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Josh Fruhlinger

Computer viruses explained: Definition, types, and examples

This malicious software tries to do its damage in the background while your computer still limps along..

CSO  >  What is a computer virus?

Computer virus definition

A computer virus is a form of malicious software that piggybacks onto legitimate application code in order to spread and reproduce itself.

Like other types of malware , a virus is deployed by attackers to damage or take control of a computer. Its name comes from the method by which it infects its targets. A biological virus like HIV or the flu cannot reproduce on its own; it needs to hijack a cell to do that work for it, wreaking havoc on the infected organism in the process. Similarly, a computer virus isn’t itself a standalone program. It’s a code snippet that inserts itself into some other application. When that application runs, it executes the virus code, with results that range from the irritating to the disastrous.

Virus vs. malware vs. trojan vs. worm

Before we continue a brief note on terminology. Malware is a general term for malicious computer code. A virus, as noted, is specifically a kind of malware that infects other applications and can only run when they run. A worm is a malware program that can run, reproduce, and spread on its own , and a Trojan is malware that tricks people into launching it by disguising itself as a useful program or document. You’ll sometimes see virus used indiscriminately to refer to all types of malware, but we’ll be using the more restricted sense in this article.  

What do computer viruses do?

Imagine an application on your computer has been infected by a virus. (We’ll discuss the various ways that might happen in a moment, but for now, let’s just take infection as a given.) How does the virus do its dirty work? Bleeping Computer provides a good high-level overview of how the process works. The general course goes something like this: the infected application executes (usually at the request of the user), and the virus code is loaded into the CPU memory before any of the legitimate code executes.

At this point, the virus propagates itself by infecting other applications on the host computer, inserting its malicious code wherever it can. (A resident virus does this to programs as they open, whereas a non-resident virus can infect executable files even if they aren’t running.) Boot sector viruses use a particularly pernicious technique at this stage: they place their code in the boot sector of the computer’s system disk, ensuring that it will be executed even before the operating system fully loads, making it impossible to run the computer in a “clean” way. (We’ll get into more detail on the different types of computer virus a bit later on.)

Once the virus has its hooks into your computer, it can start executing its payload , which is the term for the part of the virus code that does the dirty work its creators built it for. These can include all sorts of nasty things: Viruses can scan your computer hard drive for banking credentials, log your keystrokes to steal passwords, turn your computer into a zombie that launches a DDoS attack against the hacker’s enemies, or even encrypt your data and demand a bitcoin ransom to restore access . (Other types of malware can have similar payloads.)

How do computer viruses spread?

In the early, pre-internet days, viruses often spread from computer to computer via infected floppy disks. The SCA virus, for instance, spread amongst Amiga users on disks with pirated software . It was mostly harmless, but at one point as many as 40% of Amiga users were infected.

Today, viruses spread via the internet. In most cases, applications that have been infected by virus code are transferred from computer to computer just like any other application. Because many viruses include a logic bomb — code that ensures that the virus’s payload only executes at a specific time or under certain conditions—users or admins may be unaware that their applications are infected and will transfer or install them with impunity. Infected applications might be emailed (inadvertently or deliberately—some viruses actually hijack a computer’s mail software to email out copies of themselves); they could also be downloaded from an infected code repository or compromised app store.

One thing you’ll notice all of these infection vectors have in common is that they require the victim to execute the infected application or code. Remember, a virus can only execute and reproduce if its host application is running! Still, with email such a common malware dispersal method, a question that causes many people anxiety is: Can I get a virus from opening an email? The answer is that you almost certainly can’t simply by opening a message; you have to download and execute an attachment that’s been infected with virus code. That’s why most security pros are so insistent that you be very careful about opening email attachments, and why most email clients and webmail services include virus scanning features by default.

A particularly sneaky way that a virus can infect a computer is if the infected code runs as JavaScript inside a web browser and manages to exploit security holes to infect programs installed locally. Some email clients will execute HTML and JavaScript code embedded in email messages, so strictly speaking, opening such messages could infect your computer with a virus . But most email clients and webmail services have built-in security features that would prevent this from happening, so this isn’t an infection vector that should be one of your primary fears.

Can all devices get viruses?

Virus creators focus their attention on Windows machines because they have a large attack surface and wide installed base. But that doesn’t mean other users should let their guard down. Viruses can afflict Macs, iOS and Android devices, Linux machines, and even IoT gadgets. If it can run code, that code can be infected with a virus.

Types of computer virus

Symantec has a good breakdown on the various types of viruses you might encounter , categorized in different ways. The most important types to know about are:

  • Resident viruses infect programs that are currently executing.
  • Non-resident viruses , by contrast, can infect any executable code, even if it isn’t currently running
  • Boot sector viruses infect the sector of a computer’s startup disk that is read first , so it executes before anything else and is hard to get rid of
  • A macro virus infects macro applications embedded in Microsoft Office or PDF files. Many people who are careful about never opening strange applications forget that these sorts of documents can themselves contain executable code. Don’t let your guard down!
  • A polymorphic virus slightly changes its own source code each time it copies itself to avoid detection from antivirus software.
  • Web scripting viruses execute in JavaScript in the browser and try to infect the computer that way.

Keep in mind that these category schemes are based on different aspects of a virus’s behavior, and so a virus can fall into more than one category. A resident virus could also be polymorphic, for instance.

How to prevent and protect against computer viruses

Antivirus software is the most widely known product in the category of malware protection products. CSO has compiled a list of the top antivirus software for Windows , Android , Linux and macOS , though keep in mind that antivirus isn’t a be-all end-all solution . When it comes to more advanced corporate networks, endpoint security offerings provide defense in depth against malware . They provide not only the signature-based malware detection that you expect from antivirus, but antispyware, personal firewall, application control and other styles of host intrusion prevention. Gartner offers a list of its top picks in this space , which include products from Cylance, CrowdStrike, and Carbon Black.

One thing to keep in mind about viruses is that they generally exploit vulnerabilities in your operating system or application code in order to infect your systems and operate freely; if there are no holes to exploit, you can avoid infection even if you execute virus code. To that end, you’ll want to keep all your systems patched and updated, keeping an inventory of hardware so you know what you need to protect, and performing continuous vulnerability assessments on your infrastructure.

Computer virus symptoms

How can you tell if a virus has slipped past your defenses? With some exceptions, like ransomware, viruses are not keen to alert you that they’ve compromised your computer. Just as a biological virus wants to keep its host alive so it can continue to use it as a vehicle to reproduce and spread, so too does a computer virus attempt to do its damage in the background while your computer still limps along. But there are ways to tell that you’ve been infected. Norton has a good list ; symptoms include:

  • Unusually slow performance
  • Frequent crashes
  • Unknown or unfamiliar programs that start up when you turn on your computer
  • Mass emails being sent from your email account
  • Changes to your homepage or passwords

If you suspect your computer has been infected, a computer virus scan is in order. There are plenty of free services to start you on your exploration: The Safety Detective has a rundown of the best.

Remove computer virus

Once a virus is installed on your computer, the process of removing it is similar to that of removing any other kind of malware—but that isn’t easy. CSO has information on how to remove or otherwise recover from rootkits , ransomware , and cryptojacking . We also have a guide to auditing your Windows registry to figure out how to move forward.

If you’re looking for tools for cleansing your system, Tech Radar has a good roundup of free offerings , which contains some familiar names from the antivirus world along with newcomers like Malwarebytes. And it’s a smart move to always make backups of your files , so that if need be you can recover from a known safe state rather than attempting to extricate virus code from your boot record or pay a ransom to cybercriminals.

Computer virus history

The first true computer virus was Elk Cloner , developed in 1982 by fifteen-year-old Richard Skrenta as a prank. Elk Cloner was an Apple II boot sector virus that could jump from floppy to floppy on computers that had two floppy drives (as many did). Every 50th time an infected game was started, it would display a poem announcing the infection.

Other major viruses in history include:

  • Jerusalem : A DOS virus that lurked on computers, launched on any Friday the 13th, and deleted applications.
  • Melissa : A mass-mailing macro virus that brought the underground virus scene to the mainstream in 1999. It earned its creator 20 months in prison.

But most of the big-name malware you’ve heard of in the 21st century has, strictly speaking, been worms or Trojans, not viruses. That doesn’t mean viruses aren’t out there, however—so be careful what code you execute.

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Josh Fruhlinger

Josh Fruhlinger is a writer and editor who lives in Los Angeles.

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Essay on Computer Viruses and How to Protect Against Them

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Four Section of Virus

  • Mark : it can provide a defense mechanism against antivirus.
  • Infection : this mechanism helps the virus to spread into many files in the hard drive or floppy disk.
  • Trigger : it is preparing a condition for sending the payload.
  • Payloads : it is conceivable harm to damage the computer.

Type of Viruses

  • Directory virus : directory viruses are infected files or floppy disk by changes their actual location of the path and converted an executable code such as.EXE or.COM file. These directory viruses stay in the floppy or hard drive which are infected to other program or files. It is the memory residence. For example, sometime companion viruses are creating a PNG.COM file and it is run first.
  • Master booted record : it is fundamentally same as with the booted sector virus. Master boot virus infects to the MBR which is master boot record. The main difference between the two viruses is a collation of the viral code. Master boot record specifically saves an authentic copy of MBR from a different location. For example, NBR is the best example of the master boot virus.
  • Boot sector virus : all computes have a boot program and that is run when the computer is starting. Boot sector viruses are infected to boot program on the hard drive, files, pen drive, floppy disk, etc. Boot sector virus is joining with the drive and it is run when computer user trying to start the computer. For example, disk killer, stoned.
  • Worms : it is a malicious program that can expand by self to different PCs by utilizing PC system. Worms often expend an enormous measure of resources by imitating itself and at last the assets are depleted and administrations are denied to the clients. A worm, as a rule, reproduces itself via mailing a duplicate of itself to an enormous number of clients or by utilizing remote login office through which its logon to the remote framework and execute directions to recreate itself.
  • Trojan horse : it is a program that holds unsafe code and direction methods which at the point when executed performs unsafe and undesirable capacities like burglary or loss of information. It is a security rupturing program which follows up on the rule of permitting unapproved programming into the PC framework and permitting other approved clients to run it. A Trojan pony doesn't imitate itself. To spread Trojan pony a client must welcome it onto their PC. To spread these projects, they can be put over the web as a music document, game, motion picture or as an email connection with the goal that the client can undoubtedly download it. It can without much of a stretch harm the security framework by altering, erasing or scrambling records.

Viruses Come From

Virus detection techniques.

  • Signature scanning techniques : this technique is to find out the special significance of the virus in the form of hexadecimal code from the database of signature. So, the database of signature code has been up to date for virus detection from vendor or scanning techniques.
  • Check to sum : a trustworthiness check program with inherent knowledge is the main arrangement that can deal with every one of the dangers to your information just as infections. Honesty checkers additionally give the main dependable approach to find what harm an infection has done. These techniques require programming update at explicit interim.
  • Memory detection techniques : software is mainly depending on the identification of the virus's location and code in the memory and it is generally successful in this technique.
  • Heuristic or rule-based scanning techniques : this technique is behavioral characterizes of viruses. It is used to combine with the previous experiences and find malicious viruses. Heuristic techniques detect many new or unknown viruses within a static file on special command before virus will be activated.
  • Interruption scanning techniques : according to the name, virus interrupt the system when it detects by antivirus software. Then it must be removed from the memory by antivirus software.

The Structure of the Antivirus

How antivirus works, antivirus application or software.

  • Avast antivirus;
  • Avira Antivirus;
  • Kaspersky Antivirus;
  • Microsoft security program;
  • AVG antivirus.
  • B. V. Patil and M. J. Joshi, 'Computer Virus and Methods of Virus Detection Using Performance Parameter', International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, vol. 3, no 1, 2012. Available: https://search.proquest.com/docview/1443715966?accountid=175624.
  • M. Kumar et al, 'Different Security Threats and its Prevention in Computer Network', International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, vol. 7, no 6, 2016. Available: https://search.proquest.com/docview/1912514655?accountid=175624.
  • N. Patnaik, 'The Best Antivirus, Antimalware Solution for Homeowners and Corporates', International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, vol. 6, no 7, 2015. Available: https://search.proquest.com/docview/1751100336?accountid=175624.
  • P. Sounak and B. K. Mishra, 'Selection of Next Generation Anti-Virus against Virus Attacks in Networks Using AHP', International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security, vol. 5, no 2, pp. 29-35, 2013. Available: https://search.proquest.com/docview/1623631594?accountid=175624. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5815/ijcnis.2013.02.04.
  • R. Khan and M. Hasan, 'NETWORK THREATS, ATTACKS AND SECURITY MEASURES: A REVIEW', International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, vol. 8, no 8, 2017. Available: https://search.proquest.com/docview/1953785415?accountid=175624.
  • S. S. Nicula, 'Generating Antivirus Evasive Executables Using Code Mutation', Informatica Economica, vol. 22, no 2, pp. 81-86, 2018. Available: https://search.proquest.com/docview/2067321338?accountid=175624. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12948/issn14531305/22.2.2018.08.

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The anna kournikova worm, the melissa virus, crypto locker.

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What Is a Computer Virus?

Table of contents, types of computer viruses, what causes computer viruses, how do computer viruses work, how do viruses spread, what is a computer worm, what does a computer virus do, computer viruses vs. malware, signs of computer virus, examples of computer virus, how to remove a computer virus, how to prevent computer viruses, computer virus definition.

A computer virus is an ill-natured software application or authored code that can attach itself to other programs, self-replicate, and spread itself onto other devices. When executed, a virus modifies other computer programs by inserting its code into them. If the virus’s replication is successful, the affected device is considered “infected” with a computer virus.

The malicious activity carried out by the virus’s code can damage the local file system, steal data, interrupt services, download additional malware, or any other actions the malware author coded into the program. Many viruses pretend to be legitimate programs to trick users into executing them on their devices, delivering the computer virus payload.

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Every computer virus has a payload that performs an action. The threat actor can code any malicious activity into the virus payload, including simple, innocuous pranks that don’t do any harm. While a few viruses have harmless payloads, most of them cause damage to the system and its data. There are nine main virus types, some of which could be packaged with other malware to increase the chance of infection and damage. The nine major categories for viruses on computers are:

Boot Sector Virus

Your computer drive has a sector solely responsible for pointing to the operating system so that it can boot into the interface. A boot sector virus damages or controls the boot sector on the drive, rendering the machine unusable. Attackers usually use malicious USB devices to spread this computer virus. The virus is activated when users plug in the USB device and boot their machine.

Web Scripting Virus

Most browsers have defenses against malicious web scripts, but older, unsupported browsers have vulnerabilities allowing attackers to run code on the local device.

Browser Hijacker

A computer virus that can change the settings on your browser will hijack browser favorites, the home page URL, and your search preferences and redirect you to a malicious site. The site could be a phishing site or an adware page used to steal data or make money for the attacker.

Resident Virus

A virus that can access computer memory and sit dormant until a payload is delivered is considered a resident virus. This malware may stay dormant until a specific date or time or when a user performs an action.

Direct Action Virus

When a user executes a seemingly harmless file attached to malicious code, direct-action viruses deliver a payload immediately. These computer viruses can also remain dormant until a specific action is taken or a timeframe passes.

Polymorphic Virus

Malware authors can use polymorphic code to change the program’s footprint to avoid detection. Therefore, it’s more difficult for an antivirus to detect and remove them.

File Infector Virus

To persist on a system, a threat actor uses file infector viruses to inject malicious code into critical files that run the operating system or important programs. The computer virus is activated when the system boots or the program runs.

Multipartite Virus

These malicious programs spread across a network or other systems by copying themselves or injecting code into critical computer resources.

Macro Virus

Microsoft Office files can run macros that can be used to download additional malware or run malicious code. Macro viruses deliver a payload when the file is opened and the macro runs.

Computer viruses are standard programs; instead of offering useful resources, these programs can damage your device. Computer viruses are typically crafted by hackers with various intentions, like stealing sensitive data to causing chaos in systems. Some hackers create these malicious programs for fun or as a challenge, while others have more sinister motives like financial gain or cyber warfare.

Hackers may exploit weak points in an operating system or app to acquire unapproved access and power over a user’s machine to achieve their goals.

  • Ego-driven: Some virus authors seek fame within the hacker community by creating destructive or widespread viruses that garner media attention.
  • Cybercrime: Hackers often use computer viruses as tools for ransomware attacks, identity theft, and other forms of online fraud.
  • Sabotage: In some cases, disgruntled employees create computer viruses to intentionally damage their employer’s infrastructure.
  • Cyber espionage: State-sponsored hackers may develop advanced persistent threats (APTs) using custom-made malware designed for long-term infiltration into targeted networks.

For a threat actor to execute a virus on your machine, you must initiate execution. Sometimes, an attacker can execute malicious code through your browser or remotely from another network computer. Modern browsers have defenses against local machine code execution, but third-party software installed on the browser could have vulnerabilities that allow viruses to run locally.

The delivery of a computer virus can happen in several ways. One common method is via a phishing email . Another technique is hosting malware on a server that promises to provide a legitimate program. It can be delivered using macros or by injecting malicious code into legitimate software files.

At their core, computer viruses are discreet programs that hitch a ride on other files or applications. In most cases, their primary objective is to replicate and spread like wildfire.

Computer viruses function as malicious software programs designed to infect other programs by modifying them in some way. In doing so, a virus will attach itself to an unsuspecting file or application in order to spread.

The Infection Process

A virus can attach itself to any legitimate program or document that supports macros to execute its code, such as an email attachment or a file download from a website. Once the file is opened or downloaded, the virus springs into action and starts executing.

Hiding in Plain Sight

Computer viruses can be quite crafty to remain hidden from both users and antivirus software alike. Viruses employ stealth techniques such as polymorphism, which changes their appearance, or encryption methods.

The Damage Done

Once activated, a virus may wreak havoc on your computer system. It can steal sensitive data, corrupt files, slow down performance, and even crash your entire system. It can spread from system to system after a user takes action that either intentionally or accidentally facilitates it.

It’s important to note that viruses are just one type of malware, and many other types of malicious software can harm your computer or steal your personal information.

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Computer viruses spread through various channels, and being aware of these channels is essential to protect yourself and your organization from infection.

Email Attachments

One method of virus transmission is through email attachments. Hackers often disguise their malicious code as seemingly harmless files, such as documents or images unsuspecting users open without a second thought. For example, Ursnif banking Trojan campaigns are known to spread via email attachments posing as invoices or financial statements.

Internet Downloads

Viruses can also hide in software installers, media files, or even browser extensions that you download from the web. It’s important to be cautious when downloading files from unknown sources or sketchy websites. A notorious case was the Download.com scandal, where popular applications were bundled with adware and other unwanted programs by default.

File Sharing Networks

File sharing networks like torrent sites and peer-to-peer platforms can easily transmit viruses. Innocent-looking movie torrents or cracked software may carry hidden payloads designed to compromise your device upon installation. For example, The Pirate Bay used a browser-based cryptocurrency miner, so when someone visited the website, their computer was used to mine cryptocurrency without their knowledge or consent.

Removable Media

Viruses can attach to removable media, such as USB drives and CDs/DVDs, infecting any computer they’re plugged into. The infamous Stuxnet worm is a prime example of a virus that spreads through removable media.

To protect yourself and your organization from computer viruses, always exercise caution and employ robust cybersecurity measures like up-to-date antivirus software and regular system scans. Remember, knowledge is power, especially when preventing viruses and cyber-attacks.

A computer worm is a type of malware designed to replicate itself to spread to other computers. Unlike computer viruses, worms do not require a host program to spread and self-replicate. Instead, they often use a computer network to spread themselves, relying on security failures on the target computer to access it.

Once a worm infects a computer, it uses that device as a host to scan and infect other computers. When these new worm-infested computers are compromised, the worm continues to scan and infect other computers using these computers as hosts. Worms operate by consuming heavy memory and bandwidth loads, resulting in overloaded servers, systems, and networks.

The way a computer virus acts depends on how it’s coded. It could be something as simple as a prank that doesn’t cause any damage, or it could be sophisticated, leading to criminal activity and fraud. Many viruses only affect a local device, but others spread across a network environment to find other vulnerable hosts.

A computer virus that infects a host device continues delivering a payload until it’s removed. Most antivirus vendors offer small removal programs that eliminate the virus. Polymorphic viruses make removal difficult because they change their footprint consistently. The payload could be stealing data, destroying data, or interrupting services on the network or the local device.

While overlapping in intention and meaning, malware and viruses are two distinct terms that are often used interchangeably.

Malware is a general term for any type of malicious software, while a virus is a specific type of malware that self-replicates by inserting its code into other programs. While viruses are a type of malware, not all malware is a virus.

Malware can take many forms, including viruses, worms, trojans, spyware , adware, and ransomware, and it can be distributed through infected websites, flash drives, emails, and other means. A virus requires a host program to run and attaches itself to legitimate files and programs. It causes a host of malicious effects, such as deleting or encrypting files, modifying applications, or disabling system functions.

Malware authors write code that is undetectable until the payload is delivered. However, like any software program, bugs could present issues while the virus runs. Signs that you have a computer virus include:

  • Popup windows, including ads (adware) or links to malicious websites.
  • Your web browser home page changes, and you did not change it.
  • Outbound emails to your contact list or people on your contact list alert you to strange messages sent by your account.
  • The computer crashes often, runs out of memory with few active programs or displays the blue screen of death in Windows.
  • Slow computer performance even when running few programs or the computer was recently booted.
  • Unknown programs start when the computer boots or when you open specific programs.
  • Passwords change without your knowledge or your interaction on the account.
  • Frequent error messages arise with basic functions like opening or using programs.

The web contains millions of computer viruses, but only a few have gained popularity and infect record numbers of machines. Some examples of widespread computer viruses include:

  • Morris Worm – One of the earliest and most pervasive computer virus examples, this self-replicating computer program spread through the early Internet in 1988, slowing down or crashing many machines.
  • Nimda – This particular type of worm targeted web servers and computers running Microsoft Windows operating systems, spreading through multiple infection vectors in 2001.
  • ILOVEYOU – A highly destructive worm that spread via email, disguised as a love confession and caused widespread damage in 2000 by overwriting files.
  • SQL Slammer – A fast-spreading computer worm that exploited a vulnerability in Microsoft SQL Server, causing network congestion and disrupting Internet services in 2003.
  • Stuxnet – A sophisticated worm designed to target and sabotage industrial control systems, particularly Iran’s nuclear program, by exploiting zero-day vulnerabilities in 2010.
  • CryptoLocker – This ransomware Trojan, which infected hundreds of thousands of computers in 2013, encrypted victims’ files and demanded a ransom for their decryption.
  • Conficker – Emerging in 2008, this worm exploited vulnerabilities in Windows operating systems, creating a massive botnet and causing widespread infection.
  • Tinba – First discovered in 2012, this banking Trojan primarily targeted financial institutions, aiming to steal login credentials and banking information.
  • Welchia – A worm that aimed to remove the Blaster worm from infected systems and patch the exploited vulnerability but caused unintended network congestion in 2003.
  • Shlayer – A macOS-specific Trojan that primarily spreads through fake software updates and downloads, delivering adware and potentially unwanted programs since 2018.

Removing a computer virus can be a challenging task, but there are several steps you can take to get rid of it. Common steps to remove a computer virus include:

  • Download and install antivirus software: Assuming you don’t already have antivirus software installed, download and install a real-time and on-demand solution, if possible. A real-time malware scanner scans for viruses in the background while you use the computer. You must start the on-demand scanner whenever you want to scan your device.
  • Disconnect from the internet: Some computer viruses use the internet connection to spread, so it’s best to disconnect from the internet when removing a virus from your PC to prevent further damage.
  • Delete any temporary files: Depending on the type of virus, deleting temporary files can also delete the virus, as some viruses are designed to initiate when your computer boots up.
  • Reboot your computer into safe mode: To help mitigate damages to your computer while you remove a virus, reboot your device in ‘Safe Mode.’ This will inhibit the virus from running and allow you to remove it more effectively.
  • Run a virus scan: Run a full scan using your antivirus software, opting for the most thorough or complete scanning option available. If possible, cover all your hard drive letters during the scan.
  • Delete or quarantine the virus: Once the virus is detected, your antivirus software will give you the option to delete or quarantine the virus. Quarantining the virus will isolate it from the rest of your computer to prevent it from causing further damage.
  • Reboot your computer: Assuming you’ve effectively removed the virus, your computer can be rebooted. Simply turn on the device as you would do so normally without initiating the “Safe Mode” option.
  • Update your browser and operating system: To complete the virus removal process, update your operating system and web browser to the latest version possible. Browser and OS Updates often contain fixes for particular vulnerabilities and exploits.

Given the general nature of this process, the outcome may vary from virus to virus and device to device. If you are unsure if you’ve effectively removed a virus from your computer, contact an IT or computer professional for assistance.

Computer viruses can damage your PC, send sensitive data to attackers, and cause downtime until the system is repaired. You can avoid becoming the next computer virus victim by following a few best practices:

  • Install antivirus software: Antivirus should run on any device connected to the network. It’s your first defense against viruses. Antivirus software stops malware executables from running on your local device.
  • Don’t open executable email attachments: Many malware attacks including ransomware start with a malicious email attachment . Executable attachments should never be opened, and users should avoid running macros programmed into files such as Microsoft Word or Excel.
  • Keep your operating system updated: Developers for all major operating systems release patches to remediate common bugs and security vulnerabilities. Always keep your operating system updated and stop using end-of-life versions (e.g., Windows 7 or Windows XP).
  • Avoid questionable websites: Older browsers are vulnerable to exploits used when just browsing a website. You should always keep your browser updated with the latest patches and avoid these sites to prevent drive-by downloads or redirecting you to sites that host malware.
  • Don’t use pirated software: Free pirated software might be tempting, but it’s often packaged with malware. Download vendor software only from the official source and avoid using software pirated and shared software.
  • Use strong passwords: Make sure your passwords are highly secure and difficult to guess. Avoid using the same password across multiple accounts and change them regularly to mitigate vulnerabilities and prevent hackers from stealing them.
  • Remain vigilant: Always be cautious when downloading files or software from the internet or opening suspicious email attachments. Turn off file sharing and never share access to your computer with someone you don’t know. Also, avoid keeping sensitive or private information stored on your computer

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  • Khan Academy - Intro to viruses
  • BCcampus Open Publishing - Current and Emerging Computing Technology - Malware and Viruses
  • University of Maryland - Department of Computer Science - A History Of Computer Viruses -The Famous ‘Trio’
  • International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology - Computer Viruses
  • Academia - Computer Viruses
  • Workforce LibreTexts - Computer Viruses
  • University of Wollongon Australia - Computer Viruses: an Introduction
  • computer virus - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up)

computer virus , a portion of a computer program code that has been designed to furtively copy itself into other such codes or computer files. It is usually created by a prankster or vandal to effect a nonutilitarian result or to destroy data and program code or, in the case of ransomware , to extort payment.

A virus consists of a set of instructions that attaches itself to other computer programs, usually in the computer’s operating system , and becomes part of them. In most cases, the corrupted programs continue to perform their intended functions but surreptitiously execute the virus’s instructions as well. A virus is usually designed to execute when it is loaded into a computer’s memory . Upon execution, the virus instructs its host program to copy the viral code into, or “infect,” any number of other programs and files stored in the computer . The infection can then transfer itself to files and code on other computers through memory-storage devices, computer networks , or online systems. The replicating viruses can multiply until they destroy data or render other program codes meaningless. A virus may simply cause a harmless joke or cryptic message to appear on a computer user’s monitor when the computer is turned on. A more damaging virus can wreak havoc on an extremely large computer system within a matter of minutes or hours, causing it to crash and thereby destroy valuable data, or can disable a computer system until a ransom is paid.

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Optogenetics, the Big Revolution in Brain Study

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On November 10, 1983, a handful of seminar attendees at Lehigh University, Pennsylvania, USA, heard for the first time the term “virus” applied to computing. The use of the word was strange. The virus that was then on everyone’s mind was the one isolated a few months earlier at the Pasteur Institute in Paris that could be the cause of a new disease called AIDS. In the digital world, talking about viruses was almost nonsense. The first PC had been launched on the market just two years earlier and only the most technologically informed were running an Apple II computer or one of its early competitors.

essay writing about computer virus

However, when on that day the graduate student from the University of Southern California Fred Cohen inserted a diskette into a VAX11/750 mainframe computer, the attendees noted how code hidden in a Unix program installed itself and took control in a few minutes , replicating and spreading to other connected machines, similar to a biological virus.

Cohen tells OpenMind that it was on November 3 when a conversation with his supervisor, Leonard Adleman, led to the idea of ​​giving the name of virus to that code capable of infecting a network of connected computers. The Cohen virus was simple: “The code for reproduction was perhaps a few lines and took a few minutes to write,” says the author. “The instrumentation and controls took almost a day.”

Cohen published his creation in 1984, in an article that began: “This paper defines a major computer security problem called a virus.” But though the extensive research of Cohen and Adleman in the specialized literature would draw attention to their existence, the truth is that before that first virus defined as such appeared, there had already been earlier cases.

Interactive timeline: A malware history

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Catch me if you can

In 1971, Robert Thomas, from the company BBN, created Creeper , a program that moved between computers connected to ARPANET and that displayed the message “I’m the creeper: catch me if you can.” According to David Harley, IT security consultant and researcher for the ESET company, “in the research community, we usually consider the experimental program Creeper to be the first virus and/or worm.”

Moreover, a year before Cohen’s seminar, 15-year-old Rich Skrenta developed Elk Cloner, the first computer virus—not named that yet—that spread outside a laboratory. Skrenta created it as a joke for his friends, whose Apple II computers became infected by inserting a diskette with a game that hid the virus.

So, Cohen was not really the first one. But according what computer security expert Robert Slade explains to OpenMind, the special thing in Cohen’s case was not so much his programming as his method. “He was doing the original academic research on the concept; his structure of antiviral software is still comprehensive despite all the developments since.” Cohen also introduced an informal definition of virus: “a program that can infect other programs by modifying them to include a, possibly evolved, version of itself.”

Those first viruses were technological demonstrations. The motivation of their creators was research and their codes were not malicious. Cohen points out that the objective of his program was “to measure spread time, not to attack.” In the case of Creeper , it was about designing a mobile application that could move to the machine where the data resided, instead of going the other way. As the professor of Computer Science at the University of Calgary (Canada) John Aycock points out to OpenMind, computer viruses were born as “a natural product of human curiosity.” And as such, “their invention was inevitable.”

The first malicious codes

It was also inevitable that the first malicious codes would soon emerge. In 1986, Brain appeared, a virus created by two Pakistani brothers whose purpose was to punish the users of IBM computers who installed a pirated copy of software developed by them. However, the effects of Brain were slight and the virus included the contact information of its authors so that those affected could contact them and request a cure. Spread by means of diskettes, Brain reached international diffusion, giving rise to the birth of the first antivirus companies.

essay writing about computer virus

At the end of the 1980s, codes began to proliferate that erased data or disabled systems. In 1988, the worm created by Robert Morris infected many of the computers connected to the then nascent Internet, especially in research institutions, causing a drop in email services. Its effects were more damaging than anticipated by Morris himself, who became the first person to be prosecuted in the US under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986.

In this way, so-called malware began to diversify into different families: worms are programs that move from one computer to another without hiding in another application, while Trojans are harmful programs with an innocent appearance. In 1995, WM/Concept appeared, which infected Word documents. “It opened the door for a plague of document-borne malware that dominated the threat landscape for several years after,” says Harley. The expert lists other typologies that have emerged over time, such as bots that manipulate other people’s systems to launch spam campaigns, send malware or denial of service attacks; or ransomware , codes that hijack a system and force the payment of a ransom, such as the recent case of WannaCry , which in May 2017 infected hundreds of thousands of computers in more than 150 countries.

essay writing about computer virus

To this threat landscape we must add the current media, such as social networks, which facilitate the expansion of malware. As explained to OpenMind by Jussi Parikka, expert in technological culture at the Winchester School of Art of the University of Southampton (United Kingdom) and author of Digital Contagions: A Media Archeology of Computer Viruses (2nd ed., Peter Lang Publishing, 2016), “the online platforms for communication and interaction are themselves part of the problem due to their various security issues.”

But despite the many headaches caused by the malware, experts point out that these developments can benefit other technologies. Cohen argues that “benevolent” viruses can, for example, be useful in maintaining and updating systems. “I think artificial life (reproducing programs) still have enormous potential, largely unrealized as of today,” he reflects. “History will tell, but I still hold hope that viral computation will be a benefit to humanity in the future.”

Javier Yanes

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Nam nisl nisi, efficitur et sem in, molestie vulputate libero. Quisque quis mattis lorem. Nunc quis convallis diam, id tincidunt risus. Donec nisl odio, convallis vel porttitor sit amet, lobortis a ante. Cras dapibus porta nulla, at laoreet quam euismod vitae. Fusce sollicitudin massa magna, eu dignissim magna cursus id. Quisque vel nisl tempus, lobortis nisl a, ornare lacus. Donec ac interdum massa. Curabitur id diam luctus, mollis augue vel, interdum risus. Nam vitae tortor erat. Proin quis tincidunt lorem.

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Computer Virus and its Types

A computer virus is a kind of malicious computer program, which when executed, replicates itself and inserts its own code. When the replication is done, this code infects the other files and program present on your system. 

These computer viruses are present in various types and each of them can infect a device in a different manner. 

In this article, we shall discuss in detail what is a computer virus and what are its different types. Also, we will read on to know what is an Anti-virus and how it can nullify a virus in our computer devices, along with some sample questions from the competitive exam point of view. 

To know more about the Fundamentals of Computer , visit the linked article. 

Apart from being aware of what a computer virus is, this topic is even important for candidates preparing for Government exams. Major competitive exams in the country comprise Computer Knowledge as an integral part of the syllabus and questions based on virus and anti-virus can also be expected in these exams. 

Thus, to excel in the upcoming Govt exams, aspirants must go through this article in detail and carefully study the different types of viruses.

What is a Computer Virus?

A computer virus is a program which can harm our device and files and infect them for no further use. When a virus program is executed, it replicates itself by modifying other computer programs and instead enters its own coding. This code infects a file or program and if it spreads massively, it may ultimately result in crashing of the device. 

Across the world, Computer viruses are a great issue of concern as they can cause billions of dollars’ worth harm to the economy each year. 

Computer Virus - Types of Computer Virus

Since the computer virus only hits the programming of the device, it is not visible. But there are certain indications which can help you analyse that a device is virus-hit. Given below are such signs which may help you identify computer viruses:

  • Speed of the System – In case a virus is completely executed into your device, the time taken to open applications may become longer and the entire system processing may start working slowly
  • Pop-up Windows – One may start getting too many pop up windows on their screen which may be virus affected and harm the device even more
  • Self Execution of Programs – Files or applications may start opening in the background of the system by themselves and you may not even know about them
  • Log out from Accounts – In case of a virus attack, the probability of accounts getting hacked increase and password protected sites may also get hacked and you might get logged out from all of them
  • Crashing of the Device – In most cases, if the virus spreads in maximum files and programs, there are chances that the entire device may crash and stop working

The first thing which you might notice in case of virus attack is the speed with which your system shall process. And then gradually other changes can also be observed. 

Types of Computer Virus

Discussed below are the different types of computer viruses:

  • Boot Sector Virus – It is a type of virus that infects the boot sector of floppy disks or the Master Boot Record (MBR) of hard disks. The Boot sector comprises all the files which are required to start the Operating system of the computer. The virus either overwrites the existing program or copies itself to another part of the disk.
  • Direct Action Virus – When a virus attaches itself directly to a .exe or .com file and enters the device while its execution is called a Direct Action Virus. If it gets installed in the memory, it keeps itself hidden. It is also known as Non-Resident Virus.
  • Resident Virus – A virus which saves itself in the memory of the computer and then infects other files and programs when its originating program is no longer working. This virus can easily infect other files because it is hidden in the memory and is hard to be removed from the system.
  • Multipartite Virus – A virus which can attack both, the boot sector and the executable files of an already infected computer is called a multipartite virus. If a multipartite virus attacks your system, you are at risk of cyber threat.
  • Overwrite Virus – One of the most harmful viruses, the overwrite virus can completely remove the existing program and replace it with the malicious code by overwriting it. Gradually it can completely replace the host’s programming code with the harmful code.
  • Polymorphic Virus – Spread through spam and infected websites, the polymorphic virus are file infectors which are complex and are tough to detect. They create a modified or morphed version of the existing program and infect the system and retain the original code.
  • File Infector Virus – As the name suggests, it first infects a single file and then later spreads itself to other executable files and programs. The main source of this virus are games and word processors.
  • Spacefiller Virus – It is a rare type of virus which fills in the empty spaces of a file with viruses. It is known as cavity virus. It will neither affect the size of the file nor can be detected easily.
  • Macro Virus – A virus written in the same macro language as used in the software program and infects the computer if a word processor file is opened. Mainly the source of such viruses is via emails.

Government exam aspirants can check the links given below for the detailed section-wise syllabus for the other subjects apart from Computer Awareness:

How To Protect Your Computer from Virus?

The most suitable way of making your computer virus-free is by installing an Anti-virus software. Such software help in removing the viruses from the device and can be installed in a computer via two means:

  • Online download
  • Buying an Anti-virus software and installing it

Further below, we bring to you details as to what anti-virus is and what are its different types along with a few examples.

Moving further, candidates can also refer to the following links to learn more about Computer Knowledge and prepare themselves accordingly:

  • Difference Between RAM and ROM
  • Difference Between MS Excel and MS Word
  • Difference Between IPV4 and IPV 6
  • Difference Between Firewall and Antivirus
  • Difference Between WWW and Internet
  • Difference Between Notepad and WordPad
  • Difference Between Virus and Malware

What is an Anti-Virus?

An anti-virus is a software which comprises programs or set of programs which can detect and remove all the harmful and malicious software from your device. This anti-virus software is designed in a manner that they can search through the files in a computer and determine the files which are heavy or mildly infected by a virus. 

Given below is a list of few of the major antivirus software which is most commonly used:

  • Norton Antivirus
  • F-Secure Antivirus
  • Kaspersky Antivirus
  • AVAST Antivirus
  • Comodo Antivirus
  • McAfee Antivirus

These are few of the many anti-virus software widely used to remove viruses from a device. 

Sample Questions on Computer Virus and Anti-Virus

As discussed above, Computer Awareness is a common topic for major Government exams and questions based on Computer Virus and Antivirus may also be asked in the exam.

Thus, given below are a few sample computer virus questions and answers for the assistance of aspirants. 

Q 1. Which of the following is not a type of computer virus?

  • Polymorphic virus
  • Space filler virus
  • Multipartite virus
  • Boot sector virus

Answer: (4) Trojan

Q 2. Which of these was the first computer virus?

  • Crypto Locker
  • Morris Worm

Answer: (1) Creeper

Solution: Creeper was the first-ever computer virus and was an experimental self-replicating virus released in the year 1971.

Q 3. Which of the following is not a source of the virus entering your system?

  • All of the above
  • None of the above

Answer: (5) All of the above

Q 4. The other name for Non-Resident virus is _________

  • Direct Action Virus
  • Boot Sector Virus
  • Multipartite Virus
  • Overwrite Virus
  • Polymorphic Virus

Answer: (1) Direct Action Virus

Q 5. Which of the following viruses is also known as “Cavity Virus”?

  • Space Filler Virus

Answer: (2) Space Filler Virus

For more questions to ace the upcoming competitive exams, aspirants can visit the articles given below:

  • Free Online Government Exam Quiz
  • Free Online Mock Test Series with Solutions
  • Previous Year Govt Exam Question Papers PDF with Solutions

Also, to get the best Preparation Strategy for Competitive exams , candidates can visit the linked article. 

Get the latest exam information and study material at BYJU’S and keep yourself updated. 

Frequently Asked Questions on Computer Virus and its Types

Q 1. what is the definition of a computer virus, q 2. what are the main computer viruses.

Ans. The main types of computer virus are as follows:

  • Resident Virus
  • File Infector Virus

Q 3. What is the Creeper Virus?

Q 4. what are the examples of a computer virus.

Ans. Given below are a few examples of a computer virus:

  • CryptoLocker

Q 5. How to secure a computer system from a virus attack?

Online Quiz 2023

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Computer Science Essay Examples

Nova A.

Explore 15+ Brilliant Computer Science Essay Examples: Tips Included

Published on: May 5, 2023

Last updated on: Jan 30, 2024

Computer Science Essay Examples

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Do you struggle with writing computer science essays that get you the grades you deserve?

If so, you're not alone!

Crafting a top-notch essay can be a daunting task, but it's crucial to your success in the field of computer science.

For that, CollegeEssay.org has a solution for you!

In this comprehensive guide, we'll provide you with inspiring examples of computer science essays. You'll learn everything you need to know to write effective and compelling essays that impress your professors and get you the grades you deserve.

So, let's dive in and discover the secrets to writing amazing computer science essays!

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Computer Science Essays: Understanding the Basics

A computer science essay is a piece of writing that explores a topic related to computer science. It may take different forms, such as an argumentative essay, a research paper, a case study, or a reflection paper. 

Just like any other essay, it should be well-researched, clear, concise, and effectively communicate the writer's ideas and arguments.

Computer essay examples encompass a wide range of topics and types, providing students with a diverse set of writing opportunities. 

Here, we will explore some common types of computer science essays:

Middle School Computer Science Essay Example

College Essay Example Computer Science

University Computer Science Essay Example

Computer Science Extended Essay Example

Uiuc Computer Science Essay Example [

Computer Science Essay Examples For Different Fields

Computer science is a broad field that encompasses many different areas of study. For that, given below are some examples of computer science essays for some of the most popular fields within the discipline. 

By exploring these examples, you can gain insight into the different types of essays within this field.

College Application Essay Examples Computer Science

The Future of Computers Technology

Historical Development of Computer Science

Young Children and Technology: Building Computer Literacy

Computer Science And Artificial Intelligence

Looking for more examples of computer science essays? Given below are some additional examples of computer science essays for readers to explore and gain further inspiration from. 

Computer Science – My Choice for Future Career

My Motivation to Pursue Undergraduate Studies in Computer Engineering

Abstract Computer Science

Computer Science Personal Statement Example

Sop For Computer Science

Computer Science Essay Topics

There are countless computer science essay topics to choose from, so it can be challenging to narrow down your options. 

However, the key is to choose a topic that you are passionate about and that aligns with your assignment requirements.

Here are ten examples of computer science essay topics to get you started:

  • The impact of artificial intelligence on society: benefits and drawbacks
  • Cybersecurity measures in cloud computing systems
  • The Ethics of big data: privacy, bias, and Transparency
  • The future of quantum computing: possibilities and challenges
  • The Role of computer hardware in Healthcare: current applications and potential innovations
  • Programming languages: a comparative analysis of their strengths and weaknesses
  • The use of machine learning in predicting human behavior
  • The challenges and solutions for developing secure and reliable software
  • The Role of blockchain technology in improving supply chain management
  • The use of data analytics in business decision-making.

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Tips to Write an Effective Computer Science Essay

Writing an effective computer science essay requires a combination of technical expertise and strong writing skills. Here are some tips to help you craft a compelling and well-written essay:

Understand the Requirements: Make sure you understand the assignment requirements, including the essay type, format, and length.

  • Choose a Topic: Select a topic that you are passionate about and that aligns with your assignment requirements.
  • Create an Outline: Develop a clear and organized outline that highlights the main points and subtopics of your essay.
  • Use Appropriate Language and Tone: Use technical terms and language when appropriate. But ensure your writing is clear, concise, and accessible to your target audience.
  • Provide Evidence: Use relevant and credible evidence to support your claims, and ensure you cite your sources correctly.
  • Edit and Proofread Your Essay: Review your essay for clarity, coherence, and accuracy. Check for grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and formatting issues.

By following these tips, you can improve the quality of your computer science essay and increase your chances of success.

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essay writing about computer virus

55 Viruses Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best viruses topic ideas & essay examples, 📌 most interesting viruses topics to write about, 👍 good research topics about viruses.

  • Viruses and Worms in Computers To prevent the spread of viruses and worms, there are certain precautionary measures that can be taken. With the correct measures and prevention, the spread of online viruses and worms can be controlled to a […]
  • Computer Viruses: Spreading, Multiplying and Damaging A computer virus is a software program designed to interfere with the normal computer functioning by infecting the computer operating system.
  • Viruses: Alive or Not From Scientific Perspective However, according to Bhella, no organisms can be entirely independent of the environment, and life at its core is interdependent. The fact that viruses evolved with other creatures is enough to state that they are […]
  • How Ultraviolet Light Reduces Bacteria and Viruses It is explained by the UV radiation’s capability to cause the death of the cell because of the interference into DNA replication.
  • Microbiology: Influenza Viruses The virus uses the HA spikes on its envelope to attach to the sialic acid receptors on the epithelial cells. The HA spike proteins assist the virus in attaching to the lower respiratory tract epithelium.
  • Viruses: Reproduction and Adaptation However, viruses cannot sustain themselves and are not capable for independent replication, hence, it is not a living organism. To conclude, viruses are on the boundaries of the living and non-living area.
  • The Identification of Respiratory Viruses First and foremost, it is essential to point out the criteria that will be applied to the analysis of the manual identification kits.
  • Emerging Infectious Disease: Epidemiology and Evolution of Influenza Viruses The chain of infection of H1N1 influenza is hard to break because it is transmitted through the respiratory system and contact. When a human being is infected with the H1N1 virus, is mainly due to […]
  • Infection of Pigs With Human-Like H1N1 Influenza Viruses In China In the study by Hai Yu et al, various molecular virology methods were used for understanding the molecular epidemiology of the influenza virus and unraveling the dynamics of the of the influenza zoonosis.
  • Viruses as a Cause of Cancer This is done by switching on a dormant cancer gene when it enters the cell’s DNA of the host. Some practices like smoking and drinking increase the risk of developing cancer as they work together […]
  • Systems Pharmacology Among Viruses and Bacteria The release of and receptors causes the increase of blood pressure. Such sympathetically acting drugs as prazosin and phenoxybenzamine block the release of and receptors and, thus, decrease blood pressure.
  • Viruses: Are They Living or Non-Living? I would like to outline the key characteristics of a living thing from a biological standpoint and show how viruses do not meet these criteria.
  • Emily Baumgaertner: Crop Viruses and Food Security Baumgaertner notices that biology is what the authors of the Insect Allies are good at and knowledgeable about in order to control a biological arms race.
  • Computer Viruses, Their Types and Prevention A memory-resident virus is one of the most resilient types of viruses out there since it resides in the RAM of the computer and comes out of stasis every time the computer’s OS is activated.
  • Managing and Controlling the Risks Associated With the Transmissions of Blood Borne Viruses in the Health Care Setting
  • The Difference Between Bacteria, Viruses, Fungi and Parasites
  • The Use of Viruses to Treat Cancer
  • The Spread of Disease, Viruses, and Bacteria
  • The Use of Hendra and Nipah Viruses From Genus Henipavirus
  • The Effects of Viruses in Everyday Computer Activity
  • The Threats of Viruses to Computer Security
  • The Issue of AIDS and HIV Viruses and Its Treatment
  • The Types and Dangers of Computer Viruses
  • Viruses Complex Molecules or Simple Life Forms
  • Why Are Viruses Causing Such an Impact on Humans
  • The Use of Viruses as a Means of Controlling Growth Production
  • The Role of Bacterial Defense Systems Against Viruses
  • The Characteristics and Risk Factors of Warts, Benign Skin Growths Caused by Viruses
  • The Three Main Reasons Behind the Existence of Viruses and Infections
  • Legal Aspects of Creating Viruses, Trojan Horses and Worms
  • The Reasons Why Viruses Should Not Be Classified as Living Organisms
  • The Threat of Computer Viruses and Its Wide Range Effect
  • Known Computer Viruses and Their Effects on Your Computer
  • Symptoms and Treatment of Drug Resistant Viruses
  • Viruses Are Non Living Agents That Require a Host Organism
  • Why Are Computer Viruses Perceived as Harmful?
  • The Effect of Bacteria and Viruses on the Migration of Monarch
  • Protecting Your Computer From Viruses and Internet Attacks
  • The Negative Impacts of Computer Viruses and Hackers During the US Elections
  • Seminal Viruses and Its Effect on Sperm Cells
  • The Disastrous Role of Hackers and Viruses During American Elections
  • The Most Grisly Viruses and Bacteria
  • Living Drugs: Application of Genetically Modified Viruses in Cancer Treatment
  • The Replication Cycle of Viruses Biology
  • The Evolution and History on Microcomputer Viruses
  • Viruses, the Most Dangerous Threat to the Human Race
  • The Main Features of Computer Viruses and Their Effects on Computers
  • Potential Importance of Viruses in Marine Ecosystems
  • The Importance of Vaccination to Protect Children From Bacteria and Viruses
  • Myths and Misconceptions About Viruses and Security
  • The Never-Ending War Against Bacteria and Viruses
  • The Use of the Influenza Vaccine and Its Effectiveness in Preventing the Influenza Viruses
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IvyPanda. (2024, March 2). 55 Viruses Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/viruses-essay-topics/

"55 Viruses Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 2 Mar. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/viruses-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '55 Viruses Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 2 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "55 Viruses Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/viruses-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "55 Viruses Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/viruses-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "55 Viruses Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/viruses-essay-topics/.


Essay on Computer Viruses (507 Words)

Here is your essay on Computer Viruses !

The age of information has essentially made communication faster with advent of computer and internet. Human interaction has revolutionized with information including data, pictures, emails, programs etc. being sent within milliseconds from one part of the world to another.

But every technology howsoever secure and protected does have some loopholes. So is the network of computers which can also communicate malicious programs superfluously without the knowledge and intent of the users of the computer system. Such an attack is called as virus attack and is an electronic infection affecting your system and destroying useful information.

A computer virus is basically a software program that transfers from one system to another connected on a common network. Computer operations like use of email system, stored information on the hard disk, accessibility to other resources on the desktop can get difficult or corrupted after a virus attack as the program renders some or the other functionality in your computer useless.

Most often it is email attachments with unusual extensions that are used to spread such viruses. Any funny images, greetings, audio files that come in as attachments from suspicious sources should never be opened as they may be viruses. Not all malware that affect your computer are viruses. Some like adware and spyware cannot reproduce and thus cannot be termed as computer viruses. Active threats affecting your computer are generally trojans or worms and not viruses. A virus is able to damage the information and cause harm to your computer only after it is able to execute the code and write information to the memory. Code injection wherein executable files have some malicious codes written inside is one common way in which virus is sent over to spread on multiple computers over internet. It is the very nature of the virus to multiply by replication.

Even FTP for downloading can lead to a virus attack which can come maliciously along with an otherwise harmless software program. A virus attaches itself to an executable program so that it gets executed without the user even knowing it.

Events that can result from virus attack can range from harmless to extremely destructive.

Irritable messages on the computer screen, pop-up windows that continue to come and not go even when trying to exit, data modified on your computer, corrupted or erased hard disk, damage to files etc. are some symptoms of virus attack.

Since the use of internet cannot be stopped and you can also not determine if the information downloaded contained any viruses, it is advisable to use credible anti-virus software with latest updates. It warns you about any threats that a file or any information downloaded from the internet or a copied over infected file contains.

Removing a virus and undoing the damage it causes to your computer can be more stressful than preventing attack by using strong anti-virus program that can detect malware as well as Trojans, worms and viruses and also eliminate them before replication. Effective anti-viruses are available which help to detect and remove viruses that may attack your computer.

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Essay on Computer , Essay on Computer Virus

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