
Solve error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment

In this tutorial you will know about one of the most occurred error in C and C++ programming, i.e.  lvalue required as left operand of assignment.

lvalue means left side value. Particularly it is left side value of an assignment operator.

rvalue means right side value. Particularly it is right side value or expression of an assignment operator.

In above example  a  is lvalue and b + 5  is rvalue.

In C language lvalue appears mainly at four cases as mentioned below:

  • Left of assignment operator.
  • Left of member access (dot) operator (for structure and unions).
  • Right of address-of operator (except for register and bit field lvalue).
  • As operand to pre/post increment or decrement for integer lvalues including Boolean and enums.

Now let see some cases where this error occur with code.

When you will try to run above code, you will get following error.

lvalue required as left operand of assignment

Solution: In if condition change assignment operator to comparison operator, as shown below.

Above code will show the error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment operator.

Here problem occurred due to wrong handling of short hand operator (*=) in findFact() function.

Solution : Just by changing the line ans*i=ans to ans*=i we can avoid that error. Here short hand operator expands like this,  ans=ans*i. Here left side some variable is there to store result. But in our program ans*i is at left hand side. It’s an expression which produces some result. While using assignment operator we can’t use an expression as lvalue.

The correct code is shown below.

Above code will show the same lvalue required error.

Reason and Solution: Ternary operator produces some result, it never assign values inside operation. It is same as a function which has return type. So there should be something to be assigned but unlike inside operator.

The correct code is given below.

Some Precautions To Avoid This Error

There are no particular precautions for this. Just look into your code where problem occurred, like some above cases and modify the code according to that.

Mostly 90% of this error occurs when we do mistake in comparison and assignment operations. When using pointers also we should careful about this error. And there are some rare reasons like short hand operators and ternary operators like above mentioned. We can easily rectify this error by finding the line number in compiler, where it shows error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment.

Programming Assignment Help on Assigncode.com, that provides homework ecxellence in every technical assignment.

Comment below if you have any queries related to above tutorial.

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lvalue required as left operand of assignment ne demek

hi sir , i am andalib can you plz send compiler of c++.

lvalue required as left operand of assignment ne demek

i want the solution by char data type for this error

lvalue required as left operand of assignment ne demek

#include #include #include using namespace std; #define pi 3.14 int main() { float a; float r=4.5,h=1.5; {

a=2*pi*r*h=1.5 + 2*pi*pow(r,2); } cout<<" area="<<a<<endl; return 0; } what's the problem over here

lvalue required as left operand of assignment ne demek

#include using namespace std; #define pi 3.14 int main() { float a,p; float r=4.5,h=1.5; p=2*pi*r*h; a=1.5 + 2*pi*pow(r,2);

cout<<" area="<<a<<endl; cout<<" perimeter="<<p<<endl; return 0; }

You can't assign two values at a single place. Instead solve them differetly

lvalue required as left operand of assignment ne demek

Hi. I am trying to get a double as a string as efficiently as possible. I get that error for the final line on this code. double x = 145.6; int size = sizeof(x); char str[size]; &str = &x; Is there a possible way of getting the string pointing at the same part of the RAM as the double?

lvalue required as left operand of assignment ne demek

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Resolving 'lvalue Required: Left Operand Assignment' Error in C++

Understanding and Resolving the 'lvalue Required: Left Operand Assignment' Error in C++

Abstract: In C++ programming, the 'lvalue Required: Left Operator Assignment' error occurs when assigning a value to an rvalue. In this article, we'll discuss the error in detail, provide examples, and discuss possible solutions.

Understanding and Resolving the "lvalue Required Left Operand Assignment" Error in C++

In C++ programming, one of the most common errors that beginners encounter is the "lvalue required as left operand of assignment" error. This error occurs when the programmer tries to assign a value to an rvalue, which is not allowed in C++. In this article, we will discuss the concept of lvalues and rvalues, the causes of this error, and how to resolve it.

Lvalues and Rvalues

In C++, expressions can be classified as lvalues or rvalues. An lvalue (short for "left-value") is an expression that refers to a memory location and can appear on the left side of an assignment. An rvalue (short for "right-value") is an expression that does not refer to a memory location and cannot appear on the left side of an assignment.

For example, consider the following code:

In this code, x is an lvalue because it refers to a memory location that stores the value 5. The expression x = 10 is also an lvalue because it assigns the value 10 to the memory location referred to by x . However, the expression 5 is an rvalue because it does not refer to a memory location.

Causes of the Error

The "lvalue required as left operand of assignment" error occurs when the programmer tries to assign a value to an rvalue. This is not allowed in C++ because rvalues do not have a memory location that can be modified. Here are some examples of code that would cause this error:

In each of these examples, the programmer is trying to assign a value to an rvalue, which is not allowed. The error message indicates that an lvalue is required as the left operand of the assignment operator ( = ).

Resolving the Error

To resolve the "lvalue required as left operand of assignment" error, the programmer must ensure that the left operand of the assignment operator is an lvalue. Here are some examples of how to fix the code that we saw earlier:

In each of these examples, we have ensured that the left operand of the assignment operator is an lvalue. This resolves the error and allows the program to compile and run correctly.

The "lvalue required as left operand of assignment" error is a common mistake that beginners make when learning C++. To avoid this error, it is important to understand the difference between lvalues and rvalues and to ensure that the left operand of the assignment operator is always an lvalue. By following these guidelines, you can write correct and efficient C++ code.

  • C++ Primer (5th Edition) by Stanley B. Lippman, Josée Lajoie, and Barbara E. Moo
  • C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design (5th Edition) by D.S. Malik
  • "lvalue required as left operand of assignment" on cppreference.com

Learn how to resolve 'lvalue Required: Left Operand Assignment' error in C++ by understanding the concept of lvalues and rvalues and applying the appropriate solutions.

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Tags: :  C++ Programming Error Debugging

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How To Fix “error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment”

Error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment

The message “error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment” can be shown quite frequently when you write your C/C++ programs. Check out the explanation below to understand why it happens.

Table of Contents

l-values And r-values

In C and C++, we can put expressions into many categories , including l-values and r-values

The history of these concepts can be traced back to Combined Programming Language. Their names are derived from the sides where they are typically located on an assignment statement.

Recent standards like C++17 actually define several categories like xvalue or prvalue. But the definitions of l-values and r-values are basically the same in all C and C++ standards.

In simple terms, l-values are memory addresses that C/C++ programs can access programmatically. Common examples include constants, variable names, class members, unions, bit-fields, and array elements.

In an assignment statement, the operand on the left-hand side should be a modifiable l-value because the operator will evaluate the right operand and assign its result to the left operand.

This example illustrates the common correct usage of l-values and r-values:

In the ‘x = 4’ statement, x is an l-value while the literal 4 is not. The increment operator also requires an l-value because it needs to read the operand value and modify it accordingly.

Similarly, dereferenced pointers like *p are also l-values. Notice that an l-value (like x) can be on the right side of the assignment statement as well.

Causes And Solutions For “error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment”

C/C++ compilers generates this error when you don’t provide a valid l-value to the left-hand side operand of an assignment statement. There are many cases you can make this mistake.

This code can’t be compiled successfully:

As we have mentioned, the number literal 4 isn’t an l-value, which is required for the left operand. You will need to write the assignment statement the other way around:

In the same manner, this program won’t compile either:

In C/C++, the ‘x + 1’ expression doesn’t evaluate to a l-value. You can fix it by switching the sides of the operands:

This is another scenario the compiler will complain about the left operand:

(-x) doesn’t evaluate to a l-value in C/C++, while ‘x’ does. You will need to change both operands to make the statement correct:

Many people also use an assignment operator when they need a comparison operator instead:

This leads to a compilation error:

The if statement above needs to check the output of a comparison statement:

if (strcmp (str1,str2) == 0)

C/C++ compilers will give you the message “ error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment ” when there is an assignment statement in which the left operand isn’t a modifiable l-value. This is usually the result of syntax misuse. Correct it, and the error should disappear.

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Robert J. Charles

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Lvalue Required as Left Operand of Assignment

Let us understand all about the error lvalue required as left operand of assignment in C programming language.

We will also showcase an implementation of lvalue and rvalue in C programming. This guide will help you in understanding how to remove lvalue required error in Turbo C, C++, Codeblocks, GCC and other compilers.

The lvalue required as left operand of assignment error occurs irrespective of the programming language because it is the basic syntax of writing an expression.

What is an Expression?

An expression is a valid and well-defined unit of code that resolves to a resultant value which is measurable. This expression can be a mathematical expression that can be evaluated to a value.

This expression can be a combination of constants, numerical values, variables, functions, operators and all these are evaluated to result into an operand.

Any expression is a combination of operators and operands. An operand could be a value, variable, constants, etc.

Must Read: C Programs For Numerical Methods

There are different types of C operators such as:

  • Relational operators
  • Assignment operators
  • Arithmetic operators
  • Bitwise operators
  • Increment/decrement operators
  • Special operators
  • Logical operators

Let us see an example of a mathematical expression here.

A mathematical expression, or any generic expression for that matter, contains two parts viz. lvalue and rvalue.

What is Lvalue?

The lvalue represents the left value in an expression which is the left-hand portion of an expression. So, it is essentially the evaluated result.

If you try to compare it with the above expression example, r is the lvalue which is assigned the result of the right-hand portion.

What is Rvalue?

As you might have guessed it by now, the rvalue represents the right value in an expression which is the right-hand portion of an expression.

This rvalue is the part of the expression that gets computed and assigned to the lvalue of the expression. In this case, it is 4x + 3y + z .

What is lvalue required as left operand of assignment error?

The Left operand of assignment has something to do with the left-hand side of the assignment operator which is the = operator.

Generally, any computation is performed on the right-hand side of the expression and the evaluated result is stored in left-hand side.

This error occurs when you try to reverse the way how an expression is evaluated.

If you try to perform something like above expression, then it could have two possible meaning:

  • The value of c should be stored in 3a + 2b which is not possible and does not make sense either.
  • The value of 3a + 2b should be stored in c which goes against the rule of assignment in an expression.

Normally, the assignment operator ( equal to operator in this case) assigns the result from right-hand side to left-hand side.

So the above mathematical expression in any programming language will definitely throw the lvalue required error in c programming .

Let us see an example below that generates this error in C programming language.

Note:  The following C programming code is compiled with GNU GCC compiler on CodeLite IDE in Windows 10 operating system. However, these codes are compatible with all other operating systems.

Example: Error lvalue required as left operand of assignment GCC Compiler

error lvalue required as left operand of assignment gcc compiler output

To solve the above error, all you need to do is to reverse the expression. Ensure c should be on LHS and 2*x + 3*y should be on RHS .

The evaluation or the calculation with operators, variables, operands, constants should always be on RHS and it is just the calculated result that should be equated on the right-hand side.

To solve the above lvalue error in C programming, please refer to the following code.

One common mistake that programmers often commit is that they tend to use comparison operator == instead of assignment operator = .

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Lvalue Error Examples and Solutions

Error 1: String Comparison

Here, we are trying to compare the strings. However, we have used the = operator which is an assignment and not a comparison operator. Hence, it shall give us the lvalue required error .

Error 2: Variable Comparison

Here you are trying to compare the variable a with a constant value of 5. However, the assignment operator is used instead of the comparison operator and as a result, it will display the  error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment .

Let’s discuss more on the error lvalue required as left operand of assignment in the comment section below if you have any compilation errors and any doubts about the same. For more information check Wikipedia .

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3 thoughts on “ Lvalue Required as Left Operand of Assignment ”

' src=

Thank you so much. I could finally resolve lvalue error in Turbo C software.

' src=

I am using Turbo C software for my C programming and I used to get the Lvalue required error in Turbo C very usually. Thanks for this one.

' src=

Lvalue Error Examples and Solutions :

2) if(r=5) { }.its working correctly . But if u write as: if(5=r) { }.then it will shown lvalue required error. and if u write like if(5==r) { }.then it will shown output.

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  lvalue required as left operand of assignment error

lvalue required as left operand of assignment ne demek

Troubleshooting 'error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment': Tips to Fix Assignment Errors in Your Code

David Henegar

Are you struggling with the "error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment" error in your code? Don't worry; this error is common among developers and can be fixed with a few simple tips. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to troubleshoot and fix this error.

Understanding the Error

The "error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment" error occurs when you try to assign a value to a non-modifiable lvalue. An lvalue refers to an expression that can appear on the left-hand side of an assignment operator, whereas an rvalue can only appear on the right-hand side.

Tips to Fix Assignment Errors

Here are some tips to help you fix the "error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment" error:

1. Check for Typographical Errors

The error may occur due to typographical errors in your code. Make sure that you have spelled the variable name correctly and used the correct syntax for the assignment operator.

2. Check the Scope of Your Variables

The error may occur if you try to assign a value to a variable that is out of scope. Make sure that the variable is declared and initialized before you try to assign a value to it.

3. Check the Type of Your Variables

The error may occur if you try to assign a value of a different data type to a variable. Make sure that the data type of the value matches the data type of the variable.

4. Check the Memory Allocation of Your Variables

The error may occur if you try to assign a value to a variable that has not been allocated memory. Make sure that you have allocated memory for the variable before you try to assign a value to it.

5. Use Pointers

If the variable causing the error is a pointer, you may need to use a dereference operator to assign a value to it. Make sure that you use the correct syntax for the dereference operator.

Q1. What does "lvalue required as left operand of assignment" mean?

This error occurs when you try to assign a value to a non-modifiable lvalue.

Q2. How do I fix the "lvalue required as left operand of assignment" error?

You can fix this error by checking for typographical errors, checking the scope of your variables, checking the type of your variables, checking the memory allocation of your variables, and using pointers.

Q3. Why does the "lvalue required as left operand of assignment" error occur?

This error occurs when you try to assign a value to a non-modifiable lvalue, or if you try to assign a value of a different data type to a variable.

Q4. Can I use the dereference operator to fix the "lvalue required as left operand of assignment" error?

Yes, if the variable causing the error is a pointer, you may need to use a dereference operator to assign a value to it.

Q5. How can I prevent the "lvalue required as left operand of assignment" error?

You can prevent this error by declaring and initializing your variables before you try to assign a value to them, making sure that the data type of the value matches the data type of the variable, and allocating memory for the variable before you try to assign a value to it.

Related Links

  • How to Fix 'error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment'
  • Understanding Lvalues and Rvalues in C and C++
  • Pointer Basics in C
  • C Programming Tutorial: Pointers and Memory Allocation

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error lvalue required as left operand of assignment

here's my code:

#define doorSwitch 2 #define relay 4

void setup() { pinMode (doorSwitch, INPUT); pinMode (relay, OUTPUT); digitalWrite (relay, LOW); Serial.begin (9600); }

void loop() {

if(doorSwitch = HIGH) { digitalWrite(relay, HIGH ); delay(5000); digitalWrite(relay, LOW); } delay(1000); }

I'm just trying to make a relay turn on when I press a button

  if(doorSwitch = HIGH) { you can't assign the value 1 (HIGH) to 2 (doorSwitch).

This is not a bootloader issue.

I'm guessing you are missing one of these =, and one of these digitalRead.

Please remember to use code tags when posting code

You have used doorSwitch as a symbolic constant. (Common C style would make it all upper-case letters: DOORSWITCH). Once the compiler's preprocessor pass is finished, your expression:

if(doorSwitch = HIGH)

actually looks like:

if(2 = HIGH)

to the compiler. Because you used the assignment operator (=) instead of the compare operator (==), the compiler wants a memory address (i.e., an lvalue) where to place the value for HIGH. Since "2" is not a variable, there's no memory address available for storing the value, hence the error.

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lvalue required as left operand of assignment ne demek


  1. lvalue required as left operand of assignment

    lvalue required as left operand of assignment ne demek

  2. C++

    lvalue required as left operand of assignment ne demek

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    lvalue required as left operand of assignment ne demek

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    lvalue required as left operand of assignment ne demek

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    lvalue required as left operand of assignment ne demek


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  1. lvalue required as left operand of assignment

    About the error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment. lvalue means an assignable value (variable), and in assignment the left value to the = has to be lvalue (pretty clear). Both function results and constants are not assignable ( rvalue s), so they are rvalue s. so the order doesn't matter and if you forget to use == you will get ...

  2. pointers

    Put simply, an lvalue is something that can appear on the left-hand side of an assignment, typically a variable or array element. So if you define int *p, then p is an lvalue. p+1, which is a valid expression, is not an lvalue. If you're trying to add 1 to p, the correct syntax is: p = p + 1; Share.

  3. Solve error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment

    lvalue means left side value.Particularly it is left side value of an assignment operator.

  4. Understanding and Resolving the 'lvalue Required: Left Operand

    To resolve the "lvalue required as left operand of assignment" error, the programmer must ensure that the left operand of the assignment operator is an lvalue. Here are some examples of how to fix the code that we saw earlier: int x = 5; x = 10; // Fix: x is an lvalue int y = 0; y = 5; // Fix: y is an lvalue

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  6. How To Fix "error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment"

    Output: example1.cpp: In function 'int main()': example1.cpp:6:4: error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment. 6 | 4 = x; | ^. As we have mentioned, the number literal 4 isn't an l-value, which is required for the left operand. You will need to write the assignment statement the other way around: #include <iostream> using ...

  7. Lvalue Required As Left Operand Of Assignment (Resolved)

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  8. Lvalue Required as Left Operand of Assignment

    If you try to perform something like above expression, then it could have two possible meaning: The value of c should be stored in 3a + 2b which is not possible and does not make sense either.; The value of 3a + 2b should be stored in c which goes against the rule of assignment in an expression.; Normally, the assignment operator (equal to operator in this case) assigns the result from right ...

  9. lvalue required as left operand of assig

    The solution is simple, just add the address-of & operator to the return type of the overload of your index operator []. So to say that the overload of your index [] operator should not return a copy of a value but a reference of the element located at the desired index. Ex:

  10. Error: "lvalue required as left operand of assignment"

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  11. lvalue required as left operand of assig

    If you want to assign a a value through the result, you can return a lvalue reference to a. The reference refers to the variable a itself; all operations on references are treated as if applied to the referent. 1. 2. 3. int*& A::returnA () { return this->a; } Another problem with your code is here: 1. 2.

  12. lvalue required as left operand of assignment

    Check all your 'if' statements for equality. You are incorrectly using the assignment operator '=' instead of the equality operator '=='.

  13. Error: Lvalue Required As Left Operand Of Assignment (Resolved)

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    lvalue required as left operand of assignment PLEASE HELP ME! Programming Questions. 5: 2258: May 5, 2021 lvalue required as left operand of assignment. Programming Questions. 5: 28220: May 5, 2021 lvalue required as left operand of assignment. Programming Questions. 8: 1724:

  16. [SOLVED] lvalue required as left operand of assignment

    lvalue required as left operand of assignment this is on the line. Code: SET_BIT(bar->act,bit3); I am 100% certain that this used to compile fine in the past (10 years ago :-o); Why is it saying that bar->act is not a valid lvalue while both bar->act and the bit are cast to (long long)?

  17. lvalue required as left operand of assignment

    lvalue required as left operand of assignment. jurijae November 28, 2017, 6:40pm 1. So i'm a student and i'm trying to make a servo motor with different delays and i tried to start it but a err appeared and i don't know how to solve it. sketch_nov28a.ino (544 Bytes) Delta_G November 28, 2017, 6:41pm 2. OP's code posted by someone who actually ...

  18. lvalue required as left operand of assignment

    As you declared the array StronKK like. char StronKK[25]; then the expression &StronKK has the type char ( * )[25].. So you have to write in the call of scanf. scanf( "%24s", StronKK ); On the other hand, the function parameter has the type char *StrongOfChars[25]. void Replacethings( char *StrongOfChars[25])

  19. error lvalue required as left operand of assignment

    Another "lvalue required as left operand of assignment" question. Programming Questions. 10: 2558: May 5, 2021 err: lvalue required as left operand of assignment. Syntax & Programs. 3: 51073: May 6, 2021 lvalue required as left operand of assignment. Programming Questions. 3: 669:

  20. lvalue required as left operand of assignment?

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  21. lvalue required as left operand of assignment in c

    lvalue required as left operand of assignment in c for an if statement in c language. 0. lvalue required as left operand of the assignment. Hot Network Questions Did the stereotypical horniness of bards come up some time after development or where they part of the original fantasy/intended design?