Key to Korean

Key to Korean Motivation & Resources for Learning Korean

TOPIK Beginner Writing Samples (Tests 21-30)

One of the BEST things I ever studied while preparing for the TOPIK test was the sample answers that the TOPIK website provides.

TOPIK-Beginner Writing Topics & Samples (21-30).DOCX

So, I’ve decided to collect ALL the previous TOPIK Writing topics and examples provided by into a single document. However, since there are so many, I’ve decided to split the larger document into 2 smaller parts with 10 previous tests each (TOPIK Writing began from test 10).

Take a look:

TOPIK beginner writing samples 21-30

Why were these writing samples so great?

Simply, I could see some of the grammar structures and vocabulary that would give me more points on the test if I used them. Take test 29 for example. In the fourth sentence, it says:

시내에는 볼 것도 많고 맛있는 것도 많이 있기 때문입니다.

When preparing, ~기 때문입니다 (because of doing something) was one of the most useful things I learned. I made it my mission from then on to use either ~기 때문입니다 or ~때문에 (because of) in my TOPIK writing at some point.

Take a look also at the second sentence:

저는 운동을 좋아해서 친구들을 만나면 집 근처에 있는 운동장에서 농구 나 축구를 합니다.

The sentence basically says: “Since I like to exercise, if I meet my friends, we like to play basketball or soccer at the playground near my house.”

This is a great sentence to use “since” (~서) and “if” (~면) and “or” (나) and “nearby” (근처에 있는) – or any combination of the four.

Those are just a few examples of the kinds of great grammar structures you can find, learn from, and practice as you prepare for TOPIK. And if you want more help TOPIK Writing resources for Beginners, check out the following:

  • TOPIK Beginner Writing Topics & Tips (한국어능력시험 초급 쓰기)

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A note about topik registration in korea.

Warning: TOPIK II test locations fill up quickly! Less than 2 hours after registration opened, I was 17,878 in line. After 5 hours, everything that opened for registration today was full. Be early, or be sorry. (Or wait for IBT TOPIK from 2023.)

120 Days to TOPIK #1 – Gather Resources

Gather your resources! This is one of my favorite parts of any new Challenge because it can be fun to look over the kinds of materials you WANT to use and the kinds of things you WANT to learn (plus, Continue reading 120 Days to TOPIK #1 – Gather Resources

How I Will Study for the TOPIK II in 120 Days (and You Can Join Me)

Well, that was unexpected. I recently wrote a post outlining my plan to cram for the TOPIK II in 30 days. I had been planning to take the test on July 19, 2015. But, I guess plans change. As it turns Continue reading How I Will Study for the TOPIK II in 120 Days (and You Can Join Me)

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30 Useful Korean Transitional Phrases For Essay Writing

Are you studying for an upcoming exam in your Korean class or the TOPIK exam that includes essay writing? 

If you are at an intermediate to advanced level, you should become familiar with some Korean transitional phrases to make your paragraphs more interesting to read. A transitional phrase can be used to make your message transition smoothly from one sentence to the next.  

If you just write a string of sentences without any transitional phrases, your essay can end up sounding awkward and robotic without a natural flow.

In this article, I have compiled a list of 30 Korean transitional phrases that will prove very useful for you to have in your writing arsenal.

Useful Korean Essay Phrases

Korean Transitional Phrases

Below are some examples of these phrases I have found in recent articles that appeared in Woman Sense , a women’s magazine in Korea. 

I have underlined and highlighted where transitional phrases are used, but you can use the links provided to read through the rest of the articles to find more on your own:

From Woman Sense magazine article about Taiwan (2/16/2020):

이처럼 대만에서 채식이 보편화된 이유는 종교와 관련이 있다. 대만의 일류 호텔에서 채식 케이터링을 담당하는 요리사 임언보 씨는 “내가 채식에 관심을 갖게 된 이유는 종교 때문”이라며 “채식 요리를 업으로 삼고 있는 나 역시 채식을 하고 있다”고 말한다. 현재 대만에는 70%의 도교 및 불교 신자가 살고 있다. 따라서 채식 문화가 잘 정립돼 있고 더불어 채식이 트렌드가 되면서 젊은 층 사이에서 건강과 환경을 위해 채식을 하려는 움직임 또한 늘고 있다.

이처럼 대만에서 채식이 보편화된 이유는... The reason the vegetarian diet has become widespread to this extent is... 따라서 채식 문화가 잘 정립돼 있고... Therefore, the vegetarian culture is well established...

From Woman Sense magazine aricle about South Korean actor Park Jung-min (2/17/2020):

따지고 보면 그는 작품의 흥행 여부와 상관없이 스크린 속에서 한 번도 관객을 실망시킨 적이 없다. <파수꾼>(2010), <동주>(2015), <그것만이 내 세상>(2018), <사바하>(2019)를 거쳐 노랑머리 반항가가 된 영화 <시동>까지 늘 그랬다.

따지고 보면 그는 작품의 흥행 여부와 상관없이 스크린 속에서 한 번도 관객을 실망시킨 적이 없다.

It can be argued that he has never disappointed his audience on screen regardless of his films’ blockbuster status. 

특히 <시동> 은…

In particular, “Start-Up” (movie) is...

From Woman Sense magazine article about the older generation in the spotlight (2/7/2020):

이들이 최근 주목받는 이유는 기본적으로 인구 변화 추이가 한몫했기 때문. 출산율이 현저히 낮아지면서 젊은 인구가 감소하는 대신 50~60대는 전체 인구의 30%에 육박하고 있다. 게다가 최근 IT 기술에 이들이 적응하기 시작하면서 요즘 몇 년간 온라인에서 가장 성장 속도가 빠른 구매층이기도 하다.

게다가 최근 IT 기술에 이들이 적응하기 시작하면서...

In addition to that, as they started to become more skilled in the latest information technology...

From Woman Sense magazine article about the importance of breakfast (1/29/2020):

아침을 잘 챙겨 먹으면 규칙적인 생활을 유지할 확률이 높아진다. 오전에 활동량이 많으므로 아침을 먹으면 에너지를 얻어 활동적인 하루를 보내게 된다. 특히 겨울에는 체온을 높이는 데도 도움을 줘 건강을 유지하는 데 좋다. 아침을 거르고 활동하면 몸은 활동에 필요한 에너지를 얻기 위해 체내 지방을 분해하는데, 이때 포도당과 젖산이 생성된다. 젖산은 몸의 피로도를 높이고 면역력을 떨어뜨린다. 그렇다면 아침으로 무엇을 먹으면 좋을까?

Especially in winter…

이때 포도당과 젖산이 생성된다.

At this time, glucose and lactic acid are created.

This is when glucose and lactic acid are created.

그렇다면 아침으로 무엇을 먹으면 좋을까?

If that is the case, what would be the best food to eat for breakfast?

Other useful Korean words and phrases you could check out:

Basic Korean Phrases for Travelers and Beginners

Korean Words and Phrases For Food Issues

In order to become more familiar with the above Korean transitional phrases, you should practice writing a variety of different sentences using the words/phrases listed.

I also want to emphasize how important it is for you to read other people’s writing as much as possible. As with any language, the more you read, the better you will become at writing. Try to find Korean books, magazines, newspapers, or any other types of written material that are appropriate for your level.

열심히 공부하세요!  화이팅!!

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About the Author  Linda McKenna

Linda was born in Seoul, South Korea, and moved to the U.S. as a teen. She previously taught at a Korean language school. She is a language enthusiast and loves learning about different languages and cultures


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Spring 2022 korean essay contest.

Spring 2022 Korean Essay Contest This contest is presented by the East Asian Languages and Cultures Department's Korean Language Program and supported by Center for Korean Studies (CKS). Participants will write a critical essay based on the Korean novel "Almond" by Won-pyung Sohn. A digital copy of the English version of the book can be accessed from the UC Berkeley C.V. Starr East Asian Library. The book can also be ordered in either English or Korean from Amazon. The first 100 students to register and request financial support will receive $15 gift cards from Amazon to support the purchase of the book. Recipients of financial support who do not submit essays to the contest will be required to refund the amount. The contest is open to all registered UC Berkeley students. Interested students must  register  for the contest by February 28 and then submit their 1,000 word critical essay in either English or Korean to  [email protected]  no later than March 31, 2022. The winners will be announced on April 15, 2022, and prizes will be awarded to the top 7 entries. The contest guidelines can be reviewed  here . Please direct questions about the contest to Soojin Lee at  [email protected] .  2022 contest  winners:

Korean Culture: History and Principles Essay

Korean culture is historically strongly connected to the Chinese culture. In fact, China has influenced almost every aspect of Korean culture, such as religion, language, and education. In religion, the most widespread confession, Buddhism, came from China during the Three Kingdoms period. In language, Chinese characters became the basis for the Korean writing system. In education, the first recorded schools were founded by Confucian classics. Although this may be true, Korea has its unique features and traditions taken from other cultures that have a more significant impact on Korean society today.

Buddhism has become an integral part of Korean civilization despite the fact that it originated in India. Although most of the Koreans do not belong to any confession, a considerable part of Korea’s population consider themselves Buddhists. Buddhism is a religion founded in 550 BC by an Indian prince Sakyamuni, who is believed to have found a way to overcome human suffering. Buddhism was entered to Korean peninsula in about 333 AD and soon became the state religion. Buddhism’s contributions to literature, art, philosophy, and architecture are tremendous.

In 1860 Ch’oe Che-u introduced a unique ideology called Tonghak. The other name of the religion is Heavenly Way, and it is based upon a sole statement that man is heaven and heaven is man. It means that Ch’oe believed that there is no external God, but only God that is inside of every person. Therefore, people can go to heaven if they treat their neighbor as if God is a part of everyone.

Despite the contributions Buddhism has made to shaping Korean civilization and defending Korean territory in the past, Buddhists have generally not been major players in the 20th century. Today, Christianity plays a far greater role than any other religion in the country. Therefore, while heaving deep historical roots in Buddhism, people of Korea tend to embrace Christianity in the pursuit of modernization.

Korean is one of the top 20 languages in the world in terms of the number of speakers. Korean belongs to the Tungstic branch of the Altaic language family, which includes Turkish, Mongolian, and Tungus. Although some dialects can still be heard in several administrative regions, South Korea shows a tendency towards the widespread use of the standard language. Besides, for Koreans, it is essential to speak honorific, as interpersonal communication is judged more by how one says something than by what one says.

The Korean alphabet, Hangul, was created in 1443 during the reign of King Sejong (1418-1450); before that the Koreans used Chinese characters. The language and literature, like all the other parts of Korean culture, have been greatly influenced by China. According to the Great Dictionary compiled by the Korean Language Society, Korean vocabulary of Chinese origin accounts for more than half (54%) of the words in use today. In brief, the Korean language is a synthesis of Chinese roots and modern developments.

Korean education has been an essential component of culture. On the one hand, classical approach to education deeply embedded in religious teachings of Buddhism and Confucianism. On the other hand, modern Christian approach to learning with an emphasis on sciences and technology was introduced recently. Therefore, it is possible to conclude that Korean education is a unique mixture of long-lasting tradition and present-day tendencies.

Cultural principles affect not only personal lives, but also business. The predominant features of the Korean culture are deep historical roots, strong connections with China in all aspects, and consistent modernization. In conclusion, in their strive to understand Koreans, people are to realize the rare fusion of tradition and innovation that is presented in Korean culture makes it rather progressive and unique.

  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2022, January 20). Korean Culture: History and Principles.

"Korean Culture: History and Principles." IvyPanda , 20 Jan. 2022,

IvyPanda . (2022) 'Korean Culture: History and Principles'. 20 January.

IvyPanda . 2022. "Korean Culture: History and Principles." January 20, 2022.

1. IvyPanda . "Korean Culture: History and Principles." January 20, 2022.


IvyPanda . "Korean Culture: History and Principles." January 20, 2022.

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  • Korean Tradition and Culture: Lessons Learnt
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  • The History of Korean American Immigration Experience
  • The Japanese Culture and Ecological Interests
  • Chinese New Year Superstition as a Reflection of Our Hopes and Fears
  • Cultural Values vs. the UN Declaration of Human Rights
  • Beat Generation's Writers and American Culture
  • Arab Masculinity and Nationalism, on the Example of Two Novels

Korean stories, made simple

Improve your Korean reading skills with traditional Korean stories, translated and designed for learners.

Featured Stories

Read our carefully selected stories to boost your korean skills.

Cover for the story 호랑이와 곶감

호랑이와 곶감 | The Tiger and the Dried Persimmon

A tiger is hungry and there is a house nearby with a mother and her baby. What will the tiger do?

Cover for the story 의좋은 형제

의좋은 형제 | The Good Brothers

In a quaint village, two brothers, each leading different lives, showcase the depth of their bond through subtle and thoughtful acts.

Cover for the story 콩쥐팥쥐

콩쥐팥쥐 | Kongjwi and Patjwi

Kongjwi is a kind girl mistreated by her stepmother and stepsister. Her goodness brings magical help and leads to a life-changing meeting.

Cover for the story 흥부와 놀부

흥부와 놀부 | Heungbu and Nolbu

Two brothers with contrasting personalities have interactions with a swallow, lead to very different outcomes.

Cover for the story 바보

바보 | The Fool

A naive young man tries to sell some cloth but has some trouble getting money from the buyer.

Cover for the story 푸른 구슬

푸른 구슬 | The Blue Bead

A lucky couple have an amazing life thanks to a golden carp.

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Follow these simple steps to improve your Korean

Start with a story that matches your Korean level

Choose from a variety of stories that align with your current skill in Korean.

Read the story and use English translations

Improve your comprehension by reading the stories and checking the English translations to learn new words.

Test your knowledge with a quiz

Take a short quiz to test your understanding of the story and review the vocabulary you’ve learned.

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How to Introduce Yourself in Korean: The 15-minute Guide

Becoming completely fluent in 국어 (the Korean language) can take years.

But if you only want to learn how to introduce yourself in Korean, all you need is 15 minutes!

In this article, I’ll teach you how to say “Hello, my name is…” and other useful phrases for when you first meet somebody. I’ll also provide you with a sample conversation and websites or apps you can use to help solidify what you’ve learned.

How to Introduce Yourself in Korean: An Overview

Basic phrases for introducing yourself in korean, “hello, my name is…”, “nice to meet you”, “i’m from…”, talking about your age, talking about your job, sample conversation for introducing yourself in korean, online resources for practicing your introducing yourself in korean, watch authentic korean videos on fluentu, connect with native speakers on hellotalk, run grammar drills on how to study korean, work on memorization with korean flashcards from quizlet, chat with a robot on mondlyar.

Download: This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you can take anywhere. Click here to get a copy. (Download)

In English, when you first meet somebody, you probably say some variation of “Hello, my name is…” You can use the same phrase in English no matter who you’re talking to.

In Korean, you need to change the phrase slightly depending on who you’re speaking with.  The way you speak to older members of the family , for example, will differ from the way you speak to close friends.

In case you’re not familiar with the different levels of formality in Korean , here’s a quick guide.

  • 반말 (Casual language): Used with people younger than you and close friends. 
  • 존댓말 (Polite language): Used with strangers and people you don’t know well. It comes in two forms: informal and formal. Sentences written in the informal version usually end with a “ 요 ” on the verb. Sentences written in the formal version often end in (ㅡ) ㅂ니다 .

For our purposes, we’re going to focus on the polite informal way of speaking . You can use this form in most day-to-day situations.

Just like in English, there are several ways to introduce yourself in Korean .

When you’re meeting somebody for the first time, you’ll use one of the following phrases to say “Hello, my name is…”

If your name ends in a vowel, say:

안녕하세요? 저는 _____ 예요 . Hello, my name is _____.

If your name ends in a consonant, say:

안녕하세요? 저는 _____ 이에요 . Hello, my name is _____.

You can also use one of the following phrases with no difference in meaning.

If your name ends in a vowel:

제 이름은 _____ 예요 . My name is _____.

And if your name ends in a consonant:

제 이름은 _____ 이에요 . My name is _____.

If you want to ask somebody else what their name is, you can say:

이름이 뭐예요? What is your name?

There are several ways to say “nice to meet you” in Korean, but one of the simplest is:

만나서 반가워요. Nice to meet you.

Shortly after meeting somebody, they might ask you about your background. You can use this phrase to tell somebody what country or city you’re from:

저는 _____ 에서 왔어요 . I come from _____.

Korean speakers often drop the word “I” from sentences. Usually, when you can guess the subject of the sentence from the context, you can drop 저는 without changing the meaning.

Here’s a list of some countries you might be from. Most countries sound similar to their English counterpart, but some others (like America, Australia and England) are different.

Canada: 캐나다 England: 영국 America: 미국 Ireland: 아일랜드 Scotland: 스코틀랜드 Northern Ireland: 북아일랜드 New Zealand: 뉴질랜드 India: 인도 Australia: 호주 The Philippines: 필리핀 Jamaica: 자메이카 The Bahamas: 바하마 제도

When meeting somebody for the first time, you may want to ask them how old they are so you know how formal you should be when speaking.

Saying your age is easy. You can just give a number followed by this phrase:

_____ 살이에요 . I am _____ years old.

Keep in mind that there are two different number systems in Korean. For your age, you should use native Korean numbers. If you need to brush up on your Korean numbers, here’s a reminder.

One: 하나 ( 한 ) Two: 둘 ( 두 ) Three: 셋 ( 세 ) Four: 넷 ( 네 ) Five: 다섯 Six: 여섯 Seven: 일곱 Eight: 여덟 Nine: 아홉 Ten: 열 Twenty: 스물 ( 스무 ) Thirty: 서른 Forty: 마흔 Fifty: 쉰 Sixty: 예순 Seventy: 일흔 Eighty: 여든 Ninety: 아흔

If you want to ask someone how old they are, you can use either of the following expressions, depending on whether the context is formal or casual.

나이가 어떻게 되세요? How old are you? (Formal)

몇 살이에요? How old are you? (Casual)

If you’re asking somebody older than you their age, you should say:

연세가 어떻게 되세요? How old are you?

If you want to tell somebody what you do for work, you can use the following expression, putting your job title in the blank:

저는 _____ 이에요/예요 . I am a _____.

Here’s a list of some common job titles.

Teacher: 선생님 Student: 학생 Doctor: 의사 Nurse: 간호사 Scientist: 과학자 Athlete: 운동 선수

If you want to ask somebody what their job is, you can use the following expression. It loosely translates to “what is your profession?”

무슨 일 하세요? What’s your job?

Congratulations—you now have a solid foundation for introducing yourself and striking up a conversation in Korean!

Now that you’ve learned some basic phrases , here’s an example of a conversation putting them together:

Ryan: 안녕하세요? 저는 Ryan이에요. 이름이 뭐예요? Hello, I’m Ryan. What’s your name?

Min-Soo: 저는 Min-Soo예요. 한국에서 왔어요. I’m Min-Soo. I’m from Korea.

Ryan: 만나서 반가워요. Nice to meet you.

Min-Soo: 저도요. Ryan, 나이가 어떻게 되세요? Same to you. How old are you, Ryan?

Ryan: 25살이에요. 무슨 일 하세요? I’m 25 years old. What’s your job?

Min-Soo: 학생이에요. I’m a student.

This is just one example of how this conversation might go. To really get the ball rolling, call up a classmate, conversation partner or Korean-speaking friend and run this dialogue several different times with variations in how the two characters respond. Record yourself and then listen back for extra pronunciation practice.

Merely learning these phrases once isn’t enough. You have to make time to practice!

Here are a few apps and websites to help you reinforce what you’ve learned here:


You can look up all of the phrases above to see them in action in real Korean-language media.

FluentU takes real-world videos—like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talks—and turns them into personalized language learning lessons .

Here's a quick look at the variety of video choices available to you:


Each word in the interactive captions comes with a definition, audio, image, example sentences and more.


Access a complete interactive transcript of every video under the Dialogue tab, and easily review words and phrases from the video under Vocab .


Don't stop there, though. You can use FluentU’s unique quizzes to learn the vocabulary and phrases from the video through fun questions.


FluentU even tracks your progress and remembers all the words you've learned, making for a 100% personalized experience .

Review sessions use video context to help embed the words in your memory. The best part? You can access the full FluentU video library with a free trial!

Start using the FluentU website on your computer or tablet or, better yet, download the FluentU app from the iTunes or Google Play store. Click here to take advantage of our current sale! (Expires at the end of this month.)

how to introduce yourself in korean

HelloTalk is a social media app that connects you with native speakers interested in learning your language.

You can chat, ask questions and make corrections to each other’s speech and writing. This app is great for practicing introductions, because you’ll have to introduce yourself every time you connect with someone new!

If you want to know more about this app, read our HelloTalk review .

how to introduce yourself in korean

If you want to improve your grammar and develop your fluency, How to Study Korean is one of the best free resources available on the internet.

The site has more than 150 lessons to help you improve your Korean language ability, plus games and activities to help you practice.

how to introduce yourself in korean

If you prefer your flashcards the old-fashioned way, that’s great too: simply make some using paper or notecards. Writing these phrases down will help you practice spelling and aid in memorization as well.

how to introduce yourself in korean

MondlyAR—part of the broader Mondly language-learning service—provides a virtual reality chatbox feature that can help you practice phrases you’ve learned.

Try starting a conversation and practicing the phrases you’ve learned today. Using a chatbot can be a great way to build confidence before reaching out to an actual native speaker. You can learn more about whether MondlyAR is the app for you via our review .

Other than the above, there are plenty of apps you can check out to level up your Korean.

For more information on how to introduce yourself in Korean, you can also watch this YouTube video:

And if you want to get your honorifics right, this video can help you out:

See? 15 minutes of your time, and you’re already a more confident Korean speaker.

Now that you know some basic phrases, you can use them to kickstart your next conversation in Korean. This just might be the perfect moment to transform that Korean-speaking stranger into a new friend.

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South Korea: an Amazing Country

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Words: 828 |

Published: Aug 30, 2022

Words: 828 | Pages: 2 | 5 min read

Works Cited:

  • Haggis, P. (Director). (2004). Crash [Motion Picture]. United States: Lions Gate Films.
  • Kellner, D. (2006). Cultural Studies, Multiculturalism, and Media Culture. Film-Philosophy, 10(1), 1-18.
  • Leavy, P. (2008). The Oxford Handbook of Qualitative Research. Oxford University Press.
  • Liu, J. H., & Hilton, D. J. (2005). Stereotypes and prejudice: Key readings. Psychology Press.
  • Martin, M. (2006). Crash: Racism and Hysteria in America. Screen Education, (40), 43-48.
  • Nakagawa, S. (2006). A Review of the Movie Crash. The Japanese Journal of American Studies, (17), 299-303.
  • Nayar, P. K. (2009). An interview with Paul Haggis. Post Script: Essays in Film and the Humanities, 28(2), 28-36.
  • Ponniah, S. (2011). Race and racism in Paul Haggis's Crash: A cultural analysis. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 1(6), 260-268.
  • Said, E. W. (1978). Orientalism. Vintage Books.
  • Shohat, E., & Stam, R. (1994). Unthinking Eurocentrism: Multiculturalism and the Media. Routledge.

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Narrative Essay: My Trip to South Korea

I had always wanted to visit South Korea and I recently had the chance to spend a week in this amazing country. Unlike its northern neighbor which is pretty much closed to visitors, South Korea is a welcoming and hospitable country. It is an interesting place with a unique culture and a highly developing economy.

I flew into the capital Seoul. On arrival in the city, it was the marked contrast between modern skyscrapers and high design shopping malls and shanty towns that was immediately striking. Wide streets lined by fancy boutiques lead to a labyrinth of narrow alleyways with tiny traditional shops and eateries and there is a clutch of great tourist attractions.

My tour itinerary began on Seoul’s main boulevard, Sejongro, because I wanted to see the Royal Palace (Gyeongbok), the President’s residence, known as Cheongwadae or the Blue House, and the American Embassy. From here it’s a fairly short walk to Bukchon where there is the city’s largest collection of privately owned traditional wooden houses. It’s a charm with beautiful architecture and small courtyards, with the houses interspersed with quaint cafes and art galleries.

Taking the same route the next day, I took a trip into the mountains that peak behind the President’s House, and climbed the one known as Bugaksan. This affords the opportunity to pass through the Sukjeongmun Gate and through the city’s ancient fortress wall. From here the Seoul Fortress is easily accessible and there are also amazing views of Seoul.

Shopping in the Orient is an amazing experience so I made sure to pay a visit to the Shinsegae downtown department store. This huge emporium sells probably everything you can imagine and is a complete charm in the way the bottom floors sell all the basic staples of daily life – including the ubiquitous kimchee (fermented cabbage) and are frequented by Korean housewives while the upper floors cater to the well-heeled and brand conscious. As fascinating as it is, the new rooftop garden is a welcome respite. But, if you are going to shop in Seoul, it’s a must to visit the street stalls and hawkers of the Namdaemum Market where the wares seem to be spread out in a blanket of never-ending stalls. Be prepared to be seriously jostled by the crowds, but it’s also the chance to feast on the best street food.

One of the most surprising sights and a rue delight is the Cheonggyecheon Stream. Running for just under 4 miles through the city, the stream is remarkably quiet given its location, because it is 15 foot below street level. The serene setting, accentuated by waterfalls and bridge is a favorite strolling spot for romantic couples.

With a flying visit to Itaewon, the popular ex-pat neighborhood near to the main US army base, my time in Seoul came to an end. I was enthralled and captivated and hope I get to return one day.

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On a trip to Korea, I rediscovered myself in the food

Until recently, I’ve always felt confident identifying as Korean. But this past winter, I visited Korea for the first time in years. In planning the trip, I realized my relationship to the country had always been mediated by my parents. As the date approached, I began to feel a lot of self-doubt creep in. If I stepped outside the bubble of my family, could I still hold my own?

On a trip to Korea, I rediscovered myself in the food

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President Syngman Rhee of South Korea declares the establishment of the government of the Republic of Korea on Aug. 15, 1948. In his remarks, he referred to “30 years” of the Republic of Korea. (courtesy of the Memorial Association for the Founding President Syngman Rhee)

By Lee Jun-sik, former president of the Independence Hall of Korea

When Syngman Rhee’s name is mentioned, most people think of a dictator. However, a movement centered around the so-called “new right” has emerged in recent years to elevate Rhee’s status. According to this group, Rhee should be seen as the nation’s founding father, who laid the foundation for what is now the Republic of Korea. 

Recently, the Yoon administration has advanced this idea as well. Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon even came up with the absurd idea of building a memorial hall for Rhee in the capital’s Jongno District. 

History has already evaluated Rhee. He was a leader who was kicked out of office twice — once as the president of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea and then as president of the Republic of Korea.

Why would a reevaluation of Rhee be necessary? Although he may have had some merit, his many mistakes far surpass his contributions. If there is any credit we must give to Syngman Rhee, it may be that he himself admitted he could never be the “father of the nation” that some strongly advocate him to be.

Rhee was elected as the first speaker of the National Assembly in the Constituent National Assembly, which was formed as a result of the elections on May 10, 1948. In his opening address on May 31, Rhee emphasized the “reconstruction of the independent, democratic government of Korea.” Here, the independent democratic government of Korea means the Republic of Korea.

To quote Syngman Rhee again, “We hereby declare that, after 29 years, it is the day of resurrection of the republic and the year numbering of the republic should start from the year of gimi (1919).”

When drafting the Constitution, controversy arose over what to name the country. Ultimately, it was decided to keep the name the Republic of Korea, which had already been formed in 1919.

As a result, the preamble to the initial version of the Constitution included the phrase, “We, the people of Korea, with a glorious tradition and history from time immemorial, following the indomitable spirit of independence, as manifested in the establishment of the Republic of Korea on the course of the SAM-IL [March 1st] independence movement, Now at this time engage in reconstructing a democratic, independent country.”

The country’s main historical document thus shows that the Republic of Korea was already established during the independence movement and that the launch of the government under the Constitution meant the reconstruction of the Republic of Korea, not the founding of an entirely new nation. 

Similarly, in his commemorative speech to celebrate the establishment of the government on Aug. 15, 1948, Syngman Rhee referred to “30 years” of the Republic of Korea. The first official gazette of the Republic of Korea, published on Sept. 1, also stated “30 years of the Republic of Korea.”

As such, the Rhee government itself clearly stated that the Republic of Korea was not established by virtue of its government taking power on Aug. 15, 1948. 

After several amendments, the preamble to the Constitution changed. Still, the preamble to the current version contains the phrase: “We, the people of Korea, [. . .] upholding the cause of the Provisional Republic of Korea Government born of the March First Independence Movement of 1919.” 

Nevertheless, those who want to elevate Rhee’s status argue that the government’s formation on Aug. 15, 1948, was also the day the Republic of Korea was founded. This not only rejects what the Constitution says but also Rhee’s own multiple claims that the Republic of Korea was established in 1919. 

Those who insist that Rhee is the country’s founding father have been pushing for a “national foundation day” to be established. However, there are very few countries that consider the date of the government’s establishment to be the same as that of the nation’s founding.

Japan is the only country in the East Asian cultural sphere that has a national holiday named National Foundation Day. In 1873, Japan declared the day the country’s first emperor took the throne as the foundational date for its modern nation. Originally, the holiday was named “Kigensetsu,” which has been translated as “Festival of the Accession of the First Emperor and the Foundation of the Empire.” This was revised to simply “National Foundation Day” in 1966 by the Japanese cabinet. 

What’s clear, however, is that Japan’s National Foundation Day is not a celebration of the launch of a specific government or administration. South Korea’s own National Foundation Day, or celebrates the mythical foundation of the kingdom of Gojoseon in 2333 BC. China celebrates National Day of the People's Republic of China on Oct. 1, when Mao Zedong first proclaimed the establishment of the People’s Republic of China in 1949. Taiwan celebrates National Day of the Republic of China, or Double Ten Day, on Oct. 10, which commemorates the Wuchang Uprising of 1911 that ultimately led to the collapse of the Qing Dynasty. North Korea celebrates the Day of the Foundation of the Republic on Sept. 9, when the Democratic People's Republic of Korea was proclaimed by Kim Il-sung in 1948. Vietnam celebrates National Day on Sept. 2, when Ho Chi Minh declared Vietnam's independence from France in 1945.

The majority of countries around the world celebrate a type of independence day, the equivalent to our March 1st Independence Movement Day or National Liberation Day. This is especially the case for countries that were former colonies. The Fourth of July in the US commemorates the Declaration of Independence. Americans do not view Independence Day as their “foundational day.”

There is a reason why the new right and the far right are pushing for a national foundation day. It’s to launder a history of dictatorships and collaboration with the Japanese imperial regime. 

Their ulterior motives are to create a national foundation day to bury the historical relevance of independence fighters and activists. By doing so, they would allow the pro-Japanese collaborators and those who upheld the authoritarian regimes that followed liberation to take their place, to make it seem as though Japanese collaboration and dictatorship are Korea’s birthright. 

This is evident in their selection of 1948 as the foundation year, when the Syngman Rhee regime kicked off. This is why they keep pushing for a national foundation day. It’s also why they insist on calling Rhee a “founding father.”  

Please direct questions or comments to [ [email protected] ]

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Korean Honor Scholarship (KHS) 2024 Announced (Essay Title Change)

2024 Korean Honor Scholarship(KHS) Guidelines.pdf fileDownload

■ There is the change in the essay title, please refer to the amened Guideline 

Korean Honor Scholarship (KHS) 2024 Announced

- 80 KHS recipients will be selected in 2024

The Korean Honor Scholarship Committee extends an invitation to Korean and Korean-American undergraduate and graduate students to compete for the year 2024 Korean Honor Scholarship.

    The Scholarship was first established in 1981 with the gift fund of one million US dollars donated by the government of the Republic of Korea to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the opening of diplomatic relations between Korea and the U. S. A. Now the total amount of fund is 2.90 million US dollars. The scholarship is awarded to encourage outstanding students who have Korean heritage to achieve their highest academic performance and develop leadership qualities for their future professional careers in the global society.

     The Korean Honor Scholarship Committee has awarded 3,388 scholarships to outstanding Korean and Korean-American students over the past 42 years.  To be eligible for consideration, applicants must be attending college or university at least both 2023 fall and 2024 spring semesters in the U. S. A. and must have an overall grade average of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 basis. In addition to the academic achievement, an essay, a letter of recommendation, awards, honors, performances and extracurricular activities are reviewed for selection. Approximately 74 scholarships* in the U.S. and 6 scholarships in Canada will be awarded in the U. S. this year. Scholarship will be awarded once in undergraduate and graduate level respectively.)

 *They include special scholarships for U.S. Presidential Scholarship winners

The following dates are important for undergraduate and graduate students who are interested in applying the Korean Honor Scholarship in the U.S.

  - Application period: April 22 ~ June 28, 2024   - First round evaluation at regional consular offices: July 1 ~ July 5, 2024   - Final round evaluation by Central Selection Committee: July 23   - Scholarship Award presentation: After September 30

 The amount of scholarships is as follows: 

  - Best Honor Scholarship: $ 5,000 (2 students)    - Excellent Honor Scholarship - $ 3,000 (4 students)   - Honor Scholarship: $1,500 (58 students or so)

    Students who are interested in applying the KHS need to refer to the Embassy's website, in     or in any search engine(*using search for 'korean honor scholarship'), or Korean Education Center in Washington, DC, , to download the application form and the guideline. Applications also must be submitted to the regional consular office CLOSEST TO his or her HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION. 

Applications for the scholarship in Arts, Adoptee and Special must be directly submitted to the Office of Education Minister Counselor at the Embassy of the Republic of Korea, Washington, D.C. The KHS Committee asks the applicants who need further information or inquiry to contact the Office of Education Minister Counselor at the Embassy of the Republic of Korea, Washington, D.C.(202-939-5679~5681) or one of the regional Consular Offices closest to their college or university.

● Contact Information

o Korean Education Center in Washington DC : 202.939.5679/5681, [email protected]

     (Washington D.C.,Maryland,Virginia,West Virginia)

    Korean Education Center -2320 Massachusetts Ave. Washington DC , 2000 8

  o Korean Education Center in New York : 646.674.6051 [email protected]

     (Connecticut,Delaware,New Jersey,New York,Pennsylvania)

  o Korean Consulate General in Los Angeles : 213.385.9300(ext.202), [email protected]

     3243 Wilshire Blvd #204 Los Angeles CA 90010

     (Arizona,Nevada,New Mexico,Southern California)

  o Korean Education Center in Chicago : 847.777.8830, [email protected]

    (Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Wisconsin)

  o Korean Education Center in Houston : 713.961.4104, [email protected]

    (Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Texas)

  o Korean Education Center in San Francisco : 415.590.4058, [email protected]

     (Colorado,Northern California, Utah, Wyoming)

  o Korean Education Center in Atlanta : 770.686.3949, [email protected]

     (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina,South Carolina, Tennessee)

  o Consulate General of the Republic of Korea(Boston) : 617.641.2830, [email protected]

     (New Hampshire,Rhode Island,Maine,Massachusetts,Vermont)

  o Consulate General of the Republic of Korea(Seattle) : 206.441.1011, [email protected]


  o Consulate General of the Republic of Korea(Honolulu) :  808.595.6109, [email protected]

     (American Samoa,Hawaii,Guam)



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