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Platt Family Scholarship Prize Essay Contest

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Home Blog Scholarship Essay Contest

Scholarship Essay Contest

2021 Platt Family Scholarship Prize Essay Contest

1st Prize $1500 | 2nd Prize $750 | 3rd Prize $500

Our Topic for 2021:  “What Would Lincoln Do?”

2021 marks the 150th anniversary of the Ku Klux Klan Act, a major milestone in the tumultuous Reconstruction era. Examining Lincoln’s 1863 Louisiana plan along with other evidence, would Reconstruction have been any different if Lincoln had not been assassinated? If so, how?

Contest Rules

Please examine the rules below closely before contacting The Lincoln Forum or the contest coordinator with eligibility questions.

The scholarship essay contest is designed for students who are FULL TIME, undergraduate students in an AMERICAN COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY during the Spring 2020 semester. The July 31 deadline is designed to give these students time to finish their essays, if need be, after final exams.

You do not have to be an American citizen, but you do need to be attending an AMERICAN COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY during the eligibility period.

It is NOT open to high school students. Key question to consider; when we contact your college or university registrar will they be able to confirm that you were enrolled as a full-time college student during the spring 2019 semester? If the answer is no, you are not eligible.

The eligibility of entrants will be confirmed by the Lincoln Forum prior to the awarding of prizes.

Entries will be judged by the essay committee of The Lincoln Forum.

Deadline for entries is July 31, 2020

Entries must contain a minimum of 1,500 and a maximum of 5,000 words.

Essays may be submitted via regular mail (postmarked by July 31, 2020) or via e-mail (time stamped before midnight July 31, 2020) to the address below.

The essay must be typed and include a works-cited page or bibliography. End notes are suggested but not required.

There is no application form for the contest. The essay and your contact information serves as your application.

Applicants must include the name of their college or university with their entry and all contact information (regular and email address) must be put on the essay proper.

Judging will take place during the fall. The three winners will be announced at the Lincoln Forum annual meeting in Gettysburg on November 18th. Checks from the Lincoln Forum will be sent to the winners in December 2020. The scholarship prize money is designed as a reward for academic excellence. It can be used for any purpose the winner desires.

The essay can be sent via email ( e-mail:  [email protected]  ) or regular mail to the address below.

Don McCue, Director of The Lincoln Shrine in Redlands, California serves as coordinator of the Essay Contest.

If the above information does not answer your question please contact:

     Don McCue, Director — Lincoln Memorial Shrine

     125 W. Vine St.

     Redlands, CA 92373

     phone: (909) 798-7632

     e-mail:  [email protected]

2020 Essay Contest

The Topic of the 2020 Essay was:  “The Influence of Women on the Era of Abraham Lincoln

2019 Essay Contest

The Topic of the 2019 Essay was: “Abraham Lincoln: Our Greatest President?”

In surveys and polls, historians and the public have consistently ranked Abraham Lincoln as America’s greatest president. Why has Lincoln earned and retained first prize, and do you agree that he deserves this status.

2018 Essay Contest

The Topic of the 2018 Essay was:    “ Frederick Douglass, Stephen Douglas, and Abraham Lincoln ”

2018 marks the 160th anniversary of the famous debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas. It will also be the bicentennial of the birth of abolitionist Frederick Douglass.  Although Lincoln had major policy disagreements with both of these men,  they also greatly influenced his political philosophy. What is the historical impact of Lincoln’s relationships with Stephen Douglas and Frederick Douglass?

2017 Essay Contest

The Topic of the 2017 Essay was:  “What lessons from Lincoln’s presidency might be useful to our new president?”

Several American presidents, including ideological opposites George W. Bush and Barack Obama, have stated that they have either admired or sought inspiration from the life and times of Abraham Lincoln. What is it about Lincoln that appeals to a wide range of political leaders?  What lessons from Lincoln’s presidency might be useful to our new president?

2016 Essay Contest Winners

The Topic of the 2016 Essay was:  “Immigration”

Immigration is a controversial topic in American history, even more so in 2016.  Citing examples from his writings, speeches, and policies, what was Abraham Lincoln’s position on immigration?  Did it evolve?  Is it relevant to our contemporary debate?

2015 Essay Contest Winners

The Topic of the 2015 Essay was:  “Our Topic for 2015 – “If Lincoln had lived…”

The year 2015 marks the 150th anniversary of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. How would the history of United States, particularly in regards to Reconstruction, have been different if Lincoln had lived to complete his second term. Cite examples from Lincoln’s words and deeds that support your thesis.

2014 Essay Contest Winners

First Prize: Ryan Durazo, The College of William & Mary

Second Prize: Rebecca Carifio, Bates College

Third Prize: Ashby Henningsen, University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)

The Topic of the 2014 Essay was:  “Our Topic for 2014 – “Lincoln and the Hard Hand of War”

In 1864 the American Civil War became even more savage. Casualties rose and prisoner exchanges stopped. During William Tecumseh Sherman’s March to the Sea and Phil Sheridan’s Shenandoah Valley campaign, civilian property was deliberately targeted. Was Lincoln in part responsible for this hardening and brutalization of war in 1864, or was it an unpreventable development—a consequence of war’s inertia? Should he have tried to mitigate it? Was this more brutal war and its hundreds of thousands of casualties and endless destruction justified in the effort to save the Union and destroy slavery—or was it not acceptable for any reason?

2013 Essay Contest Winners

First Prize: Helen Yang, Princeton University

Third Prize: Angela Topczewski, Harvard University

The Topic of the 2013 Essay was:  “Lincoln and Gettysburg: Expectations, Reactions, Consecrations”

2013 is the 150th anniversary of both the Battle of Gettysburg, and of Lincoln’s most famous speech there. Why do these events resonate so much with Americans today? What was it about either the battle or the speech that made them timeless?

2012 Essay Contest Winners

First Prize: Orrin Gibson, Ventura College

Second Prize: Joshua Benjamins, Hillsdale College

Third Prize: Rebecca Carifio, Bates College

The Topic of the 2012 Essay was:  “Did Lincoln Free the Slaves?”

2012 marks the 150th anniversary of the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation. In light of the complicated path he pursued to reach this milestone, does Lincoln really deserve his reputation as the Great Emancipator?

2011 Essay Contest Winners

First Prize: Thomas Sanford, Washington and Lee University

Second Prize: Andrew Shindi, Harvard University

Third Prize: Lindsey Grudnicki, Ashland University

The Topic of the 2011 Essay was:  “Lincoln the War President”

2011 marks the sesquicentennial of the beginning of the American Civil War in 1861. Compared to his Confederate opponent Jefferson Davis, Abraham Lincoln had a very limited military background. How well did Lincoln adjust to becoming a war president during the trying first year of the war?

2010 Essay Contest Winners

First Prize: Joseph Landry, Washington and Lee University

Third Prize: Greg Woodburn, University of Southern California

The topic of the 2010 Essay was:  “Lincoln and the Coming of the Civil War”

2010 is the 150th anniversary of the election of Abraham Lincoln to the presidency. Before his inauguration the following March, seven states seceded from the Union. Did Lincoln’s election in November, 1860 represent a real threat to the South? Was secession a reasonable response? Could Lincoln have done more to discourage Southern secession?

2009 Essay Contest Winners

First Prize: Daniel J. Bornt, University of Illinois – Springfield

Second Prize: James Morrow Kane, Lawrence University

Third Prize: April Bollig, University of Colorado – Colorado Springs

The Topic of the 2009 Essay was:  “Barack Obama and Abraham Lincoln: Getting Right with Lincoln”

From his campaign announcement in Springfield, to his victory speech in Chicago, our new president has repeatedly made references to being inspired by Abraham Lincoln. Which other presidents have been inspired by the Great Emancipator?

What lessons can be learned from Lincoln’s presidency by President Obama?

2008 Essay Contest Winners

First Prize: Michael Cohen, Cornell University

Second Prize: Brian Rose, Southern Illinois University – Carbondale

Third Prize: Diane Samuelson, University of Nevada Las Vegas

The Topic of the 2008 Essay was:  “Lincoln at 200: Still Relevant?”

February 12, 2009 marks the 200th anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln. What relevance, if any, does Lincoln’s life and accomplishments have to the challenges faced by today’s generation?

2007 Essay Contest Winners

First Prize: Andrew Buchwach, Depaul University

Second Prize: Brian Rose, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale

Third Prize: Katherine Petti, Harvard University

The Topic of the 2007 Essay was:  “Abraham Lincoln — Lawyer in the White House.”

How did Lincoln’s study and practice of law prepare him for the challenges he would face during his Presidency?

2006 Essay Contest Winners

First Prize: Matthew Baker, Bob Jones University

Second Prize: Brian Rose, Truman State University

Third Prize: Ethan Evans, Miami of Ohio University

The Topic of the 2006 Essay was:  “Lincoln and the Mexican-American War”

2006 marks the 160th anniversary of the start of the Mexican-American War. Then-Congressman Abraham Lincoln opposed the war, a stand which may have cost him a chance at re-election. Was this decision Lincoln’s greatest political mistake? Compare and contrast this decision with others in Lincoln’s life that you believe were erroneous or shortsighted and discuss the political perils and moral challenges of opposing wars and the Presidents who wage them.

2005 Essay Contest Winners

First Prize: Jonathan Steplyk, Ripon College

Second Prize: Eric Li, University of Michigan

Third Prize: Brittany Greggorson, Georgetown University

The Topic of the 2005 Essay was:  “If Lincoln had lived….”

2005 marks the 140th anniversary of the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln. If Abraham Lincoln had not been assassinated, how would the course of American history have changes?

2004 Essay Contest Winners:

First Prize: George Gilbert, Duke University

Second Prize: Amanda Taylor, Carrol College (MT)

Third Prize: Brad Reid, SUNY Stony Brook

The Topic of the 2004 Essay was:  “The Challenge of Holding an Election in the Midst of War”

Compare and contrast Abraham Lincoln’s re-election in 1864 with other wartime elections in American History.

2003 Essay Contest Winners:

First Prize: John Bellocchio, Seton Hall University

Second Prize: Monica Modi, Yale University

Third Prize: James Alfred Stewart, Briercrest Bible College

The Topic of the 2003 Essay was:  “Lincoln’s Image in Popular Culture”

Citing examples, discuss how Abraham Lincoln has been portrayed in television, motion pictures and advertising. How faithful are these images to the true Lincoln? How has Lincoln’s image changed over the years? What do these changes say about each generation’s interpretation of Lincoln?

2001 Essay Contest Winner was:

Matthew Dunn

The Topic of the 2001 Essay Contest was:  “Abraham Lincoln: Liberator or Racist?”

2000 Essay Contest Winners:

First Prize: David Byers

Second Prize: Colleen Bowman

Third Prize: Daniel Marcinak

The Topic of the 2000 Essay was:  “Abraham Lincoln and Civil Liberties: Constitutional Stalwart or Tyrant?”

1999 Essay Contest Winners:

First Prize: Vickey Kalambakal

Second Prize: Gina Sandvick

Third Prize: Adam Tompkins

The Topic of the 1999 Essay was:  “Abraham Lincoln the myth versus Abraham Lincoln the man”

platt family scholarship prize essay contest 2021

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Sponsoring Institution:  The Lincoln Forum

Type: Essay Contest

Eligibility:  To apply for this Lincoln essay contest you must be currently enrolled in a US College or University or enrolled in spring of 2021.

Application Deadline: Lincoln Essay contest entry may be submitted via email: [email protected] Or via regular mail (postmarked by July 31, 2021) to the address below: Don McCue, Director — Lincoln Memorial Shrine 125 W. Vine St. Redlands, CA 92373

Highlight: Are you an undergraduate student studying at an American college passionate about American History and why America is the way it is today? Are you also passionate about change to civil rights to ensure equality throughout the world? Well, 2021 marks the 150th anniversary of the Ku Klux Klan Act, a major milestone in the tumultuous Reconstruction era, an act to move towards protection and equality for all people. To mark this anniversary, the Platt Family Essay Contest has chosen the topic for the Lincoln essay contest of “What would Lincoln do?” to inspire young undergraduate students attending an American university or college to write a 1500-5000 word essay on whether the Reconstruction Era would have been any different if Lincoln had not been assassinated. In this Lincoln essay contest, you could win any one of three prizes if you place in the top three- ranging from $500-$1500. These scholarships will be awarded via check to your address and can be used for any purpose you may desire- whether this be college expenses or even new clothes! (Winners will be announced at the Lincoln Forum annual meeting in Gettysburg on November 18th.) As Abraham Lincoln once said “The best way to predict your future is to create it”; predict your future today by joining this Lincoln essay contest and submitting your thoughts on the aforementioned prompt by July 31st to be in for a chance to win (and learn) something, that could help you go that little step further in your life!

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Platt Family Scholarship Prize Essay Contest

July 31, 2020
The Lincoln Forum
Scholarship Money
The Platt Family Scholarship Prize Essay Contest is open to full - time undergraduate students enrolled in an American college or university. To enter, you must submit a 1500 - to 5000 - word essay on the following topic: "The Influence of Women on the Era of Abraham Lincoln."

There are at most 3 awards available.
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Home › College Scholarships › 2020 Platt Family Scholarship Prize Essay Contest: Open to Undocumented College Students

2020 Platt Family Scholarship Prize Essay Contest: Open to Undocumented College Students

By My Undocumented Life on June 10, 2020 • ( 0 )

Screen Shot 2016-05-29 at 11.38.57 PM

The Lincoln Forum is now accepting applications for its annual scholarship opportunity. There are three separate award amounts: 1st Prize $1500 | 2nd Prize $750 | 3rd Prize $500. This opportunity is open to undocumented college students. On their website, the Lincoln Forum states that, “You do not have to be an American citizen, but you do need to be attending an American college or university during the eligibility period.”

These are some of the criteria rules:

“The scholarship essay contest is designed for students who are full time, undergraduate students in an American college or university during the Spring 2020 semester. The July 31 deadline is designed to give these students time to finish their essays, if need be, after final exams.

It is NOT open to high school students. Key question to consider; when we contact your college or university registrar will they be able to confirm that you were enrolled as a full-time college student during the spring 2019 semester? If the answer is no, you are not eligible.

Entries must contain a minimum of 1,500 and a maximum of 5,000 words.

The essay must be typed and include a works-cited page or bibliography. End notes are suggested but not required.”

The deadline to apply is  July 31, 2020

For more information and to apply, please visit their official website: 2020 Platt Family Scholarship Prize Essay Contest

IMPORTANT: This scholarship was first posted by the Lincoln Forum. The link may not work after the deadlines has passed.


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Kenia is  a double major in Sociology and Social Policy & Public Service at the University of California, Irvine. She was born in Tijuana, Baja California, and migrated to the U.S. when she was 8 years old. Kenia’s parents always emphasized the importance of going to college but lacked the knowledge of how to navigate the US college application system. With the support of several non-profit organizations, Kenia was able to successfully apply to college. Her journey towards higher education has influenced her into pursuing a career in public service and advocacy for resources for Latinx youth and the undocumented community.


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Platt family scholarship.

Scholarship: Platt Family Scholarship 

Description: For graduate or undergraduate students

Due Date: July 31, 2023

Additional Information: https://www.thelincolnforum.org/platt-family-essay-contest

Topic for 2023:

“2023 is the 160th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation. Does Abraham Lincoln deserve the title of ‘The Great Emancipator’? Why or why not?”

Contest Rules 

  • Please examine the rules below closely before contacting The Lincoln Forum or the contest coordinator with eligibility questions.
  • The scholarship essay contest is designed for students who are FULL TIME, undergraduate students in an AMERICAN COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY during the Spring 2023 semester. The July 31 deadline is designed to give these students time to finish their essays, if need be, after final exams.
  • You do not have to be an American citizen, but you do need to be attending an AMERICAN COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY during the eligibility period.
  • It is NOT open to high school students. Key question to consider; when we contact your college or university registrar will they be able to confirm that you were enrolled as a full-time college student during the spring 2023 semester? If the answer is no, you are not eligible.
  • The eligibility of entrants will be confirmed by the Lincoln Forum prior to the awarding of prizes.
  • Entries will be judged by the essay committee of The Lincoln Forum.
  • Deadline for entries is July 31, 2023
  • Entries must contain a minimum of 1,500 and a maximum of 5,000 words.
  • Essays may be submitted via regular mail (postmarked by July 31, 2023) or via e-mail (time stamped before midnight July 31, 2023) to the address below.
  • The essay must be typed and include a works-cited page or bibliography. Endnotes are suggested but not required.
  • There is no application form for the contest. The essay and your contact information serve as your application.
  • Applicants must include the name of their college or university with their entry and all contact information (regular and email address) must be put on the essay proper.
  • Judging will take place during the fall. The three winners will be announced at The Lincoln Forum annual meeting in Gettysburg in November. Checks from The Lincoln Forum will be sent to the winners in December 2023. Appropriate identification will be required.  The scholarship prize money is designed as a reward for academic excellence.
  • It can be used for any purpose the winner desires.

The essay can be sent via email ([email protected]) or regular mail to the address below.

Don McCue, Director of The Lincoln Shrine in Redlands, California serves as coordinator of the Essay Contest.

If the above information does not answer your question, please contact:

     Don McCue, Director — Lincoln Memorial Shrine        125 W. Vine St.        Redlands, CA 92373        phone: (909) 798-7632  e-mail: [email protected]  

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If you believe a scholarship has been published in error, please reach out to [email protected] and we’ll take a look!

* There are certain exceptions to this, for example if the sponsoring organization is a major corporation or nonprofit with its own scholarship application system. ** Lead generation scholarships will require students to sign up for an app or website and require minimal (if any) application requirements. ***Idea harvesting scholarships will require students to submit blog posts or other materials that companies may use for marketing purposes.

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Platt Family Essay Contest

Offered by Lincoln Forum

Lisa Freedland

3 awards worth

$250 - $1,000

Grade level

College Students

Application deadline:

August 31, 2024

Scholarship Overview

Are you an undergraduate student in the U.S. with a love of history and writing? If so, consider applying for the Platt Family Essay Contest! Each year, the contest awards $1,000 to up to three applicants who submit an essay that best answers the given year’s prompt related to U.S. history. As the prompt changes every year, we recommend checking the Lincoln Forum’s website for the most up-to-date prompt and essay instructions before applying. The contest is funded by the Lincoln Forum, a national, East Coast-based Lincoln organization that hosts an annual multi-day symposium featuring the finest scholars in the country.

If you’re knowledgeable about U.S. history and want to put your writing skills to the test, we encourage you to apply!

Eligibility information

This scholarship is open to students who were enrolled as undergraduates for the Spring semester of their application year. Applicants must also meet the below eligibility requirements.

Literature/English/Writing, Social Science, Political Science, History

Apply to these scholarships due soon

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$10,000 “No Essay” Scholarship

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$2,000 Sallie Mae Scholarship

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Niche $25,000 “No Essay” Scholarship

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$1,000 Appily Easy College Money Scholarship

$5,000 Christian Connector Scholarship

$5,000 Christian Connector Scholarship

$2,000 No Essay CollegeVine Scholarship

$2,000 No Essay CollegeVine Scholarship

Application information.

To apply for this scholarship, students must submit an online application in addition to the below application materials.

1,500-5,000-word essay


platt family scholarship prize essay contest 2021

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platt family scholarship prize essay contest 2021

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Platt Family Scholarship Prize Essay Contest

Name: The Platt Family Scholarship Prize Essay Contest

Award Amount: $500

Information And Eligibility: The Platt Family Scholarship Prize Essay Contest is a scholarship essay contest is designed for students who are full time, undergraduate college students, enrolled in an American college or university. Students do not have to be an American citizen to apply for the Platt Family Scholarship Prize Essay Contest, but they must be enrolled in and attending an American college or university during the scholarship eligibility period. Platt Family Scholarship Prize Essay Contest entries must contain a minimum of 1,500 and a maximum of 5,000 words.

The three Platt Family Scholarship Prize Essay Contest winners will be announced at the Lincoln Forum annual meeting in Gettysburg. The scholarship prize money is designed as a reward for academic excellence and can be used for any purpose the winner desires. First place prize is $1500, second place prize is $750, and third place prize is $500.

Apply For This Scholarship: For more information on The Platt Family Scholarship Prize Essay Contest or to apply, please visit thelincolnforum.org/scholarship-essay-contest.php. To find more scholarships for college, visit our Easiest Scholarship Search Ever.

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Platt family scholarship prize essay contest.

Website: http://www.thelincolnforum.org/scholarship-essay-contest

Who's Eligible:  Full-time undergraduate students

Award Amount:  Up to $1,500

Due Date:  July 31

Requirements: Celebrate one of history's most revered leaders by writing about him. Undergrads have up to 5,000 words to explain a specific topic related to Abraham Lincoln. Judging will be based solely on the essay—grades, financial need, and extracurricular activities do not count on this one, kids—so choose your words well.

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Platt Family Scholarship Essay Contest

The Lincoln Forum


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ASU students take home top prizes in national Russian writing contest

Moscow embassy

View of the entrance to the U.S. embassy in Moscow. Photo courtesy the Melikian Center

This past April, four ASU students won awards in the 2021 National Post-Secondary Russian Essay Contest . Kirill Bor and Naomi Spektor both won silver medals, while Iryna Shakurova and Christian Shousha earned honorable mentions.

T ogether, these students showcase the diversity of the Russian department: Bor is majoring in business, Spektor in communication, Shakurova in microbiology with a Russian minor, and Shousha in Russian with an Italian minor. A total of 15 students from ASU entered the contest.

Over 1,100 students from 40 universities around the country participated, with judges in Moscow selecting the winning essays. In recognition of the COVID-19 pandemic, the topic for this year’s contest was "My Favorite Place."

“This is only the second year that ASU has participated, and even with stiff competition from top Russian programs such as the U.S. Department of Defense-funded Defense Language Institute, we are very pleased with our students’ performance,” said Hilde Hoogenboom , School of International Letters and Cultures professor . 

ASU is a powerhouse in the field: The Russian program ranks among the top 10 schools in the country by number of Russian majors, while the Melikian Center supports innovative research and outreach in Russian and Eurasian studies.

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MLK Art & Writing Contest

2024 mlk art and writing contest.

To commemorate the life, work and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., University of Idaho undergraduates, graduates and professional students enrolled for the 2024 spring semester at any U of I location are invited to create a written work or piece of art in ANY medium of their choice in response to the prompt below about equality and social, racial and ethnic justice. This year, all submissions will be digital. Works of art that are made outside of digital media can be photographed.

This year's theme is inspired by the following quote:

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.” (Letter from Birmingham Jail)

11th Annual MLK Art and Writing Contest 

Entries Due:  Friday, Feb. 16, 2024 by 5 p.m.

Art & Essay Digital Submissions:

  • Email with subject line "2024 MLK Art & Essay Contest Entry"
  • Include in the email message if you are an undergraduate or a graduate student.
  • Send to Caitlin Cieslik-Miskimen,  [email protected]


All University of Idaho degree-seeking undergraduate, graduate and professional students enrolled for the 2024 spring semester at any U of I location are invited to enter. No more than one written work and one art entry per student.

Judging Criteria

Written work (up to 700 words) will be judged on understanding of the topic, original thinking, effectiveness in presenting a personal point of view, literary style, grammar and spelling. Undergraduate and graduate/professional entries will be judged separately.

Art entries will be judged on how they evoke understanding on the part of the observer as to what civil rights issue or event or related message is being presented. Art entries can be submitted in ANY medium and may include an introduction up to 250 words to explain the entry. Artworks in non-digital media can be photographed for digital submission. Undergraduate and graduate/professional entries will be judged separately.

A scholarship will be given to the following:

  • Best undergraduate student written work
  • Best graduate/professional student written work
  • Best undergraduate student art piece
  • Best graduate/professional student art piece

Honorable Mention scholarships will be given as funding allows.

2024 MLK Art and Writing Contest Winners

Undergraduate essay.

  • Shashwot Niraula
  • Munira Tabassum

Undergraduate Art

  • Subah Rashmi
  • Melanie Velazco Curiel

Graduate Essay

  • Pabitra Joshi

Graduate Art

Past art and essay contest winners, 2023 winners, graduate writing.

  • Winner: Eureka Joshi

Undergraduate Writing

Winner:  Aiden Veselits

  • Winner: Anna Young

2022 Winners

  • Winner: Nevena Tulilov
  • Winner: Joseph Sedillo

2021 Winners

  • Winner:  Akorede Seriki
  • Winner:  Jose Maciel
  • Winner:  Carlie Houn
  • Winner:  Anna Young

2020 Winners

  • Winner:  Naomie Pierre-Toussaint – Dear Diary
  • Winner:  Emily Wesseling – Lessons
  • Winner:  Kelsey Grafton – In Light of Our Past
  • Winner: Anna Young – King Leading the People

2019 Winners

  • Winner:  Caitlin Palmer for the essay  "The Issue of Fifty Dollars"
  • Honorable Mention:  Staniela Nikolova for the poem  "Do you see us?"
  • Winner:  Emily Pearce for the poem  "Oh Doctor Hear our Voices"
  • Honorable Mention:  Nichole Etchemendy for the poem  "Reaching"
  • Winner:  Candace Sorenson for “The Restraints of Poverty”
  • Honorable Mention:  Lexy Jones for “Fight Against Poverty”

2018 Winners

  • 1st prize:   Izaiah Dolezal for his essay "Building a Resilient Community: from 'Me' to 'We'"
  • Honorable Mention: Emily Wesseling for her poem "Somewhere"
  • Honorable Mention: Ayomipo Kayode-Popoola for her poem "Color of My Soul"
  • 1st Prize:  Courtney Cooper for her essay "The Value of Relationship in Resilient Water Futures"
  • Honorable Mention:   Alex Sosa for his essay "Together We are Bound, Together We Are Resilient"
  • 1st Prize:  Megan Cosdon for her piece "Letter from a Birmingham Jail"
  • Honorable Mention: Alayne Chipman for "Fires of Opposition"
  • Honorable Mention:   Riley Hilel for "Slain by Sniper" 

2017 Winners

  • Winner: Cruz Rodriguez
  • Honorable Mention: Danny Bugingo
  • Co-winner: Alexander Sosa
  • Co-winner: Ashley McDermott
  • Winner: Stacy Miller
  • Co-winner: Geoffrey Dasher
  • Co-winner: Keegan Lawler
  • Honorable Mention: Kelli Fry

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  11. Platt Family Scholarship

    The scholarship prize money is designed as a reward for academic excellence. It can be used for any purpose the winner desires. The essay can be sent via email ([email protected]) or regular mail to the address below. Don McCue, Director of The Lincoln Shrine in Redlands, California serves as coordinator of the Essay Contest.

  12. Platt Family Essay Contest

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  13. Platt Family Essay Contest

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  14. Platt Family Scholarship Prize Essay Contest

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    The Platt Family Scholarship Essay Contest is designed for students who are undergraduate students in an accredited American college or university during the Spring 2024 semester (or equivalent semester that takes place and concludes between January 1, 2024, and June 30, 2024). The deadline is designed to give these students time to finish ...

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    May 05, 2021. This past April, four ASU students won awards in the 2021 National Post-Secondary Russian Essay Contest. Kirill Bor and Naomi Spektor both won silver medals, while Iryna Shakurova and Christian Shousha earned honorable mentions. T ogether, these students showcase the diversity of the Russian department: Bor is majoring in business ...

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  23. MLK Art & Writing Contest

    11th Annual MLK Art and Writing Contest. Entries Due: Friday, Feb. 16, 2024 by 5 p.m. Art & Essay Digital Submissions: Include in the email message if you are an undergraduate or a graduate student. All University of Idaho degree-seeking undergraduate, graduate and professional students enrolled for the 2024 spring semester at any U of I ...