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The 20-minute presentation checklist.

If you’ve been given only 20 minutes, 10 minutes, or even 5 minutes to make your point, you don’t need to jam everything you ever learned into that precious time.  It won’t make you look smarter. Let’s take a look at what’s possible.  Below are three TED Talks that I find to be amazing examples of short presentations.

How many slides should be in a 20 minute presentation?

There is a lot of advice about slides and it usually starts with a rule about what you should or shouldn’t do. My experience tells me that people often rely too heavily on slides. Don’t think of your slides as your content.

20-minute Presentation Example

Take a look at this example from a compelling presentation by Jane McGonigal titled The Game That Can Give You 10 Extra Years Of Life .

Did Jane make her point? Just like in her presentation, you should think about your slides as your co-facilitator.

Capture 10 4 2021 Monday 8.09.03 PM 0

In 2018 ATD published my thoughts on this in a booklet called PowerPoint: Your Co-Facilitator . When you design your slides, ask yourself how many times you want your audience looking at the slides and not listening to you? Years ago, my company, Endurance Learning , worked with a manufacturing company and reduced their slide deck from hundreds to 13 for a day and a half training session. This training program continued to be successfully implemented for years with 13 slides. The number isn’t as important as what work the slides do for you.

How many slides should you have in a 10 minute presentation?

Shorter presentations come with new challenges. In a 10 minute presentation, you should be very careful. Conventional wisdom would say that you can have roughly 5 slides at 2 minutes each. Just like when you had to edit your essay down from 3 pages to 1, a shorter presentation will challenge you to only show the slides that matter. Even the slightest change of pace or adjustment to your talking points could have you leaving slides on the proverbial cutting room floor.

10-minute Presentation Example

Take a look at this compelling presentation by Marla Spivak: Why Bees Are Disappearing.

How many slides should you have in a 5 minute presentation?

Now we’re talking! You may have gotten the sense above that the rules aren’t as important as why you’re using the slides. When you get to a 5 minute presentation (and maybe even on the 20 and 10 minute presentations), you should ask yourself why you are using slides.

5-minute Presentation Example

How important are slides in this 5-minute presentation by William Kamkwamba titled How I Harnessed The Wind ?

There are, of course, examples where you can take a short presentation with rapid-fire slides. I talked about Pecha Kucha before and showed how you can make it incredibly fun and engaging. That said, Pecha Kucha is a very specific format that is often used at events where a group of people are presenting in this format. For your 5 minute presentation, think about what you want to achieve and ask yourself if slides will be a critical part of supporting that message.

Designing Slides for Short Presentations

How can you emulate great short presentations the next time you’re asked to make a short presentation – in a staff meeting or in a public symposium?  Try incorporating the following elements:

  • Give Your Presentation a Compelling Title : Who doesn’t want to know more just by reading the title?
  • Find a Hook : Within the first minute, there’s a reason for me to pay attention – whether it’s looking at photos of an empty grocery store or how I can increase my lifespan. There’s something in these presentations for me .
  • Remove Physical Barrier and Crutches : There’s no podium between the speaker and the audience. The speaker just feels more accessible.
  • Focus on Making Attractive Visual Aids : Though PowerPoint is used, there’s not a single template. There are no bullet points. The slides have vivid, dramatic images and few words. Even statistics and scientific evidence is easy to digest. If you want to learn more consider checking out the podcast with Connie Malamed about visual design . In it she says, “When the visual design is poor, when there’s a lot of extraneous information, when things aren’t aligned, when it’s sloppy, it detracts from the learning. It makes it harder for people to visually process the screen or the slide in terms of e-learning and in terms of job aids or manuals, books, it’s the same story.”
  • Encourage Active Listening : The Jane McGonigal presentation especially uses this strategy by giving the audience an assignment at the beginning (“I want you to think about how you’ll spend your extra minutes and hours of life”). She also intersperses questions throughout, inviting the audience to think for a moment before she proceeds. You should also check out the discussion with Melissa Marshall about creating engaging technical presentations . In it, she says that “… the concept of being a tour guide for the slide is even more important than it’s ever been, which is to very methodically walk people through what they should be noticing, what’s important about it.”
  • Provide Concrete, Real-life Examples : We could have been exposed to the numbers of people without power in Malawi or mind-numbing charts on the science behind gaming, but the presenters instead chose to share stories and make an emotional connection. Since we live in the real world (and not in theory or in books), presentations are more gripping when they’re about what we do and how the numbers or the theories actually impact us.
  • Share Your Passion : Each presenter shared their passion through their obvious preparation, their voice intonations and they allowed their personalities to show. They’re not just smart, but they care about both their topic and their audience.
  • Tie It All Together : The speakers didn’t simply end by saying “thank you.” Their thank-you to the audience came in the form of a brief summary, wrap-up and call to action.

The next time you have a chance to present, don’t just do what’s easy. Use some of these tips and deliver a meaningful presentation!

What inspiration have you gotten from TED talks? Have you used this formula to sharpen your 20-minute, 10-minute or 5-minute presentation?

Brian Washburn

Brian Washburn

Brian has over 25 years of experience in Learning & Development including the last 7 as CEO of Endurance Learning.

Brian is always available to chat about learning & development and to talk about whether Endurance Learning can be your training team’s “extra set of hands”.

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Instructor-Led Training Resources

These are some of our favorite resources to support everyone involved with instructor-led training.

Training Delivery and Facilitation Competency Rubric

A rubric is a way to assess performance with a standard set of evaluation criteria. The next time you need to assess the performance of someone delivering training (even if that someone is you), you may find this rubric helpful.

263 Training Activities to Boost Your Workshop

Get quick access to the training activities and workshop activities that help you generate ideas for your next training session.

The Role of Co-facilitators

Co-facilitators play an important role in a training workshop. The most obvious benefit is that when you co-facilitate, you get a break from leading the

18 Instructor-led Training Activities

Engaging, intentional, face-to-face and virtual instructor-led training activities can make the difference between a session that helps learners to apply new skills or knowledge and one that falls flat.

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using a whiteboard in a virtual classroom

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3 easy steps to a great 20 minute presentation.

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Don’t get me wrong. Although twenty minutes is a perfect amount of time for a presentation, it takes work to make it effective.  You need to draft a narrative, carefully edit and refine the content, and develop compelling visuals.  Let me take you through a 3-step process that will help you create your next pitch or presentation when you’re given a relatively short amount of time.

1.  Develop sound bites .  Before you even open PowerPoint (or Apple Keynote) craft the key messages that you want your audience to remember.   During our presentations at LeWeb, artists with a firm called Livesketching.com were creating one-page visual representations of the presentations.  Looking at the one they created from my talk as well as some of the others, I noticed that the sketch artists were listening for key phrases as well as lists.  Bill Gross, the CEO of technology incubator Idealab, delivered a presentation with 12 entrepreneurial lessons from the last twenty years.  The sketch artists highlighted each of the key lessons (all of the sketches can be seen here http://www.slideshare.net/LeWeb/leweb2011).  Lists are catchy and make the content easier to absorb. People like lists. Use them.

2.  Storyboard the content. Speaking of sketch artists, it helps to think like an artist when preparing a presentation.  Before you open PowerPoint, head to a white board or take out good old-fashioned pen and paper and start sketching.  Think about how you will visualize each of the key points and supporting messages. What pictures will you use?  Are there abstract images that will reinforce your content?  Remember that people process information more effectively when the content is delivered as words and pictures rather than words alone.

3.  Practice the presentation. Nobody expects you to read extensively from notes for a 20 or 25-minute presentation.  In fact they expect that you have the content down cold.  I’m glad I did.  When I went on stage I could see my slides in the monitor in front of me, but not my presenter notes.  As it turns out I didn’t need them because I had practiced the presentation many times out loud.  Most people save their practice time until the night before a presentation and it shows.

A 20-minute presentation is ideal for new product launches, investor pitches, employee updates, sales meetings, etc.  Take the opportunity to craft, design and deliver a presentation your audience will remember.

Carmine Gallo is the communications coach for the world’s most admired brands. He is a popular keynote speaker and author of several books including the international bestsellers, The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs and The Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs . His new book, The Power of Foursquare , reveals how businesses can use mobile social media to attract, reward, and engage customers in ways that were never possible. Follow him on Twitter: carminegallo

Carmine Gallo

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How to produce the best presentation in the shortest time possible: 10-step guide

How to produce the best presentation in the shortest time possible: 10-step guide

Carrie Swift

Have you ever been asked to give a presentation and had no idea where to start?  It’s easy to waste a lot of time and effort when creating a PowerPoint presentation.  Common mistakes include producing far too much content only to cut half of it out later, making your slides too text heavy rather than visual, and losing sight of your key message amongst the waffle!  

Follow our 10-step guide to building a killer presentation in the shortest time possible:

  • Start by getting crystal clear on your presentation purpose

What is the outcome you want from this talk?  What is the best possible reaction or feedback you could get from the audience?  Start with this and write it down on paper.

  • Find out who’s attending

Ask the event organiser for details of the audience.  What are their job titles?  How much do they know about the topic?  Most importantly, what do they want to get out of your talk?

  • Clarify your core message

Now that you’re clear on your presentation’s purpose and audience, what is the key message you want to leave your audience with?  Hint: you should be able to say this in 15 words or less, and it should be clear enough for your audience to be able to repeat at the end of your presentation.

  • Begin creating your content.

The basic outline of your presentation should look like this:

(i) Tell the audience what you’re going to tell them

(ii) Tell them it

(iii) Tell them what you told them

And the expanded version might look like this:

‍ Opening - Could open with a startling question / statement / story to grab attention…

‍ Introduction - Good morning, my name is X and today I’m going to tell you X….

‍ Body - ‍ Point 1 – Support material (Story? Facts?) Point 2 – Support material (Story? Facts?) Point 3 – Support material (Story? Facts?)

‍ Conclusion - To summarise, today I have told you about X….

‍ Call to action - If you’d like to know more, you can contact me at X…

‍ Close - Thank you for listening. I’ll hand you back over to X…

  • Calculate how many slides should be in your presentation

The recommended slide use is to speak for 2 minutes per slide, so if you’re giving a 20 minute presentation, aim for around 10 slides.  Open up PowerPoint and insert the right number of slides before you begin writing so you can see how big the canvas is.

  • Populate your PowerPoint slides, using a font size of no less than 30 pts

When you see how big this looks, it will help you to keep the text on your slides to an absolute minimum!  Use simple language and steer clear of jargon.  You can use the ‘notes’ section underneath the slide for more extensive notes to help you talk around the slide content.

  • Now swap some of the text for visual content to bring your presentation to life

This could be photos, videos, infographics, graphs… anything that presents the information in a visually stimulating way.  Believe it or not, our brains process imagery 60,000 times faster than text!

  • Incorporate stories, metaphors and anecdotes

Did you know we are 22 times more likely to remember a story than a fact?  This is because stories engage the emotional part of our brains.  If you want to make a point no one will forget, link it to a story or a metaphor.  For example, I once saw a conference speaker open their presentation like this:

“The early bird gets the worm or the second mouse gets the cheese.  Which one of these is true when it comes to business?”

  • Add in questions.. or at least rhetorical questions

Some audience interaction is a great way to wake people up, especially at the beginning of your presentation.  You could ask a poignant question that leads you onto your next slide, or ask for a raise of hands, for example “Does anyone here want to guess what % of people in the UK give money to charity?”  “Raise your hands if you’ve spent more than 20 minutes on Facebook today!”

  • Practise, practise, practise

Do a dry run with friends, or video record yourself giving the presentation to familiarise yourself with the content and practise the flow.  The earlier you do this in the process or building your slides, the more time you will save.  Always leave tidying up your slides until the last stage, as the content of your presentation will evolve as you practise it in real time.

The final word?  Make sure your PowerPoint slide show supports your talk, not the other way around.  Be careful not to just read your slides out.  Keep the audience focused on you rather than your PowerPoint by presenting with flair and enthusiasm.

Fancy a practice run-through with us?   You can get some expert feedback through private coaching.

This article was written by Carrie Swift, founder of Fearless.

Carrie Swift

Communication Skills Coach, Founder and CEO at Fearless

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Blog Beginner Guides How To Make a Good Presentation [A Complete Guide]

How To Make a Good Presentation [A Complete Guide]

Written by: Krystle Wong Jul 20, 2023

How to make a good presentation

A top-notch presentation possesses the power to drive action. From winning stakeholders over and conveying a powerful message to securing funding — your secret weapon lies within the realm of creating an effective presentation .  

Being an excellent presenter isn’t confined to the boardroom. Whether you’re delivering a presentation at work, pursuing an academic career, involved in a non-profit organization or even a student, nailing the presentation game is a game-changer.

In this article, I’ll cover the top qualities of compelling presentations and walk you through a step-by-step guide on how to give a good presentation. Here’s a little tip to kick things off: for a headstart, check out Venngage’s collection of free presentation templates . They are fully customizable, and the best part is you don’t need professional design skills to make them shine!

These valuable presentation tips cater to individuals from diverse professional backgrounds, encompassing business professionals, sales and marketing teams, educators, trainers, students, researchers, non-profit organizations, public speakers and presenters. 

No matter your field or role, these tips for presenting will equip you with the skills to deliver effective presentations that leave a lasting impression on any audience.

Click to jump ahead:

What are the 10 qualities of a good presentation?

Step-by-step guide on how to prepare an effective presentation, 9 effective techniques to deliver a memorable presentation, faqs on making a good presentation, how to create a presentation with venngage in 5 steps.

When it comes to giving an engaging presentation that leaves a lasting impression, it’s not just about the content — it’s also about how you deliver it. Wondering what makes a good presentation? Well, the best presentations I’ve seen consistently exhibit these 10 qualities:

1. Clear structure

No one likes to get lost in a maze of information. Organize your thoughts into a logical flow, complete with an introduction, main points and a solid conclusion. A structured presentation helps your audience follow along effortlessly, leaving them with a sense of satisfaction at the end.

Regardless of your presentation style , a quality presentation starts with a clear roadmap. Browse through Venngage’s template library and select a presentation template that aligns with your content and presentation goals. Here’s a good presentation example template with a logical layout that includes sections for the introduction, main points, supporting information and a conclusion: 

how to prepare for a 20 minute presentation

2. Engaging opening

Hook your audience right from the start with an attention-grabbing statement, a fascinating question or maybe even a captivating anecdote. Set the stage for a killer presentation!

The opening moments of your presentation hold immense power – check out these 15 ways to start a presentation to set the stage and captivate your audience.

3. Relevant content

Make sure your content aligns with their interests and needs. Your audience is there for a reason, and that’s to get valuable insights. Avoid fluff and get straight to the point, your audience will be genuinely excited.

4. Effective visual aids

Picture this: a slide with walls of text and tiny charts, yawn! Visual aids should be just that—aiding your presentation. Opt for clear and visually appealing slides, engaging images and informative charts that add value and help reinforce your message.

With Venngage, visualizing data takes no effort at all. You can import data from CSV or Google Sheets seamlessly and create stunning charts, graphs and icon stories effortlessly to showcase your data in a captivating and impactful way.

how to prepare for a 20 minute presentation

5. Clear and concise communication

Keep your language simple, and avoid jargon or complicated terms. Communicate your ideas clearly, so your audience can easily grasp and retain the information being conveyed. This can prevent confusion and enhance the overall effectiveness of the message. 

6. Engaging delivery

Spice up your presentation with a sprinkle of enthusiasm! Maintain eye contact, use expressive gestures and vary your tone of voice to keep your audience glued to the edge of their seats. A touch of charisma goes a long way!

7. Interaction and audience engagement

Turn your presentation into an interactive experience — encourage questions, foster discussions and maybe even throw in a fun activity. Engaged audiences are more likely to remember and embrace your message.

Transform your slides into an interactive presentation with Venngage’s dynamic features like pop-ups, clickable icons and animated elements. Engage your audience with interactive content that lets them explore and interact with your presentation for a truly immersive experience.

how to prepare for a 20 minute presentation

8. Effective storytelling

Who doesn’t love a good story? Weaving relevant anecdotes, case studies or even a personal story into your presentation can captivate your audience and create a lasting impact. Stories build connections and make your message memorable.

A great presentation background is also essential as it sets the tone, creates visual interest and reinforces your message. Enhance the overall aesthetics of your presentation with these 15 presentation background examples and captivate your audience’s attention.

9. Well-timed pacing

Pace your presentation thoughtfully with well-designed presentation slides, neither rushing through nor dragging it out. Respect your audience’s time and ensure you cover all the essential points without losing their interest.

10. Strong conclusion

Last impressions linger! Summarize your main points and leave your audience with a clear takeaway. End your presentation with a bang , a call to action or an inspiring thought that resonates long after the conclusion.

In-person presentations aside, acing a virtual presentation is of paramount importance in today’s digital world. Check out this guide to learn how you can adapt your in-person presentations into virtual presentations . 

Peloton Pitch Deck - Conclusion

Preparing an effective presentation starts with laying a strong foundation that goes beyond just creating slides and notes. One of the quickest and best ways to make a presentation would be with the help of a good presentation software . 

Otherwise, let me walk you to how to prepare for a presentation step by step and unlock the secrets of crafting a professional presentation that sets you apart.

1. Understand the audience and their needs

Before you dive into preparing your masterpiece, take a moment to get to know your target audience. Tailor your presentation to meet their needs and expectations , and you’ll have them hooked from the start!

2. Conduct thorough research on the topic

Time to hit the books (or the internet)! Don’t skimp on the research with your presentation materials — dive deep into the subject matter and gather valuable insights . The more you know, the more confident you’ll feel in delivering your presentation.

3. Organize the content with a clear structure

No one wants to stumble through a chaotic mess of information. Outline your presentation with a clear and logical flow. Start with a captivating introduction, follow up with main points that build on each other and wrap it up with a powerful conclusion that leaves a lasting impression.

Delivering an effective business presentation hinges on captivating your audience, and Venngage’s professionally designed business presentation templates are tailor-made for this purpose. With thoughtfully structured layouts, these templates enhance your message’s clarity and coherence, ensuring a memorable and engaging experience for your audience members.

Don’t want to build your presentation layout from scratch? pick from these 5 foolproof presentation layout ideas that won’t go wrong. 

how to prepare for a 20 minute presentation

4. Develop visually appealing and supportive visual aids

Spice up your presentation with eye-catching visuals! Create slides that complement your message, not overshadow it. Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words, but that doesn’t mean you need to overload your slides with text.

Well-chosen designs create a cohesive and professional look, capturing your audience’s attention and enhancing the overall effectiveness of your message. Here’s a list of carefully curated PowerPoint presentation templates and great background graphics that will significantly influence the visual appeal and engagement of your presentation.

5. Practice, practice and practice

Practice makes perfect — rehearse your presentation and arrive early to your presentation to help overcome stage fright. Familiarity with your material will boost your presentation skills and help you handle curveballs with ease.

6. Seek feedback and make necessary adjustments

Don’t be afraid to ask for help and seek feedback from friends and colleagues. Constructive criticism can help you identify blind spots and fine-tune your presentation to perfection.

With Venngage’s real-time collaboration feature , receiving feedback and editing your presentation is a seamless process. Group members can access and work on the presentation simultaneously and edit content side by side in real-time. Changes will be reflected immediately to the entire team, promoting seamless teamwork.

Venngage Real Time Collaboration

7. Prepare for potential technical or logistical issues

Prepare for the unexpected by checking your equipment, internet connection and any other potential hiccups. If you’re worried that you’ll miss out on any important points, you could always have note cards prepared. Remember to remain focused and rehearse potential answers to anticipated questions.

8. Fine-tune and polish your presentation

As the big day approaches, give your presentation one last shine. Review your talking points, practice how to present a presentation and make any final tweaks. Deep breaths — you’re on the brink of delivering a successful presentation!

In competitive environments, persuasive presentations set individuals and organizations apart. To brush up on your presentation skills, read these guides on how to make a persuasive presentation and tips to presenting effectively . 

how to prepare for a 20 minute presentation

Whether you’re an experienced presenter or a novice, the right techniques will let your presentation skills soar to new heights!

From public speaking hacks to interactive elements and storytelling prowess, these 9 effective presentation techniques will empower you to leave a lasting impression on your audience and make your presentations unforgettable.

1. Confidence and positive body language

Positive body language instantly captivates your audience, making them believe in your message as much as you do. Strengthen your stage presence and own that stage like it’s your second home! Stand tall, shoulders back and exude confidence. 

2. Eye contact with the audience

Break down that invisible barrier and connect with your audience through their eyes. Maintaining eye contact when giving a presentation builds trust and shows that you’re present and engaged with them.

3. Effective use of hand gestures and movement

A little movement goes a long way! Emphasize key points with purposeful gestures and don’t be afraid to walk around the stage. Your energy will be contagious!

4. Utilize storytelling techniques

Weave the magic of storytelling into your presentation. Share relatable anecdotes, inspiring success stories or even personal experiences that tug at the heartstrings of your audience. Adjust your pitch, pace and volume to match the emotions and intensity of the story. Varying your speaking voice adds depth and enhances your stage presence.

how to prepare for a 20 minute presentation

5. Incorporate multimedia elements

Spice up your presentation with a dash of visual pizzazz! Use slides, images and video clips to add depth and clarity to your message. Just remember, less is more—don’t overwhelm them with information overload. 

Turn your presentations into an interactive party! Involve your audience with questions, polls or group activities. When they actively participate, they become invested in your presentation’s success. Bring your design to life with animated elements. Venngage allows you to apply animations to icons, images and text to create dynamic and engaging visual content.

6. Utilize humor strategically

Laughter is the best medicine—and a fantastic presentation enhancer! A well-placed joke or lighthearted moment can break the ice and create a warm atmosphere , making your audience more receptive to your message.

7. Practice active listening and respond to feedback

Be attentive to your audience’s reactions and feedback. If they have questions or concerns, address them with genuine interest and respect. Your responsiveness builds rapport and shows that you genuinely care about their experience.

how to prepare for a 20 minute presentation

8. Apply the 10-20-30 rule

Apply the 10-20-30 presentation rule and keep it short, sweet and impactful! Stick to ten slides, deliver your presentation within 20 minutes and use a 30-point font to ensure clarity and focus. Less is more, and your audience will thank you for it!

9. Implement the 5-5-5 rule

Simplicity is key. Limit each slide to five bullet points, with only five words per bullet point and allow each slide to remain visible for about five seconds. This rule keeps your presentation concise and prevents information overload.

Simple presentations are more engaging because they are easier to follow. Summarize your presentations and keep them simple with Venngage’s gallery of simple presentation templates and ensure that your message is delivered effectively across your audience.

how to prepare for a 20 minute presentation

1. How to start a presentation?

To kick off your presentation effectively, begin with an attention-grabbing statement or a powerful quote. Introduce yourself, establish credibility and clearly state the purpose and relevance of your presentation.

2. How to end a presentation?

For a strong conclusion, summarize your talking points and key takeaways. End with a compelling call to action or a thought-provoking question and remember to thank your audience and invite any final questions or interactions.

3. How to make a presentation interactive?

To make your presentation interactive, encourage questions and discussion throughout your talk. Utilize multimedia elements like videos or images and consider including polls, quizzes or group activities to actively involve your audience.

In need of inspiration for your next presentation? I’ve got your back! Pick from these 120+ presentation ideas, topics and examples to get started. 

Creating a stunning presentation with Venngage is a breeze with our user-friendly drag-and-drop editor and professionally designed templates for all your communication needs. 

Here’s how to make a presentation in just 5 simple steps with the help of Venngage:

Step 1: Sign up for Venngage for free using your email, Gmail or Facebook account or simply log in to access your account. 

Step 2: Pick a design from our selection of free presentation templates (they’re all created by our expert in-house designers).

Step 3: Make the template your own by customizing it to fit your content and branding. With Venngage’s intuitive drag-and-drop editor, you can easily modify text, change colors and adjust the layout to create a unique and eye-catching design.

Step 4: Elevate your presentation by incorporating captivating visuals. You can upload your images or choose from Venngage’s vast library of high-quality photos, icons and illustrations. 

Step 5: Upgrade to a premium or business account to export your presentation in PDF and print it for in-person presentations or share it digitally for free!

By following these five simple steps, you’ll have a professionally designed and visually engaging presentation ready in no time. With Venngage’s user-friendly platform, your presentation is sure to make a lasting impression. So, let your creativity flow and get ready to shine in your next presentation!

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How to Prepare for a Presentation, with Examples

February 15, 2021 - Dom Barnard

This guide covers everything you need to know to prepare for your presentation. including what you need to think about beforehand, during and after the presentation.

1. Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse (always aloud)

Once you have your presentation worked out, you will need to practice it, but even though you might think it’s the best way to have a flawless presentation, don’t memorise what you’re going to say.

That might sound like incredibly bad advice, but here’s why:

  • If you memorise your speech, you’ll get stuck in thinking you can only deliver your ideas in that way, and that stifles your creativity, and the chance for new thoughts and ways to put things that come up as you speak.

Not only that, but every  audience is different . Sometimes they laugh out loud, sometimes they sit and smile, and you never know which type of audience you’ll have until you’re live.

Practice Presentation Skills

Improve your public speaking and presentation skills by practicing them in realistic environments, with automated feedback on performance. Learn More

If you’re going off a memorised presentation, it’s much more difficult to break away from that to go with the flow on the day, and respond naturally to your audience.

  • If you forget your speech in the middle of it, you will be thrown, and you’ll have more chance of complete brain freeze, which really will knock your confidence.
  • Memorising your presentation gives you a false sense of security, which could leave you high and dry if something goes wrong. If you’ve only got your memorised speech, for example, what will you do if your PowerPoint freezes or your props break, and you can’t do what you were going to do?

Rehearse in front of colleagues, friends, a mirror, in virtual reality – always aloud. Make sure you spend plenty of time practising your presentation, it will make you feel much more relaxed if you know your material.

Courses where you can rehearse with interactive exercises:

  • Essential Public Speaking
  • How to Present over Video

Video showing how you can prepare for your presentation using virtual reality.  Learn more about virtual reality training .

2. Memorise your opening line

Do, however, memorise your opening line. If you know how you’re going to begin, you’ll get a strong start and that will build your confidence.

Many speakers and stage actors find that the minute they’ve actually delivered their first line, the nerves are gone and they’re well into their stride.

3. Practise your speech from written notes

Writing your presentation out in your own handwriting will help you clarify your ideas and may well bring you new ones.

  • How to Write a Speech to Engage your Audience

4. Practise presentation flow

As well as practising for the ideas and what you want to say, practise how you want your presentation to flow. Think of it almost as a symphony, with high points, slow movements and crescendos. If it’s important, think about how you want your audience to feel, what emotions you want them to have, and when.

5. The power of silence

Don’t be afraid to pause and use the power of silence. A good pause can have a huge emotional impact. It allows people to really absorb what you are saying and react, and it’s vital to pause if you’re using humour so that the next part of your presentation doesn’t get lost underneath people’s laughter.

For more on the ‘Power of the Pause’, watch this short from video Brian Tracy:  The Power of the Pause

  • 10 Effective Ways to use Pauses in your Speech

6. Have a backup

There’s nothing worse than the projector dying or finding that your laptop won’t communicate with the projector for some reason. If you know you have a backup, even if it’s only a pre-prepared flip chart, you’ll feel better, and you’ll be more confident.

7. Arrive early

Following on from that, arrive at least half an hour early so you aren’t feeling rushed, and so you have time to check your equipment and get your notes laid out ready to go. That gives you time to breathe and relax before you go on, knowing everything is as set as it can be.

8. Use physical props for a demo

Use physical props, if possible, for a demo. This can make you stand out and be more memorable among all the other speakers who only use PowerPoint, and it can add greatly to the impact of your presentation.

Video showing an example of using physical props during a live demo.

9. Structure your presentation

First, find out how much time you have to present, is it 10 minutes, 15, an hour? Prepare enough material for this time and have a couple of extra slides as backup – we tend to speak much quicker when nervous so you might find you finish your presentation too early. At some large conference events, timings may change on the day, be aware of this have a shorter version of your presentation in mind (i.e. know which slides to skip over).

  • How to Structure your Presentation, with Examples
  • Examples of Corporate Presentation Structures

10. Prepare for questions

Have a few backup slides for questions you think will arise from your presentation. It is sometime a tactic to explain a section briefly in your speech, so that you get a question about it afterwards. If you don’t understand the question, ask for it to be rephrased.

If there are no questions, it is not an indication how good or bad your presentation was. You many have explain your material extremely well, or simply that people are tired at the end of the day and want to go home.

  • Guide for Handling Questions after a Presentation

11. Prepare for where you are presenting

If you can, go to the room you are speaking in before the actual event. It gives you an idea of furniture layout, podium height, location, room size, audience size and lighting. You can then visualise the room while practising and avoid the shock of suddenly being faced with a huge room when you expected a tiny one.

Ask the organiser if you need any particular props, for example a table to help with your live demo.

Additional planning to think about before your presentation:

1. Purpose  – what outcome are we trying to achieve? How can results be measured? What will success look like?

2. Topic  – Novelty? Complexity? Technical?

3. People  – Who should attend? What do they already know? How are they going to help?

4. Timing  – When will it happen and how long will the presentation take?

5. Location  – Where will the presentation be held? Do you have access to the correct facilities for the presentation?

6. Papers  – Who is keeping minutes? Do you need to send out an agenda before the presentation? Background information required?

7. Visual aids  – Is a  projector required ? Boards?

8. Style  – Structure or unstructured, discussion style? How assertive should you be? How should the meeting items be organised?

12. Choose the signals to give to your audience

Before the presentation, think about these 5 topics:

  • Eye contact
  • Facial gestures
  • Body language

Decide how you will use each of these to reinforce your message. Use the table below for help.

Flat, monotonous, trails off, shaky, hesitant.Sharp, cold, loud, shouts, abrupt, clipped, fast.Controlled, firm, warm, rich, clear, even, loud.
Ers and ums, jerky, too slow, too fast.Fast, emphatic, blameful, abrupt, erratic, hurried.Steady and controlled, changes easily.
Evasive, looking down, darting, low eye contact.Stares and glaring, dominating, fixed gaze, threatening.Firm not fixed, natural and relaxed.
Fixed smile, apology facial gestures, blinking, blushing, chewing lip.Set face, few smiles, clenched jaw, frowning, chin forward, lips tight, gritted teeth.Open, varied and congruent expressions, calm, jaw relaxed, few blinks, smiles.
Hunched, hand over mouth, arms crossed, head down, slumping, legs crossed, stands awkwardly, soft handshake.Thumping, clenched fists, pointing, pacing, leaning forward, sharp and rapid movements, crushing handshake.Open hand and arm movements, head upright, calm, emphatic gestures, relaxed, head nodding to show attention, firm handshake.

Additional courses to help you prepare for your presentation:

  • Presentation Skills Training Courses

Example from Steve Jobs

Think about these 10 techniques while you are preparing your presentation..

10 presentation techniques Steve Jobs used

  • Planning in Analog.  Tell a story, create stunning visuals and videos to complement video, use demonstrations and other speakers, keep the audience engaged.
  • Creating a Twitter-Friendly Description  Single description sentence, condensed his message into 140 characters.
  • Introduce the Enemy  Story needs villains or a problem to be solved. Jobs highlighted IBM and useless mobile phones (during iPhone release) as his villains.
  • Focusing on Benefits  Keep reinforcing the benefits of your product, create top 10 lists, understand this is what customers care about.
  • Sticking to Rule of Three  Classic Literary technique, things are best remembered and reinforced in threes. Read this article on  Literary Techniques  for more detail.
  • Sell Dreams, Not Products  Create a vision people believe in, create a vision which will make people’s lives better
  • Create Visual Slides  Use as few words as possible and use colourful graphics on the slide to highlight points.
  • Make Numbers Meaningful  Compare large numbers to things people understand.
  • Use Plain English  Use easy to say and easy to remember words, keep it simple.
  • Large Reveals  Due to Apple secrecy, Jobs was able to deliver unexpected products to the world at his product launches.

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by Tom Rielly • June 15, 2020

how to prepare for a 20 minute presentation

Keeping your presentation visuals minimalistic, simple, and clear is just one important step to remember when designing a hit presentation. Leaving nothing to chance, great presenters prove quite methodical as they prepare. Here’s a checklist for everything you need to keep in mind before your next presentation:

1. Choose the right software for your needs

visualpres blogpost 2 softwares

The easiest way to select the right presentation software for you is to simply find the one that is native to your device. For example, if you have a Mac, use Apple Keynote, if you work on Windows, use PowerPoint. Google Slides is recommended if you’re working with someone, as it makes collaboration very easy. Another software option is Prezi: a specialty tool called Prezi that creates a presentation using motion, zoom, and panning across one giant visual space.

2. Organize your files

As you develop your script and visuals, you will need to start assembling all the assets for your slides. Create a unique folder on your computer to hold these items. Keep the folder organized by media type (presentation drafts, photos, videos, scripts) and back them up frequently to the Cloud or external disk. Label each file with a specific descriptive name, e.g. “Susan Johnson singing magpie 2020”, as opposed to “IMG_4043.jpg”, which can make it confusing to find your assets. The more organized you are up front, the easier preparing for your presentation will be.

3. Prepare your presentation materials

Make sure your presentation materials (script, graphics, actual slides) are saved in at least two safe spots (for example, your computer and an external USB drive) and are backed-up frequently. If you are using an online presentation software, such as Google Slides, be sure to also download a copy of your presentation in case the internet connection is unreliable. Having all the individual assets on hand in addition to your presentation slides can be helpful if you experience tech issues before presenting, or if you need to make any last minute changes. Make sure to label your final presentation with the title and your name so it’s easy to find.

4. Practice, practice, practice!

Remember, practice makes perfect. People often run out of time making their presentations and have no time to practice. Most TED speakers practice at least ten times. Neuroscientist Jill-Bolte Taylor gave one of the most successful Talks in TED history with nearly 27 million views. How did she do it? She practiced her Talk over 40 times! By rehearsing multiple times you will naturally memorize your Talk, which means you won’t need note cards when you give your final presentation.

5. Do a final test run

Before presenting, make sure the equipment you need is working properly. It’s generally good practice to rehearse standing on the exact stage with the exact lighting using the exact computer that you will be using in your final presentation.

Here’s a quick checklist of what to look for when testing your equipment:

  • If you're not using your own computer, the one provided might be slower and have trouble playing media. If you have videos or other media, make sure they play correctly
  • Test the projector to make sure it’s HD
  • Make sure images are clear
  • Test the sound of any clips you use, as this is what goes wrong most frequently
  • If you’re using a mic, test the volume

Don’t let technical issues or other blunders overshadow your presentation. By following these guidelines, and with a little preparation, you can engineer out the problems BEFORE they happen.

Ready to learn more about how to make your presentation even better? Get TED Masterclass and develop your ideas into TED-style talks

© 2024 TED Conferences, LLC. All rights reserved. Please note that the TED Talks Usage policy does not apply to this content and is not subject to our creative commons license.

how to prepare for a 20 minute presentation

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How to prepare a 20-minute ted-like talk.

More and more the call is for short speeches.  Of course, the popularity of TED and TEDx talks is one cause, but the impatience of the times is another, along with our shrinking attention spans and all the other distractions competing for our mindshare.  Keynote speeches, which used to be 90 minutes, are now 60, and our clients regularly report that they are often asked to give a 20- or 30-minute version of their keynote speech – and sometimes on the fly.

So you’d better have a short version of your talk ready to go, along with that splendid, full-bore, detailed, 60-minute masterpiece.  How do you shrink what you have to say into a 20-minute miniature version of itself?

The secret to saying something memorable in 20 minutes is to resist the urge to say too much.  Changing lives in 20 minutes takes focus.  And that’s something that most people have a hard time doing.  In 20 minutes, you can say roughly 2500 words, give or take, and that’s not very many if you’ve set yourself the task of changing the world.  So you’ve got to narrow the field, resist the urge to say it all, and pick your details judiciously.

A good 20-minute talk presents one idea, tells one story, and asks one question. 

Begin by choosing one idea.   Try to make it an idea that has universal interest, but where your specific expertise can usefully be applied.  Then, narrow it down and focus it until you can sum it up easily in an elevator pitch of a few sentences:

As a neuranatomist, I study the difference between normal brains and the brains of the mentally ill.  One morning, I suffered a stroke, and experienced a mental disorder of my own. I was fascinated to learn from the experience.  Here’s what I learned while I was dying, especially about the differences between the right and left hemisphere’s experiences of reality. 

That, roughly speaking, is what Jill Bolte Taylor might use as a guideline for preparing her TED masterpiece on her “stroke of insight.”  It’s one idea, her expertise is highly relevant, it’s focused and it’s inherently interesting.

Next, pick one story to go with the one idea.   Make it a story only you can tell.  And make it a story with a point, or lesson.  In the Taylor example, her story focuses on the drama surrounding the moment of the stroke, and what follows from that.  The insight Taylor brings to bear on her stroke lets her tell the story in a way no one else can.  The lesson she derives from the story is all about learning to live, especially in that right-brain, non-judgmental world of affirmation, and in the end it’s her affirmation in the face of such a harrowing life-event that makes her perspective powerful and unique.

Note that your story doesn’t have to be as dramatic or life-threatening as a stroke, but of course it doesn’t hurt.  The further down you are on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, the more viscerally you will grab your audience.  The safety level is the best place to be, but don’t fake it.  If your speech is not about life and death, don’t distort it to try to make it so.  Just tell it in the way that only you can.

Finally, ask one question.   A good talk poses a question, for which it has an answer that might be sketched quickly at the beginning of the talk, but for which the talk itself is the fuller answer.  Don’t be afraid to make it a big question.  In Taylor’s case, the question she asks is “Who are we?” – plenty big – and the answer is that we are boundless beings that channel and embrace the energy of the universe – but that have the physical body to do something with that energy.

Audiences always start out asking why – why should I care, why is this talk important, why should I listen – and it’s good to give a provisional, brief answer at the top of the talk, so that the audience relaxes and listens to the whole talk as the fuller answer.   Taylor cheats a little on this one, opening with the statement that she studies the brain because her brother suffers from mental illness.  So she studies the differences between brains like hers that allow her to dream her dreams and yet bring them into reality, whereas her brother’s dreams never become reality.  That does answer the question why, but her speech is not really about normal v mentally ill brains.  Rather, it’s about the universal and differing experiences of reality offered up by the left and right brains.

But by the time we get to the end of the speech, most of us have forgotten that entry point, so compelling is her story.

One idea, one story, one question.  That’s  how you focus your thoughts to produce a coherent, potentially powerful 20-minute speech.

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About the author: nick morgan.

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A good 20-minute talk presents one idea, tells one story, and asks one question – that’s a great piece of advice. I have always found that it takes much longer to prepare and write a short speech than longer. The art and skill is knowing what to include, what to leave out and how best to structure the key points. I also think your point above, (The further down you are on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, the more viscerally you will grab your audience.) is really helpful in learning how to significantly engage the emotional level of the audience. Pathos Is such a powerful tool in making our speeches stand out. Thanks for the reminder.

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Thanks, Peter, for the comment and point about pathos — it is also a good reminder! If we don’t touch the emotions of our audience, we don’t touch them at all.

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Hi Nick, This is such a helpful post. I’m just in the midst of transforming my 45 minute talk into a 20-minute version. I understood the idea about getting down to the most essential content, but the “one idea, one story, one question” is so valuable. Putting my thinking hat back on, but feeling very focused! Thanks.

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Hi, Liane — great to hear from you and glad it was helpful! Break a leg….

Thanks, Liane — when you focus, the results are always amazing!

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Nick – I’m a bit late coming to this. Nontheless – This is particularly helpful. Brilliant! I’m using it right now for an informal talk I have to give. I’ve been asked to “share my wisdom” with a group of people at a dinner gathering and have been trying to determine 1) if I have any and 2) how best to impart what I’ve learned in a brief and pithy way that can be useful to others. Thanks!

Ruth, you do have wisdom to share, as anyone who knows you will attest, so good luck with the process!

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Ruth Mott. Loved your post – “1) If I have any…” I think you make a great life coach.

Here`s a thing. Who coaches the coach? Best of luck.

liane, I loved your post too – it was succinct.

I have an hour to an hour and a half talk to give in 20 mins on. . . .Global Warming.

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Thank you for this. Very helpful. While I am a presentation trainer, training people every day on presentations and public speaking, it is good to be reminded of the basics. I need to give two big talks in the next few weeks and will use this process. Completely agree about the use of pathos. The greater the emotional buy-in the more powerful the talk. And that is often the hardest part of a talk to get right.

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Hi, just stumbled upon this link! Very informative. I have been asked to share my story to grade 5-6’s about being vision impaired. I have spoken to adults before, but how would you approach talking to kids for 20-30 minutes?!

Hi, Nessa — glad you found the post helpful. For kids, involve them, keep it action-oriented, and pick one point and stick to it.

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One powerful tool with kids (and adults if done really well) is repetition of the key aspects of a story from different perspectives…

Eg (crap simple draft version…) I was on my way to work when realised that I had forgotten my keys. No keys. Uh, oh… What will I do… When I got to work I said to my boss “I was on my here and do you know what? I forgot my keys. I don’t know what I going to do. Then I asked my friend “I found out that I don’t have my keys. I don’t know what I am going to do” etc… builds up the excitement bit by bit, and all the kids start to see the pattern… kids love the sense that they know what is going to come up… and then the surprise when something changes…

(this comes from years of practice with my 7 year old daughter, no guarantee that it will still work when she is 8 or 12 or 16…)

Love this, Conor — great tip, and thanks!

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Hi Nick! I’m a big fan of your writing and ideas – they are thoughtful and grounded and I share them often! I just ran across this particular post, which jumped out because I too just wrote something about the awesome Jill Bolte Taylor talk! Thought you might get a kick out of it: http://www.thismovedme.com/talk-review-jill-bolte-taylor-my-stroke-of-insight/ Thanks again for your work!

Thanks, Sally — I appreciate you continuing the conversation!

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Hello, I am a beginning professional motivational speaker and I just have to say thanks. This post was definately a confidence booster for my 1st speech tomorrow.

Thanks, and good luck, Keith.

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I found this page on google. Such a brilliant article. I’m preparing a TED like speech for freshmen at the faculty of Engineering. As a guest speaker and alumni, I want to draw their attention, share my experience, and leave them aome thought. Thanks for sharing your wisdom with us.

Thanks, Chayathorn, and good luck.

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I really appreciate this advice, Nick. I am speaking soon about stuttering, a subject about which I am passionate. I was so tempted to try and fit ‘everything’ in but I will focus on how my personal (and hopefully powerful) story can encapsulate the main issues and on communicating my main argument. Thank you.

Katy, thanks for your comment and good luck!

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sweet advice bruv

Thanks, Ryan.

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I have found that most talks lasting under 45-60 minutes are a total waste of time to attend. With severely linited time, speakers are unable to present their hypothesis and the underlying subject matter properly. They resort to platitudes and uninformative statements that cannot be followed up and verified.

Of course I am referring to proper academic presentations of serious topics. It seems though that most talks nowadays focus on deathly boring, human-(non)-interest anecdotal drivel about the speaker’s personal experience, which has no scientific value whatsoever. I avoid that sort of crap like the plague anyway.

Thanks for your comment, Ammut. I wish you the best of luck in finding talks that fit your description of what’s worthwhile. They are increasingly rare.

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This was c00L m8 XD

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Ha – very useful. Ive just been asked to convert a 13,500 word first chapter of a book about Laozi (written by a Chinese academic that I proofread the English for) into a 30 minute speech. WTF? Anyhoo I found these 3 ideas skimmed the chapter and BOOM there was the outline of the speech I have to write. Check how many words 30 minutes is on Google – Aiming for 2500 and within 30 minutes the speech is on its first draft. Thanks so much.

Thanks for the comment, and good luck with the speech.

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This was a wonderful “focus” lesson to help me better prepare my thinking. I am working on writing a proposal that would encompass a 90 minute period to a group of educators. What are your thoughts as to doing 3 of these “mini” 20 minute sessions into 1 – 90 minute period? It would be like having 3 mini TED Talks with time for questions at the end and/or time for participants to practice what I am presenting. I would love to hear your thoughts on this. Thanks in advance.

Hi, Mary — breaking up a 90-minute session into 3 20-minute sessions, with interactive time in between is an excellent idea. When in doubt, get the audience to work with you!

[…] At the start of this post, I said many speaking professionals advise you to use emotion. Here’s another example of that – speaker-coach Nick Morgan puts it this way: […]

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Really great post and what a speech! I need to give a 20-minute speech for Toastmasters and am struggling with finding something to talk about for 20 minutes! Whereas you talk about cutting an hour speech down to 20 mins. I’m looking at it from the opposite direction where we normally give 7 minute speeches and I need to come up with 3 of them! I agree that there needs to be a single central theme to bring it all together and Dr Jill’s speech certainly is a great example of doing that. Thank you for sharing this great info and story. Very helpful.

Thanks, Joe — interesting perspective for me, given that the people I work with are almost always trying to find a way to fit their message into a shorter time-frame. The trend over my working life has been from 90-minute keynotes when I started my business in the Dot Com boom, to 60-minute to 45-minute, and now (thanks to TED) often a 20- minute version. Can 7-minute keynotes be far behind?

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I have typed my talk, but am uncertain whether to memorize it, read it (with looking up, gesturing, etc.), or something in between. What do most good speakers do?

Most people do best by knowing the structure and flow of the speech well, so that they can speak without notes, but not memorizing every word. The danger there is that a memorized speech can sound sing-song. Ideally, it should sound conversational, but you should know (unlike a conversation) where you are at every moment.

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how to prepare for a 20 minute presentation

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200 topics for 20-Minute Presentations

200 topics for 20-Minute Presentations

As a presenter, having a variety of captivating topics for 20-minute presentations is crucial. These 200 topics are designed to energize and engage your audience, ensuring your next presentation is a memorable one!

  • The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health
  • Climate Change: Causes and Consequences
  • The Future of Artificial Intelligence
  • Renewable Energy: Prospects and Challenges
  • The Rise of Telemedicine and Healthcare Accessibility
  • The Gig Economy and the Future of Work
  • Cryptocurrency: A Financial Revolution?
  • Space Exploration: Benefits and Risks
  • Mindfulness and Stress Reduction Techniques
  • Plastic Pollution and Ocean Conservation
  • The Evolution of Smart Cities
  • The Ethics of Gene Editing Technologies
  • Veganism and its Impact on the Planet
  • The Power of Positive Thinking
  • Cybersecurity in the Digital Age
  • The Importance of Financial Literacy
  • The Role of Education in Economic Development
  • Mental Health Stigma and Society
  • The Psychology of Procrastination
  • Bridging the Gender Gap in STEM Fields
  • The History and Impact of the Internet
  • Understanding the Refugee Crisis
  • The Influence of Music on Emotions
  • The Art of Negotiation in Business
  • The Importance of Biodiversity
  • Emotional Intelligence in Leadership
  • The Benefits of Urban Green Spaces
  • The Future of Transportation Technologies
  • The Science of Habits and Behavior Change
  • Overcoming Impostor Syndrome
  • The Role of Media in Shaping Public Opinion
  • Animal Rights and Ethical Treatment
  • Plant-based Nutrition and Health
  • The Challenges of Global Water Scarcity
  • The Psychology Behind Consumer Behaviour
  • The Effects of Globalization on Culture
  • The Relationship Between Diet and Disease
  • Mind-Body Connection: How Emotions Affect Health
  • Understanding Blockchain Beyond Bitcoin
  • The Power of Language in Communication
  • The Science of Sleep and its Importance
  • The Potential of Virtual and Augmented Reality
  • The Digital Divide and Access to Technology
  • The Global Economy and Trade Wars
  • The Ethics of Autonomous Vehicles
  • Overpopulation: Crisis or Myth?
  • The Fourth Industrial Revolution
  • The Human Impact on Deforestation
  • Waste Management and Recycling Innovations
  • The History of Human Rights and Their Future
  • Combating Fake News and Misinformation
  • The Role of the United Nations in World Peace
  • The Benefits of Cross-Cultural Communication
  • Top Skills You Can Learn Online
  • Strategies for Effective Time Management
  • The Relationship Between Art and Culture
  • The Stigma Surrounding Mental Illness
  • Preserving Indigenous Languages and Cultures
  • Global Warming and the Polar Ice Caps
  • Understanding the Autism Spectrum
  • The Complexity of Human Memory
  • Exploring the World’s Major Religions
  • The Significance of Coral Reefs
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How to give a good presentation that captivates any audience

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What are the main difficulties when giving presentations?

How to create an effective presentation, after that, how do i give a memorable presentation, how to connect with the audience when presenting.

If you’ve ever heard someone give a powerful presentation, you probably remember how it made you feel. Much like a composer, a good speaker knows precisely when each note should strike to captivate their audience’s attention and leave them with a lasting impression.

No one becomes a great public speaker or presenter without practice. And almost everyone can recall a time one of their presentations went badly — that’s a painful part of the learning process.

Whether you’re working within a small creative team or a large organization, public speaking and presentation skills are vital to communicating your ideas. Knowing how to present your vision can help you pitch concepts to clients, present ideas to your team, and develop the confidence to participate in team meetings.

If you have an upcoming presentation on the horizon and feel nervous, that’s normal. Around 15-30% of the general population experience a fear of public speaking . And, unfortunately, social anxiety is on the rise, with a 12% increase in adults over the last 20 years . 

Learning how to give a good presentation can dismantle your fears and break down these barriers, ensuring you’re ready to confidently share your point of view. 

It’s the week before your presentation, and you’re already feeling nervous . Maybe there’ll be an important mentor in the room you need to impress, or you’re looking for an opportunity to show your boss your value. Regardless of your countless past presentations, you still feel nervous. 

Sharing your vision and ideas with any sized group is intimidating. You’re likely worrying about how you’ll perform as a presenter and whether the audience will be interested in what you offer. But nerves aren’t inherently negative — you can actually use this feeling to fuel your preparation.


It’s helpful to identify where your worries are coming from and address your fears. Here are some common concerns when preparing for an upcoming presentation:

Fear of public speaking: When you share your ideas in front of a group, you’re placing yourself in a vulnerable position to be critiqued on your knowledge and communication skills . Maybe you feel confident in your content, but when you think about standing in front of an audience, you feel anxious and your mind goes blank.

It’s also not uncommon to have physical symptoms when presenting . Some people experience nausea and dizziness as the brain releases adrenaline to cope with the potentially stressful situation . Remember to take deep breaths to recenter yourself and be patient, even if you make a mistake.

Losing the audience’s attention: As a presenter, your main focus is to keep your audience engaged. They should feel like they’re learning valuable information or following a story that will improve them in life or business.

Highlight the most exciting pieces of knowledge and ensure you emphasize those points in your presentation. If you feel passionate about your content, it’s more likely that your audience will experience this excitement for themselves and become invested in what you have to say.

Not knowing what content to place on presentation slides: Overloading presentation slides is a fast way to lose your audience’s attention. Your slides should contain only the main talking points and limited text to ensure your audience focuses on what you have to say rather than becoming distracted by the content on your slides.

Discomfort incorporating nonverbal communication: It’s natural to feel stiff and frozen when you’re nervous. But maintaining effective body language helps your audience stay focused on you as you speak and encourages you to relax.

If you struggle to incorporate body language into your presentations, try starting small by making hand gestures toward your slides. If you’re working with a large audience, use different parts of the stage to ensure everyone feels included. 

Each presenter has their own personal brand and style. Some may use humor to break the ice, while others might appeal to the audience’s emotional side through inspiring storytelling. 

Watching online presentations, such as TED talks, is an excellent way to expose yourself to various presentation styles and develop your own. While observing others, you can note how they carry themselves on stage and learn new ways to keep your audience engaged.

Once you’ve addressed what’s causing your fears, it’s time to prepare for a great presentation. Use your past experience as inspiration and aim to outshine your former self by learning from your mistakes and employing new techniques. Here are five presentation tips to help you create a strong presentation and wow your audience:

1. Keep it simple

Simple means something different to everyone.

Before creating your presentation, take note of your intended audience and their knowledge level of your subject. You’ll want your content to be easy for your intended audience to follow.

Say you’re giving a presentation on improving your company’s operational structure. Entry-level workers will likely need a more straightforward overview of the content than C-suite leaders, who have significantly more experience. 

Ask yourself what you want your audience to take away from your presentation and emphasize those important points. Doing this ensures they remember the most vital information rather than less important supporting ideas. Try organizing these concepts into bullet points so viewers can quickly identify critical takeaways.

2. Create a compelling structure

Put yourself in your audience member’s shoes and determine the most compelling way to organize your information. Your presentation should be articulate , cohesive, and logical, and you must be sure to include all necessary supporting evidence to strengthen your main points.

If you give away all of your answers too quickly, your audience could lose interest. And if there isn’t enough supporting information, they could hit a roadblock of confusion. Try developing a compelling story that leads your audience through your thought processes so they can experience the ups and downs alongside you. 

By structuring your presentation to lead up to a final conclusion, you’re more likely to keep listeners’ attention. Once you’ve reached that conclusion, you can offer a Q&A period to put any of their questions or concerns to rest. 

3. Use visual aids

Appealing to various learning styles is a great way to keep everyone on the same page and ensure they absorb your content. Visual aids are necessary for visual learners and make it easier for people to picture your ideas.

Aim to incorporate a mixture of photos, videos, and props to engage your audience and convey your key points. For instance, if you’re giving a presentation on anthropology subject matter, you could show your audience an artifact to help them understand how exciting a discovery must have been. 

If your presentation is long, including a video for your audience to watch is an excellent way to give yourself a break and create new jumping-off points for your speech.

4. Be aware of design techniques and trends

Thanks to cutting-edge technology and tools, you have numerous platforms at your disposal to create a good presentation. But keep in mind that although color, images, and graphics liven things up, they can cause distraction when misused.

  Here are a few standard pointers for incorporating visuals on your slides: 

  • Don’t place blocks of small text on a single slide
  • Use a minimalistic background instead of a busy one
  • Ensure text stands out against the background color
  • Only use high-resolution photos
  • Maintain a consistent font style and size throughout the presentation
  • Don’t overuse transitions and effects

5. Try the 10-20-30 rule

Guy Kawasaki, a prominent venture capitalist and one of the original marketing specialists for Apple, said that the best slideshow presentations are less than 10 slides , last at most 20 minutes, and use a font size of 30. Following this strategy can help you condense your information, eliminate unnecessary ideas, and maintain your audience’s focus more efficiently.

Once you’re confident in creating a memorable presentation, it’s time to learn how to give one. Here are some valuable tips for keeping your audience invested during your talk: 

Tip #1: Tell stories

Sharing an anecdote from your life can improve your credibility and increase your relatability. And when an audience relates to you, they’re more likely to feel connected to who you are as a person and encouraged to give you their full attention, as they would want others to do the same.

Gill Hicks utilized this strategy well when she shared her powerful story, “ I survived a terrorist attack. Here’s what I learned .” In her harrowing tale, Hicks highlights the importance of compassion, unconditional love, and helping those in need.

If you feel uncomfortable sharing personal stories, that’s okay. You can use examples from famous individuals or create a fictional account to demonstrate your ideas.

Tip #2: Make eye contact with the audience

Maintaining eye contact is less intimidating than it sounds. In fact, you don’t have to look your audience members directly in their eyes — you can focus on their foreheads or noses if that’s easier.

Try making eye contact with as many people as possible for 3–5 seconds each. This timing ensures you don’t look away too quickly, making the audience member feel unimportant, or linger too long, making them feel uncomfortable.

If you’re presenting to a large group, direct your focus to each part of the room to ensure no section of the audience feels ignored. 


Tip #3: Work on your stage presence

Although your tone and words are the most impactful part of your presentation, recall that body language keeps your audience engaged. Use these tips to master a professional stage presence:

  • Speak with open arms and avoid crossing them
  • Keep a reasonable pace and try not to stand still
  • Use hand gestures to highlight important information

Tip #4: Start strong

Like watching a movie trailer, the first seconds of your talk are critical for capturing your audience’s attention. How you start your speech sets the tone for the rest of your presentation and tells your audience whether or not they should pay attention. Here are some ways to start your presentation to leave a lasting impression:

  • Use a quote from a well-known and likable influential person 
  • Ask a rhetorical question to create intrigue
  • Start with an anecdote to add context to your talk 
  • Spark your audience’s curiosity by involving them in an interactive problem-solving puzzle or riddle

Tip #5: Show your passion

Don’t be afraid of being too enthusiastic. Everyone appreciates a speaker who’s genuinely excited about their field of expertise. 

In “ Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance ,” Angela Lee Duckworth discusses the importance of passion in research and delivery. She delivers her presentation excitedly to show the audience how excitement piques interest. 

Tip #6: Plan your delivery

How you decide to deliver your speech will shape your presentation. Will you be preparing a PowerPoint presentation and using a teleprompter? Or are you working within the constraints of the digital world and presenting over Zoom?

The best presentations are conducted by speakers who know their stuff and memorize their content. However, if you find this challenging, try creating notes to use as a safety net in case you lose track.

If you’re presenting online, you can keep notes beside your computer for each slide, highlighting your key points. This ensures you include all the necessary information and follow a logical order.


Tip #7: Practice

Practice doesn’t make perfect — it makes progress. There’s no way of preparing for unforeseen circumstances, but thorough practice means you’ve done everything you can to succeed.

Rehearse your speech in front of a mirror or to a trusted friend or family member. Take any feedback and use it as an opportunity to fine-tune your speech. But remember: who you practice your presentation in front of may differ from your intended audience. Consider their opinions through the lens of them occupying this different position.

Tip #8: Read the room

Whether you’re a keynote speaker at an event or presenting to a small group of clients, knowing how to read the room is vital for keeping your audience happy. Stay flexible and be willing to move on from topics quickly if your listeners are uninterested or displeased with a particular part of your speech.

Tip #9: Breathe

Try taking deep breaths before your presentation to calm your nerves. If you feel rushed, you’re more likely to feel nervous and stumble on your words.

The most important thing to consider when presenting is your audience’s feelings. When you approach your next presentation calmly, you’ll put your audience at ease and encourage them to feel comfortable in your presence.

Tip #10: Provide a call-to-action

When you end your presentation, your audience should feel compelled to take a specific action, whether that’s changing their habits or contacting you for your services.

If you’re presenting to clients, create a handout with key points and contact information so they can get in touch. You should provide your LinkedIn information, email address, and phone number so they have a variety of ways to reach you. 

There’s no one-size-fits-all template for an effective presentation, as your unique audience and subject matter play a role in shaping your speech. As a general rule, though, you should aim to connect with your audience through passion and excitement. Use strong eye contact and body language. Capture their interest through storytelling and their trust through relatability.

Learning how to give a good presentation can feel overwhelming — but remember, practice makes progress. Rehearse your presentation for someone you trust, collect their feedback , and revise. Practicing your presentation skills is helpful for any job, and every challenge is a chance to grow.

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Elizabeth Perry, ACC

Elizabeth Perry is a Coach Community Manager at BetterUp. She uses strategic engagement strategies to cultivate a learning community across a global network of Coaches through in-person and virtual experiences, technology-enabled platforms, and strategic coaching industry partnerships. With over 3 years of coaching experience and a certification in transformative leadership and life coaching from Sofia University, Elizabeth leverages transpersonal psychology expertise to help coaches and clients gain awareness of their behavioral and thought patterns, discover their purpose and passions, and elevate their potential. She is a lifelong student of psychology, personal growth, and human potential as well as an ICF-certified ACC transpersonal life and leadership Coach.

6 presentation skills and how to improve them

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Tamsen Webster

Empowering Keynote Speaker and Presentation Strategist

3 ways to build a 20-minute, “quaranteeny” presentation

Have you noticed this? That just about everyone wants what I’m calling  “quaranteeny” virtual presentations  these days? I hear it from clients, who are realizing their teams just don’t have the time or energy to sit on a virtual call for 90, or even 60, minutes. Maybe  you’re  the one suddenly struggling to figure out how to get your previously big, beautiful presentation to fit into only 20 or 30 minutes.

And more than that,  how can you get all your information to fit  and  count?  How can you make sure people  understand it, agree with it, and act on it ?

One of the easiest ways to think about it is this:  there’s a distinct relationship between the information you’re giving and people’s capacity to process it.  What’s the relationship?  People’s capacity to process information is defined by both time and attention :

  • How much information you’re sharing in the time you have with them
  • How much attention they can give you (or want to)

So, the answer is pretty clear when it comes to these quaranteeny presentations.  To be successful, you have to create an experience that matches your information to their time and attention.

How? I just so happen to have spent most of my presenting career in exactly these “teeny” time frames, though thankfully without the quarantine part until now. In my 13 years as a Weight Watchers leader (which I did alongside my full-time work in brand and message strategy), I gave over 3,000 presentations, most of which were 30 minutes or less. Even in the longer “meetings,” my task was to only present 15-20 minutes of content. The rest of the time was in facilitated discussion and peer-to-peer sharing.

I’ve also spent seven (!!) years now working deeply with the speakers at  TEDxCambridge , one of only 10 “legacy” TEDx events in the entire world. Six of those speakers have been promoted to TED.com, and the remainder have well over 10 million YouTube views, combined. That’s not to mention the dozens of other speakers who’ve wanted to find their way to a TEDx stage — and to the challenges of that three- to 18-minute timeframe. Based on all of that, here are three techniques to try:

  • Make a meeting of it.  Take your inspiration from my Weight Watchers meetings! Choose a topic,  choose one objective , draft a high-level outline (like a  Red Thread  or  Conversational Case ) that you cover for 1/3 or 1/2 of your time, and then open up the rest of the time to discussion. You could also break your content down into a few smaller sections (say, 5 to 10 minutes each) and have shorter discussions afterward. I’ve seen  Seth Godin  do this “present-discuss-repeat” technique very effectively at live events. No matter which you try, don’t forget to reserve a minute or two at the end to  wrap everything up  powerfully! The interaction that keeps people’s attention is built in, as is the ability for people to ask the questions that make your content immediately relevant to them.
  • Break it up  (like  Brant !). My friend and speaking colleague Brant Menswar shared with me how he’s adapted my “ Why, What Now, How ” approach to create a  series  of quaranteeny presentations. Brant takes his 60-minute keynote and breaks it up into three 20-minute presentations, spread out over several weeks. That allows him to add in “homework” and time for the audience to reflect more deeply on his information. It also means he can start each of the latter “parts” of his talk talking  with the audience  to make sure they’re on board, answer open questions, and help them as they’re putting his information to work.
  • Talk like TED . Aside from the fact that “ Talk like TED ” is a great book by Carmine Gallo, it’s also great advice for quaranteeny talks. So,  how  do you do that? That’s obviously a topic that can fill a book, a la Carmine, but the biggest takeaway is this:  don’t try to squish a bigger talk in smaller timeframe. Build a new one from the ground up.  Since my Red Thread® approach was originally developed for TED-style talks, it’s often the fastest way to find and outline how you could talk about your ideas. Because what you get as a result  starts  short, it makes it a lot easier to  keep  it short. In fact, the shortest summary always can and should fit into a very short paragraph (I call this the Red Thread Storyline™):

We can all agree we want to know …[shared GOAL]. While there are barriers to that problem we all know exist, the real problem is … [unknown, but real PROBLEM]. Yet we can agree it’s true that … [shared TRUTH]. Which means, to achieve our Goal, we have to … [CHANGE in thinking or behavior.] How? By … [required ACTION(S)].

Want even more ideas? Maybe one of these will help:

  • How to change your audience in a short presentation
  • How I build presentations in 5 steps
  • Short on space or time for your message? Do this.

After you’ve drafted and delivered your quaranteeny presentation, you can celebrate with a…  quarantini ! (You could make this work-friendly by using a non-alcoholic spirit like  Seedlip . Cheers!)

Like this content? Be the first to get it delivered directly to your inbox every week (along with a lot of other great content, including my #swipefiles).  Yes, please send me the Red Thread newsletter, exclusive information, and updates.

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how to prepare for a 20 minute presentation

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8 Ways to Deliver a Great Presentation (Even If You’re Super Anxious About It)

  • Joel Schwartzberg

how to prepare for a 20 minute presentation

Know your point, always.

Feeling anxious about a presentation? It’s likely about a fear of public humiliation rather than of public speaking.

  • Shift the spotlight from yourself to what you have to say.
  • Reject the voice in your head trying to destroy your confidence.
  • Knowing what matters – and what doesn’t – will help you succeed.

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I recently worked closely with a 24-year-old client — let’s call him Martin — who was tapped to deliver a five-minute presentation at his company’s annual town hall meeting. Martin had never given a public speech in his professional life, but his accomplishments impressed his supervisors, and they wanted Martin to share his success with the rest of the organization.

how to prepare for a 20 minute presentation

  • JS Joel Schwartzberg oversees executive communications for a major national nonprofit, is a professional presentation coach, and is the author of Get to the Point! Sharpen Your Message and Make Your Words Matter and The Language of Leadership: How to Engage and Inspire Your Team . You can find him on LinkedIn and X. TheJoelTruth

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Scott Berkun

How to present well without slides.

If you were having an important conversation with a friend at a restaurant, would you pull out a projector and put your slides on the wall? They’d think you were crazy as would the people at other tables. Rather that look into your eyes or give full attention to your words, your friend would have their minds divided between you and the images you were showing simultaneously.

Which raises the question: why use presentation slides at all? Most important conversations you will have in your lifetime happen without slides. And ask anyone who works in media: if the power went out and they could only show your slides or broadcast your voice, they’d go with your voice. Your voice, what you say and how you say it, is the most important thing. If you listen to This American Life or The Moth , it’s clear how powerful a speaker can be with their voice alone.

Look at any list of the best speeches of all time  and you won’t find a single use of slides or other props. Of course slides and presentation software hadn’t been invented then so it’s unfair to make a direct comparison (For fun  see The Gettysburg Address as a bad Powerpoint deck ). Yet the question is easy to ask: would these speeches have been better if they were narrated over slides?

In many cases, no. You’d have to listen carefully to figure out when ideas would be better presented visually rather than with words alone, which is the secret for thinking about your own presentations: when do you truly need a visual image to express an idea? And when would it be better simply letting your voices tell the story?

Speaking without slides seems more challenging because:

  • You feel naked without the familiar crutch of slides behind you
  • It may require a different way to prepare
  • It demands more thinking and refinement of your ideas

Speaking without slides is often better because:

  • Audiences grant you more attention and authority over the room
  • You have no fear of slide or A/V malfunctions
  • You can never become a slave to your slides
  • It forces you to clarify and improve your ideas, making you a better speaker

But slides do have some advantages, including:

  • Some concepts are best expressed visually
  • They can serve as a handout (but true handouts work better than slideuments )

When is it best to speak without slides?

If I’m asked to speak for 20 minutes or less I often go without slides. More than 20 minutes and the dynamics of attention are more complex and I typically use slides, though less than many speakers do. I give the same advice to others: the shorter the talk, the simpler your presentation should be.

How to prepare a slide-free presentation

In Chapter 5 of Confessions of a Public Speaker (“Do Not Eat The Microphone”) I provide a simple, well-tested method for preparing talks of any kind.  In short it looks like this:

  • Take a strong position in the title
  • Think carefully about your specific audience (why are they here? what do they already know?)
  • Make your 4 or 5 major points concisely (from a draft outline of 10 or 12 points)
  • Practice making your points without a single slide.
  • Revise #3 and repeat #4 until done.

This approach works with or without slides, but in all cases it forces you to develop your ideas into a solid outline and practice delivering it before you’d even consider making a slide . If you want to go entirely without slides, you’re already prepared for that. And if you decide as you revise that you need slides to best make your points, then add them, but only after you’ve proven their necessity by trying to present without them.

If you want your ideas to take center stage, the slides should come late in the process so that they are used only to support what you’re saying, rather than the other way around. Even if you are a visual thinker and need something to look at to develop your ideas, develop your ideas and rehearse assuming the slide deck is scaffolding you will remove . Don’t fall into the trap of polishing your slides and tweaking fonts when you should be revising your thoughts and practicing how you’re going to express them.

Given a choice between a great talk with lousy slides, and a lousy talk with great slides, what do you think most audiences would choose? Prepare accordingly.

What do you put on the screen if presenting at a slide-dominant event?

I simply put together a slide with my name, the title of the talk and the basic contact information I want to provide. There’s an argument that only having a single slide does far more to make you accessible to an audience interested in your work as the way to contact you is visible the entire time you’re speaking, instead of just at the end. Here are two examples from two different events:


How do you get over the fear of forgetting something?

Many speakers use slides to mitigate fear. Slides used for this reason often come at the audience’s expense. It’s common to see speakers reading their own slides, or facing their slides as they present, clear signs they made their slides first, rather than constructing the presentation first and using slides to support their thoughts. Slides should be for the audience, not for you.

If you work hard to have clear points, and you practice it’s unlikely you’ll forget anything important. Even if you did forget something, only you will know. Since there are no slides, as the speaker only you know what you planned to say. You could skip an entire point or express it in a completely different way than you intended and no one will know but you.  Slides can lock you in and if you are a true expert on the subject you’re speaking about you may find advantages in flexibility.

The notecard

When I speak without slides I usually have one small piece of paper listing my 5 main points. For my recent keynote at Warm Gun 2013 on The Dangers of Faith in Data , here’s what I brought with me on stage:


This notecard is short and simple. Since I’ve thought hard about this topic and have practiced the talk, all that I need the notecard to do is remind me of the next point, and the overall structure. I cheated on #5 as it has sub-bullets, but I simply found while practicing I couldn’t recall all three, so I wrote them down. Churchill and some other famous speakers used similar lightweight systems for their speeches.

You can see the notecard on the conveniently transparent lectern:


What about the handout problem?

If I prepare my talk as described above, it’s easy to write up a blog post with the same structure.

Here’s the blog post, titled The Dangers of Faith In Data , which I wrote in less than an hour while the ideas were still fresh in my mind.

Watch the actual talk based on the above

Now that you know how I prepared and practiced, you can watch the actual talk and judge for yourself. You’ll see me look down at the notecard,  but it’s typically while I’m silent and trying to let the audience digest what I just said, while I collect myself to lead into the next thought.

Free Checklist For Great Talks (with or without slides)

You can download a handy, comprehensive, printable checklist for giving great presentations here  (PDF) based on the bestseller  Confessions of a Public Speaker .

13 Responses to “How to present well without slides”

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In the case of scientific seminar talks given to expert audiences, the slides are used to show actual data. So we have no choice but to use slides and make them the focus of the presentation. Although there is a special form of slideless presentation called a “chalk talk”, which entails explaining scientific shit using only a chalkboard, and usually with intensive audience participation: ongoing chiming in with questions, comments, and criticisms. The idea is that a chalk talk reveals whether someone can think on their feet without the crutch of slides, and they are used as an interviewing tool.

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I love this! I’ve been doing this for years successfully. Even won an award. I’m glad I’m not alone!

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For longer talks (more than 15 minutes) I like to have LOTS of notes when I speak, mostly to keep from getting ahead of myself; I also like to have those notes large enough to read from 10 feet away, so I can move around. “Presenter mode” with the notes section just doesn’t cut it, so I carry two laptops and write two sets of slides. One set is my speaking notes: very dense, lots of words, 100% inappropriate for showing to anyone but myself. The other set is what I show the audience: pictures, graphs, or just a few words to reinforce my point; often these slides will be repeated multiple times in a row so even though I’m clicking through them at a pretty fast clip, the audience sees a new slide only every 1-3 minutes.

The “secret” is to have exactly the same number of slides in each deck, and to have two receivers listening to a single “clicker.” I get as many notes as I want, in nice big fonts with plenty of color; the audience gets a very different “show”; everyone is happy.

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Thanks for sharing your method – I hadn’t heard of anyone who makes two sets of slides before.

I’ve found that from speaking so often and experimenting that the less materials I depend on while I’m speaking, the more comfortable I am, not less. But everyone is different of course.

Yes, absolutely. Back when I was doing full-time technical training I practically knew the material by heart. These days, however, I give maybe five presentations a year, only two of which are usually the same talk. Some I’ve done before but often as long as a year ago (and by then I’ve usually updated the material), but the rest are new “this time” and will likely never be given again. Also, most of my “presentations” are actually half-day tutorials, which means about three hours worth of material; I simply can’t remember that much unless I’m teaching it several times per month.

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My formal presentations always include slides because I’m talking about a visual subject, but it is ALL visual: no text, and certainly no bullet points (my personal pet peeve). It’s nice to know that I can give a presentation without them too, because any day I can literally be stopped in the hallway and told that there’s a tour group coming through and I need to give a talk *now*. It took me a while to get to that place, but knowing your subject inside and out and having a crazy passion about it helps.

I have to give props to Toastmasters too. I used to have a deathly fear of public speaking, but that environment really helped. Plus, it was all talk, no slides!

Makes sense to me. There are certainly plenty of situations where slides are essential. An artist talking about their work is one of many.

[…] E început de an, deci probabil toți discutăm o strategie, un buget sau planuri pentru 2014. Ce facem când trebuie să prezentăm ceva fără ajutorul unui suport grafic? Scott Berkun, autorul Confesiunile unui vorbitor public ne oferă câteva sfaturi pentru prezentări memorabile. […]

[…] How To Present Well Without Slides […]

[…] Interesting post by Scott Berkun on not using a presentation tool. […]

[…] Secret: Presentation expert Scott Berkun writes out his 3-5 main points on an index card and keeps it in his back pocket when he speaks. […]

[…] How to present well without slides (by Scott Berkun) […]

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Frantically Speaking

How Long Should It Take to Practice for a Presentation?

Hrideep barot.

  • Presentation , Public Speaking , Workplace Communication


Presentations are one of the most effective ways of sharing information or insights, especially when it is aided by visuals through slide decks . However, once we are done with our decks and the script for the presentation, the question that most of us might have is “ How long does it take to practice for a presentation? ”

Presentations take the form of a speech, introduction, demonstration, or even a lecture. Besides presenting a new idea or product, the goal of the presentation could be to inform, educate, inspire, persuade or motivate the audience. The end goal, however, for any presentation is to make sure that you as a speaker are able to reach the audience.

It is thus extremely important for you to rehearse or practice your presentation before getting on stage.

Why practice for a presentation?

So you have researched your topic, made a good outline of all the information you want to add, have even made your PowerPoint and you think you are good to go?

Think again!

Practicing your presentation before going on stage or before presenting it to your audience is more important than you can imagine.

Here is a list of things that you most likely will face when you haven’t practiced for your presentation:

  • Unable to recall the flow of your information
  • Constantly checking the slides to recall information
  • Not having a killer beginning and end for your presentation
  • Possibility of going blank or getting confused
  • Using tons of filler words like Urms and ums
  • Not using appropriate body language to complement your speech

To avoid experiencing any of these on your important day, we suggest you practice your presentation. 

This brings us to the main question that you might have here,

How long should you practice for a presentation?

As a general rule of thumb, it is advised to practice a presentation for at least 30 hours.

Sounds like a lot right?

The other method that you can use is by incorporating the most widely used formula,

1 hour of practice for 1 minute of presentation

If you plan on following this approach then it would take anywhere between 5 hours to 60 hours of practice depending upon the duration of your presentation.

Check out the table below to get a clear idea of how long it takes to practice for a presentation.

Now if you are looking for a specific number of times that you should practice for a presentation, then the magical number is 10.

According to the general rule of thumb, practicing at least 10 times can help you grasp the content of your presentation better.

On the other hand, if you are looking for a more long-term understanding of how much you should practice to improve your presentation skills overall, then Anders Ericsson might be able to help you out. Anders Ericsson has given the world famous 10,000- hours rule.

The rule states something very simple; it takes 10,000 hours of practice over 10 years to excel in anything you wish you excel in .

The same holds for public speaking as well. Spending 10,000 hours over 10 years to consistently gain a better fluency in presenting to a huge audience can help you with refine your presentation skills.

However, these are just numbers and they may or may not work best for you . So try to practice your presentation at least once or twice and try to understand at what point you feel like you are good to go.

Now that you know how long it takes to practice a presentation, why not take a look into some of the best ways to practice your presentation?

Best way to practice for a presentation

The best way to practice for any presentation and I have advocated it a gazillion times, is to Video record yourself .

Recording yourself goes a long way in making you see what your audience might witness when you present. It also helps you notice and come up with improvement areas that others might not be able to point out. This doesn’t mean you cannot practice in front of a mirror or in front of your family or friends.

The only reason we suggest video recording yourself is that a) it gives you a chance to see your improvement and b) it relives your relatives from honestly critiquing you.

Yet another way to practice is by simulating real-world conditions . But this method would require a lot of effort on your part to find the right sources which is very time consuming and hence we won’t encourge you to try it.

We have taken a look at the practicing bit of presentations, but there are other crucial preliminary aspects like how to learn and prepare for presentations that must also be taken a look into.

How long does it take to learn a presentation?

Learning a presentation doesn’t necessarily mean memorizing your presentation. Learning a presentation includes ways in which you can recall the presentation better . Check out a list of strategies you can try while practicing and settle on the one that fits best for you.

1. 20-20-20 rule of rehearsal

The 20-20-20 rule for rehearsal is quite interesting. It states that you must go over your presentation content for 20 minutes , saying it out loud a couple of times. And then you shall repeat the same process twice more , i.e., 20 minutes followed by 2 more sets of 20 minutes.

However, you shall make sure of repeating the next set within 30 minutes as it helps in better recall and easy learning.

Now if you follow this, then it should not take you more than 150 minutes to learn your presentation.

2. Mind Maps

Mind maps are yet another interesting way to learn and remember the content of your presentation. Unlike the usual chronological or sequential flow of information, mind maps help in understanding the concept more thoroughly.

Using mind maps can help you in continuing with your presentation if in any case you end up forgetting a couple of lines as you would be able to recall the concept better.

Girl listening to music

Psychologists like Dr. Georgi Lozanov have provided evidence of how music can enhance our capacity to learn more and learn faster.

You can try to use music as you practice your presentation. This learning method would work wonders if you are aware of the background music (if any) that will be played while you present in front of an audience.

The reason is that your brain tends to associate information you are learning with musical notes . And if you practice using the same song or tones, the chances of you recalling information on the big day drastically increase.

4. Trigger words

Another psychological trick to learn your presentation and enhance its recall is by using trigger words.

Trigger words are simple words that act as landmarks in your presentation and bombard you with the necessary information when required .

For an instance, let’s assume you are giving a speech on impromptu presentations and want to explain the P oint, R eason, E xample, P oint model. You can simply say something thing “how do you prep for an impromptu presentation?”

5. Consistency

The last suggestion to help you learn better is to spread out practicing your presentation rather than keeping it for the last day.

This will give you more time to learn and unlearn your own style of presenting.

If we have to take a step further back, then we might ask,

How long does it take to prepare for a presentation?

Clock on a wall

In this blog, we have gone from practicing to learning a presentation and now we come to the very initial point of any presentation, preparing for the presentation.

Preparing for any presentation can be very time-consuming. It is because it involves not only researching and outlining the presentation but also designing the slide decks .

The general rule of time taken to prepare for a presentation is

1 minute of presentation = 1 hour of preparation

This involves framing your copy and designing your slides which may take up about 20+40 minutes respectively or 30+30 minutes respectively.

However, these are just the usual trends and the amount of time required to prepare for a presentation may be very different for you.

How to prepare for a presentation?

Preparing for presentations may involve different steps for different kinds of presentations. Let’s take a look at some of the diverse ways of presenting.

How to prepare for a big presentation ?

Big presentations are presentations made in a big auditorium or a big screen (Kidding!).

These are the presentations that matter a lot to you. These big presentations could be life-changing for some individuals or businesses thus making it 10x important to be well prepared for them.

1. Focus on your takeaways

For any big presentation, it is very important for you to focus on your key takeaways. These takeaways are nothing but your goal or outcome you would want to see from the audience .

Your takeaway could be that you want the audience to be more informed about something or for them to be more open to accepting new ideas or technologies. You might also want to motivate the audience to do something like try to be a little more sustainable.

2. Outline your presentation

Practice and outline your presentation in a smooth flowing manner so that the audience can easily link one subtopic to the other. This would also ensure that there is little to no confusion on neither their or your part.

3. Practice eye contact and expressions

For your big presentation, your confidence would be the key to acing it. And the most effective way of projecting your confidence is through your body language, expressions, and maintaining eye- contact .

Apart from that, be more open , and occupy more space if the stage provides you space. Try using your hands to complement your words.

4. Video record yourself

As suggested before, while practicing, video record yourself. Once done, go back to the video and try to identify all the areas where you can improve upon. Then implement it the next time you record yourself and continue the process until you are satisfied with your presentation.

5. Seek the guidance of experts

If everything still seems overwhelming to you then take a deep breath and dial in an expert who can help you navigate through your big presentation better. If you have no idea where to find one, then check out frantically speaking , we are always happy to help.

How to prepare for a blind presentation?

Blind presentations are impromptu presentations.

In many interviews, you might be asked to give a blind presentation. However, unlike impromptu speeches, you are often given some time to prepare for blind presentations like 30 minutes.

These sorts of presentations are primarily done to test how you perform under stress and how creative you can be .

A few things to keep in mind while preparing for a blind presentation are:

1. Research

Utilize the time that is given to you to briefly research the topic . Try to spend enough time in researching the company in terms of their goals, recent achievements, and more. The idea is to relate the topic to the company if the blind presentation is for an interview.

While you might not have a lot of time to sit and script out your entire presentation speech, what you can do is just make a broad outline of how you plan on going about the presentation.

If you have no idea how you can do that, try out the PREP model.

PREP stands for Point, Reason, Example, Point . It is a very comprehensive way to structure any impromptu speech. You begin with a point, give a reason for focusing on that point, follow it up with an example and then end the segment by revisiting the point.

3. Use Props (if possible)

This isn’t a mandatory requirement but if you can make use of anything available around you and use it as a prop, it might add extra points in terms of your creativity .

However, if you aren’t able to come up with any such prop, we advice you to rather focus on the content of the presentation and not waste a lot of your time on finding a prop.

4. Practice (if possible)

Yet another situational suggestion is to go through your presentation at least once if time permits. This might also help you gain a little more confidence in your presentation.

How to prepare for a pitch presentation?

Pitch presentations are often short, detailed yet to the point . A couple of things to take into account while preparing for a pitch presentation are:

1. Understand the audience’s pain points

Before you begin writing your pitch, understand your audience and understand their problems. Once you have an idea of their pain points, try to navigate your pitch in a way that provides solutions to these pain points of your audience.

2. Tell a story

Tell a story to your audience, preferably one to which they can relate to. If we have to give an example of frantically speaking here, (you can find it in our youtube introduction as well) we say,

I started this Channel because after giving more than 100 talks, whether it’d be public speeches, pitches to board presentations or hosting events in large scale auditoriums, I embarrassed myself so many times that I wish I had a resource like this that could’ve helped me communicate more effectively during those times..

3. Include all elements

When you are preparing for a pitch presentation, it is important to focus on all elements of your business or all features of your products. So, give a glimpse of your unique selling points, market competition, finances, intellectual property, and more in case the pitch is for a business.

4. Use props or examples

If you are pitching for a product, make sure to use the product as a prop so as to give your audience an exact idea of what they can expect from the same. But if you are pitching your business plan or idea, then you can make use of some examples .

How to practice for an online presentation?

Online presentation by a girl

When we have questions related to preparing for online presentations, we also cover questions like:

  • How to practice a presentation on teams?
  • How to practice a presentation on zoom?

Preparing for online presentations is similar to preparing for any other presentation, except you might have to take a look at the connectivity and working of devices here a little more.

For online presentations, the best way to practice is to record yourself but using the software or application which you will be using for the final presentation . So let’s say you will be presenting on zoom, then record yourself presenting in zoom itself. This will help you navigate through the software and at the same time improve your presentation skills.

How to prepare for an oral presentation?

Oral presentations can be very tricky to prepare for. The reason is that now the audience’s attention is completely on you. Further, in the absence of a visuals, you might have to focus more on your body language , tonality , and expressions .

Check out the video below to know more about non-verbal communication.

Besides that, you can try working on your opening lines and come up with a killer closing line as well.

How to prepare for a poster presentation?

Another way of aesthetically presenting your data is through poster presentations.

The only difference between a PowerPoint presentation and a poster presentation is that all the information has to be condensed into one poster as opposed to n number of slides.

Couple of things to make sure you take a look into while preparing for a poster presentation are:      

1. Determine the size of your poster

It is very crucial to know the size of your poster before you begin your presentation as it will also determine the amount of information you will be able to add to the poster.

2. Avoid cluttering

We might be tempted to present all the information to the evaluators. However, because of the space constraint, it is always suggested to filter out all the not-so-important findings or information. Focus only on the key points and include them in your poster to not make it look much cluttered. 

3. Use visible fonts

Since we end up adding a lot of information to the posters, we might overlook the importance of using visible fonts.

Try to stick to fonts that would be easily visible from at least 3-5 feet away from the poster. Also try sticking to 3 font sizes , one of the main headings, sub-headings, and lastly the content. Using too many fonts and font sizes could make the poster look not so aesthetically pleasing. 

4. Follow the IMRAD rule

If you are presenting the poster for academic or scientific research then you should try following the IMRAD rule, i.e., Information, Methods, Results, and Discussion .

The reason is that not only is it most popularly used by scholars around the world, but it also includes all the important segments of any research . However, feel free to add any other subtopics or information as per your requirements. 

How to prepare for a presentation the night before?

You have a presentation tomorrow and are wondering if you will be able to prepare yourself for the same?

Don’t worry; we have all been there at least once.

Here are a couple of things you can do when preparing for a presentation the night before

1. Writing the presentation

Since you do not have much time on your hand, it is advised to not focus on writing a well-laid-out script or speech for your presentation.

Stick to the main pointers and develop the speech around those main points. While you can still go about writing a script, it might put some pressure on you in terms of memorizing the speech.

2. Outlining the presentation

Outlining or understanding how you will be going about with the main points is just as important as coming up with the points. The reason for this is that it would help you in delivering a smooth and effective presentation .

A few ways you can structure your presentation are given below:

Problem-solution : This involves introducing your speech by emphasizing a problem and then providing solutions for the same.

PREP (Point, Reason, Example, and Point) : A very simple strategy to structure your presentation is the PREP model where you begin by emphasizing a point. You can follow it up by giving a reason to back that point and then add an example to make it more personal. Lastly, end the segment by revisiting the point.

3. Delivering the presentation

While delivering the last-moment presentation, rather than complicating your delivery by focusing more on body language and expressions, you can try to use Functional gesturing.

Functional gesturing is the use of hands and expressions that support or complement what you are saying.

Check out our youtube video below to understand the concept in detail.

Final Words

While we can definitely give you an idea about the number of hours people usually end up spending on a certain type of presentation, at the end of the day it is important to understand the fact that every presentation has its own unique set of requirements. And by this we mean that the amount of time, efforts and energy you put into a presentation would not always be the same.

So, the answer to your “How long does it take to practice for a presentation?” is that practicing and preparing for a presentation is not about the numbers but rather about committing to the process and going through it .

Hrideep Barot

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How to Deliver a Winning Interview Presentation

How to Deliver a Winning Interview Presentation

Written by: Unenabasi Ekeruke

how to prepare for a 20 minute presentation

The average corporate job opening receives about 250 resumes . To find the most suitable candidates, many companies make interview presentations a decisive part of their hiring process.

Whether you're looking to switch jobs or move up the ladder in your organization, a well-crafted interview presentation might be the key to landing your next role.

Interview presentations give you a chance to pitch your skills and showcase your knowledge about the position. Delivering an exceptional presentation will put you a step ahead of other candidates.

But how do you make your interview presentation stand out?

In this article, we've rounded up the best tips for preparing and delivering a winning interview presentation that will help you stand out and land you the job.

Let's get to it.

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Table of Contents

What is an interview presentation, what employers look for in an interview presentation, how to prepare for your interview presentation.

  • 11 Interview Presentation Tips to Help You Stand Out

In many industries, interview presentations help recruiters pick the best candidate for the job.

They also help managers gauge a candidate's presentation skills, especially if the job role involves pitching to clients or top management.

Interview presentations often involve presenting formal talks about subjects that interest recruiters. These subjects could be directly related to your job role or the industry your prospective organization operates in.

Your interview presentation could potentially revolve around topics like:

  • Emerging trends and innovations in a particular industry
  • Competitive landscape and future predictions
  • Business, operations and marketing strategies
  • Improving sales and customer retention

It could also be about pitching your work experience, ideas and why you're the best fit for the role.

Let's say you're interviewing for a high-level position in the sales and marketing department. You may be asked to pitch the company's product or services to prospects or do these things:

  • Predict trends in the industry where the company operates
  • Talk about how the current market trend may affect sales for a particular line of products
  • Present a marketing plan for your prospective role

Below is an interview presentation template that you can edit and use.

Sometimes, prospective employers may give you specific topics in advance, giving you ample time to prepare.

At other times, you may have to make blind presentations. This means you'll get topics shortly before the presentation and may have limited time to prepare.

Whatever be the case, nailing your interview presentations will up your chances of landing your new role.

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how to prepare for a 20 minute presentation

Take a moment to think about your best job interview.

Why did your employer choose to hire you ahead of other candidates? You probably ticked all the right boxes in terms of skills, experiences, education, personality and other factors.

But most importantly, it's how you presented your skills, capabilities and knowledge about the role that probably blew their minds.

At every stage of the hiring process, employers look for outstanding candidates who measure up to their expectations. These expectations may differ based on the job role, industry and organizational structure.

However, on a general note, recruiters will readily opt for candidates who:

  • Understand the organization and its line of business
  • Know their job role and what's expected
  • Understand the company mission and will fit into the company culture
  • Show passion, ambition and leadership qualities
  • Demonstrate the ability to use their skills and experience to drive the company forward
  • Know how to communicate and present in front of a small or large group of people

What specific presentation skills do employers look for?

Excellent presentation skills are a must-have for most client-facing roles or high-level positions. Therefore, asking a candidate to make presentations during interviews can help companies assess whether they can deliver on the job.

Not only that, interview presentations provide deeper insight into your abilities and skills, such as:

  • Presentation design skills
  • Verbal and written communication style
  • The ability to hook, engage and interact with your audiences
  • Ability to deliver the message with clarity
  • Diligence and attention to details
  • Work experience and sector knowledge
  • Ability to read and interpret the mindset of listeners
  • Use of visual aids
  • Time management and organization skills

For a blind presentation, the employer may want to feel your pulse or perspective on issues or take notice of things like:

  • The ability to think on your feet
  • How you perform under pressure
  • How persuasive and creative you can be

Ultimately, the recruiter is also checking to see if you meet the core competencies for the job. Therefore, make sure to revisit them during the blind presentation.

Beyond landing the job, getting it right with your presentation can set the tone for further engagements with your colleagues and top management.

Preparation is one of the keys to delivering an excellent interview presentation.

Once you've received the details about the interview, don't leave your preparation till the last minute or assume you can wing it. Use the days leading up to the interview to put the necessary things in place.

Here's what you should know. Preparing for your interview presentation puts you in control and increases your chances of securing the job.

how to prepare for a 20 minute presentation

Unfortunately, knowing how to prepare for interviews may be a big challenge for many people.

But we've got you covered.

Use these tips below to get yourself interview-ready.

1. Ask the Right Questions

Whether you receive a phone call or email about your interview, ensure you're clear about the details. Rather than make sweeping assumptions, go ahead and do these things:

  • Find out what your prospective employers expect from you.
  • Ask if you'll get a topic before the presentation date or if it's a blind presentation. Also, find out if you'll be allowed to choose from a list of topics.
  • Find out who your audience will be (recruitment agencies, HR, supervisors, top-level management).
  • Ask how many people will be present at the interview.
  • Make sure to ask how long the presentation will last. Having a timeframe will help you decide what to add or delete from the presentation.
  • Find out if they have a preferred presentation style.
  • Ask what technical equipment and presentation tools will be available.
  • Find out whether there'll be provision for sound, audio and visuals.

By asking these questions, you'll know what recruiters expect from you and align your presentation to match their needs. Plus, they'll judge your suitability for the role based on how you pay attention to the finest details.

2. Research the Company and the Position Before the Interview

Now you have answers to the fundamental questions, go ahead and research the company and the position you've applied for.

That's not all. Find out the industry the company operates, the major players and where the company ranks within the industry.

Doing this will enable you to:

  • Structure your presentation and
  • Interpret your job role within the context of the industry where the company operates.

For example, if you're an accounting professional, it's not enough to understand general accounting principles.

You'll have to understand what your role entails within the context of the industry you'll be working in. It could be oil and gas, mining, tech, construction, health, finance or entertainment.

Here are other things you should find out during your research.

Company Vision, Mission and Goals

Find out the company's history, what they stand for and their area of interest. It's also a good idea to research their major competitors and how they've fared in the market.

But how do you find this valuable information?

The company's website and social media channels are good starting points. News, blogs and third-party sites can provide more information about what the company has been up to.

Having this essential info will help you:

  • Determine subjects relevant to the company and the area you should focus on,
  • Tailor your interview presentation to their needs and
  • Impress your potential employers.

Not only that, but it also shows you're prepared to be part of that organization's culture.

Potential Audience

Part of your research should be to find out who is going to be interviewing you. One way to get that information is by asking the company's HR or using your intuition.

For example, if you're applying for a sales and marketing position, the marketing, sales and HR managers will most likely be on the interview panel.

Next, find out their interests and job responsibilities. Platforms like LinkedIn , Meetup , Indeed and other job boards can come in handy.

You might want to take note of their experience levels.

Professionals with different experience levels have varying concerns.

For example, while top management may care about your administrative or leadership abilities, a team lead may be more interested in your technical or problem-solving skills.

If you focus on what matters most to your audience, you'll attract their interest and win them over.

3. Structure Your Interview Presentation

If you want to keep your audiences hooked to your slides, ensure your presentation is well-structured.

Doing this will keep you on track and prevent your audience from zoning out of your presentation.

Here's how to create an excellent presentation structure.

In its simplest form, a well-structured presentation should have an introduction, body and conclusion.

  • Compelling introduction: Your introduction should briefly sum everything about you, your presentation objectives and why it's relevant to your audience. You can ask a question, tell a story, share facts or use humor to spark interest.
  • Engaging body: This is where you present the main details of your topic. Make sure to back your argument with facts or a wealth of information that shows that you're the best candidate for the job. Talk about the company goals and how you'll help to achieve them.
  • Memorable conclusion: Here, you should present your key takeaways about the topic. Likewise, briefly reiterate your skills, experience, expertise, past achievements and why they should hire you.

You can use presenter notes to ensure you stick to the structure. Throughout your presentation, keep your message clear. Plus, make sure every part of your presentation relates to the topic.

Check out this article for more tips on how to structure your presentation .

Structure your interview presentation to make it appealing and impactful like the one below.

how to prepare for a 20 minute presentation

4. Pay Attention to Design

Remember, first impressions count. And your interview presentation isn't an exception to this rule. Excellent presentation designs help you create an impactful first impression on your interviewers.

Think of your design as the aesthetic element that etches your presentation in your viewer's minds and sways them in your favor.

Whether you're pitching the company's product or your resume , having flawless interview presentation designs will help you tell stories better.

Not only does it create a memorable impression, but it also makes your presentation pack a punch.

You can start from scratch or jumpstart your creativity with interview presentation examples like the one below.

how to prepare for a 20 minute presentation

While creating your presentation slides , here are some things you should keep in mind:

Keep It On-Brand

Try to tailor your presentation design (font, color scheme, background, image) to the company's identity and visual language. Companies like Starbucks, Skype, Spotify and Netflix provide brand guidelines on their website.

Brand guidelines generally contain a set of rules on using the company’s branding elements. If the company doesn't have a brand guide, you can use the colors on their logo or website for your slide design.

Interviewers will most likely focus on a presentation designed in their organization's brand format. And doing this will show you've done your research about the company.

Pro Tip:  Use Visme's Brand Design Tool to automatically generate a branded presentation template with your employer's logo, colors and fonts. Simply enter in the URL to their website and watch the magic happen!

Create branded content & graphics with ease

  • Add your brand color’s hex codes for easy access
  • Upload or select your brand fonts
  • Easily incorporate brand elements into your Vismes

how to prepare for a 20 minute presentation

Use Lots of White Space

Avoid cluttering your interview presentation slides with too many ideas, text or images. This could overwhelm your audience and make your presentation a pain in the eyes.

When designing a clean and effective presentation, it's important to use lots of white space. Don't use more than six words per slide . Stick to one idea and a minimum of two images per slide.

Use High-Quality Images

Be sure to use high-quality visuals that drive an emotional appeal.

Better yet, every visual you use should have a purpose behind it. If you're presenting an overview of yourself, it makes sense to use a nice, high-quality headshot of yourself. Take a cue from the interview presentation sample to create yours.

how to prepare for a 20 minute presentation

Even if you're using stock photos  to spice up your slides, make sure the images are carefully selected to balance the text on each slide and are relevant to the topic that's being discussed.

Using low-quality, irrelevant or pixelated images can not only make your presentation boring, but it can also negatively impact your image and make you come across as careless or lazy.

Make Your Slides Easy to Read

When selecting fonts and sizing them, use fonts that are readable on small and large screens. Stick a font size of 36 pixels for titles and at least 30 pixels for body text.

Additionally, to make your message pop, maintain a solid contrast between your text and background. If you use a dark background, use a white font color and vice versa. You can grab inspiration from the job interview presentation sample below.

how to prepare for a 20 minute presentation

In the template above, notice how the dark text color pops vibrantly on the white background. Additionally, the fonts are legible enough for readers to digest the message in the slide.

If you want to learn more about making your slide designs shine, read our in-depth article on how to create good presentation design .

5. Use Charts and Graphs to Visualize Data

As mentioned before, sprawling text and bullets aren't enough to drive visual appeal. You need to use visual aids to break up text and boost visual appeal.

By using a range of formats like graphs, statistics, diagrams , video clips and images, you can easily maintain audience attention and get your points across.

Notice how the job interview presentation sample below uses data visualization to present information.

how to prepare for a 20 minute presentation

Are you looking for high-resolution visuals for your interview presentations?

If the answer is yes, Visme's presentation maker has everything you need. The tool has a robust library of free and premium stock images, elegant fonts, icons, graphs, charts, infographics and other visual aids.

6. Keep Your Presentation Clear, Unique and Impactful

When it comes to making presentations, less is more.

As a presenter, you want recruiters to glance at your slide, gain interest and listen to you. Hence it's best to keep your slide short and simple, aiming for ten slides or less.

Be careful not to load too much information on your slides or break off tangents that don't support your topic.

Just like you, other applicants are looking to give an impressive presentation. Make your presentation memorable and unique. This will convince your employer that you are the ideal candidate for the job.

One way to make your presentation unique is by:

  • Creating a simulated project or demo
  • Using case studies related to the company's operations
  • Creating a strategic plan for your intended role or department
  • Depicting how you would use your skills to achieve the desired project goals

If you're doing a job presentation for a marketing position, for example, you can create a detailed strategic plan that wins the heart and minds of your interviewers using the template below.

how to prepare for a 20 minute presentation

7. Practice Your Delivery

Your interview presentation is a critical stage in the recruiting process. And having an excellent delivery will solidify your chances of getting the job.

However, having a flawless delivery starts with practice, practice and more practice.

For example, Steve Jobs was one of the most phenomenal speakers of his time. His keynotes and demos were compelling and filled with passion and energy.

But if you pull back the curtain, you'll realize why presentations were magical. What seemed spontaneous took hours and hours of practice.

Here's the thing. Rehearsing your presentation beforehand will help avoid babbling or being caught off guard.

Not only that, practice will make you become confident, familiar with the outline or structure and deliver your presentation smoothly.

How do you practice your interview presentation?

First off, deliver your presentation in front of a mirror and record yourself while you're at it. Repeat this as many times as possible and watch out for mistakes that could hurt your presentation.

Next, practice your presentation before your friends and ask them to take notes. Doing this will enable you to get feedback or work on areas that require improvements.

Encourage them to provide detailed feedback rather than general feedback like: "you did well" or "great design".

Before presenting his first TED Talk, author and business podcaster Tim Ferriss practiced his presentation with a group of friends and strangers. He went ahead to incorporate their feedback and suggestions in his next rehearsal.

During practice, go ahead and do these things:

  • Time yourself to ensure your presentation falls within the allowed time
  • Keep your shoulder and head high up
  • Maintain eye contact with your audience (friends, family or professional colleagues)
  • Be expressive and articulate your words with confidence.
  • Take deep breaths and pauses in between your presentation
  • Be audible and avoid speaking too fast

As you practice repeatedly, you'll have your points at your fingertips. Plus, you'll become more confident about your interview.

Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor practiced her 18-minute TED Talk about 200 times before getting on stage. Her speech below, “ My Stroke of Insight,” has amassed well over 25 million views on the TED site alone.

8. Follow Presentation Guidelines

While preparing for your big day, adhere to the employer's rules for the interview presentation.

The interview rules could include:

  • Interview arrival time
  • Document required
  • The focus of the presentation and allotted time

For instance, if your interviewer says candidates must complete their presentation in 10 minutes, don't exceed the allocated time.

If you've not been given a time limit, keep your presentation between 10-20 minutes. Remember — people have short attention spans.

When you adhere to the guidelines, employers will believe you're reliable and can work with available resources.

9. Use the Right Presentation Tool

The tool you use to prepare your presentation is as important as the content. You'll find tons of presentation software out there, including PowerPoint, Keynote, Google Slides, Visme, Prezi and more.

Sometimes, your potential employer may favor a particular platform for your interview presentation. But more often than not, they'll leave you to make a choice.

In this case, it's advisable to build your presentations using a tool that's not only familiar but has everything you need to make your content shine. We strongly recommend a feature-rich tool like Visme .

Whether you're a novice or expert, Visme is precisely made to help you craft beautiful presentations and nail your delivery. The tool has 500+ templates, animations, fonts, and design themes that match your style and any niche you can think of.

You can also check out our quick video on how to create beautiful and professional interview presentations in Visme.

how to prepare for a 20 minute presentation

10. Have a Backup Plan

Keep in mind that complications could arise. Having a backup plan can help you put things back on track and complete your presentation successfully.

Your employer will mainly provide a screen, laptop, USB and other equipment.

Still, it would help to bring along your laptop and USB drive. They could come in handy if you want to quickly make some adjustments to your slide or review them before the presentation.

In addition, make sure to:

  • Have duplicate copies of your presentation. You can save a copy on a USB stick, external drive or cloud drive.
  • Email the file to yourself and the interviewers.
  • Bring along a few printed handouts or copies of your slides, which you'll share with your audience.

Taking these steps can save the day if anything goes wrong such as computer breakdown, corrupt files, power disruption and other technical glitches.

11. Determine Follow-up Questions and Provide Answers

Now your preparation is in top gear. But wait, there's one more thing.

After creating your presentation, review the content and check for readability and spelling errors.

Then think up questions your audience might ask after your delivery. You'll want to brace up for questions that are both related and not related to the topic.

Here is a list of the common interview presentation questions that you can expect:

  • What solutions do you recommend in light of the current realities and trends?
  • Why do you recommend this solution?
  • What strategy do we use to solve this problem?
  • How do we convince investors to buy into this project?
  • What resources do we need to execute these projects?
  • What processes can we put in place to ensure the success of this project
  • How do you plan to minimize the risks of this project?
  • How does your recommendation align with the company's short-term and long-term goals?

Create a stunning presentation in less time

  • Hundreds of premade slides available
  • Add animation and interactivity to your slides
  • Choose from various presentation options

how to prepare for a 20 minute presentation

11 Interview Presentation Tips

You've put in the work to prepare your interview presentation. Great job! Now the day and time of your presentation have arrived.

These 11 interview presentation tips will help you win your employers over.

1. Pick the Right Outfit

There's no hard and fast rule to picking the right interview outfit. And that’s because different companies and industries have preferred dress codes.

So your best bet will be to ask the hiring manager before the interview date. This will enable you to align your attire with the company culture.

Whether the acceptable dress code is formal or casual, wear something that makes you appear smart and confident. But when in doubt, stick to formal and smart business attire.

2. Arrive Early and Settle In

Whether you have an online or physical interview or presentation, this is a no-brainer. Showing up late doesn't only leave a bad impression, but it could cost you the job.

Arriving early to your interview will give you enough time to settle your nerves and tie loose ends.

A good rule of thumb is to arrive 15 to 20 minutes before your presentation. You'll have ample time to get comfortable with the equipment and the environment.

3. Start Strong and Build Rapport

The opening part of your interview presentation is where you set the mood for the rest of the presentation.

Here, you have to draw your audience in and convince them to listen to you. So aim to make it impactful and enthralling.

Once you get on the stage, build rapport with your audience.

Start by introducing yourself, professional experience, skills and educational background. Then, highlight your career achievements, records, awards and portfolio like the example interview presentation slide below.

how to prepare for a 20 minute presentation

The goal is to impress and attract your audience's attention. This is the moment where you convince recruiters that you’re worth listening to.

When it comes to your presenting your topics, you can kick off your presentation with the following techniques:

  • Use captivating quotes
  • Mention compelling statistics about the organization, industry or subject
  • Tell an interesting story about yourself or the subject
  • Talk about a trending news topic

Not only will this help draw your interviewers in, but it will engross them and set the mood for the rest of the presentation.

4. Be Confident

You've worked so hard to get to this point. Be confident that you've got this. Projecting confidence is also as important as having an incredible resume.

Recruiters love to listen to confident candidates. And developing this mindset will help you inspire trust and build connections with your potential employer.

If you're looking to keep your confidence high, do these things:

  • Speak with authority and make eye contact with your audience: This is you selling yourself and reiterating that you've got all it takes to do the job.
  • Pay attention to your body language: That's the first thing people notice. The way you carry yourself says a lot about how confident you are. Do your best to maintain the right body posture, smile, keep your head up and appear comfortable.
  • Use hand gestures: Utilizing strong hand gestures adds personality to your speech and makes you expressive. For example, moving your hand in an upward motion can describe growth rate or increase. Likewise, opening or closing your hands depicts sizes.

5. Deliver Like a Pro

While making your presentation, ensure your delivery is crisp and clear.

Whether you're using your voice or microphone, command attention by enunciating words clearly and projecting them to the back of the room. Otherwise, you'll come across as timid or unsure of your assertions.

Resist the temptation to use a dull tone or communicate without facial expressions.

Instead, deliver your speech with passion and vary your pitch to convey feelings and different emotional intensities. Delivering your message with emotion and liveliness will keep your audience hooked.

Most people tend to speak fast when they're nervous. Well, if this happens, your interviewer may miss out on important points.

Thus, maintain a reasonable pace and have occasional pauses in between. This will give you time to catch your breath, collect your thoughts and let your messages sink in.

Remember your slide is supposed to support your presentation, so avoid reading your slides or notes. Doing this will bore your audience and give them the impression that you're inept on the subject.

Showcase your expertise with the help of the presentation interview template below.

how to prepare for a 20 minute presentation

6. Tell a Compelling Story

Storytelling is one the most effective ways to structure your interview presentation.

Whether you're simulating a project, discussing a technical topic or pitching your skills, storytelling is the key to winning audience interest.

Top business leaders are making the most of it. You should make it the foundation of your interview presentation.

For example, in the video below, Sara Blakely, founder of Spanx, leverages storytelling to explain how she built a successful product.

One of the reasons why Steve Jobs stood out during presentations is his ability to tell captivating stories. He used storytelling during his keynote addresses, pitches and notably during the launch of the first iPhone in 2007.

Here's the thing. Telling stories engages your audience and helps understand your points. Also, it makes your presentation more impactful and memorable.

Here's how to use storytelling during your interview presentation

  • Plot: Select an area of focus and make it resonate with your audiences
  • Characters: Highlight the major players in your story. It could be you, the company, the industry, competitors, etc.
  • Opposition: Present a problem and why it matters to the organization or audience
  • Journey: Discuss what you bring to the table regarding the solution, planning, execution, monitoring, problem-solving and management
  • Conclusion: End with a strong resolution

What's more? To make your presentation cohesive and well-thought-out, use practical examples.

For example, the slide below highlights current gaps or problems.

how to prepare for a 20 minute presentation

Then, the next slide suggests practical steps to address the gaps or solve the problems.

how to prepare for a 20 minute presentation

7. Use Visual Aids

We discussed this during the preparation phase. And you've got to make it count while delivering your presentation.

Adding visuals to your story is a winning formula that works all the time.

Why? Interestingly about 65% of people are visual learners. Plus, our brains are wired to pay more attention to visual content.

But those are not the only reasons you should incorporate visuals into your presentation.

  • Visuals attract audience attention and enhance your delivery
  • With visuals, your audiences can quickly understand complex ideas
  • They appeal to your viewer's imagination and drive an emotional connection
  • Visual add power to your words and keeps your speech on track

You can use video, images, infographics and symbols to describe ideas or concepts. Map charts or statistical maps can help visualize geographical information.

You can visualize numbers using graphs, line charts, pie charts, bar charts and maps like in the slide template below.

how to prepare for a 20 minute presentation

8. Use Speaker Notes

While creating your slides, you can store essential talking points in your presenter notes. These notes are visible to you but aren't visible to your audience.

They help you recall key points like quotes, stats or ideas as you present.

Visme makes it super easy to add presenter notes to your slides. You can view your notes for the current and next slides as you present.

how to prepare for a 20 minute presentation

The tool also comes with a timer that helps you stay within the allocated time. If you're pressed for time, cut out the least relevant points and move the most important ones. Ultimately make sure you don't exceed the allotted time.

9. Be Prepared To Adapt

We get it. You've practiced your presentation and put other things in the right place.

However, keep in mind that things don't always go as planned. So you have to be willing to adapt to changes.

For example, you may have prepared a 10 minute presentation for interview and you’re given less than five minutes. Also, you may have planned to deliver your presentation and then take questions. But your interview may commence with questions or ask questions while you’re presenting.

Whatever the case, be prepared to pause for questions or switch to further discussion unexpectedly.

10. Have a Strong Closing

Your conclusion is as important as the intro. It determines what your audiences will walk away with and how they will feel about you.

Generally, it should be a summary of everything you discussed earlier. Therefore you have to bring it full circle and make it connected to the rest of your presentation.

Most importantly, make it convincing and memorable.

If your interviewer can remember the key takeaways from your presentation, you'll have the edge over other candidates.

Here's how to end your interview presentation in a memorable way:

  • Ask your audience questions about the topic that sparks curiosity and gets them thinking.
  • End with key takeaways that highlight the main points of your presentation.
  • Double down on the problems and how you can help solve them.
  • Mention how your recommended solution can help the company grow and increase their competitive edge
  • Tie your message to an interesting quote that aligns with the company vision, mission and goals
  • Highlight intriguing milestones and figures you can help the company achieve like profit margins, growth rate, market valuation, increased productivity, revenue growth, etc.
  • Demonstrate that you are open to feedback, questions and further discussion about the topic

Use the job interview presentation example below to craft a striking conclusion that leaves a lasting impression on your audience.

how to prepare for a 20 minute presentation

11. Take Questions and Feedback at the End

After you've concluded your presentation, get ready for questions and feedback from interviewers.

Keep in mind that the questions may differ from what you rehearsed. Still, make sure you answer the question with confidence and demonstrate expertise.

If the question is challenging, take a moment to compose your thoughts before responding. Also, if the question isn't clear, don't be afraid to ask for clarification.

In any case, the panel will judge your suitability for the role based on what you say, how you present yourself and how you approach questions.

Ace Your Interview Presentations with Visme

Creating an effective interview presentation can be your weapon to launch or advance your career. With a winning interview, you can outperform other candidates and convince your prospective employers that you're the right fit for the job.

But it all starts with setting aside hours to prepare for your presentations. In addition, make sure you follow all the tips we've shared for delivering your presentation.

Looking to create a presentation that will land you that new role? Then you need to use intuitive presentation software like Visme.

Whether you're a learner or an expert, Visme is easy to use. We guarantee that it will pay off more than you can imagine. The tool offers hundreds of pre-built presentation templates, built-in graphics, multimedia, design elements and more.

Beyond creating stunning presentations, you'll be able to share your presentation live. You can also embed it to your website or download it as a video or editable file formats like PDF, PPTX and more.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do you start an interview presentation.

There are a few great ways to start your presentation with style, immediately grabbing your audience’s attention:

  • Start with a provocative question or statement.
  • Tell a story.
  • Quote an influential person.
  • Ask a question.
  • Tell a joke.

What is a good presentation topic for an interview?

When creating a presentation as a part of a job interview, you want to choose a topic that will help to sell yourself and your knowledge. This might mean a prior project you worked on, some new tech in your industry, new industry trends, etc.

What is the point of an interview presentation?

An interview presentation helps potential employers understand your actual knowledge level in the industry. If you’re able to give an in-depth presentation showcasing how well you know about something related to your field, they’re much more likely to want you on their team.

How do you improve your interview presentation skills?

Looking to improve your presentation skills ? A few key interview presentation ideas and tips include:

  • Keep your slides short and sweet.
  • Practice before you present.
  • Don’t read off your slides.
  • Create a visually appealing presentation design .
  • Show off your personality.

Easily put together winning interview presentations in Visme

how to prepare for a 20 minute presentation

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how to prepare for a 20 minute presentation

About the Author

Unenabasi is a content expert with many years of experience in digital marketing, business development, and strategy. He loves to help brands tell stories that drive engagement, growth, and competitive advantage. He’s adept at creating compelling content on lifestyle, marketing, business, e-commerce, and technology. When he’s not taking the content world by storm, Unenabasi enjoys playing or watching soccer.

how to prepare for a 20 minute presentation


How Many Slides for a 20-Minute Presentation?

Last updated on May 25th, 2023

how to prepare for a 20 minute presentation

One of the most frequent questions asked by individuals preparing for a presentation is, “How many slides should I use for a 20-minute presentation?” While there’s no definitive answer to this question, as it can vary based on factors such as content, audience, and speaking style, there are general guidelines that can help in planning your presentation.

One such guideline is the 10-20-30 Rule , created by Guy Kawasaki, a venture capitalist and former chief evangelist of Apple.

This 10/20/30 rule, however, is not a one-size-fits-all solution and should be adapted based on the needs of your presentation. For a 20-minute presentation, the suggested amount of slides would typically align with the 10-20-30 Rule , but it could vary depending on the complexity and depth of your topic.

Adapting the 10-20-30 Rule for a 20-Minute Presentation

To apply the 10-20-30 Rule for a 20-minute presentation effectively, you need to take into account your speech speed and the depth of the information you are presenting. Generally, the rule of thumb is to allocate 2 minutes per slide, which would suggest 10 slides for a 20-minute presentation . However, if your presentation involves complex concepts or detailed information, you may need more slides to adequately cover the material.

On the flip side, if you’re giving a high-level overview or briefing, you might be able to stick with fewer slides. Be cautious of overloading your audience with information, though. Too many slides can lead to cognitive overload, and too few might leave your audience with unanswered questions.

Balancing Slides and Content in a 20-minute presentation

When planning your presentation, balance is key. Each slide should focus on one main point or idea, and this should be clearly conveyed to your audience. Avoid the temptation to fill your slides with text; instead, use visual slides and visual content such as infographics, charts, videos or images to support your points and maintain audience engagement.

Remember, slides are there to enhance your presentation, not to replace your verbal communication. A slide deck filled with text is likely to distract your audience and potentially lead to a less engaging presentation.

So, how many slides should I include in a 20-minute presentation?

In conclusion, the number of slides for a 20-minute presentation can vary greatly depending on various factors, including the depth and complexity of the information being presented, the speaker’s pace, and the audience’s prior knowledge and interests.

While guidelines like the 10-20-30 Rule suggest 10 slides for a 20-minute presentation, it’s important to remember that these are not rigid rules. Instead, consider them as flexible principles to guide your presentation planning.

For a standard, information-based presentation, a good baseline for the number of slides in a 20-minute presentation might be around 10 to 15 slides . This allows for approximately 1.5 to 2 minutes per slide, a pace that typically aligns with natural speaking and comprehension rates.

However, if your presentation is more data-intensive or requires detailed explanations, you might need more slides – perhaps up to 20 or 25. Conversely, if your talk is more of a high-level overview, you might manage with fewer slides.

Alternatively, check the estimated number of slides for a 10-minute presentation , or a 30-minute presentation .

In the end, the goal is to ensure each slide contributes valuable content to your presentation and engages your audience without overwhelming them. Your slides should support and enhance your message, not detract from it. Focus on delivering quality content and maintaining a good pace, and you’ll be on your way to delivering a successful 20-minute presentation.

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Adult BMI Calculator

Obesity and Excess Weight Increase Risk of Severe Illness; Racial and Ethnic Disparities Persist

Food Assistance and Food Systems Resources

This calculator provides body mass index (BMI) and the corresponding BMI weight status category for adults 20 years and older. For children and teens, 2 through 19 years, use the BMI Calculator for Children and Teens .

( English | Metric )

Note: this calculator uses JavaScript. If you have JavaScript turned off or have problems using the calculator, use the formula for calculating BMI on About BMI for Adults .

Recalculate BMI

Please check the accuracy of the information you entered:

Both height and weight are needed for a BMI result.

For the information you entered:

Your BMI is   , indicating your weight is in the    category for adults of your height.

BMI is a screening measure and is not intended to diagnose disease or illness. For more information, visit About Adult BMI .

Discuss your BMI category with your healthcare provider as BMI may relate to your overall health and well-being. Your healthcare provider might determine possible reasons for underweight and recommend support or treatment.

Maintaining a weight in the healthy BMI range is one way to support overall health as you age. For more information about lifestyle approaches, visit Healthy Weight .

Your BMI is   , indicating your weight is in the    category for adults of your height. BMI is a screening measure and is not intended to diagnose disease or illness. For more information, visit About Adult BMI .

Discuss your BMI category with your healthcare provider as BMI may relate to your overall health and well-being. Your healthcare provider might determine possible reasons for overweight and recommend support or treatment. Having excess weight can increase risk for chronic conditions, such as high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and high cholesterol. Take this 1-minute  prediabetes risk test .

Discuss your BMI category with your healthcare provider as BMI may relate to your overall health and well-being. Your healthcare provider might determine possible reasons for obesity and recommend support or treatment. Having obesity can increase risk for chronic conditions, such as high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and high cholesterol. Take this 1-minute  prediabetes risk test .

BMI: bmi_type
BMI Weight Status
Below 18.5 Underweight
18.5—24.9 Healthy Weight
25.0—29.9 Overweight
30.0 and Above Obesity

Related Resources

  • What is BMI?
  • How is BMI used?
  • What are the BMI trends for adults in the United States?
  • Why is BMI used to measure overweight and obesity?
  • What are other ways to assess excess body fatness?
  • How is BMI calculated?
  • How is BMI interpreted for adults?
  • Is BMI interpreted the same way for children and teens as it is for adults?
  • How good is BMI as an indicator of body fatness?
  • If an athlete or other person with a lot of muscle has a BMI over 25, is that person still considered to be overweight?
  • What are the health consequences of obesity for adults?

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BMI is a reliable indicator of body fatness for most people. It is used to screen for weight categories that may lead to health problems. Including this widget on your application will allow people to calculate their BMI and see the corresponding weight category. It also provides information on what BMI is.

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BMI For Adults Widget

<h3>BMI For Adults Widget</h3><br /><br /><br /><br /><p><iframe src=’https://www.cdc.gov/healthyweight/assessing/adult-widget/iframe.html’ style=’border: 0px;’ width=’170′ height=’395′></iframe>

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The Geneva Conventions and their Commentaries

The 1949 Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols are international treaties that contain the most important rules limiting the barbarity of war. They protect people who do not take part in the fighting (civilians, medics, aid workers) and those who can no longer fight (wounded, sick and shipwrecked troops, prisoners of war).

  • The rules of war
  • What are the Geneva Conventions?

What are the Commentaries?

Useful links, from the international review of the red cross.

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The rules of war in a nutshell

People have always used violence to settle disputes, and all cultures through the ages have believed that there have to be limits on that violence if we are to prevent wars from descending into barbarity. For instance, there are rules protecting non-participants, prisoners and the wounded. These rules are set out in international humanitarian law. Yes, even wars have limits.

Updated Commentary on the First Geneva Convention

how to prepare for a 20 minute presentation

Updated Commentary on the Second Geneva Convention

how to prepare for a 20 minute presentation

Updated Commentary on the Third Geneva Convention

how to prepare for a 20 minute presentation

The Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Additional Protocols

how to prepare for a 20 minute presentation

What are the Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols?

The Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols are international treaties that contain the most important rules limiting the barbarity of war. They protect people who do not take part in the fighting (civilians, medics, aid workers) and those who can no longer fight (wounded, sick and shipwrecked troops, prisoners of war).

The Geneva Conventions – one of humanity's most important accomplishments of the last century – turned 70 on 12 August 2019. It was an opportunity to celebrate all the lives the Conventions have helped save, determine what further work needs to be done and remind the world of the importance of protecting people from the worst of war.

The Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols are at the core of international humanitarian law , the body of international law that regulates the conduct of armed conflict and seeks to limit its effects. They specifically protect people who are not taking part in the hostilities, including civilians, health workers and aid workers, and those who are no longer participating, such as wounded, sick and shipwrecked soldiers and prisoners of war. The Conventions and their Protocols call for measures to be taken to prevent or put an end to all breaches. They contain stringent rules to deal with what are known as "grave breaches". Those who commit grave breaches must be pursued and tried or extradited, whatever their nationality. 

The ICRC has produced Commentaries on each of the Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols to promote better understanding of and respect for these vital treaties. They are currently being updated to incorporate developments in the application and interpretation of these treaties since their negotiation. The main aim of the updated Commentaries is to give people an understanding of the law as it is currently interpreted so that it can be applied effectively in today's armed conflicts. They are an essential tool for practitioners, reaffirming the continued relevance of the Conventions, generating respect for them and strengthening protection for people affected by armed conflict.

Treaty database: full texts, commentaries and state parties

  • First Geneva Convention, 1949
  • Second Geneva Convention, 1949
  • Third Geneva Convention, 1949
  • Fourth Geneva Convention, 1949
  • Protocol I additional to the Geneva Conventions, 1977
  • Protocol II additional to the Geneva Conventions, 1977
  • Protocol III additional to the Geneva Conventions, 2005

Domestic Law

  • Additional Protocols to the Geneva Conventions of 1949
  • The Protection of the Red Cross, Red Crescent and Red Crystal Emblems
  • The International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission
  • Geneva Conventions (Consolidation) Act – Model Law
  • Third Additional Protocol to the Geneva Conventions of 1949 – Ratification kit
  • Additional Protocols to the Geneva Conventions of 1949 – Ratification kit
  • The protection of the natural environment under international humanitarian law:…
  • Beyond the Literature: Detention by Non-State Armed Groups under International …
  • Interview with Marja Lehto
  • The legal limits to the destruction of natural resources in non-international a…
  • Unveiling claims of discrimination based on nationality in the context of occup…
  • The Inspector-General of the Australian Defence Force Afghanistan Inquiry Repor…


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  1. The 20-minute Presentation Checklist

    The 20-minute Presentation Checklist. If you've been given only 20 minutes, 10 minutes, or even 5 minutes to make your point, you don't need to jam everything you ever learned into that precious time. It won't make you look smarter. Let's take a look at what's possible. Below are three TED Talks that I find to be amazing examples of ...

  2. Breathtaking 20 Minute Presentations: Write, Design & Deliver

    The 10-20-30 Rule. The 10-20-30 Rule means: 10 Presentation Slides that run for 20 minutes and have font size no less than 30 points. According to this calculation, you can have 2 minutes to each slide. Guy Kawasaki introduced and proved this formula as most effective for an average presenter.

  3. 3 Easy Steps to a Great 20 Minute Presentation

    Use them. 2. Storyboard the content. Speaking of sketch artists, it helps to think like an artist when preparing a presentation. Before you open PowerPoint, head to a white board or take out good ...

  4. What It Takes to Give a Great Presentation

    Here are a few tips for business professionals who want to move from being good speakers to great ones: be concise (the fewer words, the better); never use bullet points (photos and images paired ...

  5. How to produce the best presentation in the shortest time possible: 10

    The basic outline of your presentation should look like this: (i) Tell the audience what you're going to tell them. (ii) Tell them it. (iii) Tell them what you told them. And the expanded version might look like this: ‍Opening - Could open with a startling question / statement / story to grab attention…. ‍Introduction - Good morning, my ...

  6. How To Make a Good Presentation [A Complete Guide]

    Apply the 10-20-30 rule. Apply the 10-20-30 presentation rule and keep it short, sweet and impactful! Stick to ten slides, deliver your presentation within 20 minutes and use a 30-point font to ensure clarity and focus. Less is more, and your audience will thank you for it! 9. Implement the 5-5-5 rule. Simplicity is key.

  7. How to Give a Killer Presentation

    Frame your story (figure out where to start and where to end). Plan your delivery (decide whether to memorize your speech word for word or develop bullet points and then rehearse it—over and ...

  8. How to make a great presentation

    How to make a great presentation. Stressed about an upcoming presentation? These talks are full of helpful tips on how to get up in front of an audience and make a lasting impression. Watch now. Add to list. 18:00. Nancy Duarte.

  9. How to Prepare for a Presentation, with Examples

    4. Practise presentation flow. As well as practising for the ideas and what you want to say, practise how you want your presentation to flow. Think of it almost as a symphony, with high points, slow movements and crescendos. If it's important, think about how you want your audience to feel, what emotions you want them to have, and when. 5.

  10. 5 essential preparation steps for a successful presentation

    Get started with TED Masterclass. When preparing for your presentation, there are 5 steps to keep in mind when preparing for your presentation. These include: choosing the right software for your needs, organizing your files, preparing your presentation materials, practice, and make sure to do a final test run.

  11. How to prepare a 20-minute TED-like talk

    A good 20-minute talk presents one idea, tells one story, and asks one question. Begin by choosing one idea. Try to make it an idea that has universal interest, but where your specific expertise can usefully be applied. Then, narrow it down and focus it until you can sum it up easily in an elevator pitch of a few sentences: As a neuranatomist ...

  12. 200 topics for 20-Minute Presentations

    Cybersecurity in the Digital Age. The Importance of Financial Literacy. The Role of Education in Economic Development. Mental Health Stigma and Society. The Psychology of Procrastination. Bridging the Gender Gap in STEM Fields. The History and Impact of the Internet. Understanding the Refugee Crisis.

  13. How to Give a Good Presentation: 10 Tips

    Tip #1: Tell stories. Sharing an anecdote from your life can improve your credibility and increase your relatability. And when an audience relates to you, they're more likely to feel connected to who you are as a person and encouraged to give you their full attention, as they would want others to do the same.

  14. 3 ways to build a 20-minute, "quaranteeny" presentation

    Choose a topic, choose one objective, draft a high-level outline (like a Red Thread or Conversational Case) that you cover for 1/3 or 1/2 of your time, and then open up the rest of the time to discussion. You could also break your content down into a few smaller sections (say, 5 to 10 minutes each) and have shorter discussions afterward.

  15. How many slides should a 20 minute presentation be?

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    It's likely about a fear of public humiliation rather than of public speaking. Shift the spotlight from yourself to what you have to say. Reject the voice in your head trying to destroy your ...

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    If I'm asked to speak for 20 minutes or less I often go without slides. More than 20 minutes and the dynamics of attention are more complex and I typically use slides, though less than many speakers do. I give the same advice to others: the shorter the talk, the simpler your presentation should be. How to prepare a slide-free presentation

  18. How Long Should It Take to Practice for a Presentation?

    It states that you must go over your presentation content for 20 minutes, saying it out loud a couple of times. And then you shall repeat the same process twice more, i.e., 20 minutes followed by 2 more sets of 20 minutes. However, you shall make sure of repeating the next set within 30 minutes as it helps in better recall and easy learning.

  19. How to Deliver a Winning Interview Presentation

    Stick a font size of 36 pixels for titles and at least 30 pixels for body text. Additionally, to make your message pop, maintain a solid contrast between your text and background. If you use a dark background, use a white font color and vice versa. You can grab inspiration from the job interview presentation sample below.

  20. How Many Slides for a 20-Minute Presentation?

    For a standard, information-based presentation, a good baseline for the number of slides in a 20-minute presentation might be around 10 to 15 slides. This allows for approximately 1.5 to 2 minutes per slide, a pace that typically aligns with natural speaking and comprehension rates. However, if your presentation is more data-intensive or ...

  21. Build a presentation in minutes without PowerPoint

    How to create your presentation without Powerpoint. Start a new presentation - Sign up or log into your Mentimeter account. Begin with the Content Slides to create the title page and intro to your presentation. The Bullet Slide is great to highlight the most important information and help users retain info. Use the new Layout options to decide ...

  22. How many slides should you have in a 20 minute presentation?

    Well if you listen to Guy Kawasaki and his 10/20/30 rule, the answer's quite simple. a PowerPoint presentation should have ten slides, last no more than twen...

  23. Make Presentations Fun Again With Microsoft Visio, Now $20

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  24. Adult BMI Calculator

    Do you know your BMI and what it means for your health? Use this online calculator to find out your BMI and the corresponding weight status category. This tool is designed for adults, 20 years old and older, and based on scientific evidence. Learn more about BMI and how to improve your nutrition and physical activity.

  25. The Geneva Conventions and their Commentaries

    The rules of war in a nutshell People have always used violence to settle disputes, and all cultures through the ages have believed that there have to be limits on that violence if we are to prevent wars from descending into barbarity.

  26. Highlights from Trump's speech and the final night of the RNC

    The rest of the more than 90-minute-long speech was thoroughly confusing. It meandered between points, often going off-script with ad-libs that left a standard-issue Trump campaign speech without ...

  27. Takeaways From Day 2 of the R.N.C.: The Republican Unity Show

    Two of them were sentenced to serve 20 years to life in prison, the third defendant was sentenced to seven years and the fourth spent 14 months in prison, Mr. Bragg's office said.