Education Degree

25 Reasons Why Being a Preschool Teacher is Rewarding

Reviewed by Jon Konen, District Superintendent

When you choose a path to becoming an early childhood teacher, you are dedicating your professional life to helping our most precious resources grow into responsible, competent learners. Teaching one child, let alone a whole classroom of young learners is no simple task. Being an early childhood education teacher requires a good education from a school that specializes in training teachers.

preschool teacher hugging group of students

You must also have a personal interest and passion for helping young kids, and watching them learn and achieve. This is one of the most heartwarming benefits of being a preschool teacher. On many days, you will spend more time engaging them and teaching them, and influencing their behavior more than anyone – including their parents. That’s why you simply need to acquire the in-depth knowledge and skills that only a preschool education focused degree program can provide.

Of course, you want to check the early childhood education job outlook when you compare programs. But if you can already hear yourself saying “this is why I love being a preschool teacher,” then this is probably the right career path no matter what.

But isn’t early childhood education really hard?

There are a million reasons why being a preschool teacher is rewarding. But every teaching job presents its challenges, no matter what grade level or subject. Teaching early childhood isn’t entirely a test of your patience and will. In fact, for those who truly love working with children, it’s a dream come true. That’s why we did our research and came up with this list of 25 ways early childhood education can be a personally rewarding profession. What you’ll find, is that there are many ways in which this job can feel gratifying. You can appreciate your work by seeing the progress in your students, by learning more about yourself, and by teaching them to appreciate the world around them.

How Do You Want to be Rewarded?

Whether you are a current early childhood educator in need of some inspiration, or a prospective student wondering if this is the right career path, you can enjoy this list and think about the ways you want to feel rewarded. Before you compare all the early childhood education degree programs in your area, make your own list of the ways you want to feel rewarded and appreciated in your teaching career.

1.) You get to experience things with them for the first time. This happens with most grade levels, but not to the extent that it happens in early childhood classrooms. When you are teaching early childhood education, you are often the first witness to so many groundbreaking moments. It will be these times when you really feel rewarded as a teacher. Sure, the long-term rewards are nice, like having a student come back to visit you after several years. But, these are the daily ‘wins’ that will keep you motivated.

2.) Get to help children learn in new ways. The cool thing about being an early childhood education teacher is that you have to apply different methods sometimes to different students, depending on their learning style . Unlike a manufacturing job, which utilizes the exact same processes for production, teaching is an art and a science in some ways. Seeing the effectiveness of different approaches will also help develop your interpersonal skills for communicating with all age groups. Definitely one of the benefits of being a preschool teacher.  

3.) The feeling you get when you overcome challenges. It never fails: Just when you’re about to question how much more patience you have, just when you start wanting to give up – your students will have a breakthrough, and you will want to kiss the ground, and do your happy dance. There is nothing better than having a high-five moment with a young student when they make a breakthrough – another one of the awesome reasons why being a preschool teacher is rewarding.  

4.) You get better at multi-tasking. As you can imagine, you better stay organized when you’re teaching a class of early childhood students. If you don’t, you could quickly lose control of your curriculum, and classroom behavior. When you practice goal-setting and stick to a schedule, you will notice your organizational skills and ability to multi-task will improve. When you consider the early childhood education job outlook in your area, consider the additional personal benefits you can gain besides long-term job security.

5.) It comes with the responsibility of keeping children safe. There is a somewhat noble feeling that goes along with teaching preschool education. Knowing that you are taking care of the most vulnerable people among us, helping them learn and grow into responsible people – and keeping them safe – is a big responsibility. One that you will definitely feel good about.

6.) They will thank you when they’re grown. When people say this is “why I love being a preschool teacher,” this is one of the many reasons why. But it’s worth the wait. We can’t count how many teachers have shared their stories about students who come back to thank them after several years away. It will amaze you to see how quickly they grow into adults and start making their own way in the world. And when they do, they will remember you, and thank you for setting them up for success.

7.) Can make you a better parent, babysitter, and coolest family member. When you are a natural around children, they can definitely feel it. If you embrace the same passion and love for helping kids learn and enjoy childhood, you can be the coolest aunt or uncle, or family friend a kid could have. You can also help model healthy and fun behavior for other adults who may not have your natural ability to connect with kids. Does this make you want to learn more about the early childhood education career outlook?  

8.) You can tap your own inner child. As a tangent of the previous example, being an preschool education teacher gives you the freedom to explore the parts of yourself that thrive off childlike experiences. You can refresh your imagination and creative skills through the activities you plan, and the learning outcomes you aim for with your students.

9.) The health and retirement benefits can add up. Let’s take a brief break from pulling your heartstrings and talk about health and retirement benefits of being a preschool teacher. Although there are many occupations that have higher pay scales than education, the benefits can definitely be a perk. As you know, health insurance is never cheap. And it’s not easy to save for retirement on your own.  That’s why being a preschool teacher is rewarding for people who are passionate about this field, and want to have security for retirement and potential health issues.

10.) Can lead to higher positions. Even if you love being an early childhood education teacher, there can come a time when you want to move on to other positions. Maybe you think you can make a bigger impact in curriculum development, or working for a children’s book publisher. Or maybe you want to be principal of an elementary school one day? Why not? The great thing about teaching is that you can always keep moving forward and advancing to new levels. We need stellar educators more than ever. When you speak with schools about the early childhood education job outlook  and your goals, be sure to ask about career advancement and degree requirements for your longterm job aspirations.

11.) Makes you more creative. When you are working with young kids every day, you are bound to tap more of your own creative mental abilities than you would in an office full of adults. Children are not inhibited by the knowledge and logic that sometimes dampens our ability to think outside the box, so to speak. When you work with kids, you will witness your own imagination and creativity come alive. If you are a writer, you may find yourself writing children’s books. Or if you are an art teacher , your students will serve as plenty of inspiration.

12.) You become more patient. You think having one or two kids at home requires patience? Try having a full classroom of young students whose minds are working at a rapid pace to understand what’s going on, while getting your attention, while trying to control their impulses. It can be overwhelming if you think too much about it. Again, that’s why early childhood education requires training. The early childhood education career outlook can be attractive, but remember it’s more than just a job. Through experience, you will develop the right level of patience. Just don’t beat yourself up if you feel frustrated – especially when you start teaching. That’s when you need to put yourself in time out, and speak with a peer who can relate to your experience.

13.) They are willing learners. You know what else is cool about teaching preschool education? Children at that age aren’t cynical or defensive about learning new things – which can change with age. When children are young and starting to learn, they are willing participants in the education process with you. They want to learn about the world just as badly as you want to teach them.

14.) They still believe in magic. In many ways, it is your job to dispel some of the wonder and magic children see in the world around them by instilling knowledge and new behaviors into their beings. Yes, you may witness the disappointment in their eyes when one student tells another the truth about Santa Claus. And you may have to be the one who tells them unicorns aren’t real, and neither are genies. But there will be many experiences when their curiosity and wonder will take over, and you will be reminded how special it is to have a child’s imagination. This is one of the most awesome benefits of being a preschool teacher. Instead of thinking of yourself as a spoiler, find ways to help them explore their creativity and leaps of logic in healthy ways. Mixing education and imagination is another reason why being a preschool teacher is rewarding.

15.) Job growth on pace with national average. Being a early childhood education teacher can be rewarding if you make a long-term career of it. Fortunately, job growth in early childhood education is on par with the national average of 7%, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Even though you may not think about this fact on a day-to-day level, it can feel rewarding to know you have a good chance at job security as long as you remain passionate and effective in your role as a teacher. So far, the early childhood education job outlook can be promising, with the right training.  

16.) You can teach them about serious topics in fun ways. You probably don’t think of money as ‘fun’, right? We know, you didn’t become a preschool education teacher to become rich; and that’s a good thing. Teachers can earn a fine living, but it’s not the most high-paying, glamorous profession. But your students should start learning about the concept of money at a young age. You want to help them become responsible, as well as generous and caring towards others. Developing a healthy attitude about money, and helping kids avoid obsessions with material wealth is important in raising kids to exhibit moral behavior. This article from U.S. News and World Report can show you fun ways to teach children about money – without boring or corrupting them!  

17.) You see the results of your work – sometimes instantly. Yet another reason why so many experiences educators say “this is why I love being a preschool teacher.” How many jobs out there show you instant results the moment you perform a task? Very few, quite honestly. Even the biggest businesses that spend millions on data analysis can’t see the results of their marketing efforts as quickly as early childhood educators can see changes in their students. You will lose track of how many ‘ah-ha’ moments you witness as a teacher. In fact, go ahead and start keeping a notebook that you fill with every ah-ha moment you see in a child as they learn. And on those tough days, when you wonder if the efforts you make are really making an impact, you can open that notebook and reassure yourself that you are doing awesome. This can be a nice benefit to the early childhood education career outlook for salary and employment levels in your area.  

18.) Every day brings something new. If you think having a child in the early childhood age range brought new experiences every day, just wait until you have a whole classroom full of curious kids! Every day will bring about a new development, a new funny moment for everyone to laugh at, unexpected challenges – and who knows what else! That’s one of the many rewarding aspects of this job: it teaches you to embrace the unexpected parts of life, and accept the things you have no control over.  

19.) They are hilarious – and honest. There was an old radio show called “Kids Say the Darndest Things” as part of a program that ran through the late 1940-1960’s.  The concept of the show highlighted the funniest things kids said to questions asked by adults. The answers were often hilarious – even if the kids weren’t in on the joke. Even though you should always take your students seriously when they are being honest and vulnerable with you, there will be moments when you can’t believe how hilarious they are. Whether you are doing art projects, writing assignments or playing games, let their sense of humor shine in your classroom. It will make your job more rewarding, and entertaining!  

20.) You get to remember what it was like to be a kid. You know what’s super-awesome about being an early childhood education teacher? You get to act like a kid (when appropriate) too! Being a teacher isn’t about separating yourself from the kids, and bringing them to your level. It’s about exploring their minds, finding out how they learn best, and helping them grasp new concepts so they can develop their unique worldview. This means you will have plenty of opportunities to dive into their worlds and let them lead you where their mind goes. This will remind you how carefree childhood was before the adult world, and the challenges that go with it, crept up on you.  

21.) You can help shape healthy habits. Since your students will likely eat lunch, and a morning and afternoon snack in your care, why not use this meal time to inform them about the importance of nutrition? As a preschool education teacher, you will not only feel good about instilling them with knowledge that helps form healthy habits, but you can impact their overall health for the rest of their lives. It’s much easier for kids to maintain healthy lifestyles as adults if they start off eating well and exercising at a young age. Be that role model in their lives. Trust us, you’ll feel great about it! This is one of the cool benefits of being a preschool teacher.  

22.) You can be their first partner in goal-setting. Probably not the main reason why people say, “here’s why I love being a preschool teacher.” By now, you probably know how important it is to set yearly goals for your students. This will involve setting smaller goals as well with your curriculum. As you break down your daily assignments, weekly/monthly/quarterly goals, think of ways you can include your students in the conversation. That way, they understand the big picture too, and feel like they’re a part of your team. Once of the reasons why being a preschool teacher is rewarding is that you can include your students in your personal goals.

For the visual learners, create a large chart that tracks your progress throughout the year. You can even make it fun, and depict your class in an old wooden ship crossing a large ocean towards an island with treasure. The closer they get to accomplish their goals, the closer the ship gets to the island. You can even attach a real reward, like a pizza party, for the day they achieve their goal. This will help your students understand the importance and power of setting goals and following through. When you consider the salary and early childhood education career outlook, think about these types of details that can enhance your life.  

23.) You can help parents understand the beauty of their kids. Sometimes parents get so caught up in their work, financial stress, and making sure the kids have their needs met, that they overlook the little things about their kids that you notice when you are teaching them. Make sure to communicate with parents what their child’s strengths are, academically and relating to their personalities. It is a good feeling when you reassure parents they are doing a good job. And when you need them as a partner in their child’s development, they’ll be ready to stand beside you. This is one of the ways being a preschool teacher is rewarding.  

24.) They teach you about yourself. We spend so much time thinking about ways we help kids, how we teach them, and how we impact their lives – what about the things they reveal about us? One rewarding aspect of being an early childhood education teacher is how much they can tell us about ourselves, without even knowing it. When you teach your students, be mindful of how you approach them, react to their excitement, worry, fears, and challenges. Think about how you can improve and self-assess to become a better teacher. The last thing you should ever think as a teacher is “I know everything.” There is the old cliché about the student becoming the teacher for a reason. Sometimes, it’s the children that adults should be learning from. With a little humility and mindfulness, you will be able to appreciate that.  

25.) That bittersweet feeling at the end of every school year. We know how exhausting the school year is for all preschool education teachers and administrators. In the thick of the madness, it can seem like an eternity until the end of May/early June arrives. But don’t daydream your life away, counting the days until summer break. Ask any retired teacher if they could have another day or week or month with any of their classes, and they would take it in a heartbeat. The salary potential and early childhood education career outlook can’t tell you these sweet details.

Sure, you deserve a break after working so hard with your students all year, but don’t be surprised if you start feeling nostalgic as soon as the last bus leaves the parking lot on that last day of school. Of course, September always comes back before you know it. Just remember, in the midst of the stressful moments, take a deep breath and remember how rewarding it is when they finally ‘get it’ or tell you how much they appreciate you. When teachers talk about “why I love being a preschool teacher,” you can bet this is one.

When you think about teaching young children, in what ways do imagine feeling rewarded for your hard work?

Please share your thoughts, ideas, and personal experiences with us! You can chat it up with us on social media, or you can leave your comments below.

If you are ready to learn why being a preschool teacher is rewarding, as well as the early childhood education job outlook? We can help connect you with schools that offer programs in education, and will talk to you about the benefits of being a preschool teacher. All you have to do is use our search tools to narrow your options in your state. Good luck on your journey towards a career teaching young children. It is a rewarding career in so many ways. We can’t wait to hear about your success!

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Becoming a Teacher: What I Learned about Myself During the Pandemic

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Introduction to the Article by Andrew Stremmel

Now, more than ever, we need to hear the voices of preservice teachers as well as in-service teachers during this pandemic. How has the pandemic affected them? In what ways has the pandemic enabled them to think about the need to really focus on what matters, what’s important? What were the gains and losses? These are very important questions for our time.  In this essay, Alyssa Smith, a senior studying early childhood education, attempts to address the lessons learned from her junior year, focusing on the positive aspects of her coursework and demonstrating an imaginative, growth mindset. This essay highlights the power of students’ reflection on their own learning. But I think it does so much more meaningful contemplation than we might expect of our students in “normal” times. Alyssa gains a new appreciation for this kind of active reflection—the opportunity to think more critically; to be more thoughtful; to stop, step back, catch her breath, and rethink things. As a teacher educator and her mentor, I believe this essay represents how the gift of time to stop and reflect can open space to digest what has been experienced, and how the gift of reflective writing can create a deeper level of thinking about how experiences integrate with one’s larger narrative as a person.

About the Author

Andrew Stremmel, PhD, is professor in early childhood education at South Dakota State University. His research is in teacher action research and Reggio Emilia-inspired, inquiry-based approaches to early childhood teacher education. He is an executive editor of  Voices of Practitioners .  

I’ve always known I was meant to be a teacher. I could feel my passion guide my work and lead my heart through my classes. So why did I still feel as if something was missing? During the fall of my junior year, the semester right before student teaching, I began to doubt my ability to be a great teacher, as I did not feel completely satisfied in my work. What I did not expect was a global pandemic that would shut down school and move all coursework online. I broke down. I wanted to do more than simply be a good student. I wanted to learn to be a great teacher. How was I supposed to discover my purpose and find what I was missing when I couldn’t even attend my classes? I began to fret that I would never become the capable and inspirational educator that I strived to be, when I was missing the firsthand experience of being in classrooms, interacting with children, and collaborating with peers.

It wasn’t until my first full semester being an online student that I realized the pandemic wasn’t entirely detrimental to my learning. Two of my early childhood education courses, Play and Inquiry and Pedagogy and Curriculum, allowed limited yet meaningful participation in a university lab school as well as engagement with problems of substance that require more intense thinking, discussion, analysis, and thoughtful action. These problems, which I briefly discuss below, presented challenges, provocations, possibilities, and dilemmas to be pondered, and not necessarily resolved. Specifically, they pushed me to realize that the educational question for our time is not, “What do I need to know about how to teach?” Rather, it is, “What do I need to know about myself in the context of this current pandemic?” I was therefore challenged to think more deeply about who I wanted to be as a teacher and who I was becoming, what I care about and value, and how I will conduct myself in the classroom with my students.

These three foundations of teaching practice (who I want to be, what I value, and how I will conduct myself) were illuminated by a question that was presented to us students in one of the very first classes of the fall 2020 semester: “What’s happening right now in your experience that will help you to learn more about yourself and who you are becoming?” This provocation led me to discover that, while the COVID-19 pandemic brought to light (and at times magnified) many fears and insecurities I had as a prospective teacher, it also provided me with unique opportunities, time to reflect, and surprising courage that I feel would not otherwise have been afforded and appreciated.

Although I knew I wanted to be a teacher, I had never deliberately pondered the idea of what kind of teacher I wanted to be. I held the core values of being an advocate for children and helping them grow as confident individuals, but I still had no idea what teaching style I was to present. Fortunately, the pandemic enabled me to view my courses on play and curriculum as a big “look into the mirror” to discern what matters and what was important about becoming a teacher.

As I worked through the rest of the course, I realized that this project pushed me to think about my identity as an educator in relation to my students rather than simply helping me understand my students, as I initially thought. Instead, a teacher’s identity is formed in relation to or in relationship with our students: We take what we know about our students and use it to shape ourselves and how we teach. I found that I had to take a step back and evaluate my own perceptions and beliefs about children and who I am in relation to them. Consequently, this motivated me to think about myself as a classroom teacher during the COVID-19 pandemic. What did I know about children that would influence the way I would teach them?

I thought about how children were resilient, strong, and adaptable, possessing an innate ability to learn in nearly any setting. While there were so many uncertainties and fear surrounding them, they adapted to mask-wearing, limited children in the classroom, and differentiated tasks to limit cross-contamination. Throughout, the children embodied being an engaged learner. They did not seem to focus on what they were missing; their limitless curiosity could not keep them from learning. Yet, because young children learn primarily through relationships, they need some place of learning that helps them to have a connection with someone who truly knows, understands, and cares about them. Thus, perhaps more than any lesson, I recognized my relationship with children as more crucial. By having more time to think about children from this critical perspective, I felt in my heart the deeper meaning children held to me.

My compassion for children grew, and a greater respect for them took shape, which overall is what pushed me to see my greater purpose for who I want to be as an educator. The pandemic provided time to develop this stronger vision of children, a clearer understanding of how they learn, and how my identity as a teacher is formed in relationship with children. I don’t think I would have been able to develop such a rich picture of how I view children without an in-depth exploration of my identity, beliefs, and values.

In my curriculum course, I was presented a different problem that helped me reflect on who I am becoming as an educator. This was presented as a case study where we as students were asked the question, “Should schools reopen amidst the COVID-19 pandemic?” This was a question that stumped school districts around the nation, making me doubt that I would be able to come up with anything that would be remotely practical. I now was experiencing another significant consequence of the pandemic: a need for new, innovative thinking on how to address state-wide academic issues. My lack of confidence, paired with the unknowns presented by the pandemic, made me feel inadequate to take on this problem of meaning.

To address this problem, I considered more intentionally and reflectively what I knew about how children learn; issues of equity and inequality that have led to a perceived achievement gap; the voices of both teachers and families; a broader notion of what school might look like in the “new normal”; and the role of the community in the education of young children. Suddenly, I was thinking in a more critical way about how to address this problem from the mindset of an actual and more experienced teacher, one who had never faced such a conundrum before. I knew that I had to design a way to allow children to come back into a classroom setting, and ultimately find inspiration for learning in this new normal. I created this graphic (above) to inform families and teachers why it is vital to have students return to school. As a result, I became an educator. I was now thinking, feeling, and acting as a teacher. This case study made me think about myself and who I am becoming as a teacher in a way that was incredibly real and relevant to what teachers were facing. I now found inspiration in the COVID-19 pandemic, as it unlocked elements of myself that I did not know existed.

John Dewey (1916) has been attributed to stating, “Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.” Learning may begin in the classroom, but it does not end there. Likewise, teaching is not a role, but a way of being. The ability to connect with children and to engage them meaningfully depends less on the methods we use than on the degree to which we know and trust ourselves and are willing to share that knowledge with them. That comes through continually reflecting on who we are in relation to children and their families, and what we do in the classroom to create more meaningful understanding of our experiences. By embodying the role of being an educator, I grew in ways that classroom curriculum couldn't prepare me for. Had it not been for the pandemic, this might not have been possible.

Dewey, J. 1916. Democracy and Education: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Education . New York: MacMillan.

Alyssa Marie Smith  is currently an early childhood education student studying at South Dakota State University. She has been a student teacher in the preschool lab on campus, and now works as a kindergarten out of school time teacher in this same lab school. In the fall, she plans to student teach in an elementary setting, and then go on to teach in her own elementary classroom.

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Home — Essay Samples — Education — Early Childhood Education — Why I Chose Early Childhood Education As A Career


Why I Chose Early Childhood Education as a Career

  • Categories: Career Choice Early Childhood Education

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Words: 648 |

Published: Sep 5, 2023

Words: 648 | Page: 1 | 4 min read

Table of contents

Chapter 1: a passion for early years, chapter 2: shaping lives through education, chapter 3: embracing every milestone, conclusion: nurturing tomorrow's leaders.

Image of Dr. Charlotte Jacobson

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essay on why i want to be a early childhood teacher

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Why I'm Choosing To Be An Early Childhood Education Teacher

Choosing what you want to do for the rest of your life is a tough decision, and sometimes we don’t always get it right on the first try. Going into college my freshman year, I had my heart set on becoming a nurse. It was during this year that I realized that nursing truly wasn’t where my heart was, and that a change was what I needed to find the happiness I was looking for. With a lot of time and thought, multiple meetings with my counselor, and even a little soul searching, I found a major and a career that felt much more like home to me: teaching.

If you've ever changed you major, then you're familiar with the questions that follow. Many people tell you that they are proud of you for finally choosing to do something that makes you happy, and that one day, you will make a great teacher. Yet, so many others always ask one question, “Why did you chose to switch to teaching?” The answer, however, is a simple one.

I chose teaching because I love it. Being able to work with children and watch them grow is the most amazing thing in the world. When you watch their little minds at work and their imaginations go crazy, it makes you realize that their is so much in life that isn’t worth stressing over. They are so innocent, and they just want to learn how to do anything and everything, and having the opportunity to help them realize their potential is the most rewarding part of being a teacher.

I chose teaching because even though I will be the teacher, the kids teach me how to become a better person. Teaching small children with such positive outlooks on life just makes you see that there is always good in life, even when it seems like everything's falling apart. Little children always choose to see the best in a situation, and being surrounded by that is what makes you realize that it’s just a bad day, not a bad life. They may be little, but children are smart, and sometimes they are able to make you realize what you were unable to before, helping you grow as an adult as you help them grow as a child.

Finally, I chose teaching because it’s my passion. When I tell people that I have switched to teaching, I always hear how teachers don’t make any money, and how they work long hours for no reward. But to me, honestly teaching is the biggest reward their is. You don’t chose to teach because you want to make money, you chose to teach because that is where your passion is. You chose to do it because you love seeing the difference that you can make in the life of a child, just by being their teacher.

So the next time that someone asks me what my major is, I will proudly say that I am an Early Childhood Education major, and if you too have the same passion and desire to be a teacher, never be afraid to stand up and be proud of that fact that one day, you too can’t wait for the day that you too are finally able to become a teacher.

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25 beatles lyrics: your go-to guide for every situation, the best lines from the fab four.

For as long as I can remember, I have been listening to The Beatles. Every year, my mom would appropriately blast “Birthday” on anyone’s birthday. I knew all of the words to “Back In The U.S.S.R” by the time I was 5 (Even though I had no idea what or where the U.S.S.R was). I grew up with John, Paul, George, and Ringo instead Justin, JC, Joey, Chris and Lance (I had to google N*SYNC to remember their names). The highlight of my short life was Paul McCartney in concert twice. I’m not someone to “fangirl” but those days I fangirled hard. The music of The Beatles has gotten me through everything. Their songs have brought me more joy, peace, and comfort. I can listen to them in any situation and find what I need. Here are the best lyrics from The Beatles for every and any occasion.

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make

The End- Abbey Road, 1969

The sun is up, the sky is blue, it's beautiful and so are you

Dear Prudence- The White Album, 1968

Love is old, love is new, love is all, love is you

Because- Abbey Road, 1969

There's nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be

All You Need Is Love, 1967

Life is very short, and there's no time for fussing and fighting, my friend

We Can Work It Out- Rubber Soul, 1965

He say, "I know you, you know me", One thing I can tell you is you got to be free

Come Together- Abbey Road, 1969

Oh please, say to me, You'll let me be your man. And please say to me, You'll let me hold your hand

I Wanna Hold Your Hand- Meet The Beatles!, 1964

It was twenty years ago today, Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play. They've been going in and out of style, but they're guaranteed to raise a smile

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band-1967

Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see

Strawberry Fields Forever- Magical Mystery Tour, 1967

Can you hear me? When it rains and shine, it's just a state of mind

Rain- Paperback Writer "B" side, 1966

Little darling, it's been long cold lonely winter. Little darling, it feels like years since it' s been here. Here comes the sun, Here comes the sun, and I say it's alright

Here Comes The Sun- Abbey Road, 1969

We danced through the night and we held each other tight, and before too long I fell in love with her. Now, I'll never dance with another when I saw her standing there

Saw Her Standing There- Please Please Me, 1963

I love you, I love you, I love you, that's all I want to say

Michelle- Rubber Soul, 1965

You say you want a revolution. Well you know, we all want to change the world

Revolution- The Beatles, 1968

All the lonely people, where do they all come from. All the lonely people, where do they all belong

Eleanor Rigby- Revolver, 1966

Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends

With A Little Help From My Friends- Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, 1967

Hey Jude, don't make it bad. Take a sad song and make it better

Hey Jude, 1968

Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away. Now it looks as though they're here to stay. Oh, I believe in yesterday

Yesterday- Help!, 1965

And when the brokenhearted people, living in the world agree, there will be an answer, let it be.

Let It Be- Let It Be, 1970

And anytime you feel the pain, Hey Jude, refrain. Don't carry the world upon your shoulders

I'll give you all i got to give if you say you'll love me too. i may not have a lot to give but what i got i'll give to you. i don't care too much for money. money can't buy me love.

Can't Buy Me Love- A Hard Day's Night, 1964

All you need is love, love is all you need

All You Need Is Love- Magical Mystery Tour, 1967

Whisper words of wisdom, let it be

Blackbird singing in the dead of night, take these broken wings and learn to fly. all your life, you were only waiting for this moment to arise.

Blackbird- The White Album, 1968

Though I know I'll never lose affection, for people and things that went before. I know I'll often stop and think about them. In my life, I love you more

In My Life- Rubber Soul, 1965

While these are my 25 favorites, there are quite literally 1000s that could have been included. The Beatles' body of work is massive and there is something for everyone. If you have been living under a rock and haven't discovered the Fab Four, you have to get musically educated. Stream them on Spotify, find them on iTunes or even buy a CD or record (Yes, those still exist!). I would suggest starting with 1, which is a collection of most of their #1 songs, or the 1968 White Album. Give them chance and you'll never look back.

14 Invisible Activities: Unleash Your Inner Ghost!

Obviously the best superpower..

The best superpower ever? Being invisible of course. Imagine just being able to go from seen to unseen on a dime. Who wouldn't want to have the opportunity to be invisible? Superman and Batman have nothing on being invisible with their superhero abilities. Here are some things that you could do while being invisible, because being invisible can benefit your social life too.

1. "Haunt" your friends.

Follow them into their house and cause a ruckus.

2. Sneak into movie theaters.

Going to the cinema alone is good for your mental health , says science

Considering that the monthly cost of subscribing to a media-streaming service like Netflix is oft...

Free movies...what else to I have to say?

3. Sneak into the pantry and grab a snack without judgment.

Late night snacks all you want? Duh.

4. Reenact "Hollow Man" and play Kevin Bacon.

America's favorite son? And feel what it's like to be in a MTV Movie Award nominated film? Sign me up.

5. Wear a mask and pretend to be a floating head.

Just another way to spook your friends in case you wanted to.

6. Hold objects so they'll "float."

"Oh no! A floating jar of peanut butter."

7. Win every game of hide-and-seek.

Just stand out in the open and you'll win.

8. Eat some food as people will watch it disappear.

Even everyday activities can be funny.

9. Go around pantsing your friends.

Even pranks can be done; not everything can be good.

10. Not have perfect attendance.

You'll say here, but they won't see you...

11. Avoid anyone you don't want to see.

Whether it's an ex or someone you hate, just use your invisibility to slip out of the situation.

12. Avoid responsibilities.

Chores? Invisible. People asking about social life? Invisible. Family being rude? Boom, invisible.

13. Be an expert on ding-dong-ditch.

Never get caught and have the adrenaline rush? I'm down.

14. Brag about being invisible.

Be the envy of the town.

But don't, I repeat, don't go in a locker room. Don't be a pervert with your power. No one likes a Peeping Tom.

Good luck, folks.

19 Lessons I'll Never Forget from Growing Up In a Small Town

There have been many lessons learned..

Small towns certainly have their pros and cons. Many people who grow up in small towns find themselves counting the days until they get to escape their roots and plant new ones in bigger, "better" places. And that's fine. I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought those same thoughts before too. We all have, but they say it's important to remember where you came from. When I think about where I come from, I can't help having an overwhelming feeling of gratitude for my roots. Being from a small town has taught me so many important lessons that I will carry with me for the rest of my life.

1. The importance of traditions.

Sometimes traditions seem like a silly thing, but the fact of it is that it's part of who you are. You grew up this way and, more than likely, so did your parents. It is something that is part of your family history and that is more important than anything.

2. How to be thankful for family and friends.

No matter how many times they get on your nerves or make you mad, they are the ones who will always be there and you should never take that for granted.

3. How to give back.

When tragedy strikes in a small town, everyone feels obligated to help out because, whether directly or indirectly, it affects you too. It is easy in a bigger city to be able to disconnect from certain problems. But in a small town those problems affect everyone.

4. What the word "community" really means.

Along the same lines as #3, everyone is always ready and willing to lend a helping hand when you need one in a small town and to me that is the true meaning of community. It's working together to build a better atmosphere, being there to raise each other up, build each other up, and pick each other up when someone is in need. A small town community is full of endless support whether it be after a tragedy or at a hometown sports game. Everyone shows up to show their support.

5. That it isn't about the destination, but the journey.

People say this to others all the time, but it takes on a whole new meaning in a small town. It is true that life is about the journey, but when you're from a small town, you know it's about the journey because the journey probably takes longer than you spend at the destination. Everything is so far away that it is totally normal to spend a couple hours in the car on your way to some form of entertainment. And most of the time, you're gonna have as many, if not more, memories and laughs on the journey than at the destination.

6. The consequences of making bad choices.

Word travels fast in a small town, so don't think you're gonna get away with anything. In fact, your parents probably know what you did before you even have a chance to get home and tell them. And forget about being scared of what your teacher, principle, or other authority figure is going to do, you're more afraid of what your parents are gonna do when you get home.

7. To trust people, until you have a reason not to.

Everyone deserves a chance. Most people don't have ill-intentions and you can't live your life guarding against every one else just because a few people in your life have betrayed your trust.

8. To be welcoming and accepting of everyone.

While small towns are not always extremely diverse, they do contain people with a lot of different stories, struggle, and backgrounds. In a small town, it is pretty hard to exclude anyone because of who they are or what they come from because there aren't many people to choose from. A small town teaches you that just because someone isn't the same as you, doesn't mean you can't be great friends.

9. How to be my own, individual person.

In a small town, you learn that it's okay to be who you are and do your own thing. You learn that confidence isn't how beautiful you are or how much money you have, it's who you are on the inside.

10. How to work for what I want.

Nothing comes easy in life. They always say "gardens don't grow overnight" and if you're from a small town you know this both figuratively and literally. You certainly know gardens don't grow overnight because you've worked in a garden or two. But you also know that to get to the place you want to be in life it takes work and effort. It doesn't just happen because you want it to.

11. How to be great at giving directions.

If you're from a small town, you know that you will probably only meet a handful of people in your life who ACTUALLY know where your town is. And forget about the people who accidentally enter into your town because of google maps. You've gotten really good at giving them directions right back to the interstate.

12. How to be humble.

My small town has definitely taught me how to be humble. It isn't always about you, and anyone who grows up in a small town knows that. Everyone gets their moment in the spotlight, and since there's so few of us, we're probably best friends with everyone so we are as excited when they get their moment of fame as we are when we get ours.

13. To be well-rounded.

Going to a small town high school definitely made me well-rounded. There isn't enough kids in the school to fill up all the clubs and sports teams individually so be ready to be a part of them all.

14. How to be great at conflict resolution.

In a small town, good luck holding a grudge. In a bigger city you can just avoid a person you don't like or who you've had problems with. But not in a small town. You better resolve the issue fast because you're bound to see them at least 5 times a week.

15. The beauty of getting outside and exploring.

One of my favorite things about growing up in a rural area was being able to go outside and go exploring and not have to worry about being in danger. There is nothing more exciting then finding a new place somewhere in town or in the woods and just spending time there enjoying the natural beauty around you.

16. To be prepared for anything.

You never know what may happen. If you get a flat tire, you better know how to change it yourself because you never know if you will be able to get ahold of someone else to come fix it. Mechanics might be too busy , or more than likely you won't even have enough cell service to call one.

17. That you don't always have to do it alone.

It's okay to ask for help. One thing I realized when I moved away from my town for college, was how much my town has taught me that I could ask for help is I needed it. I got into a couple situations outside of my town where I couldn't find anyone to help me and found myself thinking, if I was in my town there would be tons of people ready to help me. And even though I couldn't find anyone to help, you better believe I wasn't afraid to ask.

18. How to be creative.

When you're at least an hour away from normal forms of entertainment such as movie theaters and malls, you learn to get real creative in entertaining yourself. Whether it be a night looking at the stars in the bed of a pickup truck or having a movie marathon in a blanket fort at home, you know how to make your own good time.

19. To brush off gossip.

It's all about knowing the person you are and not letting others influence your opinion of yourself. In small towns, there is plenty of gossip. But as long as you know who you really are, it will always blow over.

Grateful Beyond Words: A Letter to My Inspiration

I have never been so thankful to know you..

I can't say "thank you" enough to express how grateful I am for you coming into my life. You have made such a huge impact on my life. I would not be the person I am today without you and I know that you will keep inspiring me to become an even better version of myself.

You have taught me that you don't always have to strong. You are allowed to break down as long as you pick yourself back up and keep moving forward. When life had you at your worst moments, you allowed your friends to be there for you and to help you. You let them in and they helped pick you up. Even in your darkest hour you showed so much strength. I know that you don't believe in yourself as much as you should but you are unbelievably strong and capable of anything you set your mind to.

Your passion to make a difference in the world is unbelievable. You put your heart and soul into your endeavors and surpass any personal goal you could have set. Watching you do what you love and watching you make a difference in the lives of others is an incredible experience. The way your face lights up when you finally realize what you have accomplished is breathtaking and I hope that one day I can have just as much passion you have.

SEE MORE: A Letter To My Best Friend On Her Birthday

The love you have for your family is outstanding. Watching you interact with loved ones just makes me smile . You are so comfortable and you are yourself. I see the way you smile when you are around family and I wish I could see you smile like this everyday. You love with all your heart and this quality is something I wished I possessed.

You inspire me to be the best version of myself. I look up to you. I feel that more people should strive to have the strength and passion that you exemplify in everyday life.You may be stubborn at points but when you really need help you let others in, which shows strength in itself. I have never been more proud to know someone and to call someone my role model. You have taught me so many things and I want to thank you. Thank you for inspiring me in life. Thank you for making me want to be a better person.

Waitlisted for a College Class? Here's What to Do!

Dealing with the inevitable realities of college life..

Course registration at college can be a big hassle and is almost never talked about. Classes you want to take fill up before you get a chance to register. You might change your mind about a class you want to take and must struggle to find another class to fit in the same time period. You also have to make sure no classes clash by time. Like I said, it's a big hassle.

This semester, I was waitlisted for two classes. Most people in this situation, especially first years, freak out because they don't know what to do. Here is what you should do when this happens.

Don't freak out

This is a rule you should continue to follow no matter what you do in life, but is especially helpful in this situation.

Email the professor

Around this time, professors are getting flooded with requests from students wanting to get into full classes. This doesn't mean you shouldn't burden them with your email; it means they are expecting interested students to email them. Send a short, concise message telling them that you are interested in the class and ask if there would be any chance for you to get in.

Attend the first class

Often, the advice professors will give you when they reply to your email is to attend the first class. The first class isn't the most important class in terms of what will be taught. However, attending the first class means you are serious about taking the course and aren't going to give up on it.

Keep attending class

Every student is in the same position as you are. They registered for more classes than they want to take and are "shopping." For the first couple of weeks, you can drop or add classes as you please, which means that classes that were once full will have spaces. If you keep attending class and keep up with assignments, odds are that you will have priority. Professors give preference to people who need the class for a major and then from higher to lower class year (senior to freshman).

Have a backup plan

For two weeks, or until I find out whether I get into my waitlisted class, I will be attending more than the usual number of classes. This is so that if I don't get into my waitlisted class, I won't have a credit shortage and I won't have to fall back in my backup class. Chances are that enough people will drop the class, especially if it is very difficult like computer science, and you will have a chance. In popular classes like art and psychology, odds are you probably won't get in, so prepare for that.

Remember that everything works out at the end

Life is full of surprises. So what if you didn't get into the class you wanted? Your life obviously has something else in store for you. It's your job to make sure you make the best out of what you have.

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essay on why i want to be a early childhood teacher

Why i Became a Preschool Teacher

Provide a personal narrative or a series of interviews with preschool teachers explaining their motivations for choosing this profession. Highlight the joys and challenges of early childhood education, the impact on children’s lives, and the personal and professional rewards of teaching young learners. Discuss the skills and qualities essential for being an effective preschool teacher. At PapersOwl, you’ll also come across free essay samples that pertain to Employment.

How it works

For many years, the uncertainty of what age a child should start school has been an ongoing problem. When the time comes, eventually parents need to send their children to school. Who doesn’t like a head start? Why not take advantage of the early opportunity? Parents sending their children to pre-k benefits them in being ahead in their academic skills for kindergarten and later on in their studies. Not only do these children’s studies improve but preschool promotes structure, socialization, and easier transitions.

Although some may be stuck on the idea of keeping them at home until school is mandated, school curriculums are changing and only getting more advanced. In the end, the only ones affected are the children and their future. When entering preschool, starting off strong is key in the first few years of schooling due to the lack of familiarity for a child. Preparation for Kindergarten starts a year before, and what’s a better way to familiarize a child than starting in preschool? Preschool promotes recognition of letters and numbers instead of just memorizing the ABCs and the “pointing-to-count” technique. 

The Sydney Morning Herald stated that “ children who attend a high-quality early childhood program in the year before school are up to 40 percent ahead of their peers by the time they reach year three in primary school.” There is nothing wrong with learning at an early age, and keeping them at home isn’t as beneficial. Being ahead is always better than falling behind. Preschool has lifetime effects. Promoting structure in a preschool is crucial. When having structure, students feel secure and have a relief of knowing when things happen in the typical school day. A structured environment aids children by learning order and organization, knowing what is expected of them and when, and developing self-discipline. According to Psychology Today, the source stated statistics that prove going to preschool develops a structure for ongoing years. “At age 28, the adults who received preschool educations years before had significantly higher job prestige, earnings, and socioeconomic status.” What children carry out in a preschool setting is carried out through life. In order for a healthy future, getting children to improve in social skills is necessary. Socialization skills are essential and are a big part in why parents want their children in preschool. Getting them to be social is another key lesson that they carry on during their lives. Once children begin attending school, they aren’t just socializing with their family and the people they are familiar with and see on a daily basis.

As expected, people get offended when I tell someone, who I think is not cut out to be a preschool teacher. They ask me, “Why? Teaching is the easiest job in the world and anyone can do it easily.” And few have even gone to the extent of saying, “If someone can not find any work, they become a preschool teacher, so what makes teaching so special?” Teachers, all over the world, know otherwise. Teaching is not only hard and tiring, it is, in some cases, also thankless and highly unappreciated.

What makes teaching such a noble profession is the fact that a preschool teacher does not only educate but also guides and inspires the ?????? to become an essential pillar or at least a viable element of society. Once bonded, a student becomes an integral part of a teacher’s life, who can never be forgotten. No matter how old you have grown or how far you have gone in your life, your teacher will always remember you. (Unless they are suffering from a memory loss)

Since I was a troubled pupil in my early school years, I was able to connect better with my students during my preschool teaching career. I was able to understand the problems they faced yet could not tell me and helped them accordingly. What made me so sincere towards this profession was the fact that my own school teachers made tremendous efforts to help become me an acceptable individual in society. If it had not been for them, my life would not have been very successful. I drew my motivation from this fact and took it upon myself to go beyond the limits to help my students.

Unlike most other professions, preschool teaching is the closest one to parenthood. A teacher not just sacrifices time but also mental peace and physical health. Always thinking of new ways to teach and new ideas to make lectures interesting but in the end, very few are recognized or appreciated for their efforts. Surprisingly, this does not stop a teacher from working towards the success of the students, because like a parent, a teacher’s efforts are not directed towards rewards or recognition but towards the success of their students. Apart from our loved ones, teachers are the only people who will cherish your success in life.

A preschool teacher is responsible for the future of the next generation. This is not a profession for the weak, irresponsible or unconcerned, who are in it just for the money. This profession will test your limits, put you to your wit’s end and turn you into an exhausted, sleep-deprived but morally satisfied individual. I love this profession and have worked with sheer determination, diligence and persistence because in return I received tremendous love, guidance, and most importantly respect but you should take a moment and ask yourself,


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Future Educators

Future Educators

Helping America's Future Teachers

I Want to Become a Teacher Because | My Dream Job Essay

My dream is to become a teacher . If you have this dream, you’re not alone. Here’s a collection of short essays by aspiring teachers. Current and future education students were asked to describe their motivation; what inspires them to succeed at their teacher training studies.

In these 31 student essays, future educators answer the question “I want to become a teacher because …” or “I want to become a teacher to …”. The short student essays are grouped thematically, forming the top reasons to become a teacher.

1. Giving Brings Its Own Rewards

Early childhood teacher

Helping people is the unifying theme as to why students are inspired and motivated to become teachers. Education is a field where you can help young people directly in a personal way; potentially changing their lives for the better. Teaching is more than just a job.

For a significant percentage of education students, the opportunity to be of service provides plenty of motivation to pursue a teaching career. In each Why I Want to Become a Teacher essay here, a future educator explains why teaching is an opportunity to do something meaningful and beneficial.

by Hanna Halliar

If I can make an impact in just one child’s life, I will be able to consider myself successful. That is my motivation. As a future educator, what else would it be?

Every day that is spent in class, the late nights at the library, the endless hours of studying are all just steps getting me closer to the goal. When I am still up at 1 a.m. struggling to keep my eyes open, but only half way through my 6 page paper I remember how excited I am to work with my own students one day.

To me, being a teacher is so much more than the typical response most people have towards education majors. “Oh, you’re going to be a teacher. You know how much you will make?” Yes, I’m aware that I will be making an average of $50,000 a year in Indiana.

To me being a teacher means that I get the opportunity to not only teach my students math, English, and science but to teach life lessons that will stick with them as well.  It means walking into school every day being the reason my students look forward to coming to school. It means being surrounded by crafts, books, and music and not being stuck in an office. It means educating our future generation. And if somebody has to do it, it should be somebody who is passionate about it.

So what motivates me to study? It is so simple, it is the kids.

by Savannah Stamates

I lay awake at night and practice my first morning message to my first round of students whom I will not meet for more than a year.

I wonder if I will have hungry children, happy children, or broken children. I wonder if I will be good enough or strong enough to reach those most in need.  I wonder if my students will trust me enough to tell me that they are hungry, happy, or scared.

I worry that I will not be strong enough to share their burden or provide a place for peace and learning. I worry that I will misread their actions or their words or miss them reaching out.

So I study, even when I am tired from working two jobs or sick of not being where I want to be. When my time comes to walk into that classroom, my worries and doubts will be silenced by the knowledge I have mastered and the dream I have finally achieved.

by Charity Latchman

Dreams for the future are subjective. They can be based on what we desire. But visionary dreams are not only for us. Imagine asking some of the greatest revolutionaries and pioneers about their dreams. They generally had others in mind. In the famous “I have a Dream” speech, Civil Rights leader Martin Luther King Jr said “we” more than thirty times. Dreams are not for our benefit alone, but to encourage, inspire and benefit others.

Recently I graduated from California Baptist University with a degree in English literature. During my studies, I was cared for my disabled mother. She was a religious studies professor who inculcated me with a diligent and steadfast approach to schoolwork. Managing the role of caregiver with university studies was challenging. But the goal to become a teacher kept me going. Approaching graduation, my mother was diagnosed with throat cancer. She didn’t worry about herself as much as you might expect but kept pushing me to finish the final paper in the program.

With her encouragement, my faith, and a burning desire to teach English literature, I graduated. My motivation comes from wanting to help, to encourage, and to inspire others.  Teaching is an act of giving that has its own rewards.  Life’s trials bring ups and downs. But we must always strive to attain our dreams, especially when others are central to them.

by Katheryn England

As a high school senior, many people assume I’m prepared for college and know what I want to study after graduation. These assumptions cause me to experience moments of self-doubt. Then I re-evaluate what I want for myself, and what it is that keeps me working towards my dreams. Through the goals I’ve set for myself, I can maintain focus, move past my self-doubt and succeed. By focusing on my goals, I can make a difference in the world directly around me.

A goal I have in my life is to be an elementary teacher, also known as an early childhood teacher. As a teacher,  I can share the knowledge I’ve gained to leave behind a better future for our world .

Last year, I had the opportunity to work alongside a previous elementary teacher and mentor of mine. I’d visit her classroom daily, and taught lessons alongside her or independently. Uniquely, they were the opening act in my high school’s original winter play. They read first-hand from our scripts and learned what happens behind the scenes. Showing a new part of the world to the youth of my community has motivated me to pursue my dreams.

Remembering this experience and the positive influence I had on those students helps me overcome self-doubt and stay focused on my goals. Thanks to the goals I’ve set for my life, I not only can find purpose for my efforts, but find the will to be confident in whatever choices I make.

by Emma Lillard-Geiser

I have always known that I would become two things: a mother and a teacher. What I didn’t know is that I would become the mother before the teacher. Having a child that depends on me is what fuels my desire to succeed in life. When I get frustrated with my studies I take a deep breath, look at my daughter, and know that I have reason to persevere. I know that one hour of studying will give me hours with my daughter as soon as I am done.

My mother is a teacher and growing up I cherished learning from her. She had knowledge that I admired and I quickly realized that I had to spend my whole life learning. I love to learn, to have that light go off in my head when it all just clicks.

I cannot wait to see that light in the eyes of my daughter and my future students.  For every thing that I learn, is another thing I can teach someone else.  It isn’t easy to study when you have a small child to take care of but I know that my education will provide me with the ability to take care of her for the rest of our lives.

2. Help Disadvantaged Students

Teacher helping disadvantaged student

Students are disadvantaged for many reasons, whether it’s because of a handicap, where they live, economic disadvantage or a language barrier.

Future educators may want to become teachers so they can make a difference in the lives of students who face extra learning challenges. This special interest often comes from the future teacher’s own experience, either personally or involving people they’ve known.

by Ian T Thomason

While attending the University of Minnesota-Mankato, I have aspirations of becoming a Special Education Teacher. Becoming a Special Education Teacher and helping students who have a need for extra help and students who are having troubles with everyday life are things that I dream of doing.  I was in their shoes once and know how difficult it is to deal with everyday life and how nice it was have a teacher to talk to.

Becoming a Special Education Teacher is my ultimate goal and, when difficult times arise, I have to remind myself of the children out there who have it potentially worse than I. When I remember this, I also think back to all of the support that I had from my parents, family members, and teachers. I also know that there are lots of children who don’t have this type of support and, if I can be there for them, that would make my career choice all the more worth it.

My Special Education degree is something more than just a degree for me. It is a degree that allows me to help children improve their education. I realize that children are our future and that their minds are terrible things to waste. So, instead of wasting their minds, why not put our best foot forward to educate them? My dream is to help kids realize their full potential, promote education and a brighter future for every child.

by Katherine

Motivation allows you to persist through difficult circumstances. Mine comes from a desire to grow into an instructor who is able to make a difference to many children’s lives.

In elementary school, I actually was a special education student. I’ve had to work hard most days of my life to achieve anything. I could not have succeeded without the support of some absolutely amazing teachers. Now I desire to take on that supporting role for as many students as I can reach.

When a class or an assignment I don’t want to do come up, I think of what motivates me. And the motivation is children. Many students feel powerless about their education, just like I did.  I could be a teacher who turns their education around, providing vital support and motivation to succeed at their studies.  Ultimately, everyone motivates themselves by one way or another. My motivation comes from the pure desire to help future students.

by Robbie Watson

My road to graduate school has been a long one. I studied religion and culture in undergrad, interested in the material, yet not sure how I would apply it later. Yet I found places, got involved in community and international development, engaged with different cultures, and now feel I use my degree every day.

For over two years I worked alongside Congolese refugees in Rwanda, developing educational opportunities for youths who could not finish secondary school in the underfunded camps. It is these refugees, young and old, the students, the teachers, their passion and vision for a better future that has driven me to seek out more education for myself. I remember how they would pay from their families’ meager funds to attend classes led by volunteer teachers. When finances were against them, or time, or family obligations, or the dire depression of the camp life itself, or even government officials were against them, still those students attended, still those teachers taught.

It is their example of perseverance towards a goal against all odds that inspires me now. I think of them often, think of the friends they were, are still. And I think of how that passion is in me now, to better understand education so that I might better educate, and thus equip such downtrodden communities to work for transformation themselves. I work not only for myself, and am motivated by the potential in those students and educators, which is also in me, and in others like them.

by Natalie Pelayo

I’m a young Latino woman working towards the goal of earning a bachelor degree in bilingual education. On occasions, I feel a slowing in my motivation. But, every time it happens, I think about the goal and that pushes me to move forward.

Looking back to a middle school class I attended, there was a boy who never really participated. He sat in his hoodie, looking down to his desk. Only after trying to talk with him, I discovered he spoke with broken English and a thick Spanish accent. It seemed as if no-one in our class actually knew that he struggled to understand what was being taught because it was presented in English.

By his manner, it was apparent that he had already accepted a dismal fate. Past teachers may have been unable to communicate with him. Eventually, he’d become demoralized.  Thinking about the disadvantages he had to endure provides ongoing motivation to study hard.

I aim to become a bilingual elementary school teacher to support young Spanish-speaking children. As a teacher, I’ll be able to show them that they can succeed. Children need not grow up thinking they’re incapable of learning due to a language barrier. I’ll keep working towards my goal to help ensure teaching is inclusive of all children, no matter their first language.

by Abigail Young

I am an American citizen, but my whole life I have lived in Cameroon, Africa. I have been blessed with an enormous amount of opportunities and a great education at a private international school.

Every day I have seen children and teenagers around me who do not get the same education or have the same possibilities of a “bright” future. I see schools that are forced to have three children share a small table, paper, and pens. I have seen a badly lit room with poor roofs and walls made from bricks. Even in my school there are numerous Cameroonians, my friends, and classmates that do not have the same chances at a higher level education, although they work just as hard.

When I study, I study hard because I do not want to let this chance and opportunity go to waste. I study because I have been undeservedly blessed to be able to go the United States for a high education with better chances at getting scholarship money. I study my hardest because  it is my dream that I may come back and make a difference in countries like Africa with poor education systems . It should be a right for children to be able to learn like I have. Therefore, because of this mindset, I am driven to study not just out of thankfulness for my circumstances, but also in hope that I may be able to give other children a better chance, and a greater reason to study.

3. Helping Many People Is Achievable in Teaching

Crowded classroom with many hands up

A powerful source of motivation for some education students is the potential to touch and positively impact the lives of many people. Education is a field of consequence and that’s a good reason for wanting to join the teaching profession.

Over the course of a long career, a classroom teacher may help shape the learning experience of hundreds or even thousands of students. In policy roles, educators can affect millions of people.

by Rachel Bayly

Through high school I worked as a teacher at a daycare. When I left for college I said goodbye to a lot of people, including my students. All summer I had woken up at five in the morning to go to work and wait for them to arrive and put a smile on my face. Those kids motivated me to keep waking up and working hard, and leaving them was not easy.

The thing that made that goodbye worth it, the reason that I keep pushing through this tying chapter of my life is that  I am determined to improve early childhood education in the United States .

I want to be a positive force in the lives of as many children as I possibly can, and I plan on doing that by improving standards and policies for early childhood education and making it more affordable.

Every week I write in my planner, “I will make a difference” and one way that I will change the lives of children and families. On days that I find myself asking, “why am I here?” “why am I going into debt, paying to be stressed out all the time?” I think of my students. I read my “I will make a difference” statements.

I remember that some children out there are stuck in low quality child care centers, they will never reach their full potential, and they need help. I keep working hard everyday so that I can help those children.

by Megan Burns

My ultimate goal is to change the lives of people. Studying to be a teacher is hard. All of the classes that are required, all of the practicums, and all of the time spent just to become a teacher is stressful, but the thought of being able to help just one person changes everything.

It takes one person to be a light in someone’s life. It take one person to be a helping hand. It takes one person to change an unmotivated, broken life, and make it brand new. Qualified teachers are those people.  We motivate students to do their best, we guide students to success when no one else will, and we are always available to listen.  One teacher can change the lives of thousands of students. That is my motivation.

I know that after college, I will be a teacher, a guider, a counselor, and a friend to so many students. No matter how many bad days I have or how many times I want to quit, I just think of what is to come in the future. I can be that change this world needs, even if its in a small high school classroom. It just takes one person.

by Victoria Shoemkaer

My dream is to make a difference in the life of children.

  • To make them excited about learning.
  • To make it fun the way it used to be when they were younger.
  • To show them that someone cares about them and wants to see them succeed.
  • To show that they are much more that a test score or a number.
  • To believe in them so much, that I do not let them get discouraged from chasing their dreams.
  • To showing them that everyone fails and it’s your recovery that determines what happens next.
  • To sacrifice myself to gives them more opportunities for success.
  • To encourage students to succeed in and out of the classroom for the betterment of themselves and the community.
  • To inspire them to change the world, because they can.
  • To help them transform into caring and compassionate adults who are ready to conquer the word, but remember where they came from.
  • To teach them to do good in the world because anyone can accomplish doing well.

Most importantly, my dream is to make children feel like their voice is important and valued and that they are loved more than they know.

4. Lives Can Be Improved by Dedicated Instructors

African boy showing a computer tablet

Teaching a subject such as Math or English is the everyday task of a teacher. But our prospective teachers see a greater purpose in their training and career path.

The daily motivation to teach doesn’t come from the superficial advantages of a teaching career, such as great job security or extra vacation time. Here are stories by future educators who want to go beyond the curriculum and improve people’s lives all round.

by Savannah Luree Weverka

Teachers are the ones who ignited my love for learning and there is not a day that goes by when I do not challenge myself to a personal goal of lifelong learning.

My mother is a teacher, so I was a student educated in an institution filled with support and a home that also supported education. I recall many teacher “get-togethers” and Husker parties where an informal invitation led to my presence.

Due to all of this support and interaction received throughout my elementary and high school career, Elementary Education continues to be at the top of my career choices. And now, as a senior looking forward to graduating from high school,  teachers remain my role models .

In considering a focus in Elementary Education, I now realize that many teachers not only teach children eight hours of the day, but become doctors for scraped knees, dictionaries for challenging words, mediators between students, and parents away from home.

Now, as I am taking the steps to make my dream come true I hope to make school an escape to free their minds and expand their knowledge. I want to share my love of learning with my students.

by Aaron Banta

Since I was younger, I have had the dream of becoming a history teacher at the high school level. The reason I am striving for this career is thanks to a teacher I had.  They held such a passion for history and taught it so well that it made me want to keep learning everything I could about it.

In college, I have had to work multiple jobs and attend school full-time. I would wake up early in the morning and not get home until late at night. The one thing that kept me on top of my studying and work was the dream I have; to be able to teach history and express my love for it by teaching the next generation. I strive to impact their lives for the better just like mine was.

Being able to pass my courses and get a degree and teaching credentials is the first main goal I am striving for. But being able to have a positive impact on students I have will be an even greater goal that I want to accomplish. I am hoping to guide them through their study of my favorite subject so I can teach them about the world and help them just like my teacher had helped me.

by Chelsea Rogers

At USC Upstate, I am studying to be a Secondary Education Mathematics teacher. The math courses are not easy and the education courses pushes you to challenge yourself. The thought of being a future teacher is what motivates me to keep pushing.

Although I do not know any of my students, they are precious to me and I believe it is my job to change their lives for the better.  Teaching math is my job, but looking beyond my content and into the wellbeing of my students is my passion.

The question I always ask myself is how can I teach students who may not trust me? I have to establish a connection with each student so that they will see I care about them academically, physically, and emotionally. Once students see that you care about them in these areas, it becomes easier to teach them and they are willing to perform to the best of their ability because they know their teacher supports them 100 percent. Being a great teacher is what motivates me to continue striving for my degree.

by Micayla Watroba

One plus one is two. Phone is pronounced with an F sound. 60 divided by 15 is 4. An essay typically has five paragraphs. I know all these things because I went to school. I also had teachers that helped me understand it even when I didn’t get the same opportunities as everyone else.

See, when I was in first grade I was diagnosed with ALL Leukemia. This made school very hard. I was either out of school so often that I missed entire chapters or I was bullied so badly that I couldn’t focus because I was so scared. Having cancer also made it hard for my mom and dad to pay for food and rent much less after school activities and tutoring. I grew up knowing that there were some things that were just not in reach for us. 

For as bad as I had it, I can’t imagine having to live on the streets, going hungry, or even being taught in a language I don’t know.

My dream is to be the teacher that makes sure that every student gets an education that helps them succeed.  I want to make sure that my students not only enjoy being at school but feel safe while there.  My students will know that it doesn’t matter where they came from or what background they came from. I am going to be there and I will not leave them behind. This is my dream.

5. Promote Lifelong Learning in Young People

Curriculum delivery in the classroom

What inspires some people to become teachers is the power to set young people on the right education path. Helping children to have good early experiences and embrace the learning process can profoundly enhance someone’s life. The potential for transformative early development applies to handicapped and disadvantaged kids as much as anyone.

by Lesley Martinez-Silva

I aspire to make a difference in others’ lives through education. I’m studying to be an elementary school teacher because I believe that children can achieve so much more if they learn early of their potential.

Education has always been my priority. My parents always stressed the importance of obtaining an education, having missed that opportunity themselves. My parents taught me as a child that schooling was vital to success in life. Truly, that lesson has been the most important in my path to college. I don’t think I would’ve made it this far had I not taken my education seriously.

I want to teach others about the importance of education so they too can prosper.  Everything I’m learning at university is important for my future career and, if I don’t study it, I’m failing my future students. Every child deserves the best education available and I should strive to be the best educator possible to provide that for them. When balancing academics, work, and my social life, it can get challenging to keep going. But, with the future of children’s education in my hands, I always get back on track.

by Brianna Rivers

One of my goals is to become a teacher and work in an public elementary school within the greater Boston area (possibly my own elementary school). I want to be a teacher because I enjoy working with children and I know how important teachers are in children’s lives. I plan on receiving my Bachelor’s degree for Early Childhood Education and my Master’s degree in Special Education.

I want to major in Early Childhood Education because  early education is significant for children and is a building block for their future in learning . I also want to major in Special Education because I believe all children should receive equal learning opportunities as well as equal treatment (meaning an inclusive environment, etc).

I think all of my experiences have a positive impact on myself because I am learning more about what it takes to be a teacher and what it takes to be a good teacher. My experiences also have a positive impact on the children and adults I work with. I offer a helping hand to the teachers and a friendly face to the children.

I plan to continue to work hard and take advantage of learning opportunities to achieve both of my goals. Being a teacher is my desire and I will stop at nothing to be a great teacher one day.

by Jennamarie Moody

When I close my eyes, I picture myself in a school located in an urban setting, teaching a classroom of diverse yet alike students. These students are in the second grade, meaning that they are impressionable yet vulnerable to their environment whether this means at home, at school, or in their greater community.

Some of these students don’t speak English as their first language, and some come from low-income households that can limit their educational experiences outside of the classroom. And yet, no matter what differences these students bring to the table, their uniqueness flows throughout the classroom in such a positive energy that embraces, respects, and promotes learning. This is the goal I am working towards; the goal  to inspire our youth to become self-advocates for their learning .

Opportunities for equal educational experiences may not exist, however the beauty lies in the growth of love young students can develop as they are challenged in the classroom to question their surroundings. I plan to make a difference in the lives of the children I meet along the way, and to create a safe learning environment.

Although the tests for certification and studies can be difficult, my passion for education and dedication to shaping the lives of my students is what keeps me going. The end goal is to nurture the development of my students to become active and engaged participants in society, and that is what I intend to do completely.

by Julie Anderson

My long-time goal has been to become a teacher, and this year I’m in a class called Teachers for Tomorrow, where I get to shadow a kindergarten teacher. Working with her and the students has increased my interest in children with special needs.

From here on out, I want to support my students in academics and other parts of their lives so I can help them learn, grow, and succeed. I know that children need a strong start to their school career because the first few years of school are crucial; this is when students begin to love or hate learning itself. Whether or not children enjoy school, they deserve to appreciate learning. Students who love learning will always want to improve themselves.

I will make an effort to provide a loving environment where each child can prosper. However, for students with special needs, this task becomes even harder to accomplish because traditional classrooms are usually set up for non-disabled students.  While I know I can’t “save” every student I teach, and some of them will still hate learning, at least I can start them off right.

When I’m swamped with schoolwork, I will imagine my future students and how I could influence their lives. Even though not all of my college classes will relate to my major, forming a habit of working hard in college will help me to succeed as a future teacher.

6. Teachers Are Excellent Role Models

Enthralled student in classroom

The experience of being helped and transformed by a good teacher leaves a lasting impression. Teaching is considered a noble profession for good reasons.

Some education students are motivated to become a teacher to emulate their own role models. They want to provide the same kind of service they once received. An added reason for pursuing a teaching career is to be a role model to younger people outside the classroom, including one’s own children.

by Teresa Pillifant

My first day – well, more like first semester- of my freshman year in high school was the hardest semester of my whole school career. Usually the kind of student who loves school, I found myself getting stomach aches in the morning and dreading school with my whole being. I was new to the school, and the number of students was overwhelming.

It seemed like there was no relief, except for my first hour Spanish class. Having no friends, I would always arrive at my first hour class early. As this pattern continued, my Spanish teacher and I developed a relationship. My teacher started giving me books to read, asking my opinion on what we should do in class and just talked to me in general about life. Through my teacher’s support, I grew to find my place in the school and became more confident.

Her kind words and actions inspired me to become a teacher myself.  Now, whenever school or life gets difficult, I think of my freshmen year Spanish teacher and how she inspired me. I want to do what she did for me for my future students. Whether it be a difficult test or a challenging class, my goal of making a difference in a student’s life keeps me going.

by Mo Cabiles

The world we live in is hard, unsteady and ruthless. We see this everyday in the harshness of homelessness, to social media screaming for justice. What motivates me to continue on is that I have felt the bitter cold bite of homelessness. I know what it’s like to not have enough to eat and to be scared of what will happen next.

I am fortunate to no longer be in those situations but that, by no means, is an indicator that it will all now come easy. As an adult learner and your “non-traditional” student, there are other obstacles I must overcome. From transportation to childcare or education application mastery to APA formatting, the many roadblocks I tackle both large and small are what I consider to be my victories.

I’ve seen what having a higher education can do for someone and I want that for myself and that of my daughters.  I strive to be a good example for them , to show them that, regardless of social standing and unforeseeable circumstances, if they work hard and put their best effort forward, they can achieve their dreams.

My dream is to obtain my Masters in Education with an emphasis in counseling. I want to be an academic advisor or guidance counselor. I’ve seen so many youths attempt community college and fail because they fell through the cracks. These students need to realize their potential and I want to help them achieve that and to be their cheerleader.

by Gia Sophia Sarris

In every school I’ve ever attended, experienced teachers were there to support and inspire me. I have looked up to these people ever since I was in elementary school, and they have had an immense and positive impact on my life and my view of the world.  My fondness for these people [educators] has led me to aspire to become a teacher.

I want to “pay it forward” and improve the lives of children and teenagers who grow up struggling as I did, or in any way for that matter. I want to make a difference in their lives and let them know that they are not alone with their problems.

This is what motivates me to study hard. Becoming a teacher, I believe, will help me fulfill my purpose in life, which I think is to create happiness and ease the burdens of others. I feel that children and teenagers need this especially, because they are struggling to understand the world and their place in it. I study hard for their sake.

by Jennifer Wolfert

From elementary school to my first year at college, I struggled to establish a dream for myself. Trying to figure out what career I wanted to pursue as successful adult always filled me with anxiety. I had spent multiple years in special education and left with a low academic self-esteem. So, after high school I attended Bucks County Community College in search for more time. Still I made no progress. Then I decided to change my outlook. I stopped asking “what do I want to do?” and started asking “who do I want to be?”. That’s when my dream took shape.

The educators that I met during my time at community college were my inspiration.  They are brilliant, hardworking people with a passion for their specialty that I had never seen before. Their belief in hard work was infectious. School began to fill me with excited anticipation and my grades improved. I started to believe that if I worked hard enough then I could be like them and inspire others like they had inspired me.

At the end of my second year attending community college, I accomplished a task that had previously racked me with fear. I applied to Temple University as a Secondary English Education major. I have now completed my second semester at Temple and earned my first 4.0 GPA. In time, I am confident that I will be able to accomplish my dream. I will become the passionate and inspiring educator that my younger self never had.

by Jenyfer Pegg

My entire life has been filled with discouragement. I grew up in a household where I was constantly told “No”. I was told my ideas were stupid and would not work. In my junior year of high school, my teachers and counselors started talking about college and sending in applications to different places. At that point, I knew I was not going. I came from a poor family and I knew we could never have money for something like college.

But I went on college visits, I listened to people speak about their college, and I was set. I had a lot of things pushing me, except the one thing I really wanted, my family. No one in my family has gone to college, and when I told my mother, she was shocked. She told me she just wanted me out of the house.

When I came to school, I realized I wanted to teach high school. I want to make an actual difference in someone else’s life. My family has taken the same road for years, and I’m not going down that road. I won’t live paycheck to paycheck like my mom, I will be a person that others will look up to.

I’m going to do something worthwhile, and I will work harder than anyone else if it gets me there.  I’ve seen what my life will be like without school and motivation and there is absolutely no way I’m going down that road. I’ve got bigger plans.

7. Unlock the Success Potential of Students

College student holding books

Educators want to help students in every way they can but, for some future teachers, the focus is on helping students soar. That child in front of you in the classroom might grow up to do great things for society, raise a strong family, or just be happy and fulfilled.

Whatever the potential of a pupil, a teacher’s job is to help unlock talents and remove any barriers to future success.

by Tamara Vega

The thing that motivates me the most is the thought of having my own classroom someday. I want to be the teacher that changes a child’s life, inspires them to set high goals for themselves and encourages them to reach it.

College can be so hard at times and I get really anxious and scared. I worry about not passing my classes and exams, I worry about not getting my degree. Despite that I do not give up because I have to do this and I want to do this.

I cannot see myself doing anything else besides teaching, I have never been this passionate about something. I want to graduate and get my degree. I’d love to look at it and say, “I worked hard for this and I earned it”.

The idea that the students in my classroom could grow up to cure cancer, or become president, pretty much anything they want, brings me so much excitement.   I want to be the teacher that they remember, the one who helped them realize their dream and who gave them the knowledge needed to reach it.

Be the teacher that I needed as a child but unfortunately never had. That is what gets me through all the stress and anxiety, I know in my heart that all the studying I’m doing right now will be worth it in the end.

by Nicole Gongora

The dream of success motivates me to study – not my success, my future students’ success. I push myself through the rough spots for them.

I was a lost child in high school; I didn’t know how to apply to college, let alone afford it. No child should have to experience that. As a future educator, I am committed to helping my students succeed, achieve more, and continue onto higher education.  Every child should be given the opportunity to showcase their strengths and follow their dreams.

College was never a dream for me; it was a far off, unattainable fantasy. I met some inspiring teachers in high school who encouraged me to change my life and who helped me to thrive. Without them, I wouldn’t be where I am today.

I plan to work at a low-income school similar to the one I attended. These types of schools are the ones who lack resources. I will serve as a resource to my students and I hope to be an inspiration to them. In turn, I hope they become kind, respectful adults. I want them to see the virtue in helping others and I hope they will serve others in their future careers. I want to be the teacher they remember. I want to be the teacher that helped them succeed.

I’ll feel successful as a teacher if my students are successful in attaining their goals. If one student decides to achieve more then I will have lived out my dream.

by Madison Sherrill

I’ve decided to become a teacher because I want to show the value of compassion and diversity.

As I begin college this upcoming fall, my main motivation is the students. While I haven’t even met them yet, they inspire me to persist in my classes and stay optimistic.  My classroom will support innovative thinking and celebrate each student’s individuality.

As a classroom teacher, I want to encourage and positively influence the next generation. They should know that they can be successful and achieve what they aspire to become while making the world better. By teaching the value of inclusiveness and the power of kindness, my students may turn out to be visionary thinkers and leading members of society.

by Alicia Costin

I am returning to school after taking a few years off. After graduating from California Lutheran University with my BS in Mathematics, I wanted to land a job with benefits and begin my “adult life”.

While it took me a few months to find my current job, is it just that; a job. I have benefits, a full-time schedule, weekends and holidays off, but am I happy? Is this what I want to do as a career for the rest of my life? I have asked myself this question a few times and the answer is always the same; no.

My dream is to become a teacher and help motivate and encourage students to do their best in their studies and in life.  It is my dream to do what I was meant to do; shape young minds and help future generations.

When things become difficult during my graduate program, I know to keep pushing, thriving, and studying hard so that, when I do become a teacher, I can use this as a positive story to shape their way of life. I landed a job outside of college, however now it is time for me to land my career.

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  • – Your best job interview coach since 2011

Interview questions answered: Why do you want to be a preschool teacher?

Applying for a place in a study program, or for your first teaching job, you will always get at least one question about your motivation . It can be “What motivates you to teach?”, “What goals do you want to achieve as a teacher?”, or “Why do you want to be a preschool teacher?”. Interviewers want to make sure that you know what you are doing , and do not just follow a dream of your parents, or an ambition of someone else.

You can refer to several things in your answer to this tricky question. First of all, your love for teaching and for working with small children . Secondly, your strengths and personal traits that make from you a good candidate for the job, and should help you in your work with children between three to five years of age. Thirdly , your own expectations when it comes to both your career and personal life. What you want to achieve, and what role a job at preschool plays in it.

Last but not least, you can get more philosophical, talking about crisis of values and issues we face in the world right now , and explaining how early education can make all the difference in a way a child approaches these challenges, and perhaps even help to address them down the road, and save the world…

Let’s have a look at 7 sample answers to the question. I tried to include some unconventional answers on my list, to help you see all the possibilities, and eventually come up with an answer that will stand out and help you to eventually sign the coveted employment agreement.

7 sample answers to “Why do you want to work as a preschool teacher?” interview question

  • I believe it is an ideal career choice for me , considering my strengths and personality. Children find me easy to talk to, and generally they enjoy my company . I understand their emotional world very well, and come up with a proper reaction in a majority of situations. What’s more, I am patient and do not mind spending long hours with activities such as singing and drawing, which I again see as a big plus in preschool. To sum it up, considering everything I know about myself , I see preschool teaching as the best career choice.
  • I want to teach at preschool because this jobs fits my picture of an ideal life . Money does not motivate me, and I am not someone who would work 250 hours a month in some corporation, regardless of the remuneration package. On the contrary, I am a family person , I want to start my own family one day, and have good life-work balance . I personally know several preschool teachers. They are happy women, not stressed , coming back from work at 3pm, having plenty of time to enjoy the afternoon with their families or friends. I can imagine myself in their place. And since I really enjoy being around children , I see no reason why this won’t be a great career for me.
  • I just love to teach children . The smaller the better. Of course, I am not naive, and from my short teaching experience at an elementary school I already know it isn’t always a bed of roses. Some children will struggle with discipline , and many children have diagnoses nowadays, such as ADHD. It makes the job more challenging, but I am up for the challenge , and believe I can make a great progress with these children as well, or at least make sure thy progress at their pace, while not spoiling the time of other children in the classroom. To sum it up, I see preschool teaching as a great job for someone like me.
  • Well, it is the next logical step in my professional career . I have recently earned my Bachelor in the field, and the CDA certificate. I’ve done all I could to prepare for this career –at least in theory, plus I’ve also often worked as a babysitter, helping my neighbors with their 4 years old. Now it is finally time to put into practice all I’ve learned , and get my first full time job as a preschool teacher. I cannot wait for my first day , because I really love this type of work, and understand the importance of this period in the life of every child.
  • This may sound a bit exaggerated, but working as a preschool teacher I hope to play my role in saving the planet . Let’s be honest. Climate change threatens us all. But older people are often too stubborn and accustomed to their lifestyle to be able to proceed with profound changes required to save the world as we know it today. Everything is different with children . They are just discovering the world at this age, trying to understand it, forming their habits and formulas of thinking. We teachers should help them develop the right values , and make sure that protecting environment is on the top of the list , because without it, everything else loses sense. No wonder so many young people do not want to have children nowadays, seeing no bright future ahead for their offspring. But I believe preschool teachers can play an important role in a positive change , and it is something I aspire to do in my career.
  • I know it may look strange that I apply for this job, having worked 15 years in HR . But I must confess that I am tired from the corporate world , and cannot sustain my present career any longer. Endless meetings, goals, deadlines, greed… it is just not my world anymore. I am looking for a more simple lifestyle, and in a way I want to live like a child again . Hence I hope to spend as much time with small children as possible, and job of a preschool teacher is a great opportunity to do so. What’s more, I have many artistic abilities . I play three musical instruments, can paint decently, and I can write nice poems and stories for children, as you can see on my portfolio. I believe children will enjoy their time with me in the preschool, just like I will enjoy my time with them.
  • I want to work as a preschool teachers because it is my childhood dream . All of us dream of some career once we grow up. Some people want to become firefighters or astronauts, others politicians or policemen. But I’ve always wanted to work as a teacher , either at preschool or elementary school. I had great role models in some of my teachers . They helped me to gain confidence and overcome the demons of my difficult childhood , and become the person I am today. Now I would like to pay back the favor, helping other children to develop their full potential, regardless of their background. Let’s make it happen!

essay on why i want to be a early childhood teacher

Conclusion and other questions for preschool teachers

Applying for any job (or for any school), you should always know why . Because none job is easy , regardless of how attractive the job description looks like. The “why” will help you face the challenges and overcome the difficulties on your way to become the best preschool teacher you can be. Inspire yourself with my sample answers, and ensure the interviewers you know what you are doing.

What’s more, do not forget on your non-verbal communication . They have to feel enthusiasm in your voice in order to believe you . First step is always convincing yourself about your motives. Just then will you be able to convince anyone else…

Ready to answer this question? I hope so! Do not forget to check also other tricky interview questions for teachers:

  • Teacher interview: Tell me abut yourself.
  • Why do you want to work for our school district?
  • Preschool teacher interview questions and answers
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essay on why i want to be a early childhood teacher

Why I Chose Early Childhood Education

Since I was little, I have loved children and I was one of those people that had all the neighborhood children doing something. I have always looked after children and everywhere I went I managed to find a child and look after them. I loved it! But I always thought that I could never be a teacher but somehow I was always involved in teaching children in indirect ways or even directly when I ended being the Sunday S chool teacher at our local church. From there on I was involved with children: by been a nanny and even becoming a substitute teacher. When I became a substitute teacher I found out about Stenberg College because I had a possible opportunity to start working at a childcare centre or preschool, so Stenberg sounded interesting. I didn’t really do much research but I heard that it was a great school with great fabulous teachers. At that time, I was working with an open working visa so I am pretty much an international student , so I know that as an international student – schools are much more expensive but Stenberg wasn’t, it’s the same price for everybody international or non- international students . The other thing that caught my attention is that they let you do flexible payments and again since I’m an international student that was exactly what I needed since I couldn’t get a student loan because I’m an international student, and no other school let’s international students do flexible payments . Those were the reasons why I joined Stenberg College and I’m so happy I did!

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School for Thought: Why Study Early Childhood Education?

Early childhood education is one of the most important and impactful careers you can pursue. And if you ask any early childhood educator, they’ll likely tell you how much they love what they do.

Right now, you might have a passion for working with children, and a love for all the wonder they carry. Still, you may be wondering if teaching, or early childhood education in general, is the right career path for you. As you consider your future (and your college degree), “why” is always a critical question to ask.

For some, the love of children and knowledge-sharing is reason enough to pursue an early childhood education degree . However, if you are still asking yourself “why,” keep reading. Below Goodwin outlines some of the top reasons to study early childhood education today.

  • It is a very rewarding field, where you can truly make a difference.

Perhaps the top reason people choose to pursue early childhood education is the personal reward and satisfaction that it brings. Early childhood educators have the very real opportunity to make a difference in young lives, and also influence future generations. They get to ensure that children get off a good start in their lives and in their learning. They get to teach students things that they’ll carry for life. They get to help children explore and succeed, and witness incredible achievements like, “I did it!” in the end.

Children want to learn anything and everything. They want to be able to do things themselves—a big part of growing up. Early childhood educators get to watch these children grow, and help them realize their potential along the way.

As we talked about in a previous article , the younger years are some of the most critical in a child’s life – In fact, the most rapid period of brain development is from birth to age 8. Early childhood educators have the very important job of working with children during this rapid developmental phase. The impression and the impact that early educators have on children during these years is unparalleled.

  • Early childhood education is a very hands-on and creative career path.

When you walk into an early childhood classroom, whether it’s a Head Start program or a Reggio Emilia preschool setting, you can usually expect to see a room blossoming with creativity and inspiration: there is color, there is art displayed on the walls, there are materials that can help students create and visualize their learning. Not everyone can say they work in a place like this.

And as an early childhood educator, you can expect to be fully involved in the creative happenings throughout the classroom. In fact, you might be the one creating that curriculum as part of your role. On top of that, you might find yourself creating materials for a lesson, making bulletin boards for parents, or planning decorations for the classroom. In the classroom, you might find yourself building blocks, counting jellybeans, playing with nature, and/or painting with children. Early childhood educators have the benefit of working right alongside children in a very stimulating environment, which they’ll often say helps to “bring out their inner child.”

  • The career outlook is bright for early childhood educators.

There is always – and will always be – a need for education. If you are looking for an in-demand career, with opportunities now and in the future, early childhood education is a very viable option. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, early childhood educators and workers can expect a bright job outlook:

  • Preschool teachers can expect 10% growth in employment nationwide (faster than the average for all other occupations)
  • Kindergarten teachers can expect an 8% rise in job opportunities nationwide by 2026
  • Over 84,000 jobs will become available nationwide for childcare workers
  • Preschool and childcare center directors can expect employment to grow 11% over the next several years

Job security, and the opportunity for advancement over the years, is a key reason why someone will pursue a certain career path. For early childhood educators, the need, the security, and the room for growth are all there already, and will continue to be there for many years to come.

  • There are an array of job options within the field.

Not only is the field of early childhood education constantly growing and expanding, it also provides an array of opportunities for those just starting out. When you choose to study early childhood education, that does not mean you are choosing a single career like a preschool or daycare teacher. Rather, the field stretches far beyond that. Within early childhood ed, you can pursue careers such as:

  • School readiness teacher (or assistant teacher)
  • Family resource worker
  • Infant, toddler, or preschool teacher
  • Paraprofessional
  • Child specialist with the DCF
  • Curriculum coordinator for young children
  • Early childhood director

There are many reasons to become an early childhood educator today, and these four just scratch the surface. If you have a passion for working with children, if teaching is your calling, or if you simply wish to find a secure career that you love, early childhood education might just be the answer. Now you just need to take the steps to get there.

To become an early childhood educator today, you must have a postsecondary degree in a related field. Some careers require a bachelor’s degree in child study or ECE, while others require an associate degree in early childhood education. You can learn more about the career requirements here . In terms of skills, there certain qualities a great childhood educator will have – patience, understanding, humor, good communication, and creativity are just some of the few. Do you have what it takes?

Learn more about studying early childhood education in Connecticut by contacting Goodwin College at 800-889-3282. You may also visit us online to request more information.

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Goodwin University is a nonprofit institution of higher education and is accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE), formerly known as the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC). Goodwin University was founded in 1999, with the goal of serving a diverse student population with career-focused degree programs that lead to strong employment outcomes.

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essay on why i want to be a early childhood teacher

10 Reasons to Become an Early Childhood Education Professional

Child care aware of kansas.

  • September 2, 2021

essay on why i want to be a early childhood teacher

The Ideas & Solutions blog is intended to provide a forum for the discussion of child care and early education issues and ideas. We hope to provoke thoughtful discussions within the field and to help those outside the field gain a better understanding of priorities and concerns.

By Michelle Gilbert, Early Care & Education Specialist, Child Care Aware of Eastern Kansas

Across the nation, conversations are taking place about the shortage of qualified early childhood professionals. In Kansas, the topic of workforce development comes up at virtually any meeting about our field. There is no denying early educators work hard for low pay, which can make it challenging to recruit people to the field. However, this work also brings many rewards you can’t get in other professions.

The ability to help shape our future. Working with young children is a nurturing profession. The love and care you show children today will shape how they treat others for the rest of their lives.

Supporting strong, healthy families. In early childhood, our work is not just with young children, but with the whole family. Early educators have the opportunity to provide connections to community resources and supports to help families thrive.

The opportunity to work in a fun environment. Young children are playful by nature. While early educators work extremely hard, it is also fun work. There are very few professions where playing dress-up or using playdough is actually encouraged!

Preventing child abuse and neglect. Because of the daily contact and relationships formed with families, early childhood professionals provide a frontline of defense for young children when it comes to abuse and neglect .

Seeing children learn something new. Young children are constantly learning! In fact, there is no other time in our lives when we will learn as rapidly as we do in the first three years of life. Early educators have the joy of planning experiences to support this development and seeing the magic in a child’s eyes when they master new skills.

Being part of a community of like-minded people . The early childhood community is tight-knit and very supportive. By joining professional organizations, like Child Care Providers Coalition (CCPC) or Kansas Association for the Education of Young Children (KSAEYC) , early educators have the opportunity to network with others who share their passion for young children and families.

Every day is unique. When working with a group of young children, there is rarely a dull moment. From the activities and experiences they plan to the environment they provide, early educators are continually adapting to keep things fresh for the children in their care.

The opportunity to be a life-long learner. It is often said that the best teachers are learners themselves. By attending professional development classes , teachers develop knowledge and skills to support their work with young children. By growing their own skills, early childhood professionals feel more confident and competent in their work.

All the hugs and macaroni necklaces you could ever want. Young children find pleasure in the simple things in life. While working with young children, early educators have the ability to set aside the complexities of life, if even for a bit, and be “in the moment” with children as they share their special gifts.

The joy of making a positive difference in the life of a child. Every child deserves a champion – someone who believes in and encourages her to become the best version of herself. Early childhood professionals have the honor of being an advocate or cheerleader for young children every single day!

Child Care Aware of Kansas

Child Care Aware of Kansas connects everyone with a stake in child care — parents, child care providers, businesses, local and state leaders, and community members — to the information and ideas they need to take action. We provide opportunities, connections, and support for Kansans to envision what a better child care system can look like for them. Working within a network of Child Care Resource & Referral agencies, we also connect caregivers and providers to the information and support they need.

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Why I Want to Be a Teacher Essay: Writing Guide [2024]

Some people know which profession to choose from childhood, while others decide much later in life. However, and whenever you come to it, you may have to elaborate on it in your personal statement or cover letter. This is widely known as “Why I Want to Be a Teacher” essay.

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The primary reasons to pursue this career are:

  • Raising new generations and changing the world for the better are your goals.
  • You have all the qualities and skills to become a teacher.
  • Duties, responsibilities, and creativity that the profession involves fascinate you.
  • Growing up, you had a fantastic teacher who became your role model.

If you’re having trouble coming up with arguments, you have come to the right place! Here, at Custom-Writing , we gathered all the essential tips to use in a “being a teacher” essays.

🎓 7 Reasons to Become a Teacher

🛑 7 reasons not to become a teacher.

  • 📜 Paper Types

✍️ “Why I Want to Be a Teacher” Essay

📑 “why i want to be a teacher” personal statement, 🖨️ 50 teacher essay topics, 🤔 why i want to be a teacher faq, 🔗 references.

Why do you want to be a teacher? Being one seems manageable if it’s your dream job. At the same time, it’s the hardest profession that wouldn’t fit everyone. Check the following reasons to become a teacher that you can use in your paper.

Also, the following points are entirely appropriate for children. If they have a task like a “When I grow up, I want to become a teacher because…” essay, they will find this section useful.

🌱 Raising New Generations

Do you think that future generations require different teaching? Do you have an idea of a new proper approach? Whatever you believe, make sure to write about it:

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  • Elaborate on the problem:

Would you like to see a more environmentally-conscious generation? Or do you find that kids lack concentration and the will to succeed? Explain why you consider children and teens need guidance.

To support your argument, give statistics and real-life examples of the problems modern children and teens have. Provide the leading causes and solutions for this issue in your “Why I Want to Be a Teacher” essay.

  • Talk about your reasoning:

How did you understand that the problem above exists? You have to write why you thought about it in the first place.

For example, siblings. Do you have a younger sibling? Or a nephew who often asks you to play with him or her? Then, in your “Why I Want to Be a Teacher” essay, you might mention that this child helped you choose a future career.

  • Explain why you:

What makes you think you might be a good teacher? Does the child enjoy spending time with you? Did you manage to teach the child something useful? Make sure to discuss this in your essay.

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So, are you ready to write about raising new generations? Check this essay sample below to ensure your success:

🎨 Creativity in Teaching

In this kind of essay, you would shift the focus from yourself to the teacher’s profession in general. You’ll elaborate on why you find this profession a great creative outlet.

Talk about creativity that you’ll bring to the classroom. Use this reasoning to explain why this profession is one of a kind and appropriate for you in particular. Do you think that you might use your creative abilities to become an excellent teacher?

To underline your points:

Share several ideas on how to educate children using innovative approaches. Kids are naturally compelling storytellers because of their sincerity and imagination. Maybe, you’ll find a way to use it.

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🔍 Qualities of a Good Teacher

All the educator’s responsibilities require communication and writing skills. They have to acquire accountability, patience, creativity, etc.

You may be wondering: how can this topic help me explain why I want to become a teacher? The essay should compare the qualities of a good teacher with your own. Thus, you’ll show how good you are for the position.

  • Do you believe that a good teacher should be kind? If positive, mention some example that proves your desire to help. For example, you might have volunteered at an animal shelter.
  • Do you argue that a good teacher should be knowledgeable? Tell your readers about your good grades in college.

Still, wondering about how to write a good paper on an educator’s qualities? Check the useful teacher essay sample, written by a student:

🏫 Duties and Responsibilities

While this topic may sound similar to the previous ones, it’s all about how you present your arguments and structure your narrative. This topic offers you an opportunity to examine the day-to-day lives of teachers.

First of all , you can describe the duties and responsibilities of a teacher. Explore it, be it grading assignments, cooperating and communicating with parents, or continuously learning.

Secondly , you can focus on the aspects of teaching that you find rewarding. You can add in your essay writing the sadness that a teacher feels when his or her students graduate. Or talk about the joy they experience when they see students learning and improving their grades.

Whichever approach you choose, make sure it’s beneficial for you and reveals your strong sides.

👩‍🏫 My Best Teacher

This type of essay is similar to the previous ones. Here, you also describe the characteristics of an excellent teacher. There is, however, one key difference:

Rather than describing some abstract figures, you would describe a real-life teacher. Talk about the person who served as a role model and inspired you to pursue this career.

The premise of this essay is excellent:

First , you show an understanding of what the job of a teacher encompasses. Second , you also demonstrate your appreciation for someone who made a difference in your life.

“My best teacher” topic is an excellent opportunity to pay tribute to your teacher or a trainer who has significantly influenced your life.

🦉 Changing the World

How many times have you heard that teachers change the world? It might sound quite trivial, but they do. Educators have a significant impact on the new generation’s development and their effect on society. Their influence expands to every sphere of our life, from business to community, from ecology to economics.

How teachers change the world.

Here are the four secrets of how teachers change the world:

  • Sharing. A good educator shares their knowledge with others: students and colleagues. They bring their ideas and concepts to conferences, write blogs, and hold school meetings. Everyone benefits from this sharing. An educator gets feedback while their audience learns something new and motivating. Yes, it takes a lot of effort to set aside time for this, especially when you have a tight schedule. But it’s worth it. Think, would learning theories have ever existed if teachers didn’t share them?
  • Caring. Educators not only care for their students, but in most cases, they actively participate in charity. Think about what impact it can have when students, parents, and teachers work together for something significant. It can be anything: from planting trees to fundraising for cancer. Such activities help students to gain valuable experience in helping others and saving our planet. In most cases, they will continue doing so even after graduation.
  • Networking. In daily lives, teachers overcome various challenges. The networking and learning from other’s experiences allow the educator to see alternative points of view, motivate others, and find out new approaches to teaching.
  • Reflection. Educators regularly analyze what works and what not at their lessons. Regular observations help them adjust the curriculum or change teaching methods. A critical approach to their work allows the educator to optimize and make their job more impactful.

Now you have all the arguments to consider in your essay about the teacher’s profession.

Teaching is not easy and not a profession you should choose unless ready to face all its challenges. And here’s the “shortlist” of them:

  • Low salary. Yes. Educators from all over the world don’t get paid enough. On average, teachers’ weekly wages are 19.6% lower than those of other professions. So if you are not ready to live, hardly able to make ends meet, being a school educator is not your number one career choice.
  • Teachers spend their salaries on students and school staff. Most teachers spend a part of their earnings on purchasing school tools and gear. In 2012-2013, K-12 educators spent 1.6 billion dollars on classroom supplies. That’s not fair. Are you ready to waste your hard-earned money this way? Moreover, you will have to transport all this stuff to class on your own.
  • Teachers have to deal with all disturbing trends. Des-pa-si-to. Does this song make you roll up your eyes? And what about the whole class with fidget spinners? How about that these things repeat day by day for a couple of months? Think if you can deal with your irritation and anger. If negative, consider another profession.
  • Teachers don’t have weekends and vacations. You may be wondering why. And here’s the answer: they write lesson plans, check countless essays and projects, etc. Yes, in most cases, you won’t have time for yourself and your hobby. And… even for your family.
  • Educators are at high risk of public embarrassment. This means you will have to control everything you post on social media, your behavior, and every word you say to anyone. It’s like living under the microscope. And it’s exhausting.
  • Students always try to escape studying, and some parents blame teachers for that. Have you ever missed an essay submission deadline because of procrastination? Even if the answer is “No,” your students will. And some of their parents will blame you. They can say that you did not adequately explain the lesson material, or you’re too prejudiced to their kids, or… whatever it would be, you’ll be wrong.
  • Students can be abusive. Even the best teacher faced abuse and bullying in class. Think, will you be able to deal with troubled youth and bad behavior day by day?

As you can see, teaching is a stressful, low-paying, and thankless job. There are many reasons not to become a teacher you can use in your paper and to think about when choosing a career. However, many people still decide to be teachers because it is much more than just a profession. They want this career path as the passion of their lives.

📜 Teacher Topic: Paper Types

You may say that it’s just a teacher topic essay, what are we talking about? There are plenty of other types of essays on teaching that your professor may also ask to write. Check our blog to learn more about their specifics.

Below, we will give you all the essentials on being a teacher paper:

🗺️ Application Essay

You will have to write this type of essay when applying for a job. This paper is a crucial part of your application. You have to prove to your future employer that you meet all the requirements of your future career.

At first sight, it’s similar to a CV or a cover letter. But the job application essay is an entirely different paper. And here are some of the features of these papers:

  • Life experience and hobbies. In your CV or resume, you state your hobbies, interests, and even the places you have visited. However, in the teacher application, you provide only relevant information about yourself that clearly shows that your experience makes you the best candidate for this position.
  • Personalization. You may not change your CV when applying to various companies (unless you want to tailor it to a particular employer and position). But your teacher application essay must be customized. Some employers will ask you to tell more about yourself while others require you to solve a specific issue in the application.
  • Your ambitions and enthusiasm. The CV doesn’t show your objectives or attitude to various teaching theories. Otherwise, your employer can ask you to write an essay that represents your professional goals.

🔔 Personal Statement

The personal statement is quite similar to the job application letter. You will write it when applying to a college, university, or for a job. The difference between personal statement and a job application essay is that the first one leaves more space for your creativity.

As in the teacher application essay, you will have to customize it according to the job requirements and express both your ambitions and personal features.

Some employers require you to submit a personal statement along with the CV and cover letter.

💭 Autobiography

You may be wondering why you may need to write an autobiography of a teacher. This essay will be useful for your future portfolio. For example, you can add it to a job search portfolio or “about me” section on social media.

Needless to say that social networking nowadays is an essential part of a job search or career change. So, make sure that your autobiography of becoming a teacher contains only positive details.

However, you have to remember that an autobiography on Facebook or LinkedIn (or wherever you decide to place it) should make your profile searchable .

Above, we’ve provided the pros and cons of being a teacher. We hope, by now, you have the answer to the “why I want to be a teacher” question.

So, another issue arises: how to write an essay? Below we will show you all the essentials on writing teacher topic essays with examples.

1. ✔️ Preparation

Proper preparation is key to an A+ paper. First, you should determine the topic and arguments you will use in your essay on teacher jobs.

The arguments depend on the paper type you have to write. For example, you should prepare merits and demerits, or choose points to use in the argumentative essay. Maybe, you should research for a literature review. Whatever it takes, don’t skip this stage!

2. ✔️ Outline

The next step is to outline your future paper. An outline is a mandatory part of any essay writing. It’s a plan that will let you structure your ideas and stick to the required word count.

Here’s an example of “Why I Want to Be a Teacher” college essay outline:

“Why I want to be a teacher” college essay outline.

In this 300-word “Why I Would Like to Be a Teacher of Political Science” essay, our experts organized the paper structure and put key ideas to explore in the paper. As you can see, after the introduction, they put the topic aspects to cover and left a part for sources analysis.

Make a list of your arguments and ensure that they are logically connected. Your professor can require you to write an outline with headings and subheadings as complete sentences or a series of words (phrases). So make sure you’ve carefully read the paper guidelines and understood them.

3. ✔️ Thesis Statement

After you’ve finished your outline, you can start essay writing. At this stage, you need to develop a good thesis statement.

The purpose of your thesis is to explain your position—the central idea of the essay. Tell your reader what you will write in the paper and explain the significance of the subject.

The thesis statement is usually 1-2 sentences long and concludes the introduction paragraph. You can sketch out your thesis and add some touches after the paper is completed to make sure it meets the essay content.

4. ✔️ Introduction

Next, start with an introduction. Here you will have to briefly show the understanding of the teaching profession and its peculiarities:

  • A teacher essay introduction opens your paper with a hook. This first sentence aims to grab your reader’s attention. You can start it with a quote or an interesting fact.
  • Then provide the context necessary for understanding the issue.
  • End with the thesis statement. Make it as clear and precise as possible.
  • If you have time and space, outline the evidence that you’ll use in the body paragraphs.
  • Try to avoid phrases like “In this essay, I…” or “In my essay, I’m going…”

Here’s how your introduction can look like:

Teacher essay introduction sample.

5. ✔️ Body Paragraphs

Now, it’s time to recall all the arguments and evidence you put in your outline. You will write them in your essay body paragraphs. Depending on the required word count and the number of evidence, the paper body typically contains at least three body paragraphs.

However, some papers can have two body paragraphs. You should know that each idea and point of view must be stated in a separate part. If you have three or five arguments, you have to write three or five paragraphs in your essay, respectively.

Here’s our sample:

Teacher essay body sample.

6. ✔️ Conclusion

And the last but not the least part of your essay is the conclusion. Here you have to summarize all the ideas presented in the body section and explain how they meet your thesis statement.

Don’t try to repeat the thesis word by word or provide any new ideas. Here’s an example of a conclusion for an “I Want to Become a Teacher” essay:

Teacher essay conclusion sample.

If you used any sources, don’t forget to include the reference list in your paper according to the required citation style .

The purpose of the personal statement is to tell the admissions officer or recruiter why you decided to become a teacher. You can be required to submit one along with your college, university, scholarship, or job application.

A teacher’s personal statement is a document where you can express your personality. Want to learn all the dos and don’ts of its writing?

Just keep reading!

📝 Personal Statement: Tips

A typical personal statement is up to 700 words or 4,000 characters long, including intro, body, and conclusion. To keep word count tracking, you can type it in Word or Google Documents. Now, let’s consider critical points of personal statement writing that you can use for college/uni and job application:

  • Intro. Your introductory paragraph is an excellent opportunity to open the statement with memorable sentences about why you chose to become a teacher. Make it bright and clear.
  • Structure. As we mentioned above, each of your points should have supporting evidence. For example, if you’re writing about your experience, explain what you have learned and how this will help you in your future career.
  • Conclusion. The secret of good personal statement endings is to keep it simple and clear. Explain why you would be a perfect asset to this company or college and make a statement on why they would be lucky to have you as an employee or a student.
  • Personal statement for primary teaching. In case you’re going to apply for a teaching role or major, you should mention skills that will be useful for extracurricular school activities. You need to prove that you will be able to help with school plays or organize various off-class events.
  • Postgraduate personal statement. Here, you have to show your abilities and academic interests. Persuade the admission officers how you will benefit from studying the program and your impact on science.

The next point to consider is what to write in the body section of your “Why Do You Want to Be a Teacher” personal statement. Here are some questions to answer in your paper:

  • Why do you want to become a teacher?
  • Why did you decide to teach at this level?
  • What are your strengths?
  • Do you have teaching experience?
  • What personal skills do you have?
  • Why do you think you deserve a place in this company/university above others?
  • What is your background?
  • What are your career goals?

🙅‍♀️ Personal Statement: Common mistakes

A personal statement may be the only way to make a first impression on your recruiter or admissions officer. There might be no other opportunity. That’s why you must know the most common mistakes to avoid:

  • Negative tone. Believe us: no one wants to read the pessimistic, weak, or adverse essay. Even if you have to describe an uncomfortable fact, try to make it positive.
  • Using online templates. If you found a great personal statement template that you think will perfectly fit your paper, stop! Recruiters and college admissions have seen dozens and dozens of them, so there are high chances that your application will be declined. Spend a little more time and write a statement yourself.
  • Including irrelevant facts or lies. Recruiters spend, on average, six seconds on reading the CV and a personal statement. That’s why you should neither tell a cool story about your grandmother’s birthday nor tell lies. In the first case, it’s annoying. Moreover, it may lead to firing or dismissal from the college.
  • Using clichés, jargon, overused words, etc. A personal statement requires a formal tone, so conversational tone is merely unacceptable.
  • Using the same personal statement for different applications. Even if you send your application to ten different companies or colleges, personalize it! Include some facts from the firm’s or university’s history, mission, or vision, and explain how your skills meet them.
  • Leaving writing the statement to the last minute. It takes some time to prepare, draft, and polish your paper to make it stand out from other applications.

10 Cliches to avoid.

If you still need a “Why Do You Want to Be a Teacher?” personal statement example, check the sample below:

In case you want something more than “why did you decide to become a teacher,” check the topics below. We believe that your teacher will appreciate reading your paper.

  • A recess for primary school students. Imagine if you were a school principal. Would you sacrifice breaks in favor of additional study time? Explain your point of view.
  • Homework : yay or nay? Think about how much time students should spend on their homework in elementary school. Should there be any homework at all? Provide your points and evidence and show how they are connected to your teaching philosophy.
  • Technologies in education : pros and cons. Examine the advantages and disadvantages of using desktops and tablets at school and for homework.
  • Handwriting in elementary school . Some schools stopped teaching students cursive handwriting. Provide your point of view on whether handwriting is a lost art or an unnecessary relic.
  • School uniform and dress code. Should students wear a uniform? And what about the teachers?
  • Standardized tests in school. Are these tests discriminatory? Should they be tied to funding? Elaborate on whether they cause too much anxiety for students.
  • Second language learning : advantages and disadvantages. How many languages should an average school graduate know? Do pupils need to learn any second language at school?
  • Armed security in educational institutions. More and more school mass shootings are reported every year. Can armed guards protect students? Do your research on gun control and demonstrate your opinion.
  • Early start times at school . Explore how such start times impact on students’ perception of the lesson material.
  • Inclusive education for children with disabilities . Research the techniques that will fit your students with special needs. Show the connection between them and your teaching approach.
  • Personal philosophy of education and views on teacher’s career .
  • Discuss how teachers can influence students’ personal life .
  • Analyze the social and emotional competencies teachers should possess.
  • Describe the difficulties a teacher may face when working with children.
  • Personal development plan of a teacher .
  • Who is responsible for children’s low academic achievement.
  • Explain why you want to be physical education teacher .
  • Discuss pros and cons of distance education and traditional degree .
  • Describe an ideal public school .
  • Remembering who you were: my teacher .
  • What educational system would you prefer if you were a teacher?
  • Analyze the difficulties a teacher may face trying to implement multicultural educational practices .
  • Compare the efficiency of private and public schools .
  • Road to becoming a good teacher .
  • Why constant professional development is crucial for teachers.
  • Describe an educational style a teacher can use when teaching English as a second language .
  • Is music useful or harmful for student academic performance?
  • Methods teachers can use to improve the school for young learners.
  • Examine the effect a teacher has on student’s personality .
  • Discuss the specifics of teaching music in middle schools .
  • Analyze the crucial meaning of effective student-teacher interaction in inclusive education .
  • Explain the teacher’s role in integration of children with special needs .
  • Reading problems and ways of helping students with reading disabilities .
  • Describe the strategies a teacher can use to improve student learning .
  • What can a teacher do to help students in developing social and emotional skills ?
  • Examine the value of education in student life .
  • Why e-learning is an important part of contemporary education.
  • Teacher’s influence on student’s career choice .
  • Discuss the role teacher plays in students’ moral development .
  • What can a teacher do to avoid workplace burnout .
  • Compare and analyze the role of teachers and parents in students’ math performance .
  • Career goal of a maths teacher.
  • Should the government allow armed teachers on campus for students’ safety?
  • Examine the most important classroom management areas for a new teacher .
  • Why are laptops and iPads so important for students?
  • Analyze how book clubs for teachers can stimulate professional development.
  • Is it right to expel bullies from school ?
  • Motivation to choose a teacher’s profession .
  • Explain why teachers’ attitude is important for educational system success.
  • Why is low teacher retention a real problem and what can be done about that?

Want more tips and advice on resume writing? Check this article on how to make a resume written by our experts!

Good luck with your essay about being a teacher! Share the article with those who may need it.

Learn more on this topic:

  • Scholarship Essay Examples about Yourself
  • How to Write a Scholarship Essay about Why You Deserve It
  • Financial Assistance Essay: Useful Tips to Make It Rock
  • How to Write an Essay Describing Your Financial Need
  • Why i Want to be a Pharmacist Essay: Step-by-step Guide
  • College Application Essay Writing Mistakes to Avoid
  • How to Write a 250 Words College Personal Statement

Becoming a good professional has never been easy. Getting employed as a teacher is not the most difficult part of the process. Acquiring professionalism (e.g., building “soft skills,” psychological competence, broad knowledge base) takes more time and effort.

Formalities of the employment process might not coincide in Canada, US, UK, and any other location. The overall algorithm is as follows:

Choose an educational level and/or a subject to focus on. Study the requirements for the desired role and opportunities to meet them.

Start developing the competencies you are lacking.

Try to recollect how you first thought you would wanna become a teacher

Compose a list of the benefits of this rewarding occupation.

Organize the selected ideas to create a body of the essay. Write an appropriate introduction and conclusion.

Recollect what you dreamed about in your childhood.

Compare it with what you want to be in the future as of today.

Think about the reasons for your choice.

Present the comparison and why your choice looks like this in the essay body.

Write an appropriate introduction and conclusion.

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  • Why I Want to Become a Teacher
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  • How to Write an Autobiography: 8 Steps for Writing Your Autobiography
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  • How to Write a Perfect Teaching Resume (Examples Included)
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  • Essay on Teacher for Students and Children
  • 5 Reasons to Love Teaching
  • Why Do YOU Want to be a Teacher?
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  • How To Write A Great Personal Statement For A Teaching Job
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Why I Want To Do Early Childhood Education Essay

Why i want to do early childhood education.

Early childhood education is one of the most interesting types of teaching for me, as it involves work with the youngest children. I think that the majority of people underestimate the possibilities and opportunities open for these little personalities, which results in poor attention paid to their development. I want to do early childhood education , as I want to change this situation.

There have already been conducted hundreds of researches on the ways children perceive our world, and the more there is discovered, the more questions there appear. It is so interesting to observe little children – the way they start getting familiarized with the world, learning so many valuable lessons, when they simply go for a walk or explore their home. Unfortunately, not all the parents understand how important it is to support their child in this period and let him/her find out as much as possible about the world. In this period the most essential traits of character are rooted.

So, for a professional teacher children in this age are the most valuable, as they can not only learn new things, but can also understand how to learn them in the best way and can acquire the love to knowledge, which teenagers lack so much today. Children are perfect listeners as well, and it is so pleasant to see how quickly your efforts are rewarded.

These are the main reasons why I decided to pursue career in early childhood education . I want to change this world for the better, and I know that teaching small kids is the only possible and right way to do it.

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Why I Want To Be An Early Childhood Teacher Essay?

As an AI language model, I do not have personal preferences or desires. However, I can provide information on why someone may want to become an early childhood teacher. Early childhood teachers play a crucial role in shaping the future of young children. They have the opportunity to create a positive and nurturing environment that fosters learning and development.

By becoming an early childhood teacher, one can make a significant impact on a child’s life and help them reach their full potential. Additionally, teaching young children can be a rewarding and fulfilling career, as it allows individuals to witness the growth and progress of their students. It also provides opportunities for creativity and innovation in lesson planning and teaching methods. Overall, becoming an early childhood teacher can be a fulfilling and meaningful career choice for

Why did you choose to become an early childhood educator?

As early educators, we have the chance to link families with community resources and support systems that can help them flourish. Moreover, we get to work in a fun environment that caters to the playful nature of young children. Although our job requires a lot of hard work, it can also be enjoyable and rewarding.

Why do you love being a preschool teacher?

Teaching preschool education comes with a sense of pride and honor. As a teacher, you are responsible for nurturing and guiding the youngest and most vulnerable members of our society. You have the opportunity to help them learn and develop into responsible individuals while ensuring their safety. This responsibility is significant, and it is one that will undoubtedly bring you a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction.

Why do you want to become a childcare professional?

Many individuals opt for a career in childcare due to their love for working with children. Perhaps they have grown up with numerous siblings, relatives, or younger family members to care for, or they have gained experience as a babysitter over the years and feel that this is the perfect foundation for a fulfilling career.

Why do you want to be a teacher essay example?

As an aspiring teacher, my ultimate goal is to enhance the lives of children. I believe that education is a powerful tool that can positively impact a child’s future. By providing them with the opportunity to learn, I can open doors to new possibilities, broaden their perspectives, and guide them towards a brighter future. Through my teachings, I hope to instill in them a love for learning and a desire to pursue their dreams.

Ultimately, I want to make a difference in the lives of children and help them reach their full potential.

Why do you love being a teacher?

As an educator, witnessing the growth and development of your students is one of the most fulfilling aspects of the job. Whether it’s the moment when a student finally comprehends a challenging concept or when a child masters a new skill, the joy that comes from seeing their eyes light up with newfound knowledge is truly priceless. Teaching is a profession that brings a great sense of pride and accomplishment.

How will you describe yourself as a teacher in the future?

“I am an advocate of mindfulness and believe in the power of meditation to improve one’s well-being. By practicing meditation, individuals can experience a reduction in stress levels and an increase in overall happiness. As someone who values personal growth, I find it fulfilling to see others benefit from this practice. Research has shown that meditation can have a positive impact on mental health, including reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression.

As an adult who may be experiencing high levels of stress in daily life, incorporating meditation into your routine can be a game-changer. It’s never too late to start and the benefits are worth it.”

What is the best answer to tell me about yourself as a teacher interview?

As an educator, I possess a positive and energetic demeanor that allows me to connect with my students. My teaching style is adaptable to cater to the diverse needs and abilities of all learners. Additionally, I am a knowledgeable and industrious teacher who strives for excellence in my profession. My commitment to achieving high standards in education is unwavering.

How would you describe yourself as a preschool teacher?

Aspiring preschool teachers should possess a range of qualities to excel in their role. Patience, organization, and creativity are essential to maintain daily routines and create engaging activities for children. Additionally, problem-solving and effective communication skills are crucial to address any issues that may arise and effectively communicate with parents and colleagues. With these skills, I am confident that I can help children develop important skills in your preschool.

How do you vision yourself as a teacher?

As an educator, my goal is to instill a passion for learning that lasts a lifetime. I strive to design lessons that are not only stimulating and authentic but also relatable to my students’ daily experiences. Ultimately, my aim is to make a tangible and positive impact on the cognitive, social, and personal development of every student in my classroom.

What makes you unique as a teacher?

Every teacher possesses a distinct blend of qualities that sets them apart. It is this uniqueness that makes them exceptional. While every teacher is unique, most great teachers possess a combination of essential qualities such as passion, inspiration, humor, respect, and resourcefulness. These qualities enable them to connect with their students, inspire them to learn, and create a positive and engaging learning environment.

What is your mission in life as a teacher?

As an educator, it is crucial to foster an environment that promotes both individual and collaborative learning. This involves encouraging positive social interaction among students, as well as active engagement in the learning process. By doing so, students are more likely to feel motivated and invested in their education. As a teacher, it is important to recognize the unique needs and learning styles of each student, and to create a supportive and inclusive classroom that allows for growth and development.

Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years as a teacher?

In half a decade, my vision for myself is to be a proficient and self-assured educator who possesses a deep comprehension of both teaching techniques and the subject matter I impart. I aspire to have established significant connections with my pupils and peers, having accomplished numerous triumphs in regards to student education and development.

How do you handle misbehaving students?

How do you answer what motivates you.

When answering the question “what motivates you?” it’s important to be honest and specific. Think about what drives you to succeed and what makes you passionate about your work. It could be a desire to help others, a love for learning and personal growth, or a sense of accomplishment from achieving goals. You can also mention any past experiences or challenges that have motivated you to work harder.

It’s important to show enthusiasm and a positive attitude when discussing your motivations, as this can demonstrate your dedication and commitment to your work. Remember to tie your motivations back to the job you’re applying for, and how they align with the company’s values and goals.

What are your strengths as a teacher?

As a teacher, effective communication is essential to your success. You are constantly interacting with parents and students, so the ability to express your thoughts and ideas clearly is crucial. Empathy is also a vital trait for teachers to possess. Understanding and relating to your students’ emotions can help create a positive and supportive learning environment.

By honing your communication skills and cultivating empathy, you can become a more effective and impactful teacher.

What makes a teacher special essay?

A great teacher possesses a wealth of knowledge, particularly in their area of expertise. They continuously strive to expand their knowledge and provide insightful answers to their students. In addition, a good teacher is like a trusted friend who is always there to lend a helping hand in times of trouble.

How do I write I want to be a teacher?

If you want to become a teacher, there are several steps you can take to achieve your goal. First, you should research the requirements for becoming a teacher in your state or country. This may include obtaining a degree in education or completing a teacher certification program. You should also gain experience working with children, either through volunteering or working in a related field.

Additionally, it’s important to develop strong communication and organizational skills, as well as a passion for teaching and helping others. Finally, you may want to consider joining professional organizations or attending conferences to network with other educators and stay up-to-date on the latest teaching techniques and trends.

What are the good qualities of a teacher?

Good teachers possess a variety of qualities that make them effective in their role. Firstly, they have a passion for teaching and a desire to help their students succeed. They are patient, understanding, and empathetic, and they take the time to get to know each student individually. Good teachers are also knowledgeable in their subject matter and are able to communicate complex ideas in a way that is easy for students to understand.

They are organized and prepared, and they create a positive and engaging learning environment. Additionally, good teachers are open-minded and willing to learn from their students, as well as from their colleagues. They are committed to ongoing professional development and are always looking for ways to improve their teaching skills. Overall, good teachers are dedicated, caring, and effective

How do I see myself 5 years from now as a teacher essay?

In 5 years, I see myself as an experienced teacher who has achieved a high level of success in both academics and student engagement. I aim to have established a strong rapport with my students, by creating an encouraging learning environment where ideas can be exchanged freely and explored deeply.

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essay on why i want to be a early childhood teacher

Why I Want to Be an Early Childhood Teacher Essay

  • Category: Education
  • Published: 11.02.19

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The topic I chose to publish my essay about is being an early child years teacher mainly because that is the things i am learning to be. I have also discovered a lot of interesting facts while undertaking my exploration. Being an early on childhood instructor makes it so the teacher is also a guide to the kids they are instructing and is likewise able to instruct the children new pleasures, and keep all of them safe from any kind of harm that may come their very own way. As a teacher, you should find some new experiences intended for the children to enable them to have fun learning new things and in addition learn quickly.

You will also should be prepared to consult with large categories of people, whether it be the students’ parents, different teachers or maybe the general public. Another very important point about becoming an early child years educator is having strong management skills so that you can have lesson plans, paperwork and also other important papers that are needed to be done in a timely method, instead of waiting until last moment so that you can avoid making any mistakes. When you are a teacher, whether it is for young children, elementary, central and kids, there will be various challenges which come along with it, and so that’s yet another thing that would be good for a teacher to be ready to face.

A few of the things a person will have to become an early childhood educator are: an associate in disciplines teaching degree and the quantity of semester several hours required (depending on what college you attend) to earn your degree. Having patience, stamina levels and a personality to work in an entire room of lively children each day is also a great quality for any teacher to obtain. Some approaches to become a highly effective early years as a child teacher will be: have a sound familiarity with subject matter, require a personal interest in each college student, and show enthusiasm with college students.

A few personal attributes that are also good to acquire as an earlier childhood instructor are passion, perseverance, determination to take risks, pragmatism, patience, flexibility, esteem and creative imagination. Having all of the characteristics I listed can make you a fantastic teacher and may also generate it easier for parents to trust you with their children. Some more qualities an early child years teacher would have are high energy, a desire to master, and an excellent sense of humor.

This will demonstrate children and the parents that you just enjoy teaching, instead of displaying a negative area of you making it appear like you dislike teaching youngsters. What I have learned about when writing this kind of essay is a benefits people can possess while studying for their acquaintances degree to teach young children, all the things required to know if a person turns into a teacher and just how stressful it can be.

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Should Working With Families Be a Core Skill for Teachers?

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As a parent of a student with a disability, Jessica Battle has become well-versed in federal law. She knows what accommodations her daughter, now a senior in high school, needs so she can learn, and she’s well aware of what teachers are required to do under her Individualized Education Program, or IEP.

So when she found out her daughter’s teacher wasn’t following the IEP and providing her accommodations in class, Battle didn’t hesitate to call a meeting.

“We go in and the teacher [said], ‘I’m just going to let you know, I don’t know what an IEP is,’” Battle said.

The experience underscored a belief Battle and many other parents of students with special needs have long had about the school system: They’re the sole advocates for their children, and they have to embrace that role.

“As parents, we have to know everything on the IEP,” Battle said.

Parent involvement is required by federal special education law in determining the services a student with special needs receives. But too few educators are equipped to work effectively with families, whether it’s navigating the intricacies of special education services or more generally inviting parents to be partners in their kids’ education.

Researchers agree that robust parent and family engagement, in which schools build trusting, reciprocal relationships with students’ caregivers, is a promising strategy that can help reduce chronic absenteeism, cut dropout rates, and boost academic achievement. For it to be effective, everyone in a school system—teachers, principals, and superintendents—needs to be working with families to focus on student achievement and build long-lasting trust in the school system.

Far too many educators, however, view parent and family engagement as an “add-on” to their overall practice, said Karen Mapp, an educational leadership professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, who has focused her research on parent and family engagement strategies.

That’s not their fault, she said.

Parent and family engagement often isn’t built into the college and university programs that prepare the vast majority of America’s teachers for the classroom. Only 51 percent of educator-preparation programs provide at least one course on parent and family engagement, according to a 2021 survey from the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, or AACTE, and the National Association for Family, School, and Community Engagement, or NAFSCE. And not all of those courses are required.

That number has barely grown over the past 20 years, according to the survey, and 55 percent of university department heads believe their students are less prepared for family engagement than other facets of teaching.

Additionally, most states don’t have any laws or policies requiring schools to train teachers in family engagement after they’ve entered the classroom. Colorado and Nevada are the only states with laws requiring that their departments of education employ staffers who support districts in developing and implementing family and community engagement policies and practices.

“We have trained people to think that this is an add-on, or we have not trained them at all,” Mapp said. “If we don’t train them, then of course they’re going to think this is something that’s not important.”

NAFSCE and the Branch Alliance for Educator Diversity, a professional development organization, have partnered with the Council for Accreditation of Educator Preparation—the accrediting body for 551 college and university teacher-prep programs—to revise the standards those programs have to meet to include a focus on parent engagement. CAEP’s competitor, the 6-year-old Association for Advancing Quality in Educator Preparation, also developed its teacher preparation standards with a focus on parent and family engagement. The two accrediting organizations account for the vast majority of preparation programs.

But parent and family engagement has yet to catch on as a core skill for educators or as a core function for school systems.

North Carolina Wesleyan University student Makaela Stokes, right, works with Nakiyah Williams, 17, during their tutoring session at Wesleyan University in Rocky Mount, N.C., on March 18, 2024.

Training aspiring teachers to empower parents

Battle didn’t always know how to best serve her daughter. But she received special training few other parents can access. The Rocky Mount, N.C., mom learned almost everything she knows about IEPs and disability accommodations from Patricia Brewer, a professor in teacher education at North Carolina Wesleyan University.

For the past nine years, Brewer has hosted an after-school program for local families of students with disabilities where students receive tutoring from special education teacher candidates while Brewer teaches their parents to advocate for their kids.

“I tell them, you never, ever go to a meeting without paperwork in your hand,” Brewer said. “You never, ever go to a meeting without questions. You never, ever go to a meeting without knowing and understanding your child’s IEP. You get to know as much as you possibly can so you can ask those questions, and if you don’t know, you ask. You have that right.”

The lessons cover a range of topics, such as what it means to have an IEP, students’ and parents’ rights under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, signs of academic and behavior problems, interpreting assessment data, becoming an effective advocate for students, and the questions parents should ask in meetings with teachers.

I impress upon [my students] that parents are equal partners. You all are going to be teachers. You all want to be great teachers. But at the same time, you must understand that these kids’ parents, they are equal to you, your partners.

They have been a game changer for Battle and other parents in the program, who say they feel more confident and less frustrated in dealing with their school systems.

“Now when I go in, even to her middle school, they were like, ‘Oh, she’s a Wesleyan parent,’” Battle said. “[The teachers] were way more prepared. They knew I knew the rights and the laws and everything we were taught here by Dr. Brewer.”

Brewer started the program when she realized that many parents in Rocky Mount, where North Carolina Wesleyan is located, didn’t have a solid understanding of IEPs or what the law requires for family participation in shaping special education plans and arrangements.

Federal law requires one or both parents to be present at every IEP meeting, in which teachers and families discuss a student’s progress on their education plan and adjust accommodations if necessary. Teachers are required to schedule meetings early enough to ensure parents can attend, and to plan meetings at a mutually convenient time and place, according to the U.S. Department of Education. When neither parent can attend an IEP meeting in person, schools have to offer a virtual or teleconference option.

Brewer thought she could help by giving parents the tools they need to be advocates while also teaching her students—future teachers—effective practices for working with parents.

“I impress upon [my students] that parents are equal partners,” Brewer said. “You all are going to be teachers. You all want to be great teachers. But at the same time, you must understand that these kids’ parents, they are equal to you, your partners, and I want you to see them as [such.]”

The program has helped teacher candidates, even those who don’t plan on specializing in special education, feel more confident about communicating with parents.

“Without this classroom, without this tutoring program, I would not have any idea what I’m hearing in these [IEP] meetings,” said Alina Smith, a special education and elementary education major. “The biggest thing I’ve learned through this is that parents are their child’s biggest advocates.”

North Carolina Wesleyan University professor of education Patricia Brewer leads an after-school program for parents and students with disabilities where the students receive tutoring by NC Wesleyan University education majors while Brewer works with the parents of the students.

Standards are a first step

Programs like Brewer’s are rare but growing, said Mark LaCelle-Peterson, president of the Association for Advancing Quality in Educator Preparation.

Since it began in 2018, the organization, which accredits 200 universities including North Carolina Wesleyan, has required through its standards that programs include parent engagement in their courses.

The standards state that graduating teacher candidates must be prepared to “understand and engage local school and cultural communities, and communicate and foster relationships with families/guardians/caregivers in a variety of communities.”

The idea is to provide a “floor” for college programs and let them build from there, LaCelle-Peterson said.

“We all agree on what’s important,” he said. “Now, you have to figure out how you’re going to do it and document it.”

In 2022, CAEP, the country’s largest accreditor for educator preparation programs, revised its standards to include family and community engagement. The updated standards require teacher candidates to demonstrate that they can “work effectively with diverse P-12 students and their families.”

“We were somewhat surprised that a lot of universities just took these and made them into a course because they thought this is really a worthwhile focus,” said Christopher Koch, CAEP’s president. “The folks they’re preparing need to be able to work with different kinds of families—families where English may not be spoken in the home, families who are homeless.”

The goal was to create a baseline agreement among educator groups to improve instruction on parent engagement, said Vito Borrello, executive director of the National Association for Family, School, and Community Engagement, which helped CAEP develop the standards.

“There is a desire now in higher education to address this in ways that have not been addressed before,” Borrello said. “There’s an understanding that this needs to happen, there’s a desire for this to happen.”

While their children with learning disabilities are being tutored, the parents are in a session with North Carolina Wesleyan University professor Patricia Brewer, who talks with them about their children's Individualized Education Programs (IEP). Jessica Battle, center, mother of Janiah and Nakiyah Williams, asks questions of Brewer, left, during the parents' session on March 18, 2024.

What state agencies can do

While teacher-prep programs gradually incorporate more training on parent engagement, there’s still not much state-level emphasis on ensuring schools treat parents as partners, especially as parents’ trust in overall school systems has become a pressure point following the pandemic.

Darcy Hutchins is the director of family, school, and community partnerships in Colorado’s education department. She’s one of just two people in the entire country with a legally required, state agency job focused on family and community engagement.

Hutchins’ office—which has one other employee—is charged with helping the state’s schools and districts engage effectively with families and their communities. She serves as a resource for districts, sharing what’s worked well elsewhere through webinars, meetings with district family engagement coordinators, and in-person district visits. She also works with lower-performing schools to increase parent engagement, and she works on ensuring school boards adopt parent engagement policies.

Hutchins also oversees the State Advisory Council for Parent Involvement in Education, which comprises parents, teachers, nonprofit leaders, state education officials, and higher education leaders. In recent years, the council has developed an online course to help families understand school family engagement programs, participated in NAFSCE’s development of the national Educator Preparation Framework for Family and Community Partnerships, developed a family and community engagement communications toolkit for schools, and expanded the state’s “promising partnerships practices,” a collection of strategies schools can use to improve family and community engagement.

The council was established in 2009 when Colorado enacted its initial law to increase parent involvement. That law established a grant program to help school districts expand parent engagement and required Colorado districts to set up local parent and family advisory committees that mirror the statewide one. In 2013, lawmakers amended the law to add Hutchins’ role and further boost family engagement resources.

“What [the law] really did was elevate family engagement pieces in other legislation that oftentimes get backburnered,” Hutchins, who is the first to serve in the position, said. “It really highlighted the importance of having a family engagement policy.”

The vast majority of Hutchins’ work involves helping districts create parent and family engagement policies that fit their communities. Sometimes that means hosting “coffee chat” meetings with district leaders where they share experiences and best practices. Other times, it’s traveling to rural communities to listen to the challenges they’re facing.

In Nevada, the only other state with a family engagement office required by law, the education department also provides districts with advice on the development and implementation of family engagement practices, works with an advisory council to develop family engagement policies, and shares best practices with schools and districts.

One of the top strategies Hutchins has promoted in Colorado is parent-teacher home visits , in which teachers hold meetings at parents’ homes to strengthen relationships and build trust. The strategy has been especially useful in Denver, where home visits have helped connect the parents of thousands of newly arrived students to the school system.

“If we focus on those relationship-building types of initiatives, that’s when efficacy increases, that’s when a sense of belonging increases, and students will want to be in school,” she said.

North Carolina Wesleyan University student Alina Smith, left, works with Jordan Contreras, 15, on a math problem during their tutoring session at Wesleyan University in Rocky Mount, N.C., on March 18, 2024.

Making parent engagement a priority for the future

Hutchins, who began her career as a 1st grade teacher in Baltimore, agrees with Borrello and Mapp that much more needs to be done to make parent engagement a systemic priority in public education.

“I went through a traditional ed prep program, knowing I wanted to be an elementary school teacher, [and] we never talked about parent and family engagement,” Hutchins said. “You’re just sort of thrown in and expected to know what to do.”

Colorado was one of the states to help the National Association for Family, School, and Community Engagement develop its effective family partnerships framework—which outlines best practices for districts, teacher-prep programs, and state education departments to improve family engagement. The state has also received one of the association’s Family Engagement and Educator Preparation Innovation Project grants to work on incorporating family engagement into teacher training.

With the help of that grant, the state has convened a group of colleges and universities that come together to develop family engagement courses and discuss how to embed family and parent engagement in other teacher preparation classes.

Other national organizations are also highlighting the importance of family engagement. The National Parent Teacher Association has its own standards, which provide districts with a guide on improving parent and family engagement. The National Education Association—the nation’s largest teachers’ union—has a partnership with WETA, a PBS station in Alexandria, Va., to provide free resources and courses for educators on parent engagement.

“If we’re going to have truly sustained impact,” Borrello said, “we need to have that long-term approach, while we’re providing in-service programs, training principals, training superintendents, and training teachers in ways that are creating that welcome environment, embracing families as partners.”

Dive Deeper

This story is part of a special reporting project on parent engagement . The Future of Parent Engagement: Parents and caregivers are paying more attention to their children’s education than ever. Here’s what that means for schools . A New Community School Model: Family and community engagement is central to the success of Stevenson Elementary School in Southfield, Mich. See how the transformation started . “Add-on” or Core Skill? Researchers agree family engagement is effective, but few colleges actually teach it . Bridging the Gap: A home visit program is helping parents and teachers build more trusting relationships in Denver. A New Generation of Apps: Tech platforms are changing the way teachers communicate with families. How can schools use them effectively? 5 Strategies: Schools don’t need an influx of money and resources to have effective family engagement. Find out how . ( Here’s a downloadable guide .)

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Parents log into Zoom to watch their students participate in a “Basic Facts Bee” on Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2024, at Adlai E. Stevenson Elementary School in Southfield, Mich. Schools often use technology like Zoom to connect and build relationships with parents.

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