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Essays in transport economics.

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Transportation Economics in the 21st Century

This project supports research on three central issues in transportation economics: the impact of the transportation sector on the economy, new transportation technologies and initiatives such as automation and ride-sharing, and the role of transportation in contributing to household welfare. It also seeks to develop new data resources to support empirical research in transportation economics. The project supports a diverse set of research studies. The findings of these studies are presented and discussed at an annual research conference, and distributed in the NBER Working Paper series.

US Department of Transportation, National Household Transportation Survey Graph

This project is supported by the US Department of Transportation through an inter-agency agreement with the National Science Foundation, which has extended a grant to the NBER.  


Photo of James Poterba

James Poterba is the Mitsui Professor of Economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the President and CEO of the NBER. His research straddles the fields of public and financial economics, with particular emphasis on tax policy and on the determinants of retirement security.

Edward Glaeser Profile

Edward Glaeser is the Fred and Eleanor Glimp Professor of Economics at Harvard University. His research ranges broadly within urban economics, exploring the determinants of city growth and the role of cities in fostering idea transmission and other agglomeration economies.

Stephen Redding Profile

Stephen J. Redding is the Harold T. Shapiro ‘64 Professor in Economics at Princeton University. His research interests span international trade, economic geography, and the determinants of productivity and economic growth.  

Supported by the US Department of Transportation through an interagency agreement with the National Science Foundation grants #1559013 and #2315269

More from nber.

In addition to working papers , the NBER disseminates affiliates’ latest findings through a range of free periodicals — the NBER Reporter , the NBER Digest , the Bulletin on Retirement and Disability , the Bulletin on Health , and the Bulletin on Entrepreneurship  — as well as online conference reports , video lectures , and interviews .

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Ubc theses and dissertations, essays in transport economics and operations management yang, hangjun --> -->.

This dissertation studies three topics in transport economics and operations management. The first topic is on the economic regulation of congested airports. The second one is revenue sharing between airlines and airports. In the third topic, we investigate the impact of strategic customer behavior on the channel profits. Chapter 2 studies the effects of concession revenue sharing between an airport and its airlines. It is found that the degree of revenue sharing will be affected by how airlines' services are related to each other (complements, independent, or substitutes). It is further found that airport competition results in a higher degree of revenue sharing than in the case of single airports. The airport-airline chains may nevertheless derive lower profits through the revenue-sharing rivalry, and the situation is similar to a Prisoners' Dilemma. Chapter 3 considers price-cap regulation of an airport where the airport facility (e.g., its runway) is congested and air carriers have market power. In the case of airports, there are two versions of price-cap regulation: the single-till approach and the dual-till approach. We show that when airport congestion is not a major problem, single-till price-cap regulation dominates dual-till price-cap regulation with respect to social welfare. Furthermore, we identify situations where dual-till regulation performs better than single-till regulation when there is significant airport congestion. Chapter 4 investigates the impact of customer and firm discounting as well as downstream retailer competition on the benefit of decentralization when customers are strategic. We consider a dynamic two-period model consisting of one manufacturer who sells a product through multiple retailers under linear wholesale price contracts. No firm can credibly commit to future prices or quantities. With strategic customers, we find that a decentralized channel may have higher profit than that of a centralized channel. We show that in addition to the double marginalization effect, both customer and firm discounting and retailer competition are also driving factors of the higher decentralized channel profit.

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  • ubc_2011_spring_yang_hangjun.pdf -- 1.13MB

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International Journal Of Transport Economics

Upcoming special issue -  advanced technology: new trends in transportation policy and economics     since the last decades, due to technological revolution in transportation and logistics domain, the field is dramatically revolving and improving the efficiency of existing methods (basnak et al. 2020; golpîra et al. 2021). advanced technologies are emerging to meet these challenges, including traffic analytics, recycling and waste, green and autonomous vehicles, fuel reduction, and performance optimization (khan et al. 2021; du et al. 2020; koh et al. 2020). the advanced technologies also help in decision-making and policy formulation that support transit-oriented development (khan et al. 2021). the ever-increasing development of transportation demand models, especially micro-simulations, highlights the social and economic relations underlying mobility choices and, on the other side, advancement of technology, which helps to achieve greater efficiency and reduced vulnerability in the system (dimitrakopoulos and demestichas 2010). the technological revolution in the field of transportation economics provides opportunities, but is also affected and challenged by transportation policies and economics (nowiński and kozma 2017; kouhizadeh et al. 2019), which this special issue aims to focus on.   for this special issue, empirical, mathematical, and simulation research studies are the key focus. surveys, case studies, and action research might be appropriate for this special issue.  the special issue aims to address the following, but not limited to, potential topics in the field of transportation economics: - multimodal transportation innovation  - rideshare, ride-hailing, and shared mobility  - circular economy practices in transportation - policy and planning for emerging technologies  - advanced technology in transportation (e.g., blockchain, industry 0.4, iot, and ai) - transport and land-use policies  - green transportation - electric and autonomous vehicles - vehicle recycling - transportation demand management - resource utilization of elvs  - mobility as a service  - innovation in logistics and freight delivery   list of important dates manuscript submission deadline: 30 november 2021  notification of first decision:  28 february 2022  revised version submission: 15 may 2022  final decision: 30 june 2022  expected publication: second half of 2022     the editors of the special issue are: dr. syed abdul rehman khan xuzhou university of technology, xuzhou, china beijing key laboratory of urban spatial information engineering, beijing, china business research institute, usa dr. rahul s mor national institute of food technology entrepreneurship and management, india dr. andrei jean vasile faculty of economics, petroleum -gas university of ploiesti, bucharest, romanian   in case of any query, please email both prof. khan ([email protected]) and the journal editorial team ([email protected]) .

In the aim of promoting quality research among young researchers, the International Journal of Transport Economics has introduced, starting from 2015, an annual competition for young researchers in the field of Transport Economics. After the success of the past editions, this seventh edition has the goal to further promote among young scholars high-quality research that deals with transport related issues. In order to do so, an international Jury will review the submitted papers according to the Journal peer-reviewing rules. The winner will receive a prize of €1,000. Furthermore, the winning paper (and, possibly, other papers according to the review results) will be published in our Journal. Young researchers (younger than 35 years old or within 2 years from the end of their Phd) are invited to submit their own original works. Authors should submit an approximately 6,000-words paper of publishable quality synthesizing their research. IJTE Instructions to Authors can be found on the journal’s website ( ).

Papers should be emailed to Professor Enrico Musso ( [email protected] ) by the 15th December 2020.

We are pleased to announce that the International Journal of Transport Economics is now indexed and available through the RePEc (Research Papers in Economics) services.

The journal promotes open access papers. Starting from 2017 the journal guarantees open access to a selection of past papers with the aim of promoting transport research culture. Herebelow a list of papers that is possible to download here .

From Issue XLVI/2, 2019

Andrew D. Rowe, David E. Pitfield A time series analysis of social media utilisation by Airport Watch and HACAN Clearskies: two UK anti-airport expansion groups

From Issue XLVI/1, 2019

Florent Laroche, Christa Sys, Thierry Vanelslander, Eddy Van de Voorde Assessing competition in the European rail freight market: is there an oligopoly?

From Issue XLV/4, 2018

Valerio Gatta, Simona Bigerna, Carlo Andrea Bollino, Silvia Micheli Eco-labeling and sustainable urban freight transport: How much are people willing to pay for green logistics?

From Issue XLV/3, 2018

Abhishek Nair, Michele Acciaro Alternative fuels for shipping: optimising fleet composition under environmental and economic constraints

From Issue XLV/2, 2018

Nannan Yu, Bo Yu, Tao Hong, Martin de Jong Dynamic causal linkage between road infrastructure and manufacturing agglomeration in Northeast China

From Issue XLV/1, 2018

Michela Le Pira Transport planning with stakeholders : An agent-based modelling approach

From Issue XLIV/4, 2017

Magali Geerts, Mychal Langenus, Michael Dooms Environmental differentiated port pricing : the case of the Hamburg-Le Havre range

From Issue XLIV/3, 2017

Feier Chen, Kang Tian, Xiaoxu Ding, Tingyi Li, Yuqi Miao, Chunxia Lu Multifractal Characteristics in Maritime Economics Volatility

From Issue XLIV/2, 2017

Ivan Dario Cardenas, Wouter Dewulf, Thierry Vanelslander, Christophe Smet, Joris Beckers The e-commerce parcel delivery market and the implications of home B2C deliveries vs pick-up points

From Issue XLIV/1, 2017

Mina Akhavan Evolution of Hub Port-Cities into Global Logistics Centres. Lessons from the two cases of Dubai and Singapore

From Issue XLIII/4, 2016

Adriano Alessandrini, Paolo Delle Site, Valerio Gatta, Edoardo Marcucci, Qing Zhang Investigating users' attitudes towards conventional and automated buses in twelve European cities

From Issue XLIII/3, 2016

Thierry Vanelslander, Christa Sys, Valentin Carlan Innovation among seaport operators: a QCA approach for determining success conditions

From Issue XLIII/1-2, 2016

Guilherme Bergmann Borges Vieira, Francisco José Kliemann Neto, Luiz Afonso dos Santos Senna, Jonas Mendes Constante, Peter De Langen On coordination in Ports: A comparative Study of the Ports of Valencia   and Santos

From Issue XLII/4, 2015

Pablo Coto-Millán, Xose Luís Fernández, Pedro Casares-Hontañón, Vicente Inglada, Miguel Ángel Pesquera Assessing two airline models:   legacy vs. low cost carriers

From Issue XLII/3, 2015

Salvador Gil-Pareja, Rafael Llorca-Vivero, Jordi Paniagua Does highspeed passenger railway increase foreign trade? An empirical analysis

From Issue XLII/2, 2015

Alan McKinnon Carbon emissions from container shipping: an analysis of new empirical evidence

From Issue XLII/1, 2015

Noelia Caceres, Jose M. del Castillo The bootstrapping approach for inferring confident freight transport matrices

  • Transport Economics and Policy

Cars driving through  bridge tull station

We are growing research group at Linköping University. The core of our research is economic analysis of transport systems, usually applied on or motivated by transport policy issues related to the climate, welfare, equity, gender equality and the labour market.

A well-functioning transportation system is important for the modern society. Workers, suppliers, jobs, services, and other activities depend on high accessibility of transport system. It is also essential for the welfare of all citizens and their everyday lives.

Nevertheless, the transport sector also generates negative external effects such as emissions, accidents, and noise. Additionally, huge public resources are spent to develop, run, and maintain the transport sector.

Public decisions about transport investments, maintenance, operations, fuel taxes, transit fares, congestion charges, airport charges, waterway and port charges and railway track access charges, emission standards and safety regulations have a significant influence on the transportation system. Still, the public resources allocated to the transportation system is dwarfed by the enormous resources of time and money spent on transportation by citizens and firms.

The core of our research is economic analysis of transport systems, usually applied on or motivated by transport policy issues related to the climate, welfare, equity, gender equality and the labour market.

Our research covers three key pillars:

Transport Pricing

  • Economic Evaluation of Transport Projects (including cost-benefit analysis)

Industrial Organization in the Transport Sector

Since the transport sector stands for a large share of carbon emissions, this issue is included in almost all our research issues. 

Three key pillars of our research

There are a host of pricing instruments in direct or indirect public control in the transport sector: kilometre taxes, fuel taxes, congestion charges, vehicle taxes and subsidies such as “Bonus-Malus”, track access charges in the railway sector, public transport fares. Also reduction quotas for biofuels belongs here.

We analyse the mix of optimal pricing levels and instruments by evaluating their social costs, social benefits, fiscal effects, distributional effects and public support among various groups. We use theories and tools such as optimal pricing, applied microeconomics, and political economy. 

We typically apply them to case studies, including

  • The Swedish congestion tax, where we have a long record of studying designs, effects on travel behaviour, public support and the economy in the long and short run.
  • Vehicle and fuel taxation and subsidies.
  • Company car benefits and the impact on car ownership, car choice and car use.
  • The impact on car use and car ownership on fuel prices.
  • The most cost-efficient policy mix to reach the transport carbon dioxide reduction targets.
  • Effects of increased railway track access charges.
  • Effects on varying port prices.
  • Effects on increased fuel cost for the speeds and emissions of maritime transport.
  • Optimal public transport fares, frequencies (supply) and subsidies, in big cities, small cities, and rural areas.
  • Distributional effects of public transport subsidies.
  • Effects on travel behaviour of differentiated pricing strategies in public transport.

Economic Evaluation of Transport Projects 

Most transport policies and investments generate both positive and negative effects, but they are often irreversible and very costly.  A systematic and transparent framework for comparing benefits against costs are essential. Cost-benefit analysis (CBA) is the most important framework for this. Some transport policies and investments impact the labour market, the housing market and the market for land. Vice versa, these economic sectors have substantial impacts on transport system, since they impact the transport demand.  This is also considered in transport project appraisal.

CBA needs demand modelling and forecasts as well as valuation of non-market goods, which are all included in our research agenda. We apply theoretical frameworks, data collection and estimation methods. Our research topics include:

  • Valuations of crowding and reliability in public transport.
  • Methods for estimating valuations using revealed preference data.
  • Changes in valuations over time.
  • Methodologies forecast travel demand and freight transport demand by all modes.
  • How fuel prices, port prices, railway track access charges etc. impact behaviour for individuals and firms.
  • How an increased supply of roads and public transport impact car use.
  • External marginal cost of wear and tear for heavy road transport.
  • External marginal cost of accidents for heavy and light vehicles.

Our research also includes appraisal issues such as

  • wider impacts on the labour market and social inclusion, i.e. productivity and employment, equity, and gender equity effects. 
  • Improving applied methods and guidelines.  
  • We also undertake case studies (ex ante or ex post) and development of CBA methods for new application areas.
  • Effects of transport investments on housing and land prices, and on housing construction.
  • Methods for estimating valuations using stated preference data.
  • The understandability of CBA among decision makers and the general public.

Our research agenda also includes analysis of the public decision making in the transport sector. For instance, we analyse to what extent cost-benefit efficiency and other factors (including political support national government in the region) impact road the selection of infrastructure investment. Our research also includes industrial organisation in the transport sector.  Industrial organisation is important for the functioning of the transport sector because many parts of the transport sector are characterised by a combination of private and public entities, and travellers and carriers. A particularly important example is the railway sector in this respect. Our research includes

  • Processes for railway capacity allocation.
  • Determinants of public decisions in the transport sector, and how CBA impacts decision making.
  • Principles for airport slot allocation.


Photo of Maria Börjesson

Maria Börjesson

Adjunct Professor

Photo of Pernilla Ivehammar

Pernilla Ivehammar

Associate Professor

Photo of Saana Ollila

Saana Ollila

PhD student/Research Assistant

Photo of Carl Berry

PhD student/ Research Assistant

Photo of Christopher Roberts

Christopher Roberts

PhD student

Transport research at LiU


One of LiU's strategically selected areas of development that is of great relevance to our society. The research has three main orientations; The traffic system, the logistics system and the vehicular system.

Strategic partnership

transport economics dissertation topics

The Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI)

VTI is an independent and internationally prominent research institute in the transport sector. Our principal task is to conduct research and development related to infrastructure, traffic and transport.

transport economics dissertation topics

Transport economics at VTI

We carry on broad research in transport economics founded on the economics of welfare and with a focus on applied micro-economics.


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TREC Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2019 2019.

Social Equity in Transit Service: Toward Social and Environmental Justice in Transportation , Torrey Lyons (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Travel Mode Choice Framework Incorporating Realistic Bike and Walk Routes , Joseph Broach (Dissertation)

Cyclist Path Choices Through Shared Space Intersections in England , Allison Boyce Duncan (Dissertation)

Improving the Roadside Environment through Integrating Air Quality and Traffic-Related Data , Christine M. Kendrick (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

An Exploration of Bicyclist Comfort Levels Utilizing Crowdsourced Data , Bryan Philip Blanc (Thesis)

Safety at Half-Signal Intersections in Portland, Oregon , Todd Robert Johnson (Thesis)

The Effects of Urban Containment Policies on Commuting Patterns , Sung Moon Kwon (Dissertation)

Bicyclist Compliance at Signalized Intersections , Samson Ray Riley Thompson (Thesis)

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Determinants of Recent Mover Non-work Travel Mode Choice , Arlie Steven Adkins (Dissertation)

Bicyclists' Uptake of Traffic-Related Air Pollution: Effects of the Urban Transportation System , Alexander Y. Bigazzi (Dissertation)

Analyses of Bus Travel Time Reliability and Transit Signal Priority at the Stop-To-Stop Segment Level , Wei Feng (Dissertation)

Predicting Bicyclist Comfort in Protected Bike Lanes , Nicholas Mark-Andrew Foster (Thesis)

Participation, Information, Values, and Community Interests Within Health Impact Assessments , Nicole Iroz-Elardo (Dissertation)

Bicycle Level of Service: Where are the Gaps in Bicycle Flow Measures? , Pamela Christine Johnson (Thesis)

Exploring Pedestrian Responsive Traffic Signal Timing Strategies in Urban Areas , Sirisha Murthy Kothuri (Dissertation)

The Objective vs. the Perceived Environment: What Matters for Active Travel , Liang Ma (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

Improving Vehicle Trip Generation Estimations for Urban Contexts: A Method Using Household Travel Surveys to Adjust ITE Trip Generation Rates , Kristina Marie Currans (Thesis)

Exploring Data Quality of Weigh-In-Motion Systems , Chengxin Dai (Thesis)

Understanding Travel Modes to Non-work Destinations: Analysis of an Establishment Survey in Portland, Oregon , Christopher D. Muhs (Thesis)

Bicycle Traffic Count Factoring: An Examination of National, State and Locally Derived Daily Extrapolation Factors , Josh Frank Roll (Thesis)

A Theory of Travel Decision-Making with Applications for Modeling Active Travel Demand , Patrick Allen Singleton (Thesis)

The Relationship Between Traffic Signals and Pedestrian, Bicyclist and Transit User Exposure in Urban Areas , Courtney Natasha Slavin (Thesis)

Peak of the Day or the Daily Grind: Commuting and Subjective Well-Being , Oliver Blair Smith (Dissertation)

Skateboarding as Transportation: Findings from an Exploratory Study , Tessa Walker (Thesis)

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

An Empirical Study of Particulate Matter Exposure for Transit Users at Bus Stop Shelters , Adam Moore (Thesis)

Safety Effectiveness of Red Light Treatments for Red Light Running , Carl Scott Olson (Thesis)

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

Leveraging Weigh-In-Motion (WIM) Data to Estimate Link-Based Heavy-Duty Vehicle Emissions , Heba Naguib Alwakiel (Thesis)

Traffic Congestion Mitigation as an Emissions Reduction Strategy , Alexander York Bigazzi (Thesis)

Bus Replacement Modeling and the Impacts of Budget Constraints, Fleet Cost Variability, and Market Changes on Fleet Costs and Optimal Bus Replacement Age, A Case Study , Jesse Alexander Boudart (Thesis)

Exploration of Weather Impacts on Freeway Traffic Operations and Safety Using High-Resolution Weather Data , Chengyu Dai (Thesis)

Exploring Traffic Safety and Urban Form in Portland, Oregon , Kristie Werner Gladhill (Thesis)

Assessment of an Optimal Bus Stop Spacing Model Using High Resolution Archived Stop-Level Data , Huan Li (Thesis)

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

Investigating Freeway Speed-Flow Relationships for Traffic Assignment Applications , Meead Saberi Kalaee (Thesis)

Modeling the Role of Operational Characteristics in Safety Performance of PublicTransportation Systems: The Case of TriMet Bus Collision and Non-collision Incidents. , Paul Herman Wachana (Dissertation)

Multi-Criteria Trucking Freeway Performance Measures for Congested Corridors , Nicole Marie Wheeler (Thesis)

Theses/Dissertations from 1994 1994

A Simultaneous Route-level Transit Patronage Model: Demand, Supply, and Inter-route Relationship , Zhongren Peng (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 1991 1991

The Effect of Road Investment on Economic Development: A Case Study of the Oregon Counties , Ameer Mohammed Al-Alwan (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 1990 1990

Exurban Commuting Patterns: A Case Study of the Portland Oregon Region , Judy Seppanen Davis (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 1985 1985

Women's labor force supply and commuting behavior: a time-budget analysis , Ta-Win Lin (Dissertation)

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Transport Economics MSc

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Masters in Transport Economics

If you're an ambitious numerate graduate, or a practitioner in the field, this Masters degree will equip you with the analytical skills for a rewarding career supporting transport delivery and policymaking at national, regional and local levels.

You'll develop a range of economic skills to help promote economic growth within a regulatory framework that minimises any damaging health and environmental impacts, while incentivising the best use of resources. You’ll also gain insights into how economics, planning, environmental science, modelling and engineering can work together to design sustainable solutions to global challenges.

Studying in the Institute of Transport Studies at Leeds will give you a unique head start in your career in transport. The course has been designed following close consultation with industry practices and is shaped by our impactful and topical research, delivered by leading researchers with an international reputation – so you’ll be learning the most up-to-date and relevant information throughout the course.

Our industry links with large corporations mean you’ll have chance to interact with potential employers and possibly interview for graduate schemes and other vacancies. We also offer opportunities to build your industry work experience before you graduate with work placements and project work throughout your course.

This means you’ll be fully equipped to pursue your next steps in industry, with the topical knowledge, specialist skill set and practical experience to excel in this field.

Why study at Leeds:

  • This Masters degree is accredited by Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT).
  • Our Institute for Transport Studies’  globally-renowned research  conducted right here on campus feeds directly into the course, shaping your learning with the latest thinking in transport economics – and beyond.
  • Advance your knowledge and understanding of the complex interface between transport and the wider economy (economic appraisal), learning pricing techniques, the importance of economic regulation and the valuation of third-party costs and benefits (micro-economics).
  • Develop a professional and specialist skill set that will enable you to create quantitative models using real-world data and test economic theories (econometrics).
  • Tailor the course to suit your career aspirations with a selection of optional modules that’ll hone your knowledge in the topics that interest you the most.
  • Build industry experience collaborating on a multi-disciplinary team project with students from other degree specialisms that focuses on a real-world transport problem posed by Leeds City Council and/or choosing our optional four-month industrial placement scheme.
  • Experience expert theoretical and practical teaching delivered by a programme team made up of researchers and academics from the Institute for Transport Studies who have extensive expertise across a variety of transport disciplines.
  • Take advantage of our close working relationships with big organisations in industry such as ARUP, AECOM and Transport for London who actively advertise and recruit directly from the Institute of Transport Studies.
  • This course offers flexible study options where you can study full-time over 12 months or part-time over 24 or 36 months to fit in with your lifestyle.

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Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT)

Accreditation is the assurance that a university course meets the quality standards established by the profession for which it prepares its students.

This course is accredited by the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT) , the Chartered body for professionals involved in the movement of goods and people, and their associated supply chains.

Join our online taster course

This two-week course offers a great taste of studying 21st-century transportation challenges at a postgraduate level.

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Course details.

In semester 1, you'll study core modules that lay the foundations of the programme. You’ll develop the knowledge of key principles and topics in transport economics, as well as econometrics and cost-benefit analyses. You'll also be exposed to the multiple disciplines within the transport sector and have an overview of transport modelling, planning and engineering and how these fit with transport economics.

Semester 2 allows you to expand your understanding and gain specialist knowledge relevant to your career. You can choose from a range of modules giving you the chance to learn about a variety of topics, such as public transport planning, funding of infrastructure projects, investment appraisal and transport in the context of development. You'll also study our Transport Integrated Project module, which gives you experience of working on a real-world transport project by collaborating with a team of students from our other degrees.

Throughout your course, you'll gain a range of specialist knowledge and advanced research skills. In your dissertation, you’ll apply these to a project chosen from a wide range of topics. Some topics are suggested and supported by industry, giving you the chance to address a real-world problem and gain experience of working with industry. Your supervisor will support you throughout the process of developing your dissertation topic.

Project work

In the second semester, you'll study our Transport Integrated Project module. This project lets you experience what it is like to be part of a multi-disciplined team working within the transport sector. You’ll work alongside students from our other Masters degrees, using your different specialisms to solve a real-world transport problem posed by Leeds City Council.

The Transport Integrated Project module helps you develop a real-world experience of working in the industry. You’ll gain insights into how planning, economics, environmental science, modelling and engineering can work together to develop sustainable solutions to global challenges.

Throughout the project, you’ll be advised by industry experts and will be required to write both group and individual reports. At the end of the module, you'll present your final work as a group.

Previous projects have included:

  • Designing a new park and ride site
  • Designing a new train station
  • Redesigning Leeds’ City Square

At the Institute for Transport Studies, we want you to graduate with hands-on, real-world skills you can take into your career. Fieldwork gives you the chance to build those professional skills and put theory into practice – experiencing transport systems in action and meeting transport professionals who are actively working in the field.

Course structure

The list shown below represents typical modules/components studied and may change from time to time. Read more in our terms and conditions .

Most courses consist of compulsory and optional modules. There may be some optional modules omitted below. This is because they are currently being refreshed to make sure students have the best possible experience. Before you enter each year, full details of all modules for that year will be provided.

For more information and a full list of typical modules available on this course, please read Transport Economics MSc Full Time in the course catalogue

For more information and a full list of typical modules available on this course, please read Transport Economics MSc Part Time in the course catalogue

Year 1 compulsory modules

Module Name Credits
Shaping Future Transport Systems 15
Principles of Transport Economics 15
Welfare Economics and Cost-Benefit Analysis 15
Transport Econometrics 15
Economics of Regulation 15
Economic Appraisal and Economic Performance 15
Transport Dissertation 60
Transport Integrated Project 15

Year 1 optional modules (selection of typical options shown below)

Module Name Credits
Green Logistics 15
Public Transport Planning and Management 15
System Dynamics: Modelling Policy 15
Choice Modelling and Stated Preference Survey Design 15
Transport in Development 15

Learning and teaching

Postgraduate study involves a range of teaching methods, supported by independent learning. You'll learn through a variety of teaching methods such as lectures, seminars, workshops, computer exercises, practical sessions, directed reading, reflective journal, student-led discussions, fieldwork and tutorials. You’ll also learn through independent study, allowing you to develop critical problem-solving and research skills that are relevant to a career in transport.

Throughout your degree, you'll be supported by a personal tutor who you can meet regularly to discuss any study or career questions you might have.

There is also the opportunity to apply to the Institute for Transport Studies mentorship programme, where you'll be assigned an alumni mentor who currently works in the industry. The mentorship programme is a great opportunity to receive personal career advice and develop a relationship with someone who is successful in the transport industry.

Active research environment

The Institute for Transport Studies was established as the UK’s first multidisciplinary transport department, and we continue to lead the field with our research. Our economics research has been successful in bridging the interface between academia and industry. For example, the Cost, Quality, Customer (CQC) Efficiency Network initiative offers local authorities throughout Britain the ability to quantify the scope for cost savings in the delivery of highway services and to identify better practices. We have also developed the open-access R package Apollo widely used for choice modelling.

Other study options

This programme is also available part-time, over 24 or 36 months. We are flexible as to how you choose to study this course so that you can combine it with other commitments, such as an existing job. Please get in touch with our  admissions team  to discuss part-time study options.

Programme team

The Programme Leader, Dr Thijs Dekker , is an Associate Professor in Transport Economics at the Institute for Transport Studies. His research focuses on travel demand and travel behaviour analysis with specific interest in the links between transport and the environment. In terms of methodology, his research makes use of welfare economics and applied econometrics.

The wider programme team is made up of researchers and academics from the Institute for Transport Studies who have extensive expertise across a variety of transport disciplines.

On this course you’ll be taught by our expert academics, from lecturers through to professors. You may also be taught by industry professionals with years of experience, as well as trained postgraduate researchers, connecting you to some of the brightest minds on campus.

Assessment is equally varied and can include coursework essays, case-study reports, group assignments, posters, presentations and exams.

Entry requirements

A bachelor degree with a 2:1 (hons) in economics (single or joint honours).

Applicants should be able to evidence strong marks in microeconomics and macroeconomics modules. Graduates from other disciplines with professional qualifications and experience in the sector will also be considered.

We accept a range of international equivalent qualifications . For more information please contact the Admissions Team .

English language requirements

IELTS 6.5 overall, with no less than 6.0 in any component. For other English qualifications, read English language equivalent qualifications .

Improve your English

International students who do not meet the English language requirements for this programme may be able to study our postgraduate pre-sessional English course, to help improve your English language level.

This pre-sessional course is designed with a progression route to your degree programme and you’ll learn academic English in the context of your subject area. To find out more, read Language for Economics and Finance (6 weeks) and Language for Business: Economics and Finance (10 weeks) .

We also offer online pre-sessionals alongside our on-campus pre-sessionals.  Find out more about our six week online pre-sessional .

You can also study pre-sessionals for longer periods – read about our postgraduate pre-sessional English courses .

How to apply

Application deadlines.

Applicants are encouraged to apply as early as possible.

31 July 2024  – International applicants

8 September 2024  – UK applicants

Click below to access the University’s online application system and find out more about the application process.

Apply (Full time)

Apply (part time).

If you're still unsure about the application process, contact the admissions team for help.

Read about visas, immigration and other information in International students . We recommend that international students apply as early as possible to ensure that they have time to apply for their visa.

Admissions policy

University of Leeds Admissions Policy 2025

This course is taught by

Institute for Transport Studies

Institute for Transport Studies Postgraduate Admissions Team

Email: [email protected] Telephone:

UK: £12,500 (Total)

International: £30,750 (Total)

Read more about paying fees and charges .

For fees information for international taught postgraduate students, read Masters fees .

Part-time fees Fees for part-time courses are normally calculated based on the number of credits you study in a year compared to the equivalent full-time course. For example, if you study half the course credits in a year, you will pay half the full-time course fees for that year.

Additional cost information

There may be additional costs related to your course or programme of study, or related to being a student at the University of Leeds. Read more on our living costs and budgeting page .

Scholarships and financial support

If you have the talent and drive, we want you to be able to study with us, whatever your financial circumstances. There may be help for students in the form of loans and non-repayable grants from the University and from the government.  Find out more at Masters funding overview .


Career opportunities.

A degree from the Institute for Transport Studies at Leeds opens up a range of opportunities to pursue a rewarding career in this industry. This course will equip you with an extensive specialist skill set, alongside industry experience and the chance to interact directly with industry organisations which could give you the edge with employers.

Transport consultancies are the largest employers of our graduates, but other common careers include those in government, academia, regulatory bodies, transport operators, logistics companies, not-for-profit and international agencies.

Our graduates work across the private and public sectors. Many work abroad, whether for UK companies with overseas offices, for international organisations or for national governments.

lus, the University of Leeds is in the top 5 most targeted universities in the UK by graduate recruiters, according to  High Fliers’ The Graduate Market in 2024 report .

Here’s an insight into some of the job roles and organisations previous graduates on this course or similar have secured:

  • Economist, Department of Highways
  • Senior Economist: Public-Private Partnerships, Ministry of Finance, Namibia
  • Economic Analysis Manager, Northern Trains

Careers support

At Leeds, we help you to prepare for your future from day one — that’s one of the reasons Leeds graduates are so sought after by employers. The  University’s Careers Service  is one of the largest in the country, providing a wide range of resources to ensure you are prepared to take your next steps after graduation and get you where you want to be.

  • Links with industry – we have close working relationships with a number of organisations and many employers visit the Institute for Transport Studies each year to interview our students for graduate schemes and other vacancies. We also regularly circulate specific job vacancies to students. Organisations include ARUP, Mott MacDonald, AECOM, Capita, Transport for London, Pell Frischmann, Leigh Fisher, JMP, Amey and Hyder among many others. Read more about  graduate employability at the Institute for Transport Studies.
  • Dedicated Employability Officer — gain quality advice, guidance and information to help you choose a career path. From CV and cover letter writing to supporting you with job applications, our School’s dedicated Employability Officer is on hand to help maximise your capabilities through a process of personal development and career planning.
  • Employability and networking events — we run a full range of events, including careers fairs and industry talks in specialist areas and across broader industries, with employers who are actively recruiting for roles, giving you the opportunity to network and engage with industry sponsors. 
  • Employability skills training – to support your transition to the workplace, we embed training in a range of key transferable skills valued by employers such as research and data analysis in all our programmes.
  • MyCareer system — on your course and after you graduate you’ll have access to a dedicated careers portal where you can book appointments with our team, get information on careers and see job vacancies and upcoming events.
  • Opportunities at Leeds — there are plenty of exciting opportunities offered by our  Leeds University Union , including volunteering and over 300 clubs and societies to get involved in.

Find out more at the  careers website.

Study abroad and work placements

Four-month placement scheme

You’ll have the opportunity to gain four months industry experience in the UK with companies such as Network Rail and AECOM at the end of your Masters course. After a competitive application process, paid placements are offered from September to December at the end of your studies.

Some of the employers and the job titles of previous placement students are listed below:

  • AECOM (Graduate Transport Engineer)
  • Network Rail (Strategic Planning Assistant, Timetable Development Assistant, Junior Strategic Planner)
  • Fore Consulting (Transport Consultant)
  • Stantec (Transport Consultant)

The scheme is open to all Masters students, including those on a student visa, within the Institute for Transport Studies. Placements aren’t guaranteed.

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Alumni profile: Kristina Dengaeva

ITS collaborates closely with transport consultancies to make sure that the skills delivered by the programmes are in demand from employers - students get only practically applicable and useful skills Kristina Dengaeva, Transport Economics MSc

RTF | Rethinking The Future

20 Thesis topics related to Transportation

transport economics dissertation topics

In today’s fast-paced world where everybody is constantly on the move, there is an increasing requirement for better and safer transportation facilities. This includes planning of the roadways and rail tracks, terminals and parking infrastructure. Walkability is also a growing concern among citizens with the heavy automobile traffic rendering the streets and squares abandoned. 

Transportation , as a topic, can never go out of fashion as there is a constant need for development to keep up with the growing population and needs of the people. Let us look at 20 Thesis topics related to transportation.

1. Airports

Airplanes have practically blurred the borders worldwide, opening up a multitude of opportunities for travel and business expansion. The added comfort and services provided by airports have made them an increasingly popular mode of transport in today’s fast-paced world. Airports are strategic in terms of economy, providing freight and cargo facilities. 

Apart from globalisation, tourism and commerce, airports are integral in case of emergency evacuations, for instance, the 1990 airlift of Indians from Kuwait or the Vande Bharat flights more recently. 

20 Thesis topics related to Transportation - Sheet1

2. Railway Stations

From the Delhi Metro and Mumbai Local to the London Tube and the New York City Subway, trains form a crucial part of the public transport scenario in modern times. Train services, be it inter or intrastate, are cheap, convenient and quick, hence preferred by the masses. 

Additionally, the interstate train network is far more widespread than the air network, connecting to the smaller towns and villages with no air connectivity, transporting both goods and people. 

20 Thesis topics related to Transportation - Sheet3

3. International Cruise Terminal 

Waterways were the mode of transport before the airplanes for international travel. With the likes of Titanic, cruises were developed into a whole new tourism sector. 

The terminals are integral with respect to the transport of cargo as well as acting as a mixed-use space incorporating commercial and entertainment services amongst others.

20 Thesis topics related to Transportation - Sheet5

4. Inland Water Transport

A domestic means of transportation, they house ferries to transport people to nearby islands or simply for a joy ride in the sea. For instance, the coracle is a small boat used traditionally in countries like Ireland, Scotland, India, Vietnam, Iraq and Tibet. 

Sometimes, these may also be houseboats like those in Alleppey in Kerala or the shikara in Dal Lake. 

20 Thesis topics related to Transportation - Sheet7

5. Bus Terminal

The most common mode of transport among the general public are the buses which result in the need for proper infrastructure for bus terminals as well as bus stops. Bus terminals, in particular, require planning in terms of the spaces allotted for the bus parking and ticketing counters to segregate the inter and intra city bus services. 

Considering the popularity of buses as a mode of transport, each bus stop is a significant social hub.  

20 Thesis topics related to Transportation - Sheet9

6. Rickshaw Stands

Developing countries provide local public transport for 2-8 people which may be called by different names like tuk-tuk, pousse-pousse or simply a rickshaw. Rickshaw services may be motor operated, a cycle rickshaw or hand-pulled. Faring along with the motor vehicles, it may be a bit unsafe keeping in mind the lightweight of these rickshaws. 

This mode of transport has no developed infrastructure in place but there is a requirement for rickshaw stands to avoid congestion of traffic. 

20 Thesis topics related to Transportation - Sheet11

7. Cycle Stands

Cycling for short distances is an increasingly growing trend among people today, particularly in modern cities, while in smaller towns and villages, cycles are the most common means of transportation. Separate cycling lanes are provided alongside the wide roads for automobiles. However, cyclists require a safer environment and larger spaces. 

Today, a lot of cities offer rental cycles which can be boarded and dropped off at fixed locations. Infrastructure needs to be developed to create more pick up and drop off locations that are easily accessible and at the same time connect to other modes of transport as well.

20 Thesis topics related to Transportation - Sheet133

8. Electric Motor Vehicle Station 

Fuel-based vehicles are at the threshold of being replaced by electric motor vehicles all over the world, thanks to popularisation by the likes of Tesla. An eco-friendly alternative to meet the transportation requirements, EMVs generate an additional need for charging stations that must be widespread and easily accessible. 

Moving a few years ahead in time, this will be the most sought after amenity, requiring suitable infrastructure. 

20 Thesis topics related to Transportation - Sheet15

9. Urban Transport Planning 

With an increase in urbanisation, cities today are experiencing a large influx of population. For this, cities need to be planned in a manner that accommodates the facility and transportation requirements of the current population while also leaving some scope for future expansion. 

The rising concerns of the harmful effects of the automobile have resulted in a need to balance the spaces allotted for automobiles and pedestrians while attempting to improve the public transport experience. 

20 Thesis topics related to Transportation - Sheet17

10. Transit Oriented Development

Transit-oriented development translates to urban development integrating housing, retail and commercial spaces into a walkable neighbourhood with easily accessible public transport facilities. 

According to the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy, “It means inclusive access for all to local and citywide opportunities and resources by the most efficient and healthful combination of mobility modes, at the lowest financial and environmental cost, and with the highest resilience to disruptive events. Inclusive TOD is a necessary foundation for long-term sustainability, equity, shared prosperity, and civil peace in cities.”

20 Thesis topics related to Transportation - Sheet20

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transport economics dissertation topics


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  2. Transport Economics, 3rd Edition

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  3. (PDF) Lecture 1

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  4. Routledge Library Editions: Transport Economics- Transport Carrier

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    The initiative supports projects focused on four distinct topic areas: (1) Transportation and the Economy; (2) New Transportation Technologies and Initiatives; (3) Transportation and the Human Experience; and (4) Transportation Data and Research Infrastructure. An initial call for research proposals was broadly disseminated in October 2019.

  2. Essays in Transport Economics

    The dominant theme of my dissertation is transport economics. In chapter two, I predict waterborne commerce levels using a Bayesian model averaging (BMA) approach. In chapter three, I develop and estimate a multiproduct cost function for railroads. In chapter four, I operationalize the multiproduct cost function to estimate rail markups and ...

  3. Transportation Economics in the 21st Century

    Transportation Economics in the 21st Century. People. Research Projects. Data Resources. This project supports research on three central issues in transportation economics: the impact of the transportation sector on the economy, new transportation technologies and initiatives such as automation and ride-sharing, and the role of transportation ...

  4. PDF Three essays in applied economics: topics in transportation, industrial

    Overall, my dissertation contributes to the applied economics and public policy literature by empirically examining the consequences of policy changes that a ect large parts of society. It is hoped that the research will be useful to inform some ongoing debates in industrial policy, antitrust economics and healthcare. 4

  5. Research in Transportation Economics

    About the journal. Research in Transportation Economics is a journal devoted to the dissemination of high quality economics research in the field of transportation. The content covers a wide variety of topics relating to the economic aspects of transportation, government regulatory policies regarding transportation, …. View full aims & scope.

  6. 13498 PDFs

    Group to discuss all aspects of transport economics | Explore the latest full-text research PDFs, articles, conference papers, preprints and more on TRANSPORT ECONOMICS. Find methods information ...

  7. Essays on Transportation Economics and Policy

    This dissertation focuses on two major topics in transportation. The first one is related to hinterland accessibility of seaports. We analytically examine the interaction between urban ... Airport pricing, concession revenues and passenger types, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 47(1), 71-89. I came up with the key component of the ...

  8. Transport Economics Dissertation Topics

    Transport Economics Dissertation Topics - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site.

  9. Research in Transportation Economics, Elsevier

    by Zhang, Yun & Xue, Weichu & Wei, Wei & Nazif, Habibeh. S0739885921000858 Evaluating the development of transport technologies in European research and innovation projects between 2007 and 2020. by Gkoumas, Konstantinos & van Balen, Mitchell & Tsakalidis, Anastasios & Pekar, Ferenc.

  10. Essays in transport economics and operations management

    This dissertation studies three topics in transport economics and operations management. The first topic is on the economic regulation of congested airports. The second one is revenue sharing between airlines and airports. In the third topic, we investigate the impact of strategic customer behavior on the channel profits.

  11. Transportation Economics

    A collection of RAND research on the topic of Transportation Economics. Skip to page content; Objective Analysis. ... The Questions Ahead for Future Travel and Transport. Apr 15, 2020. Explore RAND's Work on this Topic ... Commentary (4) Research Brief (4) News Release (2) Dissertation (1) Multimedia (1) Testimony (1) Tool (1) Region. Most ...

  12. IJTE

    Dr. Andrei Jean Vasile. Faculty of Economics, Petroleum -Gas University of Ploiesti, Bucharest, Romanian. In case of any query, please email both Prof. Khan ([email protected]) and the journal editorial team ([email protected]) In the aim of promoting quality research among young researchers, the International Journal of Transport Economics ...

  13. Transport Economics and Policy

    We are growing research group at Linköping University. The core of our. research is economic analysis of transport systems, usually applied on or. motivated by transport policy issues related to the climate, welfare, equity, gender equality and the labour market. A well-functioning transportation system is important for the modern society.

  14. PDF An Analysis of The Impact of Transport Infrastructure a Mini-thesis

    et al., 2013; Magazzino, 2019) on transport development and economic growth present mixed results. While this could result from differences in adopted methodologies, it is evident that the effect of transport development on economic growth is inconclusive, and thus for better policy options, country-specific studies are required.

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    This dissertation studies three topics in transport economics and operations management. The first topic is on the economic regulation of congested airports. The second one is revenue sharing between airlines and airports. In the third topic, we investigate the impact of strategic customer behavior on the channel profits.

  16. Selected papers from the 12th WCTR Topic Area Transport Economics and

    Selected papers from the 12th WCTR Topic Area Transport Economics and Finance. Edited by Fusun Ulengin. Volume 36, Issue 1, Pages 1-132 (September 2012) Download full issue. Previous vol/issue. ... Applications of transport economics and imperfect competition. David Meunier, Emile Quinet. Pages 19-29 View PDF.

  17. Transportation Economics

    Transportation Economics is defined as the study of the economic activities related to transportation systems, including Shipping Economics and Port Economics. It encompasses a wide range of concepts, theories, and methods from economics applied to the transportation sector. AI generated definition based on: Research in Transportation Economics ...

  18. (PDF) Public Transport Systems and its Impact on Sustainable Smart

    This paper gathers relevant insights from the literature on public transport systems. and its sustainable impact in 171 cities around the world. This paper evidences that. the research developed ...

  19. TREC Theses and Dissertations

    The Effect of Road Investment on Economic Development: A Case Study of the Oregon Counties, Ameer Mohammed Al-Alwan ... a time-budget analysis, Ta-Win Lin (Dissertation) Find. Enter search terms: Select context to search: Advanced Search Notify me via email or RSS; Featured Collections All Works All Authors Schools & Colleges ...

  20. Transport Sector A Dissertation Presented to University of Cape Town

    An analysis of legislation was undertaken in the following sectors maritime, air transport services, pipeline, road transport services and rail transport services even though South Africa's commitments are limited to the road transport services sector. Table 11: SA's GATS Commitments for Transport Services.

  21. Transport Economics MSc

    You'll develop the knowledge of key principles and topics in transport economics, as well as econometrics and cost-benefit analyses. You'll also be exposed to the multiple disciplines within the transport sector and have an overview of transport modelling, planning and engineering and how these fit with transport economics. Semester 2.

  22. 20 Thesis topics related to Transportation

    Let us look at 20 Thesis topics related to transportation. 1. Airports. Airplanes have practically blurred the borders worldwide, opening up a multitude of opportunities for travel and business expansion. The added comfort and services provided by airports have made them an increasingly popular mode of transport in today's fast-paced world.