anger management


Apr 05, 2019

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ANGER MANAGEMENT. An emotional state. Varies in intensity A coping mechanism. How you deal with events that threaten the body, self-esteem or values. Related to fear. Can be destructive and lead to problems - at work, in relationships, quality of life.

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  • less job satisfaction
  • verbal antagonism
  • angry person
  • high blood pressure
  • cellular level


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An emotional state. Varies in intensity A coping mechanism. How you deal with events that threaten the body, self-esteem or values. Related to fear. Can be destructive and lead to problems - at work, in relationships, quality of life. Feeling mad in response to frustration or injury. Distorted thinking. WHAT IS ANGER?

Ancient & Medieval Definitions -Madness -Insanity-Those lacking ethics &morals

CURRENT VIEWS • Angry people are hostile. (Hostility is a chronic state of anger. • Hostility is a permanent personality characteristic. • Hostile people are unhappy. • Angry people are emotionally insecure. • Angry people have a low sense of self.

EFFECTS OF ANGER • Anger---> Rage ---> Violence • Does great harm - more than any other emotion. • Associated with crime, abuse, poor working conditions, poor health. • Reports from Statistics and Surveys: • Road rage -> 8,000 deaths, 1 million injuries

EFFECTS OF ANGER • Polls reveal that people indicate that they feel like killing others. • Crime rate soars: rapes, murders, battering, child abuse, domestic abuse. • 1 in 5 women are raped - 683,000 in 1990 - 30% were less than 11 years of age. • Children between 3-17 years are the most violent.

Hostility - silently or overtly Marital problems Greater stress in interpersonal aspects of work. Uses threat of anger to manipulate others. Negative view of work. Less open-minded. Hostile people are unhappy. Report more difficulties at work. Less job satisfaction. CHARACTERISTICS OF ANGRY PEOPLE

Are cynical. Have antagonistic interactions. Less tolerant. Less understanding. Less socially responsible. Distrustful, resentful. Competitive. Blame others, put down others and demean others as a way of seeking revenge. Influence other people to share their cynicism & pessimism. CHARACTERISTICS OF ANGRY PEOPLE


BEHAVIORAL SIGNS • Chronically angry people frequently create unfriendly social environments for themselves by the way they deal with anger. • Verbal antagonism and condescending remarks --> fuels antagonism from others. • Assaults: physical, rage, slapping, shoving, using a weapon.

BEHAVIORAL SIGNS • Aggressive: overly critical, fault finding, name-calling, sarcasm, prejudice, cynical humor and teasing, flashes of temper. • Hurtful: malicious gossip, stealing, trouble-making, revengeful, passively resistant, interferes with progress. • Rebellious: open defiance, indirectly challenging.

BEHAVIORAL SIGNS • Health: smokers, drink more alcohol and coffee, consume more calories. Poor health overall. • Others: resentful, jealous, envious, argumentative, unforgiving, tired and anxious.


ANGER KILLS • Thought -> Brain -> “Let’s Get Mad” -> autonomic nervous system -> release of hormones & chemicals in blood -> increases heart -> increases blood sugar and pressure -> increases breathing -> impairs senses -> releases deadly cortisol for “fight or flight” -> drains adrenal glands -> stimulates fat cells ->converts to cholesterol.

ANGER KILLS • To get angry is to slowly commit suicide. • Anger releases a slow-acting poison. Is toxic. Damages immune cells. • Cumulative effect: cholesterol buildup which blocks blood flow to arteries starving heart. • Causes release of chemicals and killer venom.

ANGER KILLS • Decreases production of serotonin which activates the sympathetic nervous system which speeds up release of cortisol - killer venom. Decreases action of parasympathetic nervous system. • Cortisol is potently dangerous - it lasts for 13 hours at the cellular level when released. • Linked to cancer. Causes slow burn.

ANGER KILLS • Suppressed anger is equally as bad --> bitterness, depression, high blood pressure, heart disease, colitis and other illnesses.

WAYS TO MANAGE AND EXPRESS ANGER • Two Rules to Live By: • “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff.” • “Most Matters are Small Stuff.”

Learning to Manage Anger Can Be A Life Saver! • If you are an angry person, an abuser, an oppressor -- work on changing your habits! • If you are a person impacted by an angry person, you must alleviate the assaults the angry person makes to your person and body or eliminate the angry person from your life! [Angeris like second-hand smoke. It can kill a non-hostile person too! ]

Stress Inoculation. Flooding or Frustration Training. Meditation, Relaxation. Assertiveness. Be Empathic. Learn To Be Fair. Learn to Hold Back Anger. Stop Using Your Temper To Get Your Way. Practice Listening. Improve Communication. SOME SUGGESTED STRATEGIES

SUGGESTED STRATEGIES • Cognitive Restructuring. • Stop Hostile Fantasies. • Respect Others. • Practice Forgiveness. • Have a Sense of Humor.


Identify your pet peeves. Reason with yourself. Stop hostile thoughts, feelings and urges. Avoid over stimulation. Assert yourself. Listen. Forgive. Pretend today is your last. Help yourself and/or others to change. 9 STRATEGIES FOR CONTROLLING HARMFUL HOSTILITY

PRACTICE EXERCISES Group Activity: Anger Workbook Group Report Outs Questions and Answers Thank You For Your Participation!

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  1. PPT - ANGER MANAGEMENT PowerPoint Presentation, free download ...

    Objectives • To have a better understanding of the emotion of anger • To have increased self-awareness of anger and its triggers • To critically examine a range of anger management interventions • To increase confidence in using a variety of anger management strategies and techniques

  2. Anger Management | PPT - SlideShare

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  3. PPT - Anger Management PowerPoint Presentation, free download ...

    Course Objectives. Explain What is Anger. Explain What is Anger Management. List the Advantages and Disadvantages of Anger. Explain the Triggers of Anger. Describe the Internal Cues to Anger. Describe the Types of Anger. Explain the Steps for Anger Management. Download Presentation.

  4. PPT - ANGER MANAGEMENT PowerPoint Presentation, free download ...

    Anger Management. When you are ANGRY and UPSET remember… 1-2-3 TURTLE. 1 – Go inside your shell. THINK before you ACT Take a “Time Out”. 2 – Take 3 Deep Breaths.

  5. Roman Catholic Diocese of Lafayette in Louisiana

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  6. Anger Management | PPT - SlideShare

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