Classroom-ready presentations

Personal finance.

  • Building Wealth: Budget to Save–The Balance Sheet
  • Building Wealth: Budget to Save–Developing a Budget
  • Building Wealth: Save and Invest–Put It in the Bank
  • Building Wealth: Save and Invest–Owning Versus Renting
  • Building Wealth: Save and Invest–The Role of Financial Markets
  • Building Wealth: Save and Invest–Bonds, Stocks and Mutual Funds
  • Building Wealth: Save and Invest–Risk and Return
  • Building Wealth: Build Credit–Understanding Credit Reports
  • Building Wealth: Take Control of Debt–The Cost of Credit
  • Bitcoin: A New Internet Currency
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Money and Financial Markets
  • Everyday Economics: Three Faces of Globalization
  • Poor, Poorer, Poorest

Economics boot camp

  • Scarcity and Opportunity Costs
  • Economic Systems
  • Circular Flow
  • Supply and Demand
  • Market Structures
  • International Trade: Comparative Advantage and Trade Barriers
  • Exchange Rates
  • GDP and Growth
  • Economic Instability
  • Fiscal Policy

Federal Reserve

  • Business, Banks and Bragging: How Dallas Became a Federal Reserve City
  • The Federal Reserve and You

American debate on a central bank

  • American Banking: Colonial Period to the Civil War
  • Banking in America: Civil War to the Present
  • The Gold Standard in the U.S.
  • Wars, Panics and Politics: The American Debate on a National Bank

Social studies-related topics

  • Economic Drivers of Texas
  • Globalization
  • Immigration
  • Mercantilism
  • Role of Government


51+ Economics Project Topics [Updated]

economics project topics

Economics may sound like a daunting subject, but it’s all around us, influencing every aspect of our lives. Economic projects delve into various aspects of how societies produce, distribute, and consume products or goods and services. Whether you’re a student looking for compelling economics project topics or someone curious about the world of economics, this guide will walk you through some fascinating areas to explore.

How Do You Write An Economic Project?

Table of Contents

Writing an economic project involves several steps to effectively research, analyze, and present your findings. Here’s a general guide on how to write an economic project:

  • Choose a Topic: Choose an economic subject that captures your interest and is in line with the requirements of your assignment or the objectives of your research. It could be a macroeconomic trend, a microeconomic analysis, or a specific area like environmental economics or development economics.
  • Conduct Research: Collect pertinent data and information from credible sources like scholarly journals, government reports, economic repositories, and literature. Make sure to critically evaluate the credibility and reliability of your sources.
  • Outline Your Project: Create an outline that organizes your ideas and arguments logically. Include sections such as introduction, literature review, methodology, findings, discussion, and conclusion.
  • Write the Introduction: Begin with an introduction that provides background information on your topic, states the purpose of your project, and outlines the structure of your paper.
  • Review the Literature: Perform a thorough examination of existing literature and theories pertinent to your subject matter through a literature review. Identify any deficiencies or areas lacking sufficient research that your project intends to fill.
  • Develop a Methodology: Describe the methods you used to collect and analyze data. This may include quantitative techniques such as econometric modeling or qualitative approaches like case studies or interviews.
  • Present Your Findings: Present the results of your analysis in a clear and organized manner. Use tables, charts, and graphs to illustrate key findings and trends.
  • Discuss Your Results: Interpret the implications of your findings and discuss their significance in relation to existing literature and theoretical frameworks. Address any limitations or constraints of your study.
  • Draw Conclusions: Provide a condensed overview of your project’s key discoveries and derive conclusions from your analysis. Consider the broader implications of your research and suggest areas for further study.
  • Write the Conclusion: Conclude your project by restating the main points and highlighting the contribution of your research to the field of economics. Discuss any practical implications or policy recommendations arising from your findings.
  • Cite Your Sources: Make sure to cite all sources properly used in your project according to the appropriate citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago).
  • Proofread and Edit: Finally, carefully proofread your project to check for errors in grammar, spelling, and formatting. Ensure that your writing is clear, concise, and coherent.

By following these steps, you can effectively write an economic project that demonstrates your understanding of economic concepts, analytical skills, and ability to communicate research findings effectively.

51+ Economics Project Topics: Category Wise

Macroeconomic topics.

  • The Impact of Fiscal Policy on Economic Growth
  • Analyzing the Effects of Monetary Policy on Inflation
  • Evaluating the Relationship Between Exchange Rates and Export Performance
  • Assessing the Role of Government Spending in Stimulating Aggregate Demand
  • Examining the Causes and Consequences of Economic Recessions

Microeconomic Topics

  • Market Structure Analysis: A Case Study of the Smartphone Industry
  • Consumer Behavior and Preferences in the Fast Food Industry
  • The Impact of Price Elasticity on Revenue in the Airline Industry
  • Producer Surplus and Profit Maximization in Competitive Markets
  • Analyzing Market Failures and the Need for Government Intervention

International Economics Topics

  • The Effects of Trade Liberalization on Developing Countries
  • Exchange Rate Volatility and Its Impact on International Trade
  • Globalization and Its Effects on Income Inequality
  • Trade Policies and Their Influence on Foreign Direct Investment
  • Comparative Advantage and Specialization in International Trade

Environmental Economics Topics

  • The Economics of Renewable Energy Adoption
  • Carbon Pricing and Its Implications for Climate Change Mitigation
  • Economic Valuation of Ecosystem Services
  • Environmental Regulations and Firm Behavior: A Case Study Approach
  • The Role of Economics in Biodiversity Conservation Efforts

Development Economics Topics

  • Microfinance and Poverty Alleviation: Lessons from Case Studies
  • The Impact of Education on Economic Development
  • Evaluating the Effectiveness of Conditional Cash Transfer Programs
  • Gender Inequality and Economic Development: An Empirical Analysis
  • The Role of Foreign Aid in Promoting Sustainable Development

Behavioral Economics Topics

  • Behavioral Biases in Consumer Decision-Making: A Experimental Study
  • Nudge Theory and Its Applications in Public Policy
  • Prospect Theory and Risk Preferences in Investment Decisions
  • The Influence of Social Norms on Economic Behavior
  • Behavioral Economics Approaches to Addressing Climate Change

Econometrics and Quantitative Analysis Topics

  • Time-Series Analysis of Stock Market Volatility
  • Regression Analysis of Factors Affecting Housing Prices
  • Forecasting Macroeconomic Indicators Using Machine Learning Techniques
  • Panel Data Analysis of Regional Economic Disparities
  • Causal Inference Methods in Economic Research

Policy Analysis and Evaluation Topics

  • Cost-Benefit Analysis of Infrastructure Projects
  • Evaluating the Impact of Minimum Wage Policies on Employment
  • Welfare Effects of Tax Reform: A Microsimulation Approach
  • Policy Responses to Economic Shocks: Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic
  • Assessing the Effectiveness of Anti-Poverty Programs in Developing Countries

Monetary Economics Topics

  • The Transmission Mechanism of Monetary Policy
  • Central Bank Independence and Inflation Targeting
  • Quantitative Easing and Its Effects on Financial Markets
  • The Role of Interest Rates in Determining Investment Decisions
  • Digital Currencies and the Future of Monetary Policy

Labor Economics Topics

  • The Economics of Immigration: Impacts on Labor Markets
  • Gender Wage Gap: Causes and Policy Implications
  • The Effects of Automation on Employment Patterns
  • Labor Market Dynamics and Unemployment Duration
  • Evaluating the Impact of Minimum Wage Laws on Poverty

Health Economics Topics

  • The Economics of Healthcare Financing Systems
  • Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Healthcare Interventions
  • The Impact of Health Insurance Coverage on Healthcare Utilization
  • Behavioral Economics Approaches to Promoting Healthier Lifestyles
  • Healthcare Market Competition and Patient Outcomes: Evidence from Empirical Studies

What To Avoid For Economics Projects?

When working on economics projects, it’s essential to be aware of common pitfalls to avoid. Here’s a list of things to steer clear of:

  • Lack of Clarity in Research Question: Ensure your research question is clear, specific, and well-defined. Avoid ambiguity or broad topics that make it difficult to focus your research.
  • Poor Data Quality: Avoid using unreliable or outdated data sources. Ensure your data is accurate, relevant, and obtained from reputable sources.
  • Ignoring Assumptions: Be transparent about the assumptions underlying your analysis. Ignoring or glossing over assumptions can weaken the validity of your findings.
  • Overly Complex Models: While sophisticated models can be impressive, avoid unnecessarily complex models that obscure key relationships or make interpretation difficult.
  • Ignoring Alternative Explanations: Consider alternative explanations for your findings and address potential counterarguments. Ignoring alternative explanations can weaken the credibility of your analysis.
  • Misinterpreting Correlation as Causation: Be cautious when interpreting correlations as causation. Correlation does not imply causation, so ensure you have robust evidence to support causal claims.
  • Ignoring Feedback Effects: Consider feedback effects and dynamic interactions between variables in your analysis. Ignoring feedback effects can lead to biased or misleading conclusions.
  • Ignoring Heterogeneity: Recognize heterogeneity within the population or sample under study. Ignoring heterogeneity can lead to overgeneralization of results.
  • Overlooking Endogeneity: Be mindful of endogeneity issues, where the relationship between variables is bidirectional or influenced by unobserved factors. Addressing endogeneity requires careful modeling and appropriate techniques.
  • Inadequate Literature Review: Conduct a thorough literature review to situate your research within the existing literature. Avoid overlooking relevant studies or failing to acknowledge prior research.
  • Inadequate Discussion of Limitations: Acknowledge the limitations of your study and discuss their implications for the validity and generalizability of your findings.
  • Poor Presentation and Organization: Ensure your project is well-organized and clearly presented. Avoid cluttered or confusing visuals, inconsistent formatting, or unclear writing.

By avoiding these common pitfalls, you can enhance the quality and credibility of your economics projects and contribute meaningfully to the field of study.

Economics is a dynamic and multifaceted field, offering endless opportunities for exploration and discovery. Whether you’re interested in understanding the forces shaping the global economy or seeking solutions to pressing social issues, there’s a wealth of topics to explore.

By delving into these areas, you’ll gain valuable insights into how economies work and how they can be improved for the benefit of all. So, don’t hesitate to dive into economics project topics and start exploring the fascinating world of economics.

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College Economics Topics

College Economics Topics


Supplementary materials for popular college textbooks used in courses in the Principles of Economics, Microeconomics, Price Theory, and Macroeconomics are suggested by topic. A few of these textbooks include

  • N. Gregory Mankiw, Principles of Economics
  • McConnell, Brue, and Flynn, Economics
  • David Colander, Microeconomics
  • Paul Heyne, The Economic Way of Thinking
  • Irvin Tucker, Macroeonomics for Today
  • Edwin G. Dolan, Introduction to Macroeconomics

Materials include podcasts, topical articles, encyclopedia entries, educational blog posts, and more. All materials have been selected for authoritativeness, quality of writing and speaking, liveliness, and ease of understanding. Additional advanced resource links include primary source materials that are available online or graduate level readings. *

List of Topics

Part i: introduction to the principles of economics, overview: basics and a taste of what’s to come.

What is economics? Definitions of economics, the economy, political economy. Economics is about making choices, not just about making money.

  • What Is Economics?
  • Wellbeing and Welfare

We face tradeoffs every day

  • Cost-benefit analysis

The cost of something is what you give up to get it

  • Opportunity cost
  • Real, relative, and nominal prices

People respond to incentives

Think about small changes first

  • Margins and Thinking at the Margin

Trade makes everyone better off

  • Exchange and Trade
  • Comparative Advantage and the Benefits of Trade

Markets are usually a good way to organize economic activity

Governments sometimes improve on market outcomes

  • Market Failures, Public Goods, and Externalities

Governments sometimes make conditions worse than market outcomes

  • Government Failures, Rent Seeking, and Public Choice

A country’s standard of living depends on its ability to produce goods and services

  • Economic Growth
  • Division of Labor and Specialization

Prices rise when the government prints too much money

Economists agree about the principles, but differ about government policy recommendations.

  • Economic Systems

Thinking Like an Economist

Read and Listen Critically to the News

  • material to come

Supply and Demand Applies to Surprising Situations

  • Human Capital

The Roles of Graphs, Math, Equations, and Science in Economics

  • Is Economics a Science?
  • Measuring Economic Data

The Role of Institutions, Property Rights, Laws, and Customs

  • Economic Institutions
  • Property Rights

Part II: Microeconomics

Supply and demand: how markets work.

Supply and Demand Basics

  • Supply and Demand, Markets and Prices . Putting supply and demand together, markets and prices.

Elasticity and Its Application

  • Elasticity of Demand

Supply, Demand, and Government Policies

  • Price Controls, Price Ceilings, and Price Floors

Markets and Evaluating How Well-Off We Are: Consumers, Producers, Efficiency, Welfare, Well-being

Consumers, Producers and the Efficiency of Markets

  • Entrepreneurs
  • Behavioral Economics (more to come)
  • Application: The Costs of Taxation (more to come)
  • Application: International Trade (more to come)

The Economics of the Public Sector

Externalities, Public Goods, and Common Resources

  • Roles of Government

Rent Seeking and Public Choice

The Tax System

  • Social Security
  • Health Care

Firm Behavior and the Organization of Industry

The Costs of Production

  • Costs of Production

Firms in Competitive Markets

  • Competition and Market Structures
  • Monopoly, Oligopoly, and Monopolistic Competition (more to come)

The Economics of Labor Markets

Labor Costs, including Labor Unions

  • Labor Costs

Employment versus Unemployment

  • Employment and Unemployment
  • Productivity

Earnings and Discrimination

  • more to come

The Distribution of Income

  • Income Distribution
  • Income Inequality

Advanced Topics in Microeconomics

  • The Theory of Consumer Choice

Part III: Macroeconomics

Measuring macroeconomic data.

Measuring a Country’s Income and Growth

  • Measuring GDP and growth
  • Measuring the Cost of Living (Consumer Price Index, CPI)
  • Measuring Employment and Unemployment
  • Measuring a country’s Money Supply
  • Government Budget Deficits and Government Debt
  • International debt (more to come)

The Real Economy in the Long Run

Production and Growth

  • Environmentalism

Saving, Investment, and Personal Financial Decisions

  • Compound Interest
  • Financial Markets
  • Saving and Investing
  • Risk and Return
  • Money Management and Budgeting

Employment, Unemployment, and the Natural Rate of Unemployment

Money and Prices in the Long Run

The Monetary System

  • Monetary Policy and the Federal Reserve
  • Banks and Financial Institutions

Money Growth and Inflation

Business Cycles, Financial Crises, and Short-Run Economic Fluctuations

Business Cycles, Recessions, Financial Crises

  • Business Cycles
  • Financial Crisis of 2008 . The Great Recession.
  • The Great Depression. (See Business Cycles .)

Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply

  • Aggregate Demand
  • Aggregate Supply

The Influence of Monetary and Fiscal Policy on Aggregate Demand

  • Fiscal Policy
  • The Phillips’ Curve: A Short-Run Tradeoff between Inflation and Unemployment

International Economics and the Macroeconomics of Open Economies

Open-Economy Macroeconomics: Basic Concepts

  • Balance of Trade and Balance of Payments
  • Foreign Currency Markets and Exchange Rates

Open Economy Macroeconomics

  • Barriers to Trade
  • Economic Development

Ongoing Debates

Debates over Macroeconomic Policy

* Introductions to selected College Economics Topics materials were written by

  • Lauren F. Landsburg.
  • Arnold S. Kling ( Costs of Production )

A collection of TED Talks (and more) on the topic of Economics.

Video playlists about Economics

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How to take charge of your personal finances

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Curator's Picks: Top 10 TED Talks of 2018

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How to invest in social good

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Talks that will make you think twice

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The case for good jobs — and why they're good for business too

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The innovators building Africa's thriving tech scene

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Why young people are worse off than their parents — and what to do about it

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An activist investor on challenging the status quo

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How the US is destroying young people's future

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How to live with economic doomsaying

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How sci-fi informs our climate future — and what to do next

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Why AI will spark exponential economic growth

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The real gold of our economy is in our hands

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The power of unconventional thinking

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What does "wealth" mean to you?

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The tech we need to fight workplace ageism

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The truth about human population decline

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How to design workplaces & cities for women

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How to retain Gen Z talent

Exclusive articles about economics, how can countries help refugees while also raising their gdp let them work., will automation take away all our jobs, why we’re so attached to our own creations — even when they’re ugly.

Faculty Resources


icon of a presentation screen

A full set of PowerPoint decks is provided for download below. All decks are tightly aligned to the modules in this course. Since they are openly licensed, you are welcome to retain, reuse, revise, remix, and redistribute as desired.

These PowerPoint files are accessible. If you do revise them, make sure to follow these  guidelines for creating accessible PowerPoints .

You can download all of the PowerPoints as a zip file here: Microeconomics PowerPoints .

The following ppts are available to download as individual decks.

  • Module 1: Economic Thinking
  • Module 2: Choice in a World of Scarcity
  • Module 3: Supply and Demand
  • Module 4: Applications of Supply and Demand
  • Module 5: Elasticity
  • Module 6: Utility
  • Module 7: Production and Costs
  • Module 8: Perfect Competition
  • Module 9: Monopoly
  • Module 10: Monopolistically Competition and Oligopoly
  • Module 11: Public Goods
  • Module 12: Labor Markets
  • Module 13: Income Distribution
  • Module 14: Globalization and Trade
  • Module 15: Exchange Rates and International Finance
  • PowerPoints. Provided by : Lumen Learning. License : CC BY: Attribution
  • Projector Screen. Authored by : Denis Shumaylov. Provided by : Noun Project. Located at : . License : CC BY: Attribution

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The Economics Network

Improving economics teaching and learning for over 20 years

Lecture Slides in Economics


  • Principles (General) (3)
  • Principles of Macroeconomics (8)
  • Principles of Microeconomics (5)
  • Applied Economics (5)
  • Maths for Economists (2)
  • Statistics for Economists (4)


  • Intermediate Microeconomics (8)
  • Intermediate Macroeconomics (2)
  • Agricultural Economics (1)
  • Consumption and Households (2)
  • Development Economics (7)
  • Econometrics (7)
  • Economic Growth (3)
  • Economic History (3)
  • Environmental and Transport Economics (6)
  • European Economics (2)
  • Experimental Economics (5)
  • Financial Economics (7)
  • Game Theory (4)
  • Health Economics (1)
  • History of Economic Thought (1)
  • Industrial Economics (4)
  • International Economics (6)
  • Labour Economics, Employment and Unemployment (6)
  • Law and Economics (1)
  • Managerial and Business Economics (6)
  • Mathematical Economics (2)
  • Monetary Economics (3)
  • Political Economy (2)
  • Heterodox Economics (3)
  • Public-sector Economics and Public Choice Theory (2)
  • Regional and Urban Economics (3)
  • Specific economies or countries (1)
  • Structural and Institutional Economics (1)
  • Welfare, Inequality and Redistribution (2)
  • Other topics (2)
  • Advanced Microeconomics (3)
  • Advanced Macroeconomics (2)
  • Advanced Applied Economics (4)
  • Advanced Econometrics and Quantitative Techniques (5)

Latest Addition

Graduate-level introduction to political economy, with reading lists, lecture slides and problem sets.

  • Views on request


100+ Indian Economy Topics For Presentation (Updated)

Published by admin on october 3, 2020 october 3, 2020.

This post covers a list of more than 100 Indian economy topics for presentation. These Indian economy-related PowerPoint presentation topics can be used for seminars, webinars, conferences, discussions, essays, speeches, oral presentations and other events. Hope these updated presentation topics will help MBA, BBA, Bcom, Mcom, MCA, PGDM, MMM, MMS and other specializations students and other management researchers.

Let’s explore Indian Economy related presentation topics updated in 2021.

Will 2021 be better for Indian Economy?

Is Indian economy recovering !

The rise of Covidnomics

Role of IT in Small scale industries in mission 2021

How Indian Economy Works?

Ban on Chinese Apps in India: Impact on Indian economy!

Is the worst over for Indian economy?

Aatmanirbhar Bharat Package: Boon or Bane for Indian Economy?

Vocal for Local Vs. Global Aspirations of India!

Impact of deceasing value of rupee on Indian economy

What has gone wrong with Indian Economy?

Globalization and Indian Economy!

Is India still a favourite among foreign investors?

Indian Economy: Before GST, After GST!

Impact of Demonetization on Indian Economy?

Indian economy & Moody’s ratings!

The Role of the Government in the Economy

World banks view on Indian Economy!

Manmohan Singh & Economic reforms!

The role of Women in Indian Economy!

Making sense of the Global & Indian Economy!

India’s Economy SlowDown: Natural or Result of wrong policies?

India’s Journey towards $5 Trillion Economy

Aatmnirbhar Reality : India’s dream towards self reliant India

Next Economic Powers of Asia: India’s Position!

India’s economy: Why the time for growth is now?

Is India really developing?

India’s dependence on China

Impact of privatisation on Indian economy!

Impact of GST on Indian Economy!

The sectoral Imbalance In India!

Is Indian ready for cashless economy?

Future of Indian Economy!

Learning from an ancient India’s economy!

FDI – Foreign Direct Investment in India: advantages and disadvantages

Aatmanirbhar Bharat : Boon or bane for Indian economy!

Depreciation of Indian Rupee: Reasons & Remedies!

How do elections affect the Indian Economy?

The Indian Industry is positive on economic growth!

India Economy 2021: It is not a recession, the economy is growing!

Is China’s loss of India’s gain?

Indian Economy: Looking beyond crises!

India’s Cashless Economy: UPI’s contribution

Impact of Atmanirnhar Baharat scheme on Indian Economy!

What makes a country a developed one?

Uniquely Indian – is there any product like that?

Can the Indian economy afford boycotting Chinese products?

Can India become a developed country : Dream Vs. Reality!

Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan: A true commitment or a cosmetic gimmick?

India’s Economy: How Did We Get Here and What Can be Done?

The root cause for Indian Economy slowdown: Corruption or Wrong Policies

FDI to India: Advantages and Disadvantages

India needs a federal commission , not just a finance commission!

Role of IT in the Service Sector in mission 2021

Rise of E-commerce in India: advantages & disadvantages

Indian Service Sector – can it be peoples worth

Does India benefit from a Sino-US trade conflict?

Where does India stand in the International Forum?

What does India need to become a Superpower nation?

What happens if India survives only on service?

Standard of Indian service sector

The services sector :a key driver of India’s economic growth

Will the Indian economy recover in the year 2021?

Technology – really core strength of India!

Role of agriculture in Indian economy

Role of RBI in Indian Economy!

The need to care about the care economy

The modern face of Indian Manufacturing

Ideas to make India Economic Superpower

Impact of Make In India on Indian Economy!

The Indian service sector is a quality conscious

Is Indian economy moving towards recession?

Make in India – Key to Revival of Economy

Infrastructure in India is it at par with other developing nations

Economy Vs Environment : What’s important!

Impact of FDI on local companies and businesses!

Problem of Non Performing Assets in India

Impact of better ease of doing rank on Indian economy

Ease of doing business in India: Rankings improved, but issues remain

INR Vs. USD : Why so much of gap!

Indian economy on the eve of Independence !

India Vs the World: A brief economical comparison

Economic ideas of Gandhiji

Towards a more sophisticated Indian economy

The battle of 1991: How India’s economy was reformed!

Fundamentals of Indian Economy

Ease of doing business in India : Myths and realities

Contribution of Tourism Sector in Indian Economy

Sectors of Indian Economy

Economic and Social Development in India

Thalinomics: The Economics of a Plate of Food in India

Balance between economy & environment !

Indian Economy: Green Revolution

Sustainable Development and Climate Change: Challenges and opportunities

Chanakya’s Arthashastra & its relevance today.

Impact of National Education Policy 2019 on Indian Economy

Impact of National Health Policy on Health Sector & Indian Economy

The impact of India’s trade agreements on overall trade balance

Targeting Ease of Doing Business in India

India’s Balance of Payments (BoP) position

Future of coal: Economic & Environmental consequences!

This is all about Indian economy presentation topics updated in 2021.

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Course info, instructors.

  • Prof. Arnaud Costinot
  • Prof. Dave Donaldson


As taught in.

  • International Economics

Learning Resource Types

International economics i, lecture slides.

1 Gains From Trade and the Law of Comparative Advantage (Theory)
2 The Ricardian Model (Theory, Part I)
3 The Ricardian Model, (cont.) (Theory, Part II)
4 The Assignment Model Approach (Theory)
5 Gains From Trade and the Law of Comparative Advantage (Empirics)
6 The Ricardian Model (Empirics)
7 The Assignment Model Approach (Empirics)
8 The Heckscher-Ohlin Model (Theory, Part I)
9 The Heckscher-Ohlin Model, (cont.) (Theory, Part II)
10 The Heckscher-Ohlin Model (Empirics, Part I)
11 The Heckscher-Ohlin Model, (cont.) (Empirics, Part II)
12 Trade Theory with Firm-Level Heterogeneity (Empirics, Part I)
13 Trade Theory with Firm-Level Heterogeneity, (cont.) (Empirics, Part II)
14 Trade Theory with Firm-Level Heterogeneity (Theory, Part I)
15 Trade Theory with Firm-Level Heterogeneity, (cont.) (Theory, Part II)
16 Gravity Models (Theory)
17 Gravity Models (Empirics)
18 Trade Costs (Empirics) Lecture slides unavailable. 
19 Offshoring and Fragmentation of Production (Theory, Part I)
20 Offshoring and Fragmentation of Production, (cont.) (Theory, Part II) Lecture slides unavailable.
21 Economic Geography (Empirics, Part I)
22 Economic Geography, (cont.) (Empirics, Part II)
23 Political Economy of Trade Policy and the WTO (Theory, Part I)
24 Political Economy of Trade Policy and the WTO, (cont.) (Theory, Part II)
25 Political Economy of Trade Policy and the WTO (Empirics, Part I)
26 Political Economy of Trade Policy and the WTO, (cont.) (Empirics, Part II)


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50 Top-Notch Economics Research Topics

Benjamin Oaks

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Even despite the fact that you can be a real professional in economics, it could be extremely difficult to find the appropriate topic that would be interesting for both, you and your readers. In most cases, it takes several hours to find the best microeconomics topics. Considering the fact that you have to perform a college research paper, create an outline and write your paper, the duration of writing may take up to 10-15 hours. …Can’t spend that much time? Consider these thrilling macroeconomics and microeconomics research paper topics, and save up to 4 hours!

What microeconomics topics are all about?

When was the last time you saw a student happy about writing a paper on microeconomics? What, never? Well, we believe, that choosing the right topic is already half the battle. If you do everything possible to find the topic of interest, you’d manage to decrease the stress from writing, and like a lot! What is the essence of microeconomics term paper topics? In fact, they make you study the main principles of economics from both, producer and consumer perspectives. Surely, loads of details are included, but we’re talking about the big picture, right? Let’s consider several microeconomics research paper topics

  • The balance between supply and demand. Are these concepts tightly bound or not?
  • Production expenses, price, and profit.
  • The essence of markets and competition.
  • Pricing and competition.
  • Inflation: essence, types, sources, consequences.

Microeconomics topics for presentation

Choose one of these microeconomics topics for presentation. Each would be greatly explained with the combination of text messages and different visuals. These topics enable you to make a presentation interactive, interesting and quite simple.

  • How does the stock market work? How do markets appear?
  • Opportunity costs
  • What is the meaning of the “perfect competition”?
  • What is the impact of supply and demand?
  • Is it possible to combine the private health care business with the state health care system?

Microeconomics term paper topics

As you probably understand, macroeconomics research paper writing is significantly more difficult to write rather than an ordinary essay, that’s why these economics research paper topics have to be complex and multifaceted. There is no need to stay focused on some specific features of any phenomenon. Analyze the whole phenomenon : its pros and cons, causes, consequences, conditions of development, possible ways of change, etc.

  • Activities of a competing firm in a long-term perspective: revenue increase, effectiveness of competition, simplification of business processes.
  • Impact of the 2008-2009 crisis on the small business in your country.
  • The containment of inflationary processes in the US and EU.
  • What are the most effective ways to stimulate purchases? Why do you need to sale your products on the Internet in 2019?
  • Finance vs. Nature. How to find the ideal balance? How to reduce the pollution of environment and continue the industrial development?

AP microeconomics topics

Need a fitting Advanced Placement Microeconomics topic? Let’s consider some of these in order to make it all easier for you!

  • The meaning of ‘opportunity costs’. What is the difference between explicit and implicit costs?
  • The Nature and Functions of Product Markets.
  • What are the main reasons for market failures? Is it predictable?
  • The problem of limited commodity availability. What should be done to reduce the risks of failure? How to prevent the individual lack of resources?
  • What is the essence of game theory? How can we use this theory in real life?
The abovementioned economics topics aren’t good enough? Find out the best ideas in articles and works of scientists like Hermann Heinrich Gossen, Carl Menger, John Bates Clark, Alfred Marshall, etc. All of them were real professionals in the sphere of microeconomics. Borrow interesting topics or just consider their works in own writing.

How about a package of great macroeconomics topics?

Still, loads of students who are not interested in microeconomics choose one of the macroeconomics topics . Those won’t analyze the activity of particular businesses but would focus on the behaviour and decision-making of an economy as a whole. In most cases, the authors of these articles are going to consider fundamental concepts like unemployment, consumption, savings, investment, and so on. Even despite the fact that the two topics of primary concern in macroeconomics are spending and saving, we are going to consider additional microeconomics research paper topics as well.

Macroeconomics research paper topics

  • What is the impact of Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, signed into law by Donald Trump on the United States economy?
  • What is the future of the GDP growth rate in the US?
  • How to stimulate GDP growth in our country? Is it possible to increase our development and save the leading positions in the world?
  • US unemployment is at its lowest since 1969. Is it possible to continue this success?
  • What should our government do to minimize risks of the future default?

Macroeconomics topics for presentation

There are also a lot of interesting macroeconomics topics for presentation. How about analyzing the historical context? That would increase the number of available topics.

  • Laffer curve: the essence of theory, ways of use, successful implementation examples.
  • The miracle of Chile: what did the government and Chicago Boys do in order to create the financial success of Chile?
  • The story of Israel’s economic miracle.
  • International Monetary Fund and its role in the financial success of European and Asian countries.
  • How Lee Kuan Yew created Singapore’s economic miracle?

Macroeconomics term paper topics

Try those great macroeconomics term paper topics in case you need something more difficult to challenge yourself.

  • Banks and their role in the economy.
  • State regulation of the economy in foreign countries: main models of regulation.
  • Causes of global financial crisis in 2008-2009.
  • Main problems of the US state budget in 2019.
  • Inflation in the US and possible ways to reduce its impact.

Additional economics topics, for most persistent ones

You are already past more than 30 economics topics! Thrilled to continue? We too! There are dozens of great ideas ahead.

Economics research paper topics: general approach

  • What is the future of the US stock market? How to choose potentially profitable stocks?
  • How the stock market indirectly controls inflation and deflation in the market.
  • What are the main reasons for the cryptocurrency market’s failure in 2018?
  • What should we do in order to double the growth of GDP in the US?
  • How do banks work in the US?

Fab economics topics for presentation

  • 5 best ways to reduce the state budget deficit in your country.
  • Neoliberal reforms in the 20th century. Is same success possible in 2019?
  • Chicago school of economics vs. Austrian school of economics.
  • The anatomy of an economic crisis: various contributing factors.
  • Is it possible to predict and prevent economic crisis in European countries?

Challenging economics term paper topics

  • History of Economic Thought.
  • How to conduct neoliberal reforms in your country.
  • What is the impact of labor organizations in the US?
  • Is it possible to reduce the role of labor organizations in our country?
  • What is the future of economic systems in former Soviet Republics?

How to classify topics as relating to microeconomics or macroeconomics?

Loads of people don’t get the difference between these two concepts. If you are one of those people who cannot classify the following topics as relating to microeconomics or macroeconomics, we’ll simplify it for you. Microeconomics studies the basic level of different businesses and their cooperation with customers. Macroeconomics considers the most fundamental principles and concepts of economics.

What an idea! Choose one of the economics topics above and hand it to a professional writer. Save time for things that truly matter!

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economics presentation topics

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Economics Essay Topics: 162 Practical Ideas & Useful Tips

economics presentation topics

Essay writing is an inherent part of the economics studying process. Nevertheless, it is quite a challenging task. Are you a high school or college student who is struggling with an economic essay topic choice? Or maybe you are unsure about your writing skills?

We know how to help you .

The following article will guide you in choosing the best topic for your essay on economics. Here, you can find a variety of ideas for high school or college. The economic essay topics are divided into several categories that will help you with your research. And a pleasant bonus from our team! We have created a great guide on how to write an economics essay.

So, don’t miss your chance to write an outstanding economic paper! Check out our essay ideas, read our tips carefully, and be ready to receive your grade A!

  • ⭐ Best Economic Topics
  • 🤝 Socio-Economic
  • 🗺️ International Economics
  • 🛠️ Labor Economics
  • 🌆 Urban Economics
  • ⚽ Sports Economics
  • 💉 Health Economics
  • 💼 Business Economics
  • 🏤 Globalization
  • 🧮 Economic History
  • 💫 How to Write?

⭐ 15 Best Economic Essay Topics

  • 2008 Economic Crisis.
  • Socio-economic policy.
  • Economic systems – Singapore.
  • Racial pay gap.
  • Economic globalization.
  • History of online trading.
  • Child labor policies.
  • The Economic Naturalist.
  • Foundations of economic theory.
  • Impact of unemployment.
  • Universal Basic Income.
  • The role of consumerism.
  • Healthcare economics – Canada’s Medicare.
  • Reasons for recession.
  • Cryptocurrency & environmental issues.

✨ Excellent Economic Essay Topics

Has economics always been a subject of meticulous research? The question is quite controversial, right? There is no specific time when economics started its rapid progress. Generally, economics remains the topic of interest since the establishment of capitalism in the Western world.

Nowadays, the economy is the main engine that moves our world forward. The way we do business determines the geopolitical situation in the world. Moreover, it influences many other parts of our lives.

The skills developed through studying economics are incredibly versatile.

Economics studying is of utmost importance nowadays. It helps to gain a better understanding of processes that put everything in motion.

Economics is quite broad, so it has a great variety of subfields. And this is a fantastic opportunity for us to generate as many essay ideas as possible. Here, you will find great economic topics for your paper. As mentioned before, we have divided them into several sections to ease your selection process. There’s a wide selection of free college essays samples on economics in our database, too. So be sure to check that out.

🤝 Socio-Economic Essay Topics

  • The economic impact of racial segregation in America in the 1950s.
  • Designing a just socio-economic system.
  • Socio-economic status of Hong Kong in modern-day China. Explain how the city of Hong Kong gained a special status in China. Why did it emerge as one of the most important cities in its economy? Comment on the significance of Hong Kong in the international economic arena.
  • Economic growth in the United States in the post-World War 2 period.
  • Mobile banking in Saudi Arabia: towards understanding the factors that affect the sector.
  • The importance of Dior’s bar suit to the women’s fashion industry.
  • Economic problems in the 1980’s Soviet Union. Talk about the significant problems with the economy the USSR had in the 1980s. What role did they play in its collapse?
  • What socio-economic problems did segregation in South Africa cause?
  • History of economic development in the UAE. Discuss the economic miracle in the UAE and Dubai. Explain how the government could turn the city of Dubai into one of the most famous tourist destinations. What strategies were applied?
  • Gender inequality and socio-economic development .
  • The problem of poverty in Venezuela.
  • How the socio-economic and political position of women changed between 1880 and 1940.
  • The economic impact of COVID-19 on global trade.

World trade is expected to fall due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

  • How do the three main economic groups interact with each other? There are three critical economic groups: – Consumers – Producers – Government Analyze the interaction of these groups with each other.
  • Extended essay: how the study of economic data helped our society to advance?
  • Western industrialization socio-economic impacts.
  • Inequality at the top: not all billionaires have the same powers. Analyze billionaires’ net worth, liquidity, political power, and wealth security. Explain why they have unequal social status. What factors determine the influence of billionaires?
  • An analysis of systems that help us measure agricultural development in a country.
  • Is social media a useful tool for brand promotion?
  • The phenomenon of dualism in economic development.

🗺️ International Economics Essay Topics

  • Globalization and its impact on international economic relations. Define the term globalization. What role does globalization play in international economic relations? Provide specific examples of globalization’s impact on the global political economy.
  • The lack of justice for the cheap international labor market. Discuss the issue of cheap labor in various countries. Why do some workers often lack fundamental human rights while others abuse moral norms? Analyze the causes and effects of inequality in the workplace.
  • Japan macroeconomics: problems and possible solutions.
  • The issue of mercantilism in the history of Great Britain. Analyze the rise and development of mercantilism in the history of Great Britain. To solidify your ideas, provide persuasive arguments, and appropriate examples of mercantilism.
  • Why does the problem of environmental protection remain unresolved among global economies?
  • Nissan Motor company’s international business.
  • International environmental concerns in economics: the case of China .
  • The issue of international criminal justice in industry. Explain why international businesses often avoid criminal justice after wrongdoings. Select one case of unethical behavior of a company’s CEO or regular employee. Briefly introduce the problem. What were the causes and effects? How was the issue resolved? Express your own opinion regarding the lack of criminal justice in business.
  • The economy of Singapore and its role in international trade.
  • International microeconomics trade dispute case study: US-China dispute on the exportation of raw materials.
  • The phenomenon of the “gig economy” and its impact on the global economy.
  • The effect of population growth in the international economy.
  • International economics in the context of globalization.

Technological and political changes have chipped away at the barriers separating nations.

  • How does Brexit affect the economy of the European Union? Analyze the immediate impact of Brexit on the EU’s economy. Predict future advantages and disadvantages of Brexit for both: Great Britain and the EU.
  • South Africa: international agribusiness, trade, and financing.
  • Historical essay: the economy of the Dutch East India company.
  • The issue of Mozambique’s economy and possible solutions. Investigate the issue of extreme poverty in Mozambique. What are some possible solutions to the problem of poverty? Base your suggestions on the country’s cultural, historical, and geographical aspects.
  • Imbalances in the global economy. Discuss the imbalances between trading countries on the scale of the global economy. What solutions would you suggest to deal with this issue?
  • How will global economies adapt to China’s growing power?
  • Etihad Airways company managerial economics.

🛠️ Labor Economics Essay Topics

  • Ford Motor company’s labor economics.
  • Labor economics: child labor.
  • The UPS firm perspective: the labor market.
  • Gender inequality of wage rate in modern business. Research how and why gender inequality is still an issue in the modern world of economics. What are some ways to deal with the problem? Present your ideas accurately and effectively. Provide solid arguments and appropriate examples to prove your position.
  • What are the best ways to increase labor productivity in business?
  • Labor unions adverse effects on economics.
  • The decrease of the labor force in modern industries. Talk about the rising rates of robotization in the majority of industries. How will it affect the traditional labor force? Comment on the problem of unemployment caused by labor automatization.
  • Violations of labor rights of workers.
  • Modern labor essay: how can an entrepreneur guarantee the minimum wage to their workers?
  • How can labor geography help develop a special economic zone? Talk about labor geography and its effects on developing an exclusive economic zone. How does the geopolitical location of a particular country influence its level of economic development?
  • Entrepreneurship in the organic cosmetics sphere.
  • Gender-oriented labor trade unions. A case study. Discuss the gender-oriented trade unions and analyze their impact on our society.
  • Child labor in the Turkish cotton industry.

The Syrian refugee crisis increased the risks of child labor in Turkey.

  • The connection between economic growth and demography. Analyze the connection between economic growth and its demographic context. Investigate both sides: – The issue of overpopulation – The problem of low birth rate. From an economic perspective, what problem is more dangerous?
  • The issue of sex discrimination in the workplace.
  • The effects of Landrum-Griffin Labor Act. Explore the labor Act of Landrum-Griffin that was passed in the US Congress in 1959. Discuss its implications and consequences. Discuss its implications and consequences.

🌆 Urban Economics Essay Topics

  • Cities and their role in aggregate economics.
  • Urbanization in Hong Kong and its effects on citizens.
  • The urban planning of the city of New York: a critical analysis. Analyze the urban history of NY. How has the city been developing? Discuss revolutionary solutions to the past and problems of modern times.
  • The impact of a city’s design on the local traffic.
  • Dubai’s spatial planning: creative solutions for building a city in the desert.
  • Globalization, urban political economy, and economic restructuring.
  • How do urban areas affect local wildlife? Comment on how modern production technologies in urban areas impact the natural diversity of wildlife. What impact does the rapid economic progress have on the environment? Suggest possible solutions.
  • Urban sociology: does the city make us better people?
  • Why should people be more careful about investing in real estate? Discuss the issues of overinvestment into real estate. Consider the economic crisis of 2008 as an example.
  • How can regional authorities help improve a city?
  • Urban life and its effects on education.
  • The economic development of a city’s metropolitan area: challenges and solutions.
  • Main factors for the emergence of cities in the Middle Ages.
  • The ethics of relocation: is it justified? Talk about the case of relocating locals when building projects of great magnitude. To what extent can it be justified? Mention its economic and ethical side.
  • The difficulties behind the construction of “green” buildings. Discuss the relatively new phenomenon of environmentally friendly buildings. Analyze both sides: the pros and cons. What obstacles lie behind the “green” building? What opportunities do the “green” buildings offer? Elaborate on your ideas by providing clear arguments or counterarguments.
  • What factors play a critical role in the success of retail productivity in cities?

⚽ Sports Economics Essay Topics

  • Do teams with higher budgets perform better on the field?
  • Corruption in European football leagues: a critical analysis. Investigate the corruption issue in the European football leagues. State reasons and solutions for the problem.
  • The managerial catastrophe of Arsenal F.C.

Discuss the football club of Arsenal.

  • The NextG sports company’s communication planning.
  • Roger D. Blair’s Sports Economics literary review. Write a literary analysis of Sports Economics by Roger D. Blair. Discuss his opinion on the economy of sports. Do you agree or disagree with his position? Provide compelling supportive arguments or strong counterarguments.
  • How significant is the impact factor of a local team on a city’s economy?
  • Kinsmen Sports Centre: marketing metrics innovation.
  • What role does statistical data play in sports? Analyze the part of economic statistical data in different sports organizations. How can statistics help to develop an effective financing plan? Comment on the impact of financing on the performance of a sports club.
  • Sports and energy drinks marketing analysis.
  • Is there a connection between the lack of money and any contemporary issues in a sports team?
  • Performance-enhancing drugs in sports.
  • The business of FIFA: a financial analysis. Investigate the finances of FIFA. What economic factors make them so influential in the modern world of football?
  • The global sports retail industry.
  • The Olympics: logistics and economy. Discuss the logistics behind the Olympics Games event. How the Olympic Games impact the economy of the host country?

💉 Health Economics Essay Topics

  • Is bioprinting the new future of medicine? Analyze the new market of organ printing and discuss its challenges. Investigate bioprinting from an economic perspective. Will the outputs cover the inputs? How will bioprinting impact the financial aspect of the health care sector?
  • Cost-effectiveness of pharmaceutical products in the United States. Comment on the immense cost-effectiveness of pharmaceuticals. What do you think is the price of pharmaceutical products reasonable? Is it ethical to set extremely high prices on the medicals?
  • An economic evaluation of the antibiotics market.
  • Health economics-SIC and NAICS.
  • The financial side of cancer treatment: is it too expensive? Analyze the market for cancer treatment programs in various countries. Explore its costs and complications. What are some possible ways to reduce the price of cancer treatment and make it more affordable?
  • The issue of fast food consumption: a multibillion-dollar market . Fast food has always been one of the notable causes of obesity, diabetes, and other illnesses. Investigate the economic aspect of the issue. Are high profits from fast food production worth peoples’ health conditions?
  • History and evolution of healthcare economics.

Health has become a dominant economic and political issue over the past years.

  • The financial management of a hospital: a case study.
  • The issue of public healthcare in the USA. Write about the long-standing issue of medical sector operation in the USA. Analyze its history, financial, and social aspects.
  • Demand in healthcare economics.
  • What are the economic outcomes of a global pandemic? Taking the COVID-19 outbreak as an example, conduct research on the effects of a pandemic on the economy. How does it affect local economies? What impact does the quarantine have on the international economy? Provide appropriate examples to support your ideas.

💼 Business Economics Essay Topics

  • When does an advertising campaign become unnecessary?
  • Sustainable development of a nation’s economic stability. Discuss how a country can create a sustainable economy. Provide bright examples to solidify your position.
  • How can a small business compete with monopolies?
  • What are the limitations of the Lewis Model?
  • The phenomenon of inflation: inevitable liability or a land of opportunity for our economies? Explore the process of inflation in modern economies. Does it only have adverse effects on the countries’ economies? Are there any advantages of inflation? Analyze it from a positive perspective.
  • Economics, business, and sugar in the UK.
  • The shadow economy of the finance sector. Dive into the backstage of the finance sector and research various “grey” areas where business can be done.
  • Chinese and Japanese business systems comparison.
  • Oil demand and its changes in the XXI century: a critical analysis. Analyze the oil sector and write about its fluctuation in the XXI century. How did the changes in oil demand affect the global economy?
  • The social and economic impact of mass emigration.

🌠 40 More Good Economic Essay Topics

Scrolled through our ideas, but can’t find a suitable topic for yourself? No worries! We have more issues to share with you.

So, don’t stress out. Take a look at our list of economical essay topics. Here are 40 more ideas focusing on globalization and the history of economics.

🏤 Economic Globalization Essay Topics

  • The impact of globalization on the tourist industry in the Caribbean . Analyze both: the positive and negative effects of globalization on the Caribbean. To make your paper well-structured, explore two advantages and two disadvantages. Don’t forget to improve your essay with strong evidence and appropriate examples!
  • Toyota Motor Corporation: impacts of globalization.
  • What are the effects of globalization on developing countries? To what extent do developing countries profit from globalization? Research the subject by comparing various examples.
  • Defining globalization and its effects on current trade.
  • Economic growth as a result of globalization: proper financial strategies. How can a country successfully achieve prosperity with globalization? Discuss proper economic strategies.
  • The socio-political significance of the IT industry’s globalization.
  • Human trafficking in developing nations as a result of globalization.

Modern-day trafficking of humans has become more rewarding for traffickers due to globalization.

  • Globalization and criminal justice policy.
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of globalization?
  • Globalization challenges and countermeasures.
  • The effect of globalization on worldwide trade and employment rates.
  • Economic integration within the European Union: a critical analysis. Talk about the history of economic integration within the EU. What are the negative and positive outcomes of economic integration?
  • Globalization and food in Japan.
  • Does globalization bring negative effects to cultural heritage and identity?
  • The Industrial Revolution as the first step towards globalization. Focus on the Industrial Revolution in Europe. Discuss its precursors and consequences. Why is the revolution considered to be a starting point of globalization? Provide specific examples of globalization processes that occurred in the economic sector after the Industrial revolution.
  • Globalization 2.0 an analysis of a book by David Rieff.
  • Globalization effects on fundamentalism growth.
  • Does direct investment by foreign businesses come with strings attached? Dive into the shady area of globalization and discuss how to direct foreign investment can bring problems of geopolitical scale.
  • Effects of globalization on sexuality.
  • Alibaba’s globalization strategy: an economic analysis.

🧮 Economic History Essay Topics

  • The rapid economic growth of Europe during the Age of Discovery. Analyze the factors that brought economic growth to Europe during the Age of Discovery. What factors contributed to the dynamic economic progress of that time?
  • Brazil’s economic history.
  • History of capitalism: from the Renaissance to the United States of America. Discuss the origins of capitalism and its centuries-long path towards XXth century America. How the establishment of capitalism impacted the economy of the USA?
  • Max Weber: economic history, the theory of bureaucracy, and politics as a vocation.
  • 2008 Economic Crisis: origins and fallout. Talk about the 2008 Financial Crisis. Discuss its causes and outcomes. What should have been done differently to avoid the global crisis? Comment on the economic strategies countries used to recover from it.
  • The economic marvel of Communist China: from rags to riches.
  • What made world economic growth of the Renaissance possible?

Renaissance Europe had a very diverse economy.

  • The economic history of Canada: how did the settlers facilitate economic growth?
  • What did the major powers of the XIXth century base their economies on?
  • The Rothschilds: political and financial role in the Industrial Revolution. Research the dynasty of Rothschilds and how they came to power. What was their role in Europe’s Industrial Revolution?
  • The link between the “oil curse” and the economic history of Latin America.
  • Roman Empire’s monetary policy: a socio-economic analysis.
  • How did the demand for different goods change their value in the 2000s years? Analyze the demand for goods in the 2000s years and their change in value. Why do these fluctuations in demand for products and services occur?
  • The history of economic thought.
  • Soviet Union’s economic timeline: from the new Economic Policy to Reformation. Discuss the economic issues of the Soviet Union from the historical perspective. Why did the Soviet Union collapse? What improvements in the financial sector should have been done?
  • History of France economics over the past 20 years.
  • The history of economic analysis.
  • The concept of serfdom and slavery as the main economic engine of the past. Dive into the idea of feudalism and serfdom. Discuss its social and economic aspects.
  • The World Bank’s structure, history, activities.
  • The history of Islamic banking: concepts and ideas.

💫 How to Write an Economics Essay?

Generally, essay writing on economics has the same structure as any other essay. However, there are some distinctive features of economic papers. Thus, it is essential to figure them out from the very beginning of your work.

You might be wondering what those aspects of the economic paper are. Well, we have an answer.

An economic essay usually relies on the common essay structure.

Below, you will find a detailed plan that explains the fundamental concepts of the essay writing process. So, don’t hesitate to use our tips! They are indeed helpful.

Pick a topic and dissect it. Picking the right topic is the very basis of writing a successful essay. Think of something that you will be interested in and make sure you understand the issue clearly. Also, don’t forget to check our ultimate economics essay topics and samples list!

Research it. After selecting the right idea from our economical essay topics, research your subject thoroughly. Try to find every fascinating and intriguing detail about it. Remember that you can always ask your fellow students, friends, or a teacher for help.

Come up with a thesis statement. A thesis statement is an essential element of your essay. It will determine your focus and guide the readers throughout your paper. Make your thesis secure and try to catch the reader’s attention using context and word choice.

Outline your essay. Never underestimate the power of a well-structured outline! Creating an essay outline can significantly help you to determine your general plan. Evaluate which economic framework you will be using to address the issue. State the main points of your thesis and antithesis. Make sure that they answer the central question of your work.

Write your introduction. First and foremost, a practical introduction should capture the readers’ attention and state the essay’s key topic. So, put enough effort to develop an outstanding introduction. It will create the first impression of your paper.

Moreover, an introduction should include a thesis statement. As we have mentioned above, a thesis plays a crucial role. Thus, make sure it is clearly stated.

Another significant feature of the introduction is its coherence with the body of your essay. Consequently, the introductory paragraph’s last statement has to present the subject of the next section, generically. Also, keep in mind that no more than three key points can be discussed in a paper, even if it is an extended essay.

Thoroughly work on the body paragraphs. Usually, the body of the essay contains several paragraphs. The number of these paragraphs will depend on the nature of your question. Be sure to create one section for every critical point that you make. This will make your paper properly-structured, and the reader will quickly get your ideas. For your convenience, we created a plan to develop your ideas in each paragraph, So, use it and make your writing process easier!

  • Argument. Present your argument in the topic sentence of the paragraph in a way that directly answers the question. A hint: the most effective way to introduce the critical point is to place the topic sentence at the beginning of the paragraph. This will help the readers to concentrate their attention on a specific idea.
  • Comment and discussion. Explain the meaning of your argument and provide an economic analysis. Present clear evidence and persuasive arguments to solidify your position.
  • Connection. Link your comments with the vital point of the paragraph. Demonstrate the coherence of your evidence with the point.
  • Diagrams, tables, charts. If necessary, provide the reader with visual aids. Sometimes, an appropriate diagram or a suitable chart can say more than words. Besides, your paper will look more professional if you use any kind of visual aids.

Conclude your essay. In your conclusion, summarize and synthesize your work by restating your thesis. Also, it is crucial to strengthen it by mentioning the practical value of your findings. Remember to make your essay readable by choosing appropriate wording and avoiding too complex grammar constructions.

Create a reference list at the bottom of your economic essay if you referred to sources.

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🔗 References

  • High School Economics Topics: Econlib, The Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Guide to Writing an Economics Essay: The Economics Tutor
  • How to Write the Introduction of Your Development Economics Paper: David Evans, Center For Global Development
  • Senior Essay: Department of Economics, Yale University
  • Developing A Thesis: Maxine Rodburg and The Tutors of the Writing Center at Harvard University
  • Academic Essay Writing, Some Guidelines: Department of Economics, Carleton University
  • The Writing Process: Writing Centre Resource Guide, LibGuides at Dalhousie University
  • Research Papers: KU Writing Center, the University of Kansas
  • Unpacking the Topic: University of Southern Queensland
  • Economic Issues: PIIE, Peterson Institute for International Economics
  • Areas of Research: EPI, Economic Policy Institute
  • Top 100 Economics Blogs Of 2023: Prateek Agarwal, Intelligent Economist
  • Current Environmental Economic Topics, Environmental Economics: US EPA, United States Environmental Protection Agency
  • Hot Topics in the U.S. Economy: The Balance
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Economics Research Topics: 200+ Micro and Macroeconomics Topics

Economics Research Topics

Are you stumbling in picking an excellent topic for a micro or macroeconomics research paper?

The ultimate quest for the right macroeconomics topic and nailing an original research paper under these thorny circumstances can be stressful. Economists frame research papers on micro and macroeconomics topics.Because this subject is immensely important and challenging, it becomes exasperating for students to draft the complete research project.

Our experts have put together a list of crucial economics research topics which would support to spare you from the daunting process of framing some excellent topics for your macroeconomics research paper.

Let’s have a look at these macroeconomics research topics. You can shortlist what you find the most fascinating.

Let’s get started!

Table of Contents

What is Macroeconomics?

If you wish, you can skip straight to the general topic ideas.

Macroeconomics is a study of economics that deals with the economy as a whole. It focuses on the mass changes of an economy like unemployment growth rate, inflation, etc. Economists use the fundamentals of macroeconomics as a tool to frame policies like fiscal policies and other economic policies. It is concerned with analyzing the national and international events, including the entire amount of products and services manufactured, employment level, price changes, etc.

In simple words, macroeconomics explores human behavior from a mass perspective.

Macroeconomics utilizes comprehensive methods, including GDP, unemployment rates, consumer price index, etc. The question examples addressed by macroeconomics are” what are the reasons for unemployment? What stimulates a nation’s economic growth? What are the reasons for unemployment? Macroeconomics analyses the performance of an economy. It tends to measure what forces drive it and how it can improve.

Thus, it deals with the performance and behavior of the economy as a whole.

What is Microeconomics?

Microeconomics is the study of economics that deals with the performance of the economy of an individual and firms’ behavior in the allocation of resources and decision making. Microeconomics focuses on taxes, government legislation, and regulation. It focuses on the fundamentals of the demand and supply and other major forces that determine the bottom-up approach for determining the economy and understanding human choices and the price allocation to the products and services.

Microeconomics does not answer what forces should be in the market; instead, it explains what would happen when certain market conditions change. We can obtain a large number of microeconomic data from an organization’s financial statement.

For instance, microeconomics analyses how business could maximize their productivity and capacity. IT helps them lower the price of goods and services and compete better in the same market.

Macroeconomics v/s Microeconomics (An Overview)

 1. Area of study Macroeconomics studies the economy as a whole. It includes not only one but variable market segments. Microeconomics analyses the variable market segments of an economy.
2. Deals with

As we discussed earlier, macroeconomics deals with a large range of issues including, unemployment, distribution of resources, inflation, general market price, deflation, national income, etc. On the other hand, microeconomics deals with issues like factor pricing, demand, and supply of the goods, production and the consumption of the goods, etc.

3. Business applications

Macroeconomics is applied to external issues. Microeconomics is applied to internal issues.
4. Scope It analyses issues including demand, supply, production and consumption of goods, economic welfare, etc. Microeconomics analyses critical issues such as distribution of resources, national income, General Price level, employment, etc.

Macroeconomics maintains decisiveness in the huge price level and deciphers the broad issues of inflation, poverty deflation, unemployment, etc. Microeconomics is used to regulate the price of goods and services. Alongside the factors of production such as labor, land, capital, etc.
6. Limitations

It is believed that macroeconomics sometimes fails to show the actual results as what is true for the aggregate may not be true for individuals too. Microeconomics is an impractical belief, for instance, in microeconomics; it is presumed that there is complete employment in a country, which is illogical and vague.

Relationship Between Macro and Microeconomics

In general, macroeconomics and microeconomics are two fundamental aspects of economic science. They equally complement each other and establish a huge field of opportunities for economists. These two are interconnected, and there are variable overlapping contrasts between each other. Nevertheless, both micro and macroeconomics differ to a great scope.

Macroeconomics is the study of the economic performance of countries.

  • It is the nation’s responsibility to analyze the economy of the country.
  • Macroeconomics helps to predict and prevent top upcoming financial obstacles.
  • It shows the economic development of a country on a national and international level.

However, microeconomics analyzes the decision-making power of a company and firms. Microeconomics does not interact with the international or national problems of the world. It solely investigates the organization and its internal complexities. Economists use macroeconomics as an analytical tool to draft different policies such as fiscal policy, tax policy, R&I policy, etc. On the other hand, investors use microeconomics to make their investment decisions.

Top 200 Research Topics

To make this study more convenient for you, our team of experts has listed these ideas in one place:

  • Fiscal and monetary policy
  • Price levels
  • Increase in inflation
  • Political economy aspects
  • Financial developments
  • Relationship between national and international affairs
  • Government interests in savings and investments
  • National economic growth rate
  • Capital labor

Some Eye-Catching Macroeconomics Research Paper Topics Ideas for Presentation Purposes:

You must have heard macroeconomic topics in news headlines. For instance, have you ever heard about the economic inflation and employment issues in magazines or news articles on social media posts, radio, or television? These are real-life instances of how macroeconomics impacts real life.

Let’s go through these sorts of topics that you can operate in your research paper:

  • The impact of cryptocurrency on the national economy?
  • Trickle-down economics: What section of society benefits from it?
  • The Macroeconomics forecast of the UK for the forthcoming five years
  • Comparative examination of the new classical macroeconomics
  • A comprehensive analysis of macroeconomics
  • What is the consequence of premature financial liberalization on finance and macroeconomics
  • Critical research about the UK macroeconomics
  • A detailed analysis of the concepts of macroeconomics
  • A conceptual investigation of the interest rates of macroeconomics
  • A detailed study of the macroeconomics of Argentina
  • The Ukraine- Russia war: impacts on the global economy
  • What are the benefits of investing in innovative technologies
  • Analyzing the existing ways to expand profit maximization strategies
  • What is Globalization? A threat or an opportunity for the international economy
  • The international political-economical outlook
  • What is sustainability and the trends of Globalization?
  • Types of economic systems: mixed economy and the free market
  • What are the economic aspects of the Dubai tourism demand
  • Role of child labor in globalization and westernization
  • What is the Remittance’s role in spurring international economic growth
  • National and international economic history
  • Macroeconomics at the theoretical and applied level
  • What is the function of international and national regulatory agencies?
  • The racial and economic dissimilarities between nations.
  • What are the worldwide outcomes of oil rates?
  • Ethical dissimilarities between international and national trades
  • Economic disputes as a result of Globalization
  • What are the international environmental concerns
  • The macroeconomic environment: the new approach to self-correction
  • The financial regulation of the commercial bank of Abu Dhabi
  • What are the techniques included in Keynesian economics
  • Crucial mechanisms of money laundering and its impacts
  • Comparative analysis between short-run aggregate supply and long-run aggregate supply
  • The detailed study on Analyze Keyne’s study on liquidity preference.
  • Impact of oil changes on the consumer economy of turkey
  • Does public sentiment matter for the US government? Suggestions for the advancement of social security in the US
  • What is the impact of the USA and China on the international economy
  • The causes and effects of the mortgage crisis
  • Currency regimes and their repercussions on the economy
  • Difference between the real exchange rates and the nominal exchange rates.
  • Reasons behind the increasing interest rates in Africa
  • What are the reasons behind the implications of net banking on bank profitability
  • The definition of trickle-down economics and its variable aspects
  • The history and structure of the World bank
  • The description of the variable types of balance of trade
  • The methodology of macroeconomics coordination
  • A brief examination of Macroeconomics notions
  • Detailed analysis of functions of monetary policy

Also, Read – 40+ Accounting Thesis Topics

Interesting Macroeconomics Topic Ideas for Your Master’s Thesis

The economists develop their research in finance, economics, social science, and quantitative analytics for decision methods. The key research areas converged in inter-disciplinary projects include:

  • How did the Russian-Ukraine war affect the world economy?
  • The cultural and economic differences between nations.
  • Detailed analysis of economic indicators for South Korea and the USA
  • What are the causes of economic poverty And inequality in underdeveloped countries
  • What is the macroeconomic impact on the development of healthcare sectors
  • The bright future of the ASEAN countries’
  • Relationship between real exchange rate and nominal exchange rate
  • What are the reasons and the consequences of immigration on the economy?
  • Development in macroeconomic structures
  • What were the threats of Norwegian commercial banks to sustain the economic stability of the nation
  • The foreign exchange rates and the macroeconomics dynamics
  • What are the indicators for the coming recession, and what are the strategies to follow it
  • Industrial and international economics and trade
  • What are the new liquidity standards and their impact on the national economy?
  • What is the national budget deficit, and how is it does it relates to the economic crises
  • The international financial system: increasing country debts and the economic performances
  • What is the market elasticity in the banking industry
  • How are banks responsible for developing economies
  • Impacts of international trade policies and how is it impacting the nations?
  • How is economic inequality affecting globalization?
  • What is the global gender wage gap? And how does it affect the economy?
  • Russian – Ukraine war: How does the Russian invasion shrink the Ukraine economy?
  • What is the association between government expenditures and increasing inflation?

Also, Read – 150+ Business Research Topics

Important Microeconomics Presentation Topic Ideas for Research Papers

Some students find Microeconomics more convenient and fascinating. If you are one of those students, you can have a look at the below given Microeconomics topic ideas. 

  • Studying the gender gap: economic development of American women
  • What are the impacts of minimum wages on the healthcare industry
  • The policies involved in the growth rate
  • What is the theory of effective demand
  • The economic tools: the problems of alcohol abuse
  • What are the impacts of the national minimum wage on nation’s employment
  • The growth rate and the economic rate of the USA
  • What are the economic factors on the stock market
  • The unofficial economy and the economic development
  • Growth of competition and energy in markets
  • The significance of history for economic development
  • Use of econometric technique on performance measurement
  • Impact of corporate finance and the political environment on the economic environment
  • A critical review of the economic benefits of publicly funded research
  • Major financial factors that are affecting the economy?
  • What technique is the nation raising for increasing the per capita GDP?
  • Recent advancements in the economies of poor or developing countries
  • Islamic banks: the Microeconomic model of financial intermediation
  • The microeconomic structure as the new experimental science
  • The history and the future of microeconomic
  • The microeconomic as a mathematical approach
  • The microeconomic approach to measuring the information technology value
  • Basic principles and extensions of microeconomic
  • A philosophical analysis of the microeconomic approach
  • The great recession: what lessons did we get from it?
  • The aggregate productivity growth: a lesson we learned from the microeconomic approach
  • Why is the unemployment rate increasing in Great Britain, and what is the ultimate solution for it?
  • The relationship between entrepreneur behavior and local culture?
  • What is the impact of technological innovations on green products?
  • Factual analysis of labor, health, and wellbeing
  • What are the inputs and outputs of the labor market?
  • Political economy: how are elections, political ideologies, and terrorism impact our economy?
  • Testing ideas and policies in microeconomics with accurate sports data
  • A thorough analysis of the distribution of innovation and inequality
  • How impact has the local labor markets on our economy?
  • The versatile aid and financial help for emerging markets
  • An in-depth examination of the energy market in Russia
  • A descriptive analysis of the decreased inequality in labor markets of the USA
  • The economic reasons that have an impact on the price of oil
  • What are the economic challenges of small businesses?
  • The relationship between medium wage and market equilibrium?
  • The connection between the Lorenz curve and the Gini coefficient?
  • What are the impacts of migration on the American economy?
  • What are the marketing uses in microeconomics?
  • An in-depth analysis of the economic explanation for the political dishonesty

Microeconomics Presentation Topic Ideas for Dissertation Purposes

While selecting that one topic, think about what interests you more. Look out for that one topic about which you always have been curious. Take that one topic that you think will be helpful to imprint an excellent academic career. Although, If you haven’t found the best topic yet, don’t worry! Because we have a few more interesting topics that you might find interesting:

  • The evolutional change in household consumption in the United Kingdom over the past five years.
  • What is inter-regional trade, and how does it impacts the national economy?
  • A microeconomics theory: the industrial price, productivity, and quantity
  • The factors determining the micro- economical probability of the tourism consumption
  • The factors affecting income changes on consumer choice
  • A critical analysis of salary inequalities and the forces behind it
  • Analyzing the relationship between economic convergence in the USA and the salary levels
  • The implications of privatization of public enterprises?
  • The impact of demonetization on the private sectors
  • The great evolution of consumption over the past ten years: the trends and the consumer behaviors
  • A critical analysis of the relationship between economic confluence and the salary level
  • The economic behavior on the impact of marital status o the labor force structure
  • Is the UK market oligopolistic?
  • A critical analysis of the impact of the European regional policy on small and medium-size businesses
  • A microeconomics approach to the energy market in the UK
  • The relationship between game theory and the decision theory
  • The relationship between economic growth and unemployment
  • What are the effects of inflation targeting?
  • The importance and the benefits of medical tourism on the economy?
  • What is the association between economic and political growth?
  • The economic laws for scientific research
  • What is the role of the catch-up growth phenomenon in developing economies?
  • Economic policies and convergence
  • The behavioral propensities of an economy.
  • Financial system and their outcomes on national development
  • What is the state intervention in the economy?
  • Mathematical techniques implied by the economists
  • Statistical methods applied by the economists to improve the social and economic phenomena
  • The detailed introspection on the quantitative methods in social science and finance
  • What are the concepts of sustainable economic development
  • The output gap and the Monetary policy during the 1970s
  • What are the European macroeconomic policies, and what are their risks?
  • Environmental and geographical economic history
  • What is the influence of customers’ tastes and their preferences on economic growth
  • The monetary budget and usefulness of incurring an annual monetary budget deficit
  • What is the impact of demographic fluctuations on the economy of a country
  • How is government support crucial for small and medium-sized businesses?
  • Over-consumption of the resources: beneficial to the manufacturers but harmful to the environment-impact of
  • Why is optimizing production critical for the food industry?
  • What are the cause and effects of automatic economic stabilizers
  • What are the strategies for sustainable economic developments
  • Who is the leader of this modern economy? Politicians or economists?
  • Economic fluctuation as a result of aggregate demand and supply in the economy
  • How is aggregate demand different from demand?
  • What are corporate entrepreneurship and the latest business venturing
  • Who is liable for man-made economic disasters: a critical analyses

Economics Research Topics Related to the Covid-19 Outburst

The covid-19 outburst has created a huge impact globally. For this reason, drafting a research or thesis paper on the Covid-19 pandemic would help you to create a huge impact on your academic scores.

For your ease, our experts have narrowed down a few latest covid-19 topics too:

  • Effects of the Covid-19 breakdown on the UK economy
  • Covid lessons: how could we have lessened the impact of the Covid-19 breakdown on the United States economy?
  • How is the US reviving from the disastrous effects of the Covid-19 breakdown?
  • Covid 19 impacts urban health and economy
  • The impacts of Covid-19 on the banking sector and the global economy
  • The cascading effects of the corona virus on the stock markets and the foreign exchange rates
  • Covid-19: a comprehensive analysis of the American economy
  • The outbreak of Covid-19 on food management in households
  • What was the impact of the Covid-19 lockdown? What strategies is the nation following to get revived from it?
  • The Covid-induced economic uncertainties.
  • What was the impact of the Covid-19 breakdown on stock markets and growth expectations
  • What is the long-run impact of the Covid-19 outburst?

A student’s life can be fascinating and challenging both. The most challenging phase comes when students are asked to frame their research papers. Drafting a research paper is a difficult task. There are variable hurdles when it comes to framing your paper. Students are asked to write plagiarism-free, unique, and grammatical- errors-free content. They are supposed to discover variable new theories and concepts via their paper. However, these are the challenges that come later; the foremost challenge is selecting the topic that charms them the most. However, if you are pursuing masters in economics, you can follow these few ideas as inspiration for your research topic.

If you still need a little economics assignment help , we are available 24*7*365 days for your assistance.

All the best for your upcoming journey!

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By Alex Brown

I'm an ambitious, seasoned, and versatile author. I am experienced in proposing, outlining, and writing engaging assignments. Developing contagious academic work is always my top priority. I have a keen eye for detail and diligence in producing exceptional academic writing work. I work hard daily to help students with their assignments and projects. Experimenting with creative writing styles while maintaining a solid and informative voice is what I enjoy the most.

economics presentation topics

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Choosing Our Future: Education for Climate Action

Download full report  (pdf) | watch launch event.

Press Release:  More than 400 Million Students Affected by Climate-Related School Closures since 2022 -  For less than $20 per student schools can adapt and minimize learning losses

Blog: From anxiety to action: How education can equip young people to address climate change

Education is a key asset for climate action. Education reshapes behaviors, develops skills, and spurs innovation—everything we need to combat the greatest crisis facing humanity.

Better educated people are more resilient and adaptable, better equipped to create and work in green jobs, and critical to driving solutions.

Yet, education is massively overlooked in the climate agenda. Almost no climate finance goes to education. Channeling more climate funding to education could significantly boost climate change mitigation and adaption.

At the same time, climate change is a huge threat to education. Millions of young people face lost days of learning because of climate related events. In low-income countries the situation is worse. Unless made up, this lost learning will negatively impact their future earnings and productivity. It will also lead to great inequality both within and across countries.

Governments can act now to adapt education systems for climate change.


  • The economic losses and human cost of climate change are enormous. Despite this, climate action remains slow due to information gaps, skills gaps, and knowledge gaps.
  • Education is the key to addressing these gaps and driving climate action around the world. Indeed, education is the greatest predicator of climate-friendly behavior.
  • Better educated people are more resilient and critical to spur innovation and climate solutions. An additional year of education increases climate awareness by 8.6%.
  • Education can empower young people with green skills for new jobs, but also augment skills for existing jobs.
  • Education is massively overlooked in climate financing and climate change is threatening education outcomes.
  • Climate-related school closures mean students are losing days of learning. Even when schools are open, students are losing learning due to rising temperatures.
  • Governments can take steps to harness education and learning for climate action by, for example, improving foundational and STEM skills, mainstreaming climate education, and building teacher capacity. And governments can prioritize green skilling and innovation in tertiary education to help supercharge a shift to more sustainable practices.

Inside the report

Four facts about green skills that policymakers and students need to understand:

  • Green skills are broad. They include technical, STEM, and sector-specific skills. But also non-technical skills, socio-emotional, and cross-sectoral skills.
  • Any job and any sector can become greener with the right set of skills.
  • These skills are not just for ‘new’ jobs but also for augmentation of existing jobs.
  • The demand for these skills can be unpredictable and inequitable.

Many countries experience one or more climate-related school closures every year:

  • Climate change is increasing the frequency and intensity of climate shocks like heatwaves, floods, storms, and draughts.
  • These climate shocks cause widespread school closures which generate huge learning losses.
  • Despite their prevalence, climate-related school closures remain invisible because no one is tracking them.

bubble graph of climate related school closures in select countries between 2005 and 2022

Topic:  Education

Topic:  Climate Change

Publication: The Impact of Climate Change on Education and What to Do about It

Publication:  RAPID Framework for Learning Recovery and Acceleration

Publication:  Education Finance Watch

Blog:  From anxiety to action: How education can equip young people to address climate change

Blog: Choosing our future: Adapting education for climate change

Blog: Skilling 'youth on the move' to help power the green economy

Blog: Compulsory education boosts learning outcomes and climate action

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The University of Chicago The Law School

Innovation clinic—significant achievements for 2023-24.

The Innovation Clinic continued its track record of success during the 2023-2024 school year, facing unprecedented demand for our pro bono services as our reputation for providing high caliber transactional and regulatory representation spread. The overwhelming number of assistance requests we received from the University of Chicago, City of Chicago, and even national startup and venture capital communities enabled our students to cherry-pick the most interesting, pedagogically valuable assignments offered to them. Our focus on serving startups, rather than all small- to medium-sized businesses, and our specialization in the needs and considerations that these companies have, which differ substantially from the needs of more traditional small businesses, has proven to be a strong differentiator for the program both in terms of business development and prospective and current student interest, as has our further focus on tackling idiosyncratic, complex regulatory challenges for first-of-their kind startups. We are also beginning to enjoy more long-term relationships with clients who repeatedly engage us for multiple projects over the course of a year or more as their legal needs develop.

This year’s twelve students completed over twenty projects and represented clients in a very broad range of industries: mental health and wellbeing, content creation, medical education, biotech and drug discovery, chemistry, food and beverage, art, personal finance, renewable energy, fintech, consumer products and services, artificial intelligence (“AI”), and others. The matters that the students handled gave them an unparalleled view into the emerging companies and venture capital space, at a level of complexity and agency that most junior lawyers will not experience until several years into their careers.

Representative Engagements

While the Innovation Clinic’s engagements are highly confidential and cannot be described in detail, a high-level description of a representative sample of projects undertaken by the Innovation Clinic this year includes:

Transactional/Commercial Work

  • A previous client developing a symptom-tracking wellness app for chronic disease sufferers engaged the Innovation Clinic again, this time to restructure its cap table by moving one founder’s interest in the company to a foreign holding company and subjecting the holding company to appropriate protections in favor of the startup.
  • Another client with whom the Innovation Clinic had already worked several times engaged us for several new projects, including (1) restructuring their cap table and issuing equity to an additional, new founder, (2) drafting several different forms of license agreements that the company could use when generating content for the platform, covering situations in which the company would license existing content from other providers, jointly develop new content together with contractors or specialists that would then be jointly owned by all creators, or commission contractors to make content solely owned by the company, (3) drafting simple agreements for future equity (“Safes”) for the company to use in its seed stage fundraising round, and (4) drafting terms of service and a privacy policy for the platform.
  • Yet another repeat client, an internet platform that supports independent artists by creating short films featuring the artists to promote their work and facilitates sales of the artists’ art through its platform, retained us this year to draft a form of independent contractor agreement that could be used when the company hires artists to be featured in content that the company’s Fortune 500 brand partners commission from the company, and to create capsule art collections that could be sold by these Fortune 500 brand partners in conjunction with the content promotion.
  • We worked with a platform using AI to accelerate the Investigational New Drug (IND) approval and application process to draft a form of license agreement for use with its customers and an NDA for prospective investors.
  • A novel personal finance platform for young, high-earning individuals engaged the Innovation Clinic to form an entity for the platform, including helping the founders to negotiate a deal among them with respect to roles and equity, terms that the equity would be subject to, and other post-incorporation matters, as well as to draft terms of service and a privacy policy for the platform.
  • Students also formed an entity for a biotech therapeutics company founded by University of Chicago faculty members and an AI-powered legal billing management platform founded by University of Chicago students.
  • A founder the Innovation Clinic had represented in connection with one venture engaged us on behalf of his other venture team to draft an equity incentive plan for the company as well as other required implementing documentation. His venture with which we previously worked also engaged us this year to draft Safes to be used with over twenty investors in a seed financing round.

More information regarding other types of transactional projects that we typically take on can be found here .

Regulatory Research and Advice

  • A team of Innovation Clinic students invested a substantial portion of our regulatory time this year performing highly detailed and complicated research into public utilities laws of several states to advise a groundbreaking renewable energy technology company as to how its product might be regulated in these states and its clearest path to market. This project involved a review of not only the relevant state statutes but also an analysis of the interplay between state and federal statutes as it relates to public utilities law, the administrative codes of the relevant state executive branch agencies, and binding and non-binding administrative orders, decisions and guidance from such agencies in other contexts that could shed light on how such states would regulate this never-before-seen product that their laws clearly never contemplated could exist. The highly varied approach to utilities regulation in all states examined led to a nuanced set of analysis and recommendations for the client.
  • In another significant research project, a separate team of Innovation Clinic students undertook a comprehensive review of all settlement orders and court decisions related to actions brought by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau for violations of the prohibition on unfair, deceptive, or abusive acts and practices under the Consumer Financial Protection Act, as well as selected relevant settlement orders, court decisions, and other formal and informal guidance documents related to actions brought by the Federal Trade Commission for violations of the prohibition on unfair or deceptive acts or practices under Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act, to assemble a playbook for a fintech company regarding compliance. This playbook, which distilled very complicated, voluminous legal decisions and concepts into a series of bullet points with clear, easy-to-follow rules and best practices, designed to be distributed to non-lawyers in many different facets of this business, covered all aspects of operations that could subject a company like this one to liability under the laws examined, including with respect to asset purchase transactions, marketing and consumer onboarding, usage of certain terms of art in advertising, disclosure requirements, fee structures, communications with customers, legal documentation requirements, customer service and support, debt collection practices, arrangements with third parties who act on the company’s behalf, and more.


  • Last year’s students built upon the Innovation Clinic’s progress in shaping the rules promulgated by the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (“FinCEN”) pursuant to the Corporate Transparency Act to create a client alert summarizing the final rule, its impact on startups, and what startups need to know in order to comply. When FinCEN issued additional guidance with respect to that final rule and changed portions of the final rule including timelines for compliance, this year’s students updated the alert, then distributed it to current and former clients to notify them of the need to comply. The final bulletin is available here .
  • In furtherance of that work, additional Innovation Clinic students this year analyzed the impact of the final rule not just on the Innovation Clinic’s clients but also its impact on the Innovation Clinic, and how the Innovation Clinic should change its practices to ensure compliance and minimize risk to the Innovation Clinic. This also involved putting together a comprehensive filing guide for companies that are ready to file their certificates of incorporation to show them procedurally how to do so and explain the choices they must make during the filing process, so that the Innovation Clinic would not be involved in directing or controlling the filings and thus would not be considered a “company applicant” on any client’s Corporate Transparency Act filings with FinCEN.
  • The Innovation Clinic also began producing thought leadership pieces regarding AI, leveraging our distinct and uniquely University of Chicago expertise in structuring early-stage companies and analyzing complex regulatory issues with a law and economics lens to add our voice to those speaking on this important topic. One student wrote about whether non-profits are really the most desirable form of entity for mitigating risks associated with AI development, and another team of students prepared an analysis of the EU’s AI Act, comparing it to the Executive Order on AI from President Biden, and recommended a path forward for an AI regulatory environment in the United States. Both pieces can be found here , with more to come!

Innovation Trek

Thanks to another generous gift from Douglas Clark, ’89, and managing partner of Wilson, Sonsini, Goodrich & Rosati, we were able to operationalize the second Innovation Trek over Spring Break 2024. The Innovation Trek provides University of Chicago Law School students with a rare opportunity to explore the innovation and venture capital ecosystem in its epicenter, Silicon Valley. The program enables participating students to learn from business and legal experts in a variety of different industries and roles within the ecosystem to see how the law and economics principles that students learn about in the classroom play out in the real world, and facilitates meaningful connections between alumni, students, and other speakers who are leaders in their fields. This year, we took twenty-three students (as opposed to twelve during the first Trek) and expanded the offering to include not just Innovation Clinic students but also interested students from our JD/MBA Program and Doctoroff Business Leadership Program. We also enjoyed four jam-packed days in Silicon Valley, expanding the trip from the two and a half days that we spent in the Bay Area during our 2022 Trek.

The substantive sessions of the Trek were varied and impactful, and enabled in no small part thanks to substantial contributions from numerous alumni of the Law School. Students were fortunate to visit Coinbase’s Mountain View headquarters to learn from legal leaders at the company on all things Coinbase, crypto, and in-house, Plug & Play Tech Center’s Sunnyvale location to learn more about its investment thesis and accelerator programming, and Google’s Moonshot Factory, X, where we heard from lawyers at a number of different Alphabet companies about their lives as in-house counsel and the varied roles that in-house lawyers can have. We were also hosted by Wilson, Sonsini, Goodrich & Rosati and Fenwick & West LLP where we held sessions featuring lawyers from those firms, alumni from within and outside of those firms, and non-lawyer industry experts on topics such as artificial intelligence, climate tech and renewables, intellectual property, biotech, investing in Silicon Valley, and growth stage companies, and general advice on career trajectories and strategies. We further held a young alumni roundtable, where our students got to speak with alumni who graduated in the past five years for intimate, candid discussions about life as junior associates. In total, our students heard from more than forty speakers, including over twenty University of Chicago alumni from various divisions.

The Trek didn’t stop with education, though. Throughout the week students also had the opportunity to network with speakers to learn more from them outside the confines of panel presentations and to grow their networks. We had a networking dinner with Kirkland & Ellis, a closing dinner with all Trek participants, and for the first time hosted an event for admitted students, Trek participants, and alumni to come together to share experiences and recruit the next generation of Law School students. Several speakers and students stayed in touch following the Trek, and this resulted not just in meaningful relationships but also in employment for some students who attended.

More information on the purposes of the Trek is available here , the full itinerary is available here , and one student participant’s story describing her reflections on and descriptions of her experience on the Trek is available here .

The Innovation Clinic is grateful to all of its clients for continuing to provide its students with challenging, high-quality legal work, and to the many alumni who engage with us for providing an irreplaceable client pipeline and for sharing their time and energy with our students. Our clients are breaking the mold and bringing innovations to market that will improve the lives of people around the world in numerous ways. We are glad to aid in their success in any way that we can. We look forward to another productive year in 2024-2025!

Try AI-powered search

  • American office delinquencies are shooting up

How worried should investors be?

A retail advertisement is displayed in midtown Manhattan

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A merican offices often break records. Tech firms mark their progress with ever more outlandish designs. Manhattan blocks vie to be the tallest. This year, though, a worse kind of record has been broken. Offices have hit a 20.1% vacancy rate, according to Moody’s, which is the highest since 1979, when the rating agency began to keep track.

Problems are now starting to spread. In July lending worth 8% of the value of mortgage securities backed by offices were delinquent, the highest since 2013 and exceeding those on even long-troubled retail-property securities (see chart). Loans taken out by property firms in the low-interest heyday of the pre-pandemic years, bundled into such securities, are now coming up for refinancing. This will pose tough questions for financial institutions.

economics presentation topics

Amid a property downturn in the 1990s, Sam Zell, an investor, famously repeated the mantra of “stay alive until ’95”. Now the goal is to stay alive until ’25, in the hope that the Federal Reserve will cut rates enough to make refinancing viable. But is there anything for property managers to live for? Remote working is here to stay. Last year a third of workers carried out some or all of their job from home. Downtown districts are worst affected: some 32% of office space in San Francisco and 23% in Austin now sits empty.

Assume that holding on and hoping does not work out for office owners, and that foreclosures become common. There are three groups that may be left holding the bag. The first is investors. About half of all commercial-property loans have been made by institutions such as insurance companies and private-equity firms, as well as via the debt markets. These players may well take a bath, which is the risk they bore when they bought securities or issued loans. No major creditor is likely to take losses significant enough to imperil itself.

The second is the big banks. They are the lenders most likely to be on the hook for the sourest of loans, because they are the only institutions sufficiently large to lend for shiny downtown skyscrapers in top-tier cities. Four times as many of their commercial-property loans have been delinquent for more than 30 days, compared with those of banks with assets under $100bn. But they lend enough that any hit may not be noticeable.

That leaves smaller and regional lenders, where commercial-property loans make up a bigger share of total lending. As of May there were more than 250 banks in America that had made enough loans secured by commercial real estate that regulators considered their portfolios risky, according to S & P Global, another rating agency. With the exception of New York Community Bank, which flirted with bankruptcy earlier this year, their loans mostly tend to be smaller and less focused in city centres: think a suburban dental office, not a Park Avenue tower. Although banks will be scarred, unless things go pear-shaped not too many will go under. By logging in from home, workers have inflicted economic pain on others, but not so much that they will sink the financial system. ■

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This article appeared in the Finance & economics section of the print edition under the headline “Long time coming”

Finance & economics September 7th 2024

China is suffering from a crisis of confidence, as stock prices fall, investors prepare for an autumn chill, will interest-rate cuts turbocharge oil prices, has social media broken the stockmarket, america has a huge deficit. which candidate would make it worse, why oasis fans should welcome price gouging.

China’s looking-glass economy

From the September 7th 2024 edition

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