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The Reproductive System

Published by Jayson Beasley Modified over 8 years ago

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Male Reproductive System | PowerPoint Presentation

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This 17 slide power point presentation covers the reproductive anatomy of the male which can be used in a high school Anatomy/Physiology class and can also be used in Biology. This is a good beginning of a Reproductive System unit or can be modified as a stand alone power point presentation on the male reproductive system. Filled with diagrams and pictures to enhance learning this editable power point is great for note taking skills for students of any level including English Learners, EL, as well as more advanced students. This product includes a power point presentation with an opportunity for students to take Cornell style notes. If you like this product please check back soon as we will be posting more in the near future. If you have any questions or concerns about any part of one of our products please let us know and we will be happy to work with you. Thank you!

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Male Reproductive System - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

male reproductive system powerpoint presentation

  • Male Reproductive System

Male Reproductive System – PowerPoint PPT presentation

  • Spermatozoan
  • Male sex cell
  • 1/3 the size of a red blood cell
  • Composed of head and tail regions
  • Head contains chromosomes (23)
  • Tail consists of flagellum which makes the sperm motile
  • Approximately 300 million released during a single ejaculation
  • Only one can penetrate a single ovum
  • Fraternal Twins
  • More than one egg fertilized at one time
  • Develop in utero with separate placentas
  • Identical Twins
  • Single egg cell is fertilized
  • Fertilized egg splits forming two embryos
  • Share same placenta
  • Always same sex and similar in form and feature
  • Testes (sing. testis)
  • The male gonads (where gametes ,sex cells, are produced)
  • Typically paired
  • Develop in the abdomen
  • Eventually descend into the scrotum
  • Sac outside the body
  • Testes exposed to lower temperature being outside the body
  • This aids in spermatogenesis
  • Lies between the scrotum and anus
  • Analogous to perineal region in female
  • Seminiferous tubules
  • Large mass of coiled tubules composing interior of testis
  • Parenchymal tissue of testis
  • Performs essential work of organ
  • Interstitial cells
  • Also found inside testis
  • Manufactures testosterone
  • Once formed sperm cells move through the seminiferous tubules into the epididymis
  • Coiled tube running the length of each testicle
  • About 16 feet long
  • Spermatozoa mature and become motile here
  • Temporarily stores spermatozoa
  • As it turns upwards to enter the body it straightens out and becomes the vas deferens
  • Vas deferens
  • About 2 feet long
  • Carries sperm into pelvic region
  • Merges with the ducts from seminal vesicles to form ejaculatory duct
  • Seminal vesicles
  • 2 glands located at base of the bladder
  • Secretes a thick, sugary, yellowish substance that nourishes the sperm cells
  • Forms most of the volume of ejaculated semen
  • Combination of fluid and spermatozoa
  • Prostate gland
  • Located near where vas deferens enter urethra
  • Secretes fluid that aids in the motility of sperm
  • Passes through the penis to outside of body
  • Discharges urine and semen from male
  • Composed of erectile tissue
  • Forms a soft, sensitive region called the glans penis
  • Is normally covered by a fold of skin called the prepuce (foreskin)
  • Is visible at all times if foreskin is removed
  • Carcinoma of the testes
  • Tumors are typically malignant (dangerous)
  • Rare except in the 15-35 year old age group
  • Seminoma (most common)
  • Embryonal carinoma
  • Teratoma (terat/o monster)
  • Composed of tissue such as bone, hair, cartilage, and skin cells
  • Teratocarcinoma
  • Treated with orchiectomy, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy
  • Cryptorchism
  • Undescended testicles
  • Put male at high risk of sterility and testicular cancer
  • If not descended by age 2 orchiopexy performed
  • Orchi/o testes, testicles
  • -pexy fixation, put in place
  • Swelling or protrusion
  • Generalized edema, or in response to infection or tumors
  • Can differentiate from testicular masses by transillumination
  • Hydrocelectomy may be necessary if hydrocele does not resolve on its own
  • Testicular torsion
  • Twisting of the spermatic cord
  • Can cut off blood supply to the testis
  • Common disorder in males around the age of puberty
  • Arises suddenly with acute scrotal swelling and severe pain
  • Requires intervention within 6 to 12 hours
  • Enlarged dilated veins near the testicle
  • Often associated with oligospermia and azoospermia
  • Oligospermia a lack in quantity of sperm
  • Azoospermia no sperm
  • Varicocelectomy is recommended
  • Spermatic vein is ligated
  • Segment cut out and ends tied off
  • Carcinoma of the prostate
  • Malignant tumor of the prostate gland
  • Commonly occurs in men over 50 years of age
  • Early detection method is performed by a physician via rectal examination with finger palpation
  • Diagnosis requires a prostate biopsy
  • Transrectal ultrasound is used for placement of biopsy needle
  • Carcinoma of the prostate (cont.)
  • Treatment consists of prostatectomy, radiation therapy, and hormonal chemotherapy
  • Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is a tumor marker that is elevated in carcinoma of the prostate
  • Normal level is 4.0 ng/mL or less
  • Prostatic hyperplasia
  • Benign growth of cells within the prostate
  • Common in men over 60
  • Common signs symptoms (SS) include
  • Urinary obstruction
  • Inability to empty bladder completely
  • May be treated my drugs or surgery
  • Surgical treatment is called transurethral resection (TURP)
  • Resectoscope is inserted into penis, through urethra
  • Prostatic tissue removed by electrical hot loop attached to resectoscope
  • Hypospadias
  • Congenital opening of the male urethra on the undersurface of the penis
  • Occurs in 1 of every 300 live births
  • Can be corrected surgically
  • Portion of prepuce is excised
  • Then wrapped around a catheter
  • Sutured to distal part of urethra
  • Brought to exit at the tip of the penis
  • Narrowing of the opening of the prepuce
  • Condition can interfere with urination therefore causing secretions to accumulate under the prepuce leading to infection
  • Treatment is circumcision
  • PSA prostate-specific antigen
  • Assay test designed to see the components of a substance
  • Looks for elevated levels of PSA in blood
  • Associated with prostatic enlargement and prostate cancer
  • Semen Analysis
  • Done as part of fertility studies
  • Required to establish effectiveness of vasectomy
  • Specimen is collected in sterile container and analyzed microscopically
  • Sperm cells are counted and examined for motility and shape
  • Fewer than 20 million sperm/mL indicates sterility
  • Fever or infection may cause temporary sterility
  • Mumps in adult males may cause the testes to become inflammed and sperm cells deteriorate, resulting in sterility
  • Orchiectomy in males
  • Oophorectomy in females
  • If male is castrated before puberty he becomes a eunuch
  • Organs remain childlike and does not develop secondary sex characteristics
  • Circumcision
  • Removal of prepuce from the penis
  • Digital Rectal Examination
  • Examination of the prostate gland using finger palpation through the rectum
  • Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP)
  • A resectoscope is inserted into the urethra and pieces of the prostate gland are removed
  • Both vas deferens are cut, sections removed, and free ends folded and ligated
  • Performed under local anesthesia
  • Incision is made in the scrotal sac
  • Does not interfere with nerves or blood vessle supply to the testes and penis so hormone secretion, sex drive, and potency are not impaired
  • A small percentage of vasectomies can be reversed is a leading presentation sharing website. It has millions of presentations already uploaded and available with 1,000s more being uploaded by its users every day. Whatever your area of interest, here you’ll be able to find and view presentations you’ll love and possibly download. And, best of all, it is completely free and easy to use.

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human reproductive system

Human Reproductive System

Dec 21, 2019

2.12k likes | 4.03k Views

Human Reproductive System. Reproductive System. Defined: organs & glands that produce hormones which help make a new human. Puberty = sexual maturity (ability to reproduce) Hypothalamus & Pituitary glands release 2 major hormones: FSH LH.

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Presentation Transcript

Reproductive System • Defined: organs & glands that produce hormones which help make a new human. • Puberty = sexual maturity (ability to reproduce) • Hypothalamus & Pituitary glands release 2 major hormones: • FSH • LH Develop sexual characteristics and reproductive system

Males vs. Females • Similarities • 2 compartments • Testes • Ovaries • Start inside body • Testicles drop before birth • Fetus has glands that could become either female or male • Father “determines” gender • Depends on genes • XX: Female • XY: Male • Differences • Male (XY) • Produce MILLIONS of sperm every day • Female (XX) • One egg, once a month

Male Anatomy

Male Reproductive System FSH LH • Function: • Produce sperm • Deliver sperm to female egg • Testes • Outside body • If temp is too high, sperm can’t be made • Produces Testosterone • Develops male sex characteristics • Makes sperm Testosterone

spermatogonium Review: Spermatogenesis Meiosis 1 Meiosis 2 • Defined: Production of sperm cells • Location: male testes • Makes final changes to sperm cell • Four haploid sperm cells at a time • 23 chromosomes in each Spermatogenesis

What is sperm? • MYTH: tiny human inside • TRUTH: • Matures in the epididymis • Contains Several Parts: • Head • Enzymes to get through egg membrane • 23 chromosomes • 22 autosomes • 1X or 1Y chromosome • Mid piece • Mitochondria = Energy • Flagella • To swim through female system

Prostate Gland • Function: Produces fluid that nourishes and protects sperm • Sperm + fluid = semen • Prostate Cancer • Most common male cancer • Usually slow growing • Prostate exams help monitor • Treatment: Radiation, Chemotherapy, surgery

Fertilization • Defined: Fusion of egg and sperm to create zygote

Fertilization • Defined: Fusion of egg and sperm to create zygote • Semen Pathway: • Epididymis  vas deferens  urethra

Fertilization • Defined: Fusion of egg and sperm to create zygote • Semen Pathway: • Epididymis  vas deferens  urethra • 50-500 million sperm released • only 1 sperm cell gets through to egg • enzymes help get in • instant biochemical change (no more sperm can enter)

Kobe Kuiz • Which hormones stimulate the maturity of the male reproductive system? • Which cellular process produces sperm cells? • Explain the function of the following: pituitary gland, testes, prostate, epididymis, and vas deferens • How does the structure of a sperm cell aid in it’s function • Describe how an egg is fertilized • Are sperm cells haploid or diploid? A zygote? • How many chromosomes can be found in a human sperm cell? A zygote?

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Human Reproductive System Review

Human Reproductive System Review

Human Reproductive System Review. Male Reproductive System. Sperm Formation. MEIOSIS forms sperm in gametes Sperm forms in testes Scrotum keeps cooler than rest Semen is sperm plus protecting fluid Semen leaves testes through the vas deferens (sperm ducts) to the urethra before it exits.

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Human Reproductive System and Pregnancy

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Human Female Reproductive System Vocabulary

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Human Male & Female Reproductive System

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The Human Reproductive System

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Human Reproductive System

Human Reproductive System. Ch 36. SC.912.L.16.13 Describe the basic anatomy and physiology of the human reproductive system. Male. 1. Seminal vesicle 2. Prostate gland 3. Vas deferens 4. urethra 5. epididymis 6. scrotum 7. penis 8. testes. 1. Seminal vesicle.

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The Human Reproductive System

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Human Reproductive System

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Human Reproductive System

Human Reproductive System. Defined: organs & glands that produce hormones which help make a new human. Puberty = sexual maturity (ability to reproduce) Controlled by hormones Hypothalamus & Pituitary glands release 2 major hormones: FSH LH.

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Human Reproductive System

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Human Reproductive System

Human Reproductive System. Bellwork – 5/4/15. Define Hypothalamus: Portion of the brain that connects the endocrine and nervous systems, and controls the pituitary gland. Main Idea : Hormones regulate human reproductive systems, including the production of gametes. Male Reproductive System.

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  11. The Male Reproductive System

    The Male Reproductive System - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. 1. The male reproductive system includes passages that convey sperm from where they are produced in the contorted seminiferous tubules to the urethra and out of the body. 2. The male urethra has 3 constrictions and 2 curvatures along its length.

  12. Male Reproductive System

    Male Reproductive System ppt. - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. The male reproductive system produces and transports sperm and secretes hormones. The testes produce sperm and hormones, while the epididymis provides sperm maturation. Sperm travel through the ductus deferens and join seminal fluid to form ...

  13. Male Reproductive System

    Male Reproductive System.ppt - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. The document describes the major features of the male reproductive system. It discusses the glands (testes, seminal vesicles, prostate, bulbourethral), ducts (intratesticular, excretory), and external genitalia (penis, scrotum).

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  15. Male Reproductive System

    Description. This 17 slide power point presentation covers the reproductive anatomy of the male which can be used in a high school Anatomy/Physiology class and can also be used in Biology. This is a good beginning of a Reproductive System unit or can be modified as a stand alone power point presentation on the male reproductive system.

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    Title: Male reproductive system 1 Male reproductive system 2. Anatomy of the male sexual organs ; 3. Spermatogenesis formation of sperm occur in ... They'll give your presentations a professional, memorable appearance - the kind of sophisticated look that today's audiences expect. Boasting an impressive range of designs, they will support your ...

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    Presentation Transcript. Human Reproductive System. Reproductive System • Defined: organs & glands that produce hormones which help make a new human. • Puberty = sexual maturity (ability to reproduce) • Hypothalamus & Pituitary glands release 2 major hormones: • FSH • LH Develop sexual characteristics and reproductive system.