How to Restate A Thesis: A Step-by-Step Guide

how to restate a thesis

Many students struggle with this exact thing: how to restate the thesis statement in a way that sounds natural. The good news is that there’s a formula to make it easier. 

Here's the game plan to nail your thesis restatement:

  • Understand your thesis
  • Use synonyms
  • Sum up your key points
  • Change the structure
  • Broaden the perspective

In this article, we’ll walk you through the steps on how to restate a thesis without repeating yourself. You’ll learn how to use synonyms, adjust your sentence structure, and reinforce your argument in a compelling way. 

If after reading, you’re still stuck, DoMyEssay is a fantastic service that can help with anything from crafting a thesis statement to writing an entire research paper. Check out our guide on writing thesis statement for even more tips.

What Is a Restated Thesis?

A restated thesis is when you take your original thesis statement and rephrase it in your conclusion, giving it a fresh spin. You’re not changing your argument. Rather, you’re simply expressing it in a new way, so it doesn’t feel repetitive. 

The goal is to remind your reader of your main point while showing how your essay has reinforced or even expanded on it. Think of it like summarizing the heart of your argument but with different words and a broader perspective. 

Thesis Giving You a Headache?

Restating a thesis doesn’t have to feel like hitting replay.

where do i restate my thesis in conclusion

How to Restate a Thesis Step-by-Step

Restating the thesis might seem tricky, but it’s really just about giving your main point a fresh look. Let’s break it down step by step, so you can nail this without any stress. Here's your guide to doing it smoothly:

Step What to Do
1. Understand Your Thesis Statement 🤔 Before you can rephrase it, you need to fully understand your thesis. Go back to your original statement and make sure you know exactly what argument you're making. No guesswork here!
2. Sum Up Your Key Points 📚 Think about how your body paragraphs supported your thesis statement. Your restatement should remind the reader of all the points of evidence you provided without diving into the details all over again.
3. Use Synonyms 🔄 Avoid copy-pasting. Instead, find new ways to express the same ideas. Swap out key words in your thesis with similar ones, so you’re not repeating it word-for-word.
4. Change the Structure 🔄 Mix up the sentence flow. If your original thesis statement said, "X leads to Y," flip it around: start with Y and explain how X caused it. This helps it sound fresh and not robotic.
5. Broaden the Perspective 🌍 In your conclusion, your restated thesis should reflect the bigger picture. Make it relevant to the larger topic or even to the reader's life.

How to Rephrase a Thesis: Different Strategies

Restatement of thesis doesn’t mean just swapping a few words. It’s about presenting your main idea in a new way that strengthens your argument. 

Here are some strategies to help you rephrase your thesis statement effectively.

Restating Thesis by Substituting Synonyms

One of the most useful ways to rephrase a claim is by rewording your original thesis with synonyms. 

Let’s say your original thesis statement is: “Excessive screen time harms children’s development by reducing social interaction.” Now, instead of copying that exact sentence into your conclusion, you could reword it: “Too much screen exposure impacts children’s growth by limiting face-to-face interactions.”

Notice the difference? The core message is still the same, but it feels new because you’ve changed up the language. This method is great because it keeps your reader engaged without sounding like you’re just copying from earlier in the essay.

A quick tip: don’t just grab any synonym that sounds fancy — make sure it actually fits. For example, "well-being" works as a natural replacement for "mental health," but something like "mental satisfaction" wouldn’t make sense. The goal is to keep the meaning consistent while avoiding repetition.

Restating Your Thesis by Altering the Sentence Structure

You don’t have to change the meaning at all, just play around with how you present it. This simple adjustment can make your conclusion feel more dynamic and less like a repeat of your introduction.

Let’s say your original thesis is something like, “Social media negatively affects mental health by increasing anxiety and loneliness.” Instead of repeating that directly, switch the order: “Anxiety and loneliness are worsened by the impact of social media on mental health.” You’re still making the same point, but the shift in structure makes it sound more interesting without adding new information.

Why does this work? It gives your thesis statement a new rhythm, which keeps your reader engaged. Plus, it allows you to emphasize different parts of your argument. If you’ve spent a lot of time in your essay focusing on anxiety, for example, leading with that in your restatement can reinforce that emphasis.

How to Restate Your Thesis by Changing the Tense?

It’s a small shift, but it can make a significant difference in how your conclusion feels, giving it a natural flow. Here’s how to restate your thesis using this method:

  • Start with your original thesis statement : Let’s say your thesis was “Technology improves education by increasing access to information and enhancing learning tools.” This is likely in the present tense, as it sets up your argument.
  • Switch to past tense in your restatement : When you reach your conclusion, change the tense to reflect what you’ve proven throughout the essay. For example, you could rephrase it as “This essay has demonstrated how technology improved education by expanding access to information and enhancing learning tools.”  
  • Use the past tense to wrap things up : Changing the tense helps show that you’re bringing everything together. It signals to the reader that you’ve laid out your argument and are now reflecting on it, rather than just restating it.
  • Keep it clear and simple : Don’t overthink it. Just make sure the sentence still makes sense and stays connected to your original thesis. The shift in tense does the work of making it feel different.

Restating a Thesis by Shortening or Lengthening It

You know that moment when you're wrapping up your essay and your thesis restatement just doesn't feel right? Maybe it's too wordy, or perhaps it's not saying enough. Adjusting the length of your thesis restated statement can make a world of difference.

Sometimes, less truly is more. By trimming down your thesis, you cut straight to the heart of your message. For example, if your original thesis was, "Regular exercise improves mental health by reducing stress, boosting mood, and enhancing sleep quality," you could simplify it to, "Exercise is a powerful boost for mental well-being."  

On the flip side, there are moments when adding a bit more gives your thesis the depth it deserves. Let's say your initial thesis was, "Technology advances education by providing access to online resources." In your conclusion, your restated thesis example might expand it to, "As we've explored, technology doesn't just provide resources—it transforms education into an interactive and accessible experience like never before."  

Restating a Thesis by Linking It to the Research Problem

Restating your thesis can be more than wrapping things up; it’s your chance to show how your argument solves the research problem you set out to tackle. 

Here’s how it works:

  • Tie it back to the problem : Connect your thesis directly to the issue you’ve discussed. This makes it clear that your argument offers a solution or deeper understanding.
  • Example : If your research focused on how urban sprawl harms the environment, your restated thesis could look like this: “Implementing smart city planning strategies can help mitigate the environmental damage caused by urban sprawl, ensuring more sustainable growth.”

Stuck in the Thesis Loop?

Trying to restate your thesis but it keeps sounding the same? Let us freshen it up for you!

where do i restate my thesis in conclusion

Restate Thesis Example Sentences

We've covered a lot so far, but let's dig a bit deeper. Seeing more examples can really help solidify how to restate your thesis using different techniques. Here's a handy table with even more techniques:

Technique Used Original Thesis Restated Thesis Example
Using Synonyms "Excessive screen time harms children's development by reducing social interaction." "Too much time on devices hinders kids' growth by limiting their personal interactions."
Altering Sentence Structure "Climate change is accelerated by human activities like deforestation and fossil fuel consumption." "Human actions such as cutting down forests and burning fossil fuels accelerate climate change."
Changing the Tense "Technology improves education by increasing access to information." "This essay showed how technology improved education by broadening access to information."
Shortening the Thesis "A healthy diet improves overall well-being by providing essential nutrients and reducing disease risk." "Eating well boosts your health significantly."
Lengthening the Thesis "Social media impacts self-esteem among teenagers." "As we've discussed, social media plays a significant role in shaping teenagers' self-esteem by influencing their perceptions of themselves and others."
Linking to the Research Problem "Urban sprawl leads to environmental degradation." "Implementing smart city planning can mitigate the environmental damage caused by urban sprawl, addressing a critical ecological concern."
Broaden the Perspective "Regular exercise improves mental health by reducing stress." "Embracing physical activity doesn't just reduce stress — it enhances overall mental wellness, benefitting every aspect of life."
Posing a Rhetorical Twist "Renewable energy can replace fossil fuels to combat climate change." "Could embracing renewable energy be the key to combating climate change and phasing out fossil fuels?"
Using a Quote "Education reform is necessary for improving student outcomes." "As education experts agree, reforming our schools is essential to boost how students perform."

How to Reframe a Reworded Thesis?

Restating your thesis is an opportunity to give your conclusion the impact it needs. Here's how to make your restated thesis stand out:

  • Connect Back to Your Introduction: Loop back to a story or example you mentioned at the start. This brings your essay full circle and gives your argument more impact.
  • Highlight Its Importance: Emphasize why your thesis matters in the real world. Show how it affects the reader or relates to everyday life. This makes your point more compelling.
  • Keep It Clear and Direct: Don't overcomplicate things. Make sure your restated thesis is straightforward and easy to grasp.
  • Inspire Action or Reflection: Encourage your reader to think differently or take action. This leaves a lasting impression.

Bonus Thesis Statement Tips

A great thesis statement is the backbone of any strong essay. It gives your argument direction, helps guide your writing, and shows your reader exactly what to expect. If your thesis isn’t clear or focused, your entire essay can feel scattered. 

Here are some actionable tips to help you craft a powerful thesis statement:

  • Be Specific : Avoid generalizations. Instead of writing, “Pollution is harmful,” focus on the exact type of pollution and its impact, like “Air pollution from factories increases respiratory illnesses in urban communities.”
  • Make It Debatable : Your thesis should make a point someone could argue against. Instead of stating the obvious, like “Exercise is good for health,” say, “Strength training is more effective than cardio for long-term fat loss.”
  • Keep It Focused : Stick to one idea to avoid confusion. Instead of “Technology is changing every industry,” focus on one: “In healthcare, technology improves patient outcomes through remote monitoring.”
  • Position It Correctly : Place your thesis at the end of your introduction so it clearly outlines your main argument and sets up the rest of your essay.

Why Restating Your Thesis Is Necessary?

Ever watched a movie that leaves you hanging at the end? Frustrating, right? That's how readers feel when an essay wraps up without restating your thesis. Here's why it's so important:

  • When you wrap up an essay, the restated thesis is a key move. Think of it like the final note in a song that leaves an impact.
  • Your original point needs to come back, not as a repeat, but as a restated thesis, refreshed by everything you’ve just explored.
  • It helps remind your reader what they’re taking away. It's the takeaway from the argument, re-emphasized in a way that shows growth.
  • The restated thesis shows you didn’t get lost in your own writing. You stayed focused.
  • Without this, your essay can feel like it just trails off. 

When restating a thesis, keep these three main points in mind:

  • Rephrase, Don’t Repeat : Use different words to express the same core idea.
  • Summarize The Main Points : Reinforce the argument without diving into too much detail.
  • Tie it to a Bigger Picture : Show how your argument connects to broader ideas or real-world implications.

If you’re still scratching your head about how to restate your thesis, DoMyEssay has you covered. Seriously, we make it look easy. 

For more details, check out our ‘ write my thesis for me ’ service.

How to Restate a Thesis Statement?

Where would you find a restatement of the thesis, what does restate thesis mean.

WTS Indiana University. (n.d.). Writing conclusions . Retrieved September 12, 2024, from

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How to write an excellent thesis conclusion [with examples]

Tips for writing thesis conclusion

Restate the thesis

Review or reiterate key points of your work, explain why your work is relevant, a take-away for the reader, more resources on writing thesis conclusions, frequently asked questions about writing an excellent thesis conclusion, related articles.

At this point in your writing, you have most likely finished your introduction and the body of your thesis, dissertation, or research paper . While this is a reason to celebrate, you should not underestimate the importance of your conclusion. The conclusion is the last thing that your reader will see, so it should be memorable.

A good conclusion will review the key points of the thesis and explain to the reader why the information is relevant, applicable, or related to the world as a whole. Make sure to dedicate enough of your writing time to the conclusion and do not put it off until the very last minute.

This article provides an effective technique for writing a conclusion adapted from Erika Eby’s The College Student's Guide to Writing a Good Research Paper: 101 Easy Tips & Tricks to Make Your Work Stand Out .

While the thesis introduction starts out with broad statements about the topic, and then narrows it down to the thesis statement , a thesis conclusion does the same in the opposite order.

  • Restate the thesis.
  • Review or reiterate key points of your work.
  • Explain why your work is relevant.
  • Include a core take-away message for the reader.

Tip: Don’t just copy and paste your thesis into your conclusion. Restate it in different words.

The best way to start a conclusion is simply by restating the thesis statement. That does not mean just copying and pasting it from the introduction, but putting it into different words.

You will need to change the structure and wording of it to avoid sounding repetitive. Also, be firm in your conclusion just as you were in the introduction. Try to avoid sounding apologetic by using phrases like "This paper has tried to show..."

The conclusion should address all the same parts as the thesis while making it clear that the reader has reached the end. You are telling the reader that your research is finished and what your findings are.

I have argued throughout this work that the point of critical mass for biopolitical immunity occurred during the Romantic period because of that era's unique combination of post-revolutionary politics and innovations in smallpox prevention. In particular, I demonstrated that the French Revolution and the discovery of vaccination in the 1790s triggered a reconsideration of the relationship between bodies and the state.

Tip: Try to reiterate points from your introduction in your thesis conclusion.

The next step is to review the main points of the thesis as a whole. Look back at the body of of your project and make a note of the key ideas. You can reword these ideas the same way you reworded your thesis statement and then incorporate that into the conclusion.

You can also repeat striking quotations or statistics, but do not use more than two. As the conclusion represents your own closing thoughts on the topic , it should mainly consist of your own words.

In addition, conclusions can contain recommendations to the reader or relevant questions that further the thesis. You should ask yourself:

  • What you would ideally like to see your readers do in reaction to your paper?
  • Do you want them to take a certain action or investigate further?
  • Is there a bigger issue that your paper wants to draw attention to?

Also, try to reference your introduction in your conclusion. You have already taken a first step by restating your thesis. Now, check whether there are other key words, phrases or ideas that are mentioned in your introduction that fit into your conclusion. Connecting the introduction to the conclusion in this way will help readers feel satisfied.

I explored how Mary Wollstonecraft, in both her fiction and political writings, envisions an ideal medico-political state, and how other writers like William Wordsworth and Mary Shelley increasingly imagined the body politic literally, as an incorporated political collective made up of bodies whose immunity to political and medical ills was essential to a healthy state.

Tip: Make sure to explain why your thesis is relevant to your field of research.

Although you can encourage readers to question their opinions and reflect on your topic, do not leave loose ends. You should provide a sense of resolution and make sure your conclusion wraps up your argument. Make sure you explain why your thesis is relevant to your field of research and how your research intervenes within, or substantially revises, existing scholarly debates.

This project challenged conventional ideas about the relationship among Romanticism, medicine, and politics by reading the unfolding of Romantic literature and biopolitical immunity as mutual, co-productive processes. In doing so, this thesis revises the ways in which biopolitics has been theorized by insisting on the inherent connections between Romantic literature and the forms of biopower that characterize early modernity.

Tip: If you began your thesis with an anecdote or historical example, you may want to return to that in your conclusion.

End your conclusion with something memorable, such as:

  • a call to action
  • a recommendation
  • a gesture towards future research
  • a brief explanation of how the problem or idea you covered remains relevant

Ultimately, you want readers to feel more informed, or ready to act, as they read your conclusion.

Yet, the Romantic period is only the beginning of modern thought on immunity and biopolitics. Victorian writers, doctors, and politicians upheld the Romantic idea that a "healthy state" was a literal condition that could be achieved by combining politics and medicine, but augmented that idea through legislation and widespread public health measures. While many nineteenth-century efforts to improve citizens' health were successful, the fight against disease ultimately changed course in the twentieth century as global immunological threats such as SARS occupied public consciousness. Indeed, as subsequent public health events make apparent, biopolitical immunity persists as a viable concept for thinking about the relationship between medicine and politics in modernity.

Need more advice? Read our 5 additional tips on how to write a good thesis conclusion.

The conclusion is the last thing that your reader will see, so it should be memorable. To write a great thesis conclusion you should:

The basic content of a conclusion is to review the main points from the paper. This part represents your own closing thoughts on the topic. It should mainly consist of the outcome of the research in your own words.

The length of the conclusion will depend on the length of the whole thesis. Usually, a conclusion should be around 5-7% of the overall word count.

End your conclusion with something memorable, such as a question, warning, or call to action. Depending on the topic, you can also end with a recommendation.

In Open Access: Theses and Dissertations you can find thousands of completed works. Take a look at any of the theses or dissertations for real-life examples of conclusions that were already approved.

where do i restate my thesis in conclusion

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How to Restate a Thesis

Last Updated: February 27, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was reviewed by Gerald Posner . Gerald Posner is an Author & Journalist based in Miami, Florida. With over 35 years of experience, he specializes in investigative journalism, nonfiction books, and editorials. He holds a law degree from UC College of the Law, San Francisco, and a BA in Political Science from the University of California-Berkeley. He’s the author of thirteen books, including several New York Times bestsellers, the winner of the Florida Book Award for General Nonfiction, and has been a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in History. He was also shortlisted for the Best Business Book of 2020 by the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 392,140 times.

A thesis statement serves as your paper’s (or speech’s) guiding idea, alerting readers to the main points of your paper and the direction it will take. A thesis restatement, which comes in the paper’s conclusion, is the thesis’s kindred spirit, though not its identical twin. It differs from the thesis in both word choice and sentence structure. Restating your thesis at the end of the paper allows you to remind your readers of what you have proven in your body paragraphs and helps to bring your paper to a successful close.

Working out the Restatement Basics

Step 1 Decide on a place for the restatement.

  • Sketching out a rough conclusion (the main points you want to get across) will give you an idea of the best place for the restated thesis before you actually try your hand at writing the restatement.
  • Depending on the nature of your paper or of your conclusion, you may want to open your conclusion with a question or some other kind of rhetorical device, rather than a restatement of the thesis. While writing often follows prescribed formulas (such as the 5-paragraph essay), there is no one-size-fits-all approach for writing a concluding paragraph, and you may need to try out several positions for your thesis restatement to find out what works best.

Step 2 Capitalize on the work you’ve done.

  • You can use the restated thesis to provide a greater level of sophistication or emotional impact to the original argument. For example, if your initial argument was that buying pets as holiday gifts is dangerous, you might restate your thesis this way: "Remember: buying that puppy as a Christmas present might seem like a good idea at the time, but it could end in the tragedy of another homeless dog by Easter."
  • You can also restate your thesis to incorporate the relationship you've built with your reader. For example, if your essay was about developing business partnerships, you could begin your restatement by saying something like, "As a businessperson...." Not only will this make your restatement different from the original, but it will also help draw connections with important elements from the essay/speech.

Step 3 Answer the

  • For example, if you have written an essay about alcohol use on college campuses, you could revisit the "So what?" question in your conclusion by providing a statement about what that means for students and for college officials. It could look something like this: "Because alcohol abuse depends on more than just the legal drinking age, it is crucial that students be educated about how alcohol abuse occurs, and also that college officials broaden their perspective to include a greater variety of aspects."

Step 4 Avoid clichés.

  • You may be able to use something like “In conclusion” at the end of a speech, however. Signaling or signposting words—like “in conclusion” or “next”—are very important in speeches because listeners only have one chance to follow along with what you’re saying, and these words help them to keep their place.

Step 5 Don’t apologize.

  • Avoid saying things like, “It seems like” or “It is possible that” in the restatement. One exception would be if this conditional language is part of your original thesis statement and your paper is devoted to discussing a topic that is only a possibility, not something you are stating is definitely the case. Otherwise, maintain a level of confidence.
  • While maintaining confidence is crucial to the success of your paper, it’s important to acknowledge when opposition exists and not to use absolute statements which may alienate readers. Confidence in your position and in the fact that you’ve proven your point is one thing; blind certainty in your opinion is another!

Making the Restatement Distinct from the Thesis

Step 1 Use different words.

  • You can use your word processor’s thesaurus function for this, an online thesaurus, or a good old-fashioned paper thesaurus. If you use a thesaurus, however, check your chosen word in the dictionary to ensure that you know its precise meaning. Thesauruses group words very loosely by general meaning, and there is often a significant difference in connotation between them.
  • It’s not necessary to change every single word, such as prepositions (“in,” “on,” “above,” “over”) and articles (“a,” “an,” and “the”). Spend your time focusing on words/phrases that receive the most emphasis, like those that are central to the points you’re making.

Step 2 Change the structure.

  • Try varying your sentences by starting with different parts of speech. For example, if you began the original thesis with a prepositional phrase, start the restatement with the subject of the sentence. For instance, if the thesis starts out “Around the turn of the nineteenth century in England, women frequently…”, you might start your restatement out with something like “Women in early nineteenth-century….”
  • Another way to vary the structure is to present your points in a different order. Many thesis statements include three ideas, presented in the order in which they will be discussed in the body paragraphs. When restating, you can list the points in an alternate order.

Step 3 Split the points up.

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • When restating your thesis, if you find that the statement doesn’t fit your paper anymore, you’ll want to go back to the body of your paper and try to find where things went off track. You may find that you need to revise the original thesis to reflect what you actually wrote in the paper, or that parts of the body of the paper need to be revised to better suit the thesis. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0
  • While restating your thesis is essential to the conclusion of your paper or speech, it’s not enough. You will need to emphasize main points and, depending on the assignment/goal of the paper, you may also need to call your audience to action, discuss the implications of what you have talked about in the paper, or make predictions for the future. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0
  • Think of the restatement as a new, more powerful version of your thesis—you’ve written the paper and learned a lot over that process, and now you have all of this knowledge to draw on. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0

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Writing conclusions.

Though expectations vary from one discipline to the next, the conclusion of your paper is generally a place to explore the implications of your topic or argument. In other words, the end of your paper is a place to look outward or ahead in order to explain why you made the points you did.

Writing the Conclusion

In the past, you may have been told that your conclusion should summarize what you have already said by restating your thesis and main points. It is often helpful to restate your argument in the conclusion, particularly in a longer paper, but most professors and instructors want students to go beyond simply repeating what they have already said. Restating your thesis is just a short first part of your conclusion. Make sure that you are not simply repeating yourself; your restated thesis should use new and interesting language.

After you have restated your thesis, you should not just summarize the key points of your argument. Your conclusion should offer the reader something new to think about—or, at the very least, it should offer the reader a new way of thinking about what you have said in your paper.

You can employ one of several strategies for taking your conclusion that important step further:

  • Answer the question, "So what?"
  • Connect to a larger theme from the course
  • Complicate your claim with an outside source
  • Pose a new research question as a result of your paper's findings
  • Address the limitations of your argument

The strategy you employ in writing a conclusion for your paper may depend upon a number of factors:

  • The conventions of the discipline in which you are writing
  • The tone of your paper (whether your paper is analytical, argumentative, explanatory, etc.)
  • Whether your paper is meant to be formal or informal

Choose a strategy that best maintains the flow and tone of your paper while allowing you to adequately tie together all aspects of your paper.

The Final "So what?" Strategy

Part of generating a thesis statement sometimes requires answering the "so what?" question—that is, explaining the significance of your basic assertion. When you use the "so what?" strategy to write your conclusion, you are considering what some of the implications of your argument might be beyond the points already made in your paper. This strategy allows you to leave readers with an understanding of why your argument is important in a broader context or how it can apply to a larger concept.

For example, consider a paper about alcohol abuse in universities. If the paper argues that alcohol abuse among students depends more on psychological factors than simply the availability of alcohol on campus, a "so what?" conclusion might tie together threads from the body of the paper to suggest that universities are not approaching alcohol education from the most effective perspective when they focus exclusively on limiting students' access to alcohol.

To use this strategy, ask yourself, "How does my argument affect how I approach the text or issue?"

The "Connecting to a Course Theme" Strategy

When you use the "connecting to a course theme" strategy to write your conclusion, you are establishing a connection between your paper's thesis and a larger theme or idea from the course for which you are writing your paper.

For example, consider a paper about mothers and daughters in Eudora Welty's Delta Wedding for a class called "The Inescapable South." This paper argues that a strong dependence on the mother is analogous to a strong dependence on the South. A "connecting to a course theme" conclusion for this paper might propose that Welty's daughter characters demonstrate what type of people can and cannot escape the South.

To use this strategy, ask yourself, "What is an overall theme of this course? How does my paper's thesis connect?"

The "Complicating Your Claim" Strategy

When you use the "complicating your claim" strategy to write your conclusion, you are using one or more additional resources to develop a more nuanced final thesis. Such additional resources could include a new outside source or textual evidence that seemingly contradicts your argument.

For example, consider a paper about Ireland's neutrality during World War II. This paper argues that Ireland refused to enter the war because it wanted to assert its sovereignty, not because it had no opinion about the conflict. A "complicating your claim" conclusion for this paper might provide historical evidence that Ireland did aid the Allies, suggesting that the Irish were more influenced by international diplomacy than their formal neutrality might suggest.

To use this strategy, ask yourself, "Is there any evidence against my thesis?" or "What does an outside source have to say about my thesis?"

The "Posing a New Question" Strategy

When you use the "posing a new question" strategy to write your conclusion, you are inviting the reader to consider a new idea or question that has appeared as a result of your argument.

For example, consider a paper about three versions of the folktale "Rapunzel." This paper argues that German, Italian, and Filipino versions of "Rapunzel" all vary in terms of characterization, plot development, and moral, and as a result have different themes. A "posing a new question" conclusion for this paper might ask the historical and cultural reasons for how three separate cultures developed such similar stories with such different themes.

To use this strategy, ask yourself, "What new question has developed out of my argument?"

The "Addressing Limitations" Strategy

When you use the "addressing limitations" strategy to write your conclusion, you are discussing the possible weaknesses of your argument and, thus, the fallibility of your overall conclusion. This strategy is often useful in concluding papers on scientific studies and experiments.

For example, consider a paper about an apparent correlation between religious belief and support for terrorism. An "addressing limitations" conclusion for this paper might suggest that the apparent correlation relies on the paper's definition of "terrorism" and, since the definition is not objective, the apparent correlation might have been wrongly identified.

To use this strategy, ask yourself, "In what aspects is my argument lacking? Are there circumstances in which my conclusions might be wrong?"

Polishing Your Conclusion—and Your Paper

After you've completed your conclusion, look over what you have written and consider making some small changes to promote clarity and originality:

  • Unless your discipline requires them, remove obvious transitions like "in conclusion," "in summary," and "in result" from your conclusion; they get in the way of the actual substance of your conclusion.
  • Consider taking a strong phrase from your conclusion and using it as the title or subtitle of your paper.

Also, be sure to proofread your conclusion carefully for errors and typos. You should double-check your entire paper for accuracy and correct spelling as well.

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How to Write a Thesis or Dissertation Conclusion

Published on September 6, 2022 by Tegan George and Shona McCombes. Revised on November 20, 2023.

The conclusion is the very last part of your thesis or dissertation . It should be concise and engaging, leaving your reader with a clear understanding of your main findings, as well as the answer to your research question .

In it, you should:

  • Clearly state the answer to your main research question
  • Summarize and reflect on your research process
  • Make recommendations for future work on your thesis or dissertation topic
  • Show what new knowledge you have contributed to your field
  • Wrap up your thesis or dissertation

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Table of contents

Discussion vs. conclusion, how long should your conclusion be, step 1: answer your research question, step 2: summarize and reflect on your research, step 3: make future recommendations, step 4: emphasize your contributions to your field, step 5: wrap up your thesis or dissertation, full conclusion example, conclusion checklist, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about conclusion sections.

While your conclusion contains similar elements to your discussion section , they are not the same thing.

Your conclusion should be shorter and more general than your discussion. Instead of repeating literature from your literature review , discussing specific research results , or interpreting your data in detail, concentrate on making broad statements that sum up the most important insights of your research.

As a rule of thumb, your conclusion should not introduce new data, interpretations, or arguments.

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where do i restate my thesis in conclusion

Depending on whether you are writing a thesis or dissertation, your length will vary. Generally, a conclusion should make up around 5–7% of your overall word count.

An empirical scientific study will often have a short conclusion, concisely stating the main findings and recommendations for future research. A humanities dissertation topic or systematic review , on the other hand, might require more space to conclude its analysis, tying all the previous sections together in an overall argument.

Your conclusion should begin with the main question that your thesis or dissertation aimed to address. This is your final chance to show that you’ve done what you set out to do, so make sure to formulate a clear, concise answer.

  • Don’t repeat a list of all the results that you already discussed
  • Do synthesize them into a final takeaway that the reader will remember.

An empirical thesis or dissertation conclusion may begin like this:

A case study –based thesis or dissertation conclusion may begin like this:

In the second example, the research aim is not directly restated, but rather added implicitly to the statement. To avoid repeating yourself, it is helpful to reformulate your aims and questions into an overall statement of what you did and how you did it.

Your conclusion is an opportunity to remind your reader why you took the approach you did, what you expected to find, and how well the results matched your expectations.

To avoid repetition , consider writing more reflectively here, rather than just writing a summary of each preceding section. Consider mentioning the effectiveness of your methodology , or perhaps any new questions or unexpected insights that arose in the process.

You can also mention any limitations of your research, but only if you haven’t already included these in the discussion. Don’t dwell on them at length, though—focus on the positives of your work.

  • While x limits the generalizability of the results, this approach provides new insight into y .
  • This research clearly illustrates x , but it also raises the question of y .

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You may already have made a few recommendations for future research in your discussion section, but the conclusion is a good place to elaborate and look ahead, considering the implications of your findings in both theoretical and practical terms.

  • Based on these conclusions, practitioners should consider …
  • To better understand the implications of these results, future studies could address …
  • Further research is needed to determine the causes of/effects of/relationship between …

When making recommendations for further research, be sure not to undermine your own work. Relatedly, while future studies might confirm, build on, or enrich your conclusions, they shouldn’t be required for your argument to feel complete. Your work should stand alone on its own merits.

Just as you should avoid too much self-criticism, you should also avoid exaggerating the applicability of your research. If you’re making recommendations for policy, business, or other practical implementations, it’s generally best to frame them as “shoulds” rather than “musts.” All in all, the purpose of academic research is to inform, explain, and explore—not to demand.

Make sure your reader is left with a strong impression of what your research has contributed to the state of your field.

Some strategies to achieve this include:

  • Returning to your problem statement to explain how your research helps solve the problem
  • Referring back to the literature review and showing how you have addressed a gap in knowledge
  • Discussing how your findings confirm or challenge an existing theory or assumption

Again, avoid simply repeating what you’ve already covered in the discussion in your conclusion. Instead, pick out the most important points and sum them up succinctly, situating your project in a broader context.

The end is near! Once you’ve finished writing your conclusion, it’s time to wrap up your thesis or dissertation with a few final steps:

  • It’s a good idea to write your abstract next, while the research is still fresh in your mind.
  • Next, make sure your reference list is complete and correctly formatted. To speed up the process, you can use our free APA citation generator .
  • Once you’ve added any appendices , you can create a table of contents and title page .
  • Finally, read through the whole document again to make sure your thesis is clearly written and free from language errors. You can proofread it yourself , ask a friend, or consider Scribbr’s proofreading and editing service .

Here is an example of how you can write your conclusion section. Notice how it includes everything mentioned above:

V. Conclusion

The current research aimed to identify acoustic speech characteristics which mark the beginning of an exacerbation in COPD patients.

The central questions for this research were as follows: 1. Which acoustic measures extracted from read speech differ between COPD speakers in stable condition and healthy speakers? 2. In what ways does the speech of COPD patients during an exacerbation differ from speech of COPD patients during stable periods?

All recordings were aligned using a script. Subsequently, they were manually annotated to indicate respiratory actions such as inhaling and exhaling. The recordings of 9 stable COPD patients reading aloud were then compared with the recordings of 5 healthy control subjects reading aloud. The results showed a significant effect of condition on the number of in- and exhalations per syllable, the number of non-linguistic in- and exhalations per syllable, and the ratio of voiced and silence intervals. The number of in- and exhalations per syllable and the number of non-linguistic in- and exhalations per syllable were higher for COPD patients than for healthy controls, which confirmed both hypotheses.

However, the higher ratio of voiced and silence intervals for COPD patients compared to healthy controls was not in line with the hypotheses. This unpredicted result might have been caused by the different reading materials or recording procedures for both groups, or by a difference in reading skills. Moreover, there was a trend regarding the effect of condition on the number of syllables per breath group. The number of syllables per breath group was higher for healthy controls than for COPD patients, which was in line with the hypothesis. There was no effect of condition on pitch, intensity, center of gravity, pitch variability, speaking rate, or articulation rate.

This research has shown that the speech of COPD patients in exacerbation differs from the speech of COPD patients in stable condition. This might have potential for the detection of exacerbations. However, sustained vowels rarely occur in spontaneous speech. Therefore, the last two outcome measures might have greater potential for the detection of beginning exacerbations, but further research on the different outcome measures and their potential for the detection of exacerbations is needed due to the limitations of the current study.

Checklist: Conclusion

I have clearly and concisely answered the main research question .

I have summarized my overall argument or key takeaways.

I have mentioned any important limitations of the research.

I have given relevant recommendations .

I have clearly explained what my research has contributed to my field.

I have  not introduced any new data or arguments.

You've written a great conclusion! Use the other checklists to further improve your dissertation.

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In a thesis or dissertation, the discussion is an in-depth exploration of the results, going into detail about the meaning of your findings and citing relevant sources to put them in context.

The conclusion is more shorter and more general: it concisely answers your main research question and makes recommendations based on your overall findings.

While it may be tempting to present new arguments or evidence in your thesis or disseration conclusion , especially if you have a particularly striking argument you’d like to finish your analysis with, you shouldn’t. Theses and dissertations follow a more formal structure than this.

All your findings and arguments should be presented in the body of the text (more specifically in the discussion section and results section .) The conclusion is meant to summarize and reflect on the evidence and arguments you have already presented, not introduce new ones.

For a stronger dissertation conclusion , avoid including:

  • Important evidence or analysis that wasn’t mentioned in the discussion section and results section
  • Generic concluding phrases (e.g. “In conclusion …”)
  • Weak statements that undermine your argument (e.g., “There are good points on both sides of this issue.”)

Your conclusion should leave the reader with a strong, decisive impression of your work.

The conclusion of your thesis or dissertation shouldn’t take up more than 5–7% of your overall word count.

The conclusion of your thesis or dissertation should include the following:

  • A restatement of your research question
  • A summary of your key arguments and/or results
  • A short discussion of the implications of your research

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George, T. & McCombes, S. (2023, November 20). How to Write a Thesis or Dissertation Conclusion. Scribbr. Retrieved September 16, 2024, from

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How to Restate a Thesis Statement: Examples & Tips

What is the most important part of any essay or research paper? Of course, it’s the thesis statement —a sentence that expresses the paper’s main idea and guides the readers through your arguments.

But where do you place the thesis? You’ve probably answered, “in the introduction.” However, that’s not all of it—you also need to restate the thesis statement in the conclusion. Moreover, it should be paraphrased using a more diverse vocabulary.

If you’re unsure about how to restate a thesis, this article by will be helpful for you. Here, you will find:

  • various rephrasing strategies,
  • a step-by-step guide,
  • the most actionable thesis restatement tips.
  • ✍️ Thesis Restatement Definition
  • ✅ Step-By-Step Guide
  • 💡 Rephrasing Strategies
  • 📋 Example Sentences
  • 🖼️ How to Reframe
  • ✨ Bonus Tips

🔍 References

✍️ what is a restated thesis.

A restated thesis is a reworded and restructured version of the original statement. It is presented in a conclusion or any other part of the essay requiring a recap of the paper’s main idea. It shouldn’t repeat the thesis statement word for word: instead, it’s better to focus on its content.

Why Restating Your Thesis Is Necessary

For a solid, effective academic work, a restated thesis in a conclusion is a must. Here’s why:

  • A restated thesis helps reintroduce your central argument, thus enhancing its perceived significance.
  • A correctly restated main claim makes the transition to the implications smoother.
  • A paraphrased thesis restatement signals the readers about the wrap-up of your paper.

✅ How to Restate a Thesis Step by Step

Now, let’s dwell on the restatement process in more detail. We recommend you follow the steps we described below. It will help you make your paraphrased thesis effective without undermining your persuasive arguments.

Reread the original thesis statement carefully.
Determine in which person it is written (1 , 2 , or 3 ) and preserve that point of view in the rewrite.
Outline all keywords and main points that should be present in the reworded thesis. Applying synonyms and using closely related words will make the sentence look different while still rendering the same idea.
Think of expanding the thesis with your original contribution without altering its meaning.
Paraphrase the thesis using one of the strategies we’ve laid out below.

💡 How to Rephrase a Thesis: Different Strategies

You can approach the restatement of thesis in several ways. Here are the best strategies that will make your argument effective and easily understood.

The picture enumerates the 5 best thesis restatement strategies.

How to Restate a Claim by Substituting Synonyms

English is a language rich in synonyms, so you’ll hardly experience any trouble finding suitable substitutes for the words you’ve used in the original thesis. You can also try out an online reword generator or thesis statement maker to get different versions of your central claim.

For instance, imagine that this is your thesis:

People of color have achieved pronounced success in the fight for their civil rights and equality in the USA over the last century,

You may experiment with synonyms as freely as you want. Here are some variants:

  • The 20-century civil rights movement gave many rights and freedoms to the minorities in the United States.
  • The situation with racial equality improved significantly over the past 100 years, giving racial minorities a strong voice in American society.

Restating Your Thesis by Altering the Sentence Structure

The syntax is also a rich source of inspiration for thesis changes. If the original statement is compound, divide it into several shorter sentences. If you’ve used several simple sentences in the first version, consider combining them into one longer statement.

Here is an example of altering the thesis’ structure without changing the main points:

Original thesis  Reworded thesis 
Diabetes is a growing problem in the USA, affecting over 100 million people today. With the number of people with diabetes exceeding 100 million these days, one can hardly deny that diabetes is a pressing public health concern.

In the original version, we started by focusing on diabetes. In the reworded thesis, we presented the numbers as the first piece of data. This way, we’re directing the reader’s attention to the gravity of the problem.

How to Restate Your Thesis by Changing the Tense

In most cases, the original thesis statement uses future or present tense. It helps to inform the readers about what they are about to read. For instance, it can start with an introductory phrase:

I will argue that homework should be canceled to give students more free time and ease the burden of high school studies.

In this example, the thesis statement is written in the present tense. It links to the general statistics of time students spend on their homework. You can transform this statement into a past-tense sentence in the conclusion, showing that your argument has been proven.

The presented evidence showed that students benefited from homework cancellation and had more quality time for their hobbies and relaxation.

Restating a Thesis by Shortening or Lengthening It

The length of your thesis statement also matters. You may present it in a shorter way at the beginning of your paper, focusing only on the gist of your research question. Later on, once the arguments are laid out and explained in detail, you can present a more extended version of the initially formulated problem.

Original thesis  Reworded thesis 
Assigned seating in canteens can help address the problem of school bullying. Bullying practices like refusing a seat to a classmate will become impossible if students are assigned a fixed seat in the canteen.

In this restates thesis example, we have extended the original idea, explaining what “assigned seating” and “school bullying” mean. This way, the reworded version could embrace the evidence discussed in the argumentative essay’s body.

Restating a Thesis by Linking It to the Research Problem

The strategy we’re about to describe is suitable for use in research paper writing. You will need to tie the thesis statement to the problem you’ve outlined in the introduction, linking it to the issue you’re examining.

For instance, in an essay on child obesity in the USA, you can restate the thesis as follows:

Although preventive healthcare has witnessed much advancement in the past decade, evidence proves that child obesity is still on the rise, with alarming annual increase rates.

📋 How to Restate a Thesis: Example Sentences

Now, let’s examine how to rephrase a sentence in practice. Have a look at these examples:

Example # 1

Original thesis Reworded thesis
Body image distortion is a frequent symptom of eating disorders. The way people perceive their body shape indicates how healthy their self-image is. Research proves that individuals with a distorted body image are vulnerable to developing an eating disorder or already have this condition.

Here, we expanded the thesis statement by making it longer and adding some details.

Original thesis Reworded thesis
Marijuana legalization opens new paths for teenage substance abuse. The rates of teenage cannabis use have been on the rise because of the recent recreational and medical cannabis laws.

Here, we have changed the sentence structure by switching the first and second parts. The first example focuses on the legalization of marijuana, while the second version starts by mentioning the rising rates of teenage weed consumption.

Original thesis Reworded thesis
I will argue that healthy eating habits develop due to a positive family example. The presented evidence proved the prominent role of family eating examples on the child’s development of eating habits.

In this example, we’ve changed the thesis statement’s tense from future to past, showing how an intention transformed into a completed task.

🖼️ How to Reframe a Reworded Thesis?

Once you’ve approached the conclusion paragraph of your work, it’s time to think about reframing your main claim. It’s important not to duplicate the introductory thesis because its role in the final section is different. Here are some workable reframing suggestions:

  • Reword the original thesis and put it at the beginning of your conclusion. It will bring the focus back to your initial research purpose.
  • Enumerate the central claims you’ve focused on. They can be compiled from topic sentences used in the body paragraphs.
  • After restating the thesis, you can dwell on the broader significance of the problem you’ve examined. Make a logically related call to action based on the cited evidence. You can also mention your study’s limitations and clarify what additional research is needed.

✨ Bonus Thesis Statement Tips

Now, it’s time to give you a bonus for careful reading: our tried-and-tested tips for good thesis rewriting. Check them out:

Never apologize for your opinion or research findings. Any phrases like “though I’m not an expert,” “it’s only my opinion,” and so on reduce your credibility and make the reader doubt your expertise.
✔️ Acknowledge the counterarguments. If you stick to your viewpoint only, the paper may seem biased. So, it’s always more effective to give credit to both sides of the argument.
Avoid using clichés as much as you can. That point is self-explanatory.
✔️ Use effective sentence starters instead of the trivial “in conclusion…” to avoid seeming dull. Some original ideas for your conclusion are:

As you can see, rephrasing a thesis statement requires effort. Using extensive vocabulary and syntax will help you restructure the content and retain its meaning. And, of course, make sure to follow our tips!

Further reading:

  • Best Thesis Statement Examples with Expert Comments
  • How to Write a Conclusion for a Research Paper: Examples & Tips
  • How to Write a 5-Paragraph Essay: Outline, Examples, & Writing Steps
  • What Are the 5 Different Types of Essays? A Complete Guide

❓ How to Restate Thesis in Conclusion FAQs

Restatement of your thesis involves restructuring and changing the vocabulary originally used in the introduction. However, the altered thesis should preserve your work’s meaning and central message.

You will typically need a reworded thesis in a conclusion paragraph. This part of your essay or research paper should wrap up everything you’ve said and summarize your claims in different words.

When composing your essay conclusion paragraph, it is vital to reword your thesis statement initially presented in the introduction. This strategy will help you make the conclusion sound non-redundant while preserving the original main idea.

When restating the claim, you do the same work as when you reword the thesis. You need to change the wording and syntax while preserving the overall meaning of the original claim.

A good example is as follows: “children should wear uniforms at school.” The reworded thesis would contain the same meaning rephrased in your own words: “Uniforms are recommended for all students.”

  • Writing the Conclusion: Indiana University Bloomington
  • Writing Introductory and Concluding Paragraphs: University of Minnesota
  • How to Restate a Thesis Statement: Classroom: Synonym
  • Writing a Paper: Conclusions: Walden University
  • Conclusions: Purdue University
  • Ending the Essay: Conclusions: Harvard University
  • Thesis Statements: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
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Conclusions wrap up what you have been discussing in your paper. After moving from general to specific information in the introduction and body paragraphs, your conclusion should begin pulling back into more general information that restates the main points of your argument. Conclusions may also call for action or overview future possible research. The following outline may help you conclude your paper:

In a general way,

  • Restate your topic and why it is important,
  • Restate your thesis/claim,
  • Address opposing viewpoints and explain why readers should align with your position,
  • Call for action or overview future research possibilities.

Remember that once you accomplish these tasks, unless otherwise directed by your instructor, you are finished. Done. Complete. Don't try to bring in new points or end with a whiz bang(!) conclusion or try to solve world hunger in the final sentence of your conclusion. Simplicity is best for a clear, convincing message.

The preacher's maxim is one of the most effective formulas to follow for argument papers:

Tell what you're going to tell them (introduction).

Tell them (body).

Tell them what you told them (conclusion).

How to Restate a Thesis: Techniques for Clear Communication

Restate a thesis with ease! Learn how to do it with pro tips to clearly and confidently reinforce your argument.

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When it comes to how to restate a thesis, write essays, or make a point, your thesis statement is like the heart of your argument. It sets the tone and direction for everything that follows. However, many people overlook the importance of bringing the thesis statement back into focus at the end.

Restating a thesis in the conclusion is crucial. It reminds the reader of the main point that has been made throughout the writing. It’s a way to reinforce the argument and leave a strong final impression.

This article examines the importance of restating a thesis. It will discuss how this practice clarifies the message, reinforces the main idea, and ensures the writing feels complete. By understanding the significance of this step, we can appreciate how it enhances the effectiveness of idea communication.

Understanding a Thesis Statement

A thesis statement is a concise declaration that summarizes the main point or claim of an essay or research paper. It typically appears near the beginning of the paper, often in the introduction, and it presents the writer’s stance on the topic being discussed.

The primary purpose of a thesis statement is to guide the reader through the writer’s argument. It is like a roadmap for the paper, outlining the main idea and the direction of the discussion that will follow. A well-crafted thesis statement helps to clarify the scope of the topic and sets the tone for the entire piece of writing.

In essence, a thesis statement not only informs the reader about the central point of the essay but also helps the writer stay focused and organized as they develop their arguments and present their evidence. It is a crucial element that shapes the coherence and effectiveness of the entire paper.

Key Elements Of A Strong Thesis

A strong thesis statement embodies several essential elements that are crucial for effective communication and argumentation:

Clear and Concise Language

A strong thesis statement written in clear and straightforward language avoids ambiguity and communicates the writer’s position or argument on the topic. This clarity helps both the writer and the reader understand the central message of the paper from the outset.

Specificity and Focus

A strong thesis statement is specific and focused. It addresses a particular aspect of the topic and provides a clear direction for the paper. By narrowing down the scope of the discussion, specificity ensures that the thesis statement remains manageable and allows for a more in-depth exploration of the issue at hand.

Argument or Main Point

A strong thesis statement presents a distinct argument or main point. It goes beyond stating a fact or observation; instead, it asserts a position that the writer intends to support and justify throughout the paper. This argumentative stance gives the thesis statement its persuasive power and guides the development of the entire essay or research paper.

A strong thesis statement combines clear and concise language with specificity and focus while presenting a clear argument or main point. These elements work to establish a strong foundation for the writer’s argument and ensure coherence and direction in the paper’s structure.

Related article: What is a Thesis Statement and How to Write It?

The thesis statement is fundamental to restating a thesis because:

Reinforces the Central Argument : The thesis statement is the core argument or claim of your essay or research paper. Restating it in the conclusion reinforces this central argument, reminding readers of the primary focus and purpose of your work.

Provides Consistency : A clear and consistent restatement of the thesis ensures that your paper maintains a coherent narrative. It ties together the introduction, body, and conclusion, providing a unified and well-structured argument.

Emphasizes Importance : By restating the thesis, you emphasize the significance of your argument or research. It helps to highlight why your work matters and what contribution it makes to the field or topic you are discussing.

Creates a Strong Conclusion : Restating the thesis in the conclusion provides a sense of closure and reinforces the main takeaways of your paper. For tips on crafting an excellent thesis conclusion, check out this helpful article: “ How to Write a Conclusion for a Research Paper “.

Engages the Reader : A well-restated thesis can re-engage the reader, encouraging them to reflect on the arguments and evidence presented. It ensures that the central message of your paper is effectively communicated.

Techniques for Restating a Thesis

When concluding an essay or research paper, effectively restating your thesis statement can enhance the clarity and impact of your overall argument. Here are some key techniques for restating a thesis:

Maintaining the Original Meaning

How to restate a thesis: When concluding your essay or research paper, it’s essential to maintain the original meaning of your argument in the restatement of your thesis statement. This ensures clarity and coherence throughout your writing. Here’s how to achieve this:

  • Ensure the restated thesis accurately reflects the original argument: The restatement should capture the essence of your original thesis statement without altering its core message. This involves rephrasing the thesis using different words and sentence structures while preserving its central idea and intent.
  • Do not introduce new ideas or concepts: Avoid introducing new information or arguments in the restated thesis. The conclusion is not the place to introduce fresh insights or expand on additional points that were not covered in the body of your essay or research paper. Instead, focus on summarizing and reinforcing the main argument that has already been developed.

Ensuring consistency and clarity in your writing involves maintaining the original meaning of your thesis statement when restating it in the conclusion. This approach reinforces your main argument and leaves a strong final impression on your reader, effectively summarizing the insights and findings presented in your paper.


Paraphrasing your thesis statement means expressing the central idea using different words and sentence structures while preserving the original meaning. This technique is used for several important purposes:

  • Avoiding Repetition : Paraphrasing prevents your conclusion from sounding redundant by presenting your thesis statement in a new light. It keeps the reader engaged and shows your ability to reframe ideas without losing clarity.
  • Enhancing Clarity : By using varied language and sentence structures, paraphrasing can clarify your thesis statement further, making it easier for the reader to grasp the significance of your argument.
  • Maintaining Original Meaning : While rephrasing, ensure that the essence and intent of your original thesis statement remain intact. This entails conveying the same core message but in a new and insightful manner.

Example of Paraphrasing:

Original Thesis Statement: “Climate change poses a significant threat to global biodiversity.”

Paraphrased Restatement: “The impact of climate change on worldwide biodiversity is a critical concern that demands urgent attention.”

In this example, the paraphrased restatement maintains the original meaning—that climate change is a serious threat to biodiversity—while presenting it in a slightly different way to emphasize urgency and broaden the perspective.

Emphasizing Key Points

When restating your thesis, emphasizing key points means highlighting the most critical aspects of your argument and reinforcing their significance. This technique serves several important purposes:

  • Reinforcement of Central Ideas : By emphasizing key points, you remind the reader of the main arguments and evidence that support your thesis statement. This reinforcement helps to solidify your argument in the reader’s mind and reinforces the validity of your perspective.
  • Summarization : Emphasizing key points allows you to succinctly summarize the main ideas discussed throughout your essay or research paper. This summary helps to bring closure to your argument and provides a clear overview of the insights gained from your analysis.
  • Significance and Implications : Highlighting the significance of your key points, you can discuss the broader implications of your thesis statement. This discussion can connect your argument to larger themes, contexts, or real-world applications, demonstrating the relevance and importance of your research or analysis.

Example of Emphasizing Key Points:

Original Thesis Statement: “Education is the key to empowering individuals and promoting social equality.”

Restatement with Emphasis: “Throughout this essay, we have explored how education serves as a transformative force, empowering individuals to break barriers and fostering a more equitable society. By equipping individuals with knowledge and skills, education becomes not just a tool for personal advancement but a catalyst for societal change.”

In this example, the restatement emphasizes the transformative power of education and its role in promoting social equality, while also summarizing the main points discussed in the essay.

Examples of Restated Thesis Statements

These examples demonstrate how restating the thesis statement in the conclusion can summarize the main argument while adding depth or context that reflects the insights gained throughout the essay or research paper.

  • Original Thesis: “The advancement of artificial intelligence poses ethical dilemmas regarding privacy and autonomy.”
  • Restated Thesis: “In conclusion, the ethical implications of advancing artificial intelligence extend beyond technological progress, raising profound concerns about individual privacy and autonomy in an increasingly interconnected world.”
  • Original Thesis: “Effective communication is essential for fostering positive workplace relationships.”
  • Restated Thesis: “To summarize, cultivating effective communication skills within the workplace is not merely advantageous but crucial for nurturing productive relationships and fostering a collaborative environment.”
  • Original Thesis : “Renewable energy sources are necessary for reducing global dependence on fossil fuels.”
  • Restated Thesis : “In conclusion, the adoption of renewable energy sources is imperative for diminishing our global reliance on fossil fuels and promoting a more sustainable future.”
  • Original Thesis : “Social media platforms significantly impact the self-esteem of teenagers.”
  • Restated Thesis : “To summarize, social media’s influence on teenagers’ self-esteem is profound, necessitating mindful usage and awareness to mitigate potential negative effects.”

Refining Your Thesis Restatement

Refining your thesis restatement is the process of carefully crafting and polishing the statement that summarizes the main argument presented in the conclusion of your essay or research paper. It ensures that this restated thesis accurately reflects and emphasizes the key points and findings discussed throughout your work. 

The goal is to achieve clarity, coherence, and persuasive impact, reinforcing the significance of your research or essay topic to leave a strong impression on the reader. This refinement process also focuses on using clear language and tone to communicate the main ideas and conclusions of your paper effectively. It is essential for several reasons:

Refinement : This step requires careful attention to detail in adjusting and improving your thesis statement to ensure it succinctly captures the essence of your main points.

Accuracy : The restated thesis should accurately represent the core arguments and findings discussed throughout your paper, providing a clear and concise summary.

Clarity : It’s important to review the restatement for clarity and coherence, ensuring that it effectively communicates your conclusions to the reader without ambiguity.

Language and Tone : Choosing appropriate language and tone is crucial as it helps in conveying your message clearly and leaving a strong impression on the reader. This includes avoiding jargon or overly complex language that may obscure your main points.

Relevance : By refining your thesis restatement, you strengthen the relevance and persuasive impact of your central argument. This ensures that your conclusion effectively reinforces the significance of your research or essay topic.

Refining your thesis restatement through careful revision enhances the overall effectiveness of your conclusion, providing a clear and compelling summary of your paper’s key points and findings.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

When restating your thesis statement in the conclusion of your essay or research paper, it’s important to steer clear of certain pitfalls that can diminish the effectiveness of your conclusion. One common pitfall to avoid is:

Avoiding Clichés

Restating your thesis with clichéd language can weaken the impact of your conclusion and make it less memorable to the reader. Here’s how to navigate this:

  • Steer clear of overused phrases and terms: Phrases like “In conclusion,” “To sum up,” or “In summary” are common but can sound formulaic and uninspired if overused. Consider using alternative phrases or structuring your conclusion in a more creative manner to maintain reader engagement.
  • Keep the language fresh and unique: Instead of relying on clichéd language, strive to use fresh and unique language that reflects the specific nuances of your argument. This not only keeps your conclusion engaging but also reinforces the originality and significance of your thesis statement.

Repetition Without Adding Value

Simply repeating the thesis statement without adding any new insights can make your conclusion feel redundant. Instead:

  • Expand on the original thesis : Highlight the implications of your argument or how your findings contribute to the field. This approach adds depth and demonstrates a thorough understanding of the topic.
  • Reflect on the broader context : Discuss the broader implications of your thesis. This helps to show the significance of your argument beyond the scope of your paper.

Lack of Specificity

A vague restatement of your thesis can leave the reader unclear about your main argument. To avoid this:

  • Be precise and clear : Ensure your restated thesis is specific and clearly reflects the core message of your paper. Avoid generalizations that can dilute the impact of your conclusion.
  • Summarize key points : Briefly summarize the key points that support your thesis, providing a clear and concise wrap-up of your argument.

Introducing New Information

Introducing new arguments or evidence in your conclusion can confuse the reader and disrupt the flow of your paper. To maintain coherence:

  • Stick to the main points : Focus on restating the thesis and summarizing the main arguments presented in the body of your paper. Avoid introducing new information that wasn’t covered earlier.
  • Ensure coherence : Make sure your restatement logically follows from the preceding discussion and ties together the key points.

Overly Complex Language

Using overly complex or technical language in your restatement can alienate readers and obscure your main argument. To ensure clarity:

  • Use straightforward language : Restate your thesis in clear and accessible language. This makes your conclusion more impactful and easier to understand.
  • Focus on clarity : Prioritize clarity and simplicity in your language to ensure your restated thesis effectively communicates your main argument.

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How to Restate a Thesis: Various Approaches to Restating Your Thesis


Table of contents

  • 1 Understanding the Purpose of Restating a Thesis
  • 2.1 Paraphrasing.
  • 2.2 Summarizing.
  • 2.3 Reflecting.
  • 2.4 Significance.
  • 2.5 Rhetorical Devices.
  • 2.6 Emotional Appeal.
  • 2.7 Call to Action.
  • 2.8 Broader Context.
  • 2.9 Engaging Language.
  • 2.10 Memorable Statement.
  • 3.1 Understand the purpose of restatement
  • 3.2 Avoid clichés and overused phrases
  • 3.3 Be specific and avoid vague language
  • 3.4 Keep it concise
  • 3.5 Reflect on the essay’s journey
  • 3.6 Emphasize the significance
  • 3.7 Check for coherence
  • 3.8 Avoid introducing new ideas

A thesis statement guarantees that your essay will be read, and a paraphrased thesis states that the main points of your essay will be remembered. Students have already heard about the importance of formulating a thesis statement to interest the reader in your written work. However, inexperienced authors often forget to restate the thesis.

The purpose of the successful thesis restatement is to reinforce the essay’s main idea. This way, you intensify the original argument and influence the reader’s mind. For your research paper to be convincing, it must be coherent. For this reason, the thesis and the restated thesis should not contradict but complement each other.

In this article, detailed instructions will help you restate your thesis and make your essay memorable. Our experienced specialists are ready to share with you the most working strategies for high-quality rewording of the thesis. Moreover, we want to make it easier for you and have created a checklist of the necessary details to consider to restate your thesis effectively.

Understanding the Purpose of Restating a Thesis

We remind you that the thesis statement is a claim that summarizes the main idea of your essay. It is often used as the first sentence in the introductory paragraph to dedicate the reader to the context of the written work. However, a good thesis statement is not limited to the first paragraph. In academic and persuasive writing, for example, there is a need to restate the original thesis to maintain coherence.

What does restate thesis mean? Let’s start with the fact that a restated thesis is a statement based on the original thesis used in the concluding paragraph or throughout the body paragraphs. Quoting the original thesis statement word by word will not be effective, so you have to analyze the original meaning and reword it. You may use a paraphrasing tool in case you struggle with an issue of how to restate a thesis.

You must be wondering why restating a thesis statement in the conclusion paragraph is so important. It is sometimes difficult for the reader to follow your thought course while reading. Remember when you read a book, then by the last page, you begin to forget about what happened at the beginning. To regularly refresh the reader’s memory of your argument, you need to recall it by restating the original thesis statement in the essay’s conclusion paragraph and body paragraphs.

Thus, the thesis claim should permeate your essay. Each part should contain a reminder of the central idea to reinforce the perceived significance of the thesis word. The restated thesis acts as a link between the main components of your essay. It’s necessary to restate the thesis in conclusion, connect it with topic sentences and provide a logical analysis flow.

Strategies for Restating a Thesis Effectively

Unfortunately, a simple understanding of the importance of restructuring the thesis is insufficient. It is also necessary to understand the primary strategies for good restating. Our PapersOwl experts have prepared a list with good examples for you on how to restate a thesis statement effectively. The most effective strategies are:


Reword your original thesis statement using different words and changing the sentence structure. With this technique, the form changes, but not the main point.

Initial thesis: The desegregation of public schools is considered to be the key purpose of the Civil Rights Movement.

Restatement: The anti-segregation movement in America was aimed at equalizing public schools.


In this technique, you should analyze and summarize the overall meaning of the original point in the introduction. Thus, the statement will be concise and informative.

Initial thesis: Increased anxiety and stress exposure by the mother during pregnancy can negatively affect the intrauterine development of the child, making his nervous system more vulnerable to stress.

Restatement: A pregnant mother’s stress can make a child more anxious.


Link your restated thesis to the ideas you uncovered in the body paragraph of the paper.

Initial thesis: The opportunities for women to develop professionally were historically equal to the career prospects of men, or were they?

Restatement of thesis: In the nineteenth century, the inequality in the career opportunities of the two sexes was drastic.


Emphasize that the thought you expressed in the original thesis statement is so crucial that it is worth developing in restating the thesis.

Initial thesis: The lack of sex education in schools and families leads to increased unwanted pregnancies among adolescents.

Restatement: Again, 50% of pregnancies among teenagers are unwanted. As a result of the lack of sex education, the total number of teenage pregnancies continues to grow.

Rhetorical Devices.

Use rhetorical techniques in your thesis statement, such as parallelism and repetition, to enhance the persuasiveness of the paper and rephrase the original contribution.

Initial thesis: The film provides a detailed picture for our eyes.

Restatement: The film provides a detailed picture for our eyes, and a book provides an even more detailed image for our mind.

Emotional Appeal.

Use a moving phrase or concept to appeal to the reader’s emotions to enhance interaction. If you don’t know how to apply this technique, try asking for help with college papers , and get expert help.

e.g. How long must pass before people realize that their grandchildren will suffer from the consequences of environmental disasters.

Call to Action.

Formulate your paper’s central argument, and motivate the reader to take action by introducing a thesis restatement in the conclusion.

Example: Do not delay, nature needs your intervention right now, sort garbage responsibly!

Broader Context.

Explain to the reader the background of your thought.

Example: Initial thesis: The world was a millimeter far from a nuclear war.

Restatement: In the 20th century, the development of the nuclear industry reached such a level that the advanced countries were on the verge of starting a nuclear war.

Engaging Language.

Use vocabulary that is close and understandable to the reader.

Example: Lack of sleep is the major reason for heart diseases, so don’t worry, go take a nap!

Memorable Statement.

A powerful version of your original claim has a good potential to be remembered by readers.

Example: Realizing that you owe nothing to anyone is difficult, but only by recognizing this do you begin to live for real.

Checklist to help you ensure an effective restatement of your thesis

restate thesis

Now that you’re familiar with working strategies for paraphrasing a thesis statement, as well as with illustrative examples, it’s time to stock up on all the tips from our experienced writers. We have created a checklist of eight points you need to follow to know how to write a thesis statement for the conclusion section so that most professors truly value your writing.

Understand the purpose of restatement

Understanding the reasons and motivation for your actions gives you the key to rephrase a thesis right. Having realized the primary goal of restating your thesis statement will help you articulate it more clearly. Remember that this writing technique exists to strengthen your arguments and improve their perception by readers. So let’s see how to restate a thesis for your conclusion and write a perfect paper.

Avoid clichés and overused phrases

The reader will not be interested in hackneyed formulations, absolute statements, and overused concepts in your thesis restatement. Our brain always demands novelty, so unique information will attract more attention and arouse interest in your research paper. Try to make your thesis restatement look fresh and intriguing.

Be specific and avoid vague language

Vague concepts, conditional language, overly long sentences, and oversimplification of information will make your thesis statements more boring. Do not think that your reader is a fool. On the contrary, provide him with food for thought. Also, reconsider the sentence structure, for it not to be too weary, use different words to be diverse.

Keep it concise

An excellent conclusion thesis restatement should be concise, giving only the most necessary context to make it easier to understand. You can expand on your idea in more detail in the following main paragraphs. To get a perfect reworded thesis, use the thesis statement generator to make the process easier. Still, to make rephrasing effective, it should be concise, write shorter sentences and use different words.

Reflect on the essay’s journey

Summarize your main ideas. After all, the thesis restatement is precisely the information you want the reader to remember the most. Why don’t you recall once again the main points and central claims of your writing? Use grammar tenses to convey your point. Perhaps your original statement was written in the present or future tense, then use past tense to show you’ve accomplished your ideas. Or, at the beginning of your writing, you used a sentence with a subject. So, restate the thesis in the conclusion with a prepositional phrase instead.

Emphasize the significance

Your opinion and your words must be heard. Emphasize the importance of your ideas with a strong conclusion paragraph thesis restatement. Choose the right strategy for your body paragraphs and paper’s conclusion to sound more convincing. Restate the thesis so that the reader has no doubts regarding the expertise of your writing and the words you say.

Check for coherence

Do not forget about the connection between the thesis sentence in the introduction paragraph and the restatement in the essay conclusion section and the main body. Follow the logic of the presentation of your thoughts when you restate claim. Your paper should not contain contradictory words and statements.

Avoid introducing new ideas

New and creative ideas are good, but they should be pre-planned as part of your paper. An unexpected and unforeseen conclusion that isn’t related to the research problem can confuse the reader at the end of the essay. Stick to your original concepts and the same meaning for the coherence of your writing. Rewrite existing concepts to reinforce your introduction thesis statement.

A thesis statement is an effective technique for attracting the attention of the reader, as well as ensuring his interest. However, using a thesis statement only in the introductory paragraph will not provide you with the desired result. For a more comprehensive result, you will have to rephrase a thesis statement a few more times in the writing process.

No strong conclusion is complete without a good reworded thesis. Remember to connect the rephrasing to the main research question. Use our strategies to write an effective thesis and get a well-deserved assessment from the teacher. Stick to our recommendations to make your paraphrased thesis effective.

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where do i restate my thesis in conclusion

How to Write Essay Conclusion and Restate Your Thesis

Why is essay conclusion important?

We have all written an essay at some point in life. For those still studying, essays are pretty much a way of life. An integral part of each essay is the conclusion. Our experts suggest that the conclusion plays an important part in the structure and flow of the essay.

It would, however, not be a surprise if most of us don’t understand the importance of a conclusion. This article from our essay service experts will explain why a conclusion in a research paper is so important and why each essay must include a good closing. But before that, let us begin by understanding what it is.

What Is a Conclusion?

Simply put, a conclusion is the final paragraph of an essay. It finalizes your essay and makes an argument strong . It, therefore, ties together your essay and reaffirms your stand.

Purpose of a Conclusion

A conclusion is your last chance to make an impression on your reader. to make an impression on your reader. Unlike the introduction and body sections, where you have the opportunity to explain your points at length, the conclusion only allows for a summary of your strongest points. As such, no new ideas should be introduced in the conclusion. This section of an essay is meant to achieve three main objectives:

This Section of the Essay is Meant to Achieve 3 Main Objectives:

  • Restate your thesis and main ideas : The first sentence of the conclusion usually repeats your thesis. This does not mean copying it word for word but rewording it in a way that reflects your stand.
  • Summarize the main argument or points : Summarize the main argument or points: We consider it to remind the reader what the essay was about. This should align all your conflicting arguments and help the reader see the big picture. Our experts can always help you come up with a thesis and reiterate the essay’s main points and ideas.
  • Create an interesting final impression : The essay should leave your reader interested in what you have to say. It should also provide closure and a sense of possibilities in the covered topic. This positions you as an essay writer and thinker.

Why is the Conclusion Important?

As evidenced in the sections above, a conclusion is important because its purpose in an essay is to hammer your points home.

Its importance can therefore be broken down into three main components:

  • Allows you to leave a lasting impression on the reader : This is, after all, the last attempt you have at convincing your reader – or lecturer. You, therefore must write a coherent essay conclusion and help them understand your perspective. Our experts can do the job for you and make a conclusion in an essay without any effort from your side.
  • Helps you sum up your thoughts : A conclusion gives you a chance to summarize and organize your thoughts. This could be especially helpful if you argued on several conflicting points. You can use the conclusion section to explain to your reader which one is your stand and why.
  • Makes your essay scannable : Many readers will not read through the essay due to several factors. Instead, they’ll quickly scan the important areas to get an idea of what the essay is about. The introduction and conclusion are, therefore, the most read sections: The introduction because it introduces the essay and contains the thesis statement, and the conclusion because it summarizes it.

How To Write A Conclusion Paragraph For An Essay Well?

The conclusion of your paper may sometimes be more challenging than the opening. Our custom essay writers understand this. Thus, they provide this quick guide and professional suggestions regarding how to do a conclusion in an essay.

Don’t Repeat Your Opening Statement

Every university teacher has seen an essay in which a student copied and pasted their opening at the end of their paper virtually word for word. It should be evident that doing so is pointless. You’re merely wasting sentences by reiterating the same stuff. You might conclude with your last body paragraph argument. Or, if you intended that your reader should go through the introduction again and remember your main points, you could just state, “See introduction”.

Avoid Redundant Content

Another typical mistake writers make is viewing the essay ending as merely a rehash. They end an essay by offering a brief overview of each point. This review can be a vital aspect of your conclusion, particularly if you’ve presented a succession of sophisticated points in your essay. Just like with rehashing your introduction, using an important word count just to repeat what you’ve previously stated is annoying and has no logical or persuasive function.

It’s Not a Place for Fresh Information or Additional Arguments

Your paper conclusion should not be a recap, synopsis, or repetition of what you have previously stated throughout your essay. Rather than introducing anything new, mind that this is a place to dwell up on the mentioned arguments. It’s the last line of your essay, bringing closure and linking readers back to the beginning.

How To Restate Thesis In Conclusion?

To restate means to express what the initial inquiry or assumption of the work is about. You do this through the use of innovative and intriguing terminology. It is not just a case of repeating oneself. When you restate the thesis statement in a different form, you assist the reader to remember the opening thesis statement, which is very important in a long article. Our experts present some hints below if you need to edit your essay and check the relevance of your restatement.

The first step is to figure out where you want your thesis restatement in the closing paragraph. Most authors believe it should be the first sentence in the concluding section, but that is not obligatory. You can place it anywhere in the summary and still keep the reader captivated and adhere to strong writing standards. If you find this task daunting, you can even pay money for a dissertation or essay.

That is no surprise that paraphrasing is a difficult undertaking. After drafting your five-paragraph essay, your thoughts may be overloaded, and rephrasing may feel like solving a math equation. But you can always complete this work correctly. For this, you will need to ask yourself one question “So, what’s the point?”.

Professionals believe that this is the foundation of any restatement. The relevance of the original concept is explained in this question. Returning to it at the end, will urge the reader to consider why it was worth their time. To make your ending paragraph intriguing and exciting, think outside the box. It will also demonstrate your writing maturity via innovative and inventive language.

How To Conclude An Essay Without Saying “In Conclusion”?

Everyone once faced difficulties coming up with original wording for writing the conclusion of an essay. Our experts have made this task easier and suggest you other words for “in conclusion” in an essay. Below are some strong alternatives on how to end an essay:

  • On the whole;
  • After all is said and done;
  • In essence;
  • In closing;
  • Bluntly stated;
  • Ultimately;
  • Last but not least;
  • Considering all facts;
  • In the long run;
  • On a final note;
  • To bring things to a close;
  • Upon further analysis;
  • Upon reflection;
  • All in all;
  • All things considered.

Examples Of Good Essay Conclusions

If you regularly ask yourself “Do I need to pay someone to write my college essay ?” we can recommend our writers. Our team will help you to write an essay conclusion paragraph and always sound professional for your money. Let’s have a look at how to end an essay conclusion.

Conclusion Example 1 – “The History of The Black Lives Matter Movement”

conclusion example on the essay about BLM

The Black Lives Matter Movement was originally inspired by the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s, the Black Feminist Movement of the 1980s, and the Pan-African Movement. BLM is carrying on the work of nineteenth-century groups by trying to abolish institutionalized racism. To get past America’s horrifying history of institutional racism that exists to this day, police agencies must rethink their arrest procedures and put an end to for-profit policing.

Conclusion Example 2 – “Pro/Against Gun Control”

conclusion to gun control paper

For a long time, gun regulation has been a heated subject. People who oppose gun regulation think that owning a firearm is a fundamental right guaranteed by the Second Amendment. Gun control advocates feel that weapons are the root of our crime issue. They also believe this legislation keeps firearms off the streets and reduces crime. All law-abiding persons should be allowed to carry guns to protect themselves from people who desire to hurt them. The executive branch must, however, take some measures to make our society safer from gun deaths in light of the multiple gun violence and the accessibility of high-powered firearms.

Conclusion Example 3 – “Romeo and Juliet: Fate or Free Will?”

conclusion romeo and juliet essay

There are evident occasions in which the characters connect their actions with their independent will: the feud, Romeo and Juliet’s desire for the wedding, the battle in Act III, Scene I, and Romeo and Juliet’s suicides. These activities are entirely voluntary on the part of the characters, and nothing has compelled them to take them. So, what is the “higher power” that the protagonists cannot deny? Despite Romeo’s strong trust in the influence of the planets over his lifetime, he consistently goes against what he perceives to be his destiny.

The conclusion is the final paragraph of your paper. The conclusion of an argumentative essay must include a statement to crystalize your thoughts and make them transparent to your reader. It helps you make your readers not leave without understanding what you are saying. It should therefore be written compellingly since it can be the difference between a grade A and grade D material.

FAQ About Conclusion

How long should a conclusion be in an essay.

The opening and conclusion should each comprise about 10% of the total word length of the essay. For instance, if you write a 1500-word paper, your opening and conclusion will be around 150 words each. This should offer you enough space to briefly examine your primary topics and important notions without being too wordy.

How To Start A Conclusion In An Essay

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where do i restate my thesis in conclusion

In a short paper—even a research paper—you don’t need to provide an exhaustive summary as part of your conclusion. But you do need to make some kind of transition between your final body paragraph and your concluding paragraph. This may come in the form of a few sentences of summary. Or it may come in the form of a sentence that brings your readers back to your thesis or main idea and reminds your readers where you began and how far you have traveled.

So, for example, in a paper about the relationship between ADHD and rejection sensitivity, Vanessa Roser begins by introducing readers to the fact that researchers have studied the relationship between the two conditions and then provides her explanation of that relationship. Here’s her thesis: “While socialization may indeed be an important factor in RS, I argue that individuals with ADHD may also possess a neurological predisposition to RS that is exacerbated by the differing executive and emotional regulation characteristic of ADHD.”

In her final paragraph, Roser reminds us of where she started by echoing her thesis: “This literature demonstrates that, as with many other conditions, ADHD and RS share a delicately intertwined pattern of neurological similarities that is rooted in the innate biology of an individual’s mind, a connection that cannot be explained in full by the behavioral mediation hypothesis.”  

Highlight the “so what”  

At the beginning of your paper, you explain to your readers what’s at stake—why they should care about the argument you’re making. In your conclusion, you can bring readers back to those stakes by reminding them why your argument is important in the first place. You can also draft a few sentences that put those stakes into a new or broader context.

In the conclusion to her paper about ADHD and RS, Roser echoes the stakes she established in her introduction—that research into connections between ADHD and RS has led to contradictory results, raising questions about the “behavioral mediation hypothesis.”

She writes, “as with many other conditions, ADHD and RS share a delicately intertwined pattern of neurological similarities that is rooted in the innate biology of an individual’s mind, a connection that cannot be explained in full by the behavioral mediation hypothesis.”  

Leave your readers with the “now what”  

After the “what” and the “so what,” you should leave your reader with some final thoughts. If you have written a strong introduction, your readers will know why you have been arguing what you have been arguing—and why they should care. And if you’ve made a good case for your thesis, then your readers should be in a position to see things in a new way, understand new questions, or be ready for something that they weren’t ready for before they read your paper.

In her conclusion, Roser offers two “now what” statements. First, she explains that it is important to recognize that the flawed behavioral mediation hypothesis “seems to place a degree of fault on the individual. It implies that individuals with ADHD must have elicited such frequent or intense rejection by virtue of their inadequate social skills, erasing the possibility that they may simply possess a natural sensitivity to emotion.” She then highlights the broader implications for treatment of people with ADHD, noting that recognizing the actual connection between rejection sensitivity and ADHD “has profound implications for understanding how individuals with ADHD might best be treated in educational settings, by counselors, family, peers, or even society as a whole.”

To find your own “now what” for your essay’s conclusion, try asking yourself these questions:

  • What can my readers now understand, see in a new light, or grapple with that they would not have understood in the same way before reading my paper? Are we a step closer to understanding a larger phenomenon or to understanding why what was at stake is so important?  
  • What questions can I now raise that would not have made sense at the beginning of my paper? Questions for further research? Other ways that this topic could be approached?  
  • Are there other applications for my research? Could my questions be asked about different data in a different context? Could I use my methods to answer a different question?  
  • What action should be taken in light of this argument? What action do I predict will be taken or could lead to a solution?  
  • What larger context might my argument be a part of?  

What to avoid in your conclusion  

  • a complete restatement of all that you have said in your paper.  
  • a substantial counterargument that you do not have space to refute; you should introduce counterarguments before your conclusion.  
  • an apology for what you have not said. If you need to explain the scope of your paper, you should do this sooner—but don’t apologize for what you have not discussed in your paper.  
  • fake transitions like “in conclusion” that are followed by sentences that aren’t actually conclusions. (“In conclusion, I have now demonstrated that my thesis is correct.”)
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How to Restate A Thesis: Your Detailed Guide

how to restate a thesis

A thesis acts as your research paper’s main pillar, guiding the readers to the key points on the paper and the direction that you took. A thesis statement comes at the introduction, but you will need to restate it in the conclusion. Notably, a lot of students find this challenging and keep asking, “How do you rephrase a thesis statement?” and “Are you supposed to reword your thesis in the conclusion paragraph?”

To help you restate thesis of your paper appropriately, we have highlighted the key steps that you should follow. Make sure to also check the examples and practice the different ways to restate a thesis until you can hack it like a pro.

What Does Restate Thesis Mean?

Before we can look at the steps involved in restating a thesis, it is important to start by asking the questions, “What does restating means?” and “How long does a thesis restate have to be?”

Restating means that you are highlighting something that you had already brought out, in this case, the “thesis of your paper.” Therefore, you are simply reminding the readers about the points that you were trying to put across in the entire paper, but without sounding repetitive. When it comes to length, there is no specific rule on it, but you should try to make it approximately the same length as the original thesis.

When you restate thesis and conclude the paper well, your work will look complete, professional and earn you a better grade.

Restate Thesis Statement: Decide Where to Position It

In most cases, college students restate the thesis at the start of their conclusion. You might also want to place it on a different section of the conclusion, other than the beginning of the conclusion. When teaching students how to restate a thesis in a conclusion, we recommend them to use the method that will make their work look unique.

For example, instead of restating the thesis as the first sentence, consider starting the conclusion with a rhetoric question followed by your restated thesis statement. Here is an example below. “Will we ever appreciate the importance of saving our rainforests? Rainforests act as the largest carbon sinks on the globe, as well as home to thousands of species, and everyone can play a role in their protection.”

Note that since there is no specific formula on how to restate a thesis statement , it is advisable to start by crafting a draft conclusion and then decide where to position it. Actually, you might consider several positions until you get the perfect spot.

How to Rephrase a Thesis: Make It to have a Deeper Impact

By the time a reader gets to the conclusion of your work, it implies that he/she has already read the entire paper and has a clear idea about your stand on the topic. Therefore, you should take advantage of this and rephrase the thesis statement to deliver a deeper level of emotional effect.

One way of driving this deeper emotional impact is addressing the reader directly, and here is an example. If you were working on a paper with a topic, such as cybersecurity for startups, a good way to start restating the thesis might be:

  • “As a startup enterprise owner …”
  • “To strengthen your information security as a small business owner …”

Ways to Restate a Thesis: Answer the Question, “So What?”

The stated thesis at the start of your introduction might not provide the answer to the question, “so what?” However, the restated thesis , in your conclusion, should comprehensively answer the question. The answer seeks to inform the reader about the significance of the arguments in the paper to avoid leaving him/her hanging.

For example, if your paper was talking about teenage alcohol and substance abuse, make sure to answer the question “So what?” by showing what it does to teenagers. This can be something such as this; “ Additional awareness of the dangers of substance abuse, such as alcohol, should be emphasized because teenagers are more prone and likely to give in because of peer pressure rather than the implications of substance abuse.”

Avoid Making Apologies when Rewording a Thesis

When working on the conclusion of your paper, it is prudent to be confident that you provided ample proof in the body. Therefore, as you restate the thesis, you should not make apologetic statements because they undermine your argument. Such statements, which you should avoid, include:

“It appears that …. “ “It is possible that …” “It is my opinion that …”

The only time when using such statements when restating your thesis might be okay is when the topic of discussion was simply a possibility.

Restate Thesis Statement by Varying the Tense

When writing an paper, the thesis statement at the introduction might have been done in the future tense, informing the reader what to anticipate in the rest of the paper.

For example, a paper looking at coal production might have a thesis such as this, “ I will examine the effects of using coal in Azerbaijan ….” When restating the thesis, you can change the tense, and put it in the past, so that it looks something like this, “ I evaluated the how harmful the use of coal is to the environment in Azerbaijan …”

Seek Writing Help to Restate Thesis of Your Paper

When you work on any piece of assignment, how you wrap it up, especially in the conclusion, is very important to avoid leaving your reader in suspense. In this post, we have demonstrated how to restate a thesis statement, but you should consider reading a carefully done restate thesis and practice more to hone your skills. However, if you are still finding the task a challenge, even after reading a restate thesis example, consider seeking writing help from an expert.

We have a pool of qualified writers who are ready to help you with your academic assignments, and all you have to do is ask us for help to “restate my thesis.” They know how to start a paper, write the body professionally, and restate the thesis like pros. Furthermore, our services are cheap, and you can count on our writers for quality work and top grades.

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Learn about the elements of a successful essay conclusion.

The conclusion is a very important part of your essay. Although it is sometimes treated as a roundup of all of the bits that didn’t fit into the paper earlier, it deserves better treatment than that! It's the last thing the reader will see, so it tends to stick in the reader's memory. It's also a great place to remind the reader exactly why your topic is important. A conclusion is more than just "the last paragraph"—it's a working part of the paper. This is the place to push your reader to think about the consequences of your topic for the wider world or for the reader's own life!

A good conclusion should do a few things:

Restate your thesis

Synthesize or summarize your major points

Make the context of your argument clear

Restating Your Thesis

You've already spent time and energy crafting a solid thesis statement for your introduction, and if you've done your job right, your whole paper focuses on that thesis statement. That's why it's so important to address the thesis in your conclusion! Many writers choose to begin the conclusion by restating the thesis, but you can put your thesis into the conclusion anywhere—the first sentence of the paragraph, the last sentence, or in between. Here are a few tips for rephrasing your thesis:

Remind the reader that you've proven this thesis over the course of your paper. For example, if you're arguing that your readers should get their pets from animal shelters rather than pet stores, you might say, "If you were considering that puppy in the pet-shop window, remember that your purchase will support 'puppy mills' instead of rescuing a needy dog, and consider selecting your new friend at your local animal shelter." This example gives the reader not only the thesis of the paper, but a reminder of the most powerful point in the argument!

Revise the thesis statement so that it reflects the relationship you've developed with the reader during the paper. For example, if you've written a paper that targets parents of young children, you can find a way to phrase your thesis to capitalize on that—maybe by beginning your thesis statement with, "As a parent of a young child…"

Don’t repeat your thesis word for word—make sure that your new statement is an independent, fresh sentence!

Summary or Synthesis

This section of the conclusion might come before the thesis statement or after it. Your conclusion should remind the reader of what your paper actually says! The best conclusion will include a synthesis, not just a summary—instead of a mere list of your major points, the best conclusion will draw those points together and relate them to one another so that your reader can apply the information given in the essay. Here are a couple of ways to do that:

Give a list of the major arguments for your thesis (usually, these are the topic sentences of the parts of your essay).

Explain how these parts are connected. For example, in the animal-shelter essay, you might point out that adopting a shelter dog helps more animals because your adoption fee supports the shelter, which makes your choice more socially responsible.

One of the most important functions of the conclusion is to provide context for your argument. Your reader may finish your essay without a problem and understand your argument without understanding why that argument is important. Your introduction might point out the reason your topic matters, but your conclusion should also tackle this questions. Here are some strategies for making your reader see why the topic is important:

Tell the reader what you want him or her to do. Is your essay a call to action? If so, remind the reader of what he/she should do. If not, remember that asking the reader to think a certain way is an action in itself. (In the above examples, the essay asks the reader to adopt a shelter dog—a specific action.)

Explain why this topic is timely or important. For example, the animal-shelter essay might end with a statistic about the number of pets in shelters waiting for adoption.

Remind the readers of why the topic matters to them personally. For example, it doesn’t matter much if you believe in the mission of animal shelters, if you're not planning to get a dog; however, once you're looking for a dog, it is much more important. The conclusion of this essay might say, "Since you’re in the market for a dog, you have a major decision to make: where to get one." This will remind the reader that the argument is personally important!

Conclusion paragraphs

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How to restate a thesis: basic steps and key strategies

Updated 05 Sep 2024

how to restate a thesis

A good thesis statement is a vital skill in academic writing, as it provides closure to an essay while reinforcing the central message. However, many writers often fall into the trap of repetition or cannot add new insight. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the strategies and techniques of how to restate a thesis. We will also explore various approaches to this task, from subtle rephrasing to offering fresh perspectives. By understanding the purpose of rephrasing a thesis and learning how to craft a compelling restatement, writers can elevate the impact of their essays and leave a lasting impression on their readers.

What is a thesis statement, and why must it be restated?

A thesis statement is a concise, declarative sentence that presents the main idea or argument of an essay or other piece of writing. It typically appears in the introduction of college papers and provides the reader with a clear understanding of the writer’s position.

For a robust and impactful academic piece, it’s imperative to include a restated thesis statement in the conclusion for several reasons:

  • Reformulating the essential claim at the end of your work reintroduces your argument, emphasizing its importance.
  • Rephrasing the thesis statement effectively in slightly different words or with additional commentary facilitates a smoother transition to discussing the implications.
  • This technique ties together the various argumentative points and ideas presented throughout the text, leaving the reader with a clear understanding of the writer’s position.
  • Paraphrasing the thesis statement in a research paper signals that your paper is coming to a close and leaves the reader with a lasting impression.

How to restate a thesis in a conclusion paragraph: step-by-step guidelines

How to restate a thesis statement is a critical step to ensure clarity and reinforce your essential message. Here are effective steps on how to create an effective restated thesis statement:

Step 1. Review your statement.

Begin by revisiting your original phrase from the introduction of your argumentative essay . Ensure you understand the main argument or assertion you presented.

Step 2. Identify essential points and keywords. 

Reflect on the main points and arguments you've discussed in your writing. Consider how these points support and contribute to your key idea.

Step 3. Paraphrase your argument. 

Restate thesis in new words, aiming to capture the essence of your original assertion. Use synonyms and alternative phrasing while retaining the core meaning of your thesis.

Step 4. Provide a summary. 

Briefly summarize the main points of your persuasive essay , emphasizing how the body paragraphs collectively support your thesis. This summary helps to reinforce your argument’s significance.

Step 5. Reflect on implications. 

Consider the broader implications of your thesis statement and persuasive arguments in your writing. Discuss the relevance and importance of your findings in the context of the broader topic or field of study.

Step 6. Connect to the introduction. 

Tie your conclusion back to the introduction by referencing key ideas or phrases, ensuring you convey the same idea in a different way. This connection helps to create cohesion and closure in your writing.

Step 7. End with a final thought. 

Conclude your work with a final thought or reflection in the conclusion paragraph that reinforces the significance of your thesis statement. This closing remark should leave a lasting impression on your reader.

Step 8. Proofread and revise. 

Review your paper's conclusion to restate the thesis for clarity, coherence, and accuracy. Make any necessary revisions to ensure your message is effectively communicated.

By following these step-by-step guidelines, you can effectively paraphrase your key idea, providing closure and reinforcing the central message of your writing.

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8 strategies for thesis restatement

When performing a thesis restatement, simply changing every word isn’t enough. The goal is to craft a captivating restatement. To achieve this, mastering the art of writing thesis statement and rewording is essential. Our EduBirdie specialists have prepared a list with recommendations and examples on how to effectively restate a thesis.

  • Restructure your statement: Ensure your restated assertion differs from the original. Experiment with altering the word structure, clauses, vocabulary choices, and parts of speech. Consider starting with a prepositional phrase if the original statement begins with a subject.
  • Utilize synonyms: When rephrasing your thesis, maintain its meaning while avoiding repetition. Employ synonyms or alternative expressions to convey the same message. Consulting a thesaurus can enrich your vocabulary and aid in this process.
  • Break it down: Modify sentence structure by breaking up lengthy sentences into shorter, more digestible segments. This not only enhances clarity but also makes comprehension easier for your readers.
  • Adjust tenses: Experiment with changing verb tenses in your essay. Switch between past and present tenses to breathe new life into your reformulated thesis. For instance, if your original sentence uses the past tense, consider restating it in the present tense and vice versa.
  • Mind the length: If you don’t know how to restate a claim, adhere to guidelines on paragraph length. Aim to keep your rephrased sentence concise, comprising no more than 5-7% of the total word count. Prioritize quality over quantity, ensuring your rephrasing aligns with your text’s overall tone and style.
  • Sum up your essential idea: Summarizing involves analyzing the original thesis statement to capture its main meaning concisely. By distilling the essence of the argument, this technique creates a clear and informative reformulated assertion. It condenses complex ideas, ensuring clarity and impact for the reader.
  • Use rhetorical devices: Stylistic techniques, like parallelism and repetition, enhance your thesis statement’s persuasiveness and originality. By employing these techniques, your restated thesis gains impact and cohesion, captivating the reader and improving your paper’s overall quality and persuasiveness.
  • Provide broader context: Offering a relevant context involves explaining the historical, social, or conceptual background that shapes your perspective. By providing this overview, you enrich the reader’s understanding and establish the relevance of your argument. This contextualization helps situate your ideas within a larger framework, enhancing the reader’s appreciation of the complexities and encouraging deeper engagement with your work.

By mastering these techniques, you’ll be equipped to craft a compelling restated sentence that reinforces your argument while captivating your readers. If you’re unsure about word count, prioritize crafting a high-quality restatement over adhering strictly to length guidelines.

Restating the Thesis in Different Types of Essays

The approach to restating a thesis can vary depending on the type of essay you are writing. While the core principles of rephrasing the central argument and reinforcing the main points remain the same, different essay types require different focuses in the conclusion. Below are some guidelines for restating the thesis in various essay formats:

Argumentative Essays

In an argumentative essay , your goal is to persuade the reader to adopt your viewpoint or at least recognize the validity of your argument. When restating the thesis, emphasize the strength of your argument and highlight how the evidence and reasoning presented in the body of the essay support your position. The restatement should reinforce the urgency or importance of the argument.

Example : Original Thesis: "Renewable energy is the only viable solution to combat climate change." Restated Thesis: "Given the overwhelming evidence, it’s clear that transitioning to renewable energy is crucial in the fight against climate change."

Expository Essays

In an expository essay , the thesis explains a concept or provides information on a subject. When restating the thesis, reinforce the explanation  and summarize the key insights or explanations provided throughout the essay. The restated thesis should underline the clarity and significance of the subject.

Example : Original Thesis: "Photosynthesis is a complex process that is essential for plant life." Restated Thesis: "The detailed breakdown of photosynthesis reveals its crucial role in sustaining plant life and the ecosystem."

Compare-and-Contrast Essays

In a compare-and-contrast essay , the thesis highlights the similarities and differences between two subjects. When restating the thesis, focus on summarizing the main points of comparison and how these comparisons or contrasts lead to a broader understanding of the subject matter.

Example : Original Thesis: "While online learning offers flexibility, traditional classroom education provides a more structured learning environment." Restated Thesis: "Ultimately, both online learning and traditional classrooms have their unique advantages, but the choice depends on the student’s individual learning needs."

Analytical Essays

In an analytical essay , the thesis presents an analysis of a text, event, or concept. When restating the thesis, focus on the key points of analysis and how they contribute to a deeper understanding of the subject. The restatement should reflect the insights gained from the analysis and their broader implications.

Example : Original Thesis: "In Shakespeare's 'Hamlet,' the protagonist’s indecision serves as a metaphor for human uncertainty." Restated Thesis: "Through Hamlet’s indecision, Shakespeare effectively captures the complexities of human thought and the universal struggle with uncertainty."

By adapting your thesis restatement to the specific type of essay you’re writing, you can create a conclusion that not only reaffirms your argument but also aligns with the essay's broader purpose. This tailored approach helps ensure clarity, cohesion, and impact in your writing.

Common Mistakes in Restating a Thesis

When restating a thesis in the conclusion, it's easy to fall into common traps that undermine the effectiveness of your final argument. Understanding and avoiding these mistakes can significantly strengthen your conclusion and leave a lasting impression on your reader. Here are some common errors to watch out for:

Repeating the Thesis Verbatim

One of the most frequent mistakes writers make is simply repeating the thesis from the introduction word for word. While the purpose of restating is to reinforce your argument, direct repetition adds no new value to the conclusion. Instead, rephrase the thesis using different wording and synonyms to provide a fresh take on the same core idea.

Example of Mistake : Original thesis: "Climate change is the most pressing global issue because it affects the environment, economies, and human health." Restated thesis: "Climate change is the most pressing global issue because it affects the environment, economies, and human health."

Improved Restatement : "With its profound impact on ecosystems, economies, and public health, climate change remains the greatest challenge facing the world today."

Introducing New Ideas

Another common error is introducing new arguments or information in the restatement. The conclusion is not the place to present fresh ideas that haven't been discussed in the body of the essay. Introducing new points can confuse your reader and disrupt the flow of your argument. Stick to summarizing the ideas already covered in the essay to provide a sense of closure.

Example of Mistake : Restated thesis introducing a new idea: "Climate change, driven by industrial pollution, will lead to severe economic downturns and even societal collapse."

Correct Approach : "Throughout this paper, we’ve seen how climate change threatens the environment, destabilizes economies, and endangers human health, underscoring the urgency of taking action."

Overcomplicating the Restatement

Some writers may overcomplicate their thesis restatement, using overly complex language or sentence structures. This can make the restated thesis difficult to understand, diluting the clarity of the original argument. Your restatement should be concise and easy to follow , mirroring the tone and clarity of the rest of your essay.

Example of Mistake : "Given the multifaceted interdependencies of global economic frameworks, environmental sustainability metrics, and societal well-being indices, the phenomena of climate change demand immediate intervention."

Simplified Restatement : "Climate change continues to pose significant threats to global stability, making it essential for societies to take immediate action."

Neglecting to Summarize Main Points

A strong restated thesis ties together the main points of the essay. Some writers may forget to summarize or connect back to the central arguments, leaving the conclusion feeling disjointed. Ensure your restated thesis emphasizes how the supporting points in the body of the essay reinforce the thesis.

Example of Mistake : Restated thesis without summarizing main points: "Climate change is a global issue that requires attention."

Improved Restatement : "By exploring the effects of climate change on the environment, the economy, and public health, we can see why immediate action is necessary to address this global challenge."

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can ensure your thesis restatement reinforces your argument, providing a clear and compelling conclusion to your writing.

Dos and don’ts 

If you need help with my assignment as soon as the restatement of the thesis is concerned, discover the essential dos and don’ts you should keep in mind.

Pose the “so what” question.

Effective thesis statements should elucidate the importance of your argument, clarifying why readers should engage with your paper. If you’re uncertain about your restatement, consider addressing the “so what” question. To effectively address this query, elaborate on the initial assumptions embedded within your thesis. By expanding upon these foundational premises, you provide readers with a deeper understanding of the significance and implications of your argument.

Think about the purpose of your restated thesis example.

Understanding this action's underlying purpose and intent is crucial for effectively rephrasing your statement. By comprehending the primary objective of reformulating your thesis, you can articulate it more clearly. This writing technique strengthens your arguments and enhances readers' reception. 

Decide where to restate your thesis. 

While the conclusion is the typical location, the exact placement within this section requires careful consideration. Consider incorporating a restatement towards the end as the final sentence. Alternatively, you may opt to weave it into a broader context or support your argument elsewhere in the conclusion.

Craft compelling and robust conclusions.

Despite the potential challenges of not fully substantiating your initial thesis, it’s important not to sound apologetic. Factors such as the unavailability of expert opinions or primary data or the absence of consensus on the subject matter among published sources may contribute to this. In this case, restate your main idea and provide readers with insights into why your original promise may not have been fully fulfilled. 


Avoid apologies.

Avoid weakening your stance by apologizing in your reformulated thesis. Phrases like “It is possible that” or “It seems like” suggest uncertainty and can undermine your argument’s impact. Confidence should emanate from your restatement. Address counter-arguments logically rather than using absolute statements, maintaining the strength of your position.

Steer clear of clichés.

Refrain from using clichéd and overused phrases such as “in conclusion” or “as these college papers for sale explain” in your restated thesis example. Your readers will already be familiar with the paper’s content by the conclusion. Repetition of the same information can render the thesis redundant and may be perceived as lacking creativity. Inject fresh perspectives into your restatement, ensuring transparency and appeal.

Avoid vague language.

Ensure specificity and steer clear of vague language in your writing. Vagueness, conditional expressions, lengthy sentences, and oversimplified ideas can detract from the clarity and engagement of your thesis. Respect your reader’s intelligence by offering thought-provoking content. Additionally, vary your sentence structure and word choice to maintain diversity and prevent reader fatigue.

Refrain from introducing new ideas.

While novel insights are valuable, they should be integrated into your paper from the outset. A sudden and unrelated conclusion can leave readers confused. Maintain coherence by adhering to your original concepts. Instead of introducing fresh ideas, focus on revisiting and reinforcing existing ideas to strengthen the connection with your introduction.

Final thoughts

Understanding how to restate a thesis word is vital for writers creating compelling essays. By adhering to the strategies in this guide, you can craft restatements that reinforce your central message and provide new perspectives. Whether concluding an academic essay, blog post, or professional report, clarity, creativity, and conviction in restating a thesis word will captivate the audience and provide a sense of closure and satisfaction.

For additional support and guidance in your writing endeavors, consider leveraging the expertise of paper writing service EduBirdie, the premier writing helper. With our team of experienced writers and commitment to excellence, we provide invaluable assistance to writers at every stage of their journey. So, take the next step in refining your writing skills and partner with EduBirdie to unlock your full writing potential!

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Written by Meredith Anderson

Meredith, a dedicated editor at EduBirdie, specializes in academic writing. Her keen eye for grammar and structure ensures flawless papers, while her insightful feedback helps students improve their writing skills and achieve higher grades.

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Home / Guides / Writing Guides / Parts of a Paper / How to Write a Conclusion

How to Write a Conclusion


In this lesson, you will learn how to write a conclusion that follows from your argument.

Guide Overview

  • Writing conclusions
  • What goes into a conclusion?
  • Call to action
  • Restate your claim

Which do you pick?

  • What shouldn’t go in a conclusion
  • End product: a strong conclusion
  • Lesson conclusion

Writing Conclusions

When you write an argument, you need to make sure your reader walks away knowing exactly what your claim is and why it is correct. You can reinforce your claim one last time by writing a conclusion that supports your argument.​

For example, consider the following claim:

Animal testing is harmful to the animals tested on and is unnecessary.

What Goes into a Conclusion?

Your conclusion is the last thing your audience reads. It should relate back to your argument and leave your reader with something to think about.

Your conclusion may include:

  • A “so what” that explains why your argument is important
  • A call to action related to your claim
  • A restatement of your thesis or claim

Including a “so what?” in your conclusion helps your readers to see why your claim is important. ​It tells readers why your argument is relevant to their lives. You can add a “so what?” to your conclusion by returning to your original claim and asking, “so what?” “why is this idea important? ” Include the answer in your conclusion.

To support the claim that animal testing is wrong, you might say the following:

Animal rights is of concern to many people, but we often fail to consider whether the products we use were tested on animals or were made in a way that harms animals. As such, some animal lovers may not realize they are using products made in a way they fundamentally disagree.

Call to Action

A call to action rallies your readers to do something in response to your claim. If you are writing an argument about how climate change is caused by people, include a call to action at the end, asking your readers to make changes and fight back. A call to action helps readers to not only reflect on your claim, but also to walk away and do something with the information you’ve given them.

Going back to the example of your claim that animal testing is wrong, you might say the following:

Ending animal testing is as simple as purchasing products from companies that refuse to test their products on animals, and boycotting brands that do animal testing. For those hoping to take a larger stance against animal testing, writing letters or calling government representatives to express dissatisfaction with the practice can make a difference, as can participating in protests.

Restate Your Claim

The conclusion is the last thing your audience reads. This is a great place to restate your thesis and remind readers of what you are arguing and why. But remember, you don’t want to restate your thesis exactly, find a new way of saying it that ties in some of the evidence you’ve shared.

Here, you want to restate your claim that animal testing is wrong in different words. For example:

“The evidence above suggests that animal testing, known to be detrimental to animals, is also avoidable”
“While animal testing is widely known to harm animals, the myth that it is the best way of testing products has been dispelled through the evidence presented above.

Your conclusion can be made up of any or all of these three elements. You may want to restate your claim and tell your readers why it is important. Or, you could give your readers the “so what?” as part of a call to action.

Exactly what you include in your conclusion is up to you, but it should always relate to your claim and leave readers with something to think about.​

What Shouldn’t Go in a Conclusion

And remember, your conclusion should never introduce new information or claims. According to Chris Erat from the Clarkson Writing Center:

An effective conclusion allows the reader to reflect on the thesis statement after reading the supporting evidence.

End Product: A Strong Conclusion

Based on the points we’ve reviewed, a final conclusion about our animal testing claim may look like this:

Animal rights is of concern to many people, but we often fail to consider whether the products we use were tested on animals or were made in a way that harms animals. As such, some animal lovers may not realize they are using products made in a way they fundamentally disagree. Ending animal testing is as simple as purchasing products from companies that refuse to test their products on animals, and boycotting brands that do animal testing. For those hoping to take a larger stance against animal testing, writing letters or calling government representatives to express dissatisfaction with the practice can make a difference, as can participating in protests. While animal testing is widely known to harm animals, the myth that it is the best way of testing products has been dispelled through the evidence presented above.

Lesson Conclusion

In this lesson, you learned how to write a conclusion that leaves your reader with something to think about.

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Posted on 19th June 2019

Ending Your Essay With a Strong Conclusion

By Cite This For Me

Conclusions aren’t easy—but they’re very important. And contrary to popular belief, they’re not simply a place to restate what you’ve said before in the same way. They’re an opportunity to cast all the arguments you’ve made in a new light.

Conclusions give you a chance to summarize and organize your main points, reminding the reader how effectively you’ve proven your thesis. It’s also your final opportunity to make a lasting impression on your reader.

Simple conclusion formula

  • Proper, relevant restatement of thesis statement and strongest evidence

Relevant final thought

As an example, let’s create a conclusion following our two-step process.

Let’s say your thesis statement is:

College athletes should not be paid because many receive compensation in the form of scholarships and benefit from more visibility to potential professional recruiters.

Now we’ll follow our formula to write an effective conclusion.

Restatement of thesis and strongest evidence

The first step in writing our conclusion is to restate the thesis statement.

It’s important not to simply copy your thesis statement word for word. You can also briefly include evidence or other points that were mentioned in your paper .

You could write something like:

College athletes don’t need financial compensation because they receive numerous benefits including scholarships, additional experience and coaching, and exposure to professional teams.

This sentence reminds the reader of our original thesis statement without copying it exactly.

At this point, you could also synthesize 1-2 of the strongest pieces of supporting evidence already mentioned in your essay, such as:

With four years of tuition costing up to hundreds of thousands and salaries in potential professional sports careers averaging millions, these benefits already amount to significant compensation.

Notice that we didn’t start with a transition like, “In conclusion,” or, “In summary.” These transitions aren’t necessary and are often overused.

You want to end your conclusion with a strong final thought. It should provide your reader with closure and give your essay a memorable or thought-provoking ending.

The last sentence of your conclusion can point to broader implications, like the impact the topic of your essay has had on history, society, or culture.

Another good rule of thumb is to allow your final sentence to answer the question, “So what?” Your reader has spent time reading your paper, but why does any of this matter? Why should your reader—or anyone else—care?

For our sample conclusion, for example, you could write:

Providing still more compensation to college athletes would send the message that they are employees, not students. If we don’t want education to be sidelined, college athletes should not be paid.

This concluding sentence answers the, “So what?” question by explaining the potential repercussions of paying college athletes. It gives the reader a reason to be more invested in your essay and ideas.

Some of the most powerful words in your paper may have been written or said by someone else. Selecting a quote from a well known public figure or an expert in the field of your topic allows you to finish strong with a credible source.

Example quote ending:

“The case for recycling is strong. The bottom line is clear. Recycling requires a trivial amount of our time. Recycling saves money and reduces pollution. Recycling creates more jobs than landfilling or incineration. And a largely ignored but very important consideration, recycling reduces our need to dump our garbage in someone else’s backyard.” – David Morris, co-founder of the Institute for Local Self-Reliance

If you have a bibliography, add a citation for your quote source. It doesn’t matter if it is in MLA format or another style, it’s a good practice to always create citations for information you’ve used.

Ending your paper with a smart and relevant question allows your readers to think for themselves and make your topic their own. The best type of question leads your reader to the same conclusion you have presented in your paper.

Example question ending:

Recycling reduces pollution, saves energy and makes us feel good about ourselves; why wouldn’t we make it a part of our everyday lives?

Call to Action

Most popular in advertising, a call to action asks your reader to execute a specific task after reading your paper. A call to action can contain phrases like: Think about it, See for yourself, Consider, Try, or Remember.

Example call to action ending:

Now that you have read about the benefits of recycling, consider the awesome impact it could have on your local community.

Prediction statements often begin with the words “when” or “if.” In this type of ending, the writer makes an educated guess based on the factual information presented in the paper.

Example prediction ending:

If recycling is adopted by all major cities, we can expect its benefits to spread to smaller cities and towns. That means a significant reduction in landfill use, less pollution and more job creation across the entire country.  

A perspective change can help you end your paper in a way that is creative and interesting. One method is to zoom out and present your subject in a greater context. This ending allows you to take your reader beyond the specifics and provide a more global understanding of your topic. When working with this type of ending, be sure that your statement remains on subject and does not present entirely new information.    

Example zoom out ending:

Recycling is more than a solution for waste management. Treating our environment with respect and protecting our natural resources will benefit our society for generations to come.

Putting it all together

The conclusion reads:

College athletes don’t need financial compensation because they receive numerous benefits including scholarships, additional experience and coaching, and exposure to professional teams. With four years of tuition costing up to hundreds of thousands and salaries in potential professional sports careers averaging millions, these benefits already amount to significant compensation. Providing still more compensation to college athletes would send the message that they are employees, not students. If we don’t want education to be sidelined, college athletes should not be paid.

To create effective conclusions of your own, remember to follow these guidelines :

  • Don’t feel the need to start with overused transitions such as, “In conclusion,” or, “In summary.”
  • Restate your thesis statement in a new way.
  • You can also restate 1-2 of your strongest pieces of supporting evidence.
  • Don’t mention anything in your conclusion that wasn’t mentioned in the body of your essay.
  • End with a strong final thought, preferably one that answers the question, “So what?”

By following these simple steps, you’ll craft a conclusion that leaves a powerful final impression on your readers.

When you mention or quote evidence from other sources, be sure to cite them. There are helpful resources at such as a Harvard referencing tool , an MLA formatting guide, an APA citation generator , and more!

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The Dos and Don’ts of Writing a Dissertation Conclusion

  • 3-minute read
  • 5th August 2015

After years of hard work, dedicated research and sleepless nights, you’re finally close to finishing your dissertation . You’ve reviewed the literature , gathered and analyzed data, and reflected on the results. Well done.

But what does it all mean? This is where the conclusion becomes crucial, as it allows you to summarize your work and its significance.

It’s therefore important that the conclusion to your dissertation is clear, concise and compelling. Here are a few “dos” and “don’ts” to keep in mind when writing your conclusion!

1. Summarize Your Argument

A good conclusion will briefly restate your hypothesis, key findings and the implications of your research. This will help the reader to follow your argument as a whole, bringing together various elements raised during the discussion.

2. Put Your Work in Context

The conclusion of your dissertation is a good place to restate the significance of your work. This might include how it contributes to existing knowledge in your field or its importance outside of academia.

3. Assess Limitations

No study is perfect, not even yours! Sorry to break the bad news!

On the plus side, you can discuss the limitations of your work at the end of your dissertation. Doing this will demonstrate your understanding of the research process. Issues you may want to consider include sample size and time constraints.

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4. Identify Implications for Future Research

Most dissertation conclusions include suggestions for how your work could inform future research. This could be a refinement of your own investigation, though it might also be a radical new idea suggested by your results!

1. Introduce New Material

Although it’s fine to offer an opinion or reflection at the end of your dissertation, introducing new arguments or evidence at this point is forbidden. If something is important enough to include in the conclusion, it should be part of the main body of your paper.

2. Write Too Much

Your conclusion should include a summary of what precedes it, but it isn’t necessary to go back over everything in depth. Try to make this chapter fairly snappy, relating what you have already read in an easily digestible way.

3. Keep Your Reader in Suspense

Unlike an episode of Game of Thrones , you can’t finish your dissertation on a cliffhanger! In your research, you will have set out to answer certain questions. Make sure that you address these explicitly in your conclusion so that nothing is overlooked.

If you follow these tips you should hopefully find writing that all – important concluding chapter a much simpler process. For more information about writing a dissertation or thesis, read our full dissertation writing guide . But if you need any more support, the experts at Proofed will be happy to look over your work!

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How To Restate A Thesis In A Conclusion: An Expert Guide

how to restate a thesis

Are you struggling with how to restate a thesis in your paper? It is a big challenge for many students and could easily pull down your grade even after working so hard on the entire paper. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is simply copy-pasting the thesis on the introduction, but “what does restating mean?” and “what is the best method to employ?”

The lovely thing is that we are here to elucidate how to restate a thesis in a conclusion like a pro. Keep reading for a step-by-step guide and examples on restating a thesis.

Table of Contents

Restate thesis statement: what does it mean, how long does a thesis restate have to be, how do you rephrase a thesis statement, ways to restate a thesis in a conclusion, useful tips to consider when rewording a thesis.

To demonstrate how to restate a thesis statement articulately, let’s start by going back to the definition. So, what is a thesis?

A thesis statement is a sentence used to summarize the central point of your essay, paper, or dissertation. It comes towards the end of the introduction and tells readers about the core idea that you will put across. If you are writing a paper on a topic, say, Hunger in Africa, a good thesis might be hunger is rampant in Africa because jobs in the continent are scarce, and agriculture practiced in infertile soils is unprofitable.

So, what does restate thesis mean? This implies that you are returning to the initial hypothesis or question and restating it in different words. Restating a thesis comes at the conclusion of a research paper, and it implies you are reminding the reader about the central argument of the entire write-up and then wrapping it up with the summary.

A carefully restated thesis signals your reader that the paper is coming to a close. If you are writing a dissertation, the restated thesis marks the starting point of telling readers whether your stand on the paper was approved or not. In the next section, we highlight the recommended length of the thesis restate and some of the best strategies to write it down.

The length of a thesis restate should be determined by the entire conclusion. When writing a paper or essay, the conclusion should be a small part of the entire length. Then, only use a small fraction of the conclusion for the thesis restate, as the summary of the paper and personal opinion takes up the rest. No matter the size of the conclusion, you should target one thing: ensuring that the thesis restate is of the highest possible quality.

The best way to rephrase a thesis statement is to understand the basics and change different aspects to present the same information. So, here are the four most important basics of restating a thesis statement in the conclusion of your paper.

The most preferred point for thesis restatement is the beginning of the introduction, but you might like to place it elsewhere, and it is okay. So, it is prudent to start by making up your mind about the place to position the statement. To do this, you can:

Sketch the conclusion by putting down the main points to get a clearer idea about the perfect place for the restated thesis statement. Depending on the type of essay or research paper, you might want to start the conclusion with a rhetorical device or question as opposed to a thesis statement. Immediately after the question, put down the thesis statement.

When readers are at the introduction of your paper, they use the thesis statement to get a feel of what the entire write-up is about. Once they get to the end, they will have seen all the core points. Therefore, this is an excellent opportunity to strengthen your paper. Here is how you should capitalize on the main points to make the paper even more outstanding:

  • Provide a greater level of emotional impact to the original argument of the paper.
  • You might also want to restate the thesis by incorporating a relationship established with the reader. In this case, the thesis restatement will be very useful in drawing a stronger connection with readers.

After going through your paper, readers want to get the answer to the big question, “Why?” In other words, you should tell the reader why the paper is significant. In doing so, you will be strengthening the conclusion and entire paper.

Let’s take an example. If your paper talked about drug abuse in colleges, revisiting the question “why?” could mean demonstrating the importance of the argument for both staff and students. This allows the reader to easily link the paper to the argued solution, such as educating students on drug abuse.

When writing the thesis restatement, you should assume that the reader has gone through all the points and understood the argument introduced at the beginning of the paper. Therefore, you should not apologize because that will weaken the research paper.

You restate a thesis statement by making it look different from the original one but without altering the meaning. So, here are the main strategies that you should employ:

The question “are you supposed to reword your thesis in the conclusion paragraph?” is probably one of the commonest among students when working on their assignments. We must say that rewording is one of the most effective methods of restating a thesis. So, how does it work when restating a thesis?

Another method of restating a thesis statement in your paper is changing its structure. You can achieve this by employing various elements of speech to write a new thesis statement. For instance, if the initial thesis started with the subject, you can consider starting the new one with a preposition phrase. Let’s highlight this with restate thesis example:

Thesis: Students in universities are commonly complicit in academic dishonesty. Restated thesis: In many universities, students like copying and cheating in their assignments.

Now that you’ve got the process of writing and restating a custom thesis , here are some small tips to keep in mind:

  • Always make sure there is a clear flow of the main points from the start of the paper to the conclusion.
  • Like other parts of the paper, the restated thesis should not have grammatical mistakes.
  • Try to read papers and dissertations done by experts to understand how they wrote theirs.
  • If your teacher has a specific guideline for different parts of the paper, make sure to factor it in.
  • Look at the paper from a holistic viewpoint as opposed to the conclusion alone when restating the thesis statement.

Seek Expert Assistance To Restate Thesis In Your Conclusion

Now that we have looked at the best strategies for restating a thesis statement, it is time to get down to work. Make sure to follow the advice carefully, but if you still find how to rephrase a thesis challenging, the best option is to seek writing help from expert essay writers. You cannot afford to give up because getting the best grades in your class is crucial in moving up the career ladder.

If you have been wondering about the best ways to prepare A-rated assignments, our custom research paper writing service is here to help. Our world wide online service has the best writers to help every university/ college student prepare quality work. They not only know how to restate the thesis of college papers articulately but can also prepare the entire write-up in different subjects to guarantee you top grades in your paper. Our services are also cheap, and all that you need to do is to visit and tell us to “restate my thesis.”

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    Conclude your work with a final thought or reflection in the conclusion paragraph that reinforces the significance of your thesis statement. This closing remark should leave a lasting impression on your reader. Step 8. Proofread and revise. Review your paper's conclusion to restate the thesis for clarity, coherence, and accuracy.

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    To create effective conclusions of your own, remember to follow these guidelines: Don't feel the need to start with overused transitions such as, "In conclusion," or, "In summary." Restate your thesis statement in a new way. You can also restate 1-2 of your strongest pieces of supporting evidence.

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    To do this, you can: Sketch the conclusion by putting down the main points to get a clearer idea about the perfect place for the restated thesis statement. Depending on the type of essay or research paper, you might want to start the conclusion with a rhetorical device or question as opposed to a thesis statement.