Sample Egg Distribution (Wholesale Supply) Business Plan

Egg distribution business plan.

Are you interested in the egg wholesale business ?

Well, there are multiple ways of participating in the poultry industry. Our focus is on egg distribution. Whenever this business is mentioned, people only think of the poultry farmer.

How Can I Start An Egg Wholesale Business?

However, there are several other participants in the poultry business value chain. These offer an equally valuable service. We will discuss the egg distribution business plan.

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SEE: Wholesale Chicken Suppliers

Here is a sample business plan for starting an egg supply business.

Do you want to start an egg distribution business ? Many people do not understand that there is a huge business opportunity in connecting egg buyers and sellers.

Marketing eggs come with lots of investment benefits because eggs are consumed daily.

Many poultry farmers who produce eggs on their farms do not have the time to market in a bid to reach out to potential buyers because of the task of managing the farm.

This burden is taken off by egg distributors who come into poultry farms to buy crates of eggs at a reduced price and sell to market women (who retail to end consumers) at a profit.

Many industries, such as baking and confectionery, use eggs as an essential part of their raw materials. The production of poultry eggs is a significant source of income for farmers who are into layer bird production.

Producers of layers of feed and poultry cages, drinkers, and feeders also make money from this industry.

Egg Supplier Business is a highly profitable business idea, but most people have not realized the immense investment benefits it brings because eggs are consumed daily in most households.

You can also look for an egg distribution business for sale that you can buy at a reasonable price.

Most farmers can’t advertise the eggs they have produced to potential customers because of their busy schedule managing their farms. Still, egg merchants who serve as wholesalers take this weight by purchasing the eggs in large quantities from the farmers at a decreased cost, selling them to retail marketers, and making a good profit.

Egg production generates passive income for farmers and producers of related products such as poultry cages, feeders, drinkers, and layer feeders because eggs are essential raw materials in the Baking, Confectionery, and Cosmetics industries.

Eggs are the healthiest food in the world as they are one of the best sources of protein, rich in cholesterol which reduces many health risks and is helpful in the growth and development of young children.

Eggs are also rich in vitamin A for good eyesight and contain chlorine which is essential in the production of molecules in the brain.

The demand for eggs in the African market is currently very high and steadily increasing due to their wide variety of uses in products such as; confectioneries like bread, cakes, and meat-pie, cosmetics like shampoo, conditioners, soaps, cholesterol, face masks, and is also used in the textile industry for glue and a cleaning agent for leather surfaces.

The egg supply business provides good profits due to its advantages over other protein-rich foods like Fish, Turkey, Chicken, and Meat.

Some of these advantages of egg distribution are:

1. Affordability for customers. 2. Less stress in handling. 3. No need for a power supply. 4. No need for specialized tools. 5. Variety of uses, e.g., baking, cosmetics and consumption, and much more.

How do you run this profitable egg delivery business? It’s easy; all you need to do is follow nothing more than these five simple procedures. These are important in writing a plan.

1. Locate a farm that sells eggs 2. Acquire the eggs at a lower rate 3. Locate a retailer that is ready to purchase the eggs 4. Sell at a higher rate to the retailer 5. Enjoy your profits.

Gather Your Capital

Although some farms may give you a certain amount of crates on credit after you have been tested over time, you will need to have your capital with you when starting an egg distribution business.

It would help if you decided on how many crates of eggs you want to start supplying based on how much capital you have raised and how large the market is.

Also note that in most farms, you would get a better price when you buy more.

Source For Reliable Poultry Farms

Your source of getting table eggs that you supply must be reliable. It will help if you are looking for farms that could give you eggs at competitive prices.

The price of medium eggs ranges from #500-#550 per crate in significant towns such as Lagos, Ibadan, Kano, Calabar, Portharcourt, Enugu, and Abuja. Jumbo (Extra large or Double Yolk) goes for #630 – #680 Naira per crate.

Some farms will not allow you to come to the farm will your paper crates to avoid transmission of infection through bins used on other farms. Paper crates can be sold to you at N30-35, depending on the poultry farm.

When choosing farms to stay buying eggs from, it is essential to consider the selling price, quality of eggs in terms of size and color, distance to market, and means of transporting the eggs.

Look For Egg Buyers (Retailers)

One of the critical successes in the egg business is growing a list of reliable egg buyers.

You can get a market for your eggs through market women in the foodstuff markets like Bodija in Ibadan, bakeries, and caterers and their referrals.

How many eggs you can sell should influence how many eggs you buy from your source, i.e., poultry farms.

Means Of Transporting Eggs

Most egg distribution businesses move eggs from poultry farms to the market or their storehouses using vans. If you do not have a personal panel van or truck, you can hire one for a start.

Asides from careful driving, padding of the vehicle and the compact arrangement of egg crates will minimize the number of cracks.

Get A Warehouse/Outlet

The demand for table eggs fluctuates. Sometimes you end up buying more eggs than are eventually sold. There comes the need for an egg storage facility. An understanding of the guidelines of egg storage is essential in the construction of your warehouse.

Site your egg supply outlet strategically, as this will give your egg marketing business the needed exposure.


Necessary Things To Ensure Your Success in The Egg Retailing Business

1. CAPITAL: It is your capital that draws the attention of the farmer regardless of your abilities, and it is your capital that sometimes determines the quantity and price of the crate of eggs.

Quantity is a significant factor in the egg depot business; the more you purchase, the better the prices. Supply from the farmers may even prove challenging, not because you lack the funds but because it’s simply due to the lack of eggs.

Farmers tend to give tests based on consistency and sales limit over a particular timeframe, and passing this test ensures that you will always have a reliable supply from that farm.

2. GET A LARGE AND DEPENDABLE FARM: Getting an extensive and dependable farm comes next after securing your capital. Notice that the word LARGE and DEPENDABLE farm is used.

This is because larger farms tend to lower prices, and you will need a dependable farm with a good foundation in this business.

It would help if you looked out for farms that offer eggs at reasonable costs when sourcing for farms.

A few farms will not permit you to bring your paper crates to avoid the risk of contamination and sell you their paper crates at the average rate of N35 to N45, depending on the farms.

Other factors to be aware of are the quality of eggs based on size and color, the selling price, distance to the market, and the method of transporting the eggs.

3. DETECT YOUR TARGETS: You must find shops in a range that has a decent population and human movement, as well as markets where you can have a genuine supply of eggs, As long as you have a proper client connection and a good area readily available, you will have an endless list of opportunities to choose from.

You could likewise supply to egg shops more distant than yours if you are mobile and have targets ranging from Bakers who come in to buy large quantities and retailers and sub-distributors.

4. GET DEPENDABLE RETAILERS: The next step is to get a reliable retailer since this is an essential factor that determines the success of the egg supply business.

To ensure smooth business operations, you have to get your clients first before getting a shop for yourself, and this is important because your retailers must be nearer to your shop and not the farm where you get the eggs.

5. GET A STORAGE FACILITY/OUTLET: When supply may exceed demand, you may end up purchasing a more significant number of eggs that can be sold at that period, which would ultimately require the need for an egg storage facility/warehouse.

To ensure the success of your egg supply business, an understanding of the principles of egg storage is needed in the construction of the warehouse and the location of the warehouse relative to the other shops and egg supply farms.

6. TRANSPORTATION: Transportation is another essential factor to be considered and depending on the size of the capital, it is advised to start on a small scale.

Hired commercial vehicles can transport eggs from farms without a personal business vehicle. It is also essential to drive carefully, as eggs are fragile.

To reduce the incidence of egg breakage, provide vehicles with cushioning. A suitable arrangement should also be made.


What is the price of a crate of eggs?

Wholesalers in Nigeria make about N100 per crate, so you may earn an average of N200,000 profit by selling 500 boxes a week, depending on your area, investment, and population.

As your business grows, your profits will continue to soar higher, and one of the techniques to maximize your profit is to set up smaller retail outlets where you make up to N230 from each crate of eggs, and this is an additional payment if you have somebody selling at that outlet for you.

Starting the egg supply business involves starting small and gradually developing your capital while gaining a foothold in the industry by marketing and building connections, which is even more challenging than getting the money or products.

The demand for eggs is enormous, and it may prove not easy at first as each merchant and retailer has a provider, but your success would be determined when you can replace their current provider.

Remember not to undermine the effectiveness of personal relationships and referrals. It is good to keep yourself productive and to always focus on how profitable this business is.

Starting an egg supply business can start small and grow your capital slowly. Buying and selling eggs might look strange, but concentrate on how profitable it is. Don’t underestimate the place of personal relationships and referrals in the business’s success.

Keep yourself busy and be productive.

Things Needed for an Egg Distribution Business

Egg distribution is open to poultry farmers and anyone interested in participating in this highly profitable business area.

To begin with, you have to be on the lookout for many things. While there are lots of opportunities, there are challenges too! These challenges are not insurmountable with the right plan in place.

Always Have an Implementable Plan

Your business plan is invaluable. This document sets forth a direct and clear line of action at every stage of the business. This should be carefully written and stripped of all complexities to allow for easy implementation.

Every part of the plan is essential. Contents should include a 3-year profit projection, marketing strategies, organizational structure, an executive summary, and a business description.

Like any business, certain things must be in place to succeed. The same applies to an egg distribution business. In planning your business, these should not be overlooked. They include;

Supply and Demand

As an egg distributor , there should be a healthy dose of supply and demand. In other words, you should have a good source of egg supply. Not every poultry business produces quality eggs.

Quality eggs are essential to how quickly they are disposed of or sold; specific poultry farms are reputed for producing quality eggs. These should be on top of your preference list for suppliers.

On the other hand, demand is as significant as supply in the egg distribution business. There has to be a ready market for your products (eggs).

It is, therefore, essential to know or learn everything you can about your buyers. You may choose to serve or supply to end-users (consumers), or you may prefer to work with retailers.

Understanding the dynamics between the two is necessary.

Having multiple distribution chains will positively impact your business. But why is this necessary? It is essential because these are channels through which your egg supply business grows.

The more demand for eggs, the bigger your profits and capacity. The same applies to supply.

Only Seek Out the Best Deal

This is important, especially when looking for possible suppliers (poultry farms). As an egg distribution business, you will closely work with poultry farm owners.

It is necessary to balance the best poultry product (eggs) and the price. Thousands of poultry farmers are likely to offer you a better bargain.

It would help if you exhausted your options in choosing the most preferred poultry product supplier. This will significantly enhance your profit margins.

Having Sufficient Start-up Capital

Funding is a lifeline for an egg supply business. Start-up funding depends on the scale of egg distributorship. You may choose to save up for this or may prefer to apply for a loan. Whatever your preferences or needs are, your business needs to be adequately funded.

Sufficient funding is needed to purchase your first product consignments).

Delivery Van(s)

A delivery van is essential for an egg distribution business to be successful. Getting one will cost you. However, instead of buying one, you can convert the one you have for business use.

The number of vans you need will depend on the size of your business. The larger the size of your egg distribution business, the more delivery vans will be required.

Egg Packaging and Storage

Egg packaging and storage facilities are some of the most important requirements that help deliver eggs safely. This reduces damages or cracks as well as spoilage of these products.

Let’s discuss each of these separately;

Egg Packaging

For the safe distribution of eggs, they need to be packaged appropriately. This enhances their delivery to end consumers.

Proper packaging of eggs will prevent them from tainting, natural predators, moisture loss, and natural predators. Packaging involves a lot of things. These include labeling as well as protective packaging.

The packaging is crucial for protecting eggs and will provide a form of identification.

Egg Storage

As an egg distributor, you must have product storage or holding facility. Eggs are fragile, and storage facilities are needed to keep them from spoiling. While storing eggs in cold storage, they shouldn’t be washed.

However, these must be clean. Cold storage for eggs requires close monitoring if ideal storage conditions are to be met.

The good thing about egg storage is that it does not have to last long. As long as there is a demand for eggs, minimal storage time is needed.

The egg distribution business plan involves a whole lot of procedures. Having these at the back of your mind is necessary before venturing into this area of business.

Depending on the size of your business, staffing is required. The right type of workers should be hired. These will include drivers, packaging staff, and more. It is necessary to strategize before venturing out.

Doing this will enhance the chance of success.

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How To Start An Egg Distribution Business In Nigeria

Egg distribution is a low-cost and low-effort way to join the agriculture and food business in Nigeria. Egg distribution is less labour-intensive and often more profitable than poultry farming and many other types of agricultural businesses. Here is how to start an egg distribution business in Nigeria.

Shop fresh, high-quality eggs in Nigeria on Jiji

1. Find reliable suppliers

Since you won’t produce the eggs yourself, you are going to need a reliable supplier of the produce. Even if you are starting your business on a small scale, you still need to find at least two suppliers. Egg production can be an unstable business, and you don’t want to end up with no eggs to sell right before an important deal. Form a trustworthy, stable relationship with your suppliers and you can enjoy many benefits such as ultra-fresh produce and lower prices for wholesale purchases.

Read more: How To Start A Provision Store Business In Nigeria

2. Choose your niche

In order to be a successful egg distributor, you need to know exactly who you are selling to. The most popular niche is selling your produce to supermarkets and smaller stores, where eggs are always in demand. You can also sell eggs to restaurants, caterers, and fast food joints. Eggs are also used in the cosmetics industry, during the production of certain goods such as glue, as well as in the fitness and wellness industry to produce protein-based foods.

3. Locate a suitable facility

The good news is that you don’t need a separate office to run your business. Instead, you can rent a storage facility and run your operations from there. Your storage facility should be located right between your suppliers and potential customers, so that no one needs to travel for hours just to deliver or buy the eggs. Egg distribution does not require any expensive or specialized equipment, but you will need sturdy crates to store and deliver the eggs and prevent them from breaking.

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4. Set up your operations

To run a small egg distribution business, you may not need a large staff. If you can contact the customers and the suppliers yourself, run the storage, and deliver your produce all on your own, then you can save a fortune on business expenses. If not, you may need to hire one or two employees to help you with daily tasks. Additionally, you will need a car for delivery. It doesn’t have to be big or brand new, but it needs to be reliable enough so that you don’t end up constantly repairing it while being unable to deliver the goods.

5. Reach out to your customers

Ideally, you need to have a list of potential buyers even before you bring the first crate of eggs into your storage facility. Traditional marketing techniques, such as handing out flyers in the streets, may not work in this case. You can advertise your business online, but the most effective way to promote your egg distribution enterprise is to contact business owners directly and tell them what you do and how you can help them. Make sure to use your networking skills and make a good impression on the few existing customers, and your customer base will then grow thanks to the word of mouth marketing.

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business plan on egg distribution in nigeria

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My name is Inna. I am a content writer with an English and literature background. As a mother of a 4-year old son, I love learning about children’s health and development, as well as finding new interesting toys and activities for my little one. I am also in love with all things tech and always keep my finger on the pulse of new smartphone and gadget releases. Another big passion of mine is beauty and makeup – every day I read about new trends in skin care and makeup and always look forward to trying them. Plus, I love pop culture, travelling, crafts, and anything that can make our daily life more thrilling!

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How To Start A Lucrative Egg Supply Business In Nigeria: The Complete Guide

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The poultry business is an immensely profitable one for any entrepreneur to venture into in Nigeria. But while growing chickens can be a lucrative investment, venturing into the supply and distribution of eggs to buyers with shops and more is a lucrative segment of the poultry business for anyone to start up a profitable enterprise in.

Eggs are largely consumed by a wide range of people and organisations in Nigeria ranging from hotels, restaurants, events, families, and individuals. It is even more interesting to know that in the production of most baked snacks, eggs are used in the manufacturing process, and as such, their demand and usage in Nigeria remains astronomical.

With a vast market and a great potential to build a million-dollar venture out of the egg distribution business in Nigeria, venturing into egg production and distribution is a great move to make.

What Is The Egg Distribution Business About?

The egg distribution business in Nigeria is about the supply of eggs from poultry farms to businesses on a daily, weekly, and monthly recurring basis. It is usually supplied in hundreds, and more commonly thousands, but all ultimately depending on the size, demand, and financial capability of the client.

Business Opportunities In The Egg Distribution Business Around The World

1). common supplies:.

Eggs could be supplied to homes, supermarkets, restaurants, and bakeries on a daily, monthly and weekly basis, providing the business handling the supply a recurring stream of income since its major use at its supply points is for the preparation of cooked meals and pastries.

2). Industrial supply:

Eggs are used in some industrial practices for the production of glue and some other materials. As such, these industries need a constant recurring supply of large egg volumes from various suppliers.

3). Cosmetics:

Eggs are used by some cosmetic companies for manufacturing hair and skin care products.

4). Fitness:

Most gyms encourage their members to consume a lot of eggs on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis to boost their protein intake, and in the process, gain considerable muscle mass. You could reach out to gyms to build a supply link between your organisation and their clients.

Facts And Benefits Of The Egg Distribution Business

  • Easy to startup and operate
  • It can be a low-cost business idea
  • The egg supply business does not require advanced tooling or special skills
  • Eggs are a great source of protein
  • Eggs have a wide variety
  • It can create a weekly recurring income stream
  • The colour of the shell depends on the breed of the hen that laid it.
  • The colour of the yolk depends on the hen’s diet.
  • The age of a hen affects the size of an egg.
  • For the best hard boiled eggs, use eggs that are at least 10 days old.

How To Start An Egg Distribution Business: Step By Step Guide

1). identify a reliable farm that produces large egg volumes:.

The first step to starting an egg distribution business in Nigeria or Africa is to locate a farm you can constantly get a large volume supply of eggs from. While one farm may appear to be good enough, it’s key you have two to three poultry farms you purchase eggs from at very affordable and reasonable prices, so that you can never default on a supply to your end clients.

2). Raise Adequate Startup Capital:

After taking care of your supply point, the next step is to raise adequate startup capital to run your business so that once you reach out to prospective clients to supply them eggs, you’d be able to handle the supplies on time every time.

3). Reach Out To Several Prospective Customers:

The next step is to build your supply chain by reaching out to prospective clients who have a high chance of making a weekly recurrent purchase from your organisation. These can be restaurants, hotels, boarding schools, and much more.

When they buy from you on a recurring basis, you’d know you have a steady weekly income and would easily grow your business from there.

4). Setup A Storage Facility And Acquire The Required Equipment:

Once you’ve established a strong supply chain and may be ready to start the egg distribution business, you’d need to set up the required infrastructure you need to make your business a successful one by renting a space to act as a storage facility and by either purchasing a delivery van or finding one you can lease at a very affordable cost.

The amount of money you spend on equipment and transportation can greatly affect your profit margins negatively or positively. So paying extra attention to this is key to success.

Challenges Of The Egg Distribution Business

  • Lack of experience.
  • Pests like rodents
  • Low and unstable investment in poultry research.
  • Financial challenges.
  • Marketing challenges.
  • Poorly managed supply chain.

The egg distribution business in Nigeria can be a Lucrative and profitable venture, due partly to its vast market demands and largely on your own ability to build a wide supply chain network. If you’re looking for a part agribusiness to venture into, the egg supply business in Nigeria is another option to explore.

What are your thoughts on how to start the egg distribution business in Nigeria? Let me know by leaving a comment below.

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How To Start Egg Distribution Business In Nigeria

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A well detailed Egg distribution Business plan / feasibility study sample could be the difference between you owning a profitable egg distribution business in Nigeria.

This Egg distribution business plan has been recently update to give you the current Market analysis and comprehensive insight into egg supply business in Nigeria. This manual can be used for Bank Loans, Grant, Business proposal Writing and competition

Unknown to many persons, the egg distribution business in Nigeria is actually very lucrative and you can make a ton of cool cash distributing eggs as a retailer or as a poultry farmer in Nigeria.

entrepreneur and Poultry farmers can actually earn a very big income each month distributing eggs to targeted customers. its no surprise that egg remain one of the poultry product most in demand come to think about it twice when I tell you that eggs (especially the eggs of chickens) are consumed daily by people everyday thus, underlining a very high and ever growing demand for the poultry product.


Executive Summary Introduction Business Description Products and services Competitive Advantage Market Research Competitor Analysis Sales and Marketing Plan Operational Plan Business Risk Management and Structure Financial Plan and Projections

GET THIS EGG DISTRIBUTION BUSINESS PLAN / EGG SUPPLY FEASIBILITY STUDY REPORT. For the remaining part of this Egg Distribution Business Plan including the detailed financial analysis , pay N10,000 to Place your Order

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Account Name – Uwadia Eyemeka

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After payment text your name, your e-mail address and bank teller number to 07036785443 and you’ll receive your Egg Distribution Business Plan In Nigeria / FEASIBILITY STUDY Egg Distribution Business Plan In Nigeria Feasibility Studies

Egg Distribution Feasibility Study

Egg is one of the main poultry products that poultry farmers get from their chicken while distribution business in Nigeria basically the when entrepreneurs distribute eggs from poultry farms to egg sellers and individuals alike, Entrepreneurs can distribute their eggs on a daily, weekly or monthly recurring basis depending on the demand of his/her costumers.

The profitability of egg distribution business can not be over emphasized as this eggs usually supplied in hundreds, and more commonly thousands, but all ultimately depending on the size, demand, and financial capability of the costumers you will be supplying your eggs to.

Starting up a Egg supply business in Nigeria is fairly easy Startup is not much capital required low-cost business idea The egg supply business does not require advanced tooling or special skills Eggs are a great source of protein Eggs have a wide variety It can create a weekly recurring income stream The colour of the egg shell depends on the breed of the hen that laid it. The colour of the yolk depends on the hen’s diet. The age of a hen affects the size of an egg. For the best hard boiled eggs, use eggs that are at least 10 days old

Starting Up An Egg Distribution Business In Nigeria

Identify a reliable farm that produces large egg volumes:.

Identifying a poultry farm should be the first step you take when starting up your an egg distribution business in Nigeria.

You should locate a poultry farm where you can constantly get a large volume supply of eggs from. I would advise that you locate two to three poultry farms you purchase eggs from at very affordable and reasonable prices and most importantly so that you don’t run short of eggs to supply when any of your costumers come calling for a large supply.

Get Your Own Supply Vehicle

If you are planing on supplying your eggs  on a very large scale and also cover a large client list, then getting a distribution vehicle to transport your eggs is very important. Egg Supply business in Nigeria can be very profitable when you make it a mobile business and the Purpose of getting a vehicle is that you get to distribute your eggs conveniently to your customers

For the remaining part of this Egg Distribution Business Plan including the detailed financial analysis ,  and also how to get bank loans, and entrepreneurial grants to finance your Egg supply business in pay N10,000 to Place your Order call 07036785443

GTBank (Guaranty Trust Bank) Account Name – Uwadia Eyemeka Account No – 0127561472

After payment text your name, your e-mail address and bank teller number to 07036785443 and you’ll receive your Egg Distribution Business Plan In Nigeria / FEASIBILITY STUDY

Potential Profit In Eggs Supply Business

In Egg Supply business, you are practically your own boss and how much profit you make from your egg supply business depends on your marketing strategy.

Depending on any size of egg you choose to supply, you cam make a profit of N100 per crate of egg that is if you are supplying as a whole seller but if you choose to sell as retailer you can have profit of N300 on a crate. If you restrict yourself to selling just 100 crates of eggs weekly, that means you will realize profit of over N10,000 weekly and this is just N40, 000 monthly.

This is how you determine your profit. Setting a target to sell 1,000 crates of egg per week will mean you will realize 100 x 1,000 = N100,000 weekly, multiply this per month, that is a whooping sum of N400,000 profit monthly. If you deduct your monthly expenses from this amount am very sure you will still have a reasonable amount to save

Challenges Of The Egg Distribution Business

Just like every other profitable Business in Nigeria, Egg supply business also has its own challenges. Some of the problems entrepreneurs face during and egg distribution in Nigeria include:

Lack of experience. Pests like rodents Low and unstable investment in poultry research. Financial challenges. Marketing challenges. Poorly managed supply chain.

Luckily our professional business plan writer in Nigeria has a comprehensive egg supply feasibility study to help entrepreneurs looking to start a profitable egg distribution business in Nigeria

Final Thought

Egg supply business in Nigeria can be a goldmine and highly profitable venture which could be attributed to the fact that its vast market demands and largely on your own ability to build a wide supply chain network. If you’re looking for a part agribusiness to venture into, the egg supply business in Nigeria should be one to consider

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How To Start A Lucrative Egg Hatchery Business In Nigeria: The Complete Guide

How To Start Egg Hatchery Business In Nigeria Or Africa: Complete Guide

Over the last 20 years, egg hatchery has grown tremendously all across the globe, and the situation is not any different in Nigeria. According to statistics, poultry business will witness a 30% increase within the next few years, and eggs will make about 1.6% of the growth. Reports hold that, as of 2109, an average person consumed about 300 eggs per year. The high figures are due in part to the demand for protein, and eggs are a cheaper source than meat, fish, milk and the others. More so, eggs are used in many more ways than one, such as making omelette, baking, cooking other meals, and production of snacks.

In 2018, egg production rose from 73.9 million tonnes to an excess of 76.7 million tonnes globally. Till date, China remains the steady largest producer of eggs, with about 42% (29,128,715 metric tonnes) contribution to annual egg production. The United States follows from a distance with about 6% of the annual contribution to global production. In 2018, global egg production was valued at over US$260 million and has been projected to reach $350 million by 2027 at a CAGR of 3.0%. On the other hand, Germany ($729M), Iraq ($396M) and the Netherlands ($346M) were among the top importers of eggs.

Although poultry thrives well in Nigeria, the volume of eggs produced annually is only 481,437 tonnes with a consistent CAGR of 3.7%. Notwithstanding, Nigeria’s poultry and egg production industry, worth about $600 million, remains the largest in Africa at large, followed by South Africa. This implies that if the industry is given more attention, it is bound to grow exponentially. The situation is the same for existing local producers of eggs, and prospective investors in poultry farming and egg producers. It promises great profits and a steady market both at the national and international scenes. Are you planning to start a lucrative egg hatchery business in Nigeria? Here is a complete guide to help you through the process.

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What Is An Egg?

An egg is a semi-liquid substance enclosed in oval shells, laid by the female specie of birds, reptiles, amphibians and some mammals. The eggs consumed mainly by humans are those by poultry birds, including hens, Guinea fowls, and turkeys, among others. However, eggs from hens are the most eaten worldwide.

What Is Egg Hatchery?

Egg hatchery refers to the process of using technology — typically incubators — to incubate and hatch eggs for commercial production. Within the last 10 years, poultry business has expanded significantly in Nigeria, and egg hatchery has grown with it. It stands as one of the most capitalized sectors in poultry farming. Most poultry farmers conduct the business in their compound.

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Business Opportunities In Egg Hatchery Business In Nigeria And Around The World

The employment opportunities associated with eggs include:

1). Food And Snack Production:

Eggs form a basic snack and meal for egg lovers all over the world. An egg can be made in many diverse ways. You could boil, bake, poach, scramble or fry it. Eggs can be eaten alone or with other food items such as bread, yam and noodles, among others. In the absence of other proteinous food supplements such as meat and fish, most Nigerians opt for eggs. You could as well add them to pies, waffles, sandwiches, buns and cakes. Commercializing any of these food items could make a lucrative venture for anyone in any part of the world. In Nigeria, production of egg buns and egg sandwiches are common businesses that thrive very well among students.

2). Egg Distribution:

For a successful egg hatchery business, there is the need to contract drivers as well as distributors. This creates a job window for young people who can delicately handle the distribution and marketing of eggs.

3). Production Of Cleaning Materials:

Eggshells are mainly used with other items to produce cleaning agents which are used to scrub hard stains on pans and pots.

Facts And Benefits Of Eggs

  • Egg is a rich source of protein.
  • Eggs from other poultry birds and reptiles are also edible.
  • Before World War II, egg production came mainly from farm flocks of less than 400 hens.
  • One single boiled egg contains 22% selenium, 15% Vitamin B2 and 9% Vitamin B12.
  • The egg yolk is richer in calories than the white part of the egg.
  • Eggs help to build body muscles.
  • Eggs promote brain health.
  • Eggs contain selenium and vitamins which help to build a strong immune system.
  • Eggs also contain lutein which improves eye vision.
  • Eating boiled eggs can make you feel full.
  • It is illegal to sell unwashed eggs in the U.S.
  • You get more nutrients when you boil eggs than drinking them raw.
  • To prevent the yolk from sticking to one side of the shell, a hen turns each egg about 50 times per day.
  • China, USA, Japan, India and Mexico are leaders of egg production worldwide.
  • The word ‘yolk’ means yellow in Old English.
  • In comparison to body size, kiwis lay the largest eggs.
  • If an egg is hard to peel after boiling, it is because the egg white bonded strongly with the inner membrane.
  • The colour of the eggshell is based on the breed of the hen that laid it.

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Types of eggs.

There are no specific species of eggs, but eggs may be classified based on the birds or reptiles they are gotten from. These include hens, kiwis, ostriches, guinea hens, duck fowls, turkeys, etc.

How To Start An Egg Hatchery Business In Nigeria: Step-By-Step Guide

1). conduct a feasibility study:.

A feasibility study entails all the factors you need to start an egg hatchery business. This is the point where you decide which eggs in particular you want to hatch. The option in Nigeria is most definitely chicken eggs. You should also determine the area where you want to establish the business. How favourable is it for a egg hatchery? Do you intend to breed your hens yourself? Do you want to combine poultry farming as well? You should also determine if your capital would be enough for egg hatchery business in your selected area.

3). Acquire A Piece Of Land:

After making your decision, you should get a piece of land that will suit the size of your business. It is recommended that the land should not be too close to residential areas because of the strong smell from egg hatchery.

3). Construct The Required Structures:

Egg hatchery requires structures. Contract an expert professional to build suitable structures where you will house the equipment and hatch the eggs. Make sure it is built with different sections for the various stages of egg hatchery such as egg handling, egg fumigation, chick handling, etc. and ensure that the facilities are built with security in mind. Some of the basic structures needed are a cloakroom, an equipment store, an incubator section, administrative block, restrooms, etc.

4). Install Hatchery Equipment:

Egg hatchery requires a couple of machines and devices including the incubator, lighting system and water troughs if you wish to combine poultry farming.

5). Procure The Needed Devices And Equipment:

You need to invest in some devices and equipment including trolleys, an incubator, power generators, pressure washers, borehole or any other water supply means, baskets, egg crates, and cooling machines, among others.

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Challenges Of Egg Hatchery Business In Nigeria

Some of the challenges to watch against in egg hatchery business are:

  • High startup cost
  • Egg hatchery is labour-intensive.
  • Irregular power supply in most parts of the country.
  • Difficulty in procuring good eggs for hatching.
  • Bad weather
  • Diseases and predator attacks
  • Risk of Stealing
  • Scarcity of spare parts for machines.
  • Lack of loan structure for poultry farmers.
  • Low government support
  • Unavailability of trained labour for hatching.
  • Difficulty in handling eggs and chicks.
  • Difficulty in reaching the most international market.
  • Poor road network for distribution.
  • High cost of maintaining hatching devices.

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To Sum It Up

Starting an egg hatchery business is a venture you should take seriously if you’re delving into the business. Be meticulous with your decisions right from site selection to procuring quality eggs and employing trusted labour. With the teeming demand for eggs, you can never run out of market. Over time, as more favourable conditions are put in place by the government in forms of sound policies, power supply and financial support, the business will rake in greater returns both for the individual businessperson and the nation at large.

The egg hatchery business in Nigeria can be a lucrative and profitable venture to start-up, due to its vast market demand and on your ability to build a wide sales network. If you’re looking for a lucrative business to venture into, the egg hatchery business in Nigeria is a great option to explore.

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What are your thoughts on how to start an egg hatchery business in Nigeria? Let me know by leaving a comment below.

Stan Edom

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how to start egg distribution business

How To Start Egg Distribution Business [Step By Step Guide]

business plan on egg distribution in nigeria

The act of distributing eggs and making them available to customers locally is known as the egg supply business or egg distribution business.

To start an egg business, you need to start your Poultry farm or locate a Poultry into layers raising, bargain with them, get means of transportation then move the eggs to a direct client.

Let’s quickly take a step-by-step guide on how to start an egg distribution business.

Table of Contents

Here are the steps involves to start supplying eggs to customers;

Sorting of eggs for supply business

Step 1: Locate a Poultry farm or start yours

The quickest way to start egg supply right away is to search for a big Poultry that can supply you with large quantities of eggs to redistribute to end-users.

You can scout for one by searching on social media, and telling friends and relatives to keep you abreast if they found one.

Alternatively, you can start your own Poultry farm and raise layers that will lay eggs for you.

The difference between this two is that with the first approach you can get into business right away, while the latter will take you time to get your business off ground.

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Step 2: Do a market survey for potential buyers

Distribution requires you to have clients who are readily available to buy directly from you. So to make your quest of starting an egg distribution business a success, you need to enter the market, neighborhood, and religious places and collect information about customers who are in need of eggs and the quantities they will be needing.

Step 3: Raise Capital

To start your business, you need to raise capital. You will need an initial capital of at least $1000. With this, you can Poultry of your choice to book stocks.

Step 4: Find means of transportation

The hardest part of this business is having the mobility to move from one customer to another.

To reduce the cost of mobility, you may purchase a tricycle. This will not only reduce the cost of the vehicle but as well reduce the expenses you may need to spend on it when it is faulty.

Also, it will help reduce running costs on fueling.

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Step 5: Purchase other tools needed to start supplying

To kickstart your supply business, you need to buy crates, and books to take orders, and have an office location where your customer can come book as well. With this in place, you can start running your business.

Pros Of Egg Supply Business

Working as an eggs supplier comes with lots of benefits which include;

You can have a good return on capital if you venture into the egg distribution business.

You can make 100naira per crate multiplied by the number of crates you sell daily or weekly.

It is easy to start:

Unlike other businesses, the egg supply business is easy to start from anywhere in the country.

High demand for eggs:

The demand for eggs is always high. You cannot run at a loss if you start distributing eggs.

It creates a source of employment:

in the face of timing unemployment, starting an egg distributing business can help wipe out unemployment from society.

Read Also:  How To Start Poultry Farming In Nigeria [Step By Step Guide]

Cons Of Egg Supply Business:

It is expensive to start:.

To start an egg distribution business requires lots of money to start.

Ranging from money to buy equipment to use, to buy stocks, to run daily expenses, one can conclude it’s expensive to start.

High risk of shortage:

Distributing eggs comes with its risks. Owing to the fragility of eggs, eggs can easily break while transported from farm to client.

It doesn’t stay too long before it got spoilt:

If eggs are not sold between 1-2weeks intervals, they can deteriorate to a level one will run at loss.

Potential Places You Can Supply Eggs To

To start your egg distribution business, you need to know your potential buyers and they include;

Snacks sellers:

Those who make snacks and stuff, they may need eggs to make Dutch eggs, egg pie, etc.

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Cake makers:

You can approach those who are into making cakes as they require eggs in course of their cake production.

Home and offices:

You may distribute to office workers who intend to cook and eat eggs at home.

Cosmetic industry:

You can approach the cosmetic industry as they also require eggs for their production.

Common Problems Facing Egg Distribution Business

The common problems facing the egg distribution business include

  • High risk of egg breaking
  • Capital intensive
  • High cost of animal feeds
  • Bad road network which sometimes leads to cracking and breaking of eggs.

Is the egg business a profitable business?

Yes, the egg business is a profitable business to start anywhere in the world.

How Much Capital to start an egg business

You need at least $1,000 to start an egg business anywhere in the world

Before you start your venture into the egg supply business, you need to follow the steps we have listed in this guide. So, that is all we have prepared you on how to start an egg distribution business.

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business plan on egg distribution in nigeria

Author: Adewebs

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business plan on egg distribution in nigeria

business plan on egg distribution in nigeria

Hatching New Opportunities: The Booming Poultry and Egg Distribution Business in Nigeria

  • by SME Guide

business plan on egg distribution in nigeria

Nigeria’s rapidly growing population and emerging middle class are fueling chicken and egg consumption across urban and rural areas. This rising demand, coupled with improved production, is creating lucrative opportunities in poultry and egg distribution. Efficient distribution networks will be crucial to linking farms with retail and wholesale markets, restaurants, and processing companies. This article provides an in-depth look at Nigeria’s booming chicken and egg distribution business and strategies for tapping into its potential.

Overview of the Poultry and Egg Sector

Poultry farming for eggs and broiler production is a major agriculture sub-sector in Nigeria. Key highlights include:

  • Nigeria is Africa’s largest poultry producer, with over 200 million chickens.
  • Poultry contributes about 25–30% of Nigeria’s livestock production.
  • Around 10% of the population is engaged in commercial or rural poultry farming.
  • Annual egg production exceeds 650,000 metric tonnes, valued at around ₦150 billion.
  • An average of 1.2 million eggs are marketed daily from major producing states like Ogun, Kaduna, Lagos, and Kano.
  • With rising demand, poultry imports are also increasing, especially breeder stock and turkey.

The Emerging Role of Distribution

As poultry and egg production scales up across Nigeria, efficient distribution will be imperative to connect farm output with demand centres while maintaining quality.

Volume Handling

Nigeria’s large population and growing egg consumption result in massive volumes that must be reliably moved from farms to end consumers.

Storage and transportation

Eggs and chickens require proper storage and specialised transport, like refrigerated trucks, to prevent spoilage and losses.

Market Linkages

Distribution networks aggregate produce from numerous farms and supply it to diverse markets, from small kiosks to large supermarket chains.

Value Addition

Beyond transportation, distributors can provide grading, packaging, and branding to add value.

Models for Poultry and Egg Distribution

There are several existing and emerging distribution models to link farms and markets:

Informal rural networks

In villages, egg distribution may involve farmers transporting eggs by motorcycle or public transport to sell in nearby markets.

Urban Middlemen

Independent agents collect eggs from peri-urban farms using vans and supply them to urban retailers, wet markets, and street hawkers.

Integrated Company Distribution

Large poultry companies like Obasanjo Farms and Zartech have their own cold chain distribution fleets to supply eggs from their farms to customers nationwide.

Third-party distribution firms

Dedicated cold chain distribution companies like Goldenlay Foods are offering logistics services to poultry farms or food processors.

E-Commerce Channels

Online grocery platforms like Jumia Food are facilitating egg deliveries from farms and distributors to urban consumers.

Key distribution challenges

Major issues facing Nigeria’s emerging poultry and egg distribution sector include:

Inadequate cold chain infrastructure

Limited temperature-controlled vehicles, warehouses, and cold stores result in high post-harvest losses.

Underdeveloped transportation networks

Poor rural feeder roads make egg collection expensive. Highway congestion also delays deliveries.

Suboptimal Logistics Operations

Inefficient haulage organisation, routing, and loading by distributors lead to losses and quality issues.

Limited Use of Technology

The lack of digital tools for supply chain monitoring, coordination with farms, and managing orders limits optimisation.

Poor packaging practices

Cracked eggs from poor packaging and stacking during transportation reduce marketability and increase waste.

Irregular Power Supply

Frequent power outages disrupt the integrity and operations of hatcheries, feed mills, and processing plants.

Solutions and Innovations for Efficient Distribution

Players in the poultry distribution value chain are adopting various solutions to address key challenges:

Expanding cold chain infrastructure

Distributors are investing in refrigerated trucks, vans, and cold storage warehouses powered by solar energy and generators to ensure temperature control.

Adopting ERP systems

Enterprise Resource Planning software enables coordination with farms, order processing, inventory management, and route optimisation.

Leveraging digital technologies

Platforms like Farmerline allow farms to share real-time data on production volumes to improve haulage planning.

Food Safety and Testing

Distributors are training staff on hygienic practices and using rapid testing kits to check product quality.

Value-added Services

Distributors are moving beyond just transportation to activities like repackaging, branding, advertising, and promotions.

Strategic Distribution Centres

Building distribution hubs near major highways reduces delivery times to demand centres.

Key Players in Poultry and Egg Distribution

Dedicated cold chain and logistics companies are responding to distribution challenges as the poultry sector grows.

Goldenlay Foods Limited

A vertically integrated company involved in the production, processing, cold chain distribution, and marketing of eggs Their fleet of refrigerated vehicles delivers GoldenLay eggs nationally.

Concept Group

Provides storage, haulage, and delivery services to poultry farms and food companies using a nationwide network of warehouses and cold chain vehicles.

Tranex Distribution

Focuses on the cold chain distribution of frozen poultry products from major processing plants to retailers countrywide. Their services support brands like Chi Farms.

Cobdeed Distribution

A cold chain and logistics company specialised in distributing frozen chicken, eggs, and other fast-moving consumer goods to modern trade outlets.

Vestacool Nigeria Limited

Offers cold chain consultancy, storage infrastructure, and refrigerated trucking tailored for agribusinesses. Their services support poultry companies.

Pricepally Limited

An e-commerce company focused on digital distribution platforms to directly connect farms and cooperatives to businesses and consumers.

Opportunities and Prospects in Poultry Distribution

Despite existing challenges, the poultry distribution business has strong growth potential, supported by rising production and consumption. Key opportunity areas include:

Serving smaller markets

Expanding distribution networks to smaller towns and rural markets currently underserved by large distributors.

Regional Exports

Leveraging Nigeria’s poultry volumes to begin exporting eggs and poultry meat to other West African countries

Contract Haulage Services

Providing dedicated haulage and distribution services on a contract basis for specific poultry farms and processors

Value-Added Distribution

Expanding from basic distribution to value additions like quality assurance, repackaging, branding, and sales support.

Online Distribution

Using e-commerce platforms to facilitate direct farm-to-consumer distribution

Distribution Facility Development

Establishing independent, temperature-controlled distribution facilities and fleets for lease by poultry marketers

Supply Chain Finance

Offering financing, advance payment, and embedded working capital models to poultry companies using distribution networks as a channel.

Distribution Technology Deployment

Adopting supply chain digital platforms, Internet of Things sensors, mobile apps, and data analytics to enable real-time visibility, automation, route optimisation, and inventory management across distribution operations.

An efficient distribution system will be critical to supporting the growth of Nigeria’s poultry and egg sector. Distributors have an important role to play in reducing post-harvest losses while making eggs accessible and affordable across the country. By investing in infrastructure, systems, and solutions, distributors can turn challenges into opportunities to deliver value. With the right innovations and strategies, companies in the poultry distribution business stand to reap significant rewards.

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Do you want to know how to start an egg supply and distribution business in Nigeria and make money? No issues. This post will provide you with necessary information on how to begin and record profits running the business.

Before we dive in, please, permit me to tell you a short true-life story. As at the time Deborah experienced a great but unexpected change in her life, she was in her mid-thirties.

business plan on egg distribution in nigeria

Gainfully employed. She worked on the Island. She is married and has two kids. She is the perfect definition of beauty plus a brain. A very hardworking fellow who always delivers results for the company. She has been working with the company for seven good years.

One Monday morning, at the meeting, Deborah and her coworkers were informed that a large organization has acquired the company and the new management will take charge of the company’s affairs soon.

business plan on egg distribution in nigeria

Long story short, the new management couldn’t keep all the employees. They had to sack some of them. And Deborah was unlucky; she was among the employees who got booted out of the company. She didn’t expect it. It was like a nightmare to her. She has no other option than to accept her fate and move on.

She began hunting for jobs here and there in the city of Lagos. You would think that her experience will open the door to another job for her easily, but it wasn’t like that. Disappointedly, with her years of experience, she couldn’t secure one. But she wasn’t desperate.

Her husband worked on the Island. He used his connections to look for a good job for his wife. All the available opportunities weren’t worth it. While a few companies were saying that they cannot afford to pay her salary because of her experience.

On the other hand, she is now able to spend a good time with her kids at home and she loves it.

One morning, as she was thinking of the next step to take, the idea of having a home-based business flashed to her mind. As the smart person that she is, she started putting different ideas down on paper. Eventually, she settled on an egg supply and distribution business idea. This is how the business changed her life and she has always been grateful for treading the path.

Egg supply and distribution business has been a quiet goldmine. It’s one of the cool businesses you can run anywhere you are except if you are in a place where they don’t eat eggs at all. Though the volume is different, eggs are eaten everywhere in Nigeria. The consumption rate of eggs in cities is quite higher than that of rural areas due to population and purchasing power.

See, Nigerians love to eat eggs. If you know how many crates of eggs Nigerians consume daily, you’ll be shocked. Before the land border was closed, Nigerians used to import eggs from Cotonou, Benin Republic. This simply implies that the demand is higher than the supply, and even to date, we have not been able to produce enough eggs we consume in the country. This is among the reasons the price of eggs goes up.

According to Nairametrics, the expenditure pattern report shows that Nigerians spend 56% of their income on food. Is there any other market bigger than a good market in Nigeria? I think you know the answer.

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, Nigeria has the second-largest chicken population in Africa, after South Africa, producing 650, 000 tonnes of eggs per annum. The egg market in Nigeria generates about N1.7billion in sales daily. You can carry out your own research.

The egg is consumed for its benefit. The egg is the cheapest highest-quality source of protein for Nigerians. The egg is rich in vital healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

In this blog post, I will be revealing to you how anyone can start an egg supply and distribution business in Nigeria and turn it into a profitable venture.

Let’s dive in!

What is an egg distribution and supply business?

An egg distribution business is a kind of business where the business person buys crates of eggs directly from farms in large quantities and resells them to people in crates at wholesale price. The wholesalers, retailers, and individuals buy eggs from distributors.

Running a poultry farm is not easy and comes with many responsibilities. Many poultry farmers have no time to market, distribute their eggs by themselves. It saves them time and energy to sell to distributors in large quantities. The distributors take the responsibility of transporting the eggs they buy at poultry farms to their business locations.

With N100, 000, one can start the egg supply and distribution business and turn it into a money-making venture in Nigeria. Egg is a daily consumable in Nigeria. So long people eat eggs in this country and you’re able to have a good number of customers buying from you regularly, money won’t stop flowing in your direction.

The steps to take are simple and straightforward to some extent: you buy crates of eggs from the farm, transport them to your business place, distribute them to those who make orders, you get paid and repeat the process.

Step by step guide on how to start egg business in Nigeria

Get a good poultry farm to buy from:

Most of the poultry farms in Nigeria sell eggs but the majority are not reliable. Check around and choose a good one to do business with.

Poultry farms sell crates of eggs to distributors at different rates. You can always negotiate the price. You are in a good position to negotiate better if you are buying large quantities. The more you buy, the better the price.

If you are in Lagos, you are likely to be buying eggs from the farms in Oyo State, Ondo State, and Ogun State. Most of the poultry farms in Lagos have big-time distributors they sell to, more so, buying from them is expensive because you can never meet up with the volume of their distributors as a starter in the business.

Buying eggs from poultry farms outside Lagos is cheap but the headache is transporting them down to your place. But by the time you do your calculations, it is worth it.

Farms operate on different rules of engagement with distributors. Be prepared.

Get customers for your business:

Turning your egg distribution and supply business into a profitable venture in Nigeria relies on having a good number of customers who buy eggs regularly from you. You need to employ different kinds of marketing tactics to win people’s hearts.

Most of the buyers already have who sell eggs to them, but not all of them is satisfied, so this leaves room for you to come in. You may reduce your price to get them to buy from you. Maybe you will deliver on time. It depends.

Move around to meet with people and discuss your business with them. The more customers you have, the more the profits.

Get your capital ready:

You cannot start an egg supply and distribution business in Nigeria with no money. I don’t see a farm giving a person who is just starting out in the business crates of eggs on credit in Nigeria.

Get your capital ready. If you don’t have money to start, you can raise some money from friends and family members. What I know about this business is: your capital will never be enough if your customer base is large. You will definitely need other people’s money. One of the quickest ways to get people motivated to hand over their money to you is to assure them they will get their own share of profits when giving you the money.

N100, 000 is good enough to start a business in Nigeria. You buy crates of eggs with the money, sort the transport expenses, and reserve some money at hand for other business expenses.

Get means of transporting your crates of eggs from the farm:

Moving the eggs from the farm is your biggest business expense. Having your own car/bus makes things easy for you and at the same time you spend less. You can hire a car/bus if you don’t have your own ride.

Transporting crates of eggs from one location to another requires care, else you will have some cracked eggs. You packed the crates of eggs properly with pieces of cartons. The closer the farm to you, the better the condition of the road to the farm, the more the profits. Because if you are not careful, the transport expenses and losses on the cracked eggs can eat up all your profits.

More so, hiring an old man’s car/bus is better than hiring a young man’s. Old men don’t rush when driving and they carefully listen to you and they also charge less than young drivers. If you are able to hire a good one, it’s preferable.

Store and sell your eggs: Be it a shop or warehouse or your house, store eggs and sell to buyers who make requests for them. When you store your eggs safely, you won’t incur any loss.

Bad book-keeping kills small businesses and egg supply and distribution is not left out. Keep good records of your customers’ details, sales, and expenses right from the beginning.

Egg marketing doesn’t end. As you’re making sales, you’ll be marketing to more buyers simultaneously so that you’ll always have egg orders and make more money.

In conclusion The egg supply and distribution business are one of the easiest businesses to start in Nigeria with little capital. Business roads are not smooth but with good efforts, success is there. You make more money when you sell high volume.

business plan on egg distribution in nigeria

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I will like to start the egg business

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I’m really interested because Nigeria economy now requires more than one source of income…I just thought about egg business while waking up this morning and made research on it…With this article of yours I’ll like to start the egg distribution business.

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How many crates do you need and where’s your location? I can get you as many crates you want.

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How to start egg supply business in Nigeria

Adebayor Peter

  • Updated March 21, 2024
  • Read Time 5 mins

Egg supply business in Nigeria

Egg supply business also known as egg distribution business involves the sourcing and supply of eggs to individuals, supermarkets, hotels, shops and companies. It is a very lucrative business that anyone can start to make massive profit. The business is not very capital intensive but very rewarding.

Without a doubt, poultry business is one of the most lucrative business to start anywhere in Nigeria and Africa. And raring of chickens is king of the kind. One thing that makes poultry business so lucrative is egg. Because of its nutritional value and demand, supplying and distributions of eggs is a lucrative business with manifold profits in Nigeria and beyond. Anywhere in the world.

Table of Contents

Why egg supply business is very lucrative

What is egg supply business all about, 1. common supplies, 2. industrial supply, 3. cosmetics, the advantages of egg supply business, how to start egg supply business.

The population of egg consumers is very large and wide in variety, ranging from everyday people to companies, hotels and many other establishments of which restaurants and events are part of it.

Eggs are not just needed for eating alone.  Eggs are also used in most baked snacks during manufacturing processes

To cap it all up, Egg is the number one source of protein for human. There have been many research where scientists have concluded that consumption of egg plays a big part in human health.

The egg supply market is worth billions of Naira in Nigeria. And everyone who ventures into it has a good opportunity to tap into these billions. As a result of this, we can say venturing into egg production and distribution business is a great move to make.

It is about sharing of eggs produced from poultry to the buyers daily, sometimes weekly, monthly depending on the need of the buyers. The supply of eggs will depend on demand. In most cases, customers usually order for eggs in hundreds, some thousands but it majorly depends on the financial capacity of the customers. However, it is important we discuss on the opportunity available in egg distribution business.

The opportunities in the egg distribution business

Eggs are known to be supplied to shops or supermarket, restaurants, bakeries and cosmetics industries on a daily basis, weekly or perhaps monthly in wholesale. With this, the business owner is given the opportunity to make immense income on a daily basis, weekly, and monthly. Almost everyone eats egg. In fact, scientists recommend eating at least one egg a day

Eggs are utilized in some companies for the purpose of industrial productions such as glue and some other products. In lieu to this, these industries need a constant supply of eggs for them to sustain their legacy and activities. Therefore, they order for large egg supplies, of which you can write proposals to them after setting up your poultry for egg production.

Some cosmetics establishments also utilize the efficiency of egg to make their various skin products.

In the fitness center, they do encourage their clients to take in a lot of eggs so that it can help them to boost their protein intake and by doing that, they can get to build their bodies and gain considerable muscle mass. You could reach out to gym centers out there and by doing so, you will get more clients for your egg supply business.

  • Easy to establish
  • It does not cost a fortune to start
  • You do not need any skills or qualification to enter the egg supply business
  • It can bring daily and weekly non-stop income

Follow these steps to start egg supply business:

Locate a reliable poultry farm that produce eggs in large quantities

The first step is to locate a dependable poultry farm that can easily supply you large quantities of eggs anytime you need it. Make sure you locate a well-organized farm. You should be connected to more than one farm. Have at least two to avoid scarcity.

Speak with them and have agreement on prices and all details necessary.

Acquire a car

Transporting eggs from one place to another in large quantity require you have a car. It can be an old car but movable. You could also work out a rental agreement with someone with a car or bus whenever you have supply to make.

It is not advisable to use public transportation to move your eggs. Because eggs are very sensitive and could break when not handle with care.

Set up a storage facility

You may need to set up an adequate storage facility for the eggs. Once you move them from the farm, a place you keep them for distribution. Where customers can come and pick up or sight see.

Acquire tools

Once you have a place ready. You will need to acquire tools that will help you run your egg supply business. The most important tool are crates where you keep the egg. It is very important and essential. Without it the eggs might break and you lose.

Identify and reach out to your target market

You will need to locate your target market where you are and each out to them. This is where  your business will thrive. Depending on where you are, you should be looking at: Hotels, shops, schools, restaurants, industries that make use of egg, gyms and more.

Get to meet them, introduce yourself and tell them about your business

If you are looking for other ideas go here: Business ideas

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Adebayor Peter

Adebayor Peter

Adebayor Peter is a contributor at He is a graduate of Ladoke Akintola University. He loves writing and public relation

business africa

How to start a profitable goat farming in Nigeria, goat rearing business is very lucrative, you need little or no guidance to succeed, weather for personal consumption or business, the demand for goat is high and will continue because of the population of growth, goat business has really gain popularity, for more you can call 07061506166 or WhatsApp PRICE LIST FOR GOATS PURE KALAHARI BREED 6months old female = N25,000 6months old male = N20,000 Matured female = N30000 Matured male = N25000

PURE WEST AFRICAN DWAF GOAT 6months Old Female = N20500 6months Old Male = N15000 Matured female = N30500 Matured male = N25000 WE DO FREE NATIONWIDE DELIVERY

Thank you very much for this, I really appreciate and it really help. But please have been thinking on how to write a proposal for my egg business. I want to be Supplying companies and I want to write a proposal but don’t know how to go about it. Thanks Looking forward for your reply.

Hello, we have an article on how to write a business plan. Kindly read and follow the steps

Wow, it is very interesting. Cheers

Can you start a egg businesses with 50k?

Thank you, it helped a lot

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Full Guide to Egg Distribution Business with low Capital in 2021

Guide to Egg Distribution Business with low Capital

Egg Distribution business is all about buying eggs directly from farms and reselling at wholesale prices to retailers, individuals, wholesalers, or even the final consumers.

Does it sound very funny or strange to you that egg distribution business is more profitable than poultry farming Itself? I am an Animal Scientist, I have managed farms and I can tell you that egg distribution is less stressful & more profitable than poultry business, I will give you reasons and why you should choose egg distribution to poultry business, if you are confused in choosing the best to invest your money

With N100k you can Make more than 180k in four weeks if you deliver up to 3 times in a week or 80k if you deliver eggs once in a week, this is among the businesses you can start with low capital 

How to Start Egg Distribution Business in your Area?

This venture may not require an office, (if you need and you can use your house) because the business is like a dropshipping business. Before you can start buying eggs, the first thing you must do is to contact 2-3 egg sellers who will always buy eggs in bulk.

Its simple to get new customers as far as you will not disappoint on your delivery, your cost is cheaper and your eggs are neat /fresh/sizable.

Wholesalers are ready to buy because most of them prefer distributors due to the fact you’re the one that will bear the risks of cracks, conveying and transport contingencies

There are times when there will be egg glut but then, you have many customer’s you can sell to

Ensure that a customer

Challenges you will likely face are:

Cost of transportation: (It’s best if you have your car but you can hire)

Distance to Market:  (If the farm is located in another far state it will be very tasking but if the state is not far your expenses won’t be much, transportation account for 90% of your expenses)

Egg Scarcity in farms: you should ensure that you’re not known to only one farm and as a pro tip, you can take turns on different farms, Let say this week you can go to this farm, next week another farm, etc. The benefit of this process will pay off when most farms are low on eggs you may not be able to get all the egg stock you need so you can sweep around different farms until you reach your target

Egg Cracks: During the long-distance delivery, it is likely some eggs will crack, to minimize this occurrence, its preferable you use paper crates and your driver ( if your not the one driving ) should not be reckless especially when approaching bumpy roads

Wholesaler Credits : If you have not been owed cash in business,

Why Egg Distribution Business is a Hot Money-making Venture Compared to Poultry Business

Be as it may be, an egg is something everyone eggs once in a while, while an egg can be used as a daily supplement to augment our protein needs, Egg itself is a commodity that is readily used for numerous purposes, because of its highly nutritious content, it’s used in manufacturing industries for making of, drugs, Supplements, Cosmetics, Baking, Confectioneries, etc.,

Egg as a whole contains all the complete vitamins and minerals the body requires to functions properly and hence it’s highly recommended especially for our kids for proper brain function and building of body muscle tissues.

An egg is a highly sort after product in the market, in one of my inquiries when I was managing a farm in Ogun state Nigeria, Egg retailers are always ready and eager to buy as much as possible eggs they can because the demand is always there, there is nothing like seasonal, eggs are consumed or used every day, it’s estimated that an average Nigerian Consume 100 eggs on the early basis this and Nigeria spent 620 Billion Naira in 2018 on eggs alone

Unlike poultry Production where you have to take full responsibilities for managing the birds, Drug vaccinations, feeding and cleaning the pens to avoid spread of diseases or crisis Egg distribution business has nothing of such, all you need is to locate a good farm register with them and carry Eggs to your retailers,

In Poultry, production system, let us say broiler or meat production system a broiler will stay at least a minimum of 4-6 weeks to reach market  table size (1.5 kg and above) before you can auction it out,  but within these periods you will not be an inflow of cash so to say, if you are relying on it as a source of livelihood you could run into many debts   and there are high chances of you losing some birds But in the egg Distribution business, you can choose the way you like, Daily supply or weekly supply, either way, you are sure of daily or weekly cash inflow

 Let’s do the math

You invested 100,000 in Poultry business (all things being equal) 100k can get you 50 birds while you use the rest for feeding and managing (all though you will spend more than that but let’s assume its 50k you will spend to raise each bird)

At the end of the training period with good management practices, only 5 Birds died and the cost of each attached to each bird should be 2k since all you invested was 100k/50

If you lose one bird = The cost of the bird = N2000- Naira

Therefore 5 Birds will be 5 X 2000 = N10,000

Selling the Birds

Selling price Is N4000 (for 6-8 weeks bird) = 45birds X N4000 = N180,000

Selling Price – Cost of Production

N180,000 – N100,000 =  N80,000

All Things being Equal you made N80,000 in 6-8 weeks

EGG Distribution Business Investment with N100,000

Cost of Crates                                    N5000

Cost of eggs per crate                       N650

Cost of Transportation                        N15,000

Total Number of Eggs (in Crates)     123 creates (N80k/N650)

Frequency of distribution 3 times in a Week

Total Number of cracked eggs during each delivery = 5 crates x 3 = 15 crates

Average selling Price to Wholesalers = N900 Per crate

(All things being equal)

Total crate of Eggs delivered              110 x 900 = N90,000

Total Investment in egg distribution is 95k, therefore, you will earn N12,500 in each delivery

N10,250 X 3 Times in a week = N30,750 (Weekly)

In 6 weeks; 30750 X 6 = N184,500 + 80k Capital

(I decided to concentrate on 95k capital, even though we won’t be buying crates every day but the N5k I left out can be used to augment the lapses in transportation or any other occurrences)

At the end of the 6 weeks, Total Cash at our disposal will be N264,500

Comparing it to Broiler Business, Total Cash After 6 weeks  N180,000

The Difference N264500 – N180,000  =  N84,500

If you have your car, Then am sure you won’t spend so much on transportation because conveying the eggs is the only stress and capital project you will be embarking on,

This calculation is based on the understanding that your location is in the same state, but if it is interstate E.G. buying Eggs in Ogun state and selling to Lagos you may spend more on transportation  but even at that, the calculation was based on you keeping the N10,250  Back but you can invest everything back till the 6 th week  See below in case you wanted to be investing everything back ( which is actually what every business person will do)

(This is the Second System if we are going to invest everything back till week 6)

1 st  Delivery  N92,250

2 nd  Delivery  N 105750

3 rd  Delivery  N121500

Second Week

1 st  Delivery  N139500

2 nd  Delivery  N160961

3 rd  Delivery  185250

1 st  Delivery  N213750

2 nd  Delivery  N246000

3 rd  Delivery  N283500

1 st  Delivery  N327000

2 nd  Delivery  N377250

3 rd  Delivery  N435000

Just in 4 Weeks, your cash has grown from 100k to N435000, So what more can you look for, Egg Distribution business is far lucrative, less stressful, and more rewarding if you require any assistance such as locating a Farm, feel free to ask us anything, we will gladly assist.

So many people have contacted me to give them a list of farms near to their various locations, while I can not exhaust the whole list, am on lookout and investigation to gather reputable big frame where you can buy your eggs from in discount prices around major cities in Nigeria

Lets make a list of poultries and there addresses where you can also Get eggs and other Items here, its a mini Business directory i am building if you have a legit business you can add it free and I will do SEO optimixzation for your business listing without any charge

Joshua Nwankwo

Hi, I am Joshua Nwankwo, The CEO of Startup Ng and the founder of Afripals Interactive, Well I am a Civil Servant in Day time, a farmer at noontime and a Blogger in the evening. My passion for being free from Government paychecks and also helping my fellow young people to be self-empowered is why I run this blog An Animal Scientist by Profession and a blogger by passion, you can always reach me on my contact page for help or support


where exacltly can i locate a large farm

Adeshina Fausiat Lawal

Pls, where can I locate a big farm, I based in Lagos.

Joshua Nwankwo

Adeshina, I have a good farm that is close to Lagos, which can even deliver to your location provided you are buying in bulk, from Ogun state to Lagos is like 1 1000 Naira fair except now there is lockdown but believe me that is where you can get eggs very cheap and can sell in Lagos, if you are interested I will give you a contact


Please, can you get me the address of a big farm ibadan

you have contacted me before right? I thought I provided an answer to that


Pls I also need the farm mobile number

Mizpeh Victor

Please i am interested. I need the contact, i stay in parafa-ikorodu.

Let’s see am almost done with all the contacts compilations


I am interested


Where can I get a farm that can deliver to my location in osogbo, buying in large.

Funmi I will look at getting a close frame to Osun so that I can recommend it to you, stay tuned let me do my findings


Please, I would like to get the contacts of farms that supply eggs from outside Lagos.. please help me I met some suppliers online but I am afraid of scammers

I will reach out to some verified sellers


Am in Abia state can you assist with address of big farms in Abia and it’s environs

Peace Chiamaka

Please I am in Lagos were can I locate big farm to supply me egg

Am almost done with that list soon I will release it on a post

Dayo fabs

Good morning @peace chiamaka, am based in Lagos contact me, I can supply any quantity. Send me mail.. [email protected]

if you want us to publish your products and farm location, chat me up on WhatsApp I will tell you how you can submit your products free


Good morning

fat poultry farm

I want to publish my fat poultry farm produce. Can I have your number to chat you. 08056727168

alright, chat me up on 08165674349


Am in portharcourt where can I locate large farm?


Good afternoon, please I will like the contact of farm close to Lagos


Pls were can i locate a big farm in Lagos state

Nafisa Badamasi

Anybody interested in the egg business can contact me, we have a farm house in Abuja. Thank you.

You can write to me with your farm details and images I will visit for inspection then publish it on our site Contact me directly @Joshua Nwankwo">Info @Joshua Nwankwo


I base in Ibadan, I need a nearby farm that I can be buying egg in bulk

There are a whole lot of them

xxxs Farm Nig Ltd

Eggs Distribution: One Of The Most Profitable Businesses In Nigeria.

CALL OR WHATSAPP:?2348xxxxxx

Eggs distribution is a hidden gold mine but unfortunately, only a very few people knows that this business can make you rich over time. The current retail price for a crate of egg is between N1000 – N1,200. Now, if you buy from us at farm gate price of N850 per crate and you sell for N1,400 per crate, that is a whooping #450 naira gain on top of each crate, calculate that times 1,000 crates and you will see the profit potential of this business.

All you need to do is, look for a reputable farm like our farm that is capable of supplying you steadily.

FARMS GATE PRICE LIST ?????? LARGE: ———– N850 Per Crate MEDIUM: ——— N700 Per Crate SMALL: ———– N550 Per Crate

We guarantee you of “zero risk purchase” experience in our farm. We do our best to ensure every customer is very satisfied by our products. We make sure you get your products as specified and in time. We ensure you get exactly what you order for and also make sure you get your items in time.

We compensate for transit related mortality, but you must check in front of the driver, inform us of our good products. TEL- ☎️+2348xxxxxx

livestock eggs

How To Start Eggs Supply Business to Shops in Nigeria. Call or Whatsapp us on+23491-xxx-xxx Egg supply business is certainly one of the fastest ways of getting rich in the poultry business. You can completely rely on this business to take care of your bills. Many Nigerians who are engaged in this business can testify that this business rakes in a substantial amount of money to their bank account. Due to the high demand for eggs, you’re sure of making a huge profit from this business if you choose to take action after reading this step-by-step guide. Capital Intensive There’s no business that doesn’t require capital. No matter what the business is, there’s always a minimum capital and Egg supply business isn’t an exception. To effectively start this business, a minimum of N800,000 is required. With just N70,000 You can buy as many as 100 crates of eggs. So imagine buying a crate of eggs for 750 or less from a farm and you sell for as high as N850 per crate, you can quickly do the math to see how much you’ll make from more than 100 crates. If you can sell 1000 crates weekly, you’ll be making nothing less than 750,000. That’s cool cash, right? Get a Business Vehicle Although getting a vehicle isn’t necessary it will save you lots of stress. Many Nigerians who are just starting this business use wheelbarrows for this business. But this method will limit your movement. Getting a vehicle will help you cover more areas than the former option. The cost of purchasing a vehicle constitutes almost 85% of your total capital. Then maybe, 5% can be used for fuel purposes. As the business grows, you can begin to service your vehicle periodically to avoid breakdowns. Find Your Target Market Getting eggs from farms isn’t a big deal, but getting the right customers to supply should be what you should consider. Your target area should be an environment that is densely populated. It could be marketed anywhere that favors your business. Once you know where to supply and have contacts of one or two customers, you’ll only need to go to that area to distribute the eggs. Also, to start buying and selling eggs, you should connect with one or two farmers who are going to be your constant supplier of eggs. you can register with any farm of your choice and be consistent in your sales. Other Important Working Tools The most important tool needed for the egg supply business is empty crates. The crates can be of a paper type or plastic-type. You can buy 1000 pieces of crates for N7000 if you choose to buy the paper crates and the number of crates needed for your business depends on you. It is advisable to buy paper crates as it protects the eggs from unusual cracks and it is cheaper. However, it gets damaged faster than the plastic-type. Estimated Profit in Eggs Supply Business In this huge goldmine, you are certainly your own boss and you decide the profit you want to make in a week or in a month. Depending on the size of eggs you choose to buy, you’ll gain roughly N200 on a crate of egg if you choose to be a wholesale seller but if you choose to be a retail dealer, you can be making as much as N500 on a crate of an egg. If you choose to sell 200 crates weekly, you’ll be making N20,000 weekly and N80,000 monthly. If you set a target to sell 1000 crates weekly, it means you’ll make a profit of N100 x 1000 crates = N100,000 weekly, and multiplying this by 4 gives you N400,000 monthly. If you deduct all your expenses for the month, you’ll still have a substantial amount in your bank account. Buying and selling eggs might look like a dirty and odd business but if you look at the profitability of the business, you’ll reconsider your steps. You can start small and later on move to a large-scale egg supply business. Call or Whatsapp us on +234-91-5528-xxx We ship Nationwide.


Good morning sir. Please, where can I get constant supply free eggs around Lokoja / Abuja in at least 500?

right now am not full on it will check it out somewhere

Edith obasuyi

Good morning sir,pls where can I locate eggs farm in Benin?

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business plan on egg distribution in nigeria

How to start Egg Distribution Business in Nigeria (2023)

Table of Contents

Egg Distribution Business In Nigeria

Egg distribution business in Nigeria is one lucrative business that most entrepreneurs have failed to consider, with the distribution of eggs to shops, households, business centers, etc you can make nothing less than 100k in a day, and over 900k in a month. as a Nigerian looking for a lucrative business to do it can be very stressful and confusing if you find the one you love or have passion for it’s either the competitions is high if you find the one with fewer competitions you might get limited demand and supply and so on however with the egg distribution business you can make six figures monthly to your bank account. Now let me show you how you can possibly use the egg distribution business in Nigeria to earn a living.

As you all know, the Egg Distribution business is all about buying eggs directly from farms and reselling them at wholesale prices to retailers, individuals, wholesalers, or even the final consumers.

With N100k you can Make more than 180k in four weeks if you deliver up to 3 times in a week or 80k if you deliver eggs once a week

The eggs supply business is very lucrative and you can determine what you want your profit to look like. Before we analyze the potential profit of this business, let us know the advantages and uses of eggs to see the reason the business of egg supply is booming.

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How to Start Egg Distribution Business in Nigeria?

This venture may not require an office, (if you actually need it and you can use your house) because the business is like drop shipping business . Before you can start buying eggs, the first thing you must do is to contact 2-3 egg sellers who will always buy eggs in bulk.

It’s simple to get new customers as far as you will not disappoint on your delivery, your cost is cheaper and your eggs are neat /fresh/sizable.

Wholesalers are ready to buy because most of them prefer distributors due to the fact you’re the one that will bear the risks of cracks, conveying and transport contingencies

also read  How to Start a Photography Business in Nigeria

Egg is high in cholesterol you can also check out some health benefits by Healthline and this makes it a perfect diet for growing children. It can reduce the risk of many diseases, it supplies quality protein to the body, it is rich in vitamin A and which helps healthy eyesight, it contains chlorine and this is used to build cell membranes which help in producing molecules in the human brain.

The uses of eggs are numerous, we use eggs in baking different types of confectioneries like bread, cakes, meat pie, and so on. It is used as cosmetics like shampoo, conditioners, soaps, cholesterol, face mask, and lots more. It is also used as glue, the sticky quality of egg white cleans certain surfaces like leather. To make it clear, the demand for eggs in the Nigerian market is so high right now and will continue to be so.

For you to have a successful egg distribution business in Nigeria, there are some tips to put into consideration, and here are some of the information you need for your egg supply business in Nigeria.

Have Your Own Vehicle

Egg business is more profitable in Nigeria when you make it a mobile business. The purpose of this is to make you distribute your eggs conveniently to your customers. Most shop owners usually feel too comfortable once they are seated in their shops. So they feel reluctant to go to the farms in order to pick eggs and also they consider the number of cracked eggs they will realize picking eggs directly from the farm on their own. This is why being mobile is important in the egg business.

Locate Your Target Market

Picking up eggs from farms is not a problem, your target market is what matters to you. Your target should be the highly populated environment. It could market anywhere, the mobility aspect makes you spread your distribution process all around. Once you know where and to whom to distribute your eggs, you will only need to go there directly.

To start buying and selling eggs, you must locate two or more farms depending on what capacity you want to work in, a poultry farm is where you can pick up eggs for sale. Before you can start picking eggs from farms, you must be a registered customer with the farm, and you must be consistent there, meaning you have to always pick up eggs weekly.

Other Working Tools

The basic tool needed for this business is empty crates, it could be paper crates or plastic crates. You can buy crates of 00 pieces at N10,000 or N5,000 if you choose to buy the paper crates, the total number you will need to run your business now depends on you. Note that the paper crates are more protective of your eggs, it reduces the number of cracks you will realize from transferring your eggs, and it is cheaper as well but damage more quickly than the plastic ones.

SEE ALSO:  How To Start Bread Supply Business In Nigeria

The cost of acquiring a used vehicle constitutes almost 90% of your capital needed in this business. Once you are mobile, the only cost you will need to run this business for a start is N80,000, with this amount you can buy 120 crates of eggs. A crate of the egg can cost N650 or less from the farm depending on the size you choose to buy, any balance left will be incurred on fueling your vehicle and other road expenses.

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Potential Profit In Egg Distribution Business in Nigeria

In this business, you are your own boss and you will decide how much profit you want to make in a week. Depending on any size of egg you choose to buy, you will gain a profit of N100 on a crate of eggs if you sell as a whole seller but if you choose to sell as a retailer you can have a profit of N300 on a crate. If you restrict yourself to selling just 100 crates of eggs weekly, that means you will realize a profit of N10,000 weekly and this is just N40, 000  monthly.

This is how you determine your profit. Setting a target to sell 1,000 crates of eggs per week will mean you will realize  100 x 1,000 = N100,000 weekly , multiply this per month, which is a whooping sum of N400,000  profit monthly. If you deduct your monthly expenses from this amount am very sure you will still have a reasonable amount to save.

Buying and selling eggs might look odd to you but concentrate on how profitable it is and stop waiting for gainful employment in that oil and gas company that may not come until when your responsibilities are enormous. Keep yourself busy and be productive.

Feel free to leave a comment, and if you have any challenges, don’t hesitate to ask questions, locating a farm where you can pick up eggs can also be a challenge to you, ask us any question we will gladly respond to you. Wish you all the best in your business career.

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egg distribution business

Business Opportunities In The Egg Distribution Business in Nigeria

Below are some common opportunities to find when starting an egg distribution business in Nigeria:

1). Common Supplies:

Eggs could be supplied to homes, supermarkets, restaurants, and bakeries on a daily, monthly, and weekly basis, providing the business handling the supply a recurring stream of income since its major use at its supply points is for the preparation of cooked meals and pastries.

2). Industrial supply:

Eggs are used in some industrial practices for the production of glue and some other materials. As such, these industries need a constant recurring supply of large egg volumes from various suppliers.

3). Cosmetics:

Eggs are used by some cosmetic companies for manufacturing hair and skin care products.

4). Fitness:

Most gyms encourage their members to consume a lot of eggs on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis to boost their protein intake, and in the process, gain considerable muscle mass. You could reach out to gyms to build a supply link between your organization and its clients.

Also read  How to Make Money on Peer to Peer Lending Business in 2023

8 Tips To Help Your Chickens Lay More Eggs

  • Quality Feed. You don’t have to go crazy with some cutting-edge feed that’s guaranteed to make your chickens produce eggs the size of a garden gnome. …
  • Clean Nests Boxes. …
  • Open Areas. …
  • Calcium. …
  • Inspect Regularly. …
  • Coop Security. …
  • Fresh Water. …
  • Parasite Control.

Hatching Egg Suppliers in Nigeria

  • Bailey Agro Allied. Itele Ogun. …
  • Bama Farms Limited. 14, shipeolu street onipanu lagos. …
  • Dehat Global Resources. No 4,Olayemi Street,Joyce B Road, …
  • Iykefidel Nig Limited. 10,Abgonbgon street,off ladipo mushin lagos. …
  • Obasi Chicken Farm Enterprises. …
  • Planet Agro Investments. …
  • Syto International

The egg distribution business is a very profitable business, now imagine if you choose to sell 200 crates weekly, you’ll be making N20,000 weekly and N80,000 monthly. If you set a target to sell 1000 crates weekly, it means you’ll make a profit of N100 x 1000 crates = N100,000 weekly, and multiplying this by 4 gives you N400,000 monthly, I mean isn’t that a lot?

Hence if you are planning of starting an Egg distribution business, I want you to go ahead, it has a very profiting circle and limited downside especially if you choose your location well.

thanks for reading, feel free to drop your opinions via the comment section…Cheers.


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How can I keep cash book for buying and selling of Eggs. Thank you

I need a contact of one company wit their address.

I am very interested in the business,I have this strong opinion to start up the business, I would like to know how to get a committed distributor whom I can purchase from.i mean a reliable farmer.

Pls where will I see a egg poultry around ojo okomaiko

Go to Checking Point busstop, tell bike man you going to poultry. Please keep in touch with me on requirements. I have the business in mind too. 0708 915 1447 jasmine

I can supply you 50crates a week

Thanks a lot,This information is indeed helpful Is please how can I contact farmers in Benin city Edo state

For those interested in the egg business, we have a farm in Abuja, if you are interested pls let me know. Thank you.

Locating a farm is my challenge right now.

Can you help with a list of farms in Nasarawa state and Abuja please.

Hello Esther, Sure i will look into that.

How long will the egg stay in your shop or care before they decay?

What color of egg is the best bc some are white while some are brown . Any much difference?

Nice write up. very precise. Kindly help with list of credible farms that can be consistent.. would really appreciate this

Based on the high demand for Hatcheries in Nigeria, I decided to compile this little list

the following are the hatcheries in Nigeria and their addresses, websites, email addresses and phone numbers.

Agrited Hatchery

Company Address: 5, Agoro Odiyan Street, Victoria Island, Lagos State, Nigeria. Telephone: (01) 4618661, 4618981 Website: Email: [email protected]

Amo Farm Sieberer Hatchery Limited

Company Address: 1, Ife-Odan Road, Awe Oyo State Nigeria Telephone: 08113955578, 08150858965, 08146884340 Website: Email: [email protected]

Chi Farms & Hatchery Limited Company Address: Ajanla Farms Limited. Off KM 20, Ibadan-Lagos Expressway, Ajanla Village, Ibadan, Oyo State. Telephone: 07015867315, 08132592782, 08022078446 Website: Email: [email protected]

Farm Support Hatchery

Company Address: Aba Ade Oki Village, Olode Ibadan North Oyo, Nigeria Telephone: Unlisted Website: NIL Email: Unlisted

Fidan Hatchery

Company Address: Plot 22/23 Railway Level, Crossing Onireke, Ibadan, Oyo State. Telephone: 08033238384, 08056111178, 08177000100 Website: NIL Email: NIL

Foresight Hatchery Company Address: Block E, Plot 11, Oluyole Estate, Ring Road Ibadan, Ibadan South West, Oyo, Nigeria. Telephone: 08038477744 Website: NIL Email: Unspecified

Karmadex Hatchery Company Address: Block F, Plot 11, Oluyole Industrial Estate, Behind Rhema Chapel, Ibadan, Oyo State. Telephone: 08035835558 Website: NIL Email: Unlisted

Nastech Hatchery Company Address: Ibadan, Oyo State. Telephone: Unlisted Website: NIL Email: Unlisted

Obasanjo Farms Hatchery Company Address: Igboora, Oyo State. Telephone: Unlisted Website: NIL Email: Unlisted

Olam Hatcheries Limited Company Address: Kaduna Km 25, Along Kaduna-Abuja Expressway, Kaduna, Kaduna State. Telephone: Unlisted Website: NIL Email: Unlisted

Tuns Farm & Hatchery Company Address: Km 9, Ikirun Road Osogbo, Osun State, Nigeria. Telephone: 08057496095 Website: Email: [email protected]

Zartech Hatchery Limited Company Address: Plot 8, Block L Oluyole Industrial Estate, South West Ring Road, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. Telephone: 08075610000 Website: Email: [email protected]

More Hatcheries will be updated here subsequently.

Thanks for this piece I love the business an am looking for a shop now as a store house but I don’t have a vehicle to distribute to people in need of it . Do you think people will really pertronize me

Why not.. just keep it up.

God bless you for this eye opening write up.Been thinking of starting up egg business but have been so reluctant but seeing this am good to go.

Thank you blessing, don’t let anything hold you back.

Thank you for your in dept inside on this subject, but as a beginner how do you deal with customers wanting you to give them eggs and collect your cash on their return to collect more eggs? i.e. not always paying cash for the order made.

if inconvinient for you, make it known to your customers.

I really want to start thus business I’ve been thinking about it for more than 3months now

Pls Can you make a recommendations of any good and trusted Egg suppliers you know in Nigeria

where can I locate a nearest farm where I can pick out eggs in port Harcourt

Problem is famers are not ready to give beginners like myself 20crates in wholesale, pls any info in were l can get eggs will be greatly appreciated,

Sally where are you located?

okay noted, i will compile a post on that soon.

Where can I locat the egg company in akwa ibom

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Poultry Farm Business Plan in Nigeria (2024 DOC)

Poultry Farming Business Plan in Nigeria

Poultry Farm Business Plan in Nigeria 2024 Sample

The Poultry or Chicken Farming Business Plan comes as a Feasibility Study In Nigeria or birds arming, the business plan undergoes a regular up from time to time, this is done to correspond with the prevailing economic condition of the country.


Business plans and feasibility studies to get a discount.

The Poultry Farm Business Plan In Nigeria Feasibility study comes in form of an e-book, could be converted to word document based on demand and it offers the following content;

Poultry Farm Business Plan In Nigeria Table Of Content

Chapter One – Executive summary of the business plan on poultry farming pdf

  • The business Opportunity
  • The market Target
  • The competition
  • The competitive Strategies
  • The management Team
  • The financial Plan, It comes in an excel spreadsheet


A typical proposal for raising a poultry farm in Nigeria should at least come with the purpose of starting the business and then followed by other important information.

Poultry Farm Business Plan In Nigeria Market Analysis

  • Poultry farm market analysis

Poultry Farm Business Plan SWOT Analysis

  • Opportunities



  • Project Strategies
  • Financial Strategies
  • Marketing Strategies
  • Operational Strategies
  • Human Resources Strategies


  • Organization Structure
  • Manpower Requirements
  • Manpower Plan
  • Man Power Budget
  • Roles And Responsibilities

Poultry Farm Business Plan In Nigeria Technical And Operational Plan

  • Raw Material Requirements
  • Machinery And Equipment Requirements
  • Layout Of The Business Premises
  • Growth Management And Quality Assurance
  • Disease Control And Prevention
  • Egg Production Process


  • Location Of The Project


  • Bookkeeping And Financial Administration Requirements
  • Importance Of Bookkeeping And Financial Administration
  • Computerized Bookkeeping And Finance System

Poultry Farm Business Plan In Nigeria Projected financial Statement

  • Assumptions
  • Application Of Funds
  • Operating And Maintenance Costs
  • Daily EEG and Feed, Drugs Computation Analysis From Point Of Lay (POL) For 12 Months period
  • Income Statement Projections
  • Projected Profit And Loss For 4,000 Birds In 52 Weeks
  • Market Information
  • Mortality Losses
  • Profit projection For 4,000 Laying Birds
  • Profit Projection for 10,000 Broilers

Additional Content

  • Poultry farming egg Production Management
  • Broiler Management Guide
  • Broiler Starter formula
  • Broiler Grower formula
  • Pullet grower formula
  • Laying Bird feed formula
  • Layout Concentration Formula
  • Broiler Concentration formula

To get the full business plan on Poultry Farming Business Plan in Nigeria + Feasibility Studies PDF, pay N10,000 to  GTBank (Guaranty Trust Bank)

Account Name – Okite Joseph ikenna

Account No – 0044083736

Once payment is made for the Poultry Farming Business Plan in Nigeria + Feasibility Studies PDF, send the following (i) a valid email address and (ii) your payment details to any of these numbers – 07039768549.

What You Can Use Your Poultry Farm Business Plan in Nigeria ;

Obviously, the Poultry Farming Business Plan in Nigeria was written not only or the execution of a business, but it also has other purposes for which it was written, the poultry farming business plan in Nigeria comes as a well researched feasibility study with well detailed information on how to start up a poultry farming business and how to successfully run the business. This is a business plan for poultry production & marketing in Nigeria and it comes in a PDF format, every entrepreneur deserves to have this document for various purpose apart from just starting up a business, especially when it concerns sourcing of fund in order to either commence or to increase investment portfolio, below are the things you can use your poultry/chicken farming business plan or sample poultry business plan PDF;

BANK LOANS – Accessing a bank assistance in form of loan can be achieved using a well written business plan or feasibility study by a professional, most of these financial institutions , especially banks can be convinced that their money will be safe with you, the will have to trust you if you provide a template on how you intend making use of the loan facility issued to you. Banks are most times interested in the fact that the loan being issued will be recovered; your business plan for poultry farm will help out big time.

GRANTS – Your chicken farm business plan pdf file gives you an edge while applying for grants from different organization, especially government agencies. The possibilities of having these agencies listening to your apply application lies with the quality of your application, and this comes from the sample of the poultry business plan pdf file you will be submitting. This makes it a lot more easier and accessible, especially if done with a doc that will convince those issuing the grants.

PROPOSAL – Quality proposal goes a long way in your business proposal application. One of the factors that will make your proposal to be considered in any way is the information contained in the document. After getting our poultry farming business plan manual, applying for a proposal will become as good as complete, just as applying for loans and grant has become easy given the well detailed information contained in the business plan document.

Seminar presentation – You deserve a document that offers the best information required, so that in your presentation, you will not be caught reeling out un-found data and information. The things is that this business plan to forms the basis of your seminar presentation as well as research, however, you can as well get more information in order to compare information contained in your research work.

COMPETITIONS – Going for competition with this business plan can earn you your competition rewards, sometimes these rewards comes inform o cash prize or scholarship, or the entrepreneurs this competition where your journey in business begins. The essence is to win an trust me, the information contained in this business plan can earn you that..


Today’s Nigeria accommodates some of the biggest poultry farms in Africa, despite this fact, Nigeria is still one of the largest importers of chicken. Understandably, this is a country of over 180 million people hence the need for edible birds will always be on the high.

The high demands for poultry birds is not restricted to just the festive periods or seasons like Easter, Christmas, Sallah etc. In fact a visit to Chicken market in a town as small as Abakaliki will tell you that the demand or this birds are high, virtually every market in Enugu has a potion where live chicken are sold, and the number of people trooping in too buy will amaze you. The story is not different from other small and large cities, and these are families buying for their consumption. When you factor in the fast food restaurants , the Supermarkets  the request for these for these live stock products, you will understand why the country still import these products despite the level o production.

In essence, demand has always been high than supply, and that is where the business opportunities comes in from. As an individual poultry farmer, your business stands a chance of supplying birds to families, eateries, Malls as well as big supermarkets. The truth is that the industry has become a money spinning machine and it is estimated to worth a multi billion Naira industry.

Set Backs In The Poultry farming Business

As live stocks, the poultry industry suffered huge set back, these set back resulted in the loss of some birds, the setbacks came inform o avian influenza, salmonellosis, although it was contained, it caused huge losses to some farms as demand for birds reduced, that’s is not the case anymore even though there is still the challenges of incessant power outage which also affect other businesses not just the poultry business.

Factors Responsible for The Growth O Poultry Business In Nigeria

Despite the setback and other challenges, the industry has continued to progress, meanwhile, there are factors that have contributed to the remarkable development of the poultry industry in Nigeria, these factor has continued to control how the business is done, these factors includes the following;

  • The demands for eggs, poultry meat which is the primary reason or raising a poultry farm.
  • The relatively profitability of the Poultry enterprise if brought into comparison with other agriculture enterprises.
  • The roles as well as the contribution of the Poultry association of Nigerian, this is the umbrella body that cover all the poultry farmers in Nigerian.

To get the full business plan on Poultry Farming Business Plan in Nigeria + Feasibility Studies PDF, pay N10,000 Into GTBank (Guaranty Trust Bank)

Once payment is made for the Poultry Farm Business Plan in Nigeria + Feasibility Studies PDF, send the following (i) a valid email address and (ii) your payment details to any of these numbers – 07039768549.

Hindrances To The Growth Of Poultry farm Business In Nigeria

Without a doubt, in as much as the industry is experiencing growth and profitability, there are factors that has caused hindrances to the Poultry Business; see below;

  • High cost of inputs
  • Power outages
  • Seasonal diseases (periodic)
  • Low purchasing power etc.

Factor To Consider Before Setting Up A Poultry Farming Business

Ensure you have the following in place before setting up your poultry farming business in Nigeria;

Overview – Write a comprehensive overview of the business you want to start up, outlining every other required information needed. You should also chose a business for your Poultry Farm, other things to include are the services as well as the production of quality, then you should highlight the affordable of your poultry meat and egg. Also you should have a set of customers you get to targeting, demand for poultry farm products and services is almost the same everywhere in Nigeria.

The Company – The business should at least be structured. Who are the owners, how are you going to finance the start up, what is the name of the Poultry Farm business, will it be established as a limited liability company, who will be the owner, manager as well as investors. And then describe your products and services, this is a known secret, the likely Poultry Farm products, they poultry egg, chickens and poultry litter waste etc, now what are the services, you could chose to provide the services known as KCW and F, in plan terms Kill–‐Cut–‐Wrap–‐Freeze, most poultry farms offer these services these days. Place emphasis on the quality of your products and how hygienic your eggs and how they are of high quality. You business motto could be something like “We produce, process and package to meet Your standard”.

Capital And Start Up fund – You can’t successfully set up and run any business without at least having you capital in place, this is applicable to all kinds of business, some business minded individuals even resort to taking loans and advances, while other s hunt or grant, business proposal etc. The essence is to have fund to start up the business.

Location – When sitting a poultry farm, the location to be selected should at least be conducive to the birds, exposing the birds to extreme climatic conditions can affect their growth and development.

Equipment – You need to have the best equipment in order to survive the delicate nature of handing your chicks. Ensure that your live stock supply are healthy, and also ensure that the Hatcheries in charge o delivering a day old chicks to your farm are well scrutinized. Also engage a qualified doctor to always check and apply vaccinations or medication when needed.

Sourcing Of Heat – What the Poultry Farm Business Plan In Nigeria feasibility study teaches you is that there are sources of supplemental heat that can benefit your poultry farm, items such as the following will do the trick;

  • Cooking stoves
  • Lesser extent paraffin stoves
  • Brooder stoves

You can place the stove on the roof or somewhere above ground level.

Feeding – With the Poultry Farm Business Plan/Feasibility Study In Nigeria, you can learn the feed technique known as forced feeding, chicks find it difficult  to feed to feed themselves, hence the need to do that yourself, at least for the first four weeks.

Types Of feed for your Poultry Farm Business Plan In Nigeria

Broiler growth and efficiency are dependent on the type of feed you give to them, there are stipulated feeds you must offer to these birds, they as follows;

  • Starter feed crumbs
  • The Grower feeds
  • Finisher feeds

While the Grower Feeds is given to the between 14 to 16 days after the completing the Starter, you can then start administering the Broiler Finisher feeds, this is the feed that the broiler consumes most.

Other factors To Consider Includes The following;

  • Brooder Guards/Rings
  • Preparing For Arrival Of Chicks
  • Brooder Stove Arrangement And Temperature
  • Keys to Successful Brooding And Rearing

To get the full Poultry Farming Business Plan in Nigeria + Feasibility Studies PDF, pay N10,000 to

GTBank (Guaranty Trust Bank)

Once payment is made for the Poultry Farm Business Plan in Nigeria + Feasibility Studies PDF, send the following (i) a valid email address and (ii) your payment details to any of these numbers – 07039768549 .

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Note – Free Poultry Farming Business Plan In Nigeria PDF is not available on this platform!

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I’m interested in the poultry farming business Plan,that cover breeding, brooder, rearing, and processing, also the market. But I’m calling the number is not going, let’s talk. 09074477666.

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Investor’s Guide:: Making Fortunes From Egg Supply, Distribution

business plan on egg distribution in nigeria

Egg supply business also known as egg distribution business involves the sourcing and supplying of eggs to individuals, supermarkets, bakers, industries, companies and malls.

It is a very lucrative business that anyone can start with by making massive profits from incessant supply. The business is not very capital intensive but very rewarding and largely profiting for small scale business owners and micro entrepreneur.

Without any doubt, poultry business is one of the most lucrative business to start anywhere in Nigeria and Africa. And raring of chickens is king of the kind. One thing that makes poultry business so lucrative is egg. Because of its nutritional value and demand, supplying and distributions of eggs is a lucrative business with manifold profits in Nigeria and beyond. Anywhere in the world.

The population of egg consumers is very large and wide in variety, ranging from everyday people to companies, hotels and many other establishments of which restaurants and events are part of it.

Eggs are not just needed for eating alone. Eggs are also used in most baked snacks during manufacturing processes and to cap it up, Egg is the number one source of protein for humans. Research have proven that consumptions of eggs plays a big part in human health development.

Market Potential

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The egg supply market in Nigeria is worth billions of Naira. And everyone who ventures into it has a good opportunity to tap into these market opportunity to earn a fortune. As a result of this, we can say venturing into egg production and distribution business is a great move to make.

It is about the distribution process of eggs produced from poultry to the buyers daily, end users, consumers, bakers and manufacturer who use eggs for various depending on the need of the buyers. The supply of eggs will depend on demand. In most cases, customers usually order for eggs in hundreds, some thousands but it majorly depends on the financial capacity of the customers. However, it is important we discuss on the opportunity available in egg distribution business.

Capital Profile

Speaking with a Lagos-based Egg distributor, Mr. James Oyinloye explained the process involved in the business stating that egg distribution business involves modest and affordable capital to start the business. But averagely, with N300,000 you can start the business by purchasing crates and eggs to distribute to your buyers.

He advised that it is expected for you to purchase a personal vehicle, truck or a Bus to enable the distribution process seamless and easy to convey to the market while affirming that to avoid risk in egg business, you need to be properly mobilized with your own vehicle or a rented one..

Oyinloye hinted that to avoid loses and breakage of the eggs, the distributor needs to facilitate a means of transportation for the eggs from the farms to the warehouse and to the point of sales.

He further said, this would make the running cost of the business to cost at least N1.2M because you need to buy a small car to do the business to avoid delay in supply, unexpected loss and breaking of the eggs.

Opportunities in Eggs Supply

Eggs are known to be supplied to shops, supermarket, restaurants, bakeries and cosmetics industries on a daily basis, weekly or perhaps monthly in wholesale. With this, the business owner is given the opportunity to make immense income on a daily basis, weekly, and monthly. Almost everyone eats egg. In fact, nutritionist recommend eating one egg per day.

Eggs are utilised in some companies for the purpose of industrial productions such as glue and some other products. In lieu to this, these industries need a constant supply of eggs for them to sustain their legacy and activities. Therefore, they order for large egg supplies, of which you can write proposals to them after setting up your poultry for egg production.

Egg supply business guarantees non-stop income. It brings weekly and daily inflow of income. The advantages of egg supply business is that it does not cost a fortune to Start-up the business and it does not need any skills and qualification before entering into the market. It is easy to establish with modest income and subsequently earn you large returns when you have ready buyers waiting to purchase from you.

Locate a poultry farm

The first establishment is to locate a poultry farm for egg sourcing in large quantities. This would make the supply process easy for you to penetrate the egg market while building a niche of consumer base. Ensure to connect to more than one farm by locating a well organised farm where you can easily buy your eggs to avoid scarcity. Speak with them and have agreement on prices and all the details necessary.

Acquire a vehicle

Transporting eggs from one place to another in large quantity require you have a car. It can be a bus, a small car or truck. You could also work out a rental agreement with someone with a car or bus whenever you have supply to make.

It is not advisable to use public transportation to move your eggs. Because eggs are very sensitive and could break when not handle with care.

Set up a Storage Facility

You may need to set up an adequate storage facility for the eggs. Once you move them from the farm, you need a place where you can keep them for distribution. Where customers can come and pick up or notice the availability of the market.

Acquire Tools

Once you have a place ready. You will need to acquire tools that will help you run your egg supply business. The most important tool are crates where you keep the egg. It is very important and essential. Without it the eggs might break and you lose.

Identify Target Market

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WE COMPENSATE FOR TRANSIT MORTALITY. HERE ARE OUR AVAILABLE LISTED PRODUCTS/ITEMS *GRASSCUTTER: 5month old #7,000 1 Colony = 5 grasscutters ₦34,500. Colony Pregnant ones #45,000 Colony Point of birth #67,500 Note: per colony is five 1head male and 4female.

*PRICE LIST FOR EGGS BELOW EGGS, BIG SIZE IS #1000 with plastic crate but with carton crate is #950. MEDIUM SIZE IS #850 with plastic crate but with carton crate is #800. SMALL SIZE IS #700 with plastic crate but with carton crate is #600.

*Day day agric Broilers N250 4 Weeks Broiler. N500 10 Weeks Broiler N750 7 – 9 months old broilers N1,200,

*DUCKLINGS: ₦340 Day old Turkey(Foreign) #900 1 week old turkey #1,500 2 weeks turkey # 1,850 4 weeks turkey N2,200 6 weeks turkey = N3,000 8 weeks turkey = N3,400 13 weeks turkey =N4,000 Agricted Black/ white Cockerel N45 4 weeks cockerel N220 6 weeks Cockerel N280 8 weeks cockerel N350 10 weeks cockerel N430 Day Old Layers N270 4 weeks old Layers N450 6 weeks old layers N600 10 weeks old Layers N800 Point Of Lay: (16 – 17) weeks – ₦1100 Layers : (20) weeks – ₦1,200 Old layers N1,000.

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business plan on egg distribution in nigeria

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How To Start Eggs Supply Business To Shops In Nigeria

business plan on egg distribution in nigeria

Are you a Nigerian looking for something to do as a business or you just graduated from college and you are still waiting for that white collar jobs in Nigeria where you can knot tie and put on that corporate suit and jacket every day? Well let me introduce you to a business that is fast-yielding profit, not just a little one but profit that you can conveniently rely on. The business I am talking about is eggs supply business.

Eggs supply business is very lucrative and you can determine what you want your profit to look like. Before we analyze the potential profit of this business, let us know the advantages and uses of eggs to see the reason the business of eggs supply is booming.

Egg is high in cholesterol and this makes it a perfect diet for growing children. It can reduce risk of many diseases, it supplies quality protein to the body, it is rich in vitamin A and this helps healthy eyesight, it contains chlorine and which is used to build cell membranes which helps in producing molecules in the human brain.

The uses of eggs are numerous, we use eggs in baking different types of confectioneries like bread , cakes, meat-pie and so on. It is  used as cosmetics like shampoo, conditioners, soaps, cholesterol, face mask and lots more. It is also used as glue, the sticky quality of egg white clean some certain surfaces like leather. To make it clear, the demand for eggs in the Nigerian market is so high right now and will continue to be so.

For you to make success in buying and selling eggs there are some tips to put into consideration and here are some of the advice you need for your eggs supply business.

Have Your Own Vehicle

Egg business is more profitable in Nigeria when you make it a mobile business. The purpose of this is to make you distribute your eggs conveniently to your customers. Most shop owners usually feel too comfortable once they are seated in their shops, and so they feel reluctant to go to the farms in order to pick eggs and also they consider the number of cracked eggs they will realize picking eggs directly from the farm on their own. This is why being mobile is important in egg business.

Locate Your Target Market

Picking up eggs from farms is not a problem, your target market is what matters to you. Your target should be the highly populated environment. It could market anywhere, the mobility aspect makes you spread your distribution process all around. Once you know where and to whom to distribute your eggs, you will only need to go there directly.

To start buying and selling eggs, you must locate two or more farms depending on what capacity you want to work on, a poultry farm is where you can pick up eggs for sale. Before you can start picking eggs from farms, you must be a registered customer with the farm and be consistent there, meaning you have to always pick up eggs weekly.

Read also: How to start a poultry farm

Other Working Tools

The basic tool needed for this business is empty crates, it could be paper crates or plastic crates. You can buy crates of 00 pieces at N10,000 or N5,000 if you choose to buy the paper crates, the total number you will need to run your business now depends on you. Note that the paper crates are more protective of your eggs, it reduces the number of cracks you will realize from transferring your eggs, and it is cheaper as well but damages more quickly than the plastic ones.

SEE ALSO: How To Start Bread Supply Business In Nigeria

The cost of acquiring a used vehicle constitutes almost 90% of your capital needed in this business. Once you are mobile, the only cost you will need to run this business for a start is N80,000, with this amount you can buy 120 crates of eggs. A crate of egg can cost N650 or less  from farm depending on the size you choose to buy, any balance left will be incurred on fueling your vehicle and other road expenses.

Potential Profit In Eggs Supply Business

In this business, you are your own boss and you will decide how much profit you want to make in a week. Depending on any size of egg you choose to buy, you will gain profit of N100 on a crate of eggs if you sell as a whole seller but if you choose to sell as retailer you can have profit of N300 on a crate. If you restrict yourself to selling just 100 crates of eggs weekly, that means you will realize profit of N10,000 weekly and this is just N40, 000 monthly.

This is how you determine your profit. Setting a target to sell 1,000 crates of egg per week will mean you will realize  100 x 1,000 = N100,000 weekly , multiply this per month, that is a whooping sum of N400,000 profit monthly. If you deduct your monthly expenses from this amount am very sure you will still have a reasonable amount to save.

Buying and selling eggs might look odd to you but concentrate on how profitable it is and stop waiting for gainful employment in that oil and gas company that may not come until when your responsibilities are enormous. Keep yourself busy and be productive.

Feel free to leave a comment, and if you have any challenges, don’t hesitate to ask questions, locating a farm where you can pick up eggs can also be a challenge to you, ask us any question we will gladly respond to you. Wish you all the best in your business career.

What Next…

You can also start your own poultry farm. 

Join other poultry farmers who have made our Poultry Farming eBook their companion towards starting their poultry farms and managing it effectively. Click Here to buy the poultry farming eBook

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business plan on egg distribution in nigeria

okay, go into it as soon as possible, and if you have any question feel free to ask us anytime.

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business plan on egg distribution in nigeria

yes I need to talk to you or you on messenger are you the one on the writing the articles

business plan on egg distribution in nigeria

good morning. pls can u help me with your mobile number. i wish to speak with you. Probably, you can connect me with farms, i leave in Igando area of Lagos

My name is Akin. I’m a smallholder poultry farmer in Ijebu. I want off takers in Lagos. Kindly contact me. 09060008172

Nice, how much will you get the egg in the farm

business plan on egg distribution in nigeria

you will need the visit the farms and ensure they can meet up with your demands

Hello, the price of eggs depends on the sizes of egg. For instance, you can buy eggs from a particular farm between the ranges of N400 – N700.

business plan on egg distribution in nigeria

Pls can you help me with any farm location?

Mr Darlinton please i would want a chat with you. A confidential business matter.

And how much will u sale if u buy at tvat price from farm.and how would u manage to sale 1000 crate of eggs in a week.what is the market taket fast food or ware

its very do able. I have a full time job 9 – 5 Mondays to Fridays and on Saturdays I supply eggs. I leave home around 5;30 am I m at the farm by 7 am I am through by 10 – 11 because you will have to arrange the eggs carefully so as not to brake them before I leave I sort some into big( jumbo), medium and then small ( pullet) and I immediately start supplying. I began in December with 50 crate now in jan I am doing 350 crates of egg at 100 naira profit on each crate. it is very lucrative

Hello annonymous,thanks for your post. i have a 9-5 job like u too and i will like to supply eggs on saturdays, pls can u tell me where the farm is located in lagos? thanks

Thank you for the word of encouragement on this business. Pls… I want to plead you if I can chat you privately on it. Cos am about to venture into it and I think I’d need a mentor in that line so as not to work alone. Pls… Thank you. I am Victor

Please can I chat with u on WhatsApp I need to start d business instead of sitting at home doing nothing please can u help n here is my number 08168333017

How long do u normally sold the whole 350 crate?

Great business effort! Keep it up and never look back, you'll make something really big from it

Dear Mr. Darlinton,

I am very much interested in this business. Can you help me with some farms location. I reside at Ajah.

Is possible i have an uncle who buy and distribute 400 creates of eggs every two days.

you can make it if you set a target for yourself. see yourself reporting to a boss and not to your self you will surely get there gradually.

How much it a wholesale price per crate if am saling and how much will I buy from the farm .Please any farm of ur choice u can refer me.

Good day Mr Darlington, Pls how can i locate the farms in Lagos?

The only farm I know that sells in large quantity is Obasanjo farms at Ibogun which is where I get my supply from.

business plan on egg distribution in nigeria

i also sell eggs in large quantity….it going to be an advantage if you stay in lagos , because it would be less stress for you. E-mail me.

Good afternoon. Please I have interest in the business but the farm I contacted in Ibadan said no room for a new customer. Please can you help me with Obasanjo farm?

nice estate, Adesan, mowe along Lagos Ibadan express way also supplies in large quantities and fresh eggs is sure because u will have to book down payment on delivery only but it takes longer time for delivery because they already have suppliers around it’s environment who comes to the farm directly so if u can visit them u might get supplies faster

Great post, i intend to go into it soonest.

Weldone Olaitan,

Very well written. For those asking for the price of eggs from the farm and any recommendation, i will like to point out again like Olaitan mentioned in one of the comments above, the prices of eggs differ and this is as a result of the difference in sizes. Again, the prices usually differ a bit depending on the area and other factors like relationship with the farmer and all of that but normally, you would get good eggs btw N500 – N800.

A quick search for Animal and Pets on olx would bring up a good list of egg distributors and farmers, this i believe is a good start but as usual never release money to anyone until …. You know the rest of the story. You can also ask around, you never can tell, one might just be in your neighborhood.

Cheers and Goodluck.

do i really need a car to start this business?

You know eggs are very fragile and they could easily break except if your customers are close to where you have your shop.I think that is why you need to be mobile. God is your strength.

how do u store the eggs after purchase and if the market is not fast moving how long the eggs can last?

No need to store it, you have your customers and supply them on the go. It's a fast moving commodity

Thanks for all these ideas. I have an intention to set up a poultry farm soon, layers for the production of eggs. Before my layers start to produce eggs can I go into egg business in order for me to have who to supply when the time comes?

Maybe or may not. If you decide to go into egg business in advance, that's fine as that may give leverage of income. If not, you can market your target customers down by just informing them that very soon you'll be producing

What kind of vehicle that is good for egg business/ distribution?

I have a Renault kangoo which can convey 1000 crates per trip

do policemen stop you on the way? do you need nafdac? what are the regulatory aspects of this business?

hello, please can u wright a business plan on distributor of egg supply to shops, and please how can l communicate with u in pravite.

how can l get ur direct contact, it is very important l talk to u, it urgent

my name is Hayes Abiodun

Please am looking for where to get a disposable create of eggs can anyone help me out

Please am looking for where to get a disposable create of eggs to buy . can anyone help me out

Good day sir, Pls how do l locate a good farm that I can get eggs? I will like to start selling in whole sale price. Urgently needed Pls. Base is Ikeja Lagos state

Very interesting post. I am a poultry famer and i can supply as many eggs as you would need for your business. Price range is between 500 to 650. Contact me on twitter at @primerafarms. My farm is im badagry lagos

add me on facebook pls samuel omotosho is the name

Please I would like to know how to get started buying eggs n how much it. Goes for. C on m

Pls am going into this business new,I seriously need egg with creates so how much

Pls your number .

Fresh eggs for sale buy 100 crates and bags above and we deliver. Jumbo size =#700 for a crate Medium size=#550 for a crate Small size =#400 for a crate

Ur number please this is mine, 08130938747

I am interested

Good morning, why don’t you give your contact number here for the people that does not have twitter…

Add me on Facebook

Am interested in this business can you contact 07034733331.

Please can you supply crates of eggs to me

I'm in Ibadan, and right now, before I came across this post, I was doing a research on egg distribution business. Thank God I came across this, it helps…but, my question is this: Where can I get like hundreds crates of egg in Ibadan. I live around Iwo-road Ibadan.

i am a farmer and can supply as many a you want. i have a farm in olodo /iyana church

please which state is that

I’m in iyana church and I’m need of eggs in large quantities send me ur contact

Can i have your contact please! Am also interested. Its urgent!

have you tried L O farms in Ibadan?

pls, i reside in Taraba State, from which farm can i make purchase at a very good price, and also how do i do the packing making it ready for transportation

I am a poultry famer and i can supply as many eggs as you would need…Poultry farm located in delta state around obiaruku at a good price

business plan on egg distribution in nigeria

How much do u sell per crates send ur contact to email

business plan on egg distribution in nigeria

Nice post, dear poultry farmer in Delta state, I live in Asaba, how do I get you to supplying me eggs in Asabsa? Call me. thanks and hope to hear from you soonest.


Thanks for your post. I am interested in this business, Could you please tell me where to buy the crates and how to package them in my car ( passat ) for delivery. I can start with the 120 crates as you suggested. I wait to hear from you , Thank you and may God bless us all.

please where is the farm whose eggs appeared on your post. I need a farm that will pack the eggs in 30 Dozen as shown above. Kindly reply me sir.

How many do you want to buy? I mean the quantity of eggs you want to buy. If it's big enough, I may look out for a farm that will package it for you the way you see it on the picture. But why packaging, where are you taking it to?

Hi will love to start did business next month,so I want to no how I can get to know a good farm I can b buying frm,urgent pls.

Hello Darlington, is it possible to transport packaged eggs as shown in the picture from known farm to Port harcourt?

please where can i get good farm in Lagos to get my eggs from to supply. I want to go into the business.i want to start with 500 crates of eggs

Please send me your number so that I can contact you I live in warri, I need about 400 crates for a start,inbox t my email

Tnx 4 d post

Pls, where can i get eggs in large quantities in Abuja?

Please kindly suggest farms where i can get very big eggs. I'm into the business already and would love to expand. Looking for the best buy. Thank you.

Good day, Please is it possible to get a business proposal sample on egg supply? thanks

This info is great! I'm going into it after my service later this year!

Good morning all.Oluwalaanumi farms located in Ogbomosho.We supply eggs to Lagos and Ibadan axis.

good evening Mr oluwalaanumi. i am in Ogbomosho. how can contact you to do business together. this is my phone e number 08132058829. i lived around mercury side Ogbomosho

Oluwalaanumi is able offer you transportation @ additional cost. Please note terms and conditions applies.

pls how can someone locate your farm at ogbomosho

business plan on egg distribution in nigeria

where is your farm located in Ogbomoso? what is the transportation cost to Lagos? how is this charged? per crate?

I started the business last year with Obasanjo farms and I got the wrong end of the stick. Their eggs are of the lowest quality and they get spoilt easily. I made losses in large quantity. It was just this year that I made further research and I got a collection of farms in the same locality in Ilorra near oyo town where their eggs are good and I rent my transport from a man in ogbomosho from where I bring my eggs to lagos. Though the farm is far and it increases my overhead but I have rest of mind and I'm saving up to buy up my own buy my own bus which will further increase my profit and reduce my cost.

Abiodun, thank you for the wonderful feedback, people can now take note and learn from your experience in other to avoid loses.

pls abiodun can u give me the location so that i can also get good eggs since i am a starter too. and pls help me with recent prices of egg

Daibo, where do you reside, if you reside in Lagos state, theres no essence going all the way to ogbodo so when you can get good eggs at abeokuta ogun state nearer to you at N650 – N700.

Pls can you help me with farm locations

M r Akindele . how can i contact you i lived in Ogbomosho. i want to do this same. How much is your transportation cost and where do supply to . . how do they buy from you. do you have a target buyer you sell to in bulk or you sake to retailer .Thank YOU

thank you for the Info. I live in Lagos and looking for farm where i can register and get my supply from. if there are good farma i can get the eggs from in Lagos, i would be very happy

thank you for the information. I very much want to go into the business but do not know where to get my egg supply from. I stay in Lagos. Are there good farms in Lagos where I can get my egg supply from?

i have my farm here in lagos , fresh eggs all time….you can email me.

please how much does it cost now and your e mail or number to call

Hammmy, what’s your farm location, contact also. I stay in Lagos and would love to get eggs from your farm

where are you located and can some contact you?

i stay in lagos and i intend to start. but the problem i have now is to locate a farm. can someone help me?

In Adewo farms we bring our eggs into Lagos and you can pick and buy them in bulk and at the same price you would at the farm. Address: No. 10 Joshua Eke, off Alidada Street, Okota Palace Way, Isolo. Lagos. You’ll find us and the eggs in the shop there.

I have always had this dream of owing an egg supply business and so this year,I decide to work on my dreams coming true.I contact OBASANJO farms via this number 081266xxxx and I placed an order for 100 creates worth N60000.I paid the money to them on the 23rd of January 2016,and till this moment,I have not seen my eggs nor my money.I have made several efforts to reach them but to no suddenly dawned on me that I have been duped.I felt bad and discouraged in doing the egg supply business.still trying to recover from the loss.

Sorry about that. You should have travel down yourself rather than taking the root you took. Well if you you can and want to get back in the business you can contact me but you will have to hold on to your money and travel down to abeokuta this time around and see what you wanna buy yourself.

Hello Sylvestre, Pls how do i locate you? Looking for a farm to get eggs from. Thank you.

In Adewo farms we bring our eggs into Lagos fro Ogun state and you can pick and buy them in bulk and at the same price you would at the farm. Address: No. 10 Joshua Eke, off Alidada Street, Okota Palace Way, Isolo. Lagos. You’ll find us and the eggs in the shop there.

Still from the individual that was duped by obasanjo is another number I used in communicating them 080667xxxx and this was the account number I used in transferring the 60k to them:SAMSON HAPPY JULIET-6237424326-FIDELITY BANK. Dear people,I really need help best possible on how to track these thieves and recover my money back because I actually borrowed this 60k and am stranded on how to pay back this money.I really need help. Attached is my personal phone number:08079xxxxx. God bless you all.

It is not from Obasanjo Farm. That is the reason we don’t allow phone numbers and emails here. Nigerians can easily dupe you with anything. Looking at the account name, you should know the name sound fraudulent – Obasanjo Farm’s account name should be OBASANJO FARM LTD or something like that. And you paid in full for eggs you haven’t seen when its not something you can download online. If you are to pay for any goods, make sure the company is reputable and the transaction must be at their official website. STOP GETTING NUMBERS ON FACEBOOK AND BLOG COMMENTS TO CALL. Serious business don’t post contact on blog comments.

Please how do you determine eggs of high quality to avoid running at a loss?

Good day Mr Darlington, please how do you determine the eggs that are of high quality to avoid running at a loss.

You can test to see if it’s damaged or not with the water test, please google this. Other than that size is the only other factor.

Hello Victoria, Many farms out there don’t have a good marketing strategy on how to sell their Eggs, so they keep the Eggs for too long in the farm waiting for buyer’s to come that’s why you have records of people who have purchased spoilt Eggs. As a starter to avoid buying such Eggs go to a farm that’s well known with large customer patronage. There I can assure you they won’t have Eggs that are spoilt. As matter of fact you will have to book with them a date for them to keep among the production of a particular day for you. In Lagos I know off A cooperative poultry farm at KLM 17, BADAGRY EXPRESSWAY, Ojo Lagos State. For more help you can call: zero seven zero three eight two two two seven three three.

For the the benefits of everyone DON’T PAY FOR EGGS INTO ANY ACCOUNT WITHOUT VISITING THE FARM AND SEEING WHAT YOU WANT TO PAY FOR. Preads the news to everyone that you can reach. There are many scammers on Facebook advertising Eggs for sale if they ask that you pay part or full without you visiting the farm don’t. They are scammers.

As you are thinking about rendering service to people and make money in the process lots of them out there are thinking about how they can dope you. Be careful.

May God direct you right.

Hi, Thanks for the wonderful details. I want to start an egg business, i came across this information in the search for knowledge about it. I live in lagos around ogba . Can you suggest any farm to register with? i am seriously searching for farms. Also, what are your veiws in having an egg depot ?

Hello if you can come down to abeokuta you will see good eggs to buy but I will advice that you don’t have a Depot for your eggs rather have customer based to distribute or supply to immediately. You should not let your eggs stay more than 3weeks in Stock.

Mr sylvestre. I will like to have your contact to be able to get these farms in Abeokuta tru ur assistance.

Good day, Pls how can I get plastic and paper pulp egg crate here in Nigeria any one wit useful info should Pls contact me on


Good works Mr Darlington omeh. I have been following you since about 3 years ago. You have wealth of experience and are indeed successful because you know what you’re doing. Thumps up for you. The egg business is just the way you have said.

Thank you so much bro, and continue helping your fellow Nigerians and others, God will reward you.

Good day Please I will like to know a good farm where I can by eggs from Please help me out

Good sir, I have been following up on your post for the past two months now. I intented to go into eggs distribution starting with 500 crates in lapai in Niger state. I have done my feasibility study and have list of consumers to supply to, but my challenge now is how to get good quality eggs(big) in illorin. Please your assistance and comments will be highly appreciated. Thanks

Pls av u start the egg sell in minna as I am also interested

Please sir, can i start with 30k?

Yes, you can start with 30K or even less and still make your profit. Are you mobile?

Please i need contact of farms in lagos where i can source good eggs at good price.

How many crates will 30k get.

Darlinton omen pls connect me with dealer that Will supply me with egg

Hi darlinton, my sister told me about egg bussiness and i really want to go into it. Presently i am working, but intend leaving as soon as i have other sources of income. Please my question is how can i market to my costumers? I am not mobile yet, will it affect my output?

I was encouraged when you said you go to the farm on Saturdays buy and distribute your eggs. please throw more light on how you got your costumers.

God bless you real good for the write up.

Good day sir, please I need your assistance on how to sell my eggs. I need contact of egg sellers in ibadan.

Drop your farm address, I’m sure they are plenty people here looking for where to buy eggs. Addsess alone, not email nor phone number

RYour contact Mrdalinton, pls I need your personal contact, I need you to mentor me on certain. Thanks

i have been in poultry field b4 now bt i fail,and lost huge amont of money,bt for the passion that i have for it,i want tips..i want to start from EGGs selling to start with for the main get my balance very well and meet people on the field

Can you please tell me where I can buy quality eggs at good prices around Ogun State. I reside in Lagos

Adewo Farms is in Ogun State, we ship into Lagos so it may be easier for you to pick it up in Lagos. Address: No. 10 Joshua Eke, off Alidada Street, Okota Palace Way, Isolo. Lagos. You’ll find us and the eggs in the shop there.

Pls contact Oba ni Jesu farm at Amuloko area Idi Ose inu coacoa off egbeda tuba road Ibadan to pick the eggs up no need to stress ur self just 600# pere Good work Darlinton

Pls darlinton I want people hear to be aware that my farm has enough egg to give them here if they can reach us on Facebook. Thanks

Please I live in minna Niger state and I will like to go into egg selling. I want to knw Hw u can arrange it for me nd also the price. Pls awaiting ur reply

Good job. I really appreciate this. Thanks.

In every business u have to stand out how can one achieve dat with this eggs business and tanx for all d tips very helpful

Wuld also appreciate an address of a farm in lagos or were u tink its cheaper to buy from am just abut to start tank u

I commend Mr Darlington for doing a great job here. Please I need to buy plastic egg crates and I can’t seem to get anywhere in Lagos. Any suggestions please. Thanks

Anyone willing to get a farm to source eggs for supply? Contact the farm directly at. Farm is at Eneka, Port Harcourt. The customers are available but most of them like the eggs delivered to them

Pls can u give the full address of the farm in portharcourt. I really need to buy eggs .thank u

business plan on egg distribution in nigeria

Pls,drop the address of the farm at Eneka

hello sir, my name is Daniel and I just came across this site, I want to go into egg supply, I am mobile but the problem is locating the farm to buy in large quantity, am in Abuja and the customers are there. please how do I locate farms in Abuja or near by states where I can buy eggs from.

A very good job.all I read here is an eye opener for me.i want to go into this biz as a depot,my question is,as a depot can I also be supplying d eggs as door to door to customers or buyers has to come in to my depot to buy? My next quetn, kind u please give me contacts of farms I can register with. i live lagos

You can come check us out at Adewo Farms to see if we can meet your supply requirements. Address: No. 10 Joshua Eke, off Alidada Street, Okota Palace Way, Isolo. Lagos. You’ll find us there.

pls how do i locate a farm in benin city whr i can get good eggs.

Eggs supply in bulk still available weekly for interested buyers within Lagos and environ. for more details

(pay on delivery) serious buyers only. no spamming pls

Yes am interested, how much is a create of eggs if delivered to me pls. Are ur eggs big and fresh?

Am interested where is ur location

God bless you Mr dalinton, I be been searching for this kind of forum, I want a very good supplier who can supply at a dealer or subdealrs price so that I can be selling in wholesales price, I be rented a shop ready, one at Ikeja and another one at Aboru Iyana ipaja. I want a very good egg at good price. I will pay on delirvry. You can contact me on

Good day,Mr olufemi. How many crates are we looking at weekly and your location.

Hello. Like how many crates do you need? And what is your location?

business plan on egg distribution in nigeria

Do you still need suppliers for eggs? If so how many?

Hello dear, could you please give a precise location of the farm to me at eneka, thanks in anticipation.

Hello Darlington and All. I want to use this medium to thank you all for your wonderful contributions and great ideas. I want to go into this business soonest, but need a farm around Ofada/Mowe/Owode axis. Do anyone know where I can get good quality eggs any farm within these axis? Secondly, I need to know the precise duration of an egg before it gets spoilt and good ways of storage

Hi, eggs will last for about a week before spoiling, we bring our eggs into Lagos but from Ogun State, we might be able to set up a rendezvous point for collection. Let us know. Adewo Farms.

Hi Mr Darlington, you are doing a good job. I was thinking of going into this business when I stumbled into this site. Can I have an idea of the farm where to buy in bulk and supply to customers within Lagos Mainland? I also want to know where I can get the paper and plastic crates to buy in bulk even for sale. Thank you and keep the good work going.

From experience you can get good paper crates from Iyana Opaja side around Agege, hundred paper crates will cost you about 4,000 Naira there. Plastic crates can be bought from those who sell plastic products. If you need a supply In Adewo farms we bring our eggs into Lagos and you can pick and buy them in bulk and at the same price you would at the farm. Address: No. 10 Joshua Eke, off Alidada Street, Okota Palace Way, Isolo. Lagos. You’ll find us and the eggs in the shop there.

business plan on egg distribution in nigeria

can you bring them down to my place after at least 50 creates?

Mr ola kindly drop your phone number

Hi Mr Ola, do you still do egg business? if yes how much per crate in wholesales price and how much will i sell out

Goodday,please I really need help urgently Mr darlinton.i stumbled upon this post while researching and your post was very helpful.I need to know how I can get reliable suppliers of eggs and I would like to chat with you privately if you don’t mind. I am mobile and every other thing is set.

Hi Oriyomi, in Adewo farms we bring our eggs into Lagos and you can pick and buy them in bulk and at the same price you would at the farm. Address: No. 10 Joshua Eke, off Alidada Street, Okota Palace Way, Isolo. Lagos. You’ll find us and the eggs in the shop there.

Am interested am in Lagos I need a good supplier at affordable rate 07034733331

Mr Darlington,i really appreciate your site and all the educative questions and responses. I have equally done my market studies on egg sales which i am commencing in earnest. When i meet any challenge,i will not hesitate to contact you. Many thanx

please ill like to know egg farms in lagos and their location where i can pick eggs from for sale tnx

I have eggs in Okota area you can pick, you’ll be able to see before you buy to prevent fraud. Number:

what about you delivery the eggs within lagos, is there any cost attach to delivery

Pls reply me urgently pls ,I want to go into dis bus by next year but faced with challenges of knowing farms dat will accept new customers . I mean farms I can go ad be taking eggs . I know I will register but didn’t even know any.pls help me with the names ad address of the farms if possible their phone numbers. I want to go into egg distribution business. Thank u will appreciate u for dis ad please can I hv ur contact sent to my box so we can talk beta on watshap.

Please I need to locate a farm that produce at least 400 crates every week in delta state

business plan on egg distribution in nigeria

Hello derekcoleman,

Kindly contact me for your eggs. Farm is at Aiyedoto Farm, Ojo, Lagos . You can come verify before we transact business. Thank you. Best wishes

what is the average price of eggs from the farm now? I’m planning to go into the business and looking for farms within Lagos axis that can supply about 1000 crates per week at reasonable prices.

business plan on egg distribution in nigeria

I am already into egg distributing business but I want to supply to super markets how can I get the disposable creates

please advise, what vehicle is good enough at reasonable price to transport about 1000 crates of eggs? the known vehicles (toyota hiace, ford E series, chevrolete express etc) all seem to be very expensive. will a fiat transit, volkswagen kombi bus etc serve as these are the vehicles that cost less.

business plan on egg distribution in nigeria

Are you in Abuja, and if you are where? I will like to register with you.

business plan on egg distribution in nigeria

Thanks for an inspiring info on egg supply biz. My question is how do I pad my corolla to be able carry about 150 crates.i am about to start the biz

business plan on egg distribution in nigeria

Thanks a lot Darlington, I am venture into it as soon as possible. but I will be very grateful if you can link me up with some farmers regards

business plan on egg distribution in nigeria

Nice write up sir I never get tired of consulting ur blog may ur pen never run dry,i want to start my poultry farm dis year by God’s grace and I will let you know when it has kicked off so dt I can get potential clients frm dis blog remain bless sir

business plan on egg distribution in nigeria

Thanks so much 4 d biz tips on eggs. Pls, connect me to a good poultry farm in Warri n its environs. Thank.

You didnt drop your details

Sir, I want to register with them n start immediately, thanks.

business plan on egg distribution in nigeria

Hello Darlington,this was very insightful, I’ve a farm but i usually sell to market women and all these abokis but i want to start selling to supermarkets, kindly advise what the best strategy approach is and where can i get the transparent crates? a prompt response would be appreciated.

business plan on egg distribution in nigeria

Hello, Mr Darlington, Thanks for this useful information. I came across your site while searching for information on how to start egg business in Nigeria. I live in Lagos and I am looking for a reputable farm where I can buy eggs in large quantity for supply. I will also be glad to receive information about organizations or people that will buy from me when i start. Could you please help. I will also appreciate folks who can assist me in this regard. Anybody please.

business plan on egg distribution in nigeria

Nice one Darlington, keep it up

business plan on egg distribution in nigeria

Hello guys,

Were can I get good supplier in Ibadan ?

business plan on egg distribution in nigeria

Please contact IYERE farms for fresh and affordable eggs-Farm located at Ikorodu; Depot in Oshodi. 07030321348, 09056189569. Thank you.

Pls whr in ikd is ur farm n how much are ur big egg with paper crate…i will need 100 for a start…

Does anyone need empty crates of eggs, I have a water resistant paper crates any quantity of your choice. The crates are sold in bundles of 100pieces. Water resistant paper crate is the best to use since they protect your eggs from crack as darlington stated in his post and the crates don’t get damage in case of accidental water spill. Call 08023833778

I appreciate you effort to enlightened us on egg business. it has been in production for the past 35 years. it has always been a good business. Although, there are ups and down but at the end you will have your way.

want to know…… do i know spoiled eggs……… to protect eggs from RATs…….3.can heat make eggs spoiled…….4….then how long can it be in the store before it got spoiled……5…is there any preservation for eggs.?

My enviable writer… must confess i appreciate your gingering spirit encouraging me to start a biz of my own. I will adopt your suggestion.

Please contact Olaonipekun farms for fresh and affordable eggs of different sizes-Our Farm is located at Kogi State; Outlet in Abuja. Contact us on 08036175458. Thank you.

Nice one Bro, need contact address of egg farms in Port Harcourt . …

can i do this as a part time biz i.e weekends

I am interested in going into the egg depot business. my location is between abuja and nasarawa state. i need farms where i can get my supplies from. 08032279186.

Please i am in Port Harcourt, Rivers State. I want to go into the business but dont know good farms to purchase the eggs. i will like if you suggest good farms for me here in Port harcourt.

Great post, very educative, keep it up. To make a lot of profit in your Poultry farming business, you need to cut the cost of feeding your birds and birds grown at high densities requires a nutritionally complete feed to produce good growth and maintain good health. I’m a local manufacturer and distributor of high quality Poultry Feed in Nigeria. I sell at an affordable rate of N2,000 per 25kg bag, I have starter, Grower, Finisher and Layer Mash available. I distribute to all parts of the country to Sub-distributors, Wholesalers, Retailers and End-users. Feel free to call us on 08103760828. Our address is: No. 3, Oke Street, illaro in Ado-Odo L.G.A Ogun State, Nigeria. We offer free nationwide delivery. Updated Price List For Our Birds A day old broiler = N150 A day old pullet = N220 A day old hybrid turkey = N450 A day old foreign turkey = N1000 6 weeks old turkey = N1000 8 weeks old turkey = N1200 A day old white cockrel = N25 A day old black cockrel = N500 point of lay turkeys = N2000 (7 months) point of lay pullets = N800 (16 weeks) I own a big Poultry farm myself so my feed is properly prepared with good and well balance chicken feed formulation. We supply Nationwide to your farm or doorstep at an affordable price of NGN 2,000 per 25kg bag. The ingredients required to manufacture high quality feed are readily available here in Nigeria hence my feed has a high quality energy source required for growth and maintenance of body tissue resulting in improved weight gains because it is fortified with balanced vitamins, minerals and amino acids plus Stabilized Vitamin C required for better metabolism, skeletal formation, nerves, body fluid regulation and enzymes to yield maximum productivity.

Hi my name is Tony I live in Benin. please how much is your feed currently I want to buy .

Mr Darlington, may the good Lord satisfy you with Long life, prosperity and Greater heights. Thanks for this useful information and platform through which information on this business are released. Please I need a trusted egg farm locations in Lagos . Thanks. Meanwhile, those in the distribution business already can share their experiences : challenges And success tips. Together we can reduce The rate of unemployment leading to crimes and other social vices by encouraging our youths to venture into self reliant Business like this.

hi everyone please where can l get eggs to buy at a cheap rate in edo state where i am based.

i hav been in the busines over a year now and by God grace i have my farm and i want to shift my supply to manufacturing companies and they are demanding for quotation. can u provide me wit one viable type

I want to start eggs business in Cross River State, 80,000 will be my capital for the business, perhaps i want to know the size of the eggs at their reasonable prices, how to locate your poultry farm thanks

Hello Victoria, Many farms out there don’t have a good marketing strategy on how to sell their Eggs, so they keep the Eggs for too long in the farm waiting for buyer’s to come that’s why you have records of people who have purchased spoilt Eggs. As a starter to avoid buying such Eggs go to a farm that’s well known with large customer patronage. There I can assure you they won’t have Eggs that are spoilt. As matter of fact you will have to book with them a date for them to keep among the production of a particular day for you. In Lagos I know off A cooperative poultry farm at KLM 17, BADAGRY EXPRESSWAY, Ojo Lagos State. For more help you can call: zero seven zero three eight two two two seven three three.

For the the benefits of everyone DON’T PAY FOR EGGS INTO ANY ACCOUNT WITHOUT VISITING THE FARM AND SEEING WHAT YOU WANT TO PAY FOR. Preads the news to everyone that you can reach. There are many scammers on Facebook advertising Eggs for sale if they ask that you pay part or full without you visiting the farm don’t. They are scammers.

Thank u for this useful information. As am charting with you right now am dealing with a man I can refer to as scammer. Since I discovered his phone contact yesterday on jiji, he has being disturbing me to make part payment to an account number. To my surprise, this guy claim to be a marketing manager at Obasanjo farm. He promised to deliver the egg at 600 per create but I insist to make payment at delivery. Your information s are real and I hold on it. Thanks a lot.

Run with your money o. They are after your wallet

You are not lying. Really the man named himself as Okpara and he duped me if 16500 for 30 crates of eggs, he advertised himself on JiJi. I reported the case to JiJi though and I hope they bring down his advert there.

hello!! this platform is very good especially for those seeking for business ideas… am really in particular about this egg business cos I have been meaning to do it… please can u give me any farm in Bayelsa state….

I have been meaning to start this egg business but am looking for place that can supply me. I have seen many adverts on egg sale on Facebook but am scared of scammers. Please any farm that can deliver eggs to Benin city should please Holla me on 08135745281.

Hello darlinton. I’ve just completed my secondary school and I need an easy business to do while i continue my music school.

I am in Port Harcourt Rivers State, I need a farm that sells good eggs in Port Harcourt

nice post,very educative

I reside in between FCT boundary and Nasarawa state.please can you direct me to the Farms i can be register.ed to pick eggs between Keffi and Nasarawa state.This post is really educative and inspiring.

Please sir, Is it better to start the egg business in rural area since there is cheaper standard of living. I dont know where to start.

Thanks Mr Darlington and everyone here. I’m about going into this egg business. Searching for a reliable farm to register with that can deliver 500 creates of quality eggs per week.

Where are you based?

Opara farming limited. Major distributor of quality fascinated feeds for fishery, and poultry, Dogs, horse, Camel, donkey, ducks, goats Rabbits, grasscutter, charcoals, palm oil, canel oils, cashew nut, cocoa, etc we deliver nationwide. We sell livestock and Doc birds and turkey foreign and local at an affordable price. List of some of our products. Eggs! Jumbo size. #650 Medium size. #550 Small size. #450. GRASSCUTTER PRICE PER COLONY. 4month old #25,000 6month old #28,500 pregnant one #35,000 Point of birth #50,000. FEEDS. We sell vital feeds, top feeds, hybrid feeds, animals care, and catfish feeds per 15kg and 25kg at an affordable price. We also ducks, bush birds, dogs of different types and breeds and many more. Contact via Whatapp or call us on 08144115422

where is your location plz?

Good morning Mr. Darlington. Please do you have any business plan on this business? I really need one now and I can’t write it myself because I have very little knowledge of the the business. Please beep me on.

thanks for this info is really helpful

Pls am from kaduna state, I also want to start the egg business but yet to find a farm I can pick up eggs from

Pls am from kaduna state, I also want to start the egg business but yet to find a farm I can pick up eggs from,pls can anybody help me with any farm address

A very big thanks to you Darlington. I have benefitted immensely from all those who contributed.

please i need farm address where i can buy eggs as a distributor

Thanks for sharing this worthful post.

I live around Mowe/Ofada and I need farms where I can get eggs at reasonable prices. Farms in Ofada sell at ridiculous prices making your profit on a crate between 50-70 Naira. Anyone with a good farm please let me know.

business plan on egg distribution in nigeria

I need a recommendation for reputable farms in Ibadan

L O Farms in Ibadan is a great place.

please how can I get a farm around lagos, Ibadan and ijebu axis to get eggs at an affordable price

I want to be a distributor of eggs pls where can i get a farm in lagos or ogun state

Please I am seriously considering to start an egg supply business to areas in bayelsa state? Do you know of any nearby poultry farm I can connect to start my supply?

Good morning Sir/Ma. Please, how do I get or locate nearby market to Mararaba in Karu Local government area in Nasarawa state where I can get big eggs. I just want to start the business but this has been my problem. Thanks you.

My intention is to start an egg distribution business. Kindly inform me of farms in and around Benin city where i can source for fresh eggs. Your help will be greatly appreciated.

If you want to make a lot of profit in your Grasscutters farms/Poultry farming business, you need to cut the cost of feeding your birds and birds grown at high densities requires a nutritionally complete feed to produce good growth and maintain good health. I’m a local manufacturer and distributor of high quality Poultry/catfish Feed in Nigeria. I sell at an affordable rate of N2,500 per 25kg bag, I have starter, Grower, Finisher and Layer Mash available. I distribute to all parts of the country to Sub-distributors, Wholesalers, Retailers and End-users.

Feel free to call us on 08158322657. Address: No 3, Mission Road Bida Niger State Nigeria. Email us: [email protected] We offer free nationwide delivery.

WE ALSO SELL: GRASSCUTTER PER COLONY 4month old #30,000 6month old #38,500 Pregnant ones #45,000 Point of birth #60,000. RABBIT PER COLONY 4month old #25,000 6month old #30,500 Pregnant ones #40,550 Point of birth #50,000. EGGS PER CRATE: Big size #700 Medium #600 Small size #500. SNAILS PER KILO Point of lay (POL) #6,000.

Day Old pullet–N200 Day Old Broilers—N180 Turkey Day Old(Foreign)—N550 Turkey Day Old (Local)—N350 White Cockerel.–N50 Black Cockerel.–N70 Pullet. —N400 Parent Stock(broiler)—N2,400 Parent Stock(Layers)—N2,600 8Weeks Cockerel —-N900 4Weeks Broiler—–N800 10Weeks Broiler –N1500

Types of Cages for Sale: Normal cage & Electric cage Feeds for Variety of Birds & many more.. Call 08158322657 to place an order and get Booked now. Days of Delivery: Monday-Saturday.

business plan on egg distribution in nigeria

Good day, I need a genuine farm or link me up who can supply me 300 creates of eggs at affordable price/ per week. I live in Lagos. my contact: 08136031804

Mr Darlington you are such a wonderful specie of human, great work you are doing; thank you for your impact. Please I am in otukpo Benue state how can I locate a good farm to supply me.

SpotMe is an Online Digital Platform specifically designed to advertise and promote businesses and events whether large or small scale. We connect business owners with their clients. A lot of times, people in your surroundings travel distance to seek certain services and purchase of goods. We want to ensure that the money that is supposed to be yours for the service you offer is not being given to someone else that offers the same service far away. This online platform also enables our users to create a large customer base. Remember the larger the customer base, the higher the patronage of your goods and services. What makes this program more beautiful and worth doing is that it is totally free to register. All you need do is visit the website , create user account and add your products and services, at no cost! Thereafter, just sit back, relax and keep an eye on your account while you wait for calls from possible clients. Note that your product pictures and videos are allowed on the platform for showcase because they will greatly attract clients. Leave the rest for us to promote you!

Please I need a genuine farm or link where I can get like 200 creates of eggs within lagos Environs

business plan on egg distribution in nigeria

That’s really some serious business out there for such. But I would say you need several people on the bikes here, that’s for sure. Keep that all in mind. But 400k monthly is quite unrealistic thing at the start of whole this carreer and that’s it. For sure.

Eggs Distribution Business: A Hidden Gold Mine In Nigeria. ☎️ 09069268112

Eggs distribution is a hidden gold mine but unfortunately, only a very few people knows that this business can make you a millionaire over time. The current retail price for a crate of egg is between N900 – N1,100. Now, if you buy from us at farm gate price of N650 per crate and you sell for N1,100 per crate, that is a whooping #450 naira gain on top of each crate, calculate that times 1,000 crates and you will see the profit potential of this business. The first thing to do if you want to invest in egg distribution Business is look for a reliable and trustworthy farm like our farm that is capable of supplying you steadily and without transportation cost.

For booking CALL/Whatsapp: ☎️ 09069268112

FARM GATE PRICE LARGE: ——————– N650 Per Crate MEDIUM: —————– N550 Per Crate SMALL: ——————– N450 Per Crate

We guarantee you of “zero risk purchase” experience in our farm. We do our best to ensure every customer is very satisfied by our products. We make sure you get your products as specified and in time. We ensure you get exactly what you order for and also make sure you get your items in time.

FARM ADDRESS: Along Atan Road, Ijebu Igbo, Ijebu North Local Government Area, Ogun State.

Tel_ ➡️ 09069268112



NOILERS: ₦260 BROILERS (DOC): Zartech – ₦280, Fidan – ₦285, Nastech – ₦280, Chi – ₦290, Agrited – (Call Back), Amo – #300, Chikun – #280, Sayed – #290

PULLETS (LAYERS DOC): Chi – ₦265, Zartech – ₦260, Agrited – ₦280.

White Cockerels (DOC) – ₦50, Black Cockerels – ₦200.

We issue Quality Report along with our birds to prove their authenticity.

Local Turkey (Day Old) – ₦800 (Thursdays), Foreign Turkey – ₦2200.


GEESE: #12,000

POINT OF LAY: (16 – 17) weeks – ₦1500 (free shipping from 1000 birds)

Online Poultry Training – #10,000

RABBIT: Rabbit are available in different sizes both life and roasted ones. This are the prices below excluding transportation

If you like to rear or get an oven-dried rabbit, we also get you covered.


– Weaners go for N3,000

– Male: comes in different sizes. From 6500, N8000, N9500

-Female breeders are from N9,000 upwards. Depends on the size too.


Medium Size – #9,500

Big Size – #12,000

Get free management guide and vaccination schedule.

We compensate for transit related mortality, but you must check in front of the driver, inform us, before paying transport.

please here is my contact 08163173776 i need info on how to become an seller and Indomie distributor.

Nice one please oh I need contacts of farmers in Enugu

Please i want to start selling egg on wholeshale level .am based in Kano How do i locate good farm

Hello there, We have ample supply of poultry eggs and need reliable distributors around in and Sango-otta/ Lagos environs. Our farm is at Osuke Otta off Idiroko road, Otta, (back of Winners Chapel) Ogun State.

Question, what will happen to the crack ones, will the farm Man replace it or is at the owner risk.

Please I need contact of farm in Lagos

Good day,pls i need direct link or farm dat can supply me egg weekly

Thanks for the great information on Egg supply business. I have been on the business for about two years now, but yet to get directly from the farm. I have made efforts but still not working out yet.

Please can you help connect me with Egg farm owners to register with them possibly.

I’ll appreciate your swift response.

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Business Plan

Comprehensive Business Plan on Poultry Farming in Nigeria

by BusinessPlan Leave a Comment


Poultry farming is one of the most famous businesses in Nigeria today. There are several reasons why this is so. Firstly, it is very easy to start up and it does not require as much capital outlay as most other businesses, except of course you are starting on a large. The business also has a very fast turnover rate, meaning the farmer can make his/her profit in quick succession as long as the farm is run efficiently.

Also Read: Poultry Farming Business Plan & Feasibility Study in Nigeria

The population of Lagos State, where we propose to site our poultry farm, is over 10 million individuals and it is growing on a daily basis. The estimate figure for the number of people that come into Lagos every day is 2000 individuals. When comparing this figure to the number of poultry farms in Lagos State you can see that the demand is way higher than the supply. Lagosians do not have all the eggs that they need, in fact, poultry farms from nearby Ogun and Oyo States have to bring in their farm produce which does not still satisfy the ever-increasing demand. There are also restaurants, hotels, eateries, food production companies, confectionary companies, etc. being established daily in Lagos. This means there is no way presently to solve the problem of egg production and distribution in Lagos except new farms are set up within the State.

We have identified the large population and ever-increasing demand as the problem. OEA Limited is poised to solve these problems by starting a poultry farm in Lagos State, very close to the Lekki-Epe Expressway. This farm will be focused on egg production and the sole aim is to meet the egg-demand of Lagosians. With 5000 birds on our farm we can conveniently supply the whole of Lekki to Epe axis of Lagos and grow to other parts of the State as the business expands. We believe that by infusing our eggs into the market at cheaper rates we can comfortably make the market dance to our tune. The business is expected to breakeven between the second and third years of operation ceteris paribus.


To be involved in poultry farming, one must have a passion for the business and a heart of empathy towards animals. You cannot afford to be non-challant with the birds, they are very fragile and their death could crash the business altogether. Agriculture is gradually growing to become the mainstay of the Nigerian economy and how much one invests will determine how much profit will be made.

People will always be in search of what to eat as food is one of the basic needs of man. Poultry is one way of satisfying this need so you can be sure the business will always be lucrative. There are several reasons why one should invest in poultry farming. A few will be enumerated in the next few paragraphs as this is key to understanding the poultry business.


In all sincerity, there are million and one reasons why one must invest in poultry business. It is a highly profitable business venture attracting millions of naira in revenue on a yearly basis. Out of the many reasons for investing in poultry business, we shall discuss a few below.

  • People must eat . Man cannot survive long without food and even if one continually eats, it is imperative that balanced diet must be consumed. Even if the economy of any country is experiencing a downtime, people will always find a way to eat food. Poultry is the rearing of birds for meat or eggs, which means it is a means to meet man’s food problems.
  • The population of the country . Nigeria has an estimated population of about 180 million which is expected to get to 250 million by the year 2050. An increase in population will result in a commensurate increase in the consumption of food, including poultry products. Take a quick survey with the aim of checking out how many eggs people consume daily or how often people take meat weekly. Try taking the same survey six months later, you should notice a considerable increase in the amount of these products that are being consumed.
  • Poultry products serve as raw materials for other industries . Asides being juts eaten as food, products from poultries are used in other industries, here are a few examples. The eggs are used in baking cakes, bread, and several other confectionary products. From the large industries to the roadside baker, they will be in need of eggs. Another example is the use of poultry meat and eggs in restaurants and eateries all over the country. Some of these restaurants need to restock on a daily basis. Imagine you have just one of such restaurants or hotels on your list of clients. Do you know how much would be made on a daily basis?
  • Nigerians love to party . Every weekend, in fact, almost every day of the week there is one party or the other. None of these parties can hold without the use of poultry products. You can always avail yourself the opportunity of being a supplier to the event planners organizing these parties.
  • There is a greater demand for white meat now more than ever . People do not just eat anything they see like in the olden days. People have become more cautious and health experts have warned against the frequent consumption of red meat. This has shifted the focus of most Nigerians, especially those above 40 years, to seek white meat. One of the best and cheapest sources of white meat is poultry. This is a major factor that has caused the demand for poultry products to skyrocket.


There are different kinds of poultry farms usually dependent on the kind of birds being raised and the purpose why the birds are raised. We will view both classes briefly:

  • Type of poultry farm based on the kind of birds raised .

Regardless of the purpose of running a poultry farm, you need birds to run your farm. The kind of birds you raise will determine to a large extent the kind of poultry you run. The types include:

  • Chicken poultry
  • Duck poultry
  • Geese poultry
  • Quail poultry
  • Turkey poultry
  • Guinea fowl, etc.
  • Type of poultry based on reason why the birds are raised .

This class focuses on the product that will be the main source of revenue for the poultry farm. There are two broad types and they are:

  • Egg production . This type focuses on the production of eggs for human consumption. The birds used in this type of farm are known as layers. It usually takes a while for the birds to start laying but when they do the business blossoms into a huge profit-making system.
  • Meat production . This type of poultry focuses on the production of meat for human production. The birds used here are known as broilers and the business if managed well has a very quick turnover rate. In chickens, it is usually between six to eight weeks.

There are a few farms that mix both together. To do this you must have substantial amount of capital and the ability to multitask. There are several other ways to be involved in the poultry business which include:

  • Running a hatchery
  • Feed production
  • Processing and packaging of poultry products
  • Manufacture and sale of poultry equipment
  • Marketing of poultry products
  • Consultancy services

Poultry business is very wide so it requires an entrepreneur to focus on one or two aspects and become a specialist before jumping to the others. To diversify in the poultry business you need to have a huge amount of capital. Mind you the amount of time and capital you put in will determine to a large extent how much you will gain at the end of the day.



We have identified the large population and ever-increasing demand as the problem. OEA Limited is poised to solve these problems by starting a poultry farm in Lagos State, very close to the Lekki-Epe Expressway. This farm will be focused on egg production and the sole aim is to meet the egg-demand of Lagosians. With 5000 birds on our farm we can conveniently supply the whole of Lekki to Epe axis of Lagos and grow to other parts of the State as the business expands. We believe that by infusing our eggs into the market at cheaper rates we can comfortably make the market dance to our tune.

Get your sample Poultry Farming Business Plan in Nigeria today. To order the business plan, pay N10, 000 to:



ACCOUNT NUMBER: 0044056891


ACCOUNT NUMBER: 3066880122

After payment, send your full name, email address and topic (e.g. poultry business plan in Nigeria doc) to 07033378184. Your business plan will be sent to your email within 15 minutes.

Comprehensive Business Plan on Poultry Farming in Nigeria ©

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  • Business Idea

24 Best Profitable Eggs Business

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  • March 23, 2024

Profitable Eggs Business: This Best Profitable Eggs Business is meant for those who are interested in venturing into it.

So if you are interested in it, then relax, read on you will be glad you came here.

We will be discussing in details what it will take to turn you into a huge success as far as egg distribution in Nigeria is concerned.

With our well detailed and comprehensive Egg distribution Business plan in Nigeria.

Sample is all you need to become a successful and profitable egg distributor in Nigeria.

Read on: 23 Tip to Open Laptop Accessories Showroom in Lagos

Profitable Eggs Business:

1. Profitable Eggs Business

If you have good marketing skill you will love this business.

The amount of startup depends on your finances, business plan.

Although not gender based you will find many women in this venture.

Success depends on the size of your customer base, implementation.

To build a customer base you need hard-work, networking, dedication.

It is important to locate a good poultry farm with large number of birds.

Major logistics are purchase of eggs, storage and transportation.

See also: 16 Tips to Get NNPC Gas Attendant Job in Nigeria

Profitable eggs business, 2. business background.

A lot of people do not understand that there is huge business opportunity in connecting egg buyers and egg sellers.

Marketing eggs comes with lots of investment benefits because egg is consumed on a daily basis.

Many poultry farmers who produce eggs on their farms do not have the time to market in a bid to reach out to potential buyers because of the task of managing the farm.

This burden is taken off by egg distributors who come into poultry farms to buy crates of eggs at reduced price and sell to market women (who retails to end consumers) at a profit.

Many industries such as baking and confectionery make use of egg as an important part of their raw materials.

Production of poultry eggs is a major source of income for farmers who are into layer birds production.

Producers of layers feed and poultry cages, drinkers and feeders also make money from this industry.

3. Steps to Best Profitable Eggs Business

  • Secure funding
  • Have where to store the eggs
  • Buy some empty paper egg crates
  • Build a customer base
  • Secure transportation-buy or lease truck
  • Find a poultry egg production farm
  • Bulk purchase the eggs
  • Transportation
  • Sell to customers

The business format is simple, easy to implement. You can don’t need lots of cash to venture into the business, startup is as low as N70, 000 naira ($200) to N2 is possible to earn¼ profit margin on supplies.

The business is highly saturated, competitive and demanding. Success depends on your marketing skill and ability to find customers. Transportation costs reduces the profit margin. Make sure you source directly from farms, avoid open market eggs.

Read on: 25 Best Ways to Checklist your School Business in Nigeria

6. startup costs egg supply business.

Startup costs depends on the size and scope of the enterprise. Large egg suppliers buy heavy-duty vans or buses for easy movement of eggs. They also rent a shop, pay driver, store attendant, delivery boy. This may cost several million naira including cost of eggs and inventory.

  • Used vans or buses – N2 million naira
  • Store lease – N150,000 a year
  • pay driver – N360,000 a year
  • store attendant – N240,000 a year
  • cost of eggs at 850 each 100 crates- N85,000


Demand for table eggs fluctuates. Sometimes you end up buying more eggs than is eventually sold. There comes the need for an egg storage facility. An understanding of the guidelines of egg storage is important in the construction of your warehouse. Site your egg supply outlet strategically as this will give your egg marketing business the needed exposure. In starting egg supply business in Nigeria, you can start small and grow your capital slowly. Buying and selling eggs might look strange to you but concentrate on how profitable it is. Don’t underestimate the place of personal relationship and referrals to the success of the business. Keep yourself busy and be productive.


Most egg dealer move eggs from poultry farms to the market or their store houses with the use of vans. If you do not have a personal panel van or truck, you can hire one for a start. Asides careful driving, padding of the vehicle and compact arrangement of egg crates will minimize the amount of cracks.


One of the key success in egg business in Nigeria is to grow a list of reliable egg buyers. You can get market for your eggs through market women in foodstuff market like Bodija in Ibadan, bakeries and caterers and their referrals. How much eggs you can sell should influence how much egg you buy from your source i.e. poultry farms.

Read on: 23 Tips to Open Women’s Fashion Showroom in Nigeria

11. source for reliable poultry farms.

Your source of getting table eggs that you supply must be reliable. You should look for farms that can give you the eggs at competitive prices. The price of medium eggs ranges from N600 to N650 per crate. Jumbo (Extra-large or Double Yolk) goes for N700 to N750 Naira per crate. Some farms will not allow you come to the farm will your own paper crates to avoid transmission of infection through crates used on other farms. Paper crates can be sold to you at the rate of N3035 depending on the poultry farm. When choosing farms to stay buying eggs from, it is important to consider the selling price, quality of eggs in terms of size and colour, distance to market and means of transporting the eggs.


Although some farms may give you certain amount of crates on credit after you have been tested over time, nevertheless you will need to have your capital with you when starting egg distribution business. You should decide on how much crates of egg you want to start supplying based on how much capital you have raised and how large how market is. Also note that in most farms, you would get better price when you buy more.

13. Equipment

Equipment needed are delivery van or bus, paper egg crates. Others are lockup shop, weight scale and basic store equipment.

  • delivery van or bus
  • paper egg crates
  • lockup shop (optional)
  • weight scale
  • basic store equipment
van Egg retailers Driver Large
Paper crates Grocery stores Bus Boy Medium
Lockup Store Supermarkets Store Attendant Small
Store equipment Market women Owner of Business
Weight scale Bakeries

14. Egg Supply Business Delivery Van

To start egg supply business you need a few equipment. The primary equipment is the delivery van. This effectively reduces transportation costs on delivery.

Some small distributors use their personal cars or hire transport. This will cut into your profit margin. Any delivery van with good capacity will do nicely. Average cost of a used bus is from N1 million Nair to N 2.5 million

15. Lease a Store

Some egg suppliers work out of a small store. The store should be secure from rats or rodents with good door. Some stores have shelves while others place them on the ground.

16. Find a Layer Poultry Farm

Make sure you find a farm with large number of layer hens. The price of eggs are generally fixed based on current prices, size of eggs. Most farms sell a minimum of 10 crates to wholesalers.

Things to consider is distant of farm to your store and market base. The further the farm the more money you spend on transportation.

As stated earlier the amount of profit is about ¼ of each crate supplied. For instance if the crate is N1000 naira you can make 250 per crate. This is just a rough estimate to show the earning potential.

Therefore the more crate you can afford to buy and sell the higher your profit margin. Other things to consider are transportation costs, size of eggs.

18. Egg size

The price of eggs differ based on size. You will find three sizes large, medium small eggs. The small eggs are the cheapest while the larger eggs costliest.

Some supplier mix the medium with small eggs for better profit. However good practice is to separate the eggs according to size and price.

19. Business Card

Another effective marketing strategy is to print business cards. Most retailers already have suppliers with years of track record.

To enter the market you can leave your card with retailers in the off chance the supplier disappoints them. The card also creates awareness, offer easy contact through your phone number.

20. Marketing

Marketing is the most important aspect of the business. Without an effective marketing strategy your business will fail. Marketing involves word of mouth, advertisement, door to door.

Other strategies includes discounts, pay latter, and better prices. You need a complementary card or storefront.

21. Marketing Strategy

  • word of mouth
  • advertisement
  • door to door
  • credit line
  • offer better prices
  • use complementary card
  • sell from your own store

22. Sell to Retailers

Your target market are egg retailers, fast food restaurant, bakeries. Approach provision store owners, cooked noodles sellers, market women, hotels, canteens.

23. Who our Your Customers

  • egg retailers
  • fast food restaurant
  • grocery stores
  • supermarkets
  • provision store owners
  • cooked noodles sellers
  • market women

24. Staff Requirements

Most egg suppliers work alone or with a bus driver. The business is easily a one man show however you need someone to help in loading/offloading the eggs.


Eggs are largely consumed by a wide range of people and organizations in Nigeria ranging from restaurants, hotels, boarding schools, events, families, and individuals. It is even more interesting to know that in the production of most confectioneries, eggs are used in the manufacturing process, and as such, their demand and usage in Nigeria remains astronomical. For the complete details, click >>>

Related Tags

  • current price of egg in nigeria 2020
  • egg business in nigeria 2020
  • egg business in nigeria 2021
  • egg distribution business plan pdf
  • egg wholesale business
  • how to start egg business
  • profit margin in egg business
  • where to buy eggs in bulk in nigeria

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