HSC 6th Week Assignment

HSC 6th Week Assignment 2021 & 2022

HSC 6th Week Assignment 2021 and 2022 has been published. So, We will discuss the 6th Week assignment of HSC 2021 & 2022 candidates. The 6th Week assignment question pdf of 2021 and 2022 HSC candidates has been published. So all the students who are HSC candidates for 2021, 2022 should follow our article. In the next step we will discuss the answer to the HSC 2021 & 2022 6th Week assignment. So all the students who are worried about the answer of the HSC 2021 & 2022 6th Week assignment, follow us.

HSC 2021 6th Week Assignment

Groups 1 and 2 are the 6th week assignments for the 2021 HSC candidates. All subjects in groups 1 and 2 are provided as 6th week assignments. Topics are: Physics, History, History and Culture of Islam, Business Organization and Management, Islam Education, Child Development, Light Music, Biology, Advanced Mathematics, Sociology, Social Work, Geography, Finance, Banking & Insurance, Production and Marketing, Arabic, Home management and family life. The answers to the HSC 2021 6th week Assignment of the above subjects which are compulsory have to be prepared and submitted.

HSC Physics 6th Week Assignment 2021

The role of circuit components in the field of electric current needs to be analyzed as part of the HSC 2021 6th week Physics Assignment. Here is a diagram to answer the HSC 2021 6th week Physics Assignment. A circuit is drawn in the figure. Following this circuit, HSC 2021 6th week assignment has to be answered. In addition, 6 questions have to be answered in the physics assignment of the 6th week of HSC 2021. 8 questions and the circuit is illustrated. HSC 2021 has been asked to follow the assignment guidelines for giving correct answers to the 6th week physics assignment.

HSC Physics 6th Week Assignment 2021

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HSC History 6th Week Assignment 2021

The history assignment of the 6th week of HSC 2021 has been taken from the second chapter. The title of the second chapter is the French Revolution. That is, the history of the French Revolution has been highlighted here. The work of the HSC 2021 6th week History Assignment has been asked to determine the role of philosophers in the occurrence of the French Revolution. That is to say, what kind of role did the philosophers have in the outbreak of the French Revolution? Students will be able to learn a lot of history if they can complete the HSC 2021 6th week History Assignment properly. For example, you will know the socio-economic and political situation of France before the French Revolution. You will also understand the role of philosophers in the French Revolution. Be able to describe the course of events of the French Revolution. Lastly, be able to evaluate the results of the French Revolution.

HSC History 6th Week Assignment 2021

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HSC Islamic History and Culture 6th Week Assignment 2021

HSC 2021 has been selected from the fifth chapter of Islam History and Culture Assignment. The title of the fifth chapter is the history of Bangladesh. That is, the history of Bangladesh has been discussed here. Chapter 5 History of Bangladesh refers to the Pakistan period. HSC 2021 As part of the work on the history and culture assignment of the 6th week of Islam, it has been asked to determine the rationale behind the outbreak of various movements in East Bengal as a result of Pakistan’s unbridled discrimination against East Bengal. Students will be able to learn a lot from the HSC 2021 6th week Islamic History and Culture Assignment. For example, you will know what was the discriminatory attitude of Pakistan towards East Bengal.

HSC Islamic History and Culture 6th Week Assignment 2021

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HSC Business Organization and Management 6th Week Assignment 2021

HSC 2021 6th week Business Organization and Management Assignment is taken from Chapter II. The full name of the second chapter is Management Principles. In other words, from the HSC 2021 6th week Business Organization and Management Assignment, the students will be able to know the principles of management. HSC 2021 6th week Business Organization and Management Assignment Depending on the skills of an ideal manager, determine the rationale for the correct application of management principles. That is to say, in order to answer the business organization and management assignment of the 6th week of HSC 2021, one has to evaluate the word properly on the proper application of management principles depending on the skills of an ideal manager.

HSC Business Organization and Management 6th Week Assignment 2021

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HSC Islamic Studies 6th Week Assignment 2021

This is the fourth assignment of the HSC 2021 6th Week Islamic Studies Assignment. Earlier, HSC 2021 students submitted three assignments on Islamic education. The 6th week of Islam Education Assignment is taken from the first chapter. The subject of the first chapter is Al-Quran. HSC 2021 has been asked to analyze 2 verses of Surah Al-Baqarah as part of the HSC 2021 6th week Islamic Studies Assignment. The meaning of verses 23 and 24 of Surah Al-Baqarah, Shane Nuzul, Shiksha and the correct meaning of the words of Allah in the Quran need to be analyzed. To answer the Islamic Education Assignment for the 6th week of HSC 2021, you need to understand Surah Al-Baqarah well with its meaning.

HSC Islamic Studies 6th Week Assignment 2021

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HSC Sisur Bikash 6th Week Assignment 2021

HSC Sisur Bikash 6th Week Assignment 2021

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HSC Laghu Sangeet 6th Week Assignment 2021

HSC Laghu Sangeet 6th Week Assignment 2021

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HSC Biology 6th Week Assignment 2021

HSC 2021 6th Week Biology Assignment is Selected from the second chapter. The title of the second chapter is Introduction to Animals. That is, HSC examinees will be introduced to animals through the biology assignment of the 6th week of HSC 2021. As part of the HSC 2021 6th week biology assignment, Rui, Taki or similar external structures have been asked to be observed and analyzed. Students will be able to describe the structure of Rui fish if they can answer the HSC 2021 6th week biology assignment correctly. The instructions for following the HSC 2021 6th week biology assignment must be followed correctly.

HSC Biology 6th Week Assignment 2021

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HSC Higher Math 6th Week Assignment 2021

The Higher Mathematics Assignment for the 6th week of HSC Examiners for 2021 has been taken from Chapter VII. Higher Mathematics Chapter 7 has taught HSC candidates about inverse trigonometric functions and trigonometric equations. HSC 2021 has been asked to solve problems related to trigonometric functions and equations as part of the Higher Mathematics Assignment for the 6th week. HSC 2021 SSC candidates will be able to explain the opposite relation of trigonometric function through the higher mathematics assignment of the 6th week. Also be able to solve all the equations of trigonometry.

HSC Higher Math 6th Week Assignment 2021

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HSC Sociology 6th Week Assignment 2021

As part of the sociology assignment of the 6th week of HSC 2021, it has been asked to analyze the ethnic groups living in Bangladesh and their social and cultural lifestyle. Sociology Assignment for the 6th week of HSC 2021 is taken from Chapter IV. In the fourth chapter, the lifestyle of different prophets of Bangladesh has been described. From HSC 2021 6th week Sociology Assignment, HSC 2021 candidates will be able to gain detailed knowledge about Bangladesh and the group. To prepare the answer sheet of the Sociology Assignment for the 6th week of HSC 2021, the assignment guidelines have to be followed.

HSC Sociology 6th Week Assignment 2021

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HSC Social Work 6th Week Assignment 2021

The social work assignment of HSC 2021 has been taken from the second chapter. The second chapter discusses different branches of social work. As part of the HSC 2021 6th week Social Work Assignment, the role of school social workers has been reviewed in regularizing students in school and focusing on lessons. There are several guidelines to be followed for preparing the answer sheet of HSC 2021 6th week Social Work Assignment. Below are the topics that must be mentioned in the answer sheet of HSC 2021 6th week Social Work Assignment. The answer sheet must mention the concept and importance of school social work. The role and work of a social worker for the development of students should be mentioned.

HSC Social Work 6th Week Assignment 2021

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HSC Geography 6th Week Assignment 2021

HSC Geography 6th Week Assignment 2021

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HSC Finance, Banking and Insurance 6th Week Assignment 2021

The Finance, Banking and Insurance Assignments of Grain Week have been given to the HSC candidates of 2021 from the second chapter. The title of the second chapter is Central Bank. In other words, all the information about the central bank will be presented to the students through the HSC 2021 6th Week Finance, Banking and Insurance Assignment. The work of Finance, Banking and Insurance Assignment for the 6th week of HSC 2021 has been asked to determine the role of the Central Bank in the economic development of the country, control of the currency market and settlement of antibanking debts. From the HSC 2021 6th Week Finance, Banking and Insurance Assignment, students will be able to learn about a number of issues related to the Central Bank. For example, learn about the concepts and functions of the central bank. Be able to analyze the functions of the central bank.

HSC Finance, Banking and Insurance 6th Week Assignment 2021

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HSC Production Management and Marketing 6th Week Assignment 2021

HSC Production Management and Marketing 6th Week Assignment 2021

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HSC Arabic 6th Week Assignment 2021

HSC Arabic 6th Week Assignment 2021

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HSC Home Management and Family Life 6th Week Assignment 2021

HSC Home Management and Family Life 6th Week Assignment 2021

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HSC 2022 6th Week ICT Assignment Answer

The first assignment of Information and Communication Technology for HSC candidates in 2022. The assignment is taken from the first chapter. The title of the first chapter is Perspectives on the World and Bangladesh. As part of the HSC 2022 6th Week ICT Assignment, visitors will need to provide explanations of the technologies used to provide security by fingerprints and human resemblance devices to observe the solar system in an artificial environment through ICT.

HSC 2022 6th Week ICT Assignment

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From the 6th Week of HSC 2022, ICT assignments can be learned on many studies topics. Below are the topics that can be learned from the ICT assignment of the 6th Week of HSC 2022. Be able to describe the effects of virtual reality. Also be able to do the latest trends in ICT. Below are the things that need to be mentioned in the answer sheet to get the best results from the ICT Assignment of HSC 2022 6th Week. Describe the concept of virtual reality and its application and impact in real life. The concept of biometrics should describe the types and fields of application. Lastly, the concepts and application areas of robotics need to be described.

HSC 2022 6th Week Chemistry Assignment Answer

This is the first assignment of Chemistry in the 6th Week of HSC 2022. So there is more discussion among the students about the chemistry assignment of HSC 2022 6th Week. How to answer the HSC 2012 Chemistry Assignment of the Week? Thinking about the HSC examinees of 2022, we will give the answers of the 6th Week chemistry assignment. However, before answering the HSC 2022 6th Week chemistry assignment, you need to know about the work of the assignment. The task of the chemistry assignment for the 6th Week of HSC 2022 is to describe the position of the electrons inside the atom and the source of the atomic spectrum. There are also a number of guidelines for answering the 2022 HSC 6th Week Chemistry Assignment. Excellent results will be possible if HSC 2022 answers the 6th Week chemistry assignment by following the instructions correctly.

HSC 2022 6th Week Chemistry Assignment

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HSC 2022 6th Week History Assignment Answer

Selected from the first chapter of HSC 2022 6th Week history assignment. The title of the first chapter is The Establishment of English Dominance. This means that students will be able to learn about the establishment of English dominance from assignments in the history of HSC 2012 week. This is the first assignment on the history subject of HSC 2022 Grain Week. Therefore, students of HSC 2022 need to take special care to answer the history assignment of the week. Because before HSC 2022 examinees did not answer any kind of assignment on history.

HSC 2022 6th Week History Assignment

The activities of the East India Company, the establishment of English dominance in India, should be reviewed as part of the history assignment for the 6th Week of HSC 2022. Also given below are the issues that need to be mentioned in the answer sheet to answer the HSC 2022 6th Week history assignment correctly. The arrival of the East India Company must be described. It is also necessary to describe the activities of the East India Company in establishing English dominance in India. And the significance of the Boxer War in establishing the ultimate hegemony, the role of civil and dual rule, and the socio-economic and political consequences.

HSC 2022 6th Week Islamic History and Culture Assignment Answer

This is the first assignment in the Islamic History and Culture. The Islamic History and Culture assignment of the 6th Week of HSC 2022 is taken from the first chapter. The title of the first chapter is Pre-Islamic Arabia. In other words, the Islamic History and Culture assignment of the 6th Week of HSC 2022 will discuss the situation in Arabia in the pre-Islamic era. HSC 2022 6th Week A report reviewing the significant contributions of the ancient Egyptian, Sumerian, Hebrew, Greek-Roman civilizations as a work on the Islamic History and Culture assignments is to be presented.

HSC 2022 6th Week Islamic History and Culture Assignment

Below are the points that must be mentioned in the answer sheet for preparing the report of the Islamic History and Culture assignment of HSC 2022 6th Week. The location and background of the ancient civilizations should be beautifully presented in the answer sheet. Significant contributions to civilizations need to be identified and explained. Also the religious beliefs of the ancient civilizations need to be explained with examples. Lastly, the influence of ancient civilizations must be explained with examples. The above topics must be presented in the answer sheet of the HSC 2022 6th Week Islamic History and Culture assignment.

HSC 2022 6th Week Business Organization and Management Assignment Answer 

Business Organization and Management Assignment for the 6th Week of HSC 2022 has been published. HSC candidates have been selected from the first chapter of the 6th Week business organization and management assignment. The title of the first chapter is the basic concept of business. Assignment work has been asked to analyze the contribution of industry, trade and direct services in improving the economic and living standards of the country. HSC 2022 6th Week Islam Business Organization and Management Assignments can be learned from a number of studies topics. For example, be able to explain the concept of business.

HSC 2022 6th Week Business Organization and Management Assignment

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Be able to describe the features and types of art. Also be able to describe the features and types of trade. Be able to describe the features and types of direct services. Also be able to analyze the contribution to economic development. Below are the things that need to be mentioned in the answer sheet to get the best results from the business organization and management assignment of HSC 2022 6th Week of Islam. The concept of business should be explained with examples in the answer sheet of HSC 2022 6th Week Islam Business Organization and Management Assignment. The scope of the business described in the textbook should be explained. It also needs to be analyzed to explain how economic and social significance contributes to the development of economic and living standards.

HSC 2022 6th Week Islamic Studies Assignment Answer

This is the first assignment of Islamic Studies in the 6th Week of HSC 2022. The Islamic studies Assignment for the 6th Week of HSC 2022 has been taken from the first chapter. The title of the first chapter is Maktab in Islamic studies. As part of the HSC 2022 6th Week of Islamic studies Assignment, a report should be prepared reviewing the importance of maktab studies in the practice of Islamic culture.

HSC 2022 6th Week Islamic Studies Assignment

We will discuss all the topics that can be learned from the Islamic studies Assignment of the 6th Week of HSC 2022. For example, students will learn about the concept, functions and requirements of Maktab in Islamic studies. Also given below are all the issues that need to be mentioned in the answer sheet to give the correct answer of HSC 2022 Sixth Islamic studies Assignment. You have to write the idea of ​​Maktab. The functions of the maktab have to be described. The requirements of the maktab have to be described. The benefits of open studies need to be described in the current social context. Lastly, the benefits of maktab studies need to be described.

HSC 2022 6th Week Child Development Assignment Answer

HSC 2022 6th Week Child Development Assignment is taken from the first chapter. The title of the first chapter is the concept of child development. HSC 2022 has been asked to prepare a report as part of the 6th Week Child development assignment. Present a report in collaboration with the textbook Internet and family members on the stages of development you have gone through from infancy to adulthood and how each level of maturity and learning has helped you to adapt to the environment. Here are the things to follow to answer the HSC 2022 6th Week Shisur Bikash Assignment. Different stages of a child’s development, including age limits, need to be discussed. Each picture must be attached accordingly. Also need to mention the features of each level. Lastly, the effect of maturity and teaching must be mentioned accordingly.

HSC 2022 6th Week Child Development Assignment

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HSC 2022 6th Week Laghu Sangeet Assignment Answer

The Laghu Sangeet assignment of the 6th Week of HSC 2022 has been taken from the first chapter. The title of the first chapter is the origin and development of Bengali music. In other words, from the Laghu Sangeet assignment of the 6th Week of HSC 2022, we will be able to know about the origin of Bengali music and how it has evolved. As a work of HSC 2022 6th Week Laghu Sangeet assignment, the original pattern of Bangla music should be described. There is a lot to learn from the HSC 2022 6th Week Laghu Sangeet Assignment.

HSC 2022 6th Week Laghu Sangeet Assignment

For example, you will be able to know about the origin of Bengali music. Also be able to describe Charyapada. The following guidelines are required to answer the HSC 2022 6th Week Laghu Sangeet Assignment correctly. The inventive language of Charyapada has to be described in detail. The names and identities of the authors of the Charyapada should be mentioned. Also the name of the raga used in Charyapada should be mentioned and the identity of the most used raga should be mentioned.

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HSC Social Work (Somaj Kormo) 2nd Paper 6th week Assignment Answer 2021 PDF file Download

  • Post published: September 1, 2021
  • Post Category: Assignment / HSC Assignment Answer 2021

All the information related to HSC Social Work (Somaj Kormo) 2nd Paper 6th week Assignment Answer 2021 is discussed in detail here. So if you want to know any information about HSC Social Work (Somaj Kormo) 2nd Paper 6th week Assignment Answer 2021, read our post very well from beginning to end. Then hopefully you can find out all the information about HSC Social Work (Somaj Kormo) 2nd Paper 6th week Assignment Answer 2021 from this post. This post is divided into two sections. In the first section, you will find the HSC Social Work (Somaj Kormo) 2nd Paper 6th week 2021 question and in the following section, you will find the HSC Social Work (Somaj Kormo) 2nd Paper 6th week Assignment Answer 2021. Students’ assignments will be graded in four categories: superb, very good, good, and progress needed. The assignments must be archived by school officials.

HSC Assignment 2021

All educational institutions in Bangladesh have been closed since the end of March last year due to the Covid-19 epidemic. However, students are given assignments so that there is no year loss, and they are then moved to the next class based on their performance. Students must complete their assignments on white sheets of paper with no assistance from others. However, textbook assistance is permitted.

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🙋‍♂️HSC Assignment উত্তর সবার আগে পেতে দ্রুত জানতে আমাদের ফেসবুক গ্রুপে জয়েন করুন (👉  এখানে ক্লিক করে  ☑️)

HSC Social Work (Somaj Kormo) 2nd Paper Assignment Answer (6th week) 2021 is given in this post which will be helpful for the HSC students. Here, you will find HSC 6th week Social Work (Somaj Kormo) 2nd Paper Assignment Question 2021 & the solution of this 1st assignment solution.

Assignment HSC 6th week

Students will be assessed through assignments. Assignments will be prepared and given on a weekly basis for students according to the rearranged syllabus. Assignments will be uploaded on the website of the Department of Secondary and Higher Education before the start of the week. At the end of the week, students will complete their assignments and submit them to the educational institution (directly online) to receive new assignments.

HSC Social Work (Somaj Kormo) 2nd Paper 6th week Assignment 2021

In this section, we have published questions of HSC Social Work (Somaj Kormo) 2nd Paper 6th week Assignment 2021. You can also view the solution of the assignment questions in the next section.

social work assignment hsc 2021 6th week

HSC students should go through the original textbook provided by the school authority to collect their most recent week assignment answers. One should first try to find the answer to their assignment from the books assigned in the syllabus, if he/she doesn’t find the answer he can take help from other sources, such as online.

HSC Social Work (Somaj Kormo) 2nd Paper 6th week Assignment Answer 2021

We will suggest the students not to copy this answer. This is a sample solution. Think yourself. If you cannot find any solution, then you can take help from this solution.

শিরােনাম: শিক্ষার্থীদের বিদ্যালয়ে নিয়মিতকরণ ও পাঠে মনােযােগী করার ক্ষেত্রে বিদ্যালয় সমাজকর্মীর ভূমিকা 

শিক্ষার্থীদের বিদ্যালয়ে নিয়মিতকরণ ও পাঠে মনোযোগী করার ক্ষেত্রে বিদ্যালয় সমাজকর্মীর ভূমিকা

social work assignment hsc 2021 6th week

HSC Social Work (Somaj Kormo) 2nd Paper 6th week Assignment Answer 2021 PDF

To download HSC Social Work (Somaj Kormo) 2nd Paper 6th week Assignment Answer 2021, please save this page as PDF.

Download HSC Social Work (Somaj Kormo) 2nd Paper 6th week Assignment Answer 2021 [PDF]

The students of HSC will be able to download the HSC 6th week Assignment Answer including PDF from this page of our website. Many students may encounter difficulties while attempting to solve their HSC assignment 2021 6th week answer. We are providing HSC Social Work (Somaj Kormo) 2nd Paper Assignment 2021 Answer pdf download for those who feel uncomfortable browsing the website.

HSC 6th week Social Work (Somaj Kormo) 2nd Paper Assignment Answer 2021

In the corona situation, there is no other option but to continue studies in order to develop students’ talents. To continue educational activities, the Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education (DSHE) has published HSC Social Work (Somaj Kormo) 2nd Paper 6th week Assignment 2021. The students’ merit will be evaluated through the class Eight Social Work (Somaj Kormo) 2nd Paper assignment 2021. As a result, it is very important for students to answer the HSC assignment 2021 6th week question. They must also properly submit the HSC Social Work (Somaj Kormo) 2nd Paper 6th week Assignment Answer 2021. Therefore, students of Class Eight should pay close attention to HSC Social Work (Somaj Kormo) 2nd Paper 6th week Assignment Answer 2021. We have given the sample HSC Social Work (Somaj Kormo) 2nd Paper 6th week Assignment Answer 2021 in this post.

This Post Related Search:   HSC answer 6th week ,  6th week assignment answer HSC ,  6th week HSC answers ,  HSC assignment answer Social Work (Somaj Kormo) 2nd Paper ,  HSC assignment 2021 ,  HSC assignment 6th week , HSC assignment Social Work (Somaj Kormo) 2nd Paper ,  HSC assignment question ,  HSC assignment answer Social Work (Somaj Kormo) 2nd Paper ,  HSC assignment answer Social Work (Somaj Kormo) 2nd Paper ,  HSC assignment 6th week answer .

Guidelines for HSC Social Work (Somaj Kormo) 2nd Paper 6th week Assignment Answer 2021

  • It is preferable to use A4 size pages for assignments.
  • On the cover page, write the name of the school, the name of the assignment subject, class, group, roll number, subject, date, and so on.
  • Each subject’s assignment book should be prepared in the same manner.
  • Red ink pens should not be used to write assignment responses.
  • The assignment must be written in a beautiful and clean manner.
  • Assignment answers must be prepared using your own acquired knowledge in order for your learning results to be reflected.

social work assignment hsc 2021 6th week

প্রতিদিনের চাকরির খবর গুলো ফেসবুকে পেতে জয়েন করুন আমাদের গ্রুপে। গ্রুপে জয়েন করতে নিচের বাটনে ক্লিক করুন।

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Class 6 Bangla 3rd week Assignment Answer 2022

HSC 6th Week Assignment Answer 2021 PDF all Subject

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HSC 6th Week Assignment 2021 Answer

HSC 2021 6th week Assignment Answer/Solution Download PDF of Directorate of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education published the HSC Candidates 6th week Assignment 2021 published on 22th August 2021 at dshe.gov.bd website. HSC exam batch 2021 students now found all subjects 1st paper and 2nd paper Assignment Answer.

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The HSC Assignment 2021 6th can be Download as PDF for Science, Humanities and Business. HSC 2021 6th Week Assignment Answer & Question has been published on 31 August 2021 at dshe.gov.bd.

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HSC 2021 6th Week Assignment Answer

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HSC 6th Week Assignment Answer 2021 PDF Download

HSC 6th Week Assignment 2021 

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HSC 6th Week Assignment 2021

Hsc 6th week humanities group assignment answer 2021.

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History/ Islamic History and Culture, Islamic Studies, Child Development, Sociology, Social Work/ Geography, Home Management, and Family Life

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HSC 7th Week Science groups Assignment

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The the-week hsc 2021 assignment in the PDFs accessible here are only for reference purposes and gives you just an idea of the model and type of questions you can expect in the paper. They are not sure that you can get the same questions in the examinations. So, just consider them for reference and prepare similar questions during the preparation.

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If you solve the questions of HSC 6th Week Assignment Answer , it will be very easy to solve the answers in the exam as you already solved that kind of question. Those students who have not yet started the preparation can now go through these model papers at least to score minimum marks in the examination to have a bright future. The board has released the model papers in various mediums as per the convenience to the students. It plays a vital role for the students and enables effective learning. 

If you have finished the preparation of the entire syllabus and start solving these HSC 7th Week Assignment Answer to score high in the examination. Before attempting the board exam, it will be added advantage by solving these sample papers or model question papers to score high marks in the examination. The exam will be based on the new pattern syllabus for the academic year. Candidates can go through the last 5-year model paper so that they can easily solve the exam paper in the given time. 

The board is providing extra 15 minutes to read the question paper carefully to reduce the stress of the students. There will be no extra time in the examination so it will help the candidates more and more by going through all the model question papers for the academic year. 

HSC 6th Week Assignment Answer Download

Students can easily download the class 8 model papers for English, Hindi, Mathematics, Social Science, Science in pdf format. The board is providing extra 15 minutes to read the question paper carefully to reduce the stress of the students. Desired aspirants can download HSC 7th Week Assignment Answer of various subjects.

For all the latest updates of HSC 7th Week Assignment Answer , students can visit our website daily and have a look at it. We wish all the students the best of luck to have a bright future. 

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visual investigations

Inside the Capitol Riot: An Exclusive Video Investigation

The Times analyzed thousands of videos from the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol Building to understand how it happened — and why. Here are some of the key findings.

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Day of Rage: How Trump Supporters Took the U.S. Capitol

A six-month times investigation has synchronized and mapped out thousands of videos and police radio communications from the jan. 6 capitol riot, providing the most complete picture to date of what happened — and why..

“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” [cheering] They came from all 50 states out of some sense of patriotic duty … “It’s so much more than just rallying for President Trump. It’s really rallying for our way of life. The American dream, against fake news.” … to protest an election they believed had been stolen. “Stop the steal! Stop the steal!” “We’re here, patriots. We’re in Washington D.C. Capitol building dead in front of us.” Their day of action would be Jan. 6 … “The House comes to order.” … when Congress would count electoral ballots and ratify the 2020 election results. For some, it was just a rally for their president. For others, it was a call to arms. “We have the power in numbers. March on Congress directly after Trump’s speech.” In the weeks beforehand, there were over a million mentions on social media of storming the Capitol. Maps were shared of the building’s layout. There was talk of bringing weapons and ammunition, and discussion over which lawmakers should be targeted first. This anger was based on a lie. “This election was a fraud.” A lie that had grown more frenzied after the election. “President Trump won this election.” “They were flipping votes.” “Steal the election in Philadelphia.” “When you win in a landslide and they —” “Steal the election in Atlanta —” “And it’s rigged —” “Steal the election in Milwaukee —” “It’s not acceptable.” “This is outrageous.” A lie spread by the president and his closest allies. “Let’s call out cheating when we find it.” Some of whom stoked calls for violence. “All hell is going to break loose tomorrow.” “Everyone’s going to remember who actually stands in the breach and fights tomorrow. And who goes running off like a chicken.” “We bleed freedom.” “This will be their Waterloo.” “And we will sacrifice for freedom.” “This will be their destruction.” “U.S.A.! U.S.A.!” What happened next was chaos. “They broke the glass?” Insurrection. “Take it now!” “Treason! Treason!” Death. Then, there began a campaign to whitewash history, starting at the top. “It was a zero threat. Right from the start, it was zero threat.” And spreading throughout the Republican Party. “Even calling it an insurrection, It wasn’t. By and large, it was peaceful protest.” One lawmaker, who helped barricade the House doors, now suggests there was barely any threat. “If you didn’t know the TV footage was a video from January the 6th, you would actually think it was a normal tourist visit.” A tourist visit this was not. And the proof is in the footage. As part of a six-month investigation, The New York Times has collected and forensically analyzed thousands of videos, most filmed by the rioters themselves. We obtained internal police radio traffic … … and went to court to unseal police body-cam footage. Our reconstruction shows the Capitol riot for what it was, a violent assault encouraged by the president on a seat of democracy that he vowed to protect. We’ll chart how police leaders failed to heed warnings of an impending attack, putting rank-and-file officers in danger. We’ll track key instigators in the mob taking advantage of weaknesses in the Capitol’s defenses to ignite a wave of violence that engulfed the building. We’ll show, for the first time, the many simultaneous points of attack, and the eight breaches of what appeared to be an impenetrable institution of government. We’ll show how the delay to secure Congress likely cost a rioter her life. And how for some, storming the Capitol was part of the plan, all along. “In fact, tomorrow, I don’t even like to say it because I’ll be arrested.” “Well, let’s not say it. We need to go — I’ll say it.” “All right.” “We need to go in to the Capitol.” “Let’s go!” It’s the morning of Jan. 6, and thousands are filling the National Mall in Washington. Trump will speak here at the Ellipse, a large park near the White House and a half-hour walk to the U.S. Capitol where the election will be certified. Who is actually in this crowd? Most are ordinary citizens who believe Trump’s lie that the election was stolen. “It’s going to be a great day. It’s going to be wild, as Trump says.” But we also see more extreme groups who’ve gained a following during Trump’s presidency. There are followers of the QAnon conspiracy … “Drinking their blood, eating our babies.” … who believe that Trump is facing down a cabal of Satan-worshipping pedophiles. Q posts often invoked notions of patriotism and predict a coming storm. And ahead of Jan. 6, some supporters call for violence. The Oath Keepers, a far-right paramilitary group, are also here. “We have men already stationed outside D.C. —” Their leader has said the group is ready to follow Trump’s orders and take members of what they call the “Deep State” into custody. They’re organized, staging their military-style equipment neatly on the ground. And later, they put on body armor, talk on radios, and chat with their supporters on a walkie-talkie app called Zello. “We have a good group. We got about 30, 40, of us who are sticking together and sticking to the plan. Y’all, we’re one block away from the Capitol, now. I’m probably going to go silent when I get there because I’m going to be a little busy.” Another group is the Proud Boys. They’re far-right nationalists who flashed white power signs throughout the day. “Check out all this testosterone.” They became a household name when Trump invoked them during a presidential debate. “Proud Boys, stand back and stand by.” And that’s what they did. They have a history of street violence and will be key instigators of the riot. We’ll return to them soon. Although the rally is billed as a political protest, some make calls to storm the Capitol even before Trump speaks. And later, when Trump does take the stage … “We’re going to walk down to the Capitol.” … some hear his words as a call to action. “I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building.” Two hours before this, the Proud Boys were already heading for the Capitol. They’re clearly spoiling for a fight with far-left agitators like antifa, who they believe are in D.C. But there are moments that suggest another motive. “Come on, tighten up.” “Come on, boys. They’re organized, too. Many are marked with orange tape or hats. They’re wearing body armor, carrying baseball bats and using radios. “That’s affirmative. Jesse, this is Tucker” Leading them is Ethan Nordean, who’s been entrusted with so-called war powers. He’s joined by other well-known Proud Boys like Joe Biggs, an organizer from Florida, Dominic Pezzola, a former Marine, and Billy Chrestman. They will be among the first rioters inside the Capitol building. “Proud Boys.” As Trump is speaking, some of his other supporters also head to the Capitol. Chanting: “Whose streets? Our streets! Whose streets? Our streets!” And the tone is becoming menacing. “And we’re going to storm the [expletive] Capitol. [expletive] you, [expletive].” “U.S.A.! U.S.A.!” Just ahead, officers guarding the building are understaffed and ill-equipped for what’s coming their way. “You going to stop us?” The building is more than two football fields in length. And barricades erected on the east side are defended by just a few dozen officers. The west side, facing Trump’s rally, is even lighter. The fencing has been extended and on the northwest approach, only five officers stand guard. Around five also defend the southwest approach, a few more dot the lawn and about a dozen officers are behind them. Plans to storm the Capitol were made in plain sight, but the F.B.I. and Department of Homeland Security did not deem those threats as credible. “We will take that building!” “U.S.A.! U.S.A.!” Capitol Police leaders and Washington’s mayor were warned at least three times of violent threats, but also didn’t take them seriously or circulate that information. And they declined offers of security personnel from federal and other agencies. They could have enlisted several hundred more Capitol police for duty on Jan. 6, but did not. And none of the officers on the barricades have protective gear or crowd-control equipment. As a result, the Capitol is sparsely defended. “Whose House? Our House! Whose House? Our House!” It’s 12:50 p.m. and a large group of Proud Boys is with other protesters right by the Capitol Police line. Joe Biggs is rallying them. When he’s approached by Ryan Samsel, a Trump supporter from Pennsylvania. They chat, we don’t know about what. But a minute later, Samsel is the first to approach the police line. And it’s now that the protest turns violent. “U.S.A.!” Without hesitation, the crowd overpowers the police. Nearby, a second group breaks through on another approach. Others jump fences. And now hundreds of rioters rush forward on several fronts. “D.C. is a [expletive] war zone.” Police retreat to the Capitol building where it’s becoming more threatening. “This is what we came for! Yeah!” A mob mentality begins to take hold. Police are so outnumbered, they’re forced to retreat again to more tightly defend access points to the Capitol. It’s now five minutes into the siege that the Capitol Police chief calls for backup from local law enforcement, known as the Metropolitan Police, and asks other Capitol leaders to mobilize the National Guard. “You took an oath! Does that not mean a damn thing to you, does it?” Metro Police will arrive within 15 minutes. But for reasons we’ll explain later, the National Guard won’t arrive for over four hours. “Back up! Back up!” Meanwhile, more Capitol Police come to reinforce the line. It’s the first time we see officers in riot gear. But most are missing their shields because they had not prepared to unlock the storage area where that equipment is kept. Proud Boys like Billy Chrestman keep rallying the mob. And again, they start brawling with the police. Minutes later, reinforcements from the Metro Police arrive. A high-ranking Metro officer immediately calls for more backup. They struggle to subdue rioters who respond with their own chemical spray. And within 30 minutes, the police already have casualties. [shouting] This first wave of rioters battling police has paved the way across Capitol grounds for others to follow. And after Trump finishes speaking, thousands more now fill the space. Meanwhile, inside the Capitol, Nancy Pelosi and Mike Pence have begun certifying the 2020 presidential election results. Certification will happen on both sides of the building, in the House and the Senate. And this is what the rioters want to stop. An hour into the assault, the mob is battling a police line here, along the west face of the Capitol. But that violence is now going to spread to multiple points of attack, as west side rioters stream around the Capitol and incite the crowd on the east. Here’s what that crowd looks like on the east. “Stop the steal! Stop the steal! Stop the steal!” They’re aware of the siege happening on the west side, and some are emboldened by it. But up until now, they’ve been kept behind the barricades. “U.S.A.! U.S.A.!” Then this group from the west storms around to the building and pushes right through the barriers. The police here barely put up a fight. And it’s now that protesters, all along the east barricades, surge forward. [cheering] Officers are overwhelmed from several directions, and retreat to guard Capitol entrances. But these rioters believe they’ve been deputized by their president to stop a crime. And now, they start trying to get into the building itself. [shouting] [glass breaking] [pounding on door] The Capitol is now surrounded. Rioters haven’t made it inside yet, but around the time that the mob on the east pushed forward, rioters on the west were making a pivotal move. This scaffolding was erected for the upcoming inauguration of Joe Biden. It covers a staircase that gives direct access to an upper level, and dozens of doors and windows. Three police lines guard that route. But at ground level, officers are so overwhelmed that just a few cover this crucial access point. Several Proud Boys see the weakness. Proud Boys start fighting the police, and with others in the mob, they push through the line. Over several minutes, it’s a brutal fight on these steps. At one point, the rioters are held back. [groaning] But they make a final push up the flight of stairs. [cheering] At the top, they scuffle again with a small group of officers … … who give in after barely a minute. The mob now has direct access to Capitol entrances. “I can’t believe this is reality. We accomplished this [expletive].” And hundreds more protesters below, surge forward. “Let’s go! The siege is ours.” It’s utter mayhem, and it’s about to get worse. This scene is being filmed from countless angles allowing us to piece together, moment by moment, what comes next. Proud Boy Dominic Pezzola uses a police shield he stole to bash in a window. And at 2:13 p.m., the Capitol is breached. Michael Sparks, a Trump supporter from Kentucky, is the first person inside. A police officer seems unsure of what to do and backs off. Sparks is followed by Proud Boys and other far-right extremists, one carrying a Confederate flag, another armed with a baseball bat. When rioters break open the locked doors, hundreds more rush in. [shouting] [glass breaking] This is a critical moment. Officers must now defend the outside and inside of the building, stretching them even further. Simultaneous events now happen that are critical to lawmakers’ safety. Rioters head straight for the Senate, and will be at its doors in two minutes. Above them, the Senate is called into recess. “We’ll pause.” Members will evacuate down these stairs. In this hallway, directly overhead the rioters, Officer Eugene Goodman is sprinting to overtake them. He passes Mitt Romney, who he warns to turn around. Reinforcements are following behind. Goodman overtakes the mob, goes downstairs and intercepts them. He holds them off while backup arrives upstairs. Behind these rioters, and just feet away, is an escape route where the lawmakers and Senate staff are now fleeing. Just one officer stands guard. Keeping his composure, Goodman draws the mob away from that escape route to where reinforcements are waiting. Goodman: “Second floor!” He glances toward the Senate, and realizes the door is unguarded. Goodman shoves the protester again, lures the mob away, and brings them into that line of fellow officers. Again, the rioters here are convinced it’s their duty to defend democracy. “We’re not [expletive] around! Because we are mad!” [shouting] The officers hold them off here, for now. Meanwhile, on the other side of the Capitol, a few political leaders are evacuated from the House of Representatives. But despite a lockdown alert, proceedings here will resume. “The House will be in order.” We’ll go there soon. First, we’ll go to the Crypt in the center of the Capitol below the Rotunda. The mob is already at its entrance. If they get through here, they will more easily fan out across the building. Rioters jostle with police here for six minutes, and then flood through. It’s now 2:24 p.m., some 90 minutes after the siege began, and the mob is about to overrun the building. “Stop the steal! Stop the steal!” As this is happening, and as thousands more swell outside, Trump composes a tweet. Not to calm his supporters, but to blame his vice president. He writes: At this very time, Pence and his family are being taken to safety, along with an aide who’s carrying the country’s nuclear launch equipment. “O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave?” At 2:25 p.m., there’s another major breach on the opposite side of the building, the east side. Rioters have been battling a handful of officers at these doors for almost half an hour. The tide turns when rioters who came through the Crypt, reach these doors and pull them open. Then an active-duty Marine Corps officer, Christopher Warnagiris, keeps that door open for the mob to flood in. Just as elsewhere, this crowd is a mix of die-hard Trump supporters, but also more organized groups like the Oath Keepers, who move in formation here toward that east side entrance. The Oath Keepers and their supporters continue to update each other on the Zello chat app. The group enters the Capitol together. Proud Boys are near them, including Joe Biggs, the organizer we saw earlier. He’s entering the building for a second time. The Oath Keepers fill the Rotunda along with hundreds of other rioters. “Took over the Capitol. Overran the Capitol.” “We’re in the [expletive] Capitol, bro.” Now the police inside the building are completely outnumbered and call for backup. “It’s our House!” “Whose House?” “Our House!” Throughout the Capitol, staffers have barricaded doors to keep the mob out. In Nancy Pelosi’s chambers, staffers rush inside a conference room and lock two doors behind them. Just 12 minutes later, rioters outside head straight for her offices. “Nancy! Nancy!” And pile in. Huddled together under a table, Pelosi’s staff record what’s happening. One rioter tries to break into that same room. Inside, staffers are silent as they record him pounding. [loud banging] He gets through the first door, but the second door keeps him out. It’s a scene that, again, shows just how compromised the U.S. government has become. “I think I like my new dining room.” By 2:30 p.m., the Senate evacuation is well underway. But even though a lockdown was called over 15 minutes ago, the House is still in session. “Do not accept Arizona’s electors as certified.” Representative Jim McGovern is chairing. He told us he wanted to finish hearing objections to the election results by Paul Gosar. House staff and security gave McGovern the all-clear to continue. It’s a delay that likely cost someone their life. Suddenly, staff are now pointing at the chamber’s doors. Just outside, a mob of 100 or more is baying to get into them. These rioters pay little heed to the thin line of police. “They’re going. Yeah, I would just stop — bro.” And in moments, are pushing against the doors into the House. “Stop the steal!” On the other side, Capitol Police erect a barricade and draw their guns. “You’re a traitor.” On the floor, lawmakers are evacuated to the rear of the chamber, where in a few minutes a rioter will be shot and killed. Part of the mob outside now peels off in that direction to find a different way in. Ashli Babbitt, an Air Force veteran and QAnon supporter, is among the first to arrive at the rear of the House. “Open the door.” They see the lawmakers escaping. That lobby might have been clear had the House been evacuated sooner. But the rioters now become incensed. Zachary Alam, a Trump supporter from Pennsylvania, punches in the glass panels with his bare fists. [pounding on door] “Open the door.” Police are stretched extremely thin. Just three officers and a security staffer stand guard. None are wearing riot gear, and they keep their weapons holstered. “It’s going to get worse.” “Open the door.” When a team of heavily armed police now arrives, the three officers step aside. “Go! Let’s go! Get this.” This creates a crucial gap that allows rioters to smash in the glass. A warning — what happens next is graphic. It’s 2:44 p.m., and behind the door, a police officer draws his handgun. Babbitt vaults into the window and the officer shoots her once. [gunshot] “Oh! Oh!” It’s a fatal wound through the upper chest. Inside the chamber, the floor is clear, but lawmakers in the balcony are sheltering in place. [gunshot] “The [expletive]?” “Take your pins off.” “Pins off.” They now remove the breast pins that identify them as members of Congress. A group of rioters who almost made it to the balcony are held at gunpoint as it’s finally evacuated. Now Trump supporters have achieved their goal, stopping the election certification. And while the House is evacuated, at the other side of the building, the Senate is occupied. “Treason! Treason! Treason!” On the Senate floor, they leaf through lawmakers’ files. “There’s got to be something in here we can [expletive] use against these scumbags.” Mug for photos. “Jesus Christ —” Pray. “We invoke Your name. Amen!” “Amen!” And leave a message for Mike Pence. “It’s only a matter of time. Justice is coming.” As rioters inside have been rampaging throughout the Capitol, the crowd outside has grown. And that first battle has continued raging. [horn blowing] For almost two hours, officers face off with rioters who say they support the police … … but assault them, anyway. We’re going to show what happened here because it demonstrates, yet again, how failures by Capitol Police leaders to prepare put the safety of these officers at risk. “Leave him alone! Leave him alone!” Capitol Police had been ordered to withhold some of their stronger weapons. But as soon as Robert Glover, a Metro Police inspector arrives, he calls for his munitions team to help. When the building is breached, Glover knows he needs to retreat and seeks advice from Capitol leaders. [shouting] When Capitol don’t respond, he asks four times. “Push! Push! Push! Push!” Then, the police lose the line. “We the people, we are the storm!” Rioters knock an officer over, throw a fire extinguisher. “U.S.A.!” Glover issues a 10-33, the call of last resort. Crazed rioters hound the police even as they retreat to the upper level. Police now begin to guard this doorway, an iconic centerpiece of presidential inaugurations. But for another two hours, the same pattern will repeat. Rioters fill the terrace. Instigators trigger a frenzy. And tragically, someone will die. A brutal fight erupts in the doorway. The mob heaves in a coordinated scrum. [screaming] “Help!” When police finally push them out, they face even worse violence. They are tased, gassed and robbed of their equipment. They’re beaten with a crutch, a hockey stick and even an American flag. At least four officers are pulled into the crowd. One dragged by his own helmet, face down. And again, the frenzy turns fatal. Rosanne Boyland, a Trump supporter who has been swept up by QAnon conspiracies, is moving toward the door. But amid the scrum, she collapses and is lying unconscious beneath the mob. [crowd chants] “I can’t breathe! I can’t breathe!” As the crowd sarcastically chants a Black Lives Matter slogan, Boyland’s friend, Justin Winchell, tries to pull her to safety. He screams for help. But instead, fellow rioters trample over Boyland and charge at the police again. Boyland will be pronounced dead at a local hospital in the evening. By the end of the day, rioters have breached and entered the building in at least eight locations. There’s the first breach, which we’ve seen, when rioters smashed through two windows and a door. Beside that, a rioter with a crowbar smashes in a second door, and then opens it to hundreds of people. Others smash a window next to the Inauguration door and climb inside. “Patriots, we need people to stand up for our country and our Constitution.” At this entrance, police stand aside and allow rioters to stream in, unchallenged. On the north side of the building, police in riot gear yield and let the crowd in. Another three breaches are on the east side, two by the central doors into the Rotunda, and this southeast door leading to the House chamber. It’s the arrival of more Metropolitan Police and other agencies that finally turns the tide. When those officers enter the Rotunda, they clear it in just 20 minutes. As the mob is pushed back through the east doors, their rage turns to Mike Pence, who Trump attacked earlier. Metro officers also stop other rioters from entering on the west side, where the mob first broke in. But here, too, we see a crowd empowered by the belief that they’re carrying out some patriotic duty. Over the course of the day, 150 police officers are injured. After 4 p.m., Metro and Capitol Police regain control of the upper levels. The final parts of the interior are cleared by other law enforcement, including federal agencies. Tear gas and flash bangs disperse the crowd on the Inauguration terrace. The Virginia State Police and Arlington County Police help to reclaim that area. Then rioters are swiftly pushed off Capitol grounds by a reinforced police line. Only now, more than three hours after Capitol police first called them, do National Guard soldiers arrive. “You can diffuse and turn down, right now.” Troops were staging just 20 minutes away. But a recent procedural change meant the highest level of the Pentagon had to approve deployment. And Pentagon officials delayed the decision, partially in fear of bad optics, even as the Capitol was being overrun. As calm returns, the president tweets again. He repeats that the election had been stripped away, calls his supporters great patriots, and says: The aftermath of Jan. 6 has been as divisive as the lie that launched it. Even as one arm of government has indicted hundreds of rioters, Republican lawmakers continue efforts to normalize what happened with a mix of denials and conspiracy theories. “Some of the people who breached the Capitol today were not Trump supporters.” “I knew those are people that love this country, that truly respect law enforcement, would never do anything to break a law. And so I wasn’t concerned.” They include Paul Gosar, who’d been at the Trump rally. “The D.O.J. is harassing peaceful patriots across the country.” And Andrew Clyde, who we saw earlier, standing just a few feet from rioters. “There was no insurrection. And to call it an insurrection, in my opinion, is a bald-faced lie.” Republican leaders have blocked an independent investigation that could have brought new details to light. “I’ve made the decision to oppose the House Democrats’ slanted and unbalanced proposal for another commission to study the events of January the 6th.” And in May, a top Republican was ousted from the party’s leadership after blaming Trump for inspiring the riot. “And I think that the party is in a place that we’ve got to bring it back from.” None of what happened on Jan. 6 would have been possible without a huge mass of ordinary people who were proud of what they achieved. “We made it!” “Yeah! We stopped the vote!” Millions around the country still believe the violence was not only justified, but necessary. And the forces that brought them there have not gone away. “Yeah, the patriots are coming back, y’all. Hopefully, y’all will be on our side when that happens.”

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By The New York Times

Follow our live updates on the Jan. 6 Capitol Attack Anniversary .

In the six months since an angry pro-Trump mob stormed the U.S. Capitol , immense efforts have been made not only to find the rioters and hold them accountable, but also — and perhaps more important — to dig into the details of Jan. 6 and slowly piece together what actually happened that day.

Congressional committees have looked into police and intelligence failures . The Justice Department has launched a nationwide investigation that has now resulted in more than 500 arrests. And while Republicans in Congress blocked the formation of a blue-ribbon bipartisan committee, House Democrats are poised to appoint a smaller select committee.

Even now, however, Republican politicians and their allies in the media are still playing down the most brazen attack on a seat of power in modern American history. Some have sought to paint the assault as the work of mere tourists. Others, going further, have accused the F.B.I. of planning the attack in what they have described — wildly — as a false-flag operation.

The work of understanding Jan. 6 has been hard enough without this barrage of disinformation and, hoping to get to the bottom of the riot, The Times’s Visual Investigations team spent several months reviewing thousands of videos, many filmed by the rioters themselves and since deleted from social media. We filed motions to unseal police body-camera footage, scoured law enforcement radio communications , and synchronized and mapped the visual evidence.

What we have come up with is a 40-minute panoramic take on Jan. 6 , the most complete visual depiction of the Capitol riot to date. In putting it together, we gained critical insights into the character and motivation of rioters by experiencing the events of the day often through their own words and video recordings. We found evidence of members of extremist groups inciting others to riot and assault police officers. And we learned how Donald J. Trump’s own words resonated with the mob in real time as they staged the attack.

Here are some of the major revelations.

Multiple Points of Attack

We pinpointed at least eight locations where rioters breached and entered the Capitol building — more than were previously known. The scenes revealed the extent of the rioters’ disregard for the law as they surged violently around the building’s perimeter and, eventually, inside.

The police were outnumbered and responded differently at various breach points, allowing rioters to break through doors using weapons like crowbars or, in some places, to simply walk through as the police stepped aside.

The multiple breaches also revealed the Capitol’s vulnerability. Despite locked doors and, in certain places, thick windows, rioters without specialized equipment were able to break in instantly in some places.

A Delay Turns Deadly

In the Senate, proceedings to certify the election results were halted almost immediately when a building-wide lockdown was called after the first breach by rioters. But we found that it took much longer for the House of Representatives to do the same. This delay appeared to have contributed to a rioter’s death.

Instead of evacuating, members of the House sheltered in place and resumed their work even as rioters overran the building. Speaker Nancy Pelosi was rushed to safety, but Representative Jim McGovern took her place presiding over the session. He told us that Capitol building security staff had said it was safe to resume.

Eventually, the House session was halted and members began streaming out of a rear door guided by security personnel. Rioters had arrived at almost the same moment, just on the other side of a hallway door with glass panels. They became incensed at the sight of the evacuating lawmakers — a situation that could have been avoided if the lawmakers had left before the mob arrived.

Ashli Babbitt, a Trump supporter and follower of the QAnon conspiracy theory, tried to climb through one of the door’s broken windows toward the lawmakers. A plainclothes Capitol Police officer charged with protecting the House shot her once through the upper chest. The wound was fatal.

The Makeup of the Mob

One of the biggest questions hanging over the aftermath of Jan. 6 was whether the riot was planned and carried out by organized groups.

By identifying and tracking key players throughout the day, we found that most — even some at the forefront of the action — were ardent, but disorganized Trump supporters swept up in the moment and acting individually.

The first person to enter the Capitol building, for example, was a 43-year-old husband and father from Kentucky named Michael Sparks. He has no known affiliation with any organized groups. Ray Epps, an Arizona man seen in widely-circulated videos telling Trump supporters on multiple occasions to go into the Capitol, also seemed to have acted on his own.

Yet we also found that the crowd did include members of groups who seemed eager for a confrontation, like well-organized militias and far-right groups including the Oath Keepers and the Proud Boys. This proved to be a combustible mix. In the videos we analyzed, they can be seen with baseball bats and body armor, and coordinating with one another using radios. On several occasions, a calculated move by a more organized actor — for example, a Proud Boy identifying a weakness in the police line near a set of stairs — set off a surge by the mob.

Evidence collected by the F.B.I. suggests that the Proud Boys in particular were aware that they had inflamed the mob of ordinary people — and may have intended to do so in advance. Just before the assault, one Proud Boy leader wrote on a group chat on Telegram that he was hoping his men could incite the “normies” to “burn that city to ash today” and “smash some pigs to dust.” Then, after the riot, another Proud Boy leader wrote on Telegram: “This is NOT what I expected to happen. All from us showing up and starting some chants and getting the normies all riled up.”

Domino Effect

By synchronizing footage from both sides of the Capitol building, we were able to establish how crowds on each side interacted with one another.

We tracked the movement of a group of rioters from the west side of the Capitol — which faces the National Mall and absorbed most of the attendees arriving from Mr. Trump’s speech — to the opposite eastern side.

The eastern crowd had remained largely behind the barricades, but all that changed with the arrival of rioters from around the side of the building. This more violent group was the trigger that put the entire mob over the edge, spurring them to push easily through a line of officers and surround the Capitol on every front.

Echoing the President

Most of the videos we analyzed were filmed by the rioters. By carefully listening to the unfiltered chatter within the crowd, we found a clear feedback loop between President Trump and his supporters.

As Mr. Trump spoke near the White House, supporters who had already gathered at the Capitol building hoping to disrupt the certification responded. Hearing his message to “walk down to the Capitol,” they interpreted it as the president sending reinforcements. “There’s about a million people on their way now,” we heard a man in the crowd say, as Mr. Trump’s speech played from a loudspeaker.

The call and response didn’t stop there. We found evidence of his influence once the violence was well underway. In one moment, a woman with a megaphone urged rioters to climb through a broken window by asking them to “stand up for our country and Constitution” — echoing the language in an earlier tweet from Mr. Trump. In another, as the police were pushing to clear the mob off the building, a rioter screamed at officers: “I was invited here by the president.”

Taking Back the Capitol

One unanswered question when we began this investigation was how the police managed to reclaim the Capitol building from the mob. We found that once officers increased their numbers, armor and crowd-control weapons, clearing the rioters happened quickly and effectively.

The footage revealed that officers cleared several locations in less than an hour after being reinforced by local Metropolitan Police, Virginia State Police and other local and federal agencies that arrived with more manpower and authorization to use more powerful crowd-control weapons.

It’s a stark contrast to what we saw during the Black Lives Matter protests in the summer of 2020, when federal officers were on scene from the start, already equipped with riot gear and authorized to use higher levels of force. Law enforcement’s relatively quick success in clearing the Capitol building once reinforcements arrived shows how the rioters might have been stopped far earlier with a different level of preparation — possibly preventing fatalities, countless officer injuries, over $30 million in damages.

There was another difference between the Capitol riot and those connected to this summer’s racial justice protests: Very few people who broke into the Capitol were arrested at the scene. Most were allowed to leave the building, forcing the F.B.I. to track them down later and take them into custody — a process that is still continuing today.

Our Coverage of the Capitol Riot and its Fallout

T he Events on Jan. 6

Timeline:  On Jan. 6, 2021, a mob of supporters of President Donald Trump raided the U.S. Capitol . Here is a close look at how the attack unfolded .

A Day of Rage:  Using thousands of videos and police radio communications, a New York Times investigation reconstructed in detail what happened — and why .

Lost Lives: A bipartisan Senate report found that at least seven people died  in connection with the attack.

Jan. 6 Attendees:  To many of those who attended the Trump rally but never breached the Capitol, Jan. 6 wasn’t a dark day for the nation. It was a new start .

The Federal Case Against Trump

The Indictment:  Trump was indicted on Aug. 1  after a sprawling federal investigation into his attempts to cling to power  after losing the 2020 election. Here is how the indictment was structured .

Trump’s Immunity Claim:  The Supreme Court has agreed to decide whether Trump is immune from prosecution  on charges of plotting to overturn the 2020 election. The justices scheduled arguments for the week of April 22 .

The Trial:  In February, the federal judge in the case decided to delay the trial , which was set to start on March 4. In doing so, she acknowledged that time had run out to get the proceeding going, mostly because of the wrangling over Trump’s immunity claim .

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Drone attacks in Moscow’s glittering business district leave residents on edge

People stroll at embankment of the Moscow River in Moscow, Russia, Tuesday, Aug. 1, 2023, with the "Moscow City" business district in the background. The glittering towers of the Moscow City business district were once symbols of the Russian capital's economic boom in the early 2000s. Now they are a sign of its vulnerability, following a series of drone attacks that rattled some Muscovites shaken and brought the war in Ukraine home to the seat of Russian power. (AP Photo/Dmitry Serebryakov)

People stroll at embankment of the Moscow River in Moscow, Russia, Tuesday, Aug. 1, 2023, with the “Moscow City” business district in the background. The glittering towers of the Moscow City business district were once symbols of the Russian capital’s economic boom in the early 2000s. Now they are a sign of its vulnerability, following a series of drone attacks that rattled some Muscovites shaken and brought the war in Ukraine home to the seat of Russian power. (AP Photo/Dmitry Serebryakov)

A couple sit in a park in Moscow, Russia, Tuesday, Aug. 1, 2023, with the “Moscow City” business district in the background. The glittering towers of the Moscow City business district were once symbols of the Russian capital’s economic boom in the early 2000s. Now they are a sign of its vulnerability, following a series of drone attacks that rattled some Muscovites shaken and brought the war in Ukraine home to the seat of Russian power. (AP Photo/Dmitry Serebryakov)

Police officers stand near the Red Square in Moscow, Russia, Tuesday, Aug. 1, 2023. The glittering towers of the Moscow City business district were once symbols of the Russian capital’s economic boom in the early 2000s. Now they are a sign of its vulnerability, following a series of drone attacks that rattled some Muscovites shaken and brought the war in Ukraine home to the seat of Russian power. (AP Photo/Dmitry Serebryakov)

People stroll at the Red Square in Moscow, Russia, Tuesday, Aug. 1, 2023. The glittering towers of the Moscow City business district were once symbols of the Russian capital’s economic boom in the early 2000s. Now they are a sign of its vulnerability, following a series of drone attacks that rattled some Muscovites shaken and brought the war in Ukraine home to the seat of Russian power. (AP Photo/Dmitry Serebryakov)

People sit in a cafe in Moscow, Russia, Tuesday, Aug. 1, The glittering towers of the Moscow City business district were once symbols of the Russian capital’s economic boom in the early 2000s. Now they are a sign of its vulnerability, following a series of drone attacks that rattled some Muscovites shaken and brought the war in Ukraine home to the seat of Russian power. 2023. (AP Photo/Dmitry Serebryakov)

A view of the damaged building is seen in the “Moscow City” business district after a reported drone attack in Moscow, Russia, early Tuesday, Aug. 1, 2023. Ukrainian drones again targeted Moscow and its surroundings early Tuesday morning, the Russian military reported. Two of three launched were shot down outside Moscow, while one crashed into a skyscraper in the Moscow City business district, damaging the building’s facade. (AP Photo)

Investigators examine an area next to damaged building in the “Moscow City” business district after a reported drone attack in Moscow, Russia, early Tuesday, Aug. 1, 2023. Ukrainian drones again targeted Moscow and its surroundings early Tuesday morning, the Russian military reported. Two of three launched were shot down outside Moscow, while one crashed into a skyscraper in the Moscow City business district, damaging the building’s facade. (AP Photo)

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The glittering towers of the Moscow City business district dominate the skyline of the Russian capital. The sleek glass-and-steel buildings -- designed to attract investment amid an economic boom in the early 2000s – are a dramatic, modern contrast to the rest of the more than 800-year-old city.

Now they are a sign of its vulnerability, following a series of drone attacks that rattled some Muscovites and brought the war in Ukraine home to the seat of Russian power.

The attacks on Sunday and Tuesday aren’t the first to hit Moscow — a drone even struck the Kremlin harmlessly in May. But these latest blasts, which caused no casualties but blew out part of a section of windows on a high-rise building and sent glass cascading to the streets, seemed particularly unsettling.

“It’s very frightening because you wake up at night hearing explosions,” said a woman who identified herself only as Ulfiya as she walked her dog, adding that she lived in a nearby building. Like other Muscovites interviewed by The Associated Press, she did not identify herself further out of fear of retribution or for her personal safety.

A maintenance worker stands outside a damaged government building in Kyiv, Ukraine, Wednesday, Aug. 2, 2023, following Russian drone attacks. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)

Another resident, who gave her name as Ekaterina, said Tuesday’s blast “sounded like thunder.”

“I think for the first time, I got really scared,” she said. “I don’t understand how people in a war zone can live like this every day and not go mad.”

The Russian Defense Ministry said it shot down two Ukrainian drones outside Moscow and had electronically jammed another, sending it crashing into the IQ-Quarter skyscraper that houses government offices like the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Digital Development and Communications, and the Ministry of Industry and Trade — the same building that was hit Sunday.

A cordon went up around the building and personnel from the fire department and the Russian Investigative Committee were at the scene. Hours later, residents strolled through the district along the Moscow River or sat on benches in the sunshine. By about 1 p.m. Tuesday, workers were already starting to replace damaged windows.

The business district, a 10-minute subway ride west of the Kremlin, is home to some of Moscow’s flashiest restaurants, offering far-reaching views of the capital and a menu of upscale fare like three types of caviar, shellfish from Russia’s Far East and French cuisine.

But there was no escaping the grim news.

While Russian state television has largely played down the strikes, one channel sandwiched a segment on how Moscow’s air defenses successfully intercepted the drones in between reports highlighting Russian attacks on Ukraine.

Mykhailo Podolyak, an adviser to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, said in Ukraine that Moscow “is rapidly getting used to a full-fledged war,” without confirming or denying Kyiv’s involvement in the drone attacks that in recent days have struck from the capital to the Crimean Peninsula .

After Sunday’s strike, the Kremlin said security would be ramped up.

Still, the size of the drone that hit the Moscow City district led analysts to question the effectiveness of the capital’s air defenses, suggesting it could have been launched from Ukraine.

“If this is the case, this would be rather embarrassing for Russia’s air defenses. If a drone has been in Russian airspace for hours, air defenses should have picked it up earlier and shot it down earlier,” said Ulrike Franke, an expert in drones and military technology at the European Council on Foreign Relations.

While they haven’t caused much physical damage, bringing the drone campaign to Moscow “blows holes in Russia’s narrative that the war on Ukraine is successful and that it is being prosecuted far away from any consequences for the Russian people themselves,” said Keir Giles, a Russia expert at the Chatham House think tank in London.

“That is something which is going to be harder and harder for Russia’s propaganda machine to explain away,” he said.

A Muscovite who identified himself to the AP only as Eldar summed up the strikes this way: “We attack them, they attack us. And it’s obvious that they will succeed somewhere, and we will succeed somewhere. We should try to strengthen the defense.”

In Odintsovo, where some of the drones were downed about 30 kilometers (18 miles) southwest of the capital, some residents discussed the events on their local Telegram channel.

One woman talked about hearing noises that turned out to be a car or improperly closed trash containers, and seeing what she thought were drones but actually were a flock of birds, a plane and a wind-blown plastic bag.

“How is it possible to live like this?” she asked the group.

“Stop creating panic,” one member admonished her.

“If you hear a noise, be happy because it hasn’t hit you,” added another.

Burrows reported from Tallinn, Estonia.

Follow AP’s coverage of the war in Ukraine at https://apnews.com/hub/russia-ukraine



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HSC Social Work Assignment Answer 2021 (1st & 2nd Paper)

Hsc 2021 social work assignment answer (6th and 5th week).

HSC 2021 Social Work Assignment

HSC 2021 Social Work Assignment Answer has been assigned for 3rd and 2nd week. Also HSC Assignment 2021 Social Work has 5th, 6th, 8th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 14th and 15th week assignments. A total of 10 assignments have to be completed in Social Work. HSC Social Work Assignment solution has two Part.

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Rainstorms impacts on water, sediment, and trace elements loads in an urbanized catchment within Moscow city: case study of summer 2020 and 2021

  • Published: 07 December 2022
  • Volume 151 , pages 871–889, ( 2023 )

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  • Sergey Chalov   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-6937-7020 1 , 2 ,
  • Vladimir Platonov 1 ,
  • Oxana Erina 1 ,
  • Vsevolod Moreido 1 , 3 ,
  • Mikhail Samokhin 1 ,
  • Dmitriy Sokolov 1 ,
  • Maria Tereshina 1 ,
  • Yulia Yarinich 1 &
  • Nikolay Kasimov 1  

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In 2020 and 2021, the city of Moscow, Russia, has experienced two historical rainfall events that had caused major flooding of small rivers. Based on long-term observation datasets from the surrounding weather stations, regional mesoscale COSMO-CLM climate model results, and a detailed hydrological and water quality monitoring data, we performed a pioneer assessment of climate change and urbanization impact on flooding hazard and water quality of the urban Setun River as a case study. Statistically significant rise of some moderate ETCCDI climate change indices (R20mm and R95pTOT) was revealed for the 1966–2020 period, while no significant trends were observed for more extreme indices. The combined impact of climate change and increased urbanization is highly non-linear and results in as much as a fourfold increase in frequency of extreme floods and shift of water regime features which lead to formation of specific seasonal flow patterns. The rainstorm flood wave response time, involving infiltrated and hillslope-routed fraction of rainfall, is accounted as 6 to 11 h, which is more than twice as rapid as compared to the non-urbanized nearby catchments. Based on temporal trends before and after rainfall flood peak, four groups of dissolved chemicals were identified: soluble elements whose concentrations decrease with an increase in water discharge; mostly insoluble and well-sorted elements whose concentrations increase with discharge (Mn, Cs, Cd, Al); elements negatively related to water discharge during flood events (Li, B, Cr, As, Br and Sr); and a wide range of dissolved elements (Cu, Zn, Mo, Sn, Pb, Ba, La, Cs, U) which concentrations remain stable during rainfall floods. Our study identifies that lack of research focused on the combined impacts of climate change and urbanization on flooding and water quality in the Moscow urban area is a key problem in water management advances.

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Field studies were supported by Russian Science Foundation project 19–77-30004. The analytical experiments were done under Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russian Federation project 075–15-2021–574. COSMO-CLM model setup is a part of RFBR project 21–55-53039. The methodology of this study is developed under the Interdisciplinary Scientific and Educational School of Lomonosov Moscow State University «Future Planet and Global Environmental Change» and Kazan Federal University Strategic Academic Leadership Program (“PRIORITY-2030”). The research is carried out using the equipment of the shared research facilities of HPC computing resources at Lomonosov Moscow State University. Streamflow patterns analysis was carried out under Governmental Order to Water Problems Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, subject no. FMWZ-2022–0003, project 3.7.

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Faculty of Geography, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, 1, 119991 GSP-1, Moscow, Russia

Sergey Chalov, Vladimir Platonov, Oxana Erina, Vsevolod Moreido, Mikhail Samokhin, Dmitriy Sokolov, Maria Tereshina, Yulia Yarinich & Nikolay Kasimov

Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya St., 18, 420008, Kazan, Russia

Sergey Chalov

Institute of Water Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Gubkina Str., 3, 119333, Moscow, Russia

Vsevolod Moreido

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Conceptualization, original draft preparation—Sergey Chalov; numerical experiments conducting and evaluation, precipitation data analysis, writing—Vladimir Platonov; the rainfall-runoff patterns analysis—Vsevolod Moreido; methodology, validation, writing—Oxana Erina, Dmitriy Sokolov, Maria Tereshina, Mikhail Samokhin; precipitation data preparation and visualization—Yulia Yarinich; review, editing—Nikolay Kasimov. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Sergey Chalov .

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About this article

Chalov, S., Platonov, V., Erina, O. et al. Rainstorms impacts on water, sediment, and trace elements loads in an urbanized catchment within Moscow city: case study of summer 2020 and 2021. Theor Appl Climatol 151 , 871–889 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00704-022-04298-9

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Received : 31 August 2022

Accepted : 23 November 2022

Published : 07 December 2022

Issue Date : January 2023

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s00704-022-04298-9

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