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Students’ online learning challenges during the pandemic and how they cope with them: The case of the Philippines

Jessie s. barrot.

College of Education, Arts and Sciences, National University, Manila, Philippines

Ian I. Llenares

Leo s. del rosario, associated data.

The datasets used and/or analysed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.

Recently, the education system has faced an unprecedented health crisis that has shaken up its foundation. Given today’s uncertainties, it is vital to gain a nuanced understanding of students’ online learning experience in times of the COVID-19 pandemic. Although many studies have investigated this area, limited information is available regarding the challenges and the specific strategies that students employ to overcome them. Thus, this study attempts to fill in the void. Using a mixed-methods approach, the findings revealed that the online learning challenges of college students varied in terms of type and extent. Their greatest challenge was linked to their learning environment at home, while their least challenge was technological literacy and competency. The findings further revealed that the COVID-19 pandemic had the greatest impact on the quality of the learning experience and students’ mental health. In terms of strategies employed by students, the most frequently used were resource management and utilization, help-seeking, technical aptitude enhancement, time management, and learning environment control. Implications for classroom practice, policy-making, and future research are discussed.


Since the 1990s, the world has seen significant changes in the landscape of education as a result of the ever-expanding influence of technology. One such development is the adoption of online learning across different learning contexts, whether formal or informal, academic and non-academic, and residential or remotely. We began to witness schools, teachers, and students increasingly adopt e-learning technologies that allow teachers to deliver instruction interactively, share resources seamlessly, and facilitate student collaboration and interaction (Elaish et al., 2019 ; Garcia et al., 2018 ). Although the efficacy of online learning has long been acknowledged by the education community (Barrot, 2020 , 2021 ; Cavanaugh et al., 2009 ; Kebritchi et al., 2017 ; Tallent-Runnels et al., 2006 ; Wallace, 2003 ), evidence on the challenges in its implementation continues to build up (e.g., Boelens et al., 2017 ; Rasheed et al., 2020 ).

Recently, the education system has faced an unprecedented health crisis (i.e., COVID-19 pandemic) that has shaken up its foundation. Thus, various governments across the globe have launched a crisis response to mitigate the adverse impact of the pandemic on education. This response includes, but is not limited to, curriculum revisions, provision for technological resources and infrastructure, shifts in the academic calendar, and policies on instructional delivery and assessment. Inevitably, these developments compelled educational institutions to migrate to full online learning until face-to-face instruction is allowed. The current circumstance is unique as it could aggravate the challenges experienced during online learning due to restrictions in movement and health protocols (Gonzales et al., 2020 ; Kapasia et al., 2020 ). Given today’s uncertainties, it is vital to gain a nuanced understanding of students’ online learning experience in times of the COVID-19 pandemic. To date, many studies have investigated this area with a focus on students’ mental health (Copeland et al., 2021 ; Fawaz et al., 2021 ), home learning (Suryaman et al., 2020 ), self-regulation (Carter et al., 2020 ), virtual learning environment (Almaiah et al., 2020 ; Hew et al., 2020 ; Tang et al., 2020 ), and students’ overall learning experience (e.g., Adarkwah, 2021 ; Day et al., 2021 ; Khalil et al., 2020 ; Singh et al., 2020 ). There are two key differences that set the current study apart from the previous studies. First, it sheds light on the direct impact of the pandemic on the challenges that students experience in an online learning space. Second, the current study explores students’ coping strategies in this new learning setup. Addressing these areas would shed light on the extent of challenges that students experience in a full online learning space, particularly within the context of the pandemic. Meanwhile, our nuanced understanding of the strategies that students use to overcome their challenges would provide relevant information to school administrators and teachers to better support the online learning needs of students. This information would also be critical in revisiting the typology of strategies in an online learning environment.

Literature review

Education and the covid-19 pandemic.

In December 2019, an outbreak of a novel coronavirus, known as COVID-19, occurred in China and has spread rapidly across the globe within a few months. COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus that attacks the respiratory system (World Health Organization, 2020 ). As of January 2021, COVID-19 has infected 94 million people and has caused 2 million deaths in 191 countries and territories (John Hopkins University, 2021 ). This pandemic has created a massive disruption of the educational systems, affecting over 1.5 billion students. It has forced the government to cancel national examinations and the schools to temporarily close, cease face-to-face instruction, and strictly observe physical distancing. These events have sparked the digital transformation of higher education and challenged its ability to respond promptly and effectively. Schools adopted relevant technologies, prepared learning and staff resources, set systems and infrastructure, established new teaching protocols, and adjusted their curricula. However, the transition was smooth for some schools but rough for others, particularly those from developing countries with limited infrastructure (Pham & Nguyen, 2020 ; Simbulan, 2020 ).

Inevitably, schools and other learning spaces were forced to migrate to full online learning as the world continues the battle to control the vicious spread of the virus. Online learning refers to a learning environment that uses the Internet and other technological devices and tools for synchronous and asynchronous instructional delivery and management of academic programs (Usher & Barak, 2020 ; Huang, 2019 ). Synchronous online learning involves real-time interactions between the teacher and the students, while asynchronous online learning occurs without a strict schedule for different students (Singh & Thurman, 2019 ). Within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, online learning has taken the status of interim remote teaching that serves as a response to an exigency. However, the migration to a new learning space has faced several major concerns relating to policy, pedagogy, logistics, socioeconomic factors, technology, and psychosocial factors (Donitsa-Schmidt & Ramot, 2020 ; Khalil et al., 2020 ; Varea & González-Calvo, 2020 ). With reference to policies, government education agencies and schools scrambled to create fool-proof policies on governance structure, teacher management, and student management. Teachers, who were used to conventional teaching delivery, were also obliged to embrace technology despite their lack of technological literacy. To address this problem, online learning webinars and peer support systems were launched. On the part of the students, dropout rates increased due to economic, psychological, and academic reasons. Academically, although it is virtually possible for students to learn anything online, learning may perhaps be less than optimal, especially in courses that require face-to-face contact and direct interactions (Franchi, 2020 ).

Related studies

Recently, there has been an explosion of studies relating to the new normal in education. While many focused on national policies, professional development, and curriculum, others zeroed in on the specific learning experience of students during the pandemic. Among these are Copeland et al. ( 2021 ) and Fawaz et al. ( 2021 ) who examined the impact of COVID-19 on college students’ mental health and their coping mechanisms. Copeland et al. ( 2021 ) reported that the pandemic adversely affected students’ behavioral and emotional functioning, particularly attention and externalizing problems (i.e., mood and wellness behavior), which were caused by isolation, economic/health effects, and uncertainties. In Fawaz et al.’s ( 2021 ) study, students raised their concerns on learning and evaluation methods, overwhelming task load, technical difficulties, and confinement. To cope with these problems, students actively dealt with the situation by seeking help from their teachers and relatives and engaging in recreational activities. These active-oriented coping mechanisms of students were aligned with Carter et al.’s ( 2020 ), who explored students’ self-regulation strategies.

In another study, Tang et al. ( 2020 ) examined the efficacy of different online teaching modes among engineering students. Using a questionnaire, the results revealed that students were dissatisfied with online learning in general, particularly in the aspect of communication and question-and-answer modes. Nonetheless, the combined model of online teaching with flipped classrooms improved students’ attention, academic performance, and course evaluation. A parallel study was undertaken by Hew et al. ( 2020 ), who transformed conventional flipped classrooms into fully online flipped classes through a cloud-based video conferencing app. Their findings suggested that these two types of learning environments were equally effective. They also offered ways on how to effectively adopt videoconferencing-assisted online flipped classrooms. Unlike the two studies, Suryaman et al. ( 2020 ) looked into how learning occurred at home during the pandemic. Their findings showed that students faced many obstacles in a home learning environment, such as lack of mastery of technology, high Internet cost, and limited interaction/socialization between and among students. In a related study, Kapasia et al. ( 2020 ) investigated how lockdown impacts students’ learning performance. Their findings revealed that the lockdown made significant disruptions in students’ learning experience. The students also reported some challenges that they faced during their online classes. These include anxiety, depression, poor Internet service, and unfavorable home learning environment, which were aggravated when students are marginalized and from remote areas. Contrary to Kapasia et al.’s ( 2020 ) findings, Gonzales et al. ( 2020 ) found that confinement of students during the pandemic had significant positive effects on their performance. They attributed these results to students’ continuous use of learning strategies which, in turn, improved their learning efficiency.

Finally, there are those that focused on students’ overall online learning experience during the COVID-19 pandemic. One such study was that of Singh et al. ( 2020 ), who examined students’ experience during the COVID-19 pandemic using a quantitative descriptive approach. Their findings indicated that students appreciated the use of online learning during the pandemic. However, half of them believed that the traditional classroom setting was more effective than the online learning platform. Methodologically, the researchers acknowledge that the quantitative nature of their study restricts a deeper interpretation of the findings. Unlike the above study, Khalil et al. ( 2020 ) qualitatively explored the efficacy of synchronized online learning in a medical school in Saudi Arabia. The results indicated that students generally perceive synchronous online learning positively, particularly in terms of time management and efficacy. However, they also reported technical (internet connectivity and poor utility of tools), methodological (content delivery), and behavioral (individual personality) challenges. Their findings also highlighted the failure of the online learning environment to address the needs of courses that require hands-on practice despite efforts to adopt virtual laboratories. In a parallel study, Adarkwah ( 2021 ) examined students’ online learning experience during the pandemic using a narrative inquiry approach. The findings indicated that Ghanaian students considered online learning as ineffective due to several challenges that they encountered. Among these were lack of social interaction among students, poor communication, lack of ICT resources, and poor learning outcomes. More recently, Day et al. ( 2021 ) examined the immediate impact of COVID-19 on students’ learning experience. Evidence from six institutions across three countries revealed some positive experiences and pre-existing inequities. Among the reported challenges are lack of appropriate devices, poor learning space at home, stress among students, and lack of fieldwork and access to laboratories.

Although there are few studies that report the online learning challenges that higher education students experience during the pandemic, limited information is available regarding the specific strategies that they use to overcome them. It is in this context that the current study was undertaken. This mixed-methods study investigates students’ online learning experience in higher education. Specifically, the following research questions are addressed: (1) What is the extent of challenges that students experience in an online learning environment? (2) How did the COVID-19 pandemic impact the online learning challenges that students experience? (3) What strategies did students use to overcome the challenges?

Conceptual framework

The typology of challenges examined in this study is largely based on Rasheed et al.’s ( 2020 ) review of students’ experience in an online learning environment. These challenges are grouped into five general clusters, namely self-regulation (SRC), technological literacy and competency (TLCC), student isolation (SIC), technological sufficiency (TSC), and technological complexity (TCC) challenges (Rasheed et al., 2020 , p. 5). SRC refers to a set of behavior by which students exercise control over their emotions, actions, and thoughts to achieve learning objectives. TLCC relates to a set of challenges about students’ ability to effectively use technology for learning purposes. SIC relates to the emotional discomfort that students experience as a result of being lonely and secluded from their peers. TSC refers to a set of challenges that students experience when accessing available online technologies for learning. Finally, there is TCC which involves challenges that students experience when exposed to complex and over-sufficient technologies for online learning.

To extend Rasheed et al. ( 2020 ) categories and to cover other potential challenges during online classes, two more clusters were added, namely learning resource challenges (LRC) and learning environment challenges (LEC) (Buehler, 2004 ; Recker et al., 2004 ; Seplaki et al., 2014 ; Xue et al., 2020 ). LRC refers to a set of challenges that students face relating to their use of library resources and instructional materials, whereas LEC is a set of challenges that students experience related to the condition of their learning space that shapes their learning experiences, beliefs, and attitudes. Since learning environment at home and learning resources available to students has been reported to significantly impact the quality of learning and their achievement of learning outcomes (Drane et al., 2020 ; Suryaman et al., 2020 ), the inclusion of LRC and LEC would allow us to capture other important challenges that students experience during the pandemic, particularly those from developing regions. This comprehensive list would provide us a clearer and detailed picture of students’ experiences when engaged in online learning in an emergency. Given the restrictions in mobility at macro and micro levels during the pandemic, it is also expected that such conditions would aggravate these challenges. Therefore, this paper intends to understand these challenges from students’ perspectives since they are the ones that are ultimately impacted when the issue is about the learning experience. We also seek to explore areas that provide inconclusive findings, thereby setting the path for future research.

Material and methods

The present study adopted a descriptive, mixed-methods approach to address the research questions. This approach allowed the researchers to collect complex data about students’ experience in an online learning environment and to clearly understand the phenomena from their perspective.


This study involved 200 (66 male and 134 female) students from a private higher education institution in the Philippines. These participants were Psychology, Physical Education, and Sports Management majors whose ages ranged from 17 to 25 ( x ̅  = 19.81; SD  = 1.80). The students have been engaged in online learning for at least two terms in both synchronous and asynchronous modes. The students belonged to low- and middle-income groups but were equipped with the basic online learning equipment (e.g., computer, headset, speakers) and computer skills necessary for their participation in online classes. Table ​ Table1 1 shows the primary and secondary platforms that students used during their online classes. The primary platforms are those that are formally adopted by teachers and students in a structured academic context, whereas the secondary platforms are those that are informally and spontaneously used by students and teachers for informal learning and to supplement instructional delivery. Note that almost all students identified MS Teams as their primary platform because it is the official learning management system of the university.

Participants’ Online Learning Platforms

Learning PlatformsClassification
Google Classroom52.50157.50
MS Teams18492.00--

Informed consent was sought from the participants prior to their involvement. Before students signed the informed consent form, they were oriented about the objectives of the study and the extent of their involvement. They were also briefed about the confidentiality of information, their anonymity, and their right to refuse to participate in the investigation. Finally, the participants were informed that they would incur no additional cost from their participation.

Instrument and data collection

The data were collected using a retrospective self-report questionnaire and a focused group discussion (FGD). A self-report questionnaire was considered appropriate because the indicators relate to affective responses and attitude (Araujo et al., 2017 ; Barrot, 2016 ; Spector, 1994 ). Although the participants may tell more than what they know or do in a self-report survey (Matsumoto, 1994 ), this challenge was addressed by explaining to them in detail each of the indicators and using methodological triangulation through FGD. The questionnaire was divided into four sections: (1) participant’s personal information section, (2) the background information on the online learning environment, (3) the rating scale section for the online learning challenges, (4) the open-ended section. The personal information section asked about the students’ personal information (name, school, course, age, and sex), while the background information section explored the online learning mode and platforms (primary and secondary) used in class, and students’ length of engagement in online classes. The rating scale section contained 37 items that relate to SRC (6 items), TLCC (10 items), SIC (4 items), TSC (6 items), TCC (3 items), LRC (4 items), and LEC (4 items). The Likert scale uses six scores (i.e., 5– to a very great extent , 4– to a great extent , 3– to a moderate extent , 2– to some extent , 1– to a small extent , and 0 –not at all/negligible ) assigned to each of the 37 items. Finally, the open-ended questions asked about other challenges that students experienced, the impact of the pandemic on the intensity or extent of the challenges they experienced, and the strategies that the participants employed to overcome the eight different types of challenges during online learning. Two experienced educators and researchers reviewed the questionnaire for clarity, accuracy, and content and face validity. The piloting of the instrument revealed that the tool had good internal consistency (Cronbach’s α = 0.96).

The FGD protocol contains two major sections: the participants’ background information and the main questions. The background information section asked about the students’ names, age, courses being taken, online learning mode used in class. The items in the main questions section covered questions relating to the students’ overall attitude toward online learning during the pandemic, the reasons for the scores they assigned to each of the challenges they experienced, the impact of the pandemic on students’ challenges, and the strategies they employed to address the challenges. The same experts identified above validated the FGD protocol.

Both the questionnaire and the FGD were conducted online via Google survey and MS Teams, respectively. It took approximately 20 min to complete the questionnaire, while the FGD lasted for about 90 min. Students were allowed to ask for clarification and additional explanations relating to the questionnaire content, FGD, and procedure. Online surveys and interview were used because of the ongoing lockdown in the city. For the purpose of triangulation, 20 (10 from Psychology and 10 from Physical Education and Sports Management) randomly selected students were invited to participate in the FGD. Two separate FGDs were scheduled for each group and were facilitated by researcher 2 and researcher 3, respectively. The interviewers ensured that the participants were comfortable and open to talk freely during the FGD to avoid social desirability biases (Bergen & Labonté, 2020 ). These were done by informing the participants that there are no wrong responses and that their identity and responses would be handled with the utmost confidentiality. With the permission of the participants, the FGD was recorded to ensure that all relevant information was accurately captured for transcription and analysis.

Data analysis

To address the research questions, we used both quantitative and qualitative analyses. For the quantitative analysis, we entered all the data into an excel spreadsheet. Then, we computed the mean scores ( M ) and standard deviations ( SD ) to determine the level of challenges experienced by students during online learning. The mean score for each descriptor was interpreted using the following scheme: 4.18 to 5.00 ( to a very great extent ), 3.34 to 4.17 ( to a great extent ), 2.51 to 3.33 ( to a moderate extent ), 1.68 to 2.50 ( to some extent ), 0.84 to 1.67 ( to a small extent ), and 0 to 0.83 ( not at all/negligible ). The equal interval was adopted because it produces more reliable and valid information than other types of scales (Cicchetti et al., 2006 ).

For the qualitative data, we analyzed the students’ responses in the open-ended questions and the transcribed FGD using the predetermined categories in the conceptual framework. Specifically, we used multilevel coding in classifying the codes from the transcripts (Birks & Mills, 2011 ). To do this, we identified the relevant codes from the responses of the participants and categorized these codes based on the similarities or relatedness of their properties and dimensions. Then, we performed a constant comparative and progressive analysis of cases to allow the initially identified subcategories to emerge and take shape. To ensure the reliability of the analysis, two coders independently analyzed the qualitative data. Both coders familiarize themselves with the purpose, research questions, research method, and codes and coding scheme of the study. They also had a calibration session and discussed ways on how they could consistently analyze the qualitative data. Percent of agreement between the two coders was 86 percent. Any disagreements in the analysis were discussed by the coders until an agreement was achieved.

This study investigated students’ online learning experience in higher education within the context of the pandemic. Specifically, we identified the extent of challenges that students experienced, how the COVID-19 pandemic impacted their online learning experience, and the strategies that they used to confront these challenges.

The extent of students’ online learning challenges

Table ​ Table2 2 presents the mean scores and SD for the extent of challenges that students’ experienced during online learning. Overall, the students experienced the identified challenges to a moderate extent ( x ̅  = 2.62, SD  = 1.03) with scores ranging from x ̅  = 1.72 ( to some extent ) to x ̅  = 3.58 ( to a great extent ). More specifically, the greatest challenge that students experienced was related to the learning environment ( x ̅  = 3.49, SD  = 1.27), particularly on distractions at home, limitations in completing the requirements for certain subjects, and difficulties in selecting the learning areas and study schedule. It is, however, found that the least challenge was on technological literacy and competency ( x ̅  = 2.10, SD  = 1.13), particularly on knowledge and training in the use of technology, technological intimidation, and resistance to learning technologies. Other areas that students experienced the least challenge are Internet access under TSC and procrastination under SRC. Nonetheless, nearly half of the students’ responses per indicator rated the challenges they experienced as moderate (14 of the 37 indicators), particularly in TCC ( x ̅  = 2.51, SD  = 1.31), SIC ( x ̅  = 2.77, SD  = 1.34), and LRC ( x ̅  = 2.93, SD  = 1.31).

The Extent of Students’ Challenges during the Interim Online Learning

Self-regulation challenges (SRC)2.371.16
1. I delay tasks related to my studies so that they are either not fully completed by their deadline or had to be rushed to be completed.1.841.47
2. I fail to get appropriate help during online classes.2.041.44
3. I lack the ability to control my own thoughts, emotions, and actions during online classes.2.511.65
4. I have limited preparation before an online class.2.681.54
5. I have poor time management skills during online classes.2.501.53
6. I fail to properly use online peer learning strategies (i.e., learning from one another to better facilitate learning such as peer tutoring, group discussion, and peer feedback).2.341.50
Technological literacy and competency challenges (TLCC)2.101.13
7. I lack competence and proficiency in using various interfaces or systems that allow me to control a computer or another embedded system for studying.2.051.39
8. I resist learning technology.1.891.46
9. I am distracted by an overly complex technology.2.441.43
10. I have difficulties in learning a new technology.2.061.50
11. I lack the ability to effectively use technology to facilitate learning.2.081.51
12. I lack knowledge and training in the use of technology.1.761.43
13. I am intimidated by the technologies used for learning.1.891.44
14. I resist and/or am confused when getting appropriate help during online classes.2.191.52
15. I have poor understanding of directions and expectations during online learning.2.161.56
16. I perceive technology as a barrier to getting help from others during online classes.2.471.43
Student isolation challenges (SIC)2.771.34
17. I feel emotionally disconnected or isolated during online classes.2.711.58
18. I feel disinterested during online class.2.541.53
19. I feel unease and uncomfortable in using video projection, microphones, and speakers.2.901.57
20. I feel uncomfortable being the center of attention during online classes.2.931.67
Technological sufficiency challenges (TSC)2.311.29
21. I have an insufficient access to learning technology.2.271.52
22. I experience inequalities with regard to   to and use of technologies during online classes because of my socioeconomic, physical, and psychological condition.2.341.68
23. I have an outdated technology.2.041.62
24. I do not have Internet access during online classes.1.721.65
25. I have low bandwidth and slow processing speeds.2.661.62
26. I experience technical difficulties in completing my assignments.2.841.54
Technological complexity challenges (TCC)2.511.31
27. I am distracted by the complexity of the technology during online classes.2.341.46
28. I experience difficulties in using complex technology.2.331.51
29. I experience difficulties when using longer videos for learning.2.871.48
Learning resource challenges (LRC)2.931.31
30. I have an insufficient access to library resources.2.861.72
31. I have an insufficient access to laboratory equipment and materials.3.161.71
32. I have limited access to textbooks, worksheets, and other instructional materials.2.631.57
33. I experience financial challenges when accessing learning resources and technology.3.071.57
Learning environment challenges (LEC)3.491.27
34. I experience online distractions such as social media during online classes.3.201.58
35. I experience distractions at home as a learning environment.3.551.54
36. I have difficulties in selecting the best time and area for learning at home.3.401.58
37. Home set-up limits the completion of certain requirements for my subject (e.g., laboratory and physical activities).3.581.52

Out of 200 students, 181 responded to the question about other challenges that they experienced. Most of their responses were already covered by the seven predetermined categories, except for 18 responses related to physical discomfort ( N  = 5) and financial challenges ( N  = 13). For instance, S108 commented that “when it comes to eyes and head, my eyes and head get ache if the session of class was 3 h straight in front of my gadget.” In the same vein, S194 reported that “the long exposure to gadgets especially laptop, resulting in body pain & headaches.” With reference to physical financial challenges, S66 noted that “not all the time I have money to load”, while S121 claimed that “I don't know until when are we going to afford budgeting our money instead of buying essentials.”

Impact of the pandemic on students’ online learning challenges

Another objective of this study was to identify how COVID-19 influenced the online learning challenges that students experienced. As shown in Table ​ Table3, 3 , most of the students’ responses were related to teaching and learning quality ( N  = 86) and anxiety and other mental health issues ( N  = 52). Regarding the adverse impact on teaching and learning quality, most of the comments relate to the lack of preparation for the transition to online platforms (e.g., S23, S64), limited infrastructure (e.g., S13, S65, S99, S117), and poor Internet service (e.g., S3, S9, S17, S41, S65, S99). For the anxiety and mental health issues, most students reported that the anxiety, boredom, sadness, and isolation they experienced had adversely impacted the way they learn (e.g., S11, S130), completing their tasks/activities (e.g., S56, S156), and their motivation to continue studying (e.g., S122, S192). The data also reveal that COVID-19 aggravated the financial difficulties experienced by some students ( N  = 16), consequently affecting their online learning experience. This financial impact mainly revolved around the lack of funding for their online classes as a result of their parents’ unemployment and the high cost of Internet data (e.g., S18, S113, S167). Meanwhile, few concerns were raised in relation to COVID-19’s impact on mobility ( N  = 7) and face-to-face interactions ( N  = 7). For instance, some commented that the lack of face-to-face interaction with her classmates had a detrimental effect on her learning (S46) and socialization skills (S36), while others reported that restrictions in mobility limited their learning experience (S78, S110). Very few comments were related to no effect ( N  = 4) and positive effect ( N  = 2). The above findings suggest the pandemic had additive adverse effects on students’ online learning experience.

Summary of students’ responses on the impact of COVID-19 on their online learning experience

Areas Sample Responses
Reduces the quality of learning experience86




Causes anxiety and other mental health issues52




Aggravates financial problems16



Limits interaction7



Restricts mobility7



No effect4



Positive effect2



Students’ strategies to overcome challenges in an online learning environment

The third objective of this study is to identify the strategies that students employed to overcome the different online learning challenges they experienced. Table ​ Table4 4 presents that the most commonly used strategies used by students were resource management and utilization ( N  = 181), help-seeking ( N  = 155), technical aptitude enhancement ( N  = 122), time management ( N  = 98), and learning environment control ( N  = 73). Not surprisingly, the top two strategies were also the most consistently used across different challenges. However, looking closely at each of the seven challenges, the frequency of using a particular strategy varies. For TSC and LRC, the most frequently used strategy was resource management and utilization ( N  = 52, N  = 89, respectively), whereas technical aptitude enhancement was the students’ most preferred strategy to address TLCC ( N  = 77) and TCC ( N  = 38). In the case of SRC, SIC, and LEC, the most frequently employed strategies were time management ( N  = 71), psychological support ( N  = 53), and learning environment control ( N  = 60). In terms of consistency, help-seeking appears to be the most consistent across the different challenges in an online learning environment. Table ​ Table4 4 further reveals that strategies used by students within a specific type of challenge vary.

Students’ Strategies to Overcome Online Learning Challenges

Cognitive aptitude enhancement230024213
Concentration and focus13270451243
Focus and concentration03000003
Learning environment control1306306073
Peer learning326010012
Psychosocial support3053100057
Relaxation and recreation16113070037
Resource management & utilization31105220896181
Technical aptitude enhancement077073800122
Thought control602011313
Time management71321043598
Transcendental strategies20000002

Discussion and conclusions

The current study explores the challenges that students experienced in an online learning environment and how the pandemic impacted their online learning experience. The findings revealed that the online learning challenges of students varied in terms of type and extent. Their greatest challenge was linked to their learning environment at home, while their least challenge was technological literacy and competency. Based on the students’ responses, their challenges were also found to be aggravated by the pandemic, especially in terms of quality of learning experience, mental health, finances, interaction, and mobility. With reference to previous studies (i.e., Adarkwah, 2021 ; Copeland et al., 2021 ; Day et al., 2021 ; Fawaz et al., 2021 ; Kapasia et al., 2020 ; Khalil et al., 2020 ; Singh et al., 2020 ), the current study has complemented their findings on the pedagogical, logistical, socioeconomic, technological, and psychosocial online learning challenges that students experience within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Further, this study extended previous studies and our understanding of students’ online learning experience by identifying both the presence and extent of online learning challenges and by shedding light on the specific strategies they employed to overcome them.

Overall findings indicate that the extent of challenges and strategies varied from one student to another. Hence, they should be viewed as a consequence of interaction several many factors. Students’ responses suggest that their online learning challenges and strategies were mediated by the resources available to them, their interaction with their teachers and peers, and the school’s existing policies and guidelines for online learning. In the context of the pandemic, the imposed lockdowns and students’ socioeconomic condition aggravated the challenges that students experience.

While most studies revealed that technology use and competency were the most common challenges that students face during the online classes (see Rasheed et al., 2020 ), the case is a bit different in developing countries in times of pandemic. As the findings have shown, the learning environment is the greatest challenge that students needed to hurdle, particularly distractions at home (e.g., noise) and limitations in learning space and facilities. This data suggests that online learning challenges during the pandemic somehow vary from the typical challenges that students experience in a pre-pandemic online learning environment. One possible explanation for this result is that restriction in mobility may have aggravated this challenge since they could not go to the school or other learning spaces beyond the vicinity of their respective houses. As shown in the data, the imposition of lockdown restricted students’ learning experience (e.g., internship and laboratory experiments), limited their interaction with peers and teachers, caused depression, stress, and anxiety among students, and depleted the financial resources of those who belong to lower-income group. All of these adversely impacted students’ learning experience. This finding complemented earlier reports on the adverse impact of lockdown on students’ learning experience and the challenges posed by the home learning environment (e.g., Day et al., 2021 ; Kapasia et al., 2020 ). Nonetheless, further studies are required to validate the impact of restrictions on mobility on students’ online learning experience. The second reason that may explain the findings relates to students’ socioeconomic profile. Consistent with the findings of Adarkwah ( 2021 ) and Day et al. ( 2021 ), the current study reveals that the pandemic somehow exposed the many inequities in the educational systems within and across countries. In the case of a developing country, families from lower socioeconomic strata (as in the case of the students in this study) have limited learning space at home, access to quality Internet service, and online learning resources. This is the reason the learning environment and learning resources recorded the highest level of challenges. The socioeconomic profile of the students (i.e., low and middle-income group) is the same reason financial problems frequently surfaced from their responses. These students frequently linked the lack of financial resources to their access to the Internet, educational materials, and equipment necessary for online learning. Therefore, caution should be made when interpreting and extending the findings of this study to other contexts, particularly those from higher socioeconomic strata.

Among all the different online learning challenges, the students experienced the least challenge on technological literacy and competency. This is not surprising considering a plethora of research confirming Gen Z students’ (born since 1996) high technological and digital literacy (Barrot, 2018 ; Ng, 2012 ; Roblek et al., 2019 ). Regarding the impact of COVID-19 on students’ online learning experience, the findings reveal that teaching and learning quality and students’ mental health were the most affected. The anxiety that students experienced does not only come from the threats of COVID-19 itself but also from social and physical restrictions, unfamiliarity with new learning platforms, technical issues, and concerns about financial resources. These findings are consistent with that of Copeland et al. ( 2021 ) and Fawaz et al. ( 2021 ), who reported the adverse effects of the pandemic on students’ mental and emotional well-being. This data highlights the need to provide serious attention to the mediating effects of mental health, restrictions in mobility, and preparedness in delivering online learning.

Nonetheless, students employed a variety of strategies to overcome the challenges they faced during online learning. For instance, to address the home learning environment problems, students talked to their family (e.g., S12, S24), transferred to a quieter place (e.g., S7, S 26), studied at late night where all family members are sleeping already (e.g., S51), and consulted with their classmates and teachers (e.g., S3, S9, S156, S193). To overcome the challenges in learning resources, students used the Internet (e.g., S20, S27, S54, S91), joined Facebook groups that share free resources (e.g., S5), asked help from family members (e.g., S16), used resources available at home (e.g., S32), and consulted with the teachers (e.g., S124). The varying strategies of students confirmed earlier reports on the active orientation that students take when faced with academic- and non-academic-related issues in an online learning space (see Fawaz et al., 2021 ). The specific strategies that each student adopted may have been shaped by different factors surrounding him/her, such as available resources, student personality, family structure, relationship with peers and teacher, and aptitude. To expand this study, researchers may further investigate this area and explore how and why different factors shape their use of certain strategies.

Several implications can be drawn from the findings of this study. First, this study highlighted the importance of emergency response capability and readiness of higher education institutions in case another crisis strikes again. Critical areas that need utmost attention include (but not limited to) national and institutional policies, protocol and guidelines, technological infrastructure and resources, instructional delivery, staff development, potential inequalities, and collaboration among key stakeholders (i.e., parents, students, teachers, school leaders, industry, government education agencies, and community). Second, the findings have expanded our understanding of the different challenges that students might confront when we abruptly shift to full online learning, particularly those from countries with limited resources, poor Internet infrastructure, and poor home learning environment. Schools with a similar learning context could use the findings of this study in developing and enhancing their respective learning continuity plans to mitigate the adverse impact of the pandemic. This study would also provide students relevant information needed to reflect on the possible strategies that they may employ to overcome the challenges. These are critical information necessary for effective policymaking, decision-making, and future implementation of online learning. Third, teachers may find the results useful in providing proper interventions to address the reported challenges, particularly in the most critical areas. Finally, the findings provided us a nuanced understanding of the interdependence of learning tools, learners, and learning outcomes within an online learning environment; thus, giving us a multiperspective of hows and whys of a successful migration to full online learning.

Some limitations in this study need to be acknowledged and addressed in future studies. One limitation of this study is that it exclusively focused on students’ perspectives. Future studies may widen the sample by including all other actors taking part in the teaching–learning process. Researchers may go deeper by investigating teachers’ views and experience to have a complete view of the situation and how different elements interact between them or affect the others. Future studies may also identify some teacher-related factors that could influence students’ online learning experience. In the case of students, their age, sex, and degree programs may be examined in relation to the specific challenges and strategies they experience. Although the study involved a relatively large sample size, the participants were limited to college students from a Philippine university. To increase the robustness of the findings, future studies may expand the learning context to K-12 and several higher education institutions from different geographical regions. As a final note, this pandemic has undoubtedly reshaped and pushed the education system to its limits. However, this unprecedented event is the same thing that will make the education system stronger and survive future threats.

Authors’ contributions

Jessie Barrot led the planning, prepared the instrument, wrote the report, and processed and analyzed data. Ian Llenares participated in the planning, fielded the instrument, processed and analyzed data, reviewed the instrument, and contributed to report writing. Leo del Rosario participated in the planning, fielded the instrument, processed and analyzed data, reviewed the instrument, and contributed to report writing.

No funding was received in the conduct of this study.

Availability of data and materials


The study has undergone appropriate ethics protocol.

Informed consent was sought from the participants.

Authors consented the publication. Participants consented to publication as long as confidentiality is observed.

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Online classes and learning in the Philippines during the Covid-19 Pandemic

  • Aris E. Ignacio College of Information Technology Southville International School and Colleges Las Piñas City 1740, Philippines

The COVID-19 pandemic brought great disruption to all aspects of life specifically on how classes were conducted both in an offline and online modes. The sudden shift to purely online method of teaching and learning was a result of the lockdowns that were imposed by the Philippine government. While some institutions have dealt with the situation by shutting down operations, others continued to deliver instructions and lessons using the Internet and different applications that support online learning. The continuation of classes online had caused several issues from students and teachers ranging from lack of technology to mental health matters. Finally, recommendations were asserted to mitigate the presented concerns and improve the delivery of the necessary quality education to the intended learners.

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Ignacio, A. (2020). Personal observations and realizations on online classes and learning during COVID-19 outbreak in the Philippines. Retrieved from https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/personal-observations-realizations-online-classes-learning-ignacio/

Moreno, J.M., & Gortazar, L. (2020). Schools’ readiness for digital elearning in the eyes of principals. An analysis from PISA 2018 and its implications for the COVID-19 (coronavirus) crisis responses. Retrieved from https://blogs.worldbank.org/education/schools-readiness-digital-learning-eyes-principals-analysis-pisa-2018-and-its

OECD. (2020). Bridging the Digital Divide. Retrieved from https://www.oecd.org/site/schoolingfortomorrowknowledgebase/themes/ict/bridgingthedigitaldivide.htm

Presidential Communications Operations Office. (2020). Gov’t imposes community quarantine in Metro Manila to contain coronavirus. Retrieved from https://pcoo.gov.ph/news_releases/govt-imposes-community-quarantine-in-metro-manila-to-contain-coronavirus/

Punzalan, J. (2020). Education in the time of coronavirus: DepEd eyes lessons via TV, radio next school year. Retrieved from https://news.abs-cbn.com/news/04/20/20/education-in-the-time-of-coronavirus-deped-eyes-lessons-via-tv-radio-next-school-year

Roberts, E. (2019). Digital Divide. Retrieved from https://cs.stanford.edu/people/eroberts/cs181/projects/digital-divide/start.html

The World Bank. (2020). How countries are using edtech (including online learning, radio, television, texting) to support access to remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Retrieved from https://www.worldbank.org/en/topic/edutech/brief/how-countries-are-using-edtech-to-support-remote-learning-during-the-covid-19-pandemic

UNESCO. (2019). COVID-19 educational disruption and response. Retrieved from https://en.unesco.org/covid19/educationresponse

UNESCO. (2019). National learning platforms and tools. Retrieved from https://en.unesco.org/covid19/educationresponse/nationalresponses

University of the Philippines Open University. (2017). Massive open distance e-learning (MODeL). Retrieved from https://model.upou.edu.ph/

Yu, W. (2020). Online learning in the time of COVID19: A Computer Science educator’s point of view. Retrieved from https://arete.ateneo.edu/connect/online-learning-in-the-time-of-covid19-a-computer-science-educators-point-of-view

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  • Title & authors

Ignacio, Aris E. "Online Classes and Learning in the Philippines During the Covid-19 Pandemic." International Journal on Integrated Education , vol. 4, no. 3, 2021, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.31149/ijie.v4i3.1301 .

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Online Classes and Learning in the Philippines During the Covid\u002D19 Pandemic Image

The COVID-19 pandemic brought great disruption to all aspects of life specifically on how classes were conducted both in an offline and online modes. The sudden shift to purely online method of teaching and learning was a result of the lockdowns that were imposed by the Philippine government. While some institutions have dealt with the situation by shutting down operations, others continued to deliver instructions and lessons using the Internet and different applications that support online learning. The continuation of classes online had caused several issues from students and teachers ranging from lack of technology to mental health matters. Finally, recommendations were asserted to mitigate the presented concerns and improve the delivery of the necessary quality education to the intended learners.

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Table of contents

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Online classes and learning in the Philippines during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Chat with paper, a structural equation model predicting adults’ online learning self-efficacy, how important is the tuition fee during the covid-19 pandemic in a developing country evaluation of filipinos’ preferences on public university attributes using conjoint analysis, student perceptions of online biology learning during the covid-19 pandemic, journal pre-proof is tuition fee during the covid-19 pandemic in a developing country evaluation of filipinos’ preferences on public university attributes using conjoint analysis, ruralsync: providing digital content to remote communities in the philippines through opportunistic spectrum access, the chairman's statement, related papers (5), online learning during lockdown period for covid-19 in india, online learning as a catalyst for self-directed learning in universities during the covid-19 pandemic, integration of knowledge through online classes in the learning enhancement of students, right here, right now, online: using synchronous tools to teach business subjects to students learning in a second language, online education: a change or an alternative, trending questions (3).

Online learning in the Philippines during the Covid-19 pandemic involved a sudden shift to purely online teaching due to lockdowns, causing challenges like technology gaps and mental health issues among students and teachers.

The shift to online teaching during the pandemic in the Philippines caused disruptions and challenges for students and teachers, impacting class dynamics and learning outcomes.

- Mental health issues due to lack of social interaction. - Increased stress and anxiety from disrupted learning routines.

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Online classes and learning in the Philippines during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Profile image of Aris Ignacio

The COVID-19 pandemic brought great disruption to all aspects of life specifically on how classes were conducted both in an offline and online modes. The sudden shift to purely online method of teaching and learning was a result of the lockdowns that were imposed by the Philippine government. While some institutions have dealt with the situation by shutting down operations, others continued to deliver instructions and lessons using the Internet and different applications that support online learning. The continuation of classes online had caused several issues from students and teachers ranging from lack of technology to mental health matters. Finally, recommendations were asserted to mitigate the presented concerns and improve the delivery of the necessary quality education to the intended learners.

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Walailak Journal of Social Science

Asia Social Issues

Understanding students' experiences towards online learning can help in devising innovative pedagogical approaches and creating effective online learning spaces. This study aimed to solicit the perception of 80 undergraduate students in one of the leading private institutions in the Philippines towards the compulsory shift from a blended to fully online learning modality amidst the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The study used a descriptive research design involving online surveys which contained Likert scale items and open-ended questions assessing one's capacity for and the challenges to online learning, as well as the proposed recommendations for enhancing the overall online class experience. Descriptive statistics was used to group data across different subsets. Likewise, a content analysis of qualitative variables of the actual experiences of online classes using the school's learning management system was prepared. Results indicate four self-perceived challenges in online learning: technological and infrastructural difficulties, individual readiness, instructional struggles, and domestic barriers. The study recommends re-evaluation and modification of current online learning guidelines to address the aforesaid challenges and build a genuinely resilient model for technology-driven and care-centered education based on student recommendations and challenges experienced.

Universal Journal of Educational Research

Horizon Research Publishing(HRPUB) Kevin Nelson

In light of the learning continuity challenges experienced by educational institutions in the Philippines amidst the onset of the Covid-19 health crisis, the research serves to assess the conduct of emergency response online classes in a Philippine city schools division. It utilized a researcher-made instrument which assessed the profile of the respondents; their level of competence and confidence in conducting and supervising online classes; the level of preparedness of the schools; the levels of difficulty in lesson delivery and instructional supervision; and perceived advantages, disadvantages, and suggestions for improvement of online classes. Through purposive sampling, the respondents comprised 91 teachers and 24 instructional supervisors from 18 schools. Results of the study revealed that teachers and instructional supervisors needed experience and training to be able to efficiently and effectively perform their tasks in online classes; and that there were students and teachers who were not able to regularly participate in online classes due to lack of resources. Respondents also said that online classes were flexible in terms of schedule and choice of strategies, able to ensure learning continuity, were convenient, and efficient in terms of saving time, money, and effort. However, they also said that online classes had decreased participation rate, were ineffective, and had limited interaction and socialization. Conduct of training/orientation and regular practice on online classes, and ensuring needed infrastructure and resources are in place and available, respectively; as well as further research on the topic were suggested.

Education and Information Technologies

Leo del Rosario

Jurnal Prima Edukasia

rimba hamid

This study aims to obtain an in-depth overview of (1) the distribution of students at the Department of PGSD FKIP UHO based on domicile in implementing online learning during the Covid-19 period; (2) infrastructure support for the effectiveness of online learning in the Covid-19 period; and (3) students' perceptions about online learning conducted by lecturers of the Department of PGSD FKIP UHO during Covid-19. This research was conducted in May 2020, which was included in the descriptive study, by conducting a survey of students at the Department of PGSD FKIP UHO, which was spread across all districts/cities in Southeast Sulawesi and other regions. Data collection techniques using open and closed questionnaires, with the research subjects of the class of 2017, 2018 and 2019 students who filled 316 questionnaires online from the link sent. Data obtained from students in the form of qualitative and quantitative raw data collected online and converted in Excel format. The data was...

Arun Antonyraj

The Corona virus (Covid-19) pandemic out broken at the late 2019 was reported as a cluster of cases in December at Wuhan, China by The World Health Organization. The pandemic has been lasting about a year claimed more than 55 million cases and 1.5 million of death globally. This has brought into drastic changes in the normal lifestyle of people worldwide, especially into the routine of education field creating many changes into their policies and practices. The Pandemic has disrupted the cl assroom education system and paved a new normal way to online education system. The Information Communication Technologies have provided a rescue hand to bring back the student and teacher communication through online classes to persist the education. The study involves in analyzing the new normal practices at education sector in providing their classes online and the precautionary measures in enhancing the effectiveness of online classes.

Kimkong Heng

Afraseyab khattak

Afraseyab Khattak , sayyed Shah

Background: The spread of COVID-19 triggered a range of health sector responses. As a response to minimize the spread,e-learning schemes are employed in many countries including Pakistan. It is playing an important role during this outbreak; however, there are technical, educational, financial, infrastructural, and socioeconomic barriers that exist in the developing countries like Pakistan. These barriers have huge impact on the e-learning process in the country on both students and teachers. Purpose: This study tends to investigate the impact of online classes on students learning process and teachers fulfilling their responsibilities at university level, particularly during the lockdown of the third wave of COVID-19. Methods: For the data collection, a descriptive cross-sectional online and self-administrated survey has been conducted. The study sample has been made from eight different private and public sector universities of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Results: The results of the study have presented interesting facts which are not common is developed countries. Around 47.5% of teachers have reported their anxiousness about their online class cause of electrical problems and also 30.5% of the Internet connectivity issues. More than half of the students i.e., 58.5% have faced disturbance due to power shortage (load shedding) and around 56.7% have highlighted the Internet issue including availability and signal strength.The study has also shown that only 59% of the students have fully access their online

Journal ijmr.net.in(UGC Approved)

Corona virus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by newly discovered corona virus. It is slowing down the world economy. Each and every sector whether working or non-working has been totally affected by it. Educational issues have grown up to a very large extent due to the pandemic. Educational issues are one of major issues among those topics which need to be taken into consideration now days. Internet has changed the things that how we communicate nowadays, Online teaching during this pandemic Covid-19 has proved to be another perk of technology. Teachers are efficiently taking online classes but the questions arise the consideration and challenges that students and teachers are facing. Study is to throw light on some of the major concerns regarding it.

Shivani Sawhney

The lockdown has compelled many educational institutions to cancel their classes, examinations etc. and to choose the online modes. In this regard, E-learning tools have played decisive role during this pandemic, helping educational institute to facilitate students learning. The use of suitable and relevant pedagogy for online education may depend on the expertise and exposure to information technology for both educators and the students. The present study assesses the challenges faced by students and its impact on their studies due to online classes during Covid-19. A total of 140 respondents were participated in survey that was pursuing their graduation. The research instrument used for survey was Google form and link was created and sends to the students by WhatsApp mode. The results reveal that the low connectivity issue was the one of the hurdle students were facing. Results also indicate that online learning has reduced the quality of education.

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Challenges and Opportunities of Online Learning in the Philippine Context: Thriving in the New Normal

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Bibliometrics & citations, recommendations, challenges and opportunities for international students in graduate education.

International students pursuing graduate education in U.S. institutes have been rapidly increasing in recent years. Students from all over the world remarkably contribute to the advancement of U.S. economy and technology. This article addresses the ...

Opportunities and Challenges of online learning in China

With the impact of the COVID-19, online education is more and more mentioned and concerned. Online education is getting more and more popular due to its advantages of breaking through the limitations of field and time, fully and effectively allocating ...

Compensating Learning Losses in Online Learning: Teachers and Students' Performance in Virtual Classrooms

The study demonstrates the learning losses in remote online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic and how online teaching can mitigate these losses. The findings were analyzed using descriptive statistics and theme analysis based on online surveys and ...


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  • DOI: 10.31149/IJIE.V4I3.1301
  • Corpus ID: 234801234

Online classes and learning in the Philippines during the Covid-19 Pandemic

  • Aris E. Ignacio
  • Published 4 March 2021
  • Education, Computer Science

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Student perceptions of online biology learning during the covid-19 pandemic, extent of challenges and coping strategies in online teaching among esol teachers: its relationship to their teaching performance, secondary students’ profile and scholastic performance during covid-19: the case of a laboratory school in the philippines, the voices of college students in learning math online, during the covid pandemic: the hurdles, upper hands, and takeaways, exploring the financial management transition of school heads to face-to-face classes: a phenomenology, unraveling covid-19: descriptive analytics in a middle-income country, paving the path forward, ruralsync: providing digital content to remote communities in the philippines through opportunistic spectrum access, how important is the tuition fee during the covid-19 pandemic in a developing country evaluation of filipinos’ preferences on public university attributes using conjoint analysis, journal pre-proof is tuition fee during the covid-19 pandemic in a developing country evaluation of filipinos’ preferences on public university attributes using conjoint analysis, a structural equation model predicting adults’ online learning self-efficacy.

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Insights into students’ experiences and perceptions of remote learning methods: from the covid-19 pandemic to best practice for the future.

\r\nTrang Nguyen

  • 1 Minerva Schools at Keck Graduate Institute, San Francisco, CA, United States
  • 2 Ronin Institute for Independent Scholarship, Montclair, NJ, United States
  • 3 Department of Physics, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada

This spring, students across the globe transitioned from in-person classes to remote learning as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. This unprecedented change to undergraduate education saw institutions adopting multiple online teaching modalities and instructional platforms. We sought to understand students’ experiences with and perspectives on those methods of remote instruction in order to inform pedagogical decisions during the current pandemic and in future development of online courses and virtual learning experiences. Our survey gathered quantitative and qualitative data regarding students’ experiences with synchronous and asynchronous methods of remote learning and specific pedagogical techniques associated with each. A total of 4,789 undergraduate participants representing institutions across 95 countries were recruited via Instagram. We find that most students prefer synchronous online classes, and students whose primary mode of remote instruction has been synchronous report being more engaged and motivated. Our qualitative data show that students miss the social aspects of learning on campus, and it is possible that synchronous learning helps to mitigate some feelings of isolation. Students whose synchronous classes include active-learning techniques (which are inherently more social) report significantly higher levels of engagement, motivation, enjoyment, and satisfaction with instruction. Respondents’ recommendations for changes emphasize increased engagement, interaction, and student participation. We conclude that active-learning methods, which are known to increase motivation, engagement, and learning in traditional classrooms, also have a positive impact in the remote-learning environment. Integrating these elements into online courses will improve the student experience.


The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically changed the demographics of online students. Previously, almost all students engaged in online learning elected the online format, starting with individual online courses in the mid-1990s through today’s robust online degree and certificate programs. These students prioritize convenience, flexibility and ability to work while studying and are older than traditional college age students ( Harris and Martin, 2012 ; Levitz, 2016 ). These students also find asynchronous elements of a course are more useful than synchronous elements ( Gillingham and Molinari, 2012 ). In contrast, students who chose to take courses in-person prioritize face-to-face instruction and connection with others and skew considerably younger ( Harris and Martin, 2012 ). This leaves open the question of whether students who prefer to learn in-person but are forced to learn remotely will prefer synchronous or asynchronous methods. One study of student preferences following a switch to remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic indicates that students enjoy synchronous over asynchronous course elements and find them more effective ( Gillis and Krull, 2020 ). Now that millions of traditional in-person courses have transitioned online, our survey expands the data on student preferences and explores if those preferences align with pedagogical best practices.

An extensive body of research has explored what instructional methods improve student learning outcomes (Fink. 2013). Considerable evidence indicates that active-learning or student-centered approaches result in better learning outcomes than passive-learning or instructor-centered approaches, both in-person and online ( Freeman et al., 2014 ; Chen et al., 2018 ; Davis et al., 2018 ). Active-learning approaches include student activities or discussion in class, whereas passive-learning approaches emphasize extensive exposition by the instructor ( Freeman et al., 2014 ). Constructivist learning theories argue that students must be active participants in creating their own learning, and that listening to expert explanations is seldom sufficient to trigger the neurological changes necessary for learning ( Bostock, 1998 ; Zull, 2002 ). Some studies conclude that, while students learn more via active learning, they may report greater perceptions of their learning and greater enjoyment when passive approaches are used ( Deslauriers et al., 2019 ). We examine student perceptions of remote learning experiences in light of these previous findings.

In this study, we administered a survey focused on student perceptions of remote learning in late May 2020 through the social media account of @unjadedjade to a global population of English speaking undergraduate students representing institutions across 95 countries. We aim to explore how students were being taught, the relationship between pedagogical methods and student perceptions of their experience, and the reasons behind those perceptions. Here we present an initial analysis of the results and share our data set for further inquiry. We find that positive student perceptions correlate with synchronous courses that employ a variety of interactive pedagogical techniques, and that students overwhelmingly suggest behavioral and pedagogical changes that increase social engagement and interaction. We argue that these results support the importance of active learning in an online environment.

Materials and Methods

Participant pool.

Students were recruited through the Instagram account @unjadedjade. This social media platform, run by influencer Jade Bowler, focuses on education, effective study tips, ethical lifestyle, and promotes a positive mindset. For this reason, the audience is presumably academically inclined, and interested in self-improvement. The survey was posted to her account and received 10,563 responses within the first 36 h. Here we analyze the 4,789 of those responses that came from undergraduates. While we did not collect demographic or identifying information, we suspect that women are overrepresented in these data as followers of @unjadedjade are 80% women. A large minority of respondents were from the United Kingdom as Jade Bowler is a British influencer. Specifically, 43.3% of participants attend United Kingdom institutions, followed by 6.7% attending university in the Netherlands, 6.1% in Germany, 5.8% in the United States and 4.2% in Australia. Ninety additional countries are represented in these data (see Supplementary Figure 1 ).

Survey Design

The purpose of this survey is to learn about students’ instructional experiences following the transition to remote learning in the spring of 2020.

This survey was initially created for a student assignment for the undergraduate course Empirical Analysis at Minerva Schools at KGI. That version served as a robust pre-test and allowed for identification of the primary online platforms used, and the four primary modes of learning: synchronous (live) classes, recorded lectures and videos, uploaded or emailed materials, and chat-based communication. We did not adapt any open-ended questions based on the pre-test survey to avoid biasing the results and only corrected language in questions for clarity. We used these data along with an analysis of common practices in online learning to revise the survey. Our revised survey asked students to identify the synchronous and asynchronous pedagogical methods and platforms that they were using for remote learning. Pedagogical methods were drawn from literature assessing active and passive teaching strategies in North American institutions ( Fink, 2013 ; Chen et al., 2018 ; Davis et al., 2018 ). Open-ended questions asked students to describe why they preferred certain modes of learning and how they could improve their learning experience. Students also reported on their affective response to learning and participation using a Likert scale.

The revised survey also asked whether students had responded to the earlier survey. No significant differences were found between responses of those answering for the first and second times (data not shown). See Supplementary Appendix 1 for survey questions. Survey data was collected from 5/21/20 to 5/23/20.

Qualitative Coding

We applied a qualitative coding framework adapted from Gale et al. (2013) to analyze student responses to open-ended questions. Four researchers read several hundred responses and noted themes that surfaced. We then developed a list of themes inductively from the survey data and deductively from the literature on pedagogical practice ( Garrison et al., 1999 ; Zull, 2002 ; Fink, 2013 ; Freeman et al., 2014 ). The initial codebook was revised collaboratively based on feedback from researchers after coding 20–80 qualitative comments each. Before coding their assigned questions, alignment was examined through coding of 20 additional responses. Researchers aligned in identifying the same major themes. Discrepancies in terms identified were resolved through discussion. Researchers continued to meet weekly to discuss progress and alignment. The majority of responses were coded by a single researcher using the final codebook ( Supplementary Table 1 ). All responses to questions 3 (4,318 responses) and 8 (4,704 responses), and 2,512 of 4,776 responses to question 12 were analyzed. Valence was also indicated where necessary (i.e., positive or negative discussion of terms). This paper focuses on the most prevalent themes from our initial analysis of the qualitative responses. The corresponding author reviewed codes to ensure consistency and accuracy of reported data.

Statistical Analysis

The survey included two sets of Likert-scale questions, one consisting of a set of six statements about students’ perceptions of their experiences following the transition to remote learning ( Table 1 ). For each statement, students indicated their level of agreement with the statement on a five-point scale ranging from 1 (“Strongly Disagree”) to 5 (“Strongly Agree”). The second set asked the students to respond to the same set of statements, but about their retroactive perceptions of their experiences with in-person instruction before the transition to remote learning. This set was not the subject of our analysis but is present in the published survey results. To explore correlations among student responses, we used CrossCat analysis to calculate the probability of dependence between Likert-scale responses ( Mansinghka et al., 2016 ).


Table 1. Likert-scale questions.

Mean values are calculated based on the numerical scores associated with each response. Measures of statistical significance for comparisons between different subgroups of respondents were calculated using a two-sided Mann-Whitney U -test, and p -values reported here are based on this test statistic. We report effect sizes in pairwise comparisons using the common-language effect size, f , which is the probability that the response from a random sample from subgroup 1 is greater than the response from a random sample from subgroup 2. We also examined the effects of different modes of remote learning and technological platforms using ordinal logistic regression. With the exception of the mean values, all of these analyses treat Likert-scale responses as ordinal-scale, rather than interval-scale data.

Students Prefer Synchronous Class Sessions

Students were asked to identify their primary mode of learning given four categories of remote course design that emerged from the pilot survey and across literature on online teaching: live (synchronous) classes, recorded lectures and videos, emailed or uploaded materials, and chats and discussion forums. While 42.7% ( n = 2,045) students identified live classes as their primary mode of learning, 54.6% ( n = 2613) students preferred this mode ( Figure 1 ). Both recorded lectures and live classes were preferred over uploaded materials (6.22%, n = 298) and chat (3.36%, n = 161).


Figure 1. Actual (A) and preferred (B) primary modes of learning.

In addition to a preference for live classes, students whose primary mode was synchronous were more likely to enjoy the class, feel motivated and engaged, be satisfied with instruction and report higher levels of participation ( Table 2 and Supplementary Figure 2 ). Regardless of primary mode, over two-thirds of students reported they are often distracted during remote courses.


Table 2. The effect of synchronous vs. asynchronous primary modes of learning on student perceptions.

Variation in Pedagogical Techniques for Synchronous Classes Results in More Positive Perceptions of the Student Learning Experience

To survey the use of passive vs. active instructional methods, students reported the pedagogical techniques used in their live classes. Among the synchronous methods, we identify three different categories ( National Research Council, 2000 ; Freeman et al., 2014 ). Passive methods (P) include lectures, presentations, and explanation using diagrams, white boards and/or other media. These methods all rely on instructor delivery rather than student participation. Our next category represents active learning through primarily one-on-one interactions (A). The methods in this group are in-class assessment, question-and-answer (Q&A), and classroom chat. Group interactions (F) included classroom discussions and small-group activities. Given these categories, Mann-Whitney U pairwise comparisons between the 7 possible combinations and Likert scale responses about student experience showed that the use of a variety of methods resulted in higher ratings of experience vs. the use of a single method whether or not that single method was active or passive ( Table 3 ). Indeed, students whose classes used methods from each category (PAF) had higher ratings of enjoyment, motivation, and satisfaction with instruction than those who only chose any single method ( p < 0.0001) and also rated higher rates of participation and engagement compared to students whose only method was passive (P) or active through one-on-one interactions (A) ( p < 0.00001). Student ratings of distraction were not significantly different for any comparison. Given that sets of Likert responses often appeared significant together in these comparisons, we ran a CrossCat analysis to look at the probability of dependence across Likert responses. Responses have a high probability of dependence on each other, limiting what we can claim about any discrete response ( Supplementary Figure 3 ).


Table 3. Comparison of combinations of synchronous methods on student perceptions. Effect size (f).

Mann-Whitney U pairwise comparisons were also used to check if improvement in student experience was associated with the number of methods used vs. the variety of types of methods. For every comparison, we found that more methods resulted in higher scores on all Likert measures except distraction ( Table 4 ). Even comparison between four or fewer methods and greater than four methods resulted in a 59% chance that the latter enjoyed the courses more ( p < 0.00001) and 60% chance that they felt more motivated to learn ( p < 0.00001). Students who selected more than four methods ( n = 417) were also 65.1% ( p < 0.00001), 62.9% ( p < 0.00001) and 64.3% ( p < 0.00001) more satisfied with instruction, engaged, and actively participating, respectfully. Therefore, there was an overlap between how the number and variety of methods influenced students’ experiences. Since the number of techniques per category is 2–3, we cannot fully disentangle the effect of number vs. variety. Pairwise comparisons to look at subsets of data with 2–3 methods from a single group vs. 2–3 methods across groups controlled for this but had low sample numbers in most groups and resulted in no significant findings (data not shown). Therefore, from the data we have in our survey, there seems to be an interdependence between number and variety of methods on students’ learning experiences.


Table 4. Comparison of the number of synchronous methods on student perceptions. Effect size (f).

Variation in Asynchronous Pedagogical Techniques Results in More Positive Perceptions of the Student Learning Experience

Along with synchronous pedagogical methods, students reported the asynchronous methods that were used for their classes. We divided these methods into three main categories and conducted pairwise comparisons. Learning methods include video lectures, video content, and posted study materials. Interacting methods include discussion/chat forums, live office hours, and email Q&A with professors. Testing methods include assignments and exams. Our results again show the importance of variety in students’ perceptions ( Table 5 ). For example, compared to providing learning materials only, providing learning materials, interaction, and testing improved enjoyment ( f = 0.546, p < 0.001), motivation ( f = 0.553, p < 0.0001), satisfaction with instruction ( f = 0.596, p < 0.00001), engagement ( f = 0.572, p < 0.00001) and active participation ( f = 0.563, p < 0.00001) (row 6). Similarly, compared to just being interactive with conversations, the combination of all three methods improved five out of six indicators, except for distraction in class (row 11).


Table 5. Comparison of combinations of asynchronous methods on student perceptions. Effect size (f).

Ordinal logistic regression was used to assess the likelihood that the platforms students used predicted student perceptions ( Supplementary Table 2 ). Platform choices were based on the answers to open-ended questions in the pre-test survey. The synchronous and asynchronous methods used were consistently more predictive of Likert responses than the specific platforms. Likewise, distraction continued to be our outlier with no differences across methods or platforms.

Students Prefer In-Person and Synchronous Online Learning Largely Due to Social-Emotional Reasoning

As expected, 86.1% (4,123) of survey participants report a preference for in-person courses, while 13.9% (666) prefer online courses. When asked to explain the reasons for their preference, students who prefer in-person courses most often mention the importance of social interaction (693 mentions), engagement (639 mentions), and motivation (440 mentions). These students are also more likely to mention a preference for a fixed schedule (185 mentions) vs. a flexible schedule (2 mentions).

In addition to identifying social reasons for their preference for in-person learning, students’ suggestions for improvements in online learning focus primarily on increasing interaction and engagement, with 845 mentions of live classes, 685 mentions of interaction, 126 calls for increased participation and calls for changes related to these topics such as, “Smaller teaching groups for live sessions so that everyone is encouraged to talk as some people don’t say anything and don’t participate in group work,” and “Make it less of the professor reading the pdf that was given to us and more interaction.”

Students who prefer online learning primarily identify independence and flexibility (214 mentions) and reasons related to anxiety and discomfort in in-person settings (41 mentions). Anxiety was only mentioned 12 times in the much larger group that prefers in-person learning.

The preference for synchronous vs. asynchronous modes of learning follows similar trends ( Table 6 ). Students who prefer live classes mention engagement and interaction most often while those who prefer recorded lectures mention flexibility.


Table 6. Most prevalent themes for students based on their preferred mode of remote learning.

Student Perceptions Align With Research on Active Learning

The first, and most robust, conclusion is that incorporation of active-learning methods correlates with more positive student perceptions of affect and engagement. We can see this clearly in the substantial differences on a number of measures, where students whose classes used only passive-learning techniques reported lower levels of engagement, satisfaction, participation, and motivation when compared with students whose classes incorporated at least some active-learning elements. This result is consistent with prior research on the value of active learning ( Freeman et al., 2014 ).

Though research shows that student learning improves in active learning classes, on campus, student perceptions of their learning, enjoyment, and satisfaction with instruction are often lower in active-learning courses ( Deslauriers et al., 2019 ). Our finding that students rate enjoyment and satisfaction with instruction higher for active learning online suggests that the preference for passive lectures on campus relies on elements outside of the lecture itself. That might include the lecture hall environment, the social physical presence of peers, or normalization of passive lectures as the expected mode for on-campus classes. This implies that there may be more buy-in for active learning online vs. in-person.

A second result from our survey is that student perceptions of affect and engagement are associated with students experiencing a greater diversity of learning modalities. We see this in two different results. First, in addition to the fact that classes that include active learning outperform classes that rely solely on passive methods, we find that on all measures besides distraction, the highest student ratings are associated with a combination of active and passive methods. Second, we find that these higher scores are associated with classes that make use of a larger number of different methods.

This second result suggests that students benefit from classes that make use of multiple different techniques, possibly invoking a combination of passive and active methods. However, it is unclear from our data whether this effect is associated specifically with combining active and passive methods, or if it is associated simply with the use of multiple different methods, irrespective of whether those methods are active, passive, or some combination. The problem is that the number of methods used is confounded with the diversity of methods (e.g., it is impossible for a classroom using only one method to use both active and passive methods). In an attempt to address this question, we looked separately at the effect of number and diversity of methods while holding the other constant. Across a large number of such comparisons, we found few statistically significant differences, which may be a consequence of the fact that each comparison focused on a small subset of the data.

Thus, our data suggests that using a greater diversity of learning methods in the classroom may lead to better student outcomes. This is supported by research on student attention span which suggests varying delivery after 10–15 min to retain student’s attention ( Bradbury, 2016 ). It is likely that this is more relevant for online learning where students report high levels of distraction across methods, modalities, and platforms. Given that number and variety are key, and there are few passive learning methods, we can assume that some combination of methods that includes active learning improves student experience. However, it is not clear whether we should predict that this benefit would come simply from increasing the number of different methods used, or if there are benefits specific to combining particular methods. Disentangling these effects would be an interesting avenue for future research.

Students Value Social Presence in Remote Learning

Student responses across our open-ended survey questions show a striking difference in reasons for their preferences compared with traditional online learners who prefer flexibility ( Harris and Martin, 2012 ; Levitz, 2016 ). Students reasons for preferring in-person classes and synchronous remote classes emphasize the desire for social interaction and echo the research on the importance of social presence for learning in online courses.

Short et al. (1976) outlined Social Presence Theory in depicting students’ perceptions of each other as real in different means of telecommunications. These ideas translate directly to questions surrounding online education and pedagogy in regards to educational design in networked learning where connection across learners and instructors improves learning outcomes especially with “Human-Human interaction” ( Goodyear, 2002 , 2005 ; Tu, 2002 ). These ideas play heavily into asynchronous vs. synchronous learning, where Tu reports students having positive responses to both synchronous “real-time discussion in pleasantness, responsiveness and comfort with familiar topics” and real-time discussions edging out asynchronous computer-mediated communications in immediate replies and responsiveness. Tu’s research indicates that students perceive more interaction with synchronous mediums such as discussions because of immediacy which enhances social presence and support the use of active learning techniques ( Gunawardena, 1995 ; Tu, 2002 ). Thus, verbal immediacy and communities with face-to-face interactions, such as those in synchronous learning classrooms, lessen the psychological distance of communicators online and can simultaneously improve instructional satisfaction and reported learning ( Gunawardena and Zittle, 1997 ; Richardson and Swan, 2019 ; Shea et al., 2019 ). While synchronous learning may not be ideal for traditional online students and a subset of our participants, this research suggests that non-traditional online learners are more likely to appreciate the value of social presence.

Social presence also connects to the importance of social connections in learning. Too often, current systems of education emphasize course content in narrow ways that fail to embrace the full humanity of students and instructors ( Gay, 2000 ). With the COVID-19 pandemic leading to further social isolation for many students, the importance of social presence in courses, including live interactions that build social connections with classmates and with instructors, may be increased.

Limitations of These Data

Our undergraduate data consisted of 4,789 responses from 95 different countries, an unprecedented global scale for research on online learning. However, since respondents were followers of @unjadedjade who focuses on learning and wellness, these respondents may not represent the average student. Biases in survey responses are often limited by their recruitment techniques and our bias likely resulted in more robust and thoughtful responses to free-response questions and may have influenced the preference for synchronous classes. It is unlikely that it changed students reporting on remote learning pedagogical methods since those are out of student control.

Though we surveyed a global population, our design was rooted in literature assessing pedagogy in North American institutions. Therefore, our survey may not represent a global array of teaching practices.

This survey was sent out during the initial phase of emergency remote learning for most countries. This has two important implications. First, perceptions of remote learning may be clouded by complications of the pandemic which has increased social, mental, and financial stresses globally. Future research could disaggregate the impact of the pandemic from students’ learning experiences with a more detailed and holistic analysis of the impact of the pandemic on students.

Second, instructors, students and institutions were not able to fully prepare for effective remote education in terms of infrastructure, mentality, curriculum building, and pedagogy. Therefore, student experiences reflect this emergency transition. Single-modality courses may correlate with instructors who lacked the resources or time to learn or integrate more than one modality. Regardless, the main insights of this research align well with the science of teaching and learning and can be used to inform both education during future emergencies and course development for online programs that wish to attract traditional college students.

Global Student Voices Improve Our Understanding of the Experience of Emergency Remote Learning

Our survey shows that global student perspectives on remote learning agree with pedagogical best practices, breaking with the often-found negative reactions of students to these practices in traditional classrooms ( Shekhar et al., 2020 ). Our analysis of open-ended questions and preferences show that a majority of students prefer pedagogical approaches that promote both active learning and social interaction. These results can serve as a guide to instructors as they design online classes, especially for students whose first choice may be in-person learning. Indeed, with the near ubiquitous adoption of remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, remote learning may be the default for colleges during temporary emergencies. This has already been used at the K-12 level as snow days become virtual learning days ( Aspergren, 2020 ).

In addition to informing pedagogical decisions, the results of this survey can be used to inform future research. Although we survey a global population, our recruitment method selected for students who are English speakers, likely majority female, and have an interest in self-improvement. Repeating this study with a more diverse and representative sample of university students could improve the generalizability of our findings. While the use of a variety of pedagogical methods is better than a single method, more research is needed to determine what the optimal combinations and implementations are for courses in different disciplines. Though we identified social presence as the major trend in student responses, the over 12,000 open-ended responses from students could be analyzed in greater detail to gain a more nuanced understanding of student preferences and suggestions for improvement. Likewise, outliers could shed light on the diversity of student perspectives that we may encounter in our own classrooms. Beyond this, our findings can inform research that collects demographic data and/or measures learning outcomes to understand the impact of remote learning on different populations.

Importantly, this paper focuses on a subset of responses from the full data set which includes 10,563 students from secondary school, undergraduate, graduate, or professional school and additional questions about in-person learning. Our full data set is available here for anyone to download for continued exploration: https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId= doi: 10.7910/DVN/2TGOPH .

Data Availability Statement

The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will be made available by the authors, without undue reservation.

Ethics Statement

Ethical review and approval was not required for the study on human participants in accordance with the local legislation and institutional requirements. The patients/participants provided their written informed consent to participate in this study.

Author Contributions

GS: project lead, survey design, qualitative coding, writing, review, and editing. TN: data analysis, writing, review, and editing. CN and PB: qualitative coding. JW: data analysis, writing, and editing. CS: writing, review, and editing. EV and KL: original survey design and qualitative coding. PP: data analysis. JB: original survey design and survey distribution. HH: data analysis. MP: writing. All authors contributed to the article and approved the submitted version.

Conflict of Interest

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.


We want to thank Minerva Schools at KGI for providing funding for summer undergraduate research internships. We also want to thank Josh Fost and Christopher V. H.-H. Chen for discussion that helped shape this project.

Supplementary Material

The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/feduc.2021.647986/full#supplementary-material

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Keywords : online learning, COVID-19, active learning, higher education, pedagogy, survey, international

Citation: Nguyen T, Netto CLM, Wilkins JF, Bröker P, Vargas EE, Sealfon CD, Puthipiroj P, Li KS, Bowler JE, Hinson HR, Pujar M and Stein GM (2021) Insights Into Students’ Experiences and Perceptions of Remote Learning Methods: From the COVID-19 Pandemic to Best Practice for the Future. Front. Educ. 6:647986. doi: 10.3389/feduc.2021.647986

Received: 30 December 2020; Accepted: 09 March 2021; Published: 09 April 2021.

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Copyright © 2021 Nguyen, Netto, Wilkins, Bröker, Vargas, Sealfon, Puthipiroj, Li, Bowler, Hinson, Pujar and Stein. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY) . The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.

*Correspondence: Geneva M. Stein, [email protected]

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Top 5 Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Classes in the Philippines

  • Course Finder
  • June 24, 2022

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Online learning has been the primary mode of acquiring education for most Filipino students over the last two years. But since DepEd recently announced that all schools in the country can do face-to-face classes as early as next school year, many people are now thinking of shifting back to the traditional form of learning. Isa ka ba sa kanila? Are you trying to decide whether it’s worth continuing your classes in an online setting or not? If so, then let CourseFinder help you out. We listed some of the top advantages and disadvantages of online classes in the Philippines that you should be aware of. And on that note, let’s begin.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Classes in the Philippines

There are a couple of good and bad effects of online classes in the Philippines that we would like to share with you today. We’ll start with the pros of online learning:

Benefits of Online Classes in the Philippines

  • One of the best advantages of online learning is that you don't have to leave the comfort and safety of your own home ( taong bahay yarn? ) just to study. This will also lessen your chances of exposure to COVID-19 and other illnesses that may affect your performance as a student.
  • You will be able to save time and money too, because there's no need for you to commute or drive to school every day.
  • This depends upon the university, but a lot of online classes in the Philippines work on a Flexi-schedule scheme. With this, you can learn whenever you're free to. Something that you can't do with the traditional way of learning.
  • Another one of its best advantages is that you get to spend more time with your family. Yes, you're studying and all, but you're also doing it while in their company. The presence of your loved ones can encourage you to study harder and feel less stressed.
  • You will also be introduced to different programs and communication platforms your professors use to conduct their online classes. The software you'll work with may vary depending on what you're studying, but some of the ones you may have to be familiar with include Microsoft Word, Google Sheets, Skype, Adobe, Google Meet, Telegram, Zoom, and more.

Struggles of Online Classes in the Philippines

  • Although it’s nice that you can attend classes without leaving your home, all that time you spend away from your teacher and classmates may make you feel isolated. And when taken for granted, that feeling may worsen and cause distinct effects on your mental health.
  • Whether it be the laugh of your loved ones, the sound of the television, your dogs barking, or even the sound of jeepneys on the street, there are so many distractions when it comes to doing online classes in the Philippines. It also doesn't help that most houses of ordinary Filipino families aren't built to have an extra room that can serve as a quiet study area.
  • One of the most significant struggles of online classes in the Philippines is the unreliable internet connection. Unless you’re connected to the most expensive package from the most reliable carriers, you're probably used to dealing with connectivity disruptions at this point.
  • Yes, you can attend your classes with just a smartphone. But to do well, you need to have a device that can keep up with the audio, video, and program requirements of your online class. If you can afford a computer or laptop then that's great, but what if you don’t?
  • Another downside of doing online classes in the Philippines is that you might not be able to develop a proper sense of responsibility and self-discipline. Since you’re not in the usual classroom setting, you may find it easy to neglect your school work and not miss deadlines.

Final Words

These are the top 5 advantages and disadvantages of online classes in the Philippines that you should always be aware of. Online learning has plenty of benefits and may be the better choice if you have all the resources and like to stay safe from all virus threats. However, if you feel unable to take in all the lessons, and you're scared on missing out on all the quintessential estudyante moments, the traditional face-to-face classes will work for you.

That's it for this article. We hope that by sharing the pros and cons of online classes in the Philippines, you'll be able to decide which mode of learning works the best. If you want to read more blogs about similar topics, just head over to the articles section of our website. We have a collection of informative and easy-to-read articles about school, career, and life in general.

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With Schools Closed, Covid-19 Deepens a Philippine Education Crisis

The country remains among the few that have not at least partially reopened, sparking worry in a place where many lack a computer or internet access.

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By Jason Gutierrez and Dan Bilefsky

MANILA — As jubilant students across the globe trade in online learning for classrooms, millions of children in the Philippines are staying home for the second year in a row because of the pandemic, fanning concerns about a worsening education crisis in a country where access to the internet is uneven.

President Rodrigo Duterte has justified keeping elementary schools and high schools closed by arguing that students and their families need to be protected from the coronavirus. The Philippines has one of the lowest vaccination rates in Asia, with just 16 percent of its population fully inoculated, and Delta variant infections have surged in recent months.

That makes the Philippines, with its roughly 27 million students, one of only a handful of countries that has kept schools fully closed throughout the pandemic, joining Venezuela, according to UNICEF, the United Nations Agency for Children. Other countries that kept schools closed, like Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, have moved to reopen them.

“I cannot gamble on the health of the children,” Mr. Duterte said in June, rejecting recommendations by the health department to reopen schools.

The move — which has kept nearly 2,000 schools closed — has spawned a backlash among parents and students in a sprawling nation with endemic poverty. Many people, particularly in remote and rural areas, do not have access to a computer or the internet at home for online learning.

Iljon Roxas, a high school student stuck at home in Bacoor City, south of Manila, said the monotony of staring at a computer screen over the past year made it difficult to concentrate, and he yearned to return to a real classroom. The fun and joy of learning, he added, had evaporated.

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The pandemic is reshaping education, here’s how the Philippines is coping

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The pandemic is reshaping education, here’s how the Philippines is coping

The reopening of classes despite the pandemic has been the subject of many debates. Many are pushing for the education sector to skip this school year so no student gets left behind while a lot of parents are also still willing to try how remote learning is going to work. 

It’s no secret that remote learning poses a lot of challenges for many Filipino students. Buying a laptop, computer, or even a tablet or mobile phone plus securing an internet connection aren’t something that all Filipino parents can easily do for their children no matter how much they would like to. Many lost their livelihoods due to the pandemic.

The education sector understands that. So, they’re taking this opportunity to reshape the way we teach our children. The pandemic is far from over and who knows what other crises we might still be facing so though it’s a laborious task, this is a way for the Philippines to build the schools of the future. 

One of the most important ways they’re doing that is by promoting flexible learning. This means that there are learning programs created based on the capacity of the students, schools, or the community.

“We are promoting a strategy of flexible learning where those who are prepared to offer courses fully online can start immediately. While those that cannot offer fully online might provide offline modes of learning delivery like printed course packets, radio broadcast especially for those institutions with radio stations, and portable learning management systems,” said J. Prospero E. De Vera III, chairman of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED). “We are giving flexibility to higher education institutions. CHED is fully supportive of ensuring that their faculty gets the necessary training.” 

To help schools adopt this flexible learning scheme, CHED developed PHL CHED Connect which houses free higher education materials that can be used for teaching, learning, and research purposes. CHED has also been training faculty members through the HiEd Bayanihan program and giving grants to higher education institutions (HEIs) to train teachers with specific needs.  

Meanwhile, the lower education, led by DepEd, has also been preparing for remote learning through the DepEd Computerization Program (DCP) which aims to provide equipment to all public schools, and the Public Education Network (PEN) which ensures that all schools and offices are connected.

“The PEN will solve the digital divide. By providing electricity to schools and by providing connectivity using all available technologies (broadband, fiber, satellite, etc.), then we can bring the kind of education the urban areas enjoy to the rural areas and to the remotest barangay,” said DepEd undersecretary Alain Pascua.

There’s also the Last Mile Schools Program which goes beyond just providing computers and tablets but making sure that the communities are prepared to use them by providing basic utilities such as water and electricity.

“We are fortunate to have dedicated officials in the field, always striving to find the ideal solution for every unique situation posed in their areas. Since the onset of the quarantine periods, we have been in constant communication with all of our personnel in the regional, division, and school levels and we are very pleased with the enthusiasm they are showing, despite the obvious challenges,” said Pascua. “We have made use of every platform available to us, such as Microsoft Teams and DepEd’s own Workplace by Facebook, and I believe this has helped keep everyone in the loop, in order to ensure that everyone is doing fine. We have introduced DepEd Commons and soon the DepEd Learning Management System.”

CHED and DepEd also recognize the toll that this new way of learning is taking on both the students’ and the teachers’ mental health. So apart from equipping them with tools, there are also programs designed to help them become mentally-ready.

“Aside from the training of faculty members, information dissemination, and physical preparation of our HEIs, school administrators should also prioritize the mental health condition of our students, given the anxiety and stress that they have experienced in coping with the new normal. Hence, this is also one of the undertakings of CHED,” said de Vera. “Mental health conditions, not only of students, but also of faculty members, should be prioritized because anxiety, stress, and depression lead to the reduced capacity of our students and faculty members to transition to the new normal.”

DepEd also has the Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Services program which aims to provide mental health and psychosocial support services to teachers, including non-teaching personnel. According to Pascua, the first two weeks of classes beginning on August 24 will be devoted to psychosocial support not just for learners but for parents, teachers, and non-teaching personnel as well.

It’s not only the government who is taking strides to help continue our children’s education despite the pandemic. There are brands like Globe who are doing their part to make this transition as easy as it can be for everyone. So, Globe came up with #TogetherWeCan: Recreate. The way we learn.

“When the lockdown started, we knew already that the education sector needs our assistance through our programs and solutions. Globe’s initiatives in the education sector started 5 years ago and there is no better timing in terms of addressing the crisis than to act right then and there,” said Mark Abalos, Globe Segment Head for Education. “Our commitment to building a digital nation became our guide to make sure that things move and solutions are provided to address problems.”

They’ve been immersing and talking to school administrators, mapping out the journey of these institutions – in terms of technology integration and project implementation – to be able to create well-crafted and customized solutions for every client. 

Globe has decided to put their focus on education not only because they know that it’s the sector that is most in need but because they believe that by supporting the stakeholders and ecosystem players, they’ll be able to envision successful Filipino families, businesses, and nation.

“Globe is not simply a telco company. Globe is an organization that creates and enables digital life for the Philippines, so Filipinos can access choices, overcome challenges, and discover new ways to enjoy life. Globe achieves this through obsessing about its customers, digitally transforming businesses, building the network of choice, and empowering its people. Globe continues to provide meaningful support to all its stakeholders and creates wonderful channels to the digital lifestyle for Filipinos and all stakeholders,” said Abalos.

Though they have been taking these major steps, the education sector recognizes that they still have a long way to go, that there will be many challenges along the way, and that the experience will be different for each student and teacher. But they also know that this will help the Philippine educational system move forward. While the health and safety of students and teachers remain to be the priority, it’s also important to find ways for education to continue. 

And they guarantee that they will be present in every step of the way.

“They can expect a very dynamic, adaptable, and open DepEd. This pandemic has certainly brought us plenty of challenges and I believe we have been able to address most of the major concerns for the opening of classes. We would like to stress that we are always here to answer questions and provide clarifications because an open line of communication is even more important today,” said Pascua.

“Filipinos are known for being resilient. This pandemic has opened our minds that being resilient should not start when an individual has started his or her family and has experienced problems but rather, should begin from the time we have started with our education. In this way, resiliency will be inculcated in our minds and in our day-to-day living. To our students, parents, faculty members, and school administrators, please do not stop being resilient, innovative, and caring. These characteristics will not only contribute to our personal development but also will help our community and in turn, will contribute to our nation,” said de Vera. – Rappler.com

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  1. (PDF) Online classes and learning in the Philippines during the Covid

    research topic about online classes in the philippines brainly

  2. (PDF) On the perceived impact of online classes brought by the pandemic

    research topic about online classes in the philippines brainly

  3. essay about your thoughts about the reopening of face-to-face classes

    research topic about online classes in the philippines brainly

  4. Online Classes in the Philippines: How Schools are Coping this 2022

    research topic about online classes in the philippines brainly

  5. Social learning network Brainly enters the Philippines! (Updated)

    research topic about online classes in the philippines brainly

  6. Write a debate on favour of online classes and against of online

    research topic about online classes in the philippines brainly


  1. Philippines 'learning crisis' as kids face second year of remote schooling

  2. PANAYAM: Mga Naidudulot ng Online Learning sa Mental Health ng mga Estudyante Ngayong Pandemya

  3. Weblio Home-Based Tutor: A Rewarding Way to Teach English Online!

  4. DepEd Survey: Maraming Parents at Teachers ang May Internet Access

  5. The Cultural Communities in the Philippines

  6. Top Story: Should teachers and students have interactions, friendships outside class?


  1. (PDF) Online classes and learning in the Philippines during the Covid

    Abstract. The COVID-19 pandemic brought great disruption to all aspects of life specifically on how. classes were conducted both in an offline and online modes. The sudden shift to purely online ...

  2. Students' online learning challenges during the pandemic and how they

    22. I experience inequalities with regard to access to and use of technologies during online classes because of my socioeconomic, physical, and psychological condition. 2.34: 1.68: 23. I have an outdated technology. 2.04: 1.62: 24. I do not have Internet access during online classes. 1.72: 1.65: 25. I have low bandwidth and slow processing ...

  3. Online classes and learning in the Philippines during the Covid-19

    The COVID-19 pandemic brought great disruption to all aspects of life specifically on how classes were conducted both in an offline and online modes. The sudden shift to purely online method of teaching and learning was a result of the lockdowns that were imposed by the Philippine government. While some institutions have dealt with the situation by shutting down operations, others continued to ...

  4. Online Classes and Learning in the Philippines During the ...

    Abstract. The COVID-19 pandemic brought great disruption to all aspects of life specifically on how classes were conducted both in an offline and online modes. The sudden shift to purely online method of teaching and learning was a result of the lockdowns that were imposed by the Philippine government. While some institutions have dealt with ...

  5. PDF Online classes and learning in the Philippines during ...

    Aris E. Ignacio. College of Information Technology Southville International School and Colleges Las Piñas City 1740, Philippines Email: [email protected] / [email protected] ...

  6. (Open Access) Online classes and learning in the Philippines during the

    (DOI: 10.31149/IJIE.V4I3.1301) The COVID-19 pandemic brought great disruption to all aspects of life specifically on how classes were conducted both in an offline and online modes. The sudden shift to purely online method of teaching and learning was a result of the lockdowns that were imposed by the Philippine government. While some institutions have dealt with the situation by shutting down ...

  7. (PDF) The Current State of Education in the Philippines: Traces and

    The TESDA, too, is offering a good number of free online courses, including a course on Covid-19 prevention in the workplace (Damicog 2020). Sixth, another initiative of the national government ...

  8. (PDF) Online classes and learning in the Philippines during the Covid

    Online classes and learning in the Philippines during the Covid-19 Pandemic. ... and ensuring needed infrastructure and resources are in place and available, respectively; as well as further research on the topic were suggested. ... The continuation of classes online had caused several issues from students and teachers ranging from lack of ...

  9. In the Philippines, distance learning reveals the digital divide

    With in-person classes impossible, the Department of Education (DepEd) and the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), which oversees colleges and universities, put together distance learning options that include online platforms, offline modules, or a combination of the two, called blended or flexible learning.

  10. Challenges and Opportunities of Online Learning in the Philippine

    The research focused on the challenges and opportunities given by the fast transition of academic institutions to remote online learning amid the country's Covid-19 pandemic. Data from online surveys and focus groups were analyzed using descriptive statistics and theme analysis.

  11. Distance learning in the Philippines: A year of hits and misses

    In March, senators questioned a report from the Department of Education (DepEd) that said 99% of public school students obtained a passing grade in the first quarter of the school year (October ...

  12. Online classes and learning in the Philippines during the Covid-19

    Recommendations were asserted to mitigate the presented concerns and improve the delivery of the necessary quality education to the intended learners. The COVID-19 pandemic brought great disruption to all aspects of life specifically on how classes were conducted both in an offline and online modes. The sudden shift to purely online method of teaching and learning was a result of the lockdowns ...

  13. Frontiers

    This article is part of the Research Topic Covid-19 and Beyond: From (Forced) ... We find that most students prefer synchronous online classes, and students whose primary mode of remote instruction has been synchronous report being more engaged and motivated. Our qualitative data show that students miss the social aspects of learning on campus ...

  14. Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Classes in the Philippines

    These are the top 5 advantages and disadvantages of online classes in the Philippines that you should always be aware of. Online learning has plenty of benefits and may be the better choice if you have all the resources and like to stay safe from all virus threats. However, if you feel unable to take in all the lessons, and you're scared on ...

  15. Online classes: What the country will need to make them happen

    A UP study (2020) estimates that elementary students will attend one to two hours of online class daily, while high school students will do 3 to 4.5 hours, with data costing P13.50/hr. Unless ...

  16. Online vs traditional class

    Online classes tend to have less interaction with students and teachers due to the distance. In our video conferences, the teachers gave us the inputs, and we learned from it through self-study.

  17. 3 case studies: How ready are Philippine schools for distance ...

    One standard is room is set aside for online classes. There are 4 handwashing stations distributed in the center areas of the school. In July, before the start of classes, the teachers worked on ...

  18. The Social Media Usage and Its Impact on the Filipino Learners

    With the shift from face-to-face classes to online learning, social media became more accessible and open to young learners in the Philippines, resulting in students spending a significant amount ...

  19. classify the following list of research topics according to ...

    6.Being There: Research Study of Student Perceptions of Instructor Presence in Online Classes 7.Leadership Journeys: Research Study Exploring women school superintendent's meaning-making of leadership 8.Child protection and maltreatment in the philippines: a systematic review of the literature

  20. As Covid Surges, Filipino Students Begin Second Year Online

    Aaron Favila/Associated Press. MANILA — As jubilant students across the globe trade in online learning for classrooms, millions of children in the Philippines are staying home for the second ...

  21. The pandemic is reshaping education, here's how the Philippines is coping

    The reopening of classes despite the pandemic has been the subject of many debates. Many are pushing for the education sector to skip this school year so no student gets left behind while a lot of ...

  22. research paper topic about online classes? any suggestions ...

    Answer. 4 people found it helpful. yachii. report flag outlined. Answer: impact of online classes to students' academic performance. Explanation: Advertisement.

  23. Philippines: Frequently Asked Research Topics

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