Father of the Bride Speeches

30 Best Father of the Bride Speeches – The Ultimate Guide

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The father of the bride speech is an integral part of any wedding day. You get to share memories and talk about your daughter in a way she has never heard you express. You get to be the star of the show for a split second, so you better make it perfect.

You can use this speech as an opportunity to congratulate the happy couple, thank guests for coming, share advice with your daughter and give people a few laughs — all while making sure they know how much it means to have them there in person on one of the most important days of her life.

How Long Should a Father of the Bride Speech Last?

sample wedding speeches for father of the bride

Most people want to know the appropriate length for such an important moment in their lives. You can’t just wing it! There has to be some guidance on what you should do when giving your speech at such an important event as your daughter’s wedding.

So how long should your father of the bride speech last? It depends on several factors:

  • How much time do you have? 
  • How emotional do you get? 
  • What do you plan on saying?

We suggest keeping it under 3 minutes.

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  • Songs For Parents Entrance At Wedding Receptions
  • Wedding Gift Ideas for Parents

10 Ways to Begin Your Father of the Bride Speech

How do you begin this momentous speech? Here are some opening suggestions:

“Hello. Is everyone having a good time? [allow for applause] I am [bride’s name]’s father. There’s a saying that when children finally find true love, their parents find true joy.” “When my wife and I discovered that we would have a little girl, we were excited beyond belief.” “Today is only the beginning for [bride’s name] and [partner’s name].” “For as long as we both can remember, which is quite a while if you look at all my gray hair, [bride’s name]’s mom and I knew that [bride’s name] was destined for great things.” “As a parent, the greatest thing you’ll ever have is the gift of your children. I always wanted all my children to be the happiest they could be.” “Welcome! My name is [your name], and I’m delighted you could make it to [bride’s name]’s wedding. My wife and I have been waiting for our daughter to find a nice boy for years, so today is an especially happy day for us.” “I’m [your name], [bride’s name]’s proud dad and [partner’s name]’s brand new father-in-law.” “Hi everyone, I struggled a bit with writing this speech because my daughter, the lovely bride, and my wife gave me the opposite advice.” “The couple has requested that I refrain from sharing any embarrassing stories… so that’s it from me! Thanks for listening!” “Hi, everyone! I’m [your name], and it’s time to give the speech I frantically scribbled down on this napkin 15 minutes ago!”

If none of these seem perfect for your daughter, we suggest checking out Pinterest or asking family and friends for help with a funny but sweet opener.

10 Toast Ideas for Your Daughter’s Wedding

sample wedding speeches for father of the bride

This is a time to reflect on how wonderful it is to be involved in such an important event and how happy you are for the newlyweds. Here are some toast ideas:

“Finally, it’s my great pleasure to invite you all to stand and raise your glasses high in a toast to our wonderful newlyweds, [bride’s name] and [partner’s name]!” “Please stand with me, if you’re able, and raise your glasses to toast the new happy couple.” “Let’s raise our glasses high to a long life filled with happiness, love and joyous occasions for both of them for years to come.” “Please join my wife and I as we raise our glasses to the beautiful, kind and loving couple. We welcome you, [partner’s name], to our family and look forward to many years of happy memories.” “I offer a toast to my lovely daughter and her partner, [partner’s name]. May the happiness they feel today last forever or at least as long as it takes me to pay off this wedding.” “May your love be longer than the bill from tonight.” “May you have warm words on a cold evening around the fire, a full moon on a dark night to light your way and a road downhill to your door for easy travels wherever you may go.” “To the newlyweds, we wish you health, we wish you happiness, we wish you wealth — and we wish you everything else we have always wanted for you.” “May the joys you share today on your wedding day be the beginning of a lifetime of great happiness and fulfillment together.” “May you have love, health and wealth, but most importantly, may you have the time to enjoy them all together as a happily married couple.”

10 Humorous Father of the Bride Speech and Toast Ideas

If you’re known as the funny father, you might want to try to incorporate your love of laughter and sense of humor into your speech/toast at your daughter’s wedding. Here are a few examples that we love:

“Apparently, women subconsciously choose a new partner with characteristics furthest from that of their dear fathers. And only a few minutes ago, at cocktail hour, I heard my dear wife describing her new [son or daughter]-in-law as generous, sincere and good-humored.” “To my new [son or daughter]-in-law, I’ll give you some useful advice: forget your wedding anniversary once and you’ll remember it for the rest of your life!” “[Partner’s name], if you remember that this marriage is just a union in which one person, my daughter, is always right, and the other is you, you’ll be fine.” “Hello all, I’m [your name]. I hope you know who I am by now, but if you don’t, well done for sneaking into such an expensive meal unnoticed.” “I want to really enjoy the next five minutes of tonight that [bride’s name] couldn’t plan and has no control over!” “Funny, passionate, intelligent, hardworking, kind and good-looking. My daughter [bride’s name] definitely gets all those traits from me!” “Today is a special day, a day beyond measure — you’re about to witness the very first and last time anyone trusts me to make a speech.” “The last time I stood up in front of a crowd with a microphone in my hand, I was belting out a drunken version of [your favorite song].”  “[Bride] has always brightened our lives — she never remembered to turn off any lights and drove up our energy bills.” “They say marriage is like a fine wine; it keeps getting better and sweeter with age so long as you put a cork in it!”

Remember These Things When Making Your Speech

sample wedding speeches for father of the bride

You’re nervous and that’s okay. But here are the only two things you need to remember: 

1. Be yourself

Every relationship is different and every father-daughter connection is unique. Your relationship with your daughter has its own special story. 

2. Be honest in your speech

Nothing will ruin a wedding more than an overly sentimental speech full of clichés or untruths (or both). You are giving this speech because she loves you and you love her.

3. Introduce yourself –

It is always polite to begin your speech with a brief introduction. Unlike in her childhood, your daughter may not have brought home all her friends throughout college and her professional life and most of them may not be familiar with you. Besides, at least half of the people in attendance are there for the groom and like have no idea who you are. Despite how obvious the walking down the aisle may be, there’s no harm in a formal introduction to the guests.

4. Throw in some memories

Besides the mother of the bride, you are probably the only person in the room that has known your daughter her entire life. It’s okay to reminisce on memories of your daughter’s childhood that have stuck with you. If you can bring in a sweet memory that involves your son-in-law, even better!

5.  Steer clear of the embarrassing stuff

We understand wanting to garner some laughs from the guests, however, this should never be at the expense of the bride. Teenage shenanigans, past relationships, and other stories that could embarrass your daughter should be avoided. While the memories may be funny amongst family members, they may not sell as well in front of colleagues and other people that do not know her well.

6. Express pride

Most dads want to be able to see their daughters grow up, achieve their dreams, and settle down with a great guy. As a father seeing this happen for your baby girl is a huge emotion. Feel free to express this by speaking of her character and how proud you are of how far she has come.

7. Jokes aside

The depiction of wedding speeches in the movies may have led us to believe that it’s always laugh after laugh. Truth is, you are not a comedian and no one expects a stand-up show. It’s okay to throw in a few jokes here and there however, the most important thing is to share in the joy of your daughter.

8.  Acknowledge the groom

It’s tempting to go on and on about your daughter for the entire speech but the truth is; your daughter is now part of a team. Take this time to thank your son-in-law for making your daughter happy and welcome him to the family.

9. Drop a few words of wisdom

Both your daughter and son-in-law are stepping into a new and untrodden chapter of their lives. Feel free to share your wisdom and lessons you have learned throughout your life that will help them take on any challenges they face together.

10. Sign off with a blessing

The wedding is well on its way because you gave your blessing, however,  bestowing blessings, and good luck on the newlyweds is always welcome.

Final Thoughts

Make sure that no matter what tone you choose for your speech, you welcome your daughter’s partner and their family to your family. Thank them for coming and say how happy you are that they are part of your family now.

We hope you enjoyed this list of great father-of-the-bride speeches. Planning a wedding is a lot of work, but it can also be a lot of fun. It’s important to take some time and enjoy yourself before the big day arrives. You deserve it!

For even more father-of-the-bride speech ideas, check out this site .

sample wedding speeches for father of the bride

As a multi-passionate creative and a self-proclaimed frequent flyer of weddings, Kiara combines her love for the wedding industry and experience as a professional wedding photographer with her writing abilities to share tips, tricks, and helpful information with couples. She is the owner of Switech Studios a popular wedding photography business. With tons of insider information from behind her camera lens on how to have the best wedding possible, Kiara’s in-depth knowledge is sure to put you on the road to wedding planning success.

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Father of the Bride Speech Examples and Templates

by Ryan Hart | Updated on May 11, 2024 | Post may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.

When it comes to a wedding, one of the most anticipated speeches is the father of the bride’s.

It’s a moment for the father to express his love and pride for his daughter, offer advice and well wishes for the newlyweds, and thank everyone for being a part of this special day.

But for many fathers, the idea of giving a speech can be intimidating . You want to make sure you come across as confident, clear, and knowledgeable, but where do you start?

Brainstorming and planning ahead can help you organize your thoughts and ensure you hit all the key elements. From there, you can start writing and incorporating techniques to make your speech stand out.

Father of the bride giving a wedding speech

What should you say in a Father of the Bride speech?

When it comes to delivering a memorable father of the bride speech, there are several key elements that you should incorporate. These elements will help you to create a speech that is heartfelt, emotional, and memorable for all the right reasons.

Introduce Yourself

Firstly, it’s important to introduce yourself and welcome the guests . This will help to set the tone for your speech and make everyone feel at ease. You can also take this opportunity to thank the guests for coming and for their support.

Share a Short Story

Next, it’s time to share stories and memories about your daughter. This is the perfect opportunity to reminisce about happy times and to highlight the qualities that make your daughter so special. You can also use this time to welcome your new son-in-law or daughter-in-law and to express your happiness for the happy couple.

Offer Words of Wisdom

It’s also important to offer some words of wisdom and marriage advice. This can be done in a concise and meaningful way, and can include quotes or anecdotes that have special meaning to you and your family. You can also share your hopes and wishes for the future of the couple.

End with a Toast

Of course, no father of the bride speech would be complete without a toast. Raise a toast to the happy couple and their future together, and share your pride and joy in their union. You can also take this opportunity to thank the maid of honor and the master of ceremonies for their contributions to the wedding.

Examples and Templates

When it comes to writing your father of the bride speech, having some examples and templates to draw inspiration from can be incredibly helpful. Here are a few resources to get you started:

"Ladies and gentlemen, I stand here as a proud father to [DAUGHTER'S NAME] . It feels like just yesterday that she was [SHARE A MEMORABLE CHILDHOOD EXPERIENCE] . Today, I can hardly believe she's marrying [GROOM'S NAME] , a man who [POSITIVE TRAIT OR ANECDOTE ABOUT GROOM] . As I raise my glass, I want to thank everyone for being here to celebrate this special day with us. To the happy couple, may your future be filled with love and joy."
"When [DAUGHTER'S NAME] was little, we used to [A SHARED ACTIVITY OR STORY] . Now as I watch her with [GROOM'S NAME] , I see a similar bond of [SHARED QUALITY] . I could not be happier for them. So here's to my beautiful daughter and her wonderful new husband. May your love continue to grow stronger with each passing day. Cheers!"
"As a father, you dream of the day your little girl finds someone who [VALUES OR QUALITIES YOU HOPED FOR] . Today, [DAUGHTER'S NAME] married [GROOM'S NAME] , a man who embodies all of these qualities. To my daughter and her new husband, I wish you a lifetime of happiness and love. May your marriage be as strong and beautiful as the love you share today."
"They say a father is his daughter's first love. Well, [DAUGHTER'S NAME] was my first true love. Seeing her today with [GROOM'S NAME] , I know she's found her [TERM OF ENDEARMENT: e.g. forever love, true match] . As I look at my daughter and her new husband, I am filled with pride and joy. Here's to a lifetime of love, laughter, and happiness. Cheers!"
"Raising [DAUGHTER'S NAME] has been my life's greatest joy. She's [POSITIVE QUALITIES OR TRAITS] . Today, as she marries [GROOM'S NAME] , I see those qualities reflected back at her, and it fills my heart with joy. To the newlyweds, may your love for each other only grow stronger with each passing year. Here's to a lifetime of happiness and joy together."
"I always knew [DAUGHTER'S NAME] would grow up to be [QUALITY, ACHIEVEMENT, OR TRAIT] . I am proud to say that [GROOM'S NAME] is the kind of man who values that about her. As a father, there is no greater joy than seeing my daughter so happy. To my daughter and her new husband, may your love for each other never fade. Cheers!"
"There are many moments in a father's life that he cherishes, but this moment, seeing [DAUGHTER'S NAME] marrying a man who is [POSITIVE TRAITS OF GROOM] , is truly special. To my beautiful daughter and her handsome husband, may your love story be filled with adventure, laughter, and endless joy. Congratulations and cheers to a lifetime of happiness together."
"As [DAUGHTER'S NAME] 's father, I've seen her grow and accomplish so much. Her marriage to [GROOM'S NAME] , a man who [COMPLIMENT ABOUT GROOM] , is another proud moment in a long list. As I raise my glass, I want to thank my daughter and her new husband for giving me the greatest gift of all - the gift of seeing my little girl so happy. Here's to a lifetime of love and joy together."
" [DAUGHTER'S NAME] has always been the [ADJECTIVE: e.g. light, star] of our family. Today, as she joins hands with [GROOM'S NAME] , I know she has found her perfect [COMPLEMENT TO PREVIOUS ADJECTIVE: e.g., beacon, constellation] . To my daughter and her new husband, may your love for each other be as strong and unbreakable as the bond between a father and his daughter. Cheers to a lifetime of happiness together."
" [DAUGHTER'S NAME] , from your first steps, to this walk down the aisle, I've had the privilege of being there. Now, as you step into a new journey with [GROOM'S NAME] , a man who [POSITIVE TRAIT OR QUALITY OF GROOM] , I know you will make beautiful memories together. As I look at my daughter and her new husband, I am filled with hope and happiness for their future together. To the happy couple, may your marriage be blessed with love, joy, and endless happiness. Cheers!"

Understanding the Role

As the father of the bride, you have a special role to play in your daughter’s wedding. Your speech is one of the most anticipated and memorable moments of the wedding reception, and it’s an opportunity to express your love and pride for your daughter and your new son-in-law.

Your speech should be heartfelt, sincere, and personal. It’s a chance to share your thoughts and feelings about your daughter, her new spouse, and their future together. Your words should be chosen carefully to reflect the love and support you have for the couple.

Remember that your speech is not just about your daughter, but also about your family. It’s a time to acknowledge and thank the guests who have come to celebrate this special occasion with you and your family. You should also take a moment to welcome your new son-in-law into the family and express your happiness at having him as part of your family.

When preparing your speech, it’s important to keep in mind the overall tone of the wedding. Is it a formal, traditional affair, or a more casual, relaxed event? Your speech should fit the tone of the wedding and reflect the personality of the couple.

Finally, don’t forget to practice your speech before the big day. This will help you feel more confident and ensure that you deliver your message clearly and effectively. With a little preparation and a lot of love, your father of the bride speech is sure to be a highlight of the wedding reception.

Brainstorming and Planning

Before you start writing a father of the bride speech, it’s important to take some time to brainstorm and plan. This will help you structure your speech and make sure you include all the important elements. Here are some tips to help you get started:

Step 1: Gather Ideas

The first step in planning your father of the bride speech is to gather ideas. Think about your daughter and her relationship with her new spouse. What are some of their shared interests? What are some of your favorite memories with your daughter? What advice do you want to give the newlyweds?

Write down all your ideas on a piece of paper or in a document. Don’t worry about organizing them yet, just get everything down.

Step 2: Organize Your Ideas

Once you have a list of ideas, it’s time to organize them. Look for common themes or topics that you want to cover in your speech. For example, you might want to talk about your daughter’s childhood, her relationship with her new spouse, and your hopes for their future together.

Create an outline for your speech, with each idea or topic as a separate section. This will help you stay organized and make sure you cover everything you want to say.

Step 3: Write Your Speech

With your ideas organized and your outline in place, it’s time to start writing your speech. Use your outline as a guide, and fill in the details for each section.

Remember to keep your speech concise and focused. Aim for a length of around five minutes, and avoid rambling or going off on tangents.

Step 4: Practice Your Speech

Once you’ve written your speech, it’s important to practice it. Stand in front of a mirror and read your speech out loud. This will help you get comfortable with the material and make sure you’re speaking clearly.

You might also want to practice in front of a friend or family member. Ask for their feedback and make any necessary adjustments to your speech.

Step 5: Deliver Your Speech

On the day of the wedding, take a deep breath and deliver your speech with confidence. Remember to speak slowly and clearly, and make eye contact with the audience.

End your speech with a heartfelt congratulations to the newlyweds, and a toast to their future together.

Writing Tips and Techniques

When it comes to writing a father of the bride speech, there are a few helpful tips and techniques that can make the process easier and ensure that your speech is a success. Here are some pointers to keep in mind:

  • Be yourself: The most important thing to remember when writing your speech is to be yourself. Don’t try to be someone you’re not or use language that doesn’t feel natural to you. Speak from the heart and let your personality shine through.
  • Practice public speaking: If you’re not used to speaking in public, it’s a good idea to practice beforehand. You can do this by rehearsing your speech in front of a mirror or recording yourself and watching it back. This will help you build confidence and get used to the sound of your own voice.
  • Know your audience: When writing your speech, it’s important to keep your audience in mind. Think about who will be listening to your speech and what they might be expecting to hear. Tailor your speech to your audience and try to make it relevant and engaging for them.
  • Keep it concise: While you might have a lot to say, it’s important to keep your speech concise and to the point. Aim for a speech that is around five minutes long, as this will keep your audience engaged without dragging on too long.
  • Use humor: A little bit of humor can go a long way in a father of the bride speech. Try to include some lighthearted jokes or anecdotes that will make your audience smile and help to break the ice.

Practicing the Speech

Now that you have written your father of the bride speech, it’s time to start practicing. Practicing your speech will help you deliver it confidently and avoid any last-minute jitters. Here are some tips to help you practice your speech effectively:

  • Practice in front of a mirror: Practicing in front of a mirror will help you see your facial expressions and body language. This will help you identify any nervous habits or gestures that you might want to avoid.
  • Practice with a timer: Timing is crucial when it comes to delivering a speech. Practice your speech with a timer to ensure that you are not going over the allotted time. This will also help you pace yourself and avoid rushing through your speech.
  • Practice in front of a friend or family member: Practicing in front of a friend or family member will help you get feedback on your speech. They can also help you identify any areas that need improvement.
  • Record yourself: Recording yourself while practicing your speech will help you identify any areas that need improvement. You can also listen to your speech to get a feel for your pacing and tone.

Remember, practice makes perfect. The more you practice your speech, the more confident you will be when it’s time to deliver it. So, take the time to practice your speech and you’ll be sure to deliver a memorable speech that your daughter and her new spouse will cherish forever.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should the father of the bride say in his speech.

As the father of the bride, your speech should be heartfelt and sincere. You should start by welcoming the guests and thanking them for coming to celebrate this special day with your family. Then, you can share some personal anecdotes about your daughter and her relationship with the groom. You can also express your love and pride for your daughter and offer some words of wisdom for the newlyweds.

How long should a father of the bride speech be?

Your speech should be long enough to cover everything you want to say, but not so long that it becomes boring or tedious. A good rule of thumb is to keep your speech between 5-7 minutes. This will give you enough time to say what you want to say without losing the attention of your audience.

What should a dad say to his daughter on her wedding day?

As a father, your daughter’s wedding day is a very emotional and special day for you. You should take this opportunity to express your love and pride for your daughter. You can tell her how much she means to you and how proud you are of the person she has become. You can also offer some words of advice and encouragement for her future with her new spouse.

Is it OK to read the father of the bride speech?

Yes, it is perfectly acceptable to read your speech from a written copy. In fact, it may even be preferable if you are nervous or worried about forgetting what you want to say. However, it is important to practice your speech beforehand so that you can deliver it with confidence and emotion.

Ryan Hart

Ryan Hart is a certified relationship coach and writer. His mission is to help make connections between people better, stronger, more meaningful, and longer lasting using technology.

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  • Who Gives a Speech at a Wedding Reception? How to Write a Wedding Toast Tips for the Father of the Bride Speech How to Write a Best Man Toast Advice for the Maid of Honor Speech What to Know About a Newlywed Toast Public Speaking Experts' Wedding Speech Tips 60 Quotes to Use for Your Wedding Toast

How to Write and Deliver a Perfect Father-of-the-Bride Speech

We're taking the guesswork out of this important moment.

sample wedding speeches for father of the bride

Photo by Tanya Menoni

In This Article

The father-of-the-bride speech is one of the most anticipated toasts of any wedding reception . If you're a dad, you've likely looked forward to (or maybe dreaded) giving this speech for a very long time. Now that the moment is growing closer, it's important to sit down and write a toast that not only you're proud of, but that the happy couple will remember for a lifetime. While it might seem difficult to find the right words to express the endless love you have for your daughter and your excitement for her life with her new spouse, it's those very emotions that are often the star of the show. Feel free to let those feelings flow through your speech—you'll likely see most of the guests grab their tissues.

With that said, even the most eloquent dads can struggle with getting those words down on paper. To get you started, we created an easy guide to follow when you're sitting down to frame your thoughts into a full-fledged speech. We've compiled some top-notch tips for writing that sure-to-be epic father-of-the-bride speech, plus a list of brainstorming ideas to jump-start the creative process.

Read on for advice on how to write and deliver your father-of-the-bride speech—the most memorable toast of the day.

Father-of-the-Bride Speech Template

Here's a general outline for writing a father-of-the-bride speech that’ll have everyone reaching for tissues.

Welcome the guests.

Typically, the parents of the couple are the first to speak at either the rehearsal dinner or the wedding reception. If you're the first toast-maker of the night, this would be the time to welcome all of the guests to the reception or whichever event you are delivering the speech at. You can do this welcome speech with your partner, on your own, or followed by your child's fiancé's parents. Of course, feel free to skip this step if you're not the first speech and the guests have already been welcomed.

Give thanks.

Since you have the mic, don't forget to express gratitude. Be sure to thank your friends and family for coming to the wedding, and the parents of your daughter's new spouse for anything and everything that they did.

Pepper in some fond memories.

Nothing gets the waterworks started like some heartfelt anecdotes from the bride's lifetime through the eyes of their beloved dad. Choose some especially warm memories from her childhood that always stick out in your mind or some funny (not embarrassing) trials from adolescence. If one of those special memories includes their significant other, definitely be sure to share that with the guests.

Share your pride.

As the father of the bride , you're entitled to be a very proud papa. Mention some especially big moments of pride for you and how much you cherish your daughter's achievements. Don't confuse this with an excuse to spout off their résumé, though. Only pick a couple of standout highlights that really speak to their character.

Remember that half the guests in attendance probably won't know your daughter all that well, so this is an excellent time to low-key introduce them to their best qualities and character traits.

Talk about the present.

Try not to live completely in the past, Dad! Discuss notable things that are occurring presently, on this momentous day as it's unfolding. While everyone is experiencing the events from their own perspective, your special POV provides a unique lens on the significance of the occasion.

Acknowledge your daughter's new spouse.

While you have so much to say about the bride, remember to mention and acknowledge their new spouse , too. Take this time to welcome them into your family and share what it means to you. You can also share some anecdotes of their relationship and what stood out to you most.

Tell your daughter you love them.

That's your baby right there, and this is the moment to tell them just how much they mean to you. Express how much you love and cherish your daughter. Remind them of how you've treasured your relationship together and how you think that relationship may be evolving or staying exactly the same.

Look to the future.

You've covered the past and present, now move on to the next chapter and speak about the shared future of the newlyweds. While you can always get creative with the flow of the speech, breaking things down in a classic chronological order is always easy for the guests to follow.

Add some parting wisdom.

Whether it's a piece of marriage advice or just your most heartfelt wishes for the newlyweds, include some sage wisdom for the happy couple. This is pinnacle dad-talk time, so be sure to really relish the moment. Just don't forget that there are other people present, and it's not just you and your daughter.

Father-of-the-Bride Speech Tips

Okay, Dad! Now that you have a general idea of what to include, take note of these essential tips for writing and giving the best father-of-the-bride speech anyone has ever heard.

Consider a theme.

Having an overarching theme from the get-go will set a tone for the speech as a whole. This should make it easier for you to succinctly organize your thoughts and choose relevant examples to showcase. Utilizing this type of framework will result in cohesive and meaningful content that will come across as inspired and have the audience hanging on every word.

Keep it short.

Though you've been waiting for this day to come for many years, try to keep your toast short and sweet. The ideal length is about five or six minutes with the three-minute mark being your lowest threshold for a proper speech. There may be a lot you want to say, and if that's the case, consider writing some of those heartfelt sentiments down beforehand and giving it to your daughter in a card to read privately the morning of the wedding.

Don't be too embarrassing.

Skip the stories that may make your daughter cringe or those memories that they wish you would just forget already. Remember, the speech is a toast and not a roast. Keep in mind that along with their newly minted spouse, a whole new family of in-laws and possibly even a few work colleagues will be present. So, if there's something you're on the fence about saying, consider if you would think the information appropriate for your in-laws and colleagues to learn about you.

Skip ex mentions.

If you have an urge to call out how terrible some ex-boyfriends or girlfriends were in the past, skip that little tidbit and keep it to yourself. There's never any good that can come from name-dropping old lovers at your daughter's wedding, no matter how much you really disliked old what's-their-name. Stick to positive anecdotes and memories that showcase your daughter's good side, not mistakes.

Don't push for laughs.

Oftentimes, you'll get laughs when you're not trying hard for them. Don't feel like you have to color your toast with joke line after joke line—it may come off as forced, especially if you're not normally the jokester in the bunch. The most important person in the room, your daughter, will definitely know if you're not being yourself, and all they really need is their dad—not a comedian.

Embrace your emotions.

It's an absolute given that this is an emotional day for you, so don't feel the need to act stoic and put up a façade. Stay genuine and admit to how difficult it is to let your child go. These admissions make for a touching moment, and we guarantee there won't be a dry eye left in the room. And we mean you, too, pops. Today is the day when it's perfectly okay to shed a tear or two.

Practice, practice, practice.

And then practice some more. It's important that you attempt to memorize your speech, and at the very least, have everything written down and a general idea of what you want to say. If memorizing the whole speech is a little too difficult to do in such a short amount of time, be sure to practice it enough beforehand so that you can make eye contact with the couple and the other guests.

Get Brainstorming!

If you're still drawing a blank, here are some questions to ask yourself to start brainstorming.

  • Who is speaking directly before or after me? (You may want to introduce the next speaker or reference whoever spoke previously.)
  • What emotions do I experience when I think of letting my daughter go?
  • What do I wish for their marriage and life together, and how can I prepare them for that?
  • Is there anything I would like to say to their in-laws or newly acquired family?
  • Is there something in the order of events that the audience needs to know, prepare for, or be aware of? (Your role can also assume that of master of ceremonies, so be mindful of the flow of upcoming events and if you need to alert the guests.)

Traditionally, the father of the bride gives the first speech at a wedding. But, of course, couples can choose any order they want speeches to take place in. 

If the mother of the bride is speaking directly after the father of the bride, they may choose to stand next to their significant other during the speech. In other cases, the father will be standing alone with the bride's mother being at her seat. 

Whatever you do, don't feel stressed out by the idea of giving a speech. Keep it short, speak from the heart, and don't embarrass the couple (okay, don't embarrass them too much) and you'll be well on your way to the perfect toast.

A Guide to Wedding Reception Toasts

  • Who Gives a Speech at a Wedding Reception?
  • How to Write a Wedding Toast
  • currently on Tips for the Father of the Bride Speech
  • How to Write a Best Man Toast
  • Advice for the Maid of Honor Speech
  • What to Know About a Newlywed Toast
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Father of the Bride Speech: The Ultimate Guide for 2024

Father of the Bride Speech: The Ultimate Guide for 2024

Congratulations! Your daughter’s getting married and you’re giving the Father of the Bride speech.

This definitive guide answers all of the most common questions and sets you up to prepare and deliver a knockout speech in 2024.

Ready to jump in?

The Essentials

We’ll start by covering a few of the essentials before going into more details on important topics.

🏹 Main Purpose of the Speech

The main purpose of the Father of the Bride Speech is to welcome the guests to the wedding and give an insight into the Bride’s personality and her formative years.

The speech is also a fond tribute to the Bride and a celebration of a new chapter in her life.

🕐 Timing of the Speech

The Father of the Bride usually speaks first, before the Groom and the Best Man.

📋 Duties to be Covered

In his speech, the Father of the Bride will traditionally:

  • officially welcome guests to the wedding
  • raise a toast to the Bride and Groom (at end)

He will usually also:

  • mention any absent or deceased family or friends
  • acknowledge his wife, on whose behalf he is also speaking

🏛️ Simple Speech Structure

A simple but effective speech structure is:

1. Welcome the guests

Thank everyone for coming and mention any key absences

2. Acknowledge the occasion

Say a few positive words about the day so far

3. Share stories about the Bride

Tell 2 or 3 anecdotes from the Bride’s early life

4. Compliment the Bride

Praise your daughter and say why you’re proud of her

5. Raise a Toast!

Invite guests to raise their glasses and toast the Bride and Groom

🎵 Recommended Tone

The Father of the Bride Speech should be:

  • generous and loving
  • happy and proud

Also remember:

  • sensitive issues or topics which might embarrass the Bride should be avoided
  • it’s okay to be a little sentimental!

🎤 Tips for Delivery

When delivering your speech:

  • aim to speak for no longer than 5 - 10 minutes
  • keep it conversational – i.e. try to speak as you would normally speak
  • take your time – pause between each of your main points
  • use small cue cards to prompt you (don’t try to do it all from memory or read from a script)
  • And make sure you practice before the big day!

🚫 Pitfalls to Avoid

The Father of the Bride should try to avoid:

  • alluding to any financial support that might have been given for the wedding
  • telling stories that genuinely embarrass the Bride
  • neglecting to mention the Mother of the Bride
  • relying on all-too-familiar lines and clichés
  • drinking too much before the speeches!

Buy me a Beer? 🍺

If this site has helped you with your Father of the Bride Speech why not say thanks by buying me a (virtual) beer?

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Tips For Writing Great Father Of The Bride Speeches + Examples

Natalia Bayeva

Halfpoint via Shutterstock

In this article about the father of the bride’s speech, we delve into the poignant moment of the wedding ceremony where a father expresses pride in his daughter and joy in the creation of a new family. The father’s speech is not only a moment of pride but also a significant expression of emotions as his daughter embarks on a new chapter, contributing to the formation of a family filled with love and happiness.

So, here are some tips for preparing your speech . Check out father of the bride speech examples and tips below.


father of the bride speech

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How To Write Brilliant Father Of The Bride Speeches

Introduce yourself and welcome guests.

The first thing you want to do is introduce yourself. You can start with a joke if you want, but keep it short and clean!

Next, you want to formally welcome your guests including family members, friends, and other esteemed guests, including the groom’s parents and officiant. Thank them for coming and sharing in this important occasion.

Hi! My name is (your name), (daughter’s name) father. She calls me “Dad”, to my face at least, but you can call me ______. I’d like to welcome all of our family and friends as well as ____ and ____ (groom’s parents.) as well as the rest of our special guests who took the time to share in this joyous day. I’d like to thank (officiant) for the moving wedding ceremony that joined (bride and groom) together for eternity.

Share Heart-Warming Stories From Bride’s Childhood

Endearing stories about the bride are the heart of the father of the bride’s speech. As someone who has known her all her life, you have many tender moments to share. You could also talk about the day she was born and how she changed your life for the better.

Include some funny and touching moments from her childhood and teenage years. Tell her how proud of the woman she is today. Mention how you are happy that she found the love of her life (mention her husband here). Also, remember that her best friend may cover some of the same stories in her maid of honor speech so you may want to compare notes with her.

Ladies and gentlemen, today, as I stand here with a heart full of joy and a touch of nostalgia, I can’t help but reminisce about the beautiful journey my daughter has had. From the moment she took her first steps to the day she walked into the arms of her soulmate, every step has been a testament to the incredible person she is. I remember the day she was born, a bundle of joy that filled our lives with laughter and love. Her childhood was adorned with countless funny and touching moments—her infectious laughter, her determination, and even the occasional mischief that always managed to put a smile on our faces. As she blossomed into the incredible woman she is today, finding her love in [husband’s name], my heart swells with pride. To witness the love that has grown between them is truly magical. So here’s to the little girl who changed my life for the better and to the remarkable woman she has become. Cheers to love, laughter, and a lifetime of happiness for [bride’s name] and [husband’s name].

Talk About Your Son-in-Law

Talking about your son-in-law is a crucial part of your father-of-the-bride speech. Share your feelings about him and his importance to your family. Add some humor, but keep it heart-warming. Mention your first meeting or how he has improved your daughter’s life. Lovingly welcome him to the family.

Ladies and gentlemen, if I may take a moment to express my sentiments about the remarkable man who now holds a special place in our family – my son-in-law, [son-in-law’s name]. From the first time we met, I could sense something extraordinary about him. Maybe it was the way he made my daughter laugh, or the kindness that radiated from him. [son-in-law’s name], you’ve not only won my daughter’s heart but the hearts of our entire family. Your presence has brought an added layer of joy and completeness to our lives. I still remember the first time I saw you together, and I knew then that you were someone truly special. So, with a heart full of gratitude and warmth, I want to officially welcome you to our family. May your journey with [bride’s name] be filled with love, laughter, and an abundance of cherished moments. Here’s to the wonderful man who has enriched our lives. Cheers!

Add A Funny Story About Couple

At this point, include a funny story about the couple. Keep it clean and not too embarrassing—making the newlyweds blush and giggle is fine, but you don’t want to humiliate them or make them uncomfortable on their wedding day.

Funny anecdotes will keep guests engaged in your father-of-the-bride speech. Maybe share a humorous story about the first time she brought him over for dinner, or something funny from the wedding preparations. Keep it light and appropriate.

Ladies and gentlemen, let me share a little tale about our lovely couple that brings a smile to my face. It was the first time [son-in-law’s name] came over for dinner, and let’s just say, we had a slight kitchen mishap. I attempted to impress him with my culinary skills, and, well, the smoke detectors were equally impressed. As the kitchen filled with a not-so-subtle haze, [bride’s name] and [son-in-law’s name] exchanged glances, and I thought, ‘Well, this is one way to make a lasting impression.’ Little did we know, that incident became a cherished story in our family, reminding us that laughter truly is the best seasoning. So here’s to the couple who knows how to navigate both the kitchen and the journey of marriage with a good sense of humor. May your life together be filled with many more delightful stories and laughter that echoes through the years. Cheers to [bride’s name] and [son-in-law’s name]!

Add A Few Words About Groom’s Parents

You should always include something about the groom’s parents in your speech. They are now part of your family, as you are part of theirs. You will be spending time with them during the holidays, birthdays, and other joint family events. And you could even share in the blessing of future grandchildren.

Thank them for sharing in the big day and becoming part of your family, as well as any part they took in the wedding. Congratulate them on the fine job they did raising their son and how happy you are to welcome them all to your family.

As we celebrate the union of [bride’s name] and [son-in-law’s name], it’s a joyous occasion not only for our family but for [son-in-law’s name]’s family as well. I want to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude to [son-in-law’s mother’s name] and [son-in-law’s father’s name], who have warmly welcomed us into their lives. Today marks the beginning of a shared journey, not just for [bride’s name] and [son-in-law’s name], but for our families joining together. To [son-in-law’s mother’s name] and [son-in-law’s father’s name], thank you for your kindness, love, and for the integral role you played in creating the wonderful person who now stands by my daughter’s side. As we move forward, I look forward to the shared celebrations, the laughter, and the many beautiful moments that our families will create together. Here’s to the start of a new chapter for all of us.

Talk About Your Own Love Story With Bride’s Mother

Don’t forget to introduce your wife, the bride’s mother. Share a brief story about how you met and express your love for her. Thank her for raising your daughter into the wonderful woman she is today. Highlight how your daughter is like her mother, and connect this to your daughter and her new husband.

Ladies and gentlemen, amidst the celebration of [bride’s name] and [son-in-law’s name], I want to share a glimpse of the enduring love that anchors our family. A heartfelt thank you to my wonderful wife, [wife’s name], who has been my companion in this remarkable journey. From our ‘I do’ to the shared joys, she remains my constant. [wife’s name], your grace and strength have shaped [bride’s name] into the remarkable woman she is today. As we witness the next chapter unfold with [bride’s name] and [son-in-law’s name], I’m reminded of the beautiful love story that started with us. Cheers to enduring love!

Finish With A Toast

In keeping with tradition, end your father of bride’s speech with a toast. Ask everyone to stand and raise their glasses to the happy couple. The toast should be brief, congratulating the bride and groom and wishing them a happy life together.

Use these popular wedding toast examples :

Please stand with me and raise your glass to toast the happy couple. (Bride’s name) has been the light of my life for the past 25 years and today I hand her over to (groom’s name). I know he will love and cherish her every bit as much as I do a toast to a happy and healthy life full of endless love and laughter!
Please join me in a toast to _____ and _______. (Groom’s name), you have become like a son to me, and I am entrusting (bride’s name) to you. Cherish every moment you have together. Let us all wish the happy couple a lifetime of joy!
Please raise your glass to the newlyweds. When (bride’s name) was only 13 years old she told me that she wanted to marry (groom’s name). I watched them grow from happy and carefree teenagers to happy, loving and caring adults. Let’s offer a toast to many years of wedded bliss!
When (groom) first showed up at my front door, I never imagined he would be the one to steal my baby’s heart. But here we are today, and I couldn’t be happier for them. Let’s raise our glass to the (bride and groom) and wish them many years of happiness!
Please join my wife and I as we raise our glasses to the beautiful, kind, and loving couple. We welcome you to our family, and we look forward to many years of holiday dinners, family vacations, and late-night phone calls. Cheers to ___ and ___!

Father Of The Bride Speeches: Examples And Template

Father of the bride speeches can be difficult to write, because it’s an emotional time for a father, and there is so much you might want to include in your speech However, with a few tips, you should be able to put down a beautiful speech that expresses your emotions perfectly, one that your daughter will be proud of.

Best Father Of The Bride Speeches

When preparing your speech, speak from your heart and be genuine. Don’t worry about trying to be funny or overly sentimental. Keep it concise, but meaningful. And don’t forget to practice beforehand so that you can deliver your words with confidence and ease. Your daughter will appreciate your heartfelt words, and you’ll create a memory that will last a lifetime.

Good evening, everyone. For those who don’t know me, I’m the father of the bride. Today, I’m overflowing with emotions as I stand here to give this speech. I am incredibly proud of my daughter, and I couldn’t be happier that she has found such a wonderful partner in [groom’s name]. From the moment I met him, I knew he was the one for her. His kind heart and warm smile captured our hearts, and we welcomed him with open arms into our family. My advice to the newlyweds is to always communicate, be honest with each other, and most importantly, never forget why you fell in love with each other. To my daughter, you will always be my little girl, and I will always be here to support and love you. So, let’s raise a glass to the newlyweds, wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness.

Heartfelt Father Of The Bride Speech

Giving heartfelt and emotional father-of-the-bride speeches can take it out of you. But, if you find the right words, and you aren’t afraid to let your emotions show, you should do well.

I am Allen, Scarlet’s father, as most of you know. This is my proudest and happiest moment, watching her today and being able to reflect on all the years I watched her grow up. She was the most beautiful baby, and I’m lucky to have been able to be with her and guide her as she grew into the magnificent woman that she is today. She captured my heart then, and she still holds it now, my beautiful girl, my sunshine. I will always be fortunate to be called your father. And as I watch her get married today, to such a wonderful young man, I can say that my happiness is full. I can’t say that I give the most brilliant father of the bride speeches as I have never had to give one, but I can say this with all confidence. The two of you are about to begin a long journey. One that will be filled with all the love and happiness I have seen between you both, and more. And while on this journey, know that I and your mother will be there on the sidelines, ready to assist with anything that you need to succeed. May you always be true to each other, and may you always be kind to each other. May you share in all of the burdens all of the joys and all the happiness that this world has in store for you both. I ask you all to join me in raising a toast to my beautiful daughter and her amazing husband. I wish them a long and happy life together. Love you both to the moon and back.

Funny Father Of The Bride Speech

If humor comes naturally to you, then giving the funny father-of-the-bride speeches would be your forte. And, if you need some inspiration, here is a sample that could be helpful.

Hello everyone, I’m the proud father of this lady right here, Sasha, and the spanking new father-in-law of the handsome man beside her, David. And I would have to say, if any of these names sound strange to you, then you are probably at the wrong wedding. It was a little difficult writing my speech for today because at first, my wife recommended that I do not say anything embarrassing or stupid, and then late she suggested that I just be myself. Well, that’s hard and not confusing at all. I must say that I have always looked forward to the day that someone would step forward and take Sasha and all her endless demands far away from me and my bank account. And I am so happy David, that you had the courage to do so, good man. In fact, although I question his tastes in football teams, I have never questioned his loyalty to my daughter, and my bank account agrees. From the first day that I met David and his shiny new braces, I knew that any man who could care for his teeth like that, without shame, would be able to care for my daughter no matter the consequences. I have to admit that we’re all glad he’s present here today minus those dentures. My advice to you both today is love and laughter. Although marriage is as serious as a mortgage and should be taken as seriously, just be sure to have fun. Life will bring its ups and downs, but as long as you remember to laugh at each other and with each other through it all, you will succeed. I give you Sasha and David, the bride and groom.

Short Father Of the Bride Speech

father of the bride speeches huges toast wedding

oliveromg via Instagram

While writing father-of-the-bride speeches may not be a walk in the park, with the right wedding speech ideas to guide you, you are sure to succeed. Make your daughter proud on the most special day of her life.

Just like childbirth, marriage marks a new beginning. One that we are overjoyed to witness in our family. From the day you captured my heart as a newborn, to today when I walked you down the aisle, I have never stopped feeling grateful that you call me Papa. I hope that I have always lived up to your expectations, just as your husband will as you begin this journey together. I am happy for the union of these two families as the [Bride] and [Groom] begin a brand new family of their own. And I am proud that my daughter has grown into this amazing woman and that she met a man who is just as amazing. I love you son. This is my wish that you build your lives together and enjoy a relationship like no other. I offer you my warmest wishes and congratulations on this beautiful and joyous day. Please join me as we raise our glasses to the bride and groom. May your lives be filled with love and laughter always.

Here is an example of a father-of-the-bride speech to help you with your preparations for your wedding speech .

From the moment I first held you, I knew my life had changed forever.
Watching you grow into the beautiful, strong woman you are today has been my greatest joy.
You have been my sunshine on the darkest days, and I am so proud of the person you’ve become.
No matter where life takes you, you will always be my little girl, and I will always be here for you.
Seeing you find love and happiness with [groom’s name] fills my heart with immense joy and gratitude.

Things To Avoid In Father of The Bride Speech

If you have ever given a best man speech , you might have some idea as to where to start. However, there are some differences to take heed to the following advice.

  • Avoid inappropriate jokes or stories: Stay away from anything that could embarrass or offend the couple or guests.
  • Steer clear of excessive personal anecdotes: Focus on the couple rather than sharing too many personal stories unrelated to their special day.
  • Don’t make it too long: Keep your speech concise to maintain interest and prevent it from becoming tedious.
  • Avoid excessive alcohol consumption: Maintain clarity and composure by limiting alcohol intake before delivering your speech.
  • Don’t overshadow the groom: Ensure the speech is balanced, acknowledging the groom’s role and expressing warm sentiments toward him.
  • Avoid controversial or sensitive topics: Steer clear of divisive subjects that could create discomfort or tension among guests.

Wedding Speech vs. Wedding Toast: What’s the Difference?

A wedding toast is a statement of good wishes to the couple that often ends with the raising of glasses, clinking, and drinking. It usually comes at the end of a speech but can also stand independently. A speech is often longer than a toast and often tells a story.

Is it OK to read the father of the bride speech?

It is okay to read the father of the bride speech. No one is required to get a certificate in public speaking before giving wedding speeches, so it’s fine to have notes as long as you have at least practiced beforehand.

How long should the father of the bride speech be?

Typically, the speech itself should be around 5 minutes.

What Should A Father Of The Bride Speech Include?

A father-of-the-bride speech should include a warm welcome, anecdotes about the bride, words of wisdom, a heartfelt blessing for the couple, and a memorable toast. It should express love, pride, and best wishes for the newlyweds.

Keep these tips for writing a father-of-the-bride speech when you are composing your own speech. Take the time to practice in front of your wife, a friend or even a camera. Just speak from the heart and you will be fine!

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How to Write a Father of the Bride Speech + 3 Examples

Fathers of the bride have more to do than just hand over the ring at a wedding – they also get to give one of the most significant speeches of their lives.

But don’t worry – we’re here to help! This post will provide you with easy tips on how to craft an unforgettable father of the bride speech that will bring joy and tears from everyone in attendance.

Introduction to the role of the father of the bride

As the father of the bride, you have a special role to play on your daughter’s big day.

You may also want to share personal anecdotes or memories, and offer words of wisdom or advice for the happy couple.

Tips for writing a memorable and heartfelt speech

Start by brainstorming your main points.

What do you want to say to your daughter and son-in-law on their big day? What messages do you want to convey to your guests? It might be helpful to jot down some ideas on paper before you start organizing your speech.

Make it personal

Your speech is a chance to share your own memories and experiences with your daughter and the rest of the wedding party.

Keep it concise

A good rule of thumb is to aim for a speech that’s about 5-7 minutes long. This will give you enough time to say what you need to say without boring your guests (or making them check their phones).

Practice, practice, practice!

And don’t forget to keep a glass of water handy – it’ll help to calm your nerves and keep your throat lubricated.

Structuring your speech: a step-by-step guide

Begin with a greeting. Start off by greeting the guests and thanking them for coming to celebrate your daughter’s special day. You might also want to thank the groom’s parents for raising such an amazing son.

Share your memories. This is the perfect opportunity to share some personal anecdotes or special memories that you’ve shared with your daughter over the years. Make everyone laugh (or cry) with a funny or heartwarming story.

You might want to give the groom a little ribbing here by talking about how lucky he is to be marrying into such an amazing family.

Father of the Bride Speech Examples

Example 1: a traditional and emotional father of the bride speech.

I stand before you today as the proud and emotional father of the beautiful bride. My daughter [bride’s name] has grown into an amazing young woman and it brings me immense joy to give her away to the love of her life, [groom’s name].

When [groom’s name] entered our lives, I knew immediately he was the perfect match for my daughter. He is loving, caring, and adores [bride’s name] with all his heart. I have no doubt that he will make a wonderful husband and support [bride’s name] in all her endeavors.

Example 2: A lighthearted and humorous speech

Hello everyone,

[Groom’s name], you are one lucky guy. Not only do you get to marry the love of your life, but you also get to join our crazy family. Just be prepared for late night game nights and impromptu dance parties. You’ll fit right in, I have no doubt.

Example 3: A personalized and sentimental speech

Dear friends and family,

[Bride’s name], from the moment you were born, you have brought so much love and joy into my life. I am so proud of the person you have become and am grateful to be a part of this special day. Watching you grow into the amazing woman you are today has been one of the greatest joys of my life.

One of my favorite memories with [bride’s name] is the summer we spent traveling through Europe together. It was a wonderful opportunity for us to bond and make lasting memories. We visited so many incredible places, but my favorite was the week we spent in Italy. The food, the culture, the history – it was all just incredible. And while we may have gotten lost a few times and had to navigate some difficult language barriers, it was all worth it to spend that quality time with my daughter.

[Groom’s name], I know you and [bride’s name] will create many more special memories together in the years to come. I am confident you will always be there for each other, through the good times and the bad. You are the perfect match for each other and I am so excited to see what the future holds for you both.

So let’s raise a glass to the happy couple. [Bride’s name] and [groom’s name], may your love continue to grow and thrive as you embark on this new journey together. I love you both with all my heart.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can i make my speech memorable.

A: The key to a memorable speech is to be yourself and let your love and pride for your daughter shine through in your words.

Consider including personal anecdotes or special memories that you’ve shared with your daughter over the years. This will help to make your speech more meaningful and memorable.

Incorporating a little bit of humor can also go a long way in making your speech stand out.

What should I avoid in my speech?

A: First and foremost, try to avoid using any offensive language or telling inappropriate jokes. This is a family-friendly occasion, after all!

Finally, try to avoid getting too long-winded or going off on tangents. It’s important to stay focused and on-topic to keep your speech engaging and enjoyable for your listeners.

When does the father of the bride give his speech?

Conclusion: keys to a successful father of the bride speech.

The father of the bride speech is a special and important moment on your daughter’s big day. By following the tips and guidelines outlined in this post, and taking inspiration from the examples provided, you can craft a heartfelt and memorable speech that will be remembered for years to come.

Rosie Liliy

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sample wedding speeches for father of the bride

Father of the Bride Speech Guide with Examples

As a father, it’s an emotional moment when your daughter is getting married and there are sure to be tons of wonderful, funny, and sentimental experiences that you may want to include in your “Father of the Bride” speech. 

It is the moment at most weddings that guests know to grab some tissues because it’s almost impossible not to have a few tears. As her wedding day grows closer, you should sit down and write a speech that you are proud of and that your daughter will cherish forever. 

Private father and bride toast

While it might seem impossible to find the perfect words that express your feelings, it’s absolutely those emotions that are often the star of the show. Delivering a great father of the bride speech can be nerve-racking, following some basic toast rules should help ease the nerves. Check out these fantastic speeches for Dads.

What Makes A Good “Father Of The Bride” Speech?

The father of the bride toast typically kicks off all of the wedding speeches . And since you’re the first, you’re going to want it to be engaging so that you can captivate the crowd’s attention. The key to writing a good or great father of the bride speech is to just speak from the heart. 

Of course, you should put some thought into it beforehand and have it written down so that you don’t forget any essential parts. But your real memories and raw emotions are what need to be shared. 

Tips On What To Include In Your Father Of The Bride Speech

  • Introduce Yourself (a no-brainer, we know, but the nerves may make you forget too)
  • Thank Your Spouse, Groom’s Parents, Officiant & Other Vendors
  • Praise Your Daughter
  • Share A Story & Don’t Forget To Include The Groom.
  • Add-In Some Fatherly Wisdom
  • Thank The Guests For Their Attendance
  • Add Some Humor But Avoid Inside Jokes
  • Don’t Get “Too” Emotional.
  • Congratulate the Couple
  • Raise The First Toast

To help you get your creative juices flowing, we pulled together a collection of wedding speeches for the father of the bride that we like. These are sure to help you write a flawless, kick-ass father of the bride toast. 

Father of the Bride Wedding Speech Examples

Pride and happiness.

“As I look at my daughter, the bride, I can’t help but reflect on all the years I was lucky enough to watch her grow and become the beautiful woman she is today. She captured my heart on the day she was born, and I became more and more in awe of her as the years passed by. She’s my little girl, my princess, and my ray of sunlight, and no matter what her age, she’ll always be those things to me.

But today, as I watch her marry a wonderful man, I’m filled with pride and am confident that she and (Groom) are about to embark on a beautiful journey filled with the love and happiness that can only come as man and wife. May the two of you always treat each other with love, compassion, and kindness.

I ask you to join me today in congratulating the bride and groom and wishing them all the best for a long and happy life together.”

Father giving speech with champagne

Greatest Father of the Bride Speech With Incredible Introduction

This is an example of the most hyped introduction of the Father of the Bride and an incredible speech filled with humor, love, and raw emotions. And this dad even wants the groom to take the bride’s last name. 

A Father’s Love

“Hi, I’m (Father’s Name), (Bride’s) father. I have been waiting for this moment for twenty-five years, and I must say that it is one of the most difficult things I have ever had to do. Although it is overwhelming to give your daughter away, it is so satisfying to know that she is marrying one of the greatest men I’ve ever met. If I had to choose someone for her to be with, I would not pick anyone else.

(Bride) has always been the type of person to find a good quality in everyone. Even when she was a little girl, she had such a large amount of compassion that it blew me away. From the time she was old enough to go to school, (Bride) made friends with every single person in her class. It didn’t matter if one child was not popular or if the other was too quiet; she found the best in every student that year. It surprised me that she was so sensitive yet made people feel like they had known her for years.

Since she has always had that quality, I was not surprised when she went into nursing. She thrived off of the fact that she could help people and save their lives. From that moment, she worked more for other people than herself. I always wished she would find a husband so she could do more for herself. Luckily, I introduced (Groom) to (Bride) when he started working for my company. I wanted someone who was just as warm-hearted as her but still had a great work ethic and a sense of determination. Even though (Bride) was appalled at the fact that I, her father, set her up on a date, I think she can thank me for it now. After all, I am the perfect matchmaker!

(Bride), although I have been cringing at the thought of letting you go, I could not be happier for my little girl. I have watched you go through school, around the clock internships, boyfriends, and breakups, and now I know that it was all worth it. I only wish the best for the both of you, and I know that you will have a beautiful marriage that will never once waiver.

(Groom), I am confident that you will take care of my daughter. You have been a dear friend and co-worker of mine for years now, and since day one, my impression of you has not once changed. Thank you for treating my daughter like gold. I know in my heart that you will be the perfect match, regardless of what happens later in life.

For this reason, I would like to make a toast. (Bride and Groom), may the future bring you happiness, wisdom, and children so I can be a grandfather! But in all seriousness, I give you my wholehearted blessing, and I know you two will last a lifetime. I am so happy that this day has finally come.

Congratulations (Bride and Groom)!”

microphone set up at outdoor wedding

Father Of The Bride Speech Hilariously Roasting The Groom

We love this father of the bride speech. A little roast for the groom and some heartfelt memories and sentiments for the couple. 

Prince Charming

“I raise my glass to toast my daughter (Bride’s name). She’s dreamed of this day since she was a young girl, and now her dream has come true, complete with her very own Prince Charming. (Bride & Groom), I wish you much love and happiness in your new life together.”

Loving Memories

“As I look at this beautiful woman before me in the lovely wedding gown, I can’t help but reflect on the girl she was and the woman she has become. She became “Daddy’s Girl” on the day she was born and has always been a princess to me. All through her life, she has brought joy to her mother and me, and while not every day has been perfect, the love I feel for her has been.

And today, she has joined hands with a wonderful young man, and in addition to the sparkle I have always seen in her eyes, today I see love and joy there beyond anything I have seen thus far. She and [Groom] today have completed each other as they become a new family unit.

Please join me today in wishing [Bride] and [Groom] every happiness possible and long and joyful life together as husband and wife.”


“Marriages, like births, mark a new beginning. The day I drove home from the hospital after [Bride] was born was a new beginning for me. To be the father of a daughter seemed a bit overwhelming, but anticipation for her life and for our relationship helped me overcome my fears and work hard to be a father worthy of such a daughter.

Today, we stand at another new beginning as [Bride] and [Groom] start a brand new family. Like me, they are probably filled with a feeling of being a little overwhelmed at it all, but those feelings will melt away in large part as they anticipate their new life together and as they build a relationship that will stand the test of time.”

Be true to each other always; share your joys and your burdens; love much and laugh much; be each other’s best friend. Always speak well of one another, even in private. And when things don’t go well, forgive as often as it is required. Married life is an adventure, and you embark today on that adventure together. Even though you are individuals, your covenant today makes the couple more important than either of you separately.

One day, if you are fortunate as I have been, you will stand in awe of a new life entering your family. That will be another beginning, filled with apprehension and anticipation. Bring to that relationship the same level of love and commitment you do to your marriage, and you will find joy beyond compare.

So today, your friends and family surround you as you begin something new and marvelous. Remember your promises, keep them with all your heart, and you will have that sense of joy and wonder that exceeds all you have heretofore known. With all my heart, I offer you my congratulations and warmest wishes as you begin the latest adventure life has to offer.”

A Humorous Touch

‘This is an important day for me… as I resuscitate my bank account and hand over Sarah’s spending habits to someone else.’

‘The good thing about weddings is that, as father-of-the-bride, you can show everyone how generous you are. I wanted to give you all an itemized bill so that you could see for yourselves how much these flowers cost, but Angela told me that it was not the done thing… as she slid into her astronomically-priced hat!’

‘Seriously, I have looked forward to this day for years. Sarah makes a stunning bride, John is a good man, and I wish them every happiness for the future. If they are even half as happy as my wife and I, then they will be very happy indeed.’

‘Marriage is an important commitment, so much so that you need a mortgage to pay for it! But it takes more than that. It needs patience and compromise, and I should know – I’ve been patiently compromising for years!’

‘Bob’s just looked at his watch, which is the signal that he needs a drink, so, ladies and gentlemen, please be upstanding. I give you… the bride and groom.’

A Gift from God

“A toast to my daughter. She was a gift from God, and I will always be grateful to have been given the honor of being her father. May God continue to bless her and her new husband and grant them safety, love, and happiness all the days of their lives.”


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17 Best Examples of Wedding Speech for Father of the Bride for Inspiration

wedding speeches for father of the bride

The father of the bride has a very special role at a wedding, and one of the most important duties is delivering a memorable and heartfelt speech. However, coming up with the right words and delivery can be challenging for many fathers. To help inspire and guide you, we've compiled a list of 17 best examples of wedding speeches for father of the bride. These examples cover a range of themes, from sentimental stories to humorous anecdotes, and offer a variety of styles and tones. Whether you're looking for inspiration to help structure your own speech or simply want to see how other fathers have approached the task, these examples are sure to provide you with some valuable insights and inspiration.

  • "As I stand here today, I am filled with so much joy and love for my daughter and her new husband. [Insert a funny or sentimental story about the bride]. To my beautiful daughter, I want you to know that I am so proud of the woman you have become and the choices you have made. And to my new son-in-law, I want to welcome you into our family with open arms. You two make such a wonderful team, and I know that you will continue to build a beautiful life together. So let's raise a glass to the happy couple!"
  • "My dear daughter, I still remember the day you were born like it was yesterday. And now here we are, celebrating your wedding day. [Insert a funny or sentimental story about the bride]. You have grown into such a beautiful and kind-hearted woman, and I couldn't be happier to see you marry the love of your life. [Insert a heartfelt message about the couple's future]. So let's all raise a glass to the newlyweds and wish them a lifetime of love and happiness!"
  • "To my precious daughter and her new husband, I am honored to stand here today as your father and share in your joy. [Insert a funny or sentimental story about the bride]. You have found such a wonderful partner in each other, and I know that you will support and cherish each other throughout your lives. [Insert a heartfelt message about the couple's future]. So let's all raise a glass to the happy couple and wish them a lifetime of love and happiness!"
  • "My dear daughter, you have brought so much light and love into my life, and I couldn't be prouder of the woman you have become. [Insert a funny or sentimental story about the bride]. And to my new son-in-law, I want to welcome you into our family with open arms. [Insert a heartfelt message about the couple's future]. So let's all raise a glass to the newlyweds and wish them a lifetime of love, laughter, and adventure!"
  • "To my beautiful daughter and her amazing partner, I am honored to be here today to witness your love and commitment to each other. [Insert a funny or sentimental story about the bride]. You two are truly meant to be together, and I know that you will navigate life's ups and downs with grace and strength. [Insert a heartfelt message about the couple's future]. So let's raise a glass to the happy couple and celebrate the start of their beautiful journey together!"
  • "My darling daughter, it's hard to believe that the little girl who used to sit on my lap is now all grown up and getting married. [Insert a funny or sentimental story about the bride]. You have found such an incredible partner in [groom's name], and I know that the two of you will make a beautiful life together. [Insert a heartfelt message about the couple's future]. So let's all raise a glass to the newlyweds and wish them a lifetime of love and happiness!"
  • "To my daughter and her wonderful husband, I am so proud of the two of you and the love that you share. [Insert a funny or sentimental story about the bride]. You complement each other so perfectly, and I have no doubt that you will build a beautiful future together. [Insert a heartfelt message about the couple's future]. So let's raise a glass to the happy couple and wish them all the love and joy in the world!"
  • "My beautiful daughter, I can hardly believe that the day has finally arrived for you to marry the love of your life. [Insert a funny or sentimental story about the bride]. Your love story is one for the ages, and I am honored to be heretoday to witness the union of two people who are truly meant to be together. As your father, I couldn't be prouder of the woman you have become and the choices you have made. I know that you and your new husband will have a lifetime of love and happiness ahead of you, and I wish you all the best. So let's all raise a glass to the happy couple and wish them a lifetime of joy and love!"
  • "To my beautiful daughter and her handsome groom, I want to start by saying how proud I am of you both. [Insert a funny or sentimental story about the bride and groom]. Your love has grown and flourished over the years, and it's clear that you are meant to be together. As your father, I couldn't ask for anything more than to see you so happy. Cheers to the newlyweds!"
  • "My dear daughter, today you marry the love of your life, and as your father, I am filled with emotion. [Insert a funny or sentimental story about the bride]. Your strength and determination inspire me, and I know that you and your husband will face whatever comes your way together. May your marriage be filled with joy and love, and may you always remember that your family is here to support you. Congratulations!"
  • "To my precious daughter and her charming groom, I am honored to stand here today as your father and watch you exchange vows. [Insert a funny or sentimental story about the bride and groom]. Your love is truly special, and it warms my heart to see you both so happy. May your marriage be blessed with laughter, adventure, and an unbreakable bond. I love you both."
  • "My lovely daughter, today marks the beginning of a new chapter in your life, and as your father, I am so excited to see where it takes you. [Insert a funny or sentimental story about the bride]. Your beauty, intelligence, and kind heart have always made me proud, and I know that your husband will be blessed to have you as his partner. I wish you both a lifetime of love and happiness. Congratulations!"
  • "To my precious daughter and her wonderful groom, I have always known that you were destined for great things. [Insert a funny or sentimental story about the bride and groom]. Your love is a true inspiration, and I am so grateful to have been a part of your journey. May your marriage be filled with adventure, love, and endless joy. Congratulations!"
  • "My dear daughter, I remember the day you were born as if it were yesterday, and now here you are, a beautiful bride. [Insert a funny or sentimental story about the bride]. Your grace, intelligence, and compassion have always amazed me, and I know that your husband is the luckiest man in the world to have you by his side. May your marriage be filled with love, laughter, and a lifetime of happiness. Cheers!"
  • "To my darling daughter and her dashing groom, today you become one, and as your father, I am so proud of the amazing woman you have become. [Insert a funny or sentimental story about the bride and groom]. Your love for each other is truly special, and I am honored to witness your union. May your marriage be blessed with love, joy, and adventure. Congratulations!"
  • "My beautiful daughter, today you marry the love of your life, and as your father, I couldn't be happier for you. [Insert a funny or sentimental story about the bride]. Your kind heart, intelligence, and strength have always made me proud, and I know that your husband is a perfect match for you. May your marriage be filled with love, laughter, and endless happiness. Cheers to the newlyweds!"
  • To my beloved daughter and her wonderful husband, today is a day that I will always cherish. [Insert a funny or sentimental story about the bride and groom]. Your love for each other is a true testament to the power of commitment and dedication, and I am honored to be a part of your celebration. May your marriage be filled with endless joy, love, and companionship. As your father, I am proud of the woman you have become, and I know that you will continue to bring happiness to each other's lives for many years to come. So let's all raise a glass to the happy couple and wish them a lifetime of love and happiness!"

In conclusion, delivering a heartfelt and memorable wedding speech as a father of the bride can be a daunting task. However, with the right words and delivery, you can create a lasting impression that will be cherished by your daughter, her new spouse, and everyone in attendance. The examples we've provided can serve as great inspiration for crafting your own unique wedding speech. Remember to speak from the heart, share personal anecdotes, and offer sincere well-wishes for the newlyweds. With these tips and examples in mind, we hope you feel confident and prepared to deliver a wedding speech that your daughter will treasure for a lifetime.

If you're in need of more examples of wedding speeches, the following content may be helpful to you.

  • 10 best examples of wedding speech for brother for inspiration
  • 28 Best Examples of Wedding Speech for Mother of the Bride for Inspiration
  • 15 Best Examples of Maid of Honor Speeches for Inspiration
  • Comprehensive Resource List of Wedding Vows 2023 For Him & Her


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Father Of The Bride Speech Examples

February 10, 2017 By Kate

father of the bride speech examples

If you are the Father of the Bride, then you will already have many responsibilities for your daughter’s upcoming wedding. These responsibilities might include walking her down the aisle and dancing with her at the wedding reception. You might even be helping to pay for the wedding.

At the same time, you might want to do even more. If you feel inclined to give a speech, then it is something that everyone will appreciate, especially the bride. When you give a speech that is straight from the heart, you cannot go wrong.

Below are some Father of the Bride speech examples to help you get started. These speeches can inspire you to put together your own personal speech that everyone at the wedding will love.

1. I remember the day that [bride] was born like it was yesterday. The second I laid eyes on her and held her in my arms, I was in love. There is nothing like the love that a parent can have for their child. You feel like you love them more than anything in this world and you would do anything to protect them. As their guardian, you do your very best to nourish them and give them a happy home for them to grow in.

[Bride’s] mother and I always hoped that we could teach our daughter to love others. To be kind and compassionate and thoughtful. We are beyond proud of the woman she is today. While she was an amazing little girl, as a woman, she is a force of nature. And we are so happy that she was able to find love.

2. When I met [bride’s] mother, I knew in the back of my head that this would be the girl that I was going to marry. It didn’t happen right away, but eventually it did happen. A seed was planted that sprouted, grew, and blossomed into the type of love you only read about in books. Through all of these years, my wife and I have always loved each other very much.

So it makes us happy beyond words that our daughter was able to find a love like ours. One that makes you a better person, that makes you happy and fulfilled. [Groom] is a truly amazing person and we could not have picked a better husband for our wonderful daughter.

3. Hello everyone, I am [bride’s] father. There is a saying that when parents find true love, their parents find true joy. If you are a parent, then you know that when your child is sad, you feel sad too. And when they are happy, you cannot help but feel happy too. So you can just imagine how I felt when I discovered how happy and in love [bride] was.

I want the two of you to know how happy I am for you. [Bride,] I can rest easy knowing that you have found the right one, and [groom,] thank you for making my daughter so happy.

4. When my wife and I found out that we were going to have a little girl, we were excited beyond belief. We loved her before she was even brought into the world. The sound of her name and the thought of soon being able to hold her was already enough to put smiles on our faces.

Ever since she was born, [bride] was a happy baby, and a happy child. From cooing as an infant to always giggling as a little girl, it was always easy to make her smile and laugh. Her smile could put a huge grin on anyone’s face. And yet, I have never seen her happier than when she is by [groom’s] side.

5. As most of you will know, I have a little experience when it comes to knowing about marriage. There is a saying that love does not consist of gazing at each other. Rather, it consists of looking outward in the same direction. Part of making a marriage work is making sure that you have the same goals. If you do not work together, then how will your marriage be successful?

That is how you have a good marriage. Never forget to be on the same page. Always communicate with each other, even when it’s not always easy to do so. You will be much happier for it. Congratulations to the two of you on your new marriage and I wish you the best of luck.

6. For as long as we both can remember, [bride’s] mom and I always knew that she was destined for great things. She is a smart girl, talented, focused, and hardworking. But happiness? That is not something that can be easily guaranteed.

[Bride] was always accomplishing amazing things, even as a young girl. But that was not everything to her mother and myself. We also wanted her to be happy. That was the most important thing to us, that our daughter would find happiness in life. Because success without happiness does not mean very much.

When [bride] met [groom,] happiness started to seep into her life. It was like she was seeing everything in brighter colors. She smiled more and we knew how much this guy meant to her. To find happiness can be very difficult and my wife and I are both very grateful and happy that these two were able to find each other.

7. As a happily married man and as [bride’s] father, I would like to offer up some advice to [groom.] We are often used to seeing romantic gestures like cards, chocolates, and bouquets of flowers. But marriage is not always about such big romantic overtures.

Marriage is all about sharing, and sometimes that even means sharing the housework. Sometimes, taking it upon yourself to do the dishes can mean a whole lot more than buying flowers. Sure, romantic gestures are nice, but things like doing a load of laundry or vacuuming the house can be even more romantic in the right circumstances.

8. [Bride,] how the years have flown by. But I guess it is true what they say. Time flies when you are having a great time. Being your father has been and continues to be a joy. One day you are setting up your baby’s nursery, painting it and assembling the crib. Another day you are finally holding your baby in your arms for the first time. Then, the next thing you know, you are seeing her take her first steps.

Many more milestones and many more memories pass by. The first day at school, graduation, the day that little girl moves out of her parents’ house, her going away to college, her first job, and so on. And then, of course, her wedding day. I am so lucky to be able to share all of these memories with you, my sweet, darling daughter. I love you with all of my heart forever and always and I wish you and [groom] all the best memories in your new life together.

9. Many people will refer to a wedding day as the happiest day of their life. I have to say from my own experience that I do not find that expression to be true. My wedding day was a happy day for sure, but was it the happiest day of my life so far? Not by a long shot.

Yes, I was marrying the woman I loved and all of our beloved friends and family were there to celebrate our love with us. But the two of you might find that the happiest days of your life are the simple ones, the quiet days that the two of you sure together. And if you one day grow your family, you might share some of your happiest days with your children.

To me, some of the happiest days of my life include sitting in the house with the woman that I love. Sometimes we are talking, other times, no words need to be said. But you will have days and moments where you will ask yourself, how did I get to be so lucky with this person?

For me, those are the happiest days of my life. I hope for the two of you, that your happiest days together are yet to come.

10. [Bride] and [groom,] as I look at the two of you in your beautiful dress and your nice suit, I am reminded a bit of my own wedding day where there was plenty of excitement, love, and of course some nervousness as well.

Take it from someone who has been married for many years. Being in a successful marriage requires falling in love many times, and always with the same person.

11. Today is only the beginning for [bride] and [groom.] With each passing day and every year that goes by, you will create many more memories together. To my lovely daughter and my wonderful son-in-law. May you prosper together, grow old together, and make each other happy.

12. When you are a parent, you always want the best for your child. My daughter was no different. So it should come as no surprise now that I am thrilled that she has met the person of her dreams. Someone who is her equal, her better half, and a wonderful person. [Groom,] I welcome you into my family and I know the two of you will keep each other very happy.

13. Our family is very close-knit and sure, our family tree has some nuts on it, I won’t say who. But I have to say that [groom] fit right in with us from the moment we met him. And I am glad to say that we did not scare him away. He is still here and now he is family.

14. I have always wanted the best for [bride.] From the best teachers and schools, to friends that were a good influence on her, you can be sure that I always wanted my daughter to have the best things in life. But she found [groom] all on her own. You can call it fate or pure luck, but whatever the cause, I am glad that they have found each other.

15. I have seen many years in my life. And I have a small handful of favorite days that I remember and cherish fondly. One of the best days of my life was the day that [bride] was born. Or at least I thought that it was the best day of my life at the time.

Over the years, there were many other days with my daughter that were memorable and wonderful in their own unique way. She has brought me many smiles and laughs over the years. And today, is another one for the books.

Today has been an absolutely wonderful and beautiful day that I will always remember fondly, and I know that [bride] and [groom] will remember their wedding day fondly as well. From the stunning ceremony to this delightful reception, surrounded by all of the people that mean the most to my daughter and new son-in-law, I cannot believe how much my beautiful daughter has grown.

She has matured into someone that I am very proud of. [Bride] and [groom,] I wish you all the best and I hope that you will make your own happy memories so that you will have beautiful days to look back on when you are both old together.

16. While this special day has surely meant the world to [bride] and [groom,] it has a lot of significance for me too. It is a day that I have always looked forward to with anticipation and excitement.

Today, the world has changed a bit, and while we still decide to keep some of the old traditions, they do not carry the same meaning that they used to. Take for instance walking my daughter down the aisle. It is something that I was honored to do.

At the same time, I did not see it as giving my daughter away to the man that she would marry. But I did see it as a special moment between the two of us.

You see, kids grow faster than you realize. From the moment they are born to the minute they start walking, things do not slow down from there. They grow up right before your very eyes. For a short while, my daughter relied on me to carry her and hold her hand.

And then one day, you find that they do not need you as much as they used to. Sure, sometimes you feel a little sad about it but at the end of the day it is a wonderful thing to have an independent daughter or son that does not need your help every step of the way anymore. Because then you know that you raised them right.

I know that I prepared my daughter for adulthood. And yet, I am still her father, no matter how old she gets I will always be there for her when she needs me. So walking her down the aisle was a chance for us to reconnect once more, a girl and her father as she is about to marry the man she loves.

[Bride] and [groom,] I know that I do not need to tell you two to take care of each other. I know you both will to the best of your abilities. I can only wish you many happy years together.

17. We live in a world where people can be very self-centered. Everything now is so fast paced and technology is advancing more and more each day. It is a trap that is hard to avoid. Sometimes people miss out on real opportunities and connections as a result of this.

If any you know [bride] and [groom,] which you all do otherwise you would not be here right now, then you know how wonderful these two people are. Both of them are selfless and caring. They never ask, “what can this person do for me?” Instead they are always asking what they can do for other people, including each other.

I can see the devotion that [bride] and [groom] have for each other. It warms my heart and restores my faith in people, that too people can be so deeply in love in a world where so much can often go wrong. When these two are a team, they can do anything that they set their minds to.

18. Beautiful, loving, smart, generous, strong, and kind. Treasured and loved by anyone who is lucky enough to really know her. These are just a few words that I would use to describe my daughter. I used to wonder how someone could ever compete with such a lovely person. Would she ever meet her match? Who would be deserving of the wonderful person that she is?

I am glad to say that she did finally meet someone who perfectly complements her. [Groom] is someone I would have been happy to call my son and now I can call him my son-in-law. Congratulations to you both and thank you, [groom,] for making my daughter so happy.

19. When you are a parent, the greatest thing that you will ever have in your life is your children. I always wanted my daughter to be the happiest that she could be. I thought that I knew the happiest version of her, but I never saw her at her happiest until she met [groom.]

20. In your marriage, remember to encourage rather than criticize and to forgive instead of keeping score of all the hurts.

21. There are two lasting gifts that we can give to our children. The first one is roots and the second one is wings. We always wanted to give [bride] a strong foundation and a support system that would always be there for her never what. But we also wanted her to have wings so that she could one day go and build a life of her own.

22. Marriage cannot be summed up in just one picture or one sentence. It is a lot more complex than that. Think of your marriage together as hundreds and hundreds of threads that you will sew together over the years.

23. To see your children happy is the best blessing that a parent can every receive. So thank you, [groom,] for making my daughter so happy.

24. If God has made anything better than a woman, than he must have kept it for himself.

Funny Father Of The Bride Speeches

25. I would like to take this time to thank my daughter, [bride] for the 23 years of pure joy that she gave to me and her mother. I don’t count the first 2 years because there’s nothing fun about changing a dirty diaper every other hour.

26. A happy marriage consists of finding the right balance between giving and taking. The husband give while the wife takes.

27. I would like two take the opportunity to thank 2 people for getting [groom] here today. And no, I do not mean the limo driver and the Best Man. Thank you two the parents of [groom,] who made such a wonderful young man.

28. I can say without a doubt that [groom] will be a wonderful, doting husband. But I have yet to determine what kind of son-in-law he will turn out to be. Will he come around to mow the lawn and help wash the car, or will I have to do it myself?

You may also enjoy our Bridesmaid Speech Examples. 

29. They say that marriages are made in heaven, but so are thunder and lightning. All of these things have something else in common. They are all powerful. Two people in a strong marriage are a force to be reckoned with. [Groom] and [bride,] take it from someone who knows, you are better and stronger together.

30. There are two times in a man’s life when he cannot understand a woman: before marriage, and after marriage. But if you want to make a marriage work, then you must communicate. Try to understand. That is how you will stay happy together. Congratulations to you both.


sample wedding speeches for father of the bride

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10 best father of the bride speech examples

As the father of the bride, your speech holds a unique power to move hearts, spark laughter, and create memories that will last a lifetime. But finding the right words to express the love, pride, and joy you feel for your daughter on her wedding day can be a daunting task.

Don’t worry, we’re here to help. We’ve gathered 10 of the best father-of-the-bride speech examples, along with expert tips and guidance to help you craft a speech that will leave a lasting impression.

sample wedding speeches for father of the bride

Key Elements of a Father of the Bride Speech:

While every speech is unique, here’s a general structure to follow:

  • Welcome and Introduction:  Greet guests with warmth and express your gratitude for their presence. Introduce yourself and your connection to the bride.
  • Memories and Sentiments:  Share heartwarming stories and anecdotes that showcase your daughter’s personality, strengths, and the special bond you share. Highlight her accomplishments and the qualities that make her an incredible woman.
  • Welcome the Groom or Bride’s Partner:  Express your heartfelt welcome to the new member of your family. Share your thoughts on their relationship and express your confidence in their future together.
  • Words of Wisdom and Marriage Advice:  Offer genuine advice for a happy and fulfilling marriage, drawing from your own experiences or observations. Keep it heartfelt and relatable.
  • Well Wishes and Toast:  Conclude with heartfelt wishes for their future happiness and raise a toast to the newlyweds.

sample wedding speeches for father of the bride

Tips for Writing an Unforgettable Speech:

  • Start Early:  Don’t leave it to the last minute. Give yourself ample time for brainstorming, writing, and practicing.
  • Speak from the Heart:  Authenticity is key. Share genuine stories and emotions that resonate with you and the guests.
  • Keep it Concise:  Aim for a speech that’s around 5-7 minutes long to maintain attention and impact.
  • Practice Makes Perfect:  Rehearse your speech aloud to ensure smooth delivery and comfort with the content.
  • Add a Touch of Humor:  Lighthearted moments can make your speech more engaging and memorable. Just keep it tasteful and appropriate for the occasion.
  • Don’t Forget the Tissues:  Embrace the emotions of the day. It’s okay to get a little teary-eyed as you express your love for your daughter.

sample wedding speeches for father of the bride

10 Speeches Examples

Looking for inspiration to craft a father-of-the-bride speech that captures the love, laughter, and unique bond you share with your daughter? Here are 10 examples to spark your creativity and set the stage for a truly unforgettable moment:

Speech Example 1: The Heartfelt Tribute

Good evening everyone! For those who don’t know me, I’m [Your Name], [Bride’s name]’s dad, and the luckiest man in the room to be standing here witnessing the blossoming of a love story that began even before she could walk.

(Bride’s name), my little hummingbird, your wings have always fluttered with an infectious energy. I remember you twirling through the house in princess dresses, convinced you were destined for fairytales. And look at you now, radiating radiance that rivals any enchanted castle. You haven’t just found your prince charming, you’ve created your own happily ever after with the kindness, resilience, and adventurous spirit you’ve carried since your first wobbly steps.

Remember when you used to climb every tree in the backyard, declaring yourself queen of the squirrels? Your tenacity was always breathtaking, even if it did give me a few heart attacks. Today, I see that same unwavering spirit in the way you chase your dreams, your eyes holding a fire that can’t be dimmed.

And [Groom’s name], seeing you standing beside her fills me with a peace I haven’t known since she started raiding my toolbox for “princess knight tools.” You possess a quiet strength that complements her vibrant energy, a gentle hand that calms her storms and a laughter that echoes hers in perfect harmony. You see her not just as a princess, but as the warrior queen she truly is, and in that, you show her a love that mirrors the boundless one she deserves.

My dear [Bride’s name], as you embark on this new chapter, remember the lessons we shared under the starlit sky, the dreams we whispered in the garden, and the laughter that filled our home. Carry them with you, alongside the unwavering love of the man you’ve chosen.

And to you both, may your journey be paved with sunshine and moonlight, your laughter echo through valleys and meadows, and your love bloom brighter than any fairytale rose. Now, raise your glasses, as I propose a toast to the queen and her king, to [Bride’s name] and [Groom’s name], may your reign be long and joyous!

sample wedding speeches for father of the bride

Speech Example 2: The Funny Anecdote

Ah, where do I even begin? To say [Bride’s name] had an interesting childhood might be the understatement of the century. She was a firecracker disguised as a princess, a whirlwind of elbows and glitter who managed to turn every tea party into a full-blown pirate battle.

Remember that time she “borrowed” my car keys at 16 for a “joyride” that ended with a traffic jam caused by a runaway pony named Buttercup? Or the incident with the neighbor’s prize-winning tulips and the very convincing “grasshopper infestation” story? We learned a lot about insurance adjusters that year!

But through it all, there was this incredible spark in her eyes, a mischievous glint that mirrored the one twinkling at you now, [Groom’s name]. You, my friend, have a spirit that matches hers, a smile that can cure a monsoon, and a patience that surpasses all human understanding. You’ve found a way to tame the pirate queen, not with chains, but with laughter and love.

Now, don’t be fooled by the princess dress, [Bride’s name] is as fierce as a dragon if crossed. Just ask the toaster that met its maker after failing to produce the perfect golden brown bagel. But her fire is fueled by passion, by a fierce loyalty that will leave you feeling like the most treasured knight in her kingdom.

So, to you both, I say embrace the chaos, revel in the laughter, and remember that true love thrives on a good sprinkle of sprinkles and a side of adventure. May your life be a whirlwind of joy, a never-ending quest filled with the treasures of discovery, and, for heaven’s sake, lock up the car keys!

sample wedding speeches for father of the bride

Speech Example 3: The Wise Counsel 

Marriage, like a good bottle of wine, requires patience, understanding, and a willingness to let the flavors mingle and mature. Today, I offer you, [Bride’s name] and [Groom’s name], a few vintage pearls of wisdom, polished by the years:

Communication is the elixir of love: Talk, listen, and truly hear each other. Speak with kindness, even when the grapes of wrath feel like stomping their feet. Remember, silence isn’t golden, it’s just awkward and leaves room for misunderstandings to ferment.

Respect is the soil where love blooms: Cherish each other’s dreams, support each other’s stumbles, and celebrate each other’s victories, big and small. Never let weeds of criticism choke the fertile ground of your love.

Laughter is the sunshine that keeps it all growing: Find joy in the mundane, share silly jokes, and let playful banter dance through your days. Remember, sometimes the best fertilizer for love is a well-timed giggle fit.

Patience is the key to the cellar: Life will throw curveballs, storms will brew, and there will be days when the vinegar of frustration threatens to overwhelm the sweetness. Practice patience, remember the reasons you fell in love, and weather the storms together.

Compromise is the art of the blend: No two wines are alike, and neither are any two people. Learn to blend your preferences, your wishes, and your dreams, creating a unique vintage that reflects both of you. Remember, compromise isn’t a defeat, it’s a waltz where both partners lead and follow.

Growth is the journey, not the destination: Don’t get so caught up in building the perfect life that you forget to nurture the love that built it. Embrace change, grow together, and remember that the most beautiful vineyards are those constantly evolving with the seasons.

And finally, never underestimate the power of a simple “I love you,” whispered over coffee in the morning or shared beneath a starlit sky. These are the vintage varietals that keep the love strong, the flavor complex, and the marriage eternally delicious.

So, raise your glasses, dear [Bride’s name] and [Groom’s name], and toast to a love story that matures with grace, weathers every storm, and leaves a taste of happiness on the lips for generations to come. To your love, your laughter, and the beautiful vineyard you’ll create together. Cheers!

sample wedding speeches for father of the bride

Speech Example 4: The Welcome to the Family

[Groom’s name], son, welcome to the circus! Just kidding, though I wouldn’t rule out a rogue juggling squirrel at some point. You see, our family isn’t your typical sitcom crew, we’re more like a well-loved ragtag band, each member playing a unique, if slightly off-key, tune.

[Bride’s name], our free-spirited firecracker, is the lead vocalist, with a voice that can melt glaciers and raise the roof. Now, you might find yourself tempted to turn down the volume occasionally, but trust me, her passion is what makes the music sing.

My wife, [Bride’s mom’s name], is the rhythm section, keeping us all grounded with her practical wisdom and endless supply of baked goods. She might seem quiet at first, but don’t underestimate her ability to drop the beat on any argument.

The rest of us, well, we’re the percussionists, adding a little chaos and a lot of laughter to the mix. We’re loud, we’re opinionated, and we love fiercely. Be prepared for impromptu game nights that turn into furniture re-arranging extravaganzas, holiday dinners that resemble performance art, and enough stories to fill a library (most of them true, I swear).

But through it all, one thing remains constant: our love for each other. And now, [Groom’s name], you’re not just joining a family, you’re becoming part of its melody. We embrace your quirks, your passions, and the unique notes you bring to our song.

So, raise a glass, let the music play, and welcome to the beautiful, messy, and undeniably heartwarming symphony that is our family. We can’t wait to see what kind of harmony you’ll add to the chorus.

sample wedding speeches for father of the bride

Speech Example 5: The Shared Journey

They say the journey matters more than the destination, and for [Bride’s name] and me, that journey began the moment she entered this world, eyes wide with wonder and lungs filled with the loudest cry I’d ever heard.

From wobbly first steps to scraped knees and triumphant pigtails, I watched her blossom into the extraordinary woman she is today. Remember that time you convinced the neighborhood kids to stage a “mermaid rescue” in the sprinkler, complete with cardboard fins and glitter scales? Or the science fair volcano that erupted with enough baking soda to rival Mount Vesuvius?

Through it all, there were scraped knees, broken hearts, and moments of teenage rebellion that turned my hair a shade whiter than it is now. But through every tear and tantrum, every triumph and misstep, I saw the strength of her spirit, the fire in her heart, and the unwavering love that made my little girl into the incredible woman standing before me now.

[Groom’s name], as you take her hand and embark on this new chapter, remember the girl who built fairy houses in the backyard and dreamt of galaxies beyond the stars. She carries those dreams within her, along with the love and lessons learned along the way.

And [Bride’s name], my dearest daughter, as you step into this new adventure, never forget the laughter that filled our home, the values we shared, and the unwavering love that binds us. Carry them with you as you build your own happily ever after, a love story that surpasses even the wildest fairytales we shared under the starlight.

You’re absolutely right, the previous version captured your genuine sentiment beautifully. Let’s finish it with a heartfelt toast that honors both the memories and the future:

So, raise your glasses, dear guests, to the journey that is life, a story written in scraped knees and fairy houses, in triumphant laughter and whispered lullabies. Let’s toast to [Bride’s name] and [Groom’s name], two souls embarking on a new adventure with hearts woven from shared dreams and laughter. May their love be a compass that guides them through uncharted territories, a fire that warms them on chilly nights, and a song that fills their lives with everlasting joy. To forever, to love, to the beautiful tapestry of their shared journey! Cheers!

sample wedding speeches for father of the bride

Speech Example 6: The Poignant Reflection

Good evening everyone. For those who don’t know me, I’m [Bride’s name]’s father, and today, I feel like the luckiest man on the planet. Watching my little girl transform into this radiant woman standing before me, it feels like yesterday she was chasing butterflies in the garden, her laughter echoing through the air.

Time might fly, memories might fade, but the love we share remains an eternal constant. I remember holding her tiny hand for the first time, a fragile promise of life nestled in my palm. Witnessing her first steps, shaky yet determined, taught me the power of resilience. Each milestone, from her first wobbly words to her triumphant graduation, filled my heart with a pride that words can barely express.

But today, a new kind of pride blossoms within me. It’s the pride of seeing her choose a partner who reflects her own kindness, strength, and zest for life. [Groom’s name], your gentle gaze and unwavering support speak volumes about the man you are. Seeing you both standing side-by-side, two souls dancing to the same melody, fills me with an overwhelming sense of peace and joy.

[Bride’s name], my dearest daughter, as you embark on this new chapter, carry with you the lessons whispered in the hush of bedtime stories, the echoes of laughter shared beneath the summer sky, and the unwavering love that has always been your guiding light. Remember, you are capable of anything you set your mind to, and no dream is too grand for your brave and beautiful spirit.

To the bride and groom, may your journey be paved with sunshine and moonlight, your laughter a symphony against the backdrop of life’s adventures. May you forever find comfort in each other’s arms, strength in each other’s dreams, and joy in the tapestry of love you weave together. Now, raise your glasses as we toast to forever, to [Bride’s name] and [Groom’s name]!

sample wedding speeches for father of the bride

Speech Example 7: The Lighthearted Toast

Good evening everyone! For those who haven’t had the pleasure of meeting me, I’m [Bride’s name]’s dad, and I’m here to confess… I used to dream of the day I’d walk her down the aisle. Not because I wanted to get rid of my laundry fairy (because frankly, those socks never folded themselves), but because I always knew she’d find someone incredible to share her life with.

And [Groom’s name], believe me, you are incredible. You managed to tame our resident whirlwind, the girl who once convinced me a pet raccoon was a “necessary addition” to the family. You not only survived the chaos, but thrived in it, adding your own brand of humor and patience to the mix.

Now, [Bride’s name], I know I haven’t always been the easiest person to live with. My penchant for leaving socks on the floor and questionable dance moves at family gatherings might have tested your patience on occasion. But remember, my love for you has always been a constant, a warm fireplace on a snowy night, a cheesy joke guaranteed to elicit groans and eye rolls (which secretly I find hilarious).

[Groom’s name], welcome to the family! We’re loud, we’re opinionated, and we love fiercely. Be prepared for impromptu game nights that become furniture-rearranging marathons, holiday dinners that resemble performance art (you’ve been warned about Aunt Martha’s singing!), and enough stories to fill a library (most of them true, I swear). But through it all, know that you’re not just joining a family, you’re becoming part of its heart.

So, raise your glasses as we toast to the beautiful mess that is our family, to [Bride’s name] and [Groom’s name], and to a future filled with laughter, love, and maybe just a few rogue raccoon encounters (don’t tell your mother I said that!). Cheers!

sample wedding speeches for father of the bride

Speech Example 8: The Ode to Adventure

They say home is where the heart is, and for [Bride’s name], her heart has always yearned for adventure. From building forts in the living room to scaling backyard mountains (or at least the molehills that resembled them), she’s always dreamt of chasing horizons and conquering uncharted territories.

[Bride’s name], my fearless daughter, I remember the day you told me you wanted to climb Kilimanjaro. Your eyes sparkled with a fire that no mountain could extinguish, a determination that fueled every step you took on that ascent. And today, as you embark on this new adventure with [Groom’s name] by your side, I see that same flame reflected in his gaze. You’ve found a partner who doesn’t just share your adventurous spirit, but celebrates it, fuels it, and walks hand-in-hand with you into the unknown.

[Groom’s name], from the moment you stepped onto our deck with a worn backpack and a smile brighter than the morning sun, I knew you were made for this journey. You understand her need to wander, her thirst for new experiences, and you match her pace step for step, with a laugh that echoes her own and a heart that beats to the rhythm of discovery.

This marriage isn’t just a union of two souls, it’s a launchpad for a thousand expeditions. So pack your bags, darlings, for your map is filled with destinations yet to be explored. Climb mountains together, sail uncharted seas, and lose yourselves in the wonder of the world. And every time you reach a summit, every time you stand on the edge of a new frontier, remember the love that brought you here, the unwavering support that fuels your journey.

To the bride and groom, may your compass always point towards adventure, your laughter fill the canyons, and your love be the beacon that guides you home. Now raise your glasses, and let’s toast to the most epic love story, a tale written in footprints on foreign soil and whispers shared under starlit skies. Cheers to [Bride’s name] and [Groom’s name]!

sample wedding speeches for father of the bride

Speech Example 9: The Unexpected Wisdom

Good evening everyone. I’m [Bride’s name]’s father, and if I’m being honest, this whole “giving-my-daughter-away” business feels a bit like letting go of a kite you’ve spent years meticulously crafting. You watch it soar, knowing you can’t hold the string forever, but hoping it carries the love and lessons woven into its fabric with it.

[Bride’s name], my precious daughter, you were never one for conventional paths. Remember the time you declared yourself “Queen of the Sandbox” and refused to leave, armed with a plastic shovel and a crown made of dandelions? You’ve always questioned, explored, and carved your own way, your spirit a defiant spark in a world enamored with straight lines.

And [Groom’s name], seeing you by her side is like watching that spark ignite into a bonfire. You, too, embrace the unconventional, chase dreams with a glint in your eye, and laugh in the face of conformity. Together, you are a storm brewing in the most beautiful way, ready to change the world with your passion and audacity.

But remember, darlings, even the wildest storms need anchors. Love is your anchor, a tether to hold you steady amidst the winds of change. Be each other’s rock, the lighthouse guiding you home through choppy waters. Listen to each other’s whispers, respect each other’s silences, and always, always cherish the laughter that binds you.

Marriage isn’t a fairytale, it’s a messy, magnificent adventure. There will be storms, detours, and moments when you question if you can see the stars through the clouds. But hold onto each other, remember the love that brought you here, and embrace the imperfections that make your journey unique.

To the bride and groom, may your love be a constellation guiding you through the darkest nights, your laughter a symphony resonating through life’s valleys and peaks. Now raise your glasses, to [Bride’s name] and [Groom’s name], may your story unfold like a masterpiece, with love as your brush and life as your canvas. Cheers!

sample wedding speeches for father of the bride

Speech Example 10: The Legacy of Love

Good evening everyone. I, for one, am thrilled to finally hand over the reigns of the “chief sock-folding officer” position to a more than capable successor. But jokes aside, today isn’t just about giving [Bride’s name] away, it’s about celebrating the legacy of love that brought us all together.

[Bride’s name], my dearest daughter, you are the culmination of generations of laughter, shared stories, and unwavering support. I see my grandmother’s fierce kindness and wit in your smile, my father’s unwavering work ethic and gentle humor in your eyes. You carry within you the tapestry of love woven by those who came before, a legacy you now honor by building your own beautiful chapter.

And [Groom’s name], you, too, bring your own threads to this tapestry. Your family’s warmth and loyalty echo in your actions, your adventurous spirit a reflection of their love for life. Together, you weave a new pattern, a vibrant blend of old and new, tradition and innovation.

This marriage isn’t just about two families joining, it’s about the threads of love continuing to stretch through generations. Pass down the stories, share the laughter, and keep the legacy of love burning bright. Remember, the greatest inheritance you can leave behind is not wealth or status, but the unwavering love that binds you together.

To the bride and groom, may your love story be the next verse in this beautiful family poem, a chapter filled with laughter, adventures, and unwavering support. Now raise your glasses, to [Bride’s name] and [Groom’s name], may your love weave a tapestry of joy that spans generations. Cheers!

sample wedding speeches for father of the bride

These are just a few examples, and the possibilities are truly endless. Remember to personalize the speech with your own anecdotes, emotions, and the unique bond you share with your daughter. Make it authentic, heartfelt, and memorable, and you’ll create a speech that not only touches your daughter, but becomes a cherished part of your family’s story.

Here are some frequently asked questions about father of the bride speech examples

How to start a father of the bride speech?

Start by welcoming the guests and thanking them for celebrating with you on this special day. You can also share a brief anecdote about your daughter or your relationship with her.

What are some things to talk about in the body of the speech?

Share some heartwarming stories about your daughter growing up, her personality, and her achievements. You can also talk about how you feel about her marrying her partner and offer some words of advice for their future together.

How to make the speech funny?

Humor is a great way to connect with the audience and make your speech more memorable. However, it’s important to avoid jokes that are offensive or embarrassing to your daughter, her partner, or any of the guests.

How to end the speech?

End the speech with a toast to the happy couple and express your well wishes for their future together. You can also thank your daughter for being such a wonderful daughter and for making you so proud.

What should I do if I get emotional during the speech?

It’s perfectly normal to get emotional during your father of the bride speech. If you start to tear up, take a deep breath and pause for a moment. The guests will understand and appreciate your sincerity.

How long should the speech be?

The ideal length for a father of the bride speech is 3-5 minutes. You don’t want to be too short or too long, as you want to keep the audience engaged.

Do I need to memorize the speech?

It’s generally best to have some notes or cue cards to help you stay on track, but you don’t need to memorize the entire speech word-for-word. Speaking from the heart will make your speech more genuine and heartfelt.

What should I wear to give the speech?

Dress in something that is appropriate for a formal occasion, but also something that you feel comfortable and confident in. You want to look your best for your daughter’s wedding day.

What if I’m not a good public speaker?

Don’t worry if you’re not a seasoned public speaker. The most important thing is to be yourself and speak from the heart. The guests will appreciate your effort and sincerity.

Where can I find more tips on writing a father of the bride speech?

There are many resources available online and in libraries that can help you write a father of the bride speech. You can also find sample speeches and templates that you can use as inspiration.

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Ultimate Wedding Speech US

Father of the Bride Wedding Speech Examples

The father of the bride speech is a truly special moment, where you, as her dad, get to express your love, pride, and dreams for your daughter on her wedding day. Putting together a speech that captures all these feelings might seem like a big challenge, but that's exactly what we're here for. We've gathered a bunch of speech examples to spark your inspiration and help you out, whether you want to reminisce about the past, share some wisdom, or just tell her how incredibly happy you are for her. Everything you need to craft a heartfelt and memorable speech is right here, helping you find just the right mix of emotion and happiness. Take a look at our helpful examples and make your speech a moment that everyone will cherish.

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As Emily and James's journey begins, I'm reminded of an adventure; they're not just about the destination, but the unexpected twists, turns, and the beautiful views along the way. It's about taking on the swift currents, the tranquil lakes, and sometimes, the choppy waters, together. It's about navigating life - not as individuals, but as a fearless team. It's about embracing the adventure and looking forward to what lies just around the bend. I know these two are ready for whatever comes their way. They've got their compass set on love and that, my friends, is the greatest adventure of all.
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You know, as Emily's father, I've witnessed first-hand the remarkable journey she and William have embarked upon. Their adventure, filled with laughter, love, and a few inevitable speed bumps, has been nothing short of a breathtaking roller-coaster ride.
As a father, watching your daughter embark on life's greatest adventure – love – is truly breathtaking. When Emma met Joseph, I knew she had found her co-adventurer, her partner to conquer life's mountains and valleys.
As Olivia's Dad, I’ve had the privilege of watching her journey from pigtails and pink tutus to a beautiful, strong woman. And then came William. Together, they embarked on an adventure, guided by love and shared dreams. Today, we bear witness to their journey, cheering them on as they start this wonderful, wild ride of marriage.

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A Memorable Father-Of-The Bride Speech: Tips, Tricks, And Examples

We know you’re nervous about making a father-of-the-bride speech at your little girl’s wedding. We won’t mince words here. You should be. 

This is why you’re probably furiously Googling “father of the bride speech examples,” so someone will tell you what to say. 

Make it funny, but short. Make it moving, but not too personal. 

Your job is to make everyone laugh and cry tears of joy. As the head honcho of your household (ok, second to your wife), it falls on your head to get it right, or you’ll ruin everything. 

All of that is hooey, of course, but you probably feel that way all the same. 

We want to help, so we’ve put together a father-of-the-bride speech outline to help you decide what to say and remember when to say it. 

Step Four: Practice

Simple father of the bride speech template, step one: know the rules and etiquette.

Before you get to writing, there are some basic speech rules and etiquette you should consider to avoid disaster and embarrassment. 

  • Do Your Homework

Call in the cavalry. There are no rules that say your speech can’t be a collaborative effort. If you’re unsure what to talk about, ask those who know her best for stories and anecdotes. 

Find out who’s invited that you may not know so well. It helps to keep in mind who your audience will be. 

  • Watch Your Time

Seven. Minutes. That’s the maximum time a father-of-the-bride speech ought to last. Anything more prolonged, and you’ll lose them. If you can, aim for six. 

  • No Cliches, Find Ways To Be Unique

Talk about the qualities your daughter has that set her apart. Of course she’s brilliant and talented and beautiful. Anyone who knows her knows that. 

Avoid a resume-like list of her career or education, unless you can link that to a funny story or something that pertains to her new husband.

  • Avoid Talking About Money, Religion, Or Politics

Just like at dinner parties (because let’s face it, that’s kind of what a wedding reception is), the rule is to avoid talking politics, religion, or money. 

Of course, it’s entirely appropriate to thank God and, by all means, prayers up. But use good judgment and keep it PC. 

sample wedding speeches for father of the bride

  • Keep It Clean

We probably don’t have to mention it, but we will anyway. Nothing will suck the air out of the room like a tasteless joke or inappropriate anecdote from Dad. Gross. 

  • Aim For Funny, But Avoid Inside Jokes

Yes, you want to be funny, that’s a given. Remember, you are the master of the Dad Joke. Work it. Just avoid inside jokes, it may alienate some of the guests. 

  • Don’t Get Too Emotional, Keep It Light

Just like you want to make ’em laugh, making your audience tear up is gratifying, too. But make sure you don’t go overboard and make it awkward. 

  • Keep Your Family Strife Out Of It

It’s unbelievable how often people give speeches like this and veer off onto a tangent about family quarrels. 

If you and your daughter’s mother are no longer together and aren’t on the best of terms, keep it out of the speech. If you and her mother’s new significant other don’t get along, now is not the time. 

Grandfather wedding speech

If someone’s not speaking to Aunt Tilly or the bride’s cousin ruined another family wedding by getting drunk and hitting on the groom’s mother: Do. Not. Make it a thing. 

Seems like common sense, but people are mysterious creatures.

Step Two: Brainstorm

Crafting an unforgettable father of the bride speech requires a bit of preparation, and the most important part of that preparation is brainstorming your ideas and outlining your speech. Here are some tips to get you started:

  • Find your Voice

Every father has a unique personality and relationship with his daughter. While it can be tempting to emulate speeches found online, it is essential to infuse your own authentic voice and personal anecdotes into your address.

  • Think of personal anecdotes

Reflect on your relationship with both the bride and groom, and write down any memories, jokes, or stories that you think would be relevant or entertaining.

  • Consider the structure of your speech

Your speech should have an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. The introduction should capture the audience’s attention and set the tone for the rest of your speech. The body should be divided into several sections, each highlighting a different aspect of your relationship with the bride and groom. The conclusion should tie everything together and leave a lasting impression..

Step Three: Make An Outline

OK, with etiquette out of the way (but not out of mind), it’s time to get down to the nitty-gritty — the fun part! When you make your outline, by all means, write it all on cue cards and use them. Whatever you need to keep focused.

  • Opening Line/Introduce Yourself 

Every good speech needs an opener, but it doesn’t have to be stand-up material. A quick introduction and welcoming the guests will do nicely. 

  • Thank Your Wife, The Groom’s Parents, The Officiant, etc.

This is another part you can get through quickly. It’ll be tempting to spend a lot of time on this one, but keep in mind that you can thank everyone more thoroughly and one-on-one throughout the reception. 

Father making a wedding speech

Unless there’s something particular you feel the need to say, a quick thanks will do. 

  • Share A Story Or Two and Don’t Forget The Groom

The moment everyone’s been waiting for: dad making fun of his daughter and her new husband. Gently, of course.

Seriously, though, this is the time to be funny. Mention the first time you met your new son-in-law and what you thought of him (if it’s not seriously negative). Talk about funny things from her childhood, as long as they’re not mortifyingly embarrassing.

The material for this part is rich, mine it. 

  • Impart Some Fatherly Wisdom

So you’ve made them laugh, now make them say “awwwww.”

Pass on what you’ve learned about life, love, and happiness – things that worked for you, and maybe things that didn’t work so well if you can keep it light. 

If there’s a deceased family member that your daughter was particularly fond of, now is an excellent time to hand down any wisdom they imparted to you. 

sample wedding speeches for father of the bride

  • Raise A Toast 

The toast can stay short and sweet, all you have to do now is invite everyone to raise a glass to the newlywed’s happiness. Done and done. 

When it comes to giving a memorable father of the bride speech, practice is key. You don’t want to be reading from a script or stumble over your words on such an important occasion. Here are some tips to help you practice and deliver your speech with confidence:

  • Write out your speech

Before you begin to practice, make sure that you have a draft of your speech. It does not have to be perfect at this stage, but it should have all the key points that you want to make. Writing out your speech will help you organize your thoughts and ensure that you have covered all the necessary elements.

  • Practice in front of a mirror

Practicing in front of a mirror allows you to see your facial expressions and gestures. It also helps you to work on your eye contact and body language, which are important when delivering a speech.

  • Record yourself

Another way to practice is to record yourself giving the speech. This allows you to listen to your tone of voice, pacing, and areas that need improvement.

  • Get feedback

Ask a trusted friend or family member to listen to your speech and give you feedback. They can offer suggestions on delivery, pacing, and content.

  • Practice in the wedding venue

If possible, practice your speech in the actual wedding venue. This will give you a sense of the acoustics and how your voice will carry. It also helps you visualize the setting, which can help calm nerves and build confidence.

Remember, the more you practice, the more comfortable and confident you will be when delivering your father of the bride speech. Trust in yourself and your message, and enjoy the moment.

father of the bride

Father-Of-The-Bride Speech Examples 

If this whole speech thing has been on your mind (obviously it has. otherwise, you wouldn’t be reading this), you’ll probably want an example or two for how to do it like a boss. 

Prepare to get educated…

BEST Father-of-the-Bride Speech. Ever. (According to the person who uploaded the Youtube video)

We love the way he includes the groom the whole way through, and his toast is perfect.

You’ll notice this guy incorporates money and religion in his speech and manages to make it not at all awkward, but fabulous. Shows how bendable the rules can be if you’re on your game…

Heartwarming Father-of-the-Bride Speech (Get Out the Hankie!)

This father offers up a funny and heartwarming speech, along with a few props that take this speech to another level.

Hilarious Father-of-the-Bride Speech That Includes the Groom’s Family 

He’s included the groom’s family in this speech in the best way ever. Not to mention the hilarity of his son-in-law story! We’re dyin’ over here!

Some Parting Advice

The speeches are arguably the best part of the reception, next to the open bar and dancing. Ahem.

Although it may feel like it, no one expects the world from the father-of-the-bride when he toasts the happy couple. 

It’s your job to be sincere, remind everyone of what makes your daughter so wonderful, and tell the room why you’re thrilled to gain a son-in-law. 

Do that, and the rest will fall into place. Next thing you know you’ll be grabbing a martini, loosening your tie and breathing a sigh of relief that you nailed that speech. Now to nail those dance moves you’ve been practicing!

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Elena & Daniel: husband and wife team behind Love and Lavender. Read Our Story

30 Best Father of the Bride Speeches: Expert Tips and Examples

A father of the bride speech is a cherished moment during a wedding reception, where the father expresses his love, pride, and support for his daughter on her special day. Crafting a memorable and heartfelt speech can be a daunting task, especially for those who may not have experience in public speaking. However, with some expert tips and examples, any father can deliver a speech that will leave a lasting impression on the newlyweds and their guests.

In this article, you will find a compilation of the 30 best father of the bride speeches, along with valuable advice from experts, to help fathers navigate the speech-writing process. These examples showcase a range of styles and tones, from humorous anecdotes to heartfelt reflections, allowing fathers to find inspiration and tailor their speeches to suit their own personalities and relationships with their daughters. Additionally, the expert advice provides comprehensive guidance on everything from structuring the speech to delivering it with confidence and sincerity.

Whether you are a father looking to honor your daughter on her wedding day or someone seeking guidance on how to help a loved one prepare for this meaningful moment, this article is a valuable resource. With its collection of the best father of the bride speeches and practical tips from experts, it offers inspiration and guidance to ensure that fathers deliver a speech that will be cherished and remembered for years to come. So, let's delve into this collection and start crafting a remarkable speech that celebrates the love and bond shared between a father and his daughter on her special day.## Key Tips for Writing a Memorable Father of the Bride Speech

When it comes to delivering a heartfelt and memorable speech as the father of the bride, preparation and thoughtful execution are essential. Crafting a speech that resonates with the audience and pays tribute to your daughter's special day requires a combination of personal anecdotes, genuine emotions, and a touch of humor. Here are some key tips to ensure your father of the bride speech stands out:

1. Begin with a strong opening: Start your speech with a captivating introduction that grabs the audience's attention. You could share a heartfelt quote, a humorous anecdote, or express your gratitude for the opportunity to speak on this joyous occasion.

2. Keep it concise: While it's tempting to recount every cherished moment with your daughter, a concise speech that focuses on the most significant memories is more likely to engage the audience. Aim for a speech that lasts around five minutes, keeping in mind that brevity is key to maintaining the audience's interest.

3. Include personal anecdotes: Share stories that highlight the bond between you and your daughter. These anecdotes should be relatable, humorous, or filled with emotion. They will help create a connection with the audience and make your speech memorable.

4. Express your love and pride: Take a moment to express your love and pride for your daughter. Dedicating a portion of your speech to articulating your admiration for her achievements, her character, and the person she has become will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact on both your daughter and the wedding guests.

5. Tailor your speech to the couple and the occasion: Consider the couple's personalities and values when crafting your speech. Celebrate their love, share advice for a successful marriage, and acknowledge the significance of the day. A speech that is specifically tailored to the couple and the occasion will be much more meaningful.

6. Practice, but don't memorize: Rehearsing your speech is essential, but avoid memorizing it word for word. Instead, focus on understanding the flow and key points, so you can speak naturally and with genuine emotion. This approach will make your speech sound more authentic and heartfelt.

7. Use humor wisely: Incorporate tasteful humor, but ensure it is respectful and appropriate for the occasion. Well-timed jokes and lighthearted stories can lighten the atmosphere, making your speech enjoyable for everyone.

Remember, your role as the father of the bride is to celebrate this joyous occasion, express your love and appreciation, and create a memorable moment for your daughter. By following these key tips, you can deliver a heartfelt and memorable father of the bride speech that will be cherished for years to come.

Finding Inspiration: Heartfelt Father of the Bride Speech Examples

Emotions run high at weddings, especially when it comes to the father of the bride speech. It's the moment when a father proudly expresses his love and support for his daughter and welcomes his new son-in-law into the family. Crafting a heartfelt speech may seem daunting, but taking inspiration from others can help.

Here are some touching father of the bride speech examples that can spark creativity and guide you in creating your own memorable speech:

Personal anecdotes : Sharing meaningful and humorous stories about the bride's childhood or special moments between father and daughter can create a heartfelt connection with the audience. These stories can highlight the bride's character, struggles, and achievements, while also showcasing the father's pride and love.

Express gratitude : A father of the bride speech often includes thanking guests, family members, and wedding vendors who made the day possible. Taking the time to recognize their contributions and express gratitude adds warmth and appreciation to the speech.

Acknowledge the groom : Welcoming the groom into the family and acknowledging his love and commitment to the bride is an important part of the speech. Expressing confidence in the groom and sharing positive qualities will show support for the newlyweds' union.

Toast to the couple : Concluding the speech with a heartfelt toast to the couple's future happiness brings the speech to a memorable close. Raising a glass and offering well wishes for their journey together is a touching way to wrap up the father of the bride's words of love and support.

Remember, every father of the bride speech should reflect the unique bond between father and daughter, as well as the personality and dynamics of the family. While drawing inspiration from others, it is essential to inject your own personal touch, making the speech genuine and authentic.

Always write a draft, practice, and ensure the speech flows smoothly. Using these examples as guidelines can help fathers craft a meaningful speech, and with heartfelt words, make their daughter's special day even more extraordinary.

Tips for Creating a Heartfelt Father of the Bride Speech
- Share personal anecdotes and stories about the bride's childhood.
- Express gratitude towards guests, family members, and wedding vendors.
- Acknowledge and welcome the groom into the family.
- Conclude with a heartfelt toast to the couple's future happiness.

Crafting the Perfect Opening for Your Father of the Bride Speech

When it comes to delivering a memorable father of the bride speech, the opening is arguably the most crucial part. It sets the tone for your entire speech and captivates the audience from the very beginning. Crafting a perfect opening can feel like a daunting task, but with these expert tips, you'll be well on your way to creating an impactful and heartfelt introduction.

1. Start with a Warm Welcome

Begin your speech by extending a warm welcome to everyone present. Express your gratitude for their attendance and make them feel appreciated. This will help create a friendly and inviting atmosphere, allowing your audience to connect with you on a personal level right from the start.

2. Introduce Yourself

While most people in the room will know who you are, it's still important to introduce yourself. Share a brief personal anecdote or memory that showcases your relationship with your daughter and highlights the special role you have as her father. This introduction not only serves as a reminder of your bond but also helps establish your credibility as the speaker.

3. Engage the Audience

Engaging the audience early on is crucial for maintaining their interest throughout your speech. A great way to achieve this is by starting with an engaging and relatable opening line. Consider using a humorous anecdote, a thought-provoking quote, or an interesting fact that will capture their attention and create an instant connection.

4. Express Your Emotions

One of the key elements of a father of the bride speech is expressing your emotions. This is your opportunity to show your love, pride, and joy for your daughter's big day. Use heartfelt words and genuine emotions to communicate your feelings. Whether it's a tearful reflection or a lighthearted story, let your emotions shine through as you share your thoughts and wishes.

5. Keep It Concise

While it's essential to make a strong impact with your opening, it's equally important to keep it concise. Avoid rambling or going off on tangents as this can lose the audience's interest. Aim for a well-crafted opening that is no longer than a couple of minutes, allowing you to move seamlessly into the rest of your speech.

Remember, the opening of your father of the bride speech not only sets the stage for the rest of your talk but also establishes the connection between you and the audience. By welcoming everyone, introducing yourself, engaging the audience, expressing your emotions, and keeping it concise, you will create a compelling opening that will resonate with your daughter, the happy couple, and all those who are present to witness this memorable occasion.

Adding Humor to Your Father of the Bride Speech: Dos and Don'ts

Humor can be a powerful tool to engage your audience and add a touch of light-heartedness to your father of the bride speech. However, striking the right balance between funny and appropriate can be a bit of a challenge. To help you navigate this delicate task, here are some dos and don'ts for adding humor to your speech:

Know your audience: Before attempting humor, take a moment to consider the personalities and sensibilities of those in attendance. Tailoring your jokes to match the audience's tastes will ensure that your humor is well-received.

Keep it light and positive: Humor that uplifts and entertains is always a safe bet. Focus on lighthearted anecdotes, funny memories, or playful jests that showcase the joyous occasion rather than targeting sensitive or controversial topics.

Timing is key: Delivering your punchlines with impeccable timing can enhance the humor quotient of your speech. Allow for pauses to let laughter settle, and ensure your jokes flow naturally within the overall structure of your speech.

Practice makes perfect: Rehearsing your speech helps you refine your comedic timing and delivery. Practice in front of a mirror or with friends to gauge the effectiveness of your jokes and make necessary adjustments.

Use self-deprecating humor: Lightly poking fun at yourself can come across as endearing and relatable. However, avoid excessive self-criticism as it may detract from the celebratory atmosphere.


Avoid controversial or offensive humor: Steer clear of jokes that touch on sensitive topics, politics, religion, or anything that may offend or alienate your audience. It is essential to maintain a respectful and inclusive tone throughout your speech.

Don't rely on inside jokes: While inside jokes can be amusing for a select few, they can leave the majority of the audience feeling left out. Ensure your humor is inclusive and understandable to everyone present.

Keep it PG-rated: Remember that a father of the bride speech is typically delivered in a family-friendly setting. Keep your humor clean and appropriate for audience members of all ages.

Don't overdo it: While humor can enhance a speech, it should not overshadow the sentimental and heartfelt moments. Strike a balance between light-hearted jokes and sincere sentiments to create a well-rounded speech.

By following these dos and don'ts, you can add a touch of humor to your father of the bride speech that is both entertaining and respectful. Remember, the goal is to create a speech that will bring smiles and laughter to everyone's faces and contribute to the joyful atmosphere of the wedding celebration.

Sharing Emotional Memories and Stories in Your Speech

When it comes to delivering a memorable father of the bride speech, weaving emotional memories and stories into your speech can be a powerful way to connect with the audience and make the moment truly special. Sharing heartfelt and touching anecdotes not only helps create an emotional bond, but also adds a personal touch to the speech.

Here are a few expert tips to effectively share emotional memories and stories in your father of the bride speech:

1. Choose the Right Memories: Selecting the right memories and stories is crucial. Consider moments that highlight the love and bond between the father and the bride. Focus on anecdotes that are heartwarming, humorous, or inspiring, capturing the essence of your relationship and creating an emotional connection with the audience.

2. Structure Your Speech: Begin by introducing yourself and expressing gratitude. Then move on to sharing memorable stories and anecdotes. Organizing your speech into a clear structure ensures that you maintain a consistent flow and keeps the audience engaged.

3. Use Vivid Language: Paint a vivid picture with your words. Use sensory language to describe the setting, emotions, and experiences related to the memories you are sharing. This helps the audience visualize the moments and creates a more powerful impact.

4. Inject Humor and Wit: Adding a touch of humor and wit to your stories can lighten the atmosphere and make your speech more entertaining. However, be mindful of the tone and ensure that your jokes are light-hearted and not offensive.

5. Be Authentic and Sincere: Your speech should reflect your genuine emotions and love for your daughter. Avoid trying to be overly sentimental or emotional if it doesn't come naturally to you. The sincerity in your words will create a stronger connection with the audience.

6. Practice and Timing: Practice delivering your speech beforehand to ensure a smooth delivery. Pay attention to the timing and ensure that you don't rush through or exceed the allocated time. This will help you maintain a steady pace, allowing the audience to fully absorb the emotional impact of your memories and stories.

Sharing emotional memories and stories in your father of the bride speech can leave a lasting impression on both your daughter and the wedding guests. By incorporating these expert tips, you can craft a speech that touches the hearts of everyone present on this special day.

Expressing Love and Gratitude to the Bride and Groom

When delivering a father of the bride speech, one of the most important aspects is expressing love and gratitude towards the newly married couple. This is a momentous occasion that calls for heartfelt words and sincere appreciation. In this section, we will explore expert tips and examples that can help fathers craft a memorable speech that showcases their deep affection and appreciation for the bride and groom.

Showcase parental pride: Begin by expressing pride in the bride and groom's accomplishments and the individuals they have become. Highlight their personal qualities, achievements, and the love they have brought into each other's lives.

Acknowledge the bond: Reflect on the special bond between the father of the bride and his daughter. Share touching anecdotes and memories that symbolize the deep connection you have shared throughout her life. Emphasize how her journey with the groom strengthens this bond even further.

Express gratitude: Take a moment to express your heartfelt gratitude to the groom for loving, cherishing, and supporting your daughter. Acknowledge the joy and happiness he brings to her life and thank him for being a loving partner.

Acknowledge the families: Mention the importance of family, both the bride's and groom's, and express gratitude for their support and presence on this special day. Highlight the unity and love that has come from the joining of two families.

Praise the bride: Highlight the qualities and virtues that make your daughter an exceptional individual. Compliment her on her strength, kindness, intelligence, or any other admirable traits she possesses. Let the groom know that he is fortunate to have her as his wife.

Encourage a happy future: Express your wishes for a future filled with happiness, love, and prosperity for the newlyweds. Offer words of wisdom and advice on building a strong, loving, and lasting marriage.

Remember, delivering a moving father of the bride speech requires sincerity, warmth, and genuine affection. Make sure to practice your speech beforehand, keeping it concise but meaningful. By expressing your love and gratitude to the bride and groom in a heartfelt manner, you will surely create a memorable moment during the wedding celebration.

Table: Example statistics on the importance of expressing love and gratitude in a father of the bride speech

Statistic Value
Percentage of guests who remember the father of the bride speech 80%
Number of weddings where the father of the bride speech is considered a highlight 9 out of 10
Average time guests spend discussing the father of the bride speech 30 minutes
Percentage of brides who appreciate a heartfelt father of the bride speech 95%

By incorporating these expert tips into your speech, you can ensure that your expressions of love and gratitude resonate deeply with both the bride and groom, as well as the wedding guests.

Impressing the Audience with a Touching Conclusion

When it comes to delivering a memorable father of the bride speech, ending on a high note with a touching conclusion is essential. The final words you choose can leave a lasting impression on the audience, making them reflect on the love and joy shared during this special occasion. Here are some expert tips to help you create an impactful and heartfelt conclusion for your speech:

Recap the Journey: Begin by summarizing the journey of the bride and groom, highlighting key milestones, challenges, and happy memories. This will help create a sense of nostalgia and remind everyone of the bond that has been forged.

Express Gratitude: Show your appreciation for everyone involved in the wedding, including the guests, wedding party, and vendors. Gratefulness can help foster a positive atmosphere and convey your heartfelt thanks for their support and presence on this momentous day.

Highlight the Couple's Qualities: Reflect on the qualities that make the newlyweds so special. Share personal anecdotes or stories that showcase their love, kindness, and resilience. This will demonstrate the strength of their relationship and leave a warm impression on the listeners.

Offer Words of Wisdom: Imparting wisdom gained from your own experiences can be a powerful way to inspire the couple and the audience. Share a few thoughtful quotes, life lessons, or principles that have served you well in your own relationship. This can provide guidance and encouragement as the couple embarks on their journey together.

Raise a Toast: Conclude your speech by raising a heartfelt toast to the bride and groom. Keep it concise, sincere, and full of well wishes for a happy and fulfilling future. This will be a moment of celebration and unity as everyone in the room toasts to their lifelong happiness.

Remember, practice is key to delivering a flawless conclusion. Take the time to rehearse your final words, ensuring they are delivered with clarity, confidence, and emotion. By ending your speech on a touching and memorable note, you will leave a lasting impression on the audience and provide the perfect end to a beautiful celebration.

The Importance of Practice and Delivery


When it comes to delivering a memorable father of the bride speech, practice and delivery play a crucial role . This section will delve into the significance of these two aspects, offering expert tips and advice to help you craft a speech that leaves a lasting impression on your daughter, son-in-law, and wedding guests.

Practice Makes Perfect

One cannot emphasize enough the importance of practicing your speech diligently . Even if you consider yourself a natural speaker, it's essential to practice to ensure that your words flow smoothly and confidently on the big day. Here's why practice matters:

  • Boosts Confidence : The more you practice, the more comfortable and confident you'll feel while delivering your speech.
  • Refines Timing : Practice helps you fine-tune the timing of your speech, ensuring that it aligns with the overall flow of the event.
  • Eliminates Nervousness : Practicing regularly helps ease nerves and allows you to focus on delivering your message with poise.

Tips for Effective Practice

To make your practice sessions effective, consider the following tips:

  • Start Early : Begin practicing your speech well in advance, allowing ample time for revisions and refinement.
  • Record and Review : Record yourself while practicing and critically review your performance. Look for areas where you can improve, such as pacing, tone, or pauses.
  • Time Yourself : Keep track of the duration of your speech to ensure it falls within an appropriate time frame.
  • Seek Feedback : Enlist the help of a trusted friend or family member to provide constructive feedback on your delivery style and content.

The Power of Delivery

Delivery is just as crucial as the content of your speech. No matter how well-written, a poorly delivered speech can fail to resonate with the audience. Consider the following tips to enhance your delivery:

  • Speak Clearly and Slowly : Enunciate your words clearly and avoid rushing through your speech. This allows the audience to better grasp your message.
  • Use Body Language : Incorporate appropriate gestures and expressions to add emphasis and engage the audience.
  • Maintain Eye Contact : Establish eye contact with your daughter, son-in-law, and the audience to create a personal connection and captivate their attention.
  • Inject Emotion : Infuse your speech with genuine emotion to make it more heartfelt and memorable.

In summary, practicing and delivering your father of the bride speech with finesse is key to making it a highlight of the wedding. By investing time and effort into practice, refining your delivery, and ensuring a strong connection with your audience, you can create a speech that will be cherished for years to come.

Including Meaningful Quotes and Poems in Your Speech

Adding meaningful quotes and poems to your father of the bride speech can have a powerful impact, allowing you to express your emotions and convey heartfelt messages. Here are some expert tips to help you include these elements successfully in your speech:

Choose quotes and poems that resonate : Selecting quotes and poems that reflect your relationship with your daughter and capture the essence of the occasion is vital. Look for words that convey love, wisdom, and celebration.

Personalize the chosen pieces : Tailor the quotes and poems to make them more relatable and specific to your daughter's journey. By incorporating personal anecdotes or memories, you create a unique and heartfelt tribute that will resonate with both your daughter and the audience.

Keep it concise : While incorporating quotes and poems can be powerful, it's important to strike a balance. Avoid overwhelming the speech with too many quotes, as it may detract from your own words and storytelling. Select a few impactful quotes or a single poem that best complements your speech.

Practice delivery : When using quotes or reciting poems, practice the delivery to ensure a smooth and natural flow. Pay attention to pacing and intonation to enhance the emotional impact of these elements. This will help you confidently share the words with genuine sentiment.

Cite the source : It's essential to credit the author or the source of the quotes or poems you include. This not only shows respect for the original work but also provides an opportunity for the audience to dive deeper into the words that touched them.

Remember, using quotes and poems in your speech should enhance your narrative, not overshadow it. The selected pieces should support and amplify the emotions and messages you wish to convey.

Here are a few examples of meaningful quotes and poems that can inspire you:

  • A daughter is just a little girl who grows up to be your best friend. - Unknown
  • A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person. - Mignon McLaughlin
  • Today is the beginning of a lifelong journey side by side. Embrace each moment with open hearts and endless love. - Unknown

Including heartfelt quotes and poems in your father of the bride speech can add an extra layer of emotional depth and help create a memorable and cherished moment for both you and your daughter.

Incorporating Personal Touches and Inside Jokes

Incorporating personal touches and inside jokes into a father of the bride speech can add a special and heartfelt touch to the momentous occasion. It allows the father to showcase his unique relationship with his daughter and create memories that will be cherished for years to come. Here are some expert tips on how to incorporate personal touches and inside jokes into a father of the bride speech.

Share Personal Stories : Start by sharing personal stories that showcase the close bond between the father and the bride. This could be a heartwarming anecdote about a memorable experience they shared, a challenging moment they overcame together, or a funny incident that highlights their special dynamic.

Include Inside Jokes : Incorporating inside jokes can bring a sense of nostalgia and laughter to the speech. These inside jokes can be references to shared experiences, family traditions, or funny moments that are known by both the father and the bride. Be sure to explain the inside jokes briefly for the benefit of the audience.

Consider the Audience : While inside jokes are a great addition, it's important to keep in mind the audience at the wedding. Avoid inside jokes that may confuse or exclude the majority of the guests. Opt for inside jokes that have broader appeal and can be enjoyed by all.

Use Humor with Caution : Humor can be a powerful tool when incorporated into a father of the bride speech, but it's essential to strike the right balance. Ensure that the humor is light-hearted and doesn't overshadow the sentimental moments of the speech. A well-timed joke can keep the audience engaged and create a joyous atmosphere.

Involve Other Family Members : Engage other family members in the speech by including them in the inside jokes or inviting them to share their own funny anecdotes. This can create a sense of togetherness and make the speech more inclusive.

Personalize the Speech : Tailor the speech to reflect the personalities of both the father and the bride. Incorporate their hobbies, interests, and unique attributes into the speech to make it more authentic and personal.

By incorporating personal touches and inside jokes into a father of the bride speech, the father can create a heartfelt and memorable moment for his daughter and all the guests in attendance. It is an opportunity to celebrate the special connection between the father and the bride and make the speech truly one-of-a-kind.

Crafting a memorable and heartfelt father of the bride speech is no easy task, but with the expert tips and examples provided in this article, anyone can deliver a speech that will leave a lasting impression on the bride, groom, and all the wedding guests. As the father of the bride, this is an opportunity to celebrate your daughter's special day and express your love and support for her and her new spouse.

Here are key takeaways from the 30 best father of the bride speeches:

Personal Touch : Adding personal anecdotes and stories about your daughter helps to create an emotional connection with the audience. The more specific and unique the stories, the better.

Structure : A well-structured speech includes an introduction, body, and conclusion. Begin with a warm welcome, share touching stories during the body, and conclude with heartfelt wishes for the couple's future.

Humor : A touch of humor lightens the atmosphere and keeps the audience engaged. However, it's crucial to strike a balance and ensure that the humor is appropriate for the occasion.

Practice Makes Perfect : Rehearsing the speech multiple times helps to improve delivery and confidence. It also allows for necessary revisions to be made if certain parts of the speech don't flow well or resonate with the audience.

Emotional Appeal : Expressing your love, pride, and joy for your daughter's happiness is a key element of a successful father of the bride speech. Let your emotions shine through to create a truly memorable moment.

Remember, each father of the bride speech should be unique and tailored to the specific relationship between the father and daughter. Use the expert tips and examples provided as a guide, but feel free to add your personal touch to make it truly special.

With careful preparation and a genuine desire to honor your daughter and new son-in-law, your father of the bride speech has the potential to be one of the highlights of the wedding celebration. So, embrace the opportunity and make it a moment to remember!

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5 father of the bride speeches [examples].

A father of the bride speech is an important and traditional element of many wedding receptions. Here are five different father of the bride speeches, each with a unique tone and message.

Speech 1: Heartfelt and Emotional

Today is a day of immense joy and emotion for me as I stand before you as the father of the bride. My heart swells with pride and love as I look at my beautiful daughter, [Daughter’s Name], who is about to embark on this incredible journey of marriage.

From the moment she was born, I have watched her grow into the amazing woman she is today. She has always been the light of my life, bringing happiness and warmth wherever she goes. Seeing her find love in the arms of [Groom’s Name] is a blessing beyond words.

As a father, there’s a bittersweet feeling that comes with giving my daughter away. But I trust that [Groom’s Name] will always be there to protect and cherish her, just as I have all these years.

To [Daughter’s Name] and [Groom’s Name], may your journey together be filled with endless love and understanding. May you support each other through life’s highs and lows, and may your love continue to grow stronger with each passing day.

So let us raise our glasses to [Daughter’s Name] and [Groom’s Name], as they begin this beautiful chapter of their lives together. May their love shine as brightly as the sun and be as everlasting as the stars in the sky.

Speech 2: Humorous and Light-hearted

Ladies and gentlemen,

[Daughter’s Name], you’ve always been my little girl, and today, you’re all grown up and getting married. It’s a bittersweet moment for me, but I couldn’t be happier for you and [Groom’s Name]. I’ve watched you two grow together, and it’s clear that you’re a perfect match.

[Groom’s Name], I have to say, you’ve passed all the tests so far – from the first time you met our family to enduring my dad jokes and, most importantly, winning my daughter’s heart. You’ve proven yourself, and I’m proud to welcome you into our family.

As you embark on this journey together, remember that marriage is a partnership. It’s about supporting each other through thick and thin, and never forgetting to laugh along the way. And, of course, [Groom’s Name], you’re going to have to get used to hearing “I told you so” from my daughter. But trust me, it’s all in good fun.

Let’s raise our glasses to the happy couple. Cheers!

Speech 3: Inspirational and Poetic

Today, we gather to celebrate not just a wedding, but the beginning of a beautiful love story. As the father of the bride, I am profoundly moved by the love I see in the eyes of [Daughter’s Name] and [Groom’s Name].

Love is a force that has the power to transform our lives. It is the essence of our existence, the driving force that compels us to seek companionship, and it’s what brings us all together on this joyous occasion.

[Daughter’s Name], I have watched you grow into an incredible woman, and I am in awe of the love and compassion you bring into the world. [Groom’s Name], you are a remarkable man, and I am grateful to welcome you into our family.

Today marks the union of two souls who have found their perfect match, their partner in life’s journey. As you embark on this path together, remember that love is not just a feeling but a commitment. It’s the promise you make to stand by each other’s side, through every trial and triumph.

In the words of Victor Hugo, “Life is a flower of which love is the honey.” May your life be filled with the sweetness of love, and may your love for each other only grow stronger with each passing day.

To [Daughter’s Name] and [Groom’s Name], I raise my glass in celebration of your love. May your marriage be a testament to the power of love and a source of inspiration to all who witness it. Cheers!

Speech 4: Sentimental and Nostalgic

As I stand here today as the father of the bride, my heart is filled with a mixture of emotions. It feels like just yesterday that I held [Daughter’s Name] in my arms as a newborn, and now I’m here, giving her away to [Groom’s Name].

As you both begin this new chapter together, I want to offer some advice. Marriage is a journey filled with ups and downs, but it’s also a journey of growth and discovery. It’s about facing challenges together and coming out stronger on the other side. Always communicate, support each other’s dreams, and never forget the love that brought you together in the first place.

Speech 5: Casual and Relatable

I want to start by saying that I’m not a natural public speaker, but when it comes to my daughter, [Daughter’s Name], I’m willing to do just about anything. Today, I have the privilege of being the father of the bride, and I can’t express how proud and happy I am.

[Groom’s Name], you’re one lucky guy, and I’m not just saying that because I’m [Daughter’s Name]’s dad. You’re a great guy, and I’m thrilled to welcome you into our family.

As you two embark on this journey together, remember that marriage is a partnership. It’s about compromise, teamwork, and lots of love. And [Daughter’s Name], you might have to teach [Groom’s Name] a thing or two about doing laundry – it’s a valuable life skill!

So here’s to the happy couple, [Daughter’s Name] and [Groom’s Name]. Let’s raise our glasses and toast to a lifetime filled with love and laughter. Cheers!

The father of the bride speech is important because it serves as a heartfelt expression of love, gratitude, and support while also upholding tradition and creating meaningful memories for all those involved in the wedding celebration.

It plays a significant role in celebrating the union of two families and the beginning of a new chapter in the bride’s life.

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6 Funny Father of the Bride Speech Examples & Templates

  • by Marisa Jenkins
  • October 31, 2023
  • 105 shares 105

Seeing or escorting your children as they walk down the aisle can result in mixed emotions. A part of you might be joyful, while another part might be melancholic. One way to explore and express these feelings is by writing a speech .

Parents of the couple often share a speech during the wedding reception. If you want to write a funny father of the bride speech, below are six examples and templates you can use as inspiration.

Funny Father of the Bride Speech You Will Never Forget

old man in a tux

1. Good evening, everyone. I hope you’re all having a great time so far. I know I am, mostly thanks to Jared over there at the open bar. Your drinks are amazing, my man!

Kidding aside, I’d like to express my heartfelt gratitude for your presence. I’m sure it means the world to my daughter to have so many people here with us tonight. Some would say there are too many people, but why should their opinion matter, right?

As a parent, your child’s wedding is something that you eagerly anticipate and anxiously dread at the same time. On the one hand, you are so happy that your kid has found their life partner. But on the other hand, it feels like you’re losing an essential part of yourself.

Oh boy, I was so wrong to think like that, though. With your child getting married, there’s no loss at all — in fact, you gain a lot! I’m pretty sure I had a migraine after our first joint thanksgiving. There was so much food to cook, things to plan, and what have you.

I have a secret to share with all of you, though. I don’t feel nervous or scared for Kiera and Shane at all.

Kiera takes after her mother to a T. She’s passionate, steadfast, and strong. More than that, she’s kind, compassionate, and full of love. I’d also say some of her more negative traits that she also got from her mom, but I’d like to sleep on a bed tonight, so I’ll save that part of the speech for next time. 

Shane, I know I was a bit rough on you when you first started dating my daughter. I apologize now, but once you have started a family of your own, I know you’ll start to understand that all fathers feel very protective of their children.

I initially thought about ending this speech with some advice, you know, to flex my years of experience as a wise dad. However, I’ll leave that to your ever wiser mom. I’ll leave you two with this instead: once a family, always a family.

Married life is hard — I know, honey, an understatement — and there will be days where moving forward feels impossible. However, always remember that you have your family behind you, ready to support and help in whatever way you need.

I love you, Kiera. I’m proud to be your dad. Fine, I love you, too, Shane. Welcome to the family.

Ladies and gentlemen, let’s clink our glasses as a toast to the newlyweds!

old man with baby's breath boutonniere

2. Hello, everyone. First of all, thank you all for coming to Daniil and Tyra’s special day. I’d ask you all how you’re enjoying the food , but seeing as every table and every serving tray are now empty, I think I already have my answer.

When Tyra first approached me to tell me to prepare a funny father of the bride speech, I had two initial reactions: flattered and confused. Flattered because she thought I was funny. Confused because she thought I was funny.

Anyway, obviously, I accepted. At the time, however, I was intimidated. Some of you might be shocked given how gorgeous I am, but I’m not used to being in front of a crowd. Some would call me shy or introverted, but I prefer “generous to less attractive people.”

No, but seriously, I was at a loss. I didn’t know what to say to my daughter that I haven’t already said. Her mom and I made it a point to always give her words of affirmation, so I kept racking my brains for something new and impactful to say.

One day, I overheard you and your mom talking about wedding budgets and expenses. I say overheard, but I think they definitely wanted to include me in the conversation, but I was too busy watching FIFA. Sorry about that, by the way.

Anyway, I heard you ask your mom, “How much did you spend on your wedding?” Your mom couldn’t remember, and neither could I. What I do know is we’re still paying the price.

All jokes aside, it doesn’t take a genius to know that marriage is a big commitment. I know you two are responsible — I’d like to think so, at least — but every day is a test of your strength, determination, and trust as a couple.

When times get rough, just remember that your families are here for you. Your mom and I have 30 years of experience as a married couple; we’re pretty much experts! Don’t worry, we won’t charge for visits.

When everything feels tough, just remember that you had a wine ceremony earlier today. Look for the box and treat yourself to a glass of red; that always seems to cheer your mother up.

Anyway, that is all, folks. Let’s raise a glass to our lovely newlyweds, Daniil and Tyra!

father of bride giving a toast

3. Hey, folks. Glad to see everyone with bright smiles on their faces! If you don’t know who I am, well, I’m offended. Just kidding. My name is actually Jimmy. I’m Brianna’s full-time father, part-time car repairman, and part-time electrician.

Initially, I prepared a 10-page script for this funny father of the bride speech Brianna told me to write. My wife then told me it was too long and warned me that if I didn’t cut it down, she would throttle me. I said, “Why are you threatening me with a good time, honey?”

Anyway, because I am such an understanding husband, I trimmed my speech down to a reasonable length. I will start with this: Brianna, you are the pride and joy of my life. I don’t say it a lot because I’m not really a words type of guy, but I mean it wholeheartedly.

Your mom can attest to this, and so can you and your siblings. Besides the usual small talk, I didn’t know what to say to you during car rides, trips to the grocery, or whatnot. “I love you” is always on the tip of my tongue, but I feel awkward about saying it out loud.

However, I hope you were able to feel just how much I love you in other ways. When I repair your car, check your electricity, offer to drive you places, or cook too much so you can bring some home, I hope you know those are acts of love.

Oh, man, those can’t be anything other than acts of love. If I charged you every time, I would be a millionaire by now! Imagine all the trips we could have gone on, honey.  

If I have any piece of advice for you two, it would be to listen to each other. Wait — your mom already told you that? Huh, I must have missed that…

But seriously, though. Your communication skills will forever be a work in progress; acknowledge that you both have shortcomings and help each other be better communicators. That is the key to a long, healthy marriage.

Right, darling? Wait, no — she definitely didn’t tell me to say this. Nope.

Before I end this speech, on behalf of my wife, I extend our sincerest gratitude to the wonderful staff in this venue and all the vendors who worked to make this night as magical as it is. 

A toast to the newlyweds! Love you, Brianna and David!

man raising his glasses

4. Good afternoon, everyone! I hope you’re all having a wonderful time. Thank you for making the time and effort to attend Jia and Jesse’s wedding; I know some of you came all the way from China, Singapore, and other countries whose names I can’t remember.

I also want to honor Evelyn, Jia’s granny, who can’t be physically here today for health reasons. However, she sends her love and well-wishes — the hongbao will follow soon, as I know you are curious.

Before anything else, Jia, I want you to know how proud I am of you. Life as an immigrant, regardless of what generation, is very difficult.

There may have been moments where giving up is the easiest option, but over the years, you have shown me that you never settle for the easiest option. I mean, Jesse right here is exhibit A. Just kidding.

Marriage is tough. At first, it might seem like a fairytale, something too good to be true. Over the years, you will find yourself disenchanted from the magic of it all. How you deal with this disenchantment is a big test for your relationship.

Lucky for you, your dad is a teacher. If anyone knows their way through tests, it’s me.

My biggest tip is to never forget your individuality. Someone once told me that the purpose of marriage is to unite two people into one; it gets complicated once you attempt to decide which one to embody.

Give yourself space to pursue individual interests and thrive in your journeys. Yes, you are united but do not let your union singlehandedly define who you are.

A times B will always be AB, but A and B can be incorporated into different equations. That will not change that A times B is equal to AB. It just means that by themselves, A and B are also powerful, versatile, and valuable on their own.

Never thought you’d hear math in a funny father of the bride speech, huh? Who can say no one uses math in daily life now, huh?

To end this speech, I just want to say that I love you — both of you, Jia and Jesse. My wife and I are delighted to welcome you to the family, and may our families form one big happy community. Cheers!

Templates for Funny Father of the Bride Speech

wedding guests raising glasses

5. [ Address everyone. ] Good [ time ], I hope you are all having a great time. If you don’t know who I am, then you aren’t listening to our wonderful emcee . I’m just kidding. I’m [ your name ], [ your daughter’s name ]’s dad.

[ Express how you feel about seeing your daughter get married. You can express initial doubts, sadness, anxieties, and so on. ]

[ Explain how you were able to change your mind or overcome your doubts. You can insert a specific anecdote here involving your daughter or son-in-law. ]

I’m proud to have a daughter who is [ positive adjectives ], traits which she definitely got from me. Your mother disagrees with me, which is actually one of your similarities with her — you both love to start arguments. I’m just kidding, honey.

[ Give some advice or share an observation about married life. This part of a funny father of the bride speech is a great opportunity to show your wit and humor through dad jokes or wordplay. ]

[ End the speech with your well-wishes for the newlyweds .]

Everyone, let’s toast to the lovely newlyweds, [ your daughter’s name ] and [ your son-in-law’s name ]!

guests raising their glasses

6. [ Address the guests. Thank them for their effort to attend and, ultimately, their presence. You can mention specific names or relatives. In this part of your funny father of the bride speech, you can be sentimental .]

[ Introduce your daughter the way you see her. You can share short anecdotes about her childhood, teenage years, university life, and so on. You can include funny stories but make sure not to embarrass your daughter. ]

[ Talk about your son-in-law. You can also share anecdotes that involve him. Alternatively, you can discuss how you initially felt about him and what has changed. ]

[ Express how you feel now that your daughter just got married. You can express your feelings wittily and funnily. ]

[ Share some of your experiences in marriage. You can share a joke or deliver a story humorously. ]

[ End your speech with advice and well-wishes. ]

Thank you all for listening. Everyone, please raise your glass as a toast to the newlyweds!

sample wedding speeches for father of the bride

Marisa Jenkins

Marisa Jenkins is a wedding planner and event coordinator. Her main goal for WeddingFrontier.com is to simplify the wedding planning process by sharing her years of expertise in the industry.

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If you’re a maid of honor in an upcoming wedding and you don’t know what to do, fear not, here are some tips for you to successfully deliver your memorable speech to your friends and to your family.

When to start writing?

Most weddings are planned out months (or even a year) before the wedding date. Assuming that the bride has chosen you to be her maid of honor a long time before the wedding, you may already be toying ideas in your mind in what to write. You don’t need to write a five page long speech, so you may not feel so pressured to write one and take the time to write it later. But the more you wait, the more the task will seem like a burden to you so it’s best to get it out of the way as soon as possible. You may also see appreciation speech

You can write your speech slowly throughout the countdown of the wedding. This way this will give you time to think on what to write; you might remember the special memories of your friend or your relative during the highlights of her romance with her partner and your own memories with the couple. This way, it will inspire you to write your own cool speech. You may also see introduction speech .

sample wedding speeches for father of the bride

What Are You Supposed To Say?

1. your opening.

The first thing you need to do is introduce yourself. Don’t start off your speech by rambling on about how you dig the the couple with the guests puzzling about your identity. Let the bride shine first, then talk about the groom, and share their love story. You may also see speech examples .

sample wedding speeches for father of the bride

2. Things to avoid mentioning

Make the speech about them and not about yourself and don’t ever bring up their ex boyfriends or girlfriends. Mentioning the ex-partners of both the bride and the groom can make the situation from easy to awkward. You don’t want the newly wed couples to suffer secondhand embarrassment from you. You may also see informative speech .

Don’t bring up the woe tales of their dating failures just for humor purposes. This will look bad in front of the families, friends and colleagues of the couple. Save these tales later for an informal gabfest between your mutual friends from the bride and groom. And on a side note, don’t use inside jokes or innuendo jokes.You may also see motivational speech .

Some Additional Tips to Remember

  • Share an Icky Sweet Love Quote.

You can never go wrong with quoting some love quotes that could melt the hearts of everyone. This can also make your speech more emotional and sweet. You can borrow a love quote from a famous author, poet, singer, actor or from films, TV shows, books, or songs. Here are some examples:

“Love doesn’t make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.” Franklin P. Jones “The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love, and be loved in return.” Moulin Rogue “In my opinion, the best thing you can do is find someone who loves you for exactly what you are. Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome, what have you.” Juno “Every lover is, in his heart, a madman, and, in his head, a minstrel.” Stardust by Neil Gaiman “Love is all you need.” All You Need is Love by The Beatles

If you’re feeling extra creative, you can make up your own love quote. Plus points for originality!

  • Make it Humorous But in Lighthearted Way.

Even if it is mentioned before that some types of jokes are not suitable for your speech, you can still delivery a nice wholesome joke to the audience to break the ice. The best type of jokes are one liners. Here are some examples of jokes you can share that are totally down for a mic drop. You may also see thank you speech

With her marriage she got a new name and a dress. The secret of a happy marriage remains a secret. Henny Youngman

Father Henry was planning a wedding at the close of the morning service. After the benediction Father Henry had planned to call the couple down to be married for a brief ceremony before the congregation. For the life of him, he couldn’t think of the names of those who were to be married.

‘Will those wanting to get married please come to the front?’  Father Henry requested.

Immediately; nine single ladies, three widows, four widowers, and six single men stepped to the front. (Anonymous)

  • Use Some Props for Extra Points In Creativity.

If you think you are more into the sentimental and personal side, you can use a power point presentation to guide you in your speech. You can put pictures of the bride and groom from their past up until their recent photos. That way the audience is being treated to a time travel presentation and can make them appreciate the bride and the groom’s growth of their love. You may also see speech examples for students .

So there you go! You are all equipped to write your very own maid of honor speech. If you may need some inspiration you can look up this maid of honor speech.


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Couple Shocks Engagement Party Guests with Surprise Wedding: 'Give Me 20 Minutes to Change My Dress' (Exclusive)

"The support we got from every single person there was insane and it was so fun," bride Julie Polley tells PEOPLE

Julie Polley/Tiktok

  • Julie and Kevin Polley knew that they weren't looking for a traditional wedding, so they invited 100 guests to an engagement party, then surprised everyone by saying "I do"
  • "The support we got from every single person there was insane and it was so fun," Julie says. "Everyone who we wanted there made it, and we were really lucky"
  • The newlyweds tell PEOPLE that pulling off the epic surprise was far from easy

One couple pulled off an amazing surprise at their engagement party, and completely shocked guests who thought they were celebrating the pair's upcoming nuptials.

Julie and Kevin Polley invited over 100 family members and friends to their engagement party at a beautiful restaurant. What the couple didn't tell anyone was that the celebration was actually their wedding.

The pair first met in early 2010, working part-time jobs at the same McDonald's. They hit it off and fell in love and nearly a decade later, Kevin was ready to make things official.

"In 2023, we went on a trip to Italy and that's where Kevin proposed. We were coming up on 10 years of dating," Julie tells PEOPLE.

After sharing their engagement news, the couple "took a little bit of time to just enjoy that we were engaged." Once it came time for planning, the two realized the traditional wedding wasn't quite what they were looking for.

"Once I realized how much planning everything would take, I had an idea. In general, we're very much people who like to host. We like to spend time with our friends and family, but neither of us had ever really dreamed of having this huge wedding, by any means. We really wanted to have a good party, so that's kind of where we started," she shares.

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"We wanted to figure out how to have a good party without putting too much pressure on ourselves. I feel the wedding industry creates a lot of that right now. We thought we could do an engagement party and then we were like, 'What if we were got married at the engagement party?'"

Pulling off a surprise of that magnitude wasn't easy. After getting her groom on board, the two approached their families.

"We just wanted to make sure that it wasn't going to be anything that was going to make them upset. We had our immediate family in the loop," she says. "Just our parents and siblings knew, which was really great for us because we got to do family photos and whatnot before, the morning of. But we had over 110 people that had absolutely no idea that they were showing up to what would be our wedding."

On April 27, 2024, it was time for the celebration and the big reveal. Julie recalls "shaking" as she and Kevin went through the speech they'd spent days before rehearsing.

"We practiced just to get the nerves out, but when you're staring at everyone like we were, it was still a little nerve-wracking," Julie shares. "At the same time, we knew every person there was there because they love us and because they wanted to help us celebrate, so it ended up being like the most fun surprise ever."

During her speech Julie told the crowd, "We've actually had a few people mention to us that if we're spending all this time and effort getting all of you guys together in such a beautiful restaurant that we might as well just get the deed done tonight, but unfortunately, we don't have the ability to make that happen right now," she said trailing off.

"But if you give me 20 minutes to change my dress —," she continued as the room realized what was happening and everyone began chatting and cheering at once.

"I felt like a famous person giving a speech for second. The support we got from every single person there was insane and it was so fun," Julie says. "Everyone who we wanted there made it, and we were really lucky."

The couple is happy to have video that showed "the look on everyone's faces" to remember the epic night forever.

"A couple of friends and family members faces are hysterical. Some are just in full-blown shock, so completely caught off-guard. Some of them look like they're 5 ft. in the air because they're jumping so high with excitement. It was very surreal because I'll probably never be able to do something like that again in my life, to surprise so many people with such cool news."

Julie changed and her sisters who were her bridesmaids, did the same. During the ceremony, only 30 or so guests were seated while the rest of the guests crowded around, creating an intimate moment.

"Everyone was standing and cheering and it was really cool. After we took all the chairs away, that ended up being a dance floor, and so it was just crazy. Everyone was on the dance floor, the whole night. It really was the best party ever," the bride says.

"We didn't do the parent dances or other speeches. Our speech was the only one that made it extra special; we were the only ones who spoke to everyone, and it ended up being really cool. But the dance floor was probably the best part of the night."

Neither Julie nor Kevin expected that the footage from their wedding would go viral.

"It's feels cliche to say, 'I had no clue that this was going to happen,' but I didn't. People told me to post it after the fact," Julie says.

"There were a lot of people who were like, 'Oh I want to see.' So I posted it more with that in mind, but it was really cool to see people who I didn't know saying, 'This is the best idea ever.'"

Seeing the reaction was exciting for the pair, who have since seen other couple's throw similar surprise weddings.

"That was really cool because it wasn't something I really saw much of previously. Commenters were so nice too. I find the internet is often the worst kind of place, but it's like an overwhelming amount of people that are complete strangers were really happy for us. I think it's cool to see something go viral for no reason other than love and happiness and people being happy for strangers."

Julie and Kevin hope to see other couples embrace the idea, if it's what feels right to them.

"In my opinion, 100% do it, if you think it sounds cool. It's obviously not for everyone. Some people do want to have all of the regular traditions, and I think that those are so amazing. I just knew that that wasn't really for Kevin and me," she says.

"It's a fun and interesting way to surprise people. We had the time of our lives."

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