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How to Turn Your Dissertation Into a Book: A Step-By-Step Guide for New Authors


Whether you are just starting graduate school, writing your dissertation, or the proud recipient of a recent Ph.D., you may be thinking about turning your dissertation into a published book. There are many reasons why this might be a good idea. In some fields, a published scholarly book is a preferred method for presenting a comprehensive view of pivotal research. A book gives you the space to discuss details, complications, connections, and ramifications in a way that is not possible in a journal article. In these fields, a well-reviewed book gives you instant credibility when applying for faculty positions, tenure, and related positions. A published book also has a much longer shelf life than an unpublished dissertation, and will occupy a respected place on your CV or resume for years to come.

In other fields, good dissertations are expected to produce one or more published journal articles, and many tenured faculty at top research institutions never publish a book. In these fields, publishing a book may still be an asset for those pursuing a traditional academic career, and can be a great way to transition into other careers such as science communication, education, or public policy. So if turning your dissertation into a book is something you are considering, here are some steps to get started.

Step 1: Identify your audience

Publishers are businesses that make money by selling books. This is true of "trade" publishers that sell books for the general public, and "academic" publishers that sell books primarily for students and scholars. Therefore, in order for a publisher to consider publishing your book, there must be a sufficiently large audience to buy your book. This audience will strongly influence how you organize and write your book, and may cause your book to be massively different from your dissertation. After all, the purpose of a dissertation is to show that you are knowledgeable about your field of study, and have made a significant contribution to it. In contrast, the purpose of a book is to serve a need for the reader.

Some dissertation topics may work well as required reading for college and university courses. In that case, you need to identify the types of courses that would be appropriate (e.g. courses in sociology that cover gender identity), and develop an understanding of how many students take such courses. For example, you might find that almost all colleges in the California State system have a sociology department. At California State AnyTown, there are 20,000 undergraduate students, and 400 students a year take a sociology course that focuses on gender identity. Other dissertation topics might appeal to people in specific professions (e.g. people who work with children who suffer concussions), and you might look at the number of people in relevant professional organizations (e.g. associations for coaches or pediatric nurses). At the other end of the spectrum, you might imagine a book that appeals to a fairly wide audience (e.g. a book that addresses recent events linked to gender identity, or a broader discussion of concussion in youth sports). For these books, the intended audience may be harder to define, so you can estimate its size in the next step.

Step 2: Identify competing books

Once you have identified a potential audience, you need to familiarize yourself with the books they are reading. Your book will be competing with these books, so you need to determine how your book will fill a gap for this audience. Here you have the opportunity—and the obligation—to read widely in your intended niche. If this opportunity doesn't excite you, do not try to write a book for this niche. The process of writing a good book is laborious and time consuming, so if you are not interested in exploring similar books for what works and what doesn't, you will not enjoy writing your own book for this category.

As you identify and read competing books, you should pay attention to the topics that they cover, and how the author writes about these topics. Consider whether the text is instructive or narrative, what details are included, how the text is organized, and whether visual aids such as photographs, diagrams, or tables are included. Also find out when the book was published, how long it is, how much it sells for, and how many copies have been sold (or at least what its Amazon sales rank is).

You may find books that are very similar to your book, or that are different in significant ways (such as the specific topic) but that have characteristics you want to emulate (e.g. a good strategy for presenting technically challenging research to a broad audience). As you gain a good understanding of related books, you'll need to develop a list of 3-10 books that will compete with your book. You will use this list to support two points:

  • Books similar to your book have been successful with your intended audiences; and
  • Your book fills an unmet need for this audience, so they will buy it.

That unmet need might be a more recent book that incorporates new knowledge, or a book that takes a different approach to a question that has already been addressed.

This survey of related books will also help you plan your book. If you find that multiple books already exist for your intended topic, you may need to shift your emphasis so that your book offers something new. If you find that there are few successful competing books, it may be that your intended audience is too small, and that you need to shift your emphasis to fit into a more productive niche.

Step 3: Create an outline for your book

Once you have an intended audience, an excellent understanding of successful books in the same category, and an idea for how you can fill a need in that category, you can start planning your book in detail. Put together an outline, starting with the major topic for each chapter, and thinking about how the overall theme will progress through the entire book. Even for a purely academic book, there must be an overall arch to your story.

While it may be tempting to slip into the same mindset that you used for planning and writing your dissertation, remember that the purpose of your book is to serve a need for the reader. So rather than focusing on your specific research contributions (which is essential for a dissertation), focus on what the reader needs to know. To facilitate this mindset, it may be useful to put away your dissertation for a bit (assuming that it is already complete) and focus on other projects. Then revisit your dissertation topic when you have fresh eyes and a better understanding of what would be useful for your intended audience.

As you flesh out the details for each chapter, set a target word count and think about any images or tables that should be included. Keep in mind that book publishers must pay for every page, image, and footnote to be edited, prepared, and printed. Books that are only available electronically still have most of these per-page expenses. Therefore, use successful books in your category as a guide for how long your book should be, and how many images should be included. Color images also add significantly to the production costs .

As you are preparing your outline, you will likely reach a point where you are unsure if the details of your plan will work. Then it is time to write.

Step 4: Write a sample chapter

If you want a publisher or agent to consider your book, you will typically need to submit a sample chapter or two. You may be asked to submit your first chapter or your "best" chapter, so I recommend starting with your first chapter and making it excellent.

While there are many different approaches to successful writing, one common theme is that the first draft is usually terrible. So write the first draft of your first chapter and let it be terrible. Then read and revise, and repeat. As you are writing and revising, I recommend regularly taking time to read some of your competing titles. How do they deal with some of the challenges you are facing? Are their approaches successful or can you envision a better way?

As you write your first chapter or two, you may find that you need to revise your outline. Pay attention to what you can effectively cover for your audience in the space available.

Step 5: Identify appropriate publishers or agents

Once you have a strong plan and a sample chapter or two, you need to identify potential publishers. Start by looking at your list of competing titles, and learn about those publishers. Also talk to colleagues who have published books, and ask if they would be willing to put you in contact with their publisher or agent. The process can be quite complicated, and for a comprehensive guide I recommend The Essential Guide to Getting Your Book Published by Arielle Eckstut and David Henry Sterry. Many publishers also post guidelines for potential authors on their websites. For most publishers, you will need to show that you understand your audience and competing books, and provide a detailed book outline and convincing sample chapter.

Here is an infographic that breaks down all of these major points:

Dissertation Into a Book Infographic

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How to Turn your Dissertation into a Book

You finished your dissertation and want to turn it into a book? Then don’t let the revision process scare you – we've got you covered with helpful tips and tricks on the way.

This post is part of a series, which serves to provide hands-on information and resources for authors and editors.

After years of hard work on their dissertation, more than a few Early Career Researchers consider turning their PhD research into a monograph. While this is great to reach a whole new audience, the process of getting there can seem complex and daunting at first.

But we’re here to help!

The first and most essential step is to decide whether your dissertation should become a book at all. For many scholars this is a no-brainer, especially in the humanities and the social sciences, where the publication of books is crucial for getting professional recognition, climbing up the career ladder, and eventually gaining tenure.

Your dissertation could also be published in the form of one or several journal articles. Or something you just want to upload on a university server and be done with.

However, let’s say that you do want to convert your thesis into a publishable book, here are the general steps of this exciting undertaking:

  • Find your match
  • Build your confidence
  • Get down to the nitty gritty
  • Pitch your work
  • Respond and revise

1. Find Your Match

The process of revising a dissertation goes hand-in-hand with the search for the right publishing house. The question what kind of book you want or need will influence your choice. Vice versa, the publisher shapes what kind of book you will be rewarded with.

Publishing with an established publisher is still considered as a sign of quality. They take care of things like quality control and peer review, and they select their titles carefully, so they fit their lists. This also means the books will sell better. Moreover, and most importantly: a publisher makes your work visible, be it online, in catalogues, on conferences, book fairs, or by distributing your book among libraries and universities.

Are you looking for the right press to publish your academic work? Find out here whether De Gruyter might be the right partner for your project!

Ask yourself this: Where do you want to see your book? Where have your favorite publications been published? Browse bookshelves, and visit book exhibitions at conferences . Talk to editors, approach them, ask for their conditions; check websites.

But whilst you do all of that: Please never submit to more than one publisher at the same time. Wasting editors’ time is frowned upon and doesn’t bode well for future publication with the house.

2. Build your Confidence

Once you decided on which press would be a good choice (from university presses, independent academic publishers, trade publishers etc.), there are a couple of things you need to take into consideration.

First and maybe most importantly: Be kind to yourself. Acknowledge what you have already accomplished. This has been a huge effort, and you have earned every right to be proud of yourself! Then, get to work.

Be prepared to invest time and nerves into reworking your dissertation. Focus on what you have already done, and build from there.

Remember, a book is not a dissertation. You do not need to convince anyone anymore that you are the expert and that you have done your reading. The reader of your book trusts that you are, and that is why they bought it.

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3. Get Down to the Nitty Gritty

  • Envision your audience. This will help you give your dissertation a makeover.
  • Your viva was probably a while ago, so lots of new and interesting research has been published since then that could potentially influence your work. Do the reading.
  • Go over your literature review and see what is not needed anymore for your argument. Do not quote other people as much – the reader wants to know what you think. The reader of your book is also not hugely interested in all of the methodologies out there. Tell them what you used and why, but cut everything else.
  • Tell the reader in the introduction what the book’s central argument is. What is your contribution to the field? What’s new? In the conclusion, tell them what the consequences are. What difference do your findings make? How do they help the field?
  • Try to stay close to the 100,000 word threshold (=300 pages), including notes. Keep the manuscript sleek, limit the apparatus. Try to have chapters of equal lengths.
  • Sure enough, images are nice and often help the reader get a sense for the text, but do not forget that you have to clear rights for most of them, and get all the technicalities for print sorted.
  • Use simple wording. Be on point. Always remember your audience needs to understand you, and not all of them are experts.
  • Go easy on the footnotes: Resist making them a container for all of the brilliant thoughts that don’t quite fit in the flow or argument of your book. If a remark doesn’t belong in your text, it might not belong in your book altogether.

Bear in mind: With a dissertation, you have something to prove. With a book, you have something to say.

4. Pitch Your Work

After revising, you need to prepare a pitch: Sell your book! Let the publisher know why your research is important and how it changes the field. What’s the unique selling point of your book, what sets it apart from others?

To get started, check the publisher’s website. Usually there is a proposal form hidden away somewhere. Try to find information on the submission process and/or a personal contact. Follow the guidelines, and write an e-mail to the responsible Acquisitions Editor.

Indicate that you are familiar with the scope of the publisher’s list. Maybe you know of a book series of theirs, where your work might fit in. Let them know you did your homework, and that you are invested. Describe how your book complements other titles in the series and why it would be a great fit.

Learn more about book proposals in our blog post “How to Write an Academic Book Proposal: 6 Questions for Laura Portwood-Stacer” .

Be concise. Your proposal should demonstrate not only that you are an expert on the topic, but that you can condense and synthesize what you know, that you can share it concisely, and that you can present your research in a way that is stimulating and thought-provoking.

Usually, the more material you send, the better. Being able to read a sample chapter of the dissertation, in addition to the proposal, makes it much easier for the publisher to get a sense about the writing style of an author, who is still unknown to them.

5. Almost There! Respond and Revise

After you submitted, and heard back from the editor of the press, you can relax a little. Your manuscript is now either under consideration with the editor or already sent out for external peer review. This might take a while.

Chances are, when you hear back from the editor the next time, the reviewers will have criticized parts of your manuscript and are asking for improvements. Hence, you will need to get back into the text once again. This can be a hard moment, but remember: you are so close now! Revise one last time and at the end of the road, you might already see the light of your shiny new author contract.

Good luck – you got this!

If you are interested, check out this related blog post

publishing your dissertation as a book

[Title image by hanna grace via Unsplash]

Rabea Rittgerodt

Rabea works as Acquisitions Editor at De Gruyter. She is specialized on 19th & 20th century social, cultural, and global history. You can follow her on Twitter via @RabeaRi .

Sophie Wagenhofer

Sophie Wagenhofer works as Senior Acquisitions Editor Islamic & Jewish Studies at De Gruyter.

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Turning Your Dissertation into a Book

Interested in publishing your dissertation as a book? You will likely need to revise it extensively so it will appeal to a wider audience and compete in the literary marketplace. Here are some guidelines to help you in this process.

  • Allow plenty of time!
  • The review process can easily take up to a year, as it entails a peer review of your manuscript, potential revisions, further peer review and then approval.
  • The editing process can easily take a year to a year and a half as it entails copyediting, design, typesetting and proofreading, preparation of the index, printing and binding.

Dissertations differ from books in several ways

  • Dissertations are highly specialized, while books are geared to general readers.
  • Dissertation audiences are usually fewer than 100 readers — books are about 500 or more, in general.
  • In a dissertation, the author’s authority must be proven; in books, it is assumed.
  • Dissertations contain extensive documentation (to prove authority), while books document to credit sources and help the reader.
  • Dissertations can run long; books are often far shorter.

Elements that make a good book

  • A concise, memorable and intriguing title that includes essential key words
  • Clear and effective organization
  • A succinct introduction
  • Illustrations that enhance the text
  • Sections that are meaningful either alone or as part of the total book
  • Navigational aids, such as chapter titles, running heads, subheads, notes, bibliography, index
  • A voice (relationship of author to reader) that functions like an invisible tour guide or creative storyteller, and avoids sounding like a lecturer at a podium

The revision process

  • Forget your dissertation. Forget your committee.
  • Clarify your modified topic and audience.
  • Determine how to present it in a dynamic way.
  • Remove unnecessary references to yourself.
  • Delete conspicuous chapter intros and summaries.
  • Make style parallel in chapter titles, captions, chapter openings and closings, subheads.
  • Revisit the introduction and conclusion.
  • Remove unnecessary notes; condense or combine others.
  • Eliminate most cross-references.
  • Cut unnecessary examples and data.
  • Make chapter openings strong, clear, and inviting.
  • Add definitions of jargon, foreign terms, biographical and historical dates.
  • Brainstorm several possible titles and subtitles.
  • Tighten prose.
  • Use active verbs.
  • Begin and end sentences with words you want to emphasize.

The Chicago Manual of Style . 15th ed. (2003). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

German, William. (2005).  From dissertation to book . Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Harmon, Eleanor, et al., ed. (2003).  The thesis and the book: A guide for first-time academic authors. 2nd ed . Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Lucy, Beth, ed. (2004).  Revising your dissertation: Advice from leading editors . Berkeley: University of California Press.

by Lorri Hagman, executive editor, University of Washington Press

Academic Publishing


Turning Your Dissertation into a Book: A Step-by-Step Guide to the Publishing Process

If you’ve recently completed your dissertation and you’re proud of the work you’ve done, you may be wondering how to share it with a wider audience. One option is to publish your dissertation as a book. While this process can be daunting, it can also be incredibly rewarding.

Can I publish my thesis as a book

Here are some tips to help you get started:

Determine if your dissertation is book-worthy

Not all dissertations are suited for publication. Before investing time and effort into the publishing process, do some research to determine if there’s a market for your work. Look for books in your field that are similar to your dissertation and see how well they sell. If there’s demand for your topic, then it’s a good sign that your dissertation could make a successful book.

Revise and refine

It’s rare that a dissertation can be published as is. Typically, you’ll need to revise and refine your work to make it more accessible and engaging for a broader audience. Consider hiring a professional editor to help you identify areas that need improvement.

Find a publisher

There are several options for publishing your dissertation as a book. You can either self-publish , approach an academic publisher, or try a hybrid publisher. If you’re not sure which route to take, do some research to see which option is the best fit for you and your goals. You can check out Lambert academic publishing ’s fast and affordable online platform to publish your own book .

Follow submission guidelines

Each publisher will have their own submission guidelines, so make sure you read them carefully and follow them to the letter. This can include things like formatting, length, and style requirements.

Build your author platform

Once your book is published, it’s up to you to promote it. Start building your author platform before your book comes out by creating a website, engaging with your audience on social media, and building relationships with influencers in your field.

Publishing a book can be a lengthy process, so be prepared to wait for your book to hit the shelves. But remember, the wait will be worth it when you see your dissertation transformed into a tangible book that can be shared with the world.

Publishing your dissertation as a book is a rewarding way to share your research with a wider audience and make an extra buck. By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to turning your dissertation into a published work that you can be proud of.

How to publish your dissertation in a journal

publishing your dissertation as a book

Publishing your dissertation in a journal is a great way to share your research with a wider audience and establish yourself as an expert in your field. Here are some steps to help you publish your dissertation in a journal:

Choose the right journal

Before you start the submission process, it’s important to find a journal that is a good fit for your research. Look for journals that specialize in your field and have published articles on similar topics to your dissertation.

Review submission guidelines

Each journal has specific submission guidelines, so be sure to review them carefully. Pay attention to requirements such as formatting, word count, and citation style.

Revise your dissertation

While your dissertation has already been approved by your advisor, it may still require revisions to meet the standards of a journal article. Be prepared to revise and edit your dissertation to meet the journal’s requirements and to make it more concise and readable.

Write a cover letter

When submitting your dissertation to a journal, it’s important to include a cover letter that introduces yourself and your research. The cover letter should highlight the significance of your research, why it’s relevant to the journal’s audience, and how it contributes to the current body of knowledge in your field.

Submit your dissertation

After you have completed the necessary revisions and written a cover letter, you can submit your dissertation to the journal. Be sure to follow the journal’s submission instructions carefully and provide all required materials.

Publish your dissertation as a book

Publish your dissertation as a book : show your dissertation has what it takes to make it to the big league. Build your dissertation’s trust. Making your dissertation an authority increases its chances of being published in a journal significantly.

Be prepared for the review process

The journal will likely have a peer-review process where your article will be reviewed by experts in your field. Be prepared to receive feedback and make revisions based on their comments.

In conclusion, publishing your dissertation in a journal requires careful research, attention to detail, and a willingness to revise and edit your work. By following these steps, you can increase your chances of success and share your research with a wider audience.

Lambert offers an easy and affordable publishing process that allows you to share your dissertation with a global audience. With no publishing contract required and professional editing and formatting services included, publishing your dissertation with us has never been easier. Plus, our worldwide distribution network ensures that your work will be seen by a wider audience. Don’t let your research go unnoticed – publish your dissertation with Lambert Academic Publishing today and take the first step towards sharing your findings with the world!

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Revising Your Dissertation for Publication

While a dissertation’s in-depth research and analysis can provide a strong foundation for a book, the dissertation itself is not a book and will not be published by an academic press without substantial revisions. Some acquisitions editors are interested first books, especially if they bring new perspectives and fresh ideas to a field, while others do not often publish first books. If you are considering submitting your dissertation for publication, we recommend that you contact editors at university presses that publish in your subject area for guidance on revising your work. Many editors prefer to be involved in the early stages of this process so they can advise you on how to structure the book and your arguments to create a publishable book. Editors generally require changes in the length, content, tone, and style of a dissertation in order to produce a book that will appeal to buyers in the academic market. Read more about submitting a proposal in our Scholarly Publishing Guide .

Below are selected resources to help you revise your dissertation for publication as a book or journal article(s).

Advice from publishers

  • Harvard University Press
  • Palgrave Macmillan
  • Rowman & Littlefield
  • Taylor & Francis
  • University of North Carolina Press
  • Yale University Press
  • Publisher Policies on using content in both a thesis or dissertation and an article (from MIT Libraries)
  • From Dissertation to Book by William Germano (Lauinger Library, 4th Floor, PN162 .G37 2013)
  • Revising Your Dissertation, Updated Edition : Advice from Leading Editors (updated edition, 2008) edited by Beth Luey (online; GU NetID and password required)
  • From Dissertation to Book , Duke University (February 27, 2018)
  • From Dissertation to Book ( full transcript ), Harvard University (December 17, 2010)
  • How To Turn Your Dissertation into a Book , Yale University (April 6, 2016)
  • From Dissertation to Book by Leonard Cassuto (Chronicle of Higher Education, May 30, 2011)
  • From Dissertation to Published Book (lanugageandphilosophy.com report on an American Comparative Literature Association workshop)
  • Give It a Rest by Laura Portwood-Stacer (Inside Higher Ed, August 6, 2019)
  • The Stages of Revising a Dissertation into a Book by Amy Benson Brown (Journal of Scholarly Publishing, vol. 52 no. 2, 2021, p. 127-140) (GU NetID and password required)
  • Turning Your Dissertation into a Book (University of Washington)
  • Publishing your Dissertation (American Psychological Association)

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How to... Convert your thesis into a book

This how to guide takes you through everything you need to know to convert your thesis into a book.

You can read all the information you need below, or watch this video from Books Commissioning Editor, Katy Mathers.

On this page

Consider the level of conversion.

  • What are book publishers looking for

Consider the audience

  • Tips for converting your thesis

What happens next?

Your first consideration when thinking about book publishing options for your thesis should be the level of conversion. You could consider the following options.

A full conversion – from thesis to book

This is a good option should your thesis be on a topic that would have wide appeal to an academic audience. A key consideration here is that the structure of a thesis is massively different to a book. Rather than starting with a hypothesis, a book should showcase a considered argument and its narrative should communicate that argument to peers in the field – demonstrating how the research has evolved into this viewpoint, and what impact it can have.

Partial conversion – using parts of your thesis in a book

Using parts of your thesis in a book usually means that you are conducting further research that might be ongoing, and might involve colleagues that might be a co-author on the project.

Partial conversion – a chapter in an edited collection

Perhaps your thesis doesn’t quite have the broad appeal for a full book conversion. In this case you might consider a chapter in an edited collection under a broader theme – this means you’re broadening the scope of your PhD research to a wider audience by collaborating with a team of contributors on an edited book. Look out for calls for chapters on relevant themes.

What are publishers looking for?

Broad (global) scholarly appeal.

  • Remember your thesis is written for a handful of examiners and experts in your field and is partly there to demonstrate the expertise you have gained from your research. A book should have a much wider audience than that, and should be engaging and interesting enough to appeal to a broad section of researchers across your field (and potentially other disciplines as appropriate), and should particularly be accessible enough to engage any researcher interested in your topic of study.
  • Single-country case studies won’t always translate well into a book given their focused scope, however, they would work as part of an edited collection with a broader global scope.
  • A good book manuscript should focus on a coherent argument/narrative, rather than a step-by-step checklist of things you need to demonstrate in a thesis.
  • You don’t need to include big sections or whole chapters on literature review or methodology, these can be weaved into the book as and when appropriate.

Development potential

  • An original thesis should be regarded as the basis for an entirely new work, written with a new audience in mind.

publishing your dissertation as a book

Talking about your research and the process of working it into a book is one of the best ways to ensuring success.

Try reaching out to your immediate colleagues, and co-authors on published papers, your PhD supervisor, peers you might meet at conferences, with a publishing contact, or even online. Try asking for advice on twitter, or any professional network sites.

It is advisable to start a conversation with supervisors and other colleagues shortly after the completion of a PhD.

Once you’ve started to get a good idea of what you want to do, it’s also a great time to reach out to a commissioning editor at a publisher. They can advise on further considerations for turning your thesis into a book with a broad scholarly appeal, as well as how to fill in a book proposal form.

Following this, the next natural step is to submit a book proposal which will be considered by the publisher, often involving a peer review process.

The single most important thing to remember when converting your thesis is the audience. Your thesis is written for a select amount of examiners with specific expertise in your field and showcases your nuanced and rich expertise, which you have gleaned from your research in your particular area.

In contrast, a book should have a much wider audience and should be engaging and interesting enough to appeal to a broad section of researchers across your field, and potentially even other disciplines as appropriate.

As a book, your research should be accessible enough to engage any researcher interested in your topic of study.

  • Realise which parts of your thesis are useful only to examiners. Any sections such as literature review, or extended methodology discussion should be cut or heavily amended/digested. These sections can weave in and out of your overall narrative rather than be structured separately.
  • Writing style is less important for examiners, but essential for book readers. PhD examiners will read your thesis regardless of the writing style, but the writing style for book readers is essential for ensuring your research is accessible and engaging. You must be prepared to extensively re-write your thesis to retain and engage readers. This should be seen as essential rather than optional.
  • Keep the big picture in mind. It’s important to take a step back while putting together a proposal, or during the manuscript writing process. Set reminders at intervals to focus on the overall narrative of the book. Is there a logical development of an argument? Does it make sense to a reader’s point of view? If not , be prepared to rethink the structure – it can be freeing to step away from a traditional thesis structure.
  • Write concisely. It’s important to bear in mind the importance of the reader’s time. At all stages of the writing process you should focus on streamlining where possible and keep in mind the agreed length of the book. Books are often much shorter than theses, which by their nature contain much repetition. If you’re finding it hard to meet the agreed word limit, your writing style is likely not quite right yet for a book audience.
  • Emphasise context. If your research is specialist and nuanced, with a narrow scope, try boosting its contextual implications by adding an international or inter-disciplinary context. It’s particularly useful to do this within the introductory and concluding chapters. Rounding off your book with opening and closing contextual chapters can really emphasise the place of the research within the field and showcase how it’s adding to the literature or breaking fresh ground.
  • Get a third party proof-reader. Consider getting someone within your field, perhaps without the specialist knowledge relating to your PhD knowledge, and see what they think of your writing style. If they can follow your argument and find value in the work you’re presenting for the wider field, then the book has good potential. If they’re struggling, you might need to re-think the project.

Top tips for converting your thesis

  • The main title of the book should position it clearly without reference to other bibliographic information, and should be as short as possible.
  • Chapter titles are something people often forget, and chapter titles can sometimes be a real giveaway in a proposal that a book is based on a thesis and maybe hasn’t been revised appropriately. It’s often a comment reviewers make, and a clear sign to them that the proposal is a thesis conversion. Chapter titles can be way more dynamic in a book than in a thesis, and there’s no need to have chapters called 'methodology' or 'results'. Freeing yourself from these structured ways of thinking can be liberating, and is a good way of diverting yourself from writing in a thesis style.
  • Remember that readers of the book are most interested in what your findings/argument are. Think about leading your book with the 'end' of your thesis, i.e. the results/answer to the question you were researching, rather than starting by explaining how you got there.
  • You don’t need to include big sections or whole chapters on literature review or methodology, these can be weaved in to the book as and when appropriate (particularly if your research employed an innovative methodology, for example).
  • A book manuscript should typically be shorter than your thesis. If you’re struggling to bring the word count down, you might need to get help with your writing style, or evaluate if you’ve cut enough “thesis-heavy” content from your work.
  • Use introductory and concluding chapters to contextualise your research. This is super helpful for placing your work within the field.

publishing your dissertation as a book

To summarise

Be prepared to re-write: Having sketched out a new structure and focus, you now have to start writing all over again to create a completely new work. You should accept this as a must for success, and enjoy the creative process that comes with it.

Remove academic structuring: Ordinary readers want you to get straight to the point, Anything that sounds like "In this chapter I will argue . . ." or "In this chapter I have shown . . ." should be deleted immediately.

Audience is the most important consideration. Re-organise your writing around your new audience – remember that concise, narrative-led writing is essential.

Re-focus on the storytelling. Any background material (such as surveys of previous literature, historical background, discussions of earlier and current theories, arguments, methodology, etc.) if retained at all, should be moved from the beginning to the end of the book, or incorporated in a condensed form into the relevant sections of the main text. From start to finish, you should begin with an answer rather than a question, and your argument should be maintained throughout.

Once you’ve formed an idea for your book project, it’s a good time to talk to a commissioning editor at a publisher about submitting a proposal.

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Turning your PhD into a successful book

Requests regularly arrive in the Author Services inbox asking for advice about turning PhD research into journal articles or books. In this guide, first posted on the  LSE Impact Blog , Terry Clague, a Senior Publisher at Routledge gives his advice and insight into what publishers are looking for when they receive new book proposals.  

Research conducted as part of a PhD is valuable. It is valuable for the researcher, who has spent countless hours carrying out the work and it is valuable to those deciding whether the research should result in the award of a PhD qualification. But can the research be valuable to broader audiences? The simple answer is yes – at the heart of many successful academic books lies research conducted as part of a PhD. 

What options to consider when turning your PhD into a book

In the majority of cases, PhD research is published in the form of journal articles. In some cases, the research is published in a book. Between either end of that publishing spectrum there is an array of options to consider when it comes to disseminating PhD research: 

Converting the entire PhD thesis into a book  requires that your thesis covers a topic of interest to a large enough audience of scholars. Whereas a thesis starts with a question, a book begins with an answer and communicates its importance in the wider research landscape, tracing its evolution and impact. 

Using parts of a PhD thesis in a book  requires that ongoing and/or collaborative research is being conducted. A book (perhaps co-authored) should be greater than the sum of its constituent parts. 

Using an aspect of a PhD thesis in an edited book  on a broader topic ensures that the research fits with related research on a similar theme. A good edited book addresses the need to broaden the scope of PhD-based research via collaborating with a team of contributors. 

Splitting a PhD thesis into several articles  for journals hedges a PhD’s bets by staking smaller amounts of the work in different locations. What is gained by this hedging may be lost in the overall narrative of the PhD research as it is unbundled. 

What publishers look for when deciding whether to take you on

The role of the book publisher is to connect authors with readers. When it comes to disseminating research originating from a PhD, this relationship is essential. It is therefore useful to consider the perspective of the publisher when considering what publication route to take. In assessing a proposal for a research-level book, a good publisher will initially ask themselves three questions: 

Is the  scope  of the research broad enough to be of interest to our readers (scholars globally)? Example

Is the  quality  sufficiently high? 

Can the work be  developed  via feedback from experts as part of the book review process to address any weaknesses? 

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Vector illustration of a pink light bulb, one character sat on top with their arms in the air, and two characters either side pointing at the light bulb with their arm stretched out.

Beyond those core questions, potential authors should also consider significant and ongoing changes to the market for academic books, notably in reader behavior. Evolution in digital technology combined with a significant increase in the amounts of available research has led to changes in the way that books are produced, published and propagated. In this environment, the key word is “discoverability”. Connecting authors to readers requires that publishers facilitate discoverability of research via various routes to ensure that potential readers are able to find books with ease. Authors can aid this process by following a few basic rules of thumb: 

The main title of the book should position it clearly without reference to other bibliographic information, and should be as short as feasible 

Chapter titles should likewise, where possible, position themselves clearly 

Chapter synopses or abstracts can be used to enhance the metadata around books

Submitting a book proposal

It is useful to start a conversation with an acquisitions/commissioning editor at an early stage toward the end or shortly after the completion of a PhD. Discussions with supervisors and other colleagues are also very useful at this stage. The next natural step is to submit a book proposal which will be considered by the publisher, often involving a peer review process. Research-level books are often published as part of an established series – an awareness of existing books in such series can be useful when it comes to framing and developing a book proposal. 

Vector illustration of two characters either side of a laptop with their arms in the air. A lightbulb is rising from the laptop.

Preparing your final manuscript for book publication 

Following a review process, the publisher’s editorial board would give final approval to proceed, following which a book contract would be issued. Armed with publisher and review feedback, the author can then proceed to produce a full manuscript based on their PhD research. Each book is different, but there are numerous key aspects to consider when preparing a final manuscript for book publication. Above all, never lose sight of the audience:

A thesis is written for examiners, a book for scholars in general . Anything that is useful only for examiners (e.g. literature review, methodology discussion) should be cut or heavily amended/digested. 

Examiners will work through text regardless of the writing style, book readers will not . Therefore, it is likely that extensive re-writing will be required to retain and engage readers. 

Take a step back . Think about the overall narrative of the book and be prepared to rethink the structure – this can be liberating! 

Value the reader’s time . Streamline where possible – theses by their nature contain much repetition. Keep in mind the agreed length of the book. 

Contextualize . If research is of a narrow scope, add international or inter-disciplinary context, particularly within the introductory and concluding chapters.

Sharing your research  

Vector illustration showing a line of people handing each other discs with hearts, hashtags and speech bubbles, leading up to a smartphone with graphs showing on the display.

Finally, talking about your research and the process of working it into a book can be an essential ingredient to its success. This can be done with your immediate colleagues, at conferences and with a publisher. It can also be done online – with  social media a useful tool  to tap into wider networks as well as to test ideas out. 

Further Reading

European University Institute (Undated) –  From PhD to Book   Germano, W. (2005) –  From Dissertation to Book   Thomson, P. (2011) –  Can I Get a Book From My Thesis   Thomson, P. (2013) –  Turning Your PhD Into a Book   Veletsianos, G. (2016) –  Social Media in Academia , Routledge 

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publishing your dissertation as a book

publishing your dissertation as a book

Scholarly Publishing

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My thesis to a book?

  • Quite frequently early career researchers are approached to consider publishing a thesis as a book. If you intend to publish your thesis in this way considerable editing and reformatting will be required first.
  • Often examiners’ reports suggest publishing options.
  • Books published by print-on-demand and vanity publishers may often not be eligible for categorising as an A1 (authored) book for internal institutional auditing purposes.
  • If you are approached by a publisher please refer to our  What if you are approached by a publisher? Consider asking some of these questions  section.
  • Also consider contacting the  faculty or liaison librarian  for your discipline to explore options and considerations further.

Is re-purposing of text acceptable?

Israel, M. (2018, January 20). Self-plagiarism? When re-purposing text may be ethically justifiable. Research Ethics Monthly . https://ahrecs.com/research-integrity/self-plagiarism-when-re-purposing-text-may-be-ethically-justifiable

Mark writes up some tips for those considering re-using text that they have previously published.

Roig, M. (2016). Recycling our own work in the digital age. In T. Bretag (Ed.), Handbook of academic integrity (pp. 655–669). Springer.

Miguel helps to define self-plagiarism within science and scholarship and review its common forms - duplicate publication, augmented publication (when a dataset is republished with additional observations), salami publication (creating two or more publications from the same study), and text recycling (re-using substantial parts of your own previously published publications). He discusses the reader-writer contract and some scenarios of re-use in books (e.g., new editions, re-using portions of chapters from one book to another, from journal articles to book), , conference presentations (e.g., presented at more than one conference, conference presentation to journal article) and doctoral dissertations and theses (e.g., dissertation/thesis to publication, publications to dissertation). He explains why authors should be concerned about re-using previously published work.

Vanity publishers

Vanity publishers are publishing houses which charge authors to have their works published without the selection criteria usually used in hybrid publishing models.  Protect your future academic credibility and ensure maximum prospects for future publishing of your work in credible journals by carefully evaluating the credibility of these publishers BEFORE accepting any offers. Refer to our Choosing publishers section in this guide.

Torres, M.R. (2012, June 24). Advice: Dissertation for sale: A cautionary tale [Blog post].  Retrieved from http://www.chronicle.com/article/Dissertation-for-Sale-A/132401/?cid=wb&utm_source=wb&utm_medium=en

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  • URL: https://unimelb.libguides.com/Scholarly_publishing

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Copyright and your thesis or dissertation.

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Preparing for Publication

Norms around publishing thesis or dissertation material vary from one field to another. For instance, in some science and engineering fields, it is common to publish individual chapters from the thesis or dissertation before it is submitted. In the humanities, it is common to develop a monograph from the dissertation after completing a doctoral degree.

Whether you publish before or after submitting your thesis or dissertation, it is important to plan ahead when signing publishing contracts or submitting your dissertation. Will the publishing contract you sign allow you to use the article in your thesis or dissertation later? How does depositing in the ETD repository impact this? Can you use material that you've coauthored in your dissertation or thesis? For questions about the norms in your field, talk with your advisors. With Graduate School policy questions, consult the Graduate School's Thesis and Dissertation Guide . With copyright questions, contact the Office of Scholarly Communications and Copyright .

From Dissertation to Book

Thinking about transforming your dissertation into your first book? Hardly any dissertations are published as books without significant work on the author's part to refocus the manuscript for an audience beyond the dissertation committee.

Here are a few resources to help you understand the process of reworking a dissertation for publication as a monograph:

Cover Art

  • Dear First-Time Author: How to Turn Your Dissertation Into a Book, by Theresa MacPhail MacPhail shares advice from writing her own first book as well as advice from editors at university presses.

In reading some of the resources listed above, you might encounter discussions of how having your dissertation available online (for example, in Penn State's ETD repository ) could negatively impact a publisher's willingness to look at your manuscript. Some authors assert that you should not put your dissertation online if you hope to sign a publishing contract. However, please note there is very little evidence to support this view. In fact, research has shown that publishers will indeed consider manuscripts that are revised versions of openly-accessible dissertations:

  • Do Open Access Electronic Theses and Dissertations Diminish Publishing Opportunities in the Social Sciences and Humanities? Findings from a 2011 Survey of Academic Publishers, by Ramirez, et al.


This guide is based in part on Copyright for Dissertations , a guide from the University of Michigan Library Copyright Office, which is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license .

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  • Last Updated: May 23, 2024 2:44 PM
  • URL: https://guides.libraries.psu.edu/copyright-td

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How do I convert my PhD dissertation so that it can be published as a book?

I have just completed a PhD by research, which I think has some merits in being available as a book (This is, of course, my personal opinion). The research cuts across several fields (e.g. sociology, public policy).

I am wondering what I need to do to take the next step.

In particular:

How do you turn an academic piece like the dissertation (which is written for the examiners) into a book (which is for the general public)?

How do I find publishers who specialise in my field?

  • publications

aeismail's user avatar

  • 11 Have you asked your advisor about this ? Much like "Don't walk. Run", this could serve as a generic answer for so many questions here :) –  Suresh Commented Jan 9, 2013 at 4:38
  • 3 What are your goals for publishing. Do you want to make money? Do you want it to count towards tenure? Do you want it to educate the general public? Promote your research? –  StrongBad Commented Jan 9, 2013 at 13:01
  • I want to promote my research to (1) make it widely available and (2) to get some kudos for my CV. Unsure how these two goals could be reconciled. –  Javeer Baker Commented Jan 9, 2013 at 23:12
  • 3 I mean, a PhD dissertation is written for the examiners (with detailed referencing) but a book to educate the public has a more relaxed and reader-friendly style (i.e. less referencing details etc.). –  Javeer Baker Commented Jan 9, 2013 at 23:21
  • @JaveerBaker if you start your comments with an @, like I did here, the person will receive a notification. I would say that books for the public don't have a more relaxed referencing style, they just have less detail that needs to be referenced. –  StrongBad Commented Jan 10, 2013 at 9:22

4 Answers 4

Why do you want the book?

  • For prestige?: publishers who contact you, don't do any review and charge high prices will only increase your prestige to those that don't know them (and these are probably not those you want to impress).
  • For dissemination?: why not just put the pdf available (as was already recommended)?. Those who are interested will find it, those who are not will probably not buy a PhD thesis
  • For money?: I doubt you will really make much out of it.

My recommendation: put it as a pdf on your website / your school's dissertation repository. If you see that lot's of people download it, consider an improved version as book.

mgalle's user avatar

  • 2 In many disciplines (especially the humanities), it is still obligatory to publish a monograph in order to get a PhD. Although, there is shift to cumulated PhD theses with articles in peer-reviewed journals, sociology, at least in Continental Europe, still values monographs. –  non-numeric_argument Commented Aug 14, 2013 at 9:50
  • These questions are very important and I suggest they be considered. In my field, a book published by a shady publisher would only make you look worse as an academic. –  Behacad Commented Sep 21, 2014 at 18:25
  • -1 In my field it is very uncommon not to have one's PhD thesis transformed into and published as a book. It is also quite important to have the book published by a highly-regarded publisher. –  henning no longer feeds AI Commented Jun 19, 2015 at 15:25

Your first question is quite tricky (to answer and to do). It depends on what you mean by "the public". A version for academics needs little change from a thesis. For students you need to consider how to highlight what can be learnt from your work. For the general general public, you'll have to start thinking about rewriting perhaps quite a bit, keeping your language accessible and building a narrative. As I am in a different field, perhaps some or all of this is already a part of your thesis.

The second question is simpler, who publishes the books that you read for your thesis?

Luke Mathieson's user avatar

If your university does not require you to publish your dissertation as a book, I would be very reluctant to invest the time needed to get your dissertation published. I would put the PDF of your dissertation on your own website, making it available to everyone who wants to look at it. I would spend the time needed to rewrite your book on writing more peer reviewed articles. Either by publishing chapters from your dissertation, or by doing new research. I think publications are more important than a book, especially for someone like you who still has only a few publications.

Paul Hiemstra's user avatar

As a partial answer, Springer used to publish (theoretically) outstanding PhD thesis in Mathematics in its 'Lecture notes in Mathematics' as research monograph. However I do not know how many of the published volumes are Phd thesis. Definitely a (math) thesis requires a lot of polishing and rewriting before publishing.

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publishing your dissertation as a book

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Revising your thesis into a book

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The Professor Is In

Guidance for all things PhD: Graduate School, Job Market and Careers

publishing your dissertation as a book

My Top Five Tips for Turning Your Dissertation Into a Book–A Special Request Post

By Karen Kelsky | February 26, 2016

This is a repost from 2011.

Today is another Special Request Post.  This one is from Maria, who asks, do I have a template (like my Foolproof Grant Template ) for turning a dissertation into a book?

No, Maria, I do not.  The process of turning the dissertation into a book will be different for every writer, and doesn’t lend itself to a template.  But there are some tips that I can offer for easing the process and making it more efficient.  This post is my Top Five Tips for Turning Your Dissertation Into a Book.

Why should you turn your dissertation into a book, you ask?

If you are in a book field, the fact is, your dissertation must be transformed into a book to be of full value to you.  The dissertation alone counts for little in the academic career.  The dissertation serves you only insofar as you can quickly transform it into the commodities that bring value on the market—peer reviewed articles (preferably published before you defend and start the job search), high profile grants that funded the research, high profile conferences in which you present the research publicly, and finally, the advance contract for the book from a major (NOT minor) academic press.  These are the tangible accomplishments that you must have to be competitive for a tenure track position at this point in time.

So here are The Professor’s Top Five Tips for Turning your Dissertation into a Book.

1)  Write the dissertation as a book to begin with.

Write from day one with a wide market of undergraduates in mind.  You want the book to be assigned as a text in undergraduate courses in your field.  Write it so those undergraduates can read it.  Don’t spend endless pages on tiresome, tedious obscurities of interest to 10 people in your sub- sub- sub-field.  Remember that the methodology section will be entirely removed from the book mss.  And the literature review will be almost entirely removed, with a small section folded into the Introduction or other chapters.  Conceptualize and write the entire thing remembering that these sections, while critical to your committee, are short-lived.  Don’t obsess about them; do the minimum, and move on.   In the meantime, put extra effort into a catchy, appealing Introduction and Conclusion.  These speak to readers, and to the editors and reviewers who will judge your mss. for publication.

2)  Make it short.

Academic publishing is in the same epic financial crisis as the rest of the academic world.  Publishers are going out of business right and left, and those that remain are under pressure to publish books that actually sell and make a profit (unlike the old days when it was understood that scholarly monographs rarely broke even).  Publishers must keep their production costs low, and this means they want shorter books.  I can promise you that if you present them with a 500 page monograph on the significance of the turtle as a symbol in 12th century religious iconography in Spain, for example, they are going to send it back with a polite email telling you they won’t be considering it until it is cut in half.

3) Know your market.

The dissertation may be treated like the intellectual achievement par excellence in your doctoral program, but in the real world of jobs with benefits, it is a commodity that has value only when it can be traded for gain on the market.  Ask yourself what sort of class your diss/book is suited for.  Do a google search of such classes and find out what kinds of books are assigned.  Take a look at those books and see what their main selling points seem to be.  Then ask yourself how you can adjust and mold your dissertation to be the kind of book that serves that market (without losing sight of your actual project and findings, of course!).  When you send the mss. to presses, you will be able to feature this “market research” prominently in your cover letter.

4) Don’t be boring.

Write with style and flair.  Just because you *can* write clunky, graceless prose in academia, and get away with it, doesn’t mean you *should.*  Be provocative.  Be original.  Be incendiary.  If your committee shies away from such showmanship, write a shadow chapter that you include once you’ve defended and are ready to send the mss. out to presses.  Presses are not interested in “solid scholarship.”  They are interested in products that sell.  Products that sell have to be differentiated from the competition–ie, they have to be exciting, new, and different.

5) Remember that your committee is not the world.

You have to please your committee to get a Ph.D., but you have to impress the presses to get a career.  Your committee controls you for a few years, but your book establishes your career trajectory for decades.  Set your eye on the prize, and don’t lose sight of it.  Do what you have to to satisfy your committee, but don’t ever forget who is in charge:  you.  You have an agenda, and that is publishing an influential, high-profile book with a top press.  Do not be derailed by committee politics and wrangles over whether you included XX citation in chapter 3 or properly acknowledged ZZ’s work in chapter 4.  Follow your own star, defend your positions, compromise when you must, and move on as efficiently as you can.  The best dissertation is a finished dissertation that is already a press-ready mss.

Here is my dissertation story:

I wrote a doctoral dissertation on why some young, single Japanese women in the early 1990s were demonstrating a striking enthusiasm for studying abroad, living abroad, working abroad, and finding white Western men to be their lovers and husbands.  My peers and professors in my graduate program severely disapproved of this project, and I was told by countless people that it wasn’t “legitimate” anthropology.  However, when I sent the mss. out to presses, not only did I get two competing advance contracts, I ended up getting an actual ADVANCE from the press.  This is practically unheard of for young academic writers peddling scholarly monographs.  The reason?  My book was provocative. It was original.  It had some naughty pictures.  I ignored the negative comments in my department.  And while I was absolutely committed to the project as a scholarly project  – based on the highest standards I could muster of ethnographic fieldwork, theoretical engagement, and disciplinary contribution —  I also wrote it to sell.  And, while it was published in 2001,  in 2015, I am still getting a (microscopically small) royalty check!

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Reader Interactions

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July 28, 2011 at 12:00 am

while I absolutely agree with your advice–and I realize the process is idiosyncratic–it is pitched to a graduate student rather than an assistant professor in the throes of the manuscript revision. any more nuts and bolts advice?

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July 28, 2011 at 2:33 am

Dear Junior TT, thanks for asking. If you have a specific obstacle that’s afflicting you, please tell me what it is, and I’ll respond.

For now, I do have one piece of nuts and bolts advice for the TT folks, that trumps all other advice, in fact all other advice put together, which is: you must get leave from teaching to write the book. You cannot do it while maintaining a full teaching schedule. It is, actually, impossible. So, if you’re not actually staring down the barrel of year 5, then take a break, and apply for grants. Even one-term or one-semester internal grants can put you over the top. I myself ended up with 2 full years of leave, which is how I both wrote a book and had two children (!) but in any case, schedule in preliminary time to ensure that you are released from teaching to write the book. If you do not succeed in gaining funding, then ask your Head/Chair for a special dispensation. A good department and Head will release junior faculty from teaching to get their publishing done.

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July 29, 2011 at 7:48 pm

While I find most of your advice useful, I was wondering if you could talk a bit more about “knowing your market” (#3 and #1, to some extent). I work on literature, and based on my experience (both as an undergraduate and as a teacher of undergraduates), we rarely, if at all, read secondary criticism in our courses. So I am having trouble trying to imagine how to pitch my book for an undergraduate audience/class. I understand your point about obscurity and also the need to make my research, however specialized, accessible to a broader audience, but I’d appreciate if you could write about this point more.

July 29, 2011 at 10:04 pm

Maria, OK. I would approach this a couple of ways. I’d find out what other books have recently come out from major univ. presses that are similar to yours. I’d study them to get clues about their length and density and jargon level. Id’ study their match with the press that published them–what are the clear emphases of different presses, and which matches your project best? Figure out the most likely “best match” press for your mss. and look at their most recent spring and fall lists. Figure out what their current orientations are, and speak DIRECTLY to those in your mss. Don’t bury them in chapter 4. Find a way to refer to them in the Intro, and to cast your project in that light as you think about the cover letter you’ll submit to the press.

Second, You HAVE to include a discussion of “market research” in any cover letter that accompanies your mss. to a press. So, here, if your market is not undergrad classes, then what is it? I’d move up to graduate seminars, and finally of course to the scholarly fields your project speaks to. You are far, far, better off if your book intervenes in several fields rather than just one. You want to be able to say, “this book will have an impact on, and be adopted for courses in, fields as varied as women’s studies, comparative literature, media studies, and global studies.” You also have to say what other book(s) your book is “similar to.” So figure that out, and figure out how that book was marketed by its press.

There is a LOT of detective work that you can do to figure out how to situate your work within markets, and also how to subtly adapt your book mss. to meet the emergent needs of the market.

August 1, 2011 at 4:27 pm

Thankfully, I am only entering year four and I have a fellowship year up ahead that I won in a national competition. Otherwise I would be (much more) terrified.

My problem is finding quality mentorship about book writing beyond: you need to get your book done (from my third year review) and “you just need to sit and write it” (which is all ever anyone tells me when I ask them about their process, like it was magic or something). Again, although I realize the diss to book process is different for everyone, it could use a little more demystification.

Everyone told me over and over again not to worry when I was writing my diss that it was “not a book,” to hurry up and “get it done” because “you got job, so you don’t have to worry about it.” Well, believe me it is definitely “not a book” and I am unfortunately facing that music right now the hard way. You do, eventually, have to “worry about it.” However, even a few years in, I feel as ill prepared to write a book as I once did starting the diss. I am a hard worker and I write every day, but I am frustrated to be dealing with similar issues as I did during the diss–the fumbling, the confusion, the dead ends, rough prose–but without a committee whom I can talk to about my progress or whether or not I am on target in terms of quality, my timeline, or to help me with questions like–is my project too ambitious? do I need to add that historical chapter? etc.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on getting the most out of a fellowship on that critical 4th year–as well as what a *realistic* revision timeline looks like for a diss that needs a lot of TLC. It is so easy to get bogged down and get discouraged because things aren’t progressing fast enough–and the unrealistic goals I set for myself don’t help. Thanks!

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January 29, 2012 at 1:24 pm

I finished my dissertation last April, and I very quickly received requests from two European publishers to turn my dissertation into a book. I was thrilled about this, knowing I had VERY FEW publications. My advisor and another committee member were not so keen on this “dissertation-turned-book” idea, saying it would be better to publish several articles from the dissn. They also had reservations about the publishing houses. In fact, when I did not reply quickly enough, one publisher became a bit pushy about sending my manuscript. I politely declined the offers of both publishing houses, only to get yet another offer from a third publisher (who had bought one of the other publishers).

After reading your blog, I wonder if I made a mistake? Should I have converted my dissn to a book? Thanks!

January 29, 2012 at 5:10 pm

this is an excellent question. And like all excellent questions, it doesn’t have a single easy answer. The main issues here are to me, that you mentioned that the publishers are European publishers. You do’nt mention your field or where you are based and hope to work. If your field is some form of European studies, and/or you are based in Europe or hope to work in Europe, then those publishers might be a reasonable choice. But if you are based in the U.S. and want to work in the U.S., then you most likely made an excellent choice in not accepting their offers.

Don’t accept the first offer of publication that comes your way!!!! Especially for your book! Play hard to get! And yes, go the hard route–the route of actually publishing a few articles as peer reviewed pubs, and then writing up a proposal for the book and submitting it to the very top presses in your field, most likely based in the United States. This is all time-consuming and difficult and carries more risk of rejection at various points. But the rewards are the REAL rewards, the big rewards, the tenure track jobs and the major fellowships and promotions. A book published by some little-known press does not carry a lot of weight as a tenure-book in the U.S., and it can’t give you the street-cred and the exposure/credibility that articles from the top journals and a book from the top press can.

Many, many students of my acquaintance have fallen prey to the siren song of the eager publisher anxious to publish their book, and thrown away their primary claim to fame on a publisher that nobody’s heard of, and that doesn’t have the wherewithall to actually promote and advertise the book. And then they are crushed and wonder why even with a book they aren’t getting shortlisted for jobs. That is why. The status of the publisher matters. Go for the very, very best that you can.

January 31, 2012 at 7:20 pm

Thanks so much! I’m glad I did the right thing by turning them down.

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January 29, 2012 at 8:56 pm

Can you publish parts of your dissertation as articles and still publish it later as a united book? Or is it an either/or question?

January 29, 2012 at 9:03 pm

Typically you can get 2 articles out of the book, and in fact you *should* get two articles out of the book (ie, two of its chapters) because putting those out early in high profile journals gives you name recognition and clout when you shop the book to presses. More than two, and you start getting in trouble because presses don’t want to publish a (first) book that isn’t substantially new material. So in the case of a typical 5 chapter book, two chapters out as articles is the baseline to aim for. Of course everyone’s case will be slightly different, and if you have related material that is on the topic but not used in the book, definitely put that out to journals as well.

January 30, 2012 at 6:42 pm

Thanks! I appreciate that!

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March 17, 2014 at 6:53 pm

Have you heard about publishing more chapters in other language, that is, two in English and one or two more in other language? I’d assume editors won’t care, since the non-English article won’t be considered duplicate by librarians, but I’m not sure. Thanks!

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May 24, 2014 at 6:56 pm

I know you are speaking of dissertations but can this also apply to theses? Thank you

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March 6, 2012 at 12:45 pm

Are there any benefits to self-publishing in the absence of a traditional publisher? Competition for publication in Peer-reviewed sites can be a factor. What about publishing on Scribd and others? What are the benefits and downsides? If nothing else, it gets me found on the web besides in Rate-my-professor.

March 6, 2012 at 12:56 pm

My gut says it doesn’t help, but I’m actually going to put this Q out on FB and Twitter. Stay tuned.

March 7, 2012 at 8:14 am

Responses coming in on Twitter and FB: innovative online publishing/blogging is increasingly valuable for exposure, etc., but self-published books will play no real role in establishing an academic reputation. The issue comes down to peer-review.

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August 7, 2012 at 9:54 am

I wrote my dissertation on seven working class girls in a deindustrialized urban neighborhood as they made the transition from 8th grade to high school. A university press said they are VERY interested in it, so I am busy this summer rewriting it as a book. What do I do with the literature review? What do you mean by folding it into the introduction or sections?

August 8, 2012 at 9:21 pm

You want to remove the lit review for the most part, as that is one of the hallmarks of a dissertation that must be removed from the book. However, it is certainly valuable to refer briefly to work on the subject that plays a role in your analysis, so you’d break off chunks of it, and put some in the intro as appropriate, and/or some in the various chapters where they are relevant. But you don’t want a big fat tacky “lit review” chapter, or even whole section of a chapter, as that is a thing to leave behind in graduate school.

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November 5, 2012 at 10:09 am

I’m in my last year at university and I chose to write a dissertation. There aren’t many books in the area I’m researching. Once I finish my dissertation, do you reckon it would be possible to publish – considering I’ll only have done an undergraduate degree and no masters/PhDs?

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January 15, 2013 at 1:06 am

I wrote my dissertation back in May of 2009. My mother passed away quite suddenly during fairly routine heart surgery a few months later. It was devastating; she was my best friend. My father starting dating a neighbor three weeks later and this woman hates my sister and me. She stole many of my mother’s things, and convinced my father to sell the rest along with my family home, all without telling us. They moved to another town, and now I barely speak to my father. I tell you all this to explain why I was derailed when I should have been publishing chapters from my dissertation. I presented a couple of chapters at conferences, and received a positive response. I exchanged information with a fairly reputable publisher, but by the time she tried to get in touch with me, I was in a black fog. That was three years ago. Can I recover from this? Is it over for me?

January 15, 2013 at 10:37 am

I believe you can recover from this if you want to; you just have to start building up the record now that would have happened then, without the trauma. That’s difficult but doable.

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February 6, 2013 at 7:46 am

Dear Karen, If you have a four-chapter dissertation that you are turning into a book manuscript, is it still advisable to publish two out of four of the chapters as peer reviewed articles? Many thanks

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July 8, 2013 at 1:21 pm

This is all excellent advice, thanks. I was wondering if you could also provide some more details on the actual structure of the all-important book prospectus? I’m working on one now.

July 9, 2013 at 4:14 pm

See my post, How to Write a Book Proposal.

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August 25, 2013 at 8:20 am

Thank your for advising about publishing a dissertation as book. In my case, my dissertation was an exploratory study about the effect of ethics education on undergraduate accounting students in an African country, where ethics is not taught in accounting-related programs in public colleges. There a lot of studies published on this subject matter; but, none of those was conducted and/or published in such a country. Now, I am wondering whether to publish my entire dissertation in academic journals or, just publish parts of it as articles. Nevertheless, I am also wondering if it is a good idea to have my dissertation published as a book. Honestly, I am a little bit confused. Would you please advise?

Thank you and best regards,

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September 30, 2013 at 10:37 pm

Hi! First, I’d like to thank you for having a blog like this because it’s so incredibly helpful for people like me. I just finished writing a dissertation of my own, and I’m looking to turn this into a book. The whole process seems so daunting that I’m actually wondering if it’s at all possible. Certainly my supervisor and faculty committee have all recommended that I get it published, but I do realise that a dissertation is very different from a book manuscript. My dissertation is based on US-China relations in East Asia. I’m not currently affiliated to any institution, though I have work experience in the field. My problem is that I don’t know quite how to go about adding anything of value to this, besides updating it and re-writing it to sound peppier rather than pedantic. Can you help with this?

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April 19, 2014 at 11:35 am

I have a more practical question. So I am considering turning my dissertation into a book, but this is not something that I considered at the time that I started my dissertation. Although my participants were annonymous and used pseudonyms to protect their confidentiality, do I have to go back and track them down to get their permission…I am specifically thinking if I want to use a direct quote as in example. The participants signed the informed consent for the dissertation and were aware that it would be published as a scholarly journal, but not as a book that could be purchased. Please give me your perspective.

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November 7, 2014 at 10:16 pm

Thank you for this wonderful website. I always find such good advice here. I am finishing my dissertation and applying for some jobs and postdocs at the moment. My issue is that I don’t think it makes sense to revise my dissertation into a book. I think that two of my chapters would be great as journal articles, and I have what I think is a good plan for a closely-related second project that would make a good book. Do you think I have a case for postdocs if I’m proposing to start work on this second project during the postdoc, rather than to revise the diss? My advisor says this is a good plan, but he’s not particularly savvy about the current market. Thank you for your insight!

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December 21, 2014 at 8:14 am

I’m an MFL teacher in a secondary school in Uk and I got a PhD in E-learning and Applied Linguistics two years ago by now. After the awarding, I went into teaching because I needed a job and now I’d like to (re)start with researching. Unfortunately I’ve got just an article published so far and I need to publish more in order to start looking for jobs in (US) University field. When I got my Phd, the Viva external supervisor suggested me to publish one chapter of my dissertation, and now I’d like to start from there. I’m doing some research, in order to update my potential article, but I’m a little bit “rusty” and I’d need some general advice on how to publish and how to start to go into teaching at University with a postdoc, visiting assistant professor, no tenure-track position, etc. . I would like to write the article in English (the dissertation is in a foreign language) to make it internationally interesting. First, do you think is it possible to me start presenting my proposals as independent researcher? Unfortunately not being affiliated with any University, I don’ t have a mentor/advisor. Second, how can I know which are the major academic press in my field? (I know, it is a silly question, but that’s is). Would it be indicated starting with a peer-reviewed journal? Thank you in advance, Karen. Any further advice/suggestion it will be more than appreciated. (And I know, first think I should improve my English, of course 😉

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May 21, 2015 at 3:28 pm

Dear Karen,

I wanted to ask you about the practice of publishing journal articles out of your dissertation before sending a book proposal. In what way do the already published ‘chapters’ support or compromise your case for a book proposal? In a sense, publishing articles helps you have a wider dialogue and improve the quality of the dissertation by taking it beyond the advisor/committee, but in another sense, it puts part of your book already out there. Can we say that as long as these articles are published in reputed journals, you are reinforcing your case for book publication? Any thoughts on this subject would be extremely helpful.

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October 27, 2015 at 7:20 am

Could you tell us how to send the book out to presses? When I see a “provocative” book that I think my book has the potential to be, and then i look at the publisher, and then I go to the publisher website, it always says that they accept the books only through an agent. How did you approach publishers? I assume you did not use a book agent. I’m a bit confused about this process of approaching publishers with the proposal.

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December 20, 2015 at 4:03 pm

Thanks for offering so much insight through your blog. I have completed my book proposal for my phd thesis that i have been working on for some time. I need to include a sample chapter. I was thinking to include one of my empirical chapters that are the core of the discussion. I have removed some sections that will not appear in that book chapter. However i was wondering do i need to fully present the chapter as it will appear in the book? Changing the language to a less academic one and relating the discussion to wider issues will take quite a bit of time. I look forward to your res ponce. Thank you so much. Stratis

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February 26, 2016 at 9:44 am

Part of this seems like good advice, but part seems just awful. The goal of having your first book be aimed at undergraduates seems terrible, and I can’t imagine wanting to hire or tenure someone who seems to be doing that. Is “The Professor Is In: The Essential Guide to Turning Your Ph.D. Into a Job” aimed at undergraduates? It’s bad to write something only 10-15 people want to read, but fine to write something that 500-2000 will read, as long as you’re not depending on royalties for your income.

It’s as though you were giving advice about how to write scripts for films, and you said “try to dumb it down so you can sell it as a made for TV movie.”

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February 27, 2016 at 1:52 am

I think you are missing her point – she isn’t saying ‘dumb it down’. She makes it clear her own manuscript was written to the highest standards of the discipline and field. She is saying writers should increase the readability of their texts. Write the manuscript to high standards of scholarship, but if you are writing in a way so jargon-filled and obscure that an undergraduate can’t read it, you should have cause for pause. Even University Presses can no longer afford to lose money on books written for only 15 scholars in a feild, no matter how fine the work. All authors submitting manuscripts to scholarly presses now have to think about reaching the widest possible audience – it is far better for a press if the book at least breaks even on the sales of a book

February 28, 2016 at 12:01 pm

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May 9, 2016 at 1:28 pm

Greetings, I wrote a dissertation in late 2013. Thinking about submitting in academic arena but not sure how to do so. Appreciate any suggestions.

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September 20, 2016 at 11:21 am

I defended my PhD thesis in 2014 and received the top grade. It was recommended by my opponent / examiner that I turn the thesis into a book. The dissertation was in a way already a book (both in some print versions and as a permanent link to an electronic database, but it would be legitimate to write a book for another publisher, so that is not the problem). The problem is that I was so sick of the PhD work and (over?)eager to start on my postdoc that I procrastinated with the book revision (i.e. making the the thesis more about the theory and less about individual novelistic analyses) that I wonder whether it is too late. At the moment what little time I have left from a university lectureship ( a VERY teaching-intensive job description) goes to my postdoc monograph and I cannot focus on two research projects at once. Which should I prioritize? The PhD thesis can be located by other researchers quite easily, but it is still a dissertation, not a “real” book -even though it is well written per se.

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November 18, 2016 at 5:38 pm

I wonder if you can reassure or advise me. I started researching and writing a book nearly 20 years ago. I found myself unable to access academic literature and so embarked upon a PhD. My intention, when undertaking the PhD was always to write the book. My supervisors were supportive of this and the thesis passed without correction last year at a Russell group university in the UK last year. Since then I have been writing a book proposal for my ideal publisher (with whom I have already published) and adapting the thesis. I have cut out the methodology chapter, integrated relevant parts of my (discursive) literature review into the body of the text, and am in the midst of writing a new introduction. My substantive chapters have fallen quite easily into shorter chapters that I think more appropriate to the practitioner readership I want to reach. Apart from these changes, the thesis and proposed book are pretty much identical. I was very worried, when discovering, during the thesis submission process, that my thesis would be made available online. I embargoed the online version for a year, and was (verbally) assured that the university library would seek my consent before making it available. I was really, really upset to discover this evening that not only have they not honoured this assurance, but that I didn’t even have to go through an academic website to access my thesis in its entirety. As you so rightly point out, publishers are interested only in commercial viability. Despite reassurances from my supervisor, I fail to understand why a publisher would be at all interested in publishing a book so closely based on a document that any Tom, Dick or Harry can access in seconds. I’m not interested in an academic career and only undertook the PhD in order to support my book. I’m really worried that in doing so I made a really big mistake.

November 19, 2016 at 12:51 pm

My advice is to proceed with the proposal and the revised manuscript and just see what happens. Most people really don’t know how to, or want to, access “published dissertations” and they aren’t nec. competition with your published book. I would not disclose to the press anything about this. It’s their job to do due diligence. Just proceed with your publishing plans.

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June 10, 2017 at 4:37 pm

I’ve stumbled upon your website by sure luck as I’ve been having some trouble finding specific information to my predicament. I’m a freelance newspaper journalist and have been writing for quite some time, I’ve sort of created a signature style for myself in my local newspaper and I’m quite fond of it. I’ve been approached by a professor to turn her dissertation into a book, it’s a historical recount on the style of clothing in a specific geographical area. I somehow as able to turn the paper into an actual book, a readable book instead of a research paper, but I seem to have one problem. What do I do with footnotes? I’ve excluded the names of authors within the text itself and just added a subscript number, but where should I place the footnotes in the book? Do I have them all added up at the end of the book? Do I add them at the end of every page as footnotes?

It’s my first time turning a dissertation into a book and I’m still figuring out the ins and outs, I’ve edited it a number of times to perfect the written word, to make it easier to understand and I hope I was able to achieve it. The footnotes are a problem that I can’t seem to figure out. Do you have any advice I can use please?

June 16, 2017 at 2:11 pm

This is something you shouod discuss with the author, but basically you’re deciding between footnotes or ENDnotes (where they are all at the end) and given that you’re aiming for a very readable book, endnotes are probably the way to go. But again, this will also hinge on the publisher’s requirements as well. If you don’t want to ask the author but want to present her with a finished doc, then do endnotes. Also, please be aware that WordPress and any other word processing programs, have an endnote/footnote function that will put in the subscript number and automaticlaly open the endnote/footnote space to type in.

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September 4, 2017 at 9:20 am

Dear Karen, I just stumbled over your website while searching for information and advice on publishing. Few weeks ago I successfully earned my PhD from one of the top UK universities. My examiners were very happy with the quality of work and recommended that it would be good if I publish it as a book since my career interest is not in the academia at the moment. When I started my research that was not part of my idea but with the interest it generated from my supervisors and examiners, it is something worth considering. My work is a qualitative research. I will be keeping tab with you for more professional guide on how to kick start getting it turned into a marketable book. Thanking you in advance for your wonderful assistance.

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September 8, 2017 at 10:20 pm

I’m so happy to have stumbled on this page. I have a real practical question about transforming the dissertation into a book manuscript. Some of the advice here suggests that it’s fine to include 1-2 peer-reviewed journal articles from the dissertation as book chapters (with the journal’s permission, of course). But what about a journal article from your dissertation that may be a co-authored piece?

For example, one dissertation chapter I was fortunately able to transform into a published article with much help from my advisor and so the piece became a co-authored article. If I receive permission from the journal to use it for a book chapter though then do the personal pronouns in the article remain intact in the book manuscript (e.g., “we” rather than “I”)? Do I state that this one chapter is a co-authored chapter and keep all the language the same in that chapter as t appears on the article (copy and pasting the journal article, word-for word)? I don’t think I’ve seen that before in a monograph but this is new terrain for me. Or is there typically wiggle room to change the language of that particular chapter to better fit with the book as a sole authored piece while still referencing the co-authored published article?

I think it would be odd if the book shifted from one chapter where “I” might be suggesting X to then mention that “we” are suggesting X. Yet at the same time my co-author for the article helped me further articulate such ideas for the dissertation chapter to actually be published as an article and I want to give credit where credit’s due. Thank you!

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December 4, 2017 at 10:47 pm

Would these tips still apply for independent scholars who have a master’s degree but no PhD (and aren’t interested in obtaining one)? Or should people in that category look to scholarly trade?

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December 21, 2017 at 6:54 pm

Hi Karen, I have an issue that has not been addressed anywhere on your blog yet. I am 7 months out from finishing my Ph.D. and finishing my book proposal while still on the market. The press asks for a competing texts section. I’ve discovered that a tenured professor included the original argument that I made previously in a peer-reviewed article in her book several times while claiming that she was the first to make it. An entire chapter is almost verbatim.This book was published by a highly esteemed academic press. My question relates to the competing texts section of the proposal that the press asks for given that there are only a handful of books that compete with my (heavily) revised and expanded dissertation. Do I critique her book or point out that she was not the first to come up with the idea in the proposal when comparing how her book differs from mine OR do I leave her book out altogether? How do I handle this in my competing books section? Based on my research, there is no point in publicly calling the scholar out as professors in her position are untouchable and it would only serve to hurt my career. Since there are only a handful of competing books, I don’t want ignoring her book from such a major press to seem like an oversight to the press. I found this, but it does not help me with the nuts and bolts of navigating my proposal: https://www.chronicle.com/article/The-Price-of-Plagiarism/237250 Thoughts?

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August 5, 2018 at 1:29 pm

To figure out how to work in some of my lit-review-y type things, I picked first books from people I’d known as grad students (who got good contracts), and then compared them to the dissertations – which I could download or consult in the school’s library. Very useful!

August 6, 2018 at 8:54 am

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November 4, 2018 at 6:30 pm

Hi Karen:) I feel somewhat overwhelmed as I am unsure of what to do with my dissertation manuscript book. Would it serve best broken down and published as articles? Is it best to pitch it to publishing companies? Please advise.

November 5, 2018 at 8:27 am

This is advising I can do, but not in a blog comment! Please email me at [email protected] to see how we can work together.

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March 24, 2019 at 10:39 am

I have written my dissertation 7 years ago:

1) Can I still publish it as a book ?

2) Can write articles of it ?

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April 26, 2019 at 5:33 pm

wow good for you! I had a quick question–i am interested in turning my dissertation into a commercial paperback book, like something you would pick up in the airport, as my field site is a popular vacation destination…I want to impact average Americans and not necessarily scholars…any advice on what steps to take?

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October 3, 2019 at 7:37 am

Hi Karen, I have a more specific question about writing the introduction to a book. A lot of the books I read as a medical anthropologist have extensive and theoretically thorough introductions that draw on large bodies of existing theory, laying out for you how this particular book builds on existing work on , for example, subjectivity, the state, personhood, liberalism , or whatever. These intros can be helpful for giving student readers a sense of the field (which maybe publishers will like, thinking about the student market?), but they can also be long and boring. Other books have tiny introductions that just get straight to the author’s point, and don’t worry so much about engaging other people’s work. I tend to like this second approach, not because it’s less work, but because you can jump right in and develop your own ideas. it feels liberating. But my hunch is that you’re only allowed to do the second strategy if you’re already a famous scholar. I’m writing my first book, based on my dissertation. What would you advise?

October 4, 2019 at 1:03 pm

this is advising beynond the scope of a blog comment response. I suggest you consider working with a developmental editor about this, and if you want names, email me.

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November 5, 2019 at 1:12 pm

Hi!, am a publisher and have been approached by many scholars who want to turn their dissertations to books, i want to gain some valuable skills in doing this kind of work to offer them some assistance. I would like to get a mentor to assist me in case you know of some one, kindly help me

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June 28, 2022 at 1:42 am

I am Deniz Çupi and I live in Albania. I have finalized my Ph.D. on the topic: Discourse on environmental problems in Albania during the post-communist period” at Tirana University. So, I would like to publish it in a book. Can you tell me what are your conditions?

Best regards Deniz

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January 14, 2020 at 4:19 pm

Hello, what do you mean when you make this comment in our text ” when I sent the mss. out to presses”,

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March 28, 2020 at 12:39 pm

Hi there, I think your article is fantastic and really interesting but I had a further question for you.

I have just finished my degree in Business Administration (finished at 84% with dissertation mark as 90/100), and I have just accepted an offer to become a lecturer at an FE college. When I submitted my dissertation proposal to my tutor at the college, he asked me if I wanted to publish the research with him as a book (he’d be a co-author). I was ecstatic at this idea but now that I’m starting a career in education I’m wondering if this isn’t the right thing to do. Do you think this is a good idea? I have no real understanding of publishing research and I’ve been working as an administrator for the most part of my career, only now going down the route of lecturing. My newer long term goals are to get into lecturing at a university after getting my master’s and then working up through the chain. Do you think publishing this piece of work through my college now would be a mistake? The college has just won an award for being a very successful college so they have a good reputation but I’m not sure what publishing now would mean to me and my career? Sorry for long winded question! I don’t know if this helps but I am 22, living in England and my dissertation topic is; Attitudes towards unfulfilling employment: A generational analysis. Thank you so much! 🙂

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December 20, 2022 at 10:10 pm

Dear the professor is in, You offer a lot of advice, much of it practical. The writing is crisp. However, I do dislike your overuse and overreliance on “the market.” Maybe it’s an American thing. I engage in academic work to challenge and combat neoliberalism, not to revel in it.

Sincerely, Chan Wai Tak

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December 15, 2023 at 4:46 pm

Any recommendations on how to fund the process of developing the dissertation into a book (or several books, in my case)? Are there grants, fellowships, post-docs, or other sources of funding to enable focus on this project? Thank you.

January 10, 2024 at 1:40 pm

Generally postdocs are the best bet.

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April 23, 2024 at 8:02 am

Here are my top five tips for turning your dissertation into a book with a focus on thesis editing:

Refine Your Argument: In the transition from dissertation to book, ensure your central argument is clear, compelling, and well-supported. Use thesis editing techniques to tighten your thesis statement, streamline your arguments, and eliminate any redundant or tangential content. Revise for Audience: Consider your target audience for the book and tailor your writing style accordingly. Use thesis editing strategies to adapt complex academic language into a more accessible and engaging narrative without sacrificing scholarly rigor. Restructure for Flow: Arrange your chapters and sections in a logical and coherent sequence that guides readers through your argument smoothly. Utilize thesis editing principles to improve transitions between chapters, integrate new insights, and maintain a cohesive narrative thread. Engage with Literature: Update your literature review and engage with recent scholarship to demonstrate the relevance and timeliness of your research. Use thesis editing techniques to integrate new references, revise outdated information, and strengthen your theoretical framework. Polish Prose and Style: Pay attention to the clarity, precision, and elegance of your prose. Use thesis editing tools to refine your writing style, eliminate jargon, improve sentence structure, and ensure consistency in tone and voice throughout the book. By incorporating these thesis editing strategies into your revision process, you can transform your dissertation into a compelling and publishable book that resonates with both academic and general readerships.

[…] widest, most interdisciplinary, and potentially popular (think NYT readership) appeal.  Refer to this post for suggestions on how to do […]

[…] http://theprofessorisin.com/2011/07/27/how-to-turn-your-dissertation-into-a-book-a-special-request-p … […]

[…] afford to waste time writing a magnus opus of a dissertation that does not easily translate into a book or a set of published […]

[…] everything I learned, but it is a start. Some of the best tips actually come from ‘The Professor Is In‘ and from books written on this subject, but these are just a few of my own recommendations. […]

[…] “My Top Five Tips for Turning Your Dissertation Into a Book–A Special Request Post,” 26 Feb. 2016. […]

[…] no knowledgeable on revising a dissertation right into a e book, although the internet and different resources have been illuminating about what that course of entails. (Acquired ideas? […]

[…] no expert on revising a dissertation into a book, though the internet and other resources have been illuminating about what that process entails. (Got tips? Send […]

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Exceller Books

Publish Your Thesis as a Book with ISBN

Book Publishing Companies

As a Ph.D. scholar or academician, you must have spent an inordinate amount of time by your desk trying to come up with your Ph.D. thesis. Now it is important that you publish your hard work to make it available to students studying that area and also people interested in that subject. In fact, your research may have a wider scope. Besides being a matter of immediate interest to your fellows and students, your research can also receive the attention of a broader audience, if you want.

Why Should You Publish Your Thesis as a Book?

  • The inclusion of Academic Curriculum: Most successful academic books have their roots in great research work. Broader interest in your research topic may result in the inclusion of a topic in the regular curriculum. When a topic is read widely, it creates more awareness.
  • Preserving Knowledge : Ideally, knowledge outlives the researcher and hence, researchers have a solemn responsibility to preserve the fruit of their lifelong endeavour. And this can be done by turning a thesis into a published book.
  • Documentation: A piece of research is best preserved and used when it becomes available as a book with ISBN. In such case, it can also be referred by colleagues and junior research fellows pursuing the same field. ISBN is a unique number that helps in the listing and tracking of a published book worldwide.
  • Enriches Research Field: Great thinkers have a responsibility for their area of study. Publishing a thesis enriches the specific research area. This also creates an opportunity for the researchers to carry forward their own line of work and in some cases, create a legacy.
  • Research as Inspiration: Many scholars publish their work as a vital clue as well as a source of inspiration to the students of the next generation. Say for example: John Dalton’s atomic theory. Most of the things he suggested in his theory were later proved flawed. But, his proposition opened a new avenue in the field of scientific research.
  • Research as a Link to the Future: Some researchers come up with concepts that are unrivaled and unprecedented and most importantly beneficial for the society. But, they themselves could not get on the right course. So, it failed. But, if they would have documented their ideas in a book or so and if that eventually got picked up by someone who could put them in the correct line of action, imagine the enormous good that could come out of it.
  • Research for Recognition: When researchers find something radical or solve an old problem of humanity, they publish their thesis in order to be recorded in the literature as the exponent of that theory. In this case, publishing a book gives the authors scopes to earn the unique right and overwhelming recognition.

What Are The Benefits?

Having looked at the different motivations to publish a thesis as a book, we can now turn our attention to the more personal benefits publishing offers.

Royalty: The first that easily comes to our mind is royalty. Royalty is a commission, authors get from the sales of their books. This is a recurrent earning and who does not know that there are unpredictable expenses in the research field. For many researchers, this is like an incentive to carry on with their work.

Adds More Values to Research : Another benefit of publishing is, it adds credibility to research work. It may sound weird. But it is true. No one knows or even cares to know what a researcher is doing inside the laboratory or study. But, the moment published books start coming, the editors review and the Press covers authors’ interviews, people start getting serious about it and this way researchers influence a wider network of people. Our culture needs more scientists, researchers, and inventors as our role model for some positive influence.

How Can You Do It?

Ph.D. research is usually published in the form of a journal article. There are a few options to consider when you think of publishing your Ph.D. research.

  • Convert the Entire Ph.D. into a Book: You can consider this option if your thesis covers a wide area of interest and concern; proves its relevance to a broad audience and propose a solution or alternative.
  • Publish Part of Your Thesis as a Book: This option can be considered if parts of research are ongoing or awaiting results.
  • Contribute to an Edited Book: You can contribute your research article to a book that compiles a number of essays on a similar topic. A well-edited book offers different perspectives of particular research and thus broadens the scope of PhD-based research via collaboration.

To conclude, you can simply publish your dissertation. But converting it into a book will be a rewarding process. Go slowly with it but start positively and work on it regularly. When you are done, get in touch with the book publishing companies to turn your thesis into a book. After all, a valuable thesis is worth all the attention.

For any kind of further query for your thesis publication email us at [email protected]


80 thoughts on “ Publish Your Thesis as a Book with ISBN ”

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Dear Sir/Madam, Hope I meet you well. Just read about the opportunity you have for academicians, as I am one of the them, and would like to publish my M.Phil and Ph.D Theses. I’m an Adult Educator with specialisation in Adult Learning and Education, Community Development, Entrepreneurship and Distance Education. I’m a lecturer and Coordinator of Accra Learning Centre, School of Continuing and Distance Education, University of Ghana, Legon. Will get back to you for the details concerning the entire process of publication. Counting on your kind cooperation. Dr. Isaac Kofi Biney Lecturer/Coordinator- Accra Learning Centre SCDE, College of Education University of Ghana Legon.

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Thanks for taking time to read our blog. Please write to us at [email protected] if you have a thesis to publish.

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Dear Sir/Ma I have completed my Ph.D work but the work is unpublished but some part of the work was developed as journals and it was published both local and internationally. Now having seen the information in your site i decided to contact you. How much will it take me to publish my researched work with you people? If the book is published and it was demanded by some body and the person paid for the book what percentage will i get?

Thanks for showing interest in publishing with us. You will soon receive a formal communication from our side and we will get into a discussion about royalty benefit, copyright and other things in detail.

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Are you provide any guidance for converting the phD thesis into book or any format?

Thanks for showing interest in publishing with us. We offer publication guidance. You will soon receive a formal communication from our side answering your query in detail.

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I need clear information about how to publish my dissertation

Thanks for showing interest in publishing with us.You will soon receive a formal communication from our side answering your query in detail. You can also write to us directly at [email protected]

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Thanks for taking time to read our blog. Yes, we will publish your thesis. Please send your complete thesis to us at [email protected] . You will also receive a formal communication from our side answering your query in detail.

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What are the conditions for publication? Is it free? Will the publications be in refereed journals?

Thanks for taking time to read our blog. Please send your complete thesis to us at [email protected] . Our packages start from $149. If you want to publish your research paper in a refereed journal, I will forward your interest to our journal division. You can also consider publishing your thesis as a book with ISBN as discussed above. You will also receive a formal communication from our side answering your query in detail.

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Thanks for your advice. I will definitely get in touch with you. At how much do you publish this book?

Thanks for taking time to read our blog. Please send your complete thesis to us at [email protected] . You will soon receive a formal communication from our side answering your query in detail.

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Its a fantastic idea. I am interested. Can I publish my thesis for masters as well.

Hi Rose, thanks for your interest and appreciation. Please send your complete thesis to us at [email protected] . You will receive a formal communication with the details from our side shortly.

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I have completed my PhD dissertation since 2010, it has become dusty but I think I should publish it now that there is an opportunity to do so. I research in the field of traditional medicine and the Jesus miracle in Mark 7:31-37.

Thanks for showing interest in us. I will share the publishing guide and package details with you in a short while. Please remember to check your spam folder also.

Thanks for taking time to read our blog. It’s great that you have decided to publish your thesis as a book. I will share the publishing details with you shortly.

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Thanks for taking time to read our blog and appreciate our work. I will share the publishing guide and package details with you in a short while. If you do not receive it in the mailbox, check your spam folder also.

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I want to publish my PhD thesis into a book I need guidance

publishing your dissertation as a book

Finished my MA thesis in 2014. Not published. Can u consider it?

Thanks for taking time to read our blog. Please send your thesis at [email protected] for review.

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Thanks for showing interest. Please submit your manuscript at [email protected] .

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Dear Sir/Ma I have completed my Ph.D work but the work is unpublished but one part of the work was developed as journals and it was published internationally. Now having seen the information in your site i decided to contact you. How much Time will it take me to publish my researched work with you people? Book with isbn

Thanks for showing interest in publishing with us. It takes about 40-50 days in standard situation. But, it depends on the length of the manuscript and author response time. To start the publication process, please share your complete manuscript with us at [email protected]

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Thanks for showing interest in publishing with us. You will soon receive a formal communication from our side answering your query in detail.

Thanks for writing to us. You will soon receive a formal communication from our side answering your query in detail.

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I have a PhD to publish. ¹ Do I have to pay any charges? 2 Will it be freely accessible online by researchers.?

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Excellent blogs, Hi, I have just completed my PhD and want to get it published as a book.please provide more information about it.

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Thanks for getting in touch with us. You will hear from us soon.

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I need to publish my DBA thesis as a book. How much does it cost? How long will it take to publish the book? What royalty percentage am I entitled to on each book sold? How do I know about the number of books sold at any given time? Will the book be visible globally?

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Thanks for reaching out. Please share your phone number so that we can have a further communication on your project.

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publishing your dissertation as a book

How to Self-Publish a Book: A Step-by-Step Guide for Authors

  • The Speaker Lab
  • June 18, 2024

Table of Contents

If you’ve always wanted to see your name on the front of a book, here’s some exciting news for you. Learning how to self-publish a book is more straightforward than it used to be. Forget about needing a traditional publisher; now, self-publishing lets you take charge and present your story just the way you’ve envisioned.

So, are you ready to publish your own book? This guide breaks down the entire process for you! From fine-tuning your manuscript and designing a striking cover to spreading the word about your creation, we have all bases covered. It doesn’t matter if this is your debut or another project in a long line—let’s turn that idea into reality together!

Self-Publishing vs. Traditional Publishing: What’s the Difference?

If you’re aiming to become an author, you’ve probably considered both self-publishing and traditional publishing. Each option comes with benefits as well as challenges; understanding these will guide you in choosing the right path for your book journey.

Pros and Cons of Self-Publishing

Self-publishing has become increasingly popular in recent years, thanks to the rise of digital publishing platforms like Amazon KDP. When you self-publish, you have complete control over the creative process, from writing and editing to book cover design and marketing. You also get to keep a larger share of the royalties , typically around 60-70% of the retail price.

At the same time, self-publishing means you’re on the hook for every expense—paying for an editor, finding a great cover designer, and handling formatting are just part of it. You’ll also have to spend money on marketing and ads. Plus, without help from a traditional publisher, landing spots in brick-and-mortar stores isn’t easy.

Pros and Cons of Traditional Publishing

Traditional publishing involves submitting your manuscript to a publishing company and hoping they’ll offer you a contract. If accepted, the publisher will handle the editing, design, and distribution of your book, as well as some marketing and promotion. You’ll also receive an advance on royalties, which can range from a few thousand to several hundred thousand dollars, depending on the publisher and the book’s potential.

The downside of traditional publishing is that it can be incredibly competitive, with many authors receiving multiple rejections before finding a publisher. You also have less control over the final product, as the publisher will have a say in everything from the title and cover design to the release date and pricing. And while you’ll still earn royalties, they’ll typically be lower than what you’d earn from self-publishing, around 10-15% of the retail price .

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Who Should Choose Traditional Publishing?

If you’re working on a book that could grab the attention of a huge audience, like commercial fiction or a celebrity tell-all, traditional publishing might be your best bet. Publishers are always searching for potential bestsellers and have the tools and know-how to get your book in front of lots of readers.

If you’re a first-time author aiming to make your mark in the book publishing industry, traditional publishing might be a great option. Getting your book out there through a well-known traditional publisher can add credibility and help you snag future gigs like speaking engagements or teaching jobs.

Who Should Choose Self-Publishing?

If you’re writing a book that appeals to a niche audience, such as a how-to guide or a collection of poetry, self-publishing may be the better option. Self-publishing allows you to target your ideal readers directly, without having to convince a publisher that your book has commercial potential. As an indie author, you have the freedom to reach your target audience on your own terms.

If you’re an independent author looking for creative freedom, self-publishing might be the way to go. With this option, every decision about your book—from what goes in it to how it’s sold—is yours alone. It’s ideal if you’ve got strong ideas that you’d rather not compromise.

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Self-Publish a Book

If you’re set on the self-publishing route, check out this step-by-step guide on how to self-publish a book.

  • Write and edit your book. This may seem obvious, but it’s important to make sure your book is the best it can be before you start the publishing process. Consider hiring a professional editor to help you refine your work and ensure your manuscript is polished and error-free.
  • Choose a self-publishing platform. There are many options available, including Amazon KDP, IngramSpark, and Draft2Digital. Research each platform to determine which one best fits your needs and budget. Consider factors like royalty rates, distribution options, and ease of use.
  • Format your book. Once your book is edited, you’ll need to format it for publication. This includes creating a table of contents, designing the interior layout, and converting your manuscript into the appropriate file format (such as EPUB or PDF). You can use free software like Calibre or hire a professional formatter to ensure your book looks its best.
  • Design a cover. Your book cover is often the first thing potential readers will see, so it’s important to make a good impression. Consider hiring a professional designer to create an eye-catching cover that accurately represents your book’s content and genre. A high-quality cover can help your book stand out in a crowded market.
  • Set a price. Pricing your book can be tricky, as you want to balance profitability with accessibility. Research the prices of similar books in your genre and consider factors like page count and production costs when setting your price. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different price points to find the sweet spot that maximizes your sales and revenue.
  • Publish and promote your book. Once your book is formatted and priced, it’s time to hit the “publish” button. But your work doesn’t end there. To ensure your book reaches its target audience, you’ll need to invest time and effort into marketing and promotion. This can include building an author bio , leveraging social media, and reaching out to book bloggers and reviewers. Consider offering free copies or discounts to encourage reviews and word-of-mouth buzz.

If you’re willing to work hard, self-publishing offers an empowering journey. Keep your eyes on the prize as you follow these steps, and soon enough you’ll have successfully published your book for all the world to read. With tools like print-on-demand technology and platforms such as Amazon at their disposal, self-published authors now have incredible opportunities right at their fingertips.

1. Write a Marketable Book

Writing a book that sells is key when you’re learning how to self-publish a book. You need to research your target audience and choose a popular genre or niche. Write a compelling story with well-developed characters and a strong plot.

In addition, make sure your book has a clear message or theme that resonates with readers. The most successful books are ones that address a felt need or desire in the market. What are people struggling with that your book can help them solve?

Another key factor is grabbing attention with a strong hook. What makes your book different from the rest in its genre? Maybe you have a fresh take on things, an unusual story structure, or a main character who breaks all the rules.

Consider what feelings or knowledge your ideal reader wants to gain from your book. What strategies will keep their interest piqued? Crafting a popular book means connecting deeply with readers and making sure they enjoy every page.

2. Professionally Edit Your Book

When learning how to self-publish, getting a professional editor is crucial. Even the best writers need another pair of eyes to catch mistakes and refine their work.

There are different types of editing to consider:

  • Developmental editing to improve the structure and content
  • Line editing to refine the language and style
  • Proofreading to catch any remaining errors

A good editor does more than just correct errors; they give you feedback that can really elevate your book. They help refine the plot, add depth to your characters, and make sure your themes come through clearly.

If you’re on the hunt for an editor, pick one who’s familiar with your specific genre and experienced in helping self-publishing authors. Look at their credentials carefully and see what past clients have said about them.

Investing in professional editing does more than polish your book; it also highlights your dedication as an author. A thoroughly edited manuscript reflects that you value both your craft and the time of your readers.

3. Select Your Self-Publishing Platform

Picking the best self-publishing platform is a big step in getting your book out there. With so many choices, it’s smart to look into each option and find a publishing platform that fits what you want and need. There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, but we’re here to guide you through your options so that picking the best fit for your book becomes easier.

Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)

First up, let’s talk about the big kahuna: Amazon KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing). If you’re looking to reach the widest possible audience and tap into Amazon’s massive customer base, KDP is definitely worth considering. Plus, with their print-on-demand technology, you can easily create paperback versions of your book without having to worry about inventory or upfront costs. In addition, they offer competitive royalty rates and helpful tools for formatting and pricing your book.

One thing to keep in mind with KDP, though, is that they do take a larger cut of your royalties compared to some other services. But for many authors, the trade-off is worth it for the exposure and convenience that comes with publishing through Amazon.


If you’re looking for a more hands-off approach to self-publishing, Draft2Digital might be the way to go. They offer a wide range of publishing services, from ebook formatting to distribution across multiple platforms. And the best part? They don’t charge any upfront fees—they simply take a percentage of your book sales.

One potential downside to Draft2Digital is that they don’t offer print distribution. So if you’re set on seeing your book in physical form, you’ll need to look elsewhere. However, for authors who are primarily focused on ebooks, Draft2Digital can be a great option.


Looking to see your book in bookstores or local libraries? Consider using IngramSpark, known for its wide distribution network and print-on-demand services. They can get your book into bookstores and libraries around the globe, as well as online retailers like Barnes & Noble and Apple Books. With access to more than 39,000 retailers and libraries worldwide, they can significantly increase how many people discover your work.

The downside to IngramSpark is that they do charge setup fees for each book you publish with them. However, if you’re willing to invest a little upfront, the potential payoff in terms of increased exposure and sales can be well worth it.

Factors to Consider Before Deciding

When you’re checking out different publishing platforms, consider factors such as user-friendliness, cost, and available features. In addition, you’ll want to think about

  • Royalty rates and pricing options
  • Distribution channels and reach
  • Ease of use and customer support
  • Available formats (ebook, paperback, hardcover, audio)
  • Marketing and promotional tools

Keep in mind that you don’t have to choose just one self-publishing platform. Many successful self-publishing authors use a combination of services to maximize their reach and revenue. For example, you could use Kindle Direct Publishing for your ebook and IngramSpark for your print edition.

The best publishing platform for you really hinges on what you’re aiming to achieve, how much you can spend , and who you’re trying to reach. Spend some time checking out your choices so you can pick the one that helps you hit it big.

4. Format Your Book for Publication

Before publishing your book, first consider if you want it in print or digital form. Both print books and ebooks come with their own sets of rules and best practices that are worth learning about before you commit to one or another.

Formatting for Print Books

Formatting a print book involves more than just throwing your Word document into a layout program and calling it a day. You’ll need to consider factors like trim size, margins, font choice, and page layout. Many self-publishing platforms provide templates or tools to help you format your book files correctly. Alternatively, you might try Adobe InDesign, which is specifically designed for print layouts. While it takes some time to learn the formatting software, the end result is a professional-looking book that you can be proud to put your name on.

Formatting for eBooks

Formatting an ebook is a bit different than formatting for print. Instead of worrying about physical page layouts, you’ll need to create a clean, readable EPUB file that works across different devices and screen sizes. This typically involves using HTML and CSS to control the appearance of the text and images.

If you’re looking for an awesome way to format your ebook, check out Vellum . This software is really user-friendly and helps you design beautiful, polished ebooks effortlessly. Plus, it can produce multiple ebook formats so you can easily get them on various platforms.

5. Create an Eye-Catching Book Cover

We all know the saying “don’t judge a book by its cover,” but if we’re honest, that’s exactly what readers do. When you’re learning how to self-publish, nailing your book cover design is crucial for grabbing attention and conveying your story’s genre and tone.

When designing a cover, consider your target audience and what they expect to see in your genre. Research current cover design trends and bestselling books in your category for inspiration. Your ebook cover should be visually appealing and easy to read, even as a thumbnail image online.

While it may be tempting to DIY your cover to save money, consider hiring a professional cover designer instead, especially if you’re not confident in your design skills. A professional cover designer will have the expertise to create a high-quality, attention-grabbing book cover that meets industry standards.

When working with a cover designer, provide them with a clear brief that includes your book’s title, subtitle, genre, target audience, and any specific imagery or elements you want to include. Be open to their creative input and trust their expertise.

Your book cover design is the first impression readers get, whether they’re scrolling through an online store or wandering in a bookstore. A striking ebook cover can catch their eye and set you apart as an author.

6. Pricing Your Self-Published Book

You’ve finished your book and picked out a self-publishing service. You’re almost ready to publish, but there’s one last thing to decide: how much should you price your book?

Pricing your self-published book can be tricky. You want to make sure you’re not undervaluing your work, but you also don’t want to price yourself out of the market. So what’s an author to do?

First, take a look at the retail price of similar books in your genre. This will give you a good baseline to work from. Keep in mind that ebooks are typically priced lower than print books, so adjust accordingly.

Next, consider your royalty rate. Different self-publishing services offer different royalty structures, so make sure you understand how much you’ll be earning per sale. If you’re using a service like Amazon KDP, keep in mind that you’ll earn a higher royalty percentage on ebooks priced between $2.99 and $9.99.

Finally, don’t be afraid to experiment with pricing. You can always adjust your price up or down based on how well your book is selling. And if you’re running a promotion or sale, temporarily lowering your price can be a great way to boost print sales and get more eyes on your book.

7. Launch Your Book Like a Product

Launching your self-published book is an exciting moment, but it’s not just about hitting the “publish” button and hoping for the best. To really make an impact, you need to treat your book launch like a product launch.

Creating excitement before your book’s release is essential. Start by building an author website and growing your email list to keep fans in the loop. Reach out to book bloggers and reviewers for extra buzz, and consider throwing a virtual or in-person launch event on the big day.

A successful book launch hinges on effective marketing. Tap into social media by offering sneak peeks of the writing process, teasing passages from the story, and engaging directly with readers to create anticipation for pre-orders. If you’re using Amazon KDP, you could even run price promotions, offer your book for free for a limited time, and advertise directly on Amazon’s site.

Another smart move for promoting your book is connecting with bloggers and critics within your genre. Send them a free copy so they can review it honestly. Their reviews can enhance visibility while offering credibility that persuades others to read it too.

Don’t forget the impact of good old-fashioned word of mouth. Get your friends, family, and fans talking about your book. Ask them to leave reviews on Amazon and Goodreads, share it on social media, and recommend it to their circles. You never know who might pick up a copy and fall in love with it.

Getting your self-published book noticed takes a lot of work and determination. However, if you stay creative and persistent, reaching that bestseller status is within your grasp. So keep at it—write more, promote often, and most importantly, believe in yourself. You can do this.

8. Market Your Book on Social Media

Your book marketing strategy shouldn’t stop after launch day—social media should be part of it long-term. Platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram help you stay connected with readers by sharing behind-the-scenes looks at your author journey and promoting your work to a large audience.

When using social media to market your books, don’t just post “buy my book” type messages. While this is your ultimate goal, this approach won’t lead to healthy audience engagement or sales. Instead, use your social media to provide value to your followers. What can you teach them about the writing process? The publishing process? Engaging with your audience’s questions and interests is the key to successful book marketing on social media.

In addition, dive into interesting aspects of your book’s subject matter while offering useful writing advice here and there. Let fans catch glimpses of what being an author looks like for you personally. When discussing your latest work, point out its standout features along with reader perks—and make sure you’re engaging with them through replies or questions so those relationships stay genuine.

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9. Start Writing Your Next Book

Congratulations, you’ve successfully self-published your book! But don’t rest on your laurels just yet. One of the best things you can do to build momentum as an indie author is to start working on your next book right away.

It’s tempting to take time off after completing a book, but starting your next project quickly is beneficial. Maintaining a regular release schedule makes fans happy and keeps you creatively engaged while improving your craft with each new piece you write.

A robust backlist not only attracts new readers but also keeps long-time fans coming back for more. Think of each book as another chance for someone to dive into everything else you’ve created; the larger your library, the higher the chances you’ll build a strong reader base.

So breathe deeply and give yourself some well-deserved credit, then dive back into your craft. Your next book is calling, and readers are eagerly awaiting it!

FAQs on How to Self-Publish a Book

How much does it cost to self-publish a book.

Costs vary, but expect $2000-$4000 for editing, cover design, and formatting. You can save money by using free software.

Can I publish my own book for free?

You can use platforms like Amazon KDP without upfront costs. However, quality services may still incur expenses.

Is it legal to self-publish a book?

Yes, it’s legal if you hold the rights or have permission from the copyright owner of the content you’re publishing.

Is it wise to self-publish a book?

If you want control over your work and higher royalties per sale compared to traditional publishing houses, then, yes, it is smart.

In this article, you’ve learned how exactly to self-publish a book, from editing your story to launching your book with a bang. Remember, self-publishing puts the power in your hands. You get to make the decisions, from your book’s content to its cover design and pricing.

However, with great power comes great responsibility. To succeed as a self-published author, you’ll need to wear many hats—writer, editor, marketer, and more. It’s a challenging journey, but also an incredibly rewarding one.

Don’t wait any longer! Take what you’ve learned and start sharing your story today—the world is ready to hear from you!

  • Last Updated: June 12, 2024

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