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The Richest Man in Babylon

The Richest Man in Babylon written by George Samuel Clason teaches the importance of building a large and successful business. The Richest Man in Babylon introduces the reader to the secrets of wealth, as used by the ancient civilizations of the world. It deals with finances, how to plan financially for your life, how to deal with your wealth, and how that affects your life.

“The Richest Man in Babylon” book is written by “ George Samuel Clason ,” a best-selling author and speaker. His book has been translated into many languages. This book teaches the importance of building a large and successful business .

George Samuel Clason was an American author. He is most often associated with his book The Richest Man in Babylon, first published in 1926 by George S. Clason.

He dispensed financial advice through a collection of parables set 8,000 years ago in ancient Babylon. Here are the most important takeaways and how to apply them to live your prosperous life.

The Richest Man in Babylon   introduces the reader to the secrets of wealth , as used by the ancient civilizations of the world. It deals with finances, how to plan financially for your life, how to deal with your wealth, and how that affects your life. 

Babylon is a city that has captured the attention of people throughout history. Despite lacking the natural resources that typically contribute to such prosperity, it was known for its vast wealth and influence.

Despite this, the city managed to become an empire of prosperity through the wisdom of its rulers. Babylon’s riches were entirely self-made, and its success did not result from chance.

Even today, the principles that governed money in Babylon’s heyday still apply, and these principles have remained constant over the past six thousand years.

Money is plentiful for those who understand the simple rules of its acquisition.

  • Start the purse to fatten.
  • Control the expenditure
  • Make the gold multiple. 
  • Guard the treasures against loss.
  • Make the dwelling a profitable investment.
  • Insure a future income. 
  • Increase the ability to earn.

The book centers on personal achievement and how we can attain it. Success is a product of our capabilities and endeavors and can be achieved through adequate preparation.

Our actions are only as innovative as our thoughts, which are only as perceptive as our comprehension. Moreover, this book aims to provide valuable insights to those who aspire to financial prosperity, helping them acquire, retain, and grow their wealth.

Chapter 1. Historical sketch of Babylon

Babylon, a city steeped in history and myth, is renowned for its opulence and grandeur. Its name evokes images of untold riches and prosperity, with treasures of gold and jewels beyond measure.

Despite its seemingly barren surroundings, with no forests, mines, or natural trade routes, Babylon rose to become one of the wealthiest empires of its time.

Its success is a testament to man’s ingenuity and resourcefulness, as human hands developed all of the resources supporting the city.

While Babylon may no longer exist as a city, its legacy lives on. The ruins of the ancient city are located in Asia, in a valley beside the Euphrates river, which was once a populous and irrigated farming district. However, today the area is a barren, windswept wasteland.

Babylon’s history can be traced back 8,000 years to the Sumerians, the first to inhabit the region. They were highly educated and enlightened, credited with many firsts, including engineering, astronomy, mathematics, finance, and even written language.

Babylon was organized like a modern city, with streets, shops, and peddlers selling their wares throughout residential districts. Priests presided over magnificent temples, while the city’s inner enclosure housed the royal palaces. The Babylonians were skilled in the arts, including sculpture, painting, weaving, gold working, and producing metal weapons and agricultural tools. Their jewellery was especially renowned; many examples can still be seen in the world’s leading museums.

In addition to their artistic talents, the Babylonians were also shrewd financiers and traders. They are credited with inventing money for exchange, promissory notes, and written titles to property. Their financial and business acumen were critical to their success as a civilization.

Chapter 2. The man who desires gold

In the opening chapter of “The Richest Man in Babylon,” we are introduced to two friends, Bansir and Kobbi, who struggle to make ends meet despite their lifelong dedication to their respective trades. Bansir, a chariot maker, is found daydreaming by Kobbi, a lyre player, who jokingly asks for a loan since Bansir seems to have enough money to waste time daydreaming. Bansir shares with Kobbi a dream he had where he had all the money he could ever want, but upon waking up, he found himself in a dire financial situation with no savings or investments.

As the two men lament their situation, they wonder how some people escape their circumstances and attain great wealth. They had always believed that hard work alone was enough to transform their lives into leisurely ones, but now realize this is not always true.

During their conversation, they observe a group of enslaved people being driven to work, and they reflect on how easily they could have traded places with them. This observation leads them to discuss their old friend Arkad, the wealthiest man in Babylon. They wonder how Arkad achieved such great fortune while they have nothing to show for their hard work.

Finally, Bansir and Kobbi conclude that the only way to attain wealth and financial security is to learn from those who have already achieved it. They plan to seek advice from their friend Arkad, the wealthy merchant and embark on a journey to learn the secrets of financial success.

In summary, the opening chapter of “The Richest Man in Babylon” sets the stage for the rest of the book by introducing the struggles of Bansir and Kobbi and their quest for financial security. The chapter highlights the importance of seeking guidance from those who have already achieved financial success. It lays the foundation for the valuable lessons readers will learn in the following chapters.

The Richest Man in Babylon Hindi Englsih


● To guide yourself on the path to wealth, it is essential to learn from those who have experience in achieving wealth.

● Main Idea While almost everyone concedes that money isn’t everything and that there are some things money cannot buy, it is also a fact that money is the medium by which worldly success is measured. From this perspective, wealth is a scorecard by which people measure themselves.

● Money represents success only through its ability to provide freedom to do things. It is not an end in and of itself – only a means to an end. The possession of sufficient amounts of capital makes possible the enjoyment of the very best services and goods the world has to offer.

● Many people have convinced themselves money has a way of avoiding them like the plague. This belief is usually based on their experience in consistently cashing short and scrambling to pay bills. In actuality, however, money is plentiful for anyone who understands the laws which govern its acquisition.

● To secure significant amounts of money, it is probably better to spend less time lamenting the bad luck of the past and more time focusing on the laws of capital acquisition.

● A far better approach is to believe that money can be attracted and governed by set laws and principles and to focus on learning and applying those laws to reap the rewards.

Chapter 3. The wealthiest man in Babylon

Arkad, a man who was once struggling financially like his friends Bansir and Kobbi, approached a money lender named Algamash for advice on becoming wealthy.

Algamash shared the first lesson, which was to pay oneself first. This means that a portion of all earnings should be kept for oneself before paying for any expenses or debts. Arkad learned that by paying himself a tenth of his earnings, he could live just as well on the remaining 90%.

As Arkad began accumulating savings, he sought advice from a bricklayer on investing in gemstones. However, he lost all his savings as a result. Algamash pointed out that Arkad should only seek advice from those with experience. This was the second lesson Arkad learned.

After some time, Algamash checked on Arkad and found that he had invested his savings on the advice of experienced businessmen and earned significant dividends.

When Arkad shared that he had used the earnings to purchase clothing for his wife and plan a feast, Algamash reminded him of the importance of compounding returns.

He advised Arkad to reinvest his earnings to produce even more returns, leading to incredible wealth and prosperity. This was the third lesson Arkad learned.

In summary, Arkad learned three lessons on his journey to becoming the wealthiest man in Babylon:

  • Pay oneself first
  • Seek advice only from those experienced,
  • Take advantage of the compounding of returns.

These lessons taught him the value of saving, investing wisely, and letting his money work for him to create more incredible wealth over time.

The Richest Man in Babylon English

Time and study are essential to accumulate wealth and use it wisely. Many people have ample time, but only a few use it constructively to build wealth.

Instead, they engage in various activities that waste time. Learning is also crucial, and one can acquire knowledge in two ways: by studying specific subjects and discovering what is not commonly known about any topic.

There are several fundamental principles that one should follow to acquire wealth. First, live below one’s means and save at least a tenth of one’s income. Most people spend all they earn and live paycheck to paycheck.

However, by paying oneself first and living on what is left, one can gradually increase their savings. With a regular savings program, one can feel a sense of pride, self-control, and progress.

Over a lifetime, a considerable amount of money passes through one’s hands, and by saving just a small portion of it, one can accumulate a substantial pool of capital.

The book, “The Richest Man in Babylon,” reveals seven secrets or strategies for accumulating wealth:

  • Start saving and accumulating wealth by spending only nine out of every ten coins you earn. This habit will allow your bag to fill quickly, and you will learn to live within your means while accumulating wealth.
  • Control your expenses by distinguishing between your needs and wants. Plan your expenses based on 90% of your income to avoid overspending.
  • Invest your money wisely to make it multiply. Your gold should work for you and generate income through wise investments like loans or other profitable opportunities.
  • Protect your wealth by avoiding risky investments and seeking the advice of knowledgeable individuals. Ensure you invest in safe ventures that will not cause you to lose capital.

The Richest Man in Babylon book

5. Consider investing in property to generate a passive income. Owning your own home and renting out other properties can help you accumulate wealth and inspire you to continue building your financial portfolio.

6. Ensure a stable future income for yourself and your family by investing in assets such as land and property.

7. Enhance your ability to earn more money by continually learning and expanding your knowledge. Seek to become wiser in all areas of life to increase your earning potential.

Chapter 4. Meet the Goddesses of good luck.

In this chapter, Arkad talks about the concept of luck and how everyone desires to have good fortune in their lives.

He begins by discussing the idea of gambling, acknowledging that while it is possible to win a large sum of money through this means, he questions whether this money truly brings good luck in the long run.

He points out that he has never met a wealthy person who gained their wealth solely through gambling, implying that there are better ways to attract good fortune.

Arkad believes that good luck is more likely to come to those who actively seek out and seize opportunities.

He suggests that those who hesitate and procrastinate are less likely to attract good luck, as the goddess of luck favors those willing to take risks and pursue opportunities.

He stresses the importance of investing at least 1/10 of one’s earnings and seizing any opportunities that come one’s way.

Overall, the main idea is that good luck is not just a matter of chance or divine favor but is influenced by one’s actions and willingness to pursue opportunities.

The supporting ideas emphasize that the desire for good luck is universal and that procrastination and hesitation can prevent one from attracting good fortune.

In contrast, those actively seeking opportunities and taking action are more likely to attract good luck and succeed in their endeavors.

Chapter 5. The gold lender from Babylon

After receiving fifty gold pieces in exchange for his spears, Rodan is uncertain how to use the money. He spends several days contemplating his options but remains indecisive. Then, his sister approaches him and requests a loan to help her husband become a merchant. Although Rodan considers this option, he hesitates to commit his funds without proper guidance. Therefore, he seeks the counsel of Mathon, the gold lender, to decide how best to invest his money.

Chapter 6. The walls of Babylon

Bazar was a warrior entrusted with guarding the passageway to Babylon. During the city’s siege, he was the first to report any news to the villagers and counseled them during the attack.

Bazar provided personalized consolation to each person who sought information from him. He remained vigilant day and night, observing the enemy’s attempts to breach the city’s defenses.

The city’s strong defenses prevailed after three weeks and five days, and the attackers were defeated.

Bazar used this victory to prove to the citizens who had sought his counsel that his advice had been correct. He emphasized that the city’s strength had enabled it to withstand the enemy’s armies.

Bazar’s message to the citizens was that they could not afford to be without adequate protection, highlighting the importance of solid defenses for their safety and security.

The Richest Man in Babylon summary

There are two valuable lessons to learn from this scenario. First, protection should be carefully planned and tailored to specific circumstances.

This can involve insurance, diversifying investments, and selecting appropriate risk levels in our financial lives.

The second lesson comes from the example of Old Bazar. As someone who had fought many battles and understood the strength of the city’s defenses, he reassured the citizens during a crisis.

Similarly, in our own lives, it can be beneficial to have a trusted mentor or advisor who can provide guidance and reassurance during difficult times. Keeping informed and seeking the support of experienced individuals can help alleviate anxiety and promote a sense of security.

Chapter 7. The camel trader from Babylon

This chapter in “The Richest Man in Babylon” introduces us to Tarkad, a young man struggling to make ends meet. He owes money to multiple people and cannot afford a simple meal.

Although he considers stealing food, he knows this is not the right way to solve his problems. He waits outside an inn, hoping to find someone to lend him a helping hand. Instead, he encounters Debaser, a wealthy camel trader to whom Tarkad owes a small sum.

Debaser demands repayment, but Tarkad explains that he has faced significant misfortune and cannot afford to repay him.

Debaser challenges Tarkad’s excuse but invites him to join him for a meal at the inn. During the meal, Debaser shares a story about his struggles with debt.

As a young man, Debaser had been enslaved due to his reckless spending and inability to repay his debts.

His wife eventually left him, and he turned to a life of robbery, resulting in his capture and enslavement again. However, his fortune changed when he was sold to a woman who recognized his potential and asked him a life-changing question: did he have the soul of a slave or a free man?

This question transformed Debaser, who became determined to face his debts, become respected and honored, and live a free life.

With the help of his benefactor, he escaped slavery and began a challenging journey back to his homeland.

Despite numerous obstacles and moments of doubt, he persevered and eventually paid off all of his debts, becoming a respected and honored man in his community.

The lesson from Debaser’s story is that self-pity and allowing circumstances to dictate one’s life are the traits of an enslaved person.

In contrast, taking control of one’s life and taking action when necessary are the hallmarks of a free person.

The key to success is embracing a free person’s soul, which requires courage, determination, and accountability. Only then can one achieve honour and respect in their community.

Chapter 8. The clay tablets from Babylon

The chapter in “The Richest Man in Babylon” revolves around discovering five Mesopotamia tablets containing the secret to wealth.

The tablets reveal the story of Dabasir, who returns to Babylon with a plan to repay his debts and start anew. The tablets’ lessons were so valuable that even after thousands of years, they continued to inspire and help people.

Alfred Shrewsbury, an archaeologist, writes to Professor Franklin Caldwell about his and his wife’s experience following the tablets’ lessons.

He mentions saving and building a surplus is more gratifying than spending recklessly. The professor learns about the clay tablet collection that the archaeologist delivered to St. Swithin’s College of Nottingham University.

These tablets are supposed to record Dabasir’s financial affairs and details how he worked his way out of debt.

Both Dabasir and the professor discover that living on 70% of their earnings is not as challenging as they had thought.

By following Dabasir’s formula, they start to pay off their debts and accumulate savings. Over time, they retire from all their obligations and learn to live within their means. These keys to financial success are invaluable lessons that continue to help people even after thousands of years.

The professor writes to the archaeologist about how the details on the clay tablets have opened his eyes to a new way of dealing with his financial affairs.

In a subsequent letter, he elaborates on how Dabasir’s formula has transformed his life. The letters showcase the timeless wisdom of the tablets, proving that financial success is achievable by anyone willing to learn and follow a disciplined approach to money management.

The Richest Man in Babylon

The critical lesson to fixing a debt situation is to organize your information and take action. Old Dabasir, as described in the clay tablets, followed a simple formula to overcome his debts.

He started by saving one-tenth of all his earnings and making a list of all his creditors and the amounts owed.

He then visited each creditor to explain his inability to pay off the debts and offered to service them with two-tenths of his earnings in proportion to the amount owed.

Although some creditors were unhappy with the payment plan, they eventually accepted it. Dabasir and his wife then used the remaining seven-tenths of their earnings for daily needs.

The success of this plan lies in its simplicity and the specific proportions used. To ensure success, it is crucial to write down all debts and communicate the payment plan to creditors.

This step helps in tracking progress and avoiding any misunderstandings regarding the size of the debt. Finally, discipline and sticking to the plan are crucial for overcoming debts.

Chapter 9. The luckiest man in Babylon

The story introduces Sharru Nada and Hadan Galu, who are traveling together. Shares with Hadan that he had once been enslaved but was fortunate enough to be sold to a baker, where he learned the trade and became happy. Sherry also tells Hadan that his grandfather had been enslaved but was close to buying his freedom.

In a fortunate turn of events, Arad, Hadan’s grandfather, was able to buy Sharru’s freedom after they met again.

This story inspires Hadan to believe that hard work is the key to his future success. The two men in the story faced financial difficulties but learned from each other and listened to successful people to apply the lessons.

This book focuses on personal success and how it results from our efforts and abilities, which require proper preparation. Often, we dream of becoming rich but fail to take the necessary actions to achieve it. To make our dreams come true, we should follow these essential tips:

  • Saving at least 10% of our earnings and investing is crucial to becoming wealthy.
  • Seeking advice from experts in the field can help us make better decisions.
  • We should avoid spending our savings prematurely, as it is similar to cutting a tree before it bears fruit.

Just like a tree, wealth begins with a tiny seed in the form of savings. By nurturing this seed and allowing it to grow, we can eventually reap the fruits of our labour and enjoy a prosperous life.

The Richest Man in Babylon Book Review

My journey with “The Richest Man in Babylon” has been enlightening. It’s a treasure trove of financial wisdom imparted through engaging parables set in ancient Babylon. The tales are simple yet profound, turning the otherwise daunting subject of wealth accumulation into an enjoyable read.

Clason emphasizes the importance of saving, investing wisely, and curbing unnecessary expenditures. What resonated with me most were his lessons on seeking counsel from knowledgeable people before making significant investments and the value of continuous self-improvement and skill acquisition.

This book’s teachings are timeless, relevant, and surprisingly practical despite being based on ancient principles. It might not provide a step-by-step guide to financial freedom, but it lays the groundwork for developing a sound money mindset.

I believe “The Richest Man in Babylon” is a must-read for anyone wishing to understand the essence of personal finance and wealth creation. It’s more than just a book; it’s a mentor in print.

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174 thoughts on “the richest man in babylon”.

Best Summary

1 ) Increase the ability to earn make growth in your 2 Grab opportunities 3, Knowledge and then you see your growth of income 4 Future income.

I read book and book is very important

In the book, we have been told how to get financial freedom, how to stay financially fit, they have been told very well. This story is the story of a very famous village called Babylon. According to what is mentioned in it, the average of the money we earn is ten percent, we should save and save. And you should invest in a good place. We should keep informed about the great people of that field in which we want to be successful, we should take the advice of them. We should keep Never Give Up this attitude in our life till we are successful, we should not give up trying and our first savings should be handled till we become successful.

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George Clason – The Richest Man In Babylon Book Review

book review of the richest man in babylon

The Richest Man In Babylon by George S. Clason is a classic financial book that I read several years ago and continue to come back to, as the principles in it remain constant.  In fact, many popular finance books such as The Wealthy Barber or The Automatic Millionaire are based on principles from this famous book.

The lessons and principles in The Richest Man In Babylon are pretty simple and to the point.  However, I found the story to be even more interesting.  The book consists of different stories back in the Babylonian days.  One in particular, of a slave that was in debt and extremely poor, who sought out the rich to learn the wisdom and knowledge on how to become wealthy.

The lessons which he had learned and applied to his life were remarkable, and this slave had managed to turn his life around by applying the principles and lessons he had learned.  He had documented everything he had learned and his progress on clay tablets, which were later found in the 1930's by archaeologists and professors at a university.  These professors had then learned of these principles and applied them to their own lives, to also become wealthy and financially abundant.

Whether the stories are true or not, I found them very fascinating.

Here are some of the lessons mentioned:

1- Only seek advice from those that are wise and knowledgeable on the subject.

“Counsel with wise men.  Seek the advice of men whose daily work is handling money.  Let them save you from such an error as I myself made in entrusting my money in the judgment of Azmur, the brickmaker.  A small return and a safe one is far more desirable than risk.”

2- Pay yourself first.  Save 10% or 1/10th of whatever you earn.

“‘I found the road to wealth when I decided that a part of all I earned was mine to keep.'
‘But all I earn is mine to keep, is it not?', I demanded. ‘Far from it,' he replied.  ‘Do you not pay the garment-maker?  Do you not pay the sandal-maker?  Do you not pay for the things you eat?  Can you live in Babylon without spending?  What have you to show for your earnings of the past month?  What for the past year?  Fool!  You pay to everyone but yourself.  Dullard, you labor for others.  As well be a slave and work for what your master gives you to eat and wear.  If you did keep for yourself one-tenth of all you earn, how much would you have in ten years?' “

3- Good luck can be enticed by accepting opportunity.

“Those eager to grasp opportunities for their betterment, do attract the interest of the good goddess.  She is ever anxious to aid those who please her.  Men of action please her best. Action will lead thee forward to the successes thou dost desire.”
“Men of Action Are Favored By the Goddess of Good Luck.”

4- “Better a Little Caution Than a Great Regret.”

5- “We Cannot Afford to be Without Adequate Protection.”

6- “Where the Determination Is, the Way Can Be Found.”

7- Seven-tenths or 70% of what you earn goes towards supporting yourself and your family.

“Therefore seven-tenths of all I earn shall be used to provide a home, clothes to wear, and food to eat, with a bit extra to spend, that our lives be not lacking in pleasure and enjoyment.”

8- Two-tenths or 20% goes towards paying off any debt.

“The plan doth provide that out of my earnings my debts shall be paid. Therefore each time the moon is full, two-tenths of all I have earned shall be divided honorably and fairly among those who have trusted me and to whom I am indebted.  Thus in due time will all my indebtedness be surely paid.”

You may have heard of many of these lessons from other financial books, but know that most of them originated from The Richest Man In Babylon.  In fact, in the Millionaire Mind Intensive they talk about allocating your money in a similar way that George Clason mentions here.  Either way, it's good to hear them again and again to remind yourself of these age-old principles. You may know something intellectually, but DOING it is a whole different story.

Check out more about The Richest Man In Babylon by George S. Clason from Amazon by clicking here .

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The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason – Book Review

The Richest Man in Babylon is almost a century old. Yet, every doctrine it professes stays relevant even in the information age. Every lesson is helpful, and every doctrine indispensable. Babylon may have withered away, but its principles live on. George Samuel Clason’s masterpiece is a work of art, science, and commerce, which every individual must experience, master, and practice before earning their first buck. 

The Richest Man in Babylon

Babylon is one of the most decorated cities of the ancient world. The Richest Man in Babylon has stories and anecdotes from era of the city's golden days.

In the beginning, Clason introduces Bansir, a skilled chariot builder, and Kobbi, a talented musician. Both of them are skilled in their professions but find themselves struggling financially. They seek advice from Arkad, the richest man in Babylon, who reveals the Babylonian secret to wealth: “saving a portion of earnings.” Arkad emphasizes that a part of all a man earns is his to keep and explains the principle of paying oneself first. The secret might sound ridiculously simple at first, but the author substantiates it throughout the book. 

The Richest Man in Babylon is a financial guide in the form of parables set in ancient Babylon. The book presents timeless principles of money management and wealth-building, using engaging narratives to impart valuable lessons on financial success. The book is divided into 11 chapters, each written so beautifully that The Richest Man in Babylon could easily pass as a literary classic. Here’s a crux of the entire book.

Further in the book, we see Arkad narrating his life story and how he went from being a poor scribe to the wealthiest man in Babylon. He reveals his journey to accumulating wealth by following simple yet powerful financial principles. The first principle that Arkad shares is that a man must save at least a tenth of his earnings, regardless of how little or great he earns. Other principles Arkad shares include not spending more than the remaining nine-tenths, avoiding unnecessary expenses, and investing with caution.

Key Lessons from The Richest Man in Babylon

Arkad uses a metaphor to describe poverty – a lean purse . Obeying the King’s command, Arkad starts teaching the seven cures for a lean purse in the legendary Temple of Learning. Simply put, the richest man in Babylon starts teaching the poor how to become wealthy. In total, Arkad teaches his pupils Seven Cures for a Lean Purse and the Five Laws of Gold .  

At the onset, the lessons seem too simple. But as the lectures progress, we discover timeless wisdom in Arkad’s words, who makes a compelling argument for traditional financial management. Here are four key lessons from these lectures to help individuals attain financial success. 

The Temple of Learning for a centre of academic excellence, where Arkad, the richest man in Babylon, taught his pupils as per the command of the king.

Accumulate Wealth by Saving and Minimizing Expenses

According to The Richest Man in Babylon , financial success begins with accumulating enough wealth for investment. To attain wealth, Arkad advocates his two basic principles – save from your income and minimize your expenses. Combining these two principles will give you enough wealth to start your own enterprise or invest in appropriate businesses. 

Precisely speaking, a person must save at least 10 percent of his income, however slight it may be. Secondly, a person must analyze his expenses and drastically cut down unnecessary spending. If a person adheres to these two principles for an extended period, he will have enough money to explore various income sources. Read our review of The Power of Habit to learn how you can develop the habit of saving and avoiding impulsive spending.

Invest Your Savings Wisely – Right Persons, Great Advice, Minimum Risk

After you’ve accumulated enough wealth by following the principles of saving and mindful spending, the next step is to invest. Arkad says, “Make your gold and its children work for you.” He says that accumulated gold or wealth, if sitting idly, cannot help the owner achieve greater things in life or fulfill one’s reasonable desires entirely. However, while investing, one must be sufficiently cautious. Hunting for unreasonable returns can lead to unbearable losses, as they entail huge risks and unchartered territories. 

One of the most important anecdotes related to investing in the book is about Arkad himself. When Arkad was a scribe, he started saving on the advice of an old merchant. But when he saved enough gold for investment, he made a big blunder, so all his savings vanished. He trusted a bricklayer to trade in precious jewels and lost whatever gold he had. Thus, the story teaches us that we must never bet on a person who has not enough experience or knowledge of the enterprise he undertakes. 

Similarly, The Richest Man in Babylon heavily emphasizes seeking advice from learned, wise, and successful men. The book advocates saving time by asking men of experience about life and enterprise, which helps prevent mistakes and losses. Thus, by being cautious, seeking advice, and investing in the right person and business, one will amass substantial wealth.

Secure Your Future – Income and Dwelling

Among all of Arkad’s discourses at the Temple of Learning, arguably, the most important one is about securing the future. A person must secure the future of himself and his family, i.e., plan for his family’s well-being and post-retirement life. And how does one do that? By ensuring a future income and owning a dwelling. 

To ensure a stable retirement life, one has to set aside a small portion of his income and allocate it to future earnings. Arkad mentions two methods explicitly. First, purchase land or property which steadily grows in value and could be of significance when you retire. Second, lend your income to a profitable business that would pay you back after a pre-decided duration with added profits or rental. 

The other part of securing one’s future is to own your dwelling. Having a piece of land or a house helps bring peace and a sense of security to yourself and your family. Paying rent, according to the book, only fattens the landlord’s purse and leaves you at his mercy. While paying rent doesn’t seem too much you’re still earning, it could be too much when you retire. Thus, you’d be forced to leave the dwelling you and your family had cherished for years.  

Improve Earning Ability – True Desire, Skills, and Knowledge

The greatest asset of the human mind is the ability to progress in whichever respect one wishes. To achieve financial success, one needs to progress in terms of earning ability. Improving the ability to earn is the biggest contributing factor to earning more and generating substantial wealth. But how does one improve one’s earn-ability? 

According to The Richest Man in Babylon , a person can improve his ability to earn by three elements – having the true desire to succeed, attaining knowledge, and learning new skills. The true desire to succeed accompanies commitment and perseverance, without which success remains but a dream. Arkad says what we consider desires generally are nothing more than longings that never manifest into reality. Also, our desires mustn’t be so unrealistic that they bring nothing but disappointment. 

Those with true desires to work consistently to acquire greater skills and knowledge. You may be an employee or an entrepreneur; improving your earning ability will serve you equally. If you’re an employee, your employer will benefit from your skills, subsequently raising your value in the organization. Likewise, if you’re an entrepreneur, learning skills and attaining knowledge will help you lower costs, find new opportunities, and increase revenue. 

What I Liked About The Richest Man in Babylon

The ornate language.

The Richest Man in Babylon is a finance student’s best lesson. But for a literary enthusiast like myself, I absolutely loved the writing. The use of medieval, Shakespearean language makes the book sound poetic, adding to its already massive appeal to a wider audience. While some might find it a bit confusing initially, I’m sure most readers will enjoy it thoroughly. Beginners looking for financial education, even those from vernacular backgrounds, will find the book friendly and interesting until the end. 

The Captivating Narration

While the language is ornate, the book’s narration is even better. Clason uses stories and anecdotes to deliver complex financial lessons, making it easier for beginners to understand. Plus, the whole Babylonian backdrop of the book adds charm and flair, sucking the reader in from the first word. As I progressed through the book, I witnessed a great and financially sound civilization which forced me to read more about the Babylonians later. 

The Believable Characters

This is my favourite aspect of The Richest Man in Babylon from a literary purview. Every character Clason uses to convey his message is believable and comes across as familiar. I could relate to the disciples of Arkad and felt as if he was a real teacher to me. The money lender, the old merchant, the bricklayers, Arkad’s son, and Sharru Nada, the merchant prince – every single one of them is as believable as day and night. 

The Utter Simplicity

While I loved the literary aspects more, the biggest strength of the book is its simplicity. Every message it relays and every lesson it teaches is simple on its face, but as we progress, the meaning becomes deeper and wiser. The utter simplicity is what makes the book stand the test of time and remain relevant even after nearly a century. In fact, The Richest Man in Babylon will retain its relevance even a hundred years from now. 

Final Thoughts

Babylon is now called Babil, a city in Iraq.

The Richest Man in Babylon is a remarkable book that can help 99 percent of individuals who live their life working nine-to-five jobs. Even the one percent who chose to become employers instead will also find it helpful in many ways. The book is a timeless classic, with messages so strong that it could change lives across the globe. Yet, the book is so simple that even a slum-dweller who knows to read can use the book as his financial guide. That’s the true beauty, the true mission of Arkad, the richest man in Babylon.

book review of the richest man in babylon

Noman Shaikh is the co-founder and editor-in-chief of Bombay Reads. He grew up in Mumbai, a city he loves more than any other, and currently works as a content consultant. His expertise lies in creating high-quality academic and marketing content in the form of blogs, articles, op-eds, etc. Noman has worked with reputed brands, including Economic Times (through Spiral Media), Coinbase (through MattsenKumar), AdEngage, Della Group, GBIM Technologies,  VAP Group, etc. For his published portfolio, click here . Contact Noman on noman@bombayreads for engagement.

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book review of the richest man in babylon

The Richest Man in Babylon

George S. Clason | 4.48 | 105,902 ratings and reviews

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Ranked #1 in Money Management , Ranked #1 in Money — see more rankings .

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Reviews and Recommendations

We've comprehensively compiled reviews of The Richest Man in Babylon from the world's leading experts.

Daymond John Founder/FUBU [Daymond John said this is one of his most-recommended books.] (Source)

Grant Cardone This book emphasized the need to get reliable income streams and to never ever confuse your necessary expenses with the things you want. It’s a timeless classic that every school in America should have in their curriculum. (Source)

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Aisha Yesufu @seundavidpaul 👏👏👏👏👏 This is a great book (Source)

book review of the richest man in babylon

Sean Si Recommends this book

Yaro Starak You get this one idea about your finances that you take forward like Richest Man in Babylon – you know, save 10% of your money every year and make sure it grows 10% every year, and that’s how you can become wealthy long-term, because of compounding – a simple idea. (Source)

Mark Moses [ listing five books he would recommend to young people interested in entrepreneurship] (Source)

Tiffany Aliche The Richest Man in Babylon by George Samuel Clason - it reads like a Shakespearean play, but it has all of the tenets for a successful financial life. (Source)

David Heinemeier Hansson This is a 1920s classic version of How To Get Rich. The ancestor of all the pale imitations, like Rich Dad/Poor Dad, that came since. And while I scoffed at plenty of the allegories from ancient Babylon that presents the lessons, it was still a neat package. And at least ancient Babylon is a more interesting backdrop for teaching lessons about money than some suburban house flipper. I ended up liking it more at the end than I did at the beginning. It’s also a really interesting tie-in with that debt history book. (Source)

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DJ Vlad Recommends this book

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The Richest Man in Babylon (Summary & Notes

written by Randy Petrick, ChFC & SeedTime | Book Summaries

The Richest Man in Babylon, by George S. Clason,

George S. Clason’s The Richest Man in Babylon has gained widespread recognition for its enduring financial guidance, which is cleverly conveyed through ancient Babylonian parables. Since its first release, this book has remained a fundamental resource in personal finance, celebrated for its ability to impart profound wisdom through concise and impactful narratives.

Book Details

  • Title: The Richest Man in Babylon
  • Author: George S. Clason
  • Genre: Personal Finance, Self-Help
  • Publication Date: 1926
  • ISBN: 978-1505339116

About the Author:

George S. Clason was a prolific writer known for creating informational pamphlets on financial management. His most famous work, The Richest Man in Babylon, is a foundational book on personal wealth and financial independence, showcasing his deep understanding of finance and wealth accumulation strategies.

Summary of “The Richest Man in Babylon”:

“The Richest Man in Babylon” is a highly respected and widely acclaimed book in the field of personal finance due to its concise and impactful narratives. It has garnered immense recognition as an invaluable resource for individuals striving to enhance their financial management skills and achieve financial success.

The author, George S. Clason, was renowned for his informative pamphlets and writings that covered a wide range of financial management topics. The Richest Man in Babylon is his most famous work, providing fundamental principles of money through parables set in ancient Babylon.

In this influential and thought-provoking work, Clason presents a series of captivating parables set in the ancient city of Babylon, which serve as powerful and relatable illustrations of the fundamental principles of money.

Through these engaging stories, readers are enlightened about the significance of saving money, avoiding debt, and making prudent investments. By following the timeless wisdom and practical advice imparted in the book, readers can gain profound insights into the path towards financial independence and long-term financial security, ultimately paving the way for a brighter and more prosperous future.

What is the main point of The Richest Man in Babylon?

The main point of The Richest Man in Babylon is to provide fundamental principles of money through engaging and relatable parables set in the historical and prosperous city of ancient Babylon.

These parables serve as powerful illustrations of timeless wisdom, highlighting the importance of saving money, avoiding unnecessary debt, and making wise investment decisions to achieve long-lasting financial independence and wealth accumulation. By presenting these principles in a captivating narrative format, the book aims to inspire readers to apply these lessons in their own lives, empowering them to attain financial success and build a solid foundation for a prosperous future.

Is the richest man in Babylon a true story?

No, “The Richest Man in Babylon” is a fictional tale that imparts valuable financial wisdom through its engaging narrative. While it may not be based on real events, the lessons and principles it presents are timeless and applicable to anyone seeking financial success. By following the characters’ journeys and implementing the strategies they discover, readers can gain valuable insights into managing their finances, building wealth, and achieving their financial goals.

Selected Passages Highlighted in the Book:

  • A part of all you earn is yours to keep. It should be not less than a tenth no matter how little you earn. It can be as much more as you can afford. Pay yourself first. (26)
  • The three laws of successfully handling wealth : You first learned to live upon less than you could earn. Next you learned to seek advice from those who were competent through their own experience to give it. And, lastly, you have learned to make gold work for you. (29)
  • Which desirest thou most? Is it the gratification of thy desires of each day, a jewel, a bit of finery, better raiment, more food; things quickly gone and forgotten? Or is it substantial belongings, gold, lands, herds, merchandise, income-bringing investments? The coins thou takest from thy purse bring the first. The coins thou leavest within it will bring the latter. (40)
  • Consult with wise men. Secure the advice of those experienced in the profitable handling of gold. Let their wisdom protect thy treasure from unsafe investment. (47)
  • For a man to desire five pieces of gold is a tangible desire which he can press to fulfillment. After he has backed his desire for five pieces of gold with strength of purpose to secure it, next he can find similar ways to obtain ten pieces and then twenty pieces and later a thousand pieces and behold, he has become wealthy. In learning to secure his one definite small desire, he hath trained himself to secure a larger one. This is the process by which wealth is accumulated: first in small sums, then in larger ones as a man learns and becomes more capable. (52)
  • “If a man be lucky, there is no foretelling the possible extent of his good fortune. Pitch him into the Euphrates and like as not he will swim out with a pearl in his hand.”  –Babylonian Proverb
  • …good luck waits to come to that man who accepts opportunity.
  • Good luck fled from procrastination in both these tales. Yet, this is not unusual. The spirit of procrastination is with all men. We desire riches; yet, how often when opportunity doth appear before us, that spirit of procrastination from within doth urge various delays in our acceptance. In listening to it we do become our own worst enemies. (67)
  • Gold, indeed, is a willing worker. It is ever eager to multiply when opportunity presents itself. To every man who hath a store of gold set by, opportunity comes for its most profitable use. As the years pass, it multiplies itself in surprising fashion. (82)
  • Better a little caution than a great regret.

Who Would Benefit From This Book?

This book perfectly fits individuals seeking foundational financial wisdom, including financial growth enthusiasts, Christians looking for biblically-aligned financial principles , and anyone who prefers enduring advice over modern trends. It is especially suited for readers who appreciate parable-style teachings on financial acumen.

Popular quotes from “The Richest Man in Babylon”:

  • “A part of all you earn is yours to keep.”
  • “Better a little caution than a great regret.”
  • “Wealth is a result of man’s capacity to think.”
  • “Money is plentiful for those who understand the simple rules of its acquisition.”

Related Books:

  • “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill
  • “Your Money or Your Life” by Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez
  • “The Total Money Makeover” by Dave Ramsey

Readers who enjoyed “The Richest Man in Babylon” might also find value in Bob & Linda’s award-winning book: Simple Money, Rich Life . Find connections between Clason’s principles and modern financial strategies to enrich your own financial life!

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About Randy Petrick, ChFC & SeedTime

Randy Petrick is a Chartered Life Underwriter, a Chartered Financial Consultant, and a Retirement Income Certified Professional. He has almost 45 years experience personally investing while also studying and teaching in the fields of money, investing, and personal finance. To date he has read hundreds of books on various financial topics and generosity and loves sharing what he has learned with others. For more of Randy's recent articles check out his website

SeedTime is a 2x Plutus award winning website.

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The Richest Man in Babylon

Book review.

The Richest Man in Babylon , written by George S. Clason, is set in ancient Babylon and tells the fictional story of Arkad. Babylon was known for  excelling in multiple fields, which led the Babylonians to great riches and wealth. The book consists of 10 parables that provide financial advice and serve as guidelines to save and earn money.  

This series of short stories is very straightforward and easy to follow, making this book especially well-suited for young readers looking to learn the fundamentals of money management. A number of the morals recur throughout the book, making them effortless to remember. Although first published almost 100 years ago, the principles discussed in the book are still highly relevant to this day. Even those who are more familiar and experienced in the world of finance will find that the Babylonian parables are much more engaging than many of the other finance books out there. The 194-page book uses short fictional stories to give real financial advice, which makes for a fast but captivating read.  

Clason’s choice to format his book as a collection of allegorical stories makes the load of understanding how to make financial decisions more approachable. It makes it easier for the reader to grasp the stories so that they can apply these financial guidelines to the rest of their lives. Instead of just providing the readers with a list of  financial advice bullet points, he uses the fictional world of Babylon to tell a story. 

There is a large emphasis on hard work and not procrastinating in the book as well, which discusses that hard work is essential, but it’s only the base of wealth. The idea that someone can work hard, but not take advantage of opportunities can be seen in different  scenarios throughout the book. The book suggests that you cannot just dream of the life you want,  but you need to have aspirations and goals. It also highlights the importance of  taking initiative to forge the life you want to live, instead of relying on things revealing themselves to you. And, it explores the idea of luck and how good luck rewards those who earn it.  

All in all, The Richest Man in Babylon touches on different financial values in a way that  is easy to understand for all. The use of short stories has a lasting effect on the reader and allows them to continue to use this advice in the future. Clason effectively teaches  the reader important lessons through a collection of engaging and thought-provoking parables. 

I would suggest this book to anyone who wants to learn the basics of handling their money responsibly.

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The Richest Man in Babylon Book Summary, Review, Notes

The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason is an ancient book that offers a universal recipe for today’s most-asked question – how to become wealthy?

Book Title : The Richest Man in Babylon Author : George Samuel Clason Date of Reading: Dec 2022 Rating : 9/10

Table of Contents

What is being said in detail:.

This book talks about culture and living in the 20th century in Babylon, the cradle of the fundamental financing principle conceived 8000 years ago. 

The fact that makes this book even more interesting to read is that you have stories about money and its value from different perspectives: ordinary people, slaves, as well as divas.

Besides, a few chapters provide clear instructions and rules about money, sales, expenses and savings, the balance between these two, and so on… Since these rules are universal and extremely simple, it is not just possible, but it ought to implement the same thing today in our lives.

The book is composed of eleven chapters, and each of them brings a different, interesting story and characters.

Foreword explains the difference between today’s world and the past, delivering the reason why Babylon was the wealthiest city in the world for so many years. 

Chapter One: “The Man Who Desired Gold”

Chapter 1 talks about the chariot builder of Babylon who was wondering why he cannot have the same goods as his old friend, the richest man in Babylon when they had the same predispositions in youth. 

He realized he had been working hard all this time and had some talent for chariot building, but his budget was only enough for basic life needs. So, he decided to visit his friend and ask him the same question he was asking himself.

Chapter Two: “The Richest Man in Babylon”

Chapter 2 is about a wealthy man named Arkad and his path to that wealth. Here you can find plenty of advice about saving and spending money and reframing your thinking of money. 

The main thing Arkad was saying to his friend is thoughts about the money you earn. You need to know that you are making money for yourself, not for bills, food, or clothes. 

So, you have the right to keep one part of it and wisely decide what to do with that money; how to make that small part grow and work for you? 

Chapter Three: “Seven Cures for a Lean Purse”

Chapter 3 clearly defines seven rules for saving and increasing your money. Also, this chapter shows different stories about Babylon residents, their way of investing money, and family care. 

Even more important can be the part about mistakes and losing money, so better learn from someone else’s than your own! 

Here are the rules: Start thy purse to fattening, Control thy expenditures, Make thy gold multiply, Guard thy treasures from loss, Make of thy dwelling a profitable investment, Insure a future income, Increase thy ability to earn. 

Chapter Four: “Meet the Goddess of Good Luck”

Chapter five: “the five laws of gold”.

Chapter 5 is a story about the son and a wealthy father who is determined to test his son’s skills and improve his wisdom. He gave him rules for the treatment of money and time to prove he was worthy of inheritance. 

You can find all five laws deeply explained with examples in this chapter. These are the five laws:

1. Gold cometh gladly and in increasing quantity to any man who will put by not less than one-tenth or his earnings to create an estate for his future and that or his family.

2. Gold laboureth diligently and contentedly for the wise owner who finds for it profitable employment, multiplying even as the flocks of the field.

3. Gold clingeth to the protection of the cautious owner who invests it under the advice of men wise in its handling.

4. Gold slippeth away from the man who invests it in businesses or purposes with which he is not familiar or which are not approved by those skilled in its keep.

5. Gold flees the man who would force it to impossible earnings or who followeth the alluring advice of tricksters and schemers or who trusts it to his own inexperience and romantic desires in investment.

Chapter Six: “The Gold Lender of Babylon”

Chapter 6 provides the situation where you need to choose between logic and emotion when it comes to money lending. The most experienced lender of Babylon tells you his advice: to whom should you lend your money? 

How to be sure that people will return what they borrowed? Get to know that person, and ask her what she would do with borrowed money and how she can be sure she can return that amount to you. Do they have any property? Do they have the capacity to earn?

Chapter Seven: “The Walls of Babylon”

Chapter 7 describes one attempt at looting Babylon and once again proving its security. The walls of Babylon protected her citizens, walls whose construction required an enormous amount of money.

Chapter Eight: “The Camel Trader of Babylon”

Chapter 8 is a little bit different story about loans and methods of retrieving them. This part of the book highlights the difference between a slave and a free man, and what would each of them will do in a situation without any money source. 

Chapter Nine: “The Clay Tablets from Babylon”

Chapter 9 continues talking about loans, describing in detail the situation from the previous chapter. That story was written on clay tablets and helped lost students to find their way out of financial problems. 

Chapter Ten: “The Luckiest Man in Babylon”

Chapter 10 also talks about slaves and freedom, but this time from the slave’s point of view. It highlights the importance of work and patience. You cannot find a way to freedom without putting effort and knowing that luck is the state of mind at the first point. 

Chapter Eleven: “A Historical Sketch of Babylon”

Chapter 11 , at the very end, gives you a detailed description of the origin of Babylon through history and how one city at that time could have or find all innovation for a living, business, and enjoyment.

Most Important Keywords, Sentences, Quotes:

“Babylon became the wealthiest city of the ancient world because its citizens were the richest people of their time. They appreciated the value of money. 

They practiced sound financial principles in acquiring money, keeping money and making their money earn more money. They provided for themselves what we all desire . . . incomes for the future.”

CHAPTER ONE: “The Man Who Desired Gold”

“Babylon was like this—a mixture of grandeur and squalor, of dazzling wealth and direst poverty, crowded together without plan or system within the protecting walls of the city.”

George Samuel Clason Quote

“Why, indeed! Because when I awoke and remembered how empty was my purse, a feeling of rebellion swept over me. Let us talk it over together, for, as the sailors do say, we ride in the same boat, we two. 

As youngsters, we went together to the priests to learn wisdom. As young men, we shared each other’s pleasures. As grown men, we have always been close friends. We have been contented subjects of our kind. We have been satisfied to work long hours and spend our earnings freely. 

We have earned much coin in the years that have passed, yet to know the joys that come from wealth, we must dream about them. Bah! Are we more than dumb sheep? We live in the richest city in all the world. The travellers do say none equals it in wealth. 

About us is much display of wealth, but of it we ourselves have naught. After half a lifetime of hard labour, thou, my best of friends, hast an empty purse and sayest to me, ‘May I borrow such a trifle as two shekels until after the noblemen’s feast this night?’ 

Then, what do I reply? Do I say, ‘Here is my purse; its contents will I gladly share?’ No, I thine. What is admit that my purse is as empty as the matter? Why cannot we acquire  silver and gold—more than enough for food and robes?”

CHAPTER TWO: “The Richest Man in Babylon”

“In old Babylon there once lived a certain very rich man named Arkad. Far and wide he was famed for his great wealth. Also was he famed for his liberality. He was generous in his charities. 

He was generous with his family. He was liberal in his own expenses. But nevertheless each year his wealth increased more rapidly than he spent it.”

“Wealth is a power. With wealth many things are possible:

-One may ornament the home with the richest of furnishings.

-One may sail the distant seas.

-One may feast on the delicacies of far lands.

-One may buy the ornaments of the gold worker and the stone polisher.

-One may even build mighty temples for the Gods.

-One may do all these things and many others in which there is delight for the senses and gratification for the soul.”

“As for study, did not our wise teacher teach us that learning was of two kinds: the one kind being the things we learned and knew, and the other being the training that taught us how to find out what we did not know?”

“Then he looked at me shrewdly from under his shaggy brows and said in a low, forceful tone, ‘I found the road to wealth when I decided that a part of all I earned was mine to keep. And so will you.’”

“’Wealth, like a tree, grows from a tiny seed. The first copper you save is the seed from which your tree of wealth shall grow. The sooner you plant that seed the sooner shall the tree grow. 

And the more faithfully you nourish and water that tree with consistent savings, the sooner may you bask in contentment beneath its shade.’”

“When I set a task for myself, I complete it. Therefore, I am careful not to start difficult and impractical tasks, because I love leisure.” When I set a task for myself, I complete it. Therefore, I am careful not to start difficult and impractical tasks, because I love leisure.”

“Wealth grows wherever men exert energy.”

“I advise that you take the wisdom of Algamish and say to yourselves, ‘A part of all I earn is mine to keep.’ Say it in the morning when you first arise. Say it at noon. Say it at night. Say it each hour of every day. Say it to yourself until the words stand out like letters of fire across the sky.”

“Enjoy life while you are here. Do not overstrain or try to save too much. If one-tenth of all you earn is as much as you can comfortably keep, be content to keep this portion. 

Live otherwise according to your income and let not yourself get niggardly and afraid to spend. Life is good and life things worthwhile and things to enjoy.”

CHAPTER THREE: “Seven Cures for a Lean Purse”

“The king was thoughtful for some time. Then he asked, “Why should so few men be able to acquire all the gold?” “Because they know how,” replied the Chancellor.”

“Now I will tell sons of men. It thee an unusual truth about men and is this: That what each of us calls our ‘necessary expenses’ will always grow to equal our incomes unless we protest to the contrary.”

“[..] and last remedy for a lean purse is to cultivate thy own powers, to study and become wiser, to become more skillful, to so act as to respect thyself.”

CHAPTER FOUR: “Meet the Goddess of Good Luck”

“If a man be lucky, there is no foretelling the possible extent of his good fortune. Pitch him into the Euphrates and like as not he will swim out with a pearl in his hand. (Babylonian proverb)”

“[…] In this tale we see how good luck waits to come to that man who accepts opportunity.”

“From our discussion have I learned that to attract good luck to oneself, it is necessary to take advantage of opportunities. Therefore, in the future, I shall endeavour to make the best of such opportunities as do come to me.”

CHAPTER FIVE: “The Five Laws of Gold”

“Gold is reserved for those who know its laws and abide by them.”

“[…] ‘This I do to prove to thee, my father, of how much greater value I consider thy wisdom than thy gold. Yet, who can measure in bags of gold, the value of wisdom? 

Without wisdom, gold is quickly lost by those who have it, but with wisdom, gold can be secured by those who have it not, as these three bags of gold do prove.”

CHAPTER SIX: “The Gold Lender of Babylon”

“Can this be so? Rodan, the spearmaker, doth display more cunning than all the rest, for he comes Mathon, not for gold, but for come to me for gold to pay for to advice. 

Many men their follies, but as for advice, they want it not. Yet who is more able to advise than the lender of gold to whom many men come in trouble?”

George Samuel Clason 2 Quote

“My friend,” resumed Mathon, ” ’tis a worthy subject thou bringest to discuss. Gold bringeth unto its possessor responsibility and a changed position with his fellow men. 

It bringeth fear  lest he lose it or it be tricked away from him. It bringeth a feeling of power and ability to do good. Likewise, it bringeth opportunities whereby his very good intentions may bring him into difficulties.”

“The chest tells you, Rodan, that humans in the throes of great emotions are not safe risks for the gold lender.”

“Ere thou goest read beneath this which I have carved the lid of my token box. It applies equally to the borrower and the lender: BETTER A LITTLE CAUTION THAN A GREAT REGRET ”

CHAPTER SEVEN: “The Walls of Babylon”

“The walls of Babylon had once again mighty and repulsed a vicious foe determined to loot her rich treasures and to ravish and enslave her citizens.”

CHAPTER EIGHT: “The Camel Trader of Babylon”

“Where the determination is, the way can be found, Dabasir replied. “I now had the determination so I set out to find a way.”

CHAPTER NINE: “The Clay Tablets from Babylon”

“My dear Professor: If, in your further digging into those ruins of Babylon, you encounter the ghost of a former resident, an old camel trader named Dabasir, do me a favour. 

Tell him that his scribbling upon those clay tablets, so long ago, has earned for him the lifelong gratitude of a couple of college folks back here in England.”

“He had a real message for fellow sufferers, a message so important that after five thousand  years it has risen out of the ruins of Babylon, just as true and just as vital as the day it was buried.”

CHAPTER TEN: “The Luckiest Man in Babylon”

“Megiddo felt that we would soon part When no buyers were near, he talked to me earnestly to impress upon me how valuable work would be to me in the future: ‘Some men hate it.  They make it their enemy. 

Better to treat it like a friend, make thyself like it. Don’t mind because it is hard. If thou thinkest about what a good house thou build, then who cares  if the beams are heavy and it is far from the well carry the water thou get for the plaster. 

Promise me, boy, if thou get a master, work for him as hard as canst. If he does not appreciate all to do, never mind. Remember, work, well-done, does good to the man who does it. It makes him a better man.’”

George Samuel Clason Quote 3

“That night I was so excited over my success I could hardly sleep and tried to figure how much I could earn in a year and how many years would be required to buy my freedom .”

CHAPTER ELEVEN: “A Historical Sketch of Babylon”

“Many scientists consider the civilization of Babylon and other cities in this valley to be the oldest of which there is a definite record. Positive dates have been proved reaching back 8000 years.”

“One of the outstanding wonders of Babylon was the immense walls surrounding the city. The ancients ranked them with the great pyramid of Egypt as belonging to the ‘seven wonders of the world.’”

“Babylon was never entered by hostile armies until about 540 years before the birth of Christ. Even then the walls were not captured. The story of the fall of Babylon is most unusual. 

Cyrus, one of the great conquerors of that period, intended to attack the city  and hoped to take its impregnable walls. Advisors of Nabonidus, the King of Babylon, persuaded him to go forth to meet Cyrus and give him battle without waiting for the city to be besieged. 

In the succeeding defeat to the Babylonian army, it fled away from the city. Cyrus, thereupon, entered the open gates and took possession without resistance.”

George Samuel Clason Quote 4

“The eons of time have crumbled to dust the proud walls of its temples, but the wisdom of Babylon endures.”

Book Review (Personal Opinion):

This book changed my perception of money and financial success. I always thought that making money was a difficult thing to do and required a lot of risks of failure. 

In the end, this book proves that making money can’t be easier if you follow simple steps and listen to advise from wise and expert people in your business field.

My favorite thing about this book is the opportunity to learn through the main character, Arkad, story. Remembering his path, wise and stupid steps, and as the result, you can grow even faster while avoiding those mistakes.

The only reason why I didn’t give it a ten rate is because I sometimes felt there were too many similar stories, repeating the content from the previous ones.

Rating : 9/10

This Book Is For:

  •       Young and ambitious man who is passionate about material success
  •       Rich man who doesn’t know where to invest his money
  •       Researchers and historians who study economics and archeology

If You Want To Learn More

Here’s the full audio version of the book: The Richest Man in Babylon- George S. Clason (FULL VERSION)

How I’ve Implemented The Ideas From The Book

As I already said, the book changed my way of thinking. Knowing the exact step of how to make money, now I only need to start. The first step, of course, is saving. 

I am up to doing it once more in my life, but this time knowing without fear that it cannot negatively affect spending because I learned how to control it.

One Small Actionable Step You Can Do

It is hard to say “small step” because every step from this book is necessary. It can be silly doing just one part of the mentioned steps, but it is just an opportunity to learn and keep going.  

Reading this book, you will ask yourself how much money you spent last year or month and for what? Be honest with yourself, you could spend less if you have had less, and you could spend more if you have had more. 

So, that is the point – start thinking about your future and your family. What do you have to leave them?


Bruno Boksic

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5 Books Every Budding Entrepreneur Should Read

Dawn Allcot

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If you’re starting a business , you want to surround yourself with like-minded people and find mentors from whom you can learn. But not everyone has easy access to successful entrepreneurs. While you should definitely seek out people who can help you on your journey, you can also learn a lot through books.

From age-old classics that are now free in the public domain to bestselling memoirs, here are some books every budding entrepreneur should read.

Think and Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill

Building wealth begins with the right mindset. That’s why anyone who wants to launch a business should start by reading the Napoleon Hill classic Think and Grow Rich. In the book, you’ll find 13 habits of the world’s wealthiest people, which are just as relevant today as when the book was published in 1937.

The Richest Man in Babylon – George S. Clason

Another short read that you’ll want to revisit every few years, if not annually, The Richest Man in Babylon shares the basics of investing and the universal laws of prosperity. Learn the six laws of wealth, including keeping more than what you earn and putting your money to work. These laws, published in 1926, still apply today, and you’ll hear the principles in this book shared and repeated by money experts like Jaspreet Singh.  

Good to Great – Jim Collins

Jumping ahead to modern times, anyone thinking about starting a business should read Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap… And Others Don’t by Jim Collins. In the book, Collins analyzes some of the world’s best companies, including Coca-Cola and Intel, to find out what sets them apart. If you’re just starting business, you can launch on the right foot by following the principles outlined in this book.

The Energy Bus – Jon Gordon

This international bestseller isn’t just for entrepreneurs; anyone can benefit from this tale of overcoming adversity and surrounding yourself with people who lift your energy. If you follow the philosophy of this book and make sure you get the right people on your bus as you build your business, you’ll increase your odds of success.

Believe IT – Jamie Kern Lima

Jamie Kern Lima, founder of IT Cosmetics and the first woman CEO for L’Oreal, has written two books detailing her entrepreneurial journey. Get started with Believe It: How to Go from Underestimated to Unstoppable, if you’d like a solid roadmap of how to get out of your way and accomplish all you were put on this earth to do.

This list is just the start. Whether you have goals to make the Forbes billionaire’s list or you just want to start a company that will give you more freedom and flexibility to live on your terms, you’ll find the guidance you need in the books above.  

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Dave Ramsey: 10 Books He Recommends That Will Make You Rich

I f you’re looking to build wealth , you’ll want to learn from the best by reading books that have helped others on a similar journey. The good news is that there’s no shortage of helpful books out there .

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Here are ten books that Dave Ramsey recommends to help you get rich, as listed in the Ramsey Store .

Sponsored: Protect Your Wealth With A Gold IRA. Take advantage of the timeless appeal of gold in a Gold IRA recommended by Sean Hannity.

‘The Total Money Makeover’ by Dave Ramsey

This book is at the top of the list. Ramsey’s “The Total Money Makeover” is known for the baby steps, which have helped readers pay off debt and get their finances in order.

The baby steps are:

  • Save $1,000 in a starter emergency fund.
  • Pay off all non-mortgage debt.
  • Save three to six months’ worth of living expenses in your fully funded emergency savings.
  • Invest 15% of income into retirement.
  • Save for your children’s college education.
  • Pay off your home mortgage early.
  • Build wealth and donate generously.

Learn More: 7 Key Signs You’ve Reached Financial Freedom

‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’ by Stephen R. Covey

This book has become a staple in the productivity community, as Covey shares the habits that help you get things done. This is the manual if you want to become more productive and manage your time effectively.

The seven habits are:

  • Be proactive.
  • Start with the end in mind.
  • Put first things first.
  • Think win/win.
  • Seek first to understand, then to be understood.
  • Sharpen the saw.

‘Think and Grow Rich’ by Napoleon Hill

This book is ideal for anyone looking to learn from some of the most successful people in history about mindset and accomplishing what you want in life. The original book was published in 1937 and contains timeless principles for achieving goals. Hill taps into the story of brilliant minds like Thomas Edison, Henry Ford and Andrew Carnegie to share his principles.

‘Good to Great’ by Jim Collins

This best seller is known in business communities as a must-read for leadership teams. Collins shows how you can turn a good company into a great one in simple terms.

The book examines the findings of a study that digs deep into the various levels of management strategy. Some of the key topics include:

  • The type of leadership that’s needed to achieve greatness
  • The significance of a culture of discipline
  • The importance of getting the right people on board in your company
  • The “Hedgehog Concept” — the value of becoming proficient at one thing.

‘The Richest Man in Babylon’ by George S. Clason

Dave Ramsey wrote the foreword for the updated version, as he has recommended this book for years. It’s a collection of inspiring stories about people who overcame financial problems, but it’s set in Babylon.

You can find timeless advice regarding paying off debt, struggling with paycheck-to-paycheck living and other common financial issues in this book. The book covers the seven rules of money and the importance of seeking wealth. You’ll learn about getting out of debt, budgeting, living on less than you earn, investing wisely, saving for the future and enjoying your life.

‘Who Moved My Cheese?’ by Dr. Spencer Johnson

This book is for those struggling with change and experiencing evolving times. It is a quick read, filled with insights for those looking to manage change better. The author uses four characters living in a maze looking for cheese as a story to help the readers understand human nature better.

‘The E-Myth Revisited’ by Michael E. Gerber

Ramsey recommends this book for anyone who has ever considered starting a business. The updated version of this best-selling book breaks down common myths about starting a business with revised examples. The book will take you through the various stages of a business life cycle.

This book is also known for sharing the differences between working on your business and working in your business. The author shares how common assumptions and expectations could prevent someone from running a successful business.

‘How to Win Friends and Influence People’ by Dale Carnegie

This book is one of the best networking books for those looking to improve their social skills or make more friends. As the title suggests, you’ll learn about how to positively influence those around you and how to navigate the corporate world.

Some of the topics discussed in detail include:

  • Techniques for handling people
  • How to get people to like you
  • How you can win people over to your way of thinking
  • How you can get people to change without having them resent you

This book will help you build wealth, because a key component in the process is your income, and you can’t increase it unless you advance in your career.

‘Dave Ramsey’s Complete Guide to Money’ by Dave Ramsey

Another book of Ramsey’s, this one covers all the steps for those seeking to control their finances, and it’s likely his most detailed guide on the subject.

The topics include:

  • The seven steps for financial freedom
  • How to set a budget, pay off debt and start saving
  • The role of marketing gimmicks
  • How to plan for college and retirement
  • The types of insurance you’ll have to spend money on
  • Details on buying and selling real estate.

‘Smart Money Smart Kids’ by Dave Ramsey and Rachel Cruze

Ramsey and his daughter worked together on this book, which provides practical advice on raising money-smart children in the current environment.

The book offers tips on teaching your children lessons on the value of hard work, how to save, where the money comes from, avoiding debt, living responsibly and so on. This book will help you get rich by teaching you to raise financially literate children — who hopefully won’t have to rely on you by the time you’re approaching retirement.

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This article originally appeared on : Dave Ramsey: 10 Books He Recommends That Will Make You Rich

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The Richest Man in Babylon Paperback – January 1, 2019

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  • Pay yourself first.
  • Don't trust a bricklayer to buy jewels. (Don't get caught up in other people's excitement. Go seek the experts instead.)
  • Don't put all your eggs in a single basket. (Diversify your portfolio.)
  • Control thy expenses. (Even the richest man has a time constraint on his life. Do what you enjoy, but don't overdo it.)
  • Increase your ability to earn.
  • Print length 142 pages
  • Language English
  • Publisher Sound Wisdom
  • Publication date January 1, 2019
  • Dimensions 5 x 0.32 x 8 inches
  • ISBN-10 1640950494
  • ISBN-13 978-1640950498
  • See all details

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The Richest Man in Babylon

From the Publisher

George S Clason Richest Man in Babylon

The masterwork in personal finance

A proven system for attaining financial security.

“If you have not acquired more than a bare existence since ye were youths, it is because you either have failed to learn the laws that govern the building of wealth, or else you do not observe them.”

Anyone can build and maintain wealth

Arkad, known far and wide in ancient Babylon for his great wealth, reveals how he amassed riches and gained influence by implementing financial principles related to securing income, moderating spending, privileging savings, and investing intelligently. Through a series of engaging parables, readers discover how they, too, can apply these commonsense strategies to achieve financial independence.

Essential financial principles covered include:

  • Pay yourself first
  • Live within your means
  • Increase your capacity for earning
  • Minimize risk in financial investments
  • Attract good luck
  • Secure an income stream

Wealth is a power

Originally circulated as pamphlets by banks and insurance companies

Initially distributed as a series of pamphlets by US banks and insurance companies, the stories were collected in The Richest Man of Babylon in 1926. Nearly 100 years later, the parables continue to inspire readers around the world to take control of their finances and enjoy the freedom that effective money management brings.

Publishing tycoon George S. Clason shares his financial wisdom in these Babylonian parables

George Samuel Clason was born on November 7, 1974 in a small town in Missouri. After serving in the United States Army during the Spanish-American War, he built an illustrious career in publishing and founded one of the most successful map companies in America. Identifying the great advantages available to those who follow simple financial principles, he recast elementary lessons in savings and investment as parables set in ancient Babylon.

This reproduction of the 1926 edition includes:

  • The Richest Man in Babylon Tells His System
  • Out of the Ruins of Babylon
  • Seven Remedies for a Lean Purse
  • The Treasures of Babylon
  • The Babylon Course in Financial Success

The classic book for learning MONEY BASICS

Editorial reviews, about the author, product details.

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Sound Wisdom (January 1, 2019)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 142 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1640950494
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1640950498
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 5.6 ounces
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 5 x 0.32 x 8 inches
  • #298 in Entrepreneurship (Books)
  • #620 in Personal Finance (Books)

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Book Review - Richest Man in Babylon. A Book For Everyone.

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This Book Taught Me How I Should Treat Money

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About the author

George s. clason.

George Samuel Clason (November 7, 1874 – April 7, 1957 ), also known as George S. Clason, was born in Louisiana, Missouri, and died in Napa, California.

During his eighty two years he was a soldier, businessman and writer. He served in the United States Army during the Spanish–American War.

Clason started two companies, the Clason Map Company of Denver Colorado and the Clason Publishing Company. The Clason Map Company was the first to publish a road atlas of the United States and Canada, and did not survive the Great Depression.

George Clason is best known for writing a series of informational pamphlets about being thrifty and how to achieve financial success. He started writing the pamphlets in 1926, using parables that were set in ancient Babylon. Banks and insurance companies began to distribute the parables, and the most famous ones were compiled into the book The Richest Man in Babylon. Clason's book "Gold Ahead" was renamed as The Richest Man in Babylon. Clason was married twice, the first time to Ida Ann Venable and the second to Anna Burt.

Bio from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

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  1. The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason

    George S. Clason. 4.25. 201,698 ratings10,919 reviews. The Richest Man in Babylon is an early twentieth century classic about financial investment and monetary success. Through a series of enlightening parables set in the heart of ancient Babylon, Clason provided his readers with economic tips and tools for financial success.

  2. The Richest Man in Babylon Book: Summary and Review

    This book teaches the importance of building a large and successful business. George Samuel Clason was an American author. He is most often associated with his book The Richest Man in Babylon, first published in 1926 by George S. Clason. He dispensed financial advice through a collection of parables set 8,000 years ago in ancient Babylon.

  3. George Clason

    You may know something intellectually, but DOING it is a whole different story. Check out more about The Richest Man In Babylon by George S. Clason from Amazon by clicking here. ( 3 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5) This book review of The Richest Man In Babylon by George Clason will reveal the powerful principles taught in this book.

  4. Book Review: The Richest Man In Babylon by George S. Clason

    Fact Checked. I stumbled upon " The Richest Man in Babylon " by George Clason more than a decade ago. It was one of the first books I read in my pursuit of financial literacy and empowerment. Reading through the many parables contained within the book, the writing style reminded me of the Bible. It's a classic, littered with nuggets of ...

  5. Customer reviews: The Richest Man in Babylon

    The Richest Man in Babylon" is an absolute gem of a book that imparts timeless financial wisdom in a captivating and relatable manner. George S. Clason's storytelling takes you on a journey to the ancient city of Babylon, where simple yet profound financial principles come to life.

  6. Book Review: The Richest Man in Babylon

    I originally read and posted The Richest Man in Babylon by George S Clason to YouTube on April 5, 2021. Watch it on Rumble or listen to it on PodBean. Now, if you look up virtually any list of books put out by the richest of the richest as recommended reading, this book is on it.

  7. Book Summary: The Richest Man in Babylon by George Clason

    This is my book summary of The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason. My notes are informal and often contain quotes from the book as well as my own thoughts. This summary also includes key lessons and important passages from the book. The 7 simple rules of money: 1) Start thy purse to fattening: save money.

  8. The Richest Man in Babylon

    The Richest Man in Babylon. The Richest Man in Babylon is a 1926 book by George S. Clason that dispenses financial advice through a collection of parables set 4,097 years earlier, in ancient Babylon. The book remains in print almost a century after the parables were originally published, and is regarded as a classic of personal financial advice.

  9. The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason

    The book presents timeless principles of money management and wealth-building, using engaging narratives to impart valuable lessons on financial success. The book is divided into 11 chapters, each written so beautifully that The Richest Man in Babylon could easily pass as a literary classic. Here's a crux of the entire book.

  10. Book Reviews: The Richest Man in Babylon, by George S ...

    This hardcover edition is cleanly formatted for easy reading. 12 point Garamond, 1.25 spacing. The Richest Man in Babylon is a timeless classic, revealing the secrets to making money and keeping it. This inspirational book is hailed as the greatest of books on finances. It unveils the secrets to wealth, providing priceless suggestions, advice ...

  11. The Richest Man in Babylon

    I think it ought to be read by every young man or woman with ambition to make something of life."—Chicago Daily News "Recently, several readers asked me for recommendations on books that introduce teenagers—and even pre-teens—to investing… My favorite, and one that I always mention, is The Richest Man in Babylon. Though published ...

  12. The Richest Man in Babylon (Summary & Notes

    Summary of "The Richest Man in Babylon": "The Richest Man in Babylon" is a highly respected and widely acclaimed book in the field of personal finance due to its concise and impactful narratives. It has garnered immense recognition as an invaluable resource for individuals striving to enhance their financial management skills and ...

  13. The Richest Man In Babylon Review & Summary

    90 %. Overall Rating. 90 %. "The Richest Man in Babylon" is a classic book that offers practical and timeless financial advice. The writing style is engaging and the concepts are presented clearly, making it easy to understand. The seven cures for a lean purse are practical and applicable in modern times, providing readers with valuable ...

  14. The Richest Man in Babylon

    The Richest Man in Babylon. Hardcover - April 28, 2020. by George S. Clason (Author), Dave Ramsey (Foreword) 4.8 11,034 ratings. See all formats and editions. The secret of the rich isn't a secret at all. The Richest Man in Babylon has been a favorite of Dave Ramsey's for years. Set in ancient Babylon, this book is an inspiring collection ...

  15. The Richest Man in Babylon

    The Richest Man in Babylon [Clason, George S., Orman, Suze] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The Richest Man in Babylon ... The Amazon Book Review Book recommendations, author interviews, editors' picks, and more. Read it now. Frequently bought together. This item: The Richest Man in Babylon . $7.49 $ 7. 49. Get it as soon ...

  16. The Richest Man in Babylon

    The Richest Man in Babylon, written by George S. Clason, is set in ancient Babylon and tells the fictional story of Arkad.Babylon was known for excelling in multiple fields, which led the Babylonians to great riches and wealth. The book consists of 10 parables that provide financial advice and serve as guidelines to save and earn money.

  17. The Richest Man in Babylon Book Summary, Review, Notes

    Chapter Two: "The Richest Man in Babylon". Chapter 2 is about a wealthy man named Arkad and his path to that wealth. Here you can find plenty of advice about saving and spending money and reframing your thinking of money. The main thing Arkad was saying to his friend is thoughts about the money you earn.

  18. Book Review

    Book Review - The Richest Man in Babylon. The richest man in Babylon by George Clason is known to be the bible of financial freedom. This book shows timeless rules and laws of money that can be used by anyone. This book is for the person who wants to acquire gold or financial success. A few simple yet insightful stories will give you an ...

  19. The Richest Man in Babylon: Six Laws of Wealth

    4.35. 1,911 ratings151 reviews. "Should be required reading" reviewThe ancient Babylonians were the first people to discover the universal Laws of Wealth. The Richest Man in Babylon reveals their timeless secrets. Through this entertaining parable, you'll learn how more of what you earnPut your savings to work for youGet out of ...

  20. The Richest Man in Babylon

    The Richest Man in Babylon. Paperback - December 3, 2014. by George S. Clason (Author) 4.7 44,972 ratings. See all formats and editions. "As a young man, I came across George Samuel Clason's classic 1926 book The Richest Man in Babylon, which offered commonsense financial advice told through ancient parables. I recommend it to everyone."

  21. 5 Books Every Budding Entrepreneur Should Read

    The Richest Man in Babylon - George S. Clason. Another short read that you'll want to revisit every few years, if not annually, The Richest Man in Babylon shares the basics of investing and the universal laws of prosperity. Learn the six laws of wealth, including keeping more than what you earn and putting your money to work.

  22. Dave Ramsey: 10 Books He Recommends That Will Make You Rich

    'The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People' by Stephen R. Covey. This book has become a staple in the productivity community, as Covey shares the habits that help you get things done.

  23. The Richest Man in Babylon

    He started writing the pamphlets in 1926, using parables that were set in ancient Babylon. Banks and insurance companies began to distribute the parables, and the most famous ones were compiled into the book The Richest Man in Babylon. Clason's book "Gold Ahead" was renamed as The Richest Man in Babylon.

  24. The Richest Man in Babylon in Telugu ...

    The Richest Man in the Babylon. This book deals with the personal success of each of us. Success means results coming from our efforts and ability. A good preparation is the key to our success. So keep a part of what you earn with yourself. From the benefits of saving to the essentials of getting...