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Article review writing format, steps, examples and illustration PDF Compiled by Mohammed Yismaw

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2021, Article review writing format, steps, examples and illustration PDF Compiled by Mohammed Yismaw

The purpose of this document is to help students and researchers understand how a review of an academic journal is conducted and reported in different fields of study. Review articles in academic journals that analyze or discuss researches previously published by others, rather than reporting new research results or findings. Summaries and critiques are two ways to write a review of a scientific journal article. Both types of writing ask you first to read and understand an article from the primary literature about your topic. The summary involves briefly but accurately stating the key points of the article for a reader who has not read the original article. The critique begins by summarizing the article and then analyzes and evaluates the author’s research. Summaries and critiques help you learn to synthesize information from different sources and are usually limited to two pages maximum.

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Article Review

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example of journal article review pdf

Article reviews are an essential part of academic article writing , providing an opportunity to evaluate and analyze published research . A well-written review can help readers understand the simple subject matter and determine the value of the article . In this article, we’ll cover what is an article review, provide step-by-step guidance on how to write one, and answer some common questions.

What is an Article Review?

An article review is a critical assessment of a scholarly article or research paper. It involves analyzing the content, methodology, and findings of the article and providing an evaluation of its strengths and weaknesses. The review typically includes a summary of the article’s main points, an evaluation of its contribution to the subject, and suggestions for improvement.

Examples of Article Review

1. literary analysis of “the great gatsby”.

Title : “The American Dream in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s ‘The Great Gatsby'” Summary : This article delves into the theme of the American Dream in “The Great Gatsby”. It explores how the characters of Jay Gatsby, Daisy Buchanan, and Tom Buchanan each represent different facets of this dream. The review highlights the contrast between Gatsby’s idealistic pursuit of wealth and love, and the moral decay of society depicted in the novel. Evaluation : The article offers a thorough and insightful analysis, drawing on specific passages to support its claims. However, it occasionally lacks depth in exploring secondary characters. Recommendation : Overall, this article is a valuable resource for understanding the complexities of the American Dream in Fitzgerald’s work. It is recommended for students and literary enthusiasts.

2. Scientific Study on Climate Change

Title : “Impact of Global Warming on Arctic Ice Melting Rates” Summary : This article examines recent research on the accelerated melting of Arctic ice due to global warming. The study uses satellite data and climate models to project future ice loss and its implications for global sea levels. Evaluation : The article presents data in a clear and accessible manner, making complex scientific concepts understandable for a general audience. The visual aids, such as graphs and maps, effectively complement the text. Recommendation : This article is highly recommended for anyone interested in climate science and environmental studies. It provides a comprehensive overview of current research and its global significance.

3. Technology Review of the Latest iPhone

Title : “A Comprehensive Review of the iPhone 14 Pro” Summary : The article provides an in-depth review of the iPhone 14 Pro, covering its design, performance, camera capabilities, and new features. It compares the latest model with previous versions and other smartphones on the market. Evaluation : The review is detailed and well-organized, highlighting both strengths and weaknesses of the device. However, it could benefit from more user testimonials to provide a broader perspective. Recommendation : This review is a must-read for potential buyers considering the iPhone 14 Pro. It offers valuable insights into the device’s capabilities and overall performance.

4. Health and Wellness Article on Yoga Benefits

Title : “The Health Benefits of Practicing Yoga Daily” Summary : This article explores the various physical and mental health benefits of incorporating yoga into a daily routine. It discusses how yoga can improve flexibility, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being. Evaluation : The article is informative and engaging, backed by scientific research and expert opinions. It includes practical tips for beginners and links to additional resources. Recommendation : This article is highly recommended for individuals seeking to improve their health through yoga. It provides a comprehensive guide to the benefits and practice of yoga.

5. Historical Analysis of World War II

Title : “The Role of Codebreakers in World War II” Summary : The article examines the critical role that codebreakers played in the Allied victory during World War II. It focuses on the efforts at Bletchley Park and the breaking of the Enigma code. Evaluation : The article is well-researched and presents a compelling narrative of the contributions of codebreakers. It includes firsthand accounts and historical documents to support its analysis. Recommendation : This article is recommended for history buffs and students. It offers a fascinating insight into a lesser-known aspect of World War II and highlights the importance of intelligence work in warfare.

Examples of Article Review for Students

Review of “the effects of sleep deprivation on cognitive performance”.

Title : The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Cognitive Performance: A Detailed Review Introduction : This review evaluates the article’s investigation into how lack of sleep affects cognitive functions such as memory, attention, and problem-solving skills. Summary : The article explores various studies showing that sleep deprivation significantly impairs cognitive performance, leading to reduced attention spans, poor memory retention, and slower reaction times. Critique : The article is thorough in its examination of the negative effects of sleep deprivation. However, it could include more information on the long-term consequences and potential mitigation strategies. Some studies cited have small sample sizes, which could limit the findings’ reliability. Conclusion : Overall, the article effectively highlights the critical impact of sleep on cognitive functions, though it would benefit from more comprehensive data and solutions to counteract sleep deprivation.

Review of “Renewable Energy Sources and Their Impact on the Environment”

Title : Renewable Energy Sources and Their Impact on the Environment: An In-Depth Review Introduction : This review analyzes the article discussing the environmental impacts of various renewable energy sources, including solar, wind, and hydroelectric power. Summary : The article covers the benefits of renewable energy in reducing carbon emissions and dependence on fossil fuels. It also examines potential environmental concerns such as habitat disruption and resource consumption. Critique : The article provides a balanced view of renewable energy’s benefits and challenges. However, it lacks detailed case studies and comparative analysis with non-renewable energy sources. The discussion on environmental impacts could be more nuanced. Conclusion : The article is informative and highlights the importance of renewable energy, though it would be stronger with more specific examples and a deeper environmental impact analysis.

Review of “The Influence of Advertising on Consumer Behavior”

Title : The Influence of Advertising on Consumer Behavior: A Comprehensive Review Introduction : This review evaluates the article’s exploration of how advertising affects consumer purchasing decisions and behavior. Summary : The article examines various advertising techniques and their psychological effects on consumers, including the use of emotional appeal, repetition, and celebrity endorsements. Critique : The article effectively discusses different advertising strategies and their impact on consumers. However, it could include more recent examples and data to reflect current trends. Additionally, it would benefit from a broader range of perspectives, including consumer psychology. Conclusion : The article provides a solid overview of advertising’s influence on consumer behavior, but it needs more up-to-date examples and a wider scope of analysis.

Review of “The Role of Nutrition in Child Development”

Title : The Role of Nutrition in Child Development: An Analytical Review Introduction : This review analyzes the article’s discussion on the critical role of nutrition in children’s physical and cognitive development. Summary : The article highlights the importance of a balanced diet for children’s growth, emphasizing nutrients such as proteins, vitamins, and minerals. It also examines the consequences of malnutrition and dietary deficiencies. Critique : The article is well-researched and presents a comprehensive view of the subject. However, it could benefit from more practical dietary recommendations and a discussion on the challenges faced by different socioeconomic groups. Conclusion : The article effectively underscores the importance of nutrition in child development, though it would be improved by including practical advice and addressing socioeconomic disparities.

Review of “Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Opportunities and Challenges”

Title : Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Opportunities and Challenges: A Detailed Review Introduction : This review evaluates the article’s exploration of the potential benefits and obstacles of implementing artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare. Summary : The article discusses various AI applications in healthcare, such as diagnostic tools, personalized medicine, and administrative support. It also addresses ethical concerns, data privacy issues, and the need for regulatory frameworks. Critique : The article provides a balanced and insightful analysis of AI in healthcare. However, it could include more case studies and examples of successful AI implementations. The discussion on ethical concerns is somewhat limited and could be expanded. Conclusion : The article offers a thorough overview of AI’s potential in healthcare, but it would benefit from more real-world examples and a deeper exploration of ethical issues.

Examples of Article Review for Research

Review of “the impact of remote work on employee productivity”.

Title : The Impact of Remote Work on Employee Productivity: A Research Review Introduction : This review assesses the research article’s investigation into how remote work influences employee productivity, examining both positive and negative aspects. Summary : The research article explores various factors affecting productivity in remote work settings, such as flexible schedules, work-life balance, and the use of digital communication tools. It presents data from surveys and case studies to support its findings. Critique : The article provides a comprehensive analysis backed by empirical data. However, it could benefit from a more detailed exploration of the long-term impacts of remote work and potential industry-specific variations. Additionally, the research could include a larger, more diverse sample size. Conclusion : The research article effectively highlights the key factors influencing productivity in remote work environments, though it would be strengthened by broader data and long-term impact analysis.

Review of “Climate Change and Agricultural Sustainability”

Title : Climate Change and Agricultural Sustainability: A Review of Current Research Introduction : This review evaluates the research article’s examination of the relationship between climate change and agricultural sustainability, focusing on crop yields and farming practices. Summary : The article discusses the effects of changing weather patterns, increased CO2 levels, and extreme weather events on agricultural productivity. It includes case studies and statistical models to illustrate potential future scenarios. Critique : The research is thorough and well-supported by data. However, it could include more practical recommendations for farmers and policymakers. The article would also benefit from a more detailed discussion of regional differences and adaptation strategies. Conclusion : The research article provides valuable insights into the challenges posed by climate change to agriculture, though it would be improved by offering actionable solutions and considering regional variations.

Review of “The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Modern Healthcare”

Title : The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Modern Healthcare: A Comprehensive Research Review Introduction : This review analyzes the research article’s exploration of AI’s applications in healthcare, including diagnostic tools, patient care, and administrative efficiency. Summary : The article outlines various AI technologies used in healthcare, such as machine learning algorithms for diagnostics, robotic surgeries, and AI-driven patient management systems. It presents data from clinical trials and expert opinions to support its claims. Critique : The research is well-rounded and provides a clear overview of AI’s potential in healthcare. However, it could address more of the ethical considerations and data privacy issues associated with AI implementation. Additionally, more real-world examples of AI applications would enhance the article’s relevance. Conclusion : The research article effectively showcases AI’s transformative potential in healthcare, though it could be strengthened by a deeper exploration of ethical issues and more practical examples.

Review of “The Psychological Effects of Social Media Use on Adolescents”

Title : The Psychological Effects of Social Media Use on Adolescents: A Research-Based Review Introduction : This review evaluates the research article’s examination of how social media affects adolescents’ mental health, focusing on anxiety, depression, and self-esteem. Summary : The article presents data from longitudinal studies and surveys to show the correlation between social media use and various psychological issues. It discusses the impact of online interactions, cyberbullying, and the pressure to conform to social norms. Critique : The research is detailed and presents significant findings. However, it could benefit from a more balanced view that includes positive aspects of social media, such as support networks and educational content. Additionally, the sample sizes in some studies are limited, which may affect the generalizability of the results. Conclusion : The research article provides a comprehensive overview of the negative psychological effects of social media on adolescents, though it would be improved by a more balanced perspective and larger sample sizes.

Review of “The Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Programs”

Title : The Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Programs: A Research Review Introduction : This review analyzes the research article’s evaluation of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) programs and their impact on mental health and well-being. Summary : The article reviews various studies on MBSR, highlighting its benefits for reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. It includes meta-analyses and randomized controlled trials to provide a robust evidence base. Critique : The research is comprehensive and well-supported by empirical data. However, it could explore more on the long-term benefits and potential limitations of MBSR programs. The article would also benefit from discussing the accessibility and applicability of these programs across different populations. Conclusion : The research article effectively demonstrates the benefits of MBSR programs for mental health, though it could be enhanced by addressing long-term effects and broader applicability.

Journal Article Review Examples

Review of “the impact of social media on academic performance”.

Title : The Impact of Social Media on Academic Performance: A Comprehensive Review Introduction : This review evaluates the journal article’s investigation into the relationship between social media usage and academic performance among students. Summary : The article discusses various studies that explore how social media affects students’ academic outcomes. It highlights both positive effects, such as improved communication and resource sharing, and negative impacts like distraction and reduced study time. Critique : The article is thorough, providing a balanced view supported by empirical data. However, it could benefit from more longitudinal studies to understand long-term effects. Additionally, the article does not address differences in impact based on the type of social media platform used. Conclusion : The journal article effectively highlights the dual impact of social media on academic performance. To strengthen the research, including more long-term studies and platform-specific analyses would be beneficial.

Review of “Climate Change Adaptation in Urban Areas”

Title : Climate Change Adaptation in Urban Areas: An Analytical Review Introduction : This review analyzes the journal article’s discussion on how urban areas are adapting to climate change, focusing on infrastructure and policy changes. Summary : The article examines various adaptation strategies employed by cities worldwide, such as green infrastructure, zoning laws, and disaster preparedness programs. It presents case studies from different regions to illustrate successful adaptation efforts. Critique : The article is well-researched and provides a comprehensive overview of adaptation strategies. However, it could include more data on the effectiveness of these strategies over time. Additionally, the article would benefit from a discussion on the socio-economic challenges that hinder adaptation in less developed areas. Conclusion : The journal article provides valuable insights into urban climate change adaptation strategies. It would be strengthened by including long-term effectiveness data and addressing socio-economic barriers.

Review of “The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Personalized Medicine”

Title : The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Personalized Medicine: A Detailed Review Introduction : This review evaluates the journal article’s exploration of AI applications in personalized medicine, including diagnostics and treatment plans. Summary : The article discusses how AI technologies, such as machine learning and data analytics, are revolutionizing personalized medicine. It highlights examples where AI has improved diagnostic accuracy and tailored treatment plans to individual patient needs. Critique : The article is insightful and well-supported by clinical data. However, it could delve deeper into the ethical considerations and potential biases in AI algorithms. Additionally, more real-world examples of AI implementation in diverse healthcare settings would enhance the article’s applicability. Conclusion : The journal article effectively demonstrates the transformative potential of AI in personalized medicine. To improve, it should include a more detailed discussion on ethics and practical applications across different healthcare systems.

Review of “The Psychological Impact of COVID-19 on Healthcare Workers”

Title : The Psychological Impact of COVID-19 on Healthcare Workers: A Research Review Introduction : This review analyzes the journal article’s investigation into the mental health effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on healthcare workers. Summary : The article presents data from surveys and interviews with healthcare professionals, highlighting increased levels of stress, anxiety, and burnout due to the pandemic. It discusses the factors contributing to these psychological impacts, such as workload, exposure risk, and lack of support. Critique : The article provides a comprehensive analysis of the psychological challenges faced by healthcare workers during the pandemic. However, it could benefit from more longitudinal studies to understand long-term mental health outcomes. Additionally, the article would be improved by offering more detailed recommendations for institutional support and intervention strategies. Conclusion : The journal article effectively sheds light on the mental health struggles of healthcare workers during COVID-19. To strengthen the research, including long-term studies and detailed support recommendations would be beneficial.

Review of “Sustainable Agriculture Practices and Food Security”

Title : Sustainable Agriculture Practices and Food Security: An In-Depth Review Introduction : This review evaluates the journal article’s discussion on the role of sustainable agriculture practices in enhancing food security. Summary : The article explores various sustainable agriculture techniques, such as crop rotation, organic farming, and agroforestry, and their impact on food security. It presents case studies demonstrating how these practices can increase crop yields and improve resilience to climate change. Critique : The article is well-researched and provides a detailed analysis of sustainable agriculture practices. However, it could include more quantitative data on the economic viability of these practices for small-scale farmers. Additionally, the article would benefit from discussing the policy frameworks needed to support widespread adoption of sustainable agriculture. Conclusion : The journal article effectively highlights the importance of sustainable agriculture for food security. It would be enhanced by including more economic data and policy recommendations to support these practices.

College Article Review Examples

Review of “the effects of sleep deprivation on academic performance”.

Title : The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Academic Performance: A Detailed Review Introduction : This review assesses the article’s exploration of how sleep deprivation impacts college students’ academic performance, focusing on cognitive functions and overall well-being. Summary : The article examines studies showing that insufficient sleep negatively affects memory, concentration, and problem-solving skills, leading to lower grades and academic achievement. It also discusses the role of stress and lifestyle factors contributing to sleep deprivation. Critique : The article provides a thorough analysis supported by empirical data. However, it could benefit from a broader range of studies, including different demographic groups. Additionally, practical solutions for improving sleep habits among students are not adequately addressed. Conclusion : The article effectively highlights the critical relationship between sleep and academic performance but would be strengthened by more diverse studies and practical recommendations for students.

Review of “The Impact of Technology on Modern Education”

Title : The Impact of Technology on Modern Education: A Comprehensive Review Introduction : This review evaluates the article’s discussion on the integration of technology in higher education and its effects on teaching and learning processes. Summary : The article explores various technological tools used in education, such as online learning platforms, interactive simulations, and digital resources. It discusses the benefits, including increased accessibility and personalized learning, as well as challenges like digital divide and technological distractions. Critique : The article is well-researched and balanced, highlighting both positive and negative aspects of technology in education. However, it could include more recent data and specific examples of successful technology implementations in colleges. Additionally, the article should address potential long-term impacts on traditional teaching methods. Conclusion : The article provides valuable insights into the role of technology in education, though it would be enhanced by including more up-to-date examples and long-term impact analysis.

Review of “Mental Health Awareness Among College Students”

Title : Mental Health Awareness Among College Students: An Analytical Review Introduction : This review analyzes the article’s exploration of mental health awareness programs in colleges and their effectiveness in addressing student mental health issues. Summary : The article examines various initiatives aimed at improving mental health awareness, such as workshops, counseling services, and peer support groups. It highlights the importance of early intervention and the role of campus resources in supporting student well-being. Critique : The article provides a comprehensive overview of mental health awareness programs and their benefits. However, it could benefit from more quantitative data on program effectiveness and student outcomes. Additionally, the article should discuss the barriers to accessing mental health services, such as stigma and resource limitations. Conclusion : The article effectively underscores the significance of mental health awareness in colleges, but it would be improved by including more data on program effectiveness and addressing access barriers.

Review of “The Role of Extracurricular Activities in Student Development”

Title : The Role of Extracurricular Activities in Student Development: A Detailed Review Introduction : This review evaluates the article’s discussion on how participation in extracurricular activities impacts college students’ personal and academic development. Summary : The article explores various benefits of extracurricular activities, such as improved social skills, leadership development, and enhanced academic performance. It includes case studies and survey data to support its findings. Critique : The article is well-rounded and provides clear evidence of the positive impacts of extracurricular activities. However, it could include more diverse examples from different types of colleges and regions. Additionally, the article should address potential negative aspects, such as time management challenges and academic pressure. Conclusion : The article effectively highlights the importance of extracurricular activities in student development, though it would benefit from a more diverse range of examples and a balanced discussion of potential drawbacks.

Review of “The Influence of Social Media on College Students’ Mental Health”

Title : The Influence of Social Media on College Students’ Mental Health: A Research Review Introduction : This review analyzes the article’s investigation into how social media usage affects the mental health of college students, focusing on both positive and negative impacts. Summary : The article discusses various studies showing that social media can lead to increased anxiety, depression, and feelings of isolation among students. It also highlights positive aspects, such as enhanced communication, social support, and access to mental health resources. Critique : The article provides a balanced view, supported by empirical data and real-world examples. However, it could benefit from more recent studies and a deeper exploration of how different social media platforms uniquely impact mental health. Additionally, the article should include practical advice for students on managing social media use. Conclusion : The article effectively addresses the complex relationship between social media and mental health among college students, but it would be strengthened by including more recent research and practical recommendations.

Scientific Article Review Examples

Review of “the effects of microplastics on marine life”.

Title : The Effects of Microplastics on Marine Life: A Comprehensive Review Introduction : This review assesses the scientific article’s investigation into the impact of microplastics on marine organisms, focusing on ingestion, toxicity, and ecological consequences. Summary : The article presents various studies showing that microplastics are ingested by a wide range of marine species, leading to physical harm and chemical toxicity. It discusses how microplastics affect growth, reproduction, and survival rates of marine life. Critique : The article is well-researched, providing detailed evidence of the harmful effects of microplastics. However, it could benefit from a broader geographic scope, including more diverse marine environments. Additionally, the article lacks a discussion on potential mitigation strategies to reduce microplastic pollution. Conclusion : The article effectively highlights the detrimental impact of microplastics on marine life, but it would be strengthened by including a wider range of environments and discussing mitigation measures.

Review of “The Role of CRISPR-Cas9 in Gene Editing”

Title : The Role of CRISPR-Cas9 in Gene Editing: A Detailed Review Introduction : This review evaluates the scientific article’s exploration of the CRISPR-Cas9 technology and its applications in gene editing, focusing on its potential and ethical considerations. Summary : The article discusses the mechanism of CRISPR-Cas9 and its use in various fields such as medicine, agriculture, and biotechnology. It highlights successful case studies, including the treatment of genetic disorders and the development of disease-resistant crops. Critique : The article is insightful and provides a comprehensive overview of CRISPR-Cas9. However, it could delve deeper into the ethical issues and potential unintended consequences of gene editing. Additionally, the article would benefit from more recent examples of CRISPR applications. Conclusion : The article effectively demonstrates the potential of CRISPR-Cas9 in gene editing, though it could be enhanced by addressing ethical considerations and providing more up-to-date examples.

Review of “Climate Change and Its Impact on Global Food Security”

Title : Climate Change and Its Impact on Global Food Security: An Analytical Review Introduction : This review analyzes the scientific article’s examination of how climate change affects global food security, focusing on crop yields, food supply, and nutrition. Summary : The article explores various factors influenced by climate change, including temperature changes, altered precipitation patterns, and increased frequency of extreme weather events. It discusses how these factors affect agricultural productivity and food availability. Critique : The article is thorough and supported by extensive data. However, it could include more case studies from different regions to provide a global perspective. Additionally, the article would benefit from discussing adaptation strategies and policy recommendations to mitigate the impact of climate change on food security. Conclusion : The article provides valuable insights into the effects of climate change on food security, but it would be improved by including more regional case studies and discussing mitigation strategies.

Review of “The Advancements in Renewable Energy Technologies”

Title : The Advancements in Renewable Energy Technologies: A Research Review Introduction : This review evaluates the scientific article’s discussion on the latest advancements in renewable energy technologies, including solar, wind, and bioenergy. Summary : The article highlights recent innovations in renewable energy, such as improved solar panel efficiency, advanced wind turbine designs, and sustainable bioenergy production methods. It presents data on the cost-effectiveness and environmental benefits of these technologies. Critique : The article is well-researched and presents a clear overview of advancements in renewable energy. However, it could benefit from a more detailed analysis of the challenges and limitations associated with each technology. Additionally, the article should include projections on the future adoption of these technologies. Conclusion : The article effectively showcases the progress in renewable energy technologies, though it would be enhanced by addressing challenges and providing future adoption projections.

Review of “The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Healthcare”

Title : The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Healthcare: A Comprehensive Review Introduction : This review analyzes the scientific article’s exploration of AI’s impact on healthcare, focusing on diagnostic tools, patient care, and administrative efficiency. Summary : The article discusses various AI applications in healthcare, such as machine learning algorithms for disease diagnosis, robotic surgeries, and AI-driven patient management systems. It highlights the potential benefits and challenges of AI integration in healthcare. Critique : The article is insightful and supported by clinical data. However, it could delve deeper into the ethical considerations and data privacy issues associated with AI in healthcare. Additionally, more real-world examples and case studies would enhance the article’s relevance. Conclusion : The article effectively demonstrates AI’s transformative potential in healthcare, but it would be strengthened by addressing ethical concerns and including more practical examples.

Examples of Article Review for Psychology

Review of “the influence of parenting styles on child development”.

Title : The Influence of Parenting Styles on Child Development: A Comprehensive Review Introduction : This review evaluates the article’s investigation into how different parenting styles affect children’s psychological and emotional development. Summary : The article explores various parenting styles—authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and neglectful—and their impacts on children’s behavior, self-esteem, academic performance, and social skills. It presents data from longitudinal studies and surveys. Critique : The article is thorough and well-supported by empirical data. However, it could benefit from more recent studies and a broader demographic scope. Additionally, practical recommendations for parents based on the findings are not adequately addressed. Conclusion : The article effectively highlights the significant role of parenting styles in child development. It would be strengthened by including more up-to-date research and practical advice for parents.

Review of “The Effects of Social Media on Adolescent Mental Health”

Title : The Effects of Social Media on Adolescent Mental Health: A Detailed Review Introduction : This review analyzes the article’s exploration of the psychological effects of social media use on adolescents, focusing on issues like anxiety, depression, and self-esteem. Summary : The article discusses various studies that show a correlation between social media use and increased rates of mental health issues among adolescents. It examines factors such as cyberbullying, social comparison, and screen time. Critique : The article provides a balanced view supported by empirical data. However, it could include more recent studies and a deeper exploration of positive aspects of social media, such as support networks and educational content. Additionally, practical strategies for managing social media use are not sufficiently addressed. Conclusion : The article effectively discusses the negative impacts of social media on adolescent mental health but would benefit from more recent research and practical recommendations.

Review of “Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Treating Depression”

Title : Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Treating Depression: An Analytical Review Introduction : This review evaluates the article’s discussion on the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) in treating depression, focusing on clinical outcomes and patient experiences. Summary : The article reviews various studies demonstrating CBT’s effectiveness in reducing depressive symptoms and preventing relapse. It discusses CBT’s core components, including cognitive restructuring and behavioral activation. Critique : The article is well-researched and provides a comprehensive overview of CBT’s effectiveness. However, it could benefit from more detailed comparisons with other therapeutic approaches and a discussion on the accessibility and scalability of CBT. Additionally, the article should address potential limitations and criticisms of CBT. Conclusion : The article effectively showcases CBT’s effectiveness in treating depression, though it would be enhanced by including comparisons with other therapies and addressing accessibility issues.

Review of “The Role of Mindfulness Meditation in Stress Reduction”

Title : The Role of Mindfulness Meditation in Stress Reduction: A Research Review Introduction : This review analyzes the article’s examination of mindfulness meditation as a technique for reducing stress and improving mental health. Summary : The article discusses various studies that show how mindfulness meditation can reduce stress, anxiety, and depressive symptoms. It explains the underlying mechanisms, such as increased self-awareness and emotional regulation. Critique : The article is insightful and supported by empirical data. However, it could include more longitudinal studies to understand the long-term effects of mindfulness meditation. Additionally, the article should address potential barriers to practicing mindfulness, such as time constraints and individual differences in response to meditation. Conclusion : The article effectively highlights the benefits of mindfulness meditation for stress reduction but would be improved by including long-term studies and discussing barriers to practice.

Review of “The Impact of Sleep on Cognitive Function”

Title : The Impact of Sleep on Cognitive Function: A Comprehensive Review Introduction : This review evaluates the article’s investigation into the relationship between sleep and cognitive function, focusing on memory, attention, and problem-solving skills. Summary : The article presents various studies demonstrating that adequate sleep is crucial for optimal cognitive performance. It discusses how sleep deprivation negatively affects cognitive functions and the underlying biological mechanisms involved. Critique : The article is thorough and well-supported by empirical data. However, it could benefit from a more detailed exploration of the differences in sleep needs across different age groups and a discussion on strategies to improve sleep quality. Additionally, practical recommendations for individuals suffering from sleep disorders are not adequately addressed. Conclusion : The article effectively highlights the critical role of sleep in cognitive function but would be strengthened by including more age-specific research and practical advice for improving sleep quality.

Types of Article Reviews

Article reviews are critical assessments of scholarly articles, often used to evaluate the quality, relevance, and significance of the research. Understanding the different types of article reviews helps in identifying the purpose and approach suitable for various academic and professional needs. Here are the main types of article reviews:

1. Narrative Review

A narrative review provides a comprehensive summary of literature on a specific topic. It focuses on discussing the findings of the research studies and offers a narrative explanation of the trends and themes.


  • Summarizes and synthesizes a body of literature.
  • Identifies gaps in current research.
  • Provides a background for understanding the topic.
  • Less structured compared to systematic reviews.

Example: Reviewing literature on the impact of social media on mental health.

2. Systematic Review

A systematic review is a methodical and comprehensive literature review that aims to answer a specific research question. It uses systematic methods to collect secondary data, critically appraise research studies, and synthesize findings.

  • Uses explicit, systematic methods.
  • Pre-defined criteria for selecting studies.
  • Often includes meta-analysis.
  • Highly structured and replicable.

Example: Evaluating the effectiveness of different interventions for reducing hypertension.

3. Meta-Analysis

A meta-analysis is a statistical technique that combines the results of multiple studies to identify overall trends and determine the effectiveness of interventions.

  • Integrates quantitative data from multiple studies.
  • Provides a higher statistical power.
  • Often included in systematic reviews.
  • Focuses on effect sizes and statistical significance.

Example: Combining data from various studies on the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy for anxiety.

4. Critical Review

A critical review evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of a scholarly article. It involves analyzing the methodology, arguments, evidence, and contributions of the article.

  • In-depth critique of a single article.
  • Focuses on the validity and reliability of the research.
  • Discusses the implications and limitations.
  • Offers suggestions for improvement.

Example: Critiquing the research design and conclusions of a study on climate change impacts on agriculture.

5. Literature Review

A literature review surveys books, scholarly articles, and other sources relevant to a particular issue, area of research, or theory, providing a description, summary, and critical evaluation of these works.

  • Broad overview of existing research.
  • Identifies patterns and trends.
  • Highlights gaps in current knowledge.
  • Provides a foundation for new research.

Example: Reviewing literature on renewable energy sources and their environmental impacts.

6. Scoping Review

A scoping review maps the key concepts underpinning a research area and the main sources and types of evidence available. It aims to provide an overview of the range of research activity.

  • Identifies the scope of literature on a topic.
  • Useful for emerging areas of research.
  • Highlights areas for future research.
  • Less detailed than systematic reviews.

Example: Exploring the range of studies on artificial intelligence applications in healthcare.

7. Integrative Review

An integrative review synthesizes theoretical and empirical literature to provide a more comprehensive understanding of a specific phenomenon or healthcare problem.

  • Combines qualitative and quantitative research.
  • Generates new frameworks and perspectives.
  • Addresses mature topics with substantial research.
  • Useful for policy and practice implications.

Example: Integrating research on patient-centered care models in nursing.

8. Conceptual Review

A conceptual review focuses on theories and concepts in a particular field. It examines how these concepts are defined, measured, and applied in the literature.

  • Emphasizes theoretical frameworks.
  • Analyzes the development of concepts over time.
  • Identifies theoretical gaps.
  • Proposes new conceptual models.

Example: Reviewing the evolution of the concept of resilience in psycholog

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6. Review of Research Articles

Review of Research Articles

Components of Article Review

Components of Article Review

An article review involves evaluating and summarizing a scholarly article, presenting critical insights, and reflecting on its implications. Understanding the essential components helps in crafting a thorough and insightful review. Here are the key components:

  • Clearly indicates the focus of the review.
  • Should include the article’s title and author(s).

Example: “Review of ‘The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health’ by John Smith”

2. Introduction

  • Provides context for the review.
  • Introduces the article’s main topic and objectives.
  • States the purpose of the review.

The article “The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health” by John Smith explores the relationship between social media usage and mental health outcomes. This review aims to critically evaluate the article’s findings and discuss its implications for future research.

3. Summary of the Article

  • Concisely summarizes the article’s main points.
  • Includes the research question, methodology, findings, and conclusions.

The article investigates both positive and negative effects of social media on mental health. Using a mixed-methods approach, the study finds that while social media can enhance social support and community building, it also contributes to anxiety, depression, and cyberbullying.

4. Critical Analysis

  • Evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of the article.
  • Discusses the validity and reliability of the research.
  • Analyzes the methodologies used and the evidence provided.
  • Considers the implications of the findings.

The article provides a balanced view of social media’s impact, effectively synthesizing current research. However, it lacks in-depth analysis of the methodologies used, which could affect the validity of the findings. Future research should include longitudinal studies to better understand causal relationships.

5. Conclusion

  • Summarizes the key points of the review.
  • Restates the significance of the article.
  • Provides final thoughts and suggestions for future research.

In conclusion, Smith’s article offers valuable insights into the complex relationship between social media and mental health. While the study is comprehensive, addressing methodological limitations in future research would enhance our understanding of this important issue.

6. Personal Reflection

  • Discusses the reviewer’s personal perspective on the article.
  • Explains how the article’s findings relate to the reviewer’s own experiences or studies.
  • Offers insights on how the article influenced their understanding of the topic.

As a student, I find the article’s discussion on the negative impacts of social media particularly relevant. It underscores the importance of mindful social media use to maintain mental well-being. This review has deepened my understanding of the subject and will inform my future research.

7. References

  • Lists all the sources cited in the review.
  • Follows a specific citation style (e.g., APA, MLA).

Example: Smith, J. (2023). The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health. Journal of Psychological Studies, 45(2), 123-145.

How to write an Article Review?

Writing an article review involves summarizing and critically evaluating a scholarly article. This process helps in understanding the article’s contributions and limitations, and it enhances critical thinking skills. Follow these steps to write an effective article review:

1. Read and Understand the Article

  • Read the Article Thoroughly : Start with a quick overview to understand the main idea, then read in detail.
  • Identify Key Points : Note the research question, methodology, findings, and conclusions.
  • Understand the Context : Research the background information and the article’s significance in its field.

2. Plan Your Review

  • Outline the Structure : Plan the sections of your review: Introduction, Summary, Critical Analysis, Conclusion, Personal Reflection, and References.
  • Determine the Focus : Decide what aspects of the article you will highlight and critique.

3. Write the Introduction

  • Provide Context : Introduce the topic of the article and its relevance.
  • State the Purpose : Explain the purpose of your review.
  • Mention the Article : Include the title of the article and the author’s name.

The article “The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health” by John Smith explores the relationship between social media usage and mental health outcomes. This review aims to critically evaluate Smith’s findings and discuss their implications for future research.

4. Summarize the Article

  • Concise Summary : Summarize the main points of the article without inserting personal opinions.
  • Include Key Elements : Mention the research question, methodology, findings, and conclusions.

Smith’s article investigates both positive and negative effects of social media on mental health. Using a mixed-methods approach, the study finds that social media can enhance social support and community building but also contributes to anxiety, depression, and cyberbullying.

5. Critical Analysis

  • Evaluate Strengths and Weaknesses : Discuss the strengths of the article, such as comprehensive literature review or innovative methodology. Point out weaknesses, such as limited sample size or potential biases.
  • Analyze Methodology and Evidence : Critically assess the research methods and the evidence provided.
  • Discuss Implications : Consider the significance of the findings and how they contribute to the field.

The article provides a balanced view of social media’s impact, effectively synthesizing current research. However, it lacks an in-depth analysis of the methodologies used, which could affect the validity of the findings. Future research should include longitudinal studies to better understand causal relationships.

6. Write the Conclusion

  • Summarize Key Points : Briefly restate the main points of your review.
  • Restate the Article’s Significance : Emphasize the importance of the article’s contributions.
  • Provide Final Thoughts : Offer any concluding thoughts and suggestions for future research.

7. Personal Reflection

  • Discuss Personal Insights : Share how the article relates to your own experiences or studies.
  • Explain Impact on Understanding : Describe how the article influenced your understanding of the topic.

8. Include References

  • Cite the Article : Include a full citation of the article you reviewed.
  • Follow Citation Style : Use the appropriate citation style (e.g., APA, MLA).

Smith, J. (2023). The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health. Journal of Psychological Studies, 45(2), 123-145.

How do I start an article review?

Begin with a brief introduction that provides context, states the purpose of your review, and mentions the article’s title and author.

What should be included in the summary?

Summarize the main points of the article, including the research question, methodology, findings, and conclusions without inserting personal opinions.

How do I write a critical analysis?

Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the article, analyze the methodology and evidence, and discuss the significance and implications of the findings.

How long should an article review be?

The length varies, but typically an article review is 2-4 pages, balancing summary, critical analysis, and personal reflection.

How do I conclude an article review?

Summarize the key points of your review, restate the article’s significance, and provide final thoughts and suggestions for future research.

What is the difference between a summary and a critique?

A summary restates the article’s main points objectively, while a critique evaluates the article’s strengths, weaknesses, and overall contribution.

How do I incorporate personal reflection?

Discuss how the article relates to your own experiences or studies and describe how it influenced your understanding of the topic.

Should I include direct quotes from the article?

Use direct quotes sparingly, only when they enhance your analysis. Always explain their relevance to your critique.

How do I properly cite the article in my review?

Follow the appropriate citation style (e.g., APA, MLA) to include a full citation of the article at the end of your review.

Can I express my opinion in an article review?

Yes, but primarily in the critical analysis and personal reflection sections. Ensure your opinions are supported by evidence from the article.


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How to Review a Journal Article

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For many kinds of assignments, like a  literature review , you may be asked to offer a critique or review of a journal article. This is an opportunity for you as a scholar to offer your  qualified opinion  and  evaluation  of how another scholar has composed their article, argument, and research. That means you will be expected to go beyond a simple  summary  of the article and evaluate it on a deeper level. As a college student, this might sound intimidating. However, as you engage with the research process, you are becoming immersed in a particular topic, and your insights about the way that topic is presented are valuable and can contribute to the overall conversation surrounding your topic.


Some disciplines, like Criminal Justice, may only want you to summarize the article without including your opinion or evaluation. If your assignment is to summarize the article only, please see our literature review handout.

Before getting started on the critique, it is important to review the article thoroughly and critically. To do this, we recommend take notes,  annotating , and reading the article several times before critiquing. As you read, be sure to note important items like the thesis, purpose, research questions, hypotheses, methods, evidence, key findings, major conclusions, tone, and publication information. Depending on your writing context, some of these items may not be applicable.

Questions to Consider

To evaluate a source, consider some of the following questions. They are broken down into different categories, but answering these questions will help you consider what areas to examine. With each category, we recommend identifying the strengths and weaknesses in each since that is a critical part of evaluation.

Evaluating Purpose and Argument

  • How well is the purpose made clear in the introduction through background/context and thesis?
  • How well does the abstract represent and summarize the article’s major points and argument?
  • How well does the objective of the experiment or of the observation fill a need for the field?
  • How well is the argument/purpose articulated and discussed throughout the body of the text?
  • How well does the discussion maintain cohesion?

Evaluating the Presentation/Organization of Information

  • How appropriate and clear is the title of the article?
  • Where could the author have benefited from expanding, condensing, or omitting ideas?
  • How clear are the author’s statements? Challenge ambiguous statements.
  • What underlying assumptions does the author have, and how does this affect the credibility or clarity of their article?
  • How objective is the author in his or her discussion of the topic?
  • How well does the organization fit the article’s purpose and articulate key goals?

Evaluating Methods

  • How appropriate are the study design and methods for the purposes of the study?
  • How detailed are the methods being described? Is the author leaving out important steps or considerations?
  • Have the procedures been presented in enough detail to enable the reader to duplicate them?

Evaluating Data

  • Scan and spot-check calculations. Are the statistical methods appropriate?
  • Do you find any content repeated or duplicated?
  • How many errors of fact and interpretation does the author include? (You can check on this by looking up the references the author cites).
  • What pertinent literature has the author cited, and have they used this literature appropriately?

Following, we have an example of a summary and an evaluation of a research article. Note that in most literature review contexts, the summary and evaluation would be much shorter. This extended example shows the different ways a student can critique and write about an article.

Chik, A. (2012). Digital gameplay for autonomous foreign language learning: Gamers’ and language teachers’ perspectives. In H. Reinders (ed.),  Digital games in language learning and teaching  (pp. 95-114). Eastbourne, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

Be sure to include the full citation either in a reference page or near your evaluation if writing an  annotated bibliography .

In Chik’s article “Digital Gameplay for Autonomous Foreign Language Learning: Gamers’ and Teachers’ Perspectives”, she explores the ways in which “digital gamers manage gaming and gaming-related activities to assume autonomy in their foreign language learning,” (96) which is presented in contrast to how teachers view the “pedagogical potential” of gaming. The research was described as an “umbrella project” consisting of two parts. The first part examined 34 language teachers’ perspectives who had limited experience with gaming (only five stated they played games regularly) (99). Their data was recorded through a survey, class discussion, and a seven-day gaming trial done by six teachers who recorded their reflections through personal blog posts. The second part explored undergraduate gaming habits of ten Hong Kong students who were regular gamers. Their habits were recorded through language learning histories, videotaped gaming sessions, blog entries of gaming practices, group discussion sessions, stimulated recall sessions on gaming videos, interviews with other gamers, and posts from online discussion forums. The research shows that while students recognize the educational potential of games and have seen benefits of it in their lives, the instructors overall do not see the positive impacts of gaming on foreign language learning.

The summary includes the article’s purpose, methods, results, discussion, and citations when necessary.

This article did a good job representing the undergraduate gamers’ voices through extended quotes and stories. Particularly for the data collection of the undergraduate gamers, there were many opportunities for an in-depth examination of their gaming practices and histories. However, the representation of the teachers in this study was very uneven when compared to the students. Not only were teachers labeled as numbers while the students picked out their own pseudonyms, but also when viewing the data collection, the undergraduate students were more closely examined in comparison to the teachers in the study. While the students have fifteen extended quotes describing their experiences in their research section, the teachers only have two of these instances in their section, which shows just how imbalanced the study is when presenting instructor voices.

Some research methods, like the recorded gaming sessions, were only used with students whereas teachers were only asked to blog about their gaming experiences. This creates a richer narrative for the students while also failing to give instructors the chance to have more nuanced perspectives. This lack of nuance also stems from the emphasis of the non-gamer teachers over the gamer teachers. The non-gamer teachers’ perspectives provide a stark contrast to the undergraduate gamer experiences and fits neatly with the narrative of teachers not valuing gaming as an educational tool. However, the study mentioned five teachers that were regular gamers whose perspectives are left to a short section at the end of the presentation of the teachers’ results. This was an opportunity to give the teacher group a more complex story, and the opportunity was entirely missed.

Additionally, the context of this study was not entirely clear. The instructors were recruited through a master’s level course, but the content of the course and the institution’s background is not discussed. Understanding this context helps us understand the course’s purpose(s) and how those purposes may have influenced the ways in which these teachers interpreted and saw games. It was also unclear how Chik was connected to this masters’ class and to the students. Why these particular teachers and students were recruited was not explicitly defined and also has the potential to skew results in a particular direction.

Overall, I was inclined to agree with the idea that students can benefit from language acquisition through gaming while instructors may not see the instructional value, but I believe the way the research was conducted and portrayed in this article made it very difficult to support Chik’s specific findings.

Some professors like you to begin an evaluation with something positive but isn’t always necessary.

The evaluation is clearly organized and uses transitional phrases when moving to a new topic.

This evaluation includes a summative statement that gives the overall impression of the article at the end, but this can also be placed at the beginning of the evaluation.

This evaluation mainly discusses the representation of data and methods. However, other areas, like organization, are open to critique.

American Psychological Association

Sample Papers

This page contains sample papers formatted in seventh edition APA Style. The sample papers show the format that authors should use to submit a manuscript for publication in a professional journal and that students should use to submit a paper to an instructor for a course assignment. You can download the Word files to use as templates and edit them as needed for the purposes of your own papers.

Most guidelines in the Publication Manual apply to both professional manuscripts and student papers. However, there are specific guidelines for professional papers versus student papers, including professional and student title page formats. All authors should check with the person or entity to whom they are submitting their paper (e.g., publisher or instructor) for guidelines that are different from or in addition to those specified by APA Style.

Sample papers from the Publication Manual

The following two sample papers were published in annotated form in the Publication Manual and are reproduced here as PDFs for your ease of use. The annotations draw attention to content and formatting and provide the relevant sections of the Publication Manual (7th ed.) to consult for more information.

  • Student sample paper with annotations (PDF, 5MB)
  • Professional sample paper with annotations (PDF, 2.7MB)

We also offer these sample papers in Microsoft Word (.docx) format with the annotations as comments to the text.

  • Student sample paper with annotations as comments (DOCX, 42KB)
  • Professional sample paper with annotations as comments (DOCX, 103KB)

Finally, we offer these sample papers in Microsoft Word (.docx) format without the annotations.

  • Student sample paper without annotations (DOCX, 36KB)
  • Professional sample paper without annotations (DOCX, 96KB)

Sample professional paper templates by paper type

These sample papers demonstrate APA Style formatting standards for different professional paper types. Professional papers can contain many different elements depending on the nature of the work. Authors seeking publication should refer to the journal’s instructions for authors or manuscript submission guidelines for specific requirements and/or sections to include.

  • Literature review professional paper template (DOCX, 47KB)
  • Mixed methods professional paper template (DOCX, 68KB)
  • Qualitative professional paper template (DOCX, 72KB)
  • Quantitative professional paper template (DOCX, 77KB)
  • Review professional paper template (DOCX, 112KB)

Sample papers are covered in the seventh edition APA Style manuals in the Publication Manual Chapter 2 and the Concise Guide Chapter 1

example of journal article review pdf

Related handouts

  • Heading Levels Template: Student Paper (PDF, 257KB)
  • Heading Levels Template: Professional Paper (PDF, 213KB)

Other instructional aids

  • Journal Article Reporting Standards (JARS)
  • APA Style Tutorials and Webinars
  • Handouts and Guides
  • Paper Format

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Sample student paper templates by paper type

These sample papers demonstrate APA Style formatting standards for different student paper types. Students may write the same types of papers as professional authors (e.g., quantitative studies, literature reviews) or other types of papers for course assignments (e.g., reaction or response papers, discussion posts), dissertations, and theses.

APA does not set formal requirements for the nature or contents of an APA Style student paper. Students should follow the guidelines and requirements of their instructor, department, and/or institution when writing papers. For instance, an abstract and keywords are not required for APA Style student papers, although an instructor may request them in student papers that are longer or more complex. Specific questions about a paper being written for a course assignment should be directed to the instructor or institution assigning the paper.

  • Discussion post student paper template (DOCX, 31KB)
  • Literature review student paper template (DOCX, 37KB)
  • Quantitative study student paper template (DOCX, 53KB)

Sample papers in real life

Although published articles differ in format from manuscripts submitted for publication or student papers (e.g., different line spacing, font, margins, and column format), articles published in APA journals provide excellent demonstrations of APA Style in action.

APA journals began publishing papers in seventh edition APA Style in 2020. Professional authors should check the author submission guidelines for the journal to which they want to submit their paper for any journal-specific style requirements.

Credits for sample professional paper templates

Quantitative professional paper template: Adapted from “Fake News, Fast and Slow: Deliberation Reduces Belief in False (but Not True) News Headlines,” by B. Bago, D. G. Rand, and G. Pennycook, 2020, Journal of Experimental Psychology: General , 149 (8), pp. 1608–1613 ( ). Copyright 2020 by the American Psychological Association.

Qualitative professional paper template: Adapted from “‘My Smartphone Is an Extension of Myself’: A Holistic Qualitative Exploration of the Impact of Using a Smartphone,” by L. J. Harkin and D. Kuss, 2020, Psychology of Popular Media , 10 (1), pp. 28–38 ( ). Copyright 2020 by the American Psychological Association.

Mixed methods professional paper template: Adapted from “‘I Am a Change Agent’: A Mixed Methods Analysis of Students’ Social Justice Value Orientation in an Undergraduate Community Psychology Course,” by D. X. Henderson, A. T. Majors, and M. Wright, 2019,  Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology , 7 (1), 68–80. ( ). Copyright 2019 by the American Psychological Association.

Literature review professional paper template: Adapted from “Rethinking Emotions in the Context of Infants’ Prosocial Behavior: The Role of Interest and Positive Emotions,” by S. I. Hammond and J. K. Drummond, 2019, Developmental Psychology , 55 (9), pp. 1882–1888 ( ). Copyright 2019 by the American Psychological Association.

Review professional paper template: Adapted from “Joining the Conversation: Teaching Students to Think and Communicate Like Scholars,” by E. L. Parks, 2022, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology , 8 (1), pp. 70–78 ( ). Copyright 2020 by the American Psychological Association.

Credits for sample student paper templates

These papers came from real students who gave their permission to have them edited and posted by APA.

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Day RA. How to publish a scientific paper. 5th ed. Westport, CT: Oryx; 1998:163.

Google Scholar  

Siwek J, Gourlay ML, Slawson DC, Shaughnessy AF. How to write an evidence-based clinical review article. Am Fam Phys 2002;65:251–258.

Journal of the American Medical Association. Instructions for authors. JAMA 2004;291:125–131. Available at: http://jama.

Harris RP, Helfand M, Wolff SH, et al. Methods Work Group, Third U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Current methods of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. A review of the process. Am J Prev Med 2001;20(3 suppl):21–35.

CAS   PubMed   Google Scholar  

Ebell MH, Siwek J, Weiss BD, et al. Strength of recommendation taxonomy (SORT): a patient-centered approach to grading evidence in the medical literature. Am Fam Phys 2004;69:548–556.

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(2005). How to Write a Review Article. In: The Clinician’s Guide to Medical Writing. Springer, New York, NY.

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    se of the article/ book.Using your critique as a base, make a judgment about how successful author has been i. achieving their purpose.Restate your own response to the article that has been revie. d from the introduction.Comment on whether or not the reviewed material makes a useful contribution to the body of literature alre. y published in ...

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  14. How to Write an Effective Journal Article Review

    The most critical characteristics of an effective review are clarity, specificity, constructiveness, and thoroughness (Hyman, 1995 ). A journal article review should inform the managing editor and author of the primary strengths and weaknesses of a manuscript in a focused way (see Table 11.1 ).

  15. How to Review a Journal Article

    Example. Following, we have an example of a summary and an evaluation of a research article. Note that in most literature review contexts, the summary and evaluation would be much shorter. This extended example shows the different ways a student can critique and write about an article. Citation. Chik, A. (2012).

  16. PDF University of Washington Psychology Writing Center http://www.psych.uw

    The Two Purposes of a Literature Review. wo purposes: (. ) to describe and compare studies in a specific area of research and (2) to evaluatethose studies. Both purposes are vital: a thorough summary and comparison of the curren. essary before you can build a strong evaluative argument ab.

  17. PDF Journal Article Critique Example

    many examples of work written by those who have written on this subject in the past. Pesch cites people like Locke, Montesquieu, and Machiavelli. These are good, well-‐known examples. and authors and I think it adds a great deal credibility to the piece as a whole.

  18. PDF Writing a Critical Review

    The critical review is a writing task that asks you to summarise and evaluate a text. The critical review can be of a book, a chapter, or a journal article. Writing the critical review usually requires you to read the selected text in detail and to also read other related texts so that you can present a fair and reasonable evaluation of the ...

  19. Sample papers

    The following two sample papers were published in annotated form in the Publication Manual and are reproduced here as PDFs for your ease of use. The annotations draw attention to content and formatting and provide the relevant sections of the Publication Manual (7th ed.) to consult for more information.. Student sample paper with annotations (PDF, 5MB)

  20. PDF How to Read and Review a Scientific Journal Article: Writing Summaries

    Summaries and critiques are two ways to write a review of a scientific journal article. Both types of writing ask you first to read and understand an article from the primary literature about your topic. The summary involves briefly but accurately stating the key points of the article for a reader who has not read the original article.

  21. PDF Reviewing a Journal Article (Peer Review)

    Reviewing a Journal Article (Peer Review) Peer-review is defined as the expert assessment of submitted materials. Because ''the goal of this process is to ensure that the valid article is accepted, the messy article improved, and the invalid article rejected,'' It is done voluntarily and without compensation.

  22. PDF Writing a Review Article: For the Beginners in Research

    1.2 Basic Rules to be followed while writing a Review Article. Define thePurpose of the literature review: The first step in any review is to clearly identify the purpose and intended goals of the review. This is necessary for the review to be clear and implicit to its readers. Recognise the Target Audience: The group of population to which ...

  23. PDF How to Write a Review Article

    Not all review articles are published in controlled-publication journals—the "throw-aways." Almost all journals, even the most prestigious ones, publish review articles regularly. They may carry a general label, such as "Review Article" as in the New England Journal of Medicine(NEJM), or "Review(s)" as