stopped chewing and expelled the food from our mouths. The thought of eating staples was revulsive. I wondered if I had already swallowed some staples.

With a fork, Aileen searched through the rest of the mee on the plate. She found two more staples and a short length of raffia string!

Goodness, I thought, what other rubbish was there in the food?

We summoned the stall-owner to our table. His smile vanished when we showed him the staples and string. Then he apologized for the matter, said that we did not have to pay and furthermore would make a fresh plate of mee for us, free of charge.

We got up, showed him our sour faces and walked off. I, for one, seemed to have lost my appetite.

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Essay: Remembering Unpleasant Childhood Experiences

If you remember your childhood as a sum of perfectly happy moments, good for you. But if there exists something more than just green grass, bright sun, and your parents’ smiles, and that something is rather difficult to bear, then this article may be of some interest to you. So, what’s your idea of childhood?

Myth of Childhood as the Most Carefree Time

Of course, you may say that soft and joyful memories prevail, but if you think a bit longer you may remember some unpleasant moments on the background. And when you start thinking it over, spinning those memories around, you happen to be not so sure about your primary standpoint yet. Why? Well, because childhood is full of fears, and childhood fears are special without exaggerating.

Notion of Fear as One of the Defining Moments in Childhood

Stating that childhood fears are special, one unavoidably asks what makes them so particular. The answer is obvious: children don’t know much about the world they found themselves thrown into. Those vacuums end up in nothing but different phobias as not everything can be asked and clarified with a swing.

Although the fact is that the fear of asking about something is another fear typical of childhood that goes well beyond childhood itself, that is especially visible in adult life. That ridiculous phobia of entering into social interaction to ask about something is its direct consequence.

What Are the Direct Links of Traumas in Adult Life?

Yes, that is it, social awkwardness is the most widespread effect. But apart from it, we can mention isolation and depression compliancy. It depends on the nature of a trauma, of course, as different impacts can make themselves felt throughout life.

Whatever the reason may be, professional psychologists often pay close attention to it, analyzing thoroughly the past and coming up with interesting conclusions that sometimes can really give a lot to the understanding of the roots of any problem in psyche and behavior.

The fear of failing at an exam is by the way one of the most widespread. And if you’re one of those who are afraid, it’s high time for you to think about getting professional help from .

How to Work with It?

If you fear the future, you’ve got to work on your present. In fact, any kind of fear is to some extent fear of the future and its unpredictability. First of all, good therapy can do the trick and help a lot as working on the present always begins with determining what’s wrong with it.

Experience shows totally sane people are in minority, no matter which way you look at it. One of the essential parts of good therapy often happens to be delving into the person’s past, and deservedly so, as numerous keys to grasping what’s happening to a patient lie there, as we have already stated it above.

Psychoanalysis is of course one of the most striking examples of such approach. Despite numerous waves of its criticism and crisis, it’s probably here to stay.

If your psychic troubles come together with mundane understandable uncertainties, for instance getting ready with your homework, don’t think too much and ask a Ph.D. holder to write an essay for you.

As we see, fears and traumas we get in our childhood influence us directly in our adult life. Lots of people suffer from and do nothing about it. They project their fear or discontent into the outside world. Or, on the contrary, they happen to become reserved and timid.

Everything has to be done in time, so you don’t have to pigeonhole the necessity to contact your psychologist in your time of need. To better understand the nature and the real feeling of childhood dismay (what a weird term it is!), you definitely have to check out some of the most recognizable and musically piercing acts, such as Tears for Fears or Boards of Canada .

While the former band builds on the 80s synthesizer soundscapes, the latter tends to embody electronica minimalism. Childhood of the 70s’ generation in their album “Music has a right to children” (what a title!) has never been so masterfully sorted out in a musical album so far.

If you don’t believe me, please give it a try and have your say on it.

By the way, if you happen to stumble upon your home tasks while listening to music, get homework help online from a team of professionals and forget about all your problems. 

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an unpleasant experience essay

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Attacks on Walz’s Military Record

By Robert Farley , D'Angelo Gore and Eugene Kiely

Posted on August 8, 2024 | Updated on August 12, 2024 | Corrected on August 9, 2024

Este artículo estará disponible en español en El Tiempo Latino .

In introducing her pick for vice presidential running mate, Kamala Harris has prominently touted Tim Walz’s 24 years of service in the Army National Guard. Now, however, GOP vice presidential nominee JD Vance and the Trump campaign are attacking Walz on his military record, accusing the Minnesota governor of “stolen valor.”

We’ll sort through the facts surrounding the three main attacks on Walz’s military record and let readers decide their merit. The claims include:

  • Vance claimed that Walz “dropped out” of the National Guard when he learned his battalion was slated to be deployed to Iraq. Walz retired to focus on a run for Congress two months before his unit got official word of impending deployment, though the possibility had been rumored for months.
  • Vance also accused Walz of having once claimed to have served in combat, when he did not. While advocating a ban on assault-style weapons, Walz said, “We can make sure that those weapons of war that I carried in war, is the only place where those weapons are at.” Update, Aug. 12: The Harris campaign says that Walz “misspoke.”
  • The Republican National Committee has criticized Walz for misrepresenting his military rank in campaign materials. The Harris campaign website salutes Walz for “rising to the rank of Command Sergeant Major.” Walz did rise to that rank, but he retired as a master sergeant because he had not completed the requirements of a command sergeant major.

A native of West Point, Nebraska, Walz joined the Nebraska Army National Guard in April 1981, two days after his 17th birthday. When Walz and his wife moved to Minnesota in 1996, he transferred to the Minnesota National Guard, where he served in 1st Battalion, 125th Field Artillery.

“While serving in Minnesota, his military occupational specialties were 13B – a cannon crewmember who operates and maintains cannons and 13Z -field artillery senior sergeant,” according to a statement released by Army Lt. Col. Kristen Augé, the Minnesota National Guard’s state public affairs officer.

According to MPR News , Walz suffered some hearing impairment related to exposure to cannon booms during training over the years, and he underwent some corrective surgery to address it.

On Aug. 3, 2003, “Walz mobilized with the Minnesota National Guard’s 1st Battalion, 125th Field Artillery … to support Operation Enduring Freedom. The battalion supported security missions at various locations in Europe and Turkey. Governor Walz was stationed at Vicenza, Italy, during his deployment,” Augé stated. The deployment lasted about eight months.

“For 24 years I proudly wore the uniform of this nation,” Walz said at a rally in Philadelphia where he was announced as Harris’ running mate on Aug. 6. “The National Guard gave me purpose. It gave me the strength of a shared commitment to something greater than ourselves.”

Walz’s Retirement from the National Guard

In recent years, however, several of his fellow guard members have taken issue with the timing of Walz’s retirement from the National Guard in May 2005, claiming he left to avoid a deployment to Iraq.

an unpleasant experience essay

Vance, who served a four-year active duty enlistment in the Marine Corps as a combat correspondent, serving in Iraq for six months in 2005, advanced that argument at a campaign event on Aug. 7.

“When the United States of America asked me to go to Iraq to serve my country, I did it,” Vance said. “When Tim Walz was asked by his country to go to Iraq, you know what he did? He dropped out of the Army and allowed his unit to go without him, a fact that he’s been criticized for aggressively by a lot of the people that he served with. I think it’s shameful to prepare your unit to go to Iraq, to make a promise that you’re going to follow through and then to drop out right before you actually have to go.”

In early 2005, Walz, then a high school geography teacher and football coach at Mankato West High School, decided to run for public office. In a 2009 interview Walz provided as part of the Library of Congress’ veterans oral history project, Walz said he made the decision to retire from the National Guard to “focus full time” on a run for the U.S. House of Representatives for Minnesota’s 1st Congressional District (which he ultimately won in 2006). Walz said he was “really concerned” about trying to seek public office and serve in the National Guard at the same time without running afoul of the Hatch Act , which limits political speech by federal employees, including members of the National Guard.

Federal Election Commission records show that Walz filed to run for Congress on Feb. 10, 2005.

On March 20, 2005, Walz’s campaign put out a press release titled “Walz Still Planning to Run for Congress Despite Possible Call to Duty in Iraq.”

Three days prior, the release said, “the National Guard Public Affairs Office announced a possible partial mobilization of roughly 2,000 troops from the Minnesota National Guard. … The announcement from the National Guard PAO specified that all or a portion of Walz’s battalion could be mobilized to serve in Iraq within the next two years.”

According to the release, “When asked about his possible deployment to Iraq Walz said, ‘I do not yet know if my artillery unit will be part of this mobilization and I am unable to comment further on specifics of the deployment.’ Although his tour of duty in Iraq might coincide with his campaign for Minnesota’s 1st Congressional seat, Walz is determined to stay in the race. ‘As Command Sergeant Major I have a responsibility not only to ready my battalion for Iraq, but also to serve if called on. I am dedicated to serving my country to the best of my ability, whether that is in Washington DC or in Iraq.'”

On March 23, 2005, the Pipestone County Star reported, “Detachments of the Minnesota National Guard have been ‘alerted’ of possible deployment to Iraq in mid-to-late 2006.”

“Major Kevin Olson of the Minnesota National Guard said a brigade-sized contingent of soldiers could be expected to be called to Iraq, but he was not, at this time, aware of which batteries would be called,” the story said. “All soldiers in the First Brigade combat team of the 34th Division, Minnesota National Guard, could be eligible for call-up. ‘We don’t know yet what the force is like’ he said. ‘It’s too early to speculate, if the (soldiers) do go.’

“He added: ‘We will have a major announcement if and when the alert order moves ahead.’”

ABC News spoke to Joseph Eustice, a retired command sergeant major who served with Walz, and he told the news organization this week that “he remembers Walz struggling with the timing of wanting to serve as a lawmaker but also avoiding asking for a deferment so he could do so.”

“He had a window of time,” Eustice told ABC News. “He had to decide. And in his deciding, we were not on notice to be deployed. There were rumors. There were lots of rumors, and we didn’t know where we were going until it was later that, early summer, I believe.”

Al Bonnifield, who served under Walz, also recalled Walz agonizing over the decision.

“It was a very long conversation behind closed doors,” Bonnifield told the Washington Post this week. “He was trying to decide where he could do better for soldiers, for veterans, for the country. He weighed that for a long time.”

In 2018, Bonnifield told MPR News that Walz worried in early 2005, “Would the soldier look down on him because he didn’t go with us? Would the common soldier say, ‘Hey, he didn’t go with us, he’s trying to skip out on a deployment?’ And he wasn’t. He talked with us for quite a while on that subject. He weighed that decision to run for Congress very heavy. He loved the military, he loved the guard, he loved the soldiers he worked with.”

But not all of Walz’s fellow Guard members felt that way.

In a paid letter to the West Central Tribune in Minnesota in November 2018, Thomas Behrends and Paul Herr — both retired command sergeants major in the Minnesota National Guard — wrote, “On May 16th, 2005 he [Walz] quit, leaving the 1-125th Field Artillery Battalion and its Soldiers hanging; without its senior Non-Commissioned Officer, as the battalion prepared for war. His excuse to other leaders was that he needed to retire in order to run for congress. Which is false, according to a Department of Defense Directive, he could have run and requested permission from the Secretary of Defense before entering active duty; as many reservists have.”

“For Tim Walz to abandon his fellow soldiers and quit when they needed experienced leadership most is disheartening,” they wrote. “When the nation called, he quit.”

Walz retired on May 16, 2005. Walz’s brigade received alert orders for mobilization on July 14, 2005, according to the National Guard and MPR News . The official mobilization report came the following month, and the unit mobilized and trained through the fall. It was finally deployed to Iraq in the spring of 2006.

The unit was originally scheduled to return in February 2007, but its tour was extended four months as part of President George W. Bush’s “surge” strategy , the National Guard reported. In all, the soldiers were mobilized for 22 months.

Responding to Vance’s claim that Walz retired to avoid deploying to Iraq, the Harris-Walz campaign released a statement saying, “After 24 years of military service, Governor Walz retired in 2005 and ran for Congress, where he was a tireless advocate for our men and women in uniform – and as Vice President of the United States he will continue to be a relentless champion for our veterans and military families.”

Walz on Carrying a Weapon ‘in War’

Vance also called Walz “dishonest” for a claim that Walz made in 2018 while speaking to a group about gun control.

“He made this interesting comment that the Kamala Harris campaign put out there,” Vance said, referring to a video of Walz that the Harris campaign posted to X on Aug. 6. “He said, ‘We shouldn’t allow weapons that I used in war to be on America’s streets.’ Well, I wonder, Tim Walz, when were you ever in war? What was this weapon that you carried into war given that you abandoned your unit right before they went to Iraq and he has not spent a day in a combat zone.”

In the video , Walz, who was campaigning for governor at the time, talked about pushing back on the National Rifle Association and said: “I spent 25 years in the Army and I hunt. … I’ve been voting for common sense legislation that protects the Second Amendment, but we can do background checks. We can do [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] research. We can make sure we don’t have reciprocal carry among states. And we can make sure that those weapons of war that I carried in war, is the only place where those weapons are at.”

But, as Vance indicated, there is no evidence that Walz carried a weapon “in war.”

Update, Aug. 12: In an Aug. 10 statement to CNN, the Harris campaign told CNN that Walz “misspoke.”

“In making the case for why weapons of war should never be on our streets or in our classrooms, the Governor misspoke,” campaign spokesperson Lauren Hitt said in the statement. “He did handle weapons of war and believes strongly that only military members trained to carry those deadly weapons should have access to them.”

As we said, Augé, in her statement, said Walz’s battalion deployed “to support Operation Enduring Freedom” on Aug. 3, 2003, and “supported security missions at various locations in Europe and Turkey.” During his deployment, Walz was stationed in Vicenza, Italy, and he returned to Minnesota in April 2004, Augé said. There was no mention of Walz serving in Afghanistan, Iraq or another combat zone.

In the 2009 interview for the veterans history project, Walz said he and members of his battalion initially thought they would “shoot artillery in Afghanistan,” as they had trained to do. That didn’t happen, he said, explaining that his group ended up helping with security and training while stationed at an Army base in Vicenza.

“I think in the beginning, many of my troops were disappointed,” Walz said in the interview. “I think they felt a little guilty, many of them, that they weren’t in the fight up front as this was happening.”

In an Aug. 8 statement addressing his claim about carrying weapons “in war,” the Harris campaign noted that Walz, whose military occupational specialties included field artillery senior sergeant, “fired and trained others to use weapons of war innumerable times” in his 24 years of service.

Walz’s National Guard Rank

The Republican National Committee has criticized Walz for saying “in campaign materials that he is a former ‘Command Sergeant Major’ in the Army National Guard despite not completing the requirements to hold the rank into retirement.”

Walz’s biography on the Harris campaign website correctly says that the governor “served for 24 years” in the National Guard, “rising to the rank of Command Sergeant Major.” 

Walz’s official biography on the Minnesota state website goes further, referring to the governor as “Command Sergeant Major Walz.”

“After 24 years in the Army National Guard, Command Sergeant Major Walz retired from the 1-125th Field Artillery Battalion in 2005,” the state website says. 

Walz did serve as command sergeant major , but Walz did not complete the requirements to retire with the rank of command sergeant, Augé told us in an email. 

“He held multiple positions within field artillery such as firing battery chief, operations sergeant, first sergeant, and culminated his career serving as the command sergeant major for the battalion,” Augé said. “He retired as a master sergeant in 2005 for benefit purposes because he did not complete additional coursework at the U.S. Army Sergeants Major Academy.”

This isn’t the first time that Walz’s National Guard rank has come up in a campaign. 

In their 2018 paid letter to the West Central Tribune, when Walz was running for governor, the two Minnesota National Guard retired command sergeants major who criticized Walz for retiring before the Iraq deployment also wrote: “Yes, he served at that rank, but was never qualified at that rank, and will receive retirement benefits at one rank below. You be the judge.”

Correction, Aug. 9: We mistakenly said a 2007 “surge” strategy in Iraq occurred under President Barack Obama. It was President George W. Bush.

Editor’s note: In the interest of full disclosure, Harris campaign spokesperson Lauren Hitt was an undergraduate intern at from 2010 to 2011.

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An Unpleasant Experience Narrative Essay

An Unpleasant Experience Narrative Essay

My aunt Megan has always been one of my best friends. Being only twelve when I was born, we’ve had a really close relationship my entire life. To me, she doesn’t seem like she’s my aunt; she’s more of a sister figure. Every twist and turn in each other’s lives, we have always been there for one another, no matter what. We have grown especially close since I’ve gotten older and become a teenager. I’ve been there for her through her divorce, break-ups, family issues, and even when she had an eating disorder, although I do not remember it for myself.

I was only four years old when Megan developed her anorexia, but she tells me I was a major part in her want to get better and become healthy. It’s a miracle that she has got through this disorder, considering some people fall victim to the extreme effects of the disorder for the rest of their lives. Even though Megan’s eating disorder ended over ten years ago, she still faces physical challenges today from the intense conditions she had put her body through. Megan had initially started to lose weight because she didn’t like being overweight.

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She knew she was chubby, and she didn’t want to be. She weighed 190 pounds as a sophomore in high school. Especially being a teenage girl, there were many factors that pressured her to lose weight, like experiencing a lot of ridicule from other people. She was known as ‘the fat girl’. She felt out of place around her friends when they got attention from guys and she didn’t. Megan wanted that same attention. When her friends went swimming, she would always sit out because she didn’t want anyone to see her in a swim suit. She was very insecure about her body image.

Megan’s overall reason that she lost weight all began with other people. Another reason a lot of girls and women fall into this disorder is from stress and other challenges at home. At fifteen, Megan is slowly coming out of her childhood innocence and realizing the bigger, scarier picture of life. She sees that life isn’t all pretty like she may have originally thought. This plus being overweight can send someone into depression, which people deal with very differently. She wanted to control something in her life. That’s when she decided to start losing weight.

Initially, she took diet pills and watched what she ate, along with intense exercise. Once she started losing the weight, family, classmates, and teachers complimented on how good she looked. They were excited and happy for her, and Megan loved this positive feedback. This only pushed her more; it was like a challenge. “How much weight can I lose? ” Long after she had lost enough weight to be considered healthy, it became an obsession to her and soon got out of control. That’s when the anorexia started. Megan began to drastically restrict her calorie intake to only 750 calories a day.

She watched everything she ate. At meals, she would either not eat at all, saying she wasn’t hungry or just not eat at all. Every time she ate something, she felt an intense urge to exercise immediately. After eating anything, even something as simple as one carrot, Megan would retrieve to the bathroom and do jumping jacks or any form of exercise. On a trip to the Columbus Zoo with her grandparents, Megan took numerous bathroom trips so she could do her exercises, yet they didn’t find it odd that she was using the restroom so many times.

Megan’s peers didn’t start noticing her problem until it was obvious she was getting too thin. Ironically, even though food, in this situation, was her worst enemy, she tells me how it was also her best friend. She was obsessed with food, looking through cook books and at recipes. She would count every calorie. Megan soon became obsessed with the control she had. She was the one that decided what could be in her body and no one else. Perhaps she enjoyed and craved this control so much because she felt she couldn’t control other things in her life. And that’s what it was.

With a dad that was a drug addict, growing up in that kind of environment would be difficult for anyone, and this was how Megan dealt with it. Soon, though, she started to receive different feedback from others once they noticed she was becoming too thin. Instead of being called ‘the fat girl’, Megan was then known as ‘the anorexic girl’. Classmates would talk about it behind her back, but some people even confronted her about it. The weight loss was no longer about getting that attention she wanted from boys; it was for her own satisfaction of control. She started losing friends.

The eating disorder was all she thought about, and it was completely taking her over. When one of her friends asked her to hang out, she didn’t want to go anywhere. She was living as a slave to her own body. She stopped having periods, which caused bone density loss, and her hair started to fall out. Megan became easily irritated and was very moody. She didn’t look herself at all. By the end of her sophomore year, she weighed just 113 pounds, dropping almost 80 pounds from the beginning of the school year. Megan realized she didn’t want to live like this, so she got help.

She knew what she was doing was wrong, and if she let it go too far, it could potentially become fatal. At the family doctor, they did tests to make sure there were no underlying causes to her weight loss, and when they found none, they diagnosed her with anorexia. Two times a week, Megan drove up to Lima Memorial for therapy with a dietitian and a counselor. This lasted for a year, but they soon got her back to a healthy weight. It’s difficult, like any addiction, to just stop, to go from barely eating and watching everything she put in her body, to eating more and not worrying about it.

Part of it will always be with her. When Megan had the disorder, I was only four, so I don’t remember it for myself, but I can still see its affects even today. She still has body image issues and still worries about her weight. I can see it in her that she has a very low self esteem. When we shop for clothes together, she can never be satisfied with how they look on her when we go to try them on. Today, Megan’s at a completely healthy weight, yet still she always pulls up her shirt and makes us look at her stomach, telling us how fat she thinks it is. She feels guilty about eating certain things or if she gains weight.

There are also several health issues that resulted from the conditions that Megan’s body went through. She has arthritis and low bone density. Even during the summer time, Megan finds herself getting cold easily, this resulting from the low bone density. In the winter time, you will always find her with her coat on. Even if we are inside with the heat on, Megan leaves it on. She still faces challenges today, and probably will for the rest of her life. It is one thing to lose weight to be healthy, but it is quite another to have an eating disorder. Anorexia, in simple terms, is just a slow form of suicide.

Megan was slowing starving herself to death. It’s a sad realization when one can see how society makes one look up to other people’s standards, and how far someone can fall to try to reach them. The ridicule of being overweight and the feeling of having no control over her life is really what caused Megan to fall into the disease. Over ten years later, she still faces challenges from the conditions her body went through. Because she has gone through this, now Megan can step up and help others who feel this way. I truly believe Megan is a stronger person today because of it, and it has helped to make her who she is today.

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Tim Walz's military record under scrutiny as he joins Kamala Harris on Democratic ticket

By James LaPorta

Updated on: August 9, 2024 / 12:40 AM EDT / CBS News

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz 's military record has come under renewed scrutiny following Vice President Kamala Harris' announcement of Walz as her running mate on the Democratic ticket. 

On Wednesday, former President Donald Trump's running mate, Sen. JD Vance of Ohio, who is an Iraq War veteran, seized the opportunity to target his opponent's military record, resurfacing claims about his deployments and his retirement from the guard.

Walz served honorably in both the Nebraska and Minnesota Army National Guards, earning medals and deploying in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. But his final days of service have been called into question, centering on his rank and if he retired to avoid a 2005 deployment to Iraq. 

A CBS News review of Walz's military record and statements from the Minnesota Army National Guard show Walz achieved the rank of command sergeant major but was reduced in rank to master sergeant after retirement since he had not completed coursework for the U.S. Army Sergeants Major Academy. 

On Iraq, records show Walz had retired before his battalion was mobilized and deployed to Iraq. A 2005 statement from his website indicates Walz was initially prepared to deploy to Iraq amid his bid for Congress. CBS News has asked Walz for comment on when he decided to retire. 

A snapshot of Walz in the military

Walz retired from the Minnesota Army National Guard's 1st Battalion, 125th Field Artillery in 2005 after more than 24 years in service, the Minnesota Army National Guard told CBS News. 

Walz first enlisted in the Nebraska Army National Guard in April 1981, serving as an infantry senior sergeant and administrative specialist. In 1996, Walz transferred to the Minnesota Army National Guard, where he first worked as a cannon crewmember and field artillery senior sergeant. 

An undated photo of Tim Walz in uniform

Minnesota National Guard spokesperson Lt. Col. Kristen Augé told CBS News that Walz "held multiple positions within field artillery such as firing battery chief, operations sergeant, first sergeant, and culminated his career serving as the command sergeant major for the battalion." 

Walz earned several Army commendation and achievement medals during his more than 24 years of service. 

Walz deployed in August 2003 in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. The Minnesota National Guard told CBS News the battalion supported security missions at various locations in Europe and Turkey. Walz was stationed at Vicenza, Italy, at the time and returned to Minnesota in April 2004. 

Controversy over a 2005 Iraq deployment

On Wednesday, Vance resurfaced claims that Walz retired from the National Guard to avoid deploying to Iraq. 

"When the United States Marine Corps, when the United States of America, asked me to go to Iraq to serve my country I did it. I did what they asked me to do, and I did it honorably and I'm very proud of that service," said Vance. 

He added: "When Tim Walz was asked by his country to go to Iraq, you know what he did? He dropped out of the Army and allowed his unit to go without him — a fact that he's been criticized for aggressively by a lot of the people he served with." 

The Harris-Walz campaign responded with a statement saying: "After 24 years of military service, Governor Walz retired in 2005 and ran for Congress, where he [served as the ranking member] of Veterans Affairs and was a tireless advocate for our men and women in uniform — and as Vice President of the United States he will continue to be a relentless champion for our veterans and military families." The statement incorrectly stated Walz chaired the Veterans Affairs committee. 

The campaign also said, "In his 24 years of service, the Governor carried, fired and trained others to use weapons of war innumerable times. Governor Walz would never insult or undermine any American's service to this country -- in fact, he thanks Senator Vance for putting his life on the line for our country. It's the American way."  

The claims raised by Vance first gained prominence when Walz ran for governor of Minnesota in 2018. At the time, retired Army veterans Thomas Behrends and Paul Herr, who both served as command sergeant majors, posted on Facebook a lengthy letter accusing Walz of "embellishing" his military career and abandoning his Army National Guard battalion ahead of a 2005 deployment to Iraq.

In the letter, Behrends and Herr write that in early 2005, Walz's unit — 1st Battalion, 125th Field Artillery — was slated to deploy to Iraq. At the time, Walz was serving as the unit's command sergeant major. 

Behrends and Herr claimed that from the time the unit was told to prepare for an Iraq deployment and when Walz retired, he told other Army leaders he would be going to Iraq but later resigned his position before the deployment to avoid going to a combat zone. 

Walz has said he left the guard to run for Congress, according to the Star Tribune . In 2006, Walz won his election to Congress against a six-term Republican incumbent. 

Records show Walz officially filed paperwork with the Federal Election Commission on Feb. 10, 2005. 

In March 2005, the National Guard announced a possible partial mobilization of roughly 2,000 troops from the Minnesota National Guard, according to an archived press release from Tim Walz for U.S. Congress.  

"I do not yet know if my artillery unit will be part of this mobilization and I am unable to comment further on the specifics of the deployment," said Walz in the March 2005 statement . 

The statement continued: "As Command Sergeant Major I have a responsibility not only to ready my battalion for Iraq, but also to serve if called on. I am dedicated to serving my country to the best of my ability, whether that is in Washington DC or Iraq," said Walz, who indicated at the time he had no plans to drop out of the race. "I am fortunate to have a strong group of enthusiastic support and a very dedicated and intelligent wife. Both will be a major part of my campaign, whether I am in Minnesota or Iraq." 

The Minnesota Army National Guard told CBS News that Walz retired on May 16, 2005. CBS News has asked Walz to clarify when he submitted his retirement papers. 

The Minnesota National Guard told CBS News that Walz's unit — 1st Battalion, 125th Field Artillery — received an alert order for mobilization to Iraq on July 14, 2005 – two months after Walz retired, according to Lt. Col. Ryan Rossman, who serves as the Minnesota National Guard's director of operations. The official mobilization order was received on August 14 of the same year, and the unit mobilized in October. 

CBS News reviewed the deployment history for the Minnesota Army National Guard which shows that in the fall of 2005, 1st Battalion, 125th Field Artillery was mobilized in preparation for a deployment in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. The battalion trained at Camp Shelby in Mississippi and deployed to Iraq as a motorized security task force. 

In 2018, Tom Hagen, a military reservist who served in Iraq, wrote a letter to The Winona Daily News claiming Walz was not being candid about his service record and wanted people to know that the future Minnesota governor did not serve in Iraq or Afghanistan. 

Walz responded in the same newspaper and criticized Hagan as dishonoring a fellow veteran, according to MPR News. Walz wrote: "There's a code of honor among those who've served, and normally this type of partisan political attack only comes from one who's never worn a uniform."

Joseph Eustice, a 32-year veteran of the guard who also led Walz's battalion, told CBS Minnesota that while he doesn't agree with Walz's politics, he does believe Walz's record in the military is sound.

"Tim Walz as a soldier, he was a good soldier. I don't think anyone can honestly say that he wasn't," Eustice said. "...He was a good leader in those 24 years that he served."

Walz's rank as a command sergeant major

Official biographies on the Minnesota government website and Vice President Kamala Harris' website  have described Walz as a "retired Command Sergeant Major." However, documents reviewed by CBS News show this is not accurate; while Walz served at one point as a command sergeant major, he retired at a lower rank. 

Army veteran Anthony Anderson, who routinely obtains military records from the Defense Department using the Freedom of Information Act and has worked with CBS News on similar stories, provided Walz's records for review. CBS News has also requested the documents from the National Guard. 

One of the documents shows Walz reverted back to master sergeant from command sergeant major when he retired from the Minnesota National Guard in May 2005. 

Army soldiers promoted to the rank of sergeant major or command sergeant major are required to attend the Sergeants Major Course, or what was formerly known as the U.S. Army Sergeants Major Academy.  

Lt. Col. Augé, the Minnesota National Guard spokesperson, told CBS News that Walz retired as a master sergeant in 2005 for "benefit purposes" because he did not complete additional coursework at the U.S. Army Sergeants Major Academy.

While Walz can say he served as a command sergeant major in the Minnesota Army National Guard, his official biographies are incorrect in referring to him as a "retired Command Sergeant Major."

On Aug. 8, the campaign website updated its description of his service. It omits his rank upon retirement and now reads, "The son of an Army veteran who served as a command sergeant major, Walz was the ranking member on the House Veterans Affairs Committee, where he passed legislation to help stem veterans' suicides."

Editor's Note: This story has been updated to address an error in the statement from the Harris-Walz campaign.

Caroline Cummings contributed to this report.

  • Minnesota National Guard


James LaPorta is a verification producer with CBS News Confirmed. He is a former U.S. Marine infantryman and veteran of the Afghanistan war.

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An Unpleasant Experience at a Restaurant

Essay by Nicolas   •  June 7, 2012  •  Essay  •  1,064 Words (5 Pages)  •  4,743 Views

Essay Preview: An Unpleasant Experience at a Restaurant

Can everyone's views regarding a specific restaurant be the same? Most of the times, it will be different opinions, only in rare cases people's opinions could match. I read a review about an Indian restaurant, New Delhi, located on Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. The review mentioned some good and some bad things about the New Delhi restaurant. However, my friends and I decided to give it a try one Saturday afternoon since it was one of those friends birthday. This was about six months ago. We entered and the restaurant looked just amazing with bright and colorful lights on. On the menu, we saw that they had a great variety of food, such as mixed vegetables, soups, and rice. Moreover, they had ice creams, cakes and cold drinks in sweets. Browsing their menu made us try some of their dishes. We all thought of this being a best dinner night experience.

In the beginning, I ordered "malai Koftas," which are mix vegetable balls cooked in a spicy, thick, tomato sauce. Koftas go very well with "Naans" (tandoor-baked flatbread) or plain rice. I always order Koftas at any restaurants I go to. Unfortunately, what I realized after trying the Koftas was that it was not worth ordering some here at New Delhi. "The New Delhi - Philadelphia" review states, "There were too many things wrong with New Delhi's Malai Koftas. First, the Koftas was too hard. Second, the sauce was not creamy enough. Also, New Delhi's Koftas came with a liberal dose of ghastly red coloring daubed on the kofta as well as the gravy. We'd have tolerated even that hideous red color but after the first bite of the Malai Kofta we saw fired." I totally agree with this statement clearly mentioned here. The Koftas are supposed to be served soft and with a lot of tomato sauce. In addition, they spread food coloring in every food we ordered. For instance, instead of preparing the Koftas with more tomato sauce or spice, they just poured a red food color on the Koftas to make them look delicious. I thought it was disgusting, because in the plate, all you could see was that red artificial coloring on those Koftas. Likewise, they had coloring in the "Tandoori Chicken." It is a chicken made in yogurt, fresh spices, lemon juice, and grilled in a tandoor (oven). Because of this artificial food coloring, all of their cooked vegetables and chicken were horrible both in look and in taste.

On the other hand, I disagree about two of the statements this review declares. First, it says, "Kulfi Ice Cream - is above average at New Delhi. But if you are in the mood of having some desserts at this restaurant, go for the Mango Ice Cream. Not likely to be forgotten quickly." Kulfi is an ice cream served in the form of small cubes. I tried three different ice creams thinking at least one of them will be worth the money; however, I was wrong. The three ice creams I tried were kulfi, mango, and

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