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15 ways to cure the homework headache

According to a survey by Public Agenda, almost half of all parents of school-age students said they have arguments involving tears or yelling with their kids about homework. And one-third of parents admit those school assignments cause repeated kid meltdowns. There's been some controversy lately about homework that some say isn't necessary, assigned by an administrative policy that's trying to make the parents feel the school is serious about education, or being sure their attendees pass standardized tests. Research says that the right kind of homework assignments enhances children's learning as well as helping them acquire the essential skills for success in school and life (such as organization, self-pacing, problem solving, internal motivation, concentration, memory, goal setting, good old "stick-to-it-ness") and don't forget, they might learn something!

So here are a few tips to help parents weigh the battle versus the learning. The key is a bit of organization from the start.

Make homework mandatory, not a choice. From the beginning maintain a firm, serious attitude about homework. Your kid needs to know that homework is not an option. Enforce the "work before play" rule.

Your role is guider, not doer. While you need to make sure they understand the concepts and are capable of the assignments, once they do, step back! Use the mantra "Never do for your child what your child can do for himself." It may take a bit of adjustment, but hang tight until you reach the desired change: independent, self-motivated learners.

Know the teacher’s expectations. Be clear as to expectations and homework policy so you are all on the same page. If your child is in middle school, she probably has a number of teachers, so you will have to do the same query per teacher. Many teachers prefer an e-mail query — find out how the teacher prefers to be contacted. Most important: Find out, on an average, how long the homework should take per night. That answer will help you determine if your child has too much work, is a procrastinator, has a learning disability or lacks study skills. Talk with your child so he knows you are not only aware of those expectations, but support them.

Develop a weekly homework reminder. Teach your child to create a simple reminder of daily or weekly assignments as well as long-term projects and reports. A white board or chalkboard is preferable because it is reusable. With a permanent marker, list the days of the week or month and then note regular daily or weekly assignments (Monday: sharing; Wednesday: library; Friday: spelling test) as well as practice dates, Scout meetings, tutoring, etc. Use a different color to represent each kid (John is blue; Sally is green). The goal is for your child to be able to do this on her own.

Create a special homework spot. Involve your child in the selection and stock it with necessary school supplies. It helps your kid get organized and saves time wasters: "I can't find a ruler!" The general rule is, the younger the child, the closer that spot will be near you. Put the computer in a place where you can carefully view what your child is doing online. Background noise from TV is distracting. Turn it off.

Set a routine. Select a time that works best for your kid to do his homework — after school, before dinner, after dinner — then stick to it. Ask your child for his input and do try to accommodate his schedule. A set and predictable schedule helps defray the battles and gets your kid in a routine. Drawing a clock face of the set time helps younger kids. Set up a rule: "Homework first, then play."

Praise efforts! A Columbia University study found that praising your child's work effort (not inherent intelligence — "You're so smart") stretches persistence, develops a positive mind-set and increases grades. And restrain the urges to correct all his errors or focus on the mistakes.

Teach study skills. Usually the biggest reason for those homework battles is that kids don't have study skills. So slowly make sure your child has those skills.

Planning skills. Make a list of what needs to be done in order of priority. He can then cross each off as done. A young child can draw a different task on paper strips, then put them in the order he plans to complete them, and then staple the packet together. Each time a task is finished, your child tears off a strip until no more remain.

Divide the assignment into smaller parts. Breaking up homework into smaller chunks is often helpful for kids who have difficulty sticking to a task or who seem overwhelmed by an assignment. Just tell your child to do "one chunk at a time." Gradually you can increase the size of the "work chunks" as your child's confidence increases.

Respect learning style. Tune in to how your child learns and encourage it! Visual: Draw pictures, color code. Auditory: Hears it, plugs in music to tune out sound, hums as he reads, says words out loud. Kinesthetic: Moves — so don't stop him. If your child has trouble focusing, then suggest he work in 20-minute bouts, then take a quick refresher break.

Do the hardest first. Teach your child to do the hardest homework assignment first. It takes the most concentration (which is usually at the beginning of a study session) and the longest time.

Put away. Once done, establish a routine that she immediately puts the work in her folder or binder placed in her backpack and set by the door to find the next morning.

Set a consequence for incomplete work. If you find out the homework isn't getting done and done with the quality you expect, then announce a consequence. For instance, if work isn't finished by a predetermined time (ideally, the same time each night), your kid knows he will lose a desired privilege either that evening or the following day.

Stay in touch with the teacher, especially if you see your child is struggling. Consider a tutor! When you see your child struggling (homework becomes an ongoing battle and your relationship with your kid is taking a dive), and your child continues to fall behind despite homework efforts, then consider a tutor. Consider a high school kid or even a retired teacher. Then make a plan with the teacher so your child is being tutored in exactly the needed areas.

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When Should You Worry About a Headache?

Types and causes.

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Most headaches are not a cause for alarm or unnecessary worry. That said, a severe headache, or a headache associated with specific symptoms like a high fever or a new neurologic deficit (alteration of brain, nerve, or muscle function), may be a sign of a potentially life-threatening condition like a brain infection or stroke.

Other scenarios like a new headache in pregnancy or a headache changing in pattern also warrant further investigation.

This article explains some of the key headache symptoms that should alert you to seek medical attention. It also provides an overview of headache types and basic treatment and preventive strategies.

Illustration by Joules Garcia for Verywell Health

Most headaches are primary headaches , meaning they exist on their own and are not caused by an underlying health problem.

The most common types of primary headaches are:

  • Migraine is an intense, throbbing headache often associated with nausea, vomiting, and light/noise sensitivity that can last up to 72 hours .
  • Tension-type headaches cause a dull, "band-like" tightening or pressure sensation on both sides of the head and can last anywhere from 30 minutes to seven days.
  • Cluster headaches cause an excruciating stabbing or burning pain in or around the eye or temple on one side and last between 15 and 180 minutes. Associated symptoms include eye redness and tearing, stuffy nose, and sweating.

It's likely that most primary headaches arise from a complex interplay of factors (e.g., genetics, structural brain changes, and/or sensitization of pain pathways). Environmental factors, such as stress, lack of sleep, weather changes, alcohol intake, and menstruation, also appear to contribute to headache development.

Unlike primary headaches, secondary headaches arise from an underlying condition or situation (e.g., illness, pregnancy, or medication). Most secondary headaches are not serious or dangerous, except in rare instances.

Examples of less serious (typically) secondary headaches include:

  • Sinus headaches stem from sinus inflammation/infection and are usually associated with thick nasal green or yellow discharge.
  • Post-infectious headaches are usually caused by viruses like the common cold , flu , or COVID-19 .
  • Cold-stimulus headaches, also known as ice-cream or brain freeze headaches , occur after eating cold foods or exposing the unprotected head to low temperatures.
  • Cervicogenic headaches are caused by a bone, joint, or soft tissue problem in the neck.

Serious Headaches and Symptoms

While not a complete list, here are examples of possible serious causes and symptoms of a secondary headache. These are conditions for which you should seek out a medical opinion urgently or get emergency medical help.

A stroke develops when blood flow to the brain is cut off. There are two types of strokes— ischemic and hemorrhagic —and both may cause a headache:

  • Ischemic stroke   occurs when an artery that supplies blood to the brain becomes clogged.
  • Hemorrhagic stroke  occurs when an artery in the brain breaks open and starts bleeding within or around the brain.

A headache from an ischemic stroke is more common in younger patients, those with migraine, and those who have had a larger stroke. The headache classically resembles a tension headache and develops around the same time as the neurological deficit (e.g., weakness or numbness on one side of the body or slurred speech).

A common example of a hemorrhagic stroke is a subarachnoid hemorrhage . This type of brain bleed classically causes a thunderclap headache —an explosive headache that comes on suddenly and becomes severely painful within seconds or less than one minute.

Besides a subarachnoid hemorrhage, a thunderclap headache may also occur with other serious health conditions, including:

  • Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome (blood vessels in the brain suddenly narrow)
  • Cervical artery dissection (formation of a tear in the wall of the carotid or vertebral artery in the neck)
  • Pituitary apoplexy (bleeding into or loss of blood supply to the pituitary gland, located in the brain)

Brain Infection

The combination of a headache and fever may indicate a type of brain infection such as:

  • Meningitis : Inflammation of the meninges, the protective coverings around the brain and spinal cord.
  • Encephalitis : Inflammation of the brain tissues.
  • Brain abscess : When a collection of infected fluid builds up in the brain.

Besides a fever and headache, other potential symptoms of a brain infection include:

  • Neck stiffness
  • Altered consciousness or loss of consciousness

Brain Tumor

A brain tumor is a collection of abnormal cells that grows in the brain. While headache is a common (and may be the only or worst) symptom of a brain tumor, keep in mind that brain tumors are overall rare occurrences.

The headache from a brain tumor may feel like a migraine or tension-type headache and tends to worsen with coughing or bending over .

A headache from a brain tumor may also be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. This tends to result from increased intracranial pressure (ICP) or hydrocephalus—when there is too much cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in the brain.

Brain Injury

A headache may occur within days after a traumatic brain injury , such as a concussion . Post-traumatic headaches often feel like a dull, aching sensation felt all over and may be accompanied by dizziness, fatigue, problems with concentration and memory, and irritability.

Post-traumatic headaches due to concussion are generally not attributable to a structural cause, but occasionally can be caused by abnormal blood collections within the skull caused by head or neck trauma.

When to Seek Medical Attention

Below are worrisome signs that your headache may be stemming from a serious underlying condition.

Seek medical attention right away if:

  • Your headache is severe and starts suddenly.
  • Your headache occurs with fever, stiff neck, seizures, fainting, confusion, or neurological symptoms like weakness or numbness.
  • Your headache is accompanied by a painful red eye or tenderness near the temples.
  • Your headache pattern is changing (e.g., becoming more frequent) or interfering with daily activities.
  • Your headache is triggered by sneezing, coughing, or exercising.
  • Your headache occurs after a blow or injury to the head.
  • You are experiencing a new headache or a change in headache during pregnancy  or immediately after giving birth.
  • You have a headache and a history of cancer or a weakened immune system (e.g., HIV/AIDS ).
  • You are age 65 and over and are experiencing a new type of headache.
  • Your headaches are accompanied by painkiller overuse (indicative of possible medication overuse headache ).

The treatment of headaches depend on the type and severity.

Primary Headaches

Most primary headaches can be treated with a combination of medication and home remedies.

For example, tension-type headaches can often be treated with over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers like Tylenol (acetaminophen) or the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) Advil (ibuprofen). Soaking in a warm bath or drinking a caffeinated beverage may also be helpful.

Likewise, mild to moderate migraines are often treated with NSAIDs. A class of oral drugs known as  triptans —for example, Imitrex (sumatriptan)—is used to treat moderate to severe migraines. For those who cannot tolerate triptans, Reyvow (lasmiditan) may be tried.

Napping in a quiet, dark room and applying a cold compress to the forehead can also be effective in helping to soothe a migraine.

For cluster headaches, oxygen therapy (inhaling high flow oxygen), Imitrex (sumatriptan) injection, and Zomig (zolmitriptan) nasal spray may be used as an acute treatment.

Talk With Your Doctor

Before taking any medication for your headache, talk with your healthcare professional. If you are on a blood thinner or have kidney, liver, or ulcer disease, your doctor will want you to avoid certain OTC drugs or take a lower dose.

Secondary Headaches

The treatment of secondary headaches requires addressing the underlying condition.

For example, a sinus headache may be treated with OTC pain relievers like Tylenol or ibuprofen. Your doctor may also recommend saline nasal sprays and/or a  corticosteroid nasal spray to reduce sinus inflammation. In rare cases of bacterial sinusitis, an antibiotic may be prescribed.

Dangerous secondary headaches like stroke or a brain infection require more intensive care, such as close hospital monitoring, intravenous (IV) medications, and/or surgery.

As with treatment, prevention depends on the type and severity of the headache.

Lifestyle modifications and pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic therapies can help prevent primary headaches.

Migraines, for example, may be prevented by avoiding triggering foods, sounds, and smells, sticking to a regular sleep routine, and engaging in certain therapies like acupuncture . For patients with chronic migraine, Botox or taking a preventive medication may be recommended.

For patients with cluster headaches, a preventive medication, like Calan (verapamil) , may be advised. Adopting certain lifestyle behaviors like smoking cessation is also usually recommended.

Depending on the underlying cause, certain types of secondary headaches may be prevented.

For example, a stroke may be prevented by ensuring that risk factors like high blood pressure and high cholesterol are under control.

Likewise, a post-traumatic headache may be prevented by wearing a helmet during potentially high-impact sports or recreational activities.

Headaches that result from viral infections like the cold or flu can be prevented by washing your hands frequently and getting vaccinated, when applicable.

Most headaches are not anything to worry about and go away with medication, self-care strategies, and/or addressing the underlying cause. That said, headaches associated with certain symptoms or features like fever, neurologic deficit, pregnancy, older age, or a weakened immune system require prompt medical attention.

Headaches in the morning have multiple possible causes. They may be a primary headache like a migraine or tension-type headache. They may also arise from a hangover, caffeine withdrawal, or an underlying health problem like sleep apnea.

A tension headache (also called a tension-type headache) is the most common form of headache. It causes pressure or a tightening sensation around the head or neck and can last from 30 minutes to seven days.

There are different descriptions of headaches reported in patients with COVID-19. A typical one is a moderate-severe headache located on both sides of the head, forehead, or around the eyes, that is throbbing or pressing in nature.

Dodick DW.  A phase-by-phase review of migraine pathophysiology .  Headache . 2018;58:1:4-16. doi:10.1111/head.13300

Ghadiri-Sani M, Silver N. Headache (chronic tension-type) . BMJ Clin Evid.  2016;2016:1205.

Weaver-Agostoni J.  Cluster headache .  Am Fam Physician . 2013;88(2):122-128.

Van Os HJA, Wermer MJH, Rosendaal FR, Govers-riemslag JW, Algra A, Siegerink BS.  Intrinsic coagulation pathway, history of headache, and risk of ischemic stroke .  Stroke . 2019;50(8):2181-2186. doi:10.1161/STROKEAHA.118.023124

Oliveira FAA, Rocha-Filho PAS. Headaches attributed to ischemic stroke and transient ischemic attack . Headache . 2019;59(3):469-476. doi:10.1111/head.13478

Yang C-W, Fuh J-L. Thunderclap headache: an update . Expert Rev Neurother. 2018;18(12):915-924. doi:10.1080/14737175.2018.1537782

Rasul CH, Muhammad F, Hossain MJ, Ahmed KU, Rahman M.  Acute meningoencephalitis in hospitalised children in southern Bangladesh.   Malays J Med Sci.  2012;19(2):67-73.

Nelson S, Taylor LP. Headaches in brain tumor patients: primary or secondary? Headache . 2014;54(4):776-785. doi:10.1111/head.12326

Taylor LP.  Mechanism of brain tumor headache .  Headache . 2014;54(4):772-775. doi:10.1111/head.12317

International Headache Society.  Headache attributed to trauma or injury to the head and/or neck .

Phu Do T, Remmers A, Schytz HW, et al. Red and orange flags for secondary headaches in clinical practice: SNNOOP10 list . Neurology. 2019;92(3):134-144. doi:10.1212/WNL.0000000000006697

Tepper SJ. Medication-overuse headache . Continuum . 2012;18(4):807-822. doi:10.1212/01.CON.0000418644.32032.7b

Ashina M, Buse DC, Ashina H et al. Migraine: integrated approaches to clinical management and emerging treatments . Lancet 2021;397(10283):1505-1518. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(20)32342-4

Robbins MS, Starling AJ, Pringsheim TM, Becker WJ, Schwedt TJ. Treatment of cluster headache: the American Headache Society evidence-based guidelines . Headache . 2016;56(7):1093-1106. doi:10.1111/head.12866

Aring AM, Chan MM. Current concepts in adult acute rhinosinusitis . Am Fam Physician.  2016;94(2):97-105.

Zhao L, Chen J, Li Y, et al.  The long-term effect of acupuncture for migraine prophylaxis: a randomized clinical trial .  JAMA Intern Med . 2017;177(4):508-515. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2016.9378

Bolay H, Gül A, Baykan B. COVID-19 is a real headache! Headache . 2020;60(7):1415-1421. doi:10.1111/head.13856

By Colleen Doherty, MD Dr. Doherty is a board-certified internist and writer living with multiple sclerosis. She is based in Chicago.

Headache is pain in any region of the head. Headaches may occur on one or both sides of the head, be isolated to a certain location, radiate across the head from one point, or have a viselike quality.

A headache may appear as a sharp pain, a throbbing sensation or a dull ache. Headaches can develop gradually or suddenly, and may last from less than an hour to several days.

Your headache symptoms can help your doctor determine its cause and the appropriate treatment. Most headaches aren't the result of a serious illness, but some may result from a life-threatening condition requiring emergency care.

Headaches are generally classified by cause:

Primary headaches

A primary headache is caused by overactivity of or problems with pain-sensitive structures in your head. A primary headache isn't a symptom of an underlying disease.

Chemical activity in your brain, the nerves or blood vessels surrounding your skull, or the muscles of your head and neck (or some combination of these factors) can play a role in primary headaches. Some people may also carry genes that make them more likely to develop such headaches.

Seek emergency care

A headache can be a symptom of a serious condition, such as a stroke, meningitis or encephalitis.

Go to a hospital emergency room or call 911 or your local emergency number if you're experiencing the worst headache of your life, a sudden, severe headache or a headache accompanied by:

  • Confusion or trouble understanding speech
  • High fever, greater than 102 F to 104 F (39 C to 40 C)
  • Numbness, weakness or paralysis on one side of your body
  • Trouble seeing
  • Trouble speaking
  • Trouble walking
  • Nausea or vomiting (if not clearly related to the flu or a hangover)

Schedule a doctor's visit

See a doctor if you experience headaches that:

  • Occur more often than usual
  • Are more severe than usual
  • Worsen or don't improve with appropriate use of over-the-counter drugs
  • Keep you from working, sleeping or participating in normal activities
  • Cause you distress, and you would like to find treatment options that enable you to control them better

Show References

  • Ferri FF. Ferri's Clinical Advisor 2016. Philadelphia, Pa.: Mosby Elsevier; 2016. Accessed Feb. 29, 2016.
  • Digre KB. Headaches and other head pain. In: Goldman-Cecil Medicine. 25th ed. Philadelphia, Pa.: Saunders Elsevier; 2016. Accessed March 2, 2016
  • Secondary headaches. American Headache Society Committee for Headache Education. Accessed March 2, 2016.
  • Wong ET, et al. Clinical presentation and diagnosis of brain tumors. Accessed March 2, 2016.
  • NINDS meningitis and encephalitis information page. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Accessed March 3, 2016.
  • NINDS stroke information page. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Accessed March 3, 2016.
  • Cutrer FM. Primary cough headache. Accessed March 3, 2016.
  • Garza I, et al. Overview of chronic daily headache. Accessed March 3, 2016.
  • Friedman BW, et al. Headache emergencies: Diagnosis and management. Neurological Clinics. 2012;30:43.
  • Headache hygiene tips. American Headache Society Committee for Headache Education. /. Accessed March 8, 2016.
  • Flu symptoms & severity. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Accessed March 8, 2016.
  • Cutrer FM, et al. Cough, exercise, and sex headaches. Neurologic Clinics. 2014:32:433.
  • Bajwa ZH, et al. Evaluation of headache in adults. Accessed March 2, 2016.
  • Evans RW, et al. Postconcussion syndrome. Accessed March 2, 2016.
  • Green MW. Secondary headaches. In: Continuum Lifelong Learning Neurology. 2012;18:783.
  • Simon RA. Allergic and asthmatic reactions to food additives. Accessed March 8, 2016.
  • External compression headache. International Headache Society. Accessed March 8, 2016.
  • Seifert T. Headache in sports. Current Pain and Headache Reports. 2014;18:448.
  • The elusive hangover cure. British Columbia Drug and Poison Information Centre. Accessed March 8, 2016.
  • Headache: Hope through research. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Accessed March 8, 2016.
  • When to see a physician for your headache. National Headache Foundation. Accessed March 8, 2016.
  • AskMayoExpert. COVID-19: Neurologic manifestations. Mayo Clinic; 2020.
  • Mao L, et al. Neurologic manifestations of hospitalized patients with coronavirus disease 2019 in Wuhan, China. JAMA Neurology. 2020; doi:10.1001/jamaneurol.2020.1127.

Original article:

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Common questions about headaches

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Virtually everyone has experienced at least one headache. It's one of the most common health complaints from patients. They can range from mild everyday headaches to life-threatening symptoms that requires immediate emergency care.

What is a headache?

A headache is pain in any region of the head. It may occur on one or both sides of the head. A headache can be a sharp pain, throbbing sensation or a dull ache. It can last for only a few minutes or for several days.

What causes headaches?

Headaches have many potential causes. Work with your healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis. Headaches are generally classified into two main types: primary and secondary.

Primary headaches are caused by problems with the pain-sensitive structures in your head and aren't a symptom of an underlying disease or condition. Chemical activity in your brain, nerves, blood vessels or muscles of your head and neck may all be a factor in these types of headaches. They can be triggered by lifestyle factors, such as alcohol, foods, sleep patterns, posture and stress.

Examples of primary headaches are:

  • Cluster headache
  • Tension headache
  • Trigeminal autonomic cephalalgia (TAC)
  • Chronic daily headaches
  • Cough headaches
  • Exercise headaches
  • Sex headaches

Secondary headaches are a symptom of a disease. Any number of mild to life-threatening conditions may cause secondary headaches.

Some of the sources of secondary headaches include:

  • Acute sinusitis
  • Blood clot in the brain
  • Brain aneurysm
  • Carbon monoxide poisoning
  • Dehydration
  • Ear infection
  • Encephalitis
  • Panic attacks
  • Pressure from tight-fitting headwear

When should I see my healthcare professional for my headaches?

A headache can be a symptom of a serious condition.

You should go to the Emergency Department or call 911 if you have the worst headache of your life, or a sudden, severe headache accompanied by any or all of these symptoms:

  • Confusion or trouble understanding speech
  • Numbness, weakness or paralysis
  • Trouble seeing, speaking or walking

You should schedule a visit with your healthcare professional if you experience headaches that:

  • Occur more frequently than usual
  • Are more severe than normal
  • Don't improve with use of over-the-counter medication
  • Prevent you from working, sleeping or participating in day-to-day activities
  • Affect your overall quality of life

How do you treat headaches?

There are several ways to treat headaches. You should work with your healthcare provider to help you manage them.

Common headache treatments are:

  • Pain-relieving medication
  • Preventive medication
  • Osteopathic manipulation
  • Acupuncture

What are some ways to prevent headaches?

Headaches aren't completely preventable, but you can do a few things to help:.

  • Avoid your headache triggers, such as foods, caffeine and alcohol.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Get adequate sleep.
  • Don't use tobacco.
  • Try to control stress in your life.
  • Rest in a dark, quiet room when you feel a headache coming on.
  • Place an ice pack on the back of your neck.

Headaches can have a major effect on your quality of life. Staying positive plays an important role in managing your headaches, along with practicing proper treatment and prevention. Contact your healthcare team if you have questions or concerns about headaches.

In this video, I speak about headache and migraine causes and treatment:

Jamie Johannes, D.O. , sees patients in Family Medicine in Mankato , Minnesota.

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  • Nervous System Health

How to Relieve & Prevent Headaches & Migraines Fast

Last Updated: April 12, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was medically reviewed by Sari Eitches, MBE, MD and by wikiHow staff writer, Aly Rusciano . Dr. Sari Eitches is an Integrative Internist who runs Tower Integrative Health and Wellness, based in Los Angeles, California. She specializes in plant-based nutrition, weight management, women's health, preventative medicine, and depression. She is a Diplomate of the American Board of Internal Medicine and the American Board of Integrative and Holistic Medicine. She received a BS from the University of California, Berkeley, an MD from SUNY Upstate Medical University, and an MBE from the University of Pennsylvania. She completed her residency at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York, NY and served as an attending internist at the University of Pennsylvania. There are 35 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 11,683,755 times.

Is there anything worse than a headache? Whether you have a minor throb or a debilitating migraine, they can be a mood buster. But what if we told you there were plenty of ways to help the pain fade away? In this article, we’ll teach you everything you need to know about getting rid of a headache, from at-home care to over-the-counter medications. With our help, you’ll be able to soothe your head and prevent future headaches from coming on.

Best Ways to Stop a Headache Fast

  • Hold an ice pack against your forehead to relieve pain.
  • Apply a warm compress or take a warm shower.
  • Drink a large glass of water or have a small caffeinated drink.
  • Dim the lights and avoid bright screens.
  • Get some rest and sleep the headache off.
  • Take over-the-counter pain relievers
  • Try diffusing lavender essential oil.

Know the type of headache you’re experiencing.

Not all headaches have the same symptoms or causes.

  • Tension headaches: These are the most common, occurring less than 15 days a month. Often triggered by stress, eye strain, or insomnia, they can cause head pain that lasts around 30 minutes. [2] X Trustworthy Source Cleveland Clinic Educational website from one of the world's leading hospitals Go to source
  • Migraines: These can last from hours to days. They usually cause throbbing pain and sensitivity to light and sound. If you’re having a headache that lasts anywhere between 4 to 72 hours, that’s a migraine.
  • Sinus headaches: These are a common symptom of sinus infections, colds, and seasonal allergies and cause pressure and pain around the nose, eyes, and forehead. [3] X Trustworthy Source Cleveland Clinic Educational website from one of the world's leading hospitals Go to source
  • Rebound headaches: These are caused by the frequent use of pain relievers or anti-migraine drugs.
  • Cluster headaches: These are rare and tend to occur in cycles. They’re classifiable by intense pain around one eye or side of the head.

Drink a large glass of water.

Not drinking enough water can cause headaches.

  • Carry a filled reusable water bottle with you wherever you go so you’re reminded to drink more water .
  • Try to drink room temperature water if you’re prone to migraines, as extremely cold or iced water could trigger symptoms. [7] X Trustworthy Source PubMed Central Journal archive from the U.S. National Institutes of Health Go to source

Place an ice pack on your eyes or head.

A cold compress...

  • Use the cold compress for around 25 minutes, then take a break and see how you feel. [9] X Trustworthy Source PubMed Central Journal archive from the U.S. National Institutes of Health Go to source
  • Try using a cooling eye mask to block out light and soothe pressure.

Take a warm bath or shower.

Warm water can help relax tense muscles and open your sinuses.

  • If bathing isn’t an option, try pressing a heating pad or warm compress to your head.

Dim the lights and turn off screens.

A dark, distraction-free room may help soothe your symptoms.

  • If turning off or dimming the lights isn’t an option, close your eyes or place your head under a blanket or pillow to make your own dark, quiet space.
  • Try using an eye mask to keep things nice and dark no matter what.

Take a nap.

Getting enough sleep...

  • Make sure to get 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night, as sleep deprivation can trigger headaches.
  • Limit your screen time before bed so you can wind down before closing your eyes.
  • Try to stick to a regular sleep routine, going to bed and waking up at the same time each day (even on weekends). [15] X Trustworthy Source Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Main public health institute for the US, run by the Dept. of Health and Human Services Go to source

Relax with meditation or yoga.

Stress is one of the leading causes of tension headaches.

  • Try yoga poses like a forward fold, downward facing dog, or head-to-knee for quick relief. [17] X Research source
  • Count your breaths and close your eyes when you feel a headache coming on, rather than focusing on the pounding in your head. [18] X Research source
  • Do deep breathing exercises while you meditate to help calm your mind and nervous system. [19] X Research source

Try over-the-counter medications.


  • Try to take these medications at the first sign of a headache for faster relief. [21] X Trustworthy Source Cleveland Clinic Educational website from one of the world's leading hospitals Go to source
  • Limit your medication use to 2 days a week, as too much could cause more headaches.

Warning: Taking medication should never be your first choice or your automatic go-to. Do not rely on medicine all the time, instead maybe lean towards other relieving methods first.

Use a lavender essential oil.

The calming smell...

  • Always purchase essential oils from well-known and reputable companies to ensure you get the best quality item.
  • Dilute lavender oil by mixing it with a carrier oil, like coconut or almond oil, in a 1:1 ratio. This will help prevent burns and rashes, especially if you have sensitive skin.

Drink some caffeine.

Taking a small amount of caffeine when your headache starts may help.

  • Try drinking a tea with ginger in it to ease the nausea and vomiting that may come with more severe headaches. [25] X Trustworthy Source PubMed Central Journal archive from the U.S. National Institutes of Health Go to source
  • Be careful when it comes to drinking caffeine, as having too much can cause migraines and possibly a caffeine addiction (which has its own type of headache withdrawals).
  • Doctors recommend having within 150 to 200 mg of caffeine a day, so avoid this method if you’ve already hit your daily allowance. [26] X Trustworthy Source Cleveland Clinic Educational website from one of the world's leading hospitals Go to source

Stay hydrated when drinking alcohol.

Drinking too much alcohol can make you dehydrated.

  • Opt for food with a high water content while and after you drink, like watermelon, celery, and cucumber, to help you stay hydrated .

Try a magnesium supplement.

Magnesium deficiencies can cause migraines in adults.

  • Magnesium deficiency is the most common amongst those who have Type 2 Diabetes, Crohn’s Disease, or are taking medications.
  • Talk to your doctor before adding a magnesium supplement to your daily routine, as they’ll be able to tell you the exact dosage you and your body need.

Watch what you eat.

Chocolate, cheese, and processed foods can trigger headaches.

  • Aged cheese (blue cheese, brie, cheddar, mozzarella)
  • Pizza or other tomato-based products
  • Potato chips
  • Smoked or dried fish
  • Pickled foods
  • Canned soups
  • Cultured dairy products (sour cream, yogurt)
  • Artificial sweeteners

Exercise regularly.

At least 30 minutes of exercise a day can prevent headaches.

  • Who says you have to go to the gym and lift weights to exercise? Move your body in whatever way that feels good! Maybe that’s dancing, walking, running, or swimming.

Try acupressure.

Pressing specific points on your body can help reduce muscular tension.

  • On your hand: Massage the soft part of your hand in between your index finger and thumb. Apply firm, circular pressure for 4 to 5 seconds. [34] X Research source
  • Behind your ear: Locate the mastoid bone just behind your ear, and follow the natural groove in your neck to where the muscles attach to the skull. Apply firm pressure for 4 to 5 seconds while breathing deeply. [35] X Research source
  • On your shoulder: Locate the point on your shoulder between your neck and the edge of your shoulder. Using your opposite hand (right hand on the left shoulder, left hand on the right shoulder), pinch the shoulder muscle between your fingers and thumb. Use your index finger to apply firm downward pressure for 4 to 5 seconds. [36] X Research source

Try acupuncture.

Acupuncture can relax triggered nerves that cause headaches.

Do weekly massage sessions.

Regular massages may help reduce the frequency of headaches.

  • Massages alone won’t cure a headache—it’s simply a preventative step—so make sure you try other methods as well.

Visit a chiropractor.

Spinal manipulation could reduce the pain that triggers chronic headaches.

  • Talk to your chiropractor about your headaches and symptoms, as they can pinpoint if and where the problem is in your back or neck.
  • As an alternative, try osteopathic manipulative treatment, which is similar to chiropractic therapy but focuses on improving the body’s overall system. [41] X Research source

Expert Q&A

Sari Eitches, MBE, MD

Reader Videos

  • Not all headaches are the same. If one fix doesn't get rid of your headache, keep trying other solutions until you find one that works. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

Tips from our Readers

  • Wear soft ear plugs that aren't connected by a thin cord to aid in noise cancellation. If you share a room with someone, ask them to please be quiet and to keep the lights dim while you're recovering.
  • Stay away from too much light. If you want to get rid of a headache fast, stay away from electronics and screens. Even the sun can make your headache worse, so try to stay inside and rest.
  • Take a wash cloth and put it under hot water, wring it out so it doesn't drip then lay down and wrap it around your eyes and temples. Heat relaxes muscles and can help reduce pain.
  • If you are just at the start of getting a headache, avoid sitting up too fast when you're lying down. This can make your headache even worse. Take it nice and slow instead.
  • Massage the back of the neck to get the blood flowing. This helps me when I get migraines before they get really bad.

should i do homework if i have a headache

  • Avoid taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or naproxen if you have an ulcer or gastrointestinal problems, as they can worsen your symptoms. Thanks Helpful 8 Not Helpful 0
  • Get emergency medical treatment if you have sudden numbness or weakness in your face, arm, or leg, become confused, and/or have trouble speaking or understanding people. Thanks Helpful 8 Not Helpful 2
  • If you experience a fast yet incredibly painful headache that lasts about 5 minutes, this is could be a thunderclap headache, which often signal a serious issue. Contact your doctor immediately. [42] X Trustworthy Source Cleveland Clinic Educational website from one of the world's leading hospitals Go to source Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

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About This Article

Sari Eitches, MBE, MD

Medical Disclaimer

The content of this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, examination, diagnosis, or treatment. You should always contact your doctor or other qualified healthcare professional before starting, changing, or stopping any kind of health treatment.


If you’re suffering from a headache, there are some tricks you can try for fast-acting relief. Close your eyes and inhale for a count of 5, then exhale for a count of 5. Keep breathing like this until your headache subsides. Massage your temples or the back of your neck at the same time for extra relief. Placing a cold compress over your eyes or forehead can also help, especially if you have a migraine. For a tension headache, hold a heating pack against your head or neck, or take a warm bath or shower. Caffeine can also get rid of a headache, so try drinking some caffeinated tea or coffee. Even just drinking water can ease a headache if you’re feeling dehydrated. If your headache persists, take a break from what you’re doing and do something relaxing, like yoga or meditation. Dim the lights and shut off any screens since bright light can make headaches worse. Applying peppermint oil to your temples and inhaling lavender oil can provide quick headache relief and help you relax. Finally, consider taking an over-the-counter pain reliever like Tylenol or Advil if natural methods aren’t helping. To learn how to get rid of a headache with natural remedies like ginger and tea, read the article! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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College Students and Migraine Triggers

October 30, 2021

Migraine University

woman studying

Migraine in college students is often caused by stress, anxiety, fatigue, and diet. The National Headache Foundation (NHF) supports college students who experience migraine and headache through Migraine University. The program provides advice on healthier lifestyle choices that can help deter headache triggers, including:

  • Take frequent breaks from studying to avoid eyestrain caused by textbooks and computers
  • Consider getting blue light blocking glasses or installing an antiglare screen on your monitor.
  • Opt for more natural light and avoid/remove fluorescent lights.
  • Use “night mode” on your devices or download light filtering apps for your phone and computer.
  • Look away from your screen at least once every 20 minutes to let your eyes rest.
  • Find a comfortable chair to avoid neck and back pain that can lead to headache
  • Drink caffeine in moderation, since caffeine overuse can cause headache
  • Maintain a consistent meal and sleep schedule; do not fast or skip meals, and  have healthy snacks available for a quick bite between classes.
  • Determine if you have any dietary triggers. Elimination diets are an excellent way to identify problematic foods. Exclude only one food item at a time and carefully track the results in a migraine diary.
  • Maintain a well-balanced diet full of leafy greens, colorful vegetables, and protein
  • Drink alcohol in moderation, hydrate with water in between drinks, and eat foods high in fructose to avoid hangover-related headaches in the morning
  • Avoid dehydration and drink plenty of water. Invest in a reusable water bottle.
  • Drink coffee and alcohol in moderation.
  • Practice relaxation techniques to help relieve daily stress and anxiety
  • Incorporate yoga or exercise into your daily routine

Mid-term exams and upcoming finals can result in less sleep, more stress, and increased caffeine consumption, all of which are migraine triggers. Click here for more information on negotiating college while living with migraine disease.

The Productive Engineer

Should I Study with a Headache?

should i do homework if i have a headache

Headaches are one of the most annoying commonplace ailments we can get as humans. There are all different types of headaches that can range to migraines, and they all make it difficult for you to get things done. You may just feel like being down for the count and taking the rest of the day off, but sometimes that is simply not an option. One of those reasons could be studying. Just because you have a headache does not mean that the need to study disappears.

The question is: Should you study with a headache? Ideally, you should not study with a headache. Instead, you should take steps to reduce or eliminate the headache before attempting to study.

Before we get started, if you are looking for study tips that can make an immediate impact on your academic performance , check out the article linked below:

25 Essential Study Tips to Maximize Academic Performance

If you are looking to improve your writing, you should really check out Grammarly . Grammarly is a godsend for those who have to write term papers, dissertations, or anything else you write that needs to be grammatically correct. Grammarly doesn’t just check grammar either. It helps you to write clearly and effectively by checking for overused words and unclear phrases. Best of all, Grammarly has a great free tier to get started with. For more information on Grammarly, click the link below:

Grammarly – Great Writing, Simplified

If you are looking for the best study tools out there, you should read our article on the best study tools to enhance your studying at the link below:

The Ultimate Study Tools You Must Use to Succeed!

What is a Headache?

First things first, what even is a headache, and what causes it? A headache can occur in any part of the head, on both sides, or just one. ( Source ) Primary headaches are standalone illnesses, whereas secondhand headaches come on due to another cause. For example, a hangover, dehydration, or sleeping in an awkward position. Examples of headache types include:

  • cluster headaches
  • tension headaches

should i do homework if i have a headache

I have suffered from headaches since I was very young. I remember being in elementary school at recess, wishing the other kids would quiet down so my head would feel better. As I got older, I started getting migraines as well. These are horrendous, and I wouldn’t wish them upon anyone. Migraines are not just bad headaches. Migraines include blurred vision, light-headedness, nausea, as well as sensory disturbances known as “auras.”

For some teens, hormonal changes can also cause headaches . Some girls get headaches just before their periods or during their monthly cycle. ( Source )

According to TeensHealth, “ Most headaches happen in the nerves, blood vessels, and muscles that cover a person’s head and neck . Sometimes the muscles or blood vessels swell, tighten, or go through other changes that stimulate the surrounding nerves or put pressure on them. These nerves send a rush of pain messages to the brain, and this brings on a headache.” ( Source )

So even though it may feel like it, the ache is not actually in your brain .

How do you relieve a headache?

The most common ways of treating headaches are rest and aspirin . I personally also get headaches if I don’t drink enough coffee/caffeine. So, for some people, a Cola or Latte can cure their headache as well. Yet, pain relief medication and a nap will cure headaches for most.

should i do homework if i have a headache

Start by lying down in a cool, dark, quiet room and close your eyes . It may help to put a cool, moist cloth across your forehead and eyes.

Should I Study if I have a Headache?

When it comes down it, it honestly depends on how bad your headache is and what the cause of the headache. If your headache is stressed induced, then you should not, because it will only cause more stress. If it’s because you are dehydrated, try drinking some water and taking aspirin before beginning your study session.

I know from personal experience that migraines will have you down for the count for up to a week . Yes, a week! This lingering amount of time can be detrimental when it comes to your classes and studying. If you suffer from migraines, you need to visit your doctor so they can help you avoid them in the future. When you have a migraine, you can’t even turn on a light, let alone conduct a full-on study session.

should i do homework if i have a headache

If you are going to study while you have a headache, make sure to do so in a calm and quiet environment . Don’t study with others or listen to music. Just take it slow and simple so that your headache will not worsen.

How do I avoid having to study with a headache?

Leaving yourself some room for “sick days” from study sessions can save yourself from situations like a headache without allowing you to fall too far behind. For example, read one extra chapter and take notes on it on a day that you are on a roll while studying. This consistent schedule allows you to skip a day if something like a headache arises . Just don’t use that advantage to skip a day of studying when you simply don’t feel like it. Your future self who is suffering from a headache will thank you.

If you do have a headache, but still need to study that evening, try to alleviate the pain before you begin your study session.

You can try to take a power nap, take an Epsom salt bath, drink a ton of water, aspirin, or take a walk to get some fresh air. If you can make your headache even slightly less painful, you may be able to have a much more beneficial study session . Don’t “power through” it right away. Take even 15 minutes to try to find relief beforehand.

should i do homework if i have a headache

Headaches and migraines can occur due to stress, even educational stress. If you feel one of these ailments coming on because of your stress over your next big math test, try to find ways to relieve that stress. Getting a headache or migraine is only going to make it harder for you to prepare for the test , so once you let the problem out of your hands, you will allow yourself to feel better for studying.

Can Cramming Give you a Headache?

We all know to cram before a big test is not wise for several reasons. Is getting a headache one of them? Absolutely. Studies have shown that college students are more vulnerable to headaches because of their busy schedules and extreme workload.

Eyestrain is something that can occur when staring at a computer for too long. Eyestrain can quickly arise when cramming after staring at your laptop screen all night long. Eyestrain is known to cause headaches .

should i do homework if i have a headache

Stress is also a known trigger of headaches and migraines . Pulling an all-nighter can cause tension headaches as well as migraines due to an increase in stress and anxiety.

Lack of sleep is another trigger of headaches, which is a distinct part of pulling an all-nighter.

If you are going to pull an all-nighter (even though I don’t recommend it ) but want to avoid getting headaches to make sure to stay hydrated, take breaks to prevent eyestrain, and sit in a comfortable chair /position to prevent tension headaches. Still, get enough rest to avoid having a headache when taking your exam because no one wants that.

Why am I getting a headache?

should i do homework if i have a headache

If this becomes a commonplace occurrence in your life, it is essential to discover your headache triggers and how to avoid them . Some questions to ask yourself to identify your headache triggers include:

  • Are you overly stressed? 
  • Do you not drink enough water? 
  • Do you sleep in a weird position? 
  • Do you drink too much alcohol? 
  • Do you eat a poor diet?

Try to figure out how you trigger yourself or consult with your physician to help you. It may take a bit of trial and error , but you will be thankful when you no longer have to deal with constant headaches that can put a damper in your education.

I get chronic headaches; how do I cope when trying to study?

If you get at least a few headaches a week or deal with migraines every month, here are some tips on how to cope with them while you are in college and trying to study.

  • Take short breaks while studying, but don’t look at your smartphone. Take a quick walk or get some fresh air.
  • Eat snacks throughout the day.
  • Drink water throughout the day – 64 oz!
  • Highlight important notes so you can just study the basics if you feel too horrible actually to study.
  • Fill out disability accommodation papers with your university. This way, your professors have to let you take tests on a different day if you have a migraine on the day of the test.
  • Auras can cause some issues cognitively. Always have someone else proofread your work and essays for you.
  • Keep up to date on visits with your medical doctor.
  • Stick to a routine to lessen stress levels.

It may feel impossible to achieve your degree when dealing with chronic headaches and migraines, but it’s not , trust me.

How do I avoid a headache before a big exam?

Midterms or Finals coming up? You are already worried enough about the big exam, don’t let a headache make it worse. Don’t cram the night before the test, get plenty of sleep and rest. Keep electronics off to avoid eyestrain and maintain focus. Get some exercise; it will keep you alert and ward off stress. Eat a proper diet, and don’t skip meals . Eat breakfast on the day of your test, no matter what. Drink a lot of water the day before as well. Again, hunger and dehydration can cause headaches.

If you can’t avoid cramming the night before, check out our article on how to prepare last minute for an exam at the link below:

How to Study Last Minute for an Exam Effectively

should i do homework if i have a headache

You can’t altogether avoid all headaches no matter what, but making sure you check these off your list will help lessen the probability that your head will hurt on exam day.

Be Honest with Yourself and those around you.

You may just want to power through your pain, but this is not always the smart thing to do. As always, you are your judge . If you know your headache is there but you are still able to function, then do so. If you are bedridden, then do not push it. Be honest with yourself, your study buddies, and your professors ; life happens, even when school is still in session. If you have a migraine on the day of the midterm, explain your situation to your professor. As long as you don’t try to get out of every test with this excuse, they should understand. Also, it may sound scary, but don’t be afraid to get a disability note from your university. This medical note will force those professors who are not so forgiving to let you have more time. You may also be able to take your tests in a more private, quiet setting, which could be super beneficial if you are recovering from a headache or migraine.

should i do homework if i have a headache

Don’t go to a study session with friends because you feel like you have to. If you have a headache and know you would do better studying by yourself in silence, then do so , because it is what’s best for you. They will understand if you explain your situation. You aren’t letting down anyone but yourself if you push it.

Don’t downplay your condition or be too hard on yourself; it will only make you feel worse. Your illness is valid, and you should treat it as such. Pushing and powering through very well may make you even sicker.

Honesty is critical in all of this. Only you know how you truly feel . Being honest with yourself, your study partners, your doctors, and your professors will help you better manage your illness and be more successful in day to day life as well as your educational career.

In Conclusion

Headaches may sound like a common type of illness that some aspirin can ward off, but they can be so much worse than that. There isn’t just one type of headache. There are tension headaches, cluster headaches, or migraines.

should i do homework if i have a headache

Several different triggers and actions can also cause them . Stress, hunger, dehydration, hangovers, awkward sleeping positions, lack of sleep, and exposure to loud environments are just a few of the causes and triggers of headaches.

These can all be hard to manage while in college. Being overworked, broke, and under pressure is going to result in some of these triggers occurring in your day to day lives. Trying to manage as many of these as possible will lessen the likelihood that you will have to deal with a headache.

You are the one that will ultimately have to decide if you can study with a headache. Determine the intensity of pain truly can help you determine if you will be able to focus and learn during your study session. If you have a headache, try taking some aspirin and doing some essential studying. If you have a migraine, you can’t even look at your phone screen without wincing, so studying is probably not an option in the cards.

should i do homework if i have a headache

Be honest with your professors, parents, those around you, and yourself about how you feel. Tell your university that you suffer from this ailment, let your professors know, and visit your doctor for advice. No one should have to suffer alone in silence. Speak up so you can get support from others and better manage your illness. Getting a headache isn’t the end of the world, but it can sure feel like it when you have midterms and finals coming up. Your peers and professors will understand this. After all, you’re only human. Life doesn’t stop because school is in session.

So do I study if I have a headache???

The answer to this question? Yes and no . It all depends on what type of headache you have. If there were only one type of headache, there would be a more definitive answer. Yet in actuality, there are several, and they can all have different effects on you. Some headaches are annoying but easy to function with, while others have you down for the count and in bed by 4 pm.

Being honest with yourself will help you to answer this question for your current situation. Just remember not to push yourself and make things worse.

should i do homework if i have a headache

Like I mentioned earlier, try to prepare for days like these and study ahead on days when you are on a roll and in the mood to learn. This preparation allows you to take a day off, no matter the strength of your impending headache.

Drink plenty of water, get plenty of rest, and relax . Even though it may seem so at times, school and your education will not get the best of you. You will prevail and obtain your degree; not even a migraine can stop that. It may be able to sidetrack you, but through careful analysis and honest evaluation , there will no longer be a problem in no time.

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Solutions Architect

Jimmy McTiernan is the owner/author of The Productive Engineer, a website dedicated to helping people master productivity applications. Jimmy also is the creator of The Productive Engineer YouTube channel.

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Everyday Health Logo

Is Working From Home Giving You a Headache or Migraine Attack?

Becky Upham

For people with jobs that allow it, working from home has become mainstream in recent years. While most Americans don’t have a job that can be done remotely, among those who do have these jobs, 35 percent work from home all the time, and 41 percent work from home on some days, according to the Pew Research Center .

Working from home can have its perks (attending meetings in sweatpants, anyone?), but sometimes trying to get work done in your home environment can be a headache — literally.

“My experience, and what I’ve heard from other physicians, is that a lot of people are reporting worsening of their tension headaches and migraine ” when working from home more often, says Katherine Hamilton, MD , a neurologist and headache specialist at MedStar Health in Washington, DC.

“I think there are numerous reasons that we’re seeing that,” Dr. Hamilton adds.

Too Much Screen Time May Mean More Frequent Headaches

Working from home and attending meetings virtually, rather than in person, can mean spending almost the entire workday looking at a screen — in addition to the screen time you log when you’re not at work.

For people who work from home, “the average person is spending more than 13 hours on digital devices during the course of a day,” says Paul Karpecki, OD , a member of the vision health advisory board at Eyesafe, a company that develops technology to filter out blue light from electronic displays.

“If you have any potential issue that can cause headaches, it’s more likely to come out in a situation like that, where you put that much strain on the system,” Dr. Karpecki adds.

Both migraine attacks and tension headaches — the most common type of headache — can be triggered by environmental factors and changes in your routine, according to Hamilton. Migraine attacks tend to be more debilitating, with symptoms such as throbbing pain, nausea , and sensitivity to light and sound.

It’s estimated that between 85 and 90 percent of people with migraine experience sensitivity to light, particularly the blue-tinted light that’s most commonly emitted from phone and computer screens, according to the American Migraine Foundation .

There are a few things you can do if you think extra screen time is giving you more headaches, says Karpecki.

  • Try to limit your screen time to daylight hours. Research shows that exposure to blue light can change your natural circadian rhythm and disrupt your sleep schedule .
  • Consider using technology like Eyesafe — in a screen protector, for example — that filters out blue light.
  • Give your eyes a chance to relax by periodically (every 20 minutes or so) moving your gaze to something farther away, which can reduce eyestrain.
  • Take occasional breaks to keep your eyes moist. Blink rates go down about 75 percent when we’re on digital devices, says Karpecki.

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Poor Positioning or Posture Can Cause Tension

Many people don’t have an ideal home office setup with a properly positioned keyboard and computer monitor, Hamilton notes. That can mean poor body positioning or posture, which can increase the likelihood of a migraine attack or tension-type headache. “When you’re on your laptop, you can end up hunching forward more, which can lead to tension in your neck and shoulders,” she says.

Optimizing the ergonomics (positioning or layout) of your home office to make it more comfortable and to encourage better posture can go a long way, says Hamilton. “Ideally, you want to have a setup where you are able to take an upright posture so you’re able to look straight ahead at your computer if you can,” she says. That may mean adjusting your desk or table, or using books or other props to get optimum positioning. “This can help you avoid the position where your head is forward and your shoulders are hunched,” Hamilton notes.

Even if your posture is great, taking breaks to stretch is a good idea, especially for your shoulder and neck muscles, she adds.

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Lack of Sleep and Changes in Diet Can Trigger Migraine Attacks

Departures from your normal routine can be a big factor in headaches and migraine attacks, Hamilton notes. “I explain to my patients that the migraine brain likes things to be as steady and stable as possible, which can be especially challenging” for some people who work from home, she says.

“For example, if you’re not going into the office, you may be going to bed and getting up at different times and sleeping too much or too little,” Hamilton adds. Both too little and too much sleep can trigger a headache.

Changes in meal schedules and caffeine intake can be an issue too, according to Hamilton. She advises people to establish a regular routine for sleeping, eating, and exercising when working from home. “It’s okay if that routine is not exactly the same as what you did before you worked from home. The idea is just to maintain it consistently,” she says. Hamilton suggests the following tips to reduce the likelihood of a migraine attack and improve your overall well-being.

  • Go to bed and wake up around the same time.
  • If you drink coffee, keep your intake consistent from one day to the next, and make sure it’s not interfering with your ability to sleep at night.
  • Have regular meals at around the same time every day.
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day.

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Could Something in My House Be Giving Me a Headache?

Migraine attacks and headaches can be triggered by things in your environment, so it’s possible that something in your house is part of the problem. Here are some possibilities to investigate.

  • Check the light. Migraine attacks are often associated with photophobia , or light sensitivity. If you’re experiencing photophobia, avoid fluorescent or flickering lights. Even bright natural light can be bothersome, so if you’re sensitive to it, you may want to keep your window blinds at least partially closed during the brightest times of the day.
  • Eliminate strong odors. Any strong odor, from scented soaps, lotions, or candles, perfumes, cleaning products, cigarette smoke, and even foods can trigger a migraine attack , or headache . To avoid bothersome odors, purchase unscented personal care and household products whenever possible, and ask the members of your household to do the same.
  • Beware of dry air and dehydration. Indoor heating can dry out the air you’re breathing and dehydrate you as well, and headache and dizziness can be symptoms of dehydration .

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How Do I Get Immediate Relief From a Headache?

No medication can take away the pain of a migraine attack or tension-type headache 100 percent of the time, but there are many effective treatment options. Talk with your doctor about which therapy will safely relieve your pain as quickly as possible so that you can return to work and the activities you enjoy.

  • Analgesics and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can provide short-term relief for tension headaches and migraine pain, and they usually don’t require a prescription. These include medications such as aspirin , ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil) , and acetaminophen (Tylenol) . While they are generally safe to use to treat short, acute headaches, they should not be taken for chronic pain without discussing their use with your healthcare team.
  • Triptans are a class of prescription drugs that were developed to treat migraine attacks. If you feel an attack coming on, these drugs will be more effective if you take them early, while the pain is still moderate, according to the American Migraine Foundation .
  • Gepants and ditans are newer kinds of acute migraine medications that target very specific receptors on sensory nerves. They may offer an alternative to people who can’t take triptans or don’t benefit from them.
  • Integrative and complementary therapies such as acupuncture , physical therapy, mind-body approaches like mindfulness, and certain supplements have various degrees of evidence and safety profiles supporting their use for the management of tension headaches and migraine symptoms .

RELATED: How to Get Rid of a Headache or Migraine Attack Fast

Physical Activity May Reduce Stress and Headaches

Hamilton recommends that her patients with migraine get regular exercise, which can decrease stress as well as improve sleep and mood.

“Physical activity can have benefits if people have a lot of neck tension or tension-type headaches. Activities like yoga can loosen up the muscles and help you relax,” she says.

If you can’t get out and run or walk, try to take advantage of the various online tips, videos, and other resources for exercise to help you keep moving and stick with a routine, Hamilton suggests. “I recommend a half hour or so of exercise at least five times a week if possible,” she says.

How Do I Tell My Boss I Have a Headache Disorder?

Headaches and migraine attacks are among the top reasons why people miss work. According to the World Health Organization , migraine on its own is the sixth-biggest cause worldwide of years lost due to disability, and headache disorders collectively are third highest.

If you need to take some time off to cope with a headache or migraine attack, the wellness community website Migraine Again suggests that you briefly explain your diagnosis to your work supervisor, and state that you plan to resume your work and make up for what you missed as soon as your symptoms subside.

If you are regularly missing work and you have three or more severe migraine days a month, talk with your healthcare provider. You may be a candidate to take a preventive medication .

Let your boss know that you are making lifestyle modifications and working on a treatment plan with your primary care doctor or neurologist. Your employer may be more understanding when you do need to take time off for a migraine attack if they know that you’re being proactive about preventing and treating attacks.

Additional reporting by Quinn Phillips .

Editorial Sources and Fact-Checking

Everyday Health follows strict sourcing guidelines to ensure the accuracy of its content, outlined in our editorial policy . We use only trustworthy sources, including peer-reviewed studies, board-certified medical experts, patients with lived experience, and information from top institutions.

  • Parker K. About a Third of U.S. Workers Who Can Work From Home Now Do So All the Time. Pew Research Center . March 30, 2023.
  • Photophobia (Light Sensitivity) and Migraine. American Migraine Foundation . December 21, 2017.
  • Tähkämö L et al. Systematic Review of Light Exposure Impact on Human Circadian Rhythm. Chronobiology International . October 12, 2018.
  • Oral and Intranasal Triptans for Migraine. American Migraine Foundation . September 2, 2021.
  • Headache Disorders. World Health Organization . April 8, 2016.
  • Dumas P. Calling in Sick? Good Conversations About Migraine at Work. Migraine Again . June 1, 2022.

Headaches At Work: 9 Common Causes And Their Solutions

Have you ever experienced a throbbing headache at work that ruined your motivation and focus?

Headaches are a fairly common occurrence in workplaces around the world. In a workplace environment, employees have to deal with stress and demanding workloads that may contribute to headaches or migraines. Experiencing a headache is very unpleasant, and it can harm the performance of employees and cause them to miss work.

The Definition of a Headache and its types

Headaches are one of the most common health problems that people experience. In simple words, we can describe a headache as a dull or sharp pain in any part of the head.

There are many types of headaches. Some of the common ones are -

  • Tension headache
  • Cluster headache
  • Thunderclap headache
  • Medication overuse headache

What causes headaches at work and how to prevent them?

We all get headaches at work from time to time, and while some of us might get it more frequently, some experience it relatively less. Many factors can trigger a headache in the workplace.

From workplace stress to poor posture, below are six headache triggers that may be the cause of your head pain. Also, for each trigger, there is a solution that you can use to prevent headaches.

1. Work Stress

Workplace stress is one of the main reasons for health problems, such as headaches among employees. It can negatively affect your quality of life, both physically and mentally.

Heavy stress may cause the release of certain chemicals in the brain that can cause pain and inflammation. If stress-induced headaches are not prevented, they can be a chronic problem.

The Fix - To prevent stress in the workplace, you must understand what causes it at first. After identifying the stressors, you can take steps to combat them. There are many ways to combat stress, such as meditating, eating healthily, exercising, and so on.

2. Poor Nutrition

Our nutritional habits play a significant role in our health and daily lives, and we must maintain proper nutrition. However, for employees working long and tedious hours, proper nutrition may not be easy, causing health problems like headaches.

For instance, skipping meals can lower blood sugar levels, which can cause headaches and migraines. Eating foods that are high in sodium can also cause headaches.

The Fix - Avoid eating unhealthy junk foods at work, especially ones with high sugar and sodium. Try to prepare and cook your lunch on your own with healthy ingredients. Also, do not skip meals and eat healthy snacks at work to keep hunger pangs away.

3. Lack of sleep

Irregular sleep patterns and Insufficient sleep can be the cause of your headaches at work. Poor quality sleep can cause fatigue and an inability to concentrate during work hours. Lack of sleep can also increase the pain and the frequency of headaches.

The Fix - Ensure that you get at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night. Stop using mobile phones and laptops at least 30 minutes before bedtime. Also, avoid drinking caffeinated beverages, alcohol, or any medication that can affect your sleep.

4. Dehydration

We all know how essential adequate hydration is for our bodies to function optimally and prevent health problems. However, you might not always find the time to consume enough water during work due to demanding tasks and projects.

Not drinking enough water can cause headaches by constricting the blood vessels and preventing the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain.

The Fix - Always make sure to drink at least 2-3 liters of water daily at work. To ensure the same, keep a water bottle at your desk and drink small amounts throughout the day. Also, cut down on sugary drinks and replace them with water instead.

5. Computer Screens

Thanks to advances in technology, most of our work is done on the computer today. As such, employees spend hours in front of their desktops and laptops. Prolonged exposure to computer screens, however, can cause eyestrain and severe headaches among employees.

There may be many factors for computer screen induced headaches, such as improper computer color and brightness levels, screen glare, etc.

The Fix - To avoid headaches due to computer screen exposure, avoid sitting on your computer for too long. Take frequent breaks in between to get some fresh air and sunlight. Work in a properly lit area and take steps to reduce computer screen glare.

6. Exposure to odors and fragrances

You may be exposed to many smells in the workplace, such as cleaning products, perfumes, foods, printer ink, and so on. Even very little exposure to such strong odors can act as headache and migraine triggers, especially if your workplace is not well ventilated.

The Fix - If there is a strong smell in your workplace, open the windows and doors to let fresh air circulate inside. Use fragrance-free room fresheners to neutralize unwanted odors without leaving behind any strong and toxic smells.

7. Bad posture

If you sit most of the time, you should maintain proper posture, as bad posture can be the cause of your headache at work. Poor posture strains your muscles, causing tension in your neck and upper back area and giving rise to tension headaches.

The Fix - Always sit upright and use an ergonomic chair with excellent lumbar support. Also, avoid sitting or standing in one position for long periods. Take a break to stretch your muscles and get some fresh air.

8. Caffeine Withdrawal

If you regularly drink coffee or other caffeinated beverages, you might have headaches on the day you don’t consume caffeine. The reason for this is because caffeine narrows the blood vessels in your brain, and when you don’t consume it, your blood vessels widen, causing a surge of blood to your brain. This resulting surge of blood can trigger a headache at work.

The Fix - If you are dependant on caffeine, try to reduce the amount you consume and replace caffeinated drinks with water or green tea. If you experience a severe headache due to caffeine withdrawal, many over-the-counter pain relievers can help to numb your pain.

9. Office lighting

Office lighting conditions may also be to blame for headaches and migraines. Fluorescent lights, for instance, flicker, which can cause headaches in many people. Also, for people prone to migraines, the flickering of such lights can trigger and worsen their migraine attacks. Moreover, fluorescent lighting can cause eyestrain, which can further cause headaches.

The Fix - If you can, avoid working under direct bright lights in your workplace. If the former is not possible, reposition yourself in a way to reduce the glare of the lights. You can also use a small desktop lamp when working on your computer or files.

Final Words

Headaches can seriously affect your productivity at work and the quality of your life. Try to identify and determine the cause of your headaches and take necessary action accordingly. Get sufficient sleep, take breaks, meditate, eat healthily, and drink plenty of water to make sure you are healthy.

Following the steps mentioned above may help prevent and cure your headaches at work. However, if you still experience headaches, seek medical advice immediately.

Shah Alif Ahmed

Besides working as a content marketer at Vantage Circle , Shah Alif Ahmed is also an internationally certified nutrition specialist, competitive bodybuilder and a musician. For any queries reach out to [email protected]

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