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Dreams happen during a special part of sleep called REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. During REM sleep, our brains are very active, almost as if we’re awake. That’s when dreams occur. They can be like magical journeys, taking us to far-off places or letting us meet people we’ve never seen before.

Dreams can be all sorts of things. Sometimes they’re happy and exciting, like flying high above the clouds or meeting a friendly dinosaur. Other times, they can be scary, like being chased by a monster or getting lost in a dark forest. But don’t worry! Even scary dreams are just our imagination playing tricks on us. They can’t hurt us. Have you ever tried to remember a dream? It’s like trying to catch a butterfly – sometimes they slip away before we can hold onto them. But if you keep a dream journal by your bed, you can write down your dreams as soon as you wake up. That way, you won’t forget them!

In this article, we will provide you with an essay on my dream.

500+ Word Essay on My Dream

Since I was a young child, I have been fascinated by the built environment surrounding me. Whenever I walked through cities or towns, I found myself in awe of the structures crafted by human hands. From soaring skyscrapers to cosy cottages, I marvelled at how these buildings were able to merge forms and functions in remarkable ways. Little did I know then that this youthful sense of wonder would eventually inspire a lifelong dream to become an architect myself.

Architecture has been a calling that has steadily risen to the forefront as I’ve grown older. Beyond just admiring edifices aesthetically, I’ve come to understand the deeper complexities and considerations involved in architectural design. Architects must strike a careful balance between form and function, art and pragmatism, expression and live ability. This powerful duality is part of what draws me so strongly to this profession. On one level, architecture is a masterful creative endeavor akin to sculptural art. Architects envision bold, iconic structures that make a statement and capture the imagination. They have a mind’s eye for blending flourishes of style and innovative design elements into buildings that are genuinely awe-inspiring. Dreaming up these symbolic landmarks that will endure long into the future is an incredible legacy to leave behind.

Yet architecture is so much more than just an artistic pursuit. It is a rigorous technical discipline grounded in scientific and engineering principles. Architects must meticulously map out and test the feasibility of their grandest visions to ensure they comply with structural realities, material requirements, environmental standards, codes and regulations. Transforming an abstract concept into a constructible and sustainable reality is an immense challenge requiring analytical skills and practical knowledge.

This duality of creativity and pragmatism is something that naturally fits my personal strengths and passions. I possess a combination of logical, quantitative intelligence and three-dimensional spatial reasoning abilities. At the same time, I have a profound appreciation for aesthetics, design and self-expression through imagery and physical objects. My educational path towards realizing this dream has involved balancing architectural curricula including drafting, modeling, physics and materials sciences alongside studio art, sculpture and computer-aided design. Bridging these intersecting domains is deeply fulfilling. Beyond the inherent intellectual rewards of this field, a driving factor that solidified my desire to become an architect is the meaningful impact the profession has on communities and the human experience. The spaces architects craft shape our daily lives in both seen and unseen ways. We feel the energy and ambiance crafted by thoughtful architectural decisions – even if we aren’t consciously aware of it. Everything from natural lighting to flow and layout exerts a powerful effect on our moods, interactions and quality of life.

Architects also fundamentally shape how humanity co-exists and behaves within our cities, neighborhoods and civic spheres. Well-designed buildings and infrastructure foster community integration and engagement. Compelling public spaces encourage human congregation and connection. Even mundane structural features like sidewalks and green spaces influence activity levels and social habits. This incredible power to influence society at such a root level through physical design is both empowering and humbling. Within this vast architectural scope, my dream is to eventually apply these principles towards sustainable urban planning and transformative civic projects to improve quality of life and community connectivity. I am particularly passionate about creating dynamic mixed-use developments that artfully combine residential, commercial and recreational elements into thriving pedestrian-friendly environments. This interdisciplinary challenge spans designing individual buildings to choreographing the flow and interaction between adjoining structures and public realms.

Another sub-specialty that ignites my passion is re-adaptive architectural design – the innovative practice of repurposing and reinvigorating aging buildings and infrastructure to meet evolving modern needs. Instead of letting dilapidated or obsolete structures go to waste, architects can reimagine these diamonds in the rough with sustainable renovations and creative redesigns to usher in new eras of functionality and public use. From breathing new life into historic edifices to greening dated office complexes, this architectural renaissance is an extraordinary way to merge preservation with progress.

In the bigger picture, the imminent challenges posed by climate change, urbanization and population growth have made environmental stewardship and resourceful architectural resilience an essential priority. Pioneering sustainable designs, materials and processes represents one of the most pivotal responsibilities of our times. Crafting energy-efficient buildings, LEED-certified infrastructure and resilient civic foundations hardy enough to withstand worsening natural disasters has become a pressing moral mission for the architects of our era. I dream of driving this mission full speed ahead.

800+ Word Essay on My Dream

From a young age, I have been fascinated by the power of the internet and websites. Even as a child, I marveled at how we could access any information in the world just by typing on a computer. Whenever I visited a new website, I was filled with a sense of wonder about how such incredible digital realms were constructed. Little did I know then that my childhood curiosity would eventually blossom into a full-fledged dream career: becoming a web developer.

As I grew older and my passion for technology deepened, I became intrigued by the intricacies of how websites function. These dynamic platforms are not just static online pages, but complex coding environments bringing together diverse elements like text, images, audio, video, databases, and user interactions. Websites are true feats of digital architecture and design. The prospect of being able to build these vast virtual worlds from the ground up was immensely appealing.

Pursuing this dream profession aligns seamlessly with my personal strengths and interests. I have always excelled at subjects requiring a logical, structured way of thinking. Mathematics, computer science, problem-solving – these are the scholastic areas where I consistently thrived. Coding and programming languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript feel like natural extensions of this skills trajectory. They involve breaking down complex objectives into clear step-by-step components and processes.

Beyond the intellectual appeal, a career in web development would allow me to merge my analytical capabilities with my creativity and eye for design. I have a passion for art and visually representing information in a clean, polished manner. The coding aspect would enable me to construct the robust infrastructure and functionality of a website, while the design portion would let me craft elegant user experiences and aesthetically-pleasing interfaces. Achieving this harmonious blend of structure and style is incredibly motivating.

One aspect that has firmed my resolve to pursue web development as a calling is the sheer vast scope for innovation and growth within the field. The internet and the avenues for connectivity are constantly evolving at lightning speeds. Each year brings new disruptive technologies, languages, frameworks, and frontiers to explore. This volatility ensures that no two projects or challenges will ever be the same for a web developer. We must remain nimble, ceaselessly adapting and pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the online world. This infinite learning curve is energizing rather than daunting. The future of web development includes some of the most bleeding-edge and transformative digital breakthroughs on the horizon like virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things. Being a web developer will undoubtedly place me at the forefront of sculpting these revolutionary user experiences and technologies. The potential to creativity shape how we interact and integrate the digital domain into our daily lives is tremendously exciting.

From a pragmatic perspective, web development represents a lucrative, future-proof field with rising demand for skilled professionals. Every company from small local businesses to globe-spanning enterprises requires a robust online presence to conduct marketing, sales, operations, and customer service. Developers who can concept and construct dynamic websites and applications to drive these digital strategies will always enjoy superb career prospects and opportunities.

Within this vast ocean of web development, my goal is to become a Frontend Developer specializing in user experience and interfacing. This specialized role would allow me to focus on the structure, design, interactivity and performance of the visible and outward-facing components that humans directly see and utilize. I could employ languages like HTML, CSS and JavaScript along with frameworks like React or Angular to blend code and artistry into immersive websites and web applications. Crafting the precise look, feel and behavior that facilitates intuitive interactions between humans and digital products is the raison d’etre of this profession.

Beyond just coding customer-facing websites and apps, I aspire to work on exciting virtual reality or mixed reality projects as the scope of web development expands into these visionary new territories. These innovative experiences will require frontier frameworks and paradigms yet to be pioneered. Helping define that frontier is an incredible motivating force.

The path towards realizing this dream involves relentlessly cultivating my skills in coding, programming, UI/UX design, database management, and digital product lifecycles. Academic study supplemented by self-guided online tutorials, virtual trainings, personal projects and coding boot camps will be critical. But the reward for these efforts of becoming a master of the digital craft is immense: the ability to breathe life into the vast Internet cosmos and shape how humanity navigates the boundless online frontier. That is the intoxicating promise of web development that has captured my imagination and drives me to make this dream a reality through tireless work and dedication.

In summary, my aspiration to become a web developer marries my core strengths and interests in logic, coding, digital design, and imagination into a captivating career path overflowing with possibility. The future of the internet and web is an endlessly expanding new universe awaiting exploration and construction. As a web developer – and specifically a Frontend Developer crafting immersive user experiences – I can play an integral role in this defining quest to bridge the physical and digital realms. Relentlessly striving to turn this dream into reality represents the ultimate blend of passion and profession

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Essay on My Dream- FAQs

What are dreams.

Dreams are imaginative experiences that occur during sleep. They often involve vivid images, sounds, and emotions that our minds create while we rest.

Why do we dream?

While scientists are still exploring the exact reasons, dreams may help process emotions, memories, and experiences from our daily lives. They may also serve as a way for our brains to problem-solve and make sense of information.

Can dreams predict the future?

While some people believe in the idea of prophetic dreams, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim. Dreams are more likely to reflect our thoughts, feelings, and subconscious desires.

Why do we sometimes remember dreams and other times not?

The ability to recall dreams varies from person to person and can be influenced by factors such as sleep cycles, stress levels, and overall health. Dreams are often forgotten quickly upon waking if they are not rehearsed or written down.

Are recurring dreams significant?

Recurring dreams may indicate unresolved issues or emotions in our waking lives. Paying attention to recurring themes or symbols in dreams can offer insight into underlying concerns or patterns that may need addressing.

Can external factors influence dreams?

Yes, external factors such as environmental stimuli (like noise or light), medications, and substances (like alcohol or caffeine) can influence the content and intensity of dreams.

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Home / Samples / Business / Essay Sample: Essay on My Dream Personal Computer

Essay Sample: Essay on My Dream Personal Computer

Title: My Dream Personal Computer: A Technological Marvel


In the fast-paced world of technology, the personal computer has become an indispensable part of our lives. From work to entertainment, education to communication, our reliance on computers has grown exponentially. As a computer enthusiast, I have often found myself daydreaming about the perfect personal computer – a machine that not only meets my current needs but also anticipates my future requirements. In this essay, I will describe my dream personal computer, discussing its hardware specifications, software capabilities, and the unique features that make it a technological marvel.

Hardware Specifications

Processing Power: At the heart of my dream personal computer lies a cutting-edge processor. I envision a system powered by a next-generation CPU that boasts unparalleled speed and efficiency. A multi-core processor with clock speeds measured in terahertz would ensure lightning-fast performance, making multitasking seamless and resource-intensive tasks a breeze.

Memory: To complement the powerful processor, my dream PC would feature an abundance of high-speed RAM. I envisage at least 64 gigabytes of DDR5 RAM, providing ample space for running multiple applications simultaneously and handling intensive workloads without breaking a sweat.

Graphics: For a truly immersive experience, my dream PC would incorporate a top-of-the-line graphics card. A high-end GPU with ray tracing capabilities and support for 8K resolution would bring games and multimedia content to life, delivering stunning visuals and exceptional frame rates.

Storage: In the realm of storage, my ideal computer would not compromise. It would be equipped with a blazing-fast NVMe SSD with a capacity of several terabytes, ensuring lightning-quick boot times, rapid application launches, and ample space for storing files, games, and multimedia.

Display: To complement the powerful hardware, my dream PC would be connected to a state-of-the-art display. An OLED or MicroLED monitor with 4K or higher resolution and a high refresh rate would deliver jaw-dropping visuals, making it perfect for gaming, content creation, and everyday use.

Connectivity: Staying connected is crucial in today’s digital age. Therefore, my dream PC would offer a plethora of connectivity options, including multiple USB-C and USB-A ports, Thunderbolt support, Wi-Fi 6E, Bluetooth 5.2, and Gigabit Ethernet. These features would ensure seamless connectivity to various devices and networks.

Software Capabilities

Operating System: My dream personal computer would run on a robust and versatile operating system. While Windows and macOS are popular choices, I would opt for a highly customizable Linux distribution. This choice would allow me to tailor the system to my specific needs and preferences, making it a versatile platform for both work and play.

Productivity Software: A comprehensive suite of productivity software is essential for any personal computer. My dream PC would come pre-installed with the latest versions of office suites like Microsoft Office and open-source alternatives like LibreOffice. Additionally, it would support cloud integration for seamless document synchronization and collaboration.

Creative Tools: As a creative individual, my dream PC would be equipped with a range of professional-grade creative software. This includes industry-standard tools for graphic design, video editing, 3D modeling, and music production, empowering me to unleash my artistic potential.

Gaming Library: Gaming is a significant part of my digital life, and my dream PC would offer access to an extensive library of games. It would be compatible with major gaming platforms, including Steam, Epic Games Store, and more, ensuring a vast selection of titles to choose from.

Security Features: To protect my valuable data and privacy, my dream PC would incorporate robust security features. It would include biometric authentication methods, encrypted storage, and regular security updates to safeguard against malware and cyber threats.

Unique Features

AI Integration: One of the standout features of my dream PC would be its seamless integration of artificial intelligence (AI). The computer would employ AI for various tasks, such as advanced voice recognition, natural language processing, and personalized recommendations, enhancing user experience and productivity.

Modular Design: To future-proof the system, my dream PC would have a modular design. This means that components like the CPU, GPU, and RAM could be upgraded easily as new, more powerful hardware becomes available. This approach would extend the PC’s lifespan and reduce electronic waste.

Eco-Friendly Build: Sustainability is a growing concern, and my dream PC would address this by utilizing eco-friendly materials in its construction. It would also be designed for energy efficiency, minimizing power consumption while in use and in standby mode.

Holographic Display: Pushing the boundaries of display technology, my dream PC would incorporate a holographic display. This 3D display technology would offer an immersive computing experience, allowing for interactive 3D modeling, virtual meetings, and holographic gaming.

In conclusion, my dream personal computer represents the epitome of technological advancement and personalization. With its cutting-edge hardware specifications, versatile software capabilities, and unique features, it transcends the boundaries of a conventional computer. It is a technological marvel that not only meets my current needs but also anticipates the demands of tomorrow’s digital landscape. As technology continues to evolve, my dream PC serves as a testament to the limitless possibilities of innovation in the world of personal computing.

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My Dream Of Computer Science Essay

MAGNUM OPUS Billions of men and women have trodden the earth and passed by it to the after-life with a view that the earth was no more than a passage. They kept to traditions religiously, lived for themselves, maintained the status quo, and only dared to breath in and out. They read about great works of men before and what that could mean in the future. But they never found it necessary or a worthwhile venture to travel into the unknown. However, there are a handful of men and women the earth would ever be grateful to. They risked all and travelled far away from their comfort zone to bring us into where we are now. Amongst such people is my beloved Steve Jobs of blessed memory. Steve Jobs ' 2005 Stanford Commencement Address is the reason I decided to chase my dream of studying computer science in a bid to implement positive changes especially in the educational sector, starting from Africa to the rest of the world. I don’t want people to truncate their studies for any reason because I did when my dad died and the scars are there. I have the video of that speech always with me and do ask myself same question Stevie used to ask himself when I want to make a decision;” What would you do if today were your last on earth?” He also taught me how to see something positive in every seemingly bad situation just like he did when he got fired from Apple he co-founded but later on excelled and came back, anyway. He taught me how to deal with loses as I have had great ones in my life

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The Future of Computer Science Essay

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Computer Science, Software Engineering and Information Systems are international qualifications, enabling people to work globally, and in a very broad variety of roles. There is steady growth in demand for technically adept and flexible IT graduates. Declining student enrollment, while growth continues in law, medicine, biology, economics, and business; the decline among women is particularly alarming (Klawe and Shneiderman 27). Computer science is now a part of everyone’s daily life through the innovations and technologies it enables. From transforming health care to enabling a more robust national defense, computer science is on the forefront of discovery, driving economic growth and transforming our

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essay about my dream computer

How to Write the “Why Computer Science?” Essay

What’s covered:, what is the purpose of the “why computer science” essay, elements of a good computer science essay, computer science essay example, where to get your essay edited.

You will encounter many essay prompts as you start applying to schools, but if you are intent on majoring in computer science or a related field, you will come across the “ Why Computer Science? ” essay archetype. It’s important that you know the importance behind this prompt and what constitutes a good response in order to make your essay stand out.

For more information on writing essays, check out CollegeVine’s extensive essay guides that include everything from general tips, to essay examples, to essay breakdowns that will help you write the essays for over 100 schools.

Colleges ask you to write a “ Why Computer Science? ” essay so you may communicate your passion for computer science, and demonstrate how it aligns with your personal and professional goals. Admissions committees want to see that you have a deep interest and commitment to the field, and that you have a vision for how a degree in computer science will propel your future aspirations.

The essay provides an opportunity to distinguish yourself from other applicants. It’s your chance to showcase your understanding of the discipline, your experiences that sparked or deepened your interest in the field, and your ambitions for future study and career. You can detail how a computer science degree will equip you with the skills and knowledge you need to make a meaningful contribution in this rapidly evolving field.

A well-crafted “ Why Computer Science? ” essay not only convinces the admissions committee of your enthusiasm and commitment to computer science, but also provides a glimpse of your ability to think critically, solve problems, and communicate effectively—essential skills for a  computer scientist.

The essay also gives you an opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of the specific computer science program at the college or university you are applying to. You can discuss how the program’s resources, faculty, curriculum, and culture align with your academic interests and career goals. A strong “ Why Computer Science? ” essay shows that you have done your research, and that you are applying to the program not just because you want to study computer science, but because you believe that this particular program is the best fit for you.

Writing an effective “ Why Computer Science ?” essay often requires a blend of two popular college essay archetypes: “ Why This Major? ” and “ Why This College? “.

Explain “Why This Major?”

The “ Why This Major? ” essay is an opportunity for you to dig deep into your motivations and passions for studying Computer Science. It’s about sharing your ‘origin story’ of how your interest in Computer Science took root and blossomed. This part of your essay could recount an early experience with coding, a compelling Computer Science class you took, or a personal project that sparked your fascination.

What was the journey that led you to this major? Was it a particular incident, or did your interest evolve over time? Did you participate in related activities, like coding clubs, online courses, hackathons, or internships?

Importantly, this essay should also shed light on your future aspirations. How does your interest in Computer Science connect to your career goals? What kind of problems do you hope to solve with your degree?

The key for a strong “ Why This Major? ” essay is to make the reader understand your connection to the subject. This is done through explaining your fascination and love for computer science. What emotions do you feel when you are coding? How does it make you feel when you figure out the solution after hours of trying? What aspects of your personality shine when you are coding? 

By addressing these questions, you can effectively demonstrate a deep, personal, and genuine connection with the major.

Emphasize “Why This College?”

The “ Why This College? ” component of the essay demonstrates your understanding of the specific university and its Computer Science program. This is where you show that you’ve done your homework about the college, and you know what resources it has to support your academic journey.

What unique opportunities does the university offer for Computer Science students? Are there particular courses, professors, research opportunities, or clubs that align with your interests? Perhaps there’s a study abroad program or an industry partnership that could give you a unique learning experience. Maybe the university has a particular teaching methodology that resonates with you.

Also, think about the larger university community. What aspects of the campus culture, community, location, or extracurricular opportunities enhance your interest in this college? Remember, this is not about general praises but about specific features that align with your goals. How will these resources and opportunities help you explore your interests further and achieve your career goals? How does the university’s vision and mission resonate with your own values and career aspirations?

It’s important when discussing the school’s resources that you always draw a connection between the opportunity and yourself. For example, don’t tell us you want to work with X professor because of their work pioneering regenerative AI. Go a step further and say because of your goal to develop AI surgeons for remote communities, learning how to strengthen AI feedback loops from X professor would bring you one step closer to achieving your dream.

By articulating your thoughts on these aspects, you demonstrate a strong alignment between the college and your academic goals, enhancing your appeal as a prospective student.

Demonstrate a Deep Understanding of Computer Science

As with a traditional “ Why This Major? ” essay, you must exhibit a deep and clear understanding of computer science. Discuss specific areas within the field that pique your interest and why. This could range from artificial intelligence to software development, or from data science to cybersecurity. 

What’s important is to not just boast and say “ I have a strong grasp on cybersecurity ”, but instead use your knowledge to show your readers your passion: “ After being bombarded with cyber attack after cyber attack, I explained to my grandparents the concept of end-to-end encryption and how phishing was not the same as a peaceful afternoon on a lake. ”

Make it Fun!

Students make the mistake of thinking their college essays have to be serious and hyper-professional. While you don’t want to be throwing around slang and want to present yourself in a positive light, you shouldn’t feel like you’re not allowed to have fun with your essay. Let your personality shine and crack a few jokes.

You can, and should, also get creative with your essay. A great way to do this in a computer science essay is to incorporate lines of code or write the essay like you are writing out code. 

Now we will go over a real “ Why Computer Science? ” essay a student submitted and explore what the essay did well, and where there is room for improvement.

Please note: Looking at examples of real essays students have submitted to colleges can be very beneficial to get inspiration for your essays. You should never copy or plagiarize from these examples when writing your own essays. Colleges can tell when an essay isn’t genuine and will not view students favorably if they plagiarized.

I held my breath and hit RUN. Yes! A plump white cat jumped out and began to catch the falling pizzas. Although my Fat Cat project seems simple now, it was the beginning of an enthusiastic passion for computer science. Four years and thousands of hours of programming later, that passion has grown into an intense desire to explore how computer science can serve society. Every day, surrounded by technology that can recognize my face and recommend scarily-specific ads, I’m reminded of Uncle Ben’s advice to a young Spiderman: “with great power comes great responsibility”. Likewise, the need to ensure digital equality has skyrocketed with AI’s far-reaching presence in society; and I believe that digital fairness starts with equality in education.

The unique use of threads at the College of Computing perfectly matches my interests in AI and its potential use in education; the path of combined threads on Intelligence and People gives me the rare opportunity to delve deep into both areas. I’m particularly intrigued by the rich sets of both knowledge-based and data-driven intelligence courses, as I believe AI should not only show correlation of events, but also provide insight for why they occur.

In my four years as an enthusiastic online English tutor, I’ve worked hard to help students overcome both financial and technological obstacles in hopes of bringing quality education to people from diverse backgrounds. For this reason, I’m extremely excited by the many courses in the People thread that focus on education and human-centered technology. I’d love to explore how to integrate AI technology into the teaching process to make education more available, affordable, and effective for people everywhere. And with the innumerable opportunities that Georgia Tech has to offer, I know that I will be able to go further here than anywhere else.

What the Essay Did Well 

This essay perfectly accomplishes the two key parts of a “ Why Computer Science? ” essay: answering “ Why This Major? ” and “ Why This College? ”. Not to mention, we get a lot of insight into this student and what they care about beyond computer science, and a fun hook at the beginning.

Starting with the “ Why This Major? ” aspect of the response, this essay demonstrates what got the student into computer science, why they are passionate about the subject, and what their goals are. They show us their introduction to the world of CS with an engaging hook: “I held my breath and hit RUN. Yes! A plump white cat jumped out and began to catch the falling pizzas. ” We then see this is a core passion because they spent “ Four years and thousands of hours ,” coding.

The student shows us why they care about AI with the sentence, “ Every day, surrounded by technology that can recognize my face and recommend scarily-specific ads ,” which makes the topic personal by demonstrating their fear at AI’s capabilities. But, rather than let panic overwhelm them, the student calls upon Spiderman and tells us their goal of establishing digital equality through education. This provides a great basis for the rest of the essay, as it thoroughly explains the students motivations and goals, and demonstrates their appreciation for interdisciplinary topics.

Then, the essay shifts into answering “ Why This College? ”, which it does very well by honing in on a unique facet of Georgia Tech’s College of Computing: threads. This is a great example of how to provide depth to the school resources you mention. The student describes the two threads and not only why the combination is important to them, but how their previous experiences (i.e. online English tutor) correlate to the values of the thread: “ For this reason, I’m extremely excited by the many courses in the People thread that focus on education and human-centered technology. ”

What Could Be Improved

This essay does a good job covering the basics of the prompt, but it could be elevated with more nuance and detail. The biggest thing missing from this essay is a strong core to tie everything together. What do we mean by that? We want to see a common theme, anecdote, or motivation that is weaved throughout the entire essay to connect everything. Take the Spiderman quote for example. If this was expanded, it could have been the perfect core for this essay.

Underlying this student’s interest in AI is a passion for social justice, so they could have used the quote about power and responsibility to talk about existing injustices with AI and how once they have the power to create AI they will act responsibly and help affected communities. They are clearly passionate about equality of education, but there is a disconnect between education and AI that comes from a lack of detail. To strengthen the core of the essay, this student needs to include real-world examples of how AI is fostering inequities in education. This takes their essay from theoretical to practical.

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My Dream Computer

Essay by review   •  November 5, 2010  •  Essay  •  583 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,245 Views

Essay Preview: My Dream Computer

My Dream PC

By: Allisa Rocklitz

After perusing the isles amongst isles of desktop computers at CompUSA I found myself drawn to the Sony desktops. SONY is a high quality brand name and has shown me throughout the years that anything and everything they create seems to be a winner. Eventually I decided to get one that was practical in size and powerful enough to handle the most strenuous projects. I ended up decide ding on the Sony VAIO RA834G Minitower. The components in this PC were more than I needed for a price I just couldn't resist.

This particular computer also intrigued me because of its processor. The processor is a common one, an Intel Pentium 4. I like that Sony decided to stick with Intel, since they are an American brand. The exact processor they used is the Intel Pentium 4 3.6Ghz 560J with HT Technology. The Hyper threading technology is very helpful and I'm glad they decided to use it because it really makes multi-tasking even with complex software faster and more efficient and significantly cuts down on the lag. The 3.6 Gigahertz processor is very very fast and can handle even the most multifaceted functions. The bus speed is also very impressive coming out with a total of 800 solid Megahertz's. This is an extremely fast bus speed considering it only has one successor the 1066 Mhz speed.

The motherboard chipset also is made by Intel. It is a well put together chipset that runs very well with the ram chosen for this computer. Sony chose the Intel 915P Express Chipset which runs the PC3200 DDR SDRAM at an harmonious 400 Mhz. I was also very excited that they chose the Double Data Ram as oppose to the normal SDRAM. The computer comes with a 1GB stick of ram, however, I am going to add another stick of Kingston 1Gb ram to max out the ram capacity at 2 gigabytes. And since it's DDR its going to be running like it has 4GB's of SDRAM.

The hard drive is a very hefty one with almost 400 gigabytes of space. However after researching the PC closer I learned that it actually contains two 160GB drives configured with RAID 0. The two drives both run at 7,200 RPM's which is also pretty good.

I also picked this computer because it has a long list of card slots that would work perfectly with any type of media I might need to use. Here's the list:


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Dream Computer Essay Example

Dream Computer Essay Example

  • Pages: 12 (3042 words)
  • Published: December 23, 2018
  • Type: Essay

When deciding what will run my dream computer, processor-wise that is, I am reminded of a friends computer that last year, was running with two Pentium III’s, running at 650 Megahertz a piece. This year he is looking to upgrade on this design. I however, will be able to take his idea, and with money being no object, destroy the speed and reliability of his computer by installing two, one gigahertz Pentium III”s onto a Intel STL2 motherboard ($899). I chose this motherboard for it being one of the few on the market that comes with the capability of supporting dual processors. I don’t feel I need any more speed that 1 gigahertz, despite faster processors being on the market (namely the Pentium IV). I have yet to use any processors this fast, and I know for the most

part the programs I use are incapable of running at too high of speed, let alone I don’t need that much power. I certainly don’t want to have to install any sort of cooling system in casing, as that would be extremely costly and hurt the electric bill. Since a megahertz is a million cycles per second, my processors would be capable of one billion cycles per second. One would think that with dual processors the speed would be double this, but the double processors don’t double the speed, they just double the amount of programs and tasks you can run at that particular speed without jeopardizing any of the computers integrity.

I love my computer running tons of programs at once, like even now as I’m writing this paper, I have two instances of Microsoft Interne

Explorer running, AOL Instant Messenger with two windows associated with it, and some Mp3’s playing. In my taskbar I have about 10 items, most of which I can’t imagine living without. One is this Post-it notes program, which I now can’t live without. It keeps me organized just as post-it notes do, but not they are on my computer screen as opposed to them falling off the edges of my monitor as they once did. Getting to my point, I would definitely go no slower that one gigabyte SDRAM. It is superior to regular RAM is that it adds a separate clock signal to the control signals. SDRAM chips can contain more complex state machines, allowing them to support "burst" access modes that clock out a series of successive bits. Yet what I really would prefer in my memory selection would be an option for RDRAM. RDRAM is used mainly for video accelerators, and also in the Nintendo 64. It offers sustained transfer rates of around 1000 Mbps, compared to 200 Mbps for ordinary DRAM. I would think that as the bus speeds required by computers increase; RDRAM will become the primary form of memory. SDRAM can operate up to around 100MHz, but RDRAM has been demonstrated by the manufacturers running at 600MHz.

Despite the infrequent use of my 3.5 inch floppy drive now, I would still install one as a failsafe to my intended 250 megabyte zip drive and CD burner. Although most computers will soon have little use for the small 1.44 megabyte capacity of floppies, it is still a universal medium that will always be able to hold a good amount of important

documents, at an extremely low cost. Floppies can be purchased at pennies per disk, and this comes in handy for transferring documents or small program files when they cannot be emailed or transferred by other means. The drive itself only costs about $15, and with my preferred casing, I have six bays in which to put drives so a cheap floppy drive I suppose could find a within my dream computer. Another one of these bays would be filled with a much more practical zip drive. Although zip drives have not yet caught on as I hoped they would, the University at Buffalo has done a good job of installing them into most computers located on campus, making the transportation of large files and projects from home to school quite convenient. Only one company, Iomega, only makes the zip drive. Iomega has come out with a 250 megabyte version of this product, but the 100 megabyte version is much more widely used, and is my choice for my computer ($59).

After unsuccessfully trying the Windows 2000 operating system, I have decided that the Millennium Edition of Windows 98 is the best OS for me ($110). Although I like the layout and professional options of Windows 2000, many of the programs I use have yet to release updates for their software to make them compatible or even operable with Windows newest system. Even if all my programs were to work, it would take me a considerable amount of time to search the Internet for updates to all my programs. A hassle I’d rather not deal with, as Millennium Edition has yet to fail me.

drives on the market today, including those that both read and write CD’s, are classified by their speed. A one speed CD-ROM drive, or as it is often abbreviated: 1x, reads CD’s at a rate of 150 kilobytes a second. Most computers in homes today run at a speed of at least 8x. The faster the drive, the faster data can be read and the faster it can interact with your computer’s components. You may have the fastest graphics card on the market, but if the game you want to play is only being read at 2x, play will be extremely choppy or the game may not operate at all. A computer can only run at its maximum speed if all the components are capable of that same speed too. I know this all two well as my DVD drive only supports audio extraction at approximately 4x, while my burner runs at 8x. Thusly I can’t copy CD’s at the 8x I was hoping for when I bought the burner, a possible waste of money.

I will have two CD-ROM drives on my dream computer. The top being a Creative PC_DVD Ovation 12x ($119). This particular drive reads Digital Video Discs at 12x, and other CD-ROM’s at 40x. It also supports digital audio extraction at a rate that would be able to keep up with the Internal Iomega CD-RW (drive #31120) I intend to have below it. This particular CDRW drive writes to CD-R’s at 12x, and CD-RW”s at 10x. It also acts as a simple CD-ROM drive operating at 32x ($250). The major benefit of this particular CD burner is a new technology only

employed by Iomega-a simple check built into the burning process that simply stops the burning process if the host computer for some reason fails to supply a steady stream of data to the drive. The burning process is then continued if and when the host computer regains stability. Finally a way to stop throwing away CD”s just because someone Instant Messages you!Before this “BURN-Proof” technology, one would have to purchase a significant sized buffer along with their CD burner, in order for the drive to continue writing to a particular CD-R if the process was even interrupted for two full seconds. At 12x, 1.2 megabytes of data are being written per second, so with a two megabyte buffer (standard) your computer could only slow up for a mere 1.6 seconds before incorrectly writing data to the CD in the drive at the time, oftentimes resulting in a ruined disc and wasted time. A four megabyte buffer would remedy this problem somewhat, but you still would only have an additional 1.6 seconds of time for your computer to catch up with the burning process before the CD was ruined. Iomega’s BURN-Proof technology would eliminate the need for a large, expensive buffer while saving money and time.

Tired of tangled wires and a cluttered desktop, I have chosen the Yahoo Freedom II 900 MHz Wireless Keyboard, equipped with a built in mouse ($129). This particular model can be used up to twenty feet away from the computer, but most importantly will operate from one’s lap. To save even more desk space, I have chosen a flat screen monitor. The Viewsonic Flatpanel 17.4 inch as my output method

of choice. It has a resolution of 1600 by 1200, perfect for DVD viewing ($1200).To go along with this great screen will be a great sound system, to further enhance the movie theater like setup that my computer will be capable of. My system of choice is the Yamaha YST-MS55D ($100). With 80 watts of power this 3-piece speaker system will quickly turn my computer into a powerful Mp3 jukebox, as well as providing powerful bass from the included subwoofer.

My hard drive now is 7.4 gigabytes. When I purchased my computer I had no idea of the obsession that would take over my life. This obsession is Mp3’s. I now have over 1300 and don’t plan on stopping my collection anytime soon. This however is putting some strain on my hard drive space and now I am wishing I had gone at least one step up, to 13 gigs or so. I will not be making this mistake again, I will be going with a 76.8 gigabyte IBM running at 7200 rotations per minute ($400). A gigabyte is equal to 1024 megabytes, or roughly one billion bytes. I was considering dual hard drives, but this can quickly get very expensive and I hope I will not need any more space than 76.8 gigabytes anytime soon.

I rarely play games on my computer, outside of simple hearts, yet I still can’t stand when video games don’t run at their full potential. To do this I will need the ATI Rage Magnum 128 GL graphics card. With 32 megabytes of memory, my computer will be able to handle 31 bit true color 3D graphics up to

1920x1200 dots per inch. I also would like to hook up my video camera to my computer, to make some short videos into mpegs, as well as freeze frame some videos and turn them into jpegs. To do all this I will need the ATI All-In-Wonder Pro. ($219) In addition to having the ability to use my camcorder for video input and output, I will be able to watch television on my computer with the simple hookup of cable to the back of the component. This can be quite convenient for those of us who can’t miss our favorite sports if we need to write a paper.

With the high-speed Internet now available through such carriers as Adelphia (Powerlink), modem usage has been dramatically cut down due to its slow speed and its usage of one’s phone line. For a cost similar to such popular Internet services like America Online, one can have lightening fast Internet access that (theoretically) is always on. However, just as in the point I made about the floppy drive, it is always nice to have a failsafe. For this I would use a free Internet service, such as BlueLight or Freelane (Powered by Excite) to connect to the Internet at 56k. These are free programs, which can either be downloaded from the Internet, or received for free at stores such as Wal-Mart and Kmart. They provide free Internet service, usually connecting at speeds around 50 bps, with an advertisement bar that appears on a portion of your screen while it is in use. The speed isn’t great, and the ads can sometimes be irritating, but for free they are great

services. The term “bps” stands for “bits per second”. It is often times more accurately abbreviated

as kbps, or kilobytes per second. Modems are not manufactured that run faster than 56k, as a standard telephone line can not handle more than 56 kilobytes of information per second.So for my dream computer a simple Lucent Technologies 56k internal modem will be just fine ($25).

Although one of my goals in setting up my dream computer was to preserve desk space, I feel it necessary to have a scanner hooked up to scan pictures and documents, using it primarily as a way to make copies of photos. I found that the Canon CanoScan N1220U was one of the most space saving on the market, while still having a scan area of 8.5 x 11.7 inches ($120). This is the standard scan area for most scanners on the market, yet the CanoScan was one of the thinnest models available. It scans photos up to a resolution of 1200 x 1200 dpi, which can be enhanced to 9600 x 9600 dots per inch. To go alongside this great input device, will be my prized output device. The Epson Stylus Photo 2000P Inkjet Printer prints using a 6 color cartridge, at a resolution of 1440 x 720 dpi in black/white and color ($299). Not only that, but it is one of the coolest looking available in all black with silver trim. The dimensions of it are 28 x 15 x 12, making it one of the smallest on the market as well. Although it is not the fastest available, for the small size it can turn out some very impressive reprints of

photos when using premium photo paper. Rounding out the extras that I will have included within my dream computer package is an attachable camera. The Logitech Quickcam Traveler acts both as a webcam and a digital camera ($125). With a built in microphone, video-conferencing is a breeze as well as the editing of short movies. Different from most webcams, the Traveler can detach from its cable and be used to take up to 200 still photos stored within its built in memory. Although cheap digital cameras are becoming more popular, and webcams are now sold for under $40, the Traveler is both convenient in that it acts as both, and is reasonably priced.

Last but not least is the software that would be run by this powerhouse of a computer. The school provided Microsoft Office 2000 would provide most of the programs I would need (Word, Internet Explorer etc). With access to the Internet (through an installed Ethernet card ($29)) I would then be able to download the necessary software titles I would require. One of the most important being AOL Instant Messenger, along with the full featured AOL. Another title I use quite frequently now is the Mp3 player Sonique. I find its interface much more use-friendly than the popular Winamp. In the situation of a possible network breakdown, I would have FreeLane (Excite) installed for emergency 56k Internet access, however I would hope the situation would never arise where I would need to use it. For my CD burning needs, I would have Adaptec Easy CD Creator installed. To manipulate and scan photos-Adobe Photoshop 6.0, and also from Adobe, for PDF viewing-Adobe Acrobat.

Additional shareware programs I would have installed: Netmeeting (video telecounseling), Realplayer, QuickTime, Windows Media Player 6.4 (not the bulky 7.0), Napster (Future???), WinZip and Mulberry. Last but certainly not least would be Norton SystemWorks 2001. This program not only has the highly respected Norton AntiVirus, but also many other Norton utilities to help my system run smoothly. Many of the components I have chosen to have within my computer come with software, and of course I would install of these as well. Many programs they come with however are sub-par, in which case I would use my preferred program in place of the supplied one, as long as the components were compatible with the other software.

All of these products I have chosen for my dream computer have extended warranties, most lasting one to two years. A good warranty is key, along with having repair services available to you close to your home. No one wants to have to be without a computer for too long, nor have to mail it out. A good deal of the products used within this paper were from Soyata Computers located within ten minutes of my home in Rochester, NY. Their guarantees for their products are quite extensive and having repair close to home that is quick and usually free just makes sense. For the most part computer products seem to have a very low rate of failure while they are covered under warranty, but it never hurts to get the longest warranty available, even if it is at an additional cost. This cost is usually below the cost of repair and always under the cost of replacement.

computer would cost a grand total of $4098, plus a few other additional costs such as the cost of the casing itself (15) as well as some other small cables and parts. This total does not reflect the cost of software, and although most of the software I have chosen is shareware, certain programs can get quite costly. Such as Adobe Photoshop and Adaptec Easy CD Creator. A more reasonable cost would be about $5000, when the cost of high speed internet access is taken into account ($20/month plus $100 initial connection) This total is an exorbitant cost, especially because within a year or so, all of this will be available for around half the price, with some of it on its way to becoming obsolete or unnecessary. Moore’s Law states that in the computer world, every 18 months the capacity of memory doubles. Amazing as this is, even more amazing is the fact that the price tends to decrease by 50%. Thusly no computer is essentially a “dream” computer. The computer industry changes too quickly for one to ever hope to keep up with all the latest technologies and speed/memory updates and expansions. The key to buying and keeping a computer up to date is to always realize that no matter what, your computer will not be perfect, nor the best at everything that computer are capable of. I think what’s important is to purchase with this in mind, and keep the costs reasonable, while buying components that will not become obsolete within two years. Also key is making the computer upgradeable, before any upgrades are necessary. Expansion slots for memory and other components,

even an additional hard drive, are not that expensive and are extremely practical as no on wants to buy a new computer every few years. I would never spend more than $1500 on a computer and accompanying components, yet it is fun to dream of a computer so powerful and cutting edge.


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Business Management Ideas

The Wisdom Post

Essay on My Dream

List of essays on my dream in english, essay on my dream – essay 1 (100 words), essay on my dream – essay 2 (250 words), essay on my dream to become a soldier – essay 3 (300 words), essay on my dream and fears – essay 4 (300 words), essay on my dream life – essay 5 (400 words), essay on my dream to become a doctor – essay 6 (400 words), essay on my dream – essay 7 (750 words), essay on my dream – essay 8 (1000 words).

Every night I dream of living a life of a celebrity. In my dream I see myself dressed up like a model posing for cameras. It is my dream to work in the film industry and become famous. But, for that, I will have to work really hard. My mother always tells me to concentrate on studies and live up to the dream of becoming a model. My father also supports me and he says that he believes in me. Once he told me that I should help others and be in good books of the people to win their heart as it will help me make my dream come true.

Every day I like to take some time aside from my responsibilities to think about my dreams and all the goals I want to achieve. My dream is to become a successful businessman. Business is something that has always intrigued me. As my father is a businessman, since childhood, I had this keen interest to be a part of or to lead a business.

Only having a dream won’t help, I also need to work towards the achievement of my dream. As doing business is not as easy as it seems, first I need to understand the basics of what business actually is. This will the first step towards my dream. So after completing my intermediary, I have enrolled myself in a reputed college to do my Bachelors in Business Administration (BBA). After completing BBA, I will also do my Masters in Business Administration. By then I will have gained the complete knowledge on business and its functioning which will help me reach my dream.

Apart from the theoretical part, I can always count on my father to share with me the practical experiences and advices that will help me shape my dream. This will take me closer to my dream of becoming a successful businessman. I have also started reading magazines about successful businessmen and their success stories in order to gain some idea that will help me in the long. I will put the best of my efforts and work hard towards achieving my dream.


My dream to become a Soldier started on an Army Day (January 15th), when I was still in High School. I witnessed the tribute paid to martyred soldiers at the Amar Jawan Jyoti in India Gate. It was followed by parades displaying Tanks, Missiles, and War Helicopters etc. The impression I received that day motivates me to realise my dream to become a Soldier.

Love of a Soldier:

The history of Indian independence and the life of freedom fighters has always fascinated me. Those who were responsible for the air of freedom we breathe today, loved our motherland and dedicated their lives to its well-being. These seeds in me have developed a sense of love for the country. It has also nurtured my dream to become a soldier and safeguard it.

Spirit of a Soldier:

Apart from academics, I started to collect all details about how to realise my dream to become a Soldier. I began to understand the values that inspire a Soldier to willingly face challenges and responsibly safeguard the nation even at the cost of his own life. This inspired me to study well and keep myself fit to achieve my dream to become a Soldier.

Training of a Soldier:

I also understood about the training before service. The feeling of pride and mutual loyalty is imbibed among the trainees. They are also trained to willing sacrifice for the country’s honour, with a do or die spirit. A sense of fearlessness, fairness and honesty are inculcated during the disciplined training. These components further kindled my dream to become a Soldier.

Lifestyle of a Soldier:

On the one hand, the soldier’s life is a life of self-sacrifice. On the other hand, the lifestyle it offers far exceeds my expectation, and fuels my dream to become a Soldier. Opportunities to advance in ranks, paid study holidays, subsidized housing, free medical coverage and recreational facilities are provided, apart from regular salary and perks. Lifelong pension is awarded after retirement.


Many young people in the country offer the time of their life to work for big Corporates. But, I am here to pursue my dream to become a Soldier and dedicate my life to the welfare of the nation. I often encourage my friends to follow my dream to become a Soldier, at least for a short service tenure ranging from 10 to 14 years.

At a very early age, my dream was to do something big in life. But along with that I still had some fears also. I want to have a successful career, and for this, I had set an aim. It is quite essential for everybody to get them to establish professionally and successfully. Besides this, few other dreams are also necessary for me like health, relationships, and many different aspects of life. However, I also fear to get fail in achieving all these targets.

Career Dream and Fear:

When I was a kid, my dream was to become a doctor. But during my growing age, the Bollywood industry fascinated me and then my dream of becoming doctor changed to an actor. When I passed my class 12 th , the only goal that hit my mind was becoming an engineer. I always fear of dreaming about big things, but if you have potential then, you can achieve anything in life.

Dream and Fear of Health and Fitness:

When I was young, I was not so much concerned about my health. But now I realized the importance of having good health. My dream of becoming fit and healthy was only achieved due to strong willpower and eagerness of doing regular exercise. With this thought, I managed to lose around 15 kg easily. Now, I don’t fear about eating any food as I compensate that with my daily workout.

Dreams and fear about the relationship:

There is a special place of relationships in my life, and sometimes I fear about losing the important people in my life. But, now I realize that instead of thinking negative, we should try to spend more time with the people. It is as essential as my dream of good career.

Thinking only about the career and success with the little amount of fear might not offer you complete happiness later. It is good to become serious about your career, but you should also try to overcome any fear for a more successful life ahead.

Life is a dynamic process that has its ups and downs. Juggling the disparities of life can be very stressful at times and that is why you get your mind wondering in thoughts. Most thoughts are usually based on what people desire, which we call the dream life. The desires in life may not always be achieved but it is good to have a picture or at least an idea of the kind of life on desires to have. In America, people have the American dream but you as an individual should ask yourself; what is your dream life?

How my dream life looks like:

Socially, I have always imagined myself being a very influential person in my society. Currently in school, I always have the urge to influence someone but I still lack the confidence and resources to do so. I have always wanted to travel the world and explore different cultures of the world through interactions with people. I also imagine of having a great family with whom I can travel the world with.

Career-wise, I want to work at the comfort of my own home and be flexible so that I can always have time for my family. Spiritually, I have a desire to always be in good terms with God and follow the doctrines of my religion.

Economically, I want to be self-actualized at an early age so that I can focus on my influential personality, having all the resources I need. I want to be satisfied with what I will have achieved and work on living a happy life.

How I plan on living my dream life?

Living the dream life can begin any time that you chose to be as an individual. For my dream life, the things that I can achieve while still at school is the ability to have a spiritual wellness and flowing the doctrines of my religion. I can also start learning to appreciate whatever I have and living a happy life.

For the desires that I cannot achieve at the moment, I will work towards achieving them by shaping and redirecting the pathway. For example, my career, I will pursue something in the university that will allow me to work from home without necessarily going to work.

A dream life is basically the desired of one’s heart inform of an imagination. A dream life does not affect the reality in any way.

A dream is something that helps you to mold your future and aim your life to an appropriate goal. Dreaming big will help us to work for it harder and finally achieve it. Without desire and aim in life, we cannot focus and work hard to fulfill our dream.

My Dream to become a Doctor:

The biggest dream of my life is to become a doctor. I have seen many doctors, who save other people’s lives and they feel happy in the satisfaction they get through this activity. I want to be a doctor, who will serve good for this society and help poor to get good medical care without expecting big money in return.

Doctors are respected in all places and among all types of society. In spite of being different in many things like wealth, religion, etc., everyone will be in need of the best doctor to treat them honestly. I dream of being one such doctor to whom anyone can come without any doubt and fear of being tricked.

I don’t want to be a doctor who just works for money. I want to help others who can’t afford big budget treatments and choose their fate due to their lack of money. When a person is cured of their illness, the smile that appears on their face will be the greatest reward I will ever get. My dream is to become a doctor, who is praised for the kindness and get rewards through others blessings.

How to become a Doctor?

To get the admissions in a medical seat is not that easy. But I will work hard and crack the competitive exam to get a merit seat in the college. I will work hard from the beginning to end to improve my knowledge and keep updated about every upcoming and ongoing development.

I would like to choose the specialization when I can actually decide which one will suit my desire. I have an aim to serve the people in their needs and once I grow big enough to decide the correct career to fulfill my dream, I will work harder to achieve that as well.

After achieving My Dream:

Once I complete my whole medical courses I would be looking to practice in a well-reputed hospital to perfect my job. With this perfection I will start my own clinic and serve people for the rest of my life along with this I will help other students also to get trained to become a good doctor. I will make sure that my dream will come true at the best time.

We all have some sort of ambition or dream. My dream is to become a world class chef. Dreams play a very important role in moulding our future. There is a saying that “if you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you can dream it, you can become it”. This saying implies that if you can work hard and put in your best to achieving your dream, it is very possible to live your dream. Working hard to achieve ones dream is easier said than done but if you put in your best effort and never give up, dreams are achievable.

In the path of achieving my dream, it is important that I take one step at a time. Even if I have a very big dream of becoming a word class chef, it is best for me to take steady and small steps by setting both long term and short term goals, by doing this, I am always working towards achieving my dream. When I take one step at a time, it helps not to rush into decisions and take things easy.

I know becoming a world class chef is not very easy and can only happen if complete and proper training from a very reputable institute and there isn’t much I can do at the moment to speed up the realisation of my dream since I am still in school. However, I still do my best to set my dream rolling, I follow a lot of cooking websites and blogs, watch cooking shows, read culinary books and I practice my cooking to sharpen my skills every time. These are all little steps I am taking towards achieving my dream. Though my goal is to become a world class chef, I have small goals in place for each month and year to come so that I can reach my dream.

A major hindrance to achieving my set goals and my dream is the lack of inadequacy of motivation. A lot of people have given up their goals and dreams just because they got tired on the way. It is extremely important to remain motivated and only stop is when the dream has been achieved. Highlighted below are some useful tips that I have used to keep myself motivated on the journey to reaching my dream:

i. Anytime I see that I am running out of drive and energy and I am becoming too tired to stick to my set goals, I try to remind myself of what my dream is and the feeling of pride and joy I will experience when I achieve it and become a world class chef. It feels like pressing a reset button and starting with a refreshed mind again and working harder towards achieving my dream.

ii. Long term goals and short term goals are set towards the ultimate goal of achieving my dream and as I reach these short term goals, I try to reward myself for my achievement. The reward can vary from eating dinner at my favourite restaurant or buying myself a new phone I wanted or going out with my friends. Rewarding myself is a very good way to remain motivated towards the achievements of my goals and ultimately my dream.

iii. When I work too much and have no time to relax and play, my productivity drops and I become dull. Therefore, it is a good idea to have some time for myself away from work to focus on something fun that I love. I find time in my schedule every day to engage in some form of leisure activity or sport.

iv. Having people who believes in my dream and support my goals around me makes all the difference. Having positive people helps me find the strength and courage to push on and not give up on my dream. They motivate me to work hard and do the best to achieve my goals and my dream.

v. A mistake is nothing more than an experience and an opportunity to try again and do things much better. So, instead of getting heartbroken and disheartened to the point of wanting to give up on my goals and dream when I face a tough time or make mistakes, I learn from the mistakes and move on as the tough times and mistakes make me a lot stronger.

I will keep working hard towards achieving my dream and I believe that I will become a world class chef one day.

Who in this world does not have a dream? A dream to buy a car, a dream to be a scientist, a dream to do something for the society, or just a dream to live a life with contentment. Something or the other, but surely every person has a dream. It is this dream that drives you to work hard, achieve your milestones and ride towards success in your life. Success need not be becoming the wealthiest person on the earth. Achieving even your smallest dream can be a huge success for you. Since childhood, you come across various fields which often you think of as your ultimate targets. However, most of them are just fantasies and fade away with time. Still, there are some things which just stick on to your minds and these very things eventually go on to be your dreams.

My Dream – My Passion:

Like others, even I have a dream. My dream is to join the intelligence unit of the country and serve my country with pride. Usually, in order to serve the country, people think of joining the armed forces. However, I have a different point of view. I dream to join the intelligence unit and provide inputs to these armed forces so that they can protect the country in a good way and not many lives are lost fight battles with our neighbours.

Where did it all start?

Since my childhood, I have been fascinated by the role of intelligence and the methods of work they are used to. I had got a chance to be with a couple of people early in my life who were in the same field and it is from here that I got so much stuck up with this profession that I have dreamt day and night to be a part of this elite team. Moreover, I feel that I have it in me to research about things as well as people and am known in my circles to extract information from nowhere. I feel that this talent of mine can prove helpful for the country as well. Intelligence plays a crucial role in the security establishment of the country. The inputs gathered from intelligence units help the government and the forces to plan their steps both at diplomatic and at the level of securing the borders.

Another thing which excites me about this dream is that it is not a conventional field such as common occupations which are sought after by most of the youth of our country. Another very important thing to mention here that you need not formally join the intelligence to realise this dream. By keeping a check on your surroundings and providing proper information to the police in case you notice an unfavourable incident is also a form of your contribution to the security agencies of the country. If everyone remains active, a lot many incidents such as terrorist attacks can be averted.

Why having a dream is so important?

Dreams are very important for everyone. Without dreams, there will be no desire to pursue. There will be no objective to reach. We will all be nothing without dreams. Not having dreams resembles pursuing a traceless homicide. It resembles following an undetectable shadow. It is a loathsome goose pursue. We should comprehend what we need to do and pursue that desire.

A great many people have dreams. Successful ones or little ones. Indeed, even the best individuals had dreams and that is the thing that has made them what they are today. Envisioning is basic for a person. Without dreams, you will lose enthusiasm forever lastly prefer not to live. You will be exhausted and tired of the equivalent dull schedules of your everyday life and won’t discover an enthusiasm for the most energizing things. Just with dreams, will you discover a reason to carry on with your life? You will begin buckling down towards the fantasy and will never lose enthusiasm forever. You will never tire and dependably be spurred. This is the most ideal approach to end up effective. So, dream and dream big. It is the only way to achieve contentment in life.

Be that as it may, with dreams, comes extraordinary duty. It is not just sufficient to dream and disregard that fantasy. Numerous individuals dream, however just some wake up and work for it.

It is basic to buckle down for your fantasies. Without this diligent work, a fantasy will just remain a craving in the subliminal personality and will never be accomplished.

On the off chance that you don’t have a fantasy, you can never appreciate the extravagances of life or all that life brings to the table. You will never feel that delighted sentiment of accomplishment. You will never get pride in what you do and what you have accomplished. Every one of these things is vital for people and without these emotions, there is no inspiration.

In the event that you don’t have inspiration, you will be a disappointment throughout everyday life. You won’t have the capacity to accomplish those objectives and will have a hopeless existence. You will never appreciate the extravagances of life and you will never feel glad. You will be a disappointment and you will be nothing throughout everyday life. We should go that additional mile to achieve our objectives. Disappointments may come, however a state of mind to continue proceeding onward and attempting to enhance is completely accomplished by dreams. Dreams are the fuel that continues invigorating you to go further. Regardless of whether there are numerous snags throughout everyday life, you will, in general, continue moving further and attempting to be superior to anything your identity. Consistent and endless enhancement is extremely imperative in advancing throughout everyday life. It improves your identity and furthermore whatever you need to advance in. It causes you to gain from your missteps

Only having career objectives and succeeding professionally can disregard you after one point throughout everyday life. Work as constantly to accomplish these as you do to understand your ultimate dreams. Having a dream is not important. What is important is striving continuously to achieving it. The sense of satisfaction you acquire once you have attained your goals cannot be explained in words and has no alternative in life. So, strive hard and live your dreams. Who knows, what is there in store for you?

Ambition , Doctor , Dreams , Goal , My Dream , Soldier

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My Dream Computer


As a student and an enthusiast about life, I dream of owning a computer that can meet my needs and wishes. I would love to own a superb computer that will enable me to have a smooth experience in my dispositions and endeavors. Computers vary from one another depending on its specialties and workability of different computers this can be categories by their processing speed, the computer storage capacity among others this makes students and other persons interested in the computers find it hard to choose a computer. This is because there are many models produced by various companies different types of computers such as Apple computers, Asus, Lenovo, Toshiba, and Dell among others. These companies have created different models of machines that could choose from. I would decide to own a computer that meets the requisite specifications for my needs and desires, therefore, the best computers with a fast processing speed, and a large storage capacity is what I will be looking for. Different brands and models of computers have been producing by different companies. Therefore each model of machine is designed differently with different properties and specifications to fit customers needs.

I would prefer a computer that embraces large storage capacity as one of the assets that one should consider before buying a computer the greater the storage capacity, the more effectiveness to arrange and store data. It should also be user-friendliness. Therefore, the computer must not be complicated to be used. Portability of the computer assures easy access to the computer at any given time or place since I can carry the computer anywhere, security is one of the major threats on the internet today since some of the computers are easily hacked, and therefore I require a computer that enables a good antivirus to protect my computer. Computers with good processing speed ensure easy access to internet connectivity this will allow me as a student do more studies and researches for my study as a medicine student. A real computer should allow higher resolutions and graphics this can help in gaming, among others (Williams & Grabham, 2013). I like computers with ample storage capacity varies in the size of the hard disk storage most of the computers are in Giger bytes, but since I require to a store significant amount of information a, therefore, I need a capacity storage of one terabyte and above. Such a storage capacity will enable me to store my files and data with much simplicity and convenience. In fact, I can be able to partition the storage to arrange my records and medical records accordingly. I would also like a computer that can be able to accommodate operating systems that are user-friendlier.

A good processing speed of the computer will be such a buster to my career in the medical field; I will be conducting researches now, and then, therefore, the best computer should have the best processing speed to enable fast internet access. Such a network will allow me to further my studies in the area of research or practice (Weber & Swink, 2014). The portability of the computer is essential since I would be moving around doing fieldwork and record my findings to the computer, I would need a computer that is easily portable and less strenuous is one of the property to consider for my future computer. A secure computer will ensure that an unauthorized user does not access my medical documents and other files. As a medical student confidentiality is a critical area in this career wich must be considered. It is important to have secure antiviruses and a computer secured to protect my data to leaked. During my recreational time as a gamer, I would like a computer which supports good gaming properties such as the large size of memory that will enable me to install even the games with large storage capacity can allow one to play virtual games as such.

A safe computer is the one that has a fast processing speed to enable a quick to multitask even when it comes to sophisticated software faster. Moreover, good computer to enable ample storage capacity that can allow sufficient amount of data to be stored safely. Therefore the hard disk for a good computer must be above one terabyte. As a medical student to ensure confidentiality, my future computer must be able to be secure enough to enable the protection of data. Therefore for a safe and quality computer, one should be able to understand the different property of the computer and be able to compare between the various advantages that the computer possesses. This way one will be able to get the best computers to their advantage.

Weber, A. & Swink, M. (2014). Computer use in the medical field. Unc.edu. Retrieved 4 March 2017, from http://www.unc.edu/~mswink/comp101/project1/

Williams, M. & Grabham, D. (2013). Best computer: How to choose the right one. TechRadar. Retrieved 4 March 2017, from http://www.techradar.com/news/computing/best-computer-how-to-choose-the-right-one-935053

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Machines and gadgets are becoming an inseparable part of our lives. Technological development has enabled remarkable advancement, greater comfort, improved health, readily accessible information, rapid communication, and easy transport to virtually

My Career Goals

At this time in our very lives we are planning for the future and making a ladder for ourselves of goals to reach. As you climb higher on the ladder you find yourselves aspiring to take actions that may be more difficult than we imagined. This is just the beginning and we do not give up. As the years come faster I made a list of the things that I am planning on persuing. My major career goal is to go into buisness, and within the buisness industry I want to become a Human Resources Manager.

More about My Dream To Become A Computer Engineer

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Essay on My Dream Job Software Engineer

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Dream Job Software Engineer in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Dream Job Software Engineer


My dream job is to become a Software Engineer. This role involves creating, testing, and improving computer software.

Why Software Engineering?

I am drawn to software engineering because of my love for computers and problem-solving. This job allows me to use both these interests.

What I’ll Do

As a software engineer, I’ll design and develop software applications. It’s exciting to create something that people use daily.

Software Engineers have a significant impact on society. They create tools that help people in their everyday lives.

250 Words Essay on My Dream Job Software Engineer

Every individual aspires to pursue a career that fulfills their dreams and passions. My dream job is to become a Software Engineer. This career choice blends my interest in technology and problem-solving, ultimately leading to the creation of innovative solutions.

Software Engineering is not merely about coding; it’s about making a difference in the world. It’s the backbone of every industry, from healthcare to finance, from education to entertainment. The ability to develop software that can transform lives and industries is what draws me towards this profession.

The Role of a Software Engineer

Software Engineers are the architects of the digital world. They design, develop, and maintain software systems, ensuring their efficiency and effectiveness. They also troubleshoot problems and devise software solutions that are user-friendly and meet the needs of clients and consumers.

The Impact of Software Engineering

The impact of Software Engineering is profound and far-reaching. It enables businesses to operate more efficiently, governments to provide better services, and individuals to enhance their daily lives. Software Engineers are at the forefront of technological advancements, driving innovation and progress.

In conclusion, my dream job as a Software Engineer is fueled by the desire to solve complex problems and contribute to the technological advancement of society. This profession offers endless learning opportunities and the ability to make a significant impact on the world. It’s a career that is challenging, rewarding, and constantly evolving, making it an ideal choice for me.

500 Words Essay on My Dream Job Software Engineer

The attraction of software engineering.

Software engineering is the art of applying engineering principles to the design, development, maintenance, testing, and evaluation of software and systems that make computers or anything containing software work. The allure of this profession to me lies in its perfect blend of creativity and logic. It requires one to think outside the box and devise innovative solutions, while also demanding a logical, systematic approach to problem-solving.

The Impact on Society

Software engineers are the architects of the digital world. They build systems that power everything from global financial markets to personal fitness apps. They are the unseen force that enables us to connect, create, and collaborate in ways we could not have imagined a few decades ago. The impact of their work on society is immeasurable, and being part of this transformative force is a significant motivator for me.

Personal Growth and Fulfillment

Challenges and opportunities.

Software engineering, like any other profession, comes with its challenges. The pressure to deliver within tight deadlines, the need to constantly update skills in line with technological advancements, and the complexity of problems to be solved can be daunting. However, these challenges are also opportunities for growth. They push a software engineer to strive for excellence, adapt to changes, and develop resilience.

My dream job as a software engineer is not just about coding or designing systems. It is about being part of a community that is shaping the future, pushing the boundaries of what is possible, and using technology to create a positive impact on society. The journey towards becoming a software engineer will undoubtedly be challenging, but the rewards – both personal and professional – make it a dream worth pursuing.

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Essay on My Dream in 200, 300, 400, 500, 600 Words for Students

Everyone has a dream to achieve in their life. So do I and you. That’s why we are sharing some amazing essays on my dream in 200, 300, 400, 500, and 600 words for students of class 1-12. All students can find suitable my dream essay here for their study.

In This Blog We Will Discuss

Short Essay on My Dream in 200 Words

As a school student, I have a dream to fulfill in my life. I want to become a social worker. I love to work for people. As a career, I want to become a doctor, if possible. Because I think a doctor can help the people at his best. 

My dream is to help poor people. After being a doctor, I will go to some underprivileged area to serve them. There are lots of countryside areas where people don’t get proper treatment and they die due to very simple disease. They are not health conscious too. I will work for them. 

Social warfare is my major target. I won’t become a doctor to make money. I will make money to have a very simple lifestyle and most of my time, I will spend on the people. I think this is the best decision for me. My parents are very supportive and they welcomed my decision. 

I am studying hard to reach my goal. I need to get myself admitted to a medical college to become a doctor. It is not that easy, but I hope I will make it real with my hard work and proper study. I’m very honest and serious about my dream. 

My Dream Essay in 300 Words


The dream has no limits. You can dream anything in your life. All dreams shouldn’t come real in your life. But still, we have some productive goals and aims that are highly important to achieve. Today I am talking about my dream to become a pilot. It’s a huge thing and challenging for me. But still, I am hopeful that I will make it. Today I am going to share my dream and my preparation. 

My Dream to Become a Pilot:

My dream is to become a pilot. And I had this aim from my childhood. My parents are supportive and I hope I am going to make it. I know that it is a tough thing to do in life. And very few people succeed to become a pilot. I know it will be challenging for me. But I will try my best to get myself admitted to an aviation school. 

My Preparation:

I am very passionate about Physics and it’s an important subject for aviation learning. I am studying this subject with lots of attention. And I hope after completing my high school I will be able to get myself admitted into an aviation college. 

The process of being a pilot will be easier if I can get myself admitted there. My parents are very hopeful and they always tell me that I will make it. And I am a very serious and attentive student. I hope I will make good results so that I can be a pilot. 


This is my dream to become a pilot. I am very serious and honest about my dream. I am ready to work hard as much as possible to make my dream come true. I hope it won’t be hard to make this dream true. 

Essay on My Dream to Become a Doctor in 400 Words

At the early stage of life, everyone gets a dream to achieve in their life. But everyone can’t go to the goal. But still, people are aiming for their dreams and working for it. Why should you have a dream? Because it will keep you on track when you are looking for success. 

A specific aim is the most important thing to become a successful person. May all of your dreams won’t come true, but still, you shouldn’t stop or never stop dreaming. Here I am talking about my dream to become a doctor. 

How to Become a Doctor?

To become a doctor in my country, someone needs to get himself admitted into a medical college after passing the 12th. And then there is an MBBS course lasting for six years. That’s the process. And then some go for higher education and some start working in different places. 

But it’s very tough and challenging to take admission in medical colleges. There is a huge competition. Thousands of students participate in the admission test. But the seats are only a few. But I’m confident enough that I will make it. 

A student must have a science background in school and college to get a chance in a medical institute. The grade should be higher. And finally, he needs to be good at Biology. 

My preparation is pretty solid. Right now I’m studying as science is my topic. And I’m good in Biology. I hope that I will make a good result in my 10th and 12th. Both of my results will help me to get a chance in a medical college. 

I know it won’t be easy at all, but I am very confident. I’m an attentive student and I follow a strict daily routine for me. This routine helps me to schedule everything properly. 

What Will I Do After Being a Doctor?

After completing the medical degree I have a plan to serve the people of my village. People of my village are not rich. They can’t afford better treatment. 

And they face lots of fatal diseases. But there is no doctor to help them. I will be there to help my village people. I will try to make a small hospital there. 

My dream to become a doctor is an honest plan. I want to help and serve the people. I love to be with people always. That’s what my aim is. I hope that I will be able to make my dream real. 

Essay on My Dream in Life (500 Words)

Essay on My Dream in Life (500 Words)

Everyone has got a dream in their life. Dreams and desires help us to get success. When you have a specific dream and you are focused only on that thing then you have a higher chance to get success in life. 

Because you can focus and can be dedicated to a specific thing at the right time. That’s why getting an aim or dream is important. I have got a dream to become an engineer. Today I will talk about my dream here. I hope you will love it. 

My Dream to Become an Engineer:

When I was a kid reading in grade 2, my dad bought me a computer. The main reason was playing computer games. I was very passionate about video games. I wondered how people make these games. And I always wanted to learn more about this. 

When I grew up, I learned that computer engineers develop these games. And right on that moment, I fixed my aim to become a game developer. To be one I have to study computer engineering and need to become a CSE graduate. 

Why I Want to Become an Engineer:

The main reason is to become a game developer. And then I know the current world is based on technology and information. The person who is strong on these two things has a better opportunity to have a stable career. I think this time is so revolutionary for computer engineers. 

And it’s the perfect time to invest effort here. My plan and dream are really exciting for me. I am sure that this industry is my passion. And I enjoy spending time with the computer. I can spend all day long learning new things related to programming and others. 

I have a pretty good preparation for this dream. I have shared my future plan with my parents. They are really supportive with this. Even my father is an IT officer. I planned to get myself admitted into a university after 12th. 

I have plans to take part in the admission test for government universities. If I don’t get a chance there, I will be admitted to a private university and complete my CSE graduation from there. I am confident enough that I will get a chance at a good university. 

Right now, I am focusing on my current study. And I’m also learning different things related to computers. I’m planning to join an online course where I will learn Java Programming slowly. 

What Will I Do After Being an Engineer:

After completing my degree I have a plan to start my own gaming company. I will hire some similar minded people or take them as partners. It will depend on the condition at that time. But I will try my best to do some jobs before starting my own company. Starting a company is the biggest goal for me. 

That’s all about my dream to become an Engineer. I am hopeful that I will be one someday and my dream will come true. I am very honest about my dreams and I am working very hard to achieve it. 

Essay on My Dream in 600 Words

Essay on My Dream in 600 Words


A dream is a thing that keeps us focused and dedicated to our life. We all need to have a very specific dream to reach. Without a proper aim or dream, we can’t succeed in the end. Your dream will help you mentally and make you strong inside. Without any dream or desire, it will be hard to reach a goal. That’s why everyone gets a goal in their life, so do I. Today I am going to talk about my dream to become a teacher here. 

My Dream to Become a Teacher:

Different people have different types of dreams and I want to become a teacher in the future. Yes, that’s my dream. My thinking was always different. I wanted to do something productive in my life. The stage that I am at right now is not that challenging. 

I am a student and I have to study properly. But to run behind a goal or dream could be very hard. And I can realize that. From the beginning, I loved to teach the kids. 

And finally, I found that is my passion. It will be great if I can become a teacher. People might dream to become a college professor or university teacher, but I prefer to become a very normal school teacher. 

I love a very easy and normal lifestyle. I want to spend the rest of my life living in a calm and naturally beautiful place, teaching lots of kids and students. And I am working hard to make my dream come true. 

Why I Want to Become a Teacher:

There are so many reasons behind this dream. The first thing that I can mention is I love teaching. That’s the biggest reason. When I shared my passion with my parents, they were amazingly supportive. They told me to follow my passion and my dream. 

And then I got a huge boost in my desire. There are some other reasons to become a teacher. I love to live a very simple life. And I know a teacher is a person who can live a very simple life. 

I want to make a difference in our education system. As you know our education system is not great. I want to fix that. It is a hard part, but that’s my ultimate goal in my life. I want to bring some changes to the system of teaching style. 

I think this profession has pretty good job security and a good income too. And another thing that I forgot to mention is fun and excitement every day. There are new things every day and that’s a huge thing for me. 

My Preparation for My Dream:

As I want to become a teacher, I need preparation for sure. And yes, I am preparing myself for this. Right now I am a student and I need to focus on my education first. But in my leisure time, I love to do the teaching. 

I have some amazing cousins who come to my home to do maths and learn English. I teach them and I enjoy them a lot. After completing high school, I have my plan to study ‘English Literature’ for higher education. 

And that will be my subject in my teaching career. And finally, after being a teacher I will join a govt school and will serve the unprivileged kids. I have a dream to start my own school too for the street kids. 

Overall I am very serious and focused on my dream. I want to make my dream true. And I am working on it. I know teaching is a noble profession and teachers are the main person who leads the nation from the front. 

10 Lines Essay on My Dream

1. Everyone needs to have a specific goal or dream in their life. 

2. That’s why I also have a dream in my life. 

3. I want to serve the needy people and want to help them at every moment.

4. That’s my dream and that’s why I am trying to become a doctor. 

5. Because I think a doctor is the best profession to serve poor people. 

6. After completing my 12th, I will try to get myself admitted to a medical college. 

7. I want to open a clinic in an underprivileged area and want to treat the poor people for free. 

8. I will get lots of inner peace by doing this. 

9. My parents are really supportive and they inspire me always to do that. 

10. That’s all my dream.

What is your dream essay? 

Here we have got some beautiful ‘my dream essays’. These essays are very informative and super easy to learn. As a student, you can try to learn them for yourself. I can assure you that these essays are good for your academic study.

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essay about my dream computer

Essay on Computer and its Uses for School Students and Children

500+ words essay on computer.

In this essay on computer, we are going to discuss some useful things about computers. The modern-day computer has become an important part of our daily life. Also, their usage has increased much fold during the last decade. Nowadays, they use the computer in every office whether private or government. Mankind is using computers for over many decades now. Also, they are used in many fields like agriculture, designing, machinery making, defense and many more. Above all, they have revolutionized the whole world.

essay on computer

History of Computers

It is very difficult to find the exact origin of computers. But according to some experts computer exists at the time of world war-II. Also, at that time they were used for keeping data. But, it was for only government use and not for public use. Above all, in the beginning, the computer was a very large and heavy machine.

Working of a Computer 

The computer runs on a three-step cycle namely input, process, and output. Also, the computer follows this cycle in every process it was asked to do. In simple words, the process can be explained in this way. The data which we feed into the computer is input, the work CPU do is process and the result which the computer give is output.

Components and Types of Computer

The simple computer basically consists of CPU, monitor, mouse, and keyboard . Also, there are hundreds of other computer parts that can be attached to it. These other parts include a printer, laser pen, scanner , etc.

The computer is categorized into many different types like supercomputers, mainframes, personal computers (desktop), PDAs, laptop, etc. The mobile phone is also a type of computer because it fulfills all the criteria of being a computer.

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Uses of Computer in Various Fields

As the usage of computer increased it became a necessity for almost every field to use computers for their operations. Also, they have made working and sorting things easier. Below we are mentioning some of the important fields that use a computer in their daily operation.

Medical Field

They use computers to diagnose diseases, run tests and for finding the cure for deadly diseases . Also, they are able to find a cure for many diseases because of computers.

Whether it’s scientific research, space research or any social research computers help in all of them. Also, due to them, we are able to keep a check on the environment , space, and society. Space research helped us to explore the galaxies. While scientific research has helped us to locate resources and various other useful resources from the earth.

For any country, his defence is most important for the safety and security of its people. Also, computer in this field helps the country’s security agencies to detect a threat which can be harmful in the future. Above all the defense industry use them to keep surveillance on our enemy.

Threats from a Computer

Computers have become a necessity also, they have become a threat too. This is due to hackers who steal your private data and leak them on internet. Also, anyone can access this data. Apart from that, there are other threats like viruses, spams, bug and many other problems.

essay about my dream computer

The computer is a very important machine that has become a useful part of our life. Also, the computers have twin-faces on one side it’s a boon and on the other side, it’s a bane. Its uses completely depend upon you. Apart from that, a day in the future will come when human civilization won’t be able to survive without computers as we depend on them too much. Till now it is a great discovery of mankind that has helped in saving thousands and millions of lives.

Frequently Asked Questions on Computer

Q.1  What is a computer?

A.1 A computer is an electronic device or machine that makes our work easier. Also, they help us in many ways.

Q.2 Mention various fields where computers are used?

A.2  Computers are majorly used in defense, medicine, and for research purposes.

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My Dream Computer Essay

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  • 2. 7 Exoplanet Research Paper Ever since I was a young child I was always intrigued by space. Just like many children I wanted to be an astronaut when I grew up. It was just fascinating to me to go off and explore. From a young age, I knew the Universe was infinite but tapped into the basic human instinct to explore. I would play with models, and use computer programs to look at planets and stars. I was given a telescope when I was ten or eleven for Christmas and became even more entrenched with space. It was just always fascinating to me and to this day it still is. That s why when NASA announced that they had found seven exoplanets orbiting a star not too far away, called Trappist. When I say not too far away it is still not reachable for humans at this point. Trappist is two hundred thirty five trillion miles away, or forty light years. It takes the light from Trappist forty years to reach us. If we could travel the speed of light, which is nowhere near possible, it would take forty years to get there. Trappist is a very cool red dwarf star, the most common in the universe. Of the seven planets three of them orbit within the habitable zone. The habitable zone is the zone in which liquid water can be present on the surface thus meaning life. This... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Many conspiracy theorist will say yes and point to obscure evidence. However, in all honesty I do not know. Alien life may or may not have visited earthbut if I had to make an educated assumption I would say it hasn t. For alien life to have reached us they would have to be far more advance then us. At that point I believe that aliens would want it to be known that the exist if they see how far behind we are. One troubling thing that relates to life visiting earth is that in 2018 we will begin to send out signals looking for life. Many people including Stephen Hawkings believe this will be seen by alien life that is earth is in trouble and could lead to our ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Why Is Lizzie Andrew Borden Guilty Lizzie Andrew Borden was found not guilty for the murder and mutilation of her step mother and father. The famous poem reads Lizzie Borden took an ax and gave her mother forty whacks, when she saw what she had done she gave her father forty one. (Rhyme) It occurred during the 19th century when women were well known as the weaker or sly sex and at this time it was also unheard of to put a woman on trial for this kind of crime. Although there were no other suspects to the murder, there was no physical evidence that connected Lizzie or any other person to the killing of her step mother and father. Lizzie Borden should have been found Investigators say that her step mother was only struck perhaps 20 times and her father only 10, contrary to popular belief. There ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... After the trial began, the prosecution presented the head of an ax that was presumed to be the murder weapon, but there was a tremendous lack of forensic evidence. Lizzie s father, Andrew, was asleep on the couch at the time of his murder and although his gruesome murder shocked the community, many people wanted him dead. His net worth was worth over 10 million dollars in today s money and he was also known as the wealthiest and most unpopular man in the town. He made many enemies on his way to the top as a banker. No one was ever convicted but circumstantial evidence connected Lizzie to the crime. Lizzie Borden was the only suspect to this crime, and also the only other person in the home at the time of the murders. The household guest John Morse was out visiting some close relatives, her older sister Emma was running errands out of town, and the maid Bridget Sullivan was washing windows. In order for an outside intruder to have done this crime, they would ve had to hide in the house for 90 minutes or left and then returned without being seen.
  • 4. Nothing in the house appeared to be stolen which leads investigators to believe it was an ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. How Does Masculinity Affect Women We often see women affected by social norms and negatively represented but it s always good to look at the other side of the spectrum. Masculinity can deeply affect and cause issues in boys and young men. These issues are mainly emotional damages and the definition of what being a man is. On of the ways to fix this would be to better represent masculinityand widen the spectrum of what a manreally is. First of all, the definition of what being a man is a central issue for young males. Paul Theroux talks about always liking being a man in his essay, Being a Man. He points out that, Fiction Вwriting is equated with a kind of dispirited failure and is only manly when it produces wealth money is masculinity. So is drinking. This shows... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In Rebecca Walkers Putting Down the Gun, she states that, When I asked him about making friends based on common interest rather than superficial categories, he got flustered. You don t understand, he said huffily. Boys talk about sports, like their matches and who scored what and stuff or they talk about new version... Tears welled up in her eyes. I don t have anything to talk about. In this quote we can see the emotional damages of expectations in Walkers eleven year old son. He has to pretend to be someone he is not in order to make a conversation with someone. This shows the pressures of masculinity on young males. The constraints of conversations has brought an eleven year old into tears about not fitting in. This shows a small spectrum of the psychological issues and damages on males. Paul Theroux also goes on to speak about the causes of the psychological problems males face in Being a Man, he claims that, how can one think about men without considering the terrible ambition of manliness?... It is a hideous and crippling lie, it not only insists on difference and connvies out superiority, it is also by its nature destructiveв”Ѓemotionally damaging and socially harmful. Theroux is trying to say that masculinity allows superiority and difference between men and women which causes damage between both gender and socially harm them. The act of making men and women seperate has caused a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. The Philip Defanco Show For a week I chose to watch and compare The Rachel Maddow Show and The Philip DeFranco Show. I had chosen to compare the two because they are both personality driven news shows, with the similar format of one presenter and a skew towards a liberal political stance. These similarities will allow me to more clearly see a difference in how I consume the content. The format of the show hosted by Maddow, a cable news show on MSNBC, has remained for the most part, static, it could have been produced 30 years ago to the same effect through television. Whereas, DeFranco s show on YouTube would never have been able to exist in its capacity if it were not for the internet. Clearly marking the distinction between old and new media to me. I firstly noted that the news stories which were covering by the two sources were mainly different. While DeFranco skewed more towards pop culture, Maddow was more focused on governmental events. Both however, covered American politics and events. One intersecting story which occurred during the week was that of Elizabeth Warren, the senator who was silenced during a debate on the nomination of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... YouTube uses a similar model as television, advertisements, but in a completely different form. Creators on YouTube are payed based on views, as the more people watch the content the more advertisers are interested in investing, but this model is fluctuating and unreliable. To build a more sustainable model, many creators turn to alternative forms of revenue. Philip DeFranco, for example, has built a business model on selling merchandise, acquiring his own sponsors and working with a larger multimedia company, Discovery Network. Therefore, in a sense new media is still very much financially reliant on old media. Television shows such as The Rachel Maddow Show has more stability, with advertisers trusting the reliability of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Essay on Krispy Kreme Doughnuts Table of Contents Introduction nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;p.3 1. nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;Company Overview nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;p.3 2. nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;Company s mission and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;p.8 nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;3.1.6 Socio cultural environment nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;p.9 3.2 The industry nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;p.9 nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;3.2.1 Generic environment nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;p.9 nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;3.2.2 Industry attractiveness nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;p.10 nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;3.2.3 Industry structure nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;p.11 nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;3.2.4 Competitive environment nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;p.13 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Essay about Scotch-Irish Cultural History 1. The Scotch Irish were staunch libertarians, and acted upon their feelings. Sex ways and dress ways had close ties to each other in the backcountry. To talk about sex and sexual behavior was also acceptable in this culture. The dress women and men wore was meant to arouse the opposite sex. Anglican missionary Charles Woodmason wrote, They draw their shift as tight as possible round their Breasts, and slender waists (for they are generally very finely shaped) and draw their Petticoat close t their Hips to show the fineness of their limbs ... indeed nakedness is not censurable without ceremony. Woodmason was appalled at how these women carried themselves, but to the women, they were sexy. Men even dressed in ways to show off... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In contrast to boys, girls were taught to be self denying, and to be helpers to men. Corporal Punishment of children was even condemned even though practiced in the home. Even though there were many questions to be asked before some could marry, Quakers did believe in love before marriage. They believed that love should be pure and not tainted by the craving of flesh. To marry, couples needed permission from their families and community. Unlike in Virginia, Quakers forbade first cousin marriages, and discouraged marriages between second cousins. In Quaker households, it was more of a partnership between the husband and wife than in those of Massachusetts and Virginia. In the Delaware Valley children spoke of their father and mother s house. The Quakers had a saying: In souls there is no sex. This meant in their culture, men and women were equal. Unlike Puritan culture, women could preach to men and women, and in a public setting. That same quote went for sexual relations in marriages. Sex in Quaker culture was looked upon as just for the purpose of conception of children. To do otherwise was looked at as fornication. To have sex just for pleasure was also fornication. Even married couples would restrain from having sex with each other if the woman was not in time to get pregnant. Married couple also occupied not only single beds but slept in separate rooms. Quakers ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. German Immigration And The Development Of The Beer Industry German Immigration and the development of the Beer Industry in America Many Germany s immigrated to the United States in 1840. Repression initiated the emigration, due to the political unrest and the failed revolution of 1848, economic distress and political aggression forced many to flee Germany. Many that fled were young, educated or skilled from well to do families seeking political freedom, opportunity, land, and the wealth that the United Statesoffered. The largest locations of German immigration in 1848 were New York City, Baltimore, Milwaukee, St. Louis and Cincinnati which constituted the so called German Triangle . By 1860, over 1.3 million German immigrants had entered the United States, the population grew to nearly 3... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... During the Pre Civil war period breweries such as Jacob Best s which later became Pabst Brewing and Joseph Schlitz Miller Brewing began to operate in brewing plants. This period of technological revolution begin with the introduction of the steam engine led to changes in transportation and production (Stack 2000). The local demands were too small to absorb the output of the plants and the cost for production and transportation to ship to further away locations were expensive. Also with transportation being slow and beer having a limited shelf life long distance shipping was not feasible. The answer to the problem came by way of Adolphus Busch, a wholesaler who had immigrated to St. Louis from Germany in 1857, he married Eberhard Anheuser s daughter, Lilly, in 1861. Busch began working as a salesman for the Anheuser brewery. Busch purchased shares of the company in 1869 and after the death of his father in law he began to run the company. Adolphus Busch was the first American brewer to use pasteurization to keep beer fresh he was also the first to use mechanical refrigeration refrigerated railroad cars, which he introduced in 1876, and the first to bottle beer extensively. By 1877, the company owned a fleet of 40 refrigerated railroad cars to transport beer. Expanding the company s distribution ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Donald Trump As A Machiavellian Leader Niccolo Machiavelli published his famous book The Prince in 1513, which is considered as a handbook for leaders. The Prince explains to the reader(s) how to acquire and maintain political authority. According to Machiavelli, an ideal leader, is a person who is attentive of the men around him, believes the end justifies the means, and destroys disloyalty by trickery or falsifying his purpose. Many leaders throughout history have showed one or many traits that Machiavelli stated in his work. Therefore, Donald Trump, would fall under the category of a Machiavellian leader. Donald Trump before he became the 45th president, his famous campaign motto Make America Great Again caught the attention of many Americans, but mostly by white Americans. Trump s tactics made him a very clever man throughout the election, he had many techniques on how to gain the American vote. Throughout his campaign, he was attentive of the men around him. For example, Trump knew exactly what to say to get the attention of the American people. He already had in mind who he was going to pick in position for foreign policy, national security, and defense ( Donald Trump is the ultimate Machiavellian prince ). With this intention, he brought comfort to Americans, yet the people he was going to pick for these positions all have a common trait, which was all of them are specialist in the Middle East and Russia. Not only, was Trump attentive of America, yet he kept in mind how it was going to affect ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Marge Piercy s Poetry Marge Piercy is known for writing poems about women rights and women s negative treatment by society in the 1936s. In her poem What s that smell in the kitchen? she talks about how society see women. According to society, women were raised to cook and clean so women are supposed to have a meal on the table for their husbands. Piercy s attitude toward this statement is that she is mad because there is more quantiles to women than cooking and cleaning. In the poem What that smell in the kitchen? Piercy s use of literary devices expresses how she feels about society treating women. This is why women from all over the world are burning dinners, this is not because they do not know how to cook, but as a protest to society that there is more quantiles to women. Society forces... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For example, in the last stanza Piercy states, Burning dinner is not incompetence but war. . This metaphor helped the reader understand that women from all over the world are burning dinners as a protest to society. This quotation shows how women are tired of being expected to have food on the table for their husbands and clean the house, just because they were raised that way. In addition, the author states, Look she says, once I was roast duck on your platter with parsley, but now I am spam. This literary device allowed the reader to understand how women feels about society making them feel less important. Piercy uses this metaphor as a symbol to show how women were once so respected and powerful, but as time pass their power and respect began to fade away. They were no longer appreciated for what they do. The connotations allowed the reader to figure out the universal truth about women in the poem What s that smell in the kitchen? through the use of metaphors. Another literary device that contributed to the reader discovery of the theme was the tone of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Convicts In Australia Convicts that had education were put into jobs where they could use their minds or work for the government whereas convicts who didn t have the access to education were put into jobs where they took part in building bridges, hospitals and other public facilities. (These people were usually men) Women would be employed to be domestic servants to officers to work in their households. During the day of being a convict, they would be supervised by a military guard or another convict who was given the task where they would discipling other fellow convicts. During the night time they were locked up in small wooden huts hidden behind stockades. Were there any difficulties the people on the ships had to face in NSW? The convicts became annoyed and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Mb0039–Business Communication AUGUST 2011 Master of Business Administration (MBA) Semester 1 MB0039 Business Communication 4 Credits (Book ID: B1128) Assignment Set 1 Q.1 Explain the different types of communication with relevant examples. Answer: Communication is a process that involves exchange of information, thoughts, ideas and emotions. Communication is a process that involves a sender who encodes and sends the message, which is then carried via the communication channel to the receiver where the receiver decodes the message, processes the information and sends an appropriate reply via the same communication channel. Types of Communication Communication can occur via various processes and methods and depending on the channel used and the style of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Hence formal communication is straightforward, official and always precise and has a stringent and rigid tone to it. Informal Communication Informal communication includes instances of free unrestrained communication between people who share a casual rapport with each other. Informal communication requires two people to have a similar wavelength and hence occurs between friends and family. Informal communication does not have any rigid rules and guidelines. Informal conversations need not necessarily have boundaries of time, place or even subjects for that matter since we all know that friendly chats with our loved ones can simply go on and on. Q.2 what are the general principles of writing especially business writing? Answer:
  • 14. Business writing is different Writing for a business audience is usually quite different than writing in the humanities, social sciences, or other academic disciplines. Business writing strives to be crisp and succinct rather than evocative or creative; it stresses specificity and accuracy. This distinction does not make business writing superior or inferior to other styles. Rather, it reflects the unique purpose and considerations involved when writing in a business context. When you write a business document, you must assume that your audience has limited time in which to read it and is likely to skim. Your readers have an interest in what you say insofar as it affects their working world. They want to know the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Underdog Branding and Its Consumer Appeal Picture the Jamaican bobsled team going for the gold at the Winter Olympics. Or competitors in what seem fundamentally unbalanced battles: the Chicago Cubs versus the New York Yankees, Apple versus Microsoft, and Southwest Airlines versus United. In the public eye, the weaker party is often more attractive. Why? The reason might be an increasing willingness on the part of consumers to identify with the underdog. In today s economically difficult times, it appears, underdog brands are gaining psychological, and real, power in the marketplace. In today s world, underdog narratives address real world challenges and anxieties faced by increasing numbers of Americans. As HBS professor Anat Keinan explains, Today, underdog brand... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... * Snapple forged its initial popularity with underdog narratives and got its juice back by reintroducing stories about its quirky founders and its underdog spokesperson, Wendy. * Nantucket Nectars label portrays the story of the founders who started with only a blender and a dream. * Brands such as Google, Clif Bar, and Apple celebrate their garage origins. Hewlett Packard recently bought, and has a whole section on its Web site dedicated to, the garage in which it started. It is now a historical landmark. * Starbucks, in an effort to reverse declining sales, recently launched Pike Place Roast, which emphasizes the brand s humble Seattle coffee culture beginnings. * Adidas s Impossible Is Nothing campaign emphasized the underdog stories of famous athletes. Q: How did you notice this trend? How did you study it in depth? A: Our interest was piqued during the 2008 presidential election when virtually all the candidates, including Obama, McCain, Clinton, Edwards, Huckabee, and Paul, portrayed themselves as the underdog. A market scan of contemporary brandingpractices also indicated a rise in underdog positioning across a diverse group of brands. Given that psychological research has shown that people want to associate themselves with winners (and therefore with winning brands), we thought it was interesting that brands would try to position themselves as ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. The American Home Front During World War 1 (Just as a side note, I had pictures of the posters in the original paper but couldn t transfer them to here. The first link in the bibliography has tons of WW1 propaganda posters you can use.)World War I changed America greatly. It had an obvious effect on the way we handle business on the home front. Propaganda, rationing, and political views all played a part on American citizens in World War I. Propaganda was a huge tool used to sway citizens toward a particular political view. The U.S.A. entered World War One in April 1917, but lost no time in producing many more propaganda posters than any other single nation. These encompassed recruitment to the various armed services, plus frequently the raising of war finance via... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... People also planted liberty gardens, so they wouldn t need to buy everything from the store. Political views played a great part in shaping America during World War I. Previously, every war was because of a great and direct threat to American existence. In the case of World War I, we went to war to preserve democracy. Germany certainly wouldn t have wiped us off the map. America also tried to maintain neutrality, electing Woodrow Wilson on the slogan He kept us out of war. (fff.org) The American people were easily manipulated into anti German and pro war beliefs. More American like names were given to certain things. Hamburgers became Salisbury steaks because Hamburg was located in Germany. Sauerkraut became liberty cabbage, because sauerkraut was a German name. Beethoven s music was banned, and burning of German books was common. These techniques were highly successful. The government found that overt and subtle forms of propaganda fanned the requisite passions of pride and prejudice to fight a total war in Europe. Indeed, aggressive propaganda helped to skirt constitutional and statutory limitations on war policies В— policies that would never pass rational scrutiny in peacetime. Empirically, it proved that government propaganda aimed at arousing strong feelings of American nationalism could facilitate the exercise of extralegal and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Cultural And Religious Beliefs Of The United States Health care providers need an understanding of and appreciation for the cultural and religious beliefs of all patients to provide optimal care for them. As the United States population increases, so does the number of American Muslims. As a result physicians, nurses, and other health care professionals will more frequently encounter Muslim patients. Nationwide there are approximately 6 to 8 million Muslim Americans. Muslims face several barriers when communicating with other individuals. Muslims are one of the largest and most unique cultures in America, but few healthcare clinicians possess adequate knowledge and experience to interact appropriately with the various aggregate ethnic subgroups that make up Muslim... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The knowledge and understanding of flexibility of Muslims in behavior will minimize the communication barriers leading to the delivery of services in appropriate manners. On the patients end, the immigrants must be given orientation programs regarding the procedures, protocols and access to the health care providers. I propose to enhance the knowledge of the physicians, medical residents, nurses and office staff so that the behavioral factors or barriers associated with their services regarding the Muslim patients can be better understood. Some barriers, such as modesty, gender preference in healthcare providers, and illness causation misconceptions, arise out of their cultural beliefs and practices. Other barriers are related to the complexity of the health care system and the lack of culturally competent services within it. Nurses need to be aware of these religious and cultural factors to provide culturally competent health promotion services for this population. Nurses also need to integrate Islamic teachings into their interventions to provide appropriate care and to motivate healthy behaviors. A clash between the differing value systems that guide traditional healing versus Western scientific inquiry increases healthcare disparities for minority people. Touch is one of the most common aspects of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks The September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks cause America and the whole world to change in a great way. The people in the United State would say, that the changes cause by the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 made United State be less free. This terrorist attacks have cause America to be less dependent on overseas fuel. The United State has spent over $52.6 billion to make sure that the United State is safe and is better guarded from any further terrorist attacks. The sad reality is that the United State is so far in debt that back in 2001 the United State was about $16.7 trillion. The September 11, 2001 cause the states buildings to increase the security, people have to have a valid ID to come into most State Buildings. If the person is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. The Personal Effects Of Plastic Surgery The Personal Effects of Plastic Surgery Plastic surgery dates back to somewhere around 2000 B.C. and has only advanced since that time. Today people all over the world get these procedures done for many reasons. Some reasoning behind individuals getting plastic surgery is to fix a birth defect, deformability, or for cosmetic purposes. In today s society, getting plastic surgery for cosmetics purposes is very popular but with that comes many negative comments or thoughts towards that person getting these surgeries. Cosmetic surgery impact not just the person receiving it but everyone that sees those new features or changes. In the world we now live in I think body image is a big factor in many people s lives. A lot of people do not always feel comfortable in their own skin because of the different models and actresses or actors seen on television. I think when we see those different people on television or on the internet, we think that s how we should be able to look, this can make people have negative thoughts about their own body. In all reality, most of those people we see on television, magazines and social networks; almost all of those people have had some sort of plastic surgery to change their appearance. While these people change themselves they can send thousands of dollars on just one procedure. When someone has had over ten procedure done to themselves that dollar amount really starts to add up and that s just of the negative effects of getting plastic surgery. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Evolution Of Driverless Cars The article was about one of the most brought up topics recently in cars. Which is the evolution of cars in which they are programed to be able to operate themselves. Or As the article suggested driverless cars. The article fist started with the introduction asking questions about the drivers and how they can get distracted easily. For example one question asked Might the driver choose to speed up as he approaches a yellow light at an intersection, in order to avoid stopping short when the red light comes on . They start asking these questions so that the reading can understand what the average driver thinks during a drive. After the questions end they start to compare the driverless car to your standard driver. They state how every decision made on the road has a practical and moral component to them. Also that driverless cars don t have this problem since they have... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They explain how right now they are unusable because of how underdeveloped some features of the car is. One is the driverless car s method of seeing. They have trouble identifying objects or hazards because they are less precise than the human eye. They also discuss how the car can t see what the driver sees they only see numbers to protect the driver not the child or parent in front of them. Though it can now see baby strollers, shopping carts, plastic bags, and actual boulders they are still not good enough for the safety of others. To support this claim they have stated, Many of the challenging scenarios that the autonomous car confront could depend on these distinctions, but many others are problematic exactly because there s uncertainty about what an object is or how many people are involved in a possible crash scenario, Lin says. Then they end the section with the responsibility of an ethical decision and how the car can t do the like a human ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Sonic Drive-In Restaurant Essay examples The fast food industry is changing everyday. There are new products being introduced in the market and new slogans being created. The companies in the fast food industry will do their best to make the greater burger, and to make bigger and better fries. Founded in 1953, Sonic has become the largest drive in chain in the nation. Sonic was founded by Troy Smith, Jr. in Shawnee, Oklahoma. His dream was to own his own business. Sonic Drive In keeps the 1950s alive through its chain of drive in restaurants, each complete with speaker based ordering systems and carhop servers some on roller skates. Sonics top competitors are McDonald s, Burger King, and Wendy s. McDonald s is the leading competitor in the fast food industry.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Exhibit 2. Swot Analysis of Sonic: America s Drive in Opportunities: Strengths: Sonics financial performance has had a great growth in the economy. From 1992 2001, net sales increased annually by 27%,19%,25%,22%,21%,20%,17%,8%,and 18%. And on March 22, 2003, Sonic reported net income of $12.6 billion and revenue increased by 19%. Another opportunity is Sonic is very product differentiated. Sonic is known for its unique made to order menu items. Sonic continues to support menu innovations, such as its breakfast menu, Sonic Summer Nights, toaster sandwiches, extra long cheese coneys, and frozen and fountain favorites. Hamburgers are made to order and served in aluminum foil, preserving the heat and drinks are served in Styrofoam cups to preserve the cold. Opportunities: Weakness: Human resources: There is a low employee rate because of the high turnover. The restaurant industry tends employ more retirees than the younger generation. However, the industry could strengthen this weakness, by making the companies more attractive to the younger generation. Threats: Strengths: Sonic is operating in a fast food industry that is dominated by large competitors, but through it all Sonic stays on top as the nations largest drive in chain. Threats: Weakness: The rising popularity of dieting could be real threat to Sonic. Sonics competitors have low carb menus and Sonic does not carry it ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Aortic Insufficiency Lab Report Introduction Aortic insufficiency is a condition where the aortic valve does not close all the way. The aortic valve is a gate like structure that is located between the lower left chamber of the heart (left ventricle) and the blood vessel that leads away from the heart (aorta). The aortic valve opens when the left ventricle squeezes to pump blood into the aorta, and it closes when the left ventricle relaxes. In aortic insufficiency, blood in the aorta leaks through the aortic valve after it has closed. As a result, the heart works harder to pump the same amount of blood through the valve as it would if the valve closed tightly. When left untreated, aortic insufficiency causes enlargement and weakening of the left ventricle. When this happens, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... MRI. Electrocardiography. This is a test that records the electrical impulses of the heart. Angiography. This is a test that produces images of arteries in your body. You may need aortic angiography or CT angiography. In aortic angiography, a dye flows to your heart through a soft, flexible tube (catheter) while X rays are taken. CT angiography uses a CT scanner and MRI in addition to the catheter, dye, and X rays. How is this treated? Treatment depends on how severe the aortic insufficiency is, the problems it is causing, and your symptoms. Observation. If the aortic insufficiency is mild, no treatment may be needed. However, you will need to have the condition checked regularly to make sure it is not getting worse or causing serious problems. Surgery. If the aortic insufficiency becomes severe, you may need surgery to repair or replace the valve. Surgery is usually recommended if the left ventricle enlarges beyond a certain point. If aortic insufficiency occurs suddenly, surgery may be needed immediately. Medicines. Some medicines may help the heart work more efficiently. Follow these instructions at home: Keep all follow up visits as directed by your health care provider. You may need to have tests done regularly to monitor your condition and how well your heart is pumping ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Essay about Illegal Immigration and the Environment Illegal Immigration and the Environment One of the most controversial political issues of today is illegal immigration. Illegal immigration describes the long term shift of populations across national borders without complying with the legal requirements. Many people are crossing the United States borders illegally to find better jobs, escape political persecution, and to help out families back home. Some Americans are against this movement of immigrants. One problem is because of the damaging effects to the United States environment, another is the amount of money needed to clean up the waste that is being left behind. Illegal immigration not only hurts the economy, it is also taking its toll on the environment. Illegal immigration ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The government has estimated that one immigrant leaves behind eight pounds of litter on the journey. (Davis, 2005) Smugglers make the immigrants leave their belongings so they can get more people into cars and trucks for the trip. The illegal immigrants dump their belongings in favor of nicer clothes to better blend in with the communities where they will be staying. (Davis, 2005) The trash left behind can consist of harmful waste including food cans, plastic bottles, various medications, paper waste, batteries, cell phones, radios, and fecal matter. The Tohono O odham tribe has used $100,000 in government funds and $30,000 of the tribes own money to remove 40 tons of waste from 84 different places in 2005.(Davis, 2005) In 2005, the city of Tuscan, Arizona allotted $46,000 from their budget to buy a dump truck to carry off waste left behind by illegal immigrants. The money also paid for signs in English and Spanish to identify dumping sites, also gloves, visors, safety vest, and containers for people to clean up the sites. (Davis, 2005) The litter can be very damaging and dangerous to our natural wildlife and natural resources. The litter is also harmful to people as well. The government has estimated that 2000 tons of waste is what immigrants dump each year. (Davis, 2005) What makes migrant waste a problem is that waste is scattered in remote areas where it is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Christianity And Recovery Christianity and Recovery Proposal Paper: Methods Part Two Stacy H. McConville Liberty University Christianity and Recovery Proposal Paper: Methods Part Two Instrumentation Participants were surveyed to determine if their Christian beliefs affect their recovery from addiction and their ability to maintain their recovery. Participants were told the survey was to aid in the understanding of addiction treatment options and Christianity. Questionnaires were given to participants on voluntary basis. The answers to the questionnaires were recorded on answer sheets, that had all identifying components removed, for sequential evaluations. Questionnaires were given to participants in the following settings: Alcoholics Anonymous(AA) meetings, Narcotics Anonymous (NA) meetings, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Using the following rating scale, indicate the number that best indicates your agreement with the statement. Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 1. It is important for me to spend time in private spiritual thought and meditation. ( ) 2. I try hard to live my life according to my religious beliefs. ( ) 3. The prayers or spiritual thoughts that I say when I am alone are as important to me as those said by me during services or spiritual gatherings. ( ) 4. I enjoy reading about my spirituality and/or my religion. ( ) 5. Spirituality helps to keep my life balanced and steady in the same ways as my citizenship, friend ships, and other memberships do. ( ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. I M Not Scared Themes Niccolo Ammaniti s novel I m Not Scared is primarily a coming of age story . Michele a nine year old boy who discovers a dark secret in a hole can t comprehend it. Michele s innocence is betrayed by the man he looks up to, his father Pino. His father doesn t protect Michele s innocence when he and the other adults of Aqua Teverse kidnapped the boy in the hole Filippo. Michele is faced with many moral dilemmas that lead up to the most serious moral dilemma which saves Filippo s life and Michele s resulting in being shot. The choices Michele makes accelerates his maturity and his interpretations. He enters a new world of which he can apprehend the real evil and cruelty. The reader of the text is made to relate in some way to the text relating... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... We soon learn through the event of a competitive race we see his true colours and maturity. He did not want to lose his race, but his moral qualities prevented him from pursuing victory. Seeing that Maria had been swallowed up by the wheat , Michele could not just leave his sister behind, when after all, he was her big brother. Anyone with sibling s younger than them knows they have the responsibility to look out for them, this brings a closer connection correlating the reader outside their own experiences. By doing this it was clear to Michele that he would lose the race, but he knew that he had a high level of responsibility to nurture his sister when she is in need. Another example of Michele s coming of age is when Michele, like the other children of the group, was intimidated by the bully Skull, whose sadistic nature seemed to be centred around a sexual perversion towards Barbara. Despite this power of Skull, Michele knew that Skull s perversion went too far when he demanded Barbara show the group her slit . Michele s actions on these childhood adventures were nothing short of courageous and were highly reflective of his sense of right and wrong. An event such as this will not be encountered by everyone, however it does encourage the reader to empathise towards other in similar situations outside their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Essay about Standarizing a Physician AssistantВґs Scope of... Physician assistant s scope of practice is defined by the level of education, experience, state laws, facility policies and the supervising physician s delegations. PAs work as a team with the supervising physician and they support the physician s scope of practice. Since the physician assistants are also educated in the medical model, PAs also practice with physicians in every specialty and setting. The precise tasks performed by the different PAs are determined by the boundaries of factors like education, experience, state laws, facility policy and the supervising physician s delegatory decisions. Each factor should be effectively constructed in order to deliver the efficient health care to the patients. State laws and regulations ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (IND. CODE В§25 27.5 5 3) It is the obligation of each team of physician and PA to ensure that the PA s scope of practice is identified, that delegation of medical tasks is appropriate to the PA s level of competence and within the supervising physician s scope of practice, and that the relationship and access to the supervising physician is defined. (IND. CODE В§25 27.5 6 3) Prescription authority / dispensing: Controlled medications, also known as scheduled drugs are regulated by both the federal and the state laws due to their potential for dependence. Physician assistant (PA) pharmacology education prepares PAs to prescribe controlled medications. According to the SECTION 1. IC 25 27.5 2 14, the public law 102 2013, identifies several practice changes for physician assistants in Indiana, which are effective from July 2013. The highlights of the new laws are: A physician assistant may now prescribe a schedule II controlled substance, with the limitations on aggregate amount of medicine not to exceed 30 day supply. Any refills or prescription beyond 30days supply must be authorized by supervising physician. PAs prescribing controlled substance must obtain the state controlled substance registration and must also register with DEA. When completing the prescription PAs must include their signature including the PA C and their state licensure ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Examples Of Jem s Transformation In To Kill A Mockingbird Jem matured a great deal over Part 1, for example in chapter 4 What are you all playing? he asked. Nothing, said Jem. Jem s evasion told me our game was a secret, so I kept quiet. , then in chapter 8 he grew into a young adult when he told Atticus the truth, Jem seemed to have lost his mind. He began pouring out our secrets right and left in total disregard for my safety if not for his own, omitting nothing, knot hole, pants and all. ...Mr. Nathan put cement in that tree, Atticus, and he did it to stop us finding things he s crazy, I reckon, like they say, but Atticus, I swear to God he ain t ever harmed us, he ain t ever hurt us, he coulda cut my throat from ear to ear that night but he tried to mend my pants instead... he ain t ever hurt us, Atticus ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... During chapter 4 Jem, Scout, and Dill are playing Boo Radley , or re enacting the highlights of his life, when Atticus sees this he asked what they were doing, but immature Jem responded with nothing because he knew that what they were doing was wrong but instead of telling the truth he told an obvious lie. But at the end of part 1, chapter 8 you can see that he has grown since then. Jem tells Atticus every about the knot hole, Nathan Radley, and Boo Radley. In the text he also showed maturity by defending Boo when he said but Atticus, I swear to God he ain t ever harmed us, he ain t ever hurt us, he coulda cut my throat from ear to ear that night but he tried to mend my pants instead... he ain t ever hurt us, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. What Are The Competing Perspectives On Britain s... Introduction This report will outline the competing perspectives on Britain s continuing trade outside of the European Union membership, will also be considering at least one other EU members national perspective on the management context of European/International business trade. It will summarise the impact of the EU integration on business, discussing possible proposal of recommendations for problems, and finally discussing the important economics models with examples. The British individuals have settled on the most critical decision for a generation by voting for Brexit on the 23rd June 2016. According to BBC news, leave won by 52% to 48% . In order for the UK to leave the EU it needs to conjure an agreement called Article 50 of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This means British goods and services subject to WTO tariffs. A soft Brexit would leave the UK relationship with the EU still close and staying in single market (SEM) and customs union. As part of the EU, the UK is in the single market, this enabling tariff free trade between members. As you can see, from the table on the right some other countries have their own agreements and this can give an idea of what is to come for the UK. For example; Norway Norwegian Model The choice to leave the EU has pushed the UK into uncharted trading territory. The main alternative frequently supported by supporters of Brexit, is joining the European Economic Area (EEA) which was founded in 1994 to provide European nations that are not part of the EU an approach to become members of single market. Britain have got themselves in a messy situation but the way forward is not. There are few alternatives they can choose from. One of the options is the Norway option, the Norway option gives the country full access to the single European market without being a fully paid up member. The Norway model will also mean that Britain becoming members of two key European organisations, the European Economic Area (EEA) and the European Free Trade Association (EEFA). Britain would mean joining non EU countries like Liechtenstein, Iceland and Switzerland, with the facilities of free trade between all four. They ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Antigovernment Statements through Painting While Van Gogh shut himself off from the world first, in rural Provence, and second, in an asylum in Saint Remy, other artists have used their celebrity to draw attention to contemporary political events, and to speak out against, and challenge the establishment. As mentioned above, Warhol had made art from newspaper headlines, thus drawing attention to contemporary politics on race in America. However, among the best known of such anti governmental statements is Picasso s painting Guernica, which represents a passionate attack on Spain s fascist government by the Spanish artist living in Paris. It portrays a scene of the German bombing, in 1937, of Guernica, the Basque capital of Northern Spain, during the Spanish civil war, and became a universal symbol of the atrocity of war. The scene is set within a room where, at an open end on the left, a bull flails its tail as it stands over a woman grieving over the dead child in her arms. The subjects in this painting are shown as innocent and helpless. The centre is occupied by a horse, which falls in agony as it had just been run through by a spear or javelin. The large gaping wound in its side is a major focus of the painting, reinforced by the human skull which overlays the horse s body. On the open palm of the dead soldier in the foreground is a stigmata, a symbol of martyrdom derived from a stigmata of Christ. A light bulb blazes in the shape of an evil eye over the suffering horse s head, reminiscent of the bare bulb ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. The Messiahship Of Jesus 4 Assignment 1 Discussion Week Summarize the basic elements and how Jewish culture and Christians might engage each other on these issues: The Messiahship of Jesus? Of all of the issues that confront both Judaism and Christians, the most divisive is the question surrounding the messiahship of Jesus. The undergirding principle of Christianity is that Jesus is the Christ. Christians believe that Jesus is the Messiah; the deliverer prophesied by the Jewish prophets of the Old Testament (Jer. 23:5 6, Mic. 5:2, Isa. 7:14). Jewish culture except for Messianic people and perhaps other small segments do not believe the Messiah has come. With such a theological gap, especially involving such a critical foundational issue separating the two groups, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Economic Valuation Of The Negative Externalities... Environmental Economics In the last few years, some major travel destinations in Europe have witnessed an increasing social opposition to crowds of tourists due to the negative environmental and social costs tourism imposes on locals. The emergence of different citizens associations in Venice, Barcelona and Mallorca having a critical attitude towards tourism and aiming to improve the quality of life of neighbourhoods are a good example. Discuss if the economic valuation of the negative externalities associated to tourism could play a role in the management of these emerging social conflicts. Tourism is one of the significant actives showing enormous growth. As a result tourism, many countries can be seen as an instrument of regional ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The environment interacts with the economy in four different ways. However, the markets are unable to register its value. The links created by the implementation of the millennium ecosystem assessment 2005 building relationships between the economic system and the environment. Establishing biodiversity as a component of the ecosystem, resulting in the impact of functionality and service provisions and financial activities. Goods and services provided by the ecosystem measures through the Pareto efficiency. Economist decomposed the total economic value by categorising resources into three components: use value, option value, and nonuse value. Use value reflects the direct use of the support an example is trees from a forest. Pollution can cause a loss of use value when air pollution increases. Option value reflects the value people place on the future use of the environment; the willingness to preserve an option to use the environment in the future though it is currently not utilised. Nonuse value reflects the observation that people are more willing to pay (WTP) for improving/preserving resources that they will never use. A true nonuse value is called existence value. An example would be the protest of dams due to the potential loss of the resource. The amount does not derive from direct use or possible use, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Technology and Software in Relation to Multicultural... Technology and Software in Relation to Multicultural Education As the times change, so must an educator s style of teaching. Computer technology can play a large role in this change. There are many reasons and ways schools can introduce this technology into their curriculum. There will be three of these reasons and ways discussed in the following pages. In today s society, many people believe it is time for school reform. The problem is employers are concerned that high school graduates do not have the necessary skills to be successful at a job when they graduate. Some researchers say that these reform efforts need to focus on the root causes of school problems (International). According to a California study by Paplin and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They allow the leaner to use it for representation and expression of what they know. Learners of any age or culture can use the tools for analyzing the world, accessing information, and interpreting and organizing personal knowledge. With an increased emphasis on more teacher discretion over teaching and learning, constructivism in the classroom has a potential to increase. The basic relationship between teacher and students is changing because technology gives learners control over their own learning, which are the primary tenets of constructivism. The use of technology can have a great effect of schools. It enables every student to gain control of there own learning (International). Technology can also be integrated into the class through the use of software. Selecting the software is one of the most important components of success when using it for instruction. One has to take the needs and characteristics of each learner into consideration. There are hundreds of types of software available. The teachers who will be using it with the assistance from the technology coordinator should make the selection decisions about software. There are factors, which need to be addressed when selecting software. They are content, instruction, student relevance, operation, design, and package components. The area of content says that the objectives should be clearly stated. It should have a purpose for the students and teachers. Moreover, the content has to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. The Representation of the В‘Bond Girl Essay Whenever there is a Bond film, there is always a Bond girl. She is as indispensable as the gadgets, the car, the chase and the villain set on overtaking the earth. They have always been in the centre of controversy; they have always been branded as beautiful women (often with sexually overt names) who need Bond and ironically, Bond cannot complete his mission without them. They always seem to have perfection in everything they do. However, this portrayal of women can be somewhat unrealistic. Some may want the representation of the В‘Bond Girl to stay as it is but others may want the portrayal of the В‘Bond Girl to depict the modern idea of В‘girl power. I for one think that this representation of women is harmless, partly because it is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Another purpose of the Bond Girl is simply to provide the audience with the right mixture of glamour, glitz and showbiz. Their image also helps reinforce Bond s reputation of being irresistible and in command. Nevertheless, all that glamour usually comes with a price. Being a Bond Girl has frequently been at once the pinnacle of an aspiring actress career and the end of it. For example, Shirley Eaton, best remembered for being painted gold in Goldfinger back in 1964. Nobody remembers her at all. Nobody remembers how her husband died young and how she struggled to find other major roles after being all gold for Sean Connery. It was the beginning and the end for her in one shimmering moment. The Bond girl seemed a celebration of newly liberated female sexuality. However, that is the illusion of the Bond philosophy, because when it comes to making it as an actress, all that glitters in a Bond movie is definitely not gold. Once the public has seen you in a Bond Movie as a Bond Girl, they automatically conclude that you are В‘dumb because, portraying a Bond girl isn t exactly a stretch for a young aspiring actress. All Bond Girls come with the regular accessories, a body to die for and one that looks best in bikinis, permanent good hair days, a weird name (e.g. Kissy Suzuki) and plus the ability to coo В‘oh James! as she slides between the satin sheets with Mr ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. The Core Values Of Elefteria Name Elefteria The word Elefteria is based off the Greek word for freedom. The name is fitting because that is what people in Elefteria are given. Elefteria stresses the importance of the individual having the freedom to choose their own path. Government Elefteria has a 3 part government and is a mix between a democracy and monarchy. The 3 parts are the royal family, 400 representatives of the people, and 100 Calnata representatives, the technological business that has provided the island with useful technology for the improvement of everyday life. The seats are passed throughout the family in the royal family and company, which makes it a monarchy, but everything is fair. All the people who receive the seats are worthy of it. The representatives of the people and Calnata have been taught and raised with the core values of Elefteria so that they can properly govern the island. If their rule is unjust, the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Courses include classes based on core values, basic English, math, science, and history for your elementary years. Then, as you advance, classes are specialized based on careers and other interests. Teachers have a close relationship with their students, and students work at a pace that is fit for them. Different teachers teach using different styles, and the kids get to pick which one is best suited for them. The goal of Elefteria s education system is to help children better understand the world and help them gain the abilities to work at their dream job. Technology s Role Technology is an important part of Elefteria. Calnata, the big technological company, turns CO2 waste into usable energy, which powers the island. Also, Elefteria provides free public transportation from village to village (inhabitants can walk or bike to places within their village). Technology, namely robots, can do jobs that are undesirable to humans, and there is a technological army for the protection of the nation. Leisure ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. The Best Candidate For The Pizza Hut I truly believe that I am the best candidate for the Pizza Hut All American Opportunity. After reading, the flyer that was posted in my classroom, I was strong intrigued by possibility of forming my competiveness of sports with Pizza Hut. The reason why I feel in love with Pizza Hut was because of the amazing crust I pick on my pizza. Any pizza company can make a pizza decent, but Pizza Huttakes time in the crust of amazingness. Personally, I am a fan of the pretzel crust pizza with the meat lover toppings. Nothing screams more amazing than that. The pizza starts nice and meaty to end salty to wash down with an ice cold Sprite is the way I would love my last meal to before I pass on this earth. My history with the NCAA runs deep in my blood. My first real NCAA experience of being at the NCAA BasketballChampionship with Duke vs an amazing unknown Butler team made me into the fanatic I am today. Ever since then, I have been to many games around the nation, but currently I live in Vermillion, SD where my favorite team the USD Coyotes take on battles everything week. My previous game I attended was the game USD Women s Volleyball team take on the Bison of North Dakota. It was a game that I believe we should have won, but injuries have hurt this team from the true potential. The NCAA has lots of tournaments every year, from the likes of Division One to NAIA. Each championship is worth the same value for each student athlete. Personally, the level of which the sport is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Not Guilty In Plato s Apology In his influential dialogue Apology , Plato employs Socrates pleading not guilty to his allegations in his trial to argue that the men deemed as wise, are actually not as wise as they appear to be. Searching further into this text will reveal how Plato intended for Apology to have a deeper meaning. Socratesquestions the wise politicians, the philosophers, and the crafters of their knowledge and wisdom to discover that they themselves do not comprehend what their work is about. In ApologySocrates states When I began to talk with him, I could not help thinking, that he was not really wise, although he was thought wise by many, and still wiser by himself; and thereupon I tried to explain to him that he thought himself wise, but was not really ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Mr. Timothy Cavendish In Cloud Atlas It is a well known fact that in the book, Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell, that in Mr. Timothy Cavendish s (a brokenhearted and troubled man) story he is constantly getting picked and beaten upon by everyone (teenagers, older people, everyone!) which is especially true and shown in the introduction of his storyline. Within this novel Mitchell first shows and introduces this chapter with the fact that poor old Mr.Timothy Cavendish has just been mugged by three teenage girls. How horrid this scene may be and how embarrassing of an act this must be for an aging man just trying to live his everyday normal life, which is where we run into another problem; Cavendish refuses to believe and accept that he is in fact becoming older and has always been a coward in terms of defending himself in any way whatsoever. Due to the simple fact that Timothy Cavendish is easy bait, easily intimidated, and an easy target he somehow gets himself sucked up into some sort of sadistic rest home for the elderly, which consists of all locked doors, no windows, plus a very authoritative and evil head nurse who seems to be out to get Cavendish for anything she possible can at every waking hour. We can see from this that Cavendish may be living in the Human Realm (Buddhist... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In desperation Cavendish turns to his brother who then is tired of his brother only ever going to visit when he is in need of something (mostly money) so he then tricks into Cavendish into checking in a nightmarish of a nursing home (which he thought was a hotel where he would be hiding). In this we can see where the traumas of birth are introduced due to the fact that most people desire to overcome such horrible actions and so did Cavendish at the time he entered the so called ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Stigma And Disidentifiers There are three main categories of stigma: physical disfigurements, individual character flaw, and membership in a tainted group. A tainted group includes a particular race, ethnicity or religion. In the modern times, people with STDs, pregnant teenagers and people with disabilities are also tainted groups. People who belong in a stigmatized group and has a stigmatized identity falls either into two groups: the discreditable or the discredited . Discreditable individuals include people who have deviant characteristics that they are able to hide such as sexual fetishes. On the other hand, the discredited includes people who have revealed or unconcealed stigma such as people with disabilities. Certain groups of people are stigmatized because... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Fan fiction became a forum for creative expression and source of community and support for girls.They create a participatory culture wherein rather than being passive consumers or spectators of media; they actively contribute to the pop culture that meets their interests. Fan fiction comprises unauthorized stories that are based on the characters in a fandom, which are written by fans and share it with other fans, rather than selling the cultural products. Riot Grrrls and Ficcers both view themselves as not marginalized spectators of capitalized media; they are proactive in creating it. They are contrast to the bedroom culture of young teenage girls who are involved in listening to the music, collecting posters and magazines and fantasizing about young pop culture ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Depiction of Cultural and Religious Beliefs in Artwork Depiction of cultural and religious beliefs have been an important element in many artworks. The newly formed Early Christian religion, the Roman culture, and the Greek culture are no exception to this occurrence. Though living close in proximity to each other, their views differed vastly, in respect to both religionand culture. Roman and Greek views indulged the here and now , while those views of the Early Christians centered on the hereafter . It is upon the examination of a few artworks taken from either side, that this contrast becomes extremely apparent. Though there was an idea of an afterlife in Roman and Greek mythology, it was generally not taken seriously by the people. Thus the All that is good in this worldly life, is the only good to seek mentality prevailed. In their numerous artworks we see this mentality in the display of scenes of indulgence, of worldly matters, and finery. In fact, the purpose of the artwork itself is that it is meant to be a beautifying piece, to grace the homes and villas, and add to the beauty of this world. In the sculpture Discobolos different aspects of worldly good are identifiable. A youthful man with a well sculpted body poses in a way that accentuates his muscles, as he prepares to throw a discus. From this sculpture and many others similar to it, one can see first of all that there is a great respect for sports, which are an in the moment game. When playing or watching the sport, people receive an ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. When Designing The Hardware And Software Infrastructure Q1. Briefly explain following designing requirements that are requires when designing the hardware and software infrastructure: a)Storage requirements b)Network requirements c)CPU requirements d)Memory requirements Ans. There is one of the table which designing for hardware and software infrastructure. SoftwareHardware Programing systemHard disks for storage Operating system Power supply Internet explore Cluster services firewall Central processing unit Visual Basic (VB)Power supply Storage requirements: storage requirements is first and most important in designing. A lot of consideration go into analysing the storage requirements. The physical size of the database, you need to consider the transaction growth rate and data distribution requirements. There are some topic which are assessing current storage capacity: Disk space capacity Disk throughput capacity Locations and roles of database servers Network requirements: all database administrators and infrastructure designers should have a nuts and bolts understanding of the topology of the network supporting the database servers because this impacts infrastructural decisions. There is some analysing current database network traffic services: Traffic between servers Traffic between clients and servers Potential bottlenecks CPU requirements: central processing unit is the main part of the computer and also main part of our database server infrastructure. When you choose any CPU for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Fitbit Inc Business Analysis Product/Service Environment Fitbit Fitness Tracking Introduction Fitbit Inc. is an American company based in San Francisco, California. It was founded by James Park and Eric Friedman. According to the company s website, their mission is to inspire people to live healthier and active lives. Their well known products carry the same name as the company which produce a range of exercise and activity trackers. The products, that are worn on the user s wrists or clothing, collects and measures data including the quality and pattern of sleep, the intensity of exercises, and other personal metrics. The fitbit range has proven its significance through the growing demand for a healthier lifestyle and a product that... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... With the development of mapping systems and new technology Garmin has been the go to for travellers, military personnel and adventure professionals around the globe. In 2003, they released their first smartwatch , being one of the pioneers in the industry with unparalleled accuracy due to their history with leading GPS advancements. Jawbone: Jawbone markets themselves as the world leader in consumer technology and wearable devices, building hardware products and software platforms powered by data science . They were founded in 1999 with the purpose of developing noise cancelling technologies and soon released a range of portable listening devices. As the market moved, as did they, producing a range of fitness trackers named the UP, UP2 and most recently the UP3. Noted by many as producing some of the best fitness trackers on the market. Jawbone UP2 Best overall fitness tracker Wareable, 15 December 2015. Moov: Moov, a new start up company, creates some of the most diverse sports tracking bands on the market. Although the products lack some of the sophistication and technology of the other products on the market; this was the first brand to develop a band specifically for sports coaching and development in running, cycling, swimming and boxing. With the inclusion of an accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer the band ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Esperanza s Rising What would you do it you were mexican, then came to America and had to face discrimination? Immigrants that are mexican face these problems almost everyday. Esperanza Ortega from the book Esperanza Rising by Pam Munoz Ryan is facing the same problems. She lived in Mexico in Aguascalientes, she got forced to leave Mexicoand move to the U.S. There in the U.S. she faced discrimination, and many more problems. Although Esperanza faced many challenges as an immigrant, her hardest ones were doing chores and facing discrimination. The first challenge Esperanza faced as an immigrant was having to do chores. Esperanza and other immigrants were expected to be able to do chores. Esperanza doesn t know how to do chores. On page 117, Esperanza said, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. How I Got From Home Thy Ngoc Diem Ly Professor Sophia Russell ENGL 1101/148 2 September 2015 How I Got Through Bye, my Tiny! Don t worry about your father, just keep going! she talked through the phone. Bye, Mom. And don t skip any meal. You know your stomach very well. And you take care, sweetie! her voice was shaking. You, too. Bye, Mom! Goodnight! I tried not to sound emotionally. Have fun in school. You know I will. My Mom hung up the phone before she could start crying and I took off my headphone, stared at my laptop screen, thought about how much she missed me and had no idea what to do or what I should do next. That had been the way we finished every phone call for the last three weeks the three weeks I d been away from home. Of course I knew that I would go to a class, but what should I do for today, for tomorrow, and for my future? It was somehow so hard to see things clear. Every time we talked, I saw her in my mind with long curvy hair, deep hazelnut brown eyes and thin lips, and promised myself I would be the big girl she could be proud of. She was a mother who did everything for her children, and she did all her best to give me the best education and a chance to follow my dream, so there was no way I d let her down (and also let me down). I always considered myself as a lucky one, because since I was a very young kid, I had already known who I desired to be, what I could do, what I was supposed to do to achieve my goals. And my Mom was the reason that made me even so ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Voter Identification Laws, Diminished Registration... Voter Identification Laws, Diminished Registration Opportunities, and Reduced Early Voting Periods Impact Minority, Poor, and Elderly Voters In every election, the major parties are trying to figure out how to win the election by ascertaining which voters or groups of voters support or oppose their candidate. One of the strategies used to win an electionis the use of voter mobilization or conversely demobilization. It is general knowledge that a part of the Democratic party s tactics to win electionsis simply to get their supporters mobilized and to get out the vote, while the Republicans realize their leverage goes up as the votingpopulation goes down (Hicks et al. 19). The product of these different strategies results in the Democrats trying to get: more people registered, more people to vote in the early election, more people to vote absentee or mail in votes, and more people to the polls on the day of the election. Conversely, Republicans want to suppress votes from traditionally Democratic voters: minorities, the poor, students, and the elderly, so they use the strategies that will reduce the chances of the Democrats from casting their vote by stricter voter identification laws, shorter registration hours, no same day of election registration, and reduced early voting periods. The majority of the suppression tactics need to be voted through the state legislatures which requires a plausible legal reason to enact these disenfranchisement tactics. The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
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How to Watch and Stream 2024's First Presidential Debate on NBC

Presidents Biden and Trump will face off once again following 2020's election cycle.

essay about my dream computer

Election season is officially underway as former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden face off in the first debate of the 2024 presidential election on Thursday, June 27. The eyes of the nation will be on the pair, as this rematch of the 2020 opponents could go either way. Here's how to tune in:

What time does the 2024 presidential debate come on?

Following NBC's  coverage of the Olympic trials at 8/7c , CNN will host the debate, but it will also be simulcast on NBC at 9/8c. However, Live coverage on the network starts well beforehand at 7/8c.

If you're at a computer, you will be able to watch a livestream of the event  on NBC News NOW, and see up-to-the-minute coverage from NBC .

About the new rules for the 2024 presidential debate between Biden and Trump

Dana Bash and Jake Tapper will co-moderate the 90-minute debate between Presidents Trump and Biden in Atlanta.

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Two of the major changes for this debate versus the previous elections is that the microphones will be "off" by default, meaning that the candidates cannot interrupt one another, and there will be no live audience, so they won't be interrupted or encouraged by hecklers or applause, either.

Split of Joe Biden and Donald Trump

Trump still hasn't announced a VP pick

Biden is once again running with current Vice President Kamala Harris, but former VP Mike Pence won't be on the ticket in November. Trump has teased that he may announce his running mate during the debate, but hasn't promised to do so. He also hinted that he may announce his pick at the Republican National Convention, which is in July, per NBC .

NBC N e ws re ported  that North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, Sen. JD Vance of Ohio and Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida are all high on the list of potential running mates, and all three are currently in Atlanta.

RELATED: Jimmy Kimmel, Seth Meyers Want to Sit in Trump's Trial A La SNL's Beavis and Butt-Head

  • Where To Watch

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