The Writing Center • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Conference Papers

What this handout is about.

This handout outlines strategies for writing and presenting papers for academic conferences.

What’s special about conference papers?

Conference papers can be an effective way to try out new ideas, introduce your work to colleagues, and hone your research questions. Presenting at a conference is a great opportunity for gaining valuable feedback from a community of scholars and for increasing your professional stature in your field.

A conference paper is often both a written document and an oral presentation. You may be asked to submit a copy of your paper to a commentator before you present at the conference. Thus, your paper should follow the conventions for academic papers and oral presentations.

Preparing to write your conference paper

There are several factors to consider as you get started on your conference paper.

Determine the structure and style

How will you structure your presentation? This is an important question, because your presentation format will shape your written document. Some possibilities for your session include:

  • A visual presentation, including software such as PowerPoint or Prezi
  • A paper that you read aloud
  • A roundtable discussion

Presentations can be a combination of these styles. For example, you might read a paper aloud while displaying images. Following your paper, you might participate in an informal conversation with your fellow presenters.

You will also need to know how long your paper should be. Presentations are usually 15-20 minutes. A general rule of thumb is that one double-spaced page takes 2-2.5 minutes to read out loud. Thus an 8-10 page, double-spaced paper is often a good fit for a 15-20 minute presentation. Adhere to the time limit.  Make sure that your written paper conforms to the presentation constraints.

Consider the conventions of the conference and the structure of your session

It is important to meet the expectations of your conference audience. Have you been to an academic conference previously?  How were presentations structured? What kinds of presentations did you find most effective? What do you know about the particular conference you are planning to attend? Some professional organizations have their own rules and suggestions for writing and presenting for their conferences. Make sure to find out what they are and stick to them.

If you proposed a panel with other scholars, then you should already have a good idea of your panel’s expectations. However, if you submitted your paper individually and the conference organizers placed it on a panel with other papers, you will need additional information.

Will there be a commentator? Commentators, also called respondents or discussants, can be great additions to panels, since their job is to pull the papers together and pose questions. If there will be a commentator, be sure to know when they would like to have a copy of your paper. Observe this deadline.

You may also want to find out what your fellow presenters will be talking about. Will you circulate your papers among the other panelists prior to the conference? Will your papers address common themes? Will you discuss intersections with each other’s work after your individual presentations? How collaborative do you want your panel to be?

Analyze your audience

Knowing your audience is critical for any writing assignment, but conference papers are special because you will be physically interacting with them. Take a look at our handout on audience . Anticipating the needs of your listeners will help you write a conference paper that connects your specific research to their broader concerns in a compelling way.

What are the concerns of the conference?

You can identify these by revisiting the call for proposals and reviewing the mission statement or theme of the conference. What key words or concepts are repeated? How does your work relate to these larger research questions? If you choose to orient your paper toward one of these themes, make sure there is a genuine relationship. Superficial use of key terms can weaken your paper.

What are the primary concerns of the field?

How do you bridge the gap between your research and your field’s broader concerns? Finding these linkages is part of the brainstorming process. See our handout on brainstorming . If you are presenting at a conference that is within your primary field, you should be familiar with leading concerns and questions. If you will be attending an interdisciplinary conference or a conference outside of your field, or if you simply need to refresh your knowledge of what’s current in your discipline, you can:

  • Read recently published journals and books, including recent publications by the conference’s featured speakers
  • Talk to people who have been to the conference
  • Pay attention to questions about theory and method. What questions come up in the literature? What foundational texts should you be familiar with?
  • Review the initial research questions that inspired your project. Think about the big questions in the secondary literature of your field.
  • Try a free-writing exercise. Imagine that you are explaining your project to someone who is in your department, but is unfamiliar with your specific topic. What can you assume they already know? Where will you need to start in your explanation? How will you establish common ground?

Contextualizing your narrow research question within larger trends in the field will help you connect with your audience.  You might be really excited about a previously unknown nineteenth-century poet. But will your topic engage others?  You don’t want people to leave your presentation, thinking, “What was the point of that?” By carefully analyzing your audience and considering the concerns of the conference and the field, you can present a paper that will have your listeners thinking, “Wow! Why haven’t I heard about that obscure poet before? She is really important for understanding developments in Romantic poetry in the 1800s!”

Writing your conference paper

I have a really great research paper/manuscript/dissertation chapter on this same topic. Should I cut and paste?

Be careful here. Time constraints and the needs of your audience may require a tightly focused and limited message. To create a paper tailored to the conference, you might want to set everything aside and create a brand new document.  Don’t worry—you will still have that paper, manuscript, or chapter if you need it. But you will also benefit from taking a fresh look at your research.

Citing sources

Since your conference paper will be part of an oral presentation, there are special considerations for citations. You should observe the conventions of your discipline with regard to including citations in your written paper. However, you will also need to incorporate verbal cues to set your evidence and quotations off from your text when presenting. For example, you can say: “As Nietzsche said, quote, ‘And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you,’ end quote.” If you use multiple quotations in your paper, think about omitting the terms “quote” and “end quote,” as these can become repetitive. Instead, signal quotations through the inflection of your voice or with strategic pauses.

Organizing the paper

There are numerous ways to effectively organize your conference paper, but remember to have a focused message that fits the time constraints and meets the needs of your audience. You can begin by connecting your research to the audience’s concerns, then share a few examples/case studies from your research, and then, in conclusion, broaden the discussion back out to general issues in the field.

Don’t overwhelm or confuse your audience

You should limit the information that you present. Don’t attempt to summarize your entire dissertation in 10 pages. Instead, try selecting main points and provide examples to support those points. Alternatively, you might focus on one main idea or case study and use 2-4 examples to explain it.

Check for clarity in the text

One way to anticipate how your ideas will sound is to read your paper out loud. Reading out loud is an excellent proofreading technique and is a great way to check the clarity of your ideas; you are likely to hear problems that you didn’t notice in just scanning your draft.  Help listeners understand your ideas by making sure that subjects and verbs are clear and by avoiding unnecessarily complex sentences.

Include verbal cues in the text

Make liberal use of transitional phrases like however, therefore, and thus, as well as signpost words like first, next, etc.

If you have 5 main points, say so at the beginning and list those 5 ideas. Refer back to this structure frequently as you transition between sections (“Now, I will discuss my fourth point, the importance of plasma”).

Use a phrase like “I argue” to announce your thesis statement. Be sure that there is only one of these phrases—otherwise your audience will be confused about your central message.

Refer back to the structure, and signal moments where you are transitioning to a new topic: “I just talked about x, now I’m going to talk about y.”

I’ve written my conference paper, now what?

Now that you’ve drafted your conference paper, it’s time for the most important part—delivering it before an audience of scholars in your field!  Remember that writing the paper is only one half of what a conference paper entails. It is both a written text and a presentation.

With preparation, your presentation will be a success. Here are a few tips for an effective presentation. You can also see our handout on speeches .

Cues to yourself

Include helpful hints in your personal copy of the paper. You can remind yourself to pause, look up and make eye contact with your audience, or employ body language to enhance your message. If you are using a slideshow, you can indicate when to change slides. Increasing the font size to 14-16 pt. can make your paper easier to read.

Practice, practice, practice

When you practice, time yourself. Are you reading too fast? Are you enunciating clearly? Do you know how to pronounce all of the words in your paper? Record your talk and critically listen to yourself. Practice in front of friends and colleagues.

If you are using technology, familiarize yourself with it. Check and double-check your images. Remember, they are part of your presentation and should be proofread just like your paper.  Print a backup copy of your images and paper, and bring copies of your materials in multiple formats, just in case.  Be sure to check with the conference organizers about available technology.


The written text is only one aspect of the overall conference paper. The other is your presentation. This means that your audience will evaluate both your work and you! So remember to convey the appropriate level of professionalism.

Works consulted

We consulted these works while writing this handout. This is not a comprehensive list of resources on the handout’s topic, and we encourage you to do your own research to find additional publications. Please do not use this list as a model for the format of your own reference list, as it may not match the citation style you are using. For guidance on formatting citations, please see the UNC Libraries citation tutorial . We revise these tips periodically and welcome feedback.

Adler, Abby. 2010. “Talking the Talk: Tips on Giving a Successful Conference Presentation.” Psychological Science Agenda 24 (4).

Kerber, Linda K. 2008. “Conference Rules: How to Present a Scholarly Paper.” The Chronicle of Higher Education , March 21, 2008. .

You may reproduce it for non-commercial use if you use the entire handout and attribute the source: The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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Conference Presentations

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This resource provides a detailed overview of the common types of conference papers and sessions graduate students can expect, followed by pointers on presenting conference papers for an audience. 

Types of conference papers and sessions

Panel presentations are the most common form of presentation you will encounter in your graduate career. You will be one of three to four participants in a panel or session (the terminology varies depending on the organizers) and be given fifteen to twenty minutes to present your paper. This is often followed by a ten-minute question-and-answer session either immediately after your presentation or after all of the speakers are finished. It is up to the panel organizer to decide upon this framework. In the course of the question-and-answer session, you may also address and query the other panelists if you have questions yourself. Note that you can often propose a conference presentation by yourself and be sorted onto a panel by conference organizers, or you can propose a panel with a group of colleagues. Self-proposed panels typically have more closely related topics than conference-organized panels.

Roundtables feature an average of five to six speakers, each of whom gets the floor for approximately five to ten minutes to speak on their respective topics and/or subtopics. At times, papers from the speakers might be circulated in advance among the roundtable members or even prospective attendees.

Workshops feature one or a few organizers, who usually give a brief presentation but spend the majority of the time for the session facilitating an activity that attendees will do. Some common topics for these sessions typically include learning a technology or generating some content, such as teaching materials.

Lightning talks (or Ignite talks, or Pecha Kucha talks) are very short presentations where presenters' slide decks automatically advance after a few seconds; most individual talks are no longer than 5 minutes, and a lightning talk session typically invites 10 or more presenters to participate over the course of an hour or two rather than limiting the presenters like a panel presentation. A lightning talk session will sometimes be held as a sort of competition where attendees can vote for the best talk. 

SIGs (Special Interest Groups) are groups of scholars focused on a particular smaller topic within the purview of the larger conference. The structure of these sessions varies by conference and even by group, but in general they tend to be structured either more like a panel presentation, with presenters and leaders, or more like a roundtable, with several speakers and a particular meeting agenda. These styles resemble, respectively, a miniconference focusing on a particular topic and a committee meeting. 

Papers with respondents are structured around a speaker who gives an approximately thirty-minute paper and a respondent who contributes their own thoughts, objections, and further questions in the following fifteen minutes. Finally, the speaker gets that same amount of time to formulate their reply to the respondent.

Poster presentations ask participants to visually display their ideas on a research poster, which is typically displayed with other research posters in a specific area at a conference. The poster needs to be understandable on its own (without the author) as viewers sometimes look through the posters outside the bounds of the poster session, which is a scheduled period of time where poster authors stand with their posters and engage viewers in conversation about the work. Research posters have long tended to follow common templates for design, but in recent years some scholars have begun challenging these templates for improved usability (for example, the Better Poster campaign as described here  or the APA template based on the original, here.

You can read more about research posters on our resource here .

Presenting the conference paper

Aim to take less time than you are given! If your presentation slot is 15 minutes, aim for 13 or 14 when you practice. A little leeway and a slightly shorter presentation is a courtesy to your audience and to your fellow presenters, and will not at all imply that you are unprepared or unprofessional — in fact, being able to keep well within your allotted time is the mark of a good presenter.

Make sure you speak slowly and clearly, using accessibility aids if available such as a microphone or closed captioning on a slide deck. Many presenters have begun bringing accessibility copies of their talks, which are printed transcripts of the talk using a larger font for audience members who need them. It is also becoming increasingly common for presenters at conferences to share their slides and copies of their talk via a shortened link or QR code found on the bottom of the slides so that audiences may access them later or even while they are in your session.

The conventions for presentation differ based on field. Some fields tend toward reading papers aloud with very little audiovisual accompaniment; others use slide decks; others speak extemporaneously. You can find out more about typical practices in your field by attending conferences yourself and by asking mentors. Generally, you will be able to improve the accessibility of your presentation if you have a visual accompaniment and prepared remarks.

Even in fields where presenters tend to read papers verbatim, it is rarely a good idea to bring a paper from a class or another research paper you have written without editing it for an oral presentation. Seminar papers tend to be too long to read in 15 minutes, and often lead to graduate students surpassing their time limits. Moreover, research papers are meant to be read — they lack the kinds of repetition and simple sentence structure that are more beneficial to listeners. Finally, conference presentations do not serve the same purposes as most class papers — typically in a class, you're expected to show that you have understood the material, but at a conference, listeners are more interested in hearing what contributions you have that might help them in their own research. It's typical to move the bulk of your literature review to an appendix or another document so that you can discuss other scholarship in the area if it comes up in the Q&A, but during your presentation you're left free to focus on your own methods and findings. (Many presenters will even say: "I'm skipping a lot of [X material] for the sake of time, but I'm happy to discuss it later with anyone who's interested.")

Since you will present your paper orally, you may repeat important points and say more about the structure of the essay than a written submission to a journal (or a paper for your undergraduate or graduate courses) would require. This often means signposting orally when you are moving to a new section of the paper or when you are shifting to a new idea. The thesis of your paper should come early in your presentation to give listeners a clear understanding of what is to follow. At this point, you may also overview or forecast your paper and tell listeners how you will move from one argument to the next. It is generally advised to quickly summarize your important points in a bulleted list at the end of your presentation to remind everyone of the two or three most essential arguments or findings.

If you use a slide presentation, you may want to follow the guidelines presented in the OWL resource, Designing an Effective PowerPoint Presentation .

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January 27th, 2015

How to write a killer conference abstract: the first step towards an engaging presentation..

34 comments | 133 shares

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

Helen Kara responds to our previously published guide to writing abstracts and elaborates specifically on the differences for conference abstracts. She offers tips for writing an enticing abstract for conference organisers and an engaging conference presentation. Written grammar is different from spoken grammar. Remember that conference organisers are trying to create as interesting and stimulating an event as they can, and variety is crucial.

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The Impact blog has an  ‘essential ‘how-to’ guide to writing good abstracts’ . While this post makes some excellent points, its title and first sentence don’t differentiate between article and conference abstracts. The standfirst talks about article abstracts, but then the first sentence is, ‘Abstracts tend to be rather casually written, perhaps at the beginning of writing when authors don’t yet really know what they want to say, or perhaps as a rushed afterthought just before submission to a journal or a conference.’ This, coming so soon after the title, gives the impression that the post is about both article and conference abstracts.

I think there are some fundamental differences between the two. For example:

  • Article abstracts are presented to journal editors along with the article concerned. Conference abstracts are presented alone to conference organisers. This means that journal editors or peer reviewers can say e.g. ‘great article but the abstract needs work’, while a poor abstract submitted to a conference organiser is very unlikely to be accepted.
  • Articles are typically 4,000-8,000 words long. Conference presentation slots usually allow 20 minutes so, given that – for good listening comprehension – presenters should speak at around 125 words per minute, a conference presentation should be around 2,500 words long.
  • Articles are written to be read from the page, while conference presentations are presented in person. Written grammar is different from spoken grammar, and there is nothing so tedious for a conference audience than the old-skool approach of reading your written presentation from the page. Fewer people do this now – but still, too many. It’s unethical to bore people! You need to engage your audience, and conference organisers will like to know how you intend to hold their interest.

Image credit:  allanfernancato  ( Pixabay, CC0 Public Domain )

The competition for getting a conference abstract accepted is rarely as fierce as the competition for getting an article accepted. Some conferences don’t even receive as many abstracts as they have presentation slots. But even then, they’re more likely to re-arrange their programme than to accept a poor quality abstract. And you can’t take it for granted that your abstract won’t face much competition. I’ve recently read over 90 abstracts submitted for the  Creative Research Methods conference in May  – for 24 presentation slots. As a result, I have four useful tips to share with you about how to write a killer conference abstract.

First , your conference abstract is a sales tool: you are selling your ideas, first to the conference organisers, and then to the conference delegates. You need to make your abstract as fascinating and enticing as possible. And that means making it different. So take a little time to think through some key questions:

  • What kinds of presentations is this conference most likely to attract? How can you make yours different?
  • What are the fashionable areas in your field right now? Are you working in one of these areas? If so, how can you make your presentation different from others doing the same? If not, how can you make your presentation appealing?

There may be clues in the call for papers, so study this carefully. For example, we knew that the  Creative Research Methods conference , like all general methods conferences, was likely to receive a majority of abstracts covering data collection methods. So we stated up front, in the call for papers, that we knew this was likely, and encouraged potential presenters to offer creative methods of planning research, reviewing literature, analysing data, writing research, and so on. Even so, around three-quarters of the abstracts we received focused on data collection. This meant that each of those abstracts was less likely to be accepted than an abstract focusing on a different aspect of the research process, because we wanted to offer delegates a good balance of presentations.

Currently fashionable areas in the field of research methods include research using social media and autoethnography/ embodiment. We received quite a few abstracts addressing these, but again, in the interests of balance, were only likely to accept one (at most) in each area. Remember that conference organisers are trying to create as interesting and stimulating an event as they can, and variety is crucial.

Second , write your abstract well. Unless your abstract is for a highly academic and theoretical conference, wear your learning lightly. Engaging concepts in plain English, with a sprinkling of references for context, is much more appealing to conference organisers wading through sheaves of abstracts than complicated sentences with lots of long words, definitions of terms, and several dozen references. Conference organisers are not looking for evidence that you can do really clever writing (save that for your article abstracts), they are looking for evidence that you can give an entertaining presentation.

Third , conference abstracts written in the future tense are off-putting for conference organisers, because they don’t make it clear that the potential presenter knows what they’ll be talking about. I was surprised by how many potential presenters did this. If your presentation will include information about work you’ll be doing in between the call for papers and the conference itself (which is entirely reasonable as this can be a period of six months or more), then make that clear. So, for example, don’t say, ‘This presentation will cover the problems I encounter when I analyse data with homeless young people, and how I solve those problems’, say, ‘I will be analysing data with homeless young people over the next three months, and in the following three months I will prepare a presentation about the problems we encountered while doing this and how we tackled those problems’.

Fourth , of course you need to tell conference organisers about your research: its context, method, and findings. It will also help enormously if you can take a sentence or three to explain what you intend to include in the presentation itself. So, perhaps something like, ‘I will briefly outline the process of participatory data analysis we developed, supported by slides. I will then show a two-minute video which will illustrate both the process in action and some of the problems encountered. After that, again using slides, I will outline each of the problems and how we tackled them in practice.’ This will give conference organisers some confidence that you can actually put together and deliver an engaging presentation.

So, to summarise, to maximise your chances of success when submitting conference abstracts:

  • Make your abstract fascinating, enticing, and different.
  • Write your abstract well, using plain English wherever possible.
  • Don’t write in the future tense if you can help it – and, if you must, specify clearly what you will do and when.
  • Explain your research, and also give an explanation of what you intend to include in the presentation.

While that won’t guarantee success, it will massively increase your chances. Best of luck!

This post originally appeared on the author’s personal blog and is reposted with permission.

Note: This article gives the views of the author, and not the position of the Impact of Social Science blog, nor of the London School of Economics. Please review our  Comments Policy  if you have any concerns on posting a comment below.

About the Author

Dr Helen Kara has been an independent social researcher in social care and health since 1999, and is an Associate Research Fellow at the Third Sector Research Centre , University of Birmingham. She is on the Board of the UK’s Social Research Association , with lead responsibility for research ethics. She also teaches research methods to practitioners and students, and writes on research methods. Helen is the author of Research and Evaluation for Busy Practitioners (2012) and Creative Research Methods in the Social Sciences (April 2015) , both published by Policy Press . She did her first degree in Social Psychology at the LSE.

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About the author

conference presentation writing

Dr Helen Kara FAcSS has been an independent researcher since 1999 and an independent scholar since 2011. She writes about research methods and research ethics, and teaches doctoral students and staff at higher education institutions worldwide. Her books include Creative Research Methods: A Practical Guide and Research Ethics in the Real World: Euro-Western and Indigenous Perspectives for Policy Press, and Qualitative Research for Quantitative Researchers for SAGE. She is an Affiliate at Swansea University and a Visiting Fellow at the Australian National University.


Personally, I’d rather not see reading a presentation written off so easily, for three off the cuff reasons:

1) Reading can be done really well, especially if the paper was written to be read.

2) It seems to be well suited to certain kinds of qualitative studies, particularly those that are narrative driven.

3) It seems to require a different kind of focus or concentration — one that requires more intensive listening (as opposed to following an outline driven presentation that’s supplemented with visuals, i.e., slides).

Admittedly, I’ve read some papers before, and writing them to be read can be a rewarding process, too. I had to pay attention to details differently: structure, tone, story, etc. It can be an insightful process, especially for works in progress.

Sean, thanks for your comment, which I think is a really useful addition to the discussion. I’ve sat through so many turgid not-written-to-be-read presentations that it never occurred to me they could be done well until I heard your thoughts. What you say makes a great deal of sense to me, particularly with presentations that are consciously ‘written to be read’ out loud. I think where they can get tedious is where a paper written for the page is read out loud instead, because for me that really doesn’t work. But I love to listen to stories, and I think of some of the quality storytelling that is broadcast on radio, and of audiobooks that work well (again, in my experience, they don’t all), and I do entirely see your point.

Helen, I appreciate your encouraging me remark on such a minor part of your post(!), which I enjoyed reading and will share. And thank you for the reply and the exchange on Twitter.

Very much enjoyed your post Helen. And your subsequent comments Sean. On the subject of the reading of a presentation. I agree that some people can write a paper specifically to be read and this can be done well. But I would think that this is a dying art. Perhaps in the humanities it might survive longer. Reading through the rest of your post I love the advice. I’m presenting at my first LIS conference next month and had I read your post first I probably would have written it differently. Advice for the future for me.

Martin – and Sean – thank you so much for your kind comments. Maybe there are steps we can take to keep the art alive; advocates for it, such as Sean, will no doubt help. And, Martin, if you’re presenting next month, you must have done perfectly well all by yourself! Congratulations on the acceptance, and best of luck for the presentation.

Great article! Obvious at it may seem, a point zero may be added before the other four: which _are_ your ideas?

A scientific writing coach told me she often runs a little exercise with her students. She tells them to put away their (journal) abstract and then asks them to summarize the bottom line in three statements. After some thinking, the students come up with an answer. Then the coach tells the students to reach for the abstract, read it and look for the bottom line they just summarised. Very often, they find that their own main observations and/or conclusions are not clearly expressed in the abstract.

PS I love the line “It’s unethical to bore people!” 🙂

Thanks for your comment, Olle – that’s a great point. I think something happens to us when we’re writing, in which we become so clear about what we want to say that we think we’ve said it even when we haven’t. Your friend’s exercise sounds like a great trick for finding out when we’ve done that. And thanks for the compliments, too!

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Thank you very much for the tips, they are really helpful. I have actually been accepted to present a PuchaKucha presentation in an educational interdisciplinary conference at my university. my presentation would be about the challenges faced by women in my country. So, it would be just a review of the literature. from what I’ve been reading, conferences are about new research and your new ideas… Is what I’m doing wrong??? that’s my first conference I’ll be speaking in and I’m afraid to ruin it!!! I will be really grateful about any advice ^_^

First of all: you’re not going to ruin the conference, even if you think you made a bad presentation. You should always remember that people are not very concerned about you–they are mostly concerned about themselves. Take comfort in that thought!

Here are some notes: • If it is a Pecha Kucha night, you stand in front of a mixed audience. Remember that scientists understand layman’s stuff, but laymen don’t understand scientists stuff. • Pecha Kucha is also very VISUAL! Remember that you can’t control the flow of slides – they change every 20 seconds. • Make your main messages clear. You can use either one of these templates.

A. Which are the THREE most important observations, conclusions, implications or messages from your study?

B. Inform them! (LOGOS) Engage them! (PATHOS) Make an impression! (ETHOS)

C. What do you do as a scientist/is a study about? What problem(s) do you address? How is your research different? Why should I care?

Good luck and remember to focus on (1) the audience, (2) your mission, (3) your stuff and (4) yourself, in that order.

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I don’t know whether it’s just me or if perhaps everybody else encountering problems with your site. It appears as if some of the text in your content are running off the screen. Can someone else please comment and let me know if this is happening to them as well? This could be a issue with my browser because I’ve had this happen before. Thank you

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Thank you Dr Kara for the great guide on creating killer abstracts for conferences. I am preparing to write an abstract for my first conference presentation and this has been educative and insightful. ‘ I choose to be ethical and not bore my audience’.

Thank you Judy for your kind comment. I wish you luck with your abstract and your presentation. Helen

  • Pingback: Tips to Write a Strong Abstract for a Conference Paper – Research Synergy Institute

Dear Dr. Helen Kara, Can there be an abstract for a topic presentation? I need to present a topic in a conference.I searched in the net and couldnt find anything like an abstract for a topic presentation but only found abstract for article presentation. Urgent.Help!

Dear Rekha Sthapit, I think it would be the same – but if in doubt, you could ask the conference organisers to clarify what they mean by ‘topic presentation’. Good luck!

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conference presentation writing

Academic Conference Presentations

A Step-by-Step Guide

  • © 2022
  • Mark R. Freiermuth 0

Gunma Prefectural Women’s University, Tamamura-machi, Japan

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  • Takes the presenter on a journey from initial idea to conference presentation
  • Addresses topics such as abstract writing, choosing a conference, posters and online versus face-to-face presentations
  • Based on the author's own experiences

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About this book

This book provides a step-by-step journey to giving a successful academic conference presentation, taking readers through all of the potential steps along the way—from the initial idea and the abstract submission all the way up to the presentation itself. Drawing on the author's own experiences, the book highlights good and bad practices while explaining each introduced feature in a very accessible style. It provides tips on a wide range of issues such as writing up an abstract, choosing the right conference, negotiating group presentations, giving a poster presentation, what to include in a good presentation, conference proceedings and presenting at virtual or hybrid events. This book will be of particular interest to graduate students, early-career researchers and non-native speakers of English, as well as students and scholars who are interested in English for Academic Purposes, Applied Linguistics, Communication Studies and generally speaking, most of the Social Sciences. With that said, because of the book’s theme, many of the principles included within will appeal to broad spectrum of academic disciplines.

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Presenting Thesis in Conferences: Oral and Poster Presentation

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conference presentation writing

  • English for Academic Purposes
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  • academic skills
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  • poster presentations

Table of contents (9 chapters)

Front matter, next up on stage….

Mark R. Freiermuth

Conferences: Choose Wisely Grasshopper

Getting started: the precise abstract, after the excitement fades: preparing for the presentation, tea for two or more: the group presentation, conferences: live and in-person, ghosts in the machine: the virtual presentation, the seven deadly sins: what not to do, the top five, back matter.

-Sarah Mercer , Professor for Foreign Language Teaching and the Head of the ELT Research and Methodology Department, University of Graz, Austria

Authors and Affiliations

About the author.

Mark R. Freiermuth  is Professor of Applied Linguistics at Gunma Prefectural Women's University, Japan. 

Bibliographic Information

Book Title : Academic Conference Presentations

Book Subtitle : A Step-by-Step Guide

Authors : Mark R. Freiermuth


Publisher : Palgrave Macmillan Cham

eBook Packages : Social Sciences , Social Sciences (R0)

Copyright Information : The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022

Hardcover ISBN : 978-3-031-21123-2 Published: 05 January 2023

eBook ISBN : 978-3-031-21124-9 Published: 04 January 2023

Edition Number : 1

Number of Pages : VII, 159

Number of Illustrations : 45 b/w illustrations

Topics : Applied Linguistics , Research Skills , Career Skills , Sociology of Education

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Writing for Publication: Conference Proposals & Presentations

Presenting at conferences is an efficient and exciting forum in which you can share your research and findings.  However, presenting your work to others at a conference requires determining what type of presentation would best suit your material as well as choosing an appropriate conference. Once you have made those decisions, you will be ready to write your conference proposal.

Types of Presentations

The types of professional conferences vary, from large international gatherings to small, regional meetings. The content can also be very research driven or be focused more specifically on the needs of practitioners. Hence, different conferences tend to have different formats, but the following are some of the most common:

Poster sessions are most frequently found in the sciences, but they are often offered as an option at conferences in other disciplines as well. A poster session is a visual representation of your work. In this format, you can highlight areas of your research and display them both textually and visually. At most conferences, poster sessions take place in a large room. Typically, researchers stand next to their display and answer informal questions about their research. See the American Public Health Association's Poster Session Guidelines for an example of the requirements for posters, keeping in mind that each professional organization and conference will have its own guidelines.

Panel discussions or presentations are formal conversations organized around a specific subject. At most conferences, several speakers take turns speaking for a predetermined amount of time about their research and findings on a given subject. Panel discussions are almost always followed by a question and answer session from the audience. At most conferences, choosing to present at a panel discussion is often more competitive than being selected for a poster session.

A paper with respondent session involves a presenter orally sharing his or her data and conclusions for an allotted period of time. Following that presentation, another researcher, often one with differing views on the same subject, gives a brief response to the paper. The initial presenter then responds to the respondent's response.

In a conference presentation, sometimes presenters just give a report of their research, especially if it has some implications to practice.

Writing the Proposal

Like an abstract, a successful conference proposal will clearly and succinctly introduce, summarize, and make conclusions about your topic and findings. Though every conference is, of course, different, objectives and conclusions are found in all conference proposals. However, be sure to follow a conference's submission guidelines, which will be listed on the conference website. Every conference has a committee that evaluates the relevance and merit of each proposal. The following are some important factors to take into consideration when crafting yours:

Length: Many conference proposals are no more than 400 words. Thus, brevity and clarity are extremely important.

Relevance: Choosing an appropriate conference is the first step toward acceptance of your work. The conference committee will want to know how your work relates to the topic of the conference and to your field as a whole. Be sure that your proposal discusses the uniqueness of your findings, along with their significance. Do not just summarize your research, but rather, place your research in a larger context. What are the implications of your findings? How might another researcher use your data?

Quotations : Avoid including in too many quotations in your conference proposal. If you do choose to include quotations, it is generally recommended that you state the author's name, though you do not need to include a full citation (Purdue Online Writing Lab, 2012).

Focus: Most experts recommend that a conference proposal have a thesis statement early on in the proposal. Do not keep the reader guessing about your conclusions. Rather, begin with your concise and arguable thesis and then discuss your main points. Remember, there is no need to prove your thesis in this shortened format, only to articulate your thesis and the central arguments you will use to back up your claims should you be invited to present your work.

Tone: Make sure to keep your audience in mind and to structure your proposal accordingly. Avoid overly specialized jargon that would only be familiar to participants in a subfield. Make sure your prose is clear, logical, and straightforward. Though your proposal should maintain an academic tone, your enthusiasm for your project should shine through, though not at the cost of formality.

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Create a Conference Presentation

Common types of conference presentations.

  • Full paper  - The length of a full paper is variable, usually between 20 and 40 min, and rarely exceeds one hour. A full paper may be followed by question time.
  • Short paper  - This type of conference presentation can be as short as 10 min, and very often it is one in a series of short papers in a 1- or 2-hour session on a particular conference sub-topic or theme, each followed by 10 minutes question time. Timing is crucial as it is common for short paper sessions to be carefully managed by timekeepers who will ‘terminate’ your paper after the allocated time.
  • Workshop  - The emphasis of most workshops is on their practical nature. Their purpose is for participants to experience a strategy, a technique or a practical demonstration, and to have opportunities to question you about the value or workability of what you are presenting.
  • Poster  - You prepare a poster of your work (one or more A1 displays, including diagrams, text, references or visuals). This is displayed in an area of the conference venue. Your poster may be staffed at particular times when you are required to be available to provide further information or answer questions about your poster.
  • Discussion paper -  It is assumed that participants have read the paper. A summary is presented at the beginning of the paper (usually, but not always by the paper presenter), and the session consists mainly of a discussion or defence of the issues, questions and ideas raised in the paper.
  • Panel presentation/discussion  - You are one of several people on a panel discussing a theme/topic related to the conference. Your role is to be an expert in a particular issue, topic, technology, strategy or you represent an institution, department or company. Normally you receive advanced notice of this, but sometimes you can be asked to be a panel member at the conference.
  • Roundtable discussion  - This is a short paper presentation followed by the presenter facilitating/workshopping discussion with participants in groups.

Preparing your conference presentation

There are significant differences between a written paper, essay or report and a conference presentation. The introduction of a conference presentation should be considerably longer than that of a written text. Repetition is vital in a conference presentation. An audience needs to hear information several times and in slightly different forms to understand it, whereas in a written text the reader can refer back if necessary. Informal rather than formal language should be used in an oral conference presentation.

Think of a ‘catchy’ title as most conferences run parallel sessions and your presentation may compete with numerous presentations offered at the same time.

You will need to submit an abstract to the conference committee for your presentation to be accepted. If you have already written your paper, this task should be fairly easy as the abstract is a summary of the paper which is usually around 200–400 words . Ensure the issues, questions, thesis as well as the conclusion findings are clearly stated in the abstract.

In case the paper has not been written yet, prepare the abstract in such a way that you do not commit yourself to details that will not be addressed in the final paper.

Ensure that you follow guidelines set by the conference organizers regarding length, layout, references, etc. Write the paper as you would an essay, a report, or, more and more commonly, a journal article. The latter is particularly important if the conference proceedings are to be published (refereed or non-refereed). Check previous conference proceedings or journals in your field to ensure consistency with style, referencing, etc.

Presenting your conference presentation

When presenting your conference presentation you need to know your answers to the following questions:

  • Is the purpose clearly stated: are you reporting, comparing, convincing, arguing, questioning…?
  • Is the thesis/topic clearly stated: “In this paper, I want to report the findings of recent research which shows that under certain conditions, dolphins can be taught how to read simple text”?
  • Are your main arguments/ideas supported with evidence?
  • Are all the materials relevant to the topic?
  • Have you demonstrated your knowledge of the subject?
  • Is the level of technicality suited to the audience?
  • How do you reply to audience’s questions: long questions, ‘mini papers’ disguised as questions…?

Organise your presentation

Most presentations are organised according to a predictable pattern. They have three main stages: introduction, body and conclusion (i.e. tell them what you are going to say; then say it; then tell them what you have said).

When a presentation does not have these clear sections, it can be very difficult for listeners to follow what is being said.


This is the most crucial part of any presentation. You need to capture the audience’s interest in your topic and establish rapport with them. Your introduction should let the audience know what they are going to hear in the presentation. They need to know what to expect in order to get interested and to be able to follow you. Giving them an outline of your presentation in your introduction enables them to do this.

You need to:

  • capture the audience’s attention with a question, quotation, anecdote, or interesting statistic, etc.
  • main theme or main argument
  • main points you will cover and the order in which you will cover them.

The body of your presentation must be clearly organised with the main points highlighted. One effective technique is to number your ideas. Any idea which is new to your audience needs to be presented simply with supportive evidence or examples which will make it more easily understood. Each important idea should be presented several times in different ways within the body of your presentation. Your audience needs several opportunities to absorb the full meaning and the significance of the most important ideas. It is also important to state the links between your ideas clearly.

The body is where you develop your main ideas/argument, using supporting ideas/evidence. Use techniques that make it easy for the listener to follow your talk:

  • number your ideas: “ There are three main factors... ”
  • arrange your ideas in logical order, such as chronological; cause and effect; problem–solution
  • use transitional devices to help the audience follow the direction of your talk: “ secondly…; another important point is...; on the other hand…; I would now like to move on and look at another aspect of the research.. .”
  • state the main idea
  • refer to experts, provide examples to illustrate the idea
  • provide statistics, facts, tell anecdotes (if time permits)
  • provide case studies, etc.
  • repeat important ideas using different words so the audience has several opportunities to absorb them
  • don’t make the information too dense – remember the audience is listening, not reading!

The conclusion sums up main points. The conclusion should reinforce the central ideas of the presentation and signal a forceful ending. A weak, inconclusive or apologetic closing detracts from a good presentation. You should show in your conclusion that you have covered all the points that you said you would in your introduction. You should also show that you are confident, and that you have communicated effectively.

It is important to have a strong conclusion so the audience is left with a good impression.

  • Summarise the main ideas of your presentation.
  • Don’t introduce any new ideas.
  • Work towards a strong ending – don’t finish abruptly or say ‘That’s all’. Perhaps leave the audience with something to think about.

Presentation Tips

Advance preparation.

The more you know about your audience, the more likely you will be able to give an effective presentation. Try to find out as much as you can about who will be there, what their background is, why they will be coming, and how much they will already know about the topic. Go to the room where you will make your presentation and get a feel of its size, acoustics, seating, etc. If you can, familiarise yourself with the equipment in the room.

Clear pronunciation

Your voice must be clear and distinct. If you know you have difficulty with pronunciation, speak a little more slowly than usual. Use intonation, stress, changes in pace (slow down at important points, speed up at details, anecdotes) and pause to keep the listeners’ attention, and focus attention on important points.

Body language

It has been estimated that 75% of meaning transferred is non-verbal.  Try to maintain eye contact with your audience as this helps keep your audience engaged. Focus on standing straight and directly facing your audience, using hand gestures to emphasise important information.

Visual aids 

A presentation can be enhanced by the effective use of overhead transparencies (slides), charts, pictures, posters or PowerPoint presentations (with limited graphic/sound gimmicks). They provide variety and can help reinforce points made. However, you are still the main communicator of your message. Be familiar with your visual aids, refer to them specifically and only display them when you are referring to them, otherwise they will only be a distraction.

  • Physical charts, graphs, pictures, etc.: ensure that the size is appropriate for a large room. If necessary, back up with handouts.
  • Video: ensure the segment shown is not too long in relation to the overall length of your presentation.
  • Limit the amount of material on each visual: your listeners should be able to read and understand a visual in five seconds or less.
  • Be sure your visuals are large enough to be seen by everyone: the lettering should usually be minimum 20-22 pt. font.
  • Use diagrams, graphs and charts instead of words where possible.
  • Eliminate unnecessary detail from diagrams, graphs and charts.

Expression and style

Try to speak to your audience using notes rather than memorising or reading your presentation. In order to do this, you will have to practise your presentations as many times as you can. If possible, perform in front of an audience. Otherwise, practise in front of a mirror or record yourself on your phone. This will also give you an idea of how long your presentation will take.

Use a conversation style to make your audience feel personally involved. Each time you use the word ‘you’, the audience feels compelled to pay attention.  

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Adapted from Barthel, A. 2010, ‘Presenting a conference paper’, ELSSA Centre, University of Technology Sydney.   

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10 tips for the 10-minute conference presentation

July 21, 2016

By Elizabeth Saewyc

You’ve spent months on your research, but have only 10 minutes to present it to the world. Yikes! But, fear not! There are some easy, practical ways to make it memorable.

In a striking back-to-back comparison showcased in the video below, I give a standard 10-minute research talk riddled with features that characterize too many dry scientific presentations. You’ll nod your head as you recognize them from your own and colleagues’ past efforts. Then watch, as I transform the same material in a subsequent presentation that showcases the potential of strong science communication to bring research alive with a little preparation. And no, we’re not talking about animating your slide deck. This is about the power of words to truly communicate research.

RESEARCH TOOLBOX; 10 Tips for a Dynamic 10-Minute Conference Presentation from UBC Nursing .

My top 10 tips are:

  • Aside from the “I have nothing to disclose” statement, don’t start by thanking by name all the people on your first slide (your co-authors). Instead, say good morning or good afternoon, whichever is relevant, then start your presentation with a bit of dramatic statement – either the scope of the issue, something people don’t normally think of, something that sounds contrary to what people normally believe but hints at your results, or at least makes it clear why this research was needed. It’s a way of being compelling and catching attention, it projects confidence and draws people in. Not humour, though, that’s hard to pull off.
  • The slides should illustrate your presentation points, not be your presentation. They should have no more than 3-4 points per slide, in phrases, not sentences, and no more than two lines per point (preferably one). Use bar charts or graphs or pictures where you can, with limited words.
  • Don’t read the slides, make the points with slightly different words, and expand on them a bit.
  • Speak slowly, way, way slower than you think you need to – we will always talk faster during a public speaking situation, so it’s important to speak slowly and clearly, especially since there will be people who have English as a second language in the audience, and are likely jet-lagged. Most of us speak at 120 words a minute, so that means, for a 10 minute presentation 1200 words max. Write out your script so that you have exactly those many words—the minute you digress, you run over time.
  • Don’t be afraid to make a short statement with a bar chart or table on the slide, like “As you can see from this table, Southeast Asian girls reported poorer mental health than boys,” and then fall silent for a bit, letting people absorb the info before you switch to the next slide (this can heighten the drama/attention, and makes you look very polished and confident–even if you’re counting in your head how long to wait before you switch the slide and speak again!).
  • Never, ever say, “okay, I know you can’t read this, but…” If it’s unreadable, too many lines, too small font, or too busy a table or figure, do not include it . Come up with a different way to convey the key points, because the minute you apologize for your slide, you’ve lost them.
  • Avoid swooping transitions, nifty animations, cutesy cartoon graphics, and wild shifts of colour or font; anything that might make your audience seasick or dizzy won’t win you respect or attention.
  • Remember to put in the “so what?” conclusion, or a concrete couple of clinical implications–or go back to your dramatic opening statement and bring it into the ending. If you’ve paced yourself with your 1200 words or fewer, you’ll have time to give the final punchline of what we should do now, or what we know now, because of this work.
  • Say thank you! But don’t say, “I’d like to thank my supervisor, my committee, my colleagues, my family, my carpool, my dog…” and don’t mention the funding source, even if it’s listed on your last slide as an acknowledgment. Leave it for people to read during questions.
  • Wear something bright red–a scarf, a tie, a blouse, a pocket handkerchief, a jacket, a dress; it draws the eye, enhances their alertness, and will help people find you afterwards to tell you what a fabulous job you did on your presentation, and what they liked about your study, or ask another question about it.

 About Elizabeth Saewyc

Elizabeth Saewyc

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dlinkrouter.local accompany the most cutting edge innovation as they are extraordinarily worked to match the most recent high data transmission requesting on the web exercises.

Arris modem login

The Arris modem login can be performed using the default gateways like IP address. You require a username and a password too. Get an Arris router and ethernet port for the connection. Connect to the Arris network first. Enter the IP address and then the login credentials. Follow the on-screen prompts. Call our team for any assistance.

Netgear orbi login

The Netgear orbi login can be performed using the Netgear Orbi app. Connect the mobile device to the Orbi’s wifi network. Enter the default gateway in the address bar of the web browser. Some browsers may cache the login page. Make sure that the cache, history and cookies are cleared. Feel free to contact our team in the end or refer to the websites for the same.


The Dlinkap.local is used to access the setup wizard for the Dlink device. You can enter the default web address in the address bar and hit the enter button. The setup wizard can be accessed using the IP address too. If you want more help on the login and setup issues, get in touch with our technicians now.

Asus Router Login

The Asus router login is performed if you want to access the settings page for the Asus router. You can also change the existing configurations as per your choice. Enter the default IP address in the address bar and hit enter. After this follow the screen instructions and move ahead. Feel free to contact our help team if you face any issues with the login or setup process.

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Orbilogin takes you to the login gateway of your orbi mesh networking setup; orbi setup has an orbi router and least of one orbi satellite. In order to configure do This forges up a basic mesh wifi connection at your home with one basic desire to increase the network signal circumference of your home internet connection.


On your computer, open any web directory of your choice.You can also log in using a mobile device that is connected to the Orbilogin.Go to and log in. Then, using your Orbi login username and password, log in.The phrase ‘admin’ is the default Orbi password.Then, as a password, use the term password.Log in to the Netgear Orbi admin panel to update your password.Then go to the Advanced area and click on ‘Reset a Password.’


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Want to configure a new extender, need to enter ap.setup in the address bar and search for it. A login page appear to enter ‘admin’ in the address field to make a login.

In case you can’t log in or forgot the login password, please reset your extender by holding down the reset button for 10 seconds. All the settings will change and set back to default.


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To acesss the router admin login page, you need to type the default P Address in the URL field to login, After login can make changes and setup easily.

Tim Pegios

Do you have any errors with your orbi device? Are you facing Orbi Firmware Update Error? Resolve this error quickly with the help of our skilled technicians. They will resolve this error within minimum time. To know more visit our website Orbi Helpline or call us at USA/Canada: +1-855-869-7373.


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If you want any more information on TP link extender setup, you can contact us. Our technical team can give you troubleshooting tips to solve the issues regarding the TP link extender

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Rockspace WiFi extenders are one of the finest products offered by Rockspace to enhance the signal strength of your routers. For that, however, you need to properly configure your Rockspace WiFi extender.

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The WPS button is one way to set up your Wavlink WiFi extender. After pressing the WPS button, gently press it on the router. Next, press the WPS button on the extender. This will take approximately 2 minutes. The signal LED will turn solid blue. This means that the WPS connection has been established successfully. The Wavlink extender wizard can be used to set it up. This can be accessed via the default gateway or the IP address. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate and contact our tech support team.

Meshforce M3

The reset button on the back of your Meshforce M3 can be used to reset the device if it is having trouble. For 10-15 seconds, press it. Make sure that the device is plugged into an electric socket. Wait for the light to change. The device will be reset once you have seen any light changes. The online wizard allows you to reconfigure it. Contact our experts if you have any questions or doubts about the setup


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Changing the local password for a re.rockspace.local interface is a prominent method to secure your range extender. A user has to assign a unique login password to prevent unauthorized entry into its web interface. You can change the password either through a mobile device using the Tether app or may do it through a computer using the re.rockspace.local interface. A user has to make sure he has downloaded the Tether app to remotely control the range extender.

asus router login

New models of ASUS routers are also capable of being converted into a Repeater mode. In Repeater mode, a router connects to an existing network, repeats the Wi-fi signals back and forth to extend its wireless coverage. The LAN IP address of an ASUS router will get changed after being converted into a repeater. You have to download or install the Device Discovery Utility to find the IP address of your router. Using the IP address, you can also interact with the web interface of the window.

routerlogin net setup is owned and operated by a company Netgear Inc. ,which is the multinational networking company based in the United States. is a gateway in order to manage and operate our Netgear wireless router services. It should be noted that will only work if we are connected to the Netgear router using Ethernet cable or wireless connection.

wavlink extender setup with a web interface of the Wavlink extender can easily configure and manage the extender.The web based management window can be used in Windows or Macintosh using. A Web Browser.It does not require any active internet connection. The extender must be connected to the computer to allow a user to connect to the

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This is a good article. It’s been a big help. I read a good article. It was very helpful and provided a lot of reference.


Dlinkap.local is the local web address that is used to access the set up wizard and complete the configuration of dlink extender. We can access the dlinkap.local set up page to extend our home network, to configure and change the settings like wireless security settings, admin log in credentials, fix parental controls and more from the connected device. In simple words, using Dlinkap.local we can access the set up wizard.


Sometimes a user fails in the login process which becomes a severe issue for a user. Make sure you are using the approved browser while interacting with the ap.setup management window. A user must use browsers such as Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Apple Safari, and Google Chrome. Use the approved browser to resolve the login issue. Even if the issue doesn’t get resolved, close the browser, reboot the device, and then try the login process again.

During the manual method of Firmware update, a user has to visit the Download center of ASUS to install the latest firmware for the router. You can also download the latest software or user manuals from the ASUS Download center. Make sure to keep the downloaded firmware file in an extracted form. You can extract a zip format file with the help of a Windows extractor or WINRAR. An extracted firmware file gives convenience to users during the upload process of the interface.


Dlinkrouter.local is the default URL to login dlink routers through web. It is the admin page for dlink router setup. Most of the Dlink routers are configured with this Dlink router web addresses that takes one directly to the log in window when one enters it in a web browser.

Setup.ampedwireless. com is a web page for router set up. Amped extenders are the efficient devices to let the routers gain the proficient speed from the network sources. There are a range of extenders provided by the Amped to its users throughout the world including Amped Wireless REC 10 setup, AMPED SR10000,AMPED AC 2600 and many more.

tplink extender setup

Any changes in the Wireless settings of a Tp-link range extender could be done through the Tether app using a mobile device. To change the network name, you first need to login to the Tp-link range extender on the Tether app then from the main screen click on the Extended network tab and change the SSID name as you want. A user must keep one thing in mind while configuring the Wireless settings the Wireless password of the network should same as the host network.

linksys router login

Frequently changing the password is usually recommended to users for the safety and security of the network. With the help of a Linksys app, now a user can change the router’s password and perform any settings with the Linksys router remotely without any computer. All you have to make sure of is that you have registered in the Linksys account that will allow you to access the interface of the Linksys app.

Smart Connect feature is recommended to robust the gaming speed and the other operations running on the network. The Smart Connect feature automatically switches to the faster frequency band removing the risk of sudden disconnection or latency during the download process. During the configuration, a user has to make sure that he assigns the same Network name to both the 2.4 GHz and 5GHz frequency bands.


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Rohan Rawat

Thanks for sharing valuable content with us.

You can use the default gateway to access the Tplink extender. The default IP address can also be used as an alternative here. Just make sure that you are using a compatible browser only. Also, the internet connection should be smooth and stable. Get more help with the login as well as the setup process by getting in touch with our team of experts in the end.

linksys router login

Frequently changing the password is usually recommended to users for the safety and security of the network. With the help of a Linksys app, now a user can change the router’s password and perform any settings with the Linksys router remotely without any computer. All you have to make sure is that you have registered in the Linksys account that will allow you to access the interface of the Linksys app.

linksys router setup

Myrouter.local is a web page of linksys router. Using this portal one can access linksys router. One can also be able to do advanced settings of the linksys router. If one wants to log in to the linksys router, one need to use myrouter.local. as a log in address. This way one can access the linksys router.

linksys router login

Try to switch to another browser or close the browser and launch it again when you are unable to access the window of a Netgear router. Sometimes a browser is facing traffic during a particular time which may be a reason that you are unable to access the web interface of the Netgear router. You can also try to delete the cache and downloaded history of a browser to resolve the issue. New users can take the help of the online manual guide available on the official support website of Netgear.

tplink router

To access, your device must be connected to TP-Link Router’s network. Please check your network connection and try again.

To help you, we will explain the features and functions of the Orbi router. If you have problems blocking access to the router, visit We can help you install your router and fix and fix problems with your Orbi router. Give us a chance allows you to configure Netgear routers. The web address www routerlogin was not specified. All you have to do to log in to the configuration page is enter the correct username / password. can also be used to route Netgear allows users to connect to Orbi network devices at any time via the web interface. You can connect to your home network Orbi WiFi. Works on satellites and routers. Orbi routers and Orbi satellites.

Are you looking for a user-friendly, reliable and secure login solution for your company? has a solution for you! Our most efficient registration system gives companies access to the security and safety they need to keep their online operations running smoothly. allows you to configure Netgear routers. The web address www routerlogin is not resolved. All you have to do to log in to the configuration page is enter the correct username / password.

Thank you for shearing this interesting content. keep shearing and posting offers the best help for routers and extenders. If you have trouble configuring the router to work on your network, you don’t have to worry. Experts can help you.

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The Tplinklogin process helps in accessing the web interface of the Tplink device. Make sure that you open a compatible browser only. Fill in the default gateway and press Enter. You can then fill in the default login credentials and press the login button. Chat with our experts now using the toll-free number given. You can also take help from the website.

Netgeaer Orbi Login

The Routerlogin process helps in accessing the web interface of the Netgear Router. You can fill in the login credentials after opening any compatible browser. Chat with our experts now via the toll-free number if you wish to have more details about the login process. You can go through our website to gain more insights into the login process.

Netgear Router Login

You can perform the Routerlogin process to access the web -interface of the Netgear router anytime. Just ensure that you are using only a compatible browser. You can change the default username, and password and can even update the firmware of the router anytime. Get in touch with our team at the end via the toll-free number given.


The Tplinklogin process helps in accessing the web interface of the TP-Link router anytime. You can configure the various advanced settings of the router and can change them anytime you wish once you access the login page. Want more information on the router login and setup process? Feel free to chat with our technicians at the end via the toll-free number.


Myrouter.local is pleasing for accessing the web admin page and configuring the settings of the wireless router .This Web address is generally used for Netgear and linksys router’s several models. The Myrouter local relatively enables us to access the web interface page of many internet devices.

Orbi firmware update

Orbi firmware update failure message can also bother you if you are running various background processes on your PC while updating your device.

Myrouter.local is the default web deal used to engage with the web control window of linksys router. It is utilized to engage with the various capabilities and settings of the router. A consumer has to apply this web cope to go to the web software window of the linksys router.

Using the Transmission Power Control option, a user can enhance the wireless coverage of a Netgear router. The maximum unit that you can assign to a router is 100%. By enhancing the home coverage, you can connect to the device which lies in the outer coverage area of the network. If you want to save power consumption, while utilize the Wi-Fi, you can lower the transmission power of your device. A user can access the Transmission Power Control option using the Wireless tab of the web menu Dashboard.

The login process of the Rockspace range extender plays a vital role in allowing a user to interact and manage the device using its web menu Dashboard. Without the correct login credentials, no user can access the re.rockspace.local homepage of the range extender. A user should only give the login credentials to the trusted users because it may degrade the security level of your range extender.


To access dlinkrouter.local, we should have the proper internet connection from an Internet Service Provider. We should also have a computer or laptop to set up Dlink Wifi router. Dlink router set up wizard GUI might be black, orange or white and blue in color. The internet Modem must be in working condition.

Netgear Orbi login was designed by the experts so as to extend the networks to the far corners of the house ,so that house is completely blanketed by the internet connectivity. Once we log in to the we will be able to experience the Wireless connectivity Unlike how we ever experienced it. During the Orbi set up process,the Orbi satellite’s ring will turn to the following colours, the first light solid white,pulse white and finally pulse magenta colour.

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A Roku account gives us the access to Roku channel store. With the help of Roku account we will be able to know about the Roku media player. If one does not have a Roku account set up, then one will be asked to create it, which can be done through the player, website or mobile app.

While configuring the basic wireless settings of the you need to make sure that the wireless network is not vulnerable to other networks. You also need to keep one thing in mind that the devices connected to your network get immediately disconnected once you finish the wireless configuration process. If you want to escalate the security of a wireless network, select the “Hide the SSID” option to create a hidden wireless network of your router. refused to connect is a web address that log into our Wi-Fi router and also configures its settings as per our preferences. To access the router we should set up our web interface of our router and start any web address on our device. We have variety of choices between Chrome, Firefox, IE , EDGE and SAFARI.

wavlink setup

For your network security, we suggest that you create a new Wi-Fi password if you use the extender mode. As for the setup of password, please refer to “Notes”

ap setup guide

ap.setup: Some routers enable us to set up the extender as a wireless access point or wireless extender to increase your wireless coverage. Its main purpose is to produce a wireless network. We should always keep in mind that when an extender becomes an access point, it wills Lowell router functions like port forwarding and DHCP server.

Dlink routers have a Dlink setup wizard that guides you through the whole router setting process. To set up a Dlink router, follow a few simple steps and then use the setup wizard to make more modifications. The router provides you with the Wi-Fi coverage you need in your home and workplace. The next article will assist you in comprehending the entire ‘Dlink router setup‘ procedure.

Hi there dear, are you genuinely visiting This website on a regular basis, if so then you will absolutely. Get good know-how.

Need something better to increase your internet speed? You don’t have to worry anymore. Netgear offers you the most powerful Orbi router with several advanced features. This will allow you to easily do the Netgear Orbi login without any hassle. It has high security and parental control which makes browsing safe for your kids. Here you can find more detailed information, such as how to access or You can also learn the setup process with like the Orbi app. You can then troubleshoot using the troubleshooting steps and update the router’s firmware.


If you come across any issues or problems with your routers, kindly get in touch with the routerlogin support team. The support team will help you with a prompt resolution and fix your issue within a jiffy. If you also want to get your new router set up and installed, kindly reach out to our router login support team.

iRobot login

For iRobot login, make sure you download and install the iRobot Home app on your smartphone. Once you download, open the iRobot Home app on your device and add your new device to the app. Now, you need to create iRobot login credentials so that you can easily login to the device in the future by using the login credentials.

jonh wick

An Orbi Wi-Fi router is more than enough for your entire home it provides a Wi-Fi network to all the sides of your home. You no need to move around or change the password of your Orbi Wi-Fi router. The name of the user is admin and the default password of the admin is password. The password and the user name are always case-sensitive.

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Get instant response and good care of WiFi range extender for our highly talented experts. Available 24/7 365 days to provide you the best assistance and support for your wireless range extender.

Myrouter.local is a default web address that is used for interacting with a router’s web management window. It is also used for interacting with different settings and features of a router. It is actually a web page of Linksys router. So, by using this portal we can easily access the Linksys router also.


Re.rockspace.local is a default web page that is used to interact and set up the process of extender. They are generally used in the places where the signals become weak. It actually acts as a repeater to boost the signal and fend off it from a dead zone area.


A default gateway address is needed to set up dlinkrouter.local. It is actually the web domain for the Dlink routers that enables us to enter into the 192.168.0 1. It is actually an inbuilt web address and shipped with the router itself. This is also important that before we connect to the Dlinkrouter.local to the internet, we need to configure how we can connect to it.

orbi login

The WiFi system from the Netgear offers a fast and reliable without any dead zones.The system arrives with the default Username and Password out of the box. The default Orbi password is typical admin of Username and password for the password. It should always be remembered that makes it easy to set up and manage our Wifi router.We just have to connect the mobile to the Orbi Wifi network and the app will walk us throughout.Once connected we can manage our connected devices,run a quick internet speed test ,pause internet,set up Circle,Smart parental controls and much more.

To learn most of the settings of a Linksys router, a user needs to know the local interface of his device. To make any changes within the router, users are advised to do it using the local interface through a browser. If a user is facing any issue while accessing the router’s interface, it might be the reason that the IP address of the device might get changed. refused to connect

To access or, our device must be connected to our NETGEAR router’s Wi-Fi network .The default Wi-Fi settings are located at the back of our NETGEAR router. Open the web browser and type or Then enter the Username and Password. We will then be logged into the NETGEAR router.

wavlink extender setup

A user who log in to the can only make changes in the settings of the feature of the device. There can be lot of reasons because of which user can faces failure in log in issues. We should always contact the support team if we face any type of configuration issue.


Dlinkrouter.local is a web address to install, link and set up Dlink routers .Now a days , Dlink routers are the most popular and demanding routers in the market. We can access and configure the wireless Dlink router by using Dlinkrouter.local. To gain access the Dlink router we must know the Dlinkrouter.local. We must know the Dlink is actually a manufacturer which provides its customers with the most efficient and high quality routers in the market.

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Netgear Router Login

For Netgear router login, connect your PC to the Netgear router’s network and enter the login address in the address bar. After that, you will see the Netgear router login page prompting you to put down the username and password of your router. Enter the details and click the Login button.

Arris Modem Login

The Arris modem login can be executed with the help of the IP address. Put down the IP in the web browser and you will see the Arris modem login page. The page will prompt you to enter the username and password. After that, click on the Login button and you will be logged into the Arris modem.

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Facing an issue with brostrend wifi range extender setup? Don’t panic! Brostrend is a web URL for extender setup. If you have any difficulty while setting up your brostrend wifi extender then you can contact our experienced professionals. Our experts will help you to brostrend extender setup process.


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Please follow these steps to access the Open your web browser. Enter in the address bar and press Enter. Open a different web browser. Enter in the address bar and press Enter. Log into using the same email and password in both browsers.


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The default username for Netgear Orbi is admin. The default password is password. Enter your username and password and press “Enter” to display the router’s configuration panel. setup

Want to know how we orbi login page. then remember some basic steps: open any web browser on any device like computer or laptop. write A login page appears on your screen. After filling out some required information like username and password. The user name is admin and The default password is password . The user name and password are always case-sensitive .

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Power on your Orbi router.Find the “Reset” button on your Orbi. This is a small hole on the back of your router, near the bottom of the device.Hold a flattened paperclip, toothpick, or thumbtack and press and hold the reset button for at least 7 seconds.

Facing issue with brostrend wifi range extender setup? Don’t be panic! brostrend is a web URL for extender setup. If you have any difficulty while setting up your brostrend extender then you can contact our experienced professionals. Our experts will help you to brostrend setup process. setup

The default portal helps you navigate through the login page and access many of your router’s wireless settings. You can configure your router and change these advanced settings as needed, as long as you are connected to the router’s network. If you think it doesn’t work, you can choose the default IP address or the Nighthawk app. In this blog, let’s get more information about and several ways to fix it is not accepted.

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This is one of the most informative blog posts. Please keep posting! To learn how to proceed with complete the overall device setup using the web portal, you can read through the helpful information on our website. login

For login, you can use a PC. Your PC should be connected to a WiFi network your Simplisafe device as well. Open a web browser on your computer and type in the address bar. You will navigate to the My Account login page. Enter the username and password to login to the account.


Issues with the default web address myrouter.local can be hard to tackle. Ensure you troubleshoot the issues in the first go always. Follow the easy troubleshooting steps available in the Linksys router troubleshooting guide online. Find easy tips you can follow to ward off issues and make your internet experience truly seamless.

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Edward Kurland

If you are unable to set up a Linksys extender, please feel free to reach out to us anytime


Myrouter.local is a default command that is used to access the web interface of linksys router and that is used to update the settings of linksys device. It is also advised that we should use myrouter.local, as it is easy to remember and use than the default gateway.

System Time is the time displayed in your ASUS router that is utilised during the time-based control features like Parental control, Access Schedule, Remote Management, etc. To make sure that you are having the correct time, a user has to check that the Time zone is set correctly in the interface or not. You can configure System Time through the Time Settings tab of the ASUS router.


Re.rockspace.local is not like the old routers. They basically helos in taking out the dead spots in our work environment. Can without a much of stretch can connect the extender with the current network. It has the best class show structure. It comprises of numerous highlights that makes this extender novel.


During the installation process, make sure you are using an Ethernet cable to connect the computer to a Dlink router. You can connect to the Dlink setup Wizard by typing dlinkrouter.local in the address bar of a browser. For the first time, you can use the default login credentials to visit the Basic Homepage of a Dlink router. Make sure you are connected to the Internet during the setup process.

orbi login is a third independent party service provider, giving the information and troubleshooting steps for technical issues related to Netgear Orbi devices.The default gateway IP address of our Orbi is Orbi makes it easy to set up and manage our Wifi router.We just have to connect our mobile device to Orbi’s Wifi network and the app will walk us through the rest.Once set up, we can manage our connected devices, run a quick internet speed test,pause internet,set up circle,Smart parental controls and much more.

dlink extender login

Usually, people are using Dlinkap.local because; it is one of the most convenient routers that execute several functions of a wireless access point. In order to connect a D link wireless router to computer, we can configure it in just some minutes and once we have arranged the Dlinkap.local router and set it up , after that our Wi-Fi connection will be set up and we will be able to connect to the internet through our Dlink router.

If you forget the default IP address of a Linksys router, you can type in the address bar of a browser to interact with its local interface. The default IP address of the Linksys router is You can even access the IP address of a Linksys router through the Status tab from the web menu Dashboard of your device. A user can change the IP address to a desired numeric by using the web interface of the router.

While playing online games, streaming, and using videoconferencing applications, users are advised to activate the default DMZ server feature. It helps in providing the Network Address Translation which is programmed to recognize some applications and helps in working appropriately with them. You can activate and deactivate the DMZ server using the management window of a Netgear router. has the authority to provide its users with access to wavlink log in and set up page and manage the Wavlink extender. To access the page , we need to connect our extender to the router and wifi enabled device through an ethernet cable.

To improve the wireless speed of the network, a user must keep three things in mind that you must keep the range extender in the best location. You must configure the range extender to an optimum level and you must upgrade the device regularly to deliver the best performance. Users are recommended to connect the range extender to a router using the wired connection. The easiest method of connecting the range extender to the router is the WPS (Wifi Protected Setup) connection.


A wireless security password of a network could be changed by the router’s interface. To interact with the Dlink router’s interface, you need to have access to the login credentials. From the web menu Dashboard, click Wireless then go to the Wireless settings tab to make changes in the password of a Dlink router. No user can access the dlinkrouter.local web interface without the approval of the administrator or correct login credentials.

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For Linksys extender setup, plug your device into the power socket and power it On. Login to the extender via and navigate to the Linksys extender setup wizard. Follow the on-screen instructions and connect your device to the router’s network. Click Save and Linksys extender will be set up.


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To setup your repeater you need to go through for more details.


The installation steps of the edimax extender are given here . Follow this steps and you can seamlessly access the wireless network in your entire smart home.

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If you Want to set up your dlink router or extender using the WPS setup? Then, you need to follow a few easy steps. Visit and take a quick look at these steps.

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If you are doing an orbi login and you are facing any issues do one thing use the default IP address of your Orbi router


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RockSpace Extender Setup

For the RockSpace extender setup, you require the IP address, username, and password of the extender. You can find the login credentials on the extender only.

Linksys Extender Setup

After you have logged in, you will be taken to the range extender’s main configuration page, where you can adjust a variety of settings,

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Kami camera is supported by 2.4Ghz and 5GHz network which is rare because mostly camera supports only 2.4GHz. If you want to get Kami indoor camera setup guide , visit our website .

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If you are not getting any access to the web interface of router via the platform of or , here what to do? Well, it is something that can happen if your network settings are wrong or if the device is faulty.

Asus Router

If the asus app can’t find the router , due to the reason such as your app might be outdated, and you have to update the app to get connected to the router.

QuickConnect allows you to access the Synology NAS remotely and outside of your office or home remotely from anywhere around the world.

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If you want to do the Obro wifi extender login to access the settings of the device. You simply need the IP address that you have to enter and then you are on the homepage of the obro wireless extender.

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Tplinkrepater net is a web-based setup page used to configure your TP-Link Wi-Fi Range Extender. This easy-to-follow guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to configure your TP-Link Range Extender using the tplinkrepeater net website.


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Reolink Login

For the Reolink login, you just need to install the Reolink app on your device. Through the app, you can create your Reolink app, add your device, and configure it accordingly. After creating your account, you can log into your Reolink account whenever you want and watch the live stream.

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With the help of a Linksys router, people get high-speed internet throughout their houses and are able to enjoy time on online activities. But, nowadays, Linksys routers create network issues due to some possible reasons. If your router is also acting like that and want to solve your issue of linksys router setup


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This is the IP address that is used for setting up the wifi extender.

Simplisafe Camera Setup

To set up a SimpliSafe camera, first, ensure you have a compatible SimpliSafe security system and an active monitoring plan. Install the camera in the desired location and connect it to power. Follow the instructions in the SimpliSafe app to pair the camera with your system and complete the setup process.

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If you also can not log in to your Comfast extender as the default IP address is not working then use the tips that we are going to give you in this guide to help you fix the issue easily.

Netgear Genie setup

After you have got the extender setup done via Netgear Genie setup or WPS method, you should be able to get a WiFi network without any issues. In case you are getting trouble accessing the internet then use the steps given in this post.


How to Access the Login page of re.rockspace.local extender?


Enhancing Your Home Network with Dlinkrouter.local

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Effortless Connectivity: Orbi Login for a Smoother Internet Experience


Dlinkap.local: The Ultimate Solution for Expanding Your Wi-Fi Network

Seamless Wireless Networking: Get Started with

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Delta 8 vs Delta 9 THC are cannabinoids from cannabis.

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After purchasing a Roomba robot to clean your home, you must first begin the setup process; however, if you don’t know how to complete the roomba wifi setup, you won’t be able to complete the setup. WiFi must come as standard on all Roombas.


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Thank the blogger for their post. Let them know that you enjoyed reading it and that you found it helpful or informative.

Linksys Velop MX4200 Setup

For the Linksys Velop MX4200 setup, you must log into the user interface. You can only set up the Linksys Velop from the user interface. Just install the app and log into your account. If you don’t have an account, you can create one from the app. After that, set it up following the instructions.

“MyWiFi Ext Setup is a convenient and user-friendly process that allows you to extend your wireless network’s coverage effortlessly. Whether you’re facing dead zones in your home or office or simply want to enhance your Wi-Fi signal strength, MyWiFi Ext Setup provides step-by-step instructions to help you configure and optimize your Wi-Fi range extender for seamless connectivity throughout your space.”


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Asus Router Login is the process of accessing the settings and configuration of an Asus router through a web browser using its default IP address and login credentials. This allows users to customize their router’s network settings, such as wireless network name and password, security protocols, and more.


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Easily access your Arlo account and securely log in to Arlo Com to effortlessly manage your cameras and explore various settings.

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The extender Linksys com is a high-quality product designed to enhance and extend the range of your existing Wi-Fi network. With its easy setup process, you can quickly connect the extender to your router and enjoy a stronger and more reliable internet connection throughout your home or office. This extender is equipped with advanced technology that eliminates dead zones and provides seamless connectivity in every corner of your space. Whether you’re streaming HD videos, playing online games, or simply browsing the web, the extender Linksys com ensures a fast and stable connection for all your devices. Upgrade your Wi-Fi experience with the extender Linksys com and enjoy uninterrupted internet access wherever you go.

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The Arlo Camera Login is a secure and easy way to access your Arlo camera system. With this login, you can view live and recorded video footage, adjust camera settings, and receive alerts on your mobile device or computer. The login process is simple and can be done from anywhere with an internet connection.

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To carry out the Linksys router login, you’ll need the default IP address & login credentials. Using the IP address, you can access the login page, and use the router’s username & password to log into your Linksys router. You’ll find these details on the router’s backside. After logging in to the router, you can easily set it up. For more assistance, contact our team right now.

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How to Write a Winning Conference Proposal (+Examples)

Discover the art of writing irresistible conference proposals with our guide. Get practical tips and inspiring examples usable as templates to succeed.


7 minute read

Conference proposal examples

helped business professionals at:


Short answer

What is a conference proposal?

A conference proposal is a detailed pitch for a presentation, workshop, or panel at a conference. It outlines your topic, approach, and how it benefits attendees, aiming to convince organizers of your session's value and relevance to their audience.

Even the best ideas can get rejected without a solid proposal

You've got an idea. Not just any idea, but one that sparks interest, drives innovation, and perfectly aligns with your chosen conference's theme. You're ready to share it with the world, confident it will make an impact.

But, in a sea of professionals, all armed with compelling insights, the harsh reality is that not every great idea can make it onto the stage.

Why? Because when slots are limited and competition is fierce, it's not just about what you say; it's about how you say it.

Don’t worry, though - I’ve got you covered. With a blend of expert insights, straightforward tips, and relatable examples instantly usable as templates, I’m here to guide you through creating a proposal that shines brighter than the rest.

Let’s get started!

What are the main types of conference proposals?

Understanding the different types of conference proposals is crucial for tailoring your submission to fit the unique format and audience engagement you're aiming for.

Whether you're a seasoned academic or a professional stepping into the conference scene, knowing these distinctions can significantly enhance your chances of acceptance.

4 main types of conference proposals:





Conference paper proposals

Scholarly paper: This type involves a deep dive into theoretical or conceptual analysis. You're expected to present an idea, backed by thorough research and a review of existing literature, arguing for a new perspective or approach.

Empirical paper: Focused on research findings, empirical papers require you to present preliminary results and analyses. These are grounded in your methodology, whether qualitative, quantitative, or a mix, offering concrete insights into your study.

Conference poster proposals

Ideal for early-stage research or when seeking more interactive feedback, poster proposals allow you to visually present your work. Attendees can engage directly with you, offering a more personalized discussion about your research findings and methodology.

Round table discussions

These are perfect for fostering in-depth conversations on a specific topic. By sitting at a round table, participants are there specifically to engage with your work, providing a unique opportunity for detailed feedback and networking.

Panel/Session proposals

When you're looking to create a broader dialogue around a cohesive theme, panel or session proposals are the way to go. These involve coordinating multiple speakers to present on related topics, enriching the conference program with diverse perspectives and expertise.

What is a typical conference proposal outline?

The right conference proposal outline is not just a list; it's a carefully crafted narrative that guides your readers through your thought process, convincing them of the value and relevance of your work.

Here's how to structure your proposal to make a lasting impression, ensuring every element works together to showcase your idea in the best light possible.

11 essential elements of a conference proposal:

Title: Your first opportunity to grab attention. Make it informative and compelling, reflecting the essence of your presentation.

Abstract: A concise summary that highlights your proposal's main idea, objectives, and significance, offering a snapshot of what to expect.

Introduction: Introduce your topic, its relevance, and its significance to the conference audience, setting the context for your proposal.

Objectives and goals: Clearly articulate what you aim to achieve, aligning your objectives with the overarching themes of the conference.

Theoretical framework: For scholarly proposals, outline the theories or concepts that underpin your argument or research, providing a solid foundation.

Methodology: Detail the methods used in your research, essential for empirical studies, including how data was collected and analyzed.

Preliminary findings or arguments: Present the core results of your research or the principal arguments of your analysis, offering insights into the value of your work.

Significance and contribution: Demonstrate how your proposal advances the field, fills a knowledge gap, or presents a new perspective.

Conclusion: Sum up the key points of your proposal, reinforcing its relevance and potential impact on the conference and its audience.

References: List key references to acknowledge prior work and contextualize your proposal within the broader discourse.

Biographical note: Provide a brief bio to highlight your expertise and qualifications, establishing your credibility on the topic.

What is the best conference proposal format?

In the past, conference proposals often looked a lot like academic papers: lots of text, packed into PDFs or Word documents. While this method was thorough, it sometimes made it tough for readers to quickly grasp the heart of your ideas. I

But here's the thing – the way we share and digest information has changed, and so have the expectations around conference proposals.

The truth is, walls of text don't engage us like they used to. In our fast-paced, digital world, engagement is key. People want to interact with the content they're consuming, not just passively read it.

So, how do you make your conference proposal stand out? By bringing it to life with interactivity.

Think about adding clickable links that dive deeper into your research, embedding short videos that summarize your findings, or including interactive charts that let readers explore your data firsthand.

These interactive elements can transform your proposal from a static document into an engaging journey, making your ideas shine brighter and encouraging a deeper exploration of your work.

Here’s an overview of the most popular formats:

Format Pros Cons
PDF - Excellent for detailed, text-rich proposals
- Universally accessible and easy to print
- Missing interactive elements, less captivating
- Hard to modify once finalized
PowerPoint (PPT) - Effective at blending text with visuals
- Familiar and straightforward for most users
- Interactivity is somewhat limited
- Needs creative flair to truly shine
Word document - Perfect for documents that require frequent revisions
- Simple to edit and collaborate on
- Not the best choice for content that's visually driven
- May appear plain and not as engaging
Storydoc - Outstanding for visual storytelling and immersive engagement
- Features like videos and clickable links enhance engagement
- Learning curve may be steep
- Not designed with printing in mind

Conference proposal examples that get you accepted

The best conference proposals out there, the ones that effortlessly make their way onto conference agendas, all share a few key traits.

First off, they lay out their ideas in a way that's easy to grasp, avoiding jargon and fluff. They're also incredibly engaging, drawing readers in with compelling narratives, interactive elements, or fascinating findings.

Plus, they demonstrate the significance of their work, showing how it pushes the envelope in their field.

The examples we’re about to explore have all mastered this art. I’m about to share what makes each of them particularly successful, so you can easily apply the same principles to your deck.

Conference workshop proposal

This conference workshop proposal has been designed to offer a comprehensive overview of an upcoming workshop aimed at enhancing data-driven decision-making skills.

It stands out for its strategic structure, engaging content, and interactive elements, making it a compelling read for organizers, potential participants, or sponsors.

What makes this conference proposal great:

Clear agenda slide: The proposal features a well-organized agenda slide that outlines the workshop's flow, including sessions on interactive design principles, tool proficiency, storytelling for impact, and ethics in data representation.

Clear outline of costs: The deck includes a detailed breakdown of the costs associated with different parts of the workshop, such as hands-on workshops, expert-led demonstrations, and panel discussions.

Option to embed external links or videos: The proposal leverages the capability to embed external links or videos, enriching the presentation with additional resources and multimedia content.

Conference pitch deck

This presentation is a great example of how to effectively communicate the essence and value of a conference.

By balancing text and visuals, providing options for customization, and clearly outlining budgetary considerations, it stands out as a compelling tool for engaging potential sponsors and attendees.

What makes this deck stand out:

Use of grayed-out content: The deck employs grayed-out content strategically, focusing the reader's attention on key points and making the presentation easier to follow.

Option to edit details post-send: Offering the flexibility to edit details after sending the deck ensures that the information remains up-to-date and can be tailored to the recipient's interests or feedback, enhancing the personalization of the pitch.

Clear budget outline: A transparent and detailed budget outline is provided, giving potential sponsors and partners a clear understanding of the financial aspects of the conference.

Conference presentation design proposal

This proposal is a prime example of how to effectively pitch a conference presentation design service. It's tailored for companies looking to enhance their conference presentations with dynamic and engaging design solutions.

The agency promises to tackle common challenges like design complexity, audience engagement, and message clarity, using innovative design strategies to propel clients' messages forward.

Interactive data visualization components: The proposal highlights the use of interactive data visualizations, ensuring that complex information is presented in an engaging and understandable way.

Expandable text sections: It incorporates expandable text sections, allowing readers to dive deeper into specific areas of interest without overwhelming them with information upfront.

Clear next steps outline: The proposal concludes with a well-defined outline of next steps, from consultation to implementation kickoff.

Conference funding proposal

This conference funding proposal is a masterclass in how to effectively seek sponsorship and support for a high-profile event.

It’s designed not just to inform but to engage potential sponsors, offering them a clear vision of the event's impact and the benefits of partnership.

Video on the cover slide: The inclusion of a video right on the cover slide immediately captures attention, providing a dynamic introduction to the proposal and setting the tone for what's to come.

Content segmented in tabs: The proposal smartly segments its sponsorship packages (Silver, Gold, Platinum) into tabs, making it easy for potential sponsors to navigate through options and find the one that best fits their budget and marketing goals.

Narrator slide: A dedicated slide narrates the success of past events. This builds credibility, but also lets readers explore the tangible benefits previous sponsors have enjoyed at their own pace.

Summit sponsorship proposal

This proposal stands out by effectively communicating the value proposition to potential sponsors, showcasing how their brand can benefit from being associated with the summit.

Testimonials slide: Including a slide dedicated to testimonials from previous sponsors or partners, complete with customizable logos, adds a layer of trust and credibility.

Option to embed external links: The ability to embed external links within the proposal offers sponsors direct access to more detailed information, such as past event highlights, detailed sponsorship package benefits, or even media coverage.

Multiple image and video placeholders: Incorporating various placeholders for images and enables the presentation of compelling content that can showcase past events, highlight attendee testimonials, or even offer a virtual tour of the venue.

Conference sponsorship proposal

This conference sponsorship proposal stands out for its strategic approach to presenting information, its innovative features designed to enhance sponsor engagement, and its visually appealing presentation.

It serves as an effective tool for securing sponsorships and reflects your company’s professionalism and commitment to creating mutually beneficial partnerships.

Option to extract branding from any website: This innovative feature allows you to easily integrate your branding into the event's promotional materials, ensuring a seamless and consistent brand presence throughout the conference.

Perfect balance of text and visuals: The proposal strikes an ideal balance between informative text and engaging visuals, making it easy for potential sponsors to quickly grasp the event's essence and the sponsorship opportunities available.

Clean layout: The clean and organized layout of the proposal ensures that information is presented clearly and concisely, making it easy for readers to navigate through the different sections and understand the key points.

Conference sponsorship deck

By combining scroll-based design, actionable features, and smart security measures, this conference sponsorship deck conveys the value of the event and facilitates a smooth transition from interest to action.

Scroll-based design: As viewers scroll through the deck, they're taken on a guided journey through the conference's highlights, sponsorship packages, and key benefits. This keeps potential sponsors engaged and interested in learning more.

Embedded calendar: Including a calendar as a call-to-action is a smart move. It enables potential sponsors to immediately book a meeting or express interest, reducing the friction in the follow-up process and increasing the chances of securing sponsorship.

Smart control measures: The ability to lock the deck with a password adds an extra layer of security and exclusivity. It ensures that only intended recipients can access the information, protecting sensitive details about the event and sponsorship opportunities.

Proposal for organizing a conference event

This proposal, while more aligned with event organization, showcases a dynamic and engaging approach to presenting a conference concept.

It's a vivid example of how modern proposals can captivate and communicate effectively, blending detailed planning with interactive elements to draw the reader in.

Average reading time on the cover: Immediately, readers know how much time they'll need to invest, setting expectations and respecting their time from the outset.

Dynamic variables for personalization: The use of placeholders like {{first_name}} suggests a tailored experience, making each reader feel directly addressed and valued.

Running numbers for key metrics: Presenting key metrics such as the number of events organized and happy customers offers concrete evidence of success, building trust and credibility.

Conference event proposal

This proposal is an example of how to effectively communicate the essence, value, and logistical details of a significant corporate event.

By incorporating a clear event program timeline, showcasing their portfolio, and enabling social media engagement, it effectively positions the summit as a must-attend event for industry leaders looking to drive business success through innovation and collaboration.

Timeline slide: The proposal includes a timeline slide that provides an overview of the event's program. It outlines the sequence of sessions and workshops, ensuring attendees understand the flow of the event and the value it offers.

Option to add a portfolio: This option lets you showcase previous successful events and build trust with potential attendees and sponsors by providing tangible evidence of your expertise.

Social media icons: The proposal cleverly integrates social media icons with external links, enabling readers to easily connect with you on various platforms.

How do you write a conference proposal?

Writing a conference proposal is more than just pitching an idea; it's about crafting a message that resonates with both the organizers and the attendees.

It requires you to distill complex concepts into a compelling narrative, focusing on maximizing impact and alignment with conference goals.

Here's how to write your conference proposal to capture attention and secure your spot on the stage.

1) Understand the selection criteria

Start by getting familiar with the conference's goals and themes. Tailoring your proposal to reflect these specifics shows that you've done your homework and are committed to contributing value.

Whether it's highlighting how your topic supports the conference's overarching theme or addressing a gap in the current discourse, alignment with the conference's goals is crucial.

2) Identify current trends or unique angles

Understanding what's currently trending in your field can significantly enhance the relevance of your proposal. Dive into recent journals, conference programs, and discussions with peers to grasp the hot topics.

However, the key is not just to follow the trends but to offer a fresh perspective or a unique angle on a well-trodden subject.

This approach ensures your proposal adds new value to the ongoing conversation, making it more appealing to conference organizers.

3) Craft a compelling abstract

Your abstract is the essence of your presentation, distilled into a few powerful sentences. It should clearly articulate the problem you're addressing, your unique approach or solution, and the impact or takeaway for the audience.

A well-crafted abstract makes your proposal stand out by providing a clear and engaging summary of what attendees can expect.

4) Clearly define your intended audience

Identifying your target audience within the proposal shows that you've considered who will find your session most valuable.

Detailing this helps organizers see how your presentation fits into the broader conference agenda and appeals to attendees.

5) Choose the best format for your message

Conferences offer various formats for presentations, from workshops and poster sessions to panels and individual talks. Selecting the right format for your content can enhance its impact.

Consider your strengths and the nature of your message when choosing how to present it. Interactive workshops are great for practical takeaways, while panel discussions can offer diverse perspectives on a complex issue.

6) Use data to support your proposal

Where applicable, include data or research findings that support the need for your session or its relevance.

This could be survey results indicating interest in your topic, statistics highlighting a problem your session addresses, or data from your own research.

Including evidence makes your proposal more persuasive and underscores the value of your contribution.

7) Define clear outcomes

Be explicit about what you want your audience to learn or achieve by attending your session. Whether it's new knowledge, skills, or perspectives, your proposal should outline the specific outcomes you aim for.

Design your presentation to deliver these outcomes, ensuring your audience leaves with valuable insights they can apply in their own contexts.

8) Incorporate active learning opportunities

Modern audiences expect more than just to listen; they want to participate. Design your session to include opportunities for active learning, such as discussions, hands-on activities, or interactive Q&A segments.

Highlighting these elements in your proposal can make your session more attractive to both organizers and attendees.

9) Submit multiple proposals

If the conference allows, submitting more than one proposal can significantly increase your chances of being selected. Each proposal is a unique opportunity to showcase a different aspect of your expertise or interest.

However, ensure each idea is well-thought-out and relevant to the conference themes. This strategy not only shows your enthusiasm but also your versatility as a speaker.

10) Incorporate evidence of past success

Your proposal should clearly communicate why you are the right person to present on the topic. Include brief mentions of your education, experience, or unique insights that qualify you as an expert.

If you've spoken at other conferences or have relevant accomplishments, briefly mention these in your proposal.

If you're early in your career, consider co-presenting with a more experienced colleague to combine fresh perspectives with proven expertise.

11) End with a smart call to action

Incorporating a smart call to action, such as an embedded calendar link for a meeting or a QR code for additional resources, can set your proposal apart.

It shows you're proactive and ready to engage further, making it easier for the committee to envision working with you.

Example of an effective call to action:

Accept button example

Interactive conference proposal templates

Starting from scratch on a conference proposal can be quite challenging. You need to strike the perfect balance between being informative and engaging, without overwhelming your audience with too much text.

Interactive conference proposal templates serve as a structured guide, helping you navigate through the essential components of your proposal.

They ensure that you cover all the necessary points in a concise manner, making the writing process smoother and more efficient.

Just grab one.

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Tips for developing a successful conference abstract.

Newberry, Lynn W. DNP, RN, CEN, NE-BC

Lynn W. Newberry is the education and outreach program manager at the American Nurses Credentialing Center in Silver Spring, Md.


In our current dynamic healthcare environment, dissemination of data obtained through nursing research and/or quality improvement (QI) projects is paramount. Information that emerges from research and projects can be disseminated through several avenues, including podium and poster presentations or written publications.

Nurses are expert clinicians but not necessarily expert writers. Although presenting at a conference can be an important aspect of professional development, few nurses receive formal training or mentorship to prepare them for research, publication, or oral/poster presentations. All too often, the idea of being a nurse author is associated with being in academia or a researcher. Nurses often reject the notion of writing, dismissing it as time-consuming and too challenging. 1

Historically, the writing landscape for nurses has been in journals; however, over the last 10 years, we've seen an increase in research dissemination through nursing conference presentations. (See Types of nursing conferences .) Although many people consider public speaking to be daunting, disseminating research and findings from QI projects through conference presentations provides an opportunity to share insights and network with professional peers. 2

To be considered for a conference presentation, an abstract—a summary of the key points to be presented—is often necessary. 3 The goal of the abstract is to convince the conference organizers that the information is worthy of dissemination. This article presents steps for developing and submitting a conference abstract, as well as strategies for success.

Choosing the right conference

The first step in abstract development is choosing the right conference. It's important to identify a conference with an abstract call that fits your topic. A conference may be driven by themes or learning objectives requiring alignment of all abstracts, call for clinical innovation or research abstracts only, accept works in progress, or only accept completed projects. Considerations include the focus of the conference, the target audience, and the audience size. In addition, virtual conferences afford new opportunities, including presenting internationally. For an example of an abstract call, see 2022 ANCC Pathway to Excellence ® and ANCC National Magnet ® Conference abstract call .

The number of abstracts submitted for conference presentations has steadily increased, thus leading to a more competitive selection process. Before preparing an abstract, you must understand and carefully follow the conference's instructions for submission. The ability to follow directions is crucial; not adhering to the guidelines will automatically eliminate the abstract from consideration. 1 Only a small number of submitted abstracts are selected for conference inclusion due to limited space. Even projects of excellent quality can be rejected, but don't let this be discouraging.

Elements of abstract submission

Once you've selected the conference and thoroughly read the requirements, it's time to develop your abstract. Due to the volume of abstracts reviewed, you have minutes to make a strong impression. If the reviewers can't grasp the story within the first few sentences or are confused on their first pass, they'll likely reject the submission.

When composing an abstract, word choice makes a difference. Certain terms are traditionally associated with projects and methods, so interchanging words implies either carelessness or lack of knowledge, which can make the abstract questionable. Abstracts are supposed to be concise, yet informative. Using words or phrases that don't add value will distract the reviewers. Avoid common pitfalls, such as excessive medical jargon, unnecessary abbreviations, and colloquialisms that may not be familiar to the reviewers. 4

The most expedient and effective method of creating an abstract is to type it first in a word processing program. This allows you to easily use the required font size and cut and paste the abstract body into the submission site template. Because most abstract calls have a word or character limit, using a word processing program also helps keep track of this requirement.

Elements of abstract submission often vary depending on the type of conference and whether you're presenting original research or evidence-based practice findings. 5 The conference abstract may contain the following.

Title . A title that captures the reviewers' interest is critical. Compose a clear and concise title that meets the conference theme to grasp the reviewers' attention and leave a great first impression. Titles are often limited to 12 words. Consider making the title appealing but avoid being too clever because this might deter the reviewers.

Purpose . Identify the overall goal and context of the presentation. Highlight the importance of the topic and identify the problem, gaps, or challenges that led to the research/project. Avoid generalities and be specific. What are people supposed to learn or be able to do because of attending your presentation? 4

Strategy and implementation . Describe the initiative, actions, and process of implementation. What has been done and how? Ensure that the description of methods flows sequentially in the order they occurred. If this is a research project, include design, sample, instruments, data collection procedures, and the analytic method used. It's important that these aspects are presented in a format of interventions and activities so the audience can translate findings into practice or actionable work to achieve outcomes. 2

Evaluation/outcomes . Describe analytic findings and include evaluation data to establish the value of the project. Indicate if the project was a success or a failure. Note the importance of the work and discuss the connection between your findings and the identified problem, gaps, or challenges. Research project presentations should include quantitative or qualitative data and must link to concrete results; stronger abstracts show how the results impact practice or patient outcomes.

Implications for practice . Discuss the relevance of the findings to nursing practice. Interpret the meaning and significance of the results, outcomes, or findings and share important points inferred from them. 6

Submitting the abstract

Once you've finished the abstract, step away from it. Then, look it over with a fresh perspective, which can help with the editing process. Make sure the language flows and is congruent throughout. Perform a careful spell check and avoid or minimize abbreviations when possible. It's always a good idea to have multiple people read the abstract before submission. Consider asking for feedback from coauthors, a mentor, or colleagues not involved in the project. 1 Their thoughts and feedback based on experience and knowledge bring added value to the abstract's development.

Keep in mind the abstract writing and submission process generally takes more time than anticipated. Factor in time to address potential technical glitches with online submission. Lastly, be sure to include all necessary forms, such as biographic and contact information. 2

Once you submit the abstract, a conference committee team consisting of expert reviewers will score it according to the criteria required for submission. Typically, your identity is blinded from reviewers, allowing objectivity during the scoring process. Conference abstract reviewers unfamiliar with the project will compare it against selection criteria and other abstracts to decide whether to include the presentation in the conference program. You'll receive notification of results after the completion of the review. 7

Upon acceptance of your abstract, there will be several deadlines from the conference committee that you need to meet. These are often provided in the abstract call, so read the requirements carefully. Key deadlines may include confirming acceptance to present, registering for the conference, and preparing the presentation. Many conference committees require submission of the presentation months in advance of the conference.

Knowledge sharing

Nurse leaders play a pivotal role in the dissemination of nursing practice and research. Although writing a conference abstract can be time-consuming and occasionally daunting or frustrating, it's also rewarding, especially when you receive an acceptance notice. It's through opportunities such as presenting at conferences that nurses contribute to the greater good of the professional community. As we work to advance the nursing profession and promote a positive practice environment, consider telling your story and sharing your knowledge with others.

Types of nursing conferences

There are several types of nursing conferences, including, local, regional, state, national, and international meetings. Many professional nursing organizations offer annual conferences, and some include poster and podium presentation opportunities, as well as opportunities for first-time presenters. With the additional use of adjunctive technology, conferences have been able to expand into the virtual space, affording the opportunity for nurses to present and connect with their colleagues in another part of the country or even the world without the extra cost of travel.

2022 ANCC Pathway to Excellence ® and ANCC National Magnet ® Conference abstract call

The 2022 ANCC Pathway to Excellence Conference will be held October 13 to 15, 2022, in Philadelphia, Pa. The conference call for abstracts opens on November 1, 2021, and closes on December 13, 2021, at 11:59 p.m. EST.

Conference goals and topic areas

The conference learning goals/outcomes are to:

  • examine the positive impact of shared governance, effective leadership, and interprofessional partnerships that exemplify workplace excellence
  • evaluate evidence-based practice, research, quality, and safety initiatives
  • assess nurse-driven and organizational initiatives to foster a culture of health and safeguard clinician and community well-being
  • demonstrate the value of lifelong learning and nurse empowerment for organizational outcomes.

Abstract submission guidelines

  • All abstracts must be submitted online in alignment with provided guidelines ( ).
  • Abstracts must not exceed the published character limits (2,500 total character limit).
  • Abstracts may be submitted for oral (podium), poster, or either presentation. Abstracts submitted for oral presentation will be considered for oral or poster presentation unless otherwise specified by the primary presenter.
  • Abstracts must align with one or more conference goals and be submitted for one track only.
  • The following may not be entered in the abstract system: charts, graphs, bullet points, indentations, or references.
  • Files and/or videos may not be uploaded as attachments.
  • Review your abstract for grammar and spelling errors before submission. Proper grammar and accuracy reflect the quality of your abstract.
  • If a Pathway to Excellence (PTE) organization is presenting with a nonPTE organization or employee, the primary presenter must be the PTE employee. The PTE employee must have a primary role in the actual presentation.

Acceptance criteria

Those accepted for presentation at the conference are required to:

  • respond with their intent by the designated date in the email invitation
  • accept presenter guidelines in the online system
  • register for the conference by the 2022 early bird deadline
  • assume costs associated with full registration, travel, and accommodations for the conference
  • authenticate a speaker release form and acceptance of guidelines via the Speaker Center in the online abstract system per the acceptance email
  • upload the electronic presentation (oral or poster) and handouts to the online system by the date listed in the acceptance email.
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American Psychological Association

Conference Presentation References

This page contains reference examples for works presented at conferences and meetings, including the following:

  • Conference presentation
  • Abstract of a conference presentation

1. Conference presentation

Evans, A. C., Jr., Garbarino, J., Bocanegra, E., Kinscherff, R. T., & Márquez-Greene, N. (2019, August 8–11). Gun violence: An event on the power of community [Conference presentation]. APA 2019 Convention, Chicago, IL, United States.

  • Parenthetical citation : (Evans et al., 2019)
  • Narrative citation : Evans et al. (2019)
  • Provide the names of the presenters in the author element of the reference.
  • Provide the full dates of the conference in the date element of the reference.
  • Describe the presentation in square brackets after the title. The description is flexible (e.g., “[Conference session],” “[Paper presentation],” “[Poster session],” “[Keynote address]”).
  • Provide the name of the conference or meeting and its location in the source element of the reference.
  • If video of the conference presentation is available, include a link at the end of the reference.

2. Abstract of a conference presentation

Cacioppo, S. (2019, April 25–28). Evolutionary theory of social connections: Past, present, and future [Conference presentation abstract]. Ninety-ninth annual convention of the Western Psychological Association, Pasadena, CA, United States.

  • Parenthetical citation : (Cacioppo, 2019)
  • Narrative citation : Cacioppo (2019)
  • To cite only the abstract of a conference presentation, include the word “abstract” as part of the bracketed description (e.g., “[Conference presentation abstract]”).

Conference presentation references are covered in the seventh edition Publication Manual Section 10.5

conference presentation writing

Enago Academy

Beyond the Podium: Understanding the differences in conference and academic presentations

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Conferences can be captivating as it where knowledge meets presentation skills. They serve as dynamic platforms where scholars, researchers, and professionals interact to share insights, exchange ideas, and foster collaboration. The importance of conferences lies in their ability to nurture intellectual growth, stimulate discussions, and propel academic advancements. Let’s uncover the intricacies of various conference presentations to help you shine in the academic spotlight.

The Multi-faceted Nature of Conference

Conference is a broad term that encompasses various professional/ academic events. As we delve deeper into such events, we encounter different types of conferences, each serving a specific purpose. Common types of conferences include Business Conferences, Academic Conferences, Educational Conferences, Scientific Conferences, Social/ Cultural Conferences, Peace Conferences, Trade Conferences, Press or News Conferences, and Authors’ Conferences.

In addition to the different types of conferences, there are several types of conference presentations. Understanding them is important to make the right presentation for a conference before submitting your abstract.

Types of Conference Presentations

Here are the commonly used formats for conference presentations:

1. Oral Presentation

Oral presentations are the standard form of presentation where the speaker(s) share details about their research questions , methodology , findings, applications, etc. It lasts between 15-30 minutes. Oral presentations can be further divided into four subtypes:

1.1. Student Presentation:

These presentations emphasize on students work and offer them an opportunity to share their work with the academic community.

1.2. Panel Discussion:

Panel discussions are delivered by a panel of speakers who share different aspects of the presentations. Furthermore, such events are generally more open and characterized by engaging discussions.

2. Poster Presentation

Poster presentations are less formal platforms to share your work in a visual format. Presenters summarize their work in a visually appealing poster and display them for the attendees to understand.

Both oral and poster presentations serve as integral components of conferences, catering to different learning preferences and promoting the exchange of knowledge among researchers and professionals in diverse fields.

However, based on the difference in the content, and the intended audience, conference presentations can be divided as:

1. Academic Presentations

Academic presentations at conferences are the bedrock of knowledge dissemination. They showcase research findings, theories, and contribute to the collective intellectual discourse.

  • General Elements : Title and Authorship, Introduction , Objectives/  Hypothesis, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, and Recommendations
  • Who Presents: Researchers, Scholars, Academics, Graduate Students, and Professionals
  • For Whom: Peers, Fellow Researchers, Scholars, Academics, Professionals, Reviewers, and Critics

2. Research Presentations

Research presentations delve into the specifics of a study, highlighting methodologies, results, and implications. Additionally, they bridge the gap between theory and practical application, offering a comprehensive view of the research process.

  • General Elements: Title Slide, Introduction, Objectives/ Hypothesis , Literature Review , Research Design and Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, and Recommendations
  • Who Presents: Researchers or Scholars who conducted the study, Primary Author(s), Principal Investigator, Graduate Students, and Collaborators
  • For Whom: Peers and Colleagues, Academic Community, Reviewers and Assessors, Industry Professionals, Policy Makers and Practitioners, and Funding Agencies

3. Grant Proposal Presentations

These presentations aim to convince funding bodies about the significance and viability of a proposed project. However, they require a blend of persuasive communication and a clear articulation of the project’s objectives and potential impact.

  • General Elements: Introduction, Background and Rationale , Objectives and Goals, Methods and Approach, Timeline, Budget, Evaluation and Metrics, Sustainability and Long-term Impact, Collaborations and Partnerships, Team Qualifications and Expertise, Plan of Action, and Challenges and Mitigation Strategies
  • Who Presents: Principal Investigator, Co-Investigators or Collaborators, Project Team Members, Institutional Representatives, Community or Stakeholder Representatives, and Advisors or Mentors (for Students)
  • For Whom: Granting Organization Representatives, Review Committee or Panel, Advisory Board, Potential Collaborators or Partners, Community Stakeholders, Internal Team or Collaborators, and Public or Lay Audience (Rarely)

4. Thesis Presentations

Thesis presentations mark the culmination of academic endeavors. They involve presenting the key findings and contributions of a research project undertaken for a degree, providing an opportunity for peers and experts to evaluate the work.

  • General Elements: Title Slide, Author’s Name and Affiliation, Date of the Presentation, Introduction, Background and Context, Research Objectives and Hypotheses, Methodology, Results, Discussion , Contribution to the Field, Limitations, Conclusion, Recommendations for Future Research, and References
  • Who Presents: Thesis Candidate (Student), Thesis Committee, and Thesis Advisor (Supervisor)
  • For Whom: Instructors and Evaluators, Peers and Classmates, Academic Community, and Reviewers

Understanding different types of presentations in conferences can empower researchers to make appropriate presentations that meets the requirement of the conference. However, to make your presentations  more interactive, here is a downloadable guide with specific tips for conference presentations .

Making each presentation type distinct involves tailoring your approach based on the purpose, audience, and format of the presentation. To maximize your conference experience, consider participating in interactive sessions and networking with the other participants . Engage with your peers, ask questions, and embrace the collaborative spirit that conferences embody.

The diverse array of conference presentations creates a vibrant tapestry of knowledge sharing. Each format offers a unique avenue for researchers and professionals to showcase their work and connect with a broader audience. So, whether you find yourself behind a podium or beside a poster board, remember that the power of conferences lies in the collective exchange of ideas, where each presenter and attendee contributes to the saga of knowledge and discovery.

Frequently Asked Questions

Creating a successful conference presentation involves careful planning, organization, and effective communication. Here are steps to guide you through the process: 1. Understand Your Audience 2. Define Your Objectives 3. Understand the conference type 4. Create a Clear Structure 5. Craft Engaging Content 6. Practice Time Management 7. Prepare for Q&A

An academic presentation is a formal communication of research findings, scholarly work, or educational content delivered to an audience within an academic or professional setting. These presentations occur in various formats, such as lectures, seminars, workshops, or conference sessions, and they serve the purpose of sharing knowledge, insights, and research outcomes with peers, students, or other members of the academic community. Academic presentations can cover a wide range of topics, including research methodologies, experimental results, literature reviews, theoretical frameworks, and educational practices.

A conference presentation is a formal communication delivered at a conference, seminar, symposium, or similar academic or professional gathering. These presentations serve as a means for researchers, scholars, professionals, and experts to share their work, findings, and insights with a wider audience. Conference presentations cover a diverse range of topics, including research studies, case analyses, theoretical frameworks, and practical applications within various fields. They play a crucial role in the advancement of academic and professional fields by facilitating the exchange of ideas, fostering collaboration, and showcasing the latest research and developments in a given area of study.

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Learning is a process and does not end. You keep on wanting to know more. I have learnt a lot .

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Formatting rules, various examples.

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Presenter, A. A. & Presenter, B. B.


 (year, Month date range).

[Type of contribution].


Conference Name, Location.




Author, A. A. & Author, B. B.


 (year, Month date range).

Title of contribution: Use sentence case.

In C. C.  Chairperson (Chair), [Symposium].  Conference Name, Location.



Adapted from American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed).

  • Date should match the date(s) of the full conference
  • Conference Proceedings published in journal or book should follow the same format for a journal or edited book chapter

Paper from published conference proceedings available online

Dahal, G.  (2016).    Paper presented at the 3 Teaching and Education Conference, Barcelona Spain.  Retrieved from

Paper from published conference proceedings available in print

Arem, G. L. (2006). The effects of teaching and playing experience on ability to diagnose a motor skill. In P. Brewer & Firmin, M. (Eds.), (pp.1-20). Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.

Paper presentation

Zhang, H. & Llebot, C.  (2019, April).  [Paper presentation]. Association of College and Research Libraries meeting, Cleveland, OH.

See Ch. 10 pp. 313-352 of APA Manual for more examples and formatting rules

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How to Write Conference Presentation Objectives

Presenter: Robert Maribe Branch, Ed.D., professor, University of Georgia

The purpose of a learning objective is to specify a measurable performance. Learning objectives are what the presenter wants his or her participants to learn because of the conference presentation.   Learning objectives are like the destination for a trip you’re about to take. It is important to note that learning objectives are goals, not the activities performed to achieve those goals. They’re the end that you have in mind as you begin to plan your trip. Categories of learning, such as Bloom’s Taxonomy can be used to specify learning outcomes. Learning objectives specify knowledge, skills or attitudes for change. Bloom's taxonomy specifically targets these by seeking to increase knowledge (cognitive domain), develop skills (psychomotor domain) or develop emotional aptitude or balance (affective domain).

The cognitive domain is divided into several levels with the lowest skill level placed on the bottom level and the higher levels radiating upward:

  • Evaluation (Highest level)
  • Application
  • Comprehension
  • Knowledge (Lowest level)

Steps toward writing effective learning objectives:

  • Make sure there is one measurable (performance) verb in each objective
  • Limit one performance verb per learning objective
  • Learning objectives are concise
  • Performances are expressed in terms of what the participant will do (not the presenter)
  • Objectives are realistic and represent authentic outcomes

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How to Write a Speaker Bio for a Conference (with Examples)

Matthieu Chartier, PhD.

Published on 28 Jul 2022

Author bios, or speaker bios, can be used for a variety of purposes. They can be included as part of your application to present at a conference or posted to an event website to introduce yourself as a presenter at the event. Bios can also be helpful to have on your profile in the participant directory of the conference management tool used for the event, so that others to know what you’re working on. 

For many, an author bio is their first introduction to their peers – sort of like a digital, written handshake. In the world of academic conferences, conference programmes and websites will include a biography of every speaker.

An interesting, engaging bio can help encourage others to participate in the event, and impact the number of people who attend your presentation, so it’s important to take your time, do your research, and write a biography that will highlight the characteristics that set you apart from the rest. 

How do you write a good short bio?

Start by taking notes of your strengths and accomplishments. Look at your CV and pull out the very basics like where you went to school and your primary area of interest, then add in the impressive details like fellowships, published pieces, or exciting collaborations.

Picture of speaker

Here are the detailed steps to take to write a bio that will inspire your peers to attend your presentation or connect with you in a breakout session.

Step 1: Find out the required length

When you’re writing a speaker bio for a specific conference, make sure you know the length of bio the organizer is looking for. Each conference will have its own guidelines, and some will even ask for two versions – a longer one for the event website and a shorter one for the printed program. 

Step 2. Write in the third person

Write your bio as if you’re writing it about someone else. Not only is this the most common format for a speaker biography, but it gives you the opportunity to add many details of your success and experiences without coming across as pompous or arrogant. Writing in the third person gives some authors more confidence to speak about themselves and their accomplishments. 

Start out with your full name, then decide whether to refer to yourself throughout using your first name or last name. For less formal events, using your first name creates an air of familiarity, while referring to yourself by your last name is more professional and formal. 

Step 3: Make a list of the basics

There are basic pieces of information that should be included in every speaker's biography.

  • Your full name
  • Your credentials
  • Where you completed your graduate studies
  • Your current position and where you work
  • Your areas of interest
  • How your experience is relevant and beneficial to the focus of the event
  • Your most notable accomplishments - avoid building a laundry-list of published pieces, focus on the most impressive
  • If you’ve published in any top peer-reviewed journals like Science, Nature, or the equivalent for your field, be sure to include this 
  • List any patents you hold or any breakthrough findings
  • Note any impressive research collaborations with well-known subject matter experts

Step 4: Write to your audience

Get to know your audience before you start writing. I don’t mean get to know them personally – that will happen at the event. I mean get an understanding of the demographics and areas of interest of the potential conference attendees that will be reading your bio. 

If you’re presenting at an ornithology conference and your audience is passionate about hands-on research, focus the content of your bio more heavily towards your applied experience studying birds. You can do this by highlighting the hands-on research you’ve done rather than the degrees and certifications you’ve earned. In this example, when discussing your PhD thesis, you would focus on the part of your research that led you to travel to Antarctica to study the Wandering Albatross migration. 

If your audience is made up primarily of institutional academics, highlight who funded your research and which institutions you were collaborating with when the work was being conducted. For example, focus the mention of your PhD thesis around the fact that you studied at UCLA under one of their many renowned Professors of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. 

Step 5: Add some personality

One way to set yourself apart from other speakers is to inject some fun into your bio. You want it to be interesting and engaging – that’s how you will encourage other conference attendees to read the biography from start to finish. Don’t be afraid to try out some wordplay or alliterations. While there are great bios that start out with the speaker’s primary research area, some of the most engaging bios start off with a sentence or statement that is bold, unexpected, and captures your reader’s attention. 

Examples of speakers' bio

Here are two good examples of the type of speaker’s biographies you’ll find on conference websites and programs. 

Brandon Farbstein

Brandon Farbstein’s bio is short, it’s interesting, and it opens with information that highlights the attributes that set him apart from other speakers. It gets personal and draws the reader in. Personally, if I saw this bio in a conference program I would definitely make time in my schedule to attend this presentation. 

“At just 20, Brandon Farbstein has already made a name for himself worldwide as a sought-after speaker and prominent Gen Z activist. Diagnosed with a rare form of dwarfism at the age of 2, Brandon stands at 3’9” – making his life’s journey full of adversity, strength, and impact. After feeling invisible and without a purpose for the first 15 years of his life, he discovered his calling on the TEDx stage, and suddenly realized his life’s meaning: to change the lens through which people see their world.  In just three years of speaking, over five million people across the globe have been inspired by Brandon; and his work continues to touch audiences from every walk of life.”

One notable thing lacking here is clear information about Brandon’s work. We know a lot about him personally, we know that he’s a TEDx speaker, and we know that his work has impacted millions of people, but we really don’t know what he actually does. 

Nicole Redvers

Nicole Redvers' bio starts by identifying her personal connection to her field of study, peaking the interest of readers and making it clear that she is passionate about her work. She goes on to cover her specific area of research, the institutions she’s connected with, and the advocacy works she’s involved with to advance her research in a way that will improve the lives of others. 

“Dr. Nicole Redvers, ND, MPH, is a member of the Deninu K’ue First Nation in Denendeh (NWT) and has worked with Indigenous patients, scholars, and communities around the globe her entire career. She is an assistant professor in the Department of Family and Community Medicine and the Department of Indigenous Health at the University of North Dakota where she helped develop and launch the first Indigenous health PhD program. Dr. Redvers is co-founder and current board chair of the Canadian charity the Arctic Indigenous Wellness Foundation based in Yellowknife, NWT, providing traditional Indigenous-rooted Land-based wellness supports to northerners. She has been actively involved at regional, national, and international levels promoting the inclusion of Indigenous perspectives in both human and planetary health research and practice. She is author of the trade paperback book titled, ‘The Science of the Sacred: Bridging Global Indigenous Medicine Systems and Modern Scientific Principles’.”

One thing I like about this bio is that it takes the reader through a logical flow of information that ends with Redvers’ most notable accomplishments. 

A good speaker's bio is short, direct, and sparks interest. It provides the speaker with an opportunity to connect with conference attendees before the event begins, and it provides event attendees with an introduction to the speakers presenting at the event which will help them determine which presentations they want to attend.

With the instructions we provided and half an hour of your time, you’ll have a bio that stands out from the rest!

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Conference Session Descriptions That Whet the Appetite

March 16, 2010 by Jeff Hurt

Conference Session Titles That Whet The Appetite

This is the first in a series on writing better conference session descriptions. This overview article was written (well, ghostwritten by me in collaboration with Dave Lutz) for Dave’s People & Processes column in PCMA’s March edition of Convene . In subsequent posts, we’ll explore conference sessions titles, descriptions and learner objectives in more detail.

Why Conference Session Descriptions Matter

Meeting professionals spend countless hours on the room setup, F&B, hotel negotiations, speaker selection, AV and other conference logistics. Yet little time is spent on crafting the best session titles, descriptions and learner objectives.

A lot rests on conference session descriptions . How well you convey what — and how — content will be available to attendees may be the deciding factor in whether they register in the first place. We can do better.

Four Conference Session Practices That Matter

Here are four simple best practices to get you started.

1. Come up with a good, intriguing session title.

It’s the first and perhaps only impression you’ll make on a potential attendee. The primary purpose of a title is to get the attendee to read the first sentence of the description. Which of the following two session titles makes you want to read more?

Plenary Session — The State of the [fill in the blank] Industry or What Everyone Ought to Know About the Macro Trends Affecting the [fill in the blank] Industry.

The second title does a better job of piquing the reader’s interest.

2. Liven up your session description.

Most conference session descriptions are dull, leading attendees to believe that the presentation will be the same. A session description should get the reader to say, “Hmm, that sounds interesting. What do the Learner Objectives [LOs] look like?”

Focus on the reader. Make a promise and address the WIIFM (What’s In It For Me?) benefits of the presentation. The word limits imposed on most session descriptions is not the challenge. It’s choosing the right words to accurately describe the session, pull readers in and get them to commit to attending the session.

3. Craft strong Learner Objectives.

These statements that follow the session description describe what the participant is expected to achieve (outcomes) as result of attending. To move attendees up the pyramid of cognitive skills, Bloom’s Taxonomy should be factored into session development and description.

Strong LOs have three distinguishing characteristics: They are

  • measurable (you can evaluate them immediately upon leaving the session) and
  • actively done by the participant.

Which of these two LOs do you think is better?

After attending the session, participants will be able to:

  • Increase their sales by 50 percent and maintain critical partnerships.
  • Identify seven ways to improve their sales and maintain critical partnerships.

The first LO has sex appeal, but it is misleading and not measurable. Have you ever walked out of a conference session and automatically improved your skills by 50 percent? Of course not. The second meets all three LO characteristics.

Including two or three LOs with session descriptions will help participants choose the presentation that’s right for them.

4. Spell out who should attend both by group and experience level.

This is a critical component that should be included in conference marketing materials. Many attendees have walked out of a session and said, “That workshop was not for me. I wish the session description had been more specific.”

Event professionals should also label the appropriate audience for each session in terms of experience level — novice, intermediate, veteran — and niche area (as well as other categories specific to each industry). This simple addition won’t take much space and can reap great attendee benefits.

The primary purpose of a session title is to get the reader to read the first sentence of the session description. The primary purpose of the first sentence is to get the reader to the second sentence. And so on, through to the learner objectives.

By the time the reader has read the title, description, and learner objectives, the goal is to get the reader to attend the session. Ultimately, the goal of the conference organizer is for the session titles, descriptions and learner objectives to accurately match the presentation that is delivered.

On the Web: Learn more about writing solid Learner Objectives from the American Association of Law Libraries .

This post was reprinted with permission of Convene , the magazine of the Professional Convention Management Association. © 2010

So what do you look for in conference event descriptions? What whet’s your appetite in conference session descriptions and makes you want to attend a session?

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Filed Under: Conference Education , Event Planning

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I want it to sound fun and like I might get a smile out of listening to the speaker…or that the speaker is truly an expert who will encourage higher order thinking and interaction.

I also don’t want it to sound too catchy and fluffy – with no meat. Which ties right back to your focus on learner objectives.

Thanks Jeff, great tips for writing my speaker proposals 🙂 Midori Connolly, Chief AVGirl

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[…] second in a series of posts on writing better conference session descriptions. Read the first post Conference Descriptions That Whet The Appetite, an overview of the four elements of a successful conference […]

[…] third in a series of posts on writing better conference session descriptions. Read the first post Conference Descriptions That Whet The Appetite, an overview of the four elements of a successful conference description, or second post How To […]

[…] in a series of posts on writing better conference session descriptions. Read the previous posts Conference Descriptions That Whet The Appetite, an overview of the four elements of a successful conference description, How To Write Killer […]

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I agree the content must be robust and live with passion and audience participation. If the conference is intended to confer then ensure that there is a variety of meeting techniques and fluid engagement. In order for audience to participate the planning and pre meeting outline must also be clear and content alive with anticipation. The first part of the agendas at meeting must embrace audience expectation and establish theme for the conference approach. Fantastic article and again one that actually encourages thinking and exploration not just status quo.

[…] Conference Session Descriptions That Whet the Appetite […]

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Biden’s Heartbreaking Press Conference

His pathos should not become America’s tragedy.

A close-up photo of President Joe Biden speaking at a press conference

Produced by ElevenLabs and News Over Audio (NOA) using AI narration.

So here’s the heartbreak.

Three-quarters of an hour of detailed, sophisticated answers. Mastery of detail. Knowledge of world personalities. Courtesy to the reporters before him. Accurate recall of facts and figures. Justified pride in a record of accomplishment. A spark of sharp humor at the very end.

Also: Verbal stumbles. Thoughts half-finished. Strangled vocal intonations. Flares of unprompted anger. Glimpses of the politician’s inner monologue—resentment at how underappreciated he is—spoken aloud, as it never should be, in all its narcissism and vulnerability.

Art restorers use the term photodegradation to describe the process by which a painting fades. The colors remain present; they just become less vivid. That’s the Joe Biden story.

Incumbent presidents lose or quit for one of three reasons: economic crisis, military failure, or party split. (Sometimes an incumbent is rocked by two at once, even all three, as Jimmy Carter was in 1980.) Biden’s economy is the best since the late 1960s. The United States is not directly at war. And until the June debate, the Democratic Party was united. But Biden’s particular miscues have created the kind of party split that devoured William Howard Taft in 1912 and George H. W. Bush in 1992.

Biden’s press conference tonight was intended to close his party’s split. He spoke as a party man to other party men and women. He expressed a keen awareness of the necessarily self-interested nature of his fellow politicians—“I get it”—when he described how they ask only whether the top of the ticket will help or hurt their own, downballot races.

Two very different things might have followed from that thought—but neither did. He might have tried to reassure his Democratic colleagues that he had some plan to turn things around, for him and for them. He did not do that, other than to vaguely suggest that things could be worse, the polls were not reliable, and other (unnamed) incumbent presidents had bounced back.

Not a line of argument likely to assuage anxious fellow Democrats.

The other line he might have tried could have been a Ted Kennedy–style “sail against the wind” appeal to deeply felt and widely shared party values—the things all Democrats consider worth fighting for and, if must be, losing for. That’s not the Biden way or the Biden language, but it was the only plausible Plan B to buck up his party. He did not execute that either.

What was left was an implicit reproach, a put-down of the downballot politician’s egotism in a top-of-the-ballot race. There was not much “you” and not much “us” in this press conference, but there was a lot of “I”: things I wanted to do, things I’d be disappointed not to finish.

The appealing and important fact about Biden is his expertise in the politician’s trade—so much so that my colleague Franklin Foer titled his book about Biden The Last Politician . The politician should recognize his own dispensability, his own replaceability. That’s why Congress hangs so many portraits on the walls, the great majority of them figures whom only specialists remember—and then only as fit to teach the lesson “He thought he was a big deal once, and now he’s gone. You think you’re a big deal now, but you’ll be gone someday, too.”

It’s human and humbling, a caution that most messiahs are false. But the messiah bug seems to have bitten Biden, of all unlikely victims.

Biden has been an astonishingly successful president. With a wafer-thin majority in the House and Senate in his first two years (and despite losing the House for his second), Biden enacted more major liberal legislation than any other president since Lyndon B. Johnson. He organized the successful defense of Ukraine against Russian invasion, expanded and invigorated NATO, and faced down internal opposition in his own party to stand by Israel in its hour of need.

Over his four years in office, one social indicator after another has turned positive after trending the wrong way under even the pre-pandemic Donald Trump: Crime is down, marriages are up; opioid deaths are down, the number of American births is up. Not all of this was his personal work, but it happened on his watch—and the opposite happened on the previous watch.

The great frustration of Biden’s life must be getting the presidency so late. He sought it in 1988, and again in 2008. He wanted it in 2016. Had he gained the Democratic nomination that year, the country might have been spared the Trump presidency, and Biden might now be completing his second term—uncontroversially aged by the office, but still recognizably himself. Instead, the presidency came to him when he still possessed the vigor and skill to do the job, but while the strength to gain and keep it was ebbing from him. At his press conference, he reminded me of an athlete who still knew where to aim the shots, but who could no longer muster the force to send them home.

As I watched this good man summoning all the power of his will against the weakening of his body, two Broadway songs came to mind. One from the musical Evita :

But on the other hand, she’s slowing down She’s lost a little of that magic drive. But I would not advise those critics present to derive Any satisfaction from her fading star. She’s the one who’s kept us where we are.

And the other from Hamilton :

If I say goodbye, the nation learns to move on It outlives me when I’m gone.

If Biden loses to Trump, the nation Biden believed in does not outlive him. A different America replaces it, one where the presidency can be contested by violence, with judicially conferred immunity for an attempted seizure of power. Collective security will be junked, with American military power at risk of being hired by whichever dictators pay bribes to the president and his family.

Biden’s career has been based on the clear-eyed calculus of political risk. But just as the clarity of his presence is fading with the passage of time, so also does the clarity of his perception seem to be degrading. He remembers what he was, and he wants to hold that former being forever. But time has no mercy for human yearning. It takes, and it does not give back.

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The Fed could slash rates by 200 points over 8 straight meetings as the economy heads for a sharper downtrend, Citi says

Jerome Powell holds out hands

Get ready for a bonanza of rate cuts from the Federal Reserve that starts in a few months and extends all the way into next summer, according to analysts at Citi Research.

In a note on Friday, the bank cited fresh signs of a slowing economy for its view that the Fed will trim rates by 25 basis points eight times, starting in September and extending to July 2025.

That will lower the benchmark rate by a whopping 200 basis points, or from 5.25%-5.5% now to 3.25%-3.5%, where they will remain for the rest of 2025, the note said.

The economy has cooled off from its “heady” pace in 2023 with inflation resuming its slowdown after some unexpected stickiness, said Citi analysts led by chief U.S. economist Andrew Hollenhorst.

But the Institute for Supply Management’s service-sector gauge, which abruptly reversed into negative territory, and the monthly jobs report, which showed unemployment rising to 4.1%, have raised the risk of a sharper weakening of economic activity and a faster pace of rate cuts, they added.

The data along with dovish comments from Fed Chair Jerome Powell on Tuesday suggest the first rate cut will very likely come in September.

“A continued softening of activity will provoke cuts at each of the subsequent seven Fed meetings, in our base case,” Citi predicted.

The note also pointed to other signs of weakness in the jobs report. While the headline payroll gain of 206,000 appears solid, prior months were revised down. And June saw a decline of 49,000 temporary services jobs, with Citi calling it “the type of decline that is typically seen around recessions as employers begin reducing labor with the least strongly attached workers.”

Payroll data are also likely skewed to the upside, leaving the unemployment rate, which is derived from a separate survey, as the more important metric, it said. And on that front, Citi pointed to the “Sahm Rule” recession indicator and said it could be triggered in August if unemployment continues to rise at its current pace.

Hollenhorst has been a relative contrarian this year by maintaining a dimmer view on the economy, even as the Wall Street consensus shifted to a soft landing.

In May, he doubled down on his warning that the U.S. is headed for a hard landing and that Fed rate cuts wouldn’t be enough to prevent it. That followed a similar forecast in February, even amid blowout jobs reports.

In an interview with Bloomberg TV on Wednesday , Hollenhorst noted that a sharp recession would likely produce enough political consensus for more government spending to stimulate the economy, overcoming concerns about the massive deficit. But a more mild recession may not result in such a consensus, he added.

He also pointed out that just as Fed rate hikes slowed the economy less than anticipated, rate cuts have not stimulate as much. In addition, 10-year bond yields, which serve as benchmarks for a wide range of borrowing costs, are already below 2-year yields, leaving less room for further downside, especially as rising deficits and inflation add upward pressure.

“Most economic activity is going to be more responsive to a 5-year yield, the 10-year yield. It’s not really about the overnight policy rate,” Hollenhorst explained. “So there really are questions about how much can you transmit that stimulative effect of lower policy rates.”

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Clear writing for Europe

Clear writing for Europe is a drive within the European Commission to help everyone in the Commission to write shorter, simpler, jargon-free texts. Launched in 2010 to build on the Fight the Fog campaign, it is organised by a team of editors with help from colleagues across the Commission. 

Clear writing for Europe offers authors practical advice and online resources, such as the  How to write clearly booklet  in 24 official languages, a weekly clear writing tip sent to around half of Commission staff and an email helpline. It also rewards drafters of clearly written Commission texts with an annual Clear Writing Award and organises training and awareness raising events for staff.

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Promoting clear writing and citizens’ language is important to all the EU institutions. Clear writing for Europe conferences in 2019 and 2021 highlighted efforts to ensure clear and effective written communication with EU citizens and drew together clear language professionals from across the EU.

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Keynote Presentations

Monday, july 22 | 4 pm | grand kentucky ballroom university of kentucky - sanders-brown center on aging: overview, activities, and resources linda j. van eldik - professor, sanders-brown center on aging.

Linda J. Van Eldik Professor, Sanders-Brown Center on Aging

The mission of the Sanders-Brown Center on Aging at the University of Kentucky is to enable healthy brain aging for all adults in Kentucky and beyond. For over 45 years, the Center has done pioneering research on the aging process and age-related brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. The Center also has active educational and training programs, outreach and partnerships, and clinical programs and services for the community. The keynote address will provide an overview of Center activities and resources, and discuss its research, education, outreach, and clinical programs that aim to improve the health and quality of life of all people as they age. 

Linda Jo Van Eldik, PhD, is Director of the Sanders-Brown Center on Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center, Co-Director of the Kentucky Neuroscience Institute, and Professor of Neuroscience, University of Kentucky, Lexington KY. Her background includes a PhD in Microbiology and Immunology from Duke University, postdoc in Virology and Cell Biology at Rockefeller University, NY, and faculty member at Vanderbilt University and Northwestern University, Chicago. She is an AAAS fellow and a National Advisory Council on Aging member. Her research focuses on dysregulated neuroinflammation, identifying potential points of intervention, and developing new small molecule drug candidates to slow the progression of cognitive impairment and neurodegeneration.

TUESDAY, JULY 23 | 9 AM | GRAND KENTUCKY BALLROOM The Story of Old Friends Michael Blowen - Founder, Old Friends Thoroughbred Retirement

Michael Blowen Founder, Old Friends  Thoroughbred Retirement

Old Friends provides a dignified retirement to Thoroughbreds whose racing and breeding careers have ended. By promoting these once celebrated horses through a campaign of education and tourism, our goal is to raise awareness of the importance of equine aftercare. In 2003 we started with a leased paddock and one horse. Over the years we have expanded to a 236-acre farm, four satellite locations and a herd of over 280 retired Thoroughbreds. Home to Kentucky Derby winners Silver Charm and I’ll Have Another, we are a leading tourist destination in Kentucky. Thousands of fans visit their turf heroes and get up-close-and-personal with racing’s superstars and blue-collar horses alike. We are proud to share their stories with you.

BIOGRAPHY Michael Blowen founded Old Friends, a retirement farm for Thoroughbreds, in 2003. Old Friends is Blowen’s third career. For two decades he was movie critic and arts writer for the Boston Globe, and prior to that he taught film at Emerson College and Boston University. Blowen mucked out stalls and hot-walked horses at Suffolk Downs. He imagined that learning about racing from the ground up would help his handicapping. It didn’t. Instead, he fell in love with the horses. After retiring from the Globe he moved to Kentucky to work as Operations Director for the Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation. Two years later he started Old Friends, which today cares for over 280 Thoroughbred retirees.

WEDNESDAY, JULY 24 | 11:30 AM | GRAND KENTUCKY BALLROOM Bourbon Gets Better with Age (So Do We!) Diane Vance - Science Instructor for OLLI at UK

Diane Vance Science Instructor for OLLI at UK

If you ask someone what things they associate with Kentucky one of the likely responses is “bourbon.”  Alcohol-based beverages have been an important part of human culture for thousands of years.  Many of you will “hit the bourbon trail” and take a distillery tour while you are here.  This presentation will help you understand some of the science involved in the bourbon-production process that you will see on a tour.  It will also illustrate some of the approaches that the presenter has found useful in developing and teaching science-based courses for adult learners.

BIOGRAPHY Dr. Diane Vance earned a PhD from the University of Kentucky in radioanalytical chemistry. She has science teaching experience at all levels from middle school through graduate chemistry courses and has industrial experience as a training director in the nuclear weapons industry. Diane has been an OLLI instructor and participant since her retirement from Eastern Kentucky University. She has created and taught 15 different science-based courses for OLLI at UK, and knows first-hand the many benefits of OLLI membership as a means of continued cognitive, social, and physical engagement in retirement. Diane is also a volunteer community educator for the Alzheimer’s Association and is on the board of the Bluegrass Parkinson’s Alliance.   

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Bank of America Reports Second Quarter 2024 Financial Results

July 16, 2024 at 6:45 AM Eastern

CHARLOTTE, NC – Bank of America reported its second quarter 2024 financial results today. The news release, supplemental filing and investor presentation can be accessed at Bank of America’s Investor Relations website at .

Investor Conference Call information:

Chief Executive Officer Brian Moynihan and Chief Financial Officer Alastair Borthwick will discuss the financial results in an investor conference call at 8:30 a.m. ET today. For a listen-only connection to the conference call, dial 1.877.200.4456 (U.S.) or 1.785.424.1732 (international), and the conference ID is 79795.  Please dial in 10 minutes prior to the start of the call.

Investors can also listen to live audio of the conference call and view the presentation slides by visiting the Events and Presentations section of the company’s Investor Relations website.

Replay information for Investor Conference Call:

Investors can access replays of the investor conference call by visiting the Investor Relations website or by calling 1.800.934.4850 (U.S.) or 1.402.220.1178 (international) from noon on July 16 through 11:59 p.m. ET on July 26. 

Bank of America

Bank of America is one of the world’s leading financial institutions, serving individual consumers, small and middle-market businesses and large corporations with a full range of banking, investing, asset management and other financial and risk management products and services. The company provides unmatched convenience in the United States, serving approximately 69 million consumer and small business clients with approximately 3,800 retail financial centers, approximately 15,000 ATMs (automated teller machines) and award-winning digital banking with approximately 58 million verified digital users. Bank of America is a global leader in wealth management, corporate and investment banking and trading across a broad range of asset classes, serving corporations, governments, institutions and individuals around the world. Bank of America offers industry-leading support to approximately 4 million small business households through a suite of innovative, easy-to-use online products and services. The company serves clients through operations across the United States, its territories and more than 35 countries. Bank of America Corporation stock (NYSE: BAC) is listed on the New York Stock Exchange.

Investors May Contact:

Lee McEntire, Bank of America Phone:  1.980.388.6780 [email protected]

Jonathan G. Blum, Bank of America (Fixed Income) Phone: 1.212.449.3112 [email protected]

Reporters May Contact:

Bill Halldin, Bank of America Phone: 1.916.724.0093 [email protected]

Jocelyn Seidenfeld, Bank of America Phone: 1.646.743.3356 [email protected]

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  1. How to Write a Conference Abstract

    conference presentation writing

  2. How to Write a Conference Paper

    conference presentation writing

  3. How to Write a Presentation

    conference presentation writing

  4. How to Write a Conference Paper

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  5. How to write paper presentation in international conference 2023

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  6. PPT

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  2. Mastering Conference Calls: How to Start Like a Pro!

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  4. How to Prepare a Conference Abstract, Presentation and Preparation for Publication

  5. Conference paper writing briefly explained ./TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION/

  6. 13- Conferences


  1. The Writing Center

    A conference presentation should last from 10 to 20 minutes, depending on the conference. Check conference guidelines for an idea of what length conference organizers expect the presentation to be. Remember that you should allow time for questions. One should spend around 1-2 minutes per slide. For a 20 minute presentation, the Q & A session ...

  2. PDF Writing an Abstract for a Conference Presentation

    information in your presentation. A well-prepared abstract enables readers to identify the basic content quickly and accurately, to determine its relevance to their interests or purpose and then to decide whether they want to listen to the presentation in its entirety." University of Minnesota

  3. Conference Papers

    Presentations are usually 15-20 minutes. A general rule of thumb is that one double-spaced page takes 2-2.5 minutes to read out loud. Thus an 8-10 page, double-spaced paper is often a good fit for a 15-20 minute presentation. Adhere to the time limit. Make sure that your written paper conforms to the presentation constraints.

  4. Conference Presentations

    Types of conference papers and sessions. Panel presentations are the most common form of presentation you will encounter in your graduate career. You will be one of three to four participants in a panel or session (the terminology varies depending on the organizers) and be given fifteen to twenty minutes to present your paper.

  5. How to write a killer conference abstract: The first step towards an

    Helen Kara responds to our previously published guide to writing abstracts and elaborates specifically on the differences for conference abstracts. She offers tips for writing an enticing abstract for conference organisers and an engaging conference presentation. Written grammar is different from spoken grammar.

  6. Paper Presentation in an Academic Conference

    The key to an effective conference presentation lies in being well-prepared. Here are a few tips that will make the process smoother for you: 1. Write your paper with the audience in mind: A conference paper should be different from a journal article. Remember that your paper is meant to be heard, not read.

  7. Academic Conference Presentations: A Step-by-Step Guide

    About this book. This book provides a step-by-step journey to giving a successful academic conference presentation, taking readers through all of the potential steps along the way—from the initial idea and the abstract submission all the way up to the presentation itself. Drawing on the author's own experiences, the book highlights good and ...

  8. Conference Proposals & Presentations

    In a conference presentation, sometimes presenters just give a report of their research, especially if it has some implications to practice. Writing the Proposal Like an abstract, a successful conference proposal will clearly and succinctly introduce, summarize, and make conclusions about your topic and findings.

  9. Create a Conference Presentation

    Common types of conference presentations. Full paper - The length of a full paper is variable, usually between 20 and 40 min, and rarely exceeds one hour.A full paper may be followed by question time. Short paper - This type of conference presentation can be as short as 10 min, and very often it is one in a series of short papers in a 1- or 2-hour session on a particular conference sub-topic ...

  10. 10 tips for the 10-minute conference presentation

    Power on your Orbi router.Find the "Reset" button on your Orbi. This is a small hole on the back of your router, near the bottom of the device.Hold a flattened paperclip, toothpick, or thumbtack and press and hold the reset button for at least 7 seconds. brostrend extender setupOctober 10, 2022at 12:47 amPermalink.

  11. Writing a Conference Abstract and Paper for Presentation

    Unlike a conference keynote paper, 'less is more' when it comes to a conference theme presentation. A presentation however in most conferences is facilitated by a chair of a themed session, whose role it is to manage the timing of each presenter and explain at the beginning of the session and check the order of each presentation as well as ...

  12. How to Write a Winning Conference Proposal (+Examples)

    11 essential elements of a conference proposal: Title: Your first opportunity to grab attention. Make it informative and compelling, reflecting the essence of your presentation. Abstract: A concise summary that highlights your proposal's main idea, objectives, and significance, offering a snapshot of what to expect.

  13. Tell your story: Tips for developing a successful conference ...

    To be considered for a conference presentation, ... Although writing a conference abstract can be time-consuming and occasionally daunting or frustrating, it's also rewarding, especially when you receive an acceptance notice. It's through opportunities such as presenting at conferences that nurses contribute to the greater good of the ...

  14. Conference presentation references

    The description is flexible (e.g., "[Conference session]," "[Paper presentation]," "[Poster session]," "[Keynote address]"). Provide the name of the conference or meeting and its location in the source element of the reference. If video of the conference presentation is available, include a link at the end of the reference.

  15. Tips for writing a great conference proposal

    Writing a presentation proposal for an OER or Open Education conference can be a challenging task. Defined topics, specific session types, and short word limits can force writers to be both concise and creative. ... Look carefully at the selection criteria before you start writing. Conference reviewers follow a selection criteria when ...

  16. Types of Conference Presentations

    Types of Conference Presentations. Here are the commonly used formats for conference presentations: 1. Oral Presentation. Oral presentations are the standard form of presentation where the speaker (s) share details about their research questions, methodology, findings, applications, etc. It lasts between 15-30 minutes.

  17. Conference Presentations

    Paper from published conference proceedings available in print. Arem, G. L. (2006). The effects of teaching and playing experience on ability to diagnose a motor skill. In P. Brewer & Firmin, M. (Eds.), Ethnographic and qualitative research in education: Proceedings of the seventeenth annual conference (pp.1-20). Newcastle, UK: Cambridge ...

  18. PDF How to Write Conference Presentation Objectives

    Sample Objective. The purpose of this session is to introduce a new model for effectively using social media in the workplace. The goal of this presentation is to present the three fundamental tenets of instructional design. At the conclusion of this presentation you ought to be able to apply level II evaluations for all new projects.

  19. PDF Writing a Conference Abstract or Proposal

    A CFP is a conference announcement, also known as a Call for Proposals (CFP). It provides: paper or presentation The conference theme Guidelines for presentations review committee or conference organizer. Requirements for abstracts/proposals Deadlines What is a conference proposal? The conference proposal is a stand-alone

  20. How to Write Conference Presentation Objectives

    Steps toward writing effective learning objectives: Make sure there is one measurable (performance) verb in each objective. Limit one performance verb per learning objective. Learning objectives are concise. Performances are expressed in terms of what the participant will do (not the presenter) Objectives are realistic and represent authentic ...

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  22. Conference Session Descriptions That Whet the Appetite

    Including two or three LOs with session descriptions will help participants choose the presentation that's right for them. 4. Spell out who should attend both by group and experience level. This is a critical component that should be included in conference marketing materials. Many attendees have walked out of a session and said, "That ...

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  25. PDF Writing a Conference Paper in the Humanities

    Almost all conference presentations involve a question and answer session after the presentation. Writers should aim to stimulate and guide the Q&A session in order to receive helpful feedback on their work. Writing for a Conference Audience: The audience for whom you are writing should determine the style, organization and content of your paper.

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  30. Bank of America Reports Second Quarter 2024 Financial Results

    Chief Executive Officer Brian Moynihan and Chief Financial Officer Alastair Borthwick will discuss the financial results in an investor conference call at 8:30 a.m. ET today. For a listen-only connection to the conference call, dial 1.877.200.4456 (U.S.) or 1.785.424.1732 (international), and the conference ID is 79795.