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Do phones belong in schools.

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Bans may help protect classroom focus, but districts need to stay mindful of students’ sense of connection, experts say

Students around the world are being separated from their phones.

In 2020, the National Center for Education Statistics reported that 77 percent of U.S. schools had moved to prohibit cellphones for nonacademic purposes. In September 2018, French lawmakers outlawed cellphone use for schoolchildren under the age of 15. In China, phones were banned country-wide for schoolchildren last year.

Supporters of these initiatives have cited links between smartphone use and bullying and social isolation and the need to keep students focused on schoolwork.

77% Of U.S. schools moved to ban cellphones for nonacademic purposes as of 2020, according to the National Center for Education Statistics

But some Harvard experts say instructors and administrators should consider learning how to teach with tech instead of against it, in part because so many students are still coping with academic and social disruptions caused by the pandemic. At home, many young people were free to choose how and when to use their phones during learning hours. Now, they face a school environment seeking to take away their main source of connection.

“Returning back to in-person, I think it was hard to break the habit,” said Victor Pereira, a lecturer on education and co-chair of the Teaching and Teaching Leadership Program at the Graduate School of Education.

Through their students, he and others with experience both in the classroom and in clinical settings have seen interactions with technology blossom into important social connections that defy a one-size-fits-all mindset. “Schools have been coming back, trying to figure out, how do we readjust our expectations?” Pereira added.

It’s a hard question, especially in the face of research suggesting that the mere presence of a smartphone can undercut learning .

Michael Rich , an associate professor of pediatrics at Harvard Medical School and an associate professor of social and behavioral sciences at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, says that phones and school don’t mix: Students can’t meaningfully absorb information while also texting, scrolling, or watching YouTube videos.

“The human brain is incapable of thinking more than one thing at a time,” he said. “And so what we think of as multitasking is actually rapid-switch-tasking. And the problem with that is that switch-tasking may cover a lot of ground in terms of different subjects, but it doesn’t go deeply into any of them.”

Pereira’s approach is to step back — and to ask whether a student who can’t resist the phone is a signal that the teacher needs to work harder on making a connection. “Two things I try to share with my new teachers are, one, why is that student on the phone? What’s triggering getting on your cell phone versus jumping into our class discussion, or whatever it may be? And then that leads to the second part, which is essentially classroom management.

“Design better learning activities, design learning activities where you consider how all of your students might want to engage and what their interests are,” he said. He added that allowing phones to be accessible can enrich lessons and provide opportunities to use technology for school-related purposes.

Mesfin Awoke Bekalu, a research scientist in the Lee Kum Sheung Center for Health and Happiness at the Chan School, argues that more flexible classroom policies can create opportunities for teaching tech-literacy and self-regulation.

“There is a huge, growing body of literature showing that social media platforms are particularly helpful for people who need resources or who need support of some kind, beyond their proximate environment,” he said. A study he co-authored by Rachel McCloud and Vish Viswanath for the Lee Kum Sheung Center for Health and Happiness shows that this is especially true for marginalized groups such as students of color and LGBTQ students. But the findings do not support a free-rein policy, Bekalu stressed.

In the end, Rich, who noted the particular challenges faced by his patients with attention-deficit disorders and other neurological conditions, favors a classroom-by-classroom strategy. “It can be managed in a very local way,” he said, adding: “It’s important for parents, teachers, and the kids to remember what they are doing at any point in time and focus on that. It’s really only in mono-tasking that we do very well at things.”

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Effects of Cell Phone on Society

Research on the negative effects of smartphones on students is often controversial. This essay reveals the pros and cons of cell phone use in society.

Impact of Mobile Phones on Society: Essay Introduction

Introduction of subject, statement of opinion, thesis statement about cell phones, reference list.

The telecommunication industry takes a considerable place in the modern life of society. The purpose of cell phone usage can vary in accordance with the needs and expectations of the users.

Different features of mobile phones enable marketers to position them according to the desired segments in the market, making their services helpful for everyday human needs. The invention of the mobile phone has revolutionized the social culture of individuals in the United States.

The analysis of mobile phones should be based on the examination of subject interference with society and popular culture. Mobile phones are considered to be electronic gadgets being used for communication; their portable system allows individuals to travel with them throughout the world.

They have become an integral part of modern communication means, allowing individuals to interact frequently and providing close interaction between people for private and business purposes.

Technological progress changes human values replacing them with our thirst for mobility and communicative satisfaction. Cell phones have a considerable effect on the modern social life of humanity, making it convenient and mobile.

Cell phones appear to be an integral part of social life, satisfying human needs through communication rate growth; using cell technologies simplifies our everyday activities.

Affection on Communication Frequency

Social culture in the United States has been revolutionized by the invention of the mobile phone. The frequency of communication between individuals has greatly increased (Bucy 2005, pg.39). In the United States, over 80% of the population owns a cell phone (U.S. and World Population Clocks, 2009. Para.4).

Over 50% use cell phones for communication with friends, giving an opportunity to raise the level of communication between individuals. Technologies replaced written forms of communication, making the communicative process more frequent and convenient for users.

A large number of people also use their mobile phones to access such social networks as Facebook and Twitter, in addition to sending out electronic mail (Goggin, 2006, p.14). It is unthinkable for two lovers in today’s world to go for consecutive days without communicating with each other, especially if they are miles apart. Mobile phones serve the purpose of private relationships, business cooperation, and talking with friends.

Cell Phones for Business Communication

The invention of the mobile phone has led to the introduction of new businesses as well as the promotion of new business communicative means.

Businessmen communicate with suppliers using mobile phones for the purpose of making orders and confirming deliveries; service providers, such as investors and stock brokers, communicate with their clients instantly. Some businesses use short message services to advertise their products (Belch & Belch, 2004, pg.23).

Any changes in products, the introduction of new products, and promotions are communicated to customers through text messages. Over 20% of companies communicate today with their clients using mobile phones (Winder, 2009, pg.228).

Mobile phones have led to the invention of new businesses, where some people have invested in selling the gadgets, and others deliver premium content, for example, ringtones, alerts, logos, and others. Some people have secured jobs with the companies that produce the gadgets. Mobile phones have made the work of business easier; they stimulated business development on the international level, introducing mobility and flexibility to our life.

Mobile Phones Characteristics

Modern cell phones are equipped with cameras, radio, TV, Internet, calendar, phonebook, alarm clock, and reminders; these conveniences integrated into cell technology make our everyday activities easier. It should be stressed that a phonebook allows an individual to store contacts of family members, friends, and other acquaintances. Memory cards have a massive memory that can be used to store all this information in the mobile phone.

Calendars in mobile phones are used to confirm dates, and one needs to have a manual calendar (Keith 2009. Para.5). Alarm clocks and reminders help individuals to be punctual and memorize important events, respectively.

Cell phones serve the method of internet access for 85% of users; this allows them to get access to important newspapers and news sites, for example, BBC. Mobile phones have led to the disposal of many gadgets that were used before their invention. In addition to the positive effects of mobile phones, the gadgets also have some negative effects on society.

They have been a cause of accidents, especially text messaging while driving. Young people have been addicted to text messaging, harming their studies. Nevertheless, human responsibility for personal work and education should help people to sponge the positive side of innovational technologies opportunities.

The technological era provided people with a new communicative means, the mobile phone, making our life easier and more convenient. This technology became an integral part of the business sphere, traveling, cultural interaction, and social activities.

It is necessary to stress that mobile phones provide people with unlimited opportunities simplifying our thirst for communication and information access. The service provided by mobile technologies stimulated communicative growth, providing positive effects on private and business life.

People enjoy the opportunities provided by mobile technologies, balancing their entertainment and business values and contribution to social life.

Belch, G., & Belch M. (2004) Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective . New York: McGraw Hill.

Bucy, E. (2005). Living in the Information Age: A New Media Reader Second Edition. Canada: Wadsworth.

Goggin, G (2006). Cell Phone Culture: Mobile technology in everyday life . New York: Routledge.

Keith, K. (2009). The Importance of Mobile Phones in Modern Society .

U.S. and World Population Clocks (2009) POPClocks”. Census.gov.

Winder, D. (2009). 61 Percent of Global Populations now using Mobile Phones. The UN Journal of Statistics, 224-233.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, January 8). Effects of Cell Phone on Society. https://studycorgi.com/effects-of-cell-phone-on-society/

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1. StudyCorgi . "Effects of Cell Phone on Society." January 8, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/effects-of-cell-phone-on-society/.


StudyCorgi . "Effects of Cell Phone on Society." January 8, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/effects-of-cell-phone-on-society/.

StudyCorgi . 2020. "Effects of Cell Phone on Society." January 8, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/effects-of-cell-phone-on-society/.

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83 Cell Phone Essay Topics & Examples

If you’re willing to explore the pros and cons of mobile devices, you need to find a good cell phone topic. Read this list of ideas for argumentative essays, research papers, and speeches prepared by our team.

🏆 Best Cell Phone Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

👍 good cell phone essay topics, ❓ questions about cell phones for research paper.

  • Economic Analysis of the Cell Phone Oligopoly Generally, the ability of the firm to dominate the market and have probability of control is determined by the economies of scale.
  • Are Cell Phone Dangerous? Among the first ideas to consider, the one that manifests the use of cell phones as the most logical phenomenon and the key feature of the XXI century is the fact that cellular communications are […]
  • Analyzing Smart Blackberry Cell Phone The quality of services it renders the users and the advancement of its features will form the feasibility study in the aim of trying to compare it with related computerized mobile devices.
  • Technology Impact: 24 Hours Without My Cell Phone I use my laptop extensively as I am a student and do most of my academic work with the help of this tool.
  • The Cellphone: The History and Technology of the Gadget that Changed the World This paper reviews the book The cellphone: the history and technology of the gadget that changed the world by Guy Klemens.
  • Banning Cell Phone Use in Moving Vehicles Of course, some people will disagree and say.”Use of cell phones while driving is the same as talking to a passenger in a car”.
  • Should Drivers of Automobiles Be Prohibited From Using Cellular Phones? Although all have the right to utilize the technology to the maximum, the situation or the environment that one is in significantly determines whether he/she has the right to use it. Use of cellular phones […]
  • Use of Cell Phones in Public Schools and Should Cell Phones Be Allowed in Public Schools The following themes are included: the patterns of cell phone use in public schools; the benefits and drawbacks of using cell phones in class; the Massachusetts cell phone policy; and possible methods to solve the […]
  • Why Some People Choose Not to Carry Cellphones Thus, most of the times people who do not want to be victims of robbery go about their daily activities without their cellphones in order to limit their vulnerability to robberies.
  • Cause and Effect of Cell Phone Usage Among High School Students from U.S. and Middle East A stratified random sampling will be used to divide the classes into strata from which a simple random sample of 20 students will then be selected from each class following the respective classes’ register which […]
  • Effects and Causes of Cell Phone Usage Among Male It will specifically determine the various factors that may cause the use of cell phones among the male students, and how the use can affect the students in the several possible ways ranging from psychological […]
  • A Literature Review on Night Cell Phone Use in Adolescents In that regard, the problem lies in listing confirmed adverse health outcomes of night cell phone use and linking them to a potentially helpful intervention of cell phone use restrictions.
  • Importance of Development of the Cellphone In the process of product development, it is highly recommended for MM distribute cell phones among a small group of potential consumers and ask them to provide feedback on it.
  • Cell Phone Information and Investigation In conclusion, cell phone data can give a lot of information to the investigator about the cell phone owner, who can then simplify the investigation process.
  • Cell Phone Privacy and the Constitution In this chapter, the authors investigate the concept of privacy and whether government employers’ warrantless searches may be considered reasonable and justified.
  • Cell Phone Industry: Apple, Samsung, and Huawei Most significantly, the model culture at Huawei reveals the broad global culture practiced in the company internally and across all its various offices and locations. The regulation of the system comes from the people and […]
  • Go Kase: Cell Phone Cases Distribution Channels On the other hand, the amount of advertising is so significant now that it is challenging to reach the required customers and get them to buy a product.
  • Cell Phone Unlocking in the USA Phone unlocking is now a thing of the past in the United States of America. If the infringement of this law was done for commercial gain, it is considered a criminal act and is associated […]
  • Cell Phone Use and Our Ability to Build Quality Interpersonal Relationships To be more precise, using a cell phone may have a positive effect on many relationships but, of course, only if the cell phones are not used inappropriately or excessively.
  • What Makes Ultimate Cell Phone Cover Different From Other Products? The device is conveniently clear which makes it possible for the user to browse the different features of the device with ease.
  • Ban on Drivers Cell Phone Use However, truck drivers are known to have accidents for a number of other reasons also and will we see laws that ban the movement of trucks.
  • Cell Phone Industry – Worldwide Maturation This is why one as an entrepreneur in the prepaid cell phone industry will have to develop some strategies to cope up with the pressure including satisfying the ever growing population that is using the […]
  • Customer Loyalty in Prepaid Cell Phone Industry The main business focus should be on customer retention and continuous buying by customers, hence in the end organizations will ensure customer satisfaction.
  • Prepaid Cell Phone: Design and Development for AT&T As per field experts, a product is an item that can be put up for sale in the market for grabbing the attention, achievement, utilization, or consumption and would be capable of meeting the needs […]
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  • Cell Phone Trends in China, Japan, the US In the research for the demographical differences for the substantial usage of technology in China, Japan, and the United States, it will be necessary to ask the question: “what are the driving forces that entice […]
  • Trends in Cell Phone Market: Data Collection In the constitution, the act of law provides the right of privacy, which may be used to bar data collectors from data access.
  • Cell Phone Use and Driving: Mian vs. City of Ottawa However, the judge considers the disclosure of the disciplinary records to be irrelevant to the case. However, the Crown specifically stated that the disclosure of these records is not relevant to the case without O’Connor’s […]
  • Cell Phone Use While Driving: Policy Analysis Therefore, in a public policy debate, proponents of regulation would argue that per capita healthcare savings and resulting QALY measures are significant enough to justify a ban on the use of private cellphones in driving […]
  • The Supreme Court Saves Cell Phone Privacy From the article, it is clear that the government advanced an argument that police officers need to be given the power to search cellphones because of the long-established exception to the Fourth Amendment, which makes […]
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  • Technologies: Amateur Film vs. Cell Phone Photography An analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the two forms of photography concludes the paper. Cellphone and film cameras have apertures that regulate the quantity of light passing to the sensor and film, respectively.
  • Technology Issues: Cell Phone Effects My claim is that cell phones have no impact on people’s health because it is supported by a number of researches, in particular on the psychological influence of cell phones on pregnant women and the […]
  • Cell Phone as an Indispensable Companion It has brought a variety of innovative things for the user and to a substantial extent affected the way people relate in the globe.
  • Innovations in the Cell Phone Industry and Sustainability The cell phone industry makes products that are friendly to the environment and develops mobile applications that can help in enhancing environmental sustainability.
  • Chinese-American Cell Phone Price Negotiations Some of the benefits of having a third party intervention are to create an enhancing environment and a platform of communication between the two parties.
  • Cell Phone Usage at Al Ittihad Model School Among Male Students After the finalization of data entry from the selected samples, the next step will be analysis of the data using descriptive statistics to determine the accuracy of the research objectives and hypotheses.
  • Cell Phone Industry in the USA Cell phone industry is indeed one of the most developed sector in the modern world considering the fact that, cell phones are currently in use in almost all parts of the world.
  • “The Cellphone: The History and Technology of the Gadget That Changed the World” by Guy Klemens In order to bring the reader into the same level of understanding, the author has tackled the introductory topics on the bandwidth and radio systems and how the latter two concepts influenced the development of […]
  • Can Cell Phones Close Digital Divide? On the other hand, there has been concern as to whether, radiofrequency energy from cell phones pose a cancer risk to cell phone users.
  • The Effect of Cellphones and Internet on Teenagers From one point of view, it is possible to see that texting and using other features of a cell phone have become detrimental, but at the same time, there are some advantages to the communication […]
  • Cell Phone Magnifier Market Cell phone manufacturers are now taking advantage of the exploding market of the aging Baby Boomers. Cell phone magnifiers are meant to cater for the needs of a special segment of the mobile phone users.
  • Drivers Use of Cell Phones While Vehicles Are in Motion Should Not Be Prohibited However, many scholars and government agencies have argued that, the use of cell phones while driving “increases the risk of traffic collisions, property damage, injuries, and fatalities” This concern however, has made many policymakers to […]
  • Is Using Cell Phone Dangerous? Research has further shown that “the side of the brain that is exposed to the ionizing radiations from the cell phone metabolizes more glucose than other parts that are not exposed to it”.
  • A Theoretical Analysis of the Act of Cell Phone Texting While Driving The past decade has seen the cell phone become the most common communication gadget in the world, and the US has one of the highest rates of cell phone use.
  • Drivers of Automobiles Should Be Prohibited From Using Cellular Phones While Driving When a driver is utilizing a hand-held or hands-free cellular phone at the same time as driving, she or he should dedicate part of their concentration to operating the handset and sustaining the phone discussion […]
  • Should People Be Banned From Using Cell Phones When Driving? Why or Why Not? Many people have blamed the cell phones to the current high increases in the number of road accidents witnessed worldwide, while others argue that the use of mobile phones while driving is not wholly to […]
  • The Dangers of Using Cell Phone While Driving The authors further note the subsequent increase in the count of persons conversing on cell phones while driving unaware of the risks they pose to themselves and their passengers.
  • An Analysis of the Use of Cell Phones While Driving The first theory is the theory of mass society, and the second theory is the theory of the culture industry. The theory of mass society states that, popular culture is an intrinsic expression of the […]
  • The Use of the Cell Phone While Driving Indeed, many of the culprits of this dangerous practice are teens and the youth, ordinarily the most ardent expressers of popular culture in a society.
  • On Becoming a Cell Phone Junkie Although I must admit that cell phones have earned their merits as essential tools of existence in the new millennium, I do not subscribe to the idea that my life should depend on it.
  • How to Control Mobile Phone Addiction?
  • Why Is Cell Phone Radiation Harmful?
  • Should Cell Phone Usage Improve Our Social?
  • Why Has the Cell Phone Become a Staple in Modern World?
  • How Do Cell and Cell Phone Impact Modern Education?
  • Should Cell Phone Use Be Allowed While Driving?
  • Are Cell Phone Laws in the U.S. Effective in Reducing Fatal Crashes Involving Young Drivers?
  • Why Is Cell Phone Ban a Bad Idea?
  • Should You Worry About Cell Phone, Cellular Antenna, and WI-Fi Device Radiation?
  • How Did Cell Phones Have to Impact the World?
  • Does Cell Phone Make People’s Lives Bring Lots of Harmful?
  • How Has Cell Phone Use Become a Subculture?
  • Are Handheld Cell Phone and Texting Bans Effective in Reducing Fatalities?
  • How Might Cell Phone Money Change the Financial System?
  • Are Modern People Computer and Cell Phone Addicted?
  • Can Cell Phone Cause Brain Tumors?
  • Should Cell Phones Be Allowed to Use in Classroom?
  • What Does Cause Cell Phone Radiation and How Does It Affect Your Body?
  • When Will Society Hang Up on Cell Phone Rudeness?
  • Why Banning the Use of Cell Phones Should Be Mandatory Nationwide?
  • Is It Possible to Have a Negative Impact of Mobile Phone Use on the Average per Capita Share in the Short Term?
  • How Does 4G/3G/2G Switching Work?
  • What Is the Relationship Between the Mobile Phone Usage Pattern and Financial Decision?
  • How to Measure Mobile Phone Radiation in Poultry?
  • What Are the Mobile Phone-Based Applications Useful for Agricultural Research?
  • Are There Any Adverse Effects of Radiation From the Mobile Phone Towers?
  • How Are Students Using Mobile Phones for Learning?
  • Are We Becoming a Mobile/Smartphone Driven Nation?
  • Can Mobile Phones Transmit Diseases?
  • What Are Some of the Problems Caused by Mobile Phones?
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Cell Phone - List of Essay Samples And Topic Ideas

It’s hard to imagine modern life without cell phones. They’ve accomplished much for humanity and have inspired us to be adaptable and resourceful. Cell phones have helped us communicate better, foster relationships, and improve our work lives. But that’s not all. Cell phones have brought information to our fingertips, and now, we live in a world where knowledge is not scarce.

However, using cell phones comes with a few disadvantages too. For instance, cell phones are costly. The more innovation companies like Apple, Google, and Samsung bring to them, the more expensive they get. There is also the problem of the need for more privacy and driver communication. Today, anyone can find out much about you just by looking through your social media profiles, including where you live, your friends and family, what you do for a living, and where you live. Because cell phones have become such an integral part of our lives, writing about them is easily an exciting venture. Your essay on cell phones could be a technical and more research-based outline, like argumentative essays. Alternatively, your 5 paragraph essay about cell phones could be creative or more reflective of your mobile phone use. Any cell phone essay introduction should begin with a captivating topic sentence. This could be a historical fact, a statistical analysis, or something relatable to your audience.

Then, for the essay’s body, you can discuss the benefits, risks, and costs of cellular phones. By the time you arrive at your conclusion titles, ensure that you have provided answers to the questions for research paper if you are working with one thesis statement. Nevertheless, the number of cell phone essay topics is practically unlimited, and each topic can be approached from several perspectives. For instance, a cell phone essay topic could be based on the advantages of cell phone use. A content marketer’s views on the subject would naturally differ from the psychologist’s. That is why we encourage students to properly study any essay topic and fully understand how they want to approach them. You can view our free essays on cell phones here.

No Cell Phones Allowed in Class

No Cell Phones Allowed in Class "Students will also tend not to pay attention and use them for the greater good, as they do now. Under no circumstances should phones be allowed during class.. The principal and teachers have many reasons why, and so do many other people. If anybody brings a phone to class when they are not allowed, they will be given a detention and have the phone taken away. First of all, it is a big distraction […]

Cell Phone Addiction is Becoming

Cell Phone addiction is becoming a big problem in today's society. In past generations, parents would think of an addiction to be drugs, but today drugs are not the only addiction that one would have to worry about. Now it is cell phone addiction. Cell phone addiction is so common that it becomes hard to overcome because cell phones are becoming so essential in life. It is important to become aware of the signs causes and effects of cell phone […]

Comparison Essay Android Vs IPhone

216 million. That is the number of iPhones sold just last year according to statista.com. Today I will be telling you 10 reasons whyiPhones are better than androids. Apple is known to have great privacy and security for its users, and that is why I chose to have this as my first reason. The App Store is very good at making sure malicious apps don’t make it on to users phones and is also always being monitored for any suspicious […]

We will write an essay sample crafted to your needs.

Hipaa and the Use of Cell Phones Analysis

Introduction The healthcare industry is always looking to introduce new technology so that they can expedite, improve client services and lower costs. With the introduction of the new technology, one needs to consider the impacts of the technology and how it may violate a patient's privacy and care. The technologies that seem to have the most impact are smartphones and social media. Some examples of social media are Snapchat, Facetime, Skype, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to name a few. […]

The Effects of Cell Phone Use

The Effects of Cell Phone Use The average American spends about two hours and thirty minutes talking on their cell phone devices every day. With the growing use of cell phone device usage, there is a concern about the safety of the device that is now being questioned. Cell phone device usage has been an important means of communication all around the world for many years, however, we now question if the usage of these devices impose a threat to […]

Technology is a Useful Servant

"Technology is a useful servant, but a dangerous master ("The Nobel Peace 29). This is a true statement because technology can be used to do work, just like a slave. In schools though, cell phones can be a dangerous tool to students when it starts to control them, like a master does. Cell phones and schools just don't mix, which is why they shouldn't be used there. Despite the reasons for using cell phones in school, cell phones should not […]

Cell Phones May be Beneficial

While cell phones may be beneficial, the cons for cell phones outweigh the pros in classrooms. Cell phones have been a part of people's lives for some time and they allow people to communicate, play games, and go on social media. Additionally, people use cell phones everywhere including school. There has been much debate on whether cell phones should be permitted in classrooms. Although cell phones may aid in learning and allow parents to contact their children, the time in […]

Cell Phone Use during School

Should Cell Phone use during school be allowed or prohibited? You have probably heard many complaints throughout your lifetime, whether you're a student, a teacher, or just a parent, on about the high Cell Phone usage in the classroom and in the learning environment. Well, if you ask me, the use of Cell Phones during the school day should not only be aloud, but in some cases be supported. I know, the thoughts are " this is just a teenager […]

Effect of Online Dating

Using the network as a medium, borrowing chat tools and so on to chat with each other, people understand each other and fall in love. In real life, there are abounds, successes and failures. More and more people that having excellent technology skills start doing online dating, matching up the relationship from the digital device became a concern. Online dating consumes a lot of personal growth and development time. Researchers found that more user using the app involve worries. Once […]

Cell Phone: Descriptive Essay Unveiling its Multifaceted Wonders

History says that Alexander Graham Bell created the first telephone. He created the telephone in 1876. The telephone was a very revolutionary invention. Later in 1900, on December 23, a man on the outskirts of Washington named Reginald Fessenden made the first wireless telephone call. I know that this is just the beginning of the idea of the phone. It went from telephones to rotary phones and eventually to your everyday iPhone. In this essay, I will explain to you […]

Cell Phones: from Luxury to Necessity: the Transformative Impact

Cell Phones: From Luxury to Necessity The development of cell phones has changed the face of the world and how people communicate and obtain information. While cell phones have advanced in many ways since their inception, there are many concerns about their safe use. How have cell phones changed us socially? There was a time when cell phones didn’t even exist; they have changed their identity from luxury goods to a necessity. Hidden Dangers of Connectivity Over time technology has […]


Abstract The primary objective of this paper is study the recent developments in the field of 5G technology of mobile communication. This paper develops upon the previously published paper [1] written by Asvin Gohil, Hardik Modi and Shobhit K Patel, which was published at the 2013 International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Signal processing(ISSP). In addition to this, we also discuss the various success made in the field of 5G by the leading tech companies like Verizon, AT&T, Qualcomm etc. […]

Invention of Cell Phone: Effects on Society, Education, and Finances

Do you know that moment when you realize your phone isn't in your pocket? A lot of people do; nomo (bile phone)phobia has been clinically recognized as a phobia, and as defined in the Merriam-Webster dictionary (no·mo·pho·bia | \ ?n?-m?-?f?-b?-? \) nomophobia is: “the fear of being without access to a working cell phone.” It's also called a phone addiction. However, the invention of phones hasn't had all the favorable effects. Trying to talk to a person while they're on […]

Cell Phone Health Risks: Exploring the Physical and Mental Impacts

Cell phones are a great way to communicate with people all over the world at any time of the day; although this may sound stupendous, It may be the reason why our society is in such a critical condition. Approximately two-thirds of the world's population owns a cell phone which means they have connections not only to social media but to basically everything they want. Having a technical device with you almost 24 hours of the day can be harmful […]

5 Reasons your Kid should not have a Cell Phone: Addiction and Responsible Use

Introduction Should a teenager have a cellphone., this is a big issue nowadays, and many people argue about it. Because their children were getting in trouble by using cell phones, cell phones have frequently been taken away by parents. But there are still a bunch of teens or students who get distracted in school, learn bad things through social media, and use a cell phones in an improper way. Teens said that cellphone is a necessity in their life; is […]

Cell Phone Use: Distractions, Productivity, and Academic Performance

The cell phone was invented in 1973. Since then, the cell phone has progressed into a piece of technology that people cannot live without. Cell phones are now a distraction for people. They keep people from being able to concentrate on tasks that happen in our everyday life. Cell phones make it harder for humans to be productive. Cell phones also make it harder for students to do well in school. Cell phones are becoming more of a hassle every […]

Mobile Games Addiction

Among the addictions that we have in our life, there is addiction to the mobile phone. Today's technology has gone so far as to make the mobile phone a global means of communication through calls, SMS and the Internet. In addition, the phones have a number of additional functions: photo and video cameras, games, programs, notebooks, alarm clocks, MP3 players, radio, etc. Mobile addiction in children and adolescents is alarming, because instead of studying in the classroom, they play games, […]

Cell Phone – Reason of Drivers Distraction

Cell phone usage while driving affects the safety of those in the vehicle and around them. Legislatures plan on restricting the usage of cell, mobile, or smart phone around the world because of safety issues. The experiment provides evidence that legislation may use to inforce laws restricting farther cell phone use while driving. There have been countless research policies that have recorded that cell phone usage is tied to car crashes. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, (2015) stated that […]

Cell Phones Give off

In the society we are living in today, there has been numerous development of technology to help us in our everyday lives. The most recognizable form of technology is called cell phones, one of the many technological advances most used today. We have become dependent on mobile phones and a high percentage of the population including elderly people, young adults and even kids that are under 18 has one of these devices. Smartphones are a constant in everyday society, it's […]

A Day Without my Cell Phone: Navigating the Uncharted Territories of Digital Detox and Rediscovery

Imagine a world where screens take a backseat, notifications cease their ceaseless clamor, and the digital chatter mellows into silence. A world where a daring experiment unfolds: one day without the ubiquitous phone. Amidst the cacophony of modern connectivity, this narrative leaves the cell phone behind to embark on a voyage into the uncharted territories of disconnected existence. It delves into the intricacies of relinquishing our digital companions and reaping the unexpected fruits of this endeavor. The Enigma of Our […]

Technology has Improved

Technology has improved the lives of many. It has improved communication and learning, but there are some bad things about certain electronics. Phones, they can be very bad for people. Although they help us in today's society. There can be some bad side effects of social media and the phone in general. Three bad effects of cell phone use include bad grades, eye and brain damage,and cyberbullying. Phones can have a bad effect on grades. Using a phone before going […]

Impact of Mobile Gaming on Youth

Gaming is one of the biggest industry in the world from last few years. it is booming into the entertainment market since many years. A study says that by 2023 mobile gaming industry will produce around $196 billion revenue. Many big tech companies such as google Microsoft and amazon are start taking this industries more seriously. Along with a gaming industries streaming industries are also getting huge benefits due to gaming. Recently google launches it Stadia cloud gaming service, where […]

Alexander Graham Bell

"Thanks to Alexander Graham Bell, we can now simply pick up a telephone and reach someone on the other side of the world in seconds! In 1876, Alexander Graham Bell first created the telephone(Cantu, 2016). This was the beginning of an evolution of the telephone that changed the way we communicate forever. Over the years, the smartphone has been largely improved creating multiple advancements to our daily lifestyles. Yet today, teens are awake around 15 hours of the day, and […]

The Exemplification of Dangerous Smartphone Habits in Modern Relationships

Technology has taken over the world and taken it by storm. No single place in this world is void of it, even remote places such as Antarctica and the deserts. The smallest and most versatile technological device is a smartphone, which has spread among the populace alarmingly. With new tools come new habits, and some phone habits are very toxic to any relationship. 1. Hiding What Makes You Smile From Your Significant Other We all scroll through memes and receive […]

Essential Part of Everyday Life

Cell phones have become an essential part of everyday life. With cell phone use increase and the improvement in cell phone technology, students are becoming dependent on them. They have also infiltrated into school systems, sometimes becoming a helpful tool to students of all grade levels. Although cell phones can be used as a tool in schools, more often than not, they have become a distraction. Cell phones should not be allowed in schools because they distract students and inhibit […]

According to Sophie Hui

According to Sophie Hui, with The Standard, a daily Hong Kong newspaper that provides current events and what is happening in and out of schools around Hong Kong. Hong Kong has taken phones out of the school system. School authorities around Hong Kong believe there's no need for cell-phones because they don't need to text classmates for social interaction when the students could talk face to face "The policy is for easy management," he said. "They also don't need mobile […]

Proponents Argue

Proponents argue that cell phones can be crucial in case of an emergency. Unfortunately, the society we live in today is no stranger to crime. On everyday life, one is not exempt from being in a potentially dangerous situation. Teenagers go to school and it is true that many have to walk. An emergency can occur on the way to or from school. As part of their social life, teenagers also tend to explore. They can find themselves lost and […]

Cellphones in Schools: Joanne Orlando’s Perspective

Should cellphones be allowed in schools, is a question that has been up for debate for the longest time. There are people who believe a cell phone shouldn't be allowed in schools, but there are others who beg to differ. At the end of the day who are the people that are in the right and who are the people that are in the wrong? It is true that cell phones are and can be a distraction to many young […]

Martin’s First Jobs

Martin Cooper was born on December 26, 1928. He was born in Chicago, Illinois. Martin's parents were Arthur and Mary. He had one brother. His parents were Jewish immigrants. They were from Ukraine, Russia. He had one younger brother and he is still alive today. Martin started school at Lawson Elementary School in Chicago. He then went to Crane Technical High School. He graduated from the Illinois Institute of Technology. He studied electrical engineering. Martin Cooper got married to Arlene […]

Jack Tessier Believes

Everyone owns a smartphone. In today's world of technology, we are giving smartphones to younger and younger children. But children are not being taught how to use their smartphones for success. Smartphones need to be used as a learning tool in the classroom because students need to learn how to use their devices for success. If you were to sit in a classroom today and watch the students, whether in college, high school, or even grade school you would witness […]

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Cell Phones Argumentative Essays Samples For Students

26 samples of this type

Regardless of how high you rate your writing skills, it's always a worthy idea to check out a competently written Argumentative Essay example, especially when you're dealing with a sophisticated Cell Phones topic. This is precisely the case when WowEssays.com catalog of sample Argumentative Essays on Cell Phones will prove useful. Whether you need to brainstorm an original and meaningful Cell Phones Argumentative Essay topic or survey the paper's structure or formatting peculiarities, our samples will provide you with the required material.

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Are Cell Phones Dangerous Essay Example

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Should Cell Phones Be Banned In The Classroom Argumentative Essay Examples

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Argumentative essay normally used when one has opinion and wants to convince readers or listeners to accept it thereby ceding ground on what he or she has about the same issue. Under introduction it is missing some quality aspect of Argumentative essay because;

a) It is not precise and brief as is required of an argumentative essay. The issues in discussion should be clearly stated for instance it should be stated as follows, “exposing kid to cell phone is harmful to their moral growth.”

Mobile Phones And The Society Argumentative Essay

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[Class Title]

Imagination as a Human Development Argumentative Essays Examples

Relying/ using less technology in life argumentative essay samples.

The use of a variety of technologies grows as the interest in designing technologies to make life easier flourishes. Information communication technologies create a feeling of relatedness as they facilitate easy communication among people worldwide. People view technologies such as cell phones, social networking sites, and the media as central to the communication process (Hertlein and Ancheta 1). Contrary to their views, I believe technology is destructive, and people should use less of it in their lives. My opinion focuses on a variety of reasons.

Good Argumentative Essay About Do You Believe The Fears Of Our Fathers Put Into Constitution( Masses And Strong

Sample argumentative essay on order # #211376366, free the effects of the cellular phone use towards the modern life argumentative essay sample.

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Persuasive Essay about Mobile Phones and Driving

Mobile/cell phones and driving persuasive essay

Table of contents:

  • Introduction and hook/thesis

So, you’ve chosen to write about the use of mobile or cell phones while driving as a persuasive essay. This isn’t as straightforward question as it might appear. While pretty much everyone would agree that mobile or cell phones should never be used as you drive, the situation is a bit more complicated than the demand to just ban cell phones while driving. One of the biggest problems of this case is texting while driving (don't text and drive!) Consider, for instance, the use of hands-free kits as a compromise – are they just as much of a distraction?

Start off your introduction with a hook that grabs your audience’s attention, then dive into your thesis, or statement of purpose, which should set out the ultimate point you are attempting to persuade people of. See the samples below for some ideas on how to write these.

Introduction examples

Hook & Thesis: Driving while using a mobile or cell phone could lose you up to 3 or 4 demerit points, plus make you subject to a costly fine, and that’s not even counting the danger you’re putting yourself into while doing it. If you must use a phone while driving, you should always use a hands-free kit, or better yet, just concentrate on driving, and save yourself the distraction and risk.

Hook & Thesis: Alarmingly, over 42 percent of smartphone users decide that it’s okay to use their phones while driving, according to research by Deloitte in 2015. This dangerous practice puts property and lives at risk for no good reason.

As you carry on into the body of your essay, create an outline of your points, followed by the evidence you’ll use to back up those points. You can use any kind of evidence in persuasive essays, whether that’s anecdotes, stats, or just emotional pleading. It’s up to you. You should have at least three points of evidence in the body of your essay.

Then, as you draw toward the conclusion, make sure you briefly go over all the points you made. This is your last chance to remind your audience of what you are trying to persuade them to do.

End with a call to action, encouraging your readers to take some sort of action based on your persuasiveness, or at least to think about the topic differently from now on. Have a look at the examples below to see some ideas for how to conclude a topic on driving with mobile or cell phones.

Conclusion examples

Conclusion: As we’ve seen, driving while talking on the phone can be very dangerous. Also, if you’re caught, you can be fined and receive demerit points, which could ultimately get your driver’s license suspended. Avoid all this trouble by only talking on your mobile phone when you are parked out of the way of traffic. It could save your life one day.

Conclusion: The use of a hands-free kit with your mobile phone as you drive doesn’t eliminate risk, as you still might be distracted, but it does help cut it down. Driving a car is dangerous enough without adding still more risk by texting or talking while you drive, so get yourself a hands-free kit today!

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