how to select a research topic for phd

Navigating Your PhD Topic Choice

Embarking on an impactful research career, starting with your thesis.

We’ve compiled this guide to share the tools and frameworks we think will be most helpful to you if you’re searching for a meaningful thesis topic for your PhD.

About this guide

If you’re applying for a PhD, this guide can provide comprehensive assistance throughout your journey towards finding the best possible PhD for you. In the first part we focus on how you can decide whether to pursue a PhD, identify the values you want to guide your research and start generating research ideas. In the second half we will introduce a framework you can use to narrow your ideas down to a specific research question and ultimately create a PhD proposal. Finally, we will help you with finding the best possible supportive environment for your project and identifying the next steps of your PhD journey.

If you are not yet very familiar with core concepts like career capital and the ITN framework , we recommend reading the linked articles. We also recommend you read this article to understand why systematic approaches to career decisions are probably more useful than popular advice like “follow your passion”, and why helping others with your career will help you experience your job as more meaningful. 

How to use this guide

We recommend completing this guide over multiple sittings, e.g. working through one section per week. However, please adjust the pace to suit your circumstances. We think you will get the most out of this guide if you start from the beginning, but you might want to skip some sections if you’ve already thought deeply about the content.

After reading the articles linked in each step, take some time (5-10 minutes) to answer the prompts we list, or to complete the exercises we recommend. We find that writing your thoughts down on paper is a step that people often want to skip, but it can help tremendously in getting clarity for yourself. 

Is a PhD the right next step for you?

Lots of people “stumble” into PhDs. For example, they might see it as a default step in completing their education, or they might have been offered to continue with their previous supervisor. Before committing to a PhD programme, it is good to consider a broad range of alternatives in order to ensure that a PhD is the best path for you at this stage. Make sure you have done enough reflection and updated your plans based on your experiences thus far, instead of going down the “default” academic path.

We also recommend that you take some time to browse through these short descriptions of core concepts , particularly ‘Expected Value’, ‘Opportunity Cost’ and ‘Leverage’.  Perhaps note down a few takeaways that apply to your decision.

Reflection prompts

If you’re unsure whether a PhD is right for you, here are some prompts to consider.

  • Where do you envision yourself a few years after completing a PhD? 
  • How does a PhD align with your long-term goals and aspirations?
  • Are you genuinely interested and intrinsically motivated by the subject area you intend to pursue with your PhD? 
  • Have you carefully assessed whether obtaining a PhD is a necessary requirement for your desired career path? 
  • Are there alternative routes or professional qualifications that may lead you to your desired destination more efficiently, e.g. in less time/ with a better salary?
  • Have you talked to people who completed or are currently pursuing the kind of PhD you are considering?

Exercise: exploring career paths

One helpful activity to undertake could be to search for job opportunities that you find exciting. To start, do a job search (2-5 hours) and list the five most attractive options you can find. Now, check which job requirements you’re currently lacking. Do you need a PhD to get the role? Would you get there faster or be better prepared by taking a different route?

Here are some more articles if you are interested in the question ‘Who should do a PhD?’:

  • Survival Guide to a PhD – Andrej Karpathy
  • Why I’m doing a PhD – Jess Whittlestone
  • Pro and Cons of Applying for a PhD – Robert Wiblin

Reflect on your values and moral beliefs

Understanding your values and moral beliefs is an ongoing endeavour and you don’t need to have it figured out before choosing your topic. However, we do encourage reflection on this, as doing so might significantly shift your motivation to work on some problems over others. If that happens, the earlier you make this shift the better. What do we mean when we say doing good ? Most people agree that they want to “do good” with their lives. However, it is worth reflecting on what this actually means to you. We recommend reading the article linked above to learn more about some concepts we think are particularly relevant when reflecting on this question, such as impartiality, the moral circle, and uncertainty. This will help you to get a better understanding of what sort of thesis topics would align with your values and what kind of problems you want to contribute to solving with your research.

  • How much do you value animal lives vs human lives ?
  • How important do you think is it to reduce existential risks for humanity?
  • How much do you value future generations ? How do you feel about improving existing lives vs lives that exist in the future?

This flowchart from the Global Priorities Project can help you navigate through this cause prioritisation process.

Here are two further resources that could help you with this reflection:

How to compare global problems for yourself – 80,000 Hours

World’s Biggest Problems Quiz |

Getting inspired

Now it’s time to get inspired! You can read more about how research can change the world , and how academic research can be highly impactful . Finally, have a look at our thesis topic profiles for inspiration or, if you have no time constraints, sign up to our Topic Discovery Digest to receive biweekly inspirational emails. These emails cover a range of particularly impactful research areas, along with example research questions that are recommended by our experts and relevant to many different disciplines of study. We recommend you read the 3-5 profiles that interest you the most in depth.

  • Which of the topic profiles that sparked your interest are new to you? How could you quickly get a better understanding of what it is like to work on these topics?
  • How would disregarding your current skill set change your top choices? Would you consider taking some time out to “upskill” to switch to a new area of research, if possible?
  • What are the uncertainties that, if you could find an answer to them, would help you decide between your top choices?

See here if you want to learn more about how we go about writing our thesis topic profiles and why we prioritise these topics.

Side note: Because we try to feature problems that are particularly important, tractable, and neglected, you might see some problems listed on our site that it’s uncommon to see described as global problems, while others are not featured. As an example, in our “human health and wellbeing” category, we list anti-aging research but not cancer research. We think research on widely recognised problems such as cancer is highly important. However, because so many more researchers are already working on these problems, we think that – all else equal – you will probably have a bigger impact working on problems that are relatively neglected.

Generating ideas

After reading a few of our topic profiles , we recommend that you start a brainstorming document as an ongoing way of collecting research questions you’re interested in. This will help you keep track of and develop your ideas during your idea generation phase, and make it easier for others to give you feedback later on. 

In addition to exploring our topic profiles, you could also identify questions through a literature review and reach out to your supervisor or other researchers in the field(s) you’re interested in and ask what they think some of the most important and neglected open questions are. Moreover, you could contact some of the organisations listed on our topic profiles and ask if there are research projects you could undertake that would be decision-relevant for them. Reaching out to others at this stage can also help to discard unfeasible ideas early on, before you invest too much time in them.

Some tools that might be useful during the idea generation phase:

  • Connected papers – explore connections between research papers in a visual graph.
  • Elicit – an AI research assistant to help you automate research workflows, like parts of literature review.
  • Find more resources and tools for research here .

We recommend collecting at least 20 research questions, grouped into overarching topics or research fields, and then adding some context, e.g. relevant papers and researchers, why you think this question is worth addressing, what relevant expertise you already have, and how qualified you are to work on this compared to other options. 

NB : We think that many people feel too limited by their past work, so we think you should probably lean towards considering questions and topics that are slightly outside your comfort zone.

Exercise: create a brainstorming document

Use this template to create a brainstorming document.

Comparing options

Once you feel you have collected enough research questions in your brainstorming document, you can start comparing how these research questions score on the factors that are most important to you. We recommend you take 15-20 minutes to think about which factors are key to your decision of pursuing a PhD and write them down. Here are some factors (adapted from this post ) that you could consider:

  • Importance – How large in scale and/or severity is the problem your question would address? 
  • Tractability – How realistic is it that you would make progress? Is your research question concrete and manageable, and do you have a clear strategy to tackle it?
  • Neglectedness – Will others work on this question if you don’t?
  • Actionability – Would your research have a clear audience and could it inform positive actions? Will this project generate genuinely new and useful findings/data? Will it help to translate/ communicate important ideas that need more attention/ awareness?
  • Learning value – Will you learn useful things from working on the project? Will it help you build valuable research skills, build your model of how something important works, and/ or help you refine a vaguely defined concept into a crisp, important question?
  • Exploration value – Will this project help you decide what to do next? 
  • Personal fit & situational fit – Does your personal background make you a good fit for working on this question? Do you currently have or can you find support for working on it, e.g. excellent mentorship? 
  • Credentials and career capital – Will the output demonstrate your research competence? For example, if you could get a reference from a particularly prestigious researcher by working on one of the projects you’re interested in, this might be an important consideration. Will the project reflect well on you, and is it shareable with others (or could it be developed into something shareable/ a publication)? Will the project allow you to build relationships with people whom it will be helpful to know going forward? 
  • Intrinsic motivation   – Are you excited about working on this project?
  • Method efficacy – How well can a particular approach help solve the problem that you are trying to address?

Exercise: sketch theories of change for your research questions

Once you’ve considered which of these factors matter to you, take a few minutes to sketch a theory of change for each research question you’re considering. 

A theory of change is a step by step plan of how you hope to achieve a positive impact with your research, starting with the context you’d be working in, the research outputs you would plan to produce, and the short- and long-term impacts you would hope to achieve with your research. Sketching some theories of change will help you outline how your research ideas could have a positive impact, giving you something to get feedback on in the next step below.

how to select a research topic for phd

Consider whether your research could have negative outcomes too

When you’re considering the value of working on a particular research problem, it may also be important to remember that research isn’t a monolithic force for good. Research has done a lot of good, but there are many examples of it doing a lot of harm as well. There is a long history of research being biased by the discriminatory beliefs and blindspots of its time, as well as being used to justify cruelty and oppression . Research has made warfare more deadly and has facilitated the development of intensive factory farming . Dual-use biotechnology research is intended to help humanity, but could, for example, cause a catastrophic pandemic in the event of a lab accident or if the technology was misused. While some researchers are trying to increase the chance that future artificial intelligence is safe for humanity , many more researchers are focused on making AI more powerful. 

While it isn’t realistic for researchers to foresee every way their research could be (mis)used, many researchers are trying to create frameworks for thinking about how research can do harm and how to avoid this. For example, if you’re interested in working on biosecurity or AI safety, you could explore concepts such as differential progress and information hazards . If you’re working on global health questions, it may be important to educate yourself about the concept of parachute science .

Reach out to others for feedback

At this point, we think it could be helpful to identify some experts who might be interested in talking about your collection of potential research questions, and reach out to them for feedback. Getting feedback might then help you to prioritise between questions, develop your methodology further or discard projects before investing too much effort in them. You could seek feedback via two strategies – firstly, by sending your brainstorming document to people asking for general comments, and secondly, by seeking out people who have specialist knowledge on specific questions you’re considering and asking for their feedback on those ideas.

Here are some ways of connecting with other researchers:

  • Reach out to your existing connections
  • Attend research conferences related to your field of interest and speak to relevant people there, e.g. 1-1s at EAGs could be a great place to reach out to people for feedback on research ideas on directions that we recommend
  • Are there any local student and/ or reading groups in your area that focus on a research area that you are planning to work on? 
  • Public Slack channels on your research area, e.g. List of EA Slack workspaces

When preparing to reach out to experts, keep these key points in mind:

  • Give the expert relevant information about yourself (e.g. What is your background? What is the scope of the project you’re planning to work on?).
  • Prepare a short agenda if they’ve agreed to call you and share it with them beforehand (although they might not have time to read it, many people appreciate having the option to consider topics of discussion in advance).
  • Think about what your key uncertainties actually are and what kind of feedback you want from the expert. Would you like their overall reaction? Detailed comments? Feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of your research ideas? Specific suggestions to improve your ideas? Feedback on how you plan to use the outputs of your research project? 
  • Consider having a brainstorming document ready to share with them.
  • You might want to have a look at this and this for more information about how to prepare.

Exercise: creating a weighted-factor model

Choosing which factors you want to base your thesis decision on will help you to reflect on what is important to you. Once you’ve done the exercise above and gathered some feedback from other people about your ideas, think about how much weight you want to give each factor. Lastly, try to evaluate how the research questions you’re considering score on each factor. The outcome of this ranking can serve as guidance for deciding on a question and can help clarify your intuitions about which questions would be the best fit for your dissertation. Here is an example of a ranking of potential thesis questions using a weighted-factor model (WFM).

Refining your research question

Once you have settled on a research question, it is time to develop a well-scoped and viable research proposal. The purpose of the proposal is to identify a relevant research topic, explain the context of the research, define concrete goals, and propose a realistic work plan to achieve them. If you’ve already built a Theory of Change for your research question, we recommend adding detail at this stage to help you create a proposal. We also think it’s important to reach out to your supervisor or other relevant people in the field of your research interests to ask for feedback, as this will help you develop an appropriate methodology. 

Here are a few more tips that could help you with narrowing the scope of your research project or refining your research question:

  • First, make sure you have a detailed model of the problem you are planning to address in your research. Who are the different actors involved? How can research help fill gaps in our current knowledge? What are the particularly neglected approaches and interventions for this problem?
  • You will only be able to make a valuable research contribution if your project is focused. Break down goals into discrete tasks and summarise what you are actually going to do. We suggest you create a detailed plan for the first few months of your project, a less detailed but fully coherent plan for the first year, describe a direction you might take in the second year, and generate some ideas for the following years. This will help you understand how much work is involved in every step and evaluate what is feasible in the available time frame.
  • Consider practical questions. What kind of facilities do you have? Do you meet the university requirements?
  • Try to develop the smallest possible question that can be answered and that data can be collected on, then have conditional upgrades/sub-questions based on that. This can be ambitious, but each stage should be developed enough to not be overwhelming or too vague.
  • Start with a research question that’s as simple as possible and that you’re confident will be successful. From there, you can slowly and incrementally work towards pursuing more complex research questions. 

Find the best possible supportive environment

There are many different types of PhD programmes available – from 3-year PhDs to which you apply with a very specific project idea, to 6-year PhD programmes in which the first years are dedicated to coursework. It is important to find the best environment for your studies, with crucial considerations including the university and its community, the supportiveness of the supervisor/lab and the availability of funding. This section has advice on these three points and aims to facilitate you reflecting on them.

How much does the reputation of the university where you study your PhD matter for an academic career?

This is a commonly asked question among students, and we have compiled a set of key insights based on conversations with 30 of our experts. 

  • The general advice is that you should pick the most prestigious university or research hub that you can get into.
  • The importance of your university’s reputation varies across regions, with the US and the UK placing more significance on it compared to Europe or Australia. For the US especially, you will likely get a much better education and teaching quality, as well as access to resources, from a more prestigious university.
  • It is worth noting that high-quality research labs (and supervisors) can be found outside of big-name universities, as specific research hubs may exist elsewhere. 
  • It is important to note that even researchers in the most prestigious universities can be poor supervisors. 
  • Ideally, you’ll find a great supervisor at a highly reputable institution. However, if you have to decide, finding an excellent supervisor seems to be the superior consideration – see below. 
  • The significance of the university’s reputation increases if your career aspirations involve influencing government, e.g. in policy roles.
  • Outstanding research, impactful contributions to the field, and a strong professional network could potentially outweigh the importance of a university’s reputation. 

Find a standout advisor

We think it is very important to find someone who genuinely cares about your research question and who will make a lot of time to supervise you well. Further, your supervisor will influence how effective you are in your work and how much you enjoy the research, as they will be the primary person guiding you throughout your whole research process. Especially at the PhD level, your advisor’s network matters tremendously for how well- connected you are and what sorts of opportunities will be open to you. So, here are some green flags to look out for in a supervisor:

  • They care about your research question (pitch your ideas to the supervisor and see how enthusiastic they are about the potential project).
  • They have the skills to supervise your project (check if they have experience in the methodologies you want to use).
  • They truly care about mentoring you well (ask questions about their mentoring style, get a feel for how you match as a person).
  • Their previous and current students are satisfied with them as a supervisor (ideally the person has a good track record of supervising other students – arrange a meeting with at least one current or past student). 
  • They are successful (e.g. based on their citation count and general prestige).

Sign up for access to our database of potential supervisors who work on the research directions we recommend. Here are more tips on finding the right person to supervise you. 

Financing your studies

Even if you get accepted to a programme, it does not automatically mean that you get funding as well. Here are some tips if you need to apply for funding independently:

Consider a wide range of funding sources, e.g. national scholarships, university scholarships, grants and foundations dedicated to specific causes, and excellence scholarships (e.g. Gates or Rhodes Scholarships). Here is our funding database which includes funding opportunities relevant to the research directions we recommend.

  • Consider the university environment – Would you be happy to live in the city of the programme you are applying to for 3-6 years? Do some university environments offer a more stimulating environment than others? Are there other researchers with similar values or motivations to you in this research hub?
  • Do you have any hard criteria for choosing the location for your PhD? For example, would you consider moving abroad for an exciting opportunity? 
  • What do you already know about the application process? What uncertainties do you have and how can you go about resolving them?

We recommend that you make a list of the programmes that best fit your research interests and other factors that are important to you. Then, check the requirements and deadlines for each of them and write down the next steps you need to take to apply. We also recommend reaching out to people who have gone through the PhD programme(s) you are applying to to hear about their experiences.

Set out your next steps

Take a few minutes now to write down your next steps for applying to the programs you’re interested in.

It could be helpful to sign up for some accountability buddy schemes, ask friends to check on your progress, or to set yourself a hard deadline on some important next steps that you want to take. You could schedule some time in your calendar right now, or make a note in your to-do list about a task that you want to complete soon.

Reflection prompts:

  • What information do you need to get right now?
  • What are you uncertain about? 
  • What is keeping you from advancing with your project and how could you concretely resolve this?

Examples for concrete next steps could be:

  • Reach out to people for feedback on your brainstorming document
  • Reach out to potential supervisors
  • Apply to an EAG or other academic conference and make a list of people you want to speak to 
  • Reach out to people who have gone through the program you are applying to
  • Reach out to current PhD students about proposal examples

Here are some further resources that could be helpful for you:

  • Tips on impactful research
  • Resources and tools for research
  • Looking after your mental health
  • Our Effective Thesis Community
  • Research internships and other opportunities

For more general career advice, there are some other organisations that could help you with 1:1 advising. We recommend the following:

  • 80,000 hours offers one-time 1:1 advising calls about using your career to help solve one of the world’s most pressing problems. They can help you choose your focus, make connections, and find a fulfilling job to tackle important problems.
  • Magnify Mentoring pairs mentees who are interested in pursuing high-impact careers with more experienced mentors for a series of one-on-one meetings.
  • Probably Good is running 1:1 advising calls to brainstorm career paths, evaluate options, plan next steps, and to connect you with relevant people and opportunities. 
  • Lastly, please leave us some feedback . Thank you! 

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Enago Academy

How to Choose a Good Research Topic for Your PhD

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Choosing the right research topic is quite often a daunting task, especially for PhD students. However, developing a good research question has a positive impact on students’ research careers. Thesis advisors offer help during this initial stage. Later on, PhD students are expected to choose their own research topic for subsequent studies.

When navigating through several interesting research topics, it becomes necessary to strike the right balance between curiosity and societal needs. Moreover, funding agencies fund compelling research proposals based on meaningful and highly relevant research topics. Selecting a good research topic can, therefore, increase the odds of academic success.

PhD Research Topic and Your Career

Performing a meticulous literature survey helps researchers identify existing research gaps and devise novel strategies for addressing them. Once the research gap is identified, it becomes imperative to choose a meaningful research question. A well-chosen research question can lead to a compelling research proposal. In fact, doctoral researchers can positively shape their entire career by finalizing a good research proposal. Researchers are expected to choose topics that can potentially lead to impactful publications. Good publications fetch good citations. Well-published and well-cited researchers can easily find satisfying jobs in academia or industry. Choosing the right research topic, thus, can open doors to satisfying job opportunities worldwide.

Pathway to Success

There are several ways to ensure success in research. When in graduate school, students need to undertake several measures to identify a compelling research topic. Although conducting a thorough literature survey certainly facilitates this process, it is virtually impossible to choose the right research topic solely based on literature surveys. Students and early-stage researchers, therefore, need to brainstorm thoroughly with their advisor, talk to experts, and attend research seminars/conferences to listen to (and network with) established researchers. Quite often, taking up the relevant coursework (especially for interdisciplinary research areas) simplifies the process of research topic selection.

Choosing the right research question helps researchers stay focused and motivated throughout their career. Meaningful research questions eventually lead to meaningful discoveries and inventions. Robert Smith presented in Graduate Research: A Guide for Students in the Sciences (ISI Press, 1984) a list of 11 research questions to consider:

  • Can you enthusiastically pursue it?
  • Can you sustain your interest while pursuing it?
  • Is the problem solvable?
  • Is it worth pursuing?
  • Will it lead to other research problems?
  • Is it manageable in size?
  • What is the potential for making an original contribution to the literature in the field?
  • Will the scholars in your field receive the results well if you solve the problem?
  • Are you (or will you become) competent to solve it?
  • By solving it, will you have demonstrated independent skills in your discipline?
  • Will the necessary research prepare you in an area of demand or promise for the future?

Keeping these questions in mind while developing a research question can set the stage for a productive and fulfilling career.

Common Mistakes

There are several mistakes that students and early-stage researchers commit during the process of research topic selection. Some of the most common mistakes include:

  • Extending thesis work even after graduate school : If researchers choose topics that are direct extensions or clear derivatives of their thesis work, then they do not make significant value addition to the respective field of study. Choosing a radically new research topic, while still embarking on the broad area of specialization is indeed the key to success.
  • Choosing an obscure, irrelevant, or non-compelling research topic : This can adversely affect the researcher’s motivation levels and can drastically decrease their odds of attaining success.
  • Letting PhD advisors choose research topics for you : Although researchers often pursue work within the same field even after earning their PhD, they are less likely to conduct research on the same exact topic. For this reason, letting your advisor tell you what to study rather than you developing a question based on your own reading and experiences in the laboratory is another common mistake that can have lifelong consequences.

Finally, scientists should work in an environment that nurtures the natural chaos of developing a research direction. PhD advisors should also make it a point to thoroughly groom and mentor their PhD students. A good thesis advisor enables his/her students to choose good research topics.

Did your thesis advisor choose a research topic for you? Did he/she train and mentor you well? Were you able to choose your own research topic? Are you happy with your chosen research topic? Please share your thoughts with us in the comments section below!

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Research topics for science or literature: Deep knowledge and a keen interest in any subject with a scholarly attitude are the prerequisites for any research work.

I am allowed to choose my research topic.

i want research topic for p.hd

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Thank you for posting your query. Selecting a good research topic is the first step towards carrying out a successful and impactful research study. A good research topic can help you attract funding and also help you to successfully publish in a prestigious journal. Unfortunately we are not aware of your field of research and hence will not be able to suggest you research topics. However, we can share few tips that might be helpful in selecting an appropriate research topic for your PhD. While choosing a research topic, you must carry out a thorough literature survey in your field or genre of research and look for a research gap. Identifying the research gap makes it easy to select a research topic and an appropriate research question. Once you have selected a research topic, you can check through our checklist available here .

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How To Choose A Research Topic

Step-By-Step Tutorial With Examples + Free Topic Evaluator

By: Derek Jansen (MBA) | Expert Reviewer: Dr Eunice Rautenbach | April 2024

Choosing the right research topic is likely the  most important decision you’ll make on your dissertation or thesis journey. To make the right choice, you need to take a systematic approach and evaluate each of your candidate ideas across a consistent set of criteria. In this tutorial, we’ll unpack five essential criteria that will help you evaluate your prospective research ideas and choose a winner.

Overview: The “Big 5” Key Criteria

  • Topic originality or novelty
  • Value and significance
  • Access to data and equipment
  • Time limitations and implications
  • Ethical requirements and constraints

Criterion #1: Originality & Novelty

As we’ve discussed extensively on this blog, originality in a research topic is essential. In other words, you need a clear research gap . The uniqueness of your topic determines its contribution to the field and its potential to stand out in the academic community. So, for each of your prospective topics, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What research gap and research problem am I filling?
  • Does my topic offer new insights?
  • Am I combining existing ideas in a unique way?
  • Am I taking a unique methodological approach?

To objectively evaluate the originality of each of your topic candidates, rate them on these aspects. This process will not only help in choosing a topic that stands out, but also one that can capture the interest of your audience and possibly contribute significantly to the field of study – which brings us to our next criterion.

Research topic evaluator

Criterion #2: Value & Significance

Next, you’ll need to assess the value and significance of each prospective topic. To do this, you’ll need to ask some hard questions.

  • Why is it important to explore these research questions?
  • Who stands to benefit from this study?
  • How will they benefit, specifically?

By clearly understanding and outlining the significance of each potential topic, you’ll not only be justifying your final choice – you’ll essentially be laying the groundwork for a persuasive research proposal , which is equally important.

Criterion #3: Access to Data & Equipment

Naturally, access to relevant data and equipment is crucial for the success of your research project. So, for each of your prospective topic ideas, you’ll need to evaluate whether you have the necessary resources to collect data and conduct your study.

Here are some questions to ask for each potential topic:

  • Will I be able to access the sample of interest (e.g., people, animals, etc.)?
  • Do I have (or can I get) access to the required equipment, at the time that I need it?
  • Are there costs associated with any of this? If so, what are they?

Keep in mind that getting access to certain types of data may also require special permissions and legalities, especially if your topic involves vulnerable groups (patients, youths, etc.). You may also need to adhere to specific data protection laws, depending on the country. So, be sure to evaluate these aspects thoroughly for each topic. Overlooking any of these can lead to significant complications down the line.

Free Webinar: How To Find A Dissertation Research Topic

Criterion #4: Time Requirements & Implications

Naturally, having a realistic timeline for each potential research idea is crucial. So, consider the scope of each potential topic and estimate how long each phase of the research will take — from literature review to data collection and analysis, to writing and revisions. Underestimating the time needed for a research project is extremely common , so it’s important to include buffer time for unforeseen delays.

Remember, efficient time management is not just about the duration but also about the timing . For example, if your research involves fieldwork, there may specific times of the year when this is most doable (or not doable at all).  So, be sure to consider both time and timing for each of your prospective topics.

Criterion #5: Ethical Compliance

Failing to adhere to your university’s research ethics policy is a surefire way to get your proposal rejected . So, you’ll need to evaluate each topic for potential ethical issues, especially if your research involves human subjects, sensitive data, or has any potential environmental impact.

Remember that ethical compliance is not just a formality – it’s a responsibility to ensure the integrity and social responsibility of your research. Topics that pose significant ethical challenges are typically the first to be rejected, so you need to take this seriously. It’s also useful to keep in mind that some topics are more “ethically sensitive” than others , which usually means that they’ll require multiple levels of approval. Ideally, you want to avoid this additional admin, so mark down any prospective topics that fall into an ethical “grey zone”.

If you’re unsure about the details of your university’s ethics policy, ask for a copy or speak directly to your course coordinator. Don’t make any assumptions when it comes to research ethics!

Key Takeaways

In this post, we’ve explored how to choose a research topic using a systematic approach. To recap, the “Big 5” assessment criteria include:

  • Topic originality and novelty
  • Time requirements
  • Ethical compliance

Be sure to grab a copy of our free research topic evaluator sheet here to fast-track your topic selection process. If you need hands-on help finding and refining a high-quality research topic for your dissertation or thesis, you can also check out our private coaching service .

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How to Choose a Dissertation Topic | 8 Steps to Follow

Published on November 11, 2022 by Shona McCombes and Tegan George. Revised on November 20, 2023.

Choosing your dissertation topic is the first step in making sure your research goes as smoothly as possible. When choosing a topic, it’s important to consider:

  • Your institution and department’s requirements
  • Your areas of knowledge and interest
  • The scientific, social, or practical relevance
  • The availability of data and resources
  • The timeframe of your dissertation
  • The relevance of your topic

You can follow these steps to begin narrowing down your ideas.

Table of contents

Step 1: check the requirements, step 2: choose a broad field of research, step 3: look for books and articles, step 4: find a niche, step 5: consider the type of research, step 6: determine the relevance, step 7: make sure it’s plausible, step 8: get your topic approved, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about dissertation topics.

The very first step is to check your program’s requirements. This determines the scope of what it is possible for you to research.

  • Is there a minimum and maximum word count?
  • When is the deadline?
  • Should the research have an academic or a professional orientation?
  • Are there any methodological conditions? Do you have to conduct fieldwork, or use specific types of sources?

Some programs have stricter requirements than others. You might be given nothing more than a word count and a deadline, or you might have a restricted list of topics and approaches to choose from. If in doubt about what is expected of you, always ask your supervisor or department coordinator.

Start by thinking about your areas of interest within the subject you’re studying. Examples of broad ideas include:

  • Twentieth-century literature
  • Economic history
  • Health policy

To get a more specific sense of the current state of research on your potential topic, skim through a few recent issues of the top journals in your field. Be sure to check out their most-cited articles in particular. For inspiration, you can also search Google Scholar , subject-specific databases , and your university library’s resources.

As you read, note down any specific ideas that interest you and make a shortlist of possible topics. If you’ve written other papers, such as a 3rd-year paper or a conference paper, consider how those topics can be broadened into a dissertation.

After doing some initial reading, it’s time to start narrowing down options for your potential topic. This can be a gradual process, and should get more and more specific as you go. For example, from the ideas above, you might narrow it down like this:

  • Twentieth-century literature   Twentieth-century Irish literature   Post-war Irish poetry
  • Economic history   European economic history   German labor union history
  • Health policy   Reproductive health policy   Reproductive rights in South America

All of these topics are still broad enough that you’ll find a huge amount of books and articles about them. Try to find a specific niche where you can make your mark, such as: something not many people have researched yet, a question that’s still being debated, or a very current practical issue.

At this stage, make sure you have a few backup ideas — there’s still time to change your focus. If your topic doesn’t make it through the next few steps, you can try a different one. Later, you will narrow your focus down even more in your problem statement and research questions .

There are many different types of research , so at this stage, it’s a good idea to start thinking about what kind of approach you’ll take to your topic. Will you mainly focus on:

  • Collecting original data (e.g., experimental or field research)?
  • Analyzing existing data (e.g., national statistics, public records, or archives)?
  • Interpreting cultural objects (e.g., novels, films, or paintings)?
  • Comparing scholarly approaches (e.g., theories, methods, or interpretations)?

Many dissertations will combine more than one of these. Sometimes the type of research is obvious: if your topic is post-war Irish poetry, you will probably mainly be interpreting poems. But in other cases, there are several possible approaches. If your topic is reproductive rights in South America, you could analyze public policy documents and media coverage, or you could gather original data through interviews and surveys .

You don’t have to finalize your research design and methods yet, but the type of research will influence which aspects of the topic it’s possible to address, so it’s wise to consider this as you narrow down your ideas.

It’s important that your topic is interesting to you, but you’ll also have to make sure it’s academically, socially or practically relevant to your field.

  • Academic relevance means that the research can fill a gap in knowledge or contribute to a scholarly debate in your field.
  • Social relevance means that the research can advance our understanding of society and inform social change.
  • Practical relevance means that the research can be applied to solve concrete problems or improve real-life processes.

The easiest way to make sure your research is relevant is to choose a topic that is clearly connected to current issues or debates, either in society at large or in your academic discipline. The relevance must be clearly stated when you define your research problem .

Before you make a final decision on your topic, consider again the length of your dissertation, the timeframe in which you have to complete it, and the practicalities of conducting the research.

Will you have enough time to read all the most important academic literature on this topic? If there’s too much information to tackle, consider narrowing your focus even more.

Will you be able to find enough sources or gather enough data to fulfil the requirements of the dissertation? If you think you might struggle to find information, consider broadening or shifting your focus.

Do you have to go to a specific location to gather data on the topic? Make sure that you have enough funding and practical access.

Last but not least, will the topic hold your interest for the length of the research process? To stay motivated, it’s important to choose something you’re enthusiastic about!

Most programmes will require you to submit a brief description of your topic, called a research prospectus or proposal .

Remember, if you discover that your topic is not as strong as you thought it was, it’s usually acceptable to change your mind and switch focus early in the dissertation process. Just make sure you have enough time to start on a new topic, and always check with your supervisor or department.

If you want to know more about the research process , methodology , research bias , or statistics , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.


  • Sampling methods
  • Simple random sampling
  • Stratified sampling
  • Cluster sampling
  • Likert scales
  • Reproducibility


  • Null hypothesis
  • Statistical power
  • Probability distribution
  • Effect size
  • Poisson distribution

Research bias

  • Optimism bias
  • Cognitive bias
  • Implicit bias
  • Hawthorne effect
  • Anchoring bias
  • Explicit bias

Formulating a main research question can be a difficult task. Overall, your question should contribute to solving the problem that you have defined in your problem statement .

However, it should also fulfill criteria in three main areas:

  • Researchability
  • Feasibility and specificity
  • Relevance and originality

All research questions should be:

  • Focused on a single problem or issue
  • Researchable using primary and/or secondary sources
  • Feasible to answer within the timeframe and practical constraints
  • Specific enough to answer thoroughly
  • Complex enough to develop the answer over the space of a paper or thesis
  • Relevant to your field of study and/or society more broadly

Writing Strong Research Questions

You can assess information and arguments critically by asking certain questions about the source. You can use the CRAAP test , focusing on the currency , relevance , authority , accuracy , and purpose of a source of information.

Ask questions such as:

  • Who is the author? Are they an expert?
  • Why did the author publish it? What is their motivation?
  • How do they make their argument? Is it backed up by evidence?

A dissertation prospectus or proposal describes what or who you plan to research for your dissertation. It delves into why, when, where, and how you will do your research, as well as helps you choose a type of research to pursue. You should also determine whether you plan to pursue qualitative or quantitative methods and what your research design will look like.

It should outline all of the decisions you have taken about your project, from your dissertation topic to your hypotheses and research objectives , ready to be approved by your supervisor or committee.

Note that some departments require a defense component, where you present your prospectus to your committee orally.

The best way to remember the difference between a research plan and a research proposal is that they have fundamentally different audiences. A research plan helps you, the researcher, organize your thoughts. On the other hand, a dissertation proposal or research proposal aims to convince others (e.g., a supervisor, a funding body, or a dissertation committee) that your research topic is relevant and worthy of being conducted.

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McCombes, S. & George, T. (2023, November 20). How to Choose a Dissertation Topic | 8 Steps to Follow. Scribbr. Retrieved August 12, 2024, from

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How to choose a PhD topic

How to decide on a PhD topic

Study tips Published 5 Apr, 2022  ·  4-minute read

Whether you’re diving right into your doctorate after a master’s degree or honours year, or you’re returning to study after a few years out in the field, working out how to choose a research topic for your PhD is an essential first step. We got some tips from two of our PhD candidates, Sarah Kendall and Chelsea Janke.

Some Doctor of Philosophy candidates are lucky. They start a PhD having already discovered their niche interest area, which means they never need to wonder how to choose a PhD topic.

Does this mean there’s something wrong with you if you don’t already have your thesis locked in?

Not at all.

Many students start their PhD journey with just a pure passion for research – a love for testing theories and making new discoveries – and figure out their specific research topic while working on their proposal . If you’re in this camp, or if you haven’t refined your thesis just yet, these tips can help you get there.

Sarah Kendall quote

Your PhD will take 3-4 years, so it's important that you choose something you're genuinely interested in.

How to choose a PhD topic

Sarah is the first to admit that choosing a PhD thesis topic is daunting. Her thesis examines lawyers’ approaches to prosecuting and defending domestic and family violence cases, but this topic didn’t come to her overnight.

“This can be really hard,” says Sarah.

“It took me years to decide on a PhD topic, and even then, it continued to change after starting my PhD.”

Chelsea, whose research explores ways to keep soil healthy while reducing environmental impact, agrees that your initial thesis may not necessarily stay the same throughout your PhD.

“Keep in mind that, as you progress through your PhD, your topic may change as you make new findings and discover some interesting things,” she says.

“This is fairly normal and is often why PhD topics aren’t always set in stone at the start.”

Remember this if you find yourself getting frustrated with how long it’s taking to pin down your research topic. You’ll be spending significant time ( at least 3 years ) researching this topic, so it’s reasonable to take a while on this decision. Make sure you land on a topic that truly inspires you, as you’ll need that inspiration to keep you motivated for the long haul.

With that said, though, there’s nothing wrong with picking a topic you’re 99% sure of and getting started sooner. As Sarah and Chelsea both say, adapting your thesis along the way is often part of the PhD journey.

Read, read, read

Chelsea Janke quote

Identify the things that really spark your interest and where you can find research gaps – that is, where there are still things we don't know.

Chelsea believes choosing your research topic begins with, well, research .

“Read widely on the general field that you’re interested in,” she says.

“Identify the things that really spark your interest and where you can find research gaps – that is, where there are still things we don’t know.”

Sarah agrees and acknowledges that sometimes this prior research can even translate into a separate project or even a degree.

“Do some research into the areas that interest you – this could take the form of an honours or other research project, or even a mock project that you do in your spare time,” she says.

“This will help you to decide your level of interest in the topic.”

Consider your subjects and speak with academics

Sarah recommends thinking about the courses from your current or previous program, as these can shine a light on what aspects of your field ignite your curiosity.

“Consider the subjects that you really enjoyed in your previous studies or those topics that you find really enjoyable to just learn about in your spare time,” she says.

“Narrow this down to a few areas, even if these are still pretty broad, then talk to as many academics as possible who do research in those areas. This is a really great way of finding out more about what’s topical in the area and what a potential project could look like.”

If you already know who you’d like to be your PhD supervisor, they are the obvious person to speak with first about refining your research topic. If not, learn how to find the right supervisor .

Check for openings on existing projects

Sometimes the best way to choose a PhD topic is to let the PhD topic choose you instead. Many academics keep open spots in their research projects for potential candidates to fill, providing opportunities for students to pursue their own thesis while assisting in a larger research team. We call these earmarked PhD projects .

In fact, this is what ended up helping Sarah select her thesis topic.

“Keep an eye out for projects that are being advertised by academics,” says Sarah.

“You might find one that fits with your area of interest, saving you much of the trouble of having to decide on your specific topic – this is how I came to be doing the project I’m currently doing!”

View available earmarked PhD projects at UQ

Ready to start researching your chosen topic? Discover the next steps for your PhD application.

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Admit Lab

Choosing Topics for PhD Applications: Your Ultimate Guide

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Are you considering applying for a PhD program? Congratulations on taking the first step towards advancing your academic career! However, with this exciting opportunity comes the daunting task of deciding which topic to pursue in your application. As an applicant, you want to choose a topic that not only aligns with your interests and strengths but also stands out among other applicants. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming and intimidating to make this decision. But fear not, because in this blog post we will provide you with the ultimate guide on choosing topics for PhD applications that will help set you apart and increase your chances of being accepted into a program. So buckle up and get ready to discover how to leave a lasting impression through an impressive choice of topic.

Navigating PhD Application Topics: US vs UK Perspectives

In both the US and UK, the potential topic of your PhD application plays a critical role in the admission process; however, there are key differences to consider. In the US, your research proposal is less emphasized in the initial application. Students often spend their first couple of years on coursework before defining their research topic alongside their chosen advisor. Conversely, in the UK, students are expected to present a detailed research proposal right from the application stage. The proposal should outline the research question, methodology, and proposed timeline, demonstrating the applicant’s capability to conduct independent research. This divergence stems from the different philosophies of doctoral studies between the two countries, with the US favoring a more holistic approach and the UK favoring a more specialized and targeted one.

When preparing your statement of purpose for a PhD application, it’s crucial to tailor your approach to the requirements and expectations of either the US or UK education system, as they differ significantly.

If you are applying to a US institution, your statement should reflect a wide-ranging understanding of your chosen field, highlighting your academic achievements and intellectual curiosity. You aren’t expected to fully commit to a particular research question at this stage.

On the other hand, having a specific research topic in your statement of purpose can stand you in good stead, even when applying to US institutions. A well-defined research question demonstrates your ability to think critically, your understanding of the field, and your aptitude for independent study. This can leave a lasting impression on the admissions committee and distinguish your application from others. While it’s not mandatory to stick to this topic throughout your PhD, it serves as an indicator of your research interests and potential.

Conversely, if you are applying in the UK , your statement should demonstrate a focused and informed understanding of your proposed research topic. You should provide details of your research question, proposed methodology, and tentative timeline. This shows your ability to conduct specialized, independent research. Capture your awareness of the research landscape and show how your work would contribute to the existing body of knowledge.

In either case, remember to emphasize your passion for your chosen field, your preparedness to undertake rigorous academic work, and your potential to contribute meaningfully to the academic community.

Girl at a computer working on her statement of purpose for PhD applications.

Trust the adventure

Embarking on a PhD journey often feels like stepping into the unknown; it’s a venture filled with opportunities for personal and professional growth. Embracing the mantra ‘Trust the adventure’ when choosing potential topics for PhD applications translates into maintaining an open mind towards unexplored research areas that spark your curiosity. It’s about daring to venture beyond your comfort zone and delving into fields that might initially seem daunting or tangential to your primary area of interest. Often, the most groundbreaking discoveries occur at the intersection of disparate disciplines. By allowing your curiosity to guide you, you may find yourself at the forefront of innovative research, breaking new ground and contributing novel insights to your field of study.

Start brainstorming early

As you embark on your PhD journey, the importance of starting your brainstorming early cannot be overstated. It isn’t a process that should be hurried; rather, it is a thoughtful exploration of potential research topics that may serve as the cornerstone for your academic pursuits. The sooner you engage in this intellectual exploration, the more time you will have to thoroughly investigate. This early onset not only allows you to refine your interests but also provides ample time to assess the feasibility and scope of your research. Remember, a PhD is a commitment of several years; hence, the topic you choose should not only intrigue you, but it should also have the potential to contribute significant insights to your chosen field. Nurturing your ideas from the embryonic stage can lead to a robust research proposal that is both innovative and achievable.

Female student doing some readings to explore potential topics for her PhD applications.

Follow your interests

When considering potential topics for your PhD applications , it’s crucial to align your research interests with these topics. The essence of a PhD journey is the passion, curiosity, and intellectual excitement that a research question can inspire within you. This is not just about finding a suitable topic; it is about identifying an area or question in your chosen field that truly resonates with you. Choosing to explore an issue that you are genuinely interested in can make the process of researching and writing significantly more engaging, and it often results in higher-quality work. This is mainly because passion fuels perseverance, a trait indispensable when facing inevitable research hurdles. It’s important to remember that a PhD is not a sprint; it’s a marathon that requires sustained interest and dedication over several years. Hence, following your interests can serve as a guiding compass in the vast sea of research possibilities, leading you towards a topic that could potentially sustain your motivation throughout your PhD journey.

Look for gaps in existing research

When examining potential topics for PhD applications, identifying gaps in existing research is a crucial step. This process involves critically analyzing current literature in your field of interest and determining what questions have been left unanswered. These gaps may represent areas of study that have been overlooked, underdeveloped, or yet to be explored in depth. By focusing on these gaps, your research could answer lingering questions or clarify ambiguities in your field. This approach requires a fine balance of critical thinking, creativity and intellectual curiosity as you seek to identify not only what is known but, more importantly, what remains to be discovered. Ultimately, pursuing these areas of uncharted knowledge allows you to expand on existing research in a meaningful and impactful way.

man at his desk looking for PhD topics for his applications on the internet

Consider broader trends and themes

When exploring potential topics for PhD applications, it’s essential to consider broader trends and themes within your field. These often reflect the evolving dynamics and directions in which your discipline is headed. Engaging with these emerging themes can position your research at the forefront of academic thought and debate. Consider how your unique perspectives or insights could contribute to these conversations. Maybe you’ve observed a trend that others haven’t, or perhaps you can apply a new theoretical framework that could shed light on these emerging themes. By aligning your research with these broader trends, you not only increase its relevance and potential impact, but also demonstrate your ability to contribute meaningfully to your field. Remember, a PhD isn’t just an academic endeavour, but a conversation with the broader academic community.

Talk to professors and professionals

Engaging in detailed conversations with professors and professionals in your field can provide invaluable insights when it comes to identifying potential PhD research topics. These individuals possess a wealth of knowledge and experience, have a deep understanding of the current landscape of the field, and are usually up-to-date with the latest research trends and emerging topics. Conversing with them can help broaden your perspective, provide new angles for your research, and even challenge preconceived notions you may have. They may highlight certain areas of study that you might not have otherwise considered or share their own experiences and challenges they faced during their research journey. Furthermore, they can guide you towards resources and literature that could be instrumental in shaping the direction of your PhD research . Therefore, it is crucial to leverage their expertise and experiences as you navigate the terrain of potential PhD research topics.

Review conference programs and journals

Reviewing conference programs and academic journals in your field is another strategic way to discover potential PhD research topics. These platforms often spotlight novel theories, groundbreaking methodologies, and recurring themes in the discipline, giving you a sense of the most pressing issues and the direction the field is moving in. Conferences and journals disseminate cutting-edge research and are the venues where scholars introduce innovative ideas and paradigms, and discuss and challenge current thinking. By studying these resources, you can identify patterns, trends, and gaps in the existing literature, which could lead to a unique and relevant PhD research topic. For instance, a particular theme may repeatedly appear but lacks comprehensive exploration, or there might be contradictory findings that require further investigation. Additionally, you may uncover a novel approach to an issue that has never been applied before, presenting an opportunity to extend its application and contribute a new perspective to your field. Hence, staying informed about these platforms can help you find a research topic that is both of interest to you and of value to your field.

book with a pair of glasses

Connect topics to your skills and background

Connecting potential topics to your skills and background is critical when exploring potential topics to write about in your statement of purpose for PhD applications. This exercise not only allows you to capitalize on your unique strengths, experiences, and knowledge but also enables you to showcase your ability to contribute significantly to the field of study. For instance, if you have extensive experience in data analysis, you might consider focusing on a research topic that would benefit from this expertise. Similarly, if your background is in a unique area, perhaps you could integrate this into your research by investigating a topic that intersects your field of study and your unique background. By relating your research topic to your skills and background, you convey to the admissions committee that you are not just academically capable but also bring a unique perspective to the table, thus elevating your candidacy. Therefore, reflecting upon and articulating your unique skills, experiences, and background in relation to your potential research topic can make your statement of purpose more compelling and increase your chances of acceptance.

Experiment with different angles

Experimenting with different angles or giving fresh twists to topics can be a valuable tactic when selecting a PhD research topic. This approach involves looking at common or established topics from a new perspective or applying novel methodologies or theories. For instance, you might study a well-known issue but through the lens of a lesser-explored theoretical framework, or apply an established method to a new population or context. Such innovative twists can yield unique insights, thereby adding value to the field and setting your application apart. By demonstrating your ability to think creatively and critically, you showcase your potential to make original contributions to your discipline. Moreover, this approach can also demonstrate your adaptability and resilience, traits that are highly valued in research environments. However, it’s essential to balance this originality with feasibility. Ensure that your ‘twist’ is not so out-of-the-box that it becomes impossible to manage within the scope of a PhD program , or doesn’t resonate with potential advisors or funding bodies. So, while you dare to think differently, also ensure your topic is grounded in academic rigour and practical viability. This delicate balance between originality and pragmatism can truly give you a competitive edge in your PhD applications .

Going to a library is the first step to exploring potential topics to write about in your statement of purpose for PhD

Don’t be afraid to rework your ideas

Embracing flexibility in refining your research ideas is not just beneficial but often necessary for a robust research plan to discover topics for PhD applications. When scouting potential topics for your statement of purpose, don’t feel constrained by your initial ideas. As you delve deeper into the literature and engage in academic discussions, you may find angles or aspects that necessitate a rethinking or reshaping of your original concept. Perhaps new findings emerge that challenge your initial assumptions or the practicality of your methods, or perhaps feedback from a trusted mentor or peer points towards a more fruitful direction. In such instances, don’t hesitate to rework your ideas. This process is not indicative of failure, but of growth and refinement. It demonstrates your capacity to understand, adapt and improve, which are critical skills for any successful researcher. In fact, a proposal that has been iteratively refined may likely be more compelling and robust than one that hasn’t been questioned or challenged. Remember, the ultimate goal is not to stick to your first idea, but to arrive at a research question that is meaningful, manageable and has the potential to contribute significantly to your field. Hence, see this process of reworking and refining as a journey towards a stronger, more compelling research proposal

girl with glasses thinking about PhD topics

Trust your instincts

Trust in your instincts is a key guiding principle when choosing potential topics for PhD applications. This is not to say that you should ignore practical considerations or informed advice, but it means that at the core of your decision-making process, your innate curiosity and intellectual passion should have a significant role. It is this curiosity that will sustain your motivation during the challenging journey of in-depth research. When you stumble upon a topic or a research question that sparks your interest and makes you want to delve deeper, pay close attention. If it keeps drawing you back, it might just be the right path for you. This innate draw towards a topic often signifies a personal connection, a vested interest, and a level of commitment necessary for rigorous scholarly research. It’s like a compass pointing you towards the areas where you can make significant contributions. So, as you navigate the complex landscape of research topics, remember to trust your instincts and let your innate curiosity guide you towards the right path.

In conclusion, applying for a PhD program is an exciting but challenging journey. Choosing the right topics for PhD application can be intimidating, but with our guide, you now have the tools to make a well-informed decision. Remember to align your interests and strengths while also standing out from the competition with your topic choice. And if you feel like you need an extra boost for your application, don’t forget to check out our statement of purpose services specifically tailored for PhD applicants. This could be just the edge you need to secure your spot in a prestigious program. So don’t let fear hold you back, take the leap and start crafting your impressive application today. Trust us when we say that all of your hard work and dedication will be worth it in the end when you are accepted into the PhD program of your dreams. Congratulations once again on taking this courageous step towards advancing your academic career. We wish you the best of luck in all of your future endeavors!

With a Master’s from McGill University and a Ph.D. from New York University, Dr. Philippe Barr is the founder of The Admit Lab . As a tenure-track professor, Dr. Barr spent a decade teaching and serving on several graduate admission committees at UNC-Chapel Hill before turning to full-time consulting. With more than seven years of experience as a graduate school admissions consultant, Dr. Barr has stewarded the candidate journey across multiple master’s programs and helped hundreds of students get admitted to top-tier graduate programs all over the world .

Subscribe to our YouTube c hannel for weekly tutorials on navigating the graduate application process and making the most of your graduate school journey.

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Choosing a Research Topic

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This article from the Chronicle of Higher Education  discusses and offers advice on how to choose a dissertation topic that is compelling, manageable, and worthwhile. Although it is written for scientists, this article provides valuable insights that are applicable to other fields. Also available via the Tomorrow's Professor Archive.

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how do you come up with a topic for research?

it's really stressful just knowing that you have to come up with a new idea/question that thousands and thousands of genius researchers before have never thought of or solved. How did you come up with your idea in your particular field?

Also, what qualifies for a research topic? If I use previous knowledge and bring them together in new ways, does it count? Feels even more impossible to come up with an entirely new theory in say, math that just happens to have been overlooked by euler or gauss. Or discover a new property of an element or some random cell in the human body.

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how to select a research topic for phd

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Choosing the Right PhD Topic

By charlesworth author services.

  • Charlesworth Author Services
  • 18 June, 2022

According to a number of studies, it takes, on average, anywhere between six and eight years to complete a PhD programme . That is a daunting prospect, but it needn’t take that long if you focus at an early stage on identifying your topic. This is of course not the only factor. Several other factors – such as where you choose to take the programme , whether you can secure funding, who your supervisor will be , etc. – will also be highly influential in determining how much time it takes for you to complete your PhD and how effectively you complete it. That said, choosing the right PhD topic is perhaps the most critical factor determining the success of your PhD.

Importance of choosing the right PhD topic

More than any other factor, and one that you will need to persuade others to believe, is your inner motivation to study a specific topic. This motivation is going to be the source of your drive over the next few years. If you are planning to begin your PhD immediately after completing your Master’s, this motivation and planning should even precede your choice of Master’s dissertation .

In this case, you will usually need to submit materials such as a Research Proposal , Statement of Purpose , a CV, your transcripts, etc., as part of the PhD application package before you even write the Master’s dissertation. Therefore, planning at an early stage is of utmost importance.

Tips for choosing your PhD topic

There are a number of stages and elements to consider when choosing your topic.

a. Read on a relevant topic of interest

Read widely around a topic that really interests you. Ideally, though, this should be a topic that has a future ! In other words, it will still need to be relevant and important in the future, a few years down the line when you have completed your PhD work. Additionally, while your interest in the topic is of course an indispensable ingredient for the PhD work to be carried on, do note that the topic should also be able to attract the attention of other researchers in your field. The topic you choose to base your PhD thesis on should ideally be such that the mainstream academic community finds it particularly striking, so much so that a majority of scholars in the field are interested in tracing its progress over time.

b. Read related review articles

As a corollary to the above, find and go through review articles on the topic. These articles sometimes appear in academic journals. They review the current available literature on a topic to map out the research done, while also identifying possible future avenues of research. 

c. Identify topics from courses you have taken

You will probably have had the chance to take courses related to your topic, hopefully even to write term papers using relevant literature. Draw from what you have learnt in these courses to develop ideas for your unique research topic.

d. Identify potential research questions

Write down the questions that you don’t know the answer to at this stage. These are focusing questions so that you can continue to read with a clearer purpose and direction. At this stage, you would be searching for gaps in the literature , and looking for possibilities to expand this area with new data or by bringing in another field to add to this topic.

e. Begin narrowing down researchable problems

From your reading, you can hopefully identify a more specific focus. This could be a particular aspect or problem which becomes more apparent as you read, or some of the questions you have been asking seem to be unanswered. Perhaps you have now identified a gap in existing studies/literature or an area that still feels unclear and therefore merits further research.

f. Choose a topic that allows extensibility across degrees

Most applicants plan to pursue a PhD in the same field or on a similar topic to their Master’s . If so, you will need to identify an area you can successfully deal with within the requirements of the Master’s thesis, but also one that you see possibilities to expand on beyond the Master’s, at the PhD level.

Note : If you decide to do your PhD in a different field than your Master’s, you should explain the reasoning behind this change in direction. The PhD applications committee will want to understand this shift and you can explain this in the Statement of Purpose . Try to put across the logic or need for such a change and your motivation behind this move.

If you are determined, you will find an opportunity to study the topic of your choice. But the ideal situation is when you have a well-thought-out, achievable plan and a strong, genuine motivation that the admissions panel will be able to see clearly throughout your application.

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How to choose a PhD program: 7 Key considerations

How to Choose a PhD Program: 7 Key Considerations

One of the most common questions among budding researchers is how to choose a PhD program that is the perfect fit for their interest. The choice of pursuing a PhD program can be driven by various reasons, from wanting to make an original contribution in your subject area to achieving your career ambitions or a desire to accomplish something big. Whatever the reason, the decision to pursue a doctoral degree must be thought through carefully. While the journey to procuring a PhD degree can be exciting, it can also prove to be a gruelling experience given that it can take anywhere from four to eight years to complete. Therefore, finding the right PhD program that aligns with your academic interests, career goals, and personal needs is crucial.

how to select a research topic for phd

In this article, we will explain how to choose a PhD program and topic of research and provide you with a list of key considerations to keep in mind when making this important decision.

Table of Contents

How to choose the right PhD program : Key considerations

1. take time to introspect.

While choosing a PhD program may seem easy at first, it requires a lot of thought and introspection. Don’t rush into making a decision on the topic of your research. Take time instead, to evaluate your options. If you pick a PhD program that does not align with your research interests or career goals, you may find yourself struggling to stay engaged, and productive, which can lead to burnout, stress, and disappointment. A lot of early career researchers drop out of their PhD programs because they made hasty decisions either on the topic of their research or on their choice of the PhD program itself.

2. Stay within your research discipline

Different PhD programs are tailored to different subject areas, such as humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, engineering, or healthcare. So keep in mind the research discipline that you want to pursue and look for options within it. The decision can often be a difficult one given that many subjects today are interdisciplinary. But not all PhD programs are created equal, and some may offer better opportunities for research, mentorship, funding, networking, and professional development than others. Therefore, it is important to know what to look for and how to choose a PhD program that aligns with your research interests and career goals.

3. Identify your specific research interests

Once you have identified your research discipline, you should narrow down your research interests to specific topics that you want to explore. Reading past dissertations and published journal articles will help you identify gaps in knowledge and enable you develop a PhD research project that will address them. Remember that the doctoral journey spans several years so do your due diligence on the types of PhDs being offered in your specific subject area or specialized topic. Having the complete picture, with the pros and cons considered, will ensure you have a strong foundation when finding the right PhD program.

how to select a research topic for phd

4. Seek advice from supervisors and peers

When figuring out how to choose a PhD program, it is always a good idea to meet with potential supervisors and peers and seek their inputs on your proposed topic and plans for research. Supervisors who have expertise in your chosen field will be able to provide you with valuable insights on the potential of your research, how well it addresses existing gaps in knowledge, and can guide you on how to move forward with your research. They may also be able to identify and flag off any overlaps between your proposed research ideas and ongoing research projects by others in the PhD programs. Interacting with peers will give you a good idea of what to expect and how to pick a PhD program, which will give you’re a more informed perspective and help you with finding the right PhD program for your field.

5. Find out more about the institution’s reputation

When choosing a PhD program, it is essential to understand thereputation of the institution you are considering for your PhD. This involves doing some research on the institution’s academic achievements, faculty member expertise, resource availability and cultural environment and where it ranks for your subject area. Doing this prework is critical in finding the right PhD program as your decision can determine the kind of the education you receive, future career prospects, and even networking opportunities. Be sure to visit the campus, meet the faculty members, and alumni to get an idea on whether the institution provides all of the tools and resources you will need, including the freedom to work on what you are truly passionate about.

6. Check on available funding

One of the key considerations when struggling with how to choose a PhD program is looking at the funding opportunities. Gaining a PhD can be expensive, and many students rely on financial aid, scholarships, grants, or fellowships to cover their tuition, living expenses, and research costs. Therefore, it is important to choose a PhD program that offers adequate funding options, which can provide you with adequate financial support throughout your program. This can often be the deciding factor when it comes to completing of quitting your PhD degree, so cover your bases and make sure you have the resources you need to reach the finish line and earn your PhD degree.

7. Ensure alignment with your professional goals

Finally, when finding the right PhD program for yourself don’t forget to think about your professional goals. Seeing the larger picture helps you answer the difficult question of how to choose a PhD program; knowing the type of training, research experience, and networking opportunities you need to succeed will help you make the right choice. For example, if you want to pursue a career in academia, you should choose a PhD program that encourages teaching experience, requires research publications, and facilitates networking opportunities with other scholars in your field.

R Discovery is a literature search and research reading platform that accelerates your research discovery journey by keeping you updated on the latest, most relevant scholarly content. With 250M+ research articles sourced from trusted aggregators like CrossRef, Unpaywall, PubMed, PubMed Central, Open Alex and top publishing houses like Springer Nature, JAMA, IOP, Taylor & Francis, NEJM, BMJ, Karger, SAGE, Emerald Publishing and more, R Discovery puts a world of research at your fingertips.  

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  • How to Choose the Right PhD Programme - A Step by Step Guide

Written by Mark Bennett

If choosing the right PhD programme was as simple as searching for one, there wouldn’t be any need for the rest of this website – including our advice articles (like this one).

But the truth is, picking a PhD isn’t like choosing an undergraduate course, or even a Masters degree . For one thing, you’re not simply picking a course anymore, or just completing a degree.

Now you’re committing to something much more ambitious: a process of extended independent research that doesn’t just result in a qualification for you, but produces the original contribution to knowledge that defines a doctorate.

There are also other unique factors that will influence your PhD: from the supervisor you work with to the type of doctorate you pursue (and your reasons for pursuing it).

In this guide, we'll talk you through how to choose a PhD programme, step by step.

1. Take your time

A PhD may not seem long when you’re busy with research, results and writing up. But three years (or more!) is a long time to spend on a project that stops interesting you after three months.

Each of the following steps requires you to take some time and be methodical (there’s a reason they’re in a particular order). A few of them ask you to do something practical and one even suggests a bit of travelling (who said the internet was for lazy people?).

It’s up to you how closely you follow our advice, but rushing towards the first PhD you see is rarely a good idea.

  • Follow the steps in this guide, compare multiple opportunities and reflect on your decision-making process. The ability to be systematic and diligent when searching for a doctorate is great preparation for doing one.
  • Apply for the first project you find and eventually end up studying for a doctorate in Byzantine Politics when you actually meant to research Biochemical Polymers.

2. Choose what kind of doctorate you’re looking for

Before you can find the right doctorate, you need to know what kind of doctorate is right for you.

Broadly speaking, doctorates come in three general formats:

  • Advertised projects - these are common in Science, Technology, Engineering and Medicine (‘STEM’) subjects. They’re normally offered within established laboratories, research groups or other specialised academic networks whose broader goals will shape some of the boundaries for your project, though not necessarily the specific direction you pursue.
  • Self-proposed projects - these are more common in Arts, Humanities and some Social Science subjects. They normally involve a student selecting their own topic and ‘ proposing ’ it to a university and / or supervisor. You’ll have relatively free reign to pick your own topic, but it will need to form the basis of a realistic PhD (see Step 3!) and fit within the aims and expertise of an institution’s research objectives.
  • Professional doctorates - these are offered in vocational subjects such as Business and Management and tend to award specialised qualifications such as the DBA (Doctor of Business Administration) . They’re usually intended for experienced candidates looking to research on their area of practice, rather than become academic researchers.

There are degrees of nuance within these categories (pun intended) but the subject you wish to research in will probably narrow down the kind of doctorate you should be looking for.

You should also begin thinking about what you want to do after your PhD. Career opportunities for doctoral graduates are more varied (and flexible) than you might assume, but there’s still a fairly clear difference between academic and professional doctorates.

  • Learn about different types of PhD (as well as the differences between them) and take a look at the kind of doctorates offered in your subject area .
  • Spend ages wondering why you can’t find a Doctor of Business Administration in Seventeenth-Century Computer Science. Or expect a university Chemistry department to hire you with one.

3. Pick a project that pairs passion with practicality

It sounds like an obvious statement (or an awful tongue-twister) but this is a place where it’s easy to go wrong – particularly if you’re coming up with your own research topic.

Once you know you want to do a doctorate, how do you find the right PhD topic?

You need to really want to do a PhD. Not just another degree. Not just another qualification. Not just another three years at university.

Three years of in-depth, mostly independent research on a topic you care enough about to spend three years researching, independently and in-depth. With a worthwhile new contribution to academic or professional knowledge in your field at the end of it.

Getting there takes real passion for your topic. But, passion alone isn’t enough to make a doctorate practical .

People have been carrying out doctoral research for around 100 years. That’s a lot of PhDs in your subject. So it isn’t enough to just decide you ‘want to study a PhD in [your subject]’, even if you are incredibly passionate about it. Chances are, other people have been passionate about this subject before.

Your topic needs to be more specific. It also has to have the right scope for a PhD.

Some academic research projects can run for extensive periods of time, taking in the work of multiple people and developing over years or even decades. A doctorate needs to be completed in around three to four years of full-time work, by one scholar (you!).

  • Look for a project with clear objectives that you care about, solving worthwhile problems that matter to you and tackling questions you actually want to know the answers to.
  • Set out to re-think the fundamental principles of theoretical Physics in three years. Particularly if you’re more interested in Engineering .

4. Research your research

So, you’ve got a fairly good idea for a PhD on a topic you’re passionate about and it looks like an original and worthwhile idea.

The next step is to check that both of those things are true. And you can start right here.

Our search is a useful way to find a PhD (it’s in the name, after all) but it’s also a great way to compare current PhDs – and get a sense of what’s happening in your field.

Entering your research area (or interests) will bring up relevant projects and programmes, but don’t worry about picking one of them just yet.

Instead take a look at the kind of results you see. How many are there? Where are they from? How specific are they to your research interests?

This information can be a good indicator of how popular the field for your topic is and how densely (or sparsely) inhabited it might be.

If you’re seeing lots of interest in your area, your project might be timely. But you might also need to think further about how you’ll differentiate your research from others’.

If you’re not seeing many directly relevant projects, that’s not necessarily a bad thing (particularly in the Arts and Humanities, where general programmes are more common than specific projects).

It could be that your ideas are very original (and ideal for a PhD). Still, you should probably discuss them with a supervisor before you apply or submit a proposal. There might be a reason no one is currently researching (or advertising) projects on your topic.

  • Investigate the work being done in your field and think about how your project will fit into that research landscape.
  • Assume your PhD idea is original, only to find that six other people are working on similar topics. And two of them are just about to publish their results.

5. Try before you buy

As well as seeing how many people are researching your area, you should try and get some idea of what research in that area is actually like . You’re going to be doing a lot of it during your PhD after all.

So, take a more detailed look at some of the project descriptions you’ve found during your searches:

What do they involve doing ? How interesting are the details of the science or scholarship they refer to? How familiar does it sound? Does it interest you? Would you like to read a research paper on this topic if we put one in front of you, right now?

If the answer to that last question is ‘yes’ (and it should be if you’re up for a PhD on this topic) then why not go and find a recent paper or journal article on this subject? If specific work is mentioned in the project, see if you can find it. If not, start with the supervisor’s recent publications.

  • Look at some current work in your field and ask yourself, honestly, if this is the kind of material you can see yourself reading (and maybe writing) over the next three years or so.
  • Sign up for three years of academic research only to discover you hate reading academic research papers.

6. Think about your research environment

We could have called this step ‘choose the right university’ but what really makes a university a good choice for a PhD is the environment it provides for doctoral research in your field.

You can get some sense of this from traditional measurements of university ‘quality’. Rankings , for example, can tell you things like how much research a university publishes and how good it might be perceived to be.

But these things probably won’t matter as much during the day-to-day of your PhD. Instead you should look at things like:

  • How well-equipped is it for research on your topic? Appropriate laboratory or workshop facilities are a must for most STEM PhDs, but an under-stocked library can make Arts and Humanities scholarship difficult and frustrating.
  • What kind of postgraduate facilities does it offer? A PGR common room may not seem like much, but it could be nirvana when you need somewhere quiet to go over your chapter draft.
  • Is there much of a postgraduate community? Are other students working in your area? Is there a postgraduate society? Three years of doctoral solitude won’t do your well-being any good – and being cut off from other people’s ideas won’t help your research.

If you can, make a trip to visit any university you’re seriously considering for a PhD. Postgraduate open days are a great way to do this, but you may also be able to arrange an informal visit – particularly if you’ve made contact with a supervisor to discuss a project.

  • Recognise the importance of your daily routine to your happiness (and success). Think about what it might be like to live and work on this project, at this institution.
  • Assume that one university is right for your PhD simply because it ranks higher, has a nicer coffee shop or a shiny new library (with none of the journals you need).

7. Talk to potential supervisors

The student-supervisor relationship is a unique part of the PhD experience and, to some extent, it’s also unique to each PhD experience.

All supervisors serve as scholarly mentors and professional role models for the academic work you’ll carry out during your doctorate. But those functions are facilitated by a human relationship between two individuals, working together over three or more years.

It goes without saying that you need that relationship to succeed and, to that extent, the advice in this step is rather simple:

Before you choose a supervisor to approach with your PhD topic (or choose a PhD with an assigned supervisor) find out a little more about them.

One way to do that is to get in touch.

An informal email should do the trick. It doesn’t need to be long and it certainly shouldn’t be confused with your research proposal .

Instead, simply introduce yourself, your background and interests and your interest in working with them. You can also ask questions about the university or project (if you have any).

It may also be worth doing a little more background research on prospective supervisors:

  • How many students have they supervised before? How many students are they currently supervising?
  • How well does their past or present research align with your topic?
  • Are they involved in any significant projects that might help or hinder their involvement with your PhD?
  • How do they come across personally and professionally? Are they active on appropriate social media networks like LinkedIn or Twitter? Do they maintain a personal website or blog for their research?

Be respectful and polite as you consider potential supervisors, but do take your research seriously. After all, this will be the most important academic (and professional) relationship of your career so far.

  • Think about what you’ll need from a PhD supervisor and the kind of relationship (and personalities) that might provide it.
  • Add every potential supervisor you find on Facebook and message them all asking for help with your research proposal.

8. Think about your future

You know what kind of doctorate you’re looking for. You’ve found a topic you care about and checked that the wider academic community does too. You have some idea of what to expect from day-to-day research on that project and think you’ve found a university (and supervisor) you’ll be comfortable with.

So, are you ready to apply for that PhD? Probably. But don’t do so just yet.

Instead, imagine yourself after you’ve applied, aced your interview and been accepted (of course).

Picture yourself actually researching that PhD.

Where will you live? How’s the commute? Are you still able to see friends, family and significant others? If not, is that going to be something you’ll be comfortable with?

Next, imagine yourself after you’ve submitted, aced your viva and received your doctorate.

Picture yourself holding a shiny new PhD. What will you do next?

Opportunities for PhD graduates are more diverse than you might think, with many academic and non-academic pathways that take advantage of the transferable skills developed during a doctorate.

You don’t have to know exactly which option you’ll pursue in three years or so, but you should think seriously about your options and plans before you start.

Once you’ve done that. . . you could be ready to get started with your PhD. Good luck!

  • Have a goal in mind for your PhD, reflect on what you hope to gain from the qualification, and understand the alternative options that might be available if your plans change.
  • Assume that a PhD will automatically lead to a specific job (in academia or elsewhere) or ignore the opportunities to develop your skills and CV during a doctorate.

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How to Choose a PhD Program

Successfully completing a doctoral program requires commitment and perseverance. the most important step in this process is to consider whether academic life is right for you and what kind of doctoral program — from discipline to environment — will be the best fit for your goals and preferences., we asked our current students and faculty, “what is key to making this decision” following are some questions they suggested you ask yourself, and answer, in order to select the appropriate program..

First, a basic description of a doctoral program:

As a doctoral student, you will spend the first two years of your program exploring areas of interest through coursework. In the two to three years that follow, you will select and pursue your own research topic, one which will make an original contribution to the existing body of knowledge in your field. Your original research culminates in an extensive written document known as the doctoral dissertation.

General Questions

If you are considering your career options, answering these questions will help you clarify your goals and ambitions — and determine if a doctoral program is the right decision for you.

  • Am I the type of person who is suited for a career in academia? Am I independently motivated to answer questions that I find interesting?
  • Do I want to spend the rest of my career doing research, as well as reading and talking about it?
  • Do I have a strong enough academic background in order to apply and be accepted by the program?
  • Is now the time for me to pursue a PhD?
  • What are my goals after completing the PhD?

Program Questions

If you know you want to pursue a doctoral degree, answers to these questions will help you select the right program for you.

  • How many faculty are working with students?
  • How many faculty members are doing research in areas related to my own interests?
  • What opportunities are there to work with a variety of faculty and to be exposed to different approaches in research (modeling, work with data, experiment design)?
  • Am I technically prepared to learn to do research in this field?
  • Most PhD students change their vision of research and many change their intended concentration area after joining the program and being exposed to a variety of research styles. Does my program of choice offer flexibility needed to do so?
  • Is there financial support for students to attend academic conferences to present their own research?
  • What opportunities are there for students to participate in colloquia, both as an attendee and as a presenter?
  • What is the department’s placement record? What types of jobs do graduates take and where?
  • Finally, how well do graduates of the program perform in the long term (contributing to the field through publication, practice of management and earning tenure)?

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Formulating a Research Topic

by Evan Kramer

Motivation and scope

As master’s and PhD students, we all aspire to conduct quality research. The question many of us are faced with is: how do we formulate a research topic that is well poised for performing quality research? Research topics are meant to encompass the majority or entirety of our work during our graduate career and, when well-defined, can result in opportunities to publish several high-impact academic papers. The effort required to formulate a well-defined research topic is significant, but necessary to avoid running into unforeseen challenges during your PhD. This blog post discusses the concepts that should be considered for anyone looking to define their research topic. While students have varying degrees of autonomy in shaping their research due to funding constraints and advisor expectations, the concepts discussed in this blog post account for these facets and can serve as a framework for any situation.

Flowchart showing the steps in formulating a research topic described in this article.

Overview diagram of a framework for formulating a well-defined research topic.

What is quality research?

Quality research is independent , important , and unique .

This definition identifies a set of requirements that a research topic must meet. These requirements will be discussed in more detail to orient the research topic formulation process.

Independent – Independent research can be conducted entirely by you without assistance from outside sources. While you should actively seek collaborations with others to boost the reach of your work, will you be able to complete your research objectives without relying on resources provided by others? Framing your research topic and objectives in this manner gives you protection to flakey collaborators and will keep you on track to graduate on time. For example, something you may want to avoid is crafting a research topic around the usage of one particular data set maintained by a private company. While initial collaboration talks may go smoothly, you don’t want your ability to pursue your research project in the hands of someone else!

Important – Important research makes a contribution towards answering a specific question, or a gap in knowledge, among a research community that has been posed by several scholars. You may ask yourself: if you carry out your research to completion, will your contributions answer outstanding questions posed by multiple scholars in your research community? Note that the question your work addresses may not be explicitly posed in the literature, but identifying common limitations can help formulate a gap in knowledge that you can work towards filling. Aligning your research objectives with specific and commonly posed questions can increase the chance of your work being cited by other scholars and integrated into practices in industry. 

Unique – Unique research makes a first-of-its-kind contribution. There are several ways in which your research can be unique. For example, uniqueness may be assumed if you contribute the first work to a completely unanswered question in your field. Alternatively, you may make a unique contribution to a question that has already been addressed by approaching it in a new way. Knowledge of your chosen field’s state of the art and previous foundations is useful when checking the uniqueness of your work, which can only be verified by thorough literature review. Regardless of the way your research is unique, it is important to identify the uniqueness of your work within the context of existing work in related areas.

With these three research topic characteristics in mind, the following presents a high level path to formulating your well-defined research topic.

A framework for formulating a well-defined research topic

1. look inwards.

Based on previous experiences in coursework, internships, and extracurricular activities, create a two-column list. The first column lists research fields you found interesting. The second column lists ideas that align with your personal motivations for pursuing a career in STEM research. An example of this list may look like the following:

Space propulsion Reducing aerospace industry contributions to climate change
Aerospace controls Increasing equitable access to space capabilities for low-resource nations
Remote sensing Improving accessibility of space data for non-experts
High-speed aerodynamics Bolstering safety of space travel
LEO constellation astrodynamics Enabling efficient natural disaster response for remote communities

2. Read Widely

Given the two-column lists you created, start familiarizing yourself with the current state of the art. Starting with articles in popular science media outlets can be effective for initial cursory surveys. Any articles that pique your interest should be followed by deeper dives into related literature in Google Scholar. It is likely that several of the topics in the left column of your list get crossed off quickly when you realize they no longer interest you. Continue this process until a subset of around three areas remains. Your two-column list may then look like this:

Reducing aerospace industry contributions to climate change
Aerospace controls Increasing equitable access to space capabilities for low-resource nations
Remote sensing Improving accessibility of space data for non-experts
Bolstering safety of space travel
LEO constellation astrodynamics Enabling efficient natural disaster response for remote communities

Note that the right hand column remains unchanged. You very likely will not be able to address all of your personal motivations for pursuing STEM research in your eventual research topic, but now is when you can start connecting topics you find interesting to research applications that personally motivate you. 

3. Consider funding and lab focus areas

While the research topic definition process should be approached predominantly with your own interests in mind, at this stage, it is important to consider where your funding is coming from. Typically, there will be specific fields your research must overlap with based on your funding source. Schedule a discussion with your advisor to share your topic definition process so far and ask if there are topics you should add to your list based on research group and funding requirements. Based on this discussion, add a third column to the list you’ve created that describes the necessary areas of overlap for your research.

Reducing aerospace industry contributions to climate change AI applied to satellite operations
Aerospace controls Increasing equitable access to space capabilities for low-resource nations Testbed development for satellite dynamics and control algorithm testing
Remote sensing Improving accessibility of space data for non-experts Effects of the space environment on satellite operations
Bolstering safety of space travel
LEO constellation astrodynamics Enabling efficient natural disaster response for remote communities

4. Continue reading and form a research statement

At this point you are trying to iterate on combinations identified in your three-column list. You can begin to formulate an overarching research statement from these combinations. Research statements generally have the form “To…by…while…”. This sentence structure explicitly identifies what you are trying to accomplish, how you will accomplish it, and which constraints you will account for. A possible research statement could be defined with one entry from each column, or you may be able to create a topic with multiple entries from each column. In this blog’s example list, a research statement could be the following:

To enable efficient natural disaster response for remote communities by developing an AI-powered rapid response scheduling algorithm for a remote sensing satellite while accounting for limitations to satellite operations imposed by the space environment .

5. Iterate and keep track of your work

You may create a few iterations of overarching research statements like this. As you continue to read focused areas in the literature, formulate a focus area Venn Diagram. By allocating articles in your literature search to portions of the diagram, you can stay organized and keep track of the work you’re doing. For the example statement above, your Venn Diagram could look like this:

Venn diagram with three overlapping circles with the categories "Remote Sensing", "Effects of space environment", and "AI scheduling algorithms". At the intersection of all three regions is says "you".

Venn diagram of research topic focus areas. The most relevant literature review items can be added to each region of the diagram to track and organize your efforts.

At this point, you are well on your way to formalizing your research topic. The formalization step involves writing research questions, drafting objective statements, and identifying your research contributions. AeroAstro Communications Lab fellows can help you with these next steps through one-on-one appointments !

how to select a research topic for phd

How to Write a Research Proposal: (with Examples & Templates)

how to write a research proposal

Table of Contents

Before conducting a study, a research proposal should be created that outlines researchers’ plans and methodology and is submitted to the concerned evaluating organization or person. Creating a research proposal is an important step to ensure that researchers are on track and are moving forward as intended. A research proposal can be defined as a detailed plan or blueprint for the proposed research that you intend to undertake. It provides readers with a snapshot of your project by describing what you will investigate, why it is needed, and how you will conduct the research.  

Your research proposal should aim to explain to the readers why your research is relevant and original, that you understand the context and current scenario in the field, have the appropriate resources to conduct the research, and that the research is feasible given the usual constraints.  

This article will describe in detail the purpose and typical structure of a research proposal , along with examples and templates to help you ace this step in your research journey.  

What is a Research Proposal ?  

A research proposal¹ ,²  can be defined as a formal report that describes your proposed research, its objectives, methodology, implications, and other important details. Research proposals are the framework of your research and are used to obtain approvals or grants to conduct the study from various committees or organizations. Consequently, research proposals should convince readers of your study’s credibility, accuracy, achievability, practicality, and reproducibility.   

With research proposals , researchers usually aim to persuade the readers, funding agencies, educational institutions, and supervisors to approve the proposal. To achieve this, the report should be well structured with the objectives written in clear, understandable language devoid of jargon. A well-organized research proposal conveys to the readers or evaluators that the writer has thought out the research plan meticulously and has the resources to ensure timely completion.  

Purpose of Research Proposals  

A research proposal is a sales pitch and therefore should be detailed enough to convince your readers, who could be supervisors, ethics committees, universities, etc., that what you’re proposing has merit and is feasible . Research proposals can help students discuss their dissertation with their faculty or fulfill course requirements and also help researchers obtain funding. A well-structured proposal instills confidence among readers about your ability to conduct and complete the study as proposed.  

Research proposals can be written for several reasons:³  

  • To describe the importance of research in the specific topic  
  • Address any potential challenges you may encounter  
  • Showcase knowledge in the field and your ability to conduct a study  
  • Apply for a role at a research institute  
  • Convince a research supervisor or university that your research can satisfy the requirements of a degree program  
  • Highlight the importance of your research to organizations that may sponsor your project  
  • Identify implications of your project and how it can benefit the audience  

What Goes in a Research Proposal?    

Research proposals should aim to answer the three basic questions—what, why, and how.  

The What question should be answered by describing the specific subject being researched. It should typically include the objectives, the cohort details, and the location or setting.  

The Why question should be answered by describing the existing scenario of the subject, listing unanswered questions, identifying gaps in the existing research, and describing how your study can address these gaps, along with the implications and significance.  

The How question should be answered by describing the proposed research methodology, data analysis tools expected to be used, and other details to describe your proposed methodology.   

Research Proposal Example  

Here is a research proposal sample template (with examples) from the University of Rochester Medical Center. 4 The sections in all research proposals are essentially the same although different terminology and other specific sections may be used depending on the subject.  

Research Proposal Template

Structure of a Research Proposal  

If you want to know how to make a research proposal impactful, include the following components:¹  

1. Introduction  

This section provides a background of the study, including the research topic, what is already known about it and the gaps, and the significance of the proposed research.  

2. Literature review  

This section contains descriptions of all the previous relevant studies pertaining to the research topic. Every study cited should be described in a few sentences, starting with the general studies to the more specific ones. This section builds on the understanding gained by readers in the Introduction section and supports it by citing relevant prior literature, indicating to readers that you have thoroughly researched your subject.  

3. Objectives  

Once the background and gaps in the research topic have been established, authors must now state the aims of the research clearly. Hypotheses should be mentioned here. This section further helps readers understand what your study’s specific goals are.  

4. Research design and methodology  

Here, authors should clearly describe the methods they intend to use to achieve their proposed objectives. Important components of this section include the population and sample size, data collection and analysis methods and duration, statistical analysis software, measures to avoid bias (randomization, blinding), etc.  

5. Ethical considerations  

This refers to the protection of participants’ rights, such as the right to privacy, right to confidentiality, etc. Researchers need to obtain informed consent and institutional review approval by the required authorities and mention this clearly for transparency.  

6. Budget/funding  

Researchers should prepare their budget and include all expected expenditures. An additional allowance for contingencies such as delays should also be factored in.  

7. Appendices  

This section typically includes information that supports the research proposal and may include informed consent forms, questionnaires, participant information, measurement tools, etc.  

8. Citations  

how to select a research topic for phd

Important Tips for Writing a Research Proposal  

Writing a research proposal begins much before the actual task of writing. Planning the research proposal structure and content is an important stage, which if done efficiently, can help you seamlessly transition into the writing stage. 3,5  

The Planning Stage  

  • Manage your time efficiently. Plan to have the draft version ready at least two weeks before your deadline and the final version at least two to three days before the deadline.
  • What is the primary objective of your research?  
  • Will your research address any existing gap?  
  • What is the impact of your proposed research?  
  • Do people outside your field find your research applicable in other areas?  
  • If your research is unsuccessful, would there still be other useful research outcomes?  

  The Writing Stage  

  • Create an outline with main section headings that are typically used.  
  • Focus only on writing and getting your points across without worrying about the format of the research proposal , grammar, punctuation, etc. These can be fixed during the subsequent passes. Add details to each section heading you created in the beginning.   
  • Ensure your sentences are concise and use plain language. A research proposal usually contains about 2,000 to 4,000 words or four to seven pages.  
  • Don’t use too many technical terms and abbreviations assuming that the readers would know them. Define the abbreviations and technical terms.  
  • Ensure that the entire content is readable. Avoid using long paragraphs because they affect the continuity in reading. Break them into shorter paragraphs and introduce some white space for readability.  
  • Focus on only the major research issues and cite sources accordingly. Don’t include generic information or their sources in the literature review.  
  • Proofread your final document to ensure there are no grammatical errors so readers can enjoy a seamless, uninterrupted read.  
  • Use academic, scholarly language because it brings formality into a document.  
  • Ensure that your title is created using the keywords in the document and is neither too long and specific nor too short and general.  
  • Cite all sources appropriately to avoid plagiarism.  
  • Make sure that you follow guidelines, if provided. This includes rules as simple as using a specific font or a hyphen or en dash between numerical ranges.  
  • Ensure that you’ve answered all questions requested by the evaluating authority.  

Key Takeaways   

Here’s a summary of the main points about research proposals discussed in the previous sections:  

  • A research proposal is a document that outlines the details of a proposed study and is created by researchers to submit to evaluators who could be research institutions, universities, faculty, etc.  
  • Research proposals are usually about 2,000-4,000 words long, but this depends on the evaluating authority’s guidelines.  
  • A good research proposal ensures that you’ve done your background research and assessed the feasibility of the research.  
  • Research proposals have the following main sections—introduction, literature review, objectives, methodology, ethical considerations, and budget.  

how to select a research topic for phd

Frequently Asked Questions  

Q1. How is a research proposal evaluated?  

A1. In general, most evaluators, including universities, broadly use the following criteria to evaluate research proposals . 6  

  • Significance —Does the research address any important subject or issue, which may or may not be specific to the evaluator or university?  
  • Content and design —Is the proposed methodology appropriate to answer the research question? Are the objectives clear and well aligned with the proposed methodology?  
  • Sample size and selection —Is the target population or cohort size clearly mentioned? Is the sampling process used to select participants randomized, appropriate, and free of bias?  
  • Timing —Are the proposed data collection dates mentioned clearly? Is the project feasible given the specified resources and timeline?  
  • Data management and dissemination —Who will have access to the data? What is the plan for data analysis?  

Q2. What is the difference between the Introduction and Literature Review sections in a research proposal ?  

A2. The Introduction or Background section in a research proposal sets the context of the study by describing the current scenario of the subject and identifying the gaps and need for the research. A Literature Review, on the other hand, provides references to all prior relevant literature to help corroborate the gaps identified and the research need.  

Q3. How long should a research proposal be?  

A3. Research proposal lengths vary with the evaluating authority like universities or committees and also the subject. Here’s a table that lists the typical research proposal lengths for a few universities.  

  Arts programs  1,000-1,500 
University of Birmingham  Law School programs  2,500 
  PhD  2,500 
  Research degrees  2,000-3,500 

Q4. What are the common mistakes to avoid in a research proposal ?  

A4. Here are a few common mistakes that you must avoid while writing a research proposal . 7  

  • No clear objectives: Objectives should be clear, specific, and measurable for the easy understanding among readers.  
  • Incomplete or unconvincing background research: Background research usually includes a review of the current scenario of the particular industry and also a review of the previous literature on the subject. This helps readers understand your reasons for undertaking this research because you identified gaps in the existing research.  
  • Overlooking project feasibility: The project scope and estimates should be realistic considering the resources and time available.   
  • Neglecting the impact and significance of the study: In a research proposal , readers and evaluators look for the implications or significance of your research and how it contributes to the existing research. This information should always be included.  
  • Unstructured format of a research proposal : A well-structured document gives confidence to evaluators that you have read the guidelines carefully and are well organized in your approach, consequently affirming that you will be able to undertake the research as mentioned in your proposal.  
  • Ineffective writing style: The language used should be formal and grammatically correct. If required, editors could be consulted, including AI-based tools such as Paperpal , to refine the research proposal structure and language.  

Thus, a research proposal is an essential document that can help you promote your research and secure funds and grants for conducting your research. Consequently, it should be well written in clear language and include all essential details to convince the evaluators of your ability to conduct the research as proposed.  

This article has described all the important components of a research proposal and has also provided tips to improve your writing style. We hope all these tips will help you write a well-structured research proposal to ensure receipt of grants or any other purpose.  


  • Sudheesh K, Duggappa DR, Nethra SS. How to write a research proposal? Indian J Anaesth. 2016;60(9):631-634. Accessed July 15, 2024.  
  • Writing research proposals. Harvard College Office of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships. Harvard University. Accessed July 14, 2024.  
  • What is a research proposal? Plus how to write one. Indeed website. Accessed July 17, 2024.  
  • Research proposal template. University of Rochester Medical Center. Accessed July 16, 2024.  
  • Tips for successful proposal writing. Johns Hopkins University. Accessed July 17, 2024.  
  • Formal review of research proposals. Cornell University. Accessed July 18, 2024.  
  • 7 Mistakes you must avoid in your research proposal. Aveksana (via LinkedIn). Accessed July 17, 2024.  

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Related Reads:

How to write a phd research proposal.

  • What are the Benefits of Generative AI for Academic Writing?
  • How to Avoid Plagiarism When Using Generative AI Tools
  • What is Hedging in Academic Writing?  

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Study Postgraduate

Phd in literary translation studies (2023 entry).

Literary Practice student at the University of Warwick.

Course code

2 October 2023

4 years full-time; 7 years part-time


Warwick Writing Programme , SCAPVC

University of Warwick

Find out more about our PhD in Literary Translation Studies.

The PhD in Literary Translation Studies allows you to choose between a research and a practice-based pathway through your degree. Focus your research on the history, philosophy, theory or practice of translation, or produce a substantial literary translation accompanied by a critical reflection.

Course overview

The PhD in Literary Translation Studies offers a choice between a research- and a practice-based pathway through your degree. The research pathway allows doctoral students to focus critically on a topic related to translation history, theory, methodology, practice or philosophy. The practice-based pathway involves the production of a substantial literary translation accompanied by a critical reflection.

Further information on the PhD in Literary Translation Studies is available on the Warwick Writing Programme website.

Teaching and learning

The structure of the phd.

Over 3 or 4 years (full time) or up to 7 years (part time), you will write a research or practice-based thesis:

A. Research pathway

Research theses will be 80,000 words in length and will typically investigate a topic related to the history, theory, practice, methodology and/or philosophy of translation.

B. Practice-based pathway

The practice-based pathway is distinct from the standard research pathway in that significant aspects of the claim for the doctoral requirement of an original contribution to the field of knowledge are demonstrated through the translation. Practice-based theses will consist of two parts, which should nonetheless form an organic whole:

i) a translation into English (this might be a translation of a novel; a novella; a collection of short stories; a collection of poetry; a work of literary non-fiction – the definition of literary non-fiction including but not restricted to memoir and travel writing; a work of scholarly writing, e.g. philosophy, critical theory, political thought).

ii) a critical reflection requiring the student to demonstrate awareness, informed by relevant scholarship in Translation Studies and any other pertinent scholarly fields, of the issues – stylistic, cultural, sociological, ideological and/or philosophical, among others – involved in the translation of the work. The thesis will be between 80,000 and 100,000 words, comprising the two related parts, translation and critical reflection. The ratio between the translation and reflection components will vary but the creative part will in all cases be the longer; the standard ratio of translation to critical reflection is 70:30. Variations on the 70:30 ratio may be negotiated – usually by translators of poetry or shorter fiction such as a novella or a short story collection. The translation should be undertaken during the period when the student is enrolled as a doctoral student at Warwick, i.e. a translation completed prior to the student’s enrolment in the PhD programme would not fulfil the requirements of the degree.

Each student will have one or two supervisors, at least one of whom will be among the teaching staff of the Warwick Writing Programme. Co-supervision that involves a member of another unit in the School of Creative Arts, Performance and Visual Cultures, the Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies, the School of Modern Languages and Cultures or another academic unit in the Faculty of Arts may be appropriate.

You will meet with your supervisors, together or separately, at least once a month during the teaching year (if full time) or twice a term (part time). These meetings should normally be in person but may sometimes be conducted remotely when convenient to both parties. You will also have a personal tutor, whose role is pastoral. There is no taught component of this degree, but each student is invited to a one-to-one meeting with our subject librarian to explore resources for his or her project.

General entry requirements

Minimum requirements.

2:i undergraduate degree (or equivalent) in a relevant subject. An MA (or equivalent) in a relevant discipline, with a final mark (or predicted final mark) of 65 or above.

We recognise that practising literary translators applying to the practice-based pathway may have come to the profession from a background outside literary studies and/or modern foreign languages and/or the broader humanities and that previous degrees may not necessarily be in a “relevant” subject. Professional experience will therefore be taken into account in the assessment of an applicant’s suitability for the programme where an applicant comes from an academic background outside the arts and humanities.

For the practice-based pathway, a sample of translated work should accompany all applications.

English language requirements

You can find out more about our English language requirements Link opens in a new window . This course requires the following:

  • IELTS overall (Academic) score of 7.5 and component scores.

International qualifications

We welcome applications from students with other internationally recognised qualifications.

For more information, please visit the international entry requirements page Link opens in a new window .

Additional requirements

There are no additional entry requirements for this course.

Our research

Areas for PhD supervision include:

  • Translation theory
  • Translation history and philosophy
  • Translation methodology, practice and sociology
  • Stylistic approaches to translation
  • Exophonic, migrant and intercultural literature
  • Translation of children's and young adult literature
  • Translation and Orientalism
  • Translation and classical receptions
  • Bible translation
  • The place of translation in renaissance education

Find a supervisor

Find your supervisor Link opens in a new window and discuss with them the area you'd like to research.

It is recommended that you approach your preferred supervisor before submitting your application. Our supervisors Link opens in a new window include Tim Leach, Maureen Freely, David Morley, Gonzalo C. Garcia, Nell Stevens and Lucy Brydon.

You can also see our general University guidance about finding a supervisor. Link opens in a new window

Learn about our research proposal guidance on the Warwick Writing Programme website Link opens in a new window .

Tuition fees

Tuition fees are payable for each year of your course at the start of the academic year, or at the start of your course, if later. Academic fees cover the cost of tuition, examinations and registration and some student amenities.

Taught course fees   Research course fees

Fee Status Guidance

We carry out an initial fee status assessment based on the information you provide in your application. Students will be classified as Home or Overseas fee status. Your fee status determines tuition fees, and what financial support and scholarships may be available. If you receive an offer, your fee status will be clearly stated alongside the tuition fee information.

Do you need your fee classification to be reviewed?

If you believe that your fee status has been classified incorrectly, you can complete a fee status assessment questionnaire. Please follow the instructions in your offer information and provide the documents needed to reassess your status.

Find out more about how universities assess fee status

Additional course costs

As well as tuition fees and living expenses, some courses may require you to cover the cost of field trips or costs associated with travel abroad. Information about department specific costs should be considered in conjunction with the more general costs below, such as:

As well as tuition fees and living expenses, some courses may require you to cover the cost of field trips or costs associated with travel abroad.

For departmental specific costs, please see the Modules tab on the course web page for the list of core and optional core modules with hyperlinks to our  Module Catalogue  (please visit the Department’s website if the Module Catalogue hyperlinks are not provided).

Associated costs can be found on the Study tab for each module listed in the Module Catalogue (please note most of the module content applies to 2022/23 year of study). Information about module department specific costs should be considered in conjunction with the more general costs below:

  • Core text books
  • Printer credits
  • Dissertation binding
  • Robe hire for your degree ceremony

Scholarships and bursaries

how to select a research topic for phd

Scholarships and financial support

Find out about the different funding routes available, including; postgraduate loans, scholarships, fee awards and academic department bursaries.

how to select a research topic for phd

Living costs

Find out more about the cost of living as a postgraduate student at the University of Warwick.

Warwick Writing Programme

Welcome to the Warwick Writing Programme, an internationally acclaimed writing programme that attracts writers and literary translators from across the globe. If you join us you will immerse yourself in contemporary and experimental narratives, including screenwriting, literary translation, gaming, spoken word and fieldwork.

We foster and maintain excellent creative industry links and networks to enable our students to achieve their career ambitions. We are closely involved with The Sunday Times Young Writer of the Year Award, whose recent winners have included Raymond Antrobus, Adam Weymouth and Sally Rooney. We are also the home of the Warwick Prize for Women in Translation.

Our teaching staff of novelists, poets, non-fiction writers, screenwriters and literary translators includes A.L. Kennedy, Tim Leach, Nell Stevens, Maureen Freely, Gonzalo C. Garcia and David Morley.

Find out more about us on our website. Link opens in a new window

Our courses

  • Literary Practice (PhD)
  • Literary Translation Studies (MA)
  • Literary Translation Studies (PhD)
  • Writing (MA)

how to select a research topic for phd

Taught course applications

Here is our checklist on how to apply for taught postgraduate courses at Warwick.

how to select a research topic for phd

Research course applications

Here is our checklist on how to apply for research postgraduate degrees at the University of Warwick.

how to select a research topic for phd

After you’ve applied

Find out how we process your application.

how to select a research topic for phd

Applicant Portal

Track your application and update your details.

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Admissions statement

See Warwick’s postgraduate admissions policy.

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Join a live chat

Ask questions and engage with Warwick.

Postgraduate Open Day

Postgraduate fairs.

Throughout the year we attend exhibitions and fairs online and in the UK. These events give you the chance to learn about our Master's and PhD study routes, and the wider context of postgraduate study.

Find out more

Every week, you can connect directly with representatives from Warwick, who will be answering your questions on applying to and studying postgraduate studies at Warwick.

Sign up for Live Chats

Departmental events

Some academic departments hold events for specific postgraduate programmes, these are fantastic opportunities to learn more about Warwick and your chosen department and course.

See our online departmental events

Connect with us

Want to hear more about postgraduate study at Warwick? Register your interest and find out more.

Learn more about Postgraduate study at the University of Warwick.

Why Warwick

Discover why Warwick is one of the best universities in the UK and renowned globally.

6th in the UK (The Guardian University Guide 2022) Link opens in a new window

64th in the world (QS World University Rankings 2023) Link opens in a new window

5th most targeted university by the UK's top 100 graduate employers Link opens in a new window

(The Graduate Market in 2023, High Fliers Research Ltd. Link opens in a new window )

About the information on this page

This information is applicable for 2023 entry. Given the interval between the publication of courses and enrolment, some of the information may change. It is important to check our website before you apply. Please read our terms and conditions to find out more.


  1. Selecting a Research Topic: A Framework for Doctoral Students

    how to select a research topic for phd

  2. Selecting a Research Topic: A Framework for Doctoral Students

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  3. Selecting a Research Topic: Framework for Scholars

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  4. How To Select A Topic For Your PhD Dissertation?

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  5. Choosing Economic PhD Topic: Criteria for Selection

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  6. Step by step guide on selecting your research topic

    how to select a research topic for phd


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  2. How to Choose a PhD Topic

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    Formulating a Focused Research Question. After PhD topic selection, the next step is to refine it into a straightforward research question. Your research question should be specific, relevant, and well-defined. It should be detailed enough to guide your research and provide clear direction while also leaving room for exploration and analysis.

  5. (PDF) Strategies for Selecting a Research Topic

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  6. How To Choose A Research Topic For A Dissertation

    Step 5: Narrow down, then evaluate. By this stage, you should have a healthy list of research topics. Step away from the ideation and thinking for a few days, clear your mind. The key is to get some distance from your ideas, so that you can sit down with your list and review it with a more objective view.

  7. How to Choose a Good Research Topic for Your PhD

    Choosing a radically new research topic, while still embarking on the broad area of specialization is indeed the key to success. Choosing an obscure, irrelevant, or non-compelling research topic: This can adversely affect the researcher's motivation levels and can drastically decrease their odds of attaining success.

  8. How To Choose A Research Topic

    To recap, the "Big 5" assessment criteria include: Topic originality and novelty. Value and significance. Access to data and equipment. Time requirements. Ethical compliance. Be sure to grab a copy of our free research topic evaluator sheet here to fast-track your topic selection process.

  9. How to Choose a Dissertation Topic

    Step 1: Check the requirements. Step 2: Choose a broad field of research. Step 3: Look for books and articles. Step 4: Find a niche. Step 5: Consider the type of research. Step 6: Determine the relevance. Step 7: Make sure it's plausible. Step 8: Get your topic approved. Other interesting articles.

  10. Fool Proof Tips for Finding PhD Research Topics

    Try to bring arguments supporting the importance of your research. Test potential ideas to see if they are possible. Consider access to needed resources and information. Keep your topic to the point. Most PhD students appear to start their PhDs with over-ambitious projects.

  11. How to Choose a Dissertation Topic For Your Doctoral Degree

    A practically relevant doctoral dissertation topic is applicable to current practice in a field. Research that improves processes or solves problems may be practically relevant. Tips for Choosing a Dissertation Topic. Within the context of PhD programs, there are a number of different approaches when selecting your dissertation topic.

  12. How to choose a PhD topic

    PhD Candidate. Chelsea believes choosing your research topic begins with, well, research. "Read widely on the general field that you're interested in," she says. "Identify the things that really spark your interest and where you can find research gaps - that is, where there are still things we don't know.". Sarah agrees and ...

  13. How to Find the Perfect PhD Topic

    Struggling to choose the right PhD topic? In this short video, we share essential tips to help you identify and refine a research topic that's both meaningfu...

  14. Choosing Topics for PhD Applications: Your Ultimate Guide

    Experimenting with different angles or giving fresh twists to topics can be a valuable tactic when selecting a PhD research topic. This approach involves looking at common or established topics from a new perspective or applying novel methodologies or theories. For instance, you might study a well-known issue but through the lens of a lesser ...

  15. Choosing a Research Topic

    Choosing a Research Topic. This article from the Chronicle of Higher Education discusses and offers advice on how to choose a dissertation topic that is compelling, manageable, and worthwhile. Although it is written for scientists, this article provides valuable insights that are applicable to other fields.

  16. how do you come up with a topic for research? : r/PhD

    The most important part of PhD is to learn how to find the right question. First focus on what particular topic you are interested. Start literature survey. From classic papers to new paper. When you will start literature survey you will understand what are the basic science behind the topic, or the methods.

  17. How to find a good topic for a PhD research proposal?

    In many countries an application for a PhD position includes a written research proposal, so my questions is what are some advises/strategies to come up with a good topic/idea for a PhD research proposal and how can one assess the quality/fruitfulness of an idea?As an undergraduate student one just doesn't have the experience to foresee which ideas might have promising research results and ...

  18. How to choose the right PhD Topic?

    a. Read on a relevant topic of interest. Read widely around a topic that really interests you. Ideally, though, this should be a topic that has a future! In other words, it will still need to be relevant and important in the future, a few years down the line when you have completed your PhD work. Additionally, while your interest in the topic ...

  19. How to Choose a PhD Topic

    Consider Your Resources. Many doctoral and PhD students can receive grants and stipends for their dissertation research. However, you should choose a topic that matches the time, money, people and other resources that you have available to you. A dissertation topic that becomes too resource-intensive may discourage you and cause you to lose ...

  20. How to choose your PhD research topic

    You need to remember that a PhD requires flexibility, patience and humility. It is a fluid process as the research question can change during the course of your project, depending on what is found, how successful the data collection is and how the project is progressing. Even if the funding body has set the research question, the methods used ...

  21. Finding a PhD

    How to Choose a PhD Research Topic . From reading publications, talking to supervisors and using your career plans, read our guidance on choosing the right PhD Research Topic for you. PhD Advice. Gain valuable insight from our collection of exclusive interviews with both current and past PhD students. Learn from their best advice, personal ...

  22. How to Choose a PhD Program: 7 Key Considerations

    In this article, we will explain how to choose a PhD program and topic of research and provide you with a list of key considerations to keep in mind when making this important decision. 1. Take time to introspect. 2. Stay within your research discipline. 3. Identify your specific research interests. 4.

  23. Wondering How to Choose a PhD Programme? Find Out Here.

    6. Think about your research environment. We could have called this step 'choose the right university' but what really makes a university a good choice for a PhD is the environment it provides for doctoral research in your field. You can get some sense of this from traditional measurements of university 'quality'.

  24. How to Choose a PhD Program

    Successfully completing a doctoral program requires commitment and perseverance. The most important step in this process is to consider whether academic life is right for you and what kind of doctoral program — from discipline to environment — will be the best fit for your goals and preferences. We asked our current students and faculty ...

  25. How to Choose a PhD Research Topic in English Literature

    There are many topics out there for a good research. Here are my tips on how to rightly choose a PhD research topic in English Literature. Choose the right poet or author that interests your topic. Ask PhD. supervisor the relevance of the poet to research. Search for some areas of research taken in the past.

  26. Formulating a Research Topic : AeroAstro Communication Lab

    With these three research topic characteristics in mind, the following presents a high level path to formulating your well-defined research topic. A framework for formulating a well-defined research topic . 1. Look inwards. Based on previous experiences in coursework, internships, and extracurricular activities, create a two-column list.

  27. How to Write a Research Proposal: (with Examples & Templates)

    Structure of a Research Proposal If you want to know how to make a research proposal impactful, include the following components:¹ 1. Introduction This section provides a background of the study, including the research topic, what is already known about it and the gaps, and the significance of the proposed research. 2. Literature review

  28. How to Write a Research Proposal

    A student writes a research proposal to describe a research area where a question needs to be answered and to show that they can answer that question by adding new information to the field. A research committee will read the proposals and decide whether each student will qualify for admittance to the graduate degree program.

  29. PhD in Literary Translation Studies (2023 Entry)

    The structure of the PhD. Over 3 or 4 years (full time) or up to 7 years (part time), you will write a research or practice-based thesis: A. Research pathway. Research theses will be 80,000 words in length and will typically investigate a topic related to the history, theory, practice, methodology and/or philosophy of translation.