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Parts of an Action Research and How to Conduct

What action research is and is not.

•A process that improves education through change •Problem-solving
•Collaborative •Doing research on or about people
•Cyclical •Linear
•Practical and relevant •Conclusive
•Within the context of teacher’s environment •Generalizing to larger populations
•How we can do things better •Why we do certain things
•Explores, discovers and seeks to find creative solutions •The implementation of predetermined answers
•A way to improve instructional practice by observing, revising, and reflecting •A fad

The Action Research Process

action research proposal for classroom problem pdf philippines





  • A professional stance
  • A way of learning about your classroom
  • A way of learning about yourself as a teacher
  • Using the 5whQ
  • Possible questions:

Why do the boys in my class….?

What happens when I …..?

I wonder what happens when  I …..?

Starting points to identify an issue you would like to research (Caro-Bruce, 2000):

Sometimes it helps to use a variety of questions such as:

I would like to improve ____________________________________

I am perplexed by________________________________________

I am really curious about __________________________________

Something I think would really make a difference is ___________

Something I would like to change is _______________________

What happens to student learning in my classroom when I _____?

How can I implement ____________________________________?

How can I improve ______________________________________?

Step 2:   Read , Research, Reflect

  • Framing a good question

Avoid yes or no questions

Avoid questions to which you already know the answer

  • A good question is

free of educational jargons,

use simple everyday words ,

do not prejudge the result

Characteristics of Good Research Questions

A good classroom action research question should:

  • Be meaningful, compelling, and important to you as a teacher-researcher.
  • Be manageable and within your sphere of influence.
  • Be important for learners.
  • Benefits your students by informing your teaching and the curriculum, by providing new insights about students and their learning , by broadening and deepening your perspectives, or by improving practice.
  • Lead to taking an action
  • What happens to the quality of student writing when I implement peer editing in my English classes?
  • How does the use of computers affect the student writing process in my class?
  • What happens to student understanding of specific geometrical concepts when I incorporate exploratory exercises into the teaching of geometry in my classroom?
  • What happens to students’ academic performance in the classrooms when the school observes the heterogeneous system during cooperative learning activities?

Conducting a Literature Review (Holly, Arhar, and Kasten ,2005)

  • Read broadly and generally, at first, then read more narrowly.
  • When you are researching a novel topic that seems to have few resources, look for related topics and then synthesize them.
  • Consult primary resources as possible.
  • Ask for help.
  • Read enough to get started, but not so much that you become too exhausted to conduct your study .
  • Read with a critical eye.

Step 3: Make changes or try a new idea   

What are you going to do?

How will you measure the result?

Identifying Data Sources

  • Why are we collecting the data?
  • How are the data related to the research question?
  • What kind of data will yield the best information? What counts as data?
  • What data will we collect? How much data will we collect? Will data be easy or difficult to collect?
  • Who will be using the data?
  • What data sources will we use to collect information?
  • How will the data be collected and analyzed? How systematic will data collection be?
  • How will the data be organized? How will the data be displayed?
  • What criteria will be used to analyze the data?
  • How will the data be recorded and shared?

Step 4:  Evaluate and Reflect

How can you be sure that your conclusions are fair and accurate?

Step 5: Improve or amend your practice

How will I do things differently?

What have you learned from the project?

Have your questions been answered?

How will you share the results?

Could they be useful to others in your school/ community?

Context and Rationale of the Study

  • Cite Literature review
  • What is the general situation/circumstance that makes you develop your research proposal?
  • Why is this situation/ circumstance important?
  • What do you intend to do?
  • This is the aim of your study. This should also be embedded in your main arguments.
  • The significance of your research
  • Why is your study important?
  • Who or what industry will benefit? Why?
  • What would be the potential contribution or insight of my research?


Reflect on your experiences and identify the most critical problem that affects your students’ learning


  • Explain the intervention and cite literature that supports /validate the strategy to be used
  • The teacher-researchers will develop an M.A.D (Modified Awareness Design) Tool : Contextualized and Localized Instructional Learning Material with seven (7) lessons where its objectives are based on the least mastered skills. The development of the IM anchors the simplified process of ADDIE Model which follows: Phase I – Preparation, Phase II – Development, Phase III – Validation, Phase IV – Try-Out.


* PARTICIPANTS – All Grade 8 OHSP learners will serve as the respondents of this study.

* SOURCES OF DATA/ INFORMATION – The following are the data collection tools which will be utilized this study:

  • Research constructed questionnaire
  • Pretest/ post-test
  • Summative test scores


  • In developing the instructional learning material, the concept of ADDIE will utilize where:
  • Phase I- The preparation stage involves administering the pretest using the teacher-made test validated by the Grade 8 teachers. It will use to determine the least mastered skills of the Grade 8 OHSP learners. The contents and components of the MAD Tool: Contextualized and Localized IM will base on the result of the pretest.
  • Phase II – The development stage involves the following phases; deciding on the format of the module, the process of writing the module and the initial revisions needed to improve the first draft of the module.
  • Phase III – In the validation stage, English teachers (peers and experts) will ask to assess the module in terms of its objectives

Plans for Dissemination and Utilization

  • The results of the study will be presented and disseminated during learning action cells , teacher’s quality circle , conference after the study and will be presented through infographics which will be part of the initiatives of the school administrators and the subject area teachers.

  Teachers must continue to give frequent positive feedback that supports pupil’s beliefs that they can do well; ensure opportunities for student’s success by assigning tasks that are either too easy nor too difficult; help students find personal meaning and value of the material; and help students feel that they are valued members of a learning community.

Sample of Reflection

As I reflect on my first journey as a teacher-researcher, I breathe a sigh of relief. The light at the end of this long, winding tunnel is finally in sight. I found the process of conducting an action research project very complex and often overwhelming. However, at the same time, I found it to be extremely enlightening and rewarding.

It is self-perception about the study.

Best, J.W., & Kahn, J.V. (1998). Research in education (8th ed.). Needham Heights, MA: Allyn and Bacon.

Borg, W. (1981). Applying educational research: A practical guide for teachers. New York: Longman.

Brennan, M., & Williamson, P. (1981). Investigating learning in schools. Victoria, Australia: Deakin University Press.

Calhoun, E.F. (1994). How to use action research in the self-renewing school. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

Cochran-Smith, M., & Lytle, S.L. (Eds.). (1993). Inside/outside: Teacher research and knowledge. New York: Teachers College Press.

Corey, S.M. (1953). Action research to improve school practices. New York: Teachers College Press.

Johnson, B.M. (1995, Fall). Why conduct action research? Teaching and Change,1, 90-105.

source: SDO Las Pinas


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Suggested Titles for Action Research related to effective classroom management.

Suggested titles for action research related to effective classroom management. .

Here are a few possible action research titles related to effective classroom management. You may email us if you wish to know more about the presented topics - the introduction, abstract, background, rationale, and other parts of each title. Guide questions and sample questionnaires are also available.

Parts of the Action Research Proposal should be related to and supportive of each other and appropriate for the research question(s). 

The following are broad ideas from which potential Action Research topics can be derived for exploration concerning your practice. •attendance •inclusion •school climate •behavior/discipline •media influence •student achievement •collaboration •mentoring •technology •counseling programs •motivation •teacher attrition •dropout prevention •parental involvement • team teaching • extracurricular participation •needs of at-risk students •professionaldevelopment

These topics were provided by DepEd Tambayan Experts. We guarantee that these titles are not yet utilized, and we can provide you original and plagiarism-free manuscripts as your guides or basis. (These are not for sale. Do not sell. For educational purposes only.)

  • Comparing the Effectiveness of Different Classroom Management Strategies on Student Engagement and Learning Outcomes - DOWNLOAD Action Research Proposal
  • "Exploring the Impact of Teacher Language on Classroom Management and Student Behavior" -  DOWNLOAD Action Research Proposal
  • "Using Self-Regulation Techniques to Enhance Student Self-Control and Classroom Management" -  DOWNLOAD Action Research Proposal
  • "Investigating the Effectiveness of Restorative Justice Practices in Addressing Classroom Misbehavior" - Download Link is being updated (please refresh or come back later)
  • "Comparing the Effectiveness of Different Classroom Management Strategies on Student Engagement and Learning Outcomes"-  Download Link is being updated (please refresh or come back later)
  • "The Role of Classroom Environment in Facilitating Effective Classroom Management" -  Download Link is being updated (please refresh or come back later)
  • "Examining the Impact of Teacher Emotional Intelligence on Classroom Management and Student Behavior"-  Download Link is being updated (please refresh or come back later)
  • "Implementing Mindfulness Practices to Enhance Classroom Management and Student Well-being"-  Download Link is being updated (please refresh or come back later)
  • "Investigating the Impact of Student Ownership of Learning on Classroom Management and Student Motivation"-  Download Link is being updated (please refresh or come back later)
  • "The Relationship between Teacher-Student Relationships and Effective Classroom Management".-  Download Link is being updated (please refresh or come back later)
  • "Exploring the Effectiveness of Technology-Based Classroom Management Strategies on Student Behavior and Engagement"-  Download Link is being updated (please refresh or come back later)
  • "Examining the Impact of Culturally Responsive Classroom Management Practices on Student Achievement and Well-being"-  Download Link is being updated (please refresh or come back later)
  • "Implementing Peer-Mediated Interventions to Improve Classroom Management and Social Skills in Students with Disabilities"-  Download Link is being updated (please refresh or come back later)
  • "The Role of Teacher Self-Efficacy in Facilitating Effective Classroom Management and Student Behavior"-  Download Link is being updated (please refresh or come back later)
  • "Investigating the Use of Positive Framing and Positive Reinforcement in Promoting Pro-Social Behavior and Effective Classroom Management"-  Download Link is being updated (please refresh or come back later)
  • "Using Differentiated Instruction to Improve Classroom Management and Student Learning Outcomes"-  Download Link is being updated (please refresh or come back later)
  • "The Impact of Classroom Seating Arrangements on Student Behavior and Classroom Management"-  Download Link is being updated (please refresh or come back later)
  • "Examining the Role of Parental Involvement in Effective Classroom Management and Student Achievement"-  Download Link is being updated (please refresh or come back later)
  • "Implementing Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Principles to Enhance Classroom Management and Student Engagement"-  Download Link is being updated (please refresh or come back later)
  • "Investigating the Effectiveness of Classroom Management Professional Development on Teacher Practices and Student Behavior".-  Download Link is being updated (please refresh or come back later)
  • "The Impact of Classroom Rules and Procedures on Classroom Management and Student Behavior"-  Download Link is being updated (please refresh or come back later)
  • "Investigating the Use of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Strategies in Classroom Management"-  Download Link is being updated (please refresh or come back later)
  • "The Role of Teacher Feedback in Enhancing Classroom Management and Student Motivation"
  • "Implementing Collaborative Learning Strategies to Improve Classroom Management and Student Achievement"
  • "Examining the Effectiveness of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) in Addressing Classroom Behavior and Academic Needs".
  • "Exploring the Effectiveness of Mindful Discipline in Classroom Management and Student Well-being"
  • "Investigating the Relationship between Classroom Management and Teacher Burnout"
  • "The Impact of Teacher Expectations on Classroom Management and Student Performance"
  • "Examining the Effectiveness of Nonverbal Communication in Classroom Management"
  • "Implementing Time Management Strategies to Improve Classroom Management and Student Learning"
  • "The Role of Classroom Management in Facilitating Intrinsic Motivation in Students"
  • "Investigating the Effectiveness of Restorative Practices in Addressing Bullying and Other Forms of Misbehavior"
  • "The Impact of Classroom Management on Student Attendance and Punctuality"
  • "Using Gamification Techniques to Enhance Classroom Management and Student Engagement"
  • "Examining the Relationship between Classroom Management and Student Perceptions of Teacher Credibility".
  • "The Role of Teacher Autonomy in Effective Classroom Management and Student Learning Outcomes"
  • "Investigating the Effectiveness of Peer Feedback in Classroom Management and Student Behavior"
  • "Using Positive Peer Pressure to Promote Classroom Management and Pro-Social Behavior"
  • "Examining the Impact of Teacher Mindset on Classroom Management and Student Behavior"
  • "Implementing Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Techniques to Improve Classroom Management and Student Well-being"
  • "The Relationship between Classroom Management and Academic Achievement in At-Risk Students"
  • "Investigating the Effectiveness of Trauma-Informed Classroom Management Practices in Supporting Students with Trauma Histories"
  • "The Impact of Teacher Gender on Classroom Management and Student Behavior"
  • "Using Mind Maps to Enhance Classroom Management and Student Learning"
  • "Examining the Role of Student Choice in Effective Classroom Management and Student Motivation".
  • "The Relationship between Classroom Management and Student Creativity"
  • "Investigating the Impact of Classroom Management on Student Self-Regulation and Executive Functioning"
  • "The Effectiveness of Positive Peer Relationships in Classroom Management and Student Engagement"
  • "Examining the Use of Humor in Classroom Management and Student Behavior"
  • "Implementing Differentiated Instruction to Enhance Classroom Management and Student Learning"
  • "The Role of Teacher Reflection in Effective Classroom Management and Professional Development"
  • "Investigating the Effectiveness of Collaborative Problem-Solving in Classroom Management and Student Behavior"
  • "Using Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Techniques to Improve Classroom Management and Teacher Well-being"
  • "The Impact of Classroom Management on Student Resilience and Coping Skills"
  • "Examining the Effectiveness of Video Modeling in Classroom Management and Student Behavior".
  • Investigating the Relationship between Classroom Management and Student Emotional Intelligence"
  • "The Impact of Classroom Management on Student Academic Self-Efficacy and Achievement"
  • "Using Collaborative Learning Strategies to Enhance Classroom Management and Social Skills in Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder"
  • "The Role of Teacher Empathy in Effective Classroom Management and Student Behavior"
  • "Examining the Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning in Classroom Management and Student Engagement"
  • "Implementing Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Principles to Address Classroom Management Challenges in Inclusive Settings"
  • "The Impact of Classroom Management on Student Perceptions of School Climate"
  • "Investigating the Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Classroom Management Techniques on Teacher Stress and Burnout"
  • "Using Social Network Analysis to Understand the Relationship between Classroom Management and Student Achievement"
  • "Examining the Effectiveness of Technology-Based Classroom Management Interventions on Student Behavior and Academic Performance".
  • The Impact of Classroom Management on Teacher Job Satisfaction and Retention"
  • "Investigating the Effectiveness of Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) in Classroom Management and Student Behavior"
  • "Using Peer Mentoring to Improve Classroom Management and Social Skills in Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders"
  • "The Role of Teacher Mindfulness in Effective Classroom Management and Student Well-being"
  • "Examining the Relationship between Classroom Management and Student Cultural Responsiveness"
  • "Implementing Trauma-Sensitive Classroom Management Strategies to Support Students with Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)"
  • "The Impact of Classroom Management on Student Perceptions of Teacher Caring"
  • "Investigating the Effectiveness of Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Interventions in Classroom Management and Student Behavior"
  • "Using Positive Reinforcement to Enhance Classroom Management and Student Motivation"
  • "Examining the Relationship between Classroom Management and Student Executive Functioning Skills".
  • "The Impact of Classroom Management on Student Academic Mindsets and Persistence"
  • "Investigating the Relationship between Classroom Management and Student Self-Determination"
  • "Using Growth Mindset Interventions to Improve Classroom Management and Student Engagement"
  • "The Role of Teacher Feedback in Effective Classroom Management and Student Learning Outcomes"
  • "Examining the Effectiveness of School-wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (SW-PBIS) in Classroom Management and Student Behavior"
  • "Implementing Culturally Responsive Classroom Management Strategies to Support Multilingual Learners"
  • "The Impact of Classroom Management on Student Motivation and Academic Achievement in High-Poverty Schools"
  • "Investigating the Effectiveness of Classroom Management Interventions on Students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)"
  • "Using Restorative Justice Practices to Address Classroom Management Challenges and Build Positive Relationships with Students"
  • "Examining the Relationship between Classroom Management and Student Social-Emotional Learning Outcomes".
  • "The Impact of Classroom Management on Student Academic Confidence and Risk-Taking Behaviors"
  • "Investigating the Relationship between Classroom Management and Student Resilience"
  • "Using Peer Tutoring to Enhance Classroom Management and Academic Achievement in High School Students"
  • "The Role of Teacher-Student Relationships in Effective Classroom Management and Student Well-being"
  • "Examining the Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Classroom Management Strategies on Teacher-Student Interactions"
  • "Implementing Cooperative Discipline Strategies to Promote Effective Classroom Management and Student Responsibility"
  • "The Impact of Classroom Management on Student Perceptions of Teacher Fairness"
  • "Investigating the Effectiveness of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in Addressing Classroom Management Challenges for Students with Disabilities"
  • "Using Differentiated Instruction to Improve Classroom Management and Student Engagement in Heterogeneous Classrooms"
  • "Examining the Relationship between Classroom Management and Student Emotional Regulation"
  • "The Impact of Classroom Management on Student Attendance and Academic Performance"
  • "Investigating the Effectiveness of Conflict Resolution Strategies in Classroom Management and Student Collaboration"
  • "Using Brain-Based Learning Strategies to Enhance Classroom Management and Student Attention Span"

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Sample Action Research Proposal

Profile image of Mharfe Micaroz

An action proposal.

Related Papers

Andrew Johnson

This chapter excerpt describes the salient elements and basic process of action research.

action research proposal for classroom problem pdf philippines

Abstract Recent action research books are reviewed. I give attention to books on appreciative inquiry, action science, systems approaches and action learning. Community, health, education and organizational applications are included. Major action research journals are noted.

Margie Comrie

Action Research

In this, the third in a series of two-yearly reviews (see also Dick, 2004, and Dick, 2006), I identify some of the action research literature that has appeared in books and edited collections over approximately the past two years. After an overview of the general action research literature I gather together other relevant literature under the following headings: action learning; community-based participatory research; youth work; educational action research; appreciative inquiry; and action science. I conclude the review with a very brief look at action research journals and special issues, other literature of interest, and an attempt to divine present and emergent trends.


Action research is a type of research related to one’s professional practice. In the field of education, it can be defined as the process of studying a school, classroom, or teaching-learning situation with the purpose of understanding and improving the quality of actions or instruction. In this sense, it is the ultimate form of teacher reflection. Described in this chapter expert are the basic elements and the steps of action research.

Administrative Science Quarterly

Gerald Susman

Abstract This review of recent action research books covers the period from about mid-2004 to mid-2006, complementing an earlier review (Dick, 2004). After noting some important recent additions to the action research literature, I address the literature on several different applications of action research including education, community, participatory development, and organizations. There are briefer sections on other topics. Action research journals and special issues of other journals are also identified.

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Sample Action Research About Education

Sample Action Research courtesy of Sir Kenneth D. Hernandez,CAR-PhD. (Admin TeacherPH Facebook Group)

This is my promised Action Research by one of the teachers at Victoria Reyes Elementary School. Notice that it was conducted only for a week and the Statistics used are very simple yet the interpretation is meaty.

Table of Contents

Victoria Reyes Elementary School Dasmariñas City

An action research on the effectiveness of differentiated instruction in teaching english for grade four classes.

Mary Joy V. Olicia Researcher

I. Introduction

Like Science and Math, English is a difficult but an important subject because the curriculum considers it as a tool subject needed to understand the different content subjects. Basically, it is concerned with developing competencies in listening, speaking, reading, writing, and viewing. Speaking includes skills in using the language expressions and grammatical structures correctly in oral communication while writing skill includes readiness skills, mechanics in guided writing, functional and creative writing (K to 12 Curriculum Guide for Grade 4).

The K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum aims to help learners understand that English language is involved in the dynamic social process which responds to and reflects changing social conditions. It is also inextricably involved with values, beliefs and ways of thinking about the person and the world people dwell. The curriculum aims that pupils are given an opportunity to build upon their prior knowledge while utilizing their own skills, interests, styles, and talents.

However, teachers find difficulties in teaching different kinds of pupils with different intellectual capacities, talent or skills, interest, and learning styles especially in heterogeneous groupings of pupils. This situation calls for teachers to create lessons for all pupils based upon their readiness, interests, and background knowledge. Anderson (2007) noted that it is imperative not to exclude any child in a classroom, so a differentiated learning environment must be provided by a teacher.

Differentiated instruction is based on the concept that the teacher is a facilitator of information, while students take the primary role of expanding their knowledge by making sense of their ability to learn differently (Robinson, Maldonado, & Whaley, 2014).

Wilson (2009) argued that differentiated instruction is the development of the simple to the complex tasks, and a difference between individuals that are otherwise similar in certain respects such as age or grade are given consideration. Additionally, Butt and Kusar (2010) stated that it is an approach to planning, so that one lesson may be taught to the entire class while meeting the individual needs of each child.

According to Tomlinson (2009), DI as a philosophy of teaching is based on the premise that students learn best when their teachers accommodate the differences in their readiness levels, interests, and learning profiles. It sees the learning experience as social and collaborative. The responsibility of what happens in the classroom is first to teacher, but also to the learner (Subban, 2006). Additionally, DI presents an effective means to address learner’s variance which avoids the pitfalls of the one-size-fits-all curriculum. Stronge (2004) and Tomlinson (2004b) claimed that addressing student differences and interest enhance their motivation to learn and make them to remain committed and to stay positive as well.

Stravroula (2011) conducted a study in investigating the impact of DI in mixed ability classrooms and found out that the implementation of differentiation had made a big step in facing the negative effects of socio-economic factors on students’ achievement by managing diversity effectively, providing learning opportunities for all students. The positive change in students’ achievement had shown that differentiation can be considered as an effective teaching approach in mixed ability classrooms.

Furthermore, Servilio (cited by Robinson, 2014) studied the effectiveness of using DI to motivate students to read and found out that an average of 83.4% of the students’ grades improved in reading, 12.5% remained the same, and 41% of the grades decreased.

As educator, the teacher-researcher was motivated to conduct this action research on the effectiveness of DI in teaching English on Grade Four pupils for a week-long lesson. She also she wanted to know the effect of this method on the academic performance of the pupils from results of the diagnostic and achievement test.

II. Statement of the Problem

This study determined the effectiveness of conducting DI to Grade Four English class. Specifically, it answered the following.

1. What is the performance of the two groups of respondents in the pretest?

1.1. Control group

1.2. Experimental group

2. What is the performance of the two groups of respondents in the posttest?

3. Is there a significant difference between the pretest scores of the control and experimental group?

4. Is there a significant difference between the posttest scores of the control and experimental group?

5. Is there a significant difference between the pretest and posttest scores of the control and experimental group?

III. Hypotheses

The following null hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance.

  • There is no significant difference between the pretest result of the experimental and control group.
  • There is no significant difference between the posttest result of the experimental and control group.
  • There is no significant difference between the pretest and posttest result of the experimental and control group.

IV. Methodology

This action research utilized the experimental design since its main purpose was to determine the effectiveness of DI and its possible effect to the mean gain scores on achievement of pupils on a one-week lesson in Grade 4 English.

Two groups were taught the same lessons for one week. The control group was taught using the single teaching with similar activities approach while the experimental group was taught using DI with three sets of activities and three sets of evaluation and facilitation for the three groupings of pupils for the one-week duration. Two regular sections were included in the study out of the five Grade 4 sections that the school have.

Both groups were given the diagnostic test on Friday, September 25, 2015 to identify the classification of pupils whether they belong to the above average group, average group, and below average group. The achievement test was administered on Monday, October 5, 2015 the following week using parallel teacher-made tests. The number of pupils was again identified to know whether there was change in their classification. The results of the pretest and the posttest were compared to determine whether using DI is effective or not.

Data Gathering

After seeking the approval from the principal, the teacher-researcher started the experiment for a week.

The scores of both the pretest and the posttest were taken and these data were coded, tallied, and were statistically treated using the mean, standard deviation, and t-test of significant difference.

The mean and the standard deviation were used to determine the level of performance of control and experimental groups and the classification of pupils, while the t-test was employed to determine the significant difference of the mean scores on pretest and posttest of both groups.

V. Results and Discussions

The following are the results and the analysis done from the data.

A. Performance of the Two Groups of Respondents in the Diagnostic Test (Pretest)

The result of the pretest of the two class groups is presented in Table 1.

Diagnostic scores reveal that the control group has a mean of 11.76 (Sd=4.06) while the experimental group reported a mean score of 12.07 (sd=3.56) which is a little higher.

Pretest Results of the Control and the Experimental Groups Prior to the Experiment

GroupsNMeanStandard Deviation
Control Group4911.764.06
Experimental Group5112.073.56

The variance results of 4.06 and 3.56 are not that big which signify that both classes are heterogeneous; meaning the pupils were of differing level of intelligence. This is indeed a good baseline since the results suggest that the two sections included in the study are almost the same in the manner that the scores are scattered. This means that the pupil’s grouping are mixed as to their abilities.

Tomlinson (2009) claimed that pupil’s differences should be addressed and the two groups became an ideal grouping for which the experiment was conducted concerning DI.

B. Performance of the Two Groups of Respondents in the Achievement Test (Posttest)

GroupsNMeanStandard Deviation
Control Group4913.823.53
Experimental Group5116.452.34

The level of performance of the two groups in the posttest is presented in Table 2.

The experimental group of pupils who were exposed to DI obtains a mean score of 16.45 (Sd=2.34) while the control group who were taught using the traditional method obtain a mean score of 13.82 (Sd=3.53).

The result showed that the posttest scores of the experimental groups taught with DI is remarkably better as compared to those which were taught the traditional approach. Looking at the standard deviation scores, it signifies that the variance of the experimental group was smaller than that of the control group which suggest that the pupils’ intellectual ability were not scattered unlike in the pretest result.

The finding is supported by Stravroula’s (2011) study on DI where was able to prove that DI is effective as it positively effects the diverse pupils characteristics. Stronge’s (2004) contention that DI can enhance motivation and performance also supports the result.

C. Classification of Pupils in the Control and Experimental Group Based on the Pretest and Posttest Scores Results

Classification of Pupils Before and After the Differentiated Instruction

Classification of Pupils Before and After the Differentiated Instruction

Table 3 presents the grouping of the pupils both in the control and in the experimental group As per classification of students based on the mean and standard deviation results, a majority of the pupils were on the average group for the control and experimental group prior to the treatment. However, after the experiment, there was a big increase in number of pupils for the average group for the control group and a larger number now belongs to the above average group. There were no pupils reported to be in the below average group for both the control and the experimental group.

Data suggest that both approach in teaching increased the achievement but remarkable increase was noted in the group taught with DI.

D. Classification of Pupils in the Control and Experimental Group Based on the Pretest and Posttest Scores Results

Classification of Pupils Before and After the Differentiated Instruction 1

Table 3.1 shows that as per classification of students based on the mean and standard deviation results, a majority of the pupils were on the average group for the control and experimental group prior to the treatment of using DI to the experimental group.

It could be noticed that the percentages of classification are not far from each other. The idea presented by Tomlinson (2009) that differences of pupils should be addressed by the teacher in the classroom is good and according to Robinson, et.al, the teachers are the best facilitators of learning for pupils of diverse background and abilities.

Classification of Pupils After the Differentiated Instruction

Classification of Pupils After the Differentiated Instruction

Table 3.2 presents that after the experiment, there was a big increase in number of pupils for the average group for the control group and a larger number now belongs to the above average group. There were no pupils reported to be in the below average group for both the control and the experimental group.

Data suggest that both approach in teaching increased the achievement but remarkable increase was noted in the group taught with DI. This improvement in the classification or grouping of pupils in both groups assumes the principle that both groups who are taught by the same teacher with the same lesson could normally have a change in aptitude especially if the teacher has addressed the differences as averred by Anderson (2007). However, the notable changes in the experimental group is surely brought about by the DI exposed to them as supported by Stravroula (2011), Subban (2006), and Stronge (2004). With the DI, the teacher’s approach to the teaching and the activities may have affected very well the acquisition of the learning competencies as was mentioned by Wilson (2009). Specifically however, in English, the contentions of Sevillano (cited by Robinson et al, 2014) directly supports the result.

E. Results of Significant Difference Between the Pretest Scores of the Control and Experimental Group

Significant Difference Between the Pretest Scores of the Control Group and Experimental Group

Significant Difference Between the Pretest Scores of the

Table 4 presents the significant difference in the pretest scores of the two groups.

The computed t-ratio of 0.8109 is lesser than the tabular of 1.9845 at 98 degrees of freedom. Hence the hypothesis of no significant difference is accepted. There is no significant difference in the pretest scores of the class groups.

This result is good since the baseline data prior to the use of DI suggest that the pupils have similar intellectual abilities which will be very crucial for trying out the experiment in the teaching approach. The data suggest that the groups are very ideal for the experiment since they possess similarities prior to the experiment.

F. Significant Difference Between the Posttest Scores of the Control and Experimental Group

Table 5 presents the significant difference of the posttest scores between the control and the experimental group.

Results of Post-test the Control and Experimental Group

Results of Post-test the Control and Experimental Group

From the data, it is very clear that the difference in scores in the achievement favor the experimental group which was taught using DI. Hence, it is safe to say that DI is effective based on the data generated.

G. Significant Difference Between the Pre-test and Post-test Scores of the Control and Experimental Group

Significant Difference Between the Pretest and Posttest Scores of the Control and Experimental Group

Significant Difference Between the Pretest and Posttest Scores 21

Table 6 presents the comparison of the pretest and post test scores of the control and the control groups.

Clearly, for the control, there is no significant difference as signified by the computed t coefficient of 0.09 which is lesser than the tabular value of 1.9850 using 96 degrees of freedom. However, for the control group, it is very obvious that the calculated t-ratio of 1.02 is greater than the tabular value of 1.9840. Hence, the hypothesis of no significant difference between the pretest and posttest scores for the control group is accepted but is rejected for the experimental group.

The results are very significant since the group exposed without DI did not report difference in score unlike in the group taught using DI which showed significant difference. This then makes it safe to conclude that DI is effective in teaching English.

VI. Findings

The following are the findings of this action research.

  • The mean scores of both control (11.76, Sd=4.06) and the experimental (12.07, Sd=3.56) groups do not significantly differ based on the t-coefficient result of 0.8109 which is lesser than the tabular of 1.9845 at 98 degrees of freedom.
  • The mean scores of the control (16.45, Sd=2.34) and the experimental (13.82, Sd=3.53) significantly differ which favor the use of DI from the t-ratio of 3.423 is greater than the tabular value of 1.9845 at 0.05 level of significance using 98 degrees of freedom.
  • During the pretest, majority of the pupils are average (control group, 35 or 71.43% and 37 or 72.55%). After the treatment, however, majority of the pupils in the control group became average (34 or 69.39%) and above average (35 or 68.63%).
  • There is no significant difference between the control group’s pretest and posttest scores based on the computed t coefficient of 0.09 which is lesser than the tabular value of 1.9850 using 96 degrees of freedom but significant difference exists for the experimental group as signified by the calculated t-ratio of 1.02 is greater than the tabular value of 1.9840 using 98 degrees of freedom.

VII. Conclusions

Based on the findings, the following are the conclusions.

  • The pretest scores of the control and the experimental group do not differ significantly.
  • The posttest scores of the groups significantly differ resulting to higher scores for the experimental group.
  • No significant difference exists in the pretest and posttest scores of the control group, but significant difference is noted for the experimental group.
  • There is an improvement in the groupings of pupils both in the control and experimental group but significant improvement was shown for the pupils taught using DI.
  • Use of DI is effective considering the higher scores of the experimental group compared to the control group.

VIII. Recommendation

Based on the above findings and conclusions, the following recommendations are suggested.

  • DI should be used in teaching pupils in English especially in heterogeneous classes because it improved their classroom performance.
  • Teachers should be given in-service trainings on DI for them to gain more knowledge and clear understanding of the approach.
  • Although tedious on the part of the teachers, they should be encouraged to prepare and use DI to motivate pupils to participate in class discussions.
  • This action research should be continued.

IX. References:

Anderson, K. M. (2007). Tips for teaching: Differentiating instruction to include all students. Preventing School Failure, 51(3), pp. 49-54. Retrieved from Education Research Complete database. (Accession No. 24944365)

Butt, M. & Kausar, S. (2010). A comparative study using differentiated instructions of public and private school teachers. Malaysian Journal of Distance Education, 12(1), pp. 105-124. Retrieved from Education Research Complete database. (Accession No. 78221508)

K to 12 Curriculum Guide, www.deped.gov.ph

Robinson, L., Maldonado, N., & Whaley, J. (2014). Perceptions about implementation of differentiated instruction: Retrieved October 2015 http://mrseberhartsepicclass.weebly.com/

Stravroula, V. A, Leonidas., & Mary, K. (2011). investigating the impact of differentiated instruction in mixed ability classrooms: It’s impact on the quality and equity dimensions of education effectiveness. Retrieved October 2015 http://www.icsei.net/icsei2011/Full%20Papers/0155.pdf

Stronge, J. (2004). Teacher effectiveness and student achievement : What do good teachers do? Paper presented at the American Association of School Administrators Annual Conference and Exposition, San Francisco, California.

Subban, P.(2006). Differentiated Instruction: A research basis. International Education Journal, 7(7), pp. 935-947.

Tomlinson, C. A., (2009) Intersections between differentiation and literacy instruction: Shared principles worth sharing. The NERA Journal, 45(1), 28-33.Retrieved from Education Research Complete database. (Accession No. 44765141)

Tomlinson, C. A. (2004a). Differentiation in diverse settings. School Administrator, 61(7), 28-33

Wilson, S. (2009). Differentiated instruction: How are design, essential questions in learning, assessment, and instruction part of it? New England Reading Association Journal, 44(2), pp. 68-75. Retrieved from Education Source database. (Accession No. 508028374)

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Mark Anthony Llego

Mark Anthony Llego, a visionary from the Philippines, founded TeacherPH in October 2014 with a mission to transform the educational landscape. His platform has empowered thousands of Filipino teachers, providing them with crucial resources and a space for meaningful idea exchange, ultimately enhancing their instructional and supervisory capabilities. TeacherPH's influence extends far beyond its origins. Mark's insightful articles on education have garnered international attention, featuring on respected U.S. educational websites. Moreover, his work has become a valuable reference for researchers, contributing to the academic discourse on education.

55 thoughts on “Sample Action Research About Education”

I am so happy reading your action research. its been a long time missing making and even complying research subjects in my MA. After reading your action research, I feel motivating to get into it again. Hoping you can share the format your action research. You are so kind. God bless!

Dear Sir, I have found your paper very handy. As an English instructor I believe it helps me to teach my students as per their level. I Wonder if you send me the tools you have used in your action research? Thanks for posting your sample A.C. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you for sharing your action research, sir. You’re one of a kind. Can I use your AR sir?

This is a great help to me as a beginner sir can I have ur soft copy sir so that I can have a guide in doing a research too. Thank u and God Bless po

kailan po ito pinublish?

Kindly send me the soft copy of this action research as a basis for my incoming AR po.This is of great help for me ..Thank you and GOD BLESS

Sir Mark, can i have a sample title for an action research regarding adopt a school program.

Sir good day…pls review the data. some do not coincide with the interpretation…ty

Sir Mark..kindly share the soft copy of this study on DI as basis only sir.. ????????

What is your fb group so I can join sir?

Sir, Magandang araw, baka po maaaring makahingi ng sample po ng action plan ninyo. Para lang po magkaroon ako idea. Maraming salamat po.

Good day! I am currently handling the Teacher Education interns. One of their requirements is an action research. May I also use your research as a model for their action research? Thank you in advance, Sir Mark.

Sir Mark, please make sure naman na tama ang research content especially the statistical analysis. We appreciate the effort of sharing but please review it first before posting. There are errors in interpreting statistical data. Salamat.

Hi Sir Japhet!

Thank you for letting us know about this. Your feedback helps us do better. We are looking into this issue and hope to resolve it promptly and accurately.

All the best!

Hi sir thank you for this new insights in your research. Sir can i ask for the instruments you have used in your research? Also sir i am wondering how you classified your respondents accordingly? Thanks you. God speed.

Thanks sir for being generous in sharing us things like this.. you know sir, real talk, some were not sharing ideas and samples of such (especially long ago).. I don’t know, maybe… they just kept it to themselves, for their own personal agenda. No one even dare ask samples or format of action research or innovations…

thank you for this action research sir. It helps a lot.Can i use this as a reference for my action research?thank you.

Can I have a template of the action research proposal po for guidance lang po of the fonts, margins and etc. thank you.

can i have or can share to me this topic:Level of Preparedness of Antipolo District Teachers Towards Airborne Diseases and Viruses: A Basis for Contingency Planning

Hi….pls can you share your action research to us……I really appreciate if you would…..thank you in advance

Thank you for sharing your action research. pwede pong makahingi nan sample yung pang classroom na sample. Salamat sir . God Bless

good evening sir, pwede po bang makahingi ng copy ng action research. thanks po

gud day sir mark….pwdi po ba makakuha ng sample action research about education(inside classrom)…reference lang po para sa gagawin kong action reseARCH…TNX POH

hello po request nga po ako sample ng research oh teacher’s capacity building


thank you sir/maam, its a big help for us educators for innovation.

Sir Mark Llego pwede po bang makakuha ng sample action research sa Adopt-a-school [rogram or Brigada Eskwela Implementation po..salamat po..

thank u very much sir…your sample research is really a big help..blessing ka ni Lord. Continue to be a blessing pa po.

hi sir . thanks for this i am now enlighted with how action research works. ?. by the way sir can i use this as my basis for conducting my action research here in our school?

Thank you sir for sharing. May I ask permission to use this as a reference? Can you also send me a Soft copy of this, either doc or pdf, for it is no longer available sa fb page:(. Thank you so much sir.

Thanks Sir for this sample action research, may I also download for further reading so that I will have a basis in conducting action research in my workplace… again thank you Sir.

can I ask permission to use this action research.? thank you!


gud day Maam MARY jOY May I also use your study to my class. thank u po in advance. God bless and more power.

I am interested to read your action reserch. can you please send me

Thank you for sharing us your sample action research sir. May this post could contribute in formulating our intervention that could really suit to the need if the learner. More power and may God bless you always.

wala bang pdf file nito? link pls

pls sir kindly send the soft copy of the parts of action research?kung pwd lng po,pls,tnx.godbless po

Good day! We just want to ask for your permission to use your action research regarding the topic Effectiveness of “Differentiated Instruction In Teaching English for Grade Four Classes” and we kindly ask if we could also acquire the research instrument that you used for that particular topic. I would appreciate if you would respond to this.. Thank you in advance

Good Day! We kindly ask if we could use your research regarding the ”Effectiveness of Differentiated Instruction In Teaching English for Grade Four Classes” for our action research We believe that your expertise will be a great help in this endeavor. Thank you!

Hi po sir,, pwd po humingi ng sample ng action research regarding with basic ict instructions po and also about education po inside the classroom.. Tnx sir If yes,, here’s my email address [email protected]

gud day sir mark….pwdi po ba makauha ng sample action research about education(inside classrom)…reference lang po para sa gagawin kong action reseARCH…YNX POH

Pwede po ba ako makahingi ng soft copy. Mag gawa kasi ako ng action research? Tle major po ako

Can I ask for a copy of this one? if yes, please send to my email, [email protected] ….

Did you obtain informed consent and assent of the parents and students? I read in the procedure that the experiment started after approval of the principal. Did they know that they are part of a study? or there is deception? I know that “Hawthorne Effect” may happen if students knew that they are part of the experiment but the researcher needs to established ethical considerations. For the content, how can the researcher ensure that the students in the control group didn’t get any information that another section (experimental group) have different instructional approach? It’s a threat of validity! Also, I see a selection bias, there’s no randomization.

good day. may nakita po akong action research na galing div.of tarlac pero iba naman ang format. I am planning also to conduct may own AR but i dont know which format to follow. Can you please enlighten me. Thanks and more power.

Pwede po ba ako makakuha ng soft copy nitong sample action research. Thnk u nga po pala sa pag accept.

Join lang kayo sa Facebook group namin Sir.. 🙂

ano po ba fb group niyo sir?

Pwd po malaman ang fb group nyo po? thanks

Sir gud p.m. pwede po bng mkhuha ng K to 12 new curriculum for objectives lesson plan in English, Araling Panlipunan and edukasyon pagpapakatao wala pa kc teacher manual …thank you sir

Sir Mark Llego pwede po bang makakuha ng sample action research sa ICT Basic Computer po..salamat po..

The computed value of 1.02 is not greater than the tabular value of 1.9840. Hence, the Ho should be accepted…

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