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senior project essay

50 Senior Project Ideas That Will Inspire You

senior project essay

Senior project is a long-awaited experience for many high schoolers. The anticipation can lead to a lot of uncertainty on what exactly to do, however. After years of looking forward to this opportunity, many students get so caught up in looking for the perfect idea that they can’t make a decision.

If you’re looking for original and inspiring senior project ideas, this is just the place for you. Read on for suggestions related to a wide variety of interests, from medicine to marketing to environmentalism.

What is a Senior Project?

A senior project allows high school students to explore whatever interests them through experiential learning. Students normally design and implement their own projects from start to finish. These projects often occur in the second semester of senior year, and can involve time off from regular classes.

Senior project ideas include everything from future careers to special talents to community service projects, and can range from research to hands-on activities. One of the great benefits of senior projects is that students can apply their acquired skills and knowledge to a project they’re passionate about, while also gaining greater insight into their particular interest. 

High schoolers can also build essential life skills by participating in a senior project, such as long-term planning and time management.

50 Inspiring Senior Project Ideas  

While many schools will have a list of suggested senior project ideas, they don’t always have one that lines up with a student’s interests, and the best senior projects generally involve a subject or area the student is enthusiastic about. If you’re looking for an engaging and exciting senior project idea, look no further—below are 50 senior project ideas spread across 11 areas of interest to inspire you. 

  • Volunteer on the campaign of a local political candidate, or work in the office of a local representative.
  • Write op-eds and articles for your local newspaper on issues you truly care about.
  • Start a mock senate to give your fellow students a simulated experience with the business of the U.S. Senate and a better understanding of how a bill becomes a law. 
  • Define a local problem, the political situation around it, what interest groups and lobbyists have a stake in it and what their positions are. Then, discuss potential solutions, or what it would take for there to be progress on the issue.

Virtual Arts

  • Organize the creation of a mural at your school or local community to highlight a memorable moment in local history.
  • Take portraits of meaningful life milestones (engagement, wedding, senior photos) for low-income families who might otherwise not be able to afford it.
  • Start a painting class for kids from low-income homes who may not have easy access to art supplies. 
  • Make a documentary about a lesser-known part of local history. 
  • Put on a production of a play you wrote yourself to call attention to issues such as racial discrimination and body image. 
  • Create a curriculum for teaching seniors how to use a computer/internet and circulate it to local nursing homes and retirement communities. 
  • Organize volunteers to mentor adults without high school diplomas and help them graduate.
  • Work with local business people to create a series of workshops teaching vital job skills to people out of work.  
  • Construct a “ Little Free Library Box ” in a neighborhood where access to libraries and books is limited.
  • Go through the process of changing a school policy that many students disagree with.
  • Work with your local senior center or retirement home to teach a foreign language to their members/residents—you’re never too old to learn! 
  • Volunteer to assist in an ESL (English as a second language) class, or mentor non-native speakers one-on-one. 
  • Develop a website or app where people can find language partners to practice with.
  • Act as a translator at school or in a local business, or translate documents/media that are read by a significant immigrant population
  • If your school serves a large percentage of non-English or non-native English speakers, petition your school to become more inclusive by also providing documents in the predominant language spoken. 
  • Help translate for patients at a doctor’s office with a significant immigrant population.
  • Define a community health problem and develop solutions, working with local officials and medical professionals (for example, obesity, diabetes, drug use, etc.).
  • Coordinate a free health screening event with medical professionals for at-risk and underserved community members.
  • Investigate the accessibility of healthcare in your community by interviewing a diverse selection of residents, and writing a paper on your findings, or creating a documentary.
  • Work with a local nonprofit or business to better understand what it takes to thrive in today’s economy.
  • Start a business—conduct market research, develop a product or service, and sell it. 
  • Identify a local economic issue and develop solutions, working with local representatives and organizations who can make a difference (for example, homelessness, hunger, inaccessible healthcare, low minimum wage, etc.)
  • Help a local business with their accounting or record keeping. Tech-savvy students might even upgrade an old business, transferring them from pen-and-paper bookkeeping to a program like Quickbooks.

senior project essay


  • Create a social marketing campaign for your local animal shelter to raise awareness and find homes for pets.  
  • Start your own blog on a topic that you’re passionate about and write SEO-optimized content, or start a blog for a local business or non-profit.
  • Intern for a local magazine or newspaper.
  • Research the impact of the media on your community during a local or national election.
  • Work with your high school Amnesty International Club to create materials like pamphlets and posters to raise awareness of human rights issues. 


  • Work with the local government to create a space for a community garden. 
  • Create a documentary to teach people about environmental issues in your community.
  • Work with your school cafeteria to implement changes that reduce food waste, like introducing compost or switching to biodegradable trays. 
  • Organize an event to clean up a local park or woodland (you can take it a step further and even make it a hike or a run to pick up trash; there’s actually a trend called “plogging” when you jog and pick up trash)
  • Work in the lab of a local professor to research a topic that you’re passionate about.
  • Develop an app for simplifying school communication. 
  • Act as a teaching assistant for your STEM teacher at school, helping students during labs, developing supplemental materials, or holding review sessions.
  • Build a website that changes an industry—Facebook, WordPress, and Dell were all founded by undergraduates, and Google began as a Ph.D. research program.
  • Develop a plan for building mountain bike trails, organize volunteers, and demonstrate the economic impact they’ll have on the community. 
  • Organize a new club for an unrepresented sport at your school, like rock climbing or fencing. 
  • Offer a service that pairs high-energy dogs whose owners can’t give them enough exercise with runners looking for a canine training partner. 
  • Volunteer to coach a Special Olympics team. 
  • Found a group that exposes athletic opportunities to people who might otherwise not experience them—for example, taking inner-city kids backpacking.  
  • Take your love of shopping and do good by organizing a squad of shoppers that picks up groceries and medicine for the elderly. 
  • Gather a group to make and distribute holiday gifts for kids in the hospital. 
  • Set up a ride service that takes the elderly to and from doctors’ appointments. 
  • Serve meals at the local homeless shelter, or work with a local restaurant to help feed the homeless. 
  • Plan and put on a low-key party for children on the autism spectrum who can find some festivities overwhelming. 

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senior project essay

The Classroom | Empowering Students in Their College Journey

How to Write a Senior Project Paper

How to Write an Essay Explaining a Concept

How to Write an Essay Explaining a Concept

Many schools require their seniors to produce a senior project, complete with an essay. These projects typically involve in-depth research in which you must dive into a subject by reading books, visit appropriate locations and interview experts. A senior project prepares you for the academic and professional world by introducing you to long-term research projects. Many projects are extended essays, with a requirement of several thousand words.

Review the guidelines for your project. The average senior project focuses on a single thesis or argument. In most cases, this is an extended essay and may be 10 or more pages long.

Organize your research into an outline. Create two to four main subtopics for your research essay. Include facts that relate to each subtopic under a capital or bold heading. This will give you a loose frame for your essay. If you have been working on the project all year, creating an outline helps remind you of all the different facts you have found.

Create the thesis for your senior project essay. The thesis states the main point of the paper -- the point you spend the rest of the paper trying to prove. For example, a research project on photographers may include the thesis, "Photographers learn to see the world with a unique view that extends beyond their artistic work." A different thesis for the same topic might say, "Photographers often struggle to start a stable career, but those who are talented eventually succeed."

Write the introduction for your senior project. The first sentence of the introduction should frame the topic in an interesting manner, such as "Many believe that photographers are artists who are too lazy to pick up a paintbrush." The first sentence should intrigue the reader with an unexpected fact or joke. Write another few sentences of the introduction, providing some background information on the topic. End the introduction with your thesis.

Start your first body paragraph with a statement about the point you are trying to prove. Spend the next few sentences providing necessary background and backing up your point with facts or anecdotes. End the paragraph with a re-statement of your thesis using different wording. If possible, include a hint of what you will talk about in your next paragraph. You may write something like, "Many photographers struggle through school, unable to find rewarding work; but few get into photography for the financial rewards." This would sum up your paragraph about initial struggles and lead into a paragraph about why photographers devote their lives to their art.

Compose your next body paragraph, starting with a statement of the sub-point. Include necessary facts and anecdotes and end with a re-statement of the point. Move on to your next paragraph, working in this fashion until you have completed the body of the essay. Depending on the scope of your paper, you may spend several paragraphs on each aspect of your subpoints or contain each subpoint in its own paragraph.

End the essay with a conclusion. The conclusion should start with a few sentences that sum up your main points and end with a re-statement of your thesis. Close with an interesting anecdote or summation of your points to keep your essay interesting.

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Breann Kanobi has worked as freelance writer since 2010. Kanobi regularly submits content online to Gamer DNA. Kanobi received a Bachelor of Fine Arts in film and television from New York University in 2010.

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60 Senior Project Ideas for High School Students – 2024

May 13, 2024

Many high school students look forward to the exciting moment of choosing a senior project. This makes sense since senior projects provide opportunities for students to direct what they’ve learned into something they care about, and to take their academic interests beyond the classroom. At the same time, deciding what to pursue can be nerve-wracking. After all the anticipation, when it finally comes time to decide on a project, students might ask themselves, now what ? If you find yourself in this dilemma, or if you could just use some further inspiration, continue reading for a list of 60 senior project ideas for high school students. Once you find a senior project idea that catches your eye, you can always put your own spin on it, or use it to inspire projects on topics outside this list.

What is a senior project?

Put simply, a senior project is a semester-long project you take on in your final year of high school. So, what counts as a senior project? This can vary widely. While different schools have different requirements (for example, some high schools expect students to focus specifically on internship experiences), the assignments tend to be pretty flexible. In the senior project ideas listed below, you will find suggestions ranging from assisting a science researcher, to interning at a local museum, to organizing an academic tutoring program, to helping with community voter registration. The final outputs for senior projects may also vary in form, from guidebooks, to plays, to research papers, and apps.

Considerations when choosing a senior project

Because a senior project is often seen as the culmination of your high school experience, you should choose a topic that reflects your passions and interests. At the same time, it’s an opportunity to develop new skills and challenge yourself as you prepare for your next steps after graduation. Whether you have plans to begin a 4-year university program, enroll in a 2-year degree program , take a gap year , or start a new job, a senior project can prepare you with experience that you wouldn’t receive in your high school classes in an ordinary semester.

Here are a few questions you can ask yourself when thinking of a senior project idea:

  • What field or career do you wish to pursue? If you’re not sure, what are 2-3 fields that you could possibly see yourself pursuing at this point in your life?
  • What world issues do you care most about? Climate change? LGBTQIA+ rights? Accessible healthcare? If thinking about a particular issue sparks a passion, this could be a great place to start.
  • Based on your high school coursework experience, could you see yourself spending extra time on an artistic project? A science-based one? A research paper with a political theme?
  • What do you enjoy doing in your free time? Volunteering with kids? Hiking and camping? Dancing? Cooking? Perhaps you can orient your senior project to something that you already know brings you joy.

60 senior project ideas

Below you can find 60 high school senior project ideas, divided into some general categories that might help you focus your search. As you read through, feel free to stick to these exact ideas or use them to inspire other ones.

Business – Senior Project Idea

  • Write a printed or virtual guidebook to small local businesses in your area, including descriptions, photographs phone numbers and social media accounts.
  • Help a local business with an advertising campaign, through local news outlets and social media.
  • Develop a mentorship program to help those who are searching for jobs with resumes, interviews, and cover letters.
  • Intern at a start-up based in your area.
  • Write a research paper about models for sustainable businesses.
  • Organize an after-school program that helps students learn financial literacy.

Community service

  • Organize a ride service to bring elderly community members to and from doctor’s appointments, or to provide them with groceries and other needs.
  • Volunteer at a local soup kitchen.
  • Organize a food drive at your school.
  • Create a social media campaign for a local animal shelter to raise awareness.
  • Collaborate with a local charity or non-profit with a mission you believe in to organize a fundraiser.
  • Collect school supplies and art supplies for families in need.

Creative writing – Senior Project Ideas

  • Write and illustrate a children’s book.
  • Create a handmade poetry book.
  • Intern at a small local publisher or magazine.
  • Work to translate a short story or poem to another language.
  • Write a screenplay for a short film.
  • Start a school literary magazine that accepts student submissions of poems, essays, and short stories. Organize a team so that the magazine can continue after you graduate.
  • Organize a peer tutoring program at your school for students who need extra help with writing, languages, or math.
  • Construct a free library box in your neighborhood so that more people have access to books.
  • Volunteer at a local elementary school to help children with their homework after school.
  • Work with a local senior center to teach a foreign language to residents.
  • Develop a website or app for students to match with language partners for practicing conversation skills.
  • Start a visual or performing arts class for children in your community.

Environmentalism- Senior Project Ideas

  • Design and build a sustainable garden.
  • Organize a community clean-up day, or a series of community clean-up days, at a local park or waterfront.
  • Organize an Earth Day festival at your school. This could involve live music and performance, environmental art displays, local vegetarian food, and sustainable clothing swaps.
  • Write a research paper on one thing that contributes to climate change, as well as potential solutions.
  • Write a guidebook to local parks and hiking trails so that locals and visitors alike can appreciate these outdoor spots.
  • Create a fashion line with all reused materials.
  • Research historic sites in your neighborhood or town, and write a printed or online guidebook to these points of local history.
  • Record a podcast on the history of one of your hobbies (fashion? sports?) Contact an expert on this history to ask if you can interview them on the podcast.
  • Write a research paper on the history of a particular protest movement.
  • Write and direct a short play with a contemporary take on a historical event that interests you.
  • Create a documentary film on the history of your community (school, town, etc.), and organize a community screening.
  • Intern at a local history museum.

Performing Arts – Senior Project Ideas

  • Write and record an original song.
  • Write, direct, and show a one-act play.
  • Organize a community dance performance with student choreographers and performers, featuring a range of different styles.
  • Volunteer to help with accessibility needs (theater access, live captioning, etc.) at a local theater.
  • Organize a school comedy night or talent show that benefits a charity of your choice.
  • Research the history of a film genre, and direct a short film that reflects this genre.
  • Intern for a local political newspaper or magazine.
  • Volunteer on the campaign of a local candidate.
  • Create an online blog to write on a political issue you care about, or write a series of op-eds for a local newspaper.
  • Write a research paper on a local problem (housing prices, green space, voting access) that discusses possible solutions to this problem.
  • Create a Model UN or Mock Trial team at your school if one doesn’t already exist.
  • Help teens and other community members register to vote.

Science and medicine – Senior Project Ideas

  • Build a Rube Goldberg machine .
  • Work in the lab of a STEM professor at a nearby university who works on a topic you’re interested in.
  • Research a community health problem (drug safety, air/water quality, nutritional food access) and develop solutions with the help of local politicians and/or medical experts. Create a research paper, blog, or documentary film on your findings.
  • Assist at a doctor’s office or hospital by helping to translate for patients who are non-native English speakers.
  • Design an architectural structure (for example, a house or bridge) and build a 3D model.
  • Organize a technology support group at your school to make technology more accessible and help with easy tech repairs.

Visual arts

  • Design a mural for your school to highlight an aspect of the school culture or commemorate an important moment in its history.
  • Intern at a local art museum and learn how to give a tour of its current exhibits.
  • Organize the collaborative building of a sculpture at your school made of all reused or found objects.
  • Offer to take wedding or senior photographs for those who might not be able to afford a professional photographer.
  • Study a famous painter, and then create a series of paintings (or art of another medium) based on, or in response to, their works.
  • Create a school-wide photography exhibition, with a theme of your choosing.

Senior Project Ideas – Final thoughts

We hope that this list has sparked inspiration for your high school senior project. Remember that while senior projects are important (and hopefully fun) opportunities to culminate your high school experience, you don’t need to do it all in one project! If you’re inspired by more than one of these project ideas, hold onto them for years to come or pursue them as summer internships .

If you’re interested in more project ideas for high school students, we recommend the following articles:

  • 100 Examples of Community Service Projects
  • 98 Passion Project Ideas
  • 100 Best Clubs to Start in High School
  • Persuasive Speech Topics
  • High School Success

Sarah Mininsohn

With a BA from Wesleyan University and an MFA from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Sarah is a writer, educator, and artist. She served as a graduate instructor at the University of Illinois, a tutor at St Peter’s School in Philadelphia, and an academic writing tutor and thesis mentor at Wesleyan’s Writing Workshop.

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Best Senior Project Ideas for High School Students + 42 Real Student Examples

Best Senior Project Ideas for High School Students + 42 Real Student Examples

A senior project is one of the best ways you can make your application stand out to top schools like Harvard and Stanford. It can tell your story beyond academics. It can demonstrate leadership, ambition, initiative and impact. And it can make an impact on the world.  

Choosing the right senior project can be tough. As a Former Johns Hopkins Admissions Officer and a Senior Strategist at Crimson, I’ve helped hundreds of students do it. In this post, I’ll show you my process for choosing a topic for your senior project. I’ll also show you real examples of senior projects that helped students get accepted to the Ivy League, Stanford, MIT, Duke, and more.

What is a Senior Project?

A senior project is also known as a “capstone project.” It’s a long-term project in which you can explore a topic that interests you outside the classroom. It can take many different forms, including:

  • A detailed research paper
  • An art exhibition
  • A tech invention
  • A business or startup
  • A community service project
  • A social media channel or podcast 

It's all about picking something that resonates with you and showcases your abilities.

The impact of a well-done senior project extends beyond the classroom. It can enhance your college applications by showing your commitment and skills. It can set you apart in an application pool with thousands of academically qualified students. 

Finally, the experience and skills you gain from your senior project can be valuable in future careers.

What are the Benefits of a Senior Project?

Most students applying to Top 20 universities have strong grades and test scores. Academics are important, but they only get your foot in the door. To make your application stand out, you need impactful extracurriculars. This is where a senior project comes in. 

If you’re like most students applying, you won't already have a clear area of excellence in your application, like a national or international accolade. You’ll have to show your excellence in terms of the time and commitment you’ve given to their community. Senior projects are a great way to do this.

With a successful senior project, you can:

  • Showcase personal qualities. Since a senior project is entirely yours, it showcases your ability to own and execute a unique project from start to finish. This shows leadership, initiative, and intellectual curiosity — qualities that admissions officers are looking for. A senior project can also show that you’re service-oriented, a creative thinker, looking for a challenge, and can overcome barriers.
  • Demonstrate passion and dedication. A senior project shows that you’re passionate about a specific field and can commit to a long-term vision.
  • Develop transferable skills. You’ll inevitably learn skills like time management, research, collaboration, or technical skills.
  • Become an expert in the subject matter. By going deep into a topic, you’ll develop expertise that you might not get through passive learning.

Remember: Your senior project speaks volumes about who you are and why you deserve a place on campus!

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Best Senior Project Ideas

The best senior project ideas are long-term, unique to you, and measurably impactful. I’ll show you some specific examples of senior projects by students who were admitted to top schools. But first, here are some general ideas to get you thinking.

  • Design and implement a community garden, teaching sustainable agriculture practices and providing fresh produce to local food banks.
  • Start a state-wide traveling library that reaches underserved communities.
  • Develop a series of workshops for senior citizens or underprivileged youth to teach them basic computer skills, internet safety, and how to use essential software.
  • Create a campaign to promote environmental awareness and conservation efforts in your community, focusing on recycling, reducing plastic use, or conserving local wildlife habitats.
  • Establish a mentorship program pairing high school students with elementary or middle school students to provide academic support, life advice, and positive role models.
  • Organize a cultural awareness event that celebrates diversity through music, dance, food, and educational workshops, fostering a more inclusive community.
  • Launch a mental health awareness campaign that includes workshops, guest speakers, and resources to destigmatize mental health issues among teenagers.
  • Research and implement a small-scale renewable energy project, such as installing solar panels for a community center or designing a wind turbine model for school use.
  • Conduct and record interviews with community elders or veterans to preserve local history, culminating in a public presentation or digital archive.
  • Develop an art therapy program for children in hospitals or shelters, providing an outlet for expression and emotional healing through creative activities.
  • Create a series of workshops for your community focusing on fitness, nutrition, and healthy lifestyle choices, including sessions on exercise and cooking.
  • Design and lead a financial literacy course for high school students, covering budgeting, saving, investing, and understanding credit.
  • Research and write a book or guide on the history of your town or a specific aspect of it, such as architectural landmarks, founding families, or significant events.
  • Start a coding club for elementary or middle school students, teaching them the basics of programming through fun and interactive projects.
  • Organize public speaking workshops for students, helping them build confidence and communication skills through practice and feedback.
  • Coordinate a STEM fair to encourage girls in elementary and middle school to explore science, technology, engineering, and math through hands-on activities and demonstrations.
  • Produce a documentary film that explores a social issue relevant to your community, such as homelessness, addiction, or education inequality.
  • Lead a project to refurbish a local playground. Fundraise, design, and collaborate with city officials to provide a safe and enjoyable space for children.
  • Set up an ESL (English as a Second Language) tutoring program for immigrants and refugees in your community to help them improve their English skills and better integrate into society.
  • Design and implement an anti-bullying campaign for your school or community, including awareness activities, support resources, and strategies for prevention.
  • Organize a sustainable fashion show that promotes eco-friendly fashion choices, upcycling, and local designers, raising awareness about the environmental impact of the fashion industry.
  • Start a podcast, blog, Youtube channel, or social media channel about a topic that interests you. Aim to reach a national or international audience.
  • Start a club at your school and build its impact beyond your own school ecosystem.
  • Start a campaign around an issue you care about and create change at your school, like “Meatless Mondays.”
  • Create a competition for innovative startups
  • Develop a product or service and sell it online. Create a business plan, marketing materials, and a way to track your progress.
  • Fundraise for an existing charity or nonprofit.
  • Found a new charity or nonprofit.
  • Create or raise money for a scholarship fund.

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Successful Real Senior Project Examples

To help you get a clear picture of what your senior project could look like, I’m going to share some actual senior projects that Crimson students have done. Below are 13 real examples of senior projects by students who were accepted to top universities like MIT, Stanford the Ivy League, Johns Hopkins, and UC Berkeley.

Business & Finance 

Student accepted to mit.

Impact: Local

This student trained 24 unique groups (120+ people) to create innovative startups for 3 competitions. They also created a 15-lesson curriculum and online team-matching algorithm for the competitions.

Student accepted to Stanford

Impact: International

This student founded an organization to educate K–8 students on social entrepreneurship. It grew to 32 chapters with 12,453 members in 4 continents. It was endorsed by the UN, LinkedIn, and InnovateX.

Student accepted to UC Berkeley and USC

Inspired by a college business case competition, this student focused his senior project on creating a business competition for high school students. He invited students from 8 local high schools and had 500 participants. He also arranged judges from a widely-known bank and a university. To leave a lasting impact, he created an executive board within his high school so this event will continue after he graduates.

Social & Political Sciences

Student accepted to harvard.

This student created a 501(c)(3) nonprofit for equitable public speaking resources. They also held a public speaking-themed summer camp for 70+ students and raised $2,000 for a local speech center.

Student accepted to Yale

Impact: Statewide

This student coalesced over 15 assault prevention organizations to develop two bills for the 2023 Oregon legislative session. Their effort instituted a $20 million education grant program and youth network.

Medicine & Healthcare

Student accepted to brown.

Impact: National

This student produced and edited 140+ mental health articles to uplift youth. The articles got over 12,000 reads. The student also hosted a podcast interviewing women leaders with over 40 episodes.

Student accepted to Carnegie Mellon

Impact: Local and National

This student built a COVID outbreak detection platform with ML. It got over 10,000 views. They also prototyped a compact translation tool with Michigan hospitals for non-native English speakers.

This student designed a chemotherapy symptom-tracking app to improve treatment. They then pitched it to industry experts and won Best Elevator Pitch of over 70 teams.

Student accepted to Cornell and Johns Hopkins

This student knew she wanted to major in biomedical engineering. She created a children’s medical book series called “My Little Doctor” to teach young kids how to address emergencies, wounds, and household medications. The books included personal illustrations, which also showcased her artistic talent. The books were sold by 150 doctor’s offices throughout NYC.

Math & Computer Science

Student accepted to columbia.

This student programmed AI to patrol an endangered turtle nesting site using drones. They partnered with a resort, launched an open source platform, and expanded the project internationally.

Student accepted to Dartmouth

This student worked on the solidity development of crypto currencies, NFTs, DAOs, DApps. They were responsible for project, client, and social media management. They also supervised 3 employees.

This student created a virtual musical theater camp for kids ages 6-12 during the COVID-19 pandemic. They managed the camp’s Instagram, website, and Facebook. They taught 25 kids and produced 5 shows.

Student accepted to Harvard and Brown

This student founded an organization to make music education accessible. It included a lead team of 35 members. It grew to 9 branches in 7 countries, impacted 15,000 students online, taught 1.6k lessons, and saved parents $40K. It raises $10k annually. This student was a TD Scholarship Finalist, YODA, and SHAD Fellow.

What are the criteria for a successful senior project?

If you only take away one thing from this article, let it be this: The best senior projects are personal to you and have a measurable impact. When you are contemplating a senior project idea, ask yourself:

  • “Am I interested in this topic?” As in, interested enough to spend the next year thinking a LOT about it.
  • “Can I show a measurable impact with this project, preferably at the local, national, or international level?”

Let’s use tutoring as an example. Tons of students include tutoring on their applications as one of their extracurriculars. Does tutoring pass the test if we ask our two questions?

  • Am I interested in the topic? If you’re tutoring in a subject you love, the answer could be a yes.
  • “Can I show a measurable impact with this project?” This one is tricky. Of course, tutoring one or even a few students makes an impact on the lives of those students. But is the impact local, national, or international? Not exactly.

So instead of tutoring a few students on your own, maybe you can create a tutoring club with 30 tutors supporting 100 students at your school. If you want to expand your impact, you can bring your tutoring services into an elementary school or into other schools in your community. You can even create a charter and get your tutoring club into high schools throughout the country, world, or online.

By thinking bigger, you can turn most conventional extracurricular ideas into an impactful, standout senior project idea.

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How to Choose a Topic for Your Senior Project

I’ve helped hundreds of students develop successful senior projects. This is the process we use:

  • Make a list of your major interests. These could be academics, hobbies, anything! 
  • Now write down problems or areas of exploration that relate to those interests.
  • Narrow down your choices to one or two that are academically relevant, relevant to your interests and goals,  interesting enough for you to explore, and have enough published data.
  • Identify a problem that you can address in this area with a solution that you identify. This will be the subject of your senior project!

Let’s walk through these steps using a hypothetical student as an example.

Senior Project Topic Brainstorm Example

  • List interests.  

Maya is a junior with dreams of attending an Ivy League school. She's always been fascinated by environmental science, particularly renewable energy sources. She also enjoys coding and app development. Outside of academics, Maya volunteers at a local animal shelter and is an avid runner.

  • List problems or areas of exploration related to those interests.  

For environmental science, Maya is concerned about the inefficiency of current solar panels in low-light conditions. 

In coding, she notes the lack of user-friendly apps that promote environmental awareness among teens. 

Her volunteering experiences make her wonder how technology can assist animal shelters in improving animal adoption rates.

  • Narrow down the choices.

After considering her list, Maya decides to focus on environmental science and coding, as these are her academic interests and she sees herself pursuing them in the future. She finds the intersection of these fields particularly interesting and ripe for exploration. Plus, she discovers ample published data on renewable energy technologies and app development, confirming the feasibility of her project idea.

4. Identify a Problem and Solution

Maya identifies a specific problem: the gap in environmental awareness among her peers and the lack of engaging tools to educate and encourage sustainable practices. She decides to address this by developing a mobile app that gamifies environmental education and sustainability practices, targeting high school students.

Senior Project: EcoChallenge App Development

Maya's senior project, the "EcoChallenge" app, aims to make learning about environmental science fun and actionable. The app includes quizzes on environmental topics, challenges to reduce carbon footprints, and a feature to track and share progress on social media, encouraging collective action among users.

Project Execution

Over the course of her junior year, Maya dedicates herself to researching environmental science principles, studying app development, and designing an engaging user interface. She reaches out to her environmental science teacher and a local app developer for mentorship, receiving valuable feedback to refine her project.

Outcome and Impact

Maya presents her completed app at her school's science fair, receiving accolades for its innovation, educational value, and potential to make a real-world impact. She submits the EcoChallenge app as a central piece of her college applications, including a detailed report on her research, development process, and user feedback.

The Bottom Line

Your senior project can be one of the most important pieces of your college application. It can also make a difference in the world. 

As you shape your senior project, see how many of these elements you can apply to it:

  • Makes measurable impact. What does success look like, and how will you measure it?
  • Presents an innovative solution to an existing issue. Is this solving a problem?
  • Is oriented to the community. Is this making my community/country/the world a better place?
  • Is interdisciplinary. Can I blend more than one of my interests? Can I get professionals from other fields to collaborate on this project?
  • Is related to your field of study. Will this make my academic interests clear?

Basically, think about something you care about. Take it beyond something standard and ask, “What can I do that would allow me to help my community and leave a greater impact?”

Even after reading all these examples, I know that choosing an idea for your own senior project can be tough. If you need help choosing and executing a standout senior project, book a free consultation with one of our academic advisers. Crimson’s extracurricular mentors can help you combine your interests into an impactful senior project that makes you stand out to top college admissions officers.

Building The Perfect Application

Passion projects and extracurriculars are just one piece of the puzzle. It could be difficult to navigate the ins and outs of the college admission process, but you don’t have to go through it alone.

Working with an expert strategist is a surefire way to perfect your application. Students working with our strategists are 7x more likely to gain admission into their dream university.

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The senior essay.

The Senior Essay Handbook

Requirements and Guidelines for the Senior Essay

In the English Department, as in other departments, the Senior Essay consists of an extended research and writing project (critical, not creative) undertaken with the guidance of a faculty advisor. The Senior Essay is not a requirement for completing the English major, nor is it required for receiving distinction in the major. It does, however, offer a satisfying way to fulfill one semester of the senior requirement. Writing an essay provides an opportunity for those who are eager to pursue a special interest, who like to write long papers, and who work well independently. Be warned that it entails inexorable deadlines and exacting effort; it can be thrilling to write a senior essay, but only if you are committed to the project. Procrastination has repeatedly proved a grave mistake. Given an essay of this magnitude, you cannot leave reading, writing, and ruminating until the last minute. If you have any doubts, take a Senior Seminar.

In addition to the prospectus and final draft, you will be asked to hand in, at the end of four weeks, five to ten pages of writing or, if appropriate, an annotated bibliography so that you, your advisor, and the department will know how your work is proceeding relatively early in the term.  By the end of the seventh week, an extended piece of writing should be submitted.  And by the end of the tenth week, a rough draft is due (to ensure the essay will be carefully thought through and receives feedback from your advisor before you revise).

You will be expected to consult frequently with your advisor throughout the semester, both about your research and about the substance of your developing argument; we recommend at least four meetings, with bi-weekly meetings as the norm. Typically, finished senior essays range from 30-40 pages. Some drafts are considerably longer (40-50 pages) and require cutting as well as revising; other drafts are shorter (25-30 pages) and require expansion as well as revision of the argument.

Specific requirements are as follows:

1. In the term before you intend to write your essay (see I mportant Dates ), you must hand in to the DUS office a completed proposal form for ENGL 490 or 491 and a prospectus, which includes the following information:

(a) a description of your topic (approximately 2 pages)

(b) a bibliography of the reading and research, both primary and secondary, you intend to undertake (If part of your project will consist in looking for sources, you must still indicate subjects that you will pursue in your research.)

(c) a list of the introductory and advanced courses you have taken that have prepared you to do independent work on your topic

(d) a schedule of meetings with your advisor

(e) your advisor’s signature

If you intend to pursue a two-semester essay (not commonly done, but a possibility for substantial research projects), please conceptualize your project in two parts so that you can submit an essay for evaluation at the end of the fall semester.

Within two weeks after you submit your prospectus, you will receive an email from the senior essay committee, via the Registrar in the DUS’s office, granting approval or asking for clarification. Approval is not automatic, and the Senior Essay committee may stipulate revisions to the project as a condition of approval.

2. By the end of Week 4 of classes, you must hand in five to ten pages of writing, along with an annotated list of at least two secondary sources relevant to your essay;  or , if the project requires a substantial amount of research, an annotated bibliography of the works you have consulted together with an outline of the reading you have still to do. You may decide, in consultation with your advisor, which of these options is the more appropriate for you. This work should be turned in to your advisor.

3. By the end of Week 7 of classes, you must hand in ten to twelve pages of writing (possibly inclusive of your earlier five pages) and, as part of that writing or separately, a brief discussion of your project’s engagement with one or more secondary sources.  This work should be turned in to your advisor.

4. By the end of Week 10, you must hand in a full or almost full draft to your advisor: consult your advisor for details.

Failure to submit the draft on time or the preliminary work described above may affect the final grade received for the essay.

5. The final essay is due by noon on the last day of classes in the fall term and on the Friday before the last day of classes in the spring term (see  I mportant Dates ); it should include a bibliography of works consulted. Submit the essay to the DUS office electronically (pdf preferred) by emailing it to the departmental registrar.

Your essay will be read, graded, and commented upon both by your advisor and by a second reader chosen by the Senior Essay Committee. The two readers’ reports, will be available from the DUS office two to three weeks after you hand in the final draft. The department will keep a copy on file so that students in the future can see what kinds of projects have been undertaken.

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  • Accepted File Formats

General Format Recommendations

Each academic department determines the standards for the successful completion of senior projects, including style guides. Please consult your advisor or department for specific department guidelines.

The Library has some general recommendations:

1. Title Page

Please include a title page. A sample title page and title page template can found at the bottom of this page. The title page is the first page of the senior project and should include:

  • Capitalize the first letter of every word in the title except for coordinating conjunctions (and, but, for, nor, or, so, yet), prepositions, and articles.
  • Name(s) of author(s)
  • Full name of department
  • California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
  • Typically reflects the date your final project was provided to your advisor
  • The Copyright symbol ©
  • The year of publication
  • The name(s) of the author(s)
  • Example: © 2019 Jane Doe
  • If the work was created as a joint work by multiple authors, include all names in the notice.
  • Example: © 2019 Jane Doe, Jóna Jónsdóttir, Jaime Ramírez, and Rajwinder Kaur

2. Approval Page

Kennedy Library does not require an approval page.

However, check with your department to see if an approval page is required. If an approval page is required by your department, the approval page should be a separate page that appears immediately after the title page. The approval page should include the typed name and title of the advisor. Check with your department for additional guidelines.

3. File Type

If your Senior Project is in the form of a research paper, upload all pages as ONE SINGLE FILE PDF .

  • Title Page Example
  • Title Page Template
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  • Next: Copyright and Intellectual Property >>
  • Last Updated: May 16, 2023 10:32 AM
  • URL: https://guides.lib.calpoly.edu/digitalcommons

Essay Outline Template

Senior project’s research paper phase 1: outlining.

The Purdue OWL: Sample Outlines

Senior Project Outline Rubric

Senior Project Final Paper Rubric

Helpful links .

MLA Guidelines: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01//

For documenting sources, taking notes and outlining your paper: http://www.noodletools.com/

For submitting your research paper: turnitin.com

To begin: Thesis Statement: Above Roman numeral I, specifically state your thesis. Then begin your outline based upon the structure below.

I. Introduction

  • Get the reader’s attention by asking a leading question or relaying something enticing about the subject in a manner that commands attention (“a hook”). Start with a related quote, alluring description, narration or a germane anecdote.
  • State the thesis of the paper, the causes and effects to be discussed, a comparison of subject X and subject Y, your proposal (if applicable), and the main points that will develop your argument.

II. Body Paragraphs: The Subtopics That Support Your Thesis

     Remember: Only one topic is discussed within a single paragraph.

  • Supporting evidence (examples, facts, statistics, quoted authorities, details, reasons, examples) with proper citing
  • Supporting evidence with proper citing
  • Supporitng evidence with proper citing

Key points about the body paragraphs section:

  • Repeat the body paragraphs format each time you introduce a new subtopic, assigning it the next Roman numeral in the sequence
  • Every paragraph must finish with a “clincher sentence,” the final statement which brings the paragraph to satisfying conclusion and bridges the next paragraph.
  • Check your work: If at any point you have a sentence(s) that is not relevant to the paragraph’s topic sentence, GET RID OF IT. By including this sentence, you give this section irrelevancy.
  • When you use information found in one of your sources in the body of the paragraph, make sure to include the citation immediately after that sentence.

III. Conclusion

First, put as much time into the conclusion paragraph as you did in the introduction and body paragraphs.

Your conclusion is your chance to have the last word on your Senior Project paper subject. The conclusion allows you to have the final say on the issues you have raised in your paper, to summarize your thoughts, to demonstrate the importance of your ideas, and to propel your reader to a new view of the subject. It is also your opportunity to make a good final impression and to end on a positive note. The conclusion pushes beyond the boundaries of the thesis and allows you to consider broader issues, make new connections, and elaborate on the significance of your findings. Your conclusion gives your reader something to take away that will help them see things differently, appreciate your topic in personally relevant way, and can suggest broader implications that will not only interest your reader but also enrich your reader’s life in some way.

Here are some techniques to help you write the conclusion portion of your outline:

  • Go through your research once again. Was there a piece of information that was really good but didn’t quite fit into the introduction or body paragraphs? See if it’s applicable/useful in your conclusion paragraph and use it here.
  • Return to the theme or themes in the introduction. This strategy brings the reader full circle. For example, if you begin by describing a scenario, you can end with the same scenario as proof that your essay is helpful in creating a new understanding. You may also refer to the introductory paragraph by using key words or parallel concepts and images that you also used in the introduction.
  • Synthesize, don’t summarize: Include a brief summary of the paper’s main points, but don’t simply repeat things that were in your paper. Instead, show your reader how the points you made and the support and examples you used fit together. Pull it all together.
  • Include a provocative insight or quotation from the research or reading you did for your paper.
  • Propose a course of action, a solution to an issue, or questions for further study. This can redirect your reader’s thought process and help her to apply your info and ideas to her own life or to see the broader implications.
  • Point to broader implications.

Avoid these conclusion pitfalls:

  • Beginning with an unnecessary, overused phrase such as “in conclusion,” “in summary,” or “in closing.” Although these phrases can work in speeches, they come across as wooden and trite in writing.
  • Stating the thesis for the very first time in the conclusion.
  • Introducing a new idea or subtopic in your conclusion.
  • Ending with a rephrased thesis statement without any substantive changes.
  • Making sentimental, emotional appeals that are out of character with the rest of an analytical paper.
  • Including evidence (quotations, statistics, etc.) that should be in the body of the paper.

By following the techniques above, the writing of the conclusion paragraph for the paper should be a breeze!

(Additional sources used: Capitol Community College Foundation, St. Helen’s K-12 School District, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Writing Center.)

Phase 1 Outlining

(Sources: The Owl at Purdue University and Writer’s, Inc.)

Outlining: Why Outline?

  • Aids in showing the hierarchical relationship or logical ordering of information
  • Aids in the process of writing
  • Helps to organize ideas
  • Presents material in a logical form
  • Shows the relationships among ideas in your writing paper
  • Constructs an ordered overview of your writing
  • Defines boundaries and groups
  • Helps to alleviate writer’s anxiety (“writer’s block”) as the information is now directly in front of you.

Outlining: How to Create an Outline

  • Determine the purpose of your paper
  • Determine the audience for whom you are writing
  • Develop the thesis of your paper
  • Brainstorm : list all of the ideas that you want to include in your paper
  • Organize : group related ideas together
  • Order : arrange material in subsections from general to specific or from abstract to concrete
  • Label : create main and subheadings

Outlining: Types of Outlines…There are three types to consider:

  • Alphanumeric
  • Full sentence
  • Senior Project will use alphanumeric

Outlining: Alphanumeric

The alphanumeric format of outlining is the most recognizable and follows a very specific structure:

  • Roman numerals (I, II, III, etc.)
  • Capitalized letters (A., B., C., etc.)
  • Arabic numerals (1., 2., 3., etc.)
  • Lowercase letters (a., b., c., etc.)

Again, this is the only format accepted by Senior Project.

Outlining: Dividing the Information

Each of the segments of the alphanumeric mode of outlining has a specific purpose:

  • Roman numerals represent the heading of each section (the main ideas). These are the most general.
  • Capitalized letters represent the first level of specificity (these are more specific than the Roman numerals).
  • Arabic numerals and lowercase letters are the true specifics of your information.

Outlining: Structure

The structure of an outline is based upon a downward slant or slash as follows:

image of the outline structure

(The line is for illustrative purposes only – don’t draw it!)

Ok, let’s look at the example that is provided to you for better understanding.

Bibliography: For the bibliography, use Noodletools.com

Four Main Components for Effective Outlines

Summary: This resource describes why outlines are useful, what types of outlines exist, suggestions for developing effective outlines, and how outlines can be used as an invention strategy for writing. Ideally, you should follow these four suggestions to create an effective outline. Four Main Components for Effective Outlines by the OWL at Purdue: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/owlprint/544/

Purdue OWL Sample Outlines

Alphanumeric Outline

________________ The College Application Process

I. Choose Desired Colleges __ A. Visit and evaluate college campuses __ B. Visit and evaluate college websites ____ 1. Look for interesting classes ____ 2. Note important statistics II. Prepare Application __ A. Write personal statement ____ 1. Choose interesting topic ______ a. Describe an influential person in your life _________ (1) Favorite high school teacher _________ (2) Grandparent ______ b. Describe a challenging life event ____ 2. Include important personal details ______ a. Volunteer work ______ b. Participation in varsity sports __ B. Revise personal statement III. Compile Résumé __ A. List relevant coursework __ B. List work experience __ C. List volunteer experience ____ 1. Tutor at foreign language summer camp ____ 2. Counselor for suicide prevention hotline

Full Sentence Outline

__ I. __ Man-made pollution is the primary cause of global warming. _____ A. __ Greenhouse gas emissions are widely identified by the scientific ________ community to be harmful. __________ 1. __ The burning of coal and fossil fuels are the primary _____________ releasers of hazardous greenhouse gases.

Full sentence outlines are often accompanied with an APA reference list on a separate page. Quotes within the outline must also utilize APA in-text citations.

Decimal Outline

__ 1.0 _ Choose Desired College _____1.1_Visit and evaluate college campuses _____1.2_Visit and evaluate college websites ________1.2.1_Look for interesting classes ________1.2.2_Note important statistics

The outline provides a skeleton of basic ideas upon which the writer adds flesh. The careful listing of subtopics under main topic headings focuses the writer’s attention and identifies any areas which need more development.

There are two types of outlines – topic and sentence. The first type, which consists of phrases, requires fewer words and is easier to construct. The second type is constructed out of whole sentences which can be lifted in their entirety and placed in the body of the essay. Either style has its merits.

image of a sample outline

The Sentence Outline

The sentence outline contains not only the major points to be covered, but also lists many of the important supporting details as well. It is used for longer, more formal writing assignments; each point should, therefore, be written as a complete sentence. The sentence outline is especially useful when you find yourself asking others for help with your composition. It will be much easier for them to understand an outline written in complete sentences than one written using single words and phrases. (See sample essay.)

Image of a sentence outlline

Paper Dimension: Development of Argument and Perspective – Thesis is supported by research from multiple sources – Includes different perspectives

EXCEPTIONAL – 35-32 (A’s):

  • Clear, informed, masterful support of thesis
  • Insightful perspective gained from skillful synthesis of multiple sources
  • Considers, questions, and responds to counterarguments

COMMENDABLE – 31-28 (B’s)

  • Logical, reasonable argument supporting thesis
  • Research deepens readers’ understanding of subject
  • Acknowledges and responds to counterarguments

COMPETENT – 27-25 (C’s)

  • Viable but unconvincing argument
  • Thesis in need of refining, more support, or more clarity
  • Heavy reliance on research with little commentary/analysis

PASSING – 24, 23 (D’s)

  • Obvious/simplistic thesis
  • Sporadic/limited support of thesis
  • In need of more or better sources
  • Minimal coverage of counterarguments
  • Altogether not well-developed

UNACCEPTABLE – 22 and below (F’s)

  • Summary without thesis
  • Overuse of unsupported personal opinion
  • Never mentions other perspectives

Paper Dimension: Language Usage and Grammar – Author has a unique voice – Engaging, compelling, convincing Use of diction, detail, sentence structure, tone, etc.

  • Lively, provocative writing
  • Captures audience
  • Mechanics of paper enhance the whole
  • Paper moves audience to change, adopt, modify, or continue a belief/action
  • Interesting, informative writing
  • Sensitive to audience
  • Mechanics of paper are good
  • Paper might move audience to change, adopt, modify, or continue a belief/action
  • Limited appeal due to language usage and grammar problems, which detract from the whole piece
  • Tone lacks authority
  • Audience is neutralized by argument
  • Serious issues with language usage result in lifeless tone and inability to connect with audience in a positive way
  • Paper is unclear
  • Errors are so severe that they hinder communication and audience understanding

Paper Dimension: Organization and Flow

  • Compelling intro
  • Clear thesis
  • Logical organization
  • Smooth transitions
  • Consistent focus on thesis throughout
  • Structured, insightful conclusion
  • Appropriate intro
  • Clear organization
  • Has transitions
  • Focuses on thesis
  • Conclusion addresses thesis without repeating it
  • Too brief or long intro
  • Has a thesis
  • Loosely organized
  • Missing some transitions
  • Repetitive conclusion
  • Use of irrelevant details throughout
  • Redundant intro
  • May have a thesis, but organizationis hard to follow
  • No transitions
  • Conclusion is simplistic or absent
  • Little or no recognizable organization

Paper Dimension: Format Requirements – MLA format – 7-10 pages in length

  • Nearly flawless use of MLA
  • Meets length requirements
  • Some MLA errors
  • Meets length requirement
  • Many MLA errors
  • Careless use of MLA
  • No citations
  • MLA guidelines are ignored
  • Length requirement is not met
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100+ Senior Project Ideas That Will Inspire You


Senior projects are usually required when students are almost done with their education. Typically, each student in high school is expected to conduct a senior project before proceeding to a college or undergraduate education. This article covers a comprehensive view of science, technology, engineering, and agriculture to provide topics that inspire students to conduct their research. 

These projects are a critical challenge to each student to help them think outside the box in their specific study fields. The ideas presented create a transformative finale, which creates an insight into the trajectory of academic legacy. 

Although it’s an academic requirement for every student to conduct a final research, writing the senior project can be terrifying for every student. 

What is a Senior project?

Senior projects are long-term projects that allow high school students to explore their lifetime passion. It will enable students to demonstrate their academic knowledge artistically. It is conducted in the final year of high school. These projects are usually presented in research papers to help students develop their skills in research. 

When doing a senior year project, a student is usually obligated to come up with a senior project proposal before starting the project's research process. This research project proposal should be according to the student's interests to ensure that they remain deeply involved with and motivated by the topic of study.

The student is more likely to stay enthusiastic throughout the research process and develop a stronger connection and commitment to the project if they choose a topic that speaks to them personally.

This customized approach makes the study project more authentic and appealing while also increasing student engagement.

matching the proposal to the interests of the students fosters a feeling of pride in them and gives them the confidence to explore the field they have selected with passion and commitment, which enhances the research experience in the end.

How to Generate Exemplary Senior Project Ideas

Do you have a pending project to do yet you are feeling blank and haven't come up with any idea? The secret is to pick a topic that fascinates you and aligns with your goals and interests in addition to one that is academically significant.

For their research paper, high school students should think back to research articles and examples of senior projects that have piqued their interest in their academic journey. 

A senior project requires a student to look for inspiration and a few ideas in their extracurricular activities, schoolwork, or even personal experiences. Learn about project management and how to write a strong senior project proposal with the tips below:

Brainstorm Strategically Depending on your Passions: Choose a topic for your high school senior project that will not only highlight your academic abilities but also fit in with your experiences from your senior year and future business ideas.

Look at the top senior projects and project ideas that mesh well with your objectives and areas of interest. Consider the value of community involvement, experiential learning, and mental health in your senior project.

Read and Research Widely: Try reading widely and surfing through the internet for good senior project ideas. Investigate excellent ideas for senior projects that encourage critical thinking. These could take the form of a blog post, research project, or computer literacy investigation.

As students work on their senior projects, they get a rare chance to hone their research abilities, work with web designers, interact with local officials, and tackle important topics like computational game theory, local history, and climate change.

Check For Current Trends and Real-World Examples: A few concepts that solve real-world problems, as well as advance academic knowledge, must be carefully considered for the senior project. Check out your local newspaper, news,  social media, and the internet, or even talk to people to gain insights for good senior project ideas.

The best senior projects are those that have opportunity, are meaningful, and solve real-world world problems such as creating an electronic alert system, researching solar panel applications, or planning a community event.

While you explore the exciting world of senior project exploration, look for inspiration from places like your dream school, possible job options, and local media.

Look For Previously Done Projects in Your Discipline: It is essential to check out what other students have done previously in their projects to gain insights, techniques, information, and possible gaps to explore.

By investigating the strategies employed previously by the students, you are equipped with a solid base on which to build your research paper, facilitating creativity and guaranteeing that your project tackles issues that are relevant globally

Talk to your Instructors and Professors: To ace your final project, you can utilize your professors and instructors who are a treasure trove of information. Not only are these academic geniuses a wealth of knowledge, but they are also priceless mentors who are ready to help you succeed.

Talking with them opens doors and provides different points of view, ideas, new skills, and professional guidance specific to the project you're working on.

Your teachers are the compass pointing you in the direction of excellence for your final project, which is more than simply an assignment. It's a collaborative journey, so, take advantage of the opportunity to add to your project the knowledge of others who have walked the same academic path before you.

Why Senior Project is Important?

Senior projects enhance real-world applications of acquired knowledge. .

The projects enhance the application and transform theoretical knowledge into practical. This helps to solve real-world problems, bridging the gap between academia and industry. Students can transform theoretical knowledge into applicable solutions. As a result, senior projects are a vital link to real-world problem-solving.

Senior Projects are Ideal for Skill Development.

Students develop diverse skills, including research, critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, and project management that will help them in their potential career paths. The skills are ideal for solving any professional challenge that learners might encounter.

They Enable Students to Demonstrate their Competence. 

Senior projects showcase a student's competence and proficiency in their chosen field. They provide a tangible evidence of their academic achievements. This evidence of competency confirms their learning experience and is a convincing testimony to their preparation for future academic or professional aspirations. Senior projects visually reflect a student's talents and accomplishments in their field.

Senior Projects are Significant for Preparation for Future Endeavors.

Completing a senior project gives students valuable experience and confidence. This is evident in preparing them for future academic pursuits, career opportunities, and lifelong learning. It provides firsthand exposure that equips them with practical skills and instills a sense of self-assurance to undertake future projects. 

Senior Projects are Also Relevant for Portfolio Enhancement.

The project substantially adds to a student's portfolio, demonstrating their ability to initiate, execute, and complete a complex and self-directed project. A good portfolio helps students locate opportunities easily. Every organization is willing to absorb a person with a prominent resume, which senior projects can play a significant role in providing. 

Snior Projects are Tools for Problem-Solving and Innovation.

Senior projects often involve tackling real-world problems and encouraging students to think innovatively. Students can solve real-life problems and improve their innovation abilities. Problem-solving skills and innovations are ideal for developing an entrepreneurial mind. 

Senior Project Topic Ideas in Every Subject.

Students are expected to be creative in creating senior project topics. The ideas can be generated from diverse fields, including law, technology, agriculture, art, education, business, etc.

Embarking on a senior project is pivotal, encapsulating the essence of academic achievement. It also promotes personal growth. The United States Department of Education provides a structured approach to guide the requirements of a senior project. 

This process begins by selecting a captivating topic that resonates with individual aspirations. Learners should then conduct diligent research. Professional assistance is relevant for comprehensive and polished documentation. Students prepare the senior projects to document ideas gained during their research journey.

Computer Science and Information Technology

Senior projects in Computer science and information technology involve creating software, developing algorithms, and exploring new technologies. These projects revolve around data analysis, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and cybersecurity. They often aim to solve real-world challenges and academic research. Below is a list of computer-related senior project topics. 

  • Create a smartphone app for body fitness for patients with diabetes. 
  • Design a website for a local company and a community group.
  • Build an artificial intelligence language learning program.
  • Create a customer care chatbot for information retrieval and customer help.
  • Create a fun word puzzle game.
  • Create a machine learning model for image identification and natural language processing.
  • Create cybersecurity software for tracking viruses in a company's system.
  • Create a data analysis tool for social media analytics.
  • Develop a web-based e-commerce system for a local shop.
  • Design a movie, book, and music recommendation system.
  • Create a tool for code review for developers.

Electrical Engineering Senior Topics

Electrical engineering focuses on the application of electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism. It involves designing, developing, testing, and maintaining electrical appliances for domestic and industrial applications. The following are electrical engineering topics that can inspire anyone. 

  • Build a smart home automation system.
  • Design and construct a small-scale renewable energy system.
  • Develop a device for the Internet of Things (IoT).
  • Create a gesture-controlled interface using sensors.
  • Design a wearable health monitoring device.
  • Build a drone with a specific application (e.g., agriculture, surveillance).
  • Develop a home security system.
  • Design and build a small robot for a particular task.
  • Create a weather station with data logging and analysis.
  • Build an electronic musical instrument.

Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering Senior Topics

Both bioengineering and biomedical engineering contribute significantly to healthcare advancement. They involve inventing technologies that improve diagnosis, treatment, and overall patient care. Professionals work alongside medical practitioners, academics, and other engineers to solve complicated problems at the interface of biology and engineering. Here is a list of inspiring topics related to bioengineering and biomedical engineering.

  • Design a medical diagnostic device for cancer individuals.
  • Develop a wearable health monitoring system for the elderly.
  • Create a drug delivery system for patients in critical condition and walking challenges.
  • Design a virtual reality therapy for a specific medical condition.
  • Develop a telemedicine platform for individuals in remote areas.
  • Create a 3D-printed organ model for surgical training.
  • Design a prosthetic or assistive device.
  • Develop a smart pill dispenser with reminders.
  • Create a personalized medicine platform.
  • Design a biofeedback system for stress management.

Senior Topics for Civil Engineering

Civil engineering involves the design, building, and maintenance of infrastructure projects and systems. It entails applying scientific and mathematical ideas to provide answers to diverse societal challenges. Below is a list of senior topics in civil engineering.

  • Design a sustainable building or infrastructure project.
  • Create a water management system for a community.
  • Develop a traffic management system for a city.
  • Design a bridge or other structural element.
  • Create a disaster-resistant building design.
  • Develop a waste management system.
  • Design a sustainable transportation system.
  • Create a low-cost housing solution.
  • Develop a soil erosion control system.
  • Design a park or recreational area.

Senior Topic for Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering senior projects offer students the chance to apply their knowledge to real-world problems and explore innovative solutions. Here are some inspiring senior project ideas for Mechanical Engineering.

  • Design and build a 3D printer.
  • Create a solar-powered vehicle.
  • Build a remote-controlled car with advanced features.
  • Develop a prosthetic limb or assistive device.
  • Design and build a wind turbine.
  • Create a water purification system.
  • Build a miniaturized satellite or CubeSat.
  • Develop a robotic arm for specific applications.
  • Design a bicycle with advanced features (e.g., GPS, smart lighting).
  • Create a smart agriculture tool or device.

Environmental Science Senior Topics

Environmental Science senior topics cover a wide range of issues related to the Earth's environment, ecosystems, and sustainability. Here are some inspiring senior project ideas in Environmental Science.

  • Conduct a biodiversity study in a local ecosystem.
  • Create a pollution monitoring system.
  • Design a sustainable gardening or farming system.
  • Develop a waste recycling process.
  • Create a sustainable packaging solution.
  • Design a green roof or living wall.
  • Conduct a study on the impact of urbanization on local wildlife.
  • Develop a water purification system for a specific environment.
  • Create a community awareness campaign on environmental issues.
  • Design a sustainable urban planning project.

Business and Marketing Senior Topics

Business and Marketing senior topics offer students the opportunity to explore various aspects of the business world, from strategic management to consumer behavior. Here are some inspiring senior project ideas in Business and Marketing.

  • Develop a business plan for a startup.
  • Create a marketing campaign for a local business.
  • Conduct a market analysis for a specific industry.
  • Design and implement a customer relationship management (CRM) system.
  • Develop a financial management tool for individuals or businesses.
  • Create a social media strategy for a non-profit organization.
  • Design a loyalty program for a retail business.
  • Conduct a feasibility study for a new product or service.
  • Develop a mobile app for financial management or budgeting.
  • Create a branding strategy for a new product.

Psychology and Sociology Senior Topics

Psychology and Sociology senior topics offer students the opportunity to explore various aspects of human behavior, social structures, and the intersection between individuals and society. Here are some inspiring senior project ideas in Psychology and Sociology.

  • Conduct a research study on a specific psychological or sociological phenomenon.
  • Create a mental health awareness campaign.
  • Develop an intervention program for a specific psychological issue.
  • Design and implement a stress management program.
  • Survey a social issue and analyze the results.
  • Create a support group or community for a specific demographic.
  • Develop a mindfulness or meditation app.
  • Design and implement a diversity and inclusion training program.
  • Conduct a study on the impact of social media on mental health.
  • Create a program to address homelessness's social problem.
  • Conduct research on drug addiction among the youths.

Inspiring Senior Topics in Chemistry

Here are some inspiring senior topics in Chemistry that offer opportunities for research, experimentation, and exploration.

  • Develop a new method for water purification.
  • Create a green chemistry project.
  • Design and synthesize a new material with specific properties.
  • Conduct a study on the environmental impact of a specific chemical.
  • Develop a new method for drug synthesis.
  • Create a forensic chemistry project.
  • Conduct a study on the efficiency of different catalysts.
  • Design and implement a safety protocol for a specific chemical process.
  • Develop a new method for waste disposal in the chemical industry.
  • Conduct a study on the chemical composition of local plants or soil.

Physics and Astronomy Senior Topics

Physics and Astronomy senior topics provide an opportunity for students to delve into advanced concepts, conduct research, and contribute to the understanding of the universe. Here are some senior project ideas in Physics and Astronomy.

  • Conduct a study in quantum physics.
  • Design and build a small-scale particle accelerator.
  • Develop a new method for energy storage.
  • Conduct a study on the properties of materials under extreme conditions.
  • Design and build a small-scale telescope or observatory.
  • Create a physics simulation or modeling project.
  • Conduct a study on the effects of microgravity on biological systems.
  • Design and build a renewable energy experiment.
  • Develop a project related to quantum computing.
  • Conduct a study on the properties of materials at different temperatures.

Senior Topics in Geography

Senior topics in Geography offer students the opportunity to explore a wide range of issues related to the Earth's physical and human landscapes. Here are some senior project ideas in Geography.

  • Develop a simulation that explores urban planning strategies and their impact on communities.
  • Analyze the local impact of climate change on a specific region and propose adaptive strategies.
  • Use Geographic Information System (GIS) mapping to identify areas for community development and improvement.
  • Investigate and document the cultural landscapes of a specific region, exploring their historical and social significance.
  • Study and visualize migration patterns, exploring the reasons behind migration and its effects on communities.
  • Develop a comprehensive plan for natural disaster preparedness, considering the geographical vulnerabilities of a specific area.
  • Evaluate water resources in a region, proposing sustainable management solutions to address scarcity or pollution.
  • Investigate the impact of tourism on local cultures, economies, and environments, offering recommendations for sustainable tourism practices.
  • Examine the geopolitical factors contributing to a specific conflict, mapping out its historical context and potential resolutions.
  • Design and implement a project focused on environmental conservation, such as reforestation efforts or wildlife habitat restoration.

Bottom Line 

The goal of this review of more than 100 senior project ideas is to spark creativity and point students in the direction of worthwhile and significant pursuits. Let this collection work as a spark for your imagination and aspirations, motivating you to take on obstacles, make an impact, and demonstrate your abilities.


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166+ inspiring senior project ideas to check out.

senior project ideas

Writing the senior project is a much anticipated and yet dreaded time in the life of every student. It is a significant milestone that every student must achieve before receiving a diploma. Every student wearing a graduation gown and flinging their caps in the sky has completed a student project at one time or the other.

When students begin to approach their final year, preparation for the senior project will begin. Sometimes, the project supervisor will instruct that the student goes to find a project topic.

The search for a topic for the senior project can be pretty hectic. You begin to approach those who have graduated before you to ask for project topics they worked on. Everyone wants the perfect project topic, and so you start to sieve through a million and one ideas that you come across.

If you are looking for a unique project topic for your senior project, this article provides an endless list of senior projects examples that you can choose from.

What is a Senior Project?

A senior project is a project high school students are required to carry out before their graduation. This project is a medium to showcase their academic knowledge creatively. It is mandatory, and all students must begin and complete their senior projects before they can qualify to write an exit exam.

Exit exams are usually confused with senior projects because they are both designed to test the knowledge that a student has amassed throughout high school. The difference between them is that an exit exam is a written test that examines a student’s understanding of math, science, reading, and writing. However, a senior project is an experimental examination of a student’s ability.

The exit exam is prepared for a lot of students. However, senior projects are usually chosen by students from a list of senior project ideas that they have come up with. When students have to find ideas for projects for school, they seize the opportunity to dive into topics that interest them. Computer science, Engineering, Economics, Literature, Accounting, Government, and so on, there are many single and group project ideas you can choose from as a senior student.

A senior project requires a lot of research which will take time. Sometimes, students have to skip classes to work on their projects. A high quality project will require so much effort, which is why students are encouraged to choose a topic that they are passionate about. The project will also expose the student to more insights about their passion, and sometimes, students go on to choose a career in the topic they chose for their senior project.

What Subjects Can a Senior Project be About, and How Can You Create One?

Students are expected to be creative when coming up with a senior projects topics list. The ideas can be generated from:

The ideas can focus on their desired career, community service, research papers, and so on. All of these projects follow a set of steps already prepared by the United States Department of Education.

To create a senior project, first, you have to come up with great and interesting ideas. Then you will have a compelling topic that you want to go with. When you choose the topic, you will research the topic and write your research paper . Some students usually seek writing help for this aspect. If you need help, you can find a professional writer in school and online who gets paid to write research papers.

During the research and writing the research paper, the student will have been exposed to a lot of information about the topics and will be expected to have a journal where these pieces of information will be documented. After the research has been completed, there is a final stage where the student has to present all their findings to a panel. This panel will decide how well the student has done in the research.

Easy Science Topics to Choose From

The following topics tap into areas like natural and environmental sciences; the analysis and exploration of controversial issues. It involves carrying out surveys and performing experiments on these topics. If you want mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, or computer science senior project ideas, check some of these good senior projects ideas that you can choose from.

  • Proof of Newton’s laws of motion.
  • How to build a robot from scratch.
  • How to show the electrolysis of water.
  • How to design a makeshift parachute
  • How to develop a solar panel
  • The impact of object-oriented programming on software systems.
  • How to use Spyware to deal with software security threats.
  • How we can make software interactive systems more effective.
  • Computational Game Theory: its strength and weaknesses.
  • Digital library technologies should be adopted in every college and university.
  • How effective are modern human-computer interfaces?
  • What role can computing methods play in the improvement of education?
  • Guide to creating a barcode generation software.
  • Easy steps to accessing a PC remotely
  • Best intruder detection systems that can be used in warehouses and safes.
  • How to design a game
  • How to develop an application
  • How the body responds to stressors
  • The role of reality shows in society today.
  • How to regulate the effects of erosion
  • The connection between temperature invasion and wind direction
  • How to disintegrate crude oil in rivers, seas, and other water bodies.
  • How cloning can help to grow plant and animal cells.
  • Website developers use control systems to maintain high security.
  • What is a high-level programming language, and how can you design one?
  • The psychology of relationships.
  • Creating a mobile application that has no bug.
  • Abortion Law: The perspective of the government and the society.
  • The science of human cloning: How it all started and its development.
  • How oxytocin can help to treat psychopathic patients.
  • Hormones and how they affect human behavior and mental health.
  • The immune system: How it protects human health and the consequences of a poor immune system.
  • Societal opinion on the concept of COVID-19 vaccination.
  • How does photosynthesis work, and why is it so crucial to plants?
  • How has the improvement in technology helped to curb the spread of diseases in plants?
  • Do plants have an immune system? How do they fight off diseases?
  • A study of ecology and evolution.
  • How to create a hologram: A visual explanation of the diffusion of light.
  • How to easily detect methane in an open field
  • All you need to know about the black hole.
  • A brief study of the concept of time
  • An analysis of gas and all its constituents
  • The distinction between the waste products of humans and animals
  • Energy drinks: What they contain and their effects on the human body.
  • Complex study on the effects of hard drugs in society.

Excellent Technical High School Project Ideas

If you are passionate about mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and other technical topics requiring theory and practical knowledge to become a professional, there are many awesome senior project ideas for high school students that you can show to your teacher. It’s okay if you do not have any idea. Here are some reliable high school project ideas for you.

  • Construction of a popcorn machine
  • Automated cleaning machine
  • The machine that finds and cleans oil spills
  • Study of the working principle of an internal combustion engine
  • Design of a smart energy meter
  • Design of a home automation system
  • Design of a solar system
  • Design of a helicopter
  • Design of a robot
  • Design of an Arduino
  • Design of a circuit using different methods
  • How to monitor and control a substation from your mobile phone
  • Design of smoke and fire detectors that can be used to detect forest fires.
  • How to design an electronic alert system
  • How to use mobile applications to control your home appliances
  • How to optimize power from solar panels by making them bend to the direction of the sun.
  • Design of a traffic control system
  • Improving the speed of a machine.
  • New ways to reduce energy consumption at home and reduce the cost of energy consumption
  • Design of a wireless charger
  • Design of a smart lighting system
  • Automation of a bottle filling system
  • How to use automation to regulate the temperature in an environment.
  • Design of an electric skateboard
  • Design of a solar simulation system
  • Design of an affordable music synthesizer
  • Design of a movable ventilator
  • Design of a solar-powered grinding machine
  • Design of a smart fuse for industrial use
  • Design of a DC motor driver without brush
  • Design of an energy meter
  • Design of an anchor light controlled by light
  • Design of a micro-inverter
  • Design of a circuit that detects LPG leakage
  • Design of an inverter
  • Design of a high-security circuit breaker
  • Design of a dynamometer
  • Design of a dust collection system
  • Automation of ball valves
  • Design of lighting system for bicycles
  • Building face recognition software

Research Ideas for High School Management Students

Management courses cover topics like business and economics that hand students knowledge of consumer behavior and market forces. Below, you will find some high school economics projects and other cool project ideas that you can include in your senior projects topics list.

  • A better way to budget one’s income
  • How Cowism can help to understand economics better
  • How to create your investment portfolio
  • In-depth research into the world’s economies
  • How the English Premier League is maintaining balance despite competition
  • The role the UEFA’s Fair Play regulations play in a club’s finances.
  • How the market price is determined in an e-commerce market
  • The structure of an e-commerce market
  • A complex analysis of the real estate industry in America
  • An analysis of the gender wage gap in different sports
  • A study into how financial liberty can increase corruption
  • A report on how and why the Bitcoin price is inviting more investors
  • How the massive cost of education affects the economy
  • Factors that contribute to a human’s behavior
  • How family, society, and environment can affect the possibility of obesity in a child.
  • How the workplace can affect a person’s health
  • Gentrification: Social and Economic Causes
  • The effects of public transportation in the spread of the coronavirus
  • Factors that boosts economic growth in developing and under-developed countries
  • SpaceX: A study of unbelievable innovation
  • The role of effective management in small, medium, and large-scale businesses.
  • How management leaders are causing major innovations across different industries.
  • How customer service is helping companies to gain and retain more customers
  • The importance of project management in any business.
  • Who is a project manager, and what role does a project manager play in political campaigns?
  • Why are there fewer women in leadership than men?
  • What is risk management?
  • How does capital influence a corporate strategy?
  • Are corporate strategies productive? How?
  • Role of technology in the evolution of management.
  • The concept of tax evasion and its relation to accounting
  • How software programs can change the accounting world
  • The process of coming up with a new accounting theory
  • How important is accounting to an auditing firm
  • How has the recession affected personal finances
  • The effect of the COVID-19 on companies’ budget
  • How to create a working payroll system
  • Tax debts: what are they, and how can they be reduced?
  • Decision-making in Accounting
  • Countries that have been affected mainly by the recession
  • Blockchain and impact on the economy of climate change.

Ideas for Senior Projects in Art and Education

If you need excellent group project ideas in topics like politics, art, literature, education, etc., these project topics will come in handy for you. Pick from any of them and get started with your senior project.

  • The use of public art to create awareness for paper use
  • How drawings and paintings can address societal issues. The role of smiles in identity and social exchanges.
  • How art can be used to educate people on the history
  • A study on how art can be used to tell ancient stories and revive a forgotten culture.
  • How to turn ideas into projects
  • How art can be used as a source of passive income for students and families
  • Possible changes in schools’ policies that could improve the education system.
  • How to provide easy access to books and libraries for students.
  • Effects of workshops in improving vocational skills.
  • The role of mentors in providing better education for students.
  • Why computer literacy should be taught and encouraged in schools.
  • Why students should be encouraged to take up a second language
  • How to help students who are learning English as a Second Language (ESL)
  • How translators can help to provide better education for immigrants
  • The advantages and disadvantages of virtual learning
  • How the COVID-19 has affected the education system
  • Research into the best methods to educate children with learning disabilities
  • School uniforms: are they essential?
  • Best practices to help students assimilate in class
  • How to effectively study for an exam
  • The effects of peer pressure on a child’s education
  • Education policies that ought to be abolished
  • Cyberbullying: causes, effects and how to tackle it.
  • How teachers can keep students on their best behavior in class
  • Impact of social media on high school students
  • Effect of global warming on education
  • The pandemic vs. education: what have we learned?
  • How students adapt to digital art
  • Pros and cons of digital art to high school students
  • What we know about the 21st century art and education
  • Religion as a tool of artistic brilliance
  • Gender equality in education: obstacles and way forward
  • Should schools move totally online?
  • Impact of virtual education on high school students
  • Should schools charge less for virtual learning?
  • Machine learning: an art or science? Discuss
  • Role of fiction in shaping the new world
  • The significance of literature to general history.
  • Why students need new sets of teachers for the modern world
  • NFTs: meaning, challenges, and impacts.
  • Electronic literature and why students should care.

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188 Unique Senior Project Ideas For High School And College Students

senior project ideas

Every high school student will write a senior project. It’s a project that helps you evaluate your career or professional interests through experiential learning, a form of learning by doing. It’s usually what you’ll write in the second semester of your senior year, and it could be based on several ideas.

These ideas could include creative projects like essays, articles, research papers, or scripts. It could be service-action-orientated, about volunteering for community projects, working at a nursing home, or working as a camp counselor, if not a tutor for kids. Your interest could be in art and photography or a professional career. These careers would be in vocational work, digital skills, the legal profession, bartender, or any other.

You need many senior project topic lists to choose from, and it’s okay not to know what to write about. It’s why we have compiled 188 good senior topic ideas for you. You’ll also learn from senior project examples to shape the project of your choice and its execution.

Pro Tips: How to do a Good Project

Writing a project requires the consciousness of the educated person. The only way to impress your professors is by writing high quality, fun, and interesting essays or papers. Here are some of the ways experts write a good project essay or paper:

Choose the Project Topic/Idea of your Choice You need to understand every touch point your teacher’s assignment wants you to evaluate in the project once you get it. You’d also want to read the instructions and even brainstorm ideas for it. Brainstorming ideas for your project has been made easy with these senior project ideas. However, you may still need intentionality in connecting these ideas. What does this mean? You must narrow the multiple ideas in this blog post to what relates to you and reflect on them before choosing them. The Preparation Stage This is where you start researching the topic you’ve chosen. You’re familiar with your topic, but you need to research the internet to understand more about it. You also need to sketch an outline; you can only do this effectively after reading what’s available online. You can start your outline by including the introduction, central thesis, arguments, and supporting statements. It’s okay to jot down your ideas. After all, the goal is to comb through web results to find the best arguments and sources for your projects. You may also need the research to read examples of seniors who have worked on any project of your choice. Writing Writing entails bringing your ideas to life by expressing them on paper. This is one of the most critical phases of your project. It’s easy to write when you already have an outline, which is why it was suggested earlier. You must follow your outline to create a focused and intentional essay. Don’t forget; your university essay should be high quality as if experts wrote it. However, don’t focus on grammatical correctness yet; focus on writing every idea that comes to you during your brainstorming and research sessions. Cite Sources Citing relevant sources is a core part of your unique essay. Citing your sources means referring to the websites, newspapers, books, journals, or blogs that have helped while grooming ideas for the essay. You’d need to cite the names of the author, their publication title, the date, and where they are published. You can consult your professor for the referencing style recommended by your faculty. You can also read the best-referencing practices from the Purdue Online Writing Lab to get the best grades. Editing and Proofreading This is the last phase to review your ideas, rewrite passive sentences, and strengthen them by backing them up with proofs (which you’ll cite). You can also cut sentences you feel are unnecessary while editing your article. For better results, edit after two hours or more of writing, as you’ll be able to read your essay with a refreshed memory. You may do editing alongside proofreading, but you may still need to verify your sources, arguments, and points after editing. Therefore, spare some time to proofread your essay. After this, show it to your colleague or tutor to ensure that someone else reads what you’ve written and offers editorial advice.

Senior Project Topic List

Preparing for your project may be challenging without any ideas to brainstorm on. We have compiled topics for senior projects across basic high school career profiles. Here are creative senior project topics to write in your native language:

  • Demonstrate any law of motion of your choice
  • Explain how robots are built from scratch
  • Discuss how to build a solar panel
  • How to build batteries for solar panels
  • The distribution processes of Amazon products
  • What does a typical logistic process look like, and how can you fit in?
  • What is object-oriented programming software, and how do they work
  • Explain how cybersecurity threatens the world
  • Explain the Blockchain and how it functions with cryptocurrencies
  • What does computational game theory mean, and how do they help humans?
  • The process of building a digital library
  • How do human-computer interfaces work
  • Why are Apple and Samsung struggling with dominance with their latest products?
  • Why do we need reality shows in society?
  • How do experts separate oil from water and sand
  • How can you build a laptop?
  • What does an intruder detection system?
  • Explain the various form of intruder detection systems
  • How can the government help with erosion regulations?
  • Would you develop an app or a website for a business?
  • Gambling Technology: explain how to design a website
  • A step-by-step guide to accessing your laptop remotely
  • Explain how they clone animal cells
  • Discuss how plants are grown
  • Explain essential programming languages
  • How do you avoid bugs on your mobile app?
  • Why is the subject of abortion so serious?
  • How to develop a secured bank system door
  • Design a warehouse
  • Explain the internal process the body goes through when stressed.

Good Senior Projects Ideas

You need a senior project topics list to figure out which practical activity you want to engage in. Preparing for your senior projects means you need reliable yet unique ways to serve the community or work for yourself. Here are some ideas for you:

  • Volunteer for a politician you have faith in
  • Write articles in a newspaper you care about
  • Be a local representative for a union
  • Write to Congress on how to solve the problem students face
  • Explain why people should solve local problems locally
  • Lobby for the creation of a library in a community of your choice
  • Be part of those drawing community mural
  • Design a template for a library
  • Write a book of drama
  • Write a documentary on something you love
  • Review a Netflix movie of your choice
  • Write prose on the MeToo Movement
  • Write a poem about the Black Lives Matter movement
  • Create a scheme of work on how to teach seniors about computer usage
  • Mentor girls falling prey to boys’ lies
  • Write a book about computer literacy for adults
  • Compile a note on school policies that must change
  • Volunteer to be an ENL (English as a native language) teacher at a school
  • Volunteer to be a designer for an NGO
  • Volunteer to help with a community construction
  • Sign up mentally ill people for gym sessions
  • Buy food for the community once in a while
  • Create a business plan for a neighbour
  • Create a workshop to teach people how to start a small business
  • Teach people about the importance of technology
  • Be a translator
  • Write about immigration and why the US should be receptive
  • Write on the challenges of animals in polluted waters
  • Create a documentary on climate change
  • Create a documentary on the pretences of politicians

Senior Project Topics

You need custom articles to express any idea you’d like to develop in a senior-based project. This will help you become a better adult and a reputed individual in society. Here are some senior project idea lists for you:

  • Write about how photosynthesis work
  • Write on the role of technology in reducing plant diseases
  • An Evaluation of the history of evolution
  • How holograms are created
  • How piano is built
  • How an electric skateboard is designed
  • How to be one of the sharks in the Shark Tank
  • How immune systems fight diseases
  • Why solar simulation systems are designed, and how
  • What is an energy meter, and why is it needed
  • How to design a micro converter
  • How to manage anchor light
  • How to maintain high security in the home
  • How to manage a traumatic event
  • How to teach people about language
  • Write on how to identify methane in a field
  • How to spot gas leakages
  • What to do when someone swallows acids
  • How to calm and take care of a drunk person
  • Essential first aid for the home
  • How to develop an app for a service-based business
  • How to understand the philosophy
  • Why are user interfaces necessary in web design?
  • The reasons why graphic and web designers should work together
  • Why do students need to brainstorm their essay ideas?
  • The applications that help to reduce fatigue
  • Effective teaching processes
  • Why do people need health facilities?
  • How is a calculator built?
  • How battery-based cars are better than fuel-based ones.

High School Senior Project Ideas

You’ll need ideas to execute when you become old. Your teacher may even tell you to start when you’re still young. Here are some senior project examples that you can either do or pass to your parents:

  • Explain what patient data is
  • Describe how to solve the challenge of obesity
  • Portray how to create a sickness-free community
  • Facilitate a free medical checkup
  • Evaluate why you need to create a documentary
  • Sell three valuable items for as long as you can
  • Start a business of your choice
  • Tell kids how to make it in a country like this
  • Create a shelter for homeless people
  • Start a technology-fueled business
  • Be a local representative for the government
  • Train people how to keep account
  • Teach people how to build Android applications
  • Train adults on how to oversee their kids
  • Explain how to build an airplane
  • Discuss how an ATM works
  • Explain why everyone needs a smart meter
  • Write how to build a robot
  • Explain how to create smoke detectors
  • Discuss the dangers of forest fires
  • Explain why people need a home automation system
  • Explain the big deal about the Internet of Things (IoT)
  • How does the solar panel generate solar power?
  • How does electronic alert system work?
  • How can you make a machine work faster?
  • The essence of unionism in the workplace
  • How can you control traffic with an app
  • Discuss renewable energy sources to save daily costs
  • Discuss the features of wireless chargers
  • Why do people need to regulate the home?

Easy Senior Project Ideas

There are some projects you don’t need to spend a dime on. It could be sensitizing adults on how to spend their money or teaching youths about mental health. Here are some projects you can execute as a teenager or an adult:

  • Advise kids how they can start saving up
  • Brief adults on how to manage their salaries
  • Educate retirees on how to save costs
  • Explain why downsizing is good after retirement
  • Elucidate the advantages of capitalism to people
  • Discuss how the market price is determined
  • Explain the factors that lead to inflation
  • Explain why the Chinese real estate crashed in 2021/2022
  • How does money gets into circulation, and is it fair
  • Why everybody cannot be rich and why
  • What are the rules of American football?
  • Account for the career and life of Serena Williams
  • What makes phenomenal people remain so?
  • Account for the lives of Oprah Winfrey
  • Write on why people like Nina Simone
  • Tell a short story about Queen Elizabeth II
  • How is the e-commerce market structured in America?
  • Why do people love doing business in Germany?
  • The difference between the cultures in the US and Japan
  • Explain why China doesn’t like the US
  • Conduct a study on why Russia is invading Ukraine
  • Describe the essence of family in ending depression
  • Explain what gentrification means and the economic factors in its development
  • Why do women want to close the gender pay gap?
  • Evaluate cowism and its role in economics
  • How coronavirus affected global transport systems
  • The history and evolution of SpaceX
  • Write a note on Elon Musk
  • Write a paper on Bill Gates
  • Analyze why Bill and Melinda Gates divorced.

Computer Science Senior Project Ideas

Given your interest in tech, you may want to create something in computer science. There are many careers in technology today, and here are some senior project ideas to explore. If you’re wondering “who can do my project for me ,” we are here to help.

  • Why do we need face detection technology?
  • How hackers bypass face detection systems
  • Do security cameras help reduce the crime rate?
  • Why is e-authentication a big deal?
  • Explain the importance of YouTube in education
  • Google has made it easy to learn anything: Discuss
  • TikTok has revolutionized the visual industry: discuss
  • Why do you need a patent on your developments?
  • How did IBM penetrate the market?
  • Write on the factors to consider when designing an app
  • Explain three skills for coders
  • Why is coding a core part of programming?
  • Explain any five important programming languages
  • What’s good about the recent CCTV cameras?
  • Explain how biometric data work in hospitals
  • Discuss how the token works for banks
  • Explain how computers reduce traffic in busy cities
  • Importance of car ride companies to get economy
  • Common compliance problems app developers have
  • How computer innovations can endanger the world.

Senior Project Examples

You can engage in social work-related senior projects for this course. It’s an aspect that concerns everybody, and it doesn’t matter if you work with NGOs or the government in any capacity. If you’re thinking about what you can do or write, consider these:

  • Analyze the frequency and infrequency of weather in your city
  • Survey the political tensions in your community
  • Donate your blood to a hospital; persuade others to do the same
  • Start savings account for those who shelter
  • Explain how a technology that can be of help works
  • Raise a campaign about the importance of vacations
  • Campaign for women’s rights
  • Campaign for the minority people
  • Start a campaign on Hepatitis B
  • Explain how to protect endangered animals
  • Understand why teenagers have dating problems
  • How do earthquakes work?
  • Lessons learned from Pakistan Flood
  • Lessons learned from the fall of the Sri Lankan government?
  • Lessons learned from the use of cloning
  • Talk about what people do when they’re bored
  • How does music help people?
  • How do colors change the mood of people?

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Program in the History of Science and Medicine

You are here, senior project.

By the end of reading period in the spring term of the junior year, students choose whether they will work toward a yearlong or a one-term senior project. Yearlong senior projects are completed in HSHM 490, 491; one-term projects are completed in HSHM 492. Students who choose a one-term project must take an additional HSHM-listed course to complete the major. Distinction in the Major is awarded only to students who complete a yearlong senior project.

For both the one-term and yearlong senior projects, students must select a project adviser, propose a tentative topic and title, and submit a proposal to the Senior Project Director early in the fall term of their senior year. See the handbook for more details.

The senior project may be a written essay or an alternative project such as a film, exhibition, catalog, atlas, or historical data reconstruction. In the case of an alternative project, the student must identify a second reader in addition to the adviser before the project is approved by the senior project director. Either the adviser or the second reader must be a member of the faculty in History of Science, Medicine, and Public Health. Alternative projects will include a written component that explains the sources used and the intellectual significance of the project.

For more details about requirements and deadlines, please see the HSHM Senior Project Handbook.  

>> Click HERE to download the 2024–2025 Senior Project Handbook <<  

Please also see recent titles and prize-winning projects .

The HSHM Senior Project Director is Megann Licskai. For questions, please contact either Professor Licskai ( megann.licskai@yale.edu ) or the Undergraduate Registrar, Erica Lee ( erica.lee@yale.edu ).


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The Senior Essay

In November of your senior year, you will submit a proposal for your essay to the Department of Literatures in English. The purpose of your proposal is to define the project for your senior thesis, demonstrate the viability of your project, and locate yourself within the critical debate about your chosen literary texts.

The essay should be 30-40 pages long, not including notes, bibliography and other apparatus. In late April of your senior year, you will submit a bound copy and an electronic copy of the Senior Essay in its final form . The hard copy should be delivered to the English House Office and the electronic copy should be sent to Daniel Parker [email protected]

Once you turn your bound essay in, it is distributed to your thesis adviser and to a second reader for response and evaluation . 

Essay Schedule Spring 2024

Friday Feb. 9 Ten pages due to your adviser by 5 p.m.

March 22

Ten more pages are due to your adviser by 5 p.m.
Friday April 12 Rough draft of complete thesis due to your adviser by 5 p.m.
Monday April 29

Electronic and hard copy due by 5 p.m. Please send to Bryn Thompson ( ) and to
your adviser. Final and firm deadline for completed thesis. We’re asking for both electronic and hard copies.
Everybody party!

senior project essay

Department of Literatures in English

English House Bryn Mawr College 101 N. Merion Avenue Bryn Mawr, PA 19010-2899 Phone: 610-526-5306

Daniel Parker , Administrative Assistant [email protected]


Essays and Short Answer Prompts

The Penn application process includes a personal essay —which is sent to most schools you apply to—as well as a few short answer prompts . We read your words carefully, as they are yet another window into how you think, what you value, and how you see the world. Through your writing, we get a glimpse of what you might bring to our community—including your voice and creativity. 

Remember, you are the expert on your story. This is an opportunity for you to reflect and understand who you are now, and who you want to be in the future. You have the agency to choose the information you want to share. This is your story: your experiences, your ideas, your perspective.   

A Few Writing Tips

  • Review the prompts thoroughly.  Be sure you’re answering the question or prompt being asked. Topics are chosen because the Admissions Committee wants to know specific things about you. If you don’t address them directly, we are left to make decisions regarding your application with incomplete information. 
  • Consider your response carefully.  We understand that you may be writing responses for different schools and you may want to reuse material, but be sure to read through your response to make sure it is relevant to the prompt. 
  • Double-check your writing.  Give yourself time to revisit your response. Try to avoid rushing your writing process so you have time to revise your work. Ultimately, it is up to you to polish and proofread your writing before you submit. 
  • Do your research. Are there classes you’re eager to take? Research opportunities you’d love to pursue? A group or club you want to be a part of? This kind of specificity shows us you’re serious about Penn and have thought about how you’d spend your time here. 

2023-24 Short Answer and Essay Prompts

When answering these prompts, be precise when explaining both why you are applying to Penn and why you have chosen to apply to that specific undergraduate school. Some of our specialized programs will have additional essays to complete, but the  Penn short answer prompts should address your single-degree or single-school choice.  

  • Write a short thank-you note to someone you have not yet thanked and would like to acknowledge. (We encourage you to share this note with that person, if possible, and reflect on the experience!) (150-200 words, not required for transfer applicants) 
  • How will you explore community at Penn? Consider how Penn will help shape your perspective, and how your experiences and perspective will help shape Penn. (150-200 words) 
  • The school-specific prompt is unique to the school to which you are applying. (For example, all applicants applying to the College of Arts and Sciences will respond to the prompt under the “College of Arts and Sciences” section). Considering the undergraduate school you have selected for your single-degree option, please respond to your school-specific prompt below.  

Transfer Essay (required for all transfer applicants): Please explain your reasons for transferring from your current institution and what you hope to gain by transferring to another institution. (4150 characters) 

Undergraduate School-Specific Short Answer Prompts

For students applying to coordinated dual-degree and specialized programs, please answer this question about your single-degree school choice; your interest in the coordinated dual-degree or specialized program may be addressed through the program-specific essay.  

Penn Nursing intends to meet the health needs of society in a global and multicultural world by preparing its students to impact healthcare by advancing science and promoting equity. What do you think this means for the future of nursing, and how do you see yourself contributing to our mission of promoting equity in healthcare? (150-200 words) 

To help inform your response, applicants are encouraged to learn more about  Penn Nursing’s mission and how we promote equity in healthcare . This information will help you develop a stronger understanding of our values and how they align with your own goals and aspirations. 

The flexible structure of The College of Arts and Sciences’ curriculum is designed to inspire exploration, foster connections, and help you create a path of study through general education courses and a major. What are you curious about and how would you take advantage of opportunities in the arts and sciences? (150-200 words) 

To help inform your response, applicants are encouraged to learn more about the  academic offerings within the College of Arts and Sciences .  This information will help you develop a stronger understanding of how the study of the liberal arts aligns with your own goals and aspirations. 

Wharton prepares its students to make an impact by applying business methods and economic theory to real-world problems, including economic, political, and social issues.  Please reflect on a current issue of importance to you and share how you hope a Wharton education would help you to explore it.  (150-200 words) 

To help inform your response, applicants are encouraged to learn more about  the foundations of a Wharton education . This information will help you better understand what you could learn by studying at Wharton and what you could do afterward. 

Penn Engineering prepares its students to become leaders in technology, by combining a strong foundation in the natural sciences and mathematics, exploration in the liberal arts, and depth of study in focused disciplinary majors. Please share how you hope to explore your engineering interests at Penn. (150-200 words) 

To help inform your response, applicants are encouraged to learn more about  Penn Engineering and its mission to prepare students for global leadership in technology . This information will help you develop a stronger understanding of academic pathways within Penn Engineering and how they align with your goals and interests. 

Coordinated Dual Degree and Specialized Program Essay Prompts

For students applying to coordinated dual-degree and specialized programs, please answer the program-specific essay below. 

** Numbers marked with double asterisks indicate a character count that only applies to transfer students applying through Common App.  

Why are you interested in the Digital Media Design (DMD) program at the University of Pennsylvania? (400-650 words / 3575 characters**) 

We encourage you to learn more about the DMD: Digital Media Design Program . 

The Huntsman Program supports the development of globally minded scholars who become engaged citizens, creative innovators, and ethical leaders in the public, private, and non-profit sectors in the United States and internationally. What draws you to a dual-degree program in business and international studies, and how would you use what you learn to contribute to a global issue where business and international affairs intersect? (400-650 words) 

The LSM program aims to provide students with a fundamental understanding of the life sciences and their management with an eye to identifying, advancing, and implementing innovations. What issues would you want to address using the understanding gained from such a program? Note that this essay should be distinct from your single degree essay. (400-650 words) 

  • Explain how you will use the M&T program to explore your interest in business, engineering, and the intersection of the two. (400-650 words) 
  • Describe a problem that you solved that showed leadership and creativity. (250 words) 

Describe your interests in modern networked information systems and technologies, such as the internet, and their impact on society, whether in terms of economics, communication, or the creation of beneficial content for society. Feel free to draw on examples from your own experiences as a user, developer, or student of technology. (400-650 words / 3575 characters**) 

Discuss your interest in nursing and health care management. How might Penn's coordinated dual-degree program in nursing and business help you meet your goals? (400-650 words) 

How do you envision your participation in the Vagelos Integrated Program in Energy Research (VIPER) furthering your interests in energy science and technology? Please include any past experiences (ex. academic, research, or extracurricular) that have led to your interest in the program. Additionally, please indicate why you are interested in pursuing dual degrees in science and engineering and which VIPER majors are most interesting to you at this time. (400-650 words) 

What is Project 2025?

It’s a blueprint for what a second Trump administration could look like, dreamed up by his allies and former aides.

senior project essay

If Donald Trump struggled somewhat in his first administration to move the country dramatically to the right, he’ll be ready to go in a second term.

That’s the aim behind Project 2025, a comprehensive plan by former and likely future leaders of a Trump administration to remake America in a conservative mold while dramatically expanding presidential power and allowing Trump to use it to go after his critics.

The plan is gaining attention just as Trump is trying to moderate his stated positions to win the election, so he’s criticized some of what’s in it as “absolutely ridiculous and abysmal” and insisted that neither he nor his campaign had anything to do with Project 2025.

Still, what’s in this document is a pretty good indicator of what a second Trump presidency could look like. Here’s what Project 2025 is and how it could reshape America.

It’s a blueprint for a second Trump administration

The centerpiece is a 900-page plan that calls for extreme policies on nearly every aspect of Americans’ lives, from mass deportations, to politicizing the federal government in a way that would give Trump control over the Justice Department, to cutting entire federal agencies, to infusing Christian nationalism into every facet of government policy by calling for a ban on pornography and promoting policies that encourage “marriage, work, motherhood, fatherhood, and nuclear families.”

This isn’t coming directly from the Trump campaign. But it should be taken seriously because of the people who wrote it, analysts say. The main organization behind the plan, the Heritage Foundation, is a revolving door for Trump officials (and Heritage is a sponsor of the Republican National Convention, which will hand him the nomination next week).

“This is meant as an organized statement of the Trumpist, conservative movement, both on policy and personnel, and politics,” said William Galston, head of governance studies at the Brookings Institution.

2024 presidential election

senior project essay

Project 2025 calls for abortion limits, slashing climate change and LGBTQ health care funding, and much more

A few of the highlights:

Remake the federal workforce to be political : Instead of nonpartisan civil servants implementing policies on everything from health to education and climate, the executive branch would be filled with Trump loyalists. “It is necessary to ensure that departments and agencies have robust cadres of political staff,” the plan says. That means nearly every decision federal agencies make could advance a political agenda — as in whether to spend money on constituencies that lean Democratic. The project calls for cutting LGBTQ health programs, for example.

Cut the Education Department: Project 2025 would make extensive changes to public schooling, cutting longtime low-income and early education federal programs like Head Start, for example, and even the entire Education Department. “Federal education policy should be limited and, ultimately, the federal Department of Education should be eliminated,” the plan reads.

Give Trump power to investigate his opponents : Project 2025 would move the Justice Department, and all of its law enforcement arms like the FBI, directly under presidential control. It calls for a “top-to-bottom overhaul” of the FBI and for the administration to go over its investigations with a fine-toothed comb to nix any the president doesn’t like. This would dramatically weaken the independence of federal law enforcement agencies. “There’s going to be an all-out assault on the Department of Justice and the FBI,” said Galston, of Brookings. “It will mean tight White House control of the DOJ and FBI.”

Make reproductive care, particularly abortion pills, harder to get : It doesn’t specifically call for a national abortion ban, but abortion is one of the most-discussed topics in the plan, with proposals throughout encouraging the next president “to lead the nation in restoring a culture of life in America again.” It would do this by prosecuting anyone mailing abortion pills (“Abortion pills pose the single greatest threat to unborn children in a post-Roe world,” the plan says). It would raise the threat of criminalizing those who provide abortion care by using the government to track miscarriage, stillbirths and abortions, and make it harder to get emergency contraceptive care covered by insurance. It would also end federal government protections for members of the military and their families to get abortion care.

Crack down on even legal immigration : It would create a new “border patrol and immigration agency” to resurrect Trump’s border wall, build camps to detain children and families at the border, and send out the military to deport millions of people who are already in the country illegally ( including dreamers ) — a deportation effort so big that it could put a major dent in the U.S. economy. “Illegal immigration should be ended, not mitigated; the border sealed, not reprioritized,” the plan says.

Slash climate change protections : Project 2025 calls for getting rid of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which forecasts weather and tracks climate change, describing it as “one of the main drivers of the climate change alarm industry.” It would increase Arctic drilling and shutter the Environmental Protection Agency’s climate change departments, all while making it easier to up fossil fuel production.

Ban transgender people from the military and consider reinstating the draft : “Gender dysphoria is incompatible with the demands of military service,” it reads. The author of this part of the plan led the Defense Department at the end of Trump’s presidency, and he told The Washington Post that the government should seriously consider mandatory military service.

How all of this would be implemented

A huge part of this project is to recruit and train people on how to pull the levers of government or read the law in novel ways to carry out these dramatic changes to federal policy. There’s even a place on the plan’s website where you can submit your résumé.

But there are some major hurdles to getting the big stuff done, even if Trump and Republicans win control of Washington next year. For one, Trump doesn’t appear to agree with everything in it. His campaign platform barely mentions abortion, while Project 2025 zeroes in on it repeatedly.

Also, some of these ideas are impractical or possibly illegal. Analysts are divided about whether Trump can politicize the civil workforce to fire them at will, for example. And the plan calls for using the military to carry out mass deportations on a historic scale , which could be constitutionally iffy.

Ominously, one of the project’s leaders opened the door to political violence to will all of this into being: “We are in the process of the second American revolution,” Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts warned recently, “which will remain bloodless, if the left allows it to be.”

Why Project 2025 is getting so much attention right now

It’s not unusual for wannabe administration officials to plan for how they’d govern once they get back in power. But what is unusual is how dramatic and unapologetically extreme many of these proposals are.

And the Biden campaign — which is obviously struggling right now with existential questions about its nominee — sees this as an easy target to campaign on.

Democrats are circulating a survey from a liberal organization that suggests talking about Project 2025 as a “takeover” of American government by Trumpists resonates with voters.

“It’s like reading a horror novel,” said Democratic strategist Jesse Ferguson. “Each page makes you want to read the next one, but when you finish reading it, you’re scared and disgusted.”

That’s much to the frustration of the Trump campaign, which doesn’t want such specific (and politically unpopular) ideas out there pegged to his campaign, as he’s trying to moderate some of his positions to win the election.

“It makes no sense to put all the crazy things you’ll be attacked for down on paper while you’re running,” a Trump adviser told The Washington Post recently .

But it’s fair to think of Project 2025 as a pretty good indicator of what a second Trump presidency would look like, analysts say.

“It’s not like Trump is going to hand out this booklet to his Cabinet on Day One and say, ‘Here you go,’” said Michael Strain, the director of economic policy studies at the conservative-leaning American Enterprise Institute. “But it reflects real goals of important people in Trump’s community.”

A previous version of this article misspelled the name of the American Enterprise Institute's Michael Strain as Michel. The article has been corrected.

Election 2024

Get live updates on the 2024 election as Democrats move further toward coalescing around Vice President Harris as their new presidential nominee after President Biden ended his campaign . We’re tracking how many delegates are poised to back Harris .

Biden drops out: Here’s what happened in the hours before Biden said in a letter that he is ending his reelection campaign. This is how Democrats can pick a new candidate and the top 10 options to replace Biden .

Trump VP pick: Trump has chosen Sen. J.D. Vance (Ohio) as his running mate , selecting a rising star in the party and a previously outspoken Trump critic who in recent years has closely aligned himself with the former president.

Presidential election polls: Check out The Post’s presidential polling averages of the seven battleground states most likely to determine the outcome of the election. Here’s how Harris performs against Trump in recent polls .

Key dates and events: Voters in all states and U.S. territories have been choosing their party’s nominee for president ahead of the summer conventions. Here are key dates and events on the 2024 election calendar .

senior project essay

  • Crime & Courts
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  • National Politics

This AARP program pairs older adults with work opportunities at area nonprofits

After 12 years of retirement, Roy Pearson was ready for something to do.

In April, the 74-year-old retired United Methodist Church pastor joined the AARP Foundation's Senior Community Service Employment Program, also known as SCSEP. The program partners seniors 55 and up with local nonprofits and government agencies in paid training assignments. Host agencies gain temporary staff at no cost and seniors have the opportunity to sharpen their soft and hard skills, while earning minimum wage. Participating seniors are paid through the AARP.

For his assignment, Pearson works in the Springfield AARP SCSEP project office. He completes data entry, payroll and recruitment for the program. On a day-to-day basis, Pearson works directly with SCSEP applicants, helping them complete necessary paperwork and attend training orientation.

Founded in 1965, the Senior Community Service Employment Program is a national program funded by the U.S. Department of Labor. The program was birthed from the Older Americans Act, the first federal initiative to provide comprehensive services for senior citizens, enacted in 1965.

AARP SCSEP Project Director Sharon Lavengood described SCSEP as the community's "best kept secret."

Typically, SCSEP participants only work up to 18 hours per week, with a 36-hour biweekly paycheck. But because he works at the SCSEP project office, Pearson said he is allowed to work up to 25 hours per week. Missouri participants are paid $12.30 per hour, Lavengood told the News-Leader.

Pearson described his work at the SCSEP project office as "very fulfilling."

"I was talking with and interviewing an enrollee the day before yesterday and the lightbulb started going off when I asked her, 'What if there was a job you wanted to do? What would it be?' She started listing out things and it dawned on me how motivated she was, but she didn't know how to get there," Pearson said. "It was kind of a good moment for her and for me too."

All participants receive an Individual Employment Plan, or IEP, to define their goals and what steps they need to take to reach these goals.

In addition to his tasks at the project office, Pearson participates in various job-related training courses, held both in-person and online. He's completed Goodwill Community Foundation training programs and some training offered by AARP SCSEP itself. These supervised trainings are included in the 25 hours Pearson works each week. The AARP frequently partners with the Missouri Job Center for trainings, too.

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Seniors may participate in SCSEP for up to 2 years, Lavengood said.

The Springfield AARP SCSEP Project Office serves 11 counties in southwest Missouri: Barry, Christian, Douglas, Greene, Lawrence, McDonald, Ozark, Stone, Taney, Webster and Wright. Lavengood did not indicate how many seniors participate in the program throughout these counties. But according to the Missouri SCSEP State Plan for 2020-2023 , up to 205 positions could be filled in the state of Missouri in 2021.

How do seniors get involved with SCSEP?

Unemployed seniors who are 55 and up and have a family income of no more than 125% of the federal poverty level are eligible to apply for SCSEP. According to the U.S. Department of Labor website , priority is given to veterans and qualified spouses, then to individuals who are over the age of 65, have a disability, have low literacy skills or limited English proficiency, reside in a rural area, are homeless or at risk for homelessness, have low employment prospects or have failed to find employment through the American Job Center system.

The first step in the application process is calling the AARP office at 417-873-9275. From there, interested individuals will be directed to complete an online application form. If an application is approved, an applicant will then interview with a member of the project office about what skills the applicant would like to work on and what host agency would make the most sense to partner with.

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Due to "confidentiality," Lavengood said she could not provide the names of host agencies or how many participate in the program in southwest Missouri. However, she said most agencies are social service providers, like homeless outreach organizations and senior centers.

How do nonprofits and government agencies support the program?

Nonprofits and government agencies interested in hosting SCSEP participants should also call the AARP office at 417-873-9275.

Greta Cross is the trending topics reporter for the Springfield News-Leader. She has more than five years of journalism experience covering everything from Ozarks history to Springfield’s LGBTQIA+ community. Follow her on X and Instagram @gretacrossphoto. Story idea? Email her at [email protected] .

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Information on the people and the population of Elektrostal.

Elektrostal Population157,409 inhabitants
Elektrostal Population Density3,179.3 /km² (8,234.4 /sq mi)

Elektrostal Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Elektrostal .

Elektrostal Geographical coordinatesLatitude: , Longitude:
55° 48′ 0″ North, 38° 27′ 0″ East
Elektrostal Area4,951 hectares
49.51 km² (19.12 sq mi)
Elektrostal Altitude164 m (538 ft)
Elektrostal ClimateHumid continental climate (Köppen climate classification: Dfb)

Elektrostal Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Elektrostal and the biggest cities of Russia.

Elektrostal Map

Locate simply the city of Elektrostal through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Elektrostal Nearby cities and villages

Elektrostal Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Elektrostal.

Elektrostal Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Elektrostal.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
23 July03:16 - 11:32 - 19:4902:24 - 20:4001:00 - 22:04 01:00 - 01:00
24 July03:17 - 11:32 - 19:4702:26 - 20:3801:04 - 22:00 01:00 - 01:00
25 July03:19 - 11:32 - 19:4502:29 - 20:3601:08 - 21:56 01:00 - 01:00
26 July03:21 - 11:32 - 19:4402:31 - 20:3401:12 - 21:52 01:00 - 01:00
27 July03:23 - 11:32 - 19:4202:33 - 20:3201:16 - 21:49 01:00 - 01:00
28 July03:24 - 11:32 - 19:4002:35 - 20:2901:20 - 21:45 01:00 - 01:00
29 July03:26 - 11:32 - 19:3802:37 - 20:2701:23 - 21:41 01:00 - 01:00

Elektrostal Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Elektrostal classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Located next to Noginskoye Highway in Electrostal, Apelsin Hotel offers comfortable rooms with free Wi-Fi. Free parking is available. The elegant rooms are air conditioned and feature a flat-screen satellite TV and fridge...

Located in the green area Yamskiye Woods, 5 km from Elektrostal city centre, this hotel features a sauna and a restaurant. It offers rooms with a kitchen...

Ekotel Bogorodsk Hotel is located in a picturesque park near Chernogolovsky Pond. It features an indoor swimming pool and a wellness centre. Free Wi-Fi and private parking are provided...

Surrounded by 420,000 m² of parkland and overlooking Kovershi Lake, this hotel outside Moscow offers spa and fitness facilities, and a private beach area with volleyball court and loungers...

Surrounded by green parklands, this hotel in the Moscow region features 2 restaurants, a bowling alley with bar, and several spa and fitness facilities. Moscow Ring Road is 17 km away...

Elektrostal Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Elektrostal and its surroundings.

Elektrostal Page

Direct link
DB-City.comElektrostal /5 (2021-10-07 13:22:50)

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senior project essay

Elektrostal , city, Moscow oblast (province), western Russia . It lies 36 miles (58 km) east of Moscow city. The name, meaning “electric steel,” derives from the high-quality-steel industry established there soon after the October Revolution in 1917. During World War II , parts of the heavy-machine-building industry were relocated there from Ukraine, and Elektrostal is now a centre for the production of metallurgical equipment. Pop. (2006 est.) 146,189.


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  1. 50 Senior Project Ideas That Will Inspire You

    A senior project allows high school students to explore whatever interests them through experiential learning. Students normally design and implement their own projects from start to finish. These projects often occur in the second semester of senior year, and can involve time off from regular classes. Senior project ideas include everything ...

  2. How to Write a Senior Project Paper

    Step 2. Organize your research into an outline. Create two to four main subtopics for your research essay. Include facts that relate to each subtopic under a capital or bold heading. This will give you a loose frame for your essay. If you have been working on the project all year, creating an outline helps remind you of all the different facts ...


    written essay. The decision to do a non-written or non-essay project should be made with the support of an advisor and in consultation with the Senior Project Director (see below for formal approval requirements), and you should think carefully about how your project will advance your intellectual and career goals. Here are some possibilities:

  4. 60 Senior Project Ideas for High School Students

    In the senior project ideas listed below, you will find suggestions ranging from assisting a science researcher, to interning at a local museum, to organizing an academic tutoring program, to helping with community voter registration. The final outputs for senior projects may also vary in form, from guidebooks, to plays, to research papers, and ...

  5. Best Senior Project Ideas for High School Students

    A senior project is one of the best ways you can make your application stand out to top schools like Harvard and Stanford. It can tell your story beyond academics. It can demonstrate leadership, ambition, initiative and impact. And it can make an impact on the world. Choosing the right senior project can be tough.

  6. PDF Senior Project Proposal Guide

    4) Complete a SWOT Analysis on your Senior Project idea. 5) Complete a Needs Assessment for your Senior Project idea. 6) Create a Research Question and research a possible Senior Research Paper topic. 7) Create an Annotated Bibliography with Five Sources. 8) Fill out the official Project Proposal Form. 9) Build a Senior Project Proposal Slideshow.

  7. The Senior Essay

    The Senior Essay Handbook. Requirements and Guidelines for the Senior Essay. In the English Department, as in other departments, the Senior Essay consists of an extended research and writing project (critical, not creative) undertaken with the guidance of a faculty advisor.

  8. Formatting Your Senior Project

    1. Title Page. Please include a title page. A sample title page and title page template can found at the bottom of this page. The title page is the first page of the senior project and should include: Full title of your senior project. Capitalize the first letter of every word in the title except for coordinating conjunctions (and, but, for ...

  9. Senior Project > Undergraduate > Academics > NYU Gallatin

    The Senior Project is a semester-long, four-unit, intensive independent research and/or creative project that students work on under the guidance of a faculty mentor. ... accompanied by an analytic essay (comprising artistic background, aims, and technique). They may also take other forms, depending on the student's interests and abilities. ...

  10. The Paper : Warwick Valley Central Schools

    It will be much easier for them to understand an outline written in complete sentences than one written using single words and phrases. (See sample essay.) Senior Project Outline Rubric. Senior Project Outline Rubric . Senior Project Final Paper Rubric. Senior Project Final Paper Rubric. Paper Dimension: Development of Argument and Perspective

  11. The Benefits of a Senior Project for High School Students

    A senior project is a comprehensive project specific to high school seniors that is typically completed prior to or as a requirement for graduation. The goals or details vary among schools and teachers. ... Check out Immerse Education for the opportunity to submit an essay to receive a scholarship to one of their summer programs in London ...

  12. Senior Project Ideas

    You could focus on the following examples: Running a marathon. Creating a fitness program. Practicing a martial art. Your research paper for these projects will need to focus on a specific topic ...

  13. 100+ Senior Project Ideas That Will Inspire You

    Mechanical Engineering senior projects offer students the chance to apply their knowledge to real-world problems and explore innovative solutions. Here are some inspiring senior project ideas for Mechanical Engineering. Design and build a 3D printer. Create a solar-powered vehicle.

  14. 166 Awesome Senior Project Ideas You Will Love

    A senior project is a project high school students are required to carry out before their graduation. This project is a medium to showcase their academic knowledge creatively. ... As simple as that.Whether you are a student having a hard time writing your descriptive essay, an MA major trying to draft a dissertation, or a graduate looking for ...

  15. 188 Fun Senior Project Ideas

    Get Urgent Assignment Help. These 188 senior project topics will see you through your final phase of the university and high school with ease. However, you need an interesting essay to finalize these ideas. You can either devote days to research, writing, and editing your piece or pay people to do your homework.

  16. Senior Project

    The senior project may be a written essay or an alternative project such as a film, exhibition, catalog, atlas, or historical data reconstruction. In the case of an alternative project, the student must identify a second reader in addition to the adviser before the project is approved by the senior project director. Either the adviser or the ...

  17. Senior Writing Project Ideas

    Senior Writing Project Ideas. Instructor Christopher Muscato. Chris has a master's degree in history and teaches at the University of Northern Colorado. By their senior year, students have learned ...

  18. The Senior Essay

    The Senior Essay. In November of your senior year, you will submit a proposal for your essay to the Department of Literatures in English. The purpose of your proposal is to define the project for your senior thesis, demonstrate the viability of your project, and locate yourself within the critical debate about your chosen literary texts.

  19. Essays and Short Answer Prompts

    The Penn application process includes a personal essay—which is sent to most schools you apply to—as well as a few short answer prompts. We read your words carefully, as they are yet another window into how you think, what you value, and how you see the world. Through your writing, we get a glimpse of what you might bring to our community ...

  20. What Project 2025 is and the biggest changes it proposes

    Cut the Education Department: Project 2025 would make extensive changes to public schooling, cutting longtime low-income and early education federal programs like Head Start, for example, and even ...

  21. Community service employment program pairs older adults with jobs

    Founded in 1965, the Senior Community Service Employment Program is a national program funded by the U.S. Department of Labor. The program was birthed from the Older Americans Act, the first ...

  22. Kapotnya District

    A residential and industrial region in the south-east of Mocsow. It was founded on the spot of two villages: Chagino (what is now the Moscow Oil Refinery) and Ryazantsevo (demolished in 1979). in 1960 the town was incorporated into the City of Moscow as a district. Population - 45,000 people (2002). The district is one of the most polluted residential areas in Moscow, due to the Moscow Oil ...

  23. Elektrostal

    Elektrostal. Elektrostal ( Russian: Электроста́ль) is a city in Moscow Oblast, Russia. It is 58 kilometers (36 mi) east of Moscow. As of 2010, 155,196 people lived there.

  24. Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Elektrostal Geography. Geographic Information regarding City of Elektrostal. Elektrostal Geographical coordinates. Latitude: 55.8, Longitude: 38.45. 55° 48′ 0″ North, 38° 27′ 0″ East. Elektrostal Area. 4,951 hectares. 49.51 km² (19.12 sq mi) Elektrostal Altitude.

  25. Elektrostal

    Elektrostal, city, Moscow oblast (province), western Russia.It lies 36 miles (58 km) east of Moscow city. The name, meaning "electric steel," derives from the high-quality-steel industry established there soon after the October Revolution in 1917. During World War II, parts of the heavy-machine-building industry were relocated there from Ukraine, and Elektrostal is now a centre for the ...