21st Birthday Speech

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Toast your friend or family member on his birthday with a great speech that celebrates what turning 21 is all about. Whether your friend is planning to have a few drinks or just wants to celebrate this milestone occasion, tailor your speech to suit your friend's birthday style. Each speech is editable and can be downloaded using Adobe Reader .

Make Your 21st Memorable Speech

A 21st birthday is often one that stands out in people's minds for years, simply because of the milestone year. For a fun-loving birthday gal or guy who is excited to have a first alcoholic drink, this is definitely one s/he will remember for years. Bring up some past birthday moments and allude to making more in your speech.

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Exciting Adulthood Ahead Speech

Not every 21-year-old is going to have a birthday bash that involves a wild party. Instead, they may simply want a low-key adult birthday party. A speech for this celebrating 20-something and friends can focus on their full entrance to adulthood, past accomplishments, and future endeavors. It should be optimistic and celebratory.

Tips for Customizing Your Speech

Tailor the speech to suit your friend's personality and the specific party theme. For example:

  • At a party with a theme, such as tropical oasis or retro 90s, tie the speech into the theme. Work in related phrases and even rhymes!
  • For a truly unique birthday speech, consider writing a list of 21 "things" about your friend or family member. This could be related to anything; for example, you could talk about 21 funny moments in their life or 21 things you love about him or her.
  • Don't make too many jokes about drinking unless you know it's okay with the birthday person. This can be something he or she is worried or nervous about, and you don't want to add stress to the event.
  • Keep things clean; don't include raunchy or risque jokes, even among friends at a party where people are imbibing. You don't want to give a speech in poor taste, especially if someone is recording the event.
  • End the speech by raising your glass in a toast. If the birthday person isn't a drinker, end by wishing him or her Happy Birthday and invite others to join you.

Toasting the 21st Birthday

A great birthday speech for a 21st birthday is one that honors the birthday person and suits his or her personality. Add a few light-hearted jokes, and you're sure to give a speech that makes them feel great about this milestone celebration.

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Free 21st Birthday Speeches - Celebrate in Style

Free 21st birthday speeches - celebrate this magical milestone in style.

Less can sometimes be more - especially at a 21st birthday party where speeches have the potential to overwhelm the occasion.

what to say on a 21st birthday speech

Free 21st Birthday Speeches

A meaningful 21st birthday speech to honor and celebrate a great day is a necessity. But, let's face it, everyone wants to party!

And why not - champagne, flowers, innovative 21st birthday gift ideas to surprise your friends and loved ones , excellent catering and creative decor design -  they all come together to create a night to remember.

So, keep it short and simple - then let the party begin!

Good evening Ladies, Gentlemen, family and friends -

What a truly special evening it is that we are celebrating this evening - an evening all the more special  because we are sharing this celebration with all of you.

A warm welcome to everyone and thank you so much for sharing [insert name]'s 21st birthday with us tonight. It just wouldn't have been the same without all of you - all the people who have played such an amazing role in [his / her] life.

Tonight is [insert name] night and we hope it will be a night that [he / she] remembers fondly in the years ahead.

Twenty one years have seen [insert name ] through many milestones. We've seen [his /her] baby years turning into toddling years. We've seen [insert name] learning to talk and walk - unsteadily at first but growing in confidence daily.

And those determined  footsteps have continued through elementary and secondary school,  through sporting teams and academic achievements. We seen obstacles overcome and accolades accomplished and we've witnessed such remarkable growth and development in every facet of [insert name] life.  * [highlight some of their achievements here to make your speech personal and meaningful]

Daily, incrementally and exponentially,  we've seen [insert name] walking steadfast and purposefully through tears and laughter, in and out of relationships and onwards towards [his / her] goals still to be achieved.

Through all of these magical milestone [insert name] has remained positive and empathetic.  [He / She]  embodies a passion and zest for life that is infectious and we have all shared in these moments - they have been magical and many and everyday!

What an honor and a privilege it has been to witness this amazing young [man / lady] and their journey  towards adulthood. And tonight, [insert name] as you stand on the brink of a new chapter in your life, please know that we are so incredibly proud of you and we love you.

May you continue to walk as sure-footed as you always have, may you remain as grounded as you have always been...and may you stay in mind and spirit, forever young .

Happy birthday!

Free 21st birthday speeches - done and dusted.

Now get to work on buying or making an incredible dress or tuxedo for that million dollar babe[or dude]look and planning a great party with easy party ideas and games - your complete guide to the perfect party or birthday with fun games, themes, invitations, recipes and more!

Let's not forget an amazing birthday cake and candles. All about Cupcakes has creative and innovative ideas to further enhance what is going to be a very special evening .

Return from Free 21st Birthday Speeches to Words of Wisdom 40th Birthday Speech - Flaunting Fabulous Forties Birthday Card Sayings - Congratulate and Celebrate Birthday Wishes Sample - Fellowship and Celebratory Words Funny Birthday Sayings - Congratulations... Subtle And Tasteful Humor Birthday Phrases - Here's To A Great Day Free Birthday Speech - Creating Carefree Celebrations Happy Birthday Quotes - Famous Words Of Wisdom


How to nail your 21st birthday party speech


21st birthday parties  are a big deal, not to mention the all-important speech. It’s a tricky one: how do you find that perfect balance of sassy sarcasm and a serious expression of gratitude for the people around you? At  VenueNow , we’ve all been through it! And our crack team of venue experts plenty of tips to ensure you nail your have 21st birthday party speech.

It’s the milestone birthday that you’ve been waiting 20 long years to celebrate, and EVERYONE is going to be there to celebrate your significant milestone. Your best mates, oldest friends, new beau and extended family are expecting you to be on-game for the big occasion.

21st birthday party speech

You definitely don’t want to slip up when it gets to crunch time, so how do you avoid a flop during your birthday speech? There are a few things you can do to make sure you rise to the occasion and deliver a tasteful speech that will be remembered. A few words of thanks are the least you can do; so let’s figure out how to make that moment a memorable one, and start with these tips.

Be prepared

The party is in full swing, you’re lost for the right words, but everyone is egging you on. This scene is very common, but it’s not where you want to be on the big day. Prepare your 21st birthday speech well ahead of time and practice it at least a few times before presenting it to the party. The most effective way to get your entire speech into your head is to practice!

21st birthday party speech

If you’re forgetful, a little vague, or know you’re not a great speaker, it’s definitely worth having notes to prompt you during the speech. Some people prefer to write their speech out word-for-word to maximise efficiency and minimise the chance of forgetting key details, but your speech will actually flow better, and be heaps more engaging if you’re not looking down at a page for the entire time.

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Calculate the price of your 21st Birthday cost in under 5 minutes.

Thank the key players

Your 21st birthday party speech isn’t a chore, but an opportunity to acknowledge the things and people that have made you the adult that you’ve become. It’s easy to get caught up in the moment and forget to thank the key players in the narrative that is your life. Your birthday speech is a great way to express gratitude to your family and friends for their endless support. To ensure you don’t forget to acknowledge mum and dad, a family member, your oldest pals, your best friend, or your lover, position the thank-yous at the start of your speech. It will be a great joy to watch their faces light up when you thank them.

21st birthday party speech

Funny comes naturally to some of us, but if you’re not blessed with the humour gene, it’s easy to get some laughs with an anecdote from your past. Think of the time you laughed the hardest, the dumbest thing you did on that Contiki tour across Europe, or the holiday that went horribly wrong, then build a story around it to include in your speech. The trick here is to tell a genuinely hilarious story but avoid offending anyone in attendance. Your own speech should be cheeky but don’t cross a line when talking about people in your life.

21st birthday party speech

The first time you got wasted and threw up on mum’s favourite gnome may be funny for some, but if your elderly grandparents are around, you’ll completely spoil their image of you as the angelic, innocent grandchild. Instead, have a dig at yourself, and try including an anecdote about that time you failed to read 24-hour time and ended up stranded at a bus stop in sleepy Somerset at 2 am on the last day of your holiday.

Know your audience and craft a speech with tasteful humour that will get the laughs, not the room-silencing, disapproving glares on your very day.

Choose your topic

Say something meaningful, interesting and relevant to your audience. Choose a topic that you know your guests can relate to, like the importance of friendship, lessons you’ve learnt over the past year or how much you’ve matured as a person since turning 21. Alternatively, if you want to keep it light-hearted and fun, tell a few stories about your most cherished memories from childhood, or how you’ve been affected by the people in your life. Keep it short and sweet, but make sure that every sentence packs a punch and resonates with your audience.

Say your birthday wish

Be sure to include your birthday wish in your speech as well. Make a thoughtful and heartfelt request or hope for the year ahead, be it world peace, an end to poverty or an abundance of career opportunities. And if you’re feeling brave, make it unique and personal like a romantic gesture or a plea for never-ending friendship!

While your guests are definitely expecting a speech on your special day, they’re not here to listen to you mumble about the great life that you live or tell dumb long-winded stories about the people that you love. They’re here to party, and party they will, as long as you don’t kill the vibe with an uncomfortable speech.

After a few drinks, and a bit of dancing, the attention span of your mates is likely to dwindle, so it’s important to keep things brief. Stick to a couple of minutes, and prepare a dancey playlist to lift the atmosphere and get the dance floor going post-speech.

21st birthday party speech

The best speeches are those that are obviously prepared but allow room for a little flexibility. Who knows what’ll happen on the day. Your best mate or mum might interrupt with their own anecdote just as you’re getting to the best bit.

If your nearest and dearest are a talkative bunch, let them know your plan before the big day so that you (and your guests) are not bombarded with five boring, overly sappy speeches. This situation is a guaranteed mood killer and a sure-fire way to have your 21st birthday party remembered for all the wrong reasons.

Brace yourself, praise your party, cut the crap and add a bit of humour. You’ll be nailing that 21st birthday party speech in no time at all! Happy birthday!

The speech writing is underway, but where will you actually celebrate your birthday? Choose from 2000+ of Australia's top venues on VenueNow >>

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How to Craft the Perfect Birthday Speech: Tips and Examples

Crafting the ideal birthday speech might feel daunting. Trust me, I understand the struggle. Joining Toastmasters International was a game-changer for me, teaching me how to craft speeches that not only engage but resonate on a personal level.

This article is designed to guide you through those steps, offering tips and examples that will ensure your next birthday speech isn’t just heard, but remembered. Prepare yourself for some well-deserved applause !

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Always know the type of birthday party and who will be there before writing your speech. This helps you choose the best words and stories.
  • Personalize your speech with special memories or jokes that show how much you care about the person celebrating their birthday.
  • Keep your speech short but full of heart. Practice it ahead of time so you feel confident when speaking.
  • Avoid talking too much about age or sharing embarrassing stories without permission to keep the atmosphere positive.
  • End with a toast that celebrates the person’s achievements, wishes them well, and fits their personality.

Tips for Crafting the Perfect Birthday Speech

Crafting the perfect birthday speech involves identifying the type of celebration and deciding on the tone and audience . It also requires personalizing the speech, keeping it concise and heartfelt, as well as practicing beforehand .

Identify the type of birthday celebration

Figuring out the birthday celebration type is my first step. Is it a big party or a cozy gathering at home? This guides me in picking the right words for my speech. A grand celebration might need a formal tone, while a family dinner allows for more personal stories and jokes.

Next, I consider who will be there. Is the audience close friends and family or a mix of different people from the celebrant’s life? Knowing this helps me choose stories and messages that connect with everyone.

I always aim to make my speeches memorable by matching them to the vibe of the party and making sure they resonate with all guests.

Decide on the tone and audience

When crafting a birthday speech, it’s important to consider the tone and audience in order to make sure your message resonates with everyone present. Your tone should be upbeat, optimistic, and easily understandable by all.

Avoid using complex language or inside jokes that not everyone may understand. Remember that the audience might include people of different ages and backgrounds, so keep your speech clear and relatable for everyone.

Personalize the speech

Crafting a heartfelt birthday speech involves tailoring it to the celebrant’s personality and style, making it more memorable. Adding personal anecdotes or shared memories helps create a special and unique speech that resonates with the audience.

It’s important to consider the celebrant’s preferences and the type of celebration when crafting the speech, ensuring it reflects their individuality while being engaging for everyone present .

Next, let’s explore examples of birthday speeches for different milestones .

Keep it concise and heartfelt

Crafting the perfect birthday speech means sharing memories and funny experiences to make it personal. Keep it short and genuine while avoiding mentioning the celebrant’s age. Practice beforehand and speak clearly, ensuring everyone can understand.

Use free templates for inspiration , tailor your speech to suit the celebrant’s style, and engage the audience by including them in the celebration.

Examples of Birthday Speeches for Different Milestones

Practice beforehand.

Before giving a birthday speech, it’s essential to practice beforehand . This will help you feel more confident and comfortable when delivering the speech. Rehearse in front of a mirror or with a friend to work on your delivery and make any necessary adjustments to the content.

Practicing beforehand ensures that you can speak clearly and effectively, captivating your audience’s attention. Remember, practicing beforehand helps reduce nervousness and boosts your confidence when it’s time to deliver the perfect birthday speech.

Explore a 21st birthday speech and a milestone speech for a best friend or loved one in the blog.

21st birthday speech

Crafting a 21st birthday speech means starting with a warm greeting and using personal anecdotes or shared memories . It’s important to tailor the speech to the celebrant’s style and preferences.

Avoid mentioning their age, and ensure it is appropriate and engaging for everyone present.

Milestone speech for a best friend or loved one

Crafting a milestone speech for a best friend or loved one involves reminiscing about shared memories and highlighting their positive traits . It’s important to keep the speech upbeat and celebratory, avoiding any references to age.

Incorporate personal anecdotes and inside jokes to make it heartfelt and memorable. Tailor the speech to reflect the personality of your friend or loved one, ensuring it resonates with them while being engaging for everyone present.

By doing so, you will create a special and meaningful moment that celebrates their milestones and brings joy to all.

Birthday toast

When crafting a birthday toast , it’s important to keep it concise and heartfelt . Personalize the toast with warm wishes and positive memories shared with the celebrant. Avoid referencing age and focus on celebrating the person and their accomplishments.

Tailor your language to suit the celebrant’s personality and ensure it engages everyone present at the celebration. Incorporate humor or inspirational messages based on what resonates best with the audience.

Crafting a memorable birthday toast involves personalizing well-wishes, sharing heartfelt memories, engaging all attendees, tailoring language to match personalities, avoiding references to age in conversations, incorporating appropriate humor or inspiration based on audience preference for an impactful celebration of milestones.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in a Birthday Speech

Avoid focusing too much on age and creating discomfort. Be sure to prepare and practice your speech in advance.

Focusing too much on age

Crafting a birthday speech that resonates with everyone present requires thoughtful consideration of the celebrant’s journey, experiences, and aspirations. While acknowledging the passage of time is significant, avoiding an emphasis on age in the speech maintains a positive and uplifting atmosphere .

Remember that highlighting timeless qualities, cherished memories , and future hopes can make for a more heartfelt and inclusive birthday speech. By focusing on the person rather than their age, you can create a meaningful tribute that celebrates who they are without fixating on numbers or passing years.

Not preparing or practicing

Practice and prepare your birthday speech beforehand. This will help you feel more confident and deliver a heartfelt message . Rehearsing also ensures that your speech flows smoothly , making it engaging for everyone present .

Remember to practice and prepare your birthday speech in advance to boost your confidence in delivering a heartfelt message. Rehearsing will also make sure that your speech is smooth-flowing, engaging, and enjoyable for the audience.

Moving on to “Examples of Birthday Speeches for Different Milestones”…

Sharing embarrassing stories without permission

When preparing a birthday speech, avoid sharing embarrassing stories about the celebrant without their permission. Respect their privacy and ensure that your anecdotes are uplifting, respectful, and considerate of their feelings .

It’s essential to craft a speech that reflects positivity and celebrates the person’s achievements and virtues, ensuring everyone present feels comfortable and happy.

Crafting an engaging speech involves considering the audience’s comfort level too. Embrace personal stories that bring joy without crossing boundaries or causing discomfort. By doing so, you can create a heartfelt and memorable experience for all involved in the celebration while upholding respect for the birthday person.

Crafting the perfect birthday speech is a skill worth mastering. Following tips on recognizing the celebration type, setting a tone, personalizing content, and practicing can turn any speech into a memorable highlight.

Examples tailored for milestones like a 21st birthday or that of a close friend showcase how diverse these speeches can be. Avoiding pitfalls such as overemphasis on age or lack of preparation ensures the speaker remains respectful and engaging.

Mistakes are common but avoidable with careful planning and empathy towards the celebrant and audience. Ensuring speeches are concise, heartfelt, and include personal anecdotes makes them resonate more with audiences.

By considering these aspects diligently, anyone can deliver an inspiring birthday speech that honors the celebrant uniquely and memorably.

Practice combined with genuine affection for the person celebrated transforms words into cherished memories. With guidelines in place to refine public speaking skills specifically for birthdays, crafting captivating birthday speeches becomes less daunting—a journey from nervousness to confidence filled with joyous celebrations along the way.

what to say on a 21st birthday speech

Ryan Nelson is the founder of Speak2Impress, a platform dedicated to helping individuals master the art of public speaking. Despite having a crippling fear of public speaking for many years, Ryan overcame his anxiety through diligent practice and active participation in Toastmasters. Now residing in New York City, he is passionate about sharing his journey and techniques to empower others to speak with confidence and clarity.

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21st Birthday Speech

Ai generator.


“Good evening, everyone. Thank you all for being here to celebrate [Birthday Person’s Name]’s 21st birthday. For those who don’t know me, I’m [Your Name], [Birthday Person’s Name]’s [relation, e.g., friend, sibling, parent]. It’s an absolute honor to stand before you all and say a few words about someone who means so much to us.”

Personal Anecdote: “I’ve had the privilege of knowing [Birthday Person’s Name] for [number] years, and in that time, we’ve shared countless amazing moments. One of my favorite memories is [insert a meaningful or humorous anecdote, e.g., ‘the time we went on a spontaneous road trip. We got lost, but it turned into one of the best adventures we’ve ever had, filled with laughter and unforgettable experiences.’]”

Highlighting Qualities: “[Birthday Person’s Name], you have grown into an exceptional young adult. Your [mention key qualities, e.g., ‘kindness, determination, intelligence, and sense of humor’] are just a few of the many qualities that make you so special.”

Expressing Emotions: “Watching you grow up and reach this milestone has been a remarkable journey. Your passion for life, your resilience, and your ability to bring joy to those around you are truly inspiring. You’ve achieved so much already, and I am incredibly proud of the person you have become.”

Offering Well-Wishes: “As you embark on this new chapter of adulthood, I want to wish you all the happiness and success in the world. May your future be filled with exciting opportunities, new adventures, and wonderful memories. Always believe in yourself and follow your dreams.”


Summarizing Key Points: “To sum up, [Birthday Person’s Name], you are an amazing individual, and we are all so fortunate to have you in our lives. Your future is incredibly bright, and I can’t wait to see all the fantastic things you will accomplish.”

Toast: “Now, if everyone could please raise their glasses… Here’s to [Birthday Person’s Name]! May your 21st year be filled with joy, laughter, and unforgettable moments. Happy 21st Birthday! Cheers!”

Closing: “Thank you all for being here to celebrate this special day. Let’s continue to enjoy the evening and make more beautiful memories together. Happy Birthday, [Birthday Person’s Name]!”


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what to say on a 21st birthday speech

Cheers To You! Your Guide To Your 21st Birthday Speech

  • February 16, 2022

Congratulations! You will soon turn 21 and brace yourself up for the rest of your adult life. Your 18th birthday was unique because you reached the age of majority and became a legal adult. But your 21st birthday is a big deal, and not to forget your speech.

Writing your 21st birthday speech can be a daunting task as you have hit a significant milestone. As your friends and loved ones gear up to celebrate your special day, this is an opportunity to share exciting anecdotes with them and show them you care.

If you are wondering how to put it all together, don’t worry, as we have some fantastic tips that will make your 21st birthday speech unforgettable.

Why Your 21st Birthday Should Be Memorable

Youngsters are very excited to turn 21 as this is the age where you are officially a responsible adult. From a historical perspective, the 21st birthday was celebrated as a momentous occasion during mediaeval times when a boy became a knight . However, 21st birthdays are no longer gender exclusive but are still considered a significant milestone. Traditionally young people were given the key to the family’s house at 21, making the event all the more special.

Enhance Your 21st Birthday Speech with These Amazing Tips!

Your 21st birthday speech should charm your audience and make your special occasion memorable. If you are looking for some terrific 21st birthday speech ideas, follow these tips to enthral your audience.

Be Prepared and Write It All Down

Make a list of all the wishes, memories, and sentiments you want to include in your speech. This will give you a clue on what you want to focus on in your speech. Once you have listed all the points, you can elaborate on them.

Prepare your speech in advance and practice it a couple of times till you are confident of presenting it to friends and family. If you think that you might forget something, write your speech word-to-word so that you don’t miss out on anything. But make sure not to read out the entire speech from the paper as your guests might die of boredom!

Let Everyone Get a Few Drinks In

Give everyone some time to sit back and enjoy so that they are ready to get entertained. Your jokes will seem funnier once your mates chug a few beers and loosen up.

Thank the Key Players

So many people, including your parents, siblings, and friends, have come together to make this occasion memorable. It is good to start your speech by thanking all the guests for coming. Make sure that you thank the host and let everyone know that you appreciate their efforts. After all, gratitude nurtures your relationships.

Chuck In a Joke

Grab some eyeballs with a funny anecdote ; after all, everyone is here to enjoy your special evening.

It’s okay if humour doesn’t come naturally to you; think about the last time you laughed uncontrollably. Share one of the dumbest things you did on a trip or a plan that went incredibly wrong, and you will take the entertainment quotient up a notch! But make sure not to crack a joke that offends anyone.

Here are a few sample funny 21st birthday speech ideas:

“Happy 21st birthday to my best friend/sibling/child! I can’t believe you’re finally legal… now we can get into all sorts of trouble together! Just kidding, please don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. Or wait, scratch that. Do everything I wouldn’t do because that’s probably more fun. Either way, happy birthday and here’s to many more years of mischief and mayhem!”

“Welcome to the adult world, [name]! It’s a weird place filled with responsibility and boring things like paying bills and doing your own laundry. But on the bright side, you can finally drink alcohol! Just remember, it’s all fun and games until someone pukes on the carpet. Happy 21st birthday!”

“Happy 21st birthday, [name]! You’re finally old enough to do all the things your parents told you not to do when you were younger. Just kidding, please don’t actually do those things. But on a serious note, congratulations on reaching this milestone and cheers to many more years of good times ahead!”

Show Sincerity

It is good to have some kind words at the end of your speech. You can share briefly how your friends and family have added meaning to your life and show how much you care for all the people who’ve gathered to make your birthday memorable.

Keep Your Birthday Speech Short

Make your speech short and simple as people have other things vying for their attention. Wondering how long your speech should be? Ideally, it shouldn’t be more than five minutes, so avoid log stories and keep it to the point. Have a party playlist ready, as your guests might be in the mood to hit the dancefloor right after.

Keep Them Wanting More

Twenty-one years is a truly momentous occasion, and you can make it all the more special with a short and exciting speech. Your birthday speech is a great way to express gratitude to your family and friends for their endless support. Moreover, you can also share your future plans with them. The best advice is to make it crisp, straightforward, and funny.

Are you looking for the perfect venue for your 21st birthday bash? We manage all the nitty-gritty details so that you can have a fun bash! Check out Navarra Venues for Hire in Sydney to celebrate in style.

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Great Ideas for 21st Birthday Speeches

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Turning 21 is a milestone birthday, and one that gathers together friends and family to celebrate their loved one. The most memorable part of the birthday party is often the speeches. Anecdotal and humorous, they should share and reflect upon the delightful and distinctive characteristics of the birthday boy or girl. The speeches should start when all the guests are assembled, relaxed and fed, with a libation in hand for toasts.


Humorous Stories

Video of the Day

A 21st birthday speech should be engaging and make the audience laugh. Include some humorous anecdotes about things the birthday person did as a child and share some embarrassing -- but not mean -- stories from his school years. The audience will relax and warm to you and the guest of honor will likely take the ribbing in stride. Don't include overtly crude or inappropriate stories that the birthday person has told you in confidence, no matter how funny they are. Keep your humor gentle and good natured.


Reflect on the birthday person's accomplishments. Select a few achievements that she is proud of and worked hard for. A 21-year-old is likely to have met some educational or career goals, and these are great topics to mention. Also, praise her qualities and personality traits that you find most endearing. If you've spent a minute making fun of the person, spend at least a minute building her up again and sharing what she means to you personally.

Pictures and Videos

If you can obtain an appropriate projector, show some photos of the birthday person. You can use them in your speech for comedic effect by synchronizing your speech to a slideshow or contrasting your words of praise with pictures exemplifying the opposite. Or show clips of funny home videos of childhood scenes to offer glimpses into the birthday person's history that few people would have seen. Don't let videos run for too long. Get help from a pro to edit the clips into a brief show, perhaps with a comedic title for each vignette.

Keep It Short

Twenty-first birthday speeches should be short and sweet. Party attendees won't appreciate a speech that's too long. Don't test the audience's patience by talking for more than a few minutes, especially if multiple speakers will take the floor. Prepare and practice your speech beforehand so you know how long it takes to deliver. Write it out word for word or have some notes to keep you on track. A funny, short speech is much better than one that overstays its welcome.

  • Great Speech: 21st Birthday Speech
  • Presentation Magazine: Quotes, Jokes & Ideas for a Birthday Speech
  • Speech for You.com: 21st /18th Birthday Speeches and Toast
  • Find the Words.com: Free 21st Birthday Speeches
  • Toastmasters International: Toasting Tips

Mega Birthday Ideas. com

The best birthday ideas

Birthday speech

Putting a birthday speech together can be a very daunting process, especially if you have to write it for someone else.

Like many of us, unless you have a natural talent, it’s not uncommon to go blank when it comes to this topic. The usual spiel of thanking everyone and telling them to enjoy their night is satisfactory though can be quite boring and leave everyone yawning.

But dont worry, by following these easy tips and examples of speeches, you will be able to ensure your birthday speech is one that captivates your audience and makes the moment a memorable one.

5 tips to help you with your next birthday speech

1. write it all down.

Take a few moments to list all the qualities and funny moments in dot points to give you an understanding of what you want to highlight. After listing them all down, take the time to elaborate on the points.

2. Find a sample speech that works

Find a sample birthday speech that you feel is suitable for the occasion. Use the points and information that you had written previously and incorporate them into the sample speech. By using the sample speech as a template, you have the benefit of following a proven recipe. It allows for the speech to be structured so it becomes fluent and highlights your points more concisely.

3. Engage your audience

Add humor to the speech to captivate your audience with a few laughs to enhance the vibe of the event. Not sure what to add? Why not take a moment to ask a close friend or relative of some funny moments they have experienced with the birthday person. If the stories are not suitable or non existent, then consider looking up some great one liners and add them into your speech to lighten the mood.

Your aim is to ensure the audience is actively engaged in your speech by focusing on the qualities of the birthday person which they can relate to. Bringing up memorable stories which highlight great times or milestones helps to resonate qualities of the birthday person and Incorporating a story or two can also make a point of enhancing the qualities which resonates what that person is really about.

4. Show sincerity

Towards the end of the speech, mention a few kind words to show them that you care. Thank everyone for coming, especially those who helped out in organising the event.

5. Keep it short

When people are at a party, they tend to have a short attention span and that’s if they haven’t had a drink yet. A speech which is between 2-5 minutes long is more than sufficient. By keeping it short, deep and meaningful, you can be sure to have your audience’s attention.

How to give a birthday speech – From friend to guest of honor

Here are a few examples of free birthday speeches for your next occasion:

Birthday speech example 1 – Thank you speech

Birthday speech

Firstly I would like to thank you all for coming to celebrate this milestone with me. I am not one to come out and say a speech, this is actually the first for me. Normally I would shy off, though I feel today is a time where it must be done.

The reason why you are all here is that in one way or another, you have been apart of my life and moulded me to the person I am today. I would truly like to thank you all for that.

I would like to thank both my mom and dad for not only putting up with me but being there when it counted and making me who I am. Thank you! Also to those who I have grown up with and have helped me over the years, you know who you are… I can say that I am truly blessed to have you all in my life!

Last but not least, I need to say thank you to everyone who has helped to set up and make today happen. Now that’s enough of me saying thank you. I hope everyone enjoys themselves. Lets all have a drink and have a great time.

Birthday speech example 2 – Thank you speech

I want to take a moment to say thank you for everyone who has come down to come celebrate this birthday with me. It means a lot that you have all taken the time and I must say that I am blessed to have each and every one of you in my life. Thank you

Birthday speech example 3 – Thank you speech

A birthday is very important to a child. The cake, the candles and gifts are something which they which they look forward to weeks on end. As we get older, we begin to realize that more important than materialistic things are the things we celebrate to those who are most closest to us. I would like to say thank you for not only your best wishes and lovely gifts but for being here and making it the night that it is. Thank you.

Birthday speech example 4 – Coming of age and gratitude

I have to say that I am not one to perform any birthday speeches though with the amount of work which was put into making this night and the sheer turnout of people, I simply could not live with myself if I didn’t at least say a few words.

I would like to give a big shout out to all people involved it the planning of this special day of mine. As you all can see, a lot of time and effort has been spent to make this venue look beautiful and I am truly appreciative. Thank you.

For all of you who made the effort to come down here and celebrate this milestone of mine. I could not be happier as all of you in one way, shape, or form have shaped me to be the person I am today and for that I am eternally grateful. Through good times and bad, through sickness and in health, I have been supported and guided every step of the way and that has only reassured to me what really matters in life.

I have been quick to learn that all the flashy and shiny things in life slowly begin to fade, though the one thing that continues to shine in my world is the true connections and relationships I have formed with my family and friends.

So enough about all this sentimental nonsense. It’s time to put the music back on and get everyone back on this dance floor. Thank you all for coming and I hope you enjoy the night. Thank you!

Birthday speech example 5 – Coming of age

So whilst I am up here talking about this amazing day today we are celebrating, I have to say all the beautiful memories don’t I? Wrong. All I remember is the most embarrassing moments because I laughed so hard my glasses fell off my head, then I wasn’t too happy because I had to buy new ones.

So where do I start, my memory isn’t the best the older I get, that’s why my wife makes me do a crossword puzzle a day. Little does she know that I cheat from the answers on the bottom of the cross word page Ha-Ha. So as I get older and reflect, I would have to say best moments through out my life would have to be drawn to three main beautiful ones.

First would be marrying this beautiful lady I call my cook… I mean wife Ha-Ha.

Second would be becoming a father to these beautiful children standing in front of me, I am blessed to have the opportunity to raise these amazing children of mine and have never been more proud.

And thirdly, to the many people here today celebrating my birthday. I would not be the person standing here before you if it weren’t for each and everyone of you shaping me to who I am today.

I felt like writing this speech took me few minutes though I was told I was writing for most of the bloody day! Ha-Ha.

Thank you everyone for coming here today and celebrating this unforgettable night with me celebrating another year younger.

Birthday speech example 6 – For partner

Let’s face the truth. Some of us are not the best when it comes to remembering birthdays, but there is no way I could forget the birthday for the one I love. We are all here today to celebrate because (Name) has touched our lives in one way or another.

Today I want to openly say how much they mean to me. This is their birthday, and birthdays are supposed to be days which stand out in life. So (Name), I want to say thank you for being so caring over the years and making me so proud to be your partner.

Birthday speech example 7 – Birthday speech for husband

To the superman in my life. Happy birthday! Words are unable to express the amount of love I have for you. For anyone who knows you, knows how much of a kind hearted and bubbly character you are. Your generosity and strong nature are unlike no other I have ever met.

From when you came over to me over 20 years ago to ask me for my number, to building a strong relationship, falling in love, creating an incredible family, and now celebrating this milestone of yours today. It seems like a fairytale dream where I need to pinch myself every so often to believe that it is all true.

To all of you that have made the time to make it here tonight, thank you all for coming. Only people who were important to his life are here and it’s amazing how many people are actually here tonight.

Now back to my loving husband, on your birthday tonight, I want you to enjoy it without a care in the world, because a man like you deserves to be spoilt once in awhile. Happy birthday my love, may you continue to live with passion.

Birthday speech example 8 -Birthday speech for wife

To one of the most sexiest, beautiful, most amazing person apart from myself… Ha-Ha! To my incredible wife. I am unable to express how surreal it feels to have fallen in love and married such a beautiful soul. Never would I ever have thought i’d be so lucky to have such an angel like you in my life. Your smile, your character, your loving nature are just the tip of the iceberg of the many things you possess.

For all who are lucky enough to know her, understand that she is one who would do more for others than she would for herself. A quality which i’m sure we all agree is very rare these days. She always looks to see the positive in life, no matter how dark and gloomy things may be, something which she has allowed for me to adopt which has changed my life dramatically for the better, and i’m sure many others who are also here tonight.

To those who made the effort to come here today and celebrate this beautiful day today, thank you. You have made this day memorable and something i’m sure my wife will never forget. Now the party is still not over, so all of you grab a glass of champagne, and let’s party on well into the night as we celebrate this girls beautiful birthday.

Birthday speech example 9 – From mother to child

From changing your nappies to feeding you every time you cry, to making your favorite food which was always apple pie. The memories I have shared with you while growing up by your side, it was well worth the struggles and bumpy rides.

I look at you know and can’t stop smiling, for a beautiful grown boy/girl that you have become, no matter what you will always be my baby boy/girl, happy birthday and may this be another memory you will never forget like they first day we met. When you were born on this special day.

Birthday speech example 10 – 1 st birthday speech from mother

Even though your only one and you’re probably staring at me thinking what it this lady doing, my feeding time is soon. I am going to say this speech in front of all the family friends that are gathered here today to celebrate my child’s 1st birthday, where the fun times just keep getting better and better.

I remember the first day that I felt so sick and then after that my pants wouldn’t fit. I started eating everything in sight and my pantry would always start full and now and by night there was nothing left to right. After that I couldn’t sleep and I would become a grump in the morning which was nothing of the unusual Ha-Ha.

Then my feet started to swell jeez now I can’t find shoes that will fit well. So after all that complaining and whining, the day came where you were brought into this world. Your father had fainted, which was nothing unusual and all I cared about was that you were finally out!

Now, as we celebrate your 1st birthday, you don’t understand anything right now, but when you do I’ll be saying another speech like this to embarrass you. More for the loving mother that I am to make sure you never forget something so important like this day.

Birthday speech example 11 – From father to son

I guess I will start with most that I know and the beautiful things I remember. I was the happiest man when I found out you were a boy, I was filled with joy! Everyday I would buy my little man a different toy, but there was a problem. Instead of playing with them, I would find you out in the garden. Eating dirt, mud, insects and even snails. You weren’t very good at hiding your muddy trails. How sweet and cute that was.

Then you would complain of feeling sick. Sometimes you were so difficult, just like trying to use a chopstick. You would always cry when I tried to feed you, and you loved to pee on me when I tried to change you. You were a sneaky little bugger and you loved to touch. I even remember having to pull you away from someone’s crotch. These are the beautiful memories that I remember.

Though enough with me embarrassing you with these funny times, this is you birthday so let it be filled with great times. So happy birthday to my great son, never forget that you are my number one!

Birthday speech example 12 – From friend

On this milestone that you have achieved, what an honor it is to be sharing this celebration with you. As we all know, this person has been determined since they were little, to strive and be the best they can, no matter what the circumstances were.

As (Insert name) continued to grow and mature, they created beautiful memories by making each moment count and radiating the love filled passions to each one that they came across. Im sure we can all say that we are eternally grateful that you have came into our lives and that you never lose your zest for life as you grow up into adulthood.

We all love you dearly and wish you nothing but the absolute best as that is what you truly deserve. Happy birthday!

Birthday speech example 13 – 21st Funny birthday speech from friend

Can I have your attention. We are all here today to realise something special. Something so worthwhile to celebrate. Something fun, enjoyable and memorable. We have come here together to recognise and share in the joy this moment brings. I am talking about the open bar! Ha-Ha!

On a more serious note, I would like to draw your attention to one of my best of friends whose 21st birthday we are celebrating here tonight. I have known (Insert name) for more than 10 years and during that time, we have had many moments of fun, adventure and as many of you may know, mischief. Whenever together, we always seemed to find a way to get ourselves into trouble.

Just like the time we decided to play a trick on his mom by colouring in his younger brothers face an interesting shade of green. We took the time to make it look realistic and ensured it was with a permanent marker so it couldn’t be easily rubbed off. I remember the look on his mom’s face as she freaked out and rushed the brother to the hospital. After the doctor giving it the once over and explaining to his mom the cause of the problem. I remember her glaring at us in a trance like state. Lets just say I had never seen someones face go that red before. We both found it to be funny at the time though I don’t think he saw the light of day for at least a month after that incident. Ha-Ha

Anyone who knows him, knows that he will go out of his way to ensure everyone is having a laugh. Even at his own expense, he wants to ensure everyone is having a great time.

He has taken on many challenges, and succeeded many times. Not by chance, but by perseverance and heart. Anyone who knows (Insert name), knows he is full of heart.

So on this milestone may you continue to strive for all that you want and just wanted to let you know that I am grateful to have such a great friend like you. Happy Birthday.

Birthday speech example 14 – 21st birthday speech

Yay! Im finally legal! Wow, this has been a long time coming for me, I mean now i can have a drink… Legally! Ha-Ha! Mum doesn’t seem to impressed!

Firstly I’d like to give a massive shout out to my parents, for not only raising such an awesome child, Ha-Ha! But also for making me who I am, and making this beautiful day happen. To my beautiful family members who cooked up all this beautiful food and helped to decorate this place, thank you so much, it looks absolutely beautiful.

To my wacky and crazy friends. You are all a bad influence on me and I thank you for that. Don’t worry mum, i’m only joking… It’s more like the other way around… Ha-Ha! As I get older, I begin to appreciate the significance of true family and friends in one’s life. I have to say that I couldn’t consider myself any luckier to have all of you in my life.

So anyway, let’s get out the champagne and celebrate my 21st birthday!

Birthday speech example 15 – 40th birthday speech

I can’t believe my 30’s have left me… I think it’s about time I started acting more serious and more so, my age… Well, maybe after tonight…

I remember when I was much younger, I would look at someone who was 40 and say to myself, that’s an old person. Now that I have turned the big 4-0! I now realise it was just an old person who was trying to figure out where the hell all the time went! Ha-Ha! I guess time flies when you’re having fun. Well I Know it’s definitely true for me. I’ll tell you why.

Firstly I have an amazing wife who is nothing but a bundle of joy to be around, and is able to always find a way to put a smile on my face.

Secondly I have been blessed with two beautiful boys who are an absolute pain in my ass, Ha-Ha! Though I do love so dearly! Apart from my gorgeous wife, I never thought I would love these boys so much, as much as I do. It must be because they remind me so much of me when I was growing up… Ha-Ha!

And thirdly… To all of you beautiful people standing here before me today. How can I not enjoy having each and every one of you in my life. I mean how lucky can a man get to have such funny, supportive and caring friends. Blessed is the word I use to describe having all of you be apart of my journey through life. Thank you all for being here today. Its is honestly an honour to celebrate this day with all of you here tonight.

Anyway, enough with all this sentimental crap, let’s pump the music back up, all grab a drink and at least let me celebrate being 39 one more time! Ha-Ha! Thank you!

Birthday speech example 16 – 50th birthday speech

Wow, how time flies! It’s only yesterday I can remember starting my first job at McDonalds where I met my best friend. And now I have a glass of champagne in my hand, celebrating my 50th birthday in front of all of you amazing people.

Where do I start? Firstly I need to give a massive shout out to my beautiful wife who made tonight happen. To not only organise all of this, but also keep it a secret from me which I am blown away how much effort she put in. The amount of detail she has put into this venue is incredible. Such an amazing woman, and I mean look at her, even after all these years, she is still a stunner!

To my two boys, I am proud of both of you and must say you are both still a pain in my ass. Must be because you remind me of when I was a kid growing up. Ha-Ha, they do say that karma eventually comes around. I can now understand what I put my parents through when I was growing up! But jokes aside they a great boys and couldn’t wish for any better.

Obviously I need to give a shout out to mum and dad for putting up with me over my younger years. Considering i’m sure many of you agree, I was no angel growing up. I like to think I turned out alright. Ha-Ha! Though I do have to say they were always there for support and was truly blessed to have incredible parents. I love you both.

To all my close family and friends here tonight. Thank you all for coming and most importantly, thank you for being apart of my life. All of you, in one way or another have been apart of my incredible journey of being 50 years on this earth and I wouldn’t want it any way.

So everybody grab a drink and let’s turn this music up, because i’m pretty sure you will all agree that after all these years and crazy memories, who would have known I would have made it this far. Ha-Ha! Thank you all for coming and hope you enjoy your night. Thank you!

Birthday speech example 17 – From daughter to fathers 50th birthday speech

For those of you whose memories are fading or may have had a little too much to drink tonight, we are here to celebrate the birthday of my dad. Fifty years ago today, the world was given a great gift. A gift by the name of (Insert name). The first of three children, my father was and still is, a very funny and generous man. Throughout the years, he has told many of us his overly simplistic, corny jokes which keeps us all laughing to this day. Just earlier he told me a joke and had me giggling like a little girl again. He said “What do you call a cheese that’s not yours? Nacho Cheese!”. I know, corny right? But it still does the job.

I suppose the main reason why we all have a little laugh and look forward to his humor is that he always likes to remind us that life is not meant to be taken too seriously and that laughter helps to keep us grounded. To this day, I have incorporated this philosophy into my life and I am sure all of us look forward to the energy and humor that he gives us.

Married to his high school sweetheart for 28 years, and with two pretty awesome kids, Ha-Ha. Sorry but I had to add that in. He has shown to be the best role model any family could ask for.

He has always been one to lend a helping hand to anyone in need and is not shy to have a casual drink when in good company.

On this birthday, may you enjoy your night and continue to pass on your energy and happiness for many more years to come. Happy birthday dad!

Birthday speech example 18 – 60th birthday speech

I can’t believe that as I stand here before you, I have been on this earth for 60 years. Seems like a long time, though for me, it feels like only yesterday I was celebrating my 21st birthday. I ought to cut out drinking or before I know it, i’ll be 100 soon. Ha-Ha!

For me, I have experienced both the joys and miseries of life and through it all, I have been able to take one thing from it. Regardless of life’s ups and downs, its all about making the most out of each situation and being present in the moment. Because as I get older, I begin to appreciate all of the moments life has to offer and the truth of the matter is that nothing is owed to us. For every day we wake up is a blessing. And as I am now 60 years old and CONSIDERED wise… Ha-Ha! I feel that we should make the most of each passing day, and what better way with both family and loved ones.

Lucky for me, I have been extremely fortunate to have all of my nearest and dearest to me all here tonight and I have to say, I wouldn’t want to have tonight any other way. Although it may be the wine talking, I must say that I love each and everyone of you here tonight… Especially the caterer, the food served here has been delicious! Ha-Ha! Now let’s all embarrass ourselves by having a few more drinks and getting on the dance floor!

Birthday speech example 19 – From daughter to mother

Your loving touch is like no other, your smile is brightest of all. Your heart beats love and care, but sometimes truth be told you are unfair. You are the only best friend a daughter could ask for. The sacrifices you have made to make sure I have the right path of guidance. You are the best mother a daughter could ever have. Wishing you a happy birthday with many more fun filled ones to come.

what to say on a 21st birthday speech

Tonight We Honor This Person | Birthday Speeches for a Friend

One of the best ways to make a friend’s birthday party shine is to deliver a very powerful speech at the event.

Table of Contents

Birthday speeches for a friend from old times.

I have known [Friend’s Name] for as long as I can remember. In my eyes, there’s nothing more honorable than standing before you, wonderful folks, to wish my beloved friend a super duper happy birthday.

After so many years of knowing you, I can confidently say three things about you: You are a kind, supportive and a truly amazing friend. I doubt that this life would be half as interesting as it is without you.

Folks, thank you very much for coming in your numbers to grace this occasion of my friend and making it a memorable one. Now join me in toasting to our dear [Friend’s Name].

[Looking at your friend]

Not only are you my longtime friend but you are also a very special friend to me. I’ve always said that your stay on earth is a blessing to everyone who knows you. Thank you for giving us love, care, and support. You inspire me in no small way to be better. Happy birthday, and more grease to your elbows!

[Turning back to look at your friend]

Birthday Speeches For a Best Friend

Friends, loved ones and family members of [Friend’s Name], thank you for making out time to be here today to celebrate this special day of the life of my best friend in the whole wide world.

I hope you have an incredibly amazing birthday and life because you’ve been an incredibly amazing friend to me all my life. May your earthly journey be accompanied by everything that brings peace, contentment and bliss into your life. You deserve all these and many more, for you are an absolutely wonderful person who makes this world a truly beautiful place. God bless you…today, tomorrow and all the days after tomorrow until the end of time.

Once again I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone gathered here for being part of this very wonderful occasion. Now everyone, enjoy your drinks and let’s set this party on fire!

Standing here, I must confess that I never thought there would come a day when I’d be paying my last respects to the youth of my dear [Friend’s Name], but I guess that day has finally arrived! [Pause slightly as the audience laugh at the joke].

All jokes aside, [Friend’s Name], you are a remarkably beautiful individual, inside and out. God really bestowed a grand blessing my way the day he made our paths cross. My dear, on your special day, I need you to know that you are not just my friend but also my brother/sister and my ultimate inspiration in life. May you keep moving from glory to glory and soaring skywards.

Lovely ones, at this juncture, I would like you to kindly raise up your glasses to join me in a toast to the phenomenal man/woman whose birthday we gather here to joyfully celebrate.

Funny Birthday Speech for a Friend

I can stand up here and tell many hilarious stories from your past, like the time you got too drunk that you thought that mannequin was an actual woman. See, look at the way he’s smiling – he didn’t even know I knew about that one. But that’s what friends are for. Friends are there to pick you up when you’re down. Friends are there to visit you in the hospital when everyone else has written you off. Friends are there to steal your car keys when you’re so inebriated that the chances of you making it home in one piece is about as successful as a box of hot French friends. And these are all favors that he has selflessly done for me. So please I implore, indeed beg you all – eat to your heart’s content and drink your gluttonous fill. I mean it’s not like I’m paying for it. But in all seriousness, it is my pleasure to spend this special day with you. And I think it is safe to say that the sentiment of every one in here, including myself, is that you continue down the merry path to a long, wonderful life.

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A Letter To My Son On His 21st Birthday: 5 Samples (Copy Them)

In this blog post, we will explore the art of crafting a heartfelt letter to your son on this significant day, offering you not just ideas but actual samples to inspire and guide you. Join me in exploring the depth of love, pride, and guidance that can make this letter truly exceptional.

A Letter To Your Son On His 21st Birthday: Ideas What To Say

#1. express your love and pride.

Begin your letter by going beyond the surface of expressing love and pride. Share specific instances that deeply resonate with you. Recall the first time you held him, the shared laughter, and those quiet moments that define your unique bond. Be explicit about the qualities and characteristics that make him special, reinforcing your unwavering love and profound pride in being his parent.

#2. Reflect on His Growth

#3. highlight his achievements, #4. offer words of encouragement, #5. share life lessons.

Infuse your letter with the wisdom gained from your own life experiences. Pick lessons that align with his current stage in life and share how these insights have shaped your journey. Be candid about your own challenges and triumphs, emphasizing that each obstacle is an opportunity for growth. By weaving personal narratives into your advice, you create a relatable and authentic guide for him to draw inspiration from.

#6. Convey Your Hopes and Dreams

#7. give advice, #8. share family stories.

Connect on a familial level by sharing stories that define your family. Revisit moments that reflect the values, traditions, and unique dynamics that characterize your household. This not only reinforces a sense of belonging but also highlights the importance of family bonds as a source of strength and support.

#9. Discuss the Importance of Values

Delve into a discussion about values and principles that you hold dear. Emphasize the impact of moral integrity, empathy, and compassion on personal growth and meaningful relationships. Provide examples of how adhering to these values has enriched your life, fostering a sense of responsibility and ethical decision-making in him.

#10. Encourage Independence

Acknowledge the necessity of independence in personal development. Encourage him to explore his individuality, make decisions, and take ownership of his choices. Highlight the value of self-discovery and learning from experiences, assuring him that you’re there to provide support and guidance whenever needed.

#11. Talk About Your Relationship

Reflect on the unique dynamics of your relationship. Acknowledge the shared laughter, inside jokes, and moments that strengthened your bond. Be open about any challenges you may have faced and express your commitment to being a supportive presence throughout his journey into adulthood.

#12. Offer Support

Reassure him of your unwavering support. Communicate that your support is not conditional on success or failure but is a constant, reliable foundation. This assurance creates a sense of security and instills confidence, allowing him to approach challenges with the knowledge that he has a safety net to fall back on.

#13. Acknowledge Milestones

#14. share personal anecdotes.

Inject personal anecdotes that resonate with the essence of your message. Whether it’s a shared adventure, a humorous incident, or a poignant moment, these stories serve as anchors, making your letter more relatable and memorable. The personal touch adds warmth to your message, creating a connection that transcends the generality of advice.

#15. Express Gratitude

#16. recognize unique qualities, #17. count your blessings.

Take a moment to count the blessings your family shares. Reflect on the joy, laughter, and shared experiences that define your familial bond. Express gratitude for the privilege of having him as a son, creating a heartwarming closure to your letter.

#18. End with Warm Wishes

A letter to my son on his 21st birthday: 5 samples (copy them), a letter celebrating achievements, a letter reflecting on childhood memories, a letter emphasizing values and morals.

Responsibility is another key virtue. Make choices that align with your principles and consider the impact of your actions on the world around you. Sometimes, you’ll face moral dilemmas, but trust in your inner compass and make choices that reflect your values, even when it’s challenging.

A Letter Focusing on Family and Relationships

A letter wishing for a bright future, closing thoughts.

As you embark on the journey of crafting a letter to your son on his 21st birthday, remember that these words are not just a gift for today but a keepsake for the future. Your sentiments, advice, and memories are a testament to the love and support that define your relationship.

Whether you draw inspiration from the samples provided or infuse your unique voice, let this letter be a symbol of enduring love, pride, and anticipation for the remarkable journey that lies ahead. Cherish the opportunity to encapsulate a moment in time, creating a timeless message that will resonate with your son for years to come.

Less Than Perfect Life of Bliss

21 Notes to My Son on His 21st Birthday

Faith , Grant , Life

Dear Grant,

By now you well know that I can’t let big events pass without pouring out my heart through words on a page.  I’m pretty sure I just sat down yesterday to write to you on your 16th birthday.  And just a few days before that, it was your first.  But now, here we are on your 21st, and just like back then, I have some things I want you to know.  For these past 21 years since you first gave me the title of Mom, I have taken this job seriously and (wow!) it’s been a roller coaster at times.  You have pushed me to lengths I had never imagined myself going, and while not all of those moments have been pretty (Heaven knows some of them are blocked out of my memory!), all of my motives have been for one goal– that I help you become the person God made you to be.  This will be my mission forever, so don’t worry–you can be assured you will have my advice to guide you for all of my life.  This I solemnly swear, and you’re welcome!  And so I have gathered some thoughts for this milestone for you to refer to as you head into your next year of life and all of those after that.

1.  Get experience as cheaply as you can.  This is what Papa would often say.  And of course, what he meant was to learn from other people’s mistakes so that you don’t have to make your own.  This is priceless advice.  Remember it always.

what to say on a 21st birthday speech

2.  You will never go wrong by choosing right.  No matter what it costs you or what you may have to give up in the present, doing the right thing is always the right choice.

3.  Make your bed every day.  Not only will this do your mom’s heart good, but it sets things in order which will cause you to develop discipline which will help you in many other areas of your life.

what to say on a 21st birthday speech

4.  Be the first to say “I’m sorry”.  I promise you this:  if you will get into the habit of humbling yourself, even when you may not feel you were wrong, you will be amazed by the results.

5.  Forgive. It could save you from wasting a perfectly good life.

what to say on a 21st birthday speech

6.  Be punctual.  It speaks volumes.

7.  Do what you say you will do.  Don’t cancel plans with someone unless it is absolutely unavoidable.  Otherwise, you are sending the message that the other person’s plans are not as important as yours.

what to say on a 21st birthday speech

8.  Be a servant.  You should never feel comfortable sitting if someone else is up working.  Offer to help, and if they refuse, be sure to be overtly grateful.

9.  Protect your family name.  Your actions will affect how your family is viewed, whether you think it’s fair or not.  So don’t be the one to tarnish a good name.  (Proverbs 22:1)

what to say on a 21st birthday speech

10.  Don’t ever get a tattoo.  Just because your mother said so.  Just don’t.

11.  Never get caught up in the feeling of entitlement.  The person beside you has the same God-given rights you do.  It’s only by His grace that we enjoy every blessing we have.  Never forget that.

12.  Strive for humility.  From having humility and the fear of the Lord, come riches and honor and life.  (Proverbs 22:4)

what to say on a 21st birthday speech

13.  Speak life.  Death and life are in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21), and words, both positive and negative, can stay with a person for a lifetime.

what to say on a 21st birthday speech

14.  Regard your relationships as treasures and don’t do anything to damage them.  As someone we love has said, relationships and the word of God are the two most important things in this world.

15.  Live every single day with integrity.  This one thing is the key if you want your own children to be blessed.  My life is living proof of this principle, as I hope yours will be.  The just man walks in integrity, and his children are blessed because of it. (Proverbs 20:7)

what to say on a 21st birthday speech

16.  Be the one to smile first.  You have no idea what it could mean to the other person.

what to say on a 21st birthday speech

17.  Don’t whine.  There are few things more disgraceful than a grown man who is whining.

18.  Look past a person’s offenses toward you in an effort to understand the reason behind their actions instead.  Then ask God to help you know how to help them.

what to say on a 21st birthday speech

19.  Never take for granted the immeasurable blessings of the many wonderful influences that have been poured into your life.  And then thank God for them by choosing to influence others in the same way.

20.  Restore the faith of our country toward Millennials.  Keep your respect for America, its flag, its freedoms, and every valuable person who has sacrificed to give us these things.

what to say on a 21st birthday speech

21.  Live like Jesus and make it your life goal to help others know Him.

I’ll be working on my my list for when you’re 42.  And maybe even 84.

And be assured that I’ve taken note of the many things you’ve taught me as well throughout your 21 years.  Thank you for helping me become a better person through the lessons I’ve learned from you.  Dad and I are so proud of you and very honored that God chose us to be your parents.  When we chose your name, we knew that it meant “Great”, and we told you we knew God had something great in store for your life.  Now, here we are watching it unfold, and it truly is something great to behold.

I Love you–

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Priceless gift!

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Yes, he is! 🙂

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Wow. . . These are truly beautiful words – overflowing with wisdom & love – expressed from the heart of a mother with the purest motives.

Happy Birthday, Grant – I love you.

So glad you’re on my team. This job is hard sometimes! 🙂

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Beautiful words that speak life for all people.

Thank you, Stacie!

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Truly beautiful – it’s something all of us can live by regardless of our age………hope he has a wonderful 21st birthday!

Thank you so much! 🙂

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Julie, this is really such a treasure for your son and such a blessing and reminder for the rest of us of what motherhood is all about. Thank you so much for sharing this with us.

You’re welcome. And thanks so much for the kind words, Lee 🙂

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Happy Birthday Grant! Praying you continue to be “God’s Man’ and be an extension of His light and love to all He brings across your path! What a wonderful Godly heritage you have! A true blessing from the loving hands of our Lord! Be blessed in every area of your life! P.S. Just a beautiful tribute Julie! So precious!!

Thanks so much for this, Liz!

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I’m sending this to my daughter for my newborn granddaughter! What precious words to live a godly and fulfilling life. Thank you for sharing and Happy Birthday to your son!

I’m so glad this spoke to you. Congratulations on your new granddaughter!

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Grant will have these precious words for all his life. He is a great young, Godly man. What a great tribute to Grant, Julie!

Thank you! I appreciate the kind words! 🙂

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Oh my, such wisdom you have shared. I hope you don’t mind but I’ll be passing these on to loved ones who will be blessed by these precious words of love. btw I have recently been privileged to get to know your mother and I know that she has many wonderful words of wisdom also. May God Bless!

So sweet. I know my mom has enjoyed getting to know you as well!

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This is so sweet and special and everything I would want my sons to know. I hope you won’t mind if I pass these words of wisdom on to them. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful letter.

Very kind. I’d be honored for you to share. 🙂

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I love this post!! Grant is a great guy. I know the Lord has big plans for him. Keep looking to the Lord Grant. I am praying for you.

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Powerful and beautiful. I too will use this for my son. Thanks for sharing, God bless you and your family.

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Heartfelt thanks for sharing this well thought-out list of wisdom every son, rather child should hear.

Powerful indeed

Thanks for sharing

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Wow, this is one of the most beautiful parenting letters I have ever read. I don’t make a habit of replying to anyone on social media. But I want you to know that I really treasure what you wrote to your son. I was looking up ideas for what to write to my son on his 21st which is coming up in February. I am going to keep in mind the words of wisdom you shared with Grant as I write my own. Your son is really fortunate to have you as a mom! Wishing him and you and your daughters all happiness!

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Wow, I am a single father who raised my son will be 21 and and my daughter already 23 on my own for a long period of divorce and turmoil. I hope you don’t mind me using some of this content on my sons 21st. English is my second language and your beautiful words are so suitable to my life as a christian who believe all blessing are coming from God. Thank God for your talents so someone like me can use your contents to tell my true story to others.

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Truly Expat

A letter to my daughter on her 21st Birthday

daughters 21st birthday

As I wake early on this particular day, my heart is bursting with pride. My gorgeous daughter i s now 21! You make me proud in many ways, and I love watching you grow into the beautiful, strong young lady you have become. I say it every year, but I can not believe my baby girl is now a young adult! Another lap around the sun, another year older and another year of loving you.

It feels like yesterday when we found out I was pregnant and the joy in your father’s eye when we were told the baby moving around on the screen was, in fact, a girl. I knew at that moment that you would always be daddy’s little girl. Things haven’t changed much since then, you will always be the apple in his eye, and even when you have children of your own, you will always be daddy’s little girl.

should my daughter play rugby

For me, you have always been exceptional; from the first time I laid eyes on you, I knew I had fallen in love, and I knew I felt I needed to protect you forever, even if you and when you no longer need it.

As years have passed, you have developed into a kind-hearted, loyal, considerate friend, caring sister, and loving daughter. You stand up for what you believe in and never shy from competition . Your strong-minded beliefs and passionate energy makes me realise how lucky I am to call you my daughter.

Your huge smile lights up a room, and your infectious laugh ensures everyone around you is along for the ride. So don’t change for anyone! Just keep being you.

daughters 3rd birthday

Although we may not always see eye to eye, you will always have my support in all that you do. I believe in you, and I look forward to seeing where this journey will take you. So keep reaching for those stars because someday, I know you will get there because you deserve everything that comes your way.

If I could give you three things today, it would be the courage to face all that comes your way, the confidence to love yourself during all stages of your life and the wisdom to understand how much we love you.

picnic with family

So happy 21st birthday to my beautiful, talented, warm-hearted daughter. May today and every day moving forward be full of love and laughter surrounded by those who love you the most.

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog. I hope this post has given you the information you need. If you have any recommendations, tips or advice, I would love for you to share them in the comment section below!

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2 thoughts on “A letter to my daughter on her 21st Birthday”

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Gorgeous words Paula. Sounds like you’re very lucky to have each other!

Wishing you both all the best for a Happy Birthday celebration together.

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Thanks, Cat, it is very special to be together during this milestone (as you are well aware). Things we once took for granted are now things we cherish more than ever x

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Inspired Year

75 Happy 21st Birthday Daughter Messages (Heartfelt & Inspiring)

It can be hard to find the words to say on someone’s 21st birthday. But never fear, we’ve got you covered! Here are some sample happy 21st birthday daughter messages that will help you wish your little girl a happy day. From heartfelt to funny, we’ve got something for everyone. So go ahead and pick the perfect message to share with your daughter on her special day!

#1 Happy 21st birthday to a wonderful daughter that I love and cherish! You mean the world to me and you always will. It has been such an honor to watch you grow up into such a conscientious young lady. Love you, sweetheart!

#2 Son, today is your big day. We hope that all of your fondest wishes come true and we wish for nothing but continued success in life for you. May all of your dreams come true, no matter how expansive or limited they seem; They can be achieved if you want them badly enough. Have a special 21st birthday!

#3 Today is your big day — especially since it’s also my little girl’s birthday! On this joyous occasion, I wish you all the best as you enter your next chapter in life. I pray that you will always be happy and healthy as well as find your path to your destiny.

#4 From the moment you were born, we could see your light and brilliance shine through. On your 21st birthday, I hope that you will continue to shine and make a positive influence on everyone around you for many years to come.

#5 Daughter, we cannot wait to celebrate this very special day with you. You are such a wonderful person and deserve all the happiness in the world today and every day of your life! Happy birthday!

#6 My dearest daughter, I feel so blessed to have been gifted with having you in my life these past two decades. Cheers to you on your 21st birthday!

#7 Happy 21st birthday, daughter. You were born into this world with an impact that would change many lives in a beautiful and positive way.

#8 I will never stop cherishing our unbreakable bond and the unconditional love we share. Have a wonderful 21st birthday.

#9 I am so proud of the young woman you have become and all that you’ve achieved so far. I hope you realize how wonderful, unique and special you are. May your 21st birthday be absolutely fantastic!

#10 You are our miracle daughter. We prayed for you and were overjoyed when God decided that we had waited long enough to bring you into the world on your 21st birthday. It is truly an honor to be your mom, and I hope that you will enjoy this wonderful day with us.

#11 May today be everything you hoped it would be! Happy Birthday, daughter. Wishing only the best for you always on this special day and every other too.

#12 Happy 21st birthday! Celebrating you today is a privilege…you inspire us daily to live life well and make this world a better place one person at a time! You are amazing in every way Love you!

#13 Happy 21st birthday to my amazing, beautiful daughter. You are one in a million and I will always love you more than words can express. May your special day be filled with wonderful memories!

#14 On your 21st birthday, we wish for you to seize all of the opportunities available to you today. We hope that any doubts or fears are cast aside so that you may enjoy this day fully. Find excitement in every moment. You are our pride and joy!

#15 From the day you were born our lives have never been the same again – they have been better by being yours. Happy birthday! May everything turn out exactly as you want it to today, daughter because that is what everyone around you wants for you, too!

#16 Happy 21st birthday to our precious daughter. We feel so blessed that we get to call you our child; a truly remarkable girl. You have come so far and we hope that your best years are still ahead of you. Make this year count!

#17 The day has arrived when we can’t wait to take a step back and admire what a wonderful young lady you have become. Good luck with all of your plans today, darling daughter.

#18 On your 21st birthday, dear Daughter, I hope that you realize just how priceless your heart is – it’s been filled with love from the moment of your birth and will never stop doing so as long as you let it. May you enjoy this special day to the fullest, sweetheart!

#19 Happy 21st birthday to our beautiful baby girl. We always knew that you would grow up to be an even more gorgeous lady than your mother – and we were right! You are one of a kind, and I hope that today is everything you want it to be.

#20 To my daughter on her 21st birthday: may all of your hopes and dreams come true on such a momentous occasion in your life. Have an amazing time celebrating with friends and family! Wishing you all the best, honey.

#21 My dearest daughter, you are the most wonderful person I know. You make me so proud every day and I see you growing up to be an amazing woman. On your 21st birthday, we want you to look out into the horizon and set our sights on where life will take you! May all of your dreams come true, sweet girl.

#22 May your 21st birthday be a truly memorable time in your life when everything comes together just perfectly for you. We love you with all our hearts!

#23 Happy 21st Birthday to my beautiful daughter! You have grown up so much since this time last year and become such a wonderfully kind person who is able to touch the lives of others in a special way. I cannot wait to see how you will continue to bloom and blossom!

#24 Daughter, I want you to know that I could not be any prouder of you than I am now. You inspire me to be a better person and parent every day, and for that I am so thankful! Celebrate your 21st birthday in style today!

#25 On this special day we want you to know that our hearts will always be full whenever we think about the blessing that is you. We love you more than words can express, sweetheart, and hope that you have an amazing 21st birthday!

#26 Please do not ever forget how special you are to us daughter. Just know that no matter what happens from this day on, mommy and daddy will always love you with all of our hearts. May your 21st birthday bring many opportunities your way that will make you even happier than ever before.

#27 Dear, gorgeous daughter of ours – we cannot wait to see what the future holds for you. May today be the start of many amazing days ahead, and may all of your dreams come true. You are our shining star and we love you so much.

#28 Happy 21st birthday to our perfect little girl! You have been the best daughter that anyone could ever ask for. On your special day, we want you to know that our hearts will always be filled with love every time we think about the wonderful blessing that you are. You will always be our princess!

#29 We want you to know that we will never stop loving and supporting you, no matter what you do with your life. We are so proud of you, darling daughter!

#30 Happy 21st birthday to my beautiful daughter. You have been a wonderful child since the day you were born, and I hope that your special day is one filled with excitement and joy. It’s been an honor being your father!

#31 Hello world — this is my amazing, talented and perfect daughter telling you all how much she loves her dad on her 21st birthday. Dad, it has been such a blast getting to know you over the last 22 years and watching you become such an incredible human being in front of my eyes. Today when we celebrate with friends and family excitedly clanking our glasses together, I would like for us all to raise our glasses high up in the and toast my best friend who is also my father. Cheers to you, dad!

#32 Happy 21st birthday to my incredible daughter! Every day with you brightens up our lives even more than the last. Trust in your abilities and know that just because you are growing older does not mean that we will stop loving you. You are so important to us no matter what age you are. May your special day be filled with lasting memories.

#33 The greatest gift I have ever received was when fate brought me the most perfect human being on earth — my child, my daughter. On her 21st birthday I hope she sends all of her dreams into the universe so they come back tenfold fulfilled by the end of the year (and maybe sooner).

#34 Happy 21st birthday, daughter! To our sweet and special girl. Please know how much you mean to us and all that we would do for you. You are beautiful inside and out, and we hope that your day is full of nothing but the best.

#35 Wish my beloved daughter a wonderful 21st birthday today! Be happy, be healthy, and may all of your dreams come true on this day and every day after. I love you with all of my heart and can’t wait to see what amazing things lay ahead for our lives together.

#36 May God’s grace shine upon our precious daughter on her 21st birthday today! We love having you in our family and wish only the very best for you.

#37 My beautiful daughter, we hope that your 21st birthday is amazing! We want to let you know how much we love and appreciate you today and every day. You are a wonderful kid and we couldn’t ask for anyone better than our sweet baby girl.

#38 May this be one of the best birthdays ever! Hoping that all of your heart’s desires come true on your 21st birthday. I never stop thinking about how special you are, and just wanted to take a moment to let you know that I am so glad God chose me to be your mommy!

#39 Happy 21st birthday to my amazing daughter. I am so proud of you for being who you are, and I cannot wait to see all the adventures life is going to take you on. We love you so much.

#40 Have an awesome 21st birthday! We hope that today brings you nothing but happiness, joy and excitement; because after all, it’s your day! Enjoy every minute of it. You deserve nothing less than the very best.

#41 To our wonderful daughter – we hope that your special day fills your heart with joy and happiness beyond measure. We wish for you many days ahead of pure contentment and blissful living, because that is what makes up a life well lived. We love you so much!

#42 Happy 21st birthday to a young woman that has brought more sunshine into our lives than we ever could have imagined. We are so incredibly proud of you, and cannot wait to see what the future holds for you! Enjoy every minute of your day today – it is because of you that life feels full of endless possibilities.

#43 Happy birthday to our wonderful daughter – we hope that this day brings you everything that makes up a truly happy birthday. You deserve nothing less than the very best today, because that is what comes from being as special as you are! Have fun always because it’s all about you on your 21st birthday!

#44 Today is an extra special 21st birthday to my amazing daughter. We want to wish you good health, happiness, laughter and smiles. You bring so much joy into our lives each and every day, and we hope that you have a birthday full of love from friends and family!

#45 Happy 21st birthday to the most compassionate, generous, and one of a kind daughter in the world. Not only am I your parent, I also consider you a friend that I love and value more than words can describe. You are truly a gift from God to me and everyone around you.

#46 I hope on your 21st birthday you realize how extraordinary of a person you are! But even if you do not know this today, we want you to take it from us…that deep down inside of your heart there is something special about you that makes this world better because of who you are. We treasure every moment with our beautiful daughter.

#47 Our greatest wish for you on your 21st birthday is that you continue to find fulfillment and pleasure in whatever it is that makes your heart smile and brings a twinkle to your beautiful eyes. Wishing you the best of everything!

#48 Happy 21st birthday, daughter! Life is filled with so many good things for us to treasure when we have someone as special as you by our side. You brighten up our lives with your extraordinary personality and incredible talents. We are proud of every single thing about you, including being your parent.

#49 Happy 21st birthday, daughter! May this day bring a realization of how fortunate we are to have a girl like you in our lives, giving us comfort and happiness each day that God sends down from above. You mean everything to us, and will continue to do so.

#50 I am sending you the warmest congratulations on your 21st birthday! Wishing you all of life’s best gifts on this very special day. Enjoy your day to the fullest degree, daughter, because it is about to get even better. Just remember that whatever happens today or tomorrow…you always have at least one person in your corner who loves you unconditionally. That would be us!

#51 We wish for nothing but happiness and success for our treasured darling daughter on her 21st birthday! You are a wonderful girl with a bright future ahead of you right around the corner, so keep shining brightly through every challenge that comes your way. It is said that behind every successful young woman, there is a very supportive father…well just know that in our case, it’s both parents!

#52 Happy 21st birthday to my wonderful daughter. You mean the world to me and I am so proud of the strong, brave and beautiful woman that you are today. Stay just like this forever because you are perfect just the way you are.

#53 On your 21st birthday, I hope that you have an unforgettable day with all of your loved ones around you. Time sure does fly by when you’re having fun! I want to wish the best for you always, no matter what. You are very special to us all daughter, stay safe on your big day!

#54 We never dreamed how happy our lives would be with a daughter but we have been blessed with one incredible person in your life who has made our lives so much better. You are a special person and we wish you an amazing 21st birthday.

#55 Happy 21st birthday to the most amazing daughter in the entire world! We cannot wait to celebrate your day with you, and we can now give you all of those silly presents that we’ve been holding on to for the past two decades. It’s about time, right? Stay as sweet as ever, because I love you very much!

#56 We’re celebrating our beautiful, intelligent and talented daughter today as she turns 21 years old! How lucky we are to have such a wonderful child like you in our lives. Enjoy this day because it only happens once in a lifetime. Happy birthday from your parents and siblings!

#57 Our daughter, we can’t wait to celebrate your 21st birthday with you. It’s been such a joy watching you grow up and become such a wonderful young woman. You should know by now that we will love and support you no matter what because we believe in you so much. Stay just like this forever. We love you very much!

#58 Happy 21st birthday, beautiful daughter! I want to thank you for everything that you do and how hardworking and independent that you are. You never cease to amaze us every day with the things that you do so keep this up throughout your life because it is truly remarkable how talented and extraordinary of an individual that you are beginning to be! Enjoy yourself and your loved ones on this day and all of the wonderful memories to come.

#59 Happy 21st birthday, daughter! I hope that you have a wonderful day filled with happiness and joy. You deserve it all today and every day of the year.

#60 Daughter, on your 21st birthday we just wanted to say that we are so incredibly proud of you and everything that you have achieved in your life. You make us feel like the luckiest parents alive! Wishing you lots of love and happiness today and always.

#61 As you celebrate this special milestone today, remember how much we love you and cherish all the memories we’ve made together over these wonderful years as your mom and dad. Have an amazing celebration filled with laughter, fun and all kinds of goodness!

#62 Happy 21st birthday to our beautiful daughter. May today be filled with lots of love, joy and happiness. We are so very blessed to have you in our lives!

#63 Today your journey begins, so kick back and enjoy all the wonderful surprises that life has in store for you. You deserve it. Happy 21st birthday, daughter!

#64 On your 21st birthday we just want you to know how proud we are of everything that you have achieved so far in this exciting chapter of your life. Keep up the amazing work! We hope that every single dream that you’ve ever had comes true! You’re one exceptional young woman and it is an honor raising such an indescribably fantastic girl. Have a fantastic day, daughter!

#65 Happy 21st birthday to the apple of our eye. Sending out birthday wishes to our wonderful daughter! We hope that you have a day filled with bliss, happiness and joy!

#66 I may not always say it, but I want you to know that I couldn’t be more proud of you as my daughter. You are selfless and kind and such a bright light. May today serve as the first day of your independence as well as a reminder to aim for those stars! Happy 21st birthday!

#67 To the most gorgeous young woman we’ve ever laid eyes on – happy 21st birthday! You didn’t just blow out candles dear one; you lit up this entire world with your glowing soul and heart. We hope that this year brings unparalleled happiness and joy into your life; we love you beyond words!

#68 A very happy 21st birthday to our angelic daughter! It has been so rewarding to watch you grow up and we wouldn’t change a thing. You are such an amazing human being, and we feel beyond lucky that you call us your parents! Have the most fantastic day ever – we love you!

#69 What more can we say about our wonderful daughter? We’re overjoyed that you’re celebrating your 21st birthday today; it’s something special and we couldn’t miss out on this momentous occasion for anything in the world. Happy birthday! We hope that good things and happiness follow wherever life takes you next.

#70 To our beautiful girl – happy 21st birthday! May today bring nothing short of absolute joy, light and happiness into your heart as well as every other part of your life. We love you with all our hearts; wishing you a day full of happiness and joy!

#71 A very happy 21st birthday to the daughter that we love and adore so much! You bring such light into our lives and we hope that this year brings you nothing but good things. May the future be bright and blessed for you, we will always be here by your side! Have a wonderful day dear one.

#72 To an exceptional young woman who continues to shine in this world – happy 21st birthday! It’s been an absolute pleasure watching over you as you’ve grown up into the phenomenal person that you are today. You are truly remarkable in every single possible, which is why I am so proud to be your mother. You deserve everything that life has to offer you, and much more!

#73 Happy 21st birthday to the most accomplished young woman that I know. You’ve earned all of your success and worked incredibly hard for it every step of the way. Keep on working like you do because you’re awesome at it!

#74 To our amazing daughter on her 21st birthday, you are an inspiration to us each and every day. Your strength astounds me, your attitude astounds everyone else, and your spirit astounds both. We love you so much.

#75 May this special day mark the beginning of a new era in which you have even more good fortune than ever before. You deserve nothing but happiness today and always!

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Jude Bellingham scored a wonder goal at Euro 2024 and then turned to a speech by Theodore Roosevelt


England’s Jude Bellingham celebrates at the end of the round of sixteen match between England and Slovakia at the Euro 2024 soccer tournament in Gelsenkirchen, Germany, Sunday, June 30, 2024. (AP Photo/Antonio Calanni)

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GELSENKIRCHEN, Germany (AP) — As one of the most exciting soccer players in the world, Jude Bellingham’s wonder goal against Slovakia on Sunday was what many have come to expect from the England star.

His decision to mark the occasion by referring to a speech by former U.S. president Theodore Roosevelt, however, seemed a less likely move from someone who only celebrated his 21st birthday on Saturday.

Bellingham’s overhead kick in the fifth minute of stoppage time rescued England after it had trailed Slovakia 1-0 in the round of 16 at the European Championship . It sent the game into extra time and Harry Kane sealed a 2-1 win, meaning England will play Switzerland in the quarterfinals on Saturday.

Bellingham later posted part of a speech by Roosevelt on his Instagram channel, likely in response to the fierce criticism the England team has received at Euro 2024.

The excerpt of the speech, commonly known as ‘The Man in the Arena’ begins with the statement “It is not the critic who counts” and goes on to say “The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.”

England’s players have been booed by fans during the Euros because of the team’s unconvincing performances in Germany. Former national team captain and now BBC presenter Gary Lineker used an expletive on his podcast when delivering stinging criticism of the performances.


Playing for “England is an enjoyable feeling, but it’s also a lot of pressure here,” Bellingham said. “People talk a lot of rubbish and you know it’s nice, when you deliver, you can give them a little bit back.

“Football and being on the pitch, scoring a goal and celebrating is a release and it was maybe a message to a few people.”

The full speech by Roosevelt, which was entitled ‘Citizenship in a Republic,’ and was given at the Sorbonne in Paris in 1910.

Under his post, Bellingham wrote: “So proud of the boys tonight, we live to fight another day.”

James Robson is at https://twitter.com/jamesalanrobson

AP Euro 2024: https://apnews.com/hub/euro-2024

what to say on a 21st birthday speech

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Entry posted by Linden Lab in Second Life Birthday June 21


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SL21B is now officially open ! Second Life is celebrating its 21st birthday with our biggest celebration ever -- this year we have 77 regions filled with parties, live music, deejay performances, special events, exhibits, gifts, and shopping!

This year we've created a unique experience by connecting all adult regions into a 12-region mini-continent. This includes the adult exhibits, the fire stage, and the adult Shop & Hop regions, all seamlessly integrated for an immersive and cohesive adult-themed area.

Head on over to the SL21B Welcome Area and start your exploration now!

Join us today at 2pm PT to watch Patch Linden's opening speech with everyone live at the SL21B Aquatorium .

Here’s the rundown of some highlights from this year’s celebration:

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From June 21st to July 1st, go on an interstellar journey through sound and emotions with a variety of music events and spellbinding performances at the SL21B stages. The full schedule of events is available on our blog and the Birthday events calendar .

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This year’s Shop & Hop features 480 participating merchants across 24 regions offering deep discounts, deals, and exclusive gifts! A full list of participating merchants is available on the blog .


We have some special town halls and our second community roundtable that will take place at the SL21B Aquatorium  in front of live audiences.

Participants include:  Tuesday, June 25th at 1:30pm PT -  Product and Engineering Teams with Grumpity Linden, Kali Linden, Signal Linden, Sntax Linden, and Kyle Linden. Wednesday, June 26th at 1:30pm PT - Product Operations Team with Patch Linden, Keira Linden, Izzy Linden, and Derrick Linden Thursday, June 27th at 1:30pm PT - The Founder of Second Life Philip Linden interviewed by Brett Linden Friday, June 28th at 1:30pm PT - The Moles Monday, July 1st at 11:3am PT - Community Roundtable with Oberwolf Linden and Patch Linden

Watch these town halls live with everyone at the SL21B Aquatorium ! 


At the heart of SL21B are 310 exhibits that showcase a wide range of creativity across the many diverse communities in Second Life. Expect the unexpected as you explore and discover how each exhibit offers its own interpretation of this year’s theme, “Elements.”  For a full list of all exhibits, see SL21B Exhibitor Showcase .

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In addition to all of the exciting events, we're thrilled to unveil a special series of SL21B themed last names. Embrace the elements with our new Earth, Wind, Fire, and Air themed options! Cirrus Blowhard Windyfloofs Cinder Hotman Pyroclaw Boulder Soil Pebblepaws Ocean Torrent Frostfangs

We will continue to make additional updates to the available last name pool, so if these options aren’t for you, stay tuned for future updates. You can also continue to suggest your favorite name on our suggestion form .

For more information about the costs and how-tos involved in name changes, read the Changing your username FAQ . Click to change your name now!

SL21B Gift Area - Square.jpg

At SL21B, Exhibitors and Merchants are sharing in the festivities! You will find 480 gifts at the Shop & Hop stores and many of the Exhibitors have shared gifts in the Gift Area as well as their exhibits. Come celebrate Second Life's 21st birthday and pick up over 500 exclusive gifts!

SL21B Physical Merch.png

If you want to continue the party in the physical world, click over to our Second Life merch store on Redbubble and pick up some SL21B gear as keepsakes! 

Full Event Calendar To keep on top of what is happening each day, visit the full Second Life Birthday Calendar !

We are so excited to be celebrating with you - and look forward to more great Second Life Birthdays! 


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Jude Bellingham scored a wonder goal at Euro 2024 and then turned to a speech by Theodore Roosevelt

what to say on a 21st birthday speech

England's Jude Bellingham celebrates at the end of the round of sixteen match between England and Slovakia at the Euro 2024 soccer tournament in Gelsenkirchen, Germany, Sunday, June 30, 2024. (AP Photo/Antonio Calanni)[ASSOCIATED PRESS/Antonio Calanni]

GELSENKIRCHEN, Germany (AP) — As one of the most exciting soccer players in the world, Jude Bellingham’s wonder goal against Slovakia was what many have come to expect from the England star. His decision to mark the occasion by referring to a speech by former U.S. president Theodore Roosevelt seemed a less likely move from someone who only celebrated his 21st birthday on Saturday. Bellingham’s overhead kick in the fifth minute of stoppage time rescued England after it trailed Slovakia 1-0 in the round of 16 at the European Championship. It sent the game into extra time and Harry Kane sealed a 2-1 win, meaning England advanced to a quarterfinal match against Switzerland.

Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.

Man suffocated New York woman on her 21st birthday, buried her body in a park, authorities say

  • Updated: Jun. 27, 2024, 2:45 p.m. |
  • Published: Jun. 27, 2024, 2:28 p.m.

Joselyn Jhoana Toaquiza Syracuse

Joselyn Jhoana Toaquiza Provided photo

Syracuse, N.Y. — A 21-year-old man from Ecuador suffocated a woman on her 21st birthday and then hid her body in a Syracuse park, prosecutors said.

The man buried the woman in a shallow grave about 15 feet back from trees in Lincoln Park on the city’s North Side, according to prosecutor Alphonse Williams. The man was staying in an Airbnb diagonally across the street from the park, he said.

The man, Jhon Moises Chacaguasay-Ilbis, was charged with second-degree murder and concealment of a human corpse, according to records from the Onondaga County Justice Center jail. He was booked in the jail Wednesday afternoon.

Further reading: Woman killed in Syracuse, dumped in park endured grueling journey to U.S. in search of a better life

Chacaguasay-Ilbis had travelled to Central New York last week to meet the woman, Joselyn Jhoana Toaquiza, for her birthday on Tuesday, June 18, Williams told syracuse.com | The Post-Standard. People have told prosecutors that the two had gone to primary school together in their home country of Ecuador, Williams said.

Chacaguasay-Ilbis can be seen walking into the Airbnb at 916 Hawley Ave. around 4:20 p.m. June 18 with Toaquiza, according to surveillance video the property owner shared with family and police.

Three hours later, the video shows him carrying Toaquiza on his back, with her arms and legs wrapped around him. She appears limp and doesn’t move. It’s not possible to tell if she’s alive.

Williams said the owner of the Airbnb told police that there was blood found in the home.

Chacaguasay-Ilbis later returned to the Airbnb, and exited soon after with new clothes on, the video shows.

He hopped into a waiting Lyft minivan to the local Greyhound station, Williams said, and boarded a bus with a ticket to New York City.

Chacaguasay-Ilbis turned himself in to the police Tuesday evening in Spring Valley in Rockland County, Williams said. The suburban community is located about 35 miles northwest of New York City, near the New York-New Jersey line.

It is not clear what he had been doing for the past week, if he is employed or where he resides, Williams said.

Chacaguasay-Ilbis travelled to the United States last year and surrendered himself at the border, Williams said. He was released, Williams said, and may be applying for asylum.

Syracuse police picked up Chacaguasay-Ilbis on Wednesday morning from Spring Valley and transported him back to Central New York, police said in a news release Wednesday evening. He is scheduled to be arraigned Thursday morning.

Toaquiza was reported missing around 12:10 a.m. Wednesday, June 19 by her family before her body was found around 11:40 a.m. Saturday in Lincoln Park.

Her uncle, Paul Toaquiza, said she lived with him, his wife and children on the city’s North Side. They immigrated from Ecuador last year searching for better economic opportunities , he said.

Police ask anyone with information about the case to call them at 315-442-5222.

Syracuse suspicious death Hawley Ave

Police officers search Lincoln Park near the corner of Hawley Avenue and Mather Street in Syracuse on Saturday, June 22, 2024. A body was found in the 1100 block of Hawley Avenue that morning. Fernando Alba | [email protected]

More Syracuse.com | The Post-Standard coverage:

Woman killed and dumped in Syracuse park seen with man at Airbnb across the street

Woman found dead in Syracuse identified; family says she was reported missing days ago

Staff writer Jon Moss covers breaking news, crime and public safety. He can be reached at [email protected] or @mossjon7 .

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Illegal Migrant Suffocated Woman To Death On Her Birthday, Prosecutors Say


Photo by FREDERIC J. BROWN/AFP via Getty Images

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An illegal immigrant from Ecuador killed a woman on her birthday and then tried to hide her body in a local park, New York prosecutors are alleging.

Jhon Moises Chacaguasay-Ilbis, a 21-year-old national from Ecuador, turned himself into local police custody on Tuesday for allegedly suffocating a woman and burying her body in a Syracuse park, the Onondaga County District Attorney confirmed to the Post-Standard . Prosecutors added that Chacaguasay-Ilbis entered the United States last year when he surrendered himself to Border Patrol, and they suspect he is applying for asylum. (RELATED: Two Men ‘Believed’ To Be Illegal Immigrants Accused Of Posing As ICE Agents To Extort Hispanic Community)

The Ecuadorian man traveled to Central New York on June 18 to meet the woman, Joselyn Jhoana Toaquiza, for her 21st birthday, whom he reportedly already knew because they previously attended school together in Ecuador, prosecutor Alphonse Williams stated to local media.

Surveillance footage shows Chacaguasay-Ilbis walking with Toaquiza into the Airbnb he was staying at on June 18, according to the Post-Standard. Three hours later, he is seen again, this time carrying Toaquiza on his back, who appeared to be completely limp in the footage.

U.S. Border Patrol agents guard migrants that crossed into Shelby Park as they wait to be picked up for processing on February 4, 2024 in Eagle Pass, Texas. (Photo by Michael Gonzalez/Getty Images)

U.S. Border Patrol agents guard migrants that crossed into Shelby Park as they wait to be picked up for processing on February 4, 2024 in Eagle Pass, Texas. (Photo by Michael Gonzalez/Getty Images)

He allegedly buried her body in Lincoln Park, which is situated in the North Side neighborhood of Syracuse, according to the Post-Standard. The owner of the Airbnb also told law enforcement that blood was found in the home.

Toaquiza was reported missing in the early morning hours of June 19 by her family, and her body was subsequently located in Lincoln Park on Saturday, according to the Post-Standard. Chacaguasay-Ilbis and Toaquiza were reportedly in a relationship at the time of the murder, according to another local outlet.

Chacaguasay-Ilbis is charged with murder and concealment of a corpse, according to records from the Onondaga County Justice Center jail. The facility also shows he is subject to an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) hold and is being held with no bail.

The Ecuadorian man was arraigned in Syracuse City Court Thursday morning, according to a local report. Using a Spanish interpreter, he claimed he couldn’t recall anything about the incident because he was too intoxicated from alcohol at the time, and has pleaded not guilty to the charges.

The incident in Syracuse is the latest in a string of high-profile crimes against women, allegedly at the hands of illegal immigrants. Such incidents include the strangulation killing of Jocelyn Nungaray in Houston last week, the rape and murder of a Maryland mother of five last year, the murder of Georgia nursing student Laken Riley and, in a recent incident close to Syracuse, the rape of a 15 – year-old girl in Albany.

Toaquiza was living with her uncle, Paul Toaquiza, and his family in Syracuse’s North Side neighborhood before she was killed, according to the Post-Standard. Paul said the family immigrated from Ecuador in search for better job opportunities.

“Jhon Moises Chacaguasay Ilbis, 21, is a citizen of Ecuador who unlawfully entered the U.S. near El Paso, Texas, in December 2022,” an ICE spokesperson said to the Daily Caller News Foundation, confirming his illegal status. “He is currently being held at the Onondaga County Justice Center.”

“On June 26, ICE lodged a detainer with the Onondaga County Justice Center,” the spokesperson continued.

Editor’s note: This article has been updated to include comment from ICE.

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We forget Jude Bellingham is only 21 – this is why Gareth Southgate will not drop him

Even Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo endured inconsistency at a young age and Bellingham’s connection with Harry Kane is still developing

Jude Bellingham after England's goalless draw with Slovenia at Euro 2024

In the meeting room of the England team hotel, the luxurious Spa and Golf Resort Weimarer Land, a chorus of “Happy Birthday” struck up as the squad assembled on Saturday morning. It was for Eberechi Eze, who has turned 26, but also for another player who shares the same birthday, June 29, and is now 21: Jude Bellingham .

“I think we have to always remember with Jude, he is 21 today,” Gareth Southgate explained. “I think we touched on this towards the end of the season — I think because of his maturity and the impact he’s had we expect so much of him. But we are singing happy birthday to him and Eberechi today and we are reminding ourselves that these are very young men.”

They are. Indeed it is easy to forget how young Bellingham is given the remarkable achievements that are already behind him: a Champions League winner with Real Madrid , La Liga player of the season, featuring in his third major international tournament and at the vanguard of the young world stars ready to succeed Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo. Adidas built their pre-Euros TV campaign around him.

It all seemed ready for take-off at this tournament with Bellingham’s superb header to win the opening group game against Serbia. It was the goal of the archetypal, dynamic midfielder and Bellingham appeared set to grab the Euros by the scruff of the neck .

“In tournament football a lot of things are accelerated really quickly,” said Harry Kane. “In the first game he was the best player and man of the match and in the last couple of games none of us have reached the level we really wanted.

“It’s two games. It isn’t the end of the world. I know things are being heightened and there will be a lot of talk, but that’s part and parcel of playing for England in a major tournament.

“Jude has dealt with that unbelievably well for his age. He’s dealt really well with going to Real Madrid for his age. So, there’s no worries about Jude. He’s a great guy, he believes in himself 100 per cent and, from both of our points of view, we want to go out there tomorrow and start stepping up our levels.”

Jude Bellingham  and Eberechi Eze at England's training base on their birthday

Kane and Bellingham will both start the last-16 tie in Gelsenkirchen against Slovakia . Neither has consistently impressed so far and both know there has been added scrutiny on their partnership as England’s number nine and number 10.

That was heightened by the statistic during the goalless draw against Slovenia when there was just one pass between the pair: with Bellingham rolling the ball back for Kane to cross. In three group games there were just 11 passes between them – but then there has been just five between Kane and Phil Foden and only 15 between Kane and Bukayo Saka.

It points to a problem with England’s misfiring attack as a whole and not just two players – with Kane admitting they need to be more “ruthless” and connect better. Although, given their roles, you would expect more of a direct link between Kane and Bellingham.

Kane revealed they are addressing this. “From a captain’s point of view I am always talking to all of the players — and, with Jude, we are always talking about how we can improve,” he said. “We watched clips of the Denmark game [which ended 1-1] to see how we can play better. We would have liked to have played better and had more of a connection.

“But I still feel like the movements are there. We’re moving really well and I thought it was a lot better [against Slovenia] than the first two games.”

Even so Kane and Bellingham combined far more effectively during the last World Cup, when the latter was running deeper from midfield. Since his move to Madrid, Bellingham has played in a more advanced position and Southgate clearly believes that is also the best use of him for England.

“Like I touched on before the tournament, the relationship is still fairly new,” Kane said. “Even though we have played a bit together, there’s still things we can both do better.

“We’re hoping that, as the tournament goes on, we grow more and more. From Jude’s point of view he just needs to keep doing what he’s doing.”

Harry Kane and Jude Bellingham celebrate an England goal at the 2022 World Cup in Qatar

There have been flashes of frustration while Bellingham has undoubtedly been affected by fatigue. After the Slovenia game, Bellingham talked about being “absolutely dead” while the global players’ union – Fifpro – has already sounded the alarm over the amount of football he has played before his 21st birthday. That now stands at 18,837 minutes for club and country since his debut for Birmingham City aged 16. To put that in context Wayne Rooney played 15,481 minutes by the same age, Steven Gerrard 7,024 and David Beckham just 3,929 minutes.

Bellingham also suffered from a shoulder injury last November and was less effective in the second half of the season at Madrid, despite an assist in the Champions League final.

At the same time Bellingham has covered the fourth-most distance of any England player at the Euros and only Kyle Walker has run faster. No one can fault his effort.

It is just whether it is being channelled correctly, which may be a result of youth. There will also be peaks and troughs around young sports people which we appear to struggle to accept. How consistent were Ronaldo or Messi or Rooney at 21?

Even so it has led to the question as to whether Bellingham should be rested – dropped – and whether he is justifying his place in the team or his role should change and Foden should move inside. Southgate is having none of that. Bellingham has continued to train as the No10. “I have one to ones with all my players nearly every day so that wouldn’t be unusual,” Southgate said when asked whether he had talked to Bellingham about his apparent shows of frustration.

“We’ve got a lot of young players in the team and they are performing on one of the biggest stages in world football,” he added. “There are inevitably going to be days when you hit the heights and days when you don’t quite hit those heights, but he’s a top player and he is fully motivated for the game.”

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Jude Bellingham scored a wonder goal at Euro 2024 and then turned to a speech by Theodore Roosevelt

The Associated Press

June 30, 2024, 11:07 PM

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GELSENKIRCHEN, Germany (AP) — As one of the most exciting soccer players in the world, Jude Bellingham’s wonder goal against Slovakia on Sunday was what many have come to expect from the England star.

His decision to mark the occasion by referring to a speech by former U.S. president Theodore Roosevelt, however, seemed a less likely move from someone who only celebrated his 21st birthday on Saturday.

Bellingham’s overhead kick in the fifth minute of stoppage time rescued England after it had trailed Slovakia 1-0 in the round of 16 at the European Championship . It sent the game into extra time and Harry Kane sealed a 2-1 win, meaning England will play Switzerland in the quarterfinals on Saturday.

Bellingham later posted part of a speech by Roosevelt on his Instagram channel, likely in response to the fierce criticism the England team has received at Euro 2024.

The excerpt of the speech, commonly known as ‘The Man in the Arena’ begins with the statement “It is not the critic who counts” and goes on to say “The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.”

England’s players have been booed by fans during the Euros because of the team’s unconvincing performances in Germany. Former national team captain and now BBC presenter Gary Lineker used an expletive on his podcast when delivering stinging criticism of the performances.

Playing for “England is an enjoyable feeling, but it’s also a lot of pressure here,” Bellingham said. “People talk a lot of rubbish and you know it’s nice, when you deliver, you can give them a little bit back.

“Football and being on the pitch, scoring a goal and celebrating is a release and it was maybe a message to a few people.”

The full speech by Roosevelt, which was entitled ‘Citizenship in a Republic,’ and was given at the Sorbonne in Paris in 1910.

Under his post, Bellingham wrote: “So proud of the boys tonight, we live to fight another day.”

James Robson is at https://twitter.com/jamesalanrobson

AP Euro 2024: https://apnews.com/hub/euro-2024

Copyright © 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, written or redistributed.

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    Birthday speech example 1 - Thank you speech. Firstly I would like to thank you all for coming to celebrate this milestone with me. I am not one to come out and say a speech, this is actually the first for me. Normally I would shy off, though I feel today is a time where it must be done.

  16. Birthday Speeches for a Friend

    Speech 1. [Facing the guests] Friends, loved ones and family members of [Friend's Name], thank you for making out time to be here today to celebrate this special day of the life of my best friend in the whole wide world. [Facing your friend] [Name of your Friend], in my eyes, your friendship is like fine wine.

  17. Motherly Advice for my Daughter on her 21st Birthday

    In honor of Brittany's 21st birthday, here are 21 snippets of motherly advice: 1. You are LOVED! The people who matter are those who love you for exactly who you are. 2. Love yourself. You are unique and there's nobody just like you. Nourish the things that make you different and love yourself TODAY. 3.

  18. A Letter To My Son On His 21st Birthday: 5 Samples (Copy Them)

    They will be your compass in the darkest of times. As you celebrate your 21st birthday, know that I am here, cheering you on every step of the way. I have every confidence that you will make the world a better place through your actions, your kindness, and your passion. Happy birthday, my dear son.

  19. 21 Notes to My Son on His 21st Birthday

    4. Be the first to say "I'm sorry". I promise you this: if you will get into the habit of humbling yourself, even when you may not feel you were wrong, you will be amazed by the results. 5. Forgive. It could save you from wasting a perfectly good life. 6. Be punctual. It speaks volumes.

  20. A letter to my daughter on her 21st Birthday

    As I wake early on this particular day, my heart is bursting with pride. My gorgeous daughter i s now 21! You make me proud in many ways, and I love watching you grow into the beautiful, strong young lady you have become. I say it every year, but I can not believe my baby girl is now a young adult! Another lap around the sun, another year older ...

  21. 75 Happy 21st Birthday Daughter Messages (Heartfelt & Inspiring)

    On her 21st birthday I hope she sends all of her dreams into the universe so they come back tenfold fulfilled by the end of the year (and maybe sooner). #34 Happy 21st birthday, daughter! To our sweet and special girl. ... #60 Daughter, on your 21st birthday we just wanted to say that we are so incredibly proud of you and everything that you ...

  22. 21st Birthday Speech or Letter Samples From Mom To Son Or Daughter

    Third, you can begin with some quotes about a mom's love for son or daughter. Let's look at a few quotes and then I will show you how to use it to write a short example. Quote#1: The best thing a mom can do for his children is to love them----Jean Dan. Quote#2: "Having children just puts the whole world into perspective.

  23. Jude Bellingham scored a wonder goal at Euro 2024 and then turned to a

    GELSENKIRCHEN, Germany (AP) — As one of the most exciting soccer players in the world, Jude Bellingham's wonder goal against Slovakia on Sunday was what many have come to expect from the England star. His decision to mark the occasion by referring to a speech by former U.S. president Theodore Roosevelt, however, seemed a less likely move from someone who only celebrated his 21st birthday ...

  24. SL21B is Open! Celebrate 21 Years of Second Life!

    Second Life is celebrating its 21st birthday with our biggest celebration ever -- this year we have 77 regions filled with parties, live music, deejay performances, special events, exhibits, gifts, and shopping! ... Join us today at 2pm PT to watch Patch Linden's opening speech with everyone live at the SL21B Aquatorium.

  25. Jude Bellingham scored a wonder goal at Euro 2024 and then turned to a

    His decision to mark the occasion by referring to a speech by former U.S. president Theodore Roosevelt seemed a less likely move from someone who only celebrated his 21st birthday on Saturday.

  26. Man suffocated New York woman on her 21st birthday, buried her ...

    Syracuse, N.Y. — A 21-year-old man from Ecuador suffocated a woman on her 21st birthday and then hid her body in a Syracuse park, prosecutors said. The man buried the woman in a shallow grave ...

  27. Illegal Migrant Suffocated Woman To Death On Her Birthday, Prosecutors Say

    Jhon Moises Chacaguasay-Ilbis, a 21-year-old national from Ecuador, turned himself into local police custody on Tuesday for allegedly suffocating a woman and burying her body in a Syracuse park, the Onondaga County District Attorney confirmed to the Post-Standard.Prosecutors added that Chacaguasay-Ilbis entered the United States last year when he surrendered himself to Border Patrol, and they ...

  28. We forget Jude Bellingham is only 21

    It was for Eberechi Eze, who has turned 26, but also for another player who shares the same birthday, June 29, and is now 21: Jude Bellingham. "I think we have to always remember with Jude, he ...

  29. 21st Birthday Speech From Dad To Son Or Daughter

    Here is an example 18th/21st Birthday speech delivered by a dad to his son but of course you can adapt it for your daughter. Twenty-one years ago today (August 11, 1994), Shelley and I had the wonderful joy of receiving a gift of God in the form of a baby boy. Randy and Nathan White, 1994. We lived in Munday, Texas at the time.

  30. Jude Bellingham scored a wonder goal at Euro 2024 and then ...

    His decision to mark the occasion by referring to a speech by former U.S. president Theodore Roosevelt, however, seemed a less likely move from someone who only celebrated his 21st birthday on ...