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MBF3C Foundations of Mathematics – Grade 11 Math – College Preparation

Mbf3c grade 11 college course description.

MBF3C Grade 11 College Math Resources

Prerequisite: Foundations of Mathematics, Grade 10, Applied

3 Act Math Tasks

MBF3C Grade 11 College Real World Math Problems

Real World Math - The Drive to Work - 3 Act Math

MBF3C Grade 11 Math Course Notes and Handouts

Mbf3c – unit 1 – trigonometry.

Page 13-15 #1-4, 6, 8, 10, 12

Page 21-23 #1-6, 12, 13

Page 32-33 #1-6, 8

Page 39-41 #1-3, 5-7, 9

Page 48-51 #1-10

MBF3C – Unit 2 – Probability

Page 66-67 #1-7

Page 73-74 #1-9

Page 82-83 #1-6, 8a

Page 90-92 #1-8

MBF3C – Unit 3 – One Variable Statistics

Page 106-109 #1-5, 7-10

Page 114-116 #1-10

Page 125-127 #1-3,6

Page 125-128 #4, 5, 7, 9, 11

Page 136-139 #1-3, 6-8

Page 145-147 #5, 6, 7ab, 8, 10, 11

Page 145-147 #1-4, 9, 12

Page 153-155 #1-7

MBF3C – Unit 4 – Quadratic Relations I

Page 174-175 #1, 3, 6

Page 174-176 #2, 4, 7, 9
+ k
Page 190-193 #1-3, 4(a,c,e,g), 7(a,c,e), 8

Page 200-203 #1-4, 5(a,c), 7
+ k
Page 212-217 #1, 2(a,c,e,g), 6

Page 222-225 #1(a,c,e,g), 2, 4, 5

Complete Handouts

MBF3C – Unit 5 – Quadratic Relations II

Page 238-241 #1, 2, 3-7(a,c,e)

Page 245-247 #1-4(a,c,e), 6, 7
Page 253-255 #1-3
+ bx + c
Page 259-263 #1-7(a,c,e)

Page 271-275 #1-2, 3-5(a,c,e), 6, 7(a,c,e)

MBF3C – Unit 7 – Exponents

Page 360-363 #1-5, 9, 10

Page 367-371 #1-3, 6-7(a,c,e), 8

Page 377-381 #1-3, 6, 7

Page 390-394 #1-4, 6

Page 401-405 #1(b,c,d), 2(b,c), 5(a,b), 6

Page 410-413 #1-7

MBF3C – Unit 8 – Compound Interest

Page 428-429 #1-7
Page 432-435 #1-9
Page 439-441 #1, 2-3(a,b), 4, 5, 8, 9
Page 450-453 #3-10
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MBF3C – Unit 9 – Personal Finance

Page 465-467 #2-5, 7-9
Page 472-473 #2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 10
Page 479-481 #1, 2, 4-8
Page 486-487 #1, 5, 6, 8
Page 493-495 #1-9

MBF3C Grade 11 College Mathematics

Strands and overall expectations, mathematical models.

  • MM1 – make connections between the numeric, graphical, and algebraic representations of quadratic relations, and use the connections to solve problems;
  • MM2 – demonstrate an understanding of exponents, and make connections between the numeric, graphical, and algebraic representations of exponential relations;
  • MM3 – describe and represent exponential relations, and solve problems involving exponential relations arising from real-world applications.

Personal Finance

  • PF1 – compare simple and compound interest , relate compound interest to exponential growth, and solve problems involving compound interest;
  • PF2 – compare services available from financial institutions, and solve problems involving the cost of making purchases on credit;
  • PF3 – interpret information about owning and operating a vehicle, and solve problems involving the associated costs.

Geometry and Trigonometry

  • GT1 – represent, in a variety of ways, two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional figures arising from real-world applications, and solve design problems;
  • GT2 – solve problems involving trigonometry in acute triangles using the sine law and the cosine law, including problems arising from real-world applications.

Data Management

  • DM1 – solve problems involving one-variable data by collecting, organizing, analysing, and evaluating data;
  • DM2 – determine and represent probability, and identify and interpret its applications.

Recent Posts

  • Complete Guide to Make Math Moments From A Distance
  • The Make Math Moments 3-Part Framework Guidebook
  • How to Start the School Year Off Right
  • Sometimes Visual Is Not Enough
  • The Making Math Moments That Matter Podcast Is LIVE!
  • MDHS Math Department Webpage

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on September 29, 2014 at 9:46:37 pm


You should take no more than 13  to complete this unit,

including time for review and a test.  

This does NOT allow for days missed due to sports, sickness, snow or fog days or

other activities.










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MBF3C - Unit 2 - Quadratics

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MBF3C – Unit 2 – Quadratics

Unit Outline

  • 2.1 – Modeling Quadratic Expressions
  • 2.2 – Interpreting Meaningful Values given Quad Graphs
  • 2.3 – Investigate Roles of a, h, k in Vertex Form
  • 2.4A – Graphing in Vertex Form  ( Lesson handout and HOMEWORK )
  • 2.4B – More Graphing in Vertex Form
  • 2.5 – Expanding Binomials
  • 2.6 – Vertex to Standard Form
  • 2.7 – Factoring Trinomials
  • 2.8 – Common Factoring of Trinomials
  • 2.9 – Investigate Factors of Quadratics and x-intercepts
  • 2.10 – Real World Problem Solving
  • Basics Practice
  • Practice Test  [ SOLUTION ]
  • Grade 10 Academic MPM2D
  • Functions and Relations MCR3U
  • Vectors and Calculus MCV4U
  • Grade 12 Adv Func MHF4U
  • Unit 1 Linear Systems
  • Unit 2-distances-circles-triangles
  • Unit 3 Factoring
  • Unit 4a quadratics
  • unit-1 intro to functions
  • Unit 2 Transformations
  • Unit 3 rational-expressions
  • Unit 4 quadratic-relations
  • unit-5-exponential-functions
  • Unit 6 Trigonometry
  • mcv4u - Chapter 1 - Limits and Continuity
  • mcv4u---Chapter 2 - derivatives
  • mcv4u---chapter-3 - derivatives and applications
  • mcv4u - Chapter 4 - Curve Sketching
  • mcv4u - Chap 5-derivatives exponential and trig
  • mcv4u - chapter 6 - intro to vectors
  • mcv4u - Chapter 7 - applications of vectors
  • mcv4u - chapter 8 - equations of lines and planes
  • mcv4u - chapter 9 - points lines planes

The Math Whisperer

Category: MBF3C

Compound interest.

Compound Interest is the process of adding interest to the original amount and then calculating interest on this new amount — it is interest on top of interest — compounded. CLASS NOTES: intro to compound interest

Banking/ Investing & Credit Card Assignment

this project deals with the world of investing money  and spending on credit.   Bank Project CREDIT CARD AND CREDIT STUDY Credit Card Study

On- Line Textbook — Exponents

These are chapters from and on-line textbook that relate to powers and exponential relations. It is a very good resource. chapters on power laws      chapters on power laws grade 11

Quadratic Expressions

This post will help you with EXPANDING and FACTORING quadratic expressions.  The following link will take you to video clips that will show you how, and give you a chance to try them yourself click here to start


Quadratic Relations have a “U” shaped graph, SECOND DIFFERENCES that are Constant,  and the equation has a DEGREE of 2 This post is an INTRO into quadratics — how to complete a table of Values,  interpret graphs,  how  “a” and “k”  translate and transform the graph How to complete a TABLE OF VALUES to graph a…


The following is an assignment that you will do independently, on owning and operating a new vehicle. Owning & Operating a Vehicle Assignment


PER 2 — MBF3C CLASS TEST SCORES — MARCH 22, 2012    PER 3 — MBF3C CLASS — MARCH 22 2012  


This unit involves the study of triangle measures.  Students will be able to solve any RIGHT and ACUTE TRIANGLE — SIDES OR ANGLES.  They will know which method is best suited to the situation based on the given information and the type of triangle. Special focus and attention to the SINE LAW and the COSINE…

Math Makeover

Watch the following video by Dan Meyer and discuss the following: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlvKWEvKSi8


Here is a flash file to help you explore EXPONENTIAL RELATIONS.  CLICK HERE




Units 2 and 3 Probability and Statistics

  Date Notes Textbook Questions
1 Wed June 9

2 Thurs 
June 10
4  Fri June 11   Homework is in the notes. Complete Questions 1 to 6.
5  Mon Jun 14
 3.1 Sampling Techniques

6 Tues June 15 3.2 Collecting and Analyzing Data

Answers are in the notes.
7 Wed June 16 3.3 Displaying Data Bar Graphs and Circle Graphs

3.4 Mean Mode and Median

8 Thurs
June 17
9 Fri
June 18
RST DAY IN CLASS TEST (Most questions are taken from your homework)  

Unit 7 and 8 Compound Interest and Personal Finance

# Date Notes Homework
1 Mon   Simple Interest

Compound Interest
Homework for the whole Unit 

Sec 8.1 #1ab, 2adf,3,4
Sec 8.3 #1c,2ac,3ad,4
2 Tues  10 Present Value

TVM Solver  
Homework for the whole Unit 
Sec 8,4 # 1,4,5ad
Sec 8.5 # 2, 5
3 Wed 11 TVM Solver  

Homework for the whole Unit 
4 Thur 12  
No Homework
5 Fri 13  Credit Cards
Homework for the whole Unit 
6 Mon 14  
Obtaining and Operating a Vehicle

Homework for the whole Unit   Sectino 8.8 # 1 to 8
7 Tues     Review    Due Today

Unit 6 Exponentials

# Date Notes Homework
1 Thurs May 20 Exponential Rules

Negative Exponents

 pg  360 # 1-5,9-11

pg 367 # 2-3(1st column) 5,7,8,10,11,,17
2 Fri May 21  Appreciation and Depreciation Tables

3 Tues 25  
 Characteristics of Exponential Functions

4 Wed 26 Exponential Growth

5 Thur 27  Exponential Decay

7 Fri  28  Review is Due

Unit 0: Review

# Date Notes Class Work or Homework
1 Mon
April 19

2. Integer Bedmas

2 Tue
April 20





3 Wed
April 21






4 Thur
April 22



9. Graphing with desmos.




5 Friday
April 23

 Unit 1: Trig

# Date Notes Class Work or Homework
1 Mon April 26

pg 13 - 15 Questions  1 to 9

2 Tues
April 27

pg 21 to 23 Questions 1 to 5,9,12

3 Wed
April 28


pg 31 and 32 Questions 1,2,3,4

4 Thurs
April 29

pg 39 and 41 Questions 1a,2a,3,7,9

NO Answers Presented
5 Fri
May  30

pg 48 to 50 Questions 1ace,2ace,3,8,10

6 Mon
May 3
Support Class

Unit 4: Quadratics 1

Date Notes Homework
Tues May 4 4.1
Page 174 to 176 #1, 3, 4 & 6
Wed May 5  4.2

pg 190 #1 2 5
pg 192 #7
pg 200 #1,2,3
pg 212 #1,4
Thur May 6 4.4

Fri May 7

pg 222 to 224
Mon May 10  Assignment is Due



Unit 5 Quadratics 2

Date Notes Homework
Tues May 11  5.1 Expansion

5.2 Standard Form

pg 239 Q 3e4e5e6e to 7e
pg 245 Q 4ace, 7ace, 8,10
 Wed May 12  5.3 Factoring Trinomials

pg 253 #1,3aceg,6,8aceg,14
 Thurs May 13   Catch Up Day  
 Fri May 14  Factoring Trinomials 2

pg 259 # 3a, 4abc, 5abc, 7 just factor
Mon May 17    X-intercepts

Tues May 18  Review  
# Date Notes Homework
  Tue  June 4 CPT - LAST DAY in CLASS  
1 Wed 5 Simple Interest
Homework for the whole Unit
2 Thur 6 Compound Interest
3 Mon  10 Present Value
4 Tues 11 TVM Solver 

5 Wed 12  
6 Thur 13  Credit Cards
7 Fri 14  
Obtaining and Operating a Vehicle

  Mon  June 17 REVIEW FOR EXAM
# Date Notes Homework
1 Tue  May 21 Exponential Rules

 pg  360 # 1-5,9-11
2 Wed 22 Negative Exponents

pg 367 # 2-3(1st column) 5,7,8,10,11,,17
3 Thur 23  
Appreciation and Depreciation Tables

4 Fri 24   Characteristics of Exponential Functions
5 Mon 27 Exponential Growth

6 Tues 28 Dance Show Case NO LESSON

7 Wed 29 Exponential Decay

8 Thur 30  
Review Assignment
9 Fri 31 Review Assingment
10  Monday June 3 UNIT TEST
# Date Notes Homework
1 Mon  April 29 Prerequisite Skills

 pg 232 Q 1,2,3,7,10,11,12,13,14
2 Tues 30 Religion Trip
3 Wed May 1 Expansion of Binomials

pg 239 Q 1 to 7(ace),8,11
4 Thur 2  Standard Form
pg 245 Q 4ace, 7ace, 8,10
5 Fri 3 Factoring Trinomials

6 Mon 6 Factoring Trinomials 2

7 Tue 7 X-intercepts

8 Wed 8 Solving Problems

9 Thur 9 Review Assingment
10  Fri 10 UNIT TEST  
# Date Notes Homework
1 Wed April 10 Prerequisite Skills

Pg 166 # 1 to 11
2 Thur 11 Introduction to Quadratics
Pg 174 #1to 5
3 Fri 12 Transformation 1

4 Mon  15 Transformations 2
5 Tues  16 Step Pattern 1 3 5


Graph 4 quadratic equations given in class.
6 Wed 17 Quiz on the Step Pattern

7 Thur 18 Review  

Assignment + Make your Summary Sheet
8 Tues 23  
Assignment + Make your Summary Sheet
9 Wed 24  Unit Test  

Unit 3: Statistics 

# Date Notes Homework
1 Wed Mar 20 Prerequisite Skills Pg 100 # 1-7
2 Thur Mar 21
3.1 Sampling Techniques

3 Fri 22 3.2 Collecting and Analyzing Data

4 Mon  25  3.2 Continues  
5 Tues  26 3.3 Displaying Data Bar Bar Graphs and Circle Graphs

6 Wed 27  Literacy Test  
7 Thur 28 3.3 Displaying Data Circle Graphs and Continous Graphs

8 Fri  29 3.4 Mean Mode and Median

9 Mon April 1 3.5 Quartiles, Percentiles and Box Plots

Complete the worksheet and add a box-whisker plot for each problem.

10 Tues  2 3.5 Mean and Standard Deviation

11 Wed 3 3.6  Common Distributions

12 Thurs  4 Review Assignment  
13 Fri
Unit Test  

Unit 2 Probability 

  Date Notes Textbook Questions
1 Tues Feb 26 pg 58 Q 1 to 8 LINK
2 Wed Feb 27
3 Thur Feb 28
4 Fri March 1  
5 Mon Mar 4  
6 Tue Mar 5 Quiz/ Review  
7 Wed Mar 6 Assignment/ Review  
8 Thur Mar 7 Test  
9 Fri Mar 8 CPT DAY  
Date Notes Class Work  or Homework
Thur Jan 31  
Fri Feb 1 Worksheet for Marks
Mon Feb 4
to Wed Feb 6
Thurs Feb 7 Worksheet for Marks

Unit 1 Trig

# Date Notes Class Work or Homework
1 Fri-Feb 8 Pythagorean Theorem and Primary Trig. Ratios
2 Mon
Feb 11
Primary Trig. Ratios
3 Tue
Feb 12
Problem Solving
4 Thur
Feb 14
Sine Law
5 Fri
Feb 15
Cose Law
6 Tues
Feb 15
Choose the Right Formula Worksheet
7 Wed
Feb 19

Complete Notes
8 Thur Feb 20  
9 Fri Feb 21 Test  

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  1. PDF MBF3C Unit 4

    MBF3C Unit 4 - (Quadratics 2) - Outline Day Lesson Title Specific Expectations 1 Binomial Multiplication A1.5 2 Standard Form of a Quadratic Relation A1.6, A1.8 3 Changing To and From Standard Form A1.6 4 Factoring Quadratic Expressions A1.7 5 Factoring and Solving Quadratic Expressions A1.7, A1.9 6 Problem Solving with Quadratics A1.9

  2. MBF3C

    Nov 23: Working on Assignment Nov 27: Review for Test Unit 3 Quadratics Part 2 Oct 26: lesson_1.pdf Oct 27:lesson_2_2017.pdf Oct 30: lesson_3_2017.pdf Oct 31: Quiz and Kahoot for Halloween Nov 1:lesson_4_2017.pdf Nov 2: Lesson 5 Nov 6: Lesson 6 Nov 7: Review for Test Nov 8: Unit Assignment Nov9: Assembly Nov 10: Test Unit 2 Quadratics Part 1

  3. Solved MBF3C

    See Answer. Question: MBF3C - Unit 2 Name: Unit 2 - Quadratics 1 Assignment Total: 181 Knowledge & Understanding 1. Complete the following table. [18] Vertex Optimal Value Axis of Symmetry Zeros Direction of Opening y-intercept 2. Sketch the parabolas on the grid provided and identify the vertex on each. a) The parabola has a y-intercept of 6 ...

  4. MBF3C

    Welcome to MBF3C! Use this page to find all resources worked on in class. Find course outlines, unit outlines, handouts, lessons and homework. Handouts: [Course Outline] Units. Skills Work. Unit 1 - Trigonometry. Unit 2 - Quadratics. Unit 3 - Probability & Statistics.

  5. MBF3C Grade 11 College Math

    MBF3C Grade 11 College Course Description. This course enables students to broaden their understanding of mathematics as a problem solving tool in the real world. Students will extend their understanding of quadratic relations; investigate situations involving exponential growth; solve problems involving compound interest; solve financial ...

  6. MBF3C Unit 4 and 5 Quadratics Flashcards

    MBF3C Unit 4 and 5 Quadratics. Flashcards. Learn. Test. Match. Flashcards. Learn. Test. Match. Created by. MrArseneauBiology. Terms in this set (15) ... Verified answer. algebra. Factor. If a polynomial is prime, state this. $$ x+x^2-6 $$ Verified answer. algebra. Find the solution for given of the following equations. a. 5x + 2 = 22\ b. 3x + 7 ...

  7. MBF3C

    Download and print the Notes and Worksheets for this Unit :MBF3C Unit 2 Quadratics Part 1 Notes and Worksheets.pdf . There are 8 Video Lessons in this Unit. You should take no more than 13 class days to complete this unit, including time for review and a test. This does NOT allow for days missed due to sports, sickness, snow or fog days or


    MBF3C Name_____ UNIT 1: QUADRATICS ASSIGNMENT MARK Knowledge and Understanding /16 Applications /16 Thinking, inquiry and problem solving /10 Communication /100 OE A1: make connections between the numeric, graphical, and algebraic representations of quadratic relations, and use the connections to solve problems; Communication will be assessed ...

  9. PDF Date: Practice Test 4: Quadratic Relations K: A: T: C:

    Provide answer statements in complete English sentences where applicable. Knowledge: 1. For each of the following relations, use finite differences to determine if the relation is linear, quadratic or neither. Explain your reasoning. [K: 8] (a) (b) 2. For each of the following quadratic relations, (a) state the coordinates of the vertex.

  10. OMCA Support Resources for: MBF3C

    OMCA Support Resources for: MBF3C Introductory Materials. doc pdf - Intro - Scope - Sequence Introduction to MBF3C, Scope and Sequence details (updated: 2011-Nov-11); doc pdf - Textbook Cross Reference ; Unit Lesson Plans. doc pdf - Unit 1 Review Lessons ; doc pdf - Unit 2 Trigonometry Lessons ; doc pdf - Unit 3 Quadratics Part I Lessons ; doc pdf - Unit 4 Quadratics Part II Lessons

  11. questions for practice

    MBF3C 4 Problem Solving With Quadratics. A parabola has the equation y = 2x 2 + 4x - 6. Determine: a) the zeroes of the parabola b) the vertex of the parabola c) the points where the parabola reaches a "height" of y = 10 d) the equation of the parabola in vertex form and factored form e) sketch the parabola on a piece of graph paper

  12. Chapter 4 Quadratics Practice Test

    Practice Test mbf3c name: chapter quadratics practice test given the following graph, determine the: vertex: zeros: axis of symmetry: direction of opening: ... Email Assignment - Copy; 04 Work Period Handout - Proving Trigonometry Identify Practice ... MCR3U - C.R - Assigned Work; Workbook chapter 4 - practice for math 20-3; 1-MCR3U Answers for ...

  13. MBF3C

    Here you can find notes from any lessons you may have missed along with associated handouts as well as details of homework, assignment deadlines and dates of upcoming quizzes and tests. Hover over the course code (MBF3C) at the top and select the appropriate unit of work. The lessons will be in date order. Lesson info is on the left and the ...

  14. PDF Unit 3

    5 Factored Form of a Quadratic Relation A1.8 6 Quadratics Consolidation A1.9 7 Review Day 8 Test Day TOTAL DAYS: 8 A1.1- construct tables of values and graph quadratic relations arising from real-world applications (e.g., dropping a ball from a given height; varying the edge length of a cube and observing the effect on the

  15. MBF3C

    MBF3C - Unit 2 - Quadratics. Unit Outline. 2.1 - Modeling Quadratic Expressions. 2.2 - Interpreting Meaningful Values given Quad Graphs. 2.3 - Investigate Roles of a, h, k in Vertex Form. 2.4A - Graphing in Vertex Form ( Lesson handout and HOMEWORK) 2.4B - More Graphing in Vertex Form. 2.5 - Expanding Binomials.

  16. MBF3C.14

    MBF3C.14 - gilbertmath.com. Welcome to Grade 11. College Math! On this page you will find links to our daily lessons, homework assignments, important dates and reminders and general information on our course. Questions?

  17. MBF3C

    Pre-Req Answers. Download File. Modelling with Quadratics. Download File. Modelling Quadratics Worksheet.

  18. Mbf3c 2020

    MBF3C Foundations for College Mathematics Gr. 11. Resources. Course Information ... Complete Credit Card Assignment; Week 4: Quadratic Relations. Blank Notes. Day. ... Create notes for lesson: Introduction to Quadratic Relations; Complete these questions: Handout: "Quadratic Relations Intro Homework" ...

  19. Mr. Beland

    Chapter 3.4 and 3.5 - Powerpoint (Measures of Central Tendency, Measures of Spread) Note to go with Powerpoint. Review of Some Topics in Chapter 3. Another Review of Some Topics in Chapter 3. Chapter 3 Review. Chapter 4 and 5 - Quadratics. Worksheet Regarding Graphing Quadratics Written in Vertex Form.

  20. MBF3C

    Quadratic Relations have a "U" shaped graph, SECOND DIFFERENCES that are Constant, and the equation has a DEGREE of 2 ... The following is an assignment that you will do independently, on owning and operating a new vehicle. Owning & Operating a Vehicle Assignment. Leave a Comment. ... PER 2 — MBF3C CLASS TEST SCORES — MARCH 22, 2012 ...

  21. MBF3C :: Pewa

    MBF3C-Covid. Resources COURSE OUTLINE : TEXTBOOK VIDEO ANSWERS : Units 2 and 3 Probability and Statistics : ... Graph 4 quadratic equations given in class. 6: Wed 17: Quiz on the Step Pattern Interpreting Graphs : 7: Thur 18: ... Review Assignment : 13: Fri 5: Unit Test : Unit 2 Probability : Date: Notes: Textbook Questions: 1:

  22. MBF3C Lesson 19 Assignment COMPLETED (docx)

    MBF3C Lesson Assignment 19 In this assignment you are going to focus on: An Introduction to Probability Total Marks: 46 marks Instructions: After completing the lesson action section of your home page, you are ready to complete your lesson assignment. Follow these steps. a) In the textbox given, explain the strategy that you used to determine your answer.