The Real Estate Listing Presentation: A How-To Guide

An agent getting a contract signed after a real estate listing presentation.

A How-To Guide to a Real Estate Listing Presentation

The real estate listing presentation… The secret weapon of any successful listing agent. 

It might just be the MOST IMPORTANT factor in your business. That’s because a real estate listing isn’t just a single home or a transaction – it’s a chunk of the market that you control and can leverage for more – and a realtor listing presentation is THE way to get them.

In this blog, I’ll walk you through exactly what a listing presentation is, what goes into it, and how you can make yours stand out from the competition to convince sellers to work with you and even attract new business. 

Let’s start with what a realtor listing presentation consists of…

What is a realtor listing presentation?

A realtor listing presentation is a formal meeting or presentation that a real estate agent conducts with a potential seller who is interested in listing their property for sale. The purpose of the listing presentation is to showcase the agent’s qualifications, expertise, marketing strategies, and the services they provide to help sell the property.

That’s the very direct definition of it. Put another way, it’s your shot to answer two questions: “Why should I sell my house right now and why are you, above anyone else, the person to do it?” 

Or, to put it another way… “How will you make me more money, achieve my goals, and make me feel safe and cared for in the process?” 

The Elements of an Effective Listing Presentation

During the real estate listing presentation, you’ll typically discuss:

  • Background and Qualifications: Introduce yourself and provide information about your experience, credentials, and track record in the real estate industry.
  • Market Analysis: Present a comparative market analysis (CMA) to help the seller understand the current market conditions, recent sales of similar properties in the area, and the appropriate pricing strategy for their home.
  • Marketing Plan: Outline your marketing plan for the property, which may include strategies such as professional photography, virtual tours, open houses, online listings, social media promotion, and print advertising.
  • Services Offered: What makes you worth the full commission? Set yourself apart by covering not only the basic services but some unique ones at well. You’ll of course mention staging advice, scheduling showings, negotiating offers, and managing paperwork.
  • Agency Agreement: If you convince’em, sign’em! The listing presentation is the place to get that contract signed or at least let them know it needs to be signed before moving forward.

Realtor dot com playbook

Preparing for the Listing Presentation

Every listing presentation is going to be slightly different, but the core elements will be the same. Your goal is to give this as often and effectively as possible, and that means coming into it prepared. 

At a certain point, you might want to have a team that takes care of every other element of your business so that you can do nothing other than go on listing appointments – because that’s where the money is. So take this preparation seriously.

Research the client

Notice how I’m not calling them a “lead” or a “prospective client” here? Go in with the idea that they are already your client – because you’re going to learn a lot about them before you even get the contract signed. 

First, send out a questionnaire or seller needs analysis asking them all the relevant questions you need to know (more on this below).

Next, dive into research. Start with Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to learn about their preferences, the industry they work in, and previous business history. 

Your objective is to identify their specific needs. See what you can learn to customize your approach to the client.

Now… If you can… try to identify this seller’s DiSC profile . It’ll set you up for success moving forward.

Conduct a needs analysis with potential sellers

Wanna know how to know what a client wants and needs? Start with asking them. All it takes is a simple needs analysis. 

As we’ve already covered, your job in the preparation phase is to discern the motivation so you can tailor the presentation to the seller’s specific needs. 

Are they looking to:

  • Sell the house as fast as possible
  • Move out by a certain time
  • Get more money for some urgent need
  • Get more than the home might be worth
  • Upgrade or downsize 

On this note, our coaching clients have access to 70+ case studies from top agents, complete with toolkits that include extremely effective needs analysis questionnaires for you to rip-off-and-duplicate.

Gather market statistics and data

Let’s jump back to the topic of DiSC profiles… Some sellers are more motivated by social connection and the trust they build with an agent. Others are motivated by hard data and understanding the numbers. 

It doesn’t matter which one it is – thorough market research is the way to both. It will establish you as the expert who is willing to put in the time to gather this information and then explain it in a way they can understand. 

Where do you get your market data from? Are you combing the MLS? Do you subscribe to Keeping Current Matters or some other real estate trends source? Figure it out and be sure you can show that your information is objective and verifiable.

You’ll want to go armed with:

  • A thorough knowledge of the property details
  • National and local market statistics
  • Comparable sales
  • Local rules and regulations (working this in will really establish credibility)

Most importantly, be able to synthesize this information, letting them know that you can both elaborate on any point or break down what is most important for their needs. All of this info will be used in your pricing strategy and help them achieve their goals.

Create a compelling presentation template

If you know me, I’m all about using technology to maximize efficiency and impact, but there is A LOT to be said for the old school route of physical presentation materials. Either way you decide to go, be sure you have a real estate listing presentation template to work off of and customize. 

One of my clients, Carolyn Young , is one of those team leaders who has cleared herself up to focus almost solely on going on listing appointments (going on almost 200 appointments a year) – and that’s because she’s created a listing presentation that is 95% effective in closing the deal. And the centerpiece of her appointment is a set of 200 beautiful, laminated slides that she spreads out across the table to show just how through she is. It blows people away.

On the other hand, a digital approach will give you a much more customizable template. Some of my clients are absolutely killing it with HighNote , which will offer you pre-built templates to upload your material into. You can include professionally edited explainer videos to send to the client before the actual appointment and then open into the full presentation once you’re together.

Just be sure that your presentation is comprehensive and includes all the necessary elements mentioned above, including past sales performance, market data, your marketing plan, and why they should sign an agreement.

The Listing Appointment

Now that you’re all prepared, let’s move on to conducting the appointment itself.

Setting up an effective listing appointment

Where is the best place to conduct a listing appointment? Ideally, it’s in the home you’ll actually be working to sell. Be sure to mention that when setting the appointment, but if it doesn’t work for any reason, don’t wait to set that appointment. Do it in a coffee shop or your office or wherever, because an appointment done anywhere is better than no appointment at all.

No matter where it is, you MUST do a technology and tools check before showing up. If you need anything, be sure you have it:

  • Charged laptop
  • Presentation slides
  • Agency agreement
  • Scripts (memorized)

If you need more help with this, you can download this free offer full of listing presentation scripts and strategies . 

Build rapport and establish trust

There’s a very specific reason to practice your listing presentation over and over until you can do it effortlessly, and it’s not so that you get it perfect… Actually, it’s so that you can relax and be calm and receptive to what the seller has to say. 

You’re more than just someone who is going to do this one job for them and be gone; this is an audition to be a part of their lives, and that means you have to be confident, friendly, and likable. Let them know that you’ll be there for them in anything they need in a genuine way before diving into your past client success stories. 

When you’re showing your real estate photos, before and after videos, or CMA findings, it’s about establishing trust and providing value, and your expertise and credentials are a part of that but not the only factor.

Your Listing Presentation Will Make or Break Your Business

I cannot stress how important your real estate listing presentation is. It’s the crux of your business and the key to your financial success. 

Hopefully these tips have been helpful, but if you’re really serious about creating a listing presentation that blows people away and establishes your dominance in your market, the place to get it is Roadmap. 

I’ll be breaking down the best and most advanced listing presentation strategies working today – and best of all, I’ll be doing it in an area near you. So find a location and sign up soon.

But until then, start putting the pieces in place.

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Listing Presentations That Win Sellers

October 7, 2019

How can I help my team get more listings? How can I get more listings?

These are questions mega agent Jeff Glover asks himself every day. He believes everything should revolve around listing presentations and offers five concepts to help you master them in the field.

“Listing presentations are valuable for many reasons,” says Glover. “They empower you, the agent, to be an employer and secure transactions in less time. They also free you up, so you are not locked into a buyer’s schedule.”

jeff glover sitting in chair wearing blue suit

Glover’s Listing Presentation Strategy

1. content creation.

Content is the core of a great listing presentation. What content should you include?

Content that communicates your value

“You have a lot to offer compared to the market,” says Glover.

“Share the unique value you have to offer, your status as a local expert and how your expertise has specifically benefited clients. Make sure your content aligns with the type of property of your listers.”

Your Marketing Plan

Listers want to know how you will market their properties once they decide to sell. Do you use online marketing, agent-to-agent, print or others? Glover recommends you include it all.

Your Pricing Strategy

“The majority of appointments are either won or lost in the pricing discussions,” shares Glover. “When discussing the suggested price your clients should list at and what the comparative market analysis (CMA) suggests about the price, you will be prepared for sellers that expect a higher price and lay the groundwork for strategic price reductions as needed.” Visuals

Attractive Visuals

Visuals matter! Infographics are a great way to combine display both relevant information and data. Make sure you share the right amount of information and take into consideration how to showcase it (print versus digital).

listing presentation contest

Pro Tip: Leverage Keller Williams’ new listing presentation templates in Designs! New and improved, each template has been handcrafted in partnership with KW’s top agents to help you bring more expertise, brand recognition and insight to the listing table. 

2. Practice

Once you’ve customized your listing presentations in Designs or created your own, it’s time to practice. Like everything, delivering a great listing presentation is a skill that takes repetition and consistency. Before sitting down with your listers, practice your scripts and focus on sharing value without selling.

Here are three scripts that Glover uses to help him land the listing:

  • Wouldn’t it make sense to get just one more opinion before you get tied up in a multi-month contract?
  • Do you feel I can sell your home?
  • When would you like our photographer to come out to shoot the home?

Glover shares three tips to master your scripts in 90 days:

  • Take the listing presentation and write it down once a day for 30 days.
  • Take the listing presentation and recite the script aloud once a day for 30 days.
  • Role-play the listing presentation once a day for 30 days.

3. Delivery

Here are four things Glover says to keep in mind when delivering your presentation:

  • Rate of speech: Pay attention to the rate based on the seller you’re meeting with.
  • Tonality and dialect: You may have to change how you speak to build rapport with the seller.
  • Volume: Control the volume of your voice to match theirs whenever possible.
  • Body language: Watch the seller and see how they respond to certain things. Mimic their body language.

4. Prequalification and Homework

Don’t go out to a listing presentation without asking these questions and doing your homework:

Female realtor discussing documents with couple

  • If what I say makes sense and you feel 100% comfortable and confident in my abilities to get your home sold, will you be ready to put your home on the market?

Several sellers will say “no.” This question allows you to find out the objections they have for selling before you even go to the appointment.

  • Will you please describe your home for me?

This question allows you to find out the personality type of the seller and of course any updates/improvements they have made.

  • When I see you, what price do you want to list your home for?
  • As a professional real estate agent, I study home prices every day. I assume you will list with me at a price that will get your home sold ?
  • Will all the decision-makers be present?

Once you’ve confirmed the appointment, let the sellers know what to expect at the meeting and ask them to gather any needed information. It’s your obligation to have great follow-up and communication.

Tags: Listings Marketing Sellers

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Persuasive Real Estate Listing Presentation Examples & Tips

See top real estate listing presentation examples and templates. Learn from insider tips how to create a listing presentation and pre-listing packet that wins deals.


8 minute read

 Real estate listing presentation examples

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Short answer

What is a real estate listing presentation?

A real estate listing presentation is a pitch by realtors to persuade owners to sell their property through them. It includes market analysis, marketing plans, pricing, and the realtor's success history, crucial for building trust and showcasing expertise.

A boring listing presentation can cost you more than commission

Real life isn't quite like "Selling Sunset" - you can't rely on stunning properties and personal charm to win listings.

But the truth is, most real estate presentations out there are boring, yawn-inducing, static PDFs, lacking any real excitement or engagement.

In the competitive real estate market, a weak listing presentation can lead to lost high-value listings and a dent in your professional reputation.

But there's a way to turn this around.

In this post, I’ll teach you how to create persuasive real estate listing presentations.

I'll show how to infuse life into your property presentations, making them so compelling that sellers can't resist signing with you, and follow up with the best listing presentation examples to inspire your efforts.

Get ready to ditch the dull slides and step up your game!

What makes an effective real estate listing presentation?

An effective real estate listing presentation combines engaging storytelling, clear data visualization, and personalized content to connect with clients.

It persuasively showcases an agent's expertise, market knowledge, and unique marketing strategies to convince sellers to entrust them with their property listing.

What should you include in a real estate listing presentation?

Just like a first date, your seller presentation is your chance to make a memorable first impression. It's the perfect opportunity to build a strong foundation for your client relationship and show your dedication to their success.

Here's what you should include to make your realtor presentation engaging and effective:

1) Introduction

Start with a strong introduction showcasing your experience, professionalism, and unique qualities. Highlight any awards you have received, your years of experience, and local expertise to establish trust and credibility.

2) Comparative advantage

Explain what sets you, your team, or brokerage apart. Use relevant statistics to demonstrate your market performance and include testimonials to provide social proof of your success.

3) Market analysis

Present a detailed Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) to show your knowledge of the property and its value. This analysis should convincingly justify your recommended pricing strategy.

4) Marketing strategy

Outline a customized marketing plan for the property. Include tactics like professional photography, video tours, and social media promotion to show how you'll attract buyers.

5) Professional advice

Offer guidance on preparing the home for sale, such as decluttering, cleaning, and making necessary repairs. Suggest potential renovations that could increase the property's value.

6) Your role

Clarify your responsibilities as the listing agent and set expectations for the selling process. This helps in building a transparent and trustworthy relationship with the seller.

7) Call to Action

Conclude with a persuasive call to action, encouraging the seller to sign the listing agreement. Be prepared to handle any objections and reiterate the benefits of choosing you as their agent.

How to create a real estate listing presentation?

Creating a realtor listing presentation is much like preparing for a key performance. It's your stage to demonstrate your expertise, build trust, and persuade sellers to choose your brokerage.

You need to showcase your skills while aligning perfectly with the needs and goals of your sellers.

Here's how it's done:

1) Personalize your introduction

Start by introducing yourself and your brokerage, focusing on your experience and how it benefits the client.

Highlight your relevant experience, such as years worked as a listing agent and homes sold, especially those similar to the client's property.

Explain what your brokerage offers, emphasizing its unique selling propositions. Remember, the introduction should be about the client, not just you.

Here's an example of a personalized slide:

how to make a good personalized presentation slide

2) Tell a compelling story

Instead of just listing features, weave a narrative about the property that highlights its potential and the lifestyle it offers. This storytelling approach can help sellers see the unique value you bring in marketing their property, making it more appealing to potential home-buyers .

3) Use data visualization

Incorporate local housing market data to set realistic expectations. Use clear, understandable visualizations to present information like local inventory, selling prices for comparable homes, and average time on the market.

This helps clients grasp the market dynamics and aligns their expectations with reality.

Here's a great example of a data visualization slide:

Data slide example

4) Guide through the home selling process

Explain each stage of the home selling process, from pre-sale activities to closing. This includes discussing paperwork, home inspections, marketing strategies, and the negotiation process.

5) Prepare the home for market

Discuss how to prepare the home for sale, focusing on decluttering, depersonalization, and necessary repairs or updates. Emphasize the impact of a well-presented home on buyer perception and potential selling price.

6) Outline your pricing strategy

Explain the importance of an accurate listing price and how overpricing can hinder the selling process. Discuss the client's priorities and how they affect the pricing strategy. Use a comparative market analysis (CMA) to guide your pricing approach.

7) Detail your marketing plan

Walk through your marketing plan, covering aspects like direct marketing, home staging, professional photography, and social media strategy. Be clear about which services you provide and any associated costs such as hiring a real estate software development company , for example.

8) Set expectations for open houses and negotiations

Discuss your approach to open houses and managing negotiations. Set clear expectations about your role and how you will support the client through these stages.

9) Guide sellers to the next steps

Provide an overview of the closing process and discuss the next steps, ensuring the client understands the timeline and any actions they need to take.

Here's a great example of a next step slide:

Next step slide example

Real estate listing presentation examples that secure clients

In the world of real estate, a listing presentation is more than just a set of slides; it's a key to unlocking new opportunities and securing clients.

The best listing presentations for real estate agents go beyond mere facts and figures. They tell a story, resonate with the audience, and showcase a realtor's unique strengths.

Let's dive into some standout real estate listing presentation examples that have proven their worth in clinching deals.

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Dark mode real estate listing

Engage potential sellers with this dynamic real estate listing template, featuring a clear sales process, market statistics, and immersive property tours to showcase your effective selling strategy.

What makes this listing presentation great:

The presentation provides a comprehensive overview of services , showcasing versatility in handling various real estate needs.

It includes a detailed and transparent sales process timeline , building trust by setting clear expectations.

Engaging property listings with high-quality images and thorough descriptions demonstrate attention to detail and commitment to attractive presentation.

Modern real estate listing

This example is tailored for residential realtors, focusing on a clear, step-by-step sales approach. It highlights community features and local market trends, making it ideal for convincing homeowners to list their properties by showcasing the area's appeal.

The presentation starts with a warm, personal greeting from the agent , creating a welcoming and professional first impression.

It emphasizes a tailored marketing strategy , including virtual tours and social media promotion, showcasing a modern approach to property marketing.

The presentation includes client testimonials , providing social proof and reinforcing the agency's reputation for successful and satisfying transactions.

Light mode real estate listing

Designed for the suburban market, this presentation emphasizes the unique lifestyle and community benefits of suburban living. It's crafted to persuade homeowners by highlighting the serene and family-friendly aspects of suburban areas.

The presentation emphasizes a personalized consultation process , showcasing the agency's commitment to understanding and meeting each client's unique goals.

It features a narrated slide for each current property listing, providing an engaging and detailed exploration of the properties, enhancing the overall appeal and understanding.

Data visualization elements in the year-by-year sales performance section, demonstrating the agency's growth in the market through engaging graphics.

Luxury listing presentation

This presentation is tailored for the luxury real estate market, emphasizing the unique allure and premium aspects of high-end properties.

It's designed to captivate homeowners by highlighting the opulence and distinctiveness of their luxury homes, showcasing them as not just residences but as embodiments of a lavish lifestyle.

The presentation includes multiple smart CTAs (Call to Actions), strategically placed to encourage immediate engagement and response from potential clients.

It features image placeholders for each property listing, allowing for a visually appealing and customizable showcase of properties.

The deck effectively uses data visualization to present sales statistics, making complex information easily understandable and visually engaging.

Commercial listing presentation

Focused on commercial properties, this presentation showcases investment potential and key market data. It's designed to appeal to commercial property owners by highlighting the financial benefits and opportunities of listing their properties.

What makes this real estate sales presentation great:

The presentation utilizes tiered slides , offering a structured and engaging way to present information, making it easy for clients to follow and understand.

It includes the ability to embed videos directly into the deck , providing a dynamic and immersive experience that brings properties to life.

It comes with a built-in analytics panel , allowing for real-time tracking of client engagement and effectiveness of the presentation.

Real estate seller presentation

Perfect for properties in lively urban settings, this example captures the essence of city living. It's aimed at convincing urban homeowners to list by showcasing the dynamic and exciting lifestyle that city properties offer.

What makes this real estate seller presentation great:

An intuitive editor simplifies the process of creating and customizing the deck to suit specific needs and preferences.

It is designed with an adaptive layout that automatically adjusts when changes are made, ensuring the design remains cohesive and visually appealing without extra effort.

The deck allows for modifications even after it has been sent , offering flexibility and the ability to update information in real-time to keep the presentation accurate.

Real estate listing

This presentation is all about bringing a fresh, modern approach to property marketing. It demonstrates to homeowners how innovative and interactive techniques can make their listings stand out in a competitive market, appealing especially to those who appreciate a contemporary and dynamic selling approach.

What makes this seller presentation great:

The presentation allows for direct integration of the agent's calendar , streamlining the process of scheduling meetings and enhancing client convenience.

You can use an AI assistant to help with generating images and tweaking copy to ensure a high-quality and efficient presentation creation process.

The ability to add dynamic variables lets you easily personalize the presentation for each client, which adds a personal touch and increases engagement.

How to design a seller presentation?

In the digital age, the design of your real estate agent presentation is as crucial as its content. Gone are the days when static PDFs and basic PowerPoint slides could capture and hold a client's attention.

These traditional formats, while once the backbone of presentations, now fall short in a world where interactivity and visual engagement are key. They lack the dynamism and immersive experience that modern clients expect.

Here’s how to design a pre-listing packet that not only informs but also captivates:

1) Embrace interactive presentation tools

Interactive presentation makers are a game-changer, especially for those without a design background who would normally outsource it to a professional.

These tools allow you to create presentations with embedded videos, clickable content, and virtual tours, offering an engaging and immersive experience that static PDFs and PPTs simply can't match.

2) Utilize scroll-based design

Scrollytelling , or scroll-based storytelling, is an innovative way to engage viewers. As the audience scrolls, the story and information unfold in a visually appealing and interactive manner.

This technique keeps the viewer engaged and eager to discover more.

Here's an example of Storydoc scrollytelling:

Narrator slide example

3) Ensure your presentation is responsive

With the increasing use of smartphones and tablets, your presentation must look great and function seamlessly across all devices. Responsiveness has shifted from being a luxury to an essential requirement.

4) Move beyond outdated formats

The limitations of PDFs and PPTs – such as their static nature and lack of engagement – make them less effective in today's fast-paced, visually-driven world. Exploring dynamic, interactive formats can set your presentation apart and demonstrate your adaptability to current trends.

Here's the difference some interactivity can make. Which deck do you find more engaging?

listing presentation contest

5) Maintain a clean and organized layout

Avoid clutter. A well-organized presentation with a clean design makes it easier for clients to follow and absorb the information.

6) Consistent branding is key

Your branding should be evident throughout the presentation. Consistent use of logos, colors, and fonts builds brand recognition and trust. Interactive presentation makers can take care of that for you, extracting branding information directly from your website or brand book.

How to deliver a compelling real estate listing presentation?

Delivering a compelling real estate listing presentation is like telling a captivating story where you are both the narrator and the hero. It's your opportunity to demonstrate how your unique skills and experiences can transform a seller's journey.

Here's how to make your presentation not just informative, but truly engaging and persuasive:

1) Start with an engaging introduction

Kick off with a captivating story about a previous sale or a current property you're working on. This sets the stage and showcases your experience.

2) Outline the sales timeline

Clearly explain each step of the sales process, from pre-sale events to closing the deal. This helps clients understand what to expect and prepares them for a quick turnaround in today's fast-moving market.

3) Ask insightful questions

Engage with your clients by asking questions about their goals, challenges, and expectations. This not only shows your interest in their needs but also helps tailor your presentation to them.

4) Showcase personal statistics

Use your sales data to demonstrate your success and expertise. Include metrics like your sales compared to market averages and average days on the market for your listings.

5) Detail your marketing plan

Explain how you'll market their home, using current trends like virtual tours, HD photography, and social media promotion. This shows your commitment to using every tool at your disposal to sell their home.

6) Handle pricing objections

Be prepared to address concerns about pricing, especially if clients have heard higher estimates from others. Use data and your market knowledge to justify your pricing strategy.

Here's a video on how to handle tough seller objections:

How to handle tough seller objections

7) Build trust before the presentation

Use the time leading up to your presentation to build trust. Send personalized videos and emails, showcasing your marketing plan and success stories.

8) Reverse your presentation

Instead of a traditional approach, start with the end result of a successful sale and work backward. Show the steps you took to achieve that result, demonstrating your process and effectiveness.

9) Speak to all decision-makers

When you're heading to a listing appointment, it's crucial to chat with all the decision-makers involved.

You wouldn't want to miss out on securing the listing just because you only connected with one person. Keep in mind, especially when dealing with couples, that all individuals have their own ideas and expectations about selling their home.

As Jeffrey Kosiorek , a real estate expert with 22 years of experience, says:

"You must consider both parties' perspectives when making your pitch to win the listing. If not, you will most likely not get the listing."

Interactive real estate listing presentation templates

Starting from scratch on a real estate listing presentation can feel overwhelming, especially if you're not a design whiz. Imagine trying to convey the charm and value of a property, but the blank screen in front of you just doesn't cooperate.

This is where interactive real estate listing presentation templates come in. They take the guesswork out of design and structure, providing you with a professional, polished framework that you can easily customize.

These templates are designed with the real estate market in mind, ensuring that each slide, each interactive element, is tailored to showcase properties in the most engaging way possible.

Grab one and see for yourself.

listing presentation contest

Hi, I'm Dominika, Content Specialist at Storydoc. As a creative professional with experience in fashion, I'm here to show you how to amplify your brand message through the power of storytelling and eye-catching visuals.

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25 Tips for Winning Real Estate Listing Presentations


Maddie Heye

Last updated: Jul 18 2019 . 8 min read

listing presentation contest

Coffee snob or not, I bet you’d admit there isn’t really that much fundamentally different between the offering of your favorite local coffee shop and that of the Starbucks around the corner. You can count on them both having coffee, tea, a selection of cookies, and maybe even a croissant or two. So, what is it that makes you favor the local shop day in and day out? Odds are, it’s the customer experience it provides you with from the moment you arrive until the second you leave.

The barista at the local shop knows your name, the chairs are comfy, your favorite band is playing through the speakers and the coffee mugs fit in your hand just right. Sure, you could go to a Starbucks and leave with a (debatably) comparable cup of coffee, but you won’t get the warm fuzzy feeling that the local shop provides – that sense of connection that we’re all searching for in the crowded consumer space we’re faced with today.

We’d argue that your real estate listing presentations serve as your first major chance to set yourself apart from the generic “Starbucks” of the real estate world. This requires that you not only show sellers what services you offer (as any agent can do that), but that you give them a glimpse into what the entire home selling experience will look like with you from start to finish, warm fuzzy feeling and all.

Here are our top tips for creating real estate listing presentations that will give you an edge and convince sellers to list with you time and time again:


1. Start from scratch.  No two clients are alike. Each has their own wants, needs, and dreams, making it essential that you tailor your listing presentations to them accordingly. Instead of using the same presentation outline over and over again, start fresh. Sure, it’s probably efficient to add in a few of your pre-made slides that are relevant cross-clients, however striving to build the majority of your presentations from scratch will force you to do so with your specific clients in mind.

2. Snap a pic of the home.  If the house hasn’t been listed on the MLS in the past few years, it’s your time to shine. Hire your go-to professional photographer to grab a snap of their home ahead of time. Not only will including it in your presentation add a nice personal touch, but it’s also an opportunity for you to give your prospects a glimpse into the high-quality resources you’ll utilize to sell their home.

3. Add rich media.  Record a video for your clients detailing what you love about their listing and why you’re so excited to work with them. Pop it into your listing presentation before sending it/presenting it to them to give them a personalized experience from the very moment they open the prez.

4. Don’t use real estate lingo.  The real estate industry tends to use a lot of acronyms – CMA, FSBO, MLS, FMV – the list could go on and on. Chances are, the majority of the population has no clue what these mean, which makes using them a great way to make your clients feel more like they’re sitting in a chemistry lecture rather than a listing presentation. Avoid this industry jargon in your presentations and instead use common language that even someone completely new to the world of real estate will understand, at least at first.

5. Know the home.  Find out as much as you possibly can about the property prior to giving a listing presentation. This should include info such as:

  • The square footage of the home
  • Total acreage
  • The room and bathroom totals
  • Any notable history about the home
  • The most popular restaurants/parks nearby

6. Do your research.  Familiarize yourself with the market. Consider going beyond the data and physically visiting a few of the comparable properties in the area to better prepare yourself to answer any related questions your clients may have.

Make the best first impression.

7. Show up early.  The best way to make a bad first impression is by showing up to the presentation appearing frazzled and rushed. Instead, show up at least 15 minutes early and wait in your car. This will give you time to breathe, gather your thoughts, give yourself a pep talk, and enter the house feeling ready to win business.

8. Dress like a winner.  Love it or hate it, your personal brand and how you present yourself is closely correlated to your ability to win listings. Dress professionally, modern, and maybe even add a little flare such as bright dress socks or fun earrings to help you stand out.

9. Smile.  You might be nervous, and your mind might be going in a million different directions, but do your best not to show it. Smile so you come across as calm and accessible.

10. Project confidence.  Even if you’re asked a question that totally catches you off guard, don’t let it hinder your ability to appear confident.

11. Be honest.  Sometimes when you’re put on the spot, it can be tempting to sugarcoat things in order to please or impress the people sitting across from you. This usually doesn’t end well, so make sure to be honest and upfront about everything. Share the good and the bad, and be productive with your advice.

12. Be positive.  Don’t talk poorly about your fellow agents. Keep it positive, and you’ll likely receive the same respect in return.

13. Use the right title.  Don’t refer to yourself as a Salesman, as the first thing clients will think of is their local car dealership. Instead, refer to yourself as a trusted consultant. This will imply that you are there to assist, guide, and inform them.

Come prepared.

14. Ask questions.  Sellers want to feel heard by you. Come with a list of thoughtful questions to ask them in order to demonstrate that you truly care about their personal wants and needs.

15. Let them ask questions.  Instead of breezing through your presentation, pause and give them chances to interject and ask questions throughout.

16. Bring the value from the get-go.  Arrive at the meeting with a list of low-cost repairs that will quickly increase the value of the home. These suggestions might include:

  • Painting over small flaws in the current paint
  • Replacing any outdated light fixtures
  • Cleaning out any cluttered areas
  • Staging the main living areas

17. Be informative, not aggressive.  We’ve all experienced a sales agent so pushy that we left the interaction no longer wanting to purchase a product or service simply because of that negative experience. Be helpful, kind, and informative, but don’t lay on the pressure. Let your work and preparedness speak for itself to win clients over.

18. Illustrate your qualifications.  Love it or hate it, prospects care about your reputation so be sure to show up prepared with visuals that demonstrate it. From testimonials, to awards that you’ve won at your brokerage, make sure to let clients know you’re the real deal.

19. Prepare for objections.  If you’ve done real estate listing presentations before, you know things don’t always go as planned. There’s no way to know exactly what sellers are going to ask, and what kind of information they’re going to want to know from you. This is where the importance of having a reliable  real estate CMA tool  comes into play. Make sure your tool is one that allows you to respond to questions and objections on-the-fly and provides your clients with reliable data.

20. Give them a process overview.  Particularly for clients who have never sold a home before, the entire process can be confusing and a bit daunting. Make a list complete with an overview of what the experience will look like, and what kinds of strategies you like to use. Having a general idea of what to expect can quickly calm the nerves of sellers.

21. Give them an overview of your business.  Do you often volunteer within the local community? Does your business sponsor the high school soccer team? Share it all with your clients, as every bit of good counts for something.

22. Bring a leave-behind.  Bring along a few quality brochures or a printout version of the presentation to leave behind.

Post real estate listing presentations.

23. Follow up.  Send them a handwritten note immediately after your presentation thanking them for meeting with you.

24. Gift.  Including a small gift with your note definitely couldn’t do any harm, but be thoughtful about it. Do they have a dog? Get them a fancy dog biscuit. Are they total foodies? Get them a gift card to the newest local bakery.

25. Wait.  While it can be tempting to call prospects the next morning after a presentation, sit tight and give them some more time to mull things over – but not too much time, as you want to stay top-of-mind. Consider checking in with them two days after the presentation to achieve both.

Ready to learn more?

Get the power to create stunning, dynamic real estate listing presentations in minutes. Agents can generate a live CMA in just a few clicks, beautifully reflect their personal and broker brand, and seamlessly edit any information on the fly for more persuasive presentations that help them sell more homes.


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21 Steps to a Stellar Listing Presentation

It’s all here. Twenty one great ideas for building your listing business from the ground up, all neatly packaged in a step-by-step action plan. Let us know how it goes.

Set a Strong Foundation

1 build an online presence.

Use your website, blog, or social media channels to publish articles that demonstrate your core competencies. Do you specialize in upscale properties? Do your staged homes sell 30 percent faster and closer to list price than market averages? Your articles could also include seasonal tips for home maintenance, tips to prepare your home for sale, or market data for buyers. Share the content on your Facebook page.

2 Monitor your online appearance

What is showing up when someone searches your name? One of the easiest and most effective ways to monitor your reputation comes from Google Alerts, a free Google service that allows you to enter a search term (i.e. your name, company, etc.) and then receive email alerts as the system finds matches.

3 Practice your presentation

“Can you cut your commission rate?” and “I was going to try and sell it myself” are common objections heard by Realtors®. To prepare, ask a colleague to role play with you, maybe even serve your pitch at a sales meeting.

Supplement your standard listing presentation materials

A listing presentation isn’t complete without your bio, testimonials, marketing strategies and more. If these documents are in PDF format, quickly upload them to your RPR account and then easily include them in your RPR reports. Here are a few things you might want to include:

4 Bio “Your Story”

Tell your story in 75 words or less, just enough to cover the highlights of why someone would want to work with you. Are you a lifelong community member? Do you do volunteer work? How long have you been a Realtor and are you a Top Producer?

5 Social Proof

Do your clients love you? Get proof! Take the time to collect testimonials from your past clients in print or video format. Also, collect any news clips that back up your professionalism or credibility.

6 Personal Statistics

Your success record is worth sharing. Sellers want to know you’ve done this before and for similar homes. Consider creating a map that highlights your past sales activity. Do your staged homes sell 30 percent faster and closer to list price than market averages? Let your prospects know with a simple chart.

7 Service Levels

Differentiate yourself from other agents in the market by showing how your service levels will exceed seller expectations. Do you have an assistant or are you part of a team? What kind of communication can the seller expect, both in scheduling showings, and follow-up and feedback from the showing agent? How often will they receive market updates? (See the section below on Using Creative Delivery Systems.)

8 Marketing Plan

There’s a lot of competitive marketing in the real estate industry. How will you go above and beyond to capture the attention of home buyers? Your plan should include strengths offered through your MLS, website, advertising strategy, staging resources, special virtual tour/video marketing, photographers, local Broker tours, etc. Be creative.

9 Take a photo of the property

Make the extra effort to drive by and snap a photo of the property, then upload it to the cover of your RPR report . It will demonstrate your commitment to individual attention and give you an opportunity to check out the condition of the property. That insight will be helpful when you refine the value of the property using RPR.

The Phone Call

10 ask questions.

Every question you ask, big or small, demonstrates interest in the homeowner’s personal well being. And what’s more personal than selling the biggest investment of your lifetime? Find out what makes your client click.

  • Why are they moving and when?
  • Are they relying on the sale proceeds to fund a retirement?
  • Does the house need too much work and they want something maintenance free?
  • Are they downsizing in preparation for retirement?
  • What did they love and “not love” about the house? The neighborhood?

No other CMA tool will do…

11 do your research.

Did you know that Realtors® have the power to analyze and manage a platform of unparalleled data to the extent that no other search mechanism offers? In fact, no other real estate data sharing website offers side-by-side, listing vs. public record comparisons like RPR. Here you’ll find current and historical property information, the home’s basic facts, photos, maps, mortgage records, tax info, the Refined Value Tool, comp analysis tool, and more.

12 Automated Values

No matter what, consumers are going online to look at the value of their homes. Yet, we know that not all of these sources are reliable. Use this as an opportunity to include the exclusive RPR Realtors Valuation Model® (RVM®) in your pricing discussions. Your clients will be impressed by its level of accuracy.

13 Create a CMA

Not all CMAs are cut from the same cloth. RPR’s CMA wizard walks you through five simple steps to generate a Comparative Market Analysis unlike any other offered in today’s real estate industry. You’ll confirm the home’s facts, search for and adjust the comps, land on your own list price by refining the property’s value, and then generate an RPR Seller’s Report. All in one place and with the highest level of accuracy afforded to today’s Realtor.

14  Refine Value

Every homeowner wants to know the return on investment for their home improvements. Here, savvy agents will tap into RPR’s Refine Value Tool . With up to 30 predefined home improvements to choose from, the tool accurately calculates the depreciated value of home improvements. The tool also enables users to refine a home’s value by confirming/adjusting basic facts about the property, as well as other factors such as an assessment of local market conditions, the interior and exterior of the home’s condition, lot size, view, privacy, and more.

15 Market Stats

Our mindsets move far beyond our own particular home. Both buyers and sellers want to know everything about the neighborhood, local economy, quality of life, and economy. All of that and more are a few quick clicks away at RPR.

No other CMA tool will do …

16 rpr reports.

Don’t let your lead get away without sending the seller something before your actual listing presentation. Use what you’ve garnered from RPR to create and send RPR’s Market Activity and/or Property Report. Be sure to let the sellers know that you have the power to refine the value of their home (using RPR) once you’ve had a chance to tour the property and see their upgrades first hand.

17 Use Creative Delivery Systems

Oftentimes, the opportunity to meet prospects or clients face to face is hampered by distance, personal schedules, or even preference. Yet, you know that nothing conveys professionalism and expertise more than personal interaction. There must be a way to virtually, if not literally, meet your clients “where they are. ”

BombBomb , a video marketing platform, helps REALTORS® prove their “client first” commitment by offering intuitive, low-cost digital communications solutions. With BombBomb, you can create a personalized video message and email it to clients within minutes. And because the app is integrated with RPR, REALTORS® can seamlessly include an RPR report. Then by way of real-time alerts, see when your client has interacted with the email. These live notifications are key in determining the best time to follow up.

18  Create Your RPR Seller’s Report

Pull your analysis all together into a customized RPR Seller’s Report , complete with an updated photo of the property, as well as your photo and contact information. Inside, the Seller’s Report highlights details of the subject property, your comp analysis with side-by-side property comparisons, local market trends, a pricing strategy, and a worksheet for estimated seller proceeds. RPR’s Seller’s Report can also be displayed and/or emailed from your laptop, phone, or tablet.

19  Identify the Seller’s Motivation

While with the homeowners, be sure to listen closely to what the sellers are saying. Selling a home is a deeply emotional experience for most and they want a Realtor who understands how personal it is. Revisit some of the questions you asked earlier. Why are they moving and what is their timeline? Are they using the proceeds to fund a retirement plan? Are children involved? What improvements are needed to sell the home?

20 The RPR App

Showing is always better than telling, so here’s where your impressive tech skills come into play. Respond instantly to your seller’s questions with RPR Mobile™ on your handheld device . Show the prospect how their home compares to those on the market. Click on the magnifying glass to display a map of the nearby area. Then, select any home’s icon to go to the property’s full details, including price, history, photos, and more.

21  Follow up With a Thank you Note

The five minutes it takes to write a personal thank you card to prospects is worth it’s weight in gold (or actual listings). Very few of our contemporaries take this route in our digital world. So set yourself apart. In fact, send flowers.

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Great ideas here! I love that you can produce a report in seconds. Keep up the great work RPR!

Great info. Would love to see this all put together so I could customize for my market or listing appointment. A template.

Me as well. I love the RPR product.

Great information.Would love to see if we can customize these for listing appointments

I knew RPR will seal the deal for me. Kudo to RPR.

When I first became a REALTOR five years ago, a veteran agent showed me how she completed a CMA for an upcoming listing appointment. SIX HOURS later, and we still weren’t done! I thought to myself, “I’m just going to stick to BUYERS”! Fast forward, I now use RPR exclusively for creating in-depth reports for my potential Sellers AND for my Buyers preparing offers. I wouldn’t consider using any other program! Thank you for these great ideas, I’m going to start to implement them immediately.

I woukd like to sign up

I would love to see a template, also.

I would like to add just the type of home such as reverse 1 1/2 or ranch only as not to compare to 2 story homes

Do you have a tutorial showing each of these steps? I read it and understand in theory but I am a visula learner and once I SEE how it’s done I can modify it. I cannot visualize each of these steps. It seems logical but a bit overwhelming without any examples. A video tutorial step by step would be helpful. A template might work but it would not show the step by step of HOW it was done but it would be good also to see a finished product. It seems that RPR is a tool that a computer presentation w/ video capability is best. Is your CMA best on a phone on a computer screen? or is it printable. So many questions… I really need to see it in action.

[…] This post was published by Realtors Property Resource. It covers everything you need for a stellar listing presentation. It includes everything from what to include in the presentation to pro tips about how to give the presentation.21 Steps to a Stellar Listing Presentation […]

I appreciate the information given in this article about the marketing strategies a realtor should follow to improve his business. The internet is one of the most important sources of information and a realtor should follow different types of blogs related to real estate business to learn more effective marketing strategy. Besides, effective utilization of the internet could also give a realtor a competitive edge and helps to find more clients.

Sign me up please [email protected]

Hi Jorge, create your account here:

Great! If you don’t have your RPR account started, go here and click “Create Account”

Good information. can I customize these information

Very interested, is there live support?

Hi Alice, Yes, get help any time by calling (877) 977-7576.

Outstanding program. Great improvement.

I would like to take classes and learn more

[…] This incredible article by RPR has several suggestions for how to create a stellar listing […]

Great article!, I love all this, because I was able to gain information and also some tips. Thank you for posting this very informative article.

[…] Related reading: RPR – 21 Tips for a Stellar Listing Presentation  […]

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Listing Presentation Template

  • December 13, 2018

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Download and customize this professionally designed presentation with your own information and leverage it at your next listing appointment!

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  • Allows you to highlight your specific online marketing strategies
  • Shows statistics on consumers’ buying habits and how they have moved online
  • Can integrate slides into your own corporate listing presentation

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listing presentation contest

The digital listing presentation is your best tool to impress potential clients and win more listings. It’s your most valuable asset, and besides providing information, you also need to communicate credibility and expertise every step of the way.

This means that your digital real estate listing presentation should be thoughtfully designed and persuasively written. You want to say a lot, but not too much. You want to impress them with your skills and present them through design, but you also don’t want them to lose focus.

You want to represent a seller, but your first job is to represent yourself as an expert and authority in the real estate industry. Because how are you going to sell their house if you can’t present yourself in the best light? The virtual property showcases represents you and your brand as a Realtor. And how you create one speaks volumes.

The key is to identify the seller’s pain points and offer yourself as a solution in your virtual property portfolios but also to tell them all about your experience without sounding too salesy. Sounds easy, but as you probably know, it’s way harder. Content matters, but so does the form. The design of your digital listing presentation is what makes it or breaks it. Let’s learn how to do it right.

Benefits of a Digital Listing Presentation

benefits of digital listing presentation

Before diving deeper into the difference between digital and traditional real estate listing presentation and tips for creating a perfect one that will get you more listings, let’s get an overview of the benefits you can enjoy.

  • Interactive

Tailor your pitch to the specific needs of each seller. The digital listing presentation allows you to easily edit, optimize, update, and rebrand everything depending on which benefits you want to highlight.

  • Professional

Digital real estate listing presentations have a polished, professional look that will help you get an edge over your competitors. You can use high-quality images, videos, and graphics to showcase your properties, demonstrate your expertise, and offer proof of the results you’ve achieved.

With digital presentations, you can quickly and easily share your materials with clients via email or other digital channels. This can save you a lot of time and effort compared to printing out and delivering physical copies. But this also saves sellers time & energy because they can take a look whenever they feel like it. And you can be sure they’ll be grateful for that!

  • Track results

Certain real estate listing presentation software has features that allow you to see how sellers interacted with your online listing presentations. You can see the links they’ve clicked, how much time they’ve spent looking at it, as well as when and how many times they’ve opened it. This provides you with valuable insights into their behavior and helps you close the deal faster.

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Digital Listing Presentation vs. Traditional

digital vs traditional

There are some significant differences between digital listing presentations and traditional paper-based presentation.  Both you and the sellers can access the digital presentation simply by sharing it via a link online. On the other hand, traditional presentations are physical, paper-based documents that you need to print out and present in person.

One of the main differences between the digital listing presentation and traditional is the level of interactivity and engagement they offer.

Digital presentations can incorporate multimedia elements like videos, animations, and virtual tours that can help bring properties to life and engage potential clients in a more dynamic way.

Traditional presentations are more static and don’t offer the same level of interactivity. While they may be more familiar to some clients, they are also more cumbersome to transport and store and don’t have the same level of polish and professionalism as digital presentations. And let’s face it – everyone is used to digital nowadays. Traditional listing presentations are also more expensive and time-consuming to both create and deliver.

Tips for Creating Digital Listing Presentation

tips and tricks

If you want to win your next listing and impress the seller so they don’t have a choice but to hire you, we’ve prepared tips for creating a digital listing presentation. Let’s cut to the chase!

Embrace technology to the fullest. Utilize every feature to make your digital property display shine. Include media files, links, statistics, design elements, and of course, content.

Make sure your digital real estate listing presentation has a clear structure.

Outline the marketing plan for their property in your digital real estate listing presentation. This will build trust, and the seller will know you’re competent enough to sell their house. 

Include testimonials and statistics. Make sure that both are similar to the results the seller expects.

Go for a clean and modern design. Choose a minimalist color palette, use plenty of white space, and avoid cluttered or busy designs.

Make sure that your virtual real estate presentations is consistent with your brand identity, using your logo and other branding elements throughout. This will help reinforce your brand and make your presentation more memorable.

Make sure to highlight any unique or standout features of the property, such as a stunning view or a newly renovated kitchen. These can be key selling points that help set the property apart from others on the market.

Show that you know the ins and outs of the local market.

Write a short but powerful introduction. Make it about them, not you.

Use data to your advantage by including similar property prices and time on the market. 

Showcase your knowledge about the ideal buyer’s pain points and desires. What do they want and need?

Present assets and both online and offline strategies you’ll do to sell their property. 

Thank the seller for their time and show your appreciation for the trust they put in you.

Ask questions at the listing appointment as this will show the seller you know what you’re talking about. 

Follow up after the listing presentation to make sure you and the seller are on the same page and never leave any doubts unresolved.

If you want to utilize these tips right away, you can create a visually stunning and effective digital property listing with Highnote. The best thing about it? There is a free trial, and you don’t even have to enter your credit card details to start. Ready?

Now it’s time to show you exactly what a winning digital presentation looks like.

Create Customized Digital Listing Presentation

customized digital listing

Let’s cut the theory and jump straight into action with listing presentation examples.

Check out the Hiller Group digital listing presentation they’ve created with Highnote.

It’s a perfect digital listing presentation example because it showcases their expertise in the market and the wide range of services they provide. It’s focused completely on their potential client by communicating clearly what’s in for them. The design is clear, and they’ve embedded multimedia files to support their expertise.

You can create a customized virtual real estate presentations just like this one by utilizing the powerful feature – Highnote free listing templates . All you need to do is to find the listing template you like the most and tailor it to your brand.

There is another awesome digital listing presentation example , and The Bagogloo Team from RE/MAX deserves recognition for it. Their digital property display is short but powerful, highlighting every key benefit of working with them. They’ve included a marketing plan, but also 360 tours and Zillow reviews. And all that with only one real estate listing presentation software .

Highnote offers you comprehensive, all-in-one real estate listing presentation software with powerful features and even more powerful benefits. You don’t need to waste time on design and sending long emails with hundreds of links. Both you and the sellers will be able to access your online listing displays with one click.

Compared to other real estate listing presentation software, Highnote lets you create a customized digital listing presentation by simply using drag and drop.

On top of that, you’ll also get real-time notifications, access to a built-in high-quality image library, gorgeous and free listing templates, and you’ll design a stunning online listing display without actually designing it.

It’s only left for you to give it a try and see for yourself! Before you start creating your digital listing presentation, check out Highnote’s checklist for getting a listing appointment to make sure you’re prepared.

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Step-by-step Guide to Creating Buyer Presentation

Check out now the step-by-step guide to creating buyer presentations. Try Highnote and sign up for a free trial to elevate your buyer presentations.

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Proven Listing Presentation For Real Estate

How To Create An Effective Listing Presentation That Wins Listings

Agents learn how you can create a listing presentation that's effective & wins more listings..

Article on how to create an effecitve listing presentation. What to say in your listing presentation to 'win' listings...

An effective listing presentation is one built upon the solid foundation called strategy. You must keep strategy in mind when you are creating a listing presentation. In this article 'how to create a listing presentation that wins listings' we will outline the best strategy to use when you create your listing presentation. By creating a presentation with content focused upon this strategy... you'll have the most effective presentation & significantly increase your odds of 'winning the listing' on listing appointments.

Part 1 - Getting Started..

Part 1 of how to create a listing presentation that wins listings - getting started.

how to write a listing presentation

Your Listing Presentation Is Your Resume!

A listing appointment is an interview to represent a homeowner who wants to sell a home. Your listing presentation can be likened to a resume. It outlines your strengthens, talents, strategies, experience, and more. Many agents think they can explain all this to a seller without using a listing presentation. But the best approach is to be prepared for the interview in the same manner you would be for a job interview.

The best listing agents prefer to use a MS PowerPoint presentation. MS PowerPoint allows you to use slide decks, visual aids, professional photography, charts, and graphs to customize your presentation.

mls powerpoint

MS PowerPoint

Your Listing Presentation Must Be Editable & Customizable.

listing presentation must be written using MS PowerPoint

Creating the ideal real estate listing presentation starts with Microsoft PowerPoint.

There is no point in trying to create your presentation as a listing presentation PDF or most other file formats other than Microsoft PowerPoint. As PDF files and most other formats cannot be properly or easily edited. Thanks to MS PowerPoint you will be able to bring in the right data. Also there is more to a listing presentation package than just a CMA. A CMA is not a listing presentation. It is but one component of a listing presentation package .

strategy first... design later

Strategy First... Design Later

Creating A Winning Listing Presentation Depends On The Right Strategy.

create your presentation strategy first & presentation design later

Most agents don't know how to create a listing presentations that wins listings. There's more to an effective listing presentation than just a pretty design. Yes your presentation design must be professional and present the right impression to the seller. But what is most important is the listing presentation 'content'. This requires you to develop a winning strategy when creating your presentation. Once you have your strategy defined then you'll want to create content based on that strategy.

Said another way; design alone will not make a listing presentation effective but rather 'Strategic Content' will.

listing presentation strategy analysis

Listing Presentation Strategy Analysis

How To Develop A Winning Strategy When Creating Your Listing Presentation.

your listing presentation content must give you the advantage

You definitely want your listing presentation to give you the competitive advantage. It is strategy that gives you this advantage. However, strategy is where most listing presentations fall short. The typical agent listing presentation lacks where it counts most to a seller and that is buyers. Homeowners list with a real estate company because they want a buyer. If they had a buyer they certainly would have no need to list with an agent. An effective real estate listing presentation is one that is built upon the acquisition of a buyer. Simply said... your listing presentation content must be buyer focused. Specifically you want a listing presentation that absolutely proves you are a buyer expert. This and alone will give you the competitive advantage.

Part 2 - Listing Presentation Checklist

Part 2 of how to create a listing presentation that wins listings - listing presentation checklist.

listing presentation checklist

You Must Prove You're The Best!

Now that the best strategy has been identified... you are able to create effective presentation content.

Top 8 Listing Presentation Checklist Points For Winning Listing Appointments

Part 3 - Strategic Sectional Design

Part 3 of how to create a listing presentation that wins listings - strategic sectional design.

listing presentation must have several unique sections

Section Design of A Listing Presentation

Before you create the content of your listing presentation you must first design the sections within it to guarantee it is effective in terms of persuading the seller to choose you.

This will require you to understand how to design the listing presentation itself.

In Part 3 of 'how to create a real estate listing presentation' we will discuss sectional design.

sectional design

Listing Presentation Sectional Design

A Thoughtful Design Is Your First Step To Creating An Effective Presentation.

proper listing presentation layout and design

To present your strategy effectively two sections are required within your listing presentation. (We recommend you have no more than two sections.)

  • In section 1 is where you want to prove you are unique, competent and trustworthy.
  • In section 2 is where you want to outline your marketing plan, service guarantee, CMA pricing plan and staging plan.

By designing your listing presentation with these two sections you will communicate your professionalism in a way that makes it easier for your sellers to understand your home selling strategies. Plus your sellers will recognize you are knowledgeable and consider you to be an agent they can depend upon to sell the home.

example of a listing presentation with effective sectional design

Example Of A Sectional Listing Presentation.

This example demonstrates how to outline your listing presentation.

In Section 1 is where you prove you are unique, competent and trustworthy... In Section 2 is where you outline your Strategic Home Selling Plan...

We also recommend your listing presentation begin with this slide example. It informs the seller of the discussion flow pertaining to your Strategic Home Selling Plan. And it nicely divides the conversation into their appropriate sections. If you take note of this listing presentation slide example you can see many exceptional 'confidence messages' that are offered to the seller. The slide itself starts with... 'Our Game Plan For Success'. Then we have the 2 sections proclaiming loud and clear you are an agent of excellent. And lastly... the overall layout informs the seller you are committed and dedicated to their success.

section 1 discussion

Discussion On Section 1 Within A Listing Presentation

The purpose of Section 1.

listing presentation section 1 purpose

The purpose of section 1 of a listing presentation is to win the confidence of the seller. This is accomplished through 4 specific sub-sections.

1. About Me 2. About My Company 3. Client Testimonies 4. Yes I Have Access To Buyers

listing presentation purpose is to prove you are unique, competent and trustworthy

What To Include In Section 1 of A Listing Presentation .

The purpose of each sub-section within section 1 is to prove to the seller you are unique, competent and trustworthy. This wins the confidence of the seller. It is critical you win the confidence of the seller before you begin section 2 and the discussion of your Strategic Home Selling Plan.

Later in this listing presentation article we will discuss each of these 4 important points. We call your attention to Section 1 Part D: Yes I Have Access To Buyers. It is in this point where you produce a list of buyers for the seller. You then explain to the seller how you developed this list and what you do to promote the home to this list of buyers.

win the listing before you begin

Win Before You Begin!

It Is Essential To Win The Seller's Confidence First.

listing presentation section 1 purpose is to prove you are the best agent

The #1 mistake agent's make is to discuss their marketing plans before they have gained the confidence of the seller. This happens because agents are not aware how important seller confidence is within the listing appointment. This is why you want to have your listing presentation divided into two sections. It is in section 1 where you can focus your time on gaining the seller's confidence. At the conclusion of section one the seller will agree you are an agent of excellence. When the seller has... it is at that very moment in time that you have actually won the listing. Only then do you move into Section 2 to discuss your plan for selling the home.

listing presentation section 1 and section 2 strategy purpose

The Strategic Purpose of The Two Sections

The Goal of Section 1: To prove to the seller you are unique, competent and trustworthy. The seller will decide to list with you at the conclusion of section 1. By list we do not mean they will sign the listing agreement at this point. Rather the seller will recognize you to be an agent of excellence. This translates into a seller who 'feels safe and secure' about you and your home selling abilities. You actually win the listing at th conclusion of Section 1 before you even begin Section 2.

The Goal of Section 2: Simply stated... to have the seller sign the listing agreement. This is accomplished by way of your Strategic Home Selling Plan.

section 2 discussion

Discussion On Section 2 Within A Listing Presentation

The purpose of Section 2

listing presentation section 2 purpose is to have the seller sign the listing agreement

The purpose of section 2 is to have the seller sign the listing agreement. This is accomplished through 4 specific sub-sections.

1. Marketing Plan 2. Service Guarantee 3. Pricing Plan (CMA) 4. Staging Plan

listing presentation section 2 purpose is to have the seller sign the listing

What To Include In Section 2 of A Listing Presentation.

The purpose of each sub-section is to show the seller your Strategic Home Selling Plan. This wins the seller's agreement to list.

1. Marketing Plan 2. Service Guarantee 3. Pricing Plan 4. Staging Plan

Part 4 - How To Create Winning Presentation Content

Part 4 of how to create a listing presentation that wins listings - writing winning content.

what to say in your listing presentation

What To Say In The Listing Presentation!

There are 8 essential components within a well written listing presentation..

In Part 4 of 'how to create an effective listing presentation' we will discuss the 8 components to ensure you include each within your custom listing presentation.

listing presentation overview

Start With Short Overview of Yourself

Here Is What We Recommend.

the 'about me' listing presentation

Begin your listing presentation with an overview page outlining what you will discuss during the listing appointment.

Then provide an estimate on how long the presentation will take.

We recommend you have an 'About Me!' sub-section within Section 1 of your listing presentation.

Give A Brief Introduction Of Your Skills...

Include the following;

  • Years of Experience.
  • How many homes you sell each year.
  • Images of the homes you have sold.
  • Average sale time of the homes you have sold.
  • How close to list price are the sales.
  • Your client philosophy.
  • Your Service Guarantee Statement.

ERA listing presentation 'about me' page

Example of An 'About Me!' Slide from the ERA Listing Presentation

Sellers prefer to list with agents who can demonstrate a successful track record. This is the main purpose for an 'About Me!" page. But you also want to include each of the following;

1. Client Philosophy

2. Professional Designations

3. Sales awards.

4. Public recognition such as newspaper articles about yourself.

client questions

Client Questions

Here Is What To Ask.

client questions in a listing presentation

Questions are good things to ask your seller. It is important to take notes of their answers. This is why we recommend you do what professionals like lawyers do... use a file folder. Then place the name of the client on the folder and put your notes inside the folder when you are done asking the questions. This process makes a lasting and positive impression upon your seller. Specifically it informs the seller you are an organized and experienced agent.

Example of Questions To Ask

  • Why are you moving?
  • Where are you moving to?
  • Have you already found a home there?
  • Is getting a good price or timing more important for you?
  • What will you do if your home doesn't sell?
  • What are you looking for in a listing agent?
  • How much is left on your mortgage?
  • Are there any liens on the property?
  • Are there any issues with the home that we won't see today?
  • What will it take to do business with me tonight?
  • Are you looking for any 'unique' skills in an agent? If so, what are those skills/
  • Are your interviewing other agents?
  • Do you have a set price in mind for your home?

Example of A Question Presentation

Safe Island question and answer presentation for use within a listing presentation

The above questions require you to use what is called a 'Safe Island' presentation. It keeps you organized and provides to you an easy way to ask the questions and record the answers. The answers to these listing presentation questions helps you to understand your client. Based upon their answers... you can stress the more important sections of the listing presentation as you continue your conversation with the seller.

Another benefit of using a 'Safe Island' presentation is it allows you to easily gather 2 pieces of information that are critical for you to have before you begin Section 2 of the listing presentation . With these 2 pieces of information you will be better able to persuade the seller to price right once you being your CMA pricing discussions.

about my company

About Your Company

Be Very Detailed.

about my company page in a listing presentation

Although sellers focus on the agent in terms of making the final listing decision, you can certainly help yourself by providing detailed information about your real estate company. Your company ought to be able to provide you with a list of consumer benefits. You'll want to explain to your seller why signing with your company provides an advantage.

For Larger Real Estate Companies .

If you are with a large company such as RE/MAX or Keller Williams... focus on the number of agents and the number of sales your company does both locally and nationally.

For Smaller Real Estate Companies .

For smaller companies, often called boutique firms, emphasize benefits such as local knowledge, dedicated personal service and easy to reach availability. In other words, they are just not another listing for sale but rather you treat them with specialized service.

Letter From Your Broker .

You should also have a letter from your Broker outlining the benefits your seller can expect and how easy it is to reach the Broker should the seller have additional service questions.

Exit listing presentation 'about my company' page

Example of An 'About My Company!' Slide from the EXIT Realty Listing Presentation .

Many sellers desire to list with a real estate company with a proven track record. This is what you want your 'About My Company' slide say within your listing presentation. It is at this time during the listing presentation where you give to the seller the letter from your Broker.

We also recommend Broker Client Meetings. These are meetings that happen monthly. At these meetings you clients get to meet your Broker and also hear the vision of your company. This meeting goes a long way in helping you to build a referral based business.

prove you have MLS buyers

Provide Proof You Have Access To MLS Buyers!

Most agents cannot prove they have buyers.

May we ask you a couple of questions?

  • Have you received any training on the MLS itself?
  • Do you understand why they invented the MLS board?

listing presentation how to prove you have buyers

If you are like most agents the answer is either very little or none at all. But were you aware the MLS was actually invented to help you locate buyers for your listing appointments? The buyers you can get off your MLS board are MLS Buyers.

  • Do you know what the MLS Hotsheets are?
  • Do you use the MLS Hotsheets when on a listing appointment?
  • Watch the video below to learn more..

How To Use The MLS Board To Find Buyers For Your Sellers

listing marketing plan

Your Marketing Plan

When Creating Your Listing Presentation You Must Include A Marketing Plan

marketing plan within a listing presentation

Your Marketing Plan is what seals the deal. It simply must impress the seller. When you create a listing presentation you must include a 'marketing plan' in an easy to present 12 step sequence. The goal of each step is to discuss a specific benefit important to the seller. Your Marketing Plan should start with an overview of the 12 steps. Below is an example of a well crafted Marketing Plan summary. (You should use something similar when creating your listing presentation.)

royal lepage listing presentation marketing plan

Example of A 'Marketing Plan' Slide from the Royal LePage Listing Presentation

This is an example of the introduction to a Marketing Plan found within a listing presentation . It provides an executive summary of the 12 specific benefits you will discuss with the seller. The overall strategy of the Marketing Plan are buyers. In each of the 12 points recommendations are offered to the seller to make it easier for a buyer to put an offer on the home. The strategy concept is to demonstrate to the seller you are indeed a buyer expert. By positioning yourself as an authority when it comes to buyer acquisition, you prove you are a superior agent. This translates into seller trust and confidence in you as a real estate professional.

your service guarantee

Your Service Guarantee!

An Agent Is Only As Good As Their Word - Include A Service Guarantee When Creating Your Presentation.

listing presentation service guarantee for a seller

Consumers demand professionals to honor their services. This is especially true when it comes to selling a home. Another consideration is the reputation of the real estate industry itself. As you are aware... it is not the best. This is why sellers are cautious when it comes to agent selection. They simply want an agent who will do exactly what has been promised. This is the purpose of a Service Guarantee. It is your opportunity to prove you are an agent of integrity... an agent who does what has been promised.

Remember... never underestimate the seller's desire to have your service guaranteed in writing. This an important part of your listing appointment presentation and is crucial for gaining the seller's trust.

century 21 example of a listing presentation service guarantee

Example Service Guarantee from the Century 21 Listing Presentation

Your listing presentation ought to include a page summarizing your service guarantee. As for the service guarantee itself you will have it as a separate document. We recommend your final draft of your service guarantee include an area where both you and the seller sign the document. The benefit in doing so is significant. Also... throughout the listing term you will want to refer to the specific promises you have already fulfilled as outlined in your service guarantee. This proves you are working hard to sell the home.

We recommend a weekly sale update progress report be presented to the seller. This keeps the seller informed as to the sale itself. It also serves well with respect to seller referrals.

cma pricing plan

Your CMA Pricing Plan

There's No Point In Taking An Overpriced Listing.

listing presentation cma discussion

Congratulations you have arrived at the CMA point within the listing presentation. It is the crux of your pricing strategy. The key to encouraging a seller to price at market value is to educate the seller on how price is determined. Include in your price discussions elements such as square footage, updates, number of bedrooms, etc. as compared to recently sold properties in the neighborhood.

Keller Williams listing presentation CMA slide example

Keller Williams Listing Presentation Example of A 'CMA Discussion!' Slide

Never take it for granted that a seller understands how price is determined. In this KW listing presentation example, the seller is given a full explanation of what a CMA is and the three factors it includes to determine the asking price of a home.

1. Similar Homes Recently Sold 2. Similar Homes Now For Sale 3. Expired Listings (Homes that did not sell).

your staging plan

Your Staging Plan!

Preparing The Home For Buyer Showings!

listing presentation how staging helps a home sell faster

Many sellers do not fully appreciate 'how and what' buyers actually buy when out shopping for a home. The most powerful influence any seller can make upon a buyer is by way of decor . This is why an effective real estate listing presentation must discuss home staging with the seller. By doing so you will be giving the seller an incredible advantage over the competition.

listing presentation how to stage a home

Listing Presentation Example of A 'Staging Impact Discussion!' Slide

This is one of the most powerful slides within an effective listing presentation. It explains to the seller how price and home showing condition impacts the sale. It informs the seller of the benefits to be enjoyed through proper pricing and staging.

1. Overpriced But Showable 2. Priced Right But Not Showable 3. Overpriced & Not Showable 4. Priced Right & Showable

Part 5 - 12 Reasons Why To List With Me!

Part 5 of how to create a listing presentation that wins listings - 12 reasons why to list with me.

listing presentation marketing plan discussion

Listing Presentation Marketing Plan

In Part 5 of this 'how to create a listing presentation' training article we will discuss the '12 Reasons Why' content found within an effective listing presentation.

your selling goals

Your Selling Goals!

Helping a seller to understand their selling goals.

listing presentation: Reason 1: a seller's goals for selling

Reason 1 informs the seller of their top 3 selling goals.

1. Maximum Price

2. Quick Sale

3. Problem Free

We then explain each of the goals to the seller and conclude by asking if they have any additional goals they want added to their sale. The reason why we want to start the Marketing Plan with this slide is most sellers do not have clearly defined goals for selling. By highlighting these goals selling clarity results.

buyer showings

Helping You To Ready Your Home For Buyers!

Informing the seller on how to achieve showroom shine.

listing presentation: Reason 2: example of a slide on preparing the home for buyers

Reason 2 informs the seller you will help them make their home more attractive to buyers.

1. Through your proven experience.

2. Then an example of that experience.

Reason 2 is all about the interior of the home. We want the seller to do specific events within the home to ready the home for showings. We desire the seller to understand what is important to buyers and then implement our recommendations so that the home has the highest possible level of showing effectiveness.

inside home preparation

Inside Home Preparation

Two Time-Tested & Proven Solutions.

listing presentation: Reason 3: adding benefit brochures and cards in the home

Reason 3 informs the seller of '2 time-tested & proven strategies' for winning a buyer.

1. Benefit Display Brochures

2. Benefit Display Cards

We then explain each why we use these two strategies and how the seller benefits through he use of these two strategies. We also request the seller help us to create these two strategies. Their input is absolutely essential because they know their homes much better than does the listing agents.

When a seller agrees to help you with these 2 strategies it is a positive sign they intend to list with you.

open houses, newspaper ads and Internet advertising

Marketing The Home Itself!

Helping the seller to understand promotion effectiveness.

example of a Listing presentation slide discussing why agents do open houses, newspaper ads and Internet advertising

Reason 4 informs the seller of the effectiveness of certain promotional activities agents perform.

1. Open House

2. Newspaper Advertising

3. Online Advertising

The purpose of this discussion is to inform the seller on the effectiveness of each activity in terms of producing results. We then direct them to the power of the MLS Board itself and explain why it is the most effective strategy for finding a buyer.

listings on the Internet

Marketing Home On The Big Internet

Helping a seller to understand how buyers & sellers use the Internet.

example of a Listing presentation slide discussing Internet marketing of a listing.

Reason 5 informs the seller of Internet marketing for their home.

1. Buyers: Use Internet for 8 to 12 weeks before buying a home.

2. Sellers: Use Internet for 6 to 12 months before listing a home.

Buyer Disclosure

We then explain that only 4% of buyers are actually found online.

The remaining 96% are found through the marketing efforts of MLS agents.

Dazzle Your Seller With A Brilliant Internet Marketing Plan!

Show your seller what you do online for your listings.... from Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and everything else in-between. Make sure you include your full 'online presence' when creating your presentation, leave out nothing. Demonstrate to them in your listing presentation exactly how you are leveraging the Internet and using it to uncover leads. Also show them your photography. Show current listings and how awesome they look compared to ugly photos used by the less motivated agent. Hey... if you use a drone... bring it with you.

marketing a listing on a SmartPhone.

Marketing The Home On The Small Internet

Helping a seller to understand how to effectively use the SmartPhone when selling.

example of a Listing presentation slide discussing how an agent uses a SmartPhone to market a listing

Reason 6 informs the seller how you'll use a SmartPhone to market their home.

1. Yard Sign 2. Online 3. In Car

We then outlines the benefits of each to the seller.

We also offer to the seller our Virtual Home Strategy. This strategy consists of multi-videos of the home which are placed on We explain how effective video marketing is when it comes to SmartPhone technology and SmartPhone usage by home buyers.

It's Time To Grab Your SmartPhone!

Show how your seller benefits from your SmartPhone strategies. Have a website ready to go with url in place. Then pretend you are a buyer driving up to the Yard Sign. Explain to the seller how the buyer can pull out their SmartPhone and gain instant access to their home. Show your seller every detail of the entire process. Conclude by showing the seller how the buyer can reach out to you the agent with a simple 'touch' of a button to give you either a call or text message about wanting to view the home.

how to qualify a buyer

Qualify The Buyer

Helping a seller to understand the 5 types of home buyers

example of a Listing presentation slide discussing how an agent qualifies a buyer

Reason 7 informs the seller of the 5 buyer types.

1. Never Buy Buyer 2. Not In A Hurry Buyer 3. Bargain Basement Buyer 4. Not Prepared But Serious Buyer 5. Pre-Approved Serious Qualified Buyer

We then discuss with the seller why buyer type 5 is the best buyer. We then explain how we target type 5 buyers.

Prove You Will Not Allow A Buyer To Waste Their Time!

No seller likes to vacate their home for a showing only to learn later the buyer was not qualified to even buy a home. This listing presentation slide proves you know the business inside and out. It sets the seller at ease by reducing the stress associated with home showings. This is a slide you will want to discuss with your seller. It quickly informs the seller of your desire to reduce unpleasant showings.

how to negotiate with buyers

Negotiating With The Buyer

Helping a seller to maximize price.

example of a Listing presentation slide discussing how agents negotiate with home buyers on behalf of sellers

Reason 8 explains why agents are in the best position to negotiate for the seller with the buyer.

1. An agent is an independent 3rd party to the sale.

2. An agent will not become emotionally involved and lose perspective.

3. An agent works for the seller and will represent the seller to the highest standard possible.

It is critical to your success that you position yourself an a negotiation expert. If you recall the 'Google Survey of Sellers', negotiation is one of their top 3 concerns. This slide within the Marketing Plan effectively resolves that seller concern.

buyer with financing

Helping The Buyer With Financing

Helping the buyer stay in the deal when financing issues arise.

example of a Listing presentation slide discussing how agents help buyers with financing

Reason 9 informs the seller how you may be able to resolve last minute buyer financing issues.

1. You can source out additional sources of lenders.

2. You can source out private lenders.

It's important to remind the seller 87% of all closing related problems are last minute financing issues. You may want to provide a list of lenders you look towards when trying to resolve buyer mortgage problems. Such a list confirms your status as an agent of excellence.

keeping the buyer in the deal

Keeping The Buyer

Helping the buyer through remorse.

listing presentation slide discussing how agents keep buyers in a deal

Reason 10 informs the seller a buyer may feel remorse after agreeing to buy the home.

1. When this happens you contact the buyer's agent.

2. You then prepare a new CMA.

3. You then meet with the buyer and his agent to prove the investment is sound.

This slide of the seller listing presentation lets the seller know you are 'there for them' and you are 'willing' to do whatever it takes to close the sale. It speaks of you going beyond the extra mile... proving you are dedicated to their sale.

keep sellers informed on the progress

Your Stay Informed & Up-To-Date Plan

Helping the seller to always know the progress of the sale.

listing presentation slide discussing how agents keep sellers informed on the progress of the sale.

Reason 11 is how an agent keeps a seller informed on the sale of the home.

1. After each showing.

2. Hotsheet updates.

3. Weekly updates.

4. Market updates.

Plus you confirm once again that you put your promises on paper. You prove yet again you are an agent committed to their sale. This only increases your odds of winning the listing.

determine the best asking price

Best Asking Price

Helping a seller to price their home for maximum profit.

listing presentation slide discussing how agents help sellers to determine the best asking price for their homes

Reason 12 is about pricing a home to sell quickly.

1. Best price.

2. CMA explanation.

3. CMA presentation.

Most sellers are well acquainted with the current value of their homes. A pricing presentation offers a pricing range to sellers. An experienced agent will ask a seller where they want to be within the identified price range... low, mid or high. Based upon the seller's answer you price the listing appropriately.

Part 6 - Other Listing Presentation Slides To Include

Part 6 of how to create a listing presentation that wins listings - other presentation slides to include.

In Part 6 of this listing presentation article we will discuss a sampling of other slides to include in a listing presentation.

a pre-listing presentation

A Pre-Listing Presentation

Sent two or three days before the date of the listing appointment.

pre-listing presentation for real estate listing appointment.

Perhaps the most important presentation you can give to the seller.

1. Introduces you to the seller.

2. Sets the stage for a successful listing appointment.

3. Provides an effective ice-breaker conversation when first sitting down with the seller at the kitchen table.

How To Make Your Pre-Listing Presentation Effective .

  • Keep it as simple as you can.
  • Keep it to no more than 10 pages
  • Use larger font size... at least 20 pixels.
  • Use client testimonies as they confirm you are a proven professional.

You Must Know The Competitive Landscape .

  • 87% of home sellers interview at least 2 agents.
  • This means you must be well known within your neighborhoods.
  • Sellers invite in the most known agents in their neighborhoods.

What Should You Included In Your Pre-Listing Presentation?

1. A pre-listing presentation empowers you to get your proven Strategic Home Selling Plan into the hands of sellers before they even talk to other agents. This places you ahead of your competition.

2. You are able to quickly communicate your proven experience and provide reasons why sellers should hire you over the competition.

3. You can include sensitive information about price, competition, market conditions before meeting the seller face-to-face. This allows the seller time to fully absorb the relevant information.

4. The pre-listing presentation sets the stage for your arrival & the listing presentation discussion. In other words... the seller is ready to do business.

internet strategy slide

Internet Strategy For Selling A Home

How to be use the Internet when selling a home.

example of an Internet marketing slide within a listing presentation

This slide shows the Internet strategy to use when selling the home.

1. Displays all sites where a listing is promoted.

2. Includes your real estate company's website.

3. Includes your own IDX empowered agent website.

Disclosure of Internet Marketing Effectiveness When Selling A Home .

Many sellers have an opinion of the effectiveness of the Internet to uncover a buyer that is not based upon real facts. They hold this opinion because they have either read, or an agent has told them, that as high as 98% of home buyers use the Internet when searching for a home. Now this statistic may be accurate yet it is misleading in that only 10% of home buyers actually can be traced to have started and found their home online. This means 90% of home buyers are NOT found online but rather through the collective advertising and marketing efforts of all agents on the MLS board.

listing price points slide

The 3 Market Price Points

Seller can price based upon market price definitions.

example of marketing pricing options within a listing presentation

A seller has three options in terms of setting a list price.

1. Above Market Value 2. Fair Market Value 3. Below Market Value

Which Price Option Best Matches The Seller's Needs?

This is the question you want to ask your sellers. The majority of sellers will answer with 'fair' market value. This means you will have a listing that is priced right and priced to sell within a reasonable amount of time. You absolutely want a slide within your listing presentation that offers to you the agent this pricing benefit.

price is hot presentation

Price It Hot Presentation

Benefits of pricing a home at slightly below fair market value.

price it hot presentation for a listing appointment.

The 'Price It Hot' Pricing Presentation encourages a seller to price competitively.

1. Consideration is given of the competitive landscape.

2. Seller purposely prices in middle of the competitive landscape.

3. Results in more showings, perhaps multiple offers and faster sales.

The 'Guaranteed To Win' listing presentation includes the 'Price It Hot' pricing presentation.

price is right presentation

Price It Right Presentation

Benefits of pricing a home exactly at fair market value.

price it right presentation for a listing presentation

The 'Price It Right' Pricing Presentation encourages a seller to price at fair market value.

1. Avoids overprice problems.

2. Explains the benefits of fair market pricing.

3. Home sells within a reasonable amount of time.

The 'Guaranteed To Win' listing presentation includes the 'Price It Right' pricing presentation.

mls listing strategy

MLS Strategy Presentation

How to take advantage of the MLS for a seller.

how to take advantage of the MSL for a seller within a listing presentation

Taking Advantage of the MLS is how to provide superior service to a seller.

1. There's more to the MLS than simply placing a listing on it.

2. You can also use the MLS to produce a list of buyers for your sellers.

3. Presentation provides the details on how to use the MLS to the benefit of a seller.

The 'Guaranteed To Win' listing presentation includes the 'MLS Strategy' presentation.

listing offer presentation

Offer Presentation

For use when presenting an offer to a seller.

example of an offer presentation used on a listing appointment.

The most effective strategy to use when presenting offers to sellers.

1. Gives agent total control of the offer process.

2. Eliminates offer stalls and objections.

3. Focus seller on what matters most... the price of the offer.

The 'Guaranteed To Win' listing presentation includes the listing offer presentation.

Part 7 - Research For A Listing Presentation

Part 7 of how to create a listing presentation that wins listings - research for a listing presentation.

research your facts

Gather Every Fact

Be prepared... Be Organized for the listing presentation.

what to bring to a listing appointment

The more you know about the seller the greater are your odds of winning the listing. This is why you want to be prepared for the listing appointment by gathering all the facts. When you book the listing appointment ask questions about the reasons they are selling and also gather these documents.

1. Why are you selling?

2. Get the tax records.

3. Get the mortgage information.

4. When was the last time the property sold?

5. When was the last time the property was listed for sale.

6. Are there any outstanding liens?

7. Drive by the home to take an exterior photo for the listing website you will give the seller.

8. Ask them how many agents they are interviewing for the listing.

9. Ask about recent renovations.

10. Ask their opinion of the neighborhood.

11. Ask if they ever sold a home in the past.

12. Ask what they expect from an agent.

mls buyer list

Have Your Buyer List Ready

Be prepared... be organized for the listing presentation.

bring a list of buyers to a listing appointment

One of the reasons why the MLS board was invented is to empower you to create a list of buyers for your listing appointments.

1. Have at least 20 MLS buyers.

2. Included the listing cut sheets.

3. Include 2 copies of the MLS board Hotsheets.

mls board hotsheet

Have Your MLS Hotsheets Ready

Bring two copies of current hotsheets with you.

have at least 2 copies of the hotsheets with you when on a listing appointment.

Have you attended MLS training? If not, you are not alone. Only 4% of agents understand how to produce a list of MLS buyers off their MLS boards. In fact, what you are selling to a homeowner when you are on a listing appointment is the MLS itself. You are offering the seller access unto the MLS. So in essence you are a MLS salesperson.

After all, the MLS is what you are offering to sellers. And it makes sense for you to know the benefits of the MLS and how to use these benefits when with your seller. You want to use an effective listing presentation... one that includes a subsection on MLS buyers. Plus you want to incorporate the MLS Hotsheets into your listing presentation.

listing presentation slide discussing mls buyers

Example of a MLS Buyer Slide Within A Listing Presentation

This listing presentation slide introduces the MLS Buyer list to the seller.

1. How the mls buyer list was developed.

2. Why it is important to the sale.

3. How an agent partners with the MLS board to know when a MLS Buyer is ready to buy.

the home sales process

Explain The Sales Process

Sellers are not completely aware of how the entire process works.

explain the home sales your listing presentation must always explain the home selling process to your seller

Process Is Another Word For Stress .

Selling a home is a very stressful event for a seller. This is why an explanation of how the sales process works can be extremely useful. Explaining the process reduces the stress and helps the seller understand you Home Selling Strategy. The more homeowners know what happens behind the scenes, the more you can connect the value of hiring the right agent.

Areas to focus on in your listing presentation content might include:

  • How the MLS really works.
  • How you use the MLS to create a list of targeted buyers.
  • How the condition of the home impacts price and showings.
  • What dual agency really means.
  • The closing process.
  • The offer process.
  • The home inspection process.
  • The home appraisal process.
  • The financing release process.
  • What happens at the closing table.
  • Why buyers want a deal.
  • How you stay in touch during the sale.
  • How you quarterback the home to other MLS agents.
  • How professional photos help sell the home.
  • How staging a home often causes a quicker sale.
  • How a virtual tours can increase showings.
  • How drone photos and videos impact the sale.
  • Why you send out Just Listed postcards to the homes closest to the new listing.
  • Explain your open house strategy.

incorporate local housing data

Incorporate Local Housing Data

Make this data specific to their neighborhood and home.

always include local housing information in your listing presentation

When creating your real estate listing presentation , you should always include in your presentation important neighborhood figures such as number of home sales, average list price, average sold price, number of days on the market before selling and sold percentage to list price... basically, any information the seller can use to make a more informed listing decision.

Focus Mostly On Comparable Homes Sold Over The Past 12 Months

Try to include as many comparable homes as possible in your CMA. Double check to make sure these homes are as similar to your seller's home as possible to provide a solid CMA comparison.

Home characteristics to include:

  • Size (total number of rooms and square footage)
  • Features (in-ground pool, high ceilings, size of yard)
  • Pricing (both initial asking and final sales price)
  • Renovation (were any sold homes recently renovated)
  • Garage (size)
  • Location (where in neighborhood)
  • Year homes were built (compare to year listing appointment home was built)

CMA consideration within your listing presentation

CMA Considerations Within A Listing Presentation

Be more than price analytical... be market analytical too.

a cma within a listing presentation must be more than just black and white

Know Your Market

The better you know the seller's neighborhood... the more knowledgeable, professional and trusted you will appear. If possible, always include photos of the comparables, including upgraded appliances, swimming pools, garages, etc...

Toss All Extremes

Try to use median instead of averages. Averages include a mix of home prices that may not take into consideration the motivation of sellers and why they took the prices they accepted for their homes. By tossing out the extremes lows and highs you arrive at a better estimate of the median price of the home.

Focus Mostly On Neighborhood Listings

Try your best to choose comparables within the neighborhood. Inform the seller if you had to go outside the neighborhood due to a lack of current sales data. Discuss how by doing so may accidentally include increased or decreased value due to neighborhood location itself. You will want to take an average of homes in that neighborhood based upon square footage and compare it to homes in their own neighborhood to arrive at a more accurate price range.

Discuss Seasonality With The Seller

Yes seasonality impacts current market values. It is a known fact homes sell more often in spring as compared to winter months. Explain to the seller how this may impact the asking price for the home should the seller be selling outside the most active season of the year.

Part 8 - Arriving For The Listing Presentation

Part 8 of how to create a listing presentation that wins listings - arriving for the listing presentation., the top 5 arrival strategies.

arriving at the front door

Arriving At The Front Door

Never come empty handed.

what to do and say when you arrive at the seller's front door

Were you aware a listing appointment is a social event as well as a business meeting? It is as much a social event as is a dinner at your friend's home. Speaking of dinner at your friend's home... would you arrive for dinner empty handed... without a gift to show appreciation to your friend for inviting you into the home?

Yet agents arrive at a seller's front door empty handed... without a gift of appreciation for the seller. Why do agents behave this way? They fail to realize a listing appointment is a social event. Your most important task when first meeting the seller is to show your appreciation. After all, the seller have extended you an awesome opportunity.

What gifts ought an agent to bring?

1. A bouquet of 12 roses.

2. Box of chocolates.

3. Coloring books for the kids or movie tickets if older.

entering the foyer

Entering The Foyer

The foyer is where you seize 'internal' control of the listing appointment.

what to do and say when you enter into the foyer of the seller's home

As you enter the home you also must have a plan to impress the seller about your experience. We recommend a foyer plan. If you lack a foyer plan then it means the seller is in control of the appointment. This is the last thing you want when on the appointment. The best strategy to use when in the foyer is to ask for a tour of the home. This gives you the time to build rapport with the seller. It also provides you an opportunity to gather more information you may need for the meeting. It also hands control of the listing appointment over to you.

entering the kitchen

Entering The Kitchen

Don't be in a rush to start your listing presentation!

what to do when you first sit down at the kitchen table with the seller

1. Start with your Pre-Listing Presentation. Ask the seller if they have any questions & then simply answer.

2. Then use your 'Safe Island' presentation. Discuss the questions and listen closely to the answers.

3. Then begin your listing presentation.

dress professional

Dress Professionally

Look your very best.

give consideration to how you look when doing a listing presentation

First Impressions Count The Most!

Take time to prepare yourself to look your best. You certainly want to look as professional as you can possible be as an agent. Remember... the seller is expecting a professional to arrive at the home. You must ultimately decide what works best for you.

Research Proves It Matters .

In real estate sales you only get one chance to win the listing. You certainly do not want to blow it by making a poor first impression. People are adept at uncovering the motivations of others through body language.

For example... in just a short 30 minute conversation between two people they can send more than 800 nonverbal signals to one another. Even if you are dressing and speaking eloquently, if your body language is poor you're not going to make a positive first impression.

Think About Your Ornaments.

Your clothes, jewelry, rings, watches, shoes and even your socks impact people. You may want to ask your Broker what he/she think when they see you. Never take their feedback personally. You want to know because you want to have a better and more powerful first impression. Make sure you give consideration to what you are wearing as it does impact your results. Be wise and discover what your 'look' is really saying to people about yourself.

you handshake matters

Your Handshake Really Does Matter

Never underestimate the revealing nature of your handshake.

your handshake grip ought to be in the middle when on a listing presentation appointment

Your Handshake Yells Loudly!

Few agents realize just how important their handshake is when on the listing appointment. By perfecting your handshake you can prove you are a seasoned professional. Watch how you extend your hand. A palm out reveals you are submissive. A vertical reveals you are equal to the person you are meeting. Be mindful of your fingernails. Do you have naturally sweaty hands? Also the grip of the handshake. Be in the middle it terms of grip strength. Yes your hands matter.

Part 9 - Listing Presentation Article Summary

Part 9 of how to create a listing presentation that wins listings - article summary, valuing a listing presentation..

It is unfortunate many agents do not use an effective real estate listing presentation when on the listing appointment. They do so because they do not value the purpose of a listing presentation. It is hoped this article has increased your understanding of a listing presentation and why one is so important when you are on listing appointments.

If you enjoyed this 'how to create a listing presentation' article you may want to check out top listing presentation tips , 12 listing presentation steps to win the listing , or visit our listing presentation resources page.

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How To Create An Effective Listing Presentation That Wins You More Listings


Sales contest presentation: A comprehensive guide

Learn how to create a sales contest presentation that will motivate your team and boost sales.

Raja Bothra

Building presentations

team preparing sales contest presentation

Hey there, fellow sales enthusiasts!

If you're in the world of sales, you know how crucial it is to keep your team motivated and performing at their best.

One fantastic way to achieve this is through sales contests. In this comprehensive guide, we'll dive deep into the world of sales contests, from what they are to how to create an effective sales contest presentation.

So, grab a cup of your favorite caffeinated beverage, and let's embark on this exciting journey into the sales contests.

What is a sales contest?

Let's start at the beginning. A sales contest is a structured competition within a sales team. It's like injecting a shot of adrenaline into your salesforce. These contests typically involve various challenges, goals, and, of course, enticing prizes. The ultimate aim? To boost motivation, enhance teamwork, and drive sales to new heights.

Sales contests are a proven strategy for elevating your sales team's performance and injecting a healthy dose of competitive spirit. They're not just about numbers; they're about creating an engaging and dynamic work environment.

What are the benefits of sales contests?

Now, you might be wondering, "Why bother with sales contests?" Well, let me tell you, the benefits are vast and varied. Sales contests are a great way to motivate your sales team and boost sales. When done well, they can offer a multitude of advantages, including:

Increased sales activity: One of the most evident benefits of sales contests is their ability to drive increased sales activity. Salespeople tend to put in that extra effort, pushing themselves to close more deals during the contest period. This surge in activity often translates into a significant boost in overall sales numbers, something every business can appreciate.

Improved performance: Sales contests serve as catalysts for enhancing performance. They provide an opportunity for salespeople to go beyond their comfort zones, learn new skills, develop innovative sales strategies, and build stronger relationships with customers. These contests effectively act as a training ground, honing the capabilities of your sales force.

Higher morale and motivation : Motivation and morale are the lifeblood of any successful sales team. Sales contests inject a healthy dose of both. When your salespeople engage in friendly competition for enticing prizes and recognition, their motivation levels soar. They become more engaged and enthusiastic about their work, and this positive energy is infectious.

Enhanced teamwork and collaboration: Sales contests aren't just about individual achievements; they're about fostering teamwork and collaboration. When sales team members work together to achieve a common goal, it creates a sense of unity and camaraderie. They support each other, share ideas, and collectively aim for success. This collaboration often transcends the contest period, resulting in more harmonious sales meetings and improved teamwork in the long run.

Identification of top performers: Sales contests offer a fantastic platform for identifying and recognizing your top performers. By meticulously tracking who is consistently leading in sales, you gain valuable insights into which members of your team are truly going above and beyond. Recognizing and rewarding these top performers not only boosts their morale but also sets a benchmark for others to strive for.

Sales contests are a potent tool for motivating your sales team and achieving remarkable results. However, it's crucial to design and implement these contests thoughtfully to ensure you reap the full benefits. When orchestrated with care and precision, sales contests can lead to increased sales activity, improved performance, higher morale, stronger teamwork, and the identification of your sales team's shining stars.

So, why not harness the power of sales contests and watch your team soar to new heights?

What are the uses of sales contest presentation?

Now that you understand the advantages of sales contests let's delve into the uses of a sales contest presentation. A sales contest presentation is a tool used by sales managers and leaders to motivate and engage their sales teams in a competitive environment. The primary uses of a sales contest presentation include:

Motivation and engagement : Sales contest presentations are designed to inspire and energize sales teams. By highlighting the rewards and recognition available through the contest, you can motivate salespeople to perform at their best.

Goal setting : A sales contest presentation often outlines the specific goals and objectives of the contest. This helps salespeople understand what is expected of them and provides a clear target to work toward.

Competition : Contests introduce an element of friendly competition among sales team members. The presentation can explain the rules, scoring criteria, and how success will be measured, creating a competitive spirit that can boost performance.

Recognition : Sales contest presentations usually showcase the rewards and recognition that top performers will receive. This recognition can include prizes, awards, public acknowledgment, and more. Recognition is a powerful motivator for many sales professionals.

Training and education : Contest presentations can be an opportunity to provide training and education about the products or services being sold, the target market, or the sales techniques that are most effective. This helps salespeople improve their skills and knowledge.

Team building : Contests can promote teamwork, especially if they are designed in a way that encourages collaboration. The presentation may stress the importance of working together to achieve common goals.

Tracking and reporting : The presentation may include information on how progress and results will be tracked and reported. This transparency can help salespeople understand where they stand in the contest and what they need to do to succeed.

Feedback and support : The presentation can also emphasize the support and resources available to salespeople to help them perform better. It can encourage them to seek help or coaching when needed.

Celebration : Sales contest presentations can be a way to celebrate past successes and the achievements of the sales team. Recognizing past achievements can set a positive tone for the contest.

Communication : Sales contest presentations are a means of communication from leadership to the sales team. They are used to convey important information, expectations, and the vision of the organization.

Promotion : Sales contest presentations can serve as a promotional tool to generate excitement and anticipation among the sales team. They can build buzz around the contest and create a sense of urgency.

Performance evaluation : The contest may also be used as a performance evaluation tool. The presentation might specify how performance will be assessed and what criteria will be used to determine winners.

Here is a comprehensive guide on rewards and recognition presentation .

How to Structure an Effective Sales Contest Presentation

Now, let's get to the nitty-gritty of creating a compelling sales contest presentation. Remember, the key is to make it engaging, informative, and easy to follow.

Structuring an effective sales contest presentation is crucial to engage and motivate your sales team effectively. A well-organized presentation can help you communicate the contest's goals, rules, and rewards clearly, inspiring your salespeople to excel.

Here's how to structure an effective sales contest presentation:

1. Introduction

Begin your presentation with an engaging introduction that sets the stage for what's to come. Capture your audience's attention by highlighting the purpose of the sales contest and its significance. Clearly state why this contest is essential for the organization and the sales team. Think of this as the moment to ignite the spark of excitement that will carry throughout the presentation.

2. Contest objectives

Move on to the core objectives of the sales contest. Outline what you aim to achieve through this competition, whether it's increasing sales revenue, acquiring new customers, or promoting specific products or services. Make these objectives measurable and realistic. Paint a vivid picture of what success looks like at the end of the contest.

3. Rules and guidelines

This section should be crystal clear on the contest rules and guidelines. Explain the eligibility criteria, timeframes, and any specific sales metrics that will be measured. Address questions like, "Who can participate?" and "How will sales performance be tracked?" Clarity here is key to prevent any confusion down the road.

4. Scoring and measurement

Dive deeper into the specifics of how sales performance will be measured and scored. Whether it's based on revenue, the number of sales, or other key performance indicators, ensure that your sales team understands the metrics that will determine success. Leave no room for ambiguity.

5. Rewards and recognition

Now, let's get to the part that excites everyone – the rewards and recognition. Highlight the juicy details about the prizes, bonuses, awards, or other incentives that will be given to the winners. Paint a picture of what your sales team can gain by participating and excelling in the contest.

6. Team collaboration

If your contest encourages teamwork or collaboration, discuss how this will work. Emphasize the importance of cooperation among team members, and explain how collective efforts can lead to greater success. Encourage a spirit of camaraderie and teamwork that extends beyond the contest.

7. Training and support

Incorporate a section on the resources and support available to help salespeople perform at their best during the contest. This could include product training, coaching, or access to marketing materials. Knowing that they have the tools they need can boost confidence and performance.

Here is a guide on product training presentation .

8. Performance tracking

Detail the mechanisms for tracking performance and results. Ensure that your sales team understands how they can monitor their progress throughout the contest and make any necessary adjustments to improve their performance. Provide them with the instruments to steer their own success.

9. Communication and updates

Clarify how you will communicate contest updates, results, and any changes to the rules or objectives. Encourage open lines of communication and provide contact information for any questions or concerns. Transparency is vital to maintaining trust and engagement.

10. Q&A and feedback

Open the floor for questions and feedback from your sales team. Address any concerns or uncertainties, and use this opportunity to gather input or suggestions that can enhance the contest. This not only resolves doubts but also shows that you value your team's input.

11. Conclusion and motivation

End the presentation on a high note. Reinforce the importance of the contest, its potential benefits, and the excitement it can generate. Encourage your sales team to embrace the challenge and give their best effort. Leave them with a sense of anticipation and motivation.

12. Follow-up and documentation

After the presentation, share the presentation materials and contest details in written form. Document everything discussed and ensure it's easily accessible to all participants for reference. A clear and accessible record is essential to avoid misunderstandings.

A well-structured sales contest presentation not only informs but also motivates and engages your sales team, increasing the likelihood of a successful contest that meets its objectives and drives improved sales performance.

Do’s and don'ts on a sales contest presentation

As you prepare your presentation, keep in mind some essential do's and don'ts:

  • Do keep it engaging : Use visuals, stories, and interactive elements to keep your audience engaged.
  • Do be clear : Ensure that every participant understands the rules and guidelines.
  • Do encourage questions : Create an open environment for questions and clarifications.
  • Do follow up : After the presentation, follow up with participants to make sure they are well-prepared.


  • Don't overload with information : Keep the presentation concise and to the point. Avoid information overload.
  • Don't neglect design : A well-designed presentation is more appealing. Avoid cluttered or confusing layouts.
  • Don't be boring : Nobody likes a dull presentation. Inject some energy and enthusiasm into your delivery.
  • Don't forget the fun : Sales contests are also about having fun. Don't make it all about numbers; create an enjoyable experience.

Summarizing key takeaways

  • Sales contests boost motivation, performance, and teamwork within sales teams.
  • Benefits of sales contests include increased sales activity, improved performance, higher morale, enhanced teamwork, and identifying top performers.
  • Sales contest presentations serve multiple purposes, including motivation, goal setting, competition, recognition, training, and performance evaluation.
  • An effective sales contest presentation structure includes introduction, contest objectives, rules, scoring, rewards, team collaboration, training, performance tracking, communication, Q&A, conclusion, and follow-up.
  • Key do's: keep it engaging, be clear, encourage questions, and follow up.
  • Key don'ts: avoid overloading with information, neglecting design, being boring, and forgetting to make it enjoyable.

1. What are sales contest presentations?

Sales contest presentations are a way to energize and motivate your sales team by introducing a competitive element into your sales meetings. By incorporating contest ideas, you can boost your sales reps' performance and encourage them to exceed their sales quota. These ppt presentations are usually created using powerpoint templates, ensuring a visually appealing and engaging sales contest pitch.

2. How can I create a sales contest presentation?

To create a compelling sales contest presentation, you can use powerpoint templates that are designed specifically for this purpose. These templates offer a wide range of graphic elements and slide team options to make your presentation visually appealing. Additionally, you can include sales contest prize ideas, sales goals, and contest rewards for the salesperson with the highest sales volume to encourage participation and a competitive spirit among your sales team.

3. What are some best practices for sales contest presentations?

For a successful sales contest presentation, consider implementing best practices to engage your sales people effectively. This includes offering a variety of prizes, depending on the contest, and incorporating fun and engaging sales bingo as a part of your contest rules. A well-designed sales contest, complete with clear contest rules, can have a positive impact upon sales force morale and overall sales results.

4. Can you share some sales contest ideas to motivate my team?

Certainly! Running a sales contest around specific sales goals, such as the highest percentage increase in sales, the number of closed deals, or the best sales pitch , can be very motivating for your sales team. You can even introduce a pitch contest as a unique sales competition to keep things interesting. Don't forget to reward your sales reps with contest prizes and contest rewards to maintain their enthusiasm.

5. How can I run a sales contest to encourage sales calls and achieve larger sales?

To run a successful sales contest that encourages more sales calls and ultimately results in larger sales, follow these steps: First, use sales contest templates to design the contest, incorporating elements like a sales leaderboard to keep track of progress. Next, make sure you clearly define the contest rules and offer incentives, ensuring that your sales team is excited to compete. By refining the results and offering a variety of prizes, you can create a dynamic and motivating sales contest that drives your sales department towards their next contest and even higher sales results.

Create your sales contest presentation with prezent

Prezent, the communication success platform tailored for enterprise teams, plays a pivotal role in crafting compelling sales contest presentations. Leveraging its AI presentation tool, Prezent enables you to save time and effortlessly produce presentations that are not only on-brand but also personalized to the preferences of your audience.

With its comprehensive features, including a presentation builder, guides, e-courses, and real-time collaboration, Prezent empowers you to master structured storytelling, employing over 50 storylines commonly favored by business leaders. By utilizing this platform, you can seamlessly create engaging sales contest presentations, and significantly cut down communication costs, eliminating the need for expensive agencies.

Prezent ensures that your sales contest presentations are not only visually striking but also fully compliant with your corporate brand and marketing standards, making it the ultimate solution for elevating your sales strategies.

And that's a wrap for our comprehensive guide on sales contest presentations! Now, it's your turn to dive into the world of sales contests and create presentations that will motivate and drive your team to success.

Sign up for our free trial or book a demo today!

Happy selling, and may the best sales team win!

PS: Don't forget, the best sales contest is the one that rewards the salesperson and energizes the entire sales team, while also having a positive impact on sales force morale. So, aim high, have fun, and win big!

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Winners PowerPoint Templates

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The Winner PowerPoint Template has everything you need to make your announcement stand out. With its fully customizable design, our templates allow you to showcase the winner’s achievement professionally. You can easily include the winner’s name, photo, and a brief accomplishment description, along with graphics, icons, and animations celebrating their success.

These PPT templates are designed to match the theme of your event, ensuring that your winner announcement is consistent with your brand and communication style. And with a variety of slide layouts to choose from, you can create a presentation that is both visually attractive and informative.

Using Winner PPT templates is a great method for celebrating individual achievements and milestones, such as employee of the month awards or academic honors. Whether you’re an event planner, marketer, or educator, these presentation templates will help you create a winner announcement that is professional and memorable. So why wait? Download these products today and create a winner announcement that stands out.

What is a Winner Template PPT?

A Winner Template PPT is a PowerPoint template designed to announce the winner of a contest, competition, or award ceremony. Our Winner PowerPoint Templates include editable placeholders and also feature congratulatory graphics, icons, or animations.

How do you write a Winner Announcement?

To write a winner announcement, start by introducing the context of the contest or competition, including its purpose and rules. Then, announce the winner by name and briefly describe their achievement. Be sure to highlight what sets the winner apart from other contestants and why they deserve to win.

Lastly, offer congratulations and express gratitude to all participants and judges.

What is the objective of a Winner Slide Template?

The objective of a Winner Slide Template is to effectively communicate the winner’s achievement and make the announcement memorable and visually admirable. It helps build excitement and anticipation during the award ceremony and serves as a souvenir.

The template should match the event’s theme and showcase the winner’s accomplishments clearly and compellingly.

What should be included in a Winner’s Prize Package?

The contents of a winner’s prize package will depend on the specific contest or competition. It’s important to communicate the prize package to participants before they enter the competition to avoid any confusion or disputes later on.

Some common elements of a prize package include cash or gift cards, products or services related to the contest, certificates or plaques, and media exposure.

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This slide showcases multiple types of contests which brands can deploy during actual sport events. It provides information about photo contest, TikTok video contest, instant win contest, guess the score contest, etc. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Hosting Online Sports Giveaways And Contests Sporting Brand Comprehensive Advertising Guide MKT SS V. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Engagement, Viewership, Sponsoring using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Hosting Online Sports Giveaways And Contests Improving Sporting Brand Recall Through Sports MKT SS V

This slide showcases multiple types of contests which brands can deploy during actual sport events. It provides information about photo contest, TikTok video contest, instant win contest, guess the score contest, etc. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Hosting Online Sports Giveaways And Contests Improving Sporting Brand Recall Through Sports MKT SS V. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Contests, Details, Frequency. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Hosting Online Sports Giveaways And Contests Increasing Brand Outreach Marketing Campaigns MKT SS V

This slide showcases multiple types of contests which brands can deploy during actual sport events. It provides information about photo contest, TikTok video contest, instant win contest, guess the score contest, etc. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Hosting Online Sports Giveaways And Contests Increasing Brand Outreach Marketing Campaigns MKT SS V. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Information, Giveaways, Experience. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Contests And Giveaways For Social Media Campaigning Complete Guide To Launch Strategy SS V

This slide provides glimpse about running contest and giveaways campaign on social media platforms for promoting new spring collection launch. It includes overview, implementation guidelines, impact, etc. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Contests And Giveaways For Social Media Campaigning Complete Guide To Launch Strategy SS V. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Implementation, Guidelines. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Office Costume Contest Rules In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting our Office Costume Contest Rules In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb PowerPoint template design. This PowerPoint slide showcases three stages. It is useful to share insightful information on Office Costume Contest Rules. This PPT slide can be easily accessed in standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also available in various formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. Not only this, the PowerPoint slideshow is completely editable and you can effortlessly modify the font size, font type, and shapes according to your wish. Our PPT layout is compatible with Google Slides as well, so download and edit it as per your knowledge.

Pay Student Loans Contest In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting Pay Student Loans Contest In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb. slide which is completely adaptable. The graphics in this PowerPoint slide showcase three stages that will help you succinctly convey the information. In addition, you can alternate the color, font size, font type, and shapes of this PPT layout according to your content. This PPT presentation can be accessed with Google Slides and is available in both standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also a useful set to elucidate topics like Pay Student Loans Contest. This well structured design can be downloaded in different formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG. So, without any delay, click on the download button now.

Contests And Giveaways For Developing Actionable Marketing Campaign Plan Strategy SS V

This slide provides glimpse about running contest and giveaways campaign on social media platforms for promoting new spring collection launch. It includes overview, implementation guidelines, impact, etc. Introducing Contests And Giveaways For Developing Actionable Marketing Campaign Plan Strategy SS V to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with two stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Contest, Accounts, Marketing, using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Contesting Property Tax In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting Contesting Property Tax In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb slide which is completely adaptable. The graphics in this PowerPoint slide showcase four stages that will help you succinctly convey the information. In addition, you can alternate the color, font size, font type, and shapes of this PPT layout according to your content. This PPT presentation can be accessed with Google Slides and is available in both standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also a useful set to elucidate topics like Contesting Property Tax. This well structured design can be downloaded in different formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG. So, without any delay, click on the download button now.

Gladiators Contestants In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting Gladiators Contestants In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb slide which is completely adaptable. The graphics in this PowerPoint slide showcase three stages that will help you succinctly convey the information. In addition, you can alternate the color, font size, font type, and shapes of this PPT layout according to your content. This PPT presentation can be accessed with Google Slides and is available in both standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also a useful set to elucidate topics like Gladiators Contestants. This well structured design can be downloaded in different formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG. So, without any delay, click on the download button now.

Copywriting Contest In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting Copywriting Contest In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb slide which is completely adaptable. The graphics in this PowerPoint slide showcase seven stages that will help you succinctly convey the information. In addition, you can alternate the color, font size, font type, and shapes of this PPT layout according to your content. This PPT presentation can be accessed with Google Slides and is available in both standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also a useful set to elucidate topics like Copywriting Contest. This well structured design can be downloaded in different formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG. So, without any delay, click on the download button now.

Contest Tax Assessment In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting our Contest Tax Assessment In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb PowerPoint template design. This PowerPoint slide showcases four stages. It is useful to share insightful information on Contest Tax Assessment This PPT slide can be easily accessed in standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also available in various formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. Not only this, the PowerPoint slideshow is completely editable and you can effortlessly modify the font size, font type, and shapes according to your wish. Our PPT layout is compatible with Google Slides as well, so download and edit it as per your knowledge.

Contests And Giveaways For Social Media Elevating Sales Revenue With New Promotional Strategy SS V

This slide provides glimpse about running contest and giveaways campaign on social media platforms for promoting new spring collection launch. It includes overview, implementation guidelines, impact, etc. Introducing Contests And Giveaways For Social Media Elevating Sales Revenue With New Promotional Strategy SS V to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with two stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Overview, Implementation Guidelines, using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Crypto Contest In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting Crypto Contest In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb slide which is completely adaptable. The graphics in this PowerPoint slide showcase three stages that will help you succinctly convey the information. In addition, you can alternate the color, font size, font type, and shapes of this PPT layout according to your content. This PPT presentation can be accessed with Google Slides and is available in both standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also a useful set to elucidate topics like Crypto Contest. This well-structured design can be downloaded in different formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG. So, without any delay, click on the download button now.

Star Search Contestants In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting Star Search Contestants In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb slide which is completely adaptable. The graphics in this PowerPoint slide showcase four stages that will help you succinctly convey the information. In addition, you can alternate the color, font size, font type, and shapes of this PPT layout according to your content. This PPT presentation can be accessed with Google Slides and is available in both standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also a useful set to elucidate topics like Star Search Contestants. This well structured design can be downloaded in different formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG. So, without any delay, click on the download button now.

Contests And Giveaways For Social Media Building Comprehensive Apparel Business Strategy SS V

This slide provides glimpse about running contest and giveaways campaign on social media platforms for promoting new spring collection launch. It includes overview, implementation guidelines, impact, etc. Increase audience engagement and knowledge by dispensing information using Contests And Giveaways For Social Media Building Comprehensive Apparel Business Strategy SS V. This template helps you present information on two stages. You can also present information on Overview, Implementation Guidelines using this PPT design. This layout is completely editable so personaize it now to meet your audiences expectations.

Contests And Giveaways For Social Media Effective Guide To Boost Brand Exposure Strategy SS V

This slide provides glimpse about running contest and giveaways campaign on social media platforms for promoting new spring collection launch. It includes overview, implementation guidelines, impact, etc. Introducing Contests And Giveaways For Social Media Effective Guide To Boost Brand Exposure Strategy SS V to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with two stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Overview, Implementation Guidelines, using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Contests And Giveaways For Social Efficient Marketing Campaign Plan Strategy SS V

This slide provides glimpse about running contest and giveaways campaign on social media platforms for promoting new spring collection launch. It includes overview, implementation guidelines, impact, etc. Introducing Contests And Giveaways For Social Efficient Marketing Campaign Plan Strategy SS V to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with three stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Account, Campaign, Discount, using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Run Contests And Giveaways For Customer Guide On Implementing Sports Marketing Strategy SS V

This slide represents the details related to one of the strategies for effectively promoting sports events through social media platforms. It includes details related to overview, importance and impact of running contests and giveaways for customer engagement. Increase audience engagement and knowledge by dispensing information using Run Contests And Giveaways For Customer Guide On Implementing Sports Marketing Strategy SS V. This template helps you present information on three stages. You can also present information on Overview, Strategies, Impact using this PPT design. This layout is completely editable so personaize it now to meet your audiences expectations.

Run Contests And Giveaways For Tactics To Effectively Promote Sports Events Strategy SS V

This slide represents the details related to one of the strategies for effectively promoting sports events through social media platforms. It includes details related to overview, importance and impact of running contests and giveaways for customer engagement. Increase audience engagement and knowledge by dispensing information using Run Contests And Giveaways For Tactics To Effectively Promote Sports Events Strategy SS V. This template helps you present information on three stages. You can also present information on Provide Recognition, Social Media, Competitive Edge using this PPT design. This layout is completely editable so personaize it now to meet your audiences expectations.

Contest Name Generator In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting Contest Name Generator In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb slide which is completely adaptable. The graphics in this PowerPoint slide showcase five stages that will help you succinctly convey the information. In addition, you can alternate the color, font size, font type, and shapes of this PPT layout according to your content. This PPT presentation can be accessed with Google Slides and is available in both standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also a useful set to elucidate topics like Contest Name Generator. This well structured design can be downloaded in different formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG. So, without any delay, click on the download button now.

Hosting Online Sports Giveaways And Contests Comprehensive Guide To Sports

This slide showcases multiple types of contests which brands can deploy during actual sport events. It provides information about photo contest, TikTok video contest, instant win contest, guess the score contest, etc. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Hosting Online Sports Giveaways And Contests Comprehensive Guide To Sports. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Contests, Frequency, Target, Instant Win Contest using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Business Contest In Powerpoint And Google Slides cpb

Presenting Business Contest In Powerpoint And Google Slides cpb slide which is completely adaptable. The graphics in this PowerPoint slide showcase five stages that will help you succinctly convey the information. In addition, you can alternate the color, font size, font type, and shapes of this PPT layout according to your content. This PPT presentation can be accessed with Google Slides and is available in both standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also a useful set to elucidate topics like Business Contest. This well-structured design can be downloaded in different formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG. So, without any delay, click on the download button now.

Contest Marketing Statistics In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting Contest Marketing Statistics In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb slide which is completely adaptable. The graphics in this PowerPoint slide showcase four stages that will help you succinctly convey the information. In addition, you can alternate the color, font size, font type, and shapes of this PPT layout according to your content. This PPT presentation can be accessed with Google Slides and is available in both standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also a useful set to elucidate topics like Contest Marketing Statistics. This well structured design can be downloaded in different formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG. So, without any delay, click on the download button now.

Online Contest With Rewards Colored Icon In Powerpoint Pptx Png And Editable Eps Format

Give your next presentation a sophisticated, yet modern look with this 100 percent editable Online contest with rewards colored icon in powerpoint pptx png and editable eps format. Choose from a variety of customizable formats such as PPTx, png, eps. You can use these icons for your presentations, banners, templates, One-pagers that suit your business needs.

Online Contest With Rewards Monotone Icon In Powerpoint Pptx Png And Editable Eps Format

Make your presentation profoundly eye-catching leveraging our easily customizable Online contest with rewards monotone icon in powerpoint pptx png and editable eps format. It is designed to draw the attention of your audience. Available in all editable formats, including PPTx, png, and eps, you can tweak it to deliver your message with ease.

Social Media Contest Colored Icon In Powerpoint Pptx Png And Editable Eps Format

Give your next presentation a sophisticated, yet modern look with this 100 percent editable Social media contest colored icon in powerpoint pptx png and editable eps format. Choose from a variety of customizable formats such as PPTx, png, eps. You can use these icons for your presentations, banners, templates, One-pagers that suit your business needs.

Social Media Contest Monotone Icon In Powerpoint Pptx Png And Editable Eps Format

Make your presentation profoundly eye-catching leveraging our easily customizable Social media contest monotone icon in powerpoint pptx png and editable eps format. It is designed to draw the attention of your audience. Available in all editable formats, including PPTx, png, and eps, you can tweak it to deliver your message with ease.

Social Media Contest Reward Colored Icon In Powerpoint Pptx Png And Editable Eps Format

Give your next presentation a sophisticated, yet modern look with this 100 percent editable Social media contest reward colored icon in powerpoint pptx png and editable eps format. Choose from a variety of customizable formats such as PPTx, png, eps. You can use these icons for your presentations, banners, templates, One-pagers that suit your business needs.

Social Media Contest Reward Monotone Icon In Powerpoint Pptx Png And Editable Eps Format

Make your presentation profoundly eye-catching leveraging our easily customizable Social media contest reward monotone icon in powerpoint pptx png and editable eps format. It is designed to draw the attention of your audience. Available in all editable formats, including PPTx, png, and eps, you can tweak it to deliver your message with ease.

Social Media Global Contest Colored Icon In Powerpoint Pptx Png And Editable Eps Format

Give your next presentation a sophisticated, yet modern look with this 100 percent editable Social media global contest colored icon in powerpoint pptx png and editable eps format. Choose from a variety of customizable formats such as PPTx, png, eps. You can use these icons for your presentations, banners, templates, One-pagers that suit your business needs.

Social Media Global Contest Monotone Icon In Powerpoint Pptx Png And Editable Eps Format

Make your presentation profoundly eye-catching leveraging our easily customizable Social media global contest monotone icon in powerpoint pptx png and editable eps format. It is designed to draw the attention of your audience. Available in all editable formats, including PPTx, png, and eps, you can tweak it to deliver your message with ease.

Social Media Online Contest Colored Icon In Powerpoint Pptx Png And Editable Eps Format

Give your next presentation a sophisticated, yet modern look with this 100 percent editable Social media online contest colored icon in powerpoint pptx png and editable eps format. Choose from a variety of customizable formats such as PPTx, png, eps. You can use these icons for your presentations, banners, templates, One-pagers that suit your business needs.

Social Media Online Contest Monotone Icon In Powerpoint Pptx Png And Editable Eps Format

Make your presentation profoundly eye-catching leveraging our easily customizable Social media online contest monotone icon in powerpoint pptx png and editable eps format. It is designed to draw the attention of your audience. Available in all editable formats, including PPTx, png, and eps, you can tweak it to deliver your message with ease.

Contesting Market In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting our Contesting Market In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb PowerPoint template design. This PowerPoint slide showcases four stages. It is useful to share insightful information on Contesting Market This PPT slide can be easily accessed in standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also available in various formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. Not only this, the PowerPoint slideshow is completely editable and you can effortlessly modify the font size, font type, and shapes according to your wish. Our PPT layout is compatible with Google Slides as well, so download and edit it as per your knowledge.

B2b Social Media Marketing And Promotion Twitter Contests Plan For Generating B2b Leads

This slide showcases plan that can help organization to run contest on twitter platform and generate B2B leads. Its key components are campaign number, campaign type, responsible person, campaign duration, prize money and campaign promotion strategy Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this B2b Social Media Marketing And Promotion Twitter Contests Plan For Generating B2b Leads. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Responsible, Organization, Strategy using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Running Contests On Facebook For Restaurant Promotion Strategies To Increase Footfall And Online

This slide showcases different type of contests that can be run on Facebook for promoting restaurant. It can help restaurant to attract and retain restaurant customers by offering discounts through contests. Increase audience engagement and knowledge by dispensing information using Running Contests On Facebook For Restaurant Promotion Strategies To Increase Footfall And Online This template helps you present information on Two stages. You can also present information on Photo Sharing, Restaurant Memories using this PPT design. This layout is completely editable so personaize it now to meet your audiences expectations.

Business Name Contest In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting Business Name Contest In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb slide which is completely adaptable. The graphics in this PowerPoint slide showcase four stages that will help you succinctly convey the information. In addition, you can alternate the color, font size, font type, and shapes of this PPT layout according to your content. This PPT presentation can be accessed with Google Slides and is available in both standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also a useful set to elucidate topics like Business Name Contest. This well structured design can be downloaded in different formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG. So, without any delay, click on the download button now.

Competition Contest Colored Icon In Powerpoint Pptx Png And Editable Eps Format

This coloured powerpoint icon is perfect for presentations about tournaments. It features a vibrant, blue and yellow design with a trophy and laurel wreath to represent success and victory. It will add a professional and eye-catching look to any presentation.

Competition Contest Monotone Icon In Powerpoint Pptx Png And Editable Eps Format

Monotone PowerPoint Icon on Tournament is a vector graphic that can be used to represent a tournament or competition in a presentation. It is a simple yet effective design that is easy to customize and can be used to add a professional touch to any presentation.

Online And Offline Marketing Tactics Running Contests On Facebook For Restaurant Promotion

This slide showcases different type of contests that can be run on facebook for promoting restaurant. It can help restaurant to attract and retain restaurant customers by offering discounts through contests. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Online And Offline Marketing Tactics Running Contests On Facebook For Restaurant Promotion. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Restaurant Memories, Photo Sharing, Future Marketing Campaigns. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Win Money Contests In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting Win Money Contests In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb slide which is completely adaptable. The graphics in this PowerPoint slide showcase six stages that will help you succinctly convey the information. In addition, you can alternate the color, font size, font type, and shapes of this PPT layout according to your content. This PPT presentation can be accessed with Google Slides and is available in both standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also a useful set to elucidate topics like Win Money Contests. This well structured design can be downloaded in different formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG. So, without any delay, click on the download button now.

Fun Work Contest Team Building In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting our Fun Work Contest Team Building In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb PowerPoint template design. This PowerPoint slide showcases eight stages. It is useful to share insightful information on Fun Work Contest Team Building This PPT slide can be easily accessed in standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also available in various formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. Not only this, the PowerPoint slideshow is completely editable and you can effortlessly modify the font size, font type, and shapes according to your wish. Our PPT layout is compatible with Google Slides as well, so download and edit it as per your knowledge.

Group Contest Ideas In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting our Group Contest Ideas In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb PowerPoint template design. This PowerPoint slide showcases five stages. It is useful to share insightful information on Group Contest Ideas. This PPT slide can be easily accessed in standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also available in various formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. Not only this, the PowerPoint slideshow is completely editable and you can effortlessly modify the font size, font type, and shapes according to your wish. Our PPT layout is compatible with Google Slides as well, so download and edit it as per your knowledge.

Social Media Contest Apps In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting our Social Media Contest Apps In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb PowerPoint template design. This PowerPoint slide showcases four stages. It is useful to share insightful information on Social Media Contest Apps. This PPT slide can be easily accessed in standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also available in various formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. Not only this, the PowerPoint slideshow is completely editable and you can effortlessly modify the font size, font type, and shapes according to your wish. Our PPT layout is compatible with Google Slides as well, so download and edit it as per your knowledge.

Fun Work Contest In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting our Fun Work Contest In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb PowerPoint template design. This PowerPoint slide showcases six stages. It is useful to share insightful information on Fun Work Contest This PPT slide can be easily accessed in standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also available in various formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. Not only this, the PowerPoint slideshow is completely editable and you can effortlessly modify the font size, font type, and shapes according to your wish. Our PPT layout is compatible with Google Slides as well, so download and edit it as per your knowledge.

Contest Marketing In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting our Contest Marketing In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb PowerPoint template design. This PowerPoint slide showcases three stages. It is useful to share insightful information on Contest Marketing This PPT slide can be easily accessed in standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also available in various formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. Not only this, the PowerPoint slideshow is completely editable and you can effortlessly modify the font size, font type, and shapes according to your wish. Our PPT layout is compatible with Google Slides as well, so download and edit it as per your knowledge.

Hosting Online Sports Giveaways And Contests Sports Marketing Programs To Promote MKT SS V

This slide showcases multiple types of contests which brands can deploy during actual sport events. It provides information about photo contest, TikTok video contest, instant win contest, guess the score contest, etc.Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Hosting Online Sports Giveaways And Contests Sports Marketing Programs To Promote MKT SS V. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Experience Through,Encourage Entrants,Enhanced Sponsoring using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Running Contests On Facebook For Restaurant Promotion Restaurant Advertisement And Social

This slide showcases different type of contests that can be run on facebook for promoting restaurant. It can help restaurant to attract and retain restaurant customers by offering discounts through contests. Introducing Running Contests On Facebook For Restaurant Promotion Restaurant Advertisement And Social to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with three stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Photo Sharing, Tag A Friend, Restaurant Memories, using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Contests And Giveaways For Social Media Campaigning Implementing New Marketing Campaign Plan Strategy SS

This slide provides glimpse about running contest and giveaways campaign on social media platforms for promoting new spring collection launch. It includes overview, implementation guidelines, impact, etc. Increase audience engagement and knowledge by dispensing information using Contests And Giveaways For Social Media Campaigning Implementing New Marketing Campaign Plan Strategy SS This template helps you present information on two stages. You can also present information on Overview, Implementation Guidelines using this PPT design. This layout is completely editable so personaize it now to meet your audiences expectations.

Run Contests And Giveaways For Customer Comprehensive Guide On Sports Strategy SS

This slide represents the details related to one of the strategies for effectively promoting sports events through social media platforms. It includes details related to overview, importance and impact of running contests and giveaways for customer engagement. Increase audience engagement and knowledge by dispensing information using Run Contests And Giveaways For Customer Comprehensive Guide On Sports Strategy SS This template helps you present information on three stages. You can also present information on Increases Engagement, Social Media Platforms using this PPT design. This layout is completely editable so personaize it now to meet your audiences expectations.

Chess Tournament Contest Games Colored Icon In Powerpoint Pptx Png And Editable Eps Format

Give your next presentation a sophisticated, yet modern look with this 100 percent editable Chess tournament contest games colored icon in powerpoint pptx png and editable eps format. Choose from a variety of customizable formats such as PPTx, png, eps. You can use these icons for your presentations, banners, templates, One pagers that suit your business needs.

Chess Tournament Contest Games Monotone Icon In Powerpoint Pptx Png And Editable Eps Format

Make your presentation profoundly eye catching leveraging our easily customizable Chess tournament contest games monotone icon in powerpoint pptx png and editable eps format. It is designed to draw the attention of your audience. Available in all editable formats, including PPTx, png, and eps, you can tweak it to deliver your message with ease.

Contest Rules Regulations In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting Contest Rules Regulations In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb slide which is completely adaptable. The graphics in this PowerPoint slide showcase Three stages that will help you succinctly convey the information. In addition, you can alternate the color, font size, font type, and shapes of this PPT layout according to your content. This PPT presentation can be accessed with Google Slides and is available in both standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also a useful set to elucidate topics like Contest Rules Regulations. This well-structured design can be downloaded in different formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG. So, without any delay, click on the download button now.

Winner Alert Contest Colored Icon In Powerpoint Pptx Png And Editable Eps Format

This colourful PowerPoint icon is the perfect way to show success and celebrate achievements. It features a bright yellow background with a green and blue star in the centre, making it an eye catching addition to any presentation. Use it to highlight important points and reward success.

Winner Alert Contest Monotone Icon In Powerpoint Pptx Png And Editable Eps Format

This Monotone Winner Alert PowerPoint Icon is perfect for presentations, infographics, and reports. It features a black and white checkered flag with a golden trophy, representing success and victory. It is a great visual to use when presenting data or celebrating achievements.

Business Name Contests Examples In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting our Business Name Contests Examples In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb PowerPoint template design. This PowerPoint slide showcases four stages. It is useful to share insightful information on Best Marketing Campaigns. This PPT slide can be easily accessed in standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also available in various formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. Not only this, the PowerPoint slideshow is completely editable and you can effortlessly modify the font size, font type, and shapes according to your wish. Our PPT layout is compatible with Google Slides as well, so download and edit it as per your knowledge.

Contest Employees Working From Home In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting Contest Employees Working From Home In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb slide which is completely adaptable. The graphics in this PowerPoint slide showcase four stages that will help you succinctly convey the information. In addition, you can alternate the color, font size, font type, and shapes of this PPT layout according to your content. This PPT presentation can be accessed with Google Slides and is available in both standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also a useful set to elucidate topics like Contest Employees Working, From Home This well-structured design can be downloaded in different formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG. So, without any delay, click on the download button now.

Hosting Online Sports Giveaways And Contests Sports Marketing Management Guide MKT SS

This slide showcases multiple types of contests which brands can deploy during actual sport events. It provides information about photo contest, TikTok video contest, instant win contest, guess the score contest, etc.Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Hosting Online Sports Giveaways And Contests Sports Marketing Management Guide MKT SS. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Instant Win Contest, Guess Score Contest, Increased Subscriptions. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Online Contest Colored Icon In Powerpoint Pptx Png And Editable Eps Format

This coloured PowerPoint icon shows a group of people competing online. Its perfect for presentations related to online competition, digital gaming, and virtual tournaments. Its a great visual aid to help illustrate the concept of competition in the digital age.

Online Contest Monotone Icon In Powerpoint Pptx Png And Editable Eps Format

This monotone PowerPoint icon depicts a man and woman in a competitive race. It is perfect for presentations about online competition, such as digital marketing strategies or e commerce. It can also be used to illustrate the need for staying ahead of the competition in the digital age.

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2024 4-h communications contest - canceled.

The Scotts Bluff County Communications (Speech & Presentation) Contest is being held May 13, 2024 at 5:30p.m. If participating, contact the office so we can make preparations 308-632-1480.

For assistance in constructing your presentation check out the resources at .

Prepared Speech

The Prepared Speech contest provides youth the opportunity to write and prepare a speech on a topic related to their 4-H experience. The judge will view the speech and evaluate based on the subject, organization, and delivery of the speech.

Clover Kid (ages 5-7): under 3 minutes

Junior Division (ages 8-10): 2-3 minutes

Intermediate Division (ages 11-13): 3-5 minutes

Senior Division (ages 14-18): 5-8 minutes For Senior Division only, judges will deduct three points from the score for every 30 seconds under or over the time limit.

  • Only individuals may compete in this class; no team entries are allowed.
  • All speeches must be original and include 4-H as the major component of the speech.
  • 4-H public speakers may not use the old speech written by a sibling, another 4-H member, or anyone else.
  • Acknowledge the source of information used in the speech. For example, an article from a magazine may be used for reference but should not be quoted directly unless you tell the audience your source.
  • The use of visual aids and props is not allowed.
  • Dress appropriately. Do not wear costumes or special effects clothing.

Illustrated Presentation

An Illustrated Presentation is a live presentation with a formal talk where youth will use visual aids (such as props, posters, computer-based visuals, handouts, video, etc.) to show and tell others how to do something. The judge views the entire presentation and engages in a question-and-answer session following the presentation.

Individual - Junior Division: 3-5 minutes

Individual - Intermediate and Senior Divisions: 6-8 minutes

Team - Junior Division: 5-7 minutes

Team - Intermediate and Senior Divisions: 8-10 minutes

Participants will be penalized if their presentation exceeds the time limit

  • An Illustrated Presentation may be given by one (1) individual or a team of two (2) individuals. If team members are not in the same age division, they must compete in the age division of the oldest team member.
  • All presentation topics should be related to what the 4-H youth is learning through 4-H educational experiences.
  • Presentations should include an introduction (the "why" portion of the topic), a body (the "show and tell" portion of the topic), and a conclusion/summary (the "what" portion of the topic).
  • Equipment provided includes two (2) tables, one (1) easel, PC compatible computer (including Microsoft PowerPoint) with a WiFi internet connection, and a projector or television screen.
  • Presenters using computer-based visuals may bring files on a USB drive that is PC formatted. Participants may also provide their own computer or other equipment as needed; however, participants must be able to connect their computers to an HDMI cord.

Impromptu Speech

The Impromptu Speech competition gives youth the opportunity to write and present a speech around a 4-H-related topic that they select during the competition, where they are given 15 minutes to develop and prepare for their presentation. Judges evaluate the subject, organization, and delivery of the speech.

Junior Division (ages 8-10): 1 1/2 minutes

Intermediate Division (ages 11-13): 3 minutes

Senior Division (ages 14-18): 5 minutes

  • On the day of the contest, participants will have a topic randomly selected for them. Youth will have no more than 15 minutes to develop a speech on the selected topic. Participants will then deliver the speech to judges and audience members.
  • Example topic: My Day in 4-H

Video Communication

The video communication contest allows youth to create a multi-media video around a theme related to 4-H. Judges will be evaluating on both the organization of information as well as the audio and video production.

  • Length: 60-90 seconds
  • Youth may use a phone, laptop, or tablet to create a multi-media piece around the theme: 4-H is a Feeling
  • Sound effects, public-domain music, and graphics can be used. Copyrighted materials may not be used.
  • Videos will be submitted electronically as MP4 files along with the registration form.

Radio Public Service Announcement (PSA)

The PSA contest challenges youth to write and record a 60-second promotional audio recording focused on a yearly theme that could be played on the radio to promote the work of Nebraska 4-H. Youth are judged on their overall organization and delivery of the PSA.

Length: 60 seconds

  • Youth will prepare a PSA around the theme:  4-H is a Feeling
  • All radio PSA's must promote 4-H and be general enough to be used anywhere in Nebraska at any time of the year.
  • All 4-H PSA's must include the following tagline within the last 10 seconds of the PSA: "Learn more about the Nebraska Extension 4-H Youth Development Program at" The tagline is included in the 60-second time limit.
  • Sound effects and public-domain music may be used. Copyrighted material may not be used.
  • All PSA's must be the original work of the presenter. Contestants may not use PSA's written and provided by the state or national staff.
  • PSA entries will be submitted electronically in a .wav or .mp3 audio format along with the registration form.
  • Entertainment
  • KSAT Insider
  • Newsletters

Rory McIlroy rallies to win record 4th Wells Fargo Championship title

Associated Press

Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved

Rory McIlroy, of Northern Ireland, celebrates after a par on the third hole during the final round of the Wells Fargo Championship golf tournament at the Quail Hollow Club Sunday, May 12, 2024, in Charlotte, N.C. (AP Photo/Chris Carlson)

CHARLOTTE, N.C. – Rory McIlroy has a full head of steam heading into the PGA Championship.

McIlroy won the Wells Fargo Championship for a record fourth time Sunday with another dominating performance at Quail Hollow, easily overcoming a two-stroke deficit to beat Xander Schauffele by five shots.

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No other player has won the event more than twice.

McIlroy closed with a 6-under 65, playing the final 11 holes in 6 under even with a double bogey on the 18th hole. He finished at 17-under 267 after four straight rounds in the 60s and won his second straight PGA Tour event after teaming with Shane Lowry to take the Zurich Classic two weeks ago in New Orleans.

That should give McIlroy plenty of momentum heading to Kentucky for the PGA Championship at Valhalla Golf Club, the site of his last major win 10 years ago.

“I really got some confidence,” McIlroy said. “My golf swing feels a lot more comfortable than it has. So going to a venue next week where I’ve won, it feels like the stars are a lining a little bit. But I’ve got a lot of golf to play and a lot of great players to try to beat next week. Going into the next major of the year feeling really good about myself.”

Schauffele shot 71.

McIlroy trailed by two after Schauffele made an eagle on the par-5 seventh, but the world's second-ranked player quickly shifted into another gear.

The star from Northern Ireland pulled even after birdies on Nos. 8 and 9 and then made a 33-foot eagle putt on the 10th for his first lead of the tournament after Schauffele settled for birdie.

Schauffele's bogey at 12 gave McIlroy more breathing room.

McIlroy then essentially sealed the win on 13 when he made birdie and Schauffele missed another putt for bogey, resulting in a four-shot advantage.

But McIlroy wasn't done.

He made another birdie on 14 and then punctuated the victory by chipping in from the sand for another eagle on No. 15 to move to 19 under, completing a remarkable stretch of playing eight holes ion 8-under par.

“He’s Rory McIlroy, you know?” Schauffele said. “He hits it 350 yards in the air downwind and he has shorter clubs into firm greens than anyone else. When he’s on, he’s on. Hats off to him for winning. He played unbelievably well.”

At that point the only question was if McIlroy could match his own course record of 61 and tournament record of 21 under.

But he managed a smile when he blew his second shot on No. 18 over the green and into the water and had to take a drop. He tapped in for a double bogey victory as the crowd chanted his name.

“I birdied mine and then I just went on a run that for whatever reason I’m able to go on at this golf course,” McIlroy said. “Quail Hollow, Charlotte in general has been really good to me over my career and this is just another great day to sort of add to all the rest of them.”

McIlroy's finish was reminiscent of 2010 when he carded six straight 3s en route to a final round 62 to beat Phil Mickelson for his first career PGA Tour win. He also won the event in 2015 and 2021.

McIlroy has long called Quail Hollow one of his favorite courses because it allows for him to take advantage of his length off the tee. But it was his putting that won him the 26th career PGA Tour title Sunday.

He needed just 25 putts, making five longer than 10 feet.

For Schauffele, it was a disappointing ending to a strong week.

He finished second for the second straight year and saw his winless drought stretch to 39 tournaments, a streak dating to 2022. He led by four shots after 36 holes.

Byeong Hun An was third at 9 under, and Jason Day and Sungjae Im tied for fourth a 6 under.

McIlroy thanked his mother Rosie, who was in Florida, after the Mother's Day victory.

“My mom’s amazing,” McIlroy said. “I think most people know my dad, but my mom is like the sort of rock or the gel that holds our family together, she always has been. I said this last night, I’m probably a lot more like my dad than I am my mom, but I wish I was a little more like my mom at times.”

Max Homa turned in the shot of the day.

Homa holed from the rough from 213 yards for an eagle on No. 1, with his ball landing on the front of the green and rolling all the way to the back before hitting the flagstick hard and dropping in. But the two-time Wells Fargo champion couldn't build on the momentum after that shooting 72 and finishing in ninth place.

AP golf:

Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.

listing presentation contest

School of Business

A. Gary Anderson Graduate School of Management

listing presentation contest

UCR Business Teams Earn Multiple Competitive Victories

UCR Business teams were victorious at the International Collegiate Business Strategy Competition (ICBSC) in April. The three-day contest included three UCR teams—the 15th year the university has competed—with multiple wins.

Four ICSBC 2024 awards and the UC Riverside banner

“The ICBSC is a demanding competition and remains the best way to have a real-world business experience,” says MBA student Snigdha Ojha ’24, a two-time ICBSC participant. “Everything we study in class has immediate practical implications on the competition.

“I like to call the ICBSC a business lab creating endless opportunities for learning from mentors and peers as well as networking with other universities and executives.”

At the ICBSC, one of the UCR MBA teams won first place for best business documents and second place for overall performance; a second MBA team won best presentation to the board of directors. The undergraduate team placed third overall for performance.

Students are selected at the university level to participate in ICBSC and begin the four-month competition process on a particular business case study in January. “Teams compete on a virtual business strategy simulation platform making weekly decisions on all areas of business management, including building factories in both domestic and foreign markets, extending production lines, investing in product innovation, managing sales and marketing teams, and financing growth through debt and equity,” says Professor of Practice Sean Jasso, the team’s advisor.

“In addition to managing the growth of the company, teams create a comprehensive business plan complete with a full portfolio of financial statements.”

After three months of virtual competition, more than 30 university teams from the U.S. and abroad converge on Anaheim, California, for the in-person intensive phase. Students present their strategic plans judged by volunteer corporate executives, and prizes are presented at a formal awards luncheon.  

UCR final pitch at UC Davis

Second Annual UCR Women in Business Case Competition

In February, 18 UCR graduate business students competed in the second annual UCR Business Case Competition, which is presented by the UCR Women In Business student organization. Teams of three graduate business students began the case study preparation workshop rogram in January led by Jasso and Erick Jensen, case expert, consultant, and adjunct professor at Alliant International University.

Students learned market sizing, market entry, and profitability within the larger framework of preparing case analyses for a client. Teams were provided an artificial intelligence-centric Harvard case study with less than 48 hours to prepare their final presentations to judges Jazmin Hernandez ’23 MBA, Jasso, and Jensen.

The first prize was awarded to MBA students Sriram Vempati ’25 and Rahul Muthavarapu ’25.

“The Women In Business Case Competition was a transformative part of my MBA experience,” says participant Sonal Agrawal ’24 MBA. “I enhanced my skills in strategic leadership and teamwork. It taught me the importance of integrating diverse approaches to develop innovative solutions.”  

UCR wins second place at UC Davis

UCR Seizes Second Place at UC Davis Case Competition

Student participants in the Women in Business competition were among those eligible to apply to compete in the UC Davis Case Competition, and Agrawal was one of six MBA team members representing the A. Gary Anderson Graduate School of Management at the two-day UC Davis Graduate School of Management Case Competition in April.

The UCR team earned second place ahead of UC Berkeley. UCR team members also included Pious Khemka ’24 MSBA, and Aarev Rawalh ’24.

“The UC Davis Competition expanded my horizons as I learned to utilize analytical skills to develop branding, communication, and a risk-assessed business model effectively tackling industry trends and challenges,” says Agrawal. “It sharpened my ability to strategize and communicate a customer-centric, data-driven business strategy.”

On the first afternoon, teams received the case study and were briefed by the client, which, this year, was HM Claus, a global seed company. “The teams worked throughout the evening researching and preparing their industry analysis and strategic recommendations to the client executives serving as judges,” says Jasso, team mentor. The next morning, competitors pitched the judges and awards were presented at a luncheon.  

Competitive Advantage in a Career

The School of Business and A. Gary Anderson Graduate School of Management provides extensive opportunities for students to polish their business skills at these important competitions.

“The ICBSC experience provided me with a deep understanding of how to manage a real-world company and effectively navigate business crises,” says Manideep Bommakanti ’25 MBA. “I’m immensely proud of our team’s success and the valuable insights we gained, which have prepared us exceptionally well for our future careers.

2024 women in business case competition

Eurovision 2024 final running order, schedule and full song list for all 25 countries

The grand final of the Eurovision Song Contest 2024 takes place on Saturday night with all 25 acts taking to the stage

  • 17:45, 11 MAY 2024

Bambie Thug of Ireland performs the song Doomsday Blue during the dress rehearsal for the first semifinal at Eurovision

The grand final of the Eurovision Song Contest 2024 has finally arrived after a busy week of semi-finals and events for those lucky enough to be in Sweden in the build up to what is always one of the biggest nights of the year.

Loreen's win in 2023 with her track Tattoo meant that Malmo in Sweden would be the location for this year's competition - which also just so happens to mark 50 years since Abba won Eurovision with their hit track, Waterloo.

And so after months of planning, the Grand Final of Eurovision 2023 takes place tonight, Saturday, May 11, at Malmö Arena. The epic night will see all 25 acts taking to the stage to compete for the coveted Eurovision trophy - including the UK's entry Olly Alexander of Years and Years fame.

READ MORE: Eurovision Song Contest 2024: The best parties, quizzes and events taking place across Manchester this week

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Olly revealed the news during the grand final of BBC One's Strictly Come Dancing on December 16 2023 to a delighted studio audience and to the millions of viewers watching at home.

Meanwhile, this will be the seventh time Sweden hosts the Contest and this year it'll be hosted by a Hollywood star and an iconic Eurovision veteran Malin Åkerman and Petra Mede who will together lead the broadcast, live from Malmö Arena.

For those in the UK all the action, which can be seen on BBC One and on BBC iPlayer from 8pm on Saturday night They will be joined by the voice of Eurovision and TV legend Graham Norton as he returns to commentate the final for UK viewers. But you don't just have to watch the action unfold on TV as Scott Mills and Rylan Clark will once again be delivering their commentary live on BBC Radio 2 and BBC Sounds. It is set to end at midnight.

Multi-award-winning actor, Joanna Lumley, will be joining the BBC Eurovision family as the United Kingdom’s Eurovision spokesperson, where she will deliver the results of the UK’s National Jury live during the live final.

A long-term fan of Eurovision, Joanna Lumley is already getting into the mood for her iconic Spokesperson role. Joanna says: “Good Evening Malmö, it's Joanna here! I am delighted to be announcing the jury vote for the UK at this year's Eurovision. It's such a fabulous honour to give the iconic 'douze points'!"

Who are the acts and their songs for the Eurovision Song Contest 2023 Grand Final and what order will they perform in?

  • Sweden: Marcus & Martinus - Unforgettable
  • Ukraine: Alyona Alyona & Jerry Heil - Teresa & Maria
  • Germany: Isaak - Always On The Run
  • Luxembourg : Tali - Fighter
  • Israel: Eden Golan - Hurricane
  • Lithuania : Silvester Belt - Luktelk
  • Spain: Nebulossa - Zorra
  • Estonia: 5MIINUST x Puuluup - (nendest) narkootikumidest ei tea me (küll) midagi
  • Ireland : Bambie Thug - Doomsday Blue

Latvia: Dons - Hollow

Greece: Marina Satti - ZARI

United Kingdom: Olly Alexander - Dizzy

Norway: Gåte - Ulveham

Italy: Angelina Mango - La Noia'

Serbia: - Teya Dora - Romonda

Finland: Windows95man - No Rules!

Portugal: Iolanda Costa - Grito

Armenia: LADANIVA - Jako

Cyprus : Silia Kapsis - Liar

Switzerland: Nemo - The Code

Slovenia: Raiven - Veronika'

Croatia : Baby Lasagna - Rim Tom Tagi Dim

Georgia: Nutsa Buzaladze - Firefighter

France: Slimane - Mon Amour

Austria: Kaleen - We Will Rave

  • Eurovision Song Contest
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listing presentation contest


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    The Scotts Bluff County Communications (Speech & Presentation) Contest is being held May 13, 2024 at 5:30p.m. If participating, contact the office so we can make preparations 308-632-1480. For assistance in constructing your presentation check out the resources at https: ...

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    The contest in Malmo, Sweden, features songs that range from the sublime to the ridiculous, but it has also had political undertones, with the run-up to the final overshadowed by the war in Gaza.

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  28. UCR Business Teams Earn Multiple Competitive Victories

    The three-day contest included three UCR teams—the 15th year the university has competed—with multiple wins. ICBSC 2024 trophies "The ICBSC is a demanding competition and remains the best way to have a real-world business experience," says MBA student Snigdha Ojha '24, a two-time ICBSC participant.

  29. Eurovision 2024 final running order, schedule and full song list for

    The grand final of the Eurovision Song Contest 2024 has finally arrived after a busy week of semi-finals and events for those lucky enough to be in Sweden in the build up to what is always one of ...

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