Live Bold and Bloom

15 Personal Vision Statement Examples

Now that you recognize it's time to approach your life proactively, you need to create a personal vision statement .

Clearly defining the vision you have for your life requires more than just thinking about it. You need to write it down.

The act of writing something down and then reading it daily reinforces the message and makes it more real.

Even better, print out your personal vision statement and post it where you can see it frequently.

This reminder will increase your motivation and foster the self-growth you desire.

What Is a Personal Vision Statement?

How to write a personal vision statement, final thoughts.

A personal vision statement is a clear, concise summary of your personal goals and dreams for the future . It serves as an anchor when life pulls you in different directions.

It is also a guide for making decisions based on your values, and it helps you stay focused on the goals you want to achieve.

The process of writing one compels you to think about the purpose of your life and how to achieve that.

You'll identify your most important guiding principles and describe how you intend to apply them to your life.

Your statement also introduces you to the power of setting concrete goals. Research by psychologist Gail Matthews found that people who wrote down their goals succeeded 33% more often than people who only thought about their goals.

If you want to live the life you envision, you need to avoid the trap of abandoning your dreams in the realm of the abstract. Writing down your vision is the best way to actualize it.

To get started, you can study personal vision statement examples to get ideas about how to write yours.

Writing a personal vision statement begins with free writing. At this point, you simply ask yourself questions and write down whatever comes to mind. Don't impose any judgments at this point because you want to uncover your hopes and dreams for the future.

  • List your personal strengths .
  • List your personal weaknesses.
  • Write down your core values .
  • Think about how your values should guide interactions with family, at work, and within your community.
  • Consider the best uses for your life energy based on your inner compass and values.
  • Identify some specific goals that you want to pursue.
  • Imagine the legacy of your purpose, goals, and actions.
  • Examine your notes to see what jumps out as most important.
  • Compose a paragraph that summarizes your priorities in the form of a vision statement.

It's important to keep your vision statement as a single paragraph. This way, you'll be able to read it easily and frequently.

If you want to write more paragraphs to address specific goals, that's fine, but these would be supplemental to your main vision statement.

Here are several vision statement examples you can use to help you brainstorm your own. There are no strict rules here related to the words you choose and the concepts you include.

man sitting at desk with computer personal vision statements

But if any of the statements in these examples resonate with you, feel free to make them your own and rewrite them to suit your goals and dreams.

I want to be a source of stability and inspiration for my family. I commit myself to succeed in my career while balancing my emotional needs with those of family members. I want my actions to promote harmony and increase everyone's chance for future happiness. When stress threatens to overtake me, I consciously take time to calm down to prevent acting with hostility or annoyance toward others. I also express my needs and seek support from others instead of letting my problems stew inside me as I've been prone to do in the past.
My life's work has a greater purpose beyond my own material needs. I identify a problem in my community and take responsibility for contributing to its solution. My purpose is to serve others in a way that best matches my skills and values, and I am committed to making choices in my personal and professional life that furthers that purpose.
My personal vision recognizes that I am a small part of a living Earth. I want to live in a way that represents authentic participation in a sustainable ecosystem. My guiding principle is reducing my negative impact on the environment. I direct my spare time toward regenerative practices that nurture the soil, such as gardening and tree planting. I control my consumption by choosing a modestly-sized home and reducing my production of plastic waste through conscious consumer choices and actions. I become an example to others for the purpose of spreading a greater appreciation for green living.
My vital role in the lives of my children automatically means that I have a great purpose in life. Instead of dreaming about the world seeing my value, I strive every day to be the hero of my family. My job as a parent is to mindfully raise my children in an environment of acceptance, love, and affirmation.
Advancing my career is important for me at this point in life. If I achieve my career goals, I'll have greater financial stability and peace of mind. To make these things happen, I intend to set certain standards for my professional life and only make strategic compromises. I want to keep myself accountable for my career instead of falling back into the habit of blaming others for my disappointments. I cannot control everything that influences my career, but I can persist after setbacks and focus on what I can do to improve my skills and increase my value. This means that I should seek continuing education and make time for networking with colleagues. I must put myself out there to connect with opportunities.
My rough childhood has inspired me to choose a career in teaching. I accept the challenges of this occupation with grace because children need positive adults in their lives. For some children, a caring adult within their community can give them hope when things aren't good at home. I believe that this purpose helps me be content with my life and heal the wounds from my past.

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Upon much reflection and consultation with those who know me best, I accept that my stubbornness is both my greatest strength and weakness. To take advantage of it as a strength, I intend to volunteer with my local legal aid office, where my experience as a paralegal can benefit people who lack resources to cope with legal challenges. Legal issues often require patience and persistence, and these two traits are reflected in my stubborn nature.
Although I value my introverted nature, I intend to experience more human connections in my life. I recognize the value of stretching myself and interacting with more people. To this end, I am setting the goals of joining a book club and hosting dinner parties twice a year.

woman smiling outdoors personal vision statement

My whole life I imagined myself with children, and the time has come for me to make family a priority. I plan to devote more time to dating in the hopes of finding lasting love and building a happy, healthy family life in the next five years.
My personal vision statement places faith at its center. Attending religious activities gives me a deep sense of spiritual connection with others. I want to learn more about my religion and provide comfort to people in their times of need. As a result, I intend to join a place of worship, attend services, and participate in at least one outreach program.
I see now that I could be in much better financial shape if I had been thoughtful earlier in life. My mission now is to value financial responsibility above impulsive purchases. I make money decisions related to how they benefit me instead of how they provide short-term gratification. This helps me alleviate financial stress and improve my well-being.
My lifetime goal is to master the art of non-judgment. Seeing the best in every living thing and viewing situations gracefully and compassionately is essential. Part of the journey is acknowledging my faults and learning to love myself – flaws and all. I choose to let kindness light my path and appoint empathy as my faultless guide. Spreading joy and understanding is my mission and something I can control. I pray my efforts lighten others’ emotional loads.
Learning to be a mentally healthy, admiringly responsible, financially independent adult will be a journey filled with peaks and valleys. But I can reach the summit by being mindful of my budget and living at or below my means. Not internalizing cultural messages and comparing myself to others on social media is vital to my success. A happy, healthy, stress-reduced life awaits if I adopt these guiding principles and learn to love what I have instead of coveting what I don’t.
Growing up, my parents, teachers, and other kids told me I wasn’t smart enough. But now I realize my learning style didn't mesh with my school's tactics. With dedication and patience, I can conquer any academic goal I set. I will no longer listen to the naysayers. Instead, I’ll take things one step at a time and make progress at my own pace. If I learn to control my thoughts and develop a solid work ethic, my horizons will expand, my reading and writing skills will improve, and from there, I’ll be able to develop fresh and exciting ideas.
I acknowledge that psychological issues, unaddressed toxic trauma, and fraught family dynamics caused me to behave poorly and act selfishly in the past. But it’s a new day, and I give myself permission to move on from the past and treat people better. Nobody is perfect; I will falter at times. But I know if I’m mindful, generous of spirit, and never take advantage of others, my relationships will flourish, and I’ll find happiness rooted in kindness, compassion, and mutual respect.

Are you ready to write your personal vision statement?

Philosophers may argue about the existence of a free will, but the truth is that you have plenty of control over the direction of your life.

The time that you invest in crafting a personal vision statement will keep you grounded amid the endless distractions of life.

As you can see in the personal vision statement examples presented here, your vision doesn't have to follow any particular direction.

Let your heart define your purpose and values, and then use your mind to pursue your values-based goals.

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My Vision and Mission in Life: the Purpose of My Journey

Table of contents, defining my vision, embracing my mission, the interplay between vision and mission.

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Personal Development, Self Help, Find Purpose, Goal Setting and Mindset

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300+ Powerful Personal Vision Statement Examples (Ultimate list)

Brian Wright

Take a look at the personal vision statement examples below to isolate and identify a crystal clear vision for your personal life.

Everyone who’s ever made a serious impact or achieved personal success has had a vision of how the world would be once they were successful.

People with vision are almost brainwashed into thinking the world could be changed simply by their effort and imagination.

  • They’re the champions of life and society.
  • We look up to them, we admire their fierce determination and unstoppable approach to life.

Writing a vision statement helps with goal setting and achieving inspirational life goals. You inevitably go through personal value exploration and get closer to your personal aspirations. In other words, you win.

Before you go through the article, open these articles and read them later .

  • Self Discovery Exercises
  • How to write a personal vision statement
  • Visualization techniques for reeling in your vision
  • Vision statements vs mission statements
  • Personal mission statement examples
  • Evolving your mission statement over time

What is a Vision (statement)?

A personal vision statement is your GPS guidance system for life. It uses your strengths, inspiration, compassion, values and ambition as a reference point for all the decisions you make in life.

Don’t confused a vision statement with your mission statement , which is is what you do each day ( short-term goals ) to reach the end result (your vision).

Companies use vision statements to be the deciding factor when it comes to making basic and strategic decisions.

In a world where you have endless options that could occupy your time, getting results in your personal growth requires that your actions be effective , and a personal vision statement gives you a map for making this so.

Personal vision statements are:

  • A strategy for getting the results you want in life
  • A map that shows you how to reach the summit of your dreams
  • A story you tell about the impact and mark you will leave on the world
  • Your guide for saying “yes” and “no” in a sea of endless options

A small statement can give you a goal oriented vision, clarity and purpose in life, gasoline for goal setting and motivation. It helps you aign your mission and vision and accomplish your aspirations and dreams.

Personal Vision Statement Examples

Here are some of the best examples of principle personal vision statements.

  • “A world free of animal cruelty.”
  • “That the future is free of corruption.”
  • “Everyone in my city is healthy and happy.”
  • “To see a resurgence of small food businesses.”
  • “Aiding people in not allowing fear to run their lives.”
  • “A future where expecting mothers have all the resources they need to be successful single moms.”
  • “To eliminate the difference between educations gotten by kids of wealthy parents and those with struggling parents.”
  • “I want to see a resurgence of libraries and free information in the world.”
  • “A world with decentralized food and more locally grown produce.”
  • “A government where taxes are fair and run the way they’re supposed to run.”
  • “A world free of needless war.”
  • “To have an abundant life for me and my family.”
  • “The whole world coming to me to hear my advice on issues I’m qualified to speak on.”
  • “Being happy with what I have and not endlessly desiring more.”
  • “I envision a life where I show others how to rise above their current circumstances and achieve success.”
  • “For my country to never have to worry about what’s in their food.”
  • “A world free of racism”
  • “To have everyone in the country eating my delicious food”
  • “Decreasing the food wasted in my community.”
  • “To decrease the amount of homeless, and to help the homeless who just need aid getting back on their feet.”
  • “To be the greatest athlete ever.”
  • “To know every nook and cranny of the world and discover it’s treasures.”
  • “A judicial system that is fair to everyone.”
  • “To make sure that all children are protected always.”
  • “To live in a society where everyone believes in their potential.”
  • “To inspire the worlds youth to think big, have serious impact on society and overcome obstacles using my experience having to do it all on my own.”
  • “To live life as fully as I can, grow my reality to match my internal growth and die with no regrets.”
  • “To transform the world of business into a customer-centric environment that is focused on exellent quality service and ideal capitalism rather than instant gratification and profit.”
  • “To educate parents all over the world how to raise children that will be well prepared for all the challenges they will face in their generation.”

30 Short Personal Vision Statement Examples

  • Guiding others to success through mentorship and support.
  • Fostering innovation and creativity for a brighter future.
  • Leading with integrity, leaving a legacy of trust.
  • Spreading joy and positivity in every interaction.
  • Championing diversity and inclusion for a harmonious world.
  • Empowering others to unlock their full potential.
  • Embracing change with resilience and adaptability.
  • Advocating for environmental sustainability and awareness.
  • Promoting health and well-being for all.
  • Cultivating a community of lifelong learners.
  • Making a difference through acts of kindness.
  • Encouraging personal growth and self-discovery.
  • Striving for excellence in every endeavor.
  • Building bridges of understanding between cultures.
  • Cultivating a culture of collaboration and teamwork.
  • Fostering a spirit of continuous improvement.
  • Creating opportunities for others to shine.
  • Advancing knowledge and education for everyone.
  • Embracing challenges as opportunities for growth.
  • Expressing gratitude and appreciation daily.
  • Building a foundation of trust and transparency.
  • Inspiring others to overcome obstacles.
  • Nurturing a sense of community and belonging.
  • Balancing ambition with mindfulness and presence.
  • Being a beacon of positivity in times of adversity.
  • Championing social justice and equality.
  • Creating spaces for open dialogue and understanding.
  • Encouraging a mindset of lifelong curiosity.
  • Cultivating a spirit of resilience in the face of challenges.
  • Fostering an environment of continuous learning and growth.

Personal Vision Statement Examples for Life

Life vision examples can be a little vague, obscure, but are practical when you have no idea how you want to live your life. You can just write some generic things down to get a grasp of how you want your life to play out. Try some of the vision statement examples listed below to get some self discovery juices flowing.

  • Living a life filled with purpose, passion, and meaningful connections.
  • Striving for a life that balances personal and professional fulfillment.
  • Creating a life story that is a testament to resilience and perseverance.
  • Embracing each day with gratitude, seeking joy in every moment.
  • Living a life guided by principles of kindness, empathy, and generosity.
  • Pursuing a life of continuous learning and personal growth.
  • Building a life that reflects one’s core values and beliefs.
  • Fostering a life of harmonious balance between work and personal pursuits.
  • Embodying a life philosophy centered around love, compassion, and understanding.
  • Living a life that leaves a positive legacy for future generations.
  • Embracing challenges as opportunities for personal and spiritual growth.
  • Building a life that serves as a source of inspiration for others.
  • Living a life that values experiences and relationships over material possessions.
  • Fostering a life filled with resilience, adaptability, and perseverance.
  • Creating a life that aligns personal ambitions with a sense of purpose.
  • Striving for a life that contributes positively to the well-being of the planet.
  • Building a life rooted in mindfulness and present-moment awareness.
  • Embracing a life philosophy that promotes mental and emotional well-being.
  • Living authentically, true to one’s values and beliefs.
  • Creating a life that leaves a legacy of kindness, compassion, and positive impact.

Personal Vision Statement Examples For High Achievers

  • “I envision a life where where I am confident in my goals, and those around me are inspired by my dedication.”
  • “My vision is constantly break barriers, ceilings and show others what is truly possible.”
  • “To live my life so that there are no regrets when its over.”
  • “To accomplish something so great others read about me in history books in the future.”
  • “To always project an aura of capability to others so that they are inspired to work with me, or move out of my way.”

The most important thing to understand about the vision of an achievement/accomplishment focused individual is their need for highly impactful, important goals. High achievers need to be optimistic about the action they take and be hyper focused on results.

Vision Statement: A world where everyone has precisely what they need to accomplish the huge goals and dreams they have or their own lives

Personal Vision Statement Examples For Nurturers

  • “Everyone knows I am reliable and that they can count on me.”
  • “I will always be full of energy for others because I know how to take care of myself.”
  • “To be extremely skilled at identifying the root of the problem someone is having.”
  • “To tap into the emotions of everyone who needs my help.”
  • “To offer practical comfort, but also give people the skills they need to be strong in the future.”

Nurturing people are by nature caring and protective. They like to help others make sure their needs are met, even if sometimes they forget to take care of their own needs.

When discover what type of nurturer you are, look at your personality, and decide how it is you help others most effectively.

Vision Statement: Seeing that the world’s children and those suffering always have the care and emotional protection they require to get through tough times.

Personal Vision Statement Examples For Highly Intelligent People

  • “A world that only follows the rules when the rules are beneficial to follow – otherwise, break them.”
  • “Highly adaptable companies that aren’t only interested in pushing the status quo”
  • “I envision that society values all types of genius, not just one.”
  • “My vision is a world that always questions, “Yes, but why?’”
  • “To inspire more value on innovation. We want the automobile, not a faster horse.”

Highly intelligent people are often skeptical, critically thought out, highly adaptable, outlier like human beings. Because of this, they are capable of leaving behind significant contributions.

Vision Statement: To increase the value and scope of mathematics and scientific discovery in the third world, where geniuses are left undiscovered.

Personal Vision Statement Examples For Leaders / Leadership

  • “A world where everyone lives up to their full potential”
  • “That my people will always believe in themselves and their goals”
  • “To be such a good leader that my services are no longer required.”
  • “To inspire others to find their own unique destiny”
  • “That all leaders will set a much higher standard of what it means to be stewards and care for others”

Being a good leader means to inspire others to think, feel and act in ways that are beneficial to them and others. Good leaders are experienced, well advanced in their personal growth, and posses a service attitude.

Vision Statement: To increase the standard and quality of the worlds leaders through rigorous training and strengthening of character in today’s youth.

Personal Vision Statement Examples For Introverts

  • That all human beings will understand the value of loving being alone with themselves.
  • To show others how to create long lasting deep relationships.
  • All CEO’s and entrepreneurs understanding the value of deep focus.
  • People understanding how to tap into a state of hyper creativity.
  • People with mental illness having the skills to be alone with their own thoughts.

Being an introvert in an extrovert dominated world might make you think you’ve got nothing to offer, but, being hyper-stimulated in their brain and mind, introverts have strengths are are valuable to the world and cannot be found anywhere else in the same capacity that they posses.

In general, introverted people have brains that experience heightened levels of stimulation, and adding more environmental stimulation to that exhausts there resources. It’s the reason why you feel tired after handling all your responsibilities that require you to interact with others.

But introverted types are deeply thoughtful, creative, and focused individuals that can accomplish great things by themselves.

Vision Statement: That society will see an increased popularity and need for work at home jobs.

Personal Vision Statement Examples For Extroverts

Extrovert Defined: an outgoing, overtly expressive person.

Even though you would have to take a personality test to decide where are the spectrum of introversion and extraversion you are, in general extroverts will bring the skills of being able to handle the spotlight better than others, enjoying working in groups and having discussions with others in order to solve big problems.

If you think you’re heavily skewed to the extroverted side of life, you can take a look at these example vision statements below.

  • I imagine myself being the leader or large companies that change society.
  • Me bringing others together to discuss serious problems in the world.
  • I will connect different cultures, societies and alienated groups of people with each other to create a more connected and understanding world.
  • I see me being on a stage giving inspiring and motivating talks to large groups of people.
  • I will inspire the world to feel comfortable being outgoing and helpful.

Extroverted Vision Statement: A world where walking up to someone and starting a conversation is no longer seen as weird.

Personal Vision Statement Examples For Adventurers

Adventurers are passionate, sensitive, artistic and curious. They are fiercely independent and sometimes unpredictable because their sense of adventure literally leads them toward the most interesting prospect. You may possess skills that cannot be measured by the normal means, and so occupations, arenas and atmospheres where that is prevalent make you uncomfortable.

When we here the word adventurer, we might think of Indiana Jones, and that can be true. However, this type of person might not necessarily be traveling and looking for buried treasure all the time. This can make holding a long term career that requires extensive long term planning difficult for you, but that doesn’t mean you have nothing to offer.

When thinking of the ideal vision for your life, think about the words: diversity, multitude of experience, fun, exciting and possibly travel. Actually, definitely travel.

  • I imagine traveling the world and taking beautiful photos of far away places.
  • I am the person who makes all the celebrities look beautiful for movies and other appearances.
  • I imagine helping the greatest real estate companies find prime locations across the world.
  • I will create a life where I can study different animal species and ecosystems.
  • I want to ( insert what you love doing the most ) and will be able to be where ever I want while doing it.

Vision Statement: Lower air fare, and increased availability for young people to travel and see the world during their youth

Personal Vision Statement Examples for College Students

The vision of college students varies by generation. The most recent generations are Baby boomers were dedicated and hardy workers, Generation X were more highly educated and independent, and millennials, who are most characterized by our desire to have a serious impact on society.

The generation in college right now is Generation Z, who (believe it or not) do have some admirable qualities.

  • Highly optimistic
  • Value social responsibility
  • They’re skilled with technology having practically been born inside of it.

Regardless of some of the more toxic views of Generation Z: they reject institutional structures that work and are time tested, they’re seen as snow flakes, etc… there is a deep desire for stability, flexibility and development.

Every generation has it’s toxic elements, and each generation needs to understand them, grow through them and emerge strong, stable, and capable.

If you’re Gen Z, and desire to navigate through a jungle of criticism, emerge victorious and live a comfortable life (during and after college) try these examples of personal vision statements below.

  • “To understand what I want from life and have a plan for that before college is done.”
  • “Feeling in control, peaceful and effective while attending.”
  • “To have a source of income before I graduate.”
  • “To finish college and already be studying under a mentor “
  • “I Envision having the essence of learning your topic/subject and having a well rounded understanding of it rather than just a superficial one”
  • “To have maintained 3.3 GPA, become comfortable with a new sport/activity, and kept a decent social life.”
  • “I imagine being able to use my major for something instead of wasting my time at college”
  • “To have most of my debt actually paid off.”
  • “My vision is to leave college already having a 5 year plan for my life.”
  • “To avoid the senior year panic where I have no idea what I’m going to do with my life.”

Vision Statement Examples for Community Colleges

Many of the personal development, entrepreneur and business guides on social media are alerting kids that a 4 year school isn’t worth $200k of un-erasable debt. With that, many are choosing to go to community colleges.

  • However, if you’re the head of a community college, you might still feel you struggle with getting rid of the stigma community colleges have always had.
  • Community colleges are schools for those who didn’t get in the first time
  • The education is weaker and no better than a certificate
  • You can’t get a good job at community college

Your vision statements could use some fine tuning . Make them more specific the problems your students are facing rather than something broad or vague.

Try these vision statement examples:

  • All students will feel prepared for their chosen field, even with only a two year degree.
  • I imagine being able to prove soundly to others that our curriculum, work load and qualifications are just as good as any other 4 year school.
  • We envision employers taking students who attend school here very seriously.
  • Our vision is that our students absorb the most from their time here, while being able to balance work and social life.
  • We envision a school where students can explore several options that align with that they want to do with their lives.
  • Confused students leave with a clear vision of their future.
  • Nobody who attends our school feels like they need to choose between their education and other important things in their lives.

Elementary school vision statements

As an elementary school you can use several avenues to craft a vision statement:

  • Desires for your children
  • Issues you deal with as administrators
  • Overall problems your students face

When it comes to issues elementary schools face, you could craft at least twenty different vision statements from those alone. Elementary schools are normally public schools, and public schools are always concerned about: classroom size, student health, home life, state funding, and the attitude of their students.

Try these vision statements to whip your elementary school into shape.

  • Our vision is for all class sized to not exceed 18
  • We envision proving to the state that we deserve all the funding we need to succeed and flourish
  • To inspire parents to have a good program for their children while at home, so they’re inspired and prepared during school hours.
  • Our vision a school where all teachers are as good with technology as our students.
  • We have a very effective way of managing violence and bullying.
  • I envision that all students at my school understanding the value or education, love to learn and take their time at school seriously.
  • Our school teaches the essence of subjects, and our testing proves our students grasp on the material (and not just that they’re good memorization machines.)
  • A school with healthy meals, excellent extracurricular activities, and kids who are serious about their health here and at home.

Vision Statement Examples for High Schools

High schools can craft their vision statements by understanding the problems and goals they’re dealing with. As a high school you worry about keeping your students interested in their education (not dropping out), maintaining teenage stress and anxiety, guiding directionless kids and preparing them for college while their going through the most tumultuous four years of their lives.

You’ll need more than good luck or this one. Use these high school vision statements below for inspiration.

  • My vision is a school where students gracefully make the transition between their public and our private institution.
  • We envision a place where understanding the value of preparing for life after school even if they don’t know what they want to do yet.
  • Our school successfully guides students to knowing themselves deeply and understanding what they will do with their lives.
  • This is a school that provides opportunities for those who do not wish to pursue undergraduate education.
  • The facilities, texts and technology at our school facilitates higher learning and convinces kids that learning is modern and necessary.

Personal Vision Statements for Teachers

For teachers like you to create vision statements you want to understand the dynamic between you, your students and the school. Schools as institutions might face issues you’re ignorant of. You’re also not a teenager anymore, and may have forgotten what it’s like to be budding, bullied and confused while the teacher is telling you to behave. You also could benefit from understanding your own needs and desires while creating a grand vision for your teaching career.

Try these (teachers) vision statements out:

  • I associate with my students using the same technology and understanding of their environment as they do.
  • I imagine valuing teaching as much as I want students to value learning.
  • Teachers are this school are as disciplined as we expect our students to be.
  • We constantly show our students that we’ve not given up on them even when they have.
  • My vision is that my teaching environment eclipses whatever exists outside the school and at home (in a good way).

Personal vision statement examples for Christians

  • Living out Christ’s teachings through acts of love and compassion.
  • Serving others with humility and grace as a reflection of God’s love.
  • Building a community rooted in faith, hope, and charity.
  • Spreading the Gospel through words and deeds of kindness.
  • Embodying Christ’s light in every interaction and relationship.
  • Dedicating life to being a vessel of God’s grace and forgiveness.
  • Fostering a spirit of generosity and selfless giving.
  • Reflecting God’s love by treating others with dignity and respect.
  • Being a source of comfort and support in times of need.
  • Committing to a life of prayer, seeking guidance from above.
  • Living a life that reflects the fruits of the Holy Spirit.
  • Building a legacy of faith and devotion for future generations.
  • Extending hospitality and welcome to all, mirroring Christ’s inclusivity.
  • Responding to challenges with faith, courage, and trust in God.
  • Being a living testament to the transformative power of God’s love.
  • Sharing the joy of salvation through words and actions.
  • Expressing gratitude for God’s blessings through a life well-lived.
  • Nurturing a spirit of forgiveness and reconciliation.
  • Honoring God in all endeavors, acknowledging His sovereignty.
  • Promoting a spirit of unity among believers and beyond.

Personal Vision Statement Examples for Work and Career

To write a vision statement for your work and career , focus on growth, skills, attitude and resourcefulness. Employers and work environments in general reward those who have qualities that take problems away from the organization itself.

The qualities all employers want in employees are (not limited to):

  • Ability to prioritize
  • Eagerness for constant learning
  • Adaptation to technology
  • Confidence and resourcefulness
  • Lots of energy and enthusiasm
  • Reliability
  • Loyalty to the company
  • Being able to solve problems on your own
  • Urgency behind completing tasks
  • Growth mindset

The worst thing about working with someone is when they have this overwhelming sense of helplessness about them. They posses no desire to figure things out on their own, and constantly run back and forth to their boss or colleagues with a “this isn’t working” face on. Not only do you look pathetic when you do this but you lose other peoples respect, making it more less likely you for you to move ahead or keep your job for too long.

The worst feeling for a serious employee, someone who takes pride even in mopping the floors, is to know others cannot rely on them.

Try these examples when crafting your personal vision statement for your work and career:

  • I envision my boss knowing that my work doesn’t need to be double checked, and that I can be left alone to do my job.
  • I imagine my colleagues seeing me show up to work late every now and then but not being concerned because they know I’m honest and not leaving until the job is done.
  • When I encounter problems I first try and work through them myself. By doing this I learn more about my job and others’.
  • My vision is that the work environment and the work itself is fun, challenging and rewarding.
  • Every day I show up to work and feel like I’m doing something important and that my effort is valued.

Personal Vision Statement Examples for Entrepreneurs

To be successful as an entrepreneur you need to have a plan, know how to adapt and adjust, take advice from others who know more than you, follow the results you’re getting, understanding your atomic use case, delegate and be resourceful. To make sure your vision statement leads you to all of those things make sure you’re doing something that matters.

Try these examples below (if you’re an entrepreneur) for inspiration.

  • I will radically transform [insert outdated industry] and create a brand new way of doing it
  • The world is inspired by why I start the companies I do.
  • I imagine being able to give amazing presentations that get investors and business partners on board.
  • I have the ability to isolate archaic systems and jump on the solutions before anyone else.
  • When I start companies, it’s not long before pragmatists want to buy them for huge money.

Examples of Personal Vision Statement for CEO’s

CEO’s don’t only have to worry about managing the company you’re in charge of you have to be concerned about background aspects of CEO-hood. Recently statistics were released that showed 25% of CEO replacement was due to getting fired or “suggested resignation”.

You cannot pass the buck, and in public companies, board members are constantly aware of your performance. Most wouldn’t apply this phrase to executive officers, but you are literally replaceable. You might not be as replaceable as someone who drives the pallet jack or forklift, but if you suck, board members are just itching to find someone to protect their (and others) investments.

  • Your performance is either good or bad for shareholders
  • You have to get hired first by concerned board members
  • You’re competing against other people who are qualified to be CEO’s

In other words, you must stand out, and you must be great – being good is not enough , because everyone trying to get CEO (getting hired or keeping their job) is “good”. Set yourself apart from everyone else with a strong vision, and goals inspired by it.

Take a look at these personal vision statements for CEO’s below and use them as examples to craft your own.

  • My vision is a company who’s purpose is seen as critical to societies health and progress.
  • This company creates products and offers services that are integral to our customer’s identity.
  • I imagine a company so good that nobody can say anything bad about us. Critics end up looking like fools.
  • My vision is that in twenty years, everyone can see the change we made and give us credit for it.
  • I envision a future where corporations create no pollution – and we were the first to do it.
  • Our group will not only be profitable, but transform the surrounding area making locals see us as a friend.
  • This company will be a pioneer is setting up the middle class for success.
  • We will aid those who normally get rejected for jobs earn a living and transform their lives.
  • Our vision is that IF employees grow out of their position, wherever they transfer to, our name on their resume gives them credibility.
  • The government respects us as sees us the crux of the nations economy.
  • My vision is that customers and retailers see this company as the automatic go to option.

Personal Vision Statement Examples for Businesses, Managers & Business Owners

What are some things you’re concerned about as a business owner? Having a strong mission that customers care about, satisfying those customers so they return, and having a great management team you can count on. Not to mention adapting to technology (which changes several times a year) and always coming up with innovative ideas.

Regardless, the foundation of running a business properly is understanding your principles, and condensing those principles into a vision statement. If you sell something like toilet paper, maybe there’s no reason for you to come up with some inspiring vision that will “wow” customers, because its only toilet tissue. However, if you can’t reasonable stand for big things, just stand for the small things.

Use these business vision statements below as examples:

  • My company serves the needs of the surround area. Our community sees us as a staple.
  • Young people in our area get their training here and it prepares them to become adults.
  • My vision is that people feel a sense of confidence in our reliability every time they see our sign.
  • This company will be famous for high quality products and service.
  • My vision is that my business will receive awards for transforming the surrounding area in several key ways.
  • This business values its employees and inspires them to work as hard as the owner.
  • Our vision for our business is that other business come seek us out for advice and training.
  • This company is not only profitable, but honest, we do it the right way and succeed for it.
  • My vision for my business is that everyone describes us with three words: integrity, affordable, quality.

Personal Vision Statement Examples for Doctors, Nurses and Health Care Providers

Doctors take the Hippocratic oath – an oath to never harm hippos. Just kidding.

It’s an oath that states a few spoken things and a few implied unspoken things. Doctors, nurses, and all health care providers understand how important it is to maximize a patients personal growth, increase their quality of life, prevent health problems, disabilities and premature death.

You became a health care provider for several reasons that probably include: a calling to help others, a need to give back to society, and a fascination for medical and biological research. Having those reasons in the back of your mind might not be enough to get you through the struggles of working in health care, so I recommend writing them down and keeping them visible.

  • I envision a world where health care practitioners practice what they preach.
  • I will never prescribe what I understand to be unhealthy or poison to patients, even if there is pressure to.
  • My patients always feel confident coming to me with confidential information.
  • Everyone leaves my practice with a smile on their face and hope in their hearts.
  • I imagine having a reputation for being strong enough to push through even when things get rough.
  • People who come to me often never have to return for the same issue.
  • I am know as a healer more than a doctor.
  • My organization has improved the quality of medicine significantly.
  • To never give into the pressure of pharmaceutical companies or insurance providers.
  • Society at large has benefitted tremendously from my/our research and practice.

Personal Vision Statement Examples for Family’s

  • My children will grow up and model the same good behaviors i showed them as kids.
  • My family’s needs are always met because I prepare for them.
  • My vision is that my family is a source of inspiration for other family’s who are struggling.
  • Our tight unit succeeds because we know communication and struggle makes a family strong.
  • My vision is that my children will grow up to be highly educated and productive.
  • I imagine walking my kids down the aisle to partners I approve strongly of.
  • I see my kids skillfully avoiding all the struggles I went through.
  • My spouse and I see eye to eye on most issues because our main priority is the family unit.
  • My spouse and I support each other and the foundation of our relationship is built on trust.
  • I imagine a family community that gives each other space, support, and love.

Personal Vision Statement Examples for Artists

  • I imagine living a creative life where I’m not stifled by corporate interests.
  • My vision is to make a serious mark, and then disappear with style.
  • My creativity is an inspiration for others, and often envied.
  • My vision is to live a life where my creative gas tank is always filled by new experiences.
  • I imagine giving other artists permission and confidence to use art as catharsis for their dark emotions.
  • Creativity is valued in the world more than anything because of my contribution.
  • To inspire youth to pursue different artistic aspirations instead of pigeon holing themselves into standard societal models.
  • My vision is that art reigns supreme.
  • The world pays me to travel the world and create.
  • My vision is never feeling lack and having my art sustain me.

Vision Statement Examples for Communities

  • A neighborhood where everyone gets involved because we all agree that it matters.
  • To be able to see people go on vacation and know that they’re properties are protected and safe.
  • We envision a community built on love, trust and communication.
  • My vision for this group is that we force each other to get better and succeed because of our progress.
  • This community will sustain itself with cottage industries and serve as an example for others.
  • Our community will achieve its goals and prove that the formula and ideals were sound.
  • My vision is a community that agrees on the same ideals, values, and ways to achieve our ends.
  • This will be a safe place for children to grow and flourish.
  • Our community will be one of common goals and freedom of expression.
  • To have a community where the concerns of the residents is actually heard and acted on.
  • A group based on fairness and consideration, with positive influences and opportunities for growth.

Personal trainer vision statement examples

  • Empowering clients to adopt a sustainable and balanced approach to fitness.
  • Fostering a sense of community and support within the fitness journey.
  • Educating clients on the interconnectedness of physical and mental well-being.
  • Encouraging clients to set realistic and achievable fitness goals.
  • Promoting a holistic view of health that includes nutrition and mental wellness.
  • Guiding clients towards a lifestyle that promotes longevity and vitality.
  • Creating a safe and inclusive space for individuals of all fitness levels.
  • Inspiring clients to view fitness as a lifelong journey, not a destination.
  • Helping clients find joy and fulfillment in their fitness pursuits.
  • Encouraging a mindset that celebrates progress, no matter how small.
  • Empowering clients to achieve their fitness goals and unlock their full potential.
  • Inspiring individuals to embrace a lifestyle of health and wellness.
  • Guiding clients on a journey to physical and mental transformation.
  • Creating customized fitness plans that align with individual needs and aspirations.
  • Promoting the importance of holistic well-being beyond just physical fitness.
  • Fostering a positive and supportive training environment for clients.
  • Educating clients on the principles of sustainable and long-term fitness.
  • Helping clients overcome challenges and celebrating their fitness milestones.
  • Encouraging a commitment to a healthy lifestyle beyond training sessions.
  • Being a source of motivation and accountability for clients on their fitness journey.

Personal Brand Vision Statement Examples

  • Crafting a personal brand that reflects authenticity and integrity.
  • Building a brand synonymous with excellence and innovation.
  • Establishing a brand that resonates with trust and reliability.
  • Creating a personal brand that inspires and empowers others.
  • Crafting a unique brand identity that stands out in the industry.
  • Striving for a brand that represents continuous growth and learning.
  • Being recognized for a brand that prioritizes customer satisfaction.
  • Building a brand that fosters strong and lasting connections.
  • Aligning personal values with the principles of the brand.
  • Establishing a brand that leaves a positive and lasting impact.
  • Striving for a personal brand that embraces diversity and inclusion.
  • Building a brand that reflects a commitment to environmental sustainability.
  • Creating a personal brand that is synonymous with social responsibility.
  • Establishing a brand that fosters a culture of continuous innovation.
  • Being known for a brand that prioritizes ethical business practices.
  • Crafting a personal brand that champions personal and professional balance.
  • Building a brand that resonates with a global audience.
  • Striving for a brand that creates positive change in the community.
  • Establishing a brand that adapts to evolving industry trends.
  • Crafting a brand that instills confidence and trust in stakeholders.

Personal Vision Statement Examples (Dale Carnegie Version)

If there’s anything Dale Carnegie was famous for, it was showing others that the most successful people were those with inspiring visions . Use words that are exciting, get creative and really find ways to convey your vision with meaning.

  • The world calls upon me whenever they need help with [what you help people with].
  • Relief enters the hearts of people when they see me because [insert reason].
  • I have scores of friends all over the world since I’m always [doing what?].
  • I’ve won so many awards due to the fact that I’ve [done what?].
  • Generations of young people call me an inspiration since I [inspired them how?].

The personal vision statements (examples) of successful and famous people

Robin williams: a vision of laughter, connection, and advocacy, the entertainer extraordinaire.

Robin Williams, a beloved figure in the world of entertainment, possessed a life vision rooted in the profound desire to entertain and make people laugh. Throughout his remarkable career, Williams showcased his exceptional talent as a comedian and actor, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of millions. His vision was to bring joy and laughter to others, an endeavor he embraced with unmatched enthusiasm.

Using Humor to Connect

Williams was not merely a comedian; he was a master of using humor as a means to connect with people on a deep and emotional level. His stand-up comedy routines and acting roles often delved into difficult and complex subjects, demonstrating his belief in the power of humor to bridge gaps, evoke empathy, and facilitate meaningful conversations.

Advocating for Social Causes

Beyond the stage and screen, Robin Williams held a vision that extended to the world’s most pressing social causes. He dedicated his fame and influence to humanitarian and environmental issues, believing that his unique position allowed him to make a positive impact on the world. His advocacy work served as a testament to his commitment to creating a better, more compassionate world.

Mental Health Awareness

In his later years, Williams openly shared his struggles with depression and addiction, taking a courageous step to raise awareness about mental health issues. His vision encompassed reducing the stigma surrounding mental health challenges and encouraging open dialogue, empathy, and support for those who grappled with similar issues.

Supporting and Inspiring Others

Robin Williams had a generous spirit, a part of his vision that involved supporting and inspiring the next generation of comedians and actors. He mentored and assisted younger talent, fostering an environment in which creativity and artistry could flourish.

While Robin Williams may not have articulated a formal vision statement, his life and work resonated with a vision that revolved around using humor and entertainment to connect with people, advocate for important causes, and create a positive impact on the world. His passing in 2014 left a void in the hearts of many who had experienced the joy and depth he brought into their lives.

The Inspirational Journey of Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey’s story is a testament to the power of vision and resilience. Rising from a challenging childhood, Oprah envisioned a future where she would use her platform to empower others. She overcame adversity to become a media mogul, philanthropist, and a symbol of inspiration. Oprah’s vision has not only transformed her life but has also left an indelible impact on the lives of millions, thanks to her influential talk show, the Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN), and her dedication to philanthropy.

The Visionary Entrepreneurship of Elon Musk

Elon Musk’s extraordinary vision transcends the boundaries of Earth. He envisioned a sustainable future through innovations in electric vehicles, renewable energy, and space exploration. Musk’s pursuit of his vision has resulted in groundbreaking companies like Tesla, SpaceX, and SolarCity. His success illustrates how unwavering commitment to a grand vision can revolutionize industries and impact the world.

The Tenacity of J.R.R. Tolkien

J.R.R. Tolkien’s vision gave birth to the world of Middle-earth, a realm filled with rich characters, languages, and cultures. Despite the challenges of World War I, Tolkien crafted a new mythology. His persistence, creative brilliance, and linguistic expertise resulted in masterpieces like “The Lord of the Rings” and “The Hobbit.” Tolkien’s vision has become a cornerstone of fantasy literature, influencing generations of authors and readers.

The Visionary Artistry of Vincent van Gogh

Vincent van Gogh’s vision as an artist was unconventional and groundbreaking. He transformed the art world with his innovative use of color and emotion. Despite facing personal challenges, his passion and dedication to his vision resulted in masterpieces like “Starry Night.” Van Gogh’s vision continues to inspire artists and art enthusiasts worldwide.

The Vision of Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla’s vision was to revolutionize the world through innovative electrical engineering. He developed alternating current (AC) electricity and contributed to the development of wireless communication. Tesla’s vision not only transformed the field of electrical engineering but also paved the way for modern power distribution and communication systems.

The Vision of Florence Nightingale

Florence Nightingale’s vision was to reform healthcare and nursing practices. She established the foundation for modern nursing, emphasizing cleanliness and patient care. Nightingale’s vision has had a profound and lasting impact on healthcare practices worldwide, saving countless lives.

The Vision of Cesar Chavez

Cesar Chavez’s vision was to fight for the rights of farmworkers and agricultural laborers. He co-founded the United Farm Workers union and led nonviolent protests to improve working conditions. Chavez’s vision transformed labor rights and advocacy for marginalized workers, leaving a legacy of social justice.

The Vision of Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton’s vision revolutionized our understanding of physics and the natural world. He formulated the laws of motion and universal gravitation, laying the foundation for modern science. Newton’s vision continues to be a cornerstone of physics and has shaped scientific inquiry for centuries.

How to write a personal vision statement w/more examples

To write a personal vision statement : Focus on your future, Pick a direction, make it relevant, fill it with purpose, create core values, include rewarding experiences, make sure it challenges and inspires you, and have a timeline in mind. Include all of this while making it clear and concise.

1. Focus on the Future

What do you want to have accomplished in the future? A vision is you looking to the future and seeing the result of your actions. Think of what change you would like to make, visualize it in the future tense, and use that in your vision statement.

Personal Vision Statement Example:

“A world where people are judged by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin – Dr. King (paraphrased) “

2. Pick a Direction

Consult your life plan. How is your vision statement going to compliment the path you’ve chosen to take in life?

“ Helping people overcome their self imposed obstacles by overcoming my own and reaching all of my goals “


3. Make it Relevant

Make the vision fit nicely. There’s no reason to make up some fantasy world just to waste time. Guide your vision statement so that it’s relevant for your life and society.

“Reaching a state in the world where we are no longer relying on fossil fuel to power our civilization”

4. Fill it with Purpose

Find a strong reason for doing this. A vision statement doesn’t just sit on the shelf; you need a good reason for doing it. They also require effort and time. The effort required will get difficult at times, so make sure you have a strong sense of purpose attached to this vision or you might break when the going gets tough.

“To rid people of their concern, because life is too short to be stressed all the time, and in the end, what concerns us right now rarely holds the same importance to us in the future. – Jim Carrey (paraphrased with some added) “


5. Include your Core Values

Name the ideals that matter to you.  When you know what you value, you can then work to add more of that into the world. You could inspire others to be more courageous or fight against the dishonesty you abhor.

Take the Core Values test

“To instill a sense of responsibility and adventure in all the worlds children”

6. Strive to Create Rewarding Experiences

What internal reward will you get from your vision? Life is not all about having an impact on the world or living solely for others. It needs to be deeply fulfilling for you too!

Personal Vision Statement Examples:

“To have impacted the lives of a million people living in the third world so I can feel like I gave something extraordinary to my home country.”


7. Make it Challenging Enough

Create a vision that will make you sweat. Everyone feels better after a hard workout. Part of creating fulfilling vision is working toward something that will challenge you. It’s a good way to make sure you never get bored.

“To achieve and remain at my ideal weight for the rest of my life and show others how to do the same.”

8. Make sure it Inspires you (& others!)

Create a vision that causes jaws to drop. There’s nothing better than accomplishing something that will bring tears to peoples eyes. Create a vision that people will be fascinated and inspired by. “Don’t be afraid to dream a little bigger darling.”

“Showing women politicians around the world how to command the respect of their male counterparts and occupy a serious space in the political arena”.


9. Be Clear and Concise

Be as simple as possible. Don’t “beat around the bush” in your vision statement. There’s no reason to overburden your vision statement with jargon, or add a million huge words. Avoid creating a vague statement that nobody can understand. You’re not a company, but if you were, anybody in the world should be able to read and immediately understand your vision.

“To ensure that various nations on planet earth give proper consideration and attention to the safety and care of it’s various kinds of downtrodden individuals…” (too wordy)

“A world that is makes taking care of the homeless a serious concern!” (better)

10. Have a Timeline in Mind

A timeline means  a finish line. Don’t give yourself any reason to put your vision off until tomorrow. If you’ve paid attention, and followed all the rules when creating your vision statement, you should feel no trepidation in starting now. Give yourself a time that it needs to be done, or at least a timeline where you need to have made a certain amount of progress.

“Decreasing the amount of sprayed foods consumed (wherever you are) by the year (5-10 years from now) “

More on Vision Statements…

We go through life a bit differently. We don’t always feel unstoppable. We certainly don’t always feel fierce, but still, you and I both want to live life like we’re the superhero in our own movie.

We don’t necessarily want our name in lights, but we do want to die feeling like the world is a better place because of us. This is not a post about the vision statements of companies.

Instead, we’re going to go over a basic formula and discover how to craft our very own personal vision statement.

A good Personal Vision Statement:

  • keeps you on track
  • helps us push through times of laziness
  • something we can cling to when the fear comes
  • gives us a feeling of pride when we see it manifest in the world

Personal Vision Statement Examples pdf

Need inspiration? Use this personal vision statement template .

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The Power of Clarity by Brian Tracy (How to Develop your Personal Destiny)

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How to Craft an Inspiring Personal Vision Statement

This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to write a compelling personal vision statement that will inspire you toward your Future Self.

Ready to get started?

Let’s dive in …

What is a Personal Vision?

Outperforming businesses have a clear vision to help their organizations stay in alignment and move toward shared goals.

Personal vision statements do the same thing for the individual: they clarify where you want to go in the future and help keep you in alignment.

A personal vision can focus on your professional aspirations, personal development goals, or both.

A personal vision statement describes your future state—also called your Future Self. Think of it as your personal North Star.

The goal of crafting your vision is to simply capture the things that are most important to you .

Why Create a Personal Vision Statement?

Why? Because it’s easy to get distracted and to lose sight of what’s important to us.

When we get disconnected from our life’s focus, other people’s agendas come before our own. (Oftentimes, these agendas are cultural or societal.)

Have you noticed how at times every phone call, email, and notification on your screen draws your full attention, w hile at other times, you’re absorbed in your work regardless of the distractions?

Vision doesn’t eliminate distraction. It inspires and helps us focus on what matters most to us.

Vision provides clarity for the future while directing us to pay attention to the present.

As W. Timothy Gallwey writes in The Inner Game of Work :

If you have a clear vision of where you want to go, you are not as easily distracted by the many possibilities and agendas that otherwise divert you.

A compelling personal vision statement can illuminate our way in periods of darkness. It can inspire us to shed all the stuff that holds us back.

As Steven Covey wrote in his best-selling classic 7 Habits of Highly Effective People , “Begin with the end in mind.” Our personal vision IS the end.

Finally, a compelling vision statement directs us toward self-actualization .

4 Reasons Why Many People Struggle With Vision

Even though many people can see the value in crafting a vision for their lives, we often resist the process and avoid arriving at clarity. Why?

There are at least four underlying reasons. Understanding these blocks can free us from the resistance that keeps us from creating a personal vision statement.

1 – Cultural Conditioning

From our early education onward, we have been conditioned to make decisions based on limited options. (Think multiple-choice tests like A, B, C, or D.)

We make choices based on what’s in front of us; what we believe to be available to us.

Creating a vision demands that we draw from an infinite range of choices, which makes us uncomfortable. So we tend to stay within what’s known to us.

2 – Visualization is a Skill

Visualization is a skill that operates like a muscle. Many of us stopped exercising this muscle during childhood.

Now, it feels uncomfortable to try to visualize and imagine our future.

Many people mistakenly convince themselves they can’t visualize or it doesn’t work for them. That’s simply a belief; it’s ungrounded and untrue.

The more we visualize, the better we get at creating from our imagination .

3 – Fear

We’re afraid we may not succeed. We question our competence, our ability to persevere.

We are uncertain of our value: are we worthy of dreaming big? What if we fail?

A part of us is used to playing small. To this part, safety is more important than growth. Yet, a vision is a roadmap toward growth.

The unlimited range of options we must draw upon scares us too.

4 – Perfectionism

We believe we need the “right” vision—the perfect vision.

The perfectionist in us needs to craft an ideal vision statement that’s timeless and true for all eternity.

Naturally, this doesn’t reflect reality. In becoming aware of this false belief, it no longer limits us.

personal vision statement

6 Personal Vision Statement Examples

How long should your vision statement be?

While that’s entirely up to you, in my experience as a coach for over 25 years, I’ve found that a functional vision statement is usually somewhere between two and five sentences.

Vision statements can be personally oriented, professionally oriented, or a combination thereof.

Let’s look at some examples.

Personal Vision Statement Examples – Professional

Here are two professional-oriented vision statement examples:

1) “I am a strong, bold, and compassionate leader committed to growing as a steward of my business and as a provider for my family. My leadership team members are self-directed and trust each other and themselves.”
2) “I am a skillful writer, coach, and educator who is highly respected in my industry. My work is read by millions of people each year. I communicate with lucidity, integrity, and wisdom.”

Notice how these vision examples are oriented toward the person’s career and professional life while still highlighting their personal values .

Personal Vision Statement Examples – Personal

Here are two  vision statement examples with an emphasis on the personal:

3) “I put my spirit and soul first in making important decisions. I derive personal meaning from my learning and growth and who am becoming. I feel secure in myself regardless of how others may perceive me.”
4) “I am constantly learning and developing new skills that enrich my life and provide a greater feeling of confidence and completeness. I naturally inspire others to realize their best selves too.”

Both of these aspirational vision statement examples provide clear direction to the individual’s Future Self.

Personal Vision Statement Examples – Personal + Professional

Here are two vision statement examples that combine both personal and professional:

5) “I feel awake, alive, joyful, grateful, and free in the present moment. My heart, body, and mind operate as a single organism. I conduct myself with compassion and awareness in both my work and personal relationships, especially my marriage.”
6) “I am the messenger for the energy of my work which flows through me spontaneously. I move toward integration and wholeness each day, able to be more vulnerable, honest, and open in how I present myself. Having reparented myself and healed my inner child, I am once again playful and creative in my way of being.”

The above vision statement examples are chock full of specific, emotionally charged words that will inspire the individual. Vision statements that combine both personal and professional goals tend to be longer.

5 Qualities of an Effective Personal Vision Statement

What can we observe from the above examples?

You’ll often see vision statements written in the future tense. (For example, I will be …)

In my experience, however, it’s best to craft your life vision in the present tense . You are essentially taking a snapshot of the future and bringing it into the present.

This way, your subconscious mind begins to identify with your future vision right now instead of at some ambiguous and unknown time in the future (a moving target).

Also, try to avoid speaking in terms of the negative. That is, don’t focus on what you don’t want; clarify and state what you do want.

For example, instead of saying that you don’t want to feel chronic anxiety anymore, say that you want to feel calm and centered.

Here are five key elements of an effective personal vision:

  • Present tense-oriented
  • Focuses on what you want (not what you want to avoid)
  • Aspirational
  • Uses emotional words that are meaningful to you
  • Evokes a clear image in your mind

Regarding point #5, you want your vision statement to evoke a clear image of your Future Self. This is how you’ll know if you’re moving toward your vision or not.

personal vision statement

9 Ingredients for Your Personal Vision Statement

Below is a list of elements to consider when you’re ready to create your personal vision statement. Don’t worry. You don’t need to know all of these ingredients. 

1) Core Values

What are the five to ten things you stand by and value the most? If you need assistance determining your values, here’s a list of core values to review. Also, here’s my 7-Step DIY Values Assessment you can use to discover your values when you’re ready.

2) Primary Interests

What are about five things you enjoy doing the most? What lights you up? What can’t you live without?

3) Areas of Focus

What are the major categories of your life that always need your attention? (A list of sample categories is found in the Wheel of Life Assessment. )

4) Character Strengths

What are you naturally good at? Positive psychology has found that individuals who play to their natural strengths have more happiness in the present moment. Here’s a summary of their findings on authentic happiness . (You can take a free assessment from the VIA Institute to discover your strengths here. )

5) Aspirational Dreams

If this was your last day on earth, what would you regret not doing, seeing, or creating?

6) Desired Skills

What are up to three areas you strongly want to cultivate skills in that will in some way enrich your life experience? Some of these skills may be tied to your vocation while others may not.

Psychologist Abraham Maslow often told his students: 1 Maslow, Abraham H. (1943) “A Theory of Human Motivation.” Psychological Review , 50, 370-396.

“A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write, if he is to be ultimately happy. What a man can be, he must be. This need we may call self-actualization .”

So what do you find enjoyment in doing? What do you want to immerse yourself in?

7) Vocational Goals

What are the three to five things you must do to feel fulfilled in your work?

8) Primary Life Goals

What are the key goals you’re committed to achieving in your life? Perhaps within the next five to ten years.

9) Key Virtues

Are any of the universal virtues for a strong moral character important for your vision? Review this list of virtues and see what speaks to you.


How many of the above elements are essential for your vision statement? That’s up to you.

Remember, your vision statement can be as short or long as you need it to be.

Exercises to Use Before Capturing Your Vision

Okay, so there’s a fifth reason people struggle with finding their vision: they don’t get into the right mental and physical state before going through this type of process .

You create a personal vision by going through a discovery process to clarify what’s most important to you (the ingredients listed above).

To do this, you must be in a frame of mind that’s open, alert, centered, and ready. We might call this mindset the state of mastery. Years ago, I created a simple and effective method for helping individuals enter this state at will. (You can learn more about this program here .)

Below are three exercises to help you access this state quickly and easily.

If you already have your own methods for finding your center, terrific. Use them.

Or, try using the following exercises to prime yourself before you go through any of the discovery questions listed above.

Exercise #1: Quiet Your Mind with Your Breath

To get in the right frame of mind, t he key is to find your center .

When you’re in your center, you are fully present.  Your mind isn’t racing to the future or ruminating in the past. Instead, it’s calm, empty, and alert.

In your center, you aren’t inflated or deflated. You avoid extremes in either direction.

To help center yourself, make sure you’re breathing properly : quietly, deeply, steadily, and slowly.

Exercise #2: Connect to Your Heart

Next, place your awareness on your heart. Gently smile inwardly at your heart.

Breathe in and acknowledge your heart. Breathe out and say to your heart, “Thank you.”

Do this for three full breaths, still inhaling and exhaling calmly, smoothly, and quietly.

Feel the warmth of being connected to your heart.

Exercise #3: Remember WHY You’re Focus on Vision

Finally, remind yourself: The goal of crafting your vision is to capture what’s most important to you.

You are clarifying your Future Self—who you want to become.

Keep the words of the late mythologist Joseph Campbell in mind: 2 Joseph Campbell, The Power of Myth , 1991.

“Just sheer life cannot be said to have a purpose because look at all the different purposes it has all over the place. But each incarnation, you might say, has a potentiality, and the mission of life is to live that potentiality. How do you do it? My answer is, ‘Follow your bliss.’ There’s something inside you that knows when you’re in the center, that knows when you’re on the beam or off the beam. And if you get off the beam to earn money, you’ve lost your life. And if you stay in the center and don’t get any money, you still have your bliss.”

What is your “potentiality”? What’s your vision for yourself that transcends basic human needs and society’s values?

4 Steps to Craft Your Personal Vision Statement

Here’s a 4-step process you can use to craft your vision:

Step 1: Collect the necessary discovery process data.

You’ll want to have clarity on at least the first four of the nine ingredients listed above:

  • Core values
  • Primary interests
  • Areas of Focus

These ingredients represent the raw material for your vision statement. However, the more data you can collect in this step, the better.

You might, for example, block off time to go through Steps 1 through 3 for each ingredient .

You block off Saturday and Sunday morning to discover your personal values .

Tuesday, you schedule an hour to define your character strengths . And so.

Then, when you feel like you have amassed sufficient personal data, move on to Step 4.

Step 2: Block off time and remove unnecessary distractions.

Block off time when you can focus without distractions to write your vision statement.

Shut off your phone. Close your email application.

Make sure you do this any time you’re working on a personal discovery process.

Step 3: Get in the right frame of mind.

Use the exercises above to enter the right frame of mind to delve into these discovery processes.

The point of these exercises is to help remove internal resistance so you can arrive at clarity faster.

The process will go more smoothly if you perform the above exercises to quiet your mind and connect to your heart before crafting your vision.

Step 4: Craft your personal vision statement.

Remind yourself that this process doesn’t have to yield a “perfect” vision statement.

Any vision is better than no vision. Whatever you create is not set in stone. It can evolve with you over time.

So for now, with all of your keywords and data from Step 3, write down a “working vision.”

Look at it as a first draft.

Allow your vision to paint a mental picture of your life 5 to 20 years from now.

Have it highlight what matters most to you, what you stand for, and who you are committed to becoming.

Write it in the present tense so that it feels as if it exists right now .

Personal Vision Statement Template

Here’s a sample template you can use to write out your vision statement:

Each day I uphold the values of [insert values] in all that I do. I am filled with vitality and passion when I [insert primary interests]. Each week I grow in the key areas of my life including [insert areas of focus]. I feel content and enriched each day because I capitalize on my natural strengths of [insert strengths] by doing [insert how you apply these strengths in your work and home life]. I’m continuously developing [insert skills] for the sheer joy of doing something I love doing.

Only use this template as a guide if it helps you.

Otherwise, craft your statement in Step 4 however you see fit.

self actualization quote maslow vision

Personal Vision Statement FAQ

Here are a few common questions about creating a personal vision statement.

How Long Does It Take to Write Your Vision Statement?

Writing your vision statement is straightforward. (I provide you with a personal vision statement template below.)

I think the mistake many people make is that they think they’re going to write their vision statement in one sitting. This is a highly unrealistic expectation, in my experience.

The time-consuming part is clarifying the most essential ingredients for your vision statement. Examine the list of 9 ingredients above.

It won’t serve you to rush through this process to complete your vision as quickly as possible. (It might take weeks, if not longer.)

Instead, allow the questions above to percolate in your mind. Ask these questions before you go to sleep. Keep a pen and pad by your bedside.

You don’t need to use force to draw these answers out of you. You need only allow them to come forward.

When Should You Use Your Life Vision?

Once you have a draft of your personal vision statement, consider reviewing it:

  • At the start of the week.
  • Sunday night. Take a few minutes to connect with your vision to prime you for the week ahead.
  • When you feel lost or confused. When you’re distracted by 10,000 things, pause and review your vision.
  • When you feel a part of you questioning the purpose and meaning of your life. Remind yourself that you have created personal meaning. Then, return to your life vision statement.

Review it frequently until it becomes a part of you.

How Do Use Your Personal Vision?

A few words on a screen or a piece of paper don’t hold much power.

If you want your vision to drive you to your desired destination, don’t just read it. Embody it. Bring it to life.

Create a mental picture of it in your mind’s eye. See yourself in the end picture with your vision actualized.

  • What do you look like?
  • What are you doing?
  • As you’re actualizing your vision, how do you feel ?  

The more clearly you can connect with the images and feelings reflected in your vision, the more likely you are to take the right actions toward manifesting it.

And somehow, when you’re living your vision, you get external help too.

As author Paulo Coelho put it in The Alchemist :

“And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”

Two Essential Self-Development Tools for Lasting Change

While willpower is an essential element of creating positive change in our lives, the reality is that it has its limitations: that is, our mental energy is finite.

So when it comes to establishing good habits and making them stick, as a coach, I’ve found there to be two essential ingredients:

  • A personal vision for your Future Self that guides you forward
  • A clear set of values that highlight your ideal behavior

Armed with vision and values, it’s way easier to make behavioral course corrections that lead to positive change .

You now have a method to craft your personal vision statement.

Enjoy the process!

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Self-Mastery: How to Break Through Internal Resistance

A Complete Guide to Self-Actualization

The Four Stages of Learning Anything

About the Author

Scott Jeffrey is the founder of CEOsage, a self-leadership resource publishing in-depth guides read by millions of self-actualizing individuals. He writes about self-development, practical psychology, Eastern philosophy, and integrated practices. For 25 years, Scott was a business coach to high-performing entrepreneurs, CEOs, and best-selling authors. He's the author of four books including Creativity Revealed .

Learn more >

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4 steps to create a personal vision statement and change your life


A vision statement can help clarify what motivates you and give you meaning and direction.

Our lives and careers are a complex mix of elements. Sometimes we feel as though we’re exactly where we are supposed to be. Other times, we feel like we should start over in life . A personal vision statement can help when we don’t have a sense of how our external and internal worlds are connected.

We often feel overwhelmed and lost when we aren't sure of our purpose. And though life is full of ups and downs, identifying your north star can help keep you moving in a direction that aligns with your values.

What is a personal vision statement?

“There is no favorable wind for the sailor who doesn’t know where to go.”   - Seneca, I sec. AD

Imagine finding a compass that tells you precisely where you have to go. You can easily choose between one thing and another, thanks to this extraordinary tool. This would be great, right? And this is exactly what a personal vision statement does.

A personal vision statement is a statement that describes your personal values , your strengths, and your goals.

It can be focused on life or professional goals, and it is intended to orient you toward your long-term dreams . It is a tool to help guide your actions when important decisions have to be made or in particular transition moments.

8 examples of personal vision statements

Defining your own personal vision statement takes a few steps. It is a personal process, and each person’s statement is unique to them. Here are eight examples of personal vision statements to spark your imagination as you create your own.

Please note that these are just samples to offer you a framework, but your statement should be something connected to your uniqueness.

  • “My personal vision is to be a lifelong adventurer, traveling the world and exploring new cultures and experiences. I will work towards building a life that allows me to embrace my curiosity and take risks.”
  • “I envision a future where I am a successful entrepreneur , using my creativity and innovation to make a positive impact on society. I will strive to build a business that aligns with my values and creates opportunities for others.”
  • “My personal vision is to be a leader in my field, using my expertise to create positive change in the world. I will work towards developing my skills and building meaningful connections with others in my industry.”
  • “I envision a life filled with purpose and meaning, where I can make a difference in the lives of others. I will prioritize my relationships with loved ones and dedicate my time and resources to helping those in need.”
  • “My personal vision is to live a life of balance and harmony, where I am able to pursue my passions while also prioritizing my physical, emotional, and spiritual health . I will work towards creating a lifestyle that allows me to thrive in all areas of my life.”
  • “I want to help infants grow in a comfortable and learning environment. This connects me to my empathy and sense of caring. I feel this is something important because infants of today are adults of tomorrow, and a happy baby becomes a happy adult.”
  • “I want to do research in the legal field. I am driven by a love for knowledge and innate curiosity. What motivates me is knowing that thanks to my research, people will live a more justice-driven life as citizens.”
  • “I want to help sensitive people overcome the fear of speaking through coaching. This is important to me because it makes me feel useful to other people, and it connects me to my sensitivity.”

Benefits of creating a personal vision statement

Research has shown that a personal vision statement can help people pass from a cycle of stress to one of more balance .

When you are in a state of stress, you can feel as though you do not have control over what is happening in your life or career and can fall into reaction-based behavior. In contrast, when you move into a more balanced state, you have a sense of inner control about what is happening in your life. We can also equate these to states of high or low locus of control .

In a state of balance, we sense we’re living a life and a career that are the consequence of decisions that we have made over time. This doesn’t mean we have control over the results. There are always external circumstances that impact our trajectories. However, this balance puts us in the driver’s seat as the owner of our responses. If these responses are aligned to who we are and to our values, we have a sense of joy and fulfillment.

Here are five specific benefits that come from having a personal vision statement and using it to find balance:

1.  It becomes easier to make decisions.

If you find yourself in a particular moment of your life or career in which important and complex decisions need to be made, having a personal vision statement can be a compass for you. It will remind you of your inner qualities, values, and purposes that will help you identify the best path for you.

2. It provides you with a sense of direction.

We, as humans, need to feel that what we are doing (in our lives and work) has meaning . To find motivation for actions, we need to know that what we are doing is worthy and that will drive us somewhere. A personal statement connected to your vision can bring clarity to where you are going and what you want to achieve.

3. It helps you determine your long-term and short-term goals.

This sense of direction can be broken down into long-term and short-term goals . After creating your personal statement, you will have a clear long-term goal that will help you set short-term goals and actionable steps to achieve them. The long-term goal will mostly remain stable throughout the years and will inform short-term goals that will change as time passes.

4. It will provide you with motivation during tough times.

When times become hard, it is difficult to maintain motivation and keep doing your job or investing in your personal life with passion. Having a written statement can help you remind yourself of your whys and bring you back on track.

5. It will help you live a balanced life.

A well-written statement contains different aspects of your life, both personal and professional, spiritual and day-by-day oriented. Reminding yourself of your statement will help you live a more balanced life.

What does an effective personal vision statement include?

A well-formed personal vision statement has to respond to these questions: 

  • What do you want to do? 
  • How will you do that? 

You may want to consider your values, strengths, and skills to form your goals. Considering these will offer valuable insight into your whys and how you do what other people do differently.

A personal vision statement should contain:

1. Your interests

What are you passionate about ? A vision statement should contain your interests and passions, what you enjoy doing in your free time , and what you would do all day long if money was not a factor.

2. Your skills

A well-formed statement should include what you are good at . It can include professional and personal skills based on your personal observations and on feedback received through years from family members, friends, and coworkers.

3. Your values

What are you driven by ? A powerful statement connects to your driving values. They are usually expressed in a general form (such as love, creativity, justice) and are those values without which life (for you) doesn’t make any sense.

5. What the world needs

What does the world need, in your opinion? The answer to this question should definitely be part of your personal statement because it tells something about what is important for you and what can make a difference for everyone.

6. Your ultimate goal

If you know who you are , what drives you, and what the world needs, you are ready to identify your goal. This is what Japanese philosophy addresses as ikigai , which is a long-term goal aligned to all the areas above. Your ikigai can provide you with a sense of purpose and direction. Some people call it life’s purpose .

Some questions to ask yourself before drafting your personal vision statement

Creating a personal vision statement can be quite an introspective work. Reserving 10 minutes of reflection before drafting it can help clarify your ideas and dive faster into the 4-step process outlined below. 

There, you’ll find some important questions to guide your reflection and preparation for the creation of the statement. If you are more action-oriented, you can jump into the 4-step process and use these questions as needed.

  • What have you done since you were a child that still gives you a lot of satisfaction?
  • In which activities do you feel fully energized?
  • What are you good at?
  • Without which values (min 3 – max 6) does life make no sense?
  • What does the world need?
  • How would you like to be remembered at the end of your days?
  • According to your previous answers, what could be a life/career goal which makes total sense to you?

How to write a personal vision statement in 4 steps

This 4-step process is something I created after almost 10 years of experience with more than 100 highly talented employees in development centers aimed to help them define a goal and develop their potential. This is an evidence-based process based on well-known psychologists and researchers (above all: logical levels by Robert Dilts, appreciative inquiry by Positive Psychology, and Bob Proctor’s visioning process).

The entire process takes about 40 minutes of reflection. Ideally, all the steps are done together, but breaking reflection into phases won’t inhibit the process.

Step 1: Letter from the future (approximately 15 minutes)

This is a phase in which you can completely let your imagination go and your creativity flow.

Imagine yourself at 90 years old and having lived a dream life with a dream job.

Take a sheet of paper and a pen and write a letter to you of today from you of the future. Describe everything you have accomplished in your personal life and work, how these accomplishments make you feel, and what you are most proud of.

Step 2: List of successes (10 minutes)

What do you define as success? Take time to think of four successes in your life. They can be personal (get married, travel the world) or professional (get promoted, find a new job). Ideally, you’ll want to include both. Describe your successes, what you have done to make them real, and why they are meaningful to you.

Step 3: Collecting data (8 minutes)

In this step, we want to collect both elements from the letter from the future and the list of successes. Read both again and circle keywords related to the following fields: environment, skills, emotions, beliefs, values, and purpose.

  • Environment: This refers to everything that has to do with the environment you envisioned (warm, supportive, etc.).
  • Skills: They refer to competencies such as problem-solving, decision-making, creativity, and so on.
  • Emotions: They relate to the emotional context. You can likely find some emotions described in your letter (joy, satisfaction, etc.).
  • Beliefs: These are your thoughts expressed in a general way. For example, “When I work hard, I achieve what I want” or “When I ask people for help, they support me.”
  • Values: They are universal driving values such as love, kindness, justice, and so on.

Step 4: Writing down your vision statement (6 minutes)

Now you have all the keywords to write down your personal vision statement. If you are a visual person, you can even create a drawing with these keywords, but it is recommended to have it in a written form too. In order for the vision statement to be effective, it should be as detailed as you can make it.

Put it into practice

This article's purpose has been to help orient you to your personal vision statement. After reading this, 3 things are important to keep in mind:

  • Your personal vision statement can change through the years. Be sure to check it from time to time.
  • It doesn’t have to be perfect. Begin with a statement that makes sense to you and you can always make changes if needed.
  • Keep it in a close place and read it from time to time. It will help you stay on track with your goals.

If this reading made you curious, take time for yourself and begin the work of self-discovery and future visioning. Engaging in this work will help you live life with clarity and purpose!

Shape your future today

Explore personalized coaching to define your vision and set a path towards your aspirations.

Giulia Imbastoni

BetterUp Associate Coach

How are personal values formed? Discover the joy of a life aligned

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Unlock Your Potential: How to Craft a Powerful Personal Vision Statement

life vision essay

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What would your ideal life look like if you could envision it five years from now? This is your life vision, and it’s one of the biggest predictors of your overall success.

However, arriving at that clarity can be tricky if you don’t have a deep-rooted purpose. On top of that, you may see your life in a limited way, only through the lens of your career and finances.

But your life is much more than two or three dimensions. When you come up with a vision for all aspects of your life, it will serve as your ultimate North Star, helping you navigate your journey and stay on track.

What Is a Personal Vision Statement?

Your personal vision statement answers the question, “What do you want?” It’s called “vision” because you answer this question as if you have no limitations at all. 

In other words, you want to set the bar as high as possible. Most importantly, you should envision your life as broadly as possible from multiple dimensions.

According to Jon Butcher , creator of Lifebook and trainer of Mindvalley’s Lifebook Online Quest, your vision statement refers to the ideal state you would like to achieve in each area of your life. In Lifebook, 12 major dimensions comprise your human experience:

  • Health and fitness
  • Intellectual
  • Love relationship
  • Quality of life
  • Life Vision

The first five categories are your personal life. It’s all about who you are as a separate individual in terms of your body, mind, emotions, and spirit. And it depends on you alone.

Your relationships include your love relationships, parenting, and social life, profoundly impacting your quality of life.

Your business life includes your financial life and career. A good practice might be to create a business-specific vision statement , especially if you’re an entrepreneur.

The quality of your life is all experiences you want to have and the quality of it. It’s about your dream house, exotic travels, and other adventures.

The last dimension is a vivid description of your future — your life vision . It answers the question, “What does your life look like five years from now if all your goals and dreams in each category become a reality?”

Ideally, you want to envision every category, which will make it complete.

Also, it’s crucial to understand that your vision is dynamic. It can change as you change. It’s a never-ending process of asking yourself, “What do I want in life?”


The differences between vision and mission statements

In marketing expert Jamie Falkowski’s words , “A vision is an aspiration. A mission is actionable.”

Your vision statement describes what it would be like after you have achieved your goal. Your mission statement , on the other hand, should describe how you want to achieve that goal or what you wish to create.

Here’s an example to clarify the distinction between a personal vision statement and a personal mission statement:

  • Sample personal vision statement: A world without poverty.
  • Sample mission statement: To provide nutrition to those in need.

Essentially, your vision statement is a state of being, while your mission statement is a strategy.

Jon Butcher on importance of personal vision statement

Why Is It Important?

Your vision statement reflects your self-identity, core values, and meaning. If you don’t know what you want, you have no destination.

There are millions of people, corporations, gurus, and politicians who are willing to fill that gap and make you go where they want you to go as opposed to where you want to go.

On the contrary, having a clear vision and reasons why it’s important helps you take steps toward your goals. Most importantly, it’s completely impossible to live an extraordinary life if you don’t know who you are and what you want.

Jon explains that having a clear life vision doesn’t make things easier — it simply makes it possible. “When you have it crystal clear, you won’t be compromising your relationships, health, career, or any other area of your life,” he adds.

If you don’t have a clear vision of your future, you will be pulled into a rabbit hole. — Jon Butcher, trainer of Mindvalley’s Lifebook Online Quest

It starts with the understanding that you are totally in control of your life and then it takes living from this place of ownership. Otherwise, speaking with the words of Jack Delosa, founder of Australia’s largest education institution for entrepreneurs, The Entourage , your will end up living OPRs  — “other people’s rules.”

In this conversation with Vishen, Jon and Missy elaborate on why it’s paramount to have a clear vision:

How to Write Your Vision Statement in 5 Steps

Writing a personal vision statement is a process of awakening — awakening to the idea that you are in charge of making your own decisions in all dimensions of your life. 

Creating your life vision isn’t easy, but it’s available to everyone who’s committed to themselves. It’s a mental exercise that creates an immense gravitational pull on your daily choices and actions that will eventually become your destiny.

Let’s look at a step-by-step process of writing your vision statement for 12 dimensions:

1. Explore your fundamental beliefs — what are your beliefs?

In Lifebook, it’s called premise — foundational beliefs you hold about each category. Exploring them is critical because they control your thoughts, decisions, behaviors, and destiny. 

For example, if you believe that money is the root of all evil, it will sabotage your vision and even strategy to create financial abundance in your life. 

Answer these questions:

  • What do you believe about health, money, relationships, spirituality, etc.? 
  • What deep-seated beliefs shape your life?
  • Are your beliefs empowering?
  • Do they move you at a deep level, or are they holding you back? 

Once identified, you can consciously choose empowering beliefs that support your vision.

2. Write your vision statement — what do you want?

In this step, you envision each area of your life the way you want it to be by answering these questions:

  • How do you want this area of your life to feel? 
  • What do you want it to look like? 
  • What do you want to be doing on a consistent basis?
  • If your life were exactly how you wanted it to be in that category, what would it consist of? 

Give yourself permission to dream big and write down exactly what you want to achieve.

3. Identify your “why” — why do you want it?

This is your purpose — compelling reasons behind what you want in each dimension of your life. According to Jon, it determines whether you get what you want or not. 

  • Why is it important to you?
  •  What energizes you? 
  • What empowers you to take action?
  •  What motivates you to achieve your vision?
  • What will you gain if you achieve it, and what will you lose if you don’t?

Your purpose equals motivation. If your purpose is strong enough, you will do whatever it takes to manifest your dreams.

4. Come up with a strategy — what can you do to achieve it?

Your strategy refers to the specific actions that will get you from where you are now to where you want to be. How will you bring your vision into reality?

Your strategy is where your goals live. — Jon Butcher, trainer of Mindvalley’s Lifebook Online Quest

Look at where you’re now in relationship to your vision and ask yourself:

  • What kind of positive habits, attitudes, and action steps can you implement? 
  • What’s the recipe for the vision you want to create in each category?
  • What support do you need on this journey?

The key is to write down the steps you can take to start moving towards your goals, no matter how small they are.

5. Put them all together into one life vision

Now you integrate all 11 visions you’ve come up with so far into one singular life vision for your future. All 11 categories aren’t isolated from one another — they only give the organizational structure. 

So you can’t skip or neglect one of the categories because they are all equally important. They are different aspects of you, a complex being. 

The question you ask:

  • What does your life look like five years from now if all your goals and dreams in each category become a reality?
  • Describe your dream house, your ideal day, your level of health and fitness, your ideal love relationships and social life, your dream family, your dream career, and your high-quality lifestyle.
  • How do you push yourself intellectually?
  • What emotions are you experiencing consistently?
  • What specific character traits have you built?
  • What do you do to feel spiritually connected?

When you put everything together, you will have a blueprint of your vision of your unique future in all aspects of your life. It’s a big and complex mission, just like your life itself.

man holding his lifebook

Inspiring Personal Vision Statement Examples

Let’s look at vision statements shared by Jon and Mindvalley’s students of Lifebook Online for each category to inspire you.

Health and fitness:

  • Being in great physical shape is my identity. 
  • I choose to be a strong muscular athlete for the rest of my life. 
  • I will continue improving my aerobic capacity, strength, and flexibility as time goes by. 
  • I’m planning to live to be at least 100 years old. 

Intellectual life:

  • I am a highly intelligent person. I trust my mind to come up with good decisions. I live smart, and that makes me smart. 
  • I will constantly improve my intellectual capabilities in the future. I dedicate myself to a life of never-ending intellectual improvement and education.
  • I will use my intellect to live an intelligent life. I will take action on the info I learn.
  • I will think deeply and deliberately about everything important to me.

Emotional life:

  • I see myself as having very high emotional intelligence.
  • I will become a master at managing my emotional states. I will define and create the emotional experiences I want to feel on an ongoing basis.
  • I’ll let all those positive emotions add up to an extraordinary attitude.
  • I will consciously cultivate and nurture my highest emotional value – Happiness.

Character traits:

  • Reliability: Doing what I say I will every time. My word is my bond.  
  • Courage: I am not afraid to take the necessary risks. I can be fearful and still do something anyway.
  • Kindness, compassion, and respect for others. These balance my intense personality. My actions never violate the rights of the people around me.
  • Determination: I can accomplish anything that I set my mind to.

Spiritual life:

  • The spiritual path is a quest for self-actualization and a commitment to helping others achieve the same.
  • I will continuously strive to obtain a clearer vision of reality and my place in it.
  • I want to contribute to others to the best of my ability. And leave this world a better place than when I found it.
  • I am here to nurture, care for, love, guide, support and protect my family for as long as I live. They are and will always be the focus of the gifts that I’ve been given.

Love relationship:

  • We love each other deeply. Love for us means: we adore each other; we have a deep regard for one other, admiration, and respect for each other. We are proud to be in this relationship together. We have dignity in the way we communicate. We enjoy a “profound oneness” in our relationship. 
  • We put each other first. 
  • We are an unshakable team. We give each other the benefit of the doubt. We always have our best intentions at heart.
  • We are dedicated to constant growth as individuals and as a couple.
  • Our vision is to raise independent, healthy, happy, courageous children. Our vision is to raise independent, healthy, happy, courageous children.
  • Our children understand that their life belongs to them totally and completely, not to us. They cherish their freedom and understand the self-responsibility that goes along with it. They do what is right for themselves, not for our sake.
  • Our children feel deeply loved because we give them lots of physical affection, saying “I love you” and telling them why. They know we are always there for them. 
  • I will take my children on adventures for learning and exploring to become the most well-rounded, independent people they can be. 

Social life:

  • I have an extraordinary family life. I want to be a great son, brother, and uncle.
  • I want extraordinary friendships. We don’t have time for shallow friendships. I have to pick good friends, and I have to be a good friend.
  • I have friends of all ages – it just makes life interesting.
  • I yearn for a deep connection in my friendships. We compare experiences, share insights, support each other’s growth and nurture each other’s spirits.

Financial life:

  • I see myself as living in an abundant Universe. 
  • I am destined to be a big financial success. 
  • I have a healthy, loving relationship with money. 
  • I know precisely, with clarity, how much money I want and need.
  • I want to choose a career out of genuine interest that gives me joy, fulfillment, and excitement.
  • My work is a true and natural expression of my life purpose, and it brings constant joy, motivation, and fulfillment. 
  • My skills are highly sought after, and I attract wonderful clients. I enjoy the people I work with. I contribute hugely to everyone I work with and make a difference in their lives.
  • I feel fulfilled when my work combines analytical, creative, strategic, and social tasks. Having all those things in my daily work makes me happy, joyful, and needed.

Quality of life:

  • I want the freedom to do what I want, where I want, and when I want.
  • I want our environment to harmonize perfectly with who we are as people. Our environments are where we experience our Quality of Life.
  • Travel, travel, and more travel. This is the wealthiest part of our Quality of Life. It is where we can dream, change, see, learn, share and simply be.  
  • The environments in which we experience life are where all the love, memories, happiness, joy, and everything good is created. 

Writing Your Most Important Book – Your Lifebook

As the mysterious Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland said , “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road can take you there.” 

It means that if you don’t want to be disoriented in this world full of distractions, you need to get crystal clear about your life vision across the board. 

If you want to discover what you want, why you want it, and how you can achieve it, take a free, 90-minute Lifebook Online Masterclass with Jon and Missy Butcher. They will guide you through the fundamental process of creating your personal Lifebook, the most essential book in your life.

Welcome in.

Recommended free masterclass for you

life vision essay

Design a Life So Amazing, You’ll Want to Live It Over and Over and Over Again

Discover the 12 categories of the Lifebook system and the four critical questions to ask yourself. Join Jon and Missy Butcher in this free masterclass so you can begin moving towards your dream life. Enroll for free

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Irina Yugay

Picture of Irina Yugay

Jon Butcher is one-half of the dynamic duo. He and his wife, Missy Butcher are the founders of Lifebook, a transforming lifestyle design system that empowers people to envision, plan, and achieve their best life. Prior to their now-incredible life, Jon was an overworked entrepreneur who came to a breaking point before a big client meeting and experienced a severe anxiety attack that left him incapacitated and housebound. The event spurred him to explore a more conscious and holistic approach to life. This evolved to him and Missy creating a specific and personal game plan that aligned with their purpose, what they wanted, and the life they wanted to live. And thus, Lifebook was born.

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My Personal Vision Statement Essay

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Actions , Life , Learning , Money , Milestone , Goals , Vision , People

Published: 12/13/2021


I. Introduction As I mature each day, I realize how important it is to develop and refine my personal vision statement, which would serve to guide the course of my life as I make decisions and actions. In other words, my personal vision statement is what I feel and think most of the time to achieve my objectives in life. I believe that a well-thought of and worthwhile personal vision will help me chart my career and life by setting goals with critical decisions and actions. Hence, in this essay, I offered three learning goals, as well as, two milestones and one action plan for each goal. II. Learning Goals, Milestones, and Action Steps My initial learning goal is to be a manager within a span of five years. For my first milestone, I have to climb the organizational ladder each year until such time I attain managerial position. To do so, I need to apply whatever relevant things I learned in my courses on leadership. Second, I have to surround myself with people (such as, expert leadership mentor and trustworthy colleagues) to attain my desired organizational rank. Personally, I have to use decision-oriented and action-directed style to fulfill these milestones. My initial action plan is to build my career from the company where I would work with passion, dedication, sense of fulfillment, loyalty, love, inter alia. My second learning goal is to be financially stable throughout my career. My first milestone is to save money and later on invest it. It is always good to save money in order to avoid loans and related debts. My second milestone is to work smartly and fruitfully by, say, working overtime without sacrificing my well-being, family and social life. I think that success also lies beneath those people we come to have contact with as we forge lasting relationship with them. With those milestones in mind, my initial action plan is to perform at my best in my work, social and personal life. I need a balanced outlook and lifestyle to stay fit – physically, mentally, socially, etc. – as I fulfill my life’s desire. My last learning goal is to do philanthropic activities, locally and abroad. As I perform the tasks of giving and helping out people and groups in need, I would also be travelling abroad by those times. To be able to do my third goal, my initial milestone is to work productively to earn more money from my work and investments. Moreover, I need to apply what I learned from my continuing professional studies, such as about saving and investing my hard-earned money. My second milestone is to create a network of local and international philanthropist organization so that we can do better in giving hope to disadvantaged people. My action plan is to learn from the stories of successful philanthropists on how they were able to help others despite the temptations of using their money primarily for their own selves, families and relatives. III. Conclusing Remarks I strongly believe that my learning goals of becoming a manager, a financially stable person, and philanthropist are all worth them to live by a meaningful life with lasting impact to my loved ones and the world over. Likewise, with the milestones or significant events in my life’s projects, I would then be an example to others to emulate. With each action plan in my personal vision statement, nothing should get in the way of fulfilling them all by being true to myself and others who would benefit from my decisions and actions.


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Home » Business » 25 Best Personal Vision Statement Examples

25 Best Personal Vision Statement Examples

Having your own personal vision statement is a great way to make sure you are on the right path to accomplish your long-term goals. Having a clear personal vision gives you a sense of direction. It states your personal values and is a powerful tool for life decisions. This is not the same as a career vision statement. Though it may relate to your professional life, it should set out personal goals and personal values.

Below we have written 25 great personal vision statement examples to help you become your best self.

Example #1: Becoming Financially Successful

I take ownership of my career aspirations and desire for financial success. I will dedicate my professional career to maximizing how much money I can earn. To do this, I will invest in my education and lifelong learning. I recognize this will require hard work and dedication for my entire career path. I will do this because my set of core values requires that I contribute to help others and myself. To be in a position to make a difference in other people’s lives, I must first make a difference in my own.

Example #2: Giving Myself a Better Future

Every decision I make is an interaction with my future self. I must make decisions for the long term and not only to achieve short-term goals. To make sure that I am in a better place in the future, I must have a clear vision for my personal life and take steps to realize it. I will take time each day for personal development to improve my earning potential, and I commit to making decisions that support my life principles.

Example #3: Living My Best Life

Though I am a successful person and I have achieved many of my life goals, these accomplishments feel empty. I have not set goals that were true to myself. I have set goals based on what society expected. I will work to live a better everyday life from now on. To do this, I will evaluate my actions and decisions each day. I will ensure that I pursue what I truly desire and not what I feel others expect of me. I will work hard to ensure I am financially able to seek out adventure at home and abroad and take opportunities to have new experiences whenever possible.

Example #4: Developing Work-Life Balance

It is important to me to continue to perform well at work and accomplish my career goals. However, I recognize how much time I spend in pursuit of bigger bank accounts at the expense of personal relationships. The first thing I must do to correct this is to allocate some time each day to my family. I will also take at least one day each week away from work, dedicated solely to building genuine connections with the people that matter to me.

Example #5: Overcoming Introversion and Making Connections

I want to remain true to myself while experiencing all life has to offer. I am comfortable in my quietness and content being in my own company. Though I recognize my introversion is not a flaw to be changed, it does represent an interpersonal challenge. I will work on being more present and attentive when engaging with others. This will allow me to foster trust, connection, and intimacy which are essential for meaningful long-term relationships.

Example #6: Becoming a Good Communicator

I identify that my social and talkative nature is one of my greatest strengths, and my love for humor and comedy shows itself. However, I recognize that my comedic and talkative nature can present unprofessionally, and sometimes I talk over others. I want to be someone who is seen as reliable and supportive to friends, family, and colleagues. To do this, I will learn to listen more and talk less. I will practice active listening and work to become someone who connects with others, even when we don’t share the same opinions.

Example #7: Becoming a Positive Force

I have the power to choose how I see the world. I recognize that I view the world poorly, that I expect bad things to happen, and I doubt the motives of others, such as team members. This has led to me being passive and not pursuing self-improvement or professional growth. I want to be seen as a positive influence on those around me, someone who encourages others to become their best. I commit that I will look for the positive, and commit to viewing the world in a good way. I will look for the good in others and do all I can to increase the good in the world.

Example #8: Improving My Decision Making

Until now, I have been impulsive and made poor decisions without a clear idea of my path. I realize that improvement is a multi-step process, and I commit to long-term self-improvement. My next step is to learn patience, both with myself and others. I will take time to assess any new idea to ensure it is a good idea before acting. In doing this, I will become a grounded person who makes deliberate decisions and isn’t swayed by impulses. I will become someone others can rely on and trust, and this will serve me in professional advancement.

Example #9: Improving the World Through Business

I am a highly ambitious person, and I acknowledge that status is important to me. I will balance this by loving and accepting myself where I am at while continuing to pursue success. I identify that success to me means being the best I can be in anything I do. I will improve my professional skills and look for new opportunities constantly. Ideally, I will work to become a business executive, to be in a position where I can steer companies to be ethical and responsible in their treatment of employees and the environment.

Example #10: Looking After the Earth

I believe life should be about more than simply improving one’s own standing or accumulating wealth. It is our duty to others and the planet to leave the world better than we found it. I will pursue a career in technology to further this goal by engaging in a life-long commitment to support sustainable energy production. I will reduce my carbon footprint where possible through ethical life choices. I will practice and promote recycling and composting, choosing sustainable products, and sharing environmental awareness. Earth is my home planet, and it is my responsibility to take care of it.

Example #11: I Will Help Others

All people are unique and valuable. The structure of our world sometimes denies people opportunity or dignity because of circumstances. I will dedicate myself to improving my ability to help others through teaching and care. I will commit my time to volunteer for not-for-profit organizations and to encourage others to do the same. I will also strive to promote humanitarianism in all aspects of my life – from how I treat others to how I give back to the community.

Example #12: Expanding My Understanding of the World

I want to expand my experience of the world as much as possible, to meet new people and learn their customs and cultures. This can benefit my professional life by giving me more creativity and access to different ideas, and a better ability to work with others. I commit to work hard and find travel opportunities as often as possible to increase the number of people and cultures I encounter. Through diverse experience, I will maximize my professional and personal values and enrich my life.

Example #13: To Improve Opportunities for Others

I recognize that I have had a good life. I have had the opportunity to learn and develop valuable and unique skills and specialized knowledge. I want to share that knowledge with the less fortunate through volunteering for missions. In doing this, I can enrich my own experiences and expand my worldview. I can also give others knowledge they don’t have access to, and they can make positive changes in their communities, creating a positive ripple effect and leaving lasting change in the world.

Example #14: Becoming a More Confident and Effective Person

I will live a life of purpose and meaning, free from stress and anxiety. I am motivated to make positive changes in my life and to strive for excellence. I have missed out on too many opportunities because of self-doubt. I will overcome the anxiety that has defined me previously and become confident in all situations in life. I will develop my professional and personal skills and work to be a well-rounded and functional person.

Example #15: Not Being Define By the Past

I commit that I am not defined by my experiences, but by who I am in light of my experiences. I will work hard to overcome past challenges and experiences. I will seek opportunities for personal and professional development to help me become a valuable contributor at work and in society. I will be an example to others that you can always improve, no matter what challenges life has given you.

Example #16: I Will Not Be Defined by Others

I refuse to let the way others have treated me in the past be a part of my future. I will no longer be defined by past experiences and social situations. I recognize my value as a unique individual. My traits are not faults; they are my strengths. I will work to make being myself an example to the world and to inspire others to step out confidently and to express themselves.

Example #17: Empowering Myself and Others

I have a strong desire to help others and to be successful myself. The best way that I can help others is to become the best version of myself. For this reason, I commit to developing my financial knowledge and education so that I will be financially empowered to make a difference in others’ lives. I will welcome opportunities to help and support others and will always seek to teach them how to help themselves and their communities.

Example #18: Making Decisions That Benefit My Future

I want to make sure that my future self enjoys peace and stability to do anything that I desire. I want to be empowered to choose to live and work wherever it is that I desire, and to engage in activities that fulfill me personally. To do this, I will work hard and welcome all opportunities to learn and gain experience to make myself more valuable as a person, knowing that every decision I make now will have a direct effect on my quality of life in the future.

Example #19: Improving Others’ Health and Wellbeing

I want to leave a positive impact on the world, and I want my contribution to be valuable to others. I have a passion for helping others and have been blessed with opportunities that others do not have. I commit that I will put my efforts into developing my knowledge of health and wellbeing. I will seek out opportunities to share this knowledge and teach others, as well as to actively apply my knowledge to help others to live full and healthy lives.

Example #20: To Develop the Future Ethically and Responsibly

Technology is rapidly advancing, and automation threatens to replace people in many fields. I actively welcome the opportunity for technology to improve our lives, but I remain aware of the challenges. I will pursue a professional career in technology to ensure I am at the forefront of developments. I will do this so that I can ensure everyone benefits equally and is protected against abuse and misuse of advancements.

Example #21: Providing a Voice to Those Who Do Not Have One

I believe that even those who cannot afford professional representation deserve the same opportunity as others. For this reason, I will work to further my understanding and expertise in professional or legal areas. I will pursue a professional career that furthers my ability to provide representation to the less fortunate. In doing this, I can spread fairness and equity within my community.

Example #22: To Empower My Children to Be Great

I commit that I will do all that I can to give my children the best life possible. I will ensure they have access to healthy food and are empowered to understand good health and nutrition. I will provide a roof over their head and access to education, so that they will not need anything. I will not allow them to become selfish or complacent by being spoiled by excess. I will teach them to appreciate and use the stability and financial surplus I will provide them to improve their own lives and to bless others.

Example #23: Becoming Confident

It is easy to focus only on the bad in the world. Constant reporting of negative events makes the world seem hopeless. I commit to focusing on the positive and the good in the world and to growing the positivity and goodness in my life. I will focus on being confident in all that I do and inspire others to also be confident. In doing this, I can live a positive and fulfilled life, and I know that I can have a lasting impact on others.

Example #24: To Inspire Others to Achieve

We only work to achieve what we can imagine, and our imagination is shaped by experience. Some people are limited by their circumstances and imagine only small goals. I want to be the very best that I can be, to commit to lifelong learning and development. I want to be an inspiring example to others. Through my example, they will see that they can achieve the same. I want to develop skills that allow me to improve my community through both volunteering and my professional work.

Example #25: To Be a Positive Impact on the Next Generation

I seek to live a fulfilled life and bring value to the world through being a positive influence on children. I commit to being a positive role model for them, to instill in them important values and skills. I will teach them the value of critical thought and questioning the world. I will work hard to help them improve themselves so they can help to improve the lives of others. I will do all that I can so that they understand that all people are valuable and so that they treat everyone with dignity and respect.

One of the main differences between successful people like Oprah Winfrey, Amanda Steinberg, and Stephen Covey, and most ordinary people, is the use of personal growth tools like vision boards and good vision statements. The first step to improve any area of your life that you desire to change is to write your own statement. The ideal vision statement is a concise statement that makes your primary goals clear, be they economic opportunity, spiritual development, or whatever it is that you desire. Your personal vision statement should also clearly state why you desire each goal and how it will change your life.

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Do you resonate with the following statements?

• Life is a journey.

• Life is short and should be enjoyed.

• Life is composed of departments that need to be optimized and balanced.

If you do, it’s probably because you have a certain philosophy toward life that is illustrated in one (or all) of the statements above. And generally, the statement is something that you believe in. These purpose or life statements have been linked to helping you live a longer life, no matter what your age, according to a study in Psychological Science . But do the statements above encompass everything you believe in?

That’s more of what a life vision is about.

Finding Balance

I have spent the last several years coaching CEOs and have found that a majority of them spend more time working in (and on) their businesses than they do on their own lives. For most of them, this realization is a huge paradigm shift and frankly, makes some of them feel uncomfortable. Life statements should ultimately reflect both your work life and your personal life.

See if you resonate more with this statement:

• My life is just as important as my company/career and is just as deserving of a clear vision and plan.

When was the last time you took a proverbial step out of your life and looked back in? When was the last time you audited all areas of your life to see how they are tracking against your ideal?

Crafting Your Life Vision

When you begin working on a life vision, you must first realize that your purpose can vary over time (different developmental periods or important life transitions). You need to consider both personal and professional aspects, as well as other important areas such as your values and ideals. It might be difficult to answer the question “What do I really want?” when you haven’t identified what is most important in ALL areas of your life.

Crafting your life vision takes time and some finesse. A life vision is a big picture and has many components that make up what you want your daily life to look like. These “departments” might include: spiritual connection; family and friends; health and wellness; mental, emotional and personal growth; love and relationships; and career, finance and business. Also, don’t forget about things that bring you enjoyment and fun.

Making It Happen

If you don’t have access to a workshop or retreat to work on your life vision and plan, here is a process that you can use to get started on your own:

• Schedule a half-day away from the office in a location that is inspiring and where you will not be interrupted (no phones allowed).

• Take an audit of how you are doing in all your life departments: health and wellness, mental/emotional/personal growth, family and friends, love and relationships, spiritual connection, career/finance/business, and fun.

• Place each of these departments on your timeline .

• Envision your ideal life in each of these departments so you can define what is optimal for you.

• In the departments that are showing the biggest chasm from optimal on your timeline, identify the paradigms that might be holding you back.

The key to stepping into a life built by design is to get clarity on what you really want. Then you can look at where you might be defaulting into old patterns that are against your optimal.

Unlocking the beliefs and paradigms that are holding you back is where the magic happens. Begin with your life vision. You must create new beliefs and install them in order to create a new reality.

Chris Yonker

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life vision essay

Starting Things

How to create a vision for your life.

I used to think it was a silly waste of time to think about a vision for my life. Who does that? It seems to touchy-feely, too Tony Robbins-ish.

But then, as I started learning how to change my life and my habits, I realized something: people avoid creating a vision for their lives because they believe the exercise is futile. Why make a vision when it's impossible to accomplish those things anyway?

I've also noticed something over the past several years: the most interesting, accomplished people I know all have a vision for their lives. They seem to know what comes next, like they've seen the future.

On the other hand, people I meet or know who are stuck and have that hopeless look in their eyes, like they're just passing time in life without joy or aspiration, those people don't have a vision. In fact, many of them don't even have long-term goals. This was painfully clear at my recent high school reunion.

Does having a vision make you better able to change your life, or does being able to change your life make having a vision possible?

Being able to change your life and having a vision for it are the yin and yang of living a great life. They're interdependent and complimentary of one another. One will jump-start the other. Find the motivation to change your life , and you'll be able to create a vision for it. Or, create a vision for your life and then learn how to change it.

What's the difference between a life vision and long-term goals?

Goals are individual experiences and accomplishments you strive for. A vision is the bigger picture. Your life's vision defines who you want to be, what you want to be known for and the set of experiences and accomplishments you aim for. Your vision helps define the goals by giving you a framework to evaluate those goals.

Your vision becomes your why .

Your vision should aim to answer questions like:

What life do you want to have lived at age 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 and 80?

What kinds of people do you want to be surrounded by?

What do you believe you're capable of in life? What are the greatest things you could accomplish, given the right circumstances, resources and motivation?

What do you wish you could change about the world? What could you contribute to the world that would make you feel proud and content?

When you die, what would you want people to say and remember about you?

In fact, start by answering those questions and your vision should be easy to create.

How to Create Your Life's Vision

First, you need to identify what matters in life. This is where that college philosophy class should come in handy. You need to go deep and existential here. What is the real meaning of life ? How should you live your life?

Your answer to "what matters in life" won't be perfect, and that's OK. The point is to put a stake in the ground to work towards, and you can change your answer whenever you review your life's vision.

Regardless of your answer, there will be things you want to do or be , and there are resources needed to support those experiences and accomplishments .

Next, make a list of the categories of things that matter to you.

Here are the categories currently on my list:

Health — exercise, diet, mindfulness, perspective

Ability — skills, knowledge, character

Relationships — curate and cultivate them

Time — using what time you have wisely

Wealth — creating the value necessary to support goals



Contentment — being happy with who you are, perhaps the ultimate goal

Your list can and should look different. It's all about what matters to you , and what you want out of your brief time on this planet.

Now, for each of your categories, write down what you want or need from each. Think about the things you want to accomplish or experience, and work backwards to understand how the other categories should support your life's vision.

Finally, craft a statement that describes what your ideal life looks like. I know, it might seem cheesy, but this entire exercise can be incredibly fun and rewarding. I just refreshed my life's vision while on vacation in Hawaii for 10 days. It was the perfect setting to get all introspective.

Your vision statement will consist of an overall description of your ideal life, combined with a list of areas that matter most, and high-level goals for each area.

What's next?

If all you do is this exercise, you will likely see some benefits, as your vision will stick in the back of your mind and you'll unconsciously work towards it.

However, if you want the best chance of making your vision happen, you'll need to go further.

You need to build a system for yourself, where you review your vision and goals regularly, and update your action plan for accomplishing those goals.

Your main priority should be making your system a habit, something that you do no matter what, that you don't have to think about or remind yourself about. Start with calendar reminders and task list items and build life planning time into your daily and weekly routines until it becomes habit.

Further Reading

Scott Dinsmore's Free Annual Goal-Setting & Weekly Planning Process Workbooks

Door #1 or Door #2? The Decision that Could Haunt You Forever…

The Lies Your Mind Tells You to Prevent Life Changes

How to Live Well

When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love. –Marcus Aurelius

Ready for more?

Vision Statement Examples for Students

A vision statement refers to a short and aspirational statement that describes the future goals of the person or the organization. A vision statement is often confused with a mission statement, but these two statements have different meanings. A mission statement describes the tasks that the person or the organization intend to do in the current or near duration, while a vision statement describes what the person or the organization wants to achieve in the long run. Usually, vision statements are used in businesses to set a clear vision regarding the future goals of the company, but a vision statement can also be used by the students to stay focused and work towards their future goals and make a successful career. Vision statements can do wonder in the student’s life as it guides them to choose the right actions that are aligned with their goals. In this article, we’ll discuss the various examples of the personal vision statements for students and how to write an effective vision statement and different ways of using it.

Personal Vision Statement Examples for Students

A personal vision statement is very beneficial for the students. It helps the student to analyse accurate steps and focus on the main goal that he/she wants to achieve in the coming years. Let us check out the various examples of vision statements that can help you to formulate your vision statement.

1. Vision Statements based on the Five Years Time Frame

Thinking about where you want to see yourself five years later, is one of the best methods of creating a vision statement. For example, if you are a student, which college do you want to join after your school. If you are in college, which company do you want to join and what career do you want to pursue after your studies. Following are some examples of vision statements based on the five years time frame.

  • In five years, I will be studying at Stanford University and majoring in Biology.
  • I will be working as an accountant at the XYZ organization in five years.
  • I will be working as a Special Educator after my graduation and help the millions of disabled children.
  • In five years, I will be working as a professor at Harvard University.
  • Five years from now, I’ll be working as the CEO of the XYZ company.
  • In five years, I’ll be living in my own house in Los Angeles.
  • Five years from now, I’ll be earning X times more than my current earnings.

2. Vision Statements based on the Personal Interests

  • I will become an efficient engineer because I have strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
  • I love learning about space and the universe. I’ll pursue my graduation in astronomy and become an astronaut.
  • I’m driven toward artificial intelligence. I aim to pursue my graduation in Computer and Artificial intelligence.
  • I have a keen interest in environmental protection. I’ll study environmental engineering and helps scientists in developing strategies to tackle climatic change.
  • I love helping poor and old people. I will start an NGO that provides necessities to the poor and the old people.
  • I love reading novels and writing fictional stories. I will become a writer in the future.
  • I have a keen interest in exploring old monuments and artefacts. I will be majoring in archaeology at my graduation.

3. Vision Statements Based on Your Goal

  • What is your ultimate goal? What do you think the success is for you? Your vision statement should be based upon your definition of being successful and your ultimate goal. Following are examples of the vision statement based upon the ultimate goal of the people.
  • My carrear goal is to be an astronaut at NASA. I like exploring space and the Universe.
  • I will become a popular actor/actress. I like to perform various acts.
  • I am passionate about designing different styles of building. I will major in Architecture and become a professional Architecture.
  • I am passionate about psychology and helping people suffering from psychological disorders. I will pursue my graduation in clinical psychology and open a psychology clinic to help people facing various psychological disorders.
  • I will become a successful entrepreneur. I will open a business, which involves selling the local goods to the international markets.
  • My goal is to become a school principal. I believe that educators have the potential to change the world and schools should provide an optimum environment for the students that foster their growth.

4. Visions Statement based on the Particular Skill

When you perform a particular task over the years, you become skilled in that task. Instead of focusing on the new vision or learning a new skill, you may create your vision that utilizes the skill you already have acquired through the years of direct or indirect training. Hence, one should always look at his/her skillset before creating the vision statement. One can consider the following examples.

  • I have great communication skills and the ability to persuade others. I will become a journalist as it utilizes my skills and because I want to raise the voice of minorities.
  • I have a piece of great knowledge of finance management. I will open a consultancy business that will help small businesses efficiently utilize the available resources and become successful.
  • I will use my agricultural knowledge and family farm work experience in helping the local farmers to know about the different methods of crop production that will provide them with the maximum profit.
  • I plan to use my creative thinking and software development skills to develop an application that will benefit people in managing their day to day tasks.
  • I have great cooking skills. I will become a chef.

Ways to Use Personal Vision Statement for Students

Once you finished making your vision statement, you should utilize it effectively to get the maximum benefits. Following are some of how you can use your vision statements to easily achieve the set vision.

  • One should keep his/her vision statement in a place where he/she can see it regularly. One can place it on the side of the mirror, or write it on paper and carry it in the wallet or purse, or one can stick it on the wall of his/her workstation. When you see your vision statement daily, it triggered your brain to easily accomplish the tasks that bring you closer to the accomplishment of your vision statement. Hence, one should read his/her personal vision statement at least once a day.
  • A personal vision statement can help you in making your career decisions. For example, if you are looking for a job change or taking any other decisions related to your career, you can always look at your vision statement. Check whether your particular decisions are aligned with your vision statement or not. If that decision is helping you to reach closer to your visions then go ahead with that decision, if not, it is better to avoid that decision.
  • It is also observed that if you tell about your vision statements to your close ones say family or friends, you are more likely to follow your vision statement.
  • Visions statement can guide you that what is the skill your need to learn and what you should avoid. By looking at the vision statement one can choose the skill to learn that aligns with the vision statement. This can save a huge amount of your time that you may have wasted on learning a skill that does not fit with your vision statement.
  • One can also mention his/her vision statement in the resume or the cover letter as it helps the employer to get the idea about your motivation and future goals, which can help him to determine whether you fit for that particular job position or not.

Steps to Consider for an Effective Vision Statment

  • Try to visualise your expected life from five to ten years from now. Think of things that excite you and the things if accomplished can make a huge impact on your personal and professional life. Think of the location where you want to settle or work in the coming years and the type of environment you want to live in.
  • Apart from visualising, also consider the other factors, and changes that can impact your personal life; for example changes in the environment, technology, and national policies can have a direct impact on your vision. Nobody can predict life 100 per cent as it is dynamic, one should always have a backup plan that they may utilize in case of emergencies. Hence, vision statements should be formulated after considering all the factors.
  • Initially, don’t just focus on writing a single vision statement, instead, try to write all your visions on paper. Now, analyse what is the most important vision out of all the written statements and make it a priority and add it to your main vision statement. Also, consider other vision statements in improvising the main vision statement.
  • Make sure that your vision statement is unique, you may get the ideas of a vision statement through the internet or other sources, but never forget that every individual is unique and have his/her visions or dreams to accomplish. Your vision statement should be motivating and future-oriented.
  • You may imagine a lot of things to accomplish, but try to keep your vision statement short, hence refining your vision statement is an important step. Try to limit it to fifty or lesser words. This makes it easy for you to read it daily. Also, make a vision statement that is aligned with your beliefs or values. If the vision statement opposes or is against the things you believe in, it may become difficult for you to achieve the set vision.
  • One should always consider his/her strengths and weaknesses before creating the vision statement. List all your strengths and weaknesses on a paper and then cross-check them with your career goals. Prioritize the goals that involve your strengths in the vision statement. For example, if you have good accounting skills you can consider being an accountant, on the other hand, if you think you want to be a pilot but you have acrophobia, then this may create problems in achieving your goal of being a pilot. Make sure that you have a specific career goal and try to make your vision statement focusing on that specific goal. It is easy to achieve the vision when your vision statement focuses on a single goal.

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What is your vision (purpose) in life? Sample interview answers

It is much easier to deal with everyday struggles once you have a vision in life . Following some meaningful purpose –meaningful for you, because at the end of the day what others think about your vision doesn’t matter–you enjoy the process of overcoming challenges, and always getting one step closer to turning your vision into reality . And while we do not achieve all our goals, and may fail to materialize our dreams, it is still better living with some vision, seeing a purpose in what you do, simply because people with vision enjoy their life and jobs more… But what do the hiring managers (or people at school, should you apply for a place in a study program) want to hear from you, once inquiring about your vision in life? We will try to find the answers on the following lines.

First of all, they want to hear that you have some vision, some purpose . You do not go to school or job just because everyone does the same thing. On the contrary, you try to achieve something with your everyday activities, and it drives you forward, and helps you to overcome the obstacles. Secondly, the vision you present in the interviews should make sense in the context of your job/study program application . Let me explain. Applying for a job of a logistics manager, it makes little sense saying that your vision is to become the best veterinarian in LA. Such vision would make sense in a vet school interview, but not in a logistics interview.

Anyway, let’s have a look at 7 sample answers to this question. Read them for your inspiration, but do not copy any of them . Vision or purpose of life is a very personal thing , and not something you should simply copy from somewhere. The answers on my list should help you find the answers within you , while you try to discover your vision and purpose, one you can talk about in the interview but perhaps also pursue in your life. I tried to come up with some variety , and hope that once you are done with the answers, you will know what you want to say in your next interview. Enjoy!

7 sample answers to “What is your vision in life?” interview question

  • My vision is to lead a balanced and successful life . I know it may seems a bit general, but my idea is to make a successful corporate career , and at the same time start a family, being a good husband and eventually a good father. I know it isn’t easy nowadays, with the pressure in the workplace and the distractions around us, not to speak about climate change, pandemics, and what not. But I believe that if I approach each day with the right mindset , and with a plan, and limit distractions to minimum, I can attain my vision, and enjoy my everyday life . I see the job in your corporation as the next step on my way, and hope you will give me a chance to prove my motivation and skills.
  • My vision in life is to run my own veterinary clinic one day . It seems far-fetched, considering I’m just in my early twenties and applying for a place at vet school, but it is the final goal, and the image of the clinic in my head motivates me to try hard , to prepare for the interviews, to become the best student I can be, and to overcome the obstacles I will undoubtedly face. You know, I want to work primarily with horses, and have a specific idea of the place–where it will be, the building, the staff members, the marketing. I get goosebumps talking about it , and feel fortunate to be in a position to pursue such a vision.
  • My biggest vision in life is to help to stop the climate catastrophe . Now I know it won’t be easy, and that my activity–whatever it may be, will be just a drop in the ocean. Having said that, even the biggest ocean consists of drops of water, and just to contribute to stopping the global warming is motivating for me enough to pursue my career in this field, and to apply for a job in your NGO . Because I believe you make an impact, and with the right people onboard the impact can be even bigger. Actually I feel that I am on my way towards the vision already, just interviewing for a job with you. There’s nothing better than to live with purpose , and you can be sure I do not find it hard getting up from bed in the morning!
  • To be honest, I am till trying to formulate my vision , to find my calling in life. As a good student and intellectually gifted person, I know I have many options. And I definitely want to identify my purpose, since down the road it will help me make the right career decisions . At the time being, however, I do not have it yet, and it is one of the reasons why I want to study business management at your college. Any organization–private or public, needs good managers and leaders. Hence whatever I decide to do with my life in the future, whatever vision I will pursue, the education at your place will only help me on my way…
  • More than anything else, my vision is to live every day with purpose, and play a positive role in the lives of people I interact with . In my opinion, it doesn’t matter that much what exactly you do–be it employment, business, traveling, or even just hanging around with people. Regardless of your activity or occupation, you always have interactions with other people , and with the environment. My vision is to play a positive role in these interactions , and simply have a positive impact in this great and complicated puzzle called life. And I believe that to some extend I am already living this vision, which is the reason why I am satisfied with myself and my life.
  • My vision in life is to become financially independent by the age of 40 . It doesn’t mean that I do not want to work once I reach forty. I enjoy working, but I want to be financially independent and have a freedom of choice when it comes to my daily activities and occupation . Where else can one achieve such goals than on Wall Street? I know thousands try each year and just dozens make it, but I want to be the best account executive, and I am ready to sacrifice the next five years for my job , and for eventually attaining my vision.
  • My vision is to become a professional tennis player one day . This is what I wake up for, a train for hours daily. But I also realize life is not simple, and one injury can put a dent to your dreams, regardless of how hard you try. That’s why I apply for a scholarship with your college , because I want to have a great education I can fall back on, instead of relying just on my sporting career. I also want to add that regardless of how hard I try and want to become a pro, I realize that there are many meaningful walks of life. If I do not become a professional tennis player, I can still imagine myself doing a lot of other things, contributing to the society, and living a happy family life…

Ready to answer this one? I hope so! Do not forget to check also 7 sample answers to other tricky interview questions:

  • What is your dream in life?
  • What are your career aspirations?
  • What is the most challenging goal you’ve ever set for yourself?
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How Do I Want to Live My Life: My Vision for a Meaningful Life

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