7 Contoh Bisnis Plan PDF untuk Makanan, Minuman, dan Jasa

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Apa itu Bisnis Plan

Contoh bisnis plan pdf dan word, kerangka penulisan bisnis plan.

Bisnis plan adalah suatu perencanaan bisnis yang berbentuk dokumen tertulis, dibuat untuk memberi gambaran tentang seluruh informasi yang berhubungan dengan bisnis yang akan dijalankan.

Bisnis Plan PDF berisi informasi detail tentang perusahaan diantaranya:

  • Deskripsi perusahaan (Visi misi, latar belakang, tujuan dan mitra perusahaan)
  • Produk atau layanan yang dijual
  • Analisa pasar (Meliputi analisa kompetitor, SWOT, segmenting, targeting, positioning )
  • Strategi pemasaran offline dan digital
  • Bugeting dan finance

Ketika seorang pebisnis atau pengusaha ingin membuat Bisnis Plan tentunya dibutuhkan ketelitian dan perencanaan yang detail. Sehingga nantinya Bisnis Plan dapat menjadi acuan untuk mencapai tujuan jangka panjang. Disamping itu, business plan memberikan pondasi yang kuat untuk menghadapi segala tantangan yang mungkin terjadi di masa depan.

Manfaat Bisnis Plan

Setelah memahami apa itu Bisnis Plan kita perlu memahami alasan yang membuat Bisnis Plan menjadi penting saat memulai bisnis, diantaranya:

  • Membantu pengambilan keputusan perusahaan Saat Kamu memulai membangun bisnis, pastinya akan banyak masalah dan tantangan yang harus dihadapi. Contohnya, pengembangan produk, mengelola talent , masalah finansial, dan lainnya. Semua tantangan tersebut membutuhkan keputusan yang tepat dan cepat, oleh karena itu dibuatnya business plan PDF dapat membantu Kamu untuk mengambil keputusan dengan pertimbangan yang baik.
  • Membentuk sistem perusahaan secara keseluruhan Manfaat yang kedua, Bisnis Plan juga berguna untuk merencanakan sistem keuangan dengan baik. Tujuannya, agar tidak adanya kesalahan dalam menyusun laporan keuangan yang bisa mengakibatkan kerugian.
  • Menarik untuk investor Manfaat terakhir dan yang terpenting yaitu menarik perhatian investor untuk meningkatkan skala bisnis Kamu. Hal ini sangat penting untuk perkembangan bisnis Kamu, Apalagi untuk bisnis yang baru berjalan sangat dibutuhkan dana investasi yang akan mempercepat perkembangan bisnis.

Contoh Bisnis Plan PDF

Contoh Bisnis Plan pdf bawah ini adalah business plan dalam bidang kewirausahaan, jasa, makanan, dan minuman meski demikian anda tetap menjadikannya sebagai referensi untuk bisnis plan tema lainnya. Anda bisa mengikuti struktur/ kerangka penulisan contoh bisnis plan PDF di bawah ini:

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Contoh ini menjabarkan ide dan visi usaha, mengevaluasi pasar dan peluang, menyajikan analisis SWOT, dan menyajikan proyeksi keuangan.

2. Contoh Bisnis Plan Minuman “Coffee Road”

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Baca juga: Contoh Proposal Bisnis Plan Sederhana Untuk Mahasiswa PDF

4. Contoh Bisnis Plan Makanan PDF PEPI – Permen Pinang Yeppi

Berikut ini adalah contoh bisnis plan yang dapat digunakan sebagai panduan bagi Anda yang ingin memulai atau mengembangkan bisnis makanan. Contoh bisnis plan makanan ini berisi ide dan visi bisnis, mengevaluasi pasar dan peluang, menyajikan analisis SWOT, serta menunjukkan bagaimana cara mengelola dan mengembangkan bisnis makanan.

5. Contoh Business Plan Sederhana PDF Makanan Ringan – Snack SEMUDA

Berikut contoh bisnis plan PDF dibidang makanan ringan atau snack yang dapat anda gunakan untuk berbagai keperluan. Didalam pdf ini berisi rancangan bisnis untuk memulai bisnis makanan sempol mulai dari analisa produk, strategi pemasaran, target pasar dan rencana menengah hingga jangka panjang.

6. Contoh Proposal Usaha Start Up Qwesto PDF

Berikut ini merupakan salah satu contoh proposal rencana bisnis yang dapat dijadikan sebagai referensi ketika ingin membuat suatu rencana bisnis. Adapun subtema yang digunakan dari rencana bisnis ini adalah terkait dengan teknologi, khususnya terkait dengan pembangunan suatu platform.

7. Cara Membuat Bisnis Plan Beserta Contoh dan Toolsnya

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Baik itu bisnis plan tradisional (memiliki lebih banyak detail pada setiap bagainnya) maupun bisnis plan startup (memiliki lebih sedikit detail pada setiap bagiannya). Berikut adalah beberapa bagian yang umum dan penting dari pembuatan bisnis plan:

1. Ringkasan eksekutif

Pada bagian ini, Anda harus menguraikan tentang perusahaan (rencana bisnis Anda) dan menyertakan pernyataan misi sekaligus informasi apapun di dalamnya. Misalnya saja tentang kepemimpinan, karyawan, operasi, hingga lokasi perusahaan.

2. Produk layanan

Sementara, pada bagian ini, Anda harus menguraikan mengenai produk dan layanan yang Anda tawarkan. Termasuk juga mengenai harga, masa pakai produk, hingga manfaat yang akan konsumen dapat ketika menggunakan produk Anda.

Mengenai faktor lain yang bisa masuk ke dalam produk layanan, bisa juga Anda masukkan. Biasanya, faktor lain ini mencakup proses produksi dan manufaktur, hak paten apapun yang sudah dimiliki perusahaan, teknologi yang telah dipatenkan, dan pengembangan Riset and Development.

3. Analisis Pasar

Pada bagian ini, Anda harus menganalisis usaha Anda. Bagaimana persaingan usaha Anda dengan kompetitor, apa saja faktor yang mempengaruhi usaha Anda (kekuatan dan kelemahannya), serta bagaimana penanganan industri dan target pasarnya.

4. Strategi pemasaran

Jika analisis pasar sudah Anda lakukan, maka selanjutnya Anda harus membuat strategi pemasarannya. Saluran distribusi harus Anda uraikan dengan jelas. Tujuannya agar perusahaan Anda bisa menarik dan mempertahankan basis pelanggan serta menjangkau konsumen sebanyak-banyaknya sesuai target pasar.

5. Perencanaan keuangan

Tidak cukup sampai disitu, perusahaan juga harus membuat perencanaan keuangan. Tujuan perencanaan keuangan ini adalah untuk menarik pihak yang membaca bisnis plan Anda agar menjadi investor.

Biasanya, pihak yang membaca bisnis plan Anda akan melihat dari laporan keuangan bagi perusahaan yang sudah mapan dan melihat cakupan target keuangan untuk beberapa tahun pertama bagi perusahaan baru.

6. Anggaran

Struktur terakhir dari contoh bisnis plan di atas adalah anggaran. Setiap perusahaan pasti memerlukan anggaran. Baik itu anggaran yang terkait dengan pengembangan, kepegawaian, pemasaran, produksi, hingga pengeluaran lain yang terkait dengan bisnis.

7. Lampiran

Menyertakan dokumen pendukung lainnya, seperti laporan pemasaran, laporan keuangan, serta dokumen legal.

Apakah setelah membaca contoh bisnis plan PDF dan struktur/ kerangka penulisan bisnis plan di atas, kini Anda sudah mulai yakin untuk membuat bisnis plan? Membuat rencana bisnis itu penting agar bisnis Anda semakin terarah dan bisa memperkecil masalah ketika menghadapi tantangan. Termasuk juga untuk mendapat tambahan modal tanpa harus utang kepada bank.

Nah, itulah pengertian, manfaat, dan struktur business yang bisa kalian terapkan pada bisnis baru atau yang sudah berjalan. Diharapkan setelah kamu membaca contoh bisnis plan pdf, kamu jadi bisa membuat dan merangcang bisnis plan dengan baik.

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Restaurant Business Plan Template

Written by Dave Lavinsky

Restaurant Business Plan

You’ve come to the right place to create your restaurant business plan.

We have helped over 100,000 entrepreneurs and business owners with how to write a restaurant business plan to help them start or grow their restaurants.

Below is a restaurant business plan template to help you create each section of your business plan.

Restaurant Business Plan Example

Executive summary, business overview.

Bluehorn Restaurant & Steakhouse is a new restaurant and steakhouse located in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The menu of Bluehorn Restaurant & Steakhouse will include bistro-type dishes that are authentically created and crafted by acclaimed Chef Peter Logan. It will be located in the trendy part of town, known as the Plaza District. The restaurant will be surrounded by classy art galleries, live theater, high-end restaurants and bars, and expensive shopping.

Owned by emerging restaurant operators Chef Peter Logan and Anastasia Gillette, Bluehorn Restaurant & Steakhouse’s mission is to become Oklahoma City’s best, new restaurant for patrons to celebrate their next big event, have a nice date night, or gather with friends or family for a fun evening while dining over finely crafted entrees, desserts, and cocktails.

Products Served

The following are the menu items to be offered by Bluehorn Restaurant & Steakhouse:

  • Soups & Salads
  • Gourmet sides
  • Wine, Beer & Spirits

Customer Focus

Bluehorn Restaurant & Steakhouse will target adult men and women between the ages of 21 – 65 with disposable income in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Within this demographic are millennials, young professionals, newlyweds, young families, more established families, and retirees. Because of the pricing structure of the menu, the patrons will likely be upper middle class to the wealthy population of Oklahoma City.

Management Team

Bluehorn Restaurant & Steakhouse is owned and operated by fellow Oklahoma City natives and culinary enthusiasts, Chef Peter Logan and Anastasia Gillette. Both come with a unique skill set and complement each other perfectly. They formerly worked together at another OKC fine dining establishment and made a great team for serving guests delectable food and wine while ensuring the highest level of customer service.

Chef Peter will manage the kitchen operations of Bluehorn Restaurant & Steakhouse, while Anastasia will oversee front of the house operations, maintain and ensure customer service, and manage all reservations.

Financial Highlights

Bluehorn Restaurant & Steakhouse is seeking $300,000 in debt financing to open its start-up restaurant. The funding will be dedicated for the build-out and design of the restaurant, kitchen, bar and lounge, as well as cooking supplies and equipment, working capital, three months worth of payroll expenses and opening inventory. The breakout of the funding is below:

  • Restaurant Build-Out and Design – $100,000
  • Kitchen supplies and equipment – $100,000
  • Opening inventory – $25,000
  • Working capital (to include 3 months of overhead expenses) – $25,000
  • Marketing (advertising agency) – $25,000
  • Accounting firm (3 months worth and establishment/permitting of business) – $25,000

contoh business plan restaurant pdf

Company Overview

Bluehorn Restaurant & Steakhouse is a new restaurant and steakhouse located in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Bluehorn Restaurant & Steakhouse will serve a wide variety of dishes and beverages and will cater to the upper middle class to wealthier population of Oklahoma City. The menu of Bluehorn Restaurant & Steakhouse will include bistro-type dishes that are authentically created and crafted by acclaimed Chef Peter Logan. It will be located in the trendy part of town, known as the Plaza District. The Plaza District is one of Oklahoma’s trendy neighborhoods and is considered the “it” area for newlyweds, millennials, professionals, and young singles. The restaurant will be surrounded by classy art galleries, live theater, high-end restaurants and bars, and expensive shopping.

Owned by emerging restaurant operators Chef Peter Logan and Anastasia Gillette, the restaurant’s mission statement is to become the best new steak restaurant in OKC. The following are the types of menu items Bluehorn Restaurant & Steakhouse will serve- shareables, steaks, soups, gourmet sides and salads.

Bluehorn Restaurant & Steakhouse History

Bluehorn Restaurant & Steakhouse is owned by two Oklahoma City natives, Chef Peter Logan and Anastasia Gillette. They have both worked around the country in fine dining establishments and have a combined twenty years in the restaurant industry. Upon working alongside each other at another fine dining establishment in Oklahoma City, the two of them became good friends and decided to venture into owning their own restaurant.

Chef Peter is the kitchen guru and critically acclaimed chef, while Anastasia manages the front of the house and is a certified Sommelier. Together, with both of their expertise and knowledge, Bluehorn Restaurant & Steakhouse is destined to become Oklahoma City’s next big restaurant.

Industry Analysis

The Restaurant industry is expected to grow to over $220 billion in the next five years.

Consumer spending is projected to grow. The Consumer Confidence Index, a leading indicator of spending patterns, is expected to also grow strongly, which will boost restaurant industry growth over the next five years. The growth in consumer confidence also suggests that more consumers may opt to segment their disposable income to eating outside the home.

Additionally, an increase in the number of households earning more than $100,000 annually further contributes to the industry growth, supporting industry operators that offer more niche, higher-end products.  This group is expected to continue to grow in size over the next five years.

The urban population represents a large market for the industry. Specifically, time-strapped individuals living in urban areas will likely frequent industry establishments to save time on cooking. The urban population is expected to increase, representing a potential opportunity for the industry.

Customer Analysis

Demographic profile of target market, customer segmentation.

Bluehorn Restaurant & Steakhouse will primarily target the following customer profile:

  • Upper middle class to wealthier population
  • Millennials
  • Young professionals
  • Households with an average income of at least $75k
  • Foodies and culture enthusiasts

Competitive Analysis

Direct and indirect competitors.

Bluehorn Restaurant & Steakhouse will be competing with other restaurants in Oklahoma City. A profile of each competitor is below. The Press Located in the trendy area known as the Plaza District, The Press has reimagined our favorite foods of the surrounding regions through the lens of home.

The menu consists of appetizers, soups, burgers and sandwiches, bowls, main dishes, sides, desserts, and a large selection of alcoholic beverages. The Press serves craft beer, domestic beer, wine spritzers, house cocktails, wine, and mimosas. They also offer brunch. The menu of The Press is affordable with the most expensive dish being $16. The wine menu is also not pretentious as the wine is sold either by the glass or bottle, with the most expensive bottle being $52 for the Gruet Sparkling Brut Rose. Oak & Ore Oak & Ore is a craft beer and restaurant in OKC’s Plaza District. They have a 36-tap beer selection and offer vegetarian, vegan, and gluten free dining options. Oak & Ore offers a rotating, 36-tap selection of their favorite brews from Oklahoma and around the world. Each beer is thoughtfully paired with a craft beer-inspired dining experience.

The food menu of Oak & Ore offers starters, salads, wings, fried chicken, sandwiches, tacos, banh mi, and sides. They also have a selection of kids dishes so the whole family can enjoy comfort food while sampling one of their delectable beers.

The Mule OKC The Mule is a casual, hip restaurant offering a large beer and cocktail menu plus sandwiches and more. Located in the constantly growing and buzzing hub that is the Plaza District, The Mule takes the timeless favorite and contorts it into a whole menu of wild offerings.

There is also a fantastic assortment of soups offered and The Mule shakes up a seasonal list of cocktails designed by their bar staff. During the winter months, patrons can stave off the cold with their versions of hot toddies and buttered rum. For the beer drinkers, they always have a reliable line-up of fresh cold brews on draft, as well as a wide selection of can.

Competitive Advantage

Bluehorn Restaurant & Steakhouse offers several advantages over its competition. Those advantages are:

  • Gourmet dishes elegantly prepared to the finest standard.
  • Selection of steaks sourced from local Oklahoma farms.
  • An exclusive and unique wine menu that includes a wine selection of all price points.
  • Highly sought after location: Bluehorn Restaurant & Steakhouse will be located in the trendy and attractive neighborhood known as The Plaza District.
  • Trendy, welcoming, and energetic ambiance that will be perfect for a night out or a celebration.

Marketing Plan

Promotions strategy.

The marketing strategy for Bluehorn Restaurant & Steakhouse is as follows: Location Bluehorn Restaurant & Steakhouse’s location is a promotions strategy in itself. The Plaza District is a destination spot for locals, tourists, and anyone looking for the trendiest food fare in Oklahoma City. The Plaza District is home to OKC’s most popular bars and restaurants, art galleries, theaters, and boutique shopping. The millennials, young professionals, and foodies will frequent Bluehorn Restaurant & Steakhouse for the location itself.

Social Media Bluehorn Restaurant & Steakhouse will use social media to cater to the millennials and Oklahoma City residents. Chef Peter and Anastasia plan to hire an advertising agency to take professional photographs of the menu items and location to create appealing posts to reach a greater audience. The posts will include pictures of the menu items, as well as upcoming featured options. SEO Website Marketing Bluehorn Restaurant & Steakhouse plans to invest funds into maintaining a strong SEO presence on search engines like Google and Bing. When a person types in “local fine dining restaurant” or “Oklahoma City restaurant”, Bluehorn Restaurant & Steakhouse will appear in the top three choices. The website will include the full menu, location, hours, and lots of pictures of the food, drinks, and steaks. Third Party Delivery Sites Bluehorn Restaurant & Steakhouse will maintain a presence on sites like GrubHub, Uber Eats, Doordash, and Postmates so that people looking for local food to be delivered will see Bluehorn Restaurant & Steakhouse listed near the top.

Operations Plan

Operation functions:.

The company will hire the following:

  • 4 sous chefs
  • 2 bartenders
  • 2 hostesses
  • The company will hire an advertising agency and an accounting firm


Bluehorn Restaurant & Steakhouse aims to open in the next 6 months. The following are the milestones needed in order to obtain this goal.

7/1/202X – Execute lease for prime location in the Plaza District.

7/2/202X – Begin construction of restaurant build-out.

7/10/202X – Finalize menu.

7/17/202X – Hire advertising company to begin developing marketing efforts.

8/15/202X – Start of marketing campaign

8/22/202X – Final walk-thru of completed restaurant build-out.

8/25/202X – Hire team of sous chefs, servers, and bussers.

9/1/202X – Decoration and set up of restaurant.

9/15/202X – Grand Opening of Bluehorn Restaurant & Steakhouse

Bluehorn Restaurant & Steakhouse will be owned and operated by Chef Peter Logan and Anastasia Gillette. Each will have a 50% ownership stake in the restaurant.

Chef Peter Logan, Co-Owner

Chef Peter Logan is an Oklahoma City native and has been in the restaurant industry for over ten years. He was trained in a prestigious Le Cordon Bleu Culinary Academy in San Francisco and has worked in some of the nation’s most prestigious fine dining restaurants. His tenure has took him from the west coast to the east coast, and now he’s back doing what he loves in his hometown of Oklahoma City.

Chef Peter will manage the kitchen operations of Bluehorn Restaurant & Steakhouse. He will train and oversee the sous chefs, manage inventory, place food inventory orders, deal with the local food vendors, and ensure the highest customer satisfaction with the food.

Anastasia Gillette, Co-Owner

Anastasia Gillette was born and raised in Oklahoma City and has garnered over ten years in the restaurant industry as well. While in college, Anastasia worked as a hostess at one of the area’s most prestigious restaurant establishments. While there, she was eventually promoted to Front of the House Manager where she oversaw the hostesses, servers, bussers, bartenders, and reservations. Her passion always led to the beverage portion of the restaurant so she obtained her Sommelier certificate in 2019. With her wine education, Anastasia is able to cultivate an interesting and elegant wine selection for the restaurant.

Anastasia will oversee front of the house operations, maintain and ensure customer service, and manage all reservations. She will also be in charge of the bar and wine ordering, training of front of the house staff, and will manage the restaurant’s social media accounts once they are set up.

Financial Plan

Key revenue & costs.

The revenue drivers for Bluehorn Restaurant & Steakhouse will come from the food and drink menu items being offered daily.

The cost drivers will be the ingredients and products needed to make the menu items as well as the cooking materials. A significant cost driver is the fine dining equipment, serving dishes, and beer and wine glasses. Other cost drivers will be the overhead expenses of payroll for the employees, accounting firm, and cost of the advertising agency.

Funding Requirements and Use of Funds

Bluehorn Restaurant & Steakhouse is seeking $300,000 in debt financing to open its start-up restaurant. The breakout of the funding is below:

Financial Projections

Income Statement

  Balance Sheet

  Cash Flow Statement

Restaurant Business Plan FAQs

What is a restaurant business plan.

A restaurant business plan is a plan to start and/or grow your restaurant business. Among other things, it outlines your business concept, identifies your target customers, presents your marketing plan and details your financial projections.

You can  easily complete your restaurant business plan using our Restaurant Business Plan Template here .

What Are the Main Types of Restaurants?

There are many types of restaurant businesses. Restaurants can range in type from fast food, fast casual, moderate casual, fine dining, and bar and restaurant types. Restaurants also come in a variety of different ethnic or themed categories, such as Mexican restaurants, Asian restaurants, American, etc.  Some restaurants also go mobile and have food trucks.

How Do You Get Funding for Your Restaurant Business Plan?

Restaurant businesses are most likely to receive funding from banks. Typically you will find a local bank and present your business plan to them. Another option for a restaurant business is to obtain a small business loan. SBA loans are a popular option as they offer longer loan terms with lower interest rates.

What are the Steps To Start a Restaurant Business?

1. Develop A Restaurant Business Plan - The first step in starting a business is to create a detailed restaurant business plan that outlines all aspects of the venture. This should include potential market size and target customers, the services or products you will offer, pricing strategies and a detailed financial forecast.  

2. Choose Your Legal Structure - It's important to select an appropriate legal entity for your restaurant business. This could be a limited liability company (LLC), corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship. Each type has its own benefits and drawbacks so it’s important to do research and choose wisely so that your restaurant business is in compliance with local laws.

3. Register Your Restaurant Business - Once you have chosen a legal structure, the next step is to register your restaurant business with the government or state where you’re operating from. This includes obtaining licenses and permits as required by federal, state, and local laws. 

4. Identify Financing Options - It’s likely that you’ll need some capital to start your restaurant business, so take some time to identify what financing options are available such as bank loans, investor funding, grants, or crowdfunding platforms. 

5. Choose a Location - Whether you plan on operating out of a physical location or not, you should always have an idea of where you’ll be based should it become necessary in the future as well as what kind of space would be suitable for your operations. 

6. Hire Employees - There are several ways to find qualified employees including job boards like LinkedIn or Indeed as well as hiring agencies if needed – depending on what type of employees you need it might also be more effective to reach out directly through networking events. 

7. Acquire Necessary Restaurant Equipment & Supplies - In order to start your restaurant business, you'll need to purchase all of the necessary equipment and supplies to run a successful operation. 

8. Market & Promote Your Business - Once you have all the necessary pieces in place, it’s time to start promoting and marketing your restaurant business. This includes creating a website, utilizing social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter, and having an effective Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy. You should also consider traditional marketing techniques such as radio or print advertising. 

Learn more about how to start a successful restaurant business:

  • How to Start a Restaurant Business

Where Can I Get a Restaurant Business Plan PDF?

You can download our free restaurant business plan template PDF here . This is a sample restaurant business plan template you can use in PDF format.

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Restaurant Business Plan Template

Download our template and start creating your restaurant business plan.

Restaurant Business Plan Template

Updated September 22, 2023 Reviewed by Brooke Davis

Your restaurant business plan is an outline of your future success. A well-formulated plan helps put the big picture together no matter how good your restaurant ideas are.

A business plan helps prove the viability of your thoughts and can provide investors with the information they need to sign on to your project. Investors need to know how you will run your restaurant in a competitive market and how you will overcome any challenges.

Your business plan lets you provide a framework for yourself and others to get your restaurant off the ground. Lack of preparation and a proper plan is one of the leading reasons new restaurants fail within their first year.

Learn how to write a restaurant business plan and avoid many common pitfalls of new business owners. Legal Templates has a free restaurant business plan template to help you get started.

Why You Need a Business Plan for Your Restaurant Business

How to write a business plan for a restaurant, restaurant business plan example.

Too many new restaurant owners fail to put together a business plan. You may think you don’t need one because you know what you want to do. Without a proper business plan, however, you’re moving into a difficult process without a strong framework for success.

When you want people to invest in your business, you need to be able to demonstrate future success. A concrete and carefully detailed business plan is a must. A well-crafted plan increases the likelihood that you will secure investors.

A business plan aims to help you achieve your goals at each stage of your business development and operation. The program will cover operational details, regulatory compliance, hiring practices, and other essential details.

A business plan can also help you turn your vision into tangible goals others can see. With this in a detailed plan, you will be more likely to create a successful and long-lasting restaurant.

people eating in a restaurant

Many people don’t know how to start a restaurant business plan without help. A good plan hits the essential details and outlines your vision for the restaurant’s future. However, you don’t have to do this from scratch. A restaurant business plan example can help you get started and know what to include in your plan.

1. Executive Summary

An executive summary is a brief overview of your company. It will outline why the community wants your food and needs your restaurant. This summary section will focus on your intended reader, whether that person is yourself or a potential investor.

An executive summary is a place for brief details rather than an in-depth and fact-heavy outline. Many people consider this the essential part of the plan, as it will outline why the restaurant will succeed.

The executive summary is your chance to capture the reader’s attention. Many people will decide whether to keep reading your plan, so getting off on the right foot is essential. Your executive summary will include information like:

  • How will your restaurant be competitive
  • The type of food you will serve and a menu
  • The target demographics for the restaurant
  • An implementation plan
  • Outline of competition you will face
  • Who the owners and staff will be
  • The organizational structure of your restaurant
  • Marketing and sales strategies

Many of these details will receive an in-depth treatment later in your plan. They should provide just the key points you want to make to summarize the rest of your business plan.

2. Management Team

Your restaurant business plan should include a section that presents your management team. Here, you detail the responsibilities of each owner, manager, and staff member. You lay out expectations for who will do what in getting the business started. These details also help show investors you are serious and know how to handle the day-to-day operation of a restaurant business.

The management team section should include essential details about the ownership of the restaurant, including:

  • Legal names of each owner
  • How the restaurant will be legally structured (corporation, limited liability company (LLC), etc.)
  • Types of Ownership
  • Percentage of ownership for each owner
  • Ownership agreement among the parties

Your business plan should also include details about those running the restaurant daily. While there may be some overlap — especially in small restaurants — management responsibilities should be clearly outlined. This information should include the following:

  • Full names of any management team member
  • Education and background
  • Past restaurant or management experience
  • Title and summary of job responsibilities
  • Any food industry training
  • Salary and benefits information

3. Products and Services

Investors want to know what you will be serving and how you know customers will like it. This is where you can get specific and show why people flock to your restaurant. A robust opening menu shows you are prepared and know how to attract potential customers. The products and services section will include your sample menu and any other services your restaurant will provide.

This section should also address other questions about how you will handle your products:

  • How will you order the necessary supplies?
  • What are the costs of products and the sales price?
  • How will you measure sales success?
  • Why will customers choose your food over competitors’?
  • How will your menu change over time?

Too many new restaurant owners have a great vision and food but don’t know how to execute a successful business. Investors want to know that your food will be good and that you fully understand how to run a restaurant. A restaurant business plan template can help you create a successful plan.

4. Customers and Marketing

You need to know who your customers are going to be. Any successful restaurant understands its key demographics and how it will market its business to these potential customers. Your business plan must outline important information about your customers and provide detailed data about the availability of these customers in your area.

Market research is often helpful in demonstrating that the type of customer you are looking for is readily available in your local marketplace. Supporting information must be available here to show investors you have customers to keep your restaurant long-term.

Marketing strategies and an ongoing plan are essential to the success of a new business — especially a restaurant. It would be best to show how you would make people aware of your new restaurant and engage customers in the future. Your restaurant business plan can include marketing details such as:

  • Where will your restaurant be located?
  • Will you offer delivery, and what is the range?
  • Will you advertise on social media, your website, or other digital marketing?
  • Will you use billboards, flyers, or other complex media advertising?
  • What is your advertising budget?

These crucial details demonstrate you have a real plan for your restaurant’s success.

5. SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis for your new restaurant will focus on four key areas:

  • Opportunities

A SWOT analysis addresses difficult questions in an easy-to-read format. It is a business tool that helps to analyze how your restaurant will perform against your competition. It will look at internal and external factors that may help or hurt your future business.

This data is based on real-world facts rather than ideal conditions or best hopes.

6. Financials

The financials section details the key areas of financial performance for your business. This includes information about start-up costs and break-even points. It also shows how and when the company can profit and see a return on investment.

The financial section should include the following:

  • Monthly expenses — supplies, payroll, rent, etc.
  • Price points for all products
  • Projected revenue
  • Mathematical projections for the restaurant
  • Variable costs of the business
  • Financial records and cash flow statements

7. Operations

Your restaurant business plan must address how your restaurant will run. While this includes details about products and services, it will also cover other critical operational details such as:

  • Employment requirements
  • Business hours
  • Licensing and food inspection requirements
  • Cleaning procedures
  • Restaurant design
  • Mission statement
  • Restaurant location

Investors want to see precisely how you will run your business and how you will do it successfully. People often hesitate to invest in a restaurant, as many eateries fail within the first year.

However, a strong business plan showing you understand your specific operational issues will go a long way to alleviate these concerns and get you started on the right foot.

8. Appendix

The appendix section allows you to include other valuable documents and information at the end of the business plan. This may be information that does not fit well into different sections or is supporting documentation for the information in the primary areas. An appendix might include, but is not limited to:

  • Letters of reference
  • Legal permits and licensing
  • Customer reviews of food and services
  • Pictures of people enjoying your food
  • Restaurant design sketches
  • Photos of a proposed restaurant location
  • Market research

The appendix lets you end on a good note. You can provide additional information to bolster the rest of your business plan.

Your restaurant business plan should be comprehensive and easy to understand. The prospect of putting one together can feel daunting without some help. A restaurant business plan sample can help you start and tell you what to include.

Restaurant business plan screenshot

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Restaurant Business Plans

Bed and breakfast - caribbean - business plan.

The Vette Kat Harbour Bed & Breakfast will be a charming bed and breakfast located overlooking Vette Kat Harbour on our beautiful Caribbean island.

Bed And Breakfast Business Plan

Coach House Bed and Breakfast is a start up business that strives to meet every need for their customers.

Bed and Breakfast Inn Business Plan

The Magnolia Inn is a beautiful facility that sits atop a bluff over looking the Pacific Ocean in scenic Half Moon Bay California.

Bowling Entertainment Center Business Plan

Kiln Creek Bowling Center is a start-up bowling alley and recreation center in Virginia.

Deli Restaurant Business Plan

The New World Delicatessen will be an upscale deli specializing in a combination of fast hot or cold sandwiches and salads plus specific recipes focusing on the Pacific Northwest cuisine.

Ethnic Food Restaurant Business Plan

Zara Restaurant and Lounge is a new restaurant that offers consistently high quality food, menu variety, and a unique atmosphere.

Fast Food Restaurant Business Plan

Fresin Fries will entice youngsters to bring their friends and family with our innovative environment, fresh-cut Belgian fries, and selection of unique signature dipping sauces.

Fine Dining Restaurant Business Plan

Gabri’s Lounge & Restaurant will be the perfect place to stop in for a bite to eat, for a drink or for a small business meeting.

Franchise Sandwich Shop Business Plan

Franchise Sub Shop is a national franchise sub sandwich quick-service restaurant.

Healthy Restaurant Business Plan

Kona-Q is a fast-casual restaurant, serving fast, fresh, healthy grilled meats and vegetables.

Italian Restaurant Business Plan

The Pasta House Co. is a start-up Italian Restaurant franchise. The owners of The Pasta House Co. will acquire restaurant space in a newer shopping mall, establishing a second franchise location.

Mediterranean Restaurant Business Plan

On The Water is a start-up restaurant specializing in Mediterranean cuisine.

Mexican Restaurant Business Plan

La Salsa Fresh Mexican Grill is a franchise restaurant chain, opening its first storefront in this state. Menu items emphasize fresh ingredients.

Movie Theater Restaurant Business Plan

Second Run Pizza renovated an old theater, creating a venue where patrons can enjoy a pizza dinner while viewing second run movies.

Organic Restaurant Business Plan

Studio67 is a medium-sized restaurant focusing on organic foods and an intriguing atmosphere in a prime neighborhood of Portland.

Pasta Italian Restaurant Business Plan

Sigmund's Gourmet Pasta restaurant specializes in unique and innovative pasta dishes.

Pie Restaurant Business Plan

UPer Crust Pies will specialize in meat, vegetable and fruit pies made using old-country traditional family recipes from the UP – Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.

Pizzeria Business Plan

Pizzeria del Causamali is a start-up restaurant which will fill an empty niche. Currently there are few family-dining restaurants serving the rural communities surrounding the town of Deauville, and none serve freshly made pizza.

Pizzeria Franchise Business Plan

4 Moons Pizzeria offers a comfortable, friendly ambience, with its new “Modern Pizzeria” design.

Sandwich Restaurant Business Plan

Pita Pal is a new restaurant strategically located in downtown Washington, PA, that serves fresh and healthy pita sandwiches.

Steak Buffet Restaurant Business Plan

Sagebrush Sam's will provide a unique combination of excellent food at value pricing with a fun and entertaining atmosphere.

Steak Restaurant Business Plan

Fire Fountain Grille is an upscale, casual, start-up steak restaurant that will emphasize high quality service, superb meats, special seasonings, and unique decor.

Themed Restaurant Business Plan

Full of Bologna, A Taste of North Italy is a new High Renaissance themed Italian restaurant, starting up as an anchor retail establishment in the revitalized Greensward development.

Fast Food Service Business Plan

QuickBite Express offers delicious, high-quality fast food options with a focus on speed, convenience, and affordability. Our diverse menu caters to various tastes and dietary preferences, ensuring a satisfying experience for all customers.

Small Restaurant Business Plan

Bistro Locale offers an intimate and authentic dining experience by serving fresh, seasonal dishes inspired by local flavors and ingredients. With its warm, inviting atmosphere and exceptional customer service, it provides a unique destination for food lovers seeking a local, high-quality dining experience.

You’re a professional chef in the making. You have delicious recipes, a killer drink menu, and even a delicious secret sauce all ready to go, but what about your business plan? You can have the best food and dining experience in the world, but without a good business plan in place, your restaurant may be out of business before you ever fire up the oven.

Check out our library of sample restaurant business plans to be sure you have everything in order to confidently take your first order.

You can also read our comprehensive guide on how to write a small restaurant business plan .

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Business Plan - Go Sushi Japanese Restaurant

Profile image of Laksmi  Sari

The mission of GoSushi is: “Provide Japanese food with a delivery service that provides the best quality and excellent service with suits the Indonesian market.” The vision of GoSushi is: “become the largest Japanese food restaurant in Indonesia. “

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F&B (Food & Beverage) Business Plan

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Yummy! Whatever your favorite food is, you’ll probably find it in the background of this mouth-watering business plan template for Google Slides and PowerPoint. Whatever your place is in the food and beverage industry, you can use this template to share your vision with investors and partners. You’ll find lots of helpful information in these slides, including industry trends, competitive analysis tips, and more. The AI generated content will help you get the most out of this template .Get ready for success!

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How to write a business plan for your asian restaurant.

business plan for an Asian restaurant

Starting an Asian restaurant is a great idea because it allows the opportunity to bring a unique and diverse cuisine to the local community, while also providing a potential business opportunity.

Additionally, it can help to create a cultural bridge between the local community and the wider Asian culture.

But, first thing first, you need a business plan.

A business plan is essential for any new project, especially an Asian restaurant, as it outlines the goals and objectives of the business. It also serves to help identify potential risks and opportunities, and provides a roadmap for the business to follow. Finally, it provides an estimate of the capital and resources needed to make the project a success.

In short, a good business plan will help ensure the profitability of your Asian restaurant .

What must be in the business plan for an Asian restaurant? What should be the main focus areas? Which metrics should be part of the financial analysis? What are some ways to build a solid business plan without investing excessive time?

Prepare yourself for a satisfying read, as all your questions will find answers in this article!

Also, please note that starting your business plan from scratch is not mandatory.

You can download our comprehensive business plan for an Asian restaurant and adjust it to match your preferences.

business plan chinese restaurant

How to elaborate a business plan for an Asian restaurant

Should you draft a business plan for your asian restaurant.

Yes, you should draft a business plan for your Asian restaurant.

Crafting a well-structured business plan will help you to:

  • get familiar with the Asian restaurant market
  • stay tuned to the industry's fresh trends
  • recognize what makes an Asian restaurant thriving
  • understand the Asian cuisine varieties, spice levels, and cultural elements desired by diners
  • create a solid value proposition for your Asian cuisine eatery
  • monitor competitor activities and tactics
  • find competitive advantages for your Asian restaurant
  • find a business model that optimizes cash flow generation
  • implement a robust and tactical action plan
  • evaluate risks associated with operating an Asian restaurant, including ingredient sourcing, cultural authenticity, and customer satisfaction

Our team has created a business plan for an Asian restaurant that is designed to make it easier for you to achieve all the elements listed.

How to structure a business plan for an Asian restaurant?

Your business plan will be full of information, content and metrics. There should be a clear outline, to make easy to read and digest.

When we built our business plan for an Asian restaurant , we made sure it had a proper structure.

We've separated it into 5 sections (Opportunity, Project, Market Research, Strategy and Finances).

1. Market Opportunity

The first section is named "Market Opportunity."

This section provides an in-depth analysis of the Asian restaurant market, including cuisine trends, customer preferences, regional specialties, and growth opportunities, assisting entrepreneurs in establishing successful Asian restaurants that cater to diverse culinary tastes.

We keep the data here fresh with regular updates.

2. Project Presentation

The second part is dedicated to the "Project" of your Asian restaurant. Here, you can describe the diverse Asian cuisines you offer, such as Chinese, Thai, or Vietnamese, authentic flavors, cultural-inspired dishes, warm hospitality, and the unique value proposition that takes diners on a culinary journey through the rich and vibrant Asian food culture.

At the end of this section, provide a brief introduction about yourself and your love for Asian cuisine.

Explain your range of Asian specialties, your dedication to authentic flavors, and how you plan to create a welcoming and flavorful dining experience for guests at your Asian restaurant. Highlight your diverse menu options, your skilled chefs, and your dedication to providing exceptional customer service that allows diners to embark on a culinary journey through the diverse cuisines of Asia at your Asian restaurant.

You'll find wording in our business plan. Tailor it to fit your concept exactly.

3. Market Research

After that, comes the "Market Research" section.

The purpose of this section is to introduce the market segments for your Asian restaurant.

It includes a competition study, outlining other Asian restaurants in the area. Your restaurant's competitive advantages are also highlighted. A customized SWOT analysis is included.

4. Strategy

Within the "Strategy" section, a 3-year development plan is outlined, specifying the necessary initiatives to make your Asian restaurant highly profitable.

Additionally, this section includes a comprehensive marketing plan, a risk management strategy, and a Business Model Canvas that has been filled out.

5. Finances

In conclusion, the "Finances" section offers a detailed overview of the financial aspects and metrics of your project.

business plan Asian restaurant

How to make an Executive Summary for an Asian restaurant?

The Executive Summary acts as an opening to the business plan of your Asian restaurant.

Stick to 2 pages or less, presenting only the essential aspects.

This is the opening statement that the financial institution will read first when you show them your business plan. It should make them interested and want to read the rest of the plan.

In the Executive Summary of your Asian restaurant, answer these questions: what are your project's strengths? who are your customers? have you researched the competition? do you have any competitive advantages? who are you? what will you do with the cash you're asking?

How to do the market analysis for an Asian restaurant?

The market study of your Asian restaurant helps you understand external factors such as customer preferences for Asian cuisine, competition within the restaurant industry, and emerging trends in Asian culinary influences.

By conducting a thorough market analysis, an Asian restaurant can understand customer preferences, offer a diverse selection of authentic Asian cuisine, optimize pricing strategies, and execute targeted marketing campaigns, ultimately leading to a loyal customer base, increased reservations, and a prominent position in the local dining scene.

Here's what we've included in the "Market Research" section of our business plan for an Asian restaurant :

  • fresh and updated data and statistics about Asian restaurants, including Asian cuisine popularity, restaurant ratings, and culinary diversity
  • a compilation of potential market segments for an Asian restaurant
  • the competitor study
  • the competitive advantages for an Asian restaurant

business plan Asian restaurant

The key points of the business plan for an Asian restaurant

What's the business model of an asian restaurant, business model of an asian restaurant.

An Asian restaurant's business model revolves around offering a menu of Asian cuisine, representing diverse regional flavors and dishes, to customers. Revenue is generated through food sales, potentially offering dine-in, takeout, or delivery services.

The business model focuses on using authentic ingredients and cooking techniques, providing a culturally immersive dining experience, effective marketing to target Asian food enthusiasts, and building strong customer relationships based on taste and cultural appreciation.

Success depends on recipe authenticity, maintaining consistent food quality and flavors, delivering efficient service, fostering positive customer reviews and recommendations, and capturing the essence of Asian culinary traditions in the menu and ambiance of the restaurant.

Business model vs Business plan

Keep in mind that "business plan" and "business model" refer to different concepts.

A business model defines how a company creates, delivers, and monetizes its offerings.

In a business plan, you describe your business model by means of a device known as the Business Model Canvas.

And, of course, there is a Business Model Canvas (already completed) in our business plan for an Asian restaurant .

How do you identify the market segments of an Asian restaurant?

Market segmentation for your Asian restaurant involves dividing your potential customers into different groups based on their culinary preferences, cultural interests, and demographics.

These categories may include factors such as Chinese cuisine, Japanese cuisine, Thai cuisine, or customers seeking specific Asian flavors or dining experiences.

By segmenting your market, you can offer specialized Asian dishes and dining experiences that cater to each segment's specific requirements. For example, you might focus on Chinese cuisine and provide a menu featuring popular Chinese dishes such as stir-fries, dim sum, and noodles, offer authentic Japanese cuisine with sushi, sashimi, and traditional Japanese specialties, specialize in Thai cuisine and present a variety of flavorful Thai curries, soups, and stir-fried dishes, or focus on specific Asian flavors or dining experiences to accommodate customers with specific culinary preferences or cultural interests.

Market segmentation allows you to effectively target your marketing efforts, communicate the authenticity and uniqueness of your Asian restaurant, and provide a delightful and culturally rich dining experience that meets the unique needs and preferences of each customer segment.

In the business plan for an Asian restaurant , you will find a complete market segmentation that allows you to identify your potential customers effectively.

How to conduct a competitor analysis for an Asian restaurant?

Without surprise, you won't be the only Asian restaurant in your market. There will be other establishments offering a variety of Asian cuisines and flavors to diners.

Make sure to include a thorough competitor analysis in your business plan, which involves assessing their strengths, weaknesses, and key attributes.

Take stock of their weaknesses (such as inconsistent flavors, limited menu variety, or poor customer service).

Why should you focus on these aspects? Well, these weaknesses can hinder the dining experience at Asian restaurants. By addressing these aspects, you can offer authentic and flavorful Asian cuisine, provide a warm and inviting ambiance, and deliver attentive and friendly service, establishing your Asian restaurant as a preferred choice for experiencing the richness and diversity of Asian culinary delights.

It's what we call competitive advantages—develop them to make your business stand out.

Here are some examples of competitive advantages for an Asian restaurant: authentic and flavorful Asian cuisine, diverse menu options from different Asian regions, skilled chefs specialized in Asian cooking, inviting and cultural ambiance, attentive and knowledgeable staff, positive customer reviews and satisfaction, memorable dining experiences.

How to draft a SWOT analysis for a Chinese restaurant?

A SWOT analysis can help identify potential opportunities and threats, and inform strategic decisions, when starting an Asian restaurant.

As you can guess, there is indeed a completed and editable SWOT matrix in our business plan for an Asian restaurant

The strengths for an Asian restaurant

The letter "S" in SWOT signifies Strengths, representing the project's internal factors that enhance its performance.

For an Asian restaurant, possible strengths could include a wide variety of dishes, a creative menu, a welcoming and friendly atmosphere, and a knowledgeable staff.

The weaknesses for an Asian restaurant

When we say "W," we're referring to Weaknesses, which are the parts of the project that need to be made stronger.

For an Asian restaurant, potential weaknesses could include limited menu options, lack of marketing, limited seating capacity, and limited delivery options.

The opportunities for an Asian restaurant

The "O" in SWOT symbolizes Opportunities, indicating the potential advantages or positive factors that can support the project's growth.

In the case of an Asian restaurant, potential opportunities may include offering delivery services, catering services, expanding the menu to include regional dishes, and hosting special cultural events.

The threats for an Asian restaurant

When we use the "T" in SWOT, we're referring to Threats, which are the external factors that can undermine the project's success.

How to elaborate a marketing strategy for a Chinese restaurant?

A marketing strategy is like a roadmap that helps a business figure out how to reach and persuade people to buy its products or services.

You have to include it in a business plan because it ensures that the business focuses on the right customers, stands out from competitors, and gets the most out of its marketing efforts and resources.

An Asian restaurant can appeal to food lovers seeking authentic Asian cuisine by developing an effective marketing approach that showcases the restaurant's diverse menu, flavorsome dishes, and a welcoming ambiance inspired by Asian culture.

Food lovers won't dine at your Chinese restaurant without effective marketing; highlighting the authentic flavors, diverse menu, and inviting atmosphere is necessary.

Have you explored marketing approaches to attract customers to your Chinese restaurant? Consider offering themed dining events or special menus during Chinese cultural holidays, collaborating with local Chinese community organizations for cross-promotion, and utilizing social media platforms to showcase your authentic Chinese cuisine.

No need to worry if you're clueless about marketing and communication – it's not a big deal.

How to build a 3-year financial plan for a Chinese restaurant?

A comprehensive business plan requires a thorough analysis of financial data to ensure its success.

As you prepare your business plan, it is important to include revenue forecasts for your Asian restaurant.

Ensuring a revenue forecast that is relevant and credible is key to presenting a robust business plan to potential banks or investors.

Our financial plan for an Asian restaurant is designed to be user-friendly, incorporating automatic verifications that assist in identifying and correcting any assumptions. This ensures you can build credible projections with confidence.

It goes without saying that you should create a preliminary budget for launching your Asian restaurant. Don't overlook any expense. By the way, we've listed them all in our financial plan!

The break-even analysis is vital for your financial plan because it tells you if you whether your Asian restaurant will be profitable or not.

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Proposal Usaha Restoran

Contoh Proposal Restoran (Download DOC / PDF)

Proposal Usaha Restoran – Bisnis restoran saat ini telah mengalami banyak kemajuan baik dari segi kualitas maupun kuantitasnya. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan berdirinya restoran-restoran baru dengan konsep yang khas dan berbeda dengan restoran lainnya.

Berbicara mengenai bisnis restoran ada berbagai hal yang perlu dipersiapkan dalam membuka bisnis di bidang F&B ini mulai dari konsep yang matang hingga kebutuhan finansial yang bisa dibilang cukup tinggi untuk awal produksi.

Salah satu cara untuk mendapatkan modal usaha adalah dengan mengajukan proposal usaha kepada para investor sehingga biaya finansial bisa lebih ringan dan para pengusaha bisa fokus terhadap operasional dan pengembangan restoran.

Download Proposal Restoran

Proposal Usaha Restoran

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Proposal Usaha De Java Restaurant

Bab 1: pendahuluan.

Latar Belakang

Jawa Timur merupakan salah satu provinsi yang kaya akan keragaman makanan tradisionalnya mulai dari jajanan hingga beragam pilihan menu makanan berat yang citarasanya otentik. 

Dengan keragaman menu inilah kami ingin mendirikan De Java untuk memperkenalkan menu khas Jawa Timur kepada orang asing yang berkunjung ke Bali tentunya dengan rasa yang telah disesuaikan dengan lidah orang asing. 

Kami menyadari peluang yang cukup besar dari De Java mengingat saat ini belum ada restoran khas Jawa Timur yang berdiri di Seminyak. Dengan konsep restoran yang modern, luas, dan nyaman kami berupaya agar De Java menjadi salah satu lokasi favorit turis yang datang disini.

Konsep Usaha

Konsep yang kami kembangkan pada De Java Restaurant ini adalah restoran luas dengan suasana yang modern dan nyaman. Adapun menu yang kami sajikan adalah menu-menu makanan dan minuman khas Jawa Timur dengan rasa yang otentik.

Visi: Memperkenalkan makanan khas Jawa Timur di dunia Internasional


  • Menyajikan menu-menu makanan khas Jawa Timur dengan kualitas terbaik kepada turis asing yang berkunjung
  • Memberikan pelayanan dan fasilitas terbaik kepada turis yang datang berkunjung ke De Java Restaurant
  • Menyediakan tempat yang luas dan nyaman kepada turis yang berkunjung agar betah untuk berlama-lama di De Java Restaurant
  • Memperhatikan kesejahteraan karyawan yang bekerja di De Java agar senantiasa memberikan pelayanan terbaik kepada turis yang datang

BAB 2: Analisa SWOT


De Java Restaurant menjadi satu-satunya restoran khas Jawa Timur yang berdiri di Seminyak Bali dengan konsep yang modern namun sajian keseluruhan makanan dan minumannya adalah menu makanan tradisional khas Jawa Timur.


Seluruh menu yang disajikan oleh De Java Restaurant adalah menu tradisional Jawa Timur sehingga kami kesulitan untuk melakukan inovasi menu makanannya.


Respon yang baik dari konsumen membuat De Java Restaurant berpeluang untuk melakukan pengembangan restoran dengan lebih cepat.


Bahan-bahan premium yang kami gunakan membuat biaya operasional harian yang dibutuhkan oleh De Java cukup tinggi. Selain itu respon yang baik dari konsumen memunculkan para pesaing baru yang mendirikan restoran dengan konsep serupa. 

BAB 3: Rencana Usaha

Nama usaha: De Java Restaurant yang berarti restoran yang menyajikan masakan khas Jawa Timur.

Produk yang dihasilkan: Seluruh makanan tradisonal Jawa Timur yang dikemas lebih modern dengan citarasa yang telah disesuaikan dengan lidah orang asing.

Rincian harga:

1 . Rawon : Rp. 85.000

2. Nasi Rames : Rp. 65.000

3. Rujak Cingur : Rp. 60.000

4. Sate Ayam Madura Komplit : Rp. 65.000 

5. Soto Lamongan : Rp. 75.000

6. Tahu Campur : Rp. 55.000

7. Bebek Madura : Rp. 75.000

8. Pisang Goreng : Rp. 35.000

9. Klepon : Rp. 25.000

10. Gethuk : Rp. 25.000

11. Es Dawet : Rp. 30.000

12. Es Pleret : Rp. 30.000

12. Es Pokak : Rp. 30.000

13. Es Teh : Rp. 25.000

14. Wedang Angsle : Rp. 40.000

15. Wedang Jaselang : Rp. 40.000

Target market: 

Target market dari De Java Restaurant ini adalah seluruh turis asing yang berkunjung ke Seminyak Bali.

Strategi pemasaran:

Ada beberapa strategi pemasaran yang kami jalankan diantaranya adalah bekerjasama dengan tour agency untuk memperkenalkan restoran kami serta melakukan pemasaran melalui media sosial dengan bantuan Google Ads dan Instagram Ads.

Sistem usaha:

De Java Restaurant dijalankan dengan sistem secara langsung serta melayani pembelian secara online melalui aplikasi.

Sistem pembagian hasil:

Kami membuka kesempatan bagi investor yang ingin menanamkan modal di De Java Restaurant dengan investasi mulai dari Rp. 200.000.000 dan keuntungan sebesar 30% dari hasil penjualan.

BAB 4: Analisa Keuangan

1 . Modal  

Kebutuhan Perlengkapan

Sewa Tempat

Gaji Karyawan

Biaya Operasional

Biaya Promosi

2. Harga Pokok Produksi

3. Perkiraan Keuntungan

4. Estimasi Balik Modal

BAB 5: Penutup

De Java Restaurant menjadi salah satu peluang bisnis di bidang Food and Beverage yang sangat menjanjikan karena mampu melihat peluang pasar dengan benar dan memiliki ciri khas yang tidak dimiliki oleh restoran lainnya.

Demikianlah proposal usaha ini, semoga dapat memberikan gambaran yang jelas tentang De Java Restaurant. Kami berharap agar kerjasama ini bisa berlangsung dalam kurun waktu yang lama dan dapat memberikan keuntungan bagi kedua belah pihak.

  • Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast /


The attentive barista welcomes guests all year round.

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Food and ambience, location and contact, malinovka, moscow - okskaya 5 k1, district south-eastern (yuvao) - restaurant reviews & phone number - tripadvisor.


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