Deed of Assignment: Everything You Need to Know

A deed of assignment refers to a legal document that records the transfer of ownership of a real estate property from one party to another. 3 min read updated on January 01, 2024

Updated October 8,2020:

A deed of assignment refers to a legal document that records the transfer of ownership of a real estate property from one party to another. It states that a specific piece of property will belong to the assignee and no longer belong to the assignor starting from a specified date. In order to be valid, a deed of assignment must contain certain types of information and meet a number of requirements.

What Is an Assignment?

An assignment is similar to an outright transfer, but it is slightly different. It takes place when one of two parties who have entered into a contract decides to transfer all of his or her rights and obligations to a third party and completely remove himself or herself from the contract.

Also called the assignee, the third party effectively replaces the former contracting party and consequently assumes all of his or her rights and obligations. Unless it is stated in the original contract, both parties to the initial contract are typically required to express approval of an assignment before it can occur. When you sell a piece of property, you are making an assignment of it to the buyer through the paperwork you sign at closing.

What Is a Deed of Assignment?

A deed of assignment refers to a legal document that facilitates the legal transfer of ownership of real estate property. It is an important document that must be securely stored at all times, especially in the case of real estate.

In general, this document can be described as a document that is drafted and signed to promise or guarantee the transfer of ownership of a real estate property on a specified date. In other words, it serves as the evidence of the transfer of ownership of the property, with the stipulation that there is a certain timeframe in which actual ownership will begin.

The deed of assignment is the main document between the seller and buyer that proves ownership in favor of the seller. The party who is transferring his or her rights to the property is known as the “assignor,” while the party who is receiving the rights is called the “assignee.”

A deed of assignment is required in many different situations, the most common of which is the transfer of ownership of a property. For example, a developer of a new house has to sign a deed of assignment with a buyer, stating that the house will belong to him or her on a certain date. Nevertheless, the buyer may want to sell the house to someone else in the future, which will also require the signing of a deed of assignment.

This document is necessary because it serves as a temporary title deed in the event that the actual title deed for the house has not been issued. For every piece of property that will be sold before the issuance of a title deed, a deed of assignment will be required.

Requirements for a Deed of Assignment

In order to be legally enforceable, an absolute sale deed must provide a clear description of the property being transferred, such as its address or other information that distinguishes it from other properties. In addition, it must clearly identify the buyer and seller and state the date when the transfer will become legally effective, the purchase price, and other relevant information.

In today's real estate transactions, contracting parties usually use an ancillary real estate sale contract in an attempt to cram all the required information into a deed. Nonetheless, the information found in the contract must be referenced by the deed.

Information to Include in a Deed of Assignment

  • Names of parties to the agreement
  • Addresses of the parties and how they are binding on the parties' successors, friends, and other people who represent them in any capacity
  • History of the property being transferred, from the time it was first acquired to the time it is about to be sold
  • Agreed price of the property
  • Size and description of the property
  • Promises or covenants the parties will undertake to execute the deed
  • Signatures of the parties
  • Section for the Governors Consent or Commissioner of Oaths to sign and verify the agreement

If you need help understanding, drafting, or signing a deed of assignment, you can post your legal need on UpCounsel's marketplace. UpCounsel accepts only the top 5 percent of lawyers to its site. Lawyers on UpCounsel come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale Law and average 14 years of legal experience, including work with or on behalf of companies like Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb.

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A Deed of Assignment refers to a legal document in which an assignor states his willingness to assign the ownership of his property to the assignee. The Deed of Assignment is required to effect a transfer of property and to show the legal right to possess it. It is always a subject of debate whether Deed of Assignment is a contract; a Deed of Assignment is actually a contract where the owner (the “assignor”) transfers ownership over certain property to another person (the “assignee”) by way of assignment. As a result of the assignment, the assignee steps into the shoes of the assignor and assumes all the rights and obligations pertaining to the property.

In Nigeria, a Deed of Assignment is one of the legal documents that transfer authentic legal ownership in a property. There are several other documents like a deed of gifts, Assent, etc. However, this article focuses on the deed of assignment.

It is the written proof of ownership that stipulates the kind of rights or interests being transferred to the buyer which is a legal interest.



Content of a Deed of Assignment matters a lot to the transaction and special skill is needed for a hitch-free transaction. The contents of a deed of assignment can be divided into 3 namely; the introductory part, the second (usually the operative part), and the concluding part.

  • THE INTRODUCTORY PART: This part enumerates the preliminary matters such as the commencement date, parties in the transaction, and recitals. The parties mentioned in the deed must be legal persons which can consist of natural persons and entities with corporate personality, the name, address, and status of the parties must be included. The proper descriptions of the parties are the assignor (seller) and assignee (buyer). The Recitals give the material facts constituting the background to the current transaction in chronological order.
  • THE SECOND PART (USUALLY THE OPERATIVE PART): This is the part where the interest or title in the property is actually transferred from the assignor to the assignee. It is more like the engine room of the deed of assignment. The operative part usually starts with testatum and it provides for other important clauses such as the consideration (price) of the property, the accepted receipt by the assignor, the description of the property, and the terms and conditions of the transaction.
  • The testimonium : this shows that all the parties are involved in the execution of the deed.
  • Execution : this means signing. The capacity of the parties (either individual, corporate bodies, illiterates) is of great essence in the mode of execution.  It is important to note that the type of parties involved determines how they will sign. Example 2 directors or a director/secretary will sign if a company is involved. In the same way, if an association, couple, individual, illiterate, family land (omonile), firm, unregistered association, etc. is involved the format of signature would be different.
  • Attestation : this refers to the witnessing of the execution of the deed by witnesses.

For a Deed of Assignment to be effective, it must include a column for the Governor of the state or a representative of the Government where the property is, to sign/consent to the transaction. By virtue of Sec. 22 of the Land Use Act, and Sec. 10 Land Instrument Registration Law, the Governor must consent to the transaction.

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In the realm of intellectual property, a Deed of Assignment is a formal legal document used to transfer all rights, title, and interest in intellectual property from the assignor (original owner) to the assignee (new owner). This is crucial for the correct transfer of patents, copyrights, trademarks, and other IP rights. The deed typically requires specific legal formalities, sometimes notarization, to ensure it is legally enforceable.

To be legally effective a deed of assignment must contain:

  • Title of the Document : It should clearly be labeled as a "Deed of Assignment" to identify the nature of the document.
  • Date : The date on which the deed is executed should be clearly mentioned.
  • Parties Involved : Full names and addresses of both the assignor (the party transferring the rights) and the assignee (the party receiving the rights). This identifies the parties to the agreement.
  • Recitals : This section provides the background of the transaction. It typically includes details about the ownership of the assignor and the intention behind the assignment.
  • Definition and Interpretation : Any terms used within the deed that have specific meanings should be clearly defined in this section.
  • Description of the Property or Rights : A detailed description of the property or rights being assigned. For intellectual property, this would include details like patent numbers, trademark registrations , or descriptions of the copyrighted material.
  • Terms of Assignment : This should include the extent of the rights being transferred, any conditions or limitations on the assignment, and any obligations the assignor or assignee must fulfill as part of the agreement.
  • Warranties and Representations : The assignor typically makes certain warranties regarding their ownership of the property and the absence of encumbrances or third-party claims against it.
  • Governing Law : The deed should specify which jurisdiction's laws govern the interpretation and enforcement of the agreement.
  • Execution and Witnesses : The deed must be signed by both parties, and depending on jurisdictional requirements, it may also need to be witnessed and possibly notarized.
  • Schedules or Annexures : If there are detailed lists or descriptions (like a list of patent numbers or property descriptions), these are often attached as schedules to the main body of the deed.

Letter of Assignment (for Trademarks and Patents)

Letter of Assignment

This is a less formal document compared to the Deed of Assignment and is often used to record the assignment of rights or licensing of intellectual property on a temporary or limited basis. While it can outline the terms of the assignment, it may not be sufficient for the full transfer of legal title of IP rights. It's more commonly used in situations like assigning the rights to use a copyrighted work or a trademark license.

For example, company X allows company Y to use their trademark for specific products in a specific country for a specific period.  

At the same time, company X can use a Letter of Assignment to transfer a trademark to someone. In this case, it will be similar to the Deed of Assignment. 

Intellectual Property Sales Agreement

Intellectual Property Sales Agreement

An IP Sales Agreement is a detailed contract that stipulates the terms and conditions of the sale of intellectual property. It covers aspects such as the specific rights being sold, payment terms, warranties regarding the ownership and validity of the IP, and any limitations or conditions on the use of the IP. This document is essential in transactions involving the sale of IP assets.

However, clients usually prefer to keep this document confidential and prepare special deeds of assignment or letter of assignment for different countries.

IP Transfer Declaration

IP Transfer Declaration

In the context of intellectual property, a Declaration is often used to assert ownership or the originality of an IP asset. For example, inventors may use declarations in patent applications to declare their invention is original, or authors may use it to assert copyright ownership. It's a formal statement, sometimes required by IP offices or courts.

When assigning a trademark, the Declaration can be a valid document to function as a proof of the transfer. For example, a director of company X declares that the company had sold its Intellectual Property to company Y. 

Merger Document

Merger Document

When companies or entities with significant IP assets merge, an IP Merger Document is used. This document outlines how the intellectual property owned by the merging entities will be combined or managed. It includes details about the transfer, integration, or handling of patents, copyrights, trademarks, and any other intellectual property affected by the merger.

In all these cases, the precise drafting of documents is critical to ensure that IP rights are adequately protected and transferred. Legal advice is often necessary to navigate the complexities of intellectual property laws.

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Understanding Deed of Assignment: Definition, Uses, and Legal Implications Explained

A deed of assignment is a legal document that transfers the ownership of a tangible or intangible asset from one party (assignor) to another (assignee). It is used to formalize the transfer of rights, interests, or benefits associated with the asset specified in the deed. This document is commonly used in various legal and financial transactions to ensure clarity and enforceability of the transfer.

Table of Contents

Key characteristics of deed of assignment.

  • Legal Form : It is a formal written document recognized under legal jurisdictions.
  • Transfer of Rights : Involves transferring ownership or interests in a specific asset.
  • Specificity : Clearly defines the asset being transferred and the terms of transfer.
  • Enforceability : Once executed, it becomes legally binding on both parties.

How Deed of Assignment Works

Examples and usage, 1. transfer of debt example.

  • Definition : A debtor assigns their debt obligation to a new creditor.
  • Process : A deed of assignment is used to transfer the rights to receive payment from the debtor to the new creditor.

2. Intellectual Property Transfer

  • Definition : An author assigns their copyright in a book to a publishing company.
  • Procedure : A deed of assignment outlines the transfer of intellectual property rights from the author to the publisher.

Advantages of Deed of Assignment

  • Legal Clarity : Provides a clear record of the transfer of rights or interests.
  • Enforceability : Ensures that the assignee can legally enforce their rights against the assignor.
  • Asset Protection : Helps protect the rights of the assignee against claims by third parties.

Challenges of Deed of Assignment


  • Legal Requirements : Must adhere to specific legal formalities to be enforceable.
  • Risk of Breach : Potential for disputes over the validity or terms of the assignment.

Importance of Deed of Assignment

Practical applications, legal transfers.

  • Debt Assignments : Transferring debt obligations from one creditor to another.
  • Property Transfers : Assigning ownership rights in real estate or intellectual property.

Real-world Implications

Legal and financial security.

  • Contractual Agreements : Facilitates smooth transfers of rights and responsibilities.
  • Risk Management : Helps mitigate risks associated with ownership disputes or claims.

Example Scenario

Application in debt assignment, scenario: debt transfer deed of assignment.

  • Context : A company assigns its accounts receivable to a factoring company.
  • Procedure : Signing a deed of assignment outlining the transfer of rights to receive payment from debtors to the factoring company.

A deed of assignment is a crucial legal instrument used to transfer ownership or rights from one party to another. Whether for debts, intellectual property, or other assets, it ensures clarity and enforceability in legal transactions. By documenting the specifics of the transfer and adhering to legal requirements, parties can safeguard their interests and ensure that the transfer is legally binding. Understanding the purpose and implications of a deed of assignment is essential for navigating legal transfers of rights and assets effectively. It provides a structured approach to asset transfers, protecting the rights of both assignors and assignees under legal frameworks. Overall, deeds of assignment play a significant role in facilitating smooth and legally secure transfers of various types of assets and rights between parties.

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Deed Of Assignment – Meaning, Uses, & Benefits


One of the biggest mistakes you could make in the real estate industry is to buy a property without collecting a deed of assignment property document . You might as well have just given the person the money. 

The deed of assignment is a very important document in the real estate sector that proves ownership over the property. 

The deed contains crucial details about the real estate transaction that may be relevant in court in case of any issues or problems that may arise.

Without a deed of assignment, you have no valid ownership over a property. 

Needless to say, it is a very important document that every property owner must be familiar with. 

What Is A Deed Of Assignment?

  • Components Of A Deed Of Assignment 

Types of interests that can be assigned with a deed of assignment

  • What Is The Difference Between A Deed Of Assignment And A Deed Of Conveyance? 
  • Significance Or Reasons Of A Deed Of Assignment 

Frequently Asked Questions


A deed of assignment is a legal document that transfers the ownership rights, title, and interests of a property or other asset from one party to another.

The term is often used interchangeably with the term “deed of conveyance,” as there is only a little difference between both documents. 

The deed of assignment is typically used in circumstances where someone wants to transfer the ownership rights of a property to another party, either as a gift or as a sale.

The deed of assignment specifies the property or asset being transferred as well as the parties engaged in the transfer, including their names and addresses.

It also contains details regarding any monetary aspects of the transfer, such as the purchase price and any applicable taxes or fees.

Depending on the regulations of the jurisdiction where the transfer is occurring, the deed of assignment must be signed and dated by both parties in the presence of witnesses or a notary public. 

The deed becomes a binding legal instrument after it is signed, transferring ownership of the item from the original owner to the new owner.

A deed of assignment is frequently used in real estate transactions to transfer ownership of a property from a seller to a buyer.

In this situation, the buyer typically pays the seller the purchase price in exchange for transferring ownership rights. 

The deed will contain details about the property , the purchase price, and any other relevant terms and conditions of the sale.

Components Of A Deed Of Assignment 


For a deed of assignment to be valid, there is certain information that must be present in the paperwork. 

The components of a deed of assignment can vary depending on the jurisdiction and the specific requirements of the transaction.

You would need to find out what components should be in the deed for your country or city.

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The following are common elements that are typically included in a deed of assignment: 

  • Parties involved: The deed will identify the parties involved in the transfer, including the present owner and the new owner. The full legal names and primary addresses of both parties will be listed in the document.
  • Description of the property: The deed will contain a detailed description of the property or asset being transferred. Depending on the kind of property, this could include the address, legal description, or other identifying information.
  • Transfer of ownership: The terms at which the present owner will transfer ownership of the asset to the new owner will be stated in the deed. It will also be stated that the transfer is final and irrevocable. The deed would also contain the specifics of the transaction if it is a sale. It will contain the purchase price and any other financial considerations involved in the transaction. This may include details about any deposits, down payments, or financing arrangements.
  • Signatures and notarization: Both parties must sign and date the deed in the presence of witnesses or a notary public. This makes the transfer enforceable and legally binding.
  • Legal warranties and representations: The deed may contain warranties or representations from the current owner about the ownership and condition of the property or asset being transferred. This may include statements about the absence of liens or encumbrances or the condition of the property.
  • Governing law: The deed may specify the governing law that applies to the transaction. This helps to ensure that the transfer is conducted in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.


As earlier stated, a deed of assignment is a legal document used to transfer a specific interest or right in a property from one party to another. Several types of interests can be assigned with a deed of assignment, some of which are:

1. Leasehold interests

A leasehold interest is a right to use and live in a property for a specified period in exchange for rent. This kind of property interest is different from freehold ownership, which is the complete and long-term ownership of a piece of property.

A leasehold interest can be transferred through a deed of assignment from one tenant to another or from a tenant to a landlord . 

Once the deed is executed and the leasehold interest is transferred to the new tenant, the new tenant will be responsible for fulfilling the terms of the lease, including paying rent and complying with any other conditions or restrictions specified in the lease.

2. Mortgages and other security interests

A mortgage is a loan that is secured by a piece of real estate. When a borrower takes out a mortgage, they use the asset as security for the loan, and the lender takes on a property right in the asset until the debt is fully repaid.

An assignment of mortgage is a procedure that allows a mortgage to be transferred to a different lender. This involves using a deed of assignment to transfer the mortgage’s interest from the lender currently in possession of it (the assignor) to another lender (the assignee).

3. Easements and rights of way

An easement is a right to use a specific portion of another person’s property for a particular purpose, such as a right of way for access to a landlocked property.

This could mean access to use a driveway or pathway that crosses over a neighbor’s property.  

A deed of assignment can also be used to transfer an easement or right of way from one party to another.

The deed will specify the nature and extent of the easement being transferred so there are no misunderstandings between the parties involved. 

4. Intellectual property rights

Intellectual property rights are legal rights that protect creations of the mind, such as inventions, literary and artistic works, and symbols, names, and designs used in commerce.

Types of intellectual property rights include patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets.

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A deed of assignment can also be used to transfer intellectual property rights from one party to another. 

Once the deed is executed and any necessary registration or filing requirements are met, the assignee will become the owner of the rights and will have the exclusive right to use, license, or otherwise exploit the intellectual property as they see fit, subject to any limitations or conditions specified in the assignment document.

What Is The Difference Between A Deed Of Assignment And A Deed Of Conveyance? 


A deed of assignment and a deed of conveyance are two very important documents that are common in real estate transactions.

They are often mixed up and this is simply because both are legal documents used to transfer ownership of property or assets from one party to another. 

A deed of assignment is used to transfer the existing rights to a property from one party to another, such as a leasehold interest, a mortgage, or an easement.

It does not transfer the ownership of the property itself, but rather a specific right or interest related to the property.

On the other hand, a deed of conveyance is used to transfer the ownership of a property from one party to another.

It establishes a new title for the buyer and confirms their ownership of the property.

Some differences between the two documents include:

1. Nature of the transfer

The nature of the transaction being carried out will determine which document is needed. A deed of assignment is typically used to transfer ownership of an existing property or asset from one party to another.

In contrast, a deed of conveyance is used to transfer ownership of a new or unregistered property from the seller to the buyer.

2. Legal effect

A deed of assignment is generally used in situations where the seller has a legal and valid title to the property, and is transferring ownership to the buyer.

The deed of assignment confirms the transfer of ownership and ensures that the seller has no further claim to the property.

In contrast, a deed of conveyance is used to create a new title for the buyer and transfer ownership from the seller to the buyer.

3. Registration

The method by which both documents are registered can also be used to distinguish between the two. A deed of conveyance must be registered with the relevant land registry or a government agency to be valid. 

This registration process creates a new title for the buyer and confirms their ownership of the property. While for a deed of assignment, registration may not be required by law but may still be recommended or necessary to protect your interests.

The content of both documents also differs and this can be used to tell them apart from each other. A deed of conveyance typically includes more details about the property being transferred, such as the property’s location , size, boundaries, and any existing encumbrances or restrictions on the property.

A deed of assignment, on the other hand, may focus more on the terms of the transfer, such as the purchase price and the date of transfer.

Significance Or Reasons Of A Deed Of Assignment 


It is impossible to overstate the significance of a deed of assignment. The significance of this deed lies in its ability to protect the rights of both the buyer and seller in a transaction.

1. Transfer Of Ownership

The main significance of the deed of assignment is to serve as evidence of the transfer of ownership of a property or asset from one party to another. It is a legal document that establishes the new owner’s right to possess, use, and dispose of the property or asset. 

The deed covers both the essential conditions as well as the specific terms that the parties to the transaction have agreed upon. 

2. Legal Protection

In the event of any problems or issues over the transfer of property, the deed of assignment gives both parties legal protection.

By signing a deed, both parties acknowledge their understanding of the terms of the transfer and agree to abide by those terms. 

3. Proof Of Ownership

For the new owner, a deed of assignment acts as ownership documentation for the new owner. This can be crucial when dealing with financial institutions, insurance providers, or other organizations that typically require proof of ownership before granting loans , insurance coverage, or providing other services.

4. Clear Title

A deed of assignment can help to establish a clear title for the property or asset being transferred. This is important because it can help to prevent any legal disputes or challenges to ownership in the future.

5. Compliance With Legal Requirements

In many jurisdictions, a deed of assignment is required by law to transfer ownership of certain types of property or assets.

By obtaining a deed of assignment, both parties can ensure that they comply with any legal requirements that may apply.

Who Drafts A Deed Of Assignment? 

Usually, a deed of assignment is drafted by the assignee’s lawyer. It is generally advisable to have a qualified legal professional draft the document to ensure that it is legally valid and binding.

What Is The Benefit Of A Deed Of Assignment?

The primary benefit of the deed is to protect the rights of ownership. Other benefits of the deed include formality purposes, confirming the validity of ownership, and guaranteeing that the best interests of the parties are properly represented. 

In conclusion, a deed of assignment is a very important document in the process of transferring ownership rights in real estate. 

It is used to protect the rights of both the buyer and the seller, and to ensure that the transfer is conducted in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

And as such, it should be safeguarded and treated with the utmost security. 

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Understanding intellectual property in business

How to transfer intellectual property rights in business, what to include in a deed of assignment, registering new ownership, restrictions on intellectual property transfers.

Most companies have intellectual property as part of their assets, including software, product design, or copyright to white papers. Buying or selling such property is done using a document called a deed of assignment.

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A large part of what a business consists of may be tied to intellectual property . It's easy to see physical property a company owns, such as a building, office furniture, or inventory, but intellectual property can be more challenging to identify.

Most businesses have intellectual property, or works created by human minds or, in some cases, by computers. Some examples of intellectual property include architectural drawings, ad campaigns, company or product names, inventions, and source code.

Examples of when transfers of intellectual property might happen include when a company is buying another company, when you are setting up an LLC and want to transfer your intellectual property into the company, or when a business buys product rights from another company or individual.

A deed of assignment can be done in one transaction, instead of one transaction for each item of intellectual property, by transferring all ownership rights of all intellectual property detailed in the deed. The document is signed by both the buyer and seller. No payment is required for it to be valid.

A deed of assignment must be in writing and should include:

  • The names and addresses of the assignor and assignee
  • A description of the program or product for which the rights are being transferred
  • A statement that all intellectual property rights to the property are being transferred
  • Signatures of the parties and the date of the agreement execution

The deed could also include the following sections, where applicable:

  • Consideration, or payment, to be made to the original owner.
  • Warranties, or promises that the intellectual property rights being assigned don't infringe on anyone else's intellectual property rights . For example, in a deed regarding the transfer of a copyright, this section could state that the copyrighted work is original and not owned by someone else.
  • Indemnification, or promise by the seller to reimburse the assignee if there is some problem with title to the property.
  • Future assignments. For example, the agreement could be ongoing, so that anything the assignor creates in the future for this product or program is also transferred to the buyer.

Although a deed of assignment transfers ownership in intellectual property , it does not change the registration of the ownership. The assignee is responsible for handling all registration requirements.

For example, if a patent is transferred via a deed of assignment, the new owner must record the change in ownership with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Similarly, the transfer of a copyright is recorded with the U.S. Copyright Office.

Transfers of intellectual property must comply with U.S. laws. One obvious caveat is that you can't transfer property you don't own. Transfers must also comply with antitrust laws, which are set up to prevent one company from completely dominating an industry.

If intellectual property rights are being transferred overseas, the transfer must comply with Export Administration Regulations and the International Traffic in Arms Regulations , which are designed to protect national security and trade.

The deed of assignment can be a crucial part of a business deal or transaction. You can create a deed of assignment yourself, or you can work with an attorney .

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Drafting a Deed of Assignment

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A Deed of Assignment is a vital legal document used to transfer rights, interests or assets between parties. It is regularly used in business transactions, and often regarding real estate or intellectual property. A well-crafted deed of assignment can protect both sides from potential legal disputes, ensuring that everyone involved understands their obligations and responsibilities.

The Genie AI team has seen many instances where having a valid deed of assignment can make all the difference - without it businesses could be exposed to considerable risk. That’s why we offer free templates and step-by-step guides to help those wishing to draft their own deed.

When creating a Deed of Assignment it is important to take the specific circumstances into account - any changes or additions should be accurately documented and agreed by all involved parties beforehand. Furthermore, it is essential that the terms are clearly written out in an unambiguous way so every party knows exactly what they have signed up for. Beyond protecting both sides’ interests, this type of agreement can also be used for copyright assignments, leases, debt transfers and trusts.

Before signing on the dotted line it’s also critical that executing such documentation is done properly - all parties must sign in the presence of a witness who will also affix their signature and date the document accordingly. Once this process has been completed filings must then be made with any relevant government authorities whenever necessary (especially in cases involving real estate or intellectual property transfers).

In summary, drafting a Deed of Assignment not only safeguards everyone’s best interests but also provides additional benefits depending on its use case - reading through our step-by-step guidance below should provide you with more information on how to access our template library today and start benefitting from its advantages without needing to sign up for an account with Genie AI first!

Definitions (feel free to skip)

Legal Binding: When a legally binding document is used, it means that all parties involved are legally obligated to follow the terms and conditions set forth in the document.

Assignor: The assignor is the person who is transferring rights, interests or assets to someone else.

Assignee: The assignee is the person who is receiving the rights, interests or assets from the assignor.

Witness: A witness is an independent third-party who is present when a document is signed, in order to ensure that the process is completed in a secure and legally binding manner.

Stamp: A stamp is an official seal or mark that is used to verify and authenticate a document.

Tax: A tax is a sum of money that is paid to a government or public authority.

Duty: Duty is an obligation or responsibility assigned to someone.

Defining the Deed of Assignment

What is a deed of assignment and what is its purpose, parties involved, who needs to be involved in the making of a deed of assignment, drafting the deed, determine what kind of deed of assignment needs to be drafted, consider the subject matter to be assigned in the deed, research the legal requirements for the kind of deed to be drafted, draft the deed of assignment in accordance with the legal requirements, executing the deed, check that the parties to the deed are correctly identified, confirm that the deed is correctly signed and dated by all parties, confirm that the deed is witnessed by an independent third party, have the deed of assignment properly executed by all parties, registration, determine whether the deed of assignment needs to be registered, if registration is necessary, confirm the registration procedures, take necessary steps to register the deed of assignment, considerations, consider any applicable tax or stamp duty implications of the deed of assignment, consider any restrictions or limitations on the rights being assigned, consider whether the deed of assignment needs to be registered in any public records, common mistakes, not accurately identifying all of the parties to the deed, not having the deed properly executed by all parties, not having the deed witnessed by an independent third party, not considering any applicable tax or stamp duty implications, not considering any applicable restrictions or limitations on the rights being assigned, record keeping, ensure that the original deed of assignment is securely stored, create a digital copy of the deed and store it in a secure manner, review the deed of assignment to ensure accuracy, confirm that all steps have been completed correctly, seek advice from legal professionals if necessary, get started.

  • Establish the parties involved in the Deed of Assignment
  • Identify the property or service being assigned
  • Specify the terms of the assignment
  • Ensure the Deed of Assignment is properly witnessed
  • Check that all signatures are valid

When you have completed the steps above, you will have successfully defined the Deed of Assignment and can proceed to the next step.

  • A deed of assignment is a legal document that is used to transfer the rights and responsibilities of one party (the assignor) to another party (the assignee)
  • It is used to transfer contractual rights and obligations between parties
  • It should include information such as the names of the parties, the date of the assignment, and the description of the rights transferred
  • You will know that you have completed this step when you have an understanding of what a deed of assignment is and why it is used.
  • Identify the party transferring their rights (the assignor) and the party receiving the rights (the assignee)
  • Draft the deed in the name of both parties, including full names and contact details
  • Ensure the deed is signed by both the assignor and assignee
  • Once the deed is signed, the parties should exchange copies of the document

Once the assignor and assignee have been identified and the deed has been drafted and signed, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

  • Identify the parties involved in the Deed of Assignment. This would typically include the assignor (the party transferring their rights or interest) and the assignee (the party receiving the rights or interest).
  • Ensure that all parties involved have the legal capacity to enter into a contract.
  • When all parties have been identified and their legal capacity has been verified, you can check this step off your list and move on to drafting the Deed.
  • Read the applicable laws in your jurisdiction to determine the required language and structure of the Deed of Assignment
  • Gather the necessary information on the parties, the asset being assigned, and other relevant details
  • Draft the Deed of Assignment, taking into account all the necessary details
  • Make sure the language is clear and unambiguous
  • Have the Deed of Assignment reviewed by a legal professional
  • When the Deed of Assignment has been drafted and reviewed, you can move on to the next step.
  • Identify the type of assignment that needs to be drafted and the legal requirements that need to be satisfied
  • Consider the purpose of the Deed and the rights and obligations of the parties to the Deed
  • Determine if the Deed is for an absolute or conditional assignment
  • Consider if the Deed should be an express or implied assignment
  • Determine if the Deed needs to be in writing or if it can be oral
  • Check the applicable laws in your jurisdiction to ensure that you are drafting a valid Deed
  • Check if there are any additional requirements that need to be included in the Deed

When you can check this off your list: Once you have identified the type of assignment and the relevant legal requirements, you can move on to considering the subject matter to be assigned in the Deed.

  • Identify the subject matter of the Deed of Assignment, such as a patent, trademark, copyright, or other intellectual property
  • Assess the value of the subject matter and any associated liabilities
  • Understand the relationship between the assignor and assignee
  • Have all necessary documents, such as a purchase agreement, to provide more detail about the assignment

Once you have identified the subject matter of the Deed of Assignment, assessed its value, understand the relationship between the assignor and assignee, and gathered any additional documents, you can move onto the next step of researching the legal requirements for the kind of Deed to be drafted.

  • Research the relevant legislation, case law, and other materials related to the Deed of Assignment to be drafted
  • Consult with a lawyer familiar with the relevant law to understand the requirements
  • Take detailed notes on the legal requirements that must be adhered to in the Deed of Assignment
  • Once you have all the necessary information, double-check that you understand the requirements before moving on to the next step.
  • Prepare the text of the Deed, ensuring that all relevant information regarding the parties, the subject matter, and the consideration is included
  • Check to make sure the language conforms with relevant laws and regulations
  • Have the Deed reviewed by a solicitor to ensure that it complies with all legal requirements
  • Once the Deed has been approved by a solicitor, have the parties sign the document
  • Once the Deed has been signed by both parties, make multiple copies and ensure each party has a copy
  • This step is complete once the Deed has been signed and each party has a copy of the document.
  • Ensure both parties sign the Deed of Assignment in the presence of two witnesses who are over the age of 18 and not parties to the Deed
  • Have both parties sign the deed in the presence of two witnesses and have the witnesses sign the deed to attest to witnessing the signature of the parties
  • Check that the parties have signed the Deed in the presence of the witnesses by noting the signatures and the dates of signature in the execution clause of the Deed
  • Once the Deed has been executed, have the parties date and keep a copy of the Deed in a secure place
  • You will know that you have completed this step when the Deed has been properly executed by the parties in the presence of two witnesses.
  • Identify all parties to the Deed and verify that their details are correct.
  • Ensure that all parties to the Deed are identified in the document and that the details of each party are accurate and up-to-date.
  • Check that the names, addresses and contact details of each party are correct.
  • Once you have verified that the parties and their details are correctly identified, you can move on to the next step.
  • Check that all parties have signed the Deed in the correct place, and that the date of signature is correct
  • Ensure that each party has signed the Deed in the presence of an independent witness
  • Check that all parties have signed the Deed with their full name and title, if applicable
  • Confirm that the date of signature is correct and that all parties have signed on the same date
  • Once you have verified that all parties have correctly signed and dated the Deed, you can proceed to the next step.
  • Ensure that the Deed is witnessed by an independent third party who is not a party to the Deed.
  • Ask the third party to sign the Deed and provide their name, address, occupation and date of signing.
  • Check that the third party has signed and dated the Deed.
  • Once the above is complete, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.
  • Obtain signatures from all parties on the deed of assignment, ensuring that each party signs in the presence of a witness
  • Have an independent third party witness each party’s signature
  • Ensure that all parties have a valid form of identification, such as a driver’s license or passport, available for inspection by the witness
  • Ensure that all parties sign the deed of assignment in the presence of the witness
  • Obtain the witness’ signature, confirming that all parties signed in the presence of the witness
  • You will know this step is completed once all parties have signed the deed of assignment and the witness has signed confirming they were present during the signing.
  • Obtain a copy of the executed Deed of Assignment from all parties
  • Contact the relevant state or territory office to determine whether the Deed of Assignment needs to be registered
  • If registration is required, complete the necessary forms, pay the registration fee, and submit the required documents
  • Once the Deed of Assignment is registered, the registrar will issue a certificate of registration
  • Check off this step when you have received and reviewed the certificate of registration.
  • Research the applicable laws and regulations in the relevant jurisdiction to decide if the Deed of Assignment needs to be registered
  • Consult a legal professional if unsure
  • When you have the answer, you can move on to the next step.
  • Confirm what type of Deed of Assignment requires registration with the relevant government agency or registry.
  • Research the registration procedures and the requirements you must meet in order to register the Deed of Assignment.
  • Obtain any fees or additional documents that are necessary to complete the registration process.
  • Ensure that all parties to the Deed of Assignment understand the registration process and the requirements for completing it.

You can check off this step once you have researched and confirmed the registration procedures for the Deed of Assignment.

  • Gather the necessary documents for registration, such as the Deed of Assignment, supporting documents, and the applicable fee
  • Visit the registration office to register the Deed of Assignment
  • Submit the necessary documents to the registration office
  • Pay the applicable fee
  • Obtain a copy of the registered Deed of Assignment
  • Upon completion of the above steps, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.
  • Review and understand the nature of the rights and obligations being assigned
  • Determine if there are any restrictions or limitations in the assignment
  • Assess if any approvals are needed from third parties before the assignment is valid
  • Confirm that the assignor has the right to assign the interest being transferred
  • Check to see if the assignee has the necessary capacity to accept the assignment
  • Analyze if the assignment is subject to any applicable laws or regulations
  • Determine if any additional documentation is needed to support the assignment
  • Once you have considered all of the above, you can proceed with drafting the Deed of Assignment.
  • Check with your local taxation authority or a qualified tax professional to see if the Deed of Assignment is subject to any taxes or stamp duty.
  • Ensure that the Deed of Assignment includes any required taxes or stamp duty payments.
  • Check to see if the tax or stamp duty implications vary by jurisdiction.
  • Once you’ve considered the tax or stamp duty implications, you can move on to the next step.
  • Identify any restrictions or limitations that could affect the transfer of rights in the Deed of Assignment
  • Consider whether there are any legal restrictions that must be observed in the transfer of the rights being assigned
  • Research any relevant industry standards or regulations to ensure that the restrictions or limitations on the rights being assigned are compliant
  • Ensure that the Deed of Assignment clearly outlines the restrictions or limitations of the rights being assigned
  • When all restrictions or limitations on the rights being assigned are taken into consideration, checked for compliance and outlined in the Deed of Assignment, this step is complete.
  • Consider whether the Deed of Assignment needs to be registered with any government or public agencies.
  • Determine if any registration is required or optional.
  • Research the relevant regulations and laws to ensure that the assignments are properly recorded.
  • Check any local requirements or restrictions.
  • Once you have determined that the Deed of Assignment does or does not need to be registered, you can move on to the next step in the process.

• Read over the Deed of Assignment twice to make sure you’re accurately identifying all of the parties to the Deed. Make sure you include the full names and addresses of the assignor and assignee, as well as any other relevant parties. • Check that the legal description of the subject property is accurate. • Ensure that the consideration (the amount being exchanged for the assignment) is stated clearly and accurately. • Make sure that the names of the initial parties to the Deed are also included in the recitals. • Ensure that the recitals and the express terms of the Deed are consistent with one another. • Make sure that the Deed is signed, notarized, and delivered in accordance with state law.

Once you’ve completed the above steps, you can check off this task and move on to the next step in the guide.

  • Identify the assignor and assignee. The assignor is the party transferring their rights and the assignee is the party receiving the rights.
  • Check all of the details are correct. This includes the names, addresses and other contact information for both parties.
  • Draft the deed to ensure that the assignor and assignee are accurately identified.
  • You can check this off your list and move on to the next step once you have confirmed that the assignor and assignee have been accurately identified in the deed.
  • Ensure that all parties to the Deed have read, understood and agreed to the terms and conditions of the agreement.
  • Have all parties affix their signature to the Deed and the accompanying documents.
  • Check that all the signatures are dated and in the presence of a witness.
  • When all parties have properly executed the Deed, you can move on to the next step.
  • Ensure all parties have signed the Deed in the presence of a witness.
  • The witness must be an independent third party who is not a party to the Deed.
  • The witness must sign each page of the Deed that contains a party’s signature.
  • The witness must also include their full name, address and occupation on the Deed.
  • Once all of the above requirements are met, then you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.
  • Determine the applicable taxes or stamp duty implications for the Deed of Assignment.
  • Research any applicable taxes or stamp duty fees for the Deed of Assignment.
  • Calculate the applicable taxes or stamp duty fees for the Deed of Assignment.
  • Make sure to include the applicable taxes or stamp duty fees in the Deed of Assignment.

Once you have determined the applicable taxes or stamp duty implications for the Deed of Assignment, and included them in the Deed of Assignment, you can move on to the next step.

  • Determine the rights that you are assigning and review any applicable laws or regulations to ensure that the assignment of such rights is permitted.
  • Consider any applicable contractual restrictions or limitations on the rights being assigned, such as any applicable confidentiality obligations or restrictions on the transfer of rights.
  • Once you have determined that the assignment of the rights is permitted and there are no applicable restrictions or limitations, you can proceed to the next step of recording keeping.
  • Create a record of the Deed of Assignment, including the date it was executed, by each party
  • Maintain a copy of the Deed of Assignment in a secure place
  • Record any additional related documents, such as any security documents, release documents, or other agreements
  • When all of the above have been done, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.
  • Obtain a physical copy of the original Deed of Assignment
  • Ensure the original Deed is signed by both parties
  • Keep the original Deed in a safe and secure place, such as a locked filing cabinet or safe
  • Make sure the document is stored in a location that is accessible to both parties
  • Ensure that the original Deed is not destroyed or tampered with in any way

You can check this off your list and move on to the next step once the original Deed of Assignment is safely stored in a secure location.

  • Scan or take a digital photo of the original Deed of Assignment and save it to a secure location.
  • Ensure that the digital copy is readable and clearly displays all of the information contained in the original document.
  • Ensure that the digital copy is stored in a secure location, preferably on a cloud-based storage system or other secure server.
  • Make sure that only authorized personnel have access to the digital copy of the Deed.
  • When finished, you will have created a digital copy of the Deed and stored it in a secure manner.
  • Read over the Deed of Assignment to ensure accuracy
  • Make sure all details are correct, and all parties are named
  • Verify that all signatures are complete and accurate
  • Make sure the date of the assignment is correct
  • Check that the document is formatted and laid out correctly
  • Once you are satisfied with the accuracy of the Deed of Assignment, you can move on to the next step.
  • Read through the entire document to make sure all the information is correct
  • Double check that the names and details of the parties involved are spelled correctly
  • Ensure that all the dates are accurate, and that any and all parties have signed the deed in the right places
  • Check that the terms and conditions in the deed are consistent with the agreement between the parties
  • When you have verified all the details, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.
  • Check the Deed of Assignment to ensure that all required elements are present, including accurate information and signatures of all parties.
  • Verify that any and all attachments to the Deed of Assignment are included and accurate.
  • Ensure that all dates, signatures, and other pieces of information are accurate and up-to-date.
  • Once you’ve confirmed that all of the steps have been completed correctly, you can move on to the next step.
  • Seek professional advice from a lawyer or other legal professional to ensure that the deed of assignment is legally binding and enforceable.
  • Request that the legal professional checks that all steps have been completed correctly, and that the deed of assignment meets all requirements under local law.
  • Ask the legal professional to provide you with written advice on any changes or revisions that may be necessary to make the deed of assignment valid and enforceable.
  • Once the legal professional has confirmed that the deed is legally sound, you can check off this step and proceed with the next one.
  • Research legal professionals who are able to provide advice and assistance with the drafting of a deed of assignment
  • Contact the legal professionals to discuss the specific requirements and details of the deed of assignment
  • Ask the legal professionals if they are able to provide advice and assistance with the deed of assignment
  • Receive advice from the legal professionals and make changes to the deed of assignment accordingly
  • Once you are satisfied with the changes to the deed of assignment, you can move on to the next step.

Q: Does a Deed of Assignment need to be signed?

Asked by John on April 23rd 2022. A: Yes, a Deed of Assignment needs to be signed by both the assignor and the assignee in order for it to be legally binding. The signatures should be witnessed and dated, and should be in front of an independent witness who is not related to either party. It is also important to include the relevant clauses and provisions in the deed, as these will set out the rights and obligations of each party.

Q: What is the difference between an assignment and a novation?

Asked by Sarah on July 29th 2022. A: An assignment is a transfer of rights or obligations from one party to another, while a novation is a transfer of rights or obligations from one party to another with the consent of all parties involved. An assignment does not necessarily require the consent of all parties, while a novation always requires the consent of all parties. Additionally, an assignment can transfer rights or obligations without necessarily extinguishing any pre-existing agreements, while a novation extinguishes any pre-existing agreements.

Q: Is a Deed of Assignment legally binding in different jurisdictions?

Asked by Tyler on October 17th 2022. A: Yes, a Deed of Assignment can be legally binding in different jurisdictions, though the exact requirements for validity may differ from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. In general, however, a Deed of Assignment needs to be signed by both parties and witnessed by an independent third party in order for it to be legally binding. Additionally, the deed should include all relevant clauses and provisions that are applicable in each jurisdiction.

Q: Are there any tax implications when drafting a Deed of Assignment?

Asked by Emma on January 15th 2022. A: Yes, there are tax implications that need to be taken into account when drafting a Deed of Assignment. Depending on the jurisdiction and specific tax laws, there may be tax implications for both parties if they are transferring rights or obligations under the deed. It is important to seek professional tax advice before entering into any agreement that involves transferring rights or obligations between parties as this could have significant financial implications for all involved.

Q: Do I need legal advice when drafting a Deed of Assignment?

Asked by Jacob on June 5th 2022. A: While it is not necessary to seek legal advice when drafting a Deed of Assignment, it is generally recommended in order to ensure that all relevant legal requirements are satisfied and that all involved parties are aware of their rights and obligations under the deed. It is also important to make sure that all language used in the deed is clear and unambiguous so that it can easily be understood by all parties involved.

Q: How can I ensure that my Deed of Assignment is valid?

Asked by Michael on August 28th 2022. A: In order for your Deed of Assignment to be valid, it must meet certain legal requirements which vary between jurisdictions. Generally speaking, your deed should include all relevant clauses and provisions applicable in your jurisdiction as well as signatures from both parties which should be witnessed by an independent third party who is not related to either party involved. Additionally, any language used within the document should be clear and unambiguous so that it can easily be understood by all involved parties.

Q: What information do I need to provide when drafting a Deed of Assignment?

Asked by Ashley on November 10th 2022. A: When drafting a Deed of Assignment, you will need to provide information about both parties involved such as their names, addresses, contact details and any other relevant information required under applicable laws in your jurisdiction. Additionally, you will need to include any relevant clauses or provisions applicable in your jurisdiction which will set out the rights and obligations of each party under the deed as well as any other information required for the document to be legally binding.

Q: What are common mistakes made when drafting a Deed of Assignment?

Asked by Joshua on February 20th 2022. A: One common mistake made when drafting a Deed of Assignment is failing to include all relevant clauses or provisions applicable in your jurisdiction which set out the rights and obligations of each party involved in the agreement. Additionally, failing to have the document signed by both parties or witnessed by an independent third party can render the document invalid or unenforceable under applicable law in some jurisdictions. Moreover, using ambiguous language within the document can also lead to misunderstandings and disputes further down the line which could be avoided if clear language was used throughout the document instead.

Example dispute

Lawsuit referencing a deed of assignment.

  • The plaintiff may raise a lawsuit if they have been wronged by the defendant in a way that is outlined in the deed of assignment.
  • For example, the deed of assignment may outline that the defendant is responsible for paying a certain amount of money to the plaintiff, and the defendant has failed to do so.
  • The plaintiff may also raise a lawsuit if the defendant has failed to adhere to any other obligations laid out in the deed of assignment.
  • The plaintiff would need to prove that the defendant has breached the deed of assignment in order to win the lawsuit.
  • If successful, the plaintiff may be able to obtain a judgment in their favor, which may require the defendant to pay the plaintiff the money they are owed.
  • In addition, the plaintiff may be able to seek other damages, such as punitive damages, if the breach of the deed of assignment was particularly egregious.
  • Depending on the severity of the breach, the plaintiff may also be able to seek an injunction to prevent the defendant from continuing to breach the deed of assignment.
  • Settlement of the dispute may also be possible, wherein the defendant agrees to pay a certain amount of money to the plaintiff, or agrees to adhere to the obligations laid out in the deed of assignment.

Templates available (free to use)

Deed Of Assignment For Rent Deposits Occupation Lease Deed Of Assignment Of Benefit Of Claim For The Freehold Or Extended Lease House Under Section 8 Or Section 14 Deed Of Assignment Of Equitable Interest In Residential Land Deed Of Assignment Of Goodwill And Intellectual Property Rights Transfer Of A General Partnership To An Llp Deed Of Assignment Of Property Sale Benefits [Section 42 Deed Of A

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Deed Transfer

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A deed transfer, also known as an assignment deed, is a legal document containing imparted, immovable, existing property from one party to another. This means that when the owner of the company changes from one person to another, the deed transfer acts as a formal accord for recording the change. The property seller is known as the grantor , while the entity on the receiving end is termed the grantee. Although transfer deeds are legally binding, they must meet specific legal requirements to be valid and constitutional.

How to Create a Deed Transfer

Drafting a deed transfer should be done carefully as it's an important document to enforce. Below are the steps for creating a deed transfer:

  • Provide the Names of the Current and the New Owner. Names of the current and the new owner are required as they go on to form an integral part of the deed transfer legal document.
  • Give the Description of the Immovable Asset. A proper description of the immovable asset and its features, further emphasizing its noteworthy features, is necessary for providing clarity to the present grantee. As a result, this increases the confidence of the grantee and interest on the property.
  • Obtain the Signature of the Current Owner. The signature of the current owner is a must as it provides legal validation concerning the deed transfer and guarantees a lawful guarantee to the grantee to undertake any project, thus practicing free will.
  • Require Two Witnesses. Two witnesses are required to gain the final form of validation for the deed transfer. The first includes an unofficial witness, which may include anyone, and the second, the notary public, thus making the deed transfer valid.
  • Demand Transfer Tax Form. A PT-61 form is an excise tax involving the sale of real property where the title of the property is transferred from the seller to the buyer, and a deed transfer must have this, thus strengthening its lawful ground.
  • Record Deed in Country Real Estate Records. Recording the deed in country real estate records is essential as it justifies the legal backup of the property concerned and ensures the smooth operation of any future project.

Essential Features of a Deed Transfer

A Deed transfer is a popular form of property ownership that essentially confirms its legal bindings. It comes with several paramount features, which include:

  • Must be in Writing: The deed transfer must be in writing, as writing is one of the many specialized forms of communication. This, in turn, leads a lawyer to express their views over an issue, gradually being eligible to seek to persuade others on behalf of their client. The writing is usually clear, concise, and accurate, thus casting away any dispute that might arise in the future.
  • Proper Description of the Property: A proper description of the property must be present in the deed transfer document as it leads the grantee to know about the contents of the asset, thus bringing forth its noteworthy features.
  • Cooperation Between the Grantor and the Grantee: Strong cooperation and feeling valued boosts the morale of both the party, thus building strong cooperation between the grantor and the grantee. The smoother the grantee-grantor relationship, the better the engagement in the grant management process.
  • Signatures are Mandatory: Seeking signatures over the deed transfer document is a necessity as it confirms the cooperation between the grantor and the grantee. Along with it, this also displays its present owner lawfully, thus putting forward clarity.
  • Public Record: Bringing documents out for public record and registering them under the City Register Office is mandatory. This is because the city office registers records and maintains New York City real property except for Staten Island.

what is registered deed of assignment

Benefits of a Deed Transfer

  • Provides Evidence: As a transfer, the deed is a legal document; it provides legal evidence about its existence and helps solve a lot of problems arising from fraudulent activities. It also provides clarity to the partners in association with the transferred property and gains clarity about the present owner of the immovable property.
  • Protects Legally: A deed transfer provides legal protection to the property, the grantee, and the grantor involved. As the document contains written records and the signatures of the required witnesses, it acts as a symbol of enhanced legal protection.
  • Outlines Assurance: The deed transfer helps the grantor outline the assurance and the confidence it owes to the grantee. This plays a vital role in building and managing a positive reputation of the grantor on mutual grounds backed by legal assistance.
  • Clarifies Quick Transfer of Rights: A deed transfer clarifies the quick transfer of rights from the grantor to the grantee, thus confirming the legal permission that the grantee desires to bring in the asset. This also includes the grantor or any party's inability to prohibit any future projects, thus providing confidence to the grantee.
  • Has Low Chances of Contested Ownership: A deed transfer closes off the chances of contested ownership, thus rubbing off disputes that might occur. Contested ownership is defined as inconsistent claim forms, and possessing a deed transfer document closes off the probability of such a situation from arising.

Risks Associated with a Deed Transfer

Deed transfer documents provide innumerable benefits, thus clarifying legal protection to both the grantee and the grantor. Here is a list of certain risks that must be prevented to avert issues, thus providing safety.

  • Experiencing Loss of Control: A deed transfer displays the loss of ownership of the grantee, further bringing in a loss of control, which strikes out the grantee’s will to want to make changes in the property.
  • Not Citing Proper Reason for Transferring Property: The risks of a deed transfer may level up if the reason behind transferring the property is not reasonable enough, which is why proper reason must be enlisted.
  • Flaws in the Title May Diminish the Actual Price of the Property: Proper efforts must be made to display the noteworthy features of the immovable property, therefore reducing the chances of diminishing the property’s price.
  • Overstating the Grantor's Interest in the Property: Overstating the grantor's interest in the property may lead to not finding an eligible consumer for the property.
  • Past Unethical Records: Past unethical records may lead a future consumer or an investor to turn away from purchasing the asset. Therefore, make sure that the immovable asset has legal backing.

Key Terms for a Deed Transfer

  • Deed: A legal document that transfers ownership of an asset to a new owner.
  • Title: A legal document indicating legal real estate or asset ownership.
  • Escrow: It is a financial instrument where two or more two parties deposit assets with an independent third party known as an escrow agent .
  • Closing: Closing is defined as the zenith of a deal, contract, or transaction.
  • Extensive Burden: A mortgage or other claims on a property that may affect its transferability through judgments, mortgages, and easements .

Final Thoughts on a Deed Transfer

A deed transfer contains much more than a grantor and a grantee may think of it to consist of. Thus, for a deed transfer legal document to be in its best form and provide added clarity to the grantor along with the grantee, taking notes of its essentialities and implementing them is a must.

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Valerie L. on ContractsCounsel

Current practice includes: employment law, family law, business law and personal injury.

Justin K. on ContractsCounsel

I have been practicing law exclusively in the areas of business and real estate transactions since joining the profession in 2003. I began my career in the Corporate/Finance department of Sidley's Los Angeles office. I am presently a solo practitioner/freelancer, and service both business- and attorney-clients in those roles.

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I am a New Mexico licensed attorney with many years of world experience in real estate, transactional law, social security disability law, immigration law, consumer law, and estate planning.

Brent W. on ContractsCounsel

Brent has been in practice since 2007 and been the principal attorney and owner of The Walker Firm, LLC since 2014. Brent focuses on providing an array of general counsel services to individuals and companies in a variety of industries.

Sarah S. on ContractsCounsel

I have a background in Criminal Law, Family Law, Contract Law, and Environmental Law. I also have five (5) degrees in the following: Here are my degrees and background: 1) B.S. in Environmental, Soil, and Water Sciences 2) A.S. in Pre-Medical Sciences (anatomy, physiology, medical terminology) 3) A.S. in Aircraft Non-Destructive Inspection (science of x-rays, cracks in metal, liquid penetrant, magnetic particle inspections, ultrasonic inspections, and spectrophotometric oil analysis) 4) Master's in Natural Resources Law Studies (1 year focus in the environmental and pollution laws (Hazardous Waste Laws such as RCRA, CERCLA, FIFRA, Natural Resource laws such as ESA, CWA, CAA, FWPCA, Environmental Law, Sustainable Development, and Global Climate Change issues) 5) Juris Doctor and certificate in Native American Law

James G. on ContractsCounsel

I am a lawyer in Glendale, Arizona. I have practiced in contract work including buy/sell agreements, contracts for the purchase of goods and services and real estate. I also practice in bankruptcy law and sports and entertainment law.

Gregory D. on ContractsCounsel

Gregory S. Davis is a native of New York and is a graduate of the Norman Adrian Wiggins School of Law at Campbell University. He also holds an undergraduate degree in Economics from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and an MBA from Bowie State University. Prior to entering the practice of law, Greg was a Trust officer for one of the largest U.S. Banks, an adjunct professor of finance at Meredith College and a Series 7 licensed financial advisor. Greg is currently the owner of The Law Office of Gregory S. Davis, PLLC ( focusing on Estate Planning, Real Estate and Business Law. Greg is also an adjunct professor of Business Law at Wake Tech.

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What Is A Deed of Assignment, Anyway?

what is registered deed of assignment

In any business, contracts will be everywhere you go — from your customers to suppliers, contractors, employees, graphic designers and even your monthly subscriptions!

However, contracts generally are signed between two parties.

So, what happens if one party wants to transfer or assign their rights and obligations under a contract to another party ?

This is where a Deed of Assignment comes in.

What Is A Deed?

In the legal world, there are two main types of legal documents: agreements and deeds.

Agreements are generally the most common contracts you’ll see. However, deeds work a little differently.

Put simply, a deed needs to be physically signed and witnessed in person. This means that it’s difficult to sign deeds with international parties.

So, it’s important to understand that a deed has specific requirements for execution.

What Is A Deed of Assignment (Contract Assignment)?

A Deed of Assignment is a legal document that transfers or assigns the legal rights and obligations to another party.

And it varies depending on your situation.

For example, an assignment could work for simple things like intellectual property. When a graphic designer creates a logo for you, you might want to make sure that logo is owned by you. In this case, the graphic designer would “assign” that copyright to you.

Or, if you’re selling your business, you might want to transfer your contractual relationships to whoever is purchasing your business. 

For example, if you have existing contracts with suppliers to your cafe business, you might look at transferring these to the buyer. Here, you’d sign a Deed of Assignment to transfer the rights and obligations of that contract to the new owner of your business.

A Deed of Assignment makes sure that you no longer have continuing obligations and rights as a signatory to that contract . The last thing you want is to be liable or accountable for a contract you forgot to assign to someone.

When Can A Contract Be Signed As A Deed?

We mentioned above that a deed is essentially a legal document – so how is this different to a standard contract?

A contract can be signed as a deed if the parties agree that no consideration will be required.

Since it is a slightly more formal document, it follows a specific process of execution. To execute a deed, a witness is required (and, in some cases, a seal).

If you need help putting together a Deed of Assignment, let’s chat!

You can reach out to our friendly team at [email protected] for a free, no-obligations consultation about your specific situation and the legal documents that are right for you.

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Deed of assignment | Practical Law

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Deed of assignment

Practical law anz standard document w-002-8276  (approx. 19 pages).

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Milton and Cross

Commercial Solicitors

What does a Deed of Assignment mean in Real Estate Transactions?


To appreciate the importance of a deed of assignment, we first have to distinguish Legal ownership of a property from equitable ownership.

What is Legal Ownership?

Legal Ownership or Title refers to ownership that is properly registered with the government. True ownership requires legal title.The documented property owner, as visible through the  public records ,is deemed to have the right to use, maintain and control the property . The bundle of rights that comes with land ownership include:

  • Mineral rights
  • Easement rights
  • Development rights
  • Possession and control
  • Exclusive use
  • Conveyance rights
  • Right of disposition

You may assume that your ownership of a property is complete with legal title, but this is not always the case. Another party may have equitable title, restricting some of the ways you can use and enjoy the property.

What is equitable ownership?

An  equitable interest indicates a beneficial interest in the property, which the holder claims on equitable grounds. For example, the interest held by a trust beneficiary. Equitable ownership gives the holder the right to acquire formal legal title; however, it is not “true ownership”. In other words, someone with equitable title could not argue that he or she was the legal owner or possessor of the property in a court of law.

Equitable title does, however, grant the person more consistent control over the property. While equitable title does not actually transfer ownership of the property. It gives the individual or entity the right to the use and enjoyment of the property. When purchasing a piece of property, it is important to gain equitable title. This will come with the right to obtain full ownership and property interest in the future. 

The main difference between an equitable title and a legal title is that the latter is the only one that gives actual ownership of the property. You do not acquire legal ownership until you register your deed of assignment with the relevant lands registry.

In order to ensure that your property transaction is complete, you should make sure you sign a Contract of Sale with the Equitable owner of the property, and a Deed of Assignment with the Legal owner of the property. Sometimes, legal and equitable ownership resides in the same person. However, in other situations, legal ownership might reside in one person, while equitable ownership resides in another person. This usually occurs where the seller purchased the property from the Legal owner or someone who purchased from the legal owner.

The Importance of A Deed of Assignment

Now that we understand the distinction between legal and equitable ownership of property, we can examine the importance of a deed of assignment in property transactions.

As we stated above, a deed of Assignment transfers legal ownership of property from one person to another. Upon registration, it serves as a valid root of title to the property. Thus, the purchaser can exercise all the legal rights of an owner.

However, where a deed of assignment is not executed, or the deed is not registered, the buyer only acquires an equitable title. Consequently, this is the maximum title they can transfer to another person. This means the legal owner may still be able to transfer valid legal title to a third party. The courts may uphold the transaction if it is established that the 3rd party purchaser had no notice of the prior transaction.

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Assignment and deed of assignment

Marco Guit

What is assignment?

Like moveable and immoveable property, claims can also be sold. The transfer of a personal claim is called assignment. A creditor can transfer a personal claim to a third party. This third party will then supersede the original creditor. The creditor who sells the claim is called the assignor, the acquirer of the claim is called the assignee. The debtor is no party to this transfer, but the assignment has consequences for him: he will have to pay his debt to the new creditor.

Deed of assignment

There are some formal requirements for assignment. A distinction can be made between assignments with and without a notice to the debtor. Both forms of assignment have to be effected in writing, by deed of assignment to be more specific. The deed may be drafted between the creditor and the third party (private instrument) or in the presence of a civil-law notary (authentic instrument). The claim that is to be transferred must be sufficiently specified.

Notification of assignment and assignment without notice to the debtor

In case of an assignment with notification, the assignment will have to be notified to the debtor so he will know that he will have to pay to another party, as the debtor is not a party to the transfer. An assignment without notification does not require a notice to the debtor, but the deed of assignment will have to registered with the Tax Authorities. The debtor can be discharged from all his obligations by paying to the original creditor until he is notified of the assignment.

Assignment in practice

Collection agencies often buy up claims of businesses for the purpose of collecting these themselves. This is called factoring. Assignments also often play a part in insurance matters. If an insured party has suffered damage that may be recovered from a third party, the insurer may take over the claim for compensation from the insured party. The insurer then pays out the amount of the claim to the insured party and thus obtains a claim against the third party.

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What Is A Deed of Assignment, Anyway?

what is registered deed of assignment

In any business, contracts will be everywhere you go — from your customers to suppliers, contractors, employees, graphic designers and even your monthly subscriptions!

However, contracts generally are signed between two parties.

So, what happens if one party wants to transfer or assign their rights and obligations under a contract to another party ?

This is where a Deed of Assignment comes in.

What Is A Deed?

In the legal world, there are two main types of legal documents: agreements and deeds.

Agreements are generally the most common contracts you’ll see. However, deeds work a little differently.

Put simply, a deed needs to be physically signed and witnessed in person. This means that it’s difficult to sign deeds with international parties.

So, it’s important to understand that a deed has specific requirements for execution.

What Is A Deed of Assignment?

A Deed of Assignment is a legal document that transfers or assigns the legal rights and obligations to another party.

And it varies depending on your situation.

For example, an assignment could work for simple things like intellectual property . When a graphic designer creates a logo for you, you might want to make sure that logo is owned by you. In this case, the graphic designer would “assign” that copyright to you.

Or, if you’re selling your business , you might want to transfer your contractual relationships to whoever is purchasing your business. 

For example, if you have existing contracts with suppliers to your cafe business, you might look at transferring these to the buyer. Here, you’d sign a Deed of Assignment to transfer the rights and obligations of that contract to the new owner of your business.

A Deed of Assignment makes sure that you no longer have continuing obligations and rights as a signatory to that contract . The last thing you want is to be liable or accountable for a contract you forgot to assign to someone.

If you need help putting together a Deed of Assignment, let’s chat!

You can reach out to our friendly team on 1800 730 617 or [email protected] for a free, no-obligations consultation about your specific situation and the legal documents that are right for you.

Sprintlaw's expert lawyers make legal services affordable and accessible for business owners. We're Australia's fastest growing law firm and operate entirely online.

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Ip assignment deed, deed of assignment of contract, deed of assignment/transfer of lease review, deed of assignment/transfer of lease, deed of accession.

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Deeds of Assignment of a Debt – Your Top Questions Answered

Posted by david cammack on february 7, 2020.

Home / Blog / Deeds of Assignment of a Debt – Your Top Questions Answered

Deeds Of Assignment Of A Debt – Your Top Questions Answered image 1

( Revised for 2023. )

Do you want to know more about what a deed of assignment of a debt is, if you need one, or what to include in it? If so, our blog article has all the answers. So today, we are answering the top questions from the Internet about deeds of assignment of a debt.

1. Can a debt be assigned? How do I assign a debt in the UK?

Yes. Banks regularly buy and sell debts. If you are a creditor, then you can do so too. But you need to do so in writing. A deed of assignment of a debt is the document to use for this. You would need to assign the whole of a debt, as you cannot assign only part of it. The debtor cannot assign the debt to someone else unless the creditor agrees and you would then do this via a deed of novation.

2. What is an assignment of a loan?

This means the same thing as an assignment of a debt. It is always the right to receive repayment of the debt or loan that you are assigning.

3. What is a deed of assignment of a debt?

This is a legal document that transfers the ownership of the debt to another person. By ‘ownership’ we mean the right to receive repayment of that debt from the same original debtor or borrower.

4. What does assignment of debt mean?

The assignment of a debt will mean that the original debtor or borrower now owes the debt to a different creditor. So the debtor will now need to repay that debt to a new person, because you have transferred the debt.

Deeds Of Assignment Of A Debt – Your Top Questions Answered image 2

5. Is a deed of assignment of a debt a legal document?

If prepared correctly, yes, a deed of assignment is a legally-binding document. In order to make the assignment legally binding on the debtor, the creditor should give notice of the assignment to the debtor. Our template includes a notice of the assignment of the debt, so you can complete it and send it to the debtor.

6. What is a notice of assignment of a debt? What do I need to do to give notice of an assignment of a debt?

Once you have assigned a debt, then you need to give the debtor notice of the transfer of the debt. Otherwise, how will they know to repay the new owner of the debt? Ideally, the deed of assignment of debt will mention this and include a form for the notice. (Legalo’s template does.) Wikipedia explains why such notice is necessary here: .

7. How do you draft a deed of assignment of a debt?

If you require this deed, then the quickest way to get one is with a template from Legalo. Find our great template here: just click on this link .

8. What are the contents of a deed of assignment of a debt?

If you click on this link and scroll down to the section about the Guide to the template, then you will see the contents of our template for a deed of assignment of a debt.

9. Who can prepare a deed of assignment of a debt? Can a non-lawyer prepare a deed of assignment of a debt?

A non-lawyer can use any of the documents we sell as templates. So this includes a deed of assignment of a debt.

10. Does a deed of assignment of a debt need to be signed by both parties?

The parties who do need to sign it are (a) the original creditor and (b) the one buying (or otherwise taking) the debt from the original creditor. The debtor does not sign it.

11. Does a deed of assignment of a debt need to be witnessed?

All deeds need to be signed correctly with an adult witness, preferably one who none of the persons signing are related to.

12. Does an assignment of debt need to be a deed?

If there is no price being paid for the purchase of the debt, then the document does need to be a deed, in order to ensure it is legally binding. Otherwise, technically it does not need to be prepared and signed as a deed, but generally it is better to do it as a deed in case there is any doubt. Legalo’s template is set up to be signed as a deed.

13. Does a deed of assignment of a debt need to be registered?

Not unless you have secured the debt, for example on a property in the UK at the Land Registry. In such a case, then you would need to register the transfer of the security separately at the Land Registry. You do not register the assignment of the debt itself.

14. How long does a deed of assignment of a debt take to draft?

Legalo’s template makes it easy, so you should only need a few minutes to draft your deed of assignment.

15. How much does a deed of assignment of a debt cost? How much does a notice of assignment of a debt cost? How much do lawyers charge for deed of assignment of a debt?

Our template for a deed of assignment includes a notice of assignment and costs only £24.95. Solicitors would charge an estimated £500 plus VAT for one, so ours represents a significant cost saving.

In just a few minutes yours can be ready. What’s more, Legalo’s templates each come with a guide to make it clear how to complete it. We also provide a free helpline just in case you need any extra assistance to use it. So it could not be easier.

So if you need one, you know where to find it.

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Deed of Assignment and its Importance in Land Transactions

Buying a property or piece of land should be a great moment of joy. But that great moment of joy can get turned on its head, to be followed by sorrow and regret. This can easily happen without proper due diligence. A lot of Nigerians have fell victim due to laxity in due diligence when transacting real estate.

When a property or piece of land is purchased or transferred from one owner to another, there are some important documents the new owner must obtain from the individual transferring the land. One of these documents is referred to as a Deed of Assignment and it is the most important legal document you need to get for your land. It is akin to getting a receipt from a retailer after purchasing a valuable item.

What is a Deed of Assignment?

By definition, a Deed of Assignment is simply a contract or an agreement between the seller of a piece of land and the buyer showing details and evidence that all title, rights, and interest of ownership of the land has been transferred to the buyer.

In legal terms, a Deed of Assignment is an agreement where an assignor declares a promise that from the assignment date or any date stated within the contract, the assignor allocates the entirety of its stake in that land or property to the assignee.

By these definitions, it is easy to understand why a Deed of Assignment has such importance in real estate transactions. It is considered a must for all transactions of transfer of ownership of land.

In Nigeria, it is believed that 6 out of 10 people have been victims to property fraudsters that pretend to be owners of a piece of land. They proceed to show off the land to numerous prospective buyers who would often accept a receipt as a proof of transfer of ownership.

So, in plain terms, a Deed of Assignment can be likened to the legal equivalent of a receipt for goods purchased at a store or the particulars of a newly bought vehicle. With the Deed of Assignment document, the bearer has all legal rights to the transferred property and can use it as he or she deem fit.

For a Deed of Assignment to be legally binding, it needs to clearly identify the seller and the buyer, and it must also contain the following information:

- Date of transfer of ownership

- Addresses of the seller and buyer and how they are binding to the successors, friends and other people who represent the seller and buyer in any capacity

- Price of purchase of property

- Detailed description of property, including the size of the property

- A history of transfer of ownership of property, from the date it was first acquired to the time it is to be sold to the new owner

- Covenants or promises that the buyer and seller will undertake in order to execute the deed

- A section for the Commissioner of Oaths or Governors Consent to authenticate and sign the agreement

- Signature of the seller and buyer

As a legally binding document in real estate transactions, a Deed of Assignment is often recorded in the local land registry as a proof of transfer of the property to the new owner. The format of a Deed of Assignment is made up of a cover page that show the identities of the buyer and seller as well as a description of the land; a second page that show the date of the transfer, names and location of buyer and seller, and a history of how the seller came into possession of the land; a third page that show the description and cost of the land, a survey plan number including the date and name of surveyor, and the promises that both buyer and seller would abide after the transaction is completed; and a last page that display signatures of the buyer and seller as well as signatures of witnesses to the transaction.

Because most property buyers are not familiar with the documents that are required to be prepared and transferred to them by land sellers, it is advisable for property buyers to always get the services of a lawyer in order to protect their interest during the course of property transactions.


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Deed of Assignment of Debt – Everything You Need to Know

Scott Nelson MoneyNerd

Scott Nelson

Debt Expert

Scott Nelson is a renowned debt expert who supports people in debt with debt management and debt solution resources.

Janine Marsh MoneyNerd

Janine Marsh

Financial Expert

Janine is a financial expert who supports individuals with debt management, cost-saving resources, and navigating parking tickets.

Total amount of debt?

For free & impartial money advice you can visit MoneyHelper . We work with The Debt Advice Service who provide information about your options. This isn’t a full fact-find, some debt solutions may not be suitable in all circumstances, ongoing fees might apply & your credit rating may be affected.

For free & impartial money advice you can visit MoneyHelper . We work with The Debt Advice Service who provide information about your options. This isn’t a full fact-find, some debt solutions may not be suitable in all circumstances, ongoing fees might apply & your credit rating may be affected.

Deed Of Assignment Of Debt

Are you facing a ‘deed of assignment of debt’? Are you worried about a debt collector knocking on your door?

You’re in the right place. Each month, over 170,000 people visit our site looking for guidance on debt issues, just like this one. 

In this article, we’ll explain:

  •  What a ‘deed of assignment’ is
  •  What it means for your debts
  •  Different types of assignment
  •  Why companies sell their debts
  •  Ways to handle your debt situation

We know how scary it can be when debt collectors get involved; some of our team have faced similar situations. We’re here to help you understand your situation and make the best choices.

There are several debt solutions in the UK, choosing the right one for you could write off some of your unaffordable debt , but the wrong one may be expensive and drawn out.

Answer below to get started.

How much debt do you have?

This isn’t a full fact find. MoneyNerd doesn’t give advice. We work with The Debt Advice Service who provide information about your options.

Deed of Assignment of Debt – the basics

Being in debt is confusing enough as it is. And it can get even more complicated when you get a letter through the door from a company you may never have heard of demanding (often in quite a strongly-worded way) that you make your payments to them instead.

What’s going on, you might ask yourself?

At the end of the day, the creditor will want the money that you owe back.

However, sometimes when an account falls into arrears , they won’t have the capabilities or resources to claim it back . This is when the original company you owe money might ‘ assign’ your debt . 

What is a Deed of Assignment of Debt?

This is notice that tells you that you now owe a debt collection agency or another collection service the money you originally owed to the creditor .

Instead of paying the company you might have originally owed money to, you now owe a third party company. 

A deed of assignment of debt is a legal documen t alerting you of the transfer of ownership of your debt to another person. The right to receive payment from the debt you owe is transferred over to this new party as well.

How a debt solution could help

Some debt solutions can:

  • Stop nasty calls from creditors
  • Freeze interest and charges
  • Reduce your monthly payments

A few debt solutions can even  result in writing off some of your debt.

Here’s an example:

Monthly income £2,504
Monthly expenses £2,345
Total debt £32,049

Monthly debt repayments

Before £587

£429 reduction in monthly payments

what is registered deed of assignment

If you want to  learn what debt solutions are available to you,  click the button below to get started.

What does it mean?

A deed of assignment of debt is used to transfer or sell the right to recover a debt .

Without a deed of assignment of debt, the two companies are not able to do this – you need a written transfer document. 

Deed of Assignment of Debt

Once the transfer document, or deed of assignment of debt, has been signed by the assignee (the party transferring the debt) and the party receiving the debt ( assignor ), they must give notice to the debtor (the person that owes the company the sum of money).

Notice must be given within 7 days of assigning the debt. Unless someone gives notice to the debtor, then the new owner of the debt can’t enforce the debt by suing in court.

Is there more than one type of assignment? 

Confusingly, there are actually two different sorts of assignment that a creditor can make. These are Legal and Equitable.

Both types of assignment fall under the Law of Property Act 1925 , and both require the creditor to inform you of the change in writing – this is known as a notice of assignment of debt .

1. Legal Assignment

Legal assignment of debt gives the company who are purchasing the debt the power to enforce it .

Basically it means that you make payments to this company instead of the original creditor, and they can send you letters and make calls to your home.

2. Equitable

If a debt is an equitable assignment, only the amount you owe is transferred , and the original creditor will still retain the original rights and responsibilities .

The purchasing company will not be able to enforce the debt either.

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Why do companies sell their debts?

A deed of assignment of debt can be a real headache, as you now have another layer of money owed. You will probably rightly ask yourself – why? And how can they sell it?

It may seem strange and confusing, but it’s actually completely legal for them to sell your debt . When you sign a credit agreement, there is almost always a clause in fine print that states that the original creditor has the power to assign their rights to a third party.

As you have signed this agreement, they don’t actually need to ask for your permission to assign your debt.

This also means that you cannot dispute it or make a complaint about it either. The only exception to this rule is if you have given evidence of mental health issues .

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What are the next steps?

So that’s the basics about a Deed of Assignment of Debt. But what does this mean for you? 

If your creditor passes one of your debts onto a third party company or debt collection agency, it will be officially noted that this new company is now responsible for collection .

You will be able to see this change on your credit report , and any defaults will also be registered in their name too. 

While it certainly adds another layer of confusion to proceedings and you may be unsure of what’s going on when you find out about a deed of assignment of debt, it can occasionally be a bit of a blessing in disguise. 

You may find it much easier dealing with the new company, as they could be more flexible when it comes to discussing interest and additional charges.

There is also the likelihood that these companies actually specialise in collecting debts , and so know how to approach you as the customer with more tact and delicacy than the original creditor.

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what is registered deed of assignment

What is Deed of Assignment Property?

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what is registered deed of assignment

Advocate Apurva

Wondering what is an assignment deed? In the context of property transactions, a Deed of Assignment is a legal document that plays a crucial role in transferring ownership from one party to another. Scroll down to learn its significance.

What Does Deed of Assignment Mean?

A Deed of Assignment formally records the transfer of ownership of a real estate property from the assignor (original owner) to the assignee (new owner). It specifies that a specific piece of property will belong to the assignee and will no longer be owned by the assignor, starting from a specified date.

Wha is the Purpose of Deed of Assignment?

: In the context of resale properties, a Deed of Assignment is commonly used.

: It comes into play when the assignor has

(rather than absolute ownership) and assigns those rights to the assignee.

Intellectual Property Context:

Beyond real estate, the term “Deed of Assignment” also exists in the realm of

In IP, it refers to a formal legal document used to transfer all rights, title, and interest in patents, copyrights, trademarks, and other IP assets from the original owner (assignor) to the new owner (assignee).

Legal Right to Possess:

The Deed of Assignment is essential to

and establish the

the property.

It ensures clarity and legal validity in property transactions.

This was all about the doa meaning in real estate.

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When I was buying a property, I realised that I had to sign a number of legal documents when purchasing or selling a home. After all, the transfer of property between parties is no minor matter. If you also have such a process and want to know about the deed of assignment of property in India, I will help you.

What is deed of assignment property?

The Deed of Assignment (DOA), in its simplest form, is a legal document that changes the ownership of a piece of property from one entity to another. If you're requesting a home credit in India, you'll additionally need to provide a DOA.

You must execute a Memorandum of Transfer in addition to the Sale and Purchase Agreement (SPA) when purchasing or selling real estate (Form 14A).

The Deed of Assignment must be signed in its place, though, if the property in issue lacks a title. In a DOA, there are two people involved:

A individual or business known as the assignor will be handing the assignee their ownership interests in the property.

The property buyer in this situation would be the receiver.

The following two results occur if the property transfer is finished before signing a SPA with a developer:

The stamp duty will be determined by the property purchase price (as mentioned in the Memorandum of Transfer and SPA) or the property's market value if the individual title is given when entering into a SPA.

If the individual title is not given when entering into a SPA, a nominal stamp duty of RM10 will be applied to each copy of the SPA and Deed of Assignment. The stamp duty will be calculated after the individual title has been given using the property's market value on the SPA signing date rather than the Memorandum of Transfer date.

What Should I Look Out For In A Deed Of Assignment?

Even though legal documents can be tedious and lengthy to peruse, it's crucial to pay attention to them if you plan to sign them.

Take notice of the following significant Deed of Assignment provisions:

The names of all owners of the land must be listed in the document if there are multiple owners.

if appropriate, the property's agreed-upon price

Size and details of the land 

Transaction date

signatures from each party

Additionally, before signing the deed of assignment of property in India, be sure to have your attorney explain any legal words you are unsure about.

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Trademark Assignment: What You Need to Know Before Transferring Ownership

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Trademark assignment is the process of transferring ownership of a trademark. It is a significant legal process that requires careful consideration and adherence to relevant laws and regulations. Failing to understand the intricacies of trademark assignment can lead to legal disputes, loss of rights, and financial implications for both parties involved. Therefore, it is essential for individuals and businesses involved in trademark transactions to have a clear understanding of the process and its implications.

Understanding Trademark Assignment

Trademark assignment refers to the formal transfer of ownership rights of a trademark (Registered or Pending)from one individual or entity to another. It involves the conveyance of all associated rights, including the right to use, licence, or sell the trademark, to the assignee.

Importance of Proper Documentation

Proper documentation is essential in the process of trademark assignment to ensure clarity, legality, and enforceability of the transfer. Documentation typically includes a written agreement outlining the terms and conditions of the assignment, as well as any associated considerations or payments. Without proper documentation, the assignment may be deemed invalid or unenforceable, leading to potential disputes or challenges in the future.

Types of Trademark Assignment

Trademark assignment can take several forms, depending on the nature and extent of the transfer:

  • Complete Assignment : In a complete assignment, the assignor transfers all rights and interests in the trademark (Registered or Pending) to the assignee. This includes the right to use the trademark for any purpose, as well as the right to sublicense or transfer the trademark to third parties.
  • Partial Assignment : A partial assignment involves the transfer of only specific rights or interests in the trademark (Registered or Pending). This may include limiting the assignment to certain products, services, or geographical regions, while retaining ownership rights over other rights or interests of the trademark.
  • Assignment with Goodwill : When a trademark is assigned with goodwill of the business, the assignor transfers not only the rights to the trademark but also the associated value and reputation of the trademark. This allows the assignee to benefit from the established goodwill and reputation of the trademark.
  • Assignment without Goodwill : In contrast, an assignment without goodwill involves the transfer of only the rights to the trademark, without any associated value or reputation. .

Prerequisites for Trademark Assignment

Before proceeding with a trademark assignment, certain prerequisites must be met to ensure the validity and enforceability of the transfer.

Requirement of a Written Agreement

A trademark assignment must be documented in writing to provide clarity and evidence of the transfer. This written agreement, often referred to as a trademark assignment agreement, outlines the terms and conditions of the transfer, including the rights and obligations of both the assignor and the assignee. Without a written agreement, the assignment may be subject to disputes or challenges regarding the terms of the transfer.

Identification of Parties Involved

The parties involved in the trademark assignment must be clearly identified in the agreement. The assignor, who is the current owner of the trademark, and the assignee, who is the intended recipient of the trademark rights, must be accurately identified to establish their respective roles and responsibilities in the transfer process.

Consent from the Assignor

Consent from the assignor is essential for a valid trademark assignment. The assignor must willingly agree to transfer the ownership rights of the trademark to the assignee. Without the assignor’s consent, the assignment would be considered invalid and unenforceable. Therefore, obtaining explicit consent from the assignor is a fundamental requirement in the trademark assignment process.


Consideration refers to the value exchanged between the parties as part of the trademark assignment in the form monetary consideration.

Trademark Assignment Agreement

A well-drafted trademark assignment agreement is essential to ensure clarity, enforceability, and protection of rights for both the assignor and the assignee. It helps to avoid misunderstandings or disputes between the parties involved and provides a legal framework for the transfer of trademark rights.

The trademark assignment agreement must be executed by both parties in accordance with legal formalities. It should be signed by the assignor and the assignee, with their signatures witnessed by independent witnesses. The agreement will be stamped based on the consideration amount of the assignment. Notary may also be required.

Process of Trademark Assignment

The process of trademark assignment involves several steps that must be followed meticulously to ensure the legal transfer of ownership.

Filing of Trademark Assignment Application (Form TM-P)

The first step in the process is to file a trademark assignment application with the appropriate authority, usually the Registrar of trademarks. This application is typically submitted on Form TM-P, formally notifies the registrar of the intention to transfer ownership of the trademark. The application must contain all necessary details, including information about the assignor, assignee, and the trademarks being transferred along with a copy of the assignment deed..

Advertisement of the Assignment as Directed by the Registrar

Upon receipt of the trademark assignment application, the registrar may direct the parties to advertise the assignment in a specified manner and within a specified period.This is only in case of partial assignment or in the case of assignment without goodwill This advertisement serves to notify the public of the impending transfer of ownership and provides an opportunity for any interested parties to raise objections or concerns regarding the assignment.

Registrar’s Registration of the Assignee as the New Proprietor

Once the advertisement requirements have been met and any objections addressed, the Rregistrar will proceed to register the assignee as the new proprietor of the trademark/s. This registration formally recognises the transfer of ownership and updates the official records accordingly. The assignee will now have full legal rights and responsibilities associated with the ownership of the trademark/s.

Documents Required for Trademark Assignment

Several essential documents must be prepared and submitted during the process of trademark assignment to ensure the legality and validity of the transfer.

Restrictions on Trademark Assignment

Certain restrictions are in place to ensure fair use and prevent confusion or deception among consumers.

  • Parallel use restriction: This restriction prohibits the assignor from assigning a trademark in a manner that creates exclusive rights in different individuals or entities for the same or similar products or services. Essentially, it aims to prevent multiple parties from using the same trademark in a way that could lead to consumer confusion. This is applicable in the case of partial assignment.
  • Multiple territorial use restriction: This restriction prevents the assignor from assigning a trademark in a manner that creates exclusive rights in different regions or territories for the same or similar products or services. It aims to maintain consistency and clarity in the use of trademarks within specific geographical areas.This is applicable in the case of partial assignment.

Benefits of Trademark Assignment

Trademark assignment offers several advantages for both the assignor and the assignee, making it a valuable tool for transferring ownership of intellectual property rights.

Monetisation of Brand Value for the Assignor

By transferring ownership rights to another party, the assignor can receive financial compensation in exchange for granting the assignee the exclusive rights to use the trademark. This can be particularly beneficial for businesses looking to capitalise on the value they have built through branding efforts over time.

Acquisition of Established Brand Rights for the Assignee

For the assignee, trademark assignment provides the opportunity to acquire the established rights and recognition associated with a well-known brand. Instead of building a brand from scratch, the assignee gains immediate access to the market presence, reputation, and consumer trust that the trademark represents. This can expedite market entry and enhance the assignee’s competitive position in their industry.

Support for Business Expansion

For the assignor, transferring ownership of underutilised trademarks or brands can free up resources and focus on core business activities. Meanwhile, the assignee can leverage the acquired trademarks to diversify their product offerings, enter new markets, or strengthen their existing market position, driving growth and revenue opportunities.

Establishment of Legal Rights in Case of Disputes

By formalising the transfer of trademark ownership through a legally binding agreement, both the assignor and the assignee establish clear legal rights and obligations. In the event of disputes or challenges to the ownership of the trademark, the assignment agreement serves as evidence of the parties’ intentions and commitments. This can streamline dispute resolution processes and provide legal recourse to protect the interests of both parties.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the full assignment of a trademark?

The full assignment of a trademark refers to the transfer of all rights, interests, and ownership of the trademark from one party (the assignor) to another party (the assignee). In a full assignment, the assignor relinquishes all control and benefits associated with the trademark, including the right to use, licence, or sell the mark. This comprehensive transfer ensures that the assignee gains exclusive ownership and control over the trademark for all relevant goods or services.

2. What is licence and assignment of trademark?

A licence and assignment of a trademark involve two distinct legal arrangements. A licence grants permission to a third party (the licensee) to use the trademark under specified terms and conditions, while the ownership and control of the trademark remain with the licensor. In contrast, an assignment transfers the entire ownership rights of the trademark from one party to another. While a licence allows for the authorised use of the trademark, an assignment results in the complete transfer of ownership, including all associated rights and benefits.

3. What is the difference between transmission and assignment?

Transmission and assignment are both methods of transferring ownership of a trademark, but they differ in scope and application. Transmission refers to the automatic transfer of trademark rights due to changes in legal status, such as inheritance, bankruptcy, or corporate restructuring. In contrast, assignment is a deliberate and voluntary act where the current owner (assignor) transfers ownership rights to another party (assignee) through a written agreement. While transmission occurs by operation of law, assignment requires the explicit consent and agreement of the parties involved.

4. What is consideration for trademark assignment?

Consideration for trademark assignment refers to the value exchanged between the assignor and the assignee as part of the transfer agreement which is in monetary form. It serves as the legal basis for the contract and ensures that both parties receive something of value in exchange for the transfer of trademark rights..

In conclusion, understanding trademark assignment is crucial before transferring ownership. It’s essential to ensure proper documentation, consent, and consideration to facilitate a smooth transfer. Seeking professional assistance from legal experts can help navigate the complexities of trademark assignment and ensure compliance with legal requirements.

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With words, deeds and arms deals, allies make the case for NATO in terms that would appeal to Trump


FILE - Leaders take their seats for a meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Council during the NATO summit in Washington, July 11, 2024. European allies in NATO are stepping up their military spending, just as Donald Trump wanted. In words, deeds and arms deals, leaders of the United States’ partner countries in NATO are making the case for the military alliance in ways likely to appeal to the presumed Republican presidential nominee. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin, File)

FILE - President Donald Trump, left, welcomes Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban to the White House in Washington, on May 13, 2019. European allies in NATO are stepping up their military spending, just as Trump wanted. Although not as openly as Orban, who visited Trump’s Mar a Lago after the 2024 NATO summit, European officials work to build relationships with the Trump camp, former diplomats say, adding that building wide circles of contacts is just part of being a good diplomat. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta, File)

FILE - President Joe Biden, joined by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy, speaks on the sidelines of the NATO Summit in Washington, July 11, 2024. Biden introduced Zelenskyy as “President Putin,” prompting audible gasps from the audience. Biden is on a public and private blitz to shake off concerns about his cognitive capacities. But with public doubts about his fitness to serve unabating, Biden’s every move is now under a withering microscope as any potential stumble risks becoming magnified and delivering another blow to his candidacy. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh, File)

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WASHINGTON (AP) — European allies in NATO are stepping up their military spending, just as Donald Trump wanted. They’re pointing to common interests, such as concerns over China. They’re creating American jobs by buying U.S. weapons.

In words, deeds and arms deals, leaders of the United States’ partners in NATO are making the case for the military alliance in ways likely to appeal to the presumptive Republican presidential nominee. Even if their actions aren’t necessarily directly tied to Trump’s prodding, the allies are casting them in terms he would approve of — and maybe take credit for.

It’s not clear what Trump would do about U.S. participation in NATO if elected. He’s shrugged off questions from reporters even as President Joe Biden has cast him as a threat to the 75-year-old Western military alliance.

But European leaders are worried. With Russia intensifying missile attacks on cities in Ukraine, a democracy in the heart of Europe, the battle to keep the U.S. in NATO is far more than gamesmanship for European partners. For some, it’s existential.

“If Ukraine loses, my country’s next. That’s clear,” Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis said during the NATO summit in Washington this past week.


His government is raising taxes to keep up with an urgent push, shared by the majority of European NATO members, to strengthen military capability in response to Russia’s war in Ukraine.

At the summit, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg made a point of saying that allies had gotten Trump’s message, with a record 23 of the 32 now spending at least the agreed-upon 2% of their gross domestic product on their militaries.

“The United States has been understood. Allies have acted,” Stoltenberg declared in response to one of many questions about a possible Trump withdrawal from NATO.

Stoltenberg and most others had previously said that it was largely Russia’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine that had unleashed security spending by NATO members in Europe. Indeed, in 2021, only six allies had met the spending target.

The message from Europe, as it makes the case for the country with the biggest military and economy to stay engaged: The U.S. is good for European allies and NATO. And NATO and European allies are good for the U.S. And a Europe that’s safe and stable is a great market for the U.S.

“This defense of Europe is not only defense tied with values — it is, it’s the alliance, it’s democracy, it’s values. But you know, it’s business,” Jacek Siewiera, the head of Poland’s national security bureau, said in an interview with The Associated Press before the summit.

Lithuanian Defense Minister Laurynas Kasčiūnas ticked off the priorities that his country would share with Trump if he returns to the White House — making European defense more self-reliant, buying more U.S. weapons and thus generating more business for the U.S. arms industry, confronting perceived security threats to the West from China , and sanctioning Iran.

“He’s a deal-maker,” Kasčiūnas said during a panel discussion at the summit. “I think we should sit, calm down, and if he will win — find a deal.”

With the U.S. election in turmoil following Biden’s poor debate performance and struggles since to prove he’s capable of serving another four years, European officials need to maintain a delicate balance. They stress publicly that they will work with whoever wins November’s elections, not wanting to be seen as weighing in on U.S. politics by saying they are worried about Trump or offending Biden by overtly preparing for another Trump presidency.

Trump has caused alarm by speaking admiringly of Russian President Vladimir Putin, even calling his invasion of Ukraine “genius,” and disparaging NATO, a mutual-defense pact signed in 1949 as the West confronted the Soviet Union in the Cold War.

U.S. presidents and lawmakers, including Biden, have warned Europe for decades, especially as European military spending sagged after the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union, that it had to do more to share the financial and military responsibilities of NATO.

But Trump has warned more often and more loudly — and during the current campaign he has threatened to invite Russia to attack NATO allies that are not spending enough on their militaries.

“I just want them to pay their bills. We’re protecting Europe. They take advantage of us very badly,” he told Fox News Radio last week as Biden and NATO leaders gathered in Washington. He acknowledged that European defense spending was, in fact, up sharply.

Although not as openly as Hungarian leader Viktor Orban, who visited Trump at Mar-a-Lago after the NATO summit, European officials have been working to build relationships with the Trump camp, former diplomats say.

European officials make a point of visiting the factories in U.S. cities and towns that make the weapons their countries are buying or drop mention of them into their conversations, stressing the contribution to the U.S. economy.

Siewiera, the Polish security official, remembers Trump’s first term as prosperous for Poland. It was then that his government began investing heavily in U.S. arms including HIMARS rocket-launcher systems, Patriot air defense systems, F-35 fighter jets and Abrams tanks.

“President Trump was right when he harangued us,” Poland Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski said at an event at a Washington think-tank on Friday. “So credit where credit is due. Partly.”

Ultimately, said Daniel Fried, a former U.S. ambassador to Poland, now at the Atlantic Council research center, Trump “likes to be a winner.”

“If Trump claims credit and thereby continues U.S. support for NATO because he saved it, that’s a narrative I would encourage Europeans to accept,” Fried said.

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    4 min. In the realm of intellectual property, a Deed of Assignment is a formal legal document used to transfer all rights, title, and interest in intellectual property from the assignor (original owner) to the assignee (new owner). This is crucial for the correct transfer of patents, copyrights, trademarks, and other IP rights.

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    A deed of assignment is a legal document that transfers the ownership of a tangible or intangible asset from one party (assignor) to another (assignee). It is used to formalize the transfer of rights, interests, or benefits associated with the asset specified in the deed. This document is commonly used in various legal and financial transactions to ensure clarity and enforceability of the ...

  5. Deed Of Assignment

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    If the individual title is issued when entering into a SPA: The stamp duty will be calculated based on the property purchase price (as stated in the Memorandum of Transfer and SPA), or the property's market value. If the individual title is not issued when entering into a SPA: Both the SPA and Deed of Assignment will bear a nominal stamp duty of RM10 on each copy of the documents.

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    A Deed of Assignment is a legal document that transfers or assigns the legal rights and obligations to another party. And it varies depending on your situation. For example, an assignment could work for simple things like intellectual property. When a graphic designer creates a logo for you, you might want to make sure that logo is owned by you ...

  17. Deeds of Assignment of a Debt

    But you need to do so in writing. A deed of assignment of a debt is the document to use for this. You would need to assign the whole of a debt, as you cannot assign only part of it. The debtor cannot assign the debt to someone else unless the creditor agrees and you would then do this via a deed of novation. 2.

  18. Deed Of Assignment And Its Importance In Land Transactions

    The format of a Deed of Assignment is made up of a cover page that show the identities of the buyer and seller as well as a description of the land; a second page that show the date of the transfer, names and location of buyer and seller, and a history of how the seller came into possession of the land; a third page that show the description ...

  19. Deed of Assignment of Debt

    A deed of assignment of debt is used to transfer or sell the right to recover a debt. Without a deed of assignment of debt, the two companies are not able to do this - you need a written transfer document. Source: MSE Forum. Once the transfer document, or deed of assignment of debt, has been signed by the assignee (the party transferring the ...

  20. What is Deed of Assignment of Property in India

    The Deed of Assignment is essential to. effect a transfer of property. and establish the. legal right to possess. the property. It ensures clarity and legal validity in property transactions. This was all about the doa meaning in real estate. Get Your Sale Agreement Drafted via Legal Experts at NoBroker!

  21. Do I use a TR1 or a deed of assignment?

    Q: We have a lease of a unit of which the Land Registry tells us that the freehold and leasehold interest are not registered. However in the deeds packet there is a TR1 form, albeit without a title number. Can this form be used even if the title is unregistered. Or must the title be registered to use this form.

  22. Deed of assignment

    Deed of assignment. A deed for use when a party to an agreement wishes to assign its rights and benefits under that agreement to another person.

  23. Deed of Assignment: Importance & How to Obtain it

    A deed of assignment is a legal document used in Nigeria to formally transfer ownership of real property (land) from a seller (assignor) to a buyer (assignee). It acts as a permanent record of this transfer, specifying the date ownership changes hands. In essence, it's a critical piece of documentation you'll receive upon finalizing a ...

  24. Trademark Assignment: What You Need to Know Before ...

    Trademark assignment is the process of transferring ownership of a trademark. It is a significant legal process that requires careful consideration and adherence to relevant laws and regulations.

  25. Brewers designate veteran pitcher for assignment

    Story by Nick Deeds, MLB Trade Rumors ... The 13-year MLB veteran has more than enough service time to reject an outright assignment and return to free agency after clearing waivers if he so chooses.

  26. Milwaukee Brewers designate pitcher Dallas Keuchel for assignment

    The one-time Cy Young Award winner, acquired from Seattle in late June for cash, was designated for assignment Sunday. Keuchel gave up five consecutive hits to open the fourth inning as the Brewers let an early five-run lead slip away in a 6-5 loss to the Nationals on Saturday. In four starts with the Brewers, Keuchel posted a 5.40 ERA ...

  27. Prime Time in Big 12: Colorado coach Deion Sanders says he is 'judged

    The Associated Press is an independent global news organization dedicated to factual reporting. Founded in 1846, AP today remains the most trusted source of fast, accurate, unbiased news in all formats and the essential provider of the technology and services vital to the news business.

  28. With words, deeds and arms deals, allies make the case for NATO in

    In words, deeds and arms deals, leaders of the United States' partners in NATO are making the case for the military alliance in ways likely to appeal to the presumptive Republican presidential nominee. Even if their actions aren't necessarily directly tied to Trump's prodding, the allies are casting them in terms he would approve of ...