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Life Without Cell Phones: An Essay

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Life Without Cell Phones: An Essay

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Life Without a Cell Phone: Benefits and Outcomes

Introduction, role of the phone in my life, life without cell phones, people without cell phones, how to live without cell phones.

Since prehistoric times, man has sought ways to make his life easier through inventions. The last century has witnessed the creation of the most epic inventions which have revolutionalized human life. One invention which has had a major impact on human life is the cell phone. Despite being a relatively new communication technology, cell phones have within the last two decades gained unrivaled prominence as the preferred medium of communication. At present, it is estimated that 80% of the world population use cell phones, and nearly all homes own at least one cell phone. In this essay, I shall speculate on how life would be like if the cell phone was never invented. I shall then make recommendations on how to best live life without this device.

In today’s society, the use of cell phones has become an integral part of not only our social network but our life as a whole and it is now almost impossible to imagine a world without the cell phone. Personally, the greatest benefit of my cell phones is its portability, which virtually allows me to be in many places at the same time. I can monitor several activities in different places all with just a push of a button, saving me a lot of time and other resources.

My social life has also greatly been enhanced by this invention. It has enabled me to constantly stay in touch with my friend through phone calls irrespective of how far they are. Using the texting capability, I can send and receive multiple messages to and from several correspondents.

This increases efficiency as well saves me considerable time and cost. Cell phones are not limited to the basic function of making calls, and with internet capabilities, cell phones can double up as mini computers. This allows me to instantly download information, catch up on the latest news, views, and movies, communicate with my friend through different social networks, send and receive important business information, and the best part about all this is I can do it anywhere at any time.

Life would be significantly different without the presence of the cell phone. To begin with, people would not be able to deliver urgent messages promptly. The time taken to communicate would also be significantly increased since cell phones allow people to talk instantaneously. Without the cell phone, long distant communications would be complicated making it difficult to keep in constant touch with friends or relatives who may live far away. The coordination capabilities that cell phones facilitate would also be hampered and in instances such as rescue operations, the success rates would be significantly reduced.

Cell phones have undoubtedly made slaves of men. We are constantly forced to act on the information which we receive through our cell phones without breaks. Cell phones bring about a lot of pressure and cause unnecessary worries as a result of their immediacy. Real relationships have also suffered as a result of the pressure that mobile phones create since, in the present time, people are still obligated to deal with work issues even from their homes.

Before the invention of the mobile phone, people enjoyed some solitude while at home or on travel since then they did not have to tackle work or other emerging issues then. The mobility in which cell phones afford us has resulted in us losing touch with each other on the streets or at work where we are too engrossed with our electronic devices to even acknowledge other people around us. With these considerations in mind, it can be suggested that we would be better off without cell phones.

While cell phones have become an integral part of modern life, it is still possible to envision a life without cell phones. As has been noted, the greatest merit of cell phones is its ability to enable people to make plans.

People can still live without cell phones by making plans in advance and sticking to them. To help foster relationships over long distances means such as constant letter correspondence can serve the purpose of helping people to keep in touch as well as vocational visits. While this may not be as timely as cell phones, the time and effort that a person puts in the task may enhance the long-distance relationship. Without the constant distraction of cell phones, we as humans can get to enjoy solitude and discover ourselves.

In this essay, I set out to envision a life without cell phones which currently serve a major role in our lives. I began by articulating the roles that cell phones play in my life to demonstrate their importance. I then described how life without cell phones would be and evaluated my thoughts as to whether we would be better off without cell phones. Life without a cell phone would be less efficient and communication efforts would be more difficult than they presently are as a result of cell phones. Even so, the very benefits of cell phones have turned us into a connected people who are overwhelmed with information. Our lives would therefore be more fulfilling without the pressure that cell phones create.

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"Life Without a Cell Phone: Benefits and Outcomes." StudyCorgi , 2 Jan. 2021,

StudyCorgi . (2021) 'Life Without a Cell Phone: Benefits and Outcomes'. 2 January.

1. StudyCorgi . "Life Without a Cell Phone: Benefits and Outcomes." January 2, 2021.


StudyCorgi . "Life Without a Cell Phone: Benefits and Outcomes." January 2, 2021.

StudyCorgi . 2021. "Life Without a Cell Phone: Benefits and Outcomes." January 2, 2021.

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life without cell phone essay 250 words

I Went 16 Months Without A Cell Phone And My Life Was So Much Better

I’ve spent the last year and a half without a cell phone.

You’re probably reacting to that line as if it read, “I’ve spent the last year and a half without breathing air.” Cell phones have become such a crucial part of our daily lives that most folks rely on them more than the majority of organs in their bodies.

In fact, you can get your spleen removed and continue living a normal existence, but the same cannot be said of a cell phone.

Without it, you cannot expect to have a job, a consistent network of friends or a GPS guiding you to your destination, not to mention porn on-the-go.

For this last period of my life, I haven’t had those things because I’ve been traveling. I've been crossing borders too frequently to hold on to friends, and sleeping anywhere that offered a free bed or a bit of floorspace so I didn't have to work. It's what has allowed me to conduct this experiment.

I recognize that this is not a lifestyle most people are seeking because for the reasons listed above it simply isn’t practical.  Soon I will make my reentry into the world as a real human being and, though somewhat reluctantly, purchase a phone again.

For now, though, I am a freak among my generation, and that gives me the valuable freak’s perspective.

In the same way that one can only see the lily pads in a Monet painting clearly when standing far away, distance from a cell phone has allowed me to observe its role in our lives with more clarity than is possible for those who are pressed right up against the blurry brushstrokes.

Read on and I’ll share what I’ve learned:

1. Being in two places at once means you aren’t anywhere.

I’ve witnessed countless situations where this occurs, but here’s one in particular: I was in a restaurant eating vegetable fried rice, marveling at how, in Spain, even cheap Chinese food comes with a full bottle of delicious wine.

Across the room from me was a couple on a dinner date. The guy had his phone smashed up against his cheek like he was trying to merge with it, yammering about a gig he had coming up while the girl across the table stared vacantly at her soggy egg rolls.

When, at last, the call finished, the guy explained the conversation to his date as if she hadn’t just heard the whole thing. Then when he concluded his monologue, the phone rang again, and the same sequence repeated itself.

He got the meal to go and left with his arm around her waist yacking on his phone to his provider about getting a new model.

I couldn’t help but think maybe she was the one who needed to get an upgrade.

People go to the movies and stare at their phones the whole time, reading articles about the film that’s happening right in front of them. But most common is when people pull their phones out in the middle of conversation in order to “send a quick text” or “look something up.”

I wonder how these people would react if, while they were talking to me, I pulled out a book and said, “Just a second,” and proceeded to leisurely read a few pages and then say, “Thanks for waiting, sorry about that.” Would they feel I was devaluing their presence in favor of a bit of reading, which obviously could wait until later?

For me, it’s the same. Technology gives us access to another dimension at the cost of depriving us of the one we come from.

2. Instant communication has transformed us all into paranoid, over-protective moms.

Less than a century ago, if you wanted to talk to someone, you had to either travel directly to his or her house or write a letter. Then, with landlines, at least people were not able to carry their phones with them when they left their homes, and so their lack of response could be attributed simply to having gone out.

Now, the phone clings to us with the unfaltering loyalty of a tapeworm, and it sucks us dry of our excuses. To not respond is nearly the same as plugging your ears and humming when someone asks you a question.

Maybe the same kind of irrational worrying occurred in the days before cell phones were so universal, but with letters, it was on the scale of weeks and months; with landlines, hours and days; now it’s minutes, seconds and the infinitesimal spaces between delusions.

I’ve never spoken on the phone nor texted with my current girlfriend, and that I believe is one of the reasons it’s been the most rewarding relationship of my life. We’ve rediscovered the pleasure of letter writing.

Letters are like vinyl records: Though technologically obsolete, it has a warmth and romance that should never go out of style. But more importantly, slowing down our communication has forced us to build our relationship on sturdier, less fleeting foundations than machine-gun texts.

Plus, it’s way hotter to read dirty talk when you can see a person’s excitement in his or her frantic scrawl and inhale the scent of his or her skin still clinging to the paper, than it is on a cold, impersonal screen.

3. Eye contact is the 21st century dodo.

If the eyes are the windows to the soul, then we’ve boarded up those windows and the soul inside is wilting from lack of light. Walk down a busy street and you’ll notice that in the crowd, not a single set of eyes meets yours.

More than likely you won’t notice because you, too, are staring at a screen.

Within a few decades, I believe we’ll see a new medical condition where people can no longer prop their heads upright because spines will have ossified in such a way that necks arch permanently downward.

Corporations will have to rent billboard space on the tops of shoes because no one looks at the sky anymore.

Suspend your disbelief for a moment and imagine that the soul mate is real and that in every person’s life there is one moment in which his or her soul mate appears. What if this person passes you on the street and your eyes never meet because you were too busy looking at your phone?

Of course, eye contact is not just about romantic love, it’s about reminding strangers on the street or friends at a party that it’s pretty cool to be a human and not an ant.

Cell phones have become cigarettes for the eyes. We’re so comfortable with them that necessity has replaced luxury, and our eyes feel naked and exposed without a screen to gaze upon.

Remember the Greek tale of Narcissus, who stared into a lake at his own reflection for so long that he shriveled up and vanished. Narcissus is back:

He walks down the block in skinny jeans, cursing the glare of the sun on his precious screen, yet unable to take his eyes off a reflective surface, until he once again disappears.

At least that first time around Narcissus was guilty only of ignoring the lover that chased after him in vain. Today’s Narcissus ignores the whole world.

Dammit, man, look up! Look up while you’ve still got a neck to do it! Your phone’s an exact replica of millions of others, but every set of eyes is unique!

4. We’ve mistaken being alone for loneliness.

Having a cell phone is like carrying your friends with you everywhere you go. Say goodbye to contemplative moments on park benches, long walks with nothing to think about or even a bit of peace and quiet while you’re taking a crap.

For centuries, that twice-daily bowel movement enjoyed on the porcelain throne was akin to a holy ceremony, for it was the one time of day you could be by yourself and be sure no one would interrupt. But no more: Now for the first time ever, your friends can be there with you!

Even if you aren’t conversing with your real friends, cell phones provide an endless supply of imaginary friends to distract you from yourself, in the form of rapid fire updates on the lives of celebrities, viral videos of people you’ll never meet, Tinder and so on.

We've become so accustomed to this state of semi-being that the second our phones run out of battery, coldness sweeps over us and we feel ourselves teetering over an abyss of loneliness and despair, like when an addict is deprived of his vice.

Humans are social animals. It is normal to want to be surrounded by others; in fact, it's necessary for our mental health. That’s why solitary confinement is the highest punishment.

What makes humans unique is not sociality, but our ability to self-reflect. That’s why we can recognize ourselves in the mirror when other animals can’t. That’s why we can construct tools from nature and imagine ways of improving them, or why we’ve invented art, music and science.

If we lose that time to be self-reflective, we will slowly see those things that make us human deteriorate. Along with it, our social lives will become increasingly shallow because without having time to find ourselves, there will be less about us that is actually worth sharing with others.

A party today is a bunch of people on their screens not interacting, just being alone together. Then it's an emptier, more chronic loneliness that sets in: the loneliness of only existing in the eyes of others.

That’s the irony: We use our phones to medicate our loneliness, but at the same time our phones are causing it.

For most of us, life is a slot machine slideshow of streaming videos, news feeds, texts and tweets and pixelated twats. Where then is the time left to exist as ourselves?

Remember that music is made not just of sound, but silence, and a painting without space to resonate in is impossible for the eyes to navigate. Set aside time to exist for yourself and no one else, for we can only learn to not be lonely through being alone.

iPhonies Anonymous

Group hug, everybody. I acknowledge cell phones aren’t going anywhere, so don’t mistake this article as the ravings of an out-of-touch geezer shouting at speeding trains because, hey, I’m only 25.

It’s important to recognize that we are the first generation to become so obsessed by cell phones and other screen-based gadgets, and that makes us the guinea pigs. We won’t know the effects of any of these technologies on our bodies, minds and souls until it’s too late.

People used to drink mercury because they thought it was a medicine until they found out the hard way that it wasn’t. New is not the same as good, and so everything should be considered guilty until proven innocent.

Rather than passively accepting each gizmo that comes our way, it’s important to criticize and question what it wants from us.

These technologies should be like the garnish to life, perhaps even a side dish, but never the main course. Seek out what makes us human; discover what makes you you .

Then, once you’ve come to terms with those things, feel free to check out that latest YouTube video of the dog walking around on his hind legs dressed as a butler. Just don’t forget your date across the table.

Photo Courtesy: Tumblr

life without cell phone essay 250 words

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I asked my students to turn in their cell phones and write about living without them

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conceptual illustration of a mans face being obscured by his phone

A few years ago, I performed an experiment in a philosophy class I was teaching. My students had failed a midterm test rather badly. I had a hunch that their pervasive use of cell phones and laptops in class was partly responsible. So I asked them what they thought had gone wrong. After a few moments of silence, a young woman put up her hand and said: “We don’t understand what the books say, sir. We don’t understand the words.” I looked around the class and saw guileless heads pensively nodding in agreement.

I extemporized a solution: I offered them extra credit if they would give me their phones for nine days and write about living without them. Twelve students—about a third of the class—took me up on the offer. What they wrote was remarkable, and remarkably consistent. These university students, given the chance to say what they felt, didn’t gracefully submit to the tech industry and its devices.

The usual industry and education narrative about cell phones, social media, and digital technology generally is that they build community, foster communication, and increase efficiency, thus improving our lives. Mark Zuckerberg’s recent reformulation of Facebook’s mission statement is typical: the company aims to “give people the power to build community and bring the world closer together.”

Without their phones, most of my students initially felt lost, disoriented, frustrated, and even frightened. That seemed to support the industry narrative: look how disconnected and lonely you’ll be without our technology. But after just two weeks, the majority began to think that their cell phones were in fact limiting their relationships with other people, compromising their own lives, and somehow cutting them off from the “real” world. Here is some of what they said.

conceptual illustration of a person with their phone obscuring their face

“You must be weird or something”

“Believe it or not, I had to walk up to a stranger and ask what time it was. It honestly took me a lot of guts and confidence to ask someone,” Janet wrote. (Her name, like the others here, is a pseudonym.) She describes the attitude she was up against: “Why do you need to ask me the time? Everyone has a cell phone. You must be weird or something.” Emily went even further. Simply walking by strangers “in the hallway or when I passed them on the street” caused almost all of them to take out a phone “right before I could gain eye contact with them.”

To these young people, direct, unmediated human contact was experienced as ill-mannered at best and strange at worst. James: “One of the worst and most common things people do nowadays is pull out their cell phone and use it while in a face-to-face conversation. This action is very rude and unacceptable, but yet again, I find myself guilty of this sometimes because it is the norm.” Emily noticed that “a lot of people used their cell phones when they felt they were in an awkward situation, for an example [sic] being at a party while no one was speaking to them.”

Without their phones, most of my students initially felt lost, but after just two weeks the majority began to think that their cell phones were in fact limiting their relationships with other people.

The price of this protection from awkward moments is the loss of human relationships, a consequence that almost all the students identified and lamented. Without his phone, James said, he found himself forced to look others in the eye and engage in conversation. Stewart put a moral spin on it. “Being forced to have [real relations with people] obviously made me a better person because each time it happened I learned how to deal with the situation better, other than sticking my face in a phone.” Ten of the 12 students said their phones were compromising their ability to have such relationships.

Virtually all the students admitted that ease of communication was one of the genuine benefits of their phones. However, eight out of 12 said they were genuinely relieved not to have to answer the usual flood of texts and social-media posts. Peter: “I have to admit, it was pretty nice without the phone all week. Didn’t have to hear the fucking thing ring or vibrate once, and didn’t feel bad not answering phone calls because there were none to ignore.”

Indeed, the language they used indicated that they experienced this activity almost as a type of harassment. “It felt so free without one and it was nice knowing no one could bother me when I didn’t want to be bothered,” wrote William. Emily said that she found herself “sleeping more peacefully after the first two nights of attempting to sleep right away when the lights got shut off.” Several students went further and claimed that communication with others was in fact easier and more efficient without their phones. Stewart: “Actually I got things done much quicker without the cell because instead of waiting for a response from someone (that you don’t even know if they read your message or not) you just called them [from a land line], either got an answer or didn’t, and moved on to the next thing.”

Technologists assert that their instruments make us more productive. But for the students, phones had the opposite effect. “Writing a paper and not having a phone boosted productivity at least twice as much,” Elliott claimed. “You are concentrated on one task and not worrying about anything else. Studying for a test was much easier as well because I was not distracted by the phone at all.” Stewart found he could “sit down and actually focus on writing a paper.” He added, “Because I was able to give it 100% of my attention, not only was the final product better than it would have been, I was also able to complete it much quicker.” Even Janet, who missed her phone more than most, admitted, “One positive thing that came out of not having a cell phone was that I found myself more productive and I was more apt to pay attention in class.”

Some students felt not only distracted by their phones, but morally compromised. Kate: “Having a cell phone has actually affected my personal code of morals and this scares me … I regret to admit that I have texted in class this year, something I swore to myself in high school that I would never do … I am disappointed in myself now that I see how much I have come to depend on technology … I start to wonder if it has affected who I am as a person, and then I remember that it already has.” And James, though he says we must continue to develop our technology, said that “what many people forget is that it is vital for us not to lose our fundamental values along the way.”

Other students were worried that their cell-phone addiction was depriving them of a relationship to the world. Listen to James: “It is almost like the earth stood still and I actually looked around and cared about current events ... This experiment has made many things clear to me and one thing is for sure, I am going to cut back the time I am on my cell phone substantially.”

conceptual illustration

Stewart said he began to see how things “really work” once he was without his phone: “One big thing I picked up on while doing this assignment is how much more engaged I was in the world around me … I noticed that the majority of people were disengaged … There is all this potential for conversation, interaction, and learning from one another but we’re too distracted by the screens … to partake in the real events around us.”

In parentis, loco

Some parents were pleased with their children’s phone-less selves. James said his mother “thought it was great that I did not have my phone because I paid more attention to her while she was talking.” One parent even proposed to join in the experiment.

But for some of the students, phones were a lifeline to their parents. As Karen Fingerman of the University of Texas at Austin wrote in a 2017 article in the journal Innovation in Aging, in the mid to late 20th century, “only half of [American] parents reported contact with a grown child at least once a week.” By contrast, she writes, recent studies find that “nearly all” parents of young adults were in weekly contact with their children, and over half were in daily contact by phone, by text message, or in person.

The city in which these students lived has one of the lowest crime rates in the world and almost no violent crime of any kind, yet they experienced a pervasive, undefined fear.

Emily wrote that without her cell phone, “I felt like I was craving some interaction from a family member. Either to keep my ass in line with the upcoming exams, or to simply let me know someone is supporting me.” Janet admitted, “The most difficult thing was defiantly [sic] not being able to talk to my mom or being able to communicate with anyone on demand or at that present moment. It was extremely stressful for my mom.”

Safety was also a recurrent theme. Janet said, “Having a cell phone makes me feel secure in a way. So having that taken away from me changed my life a little. I was scared that something serious might happen during the week of not having a cell phone.” And she wondered what would have happened “if someone were to attack me or kidnap me or some sort of action along those lines or maybe even if I witnessed a crime take place, or I needed to call an ambulance.”

conceptual illustration

What’s revealing is that this student and others perceived the world to be a very dangerous place. Cell phones were seen as necessary to combat that danger. The city in which these students lived has one of the lowest crime rates in the world and almost no violent crime of any kind, yet they experienced a pervasive, undefined fear.

Live in fragments no longer

My students’ experience of cell phones and the social-media platforms they support may not be exhaustive, or statistically representative. But it is clear that these gadgets made them feel less alive, less connected to other people and to the world, and less productive. They also made many tasks more difficult and encouraged students to act in ways they considered unworthy of themselves. In other words, phones didn’t help them. They harmed them.

I first carried out this exercise in 2014. I repeated it last year in the bigger, more urban institution where I now teach. The occasion this time wasn’t a failed test; it was my despair over the classroom experience in its entirety. I want to be clear here—this is not personal. I have a real fondness for my students as people. But they’re abysmal students; or rather, they aren’t really students at all, at least not in my class. On any given day, 70% of them are sitting before me shopping, texting, completing assignments, watching videos, or otherwise occupying themselves. Even the “good” students do this. No one’s even trying to conceal the activity, the way students did before. This is just what they do.

In their world I’m the distraction, not their phones or their social-media profiles or their networking. Yet for what I’m supposed to be doing—educating and cultivating young hearts and minds—the consequences are pretty dark.

What’s changed? Most of what they wrote in the assignment echoed the papers I’d received in 2014. The phones were compromising their relationships, cutting them off from real things, and distracting them from more important matters. But there were two notable differences. First, for these students, even the simplest activities—getting on the bus or train, ordering dinner, getting up in the morning, even knowing where they were—required their cell phones. As the phone grew more ubiquitous in their lives, their fear of being without it seemed to grow apace. They were jittery, lost, without them.

This may help to explain the second difference: compared with the first batch, this second group displayed a fatalism about phones. Tina’s concluding remarks described it well: “Without cell phones life would be simple and real but we may not be able to cope with the world and our society. After a few days I felt alright without the phone as I got used to it. But I guess it is only fine if it is for a short period of time. One cannot hope to compete efficiently in life without a convenient source of communication that is our phones.” Compare this admission with the reaction of Peter, who a few months after the course in 2014 tossed his smartphone into a river.

I think my students are being entirely rational when they “distract” themselves in my class with their phones. They understand the world they are being prepared to enter much better than I do. In that world, I’m the distraction, not their phones or their social-media profiles or their networking. Yet for what I’m supposed to be doing—educating and cultivating young hearts and minds—the consequences are pretty dark.

Paula was about 28, a little older than most students in the class. She’d returned to college with a real desire to learn after working for almost a decade following high school. I’ll never forget the morning she gave a presentation to a class that was even more alternatively engaged than usual. After it was all over, she looked at me in despair and said, simply: “How in the world do you do this?”

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Insider Today

For the past fifteen minutes, I had been standing at the agreed intersection, wondering whether my friend was still coming to pick me up before our tennis game. But I can't call or text him —since I no longer have a phone. For the moment, I wait, trust, and read as the clock keeps ticking.

As I ponder whether I should walk back home, a car honks from a distance, flashing its lights. My friend waves.

As we make our way to the courts, my mind backtracks.

A few weeks ago, my phone's charge port stopped functioning, and as an experiment, I decided to see if I could go without a phone for two weeks. When my two weeks were up, I didn't feel ready to have a phone again. Without a particular time frame in mind, I decided to extend the experiment and it ended up lasting an entire year.

Like many of us, I found that I spend too much time on my phone, and was way too reliant on it.

According to research from Insider Intelligence , Americans spend an average of 4 hours and 31 minutes a day on their phones. Research from the tech care company Asurion found that Americans check their phones an average of 96 times a day, or around once every ten minutes.

Even if you manage to avoid looking at your phone 96 times a day, research says that just having a phone around can negatively impact your cognitive abilities. A 2017 study published in the Journal of the Association for Consumer Research found that "even when people are successful at maintaining sustained attention — as when avoiding the temptation to check their phones — the mere presence of these devices reduces available cognitive capacity."

Given those negative impacts, I wanted to know what would happen if I suddenly gave up my smartphone – whether I'd feel better or worse, more productive or less capable of doing my job. Like so many others, I'd treated my phone as a crutch – there to entertain me when I was bored, or remind me of a fact or event that I'd forgotten. I'd gotten so dependent on it that I wasn't sure who I was without it. But I wanted to find out.

I learned to let go of the anxiety of feeling disconnected

I'm a writer and content creator, and I found that when I sat down to write, not having my phone next to me allowed me to get into a deeper state of flow. I also run a business focused on educational travel. But since travel was halted due to the pandemic, and we had no groups moving around, there was nothing particularly urgent.

Related stories

I wasn't a very active social media user when it came to Facebook or Instagram, but I relied a lot on WhatsApp and iMessage for my daily communications, and I mostly handled email from my phone. I found that when I checked my emails or messages on the computer after coming back from a tennis game, for example, nothing pressing had happened. It took time, but eventually, the anxiety I felt from being disconnected began to wane.

Suddenly, I could wake up and center myself instead of picking up the phone as my first action of the day. The absence of a phone allowed me to do some much-needed self-examination. What was I feeling anxious about? Why did I feel the need to be instantly available to all people?

I also realized how much I relied on my phone for basic things, like remembering phone numbers.

I knew the phone number of friends I had met over ten years ago — pre-cell phone — but I couldn't recall the contact numbers of anyone I had met recently. I'd been relying more on my phone's memory instead of mine.

I now needed to write down someone's phone number and then wait and call them from my landline if I wanted to reach them, which made my communication more intentional. Instead of sending half-hearted texts and juggling multiple conversations at once I was forced to engage with one person at a time.

I was forced to face my feelings when I found myself alone

With a phone, when I needed instant gratification, I would message someone to gain validation, but I could no longer do this. With no on-demand apps available, my escape routes were blocked. If I was at a bar, sitting by myself, and I started feeling uncomfortable, I could no longer use my phone as a distraction. I had to face my feelings. The same applied to difficult conversations. I noticed how other people looked down at their phones, avoided the topic, and attempted to sort it out later through text. But I didn't have that easy out.

It presented some logistical challenges

There were, of course, also logistical issues that I needed to deal with without a phone.

For example, I couldn't order an Uber unless I borrowed somebody's phone, which I did when I had no other viable option in sight—and overall, things required more logistical planning, at least initially. Some things took longer than originally expected, and I had to do more communicating upfront with people when it came to making plans.

It forced me to learn to be a better communicator

I was forced to learn how to communicate better. I was also forced to undo the default instinct to pull out my phone to get directions. I'd been so used to having a GPS do the work for me, but without a phone or Google Maps, I had to ask for help — to actually talk to other people and ask for directions.

Not always being available made my employees more self-reliant

Needing help, and learning how to ask for help also transformed how I run my businesses. I realized that colleagues might know better than me when it came to certain topics, and it did not make me any less worthy. If we really want to build a team, we need to learn how to be open to receiving help along the way.

I had prided myself on being instantly responsive to everyone at my company. Now that this was not an option, people had to adjust and seek out their own solutions. Even if it was harsh at the beginning — many people around me did not like the change — it led to much-needed shifts because I was no longer always available.

I realized I was more of a micromanager than I thought. I became aware of how many problems could be sorted out by my staff if I trusted them, instead of always trying to be the savior. This helped my business be less dependent on me, and it also opened up the space for other people to step up to the plate.

Gradually, I felt a deeper sense of inner peace, which also allowed me to have greater focus on my work. Instead of waking up being instantly responsive, and interrupting my flow to respond to all the messages on my phone, I could be fully present with whatever I was doing.

I learned that I can have a healthier relationship with my phone

Before this, one of my most phone-intensive activities was my educational travel business, which, as I mentioned, had halted its ground operations. However, as travel returned, I was due to co-lead a program in New York.

I felt I needed a phone to do my job, so a year after my phone-free experiment began, I reactivated my mobile contract.

This would be a test of whether I would use the device or it would use me, but I'm proud to say it's been the former more than the latter.

As of now, I keep a "deep work" approach where I maintain office hours to respond to apps like WhatsApp or Telegram but otherwise try and stay away from my phone.

Of course, it is not always flawless. Sometimes the desire for instant gratification comes, and I turn to my texts. Or there are times when I'm in social groups, and the conversation is boring, and because I don't want to hurt people by leaving, I turn to my phone to check the latest ATP or Premier League scores.

But overall, I feel a lot better, and my anxiety about feeling connected to the world has dwindled over time. My awareness has increased, and so have my communication skills. I have a phone, but it's not my life — it's a tool I use when I need it. One of my proudest achievements is that I now have important conversations in person (or by a video call when the person is not in the same place as me) instead of attempting to escape the situations through vague texts or simply ghosting.

Smartphones aren't good or bad — they simply amplify the consciousness of their users. It can improve our lives or worsen them. Whether we make our phone our ally or our enemy is a choice.

life without cell phone essay 250 words

  • Main content

You Cannot Live Without Mobile Phones Argumentative Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment

While communication technologies have penetrated to the lives of contemporary society, it does not positively contribute to its adequate cultural, psychological and social development.

Ladies and gentlemen, today my team plan to prove the affirmative speaker’s argument is not well-grounded because it distorts the current data on negative influence of mobile phone use. My argument will provide a wider picture on social, cultural, and political contexts that are negatively influenced by the wireless technology.

My first speaker will elaborate on the negative impact of mobile phones on human health, which can persuade the audience that living without mobile phones is possible because this lifestyle is much healthier.

My second and third speakers will focus on detrimental effects of living with mobile phones in cultural and political terms. The exploration of all these outcomes can prove the living without mobile phones is much better.

Affirmative speakers recognize that mobile media and communication networks have captured the entire global community that cannot imagine their daily activities without phone use.

All meetings, conferences and appointments are now arranged by means of these portable devices because it is incredibly fast and convenient. However, overuse of mobile phones deprives people of face-to-face communication and makes them less interested in visiting their friends and relatives.

More importantly, daily use of cell phones can pose harm to human health due to the influence of phone radiation. In a broader sense, use of telecommunication technologies makes people more dependent on social opinion and political power that often manipulates society for their own purposes.

Power and mobile communication, therefore, shape a dangerous synthesis depriving people of personal, objective evaluation of various events.

The fact that society is constantly developing is undeniable and the invention of mobile inventions is a logical outcomes. However, technological progress does not always contribute to the improvement of societal welfare.

Hence, emergence of wireless technology creates a wider access to information and people, but deprives people of face-to-face communication (Ganguly et al 2011). Reference to previous history of development proves that society can flourish without use of mobile phones.

The point is that older generations are not so dependent from cell phones as their descendants (Walsh et al., 2010). Indeed, young people embracing technology are more likely to employ wireless technologies rather than take advantage of live communication.

Despite this face, the possibility to minimize the use of cell phones is possible as soon as numerous researches introduce the persuasive arguments about the harmful effect of their frequent utilization.

As it has been mentioned previously by affirmative team, mobile phones constitute an inherent element of daily life. However, within a health care perspective, mobile phone radiation can have negative consequences for human health.

Although recent studies have not approved the connection between radiation emission and cancer emergence, there are still other negative outcomes, such as thermal heating, which pose risks to human health. According to Ganguly et al. (2011), hazardous influence of mobile phones is under the focus of most scholars due to the increased demand for wireless technologies.

In particular, the researchers insist, “most of the heating effect occurs on the head surface, facial nerves and surrounding sift tissue causing increase in temperature by a fraction of a degree” (Ganguly et al. 2011, p. 370). Many other negative outcomes can make the modern society think over the reduction of mobile phone use.

Certainly, total refusal to use mobile phone in daily life is impossible, particularly for the representatives of Generation Y and Generation Z. These layers of population have grown up along with the simultaneous invention of these telecommunication devices. Therefore, their lifestyles could not be changed immediately.

Although the affirmative speaker focuses on the development of innovative technologies as the way to societal welfare, the emergence of innovative technologies has had an adverse effect on social and psychological development of the global communities.

This is of particular concern to the shifts in communication approaches, as well as daily activities. However, these changes could not be regarded as absolutely positive, although these technological introductions contribute to the emergence of a new society with new moral and ethical values that differ much from older generations (Nassiri et al. 2012).

Dependence on these cell phones in these terms can distort individuals’ understanding of social and cultural identity. Nassiri et al. (2012) have also found interesting data about the connection between personality traits and mobile phone use.

In particular, they have discovered, “…extraversion and neuroticism have from two major personality factors related to dependent on mobile phones” (Nassiri et al. 2012, p. 114). The studies, therefore, prove that use of wireless technologies creates an overwhelming impact on human behavior, personality, and consciousness, leading to loss of self-awareness and self-esteem.

The possibility to live without mobile phones can also be supported by the greater concern with political influence and its dominating power in the sphere of media and telecommunications.

In this respect, Goggin (2011) focuses on historic perspective to underline the insignificance of communication in lives people. In fact, most media companies have become dependent on mobile phones as the most popular media platform for mass mailing and advertising.

Reference List

Ganguly, S, Mukhopadhayay, S, & Guha, S 2011, ‘Stress to Human Health Due to Electromagnetic Radiation Emitted from Mobile Phone’, International Journal Of Bio-Resource & Stress Management , vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 369-372.

Goggin, G 2011, “Power and Mobile Media”, In G Goggin (ed), Global Mobile Media, New York, Routledge, pp. 13-37.

Nassiri, Z, Hashembeik, N, & Siadat, S 2012, ‘The relationship between type and amount use of mobile phone and personality characteristics of students’, Interdisciplinary Journal Of Contemporary Research In Business , vol.4, no.3, pp. 113-120.

Walsh, S, White, K, & McD Young, R 2010, ‘Needing to connect: The effect of self and others on young people’s involvement with their mobile phones’, Australian Journal Of Psychology , vol. 62, no. 4, pp. 194-203.

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IvyPanda. (2019, June 18). You Cannot Live Without Mobile Phones.

"You Cannot Live Without Mobile Phones." IvyPanda , 18 June 2019,

IvyPanda . (2019) 'You Cannot Live Without Mobile Phones'. 18 June.

IvyPanda . 2019. "You Cannot Live Without Mobile Phones." June 18, 2019.

1. IvyPanda . "You Cannot Live Without Mobile Phones." June 18, 2019.


IvyPanda . "You Cannot Live Without Mobile Phones." June 18, 2019.

Life Without a Cell Phone


The nowadays life can not be imagined without the means of communication. Computers with their instant messages, voice mails, e-mails and cell phones which make us available for our relatives, friends, companions etc have completely interwoven in our lives, and became an essential part of this mad world. First of all it seems that mobile technologies give us the freedom of actions and movements, give us mobility, but on the other hand this freedom is rather conventional. It is like a proverb, that goes the following: “computer easily helps solving the problems, that did not exist before its invention”. Surely it is professional humor, but every joke is a joke just partially.

Phones in our lives

The cell phones are such indispensable, that we even do not mention their presence until one is lost, or missing. The extent o their penetration in our lives is so huge, that even well known cell phone sub-culture appeared. Here the Shorthand contractions and abbreviations are meant.

The notion that there might be value in easily understood shorthand has proved to be prescient. If u cn rd these days, and, just as important, if your thumbs are nimble enough so that u cn als snd, you can conduct your entire emotional life just by transmitting and receiving messages on the screen of the cell phone. (McGrath, 2006).

Shorthand contractions, along with letter-number homophones (“gr8” and “2moro,” for example), emoticons (like the tiresome colon-and-parenthesis smiley face) and acronyms (like the ubiquitous “lol,” for “laughing out loud”), constitute the language of text-messaging – or txt msg, to use the term that txt msgrs prefer. Text-messaging is a refinement of computer instant-messaging, which came into vogue five or six years ago. But because the typical cellphone screen can accommodate no more than 160 characters, and because the phone touchpad is far less versatile than the computer keyboard, text-messaging puts an even greater premium on concision. Here, for example, is a text-message version of “Paradise Lost” disseminated by some scholars in England: “Devl kikd outa hevn coz jelus of jesus&strts war. pd’off wiv god so corupts man (md by god) wiv apel. devl stays serpnt 4hole life&man ruind. Woe un2mnkind.”

This may be the universal attraction of text-messaging, in fact: it’s a kind of avoidance mechanism that preserves the feeling of communication – the immediacy – without, for the most part, the burden of actual intimacy or substance. The great majority of text messages are of the “Hey, how are you, whassup?” variety, and they’re sent sometimes when messenger and recipient are within speaking distance of each other – across classrooms, say, or from one row of a stadium to another. They’re little electronic waves and nods that, just like real waves and nods, aren’t meant to do much more than establish a connection – or disconnection, as the case may be – without getting into specifics. (McGrath, 2006).

“We’re all wired together” is the collective message, and we’ll signal again in a couple of minutes, not to say anything, probably, but just to make sure the lines are still working. The most depressing thing about the communications revolution is that when at last we have succeeded in making it possible for anyone to reach anyone else anywhere and at any time, it turns out that we really don’t have much we want to say.

The internet research, that was conducted on the issue if it is possible to live without a cell phone showed, that people, who got used to having it all the time within grasp can not do without it.

The Yahoo Answers service is accessible enough to have the complete reply on the question, whether the “immobilized” life is possible:

I live without one, and I think it would probably be horrible to have to live with one! We keep a pay as you go phone in the car for emergencies. Other than that, I wouldn’t know why I would ever need anything beyond a land-line.

Well, cell phones are made to be convenient. You can just pick up your phone and call anyone anytime. Without a cell phone, you’d have to go home, or use a pay phone. Without a cell phone, I think people would have harder time to communicate. But for sure, even without cell phones, we can live.

I have been living with a cell phone for more than 10yrs now, and when it got broken I had to get it fixed and they told me I have to get it after a week(poor service but cheaper) I thought ill die having no communication to others!!! But I actually loved it. I felt free!!! It felt really great. Like I could dance in the rain without thinking that ill make my cell phone wet, or I could go anywhere without thinking that someone might call me. It really feels great! But after a week I got my cell back and have to handle lots of stuff that I have left behind!

The people who consider that such life is possible are so rare, that it was difficult enough to find the completed consideration. People just argue that it is either possible or not. Some define the life without a phone as a relief, confirming their thoughts by the notion, that people would have more possibilities to meet each other, while they just talk over the phone, often living next door to each other. Surely, it helps keeping in touch the people who live far away from each other, but cell phone is also an electronic collar, that helps parents, bosses or chiefs control the person at a distance.

Mobile phones have become a worldwide craze. From Europe to Asia, from Australia to Africa-mobile phones have generated a huge sensation. As more and more sophisticated models have been launched, mobile phone users are now able to keep themselves abreast of latest technology and information. First came the camera feature, then the music-Internet is the latest addition. Today you can access the Internet from anywhere anytime. Thanks to WAP and XHTML for making Internet available with the mobile handsets.

Frankly speaking, it’s really difficult (if not impossible) to imagine life without mobile phones. Over the last few years we have been addicted to the mobile phones in such a manner that they have become as essential to us as that of food and shelter. To put it another way, we have joined the mobile bandwagon called “mobile mania”.

The data on the matter what people think of living with or without cell phone can be found mainly in the places, where people share their thoughts and emotions openly – in blogs (the authors of the blogs wished to stay unmentioned):

Recently, I happened to lose my cell phone… has been so miserable until i got a new mobile….1 day without mobile was a 9th wonder for me).

Donno how on earth we were living few years back, without a mobile phone….and donno how we could live if there is no cell phone on earth….gosh…cant even imagine things….I did not know any of my friends or family member’s number…neither did I had a back up of all the contacts….lost all my good ring tones, beautiful pictures taken along with family and friends, good sms

People start losing the ability to communicate openly and face to face. Most prefer sms to real communication, and care more on the matters of ringtone than on what to tell. It has been mentioned long ago by the communication psychologist Leil Lowndes, that everyone is anxious if there is nothing to put on when going to a party, but no one cares if there is nothing to tell. The similar situation is with the phones: the more expensive the phone – the more the person is popular, especially within teenagers.

Underlining all the observations it is possible to mention, that people who have not lost the ability to communicate, and keep their phones to keep in touch with the people they need to contact, will be able to live without this collar until the moment it would be necessary to have contact with someone who lives far. This type of people has their phones exceptionally for contacts, and do not overfill the memory with games, applications, and media not associated with their friends other persons to keep in touch with. This may be regarded as “friend-in-a-pocket”.

The people who can not imagine their life without a cellular are subjected to cult of electronic devices, and mostly obtain phones, pocket PCs, flash-players not to get all the conveniences these gadgets provide, but because it is fashionable to have iPod player, Apple lap-top, and iPhone. These type of people purchase their phones to have as more fashionable ringtones, pictures or videos on their phone as possible, and these users are mainly teenagers, just because the older the person is, the less time one has to fill the memory with all that garbage. (Collins, 2008).

Surely, this hypothesis had been made without taking into account all the mobile services, like shops, information services, emergency etc. And it is impossible to argue, that these two types of cell phone users are distinct: surely, like all the other divisions these criteria are polar, and the types are often mixed.

As for the matters of cell phone sub-culture, the essentials of which had been revealed above, it is necessary to mention, that it is just a kind of cyber punk, or techno punk movement. It mixes the inevitability of technical language development and the development of the conversational slang, it is a silent protest against the restriction of the messages by only 160 characters per each and the desire to insert as more sense as possible into the lesser amount of symbols. Some these methods had been borrowed from the stenographs, and are meant to save the time for decoding and encoding the information. In the case with the short messages it is claimed to spin out the symbols. One of the most notable fact in all these letterings is that Netiquette fully allows such abbreviations and contractions: the only claim is that these messages were readable.

Inspite of the fact, that electronics are gradually capturing our lives; we are still staying social animals, and can not do without communication. All the gadgetry that we use make us forget how to communicate face to face, and distant messaging help to conceal real thoughts and emotions. Living without having a phone number is regarded as something extraordinary and sometimes silly, as not to get lost in this mad world one should always keep in touch, and be able to understand all the slang expressions, born by electronic communication. Inspite that academic electronic sources use literary language, alive conversation more and more takes place with using contractions like 2moro, gr8, 4u, and emoticons, or, as they are also called – smilies.

Works Cited

Collins, Bob Can you live without a cell phone? News cut. Minnesota Public radio. 2008. Web.

McGrath, Charles. The Pleasures of the Text The New York Times, 2006.

Minsky, Marvin L. Will Robots Inherit the Earth Scientific American, 1994.

Yahoo Answers Living without a cell phone? 2008. Web.

English Aspirants

Essay on Mobile Phone for Students [100, 150, 250, 400 Words]

Essay on Mobile Phone: Mobile Phone is a wonderful gift of science. In this article, you are going to learn to write an essay on Mobile Phone in English (100, 150, 250 and 400 Words). So, let’s get started.

Table of Contents

Essay on Mobile Phone: 100 Words

The mobile phone is one of the greatest gifts of modern science. It is also called cell phone or smart phone.  It is a great medium of communication. In earlier times mobile phones were used only for communication. But now-a-days a mobile phone is used as an entertainment device. We can use it for watching videos, listening to music, capturing pictures, web browsing, calculating, navigating and many more purposes.

The mobile phone has many advantages but we should use it in moderation. Excessive use of mobile phones can affect our physical and mental health. Students often misuse it and their study is affected badly. We should use our mobile phones very wisely.

Essay on Mobile Phone in English

Mobile Phone Essay: 150 Words

The mobile phone is a miracle of science. From a minor student to an ordinary Worker, everyone possesses a cell phone. Indeed, this is a very popular item today. It is truly, a mark of modern living, a part of the modern life-style. Of course, its usefulness is undeniable. Now a man can have communication anywhere, anytime to anyone sitting thousands of kilometers from him.

Today it is not only a communication device. It can be used for a number of purposes like online ticket booking, navigation, playing video games, taking pictures, recording videos, web browsing, video calling etc. In fact, now we use mobile phone for taking online classes. Hence it is called a Smart Phone. At the same time, the excessive craze for this is not desirable and may even prove dangerous. Mobile phone is to be taken as an utility service, and not as a show-piece.

Mobile Phone Essay in English

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Essay on Mobile Phone: 250 Words

A mobile phone or cell phone is a hand-held portable radiophone that uses the cellular or satellite network for voice or data communication. Unlike landline phones, which are fixed, mobile phones can be easily carried, and one can contact a person anywhere whether at home, on the bus, in street, or in a meeting. Apart from talking, it can be used for sending SMS, e-mail and for taking photos and videos.

High-end mobiles act as mini computers, offering services like internet, diary, music, iPod, calculator, alarm clock, etc. It is extremely useful in emergencies. But there is a tendency to abuse it. To many, it is an Addiction rather than a necessity. A cell phone ringing in an auditorium is most annoying. Using a mobile phone while driving a car or a motorbike and crossing a road or a railway track had led to many accidents.

Teleshopping is a great nuisance. Privacy is often violated, as most mobile users are unaware that they could be photographed or tracked. Terrorists use this gadget to trigger bombs and achieve their ends. Mobiles can also cause health hazards. The radiations from mobiles may cause injury to the brain. Cellphones on vibration mode put in front pocket may damage the heartbeat system. With all its advantages, what is, therefore, needed is moderation in the use of mobile phones.

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Essay on Mobile Phones: 400 Words

When telephone was first introduced in the world in the 1950s, people were keenly interested in it. As an easier way of communication, telephone has its own merit. Of late, the introduction of mobiles makes an easy access to communication. It is in fact inevitable in the present day of hurry and business. People have warmly accepted mobiles as the blessing of science. There is little doubt that without the use of mobiles none is nowadays able to lead one’s life quite normally. One is capable of communicating with people, staying far away very quickly. Thus many a problem can be well- solved by way of using these mobiles.

But everything has its merit and demerit. As science is a bane as well as a boon, mobiles are to some extent to be cursed. People, especially the young generation, have been abusing mobiles. They not only chat in an unexpected way but also indulge themselves in leading immoral life by abusing mobiles. Apart from this, several mercenary companies exploit the advantage of mobiles to meet their selfish ends. They do business through mobiles. As a result, young people have been misguided. To use mobiles is for them to be up to date. They avail themselves of the opportunity of the internet connection in their mobiles and do whatever they like to do. Obscene video clippings and some other versions of immoral entertainment are now available in mobiles. Therefore, the students have now tremendous fascination for the mobiles. Consequently, instead of studying, concentrate on using mobiles for sheer fun.

Another demerit is that because of the excessive use of the mobiles different companies plunge themselves into doing profitable business. Consequently, numerous towers have been erected for the network of mobiles. It is well known that a particular wave which is responsible for the mobile network does harm to the ecological balance of the environment. It is evident in the pale colors of the trees and fruits adjacent to the mobile towers.

Thus, it is the time to be conscious of the abuse of the mobiles. The concerned authority should take immediate steps to stop immoral business which is proliferating in abusing mobiles. All should remember that the sole purpose of mobile is to communicate. Entertainment may be available in the network of mobiles. But there should be no immoral design. Above all, the government should restrict the use of mobiles, so much so that anti-social activities may not be done through mobiles.

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life without cell phone essay 250 words

I really enjoyed reading your blog post on the benefits of using a mobile phone for students. I think it is a great idea to have students use mobile phones to stay connected and organized. I also think it is important for students to be

life without cell phone essay 250 words

I really like your thinking on Mobile phones thanks

life without cell phone essay 250 words

Alot of good information on this blog, thanks!

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Essay on Impact Of Mobile Phones On Society

Students are often asked to write an essay on Impact Of Mobile Phones On Society in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Impact Of Mobile Phones On Society

Communication changes.

Mobile phones have changed the way we talk to each other. Before, we had to use landlines or write letters that took days to reach. Now, we can call or send a message to someone far away and they will know it in seconds. This makes keeping in touch with family and friends easier.

Information at Our Fingertips

With mobile phones, we can look up anything we want to know in an instant. They are like small computers that fit in our pockets. This means we can learn new things and find answers quickly, which is very helpful for school work and general knowledge.

Entertainment Everywhere

Phones are not just for calls; they are also for fun. We can play games, watch videos, and listen to music whenever we want. This is great for passing time, but it can also make us spend too much time on our phones instead of playing outside or reading books.

Safety and Help

Mobile phones can help us feel safer. If we are in trouble or get lost, we can call for help. Parents can also check where their children are, which helps them worry less. But, it is important to remember that we should not share our location with strangers.

Changes in Manners

Mobile phones have also changed how we act in public. Sometimes people focus on their phones instead of talking to the people they are with. This can be rude and make others feel unimportant. It’s good to remember to put our phones away during meals and conversations.

250 Words Essay on Impact Of Mobile Phones On Society

Changes in communication.

Mobile phones have changed the way we talk to each other. Before, people would write letters or use landlines to chat. Now, with mobiles, we can send messages, make calls, and even see each other on video anytime and anywhere. This makes staying in touch with friends and family much easier.

Information at Your Fingertips

With mobile phones, we can look up facts, news, and other information quickly. They are like small computers in our pockets. We can learn new things, do schoolwork, and satisfy our curiosity just by tapping on the screen.

Mobile phones are not just for talking; they are also for fun. We can play games, listen to music, and watch videos. This means we can enjoy ourselves while waiting for a bus or during a break at school.

Mobile phones can make us feel safer. If we get lost or need help, we can call our family or the police. Parents also feel better knowing they can reach their children anytime.

Not Always Good

Even though mobile phones have many good points, they can also cause problems. People sometimes pay more attention to their phones than the world around them. This can make them less aware and even cause accidents.

500 Words Essay on Impact Of Mobile Phones On Society

Introduction to mobile phones.

Mobile phones have changed the world. These small devices that we carry in our pockets allow us to talk to anyone, anywhere, at any time. They have become a part of our daily lives. Many people cannot imagine a day without their phone. This essay talks about how mobile phones affect society.

Communication Made Easy

The first big change that mobile phones brought is in the way we talk to each other. Before mobile phones, we had to use landline phones that were stuck in one place. Now, we can call or send a message to our friends and family no matter where we are. This has made staying in touch with loved ones much easier.

Mobile phones give us access to a lot of information. With the internet on our phones, we can look up anything we want to know. This is very helpful for students who can now find facts for their homework easily. It’s also good for anyone who needs to find out something quickly.

Entertainment in Our Hands

Our phones are not just for talking or getting information. They are also for fun. We can play games, listen to music, or watch videos on our phones. This means we can have entertainment with us all the time. This is nice when we are waiting for something or when we want to relax.

Work Goes Mobile

Phones have also changed the way we work. Many jobs now allow people to use their phones to do their work. This means that some people can work from anywhere. They do not have to be in an office. This can make work more flexible, but it can also mean that people are working more since they can always be reached.

Problems Caused by Mobile Phones

Even though mobile phones have many good points, they can also cause problems. For example, people can spend too much time on their phones and not enough time talking to people face to face. This can hurt relationships. Also, using phones too much can be bad for our health, like causing eye strain or bad posture.

In conclusion, mobile phones have a big impact on society. They make communication, getting information, working, and entertainment easier and better. They can also help keep us safe. But we must be careful not to let our phones take over our lives. We should remember to spend time with people in real life and not just on our phones. It is important to find a good balance.

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Essay on Mobile Phone for Students

What is an essay? An essay is a write-up from one’s perspective or jotting down one’s thoughts in one place regarding any topic. Writing an essay helps one to develop their writing skills and inculcate creativity in their writing. Likewise, all the parents should teach their kids how to write an essay. 

For your convenience, we have provided a sample essay on ‘Mobile Phone’ in the following. Take a glance through the article so that it becomes easy for you to teach how to write an essay effortlessly.

Mobile Phone

In the era of technical advancement, mobile phones play a very significant role. Technology has made our life quite easier. Life without a mobile phone seems to be quite impossible these days. Precisely, we become handicapped without a phone in hand.

Speaking of mobile phones, it is also referred to as ‘cellular phone’ or ‘smartphone’. Martin Cooper of Motorola produced the first handheld mobile phone call on a prototype DynaTAC model on 3 April 1973. 

Earlier it was only used for calling. But these days, everything is possible through a mobile phone. From sending a message to video calling, internet browsing, photography to video games, emailing and a lot more services can be availed through this handheld phone. 

Advantages of Using Mobile Phones

There are several advantages to using a mobile phone. Here are some provided in the following. 

Helps to Communicate:

Life is easier with mobiles. It helps you to communicate with your near and dear ones through calls, video chats, text messages, emails. Apart from that, it helps you to book a cab, show the map direction, order groceries and many more things. The main advantage of having a mobile is it helps to keep you connected with the entire world irrespective of your location.

A Medium of Entertainment:

With the advent of mobile, now you will be able to get entertained wherever you are. Now the world of entertainment is available just a click away, such as you can watch movies, listen to music, or watch your favorite sports or browse on social media networks etc. 

Mobile Banking:

Can you imagine doing all of your banking transactions and other relevant work through your cell phone? Yes, now everything is possible with the advancement of technology. Be it making a quick payment or transferring money to your family or checking the transaction history or accessing the bank accounts, everything is possible with just a tap of your button. So, it is quite efficient and saves a lot of your precious time.

Office Work Through Mobile:

These days mobiles are used for different types of official work such as scheduling meetings, giving presentations, sending and receiving important documents, applying for jobs, etc. Mobiles have become an essential device in every working person’s life.

Disadvantages of Using Mobile Phones

Creating distance:

While mobile phones claim to connect people and help to communicate with each other, the irony here is that it is creating more distance between people. Nowadays people are more hooked on their phones. So, they mostly spend their time browsing social media or texting each other rather than meeting and talking face to face. 

No Privacy:

These days one of the major concerns is losing one’s privacy through mobile usage. Now anyone could easily access all the important information related to you with just one tap. Not only your information, information about your family, friends, personal life, career, everything is pretty easily accessible. 

Waste of a Lot of Time and Money:

Time and money both are precious in everyone’s life. As the utilization of mobile phones is increasing day by day, the waste of time and money is also increasing gradually. People are becoming addicted to their phones, be it surfing the internet or playing games or checking social media. Besides, the smarter a phone becomes, the more money people spend to buy that phone instead of spending the money on something useful.


FAQs on Mobile Phone Essay in English for Students

1. What is essay writing?

An essay is a piece of writing that expresses the author's point of view; yet, the definition is ambiguous, merging with those of a letter, a paper, an article, a pamphlet, and a short fiction. Formal and casual essays have typically been divided into two categories. The formal essay has a serious objective, dignity, logical organization, and length, whereas the informal essay has a personal element, humor, graceful language, rambling structure, unconventionality or freshness of theme," and so on.

Literary critique, political manifestos, academic arguments, observations of daily life, recollections, and reflections of the author are all popular uses for essays. Although almost all modern essays are written in prose, compositions in verse have often been labeled as essays. While an essay is typically defined by its brevity, works such as John Locke's An Essay Concerning Human Understanding and Thomas Malthus's An Essay on the Principle of Population are exceptions. To garner more information, click here.

2. Give a brief overview of mobile phones and their history.

Mobile phones are quite important in this age of technological growth. Our lives have been made much easier by technological advancements. These days, life appears to be impossible without a cell phone. Without a phone in our hands, we become disabled.

When it comes to mobile phones, they're also known as 'cellular phones' or smartphones.' On April 3, 1973, Motorola's Martin Cooper made the first handheld mobile phone call on a prototype DynaTAC device.

It was formerly only used for calling. However, nowadays, everything is possible via a mobile phone. This handheld phone can do anything from sending a message to video calling, internet browsing, photography, video games, and emailing, among other things.

3. What are some advantages of using mobile phones?

Using a mobile phone has several benefits. The following are a few suggestions.

Aids in Communication:

Mobile phones make life easier. It allows you to contact your loved ones via phone conversations, video chats, text messages, and emails. Apart from that, it assists you in booking a cab, displaying map directions, ordering groceries, and a variety of other tasks. The biggest benefit of owning a mobile phone is that it allows you to stay connected to the rest of the world regardless of where you are.

An Entertainment Medium:

With the introduction of mobile phones, you may now be amused wherever you are. The world of entertainment is now just a click away, with options such as watching movies, listening to music, watching your favorite sports or browsing social media networks.

4. State some of the drawbacks of using mobile phones.

Some of the drawbacks of using mobile phones are:

Creating a buffer:

While mobile phones claim to connect people and make it easier for them to interact, the irony is that they create more distance between them. People nowadays are more reliant on their phones. As a result, they choose to spend their time on social media or texting instead of meeting and talking face to face.

There is no privacy:

One of the major issues these days is losing one's privacy due to cell phone usage. With just one swipe, anyone may now readily access all of your vital information. Not only is your information easily accessible, but so is information about your family, friends, personal life, and work.

A waste of time and money:

In everyone's life, time and money are both quite valuable. As the number of people using mobile phones grows, so does the amount of time and money spent on them.

5. How is an essay writing useful to students?

Writing essays help students develop important abilities and functions in their education, making them more useful. One, writing essays allows students to practice and improve abilities that they can apply throughout their academic careers and into their careers. For example, one can improve their reading and writing skills, as well as their capacity to think, organize thoughts, and communicate effectively.

Two, it enables pupils to develop a formal and orderly writing style that reliably conveys information. Three, it aids in the organization of your thoughts on what you are learning, the development of vocabulary, and the development of a distinct writing style. Get free study materials through the Vedantu app and website.

Essay on Mobile Phone for Students and Children

500+ words essay on mobile phone.

Essay on Mobile Phone: Mobile Phone is often also called “cellular phone”. It is a device mainly used for a voice call. Presently technological advancements have made our life easy. Today, with the help of a mobile phone we can easily talk or video chat with anyone across the globe by just moving our fingers. Today mobile phones are available in various shapes and sizes, having different technical specifications and are used for a number of purposes like – voice calling, video chatting, text messaging or SMS, multimedia messaging, internet browsing, email, video games, and photography. Hence it is called a ‘Smart Phone’. Like every device, the mobile phone also has its pros and cons which we shall discuss now.

essay on mobile phone

Advantages of Mobile Phone

1) Keeps us connected

Now we can be connected to our friends, relatives at any time we want through many apps. Now we can talk video chat with whoever we want, by just operating your mobile phone or smartphone. Apart from this mobile also keeps us updated about the whole world.

2) Day to Day Communicating

Today mobiles phone has made our life so easy for daily life activities. Today, one can assess the live traffic situation on mobile phone and take appropriate decisions to reach on time. Along with it the weather updates, booking a cab and many more.

3) Entertainment for All

With the improvement of mobile technology, the whole entertainment world is now under one roof. Whenever we get bored with routine work or during the breaks, we can listen to music, watch movies, our favorite shows or just watch the video of one’s favorite song.

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4) Managing Office Work

These days mobiles are used for many types of official work From meeting schedules, sending and receiving documents, giving presentations, alarms, job applications, etc. Mobile phones have become an essential device for every working people

5) Mobile Banking

Nowadays mobiles are even used as a wallet for making payments. Money could be transferred almost instantly to friends, relatives or others by using mobile baking in the smartphone. Also, one can easily access his/her account details and know past transactions. So it saves a lot of time and also hassle-free.

Disadvantages of Mobile Phones

1)  Wasting Time

Now day’s people have become addicted to mobiles. Even when we don’t need to mobile we surf the net, play games making a real addict. As mobile phones became smarter, people became dumber.

2) Making Us Non- communicable

Wide usage of mobiles has resulted in less meet and talk more. Now people don’t meet physically rather chat or comment on social media.

3) Loss of Privacy

It is a major concern now of losing one’s privacy because of much mobile usage. Today anyone could easily access the information like where you live, your friends and family, what is your occupation, where is your house, etc; by just easily browsing through your social media account.

4) Money Wastage

As the usefulness of mobiles has increased so their costing. Today people are spending a lot amount of money on buying smartphones, which could rather be spent on more useful things like education, or other useful things in our life.

A mobile phone could both be positive and negative; depending on how a user uses it. As mobiles have become a part of our life so we should use it in a proper way, carefully for our better hassle-free life rather using it improperly and making it a virus in life.

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Essay on Mobile Phone: 100 Words, 300 Words, 500 Words

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essay on my mobile phone

Mobile Phones are portable electronic devices used to make calls, browse the internet, click pictures, and do several other tasks. However, the mobile phones discovered in the early 1970s were quite different from the compact and slim devices we use today. Cell phones were invented by John F. Mitchell and Martin Cooper of Motorola in 1973.

life without cell phone essay 250 words

As modern humans, we all use mobile phones for our day-to-day functioning. At academic and higher education levels, students are given the task of writing an essay on mobile phones. An essay on mobile phones requires a comprehensive and detailed study of their history, major developments and the purposes it serve. In this article, we have provided essays on mobile phones for class 6,7,8.9, 10, and 12th standard students. Students can refer to these sample essays on mobile phones to write their own. Keep reading to find out essays on mobile phones and some fun facts about the device.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Sample Essay on Mobile Phone (100 Words)
  • 2 Sample Essay on Mobile Phone (300 words)
  • 3 Sample Essay on Mobile Phone (500 words)
  • 4 Essay on Mobile Phone: 5+ Facts About Smartphones

Sample Essay on Mobile Phone (100 Words)

Mobile phones are also known as cell phones or smartphones. It is a revolutionary technology that can connect people even from a distance. A smartphone can be used to call, text, click photos, send photos, manage calendars, calculate things, browse the internet, play music, watch movies, or simply use social media. Even banking activities can be done by using a smartphone. To this day and date, almost everyone is a mobile phone user. Although mobile phones are not recommended for children, it is a versatile tool that can be used by a student of any age.  Hence, it has become a significant part of everyday life.

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Sample Essay on Mobile Phone (300 words)

In the modern world, a smartphone is a necessity. Human beings have become dependent on devices to do their important work. The reason is, mobile phones have several applications that make the daily life of the user easier. It is no longer a luxury to own a mobile phone. The prices have gone down so much that an average middle-class person can afford it. It is the most important and affordable tool available in the market.

An average mobile phone can perform several tasks. Starting with connecting people at a distance through calls or texts to playing games. For example, a Nokia 1100 can have applications that can assist in calls, texting, listening to the radio, playing games, calendars, and more. A more advanced mobile phone such as an Android device or an iPhone can connect the device to the internet and open up plenty of possibilities. That is, on a smartphone along with the basic functions customers can send emails, and use social media applications like Facebook, Instagram, and X.  

Along with the advantages, a mobile phone comes with disadvantages too. However, the disadvantages of a smartphone are less based on the device. It is more related to how a user used the device. It can cause health problems such as poor eyesight, and sleep disruption. Aside from this, being excessively dependent on the phone can result in social isolation and less productivity.

Mobile Phone is an excellent device that can perform several functions for a user. Due to its advantages, it has become an indispensable tool in the modern world. However, with its benefits comes the cons. A user should not be too dependent on a smartphone. It can result in health problems, social isolation, and less productivity. 

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Sample Essay on Mobile Phone (500 words)

Mobile Phone is a portable telephone that performs a variety of functions for its users. The smartphone can be used to text, call, watch movies, listen to music, and even use social media applications. This cellular device has its own advantages and disadvantages. However, most of the disadvantages of a mobile phone circle around its overuse or misuse. The price of a mobile phone can vary between INR 2000 to $48.5 million based on the model and brand. 

Mobile phones have several advantages. For this reason, it has become a modern-day necessity. Some of the advantages of mobile phones are listed below:
The main reason why anyone would purchase a mobile phone is to make calls. Smartphones make it easy for a user to communicate with another user. Be it video calls, normal calls, or texting it can all be done on a mobile phone.
Browsing the Internet:
The Internet makes it easier to access information at your fingertips. A mobile phone user can use the internet to browse the internet, and even use applications that run on the internet. Thus, it can help a user to listen to music, watch movies, send emails, manage social accounts are more.  Furthermore, it also helps users to make online payments
Performing Business
Several established businesses use marketing strategies to promote their products and services. These are done with the help of the Internet. Mobile phone users can use social media accounts to promote their products and services. It also enables users to engage with other businesses.
Learning Applications
A variety of applications available on cellular devices help users to learn and grow. For example, educational materials such as online courses are available on these platforms/

There are several disadvantages to using mobile phones. Some of them are listed below:
Social Isolation
People are more interested in mobile phones than actually communicating with others face-to-face. Hence, mobile phones have created a time when people are connected and disconnected at the same time.
Lack of Productivity
Mobile phones have become so engrossing that it has resulted in smartphone addiction.  Being on the device for too long can make a person be in the virtual world more, and not in the real world. Thus, making a person unproductive.
Health Problems 
Smartphone addiction can result in disrupted sleep, poor eyesight, bad posture, depression, and other health ailments.  Hence, using mobile phones for a long duration is bad for a person’s health.
Lack of Privacy
Mobile phones can compromise the privacy of their users. Anyone can access information about any person. Moreover, viruses, phishing attacks, etc. can result in loss of data.

A mobile phone has its pros and cons. Smartphones can perform several functions and have made life easier for humans. The limited use of mobile phones can be incredibly useful.  The importance of mobile phones can’t be denied in today’s world. However, using the devices for too long can result in several health ailments and social isolation. 

Essay on Mobile Phone: 5+ Facts About Smartphones

Here we have listed some of the interesting facts about smartphones. These facts can be added to the ‘essay on mobile phones’ to make it more interesting. Below are the 5 interesting facts about smartphones:

  • The most expensive smartphone in the world is the Falcon Supernova iPhone 6 Pink Diamond. It is worth  $48.5 million.
  • The cheapest mobile phone in the world is the Freedom 251. It just cost INR 251.
  • Apple is the world’s most popular smartphone
  • The first phone greeting was “Ahoy-hoy, who’s calling please?” 
  • The first smartphone was invented by IBM. It was released by IBM in 1994. The original screen name of the 1st smartphone was “Simon.” 
  • The first text message in the world was ‘Merry Christmas’

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A mobile phone system gets its name from diving the service into small cells. Each of these cells has a base station with a useful range in the order of a kilometre/mile.

Mobile phones have become extremely important due to the ease of communication it has brought about. Moreover, it can perform several major tasks easily and effectively. For example, a calculator. Aside from this mobile phones can help a user connect to the internet, and use social media applications, and other applications. Mobile phones can even assist in online payment. 

The full form or the meaning of a Moble is Modified, Operation, Byte, Integration, Limited, Energy”. John F. Mitchell and Martin Cooper of Motorola discovered the device in 1973. An essay on mobile phones can include the mobile phone full form.

Related Articles

Mobile phones have become an indispensable part of our lifestyle. There are several advantages and disadvantages of having a smartphone. However, the pros outweigh the cons. A mobile phone essay can be written by including both the advantages and disadvantages. To discover more articles like this one, consult the study abroad expert at Leverage Edu.

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Blessy George

Blessy George is a Content Marketing Associate at Leverage Edu, boasting over a year of experience in the industry. Her expertise lies in crafting compelling content tailored to online courses, making her a go-to source for those navigating the vast landscape of digital learning. In addition to online classes, she writes content related to study abroad, English test preparation and visas. She has completed her MA degree in Political Science and has gained valuable experience as an intern.She is known for her extensive writing on various aspects of international education, garnering recognition for her insights and contributions. Apart from her professional pursuits, Blessy is passionate about creative writing, particularly poetry and songwriting.

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Final answer:

Life without cell phones would affect communication, navigation, and social connections. It may result in more face-to-face interactions and stronger connections to the present.


Life without cell phones.

Imagine a world without cell phones. In this scenario, communication would be drastically different. Without instant access to texting or calling, people would have to rely on other methods of communication, such as landline phones or face-to-face conversations. Additionally, the absence of cell phones would also impact how people navigate their daily lives. Without GPS, individuals would have to rely on paper maps or ask for directions.

Furthermore, cell phones have become an integral part of our social lives. Social media, messaging apps, and video calls have made it easier than ever to connect with friends and family. Without cell phones, people might have to resort to more traditional methods of staying in touch, such as meeting in person or sending letters.

While life without cell phones may seem like a significant adjustment, it is worth considering the positives. It could encourage more face-to-face interactions, reduce distractions, and promote a stronger connection to the present moment. However, it is undeniable that cell phones have become an essential tool in today's society.

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Cell phones have undoubtedly made slaves of men. We are constantly forced to act on the information which we receive through our cell phones without breaks. Cell phones bring about a lot of pressure and cause unnecessary worries as a result of their immediacy. Real relationships have also suffered as a result of the pressure that mobile phones create since, in the present time, people are still obligated to deal with work issues even from their homes.

Before the invention of the mobile phone, people enjoyed some solitude while at home or on travel since then they did not have to tackle work or other emerging issues then. The mobility in which cell phones afford us has resulted in us losing touch with each other on the streets or at work where we are too engrossed with our electronic devices to even acknowledge other people around us. With these considerations in mind, it can be suggested that we would be better off without cell phones.

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York Co. student wins $1,000 scholarship in student essay contest

YORK COUNTY, Va. (WAVY) – The Virginia School Boards Association (VSBA) Conference of Education announced the winner of the 2024 VSBA Student Essay Contest on Tuesday.

Ann Cherian, who is a rising junior at Grafton High School in York County Public Schools, was announced as the winner of this year’s essay contest, themed called “Kind Hearts, Strong Schools.”

Judges stated Cherian’s insightful and heartfelt words won her a $1,000 scholarship, courtesy of WellNet Healthcare .

“This contest provides an incredible platform for school board members from across the Commonwealth to hear directly from our students on topics that matter to them,” VSBA Executive Director Gina Patterson said.

As a part of Cherian’s recognition, she was invited to deliver her speech to the Conference on Education in front of Virginia school board members, superintendents and school division staff.

Cherian’s speech can be viewed in full here.

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    Essay on Mobile Phone: 250 Words. A mobile phone or cell phone is a hand-held portable radiophone that uses the cellular or satellite network for voice or data communication. Unlike landline phones, which are fixed, mobile phones can be easily carried, and one can contact a person anywhere whether at home, on the bus, in street, or in a meeting.

  12. Essay on Impact Of Mobile Phones On Society for Students

    Sometimes people focus on their phones instead of talking to the people they are with. This can be rude and make others feel unimportant. It's good to remember to put our phones away during meals and conversations. 250 Words Essay on Impact Of Mobile Phones On Society Changes in Communication. Mobile phones have changed the way we talk to ...

  13. Life Without Cell Phone

    Decent Essays. 1399 Words. 6 Pages. Open Document. LIFE WITHOUT CELL PHONES Introduction We have become a society that is totally dependant on communication devices to make our world go round. We have technology today that allows us to keep in almost constant contact with one another. We communicate through cell phones that use a network of ...

  14. Effects Of Life Without Smartphones

    The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) reported that nearly 7 billion of cell phone users have subscribed by 2013 (as cited in Kim, K., Kabir, E. & Jahan, S., 2016). This significant number illustrates how cell phones became an essential part of today's life. Cell phones are not limited to voice communication.

  15. Uses of Mobile Phones Essay for Students

    A.1 Mobile phones are very advantageous. They help us in making our lives easy and convenient. They help us communicate with our loved ones and carry out our work efficiently. Furthermore, they also do the work of the computer, calculator, and cameras.

  16. Mobile Phone Essay in English for Students

    Mobile phones are quite important in this age of technological growth. Our lives have been made much easier by technological advancements. These days, life appears to be impossible without a cell phone. Without a phone in our hands, we become disabled. When it comes to mobile phones, they're also known as 'cellular phones' or smartphones.'

  17. Essay on Mobile Phone for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on Mobile Phone. Essay on Mobile Phone: Mobile Phone is often also called "cellular phone". It is a device mainly used for a voice call. Presently technological advancements have made our life easy. Today, with the help of a mobile phone we can easily talk or video chat with anyone across the globe by just moving our fingers.

  18. Essay on Mobile Phone: 100 Words, 300 Words, 500 Words

    Sample Essay on Mobile Phone (500 words) Mobile Phone is a portable telephone that performs a variety of functions for its users. The smartphone can be used to text, call, watch movies, listen to music, and even use social media applications. This cellular device has its own advantages and disadvantages.

  19. Life Without Cell Phone

    Technology has had a huge effect on the way people communicate. Many people have traded the convenience of a wired phone in their homes in favor of only cellular phone service. In fact, a study in June 2010 showed that more than one in four homes only has cellular service, up from 13.6 percent in 2007 (Blumberg, 2011).

  20. Write an essay on the topic "Life without cell phones" in about 150-200

    Social media, messaging apps, and video calls have made it easier than ever to connect with friends and family. Without cell phones, people might have to resort to more traditional methods of staying in touch, such as meeting in person or sending letters. While life without cell phones may seem like a significant adjustment, it is worth ...

  21. essay on life without cell phone 250 words

    Essay on life without cell phone 250 words See answer Advertisement Advertisement visheshjaisinghani visheshjaisinghani Explanation: Life would be significantly different without the presence of the cell phone. To begin with, people would not be able to deliver urgent messages promptly. The time taken to communicate would also be significantly ...

  22. Arguments Against Death Penalty

    On average taxpayers pay about 250 million dollars for each execution, but with life in prison taxpayers pay about 90,000 dollars more a year to house an inmate with life in prison. Others argue whether the crime is a capital punishment or not, basically meaning they either deserve to die in prison or they get put on death row waiting for a ...

  23. Essay on life without cell phone 250 words

    Click here 👆 to get an answer to your question ️ essay on life without cell phone 250 words

  24. Persuasive Essay On Texting And Driving

    Therefore, cell phones are dangerous and should have more regulations …show more content… People need to stop texting and driving. Because "A 2011 survey by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety found that 71 percent of respondents considered it unacceptable for drivers to hold and talk on their cellphones, and 58 percent considered ...

  25. York Co. student wins $1,000 scholarship in student essay contest

    YORK COUNTY, Va. (WAVY) - The Virginia School Boards Association (VSBA) Conference of Education announced the winner of the 2024 VSBA Student Essay Contest on Tuesday.. Ann Cherian, who is a rising junior at Grafton High School in York County Public Schools, was announced as the winner of this year's essay contest, themed called "Kind Hearts, Strong Schools."